Q: Turn on Back To My Mac via a Script or Command Line The VPN software I use for work (IPSecuritas) requires me to turn off Back To My Mac to start it's connection, so I frequently turn off Back To My Mac in order to use my VPN connection (the program does this for me). I forget to turn it back on however and I'd love to know if there was something I could run (script, command) to turn it back on. A: There is no supported way to do this. Having said that, you can do it using scutil: louis@Arios:~$ sudo scutil > set Setup:/Network/BackToMyMac > d.add <YYY> <XXX>.members.btmm.icloud.com > set Setup:/Network/BackToMyMac > quit louis@Arios:~$ Replacing <YYY> with the UID of the user account on the system (for most people with single account that is 501), and <XXX> with your iCloud account number. If you don't know that you can check your dns-sd registrations: louis@Arios:~$ dns-sd -E Looking for recommended registration domains: DATE: ---Wed 22 Aug 2012--- 9:11:04.789 ...STARTING... Timestamp Recommended Registration domain 9:11:04.789 Added (More) local 9:11:04.789 Added icloud.com - > btmm - - > members - - - > <XXX> The last line will list your iCloud user number. I think they are all 8 digit numbers, at least mine is.
Q: Why doesn't Microsoft Office/2008(& later) support RTL languages? I have Microsoft Office/2008 on my MacBook Pro. Office doesn't support RTL languages like Farsi and Arabic, and I know that Office/2010 (for Windows) also has the same problem. Do you think the lack of support is because of business competition, or some other reason? A: “Why” is a question for Microsoft, but I'm guessing it boils down to a simple lack of resources on the part of the Mac Business Unit. They have to prioritize certain features, and RTL support is not a priority for them. To address the underlying need, you have several options: OpenOffice and NeoOffice support RTL text in Microsoft Office documents. Mellel has a reputation as the best RTL/multilingual word processor (it certainly has a nice feature set for it, like a direction breaking space so you can mix RTL/LTR in a paragraph), but I don’t know how good its Microsoft Office document interoperability is. This would also be a use case where it might make sense to run Office 2010 inside a Windows virtual machine. A: Microsoft has dragged their heels on support for RTL languages such as Hebrew and Arabic for years. It's always been 'coming in the next version' for as long as I've been using a Mac. Until it shows up, if it ever does, the premiere word processor for RTL languages on OS X is Mellel. It's actually quite great. A: Microsoft probably doesn't have the manpower and it uses custom code for layout, plus the market is relatively small as well. What's strange is that Apple's iWork doesn't work with RTL, although the OS (Cocoa framework) does support it. Indeed, OpenOffice (or NeoOffice) are the best alternatives for RTL languages. Mellel should also work, but it's quite different in its approach to text editing.
Q: Repair Disk - Start up disk options I had a power failure and upon rebooting noticed that the OS drive needed to be repaired (Disk Utilities). I am running Snow Leopard and don't have the CD to start up from in order to perform the fix. Are there any other options for running the repair utils on the startup disk? A: One option would be to clone your startup drive to an external disk using something like SuperDuper! or Carbon Copy Cloner. Then you can use System Preferences->Startup Disk to select that external drive as the boot drive. Once you've rebooted and are running the system off the external drive you can use Disk Utility to run the repair. After you're done, re-select the internal drive as the Startup Disk and reboot. A: One option that doesn't require any external drives or disks: Disk Utility's repair disk is largely* a thin wrapper over the unix fsck (stands for "File System Check") utility. You can run it by: * *Booting into "Single User Mode" by rebooting and holding command-S during startup. *A command-line input will appear; enter /sbin/fsck -fy *Wait for it to complete. If you see **** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED ***** then run it again, since sometimes fixing the first errors will uncover more. *Repeat until it says that the disk appears to be ok. *Enter Reboot to boot normally. *I can't find any indication that Disk Utility's "Repair Disk" function does anything that fsck doesn't. Nonetheless, Apple recommends that you use Disk Utility instead when that is an option.
Q: How can I make focus follow the mouse cursor? I will often click on a button expecting it to be clicked but instead all that happens is the application it is in becomes active, and I have to click again to actually click the button. It would be nice if this second click wasn't needed, which leads me to my question: How can I make it so that when I move the mouse cursor over an inactive window, it becomes active? A: This is freely possible for the Terminal and X11 : defaults write com.apple.Terminal FocusFollowsMouse -string YES defaults write com.apple.x11 wm_ffm true Or, OS-wise, with a utility that seems to fit your needs, called MondoMouse. A: I originally wanted to do this with my first Mac a couple years ago as well, since that's how my Linux and Windows environments behave. But I think the driving force preventing this from becoming a reality is in how OS X handles application menus. What if you want to go to the menu at the top of the screen for an application you're using, but in the process briefly hover over another application? That would become infuriating quickly. In short, I don't think its doable for that and potentially other reasons. A: Best little utility I stumbled upon is Zooom/2. Strange name, hence hard to find. You can choose delay (Rather cumbersome, OS X and global menu is not designed to allow that). I set it to focus window under cursor instantly when Option key is pressed. Great value, no dock or tray icons, it just works. A: Amethyst (https://github.com/ianyh/Amethyst) is excellent. Follow the README.md instructions to download, and then enable "Focus Follows Mouse" in the Misc. section of the Settings view.
Q: With multiple monitors, can I pick which one an application will load on? In Spaces it's possible to specify which space a given application will open on -- for example, my web browser always opens on Space 1 and iTunes on Space 3. Is something similar possible with multiple monitors, so that whichever space I'm on a certain application will always open on the second monitor? For even more control, can I specify that it will always open on Monitor 2 of Space 4? A: Not with the default Apple Spaces. There is an alternative, though. CocoaBots makes a small app called Hyperspaces which builds upon the default Spaces and adds a bunch of cool features. Multi-monitor support is coming to their next release. http://thecocoabots.com/blog/post/148/hyperspaces-104-and-the-road-to-11/ A: Stay App sounds like it might do what you want. If you’re fastidious about keeping your windows tidy, Stay is for you. Stay ensures that your windows are always where you want them to be, even as you connect and disconnect displays.
Q: Multitasking on iPhone Does the iPhone close the background programs if it runs out of memory or battery? A: There are two ways to approach this question. From the end user's perspective, the answer is no. No matter what you do, the app will come back to the same state it was in previously, unless you close it from the switching interface. Technically: yes. When the device runs short on RAM, it will freeze the application's state from RAM to the main storage (flash). When you resume, it loads the state from flash back into RAM, and then resumes. This is intended to happen quickly enough and transparently enough to be indistinguishable, but you may sometimes notice that resuming takes a bit longer if you have loaded several other apps in the meantime (and therefore pushed the app out of RAM). A: They aren't really "in memory," more like cached to disk if and when necessary. Many apps don't even use the multitasking or aren't setup for it. When you switch it does actually close the app. Being in the task bar doesn't guarantee that it's actually in memory, actively running, or both. The OS manages that. A: No. Even restarting, complete power down and power up, will not remove the background applications from memory. According to the Apple Geniuses you must manually remove the applications from the task bar.
Q: Is there a configurable "word-of-the-day"-screensaver/ -widget I am looking for a "word-of-the-day" screensaver or dashboard widget where I can configure (e.g. in a text file) that "words" to be displayed? A: AFAIK - there's word-of-the-day screensaver that comes packed with every Mac OS X (since Tiger). You can configure it on a "per dictionary" basis. So if you need a limited list of some words, just create your own dictionary, install it on the system and I believe you'll be able to use it in a screensaver yourself.
Q: Strange loading screen when MBP battery dies and reboots I have a 2007 Macbook Pro and for nearly two years, the battery has been toast. In April, Apple replaced the logic board. Since the repair, whenever the power cable comes loose, the MBP shuts off as expected. Before the repair, when the power cable was unplugged, the MBP simply shut off. Now, when I plug it back in and turn it on, it boots back up in the previous state, but has a white screen with loading bars at the bottom. I haven't found anything related to this on the web. Is this related to the new logic board, or is there something else I should be concerned about? The MBP is running Leopard and is up to date. A: This feature is called Safe Sleep. Apple notebooks will keep the RAM contents alive (sleep in PC jargon), but write a copy to the disk (hibernate, in PC jargon) at the same time. If the battery runs out while the computer is sleeping, when it wakes up, it needs to read the RAM contents from disk, and thus you get the progress bar you are seeing. Apple doc about it is here A: This is so called "Hibernation" (my first met in windows). When battery dies, the OS dumps whole RAM into HDD (sort of swapping) so that no information is lost. When it's being booted back up, it loads the information back from HDD to RAM (hence you see the progress with those white bars).
Q: Faster alternative to ShakesPeer? I've used ShakesPeer for it's clean and Mac-like interface. But the downloads are really slow. Is there a faster alternative to ShakesPeer? Preferably having at least the same features as ShakesPeer itself if not more. Also preferable if the software follows the Apple Human Interface Guidelines. A: I haven't tried these but Jucy and EiskaltDC++ are two DirectConnect clients that work on mac. However, neither appears to use a mac interface. source: http://alternativeto.net/desktop/shakespeer/?sort=likes&platform=mac A: Whatever calavera pointed you at — also, try MLDonkey, NeoModus Direct Connect (DC original client!) and Valknut, they all have Mac versions. Since I'm not a DC user, can't comment on speed =(
Q: How do hide iPod icon with SBSettings? On my Jailbroken iPad, I have SBSettings installed. I chose to hide all my application icons, but iPod will not go away, no matter what the switch setting is. I was thinking about just going into the file system and manually deleting the icon, but I don't know where it's stored. Any suggestions? A: Are you running OS 3.1.x or 4.0.x? I've had some inconsistencies with hiding certain icons on my jailbroken 4.0.1 phone. It may be that SBSettings isn't fully compatible with OS 4.x yet. edit: Fail on my behalf. Somehow I missed "iPad" in both your question AND tag. /facepalm A: I just used Saurik's guide on theming and made my own iPod icon, a transparent 57 x 57 PNG. Kinda rudimentary, but it works for now. I then used iBlank to hide the shadow. Works for now lol....even though, the iPod is still selectable, kinda gotta be lucky to spot it.
Q: Can an iPhone be restored from an iPod Touch backup? If I have an iPod Touch backup on my computer, can an iPhone restore from it? How about vice versa? A: According to this forums post, somebody did it with success. Worked flawlessly for me I just activated my new iPhone 3GS and then iTunes offered to either set it up as a new iPhone or to restore it from my iPod Touch backup which I did. No problems so far... A: Yes, i can confirm this Works based on my experience. All my music and contacts from my iPod touch was magically restored to the iPhone 4S. A: It will depends only of the iOS version, because the Apple's script is not accepting iOS minor than 8 right now (That's called downgrade). But if want to make an "Upgrade" (or restore from a version to the same version) so you have no problem with that, even with different devices.
Q: How do I recover the administrator or root password on OS X? I received a hand me down white MacBook with 10.4 on it and it automatically logs into a user account that isn't able to change much in the preference pane. How do I recover or change the administrator password? The original owner told me to try a few passwords, none of which work to get logged in as admin. A: You can reboot into single user mode and change the password of a user with: passwd [user] Enter the new password twice and reboot. A: Boot to OS recovery, internet recovery or on older systems, with a Mac OS X DVD, then there's an option to change passwords. You can follow an how-to here. A: Getting admin access without the Setup Utility: another option, for the sake of completeness. * *Boot into single user mode by holding command-S on boot up. *Enter /sbin/mount -wu / when the prompt appears to mount the filesystem *Enter rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone *Enter reboot At this point, it should run the colorful little setup utility that ran when the machine was new. This'll create a brand new admin account. This method can be useful if you don't want to mess up any existing accounts on the machine. Before step 4 you can use the passwd command to overwrite the current password for any accounts on the mac. The command ls /Users will show all the user names.
Q: iPhone Taskbar close all applications Is there a way to close all application in the taskbar at once? A: No. You have to manually remove each one. A: One nifty trick I learned from a friend: Enter "wiggle" mode for the taskbar, then tap the icons from right to left. This way you can close at least four apps in a steady motion without having to wait for the icons move one column to the right. Sounds obvious, but try it out and you’ll see what I mean.
Q: "Erase and Install" function missing in Snow Leopard When installing Tiger or Leopard, there was an option called "Erase and Install" that would delete the disk before installing the new OS. In Snow Leopard, this option seems to be missing. Is there any way I can add "Erase and Install" back to Snow Leopard? A: With Snow Leopard Erase and Install is now a two step process: * *When you start up off the Mac OS X Install DVD from the Tools menu choose "Disk Utility". You will then want to erase the hard drive you want to install on. *Install Mac OS X as you would normally. A: Use the tools menu --> disk utility to erase the partition you want to install Snow Leopard on. Then proceed with the installation. A: Because Snow Leopard is an technically a Leopard upgrade it might not be readily accessible. You can boot up and under the "Tools" menu open up Disk Utility to erase before you install.
