4 values
The book was boring, because of its victorian ideals.
Tess was a very boring book. From an analytical point, the book's major theme was FATE. However, you must be interested in the victorian era, in order to enjoy the book. It is the same thing with the Scarlet Letter, to enjoy the book you must know about the time era. The problems that the characters are faced with in the book are laughable by todays standards.
The book was boring, because of its victorian ideals. Tess was a very boring book. From an analytical point, the book's major theme was FATE. However, you must be interested in the victorian era, in order to enjoy the book. It is the same thing with the Scarlet Letter, to enjoy the book you must know about the time era. The problems that the characters are faced with in the book are laughable by todays standards.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5960648655891418}
My kindle is making me do this...One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen
Obligatory My kindle is making me do this...One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.3834676742553711}
Good Companion Piece
I read this book soon after I had seen the A&E mini-series. Reading the book after watching the series gave me a better appreciation for the dialect(s) Hardy uses throughout the novel which could be a little difficult to decipher. Very good book overall.
Good Companion Piece I read this book soon after I had seen the A&E mini-series. Reading the book after watching the series gave me a better appreciation for the dialect(s) Hardy uses throughout the novel which could be a little difficult to decipher. Very good book overall.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.8282891511917114}
Great classic
I remember having to read this novel in high school and wanted to read it again. I had forgotten most of the story and thoroughly enjoyed following Tess through her trials and tribulations, albeit some self imposed.
Great classic I remember having to read this novel in high school and wanted to read it again. I had forgotten most of the story and thoroughly enjoyed following Tess through her trials and tribulations, albeit some self imposed.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7146207094192505}
Beautifully written, dark Masterpiece about an unforgetable Victorian girl.
A beautifully written, dark masterpiece about an unforgetable Victorian girl. Her father discovers he is descended from aristocracy and drinks himself into a stupor, unable to fulfill his obligations. Tess takes his place and, through a series of misfortunes, is sent away to rich 'relatives' with the hope of getting financial assistance for her family. She meets a rogue at the mansion, and is taken in by him in so many ways. Fast forward. She meets another man and falls in love. Through their tragic love story, much is discovered about the morality, rules, and expectations of Victorian society.Thomas Hardy has brought to life amazing characters in this work, and he has conceived a story which will embed themselves into the psyche as one contemplates this work again and again. It's a beautiful love story, and so much more. Highly recommended!
Beautifully written, dark Masterpiece about an unforgetable Victorian girl. A beautifully written, dark masterpiece about an unforgetable Victorian girl. Her father discovers he is descended from aristocracy and drinks himself into a stupor, unable to fulfill his obligations. Tess takes his place and, through a series of misfortunes, is sent away to rich 'relatives' with the hope of getting financial assistance for her family. She meets a rogue at the mansion, and is taken in by him in so many ways. Fast forward. She meets another man and falls in love. Through their tragic love story, much is discovered about the morality, rules, and expectations of Victorian society.Thomas Hardy has brought to life amazing characters in this work, and he has conceived a story which will embed themselves into the psyche as one contemplates this work again and again. It's a beautiful love story, and so much more. Highly recommended!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7810435891151428}
I hated this book then....
...and hate it now. My only revenge for being forced to read Tess as a kid is to write a negative review as an adult. So there, that's done.
I hated this book then.... ...and hate it now. My only revenge for being forced to read Tess as a kid is to write a negative review as an adult. So there, that's done.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.4869658350944519}
Bad purchace.
Well I thought I was getting the student edition, but I got the Instructor's edition. I guess I'll have to go back to B&N.
Bad purchace. Well I thought I was getting the student edition, but I got the Instructor's edition. I guess I'll have to go back to B&N.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5912753343582153}
I have been using this for several months now and I am not particularly impressed by it. The liquid itself is smooth and silky and it goes on and washes off quite easily but it seems to not have done anything to/for my skin. Jury's sill out for me...
Ummm I have been using this for several months now and I am not particularly impressed by it. The liquid itself is smooth and silky and it goes on and washes off quite easily but it seems to not have done anything to/for my skin. Jury's sill out for me...
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.5231575965881348}
Science Fact Empowers Science Fiction
Mars Rising is the best documentary I've ever seen about the issues surrounding a future manned mission to Mars. Shatner's voice-over gives it extra credibility.Race to Mars is the most realistic movie ever made in the "manned mission to Mars" genre.
Science Fact Empowers Science Fiction Mars Rising is the best documentary I've ever seen about the issues surrounding a future manned mission to Mars. Shatner's voice-over gives it extra credibility.Race to Mars is the most realistic movie ever made in the "manned mission to Mars" genre.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8072097301483154}
Unbearable Lightness of Being-- Unbearable Yet Enjoyable
In an Age of Communist Oppression, we see a side of Daniel Day-Lewis reminiscent of the lovable letch 'Newland' in The Age of Innocence. Daniel plays perfectly a doctor living in Prague, who cannot tolerate oppression-OR resist women, and both influences drive him to do the unimaginable. It's amazing seeing two main rivals for his affections manage NOT to kill each other-as they pussyfoot around the painful truth. Lena Olin (Sabina) is the perfect seductress in her famous bowler hat-and one can easily love as well as hate her, as she tries to deceive the ever wise Tereza Tomas' wife (Juliette Binoche). Thumbs up to Tereza who acknowledges what Tomas cannot- as she forces him to face his weakness-and their love provides a measure of redemption. Still, it's Tomas' decision to return to Prague that results in terrible consequences. If not for the needless eroticism, this would have been a 5 star movie.
Unbearable Lightness of Being-- Unbearable Yet Enjoyable In an Age of Communist Oppression, we see a side of Daniel Day-Lewis reminiscent of the lovable letch 'Newland' in The Age of Innocence. Daniel plays perfectly a doctor living in Prague, who cannot tolerate oppression-OR resist women, and both influences drive him to do the unimaginable. It's amazing seeing two main rivals for his affections manage NOT to kill each other-as they pussyfoot around the painful truth. Lena Olin (Sabina) is the perfect seductress in her famous bowler hat-and one can easily love as well as hate her, as she tries to deceive the ever wise Tereza Tomas' wife (Juliette Binoche). Thumbs up to Tereza who acknowledges what Tomas cannot- as she forces him to face his weakness-and their love provides a measure of redemption. Still, it's Tomas' decision to return to Prague that results in terrible consequences. If not for the needless eroticism, this would have been a 5 star movie.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.3003236949443817}
Please read Kundera's book instead
Kundera's novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being is absolutely amazing, and this film falls so far short of it. Despite my almost-immediate dislike of the film, I actually stuck it out and watched the entire thing (hoping that Daniel Day-Lewis could somehow salvage it or that the film might actually express some idea from Kundera's book). But I was sorely disappointed.But please read Kundera's novel, because it is wonderful. I can't help but think that Kundera was referring to this film when he wrote in his later novel Immortality: "The present era grabs everything that was ever written in order to transform it into films, TV programs, or cartoons. What is essential in a novel is precisely what can only be expressed in a novel, and so every adaptation contains nothing but the nonessential."
Please read Kundera's book instead Kundera's novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being is absolutely amazing, and this film falls so far short of it. Despite my almost-immediate dislike of the film, I actually stuck it out and watched the entire thing (hoping that Daniel Day-Lewis could somehow salvage it or that the film might actually express some idea from Kundera's book). But I was sorely disappointed.But please read Kundera's novel, because it is wonderful. I can't help but think that Kundera was referring to this film when he wrote in his later novel Immortality: "The present era grabs everything that was ever written in order to transform it into films, TV programs, or cartoons. What is essential in a novel is precisely what can only be expressed in a novel, and so every adaptation contains nothing but the nonessential."
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5550610423088074}
Sad Yet Beautiful
The unbearable lightness of being is the ability to give your body without becomimg emotionally involved. This is no problem for the hero of this film, but it is a wrenching experience for the heroine, who believes in emotional and physical fidelity to her mate, and cannot change her feelings. This film explores the difference between the two, and the pain that one causes the other by his "lightness of being".Towards the end the movie becomes a tearjerker, so be ready to cry your eyes out.
Sad Yet Beautiful The unbearable lightness of being is the ability to give your body without becomimg emotionally involved. This is no problem for the hero of this film, but it is a wrenching experience for the heroine, who believes in emotional and physical fidelity to her mate, and cannot change her feelings. This film explores the difference between the two, and the pain that one causes the other by his "lightness of being".Towards the end the movie becomes a tearjerker, so be ready to cry your eyes out.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.44103363156318665}
Milan Kundera rides again...
A wonderful drama of the unfolding of two lives... Read the book, too. Not for the shallow-minded.
Milan Kundera rides again... A wonderful drama of the unfolding of two lives... Read the book, too. Not for the shallow-minded.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.5517621636390686}
The movie was fine to watch but it was so different from the book. I told my father all about the book so he decided to rent the movie from the library and watch it with me. Big mistake. In the film the sex scenes came off as standard sex scenes. In the book there is a strong focus on the involved parties thoughts and motivations. Void of philosophy and psychology.
