yeah .
shh catherine what are you singing about ?
catherine's making up her words again joseph .
why don't you ask grandma catherine ?
go down and ask grandma if she wants to have a tea party with you .
when thomas goes with daddy ?
okay ?
to where ?
he's got to run to a store to look for another shirt with daddy .
for who ?
oh and don't forget to take the receipt jim out of my purse .
wa what store ?
to the sears store .
come here .
i i'll open the gate hang on .
let's put your shirt back on buddy .
what store ?
the sears .
sears ?
mhm .
i don't want to go .
well you've got to go pick up joseph's pictures help daddy look for a new tool we need a new machine for the basement and look for a couple shirts for you maybe if you need some more for your uniforms .
oh unicorns did we mean ?
he needs unicorns .
yes i can open the gate for you .
please .
shh !
oh thank you .
he's right here he's not going anywhere .
are you ?
heehee .
cause he don't know how to walk yet .
he doesn't know how to crawl yet does he ?
or walk yet .
or walk .
yeah we can just leave it like that catherine it's okay .
it's alright .
hold on with two hands please and turn around the right way .
well one hand hold on but turn the right way sweetie so you don't fall .
aha .
because you you already have a booboo don't you .
yeah .
she has a booboo on her knee mister joe .
yes she does !
uncle ned !
two knees actually .
huh .
the thing for the picture is in my purse .
and you should take my phone .
mhm .
now and he needs like a size six shirt usually but it might just be like these have been five six or whatever .
yeah .
but i mean if you're saying we only got one each at gap all he has is one blue navy .
well he has actually he has two each with the name on it so he has two white and two blue .
mhm .
so plus his one blue navy .
is it hard to use the two he already has ?
yeah so that's exactly enough for a week but i'd rather have a couple n extra don't you think ?
so .
and then i guess maybe this weekend we can assess how we are with shorts and pants and everything .
um and i was even thinking maybe after the picnic i'd do a rentham run .
possibly .
i mean the picnic's gonna be over at one .
it's too early yeah .
mean even if it goes a little bit late i could still run up with my mother or whatever depending on who's here .
my aunt and uncle might even want to go who knows .
um .
okay .
alright ?
yup .
okay .
have fun .
okay .
can you say bye to daddy ?
bye bye my boy .
joseph can you wave bye bye ?
bye joseph .
here .
wave bye bye .
you were waving at school with miss name .
goodbye .
say bye bye .
i was .
i was eating that block .
i'm sorry .
i'm sorry you wanted to eat the block instead of using that hand to wave .
hm ?
was that the problem ?
dah .
ada .
ada .
ada .
ada cutie cute .
oh now you see that and you want it huh ?
well i can't let you play with the cord my pal .
i'm sorry .
you may play with this .
look .
look where it is .
can you get it ?