Abby: Jack! Send me the link to that website! Jack: Hey Jack: I can send you photos Jack: The whole website isn't ready yet Abby: Ahh ok! Sounds good Jack: I will send it Jack: Just one moment Jack: 😁 Jack: <file_picture> Jack: <file_picture> Abby: OOH! I like it! Jack: Thank you :) Jack: <file_picture> Jack: <file_picture> Jack: <file_picture> Jack: <file_picture> Jack: <file_picture> Jack: So do you like the page? Jack: And the idea? Abby: Yes! Of course! I think it is great. The future will be based on the internet. So I think it is important to expend our horizons. It is a great idea. 😁
Since the website is not ready yet, Jack sends Abby just photos. She is impressed with the website's design. She believes the internet will broaden people's horizons in the future.
Eva: happy birthday honey!! All the best!! :** Kate: thanks Eve!!! visit us at the office sometime! Eva: well I live closely but I work far away ;) but if you will plan anything after work then I would be happy to come :) Kate: the doors are always open for you, no need for special invitation! :) Eva: let me know!! Especially since I live in the same district right now ;) Kate: uuu, congratulation! :D welcome to the elite hahahah Eva: yeah i love it ;) way nicer than my old one Kate: it seems that it is already 5 of us living here haha Eva: who else? Kate: me, you, Jake, Monica, Alice
It's Kate's birthday. Eva lives close by, but works far away. Kate, Eva, Jake, Monica and Alice all live in the same district.
Rob: Hi guys, James is leaving the company! Daniel: No way, when? Craig: Why? Rob: Apparently he "quit", but u know a little bird told me it wasn't his choice. Daniel: I can't believe they would fire him. :O Rob: He's leaving next month. Craig: He was always a brown-nose. Daniel: I don't understand what's all the buzz about? Daniel: I mean he wasn't really the employee of the year. Rob: Yeah man, but u know how it is here, all news is important news. Craig: I wonder who's next...
James is leaving the company next month. Craig wonders who's going to be fired next.
Albert: Beer? Garry: Can't. Albert: Tmr? Garry: ok
Gary and Albert will have some beer tomorrow.
Alek: bro, I like going to the gym with you. It's like highlight of the day <3 Krzysztof: bro Krzysztof: this is the nicest thing any gym bro told me. Let's do some chest and biceps together tomorrow evening, are you fine? Alek: chest and biceps are my favorite (^u^) Krzysztof: dude, you're nice but kinda creepy though Alek: come on, just wanted to be nice Krzysztof: all right, so we're cool Alek: so maybe we could do glutes too?
Krzysztof and Alek are going to go to the gym together tomorrow evening.
Derek: Hello Emma, how are you? Could I entice you to join me on a project? Emma: hi Derek, what's it about? Derek: editing a translation from danish Emma: have no idea about danish Derek: doesn's matter, a medical text to be polished Emma: give me details pls Derek: 13,492 chrs, deadline 12th, negotiable fee Emma: send me the text pls Derek: subject to NDA Emma: an excerpt? Derek: <file_other> Emma: ok, if you phone me in 30 mins we'll discuss it Derek: are you taking it on? Emma: yes Derek: TTYL
Emma will join Derek on a project. He translated a medical text from Danish and her job will be to edit it.
Alina: guys, are you going to be on time, I'm a bit late with preparations Mary: don't worry, I won't get there before 8 Patrick: me neither, take your time Alina: I'm so relieve, sorry, I wanted to bake a cake but it didn't go as planned Patrick: hahaha, the lemon cake? Alina: yes :( Patrick: I told you I don't know anybody who would manage to follow the receipt and get a proper lemon cake. Alina: something is wrong with the receipt maybe Patrick: yup
Baking the lemon cake for the meeting didn't go as Alina planned it.
Mary: Will you take the children to grandma? Adam: Sure, no problem. Mary: Thanks
Adam will take the kids to grandma at Mary's request.
Alexander: Does anyone of you know a good product designer?.. I mean physical products.. Ken: if i can think of one I'll let you know Cindy: Actually, my friend is one, check out his website <file_link>
Alexander is looking for a good product designer. Cindy's friend is a product designer. Cindy sends Alexander a link to his website.
Meg: Hi, I can't make it today, sorry. Jeff: It's like the third lesson you cancel just hours in advance. Meg: Sorry Jeff :(
Meg can't have a lesson with Jeff today. It's about the third lesson Meg cancels just a few hours in advance.
Harry: I've just watched this scene with the dog...... OMG xD David: hahaha David: I've told you Greg: episode 2? :P Harry: exactly
Harry has just seen a scene with a dog in episode 2.
Charlie: just got a new high score! Archie: cool! Archie: how much? Charlie: 152.374 Charlie: almost 25000 more then the last one Archie: grats Archie: how long it took? Charlie: around 15 tries Charlie: still feel that I can do better Archie: nobody stopping you Charlie: need to finish homework first or my parents will kill me Charlie: cya at school
Charlie has just achieved his highest score of 152374, which is almost 25000 more than the previous one. It took him around 15 attempts. He needs to do this homework not to anger his parents.
Ella: He resigned! Emma: Finally! Good news Kate: are you happy? Jean: sure, 4 people were killed in the riots, it was the high time Kate: finally I'll be able to get to the ministry Kate: the city has been immobilised for the last days Ella: Do you think they will restore the subsidies now? Emma: I think they should or rather they don't have much choice Emma: they wanted to increase the price of petrol by about 50% Emma: it would be insane in any country Kate: especially such a poor one as Haiti Kate: Do you know that it was an idea of the IMF? Ella: to cancel the subsides? Kate: yes Ella: bastards!
He resigned. There were riots. 4 people were killed, the city was paralysed, as Jean and Kate reports. IMF wanted to cancel the subsidies.
Dave: Hey, do you have any notes from statistics? Greg: Hey man Greg: I do Greg: But I doubt they are better than yours Dave: Mine don't even exist 😂 Dave: Oh okay Dave: There you go: Dave: <file_other> Greg: Your the best man! Dave: You're Greg: Smartass Dave: Of course Greg: But I'm grateful to know such a smartass 😂 Dave: You bet! Dave: Notes don't write themselves. Greg: True. Thanks!
Greg sent Dave his notes from statistics.
Sam: Where are you? Phil: Home Sam: ??? !!! Phil: What do you mean? Sam: We were supposed to have dinner together! I'm waiting for you here... like some idiot! Phil: **** ! I forgot!!!! Phil: I'm sorry! Really! Sam: Me too! Forget it... Phil: Hey! Can we meet tomorrow? I won't forget Sam: I can't. Forget it. As simple as that. Phil: Hey! Don't do that.
