0 values
Spain is the third-largest wine-producing nation in the world, after France and Italy, with about 3 million acres planted to vines (this is more than any other country, but low yields in some areas reduce the total amount of wine that may be produced). There are said to be more than 400 grape varieties planted around the country, a good number of them native to Spain. Tempranillo leads the red grape plantings, airén (used mostly for bulk wine and brandy distillation) the white. Other important red wine grapes include garnacha (grenache) and monastrell (mourvèdre), both believed to be of Spanish origin; white grapes include albariño, palomino (used in sherry), and parellada and xarel-lo (essential to Catalonia's cava). Every important international variety — cabernet sauvignon, pinot noir, syrah, chardonnay, sauvignon blanc, riesling, etc., etc., is also grown. In addition to the world-renowned red wines of Rioja, Priorat, and Ribera del Duero and the increasingly popular whites of Rías Baixas, the cavas (sparkling wines) of Catalonia, and the nonpareil apéritif and dessert wines of the Jerez, or sherry, region, first-rate wines in every style and at every price range are produced in such places as Calatayud, Campo de Borja, Somontano, Cariñena, Bierzo, Cigales, Toro, Empordà, the region of Madrid, Utiel-Requena, Ribeira Sacra, Ribeiro, Valdeorras, various parts of the Balearic and Canary islands, and many more.
{ "perplexity_score": 190.6 }
Custom 12' Windless Swooper Kit, includes the custom print flag, ground spike mount and pole for display! Save money and buy a kit! Custom 12' Double Sided Windless Swooper Kit is fully customized with your provided graphics. The custom blade banner's sheer size alone can be seen from afar and is more effective at reaching customers than other traditional signs. Custom 12'tall by over 3' wide double sided windless swooper kit is fully customized with your provided graphics. The custom blade banner's sheer size alone can be seen from afar and is more effective at reaching customers than other traditional signs. Custom 8' Windless Swooper Kit, includes the custom print flag, ground spike mount and pole for display! Save money and buy a kit!
{ "perplexity_score": 1792.8 }
[ [ 790317301604, 790317301727 ], [ 790317301770, 790317301969 ], [ 790317302023, 790317302344 ] ]
[ 364867801 ]
A New Game Is Arriving! We have a new game to show you, and it's almost around the corner. It's an interactive story game that we hope you'll enjoy. That's all we can say for now, but more information will be released very soon. ​Keep checking back for updates about its progress.
{ "perplexity_score": 294 }
Since we have been so busy i was able to really do a lot of cooking. So today i thought i will treat my family for some delicious dinner. Nothing fancy but i know they will enjoy it, the house smells really good and i like it because that means that we know how to cook hahahhahaha. We just finished eating dinner and i right now i am feeling sleepy again even though it’s only 5:21 in the afternoon. I want to play wii later with the family so i guess taking a nap might be a great idea. I am glad that the dinner turns out really good. That’s all for now and you all have a great night everyone. Thanks for stopping by here in my blog.
{ "perplexity_score": 743.1 }
[ [ 790317303174, 790317303277 ] ]
[ 364867803 ]
The Arab Revolt began in June, 1916, with an Arab offensive, a surprise attack by the half-armed and inexperienced tribesmen upon the Turkish garrisons in Medina and about Mecca. They had no success, and after a few days' effort they withdrew out of range of the fort artillery, and began a blockade. This method forced the early surrender of Mecca, whose road communications were too long and rough to be held by the Turks. Medina, however, was linked by railway to the Turkish main Army in Syria, and, thanks to their superior numbers and equipment, the Turks were able in a week's fighting to restore the line and reinforce the temporarily-besieged garrison there. The Arab forces which had attacked it fell back gradually as the Turks became more offensive, and at last moved fifty miles south-west into the hills, and there took up a position across the main road to Mecca. At this point the campaign stood still for many weeks, while both sides breathed, and the Turks prepared to take the initiative, by sending an expeditionary force to Mecca, to crush the revolt where it had started. They moved an army corps to Median by rail, and strengthened it beyond establishment with guns, cars, aeroplanes, machine guns, and quantities of horse, mule and camel transport. Then they began to advance down the main western road from Medina to Mecca. The total distance was about two hundred and fifty miles. The first fifty miles were easy: then came a belt of hills twenty miles wide, in which were Feisal's tribesmen standing on the defensive: after the hills was a level stretch, for seventy miles along the coastal plain to Rabegh, rather more than half-way. Rabegh is a little port on the Red Sea, with good anchorage for ships. In it was Sherif Ali, Feisal's eldest brother, with more tribal forces, and the beginnings of an Arab Regular Army, recruited from officers and men of Arab Blood, who had served in the Turkish Army, and were now willing to fight against their old masters for their national freedom. Our military advisers had told us that Rabegh was the key of Mecca, since no hostile force could pass along the main road without occupying it and watering at its wells under the palm trees. Its defence was therefore of the main importance. The Navy could cooperate effectively from the harbour, and the circle of the palm-groves must be laid out as an entrenched position, and held by regular troops. They thought that Beduin tribesmen would never be of any value in a fixed position, and that therefore an Arab regular force must be formed and trained as soon as possible to undertake this duty. If the Turks advanced before the new force was ready, the British would have to lend a brigade, of British or Allied troops, to save the Sherif in his extremity, by maintaining this stop-block. A personal reconnaissance of the Arab positions, here and in the hills where Feisal was, caused me to modify the views of the experts slightly. Feisal had some thousands of men, all armed with rifles, rather casual, distrustful fellows, but very active and cheerful. They were posted in hills and defiles of such natural strength that it seemed to me very improbable that the Turks could force them, just by their superior numbers: for in some ways it is easier to defend a range of hills against nine or ten thousand men than against nine or ten. Accordingly, I reported that the tribesmen (if strengthened by light machine guns, and regular officers as advisers) should be able to hold up the Turks indefinitely, while the Arab regular force was being created. As was almost inevitable in view of the general course of military thinking since Napoleon, we all looked only to the regulars to win the war. We were obsessed by the dictum of Foch that the ethic of modern war is to seek for the enemy's army, his centre of power, and destroy it in battle. Irregulars would not attack positions and so they seemed to us incapable of forcing a decision. While we were training the regulars (of course not sending officer or light machine guns to Feisal in the hills meanwhile), the Turks suddenly put my appreciation to the test by beginning their advance on Mecca. They broke through my "impregnable" hills in twenty-four hours, and came forward from them towards Rabegh slowly. So they proved to us the second theorem of irregular war - namely, that irregular troops are as unable to defend a point or line as they are to attack it. This lesson was received by us quite without gratitude, for the Turkish success put us in a critical position. The Rabegh force was not capable of repelling the attack of a single battalion, much less of a corps. It was nearly impossible to send down British troops from Egypt at the moment: nor do I think that a single British brigade would have been capable of holding all the Rabegh position: nor was the Rabegh position indispensable to the Turks: nor would a single Arab have remained with the Sherif if he introduced British troops into the Hejaz. In the emergency it occurred to me that perhaps the virtue of irregulars lay in depth, not in face, and that it had been the threat of attack by them upon the Turkish northern flank which had made the enemy hesitate for so long. The actual Turkish flank ran from their front line to Medina, a distance of some fifty miles: but, if we moved towards the Hejaz railway behind Medina, we might stretch our threat (and, accordingly, their flank) as far, potentially, as Damascus, eight hundred miles away to the north. Such a move would force the Turks to the defensive, and we might regain the initiative. Anyhow, it seemed our only chance, and so, in January, 1917, we took all Feisal's tribesmen, turned our backs on Mecca, Rabegh and the Turks, and marched away north two hundred miles to Wejh, thanks to the help of the British Red Sea Fleet, which fed and watered us along the coast, and gave us gun-power and a landing party at our objective. This eccentric movement acted like a charm. Clausewitz had said that rearguards modulate the enemy's action like a pendulum, not by what they do, but tby their mere existence. We did nothing concrete, but our march recalled the Turks (who were almost into Rabegh) all the way back to Medina, and there they halved their force. One half took up the entrenched position about the city, which they held until after the Armistice. The other half was distributed along the railway to defend it against our threat. For the rest of the war the Turks stood on the defensive against us, and we won advantage over advantage till, when peace came, we had taken thirty-five thousand prisoners, killed and wounded and worn out about as many, and occupied a hundred thousand square miles of the enemy's territory, at little loss to ourselves. However, we were not then aware that Wejh was our turning point. We thought we had come to it to cut the railway, and I was at once sent up country to do this, as a means to take Medina, the Turkish headquarters and main garrison. On the way up I fell ill, and spent ten days on my back in a tent, without anything to do except to think about war, and analyse our hitherto empirical practice for its real import. However, the books gave me the aim in war quite pat, "the destruction of the organized forces of the enemy" by "the one process battle." Victory could only be purchased by blood. This was a hard saying for us, as the Arabs had no organized forces, and so a Turkish Foch would have no aim: and the Arabs would not endure casualties, so that an Arab Clausewitz could not buy his victory. These wise men must be talking metaphors, for we were indubitably winning our war ... and as I thought about it, it dawned on me that we had won the Hejaz war. We were in occupation of 99 per cent. of the Hejaz. The Turks were welcome to the other fraction till peace or doomsday showed them the futility of clinging to our window pane. This part of the war was over, so why bother about Medina? It was no base for us, like Rabegh, no threat to the Turks, like Wejh: just a blind alley for both. The Turks sat in it on the defensive, immobile, eating for food the transport animals which were to have moved them to Mecca, but for which there was no pasture in their now restricted lines. They were harmless sitting there; if we took them prisoner, they would cost us food and guards in Egypt: if we drove them out northward into Syria, they would join the main Army blocking us in Sing On all counts they were best where they were, and they valued Medina and wanted to keep it. Let them! I was unfortunately as much in charge of the campaign as I pleased, and had had no training in command to fit me for such a work. In military theory I was tolerably read, for curiosity in Oxford years before had taken me past Napoleon to Clausewitz and his school, to Caemmerer and Moltke, Goltz and the recent Frenchmen. These had seemed very partial books, and after a look at Jomini and Willisen I had found broader principles in the eighteenth century, in Saxe, Guibert and their followers. However, Clausewitz was intellectually so much the master of them all that unwillingly I had come to believe in him. Tactically the only campaigns I had studied step by step were the ancient affairs of Hannibal and Belisarius, Mohammed and the Crusades! My interests were only in pure theory and I looked everywhere for the metaphysical side, the philosophy of war, about which I thought a little for some years. Now I was compelled suddenly to action, to find an immediate equation between my book-reading and our present movements. This seemed unlike the ritual of war of which Foch had been priest, and so I began to hope that there was a difference of kind between us and him. He called his modern war "absolute." In it two nations professing incompatible philosophies out to try them in the light of force. A struggle of two immaterial principles could only end when the supporters of one had no more means of resistance. An opinion can be argued with: a conviction is best shot. The logical end of a war of creeds is the final destruction of one, and Salammbo the classical textbook-instance. These were the lines of the struggle between France and Germany, but not, I thought, between Germany and England, for all efforts to make our men hate the enemy just made them hate war, and later on by the Armistice we made the Great War fall short of the Foch ideal. To me it seemed only a variety of war: and I could then see other sorts, as Clausewitz had numbered them, personal wars for dynastic reasons, expulsive wars for party reasons, commercial wars for trading reasons. Then I thought of the Arab aim, and saw that it was geographical, to occupy all Arabic-speaking lands in Asia. In the doing of it we might kill Turks: we disliked them very much. Yet "killing Turks"' would never be an excuse or aim. If they would go quietly, our war would end. If not, we would try to drive them out: in the last resort we would be compelled to the desperate course of blood, on the maxim of "murder" war, but as cheaply as possible for ourselves, since the Arabs were fighting for freedom, a pleasure only to be tasted by a man alive. My own personal duty was command, and I began to unravel command and analyse it, both from the point of view of strategy, the aim in war, the synoptic regard which sees everything by the standard of the whole, and from the point of view called tactics, the means towards the strategic end, the steps of its staircase. In each I found the same elements, one algebraical, one biological, a third psychologicaL The first seemed a pure science, subject to the laws of mathematics, without humanity. It dealt with known invariables, fixed conditions, space and time, inorganic things like hills and climates and railways, with mankind in type-masses too great for individual variety, with all artificial aids, and the "tensions given our faculties by mechanical invention. It was essentially formulable. In the Arab case the algebraic factor would take first account of the area we wished to conquer, and I began idly to calculate how many square miles ... perhaps a hundred and forty thousand ... and how would the Turks defend all that ... no doubt by a trench line across the bottom, if we were an army attacking with banners displayed ... but suppose we were an influence (as we might be), an idea, a thing invulnerable, intangible, without front or back, drifting about like a gas? Armies were like plants, immobile as a whole, firm-rooted, nourished through long stems to the head. We might be a vapour, blowing where we listed. Our kingdoms lay in each man's mind, and as we wanted nothing material to live on, so perhaps we offered nothing material to the killing It seemed a regular soldier might be helpless without a target. He would own the ground he sat on, and what he could poke his rifle at. Then I estimated how many posts they would need to contain this attack in depth, sedition putting up her head in every unoccupied one of these hundred thousand square miles. I knew the Turkish Army inside and out, and allowing for its recent extension of faculty by guns and aeroplanes and armoured trains, still it seemed it would have need of a fortified post every four square miles, and a post could not be less than twenty men. The Turks would need six hundred thousand men to meet the combined ill wills of all the local Arab people. They had one hundred thousand men available. It seemed the assets in this part of command were ours, and climate, railways, deserts, technical weapons could also be attached to, our interests, ff we realized our raw materials and were apt with them. The Turk was stupid and would believe that rebellion was absolute, like war, and deal with it on the analogy of absolute warfare. Analogy is fudge, anyhow, and to make war upon rebellion is messy and slow, like eating soup with a knife. So much for the mathematical element, which I annoyed the others by calling hecastics. The second factor was biological, the breaking-point, life and death, or better, wear and tear. Bionomics seemed a good name for it. The war-philosophers had properly made it an art, and had elevated one item in it, "effusion of blood," to the height of a principle. It became humanity in battle, an art touching every side of our corporal being, and very war. There was a line of variability (man) running through all its estimates. Its components were sensitive and illogical, and generals guarded themselves by the device of a reserve, the significant medium of their art. Goltz had said that when you know the enemy's strength, and he is fully deployed, then you know enough to dispense with a reserve. But this is never. There is always the possibility of accident, of some flaw in materials, present in the general's mind: and the reserve is unconsciously held to meet it. There is a "felt" element in troops, not expressible in figures, guessed at by the equivalent of, SóEa in Plato, and the greatest commander is he whose intuitions most nearly happen. Nine-tenths of tactics are certain, and taught in books: but the irrational tenth is like the kingfisher flashing across the pool, and that is the test of generals. It can only be ensured by instinct, sharpened by thought practising the stroke so often that at the crisis it is as natural as a reflex. Yet to limit the art to humanity seemed to me an undue narrowing down. It must apply to materials as much as to organisms. In the Turkish Army materials scarce and precious, men more plentiful than equipment. Consequently our cue should be to destroy not the Army but the materials. The death of a Turkish bridge or rail, machine or gun, or high explosive was more profitable to us than the death of a Turk. The Arab Army just now was equally chary of men and materials: of men because they being irregulars were not units, but individuals, and an individual casualty is like a pebble dropped in water: each may make only a brief hole, but rings of sorrow widen out from them. We could not afford casualties. Materials were easier to deal with and put straight. It was our obvious duty to make ourselves superior in some one branch, gun-cotton or machine guns, or whatever could be made most decisive. Foch had laid down the maxim, applying it to men, of being supenor at the critical point and moment of attack. We might apply it to materials, and be superior in equipment in one dominant moment or respect. For both men and things we might try to give Foch's doctrine a negative twisted side, for cheapness' sake, and be weaker than the enemy everywhere except in one point or matter. Most wars are wars of contact, both forces striving to keep in touch to avoid tactical suprise. Our war should be a war of detachment: we were to contain the enemy by the silent threat of a vast unknown desert, not disclosing ourselves til the moment of attack. This attack need be only nominal, directed not against his men, but against his materials: so it should not seek for his main strength or his weaknesses, but for us most accessible material. In railway cutting this would be usually an empty stretch of rail. That was a tactical success. We might turn the average into a rule (not a law-war is antinomian, said Colin), and at length we developed an unconscious habit of never engaging the enemy at all. This chimed with the numerical plea of never giving, the enemy's soldier a target. Many Turks on our front had no chance all the war to fire a shot at us, and correspondingly we were never on the defensive, except by rare accident. The corollary of such a rule was perfect "intelligence," so that we could plan in complete certainty. The chief agent had tobe the general's head (de Feuquiere said this first), and his knowledge had to be faultless, leaving no room for chance.We took more pains in this service than any other staff I saw. The third factor in command seemed to be the psychological, that science (Xenophon called it diathetic) of which our propaganda is a stained and ignoble part. Some of it concerns the crowd, the adjustment of spirit to the point where it becomes fit to exploit in action, the prearrangement of a changing opinion to a certain end. Some of it deals with individuals, and then it becomes a rare art of human kindness, transcending, by purposeful emotion, the gradual logical sequence of our minds. It considers the capacity for mood of our men, their complexities and mutability, and the cultivation of what in them profits the intention. We had to arrange their minds in order of battlw, just as carefully and as formally as other officers arranged their bodies: and not only our own men's minds, though them first: the minds of the enemy, so far as we could reach them: and thirdly, the mind of the nation supporting us behind the firing-line, and the mind of the hostile nation waiting the verdict, and the neutrals looking on. It was the ethical in war, and the process on which we mainly depended for victory on the Arab front. The printing press is the greatest weapon in the armoury of the modern commander, and we, being amateures in the art of command, began our war in the atmosphere of the twentieth century, and thought of our weapons without prejudice, not distinguishing one from another socially. The regular officer has the tradition of forty generations of serving soldiers behind him, and to him the old weapons are the most honoured. We had seldom to concern ourselves with what our men did, but much with what they thought, and to us the diathetic was more than half command. In Europe it was set a little aside and entrusted to men outside the General Staff. In Asia we were so weak physically that we could not let the metaphysical weapon rust unused. We had won a province when we had taught the civilians in it to die for our ideal of freedom: the presence or absence of the enemy was a secondary matter. Accordingly, I put in a few damages to the line, enough to annoy the enemy without making him fear its final destruction, and then rode back to Wejh, to explain to my chiefs that the Arab war was geographical, and the Turkish Army for us an accident, not a target. Our aim was to seek its weakest link, and bear only on that till time made the mass of it fall. Our largest available resources were the tribesmen, men quite unused to formal warfare, whose assets were movement, endurance, individual intelligence, knowledge of the country, courage. We must impose the longest possible passive defence on the Turks (this being the most materially passive form of war) by extending our own front to its maximum. Tactically we must develop a highly mobile, highly equipped type of army, of the smallest size, and use it successively at distributed points of the Turkish line, to make the Turks reinforce their occupying posts beyond the economic minimum of twenty men. The power of this striking force of ours would not be reckoned merely by its strength. The ratio between number and area determined the character of the war, and by having five times the mobility of the Turks we could be on terms with them with one-fifth their number. Our success was certain, to be proved by paper and pencil as, soon as the proportion of space and number had, been learned. The contest was not physical, but mineral, and so battles were a mistake. All we won in a battle was the ammunition the enemy fired off. Our victory lay not in battles, but in occupying square miles of country. Napoleon had said it was rare to find generals willing to fight battles. The curse of this war was that so few could do anything else. Napoleon had spoken in angry reaction against the excessive finesse of the eighteenth century, when men almost forgot that war gave licence to murder. We had been swinging out on his dictum for a hundred years, and it was time to go back a bit again. Battles are impositions on the side which believes itself weaker, made unavoidable either by lack of land-room, or by the need to defend a material property dearer than the lives of soldiers. We had nothing material to lose, so we were to defend nothing and shoot nothing. The precious element of our forces were the Beduin irregulars, and not the regulars whose role would only be to occupy places to which the irregulars had already given access. Our cards were and time, not hitting power, and these gave us strategical rather than tatical strength. Range is more to strategy than force. The invention of bully-beef has modified land-war more profoundly than the invention of gunpowder. My chiefs did not follow all these arguments, but gave me leave to try my hand after my own fashion. We went off first to Akaba, and took it easily. Then we took Tafileh and the Dead Sea: then Azrak and Deraa, and finally Damascus, all in successive stages worked out consciously on these sick-bed theories. The process was to set up ladders of tribes, giving us a safe and comfortable route from our sea-bases (Yenbo, Wejh or Akaba) to our advanced bases of operation. These were sometimes three hundred miles away, a long distance in lands without railways or roads, but made short for us by an assiduous cultivation of desert-power, control by camel parties of the desolate and unmapped wilderness which fills up all the centre of Arabia, from Mecca to Aleppo and Bagdad. In character these operations were more like naval warfare than ordinary land operations, in their mobility, their ubiquity, their independence of bases and communications, their lack of ground features, of fixed directions, of fixed points. "He who commands the sea is at great liberty, and may take as much or as little of the war as he will": he who commands the desert is equally fortunate. Camel raiding-parties, as self-contained as ships, could cruise without danger along any part of the enemy's land-frontier, just out of sight of his posts along the edge of cultivation, and tap or raid into his lines where it seemed fittest or easiest or most profitable, with a sure retreat always behind them into an element which the Turks could not enter. We were fortified in our freedom of movement by an intimate knowledge of the desert-front of Syria, a country peculiarly and historically indefensible against attack from the east. I had traversed most of it on foot before the war many times, working out the movements of Saladin or Ibrahim Pasha, and, as our war-experience deepened, we became adepts at that form of geographicacal intuition, described by Bourcet as wedding unknown land to known in a mental map. Our tactics were always tip and run, not pushes, but strokes. We never tried to maintain, or improve an advantage, but to move off and strike again somewhere else. We used the smallest force, in the quickest time, at the farthest place. If the action had continued till the enemy had changed his dispositions to resist it, we would have been breaking the spirit of our fundamental rule of denying him targets. The necessary speed and range were attained by the extreme frugality of the desert men, and their high efficiency when mounted on their she-riding-camels. The camel is an intricate animaL and calls for skilled labour in the handling: but she yields a remarkable return. We had no system of supply: each man was self-contained and carried on the saddle from the sea base at which the raid started, six weeks' food for himself. The six-weeks' ration for ordinary men was a half-bag of flour, forty-five pounds in weight. Luxurious feeders carried some rice also for variety. Each man baked for himself, kneading his own flour into unleavened cakes, and warming it in the ashes of a fire. We carried about a pint of drinking water each, since the camels required to come to water on average every three days, and there was no advantage in our being richer than our mounts. Some of us never drank between wells, but those were hardy men: most of us drank a lot at each well, and had a drink during the intermediate dry day. In the heat of summer Arabian camels will do about two hundred and fifty nules, comfortably between drinks: and this represented three days' vigorous marching. The country is not so dry as it is painted, and this radius was always more than we needed. Wells are seldom more than one hundred miles apart. An easy day's march was fifty miles: an emergency march might be up to one hundred and ten miles in the day. The six weeks' food gave us a range of over a thousand miles out and home, and that (like the pint of water) was more than ever we needed, even in so large a country as Arabia. It was possible (for me, the camel-novice in the Army, "painful" was a better word) to ride fifteen hundred miles in the month without re-victualling, and there was never a fear of starvation, for each of us was riding on two hundred pounds of potential meat, and when food lacked we would stop and eat the weakest