The full dataset viewer is not available (click to read why). Only showing a preview of the rows.
The dataset generation failed
Error code:   DatasetGenerationError
Exception:    ArrowNotImplementedError
Message:      Cannot write struct type 'graph' with no child field to Parquet. Consider adding a dummy child field.
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2011, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 583, in write_table
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 404, in _build_writer
                  self.pa_writer = self._WRITER_CLASS(, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyarrow/parquet/", line 1010, in __init__
                  self.writer = _parquet.ParquetWriter(
                File "pyarrow/_parquet.pyx", line 2157, in pyarrow._parquet.ParquetWriter.__cinit__
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 154, in pyarrow.lib.pyarrow_internal_check_status
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 91, in pyarrow.lib.check_status
              pyarrow.lib.ArrowNotImplementedError: Cannot write struct type 'graph' with no child field to Parquet. Consider adding a dummy child field.
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2027, in _prepare_split_single
                  num_examples, num_bytes = writer.finalize()
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 602, in finalize
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 404, in _build_writer
                  self.pa_writer = self._WRITER_CLASS(, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyarrow/parquet/", line 1010, in __init__
                  self.writer = _parquet.ParquetWriter(
                File "pyarrow/_parquet.pyx", line 2157, in pyarrow._parquet.ParquetWriter.__cinit__
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 154, in pyarrow.lib.pyarrow_internal_check_status
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 91, in pyarrow.lib.check_status
              pyarrow.lib.ArrowNotImplementedError: Cannot write struct type 'graph' with no child field to Parquet. Consider adding a dummy child field.
              The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1529, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1154, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2038, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationError("An error occurred while generating the dataset") from e
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationError: An error occurred while generating the dataset

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What is the unit cell information of zeolite material, which has guest species <span>Cl2</span> and <span>[La+3]</span>, and which is built by elements being Oxygen?
{ "graph": { "directed": true, "graph": {}, "links": [ { "key": { "__enum__": "OZMaterialAttrKey.GUEST_SPECIES" }, "label": "zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label", "source": "Material", "subkey": null, "target": "Literal_0" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZMaterialAttrKey.GUEST_SPECIES" }, "label": "zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label", "source": "Material", "subkey": null, "target": "Literal_1" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZMaterialAttrKey.FRAMEWORK_COMPONENTS" }, "label": "zeo:hasFrameworkComponent/rdfs:label", "source": "Material", "subkey": null, "target": "Literal_2" }, { "key": null, "label": "ocr:hasCrystalInformation/ocr:hasUnitCell", "source": "Material", "subkey": null, "target": "UnitCell" } ], "multigraph": false, "nodes": [ { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Material", "iri": "placeholder", "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": true }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_0", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "Cl2", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_1", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "[La+3]", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_2", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "Oxygen", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "UnitCell", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": true, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": null } ] }, "sparql": "SELECT ?UnitCell WHERE {\n ?Material zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label \"Cl2\" .\n ?Material zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label \"[La+3]\" .\n ?Material zeo:hasFrameworkComponent/rdfs:label \"Oxygen\" .\n ?Material ocr:hasCrystalInformation/ocr:hasUnitCell ?UnitCell .\n}" }
What is the occupiable volume per cell of zeolite framework <span>IFW</span>?
{ "graph": { "directed": true, "graph": {}, "links": [ { "key": null, "label": "zeo:hasFrameworkCode", "source": "Framework", "subkey": null, "target": "Literal_0" }, { "key": null, "label": "zeo:hasTopologicalProperties/zeo:hasOccupiableVolumePerCell", "source": "Framework", "subkey": null, "target": "OccupiableVolumePerCell" } ], "multigraph": false, "nodes": [ { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Framework", "iri": "placeholder", "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": true }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_0", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "IFW", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "OccupiableVolumePerCell", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": true, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": null } ] }, "sparql": "SELECT ?OccupiableVolumePerCell WHERE {\n ?Framework zeo:hasFrameworkCode \"IFW\" .\n ?Framework zeo:hasTopologicalProperties/zeo:hasOccupiableVolumePerCell ?OccupiableVolumePerCell .\n}" }
For zeolite framework, which has guest <span>piperazine</span> and <span>InChI=1S/Gd/q+3</span>, and which has framework components being Al, and whose specific accessible area is higher than 1686, what is the unit cell information?