Q: How do I turn off multitouch zoom in Safari? I'm using my wife's Macbook with the bigger multitouch track pad. Many times while in Safari, it thinks I want to zoom in and the page will zoom in. I want to just get rid of multitouch in Safari, or just disable the zoom feature in Safari. It's nice to have multitouch in other applications like iPhoto, but it just causes problems in Safari. A: In the trackpad preference pane (System Preferences) there is an option to disable Screen Zoom. There is an alternative. A small plugin, of sorts, that allows you to disable pinch zooming in Safari and Firefox. http://cubeyellow.blogspot.com/2009/01/mac-book-pro-trackpad-zooming-and.html
Q: Keyboard needs to be setup on every boot up I am being asked to setup my keyboard every time I reboot my computer. Is there anyway I can get this to keep the setup? I am on Snow Leopard and have a Logitech Wave wireless keyboard and mouse combo. This started happening when I switched to 64-bit mode. Booting into 32-bit mode doesn't fix it. A: Repair permissions: Run Disk Utility; select your (main) disk; click Repair Disk Permissions Viewing logs: Run Console A: Um, standard "stock" fixes: * *Repair permissions *Check logs *Erase (Logitech) software and reinstall You could also see if it is actually saving the connection details (by finding the pref file) or it is unable to.
Q: Why does my MacBook Pro take so long to go to sleep? My MacBook Pro takes an awful long time to go to sleep when I close the lid. Considering that I generally want to close the lid and then carry it somewhere, I want it to be fully asleep so I don't have any hard drive issues. Is there anything I can do to speed up the process? A: I recommend a nifty little utility called SmartSleep that allows you to control when the saving of your RAM contents to disk for the Safe Sleep / Hibernate feature Mac OS X has. Alternatively you can disable Safe Sleep altogether by running: sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0. To change it back to the defaults, change the value to 3. 0 - Old style - just goes to sleep. 1 - Only Hibernate 3 - Default - goes to sleep but writes RAM contents to disk just in case. 5 - Only Hibernate mode but if you use secure virtual memory. 7 - The Default but if you use secure virtual memory. A: Use the command pmset -g log to find out what is delaying the sleep command. Look for "applicationresponse.slowresponse" and "applicationresponse.timedout" entries. A: Depending on what applications you are running it could take a significant amount of time (20-30 sec) to actually "sleep." OS X will "dock" the hard drive head if it detects sudden movement, so I wouldn't expect any issues there. A: Another use for the pmset utility (which, like most Apple utilities, is documented: do "man pmset" in Terminal) is to tell the system to sleep when you hit the power button. In Terminal, do sudo pmset powerbutton 1 and thereafter when you hit the power button a menu comes up with choices Restart, Sleep, Cancel, and Shut Down. I always sleep my MacBook Pro this way in order to be sure it has really gone dormant. On the other end of the sleep cycle, I don't want the machine waking up while traveling if it gets jostled enough to shake the lid open (even briefly). The Terminal command to estabish this is sudo pmset -a lidwake 0 For both commands, you will have to authenticate as an administrator.
Q: How do I turn off the Front Row keyboard shortcut? I keep accidentally hitting Command+Esc and bringing up Front Row. How can I disable this shortcut? A: Under Keyboard & Mouse on System Preferences there is a Keyboard Shortcuts tab.
Q: When using Spaces, is there a way to set each "desktop" background independently? For instance, say I had a few sweet background images I wanted to use to identify each one. A: There's no built-in feature in OS X for that but there are two applications that can do that for you, Hyperspaces and SpaceSuit. A: You have to use a third-party tools, like SpaceSuit. A: Mac OS X Lion supports this out of the box now. Simply switch to the Space you want to apply a certain background to, then change it as usual (with System Preferences or the desktop's context menu). Repeat for your other Spaces and background images. For older versions, you will still need to use a third-party tool as recommended by the other answers.
Q: Windows print screen when using Boot Camp I have bootcamp installed on my Mac, and when on Windows, I need to frequently capture screens using windows shortcuts such as Print Screen. Using virtualization is not an option, since I need to run a virtualized environment within Windows already. On the Mac keyboard (I have a MacBook Pro, and an external think aluminum keyboard), there isn't a print screen key. Is there any equivalent when using a mac keyboard? A: Follow these instructions in order to map the F13-F15 keys on an Apple keyboard to the functions, Print Screen, Scroll Lock, and Break commonly found on PC keyboards: * *On your PC, copy the following lines into a text file. REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout] "Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,04,00,00,00,46,E0,5F,00,46,00,5E,00,37,E0,5D,00,00,00,00,00 * *Rename the text file remap.reg *Double click on the file remap.reg and answer yes to the question about adding the information to the registry *Reboot Function keys are now remapped to their PC equivalents Source: MacWindows.com A: This article at Apple's KB includes the mapping of Windows keys to each of their keyboards. A: Under Windows (with Boot Camp software installed) you can press F13 or Fn+F11 to take a screenshot.
Q: How can I get DoubleTwist to differentiate between music and podcasts? Since iTunes has no way to sync with my Motorola Droid, and all of my music is on my Macbook Pro, I recently tried out DoubleTwist. It detected my Droid right away. The problem is that when I chose to sync all of my music, DoubleTwist also synced all of my podcasts, which quickly filled up my sd card with stuff I don't want on there. Is there a way to have it only sync my iTunes music library and ignore podcasts? A: Judging by the screenshots, doubleTwist allows syncing specific playlists and has smart playlists. Create a smart playlist that would contain all your library but not podcasts (excluding genre Podcast), and sync it.
Q: Sync iPhone with multiple Macs Is it possible to sync an iPhone with multiple computers? I know the music will be restricted, and I don't mind. I want the contacts, bookmarks, etc. to be in sync across my home iMac and my MacBook. A: The best way to synchronize contacts and bookmarks between several Mac and/or iPhone is to use MobileMe (now iCloud). It will sync all as you need where you want. A: You actually don't have to buy MobileMe to sync contacts and calendar to multiple Macs and multiple iOS devices. This can be accomplished with only a free Google account. If you want more details on how to set it up, please ask. As far as I know, there is no way to sync bookmarks without MobileMe. A: Actually, I just answered the question to how to keep your device's music library synchronized with 2 machines as well: Sync iTunes U between 2 Macs via an iPod A: One way to partly solve this (without paying for MobileMe) is by syncing certain data between different computers using Dropbox. (This approach was suggested in a Super User question about syncing home folders that I asked a year ago.) To sync contacts, for example, share AddressBook's application data between your Macs like this: * *Move the folder ~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook (on the computer where you have the data) to your Dropbox. *On each computer you wish to sync, create a symlink from ~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook to that folder in your Dropbox. These screenshots show what the setup looks like on one of my computers: (If you need more detailed instructions, please let me know!) For bookmarks, you'd need to share some Safari application data (I don't know which files/folders exactly as I haven't done that myself). Obviously this isn't optimal, but once you set it up, it works pretty well. I think Apple is sooner or later going to provide better (cloud-based, even wireless) sync across multiple devices (also to those who're not paying extra for the service). Well, at any rate they should, as they are lagging behind Google quite badly in this respect. A: You can have your music synced to one computer and contacts synced to another - no problem.
Q: Creating a new file blocks Textmate When I want to create a new file through the button (left-bottom one) in the project drawer or in the file menu it takes a long time and blocks TextMate and even blocks TextMate totally in some cases. I've installed the latest version of TextMate and installed all updates available for Mac OS X. Anyone any idea what the problem is? A: I just tested it with a couple of different massive projects on my MBP and it created a new file right away. First guess would be perhaps a bundle or other plugin you've added is interfering with the program operation somehow. You could also try trashing your Textmate preferences file and restart the program to see if that helps (~/Library/Preferences/com.macromates.textmate.plist). A: Do you have any external drives connected? Certain external hard drives will go into some sort of dormant mode when they haven't been used in a while, and will block things until they spin back up. This is triggered by anything requiring filesystem access, whether you're trying to access those drives or not. If this is your issue, it'll be very intermittent, and caused by other attempts to access the file system (Open File and Save File dialogs being common). Furthermore, it won't be limited to just Textmate, but your usage patterns may mean it mostly shows up there. The solution, in this case, would be to unplug the external drives when not in use. Of course, this isn't to say this /is/ your issue, but it would more or less fix your symptoms.
Q: Dot-files and other meta data on non-Mac network shares Is there a way to tell Finder to not use (or worry about) the ._* files and other meta-data files it normally tries to use when it's on a network share? Currently when I'm in Finder and I try to copy a file to a network share it results in an error: The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data in “file_name” can’t be read or written. (Error code -36) But I can copy the file from the terminal command line to the network share and use it from Finder afterward just fine. It seems that the meta-data isn't really needed on the network share. Is there a way to tell Finder this? For reference, I'm using Snow Leopard and the share is a Samba share on a Linux server. A: defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores true Will get rid of the DS files. Anything else you might have to do by hand. A: Adapted from https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/57832/8546 Finder Finder does much to ensure integrity of data, and to make its results compatible with a broad range of Apple operating systems. For some types of copy/move routines, ._ (dot underscore) files are required. File system If creation of ._ files is prevented at the file system level, then that file system is partially incompatible with at least: * *Apple Finder *Microsoft Office Excel, PowerPoint and Word 2011. (For any use case that involves Office 2011 saving to a file system, you must allow ._ on that file system … and so on.) Error code -36 -36 (ioErr) (I/O error) is a file system error, it indicates that data cannot be sent or received by the operating system. Historically, errors of this type were bummers. Without knowing the detail of your Samba configuration: * *I guess that in your case, error -36 is the result of a file system restriction. For more detail please see my answer to an older question, Why are dot underscore ._ files created, and how can I avoid them?: * *Purposes of .DS_Store and ._ files A: Is the file you're trying to copy using a resource fork? If you're dealing with .DS_Store file issues run the following command in Terminal: defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores true If you're having issues with resource forks on Snow Leopard you may need to change your settings for the streams setting in smb.conf on the Linux machine or nsmb.conf on your local Mac. (._FILENAME files are the resource forks of the file). Check out Super User for more details on this. A: This is not working for me anymore. So i have added ._* to the veto files I think it's works but i don't know if it has other complications? vi /etc/samba/smb.conf [global] veto files = /._*/.AppleDB/.AppleDouble/.AppleDesktop/:2eDS_Store/Network Trash Folder/Temporary Items/TheVolumeSettingsFolder/.@_thumb/.@_desc/:2e*/ (esc-shift-ZZ) service smb restart service nmb restart
Q: How can I get Snow Leopard to properly reconnect to my Windows network drives after it goes to sleep? My mac goes to sleep. It wakes up. The volumes mounted to a Windows server in my house all work. I can see pictures and listen to music. Until I can't. After two or three sleep/wake cycles, I can't connect to the Windows server at all, with Finder hanging infinitely on trying to connect. I have to reboot the entire machine to reconnect properly. With OS X 10.5, I never could get the volumes to reconnect after sleep, but at least they didn't sabotage Finder. Anyone have any ideas? I hate leaving the mac running all the time. (27" 2010 iMac, OS X 10.6.4) A: This is a known issue, and has no current hotfix or resolution. The problem is in the samba implementation. The only thing I can think of doing is writing a script to umount your samba just before sleep, and mounting right after sleep. (Nobody has done this yet) Most educated source on the problem I could find: https://superuser.com/questions/144327/mac-os-cant-connect-to-smb-shares-after-sleep A: I had this issue as well and found sleepwatcher to do what I need. I found this article http://imclumzy.wordpress.com/2009/12/28/mac-osx-automatic-smb-mount-script-using-sleepwatcher/ I used created the main script as he has it and then another to calls this one with one line for each volume I need to mount, for example: sh ~/Scripts/mountShare.sh /Volumes/Music bundywhs/Music. I don't have the username and password in it since i store it in my keychain. One other note, his article has the sleep time set to 10 seconds in his wakeup script. That seems to work fine when I am on wireless but for me my wired network takes longer to come back so I changed it to 30 seconds.
Q: Can the keys on the MacBook Pro be removed for cleaning? The MacBook Pro does a really good job keeping dirt and stuff from getting under the keys, but none-the-less there is some dirt under a few keys. Can I pop these keys off and then easily replace them? In the past when I've done this, the key never really went back on correctly. This is the newer Unibody MBP with the black backlite chiclet keys. A: If they keys are square without beveled edges then no. Removing it would require major surgery to remove. I recommend a can of air duster, some q-tips, and alcohol to clean the keyboard. A: Without knowing which specific model you are referring to it would be hard to tell. The keyboards on the newer unibody macbook pros are one assembly and it would not be advised to try to take off the keys. A: Yes - all keys on all mac portables in the past 10 years or so are individually removable. There are very delicate plastic scissors hidden under the key caps. Also - the scissors are not necessarily all oriented the same way. The return key may have two vertical scissors where an H key may have one horizontal scissors mechanism underneath. Also - the size of say a small arrow key may not be the same size as a function key at the top. Large keys such as the space bar and the option keys have added metal supports and you may need a large amount of patience to get them back. If you damage the very small delicate nubs - you will have broken that key and have to press the little rubber nubbin by hand until you can get a replacement. If you bend the metal rings that hold the scissors (or the actual switch) - the repair cost is much higher. Most lighted whole keyboards go for $65 to $300 plus labor. Do your research before starting so you won't be that person with a plastic baggie of parts that are close but not identical waiting in line at the genius bar for help with a tedious repair. :-) If you know the cost to replace and have a steady hand - dive in and go get those crumbs :-) A: A bit offtopic answer, but sometimes get handy: http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/23536/keyboard-cleaner :)
Q: Is there any way to print directly from my iPad to my wifi-connected printer? I am happy to purchase an app, but the only printing app I'm aware of seems to just let your ipad connect to a computer that is connected to the printer and effectively print through it. I'm looking to print from my ipad without the use of another computer. Both the ipad and the printer are on the same wifi network (which is how I print from our laptops). EDIT: In my specific case, the printer is a Canon MP990. A: iOS 4.3 now offer AirPrint. A: If you want to print pictures and photos, you can use Epson iPrint (there are similar apps from other printer manufacturers, e.g. Canon iEPP, HP iPrint Photo 2.0, Kodak Pic Flick or Lexmark LexPrint). For printing PDFs or other documents, the already mentioned "print n share", "Print Bureau" (both from eurosmartz) or Air Sharing Pro from Avatron could be useful. Via piquadrat answering my similar question on gadgets.stackexchange.com. A: Canon made a utility for their printers called Easy-PhotoPrint. Otherwise, they are more generic utility like ePrint (but it's far more perfect or convenient). A: I have used the iPad part of PrintCentral with mixed results - I have a HP Color LaserJet 2605dn connected to an Apple Airport router. The printer is configured as 'A4' (I'm in the UK) and while some things print just fine from the iPad, other things seem to have pagination issues. Printing from emails and Safari generally seems okay. To be fair I think that the only way you're going to get this to work seamlessly is if you can find a wifi printer with drivers for the iPad (do they even exist) - everything else is likely to be some kind of compromise. EDIT: Just to be clear, PrintCentral can either print directly to the 'network' printer, or can send data to an app on your Mac/PC. I haven't tried the latter approach (and your question says you don't want to do it that way anyway) - but I have used it to connect and directly print to my HP from the iPad. A: Have you tried Google Cloud Print? https://www.google.com/cloudprint/learn/apps.html A: The answer depends on what kind of printer you have. The fundamental problem is printer drivers. That is why all of the apps use a server/proxy on a desktop computer, that way the can piggyback the desktops existing printer drivers. Otherwise they would need to include drivers for all supported printers. A few of the printer vendors have iPhone/iPad apps that can take to their network printers, but obviously those only support their printers (an usually only recent ones). I expect this to change at some point in the future (when Apple builds printing support into iOS), but this how things stand with iOS 3.2/4.0.
