The study will be conducted with 70 infertile women. The intervention group (n = 35) will consist of infertile women who receive a psychosexual caring program, and the control group will consist of infertile women who receive standard care. Standard care includes the information given by the nurse about the treatment methods to be applied once. A total of 4 interviews will be held in the intervention group. In the first interviews, pre-test data will be taken. The psychosexual caring program will be conducted online as a group intervention. The psychosexual caring program includes interventions to promote body awareness, the meaning of sexuality, and marital relationships by gaining communication skills, sexual communication, body knowledge, information about sexual health, and its dimensions. After online interviews with groups, data will be collected for primary and secondary outcomes.
The present study aims to examine the effect of the psychosexual caring program on the sexual well-being of infertile women.
Prospective single-blinded placebo-controlled cross-over study, among adult patients suffering from moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD), insufficiently responsive to topical and systemic treatment. All patients receive 2 placebo transplantations each 2 weeks apart followed by 4 fecal microbial transplantations (FMTs) from healthy donors each 2 weeks apart. Patients were allowed to continue with their baseline medical topical treatment, including moisturizers and glucocorticoids, during the study period, but no new therapy was commenced. The severity of AD and the fecal microbiome profile were evaluated by the Scoring Atopic Dermatitis Score (SCORAD score), and the weekly use of topical corticosteroids, at the beginning of the study, before every FMT, and 1-6 months after the last FMT.~During the study period, patients were allowed to use only topical therapy including emollients and glucocorticoids or calcineurin inhibitors.~FMT preparation and delivery:~Volunteer donors were healthy, non-pregnant adults aged 18 to 50 years, with a normal body mass index. Volunteer donors were excluded for any significant medical history or for any use of antibiotics in the preceding 3 months. Candidates were eligible according to the Israeli Ministry of Health guidelines which include a physical examination and laboratory screening tests including fecal enteric pathogens, serum antibodies to hepatitis A, B, and C; human immunodeficiency virus; HTLV, and Treponema pallidum as well as celiac, CBC (and additional tests that comply with the guidelines of the Israeli Ministry of Health). Stool was delivered within minutes post defecation in a clean closed plastic container and was processed at the Tel Aviv Medical Center stool bank facility to prepare capsulized FMT. Briefly, fecal material was diluted with normal saline (600ml/100g of fecal material), filtered and concentrated the preparation in a centrifuge. The pellet was suspended in sterile saline and glycerol (20%) that was added as a bacterial cryoprotectant. This material was then pipetted into acid-resistant capsules, which was closed and then secondarily sealed with additional set of capsules. Capsules were stored frozen at -80掳C. Placebo capsules had identical visually and contained diluted glycerol only.~Capsulized FMT procedure:~FMT was administered in two doses of 15 FMT capsules on two consecutive days (a total of 30 capsules), at the Bacteriotherapy clinic of the Tel Aviv medical center (TLVMC). On the day of administration, capsules frozen at -80掳C were taken out of the freezer and transported to the clinic on ice. Fifteen capsules were handed individually to the patient and the patient ingested the capsules immediately with some water. Patients were asked to fast overnight prior to capsule intake.~Fecal microbial analysis:~In order to examine whether the clinical effect may be mediated by colonization of new bacterial strains, the investigators developed a robust and sensitive method to calculate pairwise DNA sequence dissimilarity between bacterial strains of the same species across distinct metagenomics samples. Donor stool samples that were used for FMT capsules and stool samples that were collected from the patients during the study period were sequenced into metagenomics reads. Reads that were mapped were piled up to obtain per-position variant information for every detected species. Difference in the variant of a particular species at a given position between two samples was defined as having no intersection between the set of detected alleles in the two samples being compared. The estimated species DNA sequence dissimilarity for a pair of samples is then the number of different positions divided by the total number of positions being compared.
Prospective single-blinded placebo-controlled cross-over study, among adult patients suffering from moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD), insufficiently responsive to topical and systemic treatment. All patients receive 2 placebo transplantations each 2 weeks apart followed by 4 fecal microbial transplantations (FMTs) from healthy donors each 2 weeks apart. Patients were allowed to continue with their baseline medical topical treatment, including moisturizers and glucocorticoids, during the study period, but no new therapy was commenced. The severity of AD and the fecal microbiome profile was evaluated by the Scoring Atopic Dermatitis Score (SCORAD score), and the weekly use of topical corticosteroids, at the beginning of the study, before every FMT, and 1-6 months after the last FMT.
