1 value
To set Corel Web Server Control properties ŸRight-click the Corel Web Server Control object and choose Properties, Corel Web Server Control to open the Web Server Properties dialog box. For more information about Corel Web Server Control properties, see About Corel Web Server Control properties in the online Help. Starting and testing the Corel Web Server The Web Server must be active in order to process requests from browsers. The Corel Web Server (. EXE) is launched in an active state, however, it canbe shut down without exiting the Server. You can test the Corel Web Server(. EXE) or the Corel Web Server Control using your machine as both theclient and the Server. To start the Corel Web Server (. EXE) ŸIf the Corel Web Server (. EXE) has been shut down, you can either clickthe Startup/Shutdown toggle toolbar button, or right-click the Corel Web Server icon on the Windows Taskbar and click Startup. To start the Corel Web Server Control ŸRun a form containing a Corel Web Server Control object. When you start the Corel Web Server Control, you have a fully functional Web server that can retrieve static HTML documents and graphics. To test the Web Server 1Launch your Web browser. 2T ype your computer name as the address to locate. If you don’t know your computer name, consult your Windows documentation. The page you specified in the Web Server Base Pathproperty is displayed by the browser. ŸThe Corel Web Servers are case-sensitive. Be sure to use exactly thesame filename you specified in the HTML Publishing Expert. Viewing Corel Web Server connections Browser requests are displayed in the Corel Web Server (. EXE) window andin the Corel Web Server Control object on a form. 498 Paradox 9: Chapter 10
To view connections to the Corel Web Server (. EXE) ŸMaximize the Corel Web Server window by right-clicking the Corel Web Server icon on the Taskbar and clicking View Connections. To view connections to the Corel Web Server Control ŸView the Paradox form containing the Corel Web Server Control object. The Web Server Repository Use the Web Server Repository to store, view, and edit GXEngine templatesfor dynamic HTML publishing. It is a storage facility for HTML template filesthat are created by the Paradox HTML Publishing Experts and used by the Corel Web Server Control and the GXEngine to produce dynamic HTMLfiles on browser requests. ŸClick T ools, Web Server Repository to view a list of stored templates and their contents. ŸYou can drag a table or report from the Project Viewer to the Repositorypage of the Web Server Repository to launch the appropriate HTMLPublishing Expert. Hyperlink capabilities Paradox now supports hyperlinks to the Internet as static design objects andas data in form and table fields. A text object can be formatted as a hyperlinkwhen created using the T ext Expert. It is also possible to format an existingtext object as a hyperlink by adding Object PAL code to the mouse Click eventin the Object Explorer. You can insert a hyperlink as data by simply typingthe URL in a form or table field. When you click on a hyperlink, Paradox uses the appropriate Internet protocol to follow the link (e. g., for HTTP it will launch the default browserto display the Web Site, for MAILTO it will open a new message in thedefault mail program, etc. ). HTML publishing and Internet tools 499
Supported protocols for hyperlinks Paradox supports the following Internet protocols for hyperlinks: ŸHTTP ŸFTP ŸMAILTO ŸGOPHER ŸNEWS ŸTELNET Inserting hyperlinks Hyperlinks to the Internet can be inserted as data in alpha fields in tables and forms, or as design objects on forms and reports. To insert a hyperlink in a field ŸT ype the URL in an alpha field. To insert a hyperlink as a design object 1Open a form in Design mode. 2Using the text tool, place a new text object on the form. Paradox launchesthe T ext Expert. 3Follow the steps in the T ext Expert. In the last step, enable the Hyperlinkbutton. 4T ype the URL in the Hyperlink box and click Finish. 5Run the form to activate the hyperlink. ŸBe sure to include the appropriate protocol for the hyperlink (e. g.,HTTP://, FTP://). ŸYou do not have to use the actual URL as the text to be linked. Whatevertext you use will be linked to the URL specified. Importing HTML data The HTML Import Expert helps you import tables or lists from HTML filesinto Paradox tables. It will let you add the data to an existing table or helpyou create a new one for your data. Click File, Import to launch the HTML 500 Paradox 9: Chapter 10
Import Expert. For help using the HTML Import Expert, click the Help button in the Expert’s dialog box. To import data from an HTML file 1Click File, Import. 2Click the HTML Expert button. 3Follow the steps in the HTML Import Expert. HTML publishing and Internet tools 501
Index ! ! operator (QBE)............... 3 7 0.. operator (QBE query)............. 3 3 8. BMP..................4 2 5. EPS..................4 2 5. FDL..................2 4 0. F P..................2 0 4. F T..................2 0 4. GIF..................4 2 5. JPG..................4 2 5 graphic objects............... 4 2 5 inserting graphics..............4 2 5. M B..................4 1 0. PCX..................4 2 5. RTF..................2 8 2. TIF..................4 2 5 @ operator (QBE query)............. 3 3 8 A accessing context sensitive Help............. 1 0 Object PAL tutorial..............9 online tutorial............... 9 style sheets............... 2 0 5 activate hyperlinks............. 5 4, 2 0 0 active tools................1 9 3 Active X................. 4 4 1 table frame objects............. 4 4 1 crosstabs................4 4 1 multi-record objects............. 4 4 1 Active X Control toolbar displaying................4 4 5 Active X controls............. 441, 443, 445 editing events............... 4 4 7 placing on a form..............4 4 7 programming Paradox VCR........... 4 4 6 registering................4 4 7 removing from a toolbar............4 4 7 V C R................. 4 4 6 adding........... 105, 178, 197-198, 232, 262 fields................. 1 0 5 forms................. 2 3 2 group bands............... 2 6 2printers................2 8 1 records............... 1 3 0-1 3 2 to Project Viewer..............4 3 adding a tab marker..............1 9 7 adding indents............... 1 9 8 expanded ruler............... 1 9 8 adding tables data table................1 7 8 adding tables to queries............. 3 1 9 adding to spell checker............. 1 5 8 adjusting................. 1 9 6 lines................. 1 9 6 margins................1 9 6 spacing................. 1 9 6 tabs................. 1 9 6 text alignment............... 1 9 6 advanced queries (QBE)............. 3 5 5 After events O L E................. 4 4 3 aliases..................4 6 creating................. 4 8 forms................. 2 4 0 modifying................4 8 removing................4 8 aligning................. 1 1 5 design objects............. 2 1 2-2 1 3 heading text............... 1 2 4 text................. 1 9 9 Aligning fields with tables..............4 1 7 aligning text text objects............... 4 5 9 alignment properties..............1 1 5 alpha strings calculating with..............4 1 8 alphanumeric values with CALC operator (QBE)............3 5 0 A N D..................4 2 9AND operator (QBE)..............3 4 0 different fields............... 3 4 2 same field................3 4 1 answer table (QBE)..............3 2 4 renaming................3 2 4 renaming fields..............3 2 6 Index i Index
sort descending..............3 2 7 sorting................. 3 2 6 answer table field creating new (QBE)............. 3 5 0 answer table properties (QBE)........... 3 5 2 areas charts................. 3 9 6 arithmetic (QBE)............... 3 3 2 arithmetic operators with CALC operator (QBE)............3 4 9 arithmetic query operators (QBE)........... 3 3 2 Ask The Perfect Expert..............8 attaching................. 2 2 6 code................. 2 2 6 methods................2 2 6 attaching code............... 2 2 6 auto table resize............... 8 2 auxiliary passwords..............7 3 creating................. 7 6 deleting................. 7 6 modifying................7 6 auxiliary table properties (QBE query)......... 3 5 3 AVERAGE operator group queries (QBE)............356, 359 B band labels................2 5 2 displaying................2 5 2 band properties modifying................2 7 7 bands..........183, 217, 251-252, 254, 258, 261 deleting............... 2 5 3-2 5 4 displaying................2 5 2 footers................. 2 5 1 forms................. 1 8 3 group................. 2 5 1 headers................2 5 1 labels................. 2 5 2 minimizing................2 5 4 modifying..............2 5 1-2 5 2 printing................2 5 1 properties............... 252, 276 removing............... 251, 254 report................. 2 5 4 reports................. 1 8 3 resizing................2 5 3 selecting................2 5 3starting page numbers............. 2 5 9 viewing................2 5 3 B D E..................1 2 5 configuring..............1 2 5-1 2 7 desktop preferences..............3 8 BDE (Borland Database Engine)........... 4 6 4 Local Share property............. 4 6 4 sharing information............. 4 6 4 Before events O L E................. 4 4 3 BLANK operator (QBE)............. 3 3 7 blank values................3 3 7 B L O B..................1 7 6 field types................1 7 6 BLOB fields viewing................. 8 9 Boolean A N D................. 4 2 9 O R..................4 2 9X O R................. 4 2 9 borders................. 1 9 9 borrowing table structures............. 5 4 Box tool................3 8 8-3 8 9 boxes................3 8 8-3 8 9 creating................3 8 9 resizing................3 8 9 breakable properties................2 7 6 Button tool................3 9 2 button types................3 9 3 choosing................3 9 3 buttons................3 9 2-3 9 3 appearance............... 3 9 4 attaching methods..............3 9 4 changing labels..............3 9 2 creating................3 9 2 deleting lables............... 3 9 2 Object PAL and............... 3 9 4 placing a graphic..............4 2 7 programming............... 3 9 4 resizing................3 9 2 run time tab order..............2 3 9 C CALC operator (QBE)..............3 4 8 answer field............... 3 5 0 with alphanumeric values............3 5 0 ii Index Index
