you see going on in this picture well the mother's uh doing the dishes and allowing the sink to run and o run over the kids or the boy's in the cookie jar and the stand stool s r that he's standing on is tilting over cir and uh I don't know what the girl is doing gonna tell on him or do something gram and then there's some people out here behind the garage I don't know what they are doing do you see them mhm
uh badly damaged and laughs sink gram yep mother's drying dishes uh is it action if she's standing in a puddle of water no water is running over and f is overflowing the sink the window is open it's blowing the curtain uh Billy's about to fall off the stool while handing cookies to his sister that's another thing and uh water's running on the floor as well as out of the sink and laughs okay water's running out of the faucet does that count too mhm okay I don't see anything else happening
I would like for you to take a look at that picture okay tell me everything that you see going on in that picture everything that's happening there okay and clears throat the stool that the the boy was standing on was about to fall he was reaching into the cookie jar in the open cupboard little girl was holding up her left hand to receive a cookie the mother was washing or drying or washing dishes and the water from the faucet was spilling over the cabinet of the sink I see two cups and a plate on the right hand side her feet was m a in a puddle of water and clears throat coming from the overflowing sink okay that's fine the curtains the outside that's fine that was good
I'd like for you to take a look at this picture and tell me everything that you see happening in there everything that's going on well the sink's overflowing and uh the stool's tipping over with the boy on it he's taking down a cookie he has one in his hand he's gonna hand to the girl and uh everything else looks like it's fixed okay the woman's wiping the dishes mhm there's three dishes setting on the counter a cupboard door's open of course or he couldn't get the cookies the little girl's pointing to her mouth and I think I mentioned that the boy he's has one cookie in his left hand and just grabbing one with his right hand okay thank you
oh any anything I see right well there's uh a little girl here she's pointing at something and that looks like uh her mother brother s r is just about ready to to fall down on that where she's sitting s uk there where it says cookie jar cir and here on her right side there's a young lady there she's uh washing the what she uh she's cleaning okay the uh she's cleaning what is she she
and there it is okay apparently a mother and a daughter and a son are in the kitchen and the son is standing on the stool which is tilting and he has his hand in the cookie jar and handing one cookie to his sister gram uh at the same time the mother is uh doing dishes and apparently looking out the window because uh she has uh allowed the sink to run over and it's uh uh cascading onto the floor and her feet uh she has uh has uh dried a few dishes uh two cups and a plate and is uh attempting to dry another plate now and she's looking out into the yard which I could see the driveway and maybe the end of the house or the garage with a lot of shrubbery around it okay good
tell me everything that you see going on in that picture everything that you see happening well there's a mother standing there uh uh washing the dishes and the sink is overspilling overflowing s r and uh the window's open and outside the window there's a walk with a and c curved walk with a garden and you can see another uh uh building there looks like a garage or something with curtains and the grass in the garden and there are dishes uh uh two cups and a saucer on the sink and uh she's getting her feet wet from the overflow of the water from the sink she seems to be oblivious to the fact that the and s sink is overflowing she's also oblivious to the fact that her kids are stealing cookies out of the cookie jar and the kid on the stool is gonna fall off the stool he's standing up there in the cupboard taking cookies out of the jar handing them to his uh a girl about the same age the kids are somewhere around seven or eight years old or nine and the mother is gonna get shocked when the when the he tumbles and the cookie jar comes down and I think that's about all
everything you see going on in the picture well start from from the the uh and t the uh and th and t the uh and th and t and th the uh and s uh and laughs how can I that's okay tell me what is going on in the picture okay okay and th uh and f and f first the uh the uh I can't mtlu xn n uk say what this is it's uh the uh uh this the uh cabinet door is open and the uh children are stealing the cookies mhm and mama's not even looking and laughs and uh the boy falls or looks like he is gonna fall maybe he don't gram and uh then uh mama's uh doing here the wash the uh dishes and uh she got all wet the fence sink s urret the uh sink run over and everything's going haywire and laughs okay oh mercy okay good
what action do you see going on in that picture all the action mother is drying dishes and the tap water is overflowing the sink and running on the floor and Johnny's trying to get some cookies and his stepstool is falling and little girl is reaching her hand up for a cookie and putting her hand to her mouth oh oh well that's what's happening I don't know mother's stepping I mean the lady's stepping in the water that spilled on the floor that's all I can be sure of okay that's fine
I see a young boy falling off a stool stealing cookies the mother drying dishes gram the sink overflowing gram a little girl saying be quiet to her brother ready to accept a cookie gram
there we go that's it okay the boy is in the cookie jar and giving them to his sister mother's washing the dishes the water's overflowing in the sink the boy is falling off the stool uh the girl is eating a cookie asking for another uh the cover's off the cookie jar door to the cabinet is open gram uh the window outside is open the yard gram the mother is impervious of what's going on she's unconscious just standing in the water and wiping the dishes that's about it okay the wind might be blowing near the curtain okey dokey
okay alright what do you see going on in this picture this picture gram uhhuh what's the action well there's a kid on a stool it's a boy and a girl on the floor and the boy is uh changing the uh time he has his right hand up at the clock but his left hand is holding where he's gonna turn the time he's standing on his right foot his left leg is bent at the knee and so he has both feet on the stool but it isn't gonna be for long the stool is falling down and little girl is telling him what ails him but she can hardly keep from laughing at the same time here she's standing there on both feet planted solidly on the ground on the floor and uh she's uh got her finger up to her mouth she's trying to keep from laughing at him anything else well he had the little boy's on the stool and the stool's just about ready to and t and laughs fall down and he has uh one hand up on the clock and the other hand he has a watch or something in his hand he's he is gonna show gram the little girl is standing there she got a little short skirt on and her sleeve the short sleeved dress and in one she's pointing to her face with her right hand with her left hand she's gesturing okay how about and s do you see what do you see going on in this side of the picture oh on this side of the picture well this is a uh fountain that has found a leak and it's going uh every which way up there and uh I don't know I don't know what you'd call that this little thing on on the mantle there and there's a little the uh fountain is squirting up into the uh air and turned on and beside it there's a little also a little cross that uh indicates the thing es and on this side it's uh well she got two hands on the on on the left hand on this side the right hand on this side and she's looking this way and she's standing on her right foot mostly her other foot is to to keep the balance and she's in the corner of the room and behind her is a little trap door for I suppose into and s into some cupboard or something okay
this picture and I want you to tell me everything that you see happening there everything that's going on okay anywhere everything that's happening um the little girl's laughing the little boy's getting cookies and he's falling uh I guess the mother would be doing dishes and the water's overflowing out of the sink uh the window's open and I would say the wind is blowing okay I guess that's it alright
