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However, after the trip, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney struck a somewhat somber tone in a press release.
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However, after the trip, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney struck a somewhat somber tone in a press release.
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However, after the trip, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney struck a somewhat somber tone in a press release.
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However, after the trip, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney struck a somewhat somber tone in a press release.
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However, after the trip, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney struck a somewhat somber tone in a press release.
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However, after the trip, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney struck a somewhat somber tone in a press release.
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However, after the trip, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney struck a somewhat somber tone in a press release.
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Our troops and the American people deserve to hear from our President about what is at stake in this war.
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Our troops and the American people deserve to hear from our President about what is at stake in this war.
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Our troops and the American people deserve to hear from our President about what is at stake in this war.
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Success in Afghanistan is vital to our nation's security.
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It would be a tragedy for Afghanistan and a strategic setback for America if the Taliban returned to power and once again created a sanctuary for terrorists, Romney said in the release.
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It would be a tragedy for Afghanistan and a strategic setback for America if the Taliban returned to power and once again created a sanctuary for terrorists," Romney said in the release.
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It would be a tragedy for Afghanistan and a strategic setback for America if the Taliban returned to power and once again created a sanctuary for terrorists," Romney said in the release.
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It would be a tragedy for Afghanistan and a strategic setback for America if the Taliban returned to power and once again created a sanctuary for terrorists," Romney said in the release.
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It would be a tragedy for Afghanistan and a strategic setback for America if the Taliban returned to power and once again created a sanctuary for terrorists," Romney said in the release.
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It would be a tragedy for Afghanistan and a strategic setback for America if the Taliban returned to power and once again created a sanctuary for terrorists," Romney said in the release.
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It would be a tragedy for Afghanistan and a strategic setback for America if the Taliban returned to power and once again created a sanctuary for terrorists," Romney said in the release.
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We tolerated such a sanctuary until we lost thousands on September 11, 2001.
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We tolerated such a sanctuary until we lost thousands on September 11, 2001.
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Many brave Americans have sacrificed everything so that we could win this fight for a more secure future.
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Many brave Americans have sacrificed everything so that we could win this fight for a more secure future.
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Many brave Americans have sacrificed everything so that we could win this fight for a more secure future.
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The injured man was able to drive his car to Cloverhill Prison where he summoned assistance.
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The injured man was able to drive his car to Cloverhill Prison where he summoned assistance.
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The injured man was able to drive his car to Cloverhill Prison where he summoned assistance.
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The injured man was able to drive his car to Cloverhill Prison where he summoned assistance.
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He was taken to Tallaght General Hospital, his injuries are not thought to be life threatening.
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He was taken to Tallaght General Hospital, his injuries are not thought to be life threatening.
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Witnesses at the scene of the shooting describe a silver saloon car leaving the area.
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Witnesses at the scene of the shooting describe a silver saloon car leaving the area.
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Witnesses at the scene of the shooting describe a silver saloon car leaving the area.
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Witnesses at the scene of the shooting describe a silver saloon car leaving the area.
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Witnesses at the scene of the shooting describe a silver saloon car leaving the area.
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At about 11.30 pm a silver car was discovered on fire at Golden Bridge Terrace, Inchicore.
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At about 11.30 pm a silver car was discovered on fire at Golden Bridge Terrace, Inchicore.
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The car has been removed from the scene for forensic technical examination.
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The car has been removed from the scene for forensic technical examination.
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The car has been removed from the scene for forensic technical examination.
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Ex-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev says Russian authorities must annul the parliamentary vote results and hold a new election.
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Ex-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev says Russian authorities must annul the parliamentary vote results and hold a new election.
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Ex-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev says Russian authorities must annul the parliamentary vote results and hold a new election.
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Ex-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev says Russian authorities must annul the parliamentary vote results and hold a new election.
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Ex-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev says Russian authorities must annul the parliamentary vote results and hold a new election.
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Ex-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev says Russian authorities must annul the parliamentary vote results and hold a new election.
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He said most of the village's residents had fled and regime forces were setting fire to houses and looting shops.
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He said most of the village's residents had fled and regime forces were setting fire to houses and looting shops.
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He said most of the village's residents had fled and regime forces were setting fire to houses and looting shops.
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He said most of the village's residents had fled and regime forces were setting fire to houses and looting shops.
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He said most of the village's residents had fled and regime forces were setting fire to houses and looting shops.
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He said most of the village's residents had fled and regime forces were setting fire to houses and looting shops.
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He said most of the village's residents had fled and regime forces were setting fire to houses and looting shops.
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He and the Observatory also reported shelling in a nearby village, Hayaleen.
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He and the Observatory also reported shelling in a nearby village, Hayaleen.
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The regime is trying to punish these villages and to put an end to this revolution as quickly as it can," he said.
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The regime is trying to punish these villages and to put an end to this revolution as quickly as it can, he said.
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In northern Lebanon, meanwhile, residents said running gunbattles broke out in the city Saturday and continued through Sunday morning, primarily between a neighborhood populated by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad and another area with many Assad backers from his Alawite sect.
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In northern Lebanon, meanwhile, residents said running gunbattles broke out in the city Saturday and continued through Sunday morning, primarily between a neighborhood populated by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad and another area with many Assad backers from his Alawite sect.
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In northern Lebanon, meanwhile, residents said running gunbattles broke out in the city Saturday and continued through Sunday morning, primarily between a neighborhood populated by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad and another area with many Assad backers from his Alawite sect.