This study will be conducted on eighty patients of both sexes with age ranging from 35 to 45years. The will be recovered from COVID-19 infection with chest symptoms. They will be selected from Nasr city police authority hospital. They will be randomly assigned into 3 equal groups.~Participants will be assigned into 3 groups equal in number (group A, group B, group C)~Group A (Respiratory Training Group) : It will include 30 patients of both sexes, recovered from COVID-19 infection. In addition to medical drugs, they will receive respiratory training for 6 weeks.~Group B : (Aerobic Training Group) : It will include 30 patients of both sexes, recovered from COVID-19 infection. In addition to medical drugs, they will receive aerobic training for 6 weeks~Group C : (control group) :It will include 20 patients of both sexes, recovered from COVID-19 infection on medical drugs only will receive no exercise as control group.
This study will be conducted on eighty patients of both sexes with age ranging from 35 to 45years. The will be recovered from COVID-19 infection with chest symptoms. They will be selected from Nasr city police authority hospital. They will be randomly assigned into 3 equal groups.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of montelukast sodium in the treatment and prevention of recurrent obstructive bronchitis in children. The investigators examined 80 children aged 1 to 7 years with recurrent obstructive bronchitis, who were randomly divided into 2 groups. Group I (control) included 40 patients who received standard therapy and placebo. Group II (main) included 40 patients who received standart therapy and oral montelukast sodium.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of montelukast sodium in the treatment and prevention of recurrent obstructive bronchitis in children. The investigators examined 80 children aged 1 to 7 years with recurrent obstructive bronchitis, who were randomly divided into 2 groups.
Patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) experience severe side effects during radiotherapy (RT). Ongoing technological advances in wearable biometric sensors allow for real-time collection of objective data e.g. physical activity and heart rate, which in the future might help to detect and act against side effects before they become severe. A smartwatch such as the Apple Watch allows for objective data monitoring outside hospital with minimal effort for the patient. To find out if such tools can be implemented in the oncological setting feasibility studies are needed.~The aim of the study is to determine the adherence to using an Apple Watch during curative intended radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Secondly it will bring new insights to the patient's activity levels and how heart rate varies during treatment course.~The study will assess the feasibility of using the Apple Watch for home monitoring of patients with HNC. It will bring new insights to the patient's activity levels and how heart rate varies during treatment course. This is important knowledge before further investigating how biometric data can be used as part of symptom monitoring.
The aim of the study is to determine the adherence to using an Apple Watch during curative intended radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Secondly it will bring new insights to the patient's activity levels and how heart rate varies during treatment course.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lower respiratory tract which derives from a combination of genetic predisposition with environmental exposure to several factors. It is a chronic respiratory disease that results in morbidity, mortality, and impaired health-related quality of life (HRQoL). It is estimated that 334 million people have asthma worldwide.~Nowadays, the COVID-19 epidemic causes stress not only to healthy people but also to people with unhealthy conditions. Excess psychological stress (either in quality, quantity, frequency, and/or duration) could push susceptible individuals to ultimately develop clinical asthma. Depression was significantly associated with asthma interference with daily activities, breathlessness, night symptoms, use of bronchodilators, and poor compliance with medical treatment.~Covid-19 pandemic induced the countries around the world to require from its citizens not to ask for health care support rather than in emergency situations and through utilizing telemedicine. This action aims to control spreading the infection with viruses as well as to reduce the workload on the healthcare providers.~Although asthma is not listed as one of the chronic conditions that might complicate coronavirus infections, asthma people might have a high-stress level that might induce their asthma attack which consequentially reflects on their quality of life. People with asthma have a unique experience rather than people with other health conditions during COVID-19.~Patients with asthma experience a lot of stressors that might induce asthma and impaired their HRQOL such as overuse of antiseptic substances, stay home with a sedentary lifestyle, the sudden shift to telemedicine, and electronic work from home. Also, as a result of the similarity of asthma symptoms with coronavirus symptoms, the patient might have a continuous sense of uncertainty that s/he is infected with the COVID-19 virus, and this suspicion can increase the psychological overburden on these patients.~Therefore, all these stressors should be evaluated to recognize their health needs and the kind of social and health support that should be provided to them during the pandemic time. Also, Identifying the predictors of HRQOL among patients with asthma during the pandemic of COVID-19 is urgently required.~A cross-sectional analytical design will be utilized.~The study participants will be adults (18 years or older) who have been diagnosed with bronchial asthma or pulmonary disease.