Phil forgot about dinner plans with Sam and now she refuses to reschedule for tomorrow.
Willow: sorry I can't come tonight, my brother got ill Willow: and I need to stay with him 'cause parents need to go for a meeting Ethan: Sorry to hear that, you'll be missed Ethan: <file_gif> Willow: I'll miss you too :(
Willow can't come tonight. She needs to stay in with her brother who got ill and their parents need to go to the meeting.
Olive: Did you go to the bank? Paul: Not yet Olive: please do so Olive: it's very important Paul: I know Paul: we had this conversation last night Olive: Then get it fucking done Paul: I will for fucks sake Olive: watch your tone! Paul: Fine, I'm sorry Paul: but you don't have to nag me about it Paul: I know it's important Olive: ok just please get it done Olive: I don't really want to loose the house Paul: me either don't worry Paul: this is important for me too Olive: ok I'm sorry Paul: I'm just one person I need time to get this done Olive: ok sorry Olive: please let me know how it goes Paul: Ok I'll keep you posted Olive: love ya Paul: love you too
Olive is nagging Paul to go to the bank. Paul will go when he has the time and he will let Olive know how it went.
Samuel: hey, wanna watch a film tonight?:) Evie: heeey Evie: I can't tonight :< Samuel: damn ;/ it's a really nice day for some cool horror film Samuel: rainy, cold, gloomy... you sure? Evie: :< Samuel: okay ;/ i guess it's gonna be like this for the next few days, so... Samuel: tomorrow? sunday? Evie: sorry i can't this weekend :( Samuel: okay... :(
Samuel wants to watch a horror film with Evie. She's unavailable tonight and for the whole weekend.
Tracy: Did you hear about the school competition? Sarah: Yeah, it's pretty cool, huh? Tracy: Pretty cool? That's an understatement. Sarah: So I'm assuming you're gonna join? Tracy: You bet I am Sarah: It'll get me an extra credit too :) Tracy: Yeah, I'm thinking of joining myself. A little school spirit never harmed nobody :) Sarah: See you at registration Tracy: Bye.
Tracy and Sarah are planning to join the oncoming school competition.
Mitch: Hi there, long time no speak! How're you doing on our favourite Valentine's Day? Caroline: Oh, come on, I skipped my gym time today on purpose. Mitch: How's that? Caroline: Because each class had "a love twist"! Mitch: Jesus, what's that?! Caroline: No idea, but sounds creepy enough to stay home and exercise on my own. Mitch: Yeah, totally, I'm staying home, too with some pizza, a glass of beer and lots of work. Caroline: Sounds romantic! :D Mitch: Oh, hell yeah. Anything spectacular that happened recently? Caroline: Last week I went to Malmö to their Dance Theatre. Mitch: And how was it? Did you like? Caroline: Guess what! I didn't have to buy a ticket! I watched it for free! Mitch: Did you smuggle in without been seen? Caroline: No, you morron! It's easier than you think! Mitch: Tell me then! Caroline: You can watch each rehearsal for free unless it's the dress rehearsal. Mitch: That's smart! Caroline: Exactly and you have completely different expectations when you know you didn't spend a single krona! Mitch: And, how was the show? Caroline: It was so good that I'm planning to go there again and pay for the ticket! ;)
Mitch and Caroline are staying home for Valentine's Day. Caroline enjoyed the Dance Theatre in Malmö.
Mike: who is going for the research trip? Jake: Me, Florence, Margot and others Jake: but that's not important Florence: hahah Margot: true, we have our nice bunch of people Mike: so maybe I'll apply too Jake: but remember it can be harsh in Swazi now Mike: gosh, Jake, have you realised at least that it's not even Swazi anymore? Florence: hahaha, quite hilarious Jake: ? Margot: they changed the name of the country last year Jake: what? so what's the name now? Margot: Eswatini Jake: are you kidding me? Margot: Jake, it's basic knowledge before the trip LOL
Jake, Florence, Margot and others are going on a research trip to Swazi. The name of the country was changed last year and it's now Eswatini.
Derek: Poker nite 2nite :D Luke: Can't go. Derek: Y not? Missus not letting u? ;) Luke: Nah. Work thing. Flying out 2moro. Derek: Shame. Luke: Yeah, I know.
Luke can't do poker night with Derek because he is flying out tomorrow.
Jay: I am hitting the gym rn 👋 🤙 💪 Mason: Oh bro when exactly? Jay: Im like on campus, heading there Mason: K so I am downtown but I was gonna go real soon Mason: to the gym xd Jay: I will meet you there then Mason: K cool Bruce: Hey yooo Im at the gym pac rn Bruce: Its kinda packed idk why Mason: Weird Bruce: Yeah I might go on the treadmill Jay: Oh god if its packed Im not sure if I wanna go anymore Jay: K I might still go Mason: K I will still head there and we'll see Mason: If its too packed Mason: We can also probably play volleyball Bruce: Sounds like a good idea Jay: K i am heading to the changing room Jay: Meeting y'all there
Jay is going to the gym, Mason will join him and Bruce who's already there. They'll play volleyball if the gym's packed.
Annette: Hey Tony: Hello Annette: I was wondering how busy are you today? Annette: I have not yet mastered the dance moves for today's class and i was wondering if you would teach me please. Tony: Sure I can. Tony: But right now I am busy. Tony: Does in the afternoon work for you? Annette: Yeah definitely. Any time you want😉 Tony: Okay. Tony: Also remember to carry your script with you. Annette: Sure Annette: Thanks and see you later Tony: Okay
Annette has not mastered the moves for today's class and is asking Tony for help. Tony is busy right now, but he will teach her in the afternoon.
Cindy: A-yo bitch, what's up? Linda: A-yo, wanna see a movie? Cindy: Aight
Cindy and Linda are going to see a movie.