of our camels. Exhausted camel is poor food, but cheaper killing than a fat one, and we had to remember that our future efficiency depended on the number of good camels at our disposal. They lived on grazing as we marched (we never gave them grain or fodder), and after their six weeks on the road they would be worn thin, and have to be sent to pasture for some months' rest, while we called out another tribe in replacement, or found fresh riding-beasts. We did not hamper ourselves with led-camels. The men carried with them a hundred rounds of ammunition and a rifle, or else two men would be an "automatic" team, dividing the gun and its drums between them. They slept as they were, in their riding cloaks, and fared well enough till the winter of 1917-1918, which caught us on the five-thousand foot hills of Edom behind the Dead Sea. Then we lost many men and camels frozen to death, or trapped in the snow, which lay over all the highlands in deep drifts for weeks, while we vainly appealed to Egypt for tents and boots and blankets. In reply we were advised that Arabia was a tropical country! The equipment of the raiding parties aimed at simplicity, with nevertheless a technical superiority over the Turks in the most critical department. We had great quantities of light machine guns, used not as machine guns, but as automatic rifles, snipers' tools, by men kept deliberately in ignorance of their mechanism, so that the speed of action would not be hampered by attempts at repair. If a gun jammed, the gunner had to throw it away, and go on with his rifle. We made another special feature of high explosives, and nearly every one in the revolt was qualified by rule of thumb experience in demolition work. We invented special methods of our own, for rapid work under fire, in the course of our months of practice, and before the end were dealing with any quantity of track and bridges economically and safely. On some occasions we strengthened tribal raids by armoured cars, manned by Englishmen. Armoured cars, once they have found a possible track can keep up with a camel party. They are, however, cumbrous and shorter-ranged, because of the difficulty of carrying petrol. Therefore we seldom used them more than a hundred miles from home. On the march to Damascus, when we were nearly four hundred miles off our base, we first maintained them by a baggage train of petrol-laden camels, and afterwards by the help of the Air Force were able to give them further supplies by Handley-Page. Cars are magnificent fighting machines, and decisive whenever they can come into action on their own conditions. But though each has for main principle that of "fire in movement," yet the tactical employments of cars and camel-corps are so different that I do not recommend their being used in joint operations, except in very special circumstances. We found it demoralizing to both, to use armoured and unarmoured cavalry together. The distribution of the raiding parties was unorthodox. It was impossible to mix or combine tribes, since they disliked or distrusted one another. Likewise we could not use the men of one tribe in the territory of another. In consequence, we aimed at the widest distribution of forces, in order to have the greatest number of raids on hand at once, and we added fluidity to their ordinary speed, by using one district on Monday, another on Tuesday, a third on Wednesday. This much reinforced their natural mobility. It gave us priceless advantages in pursuit, for the force renewed itself with fresh men in every new tribal area, and gave us always our pristine energy. Maximum disorder was in a real sense our equilibrium. The internal economy of the raiding parties was equally curious. We aimed at maximum articulation. We were serving a common ideal, without tribal emulation, and so we could not hope for any esprit de corps to reinforce our motives. Soldiers are made a caste either by being given great pay and rewards in money, uniform, or political privileges; or, as in England, by being made outcasts, cut off from their fellows by contempt. We could not knit man to man, for our tribesmen were in arms willingly, by conviction.There have been many armies enlisted voluntarily: there have been few armies serving voluntarily under such trying conditions, for so long a war as ours. Any of the Arabs could go home whenever the conviction failed him our only contract was honour. Consequently we had no discipline, in the sense in which it is restrictive, submergent of individuality, the lowest common denominator of men. In regular armies in peace it means the limit of energy attainable by everybody present: it is the hunt not of an average, but of an absolute, a 100-per-cent. standard, in which the ninety-nine stronger men are played down to the level of the worst. The aim is to render the unit a unit, and the man a type, in order that their effort shall be calculable, their collective output even in grain and in bulk. The deeper the discipline, the lower the individual efficiency, and the more sure the performance. It is a deliberate sacrifice of capacity in order to reduce the uncertain element, the bionomic factor, in enlisted humanity, and its accompaniment is compound or social war, that form in which the man in the fighting line has to be the product of the multiplied exertions of the long hierarchy, from workshop to supply unit, which maintains him in the field. The Arab war was simple and individual. Every enrolled man served in the line of battle, and was self-contained. We had no lines of communication or labour troops. The efficiency of each man was his personal efficiency. We thought that in our condition of warfare the sum yielded by single men would be at least equal to the product of a compound system, and it was certainly easier to adjust to tribal life and manners, given elasticity and understanding on the part of the commanding officers. Fortunately for our chances nearly every young Englishman has the roots of eccentricity in him, and so we got on. well enough. Of course we used very few Englishmen in the field, not more than one per thousand of the Arab troops. A larger proportion would have created friction, just because they were foreign bodies (pearls if you please) in the oyster: and those who were present controlled by influence and advice, by their superior knowledge, not by an extraneous authority. In practice we did not employ in the firing line the greater numbers which the adoption of a "simple" system put theoretically at our disposal. We preferred to use them in relay: otherwise our attack would have become too extended. Each man had to have liberal work-room. In irregular war if two men are together one is being wasted. The moral strain of isolated action makes this simple form of war very exacting on the individual soldier, and demands from him special initative, endurance and enthusiasm. Our ideal was to make action a series of single combats. Napoleon, in his pregnant valuation of the Mamelukes in terms of French soldiers, first gave me the idea: Ardant du Picq widened its application: the prejudices of historians are generally the richest part of their histories. Our value depended on our quality, not on our quantity. We had to keep always cool, for the excitement of a blood-lust would impair the science of our combatants, and our victory depended on our just use of speed, concealment, accuracy of fire. Irregular war is far more intellectual than a bayonet charge. The illiteracy of our forces was not harmful, since we worked intentionally in these small numbers and explained our plan verbally to every one. Their very illiteracy has trained them to a longer memory and a closer hearing of the news. Nor were our tactics too subtle, for they had to be translated into independent action through the heads of our tollowers, and success was impossible unless most of them used their intelligence to forward our conception against the moral and material accidents of the path. This dilution of tactical ability to the level of the lowest interpreter was regrettable, but not all loss. The only alternative would be independent enterprise, and a mediocre design, persisted in, is grander than a series of brilliant expedients and will overcome them in the end. By careful persistence, kept strictly within our strength and following the spirit of our theories, we were able eventually to reduce the Turks to helplessness, and complete victory seemed to be almost within our sight when General Allenby by his immense stroke in Palestine threw the enemy's main forces into hopeless confusion and put an immediate end to the Turkish war. We were very happy to have done with all our pains, but sometimes since I have felt a private regret that his too-greatness deprived me of the opportunity of following to the end the dictum of Saxe that a war might be won without fighting battles. It was an irony of fate to entrust this side-show of a side-show, with its opportunity of proving or disproving the theory, to an outsider like myself, not qualified technically to make the best of it. I would haveiven so much to show that Saxe was the greatest master of his kind of war, but now all I can say is that we worked by his light for two years, and the work stood. This is a pragmatic argument that cannot be wholly derided. It seemed that rebellion must have an unassailable base, something guarded not merely from attack, but from the fear of it: such a base as we had in the Red Sea Ports, the desert, or in the minds of the men we converted to our creed. It must have a sophisticated alien enemy, in the form of a disciplined army of occupation too small to fulfil the doctrine of acreage: too few to adjust number to space, in order to dominate the whole area effectively from fortified posts. It must have a friendly population, not actively friendly, but sympathetic to the point of not betraying rebel movements to the enemy. Rebellions can be made by 2 per cent. active in a striking force, and 98 per cent. passively sympathetic. The few active rebels must have the qualities of speed and endurance, ubiquity and independence of arteries of supply. They must have the technical equipment to destroy or paralyse the enemy's organized communications, for irregular war is fairly Willisen's definition of strategy, "the study of communication" in its extreme degree, of attack where the enemy is not. In fifty words: Granted mobility, security (in the form of denying targets to the enemy), time, and doctrine (the idea to convert every subject to friendliness), victory will rest with the insurgents, for the algebraical factors are in the end decisive, and against them perfections of means and spirit struggle quite in vain. This article is reproduced by permission of the Army Quarterly and Defence Journal, 1 West Street, Tavistock, Devon PL19 8DS United Kingdom.
{ "perplexity_score": 422.3 }
[ [ 790317306850, 790317307239 ], [ 790317310471, 790317310848 ], [ 790317311837, 790317311893 ], [ 790317312047, 790317312126 ], [ 790317312329, 790317312396 ], [ 790317312447, 790317312865 ], [ 790317312954, 790317313007 ], [ 790317313288, 790317313397 ], [ 790317314462, 790317314870 ], [ 790317315274, 790317315338 ], [ 790317315356, 790317315411 ], [ 790317315502, 790317315552 ], [ 790317315602, 790317316751 ], [ 790317316955, 790317317194 ], [ 790317317298, 790317317377 ], [ 790317318279, 790317318646 ], [ 790317320069, 790317320172 ], [ 790317321123, 790317321869 ], [ 790317321870, 790317322595 ], [ 790317322961, 790317323212 ], [ 790317323573, 790317323759 ], [ 790317326881, 790317326941 ], [ 790317327993, 790317328261 ], [ 790317333124, 790317333181 ], [ 790317333521, 790317333599 ], [ 790317339110, 790317341007 ] ]
[ 210238629, 71985414, 42661128, 364867804, 195103060, 291309243, 48084604, 77278687 ]
Prison reform took center stage during talks between President Donald Trump and state leaders in New Jersey Thursday. "Our first duty is to our citizens, including those who have taken the wrong path and are seeking redemption," Trump said. "What is so important is reentry and how to get a job and how to be successful," Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi added. Joining the commander-in-chief was Mississippi's Governor Phil Bryant who talked about the importance of prison ministry. "When we bring faith back into the prison system, prisoners have hope again," Bryant said. Trump recently sat down with inner city pastors to discuss prison reform and push for the passage of the First Step Act aimed to improve criminal justice reform and rehabilitation. Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and adviser is spearheading the effort. The House recently passed the bipartisan bill which helps give prison inmates a second chance by reducing recidivism and providing education training to inmates so they can reenter society after being released. The bill also helps inmates earn their GED and even receive treatment for mental health problems and substance abuse. The First Step Act now heads to the Senate where it's reported lawmakers could approve a modified version of the House bill which would reduce current mandatory life sentences for certain drug offenses to 25 years. "We are working very hard in the Senate to refine and pass it into law," Trump said.
{ "perplexity_score": 298 }
[ [ 790317341221, 790317341305 ], [ 790317341593, 790317341666 ], [ 790317342199, 790317342264 ] ]
[ 364867805 ]
Good positions. Stonework slightly unreliable. 1st Ascent 26th February 1965. Exposed with loose stonework. 1st Ascent 5th June 1965.
{ "perplexity_score": 676.9 }
Residents told us they want North Olmsted to be a more attractive place to live, visit and invest. Investments in the physical realm to our streetscapes, entranceways, neighborhoods and parks can enhance the appearance of the city and foster a greater sense of civic pride. The Gateways Plan proposes exciting new enhancements at city entrance points, along major corridors and at other key locations in the community. Improvements include a combination of signage, landscaping, lighting and public art. In 2010, the City concluded a 2-year planning process to analyze transportation system issues and propose options and improvements in the City’s mixed use center. The plan includes recommendations and alternatives for encouraging transit usage, creating bicycle linkages, promoting pedestrian orientation and enhancing the streetscape through physical improvements. The project is positively impacting the quality of life for residents in the City by connecting residents to resources such as employment, public transit, shopping, and parks and recreation. Not only is the project study area the most densely developed area of the City, but it also serves as one of the largest commercial centers in Cuyahoga County and in the region. Therefore, the project’s recommendations are improving the economic viability of business in the community by improving access to business, encouraging new development, and creating a strong visual impact and gateway to the community. A majority of this project was grant funded through the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency’s (NOACA) Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative. To read the Great Northern Multi Modal Transportation Plan, click here.
{ "perplexity_score": 261.2 }
[ [ 790317343605, 790317343657 ], [ 790317344220, 790317344346 ] ]
[ 102303344, 364867807 ]
Are you a Board Certified Behavior Analyst looking for a way to earn continuing education credits online? Are you interested in becoming certified as a Registered Behavior Technician? Relias Academy is a trusted provider of online training and continuing education in applied behavior analysis. See below for a list of our most popular packages and courses for BCBAs and RBTs. This package of Relias Pro on the Go modules contains short, informative courses designed to give you 5-minute refreshers to sharpen your ABA techniques. Want to see more online continuing education and training for Board Certified Behavior Analysts and Registered Behavior Technicians? Click the link below to browse more courses offering CE hours for BCBAs and training for RBTs.
{ "perplexity_score": 651.4 }
[ [ 790317344422, 790317344473 ], [ 790317344549, 790317344604 ], [ 790317344625, 790317344687 ], [ 790317345007, 790317345084 ] ]
[ 364867808 ]
Once you’ve confirmed your booking details, what do you do if circumstances change and you no longer need someone to help shift those boxes? Go to your removal task (before it's claimed you'll find it in the Bookings tab of My Tasks). Scroll down to the bottom of the task to find the Cancel booking button. Once this is done, your booking should be cancelled. We only deduct payment once a Tasker has been assigned, so no return of payment should be needed. Once a booking has been claimed, it becomes just like a regularly posted task. That means that cancelling a claimed booking uses the same process as cancelling a normal task. Go to the removal task (after it's claimed you'll find it in My Tasks). The Tasker will then get notified about your request. They have 48 hours to either accept or decline the cancellation. If we don’t receive a response within this time, the task will be cancelled automatically. Once the task has been cancelled, payment will be returned to you. Please note that this may come to you as Airtasker Credit - keep an eye out for an email at this time for further information. You can find more information about cancelling normal posted tasks here.
{ "perplexity_score": 457 }
[ [ 790317345950, 790317346014 ], [ 790317346135, 790317346186 ], [ 790317346270, 790317346334 ] ]
[ 364867809, 44585535 ]
The 15th annual Webster Works Worldwide Children's Book Drive will begin on Monday, Oct. 12. New and "gently used" books for children from infants to teens will be collected and donated to schools and other agencies serving low-income families. Since the project began, 13,604 books have been donated by Webster students, faculty, and staff. Look for the bright yellow collection boxes all over campus, and help a child to discover a great book!
{ "perplexity_score": 308.6 }
[ [ 790317346374, 790317346450 ], [ 790317346460, 790317346703 ] ]
[ 364867810, 179959807 ]
has been selling and servicing only the finest quality wood, coal, gas and pellet stoves and fireplaces since 1975. Click on one of the links below to get more information on the products we carry. At Jøtul we are masters of our craft - we have been a leading manufacturer of cast iron hearths since 1853. We are proud of our high quality requirements, our tradition and our innovative design concepts. If you have high standards and demand the best - you are likely to choose a Jøtul. From our realistic fire to our decorative fronts, Archgard provides the look and feel of a traditional wood fireplace. Regency means quality in every way. An exceptional fire, custom elegance and controllable heat are just a few reasons to make Regency a part of your family. Choose from a large selection of Regency gas fireplaces, stoves and inserts in a range of styles to suit your home. The warmth of Regency wood stoves, fireplaces and inserts are sure to create quality time. A leader in revolutionizing steady radiant heat, Miles is considered an industry pioneer in product innovation and design. Bodart & Gonay A comprehensive range of wood/coal and gas built-in individual heating appliances. They have in common excellent manufacturing quality and top-of-the-range design. Morso Fireplaces For over 156 years, Morsø has been at the cutting edge of wood stove design and our world class reputation for quality, design and reliability has helped establish the brand as a market leader in 25 countries.
{ "perplexity_score": 376.5 }
[ [ 790317346825, 790317347007 ], [ 790317347029, 790317347313 ], [ 790317347380, 790317347430 ], [ 790317347432, 790317347919 ] ]
[ 364867811 ]
I run version v1.0.1, Linux (64 bit) on a vm and v1.0.0, Linux(64 bit) on another vm . All windows machins run v1.0.1, Windows (64 bit). While the v1.0.0, Linux (64 bit) I can generate api-key, user and password settings and switiching the address to and save it. With version v1.0.1, Linux (64 bit) it is not possible to change the settings and save them. I tried online as well I tried to change the config.xml The rights and all the rest are identical as the configuration as the v1.0.0, Linux (64 bit). I even reinstalled it again without any success. Logs doesn’t give any clues. Has somebody ran into the same problem or can confirm this ? Help needed ! There’s tens of thousands of users at least on 1.0.1, and not a storm of similar complaints, so it’s probably not a general problem. What happened when you tried? Syncthing shouldn’t be able to prevent you. Funnily, I just ran into something similar earlier today. I decided I no longer want my home server’s UI to be accessible from network, since I’m the only one who needs it anyway and I usually need this from outside my home, with ssh port-forwarding and so on. So I tried changing server’s settings back to defaults (, empty user, empty password) from webUI. It failed. No error messages or anything, but the settings stayed the same. Unfortunately, I was too lazy to investigate, and instead just ssh’d into the server, stopped the daemon, vim’ed the config file and brought the daemon back up. Needless to say, my server is 1.0.1 linux-amd64. I ssh’d my vm vi’d the config.xml and changed the gui address to and restarted my vm. No effect. Other way : I generate api-key online, changed the gui-address like above changed user and password saved everything. Restart the vm and ssh’d the vm again. The changes are not written in the config.xml file. Modifying config.xml while syncthing is running means your changes are likely to be overwritten by the syncthing process.
{ "perplexity_score": 561.7 }
Latest post Mon, Mar 17 2008 10:31 PM by jwrl. 2 replies. Question for the Avid folks monitoring the forums: Will Avid Media Composer ever support 3rd party hardware such as Blackmagic Decklink or Multibridge for HD capture & playback? The price drop for Media Composer Software was much needed and should have been done a while back, but the expense (and technical limitations) of Adrenaline is still a problem for my business. And I consider Mojo to be nearly worthless except for maybe capturing BetaSP. I prefer Avid as an editing tool and I really like their P2 workflow, but there are BIG cost and workflow advantages to Adobe and Apple's software, not to mention that one can buy a whole suite of good professional apps for less than what Avid used to sell Xpress Pro for. I'm almost at the point of dropping Avid, but I'd hold out a little while longer if I knew there was light at the end of the tunnel. Any light to be had at the end of that tunnel? In all honesty - I doubt it. Avid, like Apple, AJA, Blackmagic, etc are in the hardware business. Software is just a means to an end. If people stop buying Avid hardware their profit will drop like a rock. Less hardware clients means also less service contracts, thus Avid's probably biggest revenue sources (hardware and service) will take a huge hit. Software like XPro and MC is just not profitable as many would think. That is not their core business like Adobe (with a much deeper software line up and market penetration). Apple sells FCP Suite because they can make up the money from the inevitable MacPro, Cinema Display, XServe, etc sale. What Avid needs to do is introduce hardware alternatives that is as affordable as AJA and BM. And make more expensive hardware like Adrenaline justify its cost (like add PCI-e based connection and etc). And also make their hardware "open". If they really want to make money from hardware then the best way is to have their I/O hardware the first choice, whatever NLE you may wish to use.
{ "perplexity_score": 676.5 }
[ [ 790317350316, 790317350374 ], [ 790317351179, 790317351229 ] ]
[ 364867813 ]
6-room villa 250 m2 on 2 levels. Tasteful furnishings: living/dining room with satellite TV (flat screen), air conditioning. Exit to the swimming pool. Open kitchen (4 hot plates, oven, dishwasher, microwave, freezer, electric coffee machine). Shower/WC. Upper floor: 3 rooms, each room with 1 french bed (180 cm, length 200 cm), air conditioning. Exit to the terrace. 1 room with 2 beds (100 cm, length 200 cm), air conditioning. 1 room with 1 bed (100 cm, length 200 cm), air conditioning. Exit to the terrace. 2 showers/WC. Terrace 65 m2. Terrace furniture, deck chairs. View of the sea and the swimming pool. Facilities: safe, baby cot, hair dryer. Internet (WiFi, free). Maximum 1 pet/ dog allowed. Ližnjan 2 km from Medulin: Villa Mar Lela, 2 storeys. 1 km from the centre of Ližnjan, in a quiet, sunny position, 800 m from the sea, 800 m from the beach. Private: property 1'900 m2 (fenced), beautiful garden with wildlife garden and trees, swimming pool angular (10 x 6 m, depth 140 cm, 13.05.-07.10.) with internal staircase. Outdoor shower, terrace (30 m2), garden furniture, barbecue. In the house: internet access, billiard table, washing machine. Parking at the house on the premises. Shop, restaurant 500 m, pebble beach, rocky beach 800 m. Walking paths from the house 100 m, cycle lane 150 m.
{ "perplexity_score": 666.4 }
[ [ 790317352316, 790317353021 ], [ 790317353105, 790317353627 ] ]
[ 364867814 ]
Today I am going to give you some free advice that I advise you take. It pains me to write blog post that are not keyword friendly, sometimes though you have write about stuff the way it should be written about, know what I mean? First and foremost it doesn’t matter how big a team is, it doesn’t matter what the lead capture pages look like. What matters most is the individual you are getting ready to do business with. You have to find out if this person/sponsor/mentor etc, really has your interest at heart. I can’t even begin to tell you how many people out there swear up and down that they “like helping people” when in reality these same people are just saying what they have to say to convince you to join their business. This is really true when it comes to online businesses, there are “marketers” who pitch we have team support, we have lead capture pages you can plug into, we have a pot of gold waiting for you as soon as you join. These same “marketers” after you join will expect you to plug into the training & systems that their sponsors put in place. They are hoping to leverage all that stuff so they don’t ever have to talk to you. I take that back they will talk to you only to put up a front like they care. They don’t care, what they care about is stringing you a long for a few more months until they can find a few more people to replace you. My friends this IS how it works online. After getting a taste of this myself, I decided to really be the kind of sponsor that a person IS looking for. You can choose to buy into into the Pyrimid Of Manipulation or you can choose to work with people who want to actually help build you up. The chose is always yours to make. Click here now and learn about an amazing opportunity. I’m so interested in your post. I agree with your opinion about chances we can have if we choose the right partner or simply, right buddy you want to work with. You can get a feel for some one by the way they respond to you. I have found that time and time again I have to rely myself in order to make things happen. People often say that they want to work with you but when it is put to the test so many times I have found that they don’t put in the work or deliver the goods. Wise words. what you describe is exactly what occurs often. That’s why unless a person already knows what they are doing. They shouldn’t join a business or team until they know what kind of environment the will be in. There are good sponsors out there, you just have to look a little deeper for them. Don’t know if I agree with this. It is after all in their best interests to keep you in their business, but like you said they probably don’t really want to help you, just get some money out of you. And of course if they’re not really helping you after a few months you’ll lose interest and look elsewhere. So it’s not about them not wanting to help you and replace you, but an inability to keep you excited because their focus lies in the wrong place. You would think “they” would care about that and in some cases it’s true. The problem is especially in network marketing type businesses, after a person establishes a sizable team it becomes harder for them to give individual attention to new members of their team. If what I am saying wasn’t true though, there wouldn’t be so many people out in cyber space who feel like they have been abandoned. The blame isn’t on the “guru” alone, part of the blame is also on the person who bought into said “guru’s” hype in the beginning. In many networking circles the philosophy “some will, some won’t, so what” is practiced and preached. All I am suggesting is that before a person jumps into the water, they should see what kind of aquatic life is swimming around. Most people do need personal mentorship in the beginning. In many cases that personal mentorship doesn’t happen. People need more than e-reports, videos, audios to learn the art of internet network marketing. They need to speak with, and learn from experienced marketers. I also realize that you can only help someone so much. There are situations where the person refuses to take responsibility for their business. Thank you fro stopping by and commenting. That includes anyone aged 16and over and is about 3 in every 4 people. You may be thinking, ah, but that’s the influence of the Ntional Lottery surely? But even excluding those who only buy National Lottery tickets, its still over half, 56%! And what do they do? It’s true that you have to be careful when chosing someone to work with. But, most people want to make money from you and that’s normal. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing if you manage it properly. You want to get money or schooling from these people aswell so you get something from them.