Q: Why didn't my Windows partition show up in the Startup Disk preference pane? I install Windows(XP after that 7) on my MBP with Boot Camp and every thing was fine but after a while in System Prefences -> Startup Disk my windows partition was lost and when I want to switch to my windows must restart my Laptop and Press Down option during startup. I can't switch directly from my OS X. anyone know how can I solve this. or why this is happened? A: Did you by any chance install the NTFS-3G driver? It's a known bug (for quite some time, now). When installed, you can no longer have the Windows partition in the Startup Disk prefpane. A: You shouldn't have to eject your Bootcamp disk from your Desktop. As soon as you do that, it's unavailable to the system until you reboot. A quick tip: if you don't want your Bootcamp drive to display on your OS X Desktop, boot into windows and then rename your C: drive to a name that starts with a period. OS X will treat it as a "hidden" file and not display the icon. Been using that trick since Bootcamp was in beta and have never had a problem with it. A: I found a solution, if you haven't already. I'm assuming here that you have already uninstalled the NTFS-3G Driver Browse to /yourhdd/Library/ and search that folder for a file called com.tuxera.NTFS.plist - I found mine in .../Library/Filesystems/NetFSPlugins Open that file with a property list editor. I used Open with Property List Editor 2.1 Look for a Property, Disable Driver, change it's value to 1, and restart, should be fixed. A: I had this issue with the latest version of Tuxera NTFS and El Capitan. I reinstalled Tuxera, restarted and all game good again. My bootcamp drive was accessible again via the desktop. A: In the NTFS control panel, there is an option to uninstall. I did that, and, without restarting, I have the option again!
Q: Adding a new processor I've got a Mac Pro (Jan-2008) 2.8GHz Quad-core Xeon with one processor. Do all the Mac Pro's have the two sockets motherboards even if it's purchased with one processor? If so can I purchase an equivalent Intel Xeon proc and install it to have the 8-core? A: No, single processor Mac Pros ship with a single socket motherboard, and use Xeon 3000 series processors, not the more expensive Xeon 5000 series needed for dual socket support.
Q: What are some good sources for Pages and Keynote templates? It doesn't matter whether they are for free or for purchase as long as they are compatible. A: The best commercial packages of themes for the iWork apps, in my experience, are those from Jumsoft.(under Design) They produce themes for both Pages and Keynote, as well as animation and art packs. For free templates, iWorkCommunity has a ton of Pages templates, and some decent Numbers templates as well for basic use. KeynoteUser also produces commercial themes, in addition to having some freebies, and an excellent blog and collection of links for other sources of high quality stuff. A: Interesting. You can find some nice examples on Themeforest, they should have a big list of such items. http://wisset.com/premium-keynote-templates/ A: Klariti has SDLC and business templates over but these are for professionals. http://klariti.com/apple-iwork-templates/
Q: StartupSound.prefPane on new iMacs? Inspired by this question to which I thought I knew the answer, does anybody know how to make StartupSound.prefPane work on a new iMac? I just got the computer last week, and installed SS.pP (v1.1b3) right away, but noticed the next day that it didn't actually function. However, it appears to work, in that it installed fine in System Preferences, I can access it, check and uncheck its options, and move its slider, all without receiving warnings or errors of any kind. Whatever configuration I set is remembered the next time I go into the app, even after a reboot. Nevertheless, the startup sound is still played when I boot up. Edit: Are others having the same issue? I'd be interested to know if this is a consistent problem with new iMacs or some quirk in how I've set mine up... A: Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure you're out of luck. A year or two ago Apple decided that the startup sound is enough of a diagnostic (which it is, in fact: it lets you know the logic board is functioning properly enough) that it needs to sound on every boot, from the internal audio device, regardless of what your sound settings and interfaces are. A: I use the Startup Sound prefpane on a 2010 iMac with 10.6.5 and it does its job beautifully. Try reinstalling the prefpane. Link here.
Q: Is there an image editor like Windows' Paint for OS X? I tried out several image editors mentioned on this site but some of them (like Pixen and Seashore) were very disappointing. These apps were too simple and low level. What do you suggest for a (preferably free) image editor on OS X? P.S: I was using GIMP on Linux and also know that it was released for OS X too, but I want to find new good applications. A: I think it’s too subjective. Anyway, probably the two candidates are: 1) You don’t have Photoshop experience (or want to get far from it): Acorn is for you. 2) You know Photoshop and have some experience with it: Pixelmator will make you feel more at home. A: You said that you already know Gimp. I use that at times on my Ubuntu box and my Macbook. Also, Seashore on the Mac for really simple stuff. Here are a couple of links to open source options. * *http://www.osalt.com/graphic-applications *http://www.opensourcemac.org/ A: I use Pixen for the lightweight jobs. Update 2018: Since I recommended it 8 years ago, Pixen is now a paid app. Apparently I'm not the only one who thought they were doing something right. I wish them well with it. In the intervening time, I've gravitated to using Preview for basic photo editing and markup. A: I don't know why nobody talks about Krita. It is free and powerful with a lot of options. I was a real user of Paint.NET and I got sad when I migrated to Mac and didn't get my Paint.NET. Now I am using Krita and this is perfect. A: You could try Paintbrush (free). As quoted from its website : Paintbrush is a simple paint program for Mac OS X, reminiscent of Microsoft Paint and Apple’s own now-defunct MacPaint. It provides users with a means to make simple images quickly, something which has been noticeably absent from the Mac for years. A: Acorn ($49 or free with reduced features) Acorn is what you want. A: Pixelmator is a great alternative to Photoshop and similar to paint.net on windows A: What about the PowerPoint? You can edit images and then take a screenshot.
Q: iPad virtual keyboard text entry: Way to type multiple capital letters without having to press SHIFT before each letter? Let's say I'm typing a word in ALL-CAPS on the iPad. Currently, the only way I know of how to do this is to press SHIFT before each of the letters. Is there an alternative, like a sticky shift or Caps Lock function, where I can just go into a caps mode, type the letters I want as all caps, and then go back to normal text entry? I've tried keeping my finger on the shift key as well while I type, but that doesn't work as expected. A: Tap the Settings app. and click on the General *menu* > the Keyboard. Then turn "Enable Caps Lock" on. Now just double-tap the shift key to enable caps lock once using the keyboard. you can see with image tutorial here. A: Holding shift ought to work, also. Perhaps that relies on the caps lock option, but it works for me.
Q: iPad virtual keyboard text entry: Can I disable the automatic upper-casing that takes place after I end a sentence? When using the iPad to type a note, for instance, every time I type a period, the iPad assumes I want to start the next word with a capital letter. It also assumes I want to start typing with a capital letter in some text fields on web forms. Is there any way to turn off the automatic SHIFT that is taking place, so there are only capital letters where I explicitly want them to be? A: * *Go to settings *Go to general *Go to keyboard *Toggle and disable auto-capitalization
Q: How to minimize all windows/applications to the dock? ⌥+⌘+M as mentioned in multiple docs only appears to minimize the current (focused) window. I am looking for the "Show Desktop" equivalent. If it matters I'm using 10.6.4. A: I just use Hot Corners to do it. System Preferences >> Desktop & Screen Saver >> Hot Corners >> Select "Desktop" from one of the dropdowns. I use the bottom left, since that's where I was used to the Desktop button in XP lol. A: ⌥+⌘+M actually minimizes all windows of a current application, not just the current focused window (unless of course, the application you have running only has one non-minimized window.) The easiest way to hide all active applications is to select the Finder/Desktop, and then "Hide Others." The keyboard shortcut is ⌥+⌘+H. You can also simply hold ⌥ and ⌘ and click on the Desktop, or Finder on the Dock, or of course, simply use Expose and hit F11 (Or whatever you've rebound Hide-all to.) A: I finally found how to do it with Command+Option+H+M. This works for me on Mac OS X Lion.
Q: How do I sync up my iPhone with my Google Calendar? Possible Duplicate: How do I sync my Google calendar with my iPhone? So I want to be able to add appointments/events/tasks on either and have those changes reflected on both. A: You should really use Google Sync for iPhone to have all the benefits of Calendars (and even Mail if you need it). A: In iCal, add a new CalDAV account. Description: Google:you@gmail.com Username: you@gmail.com Password: yourpass SERVER SETTINGS Server Address: www.google.com Server Path: /calendar/dav/you@gmail.com/user/ Port: Auto Use SSL: CHecked Make sure you have sync enabled in iTunes.
Q: Is it possible to add alternate SCM options in Xcode 3? Is it possible to add additional SCM options in Xcode, specifically Mercurial? I know it is possible outside with Murky and others but I was hoping for a "inside Xcode" integration. If this is too SOish say so. A: In the latest beta of XCode 4, there's a built-in support for Git, so it's possible to add other SCM. Maybe Apple will also incorporate Mercurial support as well. They are several requests - XCode should support Mercurial as well as Git., Xcode 4 should support Mercurial - to put Mercurial support into XCode. So if you can't find a solution now, I'd suggest you to wait until XCode 4 goes out officially. By the way, if you need or want a nice Mac OS X client for Mercurial, you should try MacHg. A: The lack of XCode plugins is due to the fact that apple doesn't document XCode's plugin interface in public. That makes writing XCode plugins very hard. To increase the chance for a future Mercurial plugin you could file a dupe of Documentation and opening of the Xcode plug-in API (.xcplugin and family) which is dupe of rdar://3037631. A: As far as I know, it’s not possible to add support for mercurial using Xcode alone. You have to use an external tool (Like Murky). Xcode’s SVN support is primitive to say something nice about it. It works, but it’s far from being like “Versions”. ;) A: One may want to evaluate github for mac as an alternative. A: You're not going to find an built in extension for adding other SCM's. Best bet is to either use another tool (Murky mentioned) or the CLI. The third option would be to build a set of Xcode macros that performed common SCM tasks, such as commit and pull.
Q: Free screen capture tool that has decent annotation I'm looking for a free screen capture tool that has decent annotation. I want to be able to do the following: * *Highlight an area *Dim everything but the selected area *Draw arrows *Blur selected areas A: I just downloaded the Snagit Beta for Mac, free for now, I'm sure it will cost when it comes out of beta. So far it has everything I was asking for except the dimming feature. It has a few other nice features as well. A: LittleSnapper (not free) from Realmac Software does these things plus it has organizing features and web capture features, with source code. It's more suitable for web or other type of designers, perhaps, but it has these annotation features. A free tool for fast annotation (although I don't think it has darkening or blurring) is Skitch (mentioned by others here as well) which is otherwise very convenient for fast operation. A: Voila can apparently do all that but it’s not free. Skitch i use most of the time to add arrows and such. Very good. A: I second Skitch. I use it every day. It's free, for now. A: Jing also does much of what you're looking for.
Q: How can I use an ADB Apple Keyboard with a modern Mac? I recently found an old Apple Extended Keyboard that uses the ADB interface. I would like to use it, but I don't have an ADB-to-USB converter. I know of only one which is the Griffin iMate. Unfortunately, it's out of production and the ones going on ebay are expensive. Anyone know of another company that made the ADB-to-USB converters? Even better if they still do! A: The iMate was the only converter available on the market. If you do get an iMate, the only thing it will work with these days are keyboards and mice. It internally converts ADB keyboard and mice commands to USB keyboard and mice commands, so it will just make your ADB mouse and keyboard look like a USB mouse and keyboard to the computer, no drivers required. In ~2001 there was a driver for the iMate that would actually configure it as an ADB bus the computer could see, that way anything with real ADB drivers could use it just like a builtin port. That driver has not been updated in years, and Apple dropped all ADB support from OS X, so at this point USB emulation is the only thing it does. Not that there were many (any?) interesting ADB devices that were supported under Mac OS X anyway. A: Find a matching vintage CPU, install an old linux on it with ADB drivers, and then send the resulting keystrokes over IP. Or you could buy a nice new low-profile aluminum Apple keyboard. It'll be cleaner, more comfortable, and cheaper. A: FYI there appears to be another USB to ADB adapter out there as well Micro Connectors USB ADB Adapter. Good luck with your search. A: ADB is over ten years old. I would highly doubt anyone is still making a converter for it.