Tom: Paris is amazing, my flat, on the other hand, absolutely dreadful Martha: Oh no! and here I was imagining a cosy stylish flat at Montmartre... Tom: hahahaha, it's far far far from that Tom: <file_photo> Peter: omg, you could film Saw in this! Tom: <file_photo> Martha: Is this a cockroach...? Peter: Geez man, you should get a new flat Tom: I know, I wish something was available on the spot Tom: and yes, this is a cockroach :/ there are everywhere. I watched like twenty tutorial on youtube how to get rid off them, but nothing worked so far Peter: Just buy a insecticide Tom: At this hour? I just want to live until the dawn - being eaten alive by Parisian cockroaches wasn't exactly my dream Martha: Hahahaha, I can imagine :D I'm really sorry Tom Peter: You really don't know anyone you can stay with? I'd go to a hostel Martha: Do you want us to look something up for you? Tom: I'm looking from the minute I arrived, but haven't found anything, I don't have to much cash after I paid the rent for this hellhole Peter: No worries mate, we've got you! Worst case scenario - we'll send you some money ;)
Tom's flat in Paris is dreadful. There are cockroaches in it. He's been looking for a different flat since he arrived, but he doesn't have too much money. Martha and Peter offered him some help.
Jessie: <file_video> Jessie: can't.stop.watching :) :) :) :) Alison: STOPPPP hahah Robin: Hilarious! Erica: See? Running is bad for you :D Emily: This is why I don't exercise lol Robin: This is like my first and last skating attempt... Jessie: hahahah Robin can't believe you're still alive after that one!!! Robin: That painful one... Alison: <file_video> Jessie: omg don't do this to me Jessie: can't stop laughing Emily: <file_gif> Emily: I saw it like 800 timeas and its ALWAYS funny! :) Robin: shit I can't stop laughing and my boss is watching Robin: help!!!
Jessie shares a funny running video with Alison, Robin, Erica and Emily. Alison shares a funny video too. Robin's skating attempt was unsuccessful. Robin is laughing while her boss is watching her.
Haleema: So are you up for yoga in the park this Saturday? Haleema: We could follow the routine from this video Haleema: <file_video> Dakkota: Yes! I'm really looking forward to it 😊 Haleema: I always wanted to do a yoga session in the park Haleema: Hopefully we won't have a large audience haha Dakkota: Hahahaha Dakkota: <file_gif> Dakkota: Oh who cares, they can join us 🤣 Haleema: Indeed Haleema: It's a big park with plenty of open spaces :) Dakkota: Yoga in the sun, superb 😍 Haleema: <file_gif> Dakkota: Hahahaha Haleema: 😋 Haleema: Shall we grab a tea and a snack afterwards? Dakkota: Yes sure, why not! Haleema: 💗
Haleema and Dakkota are planning to do open-air yoga in the park. They are having a drink and a bite to eat afterwards.
Brad: How was the show Saturday night? Tootsie: Great! All local girls, all did fantastic. Where were you and Ken? Brad: We had a household emergency, so we stayed home to deal with it. Tootsie: Sounds serious! Everything okay? Brad: Yeah, just some plumbing issues. Fixed now tho. Tootsie: Oh, good! Brad: Just wanted to see how things were. Tootsie: Fine, I think. Not heard anything negative. Brad: You just never know this time of year. Tootsie: The crowd was okay, not packed. Brad: Ah, too bad. Tootsie: I think that's a win for the weekend before T'giving. Brad: I suppose a lot are traveling. Tootsie: That's what I heard. Plus not many stag and hen nights. Brad: True. Nobody gets married this time of year. Tootsie: Not if they don't want to eat turkey on their anniversary every year! Brad: Too true, that! Tootsie: LOL! Brad: My grandmother's birthday was the day after Christmas. She never got just a birthday gift, always a combined gift! Tootsie: Aw, that's too bad. Brad: I know! Such is life.
Tootsie's show on Saturday night went well. Brad and Ken had a problem with their plumbing and could not attend.
Sally: Where’s the dinner Nichelle: In the fridge. Sally: No it’s not mum Nichelle: Impossible! I’m sure I left it there! Sally: <file_photo> Nichelle: Well that’s great, it seems that Tim ate it. Sally: I’m gonna kill him -_- Nichelle: Just order the pizza, I’ll pay. Nichelle: You may eat it on your own ;) Sally: Thanks mom Sally: He even admitted doing it! And said he’ll do whatever he wants!! Nichelle: I’ll talk to him, don’t worry. Sally: He should be grounded! Nichelle: Calm down, I’ll take care of it Sally: You let him do everything!!! Nichelle: Baby, he’s sick. Sally: Yea, blah blah blah!!
Tim ate the dinner that Nichelle left for Sally. Sally will order pizza and she can eat it on her own. Nichelle will talk to Tim who should be grounded.
Mary: Hi <3 Peter: Hey gorgeous ;) Mary: What's up Peter: Not much, jsut thinking about you Mary: Aww I miss you so much :( Peter: I know baby but ill be back home in 2 days. The we can do whatever you want :* Mary: Whatever I want, huh? 3:) Peter: ;) Mary: I was actually hoping to cash in on that raincheck :) We haven't been on a date for quite a while... :/ Peter: I'ld like that :) Mary: :)
Peter will be back home in 2 days. Mary would like to go on a date when he gets back.
Catherine: Should I bring something for the party? Matilda: I have everything thanks Catherine: Ok, see you later
Catherine is going to Matilda's party later.
Jack: where the fuck are you? Ethan: ??? Jack: we were supposed to meet up tonight to do the project Jack: don't tell me you forgot... Ethan: sorry Zack told me the wrong day
Jack and Ethan were supposed to meet and do the project tonight, but Ethan is not there. Ethan claims Zack gave him the wrong day.
Clara: Happy valentines day bby!🌹❤️ Fred: Happy valentines day, see you tonight honey❤️ Clara: Are we going out? Fred: It's a surprise ❤️ Clara: 😍😍
Clara and Fred will see each other tonight.
Walter: Do you remember to water my plants? I'm a bit worried you'll kill them Carol: Please Walter, have a little faith in me. I remember to water your precious plants. Walter: It's pretty hard after what you had done with my lilies… Carol: Well, you had no other choice right? Nobody else agreed, so now you need to suffer from the hell of uncertainty :) Walter: True. Next time I'll ask Mrs Fairwell to do this. Carol: You won't, I happen to know that she's moving out :P
Walter reminds Carol to water his plants. Carol killed his lilies once, so Walter doesn't trust her. Mrs Fairwell is moving out.
Evelyn: So! How was the Netherlands? Joyce: I'm so glad I went! We should've met up again sooner, I forgot how fun it was to hang out with Emma. Joyce: I was a little nervous because we hadn't seen each other for such a long time... Joyce: I thought we might have nothing to talk about, you know how different it is from talking online Evelyn: Can't send links to cute or funny videos, haha Joyce: Exactly Joyce: So I was uncertain at first, but we had a blast! Evelyn: I'm really happy to hear that! Did you spend time at her place or...? Joyce: The weather was lovely, so we went for a little stroll and stopped by a charming little cafe Joyce: I really loved the atmosphere, it was so cosy. I don't know any places like that here Evelyn: If you looked, you'd probably find something, but yeah Evelyn: The Netherlands sounds nice, I wish I could go there sometime, too!
