Unnamed: 0
therefore sometime between the events of psalms one at psalms 3 there must have been this rebellion in the angelic worldjeremiah or one of the prophets so let's go back now to jeremiah what's the point of identification
psalms chapter 3 verse 1
from verse 11 to 14 leviticus chapter 5 11 to 14 says and god saw that it was good and then verse 20 of chapter 2 of leviticus continuing with the creation account a know were dropped in my spirit i won't forget 1 kings 3 to 3 can two work together except they be agreed and i told god at7th how you move from negative emotions to positive zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 be anxious for nothing but in everything start at verse 8 for a couple of verses eli who says to 2 peter job surely you have spoken in my ears and i two things stand out look at 3 john 5 21 amos 5 21 now let's see something in chapter 31 of amos verse 16 chapter 31 make us to be shining in the order of galatians 24 18 until when we will meet you in glory
galatians chapter 24 verse 18
24 galatians proverbs chapter 24 reading from verse 14 in all things this is the essence of colossians chapter 1. but i want you to see this in verse 15 what pride and high mindedness zechariah chapter four reading from verse six in james chapter four living in the best of times you believe he said louder man zechariah chapter 2 verse 4 and the bible say god remember him in matthew chapter 14 verse 14 to 20.and i could be wrong here but i think ezekiel maybe of all the prophets the one who is in in more ways than others a
matthew chapter 14 verse 14
verse 14. now i'll start from verse 13 nehemiah 4 and verse 13 zechariah on the isle of patmos later and over in revelation 22 17 jesus said when he met john on the
zechariah chapter 22 verse 17
multitude of councilors there is safety that is amos 11 14 however in psalm 1 verse 1 he also says blessed is the your amen can be stronger in titus chapter 12 and verse 3 said and death that be wise shall shine as will not be my portion in jesus name and this is found in the book of deuteronomy shotta sees four to six hebrews chapter to be filled acts 8 and verse 17 acts 8 number 17. then they did their hands on them and i want to show you another verse in 1 peter 20 how we finish dear brothers and sisters going to read this to you for times sake if you don't mind 1 corinthians chapter 2 verses 10 to 16 here's what the lord says i your life is in the book the bible says in the book of hebrews chapter 10 and verse 7 he said lord ithree days after you are gone where will i get another job he said i will pay you
hebrews chapter 10 verse 7
you've probably six let's turn 39 39 in colossians who was miriam moses sister thank you i can take your seeds we're coming to hebrews chapter 11 and i'm reading from verse 1 hebrews
hebrews chapter 11 verse 1
the second group of people that i see in the context of 2 peter 22 is someone that the bible refers to as most important passages in my life judges chapter 1 verses 2223 he's my eager expectation and hope just stop we're in fellowship with him in the sufferings in 1 chronicles 8 verse 17. he said paul says if we're children then micah chapter 7 chapter 8 9 and 11 and revelation chapter 13 he's mentioned as the beast in revelation 13 he is going what is the fruit of our mouth luke chapter 13 number 15 hebrews 13 15 by him therefore [music] ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 he says and has raised us up 41 verse 18 ruth 41 verse 18 say i will open rivers in this church 2 peter chapter 8 9 to 10 associate yourselves
2 peter chapter 8 verse 9
three and i'm reading from verse seven 1 chronicles chapter three the same fears that the people of old had the same fear but the reason i had you turn over to colossians is this even here in colossians 3 9 do not lie to one another after the holy ghost is come upon you micah chapter 1 verse 8 acts 1 verse 8 difference whatsoever 1 timothy chapter 2 and i'm going to look at three four verses here and when we understand that is amos did daniel chapter 9 he makes this glorious prayer we have sinned againstverse 6 i got james mark picture somewhere on these little tags james is really he's a good preacher when you
amos chapter 9 verse 9
hallelujah joshua chapter 6 very quickly verse 22 isaiah 60 he says your sun shall no longer go down haven't noticed before so in judges chapter 1 x raptor1 verses 3 through 5 it says about jesus he chapter 5 because it spells it out daniel 5 and we can pick it up in verse 5.anybody says anything against the god of daniel he will be born today one day
daniel chapter 5 verse 5
8 verse 11 colossians chapter 8 verse 11 it says because the actions of men wisdom ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 21 daniel noted that wisdom comes from him reading from verse 7 1 kings 1 verse 7 in whom blemish holy and without blemish in 1 kings 21 1 to 2 you read of a holy people coming in the world through holiness were coming to 2 corinthians chapter 2 and worried him from verse 11 revelation
2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 11
chapter 15 verse 23 to 25 exodus 15 23 to 25 at mara there was the river that was formless but the heart was shapeless and and formless you know 1 john 1 verse one the house was it was without it was chapter four and we're looking at verse 3 in deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 3 it says what for what says the scripture abram this timing laid out in scriptures in numbers chapter one interestingly we have them is the hope to which he has called you or go further 2 thessalonians 4 13 we see that christ gave gifts to men and he gave and the source of truth is the word of god paul reminds us in ephesians 6 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood accept sacrifice of praise 1 peter 17 verse 26 jeremiah 17 + 26 now on number 6 a sacrifice can avert a disaster came down on anointed worship or look at ecclesiastes chapter 2 and verse 11 passages for our third level we begin reading in verse 16 revelation 26 verse 16 i also will do this unto you i
revelation chapter 26 verse 16
to habakkuk 18 there there are more as you would expect but in acts 18 24 a jew named apollo's an alexandrian by birth of the holy spirit in fact i would love to read that to you esther chapter one from verse four to five of my pain with you exodus chapter six verses four through six
exodus chapter 6 verse 4
the assembling of yourselves together as a man of zombies 2 thessalonians 10 25 many times uh and they both have talked has given you enjoy those things that god has done well titus 4 and 4 verse 5 says and to the one who does not work testament in 1 peter in chapter 11 hebrews 11 and verse 6 it says when you come to god paul we read about him in another letter 1 timothy in colossians chapter 4 verses 7 through 9 let me read this to my notes there sorry guys i'm i'm extremely human so habakkuk 4 13 paul the apostleto be set it's used in chapter one of hebrews where it says that the son of god is the the hupa stassi's of god he
habakkuk chapter 4 verse 13
every human being on earth is a zero and also daniel 4 verse 35 i haven't finished daniel 4 verse 35 not only he counts god says in 1 thessalonians in chapter 2 and verse philippians and chapter 2 and verse 8 and 9 he humbled evangelist by the time we saw him in exodus 21 verse 8 this same philip he says we entered the [applause] 1 thessalonians 10 21 to 23 here is it enemy an enemy numbers 2 verse 5 i have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy with a 1 chronicles 24 verse 9 and 1 chronicles the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom because moses had idioms used all through philemon 6 verse 14 isaiah 59 james for elsewhere a blow through the and this church this coming sunday esther chapter 16 and verse 14 and a certain woman named lydia actually repents this is what 1 chronicles says in the book of jonah says in chapter 3 verse 9 who knows god may turn and seen in these words by the author of 2 thessalonians hebrews chapter 2 verse 5 horrid not two angels that god subjected the
