0 values
Season finale didn't quite turn out how I'd hoped... too bad for Josh. This is a Dexter reference isn't it? I need to get out more. looks like it didn't turn out how Josh expected either. josh seems to be taking it a little better than john lithgow. i must admit, it felt very satisfying to see john lithgow in that position. something about that guy I just don't care for. is this show worth my time to get into? I hear its really good. @Caronna - Absolutely! I was a Dexter skeptic. But I thoroughly believe you'll enjoy it. I just started watching this show. So good! umm....that knife is a little close. I just finished season 2 and am waiting for season three to make the move into the watch instantly.
{ "perplexity_score": 481.1 }
2nd edition featuring an intro by Questlove of The Roots. vinyl troves. It all started out several years ago as nothing more than a way for photographer Paz to engage in a personal project in his free time. Adrift in Brooklyn after emigrating from Israel, Paz—a record collector on the side—thought it might be fun to start taking photos of people whose record collections were both larger and weirder than his own. These portraits turned into the Dust & Grooves website, which quickly developed a global following that grew every time a new portrait was added to the mix. People all over the world seemed to dig not only the beauty of Eilon’s photos, but the interviews with the collectors—a motley, if generally charming, crew of non-violent obsessives who turned out to be at least as intriguing as the records they collected. Unearthing the very soul of the vinyl community, his book will appeal to a broad spectrum of readers, from die-hard record enthusiasts to fans of pop culture, sharp photography, and music history.
{ "perplexity_score": 259.1 }
[ [ 790319157115, 790319158078 ] ]
[ 364868701 ]
Hey y’all! I have been a huge fan and advocate for natural products for forever! I like knowing that the ingredients that are part of my daily regime are both nurturing AND make a difference! (I’m 41 for Pete’s sake! It’s got to make a difference!) I guess my obsession began during my young teenage days when I struggled with cystic acne. The solution back then was retina products, injections into my cysts, and Accutane. Holy moly! I hated all of it, and wound up with the world’s driest skin from the Accutane. It literally changed the nature of my skin and it’s ability to self-moisturize. Let’s just say that lip balm and I are now best friends! After all of that, I began a life-long mission of discovering how to nurture my skin and respect it…not fight with it! Recognizing that it’s my body’s largest organ was a huge step in the right direction. As I continue to learn, that natural approach has translated to all sorts of elements in my beauty routine. Here are some of my current favs that I am using and loving right now! I have been “washing” my face with olive oil for years, now! It is so stinkin’ simple, but so amazing. It may sound weird to you, but now that the beauty industry has been jumping on the bandwagon of oils, it may not seem as crazy as it used to sound. Honestly, it is amazing. Olive oil doesn’t mess with your skin’s natural ph level, so it does not stress out your skin. The best part is that it even removes my waterproof mascara!! Get the tutorial on how to wash your face with oil here. This little product is the newest in my regime (as in just last week). I have always been a huge fan of Lush. Sam and I have had a lot of fun exploring so many of their products, which you can see here in our little tour of our local Lush store. However, my fav right now is Full of Grace facial serum. It is crazy how great this product is on the face. Smelling like roses, this natural product is full of benefits from the portobello mushrooms down to the calming chamomile and calamine! Yep, I said mushrooms, y’all. It’s a solid serum which may seem weird, but you simply melt it in your hands and then apply it to your face. I do this at night and in the morning. Then I just layer my night cream or my sunscreen for happy skin! Hahaha, this one is great! It is multipurpose y’all, not just for baby butts! LOL Burt’s Bees Baby Bee Multipurpose Ointment is fantastic for my eyes and all my laugh lines! I refuse to call them “crow’s feet,” nope these bad boys were earned through years of not being afraid to laugh out loud and proud! Moving away fro my skin, my natural product obsession has spread to my haircare! I am always changing up my hair, but when I decide to wear it with my natural waves, Shea Moisture makes my hair the happiest! This company has an incredible story you can read on any of it’s products. It started with a young widow making and selling natural products in Africa to support her children…and has grown into an international family business. So cool! How it makes my hair feel and behave is crazy good, too. I start with wet, clean hair. Then, I layer on the leave-in conditioner, seal it with some argan oil, and then follow it with the Curl Enhancing Smoothie before hitting it with a diffuser. The shine and bounce of healthy hair is beautiful! Last up for today, my favorite new toothpaste! Don’t get me wrong, I like making my own toothpaste and you can get some of our recipes here and here, but sometimes grabbing something off a shelf is just more practical. So many of the “healthy” brands still contain products like glycerin that may help in shielding from stains, but prevents your teeth from absorbing nutrients and healing themselves. Yep, you heard me right. Just like your skin, teeth are porous and want to absorb nutrients. A healthy diet can seriously help with oral health, but not if they are sealed with products like glycerin. Coral White is awesome not only because it omits glycerin, but it also strengthens your teeth with calcium from sea coral. The mint flavor is amazing, but I adore the bacterial fighting power in their tea tree oil flavored paste. It’s refreshing and not strong at all. And that’s a wrap! Five of my favorite natural products for you to explore. Hope you get a chance to check them out for yourselves! Shoot me any questions you may have in the comment area below!
{ "perplexity_score": 422 }
[ [ 790319158902, 790319158960 ], [ 790319162345, 790319162450 ] ]
[ 116481083, 364868702 ]
Posted by Alex on 06 09 2017. cPanel & WHM is the most trusted and effective control panel widely accepted and used for automating and simplifying website management, server configuration, and email. cPanel is already known as the de-factor industry-standard control panel for the Linux environments. Newly launched cPanel & WHM version 60 provides you with a wide selection of amazing features that benefit you by enhancing user experience and provide your customers with utmost engagement and empowerment at each facet on your website. By implementing cPanel & WHM version 60, you can be rest assured about easy and convenient management of your site and that in turn helps you keep track of and redefine website elements for best use. Website efficacy – As you know, websites often suffer from maintenance and downtime issues that may drive away your customers to your competitors and thus you may lose business. But with cPanel & WHM version 60 that ensures 25% decrease in memory usage and thus faster speed and responsiveness of processing applications, you can provide your customers with greater web page loading speed and in turn, retain customers. Better user experience – The Style Management feature of WHM ensures more convenience and less boredom in uploading, downloading and handling Paper Lantern themes of cPanel. Style Management interface allows you to customize control panel by adding colors, images and custom branding tools of your choice to offer a truly personalized, never-before user experience. Moreover, applications and plug-ins enable you to install and manage different tools and widgets for a distinct user experience. Enhanced web security – Web security is one of the greatest concerns for the businesses due to the associated risks of advanced malware and spyware attacks that are really difficult to trace. The Power DNS utilized by cPanel & WHM version 60 ensures enough protection of users’ precincts from potential attacks using DNSSEC – the most reputed online exploit vector. And as it comes to greater and better web security, it associates fewer risks of corruption and data loss, and that sequentially leads to a safe and improved user experience for your visitors. With the above discussion on beneficial features of cPanel & WHM version 60, you have already seen that how successfully you can ensure better users, as well as visitors, experience with cPanel & WHM version 60. So don’t think twice, implement cPanel & WHM version 60 and optimize your site better than before and achieve your targets with ease.
{ "perplexity_score": 781.6 }
BCUIC is located in University House, on the University's City Centre Campus. Studying at University House, you will be within walking distance of the University's main campus. This means you will be well integrated with mainstream students and will have easy access to a range of state-of-the-art facilities - including a library of over 135 million resources. The optimum location of University House also means that you will be just a short distance from some of Birmingham's major attractions - such as the Bullring shopping centre and Selfridges, as well as a national rail service at New Street train station.
{ "perplexity_score": 100.8 }
[ [ 790319165142, 790319165192 ], [ 790319165290, 790319165340 ], [ 790319165474, 790319165566 ], [ 790319165593, 790319165646 ] ]
[ 364868704, 317389257 ]
Courtesy of Iqra Polani Iqra Polani is a junior at Loyola who studies visual communication and sculpture and ceramics with a minor in photography. When people think of art, they often think of paintings, drawings and photography — the Mona Lisa, Starry Night and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. They think of the Art Institute of Chicago, “The Bean” and maybe even the untitled Picasso sitting in the Daley Plaza. When people think of art, what they rarely think of is the art all around them — the art providing a function, helping them get through their daily lives. When people think of art, they rarely think of the houses they live in, the bridges they drive across and the thousand-foot skyscrapers they work in every day. Architecture is an art form, and for one Loyola junior, it’s where her aspirations lie. Iqra Polani is an art student from Plano, Texas working on a double major in visual communication and sculpture & ceramics, as well as a minor in photography, but she dreams of going to grad school for architecture. She said her focus intersects environmentalism and architecture through sustainable building. Sustainable building is environmentally responsible building. It involves creating with renewable resources to reduce the negative impacts of modern construction. Polani plans to study sustainability in architecture after she graduates, hopefully at University of Illinois at Chicago or University of Texas at Austin. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED certification, is a certification granted to buildings that reduce waste, save energy and are mindful of the man-made effects on the planet. Seven buildings on Loyola’s campus are LEED certified with a silver or gold rating. Polani works at Art Support on the seventh floor of Mundelein, helping photography students print their digital photos and creating graphic designs for the Department of Fine and Performing Arts. She’s also on the e-board for Loyola’s chapter of the American Institute of Graphic Arts. Polani’s work is divided between studio work and graphic design. Her studio art is mostly sculptures, which she describes as modern and minimal. She’s drawn toward modular designs and repetitions of shapes and likes to use only one or two materials for an entire piece. One of her sculptures resembles a boat, but it’s made out of folded maps. Another piece is a cardboard imitation of a 20-inch X-ACTO knife. Polani called this a “meta” piece because she used an X-ACTO knife to cut the cardboard. Polani credits sculptress Tara Donovan and architects Zaha Hadid and Jeanne Gang as some of her biggest inspirations. Gang designed Chicago’s Aqua Tower on Columbus Drive. The Aqua Tower is the tallest buildings in the world designed by a female architect. Out of all her professors, Polani said she especially appreciates Betsy Odom, who teaches 3D design and sculpture classes and curates the Ralph Arnold Gallery. Polani also commented on some of the more trying parts of being an art student at Loyola. She said the art community is often forgotten about and Loyola doesn’t provide the same resources available at other universities, such as multiple studio spaces and 24/7 access. Polani also struggles with the idea of monetizing her work. She said she happily gives her creations away to friends but isn’t quite ready to sell any yet. The aspiring architect said she’s too busy building a creatively sustainable future to think about present problems anyway. Polani’s art is available for viewing at www.IqraPolani.com.
{ "perplexity_score": 289.9 }
[ [ 790319167035, 790319167087 ], [ 790319167101, 790319167172 ], [ 790319167530, 790319167580 ], [ 790319167616, 790319167671 ], [ 790319168358, 790319168426 ] ]
[ 364868705, 58717693 ]
Extreame Savings! Up to 50% off on Artificial Topiaries at Home Decor Outlet Store. Top brands include 3rd Street Inn, HC STAR, India House Brass, Easy Gift, ShinyBeauty, Nearly Natural, Larksilk, Melrose, Htmeing, Fennco Styles, Homyl, YCDC, Fenteer, & Mills Floral. Hurry! Limited time offers. Offers valid only while supplies last.
{ "perplexity_score": 2616.3 }
[ [ 790319169201, 790319169305 ], [ 790319169463, 790319169538 ] ]
[ 364868706 ]
On the 17th of October commenced one of the most extraordinary sieges to be found recounted in the page of modern history. Five bombardments took place; three sanguinary battles were fought under these walls, and numerous sorties and skirmishes occurred. Sixty guns and mortars were landed and brought into position by the British; but the Russians were not idle, and not only was the Malakoff tower strengthened, but the Redan and other formidable batteries were thrown up. The French were on the left, and had fifty-three guns and mortars in position. At half-past six a.m. on a beautiful morning on the 17th of October, the English and French batteries suddenly opened, completely taking the enemy by surprise; but though the guns from the top of the Malakoff tower were overthrown by the English guns, the Russians kept up a steady fire from the earthen batteries round, and from the Redan and Barrack batteries. The French siege-guns were, however, of less use, and totally inadequate for the work; consequently at half-past ten a.m. they ceased firing, one of their magazines also having blown up, and killed or wounded 100 men. This undoubtedly was one of the main causes of the failure of the attempt. The fleets at the mouth of the harbour were warmly engaged, and suffered considerably. The Russians lost Admiral Kermileff, killed, and Admiral Nachimoff, of Sinope celebrity, was wounded, with about 500 men killed and wounded. The English lost 44 killed, and 266 wounded. The French were greatly in want of guns, whereas the Russians had the means of increasing their garrison to any extent; and, by sinking their ships, they added 500 to the fortifications and obtained their crews to work them. Sickness and fighting had sadly reduced the English forces, who now numbered only 16,000 men, though the French had still 35,000 fit for service; yet they also soon suffered greatly from sickness and want of food and shelter. To those who have not before them a plan of Sebastopol, a slight description of the place and the surrounding country will be necessary. It is situated on the south side of an inlet of the sea, with another smaller inlet running up on the east side called Dockyard Creek, and one on the west, some little distance from the intrenchments, called Quarantine Bay. Thus it has water on three sides. Ships of war were stationed in each of the smaller inlets, with their guns bearing on the ravines leading down to them. On the north side of the harbour, at the mouth, was Fort Constantine, with several batteries, and farther inland the Star Fort, while across the harbour’s mouth was a line of powerful ships of war. Only one side, therefore, remained open to attack. At the commencement of the siege, on the east was a round stone tower, built on commanding ground, and mounting four guns, called the Malakoff, and on the west a crenelated wall terminated by another tower overlooking the Quarantine Harbour; and between them, at one or two intermediate points, there were a few earthworks not completed, and apparently not armed. Now these defences do not appear to be very formidable, and it is probable that, had the allies left their sick and wounded to the tender mercies of the Cossacks, and pushed on at once after the battle of the Alma, they might have entered the city; but they would have entered a trap in which they would have met certain destruction. The Russian fleet commanding the town would have thundered down on them, and they in their turn would have been subjected to an immediate attack from the powerful Russian forces hastening towards the place. It was therefore decided by the allied chiefs to wait till their siege-trains were landed, and then to lay regular siege to the place. The river Chernaya ran into the head of the harbour from the east, passing under the heights of Inkerman. A range of hills and high ground extended from its mouth to the town and small harbour of Balaclava, with a broad valley intervening, in which the British cavalry was encamped, with a line of Turkish redoubts in their front, and the village of Kadikoi on their right. On the northern end of this range of heights above Inkerman, the Guards with the 2nd division were posted; while the French, under General Bosquet, were encamped extending along the whole line of heights, till they were terminated by the valley where the cavalry camp was pitched. The other three English divisions faced Sebastopol itself. Balaclava harbour is surrounded by heights, on which some powerful batteries were placed, and only one mountain road led up to them near the sea. Some way below them was the village of Kamara. The weakest points of the position were at the two ends of the long range of heights at Inkerman and Balaclava, and on both these the Russians made their fiercest attacks. In the valley the only infantry regiment was the gallant 93rd Highlanders, posted in front of the village of Kadikoi. We may suppose the heights overlooking the plain or valley crowded with eager spectators—the enemy below—the Russian hosts beyond. This was not that desperate charge known as the “Balaclava Charge,” which took place soon afterwards. Did Dems Fall For The Play Action? Fascinating, I’ve just discovered in some old family papers that my great grandfather fought in the Crimenian War, his discharge parchment also shows twelve years service in India, a different world. Pretty neat. Mind asking how you came across that information? You got to know your history, as has been written about a few times on this very blog. Any interesting avenues that open up are always good to hear about.
{ "perplexity_score": 248 }
There are 15 US Post Offices in Jasper County serving a total of 97,048 residents equating to 6,470 residents per post office. It's estimated that approximately 154,899 packages are handled across the 15 county post offices annually. Jasper County is a county located in the southwest portion of the U.S. state of Missouri. As of the 2010 census, the population was 117,404. Its county seat is Carthage, and its largest city is Joplin. The county was organized in 1841 and named for William Jasper, a hero of the American Revolutionary War. Jasper County is included in the Joplin, MO Metropolitan Statistical Area. The Jasper County Sheriffs office has jurisdiction throughout the county."
{ "perplexity_score": 44.2 }
[ [ 790319175207, 790319175407 ], [ 790319175409, 790319175786 ], [ 790319175787, 790319175860 ] ]
[ 364868708 ]
… My body had said, “Hey, we need a minute. Slow down and take care of me!” Self care is sometimes about doing the hard work of not doing the hard work. I know it’s a bit stereotypical to write this post for Thanksgiving. The day of giving thanks for all that we have. And while it’s a perfect day to think about this topic, of course, we can be grateful every day.
{ "perplexity_score": 236.4 }
[ [ 790319175870, 790319176022 ] ]
[ 6443552, 364868709 ]
SkyPlanner Blog - Salesforce news and cloud computing updates.: Learning from the mistakes of others: The teachings of the @N case. Learning from the mistakes of others: The teachings of the @N case. Today's post from SkyPlanner, South Florida's premier Salesforce consulting company, covers a curious case of poor customer management and the lessons that can be learned from others' mistakes. A couple of weeks ago the social media world, as well as the entire internet universe, was thrown for a loop when it came to light that a man was extorted out of his Twitter username. Now that might not seen so tragic but it is when the man had already refused to part with his handle despite being offered up to $50,000 and twas forced to give it up due to serious breaches in customer service protocols by not one, but TWO companies. Naoki Hiroshima lost control of his @N handle through a type of extortion known as social engineering. According to Wikipedia, social engineering is "Social engineering, in the context of information security, refers to psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information." The "hacker" was able to force Hiroshima to voluntarily relinquish control of @N simply by tricking customer service reps at PayPal and GoDaddy into turning over critical information of Hiroshima's accounts to gain access to domains registered through GoDaddy. The hacker then threatened to take them over if Hiroshima did not give him control of the username. A more detailed outline of the case can be found here. Implement two-factor authentication, or TFA, in order for customers to log-in to their accounts. TFA usually requires a username, password, and a third method of verification. Usually this verification is a code sent through text to the phone number currently on file for the account. SkyPlanner gathered from our research that using common methods of verification such as mother's maiden name or last four digits a customer's social security number are not recommended. This also protects users from themselves when they choose easily decipherable passwords. Sever the chain of information as it currently stands. Much like banks, SkyPlanner found that using systems where the user inputs data into automated systems versus giving them directly to a customer service rep is most secure. This not only curtails the risk of having a rogue customer service rep stealing log-in information but also protects your company from any blame should the customer's information be stolen. Finally, after receiving all the log-in information go one step further and make sure that information is encrypted wherever its stored. This keeps anyone with access to the servers where the information is stored from stealing it without much of a struggle. Customer security is always important and that is also true at South Florida's premier Salesforce consulting company. We at SkyPlanner hope the tips above can help you make your customers feel more secure. And if you're ever in need of help with your voyage onto the cloud remember that we are always ready to provide our expertise to help you grow.
{ "perplexity_score": 399.9 }
[ [ 790319176239, 790319176440 ], [ 790319176457, 790319176525 ], [ 790319176563, 790319176634 ], [ 790319177217, 790319177391 ], [ 790319179106, 790319179160 ] ]
[ 364868710 ]
Five Leaves is pleased to again organise the last day of Lowdham Book Festival – this year being its nineteenth year. 16 events over the day, dozens of stalls from new and second-hand booksellers, book organisations and letterpress printers. Children’s programme. Cafe. All events are free. The main festival is organised by The Bookcase of Lowdham. Throughout the day the Village Hall hosts a cafe serving hot and cold drinks, salads and panini, cakes and ice-cream. The bookfair is spread over the Village Hall, a marquee behind the village hall and assorted gazebos. It features shops selling new and second hand books, publishers, charities and book trade organisations. There’s an (always popular!) display of old fashioned printing equipment. There will be books for adults and children, bargain books and books by all the authors appearing at the Festival. Sessions are first come, first served and can’t be booked in advance … so pitch up early if you think your choice might be popular! This year our programme includes our usual helping of local history, poetry, crime fiction… but also includes fiction from East Europe and Ireland, history talks on the Spanish Flu Epidemic, landscape, skeletons and neuroscience…. to include the launch of the new book Nottingham: Unique Images from the Archives of Historic England (Historic England Series), and extracts from Lost Nottingham in colour‘and Sherwood Forest and the Dukeries – a companion to the land of Robin Hood. From the bones of dinosaurs to the capsules of microscopic life, skeletons hold life together, build reefs, give armour for protection, strengthen our bodies. Without skeletons, life would not exist. Jan Zalasiewicz is a Professor of Palaeobiology at the University of Leicester. Jonathan Taylor’s memoir Take Me Home: Parkinson’s, My Father, Myself (Granta, 2007) was recently named by top neurologist Prof. Andrew Lees as one of his Five Best Books on Neuroscience (https://fivebooks.com/best-books/neuroscience-andrew-lees/). In this session, Jonathan talks about his memoir and his other writings inspired by neuroscience, and also recommends his own favourite books on the subject. Sam Meekings returns to childhood home of Nottingham to read from his novel about the life of Dr Gachet, the subject of one of Van Gogh’s last paintings. His reading tour includes the Institut Van Gogh in Auvers. His first book, Under Fishbone Clouds, was published in the UK, the USA and Brazil, and was called “a poetic evocation of the country and its people” by the New York Times. Meanwhile, the Scottish Review of Books said of hiswork that The Book of Crows is a profound novel, and Meekings demonstrates a greater degree of ambition than some of his contemporaries.” He has been featured in The Independent, on Arena on Radio 1, and in the National Geographic. Andrew’s books include Backbone of England which focused on northern upland landscapes. His new book delves into the landscapes of ‘middle England’, using the device of a journey made by bicycle along the belt of Jurassic limestone from west Dorset to north Lincolnshire. Andrew turns to social history, economics, and literature, to describe why the countryside looks the way it does. He considers efforts taken to improve community life, ranging from the co-operative village shop in Northamptonshire to the campaign for affordable housing in a Dorset village. He looks at land usage land ownership, discussing how the countryside today is shaped by agricultural subsidies and estate management. “In the same city, the Victoria Baths swimming pool was drained and turned into a temporary morgue when the local council ran out of places to store the dead. By the week ending 16 November 1918, Nottingham had the highest death rate in the country: 60,000.” This is the story of Spanish flu, which killed 100 million people globally. Jaroslav Melnik (Jaroslavas Melnikas) is a celebrated Ukrainian/ Lithuanian writer. He has won the BBC Ukrainian Service Book of the Year Award in the Ukraine and has been nominated for it multiple times. His books have been best sellers in Lithuania and his writing is celebrated in France. Today he will be reading in English and discussing East European fiction with Stephan Collishaw (Noir Press). Sally Rooney’s Conversations with Friends was the book other publishers said they wished they had published last year. Eimear McBride won the Goldsmiths Award for her experimental fiction. Then there’s the short story writer Claire Keegan and the novelist Sara Baume, all making waves. Deirdre will introduce you to a new generation of Irish writers and give out samples of their writing to discuss. The Boy with… is a memoir of a northern, Irish-immigrant working class family, and an adolescence that was redeemed, then betrayed, by his headteacher, a priest, who introduced him to a world of arts and culture, but who also abused him. This memoir was one of the most widely reviewed books of 2017, now out in paperback. Steph Mastoris is the editor of The Welbeck Atlas produced by the Thoroton Society. It is presented together with a description of the work of William Senior in the 17th century and includes maps of the Earl of Newcastle’s estates in Nottinghamshire, much of which lay within Sherwood Forest, as well as maps of estates in Derbyshire, Staffordshire and Northumberland, so it is of great local interest. Although there are many successful women authors in the science fiction genre today, it is still very much a genre dominated by men. Join Teika Bellamy, the founder of Mother’s Milk Books and the editor of the popular series The Forgotten and the Fantastical, discuss the current state of the genre with regards to women authors. She will be joined by other local writers and readers. Nottinghamshire’s leading specialist poetry publisher, and long-time Lowdham regular, John Lucas of Shoestring Press launches a new collection by Leicester poet Jonathan Taylor and offers a welcome return by Robert Etty from Lincolnshire. Nottingham was part of the Danelaw, the Viking settlement. Traces can still be found in street and village names, the local dialect and archaeological finds. Did you see the big exhibition recently at Lakeside? Lee Evans is a comedian – no, not that one, this Lee Evans is funny. He writes for Stephen Fry, Julie Walters and a host of top stars, but here is appears in his own right with Words Best Sung, a very loosely family autobiographical novel of the 1960s. There is a sound track – the music of the 60s – but primarily this is a novel of working class life in Worsop. There’s a lot about finding love and happiness, and a lot about steam trains.
{ "perplexity_score": 268.6 }
[ [ 790319179798, 790319179934 ], [ 790319181100, 790319181165 ], [ 790319181182, 790319181249 ], [ 790319181872, 790319182009 ], [ 790319182018, 790319182148 ], [ 790319184805, 790319184894 ] ]
[ 302697498, 73744684, 364868711 ]
What is the cut of a diamond? Some of the most famous diamonds in the world have such a pleasant appearance, that not to admire their magnificence would be considered a sin. What makes diamonds so valuable is their beauty. Without the sparkle and shine one expects to see, a diamond will appear as just another nice looking gem stone. Granted, the color and clarity of the diamond are both major contributors to the brilliance, but the cut is precisely what changes the stone from a shimmer to shine. The four attributes of diamond quality, known as the 4Cs, are all of extreme importance. However, as the single attribute that man has the ability to perfect on his own, diamond cut must be done with patience and care. What is so amazing to consider, is the concentrated attention that someone must give to each and every stone. The cut of the stone is directly connected with all the other characteristics of quality. How the diamond is cut will influence the diamond carat weight. The geometric proportions will affect the diamond color. The art of polishing can even help rid of external blemishes and therefore naturally enhance the diamond clarity. No two roughs will be exactly identical. The theory of the diamond cut is the skill of how to derive the best finished product from any rough that is found. By definition, the cut is the prearranged faceted arrangements of the diamond. Since it is through the cut that the finished product is made, how professionally the faceted arrangement is created is referred to, in the industry, as the 'make' of the diamond. People often confuse the cut with the shape of a stone. However, even though one has what to do with the other, they are not at all the same. The diamond cut refers to the style used to form the stone regardless of the diamonds shape. The styles are different forms of symmetry, polish, and geometric proportioning between the diamonds many facets, otherwise known as the make. Any specific diamond shape can have more than one different diamond cuts. The styles are in every sense of the words both a science and an art. Learn more about the make of fancy colored diamonds. The cut of the diamond has much to do with the overall appearance of the stone. In fact, if a full certificate is supplied with the stone the cut grade is included within the many diamond characteristics. Along with all the various dimensions of the stone that are noted, the depth of the diamond plays a very significant role in the overall appearance. Learn more about the affect diamond cut has on the diamonds. In a colorless stone, since the objective is to remain as colorless as possible, the amount of time light remains within the stone must be condensed. However, with Fancy Color Diamonds, the longer the light remains within the facets of the stone, the more the color is shown. The cut in the Leibish Prosperity Pink enables the light to remain within the facets of the stone and shows an excellent vivid purplish pink color. The diamond cut is such a critical diamond attribute because how the diamond is cut and polished directly affects the sparkle and brilliance of the stone. While a rough diamond may be nature’s gift to earth, a cut and polished gemstone only comes to be when it has been carefully cut with the necessary tools, equipment, and knowledge. The cutting process is what transforms a rough stone into the faceted gem we recognize as a diamond. Though diamonds are loved for their perfection, they are not found in this state. A great deal of hard work needs to be done in order to produce a sparkling diamond from among any and all flaws within a rough stone. In addition to abolishing inclusions, the cutting process’s purpose is to create a shape for the stone, perfectly angled facets, and a high-quality smooth cut. Diamonds may be unearthed in mines dug in order to uncover these treasures that have been hiding for millions of years, but in order to achieve the final product, nature and man must team up. An experienced diamond cutter has to cut the diamond in the most professional and logical way possible. In order to do so, many aspects need to be considered from utilizing as much of the diamond as possible to creating the most profitable polished gems. Needless to say, all of this must be done as quickly as possible. Starting from a diamond saw or laser, and eventually moving on to a polishing wheel is how this incredibly hard mineral is cut. After a plan has been created and the rough stone has been cleaved (split into two pieces) or sawed, the diamond will go through the bruting stage where the cutter starts on its shape. Creating the ideal diamond cut, which will contribute to the diamond’s overall value, requires several elements. Firstly, a plan must be put in place to result in a satisfactory product. Special machines are used to analyze the diamond to see where and how to cut the stone. Secondly, when thinking of how to maximize the diamond’s value, cutting the rough into one stone, two stones, or more needs to be considered as well the weight of each stone. When cutting color diamonds there are different concerns to bear in mind. The angle of the facets themselves as well as the exact location of the cut can actually have a direct affect on the color of the stone, especially when cut into certain shapes. This is why a radiant shape, for example, which is often easier for the cutter to promote the color, is seen more often with color diamonds. Depending on the achievable results, the cutter will determine when and where to sacrifice a stone’s size in order to improve its color or clarity. Time is an inseparable part of the cutting process as well since making the process shorter can potentially enable the owner to see profits sooner. Important decisions need to be made when debating between a profitable sale and a potentially higher quality stone with a longer cutting process. Although the term “cut” is often used interchangeably with the shape of the diamond, they are not one and the same. Nevertheless, they are both important aspects of the diamond and both need to be addressed properly. Diamonds are indeed cut into shapes such as round brilliants, pears, radiant, cushions, ovals, and more. However, this alone does not determine the cut, but rather, the way in which it is done. Some cuts such as the round brilliant demand an incredible amount of precision as it incorporates many facets. This is why it is the most popular shape for colorless diamonds. Other shapes, like the emerald, require special cutting techniques to create the “steps” that are part of a finished emerald diamond’s appearance. Furthermore, the facets should be as smooth and perfectly straight as possible. This is part of the difference between a poor, fair, good, or excellent cut. The polishing step is where the finishing touches are done, before it is inspected for the last time. At this point the diamond is thoroughly washed in special substances and is deemed either worthy or unworthy of manufacturer standards.
{ "perplexity_score": 236.3 }
[ [ 790319186117, 790319186169 ], [ 790319188536, 790319188586 ] ]
[ 42167984, 364868712 ]
When consumers can’t decide what to buy, they turn to the Internet and professional reviews for help, especially when it’s for a vehicle that’s a little out of the ordinary. When it comes to pickup trucks, the go-to is typically an American brand, but iTech Post shook up expectations a little bit when its Nissan Titan review expressed all-around praise for the Japanese pickup, which showcased everything from family-friendly comfort to top-of-the-line power. The 2017 Nissan Titan offers a Crew Cab model with available Zero Gravity seats for optimized comfort, allowing for spacious interiors that can haul the whole family. Additionally, tons of storage and cargo space in the cabin, under the seats, and in a cargo organizer in the truck bed allow for additional room. The 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine cranks out 390 horsepower matched to a seven-speed transmission for a smooth performance and heavy-lifting. If you’re looking for a pickup truck that veers away from the mainstream market but still preserves the bold, modern attitude of a great truck, along with all of the versatile configurations and features that can accommodate a family, iTech Post’s Nissan Titan review promises both of these. There’s also plenty of innovative capability engineered into the 2017 Titan’s powertrain, so make sure you give it a look if you’re in the market for a new truck.
{ "perplexity_score": 376.2 }
[ [ 790319193267, 790319193322 ] ]
[ 364868713, 34723290 ]
The Fuzz played at our wedding reception at Dragon Hall, Norwich in December. We couldn’t have made a better choice. They played great songs, and knew how to keep the guests dancing. I was desperate not to have a cheesy band, which these guys are not. They’re a bunch of cool, talented chaps. Plus really and pleasant and easy to deal with. At the end of the night the crowd wanted more and the Fuzz were happy to play a bit longer so they indulged us with a few extra songs. Some of our guests said it was the best wedding they’d been to – and they were ones that had spent a lot of time on the dancefloor. I would highly recommend the Fuzz to anyone looking for a wedding or function band.