Joyce visited Netherlands to meet up with Emma after long time. They spent great time together on the stroll and in a cosy cafe.
Natalie: OMG Natalie: Peter keeps watching live leak Natalie: I can't stand it anymore Ann: why do they do that?! Natalie: I don't know, it makes me wanna puke Ann: it's sick, if you ask me Natalie: why would anyone want to watch such horrifying things Ann: Steve watches it too from time to time Natalie: GOOOOD Natalie: I just hear "yuck, she left her brain on the windshield" Ann: ... Natalie: I'm not sure I wanna be with him anymore :D Ann: totally...
Peter, is watching live leak and Natalie doesn't like it.
Karen: hi Sylvia 😊 do you know when Julia’s birthday is? Sylvia: dunno:/ sometime this month I guess? why do you ask? Karen: she’s deleted her b-day date on fb… Sylvia: shit Karen: my sentiments exactly^^ Sylvia: we of all people should know when it is Karen: I know Sylvia: so, what do we do? Karen: ask Greg? Sylvia: but what if he doesn’t know? Karen: he’ll know^^ It’s like one of his marital commandments 😀 Thou shalt know your spouse’s b-day date 😀 Sylvia: I guess… but what if he doesn’t? Karen: then we’ll steal her id 😀
Karen and Sylvia don't know Julia's birthday exact date. They are going to ask her spouse, Greg, about it.
Sarah: Hey guys I’m still at Moncloa, waiting for the bus atm Pilar: Ok, you should get here in like 15-20 minutes then Sarah: Something like that. Hope the bus is not too crowded Ricardo: I’m in the café already Ricardo: Can I order anything for you guys? Pilar: Nah, it’s ok
Sarah is at Moncloa waiting for the bus. She should arrive in 15-20 minutes. Ricardo is already in the café.
Jenny: Honey, please buy bread on your way home. Jack: OK, the multi-grain one? Jenny: Yeah, the usual, big package. Jack: No problem. Jack: See u soon.
Jack will buy bread on Jenny's request.
Patty: Club? Selma: when? Patty: 2day? Selma: 2day! Patty: yeah at 8 Selma: make it 9 Patty: ok c ya there Selma: see ya
Patty and Selma are going to the club today at 9.
Juanita: I saw you on TV!😍 Trey: (*^0^*)(*^0^*)Hehe...did you?(*^0^*) Juanita: You looked so cool. I didn't know you sing that well11111 (^<^) (^.^) Trey: Thanks. Trey: I didn't expect you would watch that program. Juanita: Why didn’t you even let me know? Juanita: All of our family members watched TV together.😍😍 Juanita: I was so proud of you! (^^ゞ
Juanita saw Trey singing on a TV show.
Alex: Hi there, why don't you visit us at our new place? Friday evening? Michael: Awesome! so curious to see the apartment! Michael: where do you exactly live? Alex: Copernicus st 5/12 Alex: just be careful Alex: you can meet some boars on your way :D Michael: whaaat?! Michael: real ones?? Liz: seriously? Alex: easy mates Alex: we live close to a forest so it's normal Alex: but we rarely see them. come on, it's not dangerous :D Liz: if u say so... Michael: chill :)
Michael and Liz are going to visit Alex in her new apartment Friday evening. Alex warns them that they might meet boars on the way as she lives close to a forest.
Dwight: can I come? Lebron: sure Dwight: I will grab some beer Lebron: perfect
Dwight will grab some beer and come to Lebron's place.
Ethan: Hi Zoe, so I'm making the b-day reservation at Cosmic Adventures. Ethan: How many parents RSVPed? Zoe: Hi Ethan, 10 at the moment. Ethan: OK, so they have 3 different b-day packages. Ethan: OFC ranging from cheapest to most expensive. Zoe: Yeah, choose the middle one, Fantastic Feast. Ethan: Why not the most expensive one, Ultimate Cosmic Bash? Zoe: Well the only difference is the chip platter and cosmic loot bag. Zoe: Chips are unhealthy. Zoe: And were making loot bags for the kids on our own with Lily. Ethan: OK, if you say so. Ethan: I'll may the deposit as well, because they require it to confirm the booking. Zoe: Please ask them for the party schedule as well. Zoe: As far as I know the party lasts 2,5hrs. Zoe: And make sure they have face painting on Sat. Ethan: Got it, I'll ask. Ttys.
Ethan and Zoe decided to make a birthday party reservation at Cosmic Adventures for Lily.
John: Where are you schooling nowadays? Steve: South C John: I will come and visit today Steve: Waiting....
John will come and visit today.
Ellie: can you buy butter please? Nish: ok. anything else? Ellie: can't remember now Ellie: I'll let you know Nish: ok call me
Nish will buy butter. Ellie will call Nish if she reminds herself what else she needs.
Aaron: And how is my Honey Bunny? Watching telly? Gwyneth: As ill as before. Running nose despite tablets. Gwyneth: I've stuffed myself with garlic, ginger tea and honey but feel no better. Gwyneth: I think I'll go to bed soon. Aaron: There is "Inspector Barnaby" on the 4th at 9:15. Won't you watch it? Gwyneth: Nope. Still have to sort out a few things. Gwyneth: Had no time really to sort out my mail yet. Aaron: Are you then upstairs? Isn't it a bit chilly in your study? Gwyneth: Wearing a fleece jacket. Gwyneth: No, I don't feel like sitting in front of the box. Besides Barnaby is worse and worse. Know all his gags by now. Aaron: True.Getting boring. But there's nothing else. I might turn in early too. Gwyneth: So wish me a good night. Aaron: Good night Honey Bunny. Sleep tight. Aaron: And get better soon!
Gwyneth has a cold. She took pills and natural remedies. She'll go through emails in her study upstairs.
Kayla: did you get the letter? Josh: no :/ Kayla: wow that's odd Josh: yeah Josh: something's wrong :/ Kayla: what could possibly be wrong??? come on Kayla: maybe you should call them and just ask Josh: I dont know Kayla: you can just ask if they already sent it Kayla: maybe wrong address or sth Josh: you're right Josh: I'm gonna call first thing in the morning Josh: when is your interview? Kayla: May 16th Kayla: wish me luck... Josh: oh you're always perfectly prepared ;) Kayla: hahaha I don't know if it's enough in this case
Josh has not received the letter yet, so on Kayla's insistence he will phone and ask them about it tomorrow. Kayla's interview is on May 16th.
