List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- "Procyon" (1951 - 2 de Marzo de 1974) BULLET::::- "Cies" class BULLET::::- "Cies" (1952–1973) BULLET::::- "Salvora" (1952–1990) BULLET::::- "Centinela" class BULLET::::- "Centinela" (W-33) (1953–1977) BULLET::::- "Serviola" (W-34) (1953–1977) BULLET::::- P-00 "Lazaga" class (6) BULLET::::- P-01 Lazaga (1975–1993) BULLET::::- P-02 Alsedo (1977–1993) BULLET::::- P-03 Cadarso (1976–1993)
Ships of the Spanish Navy
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Section::::Patrol Boats.
List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- P-04 Villaamil (1977–1993) BULLET::::- P-05 Bonifaz (1977–1993) BULLET::::- P-06 Recalde (1977–1993) BULLET::::- P-10 "Barceló" class (6) BULLET::::- P-11 Barceló (1976–2009) BULLET::::- P-12 Laya (1976–2009) BULLET::::- P-13 Javier Quiroga (1977–2005); sold to Tunisia Navy BULLET::::- P-14 Ordóñez (1977–2009) BULLET::::- P-15 Acevedo (1977–2009) BULLET::::- P-16 Candido Perez (1977–2009) BULLET::::- P-20 "Anaga" class (7) BULLET::::- P-21 Anaga (1980–2010)
Ships of the Spanish Navy
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Section::::Patrol Boats.
List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- P-23 Marola (1981–2010) BULLET::::- P-24 Mouro (1981–2010) BULLET::::- P-27 Izaro (1981–2010) BULLET::::- P-29 Deva (1982–2004) BULLET::::- P-30 Bergantín (1982–2010) BULLET::::- P-30 Grosa (1981–2012) BULLET::::- P-30 "Conejera" class (4) BULLET::::- P-31 Conejera (1981–2010); Sold to Senegal BULLET::::- P-32 Dragonera (1981–2010); Sold to Mozambique BULLET::::- P-33 Espalmador (1982–2010) BULLET::::- P-34 Alcanada (1982–2010) BULLET::::- P-40 "Cormorán" class (1)
Ships of the Spanish Navy
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Section::::Patrol Boats.
List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- P-41 Cormorán (1990–1994) BULLET::::- P-60 "Chilreu" class (1) BULLET::::- P-61 Chilreu (1992–2012)
Ships of the Spanish Navy
{ "revid": 896859635, "timestamp": "2019-05-13T09:10:28", "parentid": 896741173, "pre_dump": true, "pageid": 21936682, "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List%20of%20retired%20Spanish%20Navy%20ships&oldid=896859635" }
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Section::::Patrol Boats.
List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- F-00 "Marte" class (2) BULLET::::- F-01 Marte (1938–1971) BULLET::::- F-02 Neptuno (1939–1972) BULLET::::- F-10 "Júpiter" class ("Marte" modernized*) (2) BULLET::::- F-11 Júpiter (1937/1960*-1974) BULLET::::- F-12 Vulcano (1937/1960*-1977) BULLET::::- F-20 "Eolo" class (2) BULLET::::- F-21 Eolo (1941–1972) BULLET::::- F-22 Tritón (1943–1972)
[ { "text": "Marte", "href": "Jupiter%20class%20minelayer", "source": { "paragraph_id": 713, "start": 18, "end": 23 }, "start": 18, "end": 23 }, { "text": "Júpiter", "href": "J%C3%BApiter%20class%20minelayer", "source": { "paragraph_id": 716, "start": 18, "end": 25 }, "start": 125, "end": 132 } ]
Ships of the Spanish Navy
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List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- M-00 "Bidasoa" class minesweepers (7) BULLET::::- M-01 Bidasoa (1946–1973) BULLET::::- M-02 Nervión (1946–1972) BULLET::::- M-03 Lérez (1947–1971) BULLET::::- M-04 Tambre (1946–1973) BULLET::::- - Guadalete (1946–1954) BULLET::::- M-05 Segura (1949–1973) BULLET::::- M-06 Ter (1948–1972) BULLET::::- M-10 "Guadiaro" class minesweepers (7) BULLET::::- M-11 Guadiaro (1953–1977) BULLET::::- M-12 Tinto (1953–1976) BULLET::::- M-13 Eume (1954–1977) BULLET::::- M-14 Almanzora (1954–1977)
Ships of the Spanish Navy
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Section::::Mine Countermeasures Vessels.
List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- M-15 Navia (1955–1979) BULLET::::- M-16 Eo (1956–1978) BULLET::::- M-17 Guadalhorce (1953–1978) BULLET::::- M-20 "Nalón" class minesweepers (12) BULLET::::- M-21 Nalón (1954–1993) (MSC139) Adjutant class BULLET::::- M-22 Llobregat (1954–1979) (MSC143) Bluebird class BULLET::::- M-23 Júcar (1956-?) (MSC220) AMS218 class BULLET::::- M-24 Ulla (1956–1993) (MSC265) AMS218 class BULLET::::- M-25 Miño (1956–1999) (MSC266) AMS218 class
Ships of the Spanish Navy
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Section::::Mine Countermeasures Vessels.
