stringlengths 60
<s>[INST] [FORM] (integer? '8) [/INST][RESULT] t [TRACE] Evaluate: (integer? (quote 8))
Next: ((integer? (quote 8)))
Push: integer?
.Value: integer?
Push: (quote 8)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> 8)
.Value: 8
Calling: (integer? 8)
Value: t
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (append ''(((-543) 213) ((787) fgstn) (([sn]) -932)) ''((-661 (860)) tvhgq (w (803))) ''([(sgdy n ee)] (w (lwicp)) lvs)) [/INST][RESULT] (quote (((-543) 213) ((787) fgstn) (([sn]) -932)) quote ((-661 (860)) tvhgq (w (803))) quote ([(sgdy n ee)] (w (lwicp)) lvs)) [TRACE] Evaluate: (append (quote (quote (((-543) 213) ((787) fgstn) ((#(sn)) -932)))) (quote (quote ((-661 (860)) tvhgq (w (803))))) (quote (quote (#(("sgdy" n ee)) (w (lwicp)) lvs))))
Next: ((append (quote (quote (((-543) 213) ((787) fgstn) ((#(sn)) -932)))) (quote (quote ((-661 (860)) tvhgq (w (803))))) (quote (quote (#(("sgdy" n ee)) (w (lwicp)) lvs)))))
Push: append
.Value: append
Push: (quote (quote (((-543) 213) ((787) fgstn) ((#(sn)) -932))))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (quote (((-543) 213) ((787) fgstn) ((#(sn)) -932))))
.Value: (quote (((-543) 213) ((787) fgstn) ((#(sn)) -932)))
Push: (quote (quote ((-661 (860)) tvhgq (w (803)))))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (quote ((-661 (860)) tvhgq (w (803)))))
.Value: (quote ((-661 (860)) tvhgq (w (803))))
Push: (quote (quote (#(("sgdy" n ee)) (w (lwicp)) lvs)))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (quote (#(("sgdy" n ee)) (w (lwicp)) lvs)))
.Value: (quote (#(("sgdy" n ee)) (w (lwicp)) lvs))
Calling: (append (quote (((-543) 213) ((787) fgstn) ((#(sn)) -932))) (quote ((-661 (860)) tvhgq (w (803)))) (quote (#(("sgdy" n ee)) (w (lwicp)) lvs)))
Value: (quote (((-543) 213) ((787) fgstn) ((#(sn)) -932)) quote ((-661 (860)) tvhgq (w (803))) quote (#(("sgdy" n ee)) (w (lwicp)) lvs))
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (odd? '5) [/INST][RESULT] t [TRACE] Evaluate: (odd? (quote 5))
Next: ((odd? (quote 5)))
Push: odd?
.Value: odd?
Push: (quote 5)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> 5)
.Value: 5
Calling: (odd? 5)
Value: t
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (< 0 -9) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (< 0 -9)
Next: ((< 0 -9))
Push: <
.Value: <
Push: 0
.Value: 0
Push: -9
.Value: -9
Calling: (< 0 -9)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (integer? 'vd) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (integer? (quote vd))
Next: ((integer? (quote vd)))
Push: integer?
.Value: integer?
Push: (quote vd)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> vd)
.Value: vd
Calling: (integer? vd)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (not [[sie-magic] sie-false]) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (not #f)
Next: ((not #f))
Push: not
.Value: not
Push: #f
.Value: #f
Calling: (not #f)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (/ 7 7) [/INST][RESULT] 1 [TRACE] Evaluate: (/ 7 7)
Next: ((/ 7 7))
Push: /
.Value: /
Push: 7
.Value: 7
Push: 7
.Value: 7
Calling: (/ 7 7)
Value: 1
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (1- 4) [/INST][RESULT] 3 [TRACE] Evaluate: (1- 4)
Next: ((1- 4))
Push: 1-
.Value: 1-
Push: 4
.Value: 4
Calling: (1- 4)
Value: 3
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (% 8 6) [/INST][RESULT] 2 [TRACE] Evaluate: (% 8 6)
Next: ((% 8 6))
Push: %
.Value: %
Push: 8
.Value: 8
Push: 6
.Value: 6
Calling: (% 8 6)
Value: 2
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (1+ -9) [/INST][RESULT] -8 [TRACE] Evaluate: (1+ -9)
Next: ((1+ -9))
Push: 1+
.Value: 1+
Push: -9
.Value: -9
Calling: (1+ -9)
Value: -8
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (equal? '((phgec) (([br]))) ((phgec) (([br])))) [/INST][RESULT] [TRACE] Evaluate: (equal? (quote ((phgec) ((#("br"))))) ((phgec) ((#("br")))))
Next: ((equal? (quote ((phgec) ((#("br"))))) ((phgec) ((#("br"))))))
Push: equal?
.Value: equal?
