2 values
And it was gripping; the CEO was saying, My workers tell me that every day they watch older people come in this store and go from the drugstore, down the food aisle, and try to make up their mind what food they are going to give up to get their medicine, or whether they are going to give up their medicine to buy their food -gripping. So I do believe we should do that. It has low administrative overhead. The fourth thing we want to do is to bring greater choice to our people. I guess the thing that has made me the maddest in the relentless campaign against this plan are all those bogus ads where they say, You are going to have to call some Government office to figure out where you go to the doctor. There are two realities of modern life that you have to drive home to every Member of Congress, without regard to party or philosophy. Number one, Americans are rapidly losing their choices today. Already, of people who are insured at work, fewer than half have more than one choice of a health plan. And they are rapidly losing their choices. Number two, medical professionals are increasingly losing their right to decide unilaterally, may have to have somebody get on the phone to an insurance company executive a long way away to ask for permission to do what anybody knows ought to be done under the circumstances. Now, most Americans, believe it or not, do not know either one of those things, even though they may be caught up in it, and I think it is very important. Our plan is designed, number one, to increase the choices that consumers have. We are moving to more managed care. There can be a lot of good things in it, but under our plan, every year, every person would have a choice between at least three plans, or among at least three plans but in all probability many more. And number two, under our plan, medical professionals would also be given more choices and would have to do less checking in with the insurance company in advance. Now, being treated by doctors and nurses, you know, is an American tradition. Every time I do one of these town meetings, like I did in Rhode Island last night, I talk to somebody that is just been forced to give up their doctor and just move away from the choices they made. We believe when all Americans can choose among several health plans, many Americans, many more Americans, will choose to stay with their own providers.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarkstheamericannursesassociation0", "title": "Remarks to the American Nurses Association", "source": "", "publication_date": "10-05-1994", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "William J. Clinton" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
And many more of these plans will be organized in such a way that all providers can participate if they will do it for the agreed-upon fee. And if we do not do this, if we do not have some legal action to reorganize this, you are going to have less choice by consumers, less choice by providers. Time and again, we have also seen that the quality of care is directly related to the quality and the quantity of the nursing staff. One of the things that amazes me is how many nurses have been laid off in recent months and been told, well, this is because health care reform is coming. I will tell you what, one of Clinton's unbending laws of politics is, whenever somebody who is got a tough decision to make can shift the heat from themselves to you, they will do it every time. They will do it every time. What is really going on is, a lot of these health care providers are under the gun. all this stuff is going to happen if we do not do anything. All of us could go on vacation for a year, and this same thing would go on. You know that. And do not let your Members fall for it. What is going to happen is we will continue to see these trends occur unless we find a way to give health care providers reimbursement for all the people for whom they care, at an appropriate level in an appropriate way. More than a decade of research now shows that more and better trained nurses result in shorter hospital stays, better survival rates, fewer complications, whether you are dealing with low birthweight babies or older people. You do not have to work for the Congressional Budget Office to understand that healthier patients and shorter stays means lower health care costs. Sometimes I think if you do work for the Congressional Budget Office you will never get that, but--we are working together pretty well on the whole. This choice issue and maintaining an array of qualified people doing the things for which they are best qualified is terribly important. Finally, let me say-and this, I guess, is, except for this whole issue of whether this is a Government program, which it is not , is the most controversial part of it-our reform is based on providing guaranteed benefits at work. Now the reason for that is simple, for the people in this country that have health insurance, 9 out of 10 of them have it at work where there is some shared responsibility between the employer and the employee.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarkstheamericannursesassociation0", "title": "Remarks to the American Nurses Association", "source": "", "publication_date": "10-05-1994", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "William J. Clinton" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
For the people who do not have insurance, 8 out of 10 of them have someone in their family who is working. It seems to me that the fairest and simplest, and if you will, the most conservative way to achieve universal coverage, to have health care security for everybody, is to ask employers and employees who are not doing anything or barely doing anything to do more so that they can fulfill their own responsibilities and then use tax funds to cover the unemployed, uninsured people for whom you could say, well, there is a general responsibility, just like Medicare and Medicaid, and then organize the market so that smaller businesses and self-employed people get discounts if they need it and are able to buy good insurance on the same terms that those of us who are insured by Government or larger businesses can. Now it seems to me that is a fair and simple and obvious way to do this. I think that any other way will sooner or later involve either a radical change, that is, getting rid of the whole health insurance market and substituting taxes for it, or involve people who are already paying too much for their own health care, having to pay something for people who will not do anything for themselves because they say they should be exempt. You know, again, we lose sight of the fact that most small businesses are making an effort to cover their employees. We have brought hundreds and hundreds of small businesses to Washington to talk to the Congress, but they are not organized. small businesses who cover their employees and are mad their competitors do not and mad they cannot get better insurance rates- -and wish somebody would help them. So an association that may have a lot of folks in the insurance industry, along with other small businesses, says, Do not do this; the whole small business economy will break, says this, and there is no association on the other side . Had a car dealer from a town of 7,000 people in Arkansas up staying with me the other night, he and his wife, long-time friends of mine. He said to me the other night-it was funny-he said, You know, for 20 years I have been feeling sorry for myself because I have provided a good health plan for my employees, and none of my competitors did. So he said, I was so happy when you proposed this just because I thought I was going to get even.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarkstheamericannursesassociation0", "title": "Remarks to the American Nurses Association", "source": "", "publication_date": "10-05-1994", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "William J. Clinton" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
And then he said, But you know, then I remembered that in the last 20 years I put three of my competitors out of business. And I am making more money than I ever have. And the reason is I still got the same folks working for me I had 20 years ago because I gave them health benefits. And yesterday I went to New York and I visited this Pathmark store. They have 175 stores, 28,000 employees, the 10th biggest supermarket chain in the country. We are all told, Oh, if you do this, the retailing business will go to pieces. These people have put new stores in inner-city areas that other chains would not touch, fine new stores. They are making money, and they have always provided comprehensive health benefits to their employees. And they are now sacking their groceries in a bag that says they favor health care benefits to all Americans, guaranteed through the workplace. I say this to you because, as you know, there are a lot of nurses that do not have any health care coverage and a lot of nurses who are single parents who do not have health care coverage. Everybody now in Washington is for welfare reform, and I guess it means different things to different people. One was embodied in last year's economic plan, lower income taxes for working people who are hovering just above the poverty line with children. This year one in six American working families will be eligible for lower income taxes so they can succeed at work and can succeed as parents. And if they do not , require them to take it. And if they cannot , provide some public subsidy in the private sector or some publicly funded job so that work is preferable to welfare. Strategy number three has got to be cover the people with health insurance. All these people on welfare in this country who are dying to get off-and by the way, that is most of them-who are dying to get off, most of them have limited education. Suppose they go through a little training program and they get a job that pays a modest wage but is still more than the welfare benefits. But they go to work for an employer who does not provide for health care. You are a mother with two children. You give up being on welfare to take a job that pays more than the welfare check, but you lose health care coverage for your kids. What are you going to do if your kid has to go to the dentist? What are you going to do if your child is desperately ill?
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarkstheamericannursesassociation0", "title": "Remarks to the American Nurses Association", "source": "", "publication_date": "10-05-1994", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "William J. Clinton" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
How are you going to feel every week, every 2 weeks or every month when you get your paycheck and you see what is taken out of it in taxes and you realize those taxes are going to pay for the health care benefits of people who decided to stay on welfare instead of going to work? You do not have to be as bright as a tree full of owls to figure out that this does not make a lot of sense. Now a lot of American nurses are in this situation today, getting up every day, slaving away, trying to take care of people who have children without insurance, caring for people who come into their office who are on public assistance who have children with insurance because of the Medicaid program. And you could say, well, all this inability to cover everybody, if this were fueling some enormous American economic expansion because we were saving so much money on health care, maybe you could deal with that. But the truth is we are spending over 40 percent more of our income on health care than any other country in the world. Oh yes, some of it because we are more violent, and that is something we pay for. Some of it because we have better medical research and technology, and that is worth paying for. But a whole lot of it, as you well know, is because of the way we have financed health care, which has employed hundreds of thousands of people in doctors' offices, in clinics, in hospitals, and in insurance companies to read the fine print on thousands and thousands of policies to see who and what is not covered. And it has rifled inefficiencies through this system that we are all paying for. We can fix this. We can fix it by having a law which fixes what is wrong, keeps what is right, provides health care security to everybody through a private system, increases the choices consumers have, and increases the decisions that doctors and nurses and other qualified providers make without oversight by others. We can do it.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarkstheamericannursesassociation0", "title": "Remarks to the American Nurses Association", "source": "", "publication_date": "10-05-1994", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "William J. Clinton" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Much has been said by former speakers of the honor I have done this State by coming here. no greater honor can come to any individual and citizen of this country than to be received in friendly fashion by a cross-section of his fellow citizens. You have honored me. I think, first, I should like to remember my manners and thank you--each of you--as representatives of my host State for the warm reception I have had, for the beautiful presents given me. As a matter of fact, for the prestige I shall have in Pennsylvania when I can show a cow that has no other like it around there. They will come to see that farm if for no other reason than that cow. Now I had a number of reasons for coming here. self-education. I do not think I know enough--ever--about the people of the United States, with whom I am privileged to meet and mingle when I go on a trip like this. Particularly, I have been denied too many opportunities to go to the northern three States of the New England group. I have long wanted to come here, and for two years I have carried it as a determination. And finally, I got the permission of Governor Adams to come--and here I am! Now one of the first things I want to learn is where Calvin Coolidge got a certain skill that I have not acquired. He held the same position I now hold. He had a distinguished record, and held it for a long time, and he spoke so rarely that he got the nickname Silent Cal. My own experience in this regard is exemplified by the fact that the day before yesterday I spoke in San Francisco, and here again I am today, still talking. I find that my tongue is clattering in my ears a great deal, and I would like to know what Vermont secret he had that allowed him to avoid this particular responsibility. There is another thing I want to learn; old as I am, there is a lesson in romance I have heard attached to Vermont--told me by that now distinguished citizen, Sherman Adams of New Hampshire. He said there was a Vermont couple that were going to get married, but Mary thought that John ought to save a thousand dollars before they really were married. And he worked all winter long, and when June again approached, Mary thought it was a nice time to think of marriage, and she said, How much have you saved?
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksthevermontstatedairyfestivalrutlandvermont", "title": "Remarks at the Vermont State Dairy Festival, Rutland, Vermont.", "source": "", "publication_date": "22-06-1955", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Dwight D. Eisenhower" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Well, John looked a little bit sheepish and did not want to confess, but after a while he said, Thirty-five dollars. Ladies and gentlemen, that is a confidence--the emotion--the idealism--that we normally associate with Vermont when we say the word Ethan Allen. By the way, I hear my cow came from Ethan Allen's farm. And am I glad --I think I shall call her Mrs. Ethan Allen. Actually, I came here just to see you--to see people. I want to know you better. There are certain things I do know about you. I know that Americans everywhere are the same, in their longing for peace, a peace that is characterized by justice, by consideration for others, by decency above all, by its insistence on respect for the individual human being as a child of his God. All of us want that. All of us want the institutions of America preserved. It makes no difference what party label you attach to an American, we have equal veneration for our Constitution, for the basic principles that have been so beautifully upheld in this State, so well described in that tribute to the people of this State by Calvin Coolidge, just read to you a little while ago. what are the methods by which we approach all of these things? We know we must not sacrifice principle for mere expediency. But do we know also that the responsibility is on us to attempt to understand others as we think they should understand us? Do we even make the mistake of assuming that the rest of the world knows us, knows our peaceful intentions, knows that we want nobody else's land, nobody else's rights, that we covet nothing? We merely want to live in peace with all the world, to trade with them, to commune with them, to learn from their cultures, as they may learn from ours. I assure you, my friends, they do not know it. Even nations we know enlightened still have much to learn about America. Indeed, every single citizen of every other State has something to learn about you. It is probably a pity that every citizen of each State cannot visit all the others, to see the differences, to learn what we have in common, and to come back with a richer, fuller understanding of America in all its beauty, in all its dignity, in all its strength, in support of moral principle.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksthevermontstatedairyfestivalrutlandvermont", "title": "Remarks at the Vermont State Dairy Festival, Rutland, Vermont.", "source": "", "publication_date": "22-06-1955", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Dwight D. Eisenhower" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Let me just say I really am pleased and privileged to be with this group of people that do so much. You know, I really feel comfortable talking to this group because most people think I have been free associating for years. I heard that last year I accidentally caused panic among your executive directors. They thought I pledged no new faxes. Believe it or not, there are still some Americans who do not know what the association for associations is. That is why next week they are doing a bit on you for TV's Unsolved Mysteries. Because really, only your organization is big enough and broad enough to include the Leafy Greens Council and the Association of Tongue Depressors. But I guess it is only natural for the heads of organizations like yours to get together themselves. Some people think of our great country as a nation of rugged individualists alone against the odds. And that is part of the American tradition, but only a part. There is another tradition, a tradition as old as America itself, as old as Pilgrims and the Mayflower Compact, as old as the pioneers who settled the West. It is the tradition that Tocqueville described more than 150 years ago when he came to America, observed the scenes, and wrote that Americans of all ages, all conditions, and all dispositions constantly form associations. individuals translating common interests into a common cause. And you know, today we see the power of democracy, and is not it an exciting time to be alive, seeing this change in Eastern Europe and in Managua, Nicaragua? in the Revolution of 1989 that brought down the Berlin Wall and brought freedom to Eastern Europe; here in our own hemisphere, in the great victories for democracy in Panama and then again in Nicaragua -- and millions of people now enjoying the freedoms that America has known for two centuries. Here at home, we have got to see what these transforming changes in the world mean for us. And those changes carry a challenge, a challenge to us to find in our freedoms new ways to solve the problems that threaten our society and our continued leadership in the whole world community. drug abuse, hunger, homelessness, illiteracy, despair in our inner cities, the breakdown of the family. There is a role, a critical role for government in finding solutions, but we know government does not always have the answers. If we could eliminate these problems, solve them once and for all with more programs, more bureaucracy, these problems would have disappeared a long time ago.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarkstheamericansocietyassociationexecutives0", "title": "Remarks to the American Society of Association Executives", "source": "", "publication_date": "06-03-1990", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "George Bush" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
The fact is, government is not the only organized entity out there with the powers to change things, the power to make a difference. Everyone in this room is well aware of the advantages of association. But I do not know whether you are really aware of the full extent of your own power, of the resources, the expertise, the potential energy your organizations can bring to bear on these problems -- your ability to help solve community problems. the Medical Association of Atlanta, working after hours to provide free medical care to the homeless; by the Oregon Remodelers Association out there in Portland, Oregon, in Project Pride, a program to do home repairs for the low-income elderly; by the Hotel Association of New York, with its ongoing commitment to donate surplus food to feed the hungry . These are just three, just three of countless community service projects that your associations are engaged in, a commitment of time and talent mirrored in similar community efforts by millions of Americans across the country. In fact, one study in 1988 found that Americans who volunteered in formal organizations gave almost 15 billion hours valued at an estimated $150 billion. Now that is tremendous, but it is just the tip of the iceberg, just a fraction of all the good works we are capable of. Because the fact is, coping with the problems we face is within our power. There is no problem in America that is not being solved somewhere. the programs I have just mentioned -- New York, Atlanta, Portland -- thousands more. Think about ways that your organization, every one of your members, can make this mission of serving others your very own. The story I want to tell you today -- a story that Martin Luther King, Jr., told in his speech he made the night before that terrible day in Memphis, 22 years ago -- it is a story about serving others and the courage that takes. It is a familiar story about the Good Samaritan and the stranger he helped. But there is another part of the story we do not always remember. Before the Good Samaritan stopped that day, two other men saw the injured stranger and passed him by. Why did not the others stop to help? They did not stop because they were too busy, had more important work waiting in Jerusalem of far more consequence than helping one unfortunate man; and so, on they went. And then one day, Martin Luther King put himself in their shoes.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarkstheamericansocietyassociationexecutives0", "title": "Remarks to the American Society of Association Executives", "source": "", "publication_date": "06-03-1990", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "George Bush" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
At the age of 30, on his very first trip to the Holy Land, he and his wife, Coretta, traveled that road from Jerusalem to Jericho. And Dr. King saw the story of the Good Samaritan in a new light. That road starts off more than 1,000 feet above the sea level and ends in Jericho 2,000 feet below sea level -- a twisting road, full of blind curves. He imagined the road 2,000 years ago, each curve a perfect ambush for robbers. And at the moment, Dr. King realized why the two men did not stop. It had nothing to do with the reasons he had imagined. If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me? And he went on about his way. If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him? And he asked himself that question, and he found the courage to stop, the courage to help, the courage to serve. So which question, then, do we ask ourselves about going down to the soup kitchen in that dangerous neighborhood; about stopping on a dark street to help a homeless man; about reaching out to those desperate kids out there, kids who have no home life, who are hooked on drugs, who live a nightmare we cannot begin to imagine? Every one takes an act of courage. But unlike the Good Samaritan, we do not have to act alone. how much we can get done when we work together, pool our resources, combine our talents. And do not think it will not take courage. It is going to take courage to go back to your member organizations, back to their CEO's and boards of directors, and suggest that they place community service at the center of their agenda. It is going to take courage to insist that community service has a place at the very heart of every organization. It will take courage to make each one believe that from now on in America, any definition of a successful life must include serving others. But that is just exactly what I am asking you to do. Today, I want to lay down some challenges, challenges to associations all over America to take up community service. Find out what is working in your industry, in your profession, in your community; let your members know which community service programs are most effective; and then, challenge them to make those programs the blueprint for their own efforts.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarkstheamericansocietyassociationexecutives0", "title": "Remarks to the American Society of Association Executives", "source": "", "publication_date": "06-03-1990", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "George Bush" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Everybody, please, everybody have a seat, have a seat. It is good to be back in North Carolina. Although, I have to say, I came down here for slightly warmer weather. What is snow doing on the ground in North Carolina? Anyway, it is a great honor to be with you here at Forsyth Technical Community College. There are a few people I want to acknowledge who are just doing outstanding work. First of all, your incredibly impressive college president, Gary Green, is here. Your wonderful Governor, Bev Perdue, is in the house; your Senators, Richard Burr and the better looking one, Kay Hagan; two hard-working Congressmen, Mel Watt and Brad Miller, are here. We have got Secretary of State Elaine Marshall in the house. Well, it is been about a month now since the midterm elections. what the results mean for Democrats, what they mean for Republicans. And already, we are hearing what this means for the next election. And I have to tell you, I came to Winston-Salem because I believe that right now there are bigger issues at stake for our country than politics. And these issues call on us to respond not as partisans, but as Americans. At this moment, we are still emerging from a once-in-a-lifetime recession that has taken a terrible toll on millions of families, many here in North Carolina who have lost their jobs or their businesses, and their sense of security. Now, fortunately, we have seen some encouraging signs that a recovery is beginning to take hold. An economy that had been shrinking for nearly a year is now growing. After nearly 2 years of job loss, our economy has added over 1 million private sector jobs in 2010. Now, I was just talking to Bev, and she was mentioning that here in North Carolina, we have seen 50,000 new jobs here in North Carolina. And after teetering on the brink of liquidation not 2 years ago, our auto industry is posting healthy gains. So we are seeing progress across the country. But as we also saw in November's jobs report, the recovery is simply not happening fast enough. Plenty of Americans are still without work. Plenty of Americans are still hurting. And our challenge now is to do whatever it takes to accelerate job creation and economic growth. Now, in the short term, that means preventing the middle class tax increase that is currently scheduled for January 1. Right now Democrats and Republicans in Congress are working through some differences to try to get this done.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksforsythtechnicalcommunitycollegewinstonsalemnorthcarolina", "title": "Remarks at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina", "source": "", "publication_date": "06-12-2010", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Barack Obama" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
And there are some serious debates that are still taking place. Republicans want to make permanent the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. I have argued that we cannot afford it right now. But what I have also said is we have got to find consensus here, because a middle class tax hike would be very tough not only on working families, it would also be a drag on our economy at this moment. So I believe we should keep in place tax cuts for workers and small businesses that are set to expire. We have got to make sure that we are coming up with a solution, even if it is not a hundred percent of what I want or what the Republicans want. We should also extend unemployment insurance for workers who've lost their jobs through no fault of their own. And I should mention that is not only the right thing to do, it is the smart thing to do, because if millions of Americans who are not getting unemployment benefits stop spending money, that slows down businesses. That slows down hiring. It slows down our recovery. Now, even if we take these and other steps to boost our recovery in the short term, we are also going to have to make some serious decisions about our economy in the long run. We have got to look ahead, not just to the next year but to the next 10 years, the next 20 years. We have got to ask ourselves, where will the new jobs come from? What will it take to get them? And what will it take to keep the American Dream alive for our children and our grandchildren? Obviously, this recession had a devastating effect here, like it did everywhere else. But the trends have been going on for quite some time. I was just visiting with President Green, with some of the students here in the biotech field, wonderful people, from every walk of life. You had folks who had just gotten out of high school, and you had folks who had--were in midlife and had been laid off from a manufacturing job and had come here to retrain. But a bunch of them mentioned, Well, I was laid off because the textile industry has moved away here in North Carolina. I was laid off because the furniture industry has moved away here in North Carolina. And that means we have got to have a long-term vision about where we want to be 10 years from now, 20 years from now, 30 years from now. Just like past generations did, we must be prepared to answer these questions in our time.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksforsythtechnicalcommunitycollegewinstonsalemnorthcarolina", "title": "Remarks at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina", "source": "", "publication_date": "06-12-2010", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Barack Obama" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
And over the next several weeks, I am going to be meeting with my economic team, with business leaders, and others to develop specific policies and budget recommendations for the coming year. Today I want to outline the broader vision that I believe should guide these policies, and it is a vision that will keep our economy strong and growing and competitive in the 21st century. And that vision begins with a recognition of how our economy has changed over time. When Forsyth Technical opened 50 years ago, it was known as Forsyth County Industrial Education Center, right? Machine shops and automotive mechanics were some of the first classes you could take. Of course, back then you did not even need a degree to earn a decent living. You could get a job at the local tobacco or textile plant and still be able to provide for yourself and your family. In the last few decades, revolutions in communications, revolutions in technology, have made businesses mobile and has made commerce global. So today, a company can set up shop, hire workers, and sell their products wherever there is an Internet connection. That is a transformation that is touched off a fierce competition among nations for the jobs and industries of the future. Some of you know I traveled through Asia several weeks ago. You have got a billion people in India who are suddenly plugged into the world economy. You have got over a billion people in China who are suddenly plugged into the global economy. And that means competition is going to be much more fierce, and the winners of this competition will be the countries that have the most educated workers, a serious commitment to research and technology, and access to quality infrastructure like roads and airports and high-speed rail and high-speed Internet. Those are the seeds of economic growth in the 21st century. Where they are planted, the most jobs and businesses will take root. Now, in the last century, America was that place where innovation happened and jobs and industry always took root. The business of America was business. Our economic leadership in the world went unmatched. Now it is up to us to make sure that we maintain that leadership in this century. And at this moment, the most important contest we face is not between Democrats and Republicans, it is between America and our economic competitors all around the world. That is the competition we have got to spend time thinking about. Now, I have no doubt we can win this competition.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksforsythtechnicalcommunitycollegewinstonsalemnorthcarolina", "title": "Remarks at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina", "source": "", "publication_date": "06-12-2010", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Barack Obama" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
