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An official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press said Yitzhak Levanon returned to Cairo Sunday through Istanbul.
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An official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press said Yitzhak Levanon returned to Cairo Sunday through Istanbul.
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An official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press said Yitzhak Levanon returned to Cairo Sunday through Istanbul.
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Witnesses said the insurgents were dressed completely in Islamic veils to conceal their weapons, the Journal said.
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Witnesses said the insurgents were dressed completely in Islamic veils to conceal their weapons, the Journal said.
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Witnesses said the insurgents were dressed completely in Islamic veils to conceal their weapons, the Journal said.
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Witnesses said the insurgents were dressed completely in Islamic veils to conceal their weapons, the Journal said.
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Witnesses said the insurgents were dressed completely in Islamic veils to conceal their weapons, the Journal said.
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Witnesses said the insurgents were dressed completely in Islamic veils to conceal their weapons, the Journal said.
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Witnesses said the insurgents were dressed completely in Islamic veils to conceal their weapons, the Journal said.
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One insurgent detonated a car bomb that destroyed the main gate and at least two insurgents entered the compound and took over a laundry and maintenance building.
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One insurgent detonated a car bomb that destroyed the main gate and at least two insurgents entered the compound and took over a laundry and maintenance building.
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One insurgent detonated a car bomb that destroyed the main gate and at least two insurgents entered the compound and took over a laundry and maintenance building.
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One insurgent detonated a car bomb that destroyed the main gate and at least two insurgents entered the compound and took over a laundry and maintenance building.
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One insurgent detonated a car bomb that destroyed the main gate and at least two insurgents entered the compound and took over a laundry and maintenance building.
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One insurgent detonated a car bomb that destroyed the main gate and at least two insurgents entered the compound and took over a laundry and maintenance building.
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Suicide bombers attacked a compound housing Westerners in Kabul on Wednesday hours after U.S. President Barack Obama signed a security pact during a short visit to a city that remains vulnerable to a resilient insurgency.
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Suicide bombers attacked a compound housing Westerners in Kabul on Wednesday hours after U.S. President Barack Obama signed a security pact during a short visit to a city that remains vulnerable to a resilient insurgency.
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Suicide bombers attacked a compound housing Westerners in Kabul on Wednesday hours after U.S. President Barack Obama signed a security pact during a short visit to a city that remains vulnerable to a resilient insurgency.
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Suicide bombers attacked a compound housing Westerners in Kabul on Wednesday hours after U.S. President Barack Obama signed a security pact during a short visit to a city that remains vulnerable to a resilient insurgency.
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Suicide bombers attacked a compound housing Westerners in Kabul on Wednesday hours after U.S. President Barack Obama signed a security pact during a short visit to a city that remains vulnerable to a resilient insurgency.
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Suicide bombers attacked a compound housing Westerners in Kabul on Wednesday hours after U.S. President Barack Obama signed a security pact during a short visit to a city that remains vulnerable to a resilient insurgency.
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Suicide bombers attacked a compound housing Westerners in Kabul on Wednesday hours after U.S. President Barack Obama signed a security pact during a short visit to a city that remains vulnerable to a resilient insurgency.
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The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack which involved a car bomb and insurgents disguised as women on the eastern outskirts of the capital, killing seven people, a Gurkha guard and six passers-by, and wounding 17.
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The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack which involved a car bomb and insurgents disguised as women on the eastern outskirts of the capital, killing seven people, a Gurkha guard and six passers-by, and wounding 17.
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The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack which involved a car bomb and insurgents disguised as women on the eastern outskirts of the capital, killing seven people, a Gurkha guard and six passers-by, and wounding 17.
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The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack which involved a car bomb and insurgents disguised as women on the eastern outskirts of the capital, killing seven people, a Gurkha guard and six passers-by, and wounding 17.
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The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack which involved a car bomb and insurgents disguised as women on the eastern outskirts of the capital, killing seven people, a Gurkha guard and six passers-by, and wounding 17.
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The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack which involved a car bomb and insurgents disguised as women on the eastern outskirts of the capital, killing seven people, a Gurkha guard and six passers-by, and wounding 17.
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The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack which involved a car bomb and insurgents disguised as women on the eastern outskirts of the capital, killing seven people, a Gurkha guard and six passers-by, and wounding 17.
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The Taliban said it was in response to Obama's visit and to the strategic partnership deal he signed with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a pact that sets out a long-term U.S. role after most foreign combat troops leave by the end of 2014.
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The Taliban said it was in response to Obama's visit and to the strategic partnership deal he signed with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a pact that sets out a long-term U.S. role after most foreign combat troops leave by the end of 2014.
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The Taliban said it was in response to Obama's visit and to the strategic partnership deal he signed with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a pact that sets out a long-term U.S. role after most foreign combat troops leave by the end of 2014.