Q: Stop Safari from loading webpages as Preview images Everyday, the first time I start Safari, if I go to the history or bookmarks tab, I get the following message: How can I stop Safari from prompting this message and completely disable the webpages Preview? I already set the update policy to 2 with this: defaults write com.apple.Safari DebugSnapshotsUpdatePolicy -int 2 A: Try running this command in the terminal: defaults write com.apple.Safari DidPromptToFetchRecentHistoryPreviews -bool YES
Q: How can I skip the Welcome screen after installing OS X? How can I skip the Welcome Video/Music that comes up after a fresh install of OS X? I believe you could skip this in Windows by hitting ESC, but I cannot find a key that has that same effect in OS X. A: Unfortunately you can not skip the opening movie - but you can skip the registration process which shows up later by pressing Command-Q. When the Setup process is complete the file .AppleSetupDone shows up in /var/db. (If this file exists it will skip the Setup process altogether) A: Try pressing cmd+q. It’s a Quicktime movie after all.
Q: iTunes on Windows Refuses to Upgrade I've been having a problem when trying to upgrade iTunes on Windows (7 x64). Every time I try to upgrade it, I get the error message: QuickTime was not found. QuickTime is required to run iTunes. Please uninstall iTunes, then install iTunes again. Wanting to upgrade to 9.2 to get iOS4, I obliterated anything to do with Apple from my machine and reinstalled successfully, but this error comes back time and time again. I recently found that I am not the only one suffering from this. Is there a way to solve this issue or am I doomed to stay like this forever? A: It seems like the installer expects Quicktime to be there but when it looks it can't find it. Have you tried removing any registry entries to do with Quicktime and retrying the install? A: I have the same issue. iTunes on Windows 7, installed with default configuration months ago. After that I have upgraded it several times successfully, again with default settings. Now the latest iTunes upgrade offered by Apple Software Updater suddenly fails with "QuickTime required" error. iTunes and QuickTime Player fully working, only upgrading to latest version fails.
Q: Quicksilver addons and plugins Quicksilver is no doubt THE App that's must have for any keyboard ninja using Mac. Please share your [power] tips on new addons, triggers and plugins that you use. A: If you're using Quicksilver just as a launcher I recommend checking out "Google Quick Search Box" (http://www.google.com/quicksearchbox/). A: [Holywar mode on] Quick silver is NOT the app that's must have for any keyboard ninja using Mac since Spotlight works like a charm. Quicksilver was good on 10.3 as there were no Spotlight :). [Holywar mode off]
Q: Cycle through windows with keyboard in Adobe Acrobat I use Adobe Acrobat Pro a lot, and often keep multiple documents open. Does anyone know of a way of cycling through the open windows of this application without resorting to the mouse? (Cmd+` (backtick) does not work.) I use OS X 10.6.4 on a 13" MacBook Pro. A: You can try Cmd + F6. It's working on both Mac OS & PC. A: Are you referring to cycling through all open windows in all apps, or all open windows within Adobe Acrobat? If the former, use ⌘tab to switch between apps, and then ⌘` to swap between windows in that app. If the latter, ⌘` works just fine for me (Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.3.4; 15" MacBook Pro running OS X 10.6.4; no particular third-party addons that might change this behavior). A: I had given up on this for a long time, but trying it once more I noticed that the "`" requires to be pressed for longer for the switch to happen. Once it switches you have to let go quickly or it will switch back to the 1st document. Hope this helps. A: You might want to take a look at Witch (http://manytricks.com/witch/). It'll give you many more options for how you can cycle through windows and open apps. It's not free ($19), but there is a free trial. A: option+command+backslash (on french keyboard) (`, on english probably) A: On Mac OS X 10.11.1 with Acrobat Pro DC installed try controltab.
Q: Mail: Smart Mailbox Filters How can I get the smart mailbox to filter email correctly? I have the following set: Contains messages that match ANY: Subject Contains criteria one Entire Message Contains criteria two Entire Message Contains criteria three The result is no messages found. If I remove the third criteria I get messages. What I thought the ANY would take each criteria and OR them. Instead it appears to be AND ing them. Any thoughts on how to implement criteria in an OR? A: You've got your rule set up correctly - if it's an ANY set of predicates it's as if there is an OR between them. It may be slow (and why nothing is showing up) because an Entire Message Contains has to search every email you have. What happens if you have only criteria three and not criteria two - there may be an issue with criteria three that is causing the search to fail. (Check Console) You can kludge a smart mailbox with AND and OR rules by using other Smart Mailboxes and the "Message Is In Mailbx" or "Message Is Not In Mailbox" predicate. A: For the "Entire Message" and "Contains" combination, you can use AND and OR to add multiple keywords. For example, Contains messages that match ALL of the following conditions: Data Received is in the date range "01/01/2011" to "31/12/2011" Entire Message Contains "invoice OR receipt" This will give you all messages in 2011 that contain either "invoice" or "receipt"
Q: Quick, automated way to verify the copy of a folder? I have a lot of files that I've been transferring around my network and to external hard drives. For example, I just copied a folder with files representing an old laptop's disk image (created with clonezilla) from an external hard drive to my macbook pro. Is there an app or script I can use that would allow me to verify that all the files in the folder were copied correctly and without corruption? I want to be able to run something on the source and target folders that will give me confidence that they are identical. Ideally, the tool would be able to verify folders on a network drive as well. A: Two easy ways, one CLI and the other with a GUI : * *With Terminal : * *diff -rq folder1 folder2 *Using FileMerge (which comes with the Developer Tools) : * * A: The easiest way to do that would be to run a md5 sum on all the files and match it with the local set. I can't script off the top of my head at the moment, but that's how you would do it. For future reference, don't copy folders. Tar / bzip them up and then move them. Your copy time will be significantly decreased and then it's easier to verify a successful copy.
Q: Is it possible to launch a program in a specific language? I'm a developer, and my primary language is French, so I use Mac OS X in French. However, I need on a regular basis to open an application in English to do support. Right now I'm going to the International System Preferences and I put English above in the languages list, then I open the app I need to run in English. When I'm done, I switch it back to French. This is an annoying process. Is there something else I can use, like a command-line program, to launch an application in a specific language? A: You can change the language inside the preferences file of the application : defaults write com.apple.TextEdit AppleLanguages '("en-US")' Or just run once one application with another language : /Applications/iCal.app/Contents/MacOS/iCal -AppleLanguages '(de)' To determine the bundle identifier, run mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier /Applications/Mail.app or directly in one command: defaults write $(mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -raw /Applications/Mail.app) AppleLanguages '("en-UK")' (via SuperUser) A: There is a freeware, Language Switcher, to launch a single application with a different languages. it's really simple and work amazingly. A: Go to the app, Press Command + I and if there are other languages they will show up in the info page. Just untick all except the language you want A: For Google Chrome do this: defaults write com.google.Chrome AppleLanguages '("en-US")' A: I also found this to work: bash-3.2$ LANG=de.UTF-8 bash-3.2$ /Applications/MuseScore\ 3.app/Contents/MacOS/mscore A: In the Finder, get info on the application. There are languages here, and you can choose. Alas, this seems to have disappeared in Snow Leopard.
Q: How to perform hard / cold reboot of iPhone or iPad? I understand that when I press and release the power button on the top of my iPhone or iPad, it stays on but turns off the screen. Whereas if I press and hold the power button, a "slide to turn off" control appears on the screen. Sliding this, as I was told, does turn the unit off, but it does so by suspending the RAM to disk (flash memory, actually.) So, when turning on the iPhone or iPad, it isn't so much rebooting the OS as it is resuming it from flash storage. How to force the OS to completely reboot on these devices? A: See Restart your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support: iPhone 8 or earlier Press and hold the Home and Power Button until your iPhone / iPad reboot (ignore the "Slide to turn off"), you can release both buttons when you see Apple logo. iPhone X Press and hold Volume up [or down] and Power Button until your iPhone reboots (ignore the "Slide to turn off"), you can release both buttons when you see Apple logo. See If your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch won‘t turn on or is frozen - Apple Support: If your screen is black or frozen If your screen is black or frozen, you might need to force restart your device. A force restart won't erase the content on your device. You can force restart your device even if the screen is black or the buttons aren't responding. Follow these steps: * *On an iPhone X, iPhone 8, or iPhone 8 Plus: Press and quickly release the Volume Up button. Press and quickly release the Volume Down button. Then, press and hold the Side button until you see the Apple logo. *On an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus: Press and hold both the Side and Volume Down buttons for at least 10 seconds, until you see the Apple logo. *On an iPhone 6s and earlier, iPad, or iPod touch: Press and hold both the Home and the Top (or Side) buttons for at least 10 seconds, until you see the Apple logo. A: Hard power off, hold power button and home button until it shows the shutdown slider, and then keep holding the buttons. After a while the screen will completely turn black. Now press the power button to boot the machine up.
Q: Can I change my OS X theme? Some of my friends said that OS X sucks because you only have to choose one theme on every device that have OS X. I searched, but I didn't find any feasible solution just one little thing that cost money (and I didn't want to risk it). Is there a easy way to change OS X themes that is free? Please don't tell me that the theme doesn't need to be changed; I really want something like Ubuntu that can change anything, I really love my Ubuntu desktop (KDE and Gnome). If OS X doesn't do this, are there any 3rd-party utilities that can? A: There is now an app called Flavours that allows theming. It has many nice themes, including some Shapeshifter themes, and runs starting on Lion (10.7.x) up to Mavericks (10.9.x). It costs a bit, however. A: These days, there's also PaintCan which is a plugin for MacForge. A: Out of the box there is no themeing capability in Mac OS X, you can however modify some of the colours used by Mac OS X in the Appearance Preference Pane in System Preferences. If you're serious about themeing however there are 3rd party applications you can get to help with this: * *CandyBar - manages and changes icons. *ThemePark - does most everything else. If you're interested in available themes that work with ThemePark check out MacThemes Otherwise a fairly good resource is the forum at MacThemes. A: Back in the 10.4 days there was Shapeshifter from Unsanity. Sadly, it died when Leopard was released.
Q: Mac ports installation of gcc46 failing due to architecture problems When trying to install gcc46 on OS X 10.6.4 using port (MacPorts 1.9.1) i get the following errors: artemis:foo$ sudo port install gcc46 Error: Cannot install gcc46 for the arch(s) 'x86_64' because Error: its dependency gmp is only installed for the arch 'i386' Error: and the configured universal_archs 'ppc i386' are not sufficient. Error: Unable to execute port: architecture mismatch MacPorts was freshly installed on the 10.6 system. Any suggestions on how to resolve this or how to install gcc46 for i386? (Previously asked and as of now unanswered on SuperUser.) A: For some reason the universal_archs configurations was wrong. An answer on SuperUser now worked: * *in /opt/local/etc/macports/ copy macports.conf.default to macports.conf *make sure universal_archs in it is set to x86_64 i386 *now go for clean installs, e.g. by following the migration instructions A: Try installing first gmp only with the universal variant : sudo port install gmp +universal Then reinstall gcc46.
Q: Can I get the Canon EOS Utility to stop bugging me when I plug in my iPhone? I'm not sure if this belongs here or SuperUser, so I'll ask here and if the community decides to close it, I will re-ask there. Every time I plug my iPhone in to my MacBook, the Canon EOS Utility (installed with the software for my DSLR) pops up and decides to inform me that a camera was not connected. I, of course, know this, as I just connected my iPhone. This happened with my last iPhone (3G) and continues to happen with my current iPhone 4. Is there any way to get that software (provided by Canon) to stop bugging me (on my MacBook, OS X 10.6) when I plug in my iPhone? A: After plugging in your iPhone, open "Image Capture.app" in the Applications folder. In the bottom left of the window is an option to choose what to do when this "camera" is plugged in. Change this to Do Nothing or open iPhoto as you would prefer. A: You can also try installing Cameras, which will let you select default actions depending on the camera you plug in. A: Open up the ImageCapture application. There will be an option to change what happens when you plug a camera / device in. A: One option would be to simply disable the Canon EOS Utility, which apparently has a 'helper' app/daemon running all the time, and manually launch it when you need it. There should be a setting in the Canon EOS Utility's preferences, but if there isn't, look in System Preferences » Accounts (I think that's what it is called in Snow Leopard) » Login Items. If there's nothing there, check "~/Library/LaunchAgents" (where ~ is your home directory) for something which (probably) lists Canon in the filename. Remove the file from that directory and restart your Mac. Bonus Tip: Assuming that your camera mounts in /Volumes/ when connected, you could use Hazel to automatically launch the utility when your camera is connected.
Q: iChat periodically disconnects About twice a night, iChat will disconnect (though it'll still show me as connected). After about 10 minutes, it'll realize it's disconnected and bring up a dialog telling me it lost the connection. I can then close the dialog and reconnect with no trouble. My computer's network connection seems to be fine throughout this. Any idea: * *What might might be causing this? *How to fix it? *At least how to make it tell me more immediately when it loses the connection? A: Your problem might be your router loosing connection temporarily to your ISP. I use Chax, an extension to iChat which, among other great things, auto-reconnects when connection is lost. Chax is donationware.