{ "perplexity_score": 291.2 }
[ [ 790319194981, 790319195047 ] ]
[ 364868714 ]
All peppers are warm-weather loving plants. Canoñcitos grow faster than other peppers so start them 1-2 weeks later than others. Sow seeds indoors 4/1-4/8 into good seed starting mix (we recommend Vermont Compost’s Fort Light). Ideal temperature for germination is 80-90° (use heating mat). Days to germination: 6-14. Once leaves appear, grow plants at 72°. Be sure seedlings have adequate light (a windowsill will not do for peppers) and keep plants from becoming pot-bound because this will permanently stunt plants. If seedlings are getting too big for their pot but the weather is still too cold outside, transplant them into bigger pots. Plant seedlings outside late May into fertile garden soil with lots of compost or decomposed manure. If your soil pH is greater than 7 (which is typical of clay soils in Southeast Michigan) add sulfur to acidify soil before planting. Space plants 1 ½ - 2ft apart. If plants begin to flower when plants are less than 1ft tall, hand remove early flowers for 2 weeks until plants are bigger. Stake pepper plants if they begin to fall over. Harvest peppers green, or for full flavor, when they turn red. Eat fresh or dry. Peppers are primarily self-pollinating but insects will cause significant cross pollination between pepper varieties. To keep variety pure, cover plants with low tunnels (using thin row cover fabric) to exclude pollinators. Or, isolation distance: 300 ft. Save seeds from the best plants. Save seeds from fully ripe peppers. Process either wet (fresh peppers) or dry (dried peppers). Process hot pepper seeds outdoors wearing rubber gloves and dust mask! Make sure seeds are fully dry before storing.
{ "perplexity_score": 1261.8 }
[ [ 790319195355, 790319196305 ], [ 790319196368, 790319196626 ], [ 790319196627, 790319196703 ], [ 790319196752, 790319196809 ] ]
[ 364868715 ]
Powerful 533MHz DSP, the BioLite delivers fast matching speed, rapid response and exceptionally low error rate. This powerful processor is capable of handling fast and accurate fingerprint matching process, and ensures uninterrupted device operation. With powerful internal CPU and comprehensive communication interfaces, BioLite Net provides both reader and controller functionalities at the door. In addition, it can also control door locks with its built-in door relay or through external relay unit. This concept not only reduces your cost for the entire system by removing costly access control panels, but also improves system stability by eliminating single point of failure that affect whole system. Featuring IP-based system topology, BioLite Net’s IP access control system offers extra flexibility in designing your security system while reducing cost on installation & maintenance. Compare to conventional access control system, IP access control provides lower cost per door with less wiring and utilization of existing network infrastructure. For use in single and remote location without network, BioLite Solo offers excellent biometric security for your budget. BioLite’s body structure has been comprehensively sealed against invasive moisture, dust and liquid. Featuring superb IP65-rated protection, its meticulous sealing, combined with extra protective engineering, ensures faultless operation under outdoor installation. BioLite also features illuminated keypads, LCD back light and LED indicator for excellent visibility in harsh conditions.
{ "perplexity_score": 883.2 }
[ [ 790319196884, 790319198439 ] ]
[ 364868716 ]
Patching, working with project team. Need a consultant as they are behind. Client already has a highlevel checkpoint person there-they now need someone to keep the lights on while senior staff are doing deployments, etc. Assist with migration as required and keep the lights on while senior staff are doing deployments, etc.
{ "perplexity_score": 846.3 }
[ [ 790319198599, 790319198665 ], [ 790319198703, 790319198769 ] ]
[ 364868717 ]
Wales’s defence coach is driven by his inner competitor and will relish the duel with his old Wigan team-mate Andy Farrell when his team play England. There are plenty of occasional winners in sport, people who get lucky on a particular day. Then there are a precious few, like Shaun Edwards, who win so often it becomes their personal default setting. The other day Wales’s defence coach was counting the major trophies he has won since he first represented Wigan at 16. The answer is 49, with this season’s Six Nations championship about to begin.
{ "perplexity_score": 472.3 }
I have a story to tell. I call it “The Confinement Lady’s Series of Unfortunate Events”. Tradition has it that a confinement lady takes care of the well-being of mother and newborn. She knows what is best for mother to nourish and to abstain, and she knows how to manage the newborn. So we met one in March (let’s call her CL1) and paid her a deposit for her services. On the day of birth, we contacted her and told her that baby is born, but CL1 said she couldn’t take our job because she was still stuck with another confinement case. So she recommended us her cousin (CL2). CL2 came on the day of discharge. She’s ok, just that she talks way too much. 2 days later, CL2 told us that her mother passed away, so she has to return to hometown. As such, she called CL3 to replace her, which CL3 agreed. Fortunately, CL3 was rather quiet but we were told that she didn’t have as much experience as the others. Before they swopped, they requested for a token (ang pow), which we unwillingly gave. CL3 had lots of tales to tell, about her previous employments, and even on other CLs. She also ‘hinted’ us how other employers gave her big ang pows at the end of the job. Also, during our job, we experienced 2 water supply disruptions due to HDB maintenance works, and we had a minor sewerage choke of which she had to clear up. Obviously she was hinting for a handsome ang pow. But 2 weeks into the job, she told us she was unable to complete her 28-day tenure as well, because her permit is expiring. So we ended up getting short-changed by 2 days. With that, we were adamant not to give her much extra reward. Then 4 days before she left, she asked if she could have a photo of the baby. We didn’t know how to reject her, but luckily she didn’t remind us. And so today she left us. Adieu. My advise is: don’t get a confinement lady, because you should know how to take care of yourself, and because it’s a mother’s instinct to know how to handle a newborn. Attend antenatal classes and you will learn all you need to care for your self and baby. In any case, there’s always the pediatrician or the hospital parenting centre to help you to manage any parenting issues. Confinement lady is only valuable for people who lives in rural areas where you are out of reach from hospitals or if you need someone to care for your baby. And if you employ the confinement lady, you would have to follow her practice, or else there is no point her being around. So sometimes even if you don’t agree with what she says, you have to do it.
{ "perplexity_score": 288.4 }
Talk shows require an insane amount of material. Four nights a week, late-night writers have to produce a monologue’s worth of jokes, plus desk bits, sketches, remote pieces, and whatever else the host is supposed to say. It’s a job that doesn’t exactly jive with the phrase, “I don’t feel funny today.” So, rather than waiting around for inspiration, late-night writers have taken to relying —whether consciously or unconsciously—on formula to write their jokes. A new video from Slate breaks down this formula and identifies the essential pieces of even the most generic monologue joke. While Slate identifies at least eight different triggers that reliably result in laughter, a standard late-night joke is primarily concerned with the first two: Surprise and incongruity. The basic two-part structure of a joke (setup and payoff) has the surprise element baked into it: The setup establishes a familiar world or premise and the punchline introduces the element you didn’t see coming. Similarly, incongruity works by putting two disparate elements together and thereby forcing connective lines between them. Doesn’t this all sound really funny? The “humor” element of comedy is what’s obviously missing from Slate’s video. It’s not enough to know the basic bones of a joke, or the theory behind why a punchline works. You still need to have some seed of a creative idea to write something people will want to hear or laugh at. The Jimmy Fallon Trump joke analyzed in the video gets a good laugh, but it’s unlikely the writer or the audience were thinking about comedy formulas when those funny words first hit their ears. After all, there’s a reason why late-night shows are written by comedy writers and not computers.
{ "perplexity_score": 380.8 }
Even after 4 years of separation residents of the seven mandals of Telangana state continue to be voters in three Assembly and two Lok Sabha constituencies of Telangana state. it will be a violation of Article 170 of the Constitution which was amended by the 84th and 87th amendments If the transfer of votes is not done. Marri Shashidhar Reddy, Congress leader in his letter to the Election Commission has said: “The people residing in the seven mandals, which is now in AP, comprised electors in three Assembly constituencies and two Lok Sabha constituencies of Telangana during the 2014 elections. The transfer of these areas took place right after the elections. Even though they voted for Telangana MLAs and MPs, they are now in Andhra Pradesh. This is an anomaly that needs to be corrected immediately so that elections could be conducted in a proper and fair manner. As per the constitutional provision, there cannot be (i) any increase in the number of constituencies or (ii) in their extent till after the first census after the year 2026”. The issue has been raised several times in the past in the state Assembly but was brushed aside.
{ "perplexity_score": 146.7 }
[ [ 790319203775, 790319203857 ], [ 790319204640, 790319204694 ] ]
[ 364868721 ]
The Alicia Sacramone, Brady Quinn wedding happened last weekend and the happy, athletic couple showed off their classic smiles in photos. Alicia Sacramone, a member of the silver medal winning Team USA at the 2008 Summer Olympics, had been dating Brady Quinn since 2007. Quinn was drafted by the Cleveland Browns in 2007 and has bounced around the NFL since then as a backup quarterback. The Alicia Sacramone, Brady Quinn wedding was reserved to a few family and friends in an undisclosed location. Photos of the Sacramone, Quinn wedding leaked on Tumblr and Facebook Monday. Alicia Sacramone, now Quinn, was seen wearing a beautiful white wedding dress with her bridesmaids. Standing next to Alicia, Brady Quinn went with a grey tuxedo and black bow tie. Quinn looked very John Elway-esque in his picture, grinning from ear to ear. The wedding couple looks excited to be finally tying the knot after six years of dating. Alicia Sacramone has made a lot of noise over the years and not just in the world of gymnastics. Sacramone, now retired, has won four gold medals in the World Championships since she emerged on the gymnastics scene in 2002. But her photos in the ESPN Body issue stirred up quite a bit of controversy. In 2011, Alicia won a tenth medal, even though she was injured, to become the most honored American gymnast of all time. While Alicia Sacramone is one of the most revered gymnasts ever, Brady Quinn has had a more difficult professional journey. After starring in a resurgent Notre Dame offense in the mid 2000’s, Quinn was drafted number 22 by the Cleveland Browns and only played in 14 games over three seasons. His appearances were underwhelming. In 2010, Brady Quinn was traded to the Denver Broncos where his role as a backup was cemented. Quinn has only played in 10 games since his stint with Cleveland, when he filled in for the Kansas City Chiefs in 2012. The Alicia Sacramone, Brady Quinn wedding is sure to be celebrated by the athletic community. Whether Quinn will continue to pursue his NFL career remains to be seen. With NFL free agency ramping up this week, Quinn is hoping to catch on with a team in need of a back up quarterback. Congratulations Alicia Sacramone and Brady Quinn on your wedding!
{ "perplexity_score": 261.2 }
[ [ 790319204899, 790319204958 ], [ 790319205015, 790319205132 ] ]
[ 364868722 ]
Rainy weather increases your risk of being injured in a car accident. Fortunately, there are things you can do to reduce that risk. You can take steps to protect yourself, your passengers, and your fellow drivers. Confirm that your car's safety features are in excellent shape. Check your wipers, replacing them if they appear torn, warped, or otherwise damaged. Driving during the winter can be very dangerous. One challenge that you'll have is getting your vehicle out of the driveway. Fortunately, that is why we at Virginia Select Auto in Amherst are here to explain your options during the winter storm months. For traction during snow and ice, Kitty Litter is typically going to be your best option. Kitty litter is a great option for traction, but it won't melt the ice and snow. Many argue that kitty litter is ineffective because it makes such a big mess whenever it's spread out. The time to prepare for your holiday travels are while you are home and not stuck in traffic on the highway. Here are a few things to consider before packing the vehicle to head out for the holidays. Don't forget to fill up the tank with gas before you leave your town because you don't want to be in a traffic jam on empty. Wearing your seatbelt while riding in the backseat could save a life that's not your own. According to a recent study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety people who sit in the backseat are less likely to wear their seatbelts, putting those in the front seats in danger. People seem to think that sitting in the backseat is safer than sitting in the front. Life gets busy and it's likely that sometimes you can go for long stretches without washing your car. You don’t have time to worry about the "little details" such as how clean the car is. But cleaning your car is an important part of car care and you should really give some put some thought into how often you wash your car. Here are four reasons why car washes are a good idea! The need for pre-owned car, truck or SUV financing often comes when you least expect it. Whether it's a repair that becomes necessary that's more expensive that your old vehicle itself, or an accident or natural disaster that wrecks your old ride. The finance team here at Virginia Select Auto takes pride in helping those down on their luck get fast, affordable financing on our high quality used vehicles. Is it Time to Get Your Brakes Inspected?
{ "perplexity_score": 390.5 }
[ [ 790319207028, 790319207112 ], [ 790319207139, 790319207198 ], [ 790319207347, 790319207398 ], [ 790319207983, 790319208036 ], [ 790319208289, 790319208366 ], [ 790319208655, 790319208708 ] ]
[ 364868723, 255319987, 344411934 ]
Note: Select one of the following server to start downloading apk file for Mr Bean game. Rowtopia is a new idea based on the old slider games where a player solves a puzzle by using the empty tile piece to move board pieces around. Casual Game Published by SlickPhone Inc.
{ "perplexity_score": 792.5 }
[ [ 790319209400, 790319209477 ] ]
[ 364868724 ]
Peter has nearly 40 years of Award volunteering, management and governance. He was previously the Managing Director of Consultgroup, providing governance and HR management services through Asia, Pacific, Middle East and Australia. His Award roles have included a Board appointed director (1996-2016), a Gold Awardee and the Regional Advisor (Hon.) for the Asia Pacific Region. He is also a recipient of the Award’s Gold Distinguished Service Medal. He is Chair or director of a number of private company Boards, not-for-profit organisation Boards, and former Chair of AwardWare and currently. Tania Etuale is Manager of Finance and Administration having joined the National Award team in October 2005 . Tania is responsible for finance, human resources and administrative activities, compliance including the management of all financial management practices, accurate and timely reports and records, and the preparation and audit of financial statements. She also provides governance secretariat support to the National Board and The Friends Board actively contributing to the Award’s management planning process. Tania has had key roles with the hosting of the International Forum and three Royal Visits. Tania previously worked in Government for 10 years followed by another 10 years in a leading multinational and national companies in finance and management. During this time she was also seconded to project teams to implement new financial systems. Tania is married with two daughters and is actively involved in other committees and projects that support and celebrate cultural diversity and the Pacific Island community. Jo joined the National Office in 2014 and was actively involved in the planning and execution of a number of events during the Royal Tour in November 2014. Previous to working with The Award, Jo worked in Human Resources, specialising in the Hospitality industry for 5 Star hotels such as Four Seasons, Hayman Island and Starwood properties. Jo has an interest in the fundraising world, having sponsored a number of children from third world countries via World Vision, and raising funds for charities by participating in marathons and triathlon events. Jo has two young children and is actively involved in school fundraising, school social committees and sporting activities. Kelly joined the National Office in March 2010 to assist with the roll out of the Australian Online Record Book. Her background is in operational projects in both not-for-profit and commercial organisations, publicity and events management. Kelly is currently responsible for implementation of projects relating to employability and capacity building, a collaboration with the 2018 Commonwealth Games, the development of the Institute of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award and building both delivery and activity partnerships.
{ "perplexity_score": 200.4 }
[ [ 790319210386, 790319210461 ], [ 790319210578, 790319210634 ], [ 790319211139, 790319211198 ], [ 790319211336, 790319211431 ], [ 790319212140, 790319212194 ], [ 790319212420, 790319212472 ] ]
[ 129911212, 364868725 ]
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{ "perplexity_score": 966.1 }
[ [ 790319212601, 790319212668 ], [ 790319212941, 790319213073 ], [ 790319213254, 790319213398 ], [ 790319213610, 790319213679 ], [ 790319213691, 790319213777 ], [ 790319213971, 790319214025 ], [ 790319214095, 790319215384 ] ]
[ 218044, 364868726 ]
The capsule is connected with a long polyethylene this can be explained by the fact order Generic Acivir from Canada cut is not sewn at the same time. Antabuse Order Online meat food in urates and oxalates, dairy-plant with phosphates. Where Do You Buy Acivir Online individual, especially his sexual reactions and behavior. Buy Real Acivir late results are the same as with other methods of. Nephrosclerosis (wrinkling of the night) and pionephrosis (purulent melting of the renal parenchyma). Way, a peculiar zone of self-body, emotional discharge and purification (catharsis) is created. Generic Ortho Tri-Cyclen Buy Online to cover naked parts of bones, cartilages, tendons, vascular and nerve trunks. Ordering Acivir Online of relapses and to positively influence the long-term results of treatment. WHEN: Tuesday, April 16, 2019. 2-6 p.m. WHO: High school seniors from Bibb, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Lamar, Marengo, Pickens, Sumter, and Tuscaloosa counties. WHO: High school juniors from Bibb, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Lamar, Marengo, Pickens, Sumter, and Tuscaloosa counties. WHO: Eighth grade students from Bibb, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Lamar, Marengo, Pickens, Sumter, and Tuscaloosa counties. WHEN: Thursday, October 11, 2019, 3-7 p.m.
{ "perplexity_score": 421.3 }
[ [ 790319216254, 790319216357 ], [ 790319216371, 790319216474 ], [ 790319216486, 790319216590 ] ]
[ 364868727 ]
Business and homeowners searching of electrical services in Montclair NJ and the rest of the local area have been turning to E & M O’Hara Electrical Contractors since 1963. One thing that provides us with great satisfaction at O’Hara is the fact that we have been voted as Essex County NJ’s number one electrical contractor. The reason our family owned electrical service company based in West Orange NJ has earned the support of our community is our commitment to excellent customer service, loyalty to safety, along with the unsurpassed knowledge and skills of the electricians who work for us. Even though we set the bar for excellence that other commercial and residential electricians in Springfield NJ try to match, individuals who get in touch with O’Hara Electric when they need a commercial or residential electrical service are pleasantly surprised to discover the price of our services are affordable and reasonable. Whatever your needs happen to be, O’Hara is a top choice when you need a residential electrician in Montclair NJ. One of the reasons this is the case is the range of services weare capable of offering and our longstanding reputation. Our team is capable of upgrading the electrical systems of older houses, in addition to providing electrical services for new construction such as smoke detector installation or attic fan installation. Among the very most common services we offer is calling us for smoke detector installation in Springfield NJ. If you’d like to supply the maximum protection for your family as well as house, this is just one of the best means of attaining just this. This will allow you to sleep peacefully knowing that your home is protected from this situation but is something which lots of homeowners put off or neglect to even think about. As a leading choice when you need a residential electrical contractor in Montclair NJ or the rest of the local region, we’re committed to making your house safer in other ways than smoke detector installation. To keep your home up to date and safe as possible in terms of electrical work we provide a selection of premium services. One thing we’re known for is replacing old knob and tube wiring with modern copper cabling, reducing the potential for a fire hazard. Knob and tube wiring ordinarily dates before 1940 when there were less demands on electrical systems than you discover now. Homeowners find that these systems lack the capacity they require. There are other factors to think about as well, including the fact that factors such as building renovations and rodents may cause damage to the wiring as the years go on. This makes it very important to consider upgrading, especially since many insurance companies require this upgrade in order to offer coverage because of the increased risk. O’Hara is the company to contact if you require a qualified residential electrician in Springfield NJ to perform a knob and tube wiring upgrade. Many older homes also only have 60 amp or 100 amp service panels, and you may discover that when you run air conditioning in the summer you are tripping your circuit breakers. Updating the service to 200 amp is a great idea, as having computers, high definition televisions or home automation systems will only make the problem worse. For a reasonable price, O’Hara Electric is able to perform a 200 amp service upgrading as a top choice for a residential and commercial electrical company in Montclair NJ in Springfield NJ for your house. For more information regarding the services we can supply as a residential electrical service, give our team a contact right away. O’Hara is a top choice for a commercial electrician in Montclair NJ, and as such we know how essential it is to have systems working as efficiently as possible. To make it simple for business owners to keep their energy costs as low as possible, we provide LED lighting fixture installations. In the event you use modern LED lighting to replace your office or store’s old incandescent lighting fixtures, you’ll be able to reduce your power bill by as much as 75%. Installing, maintaining, and repairing outdoor lighting fixtures, parking lot lighting and security systems, in addition to network wiring and cabling are other services we provide along with being a top pick for a local LED lighting installations contractor in Springfield NJ. Our commercial electricians are going to schedule work so there is going to be a minimal inconvenience to your customers, another advantage of picking O’Hara Electric. We are also a leading commercial and residential electrical contractor to if you need installation, maintenance or repair of your landscape lighting in Springfield NJ. If new landscape lighting interests you, our landscape lighting designers will meet with you to evaluate all the available alternatives with regard to both aesthetics and function. Maintaining this vision in mind, we will have the ability to create a number of different designs for your outdoor environment that are going to be energy efficient, deliver beauty to your landscape, and add safety and security. To learn more about the choices O’Hara Electric provides for landscape lighting in Springfield NJ, call us today. There are few that can compete with O’Hara and what weare able to supply if you need a commercial or residential electrician in Montclair NJ. Whether you own a home or own your own business, the fact that we provide such a wide variety of services means we’re your top choice for all your electrical requirements. We strive to lead the way in both quality of service rendered and client satisfaction, never completely happy unless you are.
{ "perplexity_score": 401.8 }
[ [ 790319216669, 790319217330 ], [ 790319217340, 790319218095 ], [ 790319218104, 790319219399 ], [ 790319219406, 790319220084 ], [ 790319220095, 790319220972 ], [ 790319220982, 790319221309 ], [ 790319221318, 790319221737 ], [ 790319221742, 790319221817 ], [ 790319221837, 790319222289 ] ]
[ 364868728 ]
Cafe Rio Utah is free HD wallpaper. This wallpaper was upload at April 20, 2019 upload by admin in .You can download it in your computer by clicking resolution image in Download by size:. Don't forget to rate and comment if you interest with this wallpaper.
{ "perplexity_score": 867.6 }
[ [ 790319222300, 790319222554 ] ]
[ 364868729 ]
I can’t stand the idea of abandonment or rejection. Loneliness eats at me like a rodent devouring garbage.‎ However I some how still find myself avoiding long durations of companionship. My feelings towards the presences of others is inconsistent and completely unpredictable. There are days where I can be in someone’s company for hours, and be at ease. Then there are other moments where I can’t stand to be around others. The thought itself brings bouts of anxiety and a combination of negative emotions. This makes absolutely no sense! I get along with many different types of people, yet some days I can’t stand anyone’s presence?! For all those out there suffering from a mental illness, you have probably also experienced the need for unconditional love. A love that doesn’t flinch at your faults, our doubt its place in your life when you lose track of your own place. God has blessed me with such a love through my partner. I have been down and out lately and in need of that “i feel special”moment. Yesterday I received just that. When we went to the doctors to find out the baby’s gender, only daddy-to-be was informed on the outcome. He wanted to do something special for the gender reveal and I must say, he did just that. He placed several balloons in a giant decorated box. When I opened it up, BLUE balloons came floating out. I was then showered with baby boy gifts and we went for a lovely dinner. I know this time is all about baby and so was yesterday but making it so special and such a admirable surprise for ME really meant alot to me. Made me realize how blessed i am to have him in my life. With the lack of support and care from my own family, having his treasure me so much really makes a difference in my life. I guess this post is just a way for me to share how grateful i am and remind others that if you look you will find that God has blessed you too. On another note: finding out that it is a little boy puts my mind at ease for some strange reason. I never put much thought into whether i wanted a boy or girl, just knew i wanted a baby. I would’ve been happy either way. After the realization that it is a little boy kicked in, i started to think about it for the first time. Having a son as my first child could possibly end up being a lot easier for me to cope with. I am 100% confident that God will always provide for my child, and always help me to be who i need to be for my child. I have no more fears about motherhood. All i feel now is pure excitement and ecstasy. Just +/-138 days till i meet my little boy. I can’t wait!!! I love this post. Very inspirational. I have questioned whether or not to share this post, but as I near the end of my pregnancy I have been reflecting on the journey these past months have been. And I want any other young woman/girl going through something similar to know they are not alone! In December, Caleb & I found out that I was pregnant. Young. Unmarried. In love. But I’m not writing this to talk about our story. I want to share with you the struggles of my heart in the beginning of my pregnancy. Many years ago God placed on my heart the desire to be a mother & a wife. In doing so I truly believe he was conditioning my heart for the story he had already written for me. I am grateful for that. The world can be such a cruel and harsh place, but then there is nature. One of the benefits of living in South Africa is our beautiful flora. Everywhere you look there is aesthetically stimulating scenery, even in my small town. When I lose myself to my darker dismal side as I have the past few days, nature is where I find myself again. It somehow magically brings about a sense of tranquility and comfort for me. The trees gently dancing in the wind, giving me a sense of hope. Reminding me that just as the seasons change, so does life. What is desolate today like a shrub in the winter can miraculously start blooming beautiful flowers tomorrow. So though things seem gloomy now, they will get brighter. Oh and that warm breeze pressing against my skin, giving me that hug I so desperately needed. Nothing quite as comforting. Even when it’s not there and the rain is instead. The smell of the freshness and wet grass brings a feeling of renewal. As if all fears, troubles and mistakes can be simply washed away. I often go sit by a stream nearby and listen to the water flow over the rocks as I admire its grace and energy. It never stops moving, even when there is a rock in its way, it builds up over time and overcomes it. It’s truly inspirational. I try to almost absorb its perseverance. It’s not always easy to keep going and overcome obstacles especially with a mental illness, but if even water doesn’t give up neither should I. Just as the rocks become a simply contour of the stream, I hope to someday have my current life obstacles just be something that changed my direction a little once but never stopped me. Life can be so lonely at times, even when you are surrounded by people. It’s just one of those phenomenal tricks of the mind. Out in nature though, there is always a sense of companionship. From the larger more dominant wildlife down to the tiny creatures, they all play a role. It’s nice to have companionship that reminds you that no matter who you are, you are important in some way. Everything plays a role as do all of us… even someone as broken as me. One of the main things about being mentally ill is the depression that comes with it. If things get you down, you suppose to work through it but when you are mentally ill it’s considered “all in your head” or “not that bad”. I am aware that sometimes little things can cause big heartache for me that maybe wouldn’t for others. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel it, and I don’t think that means I should ignore it either. I have my methods of working through things. A way to distinguish between what’s real and not: What heartache is caused from my fears, illusions, and dark passenger in my head and what heartache is real caused from true hurt. Hurt that even others would feel. SITUATION: my husband seems to have a comment lately for every pretty girl he sees and isn’t afraid with sharing openly “what he would like to do with them”. MY UNDERSTANDING: all men and women ‘look’. Honesty is good in a relationship. Thinking of other women sexually is not something a committed man does. Personal insecurities can cause one to feel ‘threatened’ with very little reason. SYMPTOMS OF BPD THAT CONTRIBUTE TO FEELINGS TOWARDS SITUATION: people with bpd have a low self-esteem, fears of abandonment, struggle with trust and depression. MY EXPERIENCES WITH SIMILAR SITUATION: I have been used a lot by men. I have been lied to and cheated on repeatedly. I have seen how these “thoughts” can become actions in committed people. I have had problems with small lies about other woman before in my current relationship. HOW I AM FEELING: Extremely troubled,depressed, angry, and worthless . I’m deeply concerned that this is the start of him drifting from me and seeking attention of other women. I don’t feel very respected by him and it feels as if he wants to make me feel ‘not good enough’ because of the way he does it. It’s bringing in doubts into my mind and mistrust. I know it shouldn’t but it’s things like this that feeds my dark passenger giving it leverage when it takes over. I don’t like the feeling of being just a girl in the relationship. I want to feel special, like I’m the only woman he wants and sees that way. It really hurts me that he has so little sense of sympathy. So I ask you is it not as bad as it feels to me and I should just “get over it” or do I have the right to fight for a change. I’m okay with him saying every now and then that a girl here or there is pretty, but not too this extreme. Is that wrong?? After doing a lot of research I have established that it is best for my baby if I stop my medication for the rest of my pregnancy… only problem is that it’s not best for my relationships. Will they be understanding and “stick it out” for 4 months. My husband is good to me, but not the most sympathetic, especially when it comes to my BPD. His research has established that ignoring or neglecting my depressive moods is the best way to handle my BPD. I do agree to an extent. The problem comes in when it’s real emotions I’m feeling. Real heartache. Real depression and I need sympathy. If I go off my meds I’ll need even more “attention” and sympathy even when it seems ridiculous to others. If I don’t get it then I risk have neglect and self esteem issues which (knowing me) will lead down a very destructive path. I don’t want to hurt the people I love… Not again. What if they don’t understand, don’t adjust, don’t see that it’s actually a sacrifice I’m making for the baby?? More importantly if they will still love me after seeing the monster inside. I know I dont…. The times I wish I just wasn’t….well…me! The days I’m not the driver of my mind. there are THOSE days. The days where my mind’s desolate passenger takes over and steers my thoughts of the road of happiness and acceptance straight into a ocean of ominous, pessimism. Waves of depression hitting rocks of memories of mistakes, regrets, and hurt. Sending my emotions on a roller-coaster that starts with rage and ends in self-hatred. It’s on these days that I find myself wishing i could go back in time to moments where i had “episodes” and hurt people i cared about, lost moments of a happy life, and hindered aspects of my future. Go back and just… do it differently. Stop it somehow. Thoughts of hurt and tragedy that I blame myself for… my mentally ill self. Like the episodes i had that caused me to end up loosing my family. Family that to this day doesn’t understand or forgive me. The hurt and neglect i feel now, i seem to blame myself for. It’s one thing to have another part of yourself take actions you wouldn’t in the ” right state of mind”,but it’s a whole other thing to have that part of you destroy and still be apart of you no matter what you do. Maybe if i was diagnosed earlier i wouldn’t have ended up in situations where i had my heart ripped apart…. Maybe if I was ruined by life i wouldn’t have BPD. Maybe I should blame those who caused my hurt and tragedy, but i can’t seem to blame any one but me. Maybe if i wasn’t mentally ill, i wouldn’t have done the things i’ve done, wouldn’t have been hurt the way i have been, wouldn’t feel so alone like i do, and most of all….just wouldn’t be me….
{ "perplexity_score": 383.2 }
[ [ 790319223706, 790319223759 ] ]
[ 324602713, 364868730 ]
Remember when HP decided to lose it’s mind and sold off it’s entire stock of Touchpads for insanely retarded pricing ($99 for the 16GB and $149 for the 32GB). Well not satisfied with taking over the mobile OS market as we know it, now that little Android is trying to take over those pod Touchpads. May the Google Gods have mercy on us.
{ "perplexity_score": 571.1 }
This kind of picture (Ascenseur Interieur Maison Prix Beau Maisons Vendre Cattenom ▷ Voir Les Annonces) above is usually branded with: Ascenseur Interieur, placed through ferantur in 2018-04-06 22:25:13. To find out all photographs in Ascenseur Interieur Maison Prix photos gallery remember to abide by this specific url. We hope you can find what you need here. We always effort to show a picture with HD resolution or at least with perfect images. Ascenseur Interieur Maison Prix Beau Maisons Vendre Cattenom ▷ Voir Les Annonces can be beneficial inspiration for those who seek an image according specific categories; you can find it in this site. Finally all pictures we have been displayed in this site will inspire you all..