{ "graph": { "directed": true, "graph": {}, "links": [ { "key": null, "label": "zeo:hasZeoliticMaterial", "source": "Framework", "subkey": null, "target": "Material" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZFrameworkAttrKey.TOPO_ATTR" }, "label": "zeo:hasTopologicalProperties/zeo:hasSpecificAccessibleArea/om:hasNumericalValue", "source": "Framework", "subkey": "SpecificAccessibleArea", "target": "SpecificAccessibleAreaNumericalValue" }, { "key": null, "label": "ocr:hasCrystalInformation/ocr:hasUnitCell", "source": "Framework", "subkey": null, "target": "UnitCell" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZFrameworkAttrKey.GUEST_SPECIES" }, "label": "zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label", "source": "Material", "subkey": null, "target": "Literal_0" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZFrameworkAttrKey.GUEST_SPECIES" }, "label": "zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label", "source": "Material", "subkey": null, "target": "Literal_1" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZFrameworkAttrKey.FRAMEWORK_COMPONENTS" }, "label": "zeo:hasFrameworkComponent/rdfs:label", "source": "Material", "subkey": null, "target": "Literal_2" }, { "key": null, "label": "func", "source": "SpecificAccessibleAreaNumericalValue", "subkey": null, "target": "Func_0" } ], "multigraph": false, "nodes": [ { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Framework", "iri": "placeholder", "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": true }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_0", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "piperazine", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_1", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "InChI=1S/Gd/q+3", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Material", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_2", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "Al", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "SpecificAccessibleAreaNumericalValue", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": null, "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": true, "id": "Func_0", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": ">\n(Decimal('1686'),)", "literal": null, "operand": [ 1686 ], "operator": { "__enum__": "NumOp.GREATER_THAN" }, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "UnitCell", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": true, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": null } ] }, "sparql": "SELECT ?UnitCell WHERE {\n ?Framework zeo:hasZeoliticMaterial ?Material .\n ?Material zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label \"piperazine\" .\n ?Material zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label \"InChI=1S/Gd/q+3\" .\n ?Material zeo:hasFrameworkComponent/rdfs:label \"Al\" .\n ?Framework zeo:hasTopologicalProperties/zeo:hasSpecificAccessibleArea/om:hasNumericalValue ?SpecificAccessibleAreaNumericalValue .\n FILTER ( ?SpecificAccessibleAreaNumericalValue > 1686 )\n ?Framework ocr:hasCrystalInformation/ocr:hasUnitCell ?UnitCell .\n}" }
What is the accessible area per gram of zeolite framework, corresponding to zeolite formula <span>|Na1.2(OH)0.8|[Al2Si2.8O7.8]</span>, and which has guest species <span>N-methylmethanamine</span>, and whose tile code is <span>t-can</span>, and which is made up of only Oxygen?
{ "graph": { "directed": true, "graph": {}, "links": [ { "key": null, "label": "zeo:hasZeoliticMaterial", "source": "Framework", "subkey": null, "target": "Material" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZFrameworkAttrKey.CRYSTAL_INFO" }, "label": "ocr:hasCrystalInformation/ocr:hasTiledStructure/ocr:hasTile/ocr:hasTileCode", "source": "Framework", "subkey": "TiledStructure", "target": "Literal_2" }, { "key": null, "label": "zeo:hasTopologicalProperties/zeo:hasAccessibleAreaPerGram", "source": "Framework", "subkey": null, "target": "AccessibleAreaPerGram" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZFrameworkAttrKey.MATERIALS" }, "label": "zeo:hasChemicalFormula", "source": "Material", "subkey": null, "target": "Literal_0" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZFrameworkAttrKey.GUEST_SPECIES" }, "label": "zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label", "source": "Material", "subkey": null, "target": "Literal_1" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZFrameworkAttrKey.FRAMEWORK_COMPONENTS" }, "label": "zeo:hasFrameworkComponentOnly/rdfs:label", "source": "Material", "subkey": null, "target": "Literal_3" } ], "multigraph": false, "nodes": [ { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Framework", "iri": "placeholder", "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": true }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_0", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "|Na1.2(OH)0.8|[Al2Si2.8O7.8]", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Material", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_1", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "N-methylmethanamine", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_2", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "t-can", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_3", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "Oxygen", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "AccessibleAreaPerGram", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": true, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": null } ] }, "sparql": "SELECT ?AccessibleAreaPerGram WHERE {\n ?Framework zeo:hasZeoliticMaterial ?Material .\n ?Material zeo:hasChemicalFormula \"|Na1.2(OH)0.8|[Al2Si2.8O7.8]\" .\n ?Material zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label \"N-methylmethanamine\" .\n ?Material zeo:hasFrameworkComponentOnly/rdfs:label \"Oxygen\" .\n ?Framework ocr:hasCrystalInformation/ocr:hasTiledStructure/ocr:hasTile/ocr:hasTileCode \"t-can\" .\n ?Framework zeo:hasTopologicalProperties/zeo:hasAccessibleAreaPerGram ?AccessibleAreaPerGram .\n}" }
For zeolite, which has guest <span>(2-aminocyclohexyl)amine</span> and <span>[1-(3-fluorophenyl)cyclopentyl]methyl-trimethyl-ammonium</span> and <span>germanium(4+)</span>, and whose tile code is <span>t-tun-1*</span>, what is the occupiable area per cell?