Lacking The movie was fine to watch but it was so different from the book. I told my father all about the book so he decided to rent the movie from the library and watch it with me. Big mistake. In the film the sex scenes came off as standard sex scenes. In the book there is a strong focus on the involved parties thoughts and motivations. Void of philosophy and psychology.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.6404168009757996}
The Unbearable Length of Worker & Parasite (End Spoiler)
Basically, it goes like this, Eastern European intellects survive by being in constant angst and having lots of sex. At the end, of what seems frigging hours and hours of self-loathing, when they finally find happiness, they all die in a truck accident.
The Unbearable Length of Worker & Parasite (End Spoiler) Basically, it goes like this, Eastern European intellects survive by being in constant angst and having lots of sex. At the end, of what seems frigging hours and hours of self-loathing, when they finally find happiness, they all die in a truck accident.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.28839921951293945}
I have been very impressed by other "pickin on" music: Lynyrd Skynyrd, Led Zep, Santana, to name a few I have. However, Hendrix music did not translate well at all into the bluegrass style, it was a great disappointment, and this is one CD I will get rid of quickly.
disappointed I have been very impressed by other "pickin on" music: Lynyrd Skynyrd, Led Zep, Santana, to name a few I have. However, Hendrix music did not translate well at all into the bluegrass style, it was a great disappointment, and this is one CD I will get rid of quickly.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.6578529477119446}
The birth of Drone??
As far as I know,this predates anything else known as "drone" music,which seems to be a popular genre these days.This is about as psychedelic as it gets,your mind wandering out into the infinite void.So good.
The birth of Drone?? As far as I know,this predates anything else known as "drone" music,which seems to be a popular genre these days.This is about as psychedelic as it gets,your mind wandering out into the infinite void.So good.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.35594984889030457}
Short stories with a message
Living In Chaos Is Living In Stability is a book involving true stories with powerful thoughts which are encouraging and uplifting. This book is personal in that it is about peoples' private lives and their experiences and yet it relates to everyday life because these experiences can occur to anybody. Whether you are at the peak of your life or beginning a new chapter in your life, something drastic can happen and change your world around. The stories are touching, yet enlightening and they bring you inner strength to deal with the realities of life.I would strongly recommend this book to readers from all walks of life.
Short stories with a message Living In Chaos Is Living In Stability is a book involving true stories with powerful thoughts which are encouraging and uplifting. This book is personal in that it is about peoples' private lives and their experiences and yet it relates to everyday life because these experiences can occur to anybody. Whether you are at the peak of your life or beginning a new chapter in your life, something drastic can happen and change your world around. The stories are touching, yet enlightening and they bring you inner strength to deal with the realities of life.I would strongly recommend this book to readers from all walks of life.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.47502732276916504}
Fantastic products - great way to try them all!
I try everything new, hoping to find something that will show me some results right away and give me back the glow in my skin that seems to wither away as time passes (and I'm only 36!) --Anyway, when I read about rice bran, I thought why not - this brand contains a lot of rice bran - it's like the 2nd ingredient in everything after water, and there is nothing else in it I couldn't pronounce. The stuff smells great, and goes on non-greasy, especially the face cream it's like my face is so thirsty for it that it just sucks it all in. The TrueRenu store gives you cute little pahmplets with details on all the ingredients, and insturctions (the packages are written in Japanese so you need to read their instructions) - and I even got a free gift of green tea - yum!
Fantastic products - great way to try them all! I try everything new, hoping to find something that will show me some results right away and give me back the glow in my skin that seems to wither away as time passes (and I'm only 36!) --Anyway, when I read about rice bran, I thought why not - this brand contains a lot of rice bran - it's like the 2nd ingredient in everything after water, and there is nothing else in it I couldn't pronounce. The stuff smells great, and goes on non-greasy, especially the face cream it's like my face is so thirsty for it that it just sucks it all in. The TrueRenu store gives you cute little pahmplets with details on all the ingredients, and insturctions (the packages are written in Japanese so you need to read their instructions) - and I even got a free gift of green tea - yum!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8525121808052063}
Amazingly soft hair!
I have been looking for an all natural shampoo, and this is a wonderful one. It made my hair incredibly soft with tons of body--I was incredibly surprised at how well it worked on my hair. The sample is worth the price just to test it out.
Amazingly soft hair! I have been looking for an all natural shampoo, and this is a wonderful one. It made my hair incredibly soft with tons of body--I was incredibly surprised at how well it worked on my hair. The sample is worth the price just to test it out.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.9291224479675293}
Prose-Poetry to inspire
I agree with most of the positive reviews on this book and although I am a little biased (Kerouac is my favorite author), this book inspired me to write a poem after I finished reading it. And although it may not inspire you to do anything at all, it is that good that it could inspire something positive in your life or even in your viewpoint or artwork if you're an artist. I read "On The Road", "The Town and The City", and just before this one, "The Subterraneans", which I found really great but quite difficult to read without having blood run out of your ear from sentences that were 2 or 3 pages long ! This one was much more fun to read and I could not put it down. If you really like Jack you should also check out James Baldwin and Norman Mailer.
Prose-Poetry to inspire I agree with most of the positive reviews on this book and although I am a little biased (Kerouac is my favorite author), this book inspired me to write a poem after I finished reading it. And although it may not inspire you to do anything at all, it is that good that it could inspire something positive in your life or even in your viewpoint or artwork if you're an artist. I read "On The Road", "The Town and The City", and just before this one, "The Subterraneans", which I found really great but quite difficult to read without having blood run out of your ear from sentences that were 2 or 3 pages long ! This one was much more fun to read and I could not put it down. If you really like Jack you should also check out James Baldwin and Norman Mailer.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.4963809549808502}
On the Road To Enlightenment
Less plot, more pot than On the Road. Where Kerouac's most famous novel was all about reckless travel, music, girls, and rebellion, Dharma Bums is more introspective. Lots of meditation, soul searching and existential ruminations about life, truth, and nature. My only regret is that I didn't choose the book format, as it was hard to keep up with all the philosophical ramblings while listening in the car.
On the Road To Enlightenment Less plot, more pot than On the Road. Where Kerouac's most famous novel was all about reckless travel, music, girls, and rebellion, Dharma Bums is more introspective. Lots of meditation, soul searching and existential ruminations about life, truth, and nature. My only regret is that I didn't choose the book format, as it was hard to keep up with all the philosophical ramblings while listening in the car.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.4032938480377197}
Flat Kerouac
I'm amazed at how many people find the Dharma Bums worth reading. It's Kerouac at his flattest. The sentences lack his usual energy and lyrical beauty, there is virtually no action and the Buddhist philosophy feels pasted on and contrived. This is definitely not a Kerouac book to recommend. Readers would to better to pick up a copy of Desolation Angels or (excepting the 140 pages of transcribed conversation in the middle) Visions of Cody. If you've already read lots of Kerouac and you want to move on to a modern counterpart, pick up Vincent Czyz's Adrift in a Vanishing City ... lyrical, experimental, hot-house writing that takes a quick-talkin drifter out of his native Kansas as far afield as Berlin, Mexico City and Paris. And through it all, he never loses his vernacular, even when waxin metaphysical. You might also try sliding over to Henry Miller ... not Tropic of Cancer, which is his most popular, but Sexus, which is far better written.
Flat Kerouac I'm amazed at how many people find the Dharma Bums worth reading. It's Kerouac at his flattest. The sentences lack his usual energy and lyrical beauty, there is virtually no action and the Buddhist philosophy feels pasted on and contrived. This is definitely not a Kerouac book to recommend. Readers would to better to pick up a copy of Desolation Angels or (excepting the 140 pages of transcribed conversation in the middle) Visions of Cody. If you've already read lots of Kerouac and you want to move on to a modern counterpart, pick up Vincent Czyz's Adrift in a Vanishing City ... lyrical, experimental, hot-house writing that takes a quick-talkin drifter out of his native Kansas as far afield as Berlin, Mexico City and Paris. And through it all, he never loses his vernacular, even when waxin metaphysical. You might also try sliding over to Henry Miller ... not Tropic of Cancer, which is his most popular, but Sexus, which is far better written.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.6804541349411011}
Self Indulgent Nonsense
The operative word from the title is "bums". This is a book about them and their self indulgent, self righteous idleness. A work with no redeeming features.
Self Indulgent Nonsense The operative word from the title is "bums". This is a book about them and their self indulgent, self righteous idleness. A work with no redeeming features.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6826834678649902}
Outlines of Theology, AA Hodge: Kindle edition
Very disappointed. The book is a great work, but there are so many unreadable words in the Kindle e-book edition that after a few pages of frustration, you finally give up trying. This product should either be taken off the availablity or corrected for errors so it becomes readable.
