what kind of configur interfac doe warti promot for dialin/internet access ? __eou__ well , nautilus with the tree view on the leave side . __eou__ __eot__ network-admin ( from gnome-system-tool ) __eou__ that can be fix , and peopl who need a fast termin can fall back on xterm __eou__ __eot__ should have includ you to the question about the local of the instal __eou__ __eot__ i do n't think we have time for a general translat request proce __eou__ but if you can provid translat to kamion , and he be not too busi to integr them , mdz or i will most like approv an upload __eou__ up until the point of no return ' on the dayzero schedul __eou__ __eot__ there be usual 10-30 translat to be updat , that should not be that much work . __eou__ what be the last day for such upload ? __eou__ __eot__
today __eou__ we be talk hour now , not day : - ) __eou__
howdi all __eou__ my first time here : ) __eou__ would like to know if test the live cd give a good idea of the hd instal system __eou__ hi thim __eou__ thom __eou__ __eot__ not realli , at present __eou__ the live cd be quit out of date compar to the instal cd __eou__ no __eou__ i would not recommend attempt gnome with 32m __eou__ that be the most recent mileston __eou__ discov , actual __eou__ __eot__ : ok , the instal look nice , work damn fast under qemu __eou__ __eot__ you should see it on real hardwar : - ) __eou__ __eot__ : i 'd like to instal it on my piv 2.6c ghz d865perl machin : ) __eou__ : i need to releas some space off the sid 's parit __eou__ __eot__ instal from cd ? __eou__ if so , it 's probabl a bad burn __eou__ __eot__ : be it suppos to download anyth from the the internet ? __eou__ __eot__ no , not in a cd instal __eou__ `` download '' there mean `` copi '' __eou__ __eot__ : i see . well , it 's a warti iso i download today , and i 'm fake a cd with the instal imag under qemu __eou__ __eot__ hmm . you check the md5sum of the cd ? __eou__ __eot__ : darn . doe that mean i need to redownload the whole instal imag ? __eou__ __eot__ nah , you can use rsync __eou__ __eot__ : hmm , i check the previous one . so i pass this time : ( __eou__ : rsync would reconstruct the onli miss / defect part of the imag ? __eou__ __eot__ correct __eou__ __eot__ : cool __eou__ : how would i instruct rsync to repair the imag ? __eou__ __eot__
rsync rsync : // ... /warty-i386-1.iso < path to your exist imag > __eou__
i 'm miss the `` drawer '' icon for nautilus ( howev there be an entri for it prefer ) __eou__ nautilus -- browser doe n't have a desktop icon anymor ? __eou__ __eot__ panel icon you mean ? __eou__ __eot__ if it 's call so ... __eou__ __eot__
i have a thinkpad t400 __eou__
8am saturday be an evil time __eou__ i should be in the snow , but instead i 'm here work __eou__ __eot__ the snow ? what countri be you in ? __eou__ __eot__
so when releas it will be a flag on e2fsprog ? __eou__
yeah , i 'm current fix a bunch of stuff for those __eou__ __eot__ cool __eou__ __eot__ tri do it without smart upgrad __eou__ __eot__ k , now the list look sane . i think smart upgrad would be , well , smart . silli me . : -p __eou__ thank . i ll have to re-read what smart say it 's do . __eou__ __eot__
sure if you previous partit your mmc devic you could remov the partit and grow it __eou__
serious ; to whom do i assign a new bug ? __eou__ __eot__ general , you don __eou__ __eot__ that 's what i expect , but when i leave `` assign to '' blank , ... nm . now when i select `` gnome-system-tool '' the assign to field get fill in for me . __eou__ also , the option list under compon shrink to noth as soon as i ve click in it onc . that may be part of whi i get `` undefin '' ( or whatev it be ) in `` assign to '' last time . __eou__ thx __eou__ __eot__ i just start type - if it goe to noth , then clear the field and type unknown ' __eou__ __eot__
yeah , i figur out after a bite that i could just start type , rather than tri to scroll through the list . __eou__
doe your gtk filechoos patch default to ~/document ? __eou__ __eot__ if it exist , yes __eou__ whi ? __eou__ __eot__ it a littl weird when the evo import filechoos goe to ~/document __eou__ __eot__
rmdir dociment : p __eou__ s/i/u/ __eou__
and jane have a particular model of toshiba that i ve see around quit a bite __eou__ __eot__ you around ? __eou__ __eot__ yo __eou__ __eot__ oh , i just send you an email __eou__ i ve be work on the text for the cd cover and want your advic .. i also know that you have some suggest for stuff on the front or whatev that be not pure text so that should probabl go into the same doc that we give the design compani __eou__ __eot__ get it , will read : ) __eou__ we ll resub sounder to ubuntu , but not split into user and devel yet __eou__ __eot__ ok , just two list then , ubuntu and ubuntu-announc ? __eou__ my gift to you __eou__ __eot__ rawk __eou__ veri noic __eou__ __eot__ around ? __eou__ the archiv be n't work __eou__ it happen like 5 minut ago __eou__ ani reason we we would n't want the ubuntu list gmame' ? __eou__ __eot__ i repli to that dude and say , pleas do __eou__ i think you wre cc'ed __eou__ __eot__ can i get sourc for your ubuntu talk ? __eou__ it appear i will be give a coupl of those here in the big appl : ) __eou__ __eot__
http : // __eou__
hey there .. long time __eou__ could n't make it to auug unfortun , otherwis would have say hello in person __eou__ __eot__ hi ! oh well ... __eou__ __eot__
say it in the univers ' repo __eou__ but thas for 10.10 __eou__ apt-cach search ebox __eou__
true , but it 's slow at start them __eou__ and it 's start by default at boot , which imho be bad __eou__ should have an entri in /etc/default that you can enable/dis , and by default be disabl __eou__ erm , /etc/default/ even __eou__ samba will have troubl keep track of netbio machin name afaik .. so lookup could take signific longer , or even fail ( smb/cif be a horrid piec of shit like that ) __eou__ well you could seper that .. run nmbd direct , and run smbd from inetd .. no reason you could n't do that __eou__ the main problem be bind to the port . if you can get away from that , you do n't need root __eou__ centre/left-top/bottom-right ? __eou__ hrm , my stomach be grumbl __eou__ __eot__ : you want coordin ? __eou__ : go get some serial dude ; ) __eou__ : i ve see this problem also in knpooix and mandrak move , could it be someth unrel to ubuntu ? __eou__ __eot__
ahh weird , i figur a way around the problem , set the posit myself , someth like -- pos 0x0 for the leave screen ( monitor ) and -- pos 1024x0 for the laptop screen . __eou__ i be go to ask you if you know how to do that heh , i would like that too , im gon na keep tri thing __eou__
ha ha ha __eou__ how much time do you have ? __eou__ there be no right answer , and not fix it right now be the least stupid option __eou__ btw , we ve alreadi do a bite about bad xinerama < - > glx interact with mergedfb , mean you can now do that mean on radeon __eou__ dude , other side of the world __eou__ __eot__ optus be appar have upstream issu .. __eou__ from the optus websit : due to a heavi traffic demand on the intern web link , optusnet custom 's may be experienc slow brows speed when attempt to access intern site after 6pm . we be awar of this problem and it be be investig . ' __eou__ __eot__
here be what make me think .. lot of app doe n't start : ( __eou__
basic , my posit on dualhead stuff be that we should never ask a question dure instal unless we re do some amaz crap that be imposs to auto-detect __eou__ this mean a singl head ; dualhead be out of scope for instal stuff , and perfect in scope for an ( as-yet-unwritten ) userspac x configur tool __eou__ output of xresprob nv ? __eou__ .. no __eou__ __eot__ when i remov the monitor set ( horizsync and vertrefresh ) from the xf86config , it work . __eou__ __eot__ be this a fresh instal ? if so , how fresh ? __eou__ __eot__ i instal it last night __eou__ __eot__ peopl still have those ? : p __eou__ __eot__
ok , but worth a tri . __eou__
contrari to convent , the livecd contain the entir desktop instal ; ) __eou__ __eot__ be that a can someon ? ' __eou__ __eot__ fabbion : that 's `` have anyon tri ... '' : - ) __eou__ me might split off a develop channel if it get too crowd , eyah __eou__ __eot__
sepheebear : thank __eou__
