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[ "references and resources", "Re-examinations ", "Enhanced driver’s licence", "148", "A passport is still required for air travel to, through and from the ", "United States.", "It’s available as an enhancement to your photo driver’s licence, ", "or learner’s licence, at an additional cost to the regular licence ", "fee. You need to be a Canadian citizen and resident of B.C. ", "to apply. Visit ", "", " for more information on obtaining an ", "enhanced driver’s licence or ID card.", "B.C. now offers an enhanced driver’s licence (EDL) that allows ", "you to cross the border to the U.S. by land and water without a ", "passport.", "Prepare for your re-examination by reviewing this guide. ", "Consider taking a refresher course from a driving school to help ", "you brush up your skills. You may also want to get a copy of ", "Tuning up for drivers", " from the driver licensing office. This will ", "help you practise your driving.", "If the re-examination is for vision screening and a signs and ", "signals test only, you don’t need an appointment. If it also ", "includes a road test, you’ll need to call your local driver licensing ", "office within 30 days of receiving your notice to book a road ", "test appointment. When you go for your test, you need to take ", "primary and secondary identification (see the ", "Identification (ID)", "section on the inside back cover) and glasses or contact lenses ", "if you need them for driving. It’s also a good idea to take a ", "licensed driver with you in case you don’t pass the test. ", "Each year in B.C., almost 3,000 people are notified by ", "RoadSafetyBC to come in for a re-examination. The most ", "common reasons for a re-examination are: ", "•", "a driver’s medical report indicating a health problem ", "•", "a police report indicating that the driver was unsure of how to ", "handle a common driving situation. " ]
[ [ 85, 39, 290, 20 ], [ 366, 97, 275, 28 ], [ 366, 524, 407, 28 ], [ 84, 961, 31, 15 ], [ 366, 709, 541, 32 ], [ 366, 709, 541, 32 ], [ 366, 618, 529, 81 ], [ 366, 618, 529, 81 ], [ 366, 618, 529, 81 ], [ 366, 618, 529, 81 ], [ 366, 618, 529, 81 ], [ 366, 618, 529, 81 ], [ 366, 618, 529, 81 ], [ 366, 560, 535, 49 ], [ 366, 560, 535, 49 ], [ 366, 560, 535, 49 ], [ 366, 416, 540, 81 ], [ 366, 416, 540, 81 ], [ 366, 416, 540, 81 ], [ 366, 416, 540, 81 ], [ 366, 416, 540, 81 ], [ 366, 416, 540, 81 ], [ 366, 259, 544, 147 ], [ 366, 259, 544, 147 ], [ 366, 259, 544, 147 ], [ 366, 259, 544, 147 ], [ 366, 259, 544, 147 ], [ 366, 259, 544, 147 ], [ 366, 259, 544, 147 ], [ 366, 259, 544, 147 ], [ 366, 259, 544, 147 ], [ 366, 259, 544, 147 ], [ 366, 133, 476, 49 ], [ 366, 133, 476, 49 ], [ 366, 133, 476, 49 ], [ 366, 192, 463, 16 ], [ 366, 192, 463, 16 ], [ 366, 217, 542, 32 ], [ 366, 217, 542, 32 ], [ 366, 217, 542, 32 ] ]
[ [ 85, 39, 290, 20 ], [ 366, 97, 275, 28 ], [ 366, 524, 407, 28 ], [ 84, 961, 31, 15 ], [ 366, 709, 541, 16 ], [ 366, 725, 118, 16 ], [ 366, 618, 529, 16 ], [ 366, 634, 526, 16 ], [ 366, 651, 503, 16 ], [ 366, 667, 117, 16 ], [ 483, 667, 77, 16 ], [ 561, 667, 323, 16 ], [ 366, 683, 304, 16 ], [ 366, 560, 520, 16 ], [ 366, 576, 535, 16 ], [ 366, 592, 78, 16 ], [ 366, 416, 477, 16 ], [ 366, 432, 540, 16 ], [ 366, 449, 507, 16 ], [ 366, 465, 173, 16 ], [ 539, 465, 342, 16 ], [ 366, 481, 255, 16 ], [ 366, 259, 499, 16 ], [ 366, 276, 489, 16 ], [ 366, 292, 544, 16 ], [ 366, 308, 507, 16 ], [ 366, 325, 532, 16 ], [ 366, 341, 382, 16 ], [ 748, 341, 151, 16 ], [ 366, 357, 528, 16 ], [ 366, 374, 494, 16 ], [ 366, 390, 466, 16 ], [ 366, 133, 455, 16 ], [ 366, 150, 476, 16 ], [ 366, 166, 349, 16 ], [ 366, 192, 18, 16 ], [ 389, 192, 440, 16 ], [ 366, 217, 18, 16 ], [ 389, 217, 518, 16 ], [ 384, 234, 302, 16 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 7, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "", "Draft Document for Review December 5, 2019 4:33 pm", "These profile files can be specified by using the DS CLI command parameter ", "-cfg", "<", "profile_name", ">", ". If the ", "-cfg", " file is not specified, the default profile of the user is used. If a ", "profile of a user does not exist, the system default profile is used.", "Two default profiles:", " If two default profiles are called ", "dscli.profile", ", one profile in the ", "default system’s directory and one profile in your personal directory, your personal profile is ", "loaded.", "Profile change illustration", "Complete the following steps to edit the profile. This sequence assumes that your ", "%userprofile%", " is ", "C:\\Users\\Administrator.", "Default newline delimiter:", " The default newline delimiter is a UNIX delimiter, which can ", "render text in the notepad as one long line. Use a text editor that correctly interprets ", "UNIX line endings.", "384 ", "IBM DS8900F Architecture and Implementation", "1.", "Use Windows Explorer to copy the profile folder from ", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IBM\\dscli ", "to ", "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\dscli", ".", "2.", "From the Windows desktop, double-click the DS CLI icon.", "3.", "In the command window that opens, enter the following command: ", "cd C:\\Users\\Administrator\\dscli\\", "4.", "In the profile directory, enter the ", "notepad dscli.profile", " command, as shown in ", "Example 12-16.", "Example 12-16", "Command prompt operation", "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\dscli>", "cd profile", "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\dscli\\profile>", "notepad dscli.profile", "5.", "The notepad opens and includes the DS CLI profile. Consider adding four lines. Examples ", "of these lines are shown in bold in Example 12-17.", "Example 12-17", "DS CLI profile example", "#", "#", "DS CLI Profile", "#", "#", "Management Console/Node IP Address(es)", "#", "hmc1 and hmc2 are equivalent to -hmc1 and -hmc2 command options.", "#hmc1:", "#hmc2:", "#", "Default target Storage Image ID", "#", "\"devid\" and \"remotedevid\" are equivalent to ", "#", "\"-dev storage_image_ID\" and \"-remotedev storeage_image_ID\" command ", "options, respectively. ", "#devid:", "IBM.2107-AZ12341", "#remotedevid:IBM.2107-AZ12341", "devid:", "IBM.2107-75HAL90", "hmc1:", "", "username: admin", "pwfile: c:\\mydir\\75HAL90\\pwfile.txt" ]
