Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am taking Paxidep 12.5 daily from last one and half year as prescribed by the doctor. It cures my uncontrolled thought and panic attacks. Now sometime I feel shocks in my head. I also want to know that, is there any side effect of this medicine after long time use? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. Paxidep-Cr 12.5 mg tablet is a medicine that belongs to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) group. It is used for the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, and other anxiety disorders. There are many side effects for these medicines, including suicidal thoughts, irregular heartbeat, shaking of hands, etc. But shocks inside the head is not a common side effect. You should talk to your psychiatrist regarding this and get the medicine changed if there is a need.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor, My abdomen has been swelling for months and is quite distended. Something felt like it was moving around in my stomach about eight months ago but I did not pay much attention to it. When I awoke yesterday, my rectum was itching and my belly button felt as if it had been cut. It felt worse after work. So, I faced the mirror and pulled the skin open around my belly button and a small white worm came out. I took pictures of it and have it in a baggie and I contacted my doctor\s service but have gotten no response. I have no medical insurance. So, I need to cut to the chase and find out who I need to go to for a diagnosis of the type of parasite and treatment. ### Response: Hello. I went through your post and the images you have posted (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Regards. For more information consult a general medicine physician online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,My 1-year-old daughter has a WBC count of 20.3, absolute lymphocyte 10.8, and neutrophil 28. We have been asked to consult a hematologist. We are worried as in what type of issue is she having. She does not have a fever, is acting well and eating well. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. In chil Sadiq. But in your child, absolute lymphocytosis is present. Hence, your child should be referred to a hematologist for examination, especially, lymph nodes palpation, liver, and spleen palpation. (If needed, USG scan can be done for that). Tuberculosis, measles, chickenpox, hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis, brucellosis, etc., are some of the infective causes but specific symptoms regarding that are not present as per history. Autoimmune disorder and leukemia also are some of the causes. These are different causes to provide you information regarding lymphocytosis cause. Your latest smear report shows high atypical lymphocytes (attachment removed to protect patient identity), mostly it can be some form of viral infection. But we do not want to take the risk and consult to a Hematologist for examination and investigate with USG abdomen scan also. If needed, then flow cytometry like higher investigation can be planned. Hope this provided information will be beneficial to you while you consult a nearby hematologist for examination. Take care. For more information consult a hematologist online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am a 32-year-old male with a weight of 58 kg and my height is 5 feet 3 inches. I have been married for six years. I have two children. I had yellowish like liquid discharge from my penis a year ago with burning while urinating. I consulted a urologist and he prescribed me Norflox 400 mg for one week and after which it went away. This month, I had pain in my scrotum in the right spermatic cord region above the testicle. My urologist told me to have sonography. My sonography report concluded "diffuse thickening at the right spermatic cord region." Otherwise, the report is normal.The doctor prescribed me Cefixime 100 mg and an anti-inflammatory tablet for 10 days. My pain decreased about 60%. A week ago, I had masturbation and I had pain at the same place in the scrotum. I had taken a urine culture test and I have attached the report. My question is do I have sexually transmitted diseases or urinary tract infection? Can I please know what to do? What medicines should I take for a permanent cure? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I have gone through your symptoms. You seem to be suffering from an infection in your spermatic cord that is the cause of your scrotal pain. This is treated with antibiotics but the duration of treatment is usually for two weeks or more. The pain you have on masturbation is due to the inflammation of the spermatic cord through which the sperms come out into the urethra. I would suggest you keep your scrotum elevated with a tight underwear for pain relief. It would also be necessary to make sure that the infection has been cleared by testing both urine and semen for infection as your symptoms are not resolved. For more information consult a urologist online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I want to lose my weight. I am very obsessed. I want to get slim. Please tell me some exercises to lose weight. Please tell me exercises that I can do anywhere without any types of equipment. ### Response: Hello. Two very good exercises with which you can lose weight without equipment are as follows. Running is considered the best exercise for improving cardiac status and losing weight. A 30 minutes run each day five days a week. Skipping is also a good exercise that can be done in a room. However, restricted calories are as important as the exercise itself to decrease weight.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: No current medicationsFemale Age: 21 Height: 5\2/159 cm Weight: 115 lbs (last known)Why do I always have recurring knee pain...sometimes alternates from left and right...It hurts so much and it keeps coming back even though im not exerting stress on them such as from running. ### Response: Dear, Sending Love and peace to you ! My dear there are some condition which causes knee pain . I would also suggest to do some test where we can get knee pain on and off these are few condition where there can be like your symptom my dear. I am waiting for your reports to come and i will manage to prescribe Sadiq. thank you have a good day
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I had C-section three years ago. My stomach started bulging, so I visited a doctor and had sonography. So came to know that I have mild umbilical hernia 0.7. If I do proper exercise and follow ayurvedic medicine suggested by you, then is this mild hernia curable? Please help me with this. Also, can I climb stairs in mild hernia? ### Response: Hello. I understand your concern. Since you had C-section, you are likely to develop incisional hernia which is a common issue faced post C-sections if proper care is not taken during wound healing. It is not curable with only medicines but it can be preventable from reaching further stages. If you find and center close by which practices post partum care in Ayurveda then get the following done. Apply Dhanvantara taila followed by veshta bandhana (abdominal binder). Avoid lifting weights and too much physical exertion. Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,We are trying for a baby for three months. I have been facing a couple of issues. I feel the symptoms of periods within 18 to 20 days of my previous cycle. My regular cycle was between 25 to 28 days before. I was taking Folvite (Folic acid tablet) but started using iron tablets for two months. Please let me know what could be the cause? Or is this normal? ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq. The feeling of symptoms like periods but not actually having bleeding could be due to ovulation pain, what is called in medical terms is Mittelschmerz\s pain. If your cycles are ovulatory, all the more good. Try for conception in the middle of your cycle days, say in 25-28 day cycle 8-18 days. Do not worry if three months are gone. Give a fair trial for six months before undergoing any investigations. Folic acid to continue till you conceive. It will prevent neural tube defects in the baby.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am 18 years old. I did an 8-week cycle that ended 14 days ago. The cycle consisted of applying a topical DHT gel, exactly 100 mg of pure DHT per week (15 mg per day) for eight weeks. I did it because I read that DHT could improve my puberty and increase the size of the penis. Now I am still small and feel that my hormone levels are lower. The question is could it be harmful to make another cycle or should I stop? Now, that I have stopped should I do a PCT? My wish would be to increase the penis dimensions without damaging my HPTA axis. ### Response: Hello. I just read your query and from what you have mentioned, it appears that you have tried to apply DHT (dihy Sadiq. I would recommend that you know what you are doing before you try to use it again. Use of testosterone can cause serious side effects such as heart disease (including heart attack), stroke, liver disease, mental and mood problems, abnormal
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am a 20-year-old female. About a week ago, I noticed an ingrown hair in my pubic area. I left it for a couple of days and then put a hot compression on the area, exfoliated, and tried to free the hair. I used a pin to pull the end out of the skin so I could tweeze the hair out, but I ended up popping the pump and pus just started oozing out. It was sore the next morning and I let it go until tonight, I tried to free the hair again and just ended up squeezing the lump, this time it was a bit larger, again blood and pus came out, but I pulled a hair out with the tweezers and I believe that it was the ingrown hair. I just noticed that my right lymph node in my neck and my groin area are swollen. I would rather not go to see my doctor. Any advice? And the tweezers and pin were both sterilized both times. ### Response: Hi. After going through your history, I suppose you are having folliculitis. The lesion is filled with pus, then the best way to get rid of it completely is to incise and Sadiq. After Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I have a continuous stuffy nose which gives me brief dizzy spells that go once I try to blow my nose (not hard). It just helps equalize pressure. My glucose, BP, heart tests are normal. I eat and drink regularly. I work in a dusty environment. The dizziness is definitely associated with congestion. How can I stop it? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. Either a dust allergy or infection is causing you an allergic rhinitis. You will need X-ray PNS (Water\s view) and CT PNS for a confirmation. I suggest taking: Avoid dust by covering with a facemask. Follow up with the reports. For more information consult an ENT otolaryngologist online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,As of now, I am suffering pain in my left rib which results in difficulty in breathing. I suspect this happens when I fall asleep on the sofa in an awkward position and when I woke up, my throat has a little pain but it did not persist but but it started to ache on the left rib part. I feel the pain towards my shoulder. It is almost about two days since I am suffering from this ache.I got breathing difficulty especially when I am lying in bed. But while standing or sitting, I just felt mild difficulty in breathing. Maybe there is an artery that has been damaged or had been under the bone. I am 24 years old. ### Response: Hi. I can understand your concern. According to your statement, you have been suffering from difficulty in breathing due to aching of the left rib part that radiates toward shoulder which may occur when you fall asleep on sofa in an awkward position. You think your ribs may hurt from sleeping wrong and aching of the rib may radiate towards its intercostal muscle. You may feel a sharp pain after intercostal muscle strain or sprain due to sleeping in the wrong position. The pain will become worse when you stretch, breathe in deeply, cough, or sneeze. The area of the strain between your ribs may be painful to touch. Again this pain can radiate to shoulders or sometimes side sleeping can cause damage to the rotator cuff and create a lot of pressure in this group of tendons and eventually produce pain. You can take Tramadol as a painkiller, Domperidone, Lansoprazole, and Diazepam as a muscle relaxant with a sleeping pill.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,My mother is 65 years old. All her general physical parameters are normal and she is leading a normal healthy life. But, she suffers from migraine. So whenever she has migraine headache, she takes Analgin (Novalgin) medicine.Few days back, she took the Analgin and noticed swelling in her left forearm (photo attached). This swelling has occurred in past too, but this time it persists for a week along with general body pain, fatigue and mild sweating at times. BP and temperature are normal. Family doctor suggested full body check up, chest x-ray, few blood tests and thyroid test specifically. All came normal except thyroid (report attached).She did not take any medicine for the swelling yet. Please suggest what could be the cause? How can we prevent it? ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. From the reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity) her TSH levels are high with normal T3 and T4 which suggests hypothyroidism. Most of the times hypothyroidism has normal T3 and T4. So hypothyroidism cannot be ruled in that case. Her complaints like sweating and everything fits under hypothyroidism. I would like to know whether she had any recent injury (including minor trauma)? Revert back to a general medicine physician online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I seem to be getting these dizzy rush sensations. They happen randomly throughout the day, but mostly when I am on the computer. It feels like an electrical pulse is surging up through the back of my head. I also feel dizzy turning side to side and when I get a headache, it feels like it is coming from deep within my left ear. It causes me to panic and get a lot of anxiety afterward. What could this electrical rush sensation be? Then, also, after I get it, I cannot look up too quickly because I feel very dizzy. It usually happens again, while typing on the computer or looking down at a smartphone. ### Response: Hello. I will try my level best to help you out. Your symptoms are mostly dizziness, which worsens with sudden eye movements or body movements, and are sometimes associated with headaches. Based on the symptoms, the most common cause in your age group is a vestibular migraine or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). I assume you do not have any other risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, previous stroke or diagnosis of epilepsy. A simple neurological exam using Dix Hallpike Maneuver can help differentiate between BPPV and vestibular migraine. Also, further questions on the quality of headache, location and associated symptoms such as light sensitivity, loud noise sensitivity and nausea are other important questions, that can happen with vestibular migraine. Treatment for BPPV is physiotherapy with some specific exercises and medicines such as Topiramate or Valproic acid for vestibular migraine. If there are any red flags on neurological exam, then an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain would be needed. Please do not hesitate to ask me any other questions. Take care. For more information consult a neurologist online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am having irregular periods. Shall I take kalarchikai choornam? ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. There are several causes for irregular menstruation. PCOD is one of them. If you do have this issue then you can take kalarchikai choornam 3 gm twice a day with warm water after meals for three months regularly. To rule out this issue, once you should go for USG abdomen. PCOD, hypothyroidism, taking contraceptive or emergency pills, inflammatory pelvic diseases, climatic changes, food changes, etc. USG abdomen, thyroid profile. If you have an irregular period due to PCOD, then you can go through Kalarchikai choornam as the above-mentioned dose. Avoid spicy and fried junk foods, do regular kapalbhati, mandukasana and ardhamatsyen Sadiq.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,Can a CT scan identify liver metastasis? ### Response: Hello. Yes, CT (computed tomography) scan can detect suspected primary tumor or metastasis in the liver. However, it is not confirmatory, a biopsy is needed to say its malignant origin if the primary tumor is not already found in other organs.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I have a problem. My teeth are brittle because if I eat something hard they sometimes break or I would feel a hole developing and this is stressing me out because I have already taken out three of them and now another one is close to being totaled. Earlier today I ate something and I think it damaged them. I am tired of taking them out. ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. There must be one of a few reasons for this chipping off of teeth rapidly. You might have calcium and vitamin D deficiency. To rule out this, you can get serum vitamin D laboratory test done. If there is deficiency then I recommend you medicines for it. Another reason might be the hereditary cause, that means even when you maintain your oral hygiene, brush properly, eat less sugary stuff and chocolates, still teeth are breaking off suggests it is because of genes you have got from your parents or grandparents. They would be more prone to damage and their teeth would be weak as well. In this case, you cannot do anything but visit a dentist properly and get all services done before-hand to avoid further damage. Can you provide me with a clinical picture of teeth? So I may suggest accurately what should be your line of treatment. Stay happy and blessed. Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,My wife is suffering from peripartum cardiomyopathy for the past six months. She is taking beta blockers and diuretic medicine for the past four months. Her heart EF is 38 % with flat T in ECG reports. Her heart function is normal. How many days does it take to get cured? ### Response: Hi. Peripartum cardiomyopathy is a condition with an unknown cause. It follows after delivery for a few days to few weeks and manifests with the symptoms of heart failure. Beta blockers and diuretics are suitable. But the condition is not completely curable. The symptoms can reduce with the medications. Please send the ECG (electrocardiography) and echocardiography report to review it. Some cases can also show electrolyte imbalance like hypocalcemia or hypomagnesemia due to diuretics. It can also affect the ECG. Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor, My age is 23, I have undergone a surgery for bladder augmentation nine years back, since then I am doing Bicarbonate wash every week. Please suggest an alternative for this procedure. ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. The point of bicarbonate washing off bladder is to create alkaline nature, which is not a good environment for harmful cell to grow thereby inhibiting cell growth. And it will strengthen the bladder. Yes, what you can do is limit sugar, meat, dairy products, etc., which make our body more acidic. There is no substitute for the method. Bicarbonate washing is the best method. I will advice you to continue it, I understand it may be tiring, but the method itself is effective. Also ask your doctor how may total bladder wash you will be needing. As I know this procedure is not for lifetime.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,What is your recommendation for someone with PTSD, depression, and anxiety? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. If a person is suffering from PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder), depression and anxiety, they will probably need a combination of medication and psychological therapy to manage their condition. Lexapro (Escitalopram) is a good antidepressant that can be helpful in this situation. Based on more clinical information and formulation, psychological therapy can be considered. CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) will be helpful in ad Sadiq. If PTSD is the predominant primary condition, trauma-focused CBT or EM
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am a 20-year-old boy. I am very thin. I want to gain weight in short span of time. Is there any ayurvedic medicine for this? ### Response: Hello. You can achieve your goals easily through ayurvedic medicines and yoga practices. Ayurvedic medicines and yoga are able to correct your metabolism and help to improve your concern. Also along with medicines you should take protein and carbohy Sadiq. Treatment plan includes
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,My 37-year-old wife is 14 weeks pregnant with my second child. Her level one scan is normal and the double marker is also fine. But, the doctor has told to get DNA test that is an NIPT test. Is it important? If level 1 and the double marker are fine then DNA and NIPT test should also be fine right? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. Double marker, level 1 scan and NIPT (non-invasive prenatal testing) all are screening test and not diagnostic. They just suggest a possibility of the disease. So, if both the testsare normal you can avoid taking NIPT test. It is not a compulsory test and again a screening test but it is very costly and this test also does not identify all chromosomal disorders as others. Rather you should go for qua Sadiq. These two tests are always recommended at this age. If there is a family history of chromosomal disorders or previous pregnancy with any disease then only one should opt for NIPT. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I was suffering from minor Achilles tendinopathy and visited a physiotherapist today to get it checked. During the session, he performed some deep tissue massage on the calf (which was very tight) to relax it, which was very painful. After the massage, I experienced sharp pains while walking (which was not there beforehand), and when I brought this up with the physio, he said it was normal because it was the first time I had gotten deep tissue massage on that area.I have been icing the calf and resting, and while it has gotten a little better, it still hurts to walk. I have my exams tomorrow which I have to get to and other events on the weekend where I have to be (and will involve walking). I am worried about how I can see as I cannot walk at all. Is it normal to experience such pain after deep tissue massage to tight calf muscles, or did I sustain some injury (say a muscle strain or something similar) and need to get it checked out? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I read your concern. Sometimes, usually, they try to break the trigger points, and it would have caused discomfort. The technique itself is pro-inflammatory techniques and will induce some more inflammation so that healing happens. So do not worry. Now, I request you to ice your calf frequently like once in two hours for 15 minutes as of now and stretch it properly things should settle down fast. Tomorrow morning you might feel a lot of stiffness in the calf, do not worry as you have to stretch your calf gently and roll your calf over a foam roller or if have somebody ask them to massage it for few seconds. Things will be fine. You can walk without pain. I hope this is helpful to you. Kindly revert in case you need any further information in this regard.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,Approximately one week ago, I had my wisdom teeth removed. On my lower left, I have a dry socket, which I am getting treated for via packing (at least I think that is what it is called). On the right side, healing is just fine, however, I noticed some white stuff lodged in the gum. I am not sure if it is food or scar tissue because when I tried to get it out with a toothpick, it did not come out very easily, so I left it alone. Is this food or scar tissue? It is mildly bothersome.I brush my teeth but know to be careful around the surgical sites so they do not get irritated. It seems like a lot of plaque builds up back there because of this, and I am not quite sure what to do. Also, there is a very small spot of red gums on the front side of my second molar. I put a bit of mouthwash on it with a toothpick and left it alone.I have two questions, what is the whitish stuff that feels like food trapped in my healing gum socket? And what is this small patch of irritated gum on my second molar? Any help is appreciated.I am currently on Celexa (for depression), 600 mg of Ibuprofen (for wisdom tooth pain). ### Response: Hi. As it is just one week of wisdom teeth extraction, the white stuff seems to be most probably healing tissue only. It is a normal appearance of healing tissue post-extraction. A white patch of irritated gum can be due to injury or ulceration that can be due to accidental injury with the extraction instrument or can be due to injury with a toothbrush or any hard food. You can apply Chlorhexidine gel over it. Do warm saline gargles, antiseptic mouthwash gargles and brush your teeth twice a day for keeping plaque and deposits less accumulated. I hope this helps.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I am 22 years old. I have a problem of hair fall. My hairs fall so quickly, and there is no regrowth of hairs. Please help. ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. Nowadays, hair fall is very common due to change in lifestyle and food habits. Excessive use of different kinds of shampoos, conditioners and washing hairs using hard water result in hair fall. Reduced blood supply to the hair roots makes the hair weak, and it leads to hair fall. You should follow some precautions to prevent hair fall. Apply Bhringaraja oil to the hair at night. Massage the hair for five to ten minutes and wash them with water the next morning. Shampoo your hair weekly twice or thrice using protein shampoo. Do these things and provide your valuable feedback.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I had a tooth extraction a week back and three days later, the clot came out of the tooth. Now I am not in any pain. I get the occasional tingle or slight pain but I am terrified of getting dry socket. I am rinsing with salt water every half an hour or so. Should I be worried about it developing? ### Response: Hello. As your chief complaint suggests that you started slight pain or tingling after two days of extraction, it can be due to trauma during extraction, exposure of bone by not suturing it, if needed, psychological feeling of pain due to fear of getting Sadiq. As your attachment photo reveals there are little chances of getting Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I have psoriasis for a long time for which I have been taking Methotrexate. Last week I got my iron studies and blood test done. My transferrin saturation, and total iron levels are low but hemoglobin is fine. Kindly advice. ### Response: Hello. Your transferrin saturation and iron level are mildly decreased, and your hemoglobin level is normal. So you do not have iron deficiency anemia, but it can be an early sign of iron deficiency. You need to investigate with serum ferritin level because that indicates iron storage level. You need to take iron-rich foods like red meat, beans, pumpkin seeds, and green leafy vegetables, etc. There is no need for taking an iron tablet as hemoglobin level is within the limit. I hope this will help you. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I am a 60-year-old male. I have swelling and discomfort in the testicle and sperm canal. I have wandering aches and pain around the groin area including buttocks and inner thigh. I am having these symptoms for the past four to five months. I am not taking medications. I have tried Neurontin with a low dose of 100 mg taken twice daily for two weeks. But I stopped it because of its side effects, and it does not relieve my symptoms. I had shaking episodes of anxiety and worried that I might have contracted herpes 2. I have tested for all the common STDs which showed a negative result except herpes simplex showing a positive outcome.I am also experiencing impotence. I had undergone a hernia operation with a net before 11 years. Also, I had undergone a small hernia surgery on my right side which is not very visible. I do a lot of swimming about 10 kilometers per week. I have overstrained myself. I had a sexual encounter with someone whom I do not know a lot. I have wandering pain around my lower abdomen and groin. Often it is hard to distinguish where the pain gets originated. Sometimes, it involves both upper and inner thigh in the vicinity of the testes sack. I have tenderness and minor swelling in my testis and epididymis. I have difficulty in erection. ### Response: Hi. I understand all your concerns. I have checked the provided information thoroughly. I need to know more details. Do you have any redness, swelling or ulcers in the genital or groin area? Have you performed urinalysis? Please send me some photos if possible.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I just recently started urinating blood when I go to the restroom. I have a constant urge to urine and I have no idea why out of the blue this is happening. I am a male, 36 years old, 6'2", 190 lbs. I have no medical issues or past history of kidney problems or cancer. Can it be due to STD? ### Response: Hi. Painless hematuria must be evaluated thoroughly and some factors must be taken into consideration like smoking, occupational exposure to certain substances, family history of kidney disease or cancer. Do not get scared sometimes it is something simple like urinary tract infection or mild trauma in the urinary tract or mild stone. Please get the following investigations done so that proper treatment can be initiated. Infection, trauma. Urine routine and microscopic examination, abdominal ultrasound, abdominal CT scan. Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,My foreskin of the penis is tight. Is there any problem in the future during sex? My age is 20 years, male, and single. ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. If the foreskin has become inflexible, rigid, and inelastic, it may cause pain while having sex. It usually occurs due to a condition known as phimosis. The main cause being poor genital hygiene. Visit a urologist or a general surgeon to assess whether it will need partial or full circumcision or can be retracted fully without any surgical intervention.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I have minor beta thalassemia which I got from my mother, but unlike her (asymptomatic), I have anemia symptoms like paleness, shortness of breath after the least effort, feeling tired all the time, broken nails and I want to know if it could be due to lack of iron? Could people with minor beta thalassemia also get iron deficiency anemia? Knowing that I get heavy cycles and my diet is very poor. ### Response: Hi. I have reviewed your query and here is my advise. Yes, your symptoms point towards iron deficiency anemia. In beta thalassemia minor patient usually feels more fatigue on exertion as compared to normal people without thalassemia. However do not worry regarding thalassemia minor, they can live a normal life. Thalassemia people can develop iron deficiency anemia secondarily. So rule it out by CBC profile with blood indices as well. You can revert back with reports so that I can guide you further.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor, Me and my fiance had sex and seems out of fear took Ipill because it was unprotected for sometime so many doubts in mind but no leakage or injection of sperm, etc. Three time UPT done but all negative. After taking Ipill period comes as per regular cycle for 4 days but next period only one two hours bleeding and then stopped. This month period is skipped till date say it late by 25 day including today. Do I need to visit doctor or wait? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. If you had taken Ipill within 72 hours of unprotected sex, it works well as emergency contraception (about 90 %). Since you had a regular periods after taking Ipill, pregnancy is unlikely. Ipill is hormonal pill containing synthetic Levonorgestrel which can can sometimes disrupt normal menstrual cycle. It is possible that your regular menstrual cycle has been affected by taking Ipill but the side effects are transient and usually menstrual fluctuations disappears by the following cycle. Since you are reporting persistent delay in having your periods, it is advisable to consult an OG doctor to have a check up and help to re-establish normal periods again. It will be reassuring to you as well. Do not worry there will be no long term side effects due to Ipill but it should not be taken often.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am of 21 and I am suffering from permanent blurry eye vision in my only right one. It is by birth. Is there any chance to cure it without any permanent glasses and without any operations. Suggest me, please. ### Response: Hello. I understand that you are having blurred vision in your right eye since birth. This kind of presentation can be due to a variety of reasons, the most important being amblyopia. This is a weakness in your vision nerve and the vision centers of your brain. This diagnosis can be made after the examination of your eye and vision. In case you suffer only from a problem which is cured by wearing glasses, you have the option of getting the surgery done. In case you have amblyopia or other neurological problems, they are not corrected by glasses or surgery, that needs attention. My suggestion is to get your eye test done and read through the job requirements of the jobs you are applying for. In case you are having any trouble understanding or need some help with technical details, please send a scanned copy of your doctors report and your job requirements. I will do my best to help you.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I saw these lesions on my scrotum and outer genitals yesterday. I am currently on day 6 of chicken pox. What could these lesions possibly be from? Is this an STD? ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. Your concern is folliculitis. There are many reasons for it like dehy Sadiq. Start Metronidazole gel in the morning and T-bact (Mupirocin) ointment in the evening on the affected areas. If they resolved, ignore but if they flare then have a physical examination by a dermatologist nearby you. It is not STD.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,My last period started a month back. The next week I was on a Z pack for a throat infection. I have not gotten my period this month. I am 7 to 10 days late. Took six different brands, etc. Pregnancy tests are all negative. What could be causing this late period? I am under a lot of stress also. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. The fact that urine pregnancy test is negative, and as this is the first time that your menses have been delayed and there is a likely cause present- the throat infection and the stress factor during this month. So, stress as we know that it can easily cause hormonal imbalances which can delay menses, you are likely experiencing a stress delay. As you are already delayed by 10 days you can either opt for a with Sadiq.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am a 27-year-old female. I have been on Depo-Provera for six years. I am not taking any other medications. Lately, I have been experiencing severe mood swings and have not been myself. One minute I am dancing around the room and could not be happier, the next I am either crying or very angry. Normally, I do not cry and I am usually pretty laid back. I have also been getting dizzy mostly when I stand up or walk up the stairs. I have trouble sleeping and or sleeping too much. I am hungry all the time, however, when I do eat I feel nausea. I have done some research and have found that these symptoms are both common with the injection and also with pregnancy. How do I tell, if these are pregnancy symptoms or if it is because of the Depo shot? I did miss my last shot three months ago. Last month I took a home pregnancy test it came back negative. Will a home test be enough to tell if I am pregnant or not? ### Response: Hi. The home pregnancy test is fairly sensitive and very unlikely to miss pregnancy (except in very early pregnancy). If you suspect pregnancy strongly, you can repeat a home pregnancy test again after a week if period does not start. Most of your symptoms can be either due to indigestion or hormonal imbalance (hypothyroidism or estrogen deficiency). You can take antacids Pantoprazole for three to four days and see if symptoms resolve. If your symptoms do not resolve and pregnancy test comes negative, you can do TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) test to rule out hypothyroidism. As you have taken depot for a long time, estrogen deficiency is likely, which can cause all of your symptoms. If possible shift to oral pills for contraception for a few months to avoid the same. I hope this helps.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I had stomach pain after which my report was confirmed as gallbladder stones. What is the further procedure? Please let me know all the details, including the cost. ### Response: Hello, Welcome back to Sadiq. The mere presence of gall stones does not mean that your abdominal pain was from the gall bladder. Many people have gall bladder stones which do not give them any symptoms. When the gall bladder gets inflamed or when a gall bladder stones block the bile duct, you get symptoms like pain, fever, and jaundice. So, we need to ascertain whether the gall bladder stone was responsible for your abdominal pain or not. If it appears that the stone was the cause of your pain, then surgery can be considered. Laparoscopic surgery (keyhole operation) can be done, and many hospitals have doctors trained in this. The cost of the procedure varies from hospital to hospital. You should, however, first make sure that the abdominal pain was directly related to the gall bladder stone. Please upload the copy of the scan report, and also indicate in which part of the abdomen you had pain. The gall bladder is located under the right rib cage margin. I hope this helps.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,My 24 days newborn son is suffering from midgut malrotation. Is this a problem? ### Response: Hi. Abnormal relationship of the vessels can cause intestinal obstruction or volvulus. It may be asymptomatic as well. If it is symptomatic in the form of pain that is related to malrotation, then this baby may need corrective surgery. You should show to a pediatric surgeon.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,Obstructive jaundice has been detected. ERCP was done. Serum bilirubin still very high. MRCP report says everything is alright but neither serum bilirubin nor yellowness has got less. ### Response: Hi. I have gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns. In obstructive jaundice, there is an accumulation of conjugated bilirubin in the body due to obstruction at different levels in the hepatobiliary system which causes yellowish discoloration. ERCP helps in clearing the biliary system. Sometimes, only the biliary sludge will be found in ERCP. Bilirubin takes some time to get completely cleared from the body. Repeat your liver function test after a week. If it is still high, other causes should be ruled out. You can try ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) which comes with the name tablet Udiliv 300 mg once daily for two weeks as it helps in clearing bilirubin. Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am 28 years old. From the past two weeks, there is a slight pain in my right ear. I tried Clear Wax ear drops and normal ear drops then there is a relief for a certain period then again mild pain is coming the next day. When I wake up in the morning there is a very slight headache kind on the right side and some sort of discomfort in my right ear. There is not severe pain but certainly, there is some sort of mild pain. I also noticed whenever I tried using earbuds in my left ear to clean then I am getting cough as if some sort of itchiness sensation in the ear is causing immediate cough in the throat and normal again after I take earbud out. I want to know whether I should consult ENT specialist immediately or if there are any ear drops in particular to use before I go to ENT doctor. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. The cough which occurs during ear cleaning is due to stimulus to your auricular branch of the vagus nerve, which is normal. Now coming to your problem, many times mild pain occurs due to impacted wax or ETD (eustachian tube dysfunction). Both cases it is advisable to consult an ENT surgeon for the proper examination of the ear. Till then, continue the ear Sadiq. Never try to clean the ear yourself as it can cause injury to your ear.