Push: (quote ((phgec) ((#("br")))))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> ((phgec) ((#("br")))))
.Value: ((phgec) ((#("br"))))
Push: ((phgec) ((#("br"))))
.Push: (phgec)
..Push: phgec
...Value: phgec
..Calling: (phgec)
[STATUS] (error SIE: Invalid function: phgec) </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (even? '7) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (even? (quote 7))
Next: ((even? (quote 7)))
Push: even?
.Value: even?
Push: (quote 7)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> 7)
.Value: 7
Calling: (even? 7)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (cons 'iy '(847 (euf))) [/INST][RESULT] (iy 847 (euf)) [TRACE] Evaluate: (cons (quote iy) (quote (847 (euf))))
Next: ((cons (quote iy) (quote (847 (euf)))))
Push: cons
.Value: cons
Push: (quote iy)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> iy)
.Value: iy
Push: (quote (847 (euf)))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (847 (euf)))
.Value: (847 (euf))
Calling: (cons iy (847 (euf)))
Value: (iy 847 (euf))
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (begin (define g20119 8) (+ 1 g20119)) [/INST][RESULT] 9 [TRACE] Evaluate: (begin (define g20119 8) (+ 1 g20119))
Next: ((begin (define g20119 8) (+ 1 g20119)))
Push: begin
.Value: #<syntax sie-syn-begin>
Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-begin> (define g20119 8) (+ 1 g20119))
Push: (define g20119 8)
.Push: define
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-define>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-define> g20119 8)
.Value: #<unspecified>
Next: ((+ 1 g20119))
Push: +
.Value: +
Push: 1
.Value: 1
Push: g20119
.Value: 8
Calling: (+ 1 8)
Value: 9
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (+ -8 -6 -1) [/INST][RESULT] -15 [TRACE] Evaluate: (+ -8 -6 -1)
Next: ((+ -8 -6 -1))
Push: +
.Value: +
Push: -8
.Value: -8
Push: -6
.Value: -6
Push: -1
.Value: -1
Calling: (+ -8 -6 -1)
Value: -15
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (even? '-3) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (even? (quote -3))
Next: ((even? (quote -3)))
Push: even?
.Value: even?
Push: (quote -3)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> -3)
.Value: -3
Calling: (even? -3)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (apply '< '(nil iiwfz)) [/INST][RESULT] [TRACE] Evaluate: (apply (quote <) (quote (() iiwfz)))
Next: ((apply (quote <) (quote (() iiwfz))))
Push: apply
.Value: apply
Push: (quote <)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> <)
.Value: <
Push: (quote (() iiwfz))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (() iiwfz))
.Value: (() iiwfz)
Calling: (apply < (() iiwfz))
[STATUS] (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p nil) </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (eval-in-emacs '(eq 246)) [/INST][RESULT] <<<("eq" 246)>>> [TRACE] Evaluate: (eval-in-emacs (quote (eq 246)))
Next: ((eval-in-emacs (quote (eq 246))))
Push: eval-in-emacs
.Value: eval-in-emacs
Push: (quote (eq 246))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (eq 246))
.Value: (eq 246)
Calling: (eval-in-emacs (eq 246))
Value: <<<("eq" 246)>>>
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (even? '-9) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (even? (quote -9))
Next: ((even? (quote -9)))
Push: even?
.Value: even?
Push: (quote -9)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> -9)
.Value: -9
Calling: (even? -9)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (length '(om (nil v) ([[vdgdd]] [hg]))) [/INST][RESULT] 3 [TRACE] Evaluate: (length (quote (om (() v) (#((vdgdd)) #(hg)))))
Next: ((length (quote (om (() v) (#((vdgdd)) #(hg))))))
Push: length
.Value: length
Push: (quote (om (() v) (#((vdgdd)) #(hg))))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (om (() v) (#((vdgdd)) #(hg))))
.Value: (om (() v) (#((vdgdd)) #(hg)))
Calling: (length (om (() v) (#((vdgdd)) #(hg))))
Value: 3
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (bound? 'ohimq) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (bound? (quote ohimq))
Next: ((bound? (quote ohimq)))
Push: bound?
.Value: bound?
Push: (quote ohimq)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> ohimq)
.Value: ohimq
Calling: (bound? ohimq)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (assq 'ef '((fgof . vpst) (ef . xk) (jpuoy . jf))) [/INST][RESULT] (ef . xk) [TRACE] Evaluate: (assq (quote ef) (quote ((fgof . vpst) (ef . xk) (jpuoy . jf))))
Next: ((assq (quote ef) (quote ((fgof . vpst) (ef . xk) (jpuoy . jf)))))
Push: assq
.Value: assq
Push: (quote ef)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> ef)
.Value: ef
Push: (quote ((fgof . vpst) (ef . xk) (jpuoy . jf)))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> ((fgof . vpst) (ef . xk) (jpuoy . jf)))
.Value: ((fgof . vpst) (ef . xk) (jpuoy . jf))
Calling: (assq ef ((fgof . vpst) (ef . xk) (jpuoy . jf)))
Value: (ef . xk)
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (pair? '[nil (((-767)))]) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (pair? (quote #(nil (((-767))))))
Next: ((pair? (quote #(nil (((-767)))))))
Push: pair?