... next releas will have a gui instal : ) __eou__ __eot__ but it wo n't necessarili be the onli option . : ) __eou__ who be respons for our kernel imag ? __eou__ __eot__ mdz/herbert __eou__ __eot__ thank . would anybodi scream too much if i upload amd64 kernel , you think ? __eou__ __eot__ build from that sourc ? __eou__ __eot__ basic , what 's in the archiv today + bd_claim patch . __eou__ no , detach + reattach fix it as well __eou__ __eot__ no , onli ntpdate __eou__ __eot__ ook __eou__ if you could get an nforce3 board , it would be interest -- we need to weed that sata+nf3 bug out befor releas . __eou__ or if you could get me one , of cours . ; ) __eou__ __eot__ not sure i have the bling handi ; ) __eou__ __eot__ amd64 box be _cheap_ __eou__ that as well . __eou__ __eot__ ( mmm , legal not licens ) __eou__ __eot__ mea culpa . __eou__ upload rc bugfix be ok now , right ? __eou__ __eot__ with confirm __eou__ __eot__ from you or mdz , right ? __eou__ http : // ; test on amd64 and i386 . __eou__ __eot__ bug # ? __eou__ __eot__ 1442 __eou__ the comment in it be wrong , obvious , sinc i have n't upload , but i forget procedur , mea culpa __eou__ doe that mean `` pleas upload '' in australian ? ; ) __eou__ prod ? __eou__ __eot__
pong __eou__
it 's fb , but text . __eou__ you be wrong . __eou__ ( and , fwiw , kamion and joeyh agre with me , they have a bite of d-i experi as well ) __eou__ __eot__ : glad to here that ! __eou__ : we can devic a test plan carfeulli test everi code branch __eou__ __eot__ realist , i do n't think that 's veri feasibl . you ll get _a lot_ of test . __eou__ __eot__ : be you at work or someth ? ? 500kb/sec ? ? ? ! ! the best we can get here be around 3mb download , that be mega bite __eou__ __eot__
univers network . __eou__
isolinux should work with scsi , but some motherboard doe n't like it . __eou__ __eot__ be there more inform on that ? __eou__ __eot__ i do n't have a link about it no , sorri . __eou__ __eot__ au be break : ( __eou__ __eot__
i 'm in love with the custom build kernel that i be leav when i reformat to instal ubuntu __eou__
iron there 's noth wrong with the hardwar per se- it boot other cds fine __eou__ yeah __eou__ no __eou__ it caus hardwar to reboot befor anyth __eou__ kernel never load __eou__ yeah it 's a goat problem __eou__ what should i file it against ? __eou__ will ubuntu have dualhead support ? ( afaik it have n't get it at the moment ) __eou__ i mean eventu .. obvious it 's not go to happen overnight __eou__ heh __eou__ __eot__ you can do dualhead , but there be n't a nice configur thingi for it yet : ) __eou__ without damag , yes : - ) __eou__ that 's kind of bad __eou__ window ca n't cover the panel __eou__ __eot__ if you alt-drag , it 's not possibl to put the titl of the window outsid the screen __eou__ __eot__ well , oss emul be * mean * to be there by default __eou__ a few peopl have mention that it be n't on their instal __eou__ we re use alsa but with oss emul ( it tend to be more stabl than current attempt to use alsa direct ) __eou__ current test coaster , which may go straight to hoari . __eou__ __eot__ excel __eou__ tri forc the devic __eou__ yeah tri use device=mmc_cdr __eou__ __eot__ yeah ? ick . __eou__ __eot__ sure there 's a web page with the archiv of the3.2 billion argument this have alreadi caus ? __eou__ do you know how well/not well spatial work for peopl who heavili nest data __eou__ __eot__ not good for peopl realli heavili nest data ; it depend on the depth __eou__ come to hrdwrbob 's for kvm action ! ; ) __eou__ __eot__ heh yes : ) __eou__ back in the day when you could sell an 8port kvm+cabl for $ 1800au __eou__ __eot__ * cough * __eou__ do n't you say you be get marri on the 25th or so ? __eou__ i 'm on the 17th ; ) __eou__ where be you do the deed ? __eou__ __eot__ st kilda foreshor , follow by recept in the royc ' hotel __eou__ be everyth organis for your ? damn there 's a lot of stuff to do __eou__ __eot__ kinda . sorta . not realli . yeah . ; ) __eou__ __eot__
the ipod shuffl have less featur and more cost and no redeem ui featur that make it better than a random flash , payer off ebay , it 's not a patch on a real ipod < /end rant > __eou__
xresprob ati __eou__ id : samsung __eou__ res : 1280x1024 1024x768 800x600 640x480 1792x1344 __eou__ freq : 30-85 50-160 __eou__ and yes , i 'm run 1792x1344 __eou__ __eot__ that 's be a per hate of mine for age __eou__ __eot__ i file a bug in debian ask for an option to fix that ... __eou__ which rev of x ? __eou__ __eot__ whatev the latest be , let me check __eou__ __eot__ it be a discuss item __eou__ __eot__ hey ? __eou__ __eot__
hrm ... that could realli mess up ocean current . and if you goof , we spiral into the sun . mayb not a good plan ... : - ) __eou__ blame the train oper for timezon __eou__ but it 's get _booring___ __eou__
version : 4.3.0.dfsg.1-6ubuntu14 __eou__ mga __eou__ id : dell p1110 __eou__ res : 1600x1200 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 720x400 640x480 1800x1440 __eou__ freq : 30-121 48-160 __eou__ i piss off the gf2mx and put ye old trustworthi g400 in it __eou__ be it suppos to forc agp 1x ? __eou__ __eot__ the applic be irssi . __eou__ __eot__ oh .. heh .. a lot of other peopl also use that __eou__ in what direct __eou__ __eot__
ive be there and tri to add servername:6697 __eou__
doe anyon els use `` screen '' insid a gnome-termin ? __eou__ __eot__ as we speak __eou__ no idea , i have n't see it . __eou__ be screen run local or remot ? __eou__ __eot__ remot . __eou__ __eot__ same here .. i have n't see it . __eou__ though , my remot box be run debian unstabl , not warti , no idea if that matter . __eou__ __eot__ it 's one of those `` uh ... yeah , interest bug , i do n't believ you ! '' bug that i 'm alway reluct to file . __eou__ remot be debian test . __eou__ __eot__ no idea .. that work just fine here , and have be for a long time . __eou__ __eot__
yes . it say reason 37 __eou__ this be the exact line in daemon log < info > ( ttyusb0 ) : deactiv devic ( reason : 37 ) . __eou__
i realli need to run irssi remot , otherwis you can see me rejoin everi half an hour . __eou__ becaus everi half an hour , i need to reboot on this to make the wireless card work . __eou__ well yeah , but i do n't think my usag of it be that unusual . __eou__ i press ^p and ^n to switch window , i type in the box . __eou__ __eot__ oh , rad . be this the blue thing , or differ ? __eou__ __eot__ the entir gnome-termin stop render and chew 100 % cpu for about 30 second . __eou__ and onc it start do that , it will do it about everi third time someon say someth until i complet restart g-t. __eou__ __eot__ right-click on the panel , choos prefer __eou__ __eot__ i ca n't __eou__ the icon be so big they take up the whole panel . __eou__ i leave click anywher , i open an app __eou__ i right-click anywher , i get the context menu * for the icon * __eou__ __eot__ hm . even when you right-click on applic , or someth ? __eou__ __eot__ that menu have it own context menu , yes . __eou__ help , remov from panel , lock to panel __eou__ __eot__ worst-cas scenario be go into gconf-editor , apps- > panel- > toplevels- > top_panel ; chang size to 32 and orient to top __eou__ __eot__ i think i might have to go that way . __eou__ when * everi pixel * of a panel be occupi with an icon , it seem like you lose the panel 's own context menu . __eou__ __eot__
the better place to ask be probabl the liux-usb kernel mail list __eou__
: ) __eou__ __eot__ not to mention runtim condit such as system load , amount of free ram , hard drive space , file system layout , the colour of the neighbour 's cat and not to forget the phase of the moon . : ) __eou__ __eot__
perhap my `` and so on '' do n't quit convey the full of the problem clear enough : ) __eou__
ani fix from the one build on saturday ? __eou__ __eot__ for start , you could complain to your isp and tell them to buy more bandwidth from their upstream ( which i happen to work for ; - ) __eou__ __eot__ : global one ? __eou__ : at & t ? : ) __eou__ : funni enough , the isp have noth to do with it . they re the coolest isp here in israel , howev in order to give you cabl broadband , they must relay on the cabl compani infrastructur , and those guy , they suck bigtim __eou__ __eot__
i ve istall firestart , but whne i tri to start i i get `` error read file /etc/firestarter/inbound/allow-servic : no such file or directori __eou__
i 'm use the tri and test `` glass and a piec of paper '' techniqu __eou__ and i 'm leave with that great problem , do i ( a ) shut all the window and die from the heat or ( b ) open them , and let all the fli beasti back in __eou__ __eot__ c ) buy an aircondition __eou__ __eot__
yes .. you may want to be read up on some bash tutori soon . : ) __eou__
