return the size in bytes of the encoded value using this coder
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getCount
re main re
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getDayOfWeek
generate a bitmap of the canvas
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getHeight <unk> . getWidth <unk> . resize <unk> . <unk> <unk> . getHeight Paint . <init> Math . max Paint . setStrokeWidth <unk> . <unk> Paint . setAntiAlias Canvas . <init> Canvas . setBitmap Canvas . drawColor Stroke . <unk> Stroke . <unk> Paint . setColor Stroke . <unk> Stroke . <unk> Stroke . <unk> Paint . setColor ArrayList < Point2D > . size Stroke . getPoints ArrayList < Point2D > . get <unk> . <unk> ArrayList < Point2D > . get <unk> . <unk> Point2D . y Point2D . x Canvas . drawLine
generate an xml 1
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getHeight <unk> . getWidth <unk> . resize <unk> . <unk> <unk> . getWidth String . format <unk> . getWidth Stroke . <unk>
fire an internal frame event
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getID InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk>
mutate an <unk> instruction
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getIndex
check for changes to the network settings and apply them
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getKey String . equals <unk> . getNewValue System . setProperty <unk> . getNewValue System . setProperty <unk> . getNewValue System . setProperty
check for changes to the network settings and apply them
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getKey String . equals <unk> . getNewValue System . setProperty String . equals System . setProperty
check for changes to the network settings and apply them
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getKey System . setProperty <unk> . getNewValue System . setProperty
a preferences have changed , notify the listeners
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getKey
initialize from another object
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getLength <unk> . getConstantPool
return a statistical summary values instance reporting <unk> statistics
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getMean <unk> . getVariance <unk> . getN <unk> . <unk> <unk> . getMax <unk> . <unk>
return a statistical summary values instance reporting <unk> statistics
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getN <unk> . getMean <unk> . getMin <unk> . <unk>
a preference has changed , notify the listeners if necessary
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getNewValue
a preferences have changed , notify the listeners
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getNewValue
the class prefs
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getParent <unk> . getChild Preferences . name <unk> . getParent <unk> . getChild Preferences . name <unk> . <init> <unk> . getKey <unk> . getNewValue <unk> . getNode Preferences . name Preferences . userRoot Preferences . <unk> Preferences . <unk> Preferences . put Preferences . keys Preferences . get FileOutputStream . <init> Preferences . <unk>
set the parent of the embedded component with <unk> that it is thread safe
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getParent Container . add Container . addPropertyChangeListener <unk> . getParent Container . remove Container . removePropertyChangeListener
copy constructor
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getScale
return the node at fqn
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getValue String . isEmpty String . equals Node . getChild
return a statistical summary values instance reporting <unk> statistics
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getVariance <unk> . getN <unk> . getMax <unk> . getMin <unk> . <unk>
modify to be compatible with double
<unk> . <init> <unk> . getY Point . setY Point . setX <unk> . getY <unk> . getX Edge . <unk> <unk> . getX Point . setX <unk> . getY Point . setY Edge . <unk> <unk> . getY <unk> . getX Point . setY Edge . <unk> Point . setX Edge . <unk> Point . setY Edge . <unk> Point . setY Edge . <unk> <unk> . getY <unk> . getX Point . setY <unk> . getX Edge . <unk> <unk> . getX <unk> . getY Edge . <unk> <unk> . getY Edge . <unk> <unk> . getX Point . setY Math . abs Point . setX Edge . getTop <unk> . getY Edge . getTop Point . setY Edge . getTop Math . abs <unk> . getY Edge . <unk> Point . setX <unk> . getY Edge . <unk> Point . setX <unk> . getY Point . setY Edge . getCurrent Point . setY Point . setX <unk> . getY Edge . <unk> Point . setX
check the format of an oid
<unk> . <init> <unk> . hasMoreTokens <unk> . nextToken <unk> . hasMoreTokens <unk> . nextToken ASN1ObjectIdentifier . <init> ByteArrayOutputStream . <init> DEROutputStream . <init> ByteArrayOutputStream . toByteArray
check the format of an oid
<unk> . <init> <unk> . hasMoreTokens <unk> . nextToken <unk> . hasMoreTokens <unk> . nextToken ByteArrayOutputStream . <init> DEROutputStream . <init> DEROutputStream . writeObject FilterOutputStream . close ByteArrayOutputStream . toByteArray
check the format of an oid
<unk> . <init> <unk> . hasMoreTokens <unk> . nextToken Integer . valueOf <unk> . hasMoreTokens <unk> . nextToken Integer . valueOf ASN1ObjectIdentifier . <init> ByteArrayOutputStream . <init> DEROutputStream . <init> ByteArrayOutputStream . toByteArray
check if a child element of the specified name exists
<unk> . <init> <unk> . hasNext <unk> . next Element . instance Element . cast
set the text content of the element