List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- M-26 Ebro (1958–2005) (MSC269) MCS268 class BULLET::::- M-27 Turia (1955–1993) (MSC130) Adjutant class BULLET::::- M-28 Duero (1959-1999 (1954–1999) (ex-MSC202 Spoonbill 1955-1959) Bluebird class BULLET::::- M-29 Sil (1959–2003) (ex-MSC200 Redwing 1955-1959) Bluebird class BULLET::::- M-30 Tajo (1959–2002) (MSC287) MCS268 class BULLET::::- M-31 Genil (1959–2004) (MSC288) MCS268 class BULLET::::- M-32 Odiel (1959–2004) (MSC279) MCS268 class
[ { "text": "M-29 Sil", "href": "Spanish%20minesweeper%20Sil%20%28M29%29", "source": { "paragraph_id": 748, "start": 12, "end": 20 }, "start": 220, "end": 228 } ]
Ships of the Spanish Navy
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Section::::Mine Countermeasures Vessels.
List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- M40 "Aggressive" class (4) BULLET::::- M-41 Guadalete (1971–1998) (ex-MSO432 Dynamic 1952-1971) BULLET::::- M-42 Guadalmedina (1971–1999) (ex-MSO463 Pivot 1954-1971) BULLET::::- M-43 Guadalquivir (1971–1999) (ex-MSO491 Persistent 1955-1971) BULLET::::- M-44 Guadiana (1972–2000) (ex-MSO473 Vigor 1955-1972)
[ { "text": "Aggressive", "href": "Aggressive%20class%20minesweeper", "source": { "paragraph_id": 752, "start": 17, "end": 27 }, "start": 17, "end": 27 } ]
Ships of the Spanish Navy
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Section::::Mine Countermeasures Vessels.
List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- Coastal water tankers BULLET::::- África A-5 (1925–1954) BULLET::::- A-1 (1933–1977) BULLET::::- A-2 (1933–1984) BULLET::::- A-3 (1935–1965) BULLET::::- A-4 (1935–1968) BULLET::::- A-6 AA-06 Contramaestre Castelló (1952–1996) BULLET::::- A-7 AA17 (1952–1982) BULLET::::- A-8 (1952–1977) BULLET::::- A-9 AA-21 A-62 Maquinista Macias (1963–1993) BULLET::::- A-10 AA-22 A-63 Torpedista Hernandez (1963–2004) BULLET::::- A-11 AA-23 A-64 Fogonero Bañobre (1963–1993) BULLET::::- A-65 Marinero Jarano (1981–2010)
Ships of the Spanish Navy
{ "revid": 896859635, "timestamp": "2019-05-13T09:10:28", "parentid": 896741173, "pre_dump": true, "pageid": 21936682, "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List%20of%20retired%20Spanish%20Navy%20ships&oldid=896859635" }
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Section::::Auxiliary ships.
List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- A-66 Condestable Zaragoza (1981–2009) BULLET::::- Fleet oilers BULLET::::- Plutón (1934–1970), ex Campsa oiler Campillo BULLET::::- A-11 Teide (1956–1988) BULLET::::- A-11 Marques de la Ensenada (1991–2012) BULLET::::- School Ships BULLET::::- "Nautilus" (1886–1925) ex "Carric Castle" BULLET::::- "Galatea" (1922–1969) ex "Glenlee" – ex "Islamount" - ex "Clarastella", preserved as "Glenlee" at Glasgow. BULLET::::- Submarine rescue ship BULLET::::- "Kanguro" (1920–1943)
[ { "text": "Campsa", "href": "Campsa", "source": { "paragraph_id": 773, "start": 35, "end": 41 }, "start": 110, "end": 116 }, { "text": "Glenlee", "href": "Glenlee%20%28ship%29", "source": { "paragraph_id": 778, "start": 98, "end": 105 }, "start": 396, "end": 403 }, { "text": "Glasgow", "href": "Glasgow", "source": { "paragraph_id": 778, "start": 110, "end": 117 }, "start": 408, "end": 415 } ]
Ships of the Spanish Navy
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Section::::Auxiliary ships.
List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- Training ships BULLET::::- A-77 "Salvora" (2001-2012) BULLET::::- A-79 "Hispaniola" (2011-2012) BULLET::::- Transports BULLET::::- "San Quintín" BULLET::::- "San Francisco de Borja" BULLET::::- "Patiño" BULLET::::- "Marqués de la Victoria" BULLET::::- "Ferrol" BULLET::::- "San Antonio" BULLET::::- "Legazpi" (ex-mercantile "Zamboanga" ex-"Formosa") (attached to Cuban squadron during the Spanish–American War)
Ships of the Spanish Navy
{ "revid": 896859635, "timestamp": "2019-05-13T09:10:28", "parentid": 896741173, "pre_dump": true, "pageid": 21936682, "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List%20of%20retired%20Spanish%20Navy%20ships&oldid=896859635" }
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Section::::Auxiliary ships.
List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- "Cebú" (ex-mercantile "Julieta") (attached to the Philippines squadron during the Spanish–American War) BULLET::::- (1895-1898) (Captured by USN in the Spanish–American War). BULLET::::- "Almirante Lobo" (1909-1942) BULLET::::- "Contramaestre Casado" BULLET::::- "Tarifa" (ex-"Castillo de Arevalo")
Ships of the Spanish Navy
{ "revid": 896859635, "timestamp": "2019-05-13T09:10:28", "parentid": 896741173, "pre_dump": true, "pageid": 21936682, "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List%20of%20retired%20Spanish%20Navy%20ships&oldid=896859635" }
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Section::::Auxiliary ships.