Nowadays, the COVID-19 epidemic causes stress not only to healthy people but also to people with unhealthy conditions. Excess psychological stress (either in quality, quantity, frequency, and/or duration) could push susceptible individuals to ultimately develop clinical asthma. Depression was significantly associated with asthma interference with daily activities, breathlessness, night symptoms, use of bronchodilators, and poor compliance with medical treatment.~Covid-19 pandemic induced the countries around the world to require from its citizens not to ask for health care support rather than in emergency situations and through utilizing telemedicine. This action aims to control spreading the infection with viruses as well as to reduce the workload on the healthcare providers.~Although asthma is not listed as one of the chronic conditions that might complicate coronavirus infections, asthma people might have a high-stress level that might induce their asthma attack which consequentially reflects on their quality of life. People with asthma have a unique experience rather than people with other health conditions during COVID-19.~Patients with asthma experience a lot of stressors that might induce asthma and impaired their HRQOL such as overuse of antiseptic substances, stay home with a sedentary lifestyle, the sudden shift to telemedicine, and electronic work from home. Also, as a result of the similarity of asthma symptoms with coronavirus symptoms, the patient might have a continuous sense of uncertainty that s/he is infected with the COVID-19 virus, and this suspicion can increase the psychological overburden on these patients.~Therefore, all these stressors should be evaluated to recognize their health needs and the kind of social and health support that should be provided to them during the pandemic time. Also, Identifying the predictors of HRQOL among patients with asthma during the pandemic of COVID-19 is urgently required.
Tuberculosis patients that have complications (e.g., diabetes mellitus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)) who live in tropical regions experience vitamin D deficiency, especially in North Sumatra, Indonesia. The presence of vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphism genes, TaqI and FokI, is one of the predisposing factors, as is high levels of inflammatory markers, also indicating disease progression and malnutrition. This study aims to assess the effect of 50 g of soy-catfish-anchovy-rice (SCAR) porridge per day for 14 days on 25(OH)D, calcium, and biomolecular serum levels in patients with VDR gene polymorphisms (TaqI or FokI). The study was a parallel, open, clinical trial. A total of 43 subjects with the VDR gene polymorphisms were selected. The subjects were divided into two groups using block randomization. There were 22 subjects in the intervention group (I) who received 50 g of SCAR porridge once per day, along with dietary counseling, and 21 subjects in the control group (C) who only received dietary counseling. All subjects in both groups completed the study.
Tuberculosis patients that have complications (e.g., diabetes mellitus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)) who live in tropical regions experience vitamin D deficiency, especially in North Sumatra, Indonesia. The presence of vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphism genes, TaqI and FokI, is one of the predisposing factors, as is high levels of inflammatory markers, also indicating disease progression and malnutrition. This study aims to assess the effect of 50 g of soy-catfish-anchovy-rice (SCAR) porridge per day for 14 days on 25(OH)D, calcium, and biomolecular serum levels in patients with VDR gene polymorphisms (TaqI or FokI). The study was a parallel, open, clinical trial. A total of 43 subjects with the VDR gene polymorphisms were selected. The subjects were divided into two groups using block randomization. There were 22 subjects in the intervention group (I) who received 50 g of SCAR porridge once per day, along with dietary counseling, and 21 subjects in the control group (C) who only received dietary counseling.
