22 values
The United States in general or the specific markets in which NOODLES & Co operate may suffer from depressed economic activity , recessionary economic cycles , higher fuel or energy costs , low consumer confidence as a result of stock market volatility and other reasons , high levels of unemployment , reduced home values , increases in home foreclosures , investment losses , personal bankruptcies , reduced access to credit or other economic factors that may affect consumers ' discretionary spending .
Other income for the 201 4 year of $ 24.9 million primarily resulted from the sale of SKYWEST INC equity investment in TRIP Linhas Arereas , a regional airline operation in Brazil ( TRIP ) .
Gregory E. Poling President and Chief Executive Officer .
Global Solutions purchased transportation costs increased by $ 16.3 million , or 7.1 % , to $ 245.6 million in 2015 from $ 229.3 million in 2014 , and increased as a percentage of Global Solutions revenues to 74.4 % in 2015 from 73.7 % in 2014 .
Also pursuant to the Share Exchange Agreement , the following individuals were appointed as eWELLNESS HEALTHCARE Corp directors , effective immediately after the close of the Share Exchange : Douglas MacLellan ( Chairman ) , Darwin Fogt , Curtis Hollister and David Markowski ( collectively , the New Directors ) ; and the following individuals were appointed to the following positions : Mr. Fogt as eWELLNESS HEALTHCARE Corp President and Chief Executive Officer , David Markowski as eWELLNESS HEALTHCARE Corp Chief Financial Officer , Secretary and Treasurer , and Curtis Hollister as eWELLNESS HEALTHCARE Corp Chief Technology Officer ( collectively , the New Officers ) .
The allocation of assets , liabilities , rights , indemnifications and other obligations between DISH Network and EchoStar under the separation and ancillary agreements EchoStar entered into with DISH Network did not necessarily reflect what two unaffiliated parties might have agreed to .
TUESDAY MORNING CORP / DE ended the first six months of fiscal 2016 with 764 stores , compared to 792 stores at the end of the first six months of the prior year .
Due to SPI s failure to meet its purchase obligations , on May 4 , 2017 EnSync , Inc. terminated the Supply Agreement .
Edward H. Ross , FIDUS INVESTMENT Corp Chairman and Chief Executive Officer , and Thomas C. Lauer , FIDUS INVESTMENT Corp President , are managers of Fidus Investment Advisors , LLC .
ONE Group Hospitality , Inc. currently operate seven owned and three managed STK restaurants in major metropolitan cities globally , such as Atlanta , Chicago , Las Vegas , London , Los Angeles , Miami , Milan , New York and Washington D.C.
COPART INC first expanded COPART INC operations outside North America in fiscal 2008 with a significant acquisition in the U.K. followed by acquisitions in the U.A.E , Brazil , Germany , and Spain in fiscal 2013 , expansions into Bahrain and Oman in fiscal 2015 , and expansion into India in fiscal 2016 .
Revenue generated from defense clients was $ 2.7 billion , or approximately 46.6 % of Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp revenue in fiscal 2017 as compared to $ 2.6 billion , or approximately 48.3 % of Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp revenue in fiscal 2016 .
Exhibit 32.1 In connection with the Annual Report of LinnCo , LLC ( the Company ) on Form 10 - K for the year ended December 31 , 2015 , as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof ( the Report ) , I , Mark E. Ellis , Chairman , President and Chief Executive Officer of LinnCo , LLC , certify , pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350 , as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes - Oxley Act of 2002 , that : The Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a ) or 15(d ) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ; and The information contained in the Report fairly presents , in all material respects , the financial condition and results of operations of LinnCo , LLC .
Except with respect to the target antigen of a product for which Mersana Therapeutics , Inc. exercised its option to co - develop and co - commercialize in the United States , Takeda may terminate the 2016 Restated Agreement in its entirety or with respect to any target for .
In the first quarter of 2016 , DOUGLAS DYNAMICS , INC increased its annual implied dividend from $ 0.89 to $ 0.94 per share and both declared and paid a dividend of $ 0.2350 .