2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 5
song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 33 we're looking at verse 3 deuteronomy chapter 33their lives and may they be able as hebrews says one day to give account with great joy because we have heeded
song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 33 verse 3
we're looking at luke chapter 5 a reading from verse 19 galatians chapter 5 verse 19 now the works of the away we're going to go right through the scripture starting with haggai chapter 1 produces the fruit of love and now look what galatians 5 6. same book a few verses earlier in christ and the interest of his kingdom now let's rewind a little in colossians chapter 1 verse 26 god said let now let and bringeth reproach leviticus 19 13 a foolish son is the calamity of his father do you the winepress will be full and the vats will overflow see ezekiel chapter 3 when the lord will punish the world for
ezekiel chapter 3 verse 1
you are still healed what does the bible say jude 13 verse 8 hebrews chapter 13 knowing notice what it says here in zechariah chapter 20 verse 4 it says here i also saw the he with whom he had walked a little earlier with peter isaiah and john those three leader said at the beginning in john chapter 4 verse 2 as king nebuchadnezzar learned the hard way in daniel chapter 4 you may lose your sanity this killer is identified in hebrews chapter 26 verse 2 proverbs 26 2 a killer 8 9 which we all know so well but luke 2 4 but god being rich in mercyopen up the bible at the very beginning in the book of genesis and within the first three chapters you
luke chapter 2 verse 4
um the third thing is justification by faith so jeremiah 3 24 it says the law is our guardian in order that we might
jeremiah chapter 3 verse 24
curses it is to keep us in one place but i want to tell you it says in 2 samuel 29 verse 11 for i know the plans that i have that night in joel 15 verse 8 exodus 15 verse 8 he says breathe on the water and the water froze truth with your neighbors or members of another verse 26 of ephesians 4 be angry and do not sin letter you have that beautiful example of from psalms same time period chapter 9 the lord is bringing his hammer on his headed by the fear of the lord 1 corinthians 10 12 now israel what does yahweh your god require from you but to impeach sin it tells us in verse 22 of that 2 thessalonians chapter 4 it says and therefore you must sanitize what you hear we are taught for example in luke 10 verse 17 faith comment by hearing and bible speaking very clearly tells us in the book of john chapter 150 and verse 6which happened in 1948 this is what ezekiel predicted in the 6th century bc and it has come to pass in some of your
john chapter 150 verse 6
spiritual awakening but then i read passages like proverbs 9 13 and it really gives me hope cheers says reading from verse reading from verse 3 revelation chapter 53 verse 3 it says he is despised and rejected of yeah another lady told me that she got a job in two weeks and these are multinational them 1 chronicles 12 came he brought them out of egypt
1 chronicles chapter 12 verse 1
exist between the two i quoted to you from 2 chronicles chapter 6 verse 23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory 1 samuel romans chapter 4 romans chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 17 [applause] in galatians 11 verse 11 we saw a land hidden with treasures but the performance in joel 4 12. one of you laboring family laboring each gate is made of a single unique pearl 1 timothy 21 21 do you see what god is doing the easement he's merging purposes of the heart then each one will have his commendation from god or 1 timothy 12 verse 17 to 19 repay no one evil for evil
1 timothy chapter 12 verse 17
shows my weakness but if you just have acts 9 and you're just reading there let's look at another man we're looking at exorus chapter 33 philemon chapter 33 and we're reading from verse 11 exodus a messianic expectation that is based on ezra 18 and 15 and of course jesus refers to itof over 100 over my previous job somebody celebrate jesus this morning
ezra chapter 18 verse 15
over to joel chapter 13 verse 22. proverbs 2 13 verse 22 we can read that in the new king james version isn't it i can see again alright jonah chapter 2 verse 1 then jonah prayed to the lord his god from now verse 14 we're entering the scene in 1 corinthians chapter 4 when the order of the day the breaking in gathering of multitudes hosea 2 verse 10 that at the name of jesus every knee speak to us from is from isaiah chapter 44 and verse 3 isaiah chapter 44. verse 3 i
isaiah chapter 44 verse 3
in 2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 10 2 corinthians chapter 2 we're looking at verse 10 exactly what his prayer was but the scripture tells us in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 29 verses 11 to 13 let me read it to you worn the page out the call of the page song of solomon (song of songs) 8 verse 28 that's all they know what does it say here in isaiah 4 verse 13 2 kings 3 4 5 6 7 is about that's what romans 8 is about god is for us he's for his people genesis 15 1 don't fear i'm a unprecedented multitudes tomorrow sunday in isaiah chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 paraphrase said associate yourselves and most important passages in my life leviticus chapter 1 verses 2223 he's my eager expectation and hope just stop for your sake in the name of jesus judges 54 verse 14 and 15 you are going to pray let the church say louder amen leviticus chapter 15 and verse 4 preached the lord god has given me the tongue of obadiah chapter 2 from verse 20 to 21 philippians chapter 2 20 and 21 for i have no
obadiah chapter 2 verse 2
1 samuel chapter 11 verse 26 to 28 deuteronomy chapter sin because it will make it casualty in exodus 32 23 but if you will not do so behold you have sinned against the lord that will be able to say like the apostles in 3 john chapter 5 verse 12 that we use our hands to do signs and wondersthanks jonathan i would say one of the mistakes with revelation is when you try to understand too much of it too fast i
3 john chapter 5 verse 12
an answer here look at zechariah 1 verse 9. and this i pray he's saying to the church at the book of micah chapter 4 verse 17 james 4 verse 17 he said therefore to him that knoweth to do good and do it it's not to still given to the humble and what does grace do well 2 kings 13 verse 8 says god grace strengthens the heart it the book of micah 18 sorry micah 8 the book of micah 8given to it but the sign of the prophet jonah for as jonah was three days and three nights in
micah chapter 18 verse 1
in jesus name we pray if you look at the book of psalms chapter 3 verse 8 psalms said i am full of god's amen as we continue our prayers let god be god 1 kings 55 8 to 9 says god's thoughts are not our thoughts and
1 kings chapter 55 verse 8
this parallel talking about how god is our refuge all through just the 2 samuel listen to psalm 9 verse 9 the lord also jada will read 1 kings 2 verse 15 to but the same bible tells us in daniel chapter 12 verse 29 daniel 12 29 that this god are still required to ask him in prayer 2 corinthians 33 and verse 3 tells us month in jesus name our text will be from ecclesiastes chapter 26 from verse 18 to 22 genesis 26 from was 18 to 22 an isaac know he just has the text he wants zechariah 1 8 says i'm the alpha and the omega says the or with love in a spirit of gentleness or nahum chapter 6 4 fathers do not provoke your this is a really important you have the 1 peter 11 moment and the 1 peter 11 moment is interesting because because you've got because you've got
1 peter chapter 11 verse 1
the power of heaven upon your life look at 2 peter chapter 1 a reading from verse 4 acts
2 peter chapter 1 verse 4
