stringlengths 2
| abc
stringlengths 2.32k
X: 124
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ D D F F ; A, A, D D ; F, F, D, D, ; D, D, B,, B,, }
{ A2 A2 ; (C E) (D C) ; (E, G,) (F, A,) ; A,,2 D,2 }
{ B.- B B B ; .(B, C) D E ; .(G, A,) B, C ; G,,.- G,, G, G, }
{ A2 F2 ; F2 D2 ; (D A,) A,2 ; D,2 D,2 }
{ A3/2 A/ A A ; E E F E ; A, A, A, A, ; C, C, D, C, }
{ A, A, D D ; F, F, D, D, ; D, D, B,, B,, ; d.- d c A }
{ (C E) (D C) ; (E, G,) (F, A,) ; A,,2 D,2 ; E A B3/2 A/ }
{ .(B, C) D E ; .(G, A,) B, C ; G,,.- G,, G, G, ; A4 }
{ F2 D2 ; (D A,) A,2 ; D,2 D,2 ; D D F F }
{ E E F E ; A, A, A, A, ; C, C, D, C, ; A.- A A2 }
{ F, F, D, D, ; D, D, B,, B,, ; d.- d c A ; .(D E) E F }
{ (E, G,) (F, A,) ; A,,2 D,2 ; E A B3/2 A/ ; E C D3/2 C/ }
{ .(G, A,) B, C ; G,,.- G,, G, G, ; A4 ; C4 }
{ (D A,) A,2 ; D,2 D,2 ; D D F F ; A, A, D D }
{ A, A, A, A, ; C, C, D, C, ; A.- A A2 ; .(C E) (D C) } | X: 124
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 124
T: Holy, Holy, Holy
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Reginald Heber, 1826.
C: Music: 'Nicaea' John Bacchus Dykes, 1861. Setting: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Revision.
S: Music source: Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1869 hymn 135. Tune from Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1861.
S: %OHARRANGER unknown assumed Dykes, John Bacchus (1823-1876)
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] D D F F | A2 A2 | B.- B B B | A2 F2 | A3/2 A/ A A |
w: 1.~Ho- ly, ho- ly, ho- ly! Lord * God Al- migh- ty! Ear- ly in the
w: 2.~Ho- ly, ho- ly, ho- ly! All the saints a- dore Thee, Cast- ing down their
w: 3.~Ho- ly, ho- ly, ho- ly! though the dark- ness hide Thee, Though the eye of
w: 4.~Ho- ly, ho- ly, ho- ly! Lord * God Al- might- y! All Thy works shall
[V: S1V2] A, A, D D | (C E) (D C) | .(B, C) D E | F2 D2 | E E F E |
[V: S2V1] F, F, D, D, | (E, G,) (F, A,) | .(G, A,) B, C | (D A,) A,2 | A, A, A, A, |
[V: S2V2] D, D, B,, B,, | A,,2 D,2 | G,,.- G,, G, G, | D,2 D,2 | C, C, D, C, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] d.- d c A | E A B3/2 A/ | A4 | D D F F | A.- A A2 |
w: morn- * ing our song shall rise to Thee; Ho- ly, ho- ly, ho- * ly,
w: gold- en crowns a- round the glass- y sea; Che- ru- bim and ser- a- phim
w: sin- ful man Thy glor- y may not see; On- ly Thou art ho- * ly;
w: praise Thy Name, in earth, and sky, and sea; Ho- ly, ho- ly, ho- * ly;
[V: S1V2] .(D E) E F | E C D3/2 C/ | C4 | A, A, D D | .(C E) (D C) |
[V: S2V1] .(F, ^G,) A, A, | C A, ^G,3/2 A,/ | (A,2 =G,2) | F, F, D, D, | .(E, G,) (F, A,) |
[V: S2V2] B,,.- B,, C, D, | E, E, E,3/2 A,,/ | A,,4 | D, D, B,, B,, | A,,.- A,, D,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] B3/2 B/ B B | A2 A2 | d2 A A | B2 F2 | !sintro!G E E3/2 D/ | D4 !eintro!|]
w: mer- ci- ful and might- y! God in three Per- sons, bless- ed Tri- ni- ty!
w: fall- ing down be- fore Thee, Who was, and is, and ev- er- more shall be.
w: there is none be- side Thee, Per- fect in pow'r, in love, and pur- it- y.
w: mer- ci- ful and might- y! God in three Per- sons, bless- ed Tri- ni- ty!
[V: S1V2] B, C D E | F2 D2 | D2 D D | D2 (D =C) | B, B, ^C3/2 D/ | D4 |]
[V: S2V1] G, A, B, C | (D A,) F,2 | (F, G,) A, =C | B,2 A,2 | G, G, G,3/2 F,/ | D,4 |]
[V: S2V2] G,,3/2 G,,/ G, G, | D,2 D,2 | B,,2 F,, F,, | G,,2 D,2 | G,, G,, A,,3/2 D,/ | F,4 |]
% 18
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7300000
%%staffsep 2.20000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "125 TRINITY"
%%footer Is 6:1-4, Rev 4:8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
%OHSCRIP Is 6:1-4, Rev 4:8
%OHTOPICS {Angels}, {Cloud}, {Father}, {God, As King}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Heaven}, {Holiness}, {Praise, Father}, {Presence}, {Reverence}, {Throne (also see God - As King)}, {Trinity}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
%OHCOMPOSER Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHARRANGER Erythraeus
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 125
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ B2 B G ; E2 D B, ; G,2 F, E, ; E,2 B,, E, }
{ E G B B ; C B, F E ; G, E, F, G, ; C, E, D, E, }
{ c c !fermata!B2 ; E E E2 ; A, A, !invertedfermata!G,2 ; A,, A,, E,2 }
{ B2 B A ; G2 G F ; D2 E C ; G,2 E, F, }
{ B E A G ; D C F E ; B, G, F, B, ; B,, C, D, E, }
{ F F !fermata!E2 ; E D E2 ; C B, !invertedfermata!G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 }
{ E2 D B, ; G,2 F, E, ; E,2 B,, E, ; B2 B B }
{ C B, F E ; G, E, F, G, ; C, E, D, E, ; e e e B }
{ E E E2 ; A, A, !invertedfermata!G,2 ; A,, A,, E,2 ; c B !fermata!G2 }
{ G2 G F ; D2 E C ; G,2 E, F, ; G2 A B }
{ D C F E ; B, G, F, B, ; B,, C, D, E, ; G A G E }
{ E D E2 ; C B, !invertedfermata!G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 ; F F !fermata!E2 }
{ G,2 F, E, ; E,2 B,, E, ; B2 B B ; G2 G F }
{ G, E, F, G, ; C, E, D, E, ; e e e B ; A A G G }
{ A, A, !invertedfermata!G,2 ; A,, A,, E,2 ; c B !fermata!G2 ; A F E2 }
{ D2 E C ; G,2 E, F, ; G2 A B ; E2 C F }
{ B, G, F, B, ; B,, C, D, E, ; G A G E ; E C E B, }
{ C B, !invertedfermata!G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 ; F F !fermata!E2 ; C B, B,2 }
{ E,2 B,, E, ; B2 B B ; G2 G F ; E2 D D }
{ C, E, D, E, ; e e e B ; A A G G ; C C C B, }
{ A,, A,, E,2 ; c B !fermata!G2 ; A F E2 ; E D !invertedfermata!C2 }
{ G,2 E, F, ; G2 A B ; E2 C F ; B,2 A, F, }
{ B,, C, D, E, ; G A G E ; E C E B, ; B, A, C G, }
{ A,, B,, E,2 ; F F !fermata!E2 ; C B, B,2 ; E, D, !invertedfermata!G,2 }
{ B2 B B ; G2 G F ; E2 D D ; E,2 G, B, }
{ e e e B ; A A G G ; C C C B, ; A, A,, C, E, }
{ c B !fermata!G2 ; A F E2 ; E D !invertedfermata!C2 ; A,, B,, C,2 }
{ G2 A B ; E2 C F ; B,2 A, F, ; E,2 F, D, }
{ G A G E ; E C E B, ; B, A, C G, ; E, F, C, E, }
{ F F !fermata!E2 ; C B, B,2 ; E, D, !invertedfermata!G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 }
{ G2 G F ; E2 D D ; E,2 G, B, ; E2 G F }
{ A A G G ; C C C B, ; A, A,, C, E, ; G =A B B }
{ A F E2 ; E D !invertedfermata!C2 ; A,, B,, C,2 ; G =A !fermata!B2 }
{ E2 C F ; B,2 A, F, ; E,2 F, D, ; e2 e d }
{ E C E B, ; B, A, C G, ; E, F, C, E, ; c B B A }
{ C B, B,2 ; E, D, !invertedfermata!G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 ; B A !fermata!G2 }
{ E2 D D ; E,2 G, B, ; E2 G F ; C2 D F }
{ C C C B, ; A, A,, C, E, ; G =A B B ; E E F F }
{ E D !invertedfermata!C2 ; A,, B,, C,2 ; G =A !fermata!B2 ; E E D2 }
{ B,2 A, F, ; E,2 F, D, ; e2 e d ; G2 A F }
{ B, A, C G, ; E, F, C, E, ; c B B A ; E F G F }
{ E, D, !invertedfermata!G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 ; B A !fermata!G2 ; E E E2 }
{ E,2 G, B, ; E2 G F ; C2 D F ; C2 B, B, }
{ A, A,, C, E, ; G =A B B ; E E F F ; B, C D B, }
{ A,, B,, C,2 ; G =A !fermata!B2 ; E E D2 ; B, C !invertedfermata!F,2 }
{ E,2 F, D, ; e2 e d ; G2 A F ; C2 C B, }
{ E, F, C, E, ; c B B A ; E F G F ; G, B, E C }
{ A,, B,, E,2 ; B A !fermata!G2 ; E E E2 ; B, C !invertedfermata!B,2 } | X: 125
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 125
T: Isaiah, Mighty Seer, In Days of Old
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as These Things the Seer Isaiah did Befall or Isaiah 'twas the Prophet)
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1526 as the Sanctus of the German Mass, after Is 6:1-4. Translation composite.
C: Music: 'Jesaia Dem Propheten das Geschah' Martin Luther, 1526 in the German Mass. Setting: Erythraeus, 1608.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Translation is public domain per Project Wittenberg:
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] B2 B G | E G B B | c c !fermata!B2 | B2 B A | B E A G | F F !fermata!E2 |
w: 1.~Is- ai- ah, might- y seer, in days of old The Lord of all in Spir- it did be- hold
[V: S1V2] E2 D B, | C B, F E | E E E2 | G2 G F | D C F E | E D E2 |
[V: S2V1] G,2 F, E, | G, E, F, G, | A, A, !invertedfermata!G,2 | D2 E C | B, G, F, B, | C B, !invertedfermata!G,2 |
[V: S2V2] E,2 B,, E, | C, E, D, E, | A,, A,, E,2 | G,2 E, F, | B,, C, D, E, | A,, B,, E,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] B2 B B | e e e B | c B !fermata!G2 | G2 A B | G A G E | F F !fermata!E2 |
w: High on a loft- y throne, in splen- dor bright, With flow- ing train that filled the Tem- ple quite.
[V: S1V2] G2 G F | A A G G | A F E2 | E2 C F | E C E B, | C B, B,2 |
[V: S2V1] E2 D D | C C C B, | E D !invertedfermata!C2 | B,2 A, F, | B, A, C G, | E, D, !invertedfermata!G,2 |
[V: S2V2] E,2 G, B, | A, A,, C, E, | A,, B,, C,2 | E,2 F, D, | E, F, C, E, | A,, B,, E,2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] E2 G F | G =A B B | G =A !fermata!B2 | e2 e d | c B B A | B A !fermata!G2 |
w: A- bove the throne were state- ly ser- a- phim, Six wings had they, these mess- en- gers of Him.
[V: S1V2] C2 D F | E E F F | E E D2 | G2 A F | E F G F | E E E2 |
[V: S2V1] C2 B, B, | B, C D B, | B, C !invertedfermata!F,2 | C2 C B, | G, B, E C | B, C !invertedfermata!B,2 |
[V: S2V2] C,2 G, D, | E, C, B,, D, | E, C, B,,2 | B,,2 A,, B,, | C, D, E, F, | G, A, E,2 |
% 17
[V: S1V1] F2 G A | B B c B | c d !fermata!e2 | B2 B A | G A B E | G F !fermata!E2 |
w: With twain they veiled their fa- ces, as was meet, With twain in rev- erent awe they hid their feet,
[V: S1V2] D2 E C | G F A E | C F G2 | G2 G E | B, F F C | B, D C2 |
[V: S2V1] B,2 B, F | E D E B, | E B, !invertedfermata!B,2 | E2 E C | E C D G, | E, B, !invertedfermata!G,2 |
[V: S2V2] B,,2 E, F, | G, B, A, G, | A, B, E,2 | E,2 E, A,, | E, F, B,, C, | E, B,, C,2 |
% 25
[V: S1V1] G2 A B | c B B c | d c !fermata!B2 | e2 d c | f f d B | c d !fermata!e2 |
w: And with the o- ther twain a- loft they soared, One to the o- ther called and praised the Lord:
[V: S1V2] E2 F G | A G F G | B =A B2 | G2 B A | A B B B | A F G2 |
[V: S2V1] C2 C E | E E B, E | F3/2 E/ !invertedfermata!D2 | C2 B, E | F D F E | E B, !invertedfermata!B,2 |
[V: S2V2] C,2 F, E, | A,, E, D, C, | B,, F, B,,2 | C,2 G, A, | F, B,, B, G, | A, B, E,2 |
% 29
%%header "TRINITY 125(2)"
[V: S1V1] e2 d c | B c d B | A B !fermata!G2 | e2 d c | B c d B | A B !fermata!G2 |
w: "Ho- ly is God, the Lord of Sa- ba- oth! Ho- ly is God, the Lord of Sa- ba- oth!
[V: S1V2] G2 G E | E E D G | F D E2 | G2 G E | E E D G | F D E2 |
[V: S2V1] C2 =B, C | G, A, B, G, | C B, !invertedfermata!B,2 | C2 =B, C | G, A, B, G, | C B, !invertedfermata!B,2 |
[V: S2V2] C,2 G, A, | E, C, B,, E, | F, B,, E,2 | C,2 G, A, | E, C, B,, E, | F, B,, E,2 |
% 37
[V: S1V1] e2 d c | B c d B | A B !fermata!G2 | c2 B A | B E A G | F F !fermata!E2 |
w: Ho- ly is God, the Lord of Sa- ba- oth! Be- hold, His glo- ry fill- eth all the earth!"
[V: S1V2] G2 G E | E E D G | F D E2 | E2 E E | D C F E | E D E2 |
[V: S2V1] C2 =B, C | G, A, B, G, | C B, !invertedfermata!B,2 | A,2 G, A, | F, A, _D B, | C B, !invertedfermata!G,2 |
[V: S2V2] C,2 G, A, | E, C, B,, E, | F, B,, E,2 | A,,2 E, C, | B,, C, _D, E, | A,, B,, E,2 |
% 41
[V: S1V1] E2 B B | G A B c | c B !fermata!B2 | !sintro!B2 A G | A F G F | E D !fermata!E2 !eintro!|]
w: The beams and lin- tels trem- bled at the cry, And clouds of smoke en- wrapped the throne on high.
[V: S1V2] C2 D F | E C D G | F3/2 E/ D2 | E2 E E | C D E C | B, B, B,2 |]
[V: S2V1] G,2 B, B, | B, A, F, G, | =A, B, !invertedfermata!F,2 | G,2 C B, | A, A, B, A, | G, F, !invertedfermata!G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] C,2 B,, D, | E, F, D, E, | F, B,, B,,2 | E,2 A,, E, | F, F, E, A,, | B,, B,, E,2 |]
% 49
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7500000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "126 TRINITY"
%%footer 1Jn 5:20, Is 41:9-13, Jn 1:14, 1Jn 4:9-10, 1Cor 12:3, Rom 8:26-27 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP 1Jn 5:20, Is 41:9-13, Jn 1:14, 1Jn 4:9-10, 1Cor 12:3, Rom 8:26-27
%OHTOPICS {Atonement [2]}, {Brotherhood [2]}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant) [3]}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant) [3]}, {Father [1]}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World) [1]}, {Holy Spirit [3]}, {Jesus [2]}, {Resurrection [3]}, {Testimony}, {Trinity}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER Medieval;Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHAUTHOR Medieval;Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 126
L: 1/4
M: none
K: C
{ z2 D2 (A G A) E F2 (E G) (F E) (D ^C) D2 ; x2 D2 (F G) C2 (A, D) (C D) (D C) (F,/G,/ A,) A,2 ; z2 F,2 (A, C A,) G, (F,3/2 G,/) (A, _B,) A,2 (D, E,) F,2 ; x2 [D,,2D,2] ([D,,D,] [E,,E,] [F,,F,]) [C,,C,] ([D,,2D,2] A,,) G,, (D, A,,) (_B,, A,,) [D,,2D,2] }
{ A2 A2 d c ; F2 E2 G E ; D3 C B, C ; D,2 A,,2 G,, A,, }
{ x2 D2 (F G) C2 (A, D) (C D) (D C) (F,/G,/ A,) A,2 ; z2 F,2 (A, C A,) G, (F,3/2 G,/) (A, _B,) A,2 (D, E,) F,2 ; x2 [D,,2D,2] ([D,,D,] [E,,E,] [F,,F,]) [C,,C,] ([D,,2D,2] A,,) G,, (D, A,,) (_B,, A,,) [D,,2D,2] ; B A c2 A2 }
{ F2 E2 G E ; D3 C B, C ; D,2 A,,2 G,, A,, ; z B c A A E F F E2 }
{ z2 F,2 (A, C A,) G, (F,3/2 G,/) (A, _B,) A,2 (D, E,) F,2 ; x2 [D,,2D,2] ([D,,D,] [E,,E,] [F,,F,]) [C,,C,] ([D,,2D,2] A,,) G,, (D, A,,) (_B,, A,,) [D,,2D,2] ; B A c2 A2 ; E C E2 F2 }
{ D3 C B, C ; D,2 A,,2 G,, A,, ; z B c A A E F F E2 ; x F E F F E D D ^C2 }
{ x2 [D,,2D,2] ([D,,D,] [E,,E,] [F,,F,]) [C,,C,] ([D,,2D,2] A,,) G,, (D, A,,) (_B,, A,,) [D,,2D,2] ; B A c2 A2 ; E C E2 F2 ; G, A, (G, C) C2 }
{ D,2 A,,2 G,, A,, ; z B c A A E F F E2 ; x F E F F E D D ^C2 ; z D C C F, A, A, A, A,2 }
{ B A c2 A2 ; E C E2 F2 ; G, A, (G, C) C2 ; E, F, C,2 F,,2 }
{ z B c A A E F F E2 ; x F E F F E D D ^C2 ; z D C C F, A, A, A, A,2 ; x [D,,D,] [A,,A,] [F,,F,] [D,,D,] [^C,,^C,] [D,,D,] D, A,,2 }
{ D E F G ; A, E D D ; F, A, D _B, ; D, =C, _B,, G,, }
{ E C E2 F2 ; G, A, (G, C) C2 ; E, F, C,2 F,,2 ; F E (D ^C) !fermata!D2 }
{ x F E F F E D D ^C2 ; z D C C F, A, A, A, A,2 ; x [D,,D,] [A,,A,] [F,,F,] [D,,D,] [^C,,^C,] [D,,D,] D, A,,2 ; d2 d2 e d e ^c d2 d2 }
{ A, E D D ; F, A, D _B, ; D, =C, _B,, G,, ; e B c A } | X: 126
L: 1/4
M: none
K: C
X: 126
T: We All Believe in One True God
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as In One True God We All Believe)
C: Words: Medieval text expanded by Martin Luther, 1524. Translation composite.
C: Music: 'Wir Glauben all an Einen Gott, Schoepfer' or 'Apostolic Creed' Medieval tune altered
C: by Martin Luther. Found in Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524.
%C: Setting: Bennett and Goldschmidt's "Choral Book for England" 1863 Appendix 6, there ascribed to an ancient source reproduced in
C: Setting: "Eisenach Kirchenconserenz", G.v. Tucher et. al. , Stuttgart, 1854.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Translation is public domain per Project Wittenberg:
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
%%staffsep 0.02cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
M: none
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] z2 D2 (A G A) E F2 (E G) (F E) (D ^C) D2 | A2 A2 d c
w: 1.~We all * * be- lieve in * one * true * God, Who cre- a- ted
w: 2.~We all * * be- lieve in * Je- * sus * Christ, His own Son, our
w: 3.~We all * * con- fess the * Ho- * ly * Ghost, Who sweet grace and
[V: S1V2] x2 D2 (F G) C2 (A, D) (C D) (D C) (F,/G,/ A,) A,2 | F2 E2 G E
[V: S2V1] z2 F,2 (A, C A,) G, (F,3/2 G,/) (A, _B,) A,2 (D, E,) F,2 | D3 C B, C
[V: S2V2] x2 [D,,2D,2] ([D,,D,] [E,,E,] [F,,F,]) [C,,C,] ([D,,2D,2] A,,) G,, (D, A,,) (_B,, A,,) [D,,2D,2] | D,2 A,,2 G,, A,,
% 3
[V: S1V1] B A c2 A2 | z B c A A E F F E2 | D E F G
w: earth and hea- ven, The Fa- ther, who to us in love Hath the right of
w: Lord, pos- ses- sing An e- qual God- head, throne, and might, Source of ev- ery
w: com- fort giv- eth And with the Fa- ther and the Son In e- ter- nal
[V: S1V2] E C E2 F2 | x F E F F E D D ^C2 | A, E D D
[V: S2V1] G, A, (G, C) C2 | z D C C F, A, A, A, A,2 | F, A, D _B,
[V: S2V2] E, F, C,2 F,,2 | x [D,,D,] [A,,A,] [F,,F,] [D,,D,] [^C,,^C,] [D,,D,] D, A,,2 | D, =C, _B,, G,,
% 5
[V: S1V1] F E (D ^C) !fermata!D2 | d2 d2 e d e ^c d2 d2 | e B c A
w: chil- dren gi- * ven. He both soul and bo- dy feed- eth, All we need He
w: grace and bless- * ing. Born of Ma- ry, vir- gin mo- ther, By the pow- er
w: glor- y liv- * eth; Who the Church, His own cre- a- tion, Keeps in u- ni-
[V: S1V2] C C A,2 A,2 | F2 G2 G A G E F2 F2 | G G E F
[V: S2V1] A, G, (F, E,) !invertedfermata!F,2 | A,2 =B,2 C A, _B, A, A,2 A,2 | C D C C
[V: S2V2] A,,/_B,,/ C, (D, A,,) [D,,2D,2] | D,2 [G,,2G,2] C, [F,,F,] [G,,G,] A,, [D,,2D,2] [D,,2D,2] | [C,,C,] [G,,G,] [A,,A,] [F,,F,]
% 6
[V: S1V1] A E F2 E2 | A G A B c B (A ^G) A2 |
w: doth pro- vide us; He through snares and per- ils lead- * eth,
w: of the Spir- it, Made true man, our el- der Bro- * ther,
w: ty of spi- rit. Here for- give- ness and sal- va- * tion
[V: S1V2] F E D2 ^C2 | =C E F F E E (C/D/ E) E2 |
[V: S2V1] F, A, A,2 A,2 | A, C C D C G, (A, B,) C2 |
[V: S2V2] [D,,D,] [^C,,^C,] [D,,2D,2] A,,2 | F,, C, F, D, A,, E, (F, E,) A,,2 |
% 6
%%header "TRINITY 126(2)"
[V: S1V1] (B3/2 c/) d2 A G A E F2 E2 | z G (F3/2 E/) (D ^C) (D F) D2 |
w: Watch- * ing that no harm be- tide us. He car- * eth * for * us
w: That * the lost might life in- her- it; Was cru- * ci- * fied * for
w: Dai- * ly come through Je- sus' mer- it. All flesh * shall * rise, * and
[V: S1V2] =G2 A2 F E E C (A, B,) C2 | x D C2 A,2 A,2 _B,2 |
[V: S2V1] E2 F2 C C C G, F,2 G,2 | z _B, (A, G,) (F, E,) (F, A,) G,2 |
[V: S2V2] E,2 (D,3/2 E,/) F, C, A,, C, D,2 C,2 | x G,, (A,, C,) (D, A,,) (F,, D,,) G,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] (F G) (A =B) (c3/2 B/ A3/2 G/ F E) | !sintro!D E F G (F E) D ^C D4 !eintro!|]
w: day * and * night, * * * * * All things are gov- erned * by His might.
w: sin- * ful * men * * * * * And raised by God to * life a- gain.
w: we * shall * be * * * * * In bliss with God e- * ter- nal- ly.
[V: S1V2] (D E) F2 (E G F E D ^C) | A, =C D D C2 _B, A, A,4 |]
[V: S2V1] (A, C2) D (G, G, C C A,2) | F, G, D _B, A, G,2 E, ^F,4 |]
[V: S2V2] (D, C,) (F, D,) (C, E, F, C, D, A,,) | D, =C, _B,, G,, (A,, C,) G,, A,, [D,,4D,4] |]
% 13
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "127 REFORMATION"
%%footer 2Sam 22:2-3, Ps 18:1-2, 1Cor 15:55-57, Rom 8:37-39 8 7 8 7 6 6 6 6 7
%OHSCRIP 2Sam 22:2-3, Ps 18:1-2, 1Cor 15:55-57, Rom 8:37-39
%OHTOPICS {Atonement [2,3,4]}, {Calmness}, {Comfort}, {Courage in Affliction}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Gospel}, {Jesus [2,3,4]}, {Judgment [3]}, {Loyalty [2,3,4]}, {Salvation [3,4]}, {Security}, {Solitude (with God even when alone) [3,4]}, {Terrorism}, {Testimony}, {Travel}, {Victory [3,4]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 6 6 6 6 7
%OHCOMPOSER Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Hedge, Frederic Henry (1805-1890)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 127
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ d ; F ; A, ; D, }
{ d d A/B/ c ; D F E E ; A, A, A,/^G,/ A, ; F, D, C,/B,,/ A,, }
{ d/c/ B !fermata!A d ; D E C D ; F, ^G, !invertedfermata!A, F, ; B,, E, A,, B,, }
{ c B A B ; F D D D ; A, G, F, F, ; F, G, D, B,, }
{ (G/F/ E) !fermata!D ; (B, C) D ; (G, A,) !invertedfermata!F, ; (E, A,,) D, }
{ F ; A, ; D, ; d }
{ D F E E ; A, A, A,/^G,/ A, ; F, D, C,/B,,/ A,, ; d d A/B/ c }
{ D E C D ; F, ^G, !invertedfermata!A, F, ; B,, E, A,, B,, ; d/c/ B !fermata!A d }
{ F D D D ; A, G, F, F, ; F, G, D, B,, ; c B A B }
{ (B, C) D ; (G, A,) !invertedfermata!F, ; (E, A,,) D, ; (G/F/ E) !fermata!D }
{ A, ; D, ; d ; F }
{ A, A, A,/^G,/ A, ; F, D, C,/B,,/ A,, ; d d A/B/ c ; D F E E }
{ F, ^G, !invertedfermata!A, F, ; B,, E, A,, B,, ; d/c/ B !fermata!A d ; D E C D }
{ A, G, F, F, ; F, G, D, B,, ; c B A B ; F D D D }
{ (G, A,) !invertedfermata!F, ; (E, A,,) D, ; (G/F/ E) !fermata!D ; (B, C) D }
{ D, ; d ; F ; A, }
{ F, D, C,/B,,/ A,, ; d d A/B/ c ; D F E E ; A, A, A,/^G,/ A, }
{ B,, E, A,, B,, ; d/c/ B !fermata!A d ; D E C D ; F, ^G, !invertedfermata!A, F, }
{ F, G, D, B,, ; c B A B ; F D D D ; A, G, F, F, }
{ (E, A,,) D, ; (G/F/ E) !fermata!D ; (B, C) D ; (G, A,) !invertedfermata!F, } | X: 127
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 127
T: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1529. Translation Frederic Henry Hedge, 1853.
C: Music: 'Ein Feste Burg (Isorhythmic)' Martin Luther, 1529. Setting: "Common Service Book" (ULCA), 1917, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Common Service Book with Hymnal', ULCA 1918 Hymn 195, alt. to match syncopation of Hedge translation
S: Lyric source: Presbyterian Hymnal, Revised, 1911 Hymn 122.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] d | d d A/B/ c | d/c/ B !fermata!A d | c B A B | (G/F/ E) !fermata!D
w: 1.~A might- y for- * tress is * our God, a bul- wark nev- er fail- * * ing;
w: 2.~Did we in our * own strength * con- fide, our striv- ing would be lo- * * sing;
w: 3.~And though this world, * with dev- * ils filled, should threat- en to un- do * * us,
w: 4.~That word a- bove * all earth- * ly pow'rs, no thanks to them, a- bid- * * eth;
[V: S1V2] F | D F E E | D E C D | F D D D | (B, C) D
[V: S2V1] A, | A, A, A,/^G,/ A, | F, ^G, !invertedfermata!A, F, | A, G, F, F, | (G, A,) !invertedfermata!F,
[V: S2V2] D, | F, D, C,/B,,/ A,, | B,, E, A,, B,, | F, G, D, B,, | (E, A,,) D,
% 5
[V: S1V1] d | d d A/B/ c | d/c/ B !fermata!A d | c B A B | (G/F/ E) !fermata!D
w: Our help- er He, * a- mid * the flood of mor- tal ills pre- vail- * * ing:
w: Were not the right * Man on * our side, the Man of God's own choos- * * ing:
w: We will not fear, * for God * hath willed His truth to tri- umph through * * us:
w: The Spi- rit and * the gifts * are ours through Him who with us si- * * deth:
[V: S1V2] F | D F E E | D E C D | F D D D | (B, C) D
[V: S2V1] A, | A, A, A,/^G,/ A, | F, ^G, !invertedfermata!A, F, | A, G, F, F, | (G, A,) !invertedfermata!F,
[V: S2V2] D, | F, D, C,/B,,/ A,, | B,, E, A,, B,, | F, G, D, B,, | (E, A,,) D,
% 9
[V: S1V1] D | F A B ^G | !fermata!A D A A | B c !fermata!d c | d c B B | !fermata!A
w: For still our an- cient foe doth seek to work us woe; His craft and pow'r are great,
w: Dost ask who that may be? Christ Je- sus, it is He; Lord Sa- ba- oth, His name,
w: The Prince of Dark- ness grim, we trem- ble not for him; His rage we can en- dure,
w: Let goods and kin- dred go, this mor- tal life al- so; The bo- dy they may kill:
[V: S1V2] D | D E F E | E D E F | G G F F | F E (F E/D/) | C
[V: S2V1] F, | A,2 D B, | !invertedfermata!C F, A, D | D E !invertedfermata!A, A, | F, A, (A, ^G,) | !invertedfermata!A,
[V: S2V2] D, | D, C, B,, E, | A,, B,, C, D, | G, E, D, F, | B,, C, (D, E,) | A,,
% 14
[V: S1V1] B B A | B G !fermata!F !sintro!d | c B A B | (G/F/ E) !fermata!D !eintro!|]
w: and, armed with cru- el hate, On earth is not his e- * * qual.
w: from age to age the same, And He must win the bat- * * tle.
w: for lo, his doom is sure, One lit- tle word shall fell * * him.
w: God's truth a- bi- deth still, His king- dom is for- ev- * * er.
[V: S1V2] G G F | F E C F | F/E/ D D/=C/ B, | (B, =C) D |]
[V: S2V1] D D3/2 =C/ | B, B, !invertedfermata!^A, B, | A, G, F, F, | (G, A,/G,/) !invertedfermata!F, |]
[V: S2V2] G,, B,, D, | ^D, E, F, B,, | F, G, D, ^D, | (E, A,,) D, |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "REFORMATION 128"
%%footer 2Sam 22:2-3, Ps 18:1-2, 1Cor 15:55-57, Rom 8:37-39 8 7 8 7 5 5 5 6 7
%OHSCRIP 2Sam 22:2-3, Ps 18:1-2, 1Cor 15:55-57, Rom 8:37-39
%OHTOPICS {Atonement [2,3,4]}, {Calmness}, {Comfort}, {Courage in Affliction}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Gospel}, {Jesus [2,3,4]}, {Judgment [3]}, {Loyalty [2,3,4]}, {Salvation [3,4]}, {Security}, {Solitude (with God even when alone) [3,4]}, {Terrorism}, {Testimony}, {Travel}, {Victory [3,4]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 5 5 5 6 7
%OHCOMPOSER Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 128
M: none
L: 1/4
K: D
{ z d d2 d2 A2 B (d2 c) B2 A2 ; x F F2 F2 F2 D (F2 E) E2 C2 ; z A, A,2 D2 C2 B, A,3 (A, ^G,) A,2 ; x D, D,2 B,,2 F,2 G, (D,2 A,,) E,2 A,,2 }
{ z d c2 B2 A2 B (G2 F E2) D2 ; x D F2 D2 D2 D (B, C D2 C) D2 ; z F, A,2 G,2 F,2 F, (G,2 A,2 E,) F,2 ; x B,, F,,2 G,,2 D,2 B,, (E,2 D, A,,2) D,2 }
{ x F F2 F2 F2 D (F2 E) E2 C2 ; z A, A,2 D2 C2 B, A,3 (A, ^G,) A,2 ; x D, D,2 B,,2 F,2 G, (D,2 A,,) E,2 A,,2 ; z d d2 d2 A2 B (d2 c) B2 A2 }
{ x D F2 D2 D2 D (B, C D2 C) D2 ; z F, A,2 G,2 F,2 F, (G,2 A,2 E,) F,2 ; x B,, F,,2 G,,2 D,2 B,, (E,2 D, A,,2) D,2 ; z d c2 B2 A2 B (G2 F E2) D2 }
{ z A, A,2 D2 C2 B, A,3 (A, ^G,) A,2 ; x D, D,2 B,,2 F,2 G, (D,2 A,,) E,2 A,,2 ; z d d2 d2 A2 B (d2 c) B2 A2 ; x F F2 F2 F2 D (F2 E) E2 C2 }
{ z F, A,2 G,2 F,2 F, (G,2 A,2 E,) F,2 ; x B,, F,,2 G,,2 D,2 B,, (E,2 D, A,,2) D,2 ; z d c2 B2 A2 B (G2 F E2) D2 ; x D F2 D2 D2 D (B, C D2) C D2 }
{ x D, D,2 B,,2 F,2 G, (D,2 A,,) E,2 A,,2 ; z d d2 d2 A2 B (d2 c) B2 A2 ; x F F2 F2 F2 D (F2 E) E2 C2 ; z A, A,2 D2 C2 B, A,3 (A, ^G,) A,2 }
{ x B,, F,,2 G,,2 D,2 B,, (E,2 D, A,,2) D,2 ; z d c2 B2 A2 B (G2 F E2) D2 ; x D F2 D2 D2 D (B, C D2) C D2 ; z F, A,2 G,2 F,2 F, (G,2 A,2 E,) F,2 } | X: 128
M: none
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 128
T: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1529. Translation composite circa 1868 Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book.
C: Music: 'Ein Feste Burg (Rhythmic)' Martin Luther, 1529. Setting: "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source and setting: 'Evangelical Lutheran Hymn Book', 1931 Edition Hymn 273.
M: none % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=160] z d d2 d2 A2 B (d2 c) B2 A2 | z d c2 B2 A2 B (G2 F E2) D2 |
w: 1.~A might- y For- tress is * our God, A trust- y Shield and Weap- * * on;
w: 2.~With might of ours can nau- ght be done, Soon were our loss ef- fect- * * ed;
w: 3.~Though dev- ils all the wor- ld should fill, All ea- ger to de- vour * * us.
w: 4.~The Word they still shall let * re- main Nor an- y thanks have for * * it;
[V: S1V2] x F F2 F2 F2 D (F2 E) E2 C2 | x D F2 D2 D2 D (B, C D2 C) D2 |
[V: S2V1] z A, A,2 D2 C2 B, A,3 (A, ^G,) A,2 | z F, A,2 G,2 F,2 F, (G,2 A,2 E,) F,2 |
[V: S2V2] x D, D,2 B,,2 F,2 G, (D,2 A,,) E,2 A,,2 | x B,, F,,2 G,,2 D,2 B,, (E,2 D, A,,2) D,2 |
% 1
[V: S1V1] z d d2 d2 A2 B (d2 c) B2 A2 | z d c2 B2 A2 B (G2 F E2) D2 |
w: He helps us free from ev- * ery need That hath us now o'er- tak- * * en.
w: But for us fights the Val- * iant One, Whom God Him- self e- le- * * cted.
w: We trem- ble not, we fear * no ill, They shall not o- ver- power * * us.
w: He's by our side up- on * the plain With His good gifts and Spi- * * rit.
[V: S1V2] x F F2 F2 F2 D (F2 E) E2 C2 | x D F2 D2 D2 D (B, C D2) C D2 |
[V: S2V1] z A, A,2 D2 C2 B, A,3 (A, ^G,) A,2 | z F, A,2 G,2 F,2 F, (G,2 A,2 E,) F,2 |
[V: S2V2] x D, D,2 B,,2 F,2 G, (D,2 A,,) E,2 A,,2 | x B,, F,,2 G,,2 D,2 B,, (E,2 D, A,,2) D,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] z D (F3/2 G/ A) (B2 A2) ^G A2 | D2 A2 B2 c2 d2 | z2 c2 d2 c2 B2 A2 |
w: The old * * e- * vil Foe Now means dead- ly woe; Deep guile and great might
w: Ask ye, * * Who * is this? Je- sus Christ it is. Of Sab- a- oth Lord,
w: This world's * * prince * may still Scowl fierce as he will, He can harm us none,
w: And take * * they * our life, Goods, fame, child and wife, Let these all be gone,
[V: S1V2] x A, (D3/2 E/ F) (F2 E2) E C2 | A,2 E2 D2 E2 F2 | x2 F2 F2 A2 ^G2 E2 |
[V: S2V1] z F, (B,2 D) (D2 C2) B, A,2 | F,2 E,2 F,2 A,2 A,2 | z2 A,2 B,2 E2 E2 C2 |
[V: S2V2] x D, (B,,3/2 E,/) D, (B,,2 C,3/2 D,/) E, A,,2 | D,2 C,2 B,,2 A,,2 D,2 | x2 F,2 B,,2 C,2 E,2 A,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] B2 B2 A B2 A F2 | z !sintro!d c2 B2 A2 B (G2 F E2) D2 !eintro!|]
w: Are his dread arms in fight; On Earth is not his e- * * qual.
w: And there's none oth- er God; He holds the field for- ev- * * er.
w: He's judged; the deed is done; One lit- tle word can fell * * him.
w: They yet have no- thing won; The King- dom ours re- main- * * eth.
[V: S1V2] G2 G2 F G2 E D2 | x F F2 D2 D2 D (B,2 D D C) D2 |]
[V: S2V1] D2 D2 D D2 C A,2 | z B, A,2 G,2 F,2 F, (G,2 A, A,2) F,2 |]
[V: S2V2] G,,2 G,2 D, G,,2 A,, D,2 | x B,, F,,2 G,,2 D,2 B,, (E,,2 F,,/G,,/ A,,2) D,,2 |]
% 11
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7300000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "129 REFORMATION"
%%footer Ps 124:1-8, Rom 8:31-39 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 124:1-8, Rom 8:31-39
%OHTOPICS {Christian Life}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Faithfulness}, {God, Care of}, {God, Creator [3]}, {Gratitude}, {Loyalty}, {Security}, {Trust}, {Victory}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524
%OHARRANGER Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 129
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: A
{ F2 A A ; C2 F F ; A,2 C D ; F,2 F, D, }
{ B c B ^A ; F F D/E/ F ; D A, B, C ; B,, F, =G, F, }
{ B2 z B ; F2 x F ; D2 z D ; B,,2 x B,, }
{ A F B c ; E D F A ; A, A, D A, ; C, D, B,, F, }
{ (B/A/ B) A2 ; (E/F/ G) E2 ; (B,/C/ D) C2 ; (G,/A,/ E,) A,,2 }
{ C2 F F ; A,2 C D ; F,2 F, D, ; F2 A A }
{ F F D/E/ F ; D A, B, C ; B,, F, =G, F, ; B c B ^A }
{ F2 x F ; D2 z D ; B,,2 x B,, ; B2 z B }
{ E D F A ; A, A, D A, ; C, D, B,, F, ; A F B c }
{ (E/F/ G) E2 ; (B,/C/ D) C2 ; (G,/A,/ E,) A,,2 ; (B/A/ B) A2 }
{ A,2 C D ; F,2 F, D, ; F2 A A ; C2 F F }
{ D A, B, C ; B,, F, =G, F, ; B c B ^A ; F F D/E/ F }
{ D2 z D ; B,,2 x B,, ; B2 z B ; F2 x F }
{ A, A, D A, ; C, D, B,, F, ; A F B c ; E D F A }
{ (B,/C/ D) C2 ; (G,/A,/ E,) A,,2 ; (B/A/ B) A2 ; (E/F/ G) E2 }
{ F,2 F, D, ; F2 A A ; C2 F F ; A,2 C D }
{ B,, F, =G, F, ; B c B ^A ; F F D/E/ F ; D A, B, C }
{ B,,2 x B,, ; B2 z B ; F2 x F ; D2 z D }
{ C, D, B,, F, ; A F B c ; E D F A ; A, A, D A, }
{ (G,/A,/ E,) A,,2 ; (B/A/ B) A2 ; (E/F/ G) E2 ; (B,/C/ D) C2 } | X: 129
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: A
X: 129
T: If God Had Not Been on Our Side
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Had God not Come, May Israel Say or Were God Not With Us At This Time)
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1524. Translation composite.
C: Music: 'Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit (1524)' from Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524.
C: Setting: Michael Praetorius, 1610.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Translation is public domain per Project Wittenberg:
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: A % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] F2 A A | B c B ^A | B2 z B | A F B c | (B/A/ B) A2 |
w: 1.~If God had not been on our side And had not come to aid * * us,
w: 2.~Their fur- ious wrath, did God per- mit, Would sure- ly have con- sumed * * us
w: 3.~Blest be the Lord, who foiled their threat That they could not de- vour * * us;
[V: S1V2] C2 F F | F F D/E/ F | F2 x F | E D F A | (E/F/ G) E2 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 C D | D A, B, C | D2 z D | A, A, D A, | (B,/C/ D) C2 |
[V: S2V2] F,2 F, D, | B,, F, =G, F, | B,,2 x B,, | C, D, B,, F, | (G,/A,/ E,) A,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] F2 A A | B c B ^A | B2 z B | A F B c | (B/A/ B) A2 |
w: The foes with all their pow'r and pride Would sure- ly have dis- mayed * * us;
w: And as a deep and yawn- ing pit With life and limb en- tombed * * us.
w: Our souls, like birds, es- caped their net, They could not ov- er- pow'r * * us.
[V: S1V2] C2 F F | F F D/E/ F | F2 x F | E D F A | (E/F/ G) E2 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 C D | D A, B, C | D2 z D | A, A, D A, | (B,/C/ D) C2 |
[V: S2V2] F,2 F, D, | B,, F, =G, F, | B,,2 x B,, | C, D, B,, F, | (G,/A,/ E,) A,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] z B c B | G A B A | F2 z F | B A B c |
w: For we, His flock, would have to fear The threat of men both
w: Like men o'er whom dark wa- ters roll Their wrath would have en-
w: The snare is bro- ken we are free! Our help is ev- er,
[V: S1V2] x G A F | E C F E | D2 x C | E E D E |
[V: S2V1] z E E D | B, F D C | A,2 z A, | G, E, F, A, |
[V: S2V2] x E, A, B, | E, F, B,, C, | D,2 x F, | E, C, B,, A,, |
% 17
[V: S1V1] A G E2 | z !sintro!F A B | c A (G/F/ G) | F4 !eintro!|]
w: far and near Who rise in might a- gainst * * us.
w: gulfed our soul And, like a flood, o'er- whelmed * * us.
w: Lord, in Thee, Who mad- est earth and hea- * * ven.
[V: S1V2] F E C2 | x C F3/2 D/ | E F (E/F/ ^E) | F4 |]
[V: S2V1] F, B, A,2 | z A, C D | C C (C/A,/ C) | ^A,4 |]
[V: S2V2] D, E, A,,2 | x F, F, B, | A, F, (C,/D,/ C,) | F,4 |]
% 20
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7500000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "REFORMATION 130"
%%footer Ps 124:1-8, Rom 8:31-39 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 124:1-8, Rom 8:31-39
%OHTOPICS {Christian Life}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Faithfulness}, {God, Care of}, {God, Creator [3]}, {Gratitude}, {Loyalty}, {Security}, {Trust}, {Victory}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Walter's Hymnal, 1537
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 130
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ D2 A A ; D2 D C ; F,2 F, A, ; D,2 D, F, }
{ E G F E ; C D D ^C ; G, _B, A, A, ; C, G,, D, A,, }
{ D z/ D/ A B ; D x/ D/ D D ; F, z/ A,/ F, G, ; D, x/ F,/ D, G,, }
{ c d (c B) ; E D E2 ; G, A, (A, ^G,) ; C, F, E,2 }
{ A4 ; C4 ; A,4 ; A,,4 }
{ D2 D C ; F,2 F, A, ; D,2 D, F, ; D2 A A }
{ C D D ^C ; G, _B, A, A, ; C, G,, D, A,, ; E G F E }
{ D x/ D/ D D ; F, z/ A,/ F, G, ; D, x/ F,/ D, G,, ; D z/ D/ A B }
{ E D E2 ; G, A, (A, ^G,) ; C, F, E,2 ; c d (c B) }
{ C4 ; A,4 ; A,,4 ; A }
{ F,2 F, A, ; D,2 D, F, ; D2 A A ; D2 D C }
{ G, _B, A, A, ; C, G,, D, A,, ; E G F E ; C D D ^C }
{ F, z/ A,/ F, G, ; D, x/ F,/ D, G,, ; D z/ D/ A B ; D x/ D/ D D }
{ G, A, (A, ^G,) ; C, F, E,2 ; c d (c B) ; E D E2 }
{ A,4 ; A,,4 ; A ; C }
{ D,2 D, F, ; D2 A A ; D2 D C ; F,2 F, A, }
{ C, G,, D, A,, ; E G F E ; C D D ^C ; G, _B, A, A, }
{ D, x/ F,/ D, G,, ; D z/ D/ A B ; D x/ D/ D D ; F, z/ A,/ F, G, }
{ C, F, E,2 ; c d (c B) ; E D E2 ; G, A, (A, ^G,) }
{ A,,4 ; A ; C ; A, } | X: 130
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 130
T: If God Had Not Been on Our Side
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Had God not Come, May Israel Say or Were God Not With Us At This Time)
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1524. Translation composite.
C: Music: 'Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit (1537)' from Walter's Hymnal, 1537.
C: Setting: "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Translation is public domain per Project Wittenberg:
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] D2 A A | E G F E | D z/ D/ A B | c d (c B) | A4 |
w: 1.~If God had not been on our side And had not come to aid * us,
w: 2.~Their fur- ious wrath, did God per- mit, Would sure- ly have con- sumed * us
w: 3.~Blest be the Lord, who foiled their threat That they could not de- vour * us;
[V: S1V2] D2 D C | C D D ^C | D x/ D/ D D | E D E2 | C4 |
[V: S2V1] F,2 F, A, | G, _B, A, A, | F, z/ A,/ F, G, | G, A, (A, ^G,) | A,4 |
[V: S2V2] D,2 D, F, | C, G,, D, A,, | D, x/ F,/ D, G,, | C, F, E,2 | A,,4 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] D2 A A | E G F E | D z/ D/ A B | c d (c B) | A
w: The foes with all their pow'r and pride Would sure- ly have dis- mayed * us;
w: And as a deep and yawn- ing pit With life and limb en- tombed * us.
w: Our souls, like birds, es- caped their net, They could not ov- er- pow'r * us.
[V: S1V2] D2 D C | C D D ^C | D x/ D/ D D | E D E2 | C
[V: S2V1] F,2 F, A, | G, _B, A, A, | F, z/ A,/ F, G, | G, A, (A, ^G,) | A,
[V: S2V2] D,2 D, F, | C, G,, D, A,, | D, x/ F,/ D, G,, | C, F, E,2 | A,,
% 9
[V: S1V1] z/ A/ d d | c B c A | G z/ G/ c B |
w: For we, His flock, would have to fear The threat of
w: Like men o'er whom dark wa- ters roll Their wrath would
w: The snare is bro- ken we are free! Our help is
[V: S1V2] x/ D/ D G | E E E D | B, x/ G/ G G |
[V: S2V1] z/ ^F,/ F, B, | A, G, G, ^F, | G, z/ B,/ E D |
[V: S2V2] x/ D,/ B,, G,, | A,, E, C, D, | G,, x/ G,/ E, G, |
% 13
[V: S1V1] A G A F | E z/ !sintro!D/ F G | A F E2 | D4 !eintro!|]
w: men both far and near Who rise in might a- gainst us.
w: have en- gulfed our soul And, like a flood, o'er- whelmed us.
w: ev- er, Lord, in Thee, Who mad- est earth and hea- ven.
[V: S1V2] E E C D | ^C x/ D/ D D | D D (^C/B,/ C) | D4 |]
[V: S2V1] C B, A, A, | A, z/ F,/ _B, B, | A, A, A,2 | F,4 |]
[V: S2V2] A, E, F, D, | A,, x/ D,/ _B,, G,, | F,, D,, A,,2 | D,4 |]
% 18
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7400000
%%staffsep 1.40000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "131 REFORMATION"
%%footer Acts 20:28-32, Lk 18:7-8, 1Jn 2:18-23 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP Acts 20:28-32, Lk 18:7-8, 1Jn 2:18-23
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation [6]}, {Calmness [6]}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant)}, {Compassion [1]}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Darkness, Spiritual}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {People of the World}, {Shepard/Lamb [1,4]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Erfurt Enchiridion, 1524
%OHARRANGER Haupt, Karl August (1810-1891)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Cox, Frances Elizabeth (1812-1897)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 131
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ A ; D ; ^F, ; D, }
{ B A G d ; D D D ^F ; G, A, B, A, ; G, ^F, G, D, }
{ d B !fermata!A c ; G G ^F G ; B, D !invertedfermata!D _E ; G, G,, D, C, }
{ B A G c ; G ^F G G ; D D B, _E ; G, D, _E, C, }
{ (B A) !fermata!G ; (G ^F) G ; D2 !invertedfermata!B, ; D,2 G,, }
{ D ; ^F, ; D, ; G }
{ D D D ^F ; G, A, B, A, ; G, ^F, G, D, ; B A G d }
{ G G ^F G ; B, D !invertedfermata!D _E ; G, G,, D, C, ; d B !fermata!A c }
{ G ^F G G ; D D B, _E ; G, D, _E, C, ; B A G c }
{ (G ^F) G ; D2 !invertedfermata!B, ; D,2 G,, ; (B A) !fermata!G }
{ ^F, ; D, ; G ; D }
{ G, A, B, A, ; G, ^F, G, D, ; B A G d ; D D D ^F }
{ B, D !invertedfermata!D _E ; G, G,, D, C, ; d B !fermata!A c ; G G ^F G }
{ D D B, _E ; G, D, _E, C, ; B A G c ; G ^F G G }
{ D2 !invertedfermata!B, ; D,2 G,, ; (B A) !fermata!G ; (G ^F) G }
{ D, ; G ; D ; ^F, }
{ G, ^F, G, D, ; B A G d ; D D D ^F ; G, A, B, A, }
{ G, G,, D, C, ; d B !fermata!A c ; G G ^F G ; B, D !invertedfermata!D _E }
{ G, D, _E, C, ; B A G c ; G ^F G G ; D D B, _E }
{ D,2 G,, ; (B A) !fermata!G ; (G ^F) G ; D2 !invertedfermata!B, } | X: 131
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 131
T: Look Down, O Lord, From Heaven Behold
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as O God, from Heaven Look Down or O God, Look Down from Heaven and See)
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1524. Translated by Frances Elizabeth Cox, 1864.
C: Music: 'Ach Gott vom Himmel' from Erfurt Enchiridion, 1524. Setting: Karl August Haupt, 1869.
% This tune is also used in Klug's 1543 hymnal, and that hymnal is sometimes incorrectly referenced as the source
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Hymns of Martin Luther" by Bacon, 1883.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
%%staffsep 0.3cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] A | B A G d | d B !fermata!A c | B A G c | (B A) !fermata!G
w: 1.~Look down, O Lord, from heav'n be- hold, And let thy pit- y wa- * ken!
w: 2.~With frauds which they them- selves in- vent Thy truth they have con- foun- * ded;
w: 3.~God sure- ly will up- root all those With vain de- ceits who store * us,
w: 4.~For this, saith God, I will a- rise, These wolves my flock are ren- * ding;
w: 5.~The sil- ver sev'n times tried is pure From all a- dult- er- a- * tion;
[V: S1V2] D | D D D ^F | G G ^F G | G ^F G G | (G ^F) G
[V: S2V1] ^F, | G, A, B, A, | B, D !invertedfermata!D _E | D D B, _E | D2 !invertedfermata!B,
[V: S2V2] D, | G, ^F, G, D, | G, G,, D, C, | G, D, _E, C, | D,2 G,,
% 5
[V: S1V1] G | B A G d | d B !fermata!A c | B A G c | (B A) !fermata!G
w: How few the flock with- in thy fold, Ne- glec- ted and for- sa- * ken!
w: Their hearts are not with one con- sent On thy pure doc- trine ground- * ed;
w: With haugh- ty tongue who God o- ppose, And say, "Who'll stand be- fore * us?
w: I've heard my peo- ple's bit- ter sighs To heav'n my throne as- cend- * ing:
w: So, through God's word, shall men en- dure Each tri- al and temp- ta- * tion:
[V: S1V2] D | D D D ^F | G G ^F G | G ^F G G | (G ^F) G
[V: S2V1] ^F, | G, A, B, A, | B, D !invertedfermata!D _E | D D B, _E | D2 !invertedfermata!B,
[V: S2V2] D, | G, ^F, G, D, | G, G,, D, C, | G, D, _E, C, | D,2 G,,
% 9
[V: S1V1] G | A F E D | F G !fermata!A F | G B A B |
w: Al- most thou'lt seek for faith in vain, And those who should thy
w: And, whilst they gleam with out- ward show, They lead thy peo- ple
w: By right or might we will pre- vail; What we de- ter- mine
w: Now will I up, and set at rest Each wear- y soul by
w: Its worth gleams bright- er through the cross, And, pur- i- fied from
[V: S1V2] E | C D C B, | A, D ^C A, | C D C D |
[V: S2V1] C | A, A, A, F, | F, D, !invertedfermata!E, F, | E, F, F, F, |
[V: S2V2] C, | F, D, A,, B,, | D, B,, A,, D, | C, B,, F,, B,, |
% 13
[V: S1V1] G ^F !fermata!G !sintro!G | d B c d | (c B) !fermata!A !eintro!|]
w: truth main- tain Thy Word from us have ta- * ken.
w: to and fro, In err- or's maze a- stound- * ed.
w: can- not fail, For who can lord it o'er * us?"
w: fraud op- prest, The poor with might de- fend- * ing.
w: hu- man dross, It shines through e- very na- * tion.
[V: S1V2] B,/C/ D D D | D D F F | (F D) D |]
[V: S2V1] G, A, !invertedfermata!B, B, | A, B, A, B, | (A, G,) !invertedfermata!^F, |]
[V: S2V2] _E, D, G,, G, | ^F, G, =F, B,, | (F, G,) D, |]
% 17
W: 6. Thy truth thou wilt preserve, O Lord, From this vile generation;
W: Make us to lean upon thy word, With calm anticipation.
W: The wicked walk on every side When, 'mid thy flock, the vile abide In pow'r and exaltation.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.740000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "REFORMATION 132"
%%footer Acts 20:28-32, Lk 18:7-8, 1Jn 2:18-23 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP Acts 20:28-32, Lk 18:7-8, 1Jn 2:18-23
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation [6]}, {Calmness [6]}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant)}, {Compassion [1]}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Darkness, Spiritual}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {People of the World}, {Shepard/Lamb [1,4]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Etlich Christlich Lider, Wittenberg, 1524
%OHARRANGER Haupt, Karl August (1810-1891)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Cox, Frances Elizabeth (1812-1897)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 132
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ A ; D ; F, ; D, }
{ A A A =c ; D E D E ; A, G, F, E,/F,/ ; F, C, D, A,, }
{ B A !fermata!G A ; D D/=C/ B, E ; G, F, !invertedfermata!G, E, ; B,,/=C,/ D, E, ^C, }
{ F D F ^G ; D D D D ; A, B, A, B, ; D, G, D, B,, }
{ (A B) !fermata!A ; (C E/D/) C ; (A, ^G,) !invertedfermata!A, ; (F, E,) A,, }
{ D ; F, ; D, ; A }
{ D E D E ; A, G, F, E,/F,/ ; F, C, D, A,, ; A A A =c }
{ D D/=C/ B, E ; G, F, !invertedfermata!G, E, ; B,,/=C,/ D, E, ^C, ; B A !fermata!G A }
{ D D D D ; A, B, A, B, ; D, G, D, B,, ; F D F ^G }
{ (C E/D/) C ; (A, ^G,) !invertedfermata!A, ; (F, E,) A,, ; (A B) !fermata!A }
{ F, ; D, ; A ; D }
{ A, G, F, E,/F,/ ; F, C, D, A,, ; A A A =c ; D E D E }
{ G, F, !invertedfermata!G, E, ; B,,/=C,/ D, E, ^C, ; B A !fermata!G A ; D D/=C/ B, E }
{ A, B, A, B, ; D, G, D, B,, ; F D F ^G ; D D D D }
{ (A, ^G,) !invertedfermata!A, ; (F, E,) A,, ; (A B) !fermata!A ; (C E/D/) C }
{ D, ; A ; D ; F, }
{ F, C, D, A,, ; A A A =c ; D E D E ; A, G, F, E,/F,/ }
{ B,,/=C,/ D, E, ^C, ; B A !fermata!G A ; D D/=C/ B, E ; G, F, !invertedfermata!G, E, }
{ D, G, D, B,, ; F D F ^G ; D D D D ; A, B, A, B, }
{ (F, E,) A,, ; (A B) !fermata!A ; (C E/D/) C ; (A, ^G,) !invertedfermata!A, } | X: 132
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 132
T: Look Down, O Lord, From Heaven Behold
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as O God, from Heaven Look Down or O God, Look Down from Heaven and See)
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1524. Translated by Frances Elizabeth Cox, 1864. Music: 'Es ist das Heil uns Kommen Her'
C: traditional German circa 1400 from Etlich Christlich Lider, Wittenberg, 1524. Setting: Karl August Haupt, 1869.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Hymns of Martin Luther" by Bacon, 1883.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
%%staffsep 0.3cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] A | A A A =c | B A !fermata!G A | F D F ^G | (A B) !fermata!A
w: 1.~Look down, O Lord, from heav'n be- hold, And let thy pit- y wa- * ken!
w: 2.~With frauds which they them- selves in- vent Thy truth they have con- foun- * ded;
w: 3.~God sure- ly will up- root all those With vain de- ceits who store * us,
w: 4.~For this, saith God, I will a- rise, These wolves my flock are ren- * ding;
w: 5.~The sil- ver sev'n times tried is pure From all a- dult- er- a- * tion;
[V: S1V2] D | D E D E | D D/=C/ B, E | D D D D | (C E/D/) C
[V: S2V1] F, | A, G, F, E,/F,/ | G, F, !invertedfermata!G, E, | A, B, A, B, | (A, ^G,) !invertedfermata!A,
[V: S2V2] D, | F, C, D, A,, | B,,/=C,/ D, E, ^C, | D, G, D, B,, | (F, E,) A,,
% 5
[V: S1V1] A | A A A =c | B A !fermata!G A | F D F ^G | (A B) !fermata!A
w: How few the flock with- in thy fold, Ne- glec- ted and for- sa- * ken!
w: Their hearts are not with one con- sent On thy pure doc- trine ground- * ed;
w: With haugh- ty tongue who God o- ppose, And say, "Who'll stand be- fore * us?
w: I've heard my peo- ple's bit- ter sighs To heav'n my throne as- cend- * ing:
w: So, through God's word, shall men en- dure Each tri- al and temp- ta- * tion:
[V: S1V2] D | D E D E | D D/=C/ B, E | D D D D | (C E/D/) C
[V: S2V1] F, | A, G, F, E,/F,/ | G, F, !invertedfermata!G, E, | A, B, A, B, | (A, ^G,) !invertedfermata!A,
[V: S2V2] D, | F, C, D, A,, | B,,/=C,/ D, E, ^C, | D, G, D, B,, | (F, E,) A,,
% 9
[V: S1V1] A | d c B c | d B !fermata!A A | d A B F |
w: Al- most thou'lt seek for faith in vain, And those who should thy
w: And, whilst they gleam with out- ward show, They lead thy peo- ple
w: By right or might we will pre- vail; What we de- ter- mine
w: Now will I up, and set at rest Each wear- y soul by
w: Its worth gleams bright- er through the cross, And, pur- i- fied from
[V: S1V2] F | D E E E | F E C E | D F D D |
[V: S2V1] A, | A, A, ^G, A, | A, ^G, !invertedfermata!A, C | A, A, G, D, |
[V: S2V2] D, | F, A, E, C, | B,, E, A,, A, | F, D, G,, B,, |
% 13
[V: S1V1] A G !fermata!F !sintro!F | E G F E | (D E) !fermata!D !eintro!|]
w: truth main- tain Thy Word from us have ta- * ken.
w: to and fro, In err- or's maze a- stound- * ed.
w: can- not fail, For who can lord it o'er * us?"
w: fraud op- prest, The poor with might de- fend- * ing.
w: hu- man dross, It shines through e- very na- * tion.
[V: S1V2] C B,/C/ D D | C D D C | (B, C) A, |]
[V: S2V1] E,/F,/ G,/A,/ !invertedfermata!B, A, | A, B, A, A,/G,/ | (F, G,) !invertedfermata!F, |]
[V: S2V2] A,, E, B,, D, | A, G, D, A,, | (B,, A,,) D, |]
% 17
W: 6. Thy truth thou wilt preserve, O Lord, From this vile generation;
W: Make us to lean upon thy word, With calm anticipation.
W: The wicked walk on every side When, 'mid thy flock, the vile abide In pow'r and exaltation.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.700000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "133 REFORMATION"
%%footer Ps 119:5-10, 2Jn 1:9, Jn 8:31, Eph 4:3-6 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Ps 119:5-10, 2Jn 1:9, Jn 8:31, Eph 4:3-6
%OHTOPICS {Discipleship}, {God, As King [1,2]}, {God, Care of}, {God, Faithfulness of}, {God, Majesty & Power of [1,2]}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {Guidance}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Peace [3]}, {Saints (all Faithful)}, {Scripture}, {Security}, {Social Justice}, {Terrorism}, {Trust}
%OHCOMPOSER from Klug's Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert, Wittenberg, 1543
%OHARRANGER Hassler, Hans Leo (1564-1612)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Winkworth, Catherine (1827-1878)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 133
M: none
L: 1/4
K: G
{ E2 ; B,2 ; G,2 ; E,2 }
{ G E D E G F ; B, A, B, C E ^D ; E, E, F, A, B, B, ; E, C, B,, A,, G,,/A,,/ B,, }
{ E2 G2 ; B,2 E2 ; G,2 C2 ; E,,2 C,2 }
{ A A B G A A ; E F G E E F ; C D D C C D ; A,, D, G,, C, A,, D, }
{ B2 ; G2 ; D2 ; G,,2 }
{ B,2 ; G,2 ; E,2 ; B2 }
{ B, A, B, C E ^D ; E, E, F, A, B, B, ; E, C, B,, A,, G,,/A,,/ B,, ; c B d B A A }
{ B,2 E2 ; G,2 C2 ; E,,2 C,2 ; G2 !sintro!B2 }
{ E F G E E F ; C D D C C D ; A,, D, G,, C, A,, D, ; G A G F E ^D }
{ G2 ; D2 ; G,,2 ; E2 !eintro! } | X: 133
M: none
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 133
T: Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1541. Translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1863.
C: Music: 'Erhalt Uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort' from Klug's "Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert", 1543.
C: Setting: Hans Leo Hassler, unknown date.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Evangelical Lutheran Hymn Book (LCMS), Edition of 1931 Hymn 274.
M: none % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=150] E2 | G E D E G F | E2 G2 | A A B G A A | B2
w: 1.~Lord, keep us stead- fast in Thy Word; Curb those who fain by craft and sword
w: 2.~Lord Je- sus Christ, Thy pow'r make known, For Thou art Lord of lords a- lone;
w: 3.~O Com- fort- er of price- less worth, Send peace and u- ni- ty on earth.
[V: S1V2] B,2 | B, A, B, C E ^D | B,2 E2 | E F G E E F | G2
[V: S2V1] G,2 | E, E, F, A, B, B, | G,2 C2 | C D D C C D | D2
[V: S2V2] E,2 | E, C, B,, A,, G,,/A,,/ B,, | E,,2 C,2 | A,, D, G,, C, A,, D, | G,,2
% 6
[V: S1V1] B2 | c B d B A A | G2 !sintro!B2 | G A G F E ^D | E2 !eintro!|]
w: Would wrest the king- dom from Thy Son And set at naught all He hath done.
w: De- fend Thy Christ- en- dom that we May ev- er- more sing praise to Thee.
w: Sup- port us in our fi- nal strife And lead us out of death to life.
[V: S1V2] D2 | E D F G E F | D2 D2 | E E D D B, B, | B,2 |]
[V: S2V1] G,2 | G, G, A, G, C A, | B,2 G,2 | G, C B, A, G, F, | G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] G,,2 | C, G,, D, E, C, D, | G,,2 G,,2 | C, A,, B,, D, E, B,, | E,,2 |]
% 11
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.700000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "REFORMATION 134"
%%footer Ps 53:1-6, Lk 4:17-21, 6:39-49, Ps 14:1-7, Ps 118:4-6 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 53:1-6, Lk 4:17-21, 6:39-49, Ps 14:1-7, Ps 118:4-6
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation [6]}, {Charity (see also Tithing) [4,5]}, {Duty (see also Law)}, {Following Jesus, In Action}, {Israel [6]}, {Jesus [6]}, {Law}, {Morality (see also Law)}, {Obedience}, {Salvation [6]}, {Service}, {Sinners}, {Social Justice}, {Testimony}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524
%OHARRANGER Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Massie, Richard (1800-1887)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 134
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ G2 G E ; B,2 B, A, ; D,2 D, E, ; G,,2 G,, C, }
{ D G A B ; B, B, D D ; F, G, F, G, ; B,, E, D, G,, }
{ G2 z G ; E2 x D ; G,2 z B, ; C,2 x G, }
{ G A B c ; E E D E ; B, E, F, A, ; E, C, B,, A,, }
{ A2 G2 ; D2 B,2 ; F,2 G,2 ; D,2 G,,2 }
{ B,2 B, A, ; D,2 D, E, ; G,,2 G,, C, ; G2 G E }
{ B, B, D D ; F, G, F, G, ; B,, E, D, G,, ; D G A B }
{ E2 x D ; G,2 z B, ; C,2 x G, ; G2 z G }
{ E E D E ; B, E, F, A, ; E, C, B,, A,, ; G A B c }
{ D2 B,2 ; F,2 G,2 ; D,2 G,,2 ; A2 G2 }
{ D,2 D, E, ; G,,2 G,, C, ; G2 G E ; B,2 B, A, }
{ F, G, F, G, ; B,, E, D, G,, ; D G A B ; B, B, D D }
{ G,2 z B, ; C,2 x G, ; G2 z G ; E2 x D }
{ B, E, F, A, ; E, C, B,, A,, ; G A B c ; E E D E }
{ F,2 G,2 ; D,2 G,,2 ; A2 G2 ; D2 B,2 }
{ G,,2 G,, C, ; G2 G E ; B,2 B, A, ; D,2 D, E, }
{ B,, E, D, G,, ; D G A B ; B, B, D D ; F, G, F, G, }
{ C,2 x G, ; G2 z G ; E2 x D ; G,2 z B, }
{ E, C, B,, A,, ; G A B c ; E E D E ; B, E, F, A, }
{ D,2 G,,2 ; A2 G2 ; D2 B,2 ; F,2 G,2 } | X: 134
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 134
T: The Mouth of Fools Doth God Confess
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Although the Fools Say with Their Mouth)
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1524. Translated by Richard Massie, 1854, alt.