{ "perplexity_score": 917.4 }
[ [ 790319233442, 790319233527 ], [ 790319233577, 790319234161 ] ]
[ 364868732 ]
本发明提供了获得功率计算参数的方法和装置。 The present invention provides a method and apparatus for obtaining a power calculation parameters. 功率的准确计算需要将同一时间的电压和电流相乘,并对该结果在时间上进行积分。 It requires accurate calculation of the power at the same time the voltage and current are multiplied, and the integral over time of the results. 本发明提供了一种方法,其使用单个模数转换器来转换任何电气系统的所有相位的电压和电流,然后对由电流和电压信号非同时采样所引起的相位误差进行数字补偿。 The present invention provides a method which uses a single analog to digital converter to convert the voltage and current of all phases of any electrical system, then the phase error signal from the current and voltage caused by non-simultaneous sampling compensated digitally. 补偿滤波器能够被实现成简单的插值器、全通滤波器或两者的组合。 Compensation filter can be implemented as a simple interpolator, or a combination of both the all-pass filter. 单个多路复用器被用于选择哪个信号由模数转换器来处理。 Single multiplexer is used to select which of the signals processed by the analog to digital converter. 通过一次一个地调度和转换电压和电流信号,不但显著地减少了串扰的可能性,而且减少了对功率和晶片尺寸的要求。 And scheduling a time by the transfer voltage and current signals, not only significantly reduces the likelihood of crosstalk, and reduce power requirements and the size of the wafer. 本发明涉及功率测量领域。 The present invention relates to the field of power measurement. 更具体地,本发明涉及电功率消耗的高效准确测量。 More particularly, the present invention relates to efficient and accurate measurement of electrical power consumption. 大多数家用设备依靠电功率工作。 Most home devices rely on electric power operation. 事实上,在当今经济中大部分个人和商业设备依靠电功率工作。 In fact, in today's economy, most individuals and businesses rely on electric power equipment work. 因此,准确测量电功率消耗已经变得极为重要。 Therefore, accurate measurement of the electrical power consumption has become extremely important. 用于测量功率的仪器被称为瓦时表。 Instrument for measuring the power table is referred to as tile. 瓦时表可以是单相或多相系统。 Table W may be a single phase or multiphase systems. 单相系统根据单个输入电压和电流来测量功率。 Single-phase system to measure power from a single input voltage and current. 多相系统被用于从多波(multi-wave)电源中测量功率。 Multiphase system is used to measure power from multiple waves (multi-wave) power supply. 多相电源是功率的多隔波形在在波形间具有相移的情况下相互叠加的电气系统。 Power supply is a multiphase power in a multi-compartment case where the waveform having a phase shift between the electrical system of a waveform superimposed on each other. 典型的电气系统为单相、双相和三相。 A typical single-phase electrical system, biphasic and triphasic. 注意,功率表和瓦时表在本说明书中可互换使用,均表示功率测量设备。 Note that the table used interchangeably in this specification when the power meter and a shoe, and said power measurement device. 典型地,电力公司对每个家庭的老的机械式瓦时表进行维护。 Typically, when the power company to perform maintenance on the old mechanical watt per family table. 这些瓦时表是为了向电力公司提供一个家庭在特定周期内使用了多少电功率的测量,用于计费和统计的目的。 These tiles Table is to provide a home to the power company uses to measure how much electrical power within a certain period, for the purpose of billing and statistics. 一个公用事业的所有消费者使用了多少功率的历史知识可帮助确定发电需求。 A utility of all consumers use the power of how much historical knowledge can help determine the demand for power generation. 因此,具有其消费者的历史功率用量的准确测量的公用事业公司能够准确计费并在预期的增长需求中建造新的电力基础设施。 Therefore, its consumers accurate measurement of the amount of historical power utility companies can accurately billing and construction of new power infrastructure in the expected growth in demand. 准确的功率测量对于公用事业避免由于过量的发电能力所造成的浪费是重要的。 Accurate power measurements are important for utilities to avoid waste due to excess generating capacity caused. 尽管功率是即时测量的,但是总功率消耗却需要对特定时段上所用的功率进行积分才能确定。 Although Power is measured immediately, but it takes the total power consumption by integrating the power to determine the specific time period used. 电功率是电压(V)和电流(I)的乘积。 Electrical power is the product of voltage (V) and current (I) is. 因此瓦时表生成电压和电流的乘积并随时间累计(也就是积分)该乘积。 Thus the product of the voltage and current table generating watt and accumulated over time (i.e. the integral) of the product. 在多相系统中,功率方程根据来自不同相位的电流和电压的期望组合而变化。 In multi-phase systems, the power equation varies depending on the desired combination of voltages and currents from different phases. 随着数字技术的进步,新的瓦时表数字地执行功率计算,因此可在微计算机中对期望功率方程进行编程。 With advances in digital technology, a new table watt power calculation performed digitally, it can be programmed in the desired power microcomputer equation. 对于功率的数字计算,电压和电流(它们一般为模拟量)在计算乘积之前被采样和转换为它们的数字表示。 For digital computing power, voltage and current (which typically analog) is sampled and converted before calculating the product thereof is expressed as numbers. 在多相系统中,计算若干个电压和电流的乘积(V*I)并加在一起以生成功率。 In multi-phase systems, computing a plurality of voltage and current product (V * I) and added together to generate power. 瓦时表对于所要测量的电气系统的每个相位具有电流互感器或者它们的等价物,以及电压分压器或者它们的等价物。 Table W for each phase of the electrical system to be measured with current transformers or their equivalents, or a voltage divider and their equivalents. 在数字系统中,对每个相位的电压和电流进行同时采样以准确地维持它们的相对相位足重要的。 In digital systems, for each phase of voltage and current sampled simultaneously to maintain their accurate relative phase foot important. 因此,现有技术的瓦时表有至少两个模数转换器(ADC),其中一个用于电压,而另一个用于电流。 Thus, the table has at least two analog to digital converters (ADC) watt prior art, one for voltage and one for current. 多相电表在ADC输入处通常具有若干多路复用器以允许来自每个相位的电压和电流输入的同时转换。 Typically it has several multiphase meter at the ADC input multiplexer to allow simultaneous from each input phase voltage and current conversion. 虽然V和I波形的同时转换维持了它们的相对相位,但它需要至少两个模数转换器。 Although the V and I waveforms while converting their relative phase is maintained, but it requires at least two analog to digital converters. 这耗费额外的功率,并且当在集成电路(IC)中实现时需要相对较大的晶片面积。 This consumes additional power, and when implemented in an integrated circuit (IC) requires a relatively large chip area. 此外,它意味着可能非常小、有时小于电压振幅的1%的电流波形在和较大电压波形同时被处理,较大电压波在电压和电流通道之间会产生潜在的串扰。 Further, it means may be very small, sometimes less than 1% of the voltage amplitude of the current waveform is processed simultaneously and in a larger voltage waveforms, a larger voltage wave and the current path between the voltage potential generated crosstalk. 来自电压通道的串扰进入电流通道能够产生不可接受的误差,因此极大地降低了瓦时表的精度。 Crosstalk from the current into the voltage channel channel can produce unacceptable error, thus greatly reducing the accuracy of a watt-hour meter. 串扰能够通过电源、参考电压或者晶片衬底耦合。 Crosstalk power through the reference voltage coupled to the wafer or substrate. 它还可以作为来自邻近导体的静电或电感耦合而发生。 It may occur as an electrostatic or inductive coupling from adjacent conductors. 在实践中,大多数瓦时表设备实际上并不同时对V和I采样。 In practice, the device is not actually in Table V and I sampled simultaneously Most watts. 相反,它们允许其中一个采样稍微延迟,以补偿发生在瓦时表的其他地方例如在电压衰减器(或分压器)或电流互感器中的最小相移。 Instead, they allow a sample where a slight delay to compensate for occurring elsewhere in the watt-hour meter such as a minimum phase voltage attenuator (or divider) or a current transformer shift. 这些相位调整通常仅仅是几微秒——远远小于转换样本之间的大约100微秒(100微秒)。 The phase adjustment is usually only a few microseconds - much less than about 100 microseconds (100 microseconds) between the conversion sample. 图1是根据本发明一个实施例的、在单相系统中用于功率计算的同相数字电流和电压生成系统的示意图。 1 is a schematic phase digital current and voltage of the power generation system is calculated according to one embodiment of the present invention for a single-phase system. 图2是根据本发明一个实施例的、在多相系统中的电压和电流同相转换的示意图。 FIG 2 is a schematic diagram in accordance with the phase transition, the voltage and current in a multiphase system according to one embodiment of the present invention. 图3是一个示例性信号分离器的简化原理图。 FIG 3 is a simplified schematic diagram of an exemplary signal separator. 图4是根据本发明一个实施例的、一阶插值滤波器的示意图。 , A schematic diagram of interpolation filter in FIG. 4 is an embodiment of the present invention is a first order. 图5是根据本发明一个实施例的、一阶全通滤波器的示意图。 FIG 5 is an embodiment of the present invention, a schematic diagram of a first order all-pass filter in accordance. 图6是描述本发明的一个用于三相电气系统的实施例的总体原理图。 FIG 6 is a general schematic diagram of an embodiment of the present invention is described for a three-phase electrical system. 图7是Δ∑(Delta-Sigma)AD转换过程的示意图。 FIG 7 is a schematic diagram of the AD conversion process ΔΣ (Delta-Sigma). 图8是根据本发明一个实施例的补偿方案的示意图。 FIG 8 is a schematic diagram of the present invention, a compensation scheme according to the embodiment. 图9是根据本发明一个实施例的偏移补偿方案的示意图。 9 is a schematic offset compensation scheme according to an embodiment of the present invention. 图10是计算标准功率方程的示意图。 FIG 10 is a schematic diagram to calculate the standard power equation. 图11是根据本发明一个实施例的90°移相器的示意图。 FIG 11 is a schematic view of 90 ° phase shifter according to one embodiment of the present invention. 图12列出了可实现在计算引擎中的6个标准功率方程。 FIG 12 shows the calculation engine may be implemented in six standard power equations. 图13是说明相位延迟补偿的期望效果的时间关系曲线图。 FIG 13 is a diagram illustrating a phase delay compensation desired effect versus time relationship. 本发明包括一种获得功率计算参数的方法和装置。 The present invention comprises a method and apparatus for obtaining a power calculation parameters. 功率的准确测量需要电压和电流的乘积。 Accurate measurement of power to be the product of the voltage and current of. 典型地,电压和电流在相乘之前被转换成它们的数字表示。 Typically, the voltage and current before the multiplication is converted into a digital representation thereof. 功率用量的准确计算需要在同一时刻将电压和电流相乘,并在时间上对该乘积进行积分。 It requires accurate calculation of power usage by multiplying voltage and current at the same time, and integrating the product over time. 用于测量功率用量的仪器被称为瓦时表。 Instrument for measuring the power usage of the table is referred to as tile. 瓦时表可以是单相或多相系统。 Table W may be a single phase or multiphase systems. 单相系统对来自单个输入电压和电流的功率进行测量。 A single phase system power from a single input voltage and current is measured. 多相系统被用于多波电源功率的测量。 Multiphase system is used to measure the electrical power of the multi-wave. 典型的电气系统是单相、双相或者三相的。 A typical electrical system is a single-phase, three-phase or biphasic. 在本发明的一个或多个实施例中提供了一种方法,其使用单个模数转换器来为任何电气系统的所有相位转换电压和电流,然后数字地补偿由电压和电流信号的非同时采样引起的相位误差。 Example embodiments provide a method of the present invention in one or more using a single analog to digital converter to convert the voltage and current of all phases of any electrical system, and then digitally sampled by both the non-compensated voltage and current signals phase error caused. 本发明的一个或多个实施例使用各种补偿滤波器技术。 One or more embodiments of the present invention, compensation filters using various techniques. 给出了某些简单的实施方式,例如插值器、全通滤波器或者两者的组合。 It gives some simple embodiment, a combination of interpolator e.g., all-pass filter, or both. 本发明的补偿滤波器以精确的准确度在先前采样的信号(例如电流)的相同采样间隔计算较后采样的变化(例如电压)。 Signal compensation filter according to the present invention in the precise accuracy in the previously sampled (e.g., current) is the same as sampling interval variation calculated later samples (e.g., voltage). 补偿滤波器的一个实施例允许准确计算多路复用器任意采样间隔的信号的值。 A compensation filter according to embodiment allows accurate calculation of the multiplexer signal sample values ​​arbitrary intervals. 因此,虽然在三相系统中信号可能是在每第6个时间被采样,但可能在其他采样时间之一计算信号的值。 Thus, although the signal may be sampled every sixth time in a three phase system, but may be one of the other values ​​in the calculation of the signal sampling time. 或者,补偿滤波器能够利用相位超前以较后采样变化的相同采样间隔来计算较早采样的变量。 Alternatively, the phase compensation filter can be sampled at the same sampling intervals later change variable calculated earlier samples ahead. 单个多路复用器被用于选择哪个信号由单个模数转换器来处理。 Single multiplexer is used to select which signal is processed by a single analog to digital converter. 在一个或多个实施例中,信号分离器被用于反转多路复用过程。 In one or more embodiments, the separator is used to invert the signal in the multiplexing process. 信号分离器被实现在数字电路中。 Demultiplexer is implemented in digital circuitry. 使用单个多路复用器来调度用于转换的信号和单个ADC,以便于每次转换一个电压和电流信号,与现有技术的系统相比,这减少了串扰的可能性,减少了功率需求,并减小了晶片尺寸要求。 Scheduling a single multiplexer and a single signal for the ADC conversion, so that each time a conversion voltage and current signals, as compared with prior art systems, which reduces the likelihood of crosstalk, reducing the power requirements and reduces the chip size requirement. 本发明公开了一种获得功率计算参数的方法和装置。 The present invention discloses a method and apparatus for a power calculation parameters obtained. 在以下的描述,给出了大量的具体细节以提供本发明的更全面描述。 In the following description, numerous specific details are given to provide a more thorough description of the invention. 但是,对于本领域技术人员而言,显而易见的是,在没有这些具体细节的情况下本发明仍可被实施。 However, those skilled in the art, obvious that the present invention may still be practiced without these specific details. 在其他情况下,为了使本发明易于理解,本文未详细描述公知特征。 In other cases, in order to make easy understanding of the present invention, well-known features are not described herein in detail. 在本发明的一个或多个实施例中,单个模数转换器(ADC)被用于采样电压(V)和电流(I)。 In one or more embodiments of the present invention, a single analog to digital converter (ADC) is used to sample voltage (V) and current (I). 但是,由于单个转换器只能一个一个地采样信号,所以本发明的实施例增加了补偿电路以消除由于非同时采样而引起的过量相位延迟。 However, because only a single converter to sample a signal, the embodiment of the present invention increases the phase compensation circuit due to eliminate excess non-simultaneous sampling delay caused. 在将模拟电压和电流信号转换到它们的数字表示的电路中,使用单个转换器节省了功率和空间(例如集成电路中的晶片面积)。 In converting the analog voltage and current signals to digital representation of the circuit thereof, a single converters saves power and space (e.g., an integrated circuit wafer area). 此外,由于电压和电流不是同时转换的,串扰的可能性大大降低。 Further, since the voltage and current are not simultaneously switched, greatly reducing the possibility of crosstalk. 图1是根据本发明一个实施例的、在单相系统中用于功率计算的同相数字电流和电压生成系统的示意图。 1 is a schematic phase digital current and voltage of the power generation system is calculated according to one embodiment of the present invention for a single-phase system. 如图所示,为了进行功率计算,与模拟电流IA和模拟电压VA成比例的输入波形IA101和IB102被转换为它们的数字表示。 As shown, in order to perform power calculations, the input analog waveform IB102 and IA101 analog voltage VA and the current IA is converted represented proportional to their number. 电流值的范围从几毫安到超过100安培。 Range of the current value from a few milliamperes to over 100 amperes. 另一方面,电压主要取决于所关心的国家。 On the other hand, the voltage depending on the country of interest. 例如,在美国,家用标称电压是110V伏特,而在世界上其他大部分国家中,标称电压为大约240伏特。 For example, in the United States, household nominal voltage is 110V volts, while in most other countries in the world, the nominal voltage is about 240 volts. 此外,供应给大多数家庭的电力是50Hz或60Hz的交流电(AC)形式。 In addition, the power supply to most of the family is 50Hz or 60Hz alternating current (AC) form. 在AC系统中,电流IA101和电压VA102是连续变化的,所以为了准确表示功率,两种信号必须同相相乘。 In an AC system, the current and voltage VA102 IA101 is continuously changed, so in order to accurately represents power, multiplying the two signals must be in phase. 但是,模数转换器(ADC)110一次只能转换一个信号。 However, the analog to digital converter (ADC) 110 can only convert a signal. 因此,多路复用器MUX100被用于在不同的时间安排电流IA101和电压VA102用于转换。 Thus, the multiplexer MUX100 is used to schedule IA101 current and voltage at different times for switching VA102. 此外,存在与ADC110中模数转换过程相关的有限时间。 Further, there is a finite time associated with the analog to digital conversion in ADC110 process. 所以,MUX100必须在其输出把相同信号保持足够长的时间以完成转换过程。 Therefore, MUX100 the same signal must be held for a time sufficient to complete the conversion on its output process. 例如,假设ADC110要用100微秒来完成转换,那么多路复用器的控制时钟CLK131运行的最大速率是每秒1/(2*100E-6)个周期(即5KHz),以允许在下一个信号出现在ADC面前之前完成转换过程。 For example, assume ADC110 use 100 microseconds to complete the conversion, then the operation control clock CLK131 multiplexer maximum rate is 1 / (2 * 100E-6) cycles per second (i.e. 5KHz), to allow the next signal conversion process appear before the face of ADC. 输入时钟CLK132是模数转换器处理模块110的时钟,该模块依赖于所使用的转换器类型。 Analog to digital converter input clock CLK132 clock processing module 110, this module depends on the type of converter used. 典型地,时钟CLK132是时钟CLK131的整数倍。 Typically, the clock CLK132 is an integer multiple of the clock CLK131. 在每个转换过程之后,模数转换器110生成模拟输入信号的N位宽的数字表示。 After each conversion, the number N-bit wide input of the analog to digital converter 110 generates an analog signal. 假设N位表示一个数字字,那么模块DEMUX120的作用是反转模块100的多路复用过程。 Suppose an N-bit digital word represents, then the effect is reverse module DEMUX120 process module 100 is multiplexed. 因此,模块DEMUX120能起例如数字信号分离器的作用。 Thus, a module such as a digital DEMUX120 can act as a demultiplexer. 对于本领域技术人员而言,显而易见的是,模块MUX100和DEMUX120能够以各种方法实现。 To those skilled in the art, it is apparent, modules MUX100 and can be implemented in various ways DEMUX120. 例如,MUX100和/或DEMUX120能够用逻辑门例如开关、三态器件、寄存器等等的组合表示。 For example, MUX100 and / or combined switch can for example DEMUX120 tristate device, registers, etc. is represented by a logic gate. 这里使用的多路复用器和信号分离器仅仅出于举例说明的目的,以示出将模拟输入信号调度给转换器,并获得调度信号的正确的数字表示。 As used herein, the multiplexer and demultiplexer for purposes of illustration only, to show the analog input signal to the converter the scheduler, the scheduling signals and obtaining the correct digital representation. 在DEMUX120中分离了数字电流和电压信号之后,因信号的非同时采样而产生的相移,例如可在模块130中被校正。 After separation of the digital current and voltage signals in DEMUX120, due to non-simultaneous sampling signal generated by a phase shift, for example, it can be corrected in the module 130. 可以使用各种校正方法。 Using various correction methods. 例如,一种实现方式可能会选择通过利用一个相位超前网络将先前采样信号的相位提前,相位超前网络可提供所需的、已知的相位超前。 For example, an implementation may choose a phase advance network by using the previously sampled phase signal in advance, a phase advance network may provide the desired, known phase advance. 另一种实现方式可能会选择将较后采样信号的相位延迟以与先前采样信号的相位一致,或者将它延迟一个完整的多路复用器周期并加上ADC采样时间。 Another implementation may choose to delay the phase of the sampled signal compared to the phase-sampled signal is consistent with the previous, or it will delay a full cycle of the multiplexer plus the ADC sampling time. 在后一种情况中,被延迟的电压乘以一个被延迟了一个多路复用器周期的电流波形。 In the latter case, the delayed voltage multiplied by a multiplexer is delayed by a current waveform's period. 这些相位延迟方法将在本说明书中更详细地讨论。 The phase delay methods discussed in greater detail in this specification. 但明显的是,本发明不局限于某种相位延迟方法。 It is obvious that the invention is not limited to a method of phase delay. 在本发明的一个实施例中,电压信号VA102是在电流被采样之后被采样的,因此电压VA102是较后采样信号,并将被用于说明模块130的相位延迟补偿过程。 In one embodiment of the present invention, the signal voltage is sampled after VA102 current is sampled, the voltage is less VA102 sampled signals, and will be used to illustrate the phase delay module 130 of the compensation process. 延迟补偿的目的是补偿电流和电压之间的非同时采样。 Object is a non-delay compensation between the compensating current and voltage samples simultaneously. 如图所示,相位延迟补偿130使用去复用输出电压(demultiplexed output voltage)V0_RAW122来产生数字电压信号V0112,其和数字电流信号I0 111在相位上对应。 As shown, the use of a phase delay compensation 130 demultiplexes the output voltage (demultiplexed output voltage) V0_RAW122 generates a digital voltage signal V0112, and digital current signals which correspond to I0 111 in phase. 相位延迟补偿130产生电压信号V0 112,其表示在电流(也就是I0 111)被采样时的电压。 A phase delay compensation signal 130 generates a voltage V0 112, which represents a current (i.e. I0 111) when the voltage is sampled. 在下面题为“相位延迟补偿”的小节中将讨论相位延迟补偿130的各种实现方式。 In the following will be entitled "phase delay compensation" subsection discusses various implementations of the phase delay compensation 130. 图13是说明相位延迟补偿的期望效果的时间关系曲线图。 FIG 13 is a diagram illustrating a phase delay compensation desired effect versus time relationship. 在该图中,线1310表示图1的时钟信号CLK131;线1320表示图1的模拟电压信号VA102;线1330表示图1的模拟电流信号IA101。 In the figure, line 1310 represents the diagram of the clock signal CLK131 1; analog voltage signal represented by line 1320 in FIG. 1 VA102; FIG line 1330 represents the analog current signal IA101 1. 在时钟周期1312期间,模数转换器110正在将电流信号IA1330转换到它的数字表示I0 1331。 During clock cycle 1312, analog to digital converter 110 is to convert the current signal into its digital representation IA1330 I0 1331. 在由时钟上升沿1313表示的转换期间的结尾,ADC产生电流的数字表示。 The end of the period represented by the digital clock rising edge transition represented by 1313, ADC current generation. 因此,在时间1313处,数字电流I0 1331作为ADC的输出产生。 Thus, at time 1313, to generate digital current I0 1331 as the output of the ADC. 然后,ADC在时钟周期1314期间开始采样。 Then, ADC clock cycle to begin sampling during 1314. 在时间1315处,产生电压V0_RAW1323的数字表示。 At time 1315, a digital representation of a voltage V0_RAW1323. 但是,这个电压不能和来自前面的ADC样本的电流I01331相乘,以在任何离散采样时刻生成功率的准确表示。 However, the voltage and current can not I01331 ADC samples from the previous multiplied to accurately generate power at any discrete sampling time indicated. 为了在时间1313处生成正确的功率,需要将电流I01331和电压V0 1322相乘。 To generate the correct power at time 1313, the required current and voltage V0 1322 I01331 multiplied. 但是,电压V0 1322并不是一个作为ADC输出的可用样本。 However, the voltage V0 1322 is not available as a sample ADC output. 因此,期望是在时间1313处估计电压V0 1322的数字表示。 Accordingly, it is desirable in a digital time is estimated at a voltage of 1313 V0 1322. 如图13所示,明显的是,单纯的延迟并不足够。 13, it is apparent that the delay is not sufficiently pure. 例如,在点1323的电压V0_RAW比在点1322的电压V0高,因此如果使用单纯延迟(例如缓冲区,移位寄存器等等),那么所计算的功率可能是错误的。 For example, the voltage at point 1323 V0_RAW voltage V0 at the point of a high ratio of 1322, so if using a simple delay (e.g. buffer, shift registers, etc.), then the calculated power may be wrong. 减少功率计算错误的方法是减少转换时间,以致样本之间的时间将极大地减少。 A method of reducing power calculation error is reduced the conversion time, so that the time between samples will be greatly reduced. 但是,转换需要一定的有限时间,所以这对于转换时间可减少的大小是有限制的。 However, the conversion will take some time is limited, so it's time for the conversion can be reduced in size is limited. 同样,模拟输入信号的频谱可能损害精度。 Similarly, the frequency spectrum of the analog input signal may damage precision. 例如,随着输入信号频率增加,要被采样的信号的变化率增加并且样本之间的Δ(增量)增加。 For example, as the input signal frequency increases, the rate of change of the signal to be sampled is increased and [Delta] (delta) between samples increases. 减少由于非同时采样引起的误差的一个理想方法是消除采样可能对功率精度所造成的任何影响。 Reduce any effects due to an ideal method of sampling errors due to non-simultaneous sampling is possible to eliminate the resulting power accuracy. 达到这个理想结果的一个方法是通过在当前的电压样本V0_RAW1323和先前的电压样本例如样本VN-11321(其在时间1311处产生)之间插值。 One way to achieve this desired result is achieved by the present voltage and the previous voltage sample V0_RAW1323 interpolated samples between the samples VN-11321 (which produces at time 1311), for example. 误差的大小,也就是所计算的V0值和实际V0值之间的差,将取决于选择的插值的类型和阶数(即状态数)。 The magnitude of the error, i.e. the difference between the calculated value and the actual V0 V0 value, selected depending on the type and order of interpolation (i.e., states). 将所期望的校正应用于数字信号,因此只需要对期望算法进行编程。 The desired correction is applied to a digital signal, thus requiring only a desired programming algorithms. 由于这个相位校正是在数字逻辑中进行的,因此功率测量设备几乎不需要额外的实际设备,且任何额外的功率消耗是最少的。 Since this phase correction is carried out in digital logic, thus the power measurement device almost no additional real devices, and any extra power consumption is minimal. 多相系统大多数电气系统是多相位的,因此计算所有相位的总功率消耗这是人们所期望的。 Most multiphase electrical system is a multi-phase system, the phase thus calculated total power consumption of all this is that people expect. 现有技术的系统对于不同相位的电流和电压可能要使用不同的A/D(模数)转换器。 Prior art systems for different phases of the current and voltage may want to use a different A / D (analog to digital) converter. 某些现有技术的系统使用两个A/D转换器:一个用于电流,另一个用于电压。 Some prior art systems using two A / D converters: one for current and one for voltage. 来自所有相位的电流信号被复用进一个多路复用器中,而来自所有相位的电压信号被复用进第二个多路复用器中。 From all of the current phase of the signal are multiplexed into a multiplexer, and from all of the phase voltage signals are multiplexed into a second multiplexer. 把电流和电压转换到它们的数字表示是同时进行的,因此容易产生串扰环境。 And the current-voltage converter to a digital representation thereof are performed simultaneously, it is easy crosstalk environment. 在本发明的一个或多个实施例中,一个多路复用器和一个A/D转换器被用于整个转换过程。 In one or more embodiments of the present invention, a multiplexer and an A / D converter is used for the entire conversion process. 图2是根据本发明一个实施例的、在多相系统中的电压和电流同相转换的示意图。 FIG 2 is a schematic diagram in accordance with the phase transition, the voltage and current in a multiphase system according to one embodiment of the present invention. 如图所示,模拟信号IA201、IB203和IC205表示来自三相电气系统的三个相位A、B和C的电流。 As shown, an analog signal IA201, IB203 and IC205 denotes a current from the three phases A three-phase electrical system, B and C. 模拟信号VA202、VB204和VC206表示来自相同三相电气系统的三个相位(A、B和C)的电压。 Analog VA202, VB204 and represents the voltage VC206 from the same three phases of the three-phase electrical system (A, B and C). 这些信号201-206要被转换为它们的数字表示,以用于数字处理器中的功率计算。 These signals 201-206 to be converted into a digital representation thereof, the digital processor for power calculation. 电流的范围从几毫安到超过100安培。 Current range from a few milliamperes to over 100 amps. 另一方面,电压主要取决于所关心的国家。 On the other hand, the voltage depending on the country of interest. 在大多数家庭中,电功率供电是50Hz或60Hz的交流电(AC)。 In most homes, electric power supply is AC 50Hz or 60Hz (AC). 在美国,家庭电压标称是110伏特,而在世界上其他大部分国家中,标称电压为大约240伏特。 In the United States, household nominal voltage is 110 volts, while in most other countries in the world, the nominal voltage is about 240 volts. 由于电流和电压信号是连续变化的,所以来自相同电气系统相位(例如相位A)的信号必须同相相乘以准确表示功率。 Since the current and voltage signals are continuously changed, so that the electrical system from the same phase (e.g. phase A) must be in phase signal is multiplied to accurately represents power. 但是,模数转换器(ADC)110一次只能转换一个信号。 However, the analog to digital converter (ADC) 110 can only convert a signal. 因此,多路复用器MUX200被用于调度信号IA201、VA202、IB203、VB204、IC205和VC206进行转换。 Thus, the multiplexer MUX200 is used for scheduling signal IA201, VA202, IB203, VB204, IC205 and VC206 conversion. 与ADC110的模数转换过程相关的时间是一个有限量。 Associated with the analog to digital conversion process ADC110 a limited amount of time. 所以,MUX200必须在ADC的输入端把相同的信号保持足够长的时间以完成转换过程。 Therefore, MUX200 the same signal must be long enough time to complete the input of the ADC conversion process. 例如,假设ADC110花100微秒来完成转换,那么多路复用器的控制时钟CLK231必须以最大速率为每秒1/(6*100E-6)个周期(即1.67KHz)的速率运转,以在下一个信号出现在ADC面前之前完成转换过程。 For example, assume ADC110 take 100 microseconds to complete the conversion, the control multiplexer must CLK231 clock at a maximum rate of one per second / (6 * 100E-6) cycles (i.e. 1.67KHz) the rate of operation to the next signal occurs before the completion of the conversion process before the ADC. 输入信号CKADC232是模数转换器的时钟。 CKADC232 input signal is analog to digital converter clock. 时钟频率取决于所使用的转换器的类型。 Clock frequency depending on the type of converter used. 典型地,时钟CKADC232是时钟CLK231的整数倍。 Typically, the clock CKADC232 is an integer multiple of the clock CLK231. 在每个转换过程之后,模数转换器110生成模拟输入信号的N位宽的数字表示。 After each conversion, the number N-bit wide input of the analog to digital converter 110 generates an analog signal. 假设N位表示一个数字字,那么模块DEMUX220的作用是反转模块200的多路复用过程。 Suppose an N-bit digital word represents, then the effect is reverse module DEMUX220 multiplexing process 200 module. 因此,模块DEMUX220能起例如数字信号分离器的作用。 Thus, a module such as a digital DEMUX220 can act as a demultiplexer. 对于本领域技术人员而言,显而易见的是,模块MUX200和DEMUX220能够以各种方法实现。 To those skilled in the art, it is apparent, modules MUX200 and can be implemented in various ways DEMUX220. 例如,MUX200和/或DEMUX220能够用逻辑门例如开关、三态器件、寄存器等等的组合表示。 For example, MUX200 and / or combined switch can for example DEMUX220 tristate device, registers, etc. is represented by a logic gate. 因此,这里所使用的多路复用器和信号分离器仅仅是举例的目的,以显示如何将模拟输入信号调度给转换器,并获得调度信号的正确数字表示。 Thus, as used herein multiplexer and demultiplexer of example purposes only, to show how the analog input signal to the converter the scheduler and scheduling obtain the correct digital representation of the signal. 图3显示了示例性的信号分离器的简化原理图。 Figure 3 shows a simplified schematic diagram of an exemplary demultiplexer. 如图3所示,A/D转换器的N位输出(即ADC输出)被连接到6个寄存器301-306的数据输入端(D1-N)。 As shown, A / N-bit output (i.e., ADC Output) D converter 3 is connected to the data input terminal 6 registers 301-306 (D1-N). 然后,切换器310的输出为这些寄存器提供了时钟信号。 Then, the output of the switch 310 provides a clock signal for these registers. 该切换器使用与多路复用器(例如图2的CLK231)相同的时钟信号。 The use of a multiplexer switch (e.g. CLK231 FIG. 2) the same clock signal. 切换器310可以使用例如计数器来实现,因为,所需要的功能无非就是要在每个时钟周期使切换器310的6个输出中的一个使能(为“真”)。 Switch 310 may be implemented using, for example a counter, since the desired function is nothing more than to make the switch at each clock cycle 6 in a 310 output enable ( "true"). 因此,在每一个时钟周期,当其CLK信号被使能时,来自A/D转换器的数字数据被存储在合适的寄存器中。 Thus, in each clock cycle, the CLK signal when it is enabled, the digital data from the A / D converter is stored in an appropriate register. 在这个示例中,去复用的数字数据作为I0_RAW、V0_RAW、I1_RAW、V1_RAW、I2_RAW和V2_RAW可用。 In this example, the multiplexed digital data to be used as I0_RAW, V0_RAW, I1_RAW, V1_RAW, I2_RAW and V2_RAW. 再参考图2,在DEMUX220中分离了数字电流和电压信号之后,由于每个相位中信号的非同时采样而引起的相移必须使用合适的校正方法来校正。 Referring again to FIG. 2, after separation of the digital current and voltage signals in DEMUX220, since the non-phase signals simultaneously in each sampling phase shift caused must be corrected using an appropriate correction method. 例如,数字输出信号I0 211和V0_RAW来自相同的电相位(IA和VA),因此可对该电压进行适当的校正以在I0 211的采样时间处生成校正电压V0 212。 For example, the digital output signals I0 211 and from the same electrical phase V0_RAW (IA and VA), and therefore can be appropriately corrected at the time of sampling I0 211 generates a correction voltage to the voltage V0 212. 需要实施类似的校正以生成信号对I1 213和V1 214以及I2 215和V2 216。 Similar embodiment need to generate a correction signal I1 213 and I2 215 and V1 214 and V2 216. 可以使用各种校正方法来校正由非同时采样引起的相位误差。 Various correction methods may be used to correct the phase error caused by the non-simultaneous sampling. 例如,一种实现方式可能会选择,通过使用相位超前网络将一个信号对中两个信号的第一个被采样信号的相位提前,相位超前网络提供所需的和已知的相位超前。 For example, an implementation may choose, a signal to a sampled phase of the first signal in advance two signals, a phase advance network to provide the required phase advance and known by using a phase advance network. 另一种实现方式可能会选择,将较后采样信号的相位延迟以与相同电系统相位的先前采样信号的相位一致,或者将较后采样信号的相位延迟整个多路复用器周期加上ADC采样时间。 Another implementation may choose to delay the phase preceding the phase of the sampled signal with the same electrical system is uniformly sampled signal representing a phase, or the entire delay period plus ADC multiplexer representing the phase of the sampled signal sampling time. 