4 values
There is a Huge difference between the Secular Atheistic Jews who Jesus pointed out in Rev 2:8-Those who say that they are jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan and the godly Jews who believe in God and the Bible. Satanic jews pit race against race for world control. They can't win
Gene Simmons, KISS frontman rips punk-assed Justin Bieber for canceling his tour, disappointing fans. Needed rest."You got no worries, nothing to complain about. You're rich! In case you haven't noticed, you're white! You've got white privilege, bitch! Get a Life!"#GabFam #SpeakFreely #Chat
Princeton grad, Michelle Obama effect? I think soooo.Students can now gender ID as both "Man and Woman."Tigerhub, student interface, allows any and all of the following: Cisgender, Genderqueer, Gender-non-conforming, Other, Trans, Transgender, man, woman.#GabFam #SpeakFreely #Chat #GOP
Feminism sucks but looked who helped bring it up. Another Zionist ploy to create division between men and women@Keltina @ServingYeshua
Don't think so small, what we really need is a government run acid bottle buyback program in White neighborhoods with follow-up mandatory compassionate anti-islamophobia education workshops featuring Cher.
Mohammed Abed "you just have to commit genocide to save the world from the evil people…like white racists"
The battle of Charlottesville: At least two seriously hurt in clashes between white nationalists and counter-protesters at massive march in Virginia as governor warns public to 'stay away'
Sadly, Antifi, BLM, and BAMN will continue to be defenders for SJ and not have bad press or be on any terrorist list. On other news, everyone has been screaming we are white, we are racist, we are nazis, we are fascist for so long, it must be the true.
Steven Pinker researched how violence due to country vs country wars and domestic killings continue to decline rapidly BUT civil wars are becoming MORE lethal
MSM might be polluted by pedophiles.At least the masters at the top are.And MSM never ever want to speak out against muslim practice.
Memo to #Merck #CEO Ken Frazier: Your company has easily killed 100k times those killed in #Charlottesville violence
5118469810733403_gab #liberals #violencethe ends justify the means - no ethical concerns
#McAuliffe - traitor, vain fop, friend of the #Clinton family - took the stage to condemn "white supremacists" for the incidents in #Charlottesville. No word about the true aggressors.Obviously more worried about his hairdo than about the people. - 2:15
I call bullshit on Google.How does a search for "white parents with white children"return these images?
I call bullshit on Google.How does a search for "white parents with white children"return these images?
Black Lives Matter and Antifa use violence to shut down those who don't agree with them
It's a shame a misguided white girl had to die for a bunch of ingrate violence inciting negroes.
@mflsr , my humble opinion Trump is saying "Who's your daddy, who's your daddy, who's your daddy !while bitch slapping those soon to be looking for another government job a-holes.Bravo Dear President.
Watch my new video“Don Lemon Balls Says He’s Enslaved On CNN Hates America”Don Sour Balls Lemon equates Antifa and white supremacist groups at Charlottesville… Oops!
This is how some lefties like to talk to women on the right.
Update: VA hospital changes course (again), will allow Pin-Up visit'm glad these beautiful women are allowed to visit.
Women demand men respect them and treat them like equals and then the "feminists" go put a stupid looking hat on their head and name it "A PUSSY HAT"! How can ANYONE RESPECT THAT? If men ran around in packs wearing a jock strap on their heads those same women would lose it big time!
I was suspended from Twitter for 7 days for tweeting this:"you think I'd feel sorry for my muslim enemies who want me dead? ??I'm grateful to US for bombing Muslims hope they kill all you terrorists"Apparently it's ok to bomb muslims but we can't say we want them dead. lol
I'm now of the opinion Anne Frank's Diary is an anti-white propaganda piece. I'm 1/2 Jewish, 1/2 Dutch and definitely the whitest guy I've ever known. There's nothing wrong with whites as there are anyone of any genetic makeup. We're all meat bodies on a prison planet. That we can all agree to.
LOL ? the communists are desperate. Let us stay vigilant because desperation will erupt into more violence.
The Andrews Sisters - The Strip Polka 1942 Vic Schoen Orchestra
6651665619491939_gab crime in London increases by 42%London knife crime rises to four-year highAcid attack violence in London soars by more than 78 per cent
Since around 1999 western culture has taught me many things. Mainly that I am sexist, racist, homophobic, and a nazi. This of course was initially a shock to me as I thought that I was none of those things. Thankfully now some 18 years into it I realize that I am still not any of those things but I could give a shit less when I am called them. 