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I had a month old twin baby girls. They were born in the 34th week of pregnancy. One baby was 2.2 Kg, and the other was a little weaker weighing 2 Kg. Since there is not enough mother\s milk after several attempts, I had to go for artificial milk powder. Initially, as suggested by the hospital pediatrician, they were given Dexolac Special Care, but after 20th day when their weight was around 2.4 Kg, they were given to Dexolac Premium 1. Out of the 2 babies, the weaker baby is responding well and quickly gaining weight (taking around 75 ml milk every 3 hours). But the baby which was born stronger is not drinking sufficient milk (45 ml in one feed, at an interval of around 3 hours), and is taking around an hour to take one feed. Also, she is having issues of gas and constipation. Because of constipation, she keeps crying. Now, this baby is not gaining weight and seem to be weaker. Please suggest what we can do in this case and shall we switch her milk to Lactogen or some other company? ### Response: Hello. Keep trying to give breastfeeds as much as possible till 6 months completion. Different brands of milk powder have different tastes. So, you can change what they like (as advised). Do not dilute more or give more concentrated milk. Usually, dilution mentioned on the package can be followed, that is, 30 ml for 1 scoop for most of the brands. But check with the manufractures\ note. Do not use feeding bottle. Use bowl and spoon.You can use undiluted dairy milk (pasteurized). Check with your local pediatrician for supplements if needed. Check if there is adequate weight gain. Maintain proper hygiene while feeding, when using formula feed or top milk. Do not compromise on hygiene. I would like to know the following: Finally, breastfeeding is the best for the babies.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am 24 years old. I am married. I have a bit problem in my sexual life. Whenever I insert my penis in her vagina she told me that when I insert full penis in her she feels pain. Is it normal or not? ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. Painful penetration in women may be caused by any injury or lacerations in vaginal walls, infection of the genital tract, forceful or violent sex, lack of lubrication in the vagina. I think you should do a lot of foreplay before penetration so that her vagina may get lubricated naturally. Also, it is highly recommended to use a water-based lubricant like KY jelly. Always be gentle to your partner while having sex. That is the key.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am 7 weeks pregnant and I want to terminate it. Please suggest me some natural methods. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. Yes, there are medical methods available which could be availed under a doctor\s supervision only. This is an abortion kit containing one Mifegest (Mifepristone) tablet 200 mg to be taken orally and 4 Misoprostol 200 mcg to be inserted per vagina after 48 hours of taking the Mifegest. You may have a bleeding per vagina just like your cycle. This is a prescription medicine as well as there are some chances of more bleeding per vagina, which you have to keep it in your mind. Just get in touch with your doctor if there are rare chances of excessive bleeding as you may need a surgical evacuation at that time. This method is applicable up to 7 weeks only and if you have to adopt it, do not delay further. Ultrasonography (USG) after 15 days.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I went for an annual health checkup and found there was a minor change in the ECG. I am 28 years old. My weight is 80 kg and height is 163 cm. My BMI is 30 and waist circumference is 90. My BP 130/90 mmHg. I am also attaching my ECG report to you. I need your suggestion. Thank you. ### Response: Hi. You may go for electrolyte levels in the blood and renal function tests to be on safer side. Though no need, if you do not have a history of renal disease or medicines that may cause increased potassium levels.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor, My baby is 5 months old. I have given vaccine to her on 18th of this month, since then she was having fever every four hours the other day too. After that she is not drinking breastmilk and formula too. Now only drinks at night time while sleeping. What should I do? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I understand your concern. Usually, vaccines are not related to decreased feeding. Fever might be because of vaccine only but not decreased feeding, it may be a sign of infection. Is the baby dull or lethargic? Is there any recent Formula change? What about stools and urine, is it normal or less? Is the child irritable or is there any swelling at the vaccine site? You should definitely see a pediatrician if this persists.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am a 61 year old female and a diabetic for the last ten years. I had a cystocele repair surgery along with hysterectomy and cervix and ovaries removal five months ago. There is a slight discharge on and off. I did a urine culture now and found that there was a colony of Enterococcus faecalis. Please let me know if this is serious and whether I have to take a course of antibiotics for it. I do not have any symptoms of UTI or abscess etc. Also, the cystocele repair was not a success as the bladder is still at the mouth of the vagina. Please also let me know if anything can be done to put the bladder back in place. If this is not done, what are the repercussions? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I have gone through your query and understand the concerns. Hope you found the answer helpful. Regards. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I have been with the same partner for 8 years now. During these all 8 years I have had several UTIs with some leading to severe kidney infections. Last week after almost two years of not having a UTI I felt the horrible symptoms again. When going to the doctors UTI urine test came back positive. The doctor prescribed me seven days Nitrofurantoin antibiotics which cleared the pain and seemed gone entirely. Unfortunately two days later, the symptoms came back (please note that I had sex with my partner the day before) with burning sensation when urinating and painful when standing with the need to go toilet every 2 to 3 minutes. I went back to the clinic the same day to get it checked and take more antibiotics.But to my surprise, the urine test came back clear for UTI, and my symptoms disappeared. Then the doctor advised me to get tested for Chlamydia as the symptoms can sometimes be mistaken to be UTI. I have been diagnosed with Chlamydia at the beginning of this same relationship and was treated for it. My partner was also tested, but his results came back negative. Is it possible that the treatment that I had for Chlamydia 8 years ago did not clear it entirely and this lead to several UTIs and kidney infections? And also, would the antibiotics for UTI clear Chlamydia? Thank you in advance for your help. ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. In UTI, initially, a broad-spectrum empirical antibiotic given and then according to urine culture report, a specific antibiotic prescribed. A certain antibiotic like Azithromycin if prescribed for UTI will be effective against chlamydia as well. For chlamydia, Azithromycin is an effective Sadiq. If chlamydia infection present recently then some irritation, itching, discharge like complaint present and swab culture can be done for that if needed. Frequent intercourse, pelvic hygiene if not maintained, stone in the urinary tract, diabetes mellitus, etc., are some causative factor for recurrent UTI. Maintain pelvic cleanliness especially after intercourse. Wash and clean the pelvic area immediately after intercourse. Consume fruit juice like cranberry juice more. Wear loose undergarments rather than tight underwear. Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am 42 years old and have been diagnosed with multiple uterine fibroids. Two of them are a little more than 3 cm at different places in the uterus. In the past, I have been operated for endometriosis level 4. As usual, the gynecologist is suggesting a hysterectomy. But since I am in my perimenopausal phase, can the fibroids shrink with medication? I have been suggested Fibroease. ### Response: Hello. The medicine you are taking is good for your condition. If you want to try shrinking it with medicine alone, you can continue that. Along with that, I advise you to visit a nearby Ayurveda physician or a panchakarma center and ask for the procedure related to fibroids. Usually, Virechana which is a purgation therapy which is done and also medicine is given. It helps some patients in getting relief. Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,My daughter is 18 months of age. She was born at 38 weeks due to placenta failure and oxygen issues. She was 5 lbs 10 ounces at birth and was healthy (did not have to stay in the NICU). She hit all of her milestones in terms of rolling over, crawling and walking (walked at 14.5 months), but is a toe walker. Her left leg (to us) is weaker than her right and her left leg does not bend as much as her right leg. She began to speak around 10 months of age then her speech left. We came to find out she had chronic fluid and a month back she had tubes placed. I am hearing more vowel and consonants now but no true words yet. She makes fine eye contact. Her non-verbal communication is good. She responds to her name but not always. She is beginning to learn more of what we are saying, she plays with some toys, is not terribly social. We are thinking that she may be on the autism spectrum and we have an evaluation soon to determine that. But my question is, could this be cerebral palsy? ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I understand the situation you are facing with your child. As there is no history of perinatal insult and NICU stay at birth, cerebral palsy could be less likely at this early age to diagnose. The description you made is more of a like to be an autistic spectrum disorder. But this could be just a small delay in catching up all milestones. Some kids learn early and some little late. So, observe over a period and if no improvement is seen, then consult a pediatric neurologist and developmental specialist for further evaluation and management.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I sat on my testicle before two months, and I experienced an initial sharp pain for a few hours. I went to the ER and did a blood test, urine test and an ultrasound. Torsion, as well as infection, was ruled out.The exact incident occurred before few days. I did a urine test and another ultrasound. Torsion was ruled out once again. When the pain flared up again, I went to the doctor back. Again, I did an ultrasound, urine test, and blood test. Torsion and infection were ruled once again.The doctor pointed out a little bit of fluid around my testicle, and I had no pain. But, still, I have pain in my testicle. What was ruled out with these tests? From where does the pain arises? ### Response: Hi. I have gone through the attachment (attachment removed to protect patient identity). This acute testicular pain with normal testis examination and ultrasound report look like simple orchialgia. Ruling out torsion is very important in young males presenting with testis pain. It shows that the testis is not twisted on its own. Pathologic pain has associated redness and swelling. From your report, I can say that you do not have torsion and epididymitis. Young males have simple orchialgia due to muscle tone. You need scrotal support. Take tablet Pregabalin 75 mg at bedtime.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I got an accident before a month. I got a right knee ACL ligament type 2 tear. Is it possible for the type 2 ligament to get cured by itself without operation and if so, how many days does it take to heal? ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tears will not heal on its own as they are inside the joint. To bring the ends together, you need surgery, but even that too is not successful. It is the reason for doing ACL reconstruction. It is not recommended for everyone. Only if your knee is giving way or if it is unstable or when you are unable to lead an athletic life, then you need an ACL reconstruction.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I am a 30 year old female. I have a minor issue. About a month and a half ago, there was an incident where the condom broke. About 36 hours later, my husband got me four of the morning-after pills, and I took them all at once. Three days later, I started experiencing nausea, soreness of the breasts, lower back as well as abdominal pain, frequent urination, and tiredness. This carried on for almost a week. I then noticed a light brown discharge. And, from the next day, I bled for six days. I usually bleed for seven days. After my periods, I still had the symptoms.Nearly a month later, I got my periods again, but on the first day I had severe cramps and used a tampon. On the third day, there was a slight discharge which was brown in color. On the fourth day, there was some bleeding, but not at night. Today would be day five, and I still do not see blood. My main concern is that my vagina feels different. It is more firm than usual and feels tight. I sometimes feel a pulling sensation. Could it be due to the morning-after pills? I did home pregnancy tests, and it came back negative. It has been a month and 18 days now, since the intercourse. ### Response: Hello. Please let me know if you were previously pregnant. Since you took the emergency contraception pill within 36 hours, and you got your period after the intercourse, you are not pregnant. The emergency contraception pills are progesterone tablets. It is a hormone normally present in the body, which is secreted in the second half of your menstrual cycle. It gradually decreases in concentration due to which you get your menses. This gradual Sadiq. When you take progesterone orally in a higher dose to prevent pregnancy, some females experience the side effects of the tablets. Although your menses were on time, some patients may experience irregular menses for two to three months. Hope this helps. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am a 29-year-old female. I was just diagnosed with chronic urticaria. I went to an allergic specialist for skin testing because my skin was so sensitive I reacted to everything. They then did the RAST test on me. Everything came out class 0 except for egg white, wheat, and oats being class 2 and milk, and hazelnut being class 1. Can these cause anaphylaxis? How accurate are the RAST test? I was put on an elimination diet but the hives are still there. I occasionally get angioedema with it also. Can angiodema cause anaphylaxis? As you can see I am so scared for my throat to close up that I am scared to eat anything. I have only been eating a couple of things daily and live off that. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq. RAST is a highly accurate test. If the test is positive for a specific allergen, it shows that you are sensitized to that particular allergen. This means that you may mount an allergic response when you are exposed to that allergen. However, it does not mean that you will necessarily have an allergic reaction to that substance and, nor does it mean that any reactions will be severe. If the test is negative, it means that one does not have the ability to mount an allergic reaction to that allergen and any symptoms one may be experiencing are probably not due to an allergic reaction to that substance. However, the results of the RAST need to be interpreted in conjunction with your clinical history. e.g the presence of allergy to some or few allergens which may possibly be present either in the environment or food does not necessarily mean that they are responsible for the symptoms because if they are not even present in the environment or food of an individual, then they are irrelevant. In your case, an elimination diet has not helped thus proving the fact that RAST test results should be carefully interpreted along with clinical history and does not necessarily mean that you will necessarily have an allergic reaction to the substance that you tested. Angioedema is frequently associated with urticaria. Pathogenesis is the same for both urticaria as well as angioedema. The presence of angioedema does not always mean that it is a part of anaphylaxis. Angioedema can be a part of anaphylaxis in those individuals who have a severe allergic reaction to an allergen with high levels of antibodies circulating in the blood. Since you have only class 1 and 2 level antibodies therefore it is unlike that these antigens or allergens would cause anaphylaxis.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,Since the last 10 months, my periods are very irregular. I get periods only once every three to four months. I am on treatment for abdominal TB since the last one and a half years. I take Sompraz D20 on an empty stomach in the morning. I take Duonase nasal spray (two puffs in each nostril) twice a day. I take Immunace Forte after lunch and Libotryp at bedtime. So, why are my periods not regular? Is this a side effect of my medicine or could it be due to a disease? Recently, I was also prescribed Uprise-D3 (60000) once a month for six months. My recent 25-OH vitamin D total is 21.1 ng/mL. I also have sudden weight gain. My weight in the last one and a half years increased from 57 kg to 81 kg. I also have a chronic nose block. ### Response: Hello. Your irregular periods can be due to your obesity. You need to lose some weight. You have a history of TB (tuberculosis). So, there may be chances that your uterus might have got affected due to that. I suggest the following tests: For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I had a history of thyroid issue before pregnancy. Currently, I have an issue of hair fall and mild body aches. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. The likely cause for hair loss is low hemoglobin and also for body aches is low hemoglobin and low vitamin D. Your ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) is elevated which is due to low hemoglobin (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Your thyroid is fine. So you should have Iron supplements like tablet Fericip XT (Iron and Folic acid) twice a day after breakfast and after dinner. This may cause some gastritis. Also, you should have tablet Uprise D3 60,000 units once a week for eight weeks, followed by once a month for next six months. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I have a generic query. Can we trust the NABL and CAP accreditation laboratories in terms of reliability and accuracy? And what does they mean? And all NABL and CAP labs are of same quality? Please explain in detail. ### Response: Hello. It is good that you are noticing such accreditation. NABL accreditation laboratory definitely has good quality work and is more reliable. NABL is not compulsory to all laboratory but its accreditation ensures that the laboratry is following standards set by NABL board to provide good reports to the patient. So, yes you can rely on NABL accrediated laboratory. Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,How eating habits or certain foods impact sleep? How much should men be stretching at 25, 30, 35, 40, 45? Does the need to be flexible vary by age? ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. Eating late heavy dinners will certainly affect sleep and also missing the meal altogether. Should avoid fatty meal especially at dinner time. Meals taken with lots of fluids are to be avoided too. Men should try and remain as flexible as possible, really more stiff, you are more likelihood of osteoarthritis setting in, more likelihood of injuries. Aim to continue with stretches for as long as possible.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,My baby is 10 months old, and he is two months premature. If I feed him with solid food, he does vomiting. Is it not safe for him to feed with solid food? ### Response: Hello. I just read your query. I advise you to try giving some soft and semi-solid foods to your baby right now. Once he starts digesting these then move on slowly towards other food items. Moreover, some babies do not take solid food properly until they develop teeth. But if your baby does not digest semi-solid foods too, then you need to visit a nearby child specialist. Because it can be due to some other underlying cause which needs to be ruled out. I hope you understand my point.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am 23, 51 kg. I had unprotected sex a day before I got my period (on the 38th day of cycle). It lasted for four days (normal). Today is the 13th day from when my period started and I am getting bad backache, my breasts hurt (usually happens just before period) and sticky egg white discharge. Am I pregnant or is it ovulation? I had taken a pregnancy test before I got my period because I was late and it was negative. I have mild PCOS. So, my periods are never on time but happens every month. Is it possible to be pregnant after you get your period? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I have gone through your history and understand your concern. This is very unlikely to be pregnancy as a proper period followed and when UPT (urine pregnancy test) was negative just before the period. So, you are at present not pregnant and no chances of pregnancy even with that last unprotected intercourse. The nature of discharge is suggestive of ovulation only. However, if still any doubt in your mind you may take two pregnancy tests - one immediately now and another after a week. If both are negative, you are not pregnant. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,Nowadays, I am getting a migraine for every three days alternatively. Before few days, I usually get a migraine once in 20 days. Often, I have a visual problem and aura symptoms. It relieves after taking Zerodol. Please suggest. ### Response: Hi. A migraine has two types of treatment. When the duration of the attack is more than 24 hours, we need to use both abortive and prophylactic medicine. In your case, you must use both the treatments. You can use Methysergide with Fluoxetine and Gabapentin as a preventive Sadiq. Make a daily diary to sort out the triggering factors such as lack of sleep, fatigue, stress, certain foods, and vasodilators. Avoid it soon. Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am suffering from epididymitis problem. Sometimes I am having pain in testis while having a gastric issue as well. Kindly help me to get rid of this ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. Testicular pain with these doppler findings (attachment removed to protect patient identity) shows some infection of the epididymis. If it is a recent onset symptom, I suggest: Have you been prescribed any medicine for this ailment? Any associated urinary symptoms? How is the flow of urine? Please attach the urine analysis report. Relief of pain will take some time and swelling may take three weeks to subside.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am 32 years old and had an herinated disc and had surgery a few years back, it was a post delayed surgery. Due to the delay in surgery (18 days) I left with a foot drop and right leg weakness. I was bedridden for 4 months. Totally weak. But I gradually developed doing physiotheraphy and with some Ayurvedic treatment. I started waking now with out any help. But my foot drop is still there. But I can lift my toe and ankle little bit from last month. Can I come to my normal life, how long I need to wait to get cured from foot drop? ### Response: Hello. I can advise you in detail if i have your detailed neurological charting including assessment of motor power, sensory charting of lower limbs and evaluation of deep tendon reflexes. Also, latest MRI of LS spine is required to see for adequacy of decompression. To answer your query, the best results come early after the spinal decompression surgery, if motor loss can be ascribed to compression in spinal cord or roots. Also intensive physical therapy helps you to gain power . But since you have started gaining power, it can continue for at least 6 more months, so my advise to you will be to continue with intensive physical therapy including muscle stimulation, vitamin B12 intake and come back to me with your neurological charting and MRI films so that i can see and advise you further.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I was at the dentist yesterday and had a gum cleaning and now today there are 2 bumps in the back of my mouth on top and my gums right there also look red and there more looking like balls per say. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I have been through your query and I can understand your concern. The feeling of strange, weird and sometimes loose tooth are major complaints that a patient generally comes with, after having the cleaning (scaling and root planing) done. This is because of the removal of the debris. Earlier what would have become normal for the patient is now removed (debris) and the patient interprets it somewhat as loose tooth and strange feeling. The redness you are referring to is the erythmatous tissue that generally occurs post cleaning because the gums while cleaning gets separated from the tooth structure (like an injury). However, the healing capacity of gums is very fast and it would be go in 3-4 days. Referring to the picture (attachment removed to protect patient identity), the bumps you are saying, you do not need to worry about. As also you are saying that there is no pain means they are not infected. They might have occured due to the injury of hard palate during cleaning. I would suggest you to not worry as they are generally seen after cleaning is done. They would be gone after some days (generally 3-4 days). However, if the bumps persists beyond one week, I would advise you to have a visit to your nearest dentist for proper and overall examination. Moreover, I would suggest you to keep maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing twice daily and floss regularly. Also rinse your mouth with oral rinses for 4 days a week and 3 weeks a month. I hope I have satisfied you with my answer.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I have a milky like white color on my tongue that is more noticeable in the back my tongue should I be worried? I am a non-drinker and smoker. ### Response: Hello. The condition that you mentioned can arise due to a variety of causes. You have not suggested whether it is associated with pain, burning sensation or itching. Let me name a few conditions where the milky white appearance on the tongue is generally seen. 1. Candidiasis associated is with pain and burning sensation at times. Can be scraped off the tongue. Usually occurs in diabetics. 2. Leukoplakia is non-scrappable, painless but can progress to cancerous condition if not treated early. 3. Oral lichen planus is associated with a burning sensation, pain may or may not be present. People with a poor immune system are usually prone. These are the conditions. But be relaxed. It is completely curable. Make sure you see your doctor as early as possible and have the condition diagnosed. Early intervention and prompt treatment is the best solution. Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am 29 years old . I am married from the last 1.5 years. My problem is that from the last two weeks I am am not getting proper erection during sex. Erection comes a bit and goes out instantly. It is just happeing from the last two weeks before that I was totally fine. I am taking some herbal medicines. Please suggest me why this happening to me. Right now I cat get any erection sex only a bit if I watch some porn or like that. I am having so much tension because of that. Yes one more thing, I used to take one penis size enlarge oil but very rarely. Might be because of that oil I am having this problem. Please suggest me best possible option to cure this. ### Response: Hi. I can understand your concern. As you are getting erections when you watch porn but are losing during sex this shows that problem is not organic. The issues are more psychological. Confido helps to boost confidence but is not proper treatment. For some times you can try tablet Tadalafil or Sildenafil. Either of these tablets if taken about half to one hour before sexual intercourse help to improve erection. If problem persists then visit a doctor and get serum Testosterone and Prolactin levels done. If levels of both these hormones come normal then remain relaxed. No need to worry.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I will be facing major surgery for stage three lung cancer contained in the left lobe. I am extremely allergic to Fentanyl, Propofol, and Versed. Are there any alternatives to these anesthetics? I am currently on Synthroid. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. If you are allergic to these agents, I suggest you undergo a detailed allergy test with various agents so that you will be able to know which agents are safer for you. There are so many agents and techniques available nowadays in the field of anesthesia. If you are allergic to Propofol, Thiopentone (Sodium Thiopental) or Etomidate is a safer option. For analgesia, the multimodal technique will be a safer option including regional anesthesia, various blocks, NSAIDS, etc. Versed (Midazolam) can be avoided at all during surgery. So my suggestion to you is to inform your anesthetist about this and leave your worries on him.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I have rheumatoid arthritis. There is a long waiting list to see a rheumatologist in my place. I am thinking of seeing a private doctor but I have limited funds. How often would I need to see a rheumatologist? I cannot afford it every week or maybe every few months. How often do you think I need a doctor visit? I am hoping to be prescribed a DMARD like Methotrexate. Then when my slot comes up with the NHS I will go there.I take Naproxen which is not enough and I had a cortisone injection in my knee a couple of months ago. The swelling did not go down completely but I walked better. It has worn off now, and I have pain in more joints and a feeling of lumps under my feet. I am on a special diet and my CRP, ESR and high rheumatoid factor have gone down by half. But lately, I feel unwell. I would like to know the frequency of visits needed. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I have gone through your history. The only part I did not get was, that how come there have been no DMARDs (disease-modifying anti-rheumatic Sadiq. It is a bit unusual. If you could throw some light on the history of arthritis, it would be helpful. If it was an intermittent one initially, or now it has become persistent? Well, as per the treatment, if it is confirmed rheumatoid arthritis, they will start you on Methotrexate straight away. The follow-up visits are usually within four to six weeks for the first time, and then after three months. But a lot depends on your treating rheumatologist. Most of them advise liver function tests after two weeks to see if the dose is not giving you side effects. But that can usually be followed up with rheumatology nurse. So once you are through with first visit and improvement comes, then a three months visit suffices. But if the disease keeps bouncing back, then a bit more frequent visits are needed. But hardly before six weeks as that much time, it takes for any new DMARD to act. So it is a bit tough to predict, but do not worry. No rheumatologist will call you back in a week or two. I hope this helps.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,Due to the use of Skinlite, I have sunburn on my face and now it looks like the dark spot. But I am using Kojivit gel for a dark spot. Is Kojivit gel good for the dark spot? ### Response: Hello. You must use a broad spectrum sunscreen throughout the day. Reapply every 2 to 3 hours. Sun protection is important to treat facial pigmentation. At night you may use a Kojic acid cream rather than Skinlite (Hy Sadiq. This cream should never be used without the supervision of a dermatologist as it can cause irritation, redness and other side effects like acne. Use it only if your dermatologist says after looking at the skin condition. I would request you to upload a picture so that I can assess the condition visually and therefore guide you better.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,My son has a persistent headache since last 15 days. It started with headache. Consulted various neurologist. Got MRI and CT done, all clear. He gave various medicines, even Noxdorm 250, but no response. ### Response: Hello. I understand your concern and would explain that his symptoms could be related to a tension-type headache. Coming to this point, I agree with the doctors prescription about Citalopram and Sibelium (attachment removed to protect patient identity). But these Sadiq. For this reason, you should be patient. If the situation does not improve in a couple of weeks, I would recommend trying Amitriptyline and Valproate combination. You should discuss with his doctor about these treatment options. Based on his test reports, I would conclude about a primary headache (benign, related to psychological stress).
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,My wife and I had some argument about my past. I had lied to her about the number of sex partners I had. That hurts her because she explained that her perception of me was built on the fact that she knew that I only had a few sex partners.We have been discussing this for months, but now after having these discussions and arguments, I realize that when we are to have sex, I get anxious. I will get an erection, but when its time to enter, it falls. I want to know, how to get my mind to a place of not over thinking so that I am not distracted. Kindly help. ### Response: Hello. I am happy that you did understand that the problem behind your erection is, the problem is related to stress and anxiety which is stemmed out of the differences between you and your partner. That itself is the first step of the problem solver. Now the remedial measures are, 1. Do not attempt to have sex when you have the thought and related stress in your mind. 2. Start relaxation breathing for 10 minutes at least once per day. 3. Start physical exercise for one hour daily 4. Write down the cause and effect of the problem you are now facing with all the details. Then clear it logically alongside what you wrote. You may have to write this for two weeks to get the desired result. Take care. Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I feel a strange glitch in my vision. It is quite big and takes up a large portion of my central vision. It is neither a shadow nor a flash, it looks like a greasy fingerprint smudge in my vision which disappears quickly. It happens when I blink, but mostly occurs when my eyes move quickly. I have had it for the past few days and I do not know if it is anything to be concerned about. Please help. ### Response: Hi. As per your description of symptoms it looks to be non-pathological. It can be due to Sadiq. It will occur when a thick eye secretion covers the cornea, once you blink it will get clear. This needs to be treated with artificial tear
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,My tooth hurts anytime I eat or drink. It feels hot. I feel hot, it is sharp pain that does not go away. My gums are swollen. ### Response: Hello. Your tooth has sharp pain due to tooth sensitivity (due to enamel erosion) once you get it treated pain will subside. If erosion has not involved the pulp then only restoration can help you, or when the pulp is involved, then root canal treatment will be a solution. Please share pictures and radiograph of your affected tooth. Tooth sensitivity. IOPAR related to affected teeth. Restoration or RCT of the affected tooth.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I have had permanent cramps and a constant ache in both buttocks. I have pain down the back of the legs in the calf and when I walk it feels like it is about to cramp and I get pain in front of the thigh. I have a constant aching feel. When I press my skin on both thighs it feels sore. I had it for over two months. I have pain on both sides of my thighs and legs regardless of if I am sitting or resting.I got admitted to the hospital for two weeks and they did an MRI scan on my spine and found nothing. They did a lumbar puncture and found nothing. They also did a nerve examination and nothing was found. I am currently on Gabapentin, Codeine, and Paracetamol. ### Response: Hi. It looks like a nerve compression to me. If all investigations are normal, it does not mean it cannot be nerve compression. It could be meralgia paresthesia or neuralgia. I would recommend you to take Vitamin B12 shots. Also, discuss with your doctor to prescribe you a combination of Pregabalin along With Nortryptilline in the night. This may take a few weeks to months to recover. I hope this helps. Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I have small boils (red and white) on the head of my penis and also inside the skin and itching also. I regularly clean with warm water and sometimes, put some vaseline gel but nowadays, it increases very much. I think it is a fungal infection. Please suggest a good medicine and precautions to be taken to clear this infection. ASAP. This happened for the first time. ### Response: Hello. From your history, it appears to be a fungal infection. Could you please send me pictures for an appropriate diagnosis and treatment? Revert with more information to a dermatologist online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor, I have observed a white smegma on my penis head. There were irritation and red bumps on it before, but I oiled it so now I do not have any pain or irritation. But in the morning the white smegma is still there and my foreskin is hard and rough. What should I do? Please help. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. If your foreskin is hard and rough you may get benefit from removing the foreskin i.e. circumcision. I suggest you show it to the urologist nearby and get it done.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,My 2-year-old put my mascara wand in his mouth. His teeth and all around his mouth were black. I used a toothbrush and water to get all the black out. What else should I do? I am not sure how much he swallowed. Can it harm him? ### Response: Hello. Mascara contains iron oxide, carbon black along with a base of paraffin or mineral oil. As your child had taken it in his mouth and you already have cleaned it. Now there is nothing to worry, you may ask him to gargle with Chlorhexidine mouthwash which will improve the oral hygeine. If a very small amount was swallowed, there is nothing to worry, it may not cause any harm.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,Last night and today I have been experiencing a sharp pain just left of the sternum which is not deep, seemingly on top of the rib where it joins the sternum. It lasts a second or two but may repeat several times before stopping in five minutes or so. I went out in the garden today to dig a bit and wearing my HR monitor (I have got health anxiety, anxiety disorder as well as depression). As I was digging, the pain started hurting with each heartbeat. I looked at my monitor and it read 138 bpm. I am 70 years old and have been on medication (Benzodiazepines) for over 50 years for panic attacks and general anxiety. Two years ago I felt similar pain but not to this extent. I went to ER but nothing was found (the doctor said it could be costochondritis but definitely not my heart). I get bloodwork quarterly and everything was fine except cholesterol which was 235. I tried a statin but the muscle pain was too great. In my EKG I have RBBB or LAFB which 14 years back after a stress test I was told that I was probably born with it. I had gone to see the cardiologist then because of getting skipped beats and GERD he told me to ignore them. Last time I had an EKG was in the ER for six months when I had a weird pain in back and side. They checked out heart anyway and said it was fine. Probably just a colicky gallbladder. I have had stones for more than 20 years and had no surgery. So I hesitate to go to the ER again. My local doctor just closed. HR is still 88 while lying down right now. Usually, my resting heart rate is under 67. Currently, I am on Lorazepam 2 mg, Prevacid 15 mg and baby Aspirin. ### Response: Hello. I have gone through your history and it does not appear to be an ischemic pain. Ischemic pain will not be sharp and so short lasting. So the possibilities are costochon Sadiq. Do you get an increase in pain on application of pressure at the same site, if yes it supports the diagnosis of costochon Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I am in my late 6th month pregnancy. Recently I went for a scan named targeted imaging for fetal anomalies (TIFFA). All the reports were normal except hypoplastic nasal bone and higher normal values of amniotic fluid. I am approaching you for second consultation now. My questions are, what if we go for genetic amniocentesis and results were positive for Down\s syndrome? Can I terminate the pregnancy in my 28th week of pregnancy? How much safe it is to go for amniocentesis test? Is there any alternate test to get better results? I decided not to have a baby who is mentally retarded. Please suggest me your valuable advice. ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I have thoroughly gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns. 1. We can better comment on the outcome after getting the results of the amniocentesis. Even if Down\s syn Sadiq. 2. You may terminate anytime depending on where you opt in for this termination. I mean you need to have expert hands for that.3. Amniocentesis is very widely done test all over the world and as for every diagnostic invasive procedure it has its own safety profile.4. Risk of complications is always there as it is associated with invasive procedure. Again I want to add that if you opt in for the expert hands and a seasoned professional obstetricians and gynecologists and interventional radiologist then there is no to low risk for the baby and the mother.5. Amniocentesis and karyotyping to rule out for genetic disorders that involve chromosomal anomalies is the best test universally. No other choice, as this is what we need to know next and this is the specific test available which may guide us about that.6. It is your right to decide and it is solely you who can decide about your body as to what is better for you. Physician can only guide you about the procedures and the final decision is solely your own as to what should be done.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,My mother is 75 years old. She is suffering from head spinning and heaviness problem since the last six months. Her BP, sugar, thyroid and other blood test reports are normal. After getting a suggestion from a doctor (Medicine) she had gone on an MRI test. The MRI test (non-contrast) of brain report was given with a doubt of evidence of blooming in GRE in the left parietal lobe and right basifrontal lobe without evidence of perilesional edema and advised for further evaluation with contrast to rule out calcified granulomas and other etiologies. Also, MRI report findings include:Small vessel white matter ischemic changes.Chronic lacunar infarct in the right external capsule.Mild cerebral atrophic changes.The Doctor of medicine gave medicines for the treatment of vertigo and nerve but suggested to show immediately to a neurologist. My mother does not know the brain problem and she refuses to go to a doctor for further checking due to her fear. So, I need your help. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I have gone through the detailed query and understand your concerns. In my opinion, there is a definite need for face to face consultation as it seems to me that there is a need for cognitive evaluation. The MRI changes observed are indicative of vascular pathology and should be treated if concomitant symptoms are present. Regarding the doubtful observation over MRI, nobody can help with this. Either one sees the MRI report or you get contrast MRI. This will unearth the true pathology of blooming in the parietal and frontal lobes. Since there is no edema, it can be concluded that there is little possibility of malignancy or recent changes but it does not rule out the chronic healed granuloma. I request you to do following: I hope this helps you. Thanks and regards. For more information consult a neurologist online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I have a small white scar on the lower lip for seven months. It was not white at first. But now it just stays there and does not show any change. ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. Your problem is nasolabial dyssebacia (attachment removed to protect patient identity). It is a type of eczema secondary to mild pityrosporum yeast infection associated with an oily part of the face with affected areas, mild scaling and redness in few individuals. You can start using Cetaphil soap for face wash along with Lulifin cream (Luliconazole) once daily for 30 days. Apply to the affected areas even if the skin becomes normal after 30 days. It flares with stress and over thinking. Nothing serious, it is curable. For more information consult a dermatologist online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I am struggling to get up early in the morning. I sleep for eight hours every day. I press the snooze button many times, but still, I cannot wake up early. I became irregular to the work which became a barrier to my career. Currently, I am taking tablet Fluvoxin 100 mg in the afternoon for OCD and depression, tablet Oxetol 450 mg in the evening for gelastic seizure, tablet Quetiapine 100 mg at night for delusions. ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. You have to be strict about your schedule. You are taking tablet Quetiapine at night. It is a standard medication which affects your sleep, mostly due to oversedation. But there is no other option if your delusions are under control with it or you may try another antipsychotic like Risperidone. You must sleep early at night if possible and take night medication soon at least at 9 PM if you are going to sleep at 10 PM. Fix your sleeping time from 10 PM to 6 AM. Do not snooze alarm. It is hard initially after that you will use to get up early. If you have depressive features, then treat your depression, because depression can also cause a problem in sleep (wake up issue). For more information consult a psychiatrist online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I had unprotected sex on 1st of last month and missed my period on 20th. I did a urine pregnancy test on 3rd of this month, it came negative and then I took Regestrone 10 mg for five days one tablet each day from 3rd to 7th. Then on 8th, I did a bhCG which came negative and today I got a slight spotting and when wiping a little brownish kinda discharge came. Am I pregnant? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. No, you are not pregnant as urine pregnancy test and HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) test are negative. You have taken Regesterone so your period is delayed more. Your period should start now. It normally takes two to seven days after the last Regesterone tablet. So do not worry you are not pregnant because it is already more than 30 days after unprotected sex and all tests are negative. Brownish discharge can be the starting of menses. You are definitely not pregnant. Do not take much stress.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I was running, and I fell into a pit. My ankle got twisted, and I could feel some cracking sound. I had a swollen ankle immediately. I have been icing for 2 days and now the swelling has reduced. I am unable to walk. I have pain when I try to move or walk. I had a fracture fibula of the same ankle 5 years back. Please help. ### Response: Hello,Welcome to Sadiq.As there is a history of twisting injury to your ankle with a kind of cracking sound or sensation which you have felt, I will advise you to undergo an immediate x-ray of the affected part to rule out any bone injury. X-ray ankle (anteroposterior and lateral views). Getting an x-ray is all the more important as you have a prior history of fracture fibula of the same ankle. You need to do the following till the x-rays are done: Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,The semen analysis report is in my hand, but I cannot understand it.Liquefaction time- 30 minutes.Duration of abstinence- four days.Appearance- creamy white.Volume 4.0 ml.Ph 8Fructose- Present.Motility- 100.Spermatozoa- rapid 20%, slow 10%, non-progressive motility 5%, immotile 83%.Vitality count- 15 million.Morphology- normal 20%, abnormal 80%. ### Response: Hello. I read your query and understand your concerns about the semen analysis report. As per the available semen analysis report, you have very low sperm count and most of the available sperms are defective. As you can see that almost 80 % of your sperms are defective and of no use. In addition, the count is just 15 million per ml, which is again very low. Considering this report, there is a low chance of natural pregnancy to your partner as the sperms are low and available ones are defective. I request you to see your doctor as you need treatment for improvement of the health of your sperms. I hope this helps you. For more information consult an an Sadiq. Sadiq/ask-a-doctor-online/an
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I was seen in the ER for a possible kidney stone. I did have blood in my urine. No stone was found. The only thing noted on my CT scan reads \x80\x9ccircumferential urinary bladder wall thickening versus under distension\x80\x9d. What does this mean? Is this a sign of bladder cancer? What follow-up is needed? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I need to know some more details of the hematuria episode. Was bleeding associated with pain? What was the location of pain? Was it radiating to the back or testes or penis? Were there clots, shape, and size, if present? Past history: Do you have any reports like urine analysis done at that time? Revert with more information to a urologist online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am a 50-year-old male. I had genital warts five years ago, had them removed via cauterization and received three injections of HPV vaccine Gardasil. The doctor said the vaccine would cure the virus, but after a year, warts reappeared and until now they are still in my scrotum, and they are itchy but not painful. My question is that can I have sex with my partner given my current condition? Have I got cured by HPV vaccine? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. HPV vaccine is not a cure. It is for the prevention of HPV. It prevents the virus from entering in your body. But, it cannot act on cells which are already infected with the virus. About sex, there is a chance that with contact, virus can spread to your partner if not already infected. And being on scrotum, the methods like condom will not help. You would need to get treatment first for warts. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am a male, 23 years old, weight is 65 kg, height is 5\9". My penis is not getting hard for sex. The penis is getting erect but not getting hard enough. Due to this, I am not able to put my penis inside the vagina. Also, I ejaculate within 10 to 15 seconds (3 to 4 stock). And now I am avoiding sex because of this problem and getting less interest day by day. I do smoke regularly and drink occasionally also. I used to watch porn in excess and masturbate regularly. Please help me out. I am very much tensed about my future sex life. Please consult me what to do I want to get rid of this major issue. I cannot tell this issue to my family or friends also. I do not have enough money to consult a doctor privately. Please look into the matter. ### Response: Hi. I have read your problems carefully. After getting above mentioned history, my assumption is that your problem is psychological rather than organic. But I need some information and investigation reports to confirm it further. If you want to visit any physician, I advise to consult with endocrinologist first and after excluding organic disease, you need a psychiatrist. Masturbation and doing sex are different issues. In the case of masturbation, we try to ejaculate as soon as possible. But in case of doing sex, we try to do sex as long as possible. So there is a psychological issue. Besides this, anxiety also can precipitate this problem. So after doing some investigation and excluding organic cause, I think you need some psychological counseling. Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,One week ago, I had intercourse on my third day of the period and after approximately 30 hours of that, I have taken an i-pill. From the next day of taking the pill, I had severe back pain and lower abdomen pain which continues for one week. And after one week, I started bleeding and right now do not know why I am still bleeding? Is it my period that came again? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I read your message. Can you tell me in detail about your periods date, date of intercourse, date of taking I-pill, and date on which bleeding started? After i-pill, bleeding is expected for a few days. But you said you got bleeding twice. So, please tell me all the dates so that I can conclude properly.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am seeking experts to comment on low-carb diets.What is the complete macronutrient breakdown for a typical low-carb diet? How much fat should you eat on a low-carb diet? How much protein should you eat on a low-carb diet?We are looking for suggestions on vegan foods for energy. Name the foods you are recommending and set description as to why you are suggesting this food. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I just read your query. In general, a person requires 1500-2000 calories per day. Carbohy Sadiq. People should usually take around approximately 200-325 grams of carbs daily. But if someone is aimed at losing weight then they should aim for a low carbohy