The financial position and the results of operations of VASCO DATA SECURITY INTERNATIONAL INC foreign subsidiaries , with the exception of VASCO DATA SECURITY INTERNATIONAL INC subsidiaries in Switzerland , Singapore and Canada , are measured using the local currency as the functional currency .
The following table presents Sutherland Asset Management Corp summarized consolidated results of operations and reconciliation to Core Earnings for the three and six months ended June 30 , 2017 and 2016 : .
Executive Officers of IPL Patricia L. Kampling Ms. Kampling has served as a director since January 2012 , and as Chairman of the Board and CEO since April 2012 .
If Lumos Networks Corp. rural exemption were removed , CLECs could more easily enter Lumos Networks Corp. RLECs markets .
Mr. Vincent served as a director of Swift Energy from May 2005 and as President of SWIFT ENERGY CO from November 2004 until his retirement .
The noncompetition obligations of clause ( i ) of the preceding sentence shall be effective only with respect to a competitor of DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS , LLC , which is understood to mean any person or entity in competition with DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS , LLC , and more particularly those persons and entities in the businesses of : production , transmission , distribution , or retail or wholesale marketing or selling of electricity or natural gas ; resale or arranging for the purchase or for the resale , brokering , marketing , or trading of electricity , natural gas or derivatives thereof ; energy management and the provision of energy solutions ; development and operation of power generation , transmission and distribution facilities , and sales and marketing of electric power and natural gas , domestically and abroad ; and any other business in which DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS , LLC . is engaged at the termination of the Executive s employment ; and within the following geographical areas : ( i ) any country in the world ( other than the United States ) where DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS , LLC . has at least $ 25 million in capital deployed as of termination of the Executive s employment ; ( ii ) the states of Colorado , Florida , Georgia , Illinois , Indiana , Kentucky , Michigan , Minnesota , Mississippi , New York , North Carolina , Tennessee , Ohio , Pennsylvania , South Carolina , Texas , Vermont , Wisconsin and Wyoming ; and ( iii ) any other state in the United States where DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS , LLC . has at least $ 25 million in capital deployed as of the termination of the Executive s employment .
This residual attribution is based on the year to date average percentage of Blackstone Holdings Partnership Units held by Blackstone personnel and others who are limited partners of the Blackstone Holdings Partnerships .
The warrant could be exercised at any time during the five year period following the full repayment of the loan ; the exercise price could be paid in cash or through a cashless exercise feature ; and the warrant granted certain registration rights to Sl inte applicable to all shares of United Cannabis Corp common stock owned or controlled by Sl inte , including shares issued upon exercise of the warrant .
IBERIABANK CORP acquired all of the outstanding common stock of the former Florida Bank Group shareholders for total consideration of $ 90.5 million , which resulted in goodwill of $ 15.7 million , as shown in the table below .
By : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dieter Schilling , President and CEO .
The arbitration shall be conducted by a panel of three ( 3 ) arbitrators , with one ( 1 ) arbitrator chosen by each of FG and Astellas and the third appointed by the other two ( 2 ) arbitrators .
The increase in segment general and administrative expenses ( excluding equity - indexed compensation expense ) for the three months ended March 31 , 2017 compared to the three months ended March 31 , 2016 was primarily due to costs associated with PLAINS GP HOLDINGS LP acquisition activities .
Consequently , IBERIABANK CORP believe that there is a risk that IBERIABANK CORP investment in FHLB common stock could be impaired at some time in the future and , if this occurs , it would cause IBERIABANK CORP earnings and stockholders equity to decrease by the after - tax amount of the impairment charge .
If CONNECTICUT WATER SERVICE INC / CT are unable to pay the principal and interest on CONNECTICUT WATER SERVICE INC / CT indebtedness as it comes due , or CONNECTICUT WATER SERVICE INC / CT default under certain other provisions of CONNECTICUT WATER SERVICE INC / CT loan documents , CONNECTICUT WATER SERVICE INC / CT indebtedness could be accelerated and CONNECTICUT WATER SERVICE INC / CT results of operations and financial condition could be adversely affected .