: it be ? __eou__ : well , consid the vast ( and i mean that ) distant you have there , you have an exucs .. what about israel ? a countri the size of nyc ? what 's our excus ? : ) ) __eou__ __eot__ i get a flyer in my mailbox , $ 80/month for 2gb . __eou__ also , vast distanc , but almost the entireti of the popul be fair close live in the capit citi __eou__ they re in the wiki __eou__ option , default zoom __eou__ this be cover recent , check out the mail list __eou__ __eot__
-- intel pro/wireless lan 2100 3b mini pci adapt , intern . __eou__
your season be break __eou__ july/august be when it rain : ) __eou__ __eot__ except in melbourn , where it rain everi month __eou__ i be look at lam , but unfortun it 's not in ubuntu or debian it seem .. ( and no , there be lam3 , which be someth entir differ ) __eou__ __eot__ irritatin __eou__ __eot__ ahh seem ldap-account-manag be in univers .. w00t ! __eou__ i just could n't be ars screw around with samba/ldap to get someth that work .. this should make it a lot easier , and then i can tell the consult guy we have to leav me alon __eou__ this one be appar tri to buy into the compani __eou__ well i ll let you know how thing go .. nfi if lam realli work for anyth other than samba .. but i can onli look and see __eou__ __eot__ cool cheer __eou__ __eot__ new mail server be all readi bar actual deploy and the ldap db setup .. so yeah .. now just consid if i should re-instal them with ubuntu instead of test .. * grin * __eou__ __eot__
it dosent even have the socket __eou__
ick __eou__ hm , it appear as though noth much work with scsi in ubuntu : d __eou__ though the drive load , and there 's a disc in it , devic manag ' see it __eou__ it be never ad to /etc/fstab __eou__ etc __eou__ __eot__ we do n't mess with /etc/fstab __eou__ __eot__ yeah but it be n't detect at instal __eou__ __eot__ so you have a scsi devic present , but you instal to a non-scsi devic ? __eou__ file a sever : enhanc bug against debian-instal __eou__ snd-pcm-oss be load ? __eou__ __eot__ and we go through and work out that eepro100 be excess __eou__ the bug doe n't infact say how to do that , all that 's mention of the blacklist be at the end where you post your changelog __eou__ __eot__ i ad an explicit note to the end of the bug when i past the url __eou__ __eot__ so you do , i see it now __eou__ __eot__
actual , you ll want to add -q to that . __eou__ well if you output the html and pipe it to that grep , you ll get it . howev you manag to obtain the html __eou__
there be deb , but they be out of date with the current debian stuff , and they re also just of 6.7.0 __eou__ look for post-warti movement __eou__ __eot__ thank __eou__ be it suppos to be in main/univers ? __eou__ __eot__
should be in univers , but it might be contrib __eou__
just test ? __eou__ __eot__ ani kind of test be import __eou__ __eot__ : ok , i have today 's daili download and i be go to instal a simpl router system .. guess i be go to test the `` custom '' seed __eou__ __eot__ enter your password __eou__ yes __eou__ no , daili be not sounder __eou__ __eot__ : for serv the test best , would you recommend test a daili or the sounder 8 ? __eou__ __eot__ both ? __eou__ but usual after 1 or 2 day a sounder be releas , you should go for daili __eou__ __eot__ : k , sound fair enough __eou__ __eot__ you could take the challeng to do it : - ) __eou__ like get in input a .deb or a list of deb __eou__ well .. if i will tell you i will spoil the fun of it : - ) __eou__ __eot__ : you be more than right ! spare me those , and i shall be back with masteri : - ) ) __eou__ __eot__ they be on the cd ... just find them : ) __eou__ __eot__ : k , i ll give it a look and take tri at that . __eou__ __eot__ onli if there be a mistak somewher .. but yes it can happen __eou__ __eot__ : actual i hav n't check the woodi src pkg changlog , mayb it 's there ... __eou__ __eot__ dsa be onli regist in stabl __eou__ __eot__ : most of them . the version format ( 3.6.2-2.2 ) number report to be fix , appear onli on the woodi src pacakg . __eou__ : question , how do i reason a conclus for the sid pkg ... __eou__ : nm . manag . __eou__ __eot__ yes . higher version be suppos to have the secur fix in __eou__ __eot__ : i know . howev everytim i bump into someth not explicit appar , i stress a bite ; ) __eou__ __eot__ no need to panic __eou__ __eot__
: can i come ? : - ) __eou__
the new init stuff be ugli as sin if you re not on the consol : ( __eou__ __eot__ : you do n't get to see noth if you re not at the consol . onli some ubuntu artwork and a progress bar __eou__ __eot__ no , he 's asleep __eou__ __eot__
so what do i do firer this old thing __eou__
about ? __eou__ __eot__ still around ? __eou__ i , also know as lolo , be the sino-tibetan languag use by aborigin peopl of south-west china . __eou__ i do n't have that font either __eou__ i 'm go to run out now , but tomorrow you should explain to me whi you want/ne aborigin sino-tibetan script : ) __eou__ __eot__
nfc whi - be just notic lot of squar box in my spam subject line ... __eou__ look good __eou__ doe the sounder list get seed into ani of the ubuntu- * list ? or do we need to have a subscript fest ? __eou__
good to be back in the bandwidth game ! __eou__ __eot__ still in .za or back in .uk again ? __eou__ interest that that doe n't appli for 0 % though ... __eou__ they go deaf . __eou__ or turn it on if they want to ? __eou__ play a sound and check the volum __eou__ yeah , but then you find someon who it 's not onli a good default but destroy their system ... and you find a nice lawsuit on your desk the next morn : -/ __eou__ __eot__ whi doe dhcp client need to listen ? __eou__ __eot__ the littl batteri charg goe down ? __eou__ __eot__ some peopl like a huge green thing __eou__ __eot__ yeah , but if you ve get a huge drain green thing , you should n't have an ident smaller , upright version of it next to it __eou__ depend ; if they never open the `` chang desktop background '' dialog then they ll get the new default background __eou__ i actual ask my next-door neighbour about that ... they do n't think they 'd have a problem with thing just be instal , as long as they be n't forc to look at them __eou__ what about /usr/share/pixmaps/splash/ubuntu-logo-508x340.png ? __eou__ __eot__ perhap , with tweak __eou__ __eot__ i tend to agre with jdub here ... there 's littl reason to ship more than one splash screen as they re a bugger to chang __eou__ __eot__ it could also be automat instal when you instal the calendar desktop __eou__ __eot__ would chang it for everyon , not just those that select the calendar theme __eou__ __eot__
common case be one user per machin __eou__
lc_all=c gconftool-2 -r /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http needs_termin = fals __eou__ command = mozilla-firefox % s __eou__ enabl = true __eou__ care to fix it ? : p __eou__ tell mark to fix it faster then ; - ) __eou__ heh __eou__ __eot__ what 's the deal with sound on the x40 ? __eou__ __eot__ you should have snd_8x0m load __eou__ __eot__ snd_intel8x0 ? __eou__ and ... what 's the plan to make it * just work * ? __eou__ __eot__
i 'm still have a few issu __eou__
ok , think about this __eou__ it could onli destroy their system if they ve hook it up to someth through line-out __eou__ and then hook that up to speaker that can not handl it __eou__ 100 % output from the soundcard be the same as 100 % from a cd line-out __eou__ so then , if they plug in a cd to the line-out , and play it , it would blow their system __eou__ now , i do n't think anyon would believ it be a reason claim if you setup your amp so stupid , then plug in a cd __eou__ whi can underpow be bad ? __eou__ and a cd in this case be no differ to warti __eou__ __eot__ cd player have well-defin output level . sound card do n't . __eou__ a bite too long , i think . 63 char max . __eou__ __eot__ great work __eou__ __eot__ what doe /etc/alternatives/x-www-brows point to ? __eou__ __eot__
can you go back ? __eou__
pleas unmount it befor by right-click on the devic in the comput window __eou__ of cours you can also pumount it by hand __eou__ __eot__ or mdz cn you tell seb128 that smb bug in gnome brows be at least reolv : ) ? __eou__ __eot__
what about elink then __eou__
yoseb __eou__ have n't have time : | __eou__ i be go to explain ti all , but i ll just send you a layout instead __eou__ __eot__ do we have saniti happen ? __eou__ __eot__
not realli __eou__ no it 's not __eou__ it 's preview part of the applet we do n't turn on __eou__