{ "perplexity_score": 302.7 }
[ [ 790317354141, 790317354192 ], [ 790317356098, 790317356149 ], [ 790317357725, 790317357777 ], [ 790317358229, 790317358289 ] ]
[ 364867815 ]
The Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, has officially suspended a strike it commenced three months ago. The union directed university lecturers to resume duty from tomorrow, February 12. The suspension of the strike was announced on Thursday evening after a meeting with between the ASUU leadership and a government delegation led by labour minister, Chris Ngige. The ASUU delegation was led by its president, Abiodun Ogunyemi, who announced the suspension of the strike. At the meeting, a memorandum of action was signed by the two parties. Mr Ngige had earlier said the government had resolved the eight contentious issues that led to the strike. He said some of the items have been implemented. Mr Ngige said the union agreed with the government that N25 billion naira will be released for the revitalization of public universities. He said visitation panels have been constituted and will commence work on March 2. ASUU embarked on an indefinite strike on November 4, 2018, following government’s failure to implement the agreement reached with the union in November 2016. In announcing the suspension of the strike, Mr Ogunyemi read a prepared speech detailing the agreements the union reached with the federal government. He listed eight items contained in the agreement signed by ASUU and the federal government. full implementation of the MoU of 2013,” Mr Ogunyemi said. Read the full speech by the ASUU president below. (ASUU) resumed its strike action which was conditionally suspended on 14th September, 2017. The action of 2017 was suspended following the signing of a Memorandum of Action (MoA) in which the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) promised to address the contentious issues within a timeline that was to end in October 2017. While announcing the suspension of the nationwide action, however, our Union made it categorically clear that “ASUU will not hesitate to review its position should government renege on the signed Memorandum of Action”. Predictably, Government implemented the MoA in the breach, thereby forcing ASUU to resume the suspended strike action. situations bring to all who are genuinely averse to the mercantile disposition to university education. The question has been asked time and time again: Why does ASUU like embarking on strike action that causes disruption and dislocation in the universities? resisted by all people of goodwill. 1. In addition to the N20 billion for 2018, the sum of N25 billion only would be released in April/May 2019, after which government would resume full implementation of the MoU of 2013. 2. Part-payment of the outstanding arrears of the earned academic allowances; defraying the balance up to 2018 in 4 tranches within 36 months; and mainstreaming further payments of EAA into the annual budgets beginning from 2019 budget. 3. PICA verification and the release of the arrears of salary shortfall at the Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, not later than 15th February 2019. 4. Strengthening the Consultative Committee on State-owned Universities (CCSOU), inaugurated on Monday, 28th January, 2019 to look into the issues of proliferation, underfunding and governance to consistently deliver on its mandate. 5. Payment of the outstanding EAA arrears of all eligible staff in the University of Ilorin, especially the loyal ASUU members whose appointments were illegally terminated by today, 7th February, 2019. 6. Acknowledgement and appreciation of Government for facilitating the release of the final letter of approval for the granting of operational license to NUPEMCO. 7. Visitation to all Federal Universities would commence tentatively by 11th March, 2019. 8. Provision of documented guidelines on procedures and roles of parties in the process of renegotiating FGN-ASUU Agreement of 2009 which would commence not later than 18th February 2019 and end by Friday 29th March, 2019. Government on proposals for addressing all outstanding in the 2013 MoU and 2017 MoA, NEC resolved that the current strike action by the Union should be suspended conditionally with effect from 12.01 a.m on Friday 8th February, 2019. However, should Government fail to fulfill its part of the agreement as reflected in the 2019 Memorandum of Action, ASUU shall resume its suspended strike action as the Union deems necessary. strongest terms, Vice-Chancellors who have made efforts to undermine and, in some cases, attempted to break our patriotic struggles for the revitalization of public universities in Nigeria. ASUU will not shy away from taking headlong those Vice-Chancellors who are reputed for acts of impunity, nepotism and other forms of conduct which are antithetic to university culture and the progressive development of our universities. Our union will compile all their shenanigans and forward them to relevant authorities for further action. Finally, ASUU acknowledges the understanding and support demonstrated by patriotic Nigerian students and their parents all through the strike period. We equally appreciate the comradely assistance from the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), represented by the newly re-elected President, Comrade Ayuba Waba, who has stood by us throughout the struggle. We also acknowledge the solidarity of the civil society organisations, especially the Joint Action Front (JAF) and the Education Rights Campaign (ERC), and members of the progressive wing of the media who have consistently partnered with us in our mission to rescue Nigerian public universities from imminent collapse. never abandon our obligation to ensure the survival of a sound university system. For ASUU, the struggle certainly continues!
{ "perplexity_score": 283.8 }
[ [ 790317358385, 790317358937 ], [ 790317358938, 790317359093 ], [ 790317359094, 790317359232 ], [ 790317359238, 790317359682 ], [ 790317359714, 790317359774 ], [ 790317359823, 790317360743 ], [ 790317360780, 790317361201 ], [ 790317361202, 790317361592 ], [ 790317361593, 790317364023 ] ]
[ 364867816, 33514864 ]
This pouch is so perfect for your favorite piece. The earthy colors are calming and comfortable, and will stay with you through all your travels. As it is, the stuffing is packed in firmly. The pouch can stay that way if you like, or it can be adjusted to be more flexible. The braided hemp twine drawstring and casing is perfect for keeping you piece inside and it can also be used to tie it up somewhere, hang it, or carry it around. Each patch is 2"x2", so the height runs 10"... good for a piece up to about 8" long. The entire pouch is fully lined with cozy flannel and all the patches and all the patches are over-edged to prevent fraying and all the seams are double-stitched to ensure longevity. As for the stuffing; I cut up tiny scraps of cotton left over from numerous projects into even tinier pieces, some of them just threads really... pieces are so small that together they make the most awesome stuffing. The pouch is in very good condition!
{ "perplexity_score": 365.2 }
[ [ 790317364635, 790317364731 ] ]
[ 364867817, 30824679 ]
Dulquer Salmaan is slowing making his way to the big screen of Bollywood. The young and dashing actor is a big hit in the Malayalam industry. He is all geared up for his role in the Telugu film Mahanati and will soon make his way into Bollywood. He will be making his Bollywood debut with Karwan, and if everything goes according to plan Dulquer may soon work with Sonam Kapoor in the film adaptation of Anuja Chauhan’s book The Zoya Factor. The rights of the novel for the movie have been bagged by Aarti and Pooja Shetty and will be directed by Abhishek Sharma according to reports. “It’s an interesting character and Dulquer has liked the script. While he has committed to the project, he is yet to sign on the dotted line,” said a source close to the project (to whom?). However, Fox Studios are yet to confirm and finalise the cast. According to a reports by Times Now, the announcement will soon be made public. Rucha Pathak will be co-producing the film. Anuja Chauhan’s The Zoya Factor is a story of a public relations girl Zoya Solanki who was born when India lifted the 1983 World Cup. While working, she comes across a low-on-spirits Indian cricket team. They invite her to have breakfast with them. When they win the match that day, the team, as well as the media, believe that Zoya is a lucky charm. However, this development leads to a head-on collision with a handsome captain, who believes luck has no place on the cricket field. Talking about Sonam Kapoor, the PadMan actress is currently gearing up to promote her film which will release on 9th February. The film also stars Akshay Kumar and Radhika Apte. The movie talks about the issue of menstrual hygiene.
{ "perplexity_score": 169.3 }
[ [ 790317366561, 790317366612 ] ]
[ 364867818 ]
To niezbędne sprawdzenie, pomagające chronić Twoją tożsamość. Money is not the only or even the best way to motivate your employees. How would you know you've found the right freelancer for the job? The last ten minutes of your work day play a crucial role in achieving your next day’s target. Here is a compilation of some of the best apps you might need to make you more efficient. Elon Musk quotes about creating possibilities, work, failure, and building the future. Don't mess with an employee's vacation. Are you worried about the increasing number of accidents in your work area? Here are 13 ideas to minimize them. Is your business lucky enough to have one in their midst? Pondering over whether or not to leave your full-time job for full-time entrepreneurship? This will help you make the decision. Salary negotiations can be tricky and nerve-wracking. Here is how to do it right. Are you expanding your business and setting up a private / shared office space? Here are some tips to get it right. Are you off to somewhere soon but you’ve got lots of things to do? Your freelancer has got you covered. How to make your business environmentally friendly. It’s not easy being green, but it sure is important. Here is a list of ways that you can make your business environmentally responsible.
{ "perplexity_score": 362.5 }
[ [ 790317367792, 790317367843 ] ]
[ 254401794, 364867819 ]
In this respect the peasant mode of farming fundamentally differs from entrepreneurial and corporate ways of farming. The originality of the book resides in it placing peasants (who number more than 1 billion worldwide) centre-stage once again. The author demonstrates that the peasantries of this world are far from waning. Instead, both industrialized and developing countries are witnessing complex and richly chequered processes of 'repeasantization'. These arguments are based on three longitudinal studies (in Peru, Italy and The Netherlands) that span 30 years and which provide original and thought-provoking insights into rural and agrarian development processes. The book combines and integrates different bodies of literature: the rich traditions of peasant studies, development sociology, rural sociology, neo-institutional economics and the recently emerging debates on Empire.
{ "perplexity_score": 362 }
[ [ 790317367985, 790317368421 ], [ 790317368422, 790317368875 ] ]
[ 364867820 ]
At South Georgia Medical Center, we believe our employees are our greatest resource. Always keeping the focus on the mission, vision and values; employees live these declarations each and every day making the true commitment to quality and patient-centered care across the organization. Employee Self-Service- Use your network login for both login points. Employee Self-Service Guide | Questions? Email ESS_Team@sgmc.org for assistance. Employee Email - Check your employee email from a remote location. NetLearning - Use your employee ID number to login. NetLearning is a healthcare learning management system which gives SGMC employees the ability to complete e-learning modules from trusted subject-matter experts and track the completion of required and elective learning – giving the employee, the learner, control over completing and tracking education requirements. Performance Manager - Review or sign an evaluation or job description. Please remember that your employee number is your User ID, and it must be five digits. If your employee number is less than five digits, use a leading zero (ex. 01111). Heartcode BLS – Click to access Part 1 of Heartcode.
{ "perplexity_score": 801.7 }
[ [ 790317368897, 790317368966 ] ]
[ 364867821 ]
One of history’s most famous designers, Christian Dior’s legacy continues to live on in luxury cosmetics and perfume, modern accessories and spectacular clothing. His vision for a breakthrough in women’s fashion changed the face of style forever. From his debut collection in 1947, atelier Christian Dior launched a ‘New Look.’ Focused on glamorous lines and feminine, hourglass silhouettes, the small waists and big skirts of this line came to define a decade. His brand soon became global: reviving glamour and joy in fashion after the War, he made his name as a sought-after couturier. Like film star Rita Hayworth, the British Royal Family were enamoured by the critically-acclaimed collection and were thus treated to their own private preview at Blenheim Palace. Throughout his career, Dior continued to charm clients old and new with his dresses and other glam creations. On his death in 1957, Yves Saint Laurent took the reins of the house and continued the pedigree of excellence on from his predecessor. John Galliano has also designed for the Parisian House. Today, Dior is helmed by its first female Creative Director Maria Grazia Chiuri. Her designs are forward-thinking and incorporate feminism. Celebrity fans of the label include Mick Jagger, Madonna and Charlize Theron. Discover the legacy of one of the world’s most famous and sought-after couturiers at BrandAlley, with a beautiful selection of Christian Dior products at amazing prices.
{ "perplexity_score": 198.8 }
[ [ 790317371151, 790317371203 ], [ 790317371364, 790317371415 ] ]
[ 107116923, 364867822 ]
Lesson using the alphabet arc to build a student's letter recognition. Includes an alphabet arc. Also demonstrates how to make instructional adaptations in small groups. Taken from Effective Instruction for Struggling Readers: The Administrator's Role in Supporting Research-Based Practices.
{ "perplexity_score": 568.8 }
[ [ 790317371517, 790317371588 ], [ 790317371620, 790317371810 ] ]
[ 364867823 ]
Author Burgiel, J. ; Butcher, W. ; Halpern, R. ; Oliver, D. ; Tangora, P. CORP Author Beck (R.W.), Orlando, FL. ;Solid Waste Association of North America, Silver Spring, MD.;Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH. Risk Reduction Engineering Lab. Subjects Bottles--Costs. ; Sorting devices. The study compares the costs to sort mixed bales of post-consumer plastic at two Magnetic Separation System facilities with costs developed from a study at a manual sorting facility. Three months of historical operating data was provided by each facility. This data, along with data obtained from three-day site visits to each facility, provided the basis for the economic analysis and comparison among the three facilities. Both facilities utilizing the automated sorting system produced material at lower costs than the manual sorting facility, based on overall sorting costs per pound of material generated for sale. "EPA/600/R-94/165." "September 1994." "Cooperative agreement no. 818238." "The information in this document has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, under cooperative agreement no. CR-818238 to the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA), and by the American Plastics Council (APC)." "The document was prepared by R.W. Beck." "This publication is part of a series of publications for the Municipal Solid Waste Innovative Technology Evaluation (MITE)--Program."
{ "perplexity_score": 348.4 }
[ [ 790317371924, 790317372078 ], [ 790317372752, 790317372958 ], [ 790317372960, 790317373032 ], [ 790317373116, 790317373169 ] ]
[ 364867824 ]
It is always a huge pleasure for esse to present a new edition of Vendu–Sold, the culmination of months of preparation. From selecting artists and artworks to planning auction day, our enthusiasm and excitement are unflagging. Each year, too, we are amazed to discover the new artworks offered by our generous artists, our most faithful patrons. In concert with a peer committee, we form a small, ephemeral collection that is assembled and exhibited for one evening, and then departs, artwork by artwork, in the hands of collectors who are as passionate about art as we are. We are always extremely proud to contribute to the promotion of artists and the blossoming of collections. It goes without saying that this fundraising campaign enables Éditions esse to maintain the quality of its dissemination activities. The great digital upheaval that is affecting the print media is not sparing cultural magazines, and in a world overflowing with information, we must redouble our efforts to distinguish ourselves. For a number of years, publishing in both official languages has ensured our international presence, but it remains an extremely costly challenge. Our next objectives in pursuit of our mandate are therefore to preserve our bilingualism and to consolidate our presence in the digital world. These objectives will be reached only with the valued participation of the artists, readers, and collectors who support us. And so, to the enthusiasm that I mentioned above is added our immense gratitude toward those who believe in our project. For this eighth edition of Vendu–Sold, I invite collectors to support the passion and commitment of the artists and cultural workers involved with Éditions esse.
{ "perplexity_score": 450.2 }
Foreigners that enter the national territory as an entrepreneur with the objective of helping in the development of the Project of the City of Knowledge Foundation may apply for this permit, as is stated in the Decree Law 6 of 1999. This visa will be granted for a one (1) year term and can be extended for up to six (6) years. Police and Criminal records, issued at the last place of residence for the last two (2) years duly sealed or authenticated by a Panamanian consulate. A certification from the Executive Director of the City of Knowledge, in which it states the existence of the teaching centre, the job that will be carried out by the foreigner and how long he will stay in our country. Affiliation voucher for the Caja de Seguro Social (Social Security) and a copy of the carnet (in the first application).
{ "perplexity_score": 169.8 }
[ [ 790317375066, 790317375133 ], [ 790317375449, 790317375499 ] ]
[ 364867826, 242715933 ]
It’s a funny thing, walking into town first thing surprised at the clarity of the early morning light and the complete absence of people and peak hour traffic before realising suddenly that the reason we’ve managed to get everything done, breakfasts and showers, water tank full and the boat shipshape ready to move on before wandering into town is that it’s actually past ten. It's not early at all. It’s Monday, and summer holiday to boot, so town is pretty much deserted and the bakery we found yesterday is closed of course but we managed to find a happy little shop near the cathedral where we bought the makings for lunch as well, then quietly tip toed out of town, leaving it to its post weekend slumber. Fifteen kilometres is a long way by boat and fifteen locks takes a little effort as well, but apparently it’s not too far at all by car or cycle. What a beautiful reflection image!
{ "perplexity_score": 526.7 }
[ [ 790317375880, 790317375931 ] ]
[ 347579520, 364867827 ]
Lori is a National Sales Manager for Agropur Beverage. A graduate of the University of Minnesota, Lori studied Architecture. Since joining Agropur Beverage in 2018, Lori has especially enjoyed working with multiple customers and functional areas to see a product from the beginning stages all the way to the end. Lori enjoys photography, painting and spending time with family and friends outside of work.
{ "perplexity_score": 252.8 }
[ [ 790317376727, 790317376787 ], [ 790317376951, 790317377002 ], [ 790317377008, 790317377098 ] ]
[ 364867828 ]
Our project co-ordinator shares some of her favourite things from our exhibition about the Blind School, open until 15th April. Visiting? Share your favourite things with us here or @H_O_P on twitter. Two lovely objects produced for the Blind School both reflect the skills taught on the premises. How the School for the Blind’s landmark building fell into disrepair and has found a new use but contains echoes of the past. Merging past and future, fact and fiction with the help of a drama chap with an interesting suitcase, pupils at St Vincent’s are making a digital game based on the life of Edward Rushton. Ann, a volunteer researcher in Liverpool, shares excerpts from a handwritten diary that was kept by students of the Royal School for the Blind, Liverpool upon their evacuation in 1939. Images of the School for the Blind in Liverpool through time, from the archives of National Museums Liverpool.
{ "perplexity_score": 261.5 }
Well folks, I’m about to drop a well-kept secret on you that I’m sure will shock and astound you! Are you ready? For most public librarians, summer is the time we do the least reading. I know what you’re thinking. WHAT? But you’re a librarian, Anna! Isn’t reading, like, your job? Sadly, it is not. When summer rolls around, my sole purpose is to ensure that YOU have the BEST summer reading experience EVER. I plan programs, I ready my awesome teen volunteers, I make sure we’re not going to run out of incentives when you come to tell us you achieved all your reading goals. And I love it! But to be honest, because we’re all friends here, I get very little reading done during the summer because I’m too busy. One book I did manage to make time for was The Leaving by Tara Altebrando. This thrill ride of a YA novel begins with the mysterious return of five teenagers who went missing on the first day of Kindergarten. The teens remember nothing of where they’ve been, who took them, or each other. And no one can remember the sixth kid who disappeared with them but didn’t return. Told through the perspectives of two of the kidnapped and the sister of the one who didn’t return, this is one of those novels you can’t put down. Fair warning: it will keep you up at night until you finish it because you just have to know. What I loved about this novel is Altebrando keeps you guessing with her narrative. You never know who to trust. She scatters clues here and there, some with purpose while others are red herrings. I found myself loathing one of the narrators right from the start but as more is revealed, I began to see the character’s purpose. It’s one of those books that grabs you from the start and keeps you up at night thinking about it. So there you have it! Enjoy The Leaving by Tara Altebrando and show your local librarians some love for sacrificing their summer reading lists.
{ "perplexity_score": 279.4 }
[ [ 790317378609, 790317378659 ], [ 790317379666, 790317379721 ] ]
[ 364867830, 294803806 ]
When you buy one 3 1/2 lb bucket of "Catfish Crack" you will get a 26 oz. container 1/2 off, Just pay shipping and handling for both containers. You save $5! If you have not already tried our NO STINK dough bait you don't know what your missing. And its freezer safe! Just put your unused bait in the freezer and it will stay fresh for months to come. With no slimy blood or nasty cheese messing up you or your boat your will have nothing to do but clean fish when you get home. Don't miss out. Try it today to receive this promotional offer.
{ "perplexity_score": 1067.4 }
[ [ 790317379967, 790317380108 ] ]
[ 364867831 ]
Looking to buy finest quality Tower Packing in Ranchi. Finepac Structures Private Limited, being one of the proud Tower Packing manufacturers & suppliers, is offering the comprehensive range to fulfill the requirements of the industry. Our world class product range is based on the cutting edge technology so as to offer the best performance during the operation. Our complete product range is manufactured at our production facility which is equipped with state of the art technology. The experienced engineers use the graded material with advanced technology to manufacture our product range. We also quality test our products under different parameters to ensure that our clients get nothing but the best. The clients based in Ranchi, looking for the exceptional quality Tower Packing, should contact us. We are offering our product range at the reasonable price. Owing to our vast network, we are capable of delivering your consignment ahead of schedule.
{ "perplexity_score": 443.9 }
[ [ 790317380507, 790317381425 ] ]
[ 364867832 ]
You can get a sneak peek of The Talisman comic exclusively this week only atEW.com. Earlier today at the Comic Book Retailer's Summit, Marvel announced the next thirty issue arc of The Dark Tower series. The new arc, entitled The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger chronicles Roland and his early quest for the Man in Black. The Gunslinger is set to begin in 2010. We'll keep you posted on any developments as we receive them. We are excited to announce you can still purchase a signed limited edition of theUNDER THE DOME COLLECTOR'S SET! Not all of the original orders were completed, giving you a second chance to order one of the remaining copies. Orders will be taken onOctober 15, 2009 at 9 AM EST. This is a limited time offer only available while supplies last and to Domestic US orders only. Be sure to check out Simon & Schuster's web site devoted to Under the Dome -StephenKingUndertheDome.com. You can read an excerpt from the book, check out character bios, download wallpaper, and many more features with additional content to be added as the countdown to November 10th continues! UPDATE:The jacket art for Under the Dome has been fully released by Scribner. You can now view the complete artwork in high resolution at the link below. - And don't miss the Under the Dome Cover Reveal Flash Widget and Count Down Timer that can be added to YOUR web site or social networking site. - Have fun! A second excerpt from The Cannibals is now available for download in PDF format fromThe Cannibals page. Simon & Schuster Canada is pleased to welcome international bestselling author Stephen King to Toronto for an exclusive Canadian in person appearance on November 19th, 2009 at the Canon Theatre. The legendary horror, science fiction, and fantasy author has written more than fifty bestselling books and is the 2007 recipient of The Canadian Booksellers Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Stephen King visits Toronto to celebrate the launch of his epic new novel, Under the Dome. For this exclusive in person event King will be joined in conversation by highly-acclaimed Canadian director, writer, and producer David Cronenberg on stage at the elegant Canon Theatre. Hosted by Canadian television and radio personality George Stroumboulopoulos, host of CBC television program The Hour, the evening will commence at 8:00pm with introductions followed by an in-depth interview with Stephen King led by David Cronenberg. The Royal Alexandra Theatre (260 King Street West) or The Princess of Wales Theatre (300 King Street West). The launch of TimesTalks LIVE will include a simulcast broadcast of Stephen's appearance at The Times Center to be held on November 10, 2009. Participating sites currently include 54 Cineplex theaters throughout Canada and 20 independent venues in the U.S. Audiences at the various locations will have the opportunity to submit questions for consideration by the respective moderator in advance of each event through theTimesTalksWeb site. We hope to be able to post a full list of the participating sites in the near future. The full press release can be downloaded atwww.nytco.com. The signed collector's edition of Under the Dome will also be going on sale September 15th at 9:00am EDT and will only be available throughSimon & Schuster(limited to U.S. orders only).