C: Music: 'Es spricht der Unweisen Mund' from Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524. Setting: Michael Praetorius, 1610.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] G2 G E | D G A B | G2 z G | G A B c | A2 G2 |
w: 1.~The mouth of fools doth God con- fess, But while their lips draw nigh Him,
w: 2.~The Lord looked down from his high tow'r On all man- kind be- low Him,
w: 3.~But none there was who walked with God, For all a- side had slid- den,
w: 4.~How long, by fol- ly blind- ly led, Will ye op- press the need- y,
w: 5.~There- fore their heart is ne- ver still, A fall- ing leaf dis- mays them;
[V: S1V2] B,2 B, A, | B, B, D D | E2 x D | E E D E | D2 B,2 |
[V: S2V1] D,2 D, E, | F, G, F, G, | G,2 z B, | B, E, F, A, | F,2 G,2 |
[V: S2V2] G,,2 G,, C, | B,, E, D, G,, | C,2 x G, | E, C, B,, A,, | D,2 G,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] G2 G E | D G A B | G2 z G | G A B c | A2 G2 |
w: Their heart is full of wick- ed- ness, And all their deeds de- ny Him.
w: To see if an- y owned His pow'r, And tru- ly sought to know Him;
w: De- lu- sive paths of fol- ly trod, And fo- llowed lusts for- bid- den;
w: And eat my peo- ple up like bread? So fierce are ye, and greed- y!
w: God is with him who doth His will, Who trusts him and o- beys Him;
[V: S1V2] B,2 B, A, | B, B, D D | E2 x D | E E D E | D2 B,2 |
[V: S2V1] D,2 D, E, | F, G, F, G, | G,2 z B, | B, E, F, A, | F,2 G,2 |
[V: S2V2] G,,2 G,, C, | B,, E, D, G,, | C,2 x G, | E, C, B,, A,, | D,2 G,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] z G E F | G E D ^C | D2 z D | G A B c |
w: Co- rrupt are they, and ev- ery one A- bom- in- ab- le
w: Who all their un- der- stand- ing bent To search His ho- ly
w: Not one there was who prac- ticed good, And yet they deemed, in
w: In God they put no trust at all, Nor will on Him in
w: But ye the poor man's hope des- pise, And laugh at him, e'en
[V: S1V2] x D C A, | E C B, A, | A,2 x B, | E E D E |
[V: S2V1] z G, G, F, | B, A, F, E, | F,2 z G, | G, E, F, A, |
[V: S2V2] x B,, C, D, | E, A,, B,,//C,//D,/ A,, | D,2 x G, | E, C, B,, A,, |
% 17
[V: S1V1] B A B2 | z !sintro!A B c | d B (A/G/ A) | G4 !eintro!|]
w: works hath done; There is not one well- do- * * er.
w: Word, in- tent To do his will in earn- * * est.
w: haugh- ty mood, Their deeds must sure- ly please * * Him.
w: trou- ble call, But be their own pro- vi- * * ders.
w: when he cries, That God is his sure com- * * fort.
[V: S1V2] E3/2 F/ G2 | x D G E | D D (E F) | D4 |]
[V: S2V1] G, C D2 | z A, E C | A, B, (C/B,/ D) | B,4 |]
[V: S2V2] E, A, G,2 | x F, E, A, | F, G, (C,/E,/ D,) | G,,4 |]
% 20
W: 6.Who shall to Israel's outcast race From Zion bring salvation?
W: God will himself at length show grace, And loose the captive nation;
W: That will he do by Christ their King; Let Jacob then be
W: glad and sing, And Israel be joyful.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.75000
%%staffsep 1.6000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "135 BAPTISMAL LIFE"
%%footer Mk 16:16, Rom 6:3-4, Titus 3:4-7, Jude 1:20-21, Is 53:4-5, Col 2:11-14, Rev 7:13-14 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP Mk 16:16, Rom 6:3-4, Titus 3:4-7, Jude 1:20-21, Is 53:4-5, Col 2:11-14, Rev 7:13-14
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Atonement}, {Baptism}, {Blood [2]}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant) [1]}, {Eternal Life}, {Grace}, {Jesus}, {Salvation}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Etlich Christlich Lider, Wittenberg, 1524
%OHAUTHOR Kingo, Thomas Hansen (1634-1703)
%OHTRANSLATOR Rygh, George Alfred Taylor (1860-1942)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 135
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ B/ ; E/ ; G,/ ; E,/ }
{ B B B _d ; E F E _D ; G, B, G, F, ; E, D, E, B,, }
{ c B A3/2 B/ ; E E C3/2 E/ ; A, G, A,3/2 G,/ ; A,, E, A,,3/2 E,/ }
{ G E G A ; B, C E E ; B, A, B, C ; E, A,, E, C, }
{ (B c) B3/2 ; (D C) D3/2 ; (F,/ B, =A,/) B,3/2 ; (B,, F,) B,,3/2 }
{ E/ ; G,/ ; E,/ ; B/ }
{ E F E _D ; G, B, G, F, ; E, D, E, B,, ; B B B _d }
{ E E C3/2 E/ ; A, G, A,3/2 G,/ ; A,, E, A,,3/2 E,/ ; c B A3/2 B/ }
{ B, C E E ; B, A, B, C ; E, A,, E, C, ; G E G A }
{ (D C) D3/2 ; (F,/ B, =A,/) B,3/2 ; (B,, F,) B,,3/2 ; (B c) B3/2 }
{ G,/ ; E,/ ; B/ ; E/ }
{ G, B, G, F, ; E, D, E, B,, ; B B B _d ; E F E _D }
{ A, G, A,3/2 G,/ ; A,, E, A,,3/2 E,/ ; c B A3/2 B/ ; E E C3/2 E/ }
{ B, A, B, C ; E, A,, E, C, ; G E G A ; B, C E E }
{ (F,/ B, =A,/) B,3/2 ; (B,, F,) B,,3/2 ; (B c) B3/2 ; (D C) D3/2 }
{ E,/ ; B/ ; E/ ; G,/ }
{ E, D, E, B,, ; B B B _d ; E F E _D ; G, B, G, F, }
{ A,, E, A,,3/2 E,/ ; c B A3/2 B/ ; E E C3/2 E/ ; A, G, A,3/2 G,/ }
{ E, A,, E, C, ; G E G A ; B, C E E ; B, A, B, C }
{ (B,, F,) B,,3/2 ; (B c) B3/2 ; (D C) D3/2 ; (F,/ B, =A,/) B,3/2 } | X: 135
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 135
T: All Who Believe and Are Baptized
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as He That Believes and Is Baptized)
C: Words: Thomas Hansen Kingo, 1689. Translation by George Alfred Taylor Rygh, 1909, alt.
C: Music: 'Es ist das Heil uns Kommen Her' German circa 1400 from Etlich Christlich Lider, Wittenberg, 1524.
C: Setting: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906 Hymn #206, page 162 Ed. Karl Brauer. Translation found in The Lutheran Hymnary, 1913.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] B/ | B B B _d | c B A3/2 B/ | G E G A | (B c) B3/2
w: 1.~All who be- lieve and are bap- tized shall see the Lord's sal- va- * tion;
w: 2.~With one ac- cord, O God, we pray: grant us thy Ho- ly Spi- * rit;
[V: S1V2] E/ | E F E _D | E E C3/2 E/ | B, C E E | (D C) D3/2
[V: S2V1] G,/ | G, B, G, F, | A, G, A,3/2 G,/ | B, A, B, C | (F,/ B, =A,/) B,3/2
[V: S2V2] E,/ | E, D, E, B,, | A,, E, A,,3/2 E,/ | E, A,, E, C, | (B,, F,) B,,3/2
% 5
[V: S1V1] B/ | B B B _d | c B A3/2 B/ | G E G A | (B c) B3/2
w: bap- tized in- to the death of Christ, they are a new cre- a- * tion.
w: look thou on our in- firm- it- y through Je- sus' blood and mer- * it.
[V: S1V2] E/ | E F E _D | E E C3/2 E/ | B, C E E | (D C) D3/2
[V: S2V1] G,/ | G, B, G, F, | A, G, A,3/2 G,/ | B, A, B, C | (F,/ B, =A,/) B,3/2
[V: S2V2] E,/ | E, D, E, B,, | A,, E, A,,3/2 E,/ | E, A,, E, C, | (B,, F,) B,,3/2
% 9
[V: S1V1] B/ | e3/2 _d/ c B | e c B3/2 B/ | e3/2 B/ B E |
w: through Christ's re- demp- tion they shall stand a- mong the glor- ious
w: Grant us to grow in grace each day that by this sac- ra-
[V: S1V2] E/ | E3/2 F/ E E | E E E3/2 F/ | E3/2 E/ _D C |
[V: S2V1] G,/ | G, A, A, G, | A, A, G,3/2 B,/ | G,3/2 G,/ F, A, |
[V: S2V2] E,/ | C,3/2 _D,/ A,, E, | C, A,, E,3/2 D,/ | C,3/2 E,/ B,, A,, |
% 13
[V: S1V1] G B G3/2 !sintro!E/ | F A G F | (E F) !fermata!E3/2 !eintro!|]
w: heav'n- ly band of ev- ery tribe and na- * tion.
w: ment we may e- ter- nal life in- her- * it.
[V: S1V2] E B, E3/2 C/ | _D E E C | (B, D) E3/2 |]
[V: S2V1] B, F, B,3/2 A,/ | A, A, B, A, | (G, F,) !invertedfermata!G,3/2 |]
[V: S2V2] E, D, E,3/2 A,,/ | _D, C, E, A,, | B,,2 E,,3/2 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 0.00000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "BAPTISMAL LIFE 136"
%%footer Mt 28:19, Rom 6:2-4, Gal 3:26-27, Ps 51:10-12, Rom 14:8-9 9 8 9 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Mt 28:19, Rom 6:2-4, Gal 3:26-27, Ps 51:10-12, Rom 14:8-9
%OHTOPICS {Atonement [2]}, {Baptism}, {Blood [6]}, {Christian Life [4-7]}, {Commitment}, {Conversion}, {Discipleship}, {Faithfulness}, {Father [1,2,7]}, {Following Jesus, In Faith}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification}, {Forgiveness}, {God, Faithfulness of}, {God, Mercy of}, {Guidance}, {Holiness}, {Holy Spirit [1-3,7]}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Invitation (God's to Us)}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Obedience}, {Promises (see also Gospel)}, {Salvation}, {Security [6]}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust)}, {Trinity [1,2,7]}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 9 8 9 8 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER Dretzel, Kornelius Heinrich (1697-1775)
%OHAUTHOR Rambach, Johann Jakob (1693-1735)
%OHTRANSLATOR Winkworth, Catherine (1827-1878);Crull, August (1845-1923)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 136
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F A F ; C C C ; A, F, A, ; F, F,, F, }
{ G2 c ; E2 F ; C2 C ; C,2 A,, }
{ B2 A ; D2 C ; F,2 F, ; B,,2 F,, }
{ G F2 ; C C2 ; E, A,2 ; C, F,,2 }
{ G G G ; E D E ; G, G, C ; C, =B,, C, }
{ A2 c ; F2 C ; C2 G, ; F,2 E, }
{ C C C ; A, F, A, ; F, F,, F, ; c2 =B }
{ E2 F ; C2 C ; C,2 A,, ; c3 }
{ D2 C ; F,2 F, ; B,,2 F,, ; F A F }
{ C C2 ; E, A,2 ; C, F,,2 ; G2 c }
{ E D E ; G, G, C ; C, =B,, C, ; B2 A }
{ F2 C ; C2 G, ; F,2 E, ; G F2 }
{ A, F, A, ; F, F,, F, ; c2 =B ; D2 D }
{ C2 C ; C,2 A,, ; c3 ; E3 }
{ F,2 F, ; B,,2 F,, ; F A F ; C C C }
{ E, A,2 ; C, F,,2 ; G2 c ; E2 F }
{ G, G, C ; C, =B,, C, ; B2 A ; D2 C }
{ C2 G, ; F,2 E, ; G F2 ; C C2 }
{ F, F,, F, ; c2 =B ; D2 D ; A,2 G, }
{ C,2 A,, ; c3 ; E3 ; G,3 }
{ B,,2 F,, ; F A F ; C C C ; A, F, A, }
{ C, F,,2 ; G2 c ; E2 F ; C2 C }
{ C, =B,, C, ; B2 A ; D2 C ; F,2 F, }
{ F,2 E, ; G F2 ; C C2 ; E, A,2 } | X: 136
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 136
T: Baptized Into Thy Name Most Holy
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Johann Jakob Rambach, 1734. Translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1863 and August Crull, 1884.
C: Music: 'O Dass Ich Tausend Zungen Hätte (Dretzel)' Kornelius Heinrich Dretzel, 1731.
C: Setting: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906, Hymn 142.
S: Translation composite from "Chorale Book for England", 1863 and "Hymn book for the use of Evangelical Lutheran schools and congregations", 1884 Hymn 59 by August Crull.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] F A F | G2 c | B2 A | G F2 | G G G | A2 c |
w: 1.~Bap- tized in- to Thy Name most ho- ly, O Fa- ther, Son, and
w: 2.~My lov- ing Fa- ther, here doth take me To be hence- forth His
w: 3.~And I have vowed to fear and love Thee And to o- bey Thee,
w: 4.~My faith- ful God, Thou fail- est nev- er, Thy cov- 'nant sure- ly
w: 5.~Yes, all I am and love most dear- ly, To Thee I of- fer
[V: S1V2] C C C | E2 F | D2 C | C C2 | E D E | F2 C |
[V: S2V1] A, F, A, | C2 C | F,2 F, | E, A,2 | G, G, C | C2 G, |
[V: S2V2] F, F,, F, | C,2 A,, | B,,2 F,, | C, F,,2 | C, =B,, C, | F,2 E, |
% 1
[V: S1V1] c2 =B | c3 | F A F | G2 c | B2 A | G F2 |
w: Ho- ly Ghost, I claim a place, though weak and low- ly,
w: child and heir; My faith- ful Sa- vior, now doth make me
w: Lord, a- lone; I felt Thy Ho- ly Spi- rit move me,
w: will a- bide; Oh, cast me not a- way for- ev- er
w: now the whole; O let me make my vows sin- cere- ly,
[V: S1V2] D2 D | E3 | C C C | E2 F | D2 C | C C2 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 G, | G,3 | A, F, A, | C2 C | F,2 F, | E, A,2 |
[V: S2V2] F,2 G, | C,3 | F, F,, F, | C,2 A,, | B,,2 F,, | C, F,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] G G G | A2 c | c2 =B | c3 | G G G | A2
w: A- mong Thy seed, Thy cho- sen host. Bur- ied with Christ
w: The fruit of all His sor- rows share; My Com- fort- er
w: I dared to pledge my- self Thine own, Re- noun- cing sin
w: Should I trans- gress it on my side! But if I fall
w: Take full pos- ses- sion of my soul! Let naught with- in
[V: S1V2] E D E | F2 C | D2 D | E3 | C =B, C | C2
[V: S2V1] G, G, C | C2 G, | A,2 G, | G,3 | E, F, G, | F,2
[V: S2V2] C, =B,, C, | F,2 E, | F,2 G, | C,3 | C, D, E, | F,2
% 17
[V: S1V1] F | B2 A | G3 | !sintro!c c c | B2 A | G G2 | !fermata!F3 !eintro!|]
w: and dead to sin, Thy Spi- rit now shall live with- in.
w: will com- fort me When dark- est clouds a- round I see.
w: to keep the faith And war with e- vil un- to death.
w: hide not Thy face, Re- store Thy child, Lord, by Thy Grace.
w: me, naught I own, Serve a- ny will save Thine a- lone.
[V: S1V2] D | (D E) F E3 | E E F | D2 F | F E2 | F3 |]
[V: S2V1] A, | B,2 C | C3 | G, G, A, | B,2 C | D C2 | A,3 |]
[V: S2V2] D, | G,2 F, | C,3 | C, C, F,, | G,,2 A,, | B,, C,2 | !invertedfermata!F,,3 |]
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tHence, Prince of darkness, hence forever,
%% \t\t\t\tFor I belong now to my God!
%% \t\t\t\t'Tis true, I sinned; but my dear Savior Hath
%% \t\t\t\tcleansed me with His holy blood.
%% \t\t\t\tAway, vain world, sin, leave me now,
%% \t\t\t\tI turn from you; God hears my vow.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 10.6cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 7.\tAnd never let my purpose falter,
%% \t\t\t\tO Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
%% \t\t\t\tBut keep me faithful to Thine altar,
%% \t\t\t\tTill Thou shalt call me from my post;
%% \t\t\t\tSo unto Thee I live and die,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd praise Thee evermore on high.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.720000
%%staffsep 1.0000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "137 BAPTISMAL LIFE"
%%footer Mt 28:19, Ps 91:4, 2Cor 13:14 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Mt 28:19, Ps 91:4, 2Cor 13:14
%OHTOPICS {Aspiration}, {Atonement [2]}, {Baptism}, {Christian Life}, {Commitment}, {Conversion}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Cross [2]}, {Day}, {Discipleship}, {Education [5]}, {Example, Christ's [2]}, {Example, Of Other People [3]}, {God, Majesty & Power of [1,2,5,6,7,9]}, {Judgment [3]}, {Leadership [5]}, {Loyalty [5,8]}, {Nature [4]}, {Obedience}, {Presence [5,8]}, {Self Control (see also Law) [6]}, {Speech [3,7]}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust) [5-8]}, {Temperance & Moral Reform (see also Law) [6,7]}, {Temptation [6]}, {Trinity [1,9]}, {Wisdom [5]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER Stanford, Charles Villiers (1852-1924)
%OHAUTHOR Patrick of Ireland (circa 387-493)
%OHTRANSLATOR Alexander, Cecil Frances Humphreys (1818-1895)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 137
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
{ D ; D ; D ; D, ; D, ; B2 B }
{ G2 G ; G2 G ; [B,3D3-] ; [D,3-G,3] ; G,, B,, G,, ; A.- A d }
{ .(F D) F ; F D F ; [A,3D3] ; [D,3F,3] ; D,,2 D, ; (G3/2 A/) B/G/ }
{ .(B d) c/B/ ; (B d) c/B/ ; [D2F2] [EG] ; F,2 E, ; B,,2 E, ; (F D) B, }
{ .(B A) A ; (B A) A ; [C2F2] [CF] ; F,3 ; F,3 ; B2 F }
{ D ; D ; D, ; D, ; B2 B ; B2 B }
{ G2 G ; [B,3D3-] ; [D,3-G,3] ; G,, B,, G,, ; A.- A d ; A2 d }
{ F D F ; [A,3D3] ; [D,3F,3] ; D,,2 D, ; (G3/2 A/) B/G/ ; (G3/2 A/ B/G/) }
{ (B d) c/B/ ; [D2F2] [EG] ; F,2 E, ; B,,2 E, ; (F D) B, ; (F D) B, }
{ (B A) A ; [C2F2] [CF] ; F,3 ; F,3 ; B2 F ; B2 F }
{ D ; D, ; D, ; B2 B ; B2 B ; F2 E/D/ }
{ [B,3D3-] ; [D,3-G,3] ; G,, B,, G,, ; A.- A d ; A2 d ; [C2F2] [DF] }
{ [A,3D3] ; [D,3F,3] ; D,,2 D, ; (G3/2 A/) B/G/ ; (G3/2 A/ B/G/) ; [E2G2] [B,E] }
{ [D2F2] [EG] ; F,2 E, ; B,,2 E, ; (F D) B, ; (F D) B, ; [B,2D2] B, }
{ [C2F2] [CF] ; F,3 ; F,3 ; B2 F ; B2 F ; [B,2D2] [B,F }
{ D, ; D, ; B2 B ; B2 B ; F2 E/D/ ; | F,2 [F,B,] }
{ [D,3-G,3] ; G,, B,, G,, ; A.- A d ; A2 d ; [C2F2] [DF] ; B,2 G, }
{ [D,3F,3] ; D,,2 D, ; (G3/2 A/) B/G/ ; (G3/2 A/ B/G/) ; [E2G2] [B,E] ; F,2 F, }
{ F,2 E, ; B,,2 E, ; (F D) B, ; (F D) B, ; [B,2D2] B, ; G,2 F, }
{ D, ; B2 B ; B2 B ; F2 E/D/ ; | F,2 [F,B,] ; x3 }
{ G,, B,, G,, ; A.- A d ; A2 d ; [C2F2] [DF] ; B,2 G, ; F,2 B,, }
{ D,,2 D, ; (G3/2 A/) B/G/ ; (G3/2 A/ B/G/) ; [E2G2] [B,E] ; F,2 F, ; E,3 & (E, E,,) G,, }
{ B,,2 E, ; (F D) B, ; (F D) B, ; [B,2D2] B, ; G,2 F, ; B,,2 [B,,D,] } | X: 137
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
X: 137
T: I Bind Unto Myself Today
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: attributed to St. Patrick of Ireland (circa 387-466). Paraphrased by Cecil F. Alexander, 1889.
C: Music: 'St. Patricks Breastplate' Charles V. Stanford, 1902. Setting: "The English Hymnal", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: 'The English Hymnal', 1906 Hymn 212.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves S1 | {(S2V1 S2V2) | (S3V1 S3V3)}
V: S1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S3V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S3V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S3V3
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Bb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 5 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 6 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1] [Q:1/4=120] D | G2 G | .(F D) F | .(B d) c/B/ | .(B A) A | .(c A) F | (F A) c |
w: 1.~I bind un- to * my- self * to- * day * The strong * Name of * the
w: 2.~I bind this day * to me * for- * ev- er By pow- er of faith, * Christ's
w: 3.~I bind un- to * my- self * the * pow- er Of the * great love * of
w: 4.~I bind un- to * my- self * to- * day * The vir- * tues of * the
w: 5.~I bind un- to * my- self * to- * day * The pow- er of God * to
[V: S2V1] D | G2 G | F D F | (B d) c/B/ | (B A) A | (c A) F | (F A) c |
[V: S2V2] D | [B,3D3-] | [A,3D3] | [D2F2] [EG] | [C2F2] [CF] | [C3F3] | [C2F2] [CE] |
[V: S3V1] D, | [D,3-G,3] | [D,3F,3] | F,2 E, | F,3 | [F,3A,3] | [F,2A,2] [C,G,] |
[V: S3V3] D, | G,, B,, G,, | D,,2 D, | B,,2 E, | F,3 | F,,3 | x3 |
% 9
%%staves S1 | {(S2V1 S2V2) | (S3V1 S3V2 S3V3)}
[V: S1] B2 B | A.- A d | (G3/2 A/) B/G/ | (F D) B, | B2 F |
w: Tri- ni- ty, * By in- * vo- * ca- * tion of the
w: in- car- na- tion; His bap- * tism * in * the Jor- dan
w: cher- u- bim; * The sweet * "Well * done" * in judg- ment
w: star lit heav- en, The glor- * ious * sun's * life giv- ing
w: hold and lead, * His eye * to * watch, * His might to
[V: S2V1] B2 B | A2 d | (G3/2 A/ B/G/) | (F D) B, | B2 F |
[V: S2V2] F2 E/D/ | [C2F2] [DF] | [E2G2] [B,E] | [B,2D2] B, | [B,2D2] [B,F] |
[V: S3V1] [D,2F,2] [E,B,] | F,2 [F,B,] | B,2 G, | F,2 F, | G,2 F, |
% [V: S3V2] x | x3 | x3 | x3 | x3 | x3 | x3 | G,3- | G,2 :| G,2
[V: S3V3] x3 | F,2 B,, | E,3 & (E, E,,) G,, | B,,2 [B,,D,] | [G,,2D,2] D, |
% 9
%%staves S1 | {(S2V1 S2V2) | (S3V1 S3V2 S3V3)}
[V: S1] G A B/c/ | d2 c/d/ | (B G) A | G2 G |["1" G2 :|["2-9" G.- G
w: same * The * Three in * One * and One in Three. * *
w: riv- er, His * death on * Cross * for my sal- * va- tion;
w: ho- ur, The * ser- vice * of * the ser- a- * phim, *
w: ray, * The * white- ness * of * the moon at * ev- en,
w: stay, * His * ear to * hear- * ken to my * need. *
[V: S2V1] G A B/c/ | d2 c/d/ | (B G) A | G3- | G2 :| G2
[V: S2V2] B, [DF] D/F/ | [D2F2] F | F E F | D2 E | D2 :| D2
[V: S3V1] E, F, G,/A,/ | B,2 [F,A,] | [F,B,] [G,B,] [A,D] | B,2 C | B,2 :| B,2
% [V: S3V2] x | x3 | x3 | x3 | x3 | x3 | x3 | G,3- | G,2 :| G,2
[V: S3V3] E, D, G,/F,/ | [B,,2F,2] F,, | D,, E,, D,, | G,,2 C, & G,3- | [G,2G,,2] :| [G,2G,,2]
% 17
%%header "BAPTISMAL LIFE 137(2)"
%%staves S1 | {(S2V1 S2V2) | (S3V1 S3V3)}
[V: S1] F | B2 B | B2 c/d/ | c2 =B | c.- c d | G2 G |
w: 2.~His burst- ing from the * spic- èd tomb, * His rid- ing
w: 3.~Con- fes- sors' faith, A- * pos- tles' word, * The Pa- triarchs'
w: 4.~The flash- ing of the * light- ning free, * The whirl- ing
w: 5.~The wis- dom of my * God to teach, * His hand to
[V: S2V1] F | B2 B | B2 c/d/ | [E2c2] =B | c2 d | G3 |
[V: S2V2] D | F2 [EG] | F2 E/D/ | (E G D) | [E2G2] [DG] | E3 |
[V: S3V1] B, | D B, B, | B,2 A,/B,/ | G,2 G, | G,2 [G,_B,] | [G,3B,3] |
[V: S3V3] B,, | B,, D, E, | D,2 C,/B,,/ | (C, E,) G, | C,2 G,, | E,,3 |
% 25
[V: S1] (F A) c | B2 B | A.- A D | (G3/2 A/) B/G/ | (F D) B, | B2 F |
w: up * the heav'n- ly way, * His com- * ing * at * the day of
w: pray- ers, the pro- phets' scrolls, * All good * deeds * done * un- to the
w: wind's * tem- pest- uous shocks, * The sta- * ble * earth, * the deep salt
w: guide, * His shield to ward; * The word * of * God * to give me
[V: S2V1] (F A) c | B2 B | A2 D | (G3/2 A/) B/G/ | (F D) B, | B2 F |
[V: S2V2] [C2F2] [CF] | F2 [EG] | [C2F2] D | B,3 | [B,2D2] B, | [B,2D2] F |
[V: S3V1] [F,3A,3] | [F,2B,2] B, | F,2 x | [E,3G,3E,,3] | F,2 D, | [D,2G,2] B, |
[V: S3V3] F,,3 | D,,2 E,, | F,,2 [D,D,,] | x3 | B,,2 B,,/A,,/ | G,,2 D, |
% 25
[V: S1] (G A) !sintro!B/c/ | d2 c/d/ | (B G) A | G2 G | G.- G !eintro!|]
w: doom * I * bind un- * to * my- self to- day. *
w: Lord * And * pu- ri- * ty * of vir- gin souls. *
w: sea * A- * round the * old * e- ter- nal rocks. *
w: speech, * His * heav'n- ly * host * to be my guard. *
[V: S2V1] (G A) B/c/ | d2 c/d/ | (B G) A | G3- | G2 |]
[V: S2V2] E F D/F/ | F2 F | D E [FD] | D2 E | D2 |]
[V: S3V1] B, D B,/A,/ | [F,2B,2] [F,A,] | [G,B,] [G,B,] [D,A,] | x2 C & G,3 | [G,2B,2] |]
[V: S3V3] (E, D,) G,/F,/ | B,,2 F,/D,/ | (G,, E,,) D,, | [B,2G,,2D,2] C, | [D,2G,,2] |]
% 34
W: 6.Against the demon snares of sin,
W: The vice that gives temptation force,
W: The natural lusts that war within,
W: The hostile men that mar my course;
W: Or few or many, far or nigh,
W: In every place and in all hours,
W: Against their fierce hostility
W: I bind to me these holy powers.
W: 7.Against all Satan's spells and wiles,
W: Against false words of heresy,
W: Against the knowledge that defiles,
W: Against the heart's idolatry,
W: Against the wizard's evil craft,
W: Against the death wound and the burning,
W: The choking wave, the poisoned shaft,
W: Protect me, Christ, till Thy returning.
W: 8.Christ be with me, Christ within me,
W: Christ behind me, Christ before me,
W: Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
W: Christ to comfort and restore me.
W: Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
W: Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
W: Christ in hearts of all that love me,
W: Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
W: 9.I bind unto myself the Name,
W: The strong Name of the Trinity,
W: By invocation of the same,
W: The Three in One and One in Three.
W: By Whom all nature hath creation,
W: Eternal Father, Spirit, Word:
W: Praise to the Lord of my salvation,
W: Salvation is of Christ the Lord.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7500000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "138 BAPTISMAL LIFE"
%%footer Rom 6:3-11, Col 2:11-15, Num 6:27, Mt 28:19-20, Rev 3:12, Ps 51:5-10, \n1Pt 3:21-22, Gal 3:27, Acts 2:38-39, 22:16, Mt 5:14-16 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP Rom 6:3-11, Col 2:11-15, Num 6:27, Mt 28:19-20, Rev 3:12, Ps 51:5-10, \n1Pt 3:21-22, Gal 3:27, Acts 2:38-39, 22:16, Mt 5:14-16
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Baptism}, {Blood [2,5]}, {Christian Life}, {Comfort}, {Eternal Life [12]}, {Faith [5]}, {Father [5,8,10]}, {Forgiveness}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gospel}, {Gratitude}, {Jesus}, {Miracles}, {Promises (see also Gospel)}, {Salvation}, {Sinners}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Klug's Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1533
%OHARRANGER Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621)
%OHAUTHOR Gerhardt, Paul (1607-1676)
%OHTRANSLATOR Dumont, Brian James (1971-)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 138
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ z G G B ; x D E D ; z B, C B, ; x G, E, G, }
{ A G A A ; F E E F ; D B, A, A, ; D, E, C, D, }
{ B2 G2 ; D2 E2 ; G,2 B,2 ; G,2 E,2 }
{ B c d B ; D E D D ; B, G, A, G, ; G, E, F, G, }
{ x D E D ; z B, C B, ; x G, E, G, ; A2 G2 }
{ F E E F ; D B, A, A, ; D, E, C, D, ; z G G B }
{ D2 E2 ; G,2 B,2 ; G,2 E,2 ; A G A A }
{ D E D D ; B, G, A, G, ; G, E, F, G, ; B2 G2 }
{ z B, C B, ; x G, E, G, ; A2 G2 ; D2 [B,2D2] }
{ D B, A, A, ; D, E, C, D, ; z G G B ; x D E D }
{ G,2 B,2 ; G,2 E,2 ; A G A A ; F E E F }
{ B, G, A, G, ; G, E, F, G, ; B2 G2 ; D2 E2 }
{ x G, E, G, ; A2 G2 ; D2 [B,2D2] ; (G,/F,//E,// F,) (G,/A,/ B,) }
{ D, E, C, D, ; z G G B ; x D E D ; z B, C B, }
{ G,2 E,2 ; A G A A ; F E E F ; D B, A, A, }
{ G, E, F, G, ; B2 G2 ; D2 E2 ; G,2 B,2 } | X: 138
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 138
T: You People Who Now Are Baptized
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Paul Gerhardt, 1667. Translated by Brian J. Dumont, March 2011.
C: Music: 'Es ist Gewisslich an der Zeit' from Klug's Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1533.
C: Setting: Michael Praetorius, 1610.
C: copyright: Words: Copyright 2011, Brian J. Dumont. These lyrics may be freely reproduced or published for
C: Christian worship, provided they are not altered, and this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
C: Music and Setting: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Hymns of Martin Luther" by Bacon, 1883.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] z G G B | A G A A | B2 G2 | B c d B |
w: 1.~You peo- ple who now are bap- tized God's gra- cious love sur-
w: 2.~Be- fore held in your mo- ther's arm, From your time of con-
w: 3.~Your soul and bo- dy turned with- in, Sin filled you like a
w: 4.~The ma- jes- ty that ter- ri- fies Was all God's pres- ence
w: 5.~Then washed clean in this ho- ly flood, The wa- ter of Bap-
[V: S1V2] x D E D | F E E F | D2 E2 | D E D D |
[V: S2V1] z B, C B, | D B, A, A, | G,2 B,2 | B, G, A, G, |
[V: S2V2] x G, E, G, | D, E, C, D, | G,2 E,2 | G, E, F, G, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] A2 G2 | z G G B | A G A A | B2 G2 |
w: rounds you. By Christ's Name you're now re- cog- nized; Pon-
w: cep- tion, Quite hos- tile to the Law's al- arms\- Let
w: poi- son. Con- cern for neigh- bor pa- per- thin; God's
w: brought you. Your fault you could not rect- if- y; An-
w: ti- sm; In- stilled faith in Christ's ho- ly blood Brought
[V: S1V2] D2 [B,2D2] | x D E D | F E E F | D2 E2 |
[V: S2V1] (G,/F,//E,// F,) (G,/A,/ B,) | z B, C B, | D B, A, A, | G,2 B,2 |
[V: S2V2] D,2 [G,,2G,2] | x G, E, G, | D, E, C, D, | G,2 E,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] B c d B | A2 G2 | z B B A | G F G E | D2 z D |
w: der what hap- pened to you: Whose work was it which fash- ioned you, Whose
w: there be no de- cep- tion. A sin- ner born of sin- ner's seed; Still
w: love was simp- ly for- eign. Then raised by God the Lord of Life To
w: xi- et- y con- sumed you. A slave of sin and Sa- tan held Trapped
w: to the Fa- ther's King- dom, Your heart re- built with- in your breast, New
[V: S1V2] D E D D | D2 [B,2D2] | x D G F | E D B, C | B,2 x B, |
[V: S2V1] B, G, A, G, | (G,/F,//E,// F,) (G,/A,/ B,) | z B, B, C | C A, G, G, | G,2 z G, |
[V: S2V2] G, E, F, G, | D,2 [G,,2G,2] | x G, E, A,, | C, D, E, C, | G,2 x G,, |
% 17
%%header "BAPTISMAL LIFE 138(2)"
[V: S1V1] G G G F | G A B2 | !sintro!G2 B c | d B A2 | G4 !eintro!|]
w: in- born na- ture that He slew, When you first gained His pro- mise?
w: God Him- self for you would bleed, He took on flesh to save you.
w: glow in His e- ter- nal Light Your robe of white is gleam- ing.
w: in a pri- son bound for hell Death was your on- ly fu- ture.
w: na- ture filled with right- eous- ness, Your ev- ery sin for- giv- en!
[V: S1V2] D E D D | B, E ^D2 | (B, E) D A | A G (F/E/ F) | D4 |]
[V: S2V1] B, C B, A, | G, E, F,2 | G, B,2 E | D D D2 | B,4 |]
[V: S2V2] G,, C, G,, D, | E, C, B,,2 | E,2 G, A, | F, G, D,2 | G,,4 |]
% 20
W: 6.It washes all your sins away
W: And makes you pure and holy.
W: Hell's hold on you was lost that day,
W: God's freedom for the lowly.
W: You are now truly God's dear child
W: An heir of heaven undefiled
W: With crown to cast before Him.
W: 7.Your nature lost in Adam's fall,
W: Corrupt through generations,
W: Refreshed now in the waterfall-
W: A perfect new creation!
W: The death of death before your eyes:
W: God's power must be recognized.
W: Hell's demons lie defeated!
W: 8.Now we can gladly draw to Christ
W: And boldly ask His blessing
W: Because of Jesus' sacrifice,
W: Our sins upon Him pressing.
W: The Father looks on us and sees
W: Christ's holiness and His good deeds:
W: White robes giv'n by His merit.
W: 9.This holy bath ... What pow'r displays!
W: What wondrous grace-filled cleansing;
W: None on their own can e'er appraise
W: The value of their raising.
W: The Word of God in simple form
W: Can calm the tempest and the storm.
W: It brings peace to your spirit.
W: 10.Plain water cannot wash our sin
W: Nor clean our inward spirit,
W: But water with God's promise can
W: Bring all the Father wills it.
W: The water that floods over you
W: From God's command has strength imbued.
W: His Name is placed upon you.
W: 11.Too precious to repay somehow,
W: Just grateful thanks we offer.
W: Christ's work has been delivered now
W: To you through Word and water.
W: Nothing but Christ's atoning work
W: In you could kill death's ugly smirk
W: You're now refreshed and holy.
W: 12.Now gladly live as God's dear child
W: Proclaim to all His Gospel
W: Shine to the world; be undefiled...
W: A beacon to all people.
W: Till called home to eternal joy
W: With new song that we'll all employ
W: To cast our crowns before Him.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%footer Ps 51:1-19, Is 43:25-28, Col 2:13-14, Acts 3:18-21 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Ps 51:1-19, Is 43:25-28, Col 2:13-14, Acts 3:18-21
%OHTOPICS {Christian Life}, {Conscience}, {Contrition}, {Grace}, {Humility}, {Judgment}, {Law}, {Love}, {Repentance}, {Salvation}, {Sinners}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust)}
%OHMETRICAL 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6
%OHCOMPOSER Tallis, Thomas (1505-1585)
%OHAUTHOR Penney, Brian L. (1951-)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 139
M: none
L: 1/4
K: Bb
{ D F F ; D D D ; F, A, A, ; D, D, D, }
{ F3 F G G ; D3 D B, C ; A,3 A, G, G, ; D,3 F, E, E, }
{ A2 A ; A,2 D ; ^F,2 F, ; D,2 D, }
{ A2 A A B ; D2 ^C D D ; ^F,2 =E, F, G, ; D,2 A,, D, G,, }
{ A3 ; D3 ; ^F,3 ; D,3 }
{ D D D ; F, A, A, ; D, D, D, ; D A A }
{ D3 D B, C ; A,3 A, G, G, ; D,3 F, E, E, ; A3 F G G }
{ A,2 D ; ^F,2 F, ; D,2 D, ; A2 A }
{ D2 ^C D D ; ^F,2 =E, F, G, ; D,2 A,, D, G,, ; A2 A B G }
{ D3 ; ^F,3 ; D,3 ; A3 }
{ F, A, A, ; D, D, D, ; D A A ; D D D }
{ A,3 A, G, G, ; D,3 F, E, E, ; A3 F G G ; D3 D D C }
{ ^F,2 F, ; D,2 D, ; A2 A ; A,2 D }
{ ^F,2 =E, F, G, ; D,2 A,, D, G,, ; A2 A B G ; D2 D D B, }
{ ^F,3 ; D,3 ; A3 ; D3 }
{ D, D, D, ; D A A ; D D D ; =F, F, F, }
{ D,3 F, E, E, ; A3 F G G ; D3 D D C ; F,3 A, G, G, }
{ D,2 D, ; A2 A ; A,2 D ; ^F,2 F, }
{ D,2 A,, D, G,, ; A2 A B G ; D2 D D B, ; ^F,2 F, G, G, }
{ D,3 ; A3 ; D3 ; ^F,3 } | X: 139
M: none
L: 1/4
K: Bb
X: 139
T: Have Mercy On Me, O My God
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Brian L. Penney, 2007.
C: Music: 'Third Mode Melody' Thomas Tallis, 1567. Setting: "The English Hymnal", 1906, alt.
C: copyright: Words: Copyright 2007, Brian L. Penney. These lyrics may be freely reproduced or published for
C: Christian worship, provided they are not altered, and this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
C: Music and Setting: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: the original, the third tune from Archbishop Parker's Psalter, is set to have the Tenors carry the Melody.
S: It looks as if someone, likely R.V. Williams, reset it to allow sopranos to carry the melody.
S: this is tuned down 2 semitones and sped up from the English Hymnal version. Slur usage changed per text author.
M: none % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Bb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] D F F | F3 F G G | A2 A | A2 A A B | A3
w: 1.~Have mer- cy on me, O my God Ac- cor- ding to Your grace;
w: 2.~O purge me now and I'll be clean, As clean and white as snow;
[V: S1V2] D D D | D3 D B, C | A,2 D | D2 ^C D D | D3
[V: S2V1] F, A, A, | A,3 A, G, G, | ^F,2 F, | ^F,2 =E, F, G, | ^F,3
[V: S2V2] D, D, D, | D,3 F, E, E, | D,2 D, | D,2 A,, D, G,, | D,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] D A A | A3 F G G | A2 A | A2 A B G | A3
w: Ac- cor- ding to Your ten- der Love Blot out trans- gres- sions great;
w: O wash me in the Blood of Christ, Make me Your glad- ness know;
[V: S1V2] D D D | D3 D D C | A,2 D | D2 D D B, | D3
[V: S2V1] =F, F, F, | F,3 A, G, G, | ^F,2 F, | ^F,2 F, G, G, | ^F,3
[V: S2V2] D, D, D, | D,3 F, E, E, | D,2 D, | D,2 D, G,, G,, | D,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] A | A3/2 (B/ c) d2 c | B B A2 F | G2 D E E | D3
w: For I ac- * know- ledge all my sin, Be- fore my face they stand;
w: Cre- ate in * me a clean heart, Lord, Re- new me tho- rough- ly;
[V: S1V2] D | D (F E) D2 F | D D D2 D | D2 D D C | B,3
[V: S2V1] =F, | F,3/2 (G,/ A,) B,2 A, | G, G, F,2 A, | B,2 G, G, G, | G,3
[V: S2V2] D, | D,2 C, B,,2 F,, | G,, G,, D,2 D, | G,,2 B,, C, C, | G,,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] G | B3/2 (A/ G) F2 D | G3/2 (F/ E) D2 !sintro!F | [Q:1/4=90] E C D D | D3 !eintro!|]
w: A- gainst You * on- ly have I * sinned, There's e- vil on my hands.
w: Re- store sal- * va- tion's joy a- * gain, Up- hold me ten- der- ly.
[V: S1V2] B, | B,2 B, B,2 B, | B,2 B, B,2 B, | B, C B, B, | A,3 |]
[V: S2V1] D, | G,3/2 (F,/ E,) D,2 F, | B,3/2 (A,/ G,) F,2 D, | G, G, G, D,/=E,/ | ^F,3 |]
[V: S2V2] G,, | G,,2 G,, B,,2 B,, | G,, E,,2 B,,2 B,, | E,, E,, G,, G,, | D,3 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%footer Lk 15:1-7, 7:36-48, 19:1-10, Mt 9:11-13, 1Tim 1:15-16 7 8 7 8 7 7
%OHSCRIP Lk 15:1-7, 7:36-48, 19:1-10, Mt 9:11-13, 1Tim 1:15-16
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation [8]}, {Assurance}, {Blood [6]}, {Comfort}, {Conscience [7]}, {Contrition}, {Eternal Life [8]}, {Friendship}, {God, Mercy of}, {Grace}, {Healing [2]}, {Heaven [8]}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Kindness, God's}, {Parables [The Lost Sheep, Lk 15:1-7]}, {Presence}, {Repentance}
%OHMETRICAL 7 8 7 8 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Neu-verfertigtes Darmstädtiches Gesang-Buch, 1699
%OHAUTHOR Neumeister, Erdmann (1671-1756)
%OHTRANSLATOR Mills, Henry (1786-1867)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 140
M: none
L: 1/4
K: G
{ G G F G ; D ^C D D ; B, G, A, B, ; G, E, D, B,, }
{ E F G2 ; C C D2 ; G, A, B,2 ; C, A,, G,,2 }
{ B B A d ; D G A G ; G, D D B, ; G, G, F, G, }
{ c B A2 G2 ; E/F/ G2 F G2 ; C D D2 B,2 ; A, G, D,2 G,,2 }
{ D ^C D D ; B, G, A, B, ; G, E, D, B,, ; G G F G }
{ C C D2 ; G, A, B,2 ; C, A,, G,,2 ; E F G2 }
{ D G A G ; G, D D B, ; G, G, F, G, ; B B A d }
{ E/F/ G2 F G2 ; C D D2 B,2 ; A, G, D,2 G,,2 ; c B A2 G2 }
{ B, G, A, B, ; G, E, D, B,, ; G G F G ; D ^C D D }
{ G, A, B,2 ; C, A,, G,,2 ; E F G2 ; C C D2 }
{ G, D D B, ; G, G, F, G, ; B B A d ; D G A G }
{ C D D2 B,2 ; A, G, D,2 G,,2 ; c B A2 G2 ; E/F/ G2 F G2 } | X: 140
M: none
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 140
T: Jesus Sinners Doth Receive
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Erdmann Neumeister, 1718. Translated by Henry Mills, 1845 (et al).
C: Music: 'Meinen Jesum Lass` Ich Nicht (Darmstadt)' from Neu-verfertigtes Darmstädtiches Gesang-Buch, 1699.
C: Setting: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Revision.
S: Music source: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906 Hymn #124 Ed. Karl Brauer.
S: Text source: The Lutheran Hymnary, 1913.
M: none % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] G G F G | E F G2 | B B A d | c B A2 G2 |
w: 1.~Je- sus sin- ners doth re- ceive; Well may we this say- ing pon- der
w: 2.~We de- serve but grief and shame,\- Yet His words, rich grace re- veal- ing,
w: 3.~As the shep- herd seeks to find His lost sheep that from Him stray- eth,
w: 4.~Come, then, all by guilt op- pressed, Je- sus calls, and He would make you
w: 5.~Sa- vior, now I come to Thee: Great my sins, a wear- y bur- den!
[V: S1V2] D ^C D D | C C D2 | D G A G | E/F/ G2 F G2 |
[V: S2V1] B, G, A, B, | G, A, B,2 | G, D D B, | C D D2 B,2 |
[V: S2V2] G, E, D, B,, | C, A,, G,,2 | G, G, F, G, | A, G, D,2 G,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] G G F G | E F G2 | B B A d | c B A2 G2 |
w: Who in sin's de- lu- sions live, And from God and Hea- ven wan- der:
w: Par- don, peace, and life pro- claim; Here their ills have per- fect heal- ing
w: So hath Christ each soul in mind, And for its sal- va- tion pray- eth;
w: God's own child- ren, pure and blest, And to glo- ry He would take you;
w: Wilt Thou mer- cy show to me? Can I hope to find a par- don?
[V: S1V2] D ^C D D | C C D2 | D G A G | E/F/ G2 F G2 |
[V: S2V1] B, G, A, B, | G, A, B,2 | G, D D B, | C D D2 B,2 |
[V: S2V2] G, E, D, B,, | C, A,, G,,2 | G, G, F, G, | A, G, D,2 G,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] B A G A | B B A2 | !sintro!B d c B | A A G2 !eintro!|]
w: Here is hope for all who grieve\- Je- sus sin- ners doth re- ceive.
w: Who with hum- ble hearts be- lieve\- Je- sus sin- ners doth re- ceive.
w: Fain He'd have each wan- d'rer live: Je- sus sin- ners doth re- ceive.
w: Think on this, and well be- lieve Je- sus sin- ners doth re- ceive.
w: I will trust: my soul re- lieve! Me, a sin- ner, Lord, re- ceive!
[V: S1V2] D D E D | D D D2 | G G E/F/ G | G F G2 |]
[V: S2V1] G, A, B, A, | G, G, F,2 | D B, C D | E D B,2 |]
[V: S2V2] G, F, E, F, | G, B,,/C,/ D,2 | G, G,, A,, B,, | C, D, G,,2 |]
W: 6.Rich Thy mercy\- strangely good! O how oft have I offended!
W: But through Thy redeeming blood All my fear of wrath is ended:
W: Yes I now can witness give: Jesus sinners doth receive!
W: 7.Now my conscience is at peace; From the Law I stand acquitted;
W: Christ hath purchased my release, And my every sin remitted.
W: Naught remains my soul to grieve: Jesus sinners doth receive.
W: 8.Jesus sinners doth receive! Happy in His ceaseless favor,
W: Here for Heaven I will live, There shall live with Him forever,
W: "Joy in death these tidings give; Jesus sinners doth receive!"
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%footer Ps 51:6-12, Heb 4:15-16, Ps 119:133, Lk 23:42-43, Mt 5:21-37 6 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Ps 51:6-12, Heb 4:15-16, Ps 119:133, Lk 23:42-43, Mt 5:21-37
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation [6]}, {Aspiration [6]}, {Christian Life}, {Comfort [2-5]}, {Commitment}, {Consecration}, {Contrition}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Darkness, Spiritual}, {Discipleship}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Eternal Life [6]}, {Example, Christ's [4]}, {Following Jesus, In Faith}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification}, {God, Care of}, {Guidance [4]}, {Healing [1,3]}, {Humility}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Jesus}, {Kindness, God's}, {Leadership}, {Praise, Father [7]}, {Praise, Son [7]}, {Praise, Holy Spirit [7]}, {Repentance}, {Rest [2]}, {Service}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust) [1-4]}, {Temperance & Moral Reform (see also Law) [1-4]}, {Temptation [1]}, {Trinity [7]}
%OHCOMPOSER from William Daman's Psalter, 1579
%OHAUTHOR Synesius of Cyrene (375-430)
%OHTRANSLATOR Chatfield, Allen William (1808-1896)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 141
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
{ F ; C ; A, ; F, }
{ A A G G ; C F F =E ; A, A, D C ; F, D, B,, C, }
{ F3 A ; F3 C ; A,3 A, ; F,3 F, }
{ A A B B ; C C F E ; A, A, A, G, ; F, E, D, E, }
{ c3 ; E3 ; A,3 ; A,,3 }
{ C ; A, ; F, ; c }
{ C F F =E ; A, A, D C ; F, D, B,, C, ; e e d d }
{ F3 C ; A,3 A, ; F,3 F, ; c c B !sintro!c }
{ C C F E ; A, A, A, G, ; F, E, D, E, ; B A G G }
{ E3 ; A,3 ; A,,3 ; F3 !eintro! } | X: 141
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
X: 141
T: Lord Jesus Think On Me
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Synesius of Cyrene, circa 430. Translated by Allen W. Chatfield, 1876.
C: Music: 'Southwell' William Daman's Psalter, 1579. Setting: "Common Service Book" (ULCA), 1917.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Common Service Book (ULCA), 1917. Hymn 320.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Ab % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] F | A A G G | F3 A | A A B B | c3
w: 1.~Lord Je- sus, think on me And purge a- way my sin;
w: 2.~Lord Je- sus, think on me, With ma- ny'a care op- pressed;
w: 3.~Lord Je- sus, think on me A- mid the bat- tle's strife;
w: 4.~Lord Je- sus, think on me Nor let me go a- stray;
w: 5.~Lord Je- sus, think on me When floods the tem- pest high;
[V: S1V2] C | C F F =E | F3 C | C C F E | E3
[V: S2V1] A, | A, A, D C | A,3 A, | A, A, A, G, | A,3
[V: S2V2] F, | F, D, B,, C, | F,3 F, | F, E, D, E, | A,,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] c | e e d d | c c B !sintro!c | B A G G | F3 !eintro!|]
w: From earth- born pas- sions set me free And make me pure with- in.
w: Let me Thy lo- ving ser- vant be And taste Thy pro- mised rest.
w: In all my pain and mi- se- ry Be Thou my Health and Life.
w: Through dark- ness and per- plex- it- y Point Thou the heav'n- ly way.
w: When on doth rush the e- ne- my, O Sa- vior, be Thou nigh!
[V: S1V2] E | A G F E | E E E =E | F F F =E | F3 |]
[V: S2V1] A, | C B, A, B, | A, A, G, G, | B, C D C/B,/ | A,3 |]
[V: S2V2] A, | A, E, F, G, | A, C, E, C, | D, C, B,, C, | F,,3 |]
% 11
W:6.Lord Jesus, think on me
W:That, when the flood is past,
W:I may th'eternal brightness see
W:And share Thy joy at last.
W:7.Lord Jesus, think on me
W:That I may sing above
W:To Father, Spirit, and to Thee
W:The strains of praise and love.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%footer Mt 22:34-46, Eph 5:15-21 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Mt 22:34-46, Eph 5:15-21
%OHTOPICS {Atonement [3,4]}, {Conscience}, {Contrition}, {Faith [5]}, {Forgiveness [3-5]}, {God, Majesty & Power of [5]}, {God, Mercy of [3-5]}, {Gospel [3,5]}, {Grace [3,5]}, {Gratitude [3-5]}, {Hope [3]}, {Judgment [1]}, {Law}, {Repentance}, {Reverence}, {Sinners}
%OHCOMPOSER from "Musikalisches Handbuch", Hamburg, 1690
%OHARRANGER Hutchins, Charles Lewis (1838-1920)
%OHAUTHOR Maxwell, James
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 142
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ G ; E ; C ; C, }
{ c G A A ; G E F F/E/ ; C C C C ; E, C, F, A,, }
{ G F E E ; D B, C C ; G, G, G, G, ; B,, G,, C, C, }
{ E ; C ; C, ; F E D G }
{ G E F F/E/ ; C C C C ; E, C, F, A,, ; G ^F G G }
{ D B, C C ; G, G, G, G, ; B,, G,, C, C, ; c d e c }
{ C ; C, ; F E D G ; C C B, B, }
{ C C C C ; E, C, F, A,, ; G ^F G G ; E D/C/ B, D }
{ G, G, G, G, ; B,, G,, C, C, ; c d e c ; G F E G } | X: 142
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 142
T: O Lord My Soul Convicted
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Here Lord My Soul Convicted)
C: Words: James Maxwell, 1759.
S: sometimes wrongly attr. to John Rippon (1751-1836) because it is in a book "Selection of Hymns, from the best authors" by Rippon, hymn 50, (original in 1787, I found the 1850 reprint).
C: Music: 'Winchester New' from "Musikalisches Handbuch", Hamburg, 1690. Setting: Charles Lewis Hutchins, 1896.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: The Church Hymnal, 1896 Hymn 197. Ed. Charles Lewis Hutchins
S: Setting somewhat diff from "hymns ancient and modern", 1869
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G | c G A A | G F E E |
w: 1.~O Lord, my soul con- vic- ted stands Of
w: 2.~But thanks to God, its loud a- larms Have
w: 3.~I know my fig leaf right- eous- ness Can
w: 4.~There, I be- hold with won- der, Lord! That
w: 5.~A- maz- ing wis- dom, pow'r and love, Dis-
[V: S1V2] E | G E F F/E/ | D B, C C |
[V: S2V1] C | C C C C | G, G, G, G, |
[V: S2V2] C, | E, C, F, A,, | B,, G,, C, C, |
[V: S1V1] F E D G | G ^F G G | c d e c |
w: break- ing all Thy ten com- mands: And on me just- ly
w: warn'd me of ap- proach- ing harms; And now, O Lord, my
w: ne'er Thy bro- ken law re- dress; Yet in the gos- pel
w: Christ hath to Thy law re- stor'd Those ho- nors on th'a-
w: play'd to re- bels from a- bove! Do Thou, O Lord, my
[V: S1V2] C C B, B, | E D/C/ B, D | G F E G |
[V: S2V1] F, G, G, B, | A, A, G, B, | C B, C G, |
[V: S2V2] A,, C, G,, E, | C, D, G,, G,/F,/ | E, D, C, E, |
% 6
[V: S1V1] f e d !sintro!e | c A G c | c B c !eintro!|]
w: might'st Thou pour Thy wrath in one e- ter- nal show'r.
w: wants I see, Lost and un- done, I come to Thee.
w: plan I see, There's hope of par- don e'en for me.
w: ton- ing day, Which guil- ty sin- ners took a- way.
w: faith in- crease To love and trust Thy plan of grace.
[V: S1V2] F G G G | G F/E/ D C | D F E |]
[V: S2V1] A,/B,/ C B, C | C C B, A, | A, G, G, |]
[V: S2V2] D, C, G, C, | E, F, G, A, | F, G, C, |]
% 11
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.700000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%footer Ps 130, Eph 2:8-9, Rom 5:20-21, 1Tim 1:14 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 130, Eph 2:8-9, Rom 5:20-21, 1Tim 1:14
%OHTOPICS {Contrition [1,2,5]}, {Cornerstone [3]}, {Duty (see also Law) [2]}, {Fear of the Lord [2]}, {God, Love of [2]}, {God, Mercy of}, {Grace [2]}, {Gratitude}, {Holiness [2]}, {Holy Spirit [4]}, {Hope [3]}, {Humility}, {Israel [4]}, {Judgment [2]}, {Kindness, God's}, {Salvation [2]}, {Sinners}, {Testimony [2-5]}, {Trust [4]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHARRANGER Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Russell, Arthur Tozel (1806-1874)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 143
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ B2 E B ; E2 E ^G ; ^G,2 A, D ; E,2 C, B,, }
{ c B/A/ =G A ; A =G/F/ E ^F ; E D E/D/ C ; A,, B,, C,/B,,/ A,, }
{ B2 B2 ; ^G2 ^G2 ; B,2 E2 ; E,2 E,2 }
{ c d c/B/ A ; A B c F ; E F G C ; A, =G,/F,/ E, F, }
{ (G F) E2 ; (E D/C/) B,2 ; (C/B,/ A,) ^G,2 ; (C, D,) E,2 }
{ E2 E ^G ; ^G,2 A, D ; E,2 C, B,, ; B2 E B }
{ A =G/F/ E ^F ; E D E/D/ C ; A,, B,, C,/B,,/ A,, ; c B/A/ =G A }
{ ^G2 ^G2 ; B,2 E2 ; E,2 E,2 ; B2 B2 }
{ A B c F ; E F G C ; A, =G,/F,/ E, F, ; c d c/B/ A }
{ (E D/C/) B,2 ; (C/B,/ A,) ^G,2 ; (C, D,) E,2 ; (G F) E2 }
{ ^G,2 A, D ; E,2 C, B,, ; B2 E B ; E2 E ^G }
{ E D E/D/ C ; A,, B,, C,/B,,/ A,, ; c B/A/ =G A ; A =G/F/ E ^F }
{ B,2 E2 ; E,2 E,2 ; B2 B2 ; ^G2 ^G2 }
{ E F G C ; A, =G,/F,/ E, F, ; c d c/B/ A ; A B c F }
{ (C/B,/ A,) ^G,2 ; (C, D,) E,2 ; (G F) E2 ; (E D/C/) B,2 }
{ E,2 C, B,, ; B2 E B ; E2 E ^G ; ^G,2 A, D }
{ A,, B,, C,/B,,/ A,, ; c B/A/ =G A ; A =G/F/ E ^F ; E D E/D/ C }
{ E,2 E,2 ; B2 B2 ; ^G2 ^G2 ; B,2 E2 }
{ A, =G,/F,/ E, F, ; c d c/B/ A ; A B c F ; E F G C }
{ (C, D,) E,2 ; (G F) E2 ; (E D/C/) B,2 ; (C/B,/ A,) ^G,2 } | X: 143
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 143
T: Out of the Deep I Cry to Thee
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee)
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1524. Translated by Arthur Tozer Russell (1806-1874).
C: Music: 'Aus Tiefer Not (Luther)' or 'Af Dybsens Nød' Martin Luther from Erfurt Enchiridion, 1524.
C: Setting: Johann Sebastian Bach, 1725.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Hymns of Martin Luther" by Bacon, 1883.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] B2 E B | c B/A/ =G A | B2 B2 | c d c/B/ A | (G F) E2 |
w: 1.~Out of the deep I * cry to Thee; O Lord God, hear * my cry- * ing:
w: 2.~But love and grace with * Thee pre- vail, O God, our sins * for- giv- * ing;
w: 3.~For this, my hope in * God shall rest, Naught build- ing on * my mer- * it;
w: 4.~And though I wait the * live- long night And till the morn * re- turn- * eth,
w: 5.~What though our sins are * man- i- fold? Su- preme His mer- * cy reign- * eth;
[V: S1V2] E2 E ^G | A =G/F/ E ^F | ^G2 ^G2 | A B c F | (E D/C/) B,2 |
[V: S2V1] ^G,2 A, D | E D E/D/ C | B,2 E2 | E F G C | (C/B,/ A,) ^G,2 |
[V: S2V2] E,2 C, B,, | A,, B,, C,/B,,/ A,, | E,2 E,2 | A, =G,/F,/ E, F, | (C, D,) E,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] B2 E B | c B/A/ =G A | B2 B2 | c d c/B/ A | (G F) E2 |
w: In- cline Thy gra- cious * ear to me, With prayer to Thee * ap- ply- * ing.
w: The ho- liest deeds can * naught a- vail Of all be- fore * Thee liv- * ing.
w: My heart con- fides, of * Him pos- sest, His good- ness stays * my spi- * rit.
w: My heart un- doubt- ing * trusts His might Nor in im- pa- * tience mourn- * eth.
w: No lim- it can His * hand with- hold, Where ev- il most * ob- tain- * eth.
[V: S1V2] E2 E ^G | A =G/F/ E ^F | ^G2 ^G2 | A B c F | (E D/C/) B,2 |
[V: S2V1] ^G,2 A, D | E D E/D/ C | B,2 E2 | E F G C | (C/B,/ A,) ^G,2 |
[V: S2V2] E,2 C, B,, | A,, B,, C,/B,,/ A,, | E,2 E,2 | A, =G,/F,/ E, F, | (C, D,) E,2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] A2 G c | B A d/c/ B | A2 c2 | B c d
w: For if Thou fix Thy search- * ing eye On all sin and
w: Be- fore Thee none can boast * him clear; There- fore must each
w: His prec- ious word as- sur- * eth me; My sol- ace, my
w: Born of His Spi- rit, Is- * ra- el In the right Way
w: He the good Shep- herd is * a- lone, Who Is- rael will
[V: S1V2] E2 D E/^F/ | G A B/A/ ^G | E2 A2 | =G G G/F/
[V: S2V1] A,2 B, C | D D/E/ F B, | C2 E2 | E E D
[V: S2V2] C2 B, A, | G, F,/E,/ D, E, | A,,2 A,2 | E, D,/C,/ B,,
% 17
[V: S1V1] G | B A G2 | !sintro!G2 c B | A E (G F) | E4 !eintro!|]
w: in- iq- ui- ty, Who, Lord, can stand be- fore * Thee?
w: Thy judg- ment fear, And live on Thy com- pas- * sion.
w: sure Rock is he, Where- on my soul a- bid- * eth.
w: thus far- eth well, And on his God re- pos- * eth
w: re- deem and own, For- giv- ing all trans- gres- * sion.
[V: S1V2] E | D C B,2 | E2 E E/D/ | C C (D2 | D) (C B,2) |]
[V: S2V1] C | (^F,/ G,) F,/ G,2 | G,2 A, ^G, | A, G, (G, A, | =B, A,) ^G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] C, | D, [D,,D,] G,,2 | C,2 A,, E, | F, C, (_B,, A,, | ^G,, A,,) [E,,2E,2] |]
% 20
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7400000
%%staffsep 1.80000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%footer Ps 130, Eph 2:8-9, Rom 5:20-21, 1Tim 1:14 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 130, Eph 2:8-9, Rom 5:20-21, 1Tim 1:14
%OHTOPICS {Contrition [1,2,5]}, {Cornerstone [3]}, {Duty (see also Law) [2]}, {Fear of the Lord [2]}, {God, Love of [2]}, {God, Mercy of}, {Grace [2]}, {Gratitude}, {Holiness [2]}, {Holy Spirit [4]}, {Hope [3]}, {Humility}, {Israel [4]}, {Judgment [2]}, {Kindness, God's}, {Salvation [2]}, {Sinners}, {Testimony [2-5]}, {Trust [4]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Köpfel's Gesangbuch, Strassburg, 1525
%OHARRANGER Haupt, Karl August (1810-1891)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Russell, Arthur Tozel (1806-1874)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 144
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ G ; D ; B, ; G,, }
{ F G A A ; C D E D ; A, G, G, F, ; A,, B,, C, D, }
{ G A !fermata!B c ; B, D D E ; G, F, !invertedfermata!G, G, ; E, D, G,, C, }
{ B A G G ; D D B, D ; G, F, G, G, ; G, D, E, B,, }
{ A2 !fermata!G ; (E D) B, ; (G, F,) !invertedfermata!G, ; (C, D,) G,, }
{ D ; B, ; G,, ; G }
{ C D E D ; A, G, G, F, ; A,, B,, C, D, ; F G A A }
{ B, D D E ; G, F, !invertedfermata!G, G, ; E, D, G,, C, ; G A !fermata!B c }
{ D D B, D ; G, F, G, G, ; G, D, E, B,, ; B A G G }
{ (E D) B, ; (G, F,) !invertedfermata!G, ; (C, D,) G,, ; A2 !fermata!G }
{ B, ; G,, ; G ; D }
{ A, G, G, F, ; A,, B,, C, D, ; F G A A ; C D E D }
{ G, F, !invertedfermata!G, G, ; E, D, G,, C, ; G A !fermata!B c ; B, D D E }
{ G, F, G, G, ; G, D, E, B,, ; B A G G ; D D B, D }
{ (G, F,) !invertedfermata!G, ; (C, D,) G,, ; A2 !fermata!G ; (E D) B, }
{ G,, ; G ; D ; B, }
{ A,, B,, C, D, ; F G A A ; C D E D ; A, G, G, F, }
{ E, D, G,, C, ; G A !fermata!B c ; B, D D E ; G, F, !invertedfermata!G, G, }
{ G, D, E, B,, ; B A G G ; D D B, D ; G, F, G, G, }
{ (C, D,) G,, ; A2 !fermata!G ; (E D) B, ; (G, F,) !invertedfermata!G, } | X: 144
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 144
T: Out of the Deep I Cry to Thee
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee)
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1524. Translated by Arthur Tozer Russell (1806-1874).
C: Music: 'Aus Tiefer Not (Strassburg)' or 'Strassburg' from Köpfel's Gesangbuch, Strassburg, 1525.
C: Setting: Karl August Haupt, 1869.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Hymns of Martin Luther" by Bacon, 1883.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] G | F G A A | G A !fermata!B c | B A G G | A2 !fermata!G
w: 1.~Out of the deep I cry to Thee; O Lord God, hear my cry- ing:
w: 2.~But love and grace with Thee pre- vail, O God, our sins for- giv- ing;
w: 3.~For this, my hope in God shall rest, Naught build- ing on my mer- it;
w: 4.~And though I wait the live- long night And till the morn re- turn- eth,
w: 5.~What though our sins are man- i- fold? Su- preme His mer- cy reign- eth;
[V: S1V2] D | C D E D | B, D D E | D D B, D | (E D) B,
[V: S2V1] B, | A, G, G, F, | G, F, !invertedfermata!G, G, | G, F, G, G, | (G, F,) !invertedfermata!G,
[V: S2V2] G,, | A,, B,, C, D, | E, D, G,, C, | G, D, E, B,, | (C, D,) G,,
% 5
[V: S1V1] G | F G A A | G A !fermata!B c | B A G G | A2 !fermata!G
w: In- cline Thy gra- cious ear to me, With prayer to Thee ap- ply- ing.
w: The ho- liest deeds can naught a- vail Of all be- fore Thee liv- ing.
w: My heart con- fides, of Him pos- sest, His good- ness stays my spi- rit.
w: My heart un- doubt- ing trusts His might Nor in im- pa- tience mourn- eth.
w: No lim- it can His hand with- hold, Where ev- il most ob- tain- eth.
[V: S1V2] D | C D E D | B, D D E | D D B, D | (E D) B,
[V: S2V1] B, | A, G, G, F, | G, F, !invertedfermata!G, G, | G, F, G, G, | (G, F,) !invertedfermata!G,
[V: S2V2] G,, | A,, B,, C, D, | E, D, G,, C, | G, D, E, B,, | (C, D,) G,,
% 9
[V: S1V1] G | A c B G | A F !fermata!E F | D D A
w: For if Thou fix Thy search- ing eye On all sin and
w: Be- fore Thee none can boast him clear; There- fore must each
w: His prec- ious word as- sur- eth me; My sol- ace, my
w: Born of His Spi- rit, Is- ra- el In the right Way
w: He the good Shep- herd is a- lone, Who Is- rael will
[V: S1V2] E | D E F E | E D ^C ^C | B, D D
[V: S2V1] B, | A, G, F, B, | A, A, !invertedfermata!A, A, | F, B, A,
[V: S2V2] E, | F, E, ^D, E, | ^C, D, A,, A,, | B,, G, F,
% 13
[V: S1V1] B | c A !fermata!G !sintro!d | B A G G | A2 !fermata!G !eintro!|]
w: in- iq- ui- ty, Who, Lord, can stand be- fore Thee?
w: Thy judg- ment fear, And live on Thy com- pas- sion.
w: sure Rock is He, Where- on my soul a- bid- eth.
w: thus far- eth well, And on his God re- pos- eth
w: re- deem and own, For- giv- ing all trans- gres- sion.