[ [ 108, 45, 141, 11 ], [ 549, 45, 367, 10 ], [ 229, 92, 659, 42 ], [ 229, 92, 659, 42 ], [ 229, 92, 659, 42 ], [ 229, 92, 659, 42 ], [ 229, 92, 659, 42 ], [ 229, 92, 659, 42 ], [ 229, 92, 659, 42 ], [ 229, 92, 659, 42 ], [ 229, 92, 659, 42 ], [ 239, 159, 682, 42 ], [ 239, 159, 682, 42 ], [ 239, 159, 682, 42 ], [ 239, 159, 682, 42 ], [ 239, 159, 682, 42 ], [ 239, 159, 682, 42 ], [ 229, 228, 246, 14 ], [ 229, 247, 606, 27 ], [ 229, 247, 606, 27 ], [ 229, 247, 606, 27 ], [ 229, 247, 606, 27 ], [ 263, 553, 643, 42 ], [ 263, 553, 643, 42 ], [ 263, 553, 643, 42 ], [ 263, 553, 643, 42 ], [ 108, 976, 385, 11 ], [ 108, 976, 385, 11 ], [ 229, 285, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 285, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 285, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 285, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 285, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 285, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 322, 451, 11 ], [ 229, 322, 451, 11 ], [ 229, 344, 520, 33 ], [ 229, 344, 520, 33 ], [ 229, 344, 520, 33 ], [ 229, 388, 621, 27 ], [ 229, 388, 621, 27 ], [ 229, 388, 621, 27 ], [ 229, 388, 621, 27 ], [ 229, 388, 621, 27 ], [ 253, 432, 301, 10 ], [ 253, 432, 301, 10 ], [ 253, 455, 485, 26 ], [ 253, 455, 485, 26 ], [ 253, 455, 485, 26 ], [ 253, 455, 485, 26 ], [ 229, 501, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 501, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 501, 687, 27 ], [ 253, 621, 268, 10 ], [ 253, 621, 268, 10 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ], [ 253, 644, 602, 290 ] ]
[ [ 108, 45, 141, 11 ], [ 549, 45, 367, 10 ], [ 229, 92, 574, 11 ], [ 803, 92, 33, 11 ], [ 229, 108, 8, 11 ], [ 237, 108, 100, 11 ], [ 337, 108, 8, 11 ], [ 346, 108, 51, 11 ], [ 397, 108, 33, 11 ], [ 431, 108, 457, 11 ], [ 229, 123, 480, 11 ], [ 239, 159, 163, 11 ], [ 402, 159, 239, 11 ], [ 642, 160, 108, 11 ], [ 751, 159, 137, 11 ], [ 239, 175, 682, 11 ], [ 239, 190, 54, 11 ], [ 229, 228, 246, 14 ], [ 229, 247, 606, 11 ], [ 229, 263, 108, 11 ], [ 337, 263, 21, 11 ], [ 359, 263, 192, 11 ], [ 263, 553, 201, 11 ], [ 464, 553, 441, 11 ], [ 263, 568, 623, 11 ], [ 263, 584, 138, 11 ], [ 108, 976, 32, 11 ], [ 165, 977, 328, 10 ], [ 229, 285, 13, 11 ], [ 247, 285, 395, 11 ], [ 643, 285, 273, 11 ], [ 253, 300, 18, 11 ], [ 271, 301, 234, 11 ], [ 506, 300, 4, 11 ], [ 229, 322, 14, 11 ], [ 247, 322, 432, 11 ], [ 229, 344, 14, 11 ], [ 247, 344, 501, 11 ], [ 253, 367, 267, 11 ], [ 229, 388, 14, 11 ], [ 248, 388, 246, 11 ], [ 494, 389, 175, 11 ], [ 669, 388, 180, 11 ], [ 253, 404, 117, 11 ], [ 253, 432, 101, 10 ], [ 366, 432, 187, 10 ], [ 253, 455, 242, 11 ], [ 495, 455, 83, 11 ], [ 253, 470, 309, 11 ], [ 562, 470, 175, 11 ], [ 229, 501, 13, 11 ], [ 247, 501, 668, 11 ], [ 253, 517, 374, 11 ], [ 253, 621, 101, 10 ], [ 367, 621, 154, 10 ], [ 253, 644, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 659, 8, 11 ], [ 269, 659, 117, 11 ], [ 253, 675, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 690, 8, 11 ], [ 269, 690, 317, 11 ], [ 253, 706, 8, 11 ], [ 286, 706, 535, 11 ], [ 253, 721, 125, 11 ], [ 253, 737, 125, 11 ], [ 253, 768, 8, 11 ], [ 269, 768, 259, 11 ], [ 253, 783, 8, 11 ], [ 295, 783, 368, 11 ], [ 253, 799, 8, 11 ], [ 295, 799, 560, 11 ], [ 253, 814, 192, 11 ], [ 253, 830, 58, 11 ], [ 325, 830, 133, 11 ], [ 253, 845, 242, 11 ], [ 253, 877, 50, 11 ], [ 336, 877, 133, 11 ], [ 253, 892, 41, 11 ], [ 336, 892, 66, 11 ], [ 253, 908, 125, 11 ], [ 253, 923, 292, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "Ein Service des Bundesministeriums der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz", "sowie des Bundesamts für Justiz ‒", "- Seite 19 von 28 -", "Zeitliche", "Richtwerte", "in Wochen im", "Lfd.", "Nr.", "Teil des", "Ausbildungsberufsbildes", "Zu vermittelnde", "Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten", "1.", "bis", "18.", "Monat", "19.", "bis", "36.", "Monat", "1", "2", "3", "4", "c) ", "technologische ", "Entwicklungstrends ", "von ", "IT-", "Systemen feststellen sowie ihre wirtschaftlichen,", "sozialen und beruflichen Auswirkungen aufzeigen", "d) ", "Veränderungen ", "von ", "Einsatzfeldern ", "für ", "IT-", "Systeme aufgrund technischer, wirtschaftlicher", "und gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen feststellen", "5", "a) ", "IT-Systeme ", "zur ", "Bearbeitung ", "betrieblicher", "Fachaufgaben ", "analysieren ", "sowie ", "unter", "Beachtung insbesondere von Lizenzmodellen,", "Urheberrechten ", "und ", "Barrierefreiheit", "konzeptionieren, ", "konfigurieren, ", "testen ", "und", "dokumentieren", "b) ", "Programmiersprachen, insbesondere prozedurale", "und ", "objektorientierte ", "Programmiersprachen,", "unterscheiden", "5", "4", "Entwickeln, Erstellen und", "Betreuen von IT-Lösungen", "(§ 4 Absatz 2 Nummer 4)", "c) ", "systematisch Fehler erkennen, analysieren und", "beheben", "d) ", "Algorithmen formulieren und Anwendungen in", "einer Programmiersprache erstellen", "e) ", "Datenbankmodelle ", "unterscheiden, ", "Daten", "organisieren ", "und ", "speichern ", "sowie ", "Abfragen", "erstellen", "7", "a) ", "betriebliche ", "Qualitätssicherungssysteme ", "im", "eigenen ", "Arbeitsbereich ", "anwenden ", "und", "Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahmen", "projektbegleitend ", "durchführen ", "und", "dokumentieren", "4", "5", "Durchführen und", "Dokumentieren von", "qualitätssichernden", "Maßnahmen", "(§ 4 Absatz 2 Nummer 5)", "b) ", "Ursachen von Qualitätsmängeln systematisch", "feststellen, beseitigen und dokumentieren", "c) ", "im Rahmen eines Verbesserungsprozesses die", "Zielerreichung kontrollieren, insbesondere einen", "Soll-Ist-Vergleich durchführen", "8", "a) ", "betriebliche Vorgaben und rechtliche Regelungen", "zur IT-Sicherheit und zum Datenschutz einhalten", "b) ", "Sicherheitsanforderungen ", "von ", "IT-Systemen", "analysieren und Maßnahmen zur IT-Sicherheit", "ableiten, abstimmen, umsetzen und evaluieren", "6", "6", "Umsetzen, Integrieren und", "Prüfen von Maßnahmen zur", "IT-Sicherheit und zum", "Datenschutz", "(§ 4 Absatz 2 Nummer 6)", "c) ", "Bedrohungsszenarien ", "erkennen ", "und", "Schadenspotenziale ", "unter ", "Berücksichtigung", "wirtschaftlicher ", "und ", "technischer ", "Kriterien", "einschätzen", "6" ]
[ [ 480, 14, 456, 27 ], [ 480, 14, 456, 27 ], [ 472, 993, 114, 15 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ], [ 85, 73, 901, 899 ] ]
[ [ 480, 14, 456, 15 ], [ 545, 25, 391, 15 ], [ 472, 993, 114, 15 ], [ 867, 77, 66, 19 ], [ 859, 92, 83, 19 ], [ 848, 106, 105, 19 ], [ 96, 110, 28, 19 ], [ 98, 125, 22, 19 ], [ 227, 110, 59, 19 ], [ 162, 125, 189, 19 ], [ 538, 110, 124, 19 ], [ 442, 125, 317, 19 ], [ 840, 129, 10, 19 ], [ 855, 129, 26, 19 ], [ 849, 143, 24, 19 ], [ 837, 158, 48, 19 ], [ 914, 129, 17, 19 ], [ 936, 129, 29, 19 ], [ 927, 143, 24, 19 ], [ 915, 158, 48, 19 ], [ 105, 180, 9, 19 ], [ 252, 180, 9, 19 ], [ 596, 180, 9, 19 ], [ 896, 180, 9, 19 ], [ 389, 208, 19, 19 ], [ 425, 208, 121, 19 ], [ 566, 208, 156, 19 ], [ 741, 208, 33, 19 ], [ 793, 208, 19, 19 ], [ 425, 223, 387, 19 ], [ 425, 237, 384, 19 ], [ 389, 258, 20, 19 ], [ 425, 258, 125, 19 ], [ 567, 258, 33, 19 ], [ 617, 258, 115, 19 ], [ 750, 258, 26, 19 ], [ 793, 258, 19, 19 ], [ 425, 273, 387, 19 ], [ 425, 287, 373, 19 ], [ 935, 248, 9, 19 ], [ 389, 322, 20, 19 ], [ 425, 322, 91, 19 ], [ 539, 322, 29, 19 ], [ 592, 322, 100, 19 ], [ 715, 322, 98, 19 ], [ 425, 336, 114, 19 ], [ 569, 336, 94, 19 ], [ 693, 336, 48, 19 ], [ 771, 336, 41, 19 ], [ 425, 351, 387, 19 ], [ 425, 365, 127, 19 ], [ 606, 365, 34, 19 ], [ 695, 365, 117, 19 ], [ 425, 380, 134, 19 ], [ 578, 380, 113, 19 ], [ 711, 380, 53, 19 ], [ 783, 380, 29, 19 ], [ 425, 395, 118, 19 ], [ 389, 415, 20, 19 ], [ 425, 415, 