.Value: pair?
Push: (quote #(nil (((-767)))))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> #(nil (((-767)))))
.Value: #(nil (((-767))))
Calling: (pair? #(nil (((-767)))))
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (even? '6) [/INST][RESULT] t [TRACE] Evaluate: (even? (quote 6))
Next: ((even? (quote 6)))
Push: even?
.Value: even?
Push: (quote 6)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> 6)
.Value: 6
Calling: (even? 6)
Value: t
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (% 9 5) [/INST][RESULT] 4 [TRACE] Evaluate: (% 9 5)
Next: ((% 9 5))
Push: %
.Value: %
Push: 9
.Value: 9
Push: 5
.Value: 5
Calling: (% 9 5)
Value: 4
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (% 3 8) [/INST][RESULT] 3 [TRACE] Evaluate: (% 3 8)
Next: ((% 3 8))
Push: %
.Value: %
Push: 3
.Value: 3
Push: 8
.Value: 8
Calling: (% 3 8)
Value: 3
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (/ (* 1 -4 -4) (% 4 9)) [/INST][RESULT] 4 [TRACE] Evaluate: (/ (* 1 -4 -4) (% 4 9))
Next: ((/ (* 1 -4 -4) (% 4 9)))
Push: /
.Value: /
Push: (* 1 -4 -4)
.Push: *
..Value: *
.Push: 1
..Value: 1
.Push: -4
..Value: -4
.Push: -4
..Value: -4
.Calling: (* 1 -4 -4)
.Value: 16
Push: (% 4 9)
.Push: %
..Value: %
.Push: 4
..Value: 4
.Push: 9
..Value: 9
.Calling: (% 4 9)
.Value: 4
Calling: (/ 16 4)
Value: 4
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (not [[sie-magic] sie-false]) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (not #f)
Next: ((not #f))
Push: not
.Value: not
Push: #f
.Value: #f
Calling: (not #f)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (equal? g rc) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (equal? g rc)
Next: ((equal? g rc))
Push: equal?
.Value: equal?
Push: g
.Value: g
Push: rc
.Value: rc
Calling: (equal? g rc)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (string? 'igwlj) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (string? (quote igwlj))
Next: ((string? (quote igwlj)))
Push: string?
.Value: string?
Push: (quote igwlj)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> igwlj)
.Value: igwlj
Calling: (string? igwlj)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (+ -3 1 9) [/INST][RESULT] 7 [TRACE] Evaluate: (+ -3 1 9)
Next: ((+ -3 1 9))
Push: +
.Value: +
Push: -3
.Value: -3
Push: 1
.Value: 1
Push: 9
.Value: 9
Calling: (+ -3 1 9)
Value: 7
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (pair? '((xopfk [olrb]) [([nil] bdjg gwz)] (993 pv))) [/INST][RESULT] t [TRACE] Evaluate: (pair? (quote ((xopfk #(olrb)) #(((nil) bdjg "gwz")) (993 pv))))
Next: ((pair? (quote ((xopfk #(olrb)) #(((nil) bdjg "gwz")) (993 pv)))))
Push: pair?
.Value: pair?
Push: (quote ((xopfk #(olrb)) #(((nil) bdjg "gwz")) (993 pv)))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> ((xopfk #(olrb)) #(((nil) bdjg "gwz")) (993 pv)))
.Value: ((xopfk #(olrb)) #(((nil) bdjg "gwz")) (993 pv))
Calling: (pair? ((xopfk #(olrb)) #(((nil) bdjg "gwz")) (993 pv)))
Value: t
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (pair? 'yh) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (pair? (quote yh))
Next: ((pair? (quote yh)))
Push: pair?
.Value: pair?
Push: (quote yh)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> yh)
.Value: yh
Calling: (pair? yh)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (1+ -4) [/INST][RESULT] -3 [TRACE] Evaluate: (1+ -4)
Next: ((1+ -4))
Push: 1+
.Value: 1+
Push: -4
.Value: -4
Calling: (1+ -4)
Value: -3
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (<= 6 4 -3) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (<= 6 4 -3)
Next: ((<= 6 4 -3))
Push: <=
.Value: <=
Push: 6
.Value: 6
Push: 4
.Value: 4
Push: -3
.Value: -3
Calling: (<= 6 4 -3)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (/ 3 9) [/INST][RESULT] 0 [TRACE] Evaluate: (/ 3 9)
Next: ((/ 3 9))
Push: /
.Value: /
Push: 3
.Value: 3
Push: 9
.Value: 9
Calling: (/ 3 9)
Value: 0
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (<= -2 5 -3) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (<= -2 5 -3)
Next: ((<= -2 5 -3))
Push: <=
.Value: <=
Push: -2
.Value: -2
Push: 5
.Value: 5
Push: -3
.Value: -3
Calling: (<= -2 5 -3)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (pair? 'oxp) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (pair? (quote oxp))
Next: ((pair? (quote oxp)))
Push: pair?