We are the home of the world's best universities, the best research facilities, the most brilliant scientists, the brightest minds, some of the hardest working, most entrepreneurial people on Earth, right here in America. It is in our DNA. People came from all over the world to live here in the United States. The folks who did not want to take risks, they stayed back home. In the race for the future, America is in danger of falling behind. And when--if you hear a politician say it is not, they are not paying attention. In a generation, we have fallen from first place to ninth place in the proportion of young people with college degrees. When it comes to high school graduation rates, we are ranked 18th out of 24 industrialized nations--18th. We are 27th in the proportion of science and engineering degrees we hand out. We lag behind other nations in the quality of our math and science education. When global firms were asked a few years back where they planned on building new research and development facilities, nearly 80 percent said either China or India, because those countries are focused on math and science, and they are focused on training and educating their workforce. I sat down with President Lee of South Korea, and I asked him, what is the biggest problem you have in education? He said, You know, these parents, they come to me and they are constantly pressuring me; they want their kids to learn so fast, so much--they are even making me import English-speaking teachers in, because they want first-graders to know English. I asked him about investment in research and development. He says, We are putting aside 5 percent of our gross domestic product in research and development, 3 percent of it in clean energy. You go to Shanghai, China, and they have built more high-speed rail in the last year than we have built in the last 30 years. The largest private solar research and development facility in the world has recently opened in China, by an American company. Today, China also has the fastest trains and the fastest supercomputer in the world. In 1957, just before this college opened, the Soviet Union beat us into space by launching a satellite known as Sputnik. And that was a wake-up call that caused the United States to boost our investment in innovation and education, particularly in math and science.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksforsythtechnicalcommunitycollegewinstonsalemnorthcarolina", "title": "Remarks at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina", "source": "", "publication_date": "06-12-2010", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Barack Obama" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
And as a result, once we put our minds to it, once we got focused, once we got unified, not only did we surpass the Soviets, we developed new American technologies, industries, and jobs. If the recession has taught us anything, it is that we cannot go back to an economy that is driven by too much spending, too much borrowing, running up credit cards, taking out a lot of home equity loans, paper profits that are built on financial speculation. We have got to rebuild on a new and stronger foundation for economic growth. building, innovating, educating, making things. We do not want to be a nation that simply buys and consumes products from other countries. Made in America. So I came to Forsyth today because you have shown what this future can look like. Half a century later, you are still giving students the skills and training they need to get good jobs, but of course--but courses in machine shop and car mechanics have now broadened to degrees in mechanical engineering technology and nanotechnology and biotechnology. they come here, they stay here, they hire right here in Winston-Salem. As a national leader in bioscience and innovation, North Carolina is now the country's third largest employer in biotechnology. And when Caterpillar recently decided to build a plant in this community, they told President Green one of the main reasons was they were convinced that Forsyth Tech had the capability of providing them with the technical workforce that they need. That is something everybody in this room should be very proud of. And I know that business leaders from throughout the community have worked intensively with President Green and others to help make this happen. Now, none of this progress happened by itself. It happened thanks to the hard work of students here at Forsyth, the commitment of local leaders, foresight of local business leaders. Most importantly, it happened because there was a decision made to invest in the collective future of this community. It happened because there was a decision to invest in this college, and there were loans and scholarships that made it affordable to go here. To invest in the basic research and development that helped jump-start North Carolina's biotech industry, to invest in new buildings and laboratories and research facilities that make your work possible, these are the kinds of investments we need to keep making in communities across America, investments that will grow our economy and help us to stay competitive in the 21st century.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksforsythtechnicalcommunitycollegewinstonsalemnorthcarolina", "title": "Remarks at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina", "source": "", "publication_date": "06-12-2010", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Barack Obama" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Now, I want to emphasize I say this knowing full well we face a very difficult fiscal situation. I am looking at the books back in Washington, and folks were not doing a real good job with their math for the last decade. So now that the threat of a depression has passed and a recovery is beginning to take hold, reducing our long-term deficit has to be a priority. And in the long run, we will not be able to compete with countries like China if we keep borrowing from countries like China. We will not be able to do it. So we have already started making some tough decisions. And they are unpopular and people get mad, but we have got to make some decisions. I have proposed a 3-year freeze in all spending that does not have to do with national security. And I proposed a 2-year freeze in the pay for Federal workers. That is why we are currently studying recommendations of the bipartisan deficit reduction panel that I commissioned. We are going to have to be bold and courageous in eliminating spending and programs that we do not need and we cannot afford. But here is where there is going to be a debate in Washington over the next year and over the next couple of years and maybe over the next 5 years, because I will argue and insist that we cannot cut back on those investments that have the biggest impact on our economic growth. Because I was talking with President Green, and he said much of the equipment here would not be here if it had not been for the assistance of the Recovery Act, the assistance of the Department of Labor. All this stuff that we have done over the last couple of years that people were questioning, you can see it translated in the classrooms right here. The work that we are doing on student loans and Pell grants, you can see it in the students who are able to finance their retraining right here. So we cannot stop making those investments. The best antidote to a growing deficit, by the way, is a growing economy. To borrow an analogy, cutting the deficit by cutting investments in areas like education, areas like innovation, that is like trying to reduce the weight of an overloaded aircraft by removing the engine. There may be some things you need to get rid of, but you got to keep the engine.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksforsythtechnicalcommunitycollegewinstonsalemnorthcarolina", "title": "Remarks at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina", "source": "", "publication_date": "06-12-2010", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Barack Obama" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
That is why even as we scour the budget for cuts and savings in the months ahead, I will continue to fight for those investments that will help America win the race for the jobs and industries of the future, and that means investments in education and innovation and infrastructure. I will be fighting for that. In an era where most new jobs will require some kind of higher education, we have to keep investing in the skills and education of our workers. By 2020, America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world. That is a commitment that we are making. So to get there, we are making college more affordable for millions of students. We have made an unprecedented investment in community colleges just like this one. And just like Forsyth, we have launched a nationwide initiative to connect graduates that need a job with businesses that need their skills. We are reforming K-12 education not from the top down, but from the bottom up. Instead of indiscriminately pouring money into a system that is not working, we are challenging schools and States to compete with each other to see who can come up with reforms that raise standards and recruit and retain good teachers, raise student achievement, especially in math and science. We call it Race to the Top, where you get more funding if you show more results, because part of the argument here is, is that if we are going to have a government that is smart and helping people compete in this new global economy, then we have got to spend our money wisely. And that means we want to invest in things that are working, not in things that are not working just because that is how things have always been done. Now, once our students graduate with the skills they need for the jobs of the future, we have also got to make sure those jobs end up right here in America. We have got to make sure that the United States is the best place to do business and the best place to innovate. So it is time, for example, that we have a Tax Code that encourages job creation here in America. And to boost our recovery, I have already proposed that all American businesses should be allowed to write off all the investments they do in 2011. We want to jump-start, starting next year, plants and equipment investment right here in Winston-Salem and all across North Carolina and all across the United States of America. To encourage homegrown American innovation we should make it easier to patent a new idea or a new invention.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksforsythtechnicalcommunitycollegewinstonsalemnorthcarolina", "title": "Remarks at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina", "source": "", "publication_date": "06-12-2010", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Barack Obama" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
And if you want to know one reason why more companies are choosing to do their research and development in places like China and India, it is because the United States now ranks 24th out of 38 countries in the generosity of the tax incentives we provide for research and development. So that is why I have proposed a bigger, permanent tax credit for companies for all the research and innovation they do right here in America--all of it. Now, what is also true is a lot of companies do not invest in basic research because it does not pay off right away. But that does not mean it is not essential to our economic future. Forty years ago, it probably did not seem useful or profitable for scientists and engineers to figure out how to increase the capacity of integrated circuits. Forty years later, I am still not sure what that means. What I do know is that discoveries in integrated circuits made back then led to the iPod and cell phones and GPS and CT scans, products that have led to new companies and countless new jobs in manufacturing and retail and other sectors. That is why I have set a goal of investing a full 3 percent--not 2 percent, not 2.5 percent--a full 3 percent of our gross domestic product into research and development. If this is truly going to be our Sputnik moment, we need a commitment to innovation that we have not seen since President Kennedy challenged us to go to the Moon. And we are directing a lot of that research into one of the most promising areas for economic growth and job creation, and that is clean energy technology. I do not want to see new solar panels or electric cars or advanced batteries manufactured in Europe or in Asia. I want to see them made right here in America, by American businesses and American workers. I also want to make it easier for our businesses and workers to sell their products all over the world. The more we export abroad, the more jobs we support at home. We have got to change the formula. We have got to flip the script, because what is been happening is, is that we have been doing all the buying; somebody else has been doing all the selling. We have got to start selling and have them do some buying. And that is why we have set a goal of doubling U.S. exports in 5 years. And that is why I am pleased that last week, we came closer to meeting that goal by finalizing a trade agreement with our ally, South Korea.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksforsythtechnicalcommunitycollegewinstonsalemnorthcarolina", "title": "Remarks at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina", "source": "", "publication_date": "06-12-2010", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Barack Obama" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
This is a nation that offers one of the fastest growing markets for American goods. Now, here in North Carolina and all across the country, there are a lot of people that say, trade, we are not sure that that helps us. It seems like maybe it is hurt us in areas like furniture. South Korea is selling a whole bunch of stuff here, and we are not selling it there. The current deal is not a good one for us. Let us sign any trade agreement; let us cut any deal, without thinking ahead about how this is going to impact America. What this deal does is boost our annual exports to South Korea by $11 billion. That means it will support at least 70,000 American jobs--70,000 American jobs. our roads, our railways, our runways, our information superhighways. Over the last 2 years, our investment in infrastructure projects--yes, through the Recovery Act--have led to thousands of good private sector jobs and improved infrastructure here in North Carolina and all across the country. But we have got a long way to go. There is no reason that over 90 percent of the homes in South Korea have broadband Internet access and only 65 percent of American households do. There is no reason why China should have nearly 10,000 miles of high-speed rail by 2020 and America has 400. They have got 10,000; we have got 400. They have got trains that operate at speeds of over 200 mph, and I do not know how fast our trains are going. We are the nation that built the transcontinental railroad. We are the nation that took the first airplane into flight. We constructed a massive Interstate Highway System. We introduced the world to the Internet. And if we want to attract the best jobs and businesses to our shores, we have got to be that nation again. And throughout history, the investments I have talked about--in education and innovation and infrastructure--have historically commanded the support from both Democrats and Republicans. It was Abraham Lincoln who launched the transcontinental railroad and opened the National Academy of Sciences. He did it in the middle of a war, by the way. But he knew this was so important we had to make these investments for future generations. Dwight Eisenhower helped build our highways. Republican Members of Congress worked with FDR to pass the GI bill. More recently, infrastructure bills have found support on both sides of the congressional aisle.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksforsythtechnicalcommunitycollegewinstonsalemnorthcarolina", "title": "Remarks at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina", "source": "", "publication_date": "06-12-2010", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Barack Obama" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
The permanent extension of research and development tax credits was proposed by both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Our education reforms have been praised by both Democratic and Republican Governors. So the point is there should not be any inherent ideological differences that prevent Democrats and Republicans from making our economy more competitive with the rest of the world. If we are willing to put aside short-term politics, if our objective is not simply winning elections but winning the future, then we should be able to get our act together here, because we are all Americans and we are in this race together. So those of us who work in Washington have a choice to make in the coming weeks and months. We can focus on what is necessary for each party to win the news cycle or the next election. We can do what we have been doing. Or we can do what this moment demands and focus on what is necessary for America to win the future. For as difficult as the times may be, the good news is that we know what the future could look like for the United States. We can see it in the classrooms that are experimenting with groundbreaking reforms and giving children new math and science skills at an early age. We can see it in the wind farms and solar plants and advanced battery plants that are opening all across America. We can see it here at Forsyth, in your laboratories and your research facilities, and over at the biotechnology firms that are churning out jobs and businesses and lifesaving discoveries. You see it in the faces of the young people who we just visited to--visited with, Dr. Green and myself--some not-so-young faces, but people who, despite layoffs, despite hardships, felt confident in their future. Just the other month, I saw part of America's future during a science fair we held at the White House. And we talked to some of these amazing young people. It was probably as much fun as I have had in several months. But there was a team from Tennessee that had designed a self-powered water filtration plant so that homes in Appalachia could have access to clean water. And then there were these young people--these are all high school, some younger than high school--there were young people who had designed a way to make an entire town more energy efficient.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksforsythtechnicalcommunitycollegewinstonsalemnorthcarolina", "title": "Remarks at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina", "source": "", "publication_date": "06-12-2010", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Barack Obama" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
And there were young people who had entered into rocket contests, and they were showing me all the rockets that they had been shooting up, and they had won an international contest, and explained to me the designs of these things--and robots that were running around in the State Dining Room and bumping into things. And then the last person I spoke to was a young woman from Dallas, Texas, and her name was Amy Chyao. She is a child of immigrants. Her parents came to the United States from China, but Amy was born here. And when she was a freshman in high school, she got interested in cancer research. She had studied biology and she got interested in cancer research. So she decided--get this--she decided to teach herself chemistry over the summer. And then she designed a device that uses light to kill hard-to-reach cancer cells while leaving the healthy ones untouched. She goes on to win the international science competition. All these kids from all around the world--she wins the competition. So now she is being approached by laboratories all across the country who want to work with her on developing this potential breakthrough cancer drug that she is designed. And I am talking to Amy and pretending like I understand what she is explaining. And as I am listening to her, I am looking at the portrait of Abraham Lincoln that hangs over her head in the State Dining Room. And I remembered all that we have been through and all that we have overcome. And I thought to myself, you know what, the idea of America is alive and well. We are going to be just fine as long as there are people like Amy and her parents who still want to come to this country and add to our story; as long as there are people like the men and women here at Forsyth Technical, who are keeping us at the top of our game; as long as we are willing to look past the disagreements of the moment and focus on the future that we share. If we can do that, I have no doubt that this will be remembered as another American century. We will meet that Sputnik moment, but we are going to all have to do it together. God bless you, and God bless America.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksforsythtechnicalcommunitycollegewinstonsalemnorthcarolina", "title": "Remarks at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina", "source": "", "publication_date": "06-12-2010", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Barack Obama" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
I am very sorry I cannot be with you personally today, because I have enjoyed that experience in the past. But I have asked my assistant and your good friend, Brooks Hays, to represent me at your conference. This conference is a matter of great interest to me and to the National Government, because we have been devoting a good deal of our time and effort to attempt to assist you in meeting the problems of our growing urban areas, an area and an environment where over 70 percent of our people live. Because of this great national challenge, we have in the past months doubled our urban renewal program to help you in your fights against slum and blight. We have developed a program to broaden the housing opportunities for people of low and moderate incomes in our great cities and towns across the country. And after a year of experience with a temporary program, we now have before the Congress a major proposal on urban mass transportation. I am confident that the Congress, which is proceeding rapidly in its consideration of this measure, will act on it favorably this year. We have greatly expanded the water pollution control program in order to join with you in providing adequate supplies of good water to meet urban and industrial needs. And we have recommended to the Congress a comprehensive program in the field of air pollution control. We have joined in attempting to assist you in the acquisition of much-needed open space land in urban areas, and I believe that last year's enactment of airport aid legislation will assure continuing progress towards meeting the objectives of the national airport plan. Through the retraining and area redevelopment programs, we are engaged in a pioneering effort to reduce chronic unemployment in many of our communities. And we have recently recommended to the Congress a public improvements program as an additional means of combating unemployment. I am sure as city officials you have been heartened by the United States Supreme Court decision requiring more equitable representation of our urban areas in State legislatures, because from that I believe progress can come. Our urban areas, and I think the country, suffered a set-back in our recent failure in establishing a Department of Urban Affairs and Housing, but I believe that this country will come more and more to realize--and the Congress will--the necessity for us organizing those departments of the federal Government which are concerned with urban affairs, in such a way as to provide maximum service to your people. This is a matter of great challenge to us in the years ahead.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarkstelephonethemayorsconferencemiamibeach", "title": "Remarks by Telephone to the Mayors' Conference at Miami Beach.", "source": "", "publication_date": "14-05-1962", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "John F. Kennedy" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
I am really proud that all of you came to the picnic that Rosalynn and I and Amy have put on with you, along with 3M Company. We are glad to be your cohosts and also the guests of a very fine example of the free enterprise system of our country. 3M was the first company in our Nation that was given the national award for conserving energy. And I think what they have done is typical of what has been done throughout the State of Wisconsin. When your former Governor, Pat Lucey, who is now a very distinguished and able Ambassador to Mexico, was in office, he initiated some conservation measures in Wisconsin which have been good as an example for the entire Nation. You as a people in Wisconsin use 20 percent less energy per person than the average throughout our country, in spite of the fact that you rank 12th in industrial production and in spite of the fact that on normal days you have cooler weather than we do in Georgia-but I think today you have equaled the Georgia climate and temperature. And neither has anyone in the United States done well enough in saving energy. Our country has a great challenge before us at this time. There is no conflict between the two things that we must do. One is to conserve energy, to stop waste, and secondly, to produce more energy in our own Nation. Our Nation's security is threatened because we are too dependent on foreign oil. So, everyone in the United States must do as we have done in the past when our country was in danger or when it was threatened-unite with one another, instead of being divided one from another, and realize that every single American is important, cut back on waste of energy in your driving habits, obey the speed limits, join in the vanpool system that 3M is doing in other parts of the country-will soon be doing here-make sure that you do not waste energy in your home, do everything you can to save precious energy. And secondly, we will have to use more solar power. We will have to use more coal from within our own country, and we will produce more oil and gas and synthetic fuels. If we do those things, there is no doubt in my mind that we can meet this present challenge. Our country, as you well know, is the greatest nation on Earth. And we have got something else as well.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarkspicnicsponsoredtheminnesotaminingandmanufacturingcompanyprairieduchien", "title": "Remarks at a Picnic Sponsored by the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin", "source": "", "publication_date": "19-08-1979", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Jimmy Carter" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
First of all, I want to thank Ron and Beth for having all of us here and for being so generous with their time and their home. However, now that I-you know, I thought I knew them pretty well. I never knew they met at a Chuck Robb fundraiser. We ought to put that out. We can raise millions of dollars on this. All the lovelorn who can write a check or show up at your fundraisers-this is wonderful. So I want to thank them. And I want to thank all of you for coming and for supporting Chuck, and in just a minute, I am going to tell you why. Let me say to all of you, you went through the line and had your picture taken. I appreciate the many nice things you said and especially those of you who expressed your support for my wife, whom I hope will be helping to swell the Democratic majority in the Senate after November. I want to thank Lynda Robb for being our friend for probably 20 years now. Chuck and I were Governors together in the early eighties. Out at Camp David I have got this beautiful picture of a carriage from colonial Williamsburg, from the Southern Governors' Association meeting in 1984, that Chuck Robb gave me. And I want to tell you, quite briefly, why I am here tonight, besides the fact that, yes, I'd show up if Ron and Beth asked me to come, and yes, I'd show up if Chuck and Lynda asked me to come. But there is a great question before the American people in this election, very different from the one we faced in 1992, but in some ways, maybe even more important and perhaps even more difficult to answer properly. In 1992 the American people gave Al Gore and me a chance, but the country was mired in difficulty, and everyone knew that the way that things were being done in Washington was not working. You remember how it was then; you just took a position on an issue, and there was a position you had to take. If you were a Democrat, you had to take one position. If you were Republican, you had to take the other. And then you just stood off from one another and screamed as loud as you could and hoped you'd get your 10 seconds on the evening news, which might have been good politics but did not move America forward very much. So we set about turning the ship of state around.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksreceptionforsenatorcharlessrobb", "title": "Remarks at a Reception for Senator Charles S. Robb", "source": "", "publication_date": "15-05-2000", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "William J. Clinton" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
And without being self-serving, I think it is fair to say we did a pretty good job, and things are going in the right direction now. And I think it is one reason to vote for Chuck Robb and for Al Gore, because it was not because I was ENTITY; it was because we were all doing the right things. You know, some of my adversaries, now that they want to win the election before us, they spent 7 years telling everybody how bad I was; now they say I am the only guy that jumps higher than Michael Jordan-let us throw the other Democrats out. That has nothing to do with it. We did the right things, and it is very, very important. So now the question is not, how are we going to turn the ship of state around; how are we going to build our bridge to the 21st century? The question is, what are we going to do with these good times? We never had such good times before. We never had at one time so much economic progress, social progress with the absence of severe domestic distress or external threat. So what are we going to do? It is easy to get people together when they are under the gun. It is hard to get people together when things are fun. And what I would like to say to you is that I am old enough to know that nothing lasts forever and that these moments come along once in a generation if you are lucky, and you have got to make the most of them. I am also experienced enough in politics to know that our adversaries, both in the Virginia Senate race and the White House, they will be very adroit at speaking in reassuring terms and helping to blur the lines of the election. But the truth is, as Senator Robb just said, there are huge consequences to the choices the American people will make. And you have to come to terms with that, as well. If you want to change the economic policy of the country and go back to the way they did it, you can do it. If you like the way things are going, you have got to vote for Chuck Robb and for the Vice President. If you want someone to do something serious about gun violence, to keep building on the record of the last 7 1/2 years, to keep crime coming down, you can have it.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksreceptionforsenatorcharlessrobb", "title": "Remarks at a Reception for Senator Charles S. Robb", "source": "", "publication_date": "15-05-2000", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "William J. Clinton" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
If you want someone who will not touch this issue with a 10-foot pole and will not do anything the NRA does not want them to do, you can have that, too. But you have got to make up your mind. And you cannot pretend that there are no consequences to this election. You know, one of the things I really respect about Chuck Robb is, he is a fiscal conservative; he voted with me on that budget, knowing it could beat him in the '94 election. He did not blink; he got up there and voted in '93 for the budget. And if he had not voted for it, it would have never passed. But also, after his distinguished career in the United States Marine Corps, he has supported me on every human rights initiative, including gay rights, I have ever advanced. And I respect that more than I can say. And he has supported sensible efforts to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and children. Yesterday Hillary and I had-and I like it, because Al Gore and I need some Southern cover, you know. I do not know if you saw it, but there was a picture in the paper that said, gunnery sergeant for responsible gun control -it was a great sign, yesterday at this thing. You know, I just want to take a minute. This is a big choice you have got in the election. But do not let anybody you know pretend that they are voting-the Senate race or the President's race is not about what our policy is with regard to safety, public safety, or pretend that it is not about our policy with regard to human rights or pretend that it is not about our policy with regard to economics and whether you like having this surplus and you want to get America out of debt and keep investing in education or you'd rather go back and try it the way it was. I am telling you, those are three inescapable consequences of this election and your choice. Will we change economic policy? Will we continue to try to make America a safer country and have responsible measures to promote gun safety? Will we continue to advance the cause of human rights? And the fourth inescapable consequence is, will we continue to grow the economy and improve the environment at the same time or let the old way prevail, and say the heck with that?