{ "graph": { "directed": true, "graph": {}, "links": [ { "key": null, "label": "zeo:hasZeoliticMaterial", "source": "Framework", "subkey": null, "target": "Material" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZFrameworkAttrKey.CRYSTAL_INFO" }, "label": "ocr:hasCrystalInformation/ocr:hasTiledStructure/ocr:hasTile/ocr:hasTileCode", "source": "Framework", "subkey": "TiledStructure", "target": "Literal_3" }, { "key": null, "label": "zeo:hasTopologicalProperties/zeo:hasOccupiableAreaPerCell", "source": "Framework", "subkey": null, "target": "OccupiableAreaPerCell" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZFrameworkAttrKey.GUEST_SPECIES" }, "label": "zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label", "source": "Material", "subkey": null, "target": "Literal_0" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZFrameworkAttrKey.GUEST_SPECIES" }, "label": "zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label", "source": "Material", "subkey": null, "target": "Literal_1" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZFrameworkAttrKey.GUEST_SPECIES" }, "label": "zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label", "source": "Material", "subkey": null, "target": "Literal_2" } ], "multigraph": false, "nodes": [ { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Framework", "iri": "placeholder", "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": true }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_0", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "(2-aminocyclohexyl)amine", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_1", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "[1-(3-fluorophenyl)cyclopentyl]methyl-trimethyl-ammonium", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_2", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "germanium(4+)", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Material", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_3", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "t-tun-1*", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "OccupiableAreaPerCell", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": true, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": null } ] }, "sparql": "SELECT ?OccupiableAreaPerCell WHERE {\n ?Framework zeo:hasZeoliticMaterial ?Material .\n ?Material zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label \"(2-aminocyclohexyl)amine\" .\n ?Material zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label \"[1-(3-fluorophenyl)cyclopentyl]methyl-trimethyl-ammonium\" .\n ?Material zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label \"germanium(4+)\" .\n ?Framework ocr:hasCrystalInformation/ocr:hasTiledStructure/ocr:hasTile/ocr:hasTileCode \"t-tun-1*\" .\n ?Framework zeo:hasTopologicalProperties/zeo:hasOccupiableAreaPerCell ?OccupiableAreaPerCell .\n}" }
What is the specific occupiable area of zeolite framework, which has guest species <span>[1-(3-fluorophenyl)cyclopentyl]methyl-trimethylammonium</span>, and which has framework components being Mg only?