{ "perplexity_score": 269.8 }
[ [ 790317381783, 790317381833 ], [ 790317382858, 790317382931 ], [ 790317382953, 790317383009 ], [ 790317383259, 790317383323 ], [ 790317383604, 790317383681 ], [ 790317384251, 790317384318 ] ]
[ 312552248, 364867833, 224820109 ]
Himachal Pradesh High Court: A Single Judge Bench comprising of Sandeep Sharma, J., allowed a criminal petition filed under Section 438 of CrPC praying for grant of anticipatory bail, holding it to be in the interest of justice to exercise discretion in favor of the petitioner. The petitioner apprehended arrest in a criminal case registered under Sections 366, 342 and 376 of IPC. Learned counsel for the petitioner submitted that no case is made out against the bail petitioner because bare perusal of statement made by the prosecutrix under Section 164 CrPC itself suggest that she had joined the company of the bail petitioner of her own volition and at no point of time, she was forced to join the company of bail petitioner. He prayed that the petitioner be enlarged on bail in the event of his arrest in connection with the above mentioned criminal case. The High Court perused the record and found that the prosecutrix and the petitioner knew each other for a considerable period of time. The prosecutrix was unable to identify the house where the alleged incident happened. The statement of the owner of the house taken on rent by the petitioner revealed that the petitioner and the prosecutrix were living their as husband and wife. The FIR was filed after a period of about two months from the date of alleged incident; this delay remained unexplained. The Court observed it to be a well settled principle that a person, until proved guilty is deemed to be innocent, and such a person cannot be allowed to incarcerate in jail for an indefinite period.
{ "perplexity_score": 256.5 }
[ [ 790317384737, 790317384889 ], [ 790317385049, 790317385174 ], [ 790317385513, 790317385589 ], [ 790317385597, 790317385653 ] ]
[ 364867834, 319415542 ]
Welcome to this special 1 Year Anniversary Baz v Horror show on The Podcast Under the Stairs. On this episode Duncan is joined by The Baz to celebrate 1 year of Baz v Horror. This episode is packed with montage clips, memorable moments, a look back over the films reviewed in year 1 of Baz v Horror...and of course the Ask Baz segment.
{ "perplexity_score": 977.1 }
[ [ 790317386366, 790317386448 ] ]
[ 364867835 ]
I haven't posted much here in the past two weeks. This is partly because we've been on vacation and doing things with other people and away from our usual routine of life at home, which affords me the time and space to think regularly of blog posts and upload photographs and just generally be on the scene. But it's also partly to do with this having been a difficult trip for me in unexpected ways, and I haven't known how to think about this or talk about this, much less write about it in this open space here. But it's true. In all my expectation of a restful, joy-filled time of visiting with loved ones for two straight weeks, the airplane plopped down on California soil and I proceeded to have an emotional, raw, ragged time of it. My heart's been bleeding open. I have felt a continuous swirling confusion. I have felt pain. I have felt anger. I have felt scared. I. Did. Not. Expect. To. Feel. This. Way. At. All. I have wanted to run and hide and not let this be true. I have not -- and still do not -- feel up to the challenge of facing all these facts and feelings, much less surrendering myself to the long process of growth that it will take to move through it and emerge on the other side, somehow stronger and more fully alive. It feels too big and too scary. But I am going to try. Kirk and I are heading up to Santa Barbara today. We're going to spend two days at our favorite monastery, on top of a hill overlooking the vast ocean, participating in the hours with the brothers living there and taking hikes together. I went to this monastery for a solitary retreat when I first learned I was getting a divorce several years ago; it is the place I went to sit with grief and anger and questions with God. It is the place where I first learned that grief is a process that will double back on itself through the time it takes to move through it. Now I am in a different place, and I am no longer grieving my divorce, but this feels like grief of a different sort. And I am thankful for the quiet time to let it speak, to enter in. I pray that God will meet me there, and hold me, and sit with me in full acceptance and love.
{ "perplexity_score": 304.3 }
Vývoj a aplikace nových povlaků a povrchových úprav, zejména tvrdých otěruvzdorných povlaků, povlaků odolných proti korozi a biokompatibilních povlaků. Hinge-type knee prosthesis wear tests with a mechanical load and corrosion properties monitoring, Tribology International, 2013. Potential Application of a Ti-C:H Coating in Implants, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2012. The effect of a DLC coating adhesion layer on the corrosion behavior of titanium and the Ti6Al4V alloy for dental implants, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2012. CORROSION BEHAVIOR OF DLC COATING ALLOYED BY TITANIUM; 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON METALLURGY AND MATERIALS (METAL 2012); 2012. On the analysis of optical signals from Ti35Nb6Ta and Ti6Al4V surfaces, Proc. SPIE 8338, Tenth International Conference on Correlation Optics, 2011. Corrosion behaviour of TiN and ZrN in the environment containing fluoride ions, Biomedical Materials, 2010. Diffractive-optics-based sensor as a tool for detection of biocompatibility of titanium and titanium-doped hydrocarbon samples, Applied Optics, 2010. Effects of carbon content on the high temperature friction and wear of chromium carbonitride coatings, Tribology International, 2010. Tribological behaviour of nanostructured Ti-C:H coatings for biomedical applications, Solid State Sciences, 2009. In situ structural evolution of arc-deposited Cr-based coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2008. Structure and tribology of biocompatible Ti-C:H coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2008. Sensing of human plasma fibrinogen on polished, chemically etched and carbon treated titanium surfaces by diffractive optical element based sensor, Optics Express, 2008. Corrosion properties of physically deposited thin coatings (PVD coatings), Chemické Listy, 2007. Tribological characteristics of CrCN coatings at elevated temperature, Vacuum, 2005.
{ "perplexity_score": 791 }
[ [ 790317388960, 790317389087 ], [ 790317389090, 790317389194 ], [ 790317389415, 790317389469 ], [ 790317389579, 790317389634 ], [ 790317389894, 790317390026 ], [ 790317390029, 790317390140 ], [ 790317390143, 790317390346 ], [ 790317390612, 790317390694 ] ]
[ 33701581, 364867837, 119659646 ]
Now with 105 tricky and addictive levels! Monsters have stolen your homework and now it's payback time! With 105 levels of Monster-thumping carnage, it's your job to not only get your homework back but also give those sneaky pests a good hiding. Swipe, throw and knock the stuffing out of them but be warned, they won't make it easy for you. - 105 unique levels designed to test even the brightest player. - Full 3D environment allowing you to rotate around the monster nest and destroy them from all angles. - Game Center for leaderboards, achievements and friends' scores.
{ "perplexity_score": 544.4 }
[ [ 790317390743, 790317391045 ], [ 790317391048, 790317391109 ], [ 790317391110, 790317391211 ] ]
[ 364867838 ]
During its participation during the 2018 GITEX Technology Week, the Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratization (MoHRE), plans to present 16 of its latest projects and smart services offered to customers using latest technologies and smart applications. “The Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratization was able achieve great strides and meaningful results by shifting to smart services, as clearly demonstrated by the quality of services it offers,” Al Nuaimi concluded. During GITEX, MoHRE plans to present a series of smart apps that were designed to perform a number of procedures with ease and from any location, including ‘Wajehni’, ‘Smart Inspection’, and ‘Smart Connect System’, in addition to other procedures offered at ‘Tasheel’, ‘Tadbeer’, ‘Tawjeeh’ and ‘Taqyeem’ service centers, MoHRE Open Days app, among other services and initiatives.
{ "perplexity_score": 487.4 }
[ [ 790317391345, 790317391404 ] ]
[ 364867839 ]
HP, Inc., previously known as the Hewlett Packard Company is an eponymous IT company named after its founders, William R. Hewlett and David Packard. While HP is currently one of the biggest technology companies in the world, it was founded in 1939 in a garage in Palo Alto, California – USA. The company is known for their computers but their portfolio includes a diverse range of technology including printers, scanners, PDAs, thin clients, workstations, scanners, calculators, servers, digital cameras, USB devices, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, NAS and other storage solutions, among others hardware components. Their product lines are designed for consumers, SMEs, and large enterprises in various industries.
{ "perplexity_score": 84.4 }
[ [ 790317392322, 790317392382 ] ]
[ 364867840 ]
Raymond Mill,Raymond Roller Mill,Raymond Grinding Mill The grinding roller compressed on the grinding ring tightly due to the feeder will uniformly transfer the material into the grinding chamber of the host machine. Alibaba offers 17,585 china raymond mill machine products. About 90% of these are mine mill, 1% are grinding equipment, and 1% are flour mill. A wide variety of china raymond mill machine options are available to you, such as ball mill, vertical, and raymond mill. Main Structure of Raymond Mill. This machine is mainly composed of main engine, analytical engine, air blower, clone separator for final products, clone separator for micro powders and air pipe, and the main engine is composed of rack, inlet air volute, relieving tool, grinding roll, grinding ring and cover piece. The wear resistance of the raymond roller mill or raymond grinding mill is high and works reliably. 5. The electrical system adopts centralized control. The grinding workshop of Fote raymond grinding mills and raymond roller mill basically can realize unmanned operation. Attention items before installation of Raymond mill. 1. May 19, 20180183;32;Raymond mill/Glass grinding machine/powder grinding machine .. high capacity powder making super fine calcium carbonate raymond grinding mill 5R4119. Quotation More Slag Grinder, Slag Grinder Suppliers and Manufacturers at Alibaba . Jul 21, 20180183;32;Gypsum Milling Machine Wholesale, Milling Machine Suppliers . Industrial Ball Mill Grinding Limestone Milling Machine Fine Gypsum Milling Machines . 2017 Pulverizer powder making raymond gypsum milling machine .. Oct 26, 20170183;32;China Raymond Mill, Raymond Mill Manufacturers, Suppliers Made . 3139 products China Raymond Mill manufacturers Select 2018 high quality Raymond Mill products in best price from certified Chinese Milling manufacturers, Mill Equipment suppliers, Stone Ball Grinding Mill Vertical Roller Raymond Limestone Ultrafine Grinder .. Nov 10, 20170183;32;Brick Grinding Machine, Wholesale Various High Quality Brick Grinding Machine Type Raymond Mill Brick Raw Material Concrete cement fly ash, etc. 2017 High safety ball milling grinding plant cement plant 2 ton brick grinding machine price cylinder block grinding milling machine/brick making machine uk. Jul 21, 20180183;32;Dry Ball Mill FTM Mining Machine. FTM dry ball mill machine is usually used in some minerals afraid of water for fine grinding . Simple structure and flexible configuration; Dry ball mill can be used for grinding clinker and gypsum in the grinding chamber,after . auxiliary equipment, so the energy consumption is higher than the wet ball mill. . Service. will offer you a series of considerate, all round and humanized service to all the customers from the worldwide. About . Our engineers help you to solve any problems about our machinery, leave your problems. Grinding Ball Mill, Mineral Stone Grinding Machine, Low Energy Ball Mill Mchaines manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Raymond Ball Mill Machine Raymond Mill Exporter Vertical Roller Mill, Hfu 3A Geological Test Machine Core Drilling Rig, Hfu 3A Hydraulic Core Drilling Machine Price and so on.
{ "perplexity_score": 1508.1 }
[ [ 790317392876, 790317393093 ], [ 790317393100, 790317393360 ], [ 790317393388, 790317394002 ], [ 790317394021, 790317394488 ], [ 790317394491, 790317394830 ], [ 790317394853, 790317394935 ], [ 790317394967, 790317395168 ], [ 790317395176, 790317395438 ], [ 790317395439, 790317395575 ], [ 790317395576, 790317396042 ] ]
[ 364867841 ]
Directions: From downtown Ketchikan, 6 miles north on Tongass Hwy to Ward Cove. Right on Revilla Rd. for 6 miles. Right on Brown Mountain Rd. for 3 miles until dead-ends at trailhead. Approximately forty-minutes. Dude Mountain is one of my favorite hikes in Ketchikan and has actually become a traditional new-year hike for me, but not the usual January 1st New Year’s Day. For much of my adult life, as an undergraduate and graduate student and as a professor, many of my major life changes have often occurred at the beginning of the academic calendar year, which usually corresponds with the start of the fall semester in August or September. So, Dude Mountain has become my reset for each academic year, a way to officially transition from summer break into teaching again, a time for me to internally reflect on the positives and negatives of the previous year and to set my intentions for the upcoming year. I didn’t set out for Dude Mountain to become my new-year hike; it just sort of evolved into that. Perhaps because September is my favorite month for hiking in the Ketchikan alpine—the least amount of snow and bugs; the weather is generally a little cooler, and the days can often be sunny too. The drive out to the trailhead is one of the most scenic drives that Ketchikan has to offer. Starting from downtown Ketchikan, the drive can take about forty to fifty minutes to the trailhead. The second part of the drive is a blacktop road that turns into a dirt backroad through a mountain-rimmed valley that leads toward the interior of the island, where one can continue on to George Inlet or spoke off to Harriet Hunt Lake or up Brown Mountain Road, where the trailhead to Dude is. Brown Mountain Road is our only true twisty mountain road that climbs up into the high country vistas that is popular with weekend sightseers, hunters, wood and berry gatherers, and hikers. Brown Mountain Road dead-ends at the National Forest Service’s Dude Mountain trailhead. Squarely placed within the Tongass National Forest, Dude Mountain is one of the quickest ways, on foot, to reach the alpine tundra. From the trailhead, it is a 1.5 mile climb up 1500 feet. Depending on your pace, the climb can take up to two hours or more, one way. There is generally no cell-phone service (until the top and even then not always a guarantee), so it’s important to bring warm clothes, rain gear, flashlight, and food and water as the weather can change quickly in Alaska's mountain country. The trail starts out gravel and winds its way up to boardwalk through the lush rainforest and the beginning muskeg meadows above and then turns back into gravel in the alpine. The last part of the hike is steep and can be muddy in wetter weather or covered in snow depending on whether one is hiking in spring or late fall, so a trekking pole or two can be useful both on the ascent and descent. Once the big snows fall, Brown Mountain Road is only accessible by snowmobile. Usually June through the beginning of October offers a snow-free ascent. Just before the last part of the climb, the trail pops out onto a ridge between two valleys with clear views of John Mountain to the left and Brown Mountain on the right and the Pacific Ocean beyond if it isn’t cloudy. And of course one can see Dude Mountain’s summit right ahead. The ridge leads to the face of Dude Mountain, which is exposed and steep, but not considered a rock climb. Generally, with careful, slow placement of feet, one can ascend the rutted-out dirt path filled with rocky steps. Once you've traversed the face, follow the trail to the right and cut up and into the krumholtz to the summit proper. On this brief last stretch, beware of knee-deep mud holes. Soon you will find a small camp-sized clearing that overlooks Brown and Diane Mountains and the Inside Passage stretching to the north and west. However, I usually forgo the summit proper and instead find a perch in the alpine anywhere below and to the left of the krumholtz and enjoy the ridgeline of Diana Mountain to the right and the whole ridgeline to the left across the valley that houses Deer Mountain, Northbird Peak, and John Mountain. And of course the Dixon Entrance that floats beyond Annett Island and the Percy Islands into the unbroken skyline of thePacific Ocean. From here, experienced hikers and navigators can leave the trail and descend into the glacier-carved stone gap between Dude, Diana, and Brown mountains in order to explore Diana or Brown Mountains. I’ve seen goats and ptarmigan on this hike and have heard rumours about The Lady of the Mountain, a supposed two-foot tall brass statue that hikers like to look for and continually move around for the next hikers to search for. But for this hiker, I’m searching for silence and peace, so I like to choose a day when there aren’t any float planes buzzing around. One year, my then girlfriend and I hiked to the top and she received a phone call from her mother who lives in Florida, wishing her happy new year. Coincidentally it was also Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. After the phone call my girlfriend was very chatty with me, but I had to tell her to please be quiet, something amazing was happening. And then I was struck, as if a toneless bell, by the deep and profound silence of the ocean and the mountains stretching all the way into Canada. The land was speaking to me, and I connected so deeply that I was moved to tears because the moment was so beautiful and unexpected. Then out of nowhere, on this very still day, a little tornado of a wind whipped up right by me and disturbed a very small tarn before me as if there were a salmon about to breach and then the disturbance was gone. I may not have seen her yet, but that day, I was blessed and felt the presence of The Lady of Dude Mountain.
{ "perplexity_score": 307 }
[ [ 790317396057, 790317396151 ], [ 790317396257, 790317396372 ], [ 790317396377, 790317396604 ], [ 790317396847, 790317396898 ], [ 790317397276, 790317397430 ], [ 790317397447, 790317397970 ], [ 790317397995, 790317398223 ], [ 790317398227, 790317398287 ], [ 790317398454, 790317398519 ], [ 790317398578, 790317399017 ], [ 790317399041, 790317399219 ], [ 790317399438, 790317399522 ], [ 790317399528, 790317399584 ], [ 790317399644, 790317399725 ], [ 790317399769, 790317399852 ], [ 790317399947, 790317400202 ], [ 790317400215, 790317400299 ], [ 790317400703, 790317400767 ] ]
[ 155576304, 364867842, 112289193, 109544667 ]
{ "perplexity_score": 790 }
{ "perplexity_score": 1441.4 }
Out of nowhere, a new unreleased track by Lil Uzi Vert titled Dolly leaked. The final/full version of Teyana Taylor's "We Got Love" leaked. A new unreleased track from OVO's own PND leaked this morning. The track "Rich Forever"
{ "perplexity_score": 378.6 }
A huge thanks to all of my clients! I hope to get more pictures posted as time permits. Copyright © 2018 Tattoos by Carmie - All Rights Reserved.
