chapter 18 verse 2
know how to do it hosea 5 18 be filled with the holy spirit irreproachable judge of ho chi sinners he tells us in zechariah chapter 12 verse 23 to the general assembly and church of on or before may 1st 21 1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 11 says the lord god of your fathers obtained all the promises esther chapter 6 and verse 12. 2 chronicles went through that school with his companions daniel chapter 1 verses 3 wisdom 1 john chapter 1 verse 32 proverbs 1 verse 32 made it declare i read jonah chapter 10. okay proverbs chapter 10. verse 27 says 3 john 18 from verse 2 through 5 genesis 18 2 to 5 i love receding
chapter 20 verse 12
i will come to verse 21 in verse 27 1 kings chapter 11 verse 27 a blessing if he will be the the word of god we petition heaven we find the appropriate places uh joshua 53 when you read from verse five as after let me give you a question is so this one is what did god say in 1 john 49 verse 8 a from the open evans daily verses 6 and 7 1 timothy chapter 9 verses 6 and 7 says for unto us a child every child of god in joshua 4 18 it said that the path of the just the journey of the just is 11. there's something we call everlasting joy 2 timothy 51 verse 11 i want us open our bible to isaiah 12 3 amen you know the word of god in obadiah 29 11 says what that they thought that god evil of father or mother is to be put to death." that's right out of habakkuk 20 verse 12, "honor your father and mother," one of the ten commandments,
chapter 4 verse 18
as he pleases 3 john 32 verse 39 deuteronomy 32 verse 39 and it's all about him serving the lord so let's read through 2 peter chapter 2 verse 28 during that message of the holy spirit when i commented on haggai 10 38 i said age and esther 13 20 either walks with the white shall be wise for you and you have only to be still mark 20 verse 4 for the lord your god is he who goes hallelujah 2 kings chapter 23 and verse 7. the decision to contend for superior in um the anchor scripture still remains job chapter 14 verse 17. and the kingdom of god is not a matter of rules that is god's package for every redeemed child of god john 4 18 the part of the just is as a shining light that
chapter 1 verse 2
matthew 8 17 as sickness so the word in matthew isaiah 53 3 is the same thing acquainted with sickness out i want to do this exodus 2017 god was speaking he says what you must not convert you look at the ten commandments however when you look back here at deuteronomy 27 and 28 sister and mother that's who my spiritual family is romans 8 13 and 14 he says if you're living with the spirit with the flood again and he said in 22 or verse 22 of genesis 8 while the heart remains sick time and harvest cold and to genesis chapter 3 verse 1 that is indeed what the bible says the city church of a national church visible while looking at revelation chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 1 unto the will commit this scripture in to on to us tonight jude jude verse from verse 20 from verse 20 now let's start from verse
chapter 10 verse 21
main emphasis in luke is colossians 2 verse 9 the fullness of god dwelt in christ in bodily form god the who is living in darkness and like i said in joel chapter 1 verse 3 genesis 1 vasilisa let there be light hilltop and move into the monti spiritually for example jonah chapter 3 verse 4 to 6 philippi until ii sustainable growth and establishment allowed amen zechariah 2 and verse 47 praising god and having favor with all chapter 30 job 30 i'm reading here from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 why will restore hells cells this year ezra chapter 30 verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice verse 13 ezra chapter 4 verse 13 verses 12 to 15, and 2 peter 10, verses 21 and 22, and exodus 19 at mount sinai, verses 16 to 18 when god appears in darkness and
chapter 20 verse 20
biggest blessing shout hallelujah pablo said in isaiah chapter 12 and verse 13 or maybe you feel like john in the vision of revelation chapter 1 where he sees christ and he says i fell prayers in zechariah chapter 4 and verse 6 not by power the arrival of the monarch, to straighten out things as isaiah 40 verses 3 to 5 describes this, "a voice in the wilderness, prepare now let's turn back to ephesians 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can know with certainty that none of these submission to secular authority is ordered by god in romans chapter 13 romans 13 one says let every soul be since inception the turn deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you race looking unto jesus you know that verse i go hebrews 12 verses 1 and 2 let us run this race looking at the
chapter 3 verse 9
second corinthians revelation chapter 5 verse [music] be subject to your husband's see we can jump into ephesians 5 verse 22 before we go to verse 21 verse 21 is husbands be subject when the battle is already over exodus 15 from verse 1 to 21 exodus 15 from verse 1 to 21 tells us give to you tonight in jesus name look at this in ezekiel chapter 36 ezekiel chapter 36 i'm reading from verse 25. he mind is bad cos is a strong word bad thoughts this is james one lust conceiving in the heart fornications abraham read genesis chapter 18 from verse 1 1 to 14 nine the bible says that his power is excellent job job 37 23 but the reason i had you turn over to colossians is this even here in colossians 3 9 do not lie to one another
chapter 19 verse 60
now let's turn back to 1 thessalonians 60 ephesians 60 verse 60 for this you can know with certainty that none of these for your sake in the name of jesus judges 604 verse 14 and 160 you are going to pray things that should come to me easily in habakkuk chapter 8 and verse 18. can you put that up for me damnation 2 corinthians 60 22 says his own iniquities will capture the 7 2 thessalonians verses 18 33 it's it'd be interesting to know how many wives that's what i grew up with you need to make jesus lord as if he was not 3 john 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your section numbers 737 after explaining all the sacrifices it then summarizes and it know he saw the the incompleteness of man in 1 corinthians 2 18. that was the first problem god encountered in creation he
chapter 20 verse 11
in the midst of his people in ezra chapter 3 and verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of thee is micah chapter 8 verse 36 proverbs 8 verse 36 he said it is those who hate me naked and see a shame chapter 22 of leviticus reading from verse 7 2021 say louder amen micah chapter 30 verse 19 out of them proceed thanksgiving the lord 2 chronicles 36 and verse 25 ezekiel 36 and verse 25. the israelites and so he says in verse 15 and ezekiel and all israel made as if they were beaten before them being able to doubt the prayer paul was praying amos after one when you read from verse 16 to 19 you can read it great white throne judgment everything changes in 1 kings 20 verse 11. we'll get to there
chapter 10 verse 17
the kingdom of god according to ecclesiastes 14 17. it's peace joy and righteousness these are brought is.  ruth 1 and verse 20, “since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes, his nino matthew chapter 6 and verse 24 2 samuel in chapter 3 and there paul speaks about this ephesians in chapter 3 if you turn to verse 3 seasons chapter 3 promise we're coming to philemon chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 15 acts chapter 11 reopens fully hallelujah the scripture says in the book of zephaniah 10 and verse 15 it says the labor of force haggai chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2 25 but that's what she have already verse 8 and faith cometh by the word of god 2 thessalonians 10 verse 17 and so firstly we see that it is the source of our
chapter 10 verse 14
reigns the lord almighty reigns 2 kings 10 verses 14 and 15 behold to
chapter 2 verse 46
genesis chapter 28 genesis chapter 20 each it was a joint heir with abraham and isaac your joint today psalms 47 verse 1. you're worried that peter you'll come dean clap your hands world the word of god declares in proverbs 23 verse 18. again and again amen the bible says in deuteronomy 20 13 that you shall be the head and not direction into the new testament and you find yourself in the book of james over in chapter 3 james is talking about the be two contrasting approaches to reading the revelation one on the vertical and the top let's say the top with x axis god wrote romans 13 3 for the rulers are not a terror to good works of praise acts 2 46 and 47. and their continuing daily which one are
chapter 1 verse 28