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksreceptionforsenatorcharlessrobb", "title": "Remarks at a Reception for Senator Charles S. Robb", "source": "", "publication_date": "15-05-2000", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "William J. Clinton" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
America's history books are filled with the names of places that are far removed from America's shores, where her strength and her will were tested, and where they triumphed. We know most of those places very well-the Argonne Anzio Okinawa and the Pusan Perimeter. Now they will add the Ia Drang Valley in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam. In one critical month there in the fall of 1965, American troops were locked in major combat with regular forces from North Vietnam. The enemy can never win Vietnam by armed conquest. the 1st Cavalry Division . Their performance in the Ia Drang Valley from October 23 to November at, 1965, has earned them a Presidential Unit Citation for heroism. Air cavalry with its mobility and its potential for surprise on the battlefield was a promising but untried concept, until the men of the 1st Cavalry, in their first test of arms, proved its validity. They proved more than a concept. To the Vietnamese people who had lived under Vietcong control for so long, their presence helped destroy the myth which the enemy had carefully built that the area was permanently tied to the enemy. The war in Vietnam, as all of you know, is a new kind of conflict. American arms are being tested there by a new kind of aggression. Of that, we and the rest of the world may be sure. In past years, our military gave us only the alternatives of permitting the enemy to have his victory undeterred, or of stopping him with a massiveness that could provoke a nuclear war. America needed a new response to meet the new form of aggression. Great names went into the construction of that response-John F. Kennedy, Robert McNamara, Maxwell Taylor. What the 1st Cavalry Division did in the Ia Drang Valley demonstrated that the new kind of warfare could be met and could be mastered. They dealt a hard blow to the Communist belief that freedom can be destroyed piece by piece. What happens in Vietnam is extremely important to this Nation's freedom and it is extremely important to the United States security. The cavalrymen who took their stand in the Central Highlands, and showed that America could meet its responsibilities in fact as well as in theory, knew that. The men in Vietnam today know it. And because they fought with such bravery and such skill, I salute them here this morning on behalf of all of their fellow citizens who live in this Nation of which all of us are so proud.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksuponpresentingthepresidentialunitcitationthe1stcavalrydivisionairmobile", "title": "Remarks Upon Presenting the Presidential Unit Citation to the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) and Attached Units.", "source": "", "publication_date": "15-09-1967", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Lyndon B. Johnson" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
By virtue of the authority vested in me as ENTITY and as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States I have today awarded The 1st Cavalry Division and attached units distinguished themselves by outstanding performance of duty and extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy in the Republic of Vietnam during the period 23 October 1965 to 26 November 1965. Following the attack on a Special Forces camp at Plei Me, in Pleiku Province, on 19 October 1965 by regular units of the ENTITY of North Vietnam, the 1st Cavalry Division was committed to action. The division was initially assigned the mission of protecting the key communications center of Pleiku, in addition to providing fire support both for an ENTITY of the Republic of Vietnam armored column dispatched to the relief of the besieged camp, and for the camp itself. The 1st Cavalry Division , having recently been organized under a completely new concept in tactical mobility, and having arrived in the Republic of Vietnam only a month earlier, responded quickly with an infantry brigade and supporting forces. Using air assault techniques, the division deployed artillery batteries into firing positions deep within enemy-held territory and provided the vital fire support needed by the ARVN forces to accomplish the relief of the Special Forces camp. By 27 October, the tactical and strategic impact of the presence of a North Vietnamese regular army division in Pleiku Province necessitated a change in missions for the 1st Cavalry Division. The division was given an unlimited offensive role to seek out and destroy the enemy force. With bold thrusts, elements of the division pursued the North Vietnamese regiments across the dense and trackless jungles of the west-central highlands, seeking the enemy out in his previously secure sanctuaries and giving him no quarter. In unfavorable terrain and under logistical and tactical conditions that would have stopped a unit with less capability, motivation and esprit, the cavalrymen repeatedly and decisively defeated numerically superior enemy forces. The superb training, unflinching devotion to duty, and unsurpassed gallantry and intrepidity of the cavalrymen, individually and collectively, resulted in numerous victories and succeeded in driving the invading North Vietnamese division back from its positions at Plei Me to the foot of the Chu Pong Massif. There, in the valley of the Ia Drang, the enemy was reinforced by a fresh regiment and undertook preparations for more incursions into Pleiku Province.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksuponpresentingthepresidentialunitcitationthe1stcavalrydivisionairmobile", "title": "Remarks Upon Presenting the Presidential Unit Citation to the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) and Attached Units.", "source": "", "publication_date": "15-09-1967", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Lyndon B. Johnson" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
I am profoundly moved by the trust you have placed in me. I deeply feel the responsibility which goes with your nomination for President of the United States at this grave hour of our nation's history. That I have not sought this responsibility, all of you know. I told the people of my State, two years ago, that it was my intention to devote my full term as governor exclusively to their service. In accordance with the principles of our republican form of government you have laid upon me the highest duty to which an American can be called. No one has a right to refuse such a call. With the help of God, I will try to be worthy of the trust. I accept the nomination. I am happy and proud to be associated with my good friend from the State of Ohio, John W. Bricker. For many months, John Bricker has gone from state to state telling the people of the issues, of the great need for better government, for the sound principles of government, and the leader-ship which will come to it with a Republican victory this year. Never before have I seen such good sportsmenship as that displayed by John Bricker here this morning and I am proud to be associated with him. I come to this great task a free man. I have made no pledges, promises or commitments, expressed or implied, to any man or woman. I shall make none, except to the American people. To men and women of the Republican Party everywhere I pledge my utmost efforts in the months ahead. In return, I ask for your support. Without it, I cannot discharge the heavy obligation you lay upon me. To Americans of every party I pledge that on Jan. 20 next year our government will again have a cabinet of the ablest men and women to be found in America. The members of that Cabinet will expect and will receive full delegation of the powers of their office. They will be capable of administering those powers. They will each be experienced in the task to be done and young enough to do it. This election will bring an end to one-man government in America. To Americans of every party I pledge a campaign dedicated to one and above all others-that this nation under God may continue in the years ahead a free nation of free men. At this moment on battlegrounds around the world Americans are dying for the freedom of our country. Their comrades are pressing on in the face of hardship and suffering. They are pressing on for total victory and for the liberties of all of us.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsaddressacceptingthepresidentialnominationtherepublicannationalconventionchicago1", "title": "Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Chicago, Illinois", "source": "", "publication_date": "28-06-1944", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Thomas Dewey" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Everything we say or do today and in the future must be devoted to the single purpose of that victory. Then, when victory is won, we must devote ourselves with equal unity of purpose to re-winning at home the freedom they have won at such desperate cost abroad. The American people are united with you to the limit of our resources and manpower, devoted to the single task of victory and the establishment of a firm and lasting peace. By this political campaign, which you are unable to understand, our will to victory will be strengthened, and with every day you further delay surrender the consequences to you will be more severe. That we shall win this war none of us and few of our enemies can now have any doubt. But how we win this war is of major importance for the years ahead. We won the last war but it did not stay won. This time we must also win the purposes for which we are fighting. Germany must never again nourish the delusion that she could have won. We must carry to Japan a defeat so crushing and complete that every last man among them knows that he has been beaten. We must not merely defeat the armies and the navies of our enemies. We must defeat, once and for all, their will to make war. Never again. The military conduct of the war is outside this campaign. It is and must remain completely out of politics. General Marshall and Admiral King are doing a superb job. Let me make it crystal clear that a change of administration next January cannot and will not involve any change in the military conduct of the war. If there is not now any civilian interference with the military and naval commands, a change in administration will not alter this status. If there is civilian interference, the new administration will put a stop to it forthwith. But the war is being fought on the home front as well as abroad, while all of us are deeply proud of the military conduct of the war, can we honestly say that the home front could not bear improvement? The present administration in Washington has been in office for more than 11 years. Today, it is at war with Congress, and at war with itself. Squabbles between Cabinet members, feuds between rival bureaucrats and bitterness between the President and his own party members, in and out of Congress, have become the order of the day. In the vital matters of taxation, price control, rationing, labor relations, manpower, we have become familiar with the spectacle of wrangling, bungling and confusion.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsaddressacceptingthepresidentialnominationtherepublicannationalconventionchicago1", "title": "Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Chicago, Illinois", "source": "", "publication_date": "28-06-1944", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Thomas Dewey" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Does anyone suggest that the present national administration is giving either efficient or competent government? We have not heard that claim made, even by its most fanatical supporters. No, all they tell us is that in its young days it did some good things. That we freely grant. But now it has grown old in office. It seems that the great men who founded this nation really did know what they were talking about when they said that three terms were too many. When we have won the war, we shall still have to win the peace. We are agreed, all of us, that America will participate with other sovereign nations in a cooperative effort to prevent future wars. Let us face up boldly to the magnitude of that task. We shall not make secure the peace of the world by mere words. We cannot do it simply by drawing up a fine-sounding treaty. It can not be the work of any one man or of a little group of rulers who meet together in private conferences. The structure of peace must be built. It must be the work of many men. We must have as our representatives in this task the ablest men and women America can pro-duce, and the structure they join in building must rest upon the solid rock of a united American public opinion. I am not one of those who despair of achieving that end. I am utterly confident we can do it. For years, we have had men in Washington who were notoriously weak in certain branches of arithmetic but they specialized in division. They have been playing up minor differences of opinion among our people until the people of other countries might have thought that America was cleft in two. Recently the overwhelming majesty of that broad area of agreement has become obvious. The Republican Party can take pride in helping to define it and broaden it. There are only a few, a very few, who really believe that America should try to remain aloof from the world. There are only a relatively few who believe it would be practical for America or her allies to renounce all sovereignty and join a Super-state. I certainly would not deny these two extremes the right to their opinions; but I stand firmly with the overwhelming majority of my fellow citizens in that great wide area of agreement. That agreement was clearly expressed by the Republican Mackinac Declaration and was adopted in the foreign policy plank of this Convention. No organization for peace will last if it is slipped through by stealth or trickery or the momentary hypnotism of high-sounding phrases.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsaddressacceptingthepresidentialnominationtherepublicannationalconventionchicago1", "title": "Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Chicago, Illinois", "source": "", "publication_date": "28-06-1944", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Thomas Dewey" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
We shall have to work and pray and be patient and make sacrifices to achieve a really lasting peace. That is not too much to ask in the name of those who have died for the future of our country. This is no task for men who specialize in dividing our people. It is no task to be entrusted to stubborn men, grown old and tired and quarrelsome in office. We learned that in 1919. The building of the peace is more than a matter of international co-operation. God has endowed America with such blessings as to fit her for a great role in the world. We can only play that role if we are strong and healthy and vigorous as nature has equipped us to be. It would be a tragedy if after this war Americans returned from our armed forces and failed to find the freedom and opportunity for which they fought. This must be a land where every man and woman has a fair chance to work and get ahead. Never again must free Americans face the spectre of long-continued, mass unemployment. We Republicans are agreed that full employment shall be a first objective of national policy. And by full employment I mean a real chance for every man and woman to earn a decent living. What hope does the present administration offer here? In 1940, the year before this country entered the war, there were still 10,000,000 unemployed. After seven years of unequalled power and unparalleled spending, the New Deal had failed utterly to solve that problem. It never solved that problem. It was left to be solved by war. Do we have to have a war to get jobs? What are we now offered? Only the dreary prospect of a continued war economy after the war, with interference piled on interference and petty tyrannies rivaling the very regimentation against which we are now at war. The present administration has never solved this fundamental problem of jobs and opportunity. It can never solve this problem. It has never even understood what makes a job. It has never been for full production. It has lived in chattering fear of abundance. It has specialized in curtailment and restriction. It has been consistently hostile to and abusive of American business and American industry, although it is in business and industry that most of us make our living. In all the record of the past 11 years is there anything that suggests the present administration can bring about high-level employment after this war? Is there any reason to believe that those who have so signally failed in the past can succeed in the future?
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsaddressacceptingthepresidentialnominationtherepublicannationalconventionchicago1", "title": "Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Chicago, Illinois", "source": "", "publication_date": "28-06-1944", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Thomas Dewey" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
The problem of jobs will not be easily solved; but it will never be solved at all unless we get a new, progressive administration in Washington-and that means a Republican administration. For one hundred and fifty years America was the hope of the world. Here on this great broad continent we had brought into being something for which men had longed throughout all history. Here, government derived its just powers from the consent of the governed. Here men believed passionately in freedom, independence-the God-given right of the individual to be his own master. Yet, with all of this freedom-I insist-because of this freedom-ours was a land of plenty. In a fashion unequalled anywhere else in the world, America grew and strengthened; our standard of living became the envy of the world. In all lands, men and women looked toward America as the pattern of what they, themselves, desired. And because we were what we were, good will flowed toward us from all corners of the earth. An American was welcomed everywhere and looked upon with admiration and regard. At times, we had our troubles; made our share of mistakes; but we faltered only to go forward with renewed vigor. It remained for the past eleven years, under the present national administration, for continuing unemployment to be accepted with resignation as the inevitable condition of a nation past its prime. It is the New Deal which tells us that America has lost its capacity to grow. We shall never build a better world by listening to those counsels of defeat. Is America old and worn out as the New Dealers tell us? Look to the reaches of the wide Pacific-to the corners of the world where American men are fighting. our country is just fighting its way through to new horizons. The future of America has no limit. True, we now pass through dark and troubled times, scarcely a home escapes the touch of dread anxiety and grief; yet in this hour the American spirit rises, faith returns-faith in our God, faith in our fellowman, faith in the land our fathers died to win, faith in the future, limitless and bright, of this, our country. In the name of that faith we shall carry our cause in the coming months to the American people.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsaddressacceptingthepresidentialnominationtherepublicannationalconventionchicago1", "title": "Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Chicago, Illinois", "source": "", "publication_date": "28-06-1944", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Thomas Dewey" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Can I ask you, make it so quiet temporarily you can hear a pin drop? It is great to be in Rochester-Monroe County and the great State of New York. It is my privilege and honor to be here with some of your wonderful local people, some that represent the whole State. And let me express my deep appreciation and gratitude to your senior Senator, Jack Javits. And then we have got one of your hometown boys--he has grown quite a bit--the former judge and our State chairman, Dick Rosenbaum. Now, let me say something about some people that I want to be with me in Washington for the next 4 years. First, I want you to reelect for your benefit, for the country's benefit, for our benefit, Frank Horton. And then another one of your outstanding, super guys that has helped me so much, who can help you, help the State, help the country, Barber Conable. And then I want you to send down to Washington--or to keep him there, that is what I really mean-your good friend, your Senator, Jim Buckley. Now, for just a minute I would like to first express my deep appreciation and gratitude for the tremendous turnout in Michigan weather. Now, having said that, when I became your President 26 months ago, things were tough. We were on the brink of a recession. People had lost faith and confidence in the White House. We were still involved in Vietnam. And as I stood in the East Room of the White House and took the oath of office, it was not an easy time--America was in turmoil. You have not confirmed me by your ballots. I ask that you confirm me by your prayers. And the net result is America got our ship of state on a steady course, we put a firm hand on the tiller. And America has made an incredible comeback, and you did it, and I thank you. We have cut inflation by more than 50 percent, and we are going to do better. We have added 4 million jobs in the last 18 months, and we are going to do better. We have restored trust and honesty in the White House, and I pledge that is the way it will be for the next 4 years. But today, we can all be proud and thankful that not a single young American is fighting or dying on any foreign battlefield.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksdeparturefromrochesternewyork", "title": "Gerald R. Ford Remarks on Departure From Rochester, New York", "source": "", "publication_date": "31-10-1976", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Gerald R. Ford" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
I thank you. We love Wisconsin. But you know we are having massive crowds all over the place and I will tell you what, I look at a poll we are even in Wisconsin. With what I have done for you, USMCA, we got rid of those horrible You know what you were being charged? 287% tariff to do business with Canada. I heard about that. I did not like that. Your specialty milk people got me. Do you believe it? It was all about specialty milk. That was like the straw that broke the camel's back. I said, What do you mean? And we knocked the hell out of it and we got the brand new USMCA. Sleepy Joe cannot do that, it is not in his vocabulary. He has no idea what we just said. He is sitting in his basement right now watching us. He has no idea. I hate to do this to you. I was a great hair day, and then I heard you at 40 mile an hour winds. I said, All right, give me the cap. I do not do it often. But now I am looking at that beautiful sight. As beautiful as that is, OSHA, as beautiful as that is, I do not know that I'd want to be those people right in that little corner. But they have no fear, do you? You have confidence in ENTITY. Yeah, we get good equipment. It is great to be back in Wisconsin with thousands of loyal, hard-working Americans. We had a problem, big problem in Texas. We had a surge, they opened it up, it is all opened up. Arizona, they had a surge. I will tell you what, when you look at our numbers compared to what is going on in Europe and other places, but we are doing well. We are going to have one of the best economic years we have ever had next year. One of the best we have ever had. 17 days from now, we are going to win the state of Wisconsin, and we are going to win four more years in the running. By the way, early voting begins on Tuesday, so get out and vote. Now, we have had great success in your state and I have been very good to you, likewise, with the ships. You build good ships. You know that, right? A lot of other states wanted that contract. I probably lost some states because of it, but we gave you the big contract.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Honestly, I went to the yards. It is incredible what you do. This is the most important election in the history of our country. Six months ago I was saying, Well, how do you compare with the last one? The fact is, this is the single most important election in the history of our country. Sleepy Joe Biden's made a corrupt bargain. You saw the bargain he made, in exchange for his party's nomination, which he should not have gotten because if Pocahontas got out one day early, I'd be running against Crazy Bernie, which would have been okay, too. I would have had a small but energized base. Now we have a little bit larger base to run against, but there is zero energy. They are reporting on it. We have got the most energy in the history of politics, and he is got the least. Biden handed control of his party over to hardcore militant left. The Democrat Party, you once knew no longer exists, it is now a party of socialists and Marxists and left wing extremists. They would kill your jobs, dismantle your police departments, and you have a lot of great law enforcement people here today. I think we have every single law enforcement group in the country's endorsed us. You know they endorsed us, first time they have ever endorsed a presidential candidate. Everybody's endorsed us. During the debate, I said, Joe, name one group, law enforcement, that is endorsed you. And then, Chris Wallace bailed him out. I said, Joe, say the words law and order. He would not do it. I said, Say the words loiter, then Chris Wallace bailed him again. But he cannot , because if he says law and order, that means he loses the radical left, which I think he is losing anyway. But they want to dissolve your borders, raise your taxes, destroy your suburbs. Oh, have I saved your suburbs. The women, they keep telling me about suburban women. I think suburban women liked it. I have only saved your house, and frankly, I have saved your way of life. I have saved the American dream. But they keep saying, ENTITY has a problem. Well, last time they said the same thing. They said I had a problem with women, period. Was that the greatest of all time? It is probably the greatest night in the history of television, right? We had so much fun.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
The tears that were flowing out of pure We have another one of them coming up next week, Kristen Welker. She deleted her entire account. I have known her for a long time. We did very well the other night with a person I knew was even more unfair, Savannah. In fact, nobody's seen Savannah for two days. What happened to Savannah? What happened to Savannah? They said, We'd like to give Savannah Guthrie I said, That is all right. What difference does it make? They ask you a question, you give them an answer. But she was sort of jumping out of her seat. She was like, I told you. I told you. I said, I do not care what you told me. What does that mean? We actually got eight plus marks on that. Then you watch Sleepy Joe get interviewed by George Stephanopoulos. I interviewed with him two weeks ago. He is giving these lobs in slow motion, lobs. But they want to fund extreme, late-term abortion. They want to pack the Supreme Court. It could end up with 16, 1920. They want to put far left judges on the court. They are going to pick people so far left, and you will end up with far left justices like we have never had ever before. They want to protect criminals and disarm law-abiding Americans. They want to take away your second amendment. If Biden wins the lawless demonstrators in our streets, and you see them all the time, they are democratic-run. They should actually change their name to the Democratic. I said, Why do not you try changing your name officially? But they are lawless demonstrators, and they are, they are all Democrat-run cities and states, almost every single one of them, and they do not want to really take care of it. They do not want to take care of law enforcement. You see what is going on in Seattle. First of all, the police who we love, they are all quitting, they are all leaving. They'd still be occupying Seattle, except they found out that we were going in the morning that they all raised their hands. The reason they raised their hands is we were going in that morning, we were going to take over. Can you believe it? We are going to take over the section, the large section of Seattle that these anarchists had.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