387, 19 ], [ 425, 430, 34, 19 ], [ 480, 430, 134, 19 ], [ 635, 430, 177, 19 ], [ 425, 444, 110, 19 ], [ 856, 383, 9, 19 ], [ 105, 315, 9, 19 ], [ 140, 315, 195, 19 ], [ 140, 330, 204, 19 ], [ 140, 345, 193, 19 ], [ 389, 479, 19, 19 ], [ 425, 479, 387, 19 ], [ 425, 493, 67, 19 ], [ 389, 514, 20, 19 ], [ 425, 514, 387, 19 ], [ 425, 529, 279, 19 ], [ 389, 549, 20, 19 ], [ 425, 549, 151, 19 ], [ 611, 549, 120, 19 ], [ 766, 549, 46, 19 ], [ 425, 564, 101, 19 ], [ 539, 564, 34, 19 ], [ 587, 564, 80, 19 ], [ 680, 564, 48, 19 ], [ 742, 564, 70, 19 ], [ 425, 579, 67, 19 ], [ 935, 529, 9, 19 ], [ 389, 613, 20, 19 ], [ 425, 613, 96, 19 ], [ 545, 613, 224, 19 ], [ 793, 613, 19, 19 ], [ 425, 628, 67, 19 ], [ 522, 628, 117, 19 ], [ 668, 628, 85, 19 ], [ 783, 628, 29, 19 ], [ 425, 642, 251, 19 ], [ 425, 657, 141, 19 ], [ 625, 657, 99, 19 ], [ 783, 657, 29, 19 ], [ 425, 671, 118, 19 ], [ 856, 642, 9, 19 ], [ 105, 607, 9, 19 ], [ 140, 607, 131, 19 ], [ 140, 621, 153, 19 ], [ 140, 636, 152, 19 ], [ 140, 651, 96, 19 ], [ 140, 665, 193, 19 ], [ 389, 706, 20, 19 ], [ 425, 706, 387, 19 ], [ 425, 720, 328, 19 ], [ 389, 741, 19, 19 ], [ 425, 741, 387, 19 ], [ 425, 756, 387, 19 ], [ 425, 770, 230, 19 ], [ 935, 738, 9, 19 ], [ 389, 805, 20, 19 ], [ 425, 805, 387, 19 ], [ 425, 819, 378, 19 ], [ 389, 840, 20, 19 ], [ 425, 840, 206, 19 ], [ 657, 840, 33, 19 ], [ 716, 840, 96, 19 ], [ 425, 854, 387, 19 ], [ 425, 869, 366, 19 ], [ 856, 837, 9, 19 ], [ 105, 798, 9, 19 ], [ 140, 798, 207, 19 ], [ 140, 813, 213, 19 ], [ 140, 828, 169, 19 ], [ 140, 842, 97, 19 ], [ 140, 857, 193, 19 ], [ 389, 903, 19, 19 ], [ 425, 903, 173, 19 ], [ 651, 903, 78, 19 ], [ 783, 903, 29, 19 ], [ 425, 918, 160, 19 ], [ 609, 918, 46, 19 ], [ 679, 918, 134, 19 ], [ 425, 933, 124, 19 ], [ 572, 933, 34, 19 ], [ 629, 933, 95, 19 ], [ 746, 933, 66, 19 ], [ 425, 947, 93, 19 ], [ 935, 925, 9, 19 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "THE BEST TEAM WINS", "Outstanding associates are the foundation of a premier global enterprise. I", "am particularly proud of and thankful for the focus, commitment and energy exhibited by all Danaher associates", "throughout the past year as we faced a challenging reality head-on while continuing to deliver and outperform. I also", "extend that appreciation to our customers and suppliers who complete the Danaher team. I have high confidence", "that, as we move into 2002, our best days lie ahead of us.", "I", "would also like to take this opportunity to thank George Sherman for his invaluable support and coaching", "throughout our management succession. I am grateful to him for his help. ", "OUTLOOK", "Danaher is prepared for 2002. We assume the industrial and technology markets we serve will ", "soften further before they strengthen. Given this, we will continue with a watchful eye on costs while being vigilant", "not to miss any near-term growth opportunities. We hope that we are wrong in our economic projections but see no", "down-side risk in taking a conservative posture on costs as we start the year. ", "Longer-term, our corporate objectives remain unchanged. We intend to grow organically in the five to seven ", "percent range with an increased percentage of our business from outside of North America. We plan to maintain our", "track record of upper quartile financial performance. We want to continue the superior cash flow performance that", "underscores both the quality of our earnings and serves as a source of funds for acquisitions. This formula is how", "Danaher has created superior shareholder value over time and will continue to do so in the future.", "We fully intend to grow Danaher at an accelerated rate. With over $3.3 billion of capital available to us from a ", "combination of our current cash position, projected future cash flows over the next three years and additional debt", "capacity over that period, we have the means to double the size of our company approximately every four years. ", "That gives Danaher the potential to become a $25 billion organization by 2012. Acquisitions that strengthen ", "existing businesses and establish new platforms will be the priority. We fully intend to evaluate transformational", "opportunities as they arise as we did in 2001 through our discussions with Cooper Industries. However, size alone ", "is not our objective. Our goal is not to become a $25 billion company, but to become a $25 billion company with ", "an outstanding team, a high quality portfolio and a sustainable DBS-based business model achieving superior and", "sustainable financial results. That’s our vision of the future, the vision we’re aggressively pursuing as we work to", "make Danaher a premier global enterprise.", "Thank you for your support.", "Outstanding associates are the foundation of a premier global enterprise. I am ", "particularly proud and thankful for the focus, commitment and energy exhibited by ", "all Danaher associates throughout the past year as we faced a challenging reality ", "head-on while continuing to deliver and outperform. ", "H.", "Lawrence Culp, Jr.", "MARCH 8, 2002" ]
[ [ 82, 428, 713, 76 ], [ 82, 428, 713, 76 ], [ 82, 428, 713, 76 ], [ 82, 428, 713, 76 ], [ 82, 428, 713, 76 ], [ 82, 428, 713, 76 ], [ 82, 509, 713, 26 ], [ 82, 509, 713, 26 ], [ 82, 509, 713, 26 ], [ 82, 552, 718, 61 ], [ 82, 552, 718, 61 ], [ 82, 552, 718, 61 ], [ 82, 552, 718, 61 ], [ 82, 552, 718, 61 ], [ 82, 618, 719, 73 ], [ 82, 618, 719, 73 ], [ 82, 618, 719, 73 ], [ 82, 618, 719, 73 ], [ 82, 618, 719, 73 ], [ 82, 695, 720, 150 ], [ 82, 695, 720, 150 ], [ 82, 695, 720, 150 ], [ 82, 695, 720, 150 ], [ 82, 695, 720, 150 ], [ 82, 695, 720, 150 ], [ 82, 695, 720, 150 ], [ 82, 695, 720, 150 ], [ 82, 695, 720, 150 ], [ 82, 695, 720, 150 ], [ 92, 851, 179, 11 ], [ 82, 182, 655, 92 ], [ 82, 182, 655, 92 ], [ 82, 182, 655, 92 ], [ 82, 182, 655, 92 ], [ 82, 928, 138, 11 ], [ 82, 928, 138, 11 ], [ 82, 957, 77, 7 ] ]
[ [ 82, 428, 240, 14 ], [ 331, 431, 464, 11 ], [ 82, 447, 713, 11 ], [ 82, 462, 713, 11 ], [ 82, 478, 713, 11 ], [ 82, 493, 348, 11 ], [ 92, 509, 5, 11 ], [ 101, 509, 693, 11 ], [ 82, 524, 463, 11 ], [ 82, 552, 101, 14 ], [ 193, 555, 606, 11 ], [ 82, 571, 713, 11 ], [ 82, 587, 713, 11 ], [ 82, 602, 474, 11 ], [ 92, 618, 709, 11 ], [ 82, 633, 713, 11 ], [ 82, 649, 713, 11 ], [ 82, 664, 713, 11 ], [ 82, 680, 609, 11 ], [ 92, 695, 708, 11 ], [ 82, 711, 713, 11 ], [ 82, 726, 718, 11 ], [ 82, 742, 720, 11 ], [ 82, 757, 713, 11 ], [ 82, 773, 718, 11 ], [ 82, 788, 718, 11 ], [ 82, 804, 713, 11 ], [ 82, 819, 713, 11 ], [ 82, 835, 267, 11 ], [ 92, 851, 179, 11 ], [ 82, 182, 621, 14 ], [ 82, 208, 655, 14 ], [ 82, 234, 643, 14 ], [ 82, 260, 417, 14 ], [ 82, 928, 16, 11 ], [ 102, 928, 118, 11 ], [ 82, 957, 77, 7 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 0, 0, 9 ]
