Unnamed: 0
INVOICE 523427 Date: 26-Feb-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 489512 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 26-Feb-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1 1 0 416588 $1.1900 $1.19 leverage innovative niches UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $1.37 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $1.19 $0.00 $0.00 $0.18 $0.00 $1.37 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '523427', 'ponumber': '489512', 'date': '26/02/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '416588', 'description': 'leverage innovative niches', 'price': '1.1900', 'quantity': '1', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}], 'subtotal': '1.19', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '0.18', 'total': '1.37', 'gst': '0.18', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 500009 Date: 05-Aug-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 214420 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 05-Aug-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 14 11 3 337505 $4.0600 $56.839999999999996 productize killer e-commerce12 1 11 532123 $9.4500 $113.39999999999999 strategize user-centric mindshare UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $62.23 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $54.11 $0.00 $0.00 $8.12 $0.00 $62.23 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '500009', 'ponumber': '214420', 'date': '05/08/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '337505', 'description': 'productize killer e-commerce', 'price': '4.0600', 'quantity': '14', 'back_order_quantity': '3', 'shipped_quantity': '11'}, {'item_code': '532123', 'description': 'strategize user-centric mindshare', 'price': '9.4500', 'quantity': '12', 'back_order_quantity': '11', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}], 'subtotal': '54.11', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '8.12', 'total': '62.23', 'gst': '8.12', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 252046 Date: 18-Feb-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 682710 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 18-Feb-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 10 2 8 373812 $6.7800 $67.8 visualize intuitive e-tailers UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $15.59 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $13.56 $0.00 $0.00 $2.03 $0.00 $15.59 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '252046', 'ponumber': '682710', 'date': '18/02/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '373812', 'description': 'visualize intuitive e-tailers', 'price': '6.7800', 'quantity': '10', 'back_order_quantity': '8', 'shipped_quantity': '2'}], 'subtotal': '13.56', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '2.03', 'total': '15.59', 'gst': '2.03', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 788277 Date: 01-Jan-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 227435 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 01-Jan-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 8 2 6 428634 $3.3900 $27.12 utilize user-centric partnerships11 9 2 501509 $9.9200 $109.12 architect vertical infrastructures UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $110.47 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $96.06 $0.00 $0.00 $14.41 $0.00 $110.47 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '788277', 'ponumber': '227435', 'date': '01/01/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '428634', 'description': 'utilize user-centric partnerships', 'price': '3.3900', 'quantity': '8', 'back_order_quantity': '6', 'shipped_quantity': '2'}, {'item_code': '501509', 'description': 'architect vertical infrastructures', 'price': '9.9200', 'quantity': '11', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '9'}], 'subtotal': '96.06', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '14.41', 'total': '110.47', 'gst': '14.41', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 638114 Date: 29-Sep-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 235768 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 29-Sep-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 8 8 0 192077 $8.0700 $64.56 unleash interactive infrastructures5 2 3 378291 $6.9000 $34.5 synergize plug-and-play action-items UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $90.11 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $78.36 $0.00 $0.00 $11.75 $0.00 $90.11 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '638114', 'ponumber': '235768', 'date': '29/09/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '192077', 'description': 'unleash interactive infrastructures', 'price': '8.0700', 'quantity': '8', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '8'}, {'item_code': '378291', 'description': 'synergize plug-and-play action-items', 'price': '6.9000', 'quantity': '5', 'back_order_quantity': '3', 'shipped_quantity': '2'}], 'subtotal': '78.36', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '11.75', 'total': '90.11', 'gst': '11.75', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 148785 Date: 16-Jul-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 497341 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 16-Jul-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 8 0 8 333248 $2.2100 $17.68 monetize e-business models5 5 0 141071 $6.3600 $31.8 visualize killer solutions5 5 0 688718 $1.7900 $8.95 envisioneer wireless supply-chains11 9 2 265683 $5.6500 $62.150000000000006 visualize value-added convergence UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $105.34 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $91.6 $0.00 $0.00 $13.74 $0.00 $105.34 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '148785', 'ponumber': '497341', 'date': '16/07/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '333248', 'description': 'monetize e-business models', 'price': '2.2100', 'quantity': '8', 'back_order_quantity': '8', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}, {'item_code': '141071', 'description': 'visualize killer solutions', 'price': '6.3600', 'quantity': '5', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '5'}, {'item_code': '688718', 'description': 'envisioneer wireless supply-chains', 'price': '1.7900', 'quantity': '5', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '5'}, {'item_code': '265683', 'description': 'visualize value-added convergence', 'price': '5.6500', 'quantity': '11', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '9'}], 'subtotal': '91.6', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '13.74', 'total': '105.34', 'gst': '13.74', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 363200 Date: 13-Jul-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 274773 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 13-Jul-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 14 12 2 849084 $9.7200 $136.08 integrate 24/7 web-readiness UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $134.14 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $116.64 $0.00 $0.00 $17.5 $0.00 $134.14 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '363200', 'ponumber': '274773', 'date': '13/07/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '849084', 'description': 'integrate 24/7 web-readiness', 'price': '9.7200', 'quantity': '14', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '12'}], 'subtotal': '116.64', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '17.5', 'total': '134.14', 'gst': '17.5', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 272758 Date: 28-Apr-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 505155 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 28-Apr-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 8 3 5 811395 $2.3300 $18.64 matrix clicks-and-mortar interfaces10 6 4 371458 $1.0700 $10.700000000000001 drive clicks-and-mortar vortals UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $15.42 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $13.41 $0.00 $0.00 $2.01 $0.00 $15.42 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '272758', 'ponumber': '505155', 'date': '28/04/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '811395', 'description': 'matrix clicks-and-mortar interfaces', 'price': '2.3300', 'quantity': '8', 'back_order_quantity': '5', 'shipped_quantity': '3'}, {'item_code': '371458', 'description': 'drive clicks-and-mortar vortals', 'price': '1.0700', 'quantity': '10', 'back_order_quantity': '4', 'shipped_quantity': '6'}], 'subtotal': '13.41', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '2.01', 'total': '15.42', 'gst': '2.01', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 432055 Date: 02-Oct-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 889363 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 02-Oct-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 12 6 6 423374 $4.5200 $54.239999999999995 seize dot-com paradigms13 12 1 489389 $1.1800 $15.34 unleash mission-critical infrastructures6 2 4 168399 $2.6700 $16.02 grow cross-media web-readiness UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $53.61 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $46.62 $0.00 $0.00 $6.99 $0.00 $53.61 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '432055', 'ponumber': '889363', 'date': '02/10/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '423374', 'description': 'seize dot-com paradigms', 'price': '4.5200', 'quantity': '12', 'back_order_quantity': '6', 'shipped_quantity': '6'}, {'item_code': '489389', 'description': 'unleash mission-critical infrastructures', 'price': '1.1800', 'quantity': '13', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '12'}, {'item_code': '168399', 'description': 'grow cross-media web-readiness', 'price': '2.6700', 'quantity': '6', 'back_order_quantity': '4', 'shipped_quantity': '2'}], 'subtotal': '46.62', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '6.99', 'total': '53.61', 'gst': '6.99', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 350325 Date: 02-Dec-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 972897 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 02-Dec-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 3 1 2 906641 $2.9900 $8.97 deliver impactful web-readiness UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $3.44 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $2.99 $0.00 $0.00 $0.45 $0.00 $3.44 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '350325', 'ponumber': '972897', 'date': '02/12/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '906641', 'description': 'deliver impactful web-readiness', 'price': '2.9900', 'quantity': '3', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}], 'subtotal': '2.99', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '0.45', 'total': '3.44', 'gst': '0.45', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 937403 Date: 10-Sep-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 478974 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 10-Sep-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 11 11 0 938794 $9.8500 $108.35 disintermediate robust initiatives5 1 4 908147 $7.5800 $37.9 monetize extensible paradigms UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $133.32 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $115.93 $0.00 $0.00 $17.39 $0.00 $133.32 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '937403', 'ponumber': '478974', 'date': '10/09/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '938794', 'description': 'disintermediate robust initiatives', 'price': '9.8500', 'quantity': '11', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '11'}, {'item_code': '908147', 'description': 'monetize extensible paradigms', 'price': '7.5800', 'quantity': '5', 'back_order_quantity': '4', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}], 'subtotal': '115.93', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '17.39', 'total': '133.32', 'gst': '17.39', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 590308 Date: 11-Feb-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 529004 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 11-Feb-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 6 5 1 280256 $9.8000 $58.800000000000004 e-enable global e-business UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $56.35 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $49.0 $0.00 $0.00 $7.35 $0.00 $56.35 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '590308', 'ponumber': '529004', 'date': '11/02/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '280256', 'description': 'e-enable global e-business', 'price': '9.8000', 'quantity': '6', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '5'}], 'subtotal': '49.0', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '7.35', 'total': '56.35', 'gst': '7.35', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 786631 Date: 19-Aug-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 796801 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 19-Aug-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 15 0 15 715521 $8.6900 $130.35 brand granular infrastructures3 2 1 607271 $8.5900 $25.77 harness virtual web services UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $19.76 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $17.18 $0.00 $0.00 $2.58 $0.00 $19.76 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 741526 Date: 17-Nov-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 413788 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 17-Nov-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2 0 2 856998 $8.3800 $16.76 implement real-time supply-chains2 0 2 386172 $6.7000 $13.4 redefine granular schemas6 2 4 460211 $1.6800 $10.08 engage best-of-breed markets7 2 5 398944 $1.0200 $7.140000000000001 synthesize integrated e-services UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $6.21 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $5.4 $0.00 $0.00 $0.81 $0.00 $6.21 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 680248 Date: 27-Feb-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 535541 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 27-Feb-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 4 0 4 535847 $7.1800 $28.72 reinvent sticky channels UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $0.0 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.0 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 969813 Date: 21-Dec-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 388841 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 21-Dec-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 11 3 8 732167 $8.9300 $98.22999999999999 visualize proactive systems12 4 8 854459 $8.2300 $98.76 mesh extensible interfaces UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $68.67 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $59.71 $0.00 $0.00 $8.96 $0.00 $68.67 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 140677 Date: 28-Feb-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 159123 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 28-Feb-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 11 8 3 571328 $2.7900 $30.69 streamline next-generation metrics UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $25.67 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $22.32 $0.00 $0.00 $3.35 $0.00 $25.67 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 316160 Date: 18-Jul-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 533157 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 18-Jul-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 4 1 3 740209 $4.7900 $19.16 extend intuitive functionalities11 10 1 439372 $7.8200 $86.02000000000001 revolutionize bricks-and-clicks users UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $95.44 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $82.99 $0.00 $0.00 $12.45 $0.00 $95.44 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 333815 Date: 15-Jan-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 301738 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 15-Jan-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 11 2 9 833524 $5.7900 $63.69 orchestrate extensible web-readiness UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $13.32 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $11.58 $0.00 $0.00 $1.74 $0.00 $13.32 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '333815', 'ponumber': '301738', 'date': '15/01/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '833524', 'description': 'orchestrate extensible web-readiness', 'price': '5.7900', 'quantity': '11', 'back_order_quantity': '9', 'shipped_quantity': '2'}], 'subtotal': '11.58', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '1.74', 'total': '13.32', 'gst': '1.74', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 484942 Date: 09-Aug-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 149194 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 09-Aug-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 4 4 0 844353 $9.4300 $37.72 productize extensible solutions12 9 3 271064 $4.6500 $55.800000000000004 implement real-time models15 0 15 722284 $6.1100 $91.65 exploit holistic paradigms7 3 4 587552 $8.0200 $56.14 seize visionary communities UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $119.17 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $103.63 $0.00 $0.00 $15.54 $0.00 $119.17 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 423518 Date: 11-Feb-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 299400 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 11-Feb-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 7 7 0 168961 $7.7200 $54.04 streamline extensible bandwidth9 8 1 119038 $6.2500 $56.25 grow efficient supply-chains6 2 4 420480 $3.3000 $19.799999999999997 optimize compelling infrastructures UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $127.24 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $110.64 $0.00 $0.00 $16.6 $0.00 $127.24 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '423518', 'ponumber': '299400', 'date': '11/02/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '168961', 'description': 'streamline extensible bandwidth', 'price': '7.7200', 'quantity': '7', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '7'}, {'item_code': '119038', 'description': 'grow efficient supply-chains', 'price': '6.2500', 'quantity': '9', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '8'}, {'item_code': '420480', 'description': 'optimize compelling infrastructures', 'price': '3.3000', 'quantity': '6', 'back_order_quantity': '4', 'shipped_quantity': '2'}], 'subtotal': '110.64', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '16.6', 'total': '127.24', 'gst': '16.6', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 378770 Date: 13-Jan-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 603541 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 13-Jan-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 11 2 9 458715 $7.4000 $81.4 cultivate viral experiences14 10 4 924896 $7.5500 $105.7 extend leading-edge experiences10 9 1 693879 $6.9600 $69.6 leverage cross-media eyeballs13 11 2 150387 $4.6100 $59.93000000000001 incubate transparent communities UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $234.2 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $203.65 $0.00 $0.00 $30.55 $0.00 $234.2 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '378770', 'ponumber': '603541', 'date': '13/01/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '458715', 'description': 'cultivate viral experiences', 'price': '7.4000', 'quantity': '11', 'back_order_quantity': '9', 'shipped_quantity': '2'}, {'item_code': '924896', 'description': 'extend leading-edge experiences', 'price': '7.5500', 'quantity': '14', 'back_order_quantity': '4', 'shipped_quantity': '10'}, {'item_code': '693879', 'description': 'leverage cross-media eyeballs', 'price': '6.9600', 'quantity': '10', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '9'}, {'item_code': '150387', 'description': 'incubate transparent communities', 'price': '4.6100', 'quantity': '13', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '11'}], 'subtotal': '203.65', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '30.55', 'total': '234.2', 'gst': '30.55', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 587146 Date: 22-Apr-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 296191 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 22-Apr-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 13 11 2 347369 $5.5500 $72.14999999999999 repurpose bricks-and-clicks vortals UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $70.21 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $61.05 $0.00 $0.00 $9.16 $0.00 $70.21 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 466013 Date: 03-Jun-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 340505 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 03-Jun-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 9 7 2 688504 $5.8200 $52.38 target user-centric convergence UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $46.85 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $40.74 $0.00 $0.00 $6.11 $0.00 $46.85 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 371883 Date: 16-Oct-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 262812 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 16-Oct-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 8 1 7 767908 $1.1400 $9.12 e-enable cross-media ROI3 0 3 614353 $7.3100 $21.93 maximize extensible functionalities UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $1.31 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $1.14 $0.00 $0.00 $0.17 $0.00 $1.31 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 687599 Date: 16-Sep-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 528626 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 16-Sep-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 10 1 9 347187 $2.0300 $20.299999999999997 deliver frictionless interfaces UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $2.33 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $2.03 $0.00 $0.00 $0.3 $0.00 $2.33 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 210005 Date: 05-Sep-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 800834 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 05-Sep-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1 1 0 332403 $7.6600 $7.66 utilize extensible e-commerce2 1 1 378037 $3.1900 $6.38 disintermediate world-class e-business3 1 2 908694 $7.2300 $21.69 mesh next-generation users UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $20.79 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $18.08 $0.00 $0.00 $2.71 $0.00 $20.79 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 585812 Date: 31-Oct-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 942537 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 31-Oct-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 6 2 4 280483 $1.1500 $6.8999999999999995 reinvent granular models3 3 0 751498 $6.3400 $19.02 syndicate innovative users14 13 1 146295 $6.1900 $86.66000000000001 facilitate value-added networks UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $117.06 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $101.79 $0.00 $0.00 $15.27 $0.00 $117.06 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 478474 Date: 06-Apr-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 268850 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 06-Apr-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 12 10 2 962155 $5.4700 $65.64 re-intermediate revolutionary portals5 1 4 312520 $6.8300 $34.15 reinvent frictionless channels9 4 5 559229 $6.3000 $56.699999999999996 strategize next-generation e-tailers14 0 14 399403 $6.3300 $88.62 optimize granular markets UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $99.74 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $86.73 $0.00 $0.00 $13.01 $0.00 $99.74 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '478474', 'ponumber': '268850', 'date': '06/04/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '962155', 'description': 're-intermediate revolutionary portals', 'price': '5.4700', 'quantity': '12', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '10'}, {'item_code': '312520', 'description': 'reinvent frictionless channels', 'price': '6.8300', 'quantity': '5', 'back_order_quantity': '4', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}, {'item_code': '559229', 'description': 'strategize next-generation e-tailers', 'price': '6.3000', 'quantity': '9', 'back_order_quantity': '5', 'shipped_quantity': '4'}, {'item_code': '399403', 'description': 'optimize granular markets', 'price': '6.3300', 'quantity': '14', 'back_order_quantity': '14', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}], 'subtotal': '86.73', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '13.01', 'total': '99.74', 'gst': '13.01', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 142278 Date: 19-Mar-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 758871 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 19-Mar-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 7 4 3 863678 $5.3300 $37.31 architect real-time e-markets UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $24.52 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $21.32 $0.00 $0.00 $3.2 $0.00 $24.52 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '142278', 'ponumber': '758871', 'date': '19/03/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '863678', 'description': 'architect real-time e-markets', 'price': '5.3300', 'quantity': '7', 'back_order_quantity': '3', 'shipped_quantity': '4'}], 'subtotal': '21.32', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '3.2', 'total': '24.52', 'gst': '3.2', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 526655 Date: 12-Aug-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 198434 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 12-Aug-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 11 4 7 167954 $7.2800 $80.08 extend world-class paradigms13 12 1 701833 $2.5100 $32.629999999999995 engage next-generation initiatives UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $68.13 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $59.24 $0.00 $0.00 $8.89 $0.00 $68.13 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 715698 Date: 15-Dec-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 990061 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 15-Dec-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 13 13 0 903130 $3.7600 $48.879999999999995 whiteboard back-end models2 2 0 681900 $1.7100 $3.42 drive seamless e-commerce UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $60.14 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $52.3 $0.00 $0.00 $7.84 $0.00 $60.14 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '715698', 'ponumber': '990061', 'date': '15/12/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '903130', 'description': 'whiteboard back-end models', 'price': '3.7600', 'quantity': '13', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '13'}, {'item_code': '681900', 'description': 'drive seamless e-commerce', 'price': '1.7100', 'quantity': '2', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '2'}], 'subtotal': '52.3', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '7.84', 'total': '60.14', 'gst': '7.84', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 259595 Date: 23-Sep-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 544967 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 23-Sep-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 8 6 2 755547 $8.2500 $66.0 incubate seamless schemas9 4 5 418504 $4.3100 $38.79 target B2C functionalities13 2 11 199221 $7.0400 $91.52 reinvent mission-critical methodologies3 2 1 642230 $7.1100 $21.330000000000002 utilize granular users UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $109.3 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $95.04 $0.00 $0.00 $14.26 $0.00 $109.3 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 255453 Date: 05-Nov-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 495977 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 05-Nov-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 13 8 5 259399 $3.0100 $39.129999999999995 orchestrate collaborative experiences UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $27.69 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $24.08 $0.00 $0.00 $3.61 $0.00 $27.69 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '255453', 'ponumber': '495977', 'date': '05/11/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '259399', 'description': 'orchestrate collaborative experiences', 'price': '3.0100', 'quantity': '13', 'back_order_quantity': '5', 'shipped_quantity': '8'}], 'subtotal': '24.08', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '3.61', 'total': '27.69', 'gst': '3.61', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 758343 Date: 13-Aug-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 615079 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 13-Aug-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 15 3 12 496868 $8.4700 $127.05000000000001 evolve wireless solutions8 3 5 693036 $2.6800 $21.44 seize turn-key e-business3 3 0 567551 $3.3200 $9.959999999999999 syndicate enterprise mindshare UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $49.92 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $43.41 $0.00 $0.00 $6.51 $0.00 $49.92 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '758343', 'ponumber': '615079', 'date': '13/08/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '496868', 'description': 'evolve wireless solutions', 'price': '8.4700', 'quantity': '15', 'back_order_quantity': '12', 'shipped_quantity': '3'}, {'item_code': '693036', 'description': 'seize turn-key e-business', 'price': '2.6800', 'quantity': '8', 'back_order_quantity': '5', 'shipped_quantity': '3'}, {'item_code': '567551', 'description': 'syndicate enterprise mindshare', 'price': '3.3200', 'quantity': '3', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '3'}], 'subtotal': '43.41', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '6.51', 'total': '49.92', 'gst': '6.51', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 537450 Date: 01-May-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 916060 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 01-May-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2 2 0 678968 $8.4400 $16.88 incubate 24/365 relationships UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $19.41 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $16.88 $0.00 $0.00 $2.53 $0.00 $19.41 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '537450', 'ponumber': '916060', 'date': '01/05/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '678968', 'description': 'incubate 24/365 relationships', 'price': '8.4400', 'quantity': '2', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '2'}], 'subtotal': '16.88', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '2.53', 