In theory, we have to be asked and the Federal Government has to be asked. But we went into Minneapolis, and you know what happened? Remember, they formed a line, they formed another line, they were not socially distance, which is very bad. In fact, they were very close. They had helmets that cost a fortune. They formed those lines, and then they said, Okay, let us go. This is after two weeks of destruction in Minneapolis. That is why we are going to win Minnesota for the first time since 1972, Republican Party. Now, it does not hurt that in Minnesota they have Ilhan Omar, who hates our country, who is broken the law, she is broken the law. Let us see what happens, but she is broken the law. But she hates our country. We are going to win because of what we did with Minneapolis, we saved Minneapolis, and we saved Seattle. Do you want to know the truth? We are sort of saving the whole country if you really think about it. That is why we have spirit, the likes of which I do not think any campaign has ever had. You know something? I just left Michigan. You know that. It is supposed to go like 70, 80% to the Democrats, and then we come in with the big red wave. So they will start big heavy when it gets the early voting, but especially on that November third day, we are going to be swamping it. So this is early, but still hundreds of thousands of votes. We are supposed to be down big, and then we catch it like a race horse. That was what was supposed to sort of happen, and then you see what happens in the end. But something strange has happened in Michigan. We brought back many car plants, many, many. They had not brought back a plant, I think it is 42 years, and we brought back many and expansion the car plant. In Michigan, a strange thing has happened. We are leading substantially in the early voting. What is that all about? What is that all about? You cannot see it. As far as the eye can see, you have people. This election day, the people of Wisconsin, and you know what? We win Wisconsin, we win the whole ballgame. What the hell do you think I am doing here on a freezing night with 45 degree winds. What do you think? Do you think I am doing this for my health? I am not doing this for my health.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
I am doing it for that, and I am doing it for that. This election day, the people of Wisconsin must stop these anti-American radicals by issuing Sleepy Joe Biden. He has no clue anyway. Look, let us not kid ourselves. Let us not kid ourselves. Think of it, think of it, because this puts pressure on you. I am running against perhaps in the history of presidential politics, the worst candidate. Obama would not even endorse him. And then even after he won, I did not think Obama Now I heard that today, they said, Sir? Well, we have a little problem. Obama is going to campaign for him. He campaigned harder than Hillary Clinton did for Hillary, and it just made us stronger. But it is true, by issuing Joe Biden, a tremendous defeat at the ballot box. 56% of the American people, Gallup poll, right, say that they are better off today than they were four years ago under the Obama/Biden Administration. Think of what we are saying. By the way, that is a record, 56% of the people, and that is during, and we are rounding the corner, we got the vaccines, all that, but even without it, we are rounding the corner. You will see it. We are rounding the corner. Frankly, except for a little politics, but we have unbelievable vaccines are coming out real soon, and the therapeutics are unbelievable, and the cures. I did not feel so good, I will be honest with you. I had not been sick in a long time. I do not have any time to get sick. If you are busy, you do not get sick because you have no time. You do not think about it. I was not feeling like Superman. All of a sudden, the doctor, we have great doctors. One thing with being president, you got more doctors than any human being. I am lying down in a bed, I got 12 doctors from Johns Hopkins Hospital, university, great people, all great. And they love their president. They love their country. But I have doctors, they wanted to touch every single part of my body. All I know is the next morning I felt stronger than I have ever I wanted to get out there and I wanted to make new trade deals for your jobs, and I wanted to deal a lot of things. We have done a great job.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
But the most menacing aspect of the Biden/Harris agenda is their attack of law and order. I came in and I had your sheriff, and what a great guy, Beth, I had your sheriff's endorsement and a lot of other endorsements in Kenosha. You ever hear of a place called Kenosha? Say what you want. I will tell you what. I give your governor credit. Unlike Oregon, because we could solve Portland in about, I'd say, 22 minutes. They live in the basement with their parents. They go home with their parents, but wise guys, right? You know nobody likes to say it. We can solve that in two minutes, but they do not want to do it. At least you governor said, Let us go in and let us solve the problem. And we solved it. But we solved and we saved Kenosha. And I want to thank the sheriff and I want to thank the chief, I want to thank all of the law enforcement that was there. I want to thank the people that were helping rebuild their stores and their businesses. I never thought of Kenosha that it would be an important part of my life. But I will tell you what. Your law enforcement did a great job, we did a great job, and I want to thank everybody involved. Our law enforcement in this country, if you let them do fairly what they do better than anybody in the world, they would not have any problem. They would not have any problem. You look at what is going on in New York under Democrats. You look at what is going on in Chicago under Democrats, Portland, Oakland under Democrats, Baltimore under Democrats. We have a great young Congress woman, hopefully running in Baltimore. I hope she gets her shot, Republican. I hope she gets her shot. Today, I want to explain to you the threat that their far left plans pose to the safety of your family, your community, and your country. If you give the power to Democrats, the radical left will defund, disband, disarm, and dismantle police departments all across America. Ask if he supports slashing police funding. You saw this last week. Honestly, look, he did not even understand the question, but that is what he said. It is just like fracking, right? He said, There'll be no fracking for a year. Elizabeth Warren refuses to get out so Bernie can have the nomination.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Joe lucks into it on a Super Tuesday, and now he is standing in Pennsylvania and they want to frack because they have a million fracking jobs and because we are energy independent and things. He goes from saying for a year and a half, There will be no fracking. I wanted to put on a screen, but it was so windy we would've needed 15 cranes to hold up the screen. But we have it. He says no fracking like 18 times. Goes to Pennsylvania, which we are going to win, too. Because in Pennsylvania, I know it, I went to school there, in Pennsylvania, they believe in law and order, and they believe in energy, and they believe in intelligence. They believe in intelligence. He now goes to Pennsylvania, he gets hit hard, and he all of a sudden says, I never said that. First of all, always follow with these politicians, because I have only been doing this for a short while. No, I have only been doing it for a short while, but one thing I have learned But I have known politics. I have been dealing on the other side of politics. And he said it for a long time, along with everybody else in his party, and there is no way he could not do what he did not agree to in the first place. He gets up and he says, In Pennsylvania, no, no, we will frack. And the whole place, and not one, see all the fake news media back there, nobody said to him, But for a year and a half, you said there'd be no fracking, and now you said there'll be fracking. Nobody asked him that question. Only in Wisconsin could this happen. I know you well. As long as I am president, we will never defund the police. We will strongly defend our police. I will always stand with the heroes of law enforcement. I think I am endorsed by every law enforcement group all over the country, beyond the country. I get world endorsements. I want common sense. The Biden plan calls for abolishing cash bail. You have a murderer. Look at what happened to New York. They abolished cash bail. They are going to release 400,000 criminals onto your streets and into your neighborhoods if crazy Joe becomes president. No, no, running against him, it puts such pressure because I am running against the worst in the history of presidential.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
If I lose, I will have lost to the worst candidate, the worst candidate in the history of presidential politics. If I lose, what do I do? I'd rather run against somebody who is extraordinarily talented. At least this way, I can go and lead my life. We are going to win at numbers. We are going to win in numbers. That is what the first Their plan also includes disarming law abiding citizens, namely taking away your second amendment. I am very proud of that because any guy, being a developer, you just learn how to do it. But we had an entire, very powerful party. They have two things. They have a very powerful Democrat party that always sticks together. They do not have any of these rebels that we have in the Republican party. I call them stupid people. I call them stupid, stupid people because they play right into the hands. But the Democrats really do not have that. They have two things. Like, Let us impeach him even though he did nothing wrong. Now, what we have is we have much better policies like how about we want a strong border? They do not want to have a border. They want to have open borders, right? We do not want sanctuary cities. We do not want to protect criminals. We want jobs, we want low taxes. We have a lot of good things, but I tell the Republicans all the time, a lot of peoples have a lot of influence over the party so you got to get tougher. You got to get only fairer, but you got to get meaner, but you got to get tougher because they play a tougher game. But we have these rebels. By the way, they usually end up outside of politics in a very short time. We make sure of that. For the entire summer, Biden was silent as radicals, anarchists, arsonists, and vandals rampaged through Democrat-run cities in Minneapolis, Chicago, New York, Seattle, Portland, and other places. Biden called them peaceful protesters. This is a peaceful I have no idea, it is Ali Velshi, I have a really good Ali Velcher, shaved head, right? I am thinking about doing that. That way I do not have to worry about that. No, he shaved it all off, he does not have to worry about How does it look, darling? I said, Who could top me?
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Well, she said, Well, JFK was good looking, but nothing like you. Now you go home and you see this crazy CNN. But you will see them say, ENTITY said he is better looking than JFK. You will see it. They are sick people, they got a lot of problems. Earlier this month, rioters laid waste to suburban residential neighborhoods just outside of Milwaukee. Biden will appease the rioters and the looters and the anarchists, and I am having them arrested. You know what we are doing. And you know when they knock down statues, you notice that is very much stopped. They go to jail for a period of 10 years. They were getting all set to take down the incredible statue of Andrew Jackson right by the White House, right? And I will tell you what. The police are afraid if they touch somebody or speak to somebody rudely, there'll be destroyed, their pension will be gone, their family will be gone. No, we got to protect our police, we have got to take care. And you are going to have problems and you are going to have mistakes. They will choke, they have a decision to make. They have a quarter of a second sometimes to make. And you will have some bad cops. And we got to do something about those bad cops. But 99.9, I mean, they are the most incredible people and they keep us safe. They keep us safe. They keep us safe. So we have to take care of them. Nobody talks about that. Nobody talks about that. You saw a month ago with the two sitting in a car. The anti-police rhetoric of Joe Biden and the Democrat party is really what causes a lot of this too. But it puts police officers in harm's way. It really puts them in harm's way. Biden referred to police as the enemy, he just referred, the enemy, quote, quote, the enemy. He does not believe that. I really do not believe I should not say that. But I do not believe he believes it. Joe's running mate, oh, how do you like her? Did Mike Pence do a great job? Did our great vice president do a great job? I mean, I could not believe he picked her. And I have said it a lot. She treated him worse than any would have. I could tell them it is not that easy.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
We have done more than any administration in the first three and a half years in the history of our country. We have rebuilt our military, we have cut more regulation than any other administration by a factor of a lot. And we all did this. We have more federal judges by the end of the first term than any other administration. In fact, percentage wise, the only one that has more, there is only one president that has more percentage wise, not the number. Because we will have 300, maybe even more than that by the end of the first term. But there is only one president that has a higher percentage than I have. Give him a Make America Great Again hat. We made it great again and now we are going to make it great again because we had to close it up, save two million lives, and now we are opening it up and we are doing record numbers. Joe's running mate and America's most liberal Senator, Kamala Harris, recently urged their supporters to donate to a fund that bailed out the rioters that did so much harm and even physical damage to people, but damage in Minneapolis. And they wanted to bail them out of jail. And she was heading up a group to get them out of jail. He attempted killing a policeman. 13 members of Biden's staff donated to the same fund. By the way, they talk about fundraising, right? I am good at fundraising. I could be the greatest fundraiser in history. I am the president of the United States. But I will tell you what, think of this. If I wanted to pick up a phone and call Wall Street, say the FIG firms, say, Yeah, I got to raise X dollars. They will do it, every one. I could have more money. The problem is if you do that, what happens is when they call you in two months, three months, four months because they need something, you got to take their call and you got to do it. So Biden is raising a lot of money because they are promising all these things to all these people. Now, I have a much better platform because I am the president, right? I could raise money. We are doing great on the small donors. But I could raise more money than anybody in the history of politics. But I do not want to call these people and say, Do me a favor, the head of Goldman Sachs. I do not want to say, Do me a favor.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Nobody could ever raise money like me. I just do not want to do it because it puts us all, meaning us, I did this for us, not for me. I did not do it for me. I lost a fortune. This job has cost me billions and billions of dollars, billions. They do not like to say that. And yet, if a man from Kuwait comes up and stays at one of my hotels for $259. 13, takes a room. Next day, ENTITY takes Arab as a guest in one of hotels. I mean, billions I lost. And that is okay because I am doing something that is the most important thing I have ever done. What the hell difference does it make? But I have lost billions. And I never talk about it. They never talk about it. So I get paid, I guess, $400,000, $450,000. And I give up my salary. I do not get it. You do not read that. You do not read it. It is not good for them to say that. And I do not talk about it. But tonight, I will talk about it. So I get the highest salary because you are the president. And I give it up, I do not take it. I would say it costs me two, three, maybe more billion dollars. I have good kids. They do not do jobs. Can you imagine if they wanted to go to the Middle East and do jobs all over the place? I'd have hotels being built in every city, in every country in the world. And I have great kids and they are ambitious kids. They'd like to do it. I say, You cannot do it. And by the way, there is no legal reason you cannot do it. You can not go to Saudi Arabia and all these different places that we protect and we do all these things and that buy a lot of our planes and a lot of our everything, you cannot allow them. You cannot allow them. But I would be the greatest fundraiser in the history of politics. But if you do not mind, we do not need the money. And we will not do it that way. But they are raising a lot of money. And every time I see them raising a lot of money, I say, because I know exactly what is going on, Deals are being made. Especially when you look at Joe Biden . I mean, look at what is going on with that family.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
The Democrat party's war on cops is driving police officers to leave their jobs in record numbers. No one is hurt more by the left wing crusade against law enforcement than African-Americans. And you look at it and you know it. Last year, and by the way, large percentages of our police men and women are African-Americans. Last year, in just four Democrat-run cities, over 1000 African-Americans were murdered as a result of violent crime. This year, murders in Democrat cities have increased by more than 30%. And we'd help them. We'd help them. We want to help them. More than half of the victims are African-Americans. Joe Biden and the left ignore these American victims. We are never going to ignore them. We have done more for the Black community than any president with the exception of Abraham Lincoln. Obama could not do it. I do not even think he tried to do it, frankly. But he could have never done it. Bush could not do it, none of them could do it then. Criminal justice reform, I did it. Prison reform, we did it. We did things nobody We worked on that with a great senator from South Carolina, Tim Scott. You went to one. Oh, which one did you go to? I love them. Well, anyway, they have to be happy with me. But listen, so after three years, every three years, every year a group of 44 people, 44, 45, they'd come up, the head people at all of these colleges, and they'd come up and I'd see him. And the first year I saw them, I thought it was routine and they were up because they needed money for the colleges. Second year, I said, What are you doing back here? And then I see them the third year and I say, Wait a minute, let us get this straight. You mean you come up here every three years to beg for money? He said, We beg for money. And we feel like beggars. He told me exactly those words. Obama never did it. Obama never did it. And I said, So wait, here is what we are going to do. We are going to get you long-term funding. And here is what I did. I got them more money than they were asking for. And I said, The only bad news is I may never see you again. I may never see you again.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
But we did that for the Black community. And we did a lot of other things. And I say that nobody's done more for the Black community. With all of that, the biggest thing of all is criminal justice reform. You know about Alice Johnson. And we have so many people like Alice. Do you want to vote for the candidate supported by anti-American rioters? Or do you want to vote for the candidate supported by so many of our great people and the heroes of law enforcement? Biden made a speech, I think it was today. I mean, he makes so few of them. I think he stays in his place in Delaware. And I like Delaware, but does he ever leave Delaware? But he made a speech. And they never say this. They never say it. We come here, take those cameras and show them please. No, I am telling you, today, I think the camera slipped. Because in his case, they should not show the audience. In our case, they should. And I am saying nobody reports that. And he never leaves his little area. And you know, I will tell you what, as president of the United States, I met with Gold Star families the other week, I meet with a lot of people. I have an obligation. I cannot lock myself into a basement in the White House. I cannot lock myself into a beautiful bedroom at the top of the White House where there is no risk, no nothing. I am the president of the United States. And I would often say, I meet people, and these are incredible, like the Gold Star families. They lost sons and daughters and husbands in Iraq and Afghanistan and other places. And I cannot say, I want to cancel the meeting. And I met about 48 families. And when they come up to you, and they are close, and they were tested and all. And when they come up to you and they want to say, My son was so brave, and they want to tell you the story, it is amazing. This is in almost all case. I say, So tell me what happened. And she was shot down, sir, in Iraq. And then they tell me what happened and how brave and how great. And I cannot say, Do me a favor. You just cannot do that. And I say, every time I meet with groups of people, it is not all like that. But I cannot cancel, like cancel culture.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
They want to cancel everything, right? I cannot cancel these people. I have to take care of our people. And every time I do it, I say, It is risky. And sure as hell, I caught it. I can now jump into the audience and give you all a big kiss. The women and the men, I will kiss. I will even kiss the men. I will kiss those big powerful men down there. I will not love it, but I will kiss them. But I have an obligation. Somebody said, Why did you do this? Why did you do that? I said, Because these meetings are so important to people and you are the president. And I cannot do that. And really, I got really well taken care of. And we are going to make what I had available to everybody free. And it is been incredible, what we have been able to do. If you support our police, if you stand with the heroes of law enforcement, then you must defeat the Democrats on November 3rd. You have to do it. You have to do it. And by the way, I hate to say it. I got a little briefing. I have been here before, but I got a little briefing on the area. But it is a Democrat area that really likes ENTITY a lot. And a lot of us are really great, really great workers. And the workers like me. You know who does not like me? The heads of the union, they never like me. You know who does like me? The people in the union, they like me. But I will tell you, this is largely a lot of Democrats. And many people in this audience are Democrats, but they are Democrats that are going to vote for ENTITY. And I appreciate it. And I take care of our workers and I take care of jobs. And China will not get away with what they got away with. They are not going to get away with it. We just finished an incredible trade deal. And all of that is good, but you know what? Does that make sense to you? It does not mean what it would have meant had they not put us through. Because they stopped it from going into China, but they did not stop it from going to the rest of the world, including our country, Europe, the rest of the world. So your Democrats, some of them By the way, just seriously, I am just curious, raise your hand if you are a
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Seriously, I am going to do a poll that costs nothing, right? I like these polls that cost nothing. They do a poll, it costs $1 million. They interviewed like 12 people, right? We have interviewed 253 people. They over-sample Democrats by 28%. I said, Yeah, but you are interviewing mostly Democrats. You ever see that? I guess there must be a legal reason why they have to put it, but they over- sample by 18% ,20%, 21%. So I was down in all nine places that I had to win. Well, you are down at all nine places. By the end of the evening, I won all nine places. Other than that, they did a great job of polling. They even had me believing it for awhile. But what I did not believe, because we had a lot of spirit four years ago, and by the way, nothing like we have now. And it sounds like very little, but that is a lot. Normally, a crowd like this would be for the night before for a candidate, one time shot. We have this all over. You ought to see what we had in Pennsylvania, in Florida. We were in Florida, we had, I think, 41,000 people. We were in Atlanta. We just got back from Georgia. I mean, it is like this. But the spirit, we have much more spirit now than we ever had four years ago. And we had a record. Look, Hillary was a lot smarter than Sleepy Joe, let us not kid ourselves. They will not let the fact that we caught him in a total corrupt deal, they will not let the news get out. And in all fairness to Fox, I have my own problems with Fox, but at least Fox is letting it out. And I will tell you who is incredible. It is the fifth largest paper in America. And they are all in to finding out about all of this Joe Biden. So we are thrilled to be here with some incredible people and you are going to be joined by a man And I mean this too. And you know, I say, Oh, everybody's wonderful, and then half the time you cannot stand them, but you got to say it, but this guy is wonderful. He is one of the smartest people in the Senate. A lot of people do not know that. See, I know that because I do a lot of very complex things.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
And there are not a lot of people that understand, but he understands and nobody understands finance better. But now what he is doing on, he is the chairman of Homeland security, what he is doing on corruption is unbelievable. And I am very proud of your state for a lot of reasons, but one of the reasons is that you have a senator named Ron Johnson. Would you get him up please? I got to get him up. He deserves it. He deserves it. Secret service is worried about it. He is one of the greatest people. He is one of the greatest senators. And I guess, whenever the hell you are running, I will be here for you. I will tell you that. Well, thank you, Mr. President, as I was saying in the pre-program, what I admire about ENTITY is his tenacity. The unfair treatment in the press by the Democrats, by the deep state, it does not deter him. And he talked about the First Step Act. It was going nowhere until ENTITY stepped up to the plate and made sure he got it done and he did. Another piece of legislation that is very dear to my heart, was something again, it was dead, it was going nowhere, it is called Right to Try. And, Mr. President, I will never forget in that State of Union Address, you start talking about this bill that I'd been championed and you have not said the name yet. I am going, I think he is talking about Right to Try. And all of a sudden, he goes, We have to pass Right to Try. And I do not know if you saw me spring up like a jack in the box. He does not get credit for it, but he wakes up every day, like the rest of you, loving this country and doing everything can to make it a greater country. God bless you. God bless ENTITY. I will be fighting for you. No, he is really a great guy and I am glad you came up and I am glad to have you around. And really, we are very proud of you. We have some warriors with us and people that have been with us through the fake impeachment, the hoax. That was one of the great hoaxes. And do not forget, we have done, and Ron understands better than maybe anybody, we have done more in three and a half years, then any administration First three and a half years, than any administration in the history.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
He'd mentions Right to Try, that is where a person is terminally ill and they cannot get a medicine that looks real good, but it has not been approved because it has to go through this long process, which we have cut in half by the way But they cannot get, so now they sign a document and it was very complicated, but not for me, it was not complicated. I said, You take the liability away. But we had problems with the insurance companies because they did not want We had problems with everybody, including the country. So people would go all over the world, if they had some money, if they did not have money, they'd go home and they just die. And now if we have something that may work, but it is two years away, three years away, they sign just a quick waiver. And we have had Right to Try. And Ron, I do not know if you know, the success rate. It is been unbelievable, the number of people. We have kept people alive and healthy and well and fully recovered. And I could never understand it, because for years I said, Why would not they give somebody who is terminally ill the drug? I mean, I understand it all. But we got it done, they sign a waiver and we got it done. A side effect that nobody thought too much about. These companies that are trying to prove that their drug works, I will tell you, if it works there, it works everywhere. And they are able to be able to speed it up, where they speed them up because we have had some unbelievable stories. One in particular that I know, a young lady who spoke at the national convention, Republican National Convention, but the success rate has been incredible. So I want to thank you for that. You are right, you are one of the real authors of it. We want to also thank Glenn Grothman. He is been from the beginning by me and I want to thank you, Glenn, for what you have done. What a job he is doing, what a job. I will tell you, he has a big future. And everybody knows Darin LaHood. You are all great in Wisconsin. You are producing good in Wisconsin. What can I tell you? We got to win it. We got to win it. By the way, I wanted to say before Ron Johnson interrupted me So who is a Republican here, just raise your hand?