[ "133 STAT. 895 ", "PUBLIC LAW 116–20—JUNE 6, 2019 ", "TITLE XI ", "DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ", "FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION ", "PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ", "For an additional amount for the ‘‘Public Transportation Emer-", "gency Relief Program’’ as authorized under section 5324 of title ", "49, United States Code, $10,542,000 to remain available until ", "expended, for transit systems affected by major declared disasters ", "occurring in calendar year 2018: ", "Provided", ", That not more than ", "three-quarters of 1 percent of the funds for public transportation ", "emergency relief shall be available for administrative expenses and ", "ongoing program management oversight as authorized under sec-", "tions 5334 and 5338(f)(2) of such title and shall be in addition ", "to any other appropriations for such purpose: ", "Provided further", ", ", "That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for ", "an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of ", "the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. ", "For an additional amount for the Emergency Relief Program ", "as authorized under section 125 of title 23, United States Code, ", "$1,650,000,000, to remain available until expended: ", "Provided", ", That ", "such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emer-", "gency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal-", "anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. ", "Of the amounts made available for ‘‘Federal Aviation Adminis-", "tration—Operations’’ in division B of the Bipartisan Budget Act ", "of 2018 (Public Law 115–123), up to $18,000,000 shall also be ", "available for necessary expenses related to the consequences of ", "major declared disasters occurring in calendar year 2018: ", "Provided", ", ", "That amounts repurposed under this heading that were previously ", "designated by the Congress as an emergency requirement pursuant ", "to the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of ", "1985 are designated by the Congress as an emergency requirement ", "pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ", "Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. ", "FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ", "OPERATIONS ", "(AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) ", "FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION ", "EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM " ]
[ [ 710, 121, 134, 13 ], [ 286, 121, 337, 13 ], [ 413, 152, 82, 12 ], [ 290, 179, 328, 12 ], [ 315, 206, 278, 12 ], [ 240, 235, 426, 9 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 256, 543, 170 ], [ 185, 728, 541, 78 ], [ 185, 728, 541, 78 ], [ 185, 728, 541, 78 ], [ 185, 728, 541, 78 ], [ 185, 728, 541, 78 ], [ 185, 728, 541, 78 ], [ 185, 728, 541, 78 ], [ 185, 728, 541, 78 ], [ 185, 519, 543, 144 ], [ 185, 519, 543, 144 ], [ 185, 519, 543, 144 ], [ 185, 519, 543, 144 ], [ 185, 519, 543, 144 ], [ 185, 519, 543, 144 ], [ 185, 519, 543, 144 ], [ 185, 519, 543, 144 ], [ 185, 519, 543, 144 ], [ 185, 519, 543, 144 ], [ 185, 519, 543, 144 ], [ 185, 519, 543, 144 ], [ 185, 519, 543, 144 ], [ 310, 441, 287, 12 ], [ 405, 471, 97, 9 ], [ 317, 497, 274, 9 ], [ 310, 678, 287, 12 ], [ 338, 707, 231, 9 ] ]
[ [ 710, 121, 134, 13 ], [ 286, 121, 337, 13 ], [ 413, 152, 82, 12 ], [ 290, 179, 328, 12 ], [ 315, 206, 278, 12 ], [ 240, 235, 426, 9 ], [ 219, 256, 498, 12 ], [ 185, 269, 542, 12 ], [ 185, 282, 543, 12 ], [ 185, 296, 539, 12 ], [ 185, 309, 281, 12 ], [ 467, 309, 69, 12 ], [ 536, 309, 192, 12 ], [ 185, 322, 540, 12 ], [ 185, 335, 538, 12 ], [ 185, 348, 532, 12 ], [ 185, 362, 542, 12 ], [ 185, 375, 394, 12 ], [ 579, 375, 133, 12 ], [ 713, 375, 9, 12 ], [ 185, 388, 543, 12 ], [ 185, 401, 542, 12 ], [ 185, 414, 540, 12 ], [ 219, 728, 507, 12 ], [ 185, 741, 541, 12 ], [ 185, 755, 415, 12 ], [ 601, 755, 69, 12 ], [ 670, 755, 54, 12 ], [ 185, 768, 532, 12 ], [ 185, 781, 532, 12 ], [ 185, 794, 449, 12 ], [ 219, 519, 499, 12 ], [ 185, 532, 542, 12 ], [ 185, 545, 543, 12 ], [ 185, 558, 542, 12 ], [ 185, 572, 458, 12 ], [ 644, 572, 69, 12 ], [ 713, 572, 9, 12 ], [ 185, 585, 539, 12 ], [ 185, 598, 538, 12 ], [ 185, 611, 543, 12 ], [ 185, 624, 538, 12 ], [ 185, 638, 543, 12 ], [ 185, 651, 306, 12 ], [ 310, 441, 287, 12 ], [ 405, 471, 97, 9 ], [ 317, 497, 274, 9 ], [ 310, 678, 287, 12 ], [ 338, 707, 231, 9 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ "In This Chapter", "▶ ", "Understanding the essentials of cloud computing", "▶ ", "Exploring the cloud continuum", "▶ ", "Examining foundational delivery services", "H", "ow quickly things change. Cloud computing has evolved ", "from a risky and confusing concept to a strategy that ", "organizations large and small are beginning to adopt as part ", "of their overall computing strategy. Companies are now", "starting to ask not whether they should think about cloud ", "computing but what types of cloud computing models are ", "best suited to solve their business problems. Not only are ", "organizations using the cloud for services such as e-mail ", "or customer relationship management, but also many are ", "utilizing a set of important cloud foundational services — ", "Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service ", "(PaaS) — to develop and deploy applications to support the ", "business and open up new innovative opportunities and new ", "revenue streams.", "The kind of cloud deployment you should consider depends ", "on your own particular performance, security requirements, ", "and your specific business goals. In this chapter, you look at ", "the fundamentals of cloud computing and the insights into", "the range of cloud services and models that you need to ", "understand. It’s important to understand that there’s a", "These materials are the copyright of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and any ", "dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.", "Chapter 1", "Understanding Cloud ", "Fundamentals and the ", "Cloud Continuum" ]
[ [ 124, 399, 187, 25 ], [ 124, 428, 567, 21 ], [ 124, 428, 567, 21 ], [ 124, 453, 368, 21 ], [ 124, 453, 368, 21 ], [ 124, 478, 480, 21 ], [ 124, 478, 480, 21 ], [ 225, 524, 705, 297 ], [ 225, 524, 705, 297 ], [ 225, 524, 705, 297 ], [ 225, 524, 705, 297 ], [ 225, 524, 705, 297 ], [ 225, 524, 705, 297 ], [ 225, 524, 705, 297 ], [ 225, 524, 705, 297 ], [ 225, 524, 705, 297 ], [ 225, 524, 705, 297 ], [ 225, 524, 705, 297 ], [ 225, 524, 705, 297 ], [ 225, 524, 705, 297 ], [ 225, 524, 705, 297 ], [ 225, 524, 705, 297 ], [ 225, 836, 682, 113 ], [ 225, 836, 682, 113 ], [ 225, 836, 682, 113 ], [ 225, 836, 682, 113 ], [ 225, 836, 682, 113 ], [ 225, 836, 682, 113 ], [ 155, 985, 721, 34 ], [ 155, 985, 721, 34 ], [ 431, 105, 183, 54 ], [ 209, 163, 644, 201 ], [ 209, 163, 644, 201 ], [ 209, 163, 644, 201 ] ]
[ [ 124, 399, 187, 25 ], [ 124, 435, 26, 13 ], [ 150, 428, 541, 21 ], [ 124, 461, 26, 13 ], [ 150, 453, 342, 21 ], [ 124, 486, 26, 13 ], [ 150, 478, 454, 21 ], [ 225, 524, 71, 88 ], [ 296, 560, 633, 21 ], [ 296, 579, 598, 21 ], [ 225, 597, 678, 21 ], [ 225, 615, 622, 21 ], [ 225, 634, 653, 21 ], [ 225, 652, 654, 21 ], [ 225, 671, 653, 21 ], [ 225, 689, 638, 21 ], [ 225, 707, 648, 21 ], [ 225, 726, 648, 21 ], [ 225, 744, 660, 21 ], [ 225, 763, 678, 21 ], [ 225, 781, 686, 21 ], [ 225, 800, 192, 21 ], [ 225, 836, 680, 21 ], [ 225, 855, 681, 21 ], [ 225, 873, 682, 21 ], [ 225, 892, 654, 21 ], [ 225, 910, 634, 21 ], [ 225, 929, 614, 21 ], [ 155, 985, 721, 16 ], [ 155, 1003, 702, 16 ], [ 431, 105, 183, 54 ], [ 222, 163, 617, 81 ], [ 209, 224, 644, 81 ], [ 279, 284, 487, 81 ] ]