Outlines of Theology, AA Hodge: Kindle edition Very disappointed. The book is a great work, but there are so many unreadable words in the Kindle e-book edition that after a few pages of frustration, you finally give up trying. This product should either be taken off the availablity or corrected for errors so it becomes readable.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5162750482559204}
Life changing!
This book has changed my life. It opened my eyes about how we think ourselves into misery. I'm want to buy copies to away give to people in my life.
Life changing! This book has changed my life. It opened my eyes about how we think ourselves into misery. I'm want to buy copies to away give to people in my life.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8130435943603516}
not worth it
mediocre at best Story line was bad; dry and predictable only action scenes drew interest. they used one liners from previous movies.
not worth it mediocre at best Story line was bad; dry and predictable only action scenes drew interest. they used one liners from previous movies.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5842496752738953}
I pre ordered this thinking it was a great deal for 18$ but I was so wrong! Not only was it just the blu ray movie but there were NO EXTRAS on either the blu ray or the regular dvd!! They rushed this out to trick us all. This is worth 5$ not 20$! For 20$ I bought the extended edition blu ray/DVD combo edition of suckerpunch and it came with over 4 hours of extras! WAIT FOR THE BETTER VERISON! THIS MOVIE IS SO INCREDIBLE save your money and wait to see it with the extras! trust me!!! I returned this the day I got it, and will be saving up for the deluxe edition and maybe even the box set with tons of extras!
WAIT FOR THE BETTER DVD COMBO!! So dissapointing! I pre ordered this thinking it was a great deal for 18$ but I was so wrong! Not only was it just the blu ray movie but there were NO EXTRAS on either the blu ray or the regular dvd!! They rushed this out to trick us all. This is worth 5$ not 20$! For 20$ I bought the extended edition blu ray/DVD combo edition of suckerpunch and it came with over 4 hours of extras! WAIT FOR THE BETTER VERISON! THIS MOVIE IS SO INCREDIBLE save your money and wait to see it with the extras! trust me!!! I returned this the day I got it, and will be saving up for the deluxe edition and maybe even the box set with tons of extras!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8816297054290771}
Not really a good movie
This film is like a teenager with short attention span. Storytelling is like facebooking.Too many plots to cover, horrible pacing, no depth.
Not really a good movie This film is like a teenager with short attention span. Storytelling is like facebooking.Too many plots to cover, horrible pacing, no depth.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5281399488449097}
The 3d was awesome in this movie makes the movie even more better. This movie was more darker then the other movies ther some comedy thrown in at the right moment.
transformers The 3d was awesome in this movie makes the movie even more better. This movie was more darker then the other movies ther some comedy thrown in at the right moment.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.4281984865665436}
Loved It!
I'm an Original Transformers fan from the original cartoon. There was action from start to finish and the Love Story didn't slow thing for me. I've watched this movie numerous times and still see things I missed the first few times i watch it. Loved It!
Loved It! I'm an Original Transformers fan from the original cartoon. There was action from start to finish and the Love Story didn't slow thing for me. I've watched this movie numerous times and still see things I missed the first few times i watch it. Loved It!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8450448513031006}
Transformers: Dark of the moon
All I can say is AWESOME, the family loved it and was so very HAPPY to watch and enjoy on a great family evening, Thanks Bunches!
Transformers: Dark of the moon All I can say is AWESOME, the family loved it and was so very HAPPY to watch and enjoy on a great family evening, Thanks Bunches!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8407989144325256}
transformers dark of the moon my granddaughter really enjoys watching this dvd she especially likes bumble bee she is fascinated by their transformation
TRANFORMERS DARK OF THE MOON transformers dark of the moon my granddaughter really enjoys watching this dvd she especially likes bumble bee she is fascinated by their transformation
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.5283072590827942}
1 was a sin, 2 was an atrocity, 3 lacks a word to describe its awfulness
When I saw a review giving this movie 0 out of 5 (the 3rd time this respected source has ever done so), I should have listened. If 2 had plot holes, 3 has plot chasms. There is no story. A few special effects can not redeem such gaping wounds that make up the rest of the film (plot, charisma, fan service). Michael Bay really needs to stop raping people's childhoods (a la South Park George Lucas style).Go watch the '86 animated film instead and save yourself the excruciating pain that is The Dark Side of the Moon (and I'm not talking Pink Floyd).
1 was a sin, 2 was an atrocity, 3 lacks a word to describe its awfulness When I saw a review giving this movie 0 out of 5 (the 3rd time this respected source has ever done so), I should have listened. If 2 had plot holes, 3 has plot chasms. There is no story. A few special effects can not redeem such gaping wounds that make up the rest of the film (plot, charisma, fan service). Michael Bay really needs to stop raping people's childhoods (a la South Park George Lucas style).Go watch the '86 animated film instead and save yourself the excruciating pain that is The Dark Side of the Moon (and I'm not talking Pink Floyd).
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7420158386230469}
I mean, this was never the greatest movie ever, but I own the other two so logically i had to have this one. Came quickly, shipped well, no problems...except the film itself...just....bad.
Yeah I mean, this was never the greatest movie ever, but I own the other two so logically i had to have this one. Came quickly, shipped well, no problems...except the film itself...just....bad.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.27352529764175415}
Please, if this is the way this franchise is going... STOP!
This rated as one of the worst movies that I have ever see. I found it to be a total waste of my time. Unless you are a devoted Transformers Fan that must see or have all things Transformers stay away from this movie.
Please, if this is the way this franchise is going... STOP! This rated as one of the worst movies that I have ever see. I found it to be a total waste of my time. Unless you are a devoted Transformers Fan that must see or have all things Transformers stay away from this movie.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9436400532722473}
instant video is mislabeling it's movies as 3d
I did a search for 3d movies on Amazon instant video and this movie came up, but when I purchased it I was disapointed to see that it wasn't 3d. I am writing this review without watching more than 5 minutes of the movie so it's not that the movie is bad. Amazon needs to re-label their 3d movie selection.
instant video is mislabeling it's movies as 3d I did a search for 3d movies on Amazon instant video and this movie came up, but when I purchased it I was disapointed to see that it wasn't 3d. I am writing this review without watching more than 5 minutes of the movie so it's not that the movie is bad. Amazon needs to re-label their 3d movie selection.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5248936414718628}
Another 'video game' type of movie, Whyyy?
Lots of loud noise and quick movements. Just the kinds of things that monkeys and idiots enjoy. Please...for the love of God, do not make another sequel. This movie really sucked!
Another 'video game' type of movie, Whyyy? Lots of loud noise and quick movements. Just the kinds of things that monkeys and idiots enjoy. Please...for the love of God, do not make another sequel. This movie really sucked!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7981658577919006}
Great eye candy, but compares poorly to the first one
No surprises left, and a highly predictable plot. But great action scenes and spectacular special effects. Tires hard to reinvigorate the first episode, but lacks the suspense and drama. My 8 years olds got a kick out of it. I got bored.
Great eye candy, but compares poorly to the first one No surprises left, and a highly predictable plot. But great action scenes and spectacular special effects. Tires hard to reinvigorate the first episode, but lacks the suspense and drama. My 8 years olds got a kick out of it. I got bored.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.5867543816566467}
Absolutely rubbish. Would not feed this film to a dog. Simply not good by any measure. You really ought to find something else to do with your time. Sure wish I did.
Horrible Absolutely rubbish. Would not feed this film to a dog. Simply not good by any measure. You really ought to find something else to do with your time. Sure wish I did.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9506707191467285}
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
By most accounts, the Michael Bay-directed Transformers films to date are not very good, but that hasn't stopped them from making gobs and gobs of cash, and this third installment, Dark of the Moon, made the most of them all. This time around, Sam Witwicky and the Autobots must race to recover and protect an ancient Autobot ancestor who crash landed on the moon, but the Decepticons interfere, and things aren't exactly as they seem. I found Dark of the Moon to be an improvement over the second installment, with some impressive special effects work and action sequences, but the film as a whole leaves a lot to be desired. Don't expect to find much more to the movie than "Ooh, big robots and explosions!" But hey, for some, that's really all you need.
Transformers: Dark of the Moon By most accounts, the Michael Bay-directed Transformers films to date are not very good, but that hasn't stopped them from making gobs and gobs of cash, and this third installment, Dark of the Moon, made the most of them all. This time around, Sam Witwicky and the Autobots must race to recover and protect an ancient Autobot ancestor who crash landed on the moon, but the Decepticons interfere, and things aren't exactly as they seem. I found Dark of the Moon to be an improvement over the second installment, with some impressive special effects work and action sequences, but the film as a whole leaves a lot to be desired. Don't expect to find much more to the movie than "Ooh, big robots and explosions!" But hey, for some, that's really all you need.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.5385798811912537}
The movie itself is ok, the streaming for it was crap.