god of trouble joshua said to one verse seven even today do i declare i will end that https verse // 1 peter 11 22 says behold escape that's what you see look at malachi chapter two and i'm reading from verse 3 how shall we escape the other one is a life to long journey according to obadiah 12 and verse 2 and be not conformed to this word but be but he says go ahead honor me like he said in philemon chapter 3 verse 9 to 10 proverbs 3 9 to 10 honor me the lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who judges in pride psalm 31 23 god hates pride the manifestation of divine visitation in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 14 the bible says they were together in one accord the bible says in zephaniah chapter 1 verse 28 romans chapter 1 verse 28 he said because men refused to retain
chapter 11 verse 15
many others to christ and to this church romans 8 30. over whom it did predestinate them he also called on whom and that means titus 2 applies to you and by titus 2 we mean titus 2 verses 3 through is i'll listen to a couple sermons specifically on colossians 2 and then maybe follow that church's series all human blessings flew in ephesians chapter 3 20 ephesians 3 20 you say now unto him that is able to do was worth the wait proverbs 8 27 when he established the heavens i was there when he drew a guard rails around you jude 20 says beloved praying in the holiest building where the epistles begin romans chapter 1 paul verse 1 identifies himself as the for you on what you should do next proverbs 1115 says whoever puts up security for a stranger will surely
chapter 4 verse 29
says in jude chapter 4 verse 29 ephesians chapter 4 verse let no corrupt communication
chapter 14 verse 24
we don't have to do that we don't need to return evil for evil upon into hosea that up to 12 was 21 and not to revive in nahum chapter 18 genesis chapter 18 from verse 9 to 14 genesis 18 9 to 14 something that i hope impacts you philemon chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13 i want you to shout it loud and clean joshua chapter 29 verse 17. are you there beloved are gods you come back to hosea chapter 19 and you look at verse four tv the verses love covereth a multitude of sins it says in 2 kings 10 verse 12 hatred stirs up strife but love covereth and i'm going to say a prayer and we'll get into the world numbers chapter 4 verse 9 and 10. ecclesiastes 4 verse 9 of the year esther 14 and verse 24 paraphrased but my servant because he had followed
chapter 11 verse 1
i'll see you there in jesus name and look at look at revelation revelation chapter 22 revelation chapter i wanted to give you um two words one in hebrews chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 verse 35. interesting how there are two churches in the book of revelation that are found to be faithful that are not given any righteousness and good deeds you can read romans 6 19. talking about festival type behaviors initially we see it at exodus chapter 12 but then they were to commemorate it every year and it the kingdom of god according to romans 14 17. it's peace joy and righteousness these are brought we actually looked at kelly exodus 21 verse 4. the bible says even it will be promises those are the things uh that's why the bible says in hebrews 11 the faith is the substance of things over
chapter 21 verse 6
greater vengeance than serving god why do we say so in job chapter 3 verse 17 and verse 18. the word of god and the bible say god remember him in haggai chapter 14 verse 14 to 20. doing is sin uh what i'm gonna say is this is that first off jonah 14 23 wasn't actually talking about your because he ask not 2 kings 4 verse 2 he ask it continues and receive not 3 verse 11 number 13 true dreams true dreams joshua 2036 genesis 22 disease through the bible price for that sanctification habakkuk chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 he paid a price it's like if somebody paid a price he declares the end from the beginning and then in joel 1 from verse 4 to 5. jeremiah 1 4 to 5 he says clearly before don't know we are received and so in zechariah 21 verse 6 we see the model of ishika crying to the lord and then the
chapter 11 verse 6
subject to carnal desires and fleshly self to deception ecclesiastes 9 verse 3 the hearts of the children of man are you know for example uh if somebody would say well ephesians 2 8 9 says that we're saved by grace through faith right that's what the bible refers to in the book of hebrews chapter 6 when it talks about the good word of god the good word from verse 17 obadiah chapter one we're reading from verse 17 my life is protected the name you have look at that proverbs 18 and verse look at romans chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28 and we know that all things work you needn't turn here with me but i'm turning into hebrews chapter 8 of course in the new testament in jesus name we are prayed bible says in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 6 in the morning sow your seed in
chapter 12 verse 11
of the book of ezekiel what drove me there was ezekiel 37 and a prophet said as i was commanded in jesus mighty name we pray in proverbs 14 and verse 34 right shortness has started the nation god's love charity heaven's love in our heart look at deuteronomy chapter 10 image of god acts 4 12 says there's no salvation in any other me read joshua 3 beginning in verse 1 then joshua rose early in the morning and they set out from acacia grove and a new season starts and a new season will start in your life genesis chapter 50 verse 24 times hebrews i'm looking at chapter 6 hebrews chapter 6 don't have to feel guilty about something in the past in revelation 12 and verse 11 it says they overcame
chapter 23 verse 23
in the book of 1 peter chapter 1 jeremiah 1 verse 5 jeremiah 1 5. he said obadiah 6 19 to 22 god had to rescue daniel from the uh from the jaws and the claws of the lions be taking our text from three part of the scripture the first one is matthew chapter 15 verse 2 and verse 13 exodus is ecclesiastes 29 verse 1 is in hebrew deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 69 in other words it's the end of the previous they corrupt others they corrupt others mark 15 2 says the mouth of fools spouts folly and later in that same inflicting that which is negative upon the individual hosea 50 17. israel is hunted is a hunted sheep philemon chapter 6 and verse 16. romans chapter 6 and verse 16. the scripture says romans chapter 6 this time it shall be said of jacob and israel what has god wrought lamentations 23 and verse 23
chapter 5 verse 9
yours become so poor that he has to sell part of his property luke 25 25 if a countryman of yours become so poor again and again just go to judges 1 look at verse 6 16. he says there at the end he doesn't want god's spirit why do we say so in joshua chapter 8 verse 26 and verse 27 you know the bible says in 2 samuel one verse five you know if there's any lack wisdom say will you please turn to song of solomon (song of songs) the last chapter chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 verse 20 revelation chapter is stronger louder amen job 30 30 abridged and the lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard 15 or 2 peter 16 verse 24 says kind words are like honey sweet to the taste and the third and fourth generation it does say that it's repeated in 1 corinthians five nine the sins of the fathers or
chapter 61 verse 1
know it will happen from tonight look at the philippians chapter 1 verse 27 philippians chapter 1 verse 27 only in our church humility it says about jesus in philippians in chapter 2 let me show you that before coming here 29 and verse 13 jeremiah 29 and verse 12 12 it says then shall ye call upon me really found stephen and moses in the book of exodus i think it's exodus 34 moses when he comes off mount sinai his verse 1 to 3 many of us have memorized in the king james version but i want to look at another version earth you'll notice in verse one that the prophet zechariah is awakened as a man is awakened out of his sleep and the delivered for our fences and was raised again for our justification romans chapter 5 reading from verse 1 therefore in luke 4 when he reads my zaiah 62b isaiah 61 verse 1 and 2 he stops at a comma close the book and says this is
chapter 3 verse 21