Q: How can I unlock my screen when my input is in a different language? I have 3 languages installed and everytime my MacBook goes to sleep - the screen is being locked. After entering a password, system says that it's incorrect. It appears, that I'm entering password not in English language, but in Lithuanian (mother tongue), where all digits are taken by Lithuanian-specific vowels and consonants (from 1 to 8: ąčęėįšųū). And the problem is that I can't change language back to English so that I'd be able to enter digits for my password. Using backtick for "default language" does not work (I get beeps all the time). Copy pasting does not work too. Any suggestions? As I don't think I need to take care of what language my MacBook locks the screen in. I'm running Mac OS X 10.6. A: Go to System Preferences > Accounts > Login Options and tick "Show input menu in login window" you'll then be able to change it in the screen saver password window as well In OS X 10.7 Lion, "Accounts" is called "Users & Groups". The setting "Show input menu in login window" really ought to be active by default when plural language input sources are enabled, though. A: If you used before lithuania language and with this language locked screen.then you must to press in one time ctrl and alt plius number which for you need. A: Go to System preferences > Language & Text and in the Language tab move your password language (in your case, English) on top of the other languages. A: just turn it on and turn it on again and it will go back to english i just did it
Q: Is there a way to rename a sound card in Mac OS X? I have multiple sound cards connected and would benefit from being able to rename them from their device name to something like "Headphones", "Surround system", etc. Is there a way to do this? A: The Sound Card’s name comes from the Device itself, which “publishes” its name. The operating system reads the name from there. I don’t believe you can rename it, but you can definitely go to /Applications/Utilities/Audio MIDI Setup and create an Aggregate Audio Device (with the names you want) and select the input/outputs of each. For example, you can create your headphones like this:
Q: Books or Info about Mac OS X under the hood Can somebody point me in the direction of books, sites, articles, ... to learn everything about Mac OS X "under the hood"? In other words to learn more about the kernel, the system. ps.: About Snow Leopard of course A: I've read several articles by Amit Singh at http://kernelthread.com, and have always found them very interesting. He's book is Mac OS X Internals: A Systems Approach A: Don't overlook http://developer.apple.com - there still is a free developer account option to get Xcode 3. You can also buy Xcode 4 from the Mac App store for $5 and no developer account needed - the public documentation available through Xcode is impressive and comes from the web site. The free Ingredients browser also is superb for consuming and searching the Apple Documentation. You only need to pay for a developer account to get pre-release software and documentation so to learn about the current and past OS is free or nearly free.
Q: iVPN Connection Problems I want a way to create a secure connection to the internet (something I can trust) on my iPod Touch and Laptop through a source I can trust. In my research, it was suggested I use iVPN on my iMac at home to set up the connection. So I bought that and tried it out. The VPN client connects, but I cannot navigate to the internet. Any thoughts on how to fix it? A: Doing so would require being able to access your iMac from remote places, thus configuring either a DMZ host, or port forwarding on your router. Either way it will be a headache. Also if you're on a residential connection note that the public IP address can and will change. I recommend a dynamic DNS server for that. Assuming you can get that all setup it's as simple as setting up VPN on your iDevice.
Q: Are there any features like Winamp's auto tag exist for iTunes? It took me 3 months to ID3 Tag all of the MP3s (artist, album, released year, etc) in my iTunes library. It was annoying. I saw that Winamp solves this problem with an "Auto Tag" feature. Is there a plugin for iTunes on OS X to do the same? Or does iTunes itself support this? P.S: I would like the program or plugin or whatever else to be compatible with iTunes. A: MusicBrainz Picard works quite well, it uses the same database as iEatBrainz but is still actively developed. It's free, and I've had great luck with it fixing tags on some 40GB of music I had laying around from my Windows days. The interface is somewhat arcane unfortunately. Check out this link that will give you some other alternative ideas. on edit: I went back to check out the newer version of Picard (0.12 vs 0.11), and the workflow is much improved. A lot of the annoying things from before have been automated. If you take a few minutes to set all the preferences to your tastes using the online help as reference, this really is a great automated tagging app. A: iTunes does have a "Get Track Names" option under the "Advanced" menu. That should be what you're looking for. Granted it might not find everything, but it finds most of them. If you aren't ripping from a CD, then I suggest iEatBrainz, though you will have to scrum up a UB for it. Other software: * *Jaikoz (Java) *MusicBrainz Picard (Python) *iEatBrainZ UB A: There's also an application called SongGenie. It looks very good, too. A: You could try TidySongs. From their website : TidySongs is an easy and powerful program that will fix any missing or misspelled song details, add album artwork, remove duplicate songs and organize your music. A: After many search I find TuneUp it's done what I want. TuneUp is an easy-to-use and powerful plug-in for iTunes & Windows Media Player, and also available for both Mac and windows. A: MetaBliss is good, but costs $20 You are limited to working with batches of 5000 at a time, but the bulk update feature is great
Q: What are some good resources for learning Dashcode? What are some good resources for learning Dashcode? I've got plenty for XCode, but can neither find a good online Dashcode tutorial nor a book in stores. If anyone can help, please let me know. My apologies if this is better suited for SO. A: There are a bunch of resources available from the Apple Developer Site. Here is a small list of stuff available: Dashboard Widget Tutorial Mobile Safari Web Application Tutorial Starting a Project A: Maybe you've already checked and didn't like it or something, but the included help documentation is actually a pretty good starting point for creating simple widgets in Dashcode. It got me through coding a couple easy ones. Not sure if you're looking for complete beginner tutorials or something more advanced however.
Q: Can I make applications load on the same monitor as the mouse cursor? I have multiple monitors, and with Quicksilver and Magic Mouse gestures I open applications without using the dock more often than with it. Is there a way to have these application windows appear on the monitor that currently has the mouse cursor? An added bonus would be the ability to have Finder open a new window if there isn't one on the current monitor, even if there is one on the other monitor. A: I think Mr. Siracusa has railed against the lack of consistency or flexibility that leads to a situation like this, and I don't have a "you can modify this plist and presto!" answer either, but I saw this and thought of your plight: cordlessdog.com/stay/ It may not be what you need, but it could be a step in the right direction, which I heard of here: http://twitter.com/wilsonminer/status/20750686482 A: I've never come across anything that would tick all those boxes unfortunately. I simply don't think the OS supports that at the moment. Sorry I can't offer more help.
Q: Is there a way to match calendar colors without MobileMe? Possible Duplicate: How can I change the colors of calendars on iOS5 I have an iPhone 4 that syncs with iCal through Google. However, the colors for the calendars are different on the iPhone than on iCal. Is there any way to set the colors for the calendars on the iPhone so that they are the same as the colors I have selected in iCal? A: There's no official way to achieve this, however you can try a trick involving deactivating / reactivating calendars in a certain order until they match the colour you want. A: Assuming you have your preferred colors set in iCal, try this on your next sync: BE SURE YOU SYNC ANY CALENDAR INFO YOU MIGHT HAVE ADDED VIA THE PHONE BEFORE DOING THIS OVERWRITE * *In iTunes, select your iPhone in "Devices" (same as normal sync) *At the top of the sync window, click on "Info" *Scroll down to the Advanced heading *Under "Replace information on this iPhone", check the "Calendars" box *Sync at will This should override all of the calendar settings on your iPhone, and replace them with the settings from iCal.
Q: Is there a quick, free viewer for Word docs? TextEdit will open them, but often doesn't display them correctly. I really like QuickLook, but it won't stay open and doesn't allow for copying text. OpenOffice seems to read the files adequately, but is slow to launch. The ideal would be something like Preview that can open Word docs. A: Try Bean. The last time I tried it, it was pretty quick (quicker than OpenOffice) and according to the website, can open .docx files. A: Here's an interesting solution I've never seen before. Apparently a .docx is just an .xml file (which I've heard, but never actually investigated lol). * *Change the .docx extension to .zip *Unzip the file. You'll get an .xml *Open and read the resulting .xml A: Preview.app and TextEdit.app can both open .doc(x) files. While they may not handle intricate formatting, I have found they will do a decent job with 99% of the Word files that I receive. For more advanced documents, Pages remains the best answer, and it's now free for effectively everyone. A: Pages by Apple can be used to view Word document files. Pages is available as macOS and iOS native app as well as for Web. Pages used to be a paid app, but is now available free of cost. Pages Web app can be used on compatible Web browsers even on a Windows PC. A: You can open them up in chrome with the extension "office editing for docs sheets and slides" by google. Works pretty fast on my computer. And I use chrome anyway so it's nice for me. Downsides are that it doesn't seem to work for double clicking on macOS (you might have to drag the file into chrome or type the path) and the save feature wont save to .doc files. But it will display them quickly just like a preview.
Q: Is there a tool I can use to securely wipe data from iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch? Is there a tool or application that will securely wipe an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad (i.e. any iOS device?) I'm not interested in a complete wipe that would brick the device. Rather, I'd want to wipe all free space after it's been reset to default or had the OS reinstalled. Furthermore: by "securely wipe", I'm referring to multiple successive passes with random data, etc. to thwart any attempt at data recovery. For instance: If somebody wanted to sell their old iPhone on eBay, how can they be sure it's completely wiped, so there's little hope of a malicious buyer being able to recover sensitive data that used to be on it? I think this is especially important when people are using iPhone apps to store passwords, credit card numbers, etc. (even if those apps have a supposedly secure storage mechanism.) A: The built in secure-wipe does a very good job, but you should really create a new user on your Mac and do a Restore from iTunes while logged in as that user, and then do the secure wipe mentioned by Studer. That will keep the iTunes account crap from happening. There's also an iWipe app available in the Cydia store at $2.99 for jailbroken iphones, that wipes free space. A: iOS 4.0 supports a very rapid secure erase called "Data Protection". If you upgrade from 3.0 you need to do a restore to set the stage for hardware encryption of all the data. If your device isn't capable of hardware encryption (often called secure data at rest), then you can use the Erase all content and settings function. This built-in functionality to secure wipe your iDevice has been around since iPhone OS 2.0 As this doesn't work the same way on all iOS devices, do read Understanding 'Erase All Content and Settings' before you depend on this to clear data securely. Once you are through erasing the device, you might want to connect it to a clean iTunes library and restore the device and set it up as new. Making a new account on your Mac or PC is an easy way to have a library with no account, no songs, and no apps just to be sure the device has a clean (and easily verifiable) start to it's new life. A: One option would be to put it into disk mode and then use an external utility to do the wiping. A: You can get ShredIt for iOS, more information can be found here: http://www.burningthumb.com/apps/shredit/
Q: Create bulleted list in iOS Mail Is it possible to create a bulleted or numbered list in Mail on an iDevice? If so, please share how. I know it'll display them. Like if I create it in GMail on my MacBook, save a draft, then open it on the device, I see the bullets as intended, but I would like to actually create this same thing on my iPad/ iPhone. Thanks! Thomas A: Until Apple offers the ability to add some basic controls (eg. bold, etc.) on the iPhone/iPad (without the keyboard) it's not possible without copying and pasting from a previous message. You could create a draft with the different types of list to copy and paste and use that. Of note: some third party apps can help with this: eg. MarkdownMail just released today by Second Gear Software ($1.99) or any other app that will allow you to create HTML. A: It’s a hack, but one thing you can do is compose your message in a note, which does support bulleted lists, then copy the message into the email app. It really surprises me that this feature doesn’t exist.
Q: Is there an easy way to remove a URL from Safari's address bar history? So, I love the new, awesomebar-style address bar in Safari 5 - with it's history search, I've gotten to the point where I no longer use bookmarks for most sites, I just remember the 2-4 letter strings that will bring what I want to the top of the search results. This is great, except for when I screw up and add things to the history that screw with it. For example, one of my most used shortcuts was to get to a site I frequent by typing "bl" and hitting enter. Somehow, at one point, I did this without a search coming up, and now, the "Top Hit" for "bl" is "http://bl/", which is obviously, not an actual site. Is there any way to remove a single entry from the history without clearing the history entirely? Bonus points if it can be done from the address bar without navigating around in prefs or anything. While the answers currently given work, I'd love to find an easier way to do it. A: click on show all bookmark (open book) on top-left of your safari. then search the site you want to remove (e.g: http://bl) after that delete it from history when you delete the singe site you never find http://bl when press bl in address bar. search here: A: Go in bookmarks menu and select show bookmarks, then search the url you want to delete with the search field on the top right (under the search engine bar), select the url to remove in the bottom part on hit delete key A: In Safari 8 the accepted answer no longer seems to work as history isn't within the bookmarks any more. Instead, there are options in the History menu to show and edit history. As pointed out in a comment above by Loïc Wolff you can use the keyboard combination Opt+Cmd+2 to show history and a search field is available at the bottom right.