[V: S1V2] D | C C B, D | D D B, D | (E D) B, |]
[V: S2V1] ^G, | A, F, !invertedfermata!=G, A, | G, F, G, G, | (G, F,) !invertedfermata!G, |]
[V: S2V2] E, | A,, D, E, F, | G, D, E, B,, | (C, D,) G,, |]
% 17
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 0.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%footer Ps 51:1-19, Ezra 9:5-15, 1Kgs 8:46-53, Job 42:1-6 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Ps 51:1-19, Ezra 9:5-15, 1Kgs 8:46-53, Job 42:1-6
%OHTOPICS {Atonement [5,6]}, {Children (see also God's Children - the Faithful) [6]}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant)}, {Contrition}, {Fear of the Lord}, {Forgiveness}, {God, Justness of}, {God, Mercy of}, {Grace [2,4-6]}, {Humility}, {Jesus [4,5]}, {Judgment}, {Law}, {Sinners}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust)}
%OHCOMPOSER Oliver, Henry Kemble (1800-1885)
%OHAUTHOR Davies, Samuel (1723-1761);Dumont, Brian James (1971-)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 145
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ A2 A A ; F2 F F ; C2 C C ; F,2 F, F, }
{ B2 (A c) ; F2 F2 ; D2 (C A,) ; F,2 F,2 }
{ c2 B2 ; G2 E2 ; C2 C2 ; E,2 C,2 }
{ A4 ; F4 ; C4 ; F,4 }
{ B2 B B ; E2 G E ; G,2 C G, ; C,2 E, C, }
{ A3 A ; C3 C ; F,3 F, ; F,3 F, }
{ F2 F F ; C2 C C ; F,2 F, F, ; =B2 B2 }
{ F2 F2 ; D2 (C A,) ; F,2 F,2 ; c4 }
{ G2 E2 ; C2 C2 ; E,2 C,2 ; c2 c B }
{ F4 ; C4 ; F,4 ; A2 F2 }
{ E2 G E ; G,2 C G, ; C,2 E, C, ; (E F) (G A) }
{ C2 C C ; F,2 F, F, ; =B2 B2 ; D2 F2 }
{ D2 (C A,) ; F,2 F,2 ; c4 ; E4 }
{ C2 C2 ; E,2 C,2 ; c2 c B ; F2 G E }
{ C4 ; F,4 ; A2 F2 ; F2 C2 }
{ G,2 C G, ; C,2 E, C, ; (E F) (G A) ; C2 (E F) } | X: 145
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 145
T: While O'er Our Guilty Land, O Lord
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: verses 1-3, Samuel Davies, 1769. alt. verses 4-6, Brian J. Dumont, 15 Nov 2010.
C: Music: 'Federal Street' Henry K. Oliver, 1832.
C: Setting: "The Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal" (Ohio Synod), 1908.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: 'The Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal' (Ohio Synod), 1908.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] A2 A A | B2 (A c) | c2 B2 | A4 | B2 B B | A3 A |
w: 1.~While o'er our guil- ty * land, O Lord, We view the terr- ors
w: 2.~On You, our guar- dian * God, we call; Be- fore Your throne of
w: 3.~See, we re- pent, we * weep, we mourn; To our for- sa- ken
w: 4.~We are the old, the * sick, the lame; We blind and deaf cry
w: 5.~Christ is our on- ly * right- eous- ness, His death for us is
[V: S1V2] F2 F F | F2 F2 | G2 E2 | F4 | E2 G E | C3 C |
[V: S2V1] C2 C C | D2 (C A,) | C2 C2 | C4 | G,2 C G, | F,3 F, |
[V: S2V2] F,2 F, F, | F,2 F,2 | E,2 C,2 | F,4 | C,2 E, C, | F,3 F, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] =B2 B2 | c4 | c2 c B | A2 F2 | (E F) (G A) |
w: of Your sword, O where can all the help- * less *
w: grace we fall; But is there no de- liv'r- * ance *
w: God we turn; O spare our guil- ty coun- * try, *
w: Je- sus' Name. We plead Your mer- cy for * His *
w: our re- dress. Your pro- mise stron- ger than * our *
[V: S1V2] D2 F2 | E4 | F2 G E | F2 C2 | C2 (E F) |
[V: S2V1] F,2 G,2 | G,4 | A,2 C C | C2 A,2 | (G, A,) (B, A,) |
[V: S2V2] D,2 D,2 | C,4 | F,2 E, C, | F,2 F,,2 | C,2 C,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] B4 | !sintro!A2 d d | c2 A2 | F2 G2 | F4 !eintro!|]
w: fly? To whom but You di- rect their cry?
w: there? And must we per- ish in des- pair?
w: spare The Church which You have plant- ed there.
w: sake, And trust that You will not for- sake.
w: sin; Blot out O Lord what we have been.
[V: S1V2] E4 | C2 F F | F2 F2 | F2 E2 | F4 |]
[V: S2V1] G,4 | F,2 B, B, | A,2 C2 | A,2 B,2 | [F,4A,4] |]
[V: S2V2] C,4 | F,2 B,, D, | F,2 F,,2 | C,2 C,2 | F,,4 |]
% 18
W: 6.We are your children after all,
W: Redeemed by Christ after the fall.
W: Marked with Your Name in Baptism,
W: Our home remains in Your Kingdom.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "LORD'S SUPPER 146"
%%footer Rev 19:6-10, Jn 19:34, Ex 12:21-27, Mt 26:26-28, Jn 6:32-35, 1Cor 15:53-57 7 7 7 7 with Alleluia
%OHSCRIP Rev 19:6-10, Jn 19:34, Ex 12:21-27, Mt 26:26-28, Jn 6:32-35, 1Cor 15:53-57
%OHTOPICS {Angels [3]}, {Atonement}, {Blood [1-4]}, {Bread (of Life/Daily Bread) [4]}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant)}, {Easter}, {Forgiveness}, {God, As King [1]}, {God, Love of [2,4]}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gratitude}, {Israel [3]}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Kindness, God's}, {Light [5]}, {Lord's Supper}, {Love [2,4]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Priest/Priestly Roles [2]}, {Resurrection [6]}, {Sacrifice}, {Saints (all Faithful) [6]}, {Salvation}, {Second Coming}, {Shepard/Lamb}, {Victory}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 7 7 Alleluia4
%OHCOMPOSER Czech, Kirchengeseng, 1566
%OHARRANGER Dumont, Brian James (1971-)
%OHTRANSLATOR Campbell, Robert (1814-1868)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 146
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ C C ; C2 ; C2 ; E,2 ; C,2 }
{ G c B/A//G//A/ A/ ; G c B/A//G//A/ A/ ; E C F3/2 E/ ; G, G, D2 ; C, E, D,2 }
{ G2 A A ; G2 A A ; E2 F C ; C, D,/E,/ F,2 ; C,2 C,2 }
{ B A G/A/G/ =F/ ; B A G/A/G/ =F/ ; E F E2 ; A, F, G,3/2 G,/ ; B,, C, E,3/2 E,/ }
{ E2 ; E2 ; C2 ; C, D,/E,/ ; G,,2 }
{ C2 ; C2 ; E,2 ; C,2 ; E/ D/ E/ F/ }
{ G c B/A//G//A/ A/ ; E C F3/2 E/ ; G, G, D2 ; C, E, D,2 ; G/ G/ C E/ D/ E/ C/ }
{ G2 A A ; E2 F C ; C, D,/E,/ F,2 ; C,2 C,2 ; B,/ C/ D/ !sintro!F/ E D }
{ B A G/A/G/ =F/ ; E F E2 ; A, F, G,3/2 G,/ ; B,, C, E,3/2 E,/ ; C2 !eintro! } | X: 146
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 146
T: At The Lamb's High Feast
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Latin, circa 6th Century. Translated by Robert Campbell, 1849.
C: Music: 'Sonne der Gerechtigkeit' Czech, Kirchengeseng, 1566. Setting: Brian J. Dumont, 31 Dec 2009.
C: copyright: Words and Music, public domain. Setting: Copyright 2009 Brian J. Dumont. This setting
C: may be freely reproduced or published for Christian worship, provided it is not altered, and this notice is
C: on each copy. All other rights reserved. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: tune found in many places, arrangement by BJD
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves S0 | {(S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)}
V: S0 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 1 % Piano 2
%%MIDI program 3 1 % Piano 2
%%MIDI program 4 1 % Piano 2
%%MIDI program 5 1 % Piano 2
% 1
[V: S0] [Q:1/4=110] C C | G c B/A//G//A/ A/ | G2 A A | B A G/A/G/ =F/ | E2
w: 1.~At the Lamb's high feast * * * we sing, Praise to our vic- tor- * * ious King,
w: 2.~Praise we Him, whose love * * * di- vine Gives His sac- red blood * * for wine,
w: 3.~Where the Pas- chal blood * * * is poured, Death's dark an- gel sheathes * * his sword;
w: 4.~Praise we Christ, whose blood * * * was shed, Pas- chal Vic- tim, Pas- * * chal Bread;
w: 5.~Might- y Vic- tim from * * * the sky, Hell's fierce pow'rs be- neath * * Thee lie;
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] C2 | G c B/A//G//A/ A/ | G2 A A | B A G/A/G/ =F/ | E2
[V: S1V2] C2 | E C F3/2 E/ | E2 F C | E F E2 | C2
[V: S2V1] E,2 | G, G, D2 | C, D,/E,/ F,2 | A, F, G,3/2 G,/ | C, D,/E,/
[V: S2V2] C,2 | C, E, D,2 | C,2 C,2 | B,, C, E,3/2 E,/ | G,,2
% 5
[V: S0] E/ D/ E/ F/ | G/ G/ C E/ D/ E/ C/ | B,/ C/ D/ !sintro!F/ E D | C2 !eintro!|]
w: Who has washed us in the tide Flow- ing from his pierc- èd side; A- lle- lu- ia!
w: Gives His bo- dy for the feast, Christ the Vic- tim, Christ the Priest. A- lle- lu- ia!
w: Is- rael's hosts tri- um- phant go Through the wave that drowns the foe. A- lle- lu- ia!
w: With sin- cer- i- ty and love Eat we Ma- nna from a- bove. A- lle- lu- ia!
w: Thou hast con- quered in the fight, Thou hast brought us life and light; A- lle- lu- ia!
[V: S1V1] E/ D/ E/ F/ | G/ G/ C E/ D/ E/ C/ | B,/ C/ D/ F/ E D | C2 |]
[V: S1V2] C2 | E/ E/ C C/ B,/ C/ C/ | G,/ G,/ B,/ C/ C3/2 A,/ | C2 |]
[V: S2V1] E, G, | G,/ G,/ E, G,/ G,/ G, | D,/ E,/ G,/ A,/ G, F, | G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] C, E, | E,/ G,/ C, E,/ D,/ E, | B,,/ C,/ D,/ F,/ C,3/2 D,/ | C,2 |]
% 10
W: 6.Now no more can death appall,
W: Now no more the grave enthrall;
W: Thou hast opened Paradise,
W: And in Thee Thy saints shall rise.
W: 7.Paschal triumph, Easter joy,
W: This alone can sin destroy;
W: From sin's death do Thou set free
W: Souls reborn, O Lord, in Thee.
W: 8.Hymns of glory and of praise,
W: Father, to Thee we raise;
W: Risen Lord, all praise to Thee,
W: Ever with the Spirit be.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.700000
%%staffsep 0.0000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "147 LORD'S SUPPER"
%%footer 1Cor 11:23-29, Lk 22:17-20, 7:6, Mk 14:22-25, Mt 26:26-28, Ps 130 9 8 9 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP 1Cor 11:23-29, Lk 22:17-20, 7:6, Mk 14:22-25, Mt 26:26-28, Ps 130
%OHTOPICS {Angels [10]}, {Assurance [12-15]}, {Atonement [11]}, {Blood}, {Bread (of Life/Daily Bread)}, {Brevity of Life [14]}, {Comfort}, {Contrition [1-7]}, {Eternal Life [13-15]}, {Faith [5,8,9]}, {Faithfulness [3]}, {Forgiveness}, {God, Faithfulness of}, {God, Mercy of}, {Grace}, {Gratitude [9-15]}, {Heaven [13]}, {Humility}, {Jesus}, {Joy [10-15]}, {Lord's Supper}, {Repentance [1-7]}, {Reverence}, {Salvation [5]}, {Sinners [1-7]}, {Trinity [15]}
%OHMETRICAL 9 8 9 8 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER from Emskirchner Choralbuch, 1756
%OHAUTHOR Heyder, Friedrich Christian (1677-1754)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 147
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ z c B A ; x E G F ; z G, G, C ; x C, E, F, }
{ G A F G ; E E D/C/ B, ; C C A, G, ; C, A,, D, G,, }
{ E/D/ C2 E ; C C2 C ; G,/F,/ E,2 G, ; C, C,2 C, }
{ x E G F ; z G, G, C ; x C, E, F, ; D G ^F c }
{ E E D/C/ B, ; C C A, G, ; C, A,, D, G,, ; B A G2 }
{ C C2 C ; G,/F,/ E,2 G, ; C, C,2 C, ; z c B A }
{ z G, G, C ; x C, E, F, ; D G ^F c ; B, B, D E }
{ C C A, G, ; C, A,, D, G,, ; B A G2 ; G3/2 ^F/ G2 }
{ G,/F,/ E,2 G, ; C, C,2 C, ; z c B A ; x E G F }
{ x C, E, F, ; D G ^F c ; B, B, D E ; G, G, A, C }
{ C, A,, D, G,, ; B A G2 ; G3/2 ^F/ G2 ; D D B,2 }
{ C, C,2 C, ; z c B A ; x E G F ; z G, G, C } | X: 147
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 147
T: I Come, O Savior, To Thy Table
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Friedrich C. Heyder, 1710. Translation composite. Music: 'Ich Sterbe Täglich' from
C: Emskirchner Choralbuch, 1756. Setting: "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Evangelical Lutheran Hymn Book (LCMS), Edition of 1931 Hymn 171.
S: Translation is public domain per Project Wittenberg:
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] z c B A | G A F G | E/D/ C2 E |
w: 1.~I come, O Sa- vior, to Thy ta- * ble, For
w: 2.~Oh, grant that I in man- ner wor- * thy May
w: 3.~Un- wor- thy though I am, O Sa- * vior, Be-
w: 4.~Oh, let me loathe all sin for- ev- * er As
w: 5.~Thy heart is filled with fer- vent yearn- * ing That
[V: S1V2] x E G F | E E D/C/ B, | C C2 C |
[V: S2V1] z G, G, C | C C A, G, | G,/F,/ E,2 G, |
[V: S2V2] x C, E, F, | C, A,, D, G,, | C, C,2 C, |
% 1
[V: S1V1] D G ^F c | B A G2 | z c B A | G A F G |
w: weak and wear- y is my soul; Thou, Bread of Life, a- lone art
w: now a- pproach Thy heav'n- ly board And, as I low- ly bow be-
w: cause I have a sin- ful heart, Yet Thou Thy lamb wilt ba- nish
w: death and poi- son to my soul That I through will- ful sin- ning
w: sin- ners may sal- va- tion see Who, Lord, to Thee in faith are
[V: S1V2] B, B, D E | G3/2 ^F/ G2 | x E G F | E E D/C/ B, |
[V: S2V1] G, G, A, C | D D B,2 | z G, G, C | C C A, G, |
[V: S2V2] G,, E, D, A,, | B,,/C,/ D, G,,2 | x C, E, F, | C, A,, D, G,, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] E/D/ C2 E | D G ^F c | B A G2 |
w: ab- * le To sa- tis- fy and make me whole:
w: fore * Thee, Look on- ly un- to Thee, O Lord!
w: ne- * ver, For Thou my faith- ful Shep- herd art:
w: ne- * ver May see Thy judg- ment take its toll!
w: turn- * ing; So I, a sin- ner, come to Thee.
[V: S1V2] C C2 C | B, B, D E | G3/2 ^F/ G2 |
[V: S2V1] G,/F,/ E,2 G, | G, G, A, C | D D B,2 |
[V: S2V2] C, C,2 C, | G,, E, D, A,, | B,,/C,/ D, G,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] z G c c | A A d d | B3 !sintro!c | F E D c | c B !fermata!c2 !eintro!|]
w: Lord, may Thy bo- dy and Thy blood Be for my soul the high- est good!
[V: S1V2] x D C E | C ^C D D | D3 C | D C B, C | D D E2 |]
[V: S2V1] z B, G, G, | A, G, ^F,/G,/ A, | G,3 G, | A, G, G, G, | A, G, !invertedfermata!G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] x G, E, C, | F, E, D,/E,/ ^F, | G,3 E, | D, E,/F,/ G, E, | F, G, C,2 |]
% 17
%%vskip -0.4cm
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 8cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 11.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tWeary am I and heavy laden,
%% \t\t\t\tWith sin my soul is sore opprest;
%% \t\t\t\tReceive me graciously and gladden
%% \t\t\t\tMy heart, for I am now Thy guest.
%% 7.\tThou here wilt find a heart most lowly
%% \t\t\t\tThat humbly falls before Thy feet,
%% \t\t\t\tThat duly weeps o'er sin, yet solely
%% \t\t\t\tThy merit pleads, as it is meet.
%% 8.\tBy faith I call Thy holy table
%% \t\t\t\tThe testament of Thy deep love;
%% \t\t\t\tFor, lo, thereby I now am able
%% \t\t\t\tTo see how love Thy heart doth move.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 7.5cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 11.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 9.\tWhat higher gift can we inherit?
%% \t\t\t\tIt is faith's bond and solid base;
%% \t\t\t\tIt is the strength of heart and spirit,
%% \t\t\t\tThe covenant of hope and grace.
%% 10.This feast is manna, wealth abounding
%% \t\t\t\tUnto the poor, to weak ones power,
%% \t\t\t\tTo angels joy, to hell confounding,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd life for me in death's dark hour.
%% 11.Thy body, giv'n for me, O Savior,
%% \t\t\t\tThy blood which Thou for me didst shed,
%% \t\t\t\tThese are my life and strength forever,
%% \t\t\t\tBy them my hungry soul is fed.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 13.5cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 11.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 12.With Thee, Lord, I am now united;
%% \t\t\t\tI live in Thee and Thou in me.
%% \t\t\t\tNo sorrow fills my soul, delighted
%% \t\t\t\tIt finds its only joy in Thee.
%% 13.Who can condemn me now? For surely
%% \t\t\t\tThe Lord is nigh, who justifies.
%% \t\t\t\tNo hell I fear, and thus securely
%% \t\t\t\tWith Jesus I to Heaven rise.
%% 14.Though death may threaten with disaster,
%% \t\t\t\tIt cannot rob me of my cheer;
%% \t\t\t\tFor He Who is of death the Master,
%% \t\t\t\tWith aid and comfort e'er is near.
%%multicol end
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 6cm
%%leftmargin 6cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 11.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 15.My heart has now become Thy dwelling, O blessèd, holy Trinity.
%% \t\t\t\tWith angels I, Thy praises telling, Shall live in joy eternally.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.700000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "LORD'S SUPPER 148"
%%footer Eph 5:6-14, Rom 5:9-10, 1Cor 11:23-29, Jn 6:50-57, 1Jn 1:9 8 8 7 8
%OHSCRIP Eph 5:6-14, Rom 5:9-10, 1Cor 11:23-29, Jn 6:50-57, 1Jn 1:9
%OHTOPICS {Activity [10]}, {Assurance}, {Atonement [1]}, {Blood [2]}, {Bread (of Life/Daily Bread) [2]}, {Comfort}, {God, Care of}, {Healing}, {Invitation (God's to Us) [7]}, {Jesus}, {Lord's Supper}, {Presence}
%OHCOMPOSER from Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524
%OHAUTHOR Hus, John (1369-1415);Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Massie, Richard (1800-1887);unknown
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 148
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ D2 A2 ; A,2 ^C2 ; F,2 E,2 ; D,2 A,,2 }
{ (A3/2 G/ A) D ; (D2 ^C) A, ; F, D, E, F, ; D, _B,, A,, D, }
{ F2 F2 ; D2 D2- ; A,2 A,2 ; D,2 D,2 }
{ (F2 E2) ; D3 ^C ; A,4 ; A,,4 }
{ D2 z2 ; A,2 x2 ; F,2 z2 ; D,2 x2 }
{ F F F F ; D D D C ; A, A, _B, C ; D, D, _B,, A,, }
{ A,2 ^C2 ; F,2 E,2 ; D,2 A,,2 ; G2 G2 }
{ (D2 ^C) A, ; F, D, E, F, ; D, _B,, A,, D, ; (A3/2 G/ F E) }
{ D2 D2- ; A,2 A,2 ; D,2 D,2 ; D4 }
{ D3 ^C ; A,4 ; A,,4 ; F F F F }
{ A,2 x2 ; F,2 z2 ; D,2 x2 ; G2 G2 }
{ D D D C ; A, A, _B, C ; D, D, _B,, A,, ; (A3/2 G/ F2) }
{ F,2 E,2 ; D,2 A,,2 ; G2 G2 ; D2 E2 }
{ F, D, E, F, ; D, _B,, A,, D, ; (A3/2 G/ F E) ; (F3/2 E/ D ^C) }
{ A,2 A,2 ; D,2 D,2 ; D4 ; A,4 }
{ A,4 ; A,,4 ; F F F F ; D D C D }
{ F,2 z2 ; D,2 x2 ; G2 G2 ; D2 E2 }
{ A, A, _B, C ; D, D, _B,, A,, ; (A3/2 G/ F2) ; (F3/2 E/ D2) } | X: 148
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 148
T: Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Jesus Christ Our Redeemer Born or Christ Who Freed Our Souls From Danger
T: or Jesus Christ Our God and Savior)
C: Words: John Hus (1369-1415). Expanded by Martin Luther, 1524.
C: Translator v.4,6 by Richard Massie Other verses unknown.
C: Music: 'Jesus Christus Unser Heiland, Der Von Uns (Walter)' from Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524.
C: Setting: Von Tucher, 1848, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] D2 A2 | (A3/2 G/ A) D | F2 F2 | (F2 E2) | D2 z2 | F F F F |
w: 1.~Je- sus Christ, * * our Bless- ed Sav- * ior, Turned a- way God's
w: 2.~To re- mind * * us that, to save * us He hath died, His
w: 3.~Who- so to * * this board re- pair- * eth, Take good heed how
w: 4.~Praise the Fa- * * ther, God in hea- * ven, Who such dain- ty
w: 5.~Thou shalt hold * * with faith un- shak- * en, That this food is
[V: S1V2] A,2 ^C2 | (D2 ^C) A, | D2 D2- | D3 ^C | A,2 x2 | D D D C |
[V: S2V1] F,2 E,2 | F, D, E, F, | A,2 A,2 | A,4 | F,2 z2 | A, A, _B, C |
[V: S2V2] D,2 A,,2 | D, _B,, A,, D, | D,2 D,2 | A,,4 | D,2 x2 | D, D, _B,, A,, |
% 9
[V: S1V1] G2 G2 | (A3/2 G/ F E) | D4 | F F F F | G2 G2 | (A3/2 G/ F2) |
w: wrath for- ev- * * * er; Suf- f'ring pains no tongue can tell, * *
w: flesh He gave * * * us With this bread, a quick- 'ning food, * *
w: He pre- par- * * * eth; Death in- stead of life shall He * *
w: food hath gi- * * * ven, And for mis- deeds thou hast done * *
w: to be tak- * * * en By the sick who are dis- tressed, * *
[V: S1V2] D2 E2 | (F3/2 E/ D ^C) | A,4 | D D C D | D2 E2 | (F3/2 E/ D2) |
[V: S2V1] _B,2 C2 | (C2 A,2) | F,4 | A, A, A, A, | _B,2 C2 | (C2 A,2) |
[V: S2V2] G,,2 C,2 | (F,3/2 C,/ D, A,,) | D,4 | D, D, F, D, | G,2 C,2 | (F,3/2 C,/ D,2) |
% 13
[V: S1V1] !sintro!c d (c/ B/ A) | F2 G2 | (A3/2 G/ F) E | D4 !eintro!|]
w: He saved us * * from the pains * * of hell.
w: And with this * * wine, His pre- * * cious blood.
w: Re- ceive who * * comes un- worth- * * il- y.
w: Gave to die * * His be- lov- * * ed Son.
w: By those whose * * heart is sin\- * * o- ppressed.
[V: S1V2] C F (E C) | D2 E2 | (F3/2 E/ D) ^C | A,4 |]
[V: S2V1] A, _B, G, F, | A,2 C2 | (C2 A,2) | F,4 |]
[V: S2V2] F, _B,, C, F, | D,2 C,2 | (F,3/2 C,/ D, A,,) | D,4 |]
% 18
W: 6.To such grace and mercy turneth
W: Every soul that truly mourneth;
W: Art thou well? Avoid this board,
W: Else thou reapest an ill reward.
W: 7.Christ says: "Come ye heavy-laden,
W: I your weary hearts will gladden;
W: They that are yet strong and well,
W: Despise the best physician's skill.
W: 8.Couldst thou earn thine own salvation,
W: Useless were my death and passion;
W: This feast is not spread for thee,
W: If thine own helper thou wilt be.
W: 9.If thou this believest truly,
W: And confession makest duly,
W: Thou a welcome guest art here,
W: This heavenly food thy soul shall cheer.
W: 10.But the fruits must not be missing,
W: Love thy neighbor without ceasing,
W: That true love let him receive,
W: Which here to thee thy God doth give.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7300000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "149 LORD'S SUPPER"
%%footer Eph 5:6-14, Rom 5:9-10, 1Cor 11:23-29, Jn 6:50-57, 1Jn 1:9 8 8 7 8
%OHSCRIP Eph 5:6-14, Rom 5:9-10, 1Cor 11:23-29, Jn 6:50-57, 1Jn 1:9
%OHTOPICS {Activity [10]}, {Assurance}, {Atonement [1]}, {Blood [2]}, {Bread (of Life/Daily Bread) [2]}, {Comfort}, {God, Care of}, {Healing}, {Invitation (God's to Us) [7]}, {Jesus}, {Lord's Supper}, {Presence}
%OHCOMPOSER from Klug's Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1533
%OHAUTHOR Hus, John (1369-1415);Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Massie, Richard (1800-1887);unknown
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 149
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F2 c2 ; C2 E2 ; A,2 G,2 ; F,2 C,2 }
{ A F G A ; C D E C ; F, A, C F, ; F, D, B,, F, }
{ B2 A2 ; D2 C2 ; F,2 F,2 ; B,,2 F,2 }
{ F c A d ; C E F F ; A, G, F, B, ; F, C, D, B,, }
{ c B c2 ; F D E2 ; A, G, G,2 ; F, G, C,2 }
{ A4 ; C4 ; F,4 ; F,4 }
{ C2 E2 ; A,2 G,2 ; F,2 C,2 ; c c B A }
{ C D E C ; F, A, C F, ; F, D, B,, F, ; A G F2 }
{ D2 C2 ; F,2 F,2 ; B,,2 F,2 ; !sintro!c2 A F }
{ C E F F ; A, G, F, B, ; F, C, D, B,, ; c B A G }
{ F D E2 ; A, G, G,2 ; F, G, C,2 ; A4 !eintro! } | X: 149
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 149
T: Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Jesus Christ Our Redeemer Born or Christ Who Freed Our Souls From Danger
T: or Jesus Christ Our God and Savior)
C: Words: John Hus (1369-1415) expanded by Martin Luther, 1524.
C: Translator v.4,6 by Richard Massie Other verses unknown.
C: Music: 'Jesus Christus Unser Heiland, Der Von Uns (Klug)' from Klug's Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1533.
C: Setting: "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] F2 c2 | A F G A | B2 A2 | F c A d | c B c2 | A4 |
w: 1.~Je- sus Christ, our Bless- ed Sav- ior, Turned a- way God's wrath for- ev- er;
w: 2.~To re- mind us that, to save us He hath died, His flesh He gave us
w: 3.~Who- so to this board re- pair- eth, Take good heed how He pre- par- eth;
w: 4.~Praise the Fa- ther, God in hea- ven, Who such dain- ty food hath gi- ven,
w: 5.~Thou shalt hold with faith un- shak- en, That this food is to be tak- en
[V: S1V2] C2 E2 | C D E C | D2 C2 | C E F F | F D E2 | C4 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 G,2 | F, A, C F, | F,2 F,2 | A, G, F, B, | A, G, G,2 | F,4 |
[V: S2V2] F,2 C,2 | F, D, B,, F, | B,,2 F,2 | F, C, D, B,, | F, G, C,2 | F,4 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] c c B A | A G F2 | !sintro!c2 A F | c B A G | A4 !eintro!|]
w: Suf- f'ring pains no tongue can tell, He saved us from the pains of hell.
w: With this bread, a quick- 'ning food, And with this wine, His pre- cious blood.
w: Death in- stead of life shall He Re- ceive who comes un- worth- il- y.
w: And for mis- deeds thou hast done Gave to die His be- lov- ed Son.
w: By the sick who are dis- tressed, By those whose heart is sin\- o- ppressed.
[V: S1V2] F G F F | F E D2 | E2 C C | E D D D | E4 |]
[V: S2V1] A, C D C | C C A,2 | G,2 F, F, | G, G, F, D | ^C4 |]
[V: S2V2] F, E, D, F, | A,, C, D,2 | C,2 F,, A,, | C, G,, D, B,, | A,,4 |]
% 13
W: 6.To such grace and mercy turneth
W: Every soul that truly mourneth;
W: Art thou well? Avoid this board,
W: Else thou reapest an ill reward.
W: 7.Christ says: "Come ye heavy-laden,
W: I your weary hearts will gladden;
W: They that are yet strong and well,
W: Despise the best physician's skill.
W: 8.Couldst thou earn thine own salvation,
W: Useless were my death and passion;
W: This feast is not spread for thee,
W: If thine own helper thou wilt be.
W: 9.If thou this believest truly,
W: And confession makest duly,
W: Thou a welcome guest art here,
W: This heavenly food thy soul shall cheer.
W: 10.But the fruits must not be missing,
W: Love thy neighbor without ceasing,
W: That true love let him receive,
W: Which here to thee thy God doth give.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "LORD'S SUPPER 150"
%%footer Hab 2:20, Acts 1:10-11, 1Thess 4:16-17, 1Cor 11:23-26, Lk 2:8-15 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Hab 2:20, Acts 1:10-11, 1Thess 4:16-17, 1Cor 11:23-26, Lk 2:8-15
%OHTOPICS {Angels [3,4]}, {Blood [2]}, {Bread (of Life/Daily Bread) [2]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Fear of the Lord [1]}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Jesus}, {Light [3]}, {Lord's Supper [2]}, {Presence}, {Reverence}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust) [1]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHAUTHOR from Liturgy of St. James
%OHTRANSLATOR Moultrie, Gerard (1829-1885)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 150
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ D E F G ; A,4 ; F,4 ; D,4 }
{ A2 (A G) ; D2 (F E) ; F,2 D2 ; D,2 B,,2 }
{ A2 A2 ; D2 F2 ; D2 D2 ; F,,2 D,,2 }
{ A A B c ; D4 ; F,2 F,2 ; D,2 C, A,, }
{ B2 (A G) ; D2 C2 ; F,3 E, ; G,,2 C,2 }
{ A4 ; C4 ; F,4 ; F,,4 }
{ A,4 ; F,4 ; D,4 ; D E F G }
{ D2 (F E) ; F,2 D2 ; D,2 B,,2 ; A2 (A G) }
{ D2 F2 ; D2 D2 ; F,,2 D,,2 ; A2 A2 }
{ D4 ; F,2 F,2 ; D,2 C, A,, ; A A B c }
{ D2 C2 ; F,3 E, ; G,,2 C,2 ; B2 (A G) }
{ C4 ; F,4 ; F,,4 ; A4 }
{ F,4 ; D,4 ; D E F G ; D4 }
{ F,2 D2 ; D,2 B,,2 ; A2 (A G) ; D2 D2 }
{ D2 D2 ; F,,2 D,,2 ; A2 A2 ; D2 F2 }
{ F,2 F,2 ; D,2 C, A,, ; A A B c ; F2 G A }
{ F,3 E, ; G,,2 C,2 ; B2 (A G) ; D4 }
{ F,4 ; F,,4 ; A4 ; ^C4 } | X: 150
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 150
T: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: from Liturgy of St. James, 4th Century. Translated by Gerard Moultrie, 1864.
C: Music: 'Picardy' traditional French. Setting: "The English Hymnal", 1906, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: The Episcopal Hymnal, 191x Hymn 339 and English Hymnal 1906 Hymn 318.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] D E F G | A2 (A G) | A2 A2 | A A B c | B2 (A G) | A4 |
w: 1.~Let all mor- tal flesh keep * si- lence, And with fear and trem- bling * stand;
w: 2.~King of kings, yet born of * Ma- ry, As of old on earth He * stood,
w: 3.~Rank on rank the host of * hea- ven Spreads its van- guard on the * way,
w: 4.~At His feet the six wingèd * ser- aph, Che- ru- bim with sleep- less * eye,
[V: S1V2] A,4 | D2 (F E) | D2 F2 | D4 | D2 C2 | C4 |
[V: S2V1] F,4 | F,2 D2 | D2 D2 | F,2 F,2 | F,3 E, | F,4 |
[V: S2V2] D,4 | D,2 B,,2 | F,,2 D,,2 | D,2 C, A,, | G,,2 C,2 | F,,4 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] D E F G | A2 (A G) | A2 A2 | A A B c | B2 (A G) | A4 |
w: Pon- der no- thing earth- ly * mind- ed, For with bles- sing in His * hand,
w: Lord of lords, in hu- man * ves- ture, In the bo- dy and the * blood;
w: As the Light of light de- * scend- eth From the realms of end- less * day,
w: Veil their fa- ces to the * pre- sence, As with cease- less voice they * cry:
[V: S1V2] D4 | D2 D2 | D2 F2 | F2 G A | D4 | ^C4 |
[V: S2V1] F,4 | F,2 B,2 | A,2 D2 | F,4 | F,2 (D, G,) | E,4 |
[V: S2V2] B,,4 | F,,2 G,,2 | F,,2 D,,2 | D,2 C, F,, | B,,4 | A,,4 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] A A d A | G3 F | (D F A F) | E4 | !sintro!A A d A | G2 (E F) | D4 !eintro!|]
w: Christ our God to earth de- scend- * * * eth, Our full hom- age to de- * mand.
w: He will give to all the fai- * * * thful His own self for heav'n- ly * food.
w: That the pow'rs of hell may va- * * * nish As the dark- ness clears a- * way.
w: Al- le- lu- * ia, Al- le- * lu- * ia Al- le- lu- ia, Lord Most * High!
[V: S1V2] D4 | B,4 | A,3 B, | C4 | D3 C | D2 C2 | A,4 |]
[V: S2V1] D,4 | D,4 | F,4 | E,4 | D,4 | D,2 (G, A,) | F,4 |]
[V: S2V2] ^F,,4 | G,,4 | D,4 | A,,4 | F,,4 | G,,2 (C, A,,) | D,4 |]
% 21
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "151 LORD'S SUPPER"
%%footer Mt 8:8, Lk 7:6, 5:8, Is 57:18-19, Is 6:9-10, Acts 2:46-47 7 6 7 6
%OHSCRIP Mt 8:8, Lk 7:6, 5:8, Is 57:18-19, Is 6:9-10, Acts 2:46-47
%OHTOPICS {Angels [2]}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gratitude}, {Healing}, {Heaven [5]}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Kindness, God's}, {Lord's Supper}, {Presence}, {Reverence}, {Trust}, {Worship}
%OHCOMPOSER traditional
%OHAUTHOR from Landshuter Gesangbuch, 1777
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 151
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
{ D/E/ ; B, ; B, ; B,,/C,/ }
{ F G F B ; B, E D F ; B, B, B, B, ; D, E, B,, D, }
{ B A2 A/B/ ; F F2 C ; C C2 F,/G,/ ; F, F,2 F, }
{ c E G F ; C C C C ; A, A, F, F, ; F, F, A,, A,, }
{ D3 ; B,3 ; F,3 ; B,,3 }
{ B, ; B, ; B,,/C,/ ; D/E/ }
{ B, E D F ; B, B, B, B, ; D, E, B,, D, ; F F B A }
{ F F2 C ; C C2 F,/G,/ ; F, F,2 F, ; A G2 !sintro!G }
{ C C C C ; A, A, F, F, ; F, F, A,, A,, ; F B A c }
{ B,3 ; F,3 ; B,,3 ; B3 !eintro! } | X: 151
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
X: 151
T: O Lord, I Am Not Worthy
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: from Landshuter Gesangbuch, 1777. Translation unknown, before 1913.
C: Music: 'Non Dignus' traditional air, before 1871.
C: Setting: "American Catholic Hymnal", 1913.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "American Catholic Hymnal", 1913 page 114 hymn 87. Text also from this source.
S: original source in 1777 per Vatican II hymnal:
S: This hymn is found as early as "Children's Hymn Book and Sodality Manual" 1869 #49. I can find a printed copy of the hymn in the "Catholic Youth's Hymnal", 1871.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Bb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] D/E/ | F G F B | B A2 A/B/ | c E G F | D3
w: 1.~O * Lord, I am not wor- thy That * Thou should'st come to me,
w: 2.~O * Lord, Thou art all ho- ly, The * an- gels Thee a- dore;
w: 3.~But * when Thou soon wilt en- ter My * heart, my sin- ful heart,
w: 4.~O * Lord, how can I thank Thee For * such a gift as this?
w: 5.~I * praise Thee, I ex- tol Thee, I * love Thee O my Sire,
[V: S1V2] B, | B, E D F | F F2 C | C C C C | B,3
[V: S2V1] B, | B, B, B, B, | C C2 F,/G,/ | A, A, F, F, | F,3
[V: S2V2] B,,/C,/ | D, E, B,, D, | F, F,2 F, | F, F, A,, A,, | B,,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] D/E/ | F F B A | A G2 !sintro!G | F B A c | B3 !eintro!|]
w: But * speak the words of com- fort, My spir- it healed shall be.
w: How, * then, ought I sin- cere- ly My wrongs and sins de- plore!
w: Then * heal me, be my shel- ter, For Thou my Sa- vior art.
w: A * gift which tru- ly fill- eth My soul with heav'n- ly bliss!
w: Till * once in joy and glo- ry, In heav'n I Thee ad- mire.
[V: S1V2] B, | B, F G F | E E2 E | D F F E | D3 |]
[V: S2V1] B, | B, D D D | B, B,2 B, | B, D C A, | B,3 |]
[V: S2V2] B,,/C,/ | D, B,, G,, D, | E, E,2 E, | F, F, F,, F,, | B,,3 |]
% Note that some verses of this traditional hymn were added by Fr. Irvin Mathias Udulutsch, O.F.M. CAP of
% Detroit, MI (1920-2010) and are believed to still be in copyright protection. They are of course not included here.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "LORD'S SUPPER 152"
%%footer Jn 17:11, Eph 4:1-7, 4:11-16, 1Cor 10:16-17, 1:13, Ps 133, 2Tim 4:3-4, Jn 10:11 10 10 10 10 10 10
%OHSCRIP Jn 17:11, Eph 4:1-7, 4:11-16, 1Cor 10:16-17, 1:13, Ps 133, 2Tim 4:3-4, Jn 10:11
%OHTOPICS {Bread (of Life/Daily Bread)}, {Brotherhood}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant)}, {Faithfulness}, {Fellowship}, {God, Providence of}, {Guidance}, {Lord's Supper}, {Obedience}, {Patience}, {Saints (all Faithful)}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust)}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 10 10 10 10 10 10
%OHCOMPOSER Monk, William Henry (1823-1889)
%OHAUTHOR Turton, William H. (1856-1938)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 152
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ F ; D ; A, ; D, }
{ F3/2 D/ D E ; D3/2 D/ D D ; A,3/2 F,/ F, G, ; D,3/2 D,/ D, D, }
{ F3/2 F/ F G ; D3/2 D/ D C ; A,3/2 A,/ A, A, ; D,3/2 D,/ D, E, }
{ A3 F ; D3 D ; A,3 A, ; F,3 D, }
{ E F G3/2 G/ ; C D E3/2 E/ ; A, A, B,3/2 B,/ ; G, F, E,3/2 D,/ }
{ D ; A, ; D, ; G F A F }
{ D3/2 D/ D D ; A,3/2 F,/ F, G, ; D,3/2 D,/ D, D, ; E3 F }
{ D3/2 D/ D C ; A,3/2 A,/ A, A, ; D,3/2 D,/ D, E, ; F3/2 D/ D E }
{ D3 D ; A,3 A, ; F,3 D, ; F3/2 F/ F G }
{ C D E3/2 E/ ; A, A, B,3/2 B,/ ; G, F, E,3/2 D,/ ; A3 }
{ A, ; D, ; G F A F ; E D D D }
{ A,3/2 F,/ F, G, ; D,3/2 D,/ D, D, ; E3 F ; C3 D }
{ A,3/2 A,/ A, A, ; D,3/2 D,/ D, E, ; F3/2 D/ D E ; D3/2 D/ D D }
{ A,3 A, ; F,3 D, ; F3/2 F/ F G ; D3/2 D/ D D }
{ A, A, B,3/2 B,/ ; G, F, E,3/2 D,/ ; A3 ; D3 }
{ D, ; G F A F ; E D D D ; A, A, A, A, }
{ D,3/2 D,/ D, D, ; E3 F ; C3 D ; A,3 A, }
{ D,3/2 D,/ D, E, ; F3/2 D/ D E ; D3/2 D/ D D ; A,3/2 F,/ F, G, }
{ F,3 D, ; F3/2 F/ F G ; D3/2 D/ D D ; A,3/2 D,/ D, E, }
{ G, F, E,3/2 D,/ ; A3 ; D3 ; F,3 } | X: 152
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 152
T: Thou, Who at Thy First Eucharist
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Lord, Who the Night You Were Betrayed or At That First Eucharist)
C: Words: William H. Turton, 1881.
C: Music: 'Unde Et Memores' William Henry Monk, 1875.
C: Setting: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1896.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1896 Ed. Charles Hutchins Hymn 228 second tune.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] F | F3/2 D/ D E | F3/2 F/ F G | A3 F | E F G3/2 G/ |
w: 1.~Thou, who at Thy first Eu- cha- rist didst pray That all Thy Church might
w: 2.~For all Thy Church, O Lord, we in- ter- cede; Make Thou our sad di-
w: 3.~We pray Thee too for wan- d'rers from Thy fold; O bring them back, good
w: 4.~So, Lord, at length when sac- ra- ments shall cease, May we be one with
[V: S1V2] D | D3/2 D/ D D | D3/2 D/ D C | D3 D | C D E3/2 E/ |
[V: S2V1] A, | A,3/2 F,/ F, G, | A,3/2 A,/ A, A, | A,3 A, | A, A, B,3/2 B,/ |
[V: S2V2] D, | D,3/2 D,/ D, D, | D,3/2 D,/ D, E, | F,3 D, | G, F, E,3/2 D,/ |
% 6
[V: S1V1] G F A F | E3 F | F3/2 D/ D E | F3/2 F/ F G | A3
w: be for- ev- er one, Grant us at ev- 'ry Eu- cha- rist to say
w: vi- sions soon to cease; Draw us the near- er each to each, we plead,
w: Shep- herd of the sheep, Back to the faith which saints be- lieved of old,
w: all Thy Church a- bove, One with Thy saints in one un- bro- ken peace,
[V: S1V2] E D D D | C3 D | D3/2 D/ D D | D3/2 D/ D D | D3
[V: S2V1] A, A, A, A, | A,3 A, | A,3/2 F,/ F, G, | A,3/2 D,/ D, E, | F,3
[V: S2V2] C, D, F,,3/2 G,,/ | A,,3 D, | D,3/2 D,/ D, D, | D,3/2 B,,/ B,, B,, | F,,3
% 10
[V: S1V1] F | B A ^G3/2 ^G/ | A B c B | A3 A | d A G F |
w: With long- ing heart and soul, "Thy will be done." O may we all one
w: By draw- ing all to Thee, O Prince of Peace; Thus may we all one
w: Back to the Church which still that faith doth keep; Soon may we all one
w: One with Thy saints in one un- bound- ed love; More bless- èd still, in
[V: S1V2] D | D D D3/2 D/ | C F E D | C3 C | D D C D |
[V: S2V1] A, | G, A, B,3/2 B,/ | A, A, A, ^G, | A,3 A, | A, A, A, A, |
[V: S2V2] D, | G, F, E,3/2 E,/ | F, D, E, E, | A,,3 G, | F, F, E, D, |
% 15
[V: S1V1] B B d B | A3 !sintro!A | G F E D | B3/2 G/ F E | D3 !eintro!|]
w: bread, one bo- dy be, Through this blest sac- ra- ment of un- i- ty.
w: bread, one bo- dy be, Through this blest sac- ra- ment of un- i- ty.
w: bread, one bo- dy be, Through this blest sac- ra- ment of un- i- ty.
w: peace and love to be One with the Trin- i- ty in un- i- ty.
[V: S1V2] D D D G | F3 D | C D C D | D3/2 E/ D C | D3 |]
[V: S2V1] G, G, G, D | D3 A, | A, A, G, F, | G,3/2 B,/ A, G, | F,3 |]
[V: S2V2] G,, G,, B,, G,, | D,3 F, | E, D, A,, B,, | G,,3/2 G,,/ A,, A,, | D,3 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "153 LORD'S SUPPER"
%%footer 1Thess 5:9, Eph 5:6-14, Rom 5:9-10, 1Cor 11:23-29, Jn 6:50-57, 1Jn 1:9 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHSCRIP 1Thess 5:9, Eph 5:6-14, Rom 5:9-10, 1Cor 11:23-29, Jn 6:50-57, 1Jn 1:9
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Atonement [1]}, {Blood [2]}, {Bread (of Life/Daily Bread) [2]}, {Comfort}, {God, Care of}, {Faith [5]}, {Healing}, {Jesus}, {Lord's Supper}, {Presence}, {Sinners}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER Redhead, Richard (1820-1901)
%OHAUTHOR Hus, John (1369-1415)
%OHTRANSLATOR Latrobe, Christian Ignatius (1758-1836)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 153
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ E E F G ; B, B, D E ; G, G, B, B, ; E, E, B,, E, }
{ A3/2 A/ G2 ; E3/2 E/ E2 ; C3/2 C/ B,2 ; A,,3/2 A,,/ E,2 }
{ E E F G ; B, C D E ; G, G, B, B, ; E, C, B,, E, }
{ F F E2 ; E D E2 ; C B, G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 }
{ B, B, D E ; G, G, B, B, ; E, E, B,, E, ; E G B B }
{ E3/2 E/ E2 ; C3/2 C/ B,2 ; A,,3/2 A,,/ E,2 ; c c B2 }
{ B, C D E ; G, G, B, B, ; E, C, B,, E, ; E G B B }
{ E D E2 ; C B, G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 ; c c B2 }
{ G, G, B, B, ; E, E, B,, E, ; E G B B ; E E F G }
{ C3/2 C/ B,2 ; A,,3/2 A,,/ E,2 ; c c B2 ; E F G2 }
{ G, G, B, B, ; E, C, B,, E, ; E G B B ; E E F D }
{ C B, G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 ; c c B2 ; G F/E/ D2 } | X: 153
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 153
T: To Avert From Men God's Wrath
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Latin c. 1400, sometimes attr. John Hus. Translated Christian Ignatius Latrobe, 1789.
C: Music: 'Gethsemane' or 'Petra' Richard Redhead, 1853.
C: Setting: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1896.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1896 Ed. Charles Hutchins Hymn 93.
S: Lyrics source: "Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church", 1920.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=90] E E F G | A3/2 A/ G2 | E E F G | F F E2 |
w: 1.~To a- vert from men God's wrath Je- sus suf- fered in our stead;
w: 2.~That we nev- er should for- get This great Love on us be- stowed,
w: 3.~Hi- ther each af- flict- ed soul May re- pair, though filled with grief;
w: 4.~He who in self\- right- eous- ness Fix- es a- ny hope or stay,
w: 5.~But ex- am- ine first your case, Whe- ther you be in the faith;
[V: S1V2] B, B, D E | E3/2 E/ E2 | B, C D E | E D E2 |
[V: S2V1] G, G, B, B, | C3/2 C/ B,2 | G, G, B, B, | C B, G,2 |
[V: S2V2] E, E, B,, E, | A,,3/2 A,,/ E,2 | E, C, B,, E, | A,, B,, E,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] E G B B | c c B2 | E G B B | c c B2 |
w: By an ig- no- min- ious death He a full a- tone- ment made;
w: He gave us His flesh to eat, and to drink His pre- cious blood;
w: To the sick, not to the whole, the Phy- si- cian brings re- lief;
w: Has not on a wed- ding dress, And with shame is sent a- way;
w: Do you long for par- d'ning grace? Is your on- ly hope His death?
[V: S1V2] E E F G | E F G2 | E E F D | G F/E/ D2 |
[V: S2V1] G, C D E | C D E2 | B, B, B, B, | B, =A, B,2 |
[V: S2V2] E, C, B,, E, | A, A, E,2 | G, E, D, G, | E, F, B,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] E E F G | A3/2 A/ G2 | !sintro!E F G F | E D E2 !eintro!|]
w: And by His most pre- cious blood, Brought us, sin- ners, nigh to God.
w: All who sick and need- y are May re- ceive in Him a share.
w: Fear not, there- fore, but draw nigh, Christ will all your wants sup- ply.
w: To the hun- gry, wear- y heart, He will food and rest im- part.
w: Then, how- e'er your soul's op- pressed, Come, you are a wor- thy guest.
[V: S1V2] E E D E | E3/2 E/ E2 | E D E C | B, B, B,2 |]
[V: S2V1] B, B, A, B, | C3/2 C/ B,2 | B, A, B, A, | G, F, G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] G, G, F, E, | A,,3/2 A,,/ E,2 | G, F, E, A,, | B,, B,, E,2 |]
W: 6. He who Jesus' mercy knows, Is from wrath and envy freed;
W: Love unto our neighbor shows That we are His flock indeed;
W: Thus we may in all our ways Show forth our Redeemer's praise.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.730000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "WORD OF GOD 154"
%%footer Lk 8:4-15, Mk 4:3-8, 4:13-20, Mt 13:3-9, 13:18-30, Rom 1:16, Lk 4:17-27 8 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Lk 8:4-15, Mk 4:3-8, 4:13-20, Mt 13:3-9, 13:18-30, Rom 1:16, Lk 4:17-27
%OHTOPICS {Conversion}, {Faith}, {God, Providence of}, {Gospel}, {Grace}, {Jesus [1-2,4,6]}, {Parables [The Sower, Mk4:3-8,13-20, Mt 13:3-9,18-30]}, {Sowing & Reaping}
%OHCOMPOSER Croft, William (1678-1727)
%OHARRANGER composite
%OHAUTHOR Cawood, John (1775-1852)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 154
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ G ; C ; E, ; C, }
{ E A G c ; C C C E ; G, A, C C ; C, F, E, A, }
{ c B c G ; D D E E ; A, G, G, C ; F, G, C, C, }
{ c G A ^F ; E E E D ; C B, A, A, ; A,, E, C, D, }
{ G3 ; D3 ; B,3 ; G,,3 }
{ C ; E, ; C, ; B }
{ C C C E ; G, A, C C ; C, F, E, A, ; c A d B }
{ D D E E ; A, G, G, C ; F, G, C, C, ; c A B !sintro!G }
{ E E E D ; C B, A, A, ; A,, E, C, D, ; A c d B }
{ D3 ; B,3 ; G,,3 ; c3 !eintro! } | X: 154
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 154
T: Almighty God Your Word Is Cast
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: John Cawood, 1816. Music: 'St. Anne' William Croft, 1708.
C: Setting: composite found in "The Lutheran Hymnary", 1913.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2007 Revision.
S: Music source: 'The Lutheran Hymnary', 1913, Hymn 261.
S: Arrangement is composite, first half from "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869, Hymn 231. ed William Henry Monk
S: Second half is from "The Hymnal Companion to the Book of Common Prayer", 1890, Hymn 279. ed. Charles Vincent, D.J. Wood, John Stainer
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G | E A G c | c B c G | c G A ^F | G3
w: 1.~Al- might- y God, Your Word is cast Like seed in- to the ground;
w: 2.~Let not the foe of Christ and man This ho- ly seed re- move,
w: 3.~Let not the world's de- ceit- ful cares The ris- ing plant de- stroy.
w: 4.~Nor let Your Word so kind- ly sent To raise us to Your throne
w: 5.~Oft as the prec- ious seed is sown, Your quick- 'ning grace be- stow,
[V: S1V2] C | C C C E | D D E E | E E E D | D3
[V: S2V1] E, | G, A, C C | A, G, G, C | C B, A, A, | B,3
[V: S2V2] C, | C, F, E, A, | F, G, C, C, | A,, E, C, D, | G,,3
% 6
[V: S1V1] B | c A d B | c A B !sintro!G | A c d B | c3 !eintro!|]
w: Now let the dew of Heav'n de- scend, And right- eous fruits a- bound.
w: But give it root in ev- 'ry heart To bring forth fruits of love.
w: But let it yield a hun- dred- fold The fruits of peace and joy.
w: Re- turn to You, and sad- ly tell That we re- ject Your Son.
w: That all whose souls the truth re- ceive, Its sa- ving power may know.
[V: S1V2] D | E C F D | E3/2 D/ B, C | F E D D | E3 |]
[V: S2V1] G, | G, A, A, G, | G, A, ^G, =G, | F, G, A, G, | G,3 |]
[V: S2V2] G, | C, F, D, G, | C, F, E, E, | D, C, F, G, | C,3 |]
% 11
W: 6.Great God, come down and on Your Word
W: Your mighty power bestow,
W: That all who hear the joyful sound,
W: Your saving grace may know.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "155 WORD OF GOD"
%%footer Eph 3:17-18, Jn 15:12-13 7 7 7 7 10 11
%OHSCRIP Eph 3:17-18, Jn 15:12-13
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Atonement [2]}, {Children (see also God's Children - the Faithful) [1,2]}, {Eternal Life [2]}, {God, Love of}, {Jesus}, {Knowledge [1]}, {Love}, {Scripture}, {Testimony}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 7 7 10 11
%OHCOMPOSER Bradbury, William Batchelder (1816-1868)
%OHARRANGER Bradbury, William Batchelder (1816-1868)
%OHAUTHOR Warner, Anna B. (1827-1915)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 155
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ | [EG] [GB] [G2B2] ; | [E,B,] [E,B,] [E,2B,2] }
{ [Ac] [Ac] [ce] [Ac] ; [A,,A,] [A,,A,] [A,,A,] [C,A,] }
{ [Ac] [GB] [G2B2 ; [E,A,] [E,B,] [E,2B,2 }
{ | [E,B,] [E,B,] [E,2B,2] ; | [EG] [GB] [G2B2] }
{ [A,,A,] [A,,A,] [A,,A,] [C,A,] ; [Ac] [Ac] [GB] E }
{ [E,A,] [E,B,] [E,2B,2 ; [EG] [DF] E2 }
{ | [EG] [GB] [G2B2] ; | [E,B,] [E,B,] [E,2B,2] }
{ [Ac] [Ac] [GB] E ; [A,,A,] [C,A,] [E,G,] [E,G,] }
{ [EG] [DF] E2 ; B, [B,,A,] [E,2G,2 }
{ | [E,B,] [E,B,] [E,2B,2] ; | [Ac] [c3e3] }
{ [A,,A,] [C,A,] [E,G,] [E,G,] ; [G2B2] [EG] E }
{ B, [B,,A,] [E,2G,2 ; [EG] [D3F3 } | X: 155
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 155
T: Jesus Loves Me
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Anna B. Warner, 1860.
C: Music: 'untitled' by William B. Bradbury, 1862. Setting: William B. Bradbury, 1866.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: "Bradbury's Golden Chain and Shower for the Sabbath School", 1866 hymn 68 page 196
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves S1 | S2
V: S1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1] [Q:1/4=120] [GB] [EG] [EG] [DF] | [EG] [GB] [G2B2] | [Ac] [Ac] [ce] [Ac] | [Ac] [GB] [G2B2] |
w: 1.~Je- sus loves me! This I know, For the Bi- ble tells me so.
w: 2.~Je- sus loves me! He who died Hea- ven's gate to op- en wide;
w: 3.~Je- sus loves me! He will stay Close be- side me all the way;
[V: S2] [E,B,] [E,B,] [E,B,] [B,,B,] | [E,B,] [E,B,] [E,2B,2] | [A,,A,] [A,,A,] [A,,A,] [C,A,] | [E,A,] [E,B,] [E,2B,2] |
% 5
[V: S1] [GB] [EG] [EG] [DF] | [EG] [GB] [G2B2] | [Ac] [Ac] [GB] E | [EG] [DF] E2 |
w: Lit- tle ones to Him be- long; They are weak, but He is strong.
w: He will wash a- way my sin, Let His lit- tle child come in.
w: Thou hast bled and died for me, I will hence- forth live for Thee.
[V: S2] [E,B,] [E,B,] [E,B,] [B,,B,] | [E,B,] [E,B,] [E,2B,2] | [A,,A,] [C,A,] [E,G,] [E,G,] | B, [B,,A,] [E,2G,2] |
% 9
[V: S1] [G2B2] [EG] [GB] | [Ac] [c3e3] | [G2B2] [EG] E | [EG] [D3F3] |
w: Yes, Je- sus loves me! Yes, Je- sus loves me!
[V: S2] [E,2G,2] [E,B,] [E,E] | [A,,E] [A,,3E3] | [E,2E2] [E,B,] [G,B,] | [B,,B,] [B,,3B,3] |
% 13
[V: S1] !sintro![E2B2] [EG] [GB] | [Ac] [c2e2] [Ac] | [GB] E [E3/2G3/2] [D/F/] | E4 !eintro!|]
w: Yes, Je- sus loves me! The Bi- ble tells me so.
[V: S2] [G,2B,2] [E,B,] [E,E] | [A,,E] [A,,2E2] [C,E] | [E,E] [G,B,] B,3/2 [B,,/A,/] | [E,4G,4] |]
% 18
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "WORD OF GOD 156"
%%footer Ps 119:105, 2Pt 1:19-21, Jn 1:1-5, 1:14, 5:24, 17:17, Deut 8:3, Lk 1:1-4, 4:32, 1Cor 1:18, Col 3:16, 1Pt 1:25, 1Jn 1:1-3 8 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Ps 119:105, 2Pt 1:19-21, Jn 1:1-5, 1:14, 5:24, 17:17, Deut 8:3, Lk 1:1-4, 4:32, 1Cor 1:18, Col 3:16, 1Pt 1:25, 1Jn 1:1-3
%OHTOPICS {Bread (of Life/Daily Bread) [2]}, {Gospel}, {Gratitude}, {Guidance}, {Holy Spirit [10]}, {Jesus}, {Leadership}, {Light}, {Scripture}, {Trust}, {Truth}, {Wisdom [10]}
%OHCOMPOSER Dykes, John Bacchus (1823-1876)
%OHAUTHOR Barton, Bernard (1784-1849)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 156
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ B B B ; D D D ; B, B, G, ; G, G, B,, }
{ A2 B ; E2 D ; C2 G, ; C,2 B,, }
{ c2 F ; (C E) D ; A,2 A, ; A,,2 D, }
{ G3 ; D3 ; B,3 ; G,3 }
{ D D D ; D D D ; C B, A, ; A, G, F, }
{ B2 A ; D2 ^C ; G,2 G, ; G,2 E, }
{ A3 ; D3 ; F,3 ; D,3 }
{ D D D ; B, B, G, ; G, G, B,, ; c c B }
{ E2 D ; C2 G, ; C,2 B,, ; A2 G }
{ (C E) D ; A,2 A, ; A,,2 D, ; F2 E }
{ D3 ; B,3 ; G,3 ; D3 }
{ D D D ; C B, A, ; A, G, F, ; !sintro!D E G }
{ D2 ^C ; G,2 G, ; G,2 E, ; B2 A }
{ D3 ; F,3 ; D,3 ; G3 !eintro! } | X: 156
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 156
T: Lamp of Our Feet
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Bernard Barton, 1826. Music: 'St. Agnes' John B. Dykes, 1866.
C: Setting: "Hymnal and Canticles of the Protestant Episcopal Church", 1875.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Revision.
S: Music source: Hymnal and Canticles of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1875, Hymn 69, first tune
S: Lyrics from : Eclectic Review, 1836, p.478-479. All but last two verses found in Museum of foreign literature, science and art, Volumes 29-30, E. Littell, 1836, p.554 or The Penny Protestant operative, 1840, p.95
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] B B B | A2 B | c2 F | G3 | D D D | B2 A | A3 |
w: 1.~Lamp of our feet! where- by we trace Our path, when wont to stray;
w: 2.~Bread of our souls! where- on we feed; True man- na from on high!
w: 3.~Pil- lar of fire\- through watch- es dark! Or ra- diant cloud by day!
w: 4.~Pole\- star on life's tem- pest- uous deep! Bea- con! when doubts sur- round;
w: 5.~Rich- es in pov- er- ty! our aid In ev- ery need- ful hour!
[V: S1V2] D D D | E2 D | (C E) D | D3 | D D D | D2 ^C | D3 |
[V: S2V1] B, B, G, | C2 G, | A,2 A, | B,3 | C B, A, | G,2 G, | F,3 |
[V: S2V2] G, G, B,, | C,2 B,, | A,,2 D, | G,3 | A, G, F, | G,2 E, | D,3 |
% 2
[V: S1V1] c c B | A2 G | F2 E | D3 | !sintro!D E G | B2 A | G3 !eintro!|]
w: Stream from the fount of heav'n- ly grace! Brook by the trav- 'ler's way!
w: Our guide, and chart where- in we read Of realms be- yond the sky.
w: When waves would whelm our toss- ing bark\- Our an- chor and our stay!
w: Com- pass! by which our course we keep; Our deep sea\- lead, to sound!
w: Un- sha- ken rock! the pil- grim's shade; The sol- dier's for- tress tow'r.
[V: S1V2] E E D | C2 ^C | D2 ^C | D3 | D D C | B,2 C | B,3 |]
[V: S2V1] E, F, ^G, | A,2 A, | A,2 G, | F,3 | G, G, G, | G,2 F, | G,3 |]
[V: S2V2] A,, A,, A,, | A,,2 A,, | D,2 D, | (D,2 =C,) | B,, C, E, | D,2 D, | G,,3 |]
W: 6. Our shield and buckler in the fight!
W: Vict'ry's triumphant palm!
W: Comfort in grief! in weakness, might!
W: In sickness, Gilead's balm.
W: 7. Childhood's preceptor! manhood's trust!
W: Old age's firm ally!
W: Our hope\-when we go down to dust,
W: Of immortality.
W: 8. Pure oracles of truth divine!
W: Unlike each fabled dream
W: Given forth from Delphos' mystic shrine
W: Or groves of Academe!
W: 9. Word of the ever-living God!
W: Will of His glorious Son!
W: Without Thee, how could earth be trod?
W: Or Heaven itself be won?
W: 10. Yet to unfold thy hidden worth,
W: Thy mysteries to reveal,
W: That Spirit which first gave thee forth,
W: Thy volume must unseal!
W: 11. And we, if we aright would learn
W: The wisdom it imparts,
W: Must to its heavenly teaching turn
W: With simple, child-like hearts!
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7300000
%%staffsep 0.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "157 WORD OF GOD"
%%footer Ex 20:1-17, Deut 5:6-21, 1Tim 2:5-6, Ps 60:11-12 8 8 8 7 4
%OHSCRIP Ex 20:1-17, Deut 5:6-21, 1Tim 2:5-6, Ps 60:11-12
%OHTOPICS {Charity (see also Tithing) [8]}, {Christian Home/Family [5]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {God, Justness of}, {Guidance}, {Jesus [12]}, {Law}, {Morality (see also Law)}, {Obedience}, {Priest/Priestly Roles [12]}, {Rest [4]}, {Social Justice [6-10]}, {Speech [9]}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust)}, {Temperance & Moral Reform (see also Law)}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 8 7 4
%OHCOMPOSER from Erfurt Enchiridion, 1524
%OHARRANGER Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Massie, Richard (1800-1887)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 157
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ z G G G ; x D E E ; z B, B, C ; x G, E, C, }
{ G G G/A/ B ; D E D/C/ D ; B, C G, G, ; G, C, B,,/A,,/ G,, }
{ c2 z c ; E2 x E ; G,2 z G, ; C,2 x C, }
{ d d c G ; D F E E ; B, A, C B, ; G, D, A, E, }
{ x D E E ; z B, B, C ; x G, E, C, ; A B c2 }
{ D E D/C/ D ; B, C G, G, ; G, C, B,,/A,,/ G,, ; z c d d }
{ E2 x E ; G,2 z G, ; C,2 x C, ; c G A G }
{ D F E E ; B, A, C B, ; G, D, A, E, ; F2 }
{ z B, B, C ; x G, E, C, ; A B c2 ; D G G2 }
{ B, C G, G, ; G, C, B,,/A,,/ G,, ; z c d d ; x F F F }
{ G,2 z G, ; C,2 x C, ; c G A G ; E E C E }
{ B, A, C B, ; G, D, A, E, ; F2 ; D2 } | X: 157
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 157
T: That Men a godly Life Might Live
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as These Are the Holy Ten Commands)
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1524. Translated by Richard Massie, 1854, alt.
C: Music: 'Dies sind die heil`gen zehu Gebot' or 'In Gottes Namen fahren wir' circa
C: 1200s found in Erfurt Enchiridion, 1524. Setting: Michael Praetorius, 1609.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] z G G G | G G G/A/ B | c2 z c | d d c G |
w: 1.~That man a god- ly life * might live, God did these ten com-
w: 2.~I am thy God and Lord * a- lone, No o- ther God be-
w: 3.~By id- le word and speech * pro- fane Take not My ho- ly
w: 4.~Hal- low the day which God * hath blest, That thou and all thy
w: 5.~Give to thy par- ents hon- * or due, Be dut- i- ful and
[V: S1V2] x D E E | D E D/C/ D | E2 x E | D F E E |
[V: S2V1] z B, B, C | B, C G, G, | G,2 z G, | B, A, C B, |
[V: S2V2] x G, E, C, | G, C, B,,/A,,/ G,, | C,2 x C, | G, D, A, E, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] A B c2 | z c d d | c G A G | F2
w: mand- ments give By His true ser- vant Mo- ses, high
w: sides Me own; On My great mer- cy ven- ture thee,
w: Name in vain; And praise not aught as good and true
w: house may rest; Keep hand and heart from la- bor free,
w: lov- ing too; And help them when their strength de- cays
[V: S1V2] D G G2 | x F F F | E E C E | D2
[V: S2V1] A, D E2 | z A, A,3/2 B,/ | C B, A, C | A,2
[V: S2V2] F, G, C,2 | x F, D, D, | A, E, F, C, | D,2
% 5
[V: S1V1] z F | A B c2 | _B G B2 | !sintro!_B3/2 A/ G2 | G4 !eintro!|]
w: Up- on the mount Si- na- i. Have mer- cy, Lord.
w: With all thy heart love thou Me. * * * *
w: But what God doth say and do. * * * *
w: That God may so work in thee. * * * *
w: So shalt thou have length of days. * * * *
[V: S1V2] x D | A, D E2 | D D G2 | G3/2 F/ (E D) | D4 |]
[V: S2V1] z A, | D B, G,2 | _B, B, D2 | D3/2 D (C =B,//A,//) | B,4 |]
[V: S2V2] x D, | F, G, C,2 | G,, G,, G,,2 | G,3/2 D,/ (E,/F,/ G,) | G,,4 |]
% 14
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 13.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tKill thou not out of evil will,
%% \t\t\t\tNor hate, nor render ill for ill;
%% \t\t\t\tBe patient and of gentle mood,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd to thy foe do thou good.
%% 7.\tBe faithful to thy marriage vows,
%% \t\t\t\tThy heart give only to thy spouse
%% \t\t\t\tKeep thy life pure, and lest thou sin
%% \t\t\t\tKeep thyself with discipline.
%% 8.\tSteal not; oppressive acts abhor;
%% \t\t\t\tNor wring their life-blood from the poor;
%% \t\t\t\tBut open wide thy loving hand
%% \t\t\t\tTo all the poor in the land.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 11cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 13.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 9.\tBear not false witness, nor belie
%% \t\t\t\tThy neighbor by foul calumny;
%% \t\t\t\tDefend his innocence from blame,
%% \t\t\t\tWith charity hide his shame.
%% 10.Thy neighbor's wife desire thou not,
%% \t\t\t\tHis house, nor aught that he hath got
%% \t\t\t\tBut wish that his such good may be
%% \t\t\t\tAs thy heart doth wish for thee.
%% 11.God these commandments gave, therein
%% \t\t\t\tTo show thee, son of man, thy sin,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd make thee also well perceive
%% \t\t\t\tHow man for God ought to live.