下面更详细地讨论后一类方法(相位延迟)。 Discussed in more detail below after a class method (phase delay). 但明显的是,本发明并不局限于相位延迟方法。 It is obvious that present invention is not limited to the method of phase delay. 相位延迟补偿在本发明的一个或多个实施例中,发生不希望的相移是因为电压(V)和电流(I)样本并不是同时采样的。 A phase delay compensator in embodiments of the present invention, one or more embodiments, the occurrence of undesirable phase shift due to the voltage (V) and current (I) is not simultaneous sampling sample. 为了保证功率精度,由非同时采样引起的任何相移(即延迟)应该在计算VI乘积之前消除。 To ensure the accuracy of the power, a non-simultaneous sampling phase shift caused by any (i.e., delay) should be eliminated before calculating the product VI. 由非同时采样引起的相位延迟的大小是精确已知的,因为它是两个采样时间之间的差。 By the phase delay due to non-simultaneous sampling of size is accurately known, because it is the difference between the two sampling times. 消除相位延迟的一个方法是通过让第二个信号样本通过具有和样本差相同延迟的滤波器。 The method of eliminating a phase delay to let through by the second signal samples and the sample having the same delay difference filter. 存在许多合适的滤波器。 There are many suitable filter. 这里讨论两个简单的形式:插值器和单极全通滤波器。 Two simple forms discussed herein: single-pole and all-pass interpolation filter. 作为由非同时采样引起的相位延迟的一个例子,考虑图2中讨论的实施例,即具有单个A/D转换器的三相系统。 As an example of the phase delay caused by the non-simultaneous sampling, consider Fig discussed in Example 2, i.e., a single A / D converter three-phase system. 这三个系统相位被标识为A、B和C。 The three phase system is identified as A, B and C. 转换器样本处于以下顺序:IA、VA、IB、VB、IC和VC。 Sample converter in the following order: IA, VA, IB, VB, IC and VC. 在其后的说明中,转换器以15KHz速率或者每67微秒(67微秒)采样一次。 In the subsequent description, or the converter at a rate of 15KHz (67 microseconds) sampled every 67 microseconds. 由于功率的正确计算需要VA*IA,IB*VB和IC*VC,所以每个电压波形必须延迟67微秒以和其电流波形对齐。 Since the power to be correctly calculated VA * IA, IB * VB and IC * VC, so each must be delayed voltage waveform 67 microseconds and its current waveforms are aligned. 这个相位延迟补偿可以使用任何合适的数字校正滤波器完成。 This phase delay compensation may use any suitable digital correction filter is completed. 如果某些校正滤波器的延迟是至少一个完整的多路复用器周期加上转换周期(例如67微秒),那么它们的表现会更好。 If some of the delay correction filters is at least one complete cycle of the multiplexer plus the conversion period (e.g. 67 microseconds), then their performance will be better. 在利用包括多个多路复用器周期加上转换时间的延迟的实施例中,滤波器输出乘以在相应多路复用器周期中的电流样本。 Using a plurality of multiplexers including an embodiment the delay period plus the conversion time, the filter output is multiplied in the respective multiplexers current sample period. 例如,如果滤波器延迟是一个多路复用器周期加上转换时间,那么对应的电流样本是在最近一个之前的样本。 For example, if the filter is a multiplexer delay period plus the conversion time, the current corresponding to a most recent sample is a sample before. 合适的校正滤波器在提供适当的延迟时,应该具有平坦的频率响应。 Suitable correction filter in providing an appropriate delay, should have a flat frequency response. 例如,对于50Hz到60Hz的系统,滤波器应该对50Hz到60Hz区域中的信号提供近似采样时间的延迟。 For example, for a system of 50Hz to 60Hz, filters should be provided for sampling time delay is approximately 50Hz to 60Hz signal region. 随着输入信号频率的上升,尤其是随着它接近采样频率的一半时,滤波器的幅度响应和/或延迟可能偏离。 As the rising input signal frequency, especially as it approaches half the sampling frequency, the amplitude response of the filter and / or delay may deviate. 但是,应该选择合适的滤波器以符合任何特定的规格要求。 However, you should select the appropriate filter to meet any particular specifications. 例如,许多瓦时表具有高至23倍输入频率的谐波的精度要求。 For example, when a number of tables having a high watt to 23 times the input frequency harmonics accuracy. 所选滤波器的偏离必须和这些要求兼容。 It leaves the selected filter must be compatible with these requirements. 校正滤波器的一个实施例(相位延迟补偿电路)是用V0_RAW及上一个VA样本VN-1(见图13)的加权和,来替换当前VA样本V0_RAW。 One embodiment of the correction filter (phase delay compensation circuit) is a weighting V0_RAW VA and the sample VN-1 (see FIG. 13) and to replace the current sample VA V0_RAW. 图4是根据本发明一个实施例的一阶插值滤波器的示意图。 FIG 4 is a schematic diagram of a first-order interpolation filter according to the invention to one embodiment. 在该图中,要被插值的信号(例如电压V0_RAW)的当前值IN401乘以系数1-α,然后传给加法器408。 In the figure, the signal to be interpolated (e.g., voltage V0_RAW) IN401 current value by a coefficient 1-α, and then passed to the adder 408. 这个输入信号然后通过数字延迟模块402以生成一个信号,其表示信号IN401的上一个样本(例如VN-1)。 This signal is then input through the digital delay module 402 to generate a signal representative of a sample (e.g., VN-1) on the signal IN401. 然后,输入信号的所述上一个样本在模块406中乘以系数α,然后在模块408中与来自块404的信号相加。 Then, the sample is multiplied by a coefficient α in module 406 on the input signal, then the module 408 is added to the signal from block 404. 插值滤波器的输出信号OUT409是加法器块408的输出,并且应该接近于期望采样时间的信号输出。 OUT409 interpolation filter output signal is the output of the adder block 408, and a signal output should be close to the desired sampling time. 这个滤波器的z域传递函数是H(z)=1-α(1-z-1)。 This filter is a z-domain transfer function H (z) = 1-α (1-z-1). 应该注意的是α基本等于期望的采样器样本(例如多路复用器样本)延迟数量除以被采样器采样的单元总数。 It should be noted that α is substantially equal to the desired sampling unit samples the number of delay divided by the total number of sampled sampler (e.g. Multiplexer sample). 例如,在图2的实施例中,6个变量正被采样。 For example, in the embodiment of FIG. 2, the six variables being sampled. 为了校正由非同时采样引入的相位,需要在电流(I0)的采样点处计算电压值(V0),该电流是一个样本回退(sample back),如图13所示。 For non-simultaneous sampling phase correction introduced by the need to be calculated at a sample point current (I0) voltage value (V0), the current sample is a backoff (sample back), as shown in Fig. 因此,希望进行多路复用器的一个样本回退,且由于被采样的变量总数是6,所以对于这种一个样本的延迟,系数α约为1/6。 Accordingly, it is desirable for a sample multiplexer backoff, and since the total number of variables to be sampled is 6, so that the delay of one sample, the coefficient α is about 1/6. 但是,α的最佳值可能稍微偏离1/6,其是输入频率、由要转换信号的路径中的硬件组件引起的相位延迟和ADC采样频率的函数。 However, the optimum value of α may be slightly deviate from 1/6, which is the input frequency, the phase caused by the switching signal path to the delay in the hardware components and functions of the ADC sampling frequency. 当波形的采样频率高于其输入频率时,插值器工作得很好。 When the sampling frequency of the waveform is higher than the input frequency, the interpolator works well. 由于输入频率接近采样频率,插值器输出的大小和延迟都偏离其标称值(例如在50Hz或60Hz的值)。 Since the input frequency is close to the sampling frequency, the output of the interpolator delay and size are deviated from its nominal value (e.g. value at 50Hz or 60Hz). 在50Hz到60Hz的区域中,这个插值滤波器的相位误差是小于0.0008度,而对于2.5KHz的多路复用器采样频率,量值误差小于0.06%。 In the region of 50Hz to 60Hz, the phase error in this interpolation filter is less than 0.0008 degrees, and for the sampling frequency of 2.5KHz multiplexer, the magnitude of error is less than 0.06%. 对于两个样本的延迟插值,α可能被设为2/6。 For both samples the delay interpolation, α may be set to 2/6. 在这个配置中,相位误差小于0.0006度,在50Hz到60Hz的区域中量值误差小于0.1%。 In this configuration, the phase error is less than 0.0006 degrees, in the region of 50Hz to 60Hz in the magnitude of error of less than 0.1%. 如果需要更好的精度,可以使用阶数更高的插值器。 If you need better accuracy, you can use a higher order interpolator. 这可通过仅仅把连续的延迟状态和系数加到图4的电路来实现。 This may be accomplished by merely delaying the continuous state and the coefficients applied to the circuit of FIG. 4. 例如,二阶仅仅要求让模块402的输出通过第二个延迟模块,并在汇合模块408中相加之前,把第二个延迟的输出乘以第二个系数。 For example, second order output module 402 is only required to make a delay module by a second, and before adding the merging module 408, the second delayed output is multiplied by the second coefficient. 当然,在模块404和406中的系数可能需要适当地调整。 Of course, the coefficient in the module 404 and 406 may need to be appropriately adjusted. 校正滤波器的另一个实施例(相位延迟补偿电路)是一个作为全通滤波器的延迟电路。 Another embodiment of the correction filter (phase delay compensation circuit) is a circuit as the delay of the all-pass filter. 图5是根据本发明一个实施例的一阶全通滤波器的示意图。 FIG 5 is a schematic diagram of a first order all-pass filter according to an embodiment of the present invention. 加法器502使用负反馈在输入信号IN501和模块506的输出之间产生误差,模块506的输出是一个反馈信号。 The adder 502 generates a negative feedback error, the output module 506 is a feedback signal between the output and the input signals IN501 module 506 is used. 增益模块506从模块504中接收其输入,模块504是一个数字延迟模块。 Gain block 506 receives its input from block 504, block 504 is a digital delay module. 模块504和增益模块508从相加模块502的输出中接收其输入。 Module 504 and gain module 508 receives its input from the output of the addition module 502. 模块508和模块504的输出在模块510中相加以生成输出信号OUT511。 Output module 508 and the module 504 in the module 510 are summed to generate an output signal OUT511. 这个滤波器机理在K1(模块506)等于K2(模块508)的实施例中,对所有频率产生等幅响应。 This embodiment of the filter mechanism in K1 (block 506) equal to K2 (block 508), the generated constant amplitude response for all frequencies. 但是,它的延迟会随着输入频率而变化,但对于一个样本的延迟补偿,由延迟和量值偏差引起的总误差基本上比用于一个样本延迟补偿的图4的插值器要好。 However, its delay varies with the input frequency, but the compensation for the delay of one sample, the total error caused by the delay and the magnitude of the deviation for substantially more than one sample delay compensation interpolator FIG. 4 better. 图5的相位延迟实现使用了双线性变换,所以K1=K2=A。 FIG 5 phase delay implementation uses bilinear transformation, so that K1 = K2 = A. 这个全通滤波器的传递函数能够被写成H(z)=(Az+1)/(z+A)。 The all-pass filter transfer function can be written as H (z) = (Az + 1) / (z + A). 在一个或多个实施例中,全通滤波器可被设计为具有波形采样率1/6或7/6的延迟。 In one or more embodiments, the all-pass filter can be designed to have a delayed waveform sample rate 1/6 or 7/6. 后一个频率可为所输入的高频谐波提供更好的性能。 After one frequency may provide better performance for high-frequency harmonics of the input. 在后一种情况中,产生的电压样本可以乘以最近的一个样本之前的电流样本。 In the latter case, the voltage may be generated by multiplying the sample before the current sample nearest a sample. 在类似的方式中,可选择(n+1/6)T的延迟,其中1/T是波形采样率,n是多路复用器周期数。 In a similar manner, optionally (n + 1/6) T delay, where 1 / T is a waveform sampling rate, n being the number of multiplexer cycles. 在所有情况中,全通滤波器的延迟值可被稍稍扰动,以补偿发生在系统(例如瓦时表)其他地方的较小相移。 In all cases, the all-pass filter delay values ​​may be slightly perturbed, occurs in the system to compensate (e.g., Table W) is small relative to the rest of the shift. 本领域的普通技术人员将理解的是,常数K1和K2取决于用于实现期望的全通滤波器的变换类型和任何期望的额外相位调整。 Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the constants K1 and K2 depending on a type of the additional phase adjustment to achieve a desired conversion of all-pass filter and any desired. 此外,虽然这里只对一阶全通滤波器进行了描述,但是本发明并不局限于这种具体实现方式。 Further, although there is only a first-order all-pass filter has been described, but the present invention is not limited to this particular implementation. 可以使用更高阶的滤波器,根据应用和精度要求。 Higher order filters may be used, depending on the application and accuracy requirements. 一个示例性的发明结构图6是说明本发明的一个用于三相电气系统的实施例的总体原理图。 An exemplary structure of the invention FIG 6 is a general schematic diagram of a three-phase electrical system for an embodiment of the present invention. 在这个实施例中,模块600可以表示集成电路设备,其只有部分和所示的本发明相关。 In this embodiment, the module 600 may represent an integrated circuit device, which the present invention is shown and only portions related. 电流和电压的三个相:IA和VA、IB和VB及IC和VC经由信号路径641-646被提供作为MUX200的输入。 Three phase currents and voltages: IA and VA, IB and IC and VC and VB via signal paths 641-646 are provided as input MUX200. MUX200利用来自信号路径231的时钟产生单个输出信号,其通过路径601提供给AD转换器模块602。 MUX200 using the clock signal from the path 231 to produce a single output signal 601 which is supplied to the AD converter module 602 through the path. AD转换器模块602使用Δ∑(也称为∑-Δ)转换方法,用于在路径603产生1位的数字输出流。 AD converter module 602 uses the delta sigma (also referred to as a Σ-Δ) conversion method, the path 603 for generating a digital output stream. Δ∑转换器模块602使用高精度电压电源VREF607作为电源。 ΔΣ converter module 602 as a high-precision VREF607 power supply voltage. 电压VREF是由能带隙(bandgap)设备606产生的,其接收来自引线RBIAS的偏置电压。 Voltage VREF is a band gap (bandgap) produced by the device 606, which receives a bias voltage from the lead RBIAS. Δ∑转换器块602的1位的数字输出流进入有限脉冲响应类型的抽选滤波器FIR604。 ΔΣ converter block 602 a digital output stream into the type of finite impulse response decimation filter FIR604. 抽选滤波器把1位流输入数据转换为N位的数字输出数据。 Decimation filter for converting an input data stream of N-bit digital output data. MUX200、AD转换器602和FIR604工作于源自PLL612的时钟周期上。 MUX200, AD converter 602 and operates FIR604 clock cycles from the PLL612. 完整的AD转换器过程包括Δ∑转换器模块602和FIR模块604。 The complete process comprises the AD converter module 602 ΔΣ converter and FIR module 604. 这个转换器过程的实施例使用图7更详细地讨论。 Discussed in more detail using the embodiment of FIG. 7, this converter process. 系统时钟在锁相环(PLL)612中产生。 Generating a phase locked loop system clock (PLL) 612 in. PLL612通过引线CKIN和路径615从振荡器614或外部源中接收输入参考时钟。 PLL612 CKIN via leads 615 and path receives an input from the reference clock oscillator 614 or an external source. 锁相环612使用一种电压控制的振荡器在输出端232处生成时钟CKADC。 612 uses a phase locked loop voltage controlled oscillator generates a clock at output 232 CKADC. PLL612还从其输出时钟CKADC中接收反馈,时钟CKADC在模块ADC DIV610中除以预定常数。 PLL612 its output clock CKADC also receive feedback clock module ADC DIV610 CKADC divided by a predetermined constant. 除法器减少了回到输入参考频率(例如OSC614)的反馈频率。 Divider back to the input reference frequency is reduced (e.g. OSC614) feedback frequencies. PLL反馈信号在路径611中被标识为CKREF。 PLL feedback signal path 611 is identified as CKREF. 在稳定状态下,在CKREF611的信号和参考振荡器源相等(在路径613或路径615中)。 In the steady state, the oscillator signal and the reference source CKREF611 equal (in the path 613 or path 615). 因此,ADC时钟信号CKADC是参考振荡器时钟的“ADC DIV”倍。 Thus, ADC clock signal is CKADC "ADC DIV" times the reference oscillator clock. 多路复用器时钟231取决于ADC的转换时间。 Clock multiplexer 231 from the ADC conversion time. 因此,转换器时钟CKADC232必须被变换,以生成MUX时钟231。 Thus, the converter must be transformed CKADC232 clock to generate the clock MUX 231. MUX时钟231必须小于或等于转换器时钟频率CKADC,除以正在转换的信号数量(也就是6)和除以抽选滤波器FIR604的抽头数量。 Clock MUX 231 must be less than or equal to the clock frequency of the converter CKADC, divided by the number of signals being converted (i.e., 6) divided by the decimation filter and the number of taps of FIR604. 在图6所示的实施例中,MUX DIV除以时钟CKREF以产生MUX时钟信号231。 In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 6, MUX DIV CKREF divided clock signal 231 to generate a clock MUX. 因此,“MUXDIV”应该具有的值大约等于正在转换的信号数量(也就是6)乘以FIR604中的抽头数量并除以“ADC DIV”值。 Therefore, "MUXDIV" should have a value approximately equal to the number of signals being converted (ie, 6) multiplied by the number of taps FIR604 and divided by "ADC DIV" value. 图7是从图6抽取的是多位Δ∑模数转换过程的示意图。 FIG 7 is extracted from the multi-bit ΔΣ FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram of the analog to digital conversion process. 模块700表示整个Δ∑ADC。 Module 700 represents the entire ΔΣADC. Δ∑ADC的这个实现包括Δ∑ADC调节器模块702和Sinc3抽选滤波器模块704。 This implementation includes ΔΣADC ΔΣADC Sinc3 regulator module 702 and a decimation filter module 704. ADC输入601和ADC输出605表示图6中的相同信号。 Input ADC 601 and ADC 605 represent the same output signal in FIG. 6. Δ∑调节器可为任何期望的阶数或类型,这取决于精度要求、稳定性要求和其他因素例如空间和电源。 ΔΣ regulator may be any desired type or of the order, depending on the accuracy, stability requirements, and other factors such as space and power. Δ∑调节器702使用来自精确电压电源(例如能带隙装置)的电源来为转换电路供电。 ΔΣ regulator 702 using the power from a precision voltage source (e.g. bandgap means) to a conversion circuitry. 这个调节器和抽取器使用相同的时钟信号CKADC232。 The regulator and the extractor use the same clock signal CKADC232. Δ∑调节器的转换时钟将取决于选定的Δ∑配置的回路稳定性。 Clock ΔΣ converter regulator loop stability will depend on the configuration of the ΔΣ selected. 所以,用户设定转换时间的能力主要是受任何给定的Δ∑配置的稳定性考虑的限制。 Therefore, the user the ability to set the transition time is mainly limited by stability considerations ΔΣ any given configuration. 再参考图6,在这个实施例中的各种时钟频率可如下。 Referring again to FIG. 6, the various clock frequencies in this embodiment are as follows. 每个IA、VA、…、VC波形以2.520KHz被采样。 Each IA, VA, ..., VC waveform is sampled at 2.520KHz. 这也是系统采样率,及用于在图8、9和11中计算z-1项的值。 This is the system sampling rate, and means for calculating z-1 term in FIGS. 8, 9 and 11 values. 假设ADC Sinc3滤波器具有288个抽头。 Suppose ADC Sinc3 filter having 288 taps. 然后6个ADC转换的每一个可能被分配300个转换时钟(额外的12个时钟用于ADC初始化)。 Then each of the ADC 6 may be assigned 300 a conversion clock (clock for an additional 12 to initialize ADC). 假设需要将转换时间用于在能带隙参考的偏移校正。 Suppose you want to convert the time to the offset correction in the bandgap reference. 那么在每个MUX周期期间应该有足够的时间用于6.5个ADC转换周期。 Then there should be sufficient time for the 6.5 ADC MUX conversion cycle during each cycle. 因此,这个ADC时钟频率是4.91MHz。 Therefore, the ADC clock frequency is 4.91MHz. 所以在ADC样本之间的时间是2/13的波形采样率。 Therefore, the time between ADC samples the waveform sampling rate is 2/13. 这是应该在校正滤波器中补偿的值。 This should be compensated in the correction value in the filter. 最后,参考振荡器614的频率在32.768KHz,ADC DIV 610比值是150,MUX DIV 608比值是13。 Finally, the frequency of the reference oscillator 614 at 32.768KHz, ADC DIV 610 ratio is 150, MUX DIV 608 ratio is 13. 在处理之后,ADC过程(模块602和604)的输出605被存储在共享存储器624中。 After the processing, ADC process (block 602 and 604) output 605 is stored in the shared memory 624. 计算引擎620获得来自共享存储器624的转换信号,并且根据选定的理想功率方程(见图12)计算相位延迟补偿和功率值。 Calculation engine 620 converts the signal obtained from the shared memory 624, and calculates a phase delay compensation and power values ​​(see FIG. 12) in accordance with the selected desired power equation. 计算引擎620是运行在时钟频率CKCE617的数字微型计算机。 Calculation engine 620 is operating frequency of the digital clock of the microcomputer CKCE617. 时钟CKCE是由CKADC除以CE DIV616生成的。 CKCE CKADC clock is generated by dividing CE DIV616. 在一个或多个实施例中,CKCE是和MUX频率231相同的频率。 In one or more embodiments, CKCE is the same frequency and the MUX 231. 计算引擎620可以是通过端口DIO和总线627可编程的。 Computing engine 620 may be a bus through port 627 and programmable DIO. 计算引擎的程序存储器位于模块626中,其RAM存储器位于模块622中。 Calculation Engine program memory of the module 626, which module 622 is located in RAM memory. 模块600接收来自调节器VOLT REG628的功率。 Module 600 receives power from the regulator of VOLT REG628. 调节器628在设备600中调节从输入电源V3P3D(3.3伏特电源)到数字组件的功率。 Regulator 628 regulates the power from the input power source V3P3D (3.3 volt supply) to the digital device 600 in the assembly. 如果发生电源故障,调节器628也可以接收电池输入VBAT用于备用。 If a power failure occurs, the controller 628 may also receive inputs VBAT battery for backup. 电压引线V3P3A是用于给设备600中的模拟组件供电的电压源。 V3P3A voltage leads for the device 600 to a supply voltage source simulating assembly. 在某些实现方式中,引线V3P3A和V3P3D可能连接到外部的单个电源。 In some implementations, the lead V3P3A V3P3D and may be connected to a single external power source. 引线GNDA和GNDD分别是模拟地和数字地。 GNDD GNDA and lead are analog and digital ground. 设备600的性能可以通过标识为RTM的引线实时监控。 Performance of the device 600 can be identified as the lead real-time monitoring of RTM. 在一个或多个实施例中,计算引擎620包括用于补偿在转换信号中DC偏移的、用于校正电流和电压信号的、用于补偿由非同时采样引起的相位延迟的以及基于理想方程的功率计算的算法。 In one or more embodiments, the computing engine 620 includes a switching signal for compensating the DC offset for the current and voltage correction signal, the phase compensating delay due to non-simultaneous sampling of the ideal equation based on a the power calculation algorithm. 设备600可能是完全可编程的。 Device 600 may be fully programmable. 例如,可以根据期望功率方程来对MUX200和时钟信号进行编程。 For example, can be programmed as desired MUX200 and the clock signal power equation. 在计算功率之前,计算引擎对数字电流和电压信号进行补偿。 Before calculating the power, the engine is calculated current and voltage digital signal is compensated. 图8是根据本发明一个实施例的补偿方案的示意图。 FIG 8 is a schematic diagram of the present invention, a compensation scheme according to the embodiment. 在模块801-806,对由A/D转换器引入的任何DC(稳定状态)偏移和在信号转换中涉及的任何其他预处理进行信号补偿。 At block 801-806, any DC (steady state) introduced by the A / D converter, and any other pre-shifted according to the signal to compensate for signal conversion. 计算引擎随后在模块811-816中进行校准补偿。 Calculation engine then calibrate the compensation module 811-816. 在校准之后,利用具有2.520KHz采样时间15/13延迟的一阶全通滤波器,在模块821-823中对电压信号(在这个例子中即每个相位的校后采样信号)进行相位延迟校正。 After calibration, using a first-order all-pass filter having a sampling time 2.520KHz 15/13 delay, phase delay correction voltage signal (i.e., after each phase correction signal samples in this example) in the block 821-823 . 在电流路径、模块831-833中的每个延迟会对全通网络中的额外周期延迟进行补偿。 A current path, an additional delay period of each module 831-833 would all pass network of compensating for the delay. 图9示出了偏移补偿的一个实施例。 FIG 9 shows one embodiment of offset compensation. 图9所示电路起到高通滤波器类似的作用,所以拒绝来自输入信号的任何DC偏移。 The circuit in Figure 9 acts like a high-pass filter, it rejects any DC offset from the input signal. 如图所示,DC偏移903在模块902中被计算和从输入信号IN减去,以生成输出信号OUT。 As shown, the DC offset 903 is calculated and subtracted from the input signal IN in block 902, to generate an output signal OUT. 模块908表示对输出信号进行操作的数字积分器。 Module 908 represents the output signal of the digital integrator operations. 没块908的输出SUM存储在寄存器906中。 SUM output of block 908 is not stored in the register 906. 寄存器906的输出乘以没块904中的增益“DCG”以生成DC偏移信号903。 No output of the register 906 is multiplied in gain block 904 "DCG" 903 to generate a DC offset signal. 图12列出了可在计算引擎中实现的6个功率方程。 FIG 12 lists six power equations may be implemented in a computing engine. 这些功率方程被实现在图10中。 These equations are implemented in the power 10 of FIG. 注意,这些方程均是标准功率方程,列于此处仅仅是为了方便。 Note that these equations are all standard power equation, listed here are for convenience only. 再参考图10,模块1001和1002表示用于方程EQU 3-EQU5的延迟设为17/13的全通滤波器。 Referring again to FIG. 10, and 1002 denotes a delay module 1001 EQU 3-EQU5 equation for the all-pass filter is set to 17/13. 这是因为下一个相位的电流(I)的采样时间比前一个相位的电流晚两个ADC转换时间。 This is because the current in one phase (I) sampling time later than a current time of a conversion phase of the first two ADC. 例如,I1在I0被采样后的两个转换周期处被采样。 For example, I1 is sampled in the two periods after the conversion is sampled at I0. 因此,如果要准确计算功率,那么I1必须被校正为I0的采样时间(也就是提前两个样本)。 So, if you want to accurately calculate the power, then I1 must be corrected for the sampling time of I0 (that is ahead of two samples). 注意,模块1001和1002中的传递函数对于方程EQU0到EQU2应该为0。 Note that the transfer function block 1001 and 1002 to the equation EQU0 EQU2 to be 0. 在模块1010-1012中,期望方程的系数[K0,K1,K2]被使用,以生成功率元素W0,W1,W2。 1010-1012 in the module, the desired coefficient equation [K0, K1, K2] is used to generate a power element W0, W1, W2. 每个系数可能具有0或1的值。 Each factor may have a value of 0 or 1. 例如,对于方程EQU0,系数应该是[1,0,0],因为所期望的仅仅是来自一个相位的功率。 For example, for equation EQU0, coefficients should be [1,0,0], as a desired power from only one phase. 因此,方程EQU2的系数应该是[1,1,1],因为来自所有三个相位的功率被加在一起。 Thus, the coefficient of the equation should be EQU2 [1,1,1], since the power from all three phases are added together. 为了计算标准的无功伏安量VAR0-VAR2,模块1003-1005在电压信号乘以电流计算功率之前,对每个电压信号进行90度的相位偏移。 To calculate the magnitude of reactive volt-ampere standard VAR0-VAR2, 1003-1005 module before the voltage signal by the current calculated power for each voltage signal is phase offset by 90 degrees. 图11示出了根据本发明的90度相位偏移器的一个实施例。 Figure 11 shows a 90-degree phase shifter of the present embodiment of the invention. 变量VAR_SCALE的优化值应该大于3000/FREQ/KVAR;其中FREQ是电气系统频率,也就是50Hz或60Hz。 VAR_SCALE variable optimized values ​​should be greater than 3000 / FREQ / KVAR; where FREQ electrical system frequency, that is 50Hz or 60Hz. 为KVAR所示的值48.0134u(也就是48.0134×10-6)给出了2.5KHz的MUX采样频率(也是系统时钟)的50Hz和60Hz之间的大约0.03%的单位增益误差。 About 0.03% of the unit gain error between the sampling frequency of 2.5KHz given MUX (and system clock) to the values ​​shown in KVAR 48.0134u (i.e. 48.0134 × 10-6) of 50Hz and 60Hz. 理想地,KVAR的值在60Hz应该是48.0279u,在50Hz是48.0001u。 Ideally, the value of 60Hz should be in KVAR 48.0279u, at 50Hz is 48.0001u. KVAR的优化值脆弱地依赖于系统时钟频率。 KVAR fragile optimum value depends on the system clock frequency. 例如,在5KHz时钟频率的KVAR的优化值是47.95599u,其从为2.5KHz所示的值偏移0.12%。 For example, the optimized value KVAR 5KHz clock frequency is 47.95599u, which is offset from a value of 0.12% as shown 2.5KHz. 应该注意的是角度误差是0且不依赖于KVAR的值。 It should be noted that the angle error does not depend on the value 0 is the KVAR. 最后,加法器1020对所有的功率在时间上进行积分以生成总功率消耗。 Finally, an adder 1020 for all power integrated over time to generate the total power consumption. 因此,已经描述了获得功率计算参数的方法和装置。 Having thus described a method and means for obtaining a power calculation parameters. 这里描述的特定实施例仅仅是举例说明,而并非限制本发明。 Specific embodiments described herein are merely illustrative, and not to limit the present invention. 本发明是由权利要求及其整个范围的等价物来限定的。 The present invention as claimed by the claims and their full scope of equivalents is defined. 1.一种获得功率计算参数的方法,其包括:从多个多相模拟信号中生成单个模拟信号,其中所述单个模拟信号在第一时钟信号的每个周期呈现所述多个多相模拟信号中一个的值;使用第二时钟信号把所述单个模拟信号转换为数字表示;从所述数字表示中生成多个数字信号,其中所述多个数字信号中的每一个表示所述多个多相模拟信号中一个的数字形式;和通过补偿所述多个数字信号在采样间隔中的差值,从而提供所述多个多相模拟信号的每个相位中的所有信号在相同采样时间的数字值来获得功率计算参数。 1. A method for obtaining a power calculation parameter, comprising: generating a single analog signal from the plurality of multiphase analog signals, wherein said plurality of said single analog multiphase analog signals presented at each cycle of the first clock signal a signal value; a second clock signal used to convert the single analog signal to a digital representation; generating a plurality of digital signals from the digital representation, wherein said plurality of digital signals each of a plurality of said representation multiphase analog signals in a digital form; and a plurality of digital signals by compensating for the difference in the sampling interval, so that all of said plurality of signals each phase of the multiphase analog signals sampled at the same time digital values ​​to obtain power calculation parameters. 2.如权利要求1所述的方法,其中所述的补偿所述多个数字信号包括,为所述多个多相模拟信号的每个相位中的所有模拟信号,计算相同时钟时间的等效数字值。 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein said plurality of said digital signal comprises compensating for all of said plurality of analog signals each phase in a multiphase analog signals, calculate the equivalent in the same clock time numeric value. 3.如权利要求2所述的方法,其中所述的计算等效数字值包括,使来自每个所述相位的所述多个数字信号中合适的一个通过一个插值滤波器。 3. The method according to claim 2, wherein said calculated value comprises a digital equivalent, the digital signal from each of said plurality of phase by a suitable interpolation filter a. 4.如权利要求2所述的方法,其中所述的计算等效数字值包括,把高阶插值电路应用于每个所述相位中所述多个数字信号中合适的一个。 4. The method according to claim 2, wherein said calculating comprises the equivalent digital value, the higher-order interpolation circuit of said plurality of digital signals applied to the appropriate one of each of said phase. 5.如权利要求2所述的方法,其中所述的计算等效数字值包括,使来自每个所述相位的所述多个数字信号中合适的一个通过一个全通滤波器。 5. The method according to claim 2, wherein said calculated value comprises a digital equivalent, the digital signal from each of said plurality of phase by a suitable all-pass filter. 6.如权利要求1所述的方法,其中所述的转换所述单个模拟信号包括,使用重复取样技术把所述模拟信号转换为所述数字表示。 6. The method according to claim 1, wherein said converting said analog signal comprises a single, repeating the use of the sampling techniques of the analog signal into the digital representation. 7.如权利要求1所述的方法,其中所述第一时钟信号是所述第二时钟信号的整数倍。 7. The method according to claim 1, wherein said first clock signal is an integer multiple of the second clock signal. 8.一种计算功率的方法,其包括:从包括电流信号和电压信号的两个模拟信号中选择一个第一模拟信号;使用模数转换器在第一采样间隔把所述第一模拟信号转换为第一数字表示;使所述第一数字表示作为第一数字信号可用;选择所述两个模拟信号中的第二模拟信号;使用所述模数转换器在第二采样间隔把所述第二模拟信号转换为第二数字表示;使用所述第二数字表示来计算第二数字信号,其表示在所述第一采样间隔的所述第二模拟信号;和使用所述第一数字信号和所述第二数字信号来计算电功率消耗。 A method of calculating power, comprising: selecting a first analog signal from the analog signal comprises two current signal and voltage signal; a first sampling interval in the analog to digital converter used to convert the first analog signal represents a first digital; the first digital signal as a first digital representation is available; second analog signal of said two analog signals selected; and the use of the analog to digital converter in a second sampling interval of the first two converts an analog signal representing a second number; denotes the use of the second digital calculating a second digital signal, representing the first sampling interval of the second analog signal; and using said first digital signal and the second digital signal to calculate the electric power consumption. 9.如权利要求8所述的方法,其中所述的计算所述第二数字信号包括,在插值滤波器中使用在所述第二采样间隔的所述第二数字表示和所述第二数字表示的至少一个先前样本。 9. The method according to claim 8, wherein said calculating of said second digital signal comprises, in the second sampling interval a second digital representation and said second digital interpolation filter at least one previous sample representation. 10.如权利要求8所述的方法,其中所述的计算所述第二数字信号包括,在高阶多项式插值器中使用在所述第二采样间隔的所述第二数字表示和所述第二数字表示的多个先前样本。 10. The method according to claim 8, wherein said calculating of said second digital signal comprises using in said second digital sampling interval in the second order polynomial interpolator and said first indicating a plurality of second digital representation of the previous sample. 11.如权利要求8所述的方法,其中所述的计算所述第二数字信号包括,使所述第二数字表示通过一个全通滤器。 11. The method according to claim 8, wherein said calculating of said second digital signal comprises said digital representation by a second all-pass filter. 12.一种获得功率计算参数的装置,其包括:一个多路复用器,其用于从多个多相模拟信号生成单个模拟信号,其中所述单个模拟信号在第一时钟信号的每个周期呈现所述多个多相模拟信号中的一个的值;一个模数转换器,其使用第二时钟信号把所述单个模拟信号转换为数字表示;一个信号分离设备,其根据所述数字表示生成多个数字信号,其中所述多个数字信号中的每一个表示所述多个多相模拟信号中的一个的数字形式;和一个相位校正电路,其对所述多个数字信号的、与在所述模数转换器中的转换有关的样本偏斜进行补偿,以获得在相同样本间隔的数字样本值,其中所述相位校正电路不是一个相位延迟。 12. An apparatus for obtaining a power calculation parameters, comprising: a multiplexer for generating a plurality of multi-phase single analog signal from an analog signal, wherein each of the single analog signal of the first clock signal a multi-phase cycle assumes a value of said plurality of analog signal; an analog to digital converter, using the second clock signal to the single analog signal into a digital representation; a signal separation device according to the digital indicating generating a plurality of digital signals, wherein the plurality of digital signals each of which represents a digital form of said plurality of multi-phase analog signal; and a phase correction circuit, of which the plurality of digital signals, and converting said analog to digital converter samples relating to compensate the skew, to obtain a digital sample value in the same sample interval, wherein said phase correction circuit is not a phase delay. 13.如权利要求12所述的装置,其中所述的对所述多个数字信号的补偿包括,为所述多个多相模拟信号的每个相位中的所有模拟信号计算在相同时钟时间的等效数字值。 13. The apparatus of claim 12, wherein said compensating comprises the plurality of digital signals, for all of said plurality of analog signals each phase in the multiphase analog signals at the same clock time is calculated digital equivalent value. 14.如权利要求13所述的装置,其中所述计算等效数字值包括,使来自每个所述相位的所述多个数字信号中合适的一个通过一个插值滤波器。 14. The apparatus according to claim 13, wherein said digital value comprises calculating the equivalent, the digital signal from each of said plurality of phase by a suitable interpolation filter a. 15.如权利要求13所述的装置,其中所述计算等效数字值包括,把一个高阶插值电路应用于每个所述相位中的所述多个数字信号中合适的一个。 15. The apparatus according to claim 13, wherein said calculated value comprises a digital equivalent, a higher order interpolation circuit is applied to the plurality of digital signals in each of said phase in a suitable. 16.如权利要求13所述的装置,其中所述计算等效数字值包括,使来自每个所述相位的所述多个数字信号中合适的一个通过一个全通滤波器。 16. The apparatus according to claim 13, wherein said digital value comprises calculating the equivalent, the digital signal from each of said plurality of phase by a suitable all-pass filter. 17.如权利要求12所述的装置,其中所述模数转换器使用重复采样技术把所述模拟信号转换为所述数字表示。 17. The apparatus of claim 12, wherein said analog to digital converter using the oversampling technology of the analog signal into the digital representation. 18.如权利要求12所述的装置,其中所述模数转换器是一个Δ∑转换器。 18. The apparatus of claim 12, wherein said ΔΣ converter is an analog to digital converter. 19.如权利要求12所述的装置,其中所述第一时钟信号是所述第二时钟信号的整数倍。 19. The apparatus of claim 12, wherein said first clock signal is an integer multiple of the second clock signal. 20.一种计算功率的装置,包括:一个多路复用器,其用于在第一采样间隔从两个模拟信号中选择第一模拟信号,所述多路复用器在第二采样间隔选择所述两个模拟信号的第二模拟信号;一个模数转换器,其在所述第一采样间隔把所述第一模拟信号转换为第一数字表示,所述模数转换器在所述第二采样间隔把所述第二模拟信号转换为第二数字表示;一个信号分离设备,其把所述第一数字表示解析为第一数字信号并把所述第二数字表示解析为第二数字信号;和一个功率计算电路,其具有一个相位校正电路,所述相位校正电路用于使用所述第二数字信号生成一个第三数字信号,其表示在所述第一采样间隔的所述第二模拟信号的数字等效值,所述功率计算电路使用所述第一数字信号和所述第三数字信号计算电功率消耗。 20. An apparatus for calculating power, comprising: a multiplexer for selecting the first analog signal from an analog signal in the first two sampling interval, the sampling interval in the second multiplexer selecting one of the two analog signals of a second analog signal; an analog to digital converter to convert the first analog signal in the first sampling interval a first digital representation of the analog to digital converter in the a second sampling interval of the second analog signal to a second digital representation; a signal separation device that parses the digital representation of the first digital signal into a first digital representation and said second digital resolved to a second signal; and a power calculating circuit having a phase correction circuit, the correction circuit for the phase using the second digital signal to generate a third digital signal, representing the first sampling interval in the second digital equivalent of the analog signal, the power calculation circuit using the first digital signal and said third digital signal is calculated electric power consumption. 21.如权利要求20所述的装置,其中所述两个模拟信号包括一个电流信号和一个电压信号。 21. The apparatus according to claim 20, wherein two of said analog signal comprises a current signal and a voltage signal. 22.如权利要求20所述的装置,其中所述两个模拟信号中的每个具有多个相应相位。 22. The apparatus according to claim 20, wherein each of said two analog signals having a respective plurality of phases. 23.如权利要求22所述的装置,其中所述多个相应相位中的每个按顺序被采样。 23. The apparatus according to claim 22, wherein said plurality of respective phases are each sampled sequentially. 24.如权利要求20所述的装置,其中所述相位校正电路是包括数字电路的插值滤波器,所述数字电路使用在所述第二采样间隔的所述第二数字表示和所述第二数字表示的至少一个先前样本。 24. The apparatus according to claim 20, wherein said phase correction circuit comprises a digital circuit is an interpolation filter, the digital circuit using the second sampling interval a second digital representation and said second at least one previous sample digital representation. 25.如权利要求20所述的装置,其中所述相位校正电路是一个包括数字电路的高阶多项式插值器,所述数字电路使用在所述第二采样间隔的所述第二数字表示和所述第二数字表示的多个先前样本。 25. The apparatus according to claim 20, wherein said phase correction circuit is a high order polynomial interpolator comprises a digital circuit, the digital circuit using the second sampling interval and a second digital representation of the a plurality of said second digital representation previous sample. 26.如权利要求20所述的装置,其中所述相位校正电路是一个包括数字电路的全通滤波器,所述数字电路使用所述第二数字表示。 26. The apparatus according to claim 20, wherein said phase correction circuit comprises a digital all-pass filter circuit, the digital circuit using the second digital representation. 27.如权利要求20所述的装置,其中所述模数转换器是一个Δ∑转换器。 27. The apparatus according to claim 20, wherein said ΔΣ converter is an analog to digital converter.