{ "perplexity_score": 843 }
Several of you who have found me on Facebook or were already FB friends have asked about the picture of me there. It is one of my favorites – not because of me, but because of the place it was taken and the good friend who captured the moment. It is St. Mark’s Square in Venice, Italy and its infamous residents – the beautiful, though curious, pigeons. Behind me is St. Mark’s Basilica. Aah, take in the glory of the moment. It is what happened next that causes me to laugh out loud every time I see it. Yes, I am under attack! And my traveling friend Paula, captured the moment. I’m so glad she had the presence of mind to snap this shot for us to howl with laughter over. We also laugh over this one. I’m not sure our gondolier knew what to make of us. We had debated whether or not to take a gondola ride and decided we couldn’t go to Venice and not experience one. Then, of course, we needed a photo of us doing that very thing, so we kept holding the camera out in front of us and squeezing closer together in order to get both of us and our gondolier. Forget that we’re passing the houses where Cassanova and Lord Byron lived and loved, and slicing through the water in a way that can only be done in this single watery city, we’re intent on capturing the moment via Kodak. And we took a few side trips out to islands like Burano, known for its colorful houses and hand tatted lace. We toured Murano and the hand blown glass museums. I have heard it said that Venice is dirty and the canals full of trash. If you go during the high tourist season, you may find this to be true – not because of the Venetians but because of the tourists. However, if you visit during the off season – such as now – you will find pristine canals. The only piece of garbage that we saw was a single Mountain Dew bottle floating in one of the side canals. Perhaps we got lucky, but more than likely it was due to the fact that the city wasn’t being overwhelmed with buses of day trippers trying to squeeze in one more adventure. I would not advise seeing Venice that way. Venice isn’t a city to be looked at – it is one to be experienced through all of one’s senses. You should marinate in its impossibility to exist and absorb the beauty of its art and architecture through your pores. Sit – be still. Hear the bells. Does the oldest bell in Venice – Marangona – ring for you? Have you ever seen architecture so brilliant – purest white dripping in arches and buildings of gold and silver? Yes, in places the plaster is peeling and the high water marks are visible on the pastel exteriors of many of the houses along the canals. But if you focus on this rather than the magnificence before you, you have missed the point of visiting Venice altogether. Have you ever shopped streets where there are no cars and the windows are dressed with cardinals’ robes and feathery masks? Or in a fish market that has been operating for hundreds of years in the same way and same location? Or where shoes are made just for your foot? Or had a Bellini in the place it was created – Harry’s Bar? Of course, you must stop at one of the kiosks in St. Mark’s Square and purchase a sack of bird seed to feed the pigeons. Just be ready for the assault as they come in for treats. But then, if you have a good friend to snap a photo of the moment, you can laugh about it for years to come. Previous Previous post: Happy 200th Birthday Charles Dickens! Beautifully written as usual my friend. My son is currently in Italy until June. He has been to Venice and I have to say I’m a little jealous. lol It’s a good eye day so i got to come visit. I’m so glad I did. I’m glad you are having a good eye day and hope there will be many more of those. If your son has been to Venice recently then I guess you’ve heard all about the glories there. Maybe he could do a guest post on your blog. Absolutely magnificent, I would love to experience Venice, it just looks so magical. It is magical – what a great way to describe it. Thanks Mags! Wow, great pictures! I have never been out of this country before (except Canada of course) One day when I travel I will put Venice down as a place to see. Darla I believe you would be as impressed with Venice as I was – and am! Thank you so much. I hope you will get the opportunity and take it! Thank you MJ. I’m glad you could go along with me even if it was just through words and pictures. and .. I linked up to you today. Your words of wisdom on a past post inspired today’s. Cheers! Can’t argue with that! LOL. Shampoo, shampoo! But I had no birdie excrement on me so I guess I got lucky. Then again, I think bird poo on your head is considered a lucky omen in Italy, so maybe I wasn’t so lucky after all. What a gorgeous piece of writing! I love the photos too, but it’s your words that gave me a glimpse, a scent, and a taste of the glory that is Venice! I’ve always thought that Paris was the end all, be all, but this piece has made me reconsider. What a nice comment Linda; thank you. I think each of those cities is delightful in unique ways, but Venice is magic and mystery. I took a side trip to Venice when my son was studying in Florence. It was glorious. Thanks for reminding me! Then you know how spectacular it is first hand. I’m impressed that your son studied in Florence and would love to hear more about that. Is he an artist? Sold! Now all I need to do is go…some day. What a lovely daydream for today. Thank you. Georgette you would love it and must go! I still have daydreams about it…sigh. I have been to Venice several times and will most likely go back for a couple of days this year. I always say I don’t need to see it again (so much Italy, so little time), but then for the very reasons you describe so beautifully, I go back. I love waking up at 6:00 a.m. and jogging along the undisturbed canals, and then napping in the afternoon when the cruise ship passengers are making it impossible to to move. Coincidentally, I had planned to include Venice in my next post (comparing traveling to Italy with traveling to Disneyland), but had a last minute change of plans. I am happy to have experienced it over in your neck of the woods. I’m so jealous! Can I stowaway in your luggage? You made Venice almost touchable. Great writing and wonderful reflections of your visit. Love the shot of the pigeons on your head. They certainly are aggressive little buggers! Such beautiful imagery and description. Now I want to book a ticket…but I may wait until the Mountain Dew bottle has floated a little further downstream. Thank you Annie. The birds will leave you alone unless they see the seed sacks, and then, have mercy! Get that ticket – you would love it. Love the picture story of you and the pigeons!…and the gondolier. My German cousin adores Venice and tells me I must visit it some day. I hope to do that! We actually traveled through Munich to get there. Maybe you could meet your cousin there and explore the canals together. Oh wow…I can’t hardly EVEN imagine! Aren’t pictures just so wonderful? A person can relive it again and again…and share with others as well! Thank you for that! And your pictures are so fantastic I can only imagine what you could do with the architecture in Venice. Wow! Thanks for sharing your memories and letting me tell mine! What a beautiful story Elyse. Thank you for sharing it here. Your son must have been a very wise 7 yr old. Does he still love it? Thanks Renee. He does still love it, but he isn’t nearly so cute and cuddly about it! I am quite sure he will go back some day. As will I! at least once. Sounds like you have a fantastic trip. I went a few years ago and it was as glorious as you describe. I love the art, the beauty of it. You make me wish I was there right now. Sigh. I know – I’m feeling wistful as well. The art is so magnificent that there was a point that my senses were just full – when I didn’t think I could appreciate fully another piece. That’s when we took to the canals! I believe you would be inspired by Venice. There’s a reason artists and writers have ‘flocked’ (so sorry – couldn’t resist the bird pun) there for hundreds of years. Thank you for the compliments. Ahh I love Europe! I studied in Germany for a semester and was able to travel to many other European countries…except Italy! I was so sad because I’ve always wanted to go. This post just reassures the fact that I need to make a trip to Italy. Now all I need is the $$ and time and I’ll be set! Lucky you studying in Germany. What a great opportunity for you. And when the time is right, I bet you will get to Italy and I know you will enjoy it. What a great trip! Thanks for taking us along – enjoyed the sights and sounds….of course the pigeon pictures are priceless. Thank you Bella. It really is one of those magical cities whose memory feels as if it was somewhere inside of you before you ever experienced it. Perhaps it is the reminder that impossible sometimes means – i’m possible. I’m glad you got to spend some time there as well. It looks like you had fun!!! That’s really what’s important!!! One of the best trips ever! Venice is one of my favorite cities to visit. The first time I went it was during Carnival and was pouring rain and freezing, but I loved every minute of it! During Carnival? Wow! I bet that was spectacular. What a beautiful trip Renee. I hope, you had a great time there. That second image was really funny, i could not stop laughing out loud seeing that one. Each photograph is so beautiful, I specially like that first one of yours. You traveled to all the beautiful parts of world. Like France,Italy. Which one is next on your list? 🙂 Do you really have a Facebook account? Thank you Arindam. I do like to travel and go whenever I get the chance. I have never been to India though and I would love to tour Egypt and the Pyramids. We’ll see where the wheel of fortune in travel leads me next! I adore Venice. Lovely post. Enjoy. Thanks for joining my pg. Looking forward to hearing from you. Fantastic quotes to accompany the pics. Love the pigeon attack a la Hitchcock and Tippy Hedren! And I think the gondolier shot is great as well with the gondolier towering over you. I’m so glad you enjoyed these pictures. They are truly some of my favorite. Venice is the most magical city and every time that I hear it is sinking, my heart just drops. What a beautiful place you have described and shown. I have enough pigeons who visit my backyard, so I’ll pass on the seed. That was a great picture, though. I’ve never had one land on my head! It’s a bit scary actually, but sooo funny. I was startled by the sudden swoop of the flock. But you are right, it is incredibly beautiful and mystical and a wonder beyond words. I was enthralled with this post, from the photos to the detailed visions you created for me. Thank you for that. I may just get there one day! Amazing. It makes me want to go to Venice. I just found your blog and look forward to reading more. Hi Kristin. Welcome and thanks for leaving a comment. I hope you will visit Venice. It is one of those places that stays with you.
{ "perplexity_score": 391 }
[ [ 790317404663, 790317404760 ], [ 790317405002, 790317405082 ], [ 790317405087, 790317405572 ], [ 790317410844, 790317410896 ], [ 790317413528, 790317413589 ] ]
[ 86821748, 364867847 ]
DR PHIL is a household influential person across the pond, but here in the UK people are a little less familiar with his usurious guests. If you've detected the expression "Cash Me Ousside" recently, and are speculative what on earth all the fuss is about, here is everything you demand to know... Danielle Bregoli, 14, appeared on the Dr Phil simulation in September 2016, in an photographic film that dealt with parents and their unruly teems. We effort them for FREE unlike many some other keyword services, however we do compel that you are a listed part to looking at them all so that the costs will remain secondary for Us. Angry young girl with fist in air rattling angry young girlfriend with clenched fist word picture of an furious boylike woman with fist up in air furious female screaming with fist up in air Angry elfin female offspring showing fist to someone angered female child in danceroom music garb hit the air immature frustrated angry woman with fist up in air photo portrait of new angry annoyed woman with bad attitude giving talk to hand gesture display fist. hoar Closeup portrait of young angry annoyed woman with bad attitude sharing talk to paw gesture display fist. detached leaden wall backg Angry, shrieking female car utility program furious aggressive charwoman impulsive car indignant competitive woman driving car outcry roller athletics girl.
{ "perplexity_score": 1245.8 }
[ [ 790317413943, 790317414004 ], [ 790317414010, 790317414068 ], [ 790317414742, 790317414795 ] ]
[ 364867848, 175359955 ]
John B. Daoust was born 30 November 1924 in Alameda, California. He enlisted in the Air Corps on 27 July 1943. He received the Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal in WWII. Later he served in the Korean War in the USAF. He was in the 18th Fighter Squadron... In November 1950 he shot down a Communist Jet. Then he received the Silver Star for actions in Chuchon-Ni, Korea in February, 1951. "The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Captain John B. Daoust, United States Air Force, for gallantry in action on 20 February 1951 as leader of a flight of F-80 aircraft in an attack on enemy positions near Chuchon-Ni, Korea. Captain Daoust's flight was assigned the mission of attacking enemy positions in a narrow valley which was heavily defended by anti-aircraft fire. While he was circling over the target, he observed two Navy aircraft make an attack on his assigned target, during which one was shot down and the other so seriously damaged that it was forced to leave. Since the terrain made it necessary to make single ship attacks down the valley, Captain Daoust elected to attack with only two aircraft. On the second strafing run Captain Daoust's wingman was shot down. In spite of this he continued his attacks on the enemy positions with napalm, rockets and machine gun fire until his ammunition had been expended and succeeded in destroying five gun positions and inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy troops. The aggressiveness, devotion to duty and complete disregard for personal safety displayed by Captain Daoust were in keeping with the highest traditions of the service, and reflected great credit upon himself, the Far East Air Forces, and the United States Air Force."
{ "perplexity_score": 114.6 }
[ [ 790317415213, 790317415277 ], [ 790317415496, 790317415653 ], [ 790317415667, 790317415718 ], [ 790317416584, 790317416634 ], [ 790317416652, 790317416713 ], [ 790317416740, 790317416900 ] ]
[ 364867849, 264000604, 79691142 ]
This song is so good and video is def influenced by Mannequin. Just grabbed the single! Go grab yours!
{ "perplexity_score": 464.9 }
Larry McIntosh resides in Manitoba, and has worked as the President and CEO of Peak of the Market since 1994. Under his leadership, the company had its 24 best sales years in their 76 year history. From 1977 to 1993, Larry was with Dylex Ltd., a large Canadian retailer. He held several senior management positions including Vice President - Operations of the Bi-Way Division (1989 to 1991), and Vice-President of the Bi-Way and Drug World Divisions (1991 to 1993). Prior to his board involvement at the Red Cross, Larry held many volunteer positions on boards across a variety of Canadian non-profit organizations. In 2007/2008 he was Chair of the Canadian Produce Marketing Association and in 2005/2006 was Chair of the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce. These positions are in addition to being a Director on several other notable organizations. Recently, Larry sat on the Red Cross Provincial Advisory Committee and received the 2015 Canadian Red Cross Humanitarian of the Year award. Larry has also received a number of additional humanitarian awards including the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for “Outstanding Contribution to the Community,” in 2005, the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee medal in 2012 and the Gold Heart Humanitarian of the Year award in 2013. Larry has received additional awards for his work in the agricultural business, community involvement and leadership. Larry has been a keynote speaker at conferences across Canada and has been recognized as a champion of numerous charitable causes.
{ "perplexity_score": 121.9 }
[ [ 790317417111, 790317417161 ], [ 790317417287, 790317417357 ], [ 790317417652, 790317417707 ], [ 790317417929, 790317417997 ], [ 790317418058, 790317418154 ], [ 790317418165, 790317418229 ], [ 790317418401, 790317418462 ] ]
[ 364867851 ]
Gardner Denver VS Series: Designed from the ground up as a variable speed solution, the VS Series produces the widest turndown range in the industry. Coupled with the highest efficiency and maximum reliability, the VS Series provides the most flexible solution in the market with unprecedented features and controls. * Capacity measured in accordance with CAGI/PNEUROP acceptance test code PN2CPTC2. ** Noise level measured in accordance with ISO 2151. Variable speed drive designed to maximize efficiency at full, part and no load. Delivers substantial efficiency improvements at part and no load. Airends optimized for variable speed operation and best overall performance. Matched supply side to the demand side at the required target pressure to within +/- 1psi. Unlimited start/stop operation eliminating reservoir compressed air waste. AirSmartTM Controller with variable frequency drive to meet all your variable pressure and flow requirements. Target pressure change by the operator with the touch of a button from 70 to 175psig. Variable speed control matches the output of the compressor package to the exact requirements of your system demand. Wide turn down range (20% of full load) providing largest operating range to meet all your flow needs. Models from 11kW (15hp) to 250kW (335hp) giving you the widest selection in the industry.
{ "perplexity_score": 939.7 }
[ [ 790317418532, 790317418741 ], [ 790317418742, 790317418849 ], [ 790317419482, 790317419557 ], [ 790317419788, 790317419881 ] ]
[ 244176297, 364867852 ]
Showing results for tags 'xbox.'. Updating Old Modchipped Og XBox. Hi, So I have an old mod chipped Xbox. I threw in a 500 gb drive and have it setup, but the build is old and crappy. lol How would I go about updating the build? I've softmodded a bunch of systems with the JRocky 5 softmod but the TSOP/ Chipped systems I'm just learning now. The dashboard setup that hexen 2018 did I really dont like, I much prefer the JCRocky5 dashboard setup with emulators and games etc. showing on the first screen. Is there any way to set it up like this? Like I said I'm a noob with the modchip setups. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks Guys.
{ "perplexity_score": 925.7 }
Ok... almost. I actually haven't picked up a golf club in *pausing to count on fingers* well its been about 4 years. At the time I managed to cause a disc in my lower spine to slip which pretty much put most fun activities on hold while I tried to let it heal. Eventually it did but for whatever reason I never went back out. This past weekend Jay was here and I had him bring his clubs along. We headed out to the driving range to see if I could still hit, it wasn't the best but I wasn't as bad as I had expected. Unfortunately for me, however my back is messed up AGAIN! Guess my swing isn't as good as I hoped it would be as I haven't been able to move right since. Ahh well, it was fun while it lasted. Once its feeling better perhaps I should see someone to find out what I'm doing wrong that I'm breaking my back trying to play a game, that just isn't right.
{ "perplexity_score": 403.4 }
Mannheim is 39% more expensive than Al Mawsil al Jadidah. Apr 2019 Cost of Living. For example, you would need at least 1,069,571 Dinar (€801) in Mannheim to maintain the same standard of living that you can have with 768,000 Dinar in Al Mawsil al Jadidah.
{ "perplexity_score": 335 }
[ [ 790317421406, 790317421659 ] ]
[ 364867855 ]
The word Mamihlapinatapai sometimes spelled mamihlapinatapei. Mamihlapinatapai is derived from the Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego, listed in The Guinness Book of World Records. This word captures that special look shared between two people, when both are wishing that the other would do something that they both want, but neither want to do.
{ "perplexity_score": 93.3 }
[ [ 790317421741, 790317422009 ] ]
[ 364867856 ]
Honor them by sending this cheery Oh Happy Day! bouquet of gerberas, lilies, delphinium and other bright seasonal flowers from Quad's Garden! You may call us to send flowers or order flowers online anytime, day or night! Quad's Garden in Fairview has floral arrangements and gifts perfect for any special occasion, but sometimes you don't need a reason to remind someone you care. That's why we think "just because" is one of the best reasons to say: "Thank you," "I'm sorry," "I love you," "Hope you're having a good day," "Good luck," "Congratulations," "I miss you," "I wish I could be there," or "Forgive me." Browse our selection and order online or call us to place an order "just because!"
{ "perplexity_score": 240 }
[ [ 790317422014, 790317422143 ], [ 790317422148, 790317422237 ], [ 790317422249, 790317422714 ] ]
[ 364867857 ]
Petite Ginger Snaps are easy to mix and match to create a look all your own. Petite snaps WILL NOT fit on regular Ginger Snaps accessories. This product is also Ginger Snaps style GP33-51.
{ "perplexity_score": 717.8 }
[ [ 790317422716, 790317422908 ] ]
[ 364867858 ]
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{ "perplexity_score": 1033.7 }
[ [ 790317423140, 790317423326 ], [ 790317423341, 790317423391 ], [ 790317423492, 790317423878 ], [ 790317423888, 790317423946 ] ]
[ 364867859, 293020871 ]
Prepaid companies give customers another option at turning on power without paying huge deposits or having to sign long-term contracts. Today’s prepaid companies are filled with gimmick rates, hidden fees, and no plan benefits. But there’s another way prepaid electricity is completed that doesn’t involve each one of these hassles or surprises – and that’s the Pronto Power way. At Pronto Power, we DON’T require credit checks, your social security number, or require unaffordable deposits to turn on your electricity. For as little as $19.99, Pronto Power can have your power on within the hour. No need to have good credit or sign longterm contracts to acquire a good rate. Pronto Power offers the most effective prepaid rates in their state of Texas without one other nonsense competitors place you through. Electrical Company Houston – Power within the Hour! Pronto Power does NOT demand a credit check, a deposit, or social security number to get Fast, Affordable, Innovative, and Reliable (F.A.I.R.) electricity. 99% of our customers manage to get thier power on within the initial hour…how’s that for pronto/fast? The best part is there are no fees for priority connection. And hey, you obtain cheap electricity rates too. Pronto Power works exactly that way. As soon as you register with Pronto Power, you will receive daily messages either by email or text (or both, in the event that you like). The message lets you know just how many kilowatts you have used, and the total amount on your account. As long as your account features a positive balance over 1 cent (when we bill at 7 a.m.), you will have service. Say you find yourself in a jam and cannot create a payment. Simply call in before 1 p.m. exactly the same day and ask for a free extension. What separates Pronto Power from all the other prepaid companies is our plans won’t nickel and dime you to paying more. Most companies use gimmicks, tricks, or hidden fees to be competitive. We use old-fashioned customer care and common sense. Whenever we say you get cheap electricity with Pronto Power, we mean it. We believe in the 90 days same-as-credit model. Once your account starts, and you go 90 days with no disconnection, we are certain to get you back in monthly billing with out a social security number or deposit. And there’s no credit check. Bear in mind that with Pronto Power’s FREE extensions, there is a constant have reasons to be disconnected again. Here at Pronto Power we understand if we do a good work for you, you will refer us. We want your referrals and we are willing to exhibit you only how much. Our Refer-A-Friend (RAF) 20/20 program, gives you and the person you refer both $20.
{ "perplexity_score": 477 }
[ [ 790317423949, 790317424770 ], [ 790317424772, 790317426628 ] ]
[ 364867860 ]
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{ "perplexity_score": 424.4 }
[ [ 790317426831, 790317426890 ] ]
[ 364867861 ]
Ganoderma Dosage: Consult your healthcare provider for your correct dose. Ganoderma Precautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Do not use with diabetes medications. Ganoderma mushroom is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to tonify Qi, nourish the blood and induce tranquility. Ganoderma boosts the immune system, supports liver health, promotes heart health, supports normal hormone balance, promotes healthy blood sugar levels and supports respiratory health. It has tonic, adaptogen, antioxidant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and immunomodulator effects.
{ "perplexity_score": 461.7 }
[ [ 790317426979, 790317427049 ], [ 790317427054, 790317427142 ], [ 790317427153, 790317427257 ], [ 790317427266, 790317427550 ] ]
[ 219884190, 364867862 ]
New WordPress Plugin is a membership site designed to help people get professional looking blogs working for them with plugins that actually help. The site I started as part of my membership site coaching class officially launched June 3, 2010 at 7pm Eastern. I’m proud to say the response in the first week has far surpassed my expectations and dreams for the first month. Many WordPress users have expressed their appreciation of the product and how much they needed help. I’ve seen too many blogs that were put online with no obvious plan of why they installed it, what they want to do with it or how to use it. To me, starting a blog without having a plan is like getting in your car and starting the engine without knowing where you are going or why. You may decide to drive around for awhile but you’ll be wasting time, fuel and increasing the wear on your car. Boredom will eventually set in and you’ll find your way home wondering where the time and gas money went. Trying to run a blog with no clear purpose will also lead to boredom, frustration and a lighter wallet. New WordPress Plugin has professional looking PLR WordPress themes, written plugin reviews, audio reviews and more to help bloggers with a plan become successful. Membership Script Profit has coaching that’ll help you create a residual income business that fits YOU and you’ll have a Mentor that does what she teaches and associates that are like minded and willing to help you achieve your dreams. I love WordPress and the coaching I received from Membership Script Profit plus the support I received from my fellow students helped New WordPress Plugin surpass my 30 day goal on my first week of operation. I’m having a blast helping people, helping my teammates and building a solid business. Care to join us? I must agree with what you have said about Membership Script Profit Jerry. I am one of Jerry’s team mates and the guidance that I and the rest of our team has received is absolutely phenomenal. And New WordPress Plugin is an amazing site as well and I will be using him extensively over the next few months to get my blog(s) up and running (more than that… up and running efficiently) with his multitude of Plugins and more importantly his solid WP advice. You may even get sick of me but I doubt it ’cause You are a very patient man my friend. Mike, Helping people get blogs that are search engine friendly, user friendly and professional looking is my business and my pleasure.
{ "perplexity_score": 577.4 }
I grew up with the story of Baba Yaga – an old witch who lives deep in the forest in a little log cabin perched on a chicken’s leg. If you didn’t behave properly, she would come out of the woods and eat you. I remember being terrified by that story as a child, but over the years it has become a sort of comfort to me. Every May, we tip our caps to honour the many ways nurses are part of our lives. Here are a few stories that capture the evolving role of nurses, the challenges they face, the research they conduct, the complexities of their practice and the wide variety of roles they play in our communities. When I was 14, I went through a period of mental illness that nearly ended my life. Two years later, I watched a friend go through it. I had no idea what to say or do. I wanted to help her. I wanted to fix everything, but I couldn’t. Even after having gone through it myself, I felt like I wasn't able to offer her anything of value. I felt helpless. Choosing a job, a career or a dream?
{ "perplexity_score": 141.2 }
MAX EVANS MENSWEAR, Carmarthen was established in 1969 and is still family owned. The company is now run by the founders nephew, Phillip Jones and his wife, Jayne and a small team of enthusiastic staff comprising of Peter and Evanna. Our aim is to provide a quality product served personally in a traditional men’s outfitters. The shop sells only the better end of Quality Menswear and is proud to offer a truly personal service to our customers. We have a wide range of stockists of which a few have been displayed in the web shop. Please do not hesitate to call us or email us if you cannot find something your looking for. We have in stock in-store most Barbour – both Men and Women, Meyer, Bladen, Maenson, Bugatti, Barker, Alan Paine, Viyella, Seidensticker, Hilditch & Key, Daks, Corgi and Sunspel branded garments and accessories. We offer Free shipping to all UK address. For requests from Europe and US please phone +44 (0)1267 235997 to arrange shipping costs and arrival dates. We also offer a made to measure service by Bladen for delivery in 6-8 weeks and have suits starting from £499. Visit us in the market town of Carmarthen. Drop in and see our new collections for all seasons.
{ "perplexity_score": 403 }
[ [ 790317431067, 790317431117 ], [ 790317431457, 790317431508 ], [ 790317431568, 790317431623 ], [ 790317431883, 790317432030 ] ]
[ 364867865, 14418221 ]
We are pleased to invite you to experience Camp Hanover's Traveling Day Camp at Southminster Presbyterian Church! Traveling day camp is a cooperative program between our congregation and Camp Hanover. Camp Hanover brings a team of highly trained staff and a high-quality camp program right to our church. Through traveling day camp, we can offer children and families a way to experience community building and faith development during days packed with Bible stories, songs, activities, arts and crafts, nature study, and games. Children entering Kindergarten - 6th Grade in the fall of 2019 are eligible to register for camp. The cost for each camper is $150.00. If cost is a burden, please contact Sue Rhodes, at cabinsue@verizon.net for scholarship information. Download registration forms by clicking here. Forms will also be available at the church, or you can register online by visiting www.camphanover.org/southminster2019. The deadline to register for camp is July 1st (July 19th if registering online). If you have any questions about camp, please contact Sue Rhodes at cabinsue@verizon.net, Kaylyn McGhee at kaylyn@CampHanover.org, or the church office at 804-276-1749 or office@southpreschurch.org, or fill out the contact form below.