%%multicol end
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 6cm
%%leftmargin 6cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 13.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 12.Help us, Lord Jesus Christ, for we A Mediator have in Thee;
%% \t\t\t\tWithout Thy help our works so vain Merit naught but endless pain.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.710000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "WORD OF GOD 158"
%%footer Jn 3:16, Rom 1:16-17, 1Jn 4:9-10, Heb 9:28 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Jn 3:16, Rom 1:16-17, 1Jn 4:9-10, Heb 9:28
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Atonement [2,3]}, {Consolation [2,3,5]}, {Faith [4,6]}, {Father [1]}, {Fear of the Lord [5]}, {Gospel}, {Grace}, {Jesus [1]}, {Sacrifice [2]}, {Salvation}, {Shepard/Lamb [2]}
%OHCOMPOSER from Cantionale Germanicum, Dresden, 1628
%OHAUTHOR Loy, Matthias (1828-1915)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 158
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F2 ; C2 ; A,2 ; F,2 }
{ A2 c A2 G ; F2 G F2 E ; C2 C C2 C ; F,2 E, F,2 C, }
{ A =B c2 d2 ; F F E2 F2 ; C F, G,2 B,2 ; F, D, C,2 B,,2 }
{ c2 A G2 F ; F2 F E2 C ; A,2 C C2 F, ; F,2 F, C,2 A,, }
{ F E F2 ; D C C2 ; B, G, A,2 ; B,, C, F,,2 }
{ C2 ; A,2 ; F,2 ; G2 }
{ F2 G F2 E ; C2 C C2 C ; F,2 E, F,2 C, ; A2 A G2 c }
{ F F E2 F2 ; C F, G,2 B,2 ; F, D, C,2 B,,2 ; c =B c2 !sintro!A2 }
{ F2 F E2 C ; A,2 C C2 F, ; F,2 F, C,2 A,, ; B2 A G2 F }
{ D C C2 ; B, G, A,2 ; B,, C, F,,2 ; F E F2 !eintro! } | X: 158
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 158
T: The Gospel Shows The Father's Grace
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Matthias Loy, 1863.
C: Music: 'Herr Jesu Christ, Dict Zu Uns Wend' from Cantionale Germanicum, Dresden, 1628.
C: Setting: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906 Hymn #74, page 57 Ed. Karl Brauer. slightly altered.
M: 6/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] F2 | A2 c A2 G | A =B c2 d2 | c2 A G2 F | F E F2
w: 1.~The Gos- pel shows the Fa- ther's grace, Who sent his Son to save our race,
w: 2.~It sets the Lamb be- fore our eyes, Who made th'a- ton- ing sac- ri- fice,
w: 3.~It brings the Sa- vior's right- eous- ness Our souls to robe in ro- yal dress;
w: 4.~It is the pow'r of God to save From sin and Sa- tan and the grave;
w: 5.~It bears to all the ti- dings glad And bids their hearts no more be sad;
[V: S1V2] C2 | F2 G F2 E | F F E2 F2 | F2 F E2 C | D C C2
[V: S2V1] A,2 | C2 C C2 C | C F, G,2 B,2 | A,2 C C2 F, | B, G, A,2
[V: S2V2] F,2 | F,2 E, F,2 C, | F, D, C,2 B,,2 | F,2 F, C,2 A,, | B,, C, F,,2
% 5
[V: S1V1] G2 | A2 A G2 c | c =B c2 !sintro!A2 | B2 A G2 F | F E F2 !eintro!|]
w: Pro- claims how Je- sus lived and died That man might thus be jus- ti- fied.
w: And calls the souls with guilt opp- ressed To come and find e- ter- nal rest.
w: From all our guilt it brings re- lease And gives the trou- bled con- science peace.
w: It works the faith, which firm- ly clings To all the trea- sures which it brings.
w: The hea- vy la- den souls it cheers And ba- nish- es their guilt- y fears.
[V: S1V2] E2 | F2 F E2 E | D D E2 C2 | D2 F E2 D | D C C2 |]
[V: S2V1] C2 | C2 C C2 G, | G, G, G,2 F,2 | F,2 C C2 A, | B, G, A,2 |]
[V: S2V2] C,2 | F,2 F, C,2 C, | G, G,, C,2 F,2 | B,,2 F,, C,2 D, | B,, C, F,,2 |]
% 11
W: 6.May we in faith its tidings learn
W: Nor thanklessly its blessings spurn;
W: May we in faith its truth confess
W: And praise the Lord our Righteousness!
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "159 WORD OF GOD"
%%footer Ps 19:8, Rom 3:19-26, Rom 2:12, Ex 18:20 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Ps 19:8, Rom 3:19-26, Rom 2:12, Ex 18:20
%OHTOPICS {Atonement [6]}, {Contrition [2]}, {Faith [6]}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification [3,6]}, {God, As King [6]}, {Grace [6]}, {Jesus [3,6]}, {Judgment}, {Knowledge [2]}, {Law}, {Light [2]}, {Obedience [1,3,4]}, {Repentance [2]}, {Self Control (see also Law)}, {Sinners}, {Throne (also see God - As King) [6]}
%OHCOMPOSER from Klug's Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert, Wittenberg, 1543
%OHAUTHOR Loy, Matthias (1828-1915)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 159
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ | [B,D] [CE] [EG] [^DF] ; G,2 E, E, ; E,2 E, C, }
{ [B,2E2] [E2G2] ; F, A, B, B, ; B,, A,, G,,/A,,/ B,, }
{ [EA ; G,2 C2 ; E,,2 C,2 }
{ G,2 E, E, ; E,2 E, C, ; | [EA] [FA] [G2B2] }
{ F, A, B, B, ; B,, A,, G,,/A,,/ B,, ; [D2B2] [Ec] [DB] }
{ G,2 C2 ; E,,2 C,2 ; [Fd] [GB] [EA }
{ E,2 E, C, ; | [EA] [FA] [G2B2] ; D D C }
{ B,, A,, G,,/A,,/ B,, ; [D2B2] [Ec] [DB] ; C D D2 }
{ E,,2 C,2 ; [Fd] [GB] [EA ; G,2 G, G, } | X: 159
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 159
T: The Law Of God Is Good And Wise
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Matthias Loy, 1863. Music: 'Erhalt Uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort' from Klug's Geistliche Lieder, 1543.
C: Setting: "Concordia Kinderchöre", 1908.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music Souce: Music source: Concordia Kinderchöre, 1908 Hymn 117 page 141.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves S1 | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1] [Q:1/4=120] [B,2E2] [B,G] [A,E] | [B,D] [CE] [EG] [^DF] | [B,2E2] [E2G2] | [EA]
w: 1.~The law of God is good and wise, And sets
w: 2.~Its light of ho- li- ness im- parts The know-
w: 3.~To those who help in Christ have found And would
w: 4.~When men the off- ered help dis- dain And will-
w: 5.~The law is good, but since the fall Its ho-
[V: S2V1] G,2 E, E, | F, A, B, B, | G,2 C2 | C
[V: S2V2] E,2 E, C, | B,, A,, G,,/A,,/ B,, | E,,2 C,2 | A,,
[V: S1] [FA] [GB] [EG] | [EA] [FA] [G2B2] | [D2B2] [Ec] [DB] | [Fd] [GB] [EA]
w: His will be- fore our eyes, Shows us the way of right-
w: ledge of our sin- ful hearts, That we may see our lost
w: in works of love a- bound It shows what deeds are His
w: ful- ly in sin re- main, Its ter- ror in their ear
w: li- ness con- demns us all; It dooms us for our sin
[V: S2V1] D D C | C D D2 | G,2 G, G, | A, G, C
[V: S2V2] D, G,, C, | A,, D, G,,2 | G,,2 C, G,, | D, E, C,
% 5
[V: S1] [FA] | [D2G2] !sintro![D2B2] | [EG] [EA] [DG] [DF] | [B,E] [B,^D] [B,2E2] !eintro!|]
w: eous- ness, And dooms to death when we trans- gress.
w: e- state And seek de- liv- 'rance ere too late.
w: de- light And should be done as good and right.
w: re- sounds And keeps their wick- ed- ness in bounds.
w: to die And has no pow'r to jus- ti- fy.
[V: S2V1] A, | B,2 G,2 | G, C B, A, | G, F, G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] D, | G,,2 G,,2 | C, A,, B,, D, | E, B,, E,,2 |]
% 12
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7500000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "WORD OF GOD 160"
%%footer Ex 20:1-17, Deut 5:6-21, Ps 90:1 8 8 8 7 4
%OHSCRIP Ex 20:1-17, Deut 5:6-21, Ps 90:1
%OHTOPICS {Duty (see also Law)}, {Fear of the Lord}, {God, Justness of}, {Integrity}, {Law}, {Leadership [2]}, {Morality (see also Law)}, {Obedience}, {Presence [1]}, {Temperance & Moral Reform (see also Law)}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 8 7 4
%OHCOMPOSER Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHARRANGER Schein, Johann Hermann (1586-1630)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Massie, Richard (1800-1887)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 160
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ E2 G G ; B,2 E D ; G,2 C D ; E,2 C, B,, }
{ A B c B ; E G E3/2 D/ ; C B, A, ^G, ; A,, E, A, E, }
{ A2 B2 ; C2 E2 ; A,2 ^G,2 ; A,,2 E,2 }
{ c G A ; E D C ; A, B, E, ; C, B,, A,, }
{ B,2 E D ; G,2 C D ; E,2 C, B,, ; E }
{ E G E3/2 D/ ; C B, A, ^G, ; A,, E, A, E, ; (G2 E C }
{ C2 E2 ; A,2 ^G,2 ; A,,2 E,2 ; G) F E2 }
{ E D C ; A, B, E, ; C, B,, A,, ; B2 c d }
{ G,2 C D ; E,2 C, B,, ; E ; C }
{ C B, A, ^G, ; A,, E, A, E, ; (G2 E C ; (D2 C C }
{ A,2 ^G,2 ; A,,2 E,2 ; G) F E2 ; D) D ^C2 }
{ A, B, E, ; C, B,, A,, ; B2 c d ; D2 E G } | X: 160
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 160
T: Wilt Thou, O Man, Live Happily
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Man, Wouldst Thou Live All Blissfully)
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1524. Translated by Richard Massie, 1854, alt.
C: Music: 'Mensch, Willt du Leben Seligich' attr. Martin Luther. Found in Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524.
C: Setting: Johann Hermann Schein, 1627.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] E2 G G | A B c B | A2 B2 | c G A
w: 1.~Wilt thou, O man, live hap- pi- ly, And dwell with God
w: 2.~I am the Lord and God! take heed No o- ther god
w: 3.~Ho- nor My Name in word and deed, And call on Me
w: 4.~O- be- dient al- ways, next to Me, To fa- ther and
w: 5.~Steal not, nor do thy neigh- bor wrong By bear- ing wit-
[V: S1V2] B,2 E D | E G E3/2 D/ | C2 E2 | E D C
[V: S2V1] G,2 C D | C B, A, ^G, | A,2 ^G,2 | A, B, E,
[V: S2V2] E,2 C, B,, | A,, E, A, E, | A,,2 E,2 | C, B,, A,,
% 5
[V: S1V1] E | (G2 E C | G) F E2 | B2 c d | c A ^G A | B2
w: e- ter- * * * nal- ly, The ten com- mand- ments keep, for thus
w: doth thee * * * mis- lead; Thy heart shall trust a- lone in Me,
w: in time * * * of need: Hal- low the Sab- bath, that I may
w: to mo- * * * ther be; Kill no man: e- ven an- ger dread;
w: ness with * * * false tongue; Thy neigh- bor's wife de- sire thou not,
[V: S1V2] C | (D2 C C | D) D ^C2 | D2 E G | E D B, C | E2
[V: S2V1] A, | (B, G,2 E, | B,) A, A,2 | B,2 G, G, | G, F, E,3/2 ^F,/ | ^G,2
[V: S2V2] A,, | (G,, B,, C,2 | G,,) D, A,,2 | G,,2 C, B,, | C, D, E, A,, | E,2
% 15
[V: S1V1] !sintro!E2 | B c (B G) | A F (E C) | G3/2 F/ E2 | E4 !eintro!|]
w: Our God Him- self * bid- deth us. * Kyr' e- lei- son!
w: My king- dom then * thou shalt be. * * * * *
w: Work in thy heart * on that day. * * * * *
w: Keep sa- cred thy * mar- riage bed. * * * * *
w: Nor grudge him aught * he hath got. * * * * *
[V: S1V2] B,2 | D E (D E) | E D (C A,) | D3/2 D/ C2 | B,4 |]
[V: S2V1] =G,2 | F, G, (G, B,) | A, A, (A, E,) | B,3/2 A,/ A,2 | ^G,4 |]
[V: S2V2] E,2 | D, C, (G, E,) | C, D, A,,2 | G,,3/2 D,/ A,,2 | E,4 |]
% 15
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "161 REDEEMER"
%%footer Phil 2:9-11, Rev 5:9-14, Heb 2:9, Phil 2:9-10, Rev 19:16 8 6 8 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Phil 2:9-11, Rev 5:9-14, Heb 2:9, Phil 2:9-10, Rev 19:16
%OHTOPICS {Angels [2]}, {Anticipation}, {Art and Music [2]}, {Brotherhood}, {Crown}, {God, As King}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Praise, Son}, {Sinners [7]}, {Victory}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 6 8 6 8 6
%OHCOMPOSER Holden, Oliver (1765-1844)
%OHAUTHOR Perronet, Edward (1726-1792)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 161
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ D ; D ; D, ; D, }
{ G G B B ; B, D G G ; G, B, D D ; G, G, G, G, }
{ A G A B ; F E F G ; D B, D D ; D, E, D, B,, }
{ A G B A ; F G G F ; C B, D C ; D, E, D, D, }
{ G3 ; G3 ; B,3 ; G,,3 }
{ D ; D, ; D, ; A }
{ B, D G G ; G, B, D D ; G, G, G, G, ; B A G B }
{ F E F G ; D B, D D ; D, E, D, B,, ; d/c/ B/A/ B d }
{ F G G F ; C B, D C ; D, E, D, D, ; d2 d2 }
{ G3 ; B,3 ; G,,3 ; e2 (d ^c) }
{ D, ; D, ; A ; D }
{ G, B, D D ; G, G, G, G, ; B A G B ; G D B, G }
{ D B, D D ; D, E, D, B,, ; d/c/ B/A/ B d ; B/A/ G/F/ G F }
{ C B, D C ; D, E, D, D, ; d2 d2 ; G2 A2 }
{ B,3 ; G,,3 ; e2 (d ^c) ; G2 (F E) } | X: 161
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 161
T: All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Edward Perronet, 1780. Music: 'Coronation' Oliver Holden, 1793.
C: Setting: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1896, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2007 Revision.
S: Music source: The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged (Episcopal), 1896 Hymn 450, alt in parts of the Tenor to match "Hymnal of the Presbyterian Church" 1867 Hymn 29.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] D | G G B B | A G A B | A G B A | G3
w: 1.~All hail the pow'r of Je- sus' Name! Let an- gels pros- trate fall;
w: 2.~Let high- born ser- aphs tune the lyre, and as they tune it, fall
w: 3.~Crown Him, ye morn- ing stars of light, who fixed this float- ing ball;
w: 4.~Crown Him, ye mar- tyrs of your God, who from His al- tar call;
w: 5.~Ye seed of Is- rael's cho- sen race, ye ran- somed from the fall,
[V: S1V2] D | B, D G G | F E F G | F G G F | G3
[V: S2V1] D, | G, B, D D | D B, D D | C B, D C | B,3
[V: S2V2] D, | G, G, G, G, | D, E, D, B,, | D, E, D, D, | G,,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] A | B A G B | d/c/ B/A/ B d | d2 d2 | e2 (d ^c) | d3
w: Bring forth the ro- yal di- * a- * dem, and crown Him Lord of * all.
w: Be- fore His face Who tunes * their * choir, and crown Him Lord of * all.
w: Now hail the strength of Is- * rael's * might, and crown Him Lord of * all.
w: Ex- tol the Stem of Je- * sse's * Rod, and crown Him Lord of * all.
w: Hail Him Who saves you by * His * grace, and crown Him Lord of * all.
[V: S1V2] D | G D B, G | B/A/ G/F/ G F | G2 A2 | G2 (F E) | F3
[V: S2V1] A, | B, A, G, B, | D/C/ B,/A,/ B, A, | B,2 A,2 | B,2 A,2 | A,3
[V: S2V2] D, | G, D, B,, G, | B,/A,/ G,/F,/ G, D, | G,2 F,2 | E,2 A,,2 | D,3
% 9
[V: S1V1] B | d B G B | A/G/ A/B/ A G | !sintro!d2 c2 | (B3/2 c/ A) A | G3 !eintro!|]
w: Bring forth the ro- yal di- * a- * dem, and crown Him Lord * * of all.
w: Be- fore His face Who tunes * their * choir, and crown Him Lord * * of all.
w: Now hail the strength of Is- * rael's * might, and crown Him Lord * * of all.
w: Ex- tol the Stem of Je- * sse's * Rod, and crown Him Lord * * of all.
w: Hail Him Who saves you by * His * grace, and crown Him Lord * * of all.
[V: S1V2] D | D D D G | F/E/ F/G/ F G | G2 G2 | G3 F | G3 |]
[V: S2V1] G, | B, G, G, D | C/B,/ C/D/ C B, | G,2 G,2 | (G,3/2 A,/ F,/A,/) C | B,3 |]
[V: S2V2] G, | G, G,, B,, G,, | D, D, D, E, | B,,2 C,2 | D,3 D, | G,,3 |]
% 17
W:6.Hail Him, ye heirs of David's line, whom David Lord did call,
W:The God incarnate, Man divine, and crown Him Lord of all,
W:The God incarnate, Man divine, and crown Him Lord of all.
W:7.Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget the wormwood and the gall,
W:Go spread your trophies at His feet, and crown Him Lord of all.
W:Go spread your trophies at His feet, and crown Him Lord of all.
W:8.Let every tribe and every tongue before Him prostrate fall
W:And shout in universal song the crownèd Lord of all.
W:And shout in universal song the crownèd Lord of all.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.740000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "REDEEMER 162"
%%footer Is 66:1, Rom 15:9, Jas 5:13, Rev 14:2-3 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Is 66:1, Rom 15:9, Jas 5:13, Rev 14:2-3
%OHTOPICS {Atonement [1,3]}, {Blood [1]}, {Bread (of Life/Daily Bread) [3]}, {Cloud [2]}, {Easter}, {Friendship [2,3]}, {God, As King [1,4]}, {God, Faithfulness of [1,2,3]}, {God, Love of}, {Gospel}, {Gratitude}, {Jesus}, {Lord's Supper [3,4]}, {Praise, Son}, {Priest/Priestly Roles [4]}, {Promises (see also Gospel) [1,2,3]}, {Sacrifice [1,4]}, {Salvation}, {Sinners [1,3]}, {Solitude (with God even when alone) [2]}, {Throne (also see God - As King) [1,4]}, {Victory [1,4]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER Prichard, Rowland H. (1811-1887)
%OHAUTHOR Dix, William Chatterton (1837-1865)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 162
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F2 G ; C2 E ; G, ; (F,, A,,) C, }
{ (F3/2 G/) A ; F2 F ; (A,3/2 B,/) C ; F,2 F, }
{ B2 A ; G2 F ; (D C) C ; (F, E,) F, }
{ (G F) G ; (E D) E ; (C A,) C ; (C, D,) C, }
{ c2 B ; (F C) D/E/ ; C2 C ; A,2 G, }
{ A2 A ; F2 F/E/ ; C2 C ; F,2 A,, }
{ (G F) G ; (D D) E ; (B, A,) C ; (B,, D,) C, }
{ F3 ; F3 ; A,3 ; F,3 }
{ C2 E ; G, ; (F,, A,,) C, ; F2 G }
{ F2 F ; (A,3/2 B,/) C ; F,2 F, ; (F3/2 G/) A }
{ G2 F ; (D C) C ; (F, E,) F, ; B2 A }
{ (E D) E ; (C A,) C ; (C, D,) C, ; (G F) G }
{ (F C) D/E/ ; C2 C ; A,2 G, ; c2 B }
{ F2 F/E/ ; C2 C ; F,2 A,, ; A2 A }
{ (D D) E ; (B, A,) C ; (B,, D,) C, ; (G F) G }
{ F3 ; A,3 ; F,3 ; F3 }
{ G, ; (F,, A,,) C, ; F2 G ; C2 E }
{ (A,3/2 B,/) C ; F,2 F, ; (F3/2 G/) A ; F2 F }
{ (D C) C ; (F, E,) F, ; B2 A ; G2 F }
{ (C A,) C ; (C, D,) C, ; (G F) G ; (E D) E }
{ C2 C ; A,2 G, ; c2 B ; (F C) D/E/ }
{ C2 C ; F,2 A,, ; A2 A ; F2 F/E/ }
{ (B, A,) C ; (B,, D,) C, ; (G F) G ; (D D) E }
{ A,3 ; F,3 ; F3 ; F3 }
{ (F,, A,,) C, ; F2 G ; C2 E ; G, }
{ F,2 F, ; (F3/2 G/) A ; F2 F ; (A,3/2 B,/) C }
{ (F, E,) F, ; B2 A ; G2 F ; (D C) C }
{ (C, D,) C, ; (G F) G ; (E D) E ; (C A,) C }
{ A,2 G, ; c2 B ; (F C) D/E/ ; C2 C }
{ F,2 A,, ; A2 A ; F2 F/E/ ; C2 C }
{ (B,, D,) C, ; (G F) G ; (D D) E ; (B, A,) C }
{ F,3 ; F3 ; F3 ; A,3 } | X: 162
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 162
T: Alleluia, Sing To Jesus!
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: William Chatterton Dix, 1867.
C: Music: 'HyFrydol' Rowland H. Prichard, 1830. Setting: "The English Hymnal", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: 'The English Hymnal' 1906, Hymn 563. Arrangement - NOT PRICHARD per English hymnal, 1906 assume RV Williams
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] F2 G | (F3/2 G/) A | B2 A | (G F) G | c2 B | A2 A | (G F) G | F3 |
w: 1.~Al- le- lu- * ia! sing to Je- * sus! His the scep- ter, His * the throne.
w: 2.~Al- le- lu- * ia! not as or- * phans are we left in sor- * row now;
w: 3.~Al- le- lu- * ia! bread of an- * gels, Thou on earth our food, * our stay;
w: 4.~Al- le- lu- * ia! King e- ter- * nal, Thee the Lord of lords * we own;
[V: S1V2] C2 E | F2 F | G2 F | (E D) E | (F C) D/E/ | F2 F/E/ | (D D) E | F3 |
[V: S2V1] [F,2A,2] G, | (A,3/2 B,/) C | (D C) C | (C A,) C | C2 C | C2 C | (B, A,) C | A,3 |
[V: S2V2] (F,, A,,) C, | F,2 F, | (F, E,) F, | (C, D,) C, | A,2 G, | F,2 A,, | (B,, D,) C, | F,3 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] F2 G | (F3/2 G/) A | B2 A | (G F) G | c2 B | A2 A | (G F) G | F3 |
w: Al- le- lu- * ia! His the tri- * umph, His the vic- to- ry * a- lone.
w: Al- le- lu- * ia! He is near * us, faith be- lieves, nor ques- * tions how;
w: Al- le- lu- * ia! here the sin- * ful flee to Thee from day * to day:
w: Al- le- lu- * ia! born of Mar- * y, Earth Thy foot- stool, Hea- ven Thy throne:
[V: S1V2] C2 E | F2 F | G2 F | (E D) E | (F C) D/E/ | F2 F/E/ | (D D) E | F3 |
[V: S2V1] [F,2A,2] G, | (A,3/2 B,/) C | (D C) C | (C A,) C | C2 C | C2 C | (B, A,) C | A,3 |
[V: S2V2] (F,, A,,) C, | F,2 F, | (F, E,) F, | (C, D,) C, | A,2 G, | F,2 A,, | (B,, D,) C, | F,3 |
% 17
[V: S1V1] c2 c | (c B) A | B2 B | (B A) G | A2 A | (A B) c | (c B) A | G3 |
w: Hark! the songs * of peace- ful Zi- * on thun- der like * a might- * y flood.
w: Though the cloud * from sight re- ceived * Him when the for- * ty days * were o'er
w: Int- er- ces- * sor, Friend of sin- * ners, Earth's Re- deem- * er, plead * for me,
w: Thou with- in * the veil hast en- * tered, robed in flesh * our great * High Priest;
[V: S1V2] E2 E | F2 F | (F E) D | (E F) C | C2 F | (F G) A | (A G) F | (F2 E) |
[V: S2V1] C2 C | (F, G,) A, | G,2 G, | (G, C) B, | A,2 C | D2 C | D2 D | G,3 |
[V: S2V2] A,2 A, | D,2 D, | G,2 G, | (C, D,) E, | F,2 E, | D,2 A,, | G,,2 B,, | C,3 |
% 25
[V: S1V1] (c A) c | (B G) B | (A F) A | (G/A/ B/A/) G | !sintro!c2 c | (d c) B | A2 G | F3 !eintro!|]
w: Je- * sus out * of ev- * ery na- * * * tion has re- deemed * us by His blood.
w: Shall * our hearts * for- get * His pro- * * * mise, "I am with * you ev- er- more"?
w: Where * the songs * of all * the sin- * * * less sweep ac- ross * the crys- tal sea.
w: Thou * on earth * both priest * and vic- * * * tim in the Eu- * char- ist- ic feast.
[V: S1V2] F2 A | G2 G | (F C) F | (G/E/ F) C | (C F) _E | (D F) F | F2 E | F3 |]
[V: S2V1] C2 D | D2 C | (C A,) =B, | (C _B,) B, | A,2 C | (B, C) D | C2 B, | [F,3A,3] |]
[V: S2V2] A,2 F, | (F, E,/D,/) E, | (F, E,) D, | (E,/C,/ D,) E, | F,2 A,, | (B,, A,,) B,, | C,2 C, | F,,3 |]
% 34
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "163 REDEEMER"
%%footer So 6:10, Mt 6:29 5 5 7 5 5 8
%OHSCRIP So 6:10, Mt 6:29
%OHTOPICS {Crown [1]}, {God, As King [1]}, {Jesus}, {Joy [1]}, {Light [1]}, {Nature [2,3]}, {Praise, Son}, {Seasons [2]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 5 5 7 5 5 8
%OHARRANGER Willis, Richard Storrs (1819-1900)
%OHAUTHOR German Jesuits
%OHTRANSLATOR Seiss, Joseph August (1823-1904)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 163
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ E2 E E ; B,2 C C ; G,2 G, G, ; E,2 C, C, }
{ (F D) E2 ; (C B,) B,2 ; (A, F,) G,2 ; (A,, B,,) E,2 }
{ G2 G G ; E2 E =E ; B,2 C C ; (E, D,) C, B,, }
{ (A F) G2 ; (F D) E2 ; (C B,) B,2 ; (A,, B,,) E,2 }
{ B2 .(e c) ; E2 E2 ; G,2 .(C A,) ; E,2 .(A,, C,) }
{ B,2 C C ; G,2 G, G, ; E,2 C, C, ; B2 (A G) }
{ (C B,) B,2 ; (A, F,) G,2 ; (A,, B,,) E,2 ; A2 G2 }
{ E2 E =E ; B,2 C C ; (E, D,) C, B,, ; F4 }
{ (F D) E2 ; (C B,) B,2 ; (A,, B,,) E,2 ; B2 c B }
{ E2 E2 ; G,2 .(C A,) ; E,2 .(A,, C,) ; (B G) A2 }
{ G,2 G, G, ; E,2 C, C, ; B2 (A G) ; E2 (F E) }
{ (A, F,) G,2 ; (A,, B,,) E,2 ; A2 G2 ; (E D) E2 }
{ B,2 C C ; (E, D,) C, B,, ; F4 ; D4 }
{ (C B,) B,2 ; (A,, B,,) E,2 ; B2 c B ; E2 E E }
{ G,2 .(C A,) ; E,2 .(A,, C,) ; (B G) A2 ; =E2 F2 } | X: 163
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 163
T: Beautiful Savior
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Fairest Lord Jesus)
C: Words: German Jesuits, published 1677. Translated by Joseph A. Seiss, 1873.
C: Music: 'Crusader`s Hymn' Silesian folk song, 1842. Setting: Richard S. Willis, 1850.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Lutheran Worship' Hymnal, 1982 Hymn 507.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] E2 E E | (F D) E2 | G2 G G | (A F) G2 | B2 .(e c) |
w: 1.~Beau- ti- ful Sa- * vior, King of Cre- a- * tion Son of *
w: 2.~Fair are the mea- * dows, Fair are the wood- * lands, Robed in the
w: 3.~Fair is the sun- * shine, Fair is the moon- * light, Bright the *
w: 4.~Beau- ti- ful Sa- * vior, Lord of the na- * tions, Son of *
[V: S1V2] B,2 C C | (C B,) B,2 | E2 E =E | (F D) E2 | E2 E2 |
[V: S2V1] G,2 G, G, | (A, F,) G,2 | B,2 C C | (C B,) B,2 | G,2 .(C A,) |
[V: S2V2] E,2 C, C, | (A,, B,,) E,2 | (E, D,) C, B,, | (A,, B,,) E,2 | E,2 .(A,, C,) |
% 5
[V: S1V1] B2 (A G) | A2 G2 | F4 | B2 c B | (B G) A2 |
w: God and * Son of Man! Tru- ly I'd love * Thee,
w: flow'rs of * bloom- ing spring; Je- sus is fair- * er,
w: spark- ling * stars on high; Je- sus shines bright- * er,
w: God and * Son of Man! Glo- ry and ho- * nor,
[V: S1V2] E2 (F E) | (E D) E2 | D4 | E2 E E | =E2 F2 |
[V: S2V1] G,2 B,2 | A,2 B,2 | B,4 | B,2 A, B, | C2 C2 |
[V: S2V2] E,2 E,2 | F,2 E,2 | (B,,2 B, A,) | G,2 A, G, | C,2 F,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] A2 B A | (A F) G2 | !sintro!G2 G G | B3 A | G2 F2 | E4 !eintro!|]
w: tru- ly I'd serve * Thee, Light of my soul, my joy, my crown.
w: Je- sus is pur- * er, He makes our sor- r'wing spi- rit sing.
w: Je- sus shines pur- * er Than all the an- gels in the sky.
w: Praise, a- dor- a- * tion Now and for- ev- er- more be Thine!
[V: S1V2] F2 G F | (F D) E2 | E2 E E | E3 E | E2 D2 | B,4 |]
[V: S2V1] D2 B, C | (D B,) B,2 | B,2 B, C | (B, C _D) C | B,2 (B, A,) | G,4 |]
[V: S2V2] B,,2 B,, B,, | B,,2 E,2 | E,2 D, C, | G,,3 A,, | (B,, A,,) B,,2 | E,4 |]
% 18
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.710000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "REDEEMER 164"
%%footer Rev 19:12, 5:13 6 6 8 6 6 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Rev 19:12, 5:13
%OHTOPICS {Angels [6,8]}, {Anticipation}, {Crown}, {Easter}, {Fire [6]}, {God, As King}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {God, Mercy of [1,2,4,8]}, {Jesus}, {Praise, Son}, {Saints (all Faithful) [8]}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust)}, {Throne (also see God - As King)}, {Victory}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 6 6 8 6 6 6 8 6
%OHCOMPOSER Elvey, George Job (1816-1893)
%OHAUTHOR Bridges, Matthew (1800-1894);Thring, Godfrey (1823-1903)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 164
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ D D/D/ F F ; A, A,/A,/ D D ; F, F,/F,/ F, F, ; D, D,/D,/ B,, B,, }
{ B3 B ; D3 D ; G,3 G, ; G,,3 G, }
{ A D G F ; D D C D ; A, B, G, A, ; F, G, E, D, }
{ E3 ; C3 ; A,3 ; A,,3 }
{ A, A,/A,/ D D ; F, F,/F,/ F, F, ; D, D,/D,/ B,, B,, ; E }
{ D3 D ; G,3 G, ; G,,3 G, ; F A B A }
{ D D C D ; A, B, G, A, ; F, G, E, D, ; ^G F/E/ A d }
{ C3 ; A,3 ; A,,3 ; c d B B }
{ F, F,/F,/ F, F, ; D, D,/D,/ B,, B,, ; E ; C }
{ G,3 G, ; G,,3 G, ; F A B A ; D E D D }
{ A, B, G, A, ; F, G, E, D, ; ^G F/E/ A d ; B, B, E D }
{ A,3 ; A,,3 ; c d B B ; E F B, E }
{ D, D,/D,/ B,, B,, ; E ; C ; A, }
{ G,,3 G, ; F A B A ; D E D D ; A, A, F, F, }
{ F, G, E, D, ; ^G F/E/ A d ; B, B, E D ; E, ^G, A, =G, }
{ A,,3 ; c d B B ; E F B, E ; A, A, A, ^G, } | X: 164
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 164
T: Crown Him With Many Crowns
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Verses 1, 4, 5, 6 & 9: Matthew Bridges, The Passion of Jesus, 1852.
C: verses 2 & 3: Godfrey Thring, Hymns and Sacred Lyrics, 1874.
C: Music: 'Diademata' George J. Elvey, 1868. Setting: "Appendix to Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: "Appendix to Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869 Hymn 318. Ed. William H. Monk. Unknown if the arrangement is Elvey's or Monk's.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
%%staffsep 0.62cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] D D/D/ F F | B3 B | A D G F | E3
w: 1.~Crown Him with man- y crowns, the Lamb up- on His throne.
w: 2.~Crown Him the vir- gin's Son, the God in- car- nate born,
w: 3.~Crown Him the Son of God, be- fore the worlds be- gan,
w: 4.~Crown Him the Lord of life, who tri- umphed o'er the grave,
w: 5.~Crown Him the Lord of peace, Whose pow'r a scep- ter sways
[V: S1V2] A, A,/A,/ D D | D3 D | D D C D | C3
[V: S2V1] F, F,/F,/ F, F, | G,3 G, | A, B, G, A, | A,3
[V: S2V2] D, D,/D,/ B,, B,, | G,,3 G, | F, G, E, D, | A,,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] E | F A B A | ^G F/E/ A d | c d B B | A3
w: Hark! How the heav'n- ly an- them * drowns all mu- sic but its own.
w: Whose arm those crim- son tro- phies * won which now His brow a- dorn;
w: And ye who tread where He hath * trod, crown Him the Son of Man;
w: And rose vic- tor- ious in the * strife for those He came to save.
w: From pole to pole, that wars may * cease, and all be prayer and praise.
[V: S1V2] C | D E D D | B, B, E D | E F B, E | C3
[V: S2V1] A, | A, A, F, F, | E, ^G, A, =G, | A, A, A, ^G, | A,3
[V: S2V2] A,, | D, C, B,, D, | E, D, C, B,, | A,, D, E, E, | A,3
% 9
[V: S1V1] A | A F E D | B3 B | B ^G F E | c3
w: A- wake, my soul, and sing of Him who died for thee,
w: Fruit of the mys- tic rose, as of that rose the stem;
w: Who ev- ery grief hath known that wrings the hu- man breast,
w: His glo- ries now we sing, Who died, and rose on high,
w: His reign shall know no end, and round His pierc- ed feet
[V: S1V2] C | D D C D | D3 ^D | E E =D D | C3
[V: S2V1] A, | A, A, G, A, | B,3 A, | ^G, B, A, B, | A,3
[V: S2V2] =G, | F, D, E, F, | G,3 F, | E, E, F, ^G, | A,3
% 13
[V: S1V1] !sintro!c | d3/2 c/ B A | G E F A | G F E E | D4 !eintro!|]
w: And hail Him as thy match- less King through all e- ter- ni- ty.
w: The root whence mer- cy ev- er flows, the Babe of Beth- le- hem.
w: And takes and bears them for His own, that all in Him may rest.
w: Who died e- ter- nal life to bring, and lives that death may die.
w: Fair flow'rs of pa- ra- dise ex- tend their fra- grance ev- er sweet.
[V: S1V2] E | D D D D | D C D D | D D D C | D4 |]
[V: S2V1] A, | A, A, G, A, | B, A, A, A, | B, A, A,3/2 G,/ | F,4 |]
[V: S2V2] =G, | F, F, G, F, | E, A, D, F,, | G,, D, A,, A,, | D,4 |]
% 18
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tCrown Him the Lord of love, behold His hands and side,
%% \t\t\t\tThose wounds, yet visible above, in beauty glorified.
%% \t\t\t\tNo angel in the sky can fully bear that sight,
%% \t\t\t\tBut downward bends his burning eye at mysteries so bright.
%% 7.\tCrown Him the Lord of Heaven, enthroned in worlds above,
%% \t\t\t\tCrown Him the King to Whom is given the wondrous name of Love.
%% \t\t\t\tCrown Him with many crowns, as thrones before Him fall;
%% \t\t\t\tCrown Him, ye kings, with many crowns, for He is King of all.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 10.5cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 8.\tCrown Him the Lord of lords, who over all doth reign,
%% \t\t\t\tWho once on earth, the incarnate Word, for ransomed sinners slain,
%% \t\t\t\tNow lives in realms of light, where saints with angels sing
%% \t\t\t\tTheir songs before Him day and night, their God, Redeemer, King.
%% 9.\tCrown Him the Lord of years, the Potentate of time,
%% \t\t\t\tCreator of the rolling spheres, ineffably sublime.
%% \t\t\t\tAll hail, Redeemer, hail! For Thou has died for me;
%% \t\t\t\tThy praise and glory shall not fail throughout eternity.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "165 REDEEMER"
%%footer Jn 1:43-51, Mk 5:25-34, 1:32-34 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Jn 1:43-51, Mk 5:25-34, 1:32-34
%OHTOPICS {God, Goodness of}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {God, Mercy of}, {Healing}, {Holiness}, {Jesus}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Victory}
%OHCOMPOSER Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621)
%OHARRANGER Woodward, George Ratcliffe (1848-1934)
%OHAUTHOR Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth Munson (1838-1912)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 165
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ D ; A, ; F, ; D, }
{ D2 E ; B,2 C ; F,2 A, ; B,,2 A,, }
{ F2 G ; D2 D ; A,2 D, ; (D, C,) B,, }
{ F2 E ; D2 A, ; (A, B,) C ; (A,, G,,) A,, }
{ D2 D ; ^F,2 B, ; D2 D ; D,2 G, }
{ A2 A ; (D G) F ; D2 A, ; (F, E,) D, }
{ A, ; F, ; D, ; (A B) c }
{ B,2 C ; F,2 A, ; B,,2 A,, ; d2 d }
{ D2 D ; A,2 D, ; (D, C,) B,, ; d2 A }
{ D2 A, ; (A, B,) C ; (A,, G,,) A,, ; d2 d }
{ ^F,2 B, ; D2 D ; D,2 G, ; c2 A }
{ F, ; D, ; (A B) c ; E2 E }
{ F,2 A, ; B,,2 A,, ; d2 d ; F2 G }
{ A,2 D, ; (D, C,) B,, ; d2 A ; F2 E }
{ (A, B,) C ; (A,, G,,) A,, ; d2 d ; (D F) E }
{ D2 D ; D,2 G, ; c2 A ; E2 D } | X: 165
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 165
T: From Nazareth
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Margaret E. Sangster, 1911. Music: 'Puer Nobis Nascitur' Michael Praetorius, 1609.
C: Setting: George Ratcliffe Woodward for "The English Hymnal", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Revision.
S: Music source: 'The English Hymnal', 1906 Hymn 14.
S: Lyric source: "A Little Book of Homespun Verse" by Margaret Sangster, 1911. page 21-22.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] D | D2 E | F2 G | F2 E | D2 D | A2 A |
w: 1.~Comes a- ny good from Na- za- reth? The scorn- ful
w: 2.~Comes a- ny good from Na- za- reth? Be- hold, the
w: 3.~One touch u- pon His gar- ment's fringe Still heals the
w: 4.~O ci- ty of the Car- pen- ter, U- pon the
w: 5.~For He who dwelt in Na- za- reth, And wrought with
[V: S1V2] A, | B,2 C | D2 D | D2 A, | ^F,2 B, | (D G) F |
[V: S2V1] F, | F,2 A, | A,2 D, | (A, B,) C | D2 D | D2 A, |
[V: S2V2] D, | B,,2 A,, | (D, C,) B,, | (A,, G,,) A,, | D,2 G, | (F, E,) D, |
% 1
[V: S1V1] (A B) c | d2 d | d2 A | d2 d | c2 A |
w: cha- * llenge as of old Is flung on man- y'a
w: might- * y Na- za- rene, The Lord of life, the
w: hurt * of bit- ter years. Be- fore Him yet the
w: hill * slope old and gray, The world a- mong its
w: toil * of hand and brain, A- lone gives vic- tor-
[V: S1V2] E2 E | F2 G | F2 E | (D F) E | E2 D |
[V: S2V1] A,2 A, | A,2 B, | A,2 A, | B,2 B, | (A, G,) F, |
[V: S2V2] C,2 A,, | D,2 D, | D,2 C, | (B,, A,,) ^G,, | A,,2 D, |
% 9
[V: S1V1] B2 B | A2 !sintro!G | A2 F | E2 F | D2 C | !fermata!D2 !eintro!|]
w: jeer- ing breath From cloi- stered cells and marts of gold.
w: Lord of death, Through warr- ing a- ges walks se- rene.
w: de- mons cringe, He gives the wine of joy for tears.
w: pain and stir Turns yearn- ing eyes on thee to- day.
w: y to faith Un- til the day He come a- gain.
[V: S1V2] B,2 D | D2 B, | E2 D | C2 D | B,2 A, | A,2 |]
[V: S2V1] G,2 G, | F,2 G, | E,2 A, | A,2 A, | (G, F,) E, | !invertedfermata!F,2 |]
[V: S2V2] G,,2 B,, | D,2 E, | C,2 D, | (A,, G,,) F,, | G,,2 A,, | D,2 |]
% 19
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "REDEEMER 166"
%%footer Is 53:3, 1Jn 2:1-2, Heb 4:14-16, 1Tim 2:5-6, Jn 19:30, Heb 12:1-2 7 7 7 8
%OHSCRIP Is 53:3, 1Jn 2:1-2, Heb 4:14-16, 1Tim 2:5-6, Jn 19:30, Heb 12:1-2
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation [5]}, {Atonement}, {Blood [2]}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Love of}, {Gospel}, {Gratitude}, {Jesus}, {Praise, Son}, {Salvation}, {Shepard/Lamb [3]}, {Worship}
%OHCOMPOSER Bliss, Philip Paul (1838-1876)
%OHARRANGER Bliss, Philip Paul (1838-1876)
%OHAUTHOR Bliss, Philip Paul (1838-1876)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 166
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ G G G E ; E E E C ; C C C G, ; C, C, C, C, }
{ c c B2 ; E E (E D) ; A, A, ^G,2 ; A, A, E,2 }
{ A A G c ; C C G A |G ^F G2 ; A, C C E ; F, F, E, C, }
{ E E E C ; C C C G, ; C, C, C, C, ; G G G E }
{ E E (E D) ; A, A, ^G,2 ; A, A, E,2 ; c c c !sintro!c3/4 d/4 }
{ C C G A |G ^F G2 ; A, C C E ; F, F, E, C, ; e2 d c3/4 A/4 } | X: 166
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 166
T: Hallelujah, What a Savior!
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Man of Sorrows)
C: Words: Philip Paul Bliss, 1875. Music and Setting: 'Hallelujah What a Savior' Philip Paul Bliss, 1875.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "Songs of Praise, number One" (Presbyterian), 1904 page 39. Words same source.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] G G G E | c c B2 | A A G c | B A G2 |
w: 1.~Man of Sor- rows! what a name For the Son of God, who came
w: 2.~Bear- ing shame and scof- fing rude, In my place con- demned He stood;
w: 3.~Guilt- y, vile, and help- less we; Spot- less Lamb of God was He;
w: 4.~Lift- ed up was He to die; "It is fin- ished!" was His cry;
w: 5.~When He comes, our glor- ious King, All His ran- somed home to bring,
[V: S1V2] E E E C | E E (E D) | C C G A |G ^F G2 |
[V: S2V1] C C C G, | A, A, ^G,2 | A, C C E | D C B,2 |
[V: S2V2] C, C, C, C, | A, A, E,2 | F, F, E, C, | D, D, G,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] G G G E | c c c !sintro!c3/4 d/4 | e2 d c3/4 A/4 | A2 G2 !eintro!|]
w: Ru- ined sin- ners to re- claim. Hal- le- lu- jah! What a Sa- vior!
w: Sealed my par- don with His blood. * * * * * * * *
w: "Full a- tone- ment!" can it be? * * * * * * * *
w: Now in Heav'n ex- al- ted high. * * * * * * * *
w: Then a- new His song we'll sing: * * * * * * * *
[V: S1V2] E E E C | E F E G3/4 G/4 | G2 F E3/4 E/4 | F2 E2 |]
[V: S2V1] C C C G, | G, A, G, C3/4 B,/4 | C2 B, C3/4 C/4 | C2 C2 |]
[V: S2V2] C, C, C, C, | C, C, C, E,3/4 G,/4 | C2 G, A,3/4 A,/4 | F,2 C,2 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "167 REDEEMER"
%%footer Heb 4:16, Phil 4:6 10 10 7 6 11
%OHSCRIP Heb 4:16, Phil 4:6
%OHTOPICS {God, Goodness of}, {Jesus}, {Peace [1]}, {Presence}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 10 10 7 6 11
%OHCOMPOSER Lowry, Robert (1826-1899)
%OHAUTHOR Hawks, Annie Sherwood (1836-1918)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 167
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
{ A ; C ; E, ; A,, }
{ c3/2 B/ A/G/ ; E3/2 D/ C/B,/ ; A,3/2 F,/ E,/E,/ ; A,,3/2 D,/ E,/E,/ }
{ A2 A ; C2 C ; E,2 E, ; A,,2 A,, }
{ (A3/2 B/) A/F/ ; D2 D ; F,2 F,/A,/ ; D,2 D, }
{ E2 ; C2 ; A,2 ; A,,2 }
{ C ; E, ; A,, ; E }
{ E3/2 D/ C/B,/ ; A,3/2 F,/ E,/E,/ ; A,,3/2 D,/ E,/E,/ ; B3/2 c/ B/E/ }
{ C2 C ; E,2 E, ; A,,2 A,, ; c2 A }
{ D2 D ; F,2 F,/A,/ ; D,2 D, ; (G3/2 A/) G/F/ }
{ C2 ; A,2 ; A,,2 ; E2 }
{ E, ; A,, ; E ; E }
{ A,3/2 F,/ E,/E,/ ; A,,3/2 D,/ E,/E,/ ; B3/2 c/ B/E/ ; E3/2 E/ E/E/ }
{ E,2 E, ; A,,2 A,, ; c2 A ; E2 E }
{ F,2 F,/A,/ ; D,2 D, ; (G3/2 A/) G/F/ ; (E3/2 F/) E/=D/ }
{ A,2 ; A,,2 ; E2 ; E2 }
{ A,, ; E ; E ; G, }
{ A,,3/2 D,/ E,/E,/ ; B3/2 c/ B/E/ ; E3/2 E/ E/E/ ; G,3/2 A,/ G,/G,/ }
{ A,,2 A,, ; c2 A ; E2 E ; A,2 C }
{ D,2 D, ; (G3/2 A/) G/F/ ; (E3/2 F/) E/=D/ ; B,2 B,/A,/ }
{ A,,2 ; E2 ; E2 ; G,2 } | X: 167
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
X: 167
T: I Need Thee Every Hour
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Annie Sherwood Hawks, 1872.
C: Music: 'I Need Thee Every Hour' Robert Lowry, 1872. Setting: "Pentecostal Hymns, No. 2", 1898.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Revision.
S: Music source: "Pentecostal Hymns, No. 2" 1898 page 155. ABC file contributed to the Open Hymnal by Samuel Cantrell, 18 Jan 2012.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Ab % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=80] A | c3/2 B/ A/G/ | A2 A | (A3/2 B/) A/F/ | E2
w: 1.~I need Thee ev- 'ry hour, Most gra- * cious_ Lord;
w: 2.~I need Thee ev- 'ry hour, Stay Thou_ near_ by;
w: 3.~I need Thee ev- 'ry hour, In joy _ or _ pain;
w: 4.~I need Thee ev- 'ry hour, Teach me _ Thy _ will;
w: 5.~I need Thee ev- 'ry hour, Most Ho- - ly _ One;
[V: S1V2] C | E3/2 D/ C/B,/ | C2 C | D2 D | C2
[V: S2V1] E, | A,3/2 F,/ E,/E,/ | E,2 E, | F,2 F,/A,/ | A,2
[V: S2V2] A,, | A,,3/2 D,/ E,/E,/ | A,,2 A,, | D,2 D, | A,,2
% 5
[V: S1V1] E | B3/2 c/ B/E/ | c2 A | (G3/2 A/) G/F/ | E2 ||
w: No ten- der voice like Thine Can peace_ af- * ford.
w: Temp- ta- tions lose their pow'r When Thou_ art_ nigh.
w: Come quick- ly and a- bide, Or life_ is_ vain.
w: And Thy rich pro- mis- es In me _ ful- * fill.
w: O make me Thine in- deed, Thou bless- * ed _ Son!
[V: S1V2] E | E3/2 E/ E/E/ | E2 E | (E3/2 F/) E/=D/ | E2 ||
[V: S2V1] G, | G,3/2 A,/ G,/G,/ | A,2 C | B,2 B,/A,/ | G,2 ||
[V: S2V2] E, | E,3/2 E,/ E,/E,/ | A,2 A,, | B,,2 B,, | E,2 ||
% 9
[V: S1V1] c | c3/2 A/ d/c/ | c B2 | B3/2 A/ c/B/ | B A
w: I need Thee, O I need Thee; Ev- 'ry hour I need Thee;
[V: S1V2] A | A3/2 E/ A/A/ | A G2 | E3/2 E/ E/E/ | E E
[V: S2V1] E | E3/2 C/ F/E/ | E E2 | D3/2 C/ E/D/ | D C
[V: S2V2] A, | A,3/2 A,/ A,/A,/ | E, E,2 | E,3/2 E,/ E,/E,/ | A,, A,,
% 13
[V: S1V1] !sintro!A | A3/2 B/ A/F/ | E A B | (c3/2 A/) B | A2 !eintro!|]
w: O bless me now, my Sav- ior, I come * to Thee!
[V: S1V2] E | F3/2 F/ F/D/ | C E F | (E3/2 C/) D | C2 |]
[V: S2V1] A, | A,3/2 A,/ A,/A,/ | A, A, A, | A,2 G, | A,2 |]
[V: S2V2] C, | D,3/2 D,/ D,/D,/ | A,, C, D, | E,2 E, | A,,2 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.700000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "REDEEMER 168"
%%footer Heb 12:1-15, Mt 19:28, Ps 24:8 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5
%OHSCRIP Heb 12:1-15, Mt 19:28, Ps 24:8
%OHTOPICS {Aspiration}, {Brotherhood [6]}, {Children (see also God's Children - the Faithful)}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant) [4]}, {Conscience [1]}, {Cross [4]}, {Crown [5]}, {Darkness, Spiritual [5]}, {Discipleship}, {Duty (see also Law) [4]}, {Eternal Life [1,5,6]}, {Example, Christ's [5]}, {Following Jesus, In Faith [1-5]}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification [1,3-5]}, {Forgiveness [1]}, {God, As King}, {God, Mercy of [1,2]}, {Grace}, {Guidance}, {Heaven [1,5,6]}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God) [4,5]}, {Jesus}, {Leadership [2]}, {Obedience [4,5]}, {Repentance [1,4]}, {Sinners [1,6]}, {Throne (also see God - As King)}, {Truth [2]}, {Victory [6]}
%OHMETRICAL 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5
%OHCOMPOSER Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809)
%OHARRANGER Dykes, John Bacchus (1823-1876)
%OHAUTHOR Davison, W. Hope (1827-1894)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 168
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ B B A A ; G G F F ; D D C C ; G, G, D, D, }
{ G2 D2 ; D2 D2 ; B,2 B,2 ; G,2 G,2 }
{ d d e e ; G G G G ; B, B, A, A, ; G,, G,, C, C, }
{ A4 ; F4 ; D4 ; D,4 }
{ c c B B ; E D D D ; G, A, B, B, ; E, F, G, G, }
{ G G F F ; D D C C ; G, G, D, D, ; A2 E2 }
{ D2 D2 ; B,2 B,2 ; G,2 G,2 ; G G A A }
{ G G G G ; B, B, A, A, ; G,, G,, C, C, ; G4 }
{ F4 ; D4 ; D,4 ; d d c c }
{ E D D D ; G, A, B, B, ; E, F, G, G, ; B2 E2 }
{ D D C C ; G, G, D, D, ; A2 E2 ; E2 E2 }
{ B,2 B,2 ; G,2 G,2 ; G G A A ; D B, E F }
{ B, B, A, A, ; G,, G,, C, C, ; G4 ; G4 }
{ D4 ; D,4 ; d d c c ; G G G =F }
{ G, A, B, B, ; E, F, G, G, ; B2 E2 ; (=F D) E2 }
{ G, G, D, D, ; A2 E2 ; E2 E2 ; C2 C2 }
{ G,2 G,2 ; G G A A ; D B, E F ; B, G, C C }
{ G,, G,, C, C, ; G4 ; G4 ; B,4 }
{ D,4 ; d d c c ; G G G =F ; D B, C C }
{ E, F, G, G, ; B2 E2 ; (=F D) E2 ; (D =F) (E D) } | X: 168
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 168
T: Jesus, King of Glory
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: W. Hope Davison, 1880.
C: Music: 'St. Alban' Franz Joseph Haydn, 1774. Setting: John Bacchus Dykes, 1868.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Revision.
S: Music source: 'The Evangelical Hymnal' 1921, Hymn 346.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] B B A A | G2 D2 | d d e e | A4 | c c B B |
w: 1.~Je- sus, King of glo- ry, throned a- bove the sky, Je- sus, ten- der
w: 2.~On this day of glad- ness, Bend- ing low the knee In thine earth- ly
w: 3.~For the lit- tle child- ren Who have come to thee; For the glad, bright
w: 4.~Help us ev- er stead- fast in the faith to be: In Thy Church- 's
w: 5.~When the sha- dows leng- then, show us, Lord, Thy way; Through the dark- ness
[V: S1V2] G G F F | D2 D2 | G G G G | F4 | E D D D |
[V: S2V1] D D C C | B,2 B,2 | B, B, A, A, | D4 | G, A, B, B, |
[V: S2V2] G, G, D, D, | G,2 G,2 | G,, G,, C, C, | D,4 | E, F, G, G, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] A2 E2 | G G A A | G4 | d d c c | B2 E2 | c c e e |
w: Sa- vior, hear Thy child- ren cry. Par- don our trans- gres- sions, cleanse us from our
w: tem- ple, Lord, we wor- ship thee; Ce- le- brate thy good- ness, Mer- cy, grace, and
w: spir- its Who thy glo- ry see; For the loved ones rest- ing In thy dear em-
w: con- flicts fight- ing val- iant- ly. Lov- ing Sa- vior, streng- then these weak hearts of
w: lead us to the heav'n- ly day; When our course is fin- ished, end- ed all the
[V: S1V2] E2 E2 | D B, E F | G4 | G G G =F | (=F D) E2 | E E E E |
[V: S2V1] C2 C2 | B, G, C C | B,4 | D B, C C | (D =F) (E D) | C C C B,/A,/ |
[V: S2V2] C,2 C,2 | D, E, C, D, | G,4 | B, B, A, A, | ^G,2 G,2 | A, A, C, C, |
% 13
[V: S1V1] (G2 F2) | c c A A | d2 B2 | A A F F | G4 | B B A A |
w: sin, * By Thy Spi- rit help us heav'n- ly life to win. Je- sus, King of
w: truth, * All thy lov- ing guid- ance Of our heed- less youth. * * * *
w: brace; * For the pure and ho- ly Who be- hold thy face, * * * *
w: ours, * Through Thy cross to con- quer craf- ty ev- il powers. * * * *
w: strife, * Grant us, with the faith- ful, palms and crowns of life. * * * *
[V: S1V2] D4 | E E D D | D2 G2 | E E D D | (D2 E2) | D D D D |
[V: S2V1] (B,2 A,2) | A, G, F, F, | G,2 D2 | C C A, A, | (B,2 C2) | B, G, F, C |
[V: S2V2] D,4 | A,, A,, D, C, | B,,2 B,,2 | C, C, D, D, | G,4 | G,, B,, D, F, |
% 17
[V: S1V1] G2 D2 | d d e e | A4 | !sintro!c c B B | A2 E2 | G G A A | G4 !eintro!|]
w: glo- ry, throned a- bove the sky, Je- sus, ten- der Sa- vior, hear Thy child- ren cry.
[V: S1V2] (D C) (B, C) | D G G G | F4 | E D D D | (C E) (D C) | B, B, C C | B,4 |]
[V: S2V1] (B, C) (D C) | B, B, B, A, | D4 | G, A, B, G, | E,2 (^G, A,) | B, D, E, F, | G,4 |]
[V: S2V2] (G, A,) (B, A,) | G, G, C, C, | D,4 | E, F, G, B,, | C,2 (B,, A,,) | D, D, D, D, | G,,4 |]
% 26
W: 6.For thy faithful servants Who have entered in;
W: For thy fearless soldiers Who have conquered sin;
W: For the countless legions Who have followed thee,
W: Heedless of the danger, On to victory,
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "169 REDEEMER"
%%footer Zech 9:9-10, Ps 72:8, Rev 22:3-5, 15:3-4, 1Cor 15:22-28, Is 9:6-7, Mk 1:34-39 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Zech 9:9-10, Ps 72:8, Rev 22:3-5, 15:3-4, 1Cor 15:22-28, Is 9:6-7, Mk 1:34-39
%OHTOPICS {Angels[6]}, {Children (see also God's Children - the Faithful) [3]}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant)}, {Crown [2]}, {God, As King}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Heaven}, {Jesus}, {Praise, Son}, {Prayer [2]}, {Victory}, {Worship}
%OHCOMPOSER Hatton, John (1710-1793)
%OHAUTHOR Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 169
M: 2/2
L: 1/2
K: Eb
{ E G/2 A/2 ; B, E/2 D/2 ; G, B,/2 B,/2 ; E, E,/2 F,/2 }
{ B (c/2 d/2) ; E (E/2 A/2) ; B, (A,/2 B,/2) ; G, (A,/2 F,/2) }
{ e (d/2 c/2) ; G (F/2 E/2) ; B, (B,/2 =A,/2) ; E, F, }
{ B2 ; D2 ; B,2 ; B,,2 }
{ B B/2 B/2 ; E E/2 E/2 ; G, G,/2 B,/2 ; E, E,/2 G,/2 }
{ B, E/2 D/2 ; G, B,/2 B,/2 ; E, E,/2 F,/2 ; c B }
{ E (E/2 A/2) ; B, (A,/2 B,/2) ; G, (A,/2 F,/2) ; A G }
{ G (F/2 E/2) ; B, (B,/2 =A,/2) ; E, F, ; F2 }
{ D2 ; B,2 ; B,,2 ; G G/2 F/2 }
{ E E/2 E/2 ; G, G,/2 B,/2 ; E, E,/2 G,/2 ; (E/2 G/2) (B/2 e/2) }
{ G, B,/2 B,/2 ; E, E,/2 F,/2 ; c B ; E E }
{ B, (A,/2 B,/2) ; G, (A,/2 F,/2) ; A G ; (E/2 D/2) E }
{ B, (B,/2 =A,/2) ; E, F, ; F2 ; D2 }
{ B,2 ; B,,2 ; G G/2 F/2 ; E E/2 D/2 }
{ G, G,/2 B,/2 ; E, E,/2 G,/2 ; (E/2 G/2) (B/2 e/2) ; E E } | X: 169
M: 2/2
L: 1/2
K: Eb
X: 169
T: Jesus Shall Reign
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Isaac Watts, 1719.
C: Music: 'Duke Street' John Hatton, 1793. Setting: "Christian Hymns", 1908.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Christian Hymns' Hymnal, 1908 Hymn 145. ABC file contributed to the Open Hymnal by Samuel Cantrell, 14 Jan 2011.
M: 2/2 % time signature
L: 1/2 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/2=60] E G/2 A/2 | B (c/2 d/2) | e (d/2 c/2) | B2 | B B/2 B/2 |
w: 1.~Je- sus shall reign wher- * e'er the * sun Does his suc-
w: 2.~For Him shall end- less * prayer be * made, And prais- es
w: 3.~Peo- ple and realms of * ev- ery * tongue Dwell on His
w: 4.~Bless- ings a- bound wher- * e'er He * reigns; The pri- soner
w: 5.~Where He dis- plays His * hea- ling * power Death and the
[V: S1V2] B, E/2 D/2 | E (E/2 A/2) | G (F/2 E/2) | D2 | E E/2 E/2 |
[V: S2V1] G, B,/2 B,/2 | B, (A,/2 B,/2) | B, (B,/2 =A,/2) | B,2 | G, G,/2 B,/2 |
[V: S2V2] E, E,/2 F,/2 | G, (A,/2 F,/2) | E, F, | B,,2 | E, E,/2 G,/2 |
% 6
[V: S1V1] c B | A G | F2 | G G/2 F/2 | (E/2 G/2) (B/2 e/2) |
w: ces- sive jour- neys run; His king- dom stretch * from *
w: throng to crown His head; His Name, like sweet * per- *
w: love with sweet- est song; And in- fant voic- * es *
w: leaps to lose his chains, The wear- y find * e- *
w: curse are known no more; In Him the tribes * of *
[V: S1V2] E E | (E/2 D/2) E | D2 | E E/2 D/2 | E E |
[V: S2V1] A, B, | (C/2 B,/2) B, | B,2 | B, B,/2 A,/2 | (G,/2 B,/2) B, |
[V: S2V2] A, G, | F, E, | B,,2 | E, E,/2 B,,/2 | E, G, |
% 11
[V: S1V1] (c/2 B/2) (A/2 G/2) | F2 | !sintro!B c/2 d/2 | e3/2 A/2 | G F | E2 !eintro!|]
w: shore * to * shore Till moons shall wax and wane no more.
w: fume * shall * rise With ev- ery morn- ing sac- ri- fice.
w: shall * pro- * claim Their ear- ly bless- ings on His Name.
w: ter- * nal * rest, And all the sons of want are blest.
w: A- * dam * boast More bless- ings than their fa- ther lost.
[V: S1V2] E (D/2 E/2) | D2 | E E/2 A/2 | (G3/4 F/4 E/2) F/2 | E D | E2 |]
[V: S2V1] (A,/2 B,/2) B, | B,2 | (B,/2 E/2) E/2 B,/2 | B,3/2 C/2 | B, (B,/2 A,/2) | G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] (A,/2 G,/2) (F,/2 E,/2) | B,,2 | G, A,/2 F,/2 | (E,3/4 F,/4 G,/2) A,/2 | B, B,, | E,2 |]
W: 6.Let every creature rise and bring
W: Peculiar honors to our King,
W: Angels descend with songs again,
W: And earth repeat the loud Amen.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.690000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "REDEEMER 170"
%%footer Eph 3:18, Mt 6:19-21 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Eph 3:18, Mt 6:19-21
%OHTOPICS {Aspiration}, {Blood [5,6]}, {Christian Life}, {Commitment}, {Conscience [6]}, {Consecration}, {Contrition [6]}, {Crown [2]}, {Discipleship}, {Fire [4]}, {Following Jesus, In Faith}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification}, {God, Love of}, {Healing [3]}, {Inspiration [8]}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Jesus}, {Joy [2,8]}, {Leadership [8,9]}, {Love [1-5,8,9]}, {Presence [1-4,7-9]}, {Repentance [1-3,6,8]}, {Sacrifice [1,2,5,6]}, {Sinners [5,6]}, {Speech [2,8]}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER Yoakley, William
%OHAUTHOR Gerhardt, Paul (1607-1676)
%OHTRANSLATOR Wesley, John (1703-1791)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 170
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: E
{ E3/4F// ; B, ; G,3/4A,// ; E, }
{ G2 G3/4A// ; B,2 E3/4F// ; B,2 B,3/4E// ; E,2 E, }
{ (B G) E ; (G E) E ; (E B,) B, ; E,2 G,, }
{ (F3/2 G/) A ; E2 D/F/ ; (C B,) B, ; (A,, B,,) B,, }
{ (A G) E3/4G// ; (F E) B,3/4E// ; B,2 G,3/4B,// ; E,2 E, }
{ B2 c ; G2 A ; E2 E ; E,2 E, }
{ B2 G ; G2 E ; E2 B, ; E,2 E, }
{ B, ; G,3/4A,// ; E, ; G2 F }
{ B,2 E3/4F// ; B,2 B,3/4E// ; E,2 E, ; F2 E3/4F// }
{ (G E) E ; (E B,) B, ; E,2 G,, ; G2 G3/4A// }
{ E2 D/F/ ; (C B,) B, ; (A,, B,,) B,, ; (B G) E }
{ (F E) B,3/4E// ; B,2 G,3/4B,// ; E,2 E, ; (F3/2 G/) A }
{ G2 A ; E2 E ; E,2 E, ; (A G) E3/4G// }
{ G,3/4A,// ; E, ; G2 F ; E2 E }
{ B,2 B,3/4E// ; E,2 E, ; F2 E3/4F// ; D2 B, }
{ (E B,) B, ; E,2 G,, ; G2 G3/4A// ; B,2 E3/4F// }
{ (C B,) B, ; (A,, B,,) B,, ; (B G) E ; (G E) E }
{ B,2 G,3/4B,// ; E,2 E, ; (F3/2 G/) A ; E2 D/F/ }
{ E2 E ; E,2 E, ; (A G) E3/4G// ; (F E) B,3/4E// }
{ E, ; G2 F ; E2 E ; C2 ^A, }
{ E,2 E, ; F2 E3/4F// ; D2 B, ; B,2 G,3/4A,// }
{ E,2 G,, ; G2 G3/4A// ; B,2 E3/4F// ; B,2 B,3/4E// }
{ (A,, B,,) B,, ; (B G) E ; (G E) E ; (E B,) B, }
{ E,2 E, ; (F3/2 G/) A ; E2 D/F/ ; (C B,) B, }
{ E,2 E, ; (A G) E3/4G// ; (F E) B,3/4E// ; B,2 G,3/4B,// } | X: 170
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: E
X: 170
T: Jesus, Thy Boundless Love To Me
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Paul Gerhardt, 1653. Translated by John Wesley, 1739.
C: Music: 'Yoakley' William Yoakley, 1820. Setting: "The Lute of Zion", 1853.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: "Hymns and songs of praise for public and social worship" By Roswell Dwight Hitchcock, Philip Schaff, Zachary Eddy, 1874 Hymn 570 page 223.
S: Music source: "The lute of Zion", 1853 page 151.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
%%staffsep 0.02cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: E % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] E3/4F// | G2 G3/4A// | (B G) E | (F3/2 G/) A | (A G) E3/4G// | B2 c | B2 G |
w: 1.~Je- * sus, Thy * bound- * less love * to me * No * thought can reach, no
w: 2.~O, * grant that * no- * thing in * my soul * May * dwell but Thy pure
w: 3.~O * love, how * cheer- * ing is * thy ray! * All * pain be- fore thy
w: 4.~This * love un- * wear- * ied I * pur- sue * And * daunt- less- ly to
w: 5.~My * Sa- vior, * Thou * Thy love * to me * In * shame, in want, in
[V: S1V2] B, | B,2 E3/4F// | (G E) E | E2 D/F/ | (F E) B,3/4E// | G2 A | G2 E |
[V: S2V1] G,3/4A,// | B,2 B,3/4E// | (E B,) B, | (C B,) B, | B,2 G,3/4B,// | E2 E | E2 B, |
[V: S2V2] E, | E,2 E, | E,2 G,, | (A,, B,,) B,, | E,2 E, | E,2 E, | E,2 E, |
% 17
[V: S1V1] G2 F | F2 E3/4F// | G2 G3/4A// | (B G) E | (F3/2 G/) A | (A G) E3/4G// |
w: tongue de- clare; U- * nite my * thank- * ful heart * with Thee * And *
w: love a- lone! Oh, * may Thy * love * pos- sess * me whole, * My *
w: pre- sence flies; Care, * an- guish, * sor- * row, melt * a- way * Wher- *
w: Thee a- spire. Oh, * may Thy * love * my hope * re- new * Burn *
w: pain, hast showed; For * me, on * the * a- ccur- * sed tree, * Thou *
[V: S1V2] E2 E | D2 B, | B,2 E3/4F// | (G E) E | E2 D/F/ | (F E) B,3/4E// |
[V: S2V1] C2 ^A, | B,2 G,3/4A,// | B,2 B,3/4E// | (E B,) B, | (C B,) B, | B,2 G,3/4B,// |
[V: S2V2] C,2 F, | B,,2 E, | E,2 E, | E,2 G,, | (A,, B,,) B,, | E,2 E, |
% 25
[V: S1V1] B2 c | B2 G | G2 F | F2 G | A2 B | c2 B |
w: reign with- out a ri- val there. To Thee a- lone, dear
w: joy, my trea- sure, and my crown! All cold- ness from my
w: e'er thy heal- ing beams a- rise. O Je- sus, no- thing
w: in my soul like heav'n- ly fire! And day and night be
w: pour- est forth Thy guilt- less blood; Thy wounds u- pon my
[V: S1V2] G2 A | G2 E | E2 E | D2 E | E2 E | E2 E |
[V: S2V1] E2 E | E2 B, | C2 ^A, | B,2 B, | A,2 G, | A,2 G, |
[V: S2V2] E,2 E, | E,2 E, | C,2 F, | B,,2 E, | C,2 E, | A,2 E, |
% 29
[V: S1V1] (B G) E | (G F) !sintro!B | (e B) B/e/ | (e c) A | G2 F | E2 !eintro!|]
w: Lord, * I live; * My- self * to * Thee, * dear Lord, I give.
w: heart * re- move; * My ev- * ery * act, * word, thought, be love.
w: may * I see, * No- thing * de- * sire * or seek, but Thee!
w: all * my care * To guard * this * sa- * cred treas- ure there.
w: heart * im- press, * Nor aught * shall * the * lov'd stamp ef- face.