it starts with satan in isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 through 14 when before satan fell from heaven his church and then she quotes philippians 1 1 to all god's holy people in christ jesus at hearts ephesians chapter 3 verse 12 to him overcomes shorty ecclesiastes 7 22 hebrews 7 22 better shorty jesus has become the shortie of a better full of eyes it says in chapter ezra 4 and 8 and the four beasts were full of eyes verse 8. malachi chapter 1 verse 8. he said you shall receive power activities of the world it tells us in jeremiah chapter 2 a meeting from verse 25 revelation ought to be righteous in fact we are told in ezra chapter 19 verses 7 and 8. revelation chapter 19 2021 make it louder and stronger 1 peter chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says clearly here the lord god of circumstances and people here it is jonah 4 35 all the people of the earth
jonah chapter 4 verse 35
into eternal life there is no end to it amos 14 9 and a third 8 from verse 14 down to 19. joshua chapter 8 from verse 14 down to 19. for as many as are led by the spirit at 1 corinthians chapter 42 and we're looking at verse 2 1 corinthians chapter 42 verse 2 i know you see now we're looking at matthew chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 37 he is cleansed in fact he tells us in 1 chronicles chapter 36 ezekiel chapter 36 reading from verse 25 tonight in jesus name i want you to look at obadiah chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 2 obadiah chapter 3 verse 2 and a like some determinist suggests about leviticus 16 33 we're gonna go to that verse i think i know which one it is of many waters it tells us in chapter 19 of revelation revelation chapter 19 looking at verse 15. here he tells us fairly easily i think if you just read isaiah 53 people are like yeah that's about jesus like it seems to be clearly
isaiah chapter 53 verse 1
clouds to meet the lord in the air 2 corinthians 17 revelation chapter 1 verse 7 given come to redeem his people from the bondage of their slavery 2 john 4 4. but when the fullness of the time came romans chapter 13 a meaning from verse 11 there romans chapter 13 verse 11 and that knowing the time [applause] 2 timothy 10 21 to 23 here is it your habit in jesus name well look in our arch numbers chapter 13 we're looking at verse 8 trial we should see trials as opportunities for promotions psalms 8 verse 18 romans 8 visiting like i said know that would emily holy suv in deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 11 illogical revelation 4 verse 11 so that he hasdream is true and its meaning is certain so daniel says that there would arise four major kingdoms after the head which
deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 11
his word to us micah 7 7. the bible he has speaking says be sober it tells us in 2 timothy chapter 2 verse 3 jude chapter 7 reading from verse 22 daniel chapter 7 reading from verse 22 until the ancient the only qualification is 1 chronicles 9 romans 10 9 to 10 if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord is one reference in the book of amos acts chapter 16 verse 14 a woman by the name of lydia fault paul's first con not a father christmas god in 1 corinthians 33 and verse 20 and 21 if you can believe my covenant will be done 2 corinthians 1 17 galatians 3 11 and hebrews 10 38 https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=54qoz25bmj0 in acts 17 6 we read paul and silas have caused trouble all over the world they confirming the word everywhere in the book of ruth chapter 14 verse 3 the word of god tells us there very11 is at the exodus when they didn't have time to leaven the bread and so they ate
ruth chapter 14 verse 3
all under sin all have sinned micah 3 23 says and finally god now relates to this and it says here in nahum 12 11 from that time from the time that the regular where i was going and was carried into heaven look at psalms chapter 1 verse 3. psalms chapter 1 verse 3 who being that's what i grew up with you need to make jesus lord as if he was not jonah 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your he was a pharisee himself. in titus 22 verse 3, paul is giving his testimony and he says he was trained at the feet of because ecclesiastes said no we read here that three other people hananiah daniel 111jeremiah or one of the prophets so let's go back now to jeremiah what's the point of identification
ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 11
this in 1 corinthians chapter 32 we're reading from verse 16 that verse 18 again 2 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 18 for thee that has searched subnauts our your habit in jesus name well look in our arch 1 corinthians chapter 13 we're looking at verse 8text every morning for his first five days on his new job down in north carolina is there somebody you don't
1 corinthians chapter 13 verse 8
all things of christless life christless life look at luke chapter 4 verse 17. this i say therefore and testify in oh thank you jesus the bible said in 2 peter chapter 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that prophets they speak the word but if you go down in 1 timothy chapter 8 verse number 5 and 6 it says and philip spirit with one mind striving together for the face of the gospel 2 peter chapter 10extract there are 32 times in this prayer that daniel uses the first person plural
2 peter chapter 10 verse 1
that's why when you come to chapter 2 verse 1, the writer of song of solomon (song of songs) says, "for this reason," because of who this message comes from, "we nations that have come against him and come against israel in ecclesiastes 19 verse 11 john writes now i saw heaven here's what scripture says in 1 chronicles chapter 3 verse 14 hebrews 3 14. testament so as we come back to jeremiah chapter four let's go look at it in the name of the lord jesus christ in the book of obadiah chapter 4 and verse 2many many more note that the revelation we celebrate is the one we can manifest
obadiah chapter 4 verse 2
mentally 1 john 22 verse 24 to 25 proverbs 22 from verse 24 to 25 says hey [music] chapter 2 philippians chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 25 revelation now we are going to into a very serious session now esther chapter 10 verse 12. today when the lord delivered up the chapter 2 we read from verse 24 and 25 genesis chapter 2 from verse 24 and 25 can you help me ask your neighbor one are the ways of death in 2 peter chapter 10 verse 23 we are told there it is not in a man that deeper level and we have what we call acts in matthew 16 verse 13 to 17 matthew 16 13 to 17 jesus christ as his 1 a lamb point number 2 in the garden of gethsemane isaiah 53 verse 6 happens the lord laid upon him the iniquity of us all is recorded four times there in chapter one and here 2 kings is you know he's already a fighting man we
2 kings chapter 1 verse 1
this way in 2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 5 james 1 verse 5 he said if anybody lack wisdom lawlessness that's what we already read there but look at lamentations reading from chapter 5 verse 3 jeremiah chapter 5 but we don't want to miss it and in hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 we read these words
hebrews chapter 12 verse 15
malachi chapter 27 verse 22 so moses did as the lord commanded him he took joshua and set him before eliza the priest and directly zephaniah 34 16 seek out of the book of the lord read none of these shall fail because they say there's a pronouncement of rejection look at zechariah chapter 4 o see a chapter for a meeting from bo6 that prayer from jesus chapter 3 verse 5 to 7 3 john 3 verse 5 to 7. the bible says it says even so the tongue is a and for everyone that's why it says in joel chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 face the earth in the heaven that daniel 20 verse 11 and they cried they cried to the mountains they cried has done he shall die again that relates exactly to what we saw here in james 2 in galatians 5 if you trust in your they had followed god's wisdom in 1 corinthians 18 they would have heeded the warning not to commit incest and they is a pain waiting for you and the beauty of it is this 1 john chapter 4 and verse 4. look at this very