Q: Real alternative to Tag&Rename I was using Tag&Rename (an MP3 tag editor) on Windows and I'm looking for a real alternative for OS X. A: Jaikoz and Music Man can do it for you. you can also use some free apps too: * *MusicBrainz *ID3 Editor A: The tagger A: To my knowledge there is no tagging software on OS X as polished and features complete as Tag&Rename. Beside the ones aforementioned, I use SimpleTagger which enables you to tag from Amazon (including cover) and rename your files from tags. A: I mostly use mid3v2. Some examples: mid3v2 --artist Artist --title Title --album Album --track 1 file.mp3 for f in *.mp3;do a=${f%% - *};t=${f#* - };t=${t%.mp3};mid3v2 --artist "$a" --title "$t" "$f";done mid3v2 -l file.mp3 # list tags mid3v2 -l file.mp3|sed -n s/^TPE1=//p # artist mid3v2 -D file.mp3 # delete all tags for f in *.mp3;do l=$(mid3v2 -l "$f");mv "$f" "$(printf %02d $(sed -n 's,^TRCK=0*\([^/]*\).*,\1,p'<<<"$l")) $(sed -n 's,^TIT2=,,p'<<<"$l"|tr '/:?<>\\*|"^' _).mp3";done mid3v2 --delete-frames $(mid3v2 -l *|LC_ALL=C sed -n 's,^\([^=]*\)=.*,\1,p'|sort -u|grep -Exv 'TPE1|TIT|TALB|TRCK|TYER|TDRC'|tr \\n ,) * # keep only specified tags You can install mid3v2 by running sudo easy_install pip;sudo pip install mutagen. id3v2 and id3tag don't support Unicode and id3tool doesn't support ID3v2. A: Tag & Rename works on PlayOnMac. PlayOnMac is a Windows compatibility layer (but it's not a virtual machine). It's free and you don't need a Windows license either. First, you need to download and install PlayOnMac, then buy Tag & Rename and install it from within PlayOnMac. After that, it just works like a usual app.
Q: Can I control how frequently Safari refreshes when switching between pages? Frequently when I'm using Safari on the iPad and loading multiple web sites at the same time and switching between them, Safari starts to reload a page when I switch back to it, even if it's been only a few minutes since I last opened the page. This can be quite annoying. Is there any way to control how often Safari on the iPad will perform refresh a page? Ideally, I'd like to tell Safari to not refresh any pages and just refresh manually when I want to. A: Safari (for iPod and iPad) keeps website cache only in RAM, and therefore, once it runs out of RAM, it'll automatically destroy an entire page, forcing the refresh, disguising itself as an auto-refresh feature. You can only keep few pages respective to amount of your device RAM. You can try a third-party browser that has offline caching, and it'll remedy the situation. like: * *Mercury *iCab *Atomic Web Browser or if you Limit the number of tabs open in Safari to 2 or 3. It won't refresh. A: Try and make sure the sites you're visiting are optimized for mobile, open fewer tabs at a time, and other ways of not using Safari as heavily. Not exactly very suitable answers until iOS 4.1 is eventually released for the iPad. Alternative browsers such as iCab have an offline bookmark option that will save the entire page to disk so you can view it without needing to refresh until you want to. Safari on iOS has a very limited size on it's cache and will refresh a page when you come back to it if the cache is full. Part of this is because of the limited RAM available on iOS devices along with the fact that Apple doesn't write any cached items to the flash memory and only keeps it in the memory. (The iPad and iPhone 3G S only have ~256 MB of RAM, earlier devices 128 MB and the iPhone 4 512 MB) Yahoo has run a series of tests to determine just how large the cache is. If the HTML of a page exceeds 25.6KB it will not be cached (and so refreshed every time you visit), external components can be larger (Up to 4MB) but the max size of the HTML page cache is only ~280KB on an iPad (paltry really). iOS 4 is set to increase that page cache size up to as much RAM as is available.
Q: How to automount a network share once OpenVPN has connected? (Using Tunnelblick) Does anyone know how to automatically mount a network share once a VPN connection using Tunnelblick has connected? Right now I have to connect and then do a cmd+K in the finder to connect to the AFP share. It'd be nice if it would connect automatically. The share doesn't have a password (TimeCapsule without any passwords, and no, not using it for backup, we use it for a fileserver). A: 1. Edit the file /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.up.osx.sh and add these commands at the end of the file, just before exit 0 : su USERNAME -c ' mkdir /Volumes/TimeCapsule mount_afp afp://afp_username@server/volumename /Volumes/TimeCapsule ' open /Volumes/TimeCapsule Replace USERNAME with your username on the system. 2. Then add the following at the end of /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.down.osx.sh : umount /Volumes/TimeCapsule 3. Do not forget to check the set nameserver option for your configuration : Warning : Configuration files client.(up|down).osx.sh are executed for every connections made using OpenVPN. This could also be made using launchd for watching if the vpn connection is up, but I don't know how to use launchd. A: I have just succeeded to auto-mount NFS after having connected VPN and auto-unmount before discconect with Tunnelblick (3.7.3 on macOS High Sierra). At first, I had the same problem with Cameron Conner. Still, Studer's answer was quite helpful for me. Instead of Studer's client.(up|down).osx.sh, I placed two lines in the .ovpn: up (path to your connected.sh) down (path to your pre-disconnect.sh) Then create and edit these connected.sh and pre-disconnect.sh. connected.sh: #!/bin/sh sudo mkdir /Volumes/NFS sudo mount -P /Volumes/NFS pre-disconnect.sh: #!/bin/sh sudo umount /Volumes/NFS I don't know about TimeCapsule manipulation. So above process is about NFS. I think you can arrange it for TimeCapsule. I think the point Cameron and I got stucked was su or sudo. And, to avoid password is another problem. My solution to that was sudoers. Edit /etc/sudores with visudo. Modify the %admin entry from: %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL to: %admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL Unless your account is not an admin, it should work.
Q: Why does OS X's Apache server give different results using real and virtual addresses? I'm developing a WordPress site on my Mac, running OS X 10.6.4. I'm using OS X's built-in Apache server to run the site locally during development. I've set up WordPress and connected it to OS X's MySQL with no problems. The site seems to work fine, and I can post, edit, etc. The WordPress installation is in a folder called ~/Sites/mysite.dev. I've also customized my .hosts file and Apache's httpd-vhosts.conf file, to redirect requests for mysite.dev to this folder. So when I enter http://mysite.dev in a browser window, the site loads. No problems here. So I can access the site, in a browser, from two different addresses, http://mysite.dev, and http://localhost/~Gabe/mysite.dev/. Here's what's weird: When I go to http://mysite.dev, the WordPress site loads normally. When I go to http://localhost/~Gabe/mysite.dev/, WordPress can't find any posts from the database: It gives me the "Sorry, no posts met your criteria" message (which is built into the theme for when a search for posts returns nothing). N.B.: Apache processes the PHP code normally in both cases -- but in one case WordPress can get posts from MySQL, and in the other case it can't. My first thought was that this was a problem with WordPress's configuration, so I changed the WordPress URL to http://localhost/~Gabe/mysite.dev/, but this made no difference. I don't understand why using the two addresses produces different results. Any help appreciated. (Here's why I care, in case you're wondering: I want to preview the site in BBEdit's web preview window, and BBEdit will only load the site via the http://localhost/~Gabe/mysite.dev/ address.) A: This is not a problem with OS X or Apache. A redirect doesn't change any PHP code behavior and since you apparently get response from the code, nothing is wrong with the server setup. The problem lies in the way Wordpress reads the domain name from the request (which is the only thing that should differ) and what it does with it. A: I was able to solve this problem—it turns out that WordPress behaves better when I set both the WordPress address and the site address to http://localhost/~Gabe/mysite.dev/.
Q: Multiple tags on music in iTunes? Is there any plugin for iTunes making it possible to tag the music with multiple tags (not ID3-tags or genre)? Just like last.fm does, e.g. "soft electronic african female-vocalist"? Genres are so totally unusable to use as a music categorizer. I use iTunes a lot for syncing various iDevices and streaming music to the Airport Express, so I'm not really interested in an alternative app, even though I might be if it supports more or less everything iTunes does and have some more features, but also being compatible with and updating the iTunes library. A big bonus would be if it's also allowing hierarchical tag structures. A: While it won't satisfy the hierarchical feature you'd like, the Grouping (or even the Comment) field in iTunes could be used to hold tags. Ideally you would want to do something to make the tag always unique by separating by a comma or say <> around the word. You can then use a Smart Playlist to filter for this tag. (Grouping contains). There is an unfinished program called QuickTag that leverages that ability and makes it easier to tag. There is also a hint on MacOSXHints.com that shows how you can grab Last.FM's tags and apply them to the current playing track. You'll need to modify their script slightly - namely to use the grouping or comment field (and match anything special you've done, eg. <>s around the word) instead of the genre. The alternative Perl version worked faster than the original script for me.
Q: How can I really disable the Cmd to Win key mapping in Parallels Desktop 5? Removed it from System Preferences > Keyboard. No go. Remapped ⌘ Cmd to be Ctrl. No go. Ripping out the ⌘ Cmd key shouldn't be the solution. Anyone?... A: It works for me, but I have it remapped like this: So cmd is really control for Windows. A: I found that mapping a different key to the Win command did not remove the Cmd key being mapped to Win. What worked for me was to map Cmd to Shift. All the other shortcuts such as Cmd + S (save), Cmd + C (copy), etc still worked but hitting Cmd by itself now just activates the Shift key which really does nothing by itself. A: Go to Parallels Desktop preferences and disable key mapping for key which behaves abnormally ("Cmd > win" in our case) as shown on the screenshot below: A: You can use Krumstick to remap the windows key inside Windows. A: Not sure if this will help you. But the main problem for me was the CMD + arrow keys I use all the time to go to the start or end of a line. This can be remapped without problems, this way you can use all your normal shortcuts from MacOS too. The second I get a Mac keyboard muscle memory kicks in and this is a good compromise :)
Q: Can Macs be put in hibernation voluntarily? I know that when you put your Mac laptop to sleep and the battery dies, next time you plug it in it will wake up from the state it was prior to being put to sleep. There are also hacks to get this behavior with a desktop Mac (except it triggers when you put the Mac to sleep and unplug it). Is there a way to trigger this behavior without cutting power, and that will still let me put my Mac to sleep normally? Like Windows 7's Hibernate option. A: Yes, of course you can. I myself use Deep Sleep widget (second link) to put my Macbook Pro into hibernation. And if you prefer to use the command line, read this article. A: There is a pref pane called smart sleep that is pretty good A: You could use DeepSleep. I know this is a widget, but if you want an application, do the following : * *Download the widget and uncompress the zip file containing it, but do not install it. *Right-click on the widget, the select Show Package Contents. *Copy the DeepSleep Application where you want.
Q: Keyboard shortcuts for "Straighten" in iPhoto? If you've used iPhoto for photo retouching, you probably know the Straighten functionality. My question is, are there any keyboard shortcuts for rotating the photo, or is mouse & the slider the only way? Any other useful tips regarding this are of course also welcome. It can be somewhat slow and awkward to do this with mouse/trackpad for each photo (especially if your mouse is not the most accurate one, like my Logitech bluetooth mouse). In iPhoto '09 they made matters worse by removing the small buttons next to the slider that you could click to rotate by one step (0.1 degrees). A: You can press the S key to activate the straighten tool. And the return key will save any changes. Unfortunately, I am not sure how to control the slider in order to actually make a change using the keyboard. A: If you have a trackpad you can use two-finger-rotation gestures in Straighten mode. See http://www.cnet.com/news/quick-tip-iphoto-11-trackpad-gestures/ A: You can use the Accessibility Inspector to input arbitrary numbers for the amount of rotation. See this post here for usage instructions. Remember to press Set value to change the number and input numbers with decimal point, e.g. 4.0.
Q: Can I resize a BootCamp partition without reinstalling Windows? Does any one know how to do this? A: You can use GParted to achieve this, as it supports HFS+, FAT32 & NTFS resizing. A: if you want to reduce the size of bootcamp partition you can use this. and if you want to increase the partition size you can use CampTune. Edited: if you want do it free use this method (Malicious link removed -- see comments) it needs 2 applications (both are free) * *winclone *carbon copy cloner p.s: some software download link in article was corrupt you must download these apps from my links.
Q: External Disk to use with TimeMachine in a AirPort Extreme Any one know any external disk that I can use to do this? A: Again, any usb disk should work, unless there's something I'm missing in the question.
Q: External Disk to use with iTunes in a AirPort Extreme I have a external disk that I use now to have my iTunes collection, I want to connect the same disk to the AirPort Extreme so I dont have to use a USB port in my Notebook. Does anyone have a reccomendation? A: Any standard USB disk should work.
Q: How can I get files on my iPad into my Dropbox? Let's say I get a file in an email, or have it stored in GoodReader, or find a link to it on the web, and want to put it into my Dropbox using the ipad app. It seems like the only files you can add from the app are photos and video. Am I missing anything? Goodreader is a great example of how an app can "pull in" compatible files from emails, etc, but I can't find any similar capability in the Dropbox app. A: You can use Habilis to email files to Dropbox. I use it to transfer photos from my phone to my iPad without needing the camera connection kit. It works like a charm. If you have a Mac, you can also use MobileDL to get files into Dropbox. It's an app that allows you to paste a URL into Simplenote on your iPad/iPhone/iPod and it'll start downloading the file on your Mac. Just make sure to go into the preferences when you install it and set the downloads folder to your Dropbox. The downside, of course, is that you'll have to leave your Mac on at home so you can use it. A: This is actually possible to do without any extra applications now. With attachments that can be previewed in Mail, and most every file type in Safari, you can use the Open in... and choose Dropbox. You then get to choose a folder to upload the file to and tap the Upload button. In Mail, do this: And in Safari, do this: A: I've been wanting to do this too, but thus far to no avail. From the Dropbox in-app help, it states, 'The iPad version of the Dropbox Mobile Application allows you to upload any videos or photos synced to your gallery.' So, from that I'd assume that you're not missing anything - your only upload options at the moment are photos and video from the general gallery. :-( It'll be interesting to see if people post any usable workarounds, of course. :-) A: Here's a nice solution: http://sendtodropbox.com And here's how I found it. Thanks votebox! A: I believe that whilst this capability is not included in the official dropbox app, it is possible to accomplish using GoodReader for iPad. * *Open GoodReader on iPad and expand the section in the bottom right of the main screen which says "Connect to Servers" *Tap "Add" *Tap "Dropbox" *Enter your details and click add *Now tap the server you just added (I called it "Dropbox") *In the bottom right hand corner of the popover that just came up is a button saying upload. Tap it. *Select the files you want to upload and tap "Upload" You will only need to do steps 5-7 the second time A: Regarding that link on the Web, icabmobile: http://itunes.apple.com/de/app/icab-mobile-web-browser/id308111628?mt=8 can download files and upload to dropbox. A: if you have goodreader, you can add your dropbox account to it, no more need fore the dropbox app. A: Jailbreak your device and install iFile from Cydia.