[V: S1V2] B,2 E | (E D) D | E2 E | E2 F | E2 D | E2 |]
[V: S2V1] (F, E,/F,/) G,/^A,/ | B,2 B, | (B, E) B, | (C E) C | B,2 A, | G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] (D, E,) C, | B,,2 B,/A,/ | G,2 G, | A,2 A,, | B,,2 B,, | E,2 |]
% 35
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tMore hard than marble is my heart,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd foul with sins of deepest stain;
%% \t\t\t\tBut Thou the mighty Savior art,
%% \t\t\t\tNor flowed thy cleansing blood in vain;
%% \t\t\t\tAh soften, melt this rock, and may
%% \t\t\t\tThy blood wash all these stains away!
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 7.5cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 7.\tO that I, as a little child,
%% \t\t\t\tMay follow Thee, and never rest
%% \t\t\t\tTill sweetly Thou hast breathed
%% \t\t\t\tThy mild And lowly mind into my breast!
%% \t\t\t\tNor ever may we parted be,
%% \t\t\t\tTill I become as one with Thee.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 13cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 8.\tStill let Thy love point out my way;
%% \t\t\t\tHow wondrous things Thy love hath wrought!
%% \t\t\t\tStill lead me, lest I go astray;
%% \t\t\t\tDirect my word, inspire my thought;
%% \t\t\t\tAnd if I fall, soon may I hear
%% \t\t\t\tThy voice, and know that love is near.
%%multicol end
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 6cm
%%leftmargin 6cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 9.\tIn suffering be Thy love my peace, In weakness be Thy love my power;
%% \t\t\t\tAnd when the storms of life shall cease, Jesus, in that important hour,
%% \t\t\t\tIn death as life be Thou my guide, And save me, Who for me hast died.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7200000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "171 REDEEMER"
%%footer Rev 1:5-6, Jn 6:47-51, Rev 5:11-14, 7:9-17, Rom 3:24-25, 1Cor 5:7 8 7 8 7 Alleluias 7 7
%OHSCRIP Rev 1:5-6, Jn 6:47-51, Rev 5:11-14, 7:9-17, Rom 3:24-25, 1Cor 5:7
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Bread (of Life/Daily Bread) [1,5,6]}, {Faith [2]}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Grace [5]}, {Gratitude}, {Jesus}, {Lord's Supper}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence [2]}, {Priest/Priestly Roles [5]}, {Throne (also see God - As King) [1]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 Alleluia12 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER Owen, William (1813-1893)
%OHAUTHOR Bourne, George Hugh (1840-1925)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 171
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
{ D D G2 A2 ; B, B, D2 D2 ; G, G, G,2 ^F,2 ; G,, G,, B,,2 D,2 }
{ B B B2 A2 ; D D G2 ^F2 ; G, G, D2 D2 ; G, G, G,2 D,2 }
{ B B d2 (c B) ; G G G2 G2 ; D D D2 E2 ; G, G, B,,2 C,2 }
{ A A G4 ; G ^F G4 ; A, D B,4 ; D, D, G,,4 }
{ B, B, D2 D2 ; G, G, G,2 ^F,2 ; G,, G,, B,,2 D,2 ; D D G2 A2 }
{ D D G2 ^F2 ; G, G, D2 D2 ; G, G, G,2 D,2 ; B B B2 A2 }
{ G G G2 G2 ; D D D2 E2 ; G, G, B,,2 C,2 ; B B d2 (c B) }
{ G ^F G4 ; A, D B,4 ; D, D, G,,4 ; A A G4 }
{ G, G, G,2 ^F,2 ; G,, G,, B,,2 D,2 ; D D G2 A2 ; B, B, D2 D2 }
{ G, G, D2 D2 ; G, G, G,2 D,2 ; B B B2 A2 ; D D G2 ^F2 }
{ D D D2 E2 ; G, G, B,,2 C,2 ; B B d2 (c B) ; G G G2 G2 }
{ A, D B,4 ; D, D, G,,4 ; A A G4 ; G ^F G4 }
{ G,, G,, B,,2 D,2 ; D D G2 A2 ; B, B, D2 D2 ; G, G, G,2 ^F,2 }
{ G, G, G,2 D,2 ; B B B2 A2 ; D D G2 ^F2 ; G, G, D2 D2 }
{ G, G, B,,2 C,2 ; B B d2 (c B) ; G G G2 G2 ; D D D2 E2 }
{ D, D, G,,4 ; A A G4 ; G ^F G4 ; A, D B,4 } | X: 171
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
X: 171
T: Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: George H. Bourne, 1874, alt.
C: Music: 'Bryn Calfaria' William Owen, 1852. Setting: "The English Hymnal", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Music source: Lutheran Book of Worship, 1978, Hymn 156. Later found to match the English Hymnal 1906.
S: Setting bears some resemblance to "Caniadau y cyssegr a r teulu", 1878 #345
M: 6/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Bb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=150] D D G2 A2 | B B B2 A2 | B B d2 (c B) | A A G4 |
w: 1.~Lord, en- throned in heav'n- ly splen- dor, First be- gott- en * from the dead,
w: 2.~Here our humb- lest ho- mage pay we, Here in lo- ving * ref- erence bow;
w: 3.~Though the low- liest form doth veil Thee As of old in * Beth- le- hem,
w: 4.~Pas- chal Lamb, Your offer- ing fin- ished Once for all when * You were slain,
w: 5.~Great High Priest of our pro- fes- sion, Through the veil Thou * went- est in,
[V: S1V2] B, B, D2 D2 | D D G2 ^F2 | G G G2 G2 | G ^F G4 |
[V: S2V1] G, G, G,2 ^F,2 | G, G, D2 D2 | D D D2 E2 | A, D B,4 |
[V: S2V2] G,, G,, B,,2 D,2 | G, G, G,2 D,2 | G, G, B,,2 C,2 | D, D, G,,4 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] D D G2 A2 | B B B2 A2 | B B d2 (c B) | A A G4 |
w: You a- lone, our strong De- fend- er, Now lift up Your * peo- ple's head.
w: Here for faith's dis- cern- ment pray we, Lest we fail to * know You now.
w: Here as there Thine an- gels hail Thee, Branch and Flow'r of * Jes- se's stem.
w: In its full- ness un- dim- in- ished Shall for- ev- er- * more re- main.
w: By Thy might- y in- ter- ces- sion, Grace and peace for * us to win.
[V: S1V2] B, B, D2 D2 | D D G2 ^F2 | G G G2 G2 | G ^F G4 |
[V: S2V1] G, G, G,2 ^F,2 | G, G, D2 D2 | D D D2 E2 | A, D B,4 |
[V: S2V2] G,, G,, B,,2 D,2 | G, G, G,2 D,2 | G, G, B,,2 C,2 | D, D, G,,4 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] G A B2 G2 | A B c2 A2 | B c d2 (B d) |
w: Al- le- lu- ia! Al- le- lu- ia! Al- le- lu- ia! *
[V: S1V2] G G G2 D2 | A G G2 ^F2 | D =F F2 (D F) |
[V: S2V1] B, C D2 B,2 | D D E2 D2 | B, A, B,2 B,2 |
[V: S2V2] G, G, G,2 G,2 | ^F, G, C,2 D,2 | G, F, B,2 B,,2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] e/d/ c d/c/ B c/B/ A/G/ | d4 !sintro!B B | d2 (c B) A A | G6 !eintro!|]
w: Je- * sus, true * and li- * ving * Bread! Je- sus, true and * li- ving Bread!
w: Thou * art here, * we ask * not * how. Thou art here, we * ask not how.
w: We * in wor- * ship join * with * them. We in wor- ship * join with them.
w: Clean- * sing souls * from ev- * ery * stain. Clean- sing souls from * ev- ery stain.
w: Je- * sus, true * and li- * ving * Bread! Je- sus, true and * li- ving Bread!
[V: S1V2] E F D E E E/G/ | ^F4 G G | G2 G2 G ^F | G6 |]
[V: S2V1] B, A, B, G, C C/B,/ | A,4 G, G, | D2 E2 A, D | B,6 |]
[V: S2V2] C, F, B,, E, A,, C, | D,4 G, G, | B,,2 C,2 D, D, | G,,6 |]
% 17
W: 6.Life imparting heavenly Manna,
W: Smitten Rock with streaming side,
W: Heaven and earth with loud hosanna
W: Worship You, the Lamb Who died.
W: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
W: Risen, Ascended, Glorified!
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "REDEEMER 172"
%%footer Jn 15:13-15, Is 41:8-10, Mt 11:19, 28:20, Heb 13:5, Pr 18:24, Mk 1:40-45 10 6 10 6 9 8 10 6
%OHSCRIP Jn 15:13-15, Is 41:8-10, Mt 11:19, 28:20, Heb 13:5, Pr 18:24, Mk 1:40-45
%OHTOPICS {Commitment}, {Faithfulness}, {God, Faithfulness of}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Love of}, {Jesus}
%OHMETRICAL 10 6 10 6 9 8 10 6
%OHCOMPOSER Hugg, George Crawford (1848-1907)
%OHARRANGER Hugg, George Crawford (1848-1907)
%OHAUTHOR Oatman, Jr., Johnson (1856-1922)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 172
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: F
{ A2 A3/2G/ F2 F3/2E/ ; F2 F3/2F/ F2 C3/2C/ ; C2 C3/2B,/ A,2 F,3/2F,/ ; F,2 F,3/2F,/ F,2 A,,3/2A,,/ }
{ D2 F2 DC z2 ; B,2 B,2 B,A, x2 ; F,2 F,2 F,F, z2 ; B,,2 D,2 F,F, x2 }
{ !>!A2 !>!A2 !>!G2 z2 ; F2 F2 E2 x2 ; !>!C2 !>!C2 !>!C2 z2 ; F,2 F,2 C,2 x2 }
{ !>!A2 !>!G2 !>!F2 z2 ; F2 E2 F2 x2 ; !>!C2 !>!B,2 !>!A,2 z2 ; F,2 C,2 F,2 x2 }
{ F2 F3/2F/ F2 C3/2C/ ; C2 C3/2B,/ A,2 F,3/2F,/ ; F,2 F,3/2F,/ F,2 A,,3/2A,,/ ; A2 A3/2G/ F2 F3/2E/ }
{ B,2 B,2 B,A, x2 ; F,2 F,2 F,F, z2 ; B,,2 D,2 F,F, x2 ; D2 F2 DC z2 }
{ F2 F2 E2 x2 ; !>!C2 !>!C2 !>!C2 z2 ; F,2 F,2 C,2 x2 ; !>!A2 !>!A2 !>!G2 z2 }
{ F2 E2 F2 x2 ; !>!C2 !>!B,2 !>!A,2 z2 ; F,2 C,2 F,2 x2 ; !>!A2 !>!G2 !>!F2 z2 }
{ C2 C3/2B,/ A,2 F,3/2F,/ ; F,2 F,3/2F,/ F,2 A,,3/2A,,/ ; A2 A3/2G/ F2 F3/2E/ ; F2 F3/2F/ F2 C3/2C/ }
{ F,2 F,2 F,F, z2 ; B,,2 D,2 F,F, x2 ; D2 F2 DC z2 ; B,2 B,2 B,A, x2 }
{ !>!C2 !>!C2 !>!C2 z2 ; F,2 F,2 C,2 x2 ; !>!A2 !>!A2 !>!G2 z2 ; F2 F2 E2 x2 }
{ !>!C2 !>!B,2 !>!A,2 z2 ; F,2 C,2 F,2 x2 ; !>!A2 !>!G2 !>!F2 z2 ; E2 E2 F2 x2 }
{ F,2 F,3/2F,/ F,2 A,,3/2A,,/ ; A2 A3/2G/ F2 F3/2E/ ; F2 F3/2F/ F2 C3/2C/ ; C2 C3/2B,/ A,2 F,3/2F,/ }
{ B,,2 D,2 F,F, x2 ; D2 F2 DC z2 ; B,2 B,2 B,A, x2 ; F,2 F,2 F,F, z2 }
{ F,2 F,2 C,2 x2 ; !>!A2 !>!A2 !>!G2 z2 ; F2 F2 E2 x2 ; !>!C2 !>!C2 !>!C2 z2 }
{ F,2 C,2 F,2 x2 ; !>!A2 !>!G2 !>!F2 z2 ; E2 E2 F2 x2 ; !>!C2 !>!B,2 !>!A,2 z2 } | X: 172
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: F
X: 172
T: No, Not One!
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Johnson Oatman, Jr, 1894.
C: Music: 'No, Not One' George Crawford Hugg, 1894. Setting: "Pentecostal Hymns, No. 2", 1894.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Revision.
S: Music source: "Pentecostal Hymns, No. 2" 1898 page 1. Setting and hymn identical to that found in "Pentecostal Hymns, Nos. 1 and 2 combined", 1894 Hymn 305. ABC file contributed to the Open Hymnal by Samuel Cantrell, 18 Jan 2012.
S: not sure about first printing of this hymn; 1894 is earliest verifiable source. Hugg owned the copyright. Hugg printed hymnals in 1862, 1879, and 1892. Suspect hymn is found in one of them.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/8 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=95] A2 A3/2G/ F2 F3/2E/ | D2 F2 DC z2 | !>!A2 !>!A2 !>!G2 z2 | !>!A2 !>!G2 !>!F2 z2 |
w: 1.~There's not a friend like the low- ly Je- sus, No, not one! no, not one!
w: 2.~No friend like Him is so high and ho- ly, No, not one! no, not one!
w: 3.~There's not an hour that He is not near us, No, not one! no, not one!
w: 4.~Did ev- er saint find this friend for- sake him? No, not one! no, not one!
w: 5.~Was e'er a gift like the Sav- ior giv- en? No, not one! no, not one!
[V: S1V2] F2 F3/2F/ F2 C3/2C/ | B,2 B,2 B,A, x2 | F2 F2 E2 x2 | F2 E2 F2 x2 |
[V: S2V1] C2 C3/2B,/ A,2 F,3/2F,/ | F,2 F,2 F,F, z2 | !>!C2 !>!C2 !>!C2 z2 | !>!C2 !>!B,2 !>!A,2 z2 |
[V: S2V2] F,2 F,3/2F,/ F,2 A,,3/2A,,/ | B,,2 D,2 F,F, x2 | F,2 F,2 C,2 x2 | F,2 C,2 F,2 x2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] A2 A3/2G/ F2 F3/2E/ | D2 F2 DC z2 | !>!A2 !>!A2 !>!G2 z2 | !>!A2 !>!G2 !>!F2 z2 ||
w: None else could heal all our soul's dis- eas- es, No, not one! no, not one!
w: And yet no friend is so meek and low- ly, No, not one! no, not one!
w: No night so dark but His love can cheer us, No, not one! no, not one!
w: Or sin- ner find that He would not take him? No, not one! no, not one!
w: Will He re- fuse us a home in heav- en? No, not one! no, not one!
[V: S1V2] F2 F3/2F/ F2 C3/2C/ | B,2 B,2 B,A, x2 | F2 F2 E2 x2 | E2 E2 F2 x2 ||
[V: S2V1] C2 C3/2B,/ A,2 F,3/2F,/ | F,2 F,2 F,F, z2 | !>!C2 !>!C2 !>!C2 z2 | !>!C2 !>!B,2 !>!A,2 z2 ||
[V: S2V2] F,2 F,3/2F,/ F,2 A,,3/2A,,/ | B,,2 D,2 F,F, x2 | F,2 F,2 C,2 x2 | C,2 C,2 F,2 x2 ||
% 9
[V: S1V1] A2 c2 c2 d3/2c/ | A2 A2 GF z2 | A2 c2 c2 d3/2c/ | A2 A2 G4 |
w: Je- sus knows all a- bout our strug- gles, He will guide till the day is done;
[V: S1V2] F2 F2 F2 F3/2F/ | F2 F2 EF x2 | F2 F2 F2 F3/2F/ | F2 F2 E4 |
[V: S2V1] C2 A,2 A,2 B,3/2A,/ | C2 C2 B,A, z2 | C2 A,2 A,2 B,3/2A,/ | C2 C2 C4 |
[V: S2V2] F,2 F,2 F,2 F,3/2F,/ | F,2 F,2 C,F, x2 | F,2 F,2 F,2 F,3/2F,/ | F,2 F,2 C,4 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] !sintro!A2 A3/2G/ F2 F3/2E/ | D2 F2 DC z2 | !>!A2 !>!A2 !>!G2 z2 | !>!A2 !>!G2 !>!F2 z2!eintro!|]
w: There's not a friend like the low- ly Je- sus, No, not one! no, not one!
[V: S1V2] F2 F3/2F/ F2 C3/2C/ | B,2 B,2 B,A, x2 | F2 F2 E2 x2 | E2 E2 F2 x2 |]
[V: S2V1] C2 C3/2B,/ A,2 F,3/2F,/ | F,2 F,2 F,F, z2 | !>!C2 !>!C2 !>!C2 z2 | !>!C2 !>!B,2 !>!A,2 z2 |]
[V: S2V2] F,2 F,3/2F,/ F,2 A,,3/2A,,/ | B,,2 D,2 F,F, x2 | F,2 F,2 C,2 x2 | C,2 C,2 F,2 x2 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2014 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "173 REDEEMER"
%%footer Jn 1:29, Rev 5:6, Job 40:6-14, Ps 73:25, 81:6-10, Jn 14:23, 2Cor 5:1-5, Acts 4:12 8 10 10 4
%OHSCRIP Jn 1:29, Rev 5:6, Job 40:6-14, Ps 73:25, 81:6-10, Jn 14:23, 2Cor 5:1-5, Acts 4:12
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Christian Life}, {Comfort}, {Consolation}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Discipleship}, {Faith}, {Fire}, {God, Love of}, {Hope}, {Inner Life}, {Jesus}, {Presence}, {Shepard/Lamb [1]}, {Sinners}, {Testimony}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 8 10 10 4
%OHCOMPOSER Jeater, William (1858-?)
%OHAUTHOR Rossetti, Christina Georgina (1830-1894)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 173
M: 3/2
L: 1/4
K: D
{ A G G ; D D E ; A, B, C ; F, E, A,, }
{ F3 A G G ; (E2 D) D D E ; A,3 A, B, C ; D,3 F, E, A,, }
{ F3 F F A ; (E2 D) D D E ; A,3 A, A, A, ; D,3 D, D, C, }
{ D D E ; A, B, C ; F, E, A,, ; d3/2 c/ B A F ^G }
{ (E2 D) D D E ; A,3 A, B, C ; D,3 F, E, A,, ; A3 c B A }
{ (E2 D) D D E ; A,3 A, A, A, ; D,3 D, D, C, ; B3/2 A/ }
{ A, B, C ; F, E, A,, ; d3/2 c/ B A F ^G ; F3/2 E/ D C D E }
{ A,3 A, B, C ; D,3 F, E, A,, ; A3 c B A ; E3 E C C }
{ A,3 A, A, A, ; D,3 D, D, C, ; B3/2 A/ ; D3/2 D/ } | X: 173
M: 3/2
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 173
T: None Other Lamb
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Christina Rossetti, 1892. Music: 'Rossetti' William Jeater, 1907.
C: Setting: "The Hymnal" (Presbyterian), 1911.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2014 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Hymnal" (Presbyterian), 1911 Hymn 478. Words: same source
M: 3/2 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] A G G | F3 A G G | F3 F F A |
w: 1.~None oth- er Lamb, none oth- er name, None oth- er
w: 2.~My faith burns low, my hope burns low; On- ly my
w: 3.~Lord, Thou art life, though I be dead; Love's fire Thou
[V: S1V2] D D E | (E2 D) D D E | (E2 D) D D E |
[V: S2V1] A, B, C | A,3 A, B, C | A,3 A, A, A, |
[V: S2V2] F, E, A,, | D,3 F, E, A,, | D,3 D, D, C, |
% 2
[V: S1V1] d3/2 c/ B A F ^G | A3 c B A | B3/2 A/
w: hope in Heav'n or earth or sea, None oth- er hi- ding
w: heart's de- sire cries out in me By the deep thun- der
w: art, how- ev- er cold I be: Nor Heav'n have I, nor
[V: S1V2] F3/2 E/ D C D E | E3 E C C | D3/2 D/
[V: S2V1] A,3/2 A,/ ^G, A, B, D | (D2 C) A, A, A, | A,3/2 A,/
[V: S2V2] B,,3/2 B,,/ E, E, E, E, | A,,3 A, G, G, | F,3/2 F,/
% 2
[V: S1V1] A B A G | F6 | !sintro!E2 F2 G2 | F3 !eintro!|]
w: place from guilt and shame, None be- side Thee!
w: of its want and woe, Cries out to Thee.
w: place to lay my head, Nor home, but Thee.
[V: S1V2] D G F E | (E2 D4) | D2 D2 C2 | D3 |]
[V: S2V1] A, D C C | (C2 B,4) | B,2 A,2 A,2 | A,3 |]
[V: S2V2] F, G, A, A, | (^A,2 B,2 =A,2) | G,2 A,2 A,,2 | D,3 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.700000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "REDEEMER 174"
%%footer Ps 117, Ps 67:2-4, Rev 4:4-11, Rev 7:9-12, Rev 15:3-4 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 117, Ps 67:2-4, Rev 4:4-11, Rev 7:9-12, Rev 15:3-4
%OHTOPICS {Angels [1-3]}, {Anticipation}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant)}, {Crown}, {God, As King}, {God, Eternity of}, {God, Justness of [2]}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Light [3]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Shepard/Lamb [3]}, {Victory}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHARRANGER Evans, David (1874-1948)
%OHAUTHOR Penney, Brian L. (1951-)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 174
M: 3/2
L: 1/4
K: F
{ A4 B2 |(3::2(c2B A2) G2 ; F4 F2 ; C4 B,2 ; F,4 D,2 }
{ F4 G2 |(3::2(A2G) A4 ; (G2 F2) E2 ; (G,2 C2) B,2 ; (E,2 F,2) C,2 }
{ (B2 A2) G2 |(3::2(c2B A2) G2 ; D4 E2 ; A,4 C2 ; D,4 C,2 }
{ F4 E2 ; (3::2(F2E) F4 ; C2 C4 ; F,2 F,4 }
{ F6 ; F4 F2 ; D4 D2 ; B,,4 B,,2 }
{ F4 F2 ; C4 B,2 ; F,4 D,2 ; A4 B2 |(3::2(c2B A2) G2 }
{ (G2 F2) E2 ; (G,2 C2) B,2 ; (E,2 F,2) C,2 ; F4 G2 }
{ D4 E2 ; A,4 C2 ; D,4 C,2 ; (3::2(A2G) A4 }
{ (3::2(F2E) F4 ; C2 C4 ; F,2 F,4 ; (B2 A2) G2 |(3::2(c2B A2) G2 }
{ F4 F2 ; D4 D2 ; B,,4 B,,2 ; F4 E2 }
{ (F3 E) D2 ; (C2 F,2) B,2 ; (A,,2 D,2) B,,2 ; F6 }
{ C4 B,2 ; F,4 D,2 ; A4 B2 |(3::2(c2B A2) G2 ; F4 F2 }
{ (G,2 C2) B,2 ; (E,2 F,2) C,2 ; F4 G2 ; (G2 F2) E2 }
{ A,4 C2 ; D,4 C,2 ; (3::2(A2G) A4 ; D4 E2 }
{ C2 C4 ; F,2 F,4 ; (B2 A2) G2 |(3::2(c2B A2) G2 ; (3::2(F2E) F4 }
{ D4 D2 ; B,,4 B,,2 ; F4 E2 ; F4 F2 }
{ (C2 F,2) B,2 ; (A,,2 D,2) B,,2 ; F6 ; (F3 E) D2 }
{ F,4 D,2 ; A4 B2 |(3::2(c2B A2) G2 ; F4 F2 ; C4 B,2 }
{ (E,2 F,2) C,2 ; F4 G2 ; (G2 F2) E2 ; (G,2 C2) B,2 }
{ D,4 C,2 ; (3::2(A2G) A4 ; D4 E2 ; A,4 C2 }
{ F,2 F,4 ; (B2 A2) G2 |(3::2(c2B A2) G2 ; (3::2(F2E) F4 ; C2 C4 }
{ B,,4 B,,2 ; F4 E2 ; F4 F2 ; D4 D2 }
{ (A,,2 D,2) B,,2 ; F6 ; (F3 E) D2 ; (C2 F,2) B,2 } | X: 174
M: 3/2
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 174
T: O Be Glad All Nations on Earth
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Brian L. Penney, 2009.
C: Music: 'Gwalia' Welsh hymn tune, traditional. Setting: David Evans, "Revised Church Hymnary", 1927.
S: David Evans, (1874-1948) Setting from the Revised Church Hymnary, 1927, Oxford University Press
C: copyright: Words: Copyright 2009, Brian L. Penney. These lyrics may be freely reproduced or published for Christian
C: worship, provided they are not altered, and this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
C: Music and Setting: public domain per CCEH. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Setting close, but slightly different from "Hymns of the Kingdom" 1923 Hymn 143
M: 3/2 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=230] A4 B2 |(3::2(c2B A2) G2 | F4 G2 |(3::2(A2G) A4 | (B2 A2) G2 |(3::2(c2B A2) G2 | F4 E2 | F6 |
w: 1.~O be glad, * * all na- tions on * Earth, Come * let Je- * * sus' Name be praised;
w: 2.~Great and mar- * * vel- ous are Your * works, Just * and true * * are all Your ways;
w: 3.~When shall Heav'n * * and Earth to- geth- * er, Walk * be- fore * * the Lamb, its Light?
w: 4.~Lo, that day * * shall come with glo- * ry, When * Christ comes * * with trum- pet sound;
[V: S1V2] F4 F2 | (G2 F2) E2 | D4 E2 | (3::2(F2E) F4 | F4 F2 | (F3 E) D2 | C4 C2 | C6 |
[V: S2V1] C4 B,2 | (G,2 C2) B,2 | A,4 C2 | C2 C4 | D4 D2 | (C2 F,2) B,2 | (A,2 G,2) (C B,) | A,6 |
[V: S2V2] F,4 D,2 | (E,2 F,2) C,2 | D,4 C,2 | F,2 F,4 | B,,4 B,,2 | (A,,2 D,2) B,,2 | C,4 C,2 | F,6 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] A4 B2 |(3::2(c2B A2) G2 | F4 G2 | (3::2(A2G) A4 | (B2 A2) G2 |(3::2(c2B A2) G2 | F4 E2 | F6 |
w: He is crowned, * * the King of glo- * ry, At * God's right * * hand He is raised.
w: All the na- * * tions bow in wor- * ship, King * of kings, * * Your Name they praise.
w: When shall all * * the saints be ga- * thered, and * that Day * * shall end the night?
w: Then the saints * * will cease their groan- * ing, Nev- * er more * * by death's chains bound.
[V: S1V2] F4 F2 | (G2 F2) E2 | D4 E2 | (3::2(F2E) F4 | F4 F2 | (F3 E) D2 | C4 C2 | C6 |
[V: S2V1] C4 B,2 | (G,2 C2) B,2 | A,4 C2 | C2 C4 | D4 D2 | (C2 F,2) B,2 | (A,2 G,2) (C B,) | A,6 |
[V: S2V2] F,4 D,2 | (E,2 F,2) C,2 | D,4 C,2 | F,2 F,4 | B,,4 B,,2 | (A,,2 D,2) B,,2 | C,4 C,2 | F,6 |
% 17
[V: S1V1] c4(3::2c2A | c4(3cd_e |(3::2(d2c B2) A2 | A2 G4 | c4(3::2c2A | c4(3cd_e |(3::2(d2c B2) A2 | G6 |
w: An- gels * bow- ing * * down * * be- fore Him, Sing- ing * with the * * heav'n- * * ly throng;
w: An- gels * bow- ing * * down * * be- fore Him, Sing- ing * with the * * heav'n- * * ly throng;
w: An- gels * bow- ing * * down * * be- fore Him, Sing- ing * with the * * heav'n- * * ly throng;
w: Let us * all bow * * down * * be- fore Him, Sing, O * sing th'e- * * ter- * * nal song;
[V: S1V2] F4 F2 | G4 F2 | F4 F2 | F2 E4 | E4 F2 | G4 F2 | (F3 E) F2 | E6 |
[V: S2V1] C4(3::2A,2C | (C3 B,) A,2 |(3::2(B,2C D2) D2 | C2 C4 | C4(3::2A,2C | (C3 B,) A,2 | B,4 C2 | C6 |
[V: S2V2] A,4 F,2 | E,4 F,2 | B,,4 =B,,2 | C,2 C,4 | A,4 F,2 | C,4 F,2 |(3::2B,2A, G,2 F,2 | C,6 |
% 25
[V: S1V1] A4 B2 |(3::2(c2B A2) G2 | F4 G2 | (3::2(A2G) A4 | !sintro!(B2 A2) G2 |(3::2(c2B A2) G2 | F4 E2 | F6 !eintro!|]
w: El- ders cast- * * ing crowns be- fore * Him, Sing- * ing an * * e- ter- nal song.
w: El- ders cast- * * ing crowns be- fore * Him, Sing- * ing an * * e- ter- nal song.
w: El- ders cast- * * ing crowns be- fore * Him, Sing- * ing an * * e- ter- nal song.
w: Work in hope * * un- til we meet * Him, And * we join * * the heav'n- ly throng.
[V: S1V2] F4 F2 | (G2 F2) E2 | D4 D2 | D2 ^C4 | D4 (D E) | (F3 E) D2 | C4 C2 | C6 |]
[V: S2V1] C4 B,2 | (G,2 C2) B,2 | A,4 D,2 | F,2 E,4 | (E,2 F,2) G,2 |(3::2(A,2B, C2) B,2 | (A,2 G,2) (C B,) | A,6 |]
[V: S2V2] F,4 D,2 | (E,2 F,2) C,2 | D,4 B,,2 | A,,2 A,,4 | (G,,2 A,,2) B,,2 | (A,,2 F,,2) B,,2 | C,4 C,2 | [F,,6F,6] |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.720000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "175 REDEEMER"
%%footer Ps 96:1-3, 1Pt 1:18-19, Rev 5:11-13, Eph 2:8-9, Lk 7:7 8 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Ps 96:1-3, 1Pt 1:18-19, Rev 5:11-13, Eph 2:8-9, Lk 7:7
%OHTOPICS {Assurance [3-6]}, {Atonement [4-5,7,10,12,15-19]}, {Blood [4,12]}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant) [8]}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant) [8]}, {Comfort}, {Compassion}, {Conversion [5-7,10-19]}, {Day [9]}, {Easter}, {Faith [11,13-14]}, {Forgiveness [4,7,10,16-19]}, {God, As King [1]}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gospel}, {Grace [2,14]}, {Gratitude}, {Healing [6]}, {Heaven [8]}, {Jesus}, {Knowledge [7]}, {Light [16]}, {Love [7-8,12,19]}, {Missions [2]}, {Praise, Son}, {Promises (see also Gospel) [13]}, {Sacrifice}, {Saints (all Faithful) [8]}, {Salvation}, {Sinners}, {Testimony}, {Truth [13]}, {Worship [1-2]}
%OHCOMPOSER Gläser, Carl Gotthelf (1784-1829)
%OHARRANGER Mason, Lowell (1792-1872)
%OHAUTHOR Wesley, Charles (1707-1788)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 175
M: 3/2
L: 1/4
K: Ab
{ E2 ; E2 ; E,2 ; E,2 }
{ A A B2 B2 ; E C E2 E2 ; E, A, G,2 G,2 ; C, A,, E,2 E,2 }
{ c B A2 B2 ; E D C2 E2 ; A, G, A,2 G,2 ; A, E, F,2 E,2 }
{ c c d2 c2 ; E E E2 E2 ; A, A, B,2 A,2 ; A, A, G,2 A,2 }
{ B4 ; E4 ; G,4 ; E,4 }
{ E2 ; E,2 ; E,2 ; e2 }
{ E C E2 E2 ; E, A, G,2 G,2 ; C, A,, E,2 E,2 ; e c c2 A2 }
{ E D C2 E2 ; A, G, A,2 G,2 ; A, E, F,2 E,2 ; A F F2 !sintro!(A F) }
{ E E E2 E2 ; A, A, B,2 A,2 ; A, A, G,2 A,2 ; E A A2 B2 }
{ E4 ; G,4 ; E,4 ; A4 !eintro! } | X: 175
M: 3/2
L: 1/4
K: Ab
X: 175
T: O For A Thousand Tongues
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Charles Wesley, 1740. Music: 'Azmon' Carl G. Gläser, 1828. Setting: Lowell Mason, 1839.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2007 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Methodist Hymnal", 1905. Hymn 1.
M: 3/2 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Ab % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=200] E2 | A A B2 B2 | c B A2 B2 | c c d2 c2 | B4
w: 1.~O for a thou- sand tongues to sing My great Re- deem- er's praise,
w: 2.~My gra- cious Mas- ter and my God, A- ssist me to pro- claim,
w: 3.~Je- sus! the name that charms our fears, That bids our sor- rows cease;
w: 4.~He breaks the pow'r of can- celed sin, He sets the pri- soner free;
w: 5.~He speaks, and, lis- tening to His voice, New life the dead re- ceive,
[V: S1V2] E2 | E C E2 E2 | E D C2 E2 | E E E2 E2 | E4
[V: S2V1] E,2 | E, A, G,2 G,2 | A, G, A,2 G,2 | A, A, B,2 A,2 | G,4
[V: S2V2] E,2 | C, A,, E,2 E,2 | A, E, F,2 E,2 | A, A, G,2 A,2 | E,4
% 5
[V: S1V1] e2 | e c c2 A2 | A F F2 !sintro!(A F) | E A A2 B2 | A4 !eintro!|]
w: The glo- ries of my God and King, The * tri- umphs of His grace!
w: To spread through all the earth a- broad The * ho- nors of Thy name.
w: 'Tis mu- sic in the sin- ner's ears, 'Tis * life, and health, and peace.
w: His blood can make the foul- est clean, His * blood a- vailed for me.
w: The mourn- ful, bro- ken hearts re- joice, The * hum- ble poor be- lieve.
[V: S1V2] G2 | A E E2 E2 | F D D2 (F D) | C C C2 D2 | C4 |]
[V: S2V1] B,2 | C A, A,2 A,2 | A, A, A,2 A,2 | A, A, A,2 G,2 | A,4 |]
[V: S2V2] E,2 | A, A, A,2 C,2 | D, D, D,2 D,2 | E, E, E,2 E,2 | A,,4 |]
% 9
W:6.Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb,
W:Your loosened tongues employ;
W:Ye blind, behold your Savior come,
W:And leap, ye lame, for joy.
W:7.In Christ your Head, you then shall know,
W:Shall feel your sins forgiven;
W:Anticipate your heaven below,
W:And own that love is heaven.
W:8.Glory to God, and praise and love
W:Be ever, ever given,
W:By saints below and saints above,
W:The church in earth and heaven.
W:9.On this glad day the glorious Sun
W:Of Righteousness arose;
W:On my benighted soul He shone
W:And filled it with repose.
W:10.Sudden expired the legal strife,
W:'Twas then I ceased to grieve;
W:My second, real, living life
W:I then began to live.
W:11.Then with my heart I first believed,
W:Believed with faith divine,
W:Power with the Holy Ghost received
W:To call the Savior mine.
W:12.I felt my Lord's atoning blood
W:Close to my soul applied;
W:Me, me He loved, the Son of God,
W:For me, for me He died!
W:13.I found and owned His promise true,
W:Ascertained of my part,
W:My pardon passed in heaven I knew
W:When written on my heart.
W:14.Look unto Him, ye nations, own
W:Your God, ye fallen race;
W:Look, and be saved through faith alone,
W:Be justified by grace.
W:15.See all your sins on Jesus laid:
W:The Lamb of God was slain,
W:His soul was once an offering made
W:For every soul of man.
W:16.Awake from guilty nature's sleep,
W:And Christ shall give you light,
W:Cast all your sins into the deep,
W:And wash the Æthiop white.
W:17.Harlots and publicans and thieves
W:In holy triumph join!
W:Saved is the sinner that believes
W:From crimes as great as mine.
W:18.Murderers and all ye hellish crew,
W:Ye sons of lust and pride,
W:Believe the Savior died for you;
W:For me the Savior died.
W:19.With me, your chief, ye then shall know,
W:Shall feel your sins forgiven;
W:Anticipate your heaven below,
W:And own that love is heaven.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%combinevoices 0
%%header "REDEEMER 176"
%%footer Eph 3:17-18, Rom 11:33-36, Ps 36:6, 1Tim 1:12-17 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Eph 3:17-18, Rom 11:33-36, Ps 36:6, 1Tim 1:12-17
%OHTOPICS {Courage in Affliction}, {Fear of the Lord}, {God, Love of}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Grace}, {Jesus}, {Kindness, God's}, {Love}, {Praise, Son}, {Speech [2]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER Williams, Thomas J. (1869-1944)
%OHAUTHOR Francis, Samuel Trevor (1834-1925)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 176
M: 8/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
{ F2(3FGA G2 F2 ; C2 C2 =E2 F2 ; A,2 C2 C2 A,2 ; F,,2 A,,2 C,2 D,2 }
{ G2(3GAB (A3/2 G/) F2 ; F2 =E2 F2 C2 ; D2 C2 (C3/2 B,/) A,2 ; B,,2 C,2 F,2 F,2 }
{ c2(3Bcd (c3/2 B/) A2 ; C2(3::2_E2F G2 F2 ; E2(3::2B,2A, C2 C2 ; A,2(3::2G,2F, =E,2 F,2 }
{ (B3/2 A/) G2 F4 ; F2 =E2 F4 ; (D3/2 C/) B,2 A,4 ; B,,2 C,2 F,4 }
{ C2 C2 =E2 F2 ; A,2 C2 C2 A,2 ; F,,2 A,,2 C,2 D,2 ; F2(3FGA G2 F2 }
{ F2 =E2 F2 C2 ; D2 C2 (C3/2 B,/) A,2 ; B,,2 C,2 F,2 F,2 ; G2(3GAB (A3/2 G/) F2 }
{ C2(3::2_E2F G2 F2 ; E2(3::2B,2A, C2 C2 ; A,2(3::2G,2F, =E,2 F,2 ; c2(3Bcd (c3/2 B/) A2 }
{ F2 =E2 F4 ; (D3/2 C/) B,2 A,4 ; B,,2 C,2 F,4 ; (B3/2 A/) G2 F4 }
{ A,2 C2 C2 A,2 ; F,,2 A,,2 C,2 D,2 ; F2(3FGA G2 F2 ; C2 C2 =E2 F2 }
{ D2 C2 (C3/2 B,/) A,2 ; B,,2 C,2 F,2 F,2 ; G2(3GAB (A3/2 G/) F2 ; F2 =E2 F2 C2 }
{ E2(3::2B,2A, C2 C2 ; A,2(3::2G,2F, =E,2 F,2 ; c2(3Bcd (c3/2 B/) A2 ; C2(3::2_E2F G2 F2 }
{ (D3/2 C/) B,2 A,4 ; B,,2 C,2 F,4 ; (B3/2 A/) G2 F4 ; F2 =E2 F4 }
{ F,,2 A,,2 C,2 D,2 ; F2(3FGA G2 F2 ; C2 C2 =E2 F2 ; A,2 C2 C2 A,2 }
{ B,,2 C,2 F,2 F,2 ; G2(3GAB (A3/2 G/) F2 ; F2 =E2 F2 C2 ; D2 C2 (C3/2 B,/) A,2 }
{ A,2(3::2G,2F, =E,2 F,2 ; c2(3Bcd (c3/2 B/) A2 ; C2(3::2_E2F G2 F2 ; E2(3::2B,2A, C2 C2 }
{ B,,2 C,2 F,4 ; (B3/2 A/) G2 F4 ; F2 =E2 F4 ; (D3/2 C/) B,2 A,4 } | X: 176
M: 8/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
X: 176
T: O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
C: Words: S. Trevor Francis, 1875.
C: Music: 'Ebenezer' or 'Ton-Y-Botel' Thomas J. Williams, 1890. Setting: "A Hymnal" (Episcopal), 1916.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: The Episcopal Hymnal, 1918, Hymn 433.
M: 8/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Ab % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=180] F2(3FGA G2 F2 | G2(3GAB (A3/2 G/) F2 | c2(3Bcd (c3/2 B/) A2 | (B3/2 A/) G2 F4 |
w: 1.~O the * * deep, deep love of * * Je- * sus, vast, un- * * meas- * ured, bound- * less, free!
w: 2.~O the * * deep, deep love of * * Je- * sus, spread His * * praise * from shore * to shore!
w: 3.~O the * * deep, deep love of * * Je- * sus, love of * * ev- * ery love * the best!
[V: S1V2] C2 C2 =E2 F2 | F2 =E2 F2 C2 | C2(3::2_E2F G2 F2 | F2 =E2 F4 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 C2 C2 A,2 | D2 C2 (C3/2 B,/) A,2 | E2(3::2B,2A, C2 C2 | (D3/2 C/) B,2 A,4 |
[V: S2V2] F,,2 A,,2 C,2 D,2 | B,,2 C,2 F,2 F,2 | A,2(3::2G,2F, =E,2 F,2 | B,,2 C,2 F,4 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] F2(3FGA G2 F2 | G2(3GAB (A3/2 G/) F2 | c2(3Bcd (c3/2 B/) A2 | (B3/2 A/) G2 F4 |
w: Rol- ling * * as a might- y * * o- * cean in its * * full- * ness ov- * er me!
w: How He * * lov- eth, ev- er * * lov- * eth, chang- eth * * ne- * ver, nev- * er- more!
w: 'Tis an * * o- cean full of * * bless- * ing, 'tis a * * ha- * ven giv- * ing rest!
[V: S1V2] C2 C2 =E2 F2 | F2 =E2 F2 C2 | C2(3::2_E2F G2 F2 | F2 =E2 F4 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 C2 C2 A,2 | D2 C2 (C3/2 B,/) A,2 | E2(3::2B,2A, C2 C2 | (D3/2 C/) B,2 A,4 |
[V: S2V2] F,,2 A,,2 C,2 D,2 | B,,2 C,2 F,2 F,2 | A,2(3::2G,2F, =E,2 F,2 | B,,2 C,2 F,4 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] c2(3ABc B2 B2 | A2(3FGA G2 G2 | F2(3FGA B2 B2 | A2(3BAB c4 |
w: Un- der- * * neath me, all ar- * * ound me, is the * * cur- rent of Thy * * love
w: How He * * watch- es o'er His * * loved ones, died to * * call them all His * * own;
w: O the * * deep, deep love of * * Je- sus, 'tis a * * heav'n of heav'ns to * * me;
[V: S1V2] E2 E2 E2 E2 | C2 F2 F2 =E2 | F2 C2 F2 E2 | C2 F2 =E4 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 A,2 A,2 G,2 | A,2 C2 C2 C2 | F,2 A,2 A,2 G,2 | A,2 F,2 G,4 |
[V: S2V2] A,,2 C,2 E,2 E,2 | F,2 A,,2 C,2 C,2 | F,2 E,2 D,2 E,2 | (F, E,) D,2 C,4 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] F2(3FGA G2 F2 | G2(3GAB (A3/2 G/) F2 | !sintro!c2(3Bcd (c3/2 B/) A2 | (B3/2 A/) G2 F4 !eintro!|]
w: Lead- ing * * on- ward, lead- ing * * home- * ward to Thy * * glor- * ious rest * a- bove!
w: How for * * them He in- ter- * * ce- * deth, watch- eth * * o'er * them from * the throne!
w: And it * * lifts me up to * * glo- * ry, for it * * lifts * me up * to Thee!
[V: S1V2] A,2 F2 =E2 F2 | F2 =E2 F2 F2 | E2 E2 E2 F2 | F2 =E2 F4 |]
[V: S2V1] F,2 C2 C2 A,2 | D2 C2 (C3/2 B,/) A,2 | A,2(3G,A,B, (A,3/2 G,/) F,2 | (D3/2 C/) B,2 A,4 |]
[V: S2V2] D,2 A,,2 C,2 D,2 | B,,2 C,2 F,2 F,2 | A,2 E,2 A,,2 D,2 | B,,2 C,2 F,4 |]
% 18
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "177 REDEEMER"
%%footer Lk 10:41-42, Mk 4:19-20, Phil 4:5-7, 3:7-11, Mt 6:25-34, 5:16, Col 2:13-14, Heb 9:13-14, Ps 23:1-6 8 7 8 7 12 12 11 11
%OHSCRIP Lk 10:41-42, Mk 4:19-20, Phil 4:5-7, 3:7-11, Mt 6:25-34, 5:16, Col 2:13-14, Heb 9:13-14, Ps 23:1-6
%OHTOPICS {Aspiration [4]}, {Assurance}, {Atonement [6-8,10]}, {Blood [6,8]}, {Calmness [9]}, {Christian Life}, {Commitment}, {Consecration [7]}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Darkness, Spiritual [8]}, {Discipleship}, {Eternal Life [3,6,8]}, {Faith [6,9]}, {Father [8]}, {Following Jesus, In Faith}, {God, Goodness of}, {Grace [8]}, {Gratitude}, {Guidance}, {Heaven [4,5,7,8]}, {Humility}, {Inner Life}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Love}, {Loyalty}, {Peace}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Rest [2,4]}, {Salvation}, {Sinners [6,10]}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 12 12 11 11
%OHCOMPOSER Krieger, Adam (1634-1666)
%OHARRANGER Layriz, Fridrich (1808-1859)
%OHAUTHOR Schröder, Johann Heinrich (1667-1699)
%OHTRANSLATOR Cox, Frances Elizabeth (1812-1897)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 177
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ B B c d ; E B, E F ; G, F, G, B, ; E, D, C, B,, }
{ e e d d ; G G G G ; B, C C =B, ; E, C, G, G,, }
{ c c B G ; E E F E ; C G, F, B, ; A,, C, D, E, }
{ A F E2 ; E D E2 ; C B, G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 }
{ E B, E F ; G, F, G, B, ; E, D, C, B,, ; B B c d }
{ G G G G ; B, C C =B, ; E, C, G, G,, ; e e d d }
{ E E F E ; C G, F, B, ; A,, C, D, E, ; c c B G }
{ E D E2 ; C B, G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 ; A F E2 }
{ G, F, G, B, ; E, D, C, B,, ; B B c d ; E B, E F }
{ B, C C =B, ; E, C, G, G,, ; e e d d ; G G G G }
{ C G, F, B, ; A,, C, D, E, ; c c B G ; E E F E }
{ C B, G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 ; A F E2 ; E D E2 }
{ E, D, C, B,, ; B B c d ; E B, E F ; G, F, G, B, }
{ E, C, G, G,, ; e e d d ; G G G G ; B, C C =B, }
{ A,, C, D, E, ; c c B G ; E E F E ; C G, F, B, }
{ A,, B,, E,2 ; A F E2 ; E D E2 ; C B, G,2 }
{ B B c d ; E B, E F ; G, F, G, B, ; E, D, C, B,, }
{ e e d d ; G G G G ; B, C C =B, ; E, C, G, G,, }
{ c c B G ; E E F E ; C G, F, B, ; A,, C, D, E, }
{ A F E2 ; E D E2 ; C B, G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 } | X: 177
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 177
T: One Thing's Needful
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Johann H. Schröder, 1697. Translated by Frances E. Cox, 1841, alt.
C: Music: 'Eins ist Not' Adam Krieger (1634-1666). Setting: Fridrich Layriz, 1853, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Revision.
S: Music source: "Kern des Deutschen Kirchengesangs zum Gebrauch Evangelisch-Lutherischer Gemeinden und Familien", 1853 by Fridrich Layriz Hymn 603 page 138
S: Lyrics source: Original Lyrics from Sacred Hymns from the German (London: 1841); very minor alterations as in ELHB 1931
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] B B c d | e e d d | c c B G | A F E2 |
w: 1.~One thing's need- ful: then, Lord Je- sus, Keep this one thing in my mind;
w: 2.~Soul, wilt thou this one thing find thee? Seek not midst cre- a- ted things;
w: 3.~How were Mar- y's thoughts de- vot- ed, Her e- ter- nal joy to find,
w: 4.~Thus my long- ings, heav'n- ward tend- ing, Je- sus, rest a- lone on Thee;
w: 5.~Wis- dom's high- est nob- lest trea- sure, Je- sus, lies con- ceal'd in Thee;
[V: S1V2] E B, E F | G G G G | E E F E | E D E2 |
[V: S2V1] G, F, G, B, | B, C C =B, | C G, F, B, | C B, G,2 |
[V: S2V2] E, D, C, B,, | E, C, G, G,, | A,, C, D, E, | A,, B,, E,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] B B c d | e e d d | c c B G | A F E2 |
w: All be- side, though first it please us, Soon a griev- ous yoke we find:
w: What is earth- ly, leave be- hind thee, ov- er na- ture stretch thy wings;
w: As in- tent each word she not- ed, At her Sa- vior's feet re- clined:
w: Help me, thus on Thee de- pend- ing, Sa- vior! come and dwell in me:
w: Grant that this may still the meas- ure Of my will and ac- tions be:
[V: S1V2] E B, E F | G G G G | E E F E | E D E2 |
[V: S2V1] G, F, G, B, | B, C C =B, | C G, F, B, | C B, G,2 |
[V: S2V2] E, D, C, B,, | E, C, G, G,, | A,, C, D, E, | A,, B,, E,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] E/F/ G G G | [M:3/4] F F F/G/ | A A A | G G G | c c c |
w: Be- * neath it the heart is still * fret- ting and stri- ving, No true, last- ing
w: For * where God and man both in * One are u- ni- ted, With God's per- fect
w: How * kind- led her heart, how de- * vout was its feel- ing, While hear- ing the
w: Al- * though all the world should for- * sake and for- get Thee, In love I will
w: Hu- * mil- i- ty there and sim- * pli- ci- ty reign- ing, My steps shall in
[V: S1V2] E/D/ E D E | E E D/E/ | F E F | F E E | E E F |
[V: S2V1] G,/A,/ B, B, B, | [M:3/4] B, C B, | C C B, | B, B, B, | A, G, A, |
[V: S2V2] E, E, G, E, | B,, =A,, B,, | F, C, D, | E, E, E, | A,, C, F, |
% 13
[V: S1V1] B3/2 A/ G | A G F | E !fermata!E E/F/ | G G G | F F F/G/ |
w: happ- i- ness ev- er de- riv- ing. The * gain of this one thing all *
w: full- ness the heart is de- light- ed; There, * there is the wor- thi- est *
w: les- sons that Christ was re- veal- ing; For * Je- sus all earth- ly con- *
w: fol- low Thee, ne'er will I quit Thee; For * Je- sus, both Spi- rit and *
w: wis- dom for ev- er be train- ing; Oh! * if I of Christ have this *
[V: S1V2] F D E | F E D | B, B, E/D/ | E D E | E E D/E/ |
[V: S2V1] F, B, B, | C B, A, | G, !invertedfermata!G, G,/A,/ | B, B, B, | B, C B, |
[V: S2V2] D, B,, E, | A,, B,, B,, | E, E, E, | E, G, E, | B,, =A,, B,, |
%%header "REDEEMER 177(2)"
% 9
[V: S1V1] A A A | G2 !sintro!G | c c c | B3/2 A/ G | A G F | E3 !eintro!|]
w: loss can re- quite And teach me in all things to find true de- light.
w: lot and the best, My One and my All, and my Joy, and my Rest.
w: cerns she for- got, And all was re- paid in that one hap- py lot.
w: life is Thy Word, And is there a joy which Thou dost not af- ford?
w: know- ledge di- vine, The full- ness of heav- en- ly wis- dom is mine.
[V: S1V2] F E F | E2 E | E E F | F D E | F E D | E3 |]
[V: S2V1] C C B, | B,2 B, | A, G, A, | F, B, B, | C B, A, | G,3 |]
[V: S2V2] F, C, D, | E,2 E, | A,, C, F, | D, B,, E, | A,, B,, B,, | E,,3|]
W: 6. Christ, Thou art the sole oblation
W: That I'll bring before my God;
W: In his sight I've acceptation
W: Only through Thy streaming blood:
W: Immaculate righteousness now I've acquired,
W: Since Thou on the tree of the cross hast expired;
W: The robe of salvation for ever is mine,
W: In this shall my faith through eternity shine.
W: 7. Let my soul, in full exemption,
W: Wake up in Thy likeness now;
W: Thou art made to me redemption,
W: My sanctification Thou.
W: Whatever I need for my Journey to Heaven
W: In Thee, I my Savior, is unto me given.
W: Oh! let me all perishing pleasures forgo,
W: And Thy life, O Jesus! alone let me know.
W: 8. Where should else my hopes be centered?
W: Grace o'erwhelms me with its flood;
W: Thou, my Savior, once hast enter'd
W: Holiest heaven through Thy blood:
W: Eternal redemption for sinners there finding,
W: From hell's dark dominion my spirit unbinding,
W: To me perfect freedom Thy entrance has brought,
W: And childlike to cry, "Abba, Father," I'm taught.
W: 9. Christ Himself, my Shepherd, feeds me,
W: Peace and joy my spirit fill;
W: In a pasture green He leads me
W: Forth beside the waters still:
W: Oh! naught to my soul is so sweet and reviving,
W: As thus unto Jesus alone to be living;
W: True happiness this, and this only supplies,
W: Through faith on my Savior to fasten my eyes.
W: 10. Therefore, Jesus, my Salvation,
W: Thou my One, my All shalt be;
W: Prove my fix'd determination,
W: Root out all hypocrisy:
W: Look well if on sin's slippery paths I am hasting,
W: And lead me, O Lord, in the way everlasting;
W: This one thing is needful, all others are vain,
W: I count all but loss that I Christ may obtain.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.720000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "178 REDEEMER"
%%footer Ps 103:1, 145 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 103:1, 145
%OHTOPICS {Atonement [1]}, {Faithfulness [1-3]}, {Father [3]}, {God, As King [1]}, {God, Eternity of [1,4]}, {God, Faithfulness of [2,3]}, {God, Goodness of [1-3]}, {God, Love of [2,3]}, {God, Mercy of [1,3]}, {God, Providence of [1-3]}, {Grace [1-3]}, {Gratitude [1-3]}, {Healing [1]}, {Praise, Father}, {Praise, Son}, {Reverence [1]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER Goss, John (1800-1880)
%OHAUTHOR Lyte, Henry F. (1793-1847)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 178
M: 2/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ B B ; E E ; G, G, ; E, E, ; G G }
{ B B ; D D ; A, A, ; F, F, ; G G }
{ e d ; E B ; B, B, ; G, G, ; c B }
{ c2 ; (B A) ; (C D) ; A,2 ; B =A }
{ B2 ; G2 ; E2 ; E,2 ; B c }
{ A G ; E E ; A, B, ; C, E, ; d e }
{ c B ; E D ; A, F, ; A,, B,, ; G =A }
{ G A ; E F ; E, C ; C, F,, ; B2 }
{ E E ; G, G, ; E, E, ; G G ; D F }
{ D D ; A, A, ; F, F, ; G G ; E D }
{ E B ; B, B, ; G, G, ; c B ; C C }
{ (B A) ; (C D) ; A,2 ; B =A ; E E }
{ G2 ; E2 ; E,2 ; B c ; D E }
{ E E ; A, B, ; C, E, ; d e ; F E }
{ E D ; A, F, ; A,, B,, ; G =A ; E E }
{ E F ; E, C ; C, F,, ; B2 ; D2 } | X: 178
M: 2/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 178
T: Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Henry F. Lyte, 1834.
C: Music: 'Praise My Soul' or 'Lauda Anima' or 'St. Paul' John Goss, 1869. Setting: "The Choral Hymnal", 1888.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music Source: "The Plymouth Hymnal", 1894 Hymn 219. "The Choral Hymnal", 1888 page 54.
M: 2/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2) | S3
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S3 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 5 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] B B | B B | e d | c2 | B2 | A G | c B | G A | F2 |
w: 1.~Praise, my soul, the King of hea- ven; To His feet thy tri- bute bring.
w: 2.~Praise Him for His grace and fa- vor To our fa- thers in dis- tress.
w: 3.~Fa- ther like He tends and spares us; Well our fee- ble frame He knows.
w: 4.~Frail as sum- mer's flower we flour- ish, Blows the wind and it is gone;
w: 5.~An- gels, help us to a- dore Him; Ye be- hold Him face to face;
[V: S1V2] E E | D D | E B | (B A) | G2 | E E | E D | E F | D2 |
[V: S2V1] G, G, | A, A, | B, B, | (C D) | E2 | A, B, | A, F, | E, C | (B, A,) |
[V: S2V2] E, E, | F, F, | G, G, | A,2 | E,2 | C, E, | A,, B,, | C, F,, | B,,2 |
% 1
[V: S1V1] G G | G G | c B | B =A | B c | d e | G =A | B2 |
w: Ran- somed, healed, re- stored, for- giv- en, Ev- er- more His pra- ises sing:
w: Praise Him still the same as ev- er, Slow to chide, and swift to bless.
w: In His hands He gen- tly bears us, Res- cues us from all our foes.
w: But while mor- tals rise and per- ish Our God lives un- chang- ing on,
w: Sun and moon, bow down be- fore Him, Dwell- ers all in time and space.
[V: S1V2] D F | E D | C C | E E | D E | F E | E E | D2 |
[V: S2V1] G, D, | E, F, | G, C | C C | B, =A, | B, B, | C C | B,2 |
[V: S2V2] =B,, _B,, | C, D, | E, =E, | F, ^F, | G, F, | B, G, | E, F, | B,,2 |
% 1
[V: S1V1] e d | c B | e d | c B | !sintro!c B | A F | E D | E2 !eintro!|]
w: A- lle- lu- ia! A- lle- lu- ia! Praise the ev- er- last- ing King.
w: A- lle- lu- ia! A- lle- lu- ia! Glor- ious in His faith- ful- ness.
w: A- lle- lu- ia! A- lle- lu- ia! Wide- ly yet His mer- cy flows.
w: Praise Him, Praise Him, Ha- lle- lu- jah Praise the High E- ter- nal One!
w: A- lle- lu- ia! A- lle- lu- ia! Praise with us the God of grace.
[V: S1V2] E3/2 E/ | E D | E F/G/ | A A | G F | E C | B, B, | B,2 |]
[V: S2V1] B,3/2 B,/ | A, A, | G, F,/E,/ | F, B, | E D | C A, | G, F,/A,/ | G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] G,3/2 G,,/ | A,, B,, | C,3/2 C,/ | D, D, | E, F,/G,/ | A, A,, | B,, B,, | E,2 |]
% 1
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "REDEEMER 179"
%%footer Lk 5:1-11, 23:39-43, 18:8, Jn 21:1-14, 6:16-21, 20:19-23, Mt 26:33-35, 26:69-75, Acts 20:29-30 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Lk 5:1-11, 23:39-43, 18:8, Jn 21:1-14, 6:16-21, 20:19-23, Mt 26:33-35, 26:69-75, Acts 20:29-30
%OHTOPICS {Comfort}, {Compassion}, {Contrition [3,5]}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Darkness, Spiritual [2]}, {Forgiveness [3]}, {God, Care of}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Love of}, {God, Providence of}, {Grace [3]}, {Humility}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Jesus}, {Joy [4]}, {Miracles}, {Nature [1,2]}, {Peace [4]}, {Presence [1,5]}, {Salvation}, {Second Coming [5]}, {Solitude (with God even when alone) [3]}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6
%OHCOMPOSER from Day's Psalter, 1563
%OHAUTHOR Wordsworth, Christopher (1807-1885)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 179
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ G ; D ; B, ; G,, }
{ F E D G ; C C D B, ; A, G, G, G, ; A,, C, B,, E, }
{ B A G G ; D D B, D ; G, F, G, G, ; B,, D, G,, B,, }
{ A B c A ; E D C D ; E, G, A, F, ; C, B,, A,, D, }
{ B3 ; D3 ; G,3 ; G,,3 }
{ D ; B, ; G,, ; B }
{ C C D B, ; A, G, G, G, ; A,, C, B,, E, ; A G F G }
{ D D B, D ; G, F, G, G, ; B,, D, G,, B,, ; E E D D }
{ E D C D ; E, G, A, F, ; C, B,, A,, D, ; G A B A }
{ D3 ; G,3 ; G,,3 ; G3 }
{ B, ; G,, ; B ; D }
{ A, G, G, G, ; A,, C, B,, E, ; A G F G ; D B,/^C/ D D }
{ G, F, G, G, ; B,, D, G,, B,, ; E E D D ; D ^C D D }
{ E, G, A, F, ; C, B,, A,, D, ; G A B A ; B, D D D }
{ G,3 ; G,,3 ; G3 ; B,3 }
{ G,, ; B ; D ; G, }
{ A,, C, B,, E, ; A G F G ; D B,/^C/ D D ; F, G, A, B, }
{ B,, D, G,, B,, ; E E D D ; D ^C D D ; A, E, F, F, }
{ C, B,, A,, D, ; G A B A ; B, D D D ; E, F, G, F, }
{ G,,3 ; G3 ; B,3 ; G,3 } | X: 179
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 179
T: The Galilean Fishers Toil
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Come Blessed Jesu Come)
C: Words: Christopher Wordsworth, 1865, alt.
C: Music: 'Old 137th' or 'Norwich' from Day's Psalter, 1563. Setting: "The Holy Year", 1865.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Holy Year", 1865 Hymn 9. words from the same source. The only change is that the original reads Come blessed Jesu (not Jesus) at the end of each verse
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] G | F E D G | B A G G | A B c A | B3
w: 1.~The Ga- li- le- an fish- ers toil all night, and no- thing take;
w: 2.~The night is dark, the sur- ges fill the bark, the wild winds roar;
w: 3.~A frail one, thrice de- ny- ing Thee saw mer- cy in Thine eyes,
w: 4.~The faith- ful few re- tire in fear to their closed up- per room;
w: 5.~In days, when faith will scarce be found, and wolves be in the fold,
[V: S1V2] D | C C D B, | D D B, D | E D C D | D3
[V: S2V1] B, | A, G, G, G, | G, F, G, G, | E, G, A, F, | G,3
[V: S2V2] G,, | A,, C, B,, E, | B,, D, G,, B,, | C, B,, A,, D, | G,,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] B | A G F G | E E D D | G A B A | G3
w: But Je- sus comes,\- a won- drous spoil is lift- ed from the lake.
w: But Je- sus comes and all is still,\- the ship is at the shore.
w: The pen- i- tent up- on the tree was borne to Par- a- dise.
w: But sud- den- ly with joy- ful cheer they see their Mast- er come.
w: When sin and sor- row will a- bound and char- i- ty wax cold,
[V: S1V2] D | D B,/^C/ D D | D ^C D D | B, D D D | B,3
[V: S2V1] G, | F, G, A, B, | A, E, F, F, | E, F, G, F, | G,3
[V: S2V2] G,, | D, E, D, G,, | A,, A,, D, B,, | E, D, B,, D, | G,,3
% 9
[V: S1V1] D | G A B G | c c B G | E F G A | G3
w: Lord, when our la- bors are in vain and vain the help of men,
w: O Lord, when storms a- round us howl, and all is dark and drear,
w: In hours of sin and deep dis- tress o show us, Lord, Thy Face,
w: Lord come to us, un- loose our bands and bid our ter- rors cease,
w: Then hear Thy saints, who to Thee pray to bring them to their home,
[V: S1V2] D | D D D G | E E D D E C B, D | B,3
[V: S2V1] F, | G, F, G, G, | G, G, G, G, | G, A, B, F, | G,3
[V: S2V2] D, | B,, D, G, E, | C, C, G,, B,, | C, A, G, D, | G,3
% 13
[V: S1V1] G | B c d d | e e d !sintro!B | A B c A | G3 !eintro!|]
w: When fruit- less is our care and pain, Come bless- ed Je- sus then!
w: In all the tem- pests of the soul, O bless- ed Je- sus hear.
w: In pen- i- ten- tial lone- li- ness, O give us Je- sus grace!
w: Lift o- ver us Thy bless- ed hands, Speak, ho- ly Je- sus Peace!
w: Hear when the Bride and Spi- rit say, "Come, Bless- ed Je- sus, Come!"
[V: S1V2] D | G G F G | G G G D | D D E D | B,3 |]
[V: S2V1] B, | D G, A, G, | G, C B, G, | A, G, G, F, | G,3 |]
[V: S2V2] G,, | G, E, D, B,, | C, C, G, G, | F, G, C, D, | G,,3 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.70000
%%staffsep 1.80000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "180 REDEEMER"
%%footer Hos 14:4-9, Rev 22:16, Jn 3:29, Is 53:3-6, Heb 13:5-6, 2Tim 4:8 7 6 11 7 6 11 7 6 10 8 6 11
%OHSCRIP Hos 14:4-9, Rev 22:16, Jn 3:29, Is 53:3-6, Heb 13:5-6, 2Tim 4:8
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Calmness}, {Christian Life}, {Consecration}, {Discipleship}, {Faith [3]}, {Faithfulness}, {Following Jesus, In Faith}, {Friendship}, {God, Faithfulness of}, {God, Goodness of}, {Gratitude}, {Healing [1]}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Promises (see also Gospel)}, {Testimony}, {Zeal}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 11 7 6 11 7 6 10 8 6 11
%OHCOMPOSER Hays, William Shakespeare (1837-1907)
%OHARRANGER Sankey, Ira David (1840-1908)
%OHAUTHOR Fry, Charles William (1838-1882)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 180
M: 6/8
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F/4A/4 ; F/ ; A,/4C/4 ; F,/ }
{ c c/ d c/ ; F F/ F F/ ; A, A,/ B, A,/ ; F, F,/ F, F,/ }
{ c/ A2 F/ ; F/ F2 F/ ; B,/ C2 C/ ; F,/ F,2 A,,/ }
{ G F/ F D/ ; D D/ D B,/ ; B, B,/ B, F,/ ; B,, B,,/ B,, D,/ }
{ C3/2 F G/ ; A,3/2 C C/ ; F,3/2 A, B,/ ; F,3/2 F, F,/ }
{ A A/ A A/ ; F F/ F F/ ; C C/ C C/ ; F, F,/ F, F,/ }
{ F/ ; A,/4C/4 ; F,/ ; d c/ A F/ }
{ F F/ F F/ ; A, A,/ B, A,/ ; F, F,/ F, F,/ ; G3- }
{ F/ F2 F/ ; B,/ C2 C/ ; F,/ F,2 A,,/ ; G3/2 (F A/) }
{ D D/ D B,/ ; B, B,/ B, F,/ ; B,, B,,/ B,, D,/ ; c c/ d c/ }
{ A,3/2 C C/ ; F,3/2 A, B,/ ; F,3/2 F, F,/ ; c/A2 F/ }
{ F F/ F F/ ; C C/ C C/ ; F, F,/ F, F,/ ; G F/ F D/ }
{ A,/4C/4 ; F,/ ; d c/ A F/ ; F F/ F F/ }
{ A, A,/ B, A,/ ; F, F,/ F, F,/ ; G3- ; E3- }
{ B,/ C2 C/ ; F,/ F,2 A,,/ ; G3/2 (F A/) ; E3/2 F3/2 }
{ B, B,/ B, F,/ ; B,, B,,/ B,, D,/ ; c c/ d c/ ; F F/ F F/ }
{ F,3/2 A, B,/ ; F,3/2 F, F,/ ; c/A2 F/ ; F/ F2 C/ }
{ C C/ C C/ ; F, F,/ F, F,/ ; G F/ F D/ ; D D/ D B,/ }
{ F,/ ; d c/ A F/ ; F F/ F F/ ; B, C/ C C/ }
{ F, F,/ F, F,/ ; G3- ; E3- ; C3- }
{ F,/ F,2 A,,/ ; G3/2 (F A/) ; E3/2 F3/2 ; C3/2 (A, C/) }
{ B,, B,,/ B,, D,/ ; c c/ d c/ ; F F/ F F/ ; A, A,/ B, A,/ }
{ F,3/2 F, F,/ ; c/A2 F/ ; F/ F2 C/ ; A,/ C2 A,/ }
{ F, F,/ F, F,/ ; G F/ F D/ ; D D/ D B,/ ; B, B,/ B, F,/ }
{ d c/ A F/ ; F F/ F F/ ; B, C/ C C/ ; B, A,/ F, A,,/ }
{ G3- ; E3- ; C3- ; C,3- }
{ G3/2 (F A/) ; E3/2 F3/2 ; C3/2 (A, C/) ; C,3/2 F,3/2 }
{ c c/ d c/ ; F F/ F F/ ; A, A,/ B, A,/ ; F, F,/ F, F,/ }
{ c/A2 F/ ; F/ F2 C/ ; A,/ C2 A,/ ; F,/ F,2 F,/ }
{ G F/ F D/ ; D D/ D B,/ ; B, B,/ B, F,/ ; B,, B,,/ B,, D,/ }
{ C3/2 ; A,3/2 ; F,3/2 ; F,3/2 } | X: 180
M: 6/8
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 180
T: The Lily of the Valley
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as I've Found a Friend in Jesus)
C: Words: C. W. Fry, 1881, alt.