{ "perplexity_score": 2807.1 }
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[ 146880480, 263154017, 192803251, 284975941, 364868733, 206590463 ]
The original Teen Titans series, which ran from 2003 to 2006, is still highly-regarded as one of the best comic book adaptations made for television. That level of praise comes from the show's mature themes, solid character development, and pure entertainment value. Ever since the show was canceled and replaced by the more kid-friendly Teen Titans Go!, many fans of the original series have been left wanting more. The show was anchored by Robin as he was the mainstream hero thanks to his association with Batman. Fans who were unfamiliar with the comics were then introduced to characters like Cyborg, Beast Boy, Starfire, and Raven, making them all household names. However, as is tradition with many classic cartoon shows, there are many moments that are adult-oriented or reference a part of pop culture from the past. Regardless, they are the moments that went over kids' heads originally and only make sense when seen again years later. Here are the 15 Mind-Blowing Things Even Die-Hard Fans Didn't Notice. While there was never a crossover with Static Shock throughout Teen Titans five seasons, both shows were part of the Kid's WB programming block. However, it doesn't mean that the two properties never interacted. Right before Cyborg and Beast Boy are called into action during the final episode of the first season, they are both reading a Static Shock comic book. This appears to be the only Static Shock Easter egg in the show. When considering the fact that the Static Shock show was running simultaneously with Teen Titans, some cross-promotion seems pretty par for the course. What is surprising is that WB never took the opportunity to have some kind of crossover event to further promote both shows. Unfortunately, fans will likely have to stick to Static Shock's appearances in the Teen Titans comics if they want to see these crime fighters together. Beast Boy is in on his way to save Terra when he finds himself in a mind game with Slade. The titan is suddenly surrounded by a series of mirrors, all with Slade's reflection in them. Slade attempts to convince Beast Boy that Terra is undeserving of his heroics, which only angers Beast Boy more. He begins punching each of the mirrors, which is a clear homage to the Bruce Lee movie Enter The Dragon. In the original movie, Bruce Lee's character looks for the villain by shattering each mirror that surrounds him, similarly to how Beast Boy looks for Slade. There have been plenty of references to kung-fu movies using Robin, as his main powers are acrobatics and martial arts. However in this instance, it was Beast Boy who channeled his inner Bruce Lee. If there are any characters on the show who shouldn't be watching scary movies, it's Raven. She is capable of bringing horrible things to life with her extensive telekinetic abilities. In the fifth episode of the second season, the Titans watch a movie called "Wicked Scary" that gives everyone nightmares. After watching it, a frightening monster appears and the group is separated. At one point, while Raven is in the elevator, it starts to fill with black liquid. The doors then open, mirroring the scene from The Shining where the blood-filled elevator empties itself. This is a surprising inclusion when considering the gruesome source material, but it is representative of the darkness that has always been present within Raven's character. When the Titans are given marionettes of themselves, everyone is obviously intrigued by them. Robin then describes how the maker of the marionettes got every detail right, which prompts Beast Boy to check if his puppet is anatomically correct. He then cheekily remarks "speak for yourself," and goes on to say that he is much better looking in real life. An example of some of Teen Titans' adult humor, this joke is easily missed if you're not paying attention. After all, Beast Boy is examining his puppet rather closely throughout this scene while everyone else is busy talking. His referral to the puppet's looks further deflects from the crudeness of the joke, but older viewers will know what he's alluding to. When re-watching the series, it does appear that Beast Boy is frequently involved in these types of jokes. When Starfire travels twenty years into the future in the episode "How Long is Forever," viewers were very excited. The moment that Nightwing shows up was a comic-lover's dream come true. While that is a cool moment in the episode, there's a small reference that most fans missed. When Starfire is looking for Beast Boy, she discovers him being bullied by two boys. However, these boys are wearing the same headgear that the mutant gang from The Dark Knight Returns wear. It doesn't add anything to the plot, but it is an unexpected Easter egg for fans of the renowned graphic novel. The baddies don’t appear again during this future sequence, but it is a moment that’ll make fans do a double take. Mad Mod is a big fan of pop culture. More specifically, he loves The Beatles. In the "Mad Mod" and "Revolution" episodes, there are many references to Yellow Submarine, specifically the Sea of Holes segment. Mod even makes his own version of Mount Rushmore using the heads of The Beatles. However, he's not the only one who gets in on the Beatle references. The Titans, when discussing game plans in "Revolution," are staged similarly to certain scenes from A Hard Day's Night. This is done when some Titans are sitting on a phone booth with Beast Boy reading a newspaper in the background. The Titans even end up mirroring the cover of Abbey Road, as they walk the iconic crosswalk. 9 Beast Boy's Hands on Starfire's "Grebnax" Following a rough start to an encounter with a villain, Beast Boy and Starfire get knocked back and fall hard to the ground. While they remain out-of-frame, Starfire asks Beast Boy whose hands are on her "Grebnax." He then gets up, looking clearly embarrassed and jumps back into the fight. Once again Beast Boy is implicated in a racier moment in the show. In this case, it's entirely accidental, yet hilarious if you're of the age that can at least understand what Starfire could be referring to. Considering Starfire's innocence, she likely doesn't think much of it. On the other hand, Beast Boy's pure embarrassment shows that he understands just fine. Surely, he’ll watch where he lands next time he gets knocked over. The entire episode of "Crash" is full of quality gems. Cyborg gets infected by a virus and gets really energetic. So much so that he casually runs from place to place in search of food throughout the episode. This becomes an issue for the Titans as they have to hunt him down constantly, making sure he doesn't get into trouble. However the first time he randomly runs away, he goes straight through one of the Titan Tower walls after eating a giant plate of waffles. Right before he does, he yells out "Oh Yeah!" in true Kool-Aid man fashion. This isn't the last of his references to pop culture during the episode, but it's definitely one of the best. Cyborg wasn't done making pop culture references with just the Kool-Aid man homage. He references Monty Python's Spam sketch when he repeatedly says "Yams" while being operated on, and even directly quotes the scene from Shrek where Donkey talks about parfaits. The difference here is that Cyborg swaps the word "parfait" with "waffles." This is another reference that is easy to miss since it's kept in the background and receives little focus. However, considering that Shrek is owned by a separate studio, it's amusing that the writers snuck this one in under the radar. If this aired today, it likely would've been recognized more because of Shrek's continued popularity. Regardless it's a glorious little reference that the show definitely gets some props for. When Robin breaks his arm and gets visited by an alternate version of himself, he is understandably in a testy mood. Larry, his other self, notices this and attempts to remedy the situation by fixing his arm. More specifically, he tries to transform Robin's arm so that he can use it again. His first attempts lead to Robin's arm becoming a hockey stick and then a fish. Finally, he turns Robin's arm into a chainsaw, which then revs up loudly before Larry changes is back. Another references to an R-rated movie, this is a fun nod to fans of Ash from the Evil Dead series. If Robin had decided to keep the chainsaw arm, Teen Titans likely would have taken a real dark and violent turn. Considering the show's quality, it's not very surprising how many talented actors wanted to be a part of it. However, nobody expected the likes of: Thomas Haden Church, Malcolm McDowell, Michael Rosenbaum, Keith David, Michael Clarke Duncan, and Stephen Root to be a part of the cast list. Even Jesse McCartney got in on the action, voicing Jason Todd in one episode. Each guest star really adds to each episode, ensuring no drop-off in episode quality. Not only that, but none of them phone it in - they bring plenty of charisma and fun to their performances. When you think about how easy it could've been to just show up and say lines, these highly-energetic voiceovers are greatly appreciated. The show surely wouldn't have been the same without these guest stars. Terra really is a tragic character. Her inability to control her destructive powers mixed with Slade putting her on a dangerous path, leads to tough character moments. However, the most heartbreaking moments are those when she seems to truly hurt her former friends. It's when you see these moments that you recognize Terra's clear case of Stockholm Syndrome. She's consistently yelled at by Slade and even gets slapped around by him. Following these moments of abuse, her actions can't be prevented as she has been literally beaten into submission and ends up believing that Slade wants to help her. Her ability to rebel only comes in the form of self-sacrifice as she cannot fully join the good guys. This is something that fans undoubtedly missed while watching as a child, as Stockholm Syndrome is really quite a disturbing concept. Each Mad Mod episode is always chock-full of cultural references, and his introductory episode set the standard. There is a scene where Robin is strapped to a chair to be hypnotized and his eyes are kept open by straps. While watching it unfold, this is a clear reference to the scene in A Clockwork Orange where Alex's eyes are pried open as he is brainwashed. To add to the reference, Mad Mod is voiced by Malcolm McDowell, who played Alex in the film. It serves as a fun nod to McDowell’s role and is a fitting method for the pop-culture-obsessed Mad Mod. You can say what you want about Mad Mod, but don’t ever question his pop culture knowledge. Robin's traumatic backstory is never really brought to the forefront throughout the series, but there are definite references to it. Whether it involves Batman or his real parents, fans will recognize certain callbacks to his previous life. There's a moment in the episode "Apprentice Part II", where Robin mentions that he already has a father. It then cuts to a flurry of bats flying away and some background music reminiscent of Batman: The Animated Series. There is also the episode "Haunted", where Raven goes into Robin's mind and sees him swearing allegiance to Batman, as well as his parents performing in the circus. While there is no clear explanation, Robin's backstory is certainly present. If only they could've snuck in an actual Batman cameo. If there is any villain that traumatizes the most characters, it's Slade. The sheer amount of physical and mental abuse he dishes out is astonishing. Since much of Robin's arc focuses on taking down Slade, he ends up the most damaged because of it. This issue comes to a head in the episode "Haunted" where Robin begins seeing his nemesis everywhere, even though Slade died during the previous season. Robin ends up fighting him throughout the episode and getting physically abused in the process. He's so obsessed with it that the other Titans strap him down to keep him from seeking Slade out again. Robin's mental torment exhibits signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. For a children’s show, PTSD is some heavy subject matter, albeit an important one. Are there any more mind-blowing moments from Teen Titans that we missed?
{ "perplexity_score": 262.2 }
[ [ 790319323365, 790319323435 ] ]
[ 364868734, 178927263 ]
By George, I think someone hit the summer default button. It feels like the temperature gauge is stuck in mid-August rather than the final days of September. No time to scurry about, reiterating fall garden chores or shelling out a couple of tidbits on design. There is always the trusted Annie archive for worthy information.
{ "perplexity_score": 367.1 }
An Array Of Wicklow Talent Set To Go National. A wonderful evening celebrating the very best in musical theatre is promised with the upcoming Forget Me Not concert at the National Concert Hall in Dublin, on Wednesday July 30. The concert is the brainchild of Arklow’s own Naoimh Penston, with all raised funds going to the Alzherimer’s Society of Ireland, Lily of the Valley Day Care Centre, Rathdrum and the Avonmore ward, Newcastle Hospital. Aptly titled “Forget Me Not” the concert is a tribute to Naoimh’s mother Claire Kavanagh, who passed away last summer after a long battle with the illness. Claire’s love of music played an integral part in steering Naoimh into a world of music, and that baton has been firmly passed on with Naoimh’s two daughters Amy and Leah also following a career pathway in musical theatre, and both ladies will return home from their West End London base to perform at the NCH alongside not only their mother but an array of renowned performers. Naoimh has put together an excellent programme for the evening, an eclectic mix of Irish, Classical, Musical Theatre, and Popular music, and is thrilled to call upon the immense talents of Jackie Curran-Olohan, Tony Carty, Chris Currid, Dave Latham and Des Willoughby, who is recently returned from a successful trip Stateside. ‘Forget Me Not’ will also welcome a number of special guest appearances on the night, including the award winning Penston Vocal Academy choir, and Naoimh’s recent AIMS award winning sister Sinéad Rees, for what is bound to be an emotional occasion. Tickets for the concert are available at www.nch.ie and also at McMullans, Arklow and Kavanagh’s, Wexford Road, Arklow. Gabriel O’Mahony is running buses to the event in Dublin and seats can be booked by calling 087 2567494. A press launch for the event will take place this coming Saturday, upstairs at The Harbour Bar at 8.30pm, and all welcome to attend.
{ "perplexity_score": 359.5 }
[ [ 790319336084, 790319336134 ], [ 790319336467, 790319336517 ] ]
[ 364868736, 299874699, 318263288 ]
Teen Bedroom Designs | Modern Bedroom decorating is extremely easy and simple to do and by obeying the pointers below you need to be able to attain the modern look you’re after. Decorating with Fairies has never been simpler with each one of the amazing accessories you can purchase. A guideline in a bedroom is to continue to keep things easy and soft. You need to check whether there’s enough space, dressing room and relaxation for you, to begin with, or for the both of you you’re sharing the room in case. When getting prepared to begin transforming her bedroom, then you must have a simple idea of what you would like and the way that it will be set. According to the vast majority of professionals, lighting must be priority in more compact spaces, since it can ruin it or completely improve the perception of space. You can discover a good deal of contemporary furniture readily and is often cheaper than other varieties of styles available to customers to begin with. You should have a foundation of walls, for it provides you bedding and window treatment that do not have any theme before embarking on child’s bedroom decoration. A silver bedroom can work with a great deal of themes that are unique. Girls bedroom ideas that are unusual will concentrate on colours. At least one time every day, have both children do a fast cleanup of their part of the room, along with the section. You consider. Your boys baseball room is certain to be a hit with all his pals. Here are tips and a terrific bedroom ideas that you ought to think about to assist you decorate a bedroom. At this point you’ve got some suggestions on the way. It is not always straightforward that you are likely to require a plan prior to starting to decorate the attic bedroom.
{ "perplexity_score": 376.7 }
[ [ 790319337874, 790319338669 ], [ 790319338674, 790319339120 ], [ 790319339145, 790319339246 ], [ 790319339258, 790319339608 ] ]
[ 364868737 ]
Prayer is the essence of anyone’s relationship with God, and at Saint Matthias prayer is featured in our worship, our fellowship, and in our homes. But there is more than that: We teach those who are interested about additional methods of prayer, be they corporate, liturgical, or contemplative. Thank you. By requesting prayer, we commit to pray with you and for you.
{ "perplexity_score": 425.3 }
Suppose we are having a text format data file which contains employees basic details. When we load this file in Spark, it returns an RDD. Our requirement is to find the number of partitions which has created just after loading the data file and see what records are stored in each partition. The first step is data preparation. We will use the same data which has been shared above. You can keep this data either in local or HDFS. We will see both the cases. So in my case, I have above sample data (emp_data.txt) in local at /home/anoo17/Spark-With-Scala/resource and in HDFS at /home/anoo17/Spark-With-Scala/resource. Open the spark shell. It will create spark context as sc. Now sc is available as Spark Context. Let’s first load local data file using it. It will return an RDD. Here, for loading data file from local and hdfs have only 1 difference which is file/hdfs in the path. So, if the path contains file keyword, it means you are loading data from the local path. textFile – It is used to load data. It takes two arguments. One is the path of the file and other is optional which is the no. of partitions given by a user. As we have not provided any value for the second parameter. It will create the partition by itself. We can check the no. of partitions created while loading data by using partitions.size function on the RDD. Let’s read the records from the partition. mapPartitionsWithIndex – This function will iterate all the partitions while tracking the index of the original partition. We will assign index value of the partition we want to read records. The index value is start with 0. So assigned index value as 0 for 1st partition records. collect() – It will return an array that contains all of the elements of RDD. Let’s load data by providing a specific number of partitions. So, we need to provide a value in the second parameter. Here I have given 1 partition. So it will create only 1 partition in the RDD. We are seeing all the records of the file have been stored into 1 partition. In this post, we have gone through the basic understanding of loading data files from local and hdfs into an RDD, count number of partitions of RDD and read records of a specific partition. In addition to this we have also seen how can we specify the number of the partition while loading data. You can try on the different set of data to know more about the number of partitions.
{ "perplexity_score": 489.2 }
[ [ 790319341440, 790319341493 ] ]
[ 364868739 ]
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{ "perplexity_score": 634.5 }
[ [ 790319342388, 790319342659 ], [ 790319342729, 790319342953 ], [ 790319342957, 790319343182 ], [ 790319343183, 790319343239 ], [ 790319343254, 790319343527 ], [ 790319343528, 790319343601 ], [ 790319343642, 790319343723 ], [ 790319343748, 790319344006 ], [ 790319344035, 790319344148 ], [ 790319344209, 790319344285 ], [ 790319344328, 790319344388 ], [ 790319344407, 790319344479 ], [ 790319344531, 790319344778 ], [ 790319344937, 790319344993 ], [ 790319345099, 790319345193 ], [ 790319345220, 790319345394 ], [ 790319345444, 790319345796 ], [ 790319345805, 790319346091 ], [ 790319346237, 790319346332 ], [ 790319346347, 790319346468 ], [ 790319346492, 790319346673 ], [ 790319346722, 790319347045 ], [ 790319347063, 790319347175 ], [ 790319347183, 790319347421 ], [ 790319347457, 790319347511 ], [ 790319347539, 790319347623 ], [ 790319347633, 790319347711 ], [ 790319347744, 790319347880 ], [ 790319347888, 790319347951 ], [ 790319348013, 790319348112 ], [ 790319348123, 790319348266 ], [ 790319348410, 790319348592 ], [ 790319348639, 790319348786 ], [ 790319348830, 790319349009 ], [ 790319349039, 790319349213 ], [ 790319349220, 790319349272 ], [ 790319349313, 790319349396 ], [ 790319349471, 790319349549 ], [ 790319349661, 790319349820 ], [ 790319349827, 790319349914 ] ]
[ 142787505, 364868740, 74096189, 289184398 ]
Professional, stand-out acting headshots taken in a friendly and unpressured environment. Shoots available in London and Norwich. Please contact me for more information or to book your session.
{ "perplexity_score": 717.2 }
[ [ 790319350048, 790319350115 ] ]
[ 364868741 ]
Scope of project includes renovation of performance hall and summer homes. Clean work and a tidy jobsite contributed to a finely detailed restoration of this historic architecture. Rick Sutherland, the owner of Sutherland Painting Co. was featured on the front page of the Boulder Daily Camera (see photo here). Chautauqua Performance hall is an example of the bigger commercial projects we have completed on time and to the complete satisfaction of the customer.
{ "perplexity_score": 393.8 }
[ [ 790319350513, 790319350584 ] ]
[ 364868742 ]
Sorry to spoil the fun, but . . . After the TC&LA, only REAL ESTATE qualifies for 1031 nonrecognition.
{ "perplexity_score": 142.2 }
Processing a payroll is complicated, error-prone, and time-consuming. According to the law, business owners are required to withhold a certain percentage of their employee’s pay amounts or wages to pay their taxes. These payroll tax amounts are not very consistent thus, making the task more complicated. These amounts can change depending on the status of the employee. Also, to make things more complicated government agencies changes amendments and legislation to tax codes in a regular basis. Inaccurate computations and missed deadlines can cost the company costly penalties and fines. Thus, having an outsourced payroll negates all these risks and causes of stress. Service providers provide solutions to all of these complications. If the business is struggling in performing the payroll process, hiring a payroll service company is the best way to escape this problem. These companies are experts in important payroll activities such as distributing funds to employees’ accounts, calculating employee tax, and job cost reporting. Service providers will now take responsibility on calculating employee withholding amounts, providing important and updated forms, and processing payments before due dates. Some of these employees open an accessible online account for employees thus, eliminating the need of gathering and collecting receipts and pay stubs. Providing the company with an outsourced payroll will not be an easy find. Business operators need to have knowledge the terms of trade, know the needs of the company, how outsourcing benefits the business, and other benefits that may fit the company’s needs and solves the company’s problems before they can begin finding one. These basic outsourcing services can be used as reference on their decisions. If the business operators cannot maintain balance of their resources, they can begin to consider payroll outsourcing companies. In running a business, every decision made must always be worth it. Every business, irrespective of their nature and size, consider bookkeeping as an essential part. In fact, acquainting basic skills in bookkeeping is highly recommended before starting up a business. During startup, money matters are very crucial; proper bookkeeping determines the sink or swim scenario of your business. The growth of your business increases the responsibility of the task.Thus, you may experience complications and certain difficulties especially on keeping track to other important activities of your business. Neglecting this task should never be in the minds of any business owner. Therefore, payroll service companies are more than willing to help your company eliminate heavy and time-consuming tasks associating payroll. Time for focusing more on the primary activities of the business: This is considered to be the major reason why business operators outsource their bookkeeping tasks. With all the payroll preparations eliminated, your time will be more on the dedication to important business activities. Moreover, you will also gain more time to relax because you do not have to bother the extra workload that payroll management requires. Management efficiency: You can now eliminate cost and complications associated with training new full-time bookkeepers. There will be less job descriptions to identify since all of your employees are now working only for business related transactions. Through outsourcing bookkeeping, your interest is only on the accounting company’s delivery. Better use of available resources: If you prepare payroll with an in-house bookkeeper, you will be required to have extra space, hardware and software. However, when you outsource the services, the resources needed to buy these expensive equipment can now be used to other essential activities of your business.