List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- Spanish Republican Navy
[ { "text": "Spanish Republican Navy", "href": "Spanish%20Republican%20Navy", "source": { "paragraph_id": 798, "start": 12, "end": 35 }, "start": 12, "end": 35 } ]
Ships of the Spanish Navy
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[ { "paragraph_id": 798, "start": 0, "end": 35 } ]
Section::::See also.
List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- Notes BULLET::::- Bibliography BULLET::::- Alcofar Nassaes, José Luis (1971). Las fuerzas navales en la Guerra Civil española. Dopesa. . BULLET::::- Villaamil, Fernando (1989). Viaje de circunnavegación de la corbeta Nautilus".. Madrid: Editorial Naval. .. BULLET::::- Hardie, Hamishla (2004). restauración del Glenlee/Galatea. .
Ships of the Spanish Navy
{ "revid": 896859635, "timestamp": "2019-05-13T09:10:28", "parentid": 896741173, "pre_dump": true, "pageid": 21936682, "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List%20of%20retired%20Spanish%20Navy%20ships&oldid=896859635" }
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List of retired Spanish Navy ships
BULLET::::- Lledó Calabuig, José (1998). "Buques de vapor de la armada española, del vapor de ruedas a la fragata acorazada, 1834-1885". Agualarga. BULLET::::- Coello, Juan Luis (1995). Buques de la Armada española años de la postguerra. Agualarga editores S.L.. BULLET::::- Coello Lillo, Juan Luis; Agustín Ramón Rodríguez González (2001). Buques de la Armada Española a través de la Fotografía. .
[ { "text": "\"Buques de vapor de la armada española, del vapor de ruedas a la fragata acorazada, 1834-1885\"", "href": "http%3A//www.gbv.de/dms/sub-hamburg/235095680.pdf", "source": { "paragraph_id": 805, "start": 41, "end": 135 }, "start": 41, "end": 135 } ]
Ships of the Spanish Navy
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Callosobruchus maculatus
Callosobruchus maculatus is a species of beetles known commonly as the cowpea weevil or cowpea seed beetle. It is a member of the leaf beetle family, Chrysomelidae, and not a true weevil. This common pest of stored legumes has a cosmopolitan distribution, occurring on every continent except Antarctica. The beetle most likely originated in West Africa and moved around the globe with the trade of legumes and other crops.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
As only a small number of individuals were likely present in legumes carried by people to distant places, the populations that have invaded various parts of the globe have likely gone through multiple bottlenecks. Despite these bottlenecks and the subsequent rounds of inbreeding, these populations persist. This ability to withstand a high degree of inbreeding has likely contributed to this species’ prevalence as a pest. It is used as a model organism for both research and education due to its quick generation time, sexual dimorphism, and ease of maintenance.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
The cowpea weevil lacks the "snout" of a true weevil. It is more elongated in shape than other members of the leaf beetle family. It is reddish-brown overall, with black and gray elytra marked with two central black spots. The last segment of the abdomen extends out from under the short elytra, and also has two black spots.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
The beetle is sexually dimorphic and males are easily distinguished from females. The females are sometimes larger than males, but this is not true of all strains. Females are darker overall, while males are brown. The plate covering the end of the abdomen is large and dark in color along the sides in females, and smaller without the dark areas in males.
Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
There are two morphs of "C. maculatus", a flightless form and a flying form. The flying form is more common in beetles that developed in conditions of high larval density and high temperatures. The flying form has a longer lifespan and lower fecundity, and the sexes are less dimorphic and can be more difficult to tell apart. The egg is clear, shiny, oval to spindle-shaped, and about 0.75 millimeters long. The larva is whitish in color.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
A female adult can lay over a hundred eggs, and most of them will hatch. She lays an egg on the surface of a bean, and when the larva emerges about 4 to 8 days later, it burrows into the bean. During development, the larva feeds on the interior of the bean, eating the tissue just under the surface, leaving a very thin layer through which it will exit when it matures. It emerges after a larval period of 3 to 7 weeks, depending on conditions.
Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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[ { "paragraph_id": 9, "start": 0, "end": 444 } ]
Section::::Life cycle.
Callosobruchus maculatus
In colder climates the gestation period is typically longer taking anywhere from 4–13 weeks to emerge. Larval crowding can occur when up to 8 or 10 larvae feed and grow within one bean. Crowding limits resources for each individual, leading to longer development time, higher mortality, smaller adult size, and lower fecundity.
Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Section::::Life cycle.
Callosobruchus maculatus
Once the beetle emerges as an adult, it may take 24 to 36 hours to mature completely. The lifespan is 10 to 14 days. However, in colder climates lifespans typically range from three to four weeks. The adult requires neither food nor water, but if offered water, sugared water, or yeast, it may consume it. A female given nutrients may lay more eggs.
Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Section::::Life cycle.
Callosobruchus maculatus
The beetle tolerates a range of humidity and temperature, making it adaptable in climates worldwide. Its developmental time varies with factors such as humidity, temperature, legume type, crowding, and inbreeding levels in the population. A bean that is too dry will be impossible for the larva to bore into, and wet beans may have fungal growth. In experiments, a humidity range of 25% to 80% was acceptable, with different optimal levels at each life stage.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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[ { "paragraph_id": 12, "start": 0, "end": 459 } ]
Section::::Life cycle.