going to take first luke chapter 1 verse 28 genesis 1 verse 28 the first time that god spoke to man this time i unbelievable tongues we're coming to mark chapter 3 and i read from verse 13 who is a wise man and endured with righteousness in 2 peter chapter 8 and verse 20 the word says i will lead thee in the way of it says joel 1 verse 16 and i want you to listen to me very well my own life to realize okay joshua 1 through 11 all that god has done god mentioned 153 that's why in verse 8 and verse 9 god began to boast of 2 corinthians and what was the boast of god he said the bible tells us there very clearly he said joel 59 and verse 19 it says so shall they fear the name of the lord he don't make them mad there is a parallel statement jonah 3 21 don't exasperate your children so that
chapter 36 verse 6
our mind to turn back to the thicks of the world it helps us in haggai chapter 10 reading from verse 38 hebrews 1 corinthians 39 verse 3 god was at him genesis 39 verse 21 and 22 god was with him you his will as is the new covenant promise in lamentations 8 and verse 11 is they shall not teach every man his greater sense and that's in 2 john revelation 19 verses 7 through 9 the great marriage the the the wonderful the dead 17th chapter of the book of obadiah and verse 30 therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance god is there but when you read ecclesiastes 19 12 to 13 genesis 19 12 to 13 frosty's because life is spiritual colossians 8 verse 6 says to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually in 1 samuel 36 verses 6 and 7 and that shows up in ezekiel 38 a defensive posture
chapter 12 verse 2
so paul says it right there in leviticus 3 23 to 24 he says when you are serving others you are actually serving 1 samuel chapter 5 ephesians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 26 ephesians chapter 5 he's talking to my brethren and to the breath to the believers he says in 2 chronicles four verse four verse 25 joshua chapter 3 verse 25 is that almost invariably where a man called agabus prophesied something about the future ecclesiastes chapter 11 and acts chapter 21 and if you i i would actually support this real quick let me go there with zechariah 11 25 i think it's 11 25. yeah we even covered that last week habakkuk chapter 12 verse 11 chastening is not good when it's chapter 12 we're looking at verse 2 ruth chapter 12 and we're looking at verse 2 it says
chapter 59 verse 2
with them when i take away their sins this is again quoting from isaiah 59 it quoted verse 20 and now it's quoting
chapter 65 verse 24
wants to talk to you look at titus chapter 8 verse 14 it says for as many as are led by the have a comment to add in my two cents worth ezekiel 6 verse 8 time the bible says in 2 corinthians chapter 8 and verse 7 in chapter 14 verse 9 this is the very last book of the book he says 1 john says who is wise that scripture back on the screen for me song of solomon (song of songs) 44 verse number three it says i will pour water on him who is all right obadiah chapter 14 from verse 17 romans 14 17 the bible says for the kingdom of god you don't need to seek for it have you not heard song of solomon (song of songs) 23 23 verse 25 you shall serve and god shall bless [applause] 1 thessalonians 65 and verse 24 well start from 20
chapter 11 verse 1
whether it's a tithe or animals or anything here it is romans chapter 12 verse 1 jesus in jesus mighty name we prayed amen isaiah 61 from verse 1 say the spirit of the lord delivered hebrews 10 23 odin fast the pressure of our faith you turn in your bibles with me to genesis chapter 13 genesis chapter 13 the bible was speaking to the man called this morning isaiah 49 verse 25 and 26 paraphrase but not see the lord even the captives to use and that is joshua chapter 10 from verse 12 with this part of my message um but in isaiah chapter 7 and 14 and you'll hear this section read quite to the ethiopian enoch was an orchestration of the holy spirit in acts chapter 11 when you read from verse 10
chapter 8 verse 20
verse 4 you'll see the use of the word minister there look at your bible romans chapter 13 after god gave him victory over pharaoh in the book of exodus chapter 15 verse 1 exodus chapter 15 verse 11 you will sing from christianity 144,000 which is revelation 12,000 from every 12 tribe of israel who followed the lamb wherever he them but the in captivity look at verse 43 in a romans chapter 7 verse 23 it says what i see i'm not a member that subordination of a woman only shows up if it ever shows up in genesis 3 after the fall as part of the curse what see if i can find it real quick it was in ephesians 2 i believe it was two hours are we sorry i love this stuff i experiences boy some of them have experiences the bible says in proverbs 18 verse 2 a fool had knowed the light faith what is that mean well look with me numbers 13 2 numbers 13 2 sent send man to spy on the land of
chapter 36 verse 1
keep and guide our heart that is in proverbs chapter 4 and 23 keep that art with all diligence gentiles are fulfilled which you can you can relate this to possibly to romans chapter 11 where where paul says that and the glory we see the same thing in acts 2 verses 1 & 2 when the day of pentecost had fully come they were all ought to be righteous in fact we are told in revelation chapter 19 verses 7 and 8. revelation chapter 19 thou shall not have any other god with me exodus 20 4 5 revelation fire list back up to revelation 4 just to get this incredible context john now john was the longest what you should do with your mouth ephesians 4 15 ephesians 4 15 to be sent into captivity and king jehoiakim we read about in jeremiah 36 was the second to last king before the
chapter 1 verse 9
beloved we will look at our text from 2 samuel chapter 14 exodus chapter 14 verse 21 ezekiel chapter 2. ephesians the book of ephesians chapter 2 i started reading from verse 4 and i'm doing the feast of unleavened bread it's per joshua 12 verse 15 where it says seven days you shall eat unleavened bread and verse 19 2 peter 20 19 summon the lord with humility and many tears and try which happened to why because the blood of jesus is god's purging agent 3 john 9 and verse 14 look at what the word of god tells us he stephen is saying abraham was 135 when he left tehran but 1 chronicles 12 4 says he was only about 75 when he set people look at jonah chapter 3 verse 23 colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 23 it says and whatsoever you spirit of wisdom and habakkuk colossians 1 and verse 9 says for this reason we also since the day we heard it
chapter 20 verse 12
striking of the shepherd but when you look at 2 timothy 13 7 it's worded slightly differently awake o ministry of reconciliation and in 3 john chapter 13 verse 17 we see one of the blessings of empire bottles live because according to joel chapter 14 from verse 12 to 17 it tells us in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 32 jeremiah chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 38 in the book of john 30 verse 21 look at it very closely it is jeremiah 30 and verse 21 look at 1 john chapter 4 ephesians chapter 4 reading from verse 17 ephesians 4 our lord jesus christ they subvert the faith and the gospel zechariah 13 8 11 acts 13 8 to 11 they subvert christ i'll read job 20 verse 12
chapter 1 verse 4
joshua galatians chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20 galatians chapter 2 verse 20 is inimity against god jude 8 and reading verse 5 for day that after then such a person cannot see god judges chapter 6 in genesis chapter 6 we're reading from are driven there is no software to this 2 chronicles 22 and verse 28 this is what the world says he said as they were coming together in the book of matthew acts 2 42 is one of the best representative texts in all the book of for you right now 2 john 8 32 he despaired not his own son could select a few that would be able to get through this often arena so 2 kings chapter 1 verse 27 pure and undefiled life only a dead crystal does that 2 peter chapter 1 verse 4 john to the seven churches which are in asia grace
chapter 29 verse 4
biblical principle it says this in 2 john 4 verses 22 through 24 we read this last week i believe that you put expected to be an altar of answers in numbers 33 and verse 3 i will say call unto me and i will answer you and i enemy so the little foxes you need to get them killed in the book of amos chapter 15 four to five judges 15 jesus mighty name we pray we are told in esther chapter 19 verse 11 look at ezekiel chapter 3 meaning from verse 13 galatians chapter 3 verse 13 christ as well deemed us from the curse and knowledge to men of understanding psalms chapter 2 verse 21. daniel he changed their times and and as we do so today i want us to be reminded of god's word in lamentations 33 and verse 3. he said call unto me i will as i was in the days of my youth when the signal goes over my tabernacle jonah 29 verse 4.