I was brought up in the UK and always remember seeing white lines in the sky.Now I live in the biggest city in Brazil with 3 airports.So it struck me the other day how beautiful the sky is here and how I never see any white lines...
WTF is going on? All women, looking really shifty and guilty, reassuring the suspect, touching him and smiling at him...really strange behaviour in a case such as my humble opinion!
We will never, ever submit to turning over our guns, rifles, bows, arrows, knives,swords to the Communist. We are fighting back against your homosexual and pedophilic filth and hatred of all things honorable and true.
All 22 female senators call on Congress to combat sexual harassment
Why does he start all his answers with either senator or congresswoman/man? Watch #Fu$kZuck squirm...
 This is how under fives behave, it's just illustrative of the mental acuity of these negroes. If they are little children, we call it a tantrum. If they are blacks of any age, we call it a chimp-out. Both could be seen as examples of bad parenting by Daddy White Man, more so for the blacks though, because you've had more time to train a twenty-five year old toddler.
 They shouldn't have interbred with them, but the Mayan people's had some very ancient knowledge handed down for thousands of years which was written down, which the catholic missionaries stupidly burned. This knowledge may have given us some understanding of our white cousins that lived in the Americas before and after the cataclysm.
 Over eleven thousand years ago there was an event which ended the ice age, abruptly. It was so extraordinary that at the same time many of the mega-fauna that man had been living side by side with died off around the globe. There is evidence that civilisation may have existed during the ice age, but was brought to an end with this event. There is also evidence that whites lived in the North America before the amerindians colonised the continent. This evidence comes in the form of the flint blades that were being used which was the same as the tool making style of the Western Europeans, these flints have been found far offshore near what were once river mouths so from a time before the great flooding at the end of the ice age. Evidence is also found in the preserved DNA of ancient buried peoples. This discovery goes against the white people are the evil colonisers and don't deserve the americas narrative which is imposed by the jews that run academia in the West. So there is no concerted effort to expand the scope of investigation into these matters because they play against the jew narrative that whites are an evil thief people (this is what they actually teach our kids now).
 Isn't it funny that there's only one guy doing this photo-op. It's not a great mass of jews celebrating Trump, the total number of jews that they could fund was this one propagandist. He couldn't even get other jews from the surrounding area to pop in and give a thumbs up in support of the two flags together. In other words, this image tells you that the opposite is true than the message trying to be delivered. Israel is as anti-American as they come.
 I think that we can determine that people who like using pictures to promote themselves where they're looking all self satisfied and smug are probably douchebags. The same goes for that nasty latino that spoke at amren. Nasty, little, smug kikes and pseudo kikes.
7363677324893881_gab under no circumstances would want any immigrant crossing the border shot and killed with a sniper rifleShoot a womanShoot a childShooting a father or hard-working manJust for crossing the border controlNoGang members MS-13 Muslims etcI would pull the trigger to keep America safeBut there is no way to tell from behind the rifleWe need to put an absolute stop on coming to this country like our president suggestedComplete shutdownAnd if anyone does crossThey are not returned to their original countryAnd we are not paying taxes to jail themA one-time airdrop video recorded on YouTube Facebook Twitter and the rest of the Democratic Party social media crapAir dropped North Korea Iran or AntarcticaWatch how many immigrants cross again after watching that online
The University of #Texas will now treat masculinity as a “mental health issue”, & is urging male students to “take more control over their gender identity.”So you're telling me that masculinity is considered a MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE but men who think they are women is not?Unreal.v @Education4Libs 
"Hand out the teddy bears and the sex toys at the border". David Knight responds to Soros funded invader caravan being being labeled by the zionist state media as full women, children and transgenders. The globalists just don't care anymore, they think if they mention transgenders that we'll reflexively feel sympathy for the rag tag bag of colonising miscreants that should be fired on from orbit by a few rods from god. Butts up boys, time for some aerial penetration.