{ "graph": { "directed": true, "graph": {}, "links": [ { "key": null, "label": "zeo:hasZeoliticMaterial", "source": "Framework", "subkey": null, "target": "Material" }, { "key": null, "label": "zeo:hasTopologicalProperties/zeo:hasSpecificOccupiableArea", "source": "Framework", "subkey": null, "target": "SpecificOccupiableArea" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZFrameworkAttrKey.GUEST_SPECIES" }, "label": "zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label", "source": "Material", "subkey": null, "target": "Literal_0" }, { "key": { "__enum__": "OZFrameworkAttrKey.FRAMEWORK_COMPONENTS" }, "label": "zeo:hasFrameworkComponentOnly/rdfs:label", "source": "Material", "subkey": null, "target": "Literal_1" } ], "multigraph": false, "nodes": [ { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Framework", "iri": "placeholder", "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": true }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_0", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "[1-(3-fluorophenyl)cyclopentyl]methyl-trimethylammonium", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Material", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "Literal_1", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": "Mg", "literal": true, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": null, "template_node": true, "topic_entity": null }, { "agg": null, "blank_node": null, "func": null, "id": "SpecificOccupiableArea", "iri": null, "key": null, "label": null, "literal": null, "operand": null, "operator": null, "question_node": true, "template_node": null, "topic_entity": null } ] }, "sparql": "SELECT ?SpecificOccupiableArea WHERE {\n ?Framework zeo:hasZeoliticMaterial ?Material .\n ?Material zeo:hasGuestCompound/rdfs:label \"[1-(3-fluorophenyl)cyclopentyl]methyl-trimethylammonium\" .\n ?Material zeo:hasFrameworkComponentOnly/rdfs:label \"Mg\" .\n ?Framework zeo:hasTopologicalProperties/zeo:hasSpecificOccupiableArea ?SpecificOccupiableArea .\n}" }
what are the zeolite material, which has framework components being Aluminum, and whose framework is <span>AFI</span>, and whose unit cell volume is = 5380.9045?
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what are the zeolite framework, whose unit cell volume is greater than or equal to 3881, and whose specific occupiable area is = 1800.23, and whose accessible volume is <= 19.019, and which incorporates <span>N'-(2-azanylethyl)ethane-1,2-diamine</span>, and which has framework building elements being only Silicon?
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What is the atomic structure of zeolite material, which incorporates <span>silver(1+)</span> and <span>[tert-butylimino-bis(dimethylamino)phosphoranyl]-dimethyl-amine</span>, and which has building elements being Silicon only?
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what are the zeolite material, which is built by only Silicon?
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For zeolite, which has guest <span>InChI=1S/CO/c1-2</span>, and corresponding to zeolitic material <span>|Mg19Na58|[Be96P96O384]</span>, what is the accessible area per gram?
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For zeolite material, which incorporates <span>1,3,5,7-tetrazatricyclo[,7]decane</span> and <span>C1CC[N+]2(CC1)CCCCC2</span>, and which is built by elements being Aluminum and Oxygen, what is the transformation from fractional to Cartesian coordinate system?
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What is the transformation from fractional to Cartesian coordinate system of zeolite with formulation <span>|Sr21.44(H2O)36.48|[Si136.5Al55.5O384]</span>?
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What is the occupiable volume per cell of zeolite framework, which incorporates <span>C5H13N</span> and <span>glyoxaline</span> and <span>InChI=1S/C13H26N/c1-2-3-4-5-9-14-10-6-13(7-11-14)8-12-14/h13H,2-12H2,1H3/q+1</span> and <span>pyridine</span>, and which has building elements being Cobalt?
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What is the tiling information of zeolite framework, whose accessible volume is greater than or equal to 14, and whose specific occupiable area is <= 2092, and which has guest species <span>CO</span>?
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For zeolite material, which has guest <span>CC1CC(C[N+](C1)(C)C)C</span> and <span>C4H12N+</span>, and which has framework building elements being Silicon only, what is the tiling information?
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What is the transformation from Cartesian to fractional coordinate system of zeolite framework, whose framework density is bigger than 14.40, and which has guest <span>C1CNCCC1CCCC2CCNCC2</span>?
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What is the unit cell information of zeolite material <span>|Sr46|[Si100Al92O384]</span>?
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For zeolite framework, whose accessible area per cell is > 375, and which is made up of elements being only Oxygen, and which has guest species <span>hydrogen sulfide</span>, what is the unit cell dimensions?
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For zeolite material <span>|Sr26.88|[Si136.5Al55.5O384]</span>, what is the building elements?
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what are the zeolite material, whose unit cell volume is between (4807, 5876), and which is built by elements being Silicon and Oxygen only?
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For zeolite framework, whose occupiable volume is in the range between (13, 17), and whose specific accessible area is greater than 1571, and which incorporates <span>[In+3]</span>, what is the atomic structure?
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What is the framework components of zeolite material <span>|Zn55H16Al7.904O32|[Si104Al88O384]</span>?
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what are the zeolite material, which is made up of Silicon?