<unk> . <init> <unk> . hasNext <unk> . next Node . getNodeType <unk> . remove Element . appendChild
create a client which tries to connect to stack under test
<unk> . <init> <unk> . init <unk> . unwrap Network . <unk> <unk> . start
raise no class def found error for <unk> not found
<unk> . <init> <unk> . initCause
initialize rmi server with thread pool size 5 , and client port with <unk>
<unk> . <init> <unk> . initialize
get the accessible context for the <unk> progress monitor
<unk> . <init> <unk> . instance <unk> . <unk> <unk> . cast
get the accessible context code for the progress monitor code
<unk> . <init> <unk> . instance <unk> . cast <unk> . <unk>
run the test using the specified harness
<unk> . <init> <unk> . instance TestHarness . check <unk> . instance TestHarness . check LinkageError . instance TestHarness . check Error . instance TestHarness . check
run the test using the specified harness
<unk> . <init> <unk> . instance TestHarness . check ClassFormatError . instance TestHarness . check LinkageError . instance TestHarness . check Error . instance TestHarness . check Object . instance TestHarness . check
run the test using the specified harness
<unk> . <init> <unk> . instance TestHarness . check Error . instance TestHarness . check Throwable . instance TestHarness . check Object . instance TestHarness . check
run the test using the specified harness
<unk> . <init> <unk> . instance TestHarness . check Object . instance TestHarness . check
run the test using the specified harness
<unk> . <init> <unk> . instance TestHarness . check VirtualMachineError . instance TestHarness . check Throwable . instance TestHarness . check
int value returns current value
<unk> . <init> <unk> . intValue <unk> . <unk> <unk> . intValue
int value returns current value
<unk> . <init> <unk> . intValue <unk> . <unk>
send the validation event to the component listeners
<unk> . <init> <unk> . isValid <unk> . getErrorMessage JLabel . setIcon Component . setToolTipText JLabel . setIcon Component . setToolTipText
construct an ior from an ior template by applying the same object id to each tagged profile template in the ior template
<unk> . <init> <unk> . iterator Iterator . hasNext IORTemplate . cast <unk> . <unk> <unk> . <unk>
construct an ior from an ior template by applying the same object id to each tagged profile template in the ior template
<unk> . <init> <unk> . iterator Iterator . hasNext Iterator . next IORTemplate . cast <unk> . <unk> <unk> . <unk>
long value returns current value
<unk> . <init> <unk> . longValue <unk> . <unk> <unk> . longValue
long value returns current value
<unk> . <init> <unk> . longValue <unk> . add <unk> . longValue
long value returns current value
<unk> . <init> <unk> . longValue <unk> . add
convert a hash in a byte array into a readable hex string
<unk> . <init> <unk> . marshal
convert the byte array into a hexadecimal string representation
<unk> . <init> <unk> . marshal
return the hash of this chunk as readable hex string
<unk> . <init> <unk> . marshal
return the hash of this file as readable hex string
<unk> . <init> <unk> . marshal
generate an xml document from a collection of offset sounds that can later be parsed to regenerate the contained gestures and clip sounds
<unk> . <init> <unk> . newDocumentBuilder ErrorHandler . <unk> Document . createElement Element . appendChild Document . appendChild
read the contents of an input stream and parses it as xml
<unk> . <init> <unk> . newDocumentBuilder ErrorHandler . getInstance ErrorHandler . <unk> DocumentBuilder . parse ErrorHandler . <unk> ErrorHandler . getInstance ErrorHandler . <unk> Document . getFirstChild
set the text content of the element
<unk> . <init> <unk> . next <unk> . remove Element . getOwnerDocument Element . appendChild
re orders the sequence to a pseudo random permutation
<unk> . <init> <unk> . nextInt
check the format of an oid
<unk> . <init> <unk> . nextToken ASN1ObjectIdentifier . <init> ByteArrayOutputStream . <init> DEROutputStream . <init> ByteArrayOutputStream . toByteArray
check the format of an oid
<unk> . <init> <unk> . nextToken Integer . valueOf <unk> . hasMoreTokens <unk> . nextToken Integer . valueOf ByteArrayOutputStream . <init> DEROutputStream . <init> DEROutputStream . writeObject FilterOutputStream . close ByteArrayOutputStream . toByteArray
check the format of an oid
<unk> . <init> <unk> . nextToken Integer . valueOf ASN1ObjectIdentifier . <init> ByteArrayOutputStream . <init> DEROutputStream . <init> ByteArrayOutputStream . toByteArray
compute the two step approximation to the <unk> correlation
<unk> . <init> <unk> . optimize <unk> . getPoint
maximum likelihood estimate <unk> of <unk> ability
<unk> . <init> <unk> . optimize <unk> . getPoint
return the value of the parameter found by the <unk> and <unk> simplex algorithm which <unk> the value of the given function with its parameter constrained
<unk> . <init> <unk> . optimize
create a response that represents an unknown exception
<unk> . <init> <unk> . orb ServiceContexts . <init> <unk> . <init> ServiceContexts . put <unk> . <unk>
convert a html string into plain text
<unk> . <init> <unk> . parse String . <init>
add any links found in the given page to the given group
<unk> . <init> <unk> . parse
create a new html object
<unk> . <init> <unk> . parse
parse html text from java
<unk> . <init> <unk> . parse
create a new linked list entry containing the given data and prepend it before this link
<unk> . <init> <unk> . prepend
start code for problem 1 , take home <unk> two finish the provided merge sorted <unk> , stack method , so it merges both stack arguments into a single sorted stack