Callosobruchus maculatus
The most eggs hatched between 44% and 63% humidity, and 44% produced the highest survival. The adult lives longer at 81% to 90%. In another experiment, temperatures of 17 °C and 37 °C with a constant humidity stressed the beetle, and the ideal temperature range was 24 to 28 °C.
Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Section::::Life cycle.
Callosobruchus maculatus
The age of the female at oviposition affects the development and survival of the offspring. The eggs of older females are less likely to hatch, the larvae take longer to develop, and fewer larvae survive to adulthood.
Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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[ { "paragraph_id": 13, "start": 0, "end": 217 } ]
Section::::Life cycle.
Callosobruchus maculatus
Copulation is injurious for the female beetle. The male possesses penile spines which damage the female reproductive tract. The female may forcefully kick the male during copulation, ending the mating. It is possible that male may benefit from harming the female because the injury could reduce matings or mating success with other males, or increase her egg production. When the female is experimentally prevented from kicking the male (by removal of the hind legs), matings continued for longer than usual, and injury increased.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
However, the amount of time before she became receptive again and the rate of oviposition were not affected. This suggests that penile spines do not increase the reproductive success of males, and it is suspected that the spines do not increase reproductive success for either sex, and may have no adaptive value.
Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
After mating, the female glues single eggs to a bean. The female generally lays fewer eggs when there are fewer hosts. In an experiment, females presented with three large beans laid more eggs than females presented with three small beans. Occasionally, females deposit many eggs onto nonviable surfaces, especially if there are few or no hosts available. This leads to a higher mortality rate in eggs and potential larvae, but it may also lead to host expansion in the long term.
Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
Temperature and humidity in legume storage areas are relatively constant and the food density is high. The female lays eggs on legumes in the field or in storage. Inbreeding is more common in laboratory situations where the beetle is allowed to breed continuously; breeding in the field is more limited.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
The beetle is known for attacking the cowpea ("Vigna unguiculata"), but it readily attacks other beans and peas such as the mung bean ("Vigna radiata") and adzuki bean ("Vigna angularis"). The adult is more likely to seek the legume in which it developed as a larva, but if it is not available or less common, the beetle will utilize another type.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
Females are more likely than males to take advantage of sugar water or other resources. In an experiment to test the hypothesis that access to nutritional resources would affect the frequency of second matings, females with access to sugar were less likely to mate more than once. Available food makes the female less receptive to advances from males, which present a nuptial gift as part of courtship. The gift is a spermatophore, nutritional content mixed into his ejaculate, a package which can be up to 20% of his body weight.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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[ { "paragraph_id": 21, "start": 0, "end": 530 } ]
Callosobruchus maculatus
Females with other nutritional resources can afford to refuse a mating. A female without an additional nutrient source is less choosy in the mating process. She does not even refuse matings with close relatives, such as brothers. The species does suffer from inbreeding depression, but it does not seem to take behavioral action to avoid it.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
In addition, bean beetles are known to exhibit homosexual behavior. Males will mount both females and other males. This could potentially have fitness benefits for the male, as the male does not waste time determining whether his partner is male or female. Sometimes it is faster to test physically than to attempt to determine via other methods.
Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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[ { "paragraph_id": 23, "start": 0, "end": 346 } ]
Callosobruchus maculatus
The female usually oviposits on the smooth side of a bean rather than the rough top, and it avoids legumes without smooth surfaces. It also has a way of distributing the eggs among small and large legumes so that each larva has access to roughly the same amount of nutrients; its assessment of legumes is based on mass rather than surface area, and on the number of eggs already present.
Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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[ { "paragraph_id": 24, "start": 0, "end": 387 } ]
Callosobruchus maculatus
When preparing to pupate, the larva digs a cell in the bean and lines it with feces. If it encounters another larva in the bean, both retreat and create walls of feces. If the wall is removed, the two larvae fight to the death. This behavior is not well understood.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
The bean beetle, "Callosobruchus maculatus", oviposit their eggs on the cowpea bean. The species that are most common for the beetle to lay their eggs on are black eyed peas, mung beans, and adzuki beans. If more than one host is available, the beetle will choose its host depending on the variety and size of the bean as well as the texture of the seed coat. One study showed that the beetles will choose their host depending on the geographic region they live.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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[ { "paragraph_id": 27, "start": 0, "end": 462 } ]
Section::::Host Preference.
Callosobruchus maculatus
It has also been found that the beetle will often switch hosts if a new host becomes available to them. Over time the beetles will start specializing on the new host and will lose preference for the ancestral host.
Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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[ { "paragraph_id": 27, "start": 463, "end": 677 } ]
Section::::Host Preference.
Callosobruchus maculatus
The beetle larvae grow inside the bean until they emerge as an adult. The time it takes the larvae to develop varies across hosts, with longer development times on less suitable hosts. It has been found that beetles that choose to oviposit their eggs on the black eyed pea have a shorter development time, suggesting that the black eyed pea is a more suitable host. The temperature and relative humidity have an effect on the developmental time as well; higher temperatures and a relative humidity range of 40%-60% shorten developmental time.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Section::::Host Preference.
Callosobruchus maculatus
The emerged adult beetles mate assortatively, meaning they mate with others that developed on the same host bean. If the hybrids of the population are less fit, assortative mating can lead to speciation. One study looked at this and found speciation beginning to occur in early generations but because there was no selection against hybrids, recombination destroyed any linkage that was formed between host and mating preference which did not allow speciation to be completed.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Section::::Host Preference.