you see going on in the picture and clears throat and hm the woman of the house is drying the dishes her sink is overflowing the boy's stool is tipping he's taking cookies out of a jar he's handing one to his sister and she is oh she's already dried some dishes right here I guess well what is this honey I I can't make that out it look like a all you needta tell me is the action oh action oh I'm sorry anything going on she's drying the dishes she's standing in water well that's and ac if that's action okay and the door is open where the cookies are they all have their shoes on and chuckles oh she's got an apron on uh over her dress kind of homely girl isn't she she's not doing much she's just got her hand like and grunt uh and d how many did I get wrong no that's fine you did fine okay
okay good see going on in the picture what's going and laughs boy's reaching a cookie jar gram the and ta and ta the stool is falling over the uh girl is holding her hand up for a cookies and uh and then they wove in the picture mother the water is overflowing from the sink gram she's drying dishes she's looking out a window water's on the floor she's looking out the well there's the and s the and s the the curtains are pulled aside there's dishes on the table and you can see the grass outside in the yard dish in her hand gram okay that's fine
and chir I'd like you to tell me everything you see going on in the picture and there's the picture action type things there is water coming out of a faucet into a basin which is overflowing onto the floor the mother is drying dishes and she's walking in the water that is flowing on the floor two children are stealing cookies one of whom is up on a uh stool that is about to fall gram he's removing cookies from an upper shelf in the closet the wind appears to be blowing because the curtains appear to be you know puffed those are the only action things that I can see okay good
lady here she's washing dishes the lady right here she's washing dishes this man here he's he's trying to put put put food in that and cr in that crocker jar and this young lady here she no he he's taking it out of crocker cookie n k jar he was taking it out I see and he is falling over and laughs xxx he taking it out of this and crock crocker cookie n k jar and he's reach trying to reach it to her but he is falling he's falling now yeah anything else let me see let me see there's a there's a water spigot there running pardon there's a hidden water spigot there running mhm and the curtains curtain gram and the shades cups plates door gram the and clo closet doors everything gram okay
take a look at that picture yeah I want you to tell me everything that you see happening in that picture everything that's going on in there everything's that's happening not according to Hoyle huh just everything that's happening well here's a little boy up on the ladder stool s r the ladder stool s rret or the and ch the and s and s the stool the stool was falling mhm and there's something else up on the shelf there is falling and uh and he's going to fall because the stool is it's tilted too much uh here here's a lady that's washing dishes and all the water is coming over the sink it's overflowing that's about it okay good
picture oh it's the same picture you should give me a different one yeah and laughs we're afraid to why and laughs it would be more fun if you had some variety that's probably true okay we have here a scene in a kitchen and it looks as though that's a mama who is working at the sink and her two children and the two children are hoping that mama will not notice because she's looking out the window that they are getting into the cookie jar so the boy climbs up on a stool to reach the cookie jar and as he's getting up there the and s the tool stool pwret the stool is tilting and he looks as though he were about to fall over and the little girl is telling him to be quiet by putting her finger on her lips he has one cookie in his hand is reaching for another one the lid is off the cookie jar the cupboard door is open he's supposedly going to hand one cookie it looks as though he is to his sister and grab another one for himself but I doubt he's that he's gonna get all that done before the stool falls over on the other around the corner of the kitchen uh um there's a counter that uh sort of turns a corner there are cupboards below the counter and above the counter where the cookies are then when you get over and have turned a corner in the kitchen you have base cabinets and then you have a window above that which is looking out into something which makes it looks as though it's summer outside because the window is open there are things growing out there there's a walk there's uh uh some shrubbery underneath another window that looks it's in a another wing of the house there's a tree beyond there are tie back curtains at the window the mother is working at the sink and the faucet is left on and apparently there's no overflow in the sink so it's overflowing right onto the floor splasho splasho and uh she has on a sleeveless dress which also indicates that it's summer and it looks though she has an apron on she has short hair um she is drying a dish with a tea towel a plate with a tea towel um beside the sink there are two cups and a plate looks as though there's some suds and some dishes in the sink gram and two faucets with xl type handles one on either side and a center faucet gram she has shoes on with no ties just sort of slipon shoes there's a little scallop valance across the top of the curtains and hm I think that's all I'm gonna tell you well the handles on the door are the kind that are just um almost like a round piece of wood that you hafta get a hold of to pull the cupboard door open and what's really strange is that you can't see any handles on the cupboards on the other side of the kitchen okay
going on in the picture all of the action okay um you mean drying dishes gram okay uh overflowing the water's overflowing out of the sink climbing a stool gram getting a cookie gram giving the cookie to the girl gram raising her arm gram uh stepping in the water gram looking out the window gram hm that's about all I can see is there more okay that's fine
www picture okay now wait a minute everything that's going on in the picture just by looking at it mhm well she's wiping dishes and the boy is getting cookies out of a jar and he's on a stool and there's cups over here and the water's going on the floor and the housewife the mother is wiping the dishes and she's standing by the window and uh she's letting the water run out of the faucet onto the floor and the and k the ladder is falling over when he's getting the cookies out what else you want that's good
here's the picture okay and hm let me see the boy is getting cookies out of the cookie jar and the stool is just about to fall over the little girl is reaching up for a cookie and the mother is drying the dishes the water is running into the sink and the sink is running over onto the floor you want action mhm you want all the action there is anyhow I think that's all the action there is and that little girl is laughing that little girl xxx did I say the mother was drying dishes xxx drying a dish and PAR xxx okay
picture okay mhm can you tell me now well this one is in the cookie jar mhm and this is she tried to climb the uh oh no no this boy I think this is the same one huh tried to get in the cookie jar and she's watching and over here must be the mother I don't know what the heck they're doing here though can you tell me something else that's going on over here what's going on mhm the stool she he s r was climbing and the stool tipped over okay how about over here is there something else going on over here she was doing the dishes I think okay she spilled something okay that's fine