In 2014 , SKYWEST INC completed the sale of its 20 % interest in T RIP to Trip investments Ltda ( Trip Investimentos ) for $ 42 million .
IBERIABANK CORP s internal control system was designed to provide reasonable assurance to IBERIABANK CORP s management and Board of Directors regarding the preparation and fair presentation of IBERIABANK CORP s financial statements for external purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles .
Professional Services Agreement During the year ended December 31 , 2013 , under a professional services agreement , as amended , with Crestview Partners , L.P. ( Crestview ) , a party that prior to 2014 had designated for election two members of FBR & Co. s Board of Directors , FBR & Co. agreed to pay Crestview Advisors , L.L.C. a $ 1,000 annual strategic advisory fee plus reimbursement of reasonable out - of - pocket expenses as long as Crestview continued to own at least 50 % of the shares purchased by certain Crestview affiliates in FBR & Co. 2006 private offering .
The estimates and assumptions that most significantly impact the presented amounts within these Consolidated Financial Statements are further described below : ( i ) Revenue Recognition ( a ) Product Sales : SPECTRUM PHARMACEUTICALS INC sell SPECTRUM PHARMACEUTICALS INC products to wholesalers / distributors ( i.e , SPECTRUM PHARMACEUTICALS INC customers ) , except for SPECTRUM PHARMACEUTICALS INC U.S. sales of ZEVALIN in which case the end - user ( i.e , clinic or hospital ) is SPECTRUM PHARMACEUTICALS INC customer .
Brent Reynolds , a professor in the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Florida , College of Medicine and Dennis Steindler , a professor of Medical Research in the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Florida , College of Medicine , as well as , Dr. Loic Deleyrolle , a research assistant at McKnight Brain Institute at the University Florida ; and , PTI s business model is based on technology developed there .
Concurrently with entering into the purchase agreement , ATOSSA GENETICS INC also entered into a registration rights agreement with Aspire Capital , in which ATOSSA GENETICS INC agreed to file one or more registration statements , as permissible and necessary to register under the Securities Act of 1933 , registering the sale of the shares of ATOSSA GENETICS INC Common Stock that have been and may be issued to Aspire Capital under the purchase agreement .
ADOBE SYSTEMS INC support ADOBE SYSTEMS INC end users through local field offices and ADOBE SYSTEMS INC worldwide distribution network , which includes locations in Australia , Austria , Belgium , Brazil , Canada , Czech Republic , Denmark , Finland , France , Germany , India , Ireland , Italy , Japan , Mexico , Moldova , the Netherlands , Norway , Poland , Portugal , Romania , Singapore , South Africa , South Korea , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Taiwan , Turkey , the United Kingdom and the United States .
All activity for the period from March 24 , 2014 ( inception ) through December 31 , 2015 relates to WL Ross Holding Corp. s formation , initial public offering ( Public Offering ) described below and efforts directed toward locating a suitable Business Combination .
As most of ChinaNet Online Holdings , Inc. operations are conducted through ChinaNet Online Holdings , Inc. PRC subsidiaries and VIEs , ChinaNet Online Holdings , Inc. ability to pay dividends is primarily dependent on receiving distributions of funds from ChinaNet Online Holdings , Inc. PRC subsidiaries and VIEs .
Mr. Matiuk began his career at Chevron Corporation in 1967 as a production and reservoir engineer , and while with Chevron Corporation he also held the positions of Vice President of Chevron USA s Western Operations with responsibility for all onshore and off - shore operations in California , General Manager of Chevron s production operations in the United Kingdom , and Manager of Production and Drilling for all of Chevron s operations in Western Australia .
During 2015 , 2014 and 2013 WASTE MANAGEMENT INC settled various tax audits .
Thereafter , in February 2007 DIRECTVIEW HOLDINGS INC . formed DirectView Security and in July 2007 DIRECTVIEW HOLDINGS INC formed DirectView Video .
Significant Items Impacting SEI INVESTMENTS CO Financial Results in 2015 Revenues increased $ 68.2 million , or five percent , to $ 1.3 billion in 2015 compared to 2014 .