7367380424910893_gab this stupid ignorant traitorous dumbass woman thwarts the will of the 52+% who gave an instruction to the Politicians to remove #GB out of the #EUMay must be removed as PM for sanctimonious treatment of voters
 Wow, maybe it's in the energy of the areas that spawned them. That said, even after many generations, US blacks haven't gotten more docile. And the amerindians were an enslaving, murdering lot and they all share the same space. North America.
 I think this adds to the left's play to be seen as peace nicks for the up-coming electoral cycle. Theatre. I wrote something a little different in the comments because i wanted to annoy the jew. The wording is nice and basic too, so it can get through to the hebrew.
 And with jews you lose right? Lots of jews around Trump. You need Americans with a solid US ancestry around him, each having several degrees of separation from any business or personal connections with jews. Guaranteed no shabbas.
Female morality police in Iran are seen dragging a woman off the street and into their car
7379577425000909_gab respectNoI understand their problemBut Americans know thisGovernment doesn't own usMost of us will die taking them down before they tape our mouths taking our speech and Second AmendmentThat's the differenceAmerica versus EnglandDonald Trump versus the Queen of England or Theresa MayAmerican athletes versus queerness I don't knowEurope just doesn't have the American Spirit ofBalls to the wallsEverything or nothingFreedom or death
7380137625005894_gab sad for you not to get the first interview with the ambassador to Germany a gay man not a Democrat hahaha
Record number of women brace for tough fight in Lebanese elections
CAR in national mourning as Christian-Muslim violence sees 24 killed, 170 injured
 It's funny to me how his grandmother is a jew. It's in that documentary where he exposes the Talmud and jewish antipathy towards the goyim and the Torah to the Christcucks. He got a DNA test. He's also got a pretty multi-culti church. I don't hold any ill-will to the guy though. He has balls, many don't. God bless him.
Elizabeth Warren is at the top of the democratic list for president in 2020Elizabeth Warren is at the top of the Republican list for president in 2020But then againIt does not matter who the Democratic party pics as their nominee for president of the United StatesA majority of the electorate and the voice of the people voted for Donald Trump not knowing if he would keep the promises he made during the campaignAnd now after seeing that he is done more than he promisedMore than any president in historyMore in his first year Yadi Yadi YadiMore for blacks and Spanish and most importantlyHe has done more for the Christian ideology blocking Muslim infiltration of our societyGod I wish he was our permanent presidentNo more socialismNo more Islam infiltrationNo more secularismNo more blue donkey jackass
Samar Saleh: First Saudi woman to be appointed commercial attaché
Yet the dumbass Irish keep allowing immigration the way Democrats want to in AmericaI read the Irish newspapersAnd senior citizens are being raped robbed and sometimes killed and yet the cops won't investigateJust like the European countries they did it to them selves
This woman stuck up at the Tommy protests too,  she was the woman that complained about christians not being able to pray but the police do not stop the prayers for islam.  That is why she was arrested,  they say.  They arrested this woman,  she is in her pajamas!  This is ridiculous.  This poor woman.
7623825826739173_gab She has to go back to court,  but still brave enough yo stand up.  There are brave women out there too.  I will try and find the one with her yelling at the cops at the march for Tommy in front of the Parliament building.
With women driving in the offing, can Saudi families dispense with expat drivers?
Almost 160 migrants land in Italy ahead of visit by anti-immigrant Salvini
Italy vows to 'send home' around half a MILLION undocumented immigrants
So tell them to grow balls like the fucking job requires.  We wouldn't be in this shit if it wasn't for a bunch of go-along-to-get-along cowardly faggots shirking their sworn duties to begin with.