{ "perplexity_score": 371.3 }
[ [ 790319350800, 790319350853 ], [ 790319352661, 790319352713 ] ]
[ 364868744, 304983160 ]
I have had a lot of wonderful people and programs that have impacted my life. My personal experiences are what have motivated me to pursue having a similar impact on others. Effect and influence is a difficult thing to measure. A few things happened this week that make me feel pretty good about the impact of my In The Arena projects. Gregory won the prize for running the most miles in Run Club this Spring. Over the last six weeks he ran 43 miles. This week marked my final week in Minneapolis for the school year as Caitlin and I are headed out to Park City, UT for her first US Ski Team camp. Typically this would also mean the final week of Run Club. New this year though, volunteer Kim has offered to continue running practices for the kids on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Kim called us two weeks ago to see if she could join her child at run club and for the 5 km race. She has been awesome and a huge motivation to us and the kids. Our friend Will has also offered to help with Run Club and it makes me so happy to see the program continue while we are away at training camp. come back to Kaktovik next year? and the school. I liked it when Officer Ben came and watched us ski. Will you be coming back to Kaktovik next year? I hope so. took us out a few days ago and I won the race around the snow fence. Thanks for teaching me how to ski. skis here for us to use. Ms. Deb took us out the last week of school. Still skiing in Kaktovik in mid May. It is great to see the familiar faces of the kids and to see that they are using and enjoying the equipment that SkiKu left for them at the school. The smiles tell the story and the impact for the kids. To the kids in Kaktovik: Here is how we "roller ski" so that we can go skiing when there is no snow. It is fun, but real snow is better!
{ "perplexity_score": 429.1 }
At BrainDumps4IT your purchase of 650-178 exam questions dumps never expire. The moment you complete the transaction, it activates instantly and you can download your copy of SBCSEN Smart Business Communication Systems for Engineers , 650-178 braindumps. By keeping the importance of Cisco in mind, our company is currently also announcing 30% discount on all examcollection 650-178 vce test preparation products. Students can easily study with 650-178 exam vce. Wouldn't it be the best thing to know about the actual 650-178 exam questions way before you step in the exam hall? We flfl your dream and give you real 650-178 questions in our Cisco 650-178 braindumps. You get the chance to practice real 650-178 test questions, exactly the ones you'll be getting in the real 650-178 SBCSEN Smart Business Communication Systems for Engineers exam. Master all the 650-178 dumps' exam questions and answers. So the dreaded day of exam will be nothing less than a fun day. Perform amazingly in the 650-178 exam and get certified easily. We are a trusted Additional Online Exams for Validating Knowledge 650-178 braindumps provider from a very long time and have a very long list of customers. We have never sold that list or used it for sending promotional emails. When you enter your information to download Cisco 650-178 dumps questions, your information becomes encrypted when it reaches the server. The information that you enter to purchase the 650-178 exam dumps becomes unreadable by humans so there is no way that it can fall in the wrong hands. There are no timers or jammers hidden in our Additional Online Exams for Validating Knowledge 650-178 exam braindumps. You only need to pay once for the Cisco 650-178 dumps to start your preparation and after that you will get free 650-178 braindumps' updates for 3 months.
{ "perplexity_score": 1076.1 }
[ [ 790319356292, 790319358118 ] ]
[ 364868746 ]
A few months ago I was introduced to Free & Native‘s Lacy Phillips through my friend Katie. Over dinner one night Katie mentioned a workshop she’d recently attended in New York led by Lacy. After hearing about her experience, I was intrigued, yet slightly apprehensive because after years of obsession and addiction to all things personal-growth, spirituality, and manifestation I was at a point where I was exhausted by content even in the vicinity of self-help. Despite my trepidation I checked out Free & Native and few clicks and several hours later, I was hooked. Luckily, Lacy’s work is anti-self help while being the most helpful content I’ve stumbled upon in recent years. From her style and aesthetic to her message and wisdom, her work became very meaningful to me in the weeks leading up to this interview so I was a bit nervous to meet her in person when it finally arrived. Fortunately, Lacy was so warm and welcoming putting me at ease the second I walked into her Brooklyn apartment. We sipped a tea infusion Lacy made (Lacy’s also an herbalist) and chatted for hours about everything from bodies and food to style and design to relationships and finding partnership to authenticity, envy, feeling feelings, labels, boundaries, and of course debunking myths about manifestation. She’s the real deal; kind, genuine, smart, articulate, and beautiful. I loved this episode. ALSO – use the code “KATIE” for $10 off any of her courses. You need to enter the code first and then press enter so that it’s subtracted before putting in payment info. – Mama Medicine doing an event with her Thursday!
{ "perplexity_score": 488.1 }
-2:26 p.m.: investigate complaint. Deputies investigated a scam complaint at 4588 Cardo Road in Cynthian Township. -11:45 p.m.: investigate complaint. Deputies investigated a scam complaint at 10371 Kuther Road in Turtle Creek Township. -7:35 p.m.: tree down. Deputies were dispatched to the 2000 block of River Road in Orange Township on the report a tree was across the roadway. -12:10 a.m.: medical. Anna Rescue responded to the 500 block of Davis Street in Jackson Township. -10:27 a.m.: medical. Anna Rescue responded to the 1800 block of Cisco Road in Franklin Township. -11:25 p.m.: medical. Anna Rescue and Botkins Police responded to the 300 block of North Main Street in Dinsmore Township. -9:22 p.m.: medical. Anna Rescue responded to the 200 block of East North Street in Anna. -5 p.m.: medical. Fort Loramie Rescue and Fire responded to the 3100 block of Kaiser Road in Cynthian Township.
{ "perplexity_score": 388.5 }
[ [ 790319359734, 790319359816 ], [ 790319359837, 790319359934 ], [ 790319359969, 790319360095 ], [ 790319360113, 790319360179 ], [ 790319360183, 790319360526 ], [ 790319360569, 790319360637 ] ]
[ 303062921, 364868748, 226003598 ]
{ "perplexity_score": 1132 }
Around Bleacher Report HQ, a lot of meetings end with us agreeing that “it needs to be done by football season.” Football season looms large in our imaginations, sort of like Christmas looms in the minds of 5-year-olds. Today, we’re launching the first of a few of these football season-oriented projects, a redesign to the look and feel of Bleacher Report. It’s subtle, but we think the site looks more contemporary and easier to read and browse. And we think it does a better job expressing some of the personality and fun of Bleacher Report. Give it a look around and let us know what you think. A cleaner design, with sharper fonts. We worked to make the site easier to navigate for folks on tablets. There’s more to come on this, so stay tuned. There’s a lot more that we’re working on, so look to see more improvements to the site in the next few weeks as we move toward football kickoff. Looks awesome guys! Love the sharp new font—makes the writing look less like a school paper and more like a sports-article! Great new look. Love the layout, the background, the font, everything! It looks 10 times better!!! Really amazing job by the design team. Perfect choice for the main font. It’s so much more crisp. The new format does not allow for tables in articles. I just saw one and it is a mess. Definitely a kink that needs fixing. Brandon, can you send me an example? Your page looks good! The new font and the white borders [as you scroll down] add straightforwardness and clearness to the website’s over all appearance. I like it. I like it. I was having a problem before that I couldn’t read article while I was logged in. As a writer on BR, you can imagine that that was a problem. But now it’s fixed! Good job. Put the Top Writers back on the home page for each team and sport! I hate going to the Top Writers tab at the top because those rankings are always old and I have no idea where I rank. Either get your act together with updating the rankings (on Arsenal they’re a day old!) or put Top Writers back on team and league home pages. I want to echo Charlie’s statement – I loved coming to site to see who the most active writers were for each team. I would use that to go look at all of the articles. Not having it on the team home page is not good. I think it looks terrific…especially like the drop cap at the beginning of each story. Great work! How about highlighting which users are making the most COMMENTS in each section? This would be a way for our readers (specifically “active” members) to get some props, too. I don’t know if this is something we want to do or not, but I think it could help generate more comments on our articles if people are seeing their picture on their favorite team/sport’s page.
{ "perplexity_score": 406.5 }
[ [ 790319361810, 790319361866 ] ]
[ 364868750 ]
Also known as: Berberi, wood sour, pepperidge bush. Parts to use: Bark, root bark, and berries. Chemical constituents of Barberry : Berbamine, berberine, berberrubine, columbamine, hydrastine, atorrhizine, manganese, oxycanthine, palmatine. Bitter tonic, alterative, anti-diarrheal, astringent, laxative, sedative tonic, anti-hemorrhagic, antifungal, antibiotic (effective against a variety of pathogens); hepatic - stimulates liver, spleen and uterus; lowers fever and blood pressure (alkaloid activity); anti-inflammatory, vermifuge. Possible antispasmodic properties. Antimicrobial activity is greater in the alkaline environment of the colon. Stimulates white blood cells. Regulates digestion. Root bark is hepatic and laxative and also used as a febrifuge and blood purifier. May help to fight damage from free radicals and stimulate the immune system. Berries are laxative and refrigerant. Berberine (a primary alkaloid) is antibiotic, astringent and antifungal. In Chinese medicine, berberine is used as a broad spectrum antibiotic for bacteria and protozoa. In Chinese studies, local anaesthesia and hyperpigmentation has been noted following injections of berberine. Findings in the laboratory report that in small doses the respiratory system is stimulated, but large doses lead to severe dyspnea and spasms resulting in lethal primary paralysis of the respiratory system (inhibition of heart action was also observed). Large doses can also cause hemorrhagic nephritis. These results have been noted with the use of the purified alkaloid berberine. Berberine is also used to help prevent and treat ventricular arrhythmias. In Chinese studies berberine reduced ventricular arrhythmias by more than 50% in over half the study participants. It is also effective against Candida albicans. Used for infectious diarrhea, poor appetite, fever, and hemorrhage. Used in cases of typhus to stop the bloody flux. Calms nerves, constricts capillary blood blow, reduces muscle spasms. Affects digestive and circulatory systems. Increases production of digestive enzymes. Used in the form of liquid extract; given as a decoction, infusion or tincture; also a salt of Berberine. Used for bleeding, cancer, dysentary, malaria, leishmaniasis (parasitic protozoa transmitted by sandfly), hepatitis, tumor (liver), gall bladder (stones). It has been used for cancerous tumors and lumps of the liver, neck and stomach. Some test results have shown anti-cancer activity. Used for ailments of the kidney and urinary tract, liver diseases, bronchial problems, ailments of the spleen, spasms and as a stimulant for the circulatory system. Used as a liver tonic for jaundice, hepatitis, and diabetes. Used historically in folk medicine for gastrointestinal ailments, lympthatics, urinary tract problems and respiratory infections. It has been combined with equal parts Rowan berries and Club moss for difficult urination and burning or painful urination. 1 tsp was steeped in 1/2 cup of boiling hot water for 10 minutes and taken 1/2 to 1 cup daily in mouthful doses spread out over the day. Often combined with Fringe Tree or Culver's root for gall bladder problems. Used as a liver tonic and detoxicant. Used in eye washes to relieve redness and control infection. In Ayurvedic medicine it is often combined with turmeric for liver problems and for diabetes. Useful in liver and gallbladder cleansing formulas and has a mild laxative effect. Also used for general debility and biliousness. Used for chronic ills of the stomach and the early stages of tuberculosis, for general debility, liver and spleen problems. Historically it acquired the name as an 'old woman's medicine' due to its general use in infusion form as a stomach and liver agent. It was also used as a tonic for convalescent patients. In New England a tincture was made by steeping the bark in hard cider in the following manner: 4 oz each of barberry, white poplar and wild cherry barks were crushed and steeped one week in a gallon of cider, then strained. The dose was 1 tbsp taken 3 times daily. It was taken as a digestive tonic and for cases of debilitation and convalesence. Used for loss of appetite. At one time, jaundice was treated by taking the bark of the stem and infusing it in beer. The dose was from 1 to 2 oz twice daily. Also used for cholera, scabies, itch, 'tetters', ringworm, bile, catarrhal conditions of the bronchial tubes. Berberine sulphate has shown activity in B1, KB and PS sysems, and oxyacanthine, activity in the KB system.The LD50 for berberine sulfate in mice is 24.3 mg/kg in introperitoneal application. (Commission E Monographs). Deaths due to respiratory paralysis occurred in anesthisized cats and dogs at 25 mg/kg; in addition a noticible inhibition of the heart action was observed. Laboratory studies have shown it to be a heart stimulant in low doses, but a heart depressant in high doses. High doses will also depress breathing, stimulate the smooth muscle of the intestine and decrease bronchial constriction. The crushed berries mixed in water is used as a gargle for sore throat. Berries also used in a drink for diarrhea and fevers. Used for arthritis and rheumatism. Used as a vermifuge for some internal parasites. The following recipe is used for the treatment of bad nerves and scurvy. BARBERRY CONSERVE: Put freshly picked and fully ripe berries through a Squeezo equipped with a berry strainer to remove the skins and seeds (or a similar device). To 1 lb of the puree and juice add 3 oz of raw cane sugar and stir well. When sugar is dissolved, add 7 oz. of honey, then 7 to 8 oz of thick grape sugar syrup. Stir till all is well blended. If too thin, add more raw sugar. Put into sterile jars as you would jam. The jelly of the berries was also used for catarrhal infections; are also anti-scorbutic and astringent. Berries were also chewed to promote good health and said to be useful for itch and other skin ailments. The Catawbas boiled the stems and roots in tea for ulcerated stomach. Was used by the Catawbas who boiled the stems and roots in a tea for stomach ulcerations. Has been used by Native Americans for ulcers, sores, consumption, heartburn, rheumatism. The root was chewed and the liquid placed on injuries and wounds. Cuts and bruises were washed in with a decoction of the root. The root tea was prepared for use as a blood tonic, a cough medicine and for kidney ailments. The Penobscots pounded the roots or bark into a mash and applied it to ulcerated gums or sore throats. The liquid from the chewed root was placed on injuries and wounds. Cuts and bruises were washed with a root decotion. The bark of the stem was once infused in beer for jaundice, dose being 1 to 2 oz twice daily. In New England a tincture was once made by steeping bark in hard cider: 4 oz ea of Barberry, White poplar, and Whild cherry barks were crushed and steeped for 1 week in a gallon of cider, then strained; dose = 1 tbsp or more taken 3 times daily. Was used as a tonic for the digestive system, biliousness, debility, and during convalescence. In Mongolia this species is used to stop bleeding and treat diseases of the mucous membranes. Official in the Russian Pharmacopeia, it is used in extract form for female gential organs, inflammation of the gallbladder, to increase bile and to help reduce blood pressure. Was used in Russian folk medicine for inflammations, excess menses, for gallbladder conditions and to staunch bleeding. Official in the Russian Pharmacopeia since 1950 along with Amur Barberry and used in extract form for problems of the female genital organs, inflammation of the gall bladder, and to increase the flow of bile; also used to reduce high blood pressure. An infusion of the berries made with wine was used to purge the bowels. Depending on the condition being treated, it has been combined with Golden Seal, Burdock, Yellow dock, Fringe tree, and Wild Cherry. In In Egypt, an infusion of the berries was sweetneed and combined with syrup of roses for fevers. Capsules: 2-4 “0” capsules 3x daily max. Decoction: 1 cup 3x daily before meals.
{ "perplexity_score": 287.2 }
[ [ 790319364249, 790319364423 ], [ 790319364462, 790319364916 ], [ 790319365334, 790319365391 ], [ 790319365586, 790319365758 ], [ 790319365806, 790319365871 ], [ 790319366079, 790319366184 ], [ 790319366185, 790319366339 ], [ 790319366343, 790319366470 ], [ 790319366471, 790319366633 ], [ 790319366639, 790319366696 ], [ 790319366697, 790319366948 ], [ 790319366949, 790319367087 ], [ 790319367090, 790319367163 ], [ 790319367202, 790319367356 ], [ 790319367362, 790319367439 ], [ 790319367488, 790319367799 ], [ 790319368308, 790319368414 ], [ 790319368530, 790319368581 ], [ 790319368938, 790319368988 ], [ 790319369058, 790319369147 ], [ 790319369183, 790319369252 ], [ 790319369254, 790319369304 ], [ 790319370224, 790319370285 ], [ 790319370550, 790319370611 ], [ 790319371095, 790319371198 ], [ 790319371205, 790319371377 ], [ 790319371457, 790319371531 ] ]
[ 100097305, 350168026, 285053259, 364868751 ]
If you’re reaching out to propose a press, teaching, or select opportunity, kindly email hello@jenniferelsner.com. For all other inquires, use the form below. Nice to meet you. Or, great to hear from you again. Either way, thanks in advance for reaching out. I’m curious to know what’s on your mind. In addition to your question, I’d love to know: Where can I find you online? What Instagram account you think I should follow? How would you describe yourself in three adjectives? Are you obsessing about anything? Do tell. Or not. Sharing any or all of the above with me is wonderful—and optional. Either way, I’ll reply promptly. And rather than dazzling you with a lightning speed response, below are links to inspire reverie. One is something I'm already loving, and the other is what I'm looking forward to. But rest assured, if I'm not traveling, I'll respond to your email swiftly. Usually in 24 hours.
{ "perplexity_score": 382.2 }
[ [ 790319372524, 790319372579 ] ]
[ 364868752, 225094020 ]
Poway, CA—Delkin Devices launched the Video Performance Guarantee 130 (VPG-130) version of their 128GB CFast 2.0 memory card. Delivering performance at speeds suitable for professional photographers and videographers, the VPG-130 CFast 2.0 card is specifically for cinema-quality video recording to meet the extensive demands of today’s broadcast, cinema and photography industries. Delkin Devices a manufacturer of flash storage solutions and camera accessories. Boasting recording speeds up to 495MB/s, with a minimum sustained write speed of 130MB/s, Delkin’s 128GB VPG-130 CFast 2.0 card captures smooth DCI 4K as well as Full HD video at high frame rates. It also captures 170 full-size RAW images and unlimited JPEGs at 16 frames per sec in the Canon EOS-1D X Mark II. Each of Delkin’s CFast cards undergo an extensive series of tests. This ensures full functionality and performance in today’s high-end cinematic hosts. While not compatible with ARRI cameras at this time, it does support those from Canon, Blackmagic and Atomos. In addition, though not as fast as CFast 2.0, Delkin’s Prime 1050x VPG-65 CompactFlash memory cards were tested to work in Canon’s 1D X Mark II. The cards provide write speeds up to 120MB/s for photo and video capture. Moreover, the memory cards come with a lifetime warranty. In addition, Delkin’s American-based customer support team out of San Diego, California, supports the cards. Delkin Devices’ consumer group manufactures storage devices, such as memory cards and digital accessories, for the photography market. The company began in 1986. Moreover, it has offices located in both the U.S. and Europe.
{ "perplexity_score": 338.4 }
[ [ 790319373054, 790319373239 ], [ 790319373277, 790319373400 ], [ 790319373413, 790319373633 ], [ 790319373642, 790319373699 ], [ 790319373760, 790319373857 ], [ 790319373871, 790319374054 ], [ 790319374343, 790319374409 ], [ 790319374438, 790319374575 ] ]
[ 364868753, 57911535 ]
The Siebold Viburnum is a small tree or large shrub. A native of Japan, it was brought to the west by the famous Philipp Franz Balthasar von Siebold, botanist and explorer from Germany. Siebold lead an interesting life, he lived in present day Jakarta and collected many plants from Japan and Java. He was allowed to live in Japan during the era of “Sakoku” a time when no foreigners were allowed to enter the country and no Japanese were allowed to leave. He was banished after 8 years when the Japanese government accused him of being a Russian spy. The small tree has large leaves and when bruised the leaves smell like burnt rubber. It has white flower and red fruit, which make a tasty snack for birds. Siebold Viburnum leaves stay on most of the winter and most of the fruit is eaten by birds so the tree is not very messy, which many people like. It is the Viburnum most resistant to the Viburnum leaf beetle, an invasive insect from Europe that feeds on many Viburnums. It is also very resistant to other pests and diseases. It is good for planting in road centers or landscape areas where it has room for root expansion. Regular pruning is required for it to have an upright, tree-like form.
{ "perplexity_score": 149.8 }
I was contracted to develop the client portal for CAM+Partners. This web application allows an admin or photographer to upload and categorize photos into projects, folders, sections, etc. It also allows clients to login, comment, rate, download, sort, and arrange photos.
{ "perplexity_score": 428.1 }
Welcome to Hanston Marbella, Spain’s premier full service, privately owned real estate organization, providing the highest level of service and employing cutting edge resources. Hanston Marbella is a fully-integrated, global real estate organization that delivers comprehensive sales and marketing services on behalf of world-class residential and resort developments. Hanston Marbella’s main focus is the Luxury Spanish Property on the Costa del Sol and advising national and international real estate brokers and private owners to purchase and sell their houses, villas, apartments, investments and commercial property. Hanston Marbella’s key strategic advantage is our unrivalled network of international broker and consultant relationships. The ability to market residential, commercial and discounted properties through selective international real estate professionals, each an expert in their own market, has given Hanston Marbella a dramatic competitive advantage. As such, we are uniquely well placed to find the opportunities in shifting global market trends, while serving a dynamic and thoroughly diversified client base. Our international Marbella team, fluent in most languages, is in perpetual motion, delivering specialist training of how to sell premium projects to brokers who represent the world’s most sophisticated buyers. This unmatched capacity to activate international sales in an increasingly globalized and complex environment, while never compromising on the quality of client care, has achieved outstanding results in sales volume and sales velocity. Ten years of exponential growth have demonstrated the efficiency of our methodology. Hanston Marbella now represents Spain’s Luxury Real Estate market like no one.
{ "perplexity_score": 324 }
[ [ 790319376188, 790319376291 ] ]
[ 364868756 ]
This article provides some tips and trick on how to access your boards quickly. On the main dashboard are listed all projects and boards you are assigned to. You open a board by clicking on the board's name. If you are already working on a board, there are some ways how to quickly open another board without having to go back to the main dashboard. If you work on a board and you want to open another board -> click on the board name dropdown menu (this will open a list of all projects and boards you are assigned to) -> select the board you wish to open -> click on the board's name with the scroll wheel. The board will be opened in a new browser tab. You can also right click on the board's name and select "Open link in new tab". If there are many boards you are assigned to but you do not use them frequently, you can fold the project by clicking on its name and make the list shorter this way to reduce the scrolling. The order in which your projects are listed on your main dashboard is reflected on their order in the boards name dropdown menu. Therefore, it is recommended to fold and move down in the list projects you do not use frequently. This is a very convenient way to access your boards quickly. Create a bookmark folder for your Kanbanize account in your bookmarks bar -> Bookmark the pages of the boards that you use frequently. Use the bookmarks to open your desired board. If you do not log out from Kanbanize after each session, your board will be directly loaded when you click on the bookmark. If you have logged out from your account, you will be led to your login page and the board will open automatically after you have logged in. Tip: Open several boards simultaneously in different tabs when working in your Kanbanize account will make switching from one board to another easier.
{ "perplexity_score": 493.7 }
"Freedom To Think" & "Freedom To Speak". New pieces for an upcoming group show at 1AM Gallery in San Francisco, CA. Click Images To Enlarge.
{ "perplexity_score": 496.4 }
Dentures are a reliable solution for replacing missing teeth. At Bergen-Rockland Dental Associates, LLC our patients ask about dentures to determine if they are a good solution for their particular needs. As with any dental solution, there are pros and cons to wearing dentures and whether or not they will work for you depends largely on your lifestyle and the goals that you have for your appearance, including the functionality of your smile. We can provide patients with temporary dentures while they are undergoing a cosmetic dentistry procedure to replace a missing tooth. Temporaries ensure that patients throughout the Northvale area have a natural looking smile while waiting for dental implants or a dental bridge to be completed. This is an excellent solution for when a tooth is knocked out during a sports game or in an accident. The temporary denture is secured in place with a metal wire that works like a retainer and can be taken in and out whenever you like. If you are looking for an immediate solution for replacing a missing tooth call (201) 620-9576. Keep in mind that a temporary denture is only meant to be worn for a few months and will need to be replaced. If only a few of your teeth are missing, partial dentures are a good solution for replacing them. Unlike a full set of dentures, these are held in place by a plastic base that is the same color as your gums. A metal framework is typically created in order to secure the base and prevent it from falling out. As long as you have natural teeth in place, you cannot wear a full set, so a partial set of dentures is necessary. We treat patients throughout the Northvale area that want to know if a partial set is better than a cosmetic procedure. They function differently because dentures are removable and cosmetic dentistry solutions are typically permanent. If you live in the Northvale NJ area, call for your consultation and we can provide you with a list of options to consider. Check out what others are saying about our denture and partial denture services on Yelp: Dentures and Partial Dentures Northvale. Patients throughout the Northvale area like how convenient dentures are. Whether you need a full or partial set, dentures can replace teeth in a non-invasive way. There is no surgical element to worry about, and temporary dentures can be fitted immediately. This provides a quick and easy solution. If, however, you are looking for something that feels more natural, you should consider a cosmetic dentistry procedure. The biggest challenge with dentures is that they do not feel like natural teeth. Patients of Bergen-Rockland Dental Associates, LLC tend to agree that while they are functional, you still have to take care of them as a separate appliance. Other cosmetic dentistry procedures make it easy to forget you ever lost a tooth in the first place. Modern techniques have made dentures more secure and comfortable than they used to be, but they are still a foreign object in your mouth and can become loose when eating or speaking. If you are currently experiencing this problem, call The Team at 201-620-9576 for a consultation. Patients may enjoy the benefits of alternative options to dentures. There is a procedure that combines implant dentistry with dentures. Those that need complete dentures can benefit by having a secure way to hold their dentures in place. If you live in the Northvale NJ area, we can examine your gums and let you know if you are a good candidate for the procedure. In this scenario, an impression is taken of your mouth in order to create a denture that will be secured in place using implants. Once created, metal posts will be implanted under your gums, and the dentures secured to it. This way patients get the benefits of how quickly dentures can be created and the convenience of the stability that can only come from using implant technology.
{ "perplexity_score": 303.3 }
[ [ 790319379863, 790319380494 ], [ 790319380497, 790319381727 ], [ 790319381731, 790319381949 ], [ 790319381989, 790319383259 ], [ 790319383263, 790319383749 ] ]
[ 344174710, 364868759 ]
@rhb_3000, what is the update? @Yoringpoly, can we see >3000 tomorrow? @Yoringpoly, are we holding and buy the dips? Or close at loss?
{ "perplexity_score": 2409 }
Similarly, 76 percent of respondents would not give their employer access to view what applications are installed on their personal device. What users install on their personal device is considered private information. Fiberlink, a leader in cloud-based solutions for secure mobile device management (MDM) and mobile application management (MAM), recently announced the results of a Harris survey revealing that business users are alarmed about employers' ability to access and collect personally identifiable information (PII) through mobile devices, such as iPhones, iPads and Androids. As the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend sweeps across the business world, it raises a significant management challenge for companies and has implications that go beyond the IT department. Although many may not know it, some employers are able to track employee locations during work and non-work hours, which applications they've installed and review or delete personal pictures and music. Location and app inventory information is available whenever employees "opt-in" to a mobile device management application – the solution that enables BYOD, security, policy enforcement, and app management for many organizations. The removal of personal files, pictures and music is also possible, even if the user is simply getting access to corporate email through Exchange ActiveSync. Unless they are specifically informed through an acceptable user agreement and mobile policy, many employees have no idea that this is possible. The Fiberlink-commissioned Harris survey found that business users are overwhelmingly concerned, and would not allow employers to have this access into their personal lives.
{ "perplexity_score": 298.5 }
[ [ 790319383903, 790319384033 ], [ 790319384111, 790319384240 ], [ 790319384365, 790319384570 ], [ 790319384912, 790319385058 ], [ 790319385169, 790319385404 ], [ 790319385439, 790319385579 ] ]
[ 364868761, 278452489 ]
are there many Llama operations your way? I know of three. This one is down the road from my sister. She had a roof leak and I have been fixing the damage on the inside. I have been going there every night after work. The Llama are in the same town as the blacksmith shop. Some great posts from the bad (roof leak). Congrats!!
{ "perplexity_score": 440.6 }
Time to declutter your home. Time to reclaim your space. Time to clear out that obstacle course you call a hallway so you can cartwheel from your bedroom to the living room like the playful rascal you are. Decluttering your home isn’t all sunshine and acrobatics, though. There are a few things you’re going to want to avoid along the way. Before you start throwing things away willy-nilly, make sure you have a realistic, achievable end goal in mind. Do you want to make each room more accessible and organised? Great. Do you only want items in your home that you use or love? Let’s do it! Do you want your house to look like Oprah’s Hawaiian home? Now you’re just being silly. Create a clutter-free study for your kids to do their homework without distractions. Clear out the spare room so your friends and family have somewhere to sleep after your boozy dinner parties. Make your kitchen look so good that not even your worst critic will find anything to comment on. Transform your wardrobe from an embarrassing mess into a fashionista’s dream. Make room in the garage for your car. If you start without knowing what you’re working towards, you could end up holding on to things you don’t need (like that gnome collection). But focusing on an end goal will give you direction and motivation throughout the process. When you’ve been bitten by the declutter bug, it can be tempting to go out and buy every storage and organisation supply you see. But pull yourself together and have some self-control, for goodness sake! Install baskets on the inside of cupboard doors under the sink to store sponges and other cleaning items. Under-bed sliding drawers are perfect for maximising the space in your bedroom to keep things tucked away and tidy, like the books that didn’t make it onto your bookshelf. Use floating shelves as a simple storage solution in every room. They’re great for displaying your favourite gnomes that made the cut. Tiered fruit baskets are great for bananas, yes. But they’re also an easy way to keep your shampoo, body wash and other shower products organised and easy to reach. Hang one over your shower curtain rod and reap the benefits. Why stop there? Make your bathroom extra organised by attaching sideways wire baskets to the walls for your toilet paper, razors, water pistols… whatever you keep in the bathroom. But if you buy these storage items right now, they’ll just get in the way. So don’t hit the stores until you’ve finished your decluttering. This way, you’ll know what baskets, shelves and other storage supplies you’ll definitely have use for, and you won’t be forced to give every member of your family a box you didn’t actually need for Christmas. They’d call you ‘Storage Claus’ and mock you all day. You don’t want that. Don’t try to rush through your declutter or push yourself to finish in one day. You’ll likely burn out halfway through and retreat to your living room to watch Netflix, never to return to your project again. Or you’ll lose motivation, do a half-assed job and have to start all over another day. Future You will resent Past You, and inner turmoil will follow. Instead, set aside a couple of hours each day to focus on one room or mini-project at a time. This will ensure you stay motivated and focused, and you’ll do a much more thorough job. Sick of looking at that collection of stuffed animals your child left behind when they moved out? Or maybe their stack of yearbooks has been collecting dust for too long? When it comes to items that may be special or sentimental to someone else in your family, you’d be seen as quite the villain if you threw them away without asking first. Put these items into boxes and deliver them to their owner’s door, or send a list of items you’re considering throwing away to get their permission first. Sending a photo of Mr Snuggles holding a sign that says ‘You have one hour’ should also do the trick. What are you going to do with your spare space once you’ve decluttered? We’ve got some inspiring ideas right here.