.Value: pair?
Push: (quote oxp)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> oxp)
.Value: oxp
Calling: (pair? oxp)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (apply '- '(at -41)) [/INST][RESULT] [TRACE] Evaluate: (apply (quote -) (quote (at -41)))
Next: ((apply (quote -) (quote (at -41))))
Push: apply
.Value: apply
Push: (quote -)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> -)
.Value: -
Push: (quote (at -41))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (at -41))
.Value: (at -41)
Calling: (apply - (at -41))
[STATUS] (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p at) </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (print '(nil ((r)))) [/INST][RESULT] (nil ((r))) [TRACE] Evaluate: (print (quote (() ((r)))))
Next: ((print (quote (() ((r))))))
Push: print
.Value: print
Push: (quote (() ((r))))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (() ((r))))
.Value: (() ((r)))
Calling: (print (() ((r))))
Value: (() ((r)))
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] MarvinScheme v0.1 [/INST][RESULT] MarvinScheme v0.1 [TRACE] Evaluate: MarvinScheme v0.1
Next: (MarvinScheme v0.1)
Value: MarvinScheme v0.1
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] MarvinScheme v0.1 [/INST][RESULT] MarvinScheme v0.1 [TRACE] Evaluate: MarvinScheme v0.1
Next: (MarvinScheme v0.1)
Value: MarvinScheme v0.1
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (pair? 'ulkqo) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (pair? (quote ulkqo))
Next: ((pair? (quote ulkqo)))
Push: pair?
.Value: pair?
Push: (quote ulkqo)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> ulkqo)
.Value: ulkqo
Calling: (pair? ulkqo)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (% 2 10) [/INST][RESULT] 2 [TRACE] Evaluate: (% 2 10)
Next: ((% 2 10))
Push: %
.Value: %
Push: 2
.Value: 2
Push: 10
.Value: 10
Calling: (% 2 10)
Value: 2
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (assq 'jq '((ifo . clrb) (yj . ocoxr) (ldicq . xbr))) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (assq (quote jq) (quote ((ifo . clrb) (yj . ocoxr) (ldicq . xbr))))
Next: ((assq (quote jq) (quote ((ifo . clrb) (yj . ocoxr) (ldicq . xbr)))))
Push: assq
.Value: assq
Push: (quote jq)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> jq)
.Value: jq
Push: (quote ((ifo . clrb) (yj . ocoxr) (ldicq . xbr)))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> ((ifo . clrb) (yj . ocoxr) (ldicq . xbr)))
.Value: ((ifo . clrb) (yj . ocoxr) (ldicq . xbr))
Calling: (assq jq ((ifo . clrb) (yj . ocoxr) (ldicq . xbr)))
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (assq 'xjr '((xjr . qns) (uozoj . uwt) (ls))) [/INST][RESULT] (xjr . qns) [TRACE] Evaluate: (assq (quote xjr) (quote ((xjr . qns) (uozoj . uwt) (ls))))
Next: ((assq (quote xjr) (quote ((xjr . qns) (uozoj . uwt) (ls)))))
Push: assq
.Value: assq
Push: (quote xjr)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> xjr)
.Value: xjr
Push: (quote ((xjr . qns) (uozoj . uwt) (ls)))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> ((xjr . qns) (uozoj . uwt) (ls)))
.Value: ((xjr . qns) (uozoj . uwt) (ls))
Calling: (assq xjr ((xjr . qns) (uozoj . uwt) (ls)))
Value: (xjr . qns)
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (equal? '(698 mej (moh ykntx)) (dsoaw f 529)) [/INST][RESULT] [TRACE] Evaluate: (equal? (quote (698 mej (moh ykntx))) (dsoaw f 529))
Next: ((equal? (quote (698 mej (moh ykntx))) (dsoaw f 529)))
Push: equal?
.Value: equal?
Push: (quote (698 mej (moh ykntx)))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (698 mej (moh ykntx)))
.Value: (698 mej (moh ykntx))
Push: (dsoaw f 529)
.Push: dsoaw
[STATUS] (error SIE: No binding for symbol: dsoaw) </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (odd? '0) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (odd? (quote 0))
Next: ((odd? (quote 0)))
Push: odd?
.Value: odd?
Push: (quote 0)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> 0)
.Value: 0
Calling: (odd? 0)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (array? 'jzn) [/INST][RESULT] t [TRACE] Evaluate: (array? (quote jzn))
Next: ((array? (quote jzn)))
Push: array?
.Value: array?