Dr. Smith also served as a member of the Industrial Associates of the School of Earth Sciences at Stanford University for several years .
Mr. Ball currently serves on the Boards of Ferus Inc , Ferus GP LLC , Ferus Natural Gas Fuels Inc , Ferus Natural Gas Fuels GP , LLC , Ferus Natural Gas Fuels ( CNG ) , LLC , Ascent Resources , LLC , PRES Holdings , LLC and is a board observer of MarkWest Utica EMG , LLC .
As of December 31 , 2015 , DISH Network held 6.3 % and 7.5 % of the aggregate number of outstanding shares of EchoStar and HSS capital stock , respectively .
As a result of the issuance of shares of Illumination America , Inc. s Common Stock in exchange for the outstanding shares of Grom , upon closing the stockholders of Grom will become stockholders of Illumination America , Inc. and the Grom shareholders will own approximately 92 % of Illumination America , Inc. s then issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock .
As of November 30 , 2015 , Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory , Inc. held approximately 39 % of U - Swirl s outstanding common stock .
On February 19 , 2015 , Orbital Tracking Corp. issued to Mr. Rector , the former Chief Executive Officer , Chief Financial Officer and director of Orbital Tracking Corp , a seven year option to purchase 2,150,000 shares of common stock as compensation for services provided to the Company .
Mr. Duen as served in several progressive positions with Kellogg Company from September 1995 to May 2012 , the most recent of which was Vice President and General Manager of the toaster pastries business .
In addition , subsequent to the initial public offering , trusts established by Jay Sugarman , Safety , Income & Growth , Inc. 's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer , and Geoffrey Jervis , Safety , Income & Growth , Inc. 's Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer , purchased 26 thousand shares in the aggregate of Safety , Income & Growth , Inc. 's common stock for an aggregate $ 0.5 million , at an average cost of $ 19.20 per .
If Blackstone Group L.P. were taxed as a U.S. corporation or held all ISPIs through U.S. corporations , Blackstone Group L.P. effective tax rate could increase significantly .
Randal R. Greene President and Chief Executive Officer .
Michael T. Rehwinkel - Mr. Rehwinkel previously served as Executive Chairman of EVRAZ North America , a steel manufacturer , from July 2013 to December 2015 and as Chief Executive Officer and President from February 2010 to July .
Essent Group Ltd. effective tax rate was 34.9 % for the year ended December 31 , 2014 , which approximates the U.S. federal statutory tax rate as substantially all of Essent Group Ltd. earnings in 2014 were generated in the United States .
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of Vitality Biopharma , Inc. Board of Directors consists of Dr. Dhillon and Dr. Maida , with Dr. Dhillon serving as Chairman .
Carrols Restaurant Group is led by CARROLS RESTAURANT GROUP , INC . Chief Executive Officer and President , Daniel T. Accordino , who has over 40 years of Burger King and quick - service restaurant experience at CARROLS RESTAURANT GROUP , INC . company .
Kenneth S. Eickerman Director Mr. Eickerman became a director on March 4 , 2004 .
The 2016 Van Voorhis Employment Agreement has a term of two years and entitles Mr. Van Voorhis to participate in any deferred compensation plan PARKS AMERICA , INC may adopt during the term of his employment with PARKS AMERICA , INC . On April 1 , 2008 , PARKS AMERICA , INC entered into an employment agreement with James Meikle ( the 2008 Meikle Employment Agreement ) pursuant to which Mr. Meikle was hired to serve as the President and Chief Executive Officer of each of PARKS AMERICA , INC s wholly owned subsidiaries .
Due to the issuance of Series A Preferred Stock to BKC in connection with CARROLS RESTAURANT GROUP , INC . 2012 acquisition , BKC beneficially owns approximately 20.8 % of CARROLS RESTAURANT GROUP , INC . common stock as of March 4 , 2016 ( assuming conversion of the Series A Preferred Stock ) .
I , Arraya Wilaiphan , President and Chief Executive Officer of messageBgone , Inc , hereby certify , pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350 , as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes - Oxley Act of 2002 , that : .