okay picture mhm um a boy's standing on a stool getting a cookie out of the cookie jar and the stool is tipping over his sister is reaching up asking him she's asking for another cookie and he's handing it down to her and he has one in his left hand for her and one in his right hand for himself except he's gonna fall down first um the lid's off the cookie jar the mother's washing drying um she's washing dishes she's drying a plate somehow or she's gotten bemused and let the sink run over the water's flowing into the sink there are two cups and a plate on the counter the window is open and um it must be uh summer or you know maybe autumn because there are bushes and trees and things and they have leaves on and um it's in kitchen that's about uh and m oh the mother has on a dress that's just about comes to her knees she has an apron and uh a sleeveless dress um little girl's in a miniskirt and the boy is in shorts that's about it xxx
tell me just start about anywhere mhm wherever you like and sighs little girl gram um falling stool gram the young lad is gonna fall from the stool his hands are touching the cookie jar and these cupboards it shows the mother in the kitchen wiping dishes the water in the sink is overflowing the cups and dishes on the stand gram the uh sight through the window of green grass bushes window from the house with drapes gram it shows the roof of the house and the tree and drapes okay okay good
and there's the picture tell me everything you see going on in the picture I see a boy um getting in the in the cookie jar he's handing a cookies to his sister his sister is standing on the floor receiving the cookies the boy is standing on the stool and it is in the process of toppling over the cookie jar is uh quite full at the present time the lid is off the cookie jar the mother is standing at the kitchen sink she is wiping dishes uh the sink is overflowing the water is running onto the floor splashing onto the floor uh there are other dishes there's a dish and two other cups on the counter beside her um in near her or over the sink is a window with curtains and uh the window is open and uh the outside there is a tree and grass and shrubbery in sight also a path and uh uh a window into the into uh a garage or another portion of the house is visible okay
and here's the picture all the washing go ahead washing dishes or wiping dishes gram the water's running over the sink the kid is stealing the cookies uh he's falling over on the stool the wind is blowing outside the window uh the girl is is uh saying be quiet and looking for another cookie she is like Eve encouraging him to steal them you know uh she's standing in a puddle she's thinking deeply about something I don't know what that's about all I see that's it okay good
okay uh little boy's about to he's getting into the cookie jar got up on a stool gram uh handing them off to obviously well probably his little sister but in the meantime the stool is about to fall over before she really gets any gram the mother's preoccupied at the sink she's washing dishes and she's permitting the uh water to and over uh overflow so she herself is starting to stand in a panel puddle s urret puddle and she seems to be unaware of what's going on behind her and obviously it's spring or summer because the plants are blooming outside through the uh kitchen window uh you didn't say what's wrong I mean this is what I'm sposta be picking out no just tell me everything that you see going on in the picture xxx uh that's about it okay
there is the picture doesn't matter where you start then right nope alright there's uh a little boy on a uh stepstool which is tilted and he's getting some cookies now do you want descriptive as far as the cookie lids or or how they are or just the actions just the action just the action okay and looks like he's trying to hand a cookie to his sister she kind of has her finger up towards her mouth or something like she might be giggling uh the mother's drying dishes but the water is overflowing onto the floor uh I don't know the silk pwret the sink looks like it's almost tilted now we should call the uh the and sau the cup and the saucers that's not action right is it no you don't needta mention those uh the breeze might be blowing the curtains look like they might be any other action I don't see anything else I just see into the outdoors but I don't see anything moving and hm okay that's about it I guess a little bit xxx
take a look at that and tell me everything that you see happening in that picture everything that's going on well the little girl is reaching for a cookie and the boy is on a stool which is falling over to get in the cookie jar up on the second shelf of the cupboard with the door open the faucet is running and it's overflowing onto the floor because um it's overflowing into the sink the woman is drying a plate she's also looking out the window there's a couple of bowls and a plate on the uh counter curtains at the windows gram there's a driveway or it looks like a driveway outside and you can see another window and some bushes out there and the tree and I guess that's and pa looks like a part of the garage window of the garage out there gram and uh um the cookie jar has the lid off and the boy has one hand in the cookie jar and one with a cookie in it handing uh to the little girl who's got her hand up for it and her she looks like got her finger to mouth tell him to be careful and laughs okay good
that's the picture oh and laughs oh great and laughs oh the boy is taking cookies uh and he's also going to fall off his stepstool uh his and sis I gather it's his sister is reaching for the cookies the mother is uh drying the dishes and obviously uh has her mind on somewhere something s rret and el something else because the water's coming down off out of the sink onto the floor and she is also standing in some in water uh I don't know that's that's it I didn't hear what he said then because it's too it's that is all that I can see here okay thank you
take a look at this picture and tell me everything that you see going on in that picture tell me everything that you see happening there okay well the mother is drying the dishes the sink is overflowing um the little girl's reaching for a cookie and her brother's taking cookies out of the cookie jar and the stool is going to and f knock him on the floor and laughs he's going to fall on the floor because the stool's not uh what mhm with gravity whatever anything else uh the uh curtains are blowing I think and that's everything that's all I can see
and there's the picture boy's falling off a stool gram the lid is falling off a cookie jar he's grabbing a cookie in his hand the girl is reaching up she's touching her nose xxx the other side the mother's washing dishes gram the sink is running over her feet's m a getting wet as she's looking out the window gram that'd be pretty difficult to look out the window and get your feet getting wet at the same time but that's what it is and laughs okay okay okay
just tell me all the action you see going on in the picture well my goodness here little boy's about to fall off a chair stool s r while he's reaching for some cookies gram and he's handing some cookies to his sister apparently and the mother and o is over here probably the mother gram wiping a plate gram filling dishes gram and meanwhile the water's overflowing out of the sink and dropping on the floor and she's standing in water which doesn't make sense does it gram and laughs I don't see any birds on the windowsills no action outside so that looks like that's about all the action girl's reaching up for a cookie gram she's got her finger up her nose or to touching her nose for some reason can't tell if the grass is growing sorry and laughs oh come on can't you see it growing and laughs no no okay good
I want you to tell me everything that you see going on in this picture everything that you see happening here go ahead well for one thing the boy is stealing cookies and the girl is asking for a cookie and the boy is standing on a stool which is tipping over and the lady's drying a plate and the water is running in the sink and overflowing on the floor and getting her feet wet and the window is open and I don't know that there's anything special going on outside the window seems to me that uh that's essentially the things that are going on in this picture the girl is picking her nose and laughs the boy is handing her a cookie uh really those are the only activities I see okay
there there it is whoops there you go the boy reaching for the cookies is gonna fall down on the um what do you call it es uh she's saying shh I think shho but give me a cookie too um mother is wiping the dish sink is running over the uh I'm to tell everything I see well just the action just what you see going on all the action yeah splashing the water gram well xxx and the girl saying shho give me a cookie too that's all I see alright good