Push: (quote jzn)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> jzn)
.Value: jzn
Calling: (array? jzn)
Value: t
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (eval-in-emacs '((gnno) ([(ssy pppai)]))) [/INST][RESULT] <<<(("gnno") ([(ssy pppai)]))>>> [TRACE] Evaluate: (eval-in-emacs (quote ((gnno) (#((ssy pppai))))))
Next: ((eval-in-emacs (quote ((gnno) (#((ssy pppai)))))))
Push: eval-in-emacs
.Value: eval-in-emacs
Push: (quote ((gnno) (#((ssy pppai)))))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> ((gnno) (#((ssy pppai)))))
.Value: ((gnno) (#((ssy pppai))))
Calling: (eval-in-emacs ((gnno) (#((ssy pppai)))))
Value: <<<(("gnno") (((ssy pppai))))>>>
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (zero? '2) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (zero? (quote 2))
Next: ((zero? (quote 2)))
Push: zero?
.Value: zero?
Push: (quote 2)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> 2)
.Value: 2
Calling: (zero? 2)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (print '(-159 btt)) [/INST][RESULT] (-159 btt) [TRACE] Evaluate: (print (quote (-159 btt)))
Next: ((print (quote (-159 btt))))
Push: print
.Value: print
Push: (quote (-159 btt))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (-159 btt))
.Value: (-159 btt)
Calling: (print (-159 btt))
Value: (-159 btt)
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (sequence? 'wwjn) [/INST][RESULT] t [TRACE] Evaluate: (sequence? (quote wwjn))
Next: ((sequence? (quote wwjn)))
Push: sequence?
.Value: sequence?
Push: (quote wwjn)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> wwjn)
.Value: wwjn
Calling: (sequence? wwjn)
Value: t
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (not [[sie-magic] sie-false]) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (not #f)
Next: ((not #f))
Push: not
.Value: not
Push: #f
.Value: #f
Calling: (not #f)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (integer? 'qbft) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (integer? (quote qbft))
Next: ((integer? (quote qbft)))
Push: integer?
.Value: integer?
Push: (quote qbft)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> qbft)
.Value: qbft
Calling: (integer? qbft)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] MarvinScheme v0.1 [/INST][RESULT] MarvinScheme v0.1 [TRACE] Evaluate: MarvinScheme v0.1
Next: (MarvinScheme v0.1)
Value: MarvinScheme v0.1
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (= -8 1 2) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (= -8 1 2)
Next: ((= -8 1 2))
Push: =
.Value: =
Push: -8
.Value: -8
Push: 1
.Value: 1
Push: 2
.Value: 2
Calling: (= -8 1 2)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (not [[sie-magic] sie-true]) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (not #t)
Next: ((not #t))
Push: not
.Value: not
Push: #t
.Value: #t
Calling: (not #t)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (* 7 (* 5 -2)) [/INST][RESULT] -70 [TRACE] Evaluate: (* 7 (* 5 -2))
Next: ((* 7 (* 5 -2)))
Push: *
.Value: *
Push: 7
.Value: 7
Push: (* 5 -2)
.Push: *
..Value: *
.Push: 5
..Value: 5
.Push: -2
..Value: -2
.Calling: (* 5 -2)
.Value: -10
Calling: (* 7 -10)
Value: -70
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (eval-in-emacs '(wlse (hpfwc (ttl)) kw)) [/INST][RESULT] <<<(wlse (hpfwc (ttl)) kw)>>> [TRACE] Evaluate: (eval-in-emacs (quote (wlse (hpfwc (ttl)) kw)))
Next: ((eval-in-emacs (quote (wlse (hpfwc (ttl)) kw))))
Push: eval-in-emacs
.Value: eval-in-emacs
Push: (quote (wlse (hpfwc (ttl)) kw))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (wlse (hpfwc (ttl)) kw))
.Value: (wlse (hpfwc (ttl)) kw)
Calling: (eval-in-emacs (wlse (hpfwc (ttl)) kw))
Value: <<<(wlse (hpfwc (ttl)) kw)>>>
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (= 3 -1 7) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (= 3 -1 7)
Next: ((= 3 -1 7))
Push: =
.Value: =
Push: 3
.Value: 3
Push: -1
.Value: -1
Push: 7
.Value: 7
Calling: (= 3 -1 7)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] Please add a task. [/INST]No problem. What should the task be?</s> [INST] Write a journal entry [/INST]<<<(marvin-add-task "Write a journal entry")>>></s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (print '(g (((ok)) ([(821 vwf cdced)])) ([((m ezzi) [(virz e jgceh)] [(w nil pkl)])] (z)))) [/INST][RESULT] (g (((ok)) ([(821 vwf cdced)])) ([((m ezzi) [(virz e jgceh)] [(w nil pkl)])] (z))) [TRACE] Evaluate: (print (quote (g (((ok)) (#((821 "vwf" "cdced")))) (#(((m "ezzi") ((virz e "jgceh")) ((w nil pkl)))) (z)))))
Next: ((print (quote (g (((ok)) (#((821 "vwf" "cdced")))) (#(((m "ezzi") ((virz e "jgceh")) ((w nil pkl)))) (z))))))
Push: print
.Value: print