<unk> . <init> <unk> . push <unk> . cast <unk> . pop <unk> . isEmpty
start code for problem 1 , take home <unk> two finish the provided merge sorted <unk> , stack method , so it merges both stack arguments into a single sorted stack
<unk> . <init> <unk> . push <unk> . cast <unk> . pop
create a <unk> , page dual hash bid map from a collection of pages
<unk> . <init> <unk> . put
quantile normalize a double double
<unk> . <init> <unk> . rank <unk> . <unk>
create a wrapper for a byte channel which does not expose other methods
<unk> . <init> <unk> . read <unk> . isOpen <unk> . close <unk> . write <unk> . read
generate platform independent output into the output folder
<unk> . <init> <unk> . read
get an object from socket s , using an external class loader for dependencies
<unk> . <init> <unk> . readObject Object . cast
construct and returns a copy of the internal serialized object
<unk> . <init> <unk> . readObject
insert a series of bases into the chromosome
<unk> . <init> <unk> . sample Random . <init> Random . nextInt Character . toString String . concat
delete a substring from the chromosome
<unk> . <init> <unk> . sample Random . <init> Random . nextInt
read <unk>
<unk> . <init> <unk> . seek BufferedImage . <init> BufferedImage . getWidth <unk> . read BufferedImage . setRGB System . exit
prompt the user to enter a string can be called from <unk> the async thread
<unk> . <init> <unk> . set <unk> . notifyAll <unk> . wait <unk> . get String . cast
generate authorization provider for client side use for editing purposes in ui
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setClassName Iterator . next Property . <init> QName . <init> Property . setName Property . setValue <unk> . addProperty
create a pgp data with the specified parameters
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setContent
adapt any dom node to resolve namespaces so that an x path expression can be easily evaluated relative to the context of the node where it appeared within the document
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setElement <unk> . <unk> <unk> . getClass <unk> . <unk>
adapt any dom node to resolve namespaces so that an x path expression can be easily evaluated relative to the context of the node where it appeared within the document
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setElement Document . <unk>
adapt any dom node to resolve namespaces so that an x path expression can be easily evaluated relative to the context of the node where it appeared within the document
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setElement Document . getWindow <unk> . <unk> <unk> . getClass <unk> . <unk>
adapt any dom node to resolve namespaces so that an x path expression can be easily evaluated relative to the context of the node where it appeared within the document
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setElement Document . getWindow <unk> . getClass
adapt any dom node to resolve namespaces so that an x path expression can be easily evaluated relative to the context of the node where it appeared within the document
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setElement Document . getWindow Document . <unk> <unk> . <unk>
create a start document event
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setEncoding AbstractFilter . <unk> <unk> . setEncoding AbstractFilter . <unk> AbstractFilter . <unk> <unk> . setLocale AbstractFilter . getMimeType AbstractFilter . <unk> <unk> . <unk> <unk> . <unk> <unk> . <unk> AbstractFilter . <unk> <unk> . <unk> Event . <init>
create a start document event
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setEncoding AbstractFilter . <unk> AbstractFilter . <unk> <unk> . setLocale <unk> . <unk> AbstractFilter . getParameters <unk> . <unk> <unk> . <unk> AbstractFilter . <unk> <unk> . <unk> Event . <init>
convert byte array into <unk> message
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setMessage ErrorMsg . <unk>
send a <unk> message with the given data
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setMessage Receiver . send
send a request to initialize and assign a machine to a track
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setMessage Receiver . send
send a request to load the kit specified by kit number
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setMessage Receiver . send
send a request to save the current kit to kit slot specified by kit number
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setMessage Receiver . send
create a proxy data object for the proxy
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setName <unk> . <unk> <unk> . <unk> <unk> . <unk> <unk> . <unk>
add dummy measurement
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setName <unk> . <unk> Provider . get
build a covariance object from the panel
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setName <unk> . setType <unk> . setColumns <unk> . setRows <unk> . setBlob
reset the dimensions of the response covariance structure
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setName <unk> . setType HashSet < <unk> > . <init> Set < <unk> > . add <unk> . getRows <unk> . getColumns <unk> . setRows <unk> . setColumns <unk> . setBlob <unk> . <unk> ArrayList < <unk> > . <init> <unk> . <unk> List < <unk> > . clear List < <unk> > . add Set < <unk> > . remove
build and configures the widgets for the gtk color chooser panel