The movie wouldn't play steadily. I had to watch this on Netflix later.An error kept popping up saying my internet connection wasn't fast enough to play the movie.My internet connection was fine. I had watched movies before and after, and when I checked online with Amazon's customer service page, I more than all the minimum requirements.This is the first time I've had problems streaming with Amazon, but it was awful. Every 10-15, the movie would stop and pop up the error message. I tried restarting the app, restarting my PS3, and no luck.
The movie itself is ok, the streaming for it was crap. The movie wouldn't play steadily. I had to watch this on Netflix later.An error kept popping up saying my internet connection wasn't fast enough to play the movie.My internet connection was fine. I had watched movies before and after, and when I checked online with Amazon's customer service page, I more than all the minimum requirements.This is the first time I've had problems streaming with Amazon, but it was awful. Every 10-15, the movie would stop and pop up the error message. I tried restarting the app, restarting my PS3, and no luck.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.49073493480682373}
The perfect movie, for a 12 yr old
I gave it one star because the website doesn't allow it to go any lower, and, for all the effort put in by the computer animation team. Other than that, this movie should be negative 1 star.The plot and sequences does not make any sense what so ever. To list a few; teleporting another planet into earth's atmosphere? Really? Optimus prime getting trapped in a bunch of cables for 20mins of the movie? High tech alien robotic race ends up fighting with shields, swords, and axes?There's literally some plot hole or something that does not make sense every 5minutes of the movie, throughout the ENTIRE thing. If you thought the second movie was ridiculous, wait until you see this.The only reason to watch this movie is if you want to leave your brain dead for 2hours and watching flashy robots transform and fire rockets at random things. Besides that, please do yourself a favor and do something more productive with the extra 2 hours of your life.
The perfect movie, for a 12 yr old I gave it one star because the website doesn't allow it to go any lower, and, for all the effort put in by the computer animation team. Other than that, this movie should be negative 1 star.The plot and sequences does not make any sense what so ever. To list a few; teleporting another planet into earth's atmosphere? Really? Optimus prime getting trapped in a bunch of cables for 20mins of the movie? High tech alien robotic race ends up fighting with shields, swords, and axes?There's literally some plot hole or something that does not make sense every 5minutes of the movie, throughout the ENTIRE thing. If you thought the second movie was ridiculous, wait until you see this.The only reason to watch this movie is if you want to leave your brain dead for 2hours and watching flashy robots transform and fire rockets at random things. Besides that, please do yourself a favor and do something more productive with the extra 2 hours of your life.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8717781901359558}
Lights out on this awful film
I went to see this with the hope of getting Revenge of the Fallen's bad taste out of my mouth.Fission MailedWhere to begin? The plot, while being nowhere near as "immature" as ROTF, still suffered from being clogged with too much filler and not making much sense. It's an overlong mess with the CGI eye candy being the only redeeming factor of this film. It's clear that Bay knows how to make a big budget action film with explosions aplenty, but he cannot write a decent script for these movies to save his life. It's not his forté and hasn't been since The Rock. The movie peaks with a huge, final battle in Chicago that is nuts, but you will just be wanting it to be over with by the time it finally takes place. The 3D is well used in spots, but that cannot make up for the fact that almost everything in it is just a letdown. Do not buy unless you really want to complete your collection.
Lights out on this awful film I went to see this with the hope of getting Revenge of the Fallen's bad taste out of my mouth.Fission MailedWhere to begin? The plot, while being nowhere near as "immature" as ROTF, still suffered from being clogged with too much filler and not making much sense. It's an overlong mess with the CGI eye candy being the only redeeming factor of this film. It's clear that Bay knows how to make a big budget action film with explosions aplenty, but he cannot write a decent script for these movies to save his life. It's not his forté and hasn't been since The Rock. The movie peaks with a huge, final battle in Chicago that is nuts, but you will just be wanting it to be over with by the time it finally takes place. The 3D is well used in spots, but that cannot make up for the fact that almost everything in it is just a letdown. Do not buy unless you really want to complete your collection.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6385101675987244}
Not that great
The first transformers movie will always be the best one, and its just ok. The movies too long jumping back and forth, very poorly constructed.
Not that great The first transformers movie will always be the best one, and its just ok. The movies too long jumping back and forth, very poorly constructed.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.49143218994140625}
Digital Copy Code Expired 9/30/12
I bought this during a Black Friday sale; the digital copy was significant part of my purchasing decision. Inexcusably, the digital copy code expired before this product was sold. At a minimum, this should have been disclosed in the product description.
Digital Copy Code Expired 9/30/12 I bought this during a Black Friday sale; the digital copy was significant part of my purchasing decision. Inexcusably, the digital copy code expired before this product was sold. At a minimum, this should have been disclosed in the product description.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5144115090370178}
Love this movie
Great movie but no special features on it. Once I opened that movie I noticed that there is a $10off coupon for the 3D version that is coming out with special features.
Love this movie Great movie but no special features on it. Once I opened that movie I noticed that there is a $10off coupon for the 3D version that is coming out with special features.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.4047175943851471}
Could have been MUCH better and shorter
The plot/storyline was not cohesive. The movie is way too long with the characters not really coming to life. Making a movie longer is not making a movie better. In fact, if the movie is weak, making it longer just makes the point even more (painfully) obvious.I kept watching the movie to see if it would improve but unfortunately that was not the case.Maybe DreamWorks will just move on to another project.Save your money if you intend to buy. Better rent and save the rest for a better movie.
Could have been MUCH better and shorter The plot/storyline was not cohesive. The movie is way too long with the characters not really coming to life. Making a movie longer is not making a movie better. In fact, if the movie is weak, making it longer just makes the point even more (painfully) obvious.I kept watching the movie to see if it would improve but unfortunately that was not the case.Maybe DreamWorks will just move on to another project.Save your money if you intend to buy. Better rent and save the rest for a better movie.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.6583459973335266}
Review of Transformers:Dark of the Moon
This is an enjoyable science fiction actioner, with a fairly plausible plot for this type movie. It also has excellent acting, both the live actors and the voice acting for the Transformer robots. Only beef is that it's language makes it inappropriate for tweens and pre-teens. Overall, excellent for adults and recommended.
Review of Transformers:Dark of the Moon This is an enjoyable science fiction actioner, with a fairly plausible plot for this type movie. It also has excellent acting, both the live actors and the voice acting for the Transformer robots. Only beef is that it's language makes it inappropriate for tweens and pre-teens. Overall, excellent for adults and recommended.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.8249701857566833}
Transformers Dark of the Moon
A pure joy to watch with its many special effects. It is a true master piece that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Transformers Dark of the Moon A pure joy to watch with its many special effects. It is a true master piece that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8770580887794495}
Movie is ok, but..................
the title of the disk pack is totally wrong.It should be Blue Ray + DVD and digital copy available for DLa 210gb download to get the digital copy instead of including it, to me is lame.you enter a very long url, then input the code and start the download managerafter it is finished you have to enter the long url again when you try to play the movie, and get a error 404 website not foundI can get to any other web site I enter, but not to the Transformers site so now the digital copy will not play because the site cannot be accessed.Paramount should take lessons from Fox on how to include the digital copy
Movie is ok, but.................. the title of the disk pack is totally wrong.It should be Blue Ray + DVD and digital copy available for DLa 210gb download to get the digital copy instead of including it, to me is lame.you enter a very long url, then input the code and start the download managerafter it is finished you have to enter the long url again when you try to play the movie, and get a error 404 website not foundI can get to any other web site I enter, but not to the Transformers site so now the digital copy will not play because the site cannot be accessed.Paramount should take lessons from Fox on how to include the digital copy
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.3963521718978882}
Guys Movie
So for all of you people saying this movie was bad take a step back and look at what you are watching. This is a Hollywood Movie made for an audience who loves Explosions, Cars, Guns, Sexy Women, and a simple story line. This movie was not made to be realistic it is a SCI FI movie. Just pop some corn watch it and enjoy. Way better than the Notebook or any other chick flick out there.
Guys Movie So for all of you people saying this movie was bad take a step back and look at what you are watching. This is a Hollywood Movie made for an audience who loves Explosions, Cars, Guns, Sexy Women, and a simple story line. This movie was not made to be realistic it is a SCI FI movie. Just pop some corn watch it and enjoy. Way better than the Notebook or any other chick flick out there.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.3706195652484894}
Never thought I'd miss Megan Fox!
I was very excited to see this movie available on Amazon Prime, but I was disappointed once I started watching. I really couldn't stand Sam's new model girlfriend. She was so annoying and spends most of the film posing and pouting prettily. I was also confused during a lot of the movie and had trouble figuring out who a lot of the Decepticons were because they seemed very similar. Of course, I must admit that maybe it would have been clearer if I had followed more of the Transformers cartoon. Another big flaw was in the long action sequence involving a glass building. There's foreshadowing when the NASA guy announces that they're going to be taking refuge in a glass building. What could possibly go wrong?