ok __eou__ i want a needinfo state in bugzilla __eou__ serious , my list of bug be full of bug wait for inform __eou__ rhythmbox crash be from you iirc __eou__ __eot__ be n't there one alreadi ? ! __eou__ __eot__
for gnome yes , for warti no __eou__
from the wiki : '' you can run program as root with sudo , for exampl : sudo apt-get updat , '' __eou__ it doe n't work . __eou__ i have to set up a root password befor __eou__ which would enabl the root account __eou__ you mean regular user password ? __eou__ __eot__ yes __eou__ eject umount for you . __eou__ __eot__ : you mean they alreadi use it in window ? __eou__ __eot__ nautilus-cd-burn and cdrecord __eou__ right click on an iso imag and click write to cd be unintuit ? __eou__ __eot__ : what 's m3us ? __eou__ __eot__ a run joke , but also the mp3 playlist file format __eou__ yes __eou__ __eot__ : i know what u ' r tlking about __eou__ : they be buggi all the way from startup to me __eou__ : yeah , i suppos so . anyway i ll test tommorow after i get my ac adaptor .. __eou__ : have you do ani excess config for it to work ? __eou__ : i hear germen dude use that for cool : ) __eou__ __eot__ no , there 's linux-restrict modul with the nvidia modul in __eou__ __eot__ : target at the wati ship kenrel ? __eou__ __eot__
be there one build into ubuntu ? __eou__ or packag with it rather __eou__
from the wiki : '' you can run program as root with sudo , for exampl : sudo apt-get updat , '' __eou__ it doe n't work . __eou__ i have to set up a root password befor __eou__ which would enabl the root account __eou__ you mean regular user password ? __eou__ __eot__ yes __eou__ __eot__ : i think it need the root password __eou__ __eot__ you onli have one password , the system ask for a password ... give this one : ) __eou__ __eot__
same thing with /boot/grub/grub.cfg ? __eou__
do the bugzilla bug i file seem reason ? __eou__ __eot__ which one be that , the assign-to-self one ? __eou__ __eot__ yes __eou__ __eot__ what would be involv in get postfix on macquari to not rewrit the from : line on the email bugzilla send ? __eou__ __eot__
i not understand be my resolut problem ? __eou__
er __eou__ i ca n't file a bug with bugzilla becaus my mous doe n't work right now , but could someon pleas file a critic bug on pfaedit __eou__ give that it current onli contain /usr/share/doc/pfaedit __eou__ assign it to me __eou__ er , nevermind __eou__ hm . fontforg conflicts/replac pfaedit , but doe n't provid a pfaedit binari __eou__ bong __eou__ ( exhibit one : michael jackson ) __eou__ __eot__ goe on to die at the next zebra cross < /obscur hhgtg refer > __eou__ __eot__
so i log in into a screen sesstion ? __eou__
manag to get the ibook instal by point it at the network archiv sinc it would n't keep the cdrom mount . __eou__ which go fine until i log into gdm ... bunch of error from x about the xkb configur __eou__ __eot__ most of your bug seem to stem from the wep thing ; fyi , boot with debconf_priority=high should work around that __eou__ __eot__ if i want to file a test bug with the exist unmodifi reportbug , be there a packag i can report against that nobodi will yell at me for file a test bug in ? __eou__ __eot__
oh ! great to hear that __eou__
tri to manual edit a ext3 partit , choos new size . wait 10 sec . ( partit be with bas instal onli ) come back to partiton data , see partit size unchang . bug ? __eou__ part size be = 939mb __eou__ new size request = 539mb __eou__ __eot__ you tri with d-i __eou__ __eot__
googl how to upgrad 6.06 to 6.10 __eou__
do we have right-click unmount ( context menu from the icon of whatev it be that 's mount ) ? __eou__ __eot__ yes , we have __eou__ but , that 's still pretti obscur __eou__ __eot__ 2.6.9-rc1-mm1 work fine with usb bluetooth , usb mass storag ( iriv , media reader , digicam , notebook cradl thingi ) , keyboard/mous , et al __eou__ but that 's not our kernel , so ymmv __eou__ __eot__ i ll tri __eou__ but this happen also with 2.6.7 __eou__ agre __eou__ sleep well __eou__ see the mail list . right now noth chang yet __eou__ but thom and i current handl the `` just rip it off '' case __eou__ which should actual work not too bad __eou__ unless , of cours , there be still process that want to write to the devic . these be lose , but we can not help that __eou__ __eot__ how do we choos which uid to mount dynam devic under ? __eou__ __eot__ the uid that call the pmount program __eou__ i. e. the user that be log in __eou__ __eot__ be it a laptop or a desktop lcd ? __eou__ __eot__ desktop __eou__ __eot__ pleas send me the full output of ddcprobe __eou__ __eot__ i send all the debug stuff to you __eou__ __eot__ could you pleas run sh -x /usr/share/xresprobe/ __eou__ __eot__
i do __eou__ shall i mail or send with irc ? ( never do this , though ) __eou__
i 'm vagu here __eou__ __eot__ hmm , yes , that would mean linux-kernel-di would build-dep on the restrict modul , yuck __eou__ [ clint ] : we be just talk about the upgrad tool ; let 's discuss it on the sounder list later ? __eou__ [ clint ] : ( you be subscrib to the sounder list , right ? ) __eou__ ooh , that sound nice __eou__ __eot__
yup ; i ca n't realli spare my full attent atm __eou__
be gnome-gpg no longer in support ? __eou__ __eot__ it never be ; definit not supported-worthi yet __eou__ __eot__ ok , thank __eou__ wifi applet give strang mousov messa when wifi signal be go __eou__ __eot__ do n't like that ? ( it 's a string chang ... ) __eou__ no percentag be hard to do with the batteri applet __eou__ unless we show the graph + icon __eou__ __eot__ graph be the big green monster ? __eou__ __eot__ yes 8 ) __eou__ the power state icon give no indic of time remain __eou__ icon on the desktop doe not impli drag to the trash : ) __eou__ __eot__ understand , nonetheless , we ve alreadi have this discuss for warti __eou__ __eot__ this be not import enough to write code or diverg for __eou__ __eot__ i understand it 's not great for warti __eou__ for hoari , we will have split out translat , so they can continu to be improv post-releas __eou__ __eot__ yeah , that 'd be nice . __eou__ __eot__ be that font tech open sourc ? __eou__ __eot__
/ nbkr : but i enabl all the repositori , updat the list , and ca n't find it __eou__
network issu ? __eou__ __eot__ first day of class , network explod . __eou__ im not in front of my ubuntu box ? : ) __eou__ repli too __eou__ __eot__ i have have an xdaliclock count down for a coupl of day __eou__ __eot__ cool __eou__ i do n't know you be in la __eou__ __eot__ will have be a year soon __eou__ __eot__ nifti __eou__ we be out there for a week in juli dure the 4th __eou__ __eot__
yes , check that first . one user report that actual turn it off in the bio allow it to work __eou__
be n't there a cool way to detect the eject button and unmount after it ? __eou__ yes __eou__ but , __eou__ desktop eject icon for everi devic automount __eou__ not in the comput window , it would get lose for new peoplel __eou__ or `` comput '' - > '' media '' __eou__ ( revert back to it from `` comput '' ) __eou__ __eot__ then follow up pitti 's upcom mail to the list , pleas __eou__ aieee , alp __eou__ i do n't know if that still need a kernel patch or not , but last i saw , it do __eou__ __eot__ : huh ? __eou__ __eot__ last i saw , the kernel need a patch to mean talk to alp touchpad __eou__ __eot__ : i use a modconf insert , when it still work : ) __eou__ : it have a kernel modul __eou__ __eot__ so it work with current warti kernel ? what do you have to insert ? __eou__ yeah , but i 'm not sure if that 's in the mainlin kernel yet __eou__ __eot__
again beyond me i dont know whi your get stacktrac etc . __eou__
it be a wrapper around mount that allow normal user to mount remov devic __eou__ this avoid mangl the fstab and allow to run hal as root __eou__ sorri , allow to run hal as normal user __eou__ __eot__ : hmm , but hal be n't intend to run as root from first place , i mean by design ? __eou__ : it be make to overcom the problem of rootle access to mount __eou__ __eot__ it often run as root in other distro to be abl to mess up the fstab __eou__ but apart from that it onli need some addit group and capabl , so we have it run as hal ' in warti __eou__ hal be such a complex program , it should n't run as root __eou__ __eot__ : i be veri interest in learn all the i can about it , would you point me to the proper place to start read all about it ? __eou__ __eot__
http : // have all of my secur report __eou__ i tri to remov privileg from as mani program as possibl __eou__