[ 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ "V", "(", "x", ") =", "U", "(", "x", ") +", "U$_{bias}$", "[", "s", "(", "x", ")", ", t$_{b}$", "]", ".", "(1)", "F", "(", "s", ") =", "−", "U$_{bias}$", "[", "s", "(", "x", ")", ", t$_{b}$", "]", "−", "k", "b", "T", "ln", "ρ$_{bias}$", "(", "s", ")", ".", "(3)", "metadynamics, and also to recover a truly equilibrium free energy profile", "$^{50,82,87}$. Among", "these, the approach proposed by Babin and coworkers", "50", "is in our opinion one of the most", "intuitive and versatile ones, since it allows in a simple way to simultaneously estimate the", "statistical error and to eliminate systematic errors introduced by the deposition protocol.", "The basic idea is the following: a metadynamics run is performed up to the build-up time", "t$_{b}$", ", so that the whole collective variables space has been explored, and the total potential", "energy – sum of the physical and the bias potential – at the end of the run reads", "At this point, a molecular dynamics simulation in the potential", "V", "is performed, much in", "the spirit of umbrella sampling, whereas the biasing potential has been determined in an", "adaptive way by the metadynamics run. The dynamics is characterized by an almost diffusive", "behavior in the collective variables space, since the meta-stabilities have been removed by", "the bias potential, provided that all the states of the new potential", "V", "(", "x", ") are separated by", "energy barriers comparable or lower than the thermal energy scale", "k", "b", "T", ". The deviation from", "a truly diffusive behavior is due by residual features of the free energy landscape which are", "originated from the statistical and systematic errors in the metadynamics run. During this", "equilibrium run, the phase space is sampled with probability density", "In the exact expression Eq. 3, the term", "k", "b", "T", "ln", "ρ$_{bias}$", "(", "s", ") can be regarded as a correction to what", "is the standard metadynamics estimate of the free energy landscape,", "F$_{meta}$", "(", "s", ") =", "−", "U$_{bias}$", "(", "s", ").", "This correction term compensates for the systematic errors introduced by the deposition", "protocol, which are not completely under control in the metadynamics run. In other words,", "from a simple metadynamics run there is no way to guarantee that the term", "ρ$_{bias}$", "(", "s", ") has", "become a constant within statistical fluctuations. The corresponding statistical error can be", "estimated from the fluctuations of", "ρ$_{bias}$", "(", "s", ") using standard error analysis. Differently from", "the approach involving only a metadynamics run, one should not worry about the speed of", "that can be estimated by computing the histogram", "ρ$_{bias}$", "(", "s", ") = (", "t", "−", "t$_{b}$", ")", "−", "1", "∫", "t", "t", "b", "δ", "[", "s", "−", "s", "(", "t", "$^{′}$)]", "dt", "′", "during the run. Eventually, the free energy profile is given, up to an additive constant, by", "ρ$_{bias}$", "(", "s", ") =", "e", "−", "β", "{", "F", "(", "s", ")+", "U", "bias", "[", "s", "(", "x", ")", ",t", "b", "]", "}", "∫", "d", "se", "−", "β", "{", "F", "(", "s", ")+", "U", "bias", "[", "s", "(", "x", ")", ",t", "b", "]", "}", "(2)", "9" ]
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[ [ 377, 297, 11, 15 ], [ 393, 297, 7, 15 ], [ 400, 297, 11, 15 ], [ 411, 297, 28, 15 ], [ 445, 297, 13, 15 ], [ 461, 297, 7, 15 ], [ 468, 297, 11, 15 ], [ 479, 297, 27, 15 ], [ 511, 297, 37, 15 ], [ 550, 297, 5, 15 ], [ 555, 297, 9, 15 ], [ 565, 297, 7, 15 ], [ 572, 297, 11, 15 ], [ 583, 297, 7, 15 ], [ 591, 297, 21, 15 ], [ 614, 297, 5, 15 ], [ 639, 297, 5, 15 ], [ 876, 297, 25, 15 ], [ 343, 709, 12, 15 ], [ 358, 709, 7, 15 ], [ 366, 709, 9, 15 ], [ 375, 709, 28, 15 ], [ 409, 710, 15, 14 ], [ 424, 709, 37, 15 ], [ 463, 709, 5, 15 ], [ 469, 709, 9, 15 ], [ 478, 709, 7, 15 ], [ 485, 709, 11, 15 ], [ 497, 709, 7, 15 ], [ 504, 709, 21, 15 ], [ 527, 709, 5, 15 ], [ 537, 710, 15, 14 ], [ 557, 709, 10, 15 ], [ 567, 717, 7, 5 ], [ 576, 709, 11, 15 ], [ 593, 709, 16, 15 ], [ 613, 709, 34, 15 ], [ 648, 709, 7, 15 ], [ 656, 709, 9, 15 ], [ 665, 709, 7, 15 ], [ 673, 709, 5, 15 ], [ 876, 709, 25, 15 ], [ 120, 94, 653, 15 ], [ 773, 94, 127, 15 ], [ 120, 121, 469, 15 ], [ 590, 119, 14, 10 ], [ 613, 121, 287, 15 ], [ 120, 148, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 175, 781, 15 ], [ 120, 202, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 229, 13, 15 ], [ 134, 229, 766, 15 ], [ 120, 256, 694, 15 ], [ 120, 338, 557, 15 ], [ 685, 338, 11, 15 ], [ 709, 338, 191, 15 ], [ 120, 365, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 392, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 419, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 446, 581, 15 ], [ 709, 446, 11, 15 ], [ 725, 446, 7, 15 ], [ 732, 446, 11, 15 ], [ 743, 446, 157, 15 ], [ 120, 474, 565, 15 ], [ 692, 474, 10, 15 ], [ 702, 482, 7, 5 ], [ 711, 474, 11, 15 ], [ 725, 474, 176, 15 ], [ 120, 501, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 528, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 555, 587, 15 ], [ 120, 750, 324, 15 ], [ 450, 750, 10, 15 ], [ 460, 758, 7, 5 ], [ 469, 750, 11, 15 ], [ 486, 750, 16, 15 ], [ 506, 750, 34, 15 ], [ 541, 750, 7, 15 ], [ 549, 750, 9, 15 ], [ 558, 750, 342, 15 ], [ 120, 777, 592, 15 ], [ 720, 777, 43, 15 ], [ 764, 777, 7, 15 ], [ 772, 777, 9, 15 ], [ 781, 777, 29, 15 ], [ 817, 777, 15, 14 ], [ 832, 777, 37, 15 ], [ 871, 777, 7, 15 ], [ 879, 777, 9, 15 ], [ 888, 777, 13, 15 ], [ 120, 804, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 831, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 858, 676, 15 ], [ 804, 858, 34, 15 ], [ 840, 858, 7, 15 ], [ 848, 858, 9, 15 ], [ 857, 858, 44, 15 ], [ 120, 885, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 912, 299, 15 ], [ 427, 912, 34, 15 ], [ 463, 912, 7, 15 ], [ 470, 912, 9, 15 ], [ 479, 912, 421, 15 ], [ 120, 939, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 641, 454, 15 ], [ 583, 641, 34, 15 ], [ 619, 641, 7, 15 ], [ 626, 641, 9, 15 ], [ 635, 641, 49, 15 ], [ 685, 641, 7, 15 ], [ 698, 641, 15, 14 ], [ 720, 641, 13, 15 ], [ 734, 641, 7, 15 ], [ 741, 639, 11, 10 ], [ 752, 639, 7, 10 ], [ 764, 639, 9, 37 ], [ 777, 636, 5, 10 ], [ 773, 650, 5, 10 ], [ 778, 654, 5, 5 ], [ 789, 641, 8, 15 ], [ 798, 641, 5, 15 ], [ 804, 641, 9, 15 ], [ 817, 641, 15, 14 ], [ 837, 641, 9, 15 ], [ 847, 641, 7, 15 ], [ 854, 641, 7, 15 ], [ 861, 641, 17, 15 ], [ 879, 641, 17, 15 ], [ 896, 639, 3, 10 ], [ 120, 668, 769, 15 ], [ 365, 596, 34, 15 ], [ 400, 596, 7, 15 ], [ 408, 596, 9, 15 ], [ 417, 596, 28, 15 ], [ 472, 585, 9, 15 ], [ 481, 583, 11, 10 ], [ 492, 583, 7, 10 ], [ 501, 583, 7, 10 ], [ 508, 583, 8, 10 ], [ 519, 583, 5, 10 ], [ 524, 583, 6, 10 ], [ 531, 583, 16, 10 ], [ 547, 583, 9, 10 ], [ 557, 588, 21, 5 ], [ 579, 583, 3, 10 ], [ 583, 583, 6, 10 ], [ 590, 583, 5, 10 ], [ 595, 583, 7, 10 ], [ 603, 583, 5, 10 ], [ 608, 583, 9, 10 ], [ 618, 588, 5, 5 ], [ 624, 583, 3, 10 ], [ 628, 583, 7, 10 ], [ 453, 605, 9, 37 ], [ 470, 606, 10, 15 ], [ 481, 606, 18, 15 ], [ 499, 606, 11, 10 ], [ 510, 606, 7, 10 ], [ 519, 606, 7, 10 ], [ 526, 606, 8, 10 ], [ 537, 606, 5, 10 ], [ 542, 606, 6, 10 ], [ 549, 606, 16, 10 ], [ 565, 606, 9, 10 ], [ 575, 610, 21, 5 ], [ 597, 606, 3, 10 ], [ 601, 606, 6, 10 ], [ 608, 606, 5, 10 ], [ 613, 606, 7, 10 ], [ 621, 606, 5, 10 ], [ 627, 606, 9, 10 ], [ 636, 610, 5, 5 ], [ 642, 606, 3, 10 ], [ 646, 606, 7, 10 ], [ 876, 596, 25, 15 ], [ 496, 978, 9, 15 ] ]