with arithmetic operators............3 4 9 with different tables............. 3 5 1 with summary operators............3 6 1 calculated fields..............4 1 2-4 1 3 aligning with tables............. 4 1 7 alpha strings............... 4 1 8 calculating dates based on current dates........4 2 2 controlling page numbering........... 4 2 3 creating............... 4 1 4-4 1 5 defining..............4 1 4-415, 417 difference between summary fields..........4 1 2 finding minimum or maximum values......... 4 2 0 increasing you printing options..........4 2 3 operators................4 1 3 printing................4 2 3 printing formulas..............4 2 5 printing Object PAL attached........... 4 2 5 printing only fie..............4 2 3 refering to fields..............4 1 5 referring to fields..............4 1 3 returning whole numbers............4 2 0 rounding values..............4 1 9 storing values in tables............. 4 1 2 truncating values..............4 2 0 using constants..............4 1 7 using dates..............4 2 1-4 2 2 using number methods............. 4 1 9 using Object PAL procedures........... 4 1 9 using special fields..............4 2 3 using summaries..............4 1 4 using times................4 2 1 using to control capitalization........... 4 2 4 when to use..............4 1 2-4 1 3 calculating................4 1 2 averages................4 0 9 difference between two dates........... 4 2 1 difference between two times........... 4 2 1 using constants..............4 1 7 using fields for............... 4 1 2 calculation on group (QBE example)..........3 6 1 calculation on table (QBE example)..........3 6 2 calculations in QBE query............. 3 4 8 capitalization controlling via Calculated fields..........4 2 4 cascade query images..............3 2 3 CHANGED. DB................3 8 2 CHANGETO operator (QBE)........... 375, 382 CHANGETO query............... 3 8 2multi-table............... 3 8 4 performing................3 8 3 temporary tables..............3 8 2 undoing................3 8 3 CHANGETO query (QBE) example................3 8 4 changing k e y..................1 0 5 OLE objects............... 4 8 4 tab order................2 3 8 Changing................. 4 0 2 changing records (QBE query)........... 3 8 3 changing values (QBE query)......... 375, 382-383 chart areas................3 9 6 Chart Expert................1 3 Chart tool................. 3 9 5 charts..............2 8 5-286, 291, 395 areas................. 3 9 6 attaching data............. 2 8 9-2 9 0 background............... 2 9 7 changing appearance........... 2 9 6-2 9 8 changing data type..............2 9 3 changing type............... 2 9 3 color................. 2 9 8 creating............... 288, 395 creating custom colors for............2 9 8 data types................2 8 6 defining................2 8 9 description................2 8 6 detail table................2 8 7 fonts................. 2 9 7 grouping data............... 2 9 0 menu items............... 2 9 1 modifying............2 9 1-292, 296, 396 multi-table................2 8 7 one-dimensional..............2 8 6 properties............. 2 9 1-292, 396 quick................. 9 0 removing fields..............2 9 6 resizing................3 9 5 tabular................. 2 8 6 three-dimensional..............2 9 6 title................. 2 9 6 transparency............... 2 9 8 two-dimensional............. 286, 290 z-axis................. 2 9 6 check query................. 3 2 2 Index iii Index
Check box buttons............... 3 9 3 changing labels..............4 0 2 check descending query................. 3 2 2 check plus query................. 3 2 2 child tables................. 7 7 referential integrity............7 9, 1 0 8 child/parent relationships........... 7 7, 7 9, 1 0 7 choosing tables queries................. 3 1 8 closing and exiting Paradox............4 9 color properties............... 1 1 5 colors..................1 1 9 changing background............. 1 1 9 column headings............... 1 1 5 changing................1 1 5 Columnar property multi-record objects............. 4 3 3 columns............... 5 1, 113, 189 design objects............... 2 1 8 changing appearance of............1 1 3 contained design objects............2 1 8 moving, resizing, or rotating........... 1 1 4 showing all in a multi-record object......... 4 3 4 combining fields in table frame objects............. 4 5 3 Combo Boxes................4 4 1 comparison (QBE query)............. 3 3 5 comparison operators (QBE query)..........3 3 5 composite indexes............... 5 8 d BASE................. 9 8 setting ranges............... 9 8 composite keys................5 6 and indexes................7 9 creating................. 5 6 indexes................. 5 8 composite secondary indexes............5 8 creating................. 6 0 configuring................1 2 5 B D E................1 2 5-1 2 7 connections Corel Web Server..............4 9 8 constant value adding to answer table (QBE)........... 3 5 0 constants calculating with..............4 1 7 contained................. 2 2 5objects................. 2 1 8 contained design objects............. 2 1 9 column................. 2 1 8 creating................2 1 8 grids................. 2 1 8 rows................. 2 1 8 selecting................2 1 9 contained objects............. 201, 388 deleting................2 1 9 moving................. 2 2 0 selected................2 0 1 contained relationships............. 2 1 7 unbreakable............... 2 1 7 container................. 2 1 3 deleting................2 2 0 keeping objects together............2 7 4 container relationship..............2 2 0 breaking................2 2 0 deleting................2 2 0 containers............... 201, 217 containership hierarchy............. 2 1 7 containing design objects............... 2 1 7 contracting objects..............2 7 0 preventing................2 7 0 conventions................. 7 Copy To File graphic objects............... 4 2 7 copying................. 1 5 1 data................. 1 4 5 defaults................1 1 6 forms................227, 232 notebook pages..............4 3 9 referential integrity..............7 7 tables............... 1 3 5-1 3 6 to files................. 1 5 4 copying and pasting..............1 5 1 data................. 1 5 3 graphic data............... 1 5 9 Corel Community............... 9 Corel Corporation............... 2 Corel on the Web................9 Corel Reference Center..............1 0 Corel Web Server..............493, 496 properties................4 9 7 repository................4 9 9 setup................. 4 9 7 starting................4 9 8 iv Index Index
testing................. 4 9 8 viewing connections............. 4 9 8 Corel Web Server Repository............4 9 8 Corel Web site................9 COUNT operator examples................3 5 7 group queries (QBE)............3 5 6-3 5 7 counting using summary fields............. 4 0 9 counting unique values (QBE example)......... 3 6 3 creating................. 3 4 5 aliases................. 4 8 blank forms............... 2 2 7 contained design object............2 1 8 design objects............... 2 0 6 dialog box................2 3 5 existing forms............... 2 2 7 forms................. 2 2 7 linking................. 1 7 6 mailing labels............... 2 4 8 multiple design objects............. 2 0 9 reports................. 2 4 6 style sheet................2 0 4 style sheets..............188, 204 table aliases............... 1 8 1 toolbars................1 9 3 windows................2 3 5 windows style............... 2 3 5 Crosstab Expert................1 3 Crosstab tool................3 9 7 crosstabs........... 206, 285, 299-300, 397 attaching data............... 3 0 4 changing the appearance............3 0 7 changing the size..............3 0 7 creating............... 303, 397 defining............... 3 0 4-3 0 6 defining categories..............3 0 5 defining columns..............3 0 5 defining fields............... 3 0 5 defining rows............... 3 0 5 definition................2 9 9 description................3 0 0 detail table............... 3 0 0 modifying............. 3 0 7-308, 397 multi-table............... 3 0 0 one-dimensional..............3 0 0 performing calculations with........... 3 0 6 properties................3 9 7quick................. 9 0 rearranging fields on............. 3 0 8 removing fields..............3 0 5 resizing................3 9 7 running................3 0 3 saving................. 3 0 4 summary fields..............3 0 6 two-dimensional..............3 0 0 viewing data from..............3 0 3 currency formats............... 1 2 6 current date................3 3 7 cursor-control keys forms................. 2 3 6 custom colors..............122, 298 creating............... 122, 298 custom menus................2 7 8 displaying................2 7 8 customizing............... 3 8, 1 9 4 data formats..............125, 129 Desktop Preferences..............3 8 Object PAL preferences............. 4 0 workspace................1 9 3 cutting data................. 1 4 5 forms................. 2 3 2 cutting and pasting..............1 5 1 data................. 1 5 1 graphic data............... 1 5 9 D data..............143, 159, 241, 249 copying and pasting............. 1 5 3 cross-tabulating............. 299, 397 cutting and pasting..............1 5 1 design................. 2 0 6 displaying in forms............. 3 9 8 displaying in reports............. 3 9 8 editing............... 1 4 3-1 4 4 entering................1 4 3 exporting................4 7 2 graphic................. 1 5 9 importing................4 6 4 keyboard shortcuts for entry........... 1 4 7 merging................2 4 9 normalization............... 2 7 searching and replacing............1 6 0 table lookups............... 1 6 6 Index v Index
updating................2 4 1 data dependent field..............1 1 5 data dependent properties............. 1 1 5 data entry............... 227, 241 data format logical................. 1 2 5 data formats................1 2 5 changing custom..............1 3 0 customizing..............125, 129 date................125, 127 deleting custom..............1 3 0 logical................. 1 2 7 money............... 1 2 5-1 2 6 number............... 1 2 5-1 2 6 numeric................1 2 8 predefined..............1 2 5-1 2 7 time................125, 127 timestamp............... 125, 127 data model................3 1, 1 7 1 adding tables............... 1 7 8 applying changes..............1 8 2 complex................1 7 1 creating............... 1 7 1-1 7 3 group................. 1 7 1 modifying................1 8 2 multi-table................1 7 1 opening................1 7 2 printing................1 8 2 query................. 1 7 3 reference................1 7 4 removing tables..............1 7 8 single table................1 7 1 table................. 1 7 4 viewing................. 1 7 9 data model designer table properties..............1 8 0 data series defining................2 9 0 database organizing................4 2 Database Expert............... 1 3 databases................. 2 5 flat file................. 2 6 relational................2 6 date fields formatting................1 2 7 dates calculating................4 2 1calculating based on current date..........4 2 2 calculating the difference between..........4 2 1 finding with wildcards (QBE)........... 3 4 0 d BASE composite indexes..............9 8 exporting data to..............4 7 2 indexes................. 5 8 sorting................. 1 0 0 DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)..........463, 488 and Quattro Pro..............4 8 9 disconnecting link..............4 9 1 Paradox as client (queries)........... 4 9 0 Paradox as client (tables)............4 8 9 Paradox as client and server (queries)......... 4 9 0 Paradox as server............4 8 8-4 8 9 default form window settings............. 2 4 4 naming................2 2 0 page layout............... 2 3 0 default properties............... 1 9 4 default size design objects............... 2 0 6 text objects............... 2 0 6 defaults................. 1 1 6 copying................. 1 1 6 creating table............... 1 1 6 fonts................. 1 2 1 validity checks............... 6 6 defining group bands............... 2 6 2 defining key fields............... 5 6 DELETE operator (QBE)............375, 379 DELETE query (QBE)..............3 7 9 example................3 8 1 performing................3 8 0 restoring records..............3 8 1 temporary tables..............3 7 9 undoing................3 8 1 DELETED. DB................3 7 9 deleting................. 1 4 8 bands............... 2 5 3-2 5 4 contained objects............. 219, 388 container................2 2 0 custom data formats............125, 130 fields................105, 150 forms................. 2 3 2 master passwords..............7 5 records............... 148, 150 vi Index Index