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In northern Lebanon, meanwhile, residents said running gunbattles broke out in the city Saturday and continued through Sunday morning, primarily between a neighborhood populated by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad and another area with many Assad backers from his Alawite sect.
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In northern Lebanon, meanwhile, residents said running gunbattles broke out in the city Saturday and continued through Sunday morning, primarily between a neighborhood populated by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad and another area with many Assad backers from his Alawite sect.
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In northern Lebanon, meanwhile, residents said running gunbattles broke out in the city Saturday and continued through Sunday morning, primarily between a neighborhood populated by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad and another area with many Assad backers from his Alawite sect.
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In northern Lebanon, meanwhile, residents said running gunbattles broke out in the city Saturday and continued through Sunday morning, primarily between a neighborhood populated by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad and another area with many Assad backers from his Alawite sect.
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In northern Lebanon, meanwhile, residents said running gunbattles broke out in the city Saturday and continued through Sunday morning, primarily between a neighborhood populated by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad and another area with many Assad backers from his Alawite sect.
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In northern Lebanon, meanwhile, residents said running gunbattles broke out in the city Saturday and continued through Sunday morning, primarily between a neighborhood populated by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad and another area with many Assad backers from his Alawite sect.
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In northern Lebanon, meanwhile, residents said running gunbattles broke out in the city Saturday and continued through Sunday morning, primarily between a neighborhood populated by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad and another area with many Assad backers from his Alawite sect.
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The fighting highlights how easily trouble in Syria can raise tensions in neighboring Lebanon, with which it shares a complex web of political and sectarian ties and rivalries.
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The fighting highlights how easily trouble in Syria can raise tensions in neighboring Lebanon, with which it shares a complex web of political and sectarian ties and rivalries.
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The fighting highlights how easily trouble in Syria can raise tensions in neighboring Lebanon, with which it shares a complex web of political and sectarian ties and rivalries.
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The fighting highlights how easily trouble in Syria can raise tensions in neighboring Lebanon, with which it shares a complex web of political and sectarian ties and rivalries.
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The fighting highlights how easily trouble in Syria can raise tensions in neighboring Lebanon, with which it shares a complex web of political and sectarian ties and rivalries.
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The fighting highlights how easily trouble in Syria can raise tensions in neighboring Lebanon, with which it shares a complex web of political and sectarian ties and rivalries.
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The fighting highlights how easily trouble in Syria can raise tensions in neighboring Lebanon, with which it shares a complex web of political and sectarian ties and rivalries.
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The fighting highlights how easily trouble in Syria can raise tensions in neighboring Lebanon, with which it shares a complex web of political and sectarian ties and rivalries.
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The fighting highlights how easily trouble in Syria can raise tensions in neighboring Lebanon, with which it shares a complex web of political and sectarian ties and rivalries.
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The fighting highlights how easily trouble in Syria can raise tensions in neighboring Lebanon, with which it shares a complex web of political and sectarian ties and rivalries.
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“Duck and cover here at the embassy.
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“Duck and cover here at the embassy.
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“Duck and cover here at the embassy.
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Not a drill -- avoid the area,” the U.S. embassy said on Twitter.
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Not a drill -- avoid the area,” the U.S. embassy said on Twitter.
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Not a drill -- avoid the area,” the U.S. embassy said on Twitter.
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Not a drill -- avoid the area,” the U.S. embassy said on Twitter.
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Karzai said the U.S. pact “is not threatening any third country, including the neighboring countries, but we are hoping that this leads to stability, prosperity and development in the region.”
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Karzai said the U.S. pact “is not threatening any third country, including the neighboring countries, but we are hoping that this leads to stability, prosperity and development in the region.”
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Karzai said the U.S. pact “is not threatening any third country, including the neighboring countries, but we are hoping that this leads to stability, prosperity and development in the region.”
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Karzai said the U.S. pact “is not threatening any third country, including the neighboring countries, but we are hoping that this leads to stability, prosperity and development in the region.”
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Karzai said the U.S. pact “is not threatening any third country, including the neighboring countries, but we are hoping that this leads to stability, prosperity and development in the region.”
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Karzai said the U.S. pact “is not threatening any third country, including the neighboring countries, but we are hoping that this leads to stability, prosperity and development in the region.”
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Karzai said the U.S. pact “is not threatening any third country, including the neighboring countries, but we are hoping that this leads to stability, prosperity and development in the region.”
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“Neither Americans nor the Afghan people asked for this war, yet for a decade we’ve stood together,” Obama said at the signing ceremony.
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“Neither Americans nor the Afghan people asked for this war, yet for a decade we’ve stood together,” Obama said at the signing ceremony.
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“Neither Americans nor the Afghan people asked for this war, yet for a decade we’ve stood together,” Obama said at the signing ceremony.
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“Neither Americans nor the Afghan people asked for this war, yet for a decade we’ve stood together,” Obama said at the signing ceremony.
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“Neither Americans nor the Afghan people asked for this war, yet for a decade we’ve stood together,” Obama said at the signing ceremony.
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“We look forward to a future of peace.
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We’re agreeing to be long-term partners,” said Obama, who later headed home aboard Air Force One after just six hours on the ground.
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The pact, agreed last month, sees the possibility of American forces staying behind to train Afghan forces and pursue the remnants of al-Qaeda for 10 years after 2014.
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The pact, agreed last month, sees the possibility of American forces staying behind to train Afghan forces and pursue the remnants of al-Qaeda for 10 years after 2014.
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The pact, agreed last month, sees the possibility of American forces staying behind to train Afghan forces and pursue the remnants of al-Qaeda for 10 years after 2014.
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