I am a fan and watching the TV show Homelandobviously a bunch a jackass liberals writing and actingIt is hilarious how hypocritical the show isIt is all about TrumpThey have twisted the script to have liberal woman as the President Electand she is liberal in the showJackass hack playing Rush Limbaugh making immoral speeches obviously slamming the real RushIts twisted because the show makes the liberal woman President and the CIA spy righteousand the Rush Limbaugh impersonator and the opposition outlandish and evilClaire Daines play a CIA operative who loves and defends muslims way of life even though she spends the show trying to stop muslim terrorism.Hollywood just doesn't see the hypocrisy of itAnd of course the show makes her character and actions the righteous and moral ones.Season 7 is a flip of Trumps Presidency minus his actual success of:Economic victoryRecord minority unemploymentForeign policies that put America back on topIts all about spies from within the govt FBI CIA and media,just like it is in real life nowbut twisted to be righteousThis is Hollywood, you know the NY types, trying to control how America thinksThis is the first time I see script impersonation and script reversal of the Trump AdministrationClaire Daines is a NY banker type TYPEthats rightjust like the Hollywood CEO’s, bankers, and swamp of govtNo one denies those NY types have an agendaeven the NY type phrase is understoodThe purpose to this article is the show the hypocrisy of the show advocating the left trashing democracy in the show exactly how they are doing it in real life.From withinHollywood has shown the liberal real crimes of govt from within a freaking tv showtit for tatIm going to watch season 5 and 6 again to pick the facts out that happened in real life suck, socialism suckThe West Wing (season 7) - WikipediaThe seventh and final season of the American political drama television series The West Wing aired in the United States on NBC from September 25, 2005 to May 14, 2006 and consisted of 22 episodes. West Wing final episode is about electing a minorityObama elected in 2008wtf Liberals get these little kids to make these speeches because they know it would not have any effect if an adult tried to spin it. Muslims are killing Christians. That is the bottom line obama was not a real president he was and is an enemy of the state - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai Conservative base is waiting for you to show social media they dont control us Kill Twitter Join Gab.Ai  
'I want to kill a white person': Dramatic moment armed police taser knifeman who stalked east London street threatening to cut someone's throat
‘Do not deport us, they will kill us,’ Iranian refugees beg Turkish authorities
Bill Clinton:  Why he was pilloried for his scandals while Obama wasn't."The press went easy on Obama -- they liked having the first African-American president."(Arkansas PC Code for, 'The press loved the nigger.')#Gab #GabFam SpeakFreely #Chat #Americans
The thing to remember is that the Asians are damned workaholics.  Their work ethic is incredible compared to American women, and I don't know if I've ever seen too many overweight Asians.
Dozens of civilians are killed as violence continues in Derna, Libya
Immigration reforms: France to offer refugees 400 hours of French lessons
Iraqi refugees foiled after wrapping themselves in aluminium in a bid to smuggle themselves into Europe
West London high street is sealed off after suspected acid attack on woman in her 30s
Iraqi police say man admits to rape, murder of 14yo German girl
All these gay-libshits think they can say "nigga" like they're hard and shit. Waybach, Axl Rose said nigga, he was RACIST and pretty much deemed  lifeless. Yet, all along, that NIGGA had a valid NIGGAPASS. From an ACTUAL nigga!! ROFLMAO #FACTS
Funny story about Facefuck.....and, yes I OWN the fact that I allowed myself to be baited by this flaming, flooding, faggot. But ONLY cuz I thought I could find his addy online! Lol But I love how some White BITCH can call this Big Black Beast racist? SMH
Oh, and for those who dont know me personally, I've never called anyone a "beaner" A. I'm not racist. B. It's one of THEE gayest racial-slurs EVER! And we know that if I went 8yrs never called that kenyan-muslim-tranny a nigger why would I WASTE that FB suspension for a FAGGOT?! LMAO
Genesis 2:22The origin of man is earth, he is generally more drawn to the earth.The origin of woman is man, she is generally more drawn to the person. She, the rib, protects the heart.
CNN Responds To Trump: "We Are Not The Enemy Of The American People"HAHA! FYI if a group of people have to constantly proclaim that "we're not not the bad guys," they're probably the bad guys ;)We don't hate you for nothing CNN, you're not fooling us#News
School District Tells Coach, ‘If You Talk to God, You’re Fired’ forgive me for my harshnessMy harshness as I hope he agrees is in complete defenseLibs want to end our country and ChristianityWe as conservatives need to take advantage of our leader and the position he has put our country inWe have a opportunity to eliminate the democratic party completelyWhy isnt our leaders jumping all over thisHad Hillary won, you know how bad it would beIf we allow them to survive politically, we all know they we be back making fewer mistakes and we probably wont surviveEveryone knows we barely survive 2016 electionHad Hillary and Obama won, Mexicans would have no chance of entering America.Don't you remember the height of the muslim apocalypse in 2016 all over the worldMuslim would rule this country had Hillary and Obama won.Again Republican leaders Ryan and Mcconnell dont want to winAmerica, ask your congressman if they would prefer an America without the Democratic party or do they just enjoy the controversy and division of AmericansIf their answer is stuttered, not confident with aggression, let them know they are assholesIf my kids were still in school, i would not yell, shout, complain, etcI would quietly wait and punish those that hurt my kidsShame on parents that dont put their kids first in this worldNo one would indoctrinate my kids to gayville, another version of nazisShame on you if you doShame if you rundo nothinghidestay quietlet it goor worse and equal to doing absolutely nothing from having your kids mind and later bodies raped by liberalscomplaining to the gov that allows and most likely directs itshame on youmoderate pussy
Just ignorant morons. The world is full of them. Some become Antifa some become Neonazi some vote Democrat.