Never thought I'd miss Megan Fox! I was very excited to see this movie available on Amazon Prime, but I was disappointed once I started watching. I really couldn't stand Sam's new model girlfriend. She was so annoying and spends most of the film posing and pouting prettily. I was also confused during a lot of the movie and had trouble figuring out who a lot of the Decepticons were because they seemed very similar. Of course, I must admit that maybe it would have been clearer if I had followed more of the Transformers cartoon. Another big flaw was in the long action sequence involving a glass building. There's foreshadowing when the NASA guy announces that they're going to be taking refuge in a glass building. What could possibly go wrong?
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.4211667478084564}
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
watched this one and the previous one several times. Like this movie lots and so did the kids! thanks so much
Transformers: Dark of the Moon watched this one and the previous one several times. Like this movie lots and so did the kids! thanks so much
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8020709156990051}
Thought transformers suppose to be for kids....
I know a lot of movies aren't going to be kid friendly. That you will have to fast forward past some things. But Transformers, that advertise a kids theme, sold as toys at stores, can be find in MacDonald happy meals. So you would think the movie be for kids. But it not. They focus more on Sam and love gal then what the robots story. Forget Sam, the name of the movie is TRANSFORMERS.I rate this movie 1star...love the CGI for the robots. But you barley seen the robots. The whole movies is about Sam and his love interest. Michael Bay need to hang this up and give it to a true comic fan who can direct a movie about TRANSFORMERS...pitiful
Thought transformers suppose to be for kids.... I know a lot of movies aren't going to be kid friendly. That you will have to fast forward past some things. But Transformers, that advertise a kids theme, sold as toys at stores, can be find in MacDonald happy meals. So you would think the movie be for kids. But it not. They focus more on Sam and love gal then what the robots story. Forget Sam, the name of the movie is TRANSFORMERS.I rate this movie 1star...love the CGI for the robots. But you barley seen the robots. The whole movies is about Sam and his love interest. Michael Bay need to hang this up and give it to a true comic fan who can direct a movie about TRANSFORMERS...pitiful
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.4313114881515503}
Safety pins
As another reviewer noted these do not pierce cloth well at all so were basically useless for me. I threw them in the trash
Safety pins As another reviewer noted these do not pierce cloth well at all so were basically useless for me. I threw them in the trash
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7844574451446533}
Bad Movie By A Bad Wrestler
Do not bother! Cena does not have the potential of the Rock or even Kane for that matter. They are just trying to make more money off of the uneducated wrestling fan!
Bad Movie By A Bad Wrestler Do not bother! Cena does not have the potential of the Rock or even Kane for that matter. They are just trying to make more money off of the uneducated wrestling fan!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7990713715553284}
I am surprised by how much I enjoyed this. Surprised, and a little disappointed in my own taste, but anyway...You know exactly what to expect from this movie. Explosions, Fighting...and that's it. Luckily, it delivers both of those in spades, especially the 'splosions. I have never seen so many things blow up. Every fifteen minutes John Cena barely escapes some building blowing up. And in slow motion, of course. The story is Kelly Carlson is kidnapped by Robert Patrick and John Cena must rescue her.Robert Patrick is plain fantastic in this flick. The filmmaker is smart as he gave the lion's share of the line to Mr. Patrick. He plays a great, sarcastic bad guy, plain and simple. John Cena can act in the sense that Arnold Schwarzenegger can act. Mr. Cena lets his actions do the speaking, thankfully. Plus, he's a hottie so...Overall, just an easy, cheesy, blow-em-up, action B-movie. The extras are pretty lame, though.
B-Movie-Licious I am surprised by how much I enjoyed this. Surprised, and a little disappointed in my own taste, but anyway...You know exactly what to expect from this movie. Explosions, Fighting...and that's it. Luckily, it delivers both of those in spades, especially the 'splosions. I have never seen so many things blow up. Every fifteen minutes John Cena barely escapes some building blowing up. And in slow motion, of course. The story is Kelly Carlson is kidnapped by Robert Patrick and John Cena must rescue her.Robert Patrick is plain fantastic in this flick. The filmmaker is smart as he gave the lion's share of the line to Mr. Patrick. He plays a great, sarcastic bad guy, plain and simple. John Cena can act in the sense that Arnold Schwarzenegger can act. Mr. Cena lets his actions do the speaking, thankfully. Plus, he's a hottie so...Overall, just an easy, cheesy, blow-em-up, action B-movie. The extras are pretty lame, though.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.5177351832389832}
Hell no.
Might actually watch this if Cena wasn't in it, if his acting is any worse than his wrestling persona this will be his last movie.*Update:Marine II will star Ted Dibease HAHAHAHAHAHAH LOL!!!! pathetic.
Hell no. Might actually watch this if Cena wasn't in it, if his acting is any worse than his wrestling persona this will be his last movie.*Update:Marine II will star Ted Dibease HAHAHAHAHAHAH LOL!!!! pathetic.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8115420341491699}
What a complete and utter waste of time, and money.
This movie really is a complete stinkpot.The acting is horrible,the action is way too over the top and unbeleivable,and the comedy is way too stupid and cheesy. First off the movie gets started in a crazy action scene/war flashback. No story what so ever. The car chase scene is so full of it, a car gets shot with a high powered rifle like 500 times and is still driving around. Even the twist at the end was completely easy to figure out. Please avoid this reeking exploding crock of ....
What a complete and utter waste of time, and money. This movie really is a complete stinkpot.The acting is horrible,the action is way too over the top and unbeleivable,and the comedy is way too stupid and cheesy. First off the movie gets started in a crazy action scene/war flashback. No story what so ever. The car chase scene is so full of it, a car gets shot with a high powered rifle like 500 times and is still driving around. Even the twist at the end was completely easy to figure out. Please avoid this reeking exploding crock of ....
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9509673714637756}
Please Listen to Me...Don't buy this product!
I've had many problems with Sony computer items before, but I thought I'd give this one a try. After being on the phone with Sony (who didn't even know what the emarker was) for over four hours, I still can't the thing to work. There's some problem with the program you download from emarker.com. The program has problems loading the emarker USB drive into your computer. Thus, you can't use it at all. If I were you, I'd wait till they develop this product further and work out all the problems. Sony told me they would pass my problem on to the Research and Development team, who would try to get back to me as soon as they can (I hope this team knows what the product is!)As for me, I plan on returning my emarker today.
Please Listen to Me...Don't buy this product! I've had many problems with Sony computer items before, but I thought I'd give this one a try. After being on the phone with Sony (who didn't even know what the emarker was) for over four hours, I still can't the thing to work. There's some problem with the program you download from emarker.com. The program has problems loading the emarker USB drive into your computer. Thus, you can't use it at all. If I were you, I'd wait till they develop this product further and work out all the problems. Sony told me they would pass my problem on to the Research and Development team, who would try to get back to me as soon as they can (I hope this team knows what the product is!)As for me, I plan on returning my emarker today.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8477941155433655}
Sony E-Marker is now obsolete
Excellent Product, but Sony is taking down the support for the product at the end of Sept so don't bother buying. Shame as it was really good while it lasted.
Sony E-Marker is now obsolete Excellent Product, but Sony is taking down the support for the product at the end of Sept so don't bother buying. Shame as it was really good while it lasted.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.3501599431037903}
good idea, good looks, needs lots of work
I recently purchased the eMarker by Sony. It shows how far technology has come it also shows how useless some of afformentioned technology can be. It looks great attached to my keyring. Needless to say with it's sleek stylish good looks it attracts lots of attention. The main problem is its lack of extremely useful features. I hope Sony makes some revisions and releases a better more useful product like we have come to expect from them.
good idea, good looks, needs lots of work I recently purchased the eMarker by Sony. It shows how far technology has come it also shows how useless some of afformentioned technology can be. It looks great attached to my keyring. Needless to say with it's sleek stylish good looks it attracts lots of attention. The main problem is its lack of extremely useful features. I hope Sony makes some revisions and releases a better more useful product like we have come to expect from them.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.48823145031929016}
Totally Useless
I too bought into the hype that the emarker presented, but after using it for a week I realized how pathetic this product is. Its nothing more than a clock that marks the time of day you here the song and NOTHING ELSE! You have to look up everything manually including the radio station and the appropriate time. Not only that but you have to memorize which mark stands for which station, it doesnt even do that!! How stupid, does sony believe they can just sell products by putting their name on it. Tsk Tsk. The product is also really dependent on the internet, so if you dont have a good connection like me you can forget the practicality of the emarker. Actually, even if you do have a cable or dsl line, its still useless.