Hannah: good luck with your exam! Rosie: thanks Hannah: you're ready for it? Rosie: not sure but I can't study anymore Rosie: I think I'll just go to bed and rest Hannah: that's not a bad idea, just rest and relax and everything should be fine
Rosie doesn't feel she's ready for the exam, but she can't study anymore. She'll go to bed and rest.
Sam: Hey, do you want to join a stretching class tomorrow at 7pm? Sam: It's a charity event at the fitness club Jane: Sorry, can't make it Sue: I've already planned something too Sue: Sorry
Jane can't join the charity streching class tomorrow.
Juliette: Joey! I need your help real fast Joey: Is everything okay? Juliette: So this guy I started seeing asked me if I wanted to go out again, and I don't know if I should say yes! Joey: Well, do you like him? Juliette: Yeah, I think so. But I'm just worried cause I feel like two dates in two nights, might be too much? Joey: I mean he asked you, so it's not like you're pushing him to do anything he doesn't want to. Juliette: That's fair.. Alright, I'm going to say yes! Joey: Sounds good, let me know how the date goes! Juliette: Will do! Thanks for your help Joey, you always know how to talk me down.
Juliette needs Joey's advice. She doesn't know if she should go out again with a guy she started seeing. Joey thinks she is not pushed but only asked to go out. She agrees and decides to say yes.
Albert: Hi Maurice: Hi Albert Albert: Are you still in Brussels? Maurice: Still here. Why? Albert: We are planning trip to Europe, visiting old friends Maurice: Nice. When are you coming? Albert: In August
Maurice is in Brussels. Albert is planning a trip to Europe to visit old friends in August.
Peter: Can you send me the link of your beauty shop? Joy: Definitely Joy: It is https:// ********* Joy: Hope you will like it and feel free to ask any questions. Peter: Okay. Let me look at it.
Joy sent Peter the link to her beauty shop.
Pauline: Wine in the evening? Crystal: yes, please! Pauline: sth happened? Crystal: Hard day in work :/ Pauline: oh, poor thing. Should I buy sth else? Crystal: Lots of wine :D Pauline: got it :)
Crystal and Pauline are drinking some wine this evening. Crystal had a bad day at work.
Lindacy: Are you guys coming over tomorrow? Olga: I can't. Olga: I'm so busy this weekend. Petunia: Why? Olga: I have to go through all my data Olga: I have a supervision on Monday Petunia: Busy weekend Lindacy: I wish you came over Lindacy: My house is free this weekend Petunia: I can come Petunia: I need some rest and good chats Lindacy: Great! Lindacy: I'm happy to see you tomorrow!
Lindacy has a free house this weekend. Petunia will visit Lindacy tomorrow. Olga cannot come because she needs to go through all of her data on weekend. Olga has a supervision on Monday.
Johnatan: yoo guys Darren: B-) Lucas: hey wassup Johnatan: beer? now? Darren: hell yeah B-) Lucas: I'm free in the evening
Lucas, Johnatan and Darren are going to get some beer.
Lia: Are we going out tonight? Marion: No way, I'm sick :( Mel: I'm not in the mood really, sorry Lia: 😕
Lia would like to go out tonight but Marion and Mel are not up for it.
Roxy: Hey Mum, where are you? Pamela: Hello dear, I'm still at the store. Roxy: I can't find the red sweater Gran knitted for me :'-( Roxy: do you know where it could be? Pamela: Oh sweetheart, it's in the chest at the foot of my bed. Roxy: thanks Mum <3 I thought I'd lost it
Roxy's red sweater is in the chest at the foot of Pamela's bed.
Iris: <file_other> Iris: My husband is famous!!! Pete: Oh come on! I've got this 1 interview and it really doesn't make me famous... Iris: Haha. You don't even realize what this "1 inteview" means for my parents. Iris: They're just like: "We're glad that you found yourself a decent man" Pete: Hahaha. I'm flattered :) I'll be home in 1 hour.
Pete has got an interview. His wife Iris is happy because her parents are glad she found a decent man. She is joking he is famous.
Mark: Dear all! We are raising money for a little boy who attends our school! We need your ideas! Will: What about a family fun day? Tom: yeah, like the idea! Lots of fun for the little and big people Kim: face painting is always fun! Sam: BBQ?! Rob: craft & sweet stall Phill: tombola, bouncy castle, dressing up Will: and photo booth Mark: thank you all for so many great ideas! All money made will go to Freddie to fund his operation!
They exchange ideas regarding the school fund-raiser for Freddie's operation.
Jude: Hey guys, we are on the train :) Sandra: Amazing! So you will be on time? Jude: Seems so, but you never know :p Sandra: What about you Jack? Jack: Jack is driving, so it is Welma speaking :) We should arrive in 2 hours, the highway is empty Sandra: Great :) So we should plan some lunch, we are already starving Jude: So are we! ;) Sandra: What is everyone in the mood for? Jack: Something light please, no fast food or pizzas :p Jude: Perhaps we can go to that Portugese place? Free glass of wine with lunch ;) Sandra: That will be an early start to the weekend ;) Jack: We are ok with that plan :p Sandra: So you can go there right away and we will pick up Jude and Anna? Jack: Sounds great :) Can you give me the name of that restaurant? I will call there and make a reservation
Sandra is waiting for Jude and Jack. Jude is coming by train with Anna whereas Jack is driving with Welma. They're going to have lunch at a Portuguese restaurant in about 2 hours.
Marta: Did you read the book I gave you? Guy: Yes, just finished Marta: Can you give it back? Simon wants to read it. Guy: Sure, no problem. I'll bring it tomorrow. Marta: Thank you!
Guy finished the book Marta gave him. She needs it back because Simon wants to read it. Guy will bring the book tomorrow.
Anne: have you bought the tickets? Charles: yes, we've even booked a place already Caroline: in Puerto del Rosario if you want to know Anne: good, that's the main town there, I believe Caroline: probably, very close to the airport Charles: let us know if you want to rent a car, would be really cheap for 4 Anne: ok! I think we will, send me the address, so we will try to find something nearby Charles: I'll write you tonight
Charles and Caroline bought the tickets already and booked a place in Puerto del Rosario. Anne will try to book a place nearby. She confirmed the will to rent a car. Charles will send her the address.
John: hey John: tell mom i wont be able to attend because of work Jane: poor mom, and the way she was waiting for you John: im sorry, its work Jane: cool, im sure she will understand John: i hope so Jane: she will
John wants Jane to tell mother that he won't be there due to his work.