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The Taliban said it was in response to Obama's visit and to the strategic partnership deal he signed with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a pact that sets out a long-term U.S. role after most foreign combat troops leave by the end of 2014.
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The Taliban said it was in response to Obama's visit and to the strategic partnership deal he signed with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a pact that sets out a long-term U.S. role after most foreign combat troops leave by the end of 2014.
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The Taliban said it was in response to Obama's visit and to the strategic partnership deal he signed with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a pact that sets out a long-term U.S. role after most foreign combat troops leave by the end of 2014.
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The Taliban said it was in response to Obama's visit and to the strategic partnership deal he signed with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a pact that sets out a long-term U.S. role after most foreign combat troops leave by the end of 2014.
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The Taliban said it was in response to Obama's visit and to the strategic partnership deal he signed with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a pact that sets out a long-term U.S. role after most foreign combat troops leave by the end of 2014.
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Shortly afterward, three children knocked on the neighbour's door and said they had been shot, Lt Goodyear said.
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Shortly afterward, three children knocked on the neighbour's door and said they had been shot, Lt Goodyear said.
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They obeyed and went home, according to Lt Goodyear.
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They obeyed and went home, according to Lt Goodyear.
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The neighbour then heard more gunshots and called 911 again.
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The neighbour then heard more gunshots and called 911 again.
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The neighbour then heard more gunshots and called 911 again.
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When police arrived on the scene at 4.54am, they found 17-year-old Pebbles Johnson suffering from gunshot wounds outside and heard four shots from inside the house.
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When police arrived on the scene at 4.54am, they found 17-year-old Pebbles Johnson suffering from gunshot wounds outside and heard four shots from inside the house.
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When police arrived on the scene at 4.54am, they found 17-year-old Pebbles Johnson suffering from gunshot wounds outside and heard four shots from inside the house.
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When police arrived on the scene at 4.54am, they found 17-year-old Pebbles Johnson suffering from gunshot wounds outside and heard four shots from inside the house.
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When police arrived on the scene at 4.54am, they found 17-year-old Pebbles Johnson suffering from gunshot wounds outside and heard four shots from inside the house.
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When police arrived on the scene at 4.54am, they found 17-year-old Pebbles Johnson suffering from gunshot wounds outside and heard four shots from inside the house.
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When police arrived on the scene at 4.54am, they found 17-year-old Pebbles Johnson suffering from gunshot wounds outside and heard four shots from inside the house.
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When police arrived on the scene at 4.54am, they found 17-year-old Pebbles Johnson suffering from gunshot wounds outside and heard four shots from inside the house.
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The teen was taken to an ambulance in a police car, but she died before the ambulance reached the hospital.
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The teen was taken to an ambulance in a police car, but she died before the ambulance reached the hospital.
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The teen was taken to an ambulance in a police car, but she died before the ambulance reached the hospital.
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Thomas then emerged with a gun, saw more police approaching her home and went back inside.
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Thomas then emerged with a gun, saw more police approaching her home and went back inside.
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At 5.26am, one final gunshot was heard, Lt Goodyear said.
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Fighting flared in Tripoli again on Monday leaving one person dead and nine wounded, a security official told AFP.
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Fighting flared in Tripoli again on Monday leaving one person dead and nine wounded, a security official told AFP.
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Fighting flared in Tripoli again on Monday leaving one person dead and nine wounded, a security official told AFP.
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Fighting flared in Tripoli again on Monday leaving one person dead and nine wounded, a security official told AFP.
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He said the victim died in the neighbourhood of Jabal Mohsen, populated mainly by members of Assad's Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.
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He said the victim died in the neighbourhood of Jabal Mohsen, populated mainly by members of Assad's Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.
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He said the victim died in the neighbourhood of Jabal Mohsen, populated mainly by members of Assad's Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.
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He said the victim died in the neighbourhood of Jabal Mohsen, populated mainly by members of Assad's Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.
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He said the victim died in the neighbourhood of Jabal Mohsen, populated mainly by members of Assad's Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.
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He said the victim died in the neighbourhood of Jabal Mohsen, populated mainly by members of Assad's Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.
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He said the victim died in the neighbourhood of Jabal Mohsen, populated mainly by members of Assad's Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.
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Battles first erupted on Saturday between residents of Jabal Mohsen and the nearby neighbourhood of Bab al-Tebbaneh -- populated mainly by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad's regime -- after security forces arrested a Sunni Islamist on suspicion he was linked to a terrorist organisation.
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Battles first erupted on Saturday between residents of Jabal Mohsen and the nearby neighbourhood of Bab al-Tebbaneh -- populated mainly by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad's regime -- after security forces arrested a Sunni Islamist on suspicion he was linked to a terrorist organisation.
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Battles first erupted on Saturday between residents of Jabal Mohsen and the nearby neighbourhood of Bab al-Tebbaneh -- populated mainly by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad's regime -- after security forces arrested a Sunni Islamist on suspicion he was linked to a terrorist organisation.