{ "perplexity_score": 891.4 }
[ [ 790317432458, 790317432522 ], [ 790317432567, 790317432627 ], [ 790317432679, 790317432731 ], [ 790317432776, 790317432830 ], [ 790317433031, 790317433124 ], [ 790317433250, 790317433305 ] ]
[ 175322465, 197453090, 330836873, 364867866 ]
As we step into a new year, it's time to look into the crystal ball and predict which emerging talent development trends will have the greatest impact for learning and HR pros in the year ahead. From mobile employee development to video learning to the continued rise of workforce analytics, it's vital for talent leaders to understand and prepare for these trends in order to deliver a great employee experience and maximize the business impact of their talent programs. The world has gone mobile, and the way we work today is undeniably different than it was just a few years ago. Work isn't confined to the office: Employees now regularly work from coffee shops, airports, their homes and even their cars. In fact, one study found that 70 percent of people globally work remotely at least once a week, while 53 percent work remotely for at least half the week. Work is no longer a place we go, but a thing we do. It's why mobile continues to dominate as the computing platform of choice. But the proliferation of smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices has also dramatically changed employee expectations of talent development technology. Anytime, anywhere access is the new name of the game. With the rapid explosion of information available at our fingertips, employees expect instant, real-time access to the information they need to do their jobs. And with a mobile-friendly talent development platform, you can empower employees to learn, collaborate, find experts and information, crowdsource questions, and even manage their goals - when and where they want to. Managers can also check their team's progress, provide feedback, hold team meetings, conduct interviews, and approve requisitions and offers, no matter where they are. By leveraging technology to enable mobile learning, feedback, and 1:1 check-ins, you can meet employees where they are - while also keeping up with the increasing demands of the digital native generation - to deliver an engaging, effective employee experience. It's no secret that video is a powerful medium for learning. The engaging format of videos motivates learners to learn often, and at their own pace. Plus, viewers retain 95 percent of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to just 10 percent when reading it in text. So, how can you make video a part of your organization's larger talent development strategy to give learners the experience they crave? One way to easily incorporate video content into your formal or social learning programs is to leverage a video learning solution to securely host and stream video content directly into your talent development platform. Since people are already very familiar with using video in their personal lives, harnessing that same consumer-grade experience to support diverse training needs is a no-brainer. And integrating video into your L&D content mix will help you facilitate a culture of self-driven learning, putting your people and teams in the driver's seat of their own development experience. 3. High-performing organizations connect learning and performance. Brandon Hall Group's 2018 Performance Management Study revealed that companies with high-performance cultures are more effective at linking learning and performance to drive better business outcomes. For high-performing organizations, learning is not the outcome - it is the behavior that drives performance. In 2019, connecting learning to performance will be the key to maximizing HR business impact. Learning and performance management do not merely co-exist - they are dependent on one another. And to deliver learning experiences that move the needle on performance, talent leaders need to empower employees to drive their own development with learning that is aligned to individual, team and business goals. By thinking in terms of business outcomes and focusing L&D programs on specific behaviors, skills, or competencies, you can solidify the learning-performance connection to achieve the results that matter to your business. Creating a hyper-connected talent experience that ties learning to performance will allow you to more effectively engage employees, improve performance, and maximize the business impact of your L&D initiatives in the year ahead. 4. The demand for HR analytics continues to rise. In decades past, many executives have misguidedly viewed HR as a cost center since it's often not perceived as impacting revenue in the same way that Sales or R&D might. But the reality is that without talent development - and all of the processes it is responsible for such as recruiting, learning, performance management and succession planning - the entire organization would suffer. One of the reasons for this misperception is that talent development and HR functions have historically been slow to get into the metrics and analytics game. But it's progressively becoming easier with the help of technology, allowing HR and learning leaders to finally make the critical connection between talent programs and business outcomes. Leveraging a talent development platform with comprehensive HR analytics can provide organizations with full visibility into their talent management processes and enable data-driven decision-making. And focusing on the metrics that matter to the business can help talent leaders more effectively build buy-in for and ongoing investment in their talent initiatives, while also becoming viewed as true strategic partners to the C-suite. Are You Prepared for the Future of Talent Management? In the coming year and beyond, these four talent development trends are expected to continue to gain momentum, forcing HR and talent leaders to rethink their approach to talent management in order to remain competitive and continue to attract, retain and develop top talent. By keeping an eye on these changes on the horizon - and preparing for them with the help of a hyper-connected talent development platform - you can modernize your talent development strategy to create more value for your people and your business.
{ "perplexity_score": 384 }
[ [ 790317433491, 790317433962 ], [ 790317434025, 790317434075 ], [ 790317434197, 790317434345 ], [ 790317434356, 790317434407 ], [ 790317434485, 790317434559 ], [ 790317434708, 790317434761 ], [ 790317434788, 790317434855 ], [ 790317434937, 790317434993 ], [ 790317435087, 790317435210 ], [ 790317435358, 790317435441 ], [ 790317435497, 790317435558 ], [ 790317435652, 790317435777 ], [ 790317435813, 790317435868 ], [ 790317436045, 790317436096 ], [ 790317436161, 790317436214 ], [ 790317436234, 790317436312 ], [ 790317436427, 790317436506 ], [ 790317436574, 790317436629 ], [ 790317436638, 790317436884 ], [ 790317436976, 790317437074 ], [ 790317437166, 790317437219 ], [ 790317437287, 790317437344 ], [ 790317437347, 790317437511 ], [ 790317438067, 790317438137 ], [ 790317439144, 790317439285 ], [ 790317439380, 790317439436 ] ]
[ 247294240, 363666761, 178867497, 358076270, 140000657, 86253813, 6816346, 364867867 ]
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{ "perplexity_score": 3271.2 }
[ [ 790317439539, 790317439761 ], [ 790317439811, 790317439873 ], [ 790317439913, 790317440026 ], [ 790317440136, 790317440331 ], [ 790317440542, 790317440592 ], [ 790317440646, 790317440726 ], [ 790317440758, 790317440892 ], [ 790317440910, 790317441009 ] ]
[ 364867868 ]
July 28, 2014 July 28, 2014 janellecoleLeave a Comment on What’s new?? I’m excited to be able to blog again!! So many new things going on!! We hatched a chick, out of 22 eggs – ugh!! But have 18 more “cooking”. We added a few goats (2 nubian boys) Taco and Fajita. Yes, they are destined for the dinner table!! We are going to go get a horse this weekend!! Cannot wait to introduce him to us and our place!! He will primarily be AG’s horse, but we are all going to love on him!! The garden is in, has been feeding us – and we love it!! We learned a ton this year, and really are still learning!! We have even been able to help out at the Children’s Garden at a local elementary school here! We’ve been picking everything from figs to grapes, peas to corn and tons more in-between!! And just a bit of canning!! Loving all the new things we are trying and figuring out!! Otherwise, I hope you stick around, life is good!!
{ "perplexity_score": 849.9 }
[ [ 790317441229, 790317441287 ] ]
[ 364867869, 308593341 ]
Pets are outstanding as this makes them qualify to be part of the family. They become part of the family as their absence is heavily felt as they help in providing great company at all times. Most pet owners prefer keeping dogs as they are known to have a high cognitive ability when it comes to memory and communication. In fact, dogs presently undergo pieces of training for them to be in a position to bond correctly with humans. Keeping in mind the fact that pets are part of the family, we ought to take good care of them and ensure that they are always safe. Many negative things can happen to pets, but the most feared one is losing it. There are high possibilities of losing pets especially when you are travelling to new areas for vacations with it. To provide maximum security for your pet, you must invest in one of the best dog gps tracker systems. When a good tracker is purchased, one can know where the pet is at any time of the day or night remotely. All in all, when it comes to a dog or pet tracking harnesses, different people usually have different preferences. However, irrespective of the different preferences, you must always know that your pet must get a good harnessing system that will be functional as well not harm its skin One of the best examples of pet harness systems that are specialized for tracking purposes are ones that are manufactured having collars that are padded for extra comfort. There are unpadded ones in the market, and this makes it critical that you invest in that which will give your pet a great time. At the moment, there are many, but different dog gps tracker systems that are in the market and they all come with individual features which you should look at especially on matters concerning the security. Durability is always dependent on the materials used in the making; therefore, you must take extra time to assess and consider ones that are made of genuine leather or other superb materials. In addition, proper assessment of the dog harness tracking device must involve taking an individual system and going through it all so as to know how well the stitching has been done as it determines for how long it will remain intact. If your dog is young and still growing, you should the best dog harness 2019 system that is adjustable to ensure that it will never be too tight when your dog gains weight or grows over time. Accordingly, observation is required to always make the necessary adjustments.
{ "perplexity_score": 302.6 }
[ [ 790317442154, 790317442479 ], [ 790317442585, 790317442719 ], [ 790317442796, 790317443407 ], [ 790317443913, 790317444535 ] ]
[ 364867870 ]
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{ "perplexity_score": 2797.8 }
[ [ 790317444619, 790317445204 ], [ 790317445206, 790317446598 ] ]
[ 364867871 ]
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{ "perplexity_score": 818.5 }
[ [ 790317446601, 790317447721 ], [ 790317447732, 790317447815 ], [ 790317447881, 790317447955 ], [ 790317448062, 790317448117 ], [ 790317448173, 790317448350 ], [ 790317448541, 790317448638 ], [ 790317448667, 790317448743 ], [ 790317448818, 790317448959 ], [ 790317448979, 790317450188 ], [ 790317450228, 790317450326 ], [ 790317450347, 790317450418 ], [ 790317450424, 790317450521 ], [ 790317450545, 790317450904 ], [ 790317450934, 790317451522 ], [ 790317451546, 790317451601 ], [ 790317451625, 790317451807 ], [ 790317451831, 790317452152 ], [ 790317452159, 790317452253 ], [ 790317452262, 790317452343 ], [ 790317452355, 790317452436 ], [ 790317452456, 790317452570 ], [ 790317452640, 790317452690 ], [ 790317452714, 790317452796 ], [ 790317452819, 790317453162 ], [ 790317453171, 790317453293 ], [ 790317453318, 790317453426 ], [ 790317453448, 790317453524 ], [ 790317453586, 790317455477 ], [ 790317455499, 790317455696 ], [ 790317455935, 790317456008 ], [ 790317456076, 790317456184 ], [ 790317456316, 790317456415 ], [ 790317456664, 790317456869 ], [ 790317456920, 790317457049 ], [ 790317457124, 790317458943 ], [ 790317459031, 790317459158 ], [ 790317459208, 790317459377 ], [ 790317459388, 790317459921 ], [ 790317460062, 790317460147 ] ]
[ 364867872 ]
An architect-designed home with a difference. Design to Inspire gives their verdict. The folks at Domus Nova (the London estate agency I blogged) have kindly emailed me about another of their properties. This time it's an incredible home in terms of it's architecture, with several glass walls and roofs. The central feature of the four bedroom property is a massive two-storey atrium with a glass bridge. "The space is full of amazing architectural detail." "This is lovely. the colors are clean and bright yet extremely warm. It is my dream home!" Cick here to view the property online.
{ "perplexity_score": 410.1 }
Nutrition Science, Part I: How Did We Get Here? To anyone versed in biomedicine, the so-called “hierarchy of evidence” is well-established and unquestioned. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (RCT) is considered the gold standard trial design, because it offers the ability to randomly allocate a treatment, minimize potential sources of bias, and compare the exposure or intervention of interest to a placebo. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this model, or this hierarchy … if the subject of inquiry is pharmaceutical drugs or the molecular mechanisms of disease. At its core, the biomedical model is based on a presupposition that all disease can be studied with such a reductionist focus. Only one evidential design sits atop the RCT: the systematic review and meta-analysis, which ideally includes multiple well-designed RCT’s examining the variable of interest, resulting in a greater statistical power and thus the potential for drawing more confident conclusions. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this model, or this hierarchy … if the subject of inquiry is pharmaceutical drugs or the molecular mechanisms of disease. At its core, the biomedical model is based on a presupposition that all disease can be studied with such a reductionist focus. The evolution of nutrition as a science occurred prior to establishment of the biomedical model, in an era where diseases related to nutritional deficiency were prevalent. The characteristic feature of these disease states was short latency periods; that is, a relatively short period of time between “exposure” and the onset of symptoms (1). These short latency periods were crucial to elucidating the relationship between a given deficiency state and a particular nutrient, as rapid recovery after providing the nutrient (or more specifically the foods in which it was found) allowed for testing early hypotheses and drawing conclusions regarding diet-disease relationships (1). These early successes for the field produced substantial advances in public health, but defined a paradigm of nutritional approaches oriented around averting deficiency states that by nature emphasized single nutrients. For example, Thiamin [vitamin B1] was identified as the underlying cause of beriberi from observations and experiments comparing polished rice to wholegrain rice, as the polishing process leads to the loss of thiamin (2). After the 1912 discovery of certain compounds in foods that were essential to life (termed ‘vitamins’), the domino effect of vitamin identification was a renaissance for nutrition as an emerging science. Niacin [vitamin B3] deficiency was identified as a cause of pellagra, and wheat was fortified with that nutrient starting in the 1930’s. The endemic of goiter associated with iodine deficiency hypothyroidism was eradicated with the iodization of salt in 1924, while the endemic of rickets was addressed through the fortification of milk with vitamin D in 1933 (3). These early successes for the field produced substantial advances in public health, but defined a paradigm of nutritional approaches oriented around averting deficiency states that by nature emphasized single nutrients. This single-nutrient focus would overlap with the evolution of the biomedical model. The application of the biomedical model to nutrition is based on the fundamental premise that nutrients can be isolated and formulated into a pill, and its hypothesized effects should be apparent in a randomized controlled trial. This reductionist view, coupled with residual effects of the early nutrient-focused successes of nutrition science, resulted in a paradigm of studying diet-disease relationships through a focus on isolated nutrients. However, this paradigm has persisted beyond the period of diseases associated with single-nutrient deficiencies being a public health concern, into the more recent surge of chronic lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which are characterized by longer latency periods and more complex etiology. Instead, what has become clear is that the biomedical model has actually hindered the application of the evidence in nutrition, as it has resulted in missing the forest [the overall diet pattern] for the trees [isolated nutrients]. While the reductionist model may be useful for elucidating disease mechanisms and single-nutrient actions, it is fundamentally ill-suited to elucidate the effects of an overall dietary pattern, where numerous nutrients and bioactive food components influence complex, multifactorial disease processes (4). The evolution of nutrition science has been hampered by the expectation that the application of the biomedical model should generate a consistent evidence base. Instead, what has become clear is that the biomedical model has actually hindered the application of the evidence in nutrition, as it has resulted in missing the forest [the overall diet pattern] for the trees [isolated nutrients] (4). High-profile biomedical purists have recently gone so far as to say that nutrition science has failed to “give reliable answers for a century”, and that no progress will be made in nutrition until epidemiology is replaced with only randomized study designs (5). In the following article series, we will explain why those contentions are misconceived. Can We Trust Nutritional Epidemiology? The emphasis on observational epidemiology in nutrition science has drawn substantial criticism from biomedical purists. In the traditional biomedical hierarchy of evidence, prospective cohort studies sit third on the ladder behind RCTs. However, nutrition science is faced with the logistical problem of trying to determine relationships between 1) complex diseases with long latency periods and 2) populations in which the exposure of interest – food – is a continuous, daily, polyvalent exposure. The more pertinent question to ask is whether nutritional epidemiology is fit for the purpose of informing sensible public policies to improve population health. From this perspective, these long-term prospective cohort studies are an under-appreciated (and frequently misunderstood) tool to examine long-term diet-disease relationships (6,7). This may be difficult to appreciate from a biomedical view, as medicine has been scarred from a history of observations generating incorrect conclusions with potentially detrimental consequences. For example, the infamous case of hormone replacement therapy [HRT] and cardiovascular disease risk is a case in point. However, it is important to avoid the assumption that nutritional epidemiology generates such spurious conclusions. The more pertinent question to ask is whether nutritional epidemiology is fit for the purpose of informing sensible public policies to improve population health. In this regard, it is critical to separate the concepts of hierarchy of evidence (which generally describe quality of evidence) and standards of proof. For example, it is not controversial that observational epidemiology can demonstrate association, but cannot demonstrate causation. But is the clear demonstration of causation an absolute requirement for improving population health? If it were, there would be no public health policy. From the 1964 US Surgeon General’s report on smoking in which tobacco smoking was deemed a “cause” of cancers based off of observational epidemiology, to the evaluation of the public health success of vaccinations, observational research plays an integral role in the formulation and evaluation of policy. By implication, it is clear that RCTs cannot be a prerequisite to set effective policy for reducing population disease burden. The ultimate goal for informing policy is strong external validity; that is, the generalizability of findings to the “real world” (8). As we will discuss, nutritional epidemiology provides us with a tool to achieve what other trial designs in nutrition do not. From a practical standpoint, a very tightly controlled nutrition intervention trial must be limited in duration (8). This means that, while informative, metabolic ward studies are only useful to answer certain research questions and examine underlying mechanisms, such as the influence of diet on blood lipids as risk factors for cardiovascular disease. However, it is essentially impossible to do a long-term controlled metabolic ward study on this issue to determine cause-effect relationships, since you’d have to lock people up in a metabolic ward for decades to do so. Similarly, performing a randomized controlled trial in nutrition involves asking subjects to change their behavior for the duration of the trial. Nutrition RCTs are therefore, by nature, behavioral trials, and therefore face the long-term issues of dietary compliance. Furthermore, we must consider that the influence of a nutrient on disease may depend on the nutrient status of the host, the dose exposure, and the stage of the natural history of the disease of interest (8,9). Nutrition RCTs going over several years therefore face significant practical limitations as well. Heaney R. Nutrients, Endpoints, and the Problem of Proof. The Journal of Nutrition. 2008;138(9):1591-1595. Vandenbroucke J. Adolphe Vorderman’s 1897 study on beriberi: an example of scrupulous efforts to avoid bias. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 2013;106(3):108-111. Mozaffarian D. Dietary and Policy Priorities for Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and Obesity. Circulation. 2016;133(2):187-225. Messina M, Lampe J, Birt D, Appel L, Pivonka E, Berry B et al. Reductionism and the Narrowing Nutrition Perspective. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2001;101(12):1416-1419. Trepanowski J, Ionnidis J. Perspective: Limiting Dependence on Nonrandomized Studies and Improving Randomized Trials in Human Nutrition Research: Why and How. Advances in Nutrition. 2018;Jul 1;9(4):367-377. Satija A, Stampfer M, Rimm E, Willett W, Hu F. Perspective: Are Large, Simple Trials the Solution for Nutrition Research?. Advances in Nutrition. 2018;9(4):378-387. Satija A, Yu E, Willett W, Hu F. Understanding Nutritional Epidemiology and Its Role in Policy. Advances in Nutrition. 2015;6(1):5-18. Hébert J, Frongillo E, Adams S, Turner-McGrievy G, Hurley T, Miller D et al. Perspective: Randomized Controlled Trials Are Not a Panacea for Diet-Related Research. Advances in Nutrition. 2016;7(3):423-432. Maki K, Slavin J, Rains T, Kris-Etherton P. Limitations of Observational Evidence: Implications for Evidence-Based Dietary Recommendations. Advances in Nutrition. 2014;5(1):7-15. Alan Flanagan is a lawyer and nutritionist based in Dublin, Ireland. In addition to his legal practice, Alan has a Masters in Nutritional Medicine at the University of Surrey and is pursuing his PhD. Alan founded Align Health as an online coaching practice, and as a medium to communicate evidence-based nutrition and health science to a lay audience. From working professionals to professional athletes, Alan provides science-based solutions and protocols to guide motivated individuals to their goals. Austin Baraki is a physician, strength coach, and competitive powerlifter based in Texas. His best lifts include a 615lb squat, 420lb bench press, and 675lb deadlift. In addition to being both incredibly strong and intelligent, he also has an affinity for cats. Seriously. He loves cats. Looking forward to the next one. I hadn’t really appreciated the limitations of RCTs in nutrition studies before. Nice read. Gives things to think about. Excellent series. You should link the next articles in previous ones. Also fix the broken links to previous articles in your later ones. Nice to see someone from Dublin is after joining the team. Really enjoying the great content too guys!
{ "perplexity_score": 334.1 }
[ [ 790317460899, 790317460997 ], [ 790317461176, 790317461468 ], [ 790317461740, 790317462037 ], [ 790317462712, 790317462938 ], [ 790317463725, 790317463951 ], [ 790317464652, 790317464747 ], [ 790317464811, 790317465043 ], [ 790317465510, 790317465742 ], [ 790317466636, 790317466800 ], [ 790317467112, 790317467176 ], [ 790317467412, 790317467576 ], [ 790317469003, 790317469070 ], [ 790317469915, 790317469966 ], [ 790317469981, 790317470252 ], [ 790317470379, 790317470455 ], [ 790317471116, 790317471169 ], [ 790317471359, 790317471457 ], [ 790317471460, 790317471530 ], [ 790317471546, 790317471602 ], [ 790317471603, 790317471851 ], [ 790317471964, 790317472019 ] ]
[ 242895441, 364867874, 361832682, 332760815 ]
Over the last 24 months there’s been a significant change in cloud contact center adoption, with enterprise-size organizations creating a fast growing market segment. While smaller businesses seemed to move earlier to the cloud, risk-averse enterprises have seen the light and are switching. This is an interesting and rapid change. And as a ‘true cloud’ provider, primarily delivering services to large customers (including enterprises, large service providers and telcos) it’s been an exciting time. So what are the benefits to enterprise customers of being truly “in the cloud”. Focus – Eliminating on-premise hardware, software, telco and refocusing the teams that managed those solutions allows IT departments to streamline and provide significant improvements in the services they provide. Save money – Cloud solutions are typically less expensive over time as the provider is responsible for all infrastructure, maintenance and upgrade costs. Rapid innovation to provide the experience your customers actually want – True cloud solutions provide the ability to design your solution the way that best serves your customers. Protecting yourself and your customers – With a cloud solution, enterprises don’t have to worry about staying up to date on security laws and staying ahead of the bad guys. That is done by the cloud provider. Platform28 was originally built to deliver cloud contact solutions to the Enterprise. We continue to innovate, improving user interfaces, real-time data feeds, and BI tools, as well as allowing our customers introduce innovations like deep learning and bots. We are dedicated to creating an intuitive agent experience and a flexible, customizable tool for the business user. We originally planned for issues of scale, security and consistency. Our competitors have been focused on transitioning their systems from premise-based to the cloud – dragging legacy customers, complex integrations and hardware dependencies with them. We’ve never faced those challenges in the cloud. As we grow and improve on a daily basis, our history and track record in the cloud market gives us a credibility that many Enterprises are seeking. We are proud of our 100% customer retention and work everyday to improve our platform to grow our business while maintaining the customers that have gotten us where we are today. For Platform28, the pieces have been in place from the beginning and as enterprises evaluate us, they are able to quickly see how our CaaS and PaaS services, and deep enterprise cloud experience, will help them immediately. We continue to expand the ability of our product by increasing the flexibility of our omni channel solutions to switch from channel to channel seamlessly. We are focussed on improving and expanding our databases to maintain our ability to grow and meet the needs of all businesses. We are also continuously investing to ensure a completely secure environment with the ever changing threats companies face. Built for the cloud – Unlike many call center solutions, Platform28 is able to provide the flexibility that companies need in a pure cloud environment. Ability to implement and communicate with multiple tools – Platform28’s API’s allow us to integrate with home grown and off the shelf software (WFM, CRM, etc). Omni channel solution – Platform28 offers everything that a call center needs to interact with and take care of their customers including, email, chat, phone, etc. Another reason enterprises were hesitant in the past to move to the cloud is due to the large number of legacy solutions they have in place. Platform28’s architecture allows us to adapt to legacy call center solutions as well as cutting edge technology that companies use to support their customers. This allows a company to change their internal solutions as they see fit without having to worry if it’s going to work with Platform28 which gives peace of mind. Enterprises looking for a call center solution that meet all of their needs often for less than what they are doing now will find that Platform28 was built with them in mind.