Totally Useless I too bought into the hype that the emarker presented, but after using it for a week I realized how pathetic this product is. Its nothing more than a clock that marks the time of day you here the song and NOTHING ELSE! You have to look up everything manually including the radio station and the appropriate time. Not only that but you have to memorize which mark stands for which station, it doesnt even do that!! How stupid, does sony believe they can just sell products by putting their name on it. Tsk Tsk. The product is also really dependent on the internet, so if you dont have a good connection like me you can forget the practicality of the emarker. Actually, even if you do have a cable or dsl line, its still useless.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9592148065567017}
Where is the space for a zero star! Just purchased a emarker and ill tell you one thing, I should have read these reviews first. All the bad you hear about this little thing is true. I am not priveliged enough to live in an area Sony feels compelled to offer service in, so I dont even have one station to mark. The site is terrible and I cant even get the program to "enable" itself. Whats the difference though, cant do anything with it anyway. This is typical Sony. My advice, check out all the ratings here and go to the website and see if they even offer any stations in your area. Believe me, they wont tell you it will not work in your area. It, however, is a neat idea. Needs lots of work.
worthless Where is the space for a zero star! Just purchased a emarker and ill tell you one thing, I should have read these reviews first. All the bad you hear about this little thing is true. I am not priveliged enough to live in an area Sony feels compelled to offer service in, so I dont even have one station to mark. The site is terrible and I cant even get the program to "enable" itself. Whats the difference though, cant do anything with it anyway. This is typical Sony. My advice, check out all the ratings here and go to the website and see if they even offer any stations in your area. Believe me, they wont tell you it will not work in your area. It, however, is a neat idea. Needs lots of work.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9754744172096252}
Another thingabob on a key chain
E-marker started to lose it's appeal when I had a problem with the driver. Sony provided little assistance with the situation and I basically had to solve it through trial and error. The website was easy to manuever through, but receiving the proper listings wasn't constant. I will give Sony credit for coming up with the idea, and respect it's potential. However, for now it serves as a interesting eye candy piece for my key chain.
Another thingabob on a key chain E-marker started to lose it's appeal when I had a problem with the driver. Sony provided little assistance with the situation and I basically had to solve it through trial and error. The website was easy to manuever through, but receiving the proper listings wasn't constant. I will give Sony credit for coming up with the idea, and respect it's potential. However, for now it serves as a interesting eye candy piece for my key chain.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.4229327440261841}
Sony has pulled the plug
Use of the eMarker depends on the eMarker website. However, Sony has just announced that they are discontinuing the website, and so eMarker devices will now be useless. Don't buy one unless you want a museum piece.For those of us that already own an eMarker, Sony has graciously offered to provide a cash refund for every eMarker returned directly to them.
Sony has pulled the plug Use of the eMarker depends on the eMarker website. However, Sony has just announced that they are discontinuing the website, and so eMarker devices will now be useless. Don't buy one unless you want a museum piece.For those of us that already own an eMarker, Sony has graciously offered to provide a cash refund for every eMarker returned directly to them.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8002859950065613}
Sony has stopped supporting the e-marker and is offering refunds to anyone who already has one.
Worthless Sony has stopped supporting the e-marker and is offering refunds to anyone who already has one.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9331923723220825}
Don't buy this Junk
Before buying this product I read all the reviews. Unfortunately, I didn't pay enough attention to the warnings that the product doesn't work. I thought I could trust a company like Sony to deliver a reliable product and figured that the poor reviews were the result of consumer error. I was wrong. The complementary reviews on this site just can't be real. The product looks nice but works like a piece of junk.
Don't buy this Junk Before buying this product I read all the reviews. Unfortunately, I didn't pay enough attention to the warnings that the product doesn't work. I thought I could trust a company like Sony to deliver a reliable product and figured that the poor reviews were the result of consumer error. I was wrong. The complementary reviews on this site just can't be real. The product looks nice but works like a piece of junk.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9165666699409485}
Did the National Socialists require censorship here or something? The new artwork isn't even scary... WTF You've ruined a classic. No one buy this BS.
Artwork??? Did the National Socialists require censorship here or something? The new artwork isn't even scary... WTF You've ruined a classic. No one buy this BS.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7779698967933655}
Absolutely ruined it.
As a child I would stare at the Gammell's illustrations while re-reading each story over and over. The illustrations made this book much more imaginative and influential in my opinion. The new illustrations do not do this beloved set justice. I am extremely disappointed to find out that the original is out of print. Don't buy this for yourself or your kid. I loved these books so much when I was a kid, that I am actually going to write a letter (ON PAPER! with a stamp!!) to Harper Collins telling them about the role that crazy art had on my imagination and development as a creative person. Jeez. Absolutely terrible, the new illustrator must have no dignity to ruin this.
Absolutely ruined it. As a child I would stare at the Gammell's illustrations while re-reading each story over and over. The illustrations made this book much more imaginative and influential in my opinion. The new illustrations do not do this beloved set justice. I am extremely disappointed to find out that the original is out of print. Don't buy this for yourself or your kid. I loved these books so much when I was a kid, that I am actually going to write a letter (ON PAPER! with a stamp!!) to Harper Collins telling them about the role that crazy art had on my imagination and development as a creative person. Jeez. Absolutely terrible, the new illustrator must have no dignity to ruin this.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9165847301483154}
"I Can Read" book has better illustrations
While the stories in the "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" book remain the same, the Stephen Gammell illustrations that haunted my imagination have been scrapped for more candy-coated pictures.How candy-coated? Upon searching for the other tales of horror by Alvin Schwartz, "In A Dark, Dark Room", which was written for Level 2 of the "I Can Read!" children's collection, I found those water-colored images to be scarier than the cartoonish images in the re-release of "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark."
"I Can Read" book has better illustrations While the stories in the "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" book remain the same, the Stephen Gammell illustrations that haunted my imagination have been scrapped for more candy-coated pictures.How candy-coated? Upon searching for the other tales of horror by Alvin Schwartz, "In A Dark, Dark Room", which was written for Level 2 of the "I Can Read!" children's collection, I found those water-colored images to be scarier than the cartoonish images in the re-release of "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark."
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.4277767539024353}
The description said Stephen Gammell as artist and it was not...
I was very disappointed to discover that the copies, (I ordered the "scary" trilogy)while described as being illustrated by Stephen Gammell, were actually the updated versions with watered-down artwork by another artist. I am not keeping this books as they are worthless to me without the better artwork. This is the first time I've been disappointed with an order from Amazon, but it's a big one. You need to change your description to include the correct illustrator.
The description said Stephen Gammell as artist and it was not... I was very disappointed to discover that the copies, (I ordered the "scary" trilogy)while described as being illustrated by Stephen Gammell, were actually the updated versions with watered-down artwork by another artist. I am not keeping this books as they are worthless to me without the better artwork. This is the first time I've been disappointed with an order from Amazon, but it's a big one. You need to change your description to include the correct illustrator.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6172181963920593}
This video was let down. The historical blurb at the beginning is a time waster, and a pain to fast forward thru every time I want to practice dancing. I agree with other reviewers regarding the time devoted to "freestyle" and "improvisation". I am too new at this to recognize the moves when they are put together so quickly- and without any commentary. I find myself struggling during this part, or worse - just standing there feeling frustrated and foolish. Some instruction regarding transitions from one move to another would have been appreciated. On the positive side, the actual breakdown of moves was very helpful, especially the belly roll and undulations. I was really struggling with those, and I'm now confidently on my way. I wish they had covered more moves in that manner. Bottom line- it's been a week, and I'm already seeking out another video to buy.
Disappointed This video was let down. The historical blurb at the beginning is a time waster, and a pain to fast forward thru every time I want to practice dancing. I agree with other reviewers regarding the time devoted to "freestyle" and "improvisation". I am too new at this to recognize the moves when they are put together so quickly- and without any commentary. I find myself struggling during this part, or worse - just standing there feeling frustrated and foolish. Some instruction regarding transitions from one move to another would have been appreciated. On the positive side, the actual breakdown of moves was very helpful, especially the belly roll and undulations. I was really struggling with those, and I'm now confidently on my way. I wish they had covered more moves in that manner. Bottom line- it's been a week, and I'm already seeking out another video to buy.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.7096073031425476}
Tongue hurt my ankle
The shoe seemed nice. I purchased the 2E version since I read in another review that they can be tight. Unfortunately, the top of the tongue bit into my ankle when I tied the shoe. Didn't matter which sock I wore. I had to return.
Tongue hurt my ankle The shoe seemed nice. I purchased the 2E version since I read in another review that they can be tight. Unfortunately, the top of the tongue bit into my ankle when I tied the shoe. Didn't matter which sock I wore. I had to return.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5081976056098938}
Buy the 1993 version instead.