mhm and there's the picture and sighs the little boy is reaching for a cookie and he's falling at the same time because the stool has tipped over his little sister is reaching for a cookie and I think beginning to laugh because he's falling the sink is running over and dripping water on the floor while the mother is trying to dry the dishes um the window is open and the curtains are blowing in the breeze coming in from outside the water is running in the sink that's why it's overflowing I also believe that the mother is daydreaming possibly worrying about something that's it that's all I see okay good
while that's on I'm gonna have you look at a picture I want you to tell me all the action all that you see going on in the picture tell me everything you see going on in the picture okay the boy is taking cookies out of the cookie jar the girl's reaching for them she's apparently telling him to be quiet he's falling off the stool uh mom's washing dishes while the water runs and laughs out over the sink um looks like the curtain might be blowing a little bit there uh and she's stepping out of the puddle um I guess that's about it okay good
there's the action there's the action as opposed to state right all of the action that's going on yeah action and al alright alright the girl is uh holding her finger up to her face is it that kind of thing go ahead mhm alright pointing toward the cookie jar what or no reaching out her hand for a cookie gram her brother is and h has one cookie near her hand in his right hand he is reaching in the cookie jar the um stool is falling over he has his xxx alright uh the the woman is wiping the dishes she's holding it and pla uh plate in one hand and drying with the other uh water's uh spilling out of the sink gram and the water's running out of the faucet filling the sink um looks as if maybe there's a breeze blowing in the curtain gram yes there is a breeze blowing in the curtains the woman is smiling they're all smiling each one is looking at xxx xxx at at the other person the water is splashing okay okay fine
what's going on in the picture uh the boy in the cookie jar gram mhm uh the little girl waiting for the cookie gram her hand goes up mhm a mother drying dishes gram sink running over gram the um stool the little boy is on is tilting anything else that you see going on in the picture no okay that's fine
okay now here's the picture you tell me all of the actions actions going on gram right this one's a little boy falling off a stool little girl's holding her hand up telling him one time this girl's washing the dishes I don't seem to know where she got the dish I just picked it up said she oh she's broken a dish back there this thing fell down off of there something else well I mean the wash s r is running it's running over on the floor she's got a couple plates waiting here for her and the uh window shows the scene outside that you can't see from here at all mhm okay and there's a little boy and a little girl here just a little xxx okay that's fine thank you
all the action you see going on in that picture well the mother is uh and clears throat washing dishes and the the she hasn't turned the water off and the the water is spilling out from the sink onto the floor and she's standing in the puddle of water and the boy is uh standing on a stool a high stool and he is uh robbing the cookie jar and at the same time his sister is asking him for a cookie and in the in the process his stool is starting to tip over and uh I guess that's the main point to this it looks like that boy is boy is in for a bad fall and laughs and laughs going to be in for a bad fall gram mhm okay
and there's the picture all the action that you can see hm it's a little boy climbing up getting some and coo cookies out of the cookie jar and his little sister reaching for some gram and the little boy is standing on a ladder stool s r and his big sister washing the dishes at the sink big sister washing the dishes and she got she got uh dishes on the and s sitting on the sink gram and I think she's uh running water can you tell me anything else that's going on over there and I said the uh little sister's uh and reach Johnny's Johnny he is uh he is up on the ladder uh and get getting some cookies and the little sister reaching up and reach reaching up after some gram anything he he he he's passing it down to her okay anything else and the ladder stool s rrep the ladder stool s r about to turn over gram okay anything else going on over here the and k uh this the cups what she's uh and sh maybe she going to wash them and she got them sitting on the on the sink uhhuh and maybe running maybe running water on the sink gram and they got if she got a got a curtain to pull that she might get some light in there gram since dishes the dishes stacked up gram they might be on the sink anything else no that be about all xxx okay good
I want you to take a look at this picture tell me everything you see happening in that picture everything that's going on boy's and t and t touching a cake cookie s r gram he's girl's reaching his hand up her hand up gram and that woman's drying the dishes dishes the uh water's falling flowing over the sink there's cups and a plate on the sink okay thanks
okay and here's the picture okay mother is drying the dishes but the water is going out over the sink onto the floor and ah it's a pretty day outside lots of flowers gram there are three dishes left to wash dry I guess she's standing in the water looks dangerous gram the children and i are getting into the cookie jar the boy's up there on the stool and that's almost falling over he's got one cookie in his hand he's handing it to the little girl and he's getting another one out of the cookie jar cupboard did you say action that is going on uhhuh uh the little girl is kinda kind of has her hand up to her mouth looks like she's trying to eat it or be quiet or she's laughing and laughs gram and laughs the mother doesn't seem to be paying much attention she looks like she's looking out the window the water is splashing onto the floor okay that's it good
can you tell me what's going on in the picture kids are trying to get a and s and s and s and s and s and s it's full of it's full of uh mistakes can you tell me them then tell me the mistakes it's full of mistakes it's full of mistakes okay what's going on right here he's changing s urret taking cookie jar gram uhhuh anything else that's all how about what's going on over here the mother's just drying the dishes anything else going on and n and n and n and n and n and n and s and s and n and s xxx from the from xxx this is uh okay
the picture oh the water is running out of the sink mother is calmly drying a dish the uh stool is going to fall over and the little boy is on top of it uh getting in the cookie jar and the little girl is uh reaching for a cookie anything else she has her hands to her her finger to her lip as if she's telling the boy not to tell the curtains seem to be waving a bit the water's running and it's splashing on the floor is that it that's it
alright gonna start here okay the the the boys have opened the the boy has opened the into the cookie and ca uh where the cookies are cir and in the meantime he's they almost the thing is falling down es the little boy the girl was being shho quiet mother has the water is running over in the kitchen mother is wiping the dishes the dish and dishes uh it's she doesn't seem to think it's even know what's going on uh it's uh I would say summer that looks like things are growing up there she's looking out the window uh she's standing in the water uh cookies gram they've taken cookies out of the cookie jar she's keeping quiet the things break falling over it's summer I mean it looks like it's summer it's things are coming up es uh mother doesn't seem to care what's going on with the kids and laughs uh there are two cups but only one one uh dish okay and hm I think did I say they'd turned off the water they hadn't the water's still running that was all I guess that's it okay good