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What is the guest of zeolite framework, whose occupiable volume per cell is not less than 599.57, and whose accessible volume is not greater than 6.55, and whose tile code is <span>t-bal*</span>?
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What is the framework components of zeolite, whose occupiable area per gram is less than or equal to 832, and which has guest <span>C8H20N+</span> and <span>dipropylamine</span>?
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For zeolite with formulation <span>|Pd9.8Na12.9H34.8|[Si136.1Al55.9O384]</span>, what is the framework components?
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What is the framework building elements of zeolite material <span>|Al0.0068(OH)0.0272|[Al0.2724Si.7276O2]</span>?
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What is the topological density of zeolite framework, which is built by Silicon?
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What is the guest compound of zeolite framework, which has framework building elements being only P and O, and whose specific accessible area is smaller than 1877?
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For zeolite material, which is built by elements being Silicon and Aluminum only, what is the tiled structure?
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For zeolite framework, which is built by only Al, and whose accessible volume is bigger than 14, and whose occupiable area per cell is smaller than 413, and whose unit cell volume is >= 1857, what is the incorporated species?
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For zeolite framework, whose specific occupiable area is inside the interval (1766, 2160), and which incorporates <span>hydrogen phosphate</span>, what is the atomic structure?
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For zeolite material, which is made up of elements being Aluminum, what is the incorporated species?
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What is the framework components of zeolite framework, whose accessible area per cell is <= 911, and whose specific occupiable area is greater than or equal to 2622?
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For zeolite framework, whose accessible area per gram is between (684, 837.034), and whose specific accessible area is less than 1844, and whose occupiable area per cell is not less than 234.47, and which has guest species <span>InChI=1S/Ba/q+2</span>, what is the framework building elements?
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what are the zeolite material, which has framework building elements being only Phosphorus, and which incorporates <span>InChI=1S/p+1</span>?
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For zeolite material, which has guest species <span>InChI=1S/C3H9N/c1-3(2)4/h3H,4H2,1-2H3/p+1</span>, and which is built by elements being Aluminum and Oxygen, what is the transformation from fractional to Cartesian coordinate system?
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For zeolite framework, which has guest <span>C10H24N4</span>, and whose unit cell volume is >= 3294, what is the occupiable volume?
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What is the tiled structure of zeolite material, which is made up of O and Si only?
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What is the atomic structure of zeolite framework, which has framework building elements being Cobalt and Zinc, and whose occupiable area per gram is not greater than 1082.03?
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For zeolite material with formulation <span>|Sr26.56|[Si136.5Al55.5O384]</span>, what is the framework building elements?
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What is the guest compound of zeolite, whose occupiable area per cell is smaller than 157, and whose specific accessible area is inside the interval (1874.169, 2291), and which has framework components being Phosphorus?
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For zeolite, which incorporates <span>CCCCCC[N+]12CCC(CC1)CC2</span> and <span>InChI=1S/C15H22N/c1-12-6-5-7-13(2)16(12)10-14-8-3-4-9-15(14)11-16/h3-4,8-9,12-13H,5-7,10-11H2,1-2H3/q+1</span>, what is the tiled structure?
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What is the unit cell information of zeolite material, which has building elements being only Oxygen?
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what are the zeolite material, whose unit cell volume is greater than or equal to 5362.86, and which has framework building elements being only Silicon and Oxygen, and which incorporates <span>InChI=1S/C6H6/c1-2-4-6-5-3-1/h1-6H</span>?
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what are the zeolite material, which is made up of Aluminum and Silicon, and which has guest species <span>N-methylbutan-1-amine</span>, and whose tile code is <span>t-hpr</span>?
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For zeolite framework, which has guest <span>InChI=1S/CCl3F/c2-1(3,4)5</span> and <span>InChI=1S/C3H9N/c1-3(2)4/h3H,4H2,1-2H3</span> and <span>InChI=1S/C5H14N/c1-5-6(2,3)4/h5H2,1-4H3/q+1</span>, and which is made up of Al only, what is the composite building block?
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For zeolite material, which has framework building elements being Phosphorus and Silicon only, what is the tiling information?
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For zeolite material <span>|K66.56Na21.66(H2O)7.137|[Al88Si104O384]</span>, what is the tiling information?
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what are the zeolite material, which is made up of only O?
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what are the zeolite material, which incorporates <span>C2H7N</span> and <span>C(C[NH3+])[NH3+]</span>?