C: Music: 'Salvation' or 'The Lily of the Valley' William S. Hays, 1881. Setting: Ira D. Sankey, 1887.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Revision.
S: Music and lyrics source: Gospel Hymns Nos. 5 and 6 Combined, 1892, hymn 102. Lyrics altered by bjd
M: 6/8 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] F/4A/4 | c c/ d c/ | c/ A2 F/ | G F/ F D/ | C3/2 F G/ | A A/ A A/ |
w: 1.~I've * found a friend in Je- sus, He's ev- ery- thing to me, He's the fair- est of ten
w: 2.~He * all my grief has ta- ken, and all my sor- rows borne; In temp- ta- tion He's my
w: 3.~He'll * ne- ver, ne- ver leave me, nor yet for- sake me here, So I live by faith and
[V: S1V2] F/ | F F/ F F/ | F/ F2 F/ | D D/ D B,/ | A,3/2 C C/ | F F/ F F/ |
[V: S2V1] A,/4C/4 | A, A,/ B, A,/ | B,/ C2 C/ | B, B,/ B, F,/ | F,3/2 A, B,/ | C C/ C C/ |
[V: S2V2] F,/ | F, F,/ F, F,/ | F,/ F,2 A,,/ | B,, B,,/ B,, D,/ | F,3/2 F, F,/ | F, F,/ F, F,/ |
% 2
[V: S1V1] d c/ A F/ | G3- | G3/2 (F A/) | c c/ d c/ | c/A2 F/ | G F/ F D/ | C3/2
w: thou- sand to my soul; * The * Li- ly of the Val- ley, in Him a- lone I see
w: strong and might- y tow'r; * I'll * all for Him for- sake now, I'll all my i- dols tear
w: do His bless- ed will; * A * wall of fire a- bout me, I've no- thing now to fear,
[V: S1V2] F F/ F F/ | E3- | E3/2 F3/2 | F F/ F F/ | F/ F2 C/ | D D/ D B,/ | A,3/2
[V: S2V1] B, C/ C C/ | C3- | C3/2 (A, C/) | A, A,/ B, A,/ | A,/ C2 A,/ | B, B,/ B, F,/ | F,3/2
[V: S2V2] B, A,/ F, A,,/ | C,3- | C,3/2 F,3/2 | F, F,/ F, F,/ | F,/ F,2 F,/ | B,, B,,/ B,, D,/ | F,3/2
% 2
[V: S1V1] F G/ | A A/ G F/ | G G/ F E/ | F3- | F3/2 z/ F | F/ B B B/ | B/ d2
w: All I need to cleanse and make me ful- ly whole. * In sor- row He's my com- fort,
w: From my heart for now He keeps me by His pow'r. * Though all the world for- sake me,
w: With His man- na He my hun- gry soul shall fill. * When crown'd at last in glo- ry,
[V: S1V2] C C/ | F F/ E F/ | D D/ C C/ | C3- | C3/2 x/ _E | D/ D D D/ | D/ F2
[V: S2V1] A, B,/ | C C/ B, A,/ | B, B,/ A, G,/ | A,3- | A,3/2 z/ A, |B,/ F, F, F,/ | F,/ B,2
[V: S2V2] F, F,/ | F, F,/ C, D,/ | B,, B,,/ C, C,/ | F,3- | F,3/2 x/F, | B,,/ B,, B,, B,,/ | B,,/ B,,2
w: * * * * * * * * * * * * In sor- row He's my com- fort,
% 2
[V: S1V1] d/ | d/ c c A/ | c3/2 (A G/) | F F/ F F/ | d c/ A F/ | G3- | G3/2 F A/ | c/ c
w: in trou- ble He's my stay; He * tells me ev- ery care on Him to roll. * He's the Li- ly
w: and Sa- tan tempt me sore, Through * Je- sus I shall safe- ly reach the goal. * He's the Li- ly
w: I'll see His bless- ed face, Where * ri- vers of de- light shall ev- er roll. * He's the Li- ly
[V: S1V2] F/ | F/ F F F/ | F3/2 (F C/) | C C/ C F/ | F F/ F F/ | E3- | E3/2 F F/ | F/ F
[V: S2V1] B,/ | B,/ A, A, C/ | A,3/2 (C B,/) | A, B,/ C A,/ | B, C/ C C/ | C3- | C3/2 A, C/ | A,/ A,
[V: S2V2] B,,/ | F,/ F, F, F,/ | F,3/2 F,3/2 | F, G,/ A, F,/ | B, A,/ F, A,,/ | C,3- | C,3/2 F, F,/ | F,/ F,
w: in trou- ble He's my stay; He tells me ev- ery care on Him to roll. * He's the Li- ly
% 2
[V: S1V1] d c/ | c/ A2 F/ | G F/ F D/ | C3/2 !sintro!F G/ | A A/ G F/ | G G/ F E/ | F3- | F3/2 z/ !eintro!|]
w: of the Val- ley, the Bright and Morn- ing Star, He's the fair- est of ten thou- sand to my soul. *
[V: S1V2] F F/ | F/ F2 F/ | D D/ D B,/ | A,3/2 C C/ | F C/ C F/ | D D/ C C/ | C3- | C3/2 x/ |]
[V: S2V1] B, A,/ | A,/ C2 C/ | B, B,/ B, F,/ | F,3/2 A, B,/ | C C/ B, A,/ | B, B,/ A, G,/ | A,3- | A,3/2 z/ |]
[V: S2V2] F, F,/ | F,/ F,2 A,,/ | B,, B,,/ B,, D,/ | F,3/2 F, F,/ | F, F,/ C, D,/ | B,, B,,/ C, C,/ | F,3- | F,3/2 x/ |]
% Note that the original Scripture reference of Song of Solomon 2:1 had to be removed, as this
% verse is from the prespective of the Bride (the Church), not Christ (and v.2 is a restatement
% by the other). Not sure how the authors missed that, but it is rather strange to invert the two.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "REDEEMER 181"
%%footer Heb 2:14-15, 13:20-21, Phil 1:6, Mk 1:23-28, Lk 4:33-37 6 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Heb 2:14-15, 13:20-21, Phil 1:6, Mk 1:23-28, Lk 4:33-37
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Christian Life}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant)}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification [3]}, {Forgiveness}, {Grace}, {Gratitude}, {Jesus}, {Knowledge}, {Peace [3]}, {Praise, Son}, {Repentance [2]}, {Temperance & Moral Reform (see also Law) [3,4]}
%OHCOMPOSER Hullah, John Pyke (1812-1884)
%OHAUTHOR Bright, William (1824-1901)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 181
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ A ; F ; D ; D, }
{ B A c d ; G A G F ; D D G, A, |A,3 A, ; G, F, E, D, }
{ G3 F ; E3 D ; B, A, D B, ; C,3 D, }
{ E B A B ; D C D D ; A,3 ; G, G, F, G, }
{ F ; D ; D, ; F }
{ G A G F ; D D G, A, |A,3 A, ; G, F, E, D, ; F E D d }
{ E3 D ; B, A, D B, ; C,3 D, ; c B A !sintro!D }
{ D C D D ; A,3 ; G, G, F, G, ; G F E E } | X: 181
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 181
T: We Know Thee Who Thou Art
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Prayer After Pardon)
C: Words: William Bright, 1865.
C: Music: 'Sellinge' John Pyke Hullah, 1868. Setting: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1904.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Revision.
S: Music source: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1904 hymn 486. Lyrics source "Hymns and Other Poems" by Bright, 1866 p.65
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] A | B A c d | G3 F | E B A B | E3
w: 1.~We know Thee who Thou art, Lord Je- sus, Ma- ry's Son;
w: 2.~That sac- red fount of grace, 'Mid all the bliss of Heav'n,
w: 3.~Brought home from ways per- verse, At peace Thine arms with- in,
w: 4.~We dare not ask to live Hence- forth from tri- als free;
w: 5.~We know Thee who Thou art, Our own re- deem- ing Lord;
[V: S1V2] F | G A G F | E3 D | D C D D | C3
[V: S2V1] D | D D G, A, |A,3 A, | B, A, D B, | A,3
[V: S2V2] D, | G, F, E, D, | C,3 D, | G, G, F, G, | A,3
% 2
[V: S1V1] F | F E D d | c B A !sintro!D | G F E E | D3 !eintro!|]
w: We know the yearn- ings of Thy heart To end Thy work be- gun.
w: Has joy when- e'er we seek Thy face, And kneel to be for- giv'n.
w: We pray Thee, shield us from the curse Of fall- ing back to sin.
w: But oh! when next they tempt us, give More strength to cling to Thee.
w: Be Thou by will, and mind, and heart, Ac- cep- ted, loved, a- dored.
[V: S1V2] D | B, B, A, F | E D/E/ F D | D/C/ D D C D3 |]
[V: S2V1] A, | G, G, F, A, | G,/A,/ B,/C/ D A, | G, A, B, A,/G,/ | F,3 |]
[V: S2V2] D, | D, D, D, D, | E,/F,/ G, D, F, | E, D, G,, A,, | D,3 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.71000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "182 JUSTIFICATION"
%%footer Eph 2:4-9, Titus 3:4-7, Is 64:6, Rom 3:23-24 9 8 9 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Eph 2:4-9, Titus 3:4-7, Is 64:6, Rom 3:23-24
%OHTOPICS {Activity [2]}, {Assurance}, {Atonement [2,4]}, {Comfort}, {Conscience [6-7]}, {Fear of the Lord [4]}, {God, Faithfulness of [1-5]}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gospel}, {Grace}, {Judgment [6,7]}, {Pride (see also Humility) [3]}, {Promises (see also Gospel)}, {Saints (all Faithful) [5]}, {Salvation}, {Scripture [1]}, {Security}, {Sinners [3,6-10]}, {Truth [1]}, {Victory [8-10]}
%OHMETRICAL 9 8 9 8 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER König, Johann Balthasar (1691-1758)
%OHAUTHOR Scheidt, Christian Ludwig (1709-1761)
%OHTRANSLATOR Loy, Matthias (1828-1915)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 182
M: none
L: 1/4
K: F
{ z c A c ; x F F F ; z A, C C ; x F,, F, A,, }
{ d c B A ; F E F F ; B, G, D C ; B,, C, D, F, }
{ G2 F2 ; (F E) F2 ; C2 A,2 ; C,2 F,,2 }
{ A G F ; F E D ; C C A, ; F, C, D, }
{ G A B A ; E F F F ; B, C D C ; G, F, B,, F, }
{ G2 ; E2 ; C2 ; C,2 }
{ x F F F ; z A, C C ; x F,, F, A,, ; c A c }
{ F E F F ; B, G, D C ; B,, C, D, F, ; d c B A }
{ (F E) F2 ; C2 A,2 ; C,2 F,,2 ; G2 F2 }
{ F E D ; C C A, ; F, C, D, ; A G F }
{ E F F F ; B, C D C ; G, F, B,, F, ; G A B A }
{ E2 ; C2 ; C,2 ; G2 }
{ z A, C C ; x F,, F, A,, ; c A c ; F F F }
{ B, G, D C ; B,, C, D, F, ; d c B A ; F E F F }
{ C2 A,2 ; C,2 F,,2 ; G2 F2 ; (F E) F2 }
{ C C A, ; F, C, D, ; A G F ; F E D }
{ B, C D C ; G, F, B,, F, ; G A B A ; E F F F }
{ C2 ; C,2 ; G2 ; E2 } | X: 182
M: none
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 182
T: By Grace I'm Saved
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Christian L. Scheidt, 1742. Translated by Matthias Loy, (1828-1915).
C: Music: 'O Dass Ich Tansend Zungen' Johann Balthasar König, 1738.
C: Setting: "The Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal" (Ohio Synod), 1908.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2007 Revision.
S: Music source: 'The Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal' (Ohio Synod), 1908 Hymn 311.
M: none
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] z c A c | d c B A | G2 F2 | A G F | G A B A | G2 |
w: 1.~By grace I'm saved\- grace free and bound- less! My heart, be- liev'st thou this or not?
w: 2.~By grace! our works are all re- ject- ed, All claims of me- rit pass for naught;
w: 3.~By grace! mark well this phra- se's mean- ing, When sin rolls sor- rows o'er thy breast,
w: 4.~By grace His Son, on earth ap- pear- ing, Vouch- safed be- neath thy woe to bend;
w: 5.~By grace! this ground of our sal- va- tion As long as God is true en- dures:
[V: S1V2] x F F F | F E F F | (F E) F2 | F E D | E F F F | E2 |
[V: S2V1] z A, C C | B, G, D C | C2 A,2 | C C A, | B, C D C | C2 |
[V: S2V2] x F,, F, A,, | B,, C, D, F, | C,2 F,,2 | F, C, D, | G, F, B,, F, | C,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] c A c | d c B A | G2 F2 | A G F | G A B A | G2 |
w: Why tremb- lest thou with ter- ror ground- less? Has ev- er God a false- hood taught?
w: The might- y Sa- vior, long ex- pec- ted, To us this bliss- ful truth has brought,
w: When Sa- tan threats with pride o'er- ween- ing, When troub- led con- science sighs for rest:
w: Hadst thou, dam- na- tion just- ly fear- ing, Done aught to ren- der Him thy friend?
w: What saints have penned by in- spi- ra- tion, What God to our poor soul se- cures,
[V: S1V2] F F F | F E F F | (F E) F2 | F E D | E F F F | E2 |
[V: S2V1] A, C C | B, G, D C | C2 A,2 | C C A, | B, C D C | C2 |
[V: S2V2] F,, F, A,, | B,, C, D, F, | C,2 F,,2 | F, C, D, | G, F, B,, F, | C,2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] G G G | A c c =B | c2 !sintro!c | A F d B | A2 G2 | F4 !eintro!|]
w: His Word is true- then this must be: By grace there is a crown for thee.
w: That He by death re- deems our race, And we are saved a- lone by grace.
w: What rea- son ne'er can com- pre- hend It pleas- es God by grace to send.
w: Was't not that He thy wel- fare sought, And but by grace de- liv'r- ance wrought?
w: What all our faith must rest u- pon, Is grace, free grace through His dear Son.
[V: S1V2] E D C | C G F D | E2 G | F F F G | (G F) (F E) | C4 |]
[V: S2V1] C =B, G, | F, G, A, G, | G,2 C | C C B, D | C2 B,2 | A,4 |]
[V: S2V2] C, D, E, | F, E, F, G, | C,2 E, | F, A,, B,, A,, | C,2 C,,2 | F,,4 |]
% 20
W:6.By grace! but think not, thou who livest
W:Securely on in godless ways,
W:That thou, though all are called, receivest
W:The promised rest that wakes our praise:
W:By grace none find in heaven a place
W:Who live in sin in hope of grace.
W:7.By grace! They who have heard this sentence
W:Must bid hypocrisy farewell;
W:For only after deep repentance
W:The soul what grace imports can tell;
W:To sin while grace a trifle seems,
W:To faith it bright with glory beams.
W:8.By grace the timid hearts that languish,
W:Find access to the Father's heart,
W:When conflicts fierce and bitter anguish
W:Bid all their joy and hopes depart.
W:Where, oftimes, should I strength obtain,
W:Bid grace my anchor not remain!
W:9.By grace! on this in death I'll rest me,
W:Rejoicing e'en though feeling naught;
W:I know my sin it oft oppressed me
W:But Him, too, who my soul hath bought:
W:My heart exults grief flees apace
W:Because my soul is saved by grace.
W:10.By grace! O sin and Satan hear it!
W:I bear my flag of faith in hand,
W:And pass, in spite of doubts, nor fear it,
W:The Red Sea to the promised land;
W:I hold the word my Savior taught
W:As certain, whether felt or not.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "JUSTIFICATION 183"
%%footer Eph 2:6, Ps 32:1-5, Jn 14:1-6 7 7 7 7
%OHSCRIP Eph 2:6, Ps 32:1-5, Jn 14:1-6
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Atonement}, {Bride/Bridegroom [4]}, {Conscience}, {Contrition}, {God, As King}, {Jesus}, {Repentance}, {Salvation}, {Sinners}, {Trinity [3]}
%OHCOMPOSER Wingard, Jay C.
%OHARRANGER Wingard, Jay C.
%OHAUTHOR Wingard, Jay C.
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 183
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
{ F3 F ; F3 F ; z ; B,,3 x ; B,,,3 z }
{ B3 A ; B3 A ; [F3D3] z ; D,3 x ; D,,3 z }
{ A3 B ; A3 B ; [F3C3] z ; E,3 x ; E,,3 z }
{ G4 ; G4 ; [E4B,4] ; E,4 ; E,,4 }
{ F3 D ; F3 D ; [D3B,3] z ; B,,3 x ; B,,,3 z }
{ F3 F ; z ; B,,3 x ; B,,,3 z ; D2 .(C B,) }
{ B3 A ; [F3D3] z ; D,3 x ; D,,3 z ; D3 E }
{ A3 B ; [F3C3] z ; E,3 x ; E,,3 z ; C4 }
{ G4 ; [E4B,4] ; E,4 ; E,,4 ; F3 F }
{ F3 D ; [D3B,3] z ; B,,3 x ; B,,,3 z ; B3 A }
{ z ; B,,3 x ; B,,,3 z ; D2 .(C B,) ; D2 C B, }
{ [F3D3] z ; D,3 x ; D,,3 z ; D3 E ; D3 E }
{ [F3C3] z ; E,3 x ; E,,3 z ; C4 ; C4 }
{ [E4B,4] ; E,4 ; E,,4 ; F3 F ; F3 F }
{ [D3B,3] z ; B,,3 x ; B,,,3 z ; B3 A ; B3 A } | X: 183
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
X: 183
T: Christ My King On High
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Jay C. Wingard, 2011.
C: Music and Setting: 'Christ My King on High' Jay C. Wingard, 2011.
C: copyright: This hymn (lyrics, music, and setting) may be freely reproduced or used for Christian worship or
C: personal use. All other rights reserved. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source:
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves S1V1 | {(S2V1 S2V2) | (S3V1 S3V2)}
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S3V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S3V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Bb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 5 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=150] F3 F | B3 A | A3 B | G4 | F3 D |
w: 1.~Lord, my sin, it grieves me so. How I
w: 2.~Spot- less Lamb made sin for me. God, Great
w: 3.~One with Him, I stand se- cure, Safe in
w: 4.~Long to see the skies burn bright, heav- en's
[V: S2V1] F3 F | B3 A | A3 B | G4 | F3 D |
[V: S2V2] [D3B,3] z | [F3D3] z | [F3C3] z | [E4B,4] | [D3B,3] z |
[V: S3V1] B,,3 x | D,3 x | E,3 x | E,4 | B,,3 x |
[V: S3V2] B,,,3 z | D,,3 z | E,,3 z | E,,4 | B,,,3 z |
% 7
[V: S1V1] D2 .(C B,) | D3 E | C4 | F3 F | B3 A |
w: long for my Lord to come. Bless my God who
w: Judge, just * al- ways be. Sealed on high with
w: Tri- une * hands I'm sure. Christ's great mer- its
w: hosts all * clothed in white. See the King, His
[V: S2V1] D2 C B, | D3 E | C4 | F3 F | B3 A |
[V: S2V2] [B,2G,2] z2 | [B,3F,3] z | [A,4F,4] | [D3B,3] z | [F3D3] z |
[V: S3V1] G,,4 | F,,3 x | F,,4 | B,,3 x | D,3 x |
[V: S3V2] G,,,4 | F,,,3 z | F,,,4 | B,,,3 z | D,,3 z |
% 13
[V: S1V1] A3 B | G4 | !sintro!F3 D | D2 .(C B,) | D3 C | B,4 !eintro!|]
w: clothes me bright, wraps me pure in * heav'n's Great Light.
w: Christ's Great Pledge ne- ver more shall * death I dread.
w: giv'n to me. I now hear Him say, "Whom I'm pleased."
w: vic- 'try won. Come, pure Bride be- * hold the Son.
[V: S2V1] A3 B | G4 | F3 D | D2 C B, | D3 C | B,4 |]
[V: S2V2] [F3C3] z | [E4B,4] | [D3B,3] z | [B,2G,2] z2 | [B,3F,3] z | F,4 |]
[V: S3V1] E,3 x | E,4 | B,,3 x | G,,4 | F,,3 x | B,,4 |]
[V: S3V2] E,,3 z | E,,4 | B,,,3 z | G,,,4 | F,,,3 z | B,,,4 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7400000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "184 JUSTIFICATION"
%%footer 1Pt 1:6-9, 1Jn 4:14, Ps 98:1-3, 2Tim 1:9-10, Gal 4:4-5, Rom 3:28 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP 1Pt 1:6-9, 1Jn 4:14, Ps 98:1-3, 2Tim 1:9-10, Gal 4:4-5, Rom 3:28
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Atonement}, {Blood [8]}, {Brotherhood [6]}, {Christian Life}, {Comfort}, {Compassion [4,5]}, {Crown [5]}, {Father [4]}, {God, As King [5,10]}, {God, Mercy of [4-8]}, {Gospel}, {Grace [4]}, {Gratitude}, {Healing [4]}, {Holy Spirit [9]}, {Jesus [4-9]}, {Joy}, {Judgment [2,3]}, {Kindness, God's [4-8]}, {Praise, Father [1,10]}, {Praise, Son [1,10]}, {Praise, Holy Spirit [1,10]}, {Presence [6-8]}, {Sinners [2,3]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Klug's Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1533
%OHARRANGER Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Massie, Richard (1800-1887)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 184
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ z G G B ; x D E D ; z B, C B, ; x G, E, G, }
{ A G A A ; F E E F ; D B, A, A, ; D, E, C, D, }
{ B2 G2 ; D2 E2 ; G,2 B,2 ; G,2 E,2 }
{ B c d B ; D E D D ; B, G, A, G, ; G, E, F, G, }
{ A2 G2 ; D2 [B,2D2 ; (G,/F,//E,// F,) (G,/A,/ B,) ; D,2 [G,,2G,2 }
{ x D E D ; z B, C B, ; x G, E, G, ; z G G B }
{ F E E F ; D B, A, A, ; D, E, C, D, ; A G A A }
{ D2 E2 ; G,2 B,2 ; G,2 E,2 ; B2 G2 }
{ D E D D ; B, G, A, G, ; G, E, F, G, ; B c d B }
{ D2 [B,2D2 ; (G,/F,//E,// F,) (G,/A,/ B,) ; D,2 [G,,2G,2 ; A2 G2 }
{ z B, C B, ; x G, E, G, ; z G G B ; x D E D }
{ D B, A, A, ; D, E, C, D, ; A G A A ; F E E F }
{ G,2 B,2 ; G,2 E,2 ; B2 G2 ; D2 E2 }
{ B, G, A, G, ; G, E, F, G, ; B c d B ; D E D D }
{ (G,/F,//E,// F,) (G,/A,/ B,) ; D,2 [G,,2G,2 ; A2 G2 ; D2 [B,2D2 }
{ x G, E, G, ; z G G B ; x D E D ; z B, C B, }
{ D, E, C, D, ; A G A A ; F E E F ; D B, A, A, }
{ G,2 E,2 ; B2 G2 ; D2 E2 ; G,2 B,2 }
{ G, E, F, G, ; B c d B ; D E D D ; B, G, A, G, }
{ D,2 [G,,2G,2 ; A2 G2 ; D2 [B,2D2 ; (G,/F,//E,// F,) (G,/A,/ B,) } | X: 184
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 184
T: Dear Christians, One and All Rejoice
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1523. Translated by Richard Massie, 1854, alt.
C: Music: 'Es ist Gewisslich an der Zeit' from Klug's Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1533.
C: Setting: Michael Praetorius, 1610.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Hymns of Martin Luther" by Bacon, 1883.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] z G G B | A G A A | B2 G2 | B c d B | A2 G2 |
w: 1.~Dear Christ- ians, one and all re- joice, With ex- ul- ta- tion spring- ing,
w: 2.~Fast bound in Sa- tan's chains I lay. Death brood- ed dark- ly o'er me;
w: 3.~My good works could a- vail me naught, For they with sin were stain- éd;
w: 4.~God saw, in his e- ter- nal grace, My sor- row out of mea- sure;
w: 5.~He spake to his be- lov- ed Son: 'Tis time to take com- pass- ion;
[V: S1V2] x D E D | F E E F | D2 E2 | D E D D | D2 [B,2D2] |
[V: S2V1] z B, C B, | D B, A, A, | G,2 B,2 | B, G, A, G, | (G,/F,//E,// F,) (G,/A,/ B,) |
[V: S2V2] x G, E, G, | D, E, C, D, | G,2 E,2 | G, E, F, G, | D,2 [G,,2G,2] |
% 5
[V: S1V1] z G G B | A G A A | B2 G2 | B c d B | A2 G2 |
w: And with u- ni- ted heart and voice And ho- ly rap- ture sing- ing,
w: Sin was my tor- ment night and day, There- in my mo- ther bore me.
w: Free- will a- gainst God's judg- ment fought, And dead to good re- main- éd.
w: He thought u- pon his ten- der- ness To save was his good pleas- ure.
w: Then go, bright je- wel of my crown, And bring to man sal- va- tion;
[V: S1V2] x D E D | F E E F | D2 E2 | D E D D | D2 [B,2D2] |
[V: S2V1] z B, C B, | D B, A, A, | G,2 B,2 | B, G, A, G, | (G,/F,//E,// F,) (G,/A,/ B,) |
[V: S2V2] x G, E, G, | D, E, C, D, | G,2 E,2 | G, E, F, G, | D,2 [G,,2G,2] |
% 9
[V: S1V1] z B B A | G F G E | D2 z D | G G G F |
w: Pro- claim the won- ders God hath done, How his right arm the
w: Deep- er and deep- er still I fell, Life was be- come a
w: Grief drove me to des- pair, and I Had no- thing left me
w: He turn'd to me a Fa- ther's heart\- Not small the cost to
w: From sin and sor- row set him free, Slay bit- ter death for
[V: S1V2] x D G F | E D B, C | B,2 x B, | D E D D |
[V: S2V1] z B, B, C | C A, G, G, | G,2 z G, | B, C B, A, |
[V: S2V2] x G, E, A,, | C, D, E, C, | G,2 x G,, | G,, C, G,, D, |
% 17
[V: S1V1] G A B2 | !sintro!G2 B c | d B A2 | G4 !eintro!|]
w: vic- t'ry won; Right dear- ly it hath cost him.
w: li- ving hell, So firm- ly sin po- ssessed me.
w: but to die, To hell I fast was sink- ing.
w: heal my smart He gave his best and dear- est.
w: him, that he May live with thee for- ev- er.
[V: S1V2] B, E ^D2 | (B, E) D A | A G (F/E/ F) | D4 |]
[V: S2V1] G, E, F,2 | G, B,2 E | D D D2 | B,4 |]
[V: S2V2] E, C, B,,2 | E,2 G, A, | F, G, D,2 | G,,4 |]
% 20
%%header "JUSTIFICATION 184(2)"
%%multicol start
%%leftmargin 6cm
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tThe Son delighted to obey, And born of Virgin mother,
%% \t\t\t\tAwhile on this low earth did stay That he might be my brother.
%% \t\t\t\tHis mighty power he hidden bore,
%% \t\t\t\tA servant's form like mine he wore, To bind the devil captive.
%% 7.\tTo me he spake : cling fast to me, Thou'lt win a triumph worthy:
%% \t\t\t\tI wholly give myself for thee, I strive and wrestle for thee;
%% \t\t\t\tFor I am thine, thou mine also;
%% \t\t\t\tAnd where I am thou art. The foe Shall never more divide us.
%% 8.\tFor he shall shed my precious blood, Me of my life bereaving;
%% \t\t\t\tAll this I suffer for thy good; Be steadfast and believing.
%% \t\t\t\tMy life from death the day shall win,
%% \t\t\t\tMy righteousness shall bear thy sin, So art thou blest forever.
%% 9.\tNow to my Father I depart, From earth to heaven ascending;
%% \t\t\t\tThence heavenly wisdom to impart, The Holy Spirit sending.
%% \t\t\t\tHe shall in trouble comfort thee,
%% \t\t\t\tTeach thee to know and follow me, And to the truth conduct thee.
%% 10. What I have done and taught, do thou To do and teach endeavor;
%% \t\t\t\tSo shall my kingdom flourish now, And God be praised forever.
%% \t\t\t\tTake heed lest men with base alloy
%% \t\t\t\tThe heavenly treasure should destroy. This counsel I bequeath thee.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7500000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "185 JUSTIFICATION"
%%footer 1Pt 1:6-9, 1Jn 4:14, Ps 98:1-3, 2Tim 1:9-10, Gal 4:4-5, Rom 3:28 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP 1Pt 1:6-9, 1Jn 4:14, Ps 98:1-3, 2Tim 1:9-10, Gal 4:4-5, Rom 3:28
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Atonement}, {Blood [8]}, {Brotherhood [6]}, {Christian Life}, {Comfort}, {Compassion [4,5]}, {Crown [5]}, {Father [4]}, {God, As King [5,10]}, {God, Mercy of [4-8]}, {Gospel}, {Grace [4]}, {Gratitude}, {Healing [4]}, {Holy Spirit [9]}, {Jesus [4-9]}, {Joy}, {Judgment [2,3]}, {Kindness, God's [4-8]}, {Praise, Father [1,10]}, {Praise, Son [1,10]}, {Praise, Holy Spirit [1,10]}, {Presence [6-8]}, {Sinners [2,3]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHARRANGER Schein, Johann Hermann (1586-1630)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Massie, Richard (1800-1887)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 185
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ G2 G D ; D2 D A, ; B,2 B, A, ; G,2 G, F, }
{ G c B A ; B, E D D ; G, G, G, F, ; E, C, D, D, }
{ G2 z G ; [B,2D2] x D ; G,2 z B, ; G,,2 x G, }
{ A c B A ; F A G F ; D E D A, ; D, A,, B,, D, }
{ (E F) G2 ; (E D) D2 ; A,2 B,2 ; (C, D,) G,,2 }
{ D2 D A, ; B,2 B, A, ; G,2 G, F, ; G2 G D }
{ B, E D D ; G, G, G, F, ; E, C, D, D, ; G c B A }
{ [B,2D2] x D ; G,2 z B, ; G,,2 x G, ; G2 z G }
{ F A G F ; D E D A, ; D, A,, B,, D, ; A c B A }
{ (E D) D2 ; A,2 B,2 ; (C, D,) G,,2 ; (E F) G2 }
{ B,2 B, A, ; G,2 G, F, ; G2 G D ; D2 D A, }
{ G, G, G, F, ; E, C, D, D, ; G c B A ; B, E D D }
{ G,2 z B, ; G,,2 x G, ; G2 z G ; [B,2D2] x D }
{ D E D A, ; D, A,, B,, D, ; A c B A ; F A G F }
{ A,2 B,2 ; (C, D,) G,,2 ; (E F) G2 ; (E D) D2 }
{ G,2 G, F, ; G2 G D ; D2 D A, ; B,2 B, A, }
{ E, C, D, D, ; G c B A ; B, E D D ; G, G, G, F, }
{ G,,2 x G, ; G2 z G ; [B,2D2] x D ; G,2 z B, }
{ D, A,, B,, D, ; A c B A ; F A G F ; D E D A, }
{ (C, D,) G,,2 ; (E F) G2 ; (E D) D2 ; A,2 B,2 } | X: 185
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 185
T: Dear Christians, One and All Rejoice
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1523. Translated by Richard Massie, 1854, alt.
C: Music: 'Nun Freut Euch' attr. Martin Luther from Etlich Christlich Lider, Wittenberg, 1524.
C: Setting: Johann Hermann Schein, 1627.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Hymns of Martin Luther" by Bacon, 1883. Setting originally from "Cantional oder Gesangbuch Augburgischer Konfession" by Johann Hermann Schein.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] G2 G D | G c B A | G2 z G | A c B A | (E F) G2 |
w: 1.~Dear Christ- ians, one and all re- joice, With ex- ul- ta- tion spring- * ing,
w: 2.~Fast bound in Sa- tan's chains I lay. Death brood- ed dark- ly o'er * me;
w: 3.~My good works could a- vail me naught, For they with sin were stain- * éd;
w: 4.~God saw, in his e- ter- nal grace, My sor- row out of mea- * sure;
w: 5.~He spake to his be- lov- ed Son: 'Tis time to take com- pass- * ion;
[V: S1V2] D2 D A, | B, E D D | [B,2D2] x D | F A G F | (E D) D2 |
[V: S2V1] B,2 B, A, | G, G, G, F, | G,2 z B, | D E D A, | A,2 B,2 |
[V: S2V2] G,2 G, F, | E, C, D, D, | G,,2 x G, | D, A,, B,, D, | (C, D,) G,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] G2 G D | G c B A | G2 z G | A c B A | (E F) G2 |
w: And with u- ni- ted heart and voice And ho- ly rap- ture sing- * ing,
w: Sin was my tor- ment night and day, There- in my mo- ther bore * me.
w: Free- will a- gainst God's judg- ment fought, And dead to good re- main- * éd.
w: He thought u- pon his ten- der- ness To save was his good pleas- * ure.
w: Then go, bright je- wel of my crown, And bring to man sal- va- * tion;
[V: S1V2] D2 D A, | B, E D D | [B,2D2] x D | F A G F | (E D) D2 |
[V: S2V1] B,2 B, A, | G, G, G, F, | G,2 z B, | D E D A, | A,2 B,2 |
[V: S2V2] G,2 G, F, | E, C, D, D, | G,,2 x G, | D, A,, B,, D, | (C, D,) G,,2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] z G c B | c d d ^c | d2 z d | e c d3/2 c/ |
w: Pro- claim the won- ders God hath done, How his right arm the
w: Deep- er and deep- er still I fell, Life was be- come a
w: Grief drove me to des- pair, and I Had no- thing left me
w: He turn'd to me a Fa- ther's heart\- Not small the cost to
w: From sin and sor- row set him free, Slay bit- ter death for
[V: S1V2] x D E D | G F E E | F2 x G | G =F =F E |
[V: S2V1] z B, G, G, | G, A, B, A, | A,2 z B, | C A, B, G, |
[V: S2V2] x G, C, G, | E, F, G, A, | D,2 x G, | C, =F, D, E, |
% 17
[V: S1V1] B A G2 | z !sintro!B A D | G A (B A) | G4 !eintro!|]
w: vic- t'ry won; Right dear- ly it hath cost * him.
w: li- ving hell, So firm- ly sin po- ssessed * me.
w: but to die, To hell I fast was sink- * ing.
w: heal my smart He gave his best and dear- * est.
w: him, that he May live with thee for- ev- * er.
[V: S1V2] D D [B,2D2] | x D D D | E C D2 | [B,4D4] |]
[V: S2V1] G, F, G,2 | z G, F, G, | E, E, G, F, | G,4 |]
[V: S2V2] G, D, G,,2 | x G, D, B,, | C, A,, G,, D, | G,,4 |]
% 20
%%header "JUSTIFICATION 185(2)"
%%multicol start
%%leftmargin 6cm
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tThe Son delighted to obey, And born of Virgin mother,
%% \t\t\t\tAwhile on this low earth did stay That he might be my brother.
%% \t\t\t\tHis mighty power he hidden bore,
%% \t\t\t\tA servant's form like mine he wore, To bind the devil captive.
%% 7.\tTo me he spake : cling fast to me, Thou'lt win a triumph worthy:
%% \t\t\t\tI wholly give myself for thee, I strive and wrestle for thee;
%% \t\t\t\tFor I am thine, thou mine also;
%% \t\t\t\tAnd where I am thou art. The foe Shall never more divide us.
%% 8.\tFor he shall shed my precious blood, Me of my life bereaving;
%% \t\t\t\tAll this I suffer for thy good; Be steadfast and believing.
%% \t\t\t\tMy life from death the day shall win,
%% \t\t\t\tMy righteousness shall bear thy sin, So art thou blest forever.
%% 9.\tNow to my Father I depart, From earth to heaven ascending;
%% \t\t\t\tThence heavenly wisdom to impart, The Holy Spirit sending.
%% \t\t\t\tHe shall in trouble comfort thee,
%% \t\t\t\tTeach thee to know and follow me, And to the truth conduct thee.
%% 10. What I have done and taught, do thou To do and teach endeavor;
%% \t\t\t\tSo shall my kingdom flourish now, And God be praised forever.
%% \t\t\t\tTake heed lest men with base alloy
%% \t\t\t\tThe heavenly treasure should destroy. This counsel I bequeath thee.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.720000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "186 JUSTIFICATION"
%%footer Lk 10:30-37, 6:36, Rom 5:12-19, 3:21-26, 13:8-10, Mt 20:26-28, 5:43-48, \n Eph 5:1-2, Pr 14:21, Lv 19:17-18, Is 64:6, 2Tim 3:16-17 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Lk 10:30-37, 6:36, Rom 5:12-19, 3:21-26, 13:8-10, Mt 20:26-28, 5:43-48, \n Eph 5:1-2, Pr 14:21, Lv 19:17-18, Is 64:6, 2Tim 3:16-17
%OHTOPICS {Activity}, {Adam (first/second - see also Guidance, Invitation [ours to God], Repentance)[4]}, {Atonement [5]}, {Blood [1,4,6]}, {Christian Life [7]}, {Comfort}, {Duty (see also Law)}, {Following Jesus, In Action}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gospel}, {Jesus [5,7,8]}, {Kindness, God's}, {Kindness, Ours}, {Law}, {Love}, {Parables [The Good Samaritan, Lk 10:30-37]}, {Service}, {Trinity [8]}
%OHCOMPOSER Tallis, Thomas (1505-1585)
%OHAUTHOR Fleischmann, John G. (1960-)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 186
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ G ; D ; B, ; G, }
{ G F G G ; D D B, D ; A, A, G, G, ; D, D, E, B,, }
{ A A B G ; E D D G ; G, F, G, G, ; C, D, G,, B,, }
{ c c B B ; E F G D ; A, A, B, G, ; A,, A,, G,, G, }
{ A A G ; E D D ; C C B, ; G, F, G, }
{ D ; B, ; G, ; d }
{ D D B, D ; A, A, G, G, ; D, D, E, B,, ; c A B B }
{ E D D G ; G, F, G, G, ; C, D, G,, B,, ; A A G !sintro!D }
{ E F G D ; A, A, B, G, ; A,, A,, G,, G, ; E F G B }
{ E D D ; C C B, ; G, F, G, ; A A G !eintro! } | X: 186
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 186
T: My Neighbor
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: John G. Fleischmann, 2007.
C: Music: 'Tallis` Canon' Thomas Tallis, circa 1567. Setting: "A Hymnal" (Episcopal), 1916.
C: copyright: Words: Copyright 2007, John G. Fleischmann. These lyrics may be freely reproduced or published for
C: Christian worship, provided they are not altered, and this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
C: Music and Setting: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: Episcopal Hymnal, 1916 Hymn 25.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G | G F G G | A A B G | c c B B | A A G
w: 1.~Un- clean and bat- tered, torn by sin, By things I do, my thoughts with- in,
w: 2.~A- cross that road the world passed by turn- ing a deaf ear to my cry,
w: 3.~And, what of me, when I saw need? Did I my Sa- vior's bid- ding heed?
w: 4.~Sin bleeds from me and stops my breath, in A- dam all I know is death;
w: 5.~But in my need my Sa- vior died, Not pas- sing on the o- ther side.
[V: S1V2] D | D D B, D | E D D G | E F G D | E D D
[V: S2V1] B, | A, A, G, G, | G, F, G, G, | A, A, B, G, | C C B,
[V: S2V2] G, | D, D, E, B,, | C, D, G,, B,, | A,, A,, G,, G, | G, F, G,
% 6
[V: S1V1] d | c A B B | A A G !sintro!D | E F G B | A A G !eintro!|]
w: I lie there blood- ied on life's road with death and sin my on- ly load.
w: No help to give, they could not save and so they left me for my grave.
w: Too of- ten on the o- ther side I've walked a- way be- cause of pride.
w: My works are rags, my off- erings vain, From dust I came in dust re- main.
w: Re- breathed His Spir- it in my dust, bound up my wounds, de- clared me just.
[V: S1V2] G | E D D D | E F G G, | E D B, D | C A, B, |]
[V: S2V1] B, | A, A, G, D | C A, B, B, | A, A, G, D, | E, F, G, |]
[V: S2V2] G, | A, F, G, G,, | C, D, G,, B,, | C, D, E, B,, | C, D, G,, |]
% 11
W: 6. Now safe within His Church I'm free; Blood, Water, Spirit plead for me,
W: The Ark of God, the Inn of Grace Where I behold my Father's face.
W: 7. May I in Christ my neighbor know Binding his wounds serves Christ below.
W: Your love for him make plain through me, that he may, too, your Glory see.
W: 8. You loved me when I could not love, For my sin barred me from above.
W: In Christ my love is now set free, O praise and bless the Trinity.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "JUSTIFICATION 187"
%%footer Eph 3:14-21, 1Jn 4:7-10, Rom 8:38-39, 1Pt 5:6-7 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Eph 3:14-21, 1Jn 4:7-10, Rom 8:38-39, 1Pt 5:6-7
%OHTOPICS {Angels [2]}, {Atonement}, {Baptism [4]}, {Cross [6]}, {Easter [7]}, {Easter Week / Passion [6]}, {Example, Christ's}, {Faithfulness}, {Father [8]}, {Forgiveness}, {God, Care of}, {God, Faithfulness of}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Love of}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gospel}, {Grace}, {Gratitude}, {Holy Spirit [8]}, {Jesus}, {Kindness, God's}, {Prayer [5]}, {Presence}, {Resurrection [7]}, {Sacrifice}, {Salvation}, {Service}, {Trinity [8]}
%OHARRANGER Douglas, Charles Winfred (1867-1944)
%OHAUTHOR unknown
%OHTRANSLATOR Webb, Benjamin (1819-1885)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 187
M:3/4 % time signature
L:1/4 % default length
K: E
{ c }
{ c2 B }
{ c2 B }
{ B A2 }
{ G2 c }
{ (c B) G }
{ E }
{ E2 E }
{ E2 D }
{ E E2 }
{ E2 E }
{ E2 E }
{ G, }
{ G,2 G, }
{ A,2 G, }
{ G, C2 }
{ C2 C }
{ (A, B,) B, }
{ C, }
{ C,2 E, }
{ A,,2 G,, }
{ (G,, A,,3/2) B,,/ }
{ E,2 A,, }
{ (A, G,) E, }
{ (F G) F/C/ }
{ E D2 }
{ C2 G }
{ B2 B }
{ (c B) A }
{ C2 C }
{ C2 ^B, }
{ C2 E }
{ D E2 }
{ E2 F }
{ (A, G,) A, }
{ G,2 G,/F,/ }
{ E,2 C }
{ B,2 G, }
{ (A, B,) C }
{ (F, E,) A, }
{ (E,/F,/ G,) G,, }
{ C,2 C, }
{ G,2 E, }
{ (A, G,) F, }
{ G F2 }
{ E2 !sintro!E }
{ G2 G }
{ F2 E }
{ E D2 }
{ C2 !eintro! }
{ E2 D }
{ B,2 C }
{ B, C2 }
{ (C ^B,) C }
{ C2 ^B, }
{ C2 }
{ B,2 B, }
{ G,2 A, }
{ (B, G,) E, }
{ (A, G,) G, }
{ (A,/G,/ A,) G, }
{ E,2 }
{ (G,/A,/ B,) B,, }
{ E,2 E, }
{ E,2 C, D,2 E, (F,/G,/ F,) G, C,2 } | X: 187
M:3/4 % time signature
L:1/4 % default length
K: E
X: 187
T: O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Unknown, 15th Century; Translated by Benjamin Webb, 1852, alt.
C: Music: 'Deo Gracias' or 'Agincourt' traditional English, circa 1415. Setting: Charles Winfred Douglas, 1918, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "A Hymnal" (Episcopal), 1918 Hymn 439, alt by BJD 21 Mar 2011.
S: Translation from "The Hymnal, Noted", 1854 (UK), hymn 73. Verse 5 altered.
M:3/4 % time signature
L:1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V:S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V:S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: E % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] c | c2 B | c2 B | B A2 | G2 c | (c B) G |
w: 1.~O love, how deep, how broad, how high, How pass- * ing
w: 2.~He sent no an- gel to our race Of high- * er
w: 3.~Nor willed He on- ly to ap- pear; His plea- * sure
w: 4.~For us bap- tized, for us He bore His ho- * ly
w: 5.~For us He prayed; for us He taught; For us * His
[V: S1V2] E | E2 E | E2 D | E E2 | E2 E | E2 E |
[V: S2V1] G, | G,2 G, | A,2 G, | G, C2 | C2 C | (A, B,) B, |
[V: S2V2] C, | C,2 E, | A,,2 G,, | (G,, A,,3/2) B,,/ | E,2 A,, | (A, G,) E, |
% 7
[V: S1V1] (F G) F/C/ | E D2 | C2 G | B2 B | (c B) A |
w: thought * and * fan- ta- sy, That God, the Son * of
w: or * of * low- er place, But wore the robe * of
w: was * to * tar- ry here; And God and Man * with
w: fast * and * hun- gered sore, For us temp- ta- * tions
w: dai- * ly * works He wrought; By words and signs * and
[V: S1V2] C2 C | C2 ^B, | C2 E | D E2 | E2 F |
[V: S2V1] (A, G,) A, | G,2 G,/F,/ | E,2 C | B,2 G, | (A, B,) C |
[V: S2V2] (F, E,) A, | (E,/F,/ G,) G,, | C,2 C, | G,2 E, | (A, G,) F, |
% 12
[V: S1V1] G F2 | E2 !sintro!E | G2 G | F2 E | E D2 | C2 !eintro!|]
w: God, should take Our mor- tal form for mor- tals' sake!
w: hu- man frame And He Him- self, to this world came.
w: man would be The space of thir- ty years and three.
w: sharp He knew; For us the temp- ter o- ver- threw.
w: ac- tions thus Still seek- ing not Him- self, but us.
[V: S1V2] E2 D | B,2 C | B, C2 | (C ^B,) C | C2 ^B, | C2 |]
[V: S2V1] B,2 B, | G,2 A, | (B, G,) E, | (A, G,) G, | (A,/G,/ A,) G, | E,2 |]
[V: S2V2] (G,/A,/ B,) B,, | E,2 E, | E,2 C, D,2 E, (F,/G,/ F,) G, C,2 |]
W: 6.For us to wicked men betrayed,
W: Scourged, mocked, in crown of thorns arrayed,
W: For us He bore the cross's death,
W: For us at length gave up His breath.
W: 7.For us He rose from death again;
W: For us He went on high to reign;
W: For us He sent His Spirit here,
W: To guide, to strengthen, and to cheer.
W: 8.All honor, laud, and glory be,
W: O Jesus, virgin-born to Thee!
W: All glory, as is ever meet
W: To Father and to Paraclete.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7500000
%%staffsep 1.6000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "188 JUSTIFICATION"
%%footer Ps 89:26, Deut 32:1-4, Hab 1:12, Jn 19:34, 1Cor 10:4, Heb 9:13-14 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 89:26, Deut 32:1-4, Hab 1:12, Jn 19:34, 1Cor 10:4, Heb 9:13-14
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Baptism [3]}, {Blood [1]}, {Brevity of Life [4]}, {Conversion [3]}, {Cross [3]}, {Faith}, {God, As King [4]}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {God, Mercy of}, {Grace}, {Holiness [1]}, {Jesus}, {Judgment [4]}, {Kindness, God's}, {Law [2]}, {Presence}, {Salvation}, {Sinners}, {Throne (also see God - As King) [4]}, {Trust}, {Zeal [2]}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER Hastings, Thomas (1784-1872)
%OHAUTHOR Toplady, Augustus Montague (1740-1778)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 188
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
{ F3/2 G/ ; D3/2 E/ ; B,3/2 B,/ ; B,,3/2 B,,/ }
{ F2 D2 B3/2 G/ ; D2 B,2 D3/2 E/ ; B,2 F,2 F,3/2 B,/ ; B,,2 B,,2 B,,3/2 B,,/ }
{ F4 B3/2 c/ ; D4 F3/2 G/ ; B,4 B,3/2 B,/ ; B,,4 D,3/2 E,/ }
{ d3 c B A ; F3 E D C ; B,3 F, F, F, ; F,3 F, F,, F,, }
{ B4 ; D4 ; F,4 ; B,,4 }
{ D3/2 E/ ; B,3/2 B,/ ; B,,3/2 B,,/ ; A3/2 B/ }
{ D2 B,2 D3/2 E/ ; B,2 F,2 F,3/2 B,/ ; B,,2 B,,2 B,,3/2 B,,/ ; c3 c A F }
{ D4 F3/2 G/ ; B,4 B,3/2 B,/ ; B,,4 D,3/2 E,/ ; B4 A3/2 B/ }
{ F3 E D C ; B,3 F, F, F, ; F,3 F, F,, F,, ; c3 c A F }
{ D4 ; F,4 ; B,,4 ; B4 }
{ B,3/2 B,/ ; B,,3/2 B,,/ ; A3/2 B/ ; C3/2 D/ }
{ B,2 F,2 F,3/2 B,/ ; B,,2 B,,2 B,,3/2 B,,/ ; c3 c A F ; E3 E E E }
{ B,4 B,3/2 B,/ ; B,,4 D,3/2 E,/ ; B4 A3/2 B/ ; D4 C3/2 D/ }
{ B,3 F, F, F, ; F,3 F, F,, F,, ; c3 c A F ; E3 E E E }
{ F,4 ; B,,4 ; B4 ; D4 } | X: 188
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
X: 188
T: Rock of Ages
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Augustus Montague Toplady, 1776. Music: 'Toplady' Thomas Hastings, 1830.
C: Setting: "Congregational Church Music with 150 Psalms and Hymns", 1854.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: "Congregational Church Music with 150 Psalms and Hymns", 1854 Hymn 188 p. 77. Note this differs somewhat from Hasting's arrangement in "Spiritual Songs for Social Worship", 1837.
M: 6/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Bb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=170] F3/2 G/ | F2 D2 B3/2 G/ | F4 B3/2 c/ | d3 c B A | B4
w: 1.~Rock of A- ges, cleft for me, Let me hide my- self in Thee;
w: 2.~Not the la- bor of my hands Can ful- fill Thy law's de- mands;
w: 3.~No- thing in my hand I bring, Simp- ly to the cross I cling;
w: 4.~While I draw this fleet- ing breath, When mine eyes shall close in death,
[V: S1V2] D3/2 E/ | D2 B,2 D3/2 E/ | D4 F3/2 G/ | F3 E D C | D4
[V: S2V1] B,3/2 B,/ | B,2 F,2 F,3/2 B,/ | B,4 B,3/2 B,/ | B,3 F, F, F, | F,4
[V: S2V2] B,,3/2 B,,/ | B,,2 B,,2 B,,3/2 B,,/ | B,,4 D,3/2 E,/ | F,3 F, F,, F,, | B,,4
% 6
[V: S1V1] A3/2 B/ | c3 c A F | B4 A3/2 B/ | c3 c A F | B4
w: Let the wa- ter and the blood, From Thy wound- ed side which flowed,
w: Could my zeal no res- pite know, Could my tears for- ev- er flow,
w: Na- ked, come to Thee for dress; Help- less look to Thee for grace;
w: When I soar to worlds un- known, See Thee on Thy judg- ment throne,
[V: S1V2] C3/2 D/ | E3 E E E | D4 C3/2 D/ | E3 E E E | D4
[V: S2V1] F,3/2 F,/ | F,3 F, F, F, | F,4 F,3/2 F,/ | F,3 F, F, F, | [F,4B,4]
[V: S2V2] F,3/2 F,/ | F,3 F, F,, F,, | B,,4 F,3/2 F,/ | F,3 F, F,, F,, | B,,4
% 9
[V: S1V1] F3/2 G/ | F2 D2 B3/2 G/ | F4 !sintro!B3/2 c/ | d3 c B A | B4 !eintro!|]
w: Be of sin the doub- le cure; Save from wrath and make me pure.
w: All for sin could not a- tone; Thou must save, and Thou a- lone.
w: Foul, I to the foun- tain fly; Wash me, Sa- vior, or I die.
w: Rock of A- ges, cleft for me, Let me hide my- self in Thee.
[V: S1V2] D3/2 E/ | D2 B,2 D3/2 E/ | D4 F3/2 G/ | F3 E D C | D4 |]
[V: S2V1] B,3/2 B,/ | B,2 F,2 F,3/2 B,/ | B,4 B,3/2 B,/ | B,3 F, F, F, | F,4 |]
[V: S2V2] B,,3/2 B,,/ | B,,2 B,,2 B,,3/2 B,,/ | B,,4 D,3/2 E,/ | F,3 F, F,, F,, | B,,4 |]
% 15
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.70000
%%staffsep 0.0000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "JUSTIFICATION 189"
%%footer Eph 2:1-10, Rom 3:10-31, 5:1-11, Gal 4:1-25, Lk 6:47-49 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP Eph 2:1-10, Rom 3:10-31, 5:1-11, Gal 4:1-25, Lk 6:47-49
%OHTOPICS {Assurance [1,6-9]}, {Atonement}, {Baptism [7]}, {Christian Life [9]}, {Comfort}, {Conscience [8]}, {Cross [8,9]}, {Faith [1,7,9]}, {Forgiveness}, {Gospel [5-9]}, {Grace}, {Heaven [10]}, {Jesus [5,6,9]}, {Judgment [2-5]}, {Law [2-5,8]}, {Salvation}, {Service [9]}, {Sinners [1-6]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Etlich Christlich Lider, Wittenberg, 1524
%OHAUTHOR Speratus, Paul (1484-1551)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 189
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ B/ ; E/ ; G,/ ; E,/ }
{ B B B _d ; E F E _D ; G, B, G, F, ; E, D, E, B,, }
{ c B A3/2 B/ ; E E C3/2 E/ ; A, G, A,3/2 G,/ ; A,, E, A,,3/2 E,/ }
{ G E G A ; B, C E E ; B, A, B, C ; E, A,, E, C, }
{ (B c) B3/2 ; (D C) D3/2 ; (F,/ B, =A,/) B,3/2 ; (B,, F,) B,,3/2 }
{ E/ ; G,/ ; E,/ ; B/ }
{ E F E _D ; G, B, G, F, ; E, D, E, B,, ; B B B _d }
{ E E C3/2 E/ ; A, G, A,3/2 G,/ ; A,, E, A,,3/2 E,/ ; c B A3/2 B/ }
{ B, C E E ; B, A, B, C ; E, A,, E, C, ; G E G A }
{ (D C) D3/2 ; (F,/ B, =A,/) B,3/2 ; (B,, F,) B,,3/2 ; (B c) B3/2 }
{ G,/ ; E,/ ; B/ ; E/ }
{ G, B, G, F, ; E, D, E, B,, ; B B B _d ; E F E _D }
{ A, G, A,3/2 G,/ ; A,, E, A,,3/2 E,/ ; c B A3/2 B/ ; E E C3/2 E/ }
{ B, A, B, C ; E, A,, E, C, ; G E G A ; B, C E E }
{ (F,/ B, =A,/) B,3/2 ; (B,, F,) B,,3/2 ; (B c) B3/2 ; (D C) D3/2 }
{ E,/ ; B/ ; E/ ; G,/ }
{ E, D, E, B,, ; B B B _d ; E F E _D ; G, B, G, F, }
{ A,, E, A,,3/2 E,/ ; c B A3/2 B/ ; E E C3/2 E/ ; A, G, A,3/2 G,/ }
{ E, A,, E, C, ; G E G A ; B, C E E ; B, A, B, C }
{ (B,, F,) B,,3/2 ; (B c) B3/2 ; (D C) D3/2 ; (F,/ B, =A,/) B,3/2 } | X: 189
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 189
T: Salvation Unto Us Has Come
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as To Us Salvation Now Is Come)
C: Words: Paul Speratus, 1523. Translation composite.
C: Music: 'Es ist das Heil uns Kommen Her' traditional German circa 1400 from Etlich Christlich Lider, Wittenberg, 1524.
C: Setting: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906 Hymn #206, page 162 Ed. Karl Brauer. Translation from the Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; the text is PD according to Project Wittenberg.
S: Translation is public domain per Project Wittenberg:
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] B/ | B B B _d | c B A3/2 B/ | G E G A | (B c) B3/2
w: 1.~Sal- va- tion un- to us has come By God's free grace and fa- * vor;
w: 2.~What God did in His law de- mand And none to Him could ren- * der
w: 3.~It was a false, mis- lead- ing dream That God His Law had gi- * ven
w: 4.~From sin our flesh could not ab- stain Sin held its sway un- cea- * sing;
[V: S1V2] E/ | E F E _D | E E C3/2 E/ | B, C E E | (D C) D3/2
[V: S2V1] G,/ | G, B, G, F, | A, G, A,3/2 G,/ | B, A, B, C | (F,/ B, =A,/) B,3/2
[V: S2V2] E,/ | E, D, E, B,, | A,, E, A,,3/2 E,/ | E, A,, E, C, | (B,, F,) B,,3/2
% 5
[V: S1V1] B/ | B B B _d | c B A3/2 B/ | G E G A | (B c) B3/2
w: Good works can- not a- vert our doom, They help and save us ne- * ver.
w: Caused wrath and woe on ev- ery hand For man, the vile of- fend- * er.
w: So sin- ners could them- selves re- deem And by their works gain Hea- * ven.
w: The task was use- less and in vain, Our guilt was e'er in- crea- * sing.
[V: S1V2] E/ | E F E _D | E E C3/2 E/ | B, C E E | (D C) D3/2
[V: S2V1] G,/ | G, B, G, F, | A, G, A,3/2 G,/ | B, A, B, C | (F,/ B, =A,/) B,3/2
[V: S2V2] E,/ | E, D, E, B,, | A,, E, A,,3/2 E,/ | E, A,, E, C, | (B,, F,) B,,3/2
% 9
[V: S1V1] B/ | e3/2 _d/ c B | e c B3/2 B/ | e3/2 B/ B E |
w: Faith looks to Je- sus Christ a- lone, Who did for all the
w: Our flesh has not those pure de- sires The spi- rit of the
w: The Law is but a mir- ror bright To bring the in- bred
w: None can re- move sin's pois- oned dart Or pur- if- y our
[V: S1V2] E/ | E3/2 F/ E E | E E E3/2 F/ | E3/2 E/ _D C |
[V: S2V1] G,/ | G, A, A, G, | A, A, G,3/2 B,/ | G,3/2 G,/ F, A, |
[V: S2V2] E,/ | C,3/2 _D,/ A,, E, | C, A,, E,3/2 D,/ | C,3/2 E,/ B,, A,, |
% 13
[V: S1V1] G B G3/2 !sintro!E/ | F A G F | (E F) !fermata!E3/2 !eintro!|]
w: world a- tone; He is our one Re- deem- * er.
w: Law re- quires, And lost is our con- di- * tion.
w: sin to light That lurks with- in our na- * ture.
w: guile- ful heart? So deep is our cor- ru- * ption.
[V: S1V2] E B, E3/2 C/ | _D E E C | (B, D) E3/2 |]
[V: S2V1] B, F, B,3/2 A,/ | A, A, B, A, | (G, F,) !invertedfermata!G,3/2 |]
[V: S2V2] E, D, E,3/2 A,,/ | _D, C, E, A,, | B,,2 E,,3/2 |]
% 17
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 8cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 11.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 5.\tYet as the Law must be fulfilled
%% \t\t\t\tOr we must die despairing,
%% \t\t\t\tChrist came and hath God's anger stilled,
%% \t\t\t\tOur human nature sharing.
%% \t\t\t\tHe hath for us the Law obeyed
%% \t\t\t\tAnd thus the Father's vengeance stayed
%% \t\t\t\tWhich over us impended.
%% 6.\tSince Christ hath full atonement made
%% \t\t\t\tAnd brought to us salvation,
%% \t\t\t\tEach Christian therefore may be glad
%% \t\t\t\tAnd build on this foundation.
%% \t\t\t\tThy grace alone, dear Lord, I plead,
%% \t\t\t\tThy death is now my life indeed,
%% \t\t\t\tFor Thou hast paid my ransom.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 7.5cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 11.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 7.\tLet me not doubt, but trust in Thee,
%% \t\t\t\tThy Word cannot be broken;
%% \t\t\t\tThy call rings out, "Come unto Me!"
%% \t\t\t\tNo falsehood hast Thou spoken.
%% \t\t\t\tBaptized into Thy precious name,
%% \t\t\t\tMy faith cannot be put to shame,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd I shall never perish.
%% 8.\tThe Law reveals the guilt of sin
%% \t\t\t\tAnd makes men conscience-stricken;
%% \t\t\t\tThe Gospel then doth enter in
%% \t\t\t\tThe sinful soul to quicken.
%% \t\t\t\tCome to the cross, trust Christ, and live;
%% \t\t\t\tThe Law no peace can ever give,
%% \t\t\t\tNo comfort and no blessing.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 13.5cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 11.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 9.\tFaith clings to Jesus' cross alone
%% \t\t\t\tAnd rests in Him unceasing;
%% \t\t\t\tAnd by its fruits true faith is known,
%% \t\t\t\tWith love and hope increasing.
%% \t\t\t\tYet faith alone doth justify,
%% \t\t\t\tWorks serve thy neighbor and supply
%% \t\t\t\tThe proof that faith is living.
%% 10.\tAll blessing, honor, thanks, and praise
%% \t\t\t\tTo Father, Son, and Spirit,
%% \t\t\t\tThe God that saved us by His grace,-
%% \t\t\t\tAll glory to His merit!
%% \t\t\t\tO Triune God in heaven above,
%% \t\t\t\tWho hast revealed Thy saving love,
%% \t\t\t\tThy blessed name be hallowed.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7500000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "190 JUSTIFICATION"
%%footer Is 1:18, Lk 15:20-24, Heb 9:14, Jn 10:9 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHSCRIP Is 1:18, Lk 15:20-24, Heb 9:14, Jn 10:9
%OHTOPICS {Angels [3]}, {Anticipation}, {Blood [1]}, {Comfort}, {Contrition [1]}, {Father [2,3]}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {Jesus [1]}, {Presence}, {Promises (see also Gospel)}, {Salvation}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHCOMPOSER Anthes, Friedrich Konrad (1812-?)
%OHAUTHOR Allen, Oswald (1816-1878)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 190
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: A
{ E ; C ; A, ; A,, }
{ A G A B ; E E C E ; A, B, A, G, ; C, E, F, E, }
{ c2 A A ; E2 E E ; A,2 C A, ; A,,2 A,, C, }
{ F d c B ; D F E3/2 D/ ; A, A, A, G, ; D, B,, E, E, }
{ A3 ; C3 ; A,3 ; A,,3 }
{ C ; A, ; A,, ; E }
{ E E C E ; A, B, A, G, ; C, E, F, E, ; A G A B }
{ E2 E E ; A,2 C A, ; A,,2 A,, C, ; c2 A A }
{ D F E3/2 D/ ; A, A, A, G, ; D, B,, E, E, ; F d c B }
{ C3 ; A,3 ; A,,3 ; A3 }
{ A, ; A,, ; E ; C }
{ A, B, A, G, ; C, E, F, E, ; A G A B ; E E C E }
{ A,2 C A, ; A,,2 A,, C, ; c2 A A ; E2 E E }
{ A, A, A, G, ; D, B,, E, E, ; F d c B ; D F E3/2 D/ }
{ A,3 ; A,,3 ; A3 ; C3 }
{ A,, ; E ; C ; A, }
{ C, E, F, E, ; A G A B ; E E C E ; A, B, A, G, }
{ A,,2 A,, C, ; c2 A A ; E2 E E ; A,2 C A, }
{ D, B,, E, E, ; F d c B ; D F E3/2 D/ ; A, A, A, G, }
{ A,,3 ; A3 ; C3 ; A,3 } | X: 190
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: A
X: 190
T: Today Thy Mercy Calls Me
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Today Your Mercy Calls Us)
C: Words: Oswald Allen, 1861, alt.
C: Music: 'Anthes' Friedrich K. Anthes, 1847. Setting: "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Evangelical Lutheran Hymn Book (LCMS), Edition of 1931 Hymn 49.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: A % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] E | A G A B | c2 A A | F d c B | A3
w: 1.~To- day Thy mer- cy calls me to wash a- way my sin;
w: 2.~To- day Thy gate is o- pen, and all who en- ter in
w: 3.~To- day the Fa- ther calls me, the Ho- ly Spir- it waits,
w: 4.~O all em- brac- ing mer- cy, thou e- ver o- pen door,
[V: S1V2] C | E E C E | E2 E E | D F E3/2 D/ | C3
[V: S2V1] A, | A, B, A, G, | A,2 C A, | A, A, A, G, | A,3
[V: S2V2] A,, | C, E, F, E, | A,,2 A,, C, | D, B,, E, E, | A,,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] E | A G A B | c2 A A | F d c B | A3
w: How- ev- er great my tres- pass, wha- te'er I may have been;
w: Shall find a Fa- ther's wel- come, and par- don for their sin;
w: The bless- èd an- gels ga- ther a- round the heav'n- ly gates;
w: What shall I do with- out thee when heart and eyes run o'er?
[V: S1V2] C | E E C E | E2 E E | D F E3/2 D/ | C3
[V: S2V1] A, | A, B, A, G, | A,2 C A, | A, A, A, G, | A,3
[V: S2V2] A,, | C, E, F, E, | A,,2 A,, C, | D, B,, E, E, | A,,3
% 9
[V: S1V1] c | B G A F | G2 E E | F G A B | c3
w: How- ev- er long from mer- cy I may have turned a- way,
w: The past shall be for- got- ten, a pre- sent joy be given;
w: No ques- tion will be asked me, how of- ten I have come;
w: When all things seem a- gainst me, to drive me to des- pair,
[V: S1V2] E | ^D E C ^D | E2 E B, | B, E E E | E3
[V: S2V1] A, | F, E, F, B, | B,2 G, G, | F, B, A, G, | A,3
[V: S2V2] A,, | B,, C, A,, B,, | E,2 E, E, | ^D, =D, C, E, | A,,3
% 13
[V: S1V1] !sintro!E | A G F E | B2 B c | d B A G | A3 !eintro!|]
w: Thy blood, O Christ, can wash me, and make me clean to- day.
w: A fu- ture grace be pro- mised, a glo- rious crown in Heav'n.
w: Al- though I oft have wand- ered, it is my Fa- ther's home.
w: I know one gate is o- pen, one ear will hear my prayer.