Background:~Recent literature shows that the sensitivity of the PCR tests for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 using saliva samples is close to that using nasopharyngeal swabs. This type of sampling represents a practical advantage since it can be performed by the patient herself/himself and would thus allow to speed up the collection process. It is also less painful and could prevent the rare lesions to the nasal mucosa that can occur when using nasopharyngeal swabs.~Rapid Diagnostic Tests for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigens have been developed using nasophayngeal swabs and have shown very high sensitivity against PCR, ranging from 93% to 98% when based on laboratory validation, 80% when based on clinical validation.This method offers the considerable advantage to inform the patient of the test result on site, and allow the provision of appropriate recommendations on the spot of testing. The studies performed so far have been conducted using nasopharyngeal samples only. There are no data with saliva yet. It is expected that the RDT would also work on the saliva. Even if slightly less sensitive due to the fact that it detects antigens and not multiplied RNA as PCR does, RDT on saliva could better serve the public health goal to test widely and quickly and have ultimately more COVID cases detected and isolated, and hence reduced transmission.~To investigate the case detection rates of both PCR on saliva and nasopharynx and RDT on nasopharynx and saliva, patients will be taken four samples, two swabs on saliva, one for RDT and one for PCR, and two swabs on nasopharynx, one for RDT and one for PCR. Patients who have at least one of the common symptoms and who consent to such a procedure will be recruited to compare the four results. The primary objective is to compare the case detection rates for SARS-CoV-2 of the four testing methods (two sampling types and two test types).~Methods:~Procedures:~Patients fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria will be recruited consecutively. After confirmation of inclusion and exclusion criteria, patients will be asked whether they would be willing to provide two saliva samples and one nasopharyngeal swab in addition to that provided for routine testing. After written informed consent, patients will be asked to perform swabbing of the gingiva-buccal fold two times and a saliva sample under professional supervision, once for sending to the laboratory to perform PCR, and once for performing the RDT onsite according to manufacturer's information. They will also be taken two nasopharyngeal swabs, one for RDT and one for PCR. No coughing or sniffing prior to sample collection is required. Ideally, water should be avoided 10 minutes prior to collection. Other drinks, food, and nasal sprays should be avoided 20 minutes before sample collection.~The saliva and nasopharyngeal samples will be analysed by PCR according to the standard procedure.~The RDTs will be performed and results read according to the manufacturer information (see below). Alternatively one of the three following tests will be tested: RDT from Roche (Standard Q COVID-19, the RDT from Abbott (Panbio COVID-19 Ag) and the RDT from AAZ-LMB (COVID-VIRO).~The patient will be considered as positive for SARS-CoV-2 if any of the test results (by RDT, or PCR on saliva or nasopharynx) is positive.
Recent literature shows that the sensitivity of the PCR tests for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 using saliva samples is close to that using nasopharyngeal swabs. This type of sampling represents a practical advantage since it can be performed by the patient herself/himself and would thus allow to speed up the collection process. It is also less painful and could prevent the rare lesions to the nasal mucosa that can occur when using nasopharyngeal swabs.~Rapid Diagnostic Tests for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigens have been developed using nasophayngeal swabs and have shown very high sensitivity against PCR, ranging from 93% to 98% when based on laboratory validation, 80% when based on clinical validation.This method offers the considerable advantage to inform the patient of the test result on site, and allow the provision of appropriate recommendations on the spot of testing. The studies performed so far have been conducted using nasopharyngeal samples only. There are no data with saliva yet. It is expected that the RDT would also work on the saliva. Even if slightly less sensitive due to the fact that it detects antigens and not multiplied RNA as PCR does, RDT on saliva could better serve the public health goal to test widely and quickly and have ultimately more COVID cases detected and isolated, and hence reduced transmission.~To investigate the case detection rates of both PCR on saliva and nasopharynx and RDT on nasopharynx and saliva, the patient will be taken four samples, two swabs on saliva, one for RDT and one for PCR, and two swabs on nasopharynx, one for RDT and one for PCR. Patients who have at least one of the common symptoms and who consent to such a procedure will be recruited to compare the four results. The primary objective is to compare the case detection rates for SARS-CoV-2 of the four testing methods (two sampling types and two test types).