I bought this book thinking it would be an updated and improved version of the 1993 bookArmed and Female: Twelve Million American Women Own Guns, Should You?by the same author. That book was excellent, and I wanted to have the latest version.Unfortunately, what I received was a much more expensive "pamphlet" (only 160 pages for over ten dollars) that abounds with typographical errors, to the point that the errors change the meaning of the sentence in several places. As if that weren't enough, much of the content appears to have been cribbed from various blogs and Web pages that can be read for free after a simple Google search.To sum up: The 1993 version of Armed and Female is a well-written and interesting resource, albeit slightly dated in technical recommendations on ammunition, calibers, and of course the makes and models of available handguns.THIS book is unfortunately only an overpriced, badly printed rehash of information available elsewhere.
Buy the 1993 version instead. I bought this book thinking it would be an updated and improved version of the 1993 bookArmed and Female: Twelve Million American Women Own Guns, Should You?by the same author. That book was excellent, and I wanted to have the latest version.Unfortunately, what I received was a much more expensive "pamphlet" (only 160 pages for over ten dollars) that abounds with typographical errors, to the point that the errors change the meaning of the sentence in several places. As if that weren't enough, much of the content appears to have been cribbed from various blogs and Web pages that can be read for free after a simple Google search.To sum up: The 1993 version of Armed and Female is a well-written and interesting resource, albeit slightly dated in technical recommendations on ammunition, calibers, and of course the makes and models of available handguns.THIS book is unfortunately only an overpriced, badly printed rehash of information available elsewhere.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5062021613121033}
Protection Advice
All of Paxton Quigleys self protection books are written for women but are in general excellent advice for both sexes. Men are usually stronger & larger than most women so a well trained female in the use of a firearm and the knowledge of when to use it in todays society is almost a necessity. I purchased these books as gifts for the women I care about, as a guide which points them in the correct direction.
Protection Advice All of Paxton Quigleys self protection books are written for women but are in general excellent advice for both sexes. Men are usually stronger & larger than most women so a well trained female in the use of a firearm and the knowledge of when to use it in todays society is almost a necessity. I purchased these books as gifts for the women I care about, as a guide which points them in the correct direction.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.548994779586792}
know the source of your information
While there is some very good information in the book, I ask you to consider the source. Ms. Quigley has testified on behalf of a woman shooting a gun down a hillside toward a strip mall at some dogs that were barking but not approaching her, that she was acting reasonably. The jury disagreed and convicted the defendant she was testifying for of grossly negligent discharge of a firearm. Her approach is a bit aggressive.
know the source of your information While there is some very good information in the book, I ask you to consider the source. Ms. Quigley has testified on behalf of a woman shooting a gun down a hillside toward a strip mall at some dogs that were barking but not approaching her, that she was acting reasonably. The jury disagreed and convicted the defendant she was testifying for of grossly negligent discharge of a firearm. Her approach is a bit aggressive.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.42702069878578186}
Great movie and terrific views of the Dingle peninsula.
We visited the Dingle peninsula of Ireland this fall and had to see this movie that was filmed there. Turns out that, in addition to having great scenes of the Dingle countryside, it also has a very good story line. And, terrific acting and some Irish history thrown in for good measure.
Great movie and terrific views of the Dingle peninsula. We visited the Dingle peninsula of Ireland this fall and had to see this movie that was filmed there. Turns out that, in addition to having great scenes of the Dingle countryside, it also has a very good story line. And, terrific acting and some Irish history thrown in for good measure.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.5518218278884888}
Viewed it yesterday
This movie would make a great opera adaptation. Dare I say Sara Miles carries the movie more than the David Lean imprint and the obnoxiously heavy-handed score?
Viewed it yesterday This movie would make a great opera adaptation. Dare I say Sara Miles carries the movie more than the David Lean imprint and the obnoxiously heavy-handed score?
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.261913537979126}
Ryan's Revenge
A surprisingly bad film, painfully slow paced and convoluted. It really is one hell of a mess. The exploitation of a pitiful malformed character (played by John Mills) is so over the top, insensitive, and with a tasteless comic bent, and so frequently employed, that it demands mention. The story feels minor to begin with, but is so disjointed and inane, that it is best described as no story at all. The music is hard to describe, I'll be kind, it's not helpful. The only reason to see this film is for the absolutely gorgeous, almost hypnotic cinematography. That and perhaps a young and radiant Sarah Miles. That should have been enough to save this film with some tough and aggressive editing, and just a little devotion to good taste. But instead we are forced to endure some kind of a personal or career psychosis by a great director, David Lean.
Ryan's Revenge A surprisingly bad film, painfully slow paced and convoluted. It really is one hell of a mess. The exploitation of a pitiful malformed character (played by John Mills) is so over the top, insensitive, and with a tasteless comic bent, and so frequently employed, that it demands mention. The story feels minor to begin with, but is so disjointed and inane, that it is best described as no story at all. The music is hard to describe, I'll be kind, it's not helpful. The only reason to see this film is for the absolutely gorgeous, almost hypnotic cinematography. That and perhaps a young and radiant Sarah Miles. That should have been enough to save this film with some tough and aggressive editing, and just a little devotion to good taste. But instead we are forced to endure some kind of a personal or career psychosis by a great director, David Lean.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5038586854934692}
Excellant movie and seller
I saw this movie when it first came out, it was hauntingly beautiful. I am so happy to get it on DVD. Some may find it a little slow in areas, but I loved it. If you appreciate the work of David Lean, and the acting of Sarah Miles and Robert Mitchum, then you will love this. It ranks right up there for me with Dr. Zhivago, which I also had the pleasure of seeing when it first came out on the big screen. A wonderful epic movie. The seller was extremely prompt and made the purchase feel as though I was buying from a friend. Way to do business!!
Excellant movie and seller I saw this movie when it first came out, it was hauntingly beautiful. I am so happy to get it on DVD. Some may find it a little slow in areas, but I loved it. If you appreciate the work of David Lean, and the acting of Sarah Miles and Robert Mitchum, then you will love this. It ranks right up there for me with Dr. Zhivago, which I also had the pleasure of seeing when it first came out on the big screen. A wonderful epic movie. The seller was extremely prompt and made the purchase feel as though I was buying from a friend. Way to do business!!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.9257784485816956}
it sounds great!~!~!~!~!
it sounds great im just wondering y it did not already have 5 stars! di u think it would be great 4 my 12 year old?
it sounds great!~!~!~!~! it sounds great im just wondering y it did not already have 5 stars! di u think it would be great 4 my 12 year old?
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.6465547680854797}
It's a very reliable printer...
I love my PhotoSmart 1215 but was a little discouraged when the driver for XP was not available. The neat thing about this printer is, if you mainly use it to print photos from a memory card, you don't have to be connected to your PC. Just know which numbers you want to print, enter and off it goes. The quality of my prints has been great. Right now it's connected to my iMac and is doing splendidly. It's quite dependable and not expensive. I'd recommend it highly.*****
It's a very reliable printer... I love my PhotoSmart 1215 but was a little discouraged when the driver for XP was not available. The neat thing about this printer is, if you mainly use it to print photos from a memory card, you don't have to be connected to your PC. Just know which numbers you want to print, enter and off it goes. The quality of my prints has been great. Right now it's connected to my iMac and is doing splendidly. It's quite dependable and not expensive. I'd recommend it highly.*****
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.512279212474823}
I guess I'm not totally up on the meaning of grindhouse. One would assume by the title and the tags that these would be sex filled movies with a little plot thrown in for good measure. They were full of slow moving plot and sex scenes that would make a censor in the 1950s proud.
Grindhouse? I guess I'm not totally up on the meaning of grindhouse. One would assume by the title and the tags that these would be sex filled movies with a little plot thrown in for good measure. They were full of slow moving plot and sex scenes that would make a censor in the 1950s proud.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.4824451208114624}
Am I missing something?
Sorry about the 1-star rating -- it is not for the book's content (I can't read it), but for the horrible way it displays on my iPad.The cover page is nice and big, fills the screen, and looks great. Ever subsequent page however is about half size, meaning that two pages fit across the iPad screen, and the font is too small to be readable.Furthermore, the iPad version only allows landscape viewing, and the stupid Kindle app remains in this orientation after returning to my books list, and moving on to another book.Am I missing something here?
Am I missing something? Sorry about the 1-star rating -- it is not for the book's content (I can't read it), but for the horrible way it displays on my iPad.The cover page is nice and big, fills the screen, and looks great. Ever subsequent page however is about half size, meaning that two pages fit across the iPad screen, and the font is too small to be readable.Furthermore, the iPad version only allows landscape viewing, and the stupid Kindle app remains in this orientation after returning to my books list, and moving on to another book.Am I missing something here?
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7887246012687683}
Is honesty always rewarded ?
Puss in Boots is a wonderful story. This book is so beautiful that is like a precious work of art. A great read aloud with exceptional illustrations. Children and adults adore it. Presenting this tale to children takes great thought though. Try to avoid the dishonesty, terrorism, and thievery and focus on resourcefulness, first impressions, and survival. Fred Marcellino is one of the top illustrators of our time. Wish he had a website!