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Seriously, do not worry about your hand, we all love you. No, we appreciate it. We have a lot of them over there too. We have a lot of Democrats, but we really do appreciate it. Because ultimately, we are looking for the same thing. We are looking for unity. We are looking for one country. And the question was asked a week ago and they said, What about bringing the country together, because I want that? Before the China virus hit us, we were there. And we were getting calls because the success was bringing us together as a country. We had the greatest employment numbers. We had the greatest African-American Hispanic-American, Asian-American, women, people with a diploma, people without a diploma, people that graduated first in their class at MIT, everybody. We never had anything like it. And I am telling you, I bet it was true with you guys, we were getting calls from people that you would least suspect and the country was coming together. Then we got hit by the China virus and it was back to the drawing boards. And next year we are going to have the most successful year economically, I think, with what we have done. I also want to introduce the Republican candidate for Senate from the State of Illinois, Mark Curran. I like it. I will tell you what, Illinois could use a new governor. They got to open up that state. They got to open up that state. Kids have to get back to school. You know Barron had it, right? They said Barron, Barron Trump, my boy, my very tall young boy. He is very tall, but Barron Trump had it. No, young people, they have, we hate to admit it, they have a very strong immune system, incredibly strong. We have to get back to school. On November 4th, they will all say, All right. Now, everybody They are only doing this for politics. I really believe that, because they want the numbers to look as bad as possible. Hey, we won the case in Michigan. The courts have now forced her. They said it was unconstitutional what she was doing. The only person in the whole state that was allowed to have fun and go bowling and play tennis and do whatever he want, was the governor's husband, right? Her husband was free to do whatever he wanted. But other than that, it was like a prison she was operating.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
This election is a choice between a ENTITY super recovery and a Biden depression. And they are going to raise your taxes substantially, like quadruple. He is the only candidate All my life I have been involved in politics, never from the side. But a few years ago I said, Let us give it a shot, but I have always been around. This is the only time in my life. I always heard it was good to cut taxes. I said, How do you say we are giving a massive tax increase to everybody? And it is everybody, because you are getting thousands of dollars a year from my tax cuts. We gave the greatest, the biggest tax cut in history and he wants to end the ENTITY tax cut. Now he is saying, Well, I will not do that. It is same thing like fracking. He is just changed his mind. But he wants to end it, and do not forget child tax credit. That is a thousand dollars for every child. So he is going to end all that. So he was going to end it, We are going to end He did not realize that the middle income people are getting a tremendous tax cut. And if you add energy to it, because they will drive energy through the roof. They want to end fossil fuel. They are going to end fracking. 100% they are going to end fracking. I mean, this guy goes around, We are going to end fracking, for a year and a half. Then he lucks out, gets the nomination. Because Pocahontas refused to do what she should have done, if she believes really in his philosophy of being a socialist, right? And he gets it. And as soon as he gets it, he says, No, no we are going to frack. But if you add energy to it, right? You add energy, we are talking about six, seven, $8,000 a family. So if you vote for me, you will have the greatest If he gets in, he is going to raise your taxes like crazy. If he gets in And it is not him, again, it is his people that tell him what to do. If he gets in, you will have the greatest depression in the history of this country, your stocks will go to hell. Everybody owns stocks. You have 401ks. Who has a 401k here? That is a lot of people. Are you practically at your all time high, right?
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
You will have a depression the likes of which we have never seen, with the possible exception of 1929, because I do not think it gets much worse than that. But you cannot do that, you cannot let this happen, because he will destroy everything we have done. Regulations, we cut more regulations than any administration in history. And regulation may be more important, in terms of jobs and everything, then even the biggest tax cut. It is the biggest tax cut in history. And I think the regulation cut, which is more than any president's done, no matter they were eight years or in one case more, it does not matter. He wants to put them all back. That means all these companies that moved to America, that moved to the United States, that came here because of lower taxes, because of all of the things that we have done. It used to take 18 to 21 years to get a highway built, to get a highway approved. We have got it down to two years. And let me tell you, it may not make it. We are trying to get it to one year, by the way and we are close to getting it. But it used to take, I mean, we have highways for 20 years, they have been trying to get approvals. And then after it gets approved, it is totally different and it costs hundreds of times more money. If you vote for me, prosperity will surge. And the next year will be the greatest year economically in the history of our country. Joe Biden would terminate our recovery with a draconian unscientific lockdown. I mean, not that you are already in it. And he will keep Wisconsin locked up, locked down and closed for business. Biden will shut down the country, delay the vaccine and prolong the pandemic. And companies will be afraid to invest in Wisconsin, if you have this happen, and our country. But you have a Democrat governor, I do not know him but he is a nice guy probably. But I will tell you, companies, big companies, very strong companies, companies like as an example, Foxconn, they do not want to invest with these people. They do not have any security. They do not have any They do not want to invest. I get in, companies like that will put more money in then they even promised. But they are very concerned, I mean, they have to have the right climate.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
So we are going to do things with Wisconsin, but we are going to do things with this country, like honestly has never even been done before and people will come together because of success. So we are delivering a safe vaccine very soon and a rapid recovery. Biden's plan will crush Wisconsin. My plan will crush the virus and will make Wisconsin greater than ever before. You have a spike, you have a surge. But if you remember it, two months ago, Florida had a big surge. Texas had a very big surge and now it is down. If you look at Arizona had a big, big surge, all great governors and it is down. It is down to all low numbers, really low numbers. And you are going to have the same thing, but you got to open up. Joe Biden is the living embodiment of the corrupt political class, that enriched itself while draining the economic life and soul from our country. I mean 47 years, and he just says, Well, I should have done this or that. I said, Joe, you were here for 47 years. You never I always hated when he says that I should have done something. He is been at a high position for 47 years. I said, Joe, you could have done something for the last 47 years. Joe Biden shipped away your jobs, shut down your factories, and you know it very well, you got to hit hard here, threw open your borders and ravaged our cities while sacrificing American blood and treasure in endless wars that were ridiculous in countries that you'd never even heard of. Got a lot of them, most of them are back. I hate to say it. To be honest with you, he makes crooked Hillary Clinton look like an amateur. And China has already bought and paid for Joe Biden. Let me tell you, if Joe Biden became president, China will own this country, China. China will own They are paying us billions and billions of dollars a year. I charged them billions. They never paid us 25 cents. I gave $28 billion to the farmers, many of them right here, 28. 12 and 16, two years. I said to Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture, great guy, How much have we been targeted for our farmers by China? We are going to target them. We took $28 billion. We had tens of billions left over that went to the treasury, our treasury by the way.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
But we had 28 billion that went to the farmers, and a lot of you farmers got it. I also cut the tariffs between Canada, what they were doing to you with 287% tariffs. So I am not just running against Biden. I am running against the left wing media, the big tech companies. But if you think about it, the Democrats and the media are one in the same. When you look at MSDNC and you look at fake news, CNN, then you look at the fake New York Times, the failing New York Times And the good news is, look Well, I do not even call it good news. But when someday I leave, whether it is in four years, eight years, 12 years, 16 years Now the story tomorrow will be with the fake news, He is a fascist he wants to take over No. But when, at some point, I leave, they are all out of business. They are going to go out of business. They know it too. That is why I expect someday they are going to all get together and say, Let us endorse him, because he is done a really good job. And they know that. This political class has nothing but disdain for you and for your values. They flood your communities with criminal aliens, drugs and crime, while living behind gated compounds in communities. They oppose school choice, so important is school choice, while sending their families to the best private schools. They attack the Second Amendment, while employing armed guards for themselves. They want to get rid of your Second Amendment. It is not going to happen with me, I promise. I do not think they will get Ron Johnson on their side. Ron, can I have your pledge please? We got Ron Johnson. Fellas, we have your votes. In 2016, Wisconsin voted to fire this corrupt and decrepit political establishment. And you elected an outsider as president to finally put America first. That is what you did. To defend our workers and our national security, I took the toughest ever action to confront China's rampant theft of American jobs. When China targeted us, we targeted them. And it was very simple and now we are providing all sorts of everything, what we are doing for you. We have $13 billion coming to help our farmers, in addition to all of the money that China paid our farmers, including Wisconsin's incredible dairy farmers. Anybody here do specialty milk.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
It is a very small part, but it was like the straw that broke the camel's back. Because I met with these guys and what they were doing, ripping you off on the big stuff, specialty milk. And anybody do specialty milk? It is so small, but when I heard it, it was like 287%. When the Wisconsin timber industry was threatened, I imposed tariffs on dumped foreign goods and subsidized products, saving your timber jobs. And we have a long way to go. We can save a lot more. We got plenty of timber. I always say, Why the hell are we taking in timber from other countries? We have it all over the place. And if they ever manage their forests in California and other places, you would not have these forest fires. And part of that is cutting wedges. You have to cut wedges and all that stuff. And so we have so much timber. And I do not know, I guess we are just nice people, doing it from other lands, right? But we are doing good with our timber, we saved our timber jobs. If Joe Biden gets in, the radical left will shut down Wisconsin timber production forever. They do not want to let you touch a tree. If you happen to touch a tree, they want to put you in jail for the rest of your life. I also issued brand new regulations to ensure American workers are first in line for jobs. We want American workers to be first in line. Biden will allow his donors to bring in a flood of cheap foreign workers and wipe out your middle class. Under my leadership, we achieved the most secure border in US history. That wall, we are doing 10 miles a week and we will be hitting over 400 miles within a period of a couple of weeks. And by the way, Mexico is paying for the wall, you do know. So finally, they said, Well, all right, he is built the wall. Let us not talk about the wall anymore. We are putting a charge at the border and Mexico is paying us for the wall. But Mexico has been great to us, because they have 27,000 soldiers all along our Southern border. And I want to thank the President of Mexico, who happens to be a great guy. And they do have a big ENTITY problem. This is a good time to have a wall because we have that wall and it is not penetrable.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Remember, they used to talk about, We do not need a wall. They wanted drones. You know what the drones would be good at, with cameras on them? So that we could watch all the people pouring into our Right? They wanted drones. Remember crying Chuck Schumer You know Schumer? He cries anytime I have known him all his life, I have never seen him cry. But when he wants to get on camera, he cry so much. Crying Chuck, I call him. Because he feels so sad, he feels so sorry for people. Ah, do not worry about it, he does not . But crying Chuck, you understand what I mean. Ron looks like , because not a good guy. obsolete. And he said, No, no, we need technology, drones. I said, Drones are not going to help you, other than I mean, they are nice. We have all sorts of attachments to the wall. This wall is technologically very advanced, and drones are fine, but you have got to have a wall. And then I said to a group of people, and they thought it was sort of cool, You know, you do a computer today, you do a chip, you do anything today, it is obsolete in about 19 minutes, right? We have just developed a new computer. Three weeks later, somebody does a better one, right? That is why I like real estate. You buy a good piece of land, that is good. I like it better, simpler, right? Everything's obsolete in 15 minutes, except the two things that you know what that is, I have been telling you, right? In a thousand years, you will come back and the only two things that you will have that are very modern will be a wheel and a wall. Look at the wall they built over there. They took trucks and they put them together because they do not want any criminals coming in here, so that is a wall. Look at that, they built a wall. That wall took them about 12 minutes, but the two things are a wheel and a wall, they will Everything else is going to be obsolete in about 12 minutes. In the last three years, we have arrested over a half a million criminal aliens, including those charged with murder, assault, sex offenses. We have over 6,000 murderers that ICE has apprehended in our great border patrol and we owe them a debt of gratitude.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Think of that, 6,000 murderers we took off the streets. In some cases they are so bad we did not even want to give them, we have to take I do not want to pay for them for the next long period of time. Frankly if it was up to me, I am a person that believes in the death penalty, but what are you going to do? So we will end up keeping them for 50 years. We will end up feeding them for 50 years. But look, look, let me just tell you. We have what The job that ICE does and border patrol, and this guy's a tough guy. You do not want the job. You do not want it. You do not want it. There is a couple of guys could probably, maybe you'd be good at it, I do not know. These guys, the ICE guys, you will see these killers from the MS13, they are total killers. But you get these killers They will be standing up in about two seconds. I appreciate it. The fact is, does anybody have a better time than at a rally, right? But we do not call it a rally, we call it a friendly protest because, legally, if I call it a friendly protest, you are allowed to be here. If you call it a rally, you are entitled to two people or something. So we said let us call it a protest. So everybody raise your hand, this is a protest, right? Under the Biden administration, these criminals would be set free. Under the ENTITY administration, these criminals are put in jail or they are sent home. We have to, we cannot do this. And by the way, the MS13 gang members are the worst anywhere in the world. They do not even want, right, they do not even I hope you did not come into contact with one. You know too much about them. I do not know, I am worried about you. Stand up, I am worried about you. What the hell do you know so much about MS13? Is he with you? You know what can I be honest with you? If he is with you, you have no problem. You got no problem. And these people go in and they go with they call them a nest, where they be standing and just run in and start swinging and fighting. And then they always come out on top. There are not a lot of people that would be good at that job.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
We have to respect those people that protect us like this. And we have to have borders. A nation without borders is not a nation. We do not have a nation. So on behalf of the United States, I'd like to extend my sincere, really sincere condolences to a friend of mine, President Macron of France, where they had just yesterday, a vicious, vicious, Islamic terrorist attack beheading, and just a teacher near Paris, beheading. And they have apprehended nine people, who knows. But we have been very, very strong on radical Islamic terrorism. And we do have a ban. Remember I put the ban o.n and then we got sued and we lost, lost, and then we wanted the United States Supreme Court. We have also invested and France is having a hard time and Macron's a great guy, and I just want to say whatever we can do. We have also invested 2.5 trillion with a T, trillion dollars in the U.S. military, which was totally depleted when we took office. Including major contracts to build new warships that saved the historic shipyard right here in Marinette Marine in Wisconsin. We gave you billions of dollars. A lot of states wanted that contract, I gave it to you. And I came to Marinette about three months ago. And they do a great job. But a lot of people wanted that. A lot of states wanted it. I am going to lose those states, but that is all right. But we gave it, it is a lot of jobs. It is actually a very big contract that gets bigger, but they do fantastic work. I looked at what they were doing. And you would have lost that ship yard. You would have lost it, but we saved it. We have done plenty. We launched the first new branch of the U.S. Armed Forces in nearly 75 years, the Space Force. I withdrew from the last administration's disastrous, $150 billion for nothing. If and when we win, if we win, the first call I am going to get is from the head of Iran. And he is going to say, Let us make a deal. They are dying to make a deal. I said, Look, you want to really see the election because you are not going to be in a position. You got to see the election.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
And then I will tell you the other calls, but I better not, because I am going to just make the deal harder if I do. But plenty of other nations are going to be calling because they are going to want to make deals. I recognize the true capital of Israel and opened the American embassy in Jerusalem. I also recognize By the way, every president for many, many presidents, right, every single president said they were going to do that. And they all said they were going to do it. And they never did it because I will tell you what it was not easy. Once I got to office the pressure put on your president not to do it was incredible. And I told the story, I did not take phone calls. I got calls from kings and presidents and prime ministers. We do not want you to do it. It is going to be horrible if you do it, sir, it'll cause problems. Then finally I said, I will tell you what, who is calling? I was thinking about taking her call, but I. What are they calling about? They want to talk you out of moving the capital of Israel to Jerusalem. I am going to call them back on Thursday. I had the press conference on a Tuesday. So I said, Tell them, I will call them back on Thursday. I look forward to talking to them. I then announced that we were doing it. And we had Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. And then I called back the heads of all these countries. What could I do for you, President of the United States? Well, I wanted to talk to you about Israel, but it is already been announced. Oh gee, I wish I got to you a little bit soon. No, it is much, much easier than, like what do we need? So I got back to them. We opened and it was going to cost anywhere from a billion to $2 billion. And I said to my very talented, who was one of the greatest lawyers in New York, David Friedman, a great lawyer. I said, David, see if you can get a piece of land cheap or a piece that we already own. Because they want to spend $2 billion to build this thing. I said, We can do it cheaper. Calls me back two days later, Sir, we have a piece of land with a building on it. I think we can renovate it for $350,000.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
It will be nicer than the one they want to build. So we did it for 350. I said, David, I have never said this before, it sounds too cheap. You can imagine the cost overruns everything else. And this was a better location, a bigger piece of land, a better view, better everything, safer, better part. We have the best land, right? That is why I said it. If you want a good building by a post office, it is always there. And he said, We have a great piece of land. The building, we fixed it. And we use Jerusalem stone, which is a complicated thing. But I will not tell you about a very expensive, except if you happen to be in Jerusalem. And it is a beautiful embassy and it is opened and now we have the capital and I will tell you something. Every single president, you go back during their campaign. They used to campaign on it and nobody had the guts to do it, but we did it. We did it. Did I do it? And we opened the embassy three months later. Can you believe that? Instead of 10 years later, we would not have that thing open for 20 years. I also recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. 52 years, they worked on it. I got it done in about two hours. And instead of endless war in the Middle East, we are forging peace without blood all over the sand. The fact is I did more in 47 months than Joe Biden did in 47 years, and it is true. What he did was distraught. And now the Democrats are pushing the most far-left agenda ever put forward by a presidential nominee. The Biden plan would destroy your social security and destroy protections for people with pre-existing conditions. You do not know that. They want to spend all their money on this ridiculous Green New Deal for a hundred trillion dollars. A poor student has no idea about the environment. All of a sudden she is coming up with a Green New Deal. And we will not let them take your cattle. Biden vowed to terminate our travel bans on jihadist regions. And they have agreed to this. This is the manifesto, I call it, with Bernie Sanders. You stayed in your country will be overrun and overwhelmed and it will never happen on my watch. Biden wants to ban school choice, the most important thing, school choice. And he wants to end charter schools, which have been so successful.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Because he is controlled by a group. But with that, some of the most important people on this planet are teachers. We love our teachers. We love our teachers. In a second term, I will provide school choice to every parent in America. And when you talk about the black community, the Hispanic community, that is one of the great civil rights developments in our country. One of the most important things we can do. A vote for Republicans is a vote for safe communities, great job, just incredible jobs, and a limitless future for all Americans. It is really about the American Dream. And I will say again, again and again, had we not been hit with this virus, you would have seen things that like you have never seen before, but we are going to have it back there very, very soon. We are setting records. We are going to have it back very soon. So in conclusion, over the next four years, we will make America into the manufacturing superpower of the world. And we will end our reliance on China once and for all. We will hire more police, increased penalties for assaults on law enforcement, and we will ban deadly sanctuary cities. We will uphold religious liberty, free speech, and the right to keep and bear arms. We will strike down terrorists who threaten our children and our citizens. And we will keep America out of these endless and ridiculous foreign wars. We will maintain America's unrivaled military might. We have the greatest military now in the world. When I took over three and a half years ago, you know it and the military, our planes were old. Our missiles, our rockets, our nuclear, was not in the condition that had to be in. You never want to use it. You never want to use it. We hope to God, we never have to use it. Now we have the greatest weapons ever produced by a single country, not even close. I call them the super-duper missiles. They go seven times faster than a normal missile. They took our plans to Russia and other places. But now we have done because we had the technology like nobody else. We make them in Ohio. We kept the plant open. I kept that plant open. I kept the plant open. I said, You cannot close this plant. The plan was to close it. It is the only place in the country. I visited, went to Ohio with Jim Jordan, a great guy.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