I'll believe all that shit just to shut you up, faggot.
ok so lets examine what you say in you 1st post , then examine the known accoutability israel has in those subject i mentioned then answer me can be fact checked , but what you say can not ,, to say if your a holocaust denier your a pedophile your twisted or paid you really are
Sir , you are more of a nigger than i , i have ancient english name of which i am proud , fuck of with your jew merchant banker kalergi plan , if you are a kazar jew then your not white , and your not semite , are your a hijack piece of shite black cube brian of london avery forgot his name social media psyop charector , fuck off unit 8200
Coward , me ,,,,, its yo uthat have blocked me and try to win in a echo chamber you really are a retard , you will never keep that sexy viking girl with a retard brain like know bro , she will just laugh at you like i am know and most others that keep on reading i have had some nice likes and gain in followers how about you 
Dear stupid fuck i am white n proud , why do you say the would nigger , you sould stupid and old fashioned with no brian
Anoth Ad Homenim terrorist , , can not answer fuck all wants to focus on grammar , your so fucking retarded or a jew agent
7899269528652218_gab 4th of July Jihad: Cleveland Muslim arrested for large-scale terror attacks on Fourth of July in multiple citiesAmericans are not safe with muslimsThere is a law against Islam  
7906594628705272_gab analysis on merit vs diversity for entrance into top tier schools was a shamesadshittyBen Carson is an example of a black not needing diversity to show his meritincome, geography, trips rich families get during summers, and all factors you considered to allow kids entrance is patheticthat is what made our country weak and dividedim white and not smart enough for harvardim poor do i get to goim tan do i get to goim short do i get to gomy dog is black do i get to gomy kids are of different continental backgroundsdo they get to go to harvardbsif you dont earn it you dont deserve any trophiesone is not a winnersuck it upstop sucking Juan Williams ego and dickcall it like it isstop soft coating topicsdiversity has no position in America for deciding factors who gets whatstop supporting socialism, diversity topics makes me poop
wow our universities were once the best in the worldan asian america who looks black perpetrated himself as black american and managed to apply and be accepted to the top 2 medical schools in the country with a 3.1 gpapennsylvania was 1 of 2sadsickwe have got to get a true conservative elected to the supreme court so he can over turn Roe v Wadenot for that by itselfbut it will generate nation of morals againwe need to eliminate the dem party if we truly want decencycant have bothit just doesnt worksee venezuela, middle east, euro, turkey, ireland, germany, france, swedenall full of liberals and now majority muslimyes each onetucker carlson just asked guest is there an LSD effect to democratsshe laughed hysterically
before Christ was the Jews and muslimsif we losehumanity is deadwe dont get a 2nd change.
Yeah that guy is a retarded fucking idiot. He just purposely disunderstands everything you say and then acts like he's not stupid for it.