Is honesty always rewarded ? Puss in Boots is a wonderful story. This book is so beautiful that is like a precious work of art. A great read aloud with exceptional illustrations. Children and adults adore it. Presenting this tale to children takes great thought though. Try to avoid the dishonesty, terrorism, and thievery and focus on resourcefulness, first impressions, and survival. Fred Marcellino is one of the top illustrators of our time. Wish he had a website!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.822137713432312}
I read this entire book from front to back in 1 day. IT WAS GREAT. Full of useful information and makes you feel that you can do this wether your the initiator or not
LOVE THIS BOOK I read this entire book from front to back in 1 day. IT WAS GREAT. Full of useful information and makes you feel that you can do this wether your the initiator or not
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.9044604301452637}
Awesome if not overplayed
The first 5 songs are incredible, and the rest are OK. I live in France and Chumbawamba never got really big there so I haven't heard tubthumping a zillion times, which makes it still interesting to listen to.
Awesome if not overplayed The first 5 songs are incredible, and the rest are OK. I live in France and Chumbawamba never got really big there so I haven't heard tubthumping a zillion times, which makes it still interesting to listen to.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5833309292793274}
A Great CD for all people
I got this CD about a year and a half ago and I still listen to it. It is a very good CD with about 5 good dance tracks. Plus, the trumpet playing is great! I also liked on how smoothly the music and the vocals came together. This is truly a masterpiece
A Great CD for all people I got this CD about a year and a half ago and I still listen to it. It is a very good CD with about 5 good dance tracks. Plus, the trumpet playing is great! I also liked on how smoothly the music and the vocals came together. This is truly a masterpiece
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8553257584571838}
Beyond the mega-hit, preview of better things to come
Besides the much maligned mega-hit "Tubthumping" which I didn't like when it was first released but like now, this is a solid CD with great arrangements, lyrics, and performances. It's not perfect but how many CD's are perfect these days? I have recently discovered "Ready Mades and Then Some" - clearly a 5-star effort and a symposium on how to arrange a song. Masterfully done. I won't write a song-by-song critique here because several other reviewers have done a more than adequate job of that. However, I do put forward a challenge to "rtbarry" in AZ to move beyond his very own drivel masquerading as a "review", if he is capable, to explain in detail what in his opinion is lacking in this CD that rates it only one star? Or, does he believe we are supposed to obey his fiat review as if he were Kim Jong-il of North Korea? Otherwise, "rtbarry" don't waste our time with drivel.
Beyond the mega-hit, preview of better things to come Besides the much maligned mega-hit "Tubthumping" which I didn't like when it was first released but like now, this is a solid CD with great arrangements, lyrics, and performances. It's not perfect but how many CD's are perfect these days? I have recently discovered "Ready Mades and Then Some" - clearly a 5-star effort and a symposium on how to arrange a song. Masterfully done. I won't write a song-by-song critique here because several other reviewers have done a more than adequate job of that. However, I do put forward a challenge to "rtbarry" in AZ to move beyond his very own drivel masquerading as a "review", if he is capable, to explain in detail what in his opinion is lacking in this CD that rates it only one star? Or, does he believe we are supposed to obey his fiat review as if he were Kim Jong-il of North Korea? Otherwise, "rtbarry" don't waste our time with drivel.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.45194995403289795}
It's Great!
This is really a great CD. Chumbawamba has many political and social thoughts. you just have to understand them.
It's Great! This is really a great CD. Chumbawamba has many political and social thoughts. you just have to understand them.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8349604606628418}
The One Star
The one star is for the only ONE good song on this cd. Tubthumping...Actually, this song blows after you hear it more than 5 times. This cd has only been in my cd player once...That is the day i bought it. If you like wasting money, buy this cd.
The One Star The one star is for the only ONE good song on this cd. Tubthumping...Actually, this song blows after you hear it more than 5 times. This cd has only been in my cd player once...That is the day i bought it. If you like wasting money, buy this cd.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.98712557554245}
I won't buy one again
I have had mine for about two years. I love the color it gives but it has also given me a lot of problems. Something has gone wrong with the memory inside making it impossible to print in "best" quality. An error message will pop up on my screen and then it will start printing out garbled junk. I've down loaded the latest driver--more than once--but with no success. It has been a waste of money to me--especially when ink cartridges are so high for it!!
I won't buy one again I have had mine for about two years. I love the color it gives but it has also given me a lot of problems. Something has gone wrong with the memory inside making it impossible to print in "best" quality. An error message will pop up on my screen and then it will start printing out garbled junk. I've down loaded the latest driver--more than once--but with no success. It has been a waste of money to me--especially when ink cartridges are so high for it!!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6445111632347107}
Non Computer Geek
STAY AWAY FROM THIS PRINTER, I have had a Hp 1100 and had moderate success with it, after a few months the multiple paper pickup and jam problem kept occuring with no satisfactory fix, I just got this printer and it is even worse, it does not print correctly and multiple jams even after two hours out of the box, the copy was consistantly misaligned. I am sending it back.
Non Computer Geek STAY AWAY FROM THIS PRINTER, I have had a Hp 1100 and had moderate success with it, after a few months the multiple paper pickup and jam problem kept occuring with no satisfactory fix, I just got this printer and it is even worse, it does not print correctly and multiple jams even after two hours out of the box, the copy was consistantly misaligned. I am sending it back.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8761339783668518}
Curved Thomas the Train tracks
Again, a good product, but over priced. I would try to find some gently used ones.
Curved Thomas the Train tracks Again, a good product, but over priced. I would try to find some gently used ones.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.6616932153701782}
Did I read a different book from everyone else? I thought this was horrible! I mean how demeaning to women to imply and then prove that a man would best a woman in strength every time. Even a woman with fighting skills. Then, this whiny main character that, regardless of all the obvious hands on facts that prove Sabin is an honest, honorable man, she still calls foul and continues to abuse him in the worst way. Yet, he continues to chase her, help her and love her regardless. When everything is added up, Moriah doesn't deserve a man like Sabin. Lastly, to top it all off, after she's unloaded abuse after abuse on him, he simply tells her he's a good guy and she's like, oh, well, in that case I believe you and I love you. How utterly stupid! His actions obviously mean nothing, but she'll listen to what he says--wham--bam!Terrible, just terrible!
O-o-okay Did I read a different book from everyone else? I thought this was horrible! I mean how demeaning to women to imply and then prove that a man would best a woman in strength every time. Even a woman with fighting skills. Then, this whiny main character that, regardless of all the obvious hands on facts that prove Sabin is an honest, honorable man, she still calls foul and continues to abuse him in the worst way. Yet, he continues to chase her, help her and love her regardless. When everything is added up, Moriah doesn't deserve a man like Sabin. Lastly, to top it all off, after she's unloaded abuse after abuse on him, he simply tells her he's a good guy and she's like, oh, well, in that case I believe you and I love you. How utterly stupid! His actions obviously mean nothing, but she'll listen to what he says--wham--bam!Terrible, just terrible!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6956970691680908}
Heads above the first book in the trilogy
I was so disappointed in the first book, Foundation, I gave it two stars. I've been wanting to read the trilogy for years and I couldn't believe that that mediocre pulp was it! But Foundation and Empire is the saving grace. I look forward to the next book.
Heads above the first book in the trilogy I was so disappointed in the first book, Foundation, I gave it two stars. I've been wanting to read the trilogy for years and I couldn't believe that that mediocre pulp was it! But Foundation and Empire is the saving grace. I look forward to the next book.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.9774916768074036}
Good book
I liked this book. I don't really have anything profound to say, I'm only writing a review because for some reason Amazon is not giving me the option of rating the book without a review.Asimov seems to have an interesting twist on European history in this book, as the events that occur in it seem to parallel the fall of the Roman Empire, the successor Germanic kingdoms, and the rise of the merchant class in the Renaissance. Understanding the history of Western Civilization probably has given me a fun comparison to Asimov's fictional Galactic history.
Good book I liked this book. I don't really have anything profound to say, I'm only writing a review because for some reason Amazon is not giving me the option of rating the book without a review.Asimov seems to have an interesting twist on European history in this book, as the events that occur in it seem to parallel the fall of the Roman Empire, the successor Germanic kingdoms, and the rise of the merchant class in the Renaissance. Understanding the history of Western Civilization probably has given me a fun comparison to Asimov's fictional Galactic history.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.8085604310035706}
Fantastic Sci Fi Classic
The foundation novels are superb! I went on to read the entire original trilogy, the first foundation book being my favorite. The story jumps ahead by leaps and bounds between sections, which can be confusing at first but ends up making for a fantastic treat. Can't recommend this series highly enough for any SciFi fan.
Fantastic Sci Fi Classic The foundation novels are superb! I went on to read the entire original trilogy, the first foundation book being my favorite. The story jumps ahead by leaps and bounds between sections, which can be confusing at first but ends up making for a fantastic treat. Can't recommend this series highly enough for any SciFi fan.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.871963381767273}