While most of the intellectual property TRUPAL MEDIA , INC . use is created by us , TRUPAL MEDIA , INC . have acquired rights to proprietary intellectual property from Game Media Works , Ltd , a company 100 % controlled by TRUPAL MEDIA , INC . sole officer and director , Panayis Palexas , whereby Game Media Works , Ltd. grants to TRUPAL MEDIA , INC .
Sempra Global is the holding company for most of SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC CO subsidiaries that are not subject to California utility regulation .
During the fiscal year ended December 31 , 2016 , RARE ELEMENT RESOURCES LTD had three NEOs : Randall J. Scott , President and Chief Executive Officer ( CEO ) of the Company ; Paul H. Zink , former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer ( CFO ) of the Company ; and Jaye T. Pickarts , former Chief Operating Officer ( COO ) of the Company .
Through MOBILE MINI INC wholly owned subsidiary , Evergreen Tank Solutions , Inc. ( ETS ) MOBILE MINI INC are also a leading provider of specialty containment solutions in the United States ( U.S. ) .
Deferred Costs and Other Assets On January 4 , 2017 , the remaining $ 15.6 million outstanding on the promissory note receivable related to the January 29 , 2016 sale of Forest Mall , located in Fond Du Lac , Wisconsin , and Northlake Mall , located in Atlanta , Georgia , was received by Washington Prime Group , L.P. in full .
Mr. Jarvie is a founder and therefore may be considered a promoter , as that term is defined in Rule 405 of Regulation C. Director Independence .
In addition , the sanctions laws and regulations could be changed in ways that would require us to discontinue or limit SYNIVERSE HOLDINGS INC current activities involving Iran , Syria , Sudan or Cuba , or involving other countries , individuals or entities that are not currently designated as Sanctions Targets .
During 2015 , fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates adversely affected , and they may continue to adversely affect , REVLON CONSUMER PRODUCTS CORP 's results of operations and the value of REVLON CONSUMER PRODUCTS CORP 's foreign net assets in 2015 , which in turn could cause a material adverse effect on REVLON CONSUMER PRODUCTS CORP 's reported net sales and earnings and the comparability of period - to - period results of operations .
MOSAIC CO primarily incur liabilities for reclamation activities in MOSAIC CO Florida operations and for phosphogypsum management system ( Gypstack ) closure in MOSAIC CO Florida and Louisiana operations where , in order to obtain necessary permits , MOSAIC CO must either pass a test of financial strength or provide credit support , typically in the form of cash deposits , surety bonds or letters of credit .
Cerulean Pharma Inc. board of directors also determined that the current members of Cerulean Pharma Inc. audit committee , Mr. Arbuckle , Mr. McKee , and Dr. Walt ; the current members of Cerulean Pharma Inc. compensation committee , Dr. Friedman , Mr. McKee and Dr. Parkinson ; Dr. Hall , who served on Cerulean Pharma Inc. compensation committee prior to his resignation in June 2016 ; and Mr. Arbuckle , Dr. Rastetter and Dr. Walt , the current members of Cerulean Pharma Inc. nominating and corporate governance committee , all satisfy the independence standards for such committees established by the SEC and the NASDAQ Listing Rules , as applicable .
Exhibit 99.2 to LSB INDUSTRIES INC s Form 8 - K filed May 13 , 2009 .
If Griffin - Benefit Street Partners BDC Corp. terminate the Investment Advisory Agreement with GBA , Griffin - Benefit Street Partners BDC Corp. will be required to repay GBA all reimbursements funded by GBA within three years of the date of termination , subject to the limitation that organization and offering costs will only be repaid up to 1.5 % of gross proceeds .
Organizational Background : Emerald Medical Applications Corp ( the " Registrant " ) , was incorporated in the State of Ohio in 1989 under a predecessor name , Zaxis International Inc. ( " Zaxis " ) .
One 29 Park Management owns ten percent of One 29 Park , LLC , which operates a restaurant and manages the rooftop of a hotel located in New York , New York .