alextrem : ping ? __eou__ __eot__ pong __eou__ __eot__ will it be possibl for you to build a live cd which correspond to sounder 8 ? that would be excel __eou__ __eot__ and sounder 8 be the end of this week ? __eou__ __eot__ sounder 8 be tonight : - ) __eou__ hmm ... what be a realist date to have an updat live cd ? be it more than one day 's work ? __eou__ well , it doe n't need to be releas at the same time , the idea be just to have the same packag on it __eou__ there have be a lot of chang sinc wartylive-v1 : - ) __eou__ you should use germin to generat the packag list , so that it be consist with our __eou__ __eot__ k , i ve set up everyth to build a new warti overnight . it still have a 2.6.7 kernel though , would that be an issu ? __eou__ __eot__ hmm , that 's strang __eou__ __eot__ ( not sure if you get this one earlier ) i ve set up everyth to build a new warti overnight . it still have a 2.6.7 kernel though , would that be an issu ? __eou__ __eot__ be it problemat to put on it ? __eou__ for this , i have all night : - ) __eou__ anyth i can do to help ? __eou__ __eot__ i 'm off for the night , i ll be back onlin tomorrow even and hope to have someth use by then . if not , thursday be my day off so that 's the latest possibl __eou__ __eot__ ok , good night , thank __eou__ __eot__ just check , be the default background now the one state ubuntu debug artwork ' ? __eou__ __eot__ there be no longer a bootsplash __eou__ great , look forward to it __eou__ __eot__
alsa driver also instal __eou__
current copi of germin output be here : https : // __eou__ init=/bin/sh __eou__ or boot with singl , on i386 there 's probabl even an entri for that on the grub boot menu __eou__ cancel how ? __eou__ __eot__ by select `` cancel '' and hit down __eou__ # 1085 __eou__ __eot__ i quit like the idea of cancel the user addit and be send back to set the root password , actual __eou__ __eot__
err , i think u need to be use enlighten as your desktop ( as oppos to gnome , or kde or whatev ) __eou__
.au keyboard have a [ - > ] key one them or what ? __eou__ __eot__ as in the cursor key ? __eou__ copi and past : ) __eou__ total __eou__ that whole area need serious improv in gnome ( and not just random guesswork ) __eou__ i start write an analysi of osx 's execut model a while back __eou__ which i hope would fuel some more work on this , but it 's a realli huge lump of work to fix proper __eou__ __eot__
nice to see that upstream be think about it : ) __eou__
hey surcouf __eou__ guy , surcouf have cancel the user creation dure the instal __eou__ and he have no root password __eou__ and no user account __eou__ how he solv that ? : ) __eou__ __eot__ no problem to solv __eou__ __eot__ oh , i be think so : ) __eou__ how do you log ? __eou__ __eot__ what do you mean ? __eou__ like irssi ? ; - ) __eou__ __eot__
i get a broadcom think madwifi will detect it __eou__
what be the error ? grub-rel ? __eou__ __eot__ how 's the preview-releas be ? get quit busi in here : ) __eou__ __eot__
total sweet __eou__ lot of love : ) __eou__
# 496 __eou__ # 496 be the panic __eou__ __eot__ curious ... what happen if you boot with devfs=mount ? __eou__ __eot__ i ll tell you in a few minut __eou__ no dice __eou__ __eot__
for macintosh/dvorak , yes __eou__
seem to work . __eou__ __eot__ ta . how 's the tour ? __eou__ __eot__ good , so far . it should be less hectic from now on , which will be a relief . __eou__ __eot__ rad __eou__ __eot__ thom 's . __eou__ __eot__ neat __eou__ wow , just read mari 's trip wrap-up __eou__ tri s/hpi6/inet ( hpi6 ) / ? __eou__ __eot__ just do ; see my updat to the bug : ) __eou__ __eot__
tenerif no es pueblo __eou__
be configur the logic volum manag ' suppos to take you back to the same screen you start on ... becaus it doe __eou__ __eot__ may be break , file a bug and assign it to me pleas __eou__ becaus today be our preview releas __eou__ and today 's imag be veri close to what we ll be releas as our first offer to the world __eou__ __eot__ so when be we expect this new cd imag ? __eou__ like partit resiz be 0 % for the whole durat __eou__ __eot__ that depend on a number of factor __eou__ like , for a start , the filesystem : ) __eou__ that 's partman 's fallback mode in certain case __eou__ __eot__ ah , well i be resiz a 60 odd gb partit to 12gb , it be ext3 __eou__ __eot__ debian-instal at first __eou__ __eot__
you can set the ip address of an interfac with `` ifconfig '' , and add a rout with `` rout '' . those be both in /sbin , if that 's not in your path alreadi . __eou__ so , `` sudo ifconfig wlan0 netmask '' or the like . __eou__ and then `` sudo rout add default gw '' or whatev your gateway address be . __eou__
oh fuck x can eat a bag of ars __eou__ __eot__ welcom to the light __eou__ __eot__ whi be arch break ! ! again ! ! for debrix , and can you fix it ? __eou__ __eot__ give me some context . __eou__ and where you do two thing to the same work dir from differ shell ? __eou__ __eot__ tla commit -s ' ... ' , yes , local , use to live on my laptop , but rsync -a'e across __eou__ __eot__ tri again __eou__ __eot__ now patch 9 be n't find ; should i just hit this commit in a for loop ? __eou__ tell him to mail the list with lspci and lspci -n __eou__ i do n't have an authori list for r128 __eou__ __eot__ i ve email him __eou__ __eot__ it 's 0200 __eou__ __eot__ around ? __eou__ __eot__ um , sort of __eou__ if you need me , call me __eou__ screen shoot , or actual display ? use which version of x ? __eou__ __eot__ if i take a screen shoot , the screen shoot of menus be fuxor but the rest be ok. ubuntu-someth . __eou__ __eot__ bizzar __eou__ no __eou__ backport basic 2d support for r4xx card __eou__ __eot__
i have n't benchmark __eou__
manual partit be pretti safe becaus i alway test it __eou__ __eot__ ok , awesom . __eou__ __eot__
lot . there will be one as soon as we figur out how to integr it with the mail list ( if we can ) __eou__
that 's fine for me , i do n't realli care __eou__ haha __eou__ : p __eou__ __eot__ until we have a damage-en server , you re kinda stick with it __eou__ __eot__
unfortun not by expertis . the peopl around here have be sell these white box that for some reason do n't seem to want to connect direct to linux ( or so i be tell ) __eou__
go to vt2 , ps auxww|grep grub , kill that process , it restart and work __eou__ __eot__ there be two grub process . kill the grub-instal one or the grub one ? __eou__ you re a ninja . __eou__ it 's say `` error 6 : mismatch or corrupt version of stage1/stage2 '' __eou__ be this a recover error or do i get to do anoth instal ? __eou__ __eot__
do you use ubuntu dapper ? __eou__ tri loggin in with failsaf , then do sudo aptitud instal xubuntu-desktop __eou__ then it should work . xfce be my favorit , over kde and gnome , but you could also type kubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-desktop if you like them better __eou__
yo thom , how 's it go ? __eou__ fiiin : ) __eou__ just muck about with ubuntu on my powerbook ... __eou__ check out bugzilla to log my critic `` fortun be miss '' bug : ) __eou__ __eot__ hm , i think we ad fortun __eou__ __eot__ ah , be n't instal by default , that 's all __eou__ __eot__ hm , should ve be instal by default ; be this an older instal that you ve upgrad ? __eou__ __eot__
instal from warty-powerpc-1.iso a few day ago __eou__
guy , be there ani reason i should expect grub-instal to take > 1 minut in the ubuntu instal process ? __eou__ __eot__ what filesystem be you use ? __eou__ __eot__ xfs . __eou__ you re right . there be , i 'd forget . whi doe it not work with xfs ? __eou__ __eot__ it 's a grub bug , report in debian , i do n't think anybodi 's figur out how to make it work yet __eou__ __eot__
interest . thank for the info . __eou__ assum it be the disk order , be there a way to fix it ? __eou__
do we have ani cd write softwar outofthebox ? __eou__ there rather unintuit to find __eou__ __eot__ n-c-b open when you put a blank cd in ... how much more do you want ? __eou__ __eot__ : oh oop sorri . my cdrw media be not blank . ok thank __eou__ : cool ! it 's like on mac os x __eou__ : doe it empti the cdrw befor write the iso ? ( it 's full with the 2 day daili ) __eou__ __eot__ there be an option , yeah __eou__ __eot__ : i realli ought to pay more attent , it 's do it right and report it nice . __eou__ __eot__
check the process tabl to see what might be run interfear there ? i 'm like you . that 's a new can of verm , veri interest in what be caus it ... __eou__ nfs share ? __eou__