secondary indexes..............6 1 table properties..............1 1 7 tables................. 1 3 8 deleting records (QBE query)..........3 7 9-3 8 0 deleting values (QBE query)........... 375, 380 delimited text exporting................4 7 4 importing................4 6 8 delivering reports............... 2 7 6 modifying................2 7 6 dependent tables............... 1 0 8 deselecting design objects............. 2 0 7 design..................2 0 6 data................. 2 0 6 saving................. 2 0 6 design documents............. 169, 186 design layout................1 8 5 open................. 1 8 5 options................. 1 8 6 design object properties modifying................2 2 4 design objects......... 193, 206, 216, 219, 224, 387 adding to a table frame............4 5 2 adjusting................2 1 4 aligning............... 2 1 2-2 1 3 back................. 2 1 0 color................. 1 8 8 containers............... 210, 217 creating............... 193, 206 default select............... 2 0 7 default shape............... 2 1 5 default size..............206, 215 deselecting................2 0 7 duplicating............... 2 0 9 forms................. 2 0 6 frames................. 2 1 1 front................. 2 1 0 grouping..............176, 208, 210 modifying............... 207, 215 moving............... 2 1 2-2 1 4 naming................2 2 0 outlines................2 1 2 pinning................. 2 7 1 placing..............2 0 8-210, 214 placing on notebooks............. 4 3 7 properties................2 1 1 resizing................2 1 2 rulers................. 1 9 5selecting............... 207, 219 sizing................. 1 8 8 spacing................. 2 1 4 stacking............... 208, 210 style................. 1 8 8 unmodifiable............... 2 0 7 unselectable............... 2 0 7 viewing................. 2 1 1 viewing properties..............2 1 1 design setup................2 0 0 design tools................1 9 3 modifying................1 9 4 design windows............... 1 8 6 form................. 1 9 2 grids................. 1 9 9 preferences,............... 2 0 0 reports................. 1 9 2 toolbars................1 9 3 designing forms................. 2 2 8 reports............... 228, 246 designing a report from a form........... 2 4 7 Desktop preferences..............3 8 detail records................1 9 0 nesting................. 1 9 1 placing................. 1 9 1 detail tables..............171, 174, 176 crosstabs of............... 3 0 0 master records............... 1 9 0 performing summaries............. 4 0 5 development package..............2 2 6 dialog box................. 2 3 4 creating................2 3 5 forms................. 2 3 4 directories................. 4 5 private directory..............4 6 working directory..............4 5 display fields................. 1 8 6 toolbars................1 9 3 display fields................1 8 7 columns................1 8 7 rows................. 1 8 7 display multiple tables............. 1 9 0 horizontally............... 1 9 0 vertically................1 9 0 displaying................. 6 9 band labels............... 2 5 2 Index vii Index
custom menus............... 2 7 8 data in forms............... 3 9 8 data in reports............... 3 9 8 form pages................2 3 3 frames................. 2 1 1 memos................. 2 4 4 object size................2 1 2 objects................. 2 0 3 OLE fields................2 1 7 scroll bar................2 2 3 sidebar................. 2 6 7 toolbars................. 1 7 validity checks............... 6 9 window properties..............2 3 5 displaying graphics..............2 1 7 displaying memos............... 2 4 4 displaying objects............. 189, 202 columns................1 8 9 frames................. 2 0 2 rows................. 1 8 9 Do events O L E................. 4 4 3 docking toolbars............... 1 7 documentation............... 6-7 Object PAL................8 Object PAL online tutorial............. 9 online Help................8 online tutorial............... 9 Documentation Expert..............1 3 duplicating design objects............... 2 0 9 dynamic documents..............4 9 3 Dynamic Publishing............... 1 0 E edit................. 144, 400 fields................144, 400 edit fields............... 144, 400 unlabeled fields............. 144, 400 Edit mode................. 1 4 4 editing Active X control events............. 4 4 7 live query views (QBE)............. 3 3 0 text objects............... 4 5 5 tools................. 1 9 6 editing data................1 4 3 Ellipse tool............... 388, 390ellipses................388, 390 creating................3 9 0 resizing................3 9 0 Embedding objects..............4 4 1 emptying................. 1 3 0 records................. 1 3 0 tables................. 1 3 8 equal to operator (QBE query)........... 3 3 5 ERRORCHG. DB............... 3 8 2 ERRORDEL. DB................3 7 9 ERRORINS. DB................3 7 7 event types OLE controls............... 4 4 3 EVERY operator (QBE)............. 3 6 5 exact matches (QBE query)............3 3 3 EXACTLY operator (QBE)............. 3 6 5 example container keeping objects together..........2 7 4 invisible lines aligning pushed objects......... 2 7 3 pulling objects............... 2 7 1 pushed objects............... 2 7 1 example element............. 3 4 6-3 4 7 example elements............. 3 4 4-3 4 6 linking tables............... 3 1 9 with LIKE or NOT..............3 4 8 Excel exporting data to..............4 7 2 importing data............... 4 6 4 existing forms opening................2 2 9 exiting Paradox................. 4 9 Expanded Ruler............196, 459-460 adding indents............... 1 9 8 aligning text............... 4 5 9 placing tabs............... 1 9 7 specifying line spacing............. 4 6 0 text alignment............... 1 9 9 toolbars................1 9 3 vertical line spacing............. 1 9 9 expanding objects............... 2 6 8 container keeping objects together..........2 7 4 modifying................2 6 8 pinning................. 2 7 1 preventing................2 7 0 expanding rulers............... 1 9 9 experts..............1 3, 170, 227, 248 desktop preferences..............3 8 viii Index Index
forms................170, 227 mailing labels............... 2 4 8 report................. 1 7 0 exporting................. 4 7 2 data................. 4 6 3 to d BASE................4 7 2 to delimited text..............4 7 4 to Excel................4 7 2 to fixed length text..............4 7 5 to Lotus 1-2-3............... 4 7 2 to Quattro Pro............... 4 7 2 to spreadsheet............... 4 7 3 to tables................4 7 3 to Word Perfect............... 4 7 2 F fast query option (QBE query)........... 3 5 3 field labels................1 8 8 hide................. 1 8 8 show................. 1 8 8 field layouts placing more than one record on a page....... 4 3 1-4 3 2 field names................1 8 8 hide................. 1 8 8 show................. 1 8 8 field objects sizing................. 2 1 5 Field palette................3 9 9 field properties............... 1 1 5 changing................1 1 5 Field tool................. 3 9 8 field types alpha................6 3, 1 0 9 autoincrement..............6 3, 1 0 9 B C D................. 1 0 0 binary................9 1, 1 0 0 B L O B................100, 176bytes................9 1, 1 0 0 changing................1 1 0 compatible................1 3 1 converting................1 0 9 date............... 6 3, 109, 127 formatted memo..............9 1 graphic................. 9 1 importing spreadsheets............4 6 7 logical................100, 127 long integer..............6 3, 1 0 9memo................9 1, 1 0 0 money............... 6 3, 109, 126 number............. 6 3, 109, 126, 128 O L E................9 1, 1 0 0short................6 3, 1 0 9 time................6 3, 1 2 7 timestamp............... 6 3, 1 2 7 Field View................. 8 9 editing data in............. 144, 146 fields......... 5 1, 144, 186, 206, 261, 398, 400, 412 adding..............105, 398-399 aligning with tables............. 4 1 7 alpha................. 2 6 1 attaching data............... 3 9 8 Calculated................4 1 2 calculating dates based on current dates........4 2 2 calculating with alpha strings........... 4 1 8 calculating with constants............4 1 7 changing possible values............4 0 1 Check Box................4 0 0 choosing type............... 4 0 1 Combo................. 4 0 0 creating................3 9 8 date or time stamp..............2 6 1 dates................. 4 2 1 defining............... 398, 414 defining possible values............4 0 1 deleting............... 105, 150 display................. 1 8 6 Drop-Down Edit..............4 0 0 edit................144, 400 embedding OLE objects............4 7 8 finding minimum or maximum values with....... 4 2 0 formatted memo..............1 2 2 hiding contents of..............4 1 1 key fields............... 5 1, 7 9 List................. 4 0 0 locating................1 6 1 logical................. 2 6 1 moving off................1 4 8 number................2 6 1 number methods..............4 1 9 order................. 1 8 6 passwords................4 1 1 performing calculations..........404, 413-414 printing only fields containing data......... 4 2 3 protecting data............... 4 1 1 Radio Button............... 4 0 0 Index ix Index