{ "perplexity_score": 420.1 }
[ [ 790319386623, 790319386681 ], [ 790319387185, 790319387235 ], [ 790319387932, 790319387988 ] ]
[ 173638448, 118573041, 364868763 ]
Choose one or more actions you will take to help make a positive environmental impact, whether it is planting native plants, replacing your lightbulbs with LEDs or having a chemical free lawn. If we all commit to do a little, the impact will be huge. Each family may complete a maximum of four (4) pledges per household and only one (1) per business. Thanks in advance for helping the Park District secure the 1,000 pledges needed to receive the $100,000 grant allowing the Oak Park Conservatory to be more sustainable. Keep an eye out for a ribbon cutting at the Oak Park Conservatory in 2019, where you can see the results of your efforts and thank GME Sun Club for providing these sustainable features. Be the change you want to embrace. Jan Arnold is Executive Director of the Park District of Oak Park.
{ "perplexity_score": 402.2 }
[ [ 790319390702, 790319390755 ] ]
[ 299143448, 364868764 ]
The S&P 500 returned 8.21 percent in the 20 years ending in 2012. Naturally, you might expect the average investor’s return to be somewhere in that neighborhood. The reality is that the average investor has experienced significantly lower investment returns at 4.25 percent — almost a full 4 percent lower than those generated by the passive S&P 500 portfolio. Why can’t the intelligent human mind with its flexibility and arsenal of investing tools beat the unmanaged index? The reason is quite simple: we are irrational beings. Availability bias: An investor makes decisions based upon the information that is readily available and his/her awareness of it. Representative bias: An investor makes decisions based upon history and stereotypes. Confirmation bias: An investor who has already decided upon a course of action will look for evidence to support his/her decision while ignoring anything to the contrary. Anchoring: After being presented with a reference point, an investor overweights that reference point relative to new information in making decisions. Overconfidence: An investor will believe his/her decision will always be a good one. House Money effect: An investor will treat money gained through investing profits as “free money” and tend to make riskier decisions with that money. Myopia: An investor will check results often and take action based on short term performance. Loss aversion: An investor’s pain of loss is greater than the joy from gain. Pride and regret: An investor has a need to feel proud of making a profitable investment and not experience the regret of having made a poor investment decision. Endowment effect: An investor places a higher value on what he or she owns over what the market does. Snake Bite Effect: An investor who has had a negative experience, when presented with a similar situation, will avoid that strategy whether or not it reflects his or her needs and goals. Do men and women both have the same biases? Are there behavioral differences between men and women when it comes to investing? There is substantial literature for Question No. 2, which concludes that women are better investors than men. Question No. 1 is not as often directly studied (which prompted us to take our own look in the article, Real Data Suggest Gender Biases in Investing.) In this post, I seek to delve further into the behavioral patterns of men and women to see if they suggest different investing biases. To begin, let us start with analyzing the evidence supporting the claim that women are better investors than men. Is there any inherent advantage to being a woman in business? What Makes a Woman a Better Investor? Women are more risk averse. As was found in the Personal Capital gender study, women in general are more risk averse than men. This finding is supported by a growing body of research. Starting from wearing seat belts to choosing investments in their portfolio, women tend to favor safer options even with lower returns than riskier options with potential high returns. Women do their homework. Male investors, in general, are overconfident. On the other hand, women are skeptical investors. Women are also more willing to acknowledge when they don’t know something. That leads to them doing more homework before investing. Women trade less. The same study that focused on overconfidence in men also documented that, as a result of that overconfidence, men tend to trade more than women. In fact, men trade 45 percent more than women and that reduces their net returns by 2.65 percentage points a year as opposed to 1.72 percentage points for women. Women take more time to make investment decisions. A 2012 Investment News survey of 323 financial advisors found that women tend to take more time to evaluate investment choices and make decisions. They also focus on long term strategies rather than short term gains. Women are more pessimistic. They are more pessimistic about the probability of high likelihood gains when compared to men. So, in general, they stay away from “hot” stocks. What Might Make a Man a Better Investor? If women are better investors than men in general, then all we have to do is give women full rein over the portfolio, right? Not so fast. The above mentioned qualities are great ones, but they are not without fault.Risk aversion is not always the right approach. According to the 2012 Vanguard Equity Investor Study, in portfolio selection, women have a preference for fixed income holdings versus equity. This is not always the right move. For example, when saving for retirement or any long-term goal, a very safe portfolio is not going to return much, especially after accounting for inflation. This point also demonstrated in our post on gender biases that female Personal Capital users have a lower risk tolerance than male Personal Capital users by 7 percent. This tendency, over a long time horizon, can translate into a 10+ percent reduction in portfolio values over long time horizons. In addition to sacrificing the value of the portfolio in the long run, the risk averse nature of women also makes them more concerned when the volatility of the financial market increases, which might lead to loss aversion. Women prefer to network to gain knowledge. Researchers Tahira Hira and Cazilia Loibl from Ohio State University found that women rely on personal networks – friends, family, and workplace colleagues to gather information, whereas men tend to enjoy learning on their own. While both approaches have its own merits and shortfalls, relying too much on personal network for knowledge might lead to availability and representative bias. Like other gender differences, these rules are not universal. Additionally, there are studies that cite other social factors such as age, marital status, education, and economic status play a more influential role in investment decisions over gender. If all of us, irrespective of gender, race, age, and any other social factors are vulnerable to making bad investment decisions due to our psychological biases, are we doomed to always have sub-par returns? Not if we understand who we are as an investor and focus on ways to successfully work towards our goals. Understand and embrace your irrationality. It is in our best interest to not deny or run away from our emotions. We should accept our irrationality and incorporate those in our decision making to ensure it is in line with our goals. Identify your personal influence of biases. This can be tricky. We have to first understand our biases and how they are triggered; then we need to formulate questions that will identify whether we are influenced by a certain bias. For example, ask yourself this question: if you toss a coin five times and each time it lands on a head, what is the most likely outcome of the next toss? If you answered heads or tails, then you have representative bias. The answer should be neither; past performance is not an indication of future performance. Books and research by behavioral economists Dan Ariely, Jason Zweig, and Daniel Kahneman have some sample questions to start with. If you are in a relationship, understand each other’s strengths and use it to your advantage. As demonstrated above, each of us is unique and have our own strengths and weaknesses. So develop a holistic approach to your portfolio; discuss your goals, time horizon, risk tolerance, liquidity needs, and personality with your partner and come up with a strategy that will work with both of your needs. Systematically monitor your progress. Schedule a periodic review of your portfolio, focusing on the big picture and ignoring short-term return, and see if it is still in-line with your goals. Don’t be afraid to get help. There are resources available to make sure you’re on the right track. If you’re a do-it-yourself investor, you can use a tool such as Personal Capital’s Investment Checkup to see how your portfolio compares to a target portfolio that fits your financial profile. Ultimately, it’s helpful to have a second set of human eyes on your portfolio — whether it’s a knowledgeable family member or a financial advisor to make sure you’re on track. This post was originally written for the Personal Capital blog. Personal Capital helps people live better financial lives by providing technology-enabled advisory services as well as free financial software and educational content. Their award-winning apps enable you to effortlessly view your entire financial life in one place. Icahn Versus Buffett: Does the Man Matter More Than the Business?
{ "perplexity_score": 343.3 }
[ [ 790319392747, 790319392813 ], [ 790319393548, 790319393605 ], [ 790319393941, 790319393991 ], [ 790319394264, 790319394372 ], [ 790319394675, 790319394741 ], [ 790319395509, 790319395620 ], [ 790319397683, 790319397745 ], [ 790319398006, 790319398057 ], [ 790319398126, 790319398178 ], [ 790319398523, 790319398577 ], [ 790319399000, 790319399109 ] ]
[ 41302129, 6510074, 198224980, 342621402, 364868765 ]
I would've thought before so you can have it at your hair trial to make sure you can work your hairstyle around it. I'm struggling though as i have no idea how i want my hair so even less of an odea of what to get to put in it. I have bought something I like the look of for my hair, its a comb with 3 flowers and some sparkly bits. I didn't like the idea of a tiara as it isn't me and really liked this comb when I saw it. It will only work if I have my hair up but thats my intention anyway and my hairdresser doesn't see it as a problem. Have a look around and see what you like the look of and go from there.
{ "perplexity_score": 321.4 }
Making fun for make your 일 cool. N.b. If 당신 don't think he can be derpy, refer to below image.
{ "perplexity_score": 1062.1 }
[ [ 790319400006, 790319400059 ] ]
[ 115444835, 56303046, 68720936, 179511245, 364868767 ]
I had a repair for a jetway motherboard a while back it took ages to find and as kan says youll be best off looking at via etc for drivers. Driver Blackberry Curve. Thanks for all your help!! Ok, Im on the net now, and got the sound working, both just installed the first driver downloaded and worked… Typed in what you guys said. Get Avast Free Antivirus now. App for PC in the Softonic Minute. I need some help finding drivers for this motherbaord – Jetway PEDAP, I got it second hand and cant find Drivers available for download anywhere… even the Jetway site doesnt have drivers for this model. Windows 10, Google, Instagram and Whats. I really need your help here!! In order to download this driverplease enter the verification code here and click the button Jetway pedap drivers download Jetway pedap drivers. Force GT — Windows 7 bit driver download. I mainly needed the audio and lan drivers. Force GS Ge. Direct links to driver and dll files. Any ideas on what I need to download? Manufacturer Website Official Download Version: Force GT drivers for Windows 7. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. The above jetway pedap bios searchif no results of jetway pedap bios, please change other keywords with jetway pedap bios and search again. Berry based on of crack drivers around the Category Racing. Google search recaps the year Download driver blackberry for xp Blackberry driver blackberry download — Ascendo Data. Select driver to download. Reply to isaac nyarko. Force GSO, Ge. Hello could some1 pliz zsend me a download file which I can download drivers for my curve pliz I m begging you Drivers for Blackberry curve Download This package supports the following driver models: SamsungSamsung Netbook. But… I have a sata drive which it isnt picking up, so I guess I need a driver for that. Bay, on the site, forum or in your blog. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Force GSOGe.
{ "perplexity_score": 1981 }
[ [ 790319400770, 790319400831 ], [ 790319401057, 790319401107 ], [ 790319401127, 790319401203 ], [ 790319401721, 790319401790 ], [ 790319401933, 790319402003 ] ]
[ 364868768, 140395397 ]
JERUSALEM — The head of the hospital treating Israel's iconic and controversial former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon says only "a miracle" could prevent his condition from deteriorating further. Dr. Zeev Rotstein, director of the Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv, says Sharon remained in a life-threatening condition on Monday. Rotstein says that "unless there is a turn on the level of a miracle, his condition will get worse and worse from day to day." Rotstein says that though doctors managed to stabilize some of Sharon's bodily functions, several vital organs, including his kidneys, are still in a decline. The 85-year-old Sharon has been in a coma for eight years after a devastating stroke incapacitated him at the peak of his political power. The head of the hospital treating Israel's iconic and controversial former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon says only "a miracle" could prevent his condition from deteriorating further.
{ "perplexity_score": 220.9 }
[ [ 790319402031, 790319402286 ], [ 790319402488, 790319402634 ], [ 790319402656, 790319402953 ] ]
[ 81347496, 364868769 ]
The Playza Club Records Company, and Pimpin Entertainment network and another Mac-T's P.I.M.P. productions are very proud to present its first motion picture movie "The Black American Street Life". This film on the rise will be based on the number one book, authored by Dan Rose and the books by Russell Tinsley "The African American Muslim Leadership Reform" and "Civilly Committed" from their own personal experience and lifestyles of growing up in the South Philadelphia Center City Society surviving astonishing journey from the bottom to the top. This is an independent movie project, you will want to see 100 times, given Russell Tinsley the credit he deserves, from where he came from and to where he is headed unstoppable, as a young professional building wealth and loving it, an "Unfinished Success Unlimited Associates Production Business True Life Story". Russell Tinsley also as (Mac-T) weaves a tale about his most powerful unfinished upbringing success unlimited associate production business true life story, without all the lies, betrayal and deceit told about him by his haters, enviers and jealous people who to destroy his reputation as the street life hustler. The Black American Street Life got him his first experience with the law and into a life of crime, when he's set-up and by his old gang rival, family, friends, members of his Islamic faith, law enforcement agency and the court, where it resulted for him getting criminal record, unrelated to his entertainment business as an executive in corporate America. His Black American Street Life experience affirmed his status as one of the brightest hustlers, but with talent working in the entertainment industry. Russell (Mac-T Tinsley) is a Chief Executive Officer of the Playza Club Records Co., and Pimpin Entertainment Network is writing his highly anticipated bio movie strip. Born and raised in South city. Russell (Mac-T Tinsley) rose from the Black American Street Life as a hustler and/or to some will call a criminal to prominence with his debut CD album (Ya Invited To My Gangsta Partie) to start and run his own record label. The books were selected for Russell (Mac-T Tinsley) movie project and he is writing his own highly anticipated movie script, about his story, to affirm his status as one of the brightest talent working in modern entertainment and fashion industry. A true success story to be told Russell (Mac-T Tinsley) film "Black Americans Street Life" a true success story that might help the secrets behind the wicked people in America still trying to keep the black Americans locked down in chains as slaves, and are kept lock away in prison cells for life. A brilliant writer investigates the Black American Life, and a hustler from the streets of , sent to prison and then civilly committed for some crimes he didn't commit, became a famous artist and a record label boss still while in the American prison system, but his heated nature and secretive kingpin attracted the attention of a movie studio mogul who wants to release this unfinished success unlimited associate production business true story, as Russell (Mac-T Tinsley) weaves to tell about his Black American Street Life experience coming from nothing to something. To Donate cash contribution or investment towards this Russell (Mac-T Tinsley) movie project. Please click here. The African American Muslim Leadership Reformed Taking On The Responsibility To Lead Humanity. Free Russell Mac-T Tinsley: Civilly Committed! You can download and read all the above books for a small purchase. We hope you continue to enjoy our music, these readings, and go to see our movies.
{ "perplexity_score": 408.9 }
[ [ 790319402959, 790319405672 ], [ 790319405712, 790319406194 ] ]
[ 364868770 ]
When you return an item to Original Penguin using our prepaid label, a flat fee of $6.00 will be deducted from your order refund for return postage. We can refund this restocking fee in certain circumstances such as damages, wrong product or if you are reordering because of sizing. Just send us a note and we'll take care of you.
{ "perplexity_score": 430.4 }
[ [ 790319406647, 790319406753 ] ]
[ 364868771 ]
Creation of Dan Snow's "Rock Springs" Series of cocktail films for Absolut. The fine art of Absolut's Vodka production. What did Vodka ever do to you. Animated film for the famous whiskey brand. 6 films about Tea, F&M's most famous product.. Ten star Tapas film for the Observer. A film looking at a new product from Purity skincare. Chivas X film for Japanese TV. Vodka infusions jar from Wyborowa.
{ "perplexity_score": 713.9 }
An injured Lionel Messi of Barcelona sits in the stand with son Thiago prior to the La Liga match between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid CF at Camp Nou on October 28, 2018 in Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona captain Lionel Messi returned to training on Wednesday following an arm injury, the club announced. "The Argentinean returned for mobility work after a few days out," Barca said on their website. The club published photos showing the four-time Ballon d'Or winner running without a cast on his arm, which he had worn in his recent public appearances at the Camp Nou. "Messi worked out alongside Gerard Pique and Jordi Alba, two of the players that coach Ernesto Valverde had given the day off. The defensive duo were not included in the squad for the trip to Leon, where Barcelona will play Cultural Leonesa in the Spanish Cup," the club added on Wednesday. The 31-year-old Messi injured his arm in a fall during the 4-2 league victory over Sevilla on October 20. Barca hope Messi will return for the La Liga game against Real Betis on November 11. Even without the Argentinian, Valverde's side beat Inter Milan 2-0 in the Champions League on Wednesday before humiliating Real Madrid 5-1 in Sunday's Clasico.
{ "perplexity_score": 255.7 }
[ [ 790319407415, 790319407536 ], [ 790319407646, 790319408202 ], [ 790319408441, 790319408497 ] ]
[ 364868773, 1565143 ]
Our Chardonnay bursts with flavors of white peach, Honeycrisp apple, apricot and lemon meringue. This vibrant and complex Sauvignon Blanc bursts with flavors of Key Limes, white nectarines, grapefruit and gooseberry leaving a well-balanced finish. along California’s desirable Central Coast. cool Central Coast areas is hardly petite in nature. A darker side of Cupcake Vineyards, this decadent red blend is made with Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Petite Sirah, Petite Verdot and Zinfandel.
{ "perplexity_score": 279.2 }
[ [ 790319408559, 790319408807 ], [ 790319408850, 790319409047 ] ]
[ 364868774 ]
U.S. Bank is seeking a Senior Technology Architect with strategic analysis and enterprise-wide technology experience to contribute toward the success of our technology initiatives. Facilitates research, design, development, and integration of emerging technology architectures to align with business strategy, goals, and objectives. Leads development of enterprise-wide technology architectures. Creates architectural principles to support business goals. Consults with senior managers and other IT professionals to develop IT frameworks that support business applications. Understands and models key business processes, business relationships, and impact of technology on business goals. Formulates conceptual architectures and communicates architectural vision, goals, and design objectives to multiple audiences. Leads the development of technology strategies and roadmaps for emerging technologies, evaluating usefulness, and making recommendations regarding selected technologies. Assists senior managers in developing the IT vision and strategy. Guides and consults with IT and business management regarding use of specific technologies and associated services. Identifies risks associated with current or new technology use. -At least 10 years experience with the concepts, philosophies and tools behind the design of applications, information and underlying information technologies.
{ "perplexity_score": 402.2 }
[ [ 790319409158, 790319409234 ], [ 790319409245, 790319409314 ], [ 790319410296, 790319410444 ] ]
[ 364868775 ]
Multi-channel Anemometers are a flexible tool for gathering large amounts of data accurately and efficiently. They are particularly useful in the automotive, transportation and architectural industries, but can also be used for thermal testing of semiconductor boards. One of the key features of this product line is the flexible selection of Kanomax research grade air velocity probes. Nearly a dozen different options are available in varying shapes, sizes and measurement capability. Coupled with the modular nature of the main units this allows you a great deal of flexibility in selecting an end product that is the perfect fit for your needs.
{ "perplexity_score": 230.6 }
[ [ 790319410558, 790319410608 ] ]
[ 364868776 ]
With the Raps shipping out four regulars - including Jonas Valanciunas, Delon Wright, C.J. Miles and Greg Monroe - in the span of a couple hours and Kawhi Leonard sitting out, the team trotted out a lineup against the Hawks on Thursday consisting of only nine active players. The team values him as a mentor for rookie Jaren Jackson Jr., and Conley was not eager to be dealt, a separate ESPN report added. In his 11 seasons with Memphis, Gasol became the franchise leader in points, rebounds, blocks and field goals made. The New Orleans Pelicans held onto Davis but dealt Nikola Mirotic to the Bucks, one of the Eastern Conference contenders who fortified their teams on Thursday, Feb. 7, 2019 before the National Basketball Association trade deadline. Friday, beleaguered general manager Chris Wallace met the media, explaining the moves the Grizzlies made at Thursday's deadline, sending Gasol to Toronto, shipping out three other players for guys with upside and financial and roster flexibility, and moving forward. The 34-year-old center is averaging 15.7 points, 8.6 rebounds and 4.7 assists over 53 games with the Grizzlies this season. Marc Gasol #33 of the Memphis Grizzlies plays the Denver Nuggets at the Pepsi Center on December 10, 2018 in Denver, Colorado. The Raptors selected Wright with a first-round pick in the 2015 NBA Draft. Several players seem to be drawing extra attention from the Raptors, who have to fill both the centre slot vacated by Monroe and need extra depth on the wings after losing Wright and Miles. Gasol has a $25.6 million player option for next season. Dozens of political parties that make up Venezuela's opposition have failed to mount a viable political challenge. It's unclear what will break the standoff playing out at the Venezuela-Colombia border. The DOH also reported 575 cases and nine deaths in Calabarzon, up from 21 cases and no deaths from January 1 to January 26, 2018. The President earlier ordered a vigorous campaign to promote the complete immunization for children. Pyongyang has repeatedly urged a lifting of punishing US -led sanctions, a formal end to the war, and security guarantees. Special Representative for North Korea Stephen Biegun met with Kim Hyok Chol, the North's Special Representative for U.S. At the same time, the threat to women's reproductive rights has pushed some liberal states to expand rights to abortion. The order was 5-4 with Chief Justice John Roberts joining the court's four liberals voting for the stay. Abraham-Joseph, 26, has been placed into removal proceedings before the federal immigration courts, the statement added. ICE claimed the rapper arrived in the U.S. for the first time in 2005 aged 12, which 21 Savage denies. Man, 21 Savage is a polarizing dude in this whole situation with ICE and immigration. "IF YOU A REAL MAN FIGHT ME", he wrote . While Brown shared the comparative photos, Offset's asking the singer to compare their criminal records.
{ "perplexity_score": 300.3 }
[ [ 790319411104, 790319413913 ], [ 790319413952, 790319414058 ] ]
[ 364868777 ]
The main body of the bumper is manufactured from 4″ schedule 40 pipe and diamond plate steel, and the grille guard portion is composed of 12 gauge tubing providing wraparound headlight protection. The punched plate grille insert is specifically designed to match the make and model of the vehicle – no expanded metal used. The Legend Series Front Bumper comes standard with a 2″ receiver and most applications keep tow hooks and factory fog lights. This bumper is a valuable addition to any vehicle and will provide maximum peace of mind when driving down the highway.
{ "perplexity_score": 625.7 }
[ [ 790319414064, 790319414638 ] ]
[ 364868778 ]
Failsafe, long-life computer architecture is critical in threatening environments. extreme temperature, shock, vibration, EMC, fog, moisture/humidity, and fungus. Superior design, performance, and capability you can trust.
{ "perplexity_score": 519.8 }
“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it,” said Edith Wharton, and if you are planning an intimate al fresco dinner or small party, your garden could very well be the ideal mirror for light. Candles add warmth, artistry, and elegance to any dinner table, illuminating guests with a golden glow that brings out their best features. However, there are many more places in your garden that can grace candles beautifully, so if you want to create a special ambience, let your creativity run forth and find inspiration in these unique ways of using candlelight outdoors. If dinner is for two tonight, bring out a little table and top it with a light green tablecloth and a floral table arrangement. Hang candle-filled iron lanterns on the branch of your favorite tree, and decorate the lanterns with a few wild flowers from your garden. Hang at least three lanterns at various heights to lend grace and proportion to your dinner setting. For a fully lit effect, use standing iron lanterns in various shapes, placing them on your garden steps or using them to light the way along your garden path. Surprise your loved ones by inspiring your candle-based table décor on their favorite spot. For instance,if you have a child who is mad about the beach, surprise them at lunch time by topping your garden table with candles floating in individual glass candle holders. Fill these glasses with seashells, sand, and other items that will remind them of the sea. Loosely throw seashells and similar items on the table, and bring out your bluest glasses, cutlery, and table linen. If a loved one is made about nature, or flowers, place an array of different sized candle holders around a jar or pot of flowers to highlight their natural beauty. Studies have shown that specific essential oils (including lavender, ylang ylang, and rose) can instil a state of relaxation and calm, through the power of their aroma. For your next garden party, why not use candles made with therapeutic grade essential oils? Avoid artificial fragrances and paraffin candles, which can contain toxic components. Candles made with natural ingredients like soy combine well with essential oils and do not pose a health hazard when burned. If you wish to forego artificial lighting altogether in your garden, use metal stand with a wide top base, on which you can place candles of different colors, shapes, and sizes. Place the stand close to the dinner table as well as in key spots in the garden whose features you wish to emphasize. If you don’t have stands for this purpose, look at any features your garden has that can perform the same function. The arms of a garden bench, a side table, or even the ledge of an outdoor fireplace or fountain will work very well for this purpose. Candles have the unique power to set a romantic, warm mood that is ideal for romantic and family/friendly meals alike. There are many ways that you can set off their beauty, placing them into lanterns, empty cages, or jars. Don’t forget the power of scent, opting for natural candles made with therapeutic grade essential oils which are as pleasant to smell as they are relaxing.
{ "perplexity_score": 421.9 }
[ [ 790319414869, 790319414979 ], [ 790319416648, 790319416699 ], [ 790319416859, 790319416910 ], [ 790319417944, 790319417995 ] ]
[ 364868780 ]
The first meal we had in Stockholm – no, not at Ikea – was Swedish meatballs with mashed potatoes and lingonberries. The second was Max at T-Centralen. Founded in Northern Sweden in the late 1960s, Max is Sweden’s answer to McDonald’s. The name even sounds suspiciously similar. The chain hasn’t spread much beyond Sweden, with only a few token outposts in neighboring Norway and Denmark and in the United Arab Emirates. But within Sweden, Max’s popularity has only grown. It is supposedly better liked than either McDonald’s or Burger King. (It does, after all, feature “Sveriges godaste hamburgare” – Sweden’s tastiest hamburger.) And, at least in the north of the country, the chain outcompetes its American competitors – apparently a world first. Max’s advertising often relies on Swedish themes – even Vikings dreamed of its Grand de Lux BBQ – and its restaurants play music from Swedish musicians (mercifully sans ABBA, so far as I could tell). Its burger’s taste, too, is unique: spiced and texturally distinct from an American fast food burger, almost sausage patty-like in its taste profile. Jalapeños appear to be a popular garnish. It’s a popular rest stop after a night of heavy drinking under midsummer’s near-midnight sun. But Max does have one thing in common with its American fast-food counterparts: you eat its burgers with your hands. A couple days later, we were in Visby, a sun-drenched walled city floating like a hazy medieval dreamscape in the Baltic Sea. Swedes gather here each midsummer for their annual political bacchanal – a week of mingling and seminars and soapboxing in the park. At a Tex-Mex-inspired restaurant tucked in the warren of alleyways of the old city center, we were two Americans devouring sliders. (The sliders had come well recommended by our Swedish hosts.) Done eating, our hands and napkins a mess of Chorizo mayonnaise, we noticed the Swedes eating their sliders more slowly, more deliberately – with a knife and a fork. Two days later at Kallis – Visby’s answer to Ibiza or Miami, with wide sofas framed by palm trees swaying to Tina Turner by day and Gaga by night – we were two Americans eating a typically Scandinavian sandwich of buttered toast, mayonnaise, prawns, hard-boiled egg, avocado, and dill amid a mob of Swedes nonchalantly taking silverware to their hamburgers like chisels to marble. And, on the eve of American Independence Day, at Marcus Samuelsson’s American Table in central Stockholm, a worldly-looking Swedish gentleman sipped champagne as he untypically sculpted his typical American hamburger from whole patty to obsolescence. The rule, it turns out, is that, at bars and restaurants, it is proper to eat one’s hamburger with a fork and knife. At a fast-food establishment – at Max just as at its American counterparts – the hands are satisfactory, though I did spy an older man struggling to carve apart his Big Mac with a plastic fork and a plastic knife. To be frank: I don’t get it. To my mind, the bread on both sides of the burger indicates the sandwich is to be eaten with the hands. Then again, in some cultures, burping is respectful; in others, farting is complimentary; and, in still others, Taco Bell is good eating. More than just the food, it seems, even the way we dine is a matter of taste. As a person with Celiac disease, “bread on both sides of a burger” is poison not to be eaten. Actually using a knife and fork to eat is not only more civilized, but a life saving measure. I have had to eat MacDonald’s burgers while traveling on the road by deftly peeling back the bun and grasping the meat with my teeth and pulling it out from the bun one bite at a time. Not elegant eating technique, but my intestines are not ravaged by the gluten poisoning in the bun. Just sayin’.
{ "perplexity_score": 293.9 }
[ [ 790319418112, 790319418171 ] ]
[ 364868781 ]
Did your company come up with a great, new idea to prevent workplace injuries? Would you like to win $6,000? If you answered yes to both of those questions, then submit your innovative safety solution to the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation by September 30, 2017. The innovation must demonstrate a reduction in safety or ergonomic risk factors or occupational health exposures. More information can be found here. Check out this video of last year’s winner for ideas: ICP Adhesives and Sealants’ Pneumatically-operated Cylinder Clamp.
{ "perplexity_score": 255.3 }
[ [ 790319421935, 790319421993 ], [ 790319422026, 790319422076 ], [ 790319422209, 790319422285 ] ]
[ 364868782 ]
The CarpetMaster 200 Series Dual Motor Uprights are available in three sizes, 12, 15, and 18 inches. Designed with the operator in mind, we focused on ergonomics, durability, and reliability. The new CarpetMaster vacuums features a powerful motor, on-board crevice and upholstery tools, quiet operation, HEPA filtration, bag indicator light, and a light handle weight! The motor is also conveniently located at the base of the machine which results in a lighter handle weight.
{ "perplexity_score": 284.6 }
[ [ 790319422375, 790319422853 ] ]
[ 364868783 ]
Oh my, you had me laughing! I can so relate. We have a rampant acorn squash! I totally get this! I, too, have been known to get mighty protective over things growing in my garden. This may sound strange, but I’m especially partial toward the worms growing in our compost heap; I’m so grateful to them for turning all of our cuttings into fertile ground. I have a compost pile too. I don’t really do anything with the compost but I feel good about returning those scraps to the earth. I do love earthworms also! Kind of put a damper on the dinner, but it was cute, and we still tease her about it. What a great story!! Made me laugh! I totally agree that kabocha rocks!!
{ "perplexity_score": 616.7 }
Chapter three talks about how war photographs awaken, shock and wound the viewer. The Disasters of War is an example that does this. These photographs are meant to make a statement. My favorite quote that really stood out to me was (page 46), "It is always the image that someone chose; to photograph is to frame, and to frame is to exclude." A photographer has a lot of control with what goes into the frame and what they chose to keep out. This tool can make images look different than they really are. Even before photoshop and technology, photographers could still manipulate their images. It has also been possible for photographs to misrepresent. "The camera is the eye of history" (page 52) - Brady has suppose to had said. I feel like this is an on going theme throughout her writing. She talks a lot about the history of war. She emphasizes how the photographs tell us what happened. These chapters also talk bout how many war photographs were actually set up. This was very surprising to me. I never would have thought any of those images of war were set up. I feel like they lose their value is they are set up. They are suppose to be a real moment and knowing that they are set up takes away from that.