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[ "KENNAMETAL INC. ", "/", "AR 2002", "61", "Report of Independent Accountants", "Report of Previous Independent Public Accountants", "To the Shareowners of Kennametal Inc.", "We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance", "sheets of Kennametal Inc. (a Pennsylvania corporation) and subsidiaries as of June 30, 2001 and 2000, and", "the related consolidated statements of income, shareowners’ equity and cash flows for each of the three", "years in the period ended June 30, 2001. These financial statements are the responsibility of the company’s", "management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.", "We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States. Those", "standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the", "financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence", "supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the", "accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall", "financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.", "In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the", "financial position of Kennametal Inc. and subsidiaries as of June 30, 2001 and 2000, and the results ", "of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended June 30, 2001,", "in", "conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.", "To the Shareowners of Kennametal Inc.", "In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated balance sheet", "and the related consolidated statements of income, shareowners’ equity and cash flows present fairly, in all", "material respects, the financial position of Kennametal Inc. and its subsidiaries at June 30, 2002, and the", "results of their operations and their cash flows for the year ended June 30, 2002 in conformity with", "accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These financial statements are the", "responsibility of Kennametal Inc.’s management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial", "statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit of these statements in accordance with auditing", "standards generally accepted in the United States of America, which require that we plan and perform ", "the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material", "misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and", "disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates", "made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit", "provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. The financial statements of Kennametal Inc. as of June 30, 2001,", "and for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2001, were audited by other independent", "accountants who have ceased operations. Those independent accountants expressed an unqualified opinion", "on those financial statements, before the revision described in Note 2, in their report dated July 20, 2001.", "As discussed above, the financial statements of Kennametal Inc. as of June 30, 2001, and for each of", "the two years in the period ended June 30, 2001, were audited by other independent accountants who", "have ceased operations. As described in Note 2, these financial statements have been revised to", "include the transitional disclosures required by Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 142,", "”Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets,” which was adopted by Kennametal Inc. as of July 1, 2001. We", "audited the transitional disclosures described in Note 2. In our opinion, the transitional disclosures for", "2001 and 2000 in Note 2 are appropriate. However, we were not engaged to audit, review or apply any", "procedures to the 2001 or 2000 financial statements of Kennametal Inc. other than with respect to such", "disclosures and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on the 2001", "or", "2000 financial statements taken as a whole.", "The following report is a copy of a previously issued report by Arthur Andersen LLP and it has not been reissued by Arthur Andersen LLP.", "Arthur Andersen LLP has not consented to its inclusion; therefore, an investor’s ability to recover any potential damage may be limited.", "PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP", "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania", "July 26, 2002, except for Note 19 as to which the date is August 30, 2002", "Arthur Andersen LLP", "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania", "July 20, 2001" ]
[ [ 681, 60, 167, 8 ], [ 681, 60, 167, 8 ], [ 681, 60, 167, 8 ], [ 928, 59, 15, 9 ], [ 106, 93, 273, 10 ], [ 106, 643, 396, 10 ], [ 106, 678, 741, 67 ], [ 106, 678, 741, 67 ], [ 106, 678, 741, 67 ], [ 106, 678, 741, 67 ], [ 106, 678, 741, 67 ], [ 106, 678, 741, 67 ], [ 106, 756, 741, 81 ], [ 106, 756, 741, 81 ], [ 106, 756, 741, 81 ], [ 106, 756, 741, 81 ], [ 106, 756, 741, 81 ], [ 106, 756, 741, 81 ], [ 106, 849, 748, 53 ], [ 106, 849, 748, 53 ], [ 106, 849, 748, 53 ], [ 106, 849, 748, 53 ], [ 106, 849, 748, 53 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 128, 749, 224 ], [ 106, 363, 742, 138 ], [ 106, 363, 742, 138 ], [ 106, 363, 742, 138 ], [ 106, 363, 742, 138 ], [ 106, 363, 742, 138 ], [ 106, 363, 742, 138 ], [ 106, 363, 742, 138 ], [ 106, 363, 742, 138 ], [ 106, 363, 742, 138 ], [ 106, 363, 742, 138 ], [ 106, 363, 742, 138 ], [ 106, 612, 742, 19 ], [ 106, 612, 742, 19 ], [ 106, 548, 537, 39 ], [ 106, 548, 537, 39 ], [ 106, 548, 537, 39 ], [ 106, 949, 176, 39 ], [ 106, 949, 176, 39 ], [ 106, 949, 176, 39 ] ]