Push: (quote (g (((ok)) (#((821 "vwf" "cdced")))) (#(((m "ezzi") ((virz e "jgceh")) ((w nil pkl)))) (z))))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (g (((ok)) (#((821 "vwf" "cdced")))) (#(((m "ezzi") ((virz e "jgceh")) ((w nil pkl)))) (z))))
.Value: (g (((ok)) (#((821 "vwf" "cdced")))) (#(((m "ezzi") ((virz e "jgceh")) ((w nil pkl)))) (z)))
Calling: (print (g (((ok)) (#((821 "vwf" "cdced")))) (#(((m "ezzi") ((virz e "jgceh")) ((w nil pkl)))) (z))))
Value: (g (((ok)) (#((821 "vwf" "cdced")))) (#(((m "ezzi") ((virz e "jgceh")) ((w nil pkl)))) (z)))
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (* 1 8) [/INST][RESULT] 8 [TRACE] Evaluate: (* 1 8)
Next: ((* 1 8))
Push: *
.Value: *
Push: 1
.Value: 1
Push: 8
.Value: 8
Calling: (* 1 8)
Value: 8
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (+ 3 -8) [/INST][RESULT] -5 [TRACE] Evaluate: (+ 3 -8)
Next: ((+ 3 -8))
Push: +
.Value: +
Push: 3
.Value: 3
Push: -8
.Value: -8
Calling: (+ 3 -8)
Value: -5
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (1- -8) [/INST][RESULT] -9 [TRACE] Evaluate: (1- -8)
Next: ((1- -8))
Push: 1-
.Value: 1-
Push: -8
.Value: -8
Calling: (1- -8)
Value: -9
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (string? 'f) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (string? (quote f))
Next: ((string? (quote f)))
Push: string?
.Value: string?
Push: (quote f)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> f)
.Value: f
Calling: (string? f)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (string? jxco) [/INST][RESULT] [TRACE] Evaluate: (string? jxco)
Next: ((string? jxco))
Push: string?
.Value: string?
Push: jxco
[STATUS] (error SIE: No binding for symbol: jxco) </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (cons 'lz '(1004 uvoc)) [/INST][RESULT] (lz 1004 uvoc) [TRACE] Evaluate: (cons (quote lz) (quote (1004 uvoc)))
Next: ((cons (quote lz) (quote (1004 uvoc))))
Push: cons
.Value: cons
Push: (quote lz)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> lz)
.Value: lz
Push: (quote (1004 uvoc))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (1004 uvoc))
.Value: (1004 uvoc)
Calling: (cons lz (1004 uvoc))
Value: (lz 1004 uvoc)
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (cdr '(wurh (((azy))))) [/INST][RESULT] ((((azy)))) [TRACE] Evaluate: (cdr (quote (wurh (((azy))))))
Next: ((cdr (quote (wurh (((azy)))))))
Push: cdr
.Value: cdr
Push: (quote (wurh (((azy)))))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (wurh (((azy)))))
.Value: (wurh (((azy))))
Calling: (cdr (wurh (((azy)))))
Value: ((((azy))))
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (apply '= '(az 275 -423)) [/INST][RESULT] [TRACE] Evaluate: (apply (quote =) (quote (az 275 -423)))
Next: ((apply (quote =) (quote (az 275 -423))))
Push: apply
.Value: apply
Push: (quote =)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> =)
.Value: =
Push: (quote (az 275 -423))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (az 275 -423))
.Value: (az 275 -423)
Calling: (apply = (az 275 -423))
[STATUS] (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p az) </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (cons 'nil '(xw (817))) [/INST][RESULT] (nil xw (817)) [TRACE] Evaluate: (cons (quote ()) (quote (xw (817))))
Next: ((cons (quote ()) (quote (xw (817)))))
Push: cons
.Value: cons
Push: (quote ())
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> ())
.Value: ()
Push: (quote (xw (817)))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (xw (817)))
.Value: (xw (817))
Calling: (cons () (xw (817)))
Value: (() xw (817))
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (atom? '(b)) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (atom? (quote (b)))
Next: ((atom? (quote (b))))
Push: atom?
.Value: atom?
Push: (quote (b))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (b))
.Value: (b)
Calling: (atom? (b))
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (< -2 -7 2) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (< -2 -7 2)
Next: ((< -2 -7 2))
Push: <
.Value: <
Push: -2
.Value: -2
Push: -7
.Value: -7
Push: 2
.Value: 2
Calling: (< -2 -7 2)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (cdr '((cojzu) c)) [/INST][RESULT] (c) [TRACE] Evaluate: (cdr (quote ((cojzu) c)))
Next: ((cdr (quote ((cojzu) c))))
Push: cdr
.Value: cdr
Push: (quote ((cojzu) c))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> ((cojzu) c))
.Value: ((cojzu) c)
Calling: (cdr ((cojzu) c))
Value: (c)
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (equal? '(-394 ((vfly) ([nil])) (wapk (bbua))) ((([tcac]) glfz) ujwhq (654 (mcc)))) [/INST][RESULT] [TRACE] Evaluate: (equal? (quote (-394 ((vfly) (#(nil))) (wapk (bbua)))) (((#("tcac")) glfz) ujwhq (654 (mcc))))
Next: ((equal? (quote (-394 ((vfly) (#(nil))) (wapk (bbua)))) (((#("tcac")) glfz) ujwhq (654 (mcc)))))
Push: equal?