read-only................4 1 1 rearranging..............1 1 3-1 1 4 renaming................1 0 5 reset................. 1 8 6 resizing................3 9 8 returning whole numbers............4 2 0 rounding values..............4 1 9 searching and replacing............1 6 2 security................4 1 1 special................. 4 0 3 summary..............4 0 4-4 0 5 suppressing contents of............. 4 1 1 times................. 4 2 1 to control capitalization............4 2 4 truncating values..............4 2 0 types of................4 0 0 file compatibility R T F................. 2 8 2 file format. F P..................2 0 4. F T..................2 0 4R T F................. 2 8 2 files copying to................1 5 4 pasting from............... 1 5 5 printing................2 8 1 filtering tables................9 4 either/or conditions..............9 7 quick forms................9 9 setting ranges............... 9 8 special characters..............9 4 filters..................9 1 creating and removing fields........... 9 6 tables................. 9 1 versus queries..............9 1, 9 3 Find Duplicate Expert..............1 3 finding (QBE)................3 3 7 finding blank values (QBE)............3 3 7 finding current date (QBE)............3 3 7fixed length text............... 4 7 0 exporting................4 7 5 flicker-free draw..............200, 243 fonts..................1 2 1 default................. 1 2 1 footers..............251, 254, 256, 260 group bands............... 2 6 0 printing................2 5 7 report bands............... 2 5 4suppressing............... 2 5 6 form expert................. 1 7 0 linking................. 1 7 4 Form Expert................1 3 form page properties modifying................2 4 0 form pages moving among............... 2 3 8 properties................2 4 0 form properties modifying................2 4 0 form windows............. 241, 243-244 default settings..............2 4 4 default view............... 2 4 3 magnification............... 2 4 3 saving................. 2 4 4 saving changes............... 2 4 3 settings................2 4 4 sizing................. 2 4 3 formatted memo fields............. 1 2 2 aligning text............... 1 2 3 changing................1 2 2 formatting reports................. 2 7 7 formatting text............... 1 9 6 forms................. 3 6, 1 6 9 adding................. 2 3 2 alias................. 2 4 0 appearance............... 2 0 3 bands................. 1 8 3 copy................. 2 3 2 creating................2 2 7 cursor-control keys............. 2 3 6 c u t..................2 3 2deleting................2 3 2 delivering................2 4 0 design window............... 1 9 2 designing..............2 2 7-2 2 8 desktop preferences..............3 8 dialog box................2 3 4 existing................2 2 7 experts................. 2 2 7 features................2 2 7 frame properties..............2 3 4 frames................. 2 1 1 layout................. 1 8 3 modifying............... 192, 227 x Index Index
modifying properties............. 2 4 0 moving............... 233, 236 multi-page..............2 3 1-2 3 2 opening............... 229, 247 page layout............... 2 3 0 pages................. 2 3 2 paste................. 2 3 2 penetrating properties............. 2 2 6 performing summaries............. 4 0 5 pinning................. 2 1 4 placing design objects............. 2 0 9 printing................2 4 5 properties................2 4 0 protecting................2 4 0 publish to HTML..............4 9 5 quick................. 9 0 rotating................2 3 3 running..............2 4 1-242, 244 running from design window........... 2 4 2 scroll bars............... 221, 236 side by side............... 2 3 3 source code............... 2 4 0 stacking................2 3 3 static design............... 2 4 0 style sheets..............188, 203 tab order................2 3 6 table properties..............1 8 0 tiling................. 2 3 3 title bar properties..............2 3 4 top and bottom..............2 3 3 unchanging design..............2 4 0 unmodifyable design............. 2 4 0 user version............... 2 4 0 viewing..............241, 243-244 window properties..............2 3 4 window style............... 2 3 4 windows................2 3 4 zooming................2 4 3 formulas printing................4 2 5 frame object check box............. 2 1 1 disabling................2 1 1 enabling................2 1 1 frame objects................2 0 0 frames creating for graphic objects........... 4 2 6 design objects............... 2 1 1 displaying................2 1 1displaying objects..............2 0 2 forms................. 2 1 1 reports................. 2 1 1 G graphic objects..............4 2 5-4 2 6. JPG................. 4 2 5 changing appearance of............4 2 9 creating frames..............4 2 6 cropping................4 2 8 defining................4 2 6 frames................. 4 2 6 making background transparent..........4 2 9 manipulating............... 4 2 9 masking................4 2 9 moving................. 4 2 7 placing in frames..............4 2 6 placing on a button............. 4 2 7 placing on a form or report........... 4 2 6 Raster operations..............4 2 9 resizing............... 426, 428 saving................. 4 2 7 server applications..............4 2 6 graphics................9 0, 1 5 9 cutting and pasting............. 1 5 9 displaying................2 1 7 scroll bars................2 2 1 using Paste From..............1 6 0 viewing................. 9 0 graphs................2 8 5-2 8 6 greater than operator (QBE query)..........3 3 5 greater-equal operator (QBE query)..........3 3 5 grid properties................1 1 5 grid styles table frame objects............. 4 5 2 grids..................1 9 9 changing................1 1 8 contained design objects............2 1 8 design objects............... 2 1 8 design windows..............1 9 9 displaying................1 9 9 division................1 9 9 lines............... 199, 212-213 measurements............... 2 0 0 snapping................2 1 3 ticks................. 1 9 9 units................. 1 9 9 Index xi Index
group bands........... 251, 254, 260-261, 263 adding................. 2 6 2 by range............... 261, 263 date or timestamp fields............2 6 1 defining................2 6 2 displaying................2 6 0 displaying repeated group values..........2 6 0 field values................2 6 3 footers................. 2 6 0 headers................2 6 0 logical fields............... 2 6 1 modifying................2 6 4 moving................. 2 6 0 multiple............... 260, 264 number fields............... 2 6 1 number of records..............2 6 3 page breaks............... 2 6 2 printing preferences............. 2 6 6 rearranging............... 2 6 4 removing................2 5 4 scope................. 2 6 0 sorting................. 2 6 5 group by check query................. 3 2 2 group headers printing................2 6 6 printing preferences............. 2 6 6 group queries (QBE)............3 5 5-3 5 6 AVERAGE operator............356, 359 COUNT operator............. 3 5 6-3 5 7 field type limitations............. 3 5 6 MAX operator..............356, 360 MIN operator..............356, 360 SUM operator..............356, 358 summary operator modifiers........... 3 5 6 group records suppressing............... 2 6 5 group repeats removing................2 6 5 group values remove group repeats............. 2 6 5 suppressing............... 2 6 5 grouping................. 2 6 3 by range................2 6 3 design objects............... 2 1 0 field values................2 6 3 number of records..............2 6 3 sort order................2 6 5groups within other groups............2 1 0 H headers............. 251, 254, 256, 260 bands................. 2 5 1 changing................2 5 5 group bands............... 2 6 0 modifying................2 5 5 page breaks............... 2 5 4 report bands............... 2 5 4 suppressing............... 2 5 6 Help................... 8 printing................. 1 0 horizontal scroll lock..............8 8 HTML................4 9 3-4 9 4 experts................. 4 9 4 importing................5 0 0 publishing..............4 9 3-4 9 4 publishing forms..............4 9 5 publishing reports..............4 9 5 publishing tables..............4 9 4 HTML Import Expert..............1 3 HTT files................. 4 9 6 hyperlinks..............5 4, 200, 499 capabilities............... 4 9 9 inserting................5 0 0 hypertext templates..............4 9 6 I icons margins................1 9 9 image locks................1 3 9 importing................. 4 6 4 data..............4 6 3-464, 468 delimited text............... 4 6 8 Excel................. 4 6 4 fixed length text..............4 7 0 Lotus 1-2-3............... 4 6 4 Quattro Pro............... 4 6 4 spreadsheets............... 4 6 5 importing HTML data..............5 0 0 in date condition............... 3 4 7 inclusion operator (QBE example)........... 3 7 4 inclusion operator (QBE)............. 3 7 0 inclusive links (QBE)............. 355, 370 linking to all records............. 3 7 1 xii Index Index
indents................. 1 9 8 adding................. 1 9 8 moving................. 1 9 8 indexes..............2 9, 5 8, 171, 176 and referential integrity............. 7 7 composite................5 8 S Q L..................5 8 inexact matches (QBE query)............3 3 4 Info structure................8 8 INSERT operator (QBE)............3 7 5-3 7 6 INSERT query (QBE)..............3 7 6 example................3 7 8 performing................3 7 7 temporary tables..............3 7 7 INSERTED. DB................3 7 7 inserting................. 1 4 8 embedded OLE objects............. 4 7 9 linked OLE objects..............4 8 2 OLE objects linked to files............4 8 2 OLE objects linked to part of file..........4 8 3 page breaks............... 2 6 7 pages................. 2 3 2 records................. 1 4 8 inserting graphics. JPG................. 4 2 5 inserting records (QBE query)..........3 7 6-3 7 7 inserting values (QBE query)..........3 7 5-3 7 6 Install Anywhere............... 1 0 installing updating................. 4 Installing Paradox............... 2 J JDBC Proxy Server............... 1 0 join command................3 1 9 j Pdox Web Utilities............... 1 0 JRun..................1 0 K k e y..................1 7 4 changing................1 0 5 composite................7 9 creating................. 5 4 foreign key................5 1 key fields..............5 1, 7 7, 7 9 primary key................5 1removing existing..............1 0 5 key fields creating................. 5 6 rules................. 5 6 key violations................5 7 keyboard shortcuts data entry................1 4 7 keys................. 2 9, 5 7 composite................5 6 primary................. 5 6 keyviol table................5 7 L labels................248, 252 adding to forms or reports............4 5 3 bands................. 2 5 2 changing button..............4 0 2 displaying................2 5 2 language................. 1 5 8 Launcher Expert............... 1 3 layout create................. 1 8 3 design................. 1 8 5 forms................. 1 8 3 modifying............... 183, 250 options................. 1 8 3 placing more than one record on a page........4 3 1 printing................2 4 5 reports................. 1 8 3 style................. 1 8 6 tool................. 1 9 6 layouts placing more than one record on a page........4 3 2 less than operator (QBE query)........... 3 3 5 less-equal operator (QBE query)........... 3 3 5 LIKE operator (QBE)..............3 3 4 with example element............. 3 4 8 Line Spacing property text objects............... 4 6 0 Line tool................388, 390 lines................. 388, 390 creating................3 9 0 c u r v e d................. 3 9 0 example................2 7 3 grid................. 1 9 9 placing arrows on..............3 9 0 pushed objects............... 2 7 0 Index xiii Index