[ [ 681, 60, 112, 7 ], [ 794, 60, 3, 7 ], [ 801, 60, 47, 7 ], [ 928, 59, 15, 9 ], [ 106, 93, 273, 10 ], [ 106, 643, 396, 10 ], [ 106, 678, 316, 10 ], [ 436, 678, 411, 10 ], [ 106, 692, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 706, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 720, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 735, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 756, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 770, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 785, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 799, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 813, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 827, 696, 10 ], [ 106, 849, 742, 10 ], [ 106, 863, 748, 10 ], [ 106, 877, 742, 10 ], [ 106, 892, 10, 10 ], [ 670, 892, 17, 10 ], [ 106, 128, 305, 10 ], [ 424, 128, 423, 10 ], [ 106, 142, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 156, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 170, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 185, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 199, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 213, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 227, 749, 10 ], [ 106, 242, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 256, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 270, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 284, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 298, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 313, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 327, 741, 10 ], [ 106, 341, 727, 10 ], [ 106, 363, 742, 10 ], [ 106, 377, 742, 10 ], [ 106, 391, 742, 10 ], [ 106, 405, 742, 10 ], [ 106, 420, 742, 10 ], [ 106, 434, 742, 10 ], [ 106, 448, 742, 10 ], [ 106, 462, 742, 10 ], [ 106, 477, 742, 10 ], [ 106, 491, 10, 10 ], [ 426, 491, 17, 10 ], [ 106, 612, 742, 8 ], [ 106, 623, 740, 8 ], [ 106, 548, 214, 10 ], [ 106, 562, 176, 10 ], [ 106, 577, 537, 10 ], [ 106, 949, 152, 10 ], [ 106, 963, 176, 10 ], [ 106, 977, 97, 10 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "Each input queue is a unique type of workload, and has unique service and processing ", "requirements. The IWQ function allows z/OS to preassign the appropriate processing ", "resources for each input queue. This approach allows multiple concurrent z/OS processing ", "threads to process each unique input queue (workload), which avoids traditional resource ", "contention. ", "IWQ reduces the conventional z/OS processing that is required to identify and separate ", "unique workloads. This advantage results in improved overall system performance and ", "scalability.", "A primary objective of IWQ is to provide improved performance for business-critical ", "interactive workloads by reducing contention that is created by other types of workloads. In a ", "heavily mixed workload environment, this “off the ", "wire” network traffic separation is provided ", "by OSA-Express6S, OSA-Express5S, or OSA-Express4S$^{9}$ features that are defined as ", "CHPID type OSD. OSA IWQ is shown in Figure 7-5.", "The following types of z/OS workloads are identified and assigned to unique input queues:", "Figure 7-5", "OSA inbound workload queuing (IWQ)", "9", "Only OSA-Express4S 1000BASE-T cards are supported on z14 as carry forward.", "298 ", "IBM z14 (3906) Technical Guide", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "z/OS Sysplex Distributor traffic:", "Network traffic that is associated with a distributed virtual Internet Protocol address (VIPA) ", "is assigned to a unique input queue. This configuration allows the Sysplex Distributor ", "traffic to be immediately distributed to the target host.", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "z/OS bulk data traffic:", "Network traffic that is dynamically associated with a streaming (bulk data) TCP connection ", "is assigned to a unique input queue. This configuration allows the bulk data processing to ", "be assigned the appropriate resources and isolated from critical interactive workloads.", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "EE (Enterprise Extender / SNA traffic):", "IWQ for the OSA-Express features is enhanced to differentiate and separate inbound ", "Enterprise Extender traffic to a dedicated input queue.", "The supported operating systems are listed in Table 7-8 on page 255 and Table 7-9 on ", "page 257." ]
[ [ 229, 92, 675, 74 ], [ 229, 92, 675, 74 ], [ 229, 92, 675, 74 ], [ 229, 92, 675, 74 ], [ 229, 92, 675, 74 ], [ 229, 183, 650, 42 ], [ 229, 183, 650, 42 ], [ 229, 183, 650, 42 ], [ 229, 242, 698, 74 ], [ 229, 242, 698, 74 ], [ 229, 242, 698, 74 ], [ 229, 242, 698, 74 ], [ 229, 242, 698, 74 ], [ 229, 242, 698, 74 ], [ 229, 598, 667, 11 ], [ 229, 565, 337, 11 ], [ 229, 565, 337, 11 ], [ 229, 939, 492, 12 ], [ 229, 939, 492, 12 ], [ 108, 976, 281, 11 ], [ 108, 976, 281, 11 ], [ 229, 620, 687, 65 ], [ 229, 620, 687, 65 ], [ 229, 620, 687, 65 ], [ 229, 620, 687, 65 ], [ 229, 620, 687, 65 ], [ 229, 696, 687, 64 ], [ 229, 696, 687, 64 ], [ 229, 696, 687, 64 ], [ 229, 696, 687, 64 ], [ 229, 696, 687, 64 ], [ 229, 771, 657, 49 ], [ 229, 771, 657, 49 ], [ 229, 771, 657, 49 ], [ 229, 771, 657, 49 ], [ 229, 837, 647, 27 ], [ 229, 837, 647, 27 ] ]
[ [ 229, 92, 646, 11 ], [ 229, 108, 633, 11 ], [ 229, 123, 675, 11 ], [ 229, 139, 665, 11 ], [ 229, 154, 86, 11 ], [ 229, 183, 650, 11 ], [ 229, 198, 646, 11 ], [ 229, 214, 77, 11 ], [ 229, 242, 618, 11 ], [ 229, 258, 687, 11 ], [ 229, 273, 380, 11 ], [ 595, 273, 331, 11 ], [ 229, 289, 646, 11 ], [ 229, 304, 385, 11 ], [ 229, 598, 667, 11 ], [ 229, 565, 68, 11 ], [ 310, 565, 255, 11 ], [ 229, 939, 5, 7 ], [ 240, 941, 480, 9 ], [ 108, 976, 32, 11 ], [ 165, 977, 224, 10 ], [ 229, 621, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 620, 231, 11 ], [ 253, 643, 663, 11 ], [ 253, 658, 632, 11 ], [ 253, 674, 393, 11 ], [ 229, 696, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 696, 159, 11 ], [ 253, 718, 663, 11 ], [ 253, 733, 663, 11 ], [ 253, 749, 636, 11 ], [ 229, 771, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 771, 284, 11 ], [ 253, 793, 633, 11 ], [ 253, 808, 400, 11 ], [ 229, 837, 647, 11 ], [ 229, 852, 74, 11 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9 ]
[ "MongoDB Documentation, Release 3.0.4", "The method returns a", "WriteResult", "object with the status of the operation.", "Upon successful update, the", "WriteResult", "object should have", "\"nModified\"", "equal to", "1", ".", "The method returns a", "WriteResult", "object with the number of documents removed in the", "\"nRemoved\"", "field.", "Note:", "The cluster’s", "mongos", "instances will fail to detect the authorization model downgrade until the user cache", "is refreshed. You can run", "invalidateUserCache", "on each", "mongos", "instance to refresh immediately, or you can", "wait until the cache is refreshed automatically at the end of the", "user cache invalidation interval", ". To", "run", "invalidateUserCache", ", you must have privilege with", "invalidateUserCache", "(page 421) action, which", "is granted by", "userAdminAnyDatabase", "(page 412) and", "hostManager", "(page 410) roles.", "For a sharded cluster, repeat the downgrade process by connecting to the", "primary", "replica set member for each shard.", "Result", "The downgrade process returns the user data to its state prior to upgrading to 2.6 authorization model. Any", "changes made to the user/role data using the 2.6 users model will be lost.", "Text Index Version Check", "If you have", "version 2", "text indexes (i.e. the default version for text indexes in MongoDB", "2.6), drop