Callosobruchus maculatus
The predators of "C. maculatus" include several parasitoid wasps. "Anisopteromalus calandrae", "Uscana mukerjii", and "Dinarmus" wasps specifically target "Callosobruchus" species. "Dinarmus basalis" parasitizes small larvae and halts their development. This limits the damage they can do to beans, but their presence still makes the beans unfit for human consumption and usually makes them unfit for sowing, as well.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
"Uscana mukerjii" is an egg parasite which prevents the egg from hatching, thereby preventing damage to the legume.
Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
The beetle is considered "medically harmless" to humans. It is a damaging agricultural pest.
Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
In developing countries, small-scale farmers mix the crushed leaves of "Cassia occidentalis" into bean stores to deter the beetle. Other "Cassia" are useful, as well. The powdered leaves are effective, and a warm-water extract and the essential oil from the seeds are better. The seed oil does not stop oviposition, but it increases the mortality of the eggs and the first-instar larvae. The warm-water extract deters the adult female from ovipositing.
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
Other botanical biological pest control agents tested include nishinda ("Vitex negundo"), Tasmanian blue gum ("Eucalyptus globulus"), bankalmi ("Ipomoea sepiaria"), neem ("Azadirachta indica"), safflower ("Carthamus tinctorius"), sesame ("Sesamum indicum"), and gum arabic ("Acacia nilotica" syn. "Acacia arabica").
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Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
Hermetic storage technologies like the Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage bags have also proven successful in controlling "C. maculatus". These technologies work by separating the container environment from the surrounding air and forcing the insects inside to deplete the available oxygen inside the container Not only does this ultimately kill the insects, but it also reduces the level of damage they inflict as active feeding ceases below a certain threshold of oxygen
Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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Callosobruchus maculatus
Animal agents of biological control include the parasitoid wasps that target the beetle. In laboratory trials "D. basalis" has totally eliminated the beetle. "A. calandrae" and "U. mukerjii" may also prove useful. Freezing the whole storage area will also control "C. maculatus". A period of six to 24 hours at -18 °C kills all the adults and larvae. If the cooling is slow, the beetle can acclimatize, so longer freezing is required.
Bruchinae,Animal models,Agricultural pest insects,Cosmopolitan arthropods,Taxa named by Johan Christian Fabricius,Beetles described in 1775
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NH 155
NH 155 may refer to: BULLET::::- National Highway 155 (India) BULLET::::- New Hampshire Route 155, United States
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Aisling McLaughlin
Aisling McLaughlin is an Irish actor whose theatrical career spans a decade in the industry. She performed in the first of a series of one-woman plays called "Picasso's Women" in 2007. McLaughlin has also appeared in the television dramas "Fair City" and "Killinaskully".
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Irish stage actresses,Living people,Irish television actresses,Year of birth missing (living people)
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Chris Patrick-Simpson
Chris Patrick-Simpson (born 18 January 1979) is a Northern Irish actor. Patrick-Simpson is best known for his role as Brendan in the film "The Magdalene Sisters". He has also appeared in the film "The Boxer", the TV Drama "The Clinic" and "Fifty Dead Men Walking". He is married and currently in Canada.
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Male film actors from Northern Ireland,1979 births,Male actors from Edmonton,Male television actors from Northern Ireland,Living people
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Chris Patrick-Simpson
In 2018, he guest-starred in an episode of The CW series "Supernatural".
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Male film actors from Northern Ireland,1979 births,Male actors from Edmonton,Male television actors from Northern Ireland,Living people
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Emmett J. Scanlan
Emmett John Scanlan (born 31 January 1979) is an Irish actor from Dublin. He is best known for playing Brendan Brady in "Hollyoaks". He appeared in the BBC2 drama "The Fall" in 2013 and 2014 and hitman movie "Breakdown" in which he appears alongside Craig Fairbrass, James Cosmo, Bruce Payne, Olivia Grant and Tamer Hassan. Scanlan has acted in BBC Three's "In The Flesh" series 2, and "Guardians of the Galaxy".
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Irish male film actors,1979 births,Irish male television actors,People from Dublin (city),Living people
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Emmett J. Scanlan
BULLET::::- (*) means there were two main rounds of nominations for that category. Shortlisted means he made it to the second and final round of voting.
Irish male film actors,1979 births,Irish male television actors,People from Dublin (city),Living people
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Section::::Awards and nominations.
Leo Smit
Leo Smit may refer to: BULLET::::- Leo Smit (American composer) (1921–1999), American composer BULLET::::- Leo Smit (Dutch composer) (1900–1943), Dutch composer and pianist.
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Leo Smit
BULLET::::- Smit BULLET::::- Leo Smith (disambiguation)
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Section::::See also.
Prepa Tec Valle Alto
Prepa Tec Valle Alto is the newest and smallest of the five Prepa Tec high schools. It was inaugurated in August 2005 with a class of less than 100 students. The school is located in the southern part of Monterrey, in the fast developing Valle Alto region of Mexico. It is situated next to the National Highway on top of a hill.
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Prepa Tec Valle Alto
Prepa Tec Valle Alto is the smallest school by size and by student count in the Prepa Tec High School system; it has fewer than 350 students and 13 classrooms. The school offers the standard Bilingual, Bicultural or International Baccalaureates. With Prepa Tec getting ready for the fifth generation of students, an expansion is under way; it is next to Aulas II, in which they will expand the gymnasium and make at least eight more classrooms. Work on the expansion started in mid-January 2009.