Introduction: Gastric atrophy and intestinal metaplasia are the principal precursors for gastric cancer and, therefore, are considered gastric premalignant conditions. Although current guidelines recommend surveillance of individuals with these conditions, the best method for its identification and staging (histological vs endoscopy) and the best time schedule for follow-up are still controversial. Aims: To describe for the first-time patients with premalignant conditions both clinically (familial history), histologically (OLGA/OLGIM; complete/incomplete metaplasia) and endoscopically (EGGIM) using validated scales and to describe evolution of these parameters through time. To estimate prospectively the gastric cancer risk according to EGGIM stages. To define the best endoscopic surveillance follow-up for the several stages considering clinical, histological and endoscopic factors.~Methods: Multicenter study involving different gastroenterology departments from several countries. Consecutive patients older than 45 years scheduled for upper endoscopy in each of these centers will be evaluated by High-Resolution-endoscopy with virtual chromoendoscopy and EGGIM will be calculated. Guided biopsies (if areas suspicious of IM) and/or random biopsies (if no areas suspicious of IM) in antrum and corpus will be made and OLGA/OLGIM stages calculated. Patients will be evaluated in clinical consultation and database will be fulfilled. All patients will be eradicated for Helicobacter pylori infection if positive. At that occasion, all the patients with EGGIM>5 and/or OLGA III/IV and/or OLGIM III/IV will be randomized for yearly (12 to 16 months) or every three years (32-40 months) endoscopic follow-up during a period of 6 years (SUPREME I). Endoscopic observational follow-up will be scheduled for patients with EGGIM 1-4 and OLGIM I/II at 3 and 6 years (SUPREME II). For individuals with no evidence of IM (EGGIM 0 and OLGIM 0, OLGA 0-II) a follow-up endoscopy 6 years after will be proposed (SUPREME III).
Introduction: Gastric atrophy and intestinal metaplasia are the principal precursors for gastric cancer and, therefore, are considered gastric premalignant conditions. Although current guidelines recommend surveillance of individuals with these conditions, the best method for its identification and staging (histological vs endoscopy) and the best time schedule for follow-up are still controversial. Aims: To describe for the first-time patients with premalignant conditions both clinically (familial history), histologically (OLGA/OLGIM; complete/incomplete metaplasia) and endoscopically (EGGIM) using validated scales and to describe evolution of these parameters through time. To estimate prospectively the gastric cancer risk according to EGGIM stages. To define the best endoscopic surveillance follow-up for the several stages considering clinical, histological and endoscopic factors.~Methods: Multicenter study involving different gastroenterology departments from several countries. Consecutive patients older than 45 years scheduled for upper endoscopy in each of these centers will be evaluated by High-Resolution- endoscopy with virtual chromoendoscopy and EGGIM will be calculated. Guided biopsies (if areas suspicious of IM) and/or random biopsies (if no areas suspicious of IM) in antrum and corpus will be made and OLGA/OLGIM stages calculated. Patients will be evaluated in clinical consultation and database will be fulfilled. All patients will be eradicated for Helicobacter pylori infection if positive. At that occasion, all the patients with EGGIM>5 and/or OLGA III/IV and/or OLGIM III/IV will be randomized for yearly (12 to 16 months) or every three years (32-40 months) endoscopic follow-up during a period of 6 years (SUPREME I). Endoscopic observational follow-up will be scheduled for patients with EGGIM 1-4 and OLGIM I/II at 3 and 6 years (SUPREME II). For individuals with no evidence of IM (EGGIM 0 and OLGIM 0, OLGA 0-II) a follow-up endoscopy 6 years after will be proposed (SUPREME III).
The Phase 2 portion of this study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of MRTX849 as monotherapy and in combination with pembrolizumab. There will be 3 cohorts of patients, all of whom have KRAS G12C mutation, have advanced or metastatic NSCLC, and are candidates for first-line treatment. 2 cohorts have PD-L1 TPS score <1% and are randomized to MRTX849 monotherapy or MRTX849 in combination with pembrolizumab. The 3rd cohort has PD-L1 TPS score of 1% or higher and is treated with MRTX849 and pembrolizumab~The Phase 3 portion of the study will randomize patients with nonsquamous NSCLC with KRAS G12C mutation and TPS <50% in the first-line setting to adagrasib plus pembrolizumab or pembrolizumab plus chemotherapy. Primary efficacy endpoints are PFS and OS. Secondary and exploratory objectives include evaluation of secondary efficacy endpoints, safety and tolerability, adagrasib PK, PROs, and correlative genomic biomarkers for the combination regimen in the study population.~MRTX849 is an orally available small molecule inhibitor of KRAS G12C, and Pembrolizumab (KEYTRUDA庐) is a humanized monoclonal antibody that blocks the interaction between PD-1 and its ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2.