Rene: <file_other> Bill: They were my band in teenage time and I have lot of sentiments Rene: It was something, believe me Bill: I do, I do Rene: And I smile while listening to you, wish to go to concert some day together Bill: Yes Rene: :D Bill: We'll fly from our cities Bill: To the concert city Bill: !!! Rene: Let's dance Rene: Let's release the body from the mind and thoughts
Bill have a lot of sentiment toward his band in teenage time. Bill and Rene want to fly to a concert together.
Alice: Omg!!! Alice: there's gonna be new part of fantastic beats!!!! Mary: Omg no way!!! Alice: I can't wait :D Alice: When u come to Poland we have to see it Mary: Definately! Mary: I can't wait to come over for New Years Alice: Me too!!!
Alice and Mary are going to watch "Fantastic Beasts" together. Mary will come to Poland for New Year's.
Greg: Have you ever been in trattoria da carlo? Ann: noooo, why asking?? Greg: I was there yesterday with Maria Greg: Super tasty delicious food Greg: ^ω^ Mia: Ooo, i must tell Sam about it Greg: Large portions & nice prices Ann: what's on the menu?? Greg: Pizza, pasta, salads... Greg: Typical Italian food :) Ann: nice Ann: and where is that?? Greg: Next to our uni Greg: <file_photo> Greg: Screen from google maps Ann: thx :))) Mia: I found their website Mia: <file_other> Ann: ooo, there are some photos Ann: me likey
Greg and Maria went to Trattoria da Carlo yesterday and liked it.
Anna: Hi, so Thursday or Friday this week, instead of Saturday. Anna: Can you come on Thursday at 18:00? Belinda: Hi! Belinda: Yes, that's perfect! Anna: Great. See you then! Anna: Are you coming? Is everything okey? Anna: I hope you're fine. Belinda: Sorry Anna, got stuck on the train in the middle of nowhere... Belinda: No internet, no network :/ Belinda: I'm coming back from Prague. We're 10 hours behind schedule.. Anna: Sorry to hear that. Glad you're okey! Anna: I though you were coming back on Wednesday. Anna: I'll meet you next week then? Belinda: Yes, please. If it's possible, I'd like to meet on Monday. Anna: I don't work on Mondays, but we can meet on Tuesday. Belinda: Taht would be great, thx!
Belinda can no longer meet on Thursday as she is delayed on her way back from Prague. She rescheduled with Anna for Tuesday next week.
Monica: What time are you coming home? Larry: 6 Fiona: 7:30
Larry is coming home at 6, Fiona at 7.30.
Vincent: So... Erica: So... ? Vincent: Dinner? ;) Erica: With you? Always hon :D Vincent: :* Erica: Where are you thinking of going? Vincent: Oh, I was thinking Rosita's, unless you have a better idea ;) Erica: Rosita's?!! How?? Erica: That place is notoriously difficult to get into ever since it opened! Vincent: Good thing I have two reservations then :D Erica: ...I love you. Vincent: I love you too :) I'll see you tonight x Erica: Wait, what time are you picking me up?? Vincent: 7pm okay? I have the reservations for 8pm, so we should make it :) Erica: Make it 7:15 and you've got yourself a deal! Vincent: Okay, love you and see you later xxx Erica: Can't wait!!! <3
Vincent is picking up Erica at 7.15pm for a meal at Rosita's.
George: <file_other> George: Anyone interested? Tom: 21 dec hmmm Tom: have a meeting then I'm afraid George: But it starts 8p.m. Tom: aaaa, okay George: @Joshua, what about u? Joshua: Fine with me Joshua: And a burger before? George: Hmmm why not Joshua: I know a great place near there Joshua: So juicy and flavorful burgers Joshua: The best burger I've ever tasted George: Where is that? Joshua: Black Iron Burger Joshua: 245 W 38th St George: Ok Joshua: Menu Joshua: <file_other> George: Double 4oz Patty, All-Natural Beef, Double Horseradish Cheddar, Stout Caramelized Grilled Onions, Special Horseradish Mayo George: <file_gif>
George and Joshua are meeting on 21st December. They are going to eat a burger before the event.
Isaac: are you free this Friday? Wendy: No, I have lectures ... Isaac: I wanted to take a day off ... Wendy: well, go ahead but I won't be able to join you Isaac: what time do you finish? Wendy: 2pm Isaac: ok, I can meet you then, how about we go to Ikea? Wendy: great idea! we can eat something there Isaac: and buy pillows Wendy: yes! :)
Isaac and Wendy will go to Ikea on Friday after 2 pm to buy pillows and eat something.
Gabriel: show it girl Jacob: ya, don't be shy! Kathy: <file_photo> Gabriel: nice shade Jacob: u look gorgeous! Kathy: I'm glad you like it :) Gabriel: that must have cost a fortune Kathy: not really
According to Gabriel and Jacob, Kathy looks very nice.
Angela: <file_photo> Jack: The wedding pictures are ready?? Essy: Send us the link to the gallery!!
The pictures from Angela's wedding are ready. Essy wants the link to the gallery.
Jim: Hi bro, do you have any plan for this week end? Teddy: sorry, i have some plan with other friends Jim: don't worry. Enjoy! Teddy: see you bro.
Teddy has plans with his other friends for this weekend and he cannot meet with Jim.
Maisie: B^D Rick: Back atcha, babe! B^D Maisie: I can't wait to get off work to see you! Rick: Ditto! Maisie: This day is going so slowly! Rick: Tell me about it! Maisie: Because it's Friday! Woot! Rick: The weekend is upon us! Bring it on! Maisie: LOL! Rick: So ready to be with you and relax! Maisie: Me too! Rick: Counting the hours!!!! Maisie: Love you, babe! B^D Rick: Love you, too!
Maisie will see Rick after work.
Mikolaj: Hey, I haven't told you yet, but there is a breakthrough with my wife's papers Magda: What papers Mikolaj: With the working permission - since she's foreigner, you know Magda: oh, I remember, so what about that? The government supposed to send it to you, I think, they had deadline until last week or something? Mikolaj: yes, they supposed to do it. So I got the letter Magda: cool, congratulations! Mikolaj: the letter says that they won't make it in time and need another month T_T Magda: wtf Magda: I have no words
Mikolaj's wife needs a work permit as a foreigner. Government officials missed the deadline for sending it and will need another month.