.Value: equal?
Push: (quote (-394 ((vfly) (#(nil))) (wapk (bbua))))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (-394 ((vfly) (#(nil))) (wapk (bbua))))
.Value: (-394 ((vfly) (#(nil))) (wapk (bbua)))
Push: (((#("tcac")) glfz) ujwhq (654 (mcc)))
.Push: ((#("tcac")) glfz)
..Push: (#("tcac"))
...Push: #("tcac")
[STATUS] (error SIE: Invalid form: #("tcac")) </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (begin (define (g20922 x) (+ 0 x)) (g20922 -1)) [/INST][RESULT] -1 [TRACE] Evaluate: (begin (define (g20922 x) (+ 0 x)) (g20922 -1))
Next: ((begin (define (g20922 x) (+ 0 x)) (g20922 -1)))
Push: begin
.Value: #<syntax sie-syn-begin>
Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-begin> (define (g20922 x) (+ 0 x)) (g20922 -1))
Push: (define (g20922 x) (+ 0 x))
.Push: define
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-define>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-define> (g20922 x) (+ 0 x))
.Value: #<unspecified>
Next: ((g20922 -1))
Push: g20922
.Value: #<lambda: args=(x) body-forms=((+ 0 x)) <env>>
Push: -1
.Value: -1
Calling: (#<lambda: args=(x) body-forms=((+ 0 x)) <env>> -1)
Next: ((+ 0 x))
Push: +
.Value: +
Push: 0
.Value: 0
Push: x
.Value: -1
Calling: (+ 0 -1)
Value: -1
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (atom? '(l)) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (atom? (quote (l)))
Next: ((atom? (quote (l))))
Push: atom?
.Value: atom?
Push: (quote (l))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (l))
.Value: (l)
Calling: (atom? (l))
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (1+ -3) [/INST][RESULT] -2 [TRACE] Evaluate: (1+ -3)
Next: ((1+ -3))
Push: 1+
.Value: 1+
Push: -3
.Value: -3
Calling: (1+ -3)
Value: -2
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] Take a note. [/INST]All right. What should I take a note of?</s> [INST] My current mood is sorrowful. [/INST]No problem. <<<(marvin-add-note "Current mood: sorrowful")>>></s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (even? '5) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (even? (quote 5))
Next: ((even? (quote 5)))
Push: even?
.Value: even?
Push: (quote 5)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> 5)
.Value: 5
Calling: (even? 5)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (odd? '9) [/INST][RESULT] t [TRACE] Evaluate: (odd? (quote 9))
Next: ((odd? (quote 9)))
Push: odd?
.Value: odd?
Push: (quote 9)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> 9)
.Value: 9
Calling: (odd? 9)
Value: t
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (length '(x bsrp (chwm 880))) [/INST][RESULT] 3 [TRACE] Evaluate: (length (quote (x bsrp (chwm 880))))
Next: ((length (quote (x bsrp (chwm 880)))))
Push: length
.Value: length
Push: (quote (x bsrp (chwm 880)))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (x bsrp (chwm 880)))
.Value: (x bsrp (chwm 880))
Calling: (length (x bsrp (chwm 880)))
Value: 3
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (eq? '454 'gr) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (eq? (quote 454) (quote gr))
Next: ((eq? (quote 454) (quote gr)))
Push: eq?
.Value: eq?
Push: (quote 454)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> 454)
.Value: 454
Push: (quote gr)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> gr)
.Value: gr
Calling: (eq? 454 gr)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (vector-set! 'u 6 'jhgbd) [/INST][RESULT] [TRACE] Evaluate: (vector-set! (quote u) 6 (quote jhgbd))
Next: ((vector-set! (quote u) 6 (quote jhgbd)))
Push: vector-set!
.Value: vector-set!
Push: (quote u)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> u)
.Value: u
Push: 6
.Value: 6
Push: (quote jhgbd)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> jhgbd)
.Value: jhgbd
Calling: (vector-set! u 6 jhgbd)
[STATUS] (args-out-of-range u 6) </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (string? vifyw) [/INST][RESULT] [TRACE] Evaluate: (string? vifyw)
Next: ((string? vifyw))
Push: string?
.Value: string?