The Phase 2 portion of this study evaluates the efficacy and safety of MRTX849 monotherapy and in combination with pembrolizumab in cohorts of patients with advanced NSCLC with KRAS G12C mutation and any PD-L1 TPS and who are candidates for first-line treatment.~The Phase 3 portion of the study compares the efficacy of adagrasib in combination with pembrolizumab versus pembrolizumab plus chemotherapy in patients with unresectable, locally advanced or metastatic nonsquamous NSCLC with KRAS G12C mutation and PD-L1 TPS <50% and who are candidates for first line treatment.
Hemiplegic shoulder pain is one of the commonly seen complications of a stroke. Limitation of shoulder joint movement is added to hemiplegic shoulder pain in time. Therefore, adhesive capsulitis is one of the differential diagnoses that come to mind first in patients with hemiplegic shoulder pain and stiffness. Indeed, in arthrographic and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies, it has been reported that adhesive capsulitis (or more accurately, capsular changes), is quite frequent.~Although a relationship has been reported between stroke and adhesive capsulitis, it is controversial whether the underlying cause of the capsular changes seen in hemiplegic shoulder pain is true adhesive capsulitis. Although these capsular changes and joint limitations in patients with hemiplegic shoulder pain may theoretically be related to idiopathic adhesive capsulitis, secondary causes including spasticity, contracture, fibrosis due to lack of movement, rotator cuff lesions, and glenohumeral subluxation have also been emphasized as a cause of the capsular restriction. Although there have been a limited number of studies, ultrasound, which has been reported as a sensitive and specific method in the diagnosis of true (idiopathic) adhesive capsulitis, has not yielded similar results to arthrography and MRI in demonstrating fibrotic and adhesive changes in the glenohumeral capsule in stroke patients with hemiplegic shoulder pain and stiffness. Because ultrasonographic examinations are mostly focused on rotator cuff tendons, bicipital tendon, and subacromial bursa, lack of detailed examination in terms of adhesive capsulitis may be one of the underlying reasons for this inconsistency. In this context, this study aims to investigate ultrasonographic structural changes that may be associated with adhesive capsulitis in subacute stroke patients with painful and stiff hemiplegic side shoulder.
Although a relationship has been reported between stroke and adhesive capsulitis, it is controversial whether the underlying cause of the capsular changes seen in hemiplegic shoulder pain is true adhesive capsulitis. Although there has been a limited number of studies, ultrasound, which has been reported as a sensitive and specific method in the diagnosis of true (idiopathic) adhesive capsulitis, has not yielded similar results to arthrography and MRI in demonstrating fibrotic and adhesive changes in the glenohumeral capsule in stroke patients with hemiplegic shoulder pain. This study aims to investigate ultrasonographic structural changes that may be associated with adhesive capsulitis in subacute stroke patients with painful and stiff hemiplegic side shoulder.
Spasticity is a motor disorder characterized by a velocity-dependent increase in tonic stretch reflex due to upper motor neuron lesion. The prevalence of post-stroke spasticity is between 17-40%. In the assessment of spasticity, although biomechanical and neurophysiological methods provide quantitative data, semi-quantitative methods are mostly used clinically. The most frequently used spasticity measures are the Modified Ashworth Scale and the Modified Tardieu Scale. However, these methods have significant disadvantages. Therefore, the search for more reliable clinical measures continues. One of the newly developed clinical scales is called the Australian Spasticity Assessment Scale (ASAS). Although ASAS has been reported to have a high level of reliability in children with cerebral palsy, the same has not been detected in adult patients with acquired brain damage. The low number of patients and the heterogeneous study population have been reported as two of the important limitations in the reliability study of this measure.~In this study, researchers aim to investigate the inter-rater reliability of the ASAS in a study population consisting of a larger and more homogeneous patient population (those with post-stroke spasticity).
The reliability of the Australian Spasticity Assessment Scale (ASAS) has been reported to be not high enough in adult patients with acquired brain damage. The low number of patients and the heterogeneous study population have been reported as important limitations in the reliability study of this measure. Therefore, the reliability of the ASAS needs to be confirmed in stroke patients with spasticity. This study aims to investigate the inter-rater reliability of the ASAS in a study population consisting of a larger and more homogeneous patient population (those with post-stroke spasticity).