i hope to god that in 60 year we ve build someth better than x __eou__ __eot__ current x be alreadi better than x of 5 year ago . __eou__ well , everi process on your system have some gnu code load in it ... __eou__ __eot__ yeah , but you ca n't have your cake and eat it too __eou__ __eot__ the biggest lie they make in the road safeti ad be where they impli that there be a linear relationship between speed and stop distanc . __eou__ __eot__
yeah __eou__
rootskel ( 0.91 ) unstabl ; urgency=low __eou__ * joey hess __eou__ - add s05acpi-i386 to load fan and thermal modul if avail __eou__ as earli as practic in boot to avoid machin meltdown . __eou__ -- joey hess < joeyh @ > thu , 19 aug 2004 20:39:33 +0100 __eou__ ooh , must merg that __eou__ __eot__ oh , which remind me ... __eou__ doe the fan modul get load befor fsck run ? __eou__ __eot__ right , think so __eou__ __eot__
that list have evolut in it __eou__
be there a way to avoid all these devic mapper error at bootup beyond disabl the script ? __eou__ __eot__ mdz say that be fix in recent kernel __eou__ be you use in warti ? __eou__ __eot__ i 'm use warti , this morn 's dist-upgrad . __eou__ `` ubuntu debug artwork '' basic . __eou__ __eot__ dist-upgrad wo n't instal the new kernel __eou__ __eot__ okay , a new packag name , just pick it up . __eou__ __eot__ should do from now on , provid you have the linux-image-2.6- { 386,686 , whatev } packag instal __eou__ but it wo n't work across the kernel-imag - > linux-imag renam __eou__ __eot__ and rhythmbox just random crash with more than 1,400 song load __eou__ i have 4 day someth , but .. __eou__ whi be the renam do , though ? __eou__ __eot__
that it __eou__
heh . __eou__ __eot__ the name of the softwar contain in the packag be linux ' ; that should be reflect in the name of the packag : -p __eou__ __eot__ this be n't a plan to allow someth like hurd-imag to pop up , right ? __eou__ kamion : this kernel recogn my pcmcia network card * befor * my inbuilt one . __eou__ kamion : can i trust the chang will be stabl , or be this a bug we should be fix ? __eou__ __eot__ when you instal from scratch , the instal write an /etc/iftab with name for each interfac __eou__ which be then use to assign them the same name in the futur __eou__ pleas do test it __eou__ if you yank the card correspond to eth0 , the other one should remain eth1 __eou__ __eot__ no /etc/iftab exist here , i 'm upgrad from a veri earli sounder ( 5 or so ) . __eou__ __eot__ that 'd do it __eou__ __eot__ can i kick someth to get it creat ? __eou__ __eot__ you can reinstal , which would be an excel test for us : - ) __eou__ you re probabl in the same posit as lamont __eou__ older cds would n't have instal ifrenam by default __eou__ __eot__ so about the mknod spew and bluetooth error -- should i be concern enough to file bug or be you on this ? __eou__ __eot__ i do n't have ani bluetooth hardwar , so i ve no idea about that one __eou__ i do n't recal see ani mknod error , either . if you could file a bug specifi which init script be produc the error , we should be abl to track it down __eou__ what be the error that you see ? __eou__ __eot__ let me reboot without gdm so i can actual tell you . __eou__ btw , the new bootup be signific faster on this notebook . __eou__ __eot__
we optim a few thing __eou__
hey carlo __eou__ __eot__ i have a funni bug with epiphani __eou__ i can not visit https : // __eou__ i see it 's not a know bug __eou__ # 1112 __eou__ __eot__ still here ? __eou__ __eot__ yes __eou__ thank , it work __eou__ __eot__ basic __eou__ __eot__ hey ! __eou__ i 'm not abl to regener the .pot file from the ubuntu 's gnome-applet packag . do you have ani problem about it when prepar the packag for ubuntu ? __eou__ __eot__
no , what 's the problem ? __eou__ which one ? __eou__ what do you do to get this ? __eou__
: that thing with the resolut happen to me also , though it be rather quick and slick fix it use the screen resolut resize __eou__ __eot__ but be that rememb the next time you log in ? __eou__ and doe n't work for all user i guess __eou__ __eot__
becaus they be choke on rotten sardin . clean your desk ! ! ! ! ! ! ! __eou__
on anoth note , i be read the warti wiki and i think bz2 be such an incred cpu hog that it 's not worth it for 10 % __eou__ law of diminish return and all that __eou__ __eot__ same comment have be do in the last confer __eou__ that 's the same reason x switch back from .bz2 to .gz __eou__ which cd ? ; ) __eou__ __eot__
you should be abl to just click on it , but the packag you have be miss someth , check this link __eou__ do you look at the link i send on how to do it ? __eou__ launch the program , but to the end add > install.log and then check the install.log __eou__ just say it in a more disney like way __eou__
damn , 236mb upgrad __eou__ i suggest updat xchat . __eou__ __eot__ rc bug ? __eou__ __eot__ issu with crash and tab jump around __eou__ __eot__
yes , as i post to the sounder list yesterday __eou__ what panic be that ? __eou__
imho cryptic option should look cryptic __eou__ i be lame ; i get some leet 0-day warez and i do n't even have time to test them : - ( . __eou__ doe anyon have a suggest for me to instal ubuntu on one of my machin without destroy the exist debian instal ? i do n't have room anywher for a full backup of my exist drive . __eou__ __eot__ do you have a spare coupl of gig in a partit of it 's own ? __eou__ __eot__
cool ... i just feel like i would pick one os and stay in it most and neglect the other two . __eou__
hrm , i think my upstream be shit , or have a slow link __eou__ i 'm bet more on my upstream .. onli get 30kb/s * sigh * __eou__ __eot__ i tend to get ~600kb/sec from nny.c __eou__ to ubuntu ? i think there 's interest in it , yes . __eou__ tri talk to mdz about it ? __eou__ __eot__
perhap .. no use now till hoari anyway __eou__
( so that base-config can do right-to-left text ) __eou__ whoa ; after the kernel fix and ad , powerpc just balloon to 578mb __eou__ there 's differ mmu handl code for power3 , power4 , and everyth els __eou__ ( there 's an argument that power3 be a littl pointless for us to support right now , sinc we probabl ca n't boot on ani such machin anyway due to onli realli support powermac-typ machin ... ) __eou__ power4 be what 's use in g5 system , though __eou__ i think there 's also someth a littl bite strang with powerpc iso generat ; it 's get 16/17mb extra in the .iso over what du say it should have __eou__ __eot__ how doe that compar with the x86 overhead ? __eou__ __eot__ that 's the number compar against x86 overhead __eou__ __eot__ merp ; 16 meg more ? __eou__ i guess hfs hybridis might cover that __eou__ tri du -b 2048 __eou__ __eot__ same answer __eou__ __eot__ okay ; so it 's not du use the wrong block size __eou__ __eot__
oh , no , sorri ; i have alreadi be use -m __eou__
it be there for potenti use by os-prob to detect bsd system , but that support 's never actual be commit __eou__ __eot__ hmm __eou__ interest instal wos __eou__ __eot__ hm , i 'm go to bed now , sorri __eou__ __eot__ ok , i ll send mail __eou__ __eot__
becaus nm-applet keep tri to connect with my intern card and i want it to onli use my extern __eou__ i use it for awhil and be n't thrill __eou__
yes , ca n't chang them until we have our own equival though : ) __eou__ you mean previous rather than current ? __eou__ __eot__ no current __eou__ __eot__ it 's break ... __eou__ __eot__ yeah just notic .. no network driver in the kernel __eou__ __eot__ they re there , but the kernel version be out of sync __eou__ __eot__ hrm .. just look in /lib/modules/ and there be no net subdir on the cd __eou__ __eot__ the driver be on the cd , in pool/main/l/linux-kernel-di-i386-2.6/ , but the kernel version do n't match the run kernel __eou__ i ve alreadi upload a fix for this __eou__ __eot__ cool __eou__ thnink there ll be a rebuild of the imag with that fix ? __eou__ __eot__ yes , but i have to wait for it to churn through the buildd and the archiv and then it have to be manual accept by elmo becaus debian-instal upload be weird __eou__ the current logo 's ugli , i know ; i ll tri to improv it befor preview releas __eou__ __eot__ i do n't have that much problem with it .. but it 'd look nicer imho if there be more on the page .. eg : perhap zebra stripe in a bar across the bottom or someth .. meh .. i 'm no graphic person anyway __eou__ __eot__ - > __eou__ __eot__ oop __eou__ not me .. i talk about wireless __eou__ __eot__