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor, I think I am bipolar. Just a couple of weeks ago, I felt and was told by my friends that I was more energetic and crazy than usual. Now, I feel like there is no hope, and nobody really cares. But there is also that little bit of me that is telling me that I am faking this and that all I want is attention. I just want to know what the heck is up with my head. ### Response: Hello. It is a little early at your age to be diagnosed with bipolar illness. Sometimes that part of normal teenage hormones and puberty, when it is mixed with some depressive symptoms. Basically, if you are depressed, you will feel irritable, low, feel like crying, sad, do not wish to eat, have difficulty sleep, there can be anxiety, tiredness, headaches, etc. In bipolar illness, there will be a period of these depressive symptoms and then after a period of normalcy, the reverse happens. That is, you feel unusually happy for no reason, there are episodes of spending money excessively on things which you do not need, or maybe excessive use of alcohol, other illicit Sadiq. So if you have not had the manic or hypomanic phase, then you probably suffered from major depressive disorder or generalized anxiety disorder.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I am 29 years of age. I had unprotected sex and I am having sex with the same partner for more than a year and a half. Suddenly, I got itching sensation and found that I have got itchy bumps on my penis which started clustering together. Later, it healed automatically. I also found when I run or walk a long distance and feel sweaty, I feel the sensation and I get the bumps again. These bumps are small and shiny at the tip and often get clustered and gets healed. It does not give me a problem but I really feel demoralized and unfit. I do not have these problems regularly. Also for a long time, I have itchy inner thighs because of which my skin turned blackish white and is still itchy. I am not sure whether I am infected. Please suggest me the solution to get diagnosed. I can provide pictures if required. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I have noted your concern and I have viewed the images (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You have genital molluscum contagiosum. It is an STD (sexually transmitted disease). They can be removed with electrocautery or radiofrequency cautery. Itchy rashes are due to fungal infection. I suggest you apply Candid-B cream, twice daily. You may also take a tablet Cetirizine 10 mg once daily for symptomatic relief from itching. Regards. For more information consult a venereologist online
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,There is slight bleeding after anal sex. I had a drop-by-drop bleeding the next morning after passing stool. ### Response: Hello. You have had mild trauma due to penetration in the anal sphincter which is causing bleeding. You will need to follow few steps: It will settle in a few days. Regards. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,My 5 year old daughter has stomach aches around the navel area that happens from time to time. It lasts a few minutes each time and goes away. Abdominal X-ray and ultrasound were done and has not found any abnormalities or umbilical hernia. Stomach pain starts while eating or drinking and also at random times. Other symptoms including the passing of stools about four to five times a day, including while having a meal.A most recent development within the last week has had several accidents and says she did not feel it coming. This is not normal for her. No other emotional distress could be a reason. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I suspect three things, it is just assumption based on history. 1. Stomach ulcer, as she had pain after food and water. 2. Worm infection, need to have a look after food. 3. If non of the above, must be ruled out by investigations. Then it is called functional abdominal pain. I advise you to visit a specialist. She might require one-week antibiotics and if symptoms not settled, then endoscopy also. But the best part is to visit the pediatrician. So he can evaluate her in detail and examine her. Meanwhile, you can give symptomatic treatment. Kindly consult your doctor to discuss the suggestion and take the treatment with consent.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I am 24 years old. I got married 1 month back. I am bleeding after each sex. It happened around four to five times. Also, I get some pain and this is ignorable. Previously, I suffered with period problem, facial hair and PCOS. Please help. ### Response: Hi, Welcome to Sadiq forum. As you rightly said, it is due to PCOS (polycystic ovarian syn Sadiq. You need to undergo a gynecological checkup, especially a speculum examination to rule out any abnormalities of the cervix and vagina because of bleeding during sex. If you are not planning for baby, you can be on Krimson oral contraceptive pills under gynecologist supervision. Or else, you need to consult an infertility specialist and take medicines to regularize your cycles and ovulation. Reducing weight also will improve ovulation and periods. I suggest you not to delay fertility in view of PCOS.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,My uncle is 68 years old. He got a myocardial infarction 23 years back, and another one before 13 years, he had four bypasses that year. In the same year, he was diagnosed with NYHA 2; he also had diastolic dysfunction, aortic sclerosis and akinesia in LV.Now he has shortness of breath, swelling in the abdomen and feet, wheezing, and coughing.Is he now in stage D? And what is his life expectancy after 13 years of diagnosis of HF? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. This does not mean stage D. This is likely stage C. However, he has to undergo echo for ejection fraction, which would tell us regarding stage. If, despite all medical treatment, he remains symptomatic and not able to do any activities then may be considered stage D. Such intermittent worsening of symptoms may occur in heart disease, which gets settled with medicines. You should get his medicine optimized. His life expectancy also depends on ejection fraction. I hope this helps.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor, After shaving my face six days ago, I saw a big red bump on the right side of my nose above the mustache. At first, I thought it might be a pimple. Last week, I felt something wrong on my throat and visited a doctor. Doctor said lymph node inflammation and prescribed me Penicillin. Doctor did not ask me anything about that red bump in my mustache area at that time. I have been suffering from mild fever as well after my lymph inflammation. Right now I am worried again since the red bump on my mustache becomes large, and from two or three openings drains watery liquid when I tried to squeeze it. It is really painful and irritates a lot. I am worried about HSV 1 since it is near my mouth. I am having mild fever and lymph infection. I am not in sexual contact for the last seven years. What is your suggestion? What might cause this problem? ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq. Two broad differential diagnoses are folliculitis or HSV 1 (herpes simplex virus) infection (most likely). I would want you to know that we all are exposed to HSV-1 and it could spread without sexual contact. It stays in the ganglion (nerve endings) and pops up when your immunity goes down. It is also known as fever blister. My feeling is that since you were about to come down with the sore throat, which seems like strep throat, you had a reactivation of the HSV-1 and got these lesions. As you feel better they will subside, you may use Acyclovir if you want but usually, we treat the underlying cause and you are receiving the antibiotics for sore throat. Please do not squeeze it. You can use any anti-inflammatory agent for pain and fever like Acetaminophen. You can also try topical steroids like Desonide. I hope this helps. Take care.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I recently tested positive for HIV and had a viral load test which was 160k and CD4 count of 145. My issue now is with how I could have contracted the virus. I have had three sexual partners and there was always protection. Two tested negatives after I informed them about my results and the last and most recent is insisting he is not ready and it was protected all the way. Although we did have anal at times and I cannot be 100 % sure that the condom was there. I have also had a parasitic infection which affects my scalp for a couple of years. Is it possible for something to mimic HIV in tests? I have been to the dentist thrice in all my life for an extraction and checkups. I also had an appendicectomy 13 years back. I have had occasional IV therapy and a few injections. I have never shown any symptoms. I am also anemic. ### Response: Hi. For condoms to be effective, it has to be a latex condom used consistently and correctively and a newer condom for each sexual act. There should not be any break or it should not have slipped off during the act. If all the steps had been followed, then only it is said that 98 to 99 % effective in the prevention of STI and HIV. Unfortunately, condoms are not used properly resulting in failure rates. The tests which you underwent for HIV are highly sensitive and specific. There is no chance of mimicking any other infection. You need to initiate antiretroviral therapy as soon as possible. It is a really effective therapy.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I am a 26 year old female, and I developed foot drop five weeks ago, the foot was numb, and I could not dorsiflex it. But, now I can dorsiflex, and the steppage gait has disappeared unless I walk long distances. I have more power in the foot now, but it is still a lot weaker than the other one, I cannot walk on my heels yet. However, I have been extremely anxious about this foot drop, and a couple of weeks ago I started to twitch, first in the legs and then all over my body, I can see the twitches. When I am talking with someone and thinking about something else, the twitches go away and come back when I think about it. I do feel weak in my body, especially in the legs. Can it be due to the anxiety? I am going to a neurologist, but there is a three months waiting period, and I am scared. I do not think we have had any ALS in my family. Please help me ease my mind. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. It is good that your foot Sadiq. The twitches that you are feeling may be due to anxiety also. If it was ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), the foot
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hello doctor,I am 33 years old and weighs about 86 kg. My whole body hurts. I got pain all over the body, pain in legs and hands. Pain is persistent all the time mostly in the lower feet and hand. I am having pain for the past three months. I just had an appointment with my doctor. He ordered some blood work and told me everything is fine. And he told me to see the rheumatologist once for my peace of mind.I have attached my report. Do you see anything abnormal in my blood report? What is the cause of my body pain? Is anything wrong with my body? Do I have any underlying conditions such as leukemia, lymphoma, or any other cancer? Do I have any liver disease or thyroid disease that can lead me to pain? Before three months I did a blood test and my rheumatoid factor was 8.1 iu/ml and now it is 11 iu/ml. Why it is going up with a short duration of time? What do I need to do?I am eating healthy and getting good sleep but I am not losing weight. My vitamin D level is 40ng/ml and I am taking vitamin B12. I am taking vitamin D for almost one year. I m taking 4000 IU for five days a week. Please explain in detail the treatment plan. ### Response: Hello. Well, I have gone through your history and the reports attached.(attachment removed to protect patient identity). All the reports are normal. I could not find the reports of liver function tests there, but I suppose your doctor had already looked into it. Do not worry, you don\t have any cancers at the current time. If any cancer would cause pain, it surely would have affected your blood counts as well. As for Rheumatoid factor, 8 or 11, can be lab variation or instrument variation, but as long as you do not have joint swellings or pain it is insignificant. My diagnosis for pain would go for fibromyalgia. It is more of a diagnosis of exclusion and one only considers it after ruling out the other causes, which they have done so far. I will give you a link, you can go through it and let me know if your symptoms match this. As treatment will depend on your being convinced about the diagnosis. I hope this helps. Fibromyalgia.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### Input: Hi doctor,I am worried about ALS. I have had a twitch in my left hypothenar muscle intermittently for three weeks or so. Perhaps a few twitches per hour followed by hours of no twitching. I also have twitches in other parts of my body quite regularly though this one is focal and the others are diffuse. I have not dropped anything. Doing self-tests, my left pinky seems a bit weaker. Though I think I have atrophy in the hypothenar, I have had three general practice doctors tell me it is just asymmetrical with my dominant right hand. The doctors have also performed basic finger strength tests (spread fingers and resist ) and they say they are normal. Reflexes are normal. No tripping, dropping, slurring, etc. Should I be worried about this given the above scenario and that doctors have told me no atrophy and no weakness? Thank you. ### Response: Hello, Welcome to Sadiq forum. I read carefully your question and would explain that your symptoms are not typical of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Benign fasciculation syn Sadiq. Coming to this point, I would recommend performing some tests to investigate possible causes: Consulting with a neurologist may be needed in case of abnormal EMG. For more information consult a neurologist online