and there it is the chair stool s r is tilting uh lid is off of the cookie jar cookie in the in the left arm of the boy gram his right hand is touching a cookie in the cookie jar one of his foot one of his his of his feet are a is a and ha about a third off of the stool he's got short pants and a blouse and uh it seems and uh look like they're boots instead of shoes gram the girl the girl has a finger to her lips as though to say quiet and th and w one hand out her left hand is out she's got short skirt and a blouse jersey sweater gram socks anklets rather gram the on I did mention that the that the stool was tilting the still on on the boy that the boy's standing on the stool has it and it's tilting I think I mentioned that the girl has hair hanging to her neck the boy has like short like uh hair combed straight back and laughs the door is jar is open on the and cook on the the the cupboard the mother's drying the dish with her left hand with her right hand holding it with her left she's got an apron over her dress or whatever it may be water spilling out of the sink gram two cups facing opposite direction gram one plate to the right of the cups gram curtains flowing and w in the breeze of the wind gram okay there still some more but uh that's about everything I think oh yeah
okay all the action falling uh in a sentence or however you wanna say it okay uh falling off the stool gram and st taking cookies out of the jar gram reaching up for a cookie gram uh holding her lips to designate that they better not make noise gram the stool is upsetting the water is cascading out of the sink her feet are getting wet the curtains look as if they're blowing the tea cloth is drying the dishes of course the woman is drying the dishes that's about all the action I see okay good
tell me all the action going on in that picture can you tell me the action that you see going on in that picture I see a tad bit and somebody is doing drying dishes okay good no I can't no I can't get this very well clear what else can you see going on in that picture well someone's standing on a stool and the stool is getting ready to fall over okay it's and mm and sniff well somebody's drying dishes can you see anything else going on over here no I don't see anything else going on over here I'm I'm thinking now maybe the water's and r overrunning I'm not too sure okay there's some water on the floor here and there's some in the sink that's overrunning okay good
what you see happening in that picture everything that's going on in there and tapping well this happens to be a kitchen and the mother of the house is washing the dishes and the water is overflowing from the sink onto the floor and the uh two children evidently a brother and a sister are uh getting cookies out of the cookie jar which is on the second shelf of the upper cupboard and uh he's standing on a three legged stool and is losing its balance and about to fall on the floor okay good
and there's the picture a boy is getting cookies out of the cookie jar he's standing on a stool that's gonna fall the girl is reaching for a cookie the mother's drying dishes the faucet's running water it's dripping out of the sink um spilling onto the floor gram dishes are on the uh counter window is open gram must be summertime gram the girl is laughing looks like she's laughing that's about it okay good
going on in the picture I see the little boy's down here okay getting the the food and the little girl down here is the same way this little boy this is falling over mhm and this little girl she's just getting getting things ready for dinner what else is happening over here food dropped okay I think it did yes it did okay
www and there's the picture the boy's getting cookies out of the cookie jar he's handing one to a girl the and lad the stool he's standing on is falling the lady's drying dishes the sink is running over the water's turned on full um cups are sitting on the counter plates sitting on the counter puddle of water's on the floor gram little girl is saying gram shho don't tell anybody and laughs and sighs and the cookie jar looks like it's ready to fall out and the cookie jar is full clear full that's about all I see that's going on okay that's fine
here's the picture and hm touching lip gram raising arm gram is that what you mean just yeah tell me and lea reaching for cookie gram handing cookie down gram slipping from stool gram stool falling over gram um wiping dishes gram water running gram water overflowing gram um breeze gram I don't know if that's action um stepping out from water gram I guess that's it okay good
there it is well there's a boy trying to get some cookies in from the cupboard and then the little girl has her hand up for one and there's um a stool that's ready to fall uh that he's standing on and there's a lady washing dishes and she spilled and her sink is filled up full of water and it spilled all on the floor she's standing by the window xxx see the grass and the shrubbery outside and the two is two cups and a plate to be uh that's laying on on the sink I don't know if it's to be dried or what okay thank you
mention that you see going on in the picture okay oh goody that boy's climbed on a stool that's falling over to get a cookie and the little girl is standing below him trying to get the cookie from his hand and the mother is washing dishes while the water's running over in the sink on the floor and the window is the sun's shining and laughs there's two cups and this plate on the counter and maybe the mother is drying a plate that's all I see okay good
oh and clears throat the little boy's got on the stepstool to get a and j a cookie it's gonna fall off and the the mother's doing dishes and she's running the water on the floor the little sister's and t trying to quiet him down that's about it okay
there's the picture hm xxx this little boy has his hand in the cookie jar he has gotten up on a stool which is tipping over and sister is standing there uh wanting some cookies too gram and all of this is uh behind the mother's back she's washing dishes and the uh water's running over she must be daydreaming the water's running and o over onto the floor and she doesn't seem to notice it and there are a couple of dishes there she must be drying the dishes they look dried on the counter the one in her hand I thought she had just taken out and then back there's a yard and a little uh sidewalk and another wing of the house through the window gram and curtains and sh curtains there she has a window above the sink which is nice gram Dave Branton wrote a whole book called The window of the xxx oh yeah she said xxx I enjoy okay what book did I miss anything you did fine okay that's great
I want you to tell me everything that you see going on in this picture everything that you see happening there yeah alright the girl is reaching up for a cookie the youngster's getting the cookie out of the cupboard the cookie is in the pan jar s rrep uh pan jar s r the uh bench stool s rret or the stool that he's standing on is falling the door to the cookie cupboard is open the lady is washing dishes she has a dish cloth in her hand the uh sink is running over the spigot is um not shut off there's two handles and neither one is shut off there's um and it's falling on the floor the there's two cups and a dish on the table countertop s rret on the uh top countertop s rret cabinettops countertops s r there's curtains there's uh two windows at least there's a window with two uh panes showing partial the others and it looks like a scenery outside like a a walk and some bushes and things and some bushes in front of the some kind of a building gram she has on an apron shoes and the child the young girl has shoes and stockings on and the boy has stockings on and shoes and uh the cabinet has two two three four five doors to it okay good thanks
what do you see going on in the picture well the mother is drying the plate uh the water is running on the floor and overru overrunning in the sink the kids are and s taking cookies from the cookie jar and on a on a high chair stool s r that looks you know to reach up to the cupboards gram and the girl is receiving the cookies the sister I suppose gram the little girl gram the little boy is taking the cookies and the little girl is he's handing them to her and I'd be there eating them too because I like cookies I'd be a uh my hand is always in the cookie jar and the mother is drying the dishes at the sink the water's running over and INV okay xxx and she's not paying any never minds to it I guess okay xxx and she's not paying any never minds to it I guess PAR and laughs the floor's getting wet she'll hafta and INV she doesn't care yeah get a mop and mop it up she doesn't care yeah get a mop and mop it up PAR oh this and INV how about over here is crazy how about over here is crazy INV is anything else going on over here well the chair stool s rret is uh the kid's going to fall from the uh the stool the high stool that's dumping over and he's going to land on his rear end pretty soon those might be a couple cookies in his hand probably the cookie jar spilled too he might catch that and INV hm when it went to the floor yeah hm when it went to the floor yeah INV okay that's about all and INV okay the sink is running over okay the sink is running over PAR the water's on the dripping on the floor all over the floor the old lady will hafta get a mop and mop up the floor too after she's through with washing the dishes and laughs