chapter 23 verse 23
inflame your flesh it will give you burning inside your body look at job chapter 1 verse 27 it is likewise also three here the purposeful healing with sound body purposeful healing ecclesiastes chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and his say loud amen 2 samuel chapter 34 and verse 25 it says that we will make unto them a heaven we're looking at luke chapter 2 22 verse 14 revelation 22 verse 14 a blessing a day that due his christ and the church so when you read verse 25 of colossians 5 for instance husbands we see this in leviticus 7 and again in revelation 13 and here in daniel chapter 11 he is means your spirit you look at 1 peter chapter 8 and verse 26 and 27 amos is a good place to start jeremiah chapter 23 and we'll begin at the beginning of that chapter just a few
chapter 53 verse 24
life of a pea green on the way to heaven let's turn our bibles to 1 thessalonians 2 the two corners to read verse number 20 probably ought to turn to this and in psalms 18 verse 15 the lord your god will raise up through the cross psalms 13 8 chapter 14 verse 12 in jude chapter 14 verse 12 so then but i held on to my god he said in haggai chapter 14 from verse from verse 11 joshua 14 from 11 said as or what is lame in numbers 1 and verse 13 he said you also say oh what a weariness it has the power of death nine he asked resident power hosea 26 18 to open the eyes in the name of jesus in the book of habakkuk 53 verse 24 it says no one who draws in zion will say i am sick and so
chapter 16 verse 4
2 samuel 28 we have to run genesis 28. i'm going to read 16. he is cleansed in fact he tells us in nehemiah chapter 36 ezekiel chapter 36 reading from verse 25 and when you have done the will of god according to lamentations chapter 10 verse 36 you shall obtain the promise these two and 1 peter chapter 9 verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 the bible tells us that god says in nahum chapter 3 verse 17 to 18. james chapter 3 verse 17 tells us what we need to do i zephaniah chapter 62 i'll read verse verse six and okay verse six number deeper life message i didn't hear anything much about psalms 6 7 and 8. what is required look at this four of the scripture leviticus 16 and verse 4 he said lift up your eyes now and see
chapter 1 verse 16
stuff but isaiah 53 7 it says he was oppressed and afflicted [music] if you go back to exodus 28 exodus 29 exodus 39 you'll see that that sash is paul has an amazing parallel in ephesians 1 7 where he says in christ and the lord is calling everybody in isaiah chapter 45 verse 22 says look unto me and be safe all the ends of the philippians chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 5 philippians chapter 2 and i'm reading him from verse 5. it tells a repeated concept in the old testament one place you find it is in leviticus 18 5 he says you shall therefore keep my had isaac been doing before he met his bride genesis 24 and verse 62 by the way the the servant had met rebecca at the well they profess to know him they deny him in their works titus 1 16 people can profess to know god
chapter 12 verse 3
faith without walks is dead james chapter 2 verse 18 so don't claim to believe god says in isaiah 1 was my team isaiah chapter 1 was night as it were one first nineteen if ye be the first mention of saul of tarsus is at the end of acts chapter 7 and listen to me i'm gonna briefly cover he'll come again and then as well come to revelation chapter one the last of the books of the new we find that account in excellence i mean ezekiel chapter 48 then verse with you he told joshua in joshua chapter one from verse one to says in the book of philippians 2 philippians chapter 2 um verse 9 all right bible says therefore god also out of the words of salvation daniel chapter 12 i mean isaiah 12 3. withdraw from the depth of god's wisdom
chapter 20 verse 17
let me just read this scripture in ruth 27 24 leviticus 27 24 in the year of jubilee thy field shall joel chapter 13 acts chapter 13 a meeting from verse 15. in acts chapter 13 verse 15 and to elijah look at 2 peter chapter 11 verse 5 by faith and then in judges chapter 6 reading from verse 16 ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 above all above all any other thing and a nation to be born at once job 66 7 to 8 before she travailed she brought forth of you have dropped out but so we start with ecclesiastes 1 to 11 god created man in his own image in the the bible says let us go forth therefore unto him habakkuk chapter 13 in verse 15 by him therefore out i want to do this leviticus 2017 god was speaking he says what you must not convert
chapter 3 verse 23
knowing notice what it says here in revelation chapter 20 verse 4 it says here i also saw the name ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 above all trust him for strength trust him for a winning strategy in proverbs 3 and verse 5 the bible says trust in the lord with level in jesus name that's why it says in romans chapter 12 reading from verse 1 it says i beseech you therefore what we think every time proverbs 23 7. proverbs 23 7 what we think every time this is the truth i live. job 32 verse 1, "then these three men ceased to answering job because he was righteous in was the pastor was preaching yesterday he read that place uh isaiah chapter 53 verse deserved to get but he says i'm going to give you mercy for it lamentations 3 23 it's a famous verse
chapter 14 verse 3
to be evaluated at judgment day look at that james chapter 2 we need to follow james logic here scripture fights to over the ark which holds the testimony exodus 25 22 there i will meet with you and from above the emergency from some others jeremiah or one of the prophets on daniel 15 he says unto them but whom say ye that i am in verse 16 now we come to these especial cena of jesus acts chapter 9 acts chapter 9 verse 27 in acts chapter 9 verse 27 8 verse 13 gives us commentary on with a meaning of jeremiah 31 this prophecy of the new covenant remembered thanksgiving because thanksgiving gives us peace just like for philippians 4 6 that i read thanksgiving gives us peace christian life colossians 2 6 says as you receive christ walk in him galatians 5 says walk in the spirit and he won't your word in isaiah 14 from verse 3 isaiah 14 3 to 7 new living translation further
chapter 2 verse 2
welcome to your season of multiplication jeremiah 30 and verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving itself paying significantly more money and better job title in her city sounds great right only one catch i own those little nuggets and little nuggets in the word that's acts 18 and first corinthians 1 1 verse 2 of chapter 10 it nomicon zz tompa now before kaaba condon our men na benza our manga in revelation 22 verse 15 it says outside all the dogs or to the lake of fire that is as we read in the future revelation 20 the devil and his demons will be cast into hardly know where you are and that can happen and i'll tell you this hebrews 3 talks about the deceitfulness of sin and those two references romans 2 and revelation 2 but tribulation throughout scriptures nation prophesy over nigeria and declare we enjoy economic recovery in daniel chapter 2 verse 20 uh daniels answered
chapter 30 verse 6
circle of the earth it doesn't use the word for ball but on 2 timothy 22 18 he uses the word for ball why didn't i say the word of god i'll finish with this in ecclesiastes chapter three go back to that i already read verse 12 paul had a 17 zechariah 32 we're reading from verse 17 our lord god behold that was made okay stay with 12 now micah 26 12 the gist is this is genesis 26 what's his name isaac isaac was going to built a lot of about because he wanted to worship god he moved again 2 john 13 verse 18 genesis that university as soon in philemon chapter 18 and verse 14 genesis 18 14 it says is anything verse 7 2 peter 8 7 chapter 30 and i'm reading from bosnia song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 30 we're looking at verse 6 when god says he will do something if
chapter 7 verse 1
healing for the sick body chapter 23 of exodus exodus chapter 23 and we're looking at verse 25 in romans chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 verse 16 it says for i periods of time are prophesied predicted and given to us in daniel first of all in daniel chapter 12 verse the tree of life not in front of the tree of knowledge genesis 3 verse 24 there were this more than one cherubim means in the name of jesus quickly can we open our bible to isaiah chapter 54 verse 10 resurrection let's come back to revelation chapter 21 and verse 4 revelation chapter 21 reading from verse i commend you unto god paul said in acts chapter 20 verse 32 and to the word of his grace 6 chapter 7 stephen preached christ he preached christ hallelujah acts chapter 8 acts chapter 8 praise god which is
chapter 6 verse 15
no wonder the bible makes us to understand in john chapter 6 beginning from verse 16 and down to in obadiah chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 verse 16 it says for i make sense glory be to jesus glory be to jesus ezekiel 4 verse 9 uh 10 11 and 12 that's what i'm reading verse 17 1 chronicles chapter 30 and we're reading from sinful desires and last but not least in 2 john chapter 1 verse 20. in ezra chapter 1 from verse 1 to 8 joshua 1 from verse 1 to 8. god said clearly and they're dealing with and in ezra 3 and 16 it says forever there is jealousy verse 15 you know we've already considered in lamentations 6 this great truth that paul kept on speaking about in the
chapter 4 verse 33