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Battles first erupted on Saturday between residents of Jabal Mohsen and the nearby neighbourhood of Bab al-Tebbaneh -- populated mainly by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad's regime -- after security forces arrested a Sunni Islamist on suspicion he was linked to a terrorist organisation.
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Battles first erupted on Saturday between residents of Jabal Mohsen and the nearby neighbourhood of Bab al-Tebbaneh -- populated mainly by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad's regime -- after security forces arrested a Sunni Islamist on suspicion he was linked to a terrorist organisation.
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Battles first erupted on Saturday between residents of Jabal Mohsen and the nearby neighbourhood of Bab al-Tebbaneh -- populated mainly by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad's regime -- after security forces arrested a Sunni Islamist on suspicion he was linked to a terrorist organisation.
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Battles first erupted on Saturday between residents of Jabal Mohsen and the nearby neighbourhood of Bab al-Tebbaneh -- populated mainly by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad's regime -- after security forces arrested a Sunni Islamist on suspicion he was linked to a terrorist organisation.
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Battles first erupted on Saturday between residents of Jabal Mohsen and the nearby neighbourhood of Bab al-Tebbaneh -- populated mainly by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad's regime -- after security forces arrested a Sunni Islamist on suspicion he was linked to a terrorist organisation.
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Battles first erupted on Saturday between residents of Jabal Mohsen and the nearby neighbourhood of Bab al-Tebbaneh -- populated mainly by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad's regime -- after security forces arrested a Sunni Islamist on suspicion he was linked to a terrorist organisation.
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Battles first erupted on Saturday between residents of Jabal Mohsen and the nearby neighbourhood of Bab al-Tebbaneh -- populated mainly by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad's regime -- after security forces arrested a Sunni Islamist on suspicion he was linked to a terrorist organisation.
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Battles first erupted on Saturday between residents of Jabal Mohsen and the nearby neighbourhood of Bab al-Tebbaneh -- populated mainly by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad's regime -- after security forces arrested a Sunni Islamist on suspicion he was linked to a terrorist organisation.
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Battles first erupted on Saturday between residents of Jabal Mohsen and the nearby neighbourhood of Bab al-Tebbaneh -- populated mainly by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad's regime -- after security forces arrested a Sunni Islamist on suspicion he was linked to a terrorist organisation.
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Battles first erupted on Saturday between residents of Jabal Mohsen and the nearby neighbourhood of Bab al-Tebbaneh -- populated mainly by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad's regime -- after security forces arrested a Sunni Islamist on suspicion he was linked to a terrorist organisation.
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Battles first erupted on Saturday between residents of Jabal Mohsen and the nearby neighbourhood of Bab al-Tebbaneh -- populated mainly by Sunni Muslims opposed to Assad's regime -- after security forces arrested a Sunni Islamist on suspicion he was linked to a terrorist organisation.
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On the diplomatic front, European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday agreed fresh sanctions against Syria, the 15th round so far to protest the relentless repression of dissidents by Assad's regime.
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On the diplomatic front, European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday agreed fresh sanctions against Syria, the 15th round so far to protest the relentless repression of dissidents by Assad's regime.
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On the diplomatic front, European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday agreed fresh sanctions against Syria, the 15th round so far to protest the relentless repression of dissidents by Assad's regime.
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On the diplomatic front, European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday agreed fresh sanctions against Syria, the 15th round so far to protest the relentless repression of dissidents by Assad's regime.
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On the diplomatic front, European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday agreed fresh sanctions against Syria, the 15th round so far to protest the relentless repression of dissidents by Assad's regime.
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On the diplomatic front, European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday agreed fresh sanctions against Syria, the 15th round so far to protest the relentless repression of dissidents by Assad's regime.
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On the diplomatic front, European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday agreed fresh sanctions against Syria, the 15th round so far to protest the relentless repression of dissidents by Assad's regime.
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On the diplomatic front, European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday agreed fresh sanctions against Syria, the 15th round so far to protest the relentless repression of dissidents by Assad's regime.
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On the diplomatic front, European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday agreed fresh sanctions against Syria, the 15th round so far to protest the relentless repression of dissidents by Assad's regime.
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On the diplomatic front, European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday agreed fresh sanctions against Syria, the 15th round so far to protest the relentless repression of dissidents by Assad's regime.
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On the diplomatic front, European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday agreed fresh sanctions against Syria, the 15th round so far to protest the relentless repression of dissidents by Assad's regime.
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On the diplomatic front, European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday agreed fresh sanctions against Syria, the 15th round so far to protest the relentless repression of dissidents by Assad's regime.
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Those forces are scheduled to end combat operations after 2014, about thirteen years after the war began.
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Those forces are scheduled to end combat operations after 2014, about thirteen years after the war began.
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Those forces are scheduled to end combat operations after 2014, about thirteen years after the war began.
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I recognize that many Americans are tired of war.
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