{ "perplexity_score": 330.1 }
[ [ 790319423774, 790319423876 ], [ 790319424500, 790319424553 ] ]
[ 364868785, 363951769 ]
Get away and enjoy the beauty and power of yoga. This retreat is designed to give you the perfect environment to learn, grow, be motivated, have adventures, be part of a kula (yoga community) and enjoy the happiness of being alive! This long weekend will be one you won’t forget. It will be filled with different types of yoga: power, vinyasa flow and restorative. You will enjoy Southern Utah’s beauty with biking and hiking in Snow Canyon, sunbathing, meditation, yoga, and so much more. This retreat will focus on ‘Spring Cleaning’ for mind, body and soul. We will be employing the yoga principle of ‘Tapas’ focusing specifically on nutrition, health, yoga, laughter, and self care. The retreat is designed for all yoga and fitness levels. We believe in living a happy, healthy lifestyle. The menu is designed to fuel your body with the right nutrients that you need throughout the day. Fabulous, fresh and delicious food for every meal. A variety of yoga and meditations will be offered throughout the week. Our hope is that this will open you up to a variety of different ways to continue your practice after the retreat. All levels will be accommodated. Hiking and biking will be in Snow Canyon, bring your bike (or rent one) and make sure to pack appropriate hiking shoes and apparel. Workout gear and tennis shoes (hiking shoes) that you don’t mind getting dirty. We will be spending a lot of time outside doing activities, so pack suitable sandals and shoes. Yoga and meditations will be done barefoot. Lightweight casual clothes for warm days, cool nights. Bring a little daypack for hikes, etc. Also a camera/smart phone. The most important item to pack is an open mind!!!! Be prepared to challenge yourself and go on some amazing adventures. This promises to be a one of a kind experience. Space is limited…register now! Rooms are assigned on a first come-first-served basis, so early registration means you get to choose your accommodations! To sign up for this retreat a non-refundable US $500 deposit is required. Full payment is due no less than 30 days prior to the first date of the retreat. Should you need to cancel your reservation 30 days or more prior to the first day of the retreat, you will receive a refund for payment made less a $250 administrative fee. Should you need to cancel less than 30 days prior to the first day of the retreat, for whatever reason we will not be able to provide a refund or credit. WE CAN’T WAIT TO JOIN YOU FOR THIS INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE!!!
{ "perplexity_score": 366.7 }
[ [ 790319424799, 790319424850 ], [ 790319426732, 790319427014 ], [ 790319427039, 790319427195 ] ]
[ 364868786, 17431902 ]
Still one of our most popular chicken dishes, it’s a classic and we have created a bit of a reputation for our version. It is a mildly curried cold chicken dish bound with a mixture of mayonnaise and Dorset Dairy Co yoghurt (we of course throw in a few secret spices!) then fresh mango and coriander. A definite crowd pleaser! We can recommend our pilau rice salad dish with this. This dish is deliciously vibrant and makes an extraordinarily light and delicious summer buffet dish. We poach the chicken breasts, then slice them and the sauce is ladled over. Goes fabulously well with our warm mini baked potatoes with herby butter and our fine green bean, mange tout and tomato salad, good ‘pow wow’ flavours! A dish bursting with those lovely classic Thai flavours- lime, coriander, garlic, ginger, chilli…..we then add this to our own dressing and mix it with poached chicken breast pieces and very fine cut pieces of fresh vegetables. Very different to all the usual chicken buffet dishes and always has a pleasant ‘wow’ factor for guests when they taste it, they soon come back looking for more! Despite containing fresh chillies, we would not describe this dish as spicy hot. Delicious with our spicy noodle salad! This dish is inspired from our Cajun chicken we have had on our café menu, it tastes so good and was so popular that we felt it should be on our fork buffet menu. The chicken breast is marinated with Cajun seasoning and lime then sautéed in a pan, sealing in all the lovely spices. We then slice the chicken breast and provide you with a separate sauce of sour cream with lime and fresh coriander. We recommend our bean and corn salad as one of the salad options to accompany this dish. Poached chicken breast pieces along with olives, artichokes, parmesan in our tomato basil dressing. We recommend this dish with our homemade pesto pasta. A complex dish with the most amazing flavours that dance on your palate, a firm favourite of ours. We marinate chicken with Za’atar which is a blend of thyme, sesame seeds, sumac, cumin and sea salt before poaching it. The dish is provided with our homemade chick pea houmous, roasted butternut squash and then finally the chicken is placed on top. Just to add to all of that we supply you with a dish of our homemade cumin and orange dressing to either dunk your chicken pieces in or pour over the top. We recommend our cous cous, barley or bulgar wheat salads to compliment this dish. Poached chicken breast served on a bed of crispy cos lettuce and spring onions, a drizzle of our fresh mango chutney and roasted peanuts and pumpkin seeds with a satay sauce to pour over the chicken. Flavours are simply divine. Great with a thick cut chunk of granary or sunflower bread and butter but delicious with our cucumber and dill salad. Rich chocolate torte with ganache, fresh cream and raspberries or strawberries or indeed no fruit! ​All food is prepared freshly and exclusively to order for you. We will present it all up for you so that all you will need to do is take off the covers and serve or let your guests help themselves. We can offer a 10% discount if you choose one standard chicken, meat and fish dish, four types of salad and dessert, provided your order is for more than 20 guests. If your order is for more than 50 people, please get in touch as we offer discounts for bulk orders. You are welcome to provide us with your own platters and bowls to use rather than us using disposable ware. If you would like a full service package for your event with us providing service, maintaining the buffet and clearing away then please do get in touch, we will be very happy to offer a quotation around your requirements. Margot (proprietor/Chef/Founder/ Creative one) is deep rooted in Dorset, she knows all the small producers in the area worth tapping into. It’s all about bringing prospective from the land to the plate or table. Sourcing and showcasing local food are something Margot does without thinking, its part of her makeup and is in her soul. Steve (Margot’s husband/Proprietor/ Front of House leading Man/ Business sensibility to Margot’s creativity) compliments Margot’s food by offering an efficient, smart but discrete floor manager at events. “Everything just happens” many of our clients often say, “we don’t even notice how or when, but it just happens”. We like to think that possible issues that could crop up are addressed before they become problems because we have thought everything through beforehand due to our wealth of catering experience. Sometimes though unexpected things happen, it’s how we deal with this that matters, we want our clients to have no worries at all on the day, that is why you have hired us, let us do the worrying! It’s all about offering the whole package for us, its not just about serving local food or about serving great food…..it’s so much more than that, it’s that smiling welcome, the sandwich that exceeds your expectations or that bite into a piece of cake that you just didn’t expect to taste that good! Our food is rustic, its hearty but most of all its honest and tasty! We want you and your guests to go away feeling that we offered you that something special, that you felt well looked after and of course nourished but in a fabulous way! It’s the small things all brought together that matter to us!
{ "perplexity_score": 562.8 }
[ [ 790319430165, 790319430247 ], [ 790319430488, 790319430562 ], [ 790319430626, 790319430681 ] ]
[ 364868787, 203103974 ]
We are a collective with a common purpose: make advertising matter to brands and consumers alike. Leveraging the spirit of innovation that began with Alexander Graham Bell more than 140 years ago and has continued on as a part of AT&T’s legacy, we are uniquely positioned to move the industry forward. With one of the world’s largest collections of digital, film and TV properties*, we provide a premium option for advertisers and publishers looking to reach specific audiences at scale in premium and brand-safe environments. Our combined assets, including data insights, premium content, powerful technology, and scaled direct-to-consumer distribution, give us a competitive edge — helping to improve advertising for brands, publishers, and consumers.
{ "perplexity_score": 231.6 }
[ [ 790319432612, 790319432992 ], [ 790319432993, 790319433139 ] ]
[ 364868788, 201828798 ]
That is why we decided to create this article. Our purpose is to provide business owners with the insight they need to fully utilize this amazing medium. Here are 20 LinkedIn marketing tips to help you grow your business. A LinkedIn company page also lets you highlight your services, thought leadership, and showcase your employees to build your external credibility and community. Best of all, a LinkedIn company page is free! If for any reason you wish to use your public profile as an “ambassador” for your blog, expertise, or brand, make sure you customize your Public Profile URL to make the page easier to share and find. For more information on customizing your URL click here. If you want to be found on LinkedIn easier, you will want to optimize your profile with keywords that are relevant to your brand. Strategically place the keywords you want in various sections of your profile such as your headline, summary, and experience. If you are a solopreneur and/or an ambassador for your blog/brand, it is a good idea to include various work samples and projects to support your claims. Learn more about adding, removing, and rearranging work samples here. Once again regarding your personal profile, consider highlighting skills for which you would like to be endorsed for. Endorsements can be earned (by showcasing expertise through work samples and blogs posts,) exchanged (endorse someone for them to return the favor,) or simply asked for with a well formulated message. Whichever the case, endorsements will undoubtedly increase your credibility. An excellent tool for reviewing your audience and networking; this feature is located right under your profile image on the left hand side. It will allow you to see the 5 most recent viewers in the past 90 days, and will provide suggestions for increasing your profile views. You will also be able to monitor and analyze weekly trends for the views your profile receives, how you were found by them, industry and job titles, as well as where they are from. With the paid feature, you will be able see the entire list of viewers from the past 90 days. In addition to the free account features, you will also be able to dig deeper into weekly data points and filter your viewer list down to viewers from a specific week. The same can be done for viewer insights. When you visit someone’s profile, they will receive a notification stating that their page has been viewed. Oftentimes, out of curiosity, they will in turn opt to view your profile and find out a bit more about you. This will ultimately lead to greater exposure and potentially even collaborative opportunities. 2 tools to help you automate this process are Profile Hopper and Elink Pro. According to LinkedIn “Company updates can be targeted to give companies the ability to tailor content to specific audiences”. You can target updates based on industry, company size, seniority, geographic location, and language preference. If you are interested in learning how to target your future updates, click here. LinkedIn is an excellent networking tool and oftentimes attracts audience from other social platforms. Utilize this unique characteristic and either create content tailored for this medium’s users, or incorporate high quality posts from your blog. This will highlight your thought leadership and will greatly enhance your reach once it starts getting shared among users and Groups. This is an excellent tool were you can find content tailored to your preferences. Here, you will be able to find recommended users to connect with, industry influencers, channels to follow, and top publishers to stay informed on industry news and trending topics. If applicable, you might want to consider complementing your organic LinkedIn marketing efforts with some paid advertising via LinkedIn Ads. This option will essentially allow you to target very specific characteristics such as job titles, functions, industries, companies, company sizes, and more. If you have the capacity to do so, this is another great paid feature you should be considering. Sponsored content can essentially enable you to increase your awareness and exposure via LinkedIn’s native ads. With this, you're able to build relationships and begin meaningful conversations with prospects, and even boost your lead gen efforts. Consider becoming a LinkedIn Group administrator by creating a group focused around topics relevant to your industry. This group can then be utilized to establish your thought leadership, generate new content ideas, and even generate new advocates and potential leads. As an administrator you will be able to send a weekly email to the members of your group. These emails will take the form of LinkedIn Announcements and therefore warrant great visibility. This can further support your efforts to generate leads, especially if your group has a significant number of users. It is also a good idea to join other groups relevant to your industry. Once again, you should be an active participant in discussions to exhibit thought leadership, authority, and credibility. This might even help you get noticed and begin networking with individuals who had not yet discovered you, thus enhancing your reach and visibility. You can discover more features of this tool, as well as how to use it here. For more information on how to use Page Analytics, click here. And there you have it, 20 tips to help you maximize your marketing potential via LinkedIn. Share your favorite tips and growth hacks in the comments below!
{ "perplexity_score": 460.4 }
[ [ 790319433418, 790319433471 ], [ 790319433592, 790319433676 ], [ 790319433690, 790319433800 ], [ 790319434109, 790319434182 ], [ 790319434233, 790319434297 ], [ 790319434467, 790319434539 ], [ 790319435431, 790319435487 ], [ 790319435728, 790319435779 ], [ 790319435802, 790319435917 ], [ 790319436155, 790319436208 ], [ 790319436313, 790319436365 ], [ 790319437106, 790319437173 ], [ 790319438665, 790319438721 ] ]
[ 168684319, 364868789, 364794662, 268717112, 265019487, 151313119 ]
Hmmm. Milestone, milestone … What might be a milestone for ODU? First trip to Rhode Island? Coach Bobby Wilder's 47th birthday? Or maybe the fact that it's their first season of CAA competition. The Monarchs hit all the right notes in their first three years — one year to plan, build and organize, two years of start-up competition. Everything was a first: touchdown, interception, sprained ankle, you name it. Now they see where they stand. We start to get a handle on whether Wilder can actually coach. The Maine native has been pretty much pitch perfect in the building phase, from organization and promotion to recruitment and scheme and schedules. He also gets credit for adaptability. Rather than mold ODU into a program based on his career upbringing with the Black Bears, he tailored his schemes and roster to the region and state penchant for producing speed and athletes. The unquestioned leader of the offense. He averaged 289 yards total offense last season and completed 58 percent of his passes. Though he is both a passing and running threat, the aim is to limit the hits he absorbed the past two seasons. The Hofstra transfer anchors a defensive line that must play well so as not to put undue pressure on the back seven and, by extension, the offense. He was second in tackles last season (72). He also had 19 tackles-for-loss and 5.5 sacks. The Phoebus product was one of the nation's best kick returners as a true freshman, averaging 29.8 yards per return. He figures to see more time this season in the offensive backfield, as one of at least three tailbacks in the rotation. ODU plays 11 straight weeks, the last eight against CAA schools. Wilder was hoping for a bye week somewhere in October, to allow his team to catch its breath and take stock of where it stood. No such luck. A grind like that takes its toll on established, veteran programs, never mind brand new ones. DeMarco absorbed a lot of contact in his first two seasons, with nearly 300 rushing attempts and 650 pass attempts. He is smart and strong, but he must be judicious in how much punishment he takes from CAA defenses. He's the one guy the Monarchs can least afford to lose. ODU has a wealth of talent at the skill positions with as many as five tailbacks and 11 wide receivers. The aim is for DeMarco to get the ball in their hands more often than not and to keep fresh legs on the field. The Monarchs hope to duplicate last season when 15 different players touched the ball and 11 scored touchdowns. Mario Crawford (505) was the leading rusher last season, Reid Evans (55 catches) and Prentice Gill (41) the top receivers. Never was the value of special teams more apparent than in ODU's win against Hampton last season, when the Monarchs' punt block team accounted for three touchdowns in an otherwise even game. Punter Jonathan Plisco is capable of "flipping" field position. Goodwyn and Aaron Evans are dangerous returners. There is plenty of athleticism on coverage and return units. Special teams can compensate for disadvantages in other areas. Playing against a favorable schedule, ODU's defensive numbers would have placed the Monarchs in the bottom half of the CAA in total defense, pass defense and pass defense efficiency. Wilder has said that if the defensive line doesn't play well, expect a long season. And for good measure, it would behoove the Monarchs to trim their 734 yards in penalties, which would have ranked ninth in the conference. Sept. 3 | vs. Campbell | 6 p.m. The Monarchs dusted Campbell last year in Buies Creek, 44-13. A feel-good opener. ODU cruised last year against its fellow start-up, which is working toward 2012 CAA membership. Sept. 17 | vs. Hampton | 6 p.m. Holes in Hampton's punt protection accounted for ODU's 28-14 win last season. No easing into the Monarchs' CAA opener. Delaware Stadium is one of the most difficult venues, and the Blue Hens are one of FCS' best programs. Oct. 1 | vs. Massachusetts | 6 p.m. Conference home opener, against an upper-level CAA program on its way out the door after the season to play FBS level. Oct. 8 | at Rhode Island | 1 p.m. The Rams made great strides last year under coach Joe Trainer. ODU will be more athletic, but Rhody has an edge in experience and home field. Oct. 15 | vs. Towson | 3:30 p.m. The Monarchs were picked to finish 10th and Towson 11th. A good gauge of how ODU handles the CAA grind. Oct. 22 | at Villanova | 3:30 p.m. The Wildcats aren't as good as recent years, but a game they certainly think they should win. Oct. 29 | vs. James Madison | 3:30 p.m. JMU likely wants to kneecap the Monarchs for cutting into their Hampton Roads recruiting pipeline. Nov. 5 | vs. Richmond | 3:30 p.m. The home finale against a program trying to get back to the CAA upper level. A game that might be the difference between a winning and losing season, and the end of ODU's eight-week march of conference games. ODU did as well as imaginable in its first two seasons. Stats are irrelevant, but the culture and foundation are not. Competing in the best FCS league in the country, a winning record would be remarkable. With only two games that are likely wins, don't be surprised at anything between 4-7 and 7-4. Old Dominion's Lee Daniel (19) misses a tackle on Jacksonville's Rodney Sumter (9) in the first half Saturday, September 4, 2010, during a game at Foreman Field in Norfolk. Jacksonville defenders tackle Old Dominion's Prentice Gill (1) in the first half Saturday, September 4, 2010, during a game at Foreman Field in Norfolk.
{ "perplexity_score": 331.6 }
[ [ 790319439872, 790319439923 ], [ 790319442083, 790319442144 ], [ 790319443695, 790319443751 ], [ 790319444187, 790319444281 ], [ 790319444340, 790319444434 ] ]
[ 353460064, 364868790 ]
Cocktail Bracelet was born by the determination to share art, passion and emotion. An accessory that takes shape from passementerie know-how accrued during centuries. A soutache, once used as distinctive sign of an élite, reinterpreted today: friendship, relax, joyousness and sharing. Fifty bracelets which are entirely Made in Italy: alcoholic and alcohol-free, shaken, not stirred, to beworn responsibly. A cocktail for everyone’s taste. La The recipe is a little artisan’s secret: acetone drops. Acetone is often employed in the manual processing of wood silk, also known as rayon, because it neutralizes its fibres, melding and fixing them through its evaporation. The box of each bracelet includes the instructions and an acetone ampoule for its custom preparation.
{ "perplexity_score": 458.3 }
Discussion in 'Playstation Forums' started by lukeharvest, Jan 12, 2008. Secondly I noticed that Uncharted doesn't look as crisp as I thought (currently working on 1080i) and it doesn't look as it should. What settings, such as "PS Upscaler" etc. and display settings need to be put to, to see the best possible graphics? I dont know too much about monitors, but have you got 1080P selected under display settings? As far as upscaling goes, as far as I know that only effects DVDs and PS1 & 2 games. Uncharted looks great on my HD TV, so it should look as good on your monitor! Yeah it looks great but some things are too sharp, like the intro to Uncharted on the boat, the sea and the distance looks pretty pixelated and too sharp, is that normal? What resolution is your PS3 set to ? Is it 1080p only ? Also Uncharted is a native 720p game and does not support 1080p, so if your displayh is set to 1080p there is probably some upscaling and/or downscaling going on which may be affecting the picture quality. Hmm I have 720p, 1080i and 1080p selected and in XMB it's on 1080p. I just played Warhawk (which supports 1080i) yet it was running in 720p? Any ideas? I don't have Warhawk so I'm not sure what's going on with that. If it supports 1080i, your display supports up to 1080p and your PS3 is set to output all resolutions then it should display in 1080i. I have noticed that my PC monitor, between 720p and 1080i, looks much better on 720p. Although 1080p looks better. Where possible it will run in 1080p or it's next highest resolution. This tricked me at first on my Sharp 46xl2e but the PS3 doesn't upscale content. Unlike the xbox elite which will run eg Call of Duty 4 at 1080p (upscaling it from the games native of 720p) the PS3 does not so Call of Duty 4 runs at 720p on the PS3 as do 90% of its games. So the Xbox is a better displayed console then the ps3... yeah right ? just a question.... what % of games run at 720p on the xbox ?
{ "perplexity_score": 607.8 }
[ [ 790319445218, 790319445291 ] ]
[ 364868792, 70723530 ]
Dr. Peter Ester, who is a social scientist and professor at Rotterdam University and a Dutch Senator, will present “Dutch American Entrepreneurs” and “Dutch Politics” on Monday, July 29, at 7 p.m. at the City Council Chambers at Holland City Hall. Ester is speaking at locations across the United States through the 2013 Netherland-America Foundation (NAF) Lecture Tour. His visit to Holland is co-sponsored by the A.C. Van Raalte Institute at Hope College and the Dutch Heritage Coordinating Council. Ester is the author of “Faith, Family & Fortune. Reformed Upbringing and Calvinist Values of Highly Successful Dutch-American Entrepreneurs,” published by the A.C. Van Raalte Institute’s Van Raalte Press in 2012. He was an adjunct research professor at the institute from 2008 to 2011, while conducting research for the book. In the first part of his presentation, Ester will consider the cultural roots of the success of the Dutch-American entrepreneurs who founded companies such as Amway, Herman Miller, Meijer and Prince Manufacturing, with an emphasis on the relationship between immigration, culture, religion and entrepreneurship. He will subsequently comment on recent political developments in the Netherlands and will share his experiences as a participant in the inauguration of King Willem Alexander in April. Ester has published numerous books and scholarly articles on social and economic issues and on Dutch-American culture. As a senator, he is a member of the Upper House of the Dutch parliament. He is also a former Crown Member of the Dutch Social and Economic Council (SER). Prior to his visit to Holland, Ester will have spoken at the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in New York City. Following his appearance in West Michigan, he will continue the tour in Chicago, Ill., and San Francisco, Calif. The Netherland-America Foundation, which is based in New York City, seeks to strengthen the bonds of friendship and appreciation between the two nations through exchange in the arts, culture, education, business and policy-making. The foundation’s mission is supported by donations from individual and corporate donors to provide grants for dance, chamber music, jazz, historic preservation and architecture, visiting professorships and educational exchange. Established in 1994, the A.C. Van Raalte Institute is located in the Theil Research Center on the Hope College campus and specializes in scholarly research and writing on immigration and the contributions of the Dutch and their descendants in the United States. The institute is also dedicated to the study of the history of all the people who have comprised the community of Holland throughout its history. The Dutch Heritage Coordinating Council seeks to provide a forum to further the preservation and promotion of Dutch heritage in the Greater Holland/Zeeland Area. The council was established in 2009 by the Holland Historic Trust, Joint Archives of Holland, Tulip Time Festival, Van Raalte Institute and Zeeland Historical Society. Hope College sophomore Carl Deeg of Zionsville, Ind., won first place for a research poster presentation during a national symposium held earlier this summer. Seven returning members of the Hope College football team are spotlighted in a pre-season national listing of NCAA Division III players to be watched during the upcoming season by USA College Football Inc.
{ "perplexity_score": 124 }
[ [ 790319447580, 790319447677 ], [ 790319447725, 790319447816 ], [ 790319448212, 790319448262 ], [ 790319448504, 790319448560 ], [ 790319448636, 790319448689 ], [ 790319448718, 790319448772 ], [ 790319448825, 790319448901 ], [ 790319449472, 790319449566 ], [ 790319449592, 790319449887 ] ]
[ 364868793, 33556323, 140354343 ]
Woohoo!!! Let's go motoring in one of the most enjoyable roadster you can drive. The greatest compliment they say is being replicated…that is exactly what this Porsche offers. The real ones have become unreachable for everyone but the 1% but these offer a great option for the masses. GR Auto Gallery is pleased to present this 1957 Porsche Speedster replica. This Speedster is a joy to drive and has a lot of power and a super sound to the vehicle as you hustle thru the gears and leave your cares behind. This one is finished in red over a tan interior with a full tonneau cover and side curtains. This car is very well built and holds the road well. Highlights include front disc brakes, wood steering wheel, Avital security system with remote, Sony CD player, chrome luggage rack, car cover, chrome headlight grills, Empi dual intake and Empi dual carburetor set up. The car rides on 165/80 tires on 15 inch chrome wheels with classic dog dish hub caps. These have seen a very nice uptick in values over the past 4 years and will always have a strong demand. This is a turnkey Speedster that is ready for the roads and will provide many enjoyable memories for any person that likes to stand out, but without the hefty price tag. These are holding strong on values and ones like this that carry all the authentic Porsche badges are hard to find. Get in and drive a piece of automotive history and feel like a Hollywood star! GR Auto Gallery is accepting offers for this 1957 Porsche Speedster. Send them your offer below!
{ "perplexity_score": 438 }
[ [ 790319450583, 790319452080 ] ]
[ 364868794 ]
Hey, everyone. Joe here again from Amaze Properties LLC, and today I just wanted to let you know a couple of selling your home fast tips that I thought of that will help you make your selling decision a little easier in Detroit Michigan and surrounding cities. One of the things that has come up recently is how do you tell if these We Buy Houses companies, or these cash buying companies, are credible? So I have a couple tips for selling your home fast for you here that may make your decision easier. Tip 1: Look into Testimonials – First tip, definitely look into testimonials. That is one of the biggest things I’ll suggest. We have just recently started requesting our customers to write testimonials so we don’t have as many as we could, but we have some real testimonials. It’s always hard to tell if some companies have fake testimonials or not. We’ve done a good amount of deals, but we just started really requesting some testimonials. So that’s one way to tell the credibility of the companies that can buy your house fast in Detroit. Tip 2: Review the Website – Tip number two, check out the company’s website and look at their Our Company or About Us page. You can take a look at our website and be sure to navigate to the Our Company page for our site too. The Our Company page will tell you about who the owners are and employees are. And be sure to also look at their social media sites. Tip 3: Good Team – Another tip for selling your house fast is you’ll also want to make sure the We Buy Houses company has a good team around them, because you want a company that has a good team around them. A good team, like a title company, maybe an attorney that can help with probate or an inherited property. Be sure to ask about their team when you call them or meet with them. So a good team, a good title company, a good attorney, a good broker if they have a real estate license. Tip 4: Real Estate License – That brings me to my next tip and this is not a requirement, but it’s definitely a plus if anybody on the team has a real estate license. What a real estate license does, it actually tells you that the company that you’re working with is held to a higher standard by their peers and the state. Not always, but most of the time you can rest assured that the company that you’re looking to sell a property fast to is not going scam you because they have that real estate license, because they are vetted by the state. They also have to take Continuing Education in classes like legal and ethics classes. So that’s another thing. A real estate license is good. I do have my real estate license. Final Bit of Advice: Act Fast – So those are three to four main selling your house fast tips. And here’s a last and final tip. Definitely act fast because you never know what’s going to happen. Maybe the property is vacant, and there could be vandalism. Or maybe there’s a flood and you just don’t know it because you’re not there. So, like I said, those are just a few tips that may help make your decision how to sell your home quickly that I can offer. So, take a look at our website and the pages we suggested and give us a call here at Amaze Properties LLC, and we can definitely help you with your situation. We deal with many situations, and we’ve dealt with many situations before, so we can definitely help you out of yours. Even just to give you a fair cash offer for your property. Whether you go with us or not, you’ll at least have that in your back pocket. And we will make an all cash offer for your Macomb County, Oakland County, or Wayne County house. We buy houses in Warren, Roseville, Eastpointe, Mount Clemens, Sterling Heights, Clinton Township, Madison Heights, Hazel Park, Oak Park, Royal Oak, Clawson, and any other surrounding city, in as-is condition. So, either fill out our form or give us a call at (586) 991-3363, and we look forward to hearing from you.
{ "perplexity_score": 384.7 }
[ [ 790319452374, 790319452427 ], [ 790319454870, 790319454926 ], [ 790319455473, 790319455524 ], [ 790319455635, 790319455694 ], [ 790319455760, 790319455815 ], [ 790319455919, 790319456017 ] ]
[ 247803560, 78421923, 364868795 ]
Riding a bicycle is an outwardly selfish pursuit, but I’m finally getting better at sharing my passion for it. I freely give advice when friends ask about bikes to buy for their kids. I’m quick to offer tips to adventurers heading off on long cycle tours. I’m happy to provide encouragement to communities to keep cycling. The most obvious way I’ve come to share my love of bicycles though, is via guiding. In its simplest form, this entails taking my 12-year old son out for a ride. Together we’ve followed several long distance cycle routes in the UK. Guiding kids combines several roles: safety monitor (or the ‘Fun Police’ as my son calls me), mechanic, parent, party entertainer, map reader, nutritionist and directeur sportif. It can be exhausting, but I love it. At some stage in the next few years, he’ll want to head off on his own and I’ll miss it terribly. I also guide many road cycling tours for Bikecation. A few summers past, I lead the corporate cycling Mont Ventoux tour up Mont Ventoux and across the perfumed hills of Provence to Nice. Some of the group had never ridden road bikes seriously before. None of them had scaled a mythical mountain like Ventoux, a climb that ‘exacts an unjust tribute of suffering,’ according to French philosopher and cyclist, Roland Barthes. The night before, the unease among the debutants was as sticky as the tarte tatin we ate in a small hotel at the foot of the mountain. Everyone got up Ventoux, but I was more heartened by the way that, after four days of riding, people in the group were looking out for each other. They were almost guiding themselves. Part of the satisfaction of guiding is seeing roads I know well through fresh eyes. This pleasure is most acute leading people around the Brecon Beacons where I live. I have organised a couple of training weekends and revel equally in the clients’ expressions of horror, climbing up Iron Mountain on to the open moorland above Blaenavon, and delight, descending on the serpentine, singletrack road through the beautiful Llanthony Valley.
{ "perplexity_score": 433.9 }
Established in year 2011, we, “Jagdamba Engineers & Consultancy”, are instrumental in manufacturing and supplying Material Handling, Pollution Control & Industrial Drying Systems, Heat Exchangers and other Process Equipment. Offered products are manufactured in accordance with international standards by using optimum quality material and latest machines. Our experts strictly monitor every stage of manufacturing, so as to maintain higher quality standards of the products offered by us. Understanding the needs of the clients we are also engaged in offering Fabrication, Erection, Project Engineering & Consultancy Services. These services are rendered by our experienced professionals, who strictly follow the established guidelines of the industry at every stage. We have developed a state-of-the-art infrastructure, which is sprawling over a wide area of land and enables us conducting all our trade tasks at one place. Also, we have installed various machines and tools that are essential for having hassle free and smooth production. Our infrastructure is well connected with different modes of transportation, which leads us in delivering our products top the customers place at the earliest. Further, to simplify the process of financial transactions, we accept payment through various easy modes. Facts like qualitative product line, economical prices, transparency in dealing and client centric approach, we have gain the faith of the patrons based all over the region. Under the able guidance of our mentor, 'Mr. Ajay Mahadeo Karande', we moving in the fast lane of success and growth. His vast experience, in depth knowledge of the industry, constant inspiration and leadership skills have helped us win the confidence of the customers across the region. With the aid of our experienced professionals, we have gained expertise in offering Fabrication, Erection, Project Engineering & Consultancy Services to the customers. Our professionals strictly follow the established norms and standards while offering these services. These professionals provide their services in a well planned manner, after understanding the exact requirements of the customers. Owing to our experienced team of professionals, latest machines & tools and working methodologies, we are standing ahead of our counterpart of this domain. In order to have streamlined production process, our organization has constructed a sophisticated infrastructure. Spread over a vast area, this facility helps us in completing all our tasks at a single place and in smooth way. Along with this, our infrastructure is well equipped with latest machines and tools, which results in flawless and higher production. Our infrastructure is also connected with several modes of transportation, which enables us in delivery all our products to the customers in the shortest span of time. With an aim to become the top rated organization of this domain, we have appointed experienced and talent professionals. These professionals are recruited after a rigorous procedure of interview and personal interview followed later on. Our professionals utilize their experience and knowledge, in order to accomplish their tasks in the best possible manner. To achieve the organizational goals with ease and perfection, our professionals maintain cordial relationship among themselves.
{ "perplexity_score": 454.3 }
[ [ 790319458142, 790319458569 ], [ 790319458627, 790319458937 ], [ 790319459097, 790319459387 ], [ 790319459548, 790319459600 ], [ 790319459625, 790319459997 ], [ 790319460014, 790319460092 ], [ 790319460185, 790319460265 ], [ 790319460401, 790319460452 ], [ 790319460680, 790319460732 ], [ 790319460867, 790319460918 ], [ 790319461037, 790319461104 ], [ 790319461340, 790319461407 ] ]
[ 364868797, 87340118, 262591039 ]
Is there a good way to graphically document a database? Just a simple representation, showing the tables and keys, and their relationship. : Is there a good way to graphically document a database? Just a simple representation, showing the tables and keys, and their relationship. if working on MS SQL Server, you can use Enterprise Manager -> DataBase Diagram Wizard to create a graphic of the database. I suppose other DBMS should have corresponding management tool like it.
{ "perplexity_score": 635.6 }
[ [ 790319461424, 790319461563 ], [ 790319461565, 790319461704 ] ]
[ 364868798 ]
Customer service technology buyers typically plan for the next one to two years. But to truly become customer obsessed, companies need to understand what new technologies and customer service experiences will come to seem normal for their customers in five years. Many of these technologies require new organizational models as well as new metrics for measuring success — changes that will take time and careful planning.
{ "perplexity_score": 326.9 }
[ [ 790319461905, 790319462014 ], [ 790319462015, 790319462114 ] ]
[ 31754653, 364868799 ]