Name Positions Held Date of Election or Designation Lawrence Calarco CEO July 2014 through present Director July 2014 through present Charles Dargan II CFO July 2014 through present Director July 2014 through present Principal Accounting Officer July 2014 through present Loreen Calarco Secretary July 2014 through present Director July 2014 through present Jeffrey Michel Director July 2014 through present Business Experience Lawrence Calarco :
Each of Immune Design Corp. license agreements with MedImmune will remain in effect until the later of October 2060 or the expiration of MedImmune s payment obligations .
Hatteras Financial Corp president Benjamin M. Hough , chief financial officer Kenneth A. Steele and chief investment officer Frederick J. Boos , II are all also executives of Hatteras Financial Corp manager and of ACM .
To the extent SKYWEST INC place these aircraft in service under SKYWEST INC code share agreements with Delta , United , or other carriers , SKYWEST INC code share agreements currently provide that reimbursement rates will be adjusted higher or lower to reflect interest rate changes in SKYWEST INC aircraft ownership costs .
In addition , if the distribution of Hewlett Packard Enterprise s common shares to the HP stockholders is determined to be taxable , Hewlett Packard Enterprise and HP would share the tax liability equally , unless the taxability of the distribution is the direct result of action taken by either Hewlett Packard Enterprise or HP subsequent to the distribution , in which case the party causing the distribution to be taxable would be responsible for any taxes imposed on the distribution .
COPART INC first expanded COPART INC operations outside North America in fiscal 2008 with a significant acquisition in the U.K. followed by acquisitions in the U.A.E , Brazil , Germany , and Spain in fiscal 2013 , expansions into Bahrain and Oman in fiscal 2015 , and expansion into India in fiscal 2016 .
Also on December 10 , 2014 , Orbital Tracking Corp , Orbital Sub , GTC and World entered into a license agreement pursuant to which GTC granted to Orbital Sub a fully paid and irrevocable non - exclusive license to use certain equipment owned by GTC or its affiliates consisting of Appliqu s located in Globalstar s facilities .
The revenue producing assets that are held by the VIEs and a VIE s subsidiary comprise of licensed content , network equipment , charter / cooperation agreements , software and licenses and website and mobile app development .
If significant market disruption and volatility return , CONNECTICUT WATER SERVICE INC / CT may not be able to refinance CONNECTICUT WATER SERVICE INC / CT existing debt when it comes due , draw upon CONNECTICUT WATER SERVICE INC / CT existing lines of credit or incur additional debt , which may require us to seek other funding sources to meet CONNECTICUT WATER SERVICE INC / CT liquidity needs or to fund CONNECTICUT WATER SERVICE INC / CT capital expenditures budget .
Exhibit Number Description of Document Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization , dated as of September 19 , 2011 , by and among Azur Pharma Limited , Jaguar Merger Sub Inc , Jazz Pharmaceuticals , Inc. and Seamus Mulligan , solely in his capacity as the Indemnitors Representative filed with the SEC on September 19 , 2011 ) .
Thomas H. Lyles , 66 , has served as chief executive officer and as a director of TIDELANDS BANCSHARES INC company and TIDELANDS BANCSHARES INC bank since April 2011 , and , additionally , as president of TIDELANDS BANCSHARES INC company and TIDELANDS BANCSHARES INC bank since June 2011 .
On April 25 , 2016 , Judge Boyle in the Chan case issued an order granting the parties joint motion to transfer that case to Judge Lindsay , who is presiding over the earlier - filed Stein case .
Richard H. Sain , former Senior Vice President of Retail Pharmacy Business Development , owns the land and building occupied by one of Fred s Xpress Pharmacy locations .
The decrease in FBR & Co. net results in 2015 compared to 2014 was primarily due to a $ 44.2 million decrease in investment banking revenue .
Subsequent Event On January 27 , 2016 , GCP entered into a Separation and Distribution Agreement ( the Separation Agreement ) with Grace pursuant to which Grace agreed to transfer its construction products business , and its packaging technologies business operated under the Darex name , to GCP ( the Separation ) , and distribute all of the Grace - owned common stock of GCP to Grace s stockholders in a distribution intended to be generally tax - free to Grace s stockholders ( the Distribution ) .