'total': '19.41', 'gst': '2.53', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 588330 Date: 09-Apr-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 118590 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 09-Apr-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2 0 2 598191 $1.7600 $3.52 leverage intuitive ROI6 5 1 146696 $2.6900 $16.14 maximize impactful models9 8 1 181427 $9.6200 $86.58 monetize next-generation e-services12 1 11 332638 $8.5800 $102.96000000000001 iterate world-class experiences UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $113.84 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $98.99 $0.00 $0.00 $14.85 $0.00 $113.84 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '588330', 'ponumber': '118590', 'date': '09/04/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '598191', 'description': 'leverage intuitive ROI', 'price': '1.7600', 'quantity': '2', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}, {'item_code': '146696', 'description': 'maximize impactful models', 'price': '2.6900', 'quantity': '6', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '5'}, {'item_code': '181427', 'description': 'monetize next-generation e-services', 'price': '9.6200', 'quantity': '9', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '8'}, {'item_code': '332638', 'description': 'iterate world-class experiences', 'price': '8.5800', 'quantity': '12', 'back_order_quantity': '11', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}], 'subtotal': '98.99', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '14.85', 'total': '113.84', 'gst': '14.85', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 635473 Date: 06-Oct-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 532032 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 06-Oct-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 5 0 5 226049 $4.6200 $23.1 architect sticky platforms UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $0.0 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.0 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '635473', 'ponumber': '532032', 'date': '06/10/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '226049', 'description': 'architect sticky platforms', 'price': '4.6200', 'quantity': '5', 'back_order_quantity': '5', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}], 'subtotal': '0.0', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '0.0', 'total': '0.0', 'gst': '0.0', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 923993 Date: 30-May-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 866282 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 30-May-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 11 11 0 425829 $6.9200 $76.12 transform world-class architectures UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $87.54 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $76.12 $0.00 $0.00 $11.42 $0.00 $87.54 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '923993', 'ponumber': '866282', 'date': '30/05/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '425829', 'description': 'transform world-class architectures', 'price': '6.9200', 'quantity': '11', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '11'}], 'subtotal': '76.12', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '11.42', 'total': '87.54', 'gst': '11.42', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 828728 Date: 28-Jun-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 602295 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 28-Jun-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 5 4 1 220367 $3.8900 $19.45 grow best-of-breed technologies11 2 9 267218 $2.6000 $28.6 grow front-end platforms4 0 4 546009 $6.0100 $24.04 evolve mission-critical bandwidth UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $23.87 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $20.76 $0.00 $0.00 $3.11 $0.00 $23.87 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '828728', 'ponumber': '602295', 'date': '28/06/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '220367', 'description': 'grow best-of-breed technologies', 'price': '3.8900', 'quantity': '5', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '4'}, {'item_code': '267218', 'description': 'grow front-end platforms', 'price': '2.6000', 'quantity': '11', 'back_order_quantity': '9', 'shipped_quantity': '2'}, {'item_code': '546009', 'description': 'evolve mission-critical bandwidth', 'price': '6.0100', 'quantity': '4', 'back_order_quantity': '4', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}], 'subtotal': '20.76', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '3.11', 'total': '23.87', 'gst': '3.11', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 237015 Date: 12-Dec-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 129030 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 12-Dec-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 3 1 2 609711 $9.2900 $27.869999999999997 brand cross-platform initiatives2 1 1 378854 $3.5400 $7.08 incubate web-enabled infrastructures2 0 2 163970 $9.9900 $19.98 whiteboard sticky content5 4 1 239546 $1.1400 $5.699999999999999 empower rich architectures UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $20.0 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $17.39 $0.00 $0.00 $2.61 $0.00 $20.0 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '237015', 'ponumber': '129030', 'date': '12/12/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '609711', 'description': 'brand cross-platform initiatives', 'price': '9.2900', 'quantity': '3', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}, {'item_code': '378854', 'description': 'incubate web-enabled infrastructures', 'price': '3.5400', 'quantity': '2', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}, {'item_code': '163970', 'description': 'whiteboard sticky content', 'price': '9.9900', 'quantity': '2', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}, {'item_code': '239546', 'description': 'empower rich architectures', 'price': '1.1400', 'quantity': '5', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '4'}], 'subtotal': '17.39', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '2.61', 'total': '20.0', 'gst': '2.61', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 139907 Date: 31-Jul-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 675235 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 31-Jul-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 4 0 4 540549 $1.1300 $4.52 productize plug-and-play bandwidth10 5 5 311691 $1.3500 $13.5 drive user-centric ROI4 1 3 705977 $1.6600 $6.64 synthesize cutting-edge experiences6 0 6 569664 $3.2400 $19.44 generate seamless solutions UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $9.67 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $8.41 $0.00 $0.00 $1.26 $0.00 $9.67 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '139907', 'ponumber': '675235', 'date': '31/07/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '540549', 'description': 'productize plug-and-play bandwidth', 'price': '1.1300', 'quantity': '4', 'back_order_quantity': '4', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}, {'item_code': '311691', 'description': 'drive user-centric ROI', 'price': '1.3500', 'quantity': '10', 'back_order_quantity': '5', 'shipped_quantity': '5'}, {'item_code': '705977', 'description': 'synthesize cutting-edge experiences', 'price': '1.6600', 'quantity': '4', 'back_order_quantity': '3', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}, {'item_code': '569664', 'description': 'generate seamless solutions', 'price': '3.2400', 'quantity': '6', 'back_order_quantity': '6', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}], 'subtotal': '8.41', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '1.26', 'total': '9.67', 'gst': '1.26', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 506631 Date: 29-Aug-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 429236 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 29-Aug-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 10 7 3 595023 $5.6200 $56.2 re-intermediate impactful e-commerce UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $45.24 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $39.34 $0.00 $0.00 $5.9 $0.00 $45.24 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 308995 Date: 18-Apr-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 506548 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 18-Apr-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 8 4 4 769852 $2.5200 $20.16 synthesize web-enabled web-readiness14 3 11 967901 $2.7200 $38.080000000000005 leverage ubiquitous e-services UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $20.98 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $18.24 $0.00 $0.00 $2.74 $0.00 $20.98 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 932843 Date: 03-Jan-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 906962 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 03-Jan-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 15 6 9 599163 $8.8300 $132.45 orchestrate back-end functionalities3 3 0 764534 $6.4700 $19.41 enable interactive synergies3 1 2 786615 $9.0000 $27.0 embrace proactive architectures5 5 0 927311 $3.7800 $18.9 enable next-generation supply-chains UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $115.33 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $100.29 $0.00 $0.00 $15.04 $0.00 $115.33 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '932843', 'ponumber': '906962', 'date': '03/01/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '599163', 'description': 'orchestrate back-end functionalities', 'price': '8.8300', 'quantity': '15', 'back_order_quantity': '9', 'shipped_quantity': '6'}, {'item_code': '764534', 'description': 'enable interactive synergies', 'price': '6.4700', 'quantity': '3', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '3'}, {'item_code': '786615', 'description': 'embrace proactive architectures', 'price': '9.0000', 'quantity': '3', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}, {'item_code': '927311', 'description': 'enable next-generation supply-chains', 'price': '3.7800', 'quantity': '5', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '5'}], 'subtotal': '100.29', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '15.04', 'total': '115.33', 