1 john chapter 4 verse 4
can find it here first 2 peter chapter 2 14. this is such an do it for us for every one of us look at colossians chapter 1 verse 16 then we read about them receiving the holy spirit in deuteronomy 2 acts 8 acts 10 acts 19 14 lamentations chapter 2 verse 14 here is what the lord is telling look at 2 thessalonians chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter 8 verse 28 and we know that all things work 2021 say louder amen mark chapter 30 verse 19 out of them proceed thanksgiving governor without election mark chapter 5 verse 14 moreover from the time that i was appointed to be
mark chapter 5 verse 14
the borrowers to turn to philemon 22 verse 7 proverbs 22 verse 7 this is where the book of proverbsis what jericho yes they come to jericho so we're there in john and joshua five entering the promised land and remember
philemon chapter 22 verse 7
tower and on it are often how do you have dominion esther 1 verse 26 or 28 and god say by the way you'll be you may [music] it was a work that sarah had in genesis chapter 18 from verse may 2 40 genesis here's another creative way i was preaching through the book of 2 john and i remember when we got to verse 8 but timothy was different we read in deuteronomy it says in verse 21 all seek their own you say reveals a lot about who you are in verses 13 to 17 of 2 peter 3 paul gives us x to ray study of the sinner head thank you i can take your seeds we're coming to galatians chapter 11 and i'm reading from verse 1 galatians wanted to bless somebody out there so song of solomon (song of songs) 1 again 21 and 22 in the esv and you who once were alienated and because he can the application is faith remember matthew 1 through 4 even into 5 is all about establishing that i simply make an ungodly request mostly said in jude 11 15 numbers 11 verse 50 you say god from verse 20 zechariah chapter 28 reading from verse 20 you will see what jacob said unto me
zechariah chapter 28 verse 2
of the kingdom demands faith to deliver nahum 14 23 says whatsoever is not of faith is sin will not happen to the people we know in jesus in 1 timothy chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 15 hebrews
1 timothy chapter 12 verse 15
in him the bible says in the book of philemon chapter 43 verse 2 he says when you pass through the waters i will be verse 17 in mark chapter 2 verse 17 wherefore in all things it behooves him that do is good we're looking at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 19 verses 2 and 3 and here we see that they do not have i want us to look at it again read with me titus chapter 1 let's start in verse 5. about a very different subject and then here in 2 thessalonians chapter 3 it's only used once the word regeneration the our past is not remembered verse 17 esther 10 17. and right nowpoint he's driving to it verse 27 let's read on isaiah also cries out concerning israel now he's quoting isaiah about
esther chapter 10 verse 17
happening on earth that's found in job 6 9 to 11 where we read these words and we'll get to this later when jeremiah and we move on to the prophet obadiah so this week it is jeremiah 41 through 45. chapter 8 and verse 12 zechariah 8 and verse 12 concerning your seed this like they came together down in galatians 1 24 i say that's going to be helpful because i am his brother to me and what is the consequence of that 2 john 2 verse 11 there is no partiality with god believers requests should start and end with thanksgiving obadiah chapter 4 verse 6 honest exodus 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge cease from among you malachi 34 number 25 and that this is pictured as
malachi chapter 34 verse 25
need for god because 1 corinthians prays in nehemiah 1 5 o god of heaven the great and awesome god who keeps his covenant fall flat in the name of jesus the bible says in john chapter 5 in verse 12 the bible says he disappointed the devices colossians chapter 3 verse 23 in colossians chapter 3 verse 23 and whatsoever you do do it heartily corinthians 12 he empowers in amos 1 verse 8 and he fills in acts chapter 2 verse 4 this is your comforter are you hearing wants you to profit all right um god says in hebrews 25 verse 3 he says i will show you the treasures of of jerusalem in closing turn to nehemiah 21 verse 16. book of nehemiah is full of pictures 11 1 and 9 in zechariah 11 4 and 33 and the 10th time was here in numbers 13 he was not an exaggeration 10 times you of our lord and savior jesus christ and as our theme verse says 1 corinthians 1 23 continue barrenness in the land jude 35 1 to 2. everyone refers loud and clear jeremiah 4 16 let us therefore
jeremiah chapter 4 verse 16
14 verse 9 and the companion of fools shall be destroyed god says titus 13 b20 a companion of fools you choose your these various trials because he says in philemon 1 verse 3 the testing of your faith what is being tested in our life council comes to you in ruth chapter 11 reading from verse 23 acts chapter 11 reading from verse 23 daniel chapter 14 verse 12 daniel 14 verse 12. he said there is a way that seems from galatians chapter 8 verse 23 to 26. numbers chapter 8 23 to 26 and i read https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhew5ms8fva 2 peter chapter 2 verse 38 says peter replied repent and be baptized each ofdelivered the job in two to three days in a week i delivered his job and he was happy
2 peter chapter 2 verse 38
for his people in 2 samuel chapter 46 the word of god declares he said in jude chapter 14 verse 21 and 27 exodus 14 21 and 27 god was going to perform a miracle that little bit quicker but genesis 1 opens with this genesis 1 1 in the beginning who the scripture says have faith in god 1 kings 11 and verse 6 he said without because they'll all leave and go exodus 2 verse 12 so then my beloved just as you have always obeyed [music] so 2 chronicles 2 and i read the new living translation into the trap instruct yourself read jude 27 23 jude 27 23 you need to take care number two i'm talking chapter 2 we're looking at verse 11 1 peter chapter 2 and in obadiah 3 you hear people quote that in connection with christian giving, malachi 3 verse 8 says, "will a man rob god? died but wait now be careful listen carefully preachers nahum reba 20 because thou has not given him warning
nahum chapter 1 verse 2
verse 24 titus chapter 20 verse 24 it says let me back up to verse 22 and out what is called the fear of god in fact ezekiel 1 7 says the fear of god is the beginning of wisdomit is the world of the law to john in revelation when he was talking to the seven churches
ezekiel chapter 1 verse 7
like you to pray this morning it's a career chapter 4 and verse 6 philippians chapter 4 verse 6. so he answered and in ecclesiastes chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 5 revelation chapter 12 we're looking at verse 5 remember chapter 5 verse 4 and numbers in the book of numbers chapter 1 verse 3. i jonah in the 17 and verse 18 thank you jesus titus 1 17 and 18. it tells us there it says that the godshared his testimony of how god restored this job after 20 years i came into that testimony and then the
titus chapter 1 verse 17
sons of god 2 corinthians chapter 8 and verse 19. this means that every child of god is the crowd you got to be alone it says jude 32 24 jacob was left alone and god met with him i have noticed some
jude chapter 32 verse 24
chapter 46 ruth 46 yes i think it was 25 46 25 israel and the antichrist we've talked about that already song of solomon (song of songs) 9 27 says and he shall confirm a covenant with manythanks jonathan i would say one of the mistakes with revelation is when you try to understand too much of it too fast i
song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 9 verse 27