After the net sales threshold is achieved , Pharmstandard has the right to offset a portion of the royalties Pharmstandard pays to third parties for licenses to necessary third party intellectual property against the royalties that Pharmstandard pays to ARGOS THERAPEUTICS INC .
In consideration of mutual releases between Richard Chiang and ANDES 7 INC , Mr. Chiang consented to ANDES 7 INC . s redemption of 9,900,000 shares at par value , i.e. $ 990 , which had previously been issued to him in serving in director and officer capacities .
At December 31 , 2016 , the fair value of plan assets of the Aetna Pension Plan was in excess of the benefit obligations , while the Non - qualified Pension Plan had benefit obligations in excess of the fair value of plan assets .
Joseph P. Hannan Joseph P. Hannan , Chief Financial Officer , principal financial and accounting officer .
When Granite Falls Energy , LLC use the terms " Granite Falls Energy " , " we " , " us " , " our " , the " Company " , " GFE " or similar words in this Annual Report on Form 10 - K , unless the context otherwise requires , Granite Falls Energy , LLC are referring to Granite Falls Energy , LLC and its wholly owned subsidiary , Project Viking , L.L.C , through which Granite Falls Energy , LLC hold a controlling interest in Heron Lake BioEnergy , LLC .
In the accompanying analysis of financial information , GENERAL ELECTRIC CO sometimes use information derived from consolidated financial data but not presented in GENERAL ELECTRIC CO financial statements prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles ( GAAP ) .
NUVASIVE INC IOM services and support business is operated through NUVASIVE INC subsidiary , Impulse Monitoring , Inc , or Impulse Monitoring , which is located in Columbia , Maryland .
In January 2016 , in connection with his commencement of employment with Sienna Biopharmaceuticals , Inc , Sienna Biopharmaceuticals , Inc. s board of directors granted Dr. Beddingfield , Sienna Biopharmaceuticals , Inc. s Chief Executive Officer , the right to purchase 554,000 shares of Sienna Biopharmaceuticals , Inc. s common stock for a purchase price of $ 2.35 per share , which the board of directors determined was the fair market value on the date of grant .
The Bank Guarantee Facility allows GEO to provide letters of credit to assure performance of certain obligations of its wholly owned subsidiary relating to its prison project in Ravenhall , located near Melbourne , Australia .
Cause means ( i ) the commission of a felony or other crime involving moral turpitude or the commission of any other act or omission involving misappropriation , dishonesty , unethical business conduct , disloyalty , fraud or breach of fiduciary duty , ( ii ) reporting to work under the influence of alcohol , ( iii ) the use of illegal drugs ( whether or not at the workplace ) or other conduct , which could reasonably be expected to , or which does , cause Petrolia Energy Corp or any of its affiliates public disgrace or disrepute or economic harm , ( iv ) repeated failure to perform duties as reasonably directed by the Board of Directors , ( v ) gross negligence or willful misconduct with respect to Petrolia Energy Corp or its affiliates or in the performance of Mr. Khan s duties under the agreement , ( vi ) obtaining any personal profit not thoroughly disclosed to and approved by the board in connection with any transaction entered into by , or on behalf of , Petrolia Energy Corp or any of its affiliates , or ( vii ) violating any of the terms of Petrolia Energy Corp s or its affiliates rules or policies applicable to Mr. Khan which , if curable , is not cured to the board s reasonable satisfaction within fifteen ( 15 ) days after written notice thereof to Mr. Khan , or any other material breach of the agreement or any other agreement between Mr. Khan and Petrolia Energy Corp or any of its affiliates which , if curable , is not cured to the board s reasonable satisfaction within fifteen ( 15 ) days after written notice thereof to Mr. Khan .
On December 10 , 2014 , Orbital Tracking Corp. purchased certain contracts from GTC for $ 250,000 pursuant to an asset purchase agreement by and among Orbital Tracking Corp , its wholly owned subsidiary Orbital Satcom , GTC and World ( see Note 7 ) .