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Prepa Tec Valle Alto
Prepa Tec Valle Alto is noted for its calm environment, for its cooler weather (due to it being situated on a hill) and for its small class sizes.
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The Colour
The Colour is a 2003 novel by Rose Tremain, which was nominated for the Orange Broadband Prize for Fiction. It is set in New Zealand.
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West Coast Gold Rush in fiction,2003 novels,Fiction set in the 1860s,Novels set in New Zealand,Chatto & Windus books,Historical novels
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The Colour
Joseph and Harriet Blackstone, and Joseph's mother Lilian, are immigrants from England on the "SS Albert" into the South Island of New Zealand in 1860s. After settling the two women into accommodation in Christchurch, Joseph travels to the foothills near the Okuku river to build their Cob House. Joseph returns to Christchurch once the house has been built and the three of them set off to start their new lives on their farm.
West Coast Gold Rush in fiction,2003 novels,Fiction set in the 1860s,Novels set in New Zealand,Chatto & Windus books,Historical novels
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Section::::Plot summary.
The Colour
The harsh first winter brings with it problems which threaten the viability of their farm, but Joseph's chance finding of gold in the nearby creek changes the situation. Not telling Harriet about the find, Joseph abandons the farm and travels by boat to Hokitika on the West Coast of the South Island where major gold strikes have occurred.
West Coast Gold Rush in fiction,2003 novels,Fiction set in the 1860s,Novels set in New Zealand,Chatto & Windus books,Historical novels
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[ { "paragraph_id": 4, "start": 0, "end": 340 } ]
Section::::Plot summary.
The Colour
After Lilian's death, Harriet also travels to Hokitika and delivers that news to Joseph. The search for gold, the 'colour', goes on in difficult conditions. Joseph's encounters with Will Sefton, a young man whom he met on the boat bringing them to the West Coast, and Pao Yi, a Chinese gardener befriended by Harriet, add flavour to the dynamics of the searching couple's relationship which has become distant and strained.
West Coast Gold Rush in fiction,2003 novels,Fiction set in the 1860s,Novels set in New Zealand,Chatto & Windus books,Historical novels
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[ { "paragraph_id": 5, "start": 0, "end": 423 } ]
Section::::Plot summary.
The Colour
Joseph's guilt surrounding events in England prior to their emigration impact on this separation.
West Coast Gold Rush in fiction,2003 novels,Fiction set in the 1860s,Novels set in New Zealand,Chatto & Windus books,Historical novels
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[ { "paragraph_id": 5, "start": 424, "end": 521 } ]
Section::::Plot summary.
Microsoft Script Editor
The Microsoft Script Editor (MSE or "MSE.EXE" or "mse7.exe" in Office 2003) is an optional tool included in Microsoft Office 2000 through Office 2007 and is found in "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11" directory for Office 2003 (under 32-bit process) and in "%CommonProgramFiles%" directory for other Offices (under 32-bit process ?).
[ { "text": "Microsoft Office 2000", "href": "Microsoft%20Office", "source": { "paragraph_id": 1, "start": 108, "end": 129 }, "start": 108, "end": 129 } ]
Text editors,Debuggers,Microsoft software,Microsoft Office
{ "revid": 855849443, "timestamp": "2018-08-21T07:16:02", "parentid": 822938764, "pre_dump": true, "pageid": 21936776, "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Microsoft%20Script%20Editor&oldid=855849443" }
[ { "paragraph_id": 1, "start": 0, "end": 341 } ]
Microsoft Script Editor
It allows one to work with the HTML code, DHTML objects, and script in an Office document from within an Office application. In addition to this, if installed, Internet Explorer will allow one to debug JavaScript and VBScript with the editor if the "Disable Script Debugging" Internet Explorer preference option is not checked. In the About Box, it calls itself "Microsoft Development Environment 7.0". It is a trimmed down version of Visual Studio .NET 2002 (7.0)'s IDE.
[ { "text": "HTML", "href": "HTML", "source": { "paragraph_id": 2, "start": 31, "end": 35 }, "start": 31, "end": 35 }, { "text": "DHTML", "href": "Dynamic%20HTML", "source": { "paragraph_id": 2, "start": 42, "end": 47 }, "start": 42, "end": 47 }, { "text": "script", "href": "Scripting%20language", "source": { "paragraph_id": 2, "start": 61, "end": 67 }, "start": 61, "end": 67 }, { "text": "Office document", "href": "Office%20suite", "source": { "paragraph_id": 2, "start": 74, "end": 89 }, "start": 74, "end": 89 }, { "text": "JavaScript", "href": "JavaScript", "source": { "paragraph_id": 2, "start": 202, "end": 212 }, "start": 202, "end": 212 }, { "text": "VBScript", "href": "VBScript", "source": { "paragraph_id": 2, "start": 217, "end": 225 }, "start": 217, "end": 225 }, { "text": "Internet Explorer", "href": "Internet%20Explorer", "source": { "paragraph_id": 2, "start": 276, "end": 293 }, "start": 276, "end": 293 } ]
Text editors,Debuggers,Microsoft software,Microsoft Office
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[ { "paragraph_id": 2, "start": 0, "end": 327 }, { "paragraph_id": 3, "start": 0, "end": 143 } ]
Microsoft Script Editor
BULLET::::- Microsoft Script Debugger
[ { "text": "Microsoft Script Debugger", "href": "Microsoft%20Script%20Debugger", "source": { "paragraph_id": 5, "start": 12, "end": 37 }, "start": 12, "end": 37 } ]
Text editors,Debuggers,Microsoft software,Microsoft Office
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[ { "paragraph_id": 5, "start": 0, "end": 37 } ]
Section::::See also.