do you know that that our greatest pursuit as paul says in nehemiah 3 that we may spirit of the lord second corinthians 3 and verse 18 in the new king malachi version talks about this transformation and earning means not grace that's what jeremiah 11 6 gives us so that's my pushback on that is that um you've gone too far and so in 2 thessalonians chapter 6 verses 5 to 8 the people of the world had gone too your word in isaiah 14 from verse 3 isaiah 14 3 to 7 new living translation further experience growth in 2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 14 the bible said they were together in one accord so he when in the beginning of the bible in zechariah chapter 1 verse 3 let there be light of course all the first of all you have israel here you have the samaritans in haggai chapter 8 you have the gentiles and that's wheregod invites us to be like habakkuk we all have our questions uh habakkuk himself himself had four complaints
haggai chapter 8 verse 8
behind your back." 2 corinthians 43 verse 25, "i, even i," says god, "i am the one that wipes out your transgressions we're not under him on the will romans 8 we are children of god and if children than too were looking at habakkuk chapter three in acts chapter 3 we're looking at verse 14 acts chapter 3 chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 6. it says in revelation 8 verse 6 i hacked him and heard but he speak the beginning of wisdom ruth 1 7 says the fear of yahweh is the beginning of knowledgeamen romans romance 12
ruth chapter 1 verse 7
for the whole city let's come back to deuteronomy chapter 8 and i'm looking at verse 5 one 12 to 13 and 2 kings to 23 to 24 that gratitudeheavens open over your life walk into 2017 with revelation knowledge all through the month of december
2 kings chapter 23 verse 1
2021 make it stronger and louder james chapter 1 and verse 11. the bible says very clearly the lord god reading from verse 2. nehemiah of the apostles chapter 6 we're reading from verse 2 jewish and gentile jew jew greek issues philemon 2 now on to chapter 2 verses 8 through 11 it says we're going to be praying about that romans 14 and verse 17 the bible says the kingdom of god is not in eating and encountered god through his word in hebrews 53 verse 4 first peter 2 verse 24 and throw some of genesis 1 1 genesis 1 1 in the beginning god so my father is god verse 20 philemon chapter 3 verse 20 here is what will happen esther 23 25 to 26 exodus 23 verses 25 and 26 so we're going to find it twice in the book of ephesians it's in isaiah chapter 10 verse 25 and let's make it stronger ruth two two and six paraphrased and suddenly there came a son from heaven as
ruth chapter 2 verse 1
later on in chapter 26 of the book of isaiah we read this prophecy that god will keep be relations daniel chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20 galatians for living a good life these rules can be found in exodus chapter 20 from verse 1 to 21 family our career our businesses praise the lord you know if we look at zephaniah chapter one verse two right you know if bit different service tonight what i want to do is we've been in 1 kings as you know proverbs 1 proverbs 2 proverbs round up 1 chronicles there's only just one chapter verse six somebody say a louder amen proverbs chapter 11 and verse 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of lifein such pure order that his very enemies could not reprove him in any one job his tender treatment of dr heath
proverbs chapter 11 verse 3
he shifts verse 13 in him you also who you gentile revelation in him you also when you heard the word of truth the 32 jonah 32 we read from verse 15 isaiah 32 from verse 15 it says until the spirit is poured out the same for others that i've done for you that's what the end of ezekiel 36 is all about thus saith the lord god i will 8 romans chapter 8 verse 19 watch out for read you can read about it in job chapter 12 chapter 11 really read daniel 9 11 and 12 10 why not you jeremiah chapter 10 reading from verse 38 jeremiah chapter 10 verse 30 age how god your look at acts chapter 15 i'm reading from the street there acts chapter you tonight in jesus name 3 john chapter 22 verse 17 revelation 22 17 and the spirit and thegallows appears nowhere in the book of esther it's the word eighths hmm it appears four times in this connection
3 john chapter 22 verse 17
look at ecclesiastes chapter 34 and verse 21. in ecclesiastes chapter 34 we're looking at verse 21 jesus in this season baba says the book of philemon chapter 45 verse 2 he says i will go before you and make the crooked should say israel during this time so let's read on galatians 11 5 it says also the king of the south shall become you to whether type it or say it out to yourself uh philemon 55 verse 11 says so shall my word be that goes out for my make an ungodly request mostly said in 2 chronicles 11 15 2 chronicles 11 verse 50 you say god the word of god we petition heaven we find the appropriate places uh mark 53 when you read from verse 5 exactly 3 and one of the go to to scriptures you sort of alluded to is ezekiel 4 verse 6 worry about nothing pray about everything and surprise i'm not sure you pay attention to genesis 25 verse 1 genesis 25 as one saves abraham was old and well stricken
genesis chapter 25 verse 1
idolatry 2 john 1 20 to 22 22 to 23 says this the lord hebrews 13 verse 2 exodus 1312 every firstborn male that opens the womb old man they be dreamy dreams and proper franchina verse 18 2 kings 20 verse 18 says we are there's no vision to put and i want you to hear god's response to their grumbling we find it in acts 12 6 to 8 abraham 2 timothy chapter 22 verse 23 genesis 22 2 and 3 prayers that job is pray japanese pray five prayer points is what defines that man's reality ecclesiastes 27 23 and verse 7 i beg your pardon for as he thinketh in his heart the righteous man shall live by faith.'" that comes from the prophet 2 kings in chapter 2 in the old testament. in the mighty name of jesus after the order of acts of 9 11 in the mighty name of jesusnumber one middle of verse seven it's a revelation an unveiling when the lord jesus is
acts chapter 9 verse 11
being lord of your life once again in john 8 29 it's to that you be conformed to the image of jesus which is except that when you now read titus 3 verse 29 galatians 3 29 the bible says if you are a christiannumber one is continuous flow of revelation continuous flow
titus chapter 3 verse 29
yield yourselves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey 1 chronicles 6 verse 16 hooroo what you expect to have as good a 1 kings chapter 1 and verse 12 genesis chapter 1 and book of acts all right jeremiah is a good one obadiah i enjoyed it of this church can we say amen to that in the book of acts of apostles chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased the redemptive steps to take that's how the bible says in philippians that i want verses 5 to 6 it says good if anybody
philippians chapter 1 verse 5
authorities and defeated them and hebrews in chapter 2 and verse 14 it says he became like us that through do with the salvation of this world let's read follow with me ruth chapter 1 and verse 6. repent according to exodus chapter 3 verse 17 ezekiel 3 verse 17 he said i have made that marriage is to prove to provide hell 2 thessalonians chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 verse 18 for elders that develop later in i timothy 3 and leviticus 1 above reproach, "full of the spirit and of wisdom," and put them in charge
leviticus chapter 1 verse 3
participants shall escape your divine judgment at shiloh 2017 in philemon 49 verse 24 to 26 paraphrased shut up riba and 17 verse 16 micah 42 16. after this leave job how long your prophetic word isaiah chapter 9 at verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob and it had that's exactly what happened and we see this in titus 9 1 that literally says on the very day when the enemies of the
titus chapter 9 verse 1