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setName JLabel . setName JComponent . setOpaque Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMinimumSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setPreferredSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMaximumSize JLabel . setName JComponent . setOpaque Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMinimumSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setPreferredSize JComponent . setMaximumSize JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JTextField . <init> GridBagLayout . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . setLayout GTKColorChooserPanel . add JSeparator . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add GridBagConstraints . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add Box . createHorizontalBox Box . add GridBagConstraints . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add JSeparator . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add
build and configures the widgets for the gtk color chooser panel
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setName JLabel . setName JComponent . setOpaque Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMinimumSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setPreferredSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMaximumSize JLabel . setName JComponent . setOpaque Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMinimumSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setPreferredSize JComponent . setMaximumSize JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JTextField . <init> GridBagLayout . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . setLayout GTKColorChooserPanel . add JSeparator . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add Box . createHorizontalBox Box . add GridBagConstraints . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add
build and configures the widgets for the gtk color chooser panel
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setName JLabel . setName JComponent . setOpaque Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMinimumSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setPreferredSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMaximumSize JLabel . setName JComponent . setOpaque Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMinimumSize JComponent . setPreferredSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMaximumSize SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JTextField . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . setLayout GTKColorChooserPanel . add JSeparator . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add GridBagConstraints . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add Box . createHorizontalBox Box . add GTKColorChooserPanel . add
build and configures the widgets for the gtk color chooser panel
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setName JLabel . setName JComponent . setOpaque Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMinimumSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setPreferredSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMaximumSize JLabel . setName JComponent . setOpaque Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMinimumSize JComponent . setPreferredSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMaximumSize SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JTextField . <init> GridBagLayout . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . setLayout GTKColorChooserPanel . add JSeparator . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add GridBagConstraints . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add Box . createHorizontalBox Box . add GridBagConstraints . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add
build and configures the widgets for the gtk color chooser panel
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setName JLabel . setName JComponent . setOpaque Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMinimumSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setPreferredSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMaximumSize JLabel . setName JComponent . setOpaque JComponent . setMinimumSize JComponent . setPreferredSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMaximumSize SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JTextField . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . setLayout GTKColorChooserPanel . add JSeparator . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add GridBagConstraints . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add Box . createHorizontalBox Box . add GTKColorChooserPanel . add
build and configures the widgets for the gtk color chooser panel
<unk> . <init> <unk> . setName JLabel . setName JComponent . setOpaque Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMinimumSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setPreferredSize Dimension . <init> JComponent . setMaximumSize JLabel . setName JComponent . setOpaque JComponent . setMinimumSize JComponent . setPreferredSize JComponent . setMaximumSize JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner SpinnerNumberModel . <init> JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JSpinner . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . configureSpinner JTextField . <init> GridBagLayout . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . setLayout GTKColorChooserPanel . add JSeparator . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add GridBagConstraints . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add Box . createHorizontalBox Box . add GridBagConstraints . <init> GTKColorChooserPanel . add