the", "version 2", "text indexes before downgrading MongoDB. After the downgrade, enable text search and", "recreate the dropped text indexes.", "To determine the version of your", "text", "indexes, run", "db.collection.getIndexes()", "to view index specifica-", "tions. For text indexes, the method returns the version information in the field", "textIndexVersion", ". For example,", "the following shows that the", "text", "index on the", "quotes", "collection is version 2.", "Chapter 12. Release Notes", "874", "Downgrade Updated Indexes", "Step 4: Remove existing documents from the", "admin.system.users", "collection.", "Step 6: Update the version document for the", "authSchema", ".", "Step 5: Copy documents from the", "admin.system.backup_users", "collection.", "Copy all documents from the", "admin.system.backup_users", ", created during the 2.6 upgrade, to", "admin.system.users", ".", "db.getSiblingDB(\"admin\").system.backup_users.find().forEach(", "function", "(userDoc) {", "status = db.getSiblingDB(\"admin\").system.users.insert( userDoc );", "if", "(status.hasWriteError()) {", "print(status.writeError);", "}", "}", ");", "db.getSiblingDB(\"admin\").system.version.update(", "{ _id: \"authSchema\" },", "{ $set: { currentVersion: 1 } }", ")", "{", "\"v\" : 1,", "\"key\" : {", "\"_fts\" : \"text\",", "\"_ftsx\" : 1", "db.getSiblingDB(\"admin\").system.users.remove( {} )" ]
[ [ 120, 46, 318, 12 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 26 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 26 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 26 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 26 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 26 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 26 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 26 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 26 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 26 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 26 ], [ 120, 198, 755, 11 ], [ 120, 198, 755, 11 ], [ 120, 198, 755, 11 ], [ 120, 198, 755, 11 ], [ 120, 198, 755, 11 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 541, 783, 70 ], [ 120, 511, 776, 11 ], [ 120, 511, 776, 11 ], [ 120, 511, 776, 11 ], [ 120, 654, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 654, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 654, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 752, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 752, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 752, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 752, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 752, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 752, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 752, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 752, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 806, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 806, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 806, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 806, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 806, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 806, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 806, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 806, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 806, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 806, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 806, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 806, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 806, 783, 42 ], [ 689, 961, 215, 12 ], [ 120, 961, 27, 12 ], [ 120, 710, 206, 11 ], [ 120, 149, 577, 11 ], [ 120, 149, 577, 11 ], [ 120, 149, 577, 11 ], [ 120, 419, 423, 11 ], [ 120, 419, 423, 11 ], [ 120, 419, 423, 11 ], [ 120, 239, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 239, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 239, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 239, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 239, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 239, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 239, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 239, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 279, 639, 108 ], [ 120, 279, 639, 108 ], [ 120, 279, 639, 108 ], [ 120, 279, 639, 108 ], [ 120, 279, 639, 108 ], [ 120, 279, 639, 108 ], [ 120, 279, 639, 108 ], [ 120, 279, 639, 108 ], [ 120, 279, 639, 108 ], [ 120, 279, 639, 108 ], [ 120, 441, 423, 51 ], [ 120, 441, 423, 51 ], [ 120, 441, 423, 51 ], [ 120, 441, 423, 51 ], [ 120, 861, 198, 65 ], [ 120, 861, 198, 65 ], [ 120, 861, 198, 65 ], [ 120, 861, 198, 65 ], [ 120, 861, 198, 65 ], [ 120, 170, 450, 8 ] ]
[ [ 120, 46, 318, 12 ], [ 120, 97, 155, 11 ], [ 284, 98, 110, 9 ], [ 403, 97, 281, 11 ], [ 703, 97, 201, 11 ], [ 120, 113, 110, 9 ], [ 234, 112, 124, 11 ], [ 363, 113, 110, 9 ], [ 477, 112, 53, 11 ], [ 535, 113, 10, 9 ], [ 545, 112, 4, 11 ], [ 120, 198, 142, 11 ], [ 267, 199, 110, 9 ], [ 381, 198, 352, 11 ], [ 738, 199, 100, 9 ], [ 842, 198, 33, 11 ], [ 120, 541, 38, 11 ], [ 175, 542, 87, 11 ], [ 268, 542, 60, 9 ], [ 334, 542, 570, 11 ], [ 120, 554, 170, 11 ], [ 296, 555, 190, 9 ], [ 491, 554, 52, 11 ], [ 548, 555, 60, 9 ], [ 613, 554, 291, 11 ], [ 120, 570, 428, 11 ], [ 554, 570, 320, 9 ], [ 874, 570, 29, 11 ], [ 120, 585, 22, 11 ], [ 147, 586, 190, 9 ], [ 337, 585, 202, 11 ], [ 543, 586, 190, 9 ], [ 738, 585, 166, 11 ], [ 120, 601, 86, 11 ], [ 210, 601, 200, 9 ], [ 415, 601, 100, 11 ], [ 519, 601, 110, 9 ], [ 633, 601, 112, 11 ], [ 120, 511, 484, 11 ], [ 609, 511, 53, 11 ], [ 666, 511, 229, 11 ], [ 120, 654, 45, 11 ], [ 182, 654, 721, 11 ], [ 120, 670, 487, 11 ], [ 120, 752, 183, 11 ], [ 320, 752, 75, 11 ], [ 400, 752, 61, 11 ], [ 466, 752, 438, 11 ], [ 120, 767, 93, 11 ], [ 220, 767, 63, 11 ], [ 289, 767, 614, 11 ], [ 120, 783, 223, 11 ], [ 120, 806, 221, 11 ], [ 347, 807, 40, 9 ], [ 392, 806, 81, 11 ], [ 478, 807, 260, 9 ], [ 744, 806, 160, 11 ], [ 120, 821, 521, 11 ], [ 646, 822, 160, 9 ], [ 806, 821, 97, 11 ], [ 120, 837, 188, 11 ], [ 313, 837, 40, 9 ], [ 357, 837, 82, 11 ], [ 443, 837, 60, 9 ], [ 507, 837, 150, 11 ], [ 689, 961, 215, 12 ], [ 120, 961, 27, 12 ], [ 120, 710, 206, 11 ], [ 120, 149, 317, 11 ], [ 442, 150, 180, 9 ], [ 626, 149, 71, 11 ], [ 120, 419, 315, 11 ], [ 439, 420, 100, 9 ], [ 539, 419, 4, 11 ], [ 120, 239, 240, 11 ], [ 365, 240, 250, 9 ], [ 620, 239, 71, 11 ], [ 708, 239, 195, 11 ], [ 120, 255, 250, 9 ], [ 370, 255, 233, 11 ], [ 608, 255, 180, 9 ], [ 788, 255, 4, 11 ], [ 120, 279, 540, 8 ], [ 147, 293, 72, 8 ], [ 228, 293, 99, 8 ], [ 174, 308, 585, 8 ], [ 174, 322, 18, 8 ], [ 201, 322, 234, 8 ], [ 210, 336, 225, 8 ], [ 174, 350, 9, 8 ], [ 147, 364, 9, 8 ], [ 120, 379, 18, 8 ], [ 120, 441, 423, 8 ], [ 147, 455, 198, 8 ], [ 147, 469, 279, 8 ], [ 120, 483, 9, 8 ], [ 120, 861, 9, 8 ], [ 147, 876, 72, 8 ], [ 147, 890, 81, 8 ], [ 174, 904, 144, 8 ], [ 174, 918, 99, 8 ], [ 120, 170, 450, 8 ] ]
[ 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]