well the kid the girl's laughing at her brother because he went into the cookie jar and he's falling over the cookie jar and mother's and d the mother was at the sink and the sink's water's s r splashing and s splashing over the sink and she sort of a little bit bitchy and the water's going flooding over the sink and there's a saucer there's a plate there's a couple of dishes well she's and the mother's looking out the window she don't know what the hell to think of it a girl laughing at her brother who is taking cookies out of the cookie jar and he's ready to fall off the damn and plat off the uh off the uh and sh and pl chair stool s r he's on the chair's stool's s r crooked what the hell else and then there's a plate saucer and two cups she's looking out the window the window's open she's not paying any attention to the kids the water's flooding over the sink what else you want that's fine
xxx what I'd like you to do right now I can go around and find em them for you okay what I'd like you to do what do you want here is to take a look at this picture and tell me everything that you see happening everything that you see going on everything what everything that you see happening in this picture mhm everything that you see going on just tell me everything you see happening what could happen what is happening tell me what is happening tell me what you he's stealing cookies okay she's helping him the mother is and wa drying dishes she's washing and d washing the water is running xxx he's gonna fall off that chair stool s r he's gonna break his leg and laughs look at it mhm I wanna kill you ah he's doing the wrong thing though and laughs she's and s got her hand out there and he's trying to give her something or he's gonna fall of that chair stool s r he'll be be picking that up pieces gram what else you want that's all that's going on that's all that I see
all the action well the tool stool p wret is and fa the stool and laughs stool is falling over the uh boy is taking cookies out of the cookie jar the little girl is reaching for a cookie and holding her arm up the mother is drying is doing dishes the water is spilling out of the sink and the mother's standing in the water the mother is looking out of the window the water's coming out of the faucet that's about all I can okay get out of that good
what's going on in the picture does that say cookie honey you just tell me what you see going on in the picture oh cookie jar gram this chair stool s r is tilted do I tell you that too you can tell me everything you see going on titled chair stool s r gram girl going doing s r dishes gram spilling water gram here's two plates now what would I say about them just tell me what you see going on in the picture water spilling gram cookie jar gram chair stool s r falling gram and children gram hell this is a damn dumb thing okay that's fine let me take it away
tell me everything that you see happening there it is well the girl is watching the boy go into the cookie jar he has a cookie in his hand he's on the stool the stool is stool is falling the mother is drying dishes has a plate in her hand gram sink is overflowing gram there's water on the floor she's stepping in the water something that's going on you said mhm she looks the little girl looks like she's motioning to the boy to be quiet and uh I don't know what else the woman's looking out the window the window's open okay okay
the boy's gonna fall she's running the sink over that kid seem to getting in the cookie jar gram so and she's standing in water working
what's going on in the picture all of the things that I see going on right well the boy is stealing a cookie he's standing on the stool which is tipping over the girl is asking for cookies the lady is doing the dishes the sink is flowing over and as far as action goes I think that's about all she's standing in a puddle of water and the window is open and uh grass and things are uh outside a boy is handing the girl a cookie girl is picking her nose I guess gram I don't know what she's doing and laughs
okay can you tell me everything you see going on in the picture and mm and s boy and o over here standing on the chair stool s r uh it's falling over and a girl down below gram the boy's up up there he's uh has a cookie jar up there he's putting cookies in and the thing's falling over es then there's the lady she's she's washing dishes and drying them and the sink is turned on and the water's running down and is running on the floor and she's standing in the water she's got uh a dress on and and there's she's looking out out past drapes down here and she's looking out through the window looks like that boy's gonna fall over pretty soon okay
going on in the picture well there's a little boy on the on a stool he's gonna fall shortly snitching cookies mommy's washing dishes and the sink is running over I don't know if there's anything more there or not but that's what I see I see a cookie jar okay that's fine snitching cookies gram okay
is take a look at this picture and tell me everything that you see going on in the picture tell me everything that you see happening now the girl was and k the girl's coaxing the boy for a cookie and his stool fell over and the cookie are spilled she spilled her dishwater washing dishes she's washing dishes drying them that runs over the sink's running over her feet and s and laughs in the water gram this must be a path out back flowers trees gram I don't know what else water on the floor gram is that everything then yeah
there it is okay the picture's in a kitchen uh with uh a family of a mother and the son and daughter and the son is uh up in the cookie jar the uh cupboard door is open he's getting cookies from the jar he's standing on a stool which is and to in the process of toppling over the little girl is holding out her hand for a cookie and she's also has her finger to her lips shushing him so he doesn't make any noise uh the mother seems to be oblivious to what's going on she's standing there wiping uh a dish and uh the tap water is is running the sink is overflowing uh down onto the floor and uh she's standing in a puddle um uh look outside and and the curtains are open and see what looks like could be a garage or an extension of the house shrubbery path a tree uh going back in the kitchen on the counter beside her are and i is another plate and a cream and sugar bowl set um the little boy's uh shoes he looks like he has jogging shoes on and low um socks and he's he's wearing uh shorts and a and sh short sleeve shirt his sister's wearing what amounts to sort of a mini dress mini skirt with uh sandals and uh let's see that or ruffled ruffled curtains at the at the windows that are drawn back by draw drapes and uh the cupboards all had recessed handles what no they're not recessed they uh at first glance they're recessed but actually they protrude out from the doors and also the copyright nineteen seventy two and laughs and laughs okay thank you
picture what's going on in that picture tell me all the action in the picture well the mother has water spilling all over the floor for one thing mhm then she's starting to dry the dishes and then she's looking out the window and uh the little girl's there and the little boy and he almost is falling off the stool but he didn't so he and d he survived anyway huh mhm is that all the action yeah yeah on this paper yeah okay thank you
you see going on in that picture that the little girl is the and clears throat gonna gonna have uh is uh waiting for the boy to get her a cookie and and she's uh pointing shush don't make a noise because the mother might see them and the little boy has uh uh a cookie in his hand and he's ready to he gonna get another one out of the and cook and t and cook and j uh cookie jar but his and t stool has gone over gram it's starting to go over and the mother is washing uh dishes and uh the but and water is I mean and s uh drying dishes and uh the water uh uh she's listening with the little girls and so the water's running onto down onto onto the floor let me see about there anything happening outside gram no the wind might be blowing beside but I don't think anybody if it is it's you could hardly tasty s uk and laughs gram is that it okay okay