resizing................3 9 0 straightening............... 3 9 0 linking................. 5 8, 1 7 4 creating................1 7 6 defining................1 7 7 fields................. 1 7 8 forms................. 1 7 4 index................. 1 7 8 OLE objects............. 478, 482-483 removing................1 7 7 reports................. 1 7 4 types................. 1 7 4 linking tables............. 174, 178, 318 join command............... 3 1 9 query................. 3 1 9 rules (QBE)............... 3 7 1 linking to all table records (QBE example)........3 7 2 linking to all table records (QBE)........... 3 7 1 links..................3 0 disconnecting DDE..............4 9 1 List Boxes................. 4 4 1 live query views (QBE)........... 324, 328-329 creating................3 2 9 editing................. 3 3 0 rules................. 3 2 9 saving................. 3 3 0 locating................. 1 6 0 fields................. 1 6 1 records............... 161, 163 locking................. 1 3 9 records................. 1 6 7 tables................139, 141 locks adding records............... 1 3 1 records............... 1 6 6-1 6 7 logical fields formatting................1 2 7 lookup rights................7 1 lookup tables................6 9 and referential integrity............. 6 9 creating................. 7 1 options................. 6 9 rules for defining..............6 9 viewing in the Visual Database Designer......... 8 4 lookup types................7 1 Lotus 1-2-3 exporting data to..............4 7 2 importing data............... 4 6 4M magnifying............... 217, 243 forms................. 2 4 3 graphics................2 1 7 OLE field................2 1 7 mail sending................4 9 2 mail merge emulating with text objects........... 4 5 6 Mailing Label Expert..............1 3 mailing labels................2 4 8 creating................2 4 8 expert................. 1 7 0 experts................. 2 4 8 margin icon................1 9 9 margins default................. 1 9 9 icon................. 1 9 9 modifying................1 9 9 masking graphic objects............... 4 2 9 master passwords............... 7 3 changing and deleting............. 7 5 creating................. 7 4 master records............... 1 9 0 detail tables............... 1 9 0 display multiple..............1 9 0 master tables........... 171, 173-174, 176, 258 perfoming summaries............. 4 0 5 matches................. 3 3 3 MAX operator examples................3 6 0 group queries (QBE)............356, 360 maximums finding the higher of two values..........4 2 0 measurements..............1 9 9-2 0 0 memo fields................4 1 0 display options............... 4 1 0 displaying contents of............. 4 1 0 viewing................. 8 9 Memo View................. 8 9 editing data in............. 144, 146 memos displaying................2 4 4 Merge Expert................1 3 Merge Paint................4 2 9 merging xiv Index Index
data................. 2 4 9 methods................. 2 2 0 attaching................2 2 6 editing Active X controls............4 4 7 Object PAL................2 2 6 MIN operator examples................3 6 0 group queries (QBE)............356, 360 minimums finding the lower of two values........... 4 2 0 modifying aliases................. 4 8 band properties..............2 7 7 bands............... 2 5 1-2 5 2 data model................1 8 2 default shape............... 2 1 5 default size................2 1 5 delivered reports..............2 7 6 design object properties............2 2 4 design objects............207, 215, 224 design tools............... 1 9 4 dialog boxes............... 2 3 5 existing forms............... 2 2 7 field objects............... 2 1 5 form page properties............. 2 4 0 form properties..............2 4 0 forms................192, 227 group bands............... 2 6 4 headers................2 5 5 layout................. 2 5 0 naming................. 2 2 1 page layout............... 2 3 0 page numbers............... 2 5 9 penetrating properties........... 2 2 5-2 2 6 properties................2 2 4 report properties..............2 7 7 reports............... 192, 246 run time tab order..............2 3 9 secondary indexes..............6 1 tab order................2 3 8 table aliases............... 1 8 1 text alignment............... 1 9 9 windows................2 3 5 modifying design objects............. 2 0 7 modifying layout............... 2 5 0 modifying properties object explorer............... 2 2 4 money fieldsformatting................1 2 6 moving..............8 6, 114, 133, 237 among complex forms............. 2 3 7 among fields............... 2 3 7 among form pages..............2 3 8 among records............8 6-8 7, 2 3 7 between records............. 8 6-8 7 columns................1 1 4 contained objects..............2 2 0 dependent records..............1 3 3 design objects............... 2 1 3 form pages................2 3 3 forms................233, 236 graphic objects............... 4 2 7 group bands............... 2 6 0 objects............... 2 1 2-2 1 3 off fields................1 4 8 page breaks............... 2 6 7 records............... 130, 133 screen flashing............... 2 4 3 screen flickering..............2 4 3 style sheets............... 2 0 5 table objects............... 2 3 7 through records............. 8 6-8 7 to a specific page..............2 3 8 toolbars................. 1 7 moving an indent............... 1 9 8 moving fields query image............... 3 2 4 multi-page forms............... 2 3 1 replacing with notebooks............4 3 4 multiple group bands............... 2 6 4 multiple design objects............. 2 1 6 creating................2 0 9 sizing................. 2 1 6 spacing................. 2 1 6 multiple pages viewing................2 3 2 multi-record object................. 1 8 3 multi-record button..............1 8 9 multi-record layout..............1 8 3 multi-record objects............206, 217, 431 defining................4 3 1 expanding or contracting records..........4 3 3 placing on a form..............4 3 1 placing on a report..............4 3 1 Index xv Index
resizing records..............4 3 3 scroll bars................2 2 1 showing all records and columns..........4 3 4 specifying field layout............. 4 3 2 specifying record layout............4 3 2 Multi-record tool............... 4 3 1 multi-table data model................1 7 1 multi-table forms and notebook objects............. 4 3 5 multi-table layout............... 1 8 9 multi-table QBE query example........... 3 2 0 multi-value relationships..........174, 176, 178 N naming automatic..............2 2 0-2 2 1 changing................2 2 1 default............... 2 2 0-2 2 1 design objects............. 2 2 0-2 2 1 length................. 2 2 1 modifying................2 2 1 number of characters............. 2 2 1 native Windows controls............. 4 4 1 navigating notebook pages..............4 3 6 nesting................. 1 9 1 network................. 1 0 0 sorting on................1 0 0 n e w..................3 1 1 No Echo property using to hide field contents............4 1 1 NO operator (QBE)..............3 6 5 non-matches (QBE query)............. 3 3 6 NOT operator (QBE)............. 336, 348 Not Source Copy............... 4 2 9 Not Source Erase............... 4 2 9 notebook objects............. 4 3 4-4 3 5 changing appearance............. 4 3 9 changing size............... 4 3 9 changing tab height............. 4 4 0 changing the lables on............. 4 3 7 creating................4 3 5 data models............... 4 3 5 moving................4 4 0 moving around in..............4 3 6 multi-table forms..............4 3 5navigating................4 3 6 placing a scroll bar............. 4 4 0 placing objects on..............4 3 7 placing on a form..............4 3 5 properties................4 3 5 reports................. 4 3 5 resizing................4 4 0 scroll bars................4 3 9 Select From Inside property........... 4 3 6 selecting................4 3 6 tab size................4 3 9 notebook pages............... 4 3 8 adding................. 4 3 8 changing the lables on............. 4 3 7 copying................4 3 9 default number..............4 3 8 moving................. 4 3 9 moving through..............4 3 6 pasting................. 4 3 9 placing objects on..............4 3 7 removing................4 3 8 rotating................4 3 9 selecting................4 3 6 Notebook tool................4 3 5 number fields formatting................1 2 6 number methods using in calculated fields............4 1 9 numbers finding with wildcards (QBE)........... 3 3 9 N W C..................4 4 1 O object explorer............... 2 2 4 modifying properties............. 2 2 4 Object PAL................. 3 3 object size displaying................2 1 2 Object PAL..............220, 226, 278 introduction................3 3 libraries................. 3 7 methods................2 2 6 O P A L................. 3 3printing code attached to forms..........4 2 5 scripts................. 3 7 S Q L..................3 7 Object PAL preferences..............4 0 xvi Index Index
colors................. 4 0 display................. 4 0 editor................. 4 0 general................. 4 0 Object Explorer............... 4 0 Object PAL tutorial............... 9 objects................203, 268 contained............... 201, 218 container keeping objects together..........2 7 4 displaying............... 189, 203 expanded................2 6 8 moving............... 203, 212 outline................. 2 0 3 pushed................. 2 6 8 resizing............... 203, 212 run time errors..............2 6 8 sizing................. 2 3 1 OLE (Object Linking and Embedding)......441, 443, 463, 476 ambient properties..............4 4 3 Version 2. 0................4 8 7 OLE controls............... 441, 443 event types................4 4 3 placing on a form..............4 4 6 OLE custom controls..............4 4 1 OLE fields displaying................2 1 7 OLE objects................4 7 7 cropping................4 2 8 embedded................4 7 7 embedding files..............4 8 0 embedding in fields............. 4 7 8 embedding new..............4 7 9 embedding part of file............. 4 8 0 embedding tables..............4 8 1 inserting linked..............4 8 2 inserting object linked to part of file......... 4 8 3 linked................. 4 7 8 manipulating............... 4 8 4 manually updating links............4 8 6 resizing................4 2 8 scroll bars................2 2 1 updating links............... 4 8 5 O L E s e r v e r................. 4 4 1 one-to-many relationship............. 1 3 3 online..................8 ONLY operator (QBE example)........... 3 6 6 ONLY operator (QBE)..............3 6 5 OPALObject Pal................3 3 opening existing forms............... 2 2 9 existing reports..............2 4 9 forms................. 2 4 7 queries................. 3 1 2 reports................. 2 4 6 operator order (QBE)..............3 7 5 operators..............332, 335, 338 query................. 3 1 3 query (QBE)............... 3 1 3 options printing................2 8 0 O R..................4 2 9OR operator (QBE)..............3 4 2 different fields............... 3 4 3 same field................3 4 3 order fields................. 1 8 6 order of operations (QBE)............. 3 7 5 outlines displaying................2 1 2 objects................. 2 0 3 overriding grid settings............. 1 9 5 P packing tables................1 0 7 page bands................2 5 6 footers................. 2 5 6 headers................2 5 6 sizing................. 2 5 6 page breaks................2 6 7 deleting................2 6 7 group bands............... 2 6 2 inserting................2 6 7 moving................. 2 6 7 removing................2 6 7 page footers................2 5 7 printing................2 5 7 page headers................2 5 5 page layout................2 2 9 default................. 2 3 0 forms................. 2 3 0 modifying................2 3 0 printing................2 2 9 page numbering............... 2 5 9 modifying................2 5 9 Index xvii Index