heather joyce posts are awesomekeep up the good workwhy does America need an obstructionist party of liberalsits tearing this country apartthey are a national security riskand I dont know why any politician doesnt call it like it ispussiesand Im not talking about the 2faced traitorsbut the base republicansthis country would be better off without the democratic party that causes mayhem in Americanwould we have an immigration problem if dems just left America for Canadawould Gov interfere and control our lives if dems just moved to Englandour prisons would get emptied by more the 70% if dems just moved to Turkey where CNN has a major muslim news organization look it upCNN is backing muslims and the pres of Turkeythat to sounds illegal
muslim that climbed the base of Statue of Liberty will be let goshe has multiple criminal offenses and was freed everytimecourts are pro muslimpro islamwhich is against our law 414 sect 2.212no religion country or people can attempt to overthrow our govtcourts keep letting muslims gojudges keep letting muslims go freepoliticians keeps letting muslim overthrow our govt Liberals get these little kids to make these speeches because they know it would not have any effect if an adult tried to spin it. Muslims are killing Christians. That is the bottom line obama was not a real president he was and is an enemy of the state - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai - join Gab.Ai Conservative base is waiting for you to show social media they dont control us Kill Twitter Join Gab.Ai  
Spain: Socialist ruling party wants to give migrants the right to vote The ruling party PSOE aims to facilitate the right to vote for immigrants in future municipal elections by eliminating the requirement of reciprocity and making the procedures to be a resident far more affordable and quick.The goal of the – unelected – socialists is to clearly increase the # of immigrants who can vote in the municipal elections, so they have included a series of far more relaxed measures in their migratory policy project to enable the immigrant vote.On 1 hand, they intend to abolish the legal pre-agreed requirement for reciprocity of voting rights (an agreement that allows EU and non-EU foreign residents to vote in Spain).A second step would be to accelerate and ease the procedures to obtain residency in Spain. In this way, in a few years the number of immigrants with the right to vote in the municipal elections will balloon.The terms of the reform will make it practically impossible for a change of this magnitude to be approved before spring of next year – when the next municipal elections are held. But itll serve the PSOE as an extra feather in the campaign of support for “Refugees Welcome” in Spain which began as a result of the arrival of the Aquarius boat.PSOEs plan has several points which all appear in road map for the action program for immigration. The first point of this plan has already been officially announced by the Govt: to immediately repeal a law “which imposed serious restrictions on the recognition and effective guarantee of the right to health benefits for illegal immigrants.”The rest of the points have not yet been publicly discussed, but among these objectives is the elimination of the “principle of reciprocity of the right to vote in municipal elections for foreigners residing in Spain.” Translated: although they are immigrants from countries without democracy, they will have a vote. That requirement affects many of the immigrants who are arriving in recent days.The socialists intend to “address a reform of nationality by residence, seeking maximum consensus, incorporating a significant reduction in the maximum deadlines currently established.”The plan goes through “the review of the assumptions of renouncing of the original nationality and the assessment of the trajectory of integration as a prominent element when evaluating access conditions”. This would basically fast-track illegals into legality and, with it, make it much easier to vote in municipal elections.To complete the immigrant entry plan, the socialists also insist on “repealing the law for the protection of citizen security, which aims to legalise the fast deportations in the border area between Ceuta and Melilla and the territory of the Kingdom of Morocco” and “modify the current model of Foreigners’ Internment Centres (CIE) “.The result will be greater legal protection for immigrants in the CIE and, therefore the most likely scenario would be their release into the streets of Spain due to the impossibility of being repatriated. Which would encourage being given residence in Spain and eventually vote in future municipal elections.Pedro Sanchez, the leader of the PSOE, has also recently stated he is negotiating with the EU for more funds for immigrants in Spain. Even as Germany is reversing its free-for-all attitude on migrants, Spain is bent on going against the current trend in Europe and increasing migration
But that doesn't make white people look bad when you put it in that light. Sounds like someone needs to be unpersoned.
#TommyRobinson #interview #UK #pedogate Tommy is telling his side of the story on Rebel Media.  His treatment was criminal, illegal, and flies in the face of everything civilization and the west has achieved.Please stand with Tommy.  Please support the good men and women across the pond.
Now point on the doll where the bad woman touched you ;)
Imagine being retarded AND senile, a combination Nancy is very familiar with!
Get out if at all possible, you are surrounded by criminally retarded voters.
Seeing as Anti Fascist no longer fits as they are actually fascist, white and privileged, let's call them what they really are... #SorosMobs
Reporting ban on muslim rape gangs finally liftedTommy Robinson has "breaking news" on his Oct 23 trial
Let's be honest, no-one would give a squirrel's titty if the machete wielding thief was a white American dude.
I'm from the UK, they sell everything from adult nappies to curried beans, It used to be a toss up between Lidl's and Kwik Save . What used to piss me off is that my cheap assed sister would buy my birthday/xmas pressies from Lidl's, shoes that would only last one outing. moisturiser that would bring me out in pimples hahaaa