Chiwembe is a township in southern Malawi. It is situated approximately one mile south of the town of Limbe and 8 miles from Blantyre, Malawi's biggest city. Chiwembe is mentioned in the song "Police Hunt Matafale" by the popular Malawian reggae band Black Missionaries. Chiwembe is also where the football association of Malawi has its headquarters. It has well planned housing with the Malawi Housing Cooperation as the landlords of most of the housing.
[ { "text": "Malawi", "href": "Malawi", "source": { "paragraph_id": 1, "start": 35, "end": 41 }, "start": 35, "end": 41 }, { "text": "Limbe", "href": "Limbe%2C%20Malawi", "source": { "paragraph_id": 1, "start": 102, "end": 107 }, "start": 102, "end": 107 }, { "text": "Blantyre", "href": "Blantyre%2C%20Malawi", "source": { "paragraph_id": 1, "start": 125, "end": 133 }, "start": 125, "end": 133 }, { "text": "Black Missionaries", "href": "Black%20Missionaries", "source": { "paragraph_id": 2, "start": 93, "end": 111 }, "start": 251, "end": 269 } ]
Populated places in Malawi,Populated places in Southern Region, Malawi
{ "revid": 849707261, "timestamp": "2018-07-10T20:01:03", "parentid": 823840577, "pre_dump": true, "pageid": 21936788, "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chiwembe&oldid=849707261" }
[ { "paragraph_id": 1, "start": 0, "end": 157 }, { "paragraph_id": 2, "start": 0, "end": 297 } ]
BULLET::::- Chilembwe uprising
[ { "text": "Chilembwe uprising", "href": "Chilembwe%20uprising", "source": { "paragraph_id": 4, "start": 12, "end": 30 }, "start": 12, "end": 30 } ]
Populated places in Malawi,Populated places in Southern Region, Malawi
{ "revid": 849707261, "timestamp": "2018-07-10T20:01:03", "parentid": 823840577, "pre_dump": true, "pageid": 21936788, "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chiwembe&oldid=849707261" }
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Section::::See also.
Brett Parnham
Brett Parnham (born January 30, 1989) is a Canadian ice hockey centre.
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China Dragon players,Canadian ice hockey centres,Ice hockey people from Ontario,1989 births,Molot-Prikamye Perm players,People from Orillia,Oshawa Generals players,Canadian expatriate ice hockey players in China,Living people
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Brett Parnham
Parnham was drafted 13th overall in the 2005 OHL Entry Draft by the Sudbury Wolves. Although injuries slowed him down early in his OHL career, Parnham was expected to have a break-out 2008-09 season and lived up to the billing (with over 50 goals and 30 assists). Parnham was the captain of the Oshawa Generals in the 2008/09 season after John Tavares was traded.
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China Dragon players,Canadian ice hockey centres,Ice hockey people from Ontario,1989 births,Molot-Prikamye Perm players,People from Orillia,Oshawa Generals players,Canadian expatriate ice hockey players in China,Living people
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Section::::Playing career.
Brett Parnham
After making a short appearance in the American Hockey League with the Rochester Americans at the end of the 2008–09, Parnham officially turned pro in 2009–10 with the Utah Grizzlies of the ECHL. After two years with Utah, Parnham left for the Russian Supreme League, signing with Molot-Prikamye Perm. He then signed with Saryarka Karagandy the following season before leaving Russia to join Arlan Kokshetau in the Kazakhstan Hockey Championship. On September 24, 2014 Parnham signed with the San Francisco Bulls of the ECHL.
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China Dragon players,Canadian ice hockey centres,Ice hockey people from Ontario,1989 births,Molot-Prikamye Perm players,People from Orillia,Oshawa Generals players,Canadian expatriate ice hockey players in China,Living people
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Section::::Playing career.
The Oscar Peterson Trio with Sonny Stitt, Roy Eldridge and Jo Jones at Newport
The Oscar Peterson Trio with Roy Eldridge, Sonny Stitt and Jo Jones at Newport is a 1957 live album by Oscar Peterson, accompanied by Roy Eldridge, Sonny Stitt and Jo Jones, recorded at the 1957 Newport Jazz Festival.
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1957 live albums,Verve Records live albums,Albums produced by Norman Granz,Albums recorded at the Newport Jazz Festival,Oscar Peterson live albums
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The Oscar Peterson Trio with Sonny Stitt, Roy Eldridge and Jo Jones at Newport
BULLET::::1. "Will You Still Be Mine?" (Tom Adair, Matt Dennis) – 4:59 BULLET::::2. "Joy Spring" (Clifford Brown) – 7:33 BULLET::::3. "A Gal in Calico" (Leo Robin, Arthur Schwartz) – 6:14 BULLET::::4. "52nd Street Theme" (Thelonious Monk) – 4:23 BULLET::::5. Jo Jones Introduction – 1:39 BULLET::::6. "Monitor Blues" (Roy Eldridge, Sonny Stitt) – 7:13
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1957 live albums,Verve Records live albums,Albums produced by Norman Granz,Albums recorded at the Newport Jazz Festival,Oscar Peterson live albums
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Section::::Track listing.