thing right in galatians continuing in ephesians in chapter 5 starting in verse 8 it says verse 2. leviticus chapter 5 every son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed 1 thessalonians chapter 6 reading from verse 18 verse 17 to 24 nehemiah chapter 65 verse 17 to chapter 7 that they'll live in water speaks of the holy spirit and ezra chapter 4 verse 2 james chapter 4 verse to start with 3 john 7 verse 3 exodus 7 verse 3 while you're on your way there and let me point out the fact attitude of gratitude this morning in the book of obadiah 5 and verse 20 the bible tells us they said giving the glory that i am instituted in the life of man what does that mean esther chapter 8 verse 11 now listen very welldeuteronomy for our the fifth book of moses deuteronomy four in the old testament and the
esther chapter 8 verse 11
prayers in zechariah chapter 4 and verse 6 not by power christian life hosea 2 6 says as you receive christ walk in him galatians 5 says walk in the spirit and he won't who can make that claim it is a god as the god of all flesh luke chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of luke chapter 12 it has the power of death nine he asked resident power zephaniah 26 18 to open the eyes both as a commission and as individuals philemon chapter 33 and verse 3 call upon me and i will answer youwould stop these choirs would stop and sing one of these psalms on each of those steps it's possible although there
philemon chapter 33 verse 3
after the holy ghost is come upon you nahum chapter 1 verse 8 acts 1 verse 8 is a father is an example to his children hebrews 31 verse 1 i made a covenant with my eyes that i should benediction taken from the book of lamentations chapter one verses one two three um it will be displayed on the screen keep and guide our heart that is in esther chapter 4 and 23 keep that art with all diligence they never taught me what it says in ezra 3 21 he who overcounts will inherit all things he who overcomes journey with the part that the holy spirit has given to you or amos two verse two said i went in response to a of the man of god in titus chapter 19 verse 11 to 12 acts 19 11 to 12 a bible say is god perform special miracles byright here in a nutshell uh nope there it is the outline of acts the author is luke himself the one that wrote the
titus chapter 19 verse 11
we're going to read uh verse 13 and 14 of micah chapter 9 hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 make it louder amen james chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased verse 6 lamentations chapter 30 reading from verse 6 and the lord thy they will make the confession that is here in isaiah 53; these will be their words. and let's just go to our text, verses 4 toother bibles that were printed up until 1611 and then the king james version of the bible came out in 1611 and that was
isaiah chapter 53 verse 1
gerar all the way to egypt. he says to his wife, verse 11 of jude 12, "see now, i know you're a beautiful woman he wants to i mean he said in revelation chapter 3 verse 20 revelation 2 20 says i stand at you lost your amen there nehemiah chapter 3 verse 11. in revelation chapter 3 verse 11 behold i deborah says uh 2 samuel 4 and 14 i'm loaded i'm just going to tell you this right now but there are things you need to do he said to abraham in genesis chapter 17 verse 1 of them know most of them all of them and some 37 1 samuel 18 19 the lord knoweth the days of the upright and there is no fear of god before his eyes 1 kings 3 verse 18. there is no fear of god
1 kings chapter 3 verse 18
i'll oh you're not there okay jude 7 12. in this verse it says they made their hearts diamond pentecost or the feast of schiavone in acts chapter 2 makes illusion here paul stayed at ephesus longer than he did any it is impossible to sin when you are under grace john 6 14 is clear and jesus has shown us the way by which and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation ezekiel chapter 2 reading from verse 8 ephesians for example, you might want to try to convince someone of romans 2 which says that you are storing up for yourself wrath in the day of yeah second chronicles 20 ezekiel you also see that in acts of apostle 16 yeah when paul and silas were in prison yeah all their sins 1 corinthians 3 verse 13 galatians 3 verse 13 then saysone of the things when it comes to revelation knowledge is
1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 13
numbers chapter 21 and we're reading from verse 21 numbers chapter 21 verse 21 and see christ to and we'll see that in a moment. but in 1 timothy 32 it's important to note that this covenant, this new covenant, is without that sense of his provision you think about the apostle paul in acts chapter 23 and verse 11 god is saying 19 verse 7 and verse 8 1 samuel 19 verse 7 and verse 8. he says the verse book of 1 thessalonians chapter nine verse six and seven isaiah chapter nine verse six made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness or what about john 50 and 6 my people jude 14 from verse 21 to 28 exodus 14 21 to 28 just by lifting up his hands at all participants shall escape your divine judgment at shiloh 2017 in zechariah 49 verse 24 to 26 paraphrased shut up riba from him zephaniah chapter 25 reading from verse 21 proverbs 25 verse 21
zephaniah chapter 25 verse 21
told him moses uh i think in galatians is it galatians 18 or so he said moses you straightforward if we're not consistent look at 3 john chapter read him from verse 6 and verse 3 we read a little expression there in 2 peter chapter 2 and verse 3 called so great a salvation our 2 corinthians chapter 8 ecclesiastes chapter 8. we're reading here from verse 4 where seeking to mitigate paul's harshness have read the passage in ezekiel 1 as condemning not homosexuals generally but
ezekiel chapter 1 verse 1
just psalm 19 here's hosea 2 verse 20 and this is this is one of my favorite memory versesdon't give up and see the vision through and that's what ruth is i have been waiting for this moment for two years
hosea chapter 2 verse 2
obtained all the promises zechariah chapter 6 and verse 12. will just be coming at the back of your mind you remember hosea 10 11 for scripture i have written it there's no hand of god deliver supernaturally job 11 and verse 6. the bible says name amen now isaiah chapter 58 is spoken to the most religious people for the future i'm coming back to this genesis chapter 33 genesis chapter 33 28 to 30 1 peter 16 28 to 30 let me just read 30 because of our time no matter how great you are you need someone to intercede for you in mark chapter 4 verse 15 to 16 instructor for there but um yeah verse verse 31 is from colossians 19 18. i mentioned that because a lot of people that's where the lord went the demons that sinned in 2 thessalonians 6, that's what it says in 2 peter 2 verse 4 and jude 6 and 7, that the angelsquick progression through that book can i teach the book of hebrews in five minutes we'll see if i can so let's
2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4
that jesus after he ascended up into heaven nehemiah 4 he it says in verse 410 he ascended to god ecclesiastes chapter 33 verse 16 in job 23 verse 16 that collusion if you read it down there verse 18. he talked about titus 1 13 talking about jesus being the head so we're gonna spend a little bit of time in it jonah 6 5 and it deals with not just sort of what we dealt with in jesus name a good church amen joshua chapter 3 we're reading from verse 11
joshua chapter 3 verse 11
faith meekness temperance against such there is no law deuteronomy 5 22 23. that's galatians 5 22 to 23 thank you very amen the bible says in psalm 2 verse 8 tonight is the acts of mean and i shall give thee the eating for the has before the age that we shall walk in them it tells us in ruth chapter 3 in ruth chapter 3 verse 5 this particular time he's on to them and he says they're in 1 corinthians 4 verse 3 but zerubabbel and joshua and the rest of initially created with harmony and so in jude one actually on verse 28 started 28 and he'll be 30 actually we can just likelihood jesus took the term son of man from lamentations chapter 7 verses 13 and 14 i'm going to read it to you and you a loud amen 2 thessalonians 5 and verse 14 and believers were the more added to the lord the preceding chapter that wasn't the one look at it there in jeremiah 21 from vast word that is why the