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What is the unit cell of zeolite with formulation <span>|Ca.6Na2.6K2.25(H2O)12|[Al6Si10O32]</span>?
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what are the zeolite material, whose unit cell volume is > 4826, and which is built by elements being Oxygen only?
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For zeolite material with formulation <span>[Si36O72]</span>, what is the atomic structure?
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What is the unit cell of zeolite material with formulation <span>|K34.9|[Al34.9Si157.1O390.8]</span>?
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For zeolite framework, which has guest species <span>selenium(2-)</span>, and corresponding to zeolite <span>[Si192O384]</span>, and which is made up of elements being B only, and whose framework density is equal to 18.4, what is the transformation from fractional to Cartesian coordinate system?
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What is the framework building elements of zeolite framework, whose accessible area per gram is equal to 671.09, and which incorporates <span>N',N'-bis(2-azanylethyl)ethane-1,2-diamine</span>?
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what are the zeolite material, which incorporates <span>InChI=1S/Mg/q+2</span>, and which is made up of Oxygen only?
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What is the framework building elements of zeolite framework, whose density is < 1.843963, and whose unit cell volume is not greater than 1414.4492, and corresponding to zeolitic material formula <span>|Na9.4(H2O)37.56|[Al9.4Si26.6O72]</span>, and which has guest species <span>InChI=1S/Ni/q+2</span>?
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what are the zeolite, which has guest <span>1,4,8,11-tetrazacyclotetradecane</span> and <span>C(C[NH3+])[NH3+]</span>?
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What is the building elements of zeolite material, which incorporates <span>1-adamantylamine</span> and <span>C1CCC(C1)[N+]23CCN(CC2)CC3</span>?
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For zeolite framework, which has guest species <span>ethyl(trimethyl)azanium</span>, and which is built by O and P, what is the topological density?
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What is the guest compound of zeolite material, whose framework is <span>CGF</span>, and which is made up of only Gallium?
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what are the zeolite, which has framework components being Gallium, and corresponding to material <span>|Na0.45Ca0.225H0.3|[Al1.2Si2.8O8]</span>, and which has guest species <span>C12H24O6</span>?
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For zeolite framework, which has guest <span>gadolinium(3+)</span>, what is the T atom?
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For zeolite framework, which has framework building elements being Al, and whose accessible area per cell is smaller than 178, what is the transformation from fractional to Cartesian coordinate system?
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For zeolite material <span>|Sr26.24|[Si136.5Al55.5O384]</span>, what is the framework building elements?
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For zeolite material <span>|Na77K19(H2O)396.9|[Al96Si96O384]</span>, what is the tiled structure?
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For zeolite material, which has guest <span>C10H17N</span> and <span>InChI=1S/C14H26N/c1-13(2)8-12-9-14(3,10-13)11-15(12)6-4-5-7-15/h12H,4-11H2,1-3H3/q+1</span>, and which has building elements being Oxygen, what is the atomic structure?
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For zeolite material, which incorporates <span>aluminum(3+)</span>, and which is made up of O and Si only, what is the transformation from fractional to Cartesian coordinate system?
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For zeolite material, which incorporates <span>cyclohexane-1,2-diamine</span> and <span>N-isopropylpropan-2-amine</span>, and which is made up of Silicon only, and whose framework is <span>EON</span>, what is the unit cell?
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What is the transformation from Cartesian to fractional coordinate system of zeolite framework, whose accessible volume per cell is higher than 94, and which is built by elements being only Oxygen, and which incorporates <span>hydrogen sulfide</span>?
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For zeolite framework, whose framework density is <= 20.7, and whose specific accessible area is >= 1727, and which has framework components being Silicon, what is the guest species?
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What is the secondary building block of zeolite framework, which has guest <span>C3H8</span>?
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For zeolite framework, corresponding to material formula <span>|K34.9|[Al34.9Si157.1O390.8]</span>, and whose occupiable area per cell is in the range between (436, 534), and whose accessible volume per cell is > 130.194, and which has framework building elements being Gallium, and which has guest species <span>fluorane</span>, what is the atomic structure?
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What is the tiled structure of zeolite, which is made up of Oxygen, and which has guest species <span>N',N'-bis(2-aminoethyl)ethane-1,2-diamine</span>?
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End of preview.