page size................. 2 2 9 printing............... 229, 245 page tool................. 1 9 4 pages insert................. 2 3 2 layout................. 2 4 9 moving among............... 2 3 8 Paradox as client and server (queries)........... 4 9 0 as DDE client (queries)............4 9 0 as DDE client (tables)............. 4 8 9 a s D D E s e r v e r............. 4 8 8-4 8 9 objects................. 3 3 Paradox components updating................. 4 Paradox Desktop work area................1 3 Paradox JDBC Server..............1 0 Paradox Report Server..............1 0 Paradox VCR Active X controls..............4 4 6 Paradox VCR control..............4 4 1 parent tables............... 7 7, 7 9 parent/child relationships........... 7 7, 7 9, 1 0 7 passwords................7 3-7 5 attaching to a field..............4 1 1 auxiliary................7 3 entering and releasing............. 7 4 master................7 3-7 4 removing................7 4table access................7 3 pasting................. 1 5 1 data............... 145, 151, 153 forms................. 2 3 2 from files................1 5 5 penetrating properties............2 2 5-2 2 6 forms................. 2 2 6 modifying..............2 2 5-2 2 6 objects................. 2 2 6 reports................. 2 2 6 performing calculations in QBE query..........3 4 8 Persistent Field View editing data in............... 1 4 4 picture string validity checks............6 7 pictures creating................. 6 7 pinning................214, 271 design objects............... 2 7 1forms................. 2 1 4 reports................. 2 1 4 pinning design objects..............2 7 1 placing duplicate design objects............2 0 9 scroll bars............... 221, 223 placing detail records..............1 9 1 placing tabs expanded ruler............... 1 9 7 posting................. 1 4 8 records..............1 4 8-149, 167 precedence query operator............... 3 1 5 predefined data formats............. 1 2 5 preferences design window............... 2 0 0 settings............... 200, 202 previewing reports................. 2 7 8 primary indexes............. 5 6, 5 8, 1 7 4 primary key and indexes................5 8 creating................. 5 6 printers adding................. 2 8 1 printing............229, 246, 257, 266, 280 add a printer............... 2 8 1 bands................. 2 5 1 calculated fields..............4 2 3 data models............... 1 8 2 different tables............... 2 7 9 footers................. 2 5 7 forms................. 2 4 5 formulas in calculated fields..........423, 425 group headers............... 2 6 6 Help..................1 0 layout................. 2 4 5 Object PAL code attached to forms..........4 2 5 only fields containing data............4 2 3 options................. 2 8 0 page footers............... 2 5 7 page layout............... 2 2 9 page size............... 229, 245 reference data model............. 1 8 2 report’s design............... 2 8 0 reports..............246, 277, 280 reports with changed data............2 8 0 tables................. 2 7 9 xviii Index Index
to a file................2 8 1 printing database diagram............. 8 5 printing Paradox objects............. 4 9 private directory specifying................4 6 programming buttons................3 9 4 Paradox VCR controls............. 4 4 6 Progress Bars................4 4 1 Project Viewer............... 4 2-4 3 adding and removing items............4 3 Project Viewer items..............4 3 properties............... 203, 276 alignment................1 1 5 bands................252, 276 breakable................2 7 6 color................. 1 1 5 contain objects............... 2 1 7 controlling group repeats............2 7 6 default................. 1 9 4 design objects............... 2 1 1 form pages................2 4 0 forms................. 2 4 0 frames................. 2 3 4 grid................. 1 1 5 modifying................2 2 4 penetrating............... 2 2 5 raster operations..............4 3 1 reports............... 2 7 6-2 7 7 scroll bar................2 2 3 scroll bars................2 7 6 shrinkable................2 7 6 size to fit................2 7 6 standard menu............... 2 7 6 text..................1 1 5 title bar................2 3 4 window................2 3 4 protecting forms................. 2 4 0 publish to HTML forms................. 4 9 5 reports................. 4 9 5 tables................. 4 9 4 publishing R T F................. 2 8 2 pulling objects................2 7 1 container keeping objects together..........2 7 4 example................2 7 1Push buttons................3 9 3 changing labels..............4 0 2 pushed objects..............268, 270 alignment................2 7 0 container keeping objects together..........2 7 4 example................2 7 1 hiding lines............... 2 7 0 lines................. 2 7 0 modifying................2 6 8 multiple objects..............2 7 0 Q Q B E..................3 0 9 QBE example AVERAGE operator..............3 5 9 calculation on group............. 3 6 1 calculation on table............. 3 6 2 CHANGETO query..............3 8 4 COUNT operator..............3 5 7 counting unique values............. 3 6 3 defining a set............... 3 6 5 DELETE query............... 3 8 1 inclusion operator..............3 7 4 INSERT query............... 3 7 8 linking to all table records............3 7 2 MAX operator............... 3 6 0 MIN operator............... 3 6 0 ONLY operator............... 3 6 6 set comparison............... 3 6 6 SUM operator............... 3 5 8 Quattro Pro exporting data to..............4 7 2 a n d D D E................4 8 9importing data............... 4 6 4 queries..............3 7, 309, 318, 354 advanced (QBE)..............3 5 5 and filters............... 9 1, 9 3 desktop preferences..............3 8 group (QBE)..............3 5 5-3 5 6 inclusive links (QBE)............355, 370 linking tables............... 3 1 9 sets (QBE)..............355, 363 query..................3 1 1 adding tables............... 3 1 9 choosing tables............... 3 1 8 creating................3 1 1 creating from data model............3 1 1 Index xix Index
creating from form..............3 1 1 creating from other query............3 1 2 creating from report............. 3 1 1 creating from table..............3 1 1 entering numbers..............3 1 6 opening................3 1 2 removing tables..............3 1 9 running................3 1 2 selecting fields............. 3 2 2-3 2 3 query (QBE)................3 3 2 query by example............... 3 0 9 query defaults or preferences (QBE)..........3 5 2 query example multi-table (QBE)..............3 2 0 simple QBE query..............3 1 3 Query Expert............... 1 3, 3 0 9 query images moving fields............... 3 2 4 working with............... 3 2 3 query non-matches (QBE)............. 3 3 6 query operator precedence............3 1 5 query operators..............313, 332 query operators (QBE)............. 3 1 3 query properties (QBE)............. 3 5 2 query results (QBE)..............3 2 4 query selection conditions............. 3 1 7 query selection conditions (QBE)......... 3 3 1-3 3 2 quick charts................9 0 viewing................. 9 0 quick crosstabs................9 0 viewing................. 9 0 quick forms................9 0 filtering................. 9 9 setting ranges............... 9 9 viewing................. 9 0 quick reports................9 0 viewing................. 9 0 R Radio buttons................3 9 3 changing labels..............4 0 2 ranges..................9 8 customizing............... 1 2 0 defining................1 2 0 filtering................. 9 8 quick forms................9 9 raster operations............... 4 2 9selecting................4 3 1 read-only fields............... 4 1 1 creating................4 1 1 rebuilding tables............... 1 1 1 record bands..............2 5 8-2 5 9 placing objects............... 2 5 8 report types............... 2 5 8 sorting................. 2 5 9 Record Divider property table frame objects............. 4 5 3 record layouts multi-record objects............. 4 3 2 record markers changing................1 1 8 records..................5 1 adding............... 1 3 0-1 3 2 deleting............... 148, 150 detail................. 1 9 0 emptying................1 3 0 inserting................1 4 8 locating............... 161, 163 locking............... 1 6 6-1 6 7 master................. 1 9 0 moving............... 130, 133 moving among..............8 6-8 7 moving through............... 8 7 objects................. 1 8 3 placing more than one on a page..........4 3 1 posting..............1 4 8-149, 167 searching and replacing............1 6 3 showing all in a multi-record object......... 4 3 4 sorting............... 259, 265 subtracting............. 130, 133, 135 viewing................. 2 4 1 Reference Center............... 1 0 reference data model printing................1 8 2 saving................. 1 8 2 saving changes............... 1 8 2 referential integrity........... 2 8, 7 7, 8 3, 1 7 6 and indexes................7 7 and restructuring tables............1 0 7 child tables..............7 7, 7 9, 1 0 8 copying................. 7 7 creating and removing............. 7 9 dependent tables..............1 0 8 guidelines................7 7 modifying................8 0 xx Index Index