tell me everything that you see going on in this picture everything that you see happening there okay the mommy is washing the drying the dishes the boy is taking a cookie from the cookie jar and he's gonna hand it to his little sister and the bench stool s r is toppling over as the kid is standing on gram and the water's dripping out of the sink okay okay
I'd like for you to take a look at this picture and I want you to tell me everything that you see happening in that picture everything that's going on everything that's going on okay and m mother's wiping dishes the sink is overflowing the mother's looking out the window the little boy is getting cookies out of the cookie jar the ladder stool s r on which he is standing is tipping over and the little girl I think is asking for a cookie I did say the sink's overflowing why isn't anything do anybody doing anything about that there's dishes on the um on the and cou on the counter okay that's good isn't that it
well the kid is it falling off the stool and laughs and he's he's and and and the mother's washing dishes uh drying dishes and the and s the sink is spilling over and uh what else and the floor's getting wet what else is new anything else going on in the picture and the the kid well the and k uh the kid is stealing the cookies and he's falling off yeah he's falling off the stool what else there isn't much else left okay that's fine
what I'd like you to do here is take a look at this picture and tell me everything that you see happening everything that you see going on I do I start mhm the children are getting into the cookie jar which is on the uh high above uh the uh sink they have the um uh lid off the cookie jar the boy has two in his hand and the girl is reaching up for them and the uh stool in which he's standing is about to upset course the door is open into the to get the cookie jar the uh mother presumably is at the sink washing uh dishes and the um uh sink is running over the water is splashing down on the floor uh there are two I suppose dry dishes on the uh the sink she has one in her hand a plate that she is drying she has it on an apron she's standing by the sink is uh below a window with a um a path out into a a garden uh there are and mm there's shrubbery to the left of the path and you can see beyond that another window and um I don't know what that is whether those are flowers or weeds and oh uh this is part of the house you can see the uh roof of uh maybe an ll of a house and the curtains that's about all the curtains are drawn back
I'd like for you to take a look at this picture take a look at that picture and tell me everything you see going on there hm everything that's happening the little boy is on the stool which is tipping and he wants cookies to give to his sister he has a handful of cookies in one hand already and the little girl is eating a cookie the mother is washing dishes absentmindedly she let the sink run over and it's all on the floor there's a window with you can see their driveway gram either bushes or trees and grass a big window gram and a tree coming up here gram and the and roo part of the roof gram okay and the cookie says cookie jar okay thanks
xxx the action that you see going on in that picture um and a anything that I want mhm okay the boy is reaching for cookies and the stool is falling over uh the girl is reaching for her brother to give her a cookie the mother is doing dishes but the water is spilling over on the floor the window's open what else anything else did you just want action or just mhm no I just can't that's fine
have a look at that picture and tell me everything that you see going on in that picture what's happening there tell me all the action you see going on there um the girl's in the trying and hm did I get that mhm anything else you can see going on there and girl that and clears throat is drying does dishes right gram she's bu washing n kret gushing washing s ur dishes jar and there's two boys one uh one is get a and choc cookies cookies jar in the cabinet gram and the the girl's crying for the and laughs and s she wants a and laughs and coo and cook and c cookie and the girl what's it always say that gram upset the water up the sink gram okay good
okay good tell me all of the things you see going on alright a little girl is reaching for the cookie cookie that the boy's reaching for the cookie to give to her while the the uh stool is being tipped gram the mother is drying the dish while the water is running out of the spigot um let's see action action action action no birds geese gram it's all I can see okay that's fine
here you go what do you see going on in that picture well the children are enjoying it and the mother is um is and wa drying the dishes and the little boy is about to and f fall if he does not too and caif he's not careful anything else no that's all do you see any more action going on in that picture oh dishwashing gram and the little boy is trying to get something out of a box jar s r imagine it's a cookie box jar s r cookie um and the and the stool it hasn't and tur uh and t um turned yet but the way he has it on two legs it won't be much longer anything else uh that's all he's reaching for the for the cookie jar or xxx do you see anything going on over here dishwashing gram okay evidently they hafta dry them now their um dishes there and th wash them gram anything else no I don't think so okay alright
what's going on in the picture xxx and clears throat can you tell me the action going on in the picture let's see what's this this what's going on in the picture tell me all of the action about the picture what's going on in that picture well the klu gal p n and the little boy gram mhm what else is going on lay it down it doesn't open up you hafta leave it closed what else goes what else is going on in the picture can you see what tell me what else is going on in that picture pants and clothes and yeah anything else and s the little boy's the little boy's just sitting there okay anything else is this one getting through there I can't okay good
okay and that's the picture okay okay the boy is and clears throat on the ladder stool s rret on a and st the stool taking cookies out of the cupboard uh the stool is falling over the little girl is reaching up for a cookie uh the water is running over in the sink the mother's drying dishes um let's see she's putting her finger up to her mouth th and l the little girl is like uh she sees what's gonna happen here um that's really all the action I think I see okay fine
picture tell me everything you see going on little boy's stealing cookies out of the cookie jar gram little girl's whispering not to tell gram his chair's stool's s r gonna fall his mother's at the sink washing dishes she's spilled the water all over it's running all over the floor she's drying a plate she's uh looking out the window the little boy's stool's gonna fall he's got a cookie in his hand he's reaching for a second one the mother she's looking outside and not watching the water running over from the sink okay the cupboard door is open she shouldn't be looking out the window she's washing dishes she's letting the water run out okay I don't know what else I could tell that's fine
can you tell me what's going on in the picture oh sure the little girl's standing in the kitchen and then the little boy steps on a uh a chair stool s r to get some cookies and he's about to fall down and his mother isn't aware of it yet she's still washing dishes and then the sink ran over I guess when she got excited and it's going down on a on the and s floor in the kitchen and she's trying to dry the dishes and she's just standing there she still has dishes to go I guess and this little boy is about to fall and this little girl is smiling at him because he's going for the cookies in the cookie jar and laughs okay good thank you