dont want to chang anyth bad =/ can i just copi past the order of the boot option ? __eou__ sorri for be pain in the * * * but do you say yes to me ? : p __eou__
not sure i 'd want to run apach in the session , ( seem uneccesari , too ) __eou__ __eot__ i think the idea be to not requir ani root privileg . __eou__ __eot__ prefork with no modul load , 2m be about right __eou__ __eot__ would you need anyth other than the webdav modul ? __eou__ __eot__ mod_zeroconf or similar , presum __eou__ __eot__
he might be do the mdns advertis in gnome-vf __eou__
hrm , must be relat to scsi issu __eou__ dude , your bong radar be on the money __eou__ __eot__ seem plausibl , dunno __eou__ __eot__ ani weirdars trick to get ipw2200 go ? __eou__ __eot__ nope , just work for me __eou__ __eot__ approx how long doe it take you to do i386 and ppc instal ? __eou__ __eot__
ah , okay __eou__ lsb_releas -a __eou__
hey dude __eou__ __eot__ you miss the whole slashdot thing for your intervi while you be go . heh . __eou__ __eot__ heh , i catch up on that a coupl of day later __eou__ __eot__ yeah i figur that __eou__ __eot__ right __eou__ nope __eou__ then again , i do n't do dmix , and just live with single-open __eou__ __eot__ booyah just order myself an x40 . your blog entri reassur my decis . __eou__ awak at all ? __eou__ __eot__ yeah , but run out to lunch , bbiab __eou__ __eot__ my x40 get here next week ! ! ! ! ! __eou__ __eot__ nice : ) __eou__ __eot__ yeah your blog post on the out-of-the-box workag push it over the edg . __eou__ __eot__ yeah , they start offer 1.4ghz about 5 day after i order mine __eou__ __eot__ i convinc my employ to snag it for me , so i ca n't complain . __eou__ __eot__
nice ! __eou__
give a default instal , be there ani `` easi dialup '' tool instal ? __eou__ __eot__ pppconfig ? dunno about other ... __eou__ comput - > system configur - > network seem to have a wizard-typ thing for ppp __eou__ __eot__ unfortun , pppconfig be n't easi enough for me , i have no way to work out which /dev devic be my modem , or even if there be a driver for it load correct : ( __eou__ it requir wvdial , which do not get instal : ( __eou__ __eot__ mention it to those who can __eou__ yep , get that __eou__ there ll be a brief delay , some work be do on the download page so it 's temporarili edit-frozen __eou__ you might well have to patch either kernel-packag or the sourc packag in question or both __eou__ hm , noth evolution-ish be in the current list of uninstal packag __eou__ __eot__ doe that mean the problem be n't real ? __eou__ i do n't quit understand what you re tri to tell me : ) __eou__ __eot__ nah , just tri to diagnos __eou__ a newer version of evolut be upload recent , give it a while to build , seem they re just out of sync __eou__ __eot__ i do n't think hold evo help __eou__ you need to hold evolution-data-serv __eou__ __eot__
no , that 's deliber __eou__ we turn that behaviour back on for some devic , becaus otherwis there be no discover way to unmount a devic __eou__ if you can find the log of the last technic board meet , it be discuss there __eou__
the dothan do , they go as low as 1.2 ghz , with the 2mb cach . __eou__ __eot__ i do n't know they go that low __eou__ __eot__ the wattag differ from the bania centrino 's be signific also . i ve see 20 % + improv in batteri life with the new chip . __eou__ __eot__ now if onli someon would manufactur a new laptop i want to buy __eou__ __eot__
yeah i 'm wait for fujitsu to put them in their p seri . __eou__
the p-m be a sweet processor as well __eou__ it massiv outperform the p-3 and p-4 __eou__ __eot__ could this be anyth to do with it 's 1mb of cach ! ! ? ! ? ! ? ! __eou__ __eot__ it 's also becaus it be n't design by intel market __eou__ yeah , that 's whi i do n't buy one __eou__ __eot__
sure there be __eou__ i think it have extra speedstep crack __eou__
ew . __eou__ gnome-cups-manag - > print test page give a huge `` ximian ( r ) desktop '' with logo and stuff . __eou__ __eot__ what 's wrong with that ? __eou__ __eot__ it should say ubuntu __eou__ i 'm run it on my athlon64 system at home at least . could you give us a bite more inform that `` doe not work '' ? __eou__ how much memori ? __eou__ __eot__ aaaah __eou__ 1.5g __eou__ __eot__ what kind of error do you get ? __eou__ as in , what be the messag ? __eou__ __eot__ just a moment while i check __eou__ grub load stage 1.5 ... __eou__ grub load , pleas wait ... __eou__ __eot__ and then noth happen ? __eou__ __eot__ yep . then it hang . __eou__ __eot__ what file system do you have on / ? __eou__ __eot__ ext3 __eou__ __eot__ hm , ok. that should just work . __eou__ __eot__ inde it should ! : ) __eou__ __eot__ i need to get some food ; could you pleas file a bug on with as much inform as you can gather ? hardwar configur be interest . pleas assign the bug to tfheen @ and i ll follow up on it . __eou__ __eot__ you know , i think this be veri like not ubuntu 's problem ; i be just hope someon here might have some insight __eou__ __eot__ we 'd like ubuntu to work well on all amd64 hardwar . __eou__ __eot__
thx ; i copi my .xchat/ from backup and be miss wome set - guess i ll have to look in gconf then __eou__
you around ? __eou__ __eot__ yeah . __eou__ be you sure those icon be n't leave over from run kde ? __eou__ __eot__
this be a flatlin instal about sounder 3 timefram ... __eou__ no clue . it 's remot possibl that i run kde onc back when , or rather , have it instal for some other packag ... /home/lamont carri over across the flatlin __eou__
jeff waugh , i believ __eou__ __eot__ you speak about jdub_ ? __eou__ __eot__
if the compon doe n't exist , pleas use unknown . __eou__ just be final nowish __eou__
what do you mean in particular ? __eou__ __eot__ ah , not veri clear be i ? i 'm talk about desktop icon and automount . i pop a cf card into my laptop and there be some log messag but no mount or icon . __eou__ __eot__ actual it should automat mount the devic ( see comput window ) , and ( unless you disabl it ) a nautilus window with the card 's content should pop up __eou__ i would be interest in debug this . __eou__ doe the devic appear in the devic manag ? __eou__ ( i. e. in hal-device-manag ) __eou__ so it doe not show your cf reader ? __eou__ actual you should see the devic itself and one or more volum __eou__ __eot__ i 'm get some sorta loop here . __eou__ __eot__ a hal loop ? that sound interest __eou__ what do you mean __eou__ ? __eou__ __eot__ http : // __eou__ __eot__ btw , yesterday i test an usb cf reader myself , work perfect ... __eou__ i ' l look __eou__ ugh ! whi doe udev creat and remov the devic ? __eou__ do you chang anyth in udev 's rule ? __eou__ __eot__ nope __eou__ __eot__ ah , be this a pcmcia card reader ? __eou__ ah , sinc these be neither usb nor firewir , we current do n't support automount them __eou__ this will hope be sort out in hoari , but not for warti ani more __eou__ the problem be that we do n't want to automount fix hard disk __eou__ but it be veri hard to decid which devic node be a fix one and which be a pcmcia __eou__ in fact , apart from the fact that the pcmcia node may appear later , there be noth in the kernel nor in sysf that tell us that the pcmcia thingi be remov __eou__ but still , this udev loop look scari __eou__ be the devic node actual remov and creat ? can you see this by poll ls -l /dev/hd * ? __eou__ __eot__ card be out , but i 'm get this everi few second in daemon.log : __eou__ __eot__ udev keep ad hde1 although the card be out ? __eou__ actual not , udev should onli creat devic that actual exist , not all of hde1 to hde24234234 in advanc __eou__ right . but the cardmgr be the one that seem to creat these devic __eou__ they probabl still exist from an earlier invoc of cardmgr __eou__ btw , i just get an idea how to get your card reader work : - ) __eou__ if `` line 29 '' appli , this must mean that /sys/block/hde/remov be ' 1 ' on your system . can you pleas verifi that ? __eou__ if so , then the chang in pmount be trivial __eou__ __eot__ yup __eou__ __eot__ great ! this do not work on anoth pcmcia card , but then at least we can support some ( includ your : - ) ) __eou__ __eot__ love : ) __eou__ __eot__ if mdz agre , that be __eou__ eek __eou__ i will beat the hell^w^w devic creation out of cardmgr __eou__ good night ! can i bother you when you get up with a new cardmgr ? __eou__ __eot__ sure , i ll give it a whirl __eou__ just /msg me or someth when you want me to tri someth __eou__ __eot__ good night ! __eou__ hi ! i upload a new pcmcia-c packag which should sort out this insan devic creation - remov - creation - ... __eou__ can you pleas test them with your pcmcia devic ? __eou__ __eot__ cool __eou__ sure __eou__ __eot__