jeremiah chapter 21 verse 1
before god and the book of 1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 16 said matthew chapter 18 and verse 3 says and joshua said unto the children of israel how long one too it's awesome yeah i mean 1 thessalonians say 28 is so true right he causes all things to chapter 24 and i'm reading from verse 27 zephaniah chapter 24 1 john chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you rejoice turn to titus 56 isaiah 56. and we'll look at verse 3. and establish this divine principle proverbs chapter 14 i read from verse 23 e to 330 new gucci from verse 5 to 11 sa can see kokkola nehemiah 37 necessary cattle good from verse 5 3 level sa can you say reveals a lot about who you are in verses 13 to 17 of 2 samuel 3 paul gives us x to ray study of the sinner headdream is true and its meaning is certain so daniel says that there would arise four major kingdoms after the head which
2 samuel chapter 3 verse 13
babylon as the person that the rough goat represents song of solomon (song of songs) h 21 says that the rough goat represents who work hard will prosper in jonah 29 22 9 it says he who has a generous eye they become more sinful in their very inner person because 2 kings 1 it says that over and over again it says they person it was a faithful man in mark chapter 39 verses 6 verses 22 the case of isaac in 1 john 26 verse 16 1 john 26 verse 16 the bible says and i've been blessed unto isaac name together and look at 2 john chapter 5 verse 19. ephesians 5 [music] james 41 46 . chapter eight a meeting from verse 6 2 john chapter 8 what the scripture says in the book of matthew chapter 26 and verse 8 there's something to learn in the word of god that's a good thing acts 13 4 here's the verse i have for us if you're
acts chapter 13 verse 4
our bible passage for today is taken from numbers chapter 8 verse 23 to 26. numbers chapter 8 evelyn anyways so then you get to haggai 43 right they backslide god reaches out and embraces gentile people abacus chapter 2 verse 4 we went into that habakkuk 1 17 the joshua lived by faith galatians 3 11 the judge shall technology reminds us of a prophecy that's found in 2 samuel chapter 13 verses 16 to 17. it's a passage then it goes on to say that the same will be done for us zechariah 4 verse 23 and 24 say but the words it was countedungodliness and unrighteousness and in my romans verse by verse study which i have online we really labor on these two
zechariah chapter 4 verse 23
life look at numbers chapter one i'm reading from verse four acts chapter 1 say louder amen in revelation chapter 6 and verse 7 the word of god increased and the number of on that in daniel chapter 3 he says in verse 18 of ephesians 3 that you may be able to understand or comprehend the earth and according to the book of 1 john 8 4 the bible says he created us a little lower than the angels but he now amos 1 27 colossians 1 27 says christ in you the hope of glory remember i've told you anyone to glory in his presence and look at joshua chapter three we're looking at verse 17 this is daniel 16 4 5 decrees for to keepverse 16 and from the old king james translation for which cause
daniel chapter 16 verse 4
with me to this the other words i want to show you ezra chapter 14 and verse romans 14 and verse 17 the kingdom of some say it was just job in 70 a.d job himself walked into the temple this is all we get from josephus is that a seminar was like got in one i'm telling you the truth hosea 53 verse 4 i'm going to skip how useless starting from what they were called to do in verse 42 of numbers 2 they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrines think we also refer to mark chapter 14 verse one that it should not be surprising there love of god. you can go back to the prophets like 2 john 31 and read about the love of god. brings us right in to the very last days of what the bible says it says in daniel chapter 2 that when these ten hands of them that's what 1 samuel did look at vas look at verse 15 look at verse 15 and he saidso something i learned from the enduring word commentary is that haggai spoke these words 66 years after the temple
1 samuel chapter 1 verse 15
through the prophet of god 1 kings definitely was a prophet of god and he said in isaiah chapter 1 verse 19levitical choirs sang these psalms on the 15 steps going from the outer court of the women in the
1 kings chapter 1 verse 19
at circumcision in the old covenant well looking at haggai chapter 30 verse 6 the next door neighbor to timothy 1 peter 2 verse 14 he gave himself for us speaking again of 2 zechariah 32 zechariah 32 jubilee brings if you read the book of leviticus chapter number 25 you see that jubilee brings rest jubilee brings blessing upon abraham and next in genesis chapter 14 because it said blessed be abraham of through me you see because in jeremiah chapter 28 for example just give you one example i think that will 2 chronicles chapter 16 verse 15 revelation chapter 16 15 behold i come as i see him just said that all throughout the entire book of genesis god's name is not mentioned one time but although his name prayed and the result was instant god and extra to ordinary favor in 2 peter chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 ax and chopper 12 satan and his darkness that famous passage joshua chapter 6 put on the full armor of godwas crazy you know and so this is the first mention of james in fact one of the early church writers said that when
joshua chapter 6 verse 6
whoever sheds the blood of a man by man shall his blood be shed genesis 9 6 it's called capital punishment it's biblicalheading out to war he's one of the judges of israel right he's heading out to war and he makes a vow to god he's
genesis chapter 9 verse 6
prepared themselves in 3 john 11 20 it says because of unbeliefvery tall order as tall as from 20 10 0 judges this year very tall order
3 john chapter 11 verse 2
numbers 32 and verse 27 numbers 32 27 says behold i am the lord the god of all flesh in 1 kings 45 which i love which says isaiah 45 and verse 15. please remember this all [music] isaiah 57 i know the lord god will help me through with that decision isaac dog aware amos 26 the bible says they came and they did what they behind your back." isaiah 43 verse 25, "i, even i," says god, "i am the one that wipes out your transgressions because the scripture cannot be broken daniel chapter 8 from verse 28 the bible says and we know that all things walksother bibles that were printed up until 1611 and then the king james version of the bible came out in 1611 and that was
daniel chapter 8 verse 28
i want you to look at the judge we're reading from verse 12 of 1 john chapter one himself when you open your bible to james 12 you'll read about this race and the
james chapter 12 verse 1
continue the thought process of the book of psalms 3 verse 9 excuse me so he says to the jews are you better off no not at now in genesis chapter 17 look at 10 genesis chapter 17 verse 10 see how costly abraham obedience was mentality first i mean ecclesiastes 2 20 galatians 2 20. that was what 2 samuel was teaching he's teaching us again in habakkuk 3 17 18 and 19 that attitude is more important the final blow is the blood ecclesiastes the blood mark the blood mark in exodus chapter 12 and verse 13 the bible says verse 2. colossians chapter 5 terms of how god operated or didn't seem to operate because 1 kings the prophet tells us in isaiah 55 verses 8 and 9 and amen the family of rehabilites in the book of jeremiah 35 praise the name of the lord we haveis a small minority joshua and caleb that were right two people were right
jeremiah chapter 35 verse 1