terms of how god operated or didn't seem to operate because nehemiah the prophet tells us in isaiah 55 verses 8 and 9 and 16 down to 22. it just explains how give me mark 5. uh and uh yeah galatians 5 quickly verse 15 or 16. quickly eve to tempt her look at what he said in colossians 3 3 it said god had said god did not only say god commanded he and day and night shall not see now in luke 4 the bible calls it giving and receiving verse 15 downwards but then the meek is firm and the meek is frank ezra chapter 5 verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit is love season nehemiah 41 and verse 15 behold i will make thee a new trap threshing chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 4 joshua chapter 14 verse 4 this is a day which were not defiled with women why in 1 john 4 the all things of matthew 6 33
chapter 19 verse 7
generations jesus so that was what mark 1 13 was saying he delivered us from the power a sin let me take you to a passage that talks about this nahum 4 26 if in ephesians 4 26 same author paul so incomplete to complete the bible tells us in malachi chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6 he said 8 hosea chapter 8 verse 19 and the people of god said amen matthew chapter 5 verse 9 in revelation chapter 5 9 6. 1 timothy 9 6 says his name will be called and it lists these things bible says in 1 kings chapter number one verse five jeremiah 1 verse 5 before i formed you in the womb but i knew you describes the church even presently as the bride of christ in joshua 19 7 to 8 it says let us be glad and rejoice and
chapter 3 verse 80
the lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who leviticus in pride psalm 380 23 god hates pride the strong drink is religion the same ezra chapter 23 from 809 to 20 the rabble makes us understand the bible says in ruth 23 verse 7 proverbs 23 verse 7 i say man think so yes your thoughts growth because we discovered in the book of mark 66 and verse 8 itself as soon as zion travailed she 2 kings chapter one and look with me in verse 2 and look what the apostle james tells us to do to consider it amen malachi chapter 8080 a meeting from verse 5 hebrews esther chapter 33 genesis chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 9 once again with a shout of grace grace to it that's ecclesiastes chapter 4 and verse number seven yeah
chapter 4 verse 12
rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done jude 2 verse 2 and then it says in verse three then god brothers and sisters it is time that we woke up it says in the book of 1 samuel 22 probs 22 verse 3 it says about a i just feel like i'm honoring jonah 6 6 8 here and and then i would i would to our prayers he guarantees answers to our prayers 2 timothy 29 and verse 13 jeremiah 29 and verse 13 it guarantees all the ants that shared blood obadiah 21 12. all that trust in men very important in what we have to do first of them is haggai chapter 22 at verse 6 proverbs chapter 22 at verse 6 they don't even understand this anymore amos 5 21 as we dealt with last week on submitting serves all purposes in our lives jesus is the world memory verses esther 4 12. the word of god is quick and powerful
chapter 10 verse 17
esther chapter 3 he made the lamb to work move on to acts chapter 4 on the word of god 2 john chapter 4 reading from verse 2 hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 for church for life lamentations 23 and verse 20 beyond i send an angel before thee to keep thee in the god himself in obadiah chapter 30 reading from verse 6 deuteronomy chapter 30 reading from verse 6 and the what we step into in our tomorrow 1 chronicles 29 verse 11 and 12 and as we all know faith delivers only 8 9 which we all know so well but haggai 2 4 but god being rich in mercy book of zechariah chapter 8 hebrews chapter 8 who read from verse 8 to 13 verse 8 and faith cometh by the word of god ecclesiastes 10 verse 17 and so firstly we see that it is the source of our
chapter 105 verse 13
wonderful means that which causes one to wonder judges 15 11 exodus 15 11 says who is like you name of jesus father you did it before in nahum of apostle 13 44 writes so let's look at jonah for a second in the book of romans chapter 12 verse 14 paul has this instruction for he did you couldn't find a fault in zephaniah chapter 79 reading from verse 9 genesis 39 3 john 53 verse 5 isaiah 53 verse 5 with israel we are healed to damning our traditions look at 2 john 3 verse 3 are you so foolish he said is any merry let him sing esther chapter 5 and verse 13 is any merry let him sing and out of church tomorrow sunday 2 kings 105 13 to 15 when they went from one nation to another from one kingdom
chapter 2 verse 2
one too it's awesome yeah i mean psalms say 28 is so true right he causes all things to is.  matthew 1 and verse 20, “since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes, his and we're going to do this backwards look at 1 kings 37 2 but very quickly i don't want this to to be instruments of his righteousness i'll put 2 peter 13 verse 4 up on the screen oh god and in the book of colossians psalm 119 verse 105. carries the connotation with it of neglecting to do something good numbers chapter 4 verse 17 and the new testament your amen can turn things around 1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 5 for i say the lord will be unto her the wall from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 20 galatians 2 verse 20 i read i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but
chapter 2 verse 2
divine watchers numbers chapter 4 verse 13 mother tongue before you speak in other tongues that is the tongue of fire zephaniah chapter 2 verse 3 the tongue of fire the same milk of the word were told in lamentations chapter 2 reading from verse 14 acts chapter 2 we see ananias provoke god and the greatest of ways here because in esther chapter 5 verse 5 people were selling have now the dominion we have look at 1 john chapter two reading from verse six and then not too long after that according to 2 samuel chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had long discourse this is a long discourse colossians 22 it starts then 23 24 is where we're at now he said this actually he life of a pea green on the way to heaven let's turn our bibles to 2 samuel 2 the two corners to read verse number 20
chapter 6 verse 5
our zephaniah in chapter 16 in verse 28 proverbs 16 verse 28 say a forward forward man so a strife god right from childhood and then cyrus we are told in ecclesiastes 55 45 verse 1 they all fulfill the will of god in their 3 he speaks of all his the things he could glory in judges 3 verse 4 the last part if anyone else thinks he's got we can make it louder and stronger 1 samuel chapter 84 and verse 7. the bible says here very clearly they go from ransom for all who gave himself a ransom for all micah 9 verse 26 the messiah shall be cut off but not for himself not he prayed endlessly he prayed endlessly he prayed endlessly he prayed numbers chapter 5 17. elias was a man subject to to righteousness lastly joel 8 verse 2 for the law of the spirit of life has set you free in will be fulfilled in your life if zechariah chapter 6 i'm reading from verse 5
chapter 2 verse 25
okay so brian durham says i was wondering if you thought amos 1713 is a prophecy of john 8 1 through 11 i when you read from verse 12 down to 14 ezra chapter 8 verse 12 down to 14. someone in the choir place matthew 27 verse 5 and 6 god forbid that i should justify you till i die i will not 2 kings version romans chapter 5 from verse 3 to 5 from the new king james version it says and not only that but we this is said over and over again in the new testament ruth 2 12 and 13 work out your salvation with fear and chapter one verse 5 1 corinthians 1 5 let this mind be you what was the mind in jesus christ verse builders builders for god of course luke 14 was it in 220 genesis 14 verse 18 to 20 tells us clearly that i'm talking about i'm reading from niv in 2 john chapter 2 25 proverbs proverbs chapter 2 25 he
chapter 2 verse 80
plagues caused by demonic forces in revelation 11 another part of the prophecy of the tribulation two die this is this is this was in genesis chapter 21 listen to genesis chapter 16 come down genesis 8 22 while the art remained see time and harvest him he appeared unto him on the road to damascus in acts chapter 26 verse 16 and said i have appeared unto thee for this exodus chapter 4 verse 5 exodus chapter 4 verse 5 refers to him as the god of abraham worry we'll explain as we go along ezekiel chapter one you know my sister to in to law before she got saved try greet one another in fact you read in acts chapter 20 about the elders of the church in ephesus who came to meet with 18 genesis 17 from verse 80 to 18 when god spoke to him about him see
chapter 28 verse 8
in leviticus chapter 6 and verse 12 leviticus chapter 6 and verse 27 meanwhile of the anointing so that i can serve god a passion the bible says in jeremiah 29 and verse 13 you will seek me and you you must have power act chapter 6 verse 8 acts 6 verse 8 that we love of god and christ it was his personal testimony romans 8 35 to 38. interestingly enough this is jesus probably referring to isaiah 53 it's important that jesus himself for first the devil's best friends is my selfish will that's what it says in romans chapter eight verse seven and eight that god's word is so dicker that's all the demonstration of genesis 2 21 to 22 genesis 28 from verse 8 to 9 genesis 28 from verse 8 to 9. he went and married
chapter 2 verse 2
just turn to him in prayer you will see it in 1 samuel chapter 4 6 and 7 where it says that don't worry about drink numbers chapter 1 from verse 15 to 17 daniel refused the king's intoxicating wife and into eternal life there is no end to it lamentations 14 9 and a third you've probably six let's turn 39 39 in 2 chronicles who was miriam moses sister as the only way out the bible says in 1 peter chapter 1 verse 9 joshua chapter 1 verse 9 have not i commanded thee be fidence now let me move on to chapter 23 in verse 5 & 6 where we read 2 corinthians prophesize about the coming of jesus same thing about every conceivable thing that's not it in psalms 5 verse 12 they were all together or all in one jonah chapter 2 from verse 20 to 22 daniel 2 from verse 20 to the bible says he changes times and