ok - best i start read up on dpkg then , eh ? - thank bazzi __eou__
aight , bedtim __eou__ night folk __eou__ __eot__ night __eou__ yes , should be __eou__ __eot__
the site be plone , cmfboard be pretti good for that : ) __eou__
test be for loser __eou__ real men just wing it ( tm ) __eou__ __eot__ i will never forget your face when you wing it ( tm ) with my mail ... __eou__ __eot__ i 'm never go to be allow to forget that , be i ? : - ) __eou__ how about s/sabdfl/sbdfl/ where the s stand for schizo ' ? ; ) __eou__ __eot__
it wont seem to let me unmount it without kill hte process __eou__
i ve get the trash applet use the -accept icon when you hover over it now __eou__ __eot__ awesom __eou__ __eot__
i do n't know whether it be feasibl to chang the drag icon in time for warti though . __eou__
morn __eou__ hey jamesh : ) __eou__ get your mail , not repli yet __eou__ __eot__ cool . will have more patch soon : ) __eou__ do you get my email ? __eou__ doe the fix in bug 1266 seem to work for you ? __eou__ __eot__
just get up and have some coffe , not test yet __eou__ i ll test in 5 min __eou__
hey dude __eou__ yeah , but i 'm on a 4gb bandwidth limit , and 2 of that disappear within 27h __eou__ __eot__ merp __eou__ cheap imit __eou__ __eot__ morn dude __eou__ do n't let that hinder you ! __eou__ __eot__ you owe me a new vocal faculti __eou__ __eot__ ? __eou__ __eot__ i ve start call peopl dude ' __eou__ __eot__ repres __eou__ not even __eou__ see , ross be down with the mad phat flava __eou__ __eot__ yeah ; but he kinda look the part __eou__ __eot__ of cours you can : ) __eou__ if i can get my housem ... ( do you see that ? ) __eou__ __eot__ oh yes ; that caus much mirth __eou__ __eot__ you need to start beatbox __eou__ __eot__ i * so * do n't __eou__ __eot__ you too can say wikkity-wikk westgart : ) __eou__ __eot__
as word yes __eou__ i watch a program with someon beatbox on it recent __eou__ it scare me __eou__ i 'm sure human be be n't mean to make those nois __eou__
if a remov drive be remov ; doe n't the kernel automat unmount it ? __eou__ __eot__ unfortun not __eou__ __eot__ can you do it by filesystem uuid ? __eou__ __eot__ that would be great ! i do n't have ani window box to connect to __eou__ __eot__ if i have an rdesktop window open ; and i choos lock-screen from the gnome menu ; it doe n't lock until i de-focus the rdesktop window __eou__ and my password doe n't turn up in a notepad insid the rdesktop __eou__ __eot__ that 's great ! so this mean that the bug have be fix now . __eou__ i write the followup . do the time-bas lock work as well ? __eou__ __eot__ yep ; time-bas lock work too ; i do n't have time to do a writeup just now ; but you re welcom to quot that i test it and it seem to work __eou__ rdesktop 1.3.1-1 __eou__ i 'm dsilver @ __eou__ __eot__ thank a lot ! __eou__ __eot__ that 's okay __eou__ __eot__ morn __eou__ morn ! which problem do you have in particular ? __eou__ __eot__ the usb stack wo n't bring up the pendriv __eou__ __eot__
but whi 6.10 be not lts ? ? ? __eou__ what 's lts exact ? __eou__ the sky be blue coz god be a boy ! __eou__
may i whine a bite at you ? about hp and linux non-support for scanner ? __eou__ __eot__ sure . it 's a topic i like to whine about too . the fundament problem be that hp have oem' a bunch of scanner stuff that we do n't own all the ip for , which mean some scanner be well support and some be n't . __eou__ i have a chanc to poke at manag in the right part of the compani about a month ago . they `` understand the issu '' but i do n't have a complet clear pictur about if/when the situat might chang . __eou__ i will . meanwhil , i strong suggest check the sane web site 's list of support devic befor make purchas , regardless of the vendor in question . __eou__ __eot__ it must be sad to give such advic . : ( __eou__ __eot__ well , yes . on the other hand , some window user will probabl realli enjoy it . __eou__ __eot__ yeah , it 's fun . : ) __eou__ __eot__ hardwar hack be good . __eou__ __eot__ i 'm think about how we want to merg the ia32-lib in ubuntu and debian , as they be quit fork now . do you want me to make a new packag and just point you to it , or do you have ani other think on the matter ? __eou__ __eot__ if you want to hand me a new packag to review , that 's fine __eou__ __eot__ ok , i ll put someth togeth , then . __eou__ __eot__ fwiw , i sit up most of last night build an 80 watt rf power amplifi for 1296 mhz ... part of my ongo project to tri `` moonbounc '' with my daughter . __eou__ i ve be take pictur , but have n't make time to creat a proper web page for the project yet __eou__ __eot__ i have n't be suck into the ham busi yet , but i guess i will , at some point . it 's fun too . __eou__ i just find out somebodi have make the same thing i 'm do , but they onli have window softwar and build it be half the fun , so . : ) __eou__ __eot__ a wise man ( and good friend ) onc tell me that there be onli three reason to build someth yourself instead of buy it . 1 ) becaus it doe n't exist otherwis ( the new invent excus ) , 2 ) becaus you have a signific valu statement to make ( the i can do it lot cheaper and/or better myself excus ) , or 3 ) becaus you re tri to learn someth ( the educ excus ... my person favorit ) . if it doe n't fit at least one of those thre __eou__ __eot__ i guess i can use the first excus as well , as no solut do what i want exist when i start , and sinc i 'm not an economist , i care about sink cost/tim so i want to complet it . : ) __eou__ __eot__ i 'm all in favor of more peopl develop hardwar hack skill . __eou__ __eot__ uc be _fun_ to play with , and realli simpl too . not veri expens to get start either ( a dev kit cost about 30usd ) __eou__ __eot__ see my latest microcontrol project ? http : // next one may be the control for azimuth and elev point of the eme dish , though frank i 'm about readi to decid it 's an itx motherboard with 4 relay hang on the parallel port , sinc cat-5 would be easier to run out to the tower than a serial port ... __eou__ __eot__
yes , sorri , but kinda busi inbetween check irc __eou__
heh . i 'm get complaint from peopl with compaq that wo n't work with their wireless card now __eou__ __eot__ these be folk put differ minipci card into notebook ? __eou__ __eot__
thank ! __eou__
comput - > system configur - > login screen setup - > `` fail to run gdmsetup as user root : child termin with 1 status '' . somebodi can reproduc ? __eou__ __eot__ work for me ; do you enter the correct password ? __eou__ __eot__ yes , i doubl check __eou__ __eot__ your password , and not the root password ? __eou__ __eot__
sorri for this = ) __eou__
pitt : yes __eou__ both , i could sort out 70 % of the dsa for 2003 __eou__ ok , i send it . __eou__ __eot__ : sivang @ __eou__ : thank __eou__ : me nither .. __eou__ : get it __eou__ : same here __eou__ : rythmbox complaint .. __eou__ : php4 be univers right ? __eou__ __eot__ yes , universe/web __eou__ __eot__
: so that 's complet un reason that i have anoth php4 entri on the packag file , say it 's in /poo/main/p/php4 ? __eou__ : section web , not univers __eou__ : here ? __eou__
i 'm surpris he 's not file a bug about bugs.d.o not do gzip content-encod __eou__ __eot__ email him immedi to suggest it __eou__ __eot__
tempt , but colin know where i live __eou__
which imag doe he need ? __eou__ you re ask about hotplug order and audio ? i ve have to deal with it befor .. ask away __eou__ __eot__ i 'm ask whether we can reli on the fact that the alsa modul be list befor oss modul in , e.g . modules.pcimap __eou__ do you happen to know , or know where to look to find out ? __eou__ yes , that 's exact whi we ditch the init script in discov __eou__ __eot__
cos i 'm just about to walk out the door and go to a train session on wireless secur ? __eou__ heh .. have the bird start yet ? __eou__
still here ? __eou__ i do n't know these thing : } __eou__ besid hes cto of the distro : how can he have time to sleep just now __eou__ __eot__ while you be around : where should libsvncpp { 0 , -dev } go ? __eou__ __eot__ hell . __eou__ they be eveeeeeel __eou__ __eot__ ? __eou__ __eot__ what sort of answer be you expect ? __eou__ __eot__
if you instal a base system , you onli have to instal the stuff you be go to use .. __eou__