Alex: And? Alex: Has she called back? Maya: ? Sam: Not yet Maya: Who? Leona? Alex: Yes Alex: I'm a bit nervous... Sam: It's gonna be okay, don't worry Maya: What time do we start on Monday? Sam: I don't know Sam: I will ask her Maya: Should I take the bottle of wine? Alex: Haha Sam: Yeah, you take it with you! Maya: :) :)
Alex is curious if Leona called Sam back. She hasn't yet. Maya wants to know when they start on Monday, but Sam doesn't know.
Carol: I got some more fruit from my garden you want some? Jacob: Yess! always? but aren't you gonna eat it? Carol: I have so much I don't know what to do with it Jacob: make some preserves with it Carol: ugh so don't have the time for that Jacob: oh come on Carol: really? thats your argument? Jacob: well... come on Carol: same argument ass Jacob: you aren't one of those super busy people Carol: ? Jacob: you know... a person that does everything, goes to every new place Carol: does everything? what hte hell are you on? Jacob: fine nevermind, when can I come? Carol: You can pick up the fruits Wednesday at 6pm Jacob: ok
Carol will collect the excess fruit on Wednesday at 6 pm.
Jenny: What about our project? Kim: I forgot about it. Meet me tomorrow after school. We'll talk Jenny: Ok, see u in the library.
Jenny and Kim will meet tomorrow after school in the library to talk about their project.
Sid: Casie, you gotta help me Casie: what happened? Sid: I have this song stuck in my head and I can't remember what it is Casie: haha it happens to me a lot Sid: It's about a girl like she's sad but she gets better Casie: that's like a milion songs Sid: It was sang by a guy and now it's again on the radio but sang by a girl Casie: Hmmmmmm Sid: It's from the 90s I guess? Casie: <file_other> Sid: no, that's not it. cool song, though Casie: Right? Sid: i just can't get it out of my head Casie: Oh! I know! Sid: ?? Casie: <file_other> Sid: YES Casie: Haha, I didn't know you were into Super Girl Sid: It's a great song Casie: I know, I like it too Sid: Thanks Cas!! Casie: No prob!
Sid has a song stuck in his head and Casie discovers it is Super Girl.
Annie: Hiya, you ok? Mag: Yeah all good, you? Annie: I'm fine ta, see you at yoga tonight? Mag: Definitely!
Annie and Mag're seeing each other at yoga tonight.
Dad paul: hey, have you noticed something about the kids? Mum Hadija: haha, as if im blind😕😂 but i know they are dating Dad paul: haha, yeah. but we need to talk about them about somethings discretely Mum Hadija: i totally agree Dad paul: but i also like how happy they are around each other Mum Hadija: me too really. Dad paul: okay then, do it in a civil way, me too Mum Hadija: ok
Dad paul and Mum Hadija are going to talk to their children about dating.
Amanda: Hi! Do you know actually the meaning of your names? Jeff: I think everybody knows, right? Amanda: i've just discovered what my name means, I've never thought about it before Jeff: and? Amanda: "worthy of love" more or less Jeff: quite cool Amanda: I've just understand what my grandfather referred to when he was saying "my lovable Amanda" Jeff: how cute! Jeff: my name is actually diminutive from Jefferson which means "peaceful pledge" Jeff: at least the internet says so Steven: a bit strange, so common though Jeff: and Steven? Steven: actually "crown" hahaha Steven: it's a Greek name Amanda: I like the name Steven very much Camile: mine name means "born free" and "noble" Camile: but apparently in Arabic it means "the perfect one" Camile: hahah Rose: a very nice name indeed Camile: thanks, but quite unusual in the English speaking countries Camile: it's a French name
Amanda's name means "worthy of love." Jeff's name means "peaceful pledge." Steven's name means "crown." It's a Greek name. Camile's name means "born free," "noble" and "the perfect one." It's a French name.
Alan: Gina baby don't reject me Gina: Alan. this is getting annoying Alan: Gina baby my heart beats for you Gina: Seriously Alan: Okay seriously Alan: I know you said no like a million times Gina: I did Gina: I really like you just not this way. We talked about it Alan: I know but Gina baby Gina: here you go again...... Alan: I believe I deserve this one chance to prove to you that we are in fact Alan: soulmates Alan: and I could make you happy Gina: Alan are you drunk again?
Alan is frustrated because Gina rejects his feelings for her. His persistence annoys Gina, who suspects Alan is drunk again.
Mike: I don't know if you noticed, but Fiona's views on reproduction right are excruciatingly archaic. Glen: what do you mean? Mike: Did you now that she believes that abortion should be entirely banned? And that the morning-after pill terminates pregnancy? Glen: I wouldn't say these views are archaic. They are simply wrong! It's weird I haven't noticed before how right wing she sometimes is. Mike: I wonder how she's taking the fact that almost all our friends are far more liberal. Glen: She should live in Poland. Mike: Is it that bad in Poland? I haven't heard. Glen: Red this and you will know what I'm talking about <file_other>
Fiona's conservative views seem wrong and archaic for Mike and Glen.
Jane: Hey Bill. You think this will be ok for the blog? <file_other> Bill: Sure. That's a solid piece of research. Blog-wise at least. Jane: Isn't it at bit too controversial, though? I don't know if they're ready for topics like this. Bill: I don't see why not. I mean it's there. There were homosexuals in the army in the past. No reason not to write about it. Jane: On one hand, yes and I agree we shouldn't shy away from those topics, but on the other hand, I feel it's a bit of a loaded subject. Politically. I'm afraid it's going to create a... well, a shitstorm let's call it for what it is. Bill: Look, of course it might outrage some people, but it's the internet, there's always going to be trolls and outraged people. What matters is that you approached this subject in a professional and unbiased manner. Jane: You think so? Bill: Absolutely. And you know I have an eye for those things. And that long list of references just puts a smile on my face ;) Jane: Thanks. I guess I just needed somebody to reassure me it's ok. Bill: Anytime. Jane: I'm kind of ashamed I doubted this piece, it's just... sort of selfish. The thing is some of my readers are more more conservative and I was just afraid they're going to hate me and unfollow me and all that. I know it's stupid. Bill: Yeah, it kind of is. But also very relatable. By default I also want everyone to like me, but some people just won't and you have to come to terms with that. Jane: Yes, it's just really hard to overcome. Bill: This next blog post seems like a good incentive to start ;) Jane: thanks :P
Jane has written an article about homosexuals in the army for her blog. She is worried about it being too controversial.