Q: Continuing pages in Page Layout Document in Pages I have a Page Layout document in Pages currently. Is there a way to convert part of the document into "word processing" mode where when you run out of room on one page, it automatically creates a new page? A: Someone has to give you the bad news: You can't. You have to copy/paste and re-edit again in the other mode. When you create a new pages document, you have to wisely chose the one that suits you best. You can’t go back and forth between them nor mix the types in the same document. Sad but true. ;)
Q: Can I mirror my iPad's display using the VGA adapter for use in a presentation? I would love to be able to mirror the display of my iPad on a projector for use in a presentation. Is there any software available to do this - on the AppStore or if necessary for use with a jailbroken iPad? A: There's no official way to achieve this. You have to jailbreak your iPad and use a software like DisplayOut (works on all iDevices) to do this. A: Just for clarification: With the iPad2, every app is mirrored on the VGA adapter by default, without any additional measures. A: As Studer mentioned, there is no official way to do so. you can use the DisplayOut software for Jailbroken iPads. If you're more developer oriented, there is also this option
Q: Scrolling Settings - "Throw" I was trying to change my scrolling settings to keep the screen from scrolling when I take my hands off the touchpad. Right now, if I do a two-finger scroll, and take my fingers off the pad while keeping my hand moving, the screen continues to scroll, like a throw. I would like this behavior to stop. I have a MacBook Pro running Leopard Thanks! A: You can remove the inertia for the two fingers scroll, just select "without inertia" under Trackpad inside the System Preferences : A: In your Trackpad system preferences panel, under Two Fingers, change the "Scroll with Inertia" option. That should stop it.
Q: What are some of your best iTunes add-ins? I realized recently that iTunes has add-ins. What are the add-ins that add value to iTunes on Windows? One add-in per answer please. A: Doug's Scripts is a fantastic collection of AppleScripts for iTunes that perform a whole array of functions. I've often made us of them to help detect duplicate songs and just generally keep my music library neat and tidy. A: When I edit my mp3 tags with external tools, then I use needledrop to force iTunes to refresh its internal database with updated tags content (by playing each file a few seconds).
Q: My personal settings on OS X disappear after booting Windows (XP or 7) on my MacBook Pro I installed Windows 7 (and XP before) on my MacBook Pro and whenever I boot my Windows and after that boot my OS X my clock shows the wrong time and my login items that I set in the system preference > Accounts disappear! I have also lost my second language added! Indeed I lost all my specimen settings. Someone told me that's because MBP don't have BIOS and that causes the problem to happen. Does anyone know how must I solve it? P.S: asked this question before on superuser and get this answer about to edit registry and set RealTimeIsUniversal to 1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation but it just solve the time problem. this is my login items but I don't think it related to apps was set here because I changed them many times and still have the problem. A: Try to backup and delete the file under ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginitems.plist This will remove the login item you have and Mac OS X will create a new (clean) one. For more information: * *Do you by any chance use some kind of app cleaner on your Mac that would delete .plist files? *When on Windows, do you mount your Mac partition with read access? A: About the time : You have to tell Windows that the clock is UTC. To do this, edit the following in the registry : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control TimeZoneInformation RealTimeIsUniversal and set it to a DValue of 1.
Q: How can I use NTFS partitions in OS X? My coworkers use NTFS partitions, and I can't share my data with them, as NTFS on Mac OS X is read-only. How can I read and write onto NTFS partitions? A: I payed(34$) for the full NTFS driver from Tuxera, the free version was not able to safely eject NTFS disks. Update: starting with Lion, you'll not be able to share the NTFS drives even if you use NTFS-3G or Tuxera NTFS for Mac. It may be a good idea to reformat your drive to EXFAT in order to overcome these issues. I know it's a real pain and time killer. A: You have 3 main choices : * *NTFS-3G (free one) *Paragon NTFS (paid one) and even a built-in solution inside Mac OS X. A: If you're running Snow Leopard, don't bother with various MacFUSE based solutions - NTFS support is built in, but disabled by default. To enable it, read this. Snow Leopard has the ability to mount NTFS volumes as read/write, but it's not enabled by default -- just read only is supported, as in 10.5. Here's how to get full read/write support for NTFS drives in Snow Leopard. First, uninstall NTFS-3G or Paragon if you're using either one. Here's how to get read/write support for NTFS drives in Snow Leopard: * *In Terminal, type diskutil info /Volumes/volume_name, where volume_name is the name of the NTFS volume. From the output, copy the Volume UUID value to the clipboard. *Back up /etc/fstab if you have it; it shouldn't be there in a default install. *Type sudo nano /etc/fstab. *In the editor, type UUID=, then paste the UUID number you copied from the clipboard. Type a Space, then type none ntfs rw. The final line should look like this: UUID=123-456-789 none ntfs rw, where 123-456-789 is the UUID you copied in the first step. *Repeat the above steps for any other NTFS drives/partitions you have. *Save the file and quit nano (Control-X, Y, Enter), then restart your system. After rebooting, NTFS partitions should natively have read and write support. This works with both 32- and 64-bit kernels. Support is quite good and fast, and it even recognizes file attributes such as hidden files. My thanks go to Chrysaor, a MacRumors user who brought this to our attention. Alternately, you could use NTFSMounter, for a GUI utility to do the same thing. A: For free, you can use the NTFS-3G driver. In order to use it, you have to install MacFUSE first. In the end, you'll have a prefpane to mount and manage your NTFS drives A: I use NTFS-3G with really good success, never lost a bit also sharing the same disk with windows machines and a WD media player connected to my TV. Only very minor issue I've found was that to proper reclaim space from the disk when I delete file I need to run a Maintenance utility or the Disk Utiity to recover space. See also http://www.phillo.it/?p=9 A: Here is a good description how to access NTFS partitions. Basically - install NTFS-3G via macports http://fernandoff.posterous.com/ntfs-write-support-on-osx-lion-with-ntfs-3g-f
Q: Can anyone recommend a decent free stop watch widget for MacOSX? I would like something that is simple to use. A: Depending on the functionalities you want : * *Simple & Design : iChrono *More features & like a real stopwatch : Stopwatch widget A: It's not a dashboard widget, but the Apimac Timer application is free (there's a paid Pro version with additional features) and functions as a stopwatch, countdown timer, and alarm clock. Nice and handy. http://www.apimac.com/timer/ A: Menubar Countdown is good if you just want to countdown something http://capablehands.net/menubarcountdown License Menubar Countdown is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. A: For counting down a repeating task, Pomodoro is useful (and free): http://pomodoro.ugolandini.com/ A: Not a widget, but since there's always a browser around, the Timer Tab web app does the trick for me. Here's a selection of features: * *timer + alarm clock + stopwatch *works offline *fullscreen countdown by clicking on the countdown *keyboard control: * *→, ←, ↑, ↓: control inputs, *f: toggle fullscreen, *space: toggle pause *customizable: * *audio alarm: any Youtube clip *background: any image on the web *countdown in the browser tab title and tab icon Now, if Chrome happens to be the browser of your choice, there's also the Chrome app, providing you with some extra features: * *optional sound and Chrome notification *use the "tab to search" chrome feature to set the timer *etc. Now, it's up to you to consider if this is a reasonable alternative to a widget. A: I know 2 of them: * *StopWatchWidget *tTimer
Q: How can I change which application is launched when I press the play button on my remote? My mac mini came with a remote control. When I press the play button, iTunes is launched. How can I change what happens when I press this button (e.g. launch a different program)? A: according to the writer : This seems to work with iTunes 8 and 9, although you'll need to redo the patch after upgrading. Open a Terminal and type the following cd /Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS sudo mv iTunes iTunesX sudo curl http://www.cs.umd.edu/~dmonner/iTunes -O sudo chmod uog+x iTunes enter code here From http://www.cs.umd.edu/~dmonner/iTunes #!/usr/bin/env python import sys, os, subprocess launch = True blocker = "" apps = ["Spotify", "Songbird"] ps = subprocess.Popen("/bin/ps -x", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in ps.stdout.read().split("\n"): for app in apps: if app in line: launch = False blocker = app ps.stdout.close() if launch : os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, '/Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunesX', sys.argv) else : print "Not launching iTunes while %s is running." % blocker and you can read more here and here. A: Some tool like Remote Buddy might help here, but it's probably much more than you asked for.
Q: How can I resize a window that doesn't have the grabbing part on the bottom right? I have Hulu desktop running and I want to make the window smaller, there are no lines which are usually present on windows for resizing on the bottom right corner, though. On windows I could right-click the title bar and choose size for these kind of windows, is there any way to do something similar on a Mac? I tried pressing the green button on the top left, but that doesn't do anything. A: Hard to find free softwares for this, I only found a donationware : * *Window Wrangler Otherwise, you can have paid solutions : * *Cinch, which a nice and useful windows manager. *MondoMouse *Zooom/2 A: I use MercuryMover for move or resize windows with keyboard. MercuryMover is a utility designed to help you keep your hands on the keyboard. Installed as a System Preferences panel, MercuryMover makes it possible to move and resize windows using just the keyboard.
Q: Is there a way to change font sizes system-wide while preserving UI resolution? I have a 17" widescreen mac book pro (1920 x 1080) and find it hard to read the small fonts in the finder menu and in the Finder let hand panel even though my vision is good. Even the font's in most applications appear small. I know certain applications will allow you to configure font size but I'm really looking for a system-wide/global solution. I have tried several solutions such as: 1.> defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleDisplayScaleFactor 1.5 2.> User Interface Resolution with Quartz Debug application and both these mothods/features seem incomplete in that the GUI elements are not scaled smoothly. I also tried lowering my monitor resolution but that wasn't ideal cause the display gets a bit blurry. A: You can use TinkerTool to change the default system fonts and increase their size. A: Sorry I forgot to mention earlier, I've also tried tinker tool. While it does increase the font size for most mac apps it doesn't allow customizing other apps (such as the adobe suite that I tend to use day in day out). Also another aspect the problem for which I require a solution is UI resolution (I know mac doesn't fully support it yet). The toolbars and other panels in the adobe suite is are so tiny that it's almost a nightmare to use it. I do get around it sometimes by changing to a lower resolution like 1200x800 but it isn't effective cause it display get blurry (due to non-native resolution). A: Try holding down the <Ctrl> key and scrolling the mouse wheel up. This zooms in to the part of the screen where the mouse cursor is located. <Ctrl>-scroll mouse wheel down to zoom back out to normal level.
Q: Add the bookmarks bar to internal browsers of iPad apps Apps like Twitterific and Flipboard are great but I want to be able to use the "Offline Pages" app to save the text of a link so I can read it later. In Twitterific, when I touch a link it opens in an internal web app that doesn't have the bookmarks bar and therefor doesn't have my "Offline Pages" bookmarklet. I read somewhere that Instapaper has better integration with apps like Twitterific but I haven't seen anywhere how it works and I really do like offline pages . . . it does exactly what I want! Any ideas? I know I can simply "open in Safari" but that's another page load and I loose my place in Flipboard or Twitterific and have to re-open the app. A: Unfortunately, there is no way for developers to integrate your bookmarks into our apps. We create a browser using WebKit, but the bookmarks are stored in Safari, not WebKit. Instapaper is likely your best choice, and is available in most RSS apps and many Twitter apps do (including Echofon). You then can view these saved pages from the Instapaper app anytime you want. A: Instapaper is a web & desktop service that allows you to save, on your iDevice, an offline copy of articles or web pages and read them later. Personally, I use Read it Later (more or less the same thing as Instapaper, but with less applications integration) and if I remember correctly, both work in the same way (at least with RIL) : * *Click on a bookmarklet or other *The webpage is uploaded to Instapaper's servers *You use your application to download the offline copy So, you can see that you do not directly download the offline copy on your device. Instapaper is integrated with several applications like Twitterrific, Twitter for iPhone, Flipboard and others iOS & Mac OS. Moreover, Instapaper is compatible with iPad, iPhone and Mac OS. I'd recommend you a nice review about Instapaper.
Q: How to move only purchased music from iPhone I have multiple Macs registered to my iTunes account. If I plug my iPhone in to any Mac other than the one I usually sync with it, I have the option to transfer purchased items from my iPhone to the connected Mac. This works great for moving music I purchase on my iMac to my MacBook. However, every time I hit "transfer purchases," it also tries to transfer applications. I have no reason to puts apps on my MacBook, and don't see any reason to waste the disk space. Is there any way to tell iTunes to only transfer purchased music off the phone? A: Maybe you can try this : * *The first time iTunes ask to transfer purchases, say No *In the App Tab of your iPhone in iTunes, uncheck the top box : "Sync Apps" *On the bottom of Application Tab, you'll find another box you can try to disable : "Automatically sync new apps" *Try a new sync A: Here we are over a year later. I still haven't figured out how to do it, and it doesn't look like anyone else has either, so I'm going to assume you can't. Luckily, this has now been rendered mostly irrelevant by iCloud.