'gst': '15.04', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 557791 Date: 12-Aug-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 573994 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 12-Aug-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 10 9 1 338349 $1.4900 $14.9 transition real-time niches UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $15.42 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $13.41 $0.00 $0.00 $2.01 $0.00 $15.42 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 966470 Date: 16-Nov-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 843952 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 16-Nov-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 14 6 8 318903 $6.2100 $86.94 incubate web-enabled communities8 7 1 623886 $8.2700 $66.16 drive bricks-and-clicks deliverables7 3 4 829697 $3.4100 $23.87 drive bleeding-edge schemas10 10 0 124924 $7.5200 $75.19999999999999 unleash e-business niches UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $207.67 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $180.58 $0.00 $0.00 $27.09 $0.00 $207.67 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '966470', 'ponumber': '843952', 'date': '16/11/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '318903', 'description': 'incubate web-enabled communities', 'price': '6.2100', 'quantity': '14', 'back_order_quantity': '8', 'shipped_quantity': '6'}, {'item_code': '623886', 'description': 'drive bricks-and-clicks deliverables', 'price': '8.2700', 'quantity': '8', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '7'}, {'item_code': '829697', 'description': 'drive bleeding-edge schemas', 'price': '3.4100', 'quantity': '7', 'back_order_quantity': '4', 'shipped_quantity': '3'}, {'item_code': '124924', 'description': 'unleash e-business niches', 'price': '7.5200', 'quantity': '10', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '10'}], 'subtotal': '180.58', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '27.09', 'total': '207.67', 'gst': '27.09', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 684690 Date: 12-Nov-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 901182 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 12-Nov-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 5 3 2 828978 $6.5500 $32.75 mesh dot-com architectures UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $22.6 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $19.65 $0.00 $0.00 $2.95 $0.00 $22.6 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '684690', 'ponumber': '901182', 'date': '12/11/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '828978', 'description': 'mesh dot-com architectures', 'price': '6.5500', 'quantity': '5', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '3'}], 'subtotal': '19.65', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '2.95', 'total': '22.6', 'gst': '2.95', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 813628 Date: 12-Jun-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 842673 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 12-Jun-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 3 1 2 267215 $7.9600 $23.88 deploy intuitive schemas6 4 2 853832 $4.0000 $24.0 transition collaborative e-tailers UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $27.55 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $23.96 $0.00 $0.00 $3.59 $0.00 $27.55 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '813628', 'ponumber': '842673', 'date': '12/06/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '267215', 'description': 'deploy intuitive schemas', 'price': '7.9600', 'quantity': '3', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}, {'item_code': '853832', 'description': 'transition collaborative e-tailers', 'price': '4.0000', 'quantity': '6', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '4'}], 'subtotal': '23.96', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '3.59', 'total': '27.55', 'gst': '3.59', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 920781 Date: 14-Sep-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 558059 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 14-Sep-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 8 6 2 490298 $5.5100 $44.08 matrix mission-critical mindshare7 5 2 335744 $1.5100 $10.57 scale world-class functionalities UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $46.7 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $40.61 $0.00 $0.00 $6.09 $0.00 $46.7 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '920781', 'ponumber': '558059', 'date': '14/09/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '490298', 'description': 'matrix mission-critical mindshare', 'price': '5.5100', 'quantity': '8', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '6'}, {'item_code': '335744', 'description': 'scale world-class functionalities', 'price': '1.5100', 'quantity': '7', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '5'}], 'subtotal': '40.61', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '6.09', 'total': '46.7', 'gst': '6.09', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 656509 Date: 11-May-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 681896 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 11-May-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 13 5 8 994390 $9.3300 $121.29 innovate front-end markets UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $53.65 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $46.65 $0.00 $0.00 $7.0 $0.00 $53.65 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '656509', 'ponumber': '681896', 'date': '11/05/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '994390', 'description': 'innovate front-end markets', 'price': '9.3300', 'quantity': '13', 'back_order_quantity': '8', 'shipped_quantity': '5'}], 'subtotal': '46.65', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '7.0', 'total': '53.65', 'gst': '7.0', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 211281 Date: 13-Nov-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 698237 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 13-Nov-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2 0 2 158548 $7.8500 $15.7 matrix best-of-breed supply-chains14 1 13 548378 $1.9700 $27.58 incubate magnetic architectures12 5 7 401046 $2.5300 $30.36 synthesize interactive solutions UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $16.81 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $14.62 $0.00 $0.00 $2.19 $0.00 $16.81 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '211281', 'ponumber': '698237', 'date': '13/11/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '158548', 'description': 'matrix best-of-breed supply-chains', 'price': '7.8500', 'quantity': '2', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}, {'item_code': '548378', 'description': 'incubate magnetic architectures', 'price': '1.9700', 'quantity': '14', 'back_order_quantity': '13', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}, {'item_code': '401046', 'description': 'synthesize interactive solutions', 'price': '2.5300', 'quantity': '12', 'back_order_quantity': '7', 'shipped_quantity': '5'}], 'subtotal': '14.62', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '2.19', 'total': '16.81', 'gst': '2.19', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 512257 Date: 09-Mar-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 653586 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 09-Mar-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 15 10 5 682567 $3.7200 $55.800000000000004 disintermediate scalable mindshare13 12 1 260088 $9.8500 $128.04999999999998 whiteboard back-end portals4 1 3 926844 $3.9500 $15.8 matrix 24/7 applications5 2 3 918330 $1.1700 $5.85 optimize cross-platform communities UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $185.94 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $161.69 $0.00 $0.00 $24.25 $0.00 $185.94 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 498765 Date: 18-Jul-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 110010 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 18-Jul-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1 0 1 237722 $8.6600 $8.66 facilitate world-class e-commerce UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $0.0 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.0 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 968152 Date: 28-Jul-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 516483 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 28-Jul-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 12 0 12 869873 $4.0900 $49.08 generate impactful communities UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $0.0 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.0 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 386738 Date: 05-Jun-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 269062 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 05-Jun-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 13 12 1 926796 $3.8500 $50.050000000000004 visualize seamless channels10 3 7 745875 $4.1600 $41.6 grow web-enabled content UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $67.48 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $58.68 $0.00 $0.00 $8.8 $0.00 $67.48 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 154772 Date: 06-Oct-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 703328 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 06-Oct-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 10 6 4 744985 $1.5400 $15.4 extend mission-critical models8 5 3 647042 $6.2600 $50.08 orchestrate one-to-one e-commerce9 8 1 338915 $1.1100 $9.99 visualize holistic metrics13 13 0 475448 $9.9700 $129.61 optimize value-added vortals UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $205.88 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $179.03 $0.00 $0.00 $26.85 $0.00 $205.88 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 429181 Date: 27-May-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 831232 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 27-May-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 14 5 9 404494 $8.3100 $116.34 iterate extensible architectures UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $47.78 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $41.55 $0.00 $0.00 $6.23 $0.00 $47.78 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 894927 Date: 05-Jul-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 142600 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 05-Jul-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 15 11 4 832835 $6.3800 $95.7 disintermediate visionary metrics4 2 2 543036 $7.7800 $31.12 iterate dynamic niches UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $98.6 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $85.74 $0.00 $0.00 $12.86 $0.00 $98.6 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 135756 Date: 11-May-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 684870 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 11-May-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 12 12 0 694592 $8.5600 $102.72 leverage cross-platform architectures14 4 10 182999 $6.3100 $88.33999999999999 streamline rich e-markets UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $147.15 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $127.96 $0.00 $0.00 $19.19 $0.00 $147.15 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 110731 Date: 17-Mar-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 692102 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 17-Mar-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 6 4 2 895517 $7.3000 $43.8 e-enable distributed platforms UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $33.58 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $29.2 $0.00 $0.00 $4.38 $0.00 $33.58 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 630585 Date: 07-Sep-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 470977 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 07-Sep-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2 1 1 429581 $3.4800 $6.96 implement 24/7 platforms2 0 2 649489 $6.9500 $13.9 transition strategic methodologies15 6 9 920766 $4.3700 $65.55 implement frictionless initiatives1 0 1 768012 $4.7200 $4.72 orchestrate robust platforms UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $34.16 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $29.7 $0.00 $0.00 $4.46 $0.00 $34.16 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '630585', 'ponumber': '470977', 'date': '07/09/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '429581', 'description': 'implement 24/7 platforms', 'price': '3.4800', 'quantity': '2', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}, {'item_code': '649489', 'description': 'transition strategic methodologies', 'price': '6.9500', 'quantity': '2', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}, {'item_code': '920766', 'description': 'implement frictionless initiatives', 'price': '4.3700', 'quantity': '15', 'back_order_quantity': '9', 'shipped_quantity': '6'}, {'item_code': '768012', 'description': 'orchestrate robust platforms', 'price': '4.7200', 'quantity': '1', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}], 'subtotal': '29.7', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '4.46', 'total': '34.16', 'gst': '4.46', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 752447 Date: 06-Jan-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 165522 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 06-Jan-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 15 13 2 213838 $3.3700 $50.550000000000004 aggregate impactful e-business1 0 1 952510 $2.8100 $2.81 re-intermediate innovative initiatives UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $50.38 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $43.81 $0.00 $0.00 $6.57 $0.00 $50.38 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 773695 Date: 11-May-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 967687 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 11-May-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 6 6 0 473759 $5.9700 $35.82 synergize frictionless solutions UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $41.19 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $35.82 $0.00 $0.00 $5.37 $0.00 $41.19 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 484828 Date: 24-Feb-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 345583 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 24-Feb-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 15 7 8 727753 $7.6100 $114.15 optimize revolutionary networks4 0 4 648942 $2.4500 $9.8 iterate seamless eyeballs3 0 3 573803 $1.3600 $4.08 productize cross-media platforms UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $61.26 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $53.27 $0.00 $0.00 $7.99 $0.00 $61.26 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 306549 Date: 13-Oct-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 649326 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 13-Oct-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 15 0 15 193334 $9.5600 $143.4 seize user-centric functionalities6 2 4 280858 $7.0700 $42.42 monetize compelling schemas UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $16.26 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $14.14 $0.00 $0.00 $2.12 $0.00 $16.26 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 103206 Date: 27-Sep-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 891024 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 27-Sep-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 8 8 0 313424 $8.6000 $68.8 extend rich convergence8 8 0 174765 $7.0200 $56.16 reinvent open-source e-commerce UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $143.7 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $124.96 $0.00 $0.00 $18.74 $0.00 $143.7 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 244819 Date: 15-Mar-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 434348 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 15-Mar-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 11 7 4 284218 $1.0300 $11.33 evolve e-business e-business4 2 2 581471 $2.6600 $10.64 morph dot-com portals1 0 1 540592 $2.4300 $2.43 mesh real-time models UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $14.41 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $12.53 $0.00 $0.00 $1.88 $0.00 $14.41 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 753545 Date: 29-Sep-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 437019 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 29-Sep-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 10 0 10 136473 $4.9000 $49.0 engineer customized platforms UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $0.0 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.0 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 662349 Date: 31-Jan-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 722057 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 31-Jan-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 13 11 2 168589 $5.0900 $66.17 redefine integrated experiences UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $64.39 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $55.99 $0.00 $0.00 $8.4 $0.00 $64.39 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 426436 Date: 02-Mar-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 361326 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 02-Mar-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 7 0 7 105005 $5.0600 $35.419999999999995 leverage transparent eyeballs UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $0.0 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.0 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 501125 Date: 13-Jan-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 350762 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 13-Jan-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 10 4 6 846594 $7.9300 $79.3 brand integrated e-services11 2 9 455461 $3.3900 $37.29 monetize innovative solutions UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $44.27 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $38.5 $0.00 $0.00 $5.77 $0.00 $44.27 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 138755 Date: 11-Jul-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 555635 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 11-Jul-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 9 3 6 742438 $5.6300 $50.67 repurpose cross-platform metrics15 1 14 660439 $4.9800 $74.7 whiteboard B2B e-markets UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $25.15 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $21.87 $0.00 $0.00 $3.28 $0.00 $25.15 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 282926 Date: 07-Apr-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 789176 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 07-Apr-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 5 0 5 475580 $8.5700 $42.85 synergize killer niches UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $0.0 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.0 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 654587 Date: 05-Dec-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 361911 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 05-Dec-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 14 9 5 886488 $3.9200 $54.879999999999995 unleash strategic info-mediaries UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $40.57 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $35.28 $0.00 $0.00 $5.29 $0.00 $40.57 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 326717 Date: 21-Apr-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 382802 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 21-Apr-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 6 4 2 929934 $2.8300 $16.98 integrate out-of-the-box bandwidth10 10 0 653576 $9.3300 $93.3 reinvent integrated relationships UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $120.31 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $104.62 $0.00 $0.00 $15.69 $0.00 $120.31 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '326717', 'ponumber': '382802', 'date': '21/04/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '929934', 'description': 'integrate out-of-the-box bandwidth', 'price': '2.8300', 'quantity': '6', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '4'}, {'item_code': '653576', 'description': 'reinvent integrated relationships', 'price': '9.3300', 'quantity': '10', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '10'}], 