The Oscar Peterson Trio with Sonny Stitt, Roy Eldridge and Jo Jones at Newport
BULLET::::7. "Willow Weep for Me" (Ann Ronell) – 3:15 BULLET::::8. "Autumn in New York" (Vernon Duke) – 2:46 BULLET::::9. "Roy's Son" (Eldridge, Stitt) – 9:01
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1957 live albums,Verve Records live albums,Albums produced by Norman Granz,Albums recorded at the Newport Jazz Festival,Oscar Peterson live albums
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Section::::Track listing.
The Oscar Peterson Trio with Sonny Stitt, Roy Eldridge and Jo Jones at Newport
BULLET::::- Sonny Stitt - alto saxophone, tenor saxophone BULLET::::- Roy Eldridge - trumpet BULLET::::- Oscar Peterson – piano BULLET::::- Ray Brown – double bass BULLET::::- Herb Ellis - guitar BULLET::::- Jo Jones - drums
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1957 live albums,Verve Records live albums,Albums produced by Norman Granz,Albums recorded at the Newport Jazz Festival,Oscar Peterson live albums
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"Trairūpya ("Sanskrit; English: "the triple-character of inferential sign") is a conceptual tool of Buddhist logic. The Trairūpya, ‘three conditions’, is oft accredited to Dignaga (c. 480-540 CE) though is now understood to have originated with his teacher Vasubandhu (fl. 4th century) in the "Vāda-vidhi", post-reconstruction of this work by Frauwallner (1957).
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History of logic,Buddhist philosophy,Eastern philosophy
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Trairūpya is a logical argument that contains three constituents which a logical ‘sign’ or ‘mark’ (linga) must fulfill to be 'valid source of knowledge' (pramana): BULLET::::1. It should be present in the case or object under consideration, the ‘subject-locus' (pakṣa) BULLET::::2. It should be present in a ‘similar case’ or a homologue (sapakṣa) BULLET::::3. It should not be present in any ‘dissimilar case’ or heterologue (vipakṣa)
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History of logic,Buddhist philosophy,Eastern philosophy
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When a ‘sign’ or ‘mark’ (linga) is identified, there are three possibilities: the sign may be present in all, some, or none of the sapakṣas. Likewise, the sign may be present in all, some or none of the vipakṣas. To identify a sign, we have to assume that it is present in the pakṣa, however; that is the first condition is already satisfied. Combining these, Dignaga constructed his ‘Wheel of Reason’ (Sanskrit: Hetucakra).
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History of logic,Buddhist philosophy,Eastern philosophy
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Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction
The Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes laboratory and clinical studies, reviews, and brief communications on biological receptors and associated signal transduction pathways for ligands involved in the regulation of central and peripheral tissues and cells. It is published by Informa. The editors in chief are Alex N. Eberle (University of Basel, Switzerland) and Terrence Kenakin (GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC, United States).
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Bimonthly journals,Publications established in 1980,Taylor & Francis academic journals,Pharmacology journals
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Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction
The "Journal of Receptors and Signal Tranduction" is abstracted and indexed in BIOBASE, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Current Contents/Life Sciences, EMBASE, PubMed/MedLine, Science Citation Index, and SCOPUS. According to the "Journal Citation Reports", its 2009 impact factor is 1.517, ranking it 212th out of 283 journals in the category "Biochemistry and Molecular Biology" and 136th out of 161 in the category "Cell Biology".
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Bimonthly journals,Publications established in 1980,Taylor & Francis academic journals,Pharmacology journals
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Section::::Abstracting and indexing.
Bill Sowerbutts
William Edmund Sowerbutts (4 January 1911 - 28 May 1990), better known as Bill Sowerbutts, was a panellist on the long-running BBC Radio 4 programme Gardeners Question Time. Born in Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire, the son of a market gardener, Sowerbutts wanted to become a journalist on leaving school, but his father died when he was 16 and he started work on the family's smallholding. The family first opened a stall on Oldham's Victoria Market and later on Ashton's outdoor market.
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English gardeners,English radio presenters,1990 deaths,1911 births,BBC radio presenters
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Bill Sowerbutts
Sowerbutts toured the area giving lectures to local gardening and allotment societies. He went on to appear in the first edition of "How Does Your Garden Grow?", soon renamed "Gardeners' Question Time", an offshoot of the World War II Dig for Victory campaign. The first programme was broadcast from the Singing Room at the Broadoak Hotel in Ashton-under-Lyne on 9 April 1947. On the first panel along with Bill were Fred Loads, Tom Clark and Dr E.W. Sansome.
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English gardeners,English radio presenters,1990 deaths,1911 births,BBC radio presenters
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Bill Sowerbutts
Sowerbutts and Loads later went on to become household names, appearing every Sunday at 2 p.m. on the BBC Home Service. In 1950, Professor Alan Gemmell joined. The banter between the trio attracted a large following, with the listenership building up to two million. Tameside Council have put up a Blue Plaque in his honour on the Broadoak Hotel which, because of his gardening skills, is green.
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English gardeners,English radio presenters,1990 deaths,1911 births,BBC radio presenters
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Bill Sowerbutts
BULLET::::- Tribute to Sowerbutts on Tameside Borough Council website accessed 27 December 2011
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English gardeners,English radio presenters,1990 deaths,1911 births,BBC radio presenters
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Section::::External links.