I saw the people and I saw the technology and the complexity. I said, You will never be able to build You will never be able to reproduce it. Anyway, we kept it open. And now it is working 24 hours, around the clock. New jets, the fighters F-35s, everything new. And when I took over our military and you know it, the military people, it was totally depleted. We now have the greatest We are the envy of Russia and China and North Korea and every country in the world. There is nobody that has anything near our weaponry, and again, we hope to God, we never ever have to use it, but we will have peace through strength. We will end surprise medical billing. Require price transparency, which goes into effect on January 1st. I invoked a thing. You know that, what I did. You know, I invoked a favored nations clause. So we are going to pay whatever the lowest price in the world. I said, That is what we are going to pay. I am not very popular, however, with big pharma. They are spending a of money on ads against me. When you see those ads, please remember your drug prices are coming down for a reason. They have the biggest lobby in the world by far, but is the only way. I mean, every year what they were doing to people, no good. Or maybe we will make a deal with big pharma along the way, but they are spending a fortune of ads and that is okay. I mean, people get it. You are going to go down 60, 70, 80, maybe 90%, in some cases. We will strongly protect Medicare and social security. And we will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions. America will land the first woman on the moon. And the United States will be the first nation to land an astronaut on Mars. We will stop the radical indoctrination of our students and restore patriotic education to our schools. We will teach our children to love our country, honor our history, and always respect our great American flag. And we will live by the timeless words of our national motto, In God we trust. For years, you had a president who apologized for America. Now you have a president who is standing up for America and standing up for the great people of Wisconsin.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumprallytranscriptjanesvillewioctober17", "title": "Donald Trump Rally Transcript Janesville, WI October 17", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-10-2020", "crawling_date": "29-06-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
I want to, first of all, thank all of you for coming, the Members of Congress of both parties, members of our administration, but the larger community represented here in this room and at all of our sites. This has been a truly remarkable experience, I think, for all of us-stimulating, moving, humbling. I think it is because it is so real, and it has been too long since we have come together over something that is this real, that touches so many of us. This is a moment of great hope for people who are living with mental illness and, therefore, a moment of great promise for our Nation. We know a lot about it; we know a lot more than most of us know we know, as we found out today. And we wanted to have this conference to talk about how far we have come and also to look forward into the future. We all know we would not be here today without the commitment of Tipper Gore. I asked her to be my national adviser for mental illness because she knows more and cares more about this issue than anyone else I personally know. She has dedicated herself to making this a priority of national policy and private life. And I think we are all very, very much in her debt. I would also like to say one more word about Tipper and about the Vice President, about the way they have dealt with this issue as a family and the gifts they have given to America, going back to before the time when we all became a team in the election of 1992, when they began their annual family conferences. All people in public life talk about family values. No couple in public life has ever done remotely as much to try to figure out what it would mean to turn those family values into real, concrete improvements in the lives of ordinary families as Al and Tipper Gore have over a long period of time. I sort of feel like an anticlimax at this convention-not for the reasons the political reporters think--but because the real story here is in the people who have already talked, in their stories of courage and struggle, of endurance and hope. Americans with mental illness should have the same opportunity all Americans have to live to the fullest of their God-given ability. They are, perhaps, just the latest in our enduring challenge as a people to continue the work of our Founders, to widen the circle of opportunity, to deepen the meaning of freedom, to strengthen the bonds of our community.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksthewhitehouseconferencementalhealth", "title": "Remarks at the White House Conference on Mental Health", "source": "", "publication_date": "07-06-1999", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "William J. Clinton" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Clearly, people with mental illnesses have always had to struggle to be treated fairly and to get the treatment they need-and they still do. We have made a lot of progress by appealing to the better angels of our nature, by drawing on our deep belief in equality, but also by hearing these stories. So again, I want to thank Mike and John and Jennifer and Robin and Dr. Burton. I thank Dr. Hyman, Dr. Koplewicz. I thank Lynn Rivers. I think all of us can remember some moment in our lives where, because of something that happened in our families or something someone we knew wrote or said, we began to look at this issue in a different way. I, myself, feel particularly indebted to the courage of my friend the great author William Styron for writing the book he wrote about his own depression. We have to have hope, and then we have to have some sense about where we are going. It was no accident that all of you were clapping loudly when Dr. Hyman showed us pictures of the brain. I remember when Hillary and I first met and began going together 28 years ago, and she was working at the Yale Child Study Center and the hospital, and we began to talk about all of this. Like a lot of young students at the time, I had been very influenced by Thomas Kuhn's book, The Structure of Scientific Revolution. And I began to wonder whether we would ever develop a completely unified theory of mind and body, if we would ever learn that at root there are no artificial dividing lines between our afflictions. The human genome project, as you have heard explained today, offers us the best chance we have ever had to have our science match our aspirations in learning to deal with this and all other issues. So this has been for me not simply emotionally rewarding but intellectually reaffirming. And I hope it has been for all of you. We have been at this for quite a long while. A hundred and fifty years ago we had to learn to treat people with mental illness as basic human beings. Thirty years ago we had to learn that people with mental illness had to be treated as individuals, not just a faceless mob. I will never forget when journalists secretly filmed the nightmare world inside some of our Nation's mental hospitals. Americans were heartbroken and horrified by what they saw, and we began to develop a system of community care for people.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksthewhitehouseconferencementalhealth", "title": "Remarks at the White House Conference on Mental Health", "source": "", "publication_date": "07-06-1999", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "William J. Clinton" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Today, we have to make sure that we actually provide the care all of our people need, so they can live full lives and fully participate in our common life. We have worked hard to break down some of the barriers for people living with mental illness. On Friday, as many of you know, I directed all Federal agencies to ensure that their hiring practices give people with mental disabilities the same employment opportunities as people with physical disabilities. On Saturday Tipper and I did the radio address together and announced that Tipper will unveil our new campaign to fight stigma and dispel myths about mental illness. But all of you who have had this in your lives, or in your families' lives, know that attitudes are fine, but treatment matters most. Unfortunately, too many people with mental illness are not getting that treatment because too many of our health plans and businesses do not provide equal coverage of parity for mental and physical illness or because of the inadequacy of Government funding and policy supports. I have heard heartbreaking stories from people who are trying hard to take care of their families, and one day mental illness strikes. And when they try to get help, they learn the health plans they have been counting on, the plans that would cover treatment for high blood pressure or heart disease, strictly limit mental health care and do not cover it at all. Because of ignorance about the nature of mental illness, the cost of treating it, and as Dr. Burton told us, the cost of not treating it. A recent study showed the majority of Americans do not believe mental illness can accurately be diagnosed or effectively treated. If we do not get much else out of this historic conference than changing the attitudes of the majority, it will have been well done, just on that score. Insurance plans claim providing parity for mental health will send costs and premiums skyrocketing. Businesses believe employees will over-use mental health services, making it impossible for employers to offer health insurance. Now, there may be arguments to be made at the margins on both sides of these issues, but I believe that providing parity is something we can do at reasonable cost, benefit millions of Americans, and over the long run, have a healthier country and lower health care costs. As we have heard again today, mental illness can be accurately diagnosed, successfully treated, just as physical illness. New drugs, better community health services are helping even people with the most severe mental illnesses lead healthier, more productive lives.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksthewhitehouseconferencementalhealth", "title": "Remarks at the White House Conference on Mental Health", "source": "", "publication_date": "07-06-1999", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "William J. Clinton" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Our ability to treat depression and bipolar disorder is greater even than our ability to treat some kinds of heart disease. But left untreated, mental illness can spiral out of control, and so can the cost of mental health care. A recent World Bank study showed that mental illness is a leading cause of disability and economic burden that goes along with it. Here in the United States, untreated mental illness costs tens of billions of dollars every year. The loss in human potential is staggering. So far, 24 States and a large number of businesses have begun to provide parity for their citizens and their employees. Reports show that parity is not notably increasing health care costs. For instance, Ohio provides full parity for all its State employees and has not seen costs rise. As we heard, Bank One's employee mental health treatment program has helped it reduce direct treatment costs for depression by 60 percent. As a nation founded on the ideal of equality, it is high time that our health plans treat all Americans equally. Government can and must lead the way to meet this challenge. In 1996 I called on Congress to make parity for mental health a priority. I was proud to sign into law the Mental Health Parity Act, which prohibited health plans for setting lower annual and lifetime limits for mental health care than for other medical services. Again I want to say, since we have so many Congressmen here, Tipper Gore was very instrumental in that. But I was also deeply moved by the broad and deep bipartisan support by Members of Congress in both Houses who had personal experiences that they shared with other Members which helped to change America. And I am pleased to announce, with Secretary Herman here, that the Labor Department will now launch a nationwide effort to educate Americans about their rights under the existing law, because a lot of people do not even know it passed. But when insurers can get around the law by limiting the number of doctor's visits for mental condition, when families face higher copayments for mental health care than for physical ailments, when people living with mental illness are forced to wait until their sickness incapacitates them to get the treatment they need, we know we have to do more. First, I am using my authority as President to ensure that our Nation's largest private insurer, the Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan, provides full parity for mental health.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksthewhitehouseconferencementalhealth", "title": "Remarks at the White House Conference on Mental Health", "source": "", "publication_date": "07-06-1999", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "William J. Clinton" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Today Janice Lachance, the Director of OPM, will inform nearly 300 health plans across America that to participate in our program, they must provide equal coverage for mental and physical illnesses. With this single step, 9 million Americans will have health insurance that provides the same copayments for mental health conditions as for any other health condition, the same access to specialists, the same coverage for medication, the same coverage for outpatient care. Thirty-six years ago President Kennedy said we had to return mental health to the mainstream of American medicine. Thirty-six years ago he said it, and we are still waiting. Today, we have to take more steps to return Americans to the mainstream of American life. I ask Congress now to do its part by holding hearings on mental health parity. The second thing we have to do is to reach out to the people who are most in need. Today I have asked HCFA, the Health Care Finance Administration, to do more to encourage States to better coordinate mental health services, from medication to programs targeted at people with the most serious mental disorders, for the millions of people with mental illness who rely on Medicaid. Third, we must do more to help people with mental illness reenter the work force. I asked Congress to pass the Work Incentives Improvement Act, which will allow people with disabilities to purchase health insurance at a reasonable cost when they go back to work. No American should ever have to choose between keeping health care and supporting their family. Fourth, with an ever-increasing number of people with mental disabilities in managed care plans, it is more important than ever for Congress to pass the Patients' Bill of Rights. Fifth, this year we requested the largest increase in history, some $70 million to help more communities provide more mental health services. And I asked Congress to fully fund this proposal. The absence of services and adequate funding and institutional support for sometimes even the most severe mental health problems is a source of profound worry to those of you who actually know what is going on out there. I know that I was incredibly moved by the cover story in the New York Times Sunday magazine a couple of weeks ago, and I know a lot of you were. And I read that story very carefully. I talked to Hillary about it; I talked to Al and Tipper about it; and I asked myself then-I am still asking myself-what more can we do to deal with some of the unbelievable tragedies that were plainly avoidable, clearly documented in that important article?
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksthewhitehouseconferencementalhealth", "title": "Remarks at the White House Conference on Mental Health", "source": "", "publication_date": "07-06-1999", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "William J. Clinton" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
This is a good beginning, and I hope that Congress will fund it. And finally, it is profoundly significant what we have heard about children. We have to do more to reach out to troubled young people. One out of ten children suffers from some form of mental illness, from mild depression to serious mental disease. But fewer than 20 percent receive proper treatment. One of the most sobering statistics that I have heard in all of this is that a majority of the young people who commit suicide-now the third leading cause of death in teenagers, especially gay teenagers-are profoundly depressed. Yet the majority of parents whose children took their own lives say they did not recognize their children's depression until it was too late. The tragedy at Columbine High School, as Hillary said, was for all of us a wakeup call. We simply cannot afford to wait until tragedy strikes to reach out to troubled young people. Today I am pleased to announce a new national school safety training program for teachers, schools, and communities to help us identify troubled children and provide them better school mental health services. This new program is the result of a remarkable partnership by the National Education Association, EchoStar, and members of the Learning First Alliance, joined by the Departments of Education, Justice, and Health and Human Services. This fall the Vice President and Tipper will kick off the first training session, which will be transmitted via satellite to more than 1,000 communities around our Nation. We are all very grateful to EchoStar, a satellite company based in Littleton, Colorado, and its partner, Future View, for helping make this possible by donating satellite dishes to 1,000 school districts, and 40 hours of free time. I want to ask businesses and broadcasters all around our country to follow EchoStar's lead and donate their time, expertise, and equipment to help ensure that every school district in America can participate in this important training program. the president of the NEA, Bob Chase; and Bill Vanderpoel, the vice president of EchoStar. I'd like to ask them to come up and talk a little bit about what they are going to do. Let us give them a big hand. Now, I'd like to ask Tipper to come up one more time so we can all tell her how grateful we are, and let me say this.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksthewhitehouseconferencementalhealth", "title": "Remarks at the White House Conference on Mental Health", "source": "", "publication_date": "07-06-1999", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "William J. Clinton" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
It is been my honor to welcome to Washington and to confer with President Azcona of Honduras. And we have had extremely useful discussions today. We both expressed our appreciation for the positive and solid relationship that our two countries enjoy. We reviewed recent developments in Central America, including the summit meeting this past weekend. President Azcona and I are in full agreement on the necessity of working for greater economic growth in Central America and the importance of democratic institutions to the cause of peace in the region. I reaffirmed the commitment of the United States to cooperate closely with Honduras, both in helping to build its economy and in bolstering its democracy. I expressed to President Azcona my personal thanks and that of the American people for his government's responsible stand on regional issues. Our two governments share a serious concern over the threat to peace, stability, and freedom posed by the Communist regime in Nicaragua. The Nicaraguan Communists, with extensive Soviet and Cuban support, persist in repressing their own population and in backing the subversion of their democratic neighbors. This endangers all of Latin America and ultimately the United States as well. In this regard, I underscored to the President our promise to stand by Honduras in defense of its national sovereignty and territorial integrity, as is in accordance with our reciprocal international rights and obligations. A joint communique will be issued today reiterating this mutual commitment. President Azcona and I agree that our countries and the other democracies in the region must act together to end the conflict that plagues Central America, but it is not just up to us. Honduras has been diligent and persistent in its pursuit of a comprehensive and verifiable solution within the framework of the Contadora negotiations, and, Mr. President, you have our support in these efforts. The United States continues to believe that a realistic and enforceable agreement, based on the full implementation of the Contadora Document of Objectives, is one way to bring peace to Central America. And finally, it was a great personal pleasure to meet President Azcona. I look forward to continuing our work in the same spirit of friendship and respect that was so evident in our meeting today. So, Mr. President, we thank you for coming. It has been a great pleasure to talk with President Reagan. I believe that these exchanges of views, held in a climate of great cordiality and frankness, are always beneficial, because they lead to greater understanding and a better relationship between our governments and peoples.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksfollowingdiscussionswithpresidentjosesimeonazconahoyohonduras", "title": "Remarks Following Discussions With President Jose Simeon Azcona Hoyo of Honduras", "source": "", "publication_date": "27-05-1986", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Ronald Reagan" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
With President Reagan, we have reviewed the various aspects of the harmonious bilateral relations between our two countries. I am happy to say that in the economic field he was receptive to the points I made to him. So, I am certain that his great country will give broad support to the measures which my government is taking to reactivate the Honduran economy and reduce our present high unemployment levels, as a complement to Honduran short- and medium-term efforts, all without neglecting our security needs. I have told President Reagan about the efforts we are making in Honduras to develop our country. In this context, I reiterated the fact that our government assigns the highest priority to foreign investment, while at the same time recognizing that at present we also require the participation of government and the cooperation of friendly countries, among which the United States is one of the closest. Because of the fact that we believe in the necessity of offering the foreign investor a climate of tranquillity, encouraging his participation in the effort being made by Hondurans to develop our country, and of offering him guarantees which ensure the protection of his legitimate rights, I have authorized the Foreign Minister to sign during this visit the treaty on the settlement of investment disputes between states and nationals of other states. This treaty will provide the foreign investor in Honduras with access to international legal mechanisms of recognized impartiality and competence, which together with those offered by Honduran law will guarantee to him the full enjoyment of his rights. In the political field, we reaffirmed our identity as a regime governed by rule of law and based on the effective exercise of democracy and on respect for human rights. When we examined the situation in Central America, we noted with concern that conditions jeopardizing peace and security still exist. We agreed that major new efforts must be made to find a negotiated solution to the crisis, based on concrete actions for national reconciliation, on free and honest elections, on disarmament, and in general, on the creation of a climate in which freedom and security for all can guarantee the economic and social development of the peoples of Central America. To that end, it is necessary to conclude fully verifiable, juridical arrangements among the Central American States.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksfollowingdiscussionswithpresidentjosesimeonazconahoyohonduras", "title": "Remarks Following Discussions With President Jose Simeon Azcona Hoyo of Honduras", "source": "", "publication_date": "27-05-1986", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Ronald Reagan" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
General Irving, distinguished visitors, and the Corps of Cadets at West Point, I am having a wonderful time today. I was telling my Missouri cadet friends that the only ones who are suffering and having trouble are the ones who are my hosts. It is always a nuisance to have the President of the United States around. He has to have certain special treatment, which is for the Presidency and not for the individual. Always bear in mind that the Presidency of this great Republic of ours is the greatest office in the history of the world. It is the most important office in the world, and the man in it must do everything he can to cause all the people, at home and abroad, to respect that office for what it is. World leadership came and was forced upon us, because we did not want to assume that responsibility we refused to assume that responsibility in 1920; and the Second World War was the result. Beginning in 1938 when Hitler went into Poland it began to dawn on the people at the head of the Government of the United States, that we had a place in the world which had to be filled. We are trying our best to fill that place in the world. You young men who will be the future generals, the men who will form the military policy of the United States, have a responsibility which you will have to assume just as soon as you finish your education. Now, this is your great school I was telling my young friends from Missouri here, that this school has produced some of the greatest men in the history of our country. This school has made a contribution that is one of the greatest in the history of the country. I am proud to be your guest today on that account. And I am just as proud and I am interpolating here of the Naval Academy and its cadets. I want to see you become the leaders and the citizens in our military setup that you should. General Bradley this afternoon is going to give you a lecture on what it means to be a graduate of this school, and what your responsibilities are, and what our military policy really is. Now I did not intend to give you a lecture on citizenship and the Presidency of the United States, but I thought maybe you would be interested in knowing that the President himself an individual like everybody else must keep his eye on the ball, in an effort to attain the respect for the office that it deserves.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksluncheonthecadetdininghallwestpoint", "title": "Remarks at a Luncheon in the Cadet Dining Hall at West Point.", "source": "", "publication_date": "20-05-1952", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Harry S. Truman" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