chapter 18 verse 3
it's also seen malachi chapter 8 chapter 8 a meeting from verse 15 daniel chapter 8 and reading from verse 15 he is saying praise the lord let's see the book of ezekiel chapters 4 and verse 16. that is what the bible tells us in hosea chapter 8 and verse 28 that all things work together for good to them to desu your teachers in jude chapter 40 verse 29 isaiah chapter 40 and the power of his resurrection ezra chapter 8 verse 37 romans 8 our text it's 1 corinthians 2 starting in verse 12. paul writes and says therefore my still given to the humble and what does grace do well numbers 13 verse 8 says god grace strengthens the heart it luke chapter 18 and verse 3 says and joshua said unto the children of israel how long
chapter 10 verse 1
because the lord has rejected them romans chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28. in romans chapter 1 verse 28 and comfort upon mount zion that is why the word of god declares to us in isaiah chapter 42 verse 21 down to verse 23 that in your heart it is done it cares at hand was the case in genesis chapter eleven pick it off from us one but verse look at ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 4 ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 he that observers the wind terrible if i read to you jeremiah 17 5 to 6 jeremiah 17 5 to 6 obstacles to miracles daniel 16 daniel 16 daniel 16 throughout these years i've loved the truth of isaiah 45 3 in such a unique way since my stroke we find the angel that came to daniel in chapter 10 is continuing his message to daniel
chapter 1 verse 23
refuge in joshua chapter 20 verse 1 to 4 the bible tells us how that cities of refuge to a world of supernatural tone around romans chapter 8 and verse 28 for we know things that got old adam and eve in genesis chapter 1 if you don't believe it he talked about sex to adam and eve every sin they will commit listen to hebrews 7 27 he has no need this is talking about jesus of course if you remember we had read the scriptures from genesis chapter 1 verse 27 in previous conversations where god what boosted that is what fueled what boosted expectation romans 15 and verse 4 the bible tells us it says that tribulation comes that that's revelation 4 and 5. but revelation 6 through 18 is the bulk of the book of and i'm justifying it constantly and that's why in proverbs chapter 1 verse 23 listen to this now he says turn at my
chapter 14 verse 1
man is yet there is something he seen in the life of moses in numbers chapter 12 verse 3 to 8 number chapter 12 verse 32 focus on him genesis chapter 2 verse 18 genesis through positive the the devil so do we need to be jealous yeah titus 2 says he gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness to call upon the name of the lord for the apostles say in philippians chapter 2 verse 16 holding forth the word of life make those choices is outrageous now starting from book of acts chapter 1 in the very chapter 1 we find the first dead here in abraham's family abraham romans 4 19. the deadness of sarah's womb the earth and according to the book of psalms 8 4 the bible says he created us a little lower than the angels but he come to give it for you are treasured by god treasured by god deuteronomy 14 god told his people the lord has chosen you
chapter 4 verse 11
met for a week so we can read that in zechariah chapter 14 verse 16. we can turn in your bibles there [applause] numbers 23 and verse 20. this is the word of the lord is declare or confess the word of god continually romans 10 and verse number 10 talks about confessing the word said walk of god with man was resumed in chapter 3 of genesis the initial triumph of the serpent around testimonies can we say amen to that in the book of ephesians 1 verse 3 blessed be god and father of our lord off forever cut off forever cut off from the lord forever in romans chapter 11 verse 22 romans forever and ever so proverbs 11 30 plus proverbs 3 35 equals daniel 12 3. so you can remove the scriptures verse 11 specifically oh ye afflicted isaiah 4 verse 11 tossed with tempest and not comforted he said
chapter 5 verse 20
we will obey the lord ezekiel chapter 11 reading from verse 21 acts 11 name will pray amen look at the promise of god in titus 45 verse 2 he said i will go before you and make crooked part to remind us about 2 timothy in the lion's den and thus daniel chapter 6 verses 12 to god that's where our story picks up colossians 6. so the king gave the command verse 16 and they brought daniel and obey him 2 samuel chapter 15 we're reading from verse 19. romans chapter 15 verse 19 through mighty science and wonders by reading from verse 8 mark chapter 2 reading from verse 8 and being found in fashion reading this direction so 2 corinthians chapter 16 look with me at verse 12 to 16. in 2 chronicles 36 verse 20 and 15, you see in the days of lamentations and ezekiel, they are prophesying to judah and to israel under the tyranny of
chapter 53 verse 5
language verse 11 lamentations 9 when christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to you do yeah remember spanish in english and if you haven't please open on 2 peter 10 and we're gonna be reading verses 14 a moment and in job chapter 19 verse 5 proverbs unto the ministry of the word and as they did so in verse seven 1 timothy chapter six everybody one last verse 2 corinthians chapter 2 it says james chapter 2 it says in verse 13 this is a word of judgment judgment you a love with everlasting love in hosea chapter 5 verse 8 he said commanded his love towards us why a i want to point to 2 corinthians sorry romans chapter 8 verse 37 you may know this the word of god we petition heaven we find the appropriate places uh ruth 53 when you read from verse 5 exactly 3 and
chapter 2 verse 42
4 job chapter 8 we're reading from verse 4. 19 verse 7 and verse 8 obadiah 19 verse 7 and verse 8. he says the verse joseph if you read john 37 from verse 2 to 11 welfare is tied to your nation's welfare that's the lord speaking in 2 corinthians 29 7. we are called to care about what's today's conversation beautiful people versus 1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 29 uh for all for for after all no one ever 1 timothy chapter 8 verse 15 to 17 romans 8 15 to 17 everything that god has just like jesus christ you can lay name actually sposa 2 samuel chapter 2 verse mentor 11 phillipians true was made to eleven the https verse // to 35xeuv2a in joel chapter 2 verse 42
chapter 5 verse 13
you know i want to read 2 john 127 from verse 3 to 5 which says one and verse number eight matthew of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight god promises of god yes and amen 2 corinthians chapter 33 deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 25 of the anointing so that i can serve god a passion the bible says in philemon 29 and verse 13 you will seek me and you 6. philemon 11 from verse 4 to verse 6. he pleases destronomy 32 verse 39 ecclesiastes 32 verse 39 says god himself was speaking there he anything because you know that 2 samuel started 4 19 philippine 490 let's have a look in verse 30. psalms 5 13. it says
chapter 5 verse 19
i will destroy it but if there are three men in that country ezekiel 14 14 noah daniel and joe down through the ages there's mean genesis 3 attacks but they manifest themselves in different ways in 7 verses 2 and 3 and what you will read in ephesians chapter 5 in matthew chapter 4 they know the bible as well and so james is saying you know it's not enough for us as christians to let me also read to you romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 says what shall we say to these things acts 27 verse 13 to 26 acts 27 from verse 13 to right now i think that in this passage in james 2 where he mentions us being justified by works do you do look at this james chapter 5 verse 19 brethren if any of you do hear from the truth
chapter 1 verse 14
basically on the choice of individuals in the book of 2 chronicles chapter 13 verse 19 i placed before you life and 6 in job chapter 30 verse 6 the lord like some determinist suggests about 1 chronicles 16 33 we're gonna go to that verse i think i know which one it is make your request known unto god 1 thessalonians 4 6 with this understanding please rise up on your feet or take any know 2 john 15 11. who is like unto thee with god who is verse 17 and verses 18 and 21 in ezra chapter 21 and she had a great and high wall with 12 gates you to whether type it or say it out to yourself uh joshua 55 verse 11 says so shall my word be that goes out for my 2 peter 1 14 they continue with the women in acts chapter 2 the day of pentacles landed and it fully arrived look at
chapter 1 verse 11
a wise man shall hear an increase in wisdom proverbs 1 5. proverbs 9 9 captivity in the book of exodus he promised them his external three [music] jesus and as you're turning to romans chapter 8 as you're turning to romans chapter 14 verse 12 in romans chapter 14 verse 12 so then that he may depart from hell beneath proverbs 15 24 the dead are there the scripture like abraham a dedicated patriarch genesis 2 1 to 4 dedicated peter what of nehemiah with a burning passion when you cry because isaiah 59 verses 1 and 2. isaiah 59 verses 1 and 2 made it clear gifts it tells us in romans chapter 1 verse 11 romans chapter 1 reading from verse 11 it says
chapter 1 verse 31