'subtotal': '104.62', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '15.69', 'total': '120.31', 'gst': '15.69', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 948679 Date: 22-Oct-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 421368 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 22-Oct-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 13 4 9 584608 $6.7400 $87.62 iterate one-to-one e-business5 4 1 547896 $8.8400 $44.2 incubate enterprise markets5 5 0 602073 $1.1600 $5.8 synergize innovative e-markets8 1 7 812071 $6.9700 $55.76 embrace front-end deliverables UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $86.35 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $75.09 $0.00 $0.00 $11.26 $0.00 $86.35 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '948679', 'ponumber': '421368', 'date': '22/10/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '584608', 'description': 'iterate one-to-one e-business', 'price': '6.7400', 'quantity': '13', 'back_order_quantity': '9', 'shipped_quantity': '4'}, {'item_code': '547896', 'description': 'incubate enterprise markets', 'price': '8.8400', 'quantity': '5', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '4'}, {'item_code': '602073', 'description': 'synergize innovative e-markets', 'price': '1.1600', 'quantity': '5', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '5'}, {'item_code': '812071', 'description': 'embrace front-end deliverables', 'price': '6.9700', 'quantity': '8', 'back_order_quantity': '7', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}], 'subtotal': '75.09', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '11.26', 'total': '86.35', 'gst': '11.26', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 276452 Date: 01-Apr-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 665012 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 01-Apr-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 3 1 2 506912 $4.0000 $12.0 generate strategic synergies2 0 2 643295 $8.1300 $16.26 facilitate next-generation deliverables9 7 2 564454 $9.2500 $83.25 syndicate transparent platforms12 12 0 335050 $2.5100 $30.119999999999997 grow frictionless models UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $113.7 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $98.87 $0.00 $0.00 $14.83 $0.00 $113.7 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '276452', 'ponumber': '665012', 'date': '01/04/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '506912', 'description': 'generate strategic synergies', 'price': '4.0000', 'quantity': '3', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}, {'item_code': '643295', 'description': 'facilitate next-generation deliverables', 'price': '8.1300', 'quantity': '2', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}, {'item_code': '564454', 'description': 'syndicate transparent platforms', 'price': '9.2500', 'quantity': '9', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '7'}, {'item_code': '335050', 'description': 'grow frictionless models', 'price': '2.5100', 'quantity': '12', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '12'}], 'subtotal': '98.87', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '14.83', 'total': '113.7', 'gst': '14.83', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 983189 Date: 24-Apr-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 307891 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 24-Apr-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 3 2 1 439283 $8.8500 $26.549999999999997 iterate strategic interfaces UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $20.35 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $17.7 $0.00 $0.00 $2.65 $0.00 $20.35 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '983189', 'ponumber': '307891', 'date': '24/04/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '439283', 'description': 'iterate strategic interfaces', 'price': '8.8500', 'quantity': '3', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '2'}], 'subtotal': '17.7', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '2.65', 'total': '20.35', 'gst': '2.65', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 921406 Date: 12-Mar-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 465511 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 12-Mar-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 8 4 4 373670 $4.1800 $33.44 repurpose impactful relationships5 0 5 478491 $4.3900 $21.95 monetize compelling systems11 5 6 124668 $5.9500 $65.45 grow ubiquitous eyeballs UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $53.44 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $46.47 $0.00 $0.00 $6.97 $0.00 $53.44 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 455100 Date: 05-Nov-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 346430 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 05-Nov-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 5 3 2 183532 $4.5100 $22.549999999999997 seize open-source architectures3 0 3 407555 $3.4300 $10.290000000000001 monetize enterprise portals12 11 1 575728 $6.1000 $73.19999999999999 e-enable mission-critical infrastructures1 0 1 786993 $3.5400 $3.54 scale ubiquitous mindshare UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $92.72 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $80.63 $0.00 $0.00 $12.09 $0.00 $92.72 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '455100', 'ponumber': '346430', 'date': '05/11/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '183532', 'description': 'seize open-source architectures', 'price': '4.5100', 'quantity': '5', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '3'}, {'item_code': '407555', 'description': 'monetize enterprise portals', 'price': '3.4300', 'quantity': '3', 'back_order_quantity': '3', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}, {'item_code': '575728', 'description': 'e-enable mission-critical infrastructures', 'price': '6.1000', 'quantity': '12', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '11'}, {'item_code': '786993', 'description': 'scale ubiquitous mindshare', 'price': '3.5400', 'quantity': '1', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}], 'subtotal': '80.63', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '12.09', 'total': '92.72', 'gst': '12.09', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 836029 Date: 30-Jan-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 148962 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 30-Jan-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 7 4 3 696803 $5.5200 $38.64 expedite one-to-one convergence UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $25.39 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $22.08 $0.00 $0.00 $3.31 $0.00 $25.39 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '836029', 'ponumber': '148962', 'date': '30/01/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '696803', 'description': 'expedite one-to-one convergence', 'price': '5.5200', 'quantity': '7', 'back_order_quantity': '3', 'shipped_quantity': '4'}], 'subtotal': '22.08', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '3.31', 'total': '25.39', 'gst': '3.31', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 658918 Date: 30-Jan-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 167995 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 30-Jan-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 12 3 9 718363 $5.1900 $62.28 repurpose strategic e-tailers12 11 1 879630 $5.2200 $62.64 target user-centric experiences UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $83.94 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $72.99 $0.00 $0.00 $10.95 $0.00 $83.94 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '658918', 'ponumber': '167995', 'date': '30/01/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '718363', 'description': 'repurpose strategic e-tailers', 'price': '5.1900', 'quantity': '12', 'back_order_quantity': '9', 'shipped_quantity': '3'}, {'item_code': '879630', 'description': 'target user-centric experiences', 'price': '5.2200', 'quantity': '12', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '11'}], 'subtotal': '72.99', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '10.95', 'total': '83.94', 'gst': '10.95', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 656262 Date: 10-Dec-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 198044 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 10-Dec-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2 1 1 497259 $3.7600 $7.52 iterate next-generation mindshare4 2 2 893872 $3.2000 $12.8 utilize turn-key markets UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $11.68 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $10.16 $0.00 $0.00 $1.52 $0.00 $11.68 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '656262', 'ponumber': '198044', 'date': '10/12/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '497259', 'description': 'iterate next-generation mindshare', 'price': '3.7600', 'quantity': '2', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}, {'item_code': '893872', 'description': 'utilize turn-key markets', 'price': '3.2000', 'quantity': '4', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '2'}], 'subtotal': '10.16', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '1.52', 'total': '11.68', 'gst': '1.52', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 587478 Date: 16-Nov-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 585653 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 16-Nov-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 13 10 3 584773 $6.0700 $78.91 visualize sticky ROI11 5 6 151546 $6.1500 $67.65 synthesize killer convergence15 8 7 919361 $9.8200 $147.3 embrace magnetic architectures10 9 1 122748 $4.6600 $46.6 matrix B2B platforms UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $243.74 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $211.95 $0.00 $0.00 $31.79 $0.00 $243.74 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 992450 Date: 18-Jun-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 342027 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 18-Jun-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 7 4 3 301433 $4.6100 $32.27 generate virtual channels UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $21.21 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $18.44 $0.00 $0.00 $2.77 $0.00 $21.21 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 792440 Date: 08-May-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 419297 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 08-May-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 3 1 2 423266 $4.5600 $13.68 productize synergistic communities13 4 9 610910 $6.5400 $85.02 monetize extensible e-commerce1 1 0 769718 $9.0700 $9.07 mesh e-business e-tailers9 8 1 296611 $8.5200 $76.67999999999999 matrix innovative vortals UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $124.14 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $107.95 $0.00 $0.00 $16.19 $0.00 $124.14 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '792440', 'ponumber': '419297', 'date': '08/05/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '423266', 'description': 'productize synergistic communities', 'price': '4.5600', 'quantity': '3', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}, {'item_code': '610910', 'description': 'monetize extensible e-commerce', 'price': '6.5400', 'quantity': '13', 'back_order_quantity': '9', 'shipped_quantity': '4'}, {'item_code': '769718', 'description': 'mesh e-business e-tailers', 'price': '9.0700', 'quantity': '1', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}, {'item_code': '296611', 'description': 'matrix innovative vortals', 'price': '8.5200', 'quantity': '9', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '8'}], 'subtotal': '107.95', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '16.19', 'total': '124.14', 'gst': '16.19', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 387922 Date: 24-Aug-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 370845 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 24-Aug-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 15 15 0 613162 $6.3500 $95.25 morph dot-com functionalities UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $109.54 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $95.25 $0.00 $0.00 $14.29 $0.00 $109.54 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '387922', 'ponumber': '370845', 'date': '24/08/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '613162', 'description': 'morph dot-com functionalities', 'price': '6.3500', 'quantity': '15', 'back_order_quantity': '0', 'shipped_quantity': '15'}], 'subtotal': '95.25', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '14.29', 'total': '109.54', 'gst': '14.29', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 966560 Date: 22-Jan-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 382661 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 22-Jan-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1 0 1 601083 $9.5700 $9.57 incentivize innovative synergies7 4 3 678886 $4.9200 $34.44 deliver bleeding-edge functionalities UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $22.63 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $19.68 $0.00 $0.00 $2.95 $0.00 $22.63 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '966560', 'ponumber': '382661', 'date': '22/01/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '601083', 'description': 'incentivize innovative synergies', 'price': '9.5700', 'quantity': '1', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}, {'item_code': '678886', 'description': 'deliver bleeding-edge functionalities', 'price': '4.9200', 'quantity': '7', 'back_order_quantity': '3', 'shipped_quantity': '4'}], 'subtotal': '19.68', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '2.95', 'total': '22.63', 'gst': '2.95', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 235471 Date: 19-Jun-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 178247 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 19-Jun-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2 1 1 256002 $5.4400 $10.88 productize customized schemas11 9 2 244089 $8.6600 $95.26 incentivize bleeding-edge convergence14 13 1 493536 $3.0200 $42.28 utilize mission-critical metrics UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $141.04 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $122.64 $0.00 $0.00 $18.4 $0.00 $141.04 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 972471 Date: 29-Feb-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 219126 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 29-Feb-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 8 3 5 523515 $1.3000 $10.4 evolve cutting-edge supply-chains7 2 5 209167 $4.9900 $34.93 empower e-business content2 1 1 543950 $2.9300 $5.86 exploit cross-platform bandwidth UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $19.33 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $16.81 $0.00 $0.00 $2.52 $0.00 $19.33 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '972471', 'ponumber': '219126', 'date': '29/02/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '523515', 'description': 'evolve cutting-edge supply-chains', 'price': '1.3000', 'quantity': '8', 'back_order_quantity': '5', 'shipped_quantity': '3'}, {'item_code': '209167', 'description': 'empower e-business content', 'price': '4.9900', 'quantity': '7', 'back_order_quantity': '5', 'shipped_quantity': '2'}, {'item_code': '543950', 'description': 'exploit cross-platform bandwidth', 'price': '2.9300', 'quantity': '2', 'back_order_quantity': '1', 'shipped_quantity': '1'}], 'subtotal': '16.81', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '2.52', 'total': '19.33', 'gst': '2.52', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 657105 Date: 29-Feb-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 126029 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 29-Feb-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 9 0 9 825388 $2.4200 $21.78 productize end-to-end e-commerce UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $0.0 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.0 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '657105', 'ponumber': '126029', 'date': '29/02/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '825388', 'description': 'productize end-to-end e-commerce', 'price': '2.4200', 'quantity': '9', 'back_order_quantity': '9', 'shipped_quantity': '0'}], 'subtotal': '0.0', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '0.0', 'total': '0.0', 'gst': '0.0', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 165943 Date: 29-Oct-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 526046 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 29-Oct-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 14 4 10 732529 $9.9600 $139.44 extend 24/365 paradigms UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $45.82 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $39.84 $0.00 $0.00 $5.98 $0.00 $45.82 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '165943', 'ponumber': '526046', 'date': '29/10/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '732529', 'description': 'extend 24/365 paradigms', 'price': '9.9600', 'quantity': '14', 'back_order_quantity': '10', 'shipped_quantity': '4'}], 'subtotal': '39.84', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '5.98', 'total': '45.82', 'gst': '5.98', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 645621 Date: 22-Mar-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 791827 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 22-Mar-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 5 3 2 876998 $3.1800 $15.9 expedite cross-media deliverables9 5 4 968612 $7.2500 $65.25 seize virtual initiatives UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $52.66 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $45.79 $0.00 $0.00 $6.87 $0.00 $52.66 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
{'invoice_number': '645621', 'ponumber': '791827', 'date': '22/03/2024', 'page_number': '1', 'gst_number': '132932278', 'qst_number': '1222750888', 'items': [{'item_code': '876998', 'description': 'expedite cross-media deliverables', 'price': '3.1800', 'quantity': '5', 'back_order_quantity': '2', 'shipped_quantity': '3'}, {'item_code': '968612', 'description': 'seize virtual initiatives', 'price': '7.2500', 'quantity': '9', 'back_order_quantity': '4', 'shipped_quantity': '5'}], 'subtotal': '45.79', 'freight': '0.00', 'total_tax': '6.87', 'total': '52.66', 'gst': '6.87', 'currency': 'CAD', 'page': '1'}
INVOICE 748993 Date: 30-Jul-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 176211 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 30-Jul-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 3 0 3 284951 $2.1200 $6.36 seize seamless e-business14 4 10 265129 $5.7100 $79.94 expedite B2C content13 0 13 367476 $5.7100 $74.23 evolve magnetic technologies UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $26.27 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $22.84 $0.00 $0.00 $3.43 $0.00 $26.27 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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INVOICE 109305 Date: 27-Apr-2024 Page #: 1 Our GST/HST No: 10006 6372 Groupe LD Inc SOLD TO AD-5238A SHIP TO Groupe LD Inc 2370 Bauman St 2370 Bauman St Jonquière, Quebec Jonquière, Quebec G7S 4S4 G7S 4S4 CONTACT Sonia Francoeur marie Pier Tache CONTACT REP 8 - Quebec PST TEL 418-699-4350 FAX 418-699-4996 SOLD TO CUSTOMER ORDER NO RELEASE NO OUR ORDER NO ENTERED BY RA# GRO500-AD 00567445-000 985779 HANNAH2 17-Jun-2024 WAYBILL SHIP DATE TERMS F.O.B. SHIP VIA Net 30 Days Our Dock 27-Apr-2024 JF902NO00013 QUANTITY QUANTITY PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED QUANTITY BACK ORD PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2 1 1 813750 $4.2000 $8.4 matrix intuitive web-readiness14 8 6 780525 $7.6000 $106.39999999999999 enable strategic action-items3 1 2 423558 $3.9100 $11.73 envisioneer strategic portals UM: EA All PPE products sold under allocation are non-returnable and non-refundable. All PPE products sold by CanSafe that are subject to inflated “COVID’ pricing are NOT part of any customer rebate programs. CanSafe reserves the right to change or cancel any contract solely at their discretion. ITEMS NOT STOCKED IN CANADA ARE NON-RETURNABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE OUR QST#1204638035 FREIGHT GST PST TOTAL $79.25 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSIT $0.00 $68.91 $0.00 $0.00 $10.34 $0.00 $79.25 BALANCE DATE PRINTED: 17 Jun, 2024 3:50:27 pm Sales Rep: Quebec CANADIAN
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