Q: How do I find a modem driver for Mac? I'm not familiar with OS X. I'm trying to find a way to get a modem (Huawei ETS 1201, which I believe can only be connected using a USB cable) driver for OS X Leopard (on a MacBook Pro) for a friend. After failing to find a driver from the company's website, I was wondering whether it would be possible to use a Windows driver in any way (like some sort of Virtualization?) or whether I am likely to be able to find an unofficial driver for OS X. TIA A: First thing to check is : Do your modem support Mac OS X ? If the documentation said so, you should try to connect the modem directly on your Mac and see what happens. In case nothing works, I'd say that this modem is for PC only and you'll not find any driver for Mac OS X. The only way to make it works is to boot on your BootCamp partition and install the driver on it, but you'll can use only Windows and not Mac OS X. Edit : I'm not sure that virtualization solve the problem too. Most of the time, the Internet connection is shared on the VM from host to guest. I think you can't share connection from guest to host.
Q: Is it safe to always leave a Macbook Pro on? I have an external monitor, keyboard, and mouse connected to my Macbook Pro. I have the lid closed and have it running. I run it as if it were a desktop PC, always on. I only shut off the LCD attached to it. Is it safe to always have the Macbook Pro on and running? About every other week I let the battery drain almost completely. I also have a Belkin laptop cooling stand running underneath it. Is there anything else I can do to safely have my MBP running most of the time? Update: Just wanted to add that I have the newer 2010 Macbook Pro. A: Sure The current uptime on my MacBook is 21 days. One thing to note: * *I wouldn't drain the battery like that. Lithium ion batteries don't work like NiCa batteries with memory. If you have it continuously plugged in, charge to 60% and then remove the battery. A: Technically, yes, but from a long-term maintenance standpoint, I would reccommend at least rebooting once a week. I reboot all my Macs first thing Monday morning, after the Sunday night system maintenance runs, and I never have problems with crashes, memory and the like (unless, of course I do something stupid while programming). Even Mac OS X needs a quick refresh every now and then. A laptop is really not that much different from a desktop computer; it's still a hard drive, ram, cpu, keyboard, and mouse just in a compact form factor. Anything you would do with a desktop machine, do with your laptop. A: From a software standpoint, it's perfectly fine to leave your Mac on continuously. It can even be considered recommended, since Mac OS X has a number of optimization scripts that run on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, but can only do so if the computer is on. From a hardware standpoint, it depends on your model. If you have an older (pre-2008) MacBook with a removable battery, leaving it on and plugged in continuously will kill the battery quick. In that case, you should remove the battery from the machine, only putting it back in occasionally, charging it to around 60%, to keep it in good working order. The new MacBooks with non-removable batteries are designed to be able to be left plugged in constantly. The battery has circuitry to optimize the charge cycles so that the life of the battery is not adversely degraded over time (more than just normal use causes).
Q: How do I use time machine to restore my entire computer, rather than a file? Is is possible? What is the easiest (most hassle-free) way of accomplishing this? A: In 10.7 and later you can start up from the recovery system and choose Restore From Time Machine Backup. Or if the backup was made on a different Mac, Apple recommends using Migration Assistant. See Mac Basics: Time Machine: Restoring your entire system from a backup If you are restoring a backup made by a Mac to the same Mac With your backup drive connected, start up your Mac from the Recovery system (Command-R at startup) or Mac OS X v10.6 installation disc. Then use the "Restore From Time Machine Backup" utility. Note: If "You can't restore this backup because it was created by a different model of Mac" appears when restoring a backup that was made on a different Mac, follow the onscreen instructions. If you are restoring a backup made by one Mac to a completely different Mac Important: If the backup you are about to restore is from a completely different Mac, use the Migration Assistant to transfer data from the backup, as described in the next section. A: The easiest way would be to start 'Migration Assistant' under Applications/Utilities and then select Time Machine (of course, having it already mounted). This will create a new account with all your entire working data and configuration (on any mac). A: To recover your entire system: 1) Connect your Time Machine backup disk to your computer. If you’re restoring your system because of a problem with your startup disk, make sure the disk has been repaired or replaced. 2) Insert your Mac OS X Install disk, and double-click the Install Mac OS X icon. 3) In the Installer, choose Utilities > Restore System from Backup. 4) In the Restore Your System dialog, click Continue. 5) Select your Time Machine backup volume. 6) Select the Time Machine backup you want to restore. 7) Follow the onscreen instructions.
Q: How to disable syncing applications without uninstalling them? When I disable syncing apps with my iPad, iTunes uninstalls all apps. How can I make iTunes not mess with it and leave the apps on it, even if I disable synchronization? I tried disconnecting immediately after applying, but this doesn't save the changes I made. This also happens to my iPods and iPhones. A: Alternatively you could select sync Apps but choose the applications you want in your iPad and uncheck the Automatically sync new apps. With this you will have only the applications that are selected.
Q: Search a phrase using Spotlight I find Spotlight very very useful, however I would like to be able to search for documents that contain a given phrase, i.e. words appearing together, instead of anywhere in a document. Do you know of any way or plugin to perform such a search? A: From the Mac OS X 10.5 Help Use quotation marks around text to search for exact phrases — the same way you do with most Internet searches. For example, enter “trip to France” in the search field to find items on your computer that contain that exact phrase. If you didn't use quotes, the search results would include items that contain any of those words.
Q: How can I make Back to my Mac Screen Sharing go full screen? I've got two macs, both with the same monitor. When I use Back to my Mac Screen Sharing from Mac A to Mac B, I see the full screen of Mac B, but it's in a window on Mac A, and the image is scaled a little bit. Also, since I set up all my machines the same way, the dock is on the bottom and has auto hide enabled for both. When I try to expose my doc on Mac B, My cursor winds up leaving the window and exposing the dock on Mac A. Is there any way to get that screen sharing window to go full screen, the way something like VMWare or Parallels does? I tried other VNC clients, but Apple's Screen Sharing is the most responsive. A: Up to 10.5.4 included, it was possible to add, among other possibilities, a full screen item to Apple Screen Sharing application : . But, from 10.5.5 they remove all these features and so, the simple trick becomes more hacky. I don't know why Apple remove these options, but anyway, if you want them back and if you're not scared about tweaking Screen Sharing application with XCode or if you have a backup of Mac OS X 10.5.4, here's an how-to. A: As far as I know, the only way to get full screen is with Apple Remote Desktop or a third party VNC client. A: The screen sharing client in OS X Lion supports the new full screen mode.
Q: Free viewer for Excel files other than OpenOffice Other than OpenOffice, can you suggest a light free viewer for Excel files? A: Quick Look can be set to allow copying of text. Launch Terminal and type the following command: defaults write com.apple.finder QLEnableTextSelection -bool true Then restart the Finder with the following command: killall Finder After selecting use the keyboard ⌘+C to copy. Read more at Cult of Mac EDIT Selecting text seems to be disabled in OS X 10.11. But this Terminal hack works in many versions prior to 10.11. A: Isn't Quick Look enough? You could also try to upload them on Google Docs. A: I myself use OS X's Quick Look. I think it's good enough. Just select your xls (or xlsx) file and do one of the following: * *press Space *press ⌘ Y *right click and choose Quick Look and the file will be viewable in a separate window. Press Space again to close. Quick Look can also be opened in full screen by pressing ⌥ Space or ⌥ ⌘ Y in the Finder. Press Esc to exit full screen. A: Apple Numbers can be used to view Excel spreadsheet files. Numbers is available for macOS, iOS and web. Numbers which was previously a paid app is now available free of cost. Numbers web app can be used on compatible browsers even on a Windows and Linux computer. A: This answer is just to provide an update as of March 2016 Microsoft Office Online will allow you to not just view, but create, edit, and save Excel documents without having the software installed. For a complete list of features available for Excel Online, check out the page on support.office.com page
Q: App that scans local network for shared folders? I'm looking for an application that can scan my local network and report any shared folders it finds. I've tried iStumbler, but it only gives you information on machines that are sharing with Bonjour. Anything out there that looks harder, ie. shows samba, nfs, etc? on edit The real issue here is that I have an external disk drive connected to my router, and I would like to make sure that the samba share I've created on it is working. Basically I want a port scanner that is user-friendly and will give lots of information about what is really being exposed on the network. A: Finder by default will show shared folders for most services. For an more in depth look at what a machine is running you can always port scan the heck out of it. Then connecting is as easy as memorizing proper instructions over telnet or plugging into Finders 'Connect to Server' dialog. nmap (really sudo nmap) is one of the fastest, most informative port scanning tools out there. It spanks the pants off any GUI for speed and service comprehension. Try something like the the following. # [target ip] = Ip of the host to scan sudo nmap -PN -n -sV --version-all [target ip] A: Just to add more information, OS X has a portscan application since Panther (as far as I can remember). Network Utility (in /Applications/Utilities/Network Utility.app) will do a Port Scan. I lacks the power of nmap, but it’s a quick way to see if a service is running. namp is god anyway.
Q: Phone Numbers to be ignored Apparently someone has given my number has his telephone number to a whole bunch of offices, and I am getting a lot of calls on my phone asking for him! Is there a setting on the iPhone 3GS - OS 4.0.2 to set a phone number to not ring, and not vibrate? A: You can always make a silent ring tone as your default ring tone. Be sure to assign ring tones to your contacts that you want to hear from. A: Without jailbreaking, your only option is the network operator's (AT&T, Verizon, etc) blacklist option. There may be a monthly fee, $5/mo on AT&T for example, but will allow you block receiving calls from any number you like. iBlacklist will work if your phone is jailbroken, but it costs $11.99 - a little high in my opinion. A: I was wrong! My other answer was incorrect and has been deleted. There's an app in the App Store called "Blacklist" that looks to do exactly what you want. I missed it before because I'm not in the US and it isn't available in my country, but your profile says you're in Philly, so you should be golden. $1.99. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blacklist/id310726855?mt=8 A: I was anticipating a problem like this a while back so I turned to Google voice to help. This won't help you now, or even after the fact, but for future reference, you get spam control from the dashboard and some other neat features. I found that I give my Google voice number out more freely because I trust the tools that allow me to block as needed. Here's a useful link that talks about blocking with Google Voice. Scroll down to the "Spam from Individual Callers" section. A: Create a silent ringtone with GarageBand. (This assumes you're on a Mac. I'm not sure how to get ringtones into iTunes on a Windows machine.) Send it to iTunes so you you can sync it over to your iPhone. Create a new contact called "IGNORE" or something that will let you know it's one of those unwanted callers. Assign the silent ringtone to that contact. (this allows you to keep your default ringtone audible) As other numbers call that you don't want to be bothered by, you can just add them to that existing contact. You hear the ringtones from people you want, and you don't from the annoying callers. Problem solved. :)
Q: iTunes Does Not Automatically Sync I just installed iTunes 9.2.5 (x64) on a new laptop, and iTunes is not automatically syncing when my iPhone is plugged in. The preference "Prevent iPods, iPhones, and iPads from syncing automatically" is UNCHECKED. I didn't have this problem with my other laptop, so I'm not sure where the problem lays. Any help would be greatly appereciated. Thank you. A: Your iPhone is bound to a specific machine. It won't automatically sync to a machine. You have to manually force it to sync. When you do this, it will ask if you wish to erase all data on your iPhone and sync with the new machine. Beware, if you do this, it will wipe your contacts, music, apps, videos, etc, and replace them with what is on your current machine. The only way to avoid doing this is to copy your entire iTunes library folder from your old machine to your new one, and replace the existing library. To summarise, the iPhone thinks your new laptop is a new machine, and so won't automatically sync to it until it's re-associated. Any questions, just shout.
Q: Is there a usable iOS4 Terminal App? Mobile Terminal 426 appears to be the only non-crashing iOS4 Terminal App. Unfortunately it's missing all of its convenience features, like gestures. Are there alternatives? A: I use iSSH: http://www.zinger-soft.com/iSSH_features.html It's available on the app store, but if you're jailbroken you can ssh to and it works just fine. Costs $10 though. A: If by terminal you mean SSH (or telnet): I have used TouchTerm (from way back when it was for free, now its 4$) and iSSH. I like TouchTerm better on the iPhone as I find the semi-transparent keyboard better. I prefer iSSH on the iPad because it has a real iPad version. Also iSSH has a VNC client and an X server that can be tunneled over SSH. But its 10$.
Q: Centralized update for third party apps I kind of hate it when applications, which I start, at first search for updates. It's not the updates. Well I fire up an app because I want / need to use it (now). I liked the centralized, system wide update which Linux offered. And SoftwareUpdate just checks Apples software. Is there a way to centralize the updates of the third party applications? So far I know about Macports and Fink which update quiet like Linux, but I also use e. g. iTerm, Transmission etc. which would still be left out. I also heard little about Appcasting, which uses RSS to announce updates, and which is used by some apps I use, but I don't know any URLs. A: I use AppFresh. It's nearly perfect. A lot of apps are recognized, even new ones and widgets and prefpanes too. It's backed up by iusethis to check for update, but can also check for Apple or Microsoft Office updates. A: MacUpdate and Versiontracker both offer custom apps that do specifically this. However, after a free period, they're paid for I believe. MacUpdate app is my preferred of the two, available here. A: Bodega acts like the app sore in iTunes, but it's for desktop apps. It includes a version checker/updater in the "Applications" section.