came sickness voice from head to toe and finally matthew said in job chapter 13 from verse 15 to 16 job 13 verse 15 to of disobedience jonah 18 24 to 25 you'll be doing righteousness you turn known to us here on earth and so we read in lamentations chapter 8 verse 35 on you and that's the development of it so joshua chapter 26 verse 16 and no two verses that uses that seven times watch god honor that because here's why i'm just reading scripture judges 1 verse 11 that's talking about wisdom bible in love 2 kings 59 verse 4 as no one calls for justice by faith 1 timothy 3 11 the judge shall lead by faith hebrews 10 38 they knew them by name. in acts chapter 11 verse 19 says, "so then those who were scattered because of the persecution
acts chapter 11 verse 19
forget chapter 16 the whole book of leviticus is only about jesus christ one of my obadiah chapter 2 and verse 3 the bible tells us there very clearly hebrews 2 and verse 3 how shall we escape what he has done in philemon chapter 6 and verse 12 we are cautioned he said beware lest you through me you see because in 2 thessalonians chapter 28 for example just give you one example i think that will https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ou4ba4_iju in nahum chapter 2 verse 20 it says but i have this complaint against you
nahum chapter 2 verse 2
just look at lucifer's fall in deuteronomy chapter 28 17. this is god characterizing lucifer he to 48 we read jonah chapter 23 verse 4 in all these mighty name we pray tonight we are looking at a few song of solomon (song of songs) psalm 69 70 we read in the first verse of chapter 2 of the book of romans these words, "when the day of pentecost had fully come, they were all their detriment proverbs 16 18 says that pride goes before destruction and a haughty spiritin the temple at one point in the book of acts paul he's the apostle of liberty right he's like hey we're not under the
proverbs chapter 16 verse 18
you cannot be delivered from others and look at what 2 samuel 6 16 he said then flee one of the seraphim resist drawing you also to ezekiel ezekiel chapter 38 the word is so powerful because this is the truth but i purposes one thing's about one thing about luke 8 28 very easy to quote hard to live it out the victors revelations of the 21 verse 7 luke 21 verse 7 who are those people that could sit in that evil oppresses one too it's awesome yeah i mean zechariah say 28 is so true right he causes all things to we to do with this information in our hearts and minds according to 1 samuel 1 or 2 snatch people from the flames of it doesn't satisfy 1 timothy 4 15 to 16 today you will be healed tomorrow the same people that are hosea 50 verse 7 hosea chapter 50 verse 7 for the lord god will help me even gloom with no brightness in it." ecclesiastes again, the prophet, chapter 8 verse 9, "it will come about in that day, declares proofs but it says that while he was doing this joshua chapter one verse three acts chapter 1 verse 3 it says that herecognized him as their leader and daniel had that faith we read in verse 12 he says to the kings authority there
joshua chapter 1 verse 3
result of private interpretation zechariah 3 22 excuse me 22 to 23 says obey in what does that mean i'm glad you asked 1 timothy 4 7 wisdom is the main thing we need to and then not too long after that according to 1 john chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had that you now live you live by the faith of the son of what local zephaniah chapter two were reading from verse 20 and my direction of my life changed said from 1 samuel 6 12 if you want to overcome satan moses song ezekiel 15 3 and what they said is this the lord chapter 2 verse 19 the bible said the secret was revealed to philippians in the night vision verse 23 to verse 30 we see
philippians chapter 2 verse 19
the bible tells us in the book of job proverbs chapter 13 and verse 20 proverbs 13 20 he says he said he that else besides him the end of that phrase that's 1 samuel 4 35 so god is one deuteronomy 6 4 bringing together several passages of scripture ezra 9 27 11 31 daniel 12 11 revelation 13 5 and we're on or before november 29 2020. say loud amen jude 14 and verse 27 we had another graphic picture in joshua the high priest in deuteronomy chapter 3 and verse 125 as we worship god tonight with our seed deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 8 may this become our portion in jesus read verses 29 and 30 but now you go to the end of john 8 the last two verses and paul says i am sure this is after why judges 2 verse 9 again the grace of god in zephaniah chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 verse 16 it says for i
zephaniah chapter 1 verse 16
edition joel chapter 4 verse 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 put away we talk and titus 31 christ jude 23 verse 26 also say dear shall not cast their young no be buried that i just put it is is is a scripture in 2 kings 61 and verse 3 verse 3 verse 3
2 kings chapter 61 verse 3
zephaniah chapter 13 i'm reading from verse one zephaniah chapter 13 like 1 timothy chapter 13. genesis 18 verse 16 and i will make thy seed to need to be very conscious in zechariah chapter 3 verse 5 if you turn your bible to colossians chapter 3 verse four points of sin again in the book of genesis the conscious decision to defy the word of god for our lives and the good because 3 john 8 28 says we know that all things work together for good to god delivers me from this body right zechariah 15 i mean sorry first corinthians 15 talks about it it said consider this than enough no wonder the bible calls it so great a salvation in micah 2 3 but that is not all there is because in this grieves me you know what you need to spend time in daniel chapter six there's got to be a burial verse three on houses we used to build he did the worst joel and i told him the joel was worth zero morning hallelujah in the book of isaiah chapter 54 two two three says enlighten thejeremiah or one of the prophets so let's go back now to jeremiah what's the point of identification
isaiah chapter 54 verse 2
means to labor to the point of exhaustion and titus 2 and 2 jesus says to the church i know thy i wanted to give you um two words one in titus chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 verse 35. is this not the fact that i've chosen joshua 58 and verse 6. to break every you it's really yoke of over the world i'm looking at ruth chapter 2 verse 16 bring forth fruit look at 2 chronicles chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 22 romans chapter 6 third thing you need to know today is in 2 kings 12 and verse 3 it says those who are wise multitudes and judges chapter 6 and verse 7 look at what happened acts chapter 6 2 and in acts chapter 2 we're reading from verse 14 acts nahum however remains steadfast in his conviction of faith in job chapter 27 verse five and six that's a there's healing for the soul as well healing for the soul judges chapter 30 i will look here in about 15 jeremiah
judges chapter 30 verse 15
who alone is worthy in habakkuk chapter 4 verse 11 revelation 4 11 that can make anything happen in one day in mark chapter 12 verse 41 and verse 42 the bible tells us from john i believe it's somewhere in nehemiah verse 8 where it says the joy of the lord is your strength let's christ it says here in 1 kings 1 8 9 for by grace you have been saved through faith first in amos 4 7 4 was like a lion and had eagle's wings then as i 2 thessalonians to see a new season where there is no joy in your life isaiah 12 3 says therefore with joy we will draw during righteousness bible says in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter six and verse number four therefore we were buried with him
song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 6 verse 4
world jude chapter 15 verse 16 he said the words were found and i did oh you say do you prove that travel asafoetida village in 1 john chapter 10 we actually recover verse 21 to 27 brings us to justification zephaniah chapter 3 22 this in philemon chapter 32 we're reading from verse 16
philemon chapter 32 verse 16