self referential integrity............. 7 7 update rule................8 0 viewing................1 0 8 registering Active X controls..............4 4 7 Paradox................. 4 remote (QBE)................3 5 4 remote query properties (QBE)........... 3 5 4 removing................. 4 3 aliases................. 4 8 bands................. 2 5 4 field filters................9 6 group bands............... 2 5 4 group repeats............... 2 6 5 page breaks............... 2 6 7 table aliases............... 1 8 1 validity checks............... 6 9 removing tables data model................1 7 8 removing tables from query............3 1 9 renaming................. 1 0 5 fields................. 1 0 5 tables................. 1 3 7 renaming answer table (QBE)............3 2 4 renaming fields answer table (QBE)............. 3 2 6 repairing tables............... 1 1 1 Repeat Header property table frame objects..............4 5 1 report..................1 8 3 bands................. 1 8 3 design................. 1 8 3 design window............... 1 9 2 experts................. 1 7 0 linking................. 1 7 4 modifying................1 9 2 style sheets................1 8 8 report bands................2 5 4 footers................. 2 5 4 headers................2 5 4 Report Expert................1 3 report headers............... 2 5 5 report properties modifying................2 7 7 reports............3 6, 169, 246, 276-278 appearance............... 2 0 3 bands................. 2 5 4 creating................2 4 6delivering................2 7 6 designing............. 228, 246-247 designing for printer............. 2 4 9 designing for screen............. 2 4 9 desktop preferences..............3 8 editing................. 2 7 7 formatting................2 7 7 frames................. 2 1 1 layout................. 1 8 3 modifying................2 4 6 modifying layout..............2 5 0 opening............... 246, 249 opening in design mode............2 4 9 opening in run mode............. 2 4 9 penetrating properties............. 2 2 6 perfoming summaries on............4 0 5 pinning................. 2 1 4 placing design objects............. 2 0 9 previewing..............2 7 7-2 7 8 printing..............246, 277, 280 printing report’s design............2 8 0 printing with changed data........... 2 8 0 properties..............2 7 6-2 7 7 publish to HTML..............4 9 5 quick................. 9 0 reusing table design............. 2 7 8 running................2 7 7 scroll bars................2 2 1 style sheets................2 0 3 with different tables............. 2 7 8 writing to a text file............. 2 8 1 representing a range..............3 4 6 representing values..............3 4 6 Request events O L E................. 4 4 3 required field validity check............6 5 reserved words in selection conditions..........3 1 7 reset fields................. 1 8 6 resizing bands................. 2 5 3 column width in a table............4 5 0 graphic objects............... 4 2 8 notebook objects............. 435, 440 objects................. 2 1 2 OLE objects............... 4 2 8 records in a multi-record object......... 431, 433 row height in a table............. 4 5 0 Index xxi Index
restoring................. 1 1 1 table properties..............1 1 7 tables................. 1 1 1 restructuring tables..............1 0 3 and referential integrity............1 0 7 rearranging fields..............1 1 4 rotating forms................. 2 3 3 notebook pages..............4 3 9 rows................. 5 1, 1 8 9 contained design objects............2 1 8 design objects............... 2 1 8 changing appearance............. 1 1 3 resizing................. 1 1 5 RTF file compatibility..............2 8 2 publishing to............... 2 8 2 rulers..................1 9 5 design object............... 1 9 5 display............... 1 9 5-1 9 6 expanded............1 9 5-199, 459-460 horizontal................1 9 5 vertical................. 1 9 5 rules..................3 2 9 entering numbers in queries........... 3 1 6 linking tables (QBE)............. 3 7 1 rules for CALC operator (QBE)........... 3 4 8 run time tab order..............2 3 9 buttons................2 3 9 running forms..............2 4 1-242, 244 forms from a different table........... 2 4 2 forms from design window............2 4 2 queries................. 3 1 2 running forms from design window..........2 4 2 S saving..................4 9 design................. 2 0 6 design tools............... 1 9 4 form windows............... 2 4 3 graphic objects............... 4 2 7 live query views (QBE)............. 3 3 0 page properties..............1 9 4 Paradox objects............... 4 9 reference data model............. 1 8 2 style sheet................2 0 4style sheets............... 2 0 4 table data................4 9 table properties..............1 1 7 tables................. 5 4 without Export............... 4 2 7 saving database diagram............. 8 5 saving tables................5 4 scope defining................4 0 5 screen flashes................2 0 2 screen flashing............... 2 4 3 moving................. 2 4 3 screen flickering..............202, 243 moving................. 2 4 3 scroll bars................. 2 7 6 displaying................2 2 3 forms................221, 236 graphics................2 2 1 horizontal................2 2 3 multi-record objects............. 2 2 1 OLE objects................2 2 1 placing............... 221, 223 properties................2 2 3 reports................. 2 2 1 tables................. 2 2 1 text objects................2 2 1 vertical................. 2 2 3 scroll bars placing on a notebook object........... 4 4 0 Search And Replace Expert............. 1 3 searching and replacing............. 1 6 0 field values................1 6 2 records................. 1 6 3 text................. 1 6 3 secondary indexes..............5 8, 1 7 4 composite................5 8 creating................. 6 0 deleting................. 6 1 filtering................. 9 8 linking tables............... 5 8 modifying................6 1 removing................6 1 sorting................. 9 8 selecting bands................. 2 5 3 contained design objects............2 1 9 design objects............... 2 1 9 selecting fields xxii Index Index
query............... 3 2 2-3 2 3 selection conditions AND operator (QBE)............3 4 0-3 4 2 inclusive links (QBE)............. 3 7 0 matches (QBE)............... 3 3 3 OR operator (QBE)............3 4 2-3 4 3 selection conditions (QBE)........... 3 3 1-3 3 3 server applications and Active X............... 4 4 1 using in Paradox..............4 4 1 set defining (QBE example)............3 6 5 defining (QBE)............... 3 6 4 set comparison (QBE example)........... 3 6 6 set comparisons (QBE)............. 3 6 5 set queries (QBE)............. 355, 363 defining a set............... 3 6 4 using Group By check............. 3 6 3 set summaries (QBE)..............3 6 8 settings................. 2 6 6 form windows............... 2 4 4 printing preferences............. 2 6 6 tab order................2 3 8 Show All Columns property table frame objects............. 4 4 9 Show All Records property multi-record objects............. 4 3 4 table frame objects............. 4 4 9 shrinkable properties................2 7 6 sidebar................. 2 6 7 displaying................2 6 7 simple QBE query example............3 1 3 single table data model................1 7 1 single-record object................. 1 8 3 single-record button..............1 8 9 single-record layout..............1 8 3 single-value relationship......... 171, 174, 176, 178 size to fit................. 2 7 6 Size To Fit property............. 426, 428 table frame objects............. 4 4 9 sizing field objects............... 2 1 5 form windows............... 2 4 3 objects................. 2 3 1 page bands................2 5 6pages................. 2 4 9 snap to grid................2 1 3 sorting................. 1 0 0 alternate................5 8 Answer tables............... 1 0 3 d BASE tables............... 1 0 0 group bands............... 2 6 5 grouping................2 6 5 keyed tables............... 1 0 0 network................1 0 0 primary................. 5 8 record bands............... 2 5 9 records............... 259, 265 tables................. 1 0 1 unkeyed tables............... 1 0 0 sorting query answer (QBE)........... 3 2 6-3 2 7 descending................3 2 7 Source And................4 2 9 Source Copy................4 2 9 Source Erase................4 2 9 Source Invert................4 2 9 Source Paint................4 2 9 source table................2 4 4 viewing................2 4 4 spacing adjusting................2 1 4 design objects............... 2 1 4 special fields................4 0 3 adding................. 4 0 3 defining................4 0 3 using in calculated fields............4 2 3 specifying exact matches (QBE query)..........3 3 3 specifying inexact matches (QBE query)......... 3 3 4 spell checker..............1 5 5-1 5 8 Spin Boxes................. 4 4 1 spreadsheets exporting to............... 4 7 3 field types................4 6 7 importing................4 6 5 SQL indexes................. 5 8 viewing tables............... 1 0 0 stacking design objects............... 2 1 0 form pages................2 3 3 stacking fields in table frame objects............. 4 5 3 standard menu............... 2 7 6 Index xxiii Index
starting page numbers............. 2 5 9 bands................. 2 5 9 static documents............... 4 9 3 status bar................1 5, 2 1 2 positioning design objects............2 1 2 strict R. I.................. 8 0 strict referential integrity............. 8 0 style sheets............... 188, 205. F P..................2 0 5. F T..................2 0 5accessing................2 0 5 apply................. 2 0 4 choosing................1 8 8 creating............... 188, 204 default................. 2 0 5 modifying................2 0 4 moving................. 2 0 5 printer................. 2 0 5 saving................. 2 0 4 screen................. 2 0 5 subtracting records............130, 133, 135 SUM operator group queries (QBE)............356, 358 summaries set (QBE)................3 6 8 Summary fields..............4 0 4-4 0 5 calculating averages............. 4 0 9 counting................4 0 9 defining................4 0 8 defining with reference to one page......... 4 0 8 effect of changing data models on..........4 0 8 performing calculations with..........404, 408 scope................. 4 0 5 summary operators use with CALC operator (QBE)........... 3 6 1 suppressing................2 6 5 footers................. 2 5 6 group values............... 2 6 5 headers................2 5 6 remove group repeats............. 2 6 5 system requirements............... 2 T t a b k e y................. 2 3 7tab order................217, 238 changing................2 3 8 forms................. 2 3 6modifying................2 3 8 run time................2 3 9 settings................2 3 8 tab stop................2 3 9 tab stop................. 2 3 9 table access................1 3 9 auxiliary passwords..............7 6 deleting and changing master passwords........7 5 entering and releasing passwords..........7 4 passwords............... 7 3-7 4 table aliases................1 8 1 creating................1 8 1 length................. 1 8 1 modifying................1 8 1 Object Pal code............... 1 8 1 removing................1 8 1 using................. 1 8 1 Table Expert................1 3 table fields moving................4 5 0 table frame grid properties modifying................4 5 0 table frame header properties modifying................4 5 0 table frame objects..............4 4 8 adding a column..............4 5 0 adding design objects............. 4 5 2 attaching data............... 4 4 9 changing a column’s name............4 5 0 combining fields in a column........... 4 5 3 defining................4 4 9 detaching table headers............4 5 1 inserting or deleting columns........... 4 4 9 modifying................4 5 0 moving a column..............4 5 0 moving fields............... 4 5 0 placing on a form or report........... 4 4 8 redefining fields..............4 5 2 relation to the current data model..........4 4 8 removing a column............. 4 5 0 repeating table headers............4 5 1 resizing header............... 4 5 1 showing all columns............. 4 4 9 showing all records............. 4 4 9 Size To Fit property............. 4 4 9 specifying grid style............. 4 5 2 stacking fields in a column............4 5 3 viewing missing columns............4 4 9 xxiv Index Index