It is a very great pleasure for me to see you out here this morning. It is a pleasure to me. You know how intriguing it is, and helpful it is, for the ENTITY to get away from the White House and get to see the people as they are. ENTITY, you know, is virtually in jail. He goes from his study to his office and from his office to his study, and he has to have guards there all the time. And they do a good job, too--I am not criticizing the guards--but when you get out and see people and find out what people are thinking about, you can do a better job as President of the United States. I understand that this is top of the world in Ohio. On this nonpartisan, bipartisan trip that we are taking here, I understand there are a whole lot of Democrats present, too. It is a pleasure to have been able to see the Governor. I know he is going to be the next Governor of Ohio. It is a very great pleasure indeed for me to have a chance to stop at Fort Wayne. I have always, all my life, been an admirer of Mad Anthony Wayne. You know, Mad Anthony had a dictionary without the word cannot in it. Whenever he was given a job to do, he did it. These northwest territories are very much beholden to him for being a part of the greatest republic in the world. In his day people were thinking just as they are now-. They were anxious for peace and security, and they themselves contributed to making that peace and security. They usually had their own squirrel rifle up over the door, the bag full of powder and shot, and a King James version of the Bible. It took all those things to make this great community what it is now. I can say to you categorically that there will be a permanent peace if the United States of America assumes the role that God Almighty intended the United States of America to assume in 1920. The first is to have the United Nations to work as the United Nations Charter intends it to work, and that is what we have been working for ever since that charter was agreed to. The next most important thing right now is the success of the European recovery program. If the 16 nations that agreed at Paris to the European recovery program are encouraged and we carry out the agreements which we made with them without stint, Europe will recover and we will have peace in Europe.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsrearplatformremarksohioandindiana", "title": "Rear Platform Remarks in Ohio and Indiana.", "source": "", "publication_date": "04-06-1948", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Harry S. Truman" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
It is just as necessary that we have peace in Asia as it is to have it in Europe, and since we are the leaders in world government, we will see that we carry out those agreements to the letter. And, I sincerely hope that the Congress will carry out the agreement that was made by these 16 nations to the letter, and not quibble on it. The next most important thing we are faced with is the necessity that we have the strength to maintain that peace. In November 1945 I requested the Congress to give us a universal training program, so that we could be in a position, after our demobilization, to maintain the peace. In January 1946 and again in 1946, and in January 1947 and again in 1947, and last November and last January, I asked Congress for the same thing, for the same reason. We must be strong enough to maintain the peace if we expect to have peace in the world. If we did not have a police force in Fort Wayne, capable of enforcing the city ordinances, you would not have any peace. And I sincerely hope that this Congress will give us that temporary draft and universal training that is necessary to keep this country in the lead. That means peace in the world. If those three things which I called to your attention are carried through to the logical conclusion, there will be peace, and there will be permanent peace, and there will be prosperity in all the world, for there are enough resources on this old globe to give everybody his fair share, and that is all the United States Government is working for. It is a pleasure to me, I assure you, to have had the privilege of stopping here this afternoon and to have had the privilege of meeting this most intelligent audience, as Mr. Madden said. I appreciate that privilege. I wish I had the time to look at some of the great industries you have in this fast growing community. I am told that this is the youngest town in America over a hundred thousand inhabitants. You have done some great things here in this town. I made some investigations here during the war, and the. plants in this city made a magnificent contribution to that war effort. Everybody was worried and uneasy when the war ceased suddenly on V-J Day--in September--and everybody wondered whether he was going to have a job or not, and everybody wondered whether he was going to have enough to eat, and when he was going to be able to get what he needed to live.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsrearplatformremarksohioandindiana", "title": "Rear Platform Remarks in Ohio and Indiana.", "source": "", "publication_date": "04-06-1948", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Harry S. Truman" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Well, that worry about the job went out the window. The last part of last year we passed the 60-million mark in jobs in this country. But that 61,800,000 people at work in this country had another worry. They were very much worried about the cost of living. Now that cost of living has been skyrocketing ever since July 1946. In July 1946--that is on the 30th of June 1946--the Congress sent me an impossible price control bill, and I vetoed it. Thirty days later they sent me one almost as bad, and I had to take it or none. I had suggested to the Congress leaving the powers with the President for a gradual release of controls, as production caught up with consumption. They did not see fit to do that. And therefore the price of living--the cost of living has been gradually going up. It made a tremendous jump from August 1946 to January 1947, and it has been steadily rising ever since. I asked the Congress last November in the message to the special session to restore Federal controls to the President so he could in his discretion hold down the cost of living to the common, everyday man. This 80th Congress has not seen fit to take any action. They have decided that the National Association of Manufacturers and the National Chamber of Commerce of the United States know all about prices and price controls. Well now, we have price controls and rationing now, just as we have under Government controls, only those price controls are controls so that only the man who has the money is able to get the necessities of life. Your dollar now in the purchase of food is worth only about 60 cents of what your dollar was in 1946, when the Government was controlling prices in favor of the consumer. This is a producer's market under which we are living now. The Both Congress, I am afraid will adjourn without doing anything about it. And then we will be faced with a continued rise and rise in the cost of living. It can only go so far under this boom and bust program. I am hoping that when we get a new Congress--and we are going to get one this fall--maybe we will get one that will work in the interests of the common people and not the interests of the men who have all the money. Bear that in mind carefully when you decide that you want a new Congress.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsrearplatformremarksohioandindiana", "title": "Rear Platform Remarks in Ohio and Indiana.", "source": "", "publication_date": "04-06-1948", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Harry S. Truman" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
I WANT to welcome you all to the White House and to tell you that I am very appreciative to have a chance to say a word to you. This is a matter in which I have been greatly interested, and with the support of General Taylor, our Military Representative at the White House, the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the AID Agency, CIA, and the other groups in Government, we have been attempting to put a good deal more emphasis in recent months on this problem of counter-insurgency. It has so many ramifications, as you know from your analysis of it, and it requires a mastery of so many different areas of national, international life that it has required, I know, study by all of you at the foreign Service Institute, and will require continued analysis by all of you, I hope, after you graduate, so that we can improve our courses. The foreign Service Institute has done an excellent job in laying this out. We are anxious that all of the military colleges emphasize this phase of our struggle. We are anxious that beginning really at the three military academies, that they attempt to inculcate an interest in this phase of military life. We are anxious that all those who are promoted in the career services of the foreign Service itself, of the CIA, and the AID agency and the military departments, that all of them, particularly the senior officers, have had at least some contact with this subject at various schools so that we become really far more expert than we have ever been in the past. This most ancient form of warfare, going back as it has to its earliest beginnings, has become far more important than it has ever been in the past, and it is going to become more important in the future. As the great weapons become more deadly and as more and more nations possess them, there will be of course, as has been very clearly pointed out by those who make themselves our adversaries, more and more emphasis on this kind of war, insurgency, guerrilla, and the other kind of struggle, the so-called wars of liberation. So that as the thermonuclear weapons get higher and higher in their megatonnage, and as there becomes less and less occasion to use them, then of course there will be more and more emphasis on this kind of struggle.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksmembersspecialseminartheforeignserviceinstitute", "title": "Remarks to Members of a Special Seminar of the foreign Service Institute.", "source": "", "publication_date": "03-07-1962", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "John F. Kennedy" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
This is not merely a military effort, but it also requires, as I have said, a broad knowledge of the whole development effort of a country, the whole technique of the National Government to identify themselves with the aspirations of people. The problem, of course, that we face is that in so much of the world the problems that the people face are so staggering, and there is no immediate answer to them. The United States does not have sufficient capital itself to make an immediate imprint. We can join the countries and encourage them and offer them hope and indicate that they are moving, but even in a country with the resources of Mexico, with the population increasing nearly 31/2 percent, with I out of every 20 children getting beyond the sixth grade, and a country with the highest standard of living in Latin America, we can see how serious are the problems that so much of the world faces. And therefore this technique of the guerrilla, where you need only one guerrilla, and it requires 15 or 20 troops to track him down, and where you have so much misery which can be exploited, offers a very effective weapon for the overthrow of legitimate governments. We sometimes take some encouragement in the fact that there are so many obvious evidences of a desire of people to be free and a desire of people to maintain their anti-Communist position. What we realize, and I am sure you realize, is the technique of the Communists which emphasizes organization, which requires comparatively few people, the people to be at the pressure point at the key moment. And when you realize the Castro experience, starting with such a small number of people, and what eventually came about, you cannot be satisfied to merely feel that 75 or 80 or 85 percent of the people are anti-Communist. They work on a much more selective basis, and it will require the best we have. So I was anxious to have you come to the White House because we want to emphasize the necessity for the experience which you are going through, that it be shared by all people in the National Government who have anything to do with our international relations. Every senior officer, as I say, in all the key departments must have a comparable experience to yours, have the knowledge that you have, have their attention focused on it. This is particularly true, as I say, in the key agencies, the military across the spectrum, to the State Department, and the agencies in between. They all must concentrate their energy on what is going to be one of the great factors in the struggle of the sixties.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksmembersspecialseminartheforeignserviceinstitute", "title": "Remarks to Members of a Special Seminar of the foreign Service Institute.", "source": "", "publication_date": "03-07-1962", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "John F. Kennedy" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
I want to thank the leaders of both parties for being here today to discuss what is a very serious issue facing the United States. And the fact that I have had a chance to speak to many of you and Congress as a whole is taking this issue with the soberness and seriousness that it deserves is greatly appreciated and, I think, vindicates the decision for us to present this issue to Congress. As I have said last week, as Secretary Kerry made clear in his presentation last week, we have high confidence that Syria used, in an indiscriminate fashion, chemical weapons that killed thousands of people, including over 400 children, and in direct violation of the international norm against using chemical weapons. That poses a serious national security threat to the United States and to the region, and as a consequence, Asad and Syria needs to be held accountable. I have made a decision that America should take action. But I also believe that we will be much more effective, we will be stronger, if we take action together as one Nation. And so this gives us an opportunity not only to present the evidence to all of the leading Members of Congress and their various foreign policy Committees as to why we have high confidence that chemical weapons were used and that Asad used them, but it also gives us an opportunity to discuss why it is so important that he be held to account. This norm against using chemical weapons that 98 percent of the world agrees to is there for a reason, because we recognize that there are certain weapons that, when used, can not only end up resulting in grotesque deaths, but also can end up being transmitted to nonstate actors, can pose a risk to allies and friends of ours like Israel, like Jordan, like Turkey, and unless we hold them into account, also sends a message that international norms around issues like nuclear proliferation do not mean much. And so I am going to be working with Congress. We have sent up a draft authorization. We are going to be asking for hearings and a prompt vote. And I am very appreciative that everybody here has already begun to schedule hearings and intends to take a vote as soon as can-as all of Congress comes back early next week. The military plan that has been developed by our Joint Chiefs-and that I believe is appropriate-is proportional. It does not involve boots on the ground.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarkspriormeetingwithcongressionalleadersthesituationsyria", "title": "Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Congressional Leaders on the Situation in Syria", "source": "", "publication_date": "03-09-2013", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Barack Obama" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Well, thank you very much and I am thrilled to be back with the hardworking, God-fearing, card-carrying patriots of the NRA. As a candidate in 2016, I promised you that I would save your Second Amendment from absolute oblation, that is where it was going, and as your president, that is exactly what I did. We saved our Second Amendment and we are going to save it for a long time to come. It is under siege, but we are going to save it for a long time to come. Forever, as far as I am concerned, forever, and thank you very much. I was proud to be the most pro-gun, pro-Second Amendment president you have ever had in the White House, I think that is been acknowledged, and with your support in 2024, I will be your loyal friend and fearless champion once again as the 47th president of the United States. We have to remember in 2016, we won, we won the first time, and we did better the second time, got a lot more votes. A lot of bad things happened, though, did not they, huh? A lot of bad things happened. I want to thank Wayne LaPierre and Charles Cotton for their leadership, as well as all of the people that work with them, the NRA members who make up this incredible organization. It is really a tremendous force for freedom, that is what it is, and I am very proud to be here. Also, with them came along Isaac. If anybody's into sports, even a little bit, four-time All-American's good. Jim was a great wrestler, a lot of people do not know that. His daughter-in-law, Brooke, she is about to have a baby. I said, What are you doing here? But he is a spectacular congressman, politician, and person, and so I just want to thank Jim and the whole family, and Polly, thank you very much for being here. Somebody that I believe is going to be and a friend of Jim, and it is going to be your next senator from the great state of Indiana, which I love so much, Jim Banks. We like it that way, do not we? He is someplace here, I saw him. For seven years, all of us here today have been engaged in an epic struggle against the corrupt forces and communist maniacs, and they are all over the place, that are absolutely trying to destroy our country.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
They want to take away your guns while throwing open the jailhouse doors and releasing bloodthirsty criminals into your communities. They want to abolish your borders and impoverish your families while spending your money on endless and very, very stupid foreign wars. They want to demonize patriots and persecute Christians while pushing the transgender cult on your children, children who turn 25 and they say, Who did this to me? Who did this to me? They want to weaponize and interfere with our elections through the use of the DOJ, the FBI, and local attorney generals and district attorneys. That is happening to me, but we are doing very well, thank you. I will tell you what, if I were not running, which is not going to happen, or if I was doing badly in the polls, and we are not going to let that happen either, we are killing them in the polls, are you seeing the numbers? They would not be doing anything. They'd be after somebody else. But we are going to show you some of the polls in a little while, you are going to be amazed. We really made a lot of progress over the last month. We put it into high gear, like we did for four years when this country had no problems, and then ENTITY came in and we got it back. When you think about it, it was amazing. We actually left it with a stock market that was higher than just pre-ENTITY coming in. It was an amazing job that we did. We built it twice, but there was nothing like it. What we did in those four years were really monumental, rebuilt our military, largest tax cuts in history, largest regulation cuts in history, the creation of Space Force, that was a big deal, that was a big deal, and so many other things. Even right to try, I hope nobody needs it, right to try, where you can use this advanced medical treatments that will not be approved for five or six years by the FDA, but we got them to move a lot faster, I will tell you, on everything, but will not be approved by the FDA for years, and we have saved thousands and thousands of lives with right to try. But we did a lot, we did a lot. 2024 is the year that we will defeat these nation-wrecking globalists, Marxists, RINOs, and tyrants once and for all.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
In many ways, the RINOs are worse because you do not know where they are coming from. You say, Oh, that is a RINO, we do not like that one. At least with the Democrats, you know where they are coming from and that is not a good place, is it? If you put me back in the White House, their reign is over and America will be a free nation once again. I promise you this, with me at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, no one will lay a finger on your firearms, just as took place for four years when I was your president, I will uphold those glorious words, Shall not be infringed. Do you know those words? I think you know those words. You know those words? Every pledge I made to you as a candidate in 2016, I fulfilled as your president. I appointed nearly 300 federal judges to fill the bench with pro- Constitution warriors who interpret the law as written. We have great judges, a lot of great justices, almost 300, a record. I faced down vile attacks from the radical left to confirm three great Supreme Court justices, you know who they are, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, all outstanding people. They do not help me much, I have got to tell you that, they vote against me too much, but one of those little things in life, right? But they are outstanding people and great scholars, brilliant, and they have done a very good job. I always say, Except for me, they have done a very good job. Standing before you like, Show your tax returns, that was not supposed to happen, right? Show you tax returns, I thought that was not supposed to happen. By the way, I showed them, and you know what happened? They said, This guy made a lot of money. Standing before you at the NRA Leadership Forum in 2019, I revoked America's signature from the globalist United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, which was a disaster. I never surrendered to the globalist left. I always put our term America First, very simple, America First. I canceled Barack Hussein Obama's corrupt use of Social Security data to deny Americans their gun rights without due process of law. You know that very well in this auditorium, I fought Obama's unconstitutional effort to ban 3D-printed guns.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
I stood up for our hunters, fishers, and sportsmen like no other president has ever done before, opening up millions acres of federal land and rolling back Obama's assaults on hunting, fishing, trapping, and on ammunition itself. When the radical left Democrats tried to use ENTITY to shut down gun sales during the China virus pandemic, I proudly designated gun and ammunition retailers as critical infrastructure. Do you remember that? It saved all of them, a lot of them are in the room with us today. My administration also petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn New York City's unconstitutional, so many unconstitutional things are taking place in these Democrat-run cities, but it was an unconstitutional ban on transporting handguns outside of the home, and in a landmark case last June, the court affirmed that the right to self-defense does not end when you step outside the front door of your house. We did all of this and we did so much more working now and going to finish everything that we started. We finished a lot it already in the four years, but we have things to do and we have things to finish and we are going to get that done. We are going to take back that beautiful, gorgeous White House. In year one of my new term, I will stop Joe Biden's war on lawful gun owners. It is a war, what they are doing is crazy, so many things are crazy. Let us say no borders, high taxes, everything they do. I made a speech recently and I used this term, and I did not even know we were using it, but I used it, Every day is like April Fool's Day. We want no borders. No, no, no, you have got to have borders. want no walls. No, no, you got to have walls. Everything is like the opposite. We want high taxes. No, no, we want to keep our taxes low. We want no guns. No, no, we want people to be able to protect themselves and also enjoy it as entertainment and go out and hunt and do the things that you want to do. It is almost like April Fools. Everything that they do is like, We want to have a weak military. We rebuilt the entire US military. We had planes that were 48 years old. We built brand new, beautiful jets. We had planes where the grandfathers were flying the same plane as the grandson, but we rebuilt our entire military.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
I hate to say this, we gave $85 billion of it to the Taliban in Afghanistan, in probably the most embarrassing, single moment in the history of our country, which I believe led to Russia going in. They would've never done that with us, but I believe it led to that and led to a lot of bad things. That was the most embarrassing period of time, I think in our nation's history. Not only that, the soldiers killed, 13 killed, many just horribly, horribly wounded, hurt, no arms, no legs, faces were just so badly hurt and we left a lot of people there too. And then we gave up Bagram Airbase, a big airbase, one hour from where China makes its nuclear weapons. You should have never given that up, and I call it a surrender. We were in great shape. If you look back on that history, you are going to see something that was interesting. I dealt with Abdul. Abdul was the leader of the Taliban, and I took a lot of heat from all of those fake news people back there, and they said, Why do you call Abdul? Abdul is the leader of the Taliban. They are the ones that we are fighting and fighting hard.. And I related to Jesse James. They say, Why do you always rob banks, Jesse?. So when I dealt with Abdul, he is the one that was shooting our young soldiers and others with snipers and lots of other things, and I said, Abdul, you cannot do that. You cannot do that., over the phone. You do that, you are going to suffer like nobody's ever suffered. We will hit you harder than anybody's ever been hit.. He said, Your excellency, why, but why do you send me a picture of my home?. I said, Abdul, you are going to have to figure that one out for yourself.. We did not lose one soldier in 18 months. Now think of it, not one soldier was even shot at. They were at bay and we were going to get out with pride and with dignity. We were going to take all of our equipment out. I told the generals, I want every screw. I want every bolt. I want every tank. I want every plane. I want every helicopter. Sir, can we leave the hangers?, you know those big canvas, covered hangers?