[V: S1V2] C | C E D C | (E ^D) E E | F F E E | E3 |]
[V: S2V1] A, | A, C A, A, | (B, A,) G, A, | A, B, C B, | C3 |]
[V: S2V2] A,, | F, C, D, A, | (G, F,) E, A,, | D, D, E, E, | A,,3 |]
% 19
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.730000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CROSS AND COMFORT 191"
%%footer Lk 24:29, Ps 63:6-8, 73:23-26, 1Cor 10:13 10 10 10 10
%OHSCRIP Lk 24:29, Ps 63:6-8, 73:23-26, 1Cor 10:13
%OHTOPICS {Brevity of Life}, {Calmness}, {Cloud [6]}, {Contrition [5,6]}, {Cross [8]}, {Darkness, Spiritual [1,2]}, {God, Care of}, {God, Faithfulness of}, {Hope}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Presence}
%OHMETRICAL 10 10 10 10
%OHCOMPOSER Monk, William Henry (1823-1889)
%OHARRANGER Monk, William Henry (1823-1889)
%OHAUTHOR Lyte, Henry F. (1793-1847)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 191
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ G2 G F ; E2 D D ; B,2 B, A, ; E,2 B,, B,, }
{ E2 B2 ; E2 E2 ; G,2 E,2 ; C,2 G,,2 }
{ c B B A ; E D E F ; E, B, B, B, ; A,, B,, C, D, }
{ G4 ; E4 ; B,4 ; E,4 }
{ G2 A B ; E2 E E ; B,2 A, G, ; (E, D,) C, B,, }
{ E2 D D ; B,2 B, A, ; E,2 B,, B,, ; c2 B2 }
{ E2 E2 ; G,2 E,2 ; C,2 G,,2 ; A F G =A }
{ E D E F ; E, B, B, B, ; A,, B,, C, D, ; B4 }
{ E4 ; B,4 ; E,4 ; G2 G F }
{ E2 E E ; B,2 A, G, ; (E, D,) C, B,, ; E2 B2 }
{ B,2 B, A, ; E,2 B,, B,, ; c2 B2 ; E2 E2 }
{ G,2 E,2 ; C,2 G,,2 ; A F G =A ; E F E E }
{ E, B, B, B, ; A,, B,, C, D, ; B4 ; D4 }
{ B,4 ; E,4 ; G2 G F ; E2 D D }
{ B,2 A, G, ; (E, D,) C, B,, ; E2 B2 ; E2 E2 } | X: 191
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 191
T: Abide With Me
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Henry F. Lyte, 1847. Music: 'Eventide' William H. Monk, 1861. Setting: William H. Monk, 1861.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1869 hymn 14. (ed. William H. Monk)
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G2 G F | E2 B2 | c B B A | G4 | G2 A B |
w: 1.~A- bide with me; fast falls the ev- en- tide; The dark- ness
w: 2.~Swift to its close ebbs out life's lit- tle day; Earth's joys grow
w: 3.~Not a brief glance I beg, a pass- ing word; But as Thou
w: 4.~Come not in ter- rors, as the King of kings, But kind and
w: 5.~Thou on my head in ear- ly youth didst smile; And, though re-
[V: S1V2] E2 D D | E2 E2 | E D E F | E4 | E2 E E |
[V: S2V1] B,2 B, A, | G,2 E,2 | E, B, B, B, | B,4 | B,2 A, G, |
[V: S2V2] E,2 B,, B,, | C,2 G,,2 | A,, B,, C, D, | E,4 | (E, D,) C, B,, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] c2 B2 | A F G =A | B4 | G2 G F | E2 B2 |
w: deep- ens; Lord with me a- bide. When o- ther help- ers
w: dim; its glor- ies pass a- way; Change and de- cay in
w: dwell'st with Thy dis- ci- ples, Lord, Fa- mil- iar, con- des-
w: good, with heal- ing in Thy wings, Tears for all woes, a
w: bell- ious and per- verse mean- while, Thou hast not left me,
[V: S1V2] E2 E2 | E F E E | D4 | E2 D D | E2 E2 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 G,2 | C B, B, E, | F,4 | (G, A,) B, A, | G,2 (E D) |
[V: S2V2] A,,2 E,2 | F, D, E, C, | B,,4 | E,2 B,, B,, | C,2 G,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] B A A G | F4 | !sintro!F2 G A | G F E A | G2 F2 | E4 !eintro!|]
w: fail and com- forts flee, Help of the help- less, O a- bide with me.
w: all a- round I see; O Thou who chan- gest not, a- bide with me.
w: cend- ing, pa- tient, free. Come not to so- journ, but a- bide with me.
w: heart for ev- ery plea? Come, Friend of sin- ners, and thus bide with me.
w: oft as I left Thee, On to the close, O Lord, a- bide with me.
[V: S1V2] E E =E =E | F4 | D2 E D | E D E F | E2 D2 | E4 |]
[V: S2V1] C C C B, | A,4 | B,2 B, B, | B, A, G, C | B,3 A, | G,4 |]
[V: S2V2] A,,3/2 B,,/ C, C, | F,4 | A,2 G, F, | E, B,, C, A,, | B,,2 B,,2 | E,4 |]
% 18
W: 6.I need Thy presence every passing hour.
W: What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power?
W: Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
W: Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.
W: 7.I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless;
W: Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness.
W: Where is death's sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
W: I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.
W: 8.Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
W: Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.
W: Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee;
W: In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "192 CROSS AND COMFORT"
%%footer Jn 9:25, Eph 2:4-9 8 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Jn 9:25, Eph 2:4-9
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Brevity of Life [3,4,5,6,7]}, {Calmness}, {Comfort}, {Compassion [1,2]}, {Conscience [1,2,3]}, {Contrition [1]}, {Conversion [1,2]}, {Eternal Life [5,6,7]}, {Fear of the Lord [2]}, {God, Mercy of [1,2]}, {Grace}, {Gratitude}, {Heaven [3,5,6,7]}, {Joy}, {Presence}, {Promises (see also Gospel) [3-7]}, {Salvation}, {Security [3]}, {Sinners [1,2]}, {Testimony}, {Trust}
%OHCOMPOSER Carrell, James P. (1787-1854);Clayton, David L.
%OHARRANGER Excell, Edwin Othello (1851-1921)
%OHAUTHOR Newton, John (1725-1807)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 192
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ D ; B, ; G, ; G,, }
{ G2 B/G/ ; B,2 D ; D,2 G, ; G,,2 G,,/B,,/ }
{ B2 A ; D2 C ; G,2 F, ; D,2 D, }
{ G2 E ; B,2 C ; G,2 G, ; E,2 C, }
{ D2 D ; B,2 B, ; G,2 G, ; G,,2 G,, }
{ B, ; G, ; G,, ; G2 B/G/ }
{ B,2 D ; D,2 G, ; G,,2 G,,/B,,/ ; B2 A }
{ D2 C ; G,2 F, ; D,2 D, ; d3- }
{ B,2 C ; G,2 G, ; E,2 C, ; d2 B }
{ B,2 B, ; G,2 G, ; G,,2 G,, ; (d3/2 B/) d/B/ }
{ G, ; G,, ; G2 B/G/ ; B,2 D }
{ D,2 G, ; G,,2 G,,/B,,/ ; B2 A ; D2 D }
{ G,2 F, ; D,2 D, ; d3- ; D3- }
{ G,2 G, ; E,2 C, ; d2 B ; D2 D }
{ G,2 G, ; G,,2 G,, ; (d3/2 B/) d/B/ ; D2 D } | X: 192
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 192
T: Amazing Grace
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: John Newton, 1779. last verse author unknown, before 1829.
C: Music: 'New Britain' James P. Carrell and David L. Clayton, 1831. Setting: Edwin Othello Excell, 1900.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: "Joy to the World", 1915, Hymn 209 Ed. E. O. Excell explicit about arrangement. Christian Classics Ethereal Library ( Hymnary Think setting from "Make His praise glorious", 1900. Ed. Edwin Othello Excell.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] D | G2 B/G/ | B2 A | G2 E | D2 D |
w: 1.~A- maz- ing * grace! How sweet the sound That
w: 2.~'Twas grace that * taught my heart to fear, And
w: 3.~Through ma- ny * dan- gers, toils and snares, I
w: 4.~The Lord has * pro- mised good to me, His
w: 5.~Yea, when this * flesh and heart shall fail, And
[V: S1V2] B, | B,2 D | D2 C | B,2 C | B,2 B, |
[V: S2V1] G, | D,2 G, | G,2 F, | G,2 G, | G,2 G, |
[V: S2V2] G,, | G,,2 G,,/B,,/ | D,2 D, | E,2 C, | G,,2 G,, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] G2 B/G/ | B2 A | d3- | d2 B | (d3/2 B/) d/B/ | G2 D |
w: saved a * wretch like me! * I once * was * lost, but
w: grace my * fears re- lieved; * How pre- * cious * did that
w: have al- * rea- dy come; * 'Tis grace * hath * brought me
w: Word my * hope se- cures; * He will * my * Shield and
w: mor- tal * life shall cease, * I shall * pos- * sess, with-
[V: S1V2] B,2 D | D2 D | D3- | D2 D | D2 D | D2 D |
[V: S2V1] D,2 G, | G,2 F, | G,3- | G,2 G, | (B,3/2 G,/) B,/G,/ | G,2 G, |
[V: S2V2] G,,2 G,,/B,,/ | D,2 C, | B,,3- | B,,2 G,, | G,2 G, | B,,2 B,, |
% 9
[V: S1V1] (E3/2 G/) G/E/ | D2 !sintro!D | G2 B/G/ | B2 A | G3- | G2 !eintro!|]
w: now * am * found; Was blind, but * now I see. *
w: grace * ap- * pear The hour I * first be- lieved. *
w: safe * thus * far, And grace will * lead me home. *
w: Por- * tion * be, As long as * life en- dures. *
w: in * the * veil, A life of * joy and peace. *
[V: S1V2] C3/2 D/ C | B,2 D | B,2 D | G2 F | D3- | D2 |]
[V: S2V1] G,2 E,/G,/ | G,2 G, | G,2 G,/B,/ | D2 C | B,3- | B,2 |]
[V: S2V2] (C,3/2 B,,/) C, | G,,2 B,, | E,2 D, | D,2 D, | G,3- | G,2 |]
% 18
W: 6.The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
W: The sun forbear to shine;
W: But God, Who called me here below,
W: Shall be forever mine.
W: 7.When we've been there ten thousand years,
W: Bright shining as the sun,
W: We've no less days to sing God's praise
W: Than when we'd first begun.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.700000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CROSS AND COMFORT 193"
%%footer Ps 46:10, Rom 2:3-5 10 10 10 10 10 10
%OHSCRIP Ps 46:10, Rom 2:3-5
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Brevity of Life [3,4]}, {Calmness}, {Cloud [5]}, {Comfort}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Cross [1]}, {Darkness, Spiritual [3]}, {Eternal Life [4-5]}, {God, Care of}, {God, Faithfulness of}, {God, Love of}, {God, Majesty & Power of [2]}, {God, Providence of [1,2]}, {Guidance [1,2]}, {Heaven [4]}, {Patience}, {Security}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust) [1,2]}
%OHMETRICAL 10 10 10 10 10 10
%OHCOMPOSER Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957)
%OHARRANGER Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957)
%OHAUTHOR von Schlegel, Katharina Amalia Dorothea (1697-1768)
%OHTRANSLATOR Borthwick, Jane Laurie (1813-1897)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 193
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ A G A ; F E F ; C B, C ; F, F, F, }
{ B3 A ; F3 F ; D3 C ; F,3 F, }
{ G A F3/2 G/ ; E F D3/2 E/ ; B, C B,3/2 C/ ; F, F, F,3/2 C,/ }
{ (G A3- ; (E F3- ; C4- ; (C, F,3- }
{ A) A G A ; F) F E F ; C C B, C ; F,) F, F, F, }
{ B3 ; F3 ; D3 ; F,3 }
{ F E F ; C B, C ; F, F, F, ; A }
{ F3 F ; D3 C ; F,3 F, ; G A F3/2 G/ }
{ E F D3/2 E/ ; B, C B,3/2 C/ ; F, F, F,3/2 C,/ ; A4- }
{ (E F3- ; C4- ; (C, F,3- ; A c c c }
{ F) F E F ; C C B, C ; F,) F, F, F, ; d3 A }
{ F3 ; D3 ; F,3 ; A c c3/2 G/ }
{ C B, C ; F, F, F, ; A ; F }
{ D3 C ; F,3 F, ; G A F3/2 G/ ; E F D3/2 E/ }
{ B, C B,3/2 C/ ; F, F, F,3/2 C,/ ; A4- ; F4- }
{ C4- ; (C, F,3- ; A c c c ; F F F F }
{ C C B, C ; F,) F, F, F, ; d3 A ; F3 F }
{ D3 ; F,3 ; A c c3/2 G/ ; F F F3/2 E/ }
{ F, F, F, ; A ; F ; C }
{ F,3 F, ; G A F3/2 G/ ; E F D3/2 E/ ; B, C B,3/2 C/ }
{ F, F, F,3/2 C,/ ; A4- ; F4- ; C4- }
{ (C, F,3- ; A c c c ; F F F F ; C A, A, A, }
{ F,) F, F, F, ; d3 A ; F3 F ; A,3 D }
{ F,3 ; A c c3/2 G/ ; F F F3/2 E/ ; D C C3/2 C/ } | X: 193
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 193
T: Be Still My Soul
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Katharina A. von Schlegel, 1752. Translated by Jane L. Borthwick, 1855.
C: Music: 'Finlandia' Jean Sibelius, 1899. Setting: from Jean Sibelius, 1900.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] A G A | B3 A | G A F3/2 G/ | (G A3- | A) A G A | B3
w: 1.~Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side. * * Bear pa- tient- ly
w: 2.~Be still, my soul: thy God doth un- der- take * * To guide the fu-
w: 3.~Be still, my soul: when dear- est friends de- part, * * And all is dark-
w: 4.~Be still, my soul: the hour is hast'n- ing on * * When we shall be
w: 5.~Be still, my soul: be- gin the song of praise * * On earth, be- liev-
[V: S1V2] F E F | F3 F | E F D3/2 E/ | (E F3- | F) F E F | F3
[V: S2V1] C B, C | D3 C | B, C B,3/2 C/ | C4- | C C B, C | D3
[V: S2V2] F, F, F, | F,3 F, | F, F, F,3/2 C,/ | (C, F,3- | F,) F, F, F, | F,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] A | G A F3/2 G/ | A4- | A c c c | d3 A | A c c3/2 G/ | (G B3- | B)
w: the cross of grief or pain. * Leave to thy God to or- der and pro- vide; * *
w: ture, as He has the past. * Thy hope, thy con- fi- dence let no- thing shake; * *
w: ened in the vale of tears, * Then shalt thou bet- ter know His love, His heart, * *
w: for- ev- er with the Lord. * When dis- a- ppoint- ment, grief and fear are gone, * *
w: ing, to Thy Lord on high; * Ac- know- ledge Him in all thy words and ways, * *
[V: S1V2] F | E F D3/2 E/ | F4- | F F F F | F3 F | F F F3/2 E/ | (E G3- | G)
[V: S2V1] C | B, C B,3/2 C/ | C4- | C A, A, A, | A,3 D | D C C3/2 C/ | (C D3- | D)
[V: S2V2] F, | F, F, F,3/2 C,/ | F,4- | F, F, F, E, | D,3 D, | D, A,, A,,3/2 C,/ | (C, G,,3- | G,,)
% 13
[V: S1V1] B A G | A3 F | F G G3/2 A/ | A4- | A c c c | d3 A | A
w: In ev- ery change, He faith- ful will re- main. * Be still, my soul: thy best,
w: All now my- ster- ious shall be bright at last. * Be still, my soul: the waves
w: Who comes to soothe thy sor- row and thy fears. * Be still, my soul: thy Je-
w: Sor- row for- got, love's pur- est joys re- stored. * Be still, my soul: when change
w: So shall He view thee with a well pleased eye. * Be still, my soul: the Sun
[V: S1V2] G ^F G | F3 F | F F F3/2 F/ | E4- | E A F F | F3 F | F
[V: S2V1] D C D | C3 C | D D D3/2 D/ | ^C4- | ^C =C A, A, | A,3 D | D
[V: S2V2] G,, A,, B,, | A,,3 A, | B, B, B,3/2 B,/ | A,4- | A, F, F, E, | D,3 D, | D,
% 17
[V: S1V1] c c3/2 G/ | (G B3- | B) B A G | A3 !sintro!F | F G G3/2 F/ | F4- | F !eintro!|]
w: thy heav'n- ly Friend * * Through thorn- y ways leads to a joy- ful end. *
w: and winds still know * * His voice Who ruled them while He dwelt be- low. *
w: sus can re- pay * * From His own full- ness all He takes a- way. *
w: and tears are past * * All safe and bless- èd we shall meet at last. *
w: of life di- vine * * Through pass- ing clouds shall but more bright- ly shine. *
[V: S1V2] F F3/2 E/ | (E G3- | G) G ^F G | F3 C | F F E3/2 D/ | C4- | C |]
[V: S2V1] C C3/2 C/ | (C D3- | D) D C D | C3 A, | B, B, B,3/2 B,/ | A,4- | A, |]
[V: S2V2] A, A,3/2 C/ | (C G,3- | G,) G,, A,, B,, | C,3 C, | C, C, C,3/2 C,/ | F,4- | F, |]
% 27
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "194 CROSS AND COMFORT"
%%footer Pr 14:26, 1Cor 1:17-18, Gal 6:14 7 6 8 6 8 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Pr 14:26, 1Cor 1:17-18, Gal 6:14
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Cross}, {Darkness, Spiritual [3]}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {God, Justness of [2]}, {God, Love of [2]}, {God, Mercy of [4]}, {Gospel}, {Grace [4]}, {Heaven [2]}, {Jesus}, {Salvation}, {Sinners}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 8 6 8 6 8 6
%OHCOMPOSER Maker, Frederick C. (1844-1927)
%OHAUTHOR Clephane, Elizabeth Cecelia Douglas (1830-1869)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 194
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Db
{ A ; F ; A, ; D, }
{ A3/2 A/ =G B ; F3/2 F/ =E =E ; A,3/2 A,/ B, =G, ; D,3/2 D,/ D, D, }
{ A2 F D ; F2 D D ; A,2 A, A, ; D,2 D, F, }
{ E3/2 F/ G G ; C3/2 D/ D C ; A,3/2 A,/ B, A, ; G,3/2 F,/ E, A,, }
{ F3 ; D3 ; A,3 ; D,3 }
{ F ; A, ; D, ; F }
{ F3/2 F/ =E =E ; A,3/2 A,/ B, =G, ; D,3/2 D,/ D, D, ; d3/2 d/ d c }
{ F2 D D ; A,2 A, A, ; D,2 D, F, ; B A G F }
{ C3/2 D/ D C ; A,3/2 A,/ B, A, ; G,3/2 F,/ E, A,, ; E3/2 E/ =E E }
{ D3 ; A,3 ; D,3 ; F3 }
{ A, ; D, ; F ; E }
{ A,3/2 A,/ B, =G, ; D,3/2 D,/ D, D, ; d3/2 d/ d c ; D3/2 D/ D E }
{ A,2 A, A, ; D,2 D, F, ; B A G F ; F F E _D }
{ A,3/2 A,/ B, A, ; G,3/2 F,/ E, A,, ; E3/2 E/ =E E ; D3/2 D/ D B, }
{ A,3 ; D,3 ; F3 ; C3 }
{ D, ; F ; E ; =A, }
{ D,3/2 D,/ D, D, ; d3/2 d/ d c ; D3/2 D/ D E ; B,3/2 B,/ B, =A, }
{ D,2 D, F, ; B A G F ; F F E _D ; B, B, B, B, }
{ G,3/2 F,/ E, A,, ; E3/2 E/ =E E ; D3/2 D/ D B, ; B,3/2 B,/ B, B, }
{ D,3 ; F3 ; C3 ; =A,3 } | X: 194
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Db
X: 194
T: Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Elizabeth C. Clephane, 1868.
C: Music: 'St. Christopher' Frederick C. Maker, 1881. Setting: "Bristol Tune-Book", 1891.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Bristol Tune-Book, 1891, tune 782. Indicates it was in the 1881 edition, but I have no copy of that.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Db % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] A | A3/2 A/ =G B | A2 F D | E3/2 F/ G G | F3
w: 1.~Be- neath the cross of Je- sus I fain would take my stand,
w: 2.~O safe and happ- y shel- ter, O re- fuge tried and sweet,
w: 3.~There lies be- neath its sha- dow but on the fur- ther side
w: 4.~U- pon that cross of Je- sus mine eye at times can see
w: 5.~I take, O cross, thy sha- dow for my a- bid- ing place;
[V: S1V2] F | F3/2 F/ =E =E | F2 D D | C3/2 D/ D C | D3
[V: S2V1] A, | A,3/2 A,/ B, =G, | A,2 A, A, | A,3/2 A,/ B, A, | A,3
[V: S2V2] D, | D,3/2 D,/ D, D, | D,2 D, F, | G,3/2 F,/ E, A,, | D,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] F | d3/2 d/ d c | B A G F | E3/2 E/ =E E | F3
w: The sha- dow of a might- y rock with- in a wear- y land;
w: O tryst- ing place where Hea- ven's love and Hea- ven's jus- tice meet!
w: The dark- ness of an aw- ful grave that gapes both deep and wide
w: The ver- y dy- ing form of One Who suf- fered there for me;
w: I ask no o- ther sun- shine than the sun- shine of His face;
[V: S1V2] E | D3/2 D/ D E | F F E _D | D3/2 D/ D B, | C3
[V: S2V1] =A, | B,3/2 B,/ B, =A, | B, B, B, B, | B,3/2 B,/ B, B, | =A,3
[V: S2V2] C, | B,,3/2 B,,/ B,, C, | D, =D, E, F, | G,3/2 G,/ G, G, | F,3
% 9
[V: S1V1] F | F3/2 E/ D E | F G A A | B3/2 B/ B F | G3
w: A home with- in the wild- er- ness, a rest u- pon the way,
w: As to the ho- ly pa- tri- arch that won- drous dream was giv'n,
w: And there be- tween us stands the cross two arms out- stretched to save
w: And from my strick- en heart with tears two won- ders I con- fess;
w: Con- tent to let the world go by to know no gain or loss,
[V: S1V2] D | D3/2 C/ D D | D D D D | D3/2 D/ =D =D | E3
[V: S2V1] _A, | A,3/2 G,/ F, G, | A, B, _C C | B,3/2 B,/ B, B, | B,3
[V: S2V2] D, | D,3/2 D,/ D, D, | D, D, D, F, | G,3/2 G,/ F, B,, | E,3
% 13
[V: S1V1] G/.-G/ | c3/2 B/ A G | F F A G/.-G/ | !sintro!F3/2 D/ F E | D3 !eintro!|]
w: From the burn- ing of the noon- tide heat, and the bur- den of the day.
w: So * seems my Sa- vior's cross to me, a * lad- der up to heav'n.
w: A * watch- man set to guard the way from * that e- ter- nal grave.
w: The * won- ders of re- deem- ing love and * my un- worth- i- ness.
w: My * sin- ful self my on- ly shame, my * glor- y all the cross.
[V: S1V2] E/.-E/ | G3/2 G/ G C | D D D D/.-D/ | D3/2 D/ C C | D3 |]
[V: S2V1] B,/.-B,/ | E3/2 D/ C A, | A, A, _C B,/.-B,/ | A,3/2 F,/ A, G, | F,3 |]
[V: S2V2] E,/.-E,/ | A,,3/2 A,,/ A,, A,, | D, D, F,, G,,/.-G,,/ | A,,3/2 A,,/ A,, A,, | D,3 |]
% 19
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.730000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CROSS AND COMFORT 195"
%%footer Heb 10:21-23, Ps 71:24, Rom 5:1 9 10 9 9 9 9 9 9
%OHSCRIP Heb 10:21-23, Ps 71:24, Rom 5:1
%OHTOPICS {Angels [2]}, {Anticipation [1]}, {Assurance}, {Blood [1]}, {Jesus}, {Knowledge}, {Obedience [2,3]}, {Presence}, {Promises (see also Gospel)}, {Salvation [1]}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust) [2,3]}
%OHMETRICAL 9 10 9 9 9 9 9 9
%OHCOMPOSER Knapp, Phoebe P. (1839-1908)
%OHARRANGER Knapp, Phoebe P. (1839-1908)
%OHAUTHOR Crosby, Fanny Jane (1820-1915)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 195
M: 9/8
L: 1/4
K: D
{ F/ E/ D/ ; D/ D/ D/ ; A,/ G,/ F,/ ; D,/ D,/ D,/ }
{ A3/2 A3/2 G/ A/ B/ ; F3/2 F3/2 D/ D/ D/ ; A,3/2 A,3/2 B,/ F,/ G,/ ; D,3/2 D,3/2 D,/ D,/ D,/ }
{ A3 A/ F/ A/ ; D3 F/ D/ F/ ; F,3 A,/ A,/ A,/ ; D,3 D,/ D,/ D,/ }
{ d3/2 c c/ B/ A/ ^G/ ; F3/2 E E/ E/ E/ E/ ; A,3/2 A, A,/ D/ C/ B,/ ; D,3/2 E, E,/ E,/ E,/ E,/ }
{ A3 ; E3 ; C3 ; A,,3 }
{ D/ D/ D/ ; A,/ G,/ F,/ ; D,/ D,/ D,/ ; F/ E/ D/ }
{ F3/2 F3/2 D/ D/ D/ ; A,3/2 A,3/2 B,/ F,/ G,/ ; D,3/2 D,3/2 D,/ D,/ D,/ ; A3/2 A3/2 G/ A/ B/ }
{ D3 F/ D/ F/ ; F,3 A,/ A,/ A,/ ; D,3 D,/ D,/ D,/ ; A3 D/ E/ F/ }
{ F3/2 E E/ E/ E/ E/ ; A,3/2 A, A,/ D/ C/ B,/ ; D,3/2 E, E,/ E,/ E,/ E,/ ; G3/2 E3/2 D/ E/ C/ }
{ E3 ; C3 ; A,,3 ; D3 }
{ A,/ G,/ F,/ ; D,/ D,/ D,/ ; F/ E/ D/ ; D/ D/ D/ }
{ A,3/2 A,3/2 B,/ F,/ G,/ ; D,3/2 D,3/2 D,/ D,/ D,/ ; A3/2 A3/2 G/ A/ B/ ; F3/2 F3/2 D/ D/ D/ }
{ F,3 A,/ A,/ A,/ ; D,3 D,/ D,/ D,/ ; A3 D/ E/ F/ ; D3 D/ D/ D/ }
{ A,3/2 A, A,/ D/ C/ B,/ ; D,3/2 E, E,/ E,/ E,/ E,/ ; G3/2 E3/2 D/ E/ C/ ; E3/2 B,3/2 D/ C/ A,/ }
{ C3 ; A,,3 ; D3 ; A,3 }
{ D,/ D,/ D,/ ; F/ E/ D/ ; D/ D/ D/ ; A,/ G,/ F,/ }
{ D,3/2 D,3/2 D,/ D,/ D,/ ; A3/2 A3/2 G/ A/ B/ ; F3/2 F3/2 D/ D/ D/ ; A,3/2 A,3/2 B,/ F,/ G,/ }
{ D,3 D,/ D,/ D,/ ; A3 D/ E/ F/ ; D3 D/ D/ D/ ; F,3 F,/ G,/ A,/ }
{ D,3/2 E, E,/ E,/ E,/ E,/ ; G3/2 E3/2 D/ E/ C/ ; E3/2 B,3/2 D/ C/ A,/ ; B,3/2 G,3/2 F,/ G,/ G,/ }
{ A,,3 ; D3 ; A,3 ; F,3 } | X: 195
M: 9/8
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 195
T: Blessed Assurance
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Fanny Crosby, 1873.
C: Music and Setting: 'Blessed Assurance' or 'Assurance' Phoebe P. Knapp, 1873.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Lesser Hymnal", 1875 hymn 323. Most of hymnal does not contain 4 part music. This does, attr. to Mrs. Joseph Knapp.
M: 9/8 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] F/ E/ D/ | A3/2 A3/2 G/ A/ B/ | A3 A/ F/ A/ | d3/2 c c/ B/ A/ ^G/ | A3
w: 1.~Bless- èd a- ssu- rance, Je- sus is mine! O what a fore- taste of glo- ry di- vine!
w: 2.~Per- fect sub- mis- sion, per- fect de- light, Vis- ions of rap- ture now burst on my sight;
w: 3.~Per- fect sub- mis- sion, all is at rest I in my Sa- vior am hap- py and blest,
[V: S1V2] D/ D/ D/ | F3/2 F3/2 D/ D/ D/ | D3 F/ D/ F/ | F3/2 E E/ E/ E/ E/ | E3
[V: S2V1] A,/ G,/ F,/ | A,3/2 A,3/2 B,/ F,/ G,/ | F,3 A,/ A,/ A,/ | A,3/2 A, A,/ D/ C/ B,/ | C3
[V: S2V2] D,/ D,/ D,/ | D,3/2 D,3/2 D,/ D,/ D,/ | D,3 D,/ D,/ D,/ | D,3/2 E, E,/ E,/ E,/ E,/ | A,,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] F/ E/ D/ | A3/2 A3/2 G/ A/ B/ | A3 D/ E/ F/ | G3/2 E3/2 D/ E/ C/ | D3
w: Heir of sal- va- tion, pur- chase of God, Born of His Spi- rit, washed in His blood.
w: An- gels de- scend- ing bring from a- bove E- choes of mer- cy, whisp- ers of love.
w: Watch- ing and wait- ing, look- ing a- bove, Filled with His good- ness, lost in His love.
[V: S1V2] D/ D/ D/ | F3/2 F3/2 D/ D/ D/ | D3 D/ D/ D/ | E3/2 B,3/2 D/ C/ A,/ | A,3
[V: S2V1] A,/ G,/ F,/ | A,3/2 A,3/2 B,/ F,/ G,/ | F,3 F,/ G,/ A,/ | B,3/2 G,3/2 F,/ G,/ G,/ | F,3
[V: S2V2] D,/ D,/ D,/ | D,3/2 D,3/2 D,/ D,/ D,/ | D,3 D,/ D,/ D,/ | G,,3/2 G,,3/2 A,,/ A,,/ A,,/ | D,3
% 9
[V: S1V1] A/ A/ A/ | d3/2 A3/2 B/ B/ B/ | A3 A/ A/ A/ | B3/2 d3/2 c/ c/ B/ | c3
w: This is my stor- y, this is my song, Prais- ing my Sa- vior, all the day long;
[V: S1V2] F/ F/ F/ | F3/2 F3/2 G/ G/ G/ | F3 F/ F/ F/ | G3/2 A3/2 A/ A/ ^G/ | A3
[V: S2V1] D/ D/ D/ | A,3/2 D3/2 D/ D/ D/ | D3 D/ D/ D/ | D3/2 D3/2 E/ E/ E/ | E3
[V: S2V2] D,/ D,/ D,/ | D,3/2 D,3/2 G,/ G,/ G,/ | D,3 D,/ D,/ D,/ | G,3/2 F,3/2 E,/ E,/ E,/ | A,3
% 13
[V: S1V1] c/ d/ e/ | d3/2 A3/2 B/ A/ B/ | A3 !sintro!D/ E/ F/ | G3/2 E3/2 D3/4 E// C/ | D3 !eintro!|]
w: This is my stor- y, this is my song, Prais- ing my Sa- vior, all the day long.
[V: S1V2] =G/ G/ G/ | F3/2 F3/2 G/ F/ G/ | F3 D/ C/ D/ | E3/2 B,3/2 D3/4 C// A,/ | A,3 |]
[V: S2V1] A,/ B,/ C/ | D3/2 D3/2 D/ D/ D/ | D3 A,/ A,/ A,/ | B,3/2 G,3/2 F,3/4 G,// E,/ | F,3 |]
[V: S2V2] A,/ A,/ A,/ | D,3/2 D,3/2 D,/ D,/ D,/ | D,3 F,/ E,/ D,/ | G,,3/2 G,,3/2 A,,3/4 A,,// A,,/ | D,3 |]
% 19
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "196 CROSS AND COMFORT"
%%footer Mk 10:46-52, Lk 18:35-43, Phil 4:5-7, 1Pt 2:24 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Mk 10:46-52, Lk 18:35-43, Phil 4:5-7, 1Pt 2:24
%OHTOPICS {Compassion}, {Darkness, Spiritual}, {Faith}, {God, Care of}, {God, Mercy of}, {Healing}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Jesus}, {Kindness, God's}, {Miracles}, {Prayer}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER Ingalls, Jeremiah (1764-1828)
%OHAUTHOR Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1882)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 196
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F ; F ; A, ; F, }
{ (A3/2 G/) F ; F2 F ; (C3/2 B,/) A, ; F,2 F, }
{ G2 A ; E2 E ; B,2 C ; C,2 C, }
{ G2 F ; E2 D ; B,2 A, ; C,2 D, }
{ G2 A ; E2 F ; C2 C ; C,2 F, }
{ c2 c ; F2 F ; A,2 A, ; F,2 F, }
{ (c d) c ; F2 F ; (A, B,) A, ; F,2 F, }
{ F ; A, ; F, ; A2 G }
{ F2 F ; (C3/2 B,/) A, ; F,2 F, ; F2 c }
{ E2 E ; B,2 C ; C,2 C, ; d2 d }
{ E2 D ; B,2 A, ; C,2 D, ; (d3/2 e/) f }
{ E2 F ; C2 C ; C,2 F, ; c2 c }
{ F2 F ; A,2 A, ; F,2 F, ; A2 }
{ A, ; F, ; A2 G ; F2 E }
{ (C3/2 B,/) A, ; F,2 F, ; F2 c ; F2 F }
{ B,2 C ; C,2 C, ; d2 d ; F2 F }
{ B,2 A, ; C,2 D, ; (d3/2 e/) f ; F2 F }
{ C2 C ; C,2 F, ; c2 c ; A2 A }
{ A,2 A, ; F,2 F, ; A2 ; F2 }
{ F, ; A2 G ; F2 E ; C2 B, }
{ F,2 F, ; F2 c ; F2 F ; A,2 A, }
{ C,2 C, ; d2 d ; F2 F ; B,2 B, }
{ C,2 D, ; (d3/2 e/) f ; F2 F ; (B,3/2 C/) D }
{ C,2 F, ; c2 c ; A2 A ; F2 F }
{ F,2 F, ; A2 ; F2 ; C2 } | X: 196
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 196
T: Blind Bartimaeus
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, alt, 1842.
C: Music: 'Fillmore' Jeremiah Ingalls (1764-1828). Setting: "The Methodist Hymnal", 1905.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Revision.
S: Music source: The Methodist Hymnal, 1905. Hymn 310. Lyrics found in "Hymns of the Church Universal", J. and E.A. Rylands, 1885, Hymn 84, page 282.
S: the original lyrics by Longfellow retained the Greek quotes of the New Testament for the "three voices". Published in "Ballads and other poems, 1842. English translations of the Greek were added later by an unknown translator before the above lyric source.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] F | (A3/2 G/) F | G2 A | G2 F | G2 A | c2 c | (c d) c |
w: 1.~Blind Bar- * ti- mae- us at the gates Of Jer- i- cho * in
w: 2.~The throng- * ing mul- ti- tudes in-crease "Blind Bar- ti- mae- * us,
w: 3.~Then saith * the Christ, as si- lent stands The crowd, "What wilt * thou
w: 4.~Ye that * hath eyes and can- not see, In dark- ness and * in
[V: S1V2] F | F2 F | E2 E | E2 D | E2 F | F2 F | F2 F |
[V: S2V1] A, | (C3/2 B,/) A, | B,2 C | B,2 A, | C2 C | A,2 A, | (A, B,) A, |
[V: S2V2] F, | F,2 F, | C,2 C, | C,2 D, | C,2 F, | F,2 F, | F,2 F, |
% 9
[V: S1V1] A2 G | F2 c | d2 d | (d3/2 e/) f | c2 c | A2
w: dark- ness waits: He hears the crowd; * he hears a breath
w: hold thy peace!" But still, a- bove * the nois- y crowd,
w: at My hands?" And he re- plies, * "O give me light!
w: mis- er- y, Re- call those migh- * ty voi- ces three\-
[V: S1V2] F2 E | F2 F | F2 F | F2 F | A2 A | F2
[V: S2V1] C2 B, | A,2 A, | B,2 B, | (B,3/2 C/) D | F2 F | C2
[V: S2V2] C,2 C, | F,2 F, | B,2 B, | B,2 B,, | F,2 F, | F,2
% 13
[V: S1V1] c | d2 d | (d3/2 e/) f | c2 c | (A !fermata!G) F | (A3/2 G/) F | G2
w: say "It is Christ * of Naz- a- reth!" * And calls * in tones
w: The blind man's cry * is shrill and loud: * Un- til * they say,
w: Ra- bbi, re- store * the blind man's sight." * And Je- * sus an-
w: "O Je- sus, Je- * sus pi- ty me!" * "Cou- rage! * a- rise!
[V: S1V2] F | F2 F | F2 F | F2 F | (F E) F | F2 F | E2
[V: S2V1] A, | B,2 B, | (B,3/2 C/) D | A,2 A, | C- !invertedfermata!C A, | (C3/2 B,/) A, | B,2
[V: S2V2] F, | B,2 B, | B,2 B,, | F,2 F, | (F, C,) F, | F,2 F, | C,2
% 21
[V: S1V1] A | G2 F | G2 !sintro!A | c2 c | (c d) c | A2 G | F2 !eintro!|]
w: of a- go- ny, "O Je- sus, Je- * sus pi- ty me!"
w: "He call- eth thee; Cour- age! a- rise! * He call- eth thee!"
w: swers, "Go thy way, Thy faith, thy faith * hath sa- vèd thee."
w: He call- eth thee!" "Thy faith, thy faith * hath sa- vèd thee."
[V: S1V2] E | E2 D | E2 F | F2 F | F2 F | F2 E | F2 |]
[V: S2V1] C | B,2 A, | C2 C | A,2 A, | (A, B,) A, | C2 B, | A,2 |]
[V: S2V2] C, | C,2 D, | C,2 F, | F,2 F, | F,2 F, | C,2 C, | F,2 |]
% 27
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CROSS AND COMFORT 197"
%%footer Jn 6:33-59, 7:37, Mt 11:28-30, Is 55:1-3, 53:5, Hos 14:4, Jn 14:16-17, 14:26, Rev 22:1 11 10 11 10
%OHSCRIP Jn 6:33-59, 7:37, Mt 11:28-30, Is 55:1-3, 53:5, Hos 14:4, Jn 14:16-17, 14:26, Rev 22:1
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Atonement}, {Bread (of Life/Daily Bread) [3]}, {Comfort}, {Compassion}, {Contrition}, {Forgiveness}, {God, As King}, {God, Mercy of}, {Grace}, {Healing}, {Heaven}, {Humility}, {Invitation (God's to Us)}, {Kindness, God's}, {Light [2]}, {Lord's Supper [3]}, {Peace}, {Presence}, {Repentance}
%OHMETRICAL 11 10 11 10
%OHCOMPOSER Webbe, Samuel (1740-1816)
%OHAUTHOR Moore, Thomas (1779-1852);Hastings, Thomas (1784-1872)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 197
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ G2 E C ; C2 C C ; E,2 G, E, ; C,2 C, C, }
{ A3/2 G/ G2 ; C3/2 C/ C2 ; F,3/2 E,/ E,2 ; C,3/2 C,/ C,2 }
{ (F3/2 G/) A B ; C2 C F ; (A,3/2 E,/) F, D, ; C,2 C, C, }
{ c2 G z ; E2 C x ; G,2 E, z ; C,2 C, x }
{ C2 C C ; E,2 G, E, ; C,2 C, C, ; E2 E E }
{ C3/2 C/ C2 ; F,3/2 E,/ E,2 ; C,3/2 C,/ C,2 ; F3/2 F/ A2 }
{ C2 C F ; (A,3/2 E,/) F, D, ; C,2 C, C, ; G2 =F =F }
{ E2 C x ; G,2 E, z ; C,2 C, x ; G2 z2 }
{ E,2 G, E, ; C,2 C, C, ; E2 E E ; C2 C C }
{ F,3/2 E,/ E,2 ; C,3/2 C,/ C,2 ; F3/2 F/ A2 ; C3/2 C/ C2 }
{ (A,3/2 E,/) F, D, ; C,2 C, C, ; G2 =F =F ; B,2 C C }
{ G,2 E, z ; C,2 C, x ; G2 z2 ; B,2 x2 }
{ C,2 C, C, ; E2 E E ; C2 C C ; G,2 G, G, }
{ C,3/2 C,/ C,2 ; F3/2 F/ A2 ; C3/2 C/ C2 ; F,3/2 F,/ F,2 }
{ C,2 C, C, ; G2 =F =F ; B,2 C C ; D,2 A, A, }
{ C,2 C, x ; G2 z2 ; B,2 x2 ; G,2 z2 } | X: 197
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 197
T: Come, Ye Disconsolate
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: verses 1-2 Thomas Moore, 1816. Verse 3 Thomas Hastings, 1831.
C: Music: 'Consolator (Webbe)' Samuel Webbe, 1792.
C: Setting: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1896.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Revision.
S: Music and lyrics source: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1896 Ed. Charles Hutchins Hymn 637.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] G2 E C | A3/2 G/ G2 | (F3/2 G/) A B | c2 G z |
w: 1.~Come, ye dis- con- so- late, wher- * 'er ye lan- guish;
w: 2.~Joy of the des- o- late, light * of the stray- ing,
w: 3.~Here see the Bread of Life; see * wa- ters flow- ing
[V: S1V2] C2 C C | C3/2 C/ C2 | C2 C F | E2 C x |
[V: S2V1] E,2 G, E, | F,3/2 E,/ E,2 | (A,3/2 E,/) F, D, | G,2 E, z |
[V: S2V2] C,2 C, C, | C,3/2 C,/ C,2 | C,2 C, C, | C,2 C, x |
% 4
[V: S1V1] E2 E E | F3/2 F/ A2 | G2 =F =F | G2 z2 |
w: Come to the mer- cy seat, fer- vent- ly kneel.
w: Hope of the pen- i- tent, fade- less and pure,
w: Forth from the throne of God, pure from a- bove;
[V: S1V2] C2 C C | C3/2 C/ C2 | B,2 C C | B,2 x2 |
[V: S2V1] G,2 G, G, | F,3/2 F,/ F,2 | D,2 A, A, | G,2 z2 |
[V: S2V2] C,2 C, _B,, | A,,3/2 A,,/ F,,2 | D,2 D, D, | G,,2 x2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] c2 B A | G3/2 F/ E2 | c2 d/c/ B/A/ | G2 E z |
w: Here bring your woun- ded hearts, here tell * your * an- guish;
w: Here speaks the Com- fort- er, ten- der- * ly * say- ing,
w: Come to the feast of love; come, ev- * er * know- ing
[V: S1V2] E2 =D =D | E3/2 C/ C2 | E2 F C | C2 C x |
[V: S2V1] G,2 =F, =F, | G,3/2 A,/ G,2 | G,2 A, F, | E,2 G, x |
[V: S2V2] C,2 C, C, | C,3/2 C,/ C,2 | C,2 F,, A,, | C,2 C, z |
% 13
[V: S1V1] !sintro!(G e) e c | c A2 F | E2 D3/2 C/ | C4 !eintro!|]
w: Earth * has no sor- row that Heav'n can- not heal.
w: "Earth * has no sor- row that Heav'n can- not cure."
w: Earth * has no sor- row but Heav'n can re- move.
[V: S1V2] E2 C C | C F2 D | C2 B,3/2 C/ | C4 |]
[V: S2V1] G,2 =G, =G, | A, C2 A, | G,2 F,3/2 E,/ | E,4 |]
[V: S2V2] C,2 E, E, | F, F,2 F,, | G,,2 G,,3/2 C,/ | C,4 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%staffsep 1.00000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "198 CROSS AND COMFORT"
%%footer Heb 6:17-19, Jn 14:27-28, Is 26:3, Rom 5:1 11 8 11 9 6 9
%OHSCRIP Heb 6:17-19, Jn 14:27-28, Is 26:3, Rom 5:1
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation [5,6]}, {Assurance}, {Atonement}, {Blood [2]}, {Calmness}, {Christian Life}, {Comfort}, {Cross [3]}, {Faith}, {Jesus [2-5]}, {Kindness, God's}, {Peace}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 11 8 11 9 6 9
%OHCOMPOSER Bliss, Philip Paul (1838-1876)
%OHARRANGER Bliss, Philip Paul (1838-1876)
%OHAUTHOR Spafford, Horatio Gates (1828-1888)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 198
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Db
{ A ; F ; A, ; D, }
{ A2 G F ; F2 E D ; A,2 A, A, ; D,2 D, D,/F,/ }
{ F2 E F ; D2 C D ; A,2 A, A, ; A,2 G, F, }
{ (G B) A G ; C2 C E ; A,2 A, C ; E,2 A,, A,, }
{ F3 A ; D3 F ; D3 A, ; D,3 D, }
{ d2 c ; F2 E ; B,2 =A, ; B,,2 C, }
{ F ; A, ; D, ; B }
{ F2 E D ; A,2 A, A, ; D,2 D, D,/F,/ ; B2 A =G }
{ D2 C D ; A,2 A, A, ; A,2 G, F, ; A3 A }
{ C2 C E ; A,2 A, C ; E,2 A,, A,, ; d2 d c }
{ D3 F ; D3 A, ; D,3 D, ; B2 B B }
{ F2 E ; B,2 =A, ; B,,2 C, ; e2 e d }
{ A, ; D, ; B ; D }
{ A,2 A, A, ; D,2 D, D,/F,/ ; B2 A =G ; F2 E E }
{ A,2 A, A, ; A,2 G, F, ; A3 A ; E3 G }
{ A,2 A, C ; E,2 A,, A,, ; d2 d c ; F2 F A }
{ D3 A, ; D,3 D, ; B2 B B ; G2 B A }
{ B,2 =A, ; B,,2 C, ; e2 e d ; =G2 =G =G }
{ D, ; B ; D ; B, }
{ D,2 D, D,/F,/ ; B2 A =G ; F2 E E ; D2 C B, }
{ A,2 G, F, ; A3 A ; E3 G ; C3 C }
{ E,2 A,, A,, ; d2 d c ; F2 F A ; D2 D D }
{ D,3 D, ; B2 B B ; G2 B A ; D2 D =D }
{ B,,2 C, ; e2 e d ; =G2 =G =G ; E2 E E } | X: 198
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Db
X: 198
T: It Is Well With My Soul
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as When Peace Like a River)
C: Words: Horatio G. Spafford, 1873. Music and Setting: 'It Is Well' or 'Ville Du Havre' Philip P. Bliss, 1876.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: The Evangelical Hymnal, 1921 Hymn 208.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Db % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] A | A2 G F | F2 E F | (G B) A G | F3 A | d2 c
w: 1.~When peace, like a ri- ver, at- ten- * deth my way, When sor- rows
w: 2.~Though Sa- tan should buf- fet, though tri- * als should come, Let this blest
w: 3.~My sin, oh, the bliss of this glo- * ri- ous thought! My sin, not
w: 4.~For me, be it Christ, be it Christ * hence to live: If Jor- dan
w: 5.~But, Lord, 'tis for Thee, for Thy com- * ing we wait, The sky, not
[V: S1V2] F | F2 E D | D2 C D | C2 C E | D3 F | F2 E
[V: S2V1] A, | A,2 A, A, | A,2 A, A, | A,2 A, C | D3 A, | B,2 =A,
[V: S2V2] D, | D,2 D, D,/F,/ | A,2 G, F, | E,2 A,, A,, | D,3 D, | B,,2 C,
% 9
[V: S1V1] B | B2 A =G | A3 A | d2 d c | B2 B B | e2 e d |
w: like sea bil- lows roll; What- ev- er my lot, Thou has taught me to
w: a- ssur- ance con- trol, That Christ has re- gar- ded my help- less es-
w: in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no
w: a- bove me shall roll, No pang shall be mine, for in death as in
w: the grave, is our goal; Oh trump of the an- gel! Oh voice of the
[V: S1V2] D | F2 E E | E3 G | F2 F A | G2 B A | =G2 =G =G |
[V: S2V1] B, | D2 C B, | C3 C | D2 D D | D2 D =D | E2 E E |
[V: S2V2] D, | D,2 E, E, | A,,3 A, | D,2 D, F, | G,2 G, F, | E,2 E, E, |
% 13
[V: S1V1] c2 B A | d2 d d | d2 c3/2 d/ | !fermata!d2 "^Refrain" A A |
w: say, It is well, it is well, with my soul. It is
w: tate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. * *
w: more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! * *
w: life Thou wilt whis- per Thy peace to my soul. * *
w: Lord! Bless- èd hope, bless- èd rest of my soul! * *
[V: S1V2] A2 A A | A2 D D | F2 E3/2 F/ | F2 z2 |
[V: S2V1] E2 D C | D2 A, B, | A,2 A,3/2 A,/ | !invertedfermata!A,2 z2 |
[V: S2V2] A,2 A, A,/G,/ | F,2 F, G, | A,2 A,,3/2 A,,/ | D,2 z2 |
% 17
[V: S1V1] A4- | A2 A A | A4- | A2 !sintro!F A | B2 B d | d2 c3/2 d/ | d3 !eintro!|]
w: well, * with my soul, * It is well, it is well with my soul.
[V: S1V2] z2 F F | E2 z2 | z2 E G | F2 D F | G2 G G | F2 E3/2 F/ | F3 |]
[V: S2V1] z2 A, D | C2 z2 | z2 C E | D2 A, D | D2 D B, | A,2 A,3/2 A,/ | A,3 |]
w: It is well, with my soul, * * * * * * * * *
[V: S2V2] z2 D, F, | A,2 z2 | z2 A,, A,, | D,2 D, D, | G,2 G, G, | A,2 A,,3/2 A,,/ | D,3 |]
% 24
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% \t\t\t\t
%% 6.\tAnd Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
%% \t\t\t\tThe clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
%% \t\t\t\tThe trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
%% \t\t\t\tEven so, it is well with my soul.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 11cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% \t\t\t\t
%% \t\t\t\t
%% Note that this hymn is sometimes published without the refrain
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.720000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CROSS AND COMFORT 199"
%%footer Ps 34:1, Is 12:1-6, 1Tim 2:5-6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHSCRIP Ps 34:1, Is 12:1-6, 1Tim 2:5-6
%OHTOPICS {Art and Music}, {Blood [1]}, {Courage in Affliction [2]}, {Eternal Life [3]}, {Following Jesus, In Faith}, {God, Goodness of [2]}, {God, Mercy of [1]}, {Gratitude}, {Heaven [3]}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Praise, Son}, {Shepard/Lamb [1]}, {Testimony}, {Trust}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHCOMPOSER Paxton, Kenneth W.
%OHARRANGER Paxton, Kenneth W.
%OHAUTHOR Crosby, Fanny Jane (1820-1915);Clarkson, Edith Margaret (1915-2008)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 199
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ !sintro!D/ ; D/ ; D,/ ; D,/ }
{ G/A/ B/c/ B A ; G/A/ B/c/ B A ; G,/A,/ B,/C/ B, A, ; G,/A,/ B,/C/ B, A, }
{ (G E) D !eintro!z/ D/ ; (G E) D x/ D/ ; (G, E,) D, z/ D,/ ; (G, E,) D, x/ D,/ }
{ G/A/ B/ (B A/) G/B/- ; B,/C/ D/ E3/2 E/ D/- ; G,/A,/ B,/ (B, A,/) G,/B,/- ; G,/A,/ B,/ B, A,/ G,/B,/- }
{ B3 z/ ; D3 x/ ; B,3 z/ ; B,3 x/ }
{ D/ ; D,/ ; D,/ ; D/ }
{ G/A/ B/c/ B A ; G,/A,/ B,/C/ B, A, ; G,/A,/ B,/C/ B, A, ; G/A/ B/c/ d B/A/ }
{ (G E) D x/ D/ ; (G, E,) D, z/ D,/ ; (G, E,) D, x/ D,/ ; (B G) E z/ G/ }
{ B,/C/ D/ E3/2 E/ D/- ; G,/A,/ B,/ (B, A,/) G,/B,/- ; G,/A,/ B,/ B, A,/ G,/B,/- ; G F/ B A G/- }
{ D3 x/ ; B,3 z/ ; B,3 x/ ; G3 z/ }
{ D,/ ; D,/ ; D/ ; D/ }
{ G,/A,/ B,/C/ B, A, ; G,/A,/ B,/C/ B, A, ; G/A/ B/c/ d B/A/ ; G/F/ G/A/ B G/F/ }
{ (G, E,) D, z/ D,/ ; (G, E,) D, x/ D,/ ; (B G) E z/ G/ ; (E D) ^C x/ ^C/ }
{ G,/A,/ B,/ (B, A,/) G,/B,/- ; G,/A,/ B,/ B, A,/ G,/B,/- ; G F/ B A G/- ; D D/ E F G/- }
{ B,3 z/ ; B,3 x/ ; G3 z/ ; G3 x/ }
{ D,/ ; D/ ; D/ ; D,/ }
{ G,/A,/ B,/C/ B, A, ; G/A/ B/c/ d B/A/ ; G/F/ G/A/ B G/F/ ; G, G, F, D, }
{ (G, E,) D, x/ D,/ ; (B G) E z/ G/ ; (E D) ^C x/ ^C/ ; (E, G,) A, z/ A,/ }
{ G,/A,/ B,/ B, A,/ G,/B,/- ; G F/ B A G/- ; D D/ E F G/- ; G, F,/ E, F, G,/- }
{ B,3 x/ ; G3 z/ ; G3 x/ ; G,3 z/ } | X: 199
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 199
T: My Song Shall Be Of Jesus
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Fanny J. Crosby, 1875. Adapted by Margaret Clarkson, 1973.
C: Music: 'Sondance' Kenneth W. Paxton, 1998. Setting: Kenneth W. Paxton, 1998.
C: copyright: Words, public domain. Adaptation released into public domain by Hope Publishing Company.
C: Music and Setting copyright: Copyright 1998 Kenneth W. Paxton. This tune and setting may be freely reproduced or
C: published for Christian worship, provided they are not altered, and this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
C: This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=96] !sintro!D/ | G/A/ B/c/ B A | (G E) D !eintro!z/ D/ | G/A/ B/ (B A/) G/B/- | B3 z/
w: 1.~My song * shall * be of Je- * sus, His Mer- * cy crowns * my days *
w: 2.~My song * shall * be of Je- * sus, while sit- * ting at * His feet *
w: 3.~My song * shall * be of Je- * sus, when press- * ing on * my way *
[V: S1V2] D/ | G/A/ B/c/ B A | (G E) D x/ D/ | B,/C/ D/ E3/2 E/ D/- | D3 x/
[V: S2V1] D,/ | G,/A,/ B,/C/ B, A, | (G, E,) D, z/ D,/ | G,/A,/ B,/ (B, A,/) G,/B,/- | B,3 z/
[V: S2V2] D,/ | G,/A,/ B,/C/ B, A, | (G, E,) D, x/ D,/ | G,/A,/ B,/ B, A,/ G,/B,/- | B,3 x/
% 5
[V: S1V1] D/ | G/A/ B/c/ d B/A/ | (B G) E z/ G/ | G F/ B A G/- | G3 z/
w: He fills * my * cup with * bless- * ings and tunes my heart to praise *
w: He calls * to * mind His * good- * ness, and makes my joy com- plete; *
w: To where * my * home shines * glo- * rious in pure and per- fect day. *
[V: S1V2] D/ | G/F/ G/A/ B G/F/ | (E D) ^C x/ ^C/ | D D/ E F G/- | G3 x/
[V: S2V1] D,/ | G, G, F, D, | (E, G,) A, z/ A,/ | G, F,/ E, F, G,/- | G,3 z/
[V: S2V2] D,/ | G, G, F, D, | (E, B,,) A,, x/ A,,/ | C, D,/ C, D, G,/- | G,3 x/
% 9
[V: S1V1] G/ | c c B/A/ G/(B/- | B3/2 A/) A z/ B/ | c c B/A/ G/d/- | d3 z/
w: My song shall be * of Je- * * sus the pre- cious Lamb * of God *
w: My song shall be * of Je- * * sus, what- ev- er ills * be- fall, *
w: And when my soul * shall en- * * ter the ma- ny man- * sions fair, *
[V: S1V2] D/ | E F G/F/ E/(D/- | D3/2 E/) D x/ D/ | E E D/E/ D/(G/- | G2 F) x/
[V: S2V1] D,/ | E, A, G, E,/(G,/- | G,3/2 F,/) F, z/ F,/ | G, C B,/A,/ G,/(B,/- | B,2 A,) z/
[V: S2V2] B,,/ | C, D, B,, B,,/ (D,/- | D,3/2 D,/) D, x/ B,,/ | C, A,, B,, G,,/D,/- | D,3 x/
% 13
[V: S1V1] D/ | G/A/ B/c/ B A | (G E) D z/ !sintro!G/ | G F/ B A G/- | G2 z3/2 !eintro!|]
w: Who gave * Him- * self my ran- * som and bought me with His blood *
w: I'll sing * the * grace that saves * me, and tri- umphs o- ver all. *
w: A song * of * praise to Je- * sus I'll sing for- ev- er there. *
[V: S1V2] D/ | G/F/ G/A/ G A | (G E) D x/ G/ | G F/ E F G/- | G2 x3/2 |]
[V: S2V1] D,/ | G,/A,/ B,/C/ B, A, | (G, E,) D, z/ C,/ | C, D,/ C, D, G,/- | G,2 z3/2 |]
[V: S2V2] D,/ | G, G, E, B,, | (C, E,) D, x/ C,/ | A,, B,,/ C, D, G,,/- | G,,2 x3/2 |]
% 17
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.740000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "200 CROSS AND COMFORT"
%%footer Eph 2:13-22, Heb 7:16-19 6 4 6 4 6 6 6 4
%OHSCRIP Eph 2:13-22, Heb 7:16-19
%OHTOPICS {Angels [5]}, {Anticipation [6]}, {Atonement [3]}, {Cross [3,5]}, {Darkness, Spiritual [2]}, {Eternal Life [6]}, {Fellowship [4]}, {Gratitude}, {Heaven [6]}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Jesus}, {Love [4,6]}, {Presence}, {Rest [2,6]}, {Solitude (with God even when alone)}
%OHMETRICAL 6 4 6 4 6 6 6 4
%OHCOMPOSER Mason, Lowell (1792-1872)
%OHARRANGER Mason, Lowell (1792-1872)
%OHAUTHOR Adams, Sarah Fuller Flower (1805-1848);Ganse, Hervey Doddridge (1822-1891);Bickersteth, Edward Henry Jr. (1825-1906)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 200
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ B3 A2 G ; D3 C2 B, ; G,3 F,2 G, ; G,3 D,2 E, }
{ G2 E E3 ; E2 C C3 ; C2 G, G,3 ; C,2 C, C,3 }
{ D3 G2 B ; D3 D2 D ; B,3 G,2 G, ; G,,3 B,,2 G,, }
{ A3- A2 z ; D3- D2 x ; F,3- F,2 z ; D,3- D,2 x }
{ D3 C2 B, ; G,3 F,2 G, ; G,3 D,2 E, ; B3 A2 G }
{ E2 C C3 ; C2 G, G,3 ; C,2 C, C,3 ; G2 E E3 }
{ D3 D2 D ; B,3 G,2 G, ; G,,3 B,,2 G,, ; (D2 G) F2 A }
{ D3- D2 x ; F,3- F,2 z ; D,3- D,2 x ; G3- G2 z }
{ G,3 F,2 G, ; G,3 D,2 E, ; B3 A2 G ; D3 C2 B, }
{ C2 G, G,3 ; C,2 C, C,3 ; G2 E E3 ; E2 C C3 }
{ B,3 G,2 G, ; G,,3 B,,2 G,, ; (D2 G) F2 A ; (B,2 D) D2 D }
{ F,3- F,2 z ; D,3- D,2 x ; G3- G2 z ; D3- D2 x }
{ G,3 D,2 E, ; B3 A2 G ; D3 C2 B, ; G,3 F,2 G, }
{ C,2 C, C,3 ; G2 E E3 ; E2 C C3 ; C2 G, G,3 }
{ G,,3 B,,2 G,, ; (D2 G) F2 A ; (B,2 D) D2 D ; (G,2 B,) A,2 C }
{ D,3- D,2 x ; G3- G2 z ; D3- D2 x ; B,3- B,2 z } | X: 200
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 200
T: Nearer, My God, To Thee
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: st. 1-2 by Sarah F. Adams, 1841. st. 3-5 by Hervey D. Ganse (1822-1891).
C: st. 6 by Edward H. Bickersteth, Jr. (1825-1906).
C: Music: 'Bethany (Mason)' Lowell Mason, 1856. Setting: Lowell Mason, 1859.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Sabbath Hymn and Tune Book", 1859 page 244. Ed. Lowell Mason.
M: 6/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=160] B3 A2 G | G2 E E3 | D3 G2 B | A3- A2 z |
w: 1.~Near- er, my God, to Thee, near- er to Thee! *
w: 2.~Though like the wan- der- er, the sun gone down, *
w: 3.~Near- er, my Lord, to thee, Near- er to thee! *
w: 4.~Near- er, O Com- for- ter, Near- er to thee! *
w: 5.~But to be near- er still, Bring me, O God, *
[V: S1V2] D3 C2 B, | E2 C C3 | D3 D2 D | D3- D2 x |
[V: S2V1] G,3 F,2 G, | C2 G, G,3 | B,3 G,2 G, | F,3- F,2 z |
[V: S2V2] G,3 D,2 E, | C,2 C, C,3 | G,,3 B,,2 G,, | D,3- D,2 x |
% 5
[V: S1V1] B3 A2 G | G2 E E3 | (D2 G) F2 A | G3- G2 z |
w: E'en though it be a cross that * rais- eth me, *
w: Dark- ness be o- ver me, my * rest a stone. *
w: Who to the cross didst come, Dy- * ing for me! *
w: Who with my lo- ving Lord Dwel- * lest with me! *
w: Not by the vi- sioned steeps An- * gels have trod. *
[V: S1V2] D3 C2 B, | E2 C C3 | (B,2 D) D2 D | D3- D2 x |
[V: S2V1] G,3 F,2 G, | C2 G, G,3 | (G,2 B,) A,2 C | B,3- B,2 z |
[V: S2V2] G,3 D,2 E, | C,2 C, C,3 | D,3 D,2 D, | G,,3- G,,2 x |
% 9
[V: S1V1] d3 e2 d | d2 B d3 | d3 e2 d | d2 B A3 |
w: Still all my song shall be, near- er, my God, to Thee.
w: Yet in my dreams I'd be near- er, my God to Thee.
w: Streng- then my wil- ling feet, Hold me in ser- vice sweet
w: Grant me thy fel- low- ship! Help me each day to keep
w: Here where thy cross I see, Je- sus, I wait for thee,
[V: S1V2] G3 G2 G | G2 G G3 | G3 G2 G | D2 D D3 |
[V: S2V1] B,3 C2 B, | B,2 G, B,3 | B,3 C2 B, | A,2 G, F,3 |
[V: S2V2] G,3 G,2 G, | G,2 G, G,3 | G,3 C,2 G, | F,2 G, D,3 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] !sintro!B3 A2 G | G2 E E3 | (D2 G) F2 A | G3- G2 z !eintro!|]
w: Near- er, my God, to Thee, Near- * er to Thee! *
w: 5.~Then ev- er- more to be Near- * er to Thee! *
[V: S1V2] D3 C2 B, | E2 C C3 | (B,2 D) D2 D | D3- D2 x |]
[V: S2V1] G,3 F,2 G, | C2 G, G,3 | (G,2 B,) A,2 C | B,3- B,2 z |]
[V: S2V2] G,3 D,2 E, | C,2 E, C,3 | D,3 D,2 D, | G,,3- G,,2 x |]
% 18
%%vskip -0.4cm
W:6.There in my Father's home, safe and at rest,
W:There in my Savior's love, perfectly blest; Age
W:after age to be, nearer my God to Thee.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.72000000
%%staffsep 0.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CROSS AND COMFORT 201"
%%footer Ps 8:1-9, Ps 27:1-6, Mic 7:18-19, Ps 73:25-26 8 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Ps 8:1-9, Ps 27:1-6, Mic 7:18-19, Ps 73:25-26
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Christian Life}, {Comfort}, {Courage in Affliction}, {God, Care of}, {God, Creator [10]}, {God, Faithfulness of}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Love of}, {Gratitude}, {Guidance [4-6]}, {Hope}, {Joy}, {Kindness, God's}, {Light [2]}, {Missions [7]}, {Patience}, {Peace [6,12]}, {Security}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust) [6]}, {Testimony [7]}
%OHCOMPOSER König, Johann Balthasar (1691-1758)
%OHAUTHOR Gerhardt, Paul (1607-1676)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 201
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
{ F ; D ; B, ; B,, }
{ F F F B ; D C B, D ; B, A, F, G, ; B,, F, D, G, }
{ c A B c ; C C D F ; G, F, F, C ; E, F, B,, A,, }
{ G A G G ; =E F F =E ; C C D C ; C, F, B,, C, }
{ F3 ; C3 ; A,3 ; F,,3 }
{ D ; B, ; B,, ; F }
{ D C B, D ; B, A, F, G, ; B,, F, D, G, ; B c d B }
{ C C D F ; G, F, F, C ; E, F, B,, A,, ; e d c !sintro!B }
{ =E F F =E ; C C D C ; C, F, B,, C, ; c d c c }
{ C3 ; A,3 ; F,,3 ; B3 !eintro! } | X: 201
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
X: 201
T: Rejoice, My Heart, Be Glad and Sing
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as O Lord I Sing with Lips and Heart)
C: Words: Paul Gerhardt, 1653. Translation composite.
C: Music: 'Ich Singe dir mit Herz' Johann Balthasar König, 1738.
C: Setting: "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: lyrics from ELHB 1931 Hymn 292 as "O Lord, I sing with lips and Heart"
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Bb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] F | F F F B | c A B c | G A G G | F3
w: 1.~Re- joice, my heart, be glad and sing, A cheer- ful trust main- tain;
w: 2.~He is thy Trea- sure, He thy Joy, Thy Life and Light and Lord,
w: 3.~Why spend the day in blank des- pair, In rest- less thought the night?
w: 4.~Did not His love and truth and pow'r Watch o'er thy child- hood day?
w: 5.~His wis- dom nev- er plans in vain, Ne'er fal- ters or mis- takes;
[V: S1V2] D | D C B, D | C C D F | =E F F =E | C3
[V: S2V1] B, | B, A, F, G, | G, F, F, C | C C D C | A,3
[V: S2V2] B,, | B,, F, D, G, | E, F, B,, A,, | C, F, B,, C, | F,,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] F | B c d B | e d c !sintro!B | c d c c | B3 !eintro!|]
w: For God, the Source of ev- ery- thing, Thy Por- tion shall re- main.
w: Thy Coun- se- lor when doubts an- noy, Thy Shield and great Re- ward.
w: On thy Cre- a- tor cast thy care; He makes thy bur- dens light.
w: Has He not oft in threat- 'ning hour Turned dread- ed ills a- way?
w: All that His coun- sels did or- dain A hap- py end- ing makes.
[V: S1V2] F | D F F G | E F F D | F F G F/E/ | D3 |]
[V: S2V1] A, | B, A, B, G, | G,/A,/ B, A, G, | A, B, B, A, | B,3 |]
[V: S2V2] F, | G, F, B,, E, | C, D,/E,/ F, G, | F, D, E, F, | B,,3 |]
% 11
%%multicol start
%%leftmargin 3cm
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.Upon thy lips, then, lay thy hand
%% \t\t\t\tAnd trust His guiding love;
%% \t\t\t\tThen like a rock thy peace shall stand
%% \t\t\t\tHere and in heav'n above.
%% 7.O Lord I sing with lips and heart,
%% \t\t\t\tJoy of my soul, to Thee:
%% \t\t\t\tTo Earth Thy knowledge I impart,
%% \t\t\t\tAs it is known to me.
%% 8.Thou art the Fount of grace, I know,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd Spring so full and free,
%% \t\t\t\tWhence saving health and goodness flow
%% \t\t\t\tEach day so bounteously.
%% 9.For what have all that live and move
%% \t\t\t\tThrough this wide world below
%% \t\t\t\tThat does not from Thy bounteous love,
%% \t\t\t\tO Heav'nly Father flow?
%% 10.Who built the lofty firmament?
%% \t\t\t\tWho spread th'expanse of blue?
%% \t\t\t\tBy whom are to our pastures sent
%% \t\t\t\tRefreshing rain and dew?
%% 11.Who warmeth us in cold and frost?
%% \t\t\t\tWho shields us from the wind?
%% \t\t\t\tWho orders it that oil and must
%% \t\t\t\tWe in their season find?
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 12cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 12.Who is it life and health bestows?
%% \t\t\t\tWho keeps us with His hand
%% \t\t\t\tIn golden peace, wards off war's woes
%% \t\t\t\tFrom our dear native land?
%% 13.O Lord of this and all our store
%% \t\t\t\tThou art the author blest;
%% \t\t\t\tThou keepest watch before our door,
%% \t\t\t\tWhile we securely rest.
%% 14.Thou feedest us from year to year,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd constant dost abide;
%% \t\t\t\tWith ready help in time of fear,
%% \t\t\t\tThou standest at our side.
%% 15.He ever will with patience chide,
%% \t\t\t\tHis rod falls gently down,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd all thy sins He casts aside
%% \t\t\t\tAnd in the sea doth drown.
%% 16.When silent woe thy bosom rends,
%% \t\t\t\tHis pity sees thy grief,
%% \t\t\t\tSupplies what to His glory tends
%% \t\t\t\tAnd to thine own relief.
%% 17.He knows how oft a Christian weeps
%% \t\t\t\tAnd why his tears now fall;
%% \t\t\t\tAnd in the book His mercy keeps
%% \t\t\t\tThese things are noted all.
%%multicol end
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 6cm
%%leftmargin 8cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 18.Our deepest needs dost Thou supply,
%% \t\t\t\tThou giv'st what lasts for aye.