table frame record properties modifying................4 5 0 Table Frame tool............... 4 4 8 table locks................. 1 4 0 table lookups................6 9 creating................. 7 1 entering data............... 1 6 6 options................. 6 9 referential integrity..............6 9 rules for defining..............6 9 viewing in the Visual Database Designer......... 8 4 table properties..............115, 180 auto-append............... 1 8 0 changing................1 1 5 data model designer............. 1 8 0 filter................. 1 8 0 forms................. 1 8 0 read-only................1 8 0 strict translation..............1 8 0 view................. 1 8 0 table structures................5 2 and editing data..............1 4 8 viewing................. 8 8 table update settings (QBE query)..........3 5 3 tables................. 3 4, 5 1 adding to query..............3 1 9 Answer tables............... 1 0 3 borrowing structure............. 5 4, 8 8 changing appearance............. 1 1 3 copying............... 1 3 5-1 3 6 creating............... 5 1-5 4 data model................1 7 4 deleting................1 3 8 design................. 2 7 8 desktop preferences..............3 8 detail............... 171, 174, 176 emptying................1 3 8 exporting data to..............4 7 3 filtering................. 9 4 importing data............... 4 6 8 linked................. 1 7 8 linking for calculation (QBE)........... 3 5 1 locking............... 139, 141 lookup tables..............6 9, 7 1 master..............171, 174, 176 packing................1 0 7 printing................2 7 9 publish to HTML..............4 9 4removing from query............. 3 1 9 renaming................1 3 7 repairing............... 1 1 1-1 1 2 restructuring..............103, 107 reusing design............... 2 7 8 running forms............... 2 4 2 saving, restoring and deleting properties........1 1 7 scroll bars................2 2 1 sorting................. 1 0 1 structures............... 5 2, 5 4 viewing............... 8 5, 2 7 9 viewing d BASE structure............8 8 viewing SQL structure............. 8 8 tabs..................1 9 7 center................. 1 9 7 default................. 1 9 7 deleting................1 9 7 left..................1 9 7 move................. 1 9 7 right................. 1 9 7 setting................. 1 9 7 TCP/IP protocol............... 4 9 6 temporary tables CHANGETO query (QBE)............3 8 2 DELETE query (QBE)............. 3 7 9 INSERT query (QBE)............. 3 7 7 text alignment................1 2 4 changing properties............. 1 2 2 editing................. 1 5 7 exporting to delimited............. 4 7 4 exporting to fixed length............4 7 5 formatted memo fields........... 1 2 2-1 2 3 formatting................1 2 2 importing delimited............. 4 6 8 importing fixed length............. 4 7 0 searching and replacing............1 6 3 spelling............... 1 5 5-1 5 6 text alignment................1 9 9 modifying................1 9 9 Text formatting toolbar............196, 199 aligning text............... 4 5 9 controlling line spacing............4 6 0 modifying text objects............. 4 5 9 Text Import Expert............... 1 3 text objects............... 206, 453 aligning text............... 4 5 9 changing properties............. 4 5 8 Index xxv Index
controlling growth..............4 6 0 controlling shrinking............. 4 6 0 creating without defining frame size......... 4 5 4 defining frame size..............4 5 4 editing................. 4 5 5 example of inserting fields into..........4 5 6 Fit Text property............. 455, 460 Fixed Size option..............4 6 0 Grow Only option..............4 6 0 inserting fields............... 4 5 6 Line Spacing property............. 4 6 0 Line Squeeze property............. 4 5 6 modifying appearance............. 4 5 9 placing on a form or report........... 4 5 4 properties................4 5 8 scroll bars................2 2 1 specifying font............... 4 5 9 specifying line spacing............. 4 6 0 specifying typestyle............. 4 5 9 using to emulate a mail merge........... 4 5 6 Word Wrap property............4 5 4-4 5 5 text properties................1 1 5 Text tool................. 4 5 3 tick marks changing................2 9 4 ticks grid................. 1 9 9 tile query images............... 3 2 3 tiling..................2 3 3 form pages................2 3 3 time fields formatting................1 2 7 times calculating................4 2 1 calculating the difference between..........4 2 1 timestamp fields formatting................1 2 7 titles adding to forms or reports............4 5 3 TODAY operator (QBE)............. 3 3 7 toolbars..............1 5, 193, 236, 445 Active X Control............... 1 5 Active X Control toolbar............4 4 5 adding Active X controls............4 4 7 Align toolbar............... 1 5 Application................1 5 copying................1 9 4 create................. 1 9 3Design Object toolbar............. 1 5 desktop preferences..............3 8 display................. 1 9 3 displaying................1 7 docking................. 1 7 expanded ruler............... 1 9 3 formatting text............... 1 9 6 moving................. 1 7 N W C................. 4 4 5 O L E................. 4 4 5removing Active X controls............4 4 7 text formatting............... 1 9 6 Text Formatting toolbar............. 1 5 tools editing................. 1 9 6 layout................. 1 9 6 multiple................1 9 3 properties................1 9 4 single................. 1 9 3 Trackbars................. 4 4 1 truncating values in calculated fields..............4 2 0 tutorial Object PAL................9 online................. 9 types linking................. 1 7 4 U unlabeled fields edit fields............... 144, 400 unmodifyable design objects............2 0 7 unselectable design objects............2 0 7 update rule................. 8 0 cascade................. 8 0 prohibit................. 8 0 updating................. 4 8 5 linked OLE objects............4 8 5-4 8 6 using..................4 3 using numbers in queries............. 3 1 6 Utilities Expert................1 3 V validity checks............... 3 1, 6 3 default values..............6 3, 6 6 displaying................6 9 xxvi Index Index
maximum values............. 6 3, 6 5 minimum values..............6 3, 6 5 picture strings............... 6 7 picture values..............6 3, 6 7 removing................6 9 required field............... 6 5 Variable Height property multi-record objects............. 4 3 3 VCR Active X controls Object Explorer..............4 4 6 verticle line spacing expanded rulers..............1 9 9 View mode................. 1 4 4 viewing................8 5, 1 8 0 bands................. 2 5 3 BLOB fields................8 9 data model................1 7 9 different tables............... 2 7 9 Field View................8 9 form windows............... 2 4 3 form’s source table............. 2 4 4 forms..............241, 243-244 graphics................. 9 0 memo fields................8 9 Memo View................8 9 multiple pages............... 2 3 2 records..............8 6-8 7, 2 4 1 referential integrity............. 1 0 8 specific page............... 2 3 8 SQL tables................1 0 0 table information..............8 4 table properties............. 8 8, 1 8 0 table structures............... 8 8 tables................8 5, 2 7 9 viewing link properties..............8 3 viewing properties design objects............... 2 1 1 viewing query results (QBE)............3 2 4 viewing SQL syntax (QBE)............. 3 5 4 Visual Database Designer........... 8 1-8 3, 1 0 8 auto table resize..............8 2 collapsing tables..............8 2 creating tables..............8 1-8 2 editing tables............... 8 2 expanding tables..............8 2 launching................8 1 linking tables..............8 1, 8 3 lookup tables............... 8 4manipulating tables..............8 2 modifying tables..............8 2 opening................. 8 1 printing database design............8 1 printing database diagram............8 5 referential integrity........... 8 1, 8 3, 1 0 8 refresh workspace..............8 2 removing links............... 8 3 removing referential integrity........... 8 3 saving database diagram............8 5 viewing link properties............. 8 3 viewing table information............8 4 W W e b s e r v e r............... 493, 496 properties................4 9 7 setup................. 4 9 7 starting................4 9 8 testing................. 4 9 8 Web Server repository................4 9 9 viewing connections............. 4 9 8 Web server control adding................. 4 9 7 wildcard (QBE query)..............3 3 8 wildcard characters..............1 6 4 finding data............... 1 6 0 list..................1 6 5 wildcard operators (QBE query)........... 3 3 8 wildcards and table filters............... 9 1 using with dates (QBE)............3 4 0 using with numbers (QBE)............3 3 9 window style forms................. 2 3 4 windows creating................2 3 5 forms................. 2 3 4 modifying................2 3 5 viewing changes..............2 3 5 windows style creating................2 3 5 with example element..............3 4 8 word wrap................2 4 4 Word Wrap property text objects..............4 5 4-4 5 5 Word Perfect Index xxvii Index
exporting data to..............4 7 2 words..................1 5 8 replacing................1 5 6 skipping................1 5 6 working directory changing................4 5 workspace customize................1 9 3 X x-axis..................2 9 4 defining................2 9 4 formatting................2 9 4 redefining................2 9 4 scale................. 2 9 4 tick marks................2 9 4 X O R..................4 2 9 Y y-axis..................2 9 4 changing order of fields............2 9 4 defining................2 9 4 formatting................2 9 4 redefining................2 9 4 scale................. 2 9 4 tick marks................2 9 4 Z z-axis..................2 9 6 formatting................2 9 6 properties................2 9 6 zooming forms................. 2 4 3 xxviii Index Index