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Sir, I think it would be a lot easier to leave the equipment behind.. I said, So you mean to tell me, General, that if we have a hundred million dollar airplane sitting there, you want to leave that and you think that is a good thing?. Leave the airplane, leave the helicopters, which they did leave all of this very expensive We could just fill it up with a little jet fuel and fly it to Pakistan or fly it home. I think it would be a good idea to leave it.. That is where these ideas came from. We left $85 billion worth of equipment in Afghanistan and I just read a report the other day that they are about the second-largest seller of arms in the whole world. We sell more than they do, a little bit, but they are the second largest. Can you imagine that they are Because they do not need 700,000 rifles? We left behind, talking about guns, NRA, 700,000 guns and rifles, some of them the finest in the world. Some of them, even are people right up here that are so wealthy, I know them. They wish they could afford guns like we left behind for the Taliban. Many of them armor plated, costing millions of dollars apiece. We left it all behind like a bunch of fools. We are led by stupid people, and let me tell you, we have never been in such danger in our life. I believe it is the most dangerous time in the history of our country, because of the power of weaponry and I am not talking about rifles now. You know what I am talking about. You cannot use the nuclear word. The power of these weapons is so And I would never talk about it. I did not talk about it, and now it is talked about every single day, including by Putin. He says that publicly now. He never said that when I was here, because you do not talk about it. You do not talk about it. Now, they are talking about it all the time and we have somebody that has no idea what it is. We have never been in such danger. Because of our leadership, we have never been in such danger as we are right now. I will take Biden's executive order directing the federal government to target the firearms industry, and I will rip it up and throw it out on day one.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
You will see your gasoline and your heating bills and your cooling bills and every other bill, you will see them plummet and you will see inflation start to go away. I will eliminate the Biden ATFs ridiculous pistol brace rule, which orders law-abiding citizens to register or surrender guns with stabilizing braces. Does everybody like that or should I forget about it? They wanted me to put that in. I guess some people are happy with it. To restore our Second Amendment, we will pass legislation protecting the absolute right to self-defense with federal penalties for prosecutorial abuse, like we saw just recently in Texas. You saw that? Where a man was trying to defend himself and they want to put him in jail for the rest of his life, and I will ask Congress to send a bill to my desk delivering national concealed carry reciprocity. You want protection. Just like your driver's license or your marriage license, your Second Amendment must apply across state lines. The Biden gun control agenda is part and parcel of the left wing crusade to organize government against law-abiding citizens, while letting criminals roam free. They are all over the place. I have never seen anything like it. You are afraid to walk through one of these democrat cities. You go out for a loaf of bread, you end up getting shot. As president, I will end the weaponization of our government, including the ATF, the FBI, and the DOJ. They have weaponized our country. I will dismantle and destroy the deep state. We made a big progress, and that includes the gun grabbing bureaucrats who are persecuting gun owners and manufacturers every single day. You people are getting persecuted by these left wing maniacs. No longer will government target the left's political enemies. Instead, we will once again target violent criminals. I want to go after the criminals. These are mentally deranged or bad people, and we have to go after them and stop worrying about somebody that will never hurt anybody with a gun, just wants the gun for protection or whatever. We will get them behind bars and we will keep them behind bars. They do not even Now in New York, we have a district attorney. You can kill somebody and you do not even have to put up bail. It is insane and that is true with many different cities. You talk about April Fools Day. Murderers, killers, violent animals are released onto the streets immediately.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
They do not even spend time in jail. The first duty of government is to protect its citizens. As an example, when you see these gangs of hundreds of young, usually young people, go and attack an apartment store, department store in San Francisco and Los Angeles and Chicago, and they are running by the hundreds and they are running out carrying refrigerators and carrying air conditioners and big stuff, big, little, everything, fur coats, non-fur coat, everything they are carrying. They empty out the stores and we Our police are incredible, but they are not allowed to do their job. They want to do their job so badly. They want to do their job, be so easy to do, but they are not allowed to do their job, because of these radical lunatics we have thinking they are doing the right thing. I do not even think they do think they are doing the right thing. The politically incorrect truth, that no one on the left wants to admit, is that violent crime is rarely committed by legal gun owners. It is committed by a brutal class of hardened repeat criminals. That is who is doing it. In San Francisco, and who would've thought San Francisco, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. In San Francisco, murder suspects have an average of 13.9 prior arrests and 9.2 felony arrests. In Portland shooting Suspects have an average of eight prior arrests and nine criminal charges. In Washington D.C., a place that I am very familiar with, four years. When I saw tents going up, I had them take them down immediately. You cannot do that on these incredible parks and these incredible monuments. They were putting tents up and I take them down immediately, because you can do that much easier than when you have hundreds and even thousands. You have to see what is happened to Washington D.C. since I have left. But in Washington D.C., an estimated 70% of all violent crime, and there is a lot of it involving guns, is concentrated among a group of just 500 chronic law-breakers. With most suspects arrested 11 times, at least, before being involved in a murder. They ultimately end up in a murder and then they end up getting like a year and sometimes less, and sometimes they are not even prosecuted. Let us get Trump. Let us get that son of a bitch. Let us get him. This career criminal class cares nothing about gun laws in Chicago.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Just 3% of prison inmates, who used a gun, bought it at a store. So all of the gun owners in this room, a lot of them Who is a gun owner? Who is a gun owner, first of all? Is there anybody in the room who does not own a gun? Raise your hand if you have the courage. Okay, and how many people own gun stores and sell guns? The issue is too many thugs, hoodlums and savage criminals on our street. Instead of getting these dangerous killers into jail, we have radical DAs and attorney generals, prosecutors all across this country, subverting the law to attack conservative people and religious people, evangelicals, Christians. The very same raging, radical left, lunatic attorney general that is coming after me in New York State is also waging war on the NRA, shamefully trying to destroy this legendary organization that is been an American institution since 1871. You know when the NRA endorsed me in 2016, for the 2016 campaign, it was fairly early, and I do have two sons who are really good shots. They have been a member of the NRA for a long time, and I think maybe that helped, but they endorsed me. That was considered one of the greatest things to do. That it was like getting into the Wharton School of Finance or getting into Harvard or getting into a great college. And they endorsed me very early and it was a great honor. We did a great job. And they better endorse me again, or they are going to have some explaining to do. They will have some explaining to today. No, I do believe we are in pretty good shape, but when you see the polls in a little while, you can understand that we are in pretty good shape. I have never seen such spirit as there is right now. And part of that, sadly, is because they are doing such a horrible job of running our country, which is really destroying our country, and I think it makes us even more popular to be honest with you. They are doing such a horrible job. What they are doing is destroying our great country. I want to congratulate you for fighting it so bravely, all of the things that have been happening to you. The racist in reverse, ran for office on the promise, I will get Trump. You ever see the commercial? I will get Trump. I am going to get him. Did not know anything about me, she is running for office.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
But I am watching her campaign and a lot of people in the race and get a few people that vote, very few people actually it takes to get in. But she proclaimed, I look forward to going into the Office of Attorney General every single day suing him and then going home, being very happy. But she announced, What is fueling my soul right now is Trump, getting Trump. And she knows nothing about me. So it is not an investigation, you are going through the same thing, it is a persecution. Just like her attacks on the NRA and just like the witch hunts against us by the Manhattan DA, the Marxist DA in Atlanta, and the guy I have watching, this guy's central casting, the guy from Washington special prosecutor. They say special counsel, I call it a prosecutor, it is much better. They are looking at the boxes hoax. Biden has 1,850 boxes that are unaccounted for. He had many boxes in Chinatown, classified information, many boxes. They got them out of there, but they got caught. And they sent them up to Boston and they sit up in Boston and then it was revealed that he got millions of dollars from the Chinese. He got millions of dollars. But he has boxes in Chinatown, boxes all over the place. They do not care about that, they only care about Trump. But they are trying to arrest their political opposition, it is really very much like the old Soviet Union. They called Soviet style with elections and with the interference. They are interfering with the election, that is what they are doing. It is going to be hard for them to get away with the kind of corruption they did when they had ENTITY because ENTITY made a lot of things bad for a lot of people, but they cheated and going to be hard. So now I really believe they are going the prosecutorial way, that is the route. Where they use prosecutors to Do not forget if you are a With me, it is sort of interesting because my numbers have gone way up, you explain this to me. But other people, because you know me, the truth is the American public knows me well and they know that is my deal, but they do not know a lot of people running for office. So if you have a young good Republican running for office gets a subpoena and then they leak it out to the papers, it is impossible for this guy to win a race.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
So we have done something that I do not believe has ever done before, and we are going to stay there and we are going to go even higher if we can. I am not sure you can go higher, but we are going to go even higher if you can because we have to save our country. They are not coming after me, they are coming after you and I am just sort of in the way. I am in of these people. And as everybody knows, it is all because we are leading so big in the polls, not only against Republicans, but also against Joe Biden. And if you take a look this week's morning consult poll I led the field by 33 points with Trump 56 DeSanctis 23, Pence 5. I hope you gave Pence a good warm approval because he is a nice man, if you want to really know the truth. You have made news today. I do not know what you did, but you made news today with the introduction you gave. Nikki Haley, that is another, that is a beauty, she is at 4 and Abbott's at 1. I do not think Abbott's going to run, Governor of Texas. In a two-way poll of Florida last week it was Trump 47 and DeSanctis 32%. And there was another poll in Florida where Trump was at 80 and DeSanctis was at 50, and that is a Florida poll. In Texas it is Trump, 52% DeSanctis 20, Pence 5, Haley 4. The only way we can lose is if we go prevent defense. Do you know what that means? In football where they are holding the team to no score and then they go prevent the last two minutes and they lose the game. But you can take a look on the screen and you will see some of these things posted and they are really big polls. Massachusetts were leading by I think like 45, almost 50 points. In New Hampshire we are leading by a lot. In Iowa the farmers can never vote for me. I got China to pay the farmers $28 billion for the damage that they caused. And so you see some of these, I just thought you'd put them up. Remember in the old days, I used to always announce polls only if they were good, I would not announce them if they were not good. If I had a bad one, I would. But when they were good I used to drive the opposition crazy.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
But we are leading Biden now by a lot, 7 points, 9 points and a 10 point, but seven points in the last Rasmussen poll. And I am the one that they do not want to run against, that is why they are coming after me like this. Instead, they put these monsters in there, they put these radical left crazy people in. They are the party of disinformation, remember that. What they say, you can usually go the opposite. They say, Oh yeah, we want to run against Trump. In the meantime, they got 5,000 prosecutors after my ass. We want to run against him so bad, we are going to run against him. That is the guy we want Trump. Please get him out as fast as you can. Nah, they are the party of disinformation or misinformation, nobody knows the difference but they are pretty close. It is no wonder that the far left crazies are engaging in election interference on a historic scale. Nobody outside of this country, nobody has ever seen anything like what is happening now with the prosecutors, these Marxist prosecutors, who release rapists and murderers while persecuting conservatives. On day one of my new administration I will direct the DOJ with a very strong leader, not like Barr, not like Bill Barr. You do not do anything. Remember they were going to impeach him and then all of a sudden he actually said, no, he did not see any wrongdoing in the election. My young son, very young, saw a lot of wrongdoing in the election every. Did anybody in this room can they say they did not see any wrong? That was the worst horror show, I think one of the greatest criminal acts ever, the election of 2020. But we will turn that around and it'll be even bigger. If you think about it, it'll be even bigger. We will be able to do things we could have never done because they have shown so bad. In other words, they want to show us. Well, they showed us. We have no energy. We have massive crime. Nobody respects us in the whole world. I mean, there is not a leader that respects our leader. We will show them through this horrible four years that we are going through. The problem is we cannot take any more of it because we are not going to have a country left.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
But we will show them that we can do things and we will be able to do things on crime and other elements of society we will be able to do things that you probably would not have been able to do if you just carried it forward. So I think it is actually much bigger, this could be much bigger than if we went the more traditional route. I will direct the DOJ to investigate every radical DA and attorney general and American for their illegal race in reverse based enforcement of the law. I will then appoint a team of warrior US attorneys, and I know know some great ones including from this area, who will be the polar opposite of the DeSoro's district attorneys. These guys, I mean, what they are thinking? They are either stupid or they hate our country, and I do not think they are stupid because anybody that can cheat so well in election, they are not stupid. That means they hate our country and I believe they hate our country. They will be the 100 most ferocious crime fighters in American history and I will task them with demolishing every gang, street crew and criminal network they can find piece by piece until public safety is fully restored, and that means in Democrat run cities. And at the top of the list is Washington DC itself, which is absolutely plagued by numbers and crime that nobody's ever seen before. We have never seen anything like what is happening in Washington DC. Can you imagine these foreign leaders coming over from countries and they are looking at this filth and squalor and crime in our capitol? And I think we have to take it over. We have to take over management of our capitol because the people that are running, including the mayor who did nothing about January 6th, he was the one, No, we do not need anybody. We do not need any help. Along with crazy Nancy Pelosi, they did nothing. They did absolutely nothing. They are in charge of it. But all of our Democrat run cities are being absolutely ruined and destroyed. I will order the ATF to stop bullying gun store owners and wanting to shut them down for paperwork errors and instead go after drug dealers, human traffickers and criminal cartels, which is what they should be going after. Under Biden other countries are emptying out their prisons insane asylums and mental institutions and sending them right here to the USA.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
I read a story not long ago where a man who takes care of a large segment of people in a mental institution in a South American country, a doctor, sounded like a great man actually, he said he no longer has anything to do. He used to work 24 hour days. He said, All of our patients have been released into the United States of America. And this is what we have. This is what we have allowed to happen. And we cannot allow this to happen because we will not have a country any longer. Under my leadership, we will quickly restore the most secure border in US history. We had the strongest border in history, and now we have, I think, the worst border in the history of the world because no country, even a Third World country, would allow what is happening right now to us to happen to them. The first reconciliation Bill I signed for a massive increase in border patrol. These Border Patrol and Brandon Judd and all of his people, they are incredible, the job they do. Tom Homan as a man that knows it, you see him on television, I call him central casting. But these two guys and all of the people that work with him, they are so good. They want to do their job. It is going to be a colossal increase in the number of ICE and Border Patrol, deportation offices following the Eisenhower model. I do not know if you know Dwight Eisenhower was very tough on the subject. We will use all necessary state, local, federal, and military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history. And I will ask every state and federal agency to identify every known or suspected gang member in America. And every one of them that is here legally we will pick them up and we will send them back to the country from which they came as we restore safety to our streets. have no choice. As we restore safety to our streets, we must also restore it to our schools. Hardening places of lording, we have to harden our assets to protect our children against threats of any kind. Last month, our hearts were shattered by news of the monstrous attack on a Christian elementary school in Nashville that claimed the lives of three adults and three precious children. Today we wrapped those beautiful families in our love and we lift them up in our prayers. We also salute the law enforcement heroes who ran into danger and took out that killer with speed and skill that made us all very, very proud.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
It is a scandal and a tragedy that year after year Democrats in Washington continue to hold common sense school safety measures hostage to their radical gun control agenda, which in virtually all cases would do nothing to prevent attacks by demented and disturbed individuals, of which we have many and many are coming into our country, but we are getting them out. Our country has been chock-full of guns for centuries and there was no talk of massacres of school children until around the year 2000. They started talking about it. Each and every one of these heinous attacks depend on the same cold-blooded calculation that the evil monster will have a window of time to act out their demonic fantasy unchallenged, they want to be unchallenged, they do not want challenge. The only way to stop these wicked acts is to ensure that any sicko who would shoot up a school knows that, within seconds, not minutes, they will face certain death. They have to know that, then they will not be doing it. For this reason, I will ask Congress to repeal totally ineffective legislation that makes it harder to protect our schools and easier for criminals to face absolutely no opposition when they go in. I will also create a new tax credit to reimburse any teacher for the full cost of a concealed carry firearm and training from highly qualified experts who is better. If even 5% of teachers, people that are skilled with arms, we want that. 5% were voluntarily armed and trained to stop active shooters, we would achieve effective deterrents and the problem would cease to exist and that would be a lot of people, but these are all people that are trained and talented with firearms. For about $12 billion, we could fund arm security guards at the entrance every school in America and also arm every willing teacher. We want to arm some of these teachers that have to go through rigorous or some people say vigorous, I like vigorous better, I do not like rigorous, they have to go through vigorous training, but they are already there and they will do better than anybody you could put in. And they love our children. They really love our children. If we can send $120 billion to Ukraine, then we can afford one-tenth of that amount to protect American children in American schools. We also need to drastically change our approach to mental health.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Upon my inauguration, I will direct the FDA to convene, and it is going to happen quickly, to convene an independent outside panel to investigate whether transgender hormone treatments and ideology increase the risk of extreme depression, aggression, and even violence. I think most of us already know the answer, do not we? Furthermore, we have to look at whether common psychiatric drugs as well as genetically engineered cannabis and other narcotics are causing psychotic breaks, lot of problems. We are having problems that we have never seen before and people sort of think they understand why. We must also be much better at detecting warning signs of evil disturbed young men, like the one who murdered colleagues in Louisville, we cannot rest until we get to the bottom of all of the sickness that we are seeing in our country. I will fight to restore our safety and I will also fight to reclaim our freedom. We are going to have freedom in our country. We are going to be able to walk down the street and buy a loaf of bread and come back and not be shot. To defend our constitution and the rule of law, I will give you my word today that I will appoint rock solid constitutional conservatives to crush the communists from our federal bench. They are communists, many of them. We did a great job. We set a record, but there is more to go. Before election day 2024, I will once again release the full list of names from which I select my appointments to the United States Supreme Court so everyone can see who I am . Thinking about putting there, I did that last time and a lot of people said it made a big difference. It will be an all star roster of young fearless originalists in the mold of Justice Antonin Scalia, great man and the great lion of American Liberty. Justice Clarence Thomas, by the way, they are after him. Did you see it? They are after him now. They are after Clarence now, but he can take care of himself very well. At the same time, conservatives can no longer sit by and wait for the courts to save America. Our country is being plundered and ransacked by radical left barbarians who are trying to burn down every right and every liberty that we hold so dear. The next time we have power, Congress has to step up and stop this Marxist revolution and it strikes. We have a Marxist revolution going on and I think you are starting to see it. I think you are starting to see it, and we have to stop it fast.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
This is what we must do to save our country. With your vote and with a Republican house and a Republican Senate, and we have a really good chance at both, I will lead the great rebirth of American freedom. We will build a future where we are free of crime and free of violence and free from fear, is fear, where we are free from dependence on foreign countries. We are so dependent on so many foreign countries, in particular China, where we are free from the shackles of an unelected deep state from corrupt intelligence agencies, free from war, free from poverty, free to speak our minds, and last but certainly not least, free to keep and bear arms. And in closing, I have to state, the USA is a mess. Our economy is crashing, inflation is out of control. Russia has joined with China, unthinkable. Saudi Arabia, great people, have joined with Iran. China, Russia, Iran, North Korea have formed together as a menacing and destructive coalition. Our currency is crashing and will soon no longer be the world's standard, which will be our greatest defeat in 200 years and was unthinkable just a few years ago. Unthinkable that that could happen, but it is happening before your very eyes and we will not let it happen. With me, not even a chance, just like Russia would've never invaded Ukraine, and China would not be having even a thought of raiding Taiwan. You did not hear about these things when I was president. If you took the five worst presidents in the history of the United States and added them up, they would not have done near the destruction to our country as Joe Biden and the Biden administration have done. We are a nation in decline, and now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement and we cannot let that happen. But with all of this being said, and with a very dark cloud hanging over our country, I have no doubt that we will, together as a group, make America great again. I have no doubt. God bless you all. God bless you.
{ "text_id": "revcomblogtranscriptsdonaldtrumpaddressesnrameetinginindianapolistranscript", "title": "Donald Trump Addresses NRA Meeting in Indianapolis Transcript", "source": "", "publication_date": "17-04-2023", "crawling_date": "03-07-2023", "politician": [ "Donald Trump" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
I have an announcement with regard to the energy crisis that I will now make, and at the conclusion of my announcement, Mr. Simon will have a brief statement with regard to his acceptance of the position that I am appointing him to, and then will take questions on the new office that we are setting up and new actions that we are taking to meet the energy crisis. As you recall, in my report to the Nation on November 25, I said that I would be reporting from time to time on the energy crisis and on the steps that I would personally be taking to meet it. Last June, I asked Governor Love to join my staff in order to develop the necessary policies to meet what was then essentially a long-term problem which had important short-term consequences. Governor Love has provided me with a broad range of recommendations and policy considerations for achieving independence with regard to energy by the year 1980. The work which Governor Love and his staff have done in the last 6 months constitutes an invaluable and lasting contribution to this Nation's efforts to meet a challenge of formidable dimensions. While the process of policy formulation was going forward, the world--the United States and all the rest of the world as well--was confronted with a new and far more critical situation arising from the Middle East oil embargo. I have discussed in recent weeks those steps which we would take to meet this new situation. Such steps will involve the Federal Government directly in operational matters, in addition to its policy-making role in resolving the energy crisis. In order to administer the necessary voluntary and mandatory actions, some of which have been announced, some of which are still under consideration, we must now strengthen our ability to make and implement our energy program. The planning for this step has been in process for several weeks. I have been in consultation with my senior advisers on the development of an operational structure to carry out our energy policies. And we also have been in contact with major Congressional leaders who are interested in this particular problem and have responsibilities in the Congress for the problem. As a result of these consultations, I have decided to bring together in one agency the major energy resource management functions of the Federal Government to provide the centralized authority we must have for dealing with the energy crisis. I am personally assuming the Chairmanship of the Energy Emergency Action Group which will continue to oversee all major policy issues relating to energy. And Mr. William E. Simon, who is currently Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, will serve as Executive Director of this group.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksannouncingestablishmentthefederalenergyoffice", "title": "Remarks Announcing Establishment of the Federal Energy Office", "source": "", "publication_date": "04-12-1973", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Richard Nixon" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
I expect, Mr. Simon, that this will take almost all of your time. Concurrently, I am asking the Congress to create a Federal Energy Administration and, in the Executive Office of the President, a Federal Energy Office to carry out all energy-related functions. In anticipation of Congressional action on my request, I am today establishing by Executive order the Federal Energy Office, which will begin to perform these functions while we await the necessary statutory authority which we hope to get from the Congress. The Federal Energy Office will also be headed by Mr. Simon. I am gratified by the rapid action which the Congress is taking on many of the proposals for dealing with the energy crisis. The emergency legislation which we must have is being considered in an expeditious manner, as is my request for legislation establishing an Energy Research and Development Administration. And I am confident, too, that my proposal for a Federal Energy Administration will be dealt with in a similar manner by the Congress. As these steps are being taken, I want to emphasize once again that the work of the Government agencies involved in meeting the energy crisis cannot be fully successful without the total commitment of every American citizen to see our Nation through this situation. The American people recognize the challenge facing us, and they are already responding to it in a way that speaks well for the future. Every day reports flow into the White House of families who are driving more slowly, turning down their thermostats in their homes, and seeking other ways to conserve fuel. Each of these families has my personal gratitude and has also the gratitude of the entire Nation. As we see the spirit of sacrifice which has distinguished this response, we approach the days ahead with the strongest confidence that we will weather this present difficulty as we have others in our history and that the ultimate accomplishment of independence with regard to energy can and will be a fitting tribute to America's strength and perseverance in this time. And now, Mr. Simon, who will have such great responsibilities to carry out these policies in this new office, will have a statement and then will take your questions.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksannouncingestablishmentthefederalenergyoffice", "title": "Remarks Announcing Establishment of the Federal Energy Office", "source": "", "publication_date": "04-12-1973", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "Richard Nixon" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
Barbara and I are just delighted to welcome everyone to the White House. And let me single out a few people. Jim Watkins, who brought our National Energy Strategy through the Congress; Manuel Lujan, who is helped expand our parks and refuges; Secretary Barbara Franklin, her team's been out there pushing on the economic benefits of environmental protection. Don Atwood was to be here, but I single him out because he and the military brought an environmental ethic, I think, to everything from basic training to the conduct of a successful military operation halfway around the world in Desert Storm. Then our Secretary of Transportation was to be here, Andy Card. He is now Secretary of Transition and as well as Secretary of Transportation. Let me just say to this distinguished nonpartisan group that I am just determined that this transition goes smoothly and go well. And I am absolutely convinced under Andy's leadership it is going well and will go well. Speaking of nonpartisanship, I salute the Governor of Florida, and I am just delighted that Lawton Chiles is with us, leader in the environmental movement; Senator Domenici was to be here I do not see him, but nevertheless; and Congressman Gilchrest; Congressman Porter Goss. And I want to reserve a very special thanks for Bill Reilly, our able EPA Administrator, in whom I have great confidence, a confidence that has been well rewarded, I might say, by an outstanding performance; and then for Mike Deland, the key figure here today. He is the Chairman of our Council on Environmental Quality, and I believe he is done an outstanding job. And so I am just delighted, Barbara and I are delighted to be standing at his side. Gil Grosvenor of the National Geographic Society, Frank Bennack of Hearst, John Johnstone of the Business Roundtable, and Kathryn Fuller of the World Wildlife Fund. And I want to thank the awards selection committee and especially my old friend Bob Stafford who is back in Washington. I am just delighted to see him, and Gaylord, Senator Gaylord Nelson, as well. And most of all I want to send a special welcome to the guests of honor, the 9 medal and the 13 citation recipients. Congratulations to all, and I look forward to seeing the presentations. I am not going to make a long-winded speech, because I take the Clean Air Act very seriously. I have had a chance, under a very different schedule, to do a lot of thinking over the past 3 weeks.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksthepresentationceremonyforthepresidentsenvironmentandconservation", "title": "Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the President's Environment and Conservation Challenge Awards", "source": "", "publication_date": "02-12-1992", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "George Bush" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }
And let me just share some of your reflections. I hope you will excuse me if I take pride in talking about certain accomplishments. Over the next few years I reckon I will be spending a lot of time in what Teddy Roosevelt called the great cathedral of the outdoors, and I cannot wait. I will remember what we have tried to do to conserve it, to preserve it, and I am very proud of our team's efforts. Everyone is and should be, whatever age, interested in the environment. And my own conviction, or environmental policy, if you will, was born out of the concerns of a President, an outdoorsman, and maybe most of all, a grandfather. Our approach signaled a step beyond command-and-control regulation toward a more market-oriented, decentralized philosophy of environmental action. Those who said we posed a false choice between a strong economy and a safer environment just did not get it, just missed the point. We sought to achieve both while sacrificing neither. And we combined a pragmatism about human nature with an idealism about Mother Nature, an ambitious agenda that harnessed the energy of capitalism in the service of the environment. Now, excuse me, as I say, if I take pride in listing a few accomplishments that we pass on to a new generation. The Clean Air Act, with the help of Democrats and Republicans on the Hill, we broke 10 years of congressional gridlock by pushing through the world's most protective and cost-effective clean air legislation. And we have already proposed or finalized rules that promise to get at 85 percent of the pollution reductions that are targeted in this law. Reilly's clapping for himself, and I do not blame him. We won major funding shifting to environmental programs increasing the EPA's budget, I believe it was almost 50 percent; increasing funding for clean energy research and development by 66 percent. We enlisted the private sector in the voluntary pollution prevention efforts that are reshaping American industries, making us leaner, more efficient, and reducing toxic pollution by hundreds of millions of pounds a year. On the law enforcement front, we broke new ground and old records, filing more cases, collecting more penalties, and putting more polluters behind bars than every previous administration in history combined. We helped make America's great outdoors even greater, securing over a billion dollars to expand parks and wetlands and wildlife refuges, campgrounds and scenic rivers. We decided to end clear-cutting as a standard practice on Federal land.
{ "text_id": "presidencyucsbedudocumentsremarksthepresentationceremonyforthepresidentsenvironmentandconservation", "title": "Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the President's Environment and Conservation Challenge Awards", "source": "", "publication_date": "02-12-1992", "crawling_date": "10-09-2023", "politician": [ "George Bush" ], "gender": [ "M" ] }