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SAM Flint. They look into each other's eyes. Tim approaches. TIM Flint. FLINT Dad. STEVE Steve. TIM (AWKWARD) Flint... oh. When you... when you cast your line... if it's not straight... you, umm... Father and son stand there awkwardly. Beat. SAM Oh, for crying out loud. Sam tears off Steve's THOUGHT TRANSLATOR and puts it on Tim. Suddenly the box allows him to gush his true feelings. TIM (THROUGH TRANSLATOR) I'm proud of you, Flint. I'm amazed that someone as ordinary as me could be the father of someone as extraordinary as you. You're talented, you're a total original and your lab is breathtaking. Your mom, she always knew you were going to be special and if she were alive today, she'd tell us both, “I told you so. ” Now, look, when I take this thing off and you hear me make a fishing metaphor, just know that fishing metaphor means... (SPOKEN) I love my son. Flint hugs his dad. He's never been happier. The crowd CHEEERS. FLINT I love you, too, Dad. Tim nudges Flint over to Sam. Flint turns to her. FLINT (CONT'D) So where were we... ?CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 100.
SAM You were about to kiss me. FLINT Were you going to kiss me back? SAM Why don't you find out? FLINT Because I don't want to go for it and then get shut down again. SAM Just kiss me! She closes her eyes and leans in, puffing her cheeks out in the same never-kissed-anyone face Flint made earlier. Flint makes the same face and goes for it. It's the most awkward, nerdiest, and somehow still immensely satisfying on-screen kiss ever. ON FLINT AND SAM, KISSING. As we begin a huge cinematic PULL OUT, we hear... TIM That's my son. BRENT Yeah! I'm a chicken! We pull back through the same clouds that led us into the movie, and ratbirds fly by, WIPING to THE END EXT. OCEAN-DAY The Mayor bobs on what's left of his mostly-eaten boat, completely alone in the open ocean... MAYOR This was not well thought out. He takes another bite, resigned. CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 101.