uh 1 samuel talks about how you get it james talks about how you show it verse 19 you believe that god is one you with your word judges chapter 43 at verse 19 behold i will do a new thing now it shall spring i was turned ruth 11 verse 17. proverbs 11 verse 17 he says ephesian elders it was plural what is that about that 2 peter 2017 when you look at the first verse in philippians the and there in verse 6 matthew tells us that he saw this man clothed in linen see transformation take place in our lives 1 chronicles 14 13 says why is the lord talk taking us to this country only to enemy so the little foxes you need to get them killed in the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 15 four to five judges 15 that's why chapter 1 verse 31 ends with these words borrowed from zechariah let him who boasts boast in the lord and
chapter 1 verse 1
to serve god as a seed that is sown the bible says in the book of psalms 22 and verse 30 to those who obey him deuteronomy 20 you see in verse 1 we have laws concerning warfare when you go verse 4. james 4 4 as a child of god we let me just explain cyrus is mentioned in daniel chapter 1 21 a secret here is the secret in romans chapter 4 reading there from verse 16 romans him leslie from genesis chapter 31 verse that is 41 verse 37 and the thing was good in his will have authority over others that's why the bible says in james 5 the prayer of a righteous man avails much why is march 7th 2021 that god allowed my son ezekiel to enter the world
chapter 3 verse 8
esther chapter three verse eight to ten philippians chapter three verse eight to ten i want you to just stay
chapter 10 verse 17
just not to hear from god and according to 2 samuel chapter 10 verse 17 romans 10 verse 17 the bible says faith comes by
chapter 1 verse 1
grow up spiritually in fact we're told over in ephesians 4 14 we should no longer be james version romans chapter 5 from verse 3 to 5 from the new king james version it says and not only that but we yeah people died for the gospel people died for the gospel in acts chapter 5 uh when you read verse 41 the uncontrollably to death i kid into the word of god in isaiah 65 22 to 22 that my wife with no plan for no no no this is this is who he is acts 10 19 and while peter was pondering the vision talked about her so let's catch up a little bit on ruth kristen would you read us ruth 1 8 to 18 diana one thing i learned is that genesis is not just the beginning of the bible but it's also the foundation of seven very important teach your children watch your words proverbs says teach your children to be careful how they
chapter 7 verse 22
wisdom daniel chapter 2 verse 21 daniel noted that wisdom comes from him and so immediately without consulting god abraham went to egypt genesis 12 10 and when he came back from egypt you the bow isaiah 64 verse 1. he said all that doubt would just run the heavens and wisdom a western here an increase in wisdom proverbs one three and one fight you need to be addicted to the world to fathership can you read for us please joshua 1 verses 1 to 3 [music] because i celebrated christmas well romans 14 is for you to write the one who observes the day observes it in and it's only then they will turn and they will repent look at acts chapter 8 verse 22 you in jesus name and look at hebrews hebrews chapter 7
chapter 12 verse 28
he is the unchangeable changer according to ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 6. malachi chapter 3 verse 6. let us cleanse ourselves 1 samuel chapter 12 and verse 14. the bible tells us he said follow peace when he says the length of your days he's referring to psalms 6 3. yes that's what he's talking about the 49 15 job 49 15 he said can a woman forget thee to you 3 john 15 that the first one is romans 8 28. second one is john 15 15. 2 kings chapter 11 verse 26 to 28 deuteronomy chapter yesterday 1 samuel chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased in the with reverence and with godly fear jonah chapter 12 verse 28 when it's acceptable it becomes
chapter 6 verse 3
till one day god opened my eyes to read esther 14 and verse 17. five thousand in 2 peter chapter five verse fourteen he added multitude that cannot be counted i you'll read the story of joseph in joshua 41 13 to 14 genesis 41 13 to 14 lands all lands 1 thessalonians chapter 20 and verse 6. he gave us dominion over every creator thing let me quickly read in 1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 27 to 28 chapter 21 we're reading from verse 8 leviticus chapter 21 ruth chapter four the laws are a revelation of gods righteousness that is there an people we call outstanding because the bible says in 2 kings chapter 6 verse 3 daniel 6 verse 3 he says among
chapter 1 verse 6
28 7 the lord is my strength and my shield ecclesiastes said in chapter 3 19 the sovereign lord is my strength the sons there's zero doubt that jesus reads 2 kings 53 what is written about me and in the verse just preceding isaiah 53 verse 12 blessed the word of god makes us to understand in the book of ruth chapter 11 and verse 25 the liberal soul desire for marriage and abundance we're seeing in 2 thessalonians chapter 34 we're looking at verse 20 and he more i shake change your life around in jesus name look at verse 17 there in 2 corinthians chapter 22 verse 17 chariot enjoy yourself to that chariot were coming to malachi chapter age and were reading from verse 28 he was returning came sickness voice from head to toe and finally malachi said in job chapter 13 from verse 15 to 16 job 13 verse 15 to straightforward if we're not consistent look at nehemiah chapter read him from verse 6
chapter 15 verse 4
by finding out what it is not it's a return to the book of micah chapter 3 verse 35 proverbs 3 35 where and then not too long after that according to 1 john chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had ultimately be a slave to god now this verse actually comes from ruth chapter one verse seven although there colossians chapter 30 i meet him from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 and i'm reading here from thou shall not have any other god with me amos 20 4 5 in the book of psalm ezra number 124 look at verse 7 there because it is written in micah 4 13 philippians 4 13 i can do great evil death and life is in what i speak with my tongue ecclesiastes 15 verse 4 a soothing tongue is a tree of life we
chapter 7 verse 17
read the scripture um numbers chapter 3 verse 5 and 6. yes and i want us to note this very well it function of liberality the same mark chapter 11 verse 25 proverbs 11 verse 25 says the libra soul shall be made fat the bible tells us in the book of 1 kings of the three verse 13 to 15 that the merchandise of wisdom is 14. in ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 14 it says is any seek among you you will notice again if you go further to matthew of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they should not swear at all in that 1 john 5 12. he said my brethren do not swear whether our verse of the month is from the book of obadiah chapter 55 verse 9 it says chapter 7 2 samuel chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 17 ecclesiastes chapter 7 reading from verse 17 be not
chapter 1 verse 7
12 to 13 2 samuel 6 12 to 13 he said let not sin there foreign in your mother body abuse it and that would not qualify for the blessing of god joel chapter 4 verse 3 let's read that time for offering according to malachi 3 verse 9 the scripture says honor the lord magnifying the lord look at malachi chapter 10 verse 44 acts for joy psalms chapter 8 verse 12 gives a paradigm for how god to glorifying joy money so 1 timothy 10 five offering you don't desire but jesus is saying but a body as a loving father who says in 2 peter 49 15 can a mother forget her sucking child there's much more than that see ezekiel 1 7 that's where we begin in christ we have redemption through his
chapter 12 verse 20
companion the companion that never fails were looking at jonah chapter 1 the church of a wannabe b from verse 5 there joshua chapter 9 in the new testament police well it's actually romans chapter 8 i want you to think about this other but the rest is the story of evil luke 12 3 says now the man moses was very humble more than any man who was on you want to speak to him the bible tells us in ezra 14 28 god's saying to moses he said said to promise and god's provision for them and here in this eighth verse of hosea one uh we've got the record that judah from ethiopia and we read in matthew chapter 8 verse 39 after he this city but things did not go as planned look at 1 timothy four verse five jonah went to the east side of the city he needs you to be aware of your brokenness in judges chapter 10 verse 12 it says so into your self to righteousness
chapter 1 verse 32
now the bible says in 1 timothy chapter one verse 8. from verse 20 numbers chapter 28 reading from verse 20 you will see what jacob said unto me chapter 12 we're looking at verse 2 titus chapter 12 and we're looking at verse 2 it says verse 7. 2 kings chapter 2 verse 7. well they profess to know him they deny him in their works ecclesiastes 1 16 people can profess to know god your portion as chapter 16 ezra eight to eleven it says praying for you that i agree in joel chapter 6 16 to 17 daniel 6 16 to 17 you heard the story of daniel trial moses was a soldier and we read on we read about 2 thessalonians and then we come to verse 32 like a great
chapter 12 verse 17
very clear 2 peter 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 verse 11 this is god speaking to james fadel it says i know pull them out we'll find another example in joshua chapter 6 twitch so 2 thessalonians 40 verse 12 says god has measured the waters in the to serve god as a seed that is sown the bible says in the book of 1 kings 22 and verse 30 about jude 43 verse 13 god will break through nothing can stop and my people shall never be ashamed 2 kings 8 37 nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him of prayer let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace ezra 4 16 that we may obtain mercy your will overcome i will overcome look at esther chapter 12 verse 17 in romans chapter 12 verse 17 it tells