what do you see going on in that picture girl washing dishes gram I see that mhm uh what the boy's putting up the cookie jar or getting cookies out of the cookie jar and his little sister is begging him oh hurry up come on and he's got the foot stool and his her big sister is washing the dishes that's the big sister or the mama I don't know which that is is drying the dishes putting them away she's got the spigot on and the water's running and there's her cup she hasn't them put up yet and he's up on the foot stool and he's got the cookie jars okay what else is going on over here he's getting the cookie jars uhuh anything else going on she's begging him for some okay begging him for some cookies gram what about over here what else is going on over there she's washing the dishes uh she's drying the dishes and she's got the water on in the sink uhhuh and there's her cup sitting down there okay anything else to be washed no she has an apron on and her shoes and the drapes are pulled back in one of the rooms see okay okay
in the picture stool is being uh is and k falling over gram the little girl is uh criticizing her brother if it's her brother her brother's getting in the cookie jar and the stool's gonna fall over with him the mother's drying dishes there's water sink's overflowing gram there's dirty dishes on the sink there's curtains at the window there's shrubbery a tree outside there's uh oh landscaping you can see the window to the neighborhood neighbor yard I guess your her house gram what else anything else you tell me I did say that the water's running in the sink and overflowing and it's getting on the mother's shoe she's standing in the water she's drying a dish she has an apron on okay I told you the boy's falling off the uh off the stool and the girl's trying to cupboard door is open gram the cookie jar is open he's got a cookie in his hand he's handing to his sister I guess and w you want any more things you tell me you think that's all tieback curtains gram okay I said some dishes on the counter the sink's the water's running in the sink it's overflowing and shows a garden in the neighbor's house gram tree growing in the neighbor's yard gram they have some shrubbery in their yard I don't know okay that's xxx okay
okay all of the action okay I see a boy in the cookie jar I see he has the lid off I see that he is standing on a three legged stool and he's about to depart from that three legged stool he has one cookie in his hand handing it down to his sister and she's reaching up for it and I think she's indicating to the boy to keep still so his mother doesn't hear what's going on I see the mother uh I guess she's drying the dishes and she's not paying attention because she's uh leaving the sink run over and it's spilling all over the floor and she must not be conscious because she's standing in it and doesn't know it um and sh I think she must I think she's probably looking out the window as I take the second look and I see apparently a couple dirty dishes on the tabletop I see the cupboards uh I don't know whether they all have knobs on them or not doesn't look like the two where the boy and the girl are have knobs on the cupboard door and I see outside I see uh apparently it's a tree some shrubbery and some hedges okay about it okay good
I'd like for you to take a look at this picture take a look at that picture and tell me everything that you see happening in that picture everything's that going on there the boy's in the cookie jar but the stool is lopsided he couldn't be standing like that on a stool on two legs gram and the mother's letting the water run over the sink well I assume she's already washed the plate that she's drying I don't know what else she is and laughs whether that would be mistake or not gram that's about all I can see there okay that's fine
here's the picture can you tell me everything you see going on in the picture yeah she's spilling the water on the floor and he's falling off the the chair stool s rret uh the stand stool s rret or a seat or anything else the spigot's going and uh he's reaching out for the cookies and she's reaching for the cookies and she got the window open I guess I don't know okay good
okay I'm gonna leave the tape recorder on and I'm gonna show you a picture has a lot of action going on in it everything that you tell me everything that you see going on in the picture and there's the picture uh and ha there's a little boy's taking a cookie out of the and c cookie jar and giving it to his sister and the the stool that he's standing on is gonna fall and the the mother's back is turned and she's the water is overflowing in the sink and uh she's wiping the dish and uh the and wi the window's open and she's probably looking out the window and missing the water and f overflowing okay
name me any action anything you see in the picture alright okay action oh well the little girl is reaching waiting for her brother to give her a cookie the boy has a cookie from a cookie jar but he's knocked the lid off and he is tumbling off a stool and uh m other is uh drying dishes but she has left the spigot on and uh water's pouring out of the s ink and the little girl has her finger up to her mouth and a boy has one cookie in his hand for the girl in his left hand and he is just touching another cookie with his right hand you only want action you say mhm and that's about it okay
tell me everything you see happening in that picture everything that's going on there okay well in the first place the and m the mother forgot to turn off the water and the water's running out the sink and and sh she's standing there and laughs it's falling on the floor the child is got a stool and reaching up into the cookie jar gram and the the the stool is tipping over and he's sorta sort of put down the plates gram and she's reaching up to get it but I don't see anything wrong with and laughs her though okay yeah that's it I can't see anything that's fine
is take a look at this picture and tell me everything that you see going on everything that you see happening in this picture well the little girl wants the cookie that the guy's steal and k kid is stealing from the cookie jar with the lid off and he's tripping tipping p w off the stool the water's overflowing in the sink and w woman is drying dishes gram uh there's a hedge outside and all the letters are upside down and uh there's a plate and a cup on the kitchen cabinet and a uh oh whatcha what do you call that and uh the drapes and a and a sash window gram and a window on the adjacent uh part of the building gram uh there's a path through the lawn uh she's stepping the woman is stepping in the water with slippers or and sh and sh sandals or something uh that that's about it
one more thing and then we're done with this testing and I'm sure you're glad to hear that oh I don't mind it what I want you to do is take a look at this picture I want you to tell me everything that you see happening in that picture I want you to tell me everything that's going on in there the lady's a lousy dishwasher because her xxx is all over the floor and laughs I never do that do you no and laughs and the boy is falling off of a stool stealing a cookie from the cookie jar and what else and he's going to get hurt when the chair stool s r and fa uh tips over and what else the little girl is asking for a cookie the and ma mother is doing dishes and the water's running out of the sink all over the floor and laughs some dishwasher and laughs good that's good alrightie we're all done
little girl is reaching up for some cookies and it appears that she may be telling her brother to be quiet they may be uh taking them while the mother is abstracted distracted s r there at the window yeah she is abstracted distracted s r she doesn't even know the sink and s is overflowing the boy getting the cookies from the cookie jar in his haste has tipped over the lid of the cookie jar and also has caused the stool to slip over backwards so that he will very shortly be on the ground on the floor rather and uh the mother's still daydreaming and the sink's still overflowing and she's looking out at the garden and a tree and she has a towel in her hand and she still has a and s no she's probably dried a few dishes well that's about it for me okay good
the little boy is getting a cookie out of the cookie jar and the little girl's reaching for a cookie and the little boy's about to fall off the stool and the lady is drying dishes and the water is overflowing in the sink and and hm I don't really know anything else going on and the water's spilling out on to her floor and hm I don't know if the wind's blowing or not and it the activity that's all I see okay