Agnes: ha the Czech Republic won't stop surprising me Agnes: <file_photo> Agnes: these stairs lead to... the shower :D Audrey: hahaha Jackie: wow Audrey: it's a house right? Agnes: no I'm renting a room Agnes: it's a kind of a tenement house Agnes: and maybe I'll eat this today! Agnes: <file_photo> Jackie: boy I love this ice cream!
Agnes is in the Czech Republic. She's renting a room in a tenement house. She'll probably eat ice cream today.
Zoe: Alright, random question, what is your opinion on Kanye West? Zoe: I watched a video him giving an interview on Ellen Show, and I realized I had never heard him speak before James: looool James: absolute hero James: I mean I have little opinion on him. He's a celebrity. James: also I don't know why people like his dumb music Zoe: Ha, well I think his music is actually pretty good Zoe: it's more his celebrity status that is annoying Zoe: hahah I mean, you can only think so highly of a person tied up in all that Kardashian shit Zoe: haha but music wise, I think he's pretty alright, I'm actually all about it right now James:😂😂😂 James: ha yeah, I guess you could say he's alright then James: but if you're down that hiphop route, I guess you could listen to Aesop Rock Zoe: ooo damn! I kinda know him James: not to be confused with a$ap rocky Zoe: yeah yeah, I looked him up, I know aesop, I've heard him before Zoe: I actually like him a lot Zoe: lol thanks for sending that one my way James: mm my pleasure lol
Zoe quite likes Kanye West's music, James does not. James suggests Zoe checks out Aesop Rock, Zoe knows and likes them.
Mason: I'm looking for a university grant in Europe, can you recommend anything? Peter: sure, Denmark has the best offers Lia: seems to be true indeed, I've heard this from so many friends Jeff: Germany has quite good offers as well Peter: yes, but Denmark does not only offer free universities but a lot of options to finance your life there Mason: but isn't Copenhagen a shithole? Peter: hahaha, the capital not that much Peter: but there are some unis outside Copenhagen, in smaller towns like Aarhus etc. Mason: god, to move there from NYC could be a real shock Peter: for sure Lia: but shocks are sometimes good Mason: maybe you're right Mason: I'll research it Peter: do it!
Mason needs a European university grant recommendation. Lia and Peter think Denmark is the best, Jeff also likes Germany. Danish universities are free and there are many ways to finance your life there. University locations include i.a. Copenhagen and Aarhus. Mason worries about leaving NY.
Johny: You know what I don't like about Christmas? George: That it's religious holiday and you're atheist? Johny: Nope. I don't see it that way. I see it as a traditional family gathering deepening relations between family members. Johny: What I don't like it's this meticulous cleaning every cm2 of house. Johny: Windows can be dirty all year and no one bats an eye. Johny: But If you leave windows uncleaned for Christmas or Easter, everyone loses their mind. George: "Hello Jesus is born, quickly wash the windows!" Johny: Sth like that. George: I don't like it either. George: But my mom's getting furious about it so I don't complain/ Johny: Hehe. I can relate :P
Neither Johny nor George like cleaning before Christmas.
Jonas: Do you fancy going out tonight? Rose: sure, any place in mind? Jonas: not yet, give me a minute. Rose: okay
Jonas and Rose will go out tonight.
Clara: Do you speak Thai by any chance??? George: LOL Peter: Nope Clara: I'm stuck in this shithole I need help Clara: I'm trying with the google translate but it's not great. Clara: I don't understand what they are saying to me... George: What happened?? Clara: My motorcycle broke Peter: Wait I have a Thai friend Peter: I'll try to call him maybe he could translate Clara: That would be awesome! Clara: Thanks Peter Clara: It is so frustrating not being able to communicate...
Clara's motorbike broke in Thailand and she needs someone to help her communicate. Peter will ask his Thai friend.
Tom: How are you today? Anita: soso Tom: why? what happened Anita: I think we went a bit too far last night Tom: I'm sorry, I thought you liked it Anita: I did and this is exactly the problem Tom: let's talk about it over a cup of coffee Anita: ok, I'll write you as soon as I'm done at the office
Anita's not feeling great after last night. Tom will meet her to talk after work.
Jason: Hey Mom Mum: hey son, was about to call you, how was the flight? Jason: so tired, but cool, its raining out here btw Mum: really? Jason: yeah, wish i had carried my addidas pullover Mum: i remember telling you that its cold at times at the east coast but you didn't believe me Jason: Really now Mum: Yeah, really Jason: haha, i knew you'd remind me of that Mum: Anyway, your Dad says hi Jason: Is he there with you? Mum: yeah, he's watching the tv. Jason: Ok mum, say hello, need to go now Mum: Ok son, take care and send lots of pics around the city Jason: Sure thing, tomorrow ill visit the liberty statue Mum: Please do, and remember also to take a pic of the shoffey band Jason: sure. Mum: Bye, talk later then Jason: Ok
Jason's flight was tiring but cool. Jason wishes he had taken his pullover because it's cold at the east cost. Mum wants Jason to send lots od pics including the shoffey band. Jason will visit the Liberty Statue tomorrow.
Luna: Do you have shopping time today? Ann: Shopping? Always! Luna: Cool :)
Anna and Luna are going shopping today.
Jack: What do you think will happen to us now? Jonathan: I don't know.. Jonathan: I've been only in GB for 2 years Leo: this is not fair Jack: of course it is not fair Jonathan: we are fueling their economy and they do what? Leo: they are throwing us out, this is what they will do to us Jack: ye, this is how they are treating foreigners Jonathan: If a foreigner has money, he can come and spend it there, but if you want to make money, nooo you can't Leo: cuz we are the ones who are stealing their jobs Jack: those lazy british people will see how will it influence their economy in the years to come Jonathan: the truth is that they are complaining that their jobs are taken by the foreigners but in the reality they are not even interested in doing these jobs Leo: In few years they will regret what they did
Jack, Jonathan and Leo are living in the UK and they are worried about Brexit. Jack, Jonathan and Leo believe GB will regret getting rid of foreigners.
Paul: don't go to Pizza Hut on the main square... EVER Beckett: why? Paul: pizza was cold, we waited like 30 minutes for the services and worst of all - beer was warm Beckett: lol thanks for the warning mate
Pizza Hut on the main square served Paul a cold pizza, warm beer, and they waited for service 30 minutes, so he warned Beckett not to go there.
Greg: Please tell me a game title it's totally worth buying Martin: With no hesitation Martin: Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Martin: Game's worth your time Greg: I heard so. If you say that it's worth it, then I'm buying it right away. Martin: Great! Can't wait to talk it over with you :P
Martin recommends Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. Greg will buy it.