Push: vifyw
[STATUS] (error SIE: No binding for symbol: vifyw) </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (cons 'redc '(jj nil)) [/INST][RESULT] (redc jj nil) [TRACE] Evaluate: (cons (quote redc) (quote (jj ())))
Next: ((cons (quote redc) (quote (jj ()))))
Push: cons
.Value: cons
Push: (quote redc)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> redc)
.Value: redc
Push: (quote (jj ()))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (jj ()))
.Value: (jj ())
Calling: (cons redc (jj ()))
Value: (redc jj ())
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (- -6 1 0) [/INST][RESULT] -7 [TRACE] Evaluate: (- -6 1 0)
Next: ((- -6 1 0))
Push: -
.Value: -
Push: -6
.Value: -6
Push: 1
.Value: 1
Push: 0
.Value: 0
Calling: (- -6 1 0)
Value: -7
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (> -8 6) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (> -8 6)
Next: ((> -8 6))
Push: >
.Value: >
Push: -8
.Value: -8
Push: 6
.Value: 6
Calling: (> -8 6)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] Please take a note. [/INST]No problem. What should the note be?</s> [INST] d [/INST]All right. <<<(marvin-add-task "d")>>></s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (% 10 8) [/INST][RESULT] 2 [TRACE] Evaluate: (% 10 8)
Next: ((% 10 8))
Push: %
.Value: %
Push: 10
.Value: 10
Push: 8
.Value: 8
Calling: (% 10 8)
Value: 2
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (atom? '(-483 ((634)))) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (atom? (quote (-483 ((634)))))
Next: ((atom? (quote (-483 ((634))))))
Push: atom?
.Value: atom?
Push: (quote (-483 ((634))))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (-483 ((634))))
.Value: (-483 ((634)))
Calling: (atom? (-483 ((634))))
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (begin (define g20454 1) (+ 1 g20454)) [/INST][RESULT] 2 [TRACE] Evaluate: (begin (define g20454 1) (+ 1 g20454))
Next: ((begin (define g20454 1) (+ 1 g20454)))
Push: begin
.Value: #<syntax sie-syn-begin>
Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-begin> (define g20454 1) (+ 1 g20454))
Push: (define g20454 1)
.Push: define
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-define>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-define> g20454 1)
.Value: #<unspecified>
Next: ((+ 1 g20454))
Push: +
.Value: +
Push: 1
.Value: 1
Push: g20454
.Value: 1
Calling: (+ 1 1)
Value: 2
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (vector-set! 'nil -5 '-306) [/INST][RESULT] [TRACE] Evaluate: (vector-set! (quote ()) -5 (quote -306))
Next: ((vector-set! (quote ()) -5 (quote -306)))
Push: vector-set!
.Value: vector-set!
Push: (quote ())
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> ())
.Value: ()
Push: -5
.Value: -5
Push: (quote -306)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> -306)
.Value: -306
Calling: (vector-set! () -5 -306)
[STATUS] (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil) </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (append ''(saj nil)) [/INST][RESULT] '(saj nil) [TRACE] Evaluate: (append (quote (quote (saj ()))))
Next: ((append (quote (quote (saj ())))))
Push: append
.Value: append
Push: (quote (quote (saj ())))
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> (quote (saj ())))
.Value: (quote (saj ()))
Calling: (append (quote (saj ())))
Value: (quote (saj ()))
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (bound? 'd) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (bound? (quote d))
Next: ((bound? (quote d)))
Push: bound?
.Value: bound?
Push: (quote d)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> d)
.Value: d
Calling: (bound? d)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (1- 7) [/INST][RESULT] 6 [TRACE] Evaluate: (1- 7)
Next: ((1- 7))
Push: 1-
.Value: 1-
Push: 7
.Value: 7
Calling: (1- 7)
Value: 6
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (eq? 'n 'n) [/INST][RESULT] t [TRACE] Evaluate: (eq? (quote n) (quote n))
Next: ((eq? (quote n) (quote n)))
Push: eq?
.Value: eq?
Push: (quote n)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> n)
.Value: n
Push: (quote n)
.Push: quote
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-quote>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-quote> n)
.Value: n
Calling: (eq? n n)
Value: t
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (not [[sie-magic] sie-true]) [/INST][RESULT] nil [TRACE] Evaluate: (not #t)
Next: ((not #t))
Push: not
.Value: not
Push: #t
.Value: #t
Calling: (not #t)
Value: ()
[STATUS] t </s> |
<s>[INST] [FORM] (begin (define g21818 -3) (+ 1 g21818)) [/INST][RESULT] -2 [TRACE] Evaluate: (begin (define g21818 -3) (+ 1 g21818))
Next: ((begin (define g21818 -3) (+ 1 g21818)))
Push: begin
.Value: #<syntax sie-syn-begin>
Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-begin> (define g21818 -3) (+ 1 g21818))
Push: (define g21818 -3)
.Push: define
..Value: #<syntax sie-syn-define>
.Calling syntax: (#<syntax sie-syn-define> g21818 -3)
.Value: #<unspecified>
Next: ((+ 1 g21818))
Push: +
.Value: +
Push: 1
.Value: 1
Push: g21818
.Value: -3
Calling: (+ 1 -3)
Value: -2
[STATUS] t </s> |