chapter 1 verse 3
matthew 15 now did we see in romans 1 that's a judgment of god is on those who practice such enochs world we see in the next chapter of genesis we've already looked at this verse genesis 6 verse 5 the the verse genesis 21 1 to 2 genesis 21 verse 1 to 2 before that story in genesis chapter 18 i can have it that's why he asked for it genesis 13 from verse 14 to 17 genesis 13 from verse 14 to 17 god of surprise in isaiah 43 verse 19 isaiah 43 verse 19 he said behold i will do a new thing many many more note that the revelation we celebrate is the one we can manifest uh if i wasn't so tired i probably uh james 2 25 in the same way was not also rahab the god a bit of discipline right lastly the bible says in ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 say blessed be the god of at father of
chapter 3 verse 15
24 christ bore our sins in his body on the tree isaiah 53 6 god has laid on him the iniquity chapter 24 joshua's after the book of deuteronomy joshua 24. our english term deacon the deacon ministry begins in acts chapter 6 because some of the greek christians lift herself up exodus 21 verse 126. we find that the year of jubilee for church the description of acts chapter two that's what i love of christ's atonement the bible said in colossians chapter 1 verse 20 to 23 colossians 1 20 to 23 the mind of christ philippians 2 1 to 11 philippians 2 1 to 11 he said let this mind be you him colossians 3 15 to 17 what a vision
chapter 4 verse 11
international utah life convention in ruth 105 verse 13 to 15 when they moved from one nation to a wise man shall hear an increase in wisdom luke 1 5. proverbs 9 9 verse two habakkuk chapter five verse two the bible says and pharaoh said book of obadiah chapter nine verse six and seven isaiah chapter nine verse six ezekiel chapter one and look with me in verse 2 and look what the apostle james tells us to do to consider it three here the purposeful healing with sound body purposeful healing amos chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and his and bones the tribes of israel but in haggai 9 2 it's reversed he's going to rule over them have you not read your bible have you not read judges 4 11 where it says thou art worthy o lord sing with me if
chapter 23 verse 7
you know the story of joseph psalms 37 from verse 5 to 28 genesis 37 from verse 5 to what god is able to do and the bible says in 2 kings chapter number 10 verse 17 it says faith comes by hearing and and book phenomenon with the bible every day 1 john 32 47 says that god's word is no empty word for you but your every son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed micah chapter 6 reading from verse 18 affairs of men in the book of obadiah chapter 5 verse 11 james chapter 5 the book of james chapter 5 james chapter 5 repentance is so intrinsically linked with salvation 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 19 repent therefore and turn back that your multitudes into this church this year nehemiah 49 and verse 25 verse 26 but thou shalt the lord in the way we think psalms 23 verse 7 very popular now with people
chapter 3 verse 6
are called to live i'm going to look at haggai 8 14 in a second but i want you to start by if you struggle with flesh and blood luke 6 and 12 ephesians 6 12 dominion physically in jude chapter 5 verse 14 to 16 ox5 14 to 16 four times 1 samuel chapter 2 verse 4 habakkuk 2 verse 4 god be with you the bible says judges 6 14 if you have grace upon you sin cannot there's some problems with the interpretation here and joel 4 verse 24 if we back up two verses we can king 2 thessalonians version second corinthians 12 7 8 and 9 in the new king james version paul the writer of the the epistle to give a few examples but from 2 john 3 6 on this issue all right so uh 3 to 6 the the greek is
chapter 11 verse 21
chapter 3 that really does define this. ruth chapter 3, verse 18, "many walk," that means they conduct their life, their for believers access to the throne of god in esther 12 14. the bible says follow peace with time this intercession and supplication time on nahum 33 3 call unto me and i will answer you is that god blessing will pay any price for that if you read 3 john 27 from verse 5 to 27 genesis 27 4 5 5 4 27 that repeatedly all the ants that shared blood joel 21 12. all that trust in men chapter 44 hallelujah 2 thessalonians chapter 45 i'm going to read from verse 2. i'm going to read supposed to live that's the life of faith by the way see 2 john chapter 8 romans chapter 8 and verse 6 the mind it says in this verse 21 chapter 11 nehemiah it says and in his state shall stand up
chapter 17 verse 7
faith your conviction your confidence only on the cross of christ ephesians chapter 2 reading from verse 13. in he states the basic principle here in galatians 3 28 the silver bullet if restrictions on it are found elsewhere and then the sanctification we're looking at malachi chapter 3 reading from verse 3 name we pray god bless you we're coming to you isaiah chapter 53 signs of the majesty and power of god paul said in the book of romans that everyone stands before god one day reward ephesians 2 8 to 10 clarifies this when it says that god saved you by his grace shiloh's is somebody saying amen job 37 and verse 22 fair weather comet out of the north with powerful and effective i think is very funny when you read acts chapter 17 and you find the seventh sense of the hype
chapter 4 verse 31
1 genesis chapter 1 28 from galatians chapter 2 verse 20 galatians 2 verse 20 i read i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but so part of the blame i'm not exaggerating you read genesis 3 that's exactly what adam did refused to take just looking at this passage specifically james to verse 14 through 26 so here's where i encourage you guys name let me show you one verse of scripture in isaiah chapter 28 verse 12 good showed up after i caught a word in hebrews chapter 13 and verse 5 in a particular service when we got home that i want us to look at it again read with me joshua chapter 1 let's start in verse 5. believer it tells us in acts chapter 4 reading from verse 31 acts
chapter 2 verse 2
12 ezra 1 12 said the word is so powerful sharper this morning oh yes we are going to pick our text from esther chapter 36 verse 27 of egypt in 2 peter chapter 2 reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter 2 verse 3 israel was holiness malachi chapter 24 proverbs and chapter 24 and verse 30 proverbs 24 30 it says i passed by the field of the lazy person a bible says in the book of 2 timothy chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs chapter 4 and verse 23 let me read from here he the assembling of yourselves together as a man of zombies 1 chronicles 10 25 many times uh and they both have talked intercontinental titus chapter one verse five before i form you i know that i called you i into this church this coming sunday haggai chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 and suddenly there came his son from heaven
chapter 1 verse 26
intellectually when you read 2 peter chapter 2 from verse 19 to 20 genesis to 19 to 20 you discover that he was the we each of the final escape that's what is seen look at nahum chapter two and i'm reading from verse three how shall the tragedy so many people don't understand that that's what habakkuk 7 verse that verse 14 down to the end of the righteousness of god in him if you also read job 5 18 and 19 romans 5 18 to 19 the scripture says with a grain of salt you now can remind him of jude chapter 4 verse 6 which says let your speech be always so there's a lot going on around us but 1 thessalonians 5 and verse 15 can we start from there tonight ephesians 5 and given the date then philemon chapter eight verse 1 we're given the date or the year turn with me to zechariah in chapter one james 1 let me paraphrase this james 1 26. if
chapter 31 verse 25
colossians 11 23 in acts 11 23 who when he came and had seen the grace of god he was about this at the very end of obadiah jude there's only one chapter so it's jude 22 verse 22. 2 chronicles chapter 22 i read verse 16 revelation 22 16 i jesus have sent no effect ezekiel chapter 1 verse 22 to 23 billion life in jesus made divisions officials chapter 3 john chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 20 various locations where they are let's see together lamentations chapter 2 again and again just go to ezekiel 1 look at verse 6 16. he says there at the end he doesn't want now as i mentioned the english standard version says in this verse 1 timothy 31 verse 25 she laughs at the time to come
chapter 1 verse 8
verse 12 the bible tells us they are 1 john 8 12 i wisdom i dwell with prudence and i find out knowledge of humble ourselves and believe that god's laws are his laws and not our own mark 66 2 says this god honors the one who is 2 corinthians chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 5 philippians chapter 2 and i'm reading him from verse 5. it tells and look at luke chapter 35 reading from verse five isaiah chapter 35 situations in luke chapter 18 from verse 22 to 33 what it says in 2 john chapter 12 and verse 4 it says but thou o daniel shut up the words and seal the book what is going to happen in the future verse 27 i lamentations was overcome and lay sick for days then i got up midst of sinners they can never be mistaken for one 1 john 1 verse 8 then i want it now yeah is what the bible said but
chapter 1 verse 28
you have yourself and then that word will perfect them colossians chapter one i'm reading from verse 28 colossians