{ "perplexity_score": 412.2 }
[ [ 790317472539, 790317472831 ], [ 790317472870, 790317473043 ], [ 790317473281, 790317473335 ] ]
[ 364867875 ]
Developments in the e-Learning Programme were well represented at last week's JISC conference. Of particular interest was the announcement of a JISC Enterprise Working Group to evaluate The Open Group Architecture Framework for HE and FE. Steve Lay talks about the PyAssess project in the e-assessment domain which aimed to create an IMS QTI v2 compliant assessment system using Python and a means of migrating content between QTI versions 1 and 2. In the article Steve details the language incompatibilities that arose during the project and suggests that web services may provide the answer allowing: "better defined web services may help applications to break out of their language community silos". We spoke to Patrick Masson former Director of Technology for the SUNY Learning Network about what happened when they tried to implement a Service Oriented Architecture at the State University of New York, an institution with 64 campuses, 30,000 faculty and 414,000 students. Patrick reflects on the lessons he’s learned and how he plans to implement Service Oriented Architectures in his new role as CIO at SUNY Delhi College of Technology. It’s quite a long interview but will be of great interest to anyone thinking about implementing SOA in their institution. Michael Gardner describes the development of DELTA, a tool for practitioners which enables them to submit, search and retrieve distributed resources, based on standardized metadata and identified pedagogical contexts. This article will be of interest to those following the current debates around pedagogic ontologies versus folksonomies. In this article Brian Clark and Andrew Booth of the SOCKET toolkit project introduce the concept of the Service Oriented Learning Architecture (SOLA). "the vision of a SOLA presented here is one with a large number of diverse services that are micro-managed in an academic domain structure that is integrated using federated Web service registries. The means to quickly introduce and edit, new service compositions must be readily available with close working relationships between academics and developers." In this article Steve Bennett describes the Smirkboard to Perception toolkit demonstrator project which used Enterprise web services and the Sweet.net toolkit to transfer student and group data between Smirkboard (presentation software) and Question Mark Perception. Alex Little introduces the JoinIn project which has developed a toolkit which enables groups to be shared between the Moodle and LAMS open source VLEs. Alexis O'Connor and Adam Marshall introduce the TReCX (Tracking and Reporting in e-Learning Contexts) toolkit project which has developed interfaces and libraries to allow educators to gather tracking data from a range of e-learning toolks including blogs and wikis. A report from the JISC-CETIS conference held in Salford on the 14th and 15th November. This year, the focus was on "the gap between learning within the (fire)wall of a well-established institution and learning on the wild web and beyond." For the last 18 months a group of six JISC funded projects have been mapping and modelling a number of e-learning domains to provide a link between the e-Framework for Education and Research services and users. On the 10th October these projects gathered at Aston University to share and reflect on those experiences and to pass on their wisdom to those wishing to bid into the next round of funding. Gary Wills and Lester Gilbert explain the R2Q2 toolkit project which has built web services to display and process questions using version 2 of the IMS Question and Test Interoperability specification. In this article Brian Clark and Andrew Booth give a non-technical introduction to the SOCKET (Service Oriented Consumer Kit for ELF tools) project which enables external resources to be plugged in to an existing VLE. The exchanging course related information (XCRI) project has produced a prototype web service aggregator which will allow students to locate courses they’re interested in through a Google Maps like interface. A brief report from the Joint meeting of the JISC-CETIS Enterprise and Portfolio Special Interest Groups where the LIPID, SUNIWE and XCRI projects reported on the highs and lows of using web services. Last week was the 13th International ALT conference held in Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. There was a lot of interest in personal learning environments and what effect their widespread use will have on institutions.
{ "perplexity_score": 371 }
[ [ 790317476722, 790317476776 ], [ 790317477505, 790317477555 ], [ 790317480215, 790317480274 ], [ 790317480960, 790317481010 ] ]
[ 364867876 ]
Liquidity Network (LQD) is a cryptocurrency token and operates on the Ethereum platform. Liquidity Network has a current supply of 100,000,000 LQD with 43,134,645 LQD in circulation. The last known price of Liquidity Network is 0.064896 USD and is down 3.29% over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 7 active market(s) with 156,430 USD traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://liquidity.network/.
{ "perplexity_score": 257.9 }
[ [ 790317481129, 790317481568 ] ]
[ 150585152, 260523024, 364867877, 211813853 ]
Stockbroker by day, alleged violent Hells Angel by night: 15 years after his arrest, fugitive biker back for murder case – Droban’s explosive book, Running with the Devil, featured in The Washington Post, as stockbroker/Hells Angel finally brought to justice. Union College Winter Magazine – Alumni feature and interview with Kerrie Droban on pg. 49. What is it about gang culture that causes an argument or dispute to escalate into something like the Waco incident? Criminal defense attorney Kerrie Droban explains with background on the two gangs believed to be involved. A Socialite Scorned: The Murder of Gary Triano, was featured on American Greed, Dateline and in “Murders and Mansions” produced by La Brea Entertainment. Vagos, Mongols and Outlaws: My Infiltration into America’s Deadliest Biker Gangs, (St. Martin’s, Winter 2013) is now a popular television series entitled, “Gangland Undercover”.
{ "perplexity_score": 446.6 }
[ [ 790317482145, 790317482300 ], [ 790317482343, 790317482419 ] ]
[ 39411334, 364867878 ]
There are 171,198 people in the U.S. with the first name Tim. There are 25,268 people in the U.S. with the last name Mcgraw. There are 13 people in the U.S. named Tim Mcgraw. people with the name Tim Mcgraw in the U.S.A.
{ "perplexity_score": 80.6 }
[ [ 790317482482, 790317482608 ] ]
[ 364867879 ]
How do food manufacturers and supermarkets trick consumers into believing they’re buying quality foods, healthy products and bargain deals when in fact it could be a rip off or at least certainly not what it appears. Through a series of fun and surprising stunts we discover how much the public knows about the food they buy and eat. Watch and learn- are you been taken for a ride on your weekly shop?
{ "perplexity_score": 572.6 }
[ [ 790317482782, 790317482847 ] ]
[ 364867880, 82816071 ]
If there is a gateway game that is responsible for bringing more gamers in than any other (except possibly Settlers of Catan, if you’re one of those Euro types), it has to be Milton Bradley’s mainstream busting Robert-E-Howard-‘em-up HeroQuest. Most gaming groups are exactly like this (Essex accent optional). Dungeon crawls had been around for a while as pen and paper games, and this was in 1988 – the middle of the gamebook boom. Fantasy gaming was as big as it ever had been (or was again, until World of Warcraft pushed it back into the public eye). With its over-the-top TV advert that looked like those games that the big kids were always playing, combined with proper Citadel miniatures (most games back them either had generic pawns, or cardboard counters) it attracted my interest, and the interest of countless others. With one player as Morcar, the Evil Wizard (essentially a GM) and up to four other players stepping in the shoes of either the Barbarian, Elf, Dwarf or Wizard, you journeyed off on quests, and stabberised up Orc after Orc after Orc; and it was in the quests that the game differed from anything else that had hitherto been seen. With most boardgames you set up, you knew what the goal was...and you competed to try and complete it first. HeroQuest, however, took its cue from the field of role-playing games, and each “Quest” was a different one. Some meant you have to journey into the heart of a dungeon and destroy a vicious Gargoyle. There was one where you had to rescue a prince and help him to escape. And I remember there was one where the heroes all started split up, and you had to find each other before the rest of the quest could be completed! Sure, that doesn’t seem much now, but back then it was virtually unheard of to be able to walk into somewhere like Toys R Us, Argos or Woolworths and pick up what was essentially an RPG. Of course, all this waffling and backstory would be for nothing if the game turned out to be a bad one – but, it wasn’t. As I mentioned earlier, it was a perfect gateway game. The heroes turn was incredibly simple...movement was 2d6 per turn, and you could move, and attack or use a special ability. The Dwarf could remove traps, the Elf and the Wizard could both use magic, and the Barbarian could...well, he couldn’t do anything else, but his attack was camel punchingly hard anyway, so that never rained on the Barbarian player’s parade anyway. The Morcar/GM player’s turn was similarly easy. The monsters had their movement, health and attack scores on quick reference cards, and they moved and attacked as the player wished. The levels WERE generally weighted in the favour of the heroes, but that never seemed to matter too much, as everyone was generally having too much fun to care. HeroQuest was supported by a number of expansion packs (another first for a mainstream boardgame, as far as I’m aware), including Return of the Witch Lord (a direct sequel to the last adventure in the base set), Against the Ogre Horde and Wizards of Morcar, which added extra rules and monsters in the base set. HeroQuest’s influence can still be felt in every dungeon crawl board game, from Space Crusade up to Castle Ravenloft. I still have my copy and, whilst it may have been superseded by Fantasy Flight Games’ Descent: Journeys in the Dark, I’d still never part with it. I’ve got too many good memories invested in that box. HeroQuest is currently out of print, but copies of varying condition turn up at bootfairs and eBay very frequently.
{ "perplexity_score": 324.1 }
[ [ 790317486377, 790317486429 ] ]
[ 364867881, 274400301 ]
In honor of Seamus Heaney – his most quoted lines. Poems often speak to our hearts in a voice we cannot hear otherwise. Remember what matters most is The Mission and that means trying to make the world a bit kinder for all you meet; seeking peace any way you can.
{ "perplexity_score": 554 }
[ [ 790317486753, 790317486867 ] ]
[ 364867882 ]
Data Quality is not a one man job, it requires coordination and Enterprise Class tools so that the Business can engage in the process. Intricity is conducting an outreach with our solution architects to help organizations plan an effective Data Governance program leveraging the markets best practices and tools. Sign up today for a data quality packet provided by our partner, Informatica. In this packet you will receive two insightful articles, one from TDWI on Using Data Quality to Start and Sustain Data Governance, and another that highlights Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Data Quality Tools. Both articles provide insightful details that can act as good platforms for further follow up with the Intricity solution team.
{ "perplexity_score": 848.2 }
[ [ 790317487454, 790317487504 ] ]
[ 364867883 ]
To be eligible for Sooper Credit Union membership, you must meet one of the following qualifications. You must also open and maintain a share savings account which is required for membership with a minimum balance of $5.00. Limit one checking account per membership. Before proceeding, please confirm your eligibility below. I am an employee of King Soopers and City Market. I am an employee of Sooper Credit Union Partners. Click here for a list of these partners. I am a family member of current members. I am 55 or older living within 25 miles of a Sooper Credit Union branch. I am a member of Consumers United Credit Union. By checking this checkbox, I confirm I am eligible for membership as indicated above. I also understand that a share savings account with a minimum of $5.00 is also a requirement of membership and that I am limited to only one checking account per membership.
{ "perplexity_score": 503.6 }
[ [ 790317487662, 790317487739 ], [ 790317487780, 790317487857 ], [ 790317487902, 790317487962 ], [ 790317488160, 790317488218 ], [ 790317488263, 790317488376 ] ]
[ 364867884, 27238781 ]
Premium quality brown opal gemstone beads, pendants and cabochons for jewelry making and designing. Carefully selected gemstones help you create outstanding necklaces, bracelets and earrings. Brown opal with or without fire, can be translucent or opaque. Brown Opal helps you move forward in life. It has been used as a scrying stone and is especially useful for looking into you. Brown Opal can help relieve depression and is useful in the treatment of digestive problems; some say that it is the “key” to the treatment of bulimia. It has also been used in the treatment of menstrual cramps and period pains effectively. Although all Opals are good for eyesight Brown Opal is particularly beneficial. Brown Opals are prized for their rich play of colors with the higher quality specimens displaying more of this characteristic. Jewelry makers enjoy using brown opals in designs partially due to this quality. The colors of opal include white, gray, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, magenta, rose, pink, slate, olive, brown and black, with red on black being the rarest. The exception to this is brown opal which doesn’t seem to need hydration and love sunlight. It is implied that brown opal soothes the eyes and the nerves. Brown opal is hard to find, trust us! We love this stone because it combines the natural earthy gemstone look with the unmatched beauty of the glowing brown color-play of opal. Our Brown Opal gemstone beads are comprised of beautiful brown ironstone, with its delicate layers of chocolate and golden brown, marbled with absolutely gorgeous veins of precious opal. This is an extremely rare and special stone – snap it up while you can! We offer brown opal gemstone beads in many different sizes.
{ "perplexity_score": 345.5 }
[ [ 790317488556, 790317488723 ], [ 790317489069, 790317489126 ], [ 790317489237, 790317489359 ], [ 790317489438, 790317489602 ] ]
[ 364867885 ]
Aaberg said that a number of media outlets had reported that the teachers association leadership is interested in renewed negotiations with the district. “Although we have not been contacted by union leaders, we hope these reports are accurate and that union negotiators have prepared a proposal or counter-proposal for discussion,” Aaberg said in the news release. If so, she said, it would be the first proposal or counter-proposal offered by the union since January. Luetgens said the teachers have made it clear that they are ready to discuss the impasse, saying they are prepared to resume negotiations this weekend. The union made the last overture, she said, and the ball is now in the district’s court. Unless union leaders hear from the district this weekend, teachers plan to be on the picket lines again Monday, Luetgens said. Whatever the union’s decision, Aaberg said, district schools will remain open Monday and she encouraged parents to send their children to school. The Yuba City Unified School District, about 45 miles north of Sacramento, has about 13,300 students in 18 schools, including preschool classes. The strike revolves around the teachers association’s contention that they are underpaid compared to other California teachers and that the disparity is driving teachers elsewhere. Aaberg has said that union leaders are ignoring an offer on the table that would bring the top teacher salary in the district to $95,000. The labor group says Yuba City teachers make 13 percent less than the state average. School officials say that a 13 percent raise would have dire financial consequences for the district.
{ "perplexity_score": 264.6 }
[ [ 790317491187, 790317491321 ], [ 790317491326, 790317491418 ], [ 790317491438, 790317491575 ], [ 790317491588, 790317491722 ], [ 790317491726, 790317491894 ] ]
[ 262291192, 364867886 ]
This GENERAL RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY (this “Release”) executed by (“Guest”) in favor of THE FOUNDATION FOR INSPIRED LIVING, INC., a New York not-for-profit corporation (the “Foundation”), the Foundation’s members, managers, employees, agents, contractors and subcontractors, and its respective successors and assigns, Raymond A. Cappo and Bridget Kathleen Cappo, their employees, agents, heirs, and assigns (“Cappo”), and Supersoul LLC, d/b/a Supersoul Yoga ™ and Supersoul Farm ™, a New York limited liability company, its members, managers, employees, agents, contractors and subcontractors, and its respective successors and assigns (“Supersoul”) (The Foundation, Cappo and Supersoul are collectively referred to as the “Released Parties”). WHEREAS, Guest understands that the Guest Activities may include inherently dangerous activities and risks, both known and unknown, including without limitation, constructing, refurbishing, and rehabilitating residential buildings and other facilities both on and off the Premises; clearing and processing of timber, including the chopping of trees and processing of firewood and/or lumber (including the use of axes, chainsaws, and “wood splitters”); use and exposure to the use of ladders, heavy machinery, power tools, including, but not limited to, table saws, chainsaws, power drills, and pneumatic nail and staplers; being transported to and from work site locations by the Foundation; exposure to domesticated animals including sheep, and wild animals as may be located on or enter onto the Premises; and exposure to and consuming food in the course of such activities. Waiver and Release. Guest does hereby agrees to release, indemnify and forever discharge and hold harmless the Released Parties from any and all liability, claims, damages, and demands of whatever kind or nature, either in law or in equity, which arise or may hereafter arise from Guest's participation in the Guest Activities and Guest's presence on the Premises or otherwise. Guest understands that this Release discharges the Released Parties from any liability or claim that Guest may have against the Released Parties with respect to any bodily injury, personal injury, illness, death or property damage that may result from Guest's participation in the Guest Activities, whether caused by the negligence of the Released Parties or otherwise. Guest also understands that the Released Parties do not assume any responsibility for or obligation to provide financial assistance, including but not limited to medical, health or disability insurance. Insurance. Guest understands that the Released Parties do not carry or maintain health, medical, or disability insurance coverage for any Guest. Guest is expected and encouraged to arrive with medical or health insurance coverage in effect. Without in any way limiting the foregoing, or any other provision of this Releaser, Guest expressly agrees that in no event shall Guest look to the insurance carried by any contractor or subcontractor engaged by the Released Parties in connection with any liability, claims, damages or demands asserted by Guest. Medical Treatment. Guest does hereby release and forever discharge the Released Parties from any claim whatsoever which arises or may hereafter arise on account of any first aid, treatment, or service rendered in connection with Guest's participation in the Guest Activities or with the decision by any representative or agent of the Released Parties to exercise the power to consent to medical or dental treatment. Assumption of the Risk. Guest understands that the Guest Activities may include activities that may be hazardous to Guest, and that food, accommodations, equipment and supplies may be donated to the Released Parties and may be beyond the control of the Released Parties. Guest hereby expressly and specifically assumes the risk of injury or harm in the activities of Guest's participation in the Guest Activities. Waiver of Worker’s Compensation Claims. Guest intends to participate as a volunteer in the Guest Activities for the benefit of the Foundation, and will receive no compensation or remuneration for services, and hereby agrees and acknowledges that Foundation does not provide worker's compensation insurance for volunteer participants. Other. Guest expressly agrees that this Release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of New York, and that this Release shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New York. Guest agrees that in the event that any clause or provision of this Release shall be held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such clause or provision shall not otherwise affect the remaining provisions of this Release which shall continue to be enforceable.
{ "perplexity_score": 347.2 }
[ [ 790317491898, 790317491974 ], [ 790317491979, 790317493092 ], [ 790317493093, 790317493551 ], [ 790317493556, 790317493857 ], [ 790317493914, 790317494010 ], [ 790317494014, 790317494493 ], [ 790317494498, 790317494620 ], [ 790317494632, 790317494807 ], [ 790317494858, 790317495029 ], [ 790317495030, 790317495265 ], [ 790317495299, 790317495568 ], [ 790317495573, 790317495819 ], [ 790317495853, 790317495906 ], [ 790317495962, 790317496749 ] ]
[ 364867887, 226903 ]
See How Your Issues Fare in the Governor's New Budget! As in most years, we've put together a graphic highlighting programs of special interest to PathWays PA and our clients. Please take a look and let us know what you think of the Governor's proposed funding methods.
{ "perplexity_score": 519.4 }
[ [ 790317496915, 790317496986 ] ]
[ 364867888 ]
New Hub Auto as a business is new to the area, while it’s sister business, AES also in Menifee, has been in business for over 9 years. New Hub Auto will offer the same courteous service, expertise, maintenance and repair with better than dealership prices. With each service and repair we offer comes our 12 month, 12,000 mile, warranty so that you feel comfortable coming to us with your vehicle’s service and repair issues. Our friendly and courteous technicians are all ASE certified. They are trained and experienced on all service and repairs. So call us for an appointment today. Or, just come on by our shop during business hours. We’d like to get acquainted and have you prefer us as your dealer alternative auto repair shop in Menifee; also serving Sun City. Remember that all of our professional services preserve your vehicle’s warranty. Our number one priority is to get you back on the road and keep your vehicle running at it’s very best.
{ "perplexity_score": 487 }
[ [ 790317497283, 790317497980 ] ]
[ 364867889 ]
A funny thing happens when you travel – you see things with fresh eyes. I recently traveled with my family to Europe and Malaysia. Looking back on my trip, there were a number of memorable experiences that made me reflect on the brands I work with at TANK every day. Some are loose connections. Others have inspired my work since getting back. I’ve captured five of those experiences here – call it a traveler’s guide to branding. So let’s get on our way. Walking around the Acropolis of Athens, and standing at the foot of Parthenon, was breathtaking. One of those moments you can strike off your bucket list. But what really impressed me, almost as much as seeing this magnificent site, was how the artifacts and ruins had been masterfully incorporated into the stunning, modern museum sitting in the shadow of the Acropolis. The architecture of the museum has a strength and simplicity about it, inspired from its surrounds. It’s a wonderful example of the past influencing the future – but not restricting it. In fact it’s made it even more relevant and accessible. The museum allows you to interact and immerse yourself in the history of the Acropolis, such as the glass floor revealing excavations underneath. It demands you to look deeper, explore further, and learn more. It’s the same when we start working with an organisation on a branding effort. The first step is to to look at what has influenced the brand’s journey to this point – the foundations it has been built on – and use this knowledge to help inform its future direction. Things like the brand’s inherent values. The key milestones that have marked its history. Its personality and what it stands for. Once we begin to dig deep into the meaning behind a brand, we can begin to shape its branding strategy to set it on a new course. If you’ve ever been to Paris, you can’t help but be amazed by the Metro train system. It runs like clock work. Every train. Every time. And it makes the complicated easy to navigate – a harmonious combination of maps, screens and staff ready to help at every station. The best thing about it is you have total faith in the network. You can plan your day and night around it – and you can rely on it. In a busy city that’s gold. With an ‘under-the-pump’ client (which is every client), responding quickly builds trust, confidence and loyalty. It can’t be underestimated, because if you start to become slack in how you respond, your clients will notice – and likely leave. Make sure you have the systems in place to ensure you don’t let your client down. That means a responsive account management team who know the brand inside and out. Or robust project management processes and online collaboration tools that allow the smooth and efficient flow of jobs and tasks through the studio. It sounds obvious, but if you don’t have these things in place, it can easily bring a project – and client relationship – undone. While holidaying on Santorini in the Aegean Islands I discovered the ‘Oia factor’. It’s when all the elements of a brand come together in perfect harmony. Let me explain. Oia is an amazing and beautiful place, known for its blue and white architecture and mesmerising sunsets. What captivated me is how strong a brand’s identity can be when all its elements are aligned. In Oia’s case, the distinct and consistent look and feel of its architecture creates a sublime union with the turquoise waters and orange sunsets that frame the island. The result is overwhelming; unforgettable – and simply draws you in. This is what we strive for in defining a brand’s identity. Aligning all of the elements (such as brandmark, voice, visual language, communications, behaviour) to create a brand of substance that is memorable, instantly recognisable, and above all, true to itself. When you achieve this – the Oia factor – a brand will not only be seen, it will be remembered and valued. And it will connect with the audience on an entirely new level – one that makes it stand out from the rest. One thing I noticed on the streets of Penang, is that everyone paid strict attention to the traffic lights. Although there was organised chaos on the roads, there was calm at the lights. I wondered why? The answer was a digital sign at the lights. Nothing revolutionary. It simply ticked down so the drivers knew how long they had to get through the lights until they went to red. It struck me how obvious this idea was. Why haven’t I seen anything like this here? In branding, I don’t know how many times it’s proven that the simple ideas work the best – and have the most meaning. That’s the type of reaction you dream of. One thing that Europeans have mastered is the art of celebrating. If you’ve ever been late out at night having dinner in any part of Europe, you know what I mean. They know how to embrace the moment – and enjoy it. Too many times we don’t celebrate wins and successes with our team or our clients. We get caught up in the day-to-day and lose sight of what’s important. Enjoying the moment. There’s nothing better than seeing a brand take flight or make its mark on the world. It’s why we do what we do. So when we get the chance to celebrate we should jump at it. Your team will thank you, and your clients will love you for it. With the holiday now a distant memory, it’s fun to look back on the experience and put into practice some of the things I’ve learned. Hopefully you can take something away from this experience too.
{ "perplexity_score": 279.5 }
[ [ 790317499791, 790317499844 ], [ 790317500475, 790317500526 ], [ 790317502923, 790317502979 ], [ 790317503331, 790317503445 ] ]
[ 364867890, 51993558 ]
We all started developing our listening skills way back in kindergarten, but how many of us have actually worked to foster those skills over the course of our lives? The answer: not many. Being a good listener is a rare quality among adults—yet it is a skill that can help to deepen connections, relationships, friendships, and even help to further your career. Ask yourself: are you a good listener? Before you immediately answer yes, it’s important to consider that your listening skills probably aren’t as great as you think. Here are the telltale signs of a not-so-great listener. Are you guilty of constantly blurting out your thoughts without regard to anyone else? One major no-no of being a good listener is interrupting. This can be a difficult impulse to control, but try to be mindful of it. The whole point of listening is to allow someone else to get their point of view across. Don’t interject or blurt out thoughts when the other person is speaking. Your perspective can wait. Make the other person feel heard. 2. You minimize others’ feelings. Don’t make your friend feel bad for having the feelings they have. Don’t diminish their concerns. Do you say things like, ”It couldn‘t have been that bad,” or, “I‘m sure you‘re exaggerating.”? That can actually be extremely insensitive. Listen to a person and acknowledge the reality they see. It may be different from your own, but that doesn’t make it wrong. Appreciate their perspective, and do not minimize their feelings. 3. You give unsolicited advice. You are not automatically in the therapist’s seat every time you listen. You do not have to advise—in fact, you shouldn’t. Listening is not lecturing. Only give advice when someone directly asks for it. Even then, tread cautiously. Your body language speaks volumes. If you are rolling your eyes, crossing your arms, looking uncomfortable, impatient, or bored, you aren’t creating a safe and secure environment for your friend to communicate. The best way to avoid this is to actually be engaged in the conversation. Don’t let your mind drift. Don’t pick up your phone. Don’t glaze over. Be in the present—mentally and physically—and you’ll even look like a better listener. There is such a thing as too much listening. You have to interact. If you are silent and unresponsive while your friend monologues, it can come off as though you haven’t been listening at all. You have to engage and just let the person know that you hear them. Listening isn’t a passive activity—you have to be actively involved. 6. Your phone is on the table. There is nothing more disheartening than to see a friend checking their phone while you’re spilling your guts, right? Remember that the next time your phone buzzes during a conversation. Eye contact is really important. Don’t glance at a screen during a conversation, not even for a moment. In fact, keep your phone off the table altogether. It’s rude, and it is a great way to show you aren’t really listening or prioritizing the conversation. 7. You listen, but you don’t actually hear. You actually need to process what other people are saying. It’s not enough to just sit and nod your head. Try to really hear what the other person is saying. Use your big brain to process sentences, feelings, emotions, and body language to bring some quality support to the table. It takes practice, but if you focus, you’ll be amazed at how much more you can pick up on. We’ve all been guilty of being a bad listener at one point or another. No one is perfect. But that doesn’t give us the excuse to stop improving upon our listening skills. To become a better listener, all you have to do is actively listen. Be engaged. Be present. Open up a space for your friend to freely communicate, feel comfortable, and feel free of judgement. Really lend an ear, and your relationships will be so much richer for it. Lack of listening has caused me to walk away and limit numerous interactions. Lack of listening creates an atmosphere of isolation among company. Thanks. This year more listening and less talking.
{ "perplexity_score": 347.9 }
[ [ 790317504820, 790317504871 ], [ 790317505355, 790317505406 ], [ 790317506024, 790317506075 ], [ 790317506190, 790317506245 ], [ 790317506619, 790317506674 ], [ 790317506902, 790317506959 ], [ 790317507037, 790317507088 ] ]
[ 364867891, 138912948, 74636243, 200855911, 284251305, 134427979 ]
This two-story three bedroom family home, with side entrance, is in marvelous condition throughout and has been wonderfully maintained since its build in 2005. On the ground floor is a fully tiled entrance hall and guest w/c. The living room, which is front facing, is fitted with double doors that open into the spacious kitchen located to the rear of the property. This enviable kitchen is fitted with bright solid oak units,integrated appliances and is tiled throughout. With french doors giving direct access to the patio and fully fenced back garden, the ground floor can be opened right up - great for entertaining, or just to allow the natural light to flood through the property. With only one stairs to climb, dissimilar to some of the three-story properties in the same development, this home is far more desirable than most with all three bedrooms on the first floor. The stairs, landing and three bedrooms are beautifully carpeted, which give this captivating property a homely warmth. The master bedroom, complete with tiled en-suite, is a spacious, well lit room with tasteful storage built in and overlooks a mature green area to the front of the property. Both second and third bedrooms are good sized double bedrooms suitable for many uses if desired. To the front of the home is a cobble locked driveway which provides off street private parking and also the addition of extra car spaces adjacent to property. Finished with solid oak interior doors with chrome handles and desirable rationale doors and windows, the quality invested into both interior and exterior of this property is evident at first glance. This property is in turnkey condition throughout. All of the work has been done for you! The location of the property is enviable and cannot be over-stressed. Just a short distance from the Callan Road, all thinkable amenities are but a short distance from your doorstep. Kilkenny is steeped in culture and has all you need or expect including hospitals, schools, shopping centres and an array of cafes, bars and restaurants. This Semi-Detached House located at 21 Burrells Walk, College Park, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny is currently for sale. This property was last updated by Property Partners Buggy 5 days ago. 21 Burrells Walk, College Park, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny is priced as: €245,000 and has 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms. View all properties for sale in Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny. View properties for sale with 3 bedrooms in Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny.
{ "perplexity_score": 284.3 }
[ [ 790317509617, 790317510004 ] ]
[ 364867892 ]
Open house events allow potential families to come and tour Monona Grove Nursery School. It’s a great time to talk with the teachers while your child freely explores the classrooms. Feel free to bring the entire family. Get your questions answered and meet our outstanding staff. Of course you are welcome to tour the school, meet with the teachers and the director at any time. Just contact us via the web or call (608) 222-4633 to set up an appointment.
{ "perplexity_score": 607.2 }
[ [ 790317510414, 790317510465 ] ]
[ 221588545, 345119058, 364867893 ]
How do you feel about the materials around you? BRE (The Building Research Establishment) is carrying out a research project looking at people's views of interior materials and the role they have in delivering well-being. A transparent nanocomposite film, composed of clay and polyethylenimine (PEI), has been produced as a potential alternative gas barrier to metal foil for food packaging. The film's main appeal is its optical transparency of 86%, which make it ideal for branding purposes. The Defence, Safety and Security Committee (DSSC) are pleased to announce the launch of a photographic competition with the theme "Materials for Defence, Safety or Security". Researchers from the universities of Strathclyde and Seville are hoping an unfired composite brick made from alginate, clay soil and Scottish-sourced wool will catch on, with the revived interest in natural and locally-sourced building materials. A Californian company that is salvaging waste sanitaryware and turning it into premium ceramics believes it is the first USA-based company to do so, exploiting a proprietory recycling process. A compact solution for energy-efficient dry milling could turn industrial by-products that had previously been considered waste into commercial products, says a UK firm. A lightweight, biodegradable, aerogel made from clay and milk protein could provide a feasible alternative to plastic packaging foam, claim USA scientists. A new deposit of clay from the Afyon province in Western Turkey could be the answer to the country’s growing tile industry. Structures that can withstand anything man or nature throws at them are not simply unrealistic fodder for a Hollywood action film - materials scientists and engineers worldwide are quietly working to make protective construction a reality.
{ "perplexity_score": 329.3 }
[ [ 790317511655, 790317511706 ] ]
[ 169811524, 364867894 ]
No Fire Zone director Callum Macrae described the charges against Lena as “a disgrace”. (SALEM, Ore.) - The acquittal of leading human rights defender Lena Hendry on charges of breaching Malaysia’s draconian censorship laws has been welcomed by film-makers, actors and artists around the world. Ms Hendry was accused of screening the award-winning documentary No Fire Zone: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka – a film about human rights abuses at the end of Sri Lanka’s civil war – to an invited audience in July 2013. (SALEM, Ore.) - The Oregon Senate today passed HB 3025 by a vote of 21 to 8. The legislation will prohibit employers from including questions about applicants’ criminal history on job applications. HB 3025 now heads to the House for a concurrent vote and then to Governor Kate Brown for her signature. "As Oregonians, we believe that anyone who makes a mistake and learns from it deserves a second chance," said Tom Chamberlain, President of Oregon AFL-CIO and member of Fair Chance For All. Both received stabbing injuries from a weapon belonging to one of the men. (JOSEPHINE COUNTY, Ore.) - Two Cave Junction men were treated for stabbing injuries after an altercation which occurred outside of a residence in the Cave Junction area. One man was treated and released and the other was taken into surgery for treatment related to the incident. On March 16th, 2015, at approximately 1:46 PM, the Josephine County Sheriff's Office, along with troopers from the Oregon State Police Grants Pass work site responded to a report of a stabbing which occurred at 486 South Redwood Highway in Cave Junction. (SALEM, Ore.) - On Monday the 23rd at about 1:00 a.m., a male, portraying to have a weapon in his pocket, entered the Plaid Pantry, located at 4617 Silverton Road NE and demanded cash. The male is described as mixed race, approximately 6'3" tall, medium build, wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt, blue hooded jacket, dark colored pants and dark colored shoes. Both Troopers involved in the pursuit have been placed on paid administrative leave. (SALEM, Ore.) - 22-year old Gustavo Isabel Vega (CORRECTED NAME), of Boring, has now been lodged at the Marion County Jail. He is facing the charges of Parole Violation, Attempt to Elude the Police and Resisting Arrest. The investigation into last week's event is still on-going and there is no additional information regarding this case at this time. Mr. Vega is scheduled for court on 02/04/15 at 3:00 p.m., at the Marion County Circuit Court Annex. (WASHINGTON D.C.) - A former CIA officer was convicted Monday by a federal jury in Alexandria, Virginia, of illegally disclosing national defense information and obstructing justice. “This is a just and appropriate outcome,” said Attorney General Holder. “The defendant’s unauthorized disclosures of classified information compromised operations undertaken in defense of America’s national security. (LA PINE, Ore.) - Information from on-scene commanders indicates that just before 2:00 A.M., Sunday morning, 9-1-1 call centers received a report of shots being fired at or into a residence, south of La Pine. Troopers learned the suspect, identified as 31-year-old Gary Davis, of La Pine, had threatened a man at that location previously. Shortly before 7:00 A.M., troopers tracked Davis to a residence in La Pine where he was staying with his girlfriend.
{ "perplexity_score": 257.9 }
[ [ 790317512621, 790317512753 ], [ 790317512897, 790317512989 ], [ 790317513627, 790317513681 ], [ 790317514114, 790317514189 ], [ 790317514200, 790317514252 ], [ 790317514616, 790317514666 ], [ 790317514895, 790317514974 ], [ 790317515061, 790317515116 ] ]
[ 114238696, 299100342, 364867895 ]
I noted this issue while reviewing Mark's patch to disable SSLv3 proposed for Tomcat 6, but it is present in the code before that patch and is reproducible with 6.0.42. 2. Set sslEnabledProtocols property on that connector to some random value. and specify a password value of "changeit". "Your name" field is "localhost", the other fields are "Unknown". 4. Expected: Connector start failure due to broken configuration. The "getEnabledProtocols(..)" method filters requested protocols vs. socket.getSupportedProtocols(). If there is no match, it returns null. Thus instead of failing with a message, it silently falls back to using the default list of enabled protocols on a socket. The problem is that the default protocol list may be less secure, that server administrator has tried to configure. I think that silent filtering of sslEnabledProtocols by socket.getSupportedProtocols() is wrong. In case of a typo, e.g. sslEnabledProtocols="TLSv1,foo" the "foo" value shall cause a configuration error instead of being silently filtered. It actually was @1632897 + Mark's 2014-10-17-poodle-tc6-v1.patch, so the line numbers of NioEndpoint.java in the stacktrace differ by a small offset. Updated patch proposed for 6.0.x to address this. This has been fixed in 6.0.x for 6.0.43 onwards.
{ "perplexity_score": 628.2 }
[ [ 790317516889, 790317516942 ] ]
[ 364867896 ]
We have a new #1 team! My work on HSQBRank is kindly sponsored by many people via Patreon. If you’d like to see your name here, please go to my Patreon and sign up to make a pledge. Just $1 a month means your name is listed as a sponsor on every public facing post I make from that point forward for the length of your patronage. $5 a month gets you early access to new rankings in addition to exclusive podcasts I plan on making in the near future. I think the PPB you used for us(Northview) on the FACTS set was at the varsity Commerce CLAUSE, but I believe that set used bounce backs on bonuses.
{ "perplexity_score": 652.8 }
Report item - opens in a new window or tab Description current Shipping and payments eBay item number:222346451554 Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Last updated on Jan 17, 2017 22:23:57 PST View all revisions Item specifics Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag. See the seller's listing for full details. See all condition definitions- opens in a new window or tab ... Read moreabout the condition Brand: Piel Leather Store Categories All categories Piel Leather Urban Vertical Messenger Bag 2875 This messenger bag features a main compartment with a padded laptop pocket (11.5" x 13" x 2"), full organizer, and open pocket. It has a flap-over with magnetic closure that reveals a front zip-pocket, as well as a rear zip-pocket and adjustable shoulder strap. About Us Shipping Returns Contact Us Shoebuy is the largest retailer on the Internet focused on all categories of footwear and related apparel and accessories. Shoebuy has partnerships with over 1,400 manufacturers and represents over 1,000,000 products from top brands including Aerosoles, Allen-Edmonds, Bass, Bostonian, Brooks, Bruno Magli, Clarks, Crocs, Dr. Martens, Easy Spirit, ECCO, Florsheim, Franco Sarto, Hush Puppies, Johnston & Murphy, Keds, K-Swiss, Mephisto, Merrell, Naturalizer, New Balance, Patagonia, PUMA, Reebok, Rockport, Samsonite, Saucony, Sebago, Skechers, Sperry Top-Sider, Stride Rite, Stuart Weitzman, Timberland, and many more. Shoebuy is rated one of the top eTailers in the country for outstanding service by BizRate and in the top 10 in online retail satisfaction for apparel/accessories by Foresee Results. About Us Shipping Returns Contact Us We currently offer Free Shipping to the 50 United States and APO or FPO addresses. We do not ship to P.O. Box addresses. Restrictions: We do not currently offer shipping to US Protectorates or international locations outside of the United States for our eBay customers. Delivery Time: Please allow 3-10 business days for receipt within the United States when you order with free UPS Standard Ground Service. NOTE: APO or FPO addresses may take a few extra days for receipt due to special handling requirements. As a general rule, processing time plus shipping time equals total delivery time. Processing time typically ranges from 1-3 business days. Processing time includes receiving your order and packing the item for shipping. After processing is complete and shipping begins, shipping time is the UPS transit time from our warehouse(s) to your shipping address. About Us Shipping Returns Contact Us We've made some changes to our return policy effective 8/1/2015. Purchases made on or before 7/31/2015 will be eligible for Free Returns through the 60-day return window. We currently DO NOT accept exchanges for our eBay customers. If you choose to return for a refund, we’ll give you a prepaid return-shipping label and a refund for the amount you paid for the returning item, minus a $6.95 restocking fee per item. We will provide you with one pre-paid UPS shipping label to return your order to us. Because we provide you with ONLY ONE pre-paid shipping label per order, we suggest you wait for receipt of all items on your order before beginning the return process. After receiving all items on your order, please place all return items into one shipping box (any type of shipping box) to take advantage of the free return postage. Free return postage does not apply to orders/merchandise being returned from locations outside of the United States and APO/FPO locations. To learn how to make a return, please see our full returns page. 60 Day Money Back Guarantee: You can return your order for up to 60 days from the purchase date. Items that you return must be in the condition that you received them and in the original box. Shoebuy does not guarantee wear or tear or any damage unrelated to the manufacturer. About Us Shipping Returns Contact Us Feel free to contact us via "Ask Seller a question" and we will respond within 24-48 hours. Any inquiries submitted on non-business days will be responded to by the next business day. International Orders: Returns are simple. Just send us back your item (you're responsible for return shipping charges). We'll give you a refund for the amount you paid for the returning item. Unfortunately, we cannot reimburse for original shipping fees, duties or taxes associated with international orders. FINE DETAILS · Items must be sent back within 60 days from the purchase date, though during the holiday season (November 1 - January 1) we'll give you up to 90 days from the purchase date to make gift-giving easier · Items should be unworn and include all original tags · All packaging including the original shoe box should be included · Shoebuy does not currently offer prepaid return-shipping labels for International orders. · Items should always be mailed back to Shoebuy, not the manufacturer · Refunds are applied to the original payment method within 5 business days of receipt to our warehouse · Credits can take additional time to post to your account, depending on your credit card SENDING IT BACK TO US 1. Repackage items exactly how you received them — boxes, tags, and all 2. Write your ShoeBuy order confirmation number on the outside of the package 3. Clearly address your package to our returns facility in the U.S. ShoeBuy Attn: Returns # (Order Number) 34 Cabot Road Woburn, MA 01801 USA 4. Take your sealed box to any post office counter or authorized carrier outlet to purchase your return postage. You may also wish to insure your package for the full replacement value. DONE - WE'LL TAKE IT FROM HERE! · We'll email you a confirmation when your item is received at our returns facility Other ways to contact us: Address Shoebuy, Inc. 101 Arch Street, 16th Floor Boston, MA 02110 Customer Service Phone Hours Monday-Friday, 8AM to Midnight Eastern Time Saturday, 8AM to 11PM Eastern Time Sunday, 8AM to 11PM Eastern Time Toll Free 1-888-200-8414 Outside U.S. +1-617-451-2880 You May Also like About us Shipping Returns FAQs Contact us Frooition www.frooition.com | eBay design, eBay store design, eBay shop design, eBay template design, eBay listing design This listing is currently undergoing maintenance, we apologize for any inconvenience caused. Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question - opens in a new window or tab Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Shipping and handling This item will ship to Thailand, but the seller has not specified shipping options. Contact the seller- opens in a new window or tab and request a shipping method to your location. Shipping cost cannot be calculated. Please enter a valid ZIP Code. Item location: United States, United States Shipping to: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Estonia, Australia, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Japan, China, Sweden, Korea, South, Indonesia, Taiwan, South Africa, Thailand, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Russian Federation, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Croatia, Republic of, Malaysia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica Excludes: US Protectorates, PO Box No additional import charges at delivery! This item will be shipped through the Global Shipping Program and includes international tracking. Learn more- opens in a new window or tab Quantity: Change country: -Select- Australia Austria Bahrain Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Croatia, Republic of Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Guatemala Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Korea, South Kuwait Latvia Lithuania Malaysia Malta Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Panama Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russian Federation Saudi Arabia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States There are 11 items available. Please enter a number less than or equal to 11. Select a valid country. ZIP Code: Please enter a valid ZIP Code. Please enter 5 or 9 numbers for the ZIP Code. Shipping and handling Import charges (estimated) To Service Delivery* US $48.33 $205.43 Thailand International Priority Shipping Estimated between Thu. Feb. 2 and Mon. Feb. 13 * Estimated delivery dates- opens in a new window or tab include seller's handling time, origin ZIP Code, destination ZIP Code and time of acceptance and will depend on shipping service selected and receipt of cleared payment- opens in a new window or tab. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. Domestic handling time Will usually ship within 3 business days of receiving cleared payment - opens in a new window or tab. Return policy After receiving the item, contact seller within Refund will be given as Return shipping 60 days Money back Buyer pays return shipping Return policy details We've made some changes to our return policy effective 8/1/2015. Purchases made on or before 7/31/2015 will be eligible for Free Returns through the 60-day return window. RETURNING AN ITEM Not in love? No worries. If your order isn’t quite right, we’ll happily take it back good as new within 60 days of purchase. Returns are simple. If you choose to return for a refund, we’ll give you a prepaid return-shipping label and a refund for the amount you paid for the returning item, minus a $6.95 restocking fee per item. FINE DETAILS • Items must be sent back within 60 days from the purchase date, though during the holiday season (November 1 – January 1) we’ll give you up to 90 days from the purchase date to make gift-giving easier • Items should be as good as new, unworn, and include all original tags • All packaging including the original shoe box should be included • You’ll be provided with a prepaid return-shipping label for each item (not available on items shipped from APO / FPO locations or outside the US) • Items should always be mailed back to ShoeBuy, not the manufacturer • Refunds are credited via the original payment method within 5 business days of receipt to our warehouse • Credits can take an additional 2 – 10 business days to post to your account, depending on your credit card GETTING STARTED • Click here and enter your Ebay Order Number or contact ShoeBuy Customer Service at (888) 200-8414 • Follow instructions to return and get your shipping label SENDING IT BACK TO US Once You Receive Your Shipping Label: 1. Repackage items exactly how you received them – boxes, tags, and all 2. Tape your new shipping label over the original one 3. Take your sealed box to any UPS location or drop-off box DONE – WE’LL TAKE IT FROM HERE! • We’ll email you a tracking number and confirmation if your return meets our policy • We’ll give you a refund (minus a $6.95 restocking fee per item) NEED A HAND? Give us a call at (888) 200-8414. Payment details Payment method Preferred / Accepted Accepted Immediate payment required for this item Immediate payment of US $405.95 is required.
{ "perplexity_score": 700.5 }
[ [ 790317517549, 790317518310 ], [ 790317518348, 790317518424 ], [ 790317518578, 790317529234 ] ]
[ 364867898 ]
We love, cherish and adore fine fabrics. And our great cushions transform every room. We only select and offer fabrics of the highest quality, and from the very best brands. Every cushion is an exclusive design, made with care and love. So our cushions are usually in limited editions. We don’t like making the same every time! Bring the outdoors in with Sunbrella, the most recognised and trusted name in performance fabrics for over 50 years. These lightfast and stain-resistant fabrics offer lasting beauty and durability. Hip geometrics, luxurious textures and pluche chenilles, provide countless combinations for a clean style and custom look. The fabfabrics pouffe collection has been designed for anyone who likes easy seating and the perfect solution to more seating without having to add all sorts of chairs … it’s a great addition to your home as well, it can be a side table if you put a tray on it. You can create different settings in an easy way, just put your feet up ! We also offer readymade cushions from Elitis of France. Famously acclaimed for their incredible wallpapers; they have now created this adorable and colourful collection of cushions using velvet, silks, linens and fun trimmings and appliques. Their love affair with all things Africa continues apace and many princely leopards, frolicking zebra and lions have been seen roaming through walls all over the world. Ardmore’s new collection of cushions is fabulously exotic. Look at ‘curations’ for a smaller selection of fab cushions that we fell in love with along the way. Now featuring Pierre Frey and Stoop! fabfabrics Specials are our favourites from the fabfabrics collection. This time presented: the City Cushions. Bring a touch of this vibrant cities into your home!
{ "perplexity_score": 437.3 }
[ [ 790317529322, 790317529475 ], [ 790317529565, 790317529762 ], [ 790317529820, 790317529886 ], [ 790317530418, 790317530470 ] ]
[ 364867899, 16950683 ]