%% \t\t\t\tThou lead'st us to our home on high,
%% \t\t\t\tWhen hence we pass away.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 0.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "202 CROSS AND COMFORT"
%%footer Gal 6:14, Jn 7:7, 2Tim 4:8 12 8 12 9 9 9 9 9
%OHSCRIP Gal 6:14, Jn 7:7, 2Tim 4:8
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Atonement}, {Blood [3]}, {Brevity of Life}, {Comfort}, {Commitment}, {Cross}, {Crown}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Eternal Life}, {Following Jesus, In Faith}, {Gratitude}, {Sinners [1]}, {Victory}
%OHMETRICAL 12 8 12 9 9 9 9 9
%OHCOMPOSER Bennard, George (1873-1958)
%OHARRANGER Bennard, George (1873-1958)
%OHAUTHOR Bennard, George (1873-1958)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 202
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
{ D/ E/ ; B,/ C/ ; F,/ F,/ ; B,,/ B,,/ }
{ F3/2 =E/ G F2 F/ F/ ; D3/2 ^C/ C D2 D/ D/ ; B,3/2 B,/ G, B,2 B,/ B,/ ; B,,3/2 B,,/ B,, B,,2 B,,/ B,,/ }
{ G3/2 ^F/ A G2 .(G/ G/) ; E3/2 E/ E E2 .(=E/ =E/) ; B,3/2 A,/ C B,2 .(C/ C/) ; E,3/2 E,/ E, E,2 .(C,/ C,/) }
{ .(A3/2 G/) ; .(E3/2 E/) ; .(C3/2 A,/) ; .(F,3/2 F,/) }
{ B,/ C/ ; F,/ F,/ ; B,,/ B,,/ ; F E F E }
{ D3/2 ^C/ C D2 D/ D/ ; B,3/2 B,/ G, B,2 B,/ B,/ ; B,,3/2 B,,/ B,, B,,2 B,,/ B,,/ ; D3- D2 D/ E/ }
{ E3/2 E/ E E2 .(=E/ =E/) ; B,3/2 A,/ C B,2 .(C/ C/) ; E,3/2 E,/ E, E,2 .(C,/ C,/) ; F3/2 =E/ G F2 F/ F/ }
{ .(E3/2 E/) ; .(C3/2 A,/) ; .(F,3/2 F,/) ; G3/2 ^F/ }
{ F,/ F,/ ; B,,/ B,,/ ; F E F E ; D C C C }
{ B,3/2 B,/ G, B,2 B,/ B,/ ; B,,3/2 B,,/ B,, B,,2 B,,/ B,,/ ; D3- D2 D/ E/ ; B,3- B,2 B,/ C/ }
{ B,3/2 A,/ C B,2 .(C/ C/) ; E,3/2 E,/ E, E,2 .(C,/ C,/) ; F3/2 =E/ G F2 F/ F/ ; D3/2 ^C/ C D2 D/ D/ }
{ .(C3/2 A,/) ; .(F,3/2 F,/) ; G3/2 ^F/ ; E3/2 E/ }
{ B,,/ B,,/ ; F E F E ; D C C C ; B, A, A, F, }
{ B,,3/2 B,,/ B,, B,,2 B,,/ B,,/ ; D3- D2 D/ E/ ; B,3- B,2 B,/ C/ ; F,3- F,2 F,/ F,/ }
{ E,3/2 E,/ E, E,2 .(C,/ C,/) ; F3/2 =E/ G F2 F/ F/ ; D3/2 ^C/ C D2 D/ D/ ; B,3/2 B,/ G, B,2 B,/ B,/ }
{ .(F,3/2 F,/) ; G3/2 ^F/ ; E3/2 E/ ; B,3/2 A,/ }
{ F E F E ; D C C C ; B, A, A, F, ; F, F, F, F, }
{ D3- D2 D/ E/ ; B,3- B,2 B,/ C/ ; F,3- F,2 F,/ F,/ ; B,,3- B,,2 B,,/ B,,/ }
{ F3/2 =E/ G F2 F/ F/ ; D3/2 ^C/ C D2 D/ D/ ; B,3/2 B,/ G, B,2 B,/ B,/ ; B,,3/2 B,,/ B,, B,,2 B,,/ B,,/ }
{ G3/2 ^F/ ; E3/2 E/ ; B,3/2 A,/ ; E,3/2 E,/ } | X: 202
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
X: 202
T: The Old Rugged Cross
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: George Bennard, 1913. Music and Setting: 'The Old Rugged Cross' George Bennard, 1913.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Gospel Melodies', 1918. Hymn 194.
M: 6/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Bb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] D/ E/ | F3/2 =E/ G F2 F/ F/ | G3/2 ^F/ A G2 .(G/ G/) | .(A3/2 G/)
w: 1.~On a hill far a- way stood an old rug- ged cross, The * em- blem
w: 2.~O that old rug- ged cross, so des- pised by the world, Has a won- drous
w: 3.~In that old rug- ged cross, stained with blood so di- vine, A * won- *
w: 4.~To the old rug- ged cross I will ev- er be true; Its * shame and
[V: S1V2] B,/ C/ | D3/2 ^C/ C D2 D/ D/ | E3/2 E/ E E2 .(=E/ =E/) | .(E3/2 E/)
[V: S2V1] F,/ F,/ | B,3/2 B,/ G, B,2 B,/ B,/ | B,3/2 A,/ C B,2 .(C/ C/) | .(C3/2 A,/)
[V: S2V2] B,,/ B,,/ | B,,3/2 B,,/ B,, B,,2 B,,/ B,,/ | E,3/2 E,/ E, E,2 .(C,/ C,/) | .(F,3/2 F,/)
% 5
[V: S1V1] F E F E | D3- D2 D/ E/ | F3/2 =E/ G F2 F/ F/ | G3/2 ^F/
w: of suff'r- ing and shame; * And I love that old cross where the dear- est
w: a- ttrac- tion for me; * For the dear Lamb of God left His glo- ry
w: drous beau- ty I see, * For 'twas on that old cross Je- sus suf- fered
w: re- proach glad- ly bear; * Then He'll call me some day to my home far
[V: S1V2] D C C C | B,3- B,2 B,/ C/ | D3/2 ^C/ C D2 D/ D/ | E3/2 E/
[V: S2V1] B, A, A, F, | F,3- F,2 F,/ F,/ | B,3/2 B,/ G, B,2 B,/ B,/ | B,3/2 A,/
[V: S2V2] F, F, F, F, | B,,3- B,,2 B,,/ B,,/ | B,,3/2 B,,/ B,, B,,2 B,,/ B,,/ | E,3/2 E,/
% 9
[V: S1V1] A G2 .(G/ G/) | A3/2 G/ F e d c | B3- B2 A/ B/ |
w: and best For a world of lost sin- ners was slain. * So I'll
w: a- bove To * bear it to dark Cal- va- ry. * * *
w: and died, To * par- don and sanc- ti- fy me. * * *
w: a- way, Where His glo- ry for- ev- er I'll share. * * *
[V: S1V2] E E2 .(=E/ =E/) | E3/2 E/ E G F E | D3- D2 C/ D/ |
[V: S2V1] C B,2 .(C/ C/) | C3/2 B,/ A, A, B, A, | B,3- B,2 F,/ F,/ |
[V: S2V2] E, E,2 .(C,/ C,/) | F,3/2 F,/ F, F, F, F, | B,,3- B,,2 F,/ F,/ |
% 13
[V: S1V1] c3/2 c/ c c B A | B3- B2 B/ A/ | G3/2 G/ G B A G | F3- F2
w: cher- ish the old rug- ged cross, * Till my tro- phies at last I lay down; *
[V: S1V2] E3/2 E/ E E2 E | (D ^C E D2) F/ F/ | E3/2 E/ E G F E | D3- D2
[V: S2V1] A,3/2 A,/ A, A,2 F, | (F, =E, G, F,2) B,/ B,/ | B,3/2 B,/ B, B, B, B, | B,3- B,2
[V: S2V2] F,3/2 F,/ F, F,2 F, | (B,, B,, B,, B,,2) D,/ D,/ | E,3/2 E,/ E, E, E, E, | B,,3- B,,2
% 13
[V: S1V1] F/ B/ | d3/2 d/ d d e d | G3- G2 !sintro!e/ e/ | d3/2 c/ B F A c | B3- B2 !eintro!|]
w: I will cling to the old rug- ged cross, * And ex- change it some day for a crown. *
[V: S1V2] D/ D/ | F3/2 F/ F F G F | (E E E E2) G/ G/ | F3/2 E/ D E E E | D3- D2 |]
[V: S2V1] B,/ B,/ | B,3/2 B,/ B, B,2 B, | (B, B, B, B,2) B,/ B,/ | B,3/2 A,/ B, A, C F, | F,3- F,2 |]
[V: S2V2] B,,/ B,,/ | B,,3/2 B,,/ B,, B,,2 B,, | (E, E, E, E,2) E,/ E,/ | F,3/2 F,/ F, F, F, F, | B,,3- B,,2 |]
% 19
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "END TIMES 203"
%%footer Acts 1:10-11, 1Cor 15:51-57, 1Thess 4:15-17, Rev 22:20, 1:7 12 12 12 7 14 14 6
%OHSCRIP Acts 1:10-11, 1Cor 15:51-57, 1Thess 4:15-17, Rev 22:20, 1:7
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Brevity of Life}, {Jesus}, {Presence}, {Second Coming}
%OHMETRICAL 12 12 12 7 14 14 6
%OHCOMPOSER McGranahan, James (1840-1907)
%OHARRANGER McGranahan, James (1840-1907)
%OHAUTHOR Turner, H. L. (18th Century)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 203
M: none
L: 1/4
K: D
{ D ; D ; F, ; D, }
{ F E D ; D D D ; A, G, F, ; D, D, D, }
{ A2 B3/4 A/4 ; D2 D3/4 D/4 ; F,2 G,3/4 F,/4 ; D,2 D,3/4 D,/4 }
{ F E D ; D D D ; A, G, F, ; D, D, D, }
{ !accent!F !accent!E z E ; !accent!D !accent!C x C ; !accent!A, !accent!A, z A, ; !accent!A,, !accent!A,, x A,, }
{ F F A ; D D E ; A, A, A, ; D, D, C, }
{ D ; F, ; D, ; d3/2 e/ d }
{ D D D ; A, G, F, ; D, D, D, ; c d B }
{ D2 D3/4 D/4 ; F,2 G,3/4 F,/4 ; D,2 D,3/4 D,/4 ; !accent!B !accent!A z A }
{ D D D ; A, G, F, ; D, D, D, ; A B c }
{ !accent!D !accent!C x C ; !accent!A, !accent!A, z A, ; !accent!A,, !accent!A,, x A,, ; d2 c3/4 d/4 }
{ F, ; D, ; d3/2 e/ d ; F3/2 G/ F }
{ A, G, F, ; D, D, D, ; c d B ; E ^G G }
{ F,2 G,3/4 F,/4 ; D,2 D,3/4 D,/4 ; !accent!B !accent!A z A ; !accent!A !accent!A z G }
{ A, G, F, ; D, D, D, ; A B c ; F G G }
{ !accent!A, !accent!A, z A, ; !accent!A,, !accent!A,, x A,, ; d2 c3/4 d/4 ; F2 E3/4 F/4 }
{ D, ; d3/2 e/ d ; F3/2 G/ F ; B,3/2 A,/ A, }
{ D, D, D, ; c d B ; E ^G G ; A, B, D }
{ D,2 D,3/4 D,/4 ; !accent!B !accent!A z A ; !accent!A !accent!A z G ; !accent!D !accent!C z C }
{ D, D, D, ; A B c ; F G G ; D D A, }
{ !accent!A,, !accent!A,, x A,, ; d2 c3/4 d/4 ; F2 E3/4 F/4 ; A,2 A,3/4 A,/4 }
{ d3/2 e/ d ; F3/2 G/ F ; B,3/2 A,/ A, ; B,,3/2 C,/ D, }
{ c d B ; E ^G G ; A, B, D ; E, E, E, }
{ !accent!B !accent!A z A ; !accent!A !accent!A z G ; !accent!D !accent!C z C ; !accent!A,, !accent!A,, x A,, }
{ A B c ; F G G ; D D A, ; A, G, E, }
{ d2 c3/4 d/4 ; F2 E3/4 F/4 ; A,2 A,3/4 A,/4 ; D,2 E,3/4 D,/4 } | X: 203
M: none
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 203
T: Christ Returneth
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: H. L. Turner, 1878. Music and Setting: 'Christ Returneth' James McGranahan, 1891.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: Gospel hymns no. 6: For use in gospel meetings and other religious services By James McGranahan, Ira David Sankey, George Coles Stebbins 1891 Hymn 185
S: text checked against the same source
M: none % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] D | F E D | A2 B3/4 A/4 | F E D | !accent!F !accent!E z E | F F A |
w: 1.~It may be at morn, when the day is a- wak- ing, When sun- light through
w: 2.~It may be at mid- day, it may be at twi- light, It may be, per-
w: 3.~While hosts cry Ho- san- na, from hea- ven de- scen- ding, With glo- ri- fied
w: 4.~Oh, joy! oh, de- light! should we go with- out dy- ing, No sick- ness, no
[V: S1V2] D | D D D | D2 D3/4 D/4 | D D D | !accent!D !accent!C x C | D D E |
[V: S2V1] F, | A, G, F, | F,2 G,3/4 F,/4 | A, G, F, | !accent!A, !accent!A, z A, | A, A, A, |
[V: S2V2] D, | D, D, D, | D,2 D,3/4 D,/4 | D, D, D, | !accent!A,, !accent!A,, x A,, | D, D, C, |
% 7
[V: S1V1] d3/2 e/ d | c d B | !accent!B !accent!A z A | A B c | d2 c3/4 d/4 |
w: dark- ness and sha- dow is break- ing That Je- sus will come in the
w: chance, that the black- ness of mid- night Will burst in- to light in the
w: saints and the an- gels at- tend- ing, With grace on His brow, like a
w: sad- ness, no dread and no cry- ing. Caught up through the clouds with our
[V: S1V2] F3/2 G/ F | E ^G G | !accent!A !accent!A z G | F G G | F2 E3/4 F/4 |
[V: S2V1] B,3/2 A,/ A, | A, B, D | !accent!D !accent!C z C | D D A, | A,2 A,3/4 A,/4 |
[V: S2V2] B,,3/2 C,/ D, | E, E, E, | !accent!A,, !accent!A,, x A,, | A, G, E, | D,2 E,3/4 D,/4 |
% 12
[V: S1V1] e3/2 d/ e | f d d3/4.- d/4 | d3/2 c/ B | (A d) c | d3 ||
w: full- ness of glo- ry To re- ceive from the world * "His own."
w: blaze of His glo- ry, When * Je- sus re- ceives * "His own."
w: ha- lo of glo- ry, Will * Je- sus re- ceive * "His own."
w: Lord in- to glo- ry, When * Je- sus re- ceives * "His own."
[V: S1V2] G3/2 F/ G | A F A3/4.- A/4 | B3/2 A/ G | F2 G | F3 ||
[V: S2V1] C3/2 D/ C | D D D3/4.- D/4 | D3/2 D/ D | (D A,) A, | A,3 ||
[V: S2V2] A,,3/2 A,,/ A,, | D, D, F,3/4.- F,/4 | G,3/2 G,/ G, | A,2 A,, | D,3 ||
% 17
[V: S1V1] A2 F | F G A | B2 B | d2 d3/4 d/4 | d c B | A2 c3/4 c/4 |
w: O Lord Je- sus, how long, how long Ere we shout the glad song, Christ re-
[V: S1V2] F2 D | D C D | D2 D | G2 G3/4 G/4 | B A G | F2 E3/4 E/4 |
[V: S2V1] D2 A, | A, A, A, | D2 D | B,2 B,3/4 B,/4 | B, C D | D2 A,3/4 A,/4 |
[V: S2V2] D,2 D, | D, E, F, | G,2 G, | G,2 G,3/4 G,/4 | G, G, G, | D,2 A,3/4 A,/4 |
% 2
[V: S1V1] d d c3/4 c/4 | d d e3/4 e/4 | f d c | d2 !sintro!F3/4 F/4 | A G E | D2 !eintro!|]
w: turn- eth! Hal- le- lu- jah! Hal- le- lu- jah! A- men. Hal- le- lu- jah! A- men.
[V: S1V2] F F G3/4 G/4 | F F A3/4 A/4 | A F G | F2 D3/4 D/4 | D E C | D2 |]
[V: S2V1] A, A, A,3/4 A,/4 | A, A, C3/4 C/4 | D A, A, | A,2 A,3/4 A,/4 | F, A, G, | F,2 |]
[V: S2V2] D, D, A,,3/4 A,,/4 | D, D, A,3/4 A,/4 | D, D, A,, | D,2 D,3/4 D,/4 | A,, A,, A,, | D,2 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7300000
%%staffsep 0.0000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "204 END TIMES"
%%footer Rev 6:12-17, Rev 20:11-15, Mt 24:15-28, Mt 25:31-46, Ps 49:1-20 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Rev 6:12-17, Rev 20:11-15, Mt 24:15-28, Mt 25:31-46, Ps 49:1-20
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Atonement [8-11]}, {Brevity of Life}, {Conscience}, {Contrition}, {Cross [10]}, {Fear of the Lord}, {Forgiveness}, {God, Justness of}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Grace [7-17]}, {Humility}, {Jesus [9]}, {Judgment}, {Law}, {Presence}, {Repentance}, {Shepard/Lamb [15]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER Dykes, John Bacchus (1823-1876)
%OHAUTHOR Thomas of Celano (13th Century)
%OHTRANSLATOR Irons, William Josiah (1812-1883)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 204
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F3/2 E/ D E ; D3/2 D/ D D ; A,3/2 G,/ F, G, ; D,3/2 D,/ D, D, }
{ F G A D ; D D D D ; A, B, A, A, ; D, D, F, F, }
{ B B A D ; D E A, D ; B, B, D A, ; G, G, F, F, }
{ D3/2 D/ D D ; A,3/2 G,/ F, G, ; D,3/2 D,/ D, D, ; G F E ^F }
{ D D D D ; A, B, A, A, ; D, D, F, F, ; G G G F }
{ D E A, D ; B, B, D A, ; G, G, F, F, ; E F E !fermata!D }
{ A,3/2 G,/ F, G, ; D,3/2 D,/ D, D, ; G F E ^F ; D/^C/ D ^C D }
{ A, B, A, A, ; D, D, F, F, ; G G G F ; D E/D/ ^C D }
{ B, B, D A, ; G, G, F, F, ; E F E !fermata!D ; ^C D D/^C/ D }
{ D,3/2 D,/ D, D, ; G F E ^F ; D/^C/ D ^C D ; B, A, A, A, }
{ D, D, F, F, ; G G G F ; D E/D/ ^C D ; B, G,/F,/ E, F,/G,/ }
{ G, G, F, F, ; E F E !fermata!D ; ^C D D/^C/ D ; A, A, G,/E,/ !invertedfermata!F, } | X: 204
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 204
T: Day of Wrath, O Day of Mourning
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Thomas of Celano, 13th Century. Translated by William J. Irons, 1848.
C: Music: 'Dies Irae (Dykes)' John Bacchus Dykes, 1861. Setting: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1869 hymn 221. Tune from Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1861.
S: %OHARRANGER unknown assumed Dykes, John Bacchus (1823-1876)
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] F3/2 E/ D E | F G A D | B B A D |
w: 1.~Day of wrath, O day of mourn- ing! See ful- filled the
w: 3.~Won- drous sound the trum- pet fling- eth, Through earth's sep- ul-
w: 5.~Lo, the book, ex- act- ly word- ed, Where- in all hath
w: 7.~What shall I, frail man, be plead- ing? Who for me be
w: 9.~Think, good Je- sus, my sal- va- tion Caused Thy won- drous
[V: S1V2] D3/2 D/ D D | D D D D | D E A, D |
[V: S2V1] A,3/2 G,/ F, G, | A, B, A, A, | B, B, D A, |
[V: S2V2] D,3/2 D,/ D, D, | D, D, F, F, | G, G, F, F, |
% 6
[V: S1V1] G F E ^F | G G G F | E F E !fermata!D |
w: pro- phet's warn- ing, Heav'n and earth in ash- es burn- ing.
w: chers it ring- eth, All be- fore the throne it bring- eth.
w: been re- cord- ed; Thence shall judg- ment be a- ward- ed.
w: in- ter- ced- ing When the just are mer- cy need- ing?
w: in- car- na- tion; Leave me not to re- pro- ba- tion!
[V: S1V2] D/^C/ D ^C D | D E/D/ ^C D | ^C D D/^C/ D |
[V: S2V1] B, A, A, A, | B, G,/F,/ E, F,/G,/ | A, A, G,/E,/ !invertedfermata!F, |
[V: S2V2] E, F,/G,/ A, D, | G, G,, A,, A,, | A,, F,,/G,,/ A,, D, |
% 6
[V: S1V1] F3/2 B/ B3/2 A/ | G A B F | F B B3/2 A/ |
w: 2.~Oh, what fear man's bo- som rend- eth When from Heav'n the
w: 4.~Death is struck and na- ture qua- king; All cre- a- tion
w: 6.~When the Judge His seat at- tain- eth And each hid- den
w: 8.~King of ma- jest- y tre- men- dous, Who dost free sal-
w: 10.~Faint and wear- y Thou hast sought me, On the cross of
[V: S1V2] D D _E3/2 _E/ | _E _E _E D | B, D _E3/2 _E/ |
[V: S2V1] A, B, C3/2 C/ | B, C B, B, | D B, C3/2 C/ |
[V: S2V2] D, B,, F,,3/2 F,/ | F, F, B,, B,, | F, F, F,,3/2 F,/ |
% 10
[V: S1V1] G A B F | !sintro!d d d3/2 D/ | E G (F2- | F E) D2 !eintro!|]
w: Judge de- scend- eth On whose sen- tence all de- pend- * * eth!
w: is a- wa- king, To its Judge an an- swer ma- * * king.
w: deed ar- raign- eth, No- thing un- a- venged re- main- * * eth.
w: va- tion send us, Fount of pit- y, then be- friend * * us.
w: suff- 'ring bought me; Shall such grace be vain- ly brought * * me?
[V: S1V2] _E _E D F | F E D3/2 D/ | D D (D2 | ^C2) D2 |]
[V: S2V1] B, C B, D | D B, A,3/2 A,/ | B, B, (A, F, | G,2) F,2 |]
[V: S2V2] F, F, B,, B,, | B, G, F,3/2 F,/ | G, G,, A,,2- | A,,2 D,2 |]
% 15
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 13.6cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 11.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 11.\tRighteous Judge, for sin's pollution
%% \t\t\t\tGrant Thy gift of absolution
%% \t\t\t\tEre that day of retribution!
%% 12.\tGuilty, now I pour my moaning,
%% \t\t\t\tAll my shame with anguish owning:
%% \t\t\t\tSpare, O God, Thy suppliant groaning!
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 8cm
%%rightmargin 5.6cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 11.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 13.\tFrom that sinful woman shriven,
%% \t\t\t\tFrom the dying thief forgiven,
%% \t\t\t\tThou to me a hope hast given.
%% 14.\tWorthless are my prayers and sighing;
%% \t\t\t\tYet, good Lord, in grace complying,
%% \t\t\t\tRescue me from fires undying.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 14cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 11.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 15.\tWith Thy favored sheep, oh, place me!
%% \t\t\t\tNor among the goats abase me,
%% \t\t\t\tBut to Thy right hand upraise me.
%% 16.\tWhile the wicked are confounded,
%% \t\t\t\tDoomed to flames of woe unbounded,
%% \t\t\t\tCall me, with Thy saints surrounded.
%%multicol end
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 13.6cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 11.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% \t
%% 17.\tLow I kneel with heart submission, See, like ashes,
%% \t\t\t\tmy contrition; Help me in my last condition!
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 12cm
%%rightmargin 5.6cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 11.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% \t
%% 18.\tDay of sorrow, day of weeping, When, in dust no
%% \t\t\t\tlonger sleeping, Man awakes in Thy dread keeping!
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.710000
%%staffsep 0.100000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "END TIMES 205"
%%footer Rev 5:6, 7:14-17, 21:3-7, 22:17-20 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Rev 5:6, 7:14-17, 21:3-7, 22:17-20
%OHTOPICS {Angels [1]}, {Anticipation}, {Art and Music}, {Atonement[3]}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant)}, {Consecration}, {Eternal Life}, {God, As King}, {God, Love of}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Healing}, {Heaven}, {Holiness}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Love}, {Peace}, {Presence}, {Saints (all Faithful)}, {Shepard/Lamb}, {Victory}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER Sheeles, John (1688-1761)
%OHAUTHOR Robertson, Anthony (1932-)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 205
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ G ; D ; B, ; G, }
{ B B A d ; G G A F ; D D D A, ; G, G, F, D, }
{ c/B/ A/G/ A D ; D D D D ; G, B, F, F, ; G, G,, D, C, }
{ G/A/ B A G/F/ ; D G A D ; G, D D A, ; B,, G, F, D, }
{ G F/E/ F ; B, ^C D ; G, A, A, ; E, A,, D, }
{ D ; B, ; G, ; A }
{ G G A F ; D D D A, ; G, G, F, D, ; B e A d }
{ D D D D ; G, B, F, F, ; G, G,, D, C, ; G A/G/ F A }
{ D G A D ; G, D D A, ; B,, G, F, D, ; B ^c d G }
{ B, ^C D ; G, A, A, ; E, A,, D, ; F E D }
{ B, ; G, ; A ; D }
{ D D D A, ; G, G, F, D, ; B e A d ; D G A F }
{ G, B, F, F, ; G, G,, D, C, ; G A/G/ F A ; E/D/ ^C D D }
{ G, D D A, ; B,, G, F, D, ; B ^c d G ; D G A E }
{ G, A, A, ; E, A,, D, ; F E D ; D ^C D }
{ G, ; A ; D ; D }
{ G, G, F, D, ; B e A d ; D G A F ; D C/B,/ A, B,/A,/ }
{ G, G,, D, C, ; G A/G/ F A ; E/D/ ^C D D ; G,/B,/ A, A, A, }
{ B,, G, F, D, ; B ^c d G ; D G A E ; G, E D B, }
{ E, A,, D, ; F E D ; D ^C D ; A, A,/G,/ F, }
{ A ; D ; D ; F, }
{ B e A d ; D G A F ; D C/B,/ A, B,/A,/ ; G, E, F, D, }
{ G A/G/ F A ; E/D/ ^C D D ; G,/B,/ A, A, A, ; E, A,, D, F, }
{ B ^c d G ; D G A E ; G, E D B, ; G, E, F, G, }
{ F E D ; D ^C D ; A, A,/G,/ F, ; A, A,, D, } | X: 205
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 205
T: The Apostle Looked and Heard a Voice
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Anthony Robertson, 2005. Music: 'Addison`s' or 'London (Addisons)' John Sheeles, 1720.
C: Setting: composite from "A Hymnal" (Episcopal), 1916 and "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1922.
C: copyright: music and setting public domain. Words: Copyright 2005, Anthony Robertson. These lyrics may be
C: freely reproduced or published for Christian worship, provided they are not altered, and this notice is
C: on each copy. All other rights reserved. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Revision.
S: Music source: Episcopal New Hymnal Hymn 252
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G | B B A d | c/B/ A/G/ A D | G/A/ B A G/F/ | G F/E/ F
w: 1.~Th'A- pos- tle looked and heard * a * voice, He saw * a Lamb as * had been * slain;
w: 2.~They sigh no more, gone are * their * fears, No cry- * ing make, shed * no more * tears;
w: 3.~These words are spo- ken faith- * ful- * ly, Al- pha, * O- me- ga, * Lord is * He;
[V: S1V2] D | G G A F | D D D D | D G A D | B, ^C D
[V: S2V1] B, | D D D A, | G, B, F, F, | G, D D A, | G, A, A,
[V: S2V2] G, | G, G, F, D, | G, G,, D, C, | B,, G, F, D, | E, A,, D,
% 5
[V: S1V1] A | B e A d | G A/G/ F A | B ^c d G | F E D
w: As an- gels bowed and saints gave * praise These words were heard in their re- frain.
w: They grow not old, sense no more * loss, Gone are their doubts and all their dross.
w: For all is done and done for * all, For all who come, for all who call.
[V: S1V2] D | D G A F | E/D/ ^C D D | D G A E | D ^C D
[V: S2V1] D | D C/B,/ A, B,/A,/ | G,/B,/ A, A, A, | G, E D B, | A, A,/G,/ F,
[V: S2V2] F, | G, E, F, D, | E, A,, D, F, | G, E, F, G, | A, A,, D,
% 9
[V: S1V1] D | A A F E/D/ | G A B B |d d c/B/ A/G/ | c d e
w: "There'll be no war or * foe to fight, No sear- ing sun, * no * dread of night;
w: There'll be no sin and * no more stain, Un- known is sick- * ness, * gone is pain;
w: Come see His face, His * hands, His feet, Come quench your thirst, * par- * take the Feast,
[V: S1V2] D | D ^C D A, | D D D G | A F G D | G G G
[V: S2V1] B, | A, G, A, F, | G, F, G, D | D D E/D/ B, | C B, C
[V: S2V2] G, | F, E, D, =C, | B,, D, G, G, | F, D, G, =F, | E, G, C,
% 13
[V: S1V1] d | e d/c/ d G | c B/A/ B G | A G F
w: No more dis- * tress, no more re- * straint, No more be weak,
w: The death of * death, no more the * hearse, The end of grief,
w: Come en- ter * in while still you * may, Then Je- sus bring
[V: S1V2] G | G F F G | E F G D | E D D
[V: S2V1] B, | C C B, B, | A, D D D | C D C
[V: S2V2] G, | C A, B, E, | A, D, G, B, | C B, A,
% 13
%%vskip 0.2in
[V: S1V1] G | c B !fermata!A !sintro!d | e d F G/A/ | B A/G/ !fermata!G !eintro!|]
w: no more feel faint. No more be weak, no * more feel * faint.
w: the end of curse. The end of grief, the * end of * curse."
w: E- ter- nal Day. Then Je- sus bring E- * ter- nal * Day.
[V: S1V2] G | A G F G/F/ | E/F/ G D/C/ B,/C/ | D C B, |]
[V: S2V1] B, | D D !invertedfermata!D B,/A,/ | G,/A,/ B, A, G, | G, F, !invertedfermata!G, |]
[V: S2V2] G, | F, G, D, B,, | C, B,,/C,/ D, E, | D, D, G,, |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.720000
%%staffsep 1.0000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "206 END TIMES"
%%footer Mt 25:6, Rev 21:2 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHSCRIP Mt 25:6, Rev 21:2
%OHTOPICS {Angels [5]}, {Anticipation [2-7]}, {Art and Music [5]}, {Brevity of Life [1]}, {Brotherhood [2,3]}, {Bride/Bridegroom [1]}, {Crown [4]}, {Eternal Life}, {Fire [1]}, {Following Jesus, In Faith [1]}, {Following Jesus, In Action [1]}, {Heaven [2-7]}, {Hope}, {Jesus [1]}, {Joy [2-7]}, {Martyrs [2]}, {Parables [1: The 10 Virgins, Mt 25:1-13]}, {Patience [1]}, {Preparedness}, {Presence}, {Promises (see also Gospel)}, {Saints (all Faithful) [5]}, {Second Coming}, {Worship [5]}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHCOMPOSER Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621)
%OHAUTHOR Walther, Johann (1496-1570)
%OHTRANSLATOR Loy, Matthias (1828-1915)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 206
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ D ; B, ; G, ; G, }
{ G2 G ; D2 B, ; G,2 G, ; B,,2 E, }
{ A2 c ; D2 E ; F,2 A, ; D,2 A,, }
{ (B3/2 A/ B) ; E3 ; (^G,3/2 F,/ ^G,) ; E,3 }
{ A2 A ; ^C2 D ; A,2 F, ; A,,2 D, }
{ G2 G ; D2 C ; G,2 E, ; B,,2 C, }
{ c2 B ; C2 D ; E,2 G, ; A,,2 G,, }
{ !fermata!A2 ; D2 ; !invertedfermata!F,2 ; D,2 }
{ B, ; G, ; G, ; B }
{ D2 B, ; G,2 G, ; B,,2 E, ; E2 F }
{ D2 E ; F,2 A, ; D,2 A,, ; G2 A }
{ E3 ; (^G,3/2 F,/ ^G,) ; E,3 ; (F3/2 E/ F) }
{ ^C2 D ; A,2 F, ; A,,2 D, ; D2 B }
{ D2 C ; G,2 E, ; B,,2 C, ; B2 d }
{ C2 D ; E,2 G, ; A,,2 G,, ; c2 c }
{ D2 ; !invertedfermata!F,2 ; D,2 ; !fermata!B2 }
{ G, ; G, ; B ; D }
{ G,2 G, ; B,,2 E, ; E2 F ; B,2 D }
{ F,2 A, ; D,2 A,, ; G2 A ; E2 E }
{ (^G,3/2 F,/ ^G,) ; E,3 ; (F3/2 E/ F) ; D3 }
{ A,2 F, ; A,,2 D, ; D2 B ; D2 D }
{ G,2 E, ; B,,2 C, ; B2 d ; D2 D }
{ E,2 G, ; A,,2 G,, ; c2 c ; E2 C }
{ !invertedfermata!F,2 ; D,2 ; !fermata!B2 ; D2 }
{ G, ; B ; D ; F, }
{ B,,2 E, ; E2 F ; B,2 D ; G,2 A, }
{ D,2 A,, ; G2 A ; E2 E ; C2 C }
{ E,3 ; (F3/2 E/ F) ; D3 ; (A,3/2 G,/ A,) }
{ A,,2 D, ; D2 B ; D2 D ; F,2 G, }
{ B,,2 C, ; B2 d ; D2 D ; G,2 F, }
{ A,,2 G,, ; c2 c ; E2 C ; (A, E,) F, }
{ D,2 ; !fermata!B2 ; D2 ; !invertedfermata!G,2 } | X: 206
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 206
T: The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Johann Walther, 1552. Translated by Matthias Loy, 1880.
C: Music: 'Act Gott Vom Himmelreiche' or 'Ich will ein Neues Singen' or 'Praetorius 7' from Musae Sionae
C: XII (or VII), Michael Praetorius, 1609. Setting: "Kern des Deutschen Kirchengesangs", 1855.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906 Hymn 5 (LCMS). Ed. Karl Brauer.
S: Music source: "Kern des Deutschen Kirchengesangs", 1855 ed. Dr. Fridrich Layriz hymn 231; pdf 159 page 54; pdf 401 is index
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
%%staffsep 0.62cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=160] D | G2 G | A2 c | (B3/2 A/ B) | A2 A | G2 G | c2 B | !fermata!A2
w: 1.~The Bride- groom soon will call * * us, Come, all ye wed- ding guests!
w: 2.~There shall we see de- light- * * ed Our dear Re- deem- er's face,
w: 3.~They will not blush to own * * us As bro- thers, sis- ters dear,
w: 4.~Our Fa- ther, rich in bless- * * ing, Will give us crowns of gold
w: 5.~In yon- der home shall ne- * * ver Be si- lent mu- sic's voice;
[V: S1V2] B, | D2 B, | D2 E | E3 | ^C2 D | D2 C | C2 D | D2
[V: S2V1] G, | G,2 G, | F,2 A, | (^G,3/2 F,/ ^G,) | A,2 F, | G,2 E, | E,2 G, | !invertedfermata!F,2
[V: S2V2] G, | B,,2 E, | D,2 A,, | E,3 | A,,2 D, | B,,2 C, | A,,2 G,, | D,2
% 9
[V: S1V1] B | E2 F | G2 A | (F3/2 E/ F) | D2 B | B2 d | c2 c | !fermata!B2
w: May not His voice ap- pall * * us, While slum- ber binds our breasts;
w: Who leads our souls be- night- * * ed To glo- ry by His grace;
w: Love ev- er will be shown * * us When we with them ap- pear;
w: And, to His bo- som press- * * ing, Im- part a bliss un- told,
w: With hearts and lips for- ev- * * er We shall in God re- joice;
[V: S1V2] D | B,2 D | E2 E | D3 | D2 D | D2 D | E2 C | D2
[V: S2V1] F, | G,2 A, | C2 C | (A,3/2 G,/ A,) | F,2 G, | G,2 F, | (A, E,) F, | !invertedfermata!G,2
[V: S2V2] D, | E,2 D, | C,2 A,, | D,3 | D,2 G,, | G,,2 B,, | A,,2 A,, | G,,2
[V: S2V2]
% 17
[V: S1V1] B | B2 d | A2 B | (c3/2 d/ c) | B2 B | B2 d | c2 B | !fermata!A2
w: May all our lamps be burn- * * ing, And oil be found in store,
w: The pa- tri- archs shall meet * * us, The pro- phets' ho- ly band,
w: We all shall come be- fore * * Him, Who for us Man be- came,
w: Will wel- come with em- bra- * * ces Of nev- er end- ing love,
w: The an- gels shall a- dore * * Him, All saints shall sing His praise,
[V: S1V2] D | D2 F | D2 D | (E3/2 D/ E) | D2 D | D2 F | G2 G | F2
[V: S2V1] B, | B,2 A, | F,2 G, | G,3 | G,2 G, | B,2 A, | E2 D | !invertedfermata!D2
[V: S2V2] G, | G,2 D, | D,2 G, | C,3 | G,,2 G, | G,2 D, | E,2 G, | D,2
% 21
[V: S1V1] !sintro!B | A2 G | A2 F | (G3/2 F/ G) | A2 B | d2 B | c A2 | !fermata!G2 !eintro!|]
w: That we, with Him re- turn- * * ing, May o- pen find the door.
w: A- pos- tles, mar- tyrs, greet * * us In that ce- les- tial land.
w: As Lord and God a- dore * * Him, And ev- er bless His Name.
w: And deck us with His gra- * * ces In bliss- ful realms a- bove.
w: And bring with joy be- fore * * Him Their sweet- est heav'n- ly lays.
[V: S1V2] G | F2 E | E2 D | (D2 E) | F2 D | D2 D | E D2 | B,2 |]
[V: S2V1] D | D2 B, | C2 A, | (G,3/2 A,/ B,) | A,2 G, | A,2 G, | G, F,2 | !invertedfermata!G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] G,, | D,2 E, | A,,2 D, | (B,,3/2 A,,/ G,,) | D,2 G, | F,2 G, | C, D,2 | G,,2 |]
% 31
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tIn mansions fair and spacious Will God the feast prepare,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd ever kind and gracious, Bid us its riches share;
%% \t\t\t\tThere bliss that knows no measure From springs of love shall flow,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd never changing pleasure His bounty will bestow.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 10.6cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 7.\tThus God shall from all evil Forever make us free,
%% \t\t\t\tFrom sin, and from the devil, From all adversity,
%% \t\t\t\tFrom sickness, pain, and sadness, From troubles, cares, and fears,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd grant us heavenly gladness And wipe away our tears.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.740000
%%staffsep 0.500000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "END TIMES 207"
%%footer Rev 20:11-15, Lk 21:25-36, Mt 25:32-46, 2Tim 4:1, Rev 13:5-9, 1Thess 4:13-18 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP Rev 20:11-15, Lk 21:25-36, Mt 25:32-46, 2Tim 4:1, Rev 13:5-9, 1Thess 4:13-18
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Assurance [5,6]}, {Atonement [5,6]}, {Blood [6]}, {Brevity of Life}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant) [6]}, {Conscience}, {Eternal Life}, {Faith [5]}, {Fear of the Lord}, {God, Justness of}, {Judgment}, {Law}, {Presence}, {Saints (all Faithful)}, {Scripture [1]}, {Second Coming}, {Sinners}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Klug's Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1533
%OHAUTHOR Ringwaldt, Bartholomäus (1532-1599)
%OHTRANSLATOR Peter, Phillip Adam (1832-1919)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 207
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ z G G B ; x D D G ; z B, G, D ; x G,, B,, G,, }
{ A G A A ; F E E F ; D B, C D ; D, E, A,, D, }
{ B2 G2 ; G2 E2 ; D2 C2 ; G,,2 C,2 }
{ B c d B ; G G A G ; D E D D ; G, E, F, G, }
{ A2 G2 ; (G F) D2 ; D2 B,2 ; D,2 G,,2 }
{ x D D G ; z B, G, D ; x G,, B,, G,, ; z G G B }
{ F E E F ; D B, C D ; D, E, A,, D, ; A G A A }
{ G2 E2 ; D2 C2 ; G,,2 C,2 ; B2 G2 }
{ G G A G ; D E D D ; G, E, F, G, ; B c d B }
{ (G F) D2 ; D2 B,2 ; D,2 G,,2 ; A2 G2 }
{ z B, G, D ; x G,, B,, G,, ; z G G B ; x D D G }
{ D B, C D ; D, E, A,, D, ; A G A A ; F E E F }
{ D2 C2 ; G,,2 C,2 ; B2 G2 ; G2 E2 }
{ D E D D ; G, E, F, G, ; B c d B ; G G A G }
{ D2 B,2 ; D,2 G,,2 ; A2 G2 ; (G F) D2 }
{ x G,, B,, G,, ; z G G B ; x D D G ; z B, G, D }
{ D, E, A,, D, ; A G A A ; F E E F ; D B, C D }
{ G,,2 C,2 ; B2 G2 ; G2 E2 ; D2 C2 }
{ G, E, F, G, ; B c d B ; G G A G ; D E D D }
{ D,2 G,,2 ; A2 G2 ; (G F) D2 ; D2 B,2 } | X: 207
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 207
T: The Day is Surely Drawing Near
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Bartholomäus Ringwaldt, 1565. Translated by Phillip A. Peter, 1872, alt.
C: Music: 'Es ist Gewisslich an der Zeit' from Klug's Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1533.
C: Setting: "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: The Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-book, 1931, Hymn 552.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] z G G B | A G A A | B2 G2 | B c d B | A2 G2 |
w: 1.~The day is sure- ly draw- ing near, When God's Son, the A- noint- ed,
w: 2.~A trum- pet loud shall then re- sound, And all the earth be sha- ken;
w: 3.~A book is o- pened then to all, A re- cord tru- ly tell- ing
w: 4.~Then woe to those who scorned the Lord, And sought but car- nal plea- sures,
w: 5.~O Je- sus, who my debt didst pay And for my sin wast smit- ten
[V: S1V2] x D D G | F E E F | G2 E2 | G G A G | (G F) D2 |
[V: S2V1] z B, G, D | D B, C D | D2 C2 | D E D D | D2 B,2 |
[V: S2V2] x G,, B,, G,, | D, E, A,, D, | G,,2 C,2 | G, E, F, G, | D,2 G,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] z G G B | A G A A | B2 G2 | B c d B | A2 G2 |
w: Shall with great maj- es- ty ap- pear, As Judge of all ap- point- ed.
w: Then all who in their graves are found Shall from their sleep a- wa- ken.
w: What each hath done, both great and small, When he on earth was dwell- ing;
w: Who here des- pised His prec- ious Word, And loved their earth- ly trea- sures!
w: With- in the Book of Life, oh, may My name be al- so writ- ten!
[V: S1V2] x D D G | F E E F | G2 E2 | G G A G | (G F) D2 |
[V: S2V1] z B, G, D | D B, C D | D2 C2 | D E D D | D2 B,2 |
[V: S2V2] x G,, B,, G,, | D, E, A,, D, | G,,2 C,2 | G, E, F, G, | D,2 G,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] z B B A | G F G E | D3 D | G G G F |
w: All mirth and laugh- ter then shall cease When flames on flames will
w: But all that live shall in that hour, By the Al- might- y's
w: And ev- ery heart be clear- ly seen, And all be known as
w: With shame and trem- bling they will stand, And at the Judg- e's
w: I will not doubt; I trust in Thee, From Sa- tan Thou hast
[V: S1V2] x D G F | E ^D E ^C | D3 D | D E D D |
[V: S2V1] z G, D D | B, B, B, A, | F,3 F, | G, C B, A, |
[V: S2V2] x G,, G, D, | E, B,, G,, A,, | D,3 D, | B,, C, G,, D, |
% 13
[V: S1V1] G A B2 | !sintro!G2 B c | d B A2 | G4 !eintro!|]
w: still in- crease, As Scrip- ture tru- ly teach- eth.
w: bound- less pow'r Be changed at His com- mand- ing.
w: they have been, In thoughts and words and ac- tions.
w: stern com- mand To Sa- tan be de- liv- ered.
w: made me free And from all con- dem- na- tion.
[V: S1V2] B, D D2 | E2 D E | F D D2 | B,4 |]
[V: S2V1] G, F, G,2 | G,2 G, G, | A, G, (G, F,) | G,4 |]
[V: S2V2] E, D, G,,2 | C,2 G, E, | D, G,, D,2 | G,,4 |]
% 20
%%multicol start
%%leftmargin 2.3cm
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tTherefore, my Intercessor be, And for Thy blood and merit
%% \t\t\t\tDeclare my name from judgment free, With all who life inherit;
%% \t\t\t\tThat I may see Thee face to face
%% \t\t\t\tWith all thy saints in that blest place
%% \t\t\t\tWhich Thou for us hast purchased.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 11.5cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 7.\tO Jesus Christ, do not delay, O hasten our salvation!
%% \t\t\t\tWe often tremble on our way In fear and tribulation.
%% \t\t\t\tThen hear us when we cry to Thee;
%% \t\t\t\tCome, mighty Judge, and make us free
%% \t\t\t\tFrom every evil. Amen!
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "208 END TIMES"
%%footer Mt 25:31-46, Mt 25:1-13, Mt 24:36-44, Mk 13:33-37 11 9 14 13 13 13
%OHSCRIP Mt 25:31-46, Mt 25:1-13, Mt 24:36-44, Mk 13:33-37
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Brevity of Life}, {Fear of the Lord}, {Humility}, {Judgment}, {Parables [3: The 10 Virgins, Mt 25:1-13]}, {Preparedness}, {Presence}, {Saints (all Faithful) [1,2]}, {Second Coming}, {Sinners [1,3]}
%OHMETRICAL 11 9 14 13 13 13
%OHCOMPOSER Thompson, Will Lamartine (1847-1909)
%OHAUTHOR Thompson, Will Lamartine (1847-1909)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 208
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: G
{ D D ; B, B, ; G, G, ; G,, G,, }
{ G2 G2 G/2 G3/2 z G ; B,2 B,2 B,/2 B,3/2 x B, ; G,2 G,2 G,/2 G,3/2 z G, ; G,,2 G,,2 G,,/2 G,,3/2 x G,, }
{ B2 B2 A/2 G3/2 E D ; D2 D2 C/2 B,3/2 C B, ; G,2 G,2 G,/2 G,3/2 G, G, ; G,2 G,2 G,/2 G,3/2 G, G, }
{ G2 G2 ; B,2 B,2 ; G,2 G,2 ; G,,2 G,,2 }
{ B, B, ; G, G, ; G,, G,, ; G/2 G3/2 A B }
{ B,2 B,2 B,/2 B,3/2 x B, ; G,2 G,2 G,/2 G,3/2 z G, ; G,,2 G,,2 G,,/2 G,,3/2 x G,, ; A6 G A }
{ D2 D2 C/2 B,3/2 C B, ; G,2 G,2 G,/2 G,3/2 G, G, ; G,2 G,2 G,/2 G,3/2 G, G, ; B2 B B B D' D' B }
{ B,2 B,2 ; G,2 G,2 ; G,,2 G,,2 ; A G G E D2 }
{ G, G, ; G,, G,, ; G/2 G3/2 A B ; D/2 D3/2 D D }
{ G,2 G,2 G,/2 G,3/2 z G, ; G,,2 G,,2 G,,/2 G,,3/2 x G,, ; A6 G A ; D6 D D }
{ G,2 G,2 G,/2 G,3/2 G, G, ; G,2 G,2 G,/2 G,3/2 G, G, ; B2 B B B D' D' B ; D2 D D D D D D }
{ G,2 G,2 ; G,,2 G,,2 ; A G G E D2 ; E E E C B,2 }
{ G,, G,, ; G/2 G3/2 A B ; D/2 D3/2 D D ; G,/2 G,3/2 F, G, }
{ G,,2 G,,2 G,,/2 G,,3/2 x G,, ; A6 G A ; D6 D D ; F,6 G, F, }
{ G,2 G,2 G,/2 G,3/2 G, G, ; B2 B B B D' D' B ; D2 D D D D D D ; G,2 G, G, G, B, B, G, }
{ G,,2 G,,2 ; A G G E D2 ; E E E C B,2 ; C C C G, G,2 }
{ G/2 G3/2 A B ; D/2 D3/2 D D ; G,/2 G,3/2 F, G, ; B,,/2 B,,3/2 A,, G,, }
{ A6 G A ; D6 D D ; F,6 G, F, ; D,6 B,, D, }
{ B2 B B B D' D' B ; D2 D D D D D D ; G,2 G, G, G, B, B, G, ; G,2 G, G, G, G, G, G, }
{ A G G E D2 ; E E E C B,2 ; C C C G, G,2 ; C, C, C, C, G,,2 } | X: 208
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: G
X: 208
T: There's a Great Day Coming
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Will L. Thompson, 1886.
C: Music: 'Theres a Great Day Coming' Will L. Thompson, 1886. Setting: "Alexander's Hymns No. 3", 1915.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: Alexander's Hymns No. 3, 1915, Hymn 283. ABC file contributed to the Open Hymnal by Samuel Cantrell, 14 Jan 2011.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/8 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=80] D D | G2 G2 G/2 G3/2 z G | B2 B2 A/2 G3/2 E D | G2 G2
w: 1.~There's a great day com- ing, A great day com- ing, There's a great day
w: 2.~There's a bright day com- ing, A bright day com- ing, There's a bright day
w: 3.~There's a sad day com- ing, A sad day com- ing, There's a sad day
[V: S1V2] B, B, | B,2 B,2 B,/2 B,3/2 x B, | D2 D2 C/2 B,3/2 C B, | B,2 B,2
[V: S2V1] G, G, | G,2 G,2 G,/2 G,3/2 z G, | G,2 G,2 G,/2 G,3/2 G, G, | G,2 G,2
[V: S2V2] G,, G,, | G,,2 G,,2 G,,/2 G,,3/2 x G,, | G,2 G,2 G,/2 G,3/2 G, G, | G,,2 G,,2
% 3
[V: S1V1] G/2 G3/2 A B | A6 G A | B2 B B B D' D' B | A G G E D2
w: com- ing by and by; When the saints and the sin- ners shall be par- ted right and left,
w: com- ing by and by; But its bright- ness shall on- ly come to them that love the Lord,
w: com- ing by and by; When the sin- ner shall hear his doom, "De- part, I know ye not,"
[V: S1V2] D/2 D3/2 D D | D6 D D | D2 D D D D D D | E E E C B,2
[V: S2V1] G,/2 G,3/2 F, G, | F,6 G, F, | G,2 G, G, G, B, B, G, | C C C G, G,2
[V: S2V2] B,,/2 B,,3/2 A,, G,, | D,6 B,, D, | G,2 G, G, G, G, G, G, | C, C, C, C, G,,2
% 6
[V: S1V1] D D | G/2 G3/2 G G A2 A2 | G6 z2 || !mf! D'3 D' E' D' z2 |
w: Are you rea- dy for that day to come? Are you rea- dy?
[V: S1V2] B, B, | D/2 D3/2 D D C2 C2 | B,6 x2 || G3 G G G x2 |
[V: S2V1] G, G, | G,/2 G,3/2 G, G, F,2 F,2 | G,6 z2 || B,3 B, C B, z2 |
[V: S2V2] G,, G,, | B,,/2 B,,3/2 B,, B,, D,2 D,2 | G,,6 x2 || G,3 G, G, G, x2 |
% 8
[V: S1V1] !pp! B3 B C' B z2 | G3 G G G G G | B2 A2 A4 |
w: Are you rea- dy? Are you rea- dy for the judg- ment day?
[V: S1V2] G3 G G G x2 | D3 D B, B, D D | ^C2 C2 D4 |
[V: S2V1] D3 D E D z2 | G,3 G, G, G, G, G, | G,2 E,2 F,4 |
[V: S2V2] G,3 G, G, G, x2 | B,,3 B,, G,, G,, B,, B,, | A,,2 A,,2 D,4 |
% 12
[V: S1V1] !mf! D'3 D' E' D' z2 | !sintro! !pp!B3 B C' B z2 | G3 G A2 A2 | G6 !eintro!|]
w: Are you rea- dy? Are you rea- dy? For the judg- ment day?
[V: S1V2] G3 G G G x2 | G3 G G G x2 | D3 D C2 C2 | B,6 |]
[V: S2V1] B,3 B, C B, z2 | D3 D E D z2 | G,3 G, F,2 F,2 | D,6 |]
[V: S2V2] G,3 G, G, G, x2 | G,3 G, G, G, x2 | B,,3 B,, D,2 D,2 | G,,6 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.720000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "END TIMES 209"
%%footer Mt 25:6, Rev 21:2, Mt 24:36-44, Mk 13:33-37 8 9 8 8 9 8 6 6 4 8 8
%OHSCRIP Mt 25:6, Rev 21:2, Mt 24:36-44, Mk 13:33-37
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Bride/Bridegroom}, {Heaven [3]}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Light [2]}, {Lord's Supper [2]}, {Opening Songs}, {Parables [The 10 Virgins, Mt 25:1-13]}, {Preparedness}, {Presence}, {Saints (all Faithful) [3]}, {Salvation [3]}, {Second Coming}
%OHMETRICAL 8 9 8 8 9 8 6 6 4 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER Nicolai, Phillipp (1556-1608)
%OHAUTHOR Nicolai, Phillipp (1556-1608)
%OHTRANSLATOR Winkworth, Catherine (1827-1878)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 209
L: 1/4
K: C
{ C2 E2 G3 G G G (A G A2) G2 ; G,2 C2 D3 D E E (E D E D/C/) B,2 ; E,2 A,2 B,3 B, B, C (C G,2 ^F,) G,2 ; C,2 A,,2 G,,3 G, E, C, (A,, B,, C, D,) G,,2 }
{ z/ G c G c e d e d2 G2 ; x/ C E D C G G G (G ^F) D2 ; z/ E, G, B, G, C D C/B,/ A,2 B,2 ; x/ C, C, G, E, C, B,, C, D,2 G,2 }
{ G,2 C2 D3 D E E (E D E D/C/) B,2 ; E,2 A,2 B,3 B, B, C (C G,2 ^F,) G,2 ; C,2 A,,2 G,,3 G, E, C, (A,, B,, C, D,) G,,2 ; z/ G c G A E F D C4 }
{ x/ C E D C G G G (G ^F) D2 ; z/ E, G, B, G, C D C/B,/ A,2 B,2 ; x/ C, C, G, E, C, B,, C, D,2 G,2 ; C2 E2 G3 G G G (A G A2) G2 }
{ E,2 A,2 B,3 B, B, C (C G,2 ^F,) G,2 ; C,2 A,,2 G,,3 G, E, C, (A,, B,, C, D,) G,,2 ; z/ G c G A E F D C4 ; x/ E E E C C A, B, C4 }
{ z/ E, G, B, G, C D C/B,/ A,2 B,2 ; x/ C, C, G, E, C, B,, C, D,2 G,2 ; C2 E2 G3 G G G (A G A2) G2 ; G,2 C2 D3 D E E (E D E D/C/) B,2 }
{ C,2 A,,2 G,,3 G, E, C, (A,, B,, C, D,) G,,2 ; z/ G c G A E F D C4 ; x/ E E E C C A, B, C4 ; z/ C C B, A, G, F, G, E,4 }
{ x/ C, C, G, E, C, B,, C, D,2 G,2 ; C2 E2 G3 G G G (A G A2) G2 ; G,2 C2 D3 D E E (E D E D/C/) B,2 ; E,2 A,2 B,3 B, B, C (C G,2 ^F,) G,2 }
{ z/ G c G A E F D C4 ; x/ E E E C C A, B, C4 ; z/ C C B, A, G, F, G, E,4 ; x/ C, A,, E, F, C, D, G,, C,4 }
{ C2 E2 G3 G G G (A G A2) G2 ; G,2 C2 D3 D E E (E D E D/C/) B,2 ; E,2 A,2 B,3 B, B, C (C G,2 ^F,) G,2 ; C,2 A,,2 G,,3 G, E, C, (A,, B,, C, D,) G,,2 } | X: 209
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 209
T: Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Phillipp Nicolai, 1599. Translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1858.
C: Music: 'Wachet Auf' Phillip Nicolai, 1599. Setting: "Common Service Book" (ULCA), 1917.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Common Service Book with Hymnal', ULCA, 1917 Hymn 5.
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
%%staffsep 0.62cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=160] C2 E2 G3 G G G (A G A2) G2 | z/ G c G c e d e d2 G2 |
w: 1.~Wake, a- wake, for night is fly- * * ing; The watch- men on the heights are cry- ing:
w: 2.~Zi- on hears the watch- men sing- * * ing, And all her heart with joy is spring- ing;
w: 3.~Now let all the heav'ns a- dore * * Thee, And saints and an- gels sing be- fore Thee,
[V: S1V2] G,2 C2 D3 D E E (E D E D/C/) B,2 | x/ C E D C G G G (G ^F) D2 |
[V: S2V1] E,2 A,2 B,3 B, B, C (C G,2 ^F,) G,2 | z/ E, G, B, G, C D C/B,/ A,2 B,2 |
[V: S2V2] C,2 A,,2 G,,3 G, E, C, (A,, B,, C, D,) G,,2 | x/ C, C, G, E, C, B,, C, D,2 G,2 |
% 3
[V: S1V1] z/ G c G A E F D C4 | C2 E2 G3 G G G (A G A2) G2 |
w: A- wake, Je- ru- sa- lem, at last! Mid- night hears the wel- come voi- * * ces
w: She wakes, she ri- ses from her gloom; For her Lord comes down all glo- * * rious,
w: With harp and cym- bal's clear- est tone; Of one pearl each shin- ing por- * * tal,
[V: S1V2] x/ E E E C C A, B, C4 | G,2 C2 D3 D E E (E D E D/C/) B,2 |
[V: S2V1] z/ C C B, A, G, F, G, E,4 | E,2 A,2 B,3 B, B, C (C G,2 ^F,) G,2 |
[V: S2V2] x/ C, A,, E, F, C, D, G,, C,4 | C,2 A,,2 G,,3 G, E, C, (A,, B,, C, D,) G,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] z/ G c G c e d e d2 G2 | z/ G c G A E F D C2 |
w: And at the thril- ling cry re- joi- ces; Come forth, ye vir- gins, night is past;
w: The strong in grace, in truth vic- tor- ious. Her Star is ris'n, her Light is come.
w: Where we are with the choir im- mor- tal Of an- gels round Thy dazz- ling throne;
[V: S1V2] x/ C E D C G G G (G ^F) D2 | x/ E E E C C A, B, C2 |
[V: S2V1] z/ E, G, B, G, C D C/B,/ A,2 B,2 | z/ C C B, A, G, F, G, E,2 |
[V: S2V2] x/ C, C, G, E, C, B,, C, D,2 G,2 | x/ C, A,, E, F, C, D, G,, C,2 |
% 7
[V: S1V1] z/ G G3 F E D C2 | z/ G G3 F E D C2 | D E F2 E2 |
w: The Bride- groom comes, a- wake; Your lamps with glad- ness take; A- lle- lu- ia!
w: Ah come, Thou bless- ed One, God's own be- lo- ved Son: A- lle- lu- ia!
w: Nor eye hath seen, nor ear hath yet a- ttained to hear What there is ours,
[V: S1V2] x/ D E3 D C B, C2 | x/ E D3 C C =B, C2 | B, C (C B,) C2 |
[V: S2V1] z/ G, G,3 A, G, G, E,2 | z/ C _B,3 A, G, G, E,2 | G, G, F,2 G,2 |
[V: S2V2] x/ B,, C,3 F, G, G,, C,2 | x/ C, G,,3 A,, C, G,, C,2 | G,, C, D,2 C,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] G2 A B c3 c e d c2 | !sintro!G2 c G A E F D C4 !eintro!|]
w: And for His mar- riage feast pre- pare For ye must go and meet Him there.
w: We fol- low till the halls we see Where Thou hast bid us sup with Thee
w: but we re- joice and sing to Thee Our hymn of joy e- ter- nal- ly.
[V: S1V2] E2 F F E3 F G G E2 | E2 E E C C C B, C4 |]
[V: S2V1] C2 C D C3 C C B, C2 | C2 C B, A, G, A, G, E,4 |]
[V: S2V2] C,2 F, D, A,3 A, G, G, C,2 | C,2 A,, E, F, C, F,, G,, C,4 |]
% 13
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2014 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 0.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "210 HEAVEN"
%%footer Ps 87:1-7, 48:1-3, Is 12:1-6, Rev 22:1-5 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 87:1-7, 48:1-3, Is 12:1-6, Rev 22:1-5
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant)}, {Cloud [3]}, {Fire [3]}, {God, As King}, {Grace [4]}, {Heaven}, {Light [3]}, {Presence}, {Rest [1]}, {Security}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809)
%OHAUTHOR Newton, John (1725-1807)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 210
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F3/2 G/ A G ; C3/2 C/ F E ; A,3/2 B,/ C C ; F,3/2 F,/ F, C, }
{ B A G/E/ F ; C C C C ; G, A, B, A, ; E, F, C, F, }
{ d c B A ; F F G F ; B, A, C C ; F, F, E, F, }
{ G A/F/ c2 ; D F E2 ; D D C2 ; B,, =B,, C,2 }
{ C3/2 C/ F E ; A,3/2 B,/ C C ; F,3/2 F,/ F, C, ; F3/2 G/ A G }
{ C C C C ; G, A, B, A, ; E, F, C, F, ; B A G/E/ F }
{ F F G F ; B, A, C C ; F, F, E, F, ; d c B A }
{ D F E2 ; D D C2 ; B,, =B,, C,2 ; G A/F/ c2 }
{ A,3/2 B,/ C C ; F,3/2 F,/ F, C, ; F3/2 G/ A G ; F3/2 F/ F E }
{ G, A, B, A, ; E, F, C, F, ; B A G/E/ F ; C C B, A, }
{ B, A, C C ; F, F, E, F, ; d c B A ; F F D/E/ F }
{ D D C2 ; B,, =B,, C,2 ; G A/F/ c2 ; D F E2 }
{ F,3/2 F,/ F, C, ; F3/2 G/ A G ; F3/2 F/ F E ; A, =B, C C }
{ E, F, C, F, ; B A G/E/ F ; C C B, A, ; G, A, E,/G,/ F, }
{ F, F, E, F, ; d c B A ; F F D/E/ F ; B, A, B, C }
{ B,, =B,, C,2 ; G A/F/ c2 ; D F E2 ; D D G,2 } | X: 210
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 210
T: Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: John Newton, 1779, alt.
C: Music: 'Austria (Haydn)' or 'Austrian Hymn' Franz Joseph Haydn, 1797.
C: Setting: "The Evangelical Hymnal with Tunes", 1880.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2014 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Evangelical Hymnal with Tunes", 1880 Hymn 527 page 463. Lyrics: same source, alt. ABC file contributed to the Open Hymnal by Tobin Strong, 10 Feb 2014.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] F3/2 G/ A G | B A G/E/ F | d c B A | G A/F/ c2 |
w: 1.~Glo- rious things of thee are spo- * ken, Zi- on ci- ty of our * God;
w: 2.~See, the streams of liv- ing wa- * ters, Spring- ing from E- ter- nal * Love,
w: 3.~Round each hab- i- ta- tion ho- * v'ring, See the cloud and fire ap- * pear,
w: 4.~Sav- ior, if of Zi- on's ci- * ty I, through grace, a mem- ber * am,
[V: S1V2] C3/2 C/ F E | C C C C | F F G F | D F E2 |
[V: S2V1] A,3/2 B,/ C C | G, A, B, A, | B, A, C C | D D C2 |
[V: S2V2] F,3/2 F,/ F, C, | E, F, C, F, | F, F, E, F, | B,, =B,, C,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] F3/2 G/ A G | B A G/E/ F | d c B A | G A/F/ c2 |
w: He, Whose Word can- not be bro- * ken Formed thee for His Own a- * bode:
w: Well supp- ly thy sons and daugh- * ters, And all fear of want re- * move:
w: For a glo- ry and a co- * v'ring: Show- ing that the Lord is * near.
w: Let the world de- ride or pi- * ty, I will glo- ry in Thy * Name:
[V: S1V2] F3/2 F/ F E | C C B, A, | F F D/E/ F | D F E2 |
[V: S2V1] A, =B, C C | G, A, E,/G,/ F, | B, A, B, C | D D G,2 |
[V: S2V2] D,3/2 D,/ C, C, | E, F, C, F, | B,, F, G, F, | B,, =B,, C,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] G A G/E/ C | B A G/E/ C | c B A3/2 A/ | =B B/c/ c2 |
w: On the Rock * of A- ges found- * ed, What can shake thy sure re- * pose?
w: Who can faint, * while such a riv- * er Ev- er will their thirst as- * suage?
w: Thus de- riv- * ing from their ban- * ner Light by night, and shade by * day,
w: Fa- ding is * the world- ling's pleas- * ure, All his boast- ed pomp and * show:
[V: S1V2] E F E/C/ C | D/E/ F E/C/ C | C D/E/ F3/2 F/ | F F/E/ E2 |
[V: S2V1] C C C/G,/ E, | F,/G,/ A,/=B,/ C/G,/ E, | A, G, F, A, | D D/C/ C2 |
[V: S2V2] C, C, C, C, | C, C, C, C, | A,, _B,,/C,/ D,3/2 D,/ | G,, G, C,2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] f3/2 e/ d c | d3/2 c/ c/B/ A | !sintro!G A/B/ c/d/ B/G/ | F A/G/ F2 !eintro!|]
w: With sal- va- tion's walls sur- round- * ed, Thou mayst * smile * at * all thy * foes.
w: Grace, which, like the Lord the Giv- * er, Nev- er * fails * from * age to * age.
w: Safe they feed up- on the man- * na, Which He * gives * them * on their * way.
w: Sol- id joys and last- ing trea- * sure None but * Zi- * on's * child- ren * know.
[V: S1V2] F3/2 F/ F F | F3/2 F/ F/C/ C | C C F/_E/ D | C =E F2 |]
[V: S2V1] C3/2 C/ B, A, | B,3/2 A,/ A,/G,/ F, | E, E, F, F,/G,/ | A, B, A,2 |]
[V: S2V2] A,3/2 A,/ B, F, | B,,3/2 C,/ D,/E,/ F, | B,, B,, A,, B,, | C, C, F,,2 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2014 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.700000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "HEAVEN 211"
%%footer Lk 2:13-14, 15:10, Rev 7:16, 21:4, 2Cor 5:1-5 10 10 10 10 10 10
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:13-14, 15:10, Rev 7:16, 21:4, 2Cor 5:1-5
%OHTOPICS {Angels}, {Anticipation}, {Art and Music}, {Assurance}, {Christian Life}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant)}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Faith [3]}, {Gospel [2]}, {Heaven}, {Invitation (God's to Us)}, {Rest}
%OHMETRICAL 10 10 10 10 10 10
%OHCOMPOSER Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957)
%OHARRANGER Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957)
%OHAUTHOR Faber, Frederick William (1814-1863)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 211
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ A G A ; F E F ; C B, C ; F, F, F, }
{ B3 A ; F3 F ; D3 C ; F,3 F, }
{ G A F3/2 G/ ; E F D3/2 E/ ; B, C B,3/2 C/ ; F, F, F,3/2 C,/ }
{ (G A3- ; (E F3- ; C4- ; (C, F,3- }
{ A) A G A ; F) F E F ; C C B, C ; F,) F, F, F, }
{ B3 ; F3 ; D3 ; F,3 }
{ F E F ; C B, C ; F, F, F, ; A }
{ F3 F ; D3 C ; F,3 F, ; G A F3/2 G/ }
{ E F D3/2 E/ ; B, C B,3/2 C/ ; F, F, F,3/2 C,/ ; A4- }
{ (E F3- ; C4- ; (C, F,3- ; A c c c }
{ F) F E F ; C C B, C ; F,) F, F, F, ; d3 A }
{ F3 ; D3 ; F,3 ; A c c3/2 G/ }
{ C B, C ; F, F, F, ; A ; F }
{ D3 C ; F,3 F, ; G A F3/2 G/ ; E F D3/2 E/ }
{ B, C B,3/2 C/ ; F, F, F,3/2 C,/ ; A4- ; F4- }
{ C4- ; (C, F,3- ; A c c c ; F F F F }
{ C C B, C ; F,) F, F, F, ; d3 A ; F3 F }
{ D3 ; F,3 ; A c c3/2 G/ ; F F F3/2 E/ }
{ F, F, F, ; A ; F ; C }
{ F,3 F, ; G A F3/2 G/ ; E F D3/2 E/ ; B, C B,3/2 C/ }
{ F, F, F,3/2 C,/ ; A4- ; F4- ; C4- }
{ (C, F,3- ; A c c c ; F F F F ; C A, A, A, }
{ F,) F, F, F, ; d3 A ; F3 F ; A,3 D }
{ F,3 ; A c c3/2 G/ ; F F F3/2 E/ ; D C C3/2 C/ } | X: 211
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 211
T: Hark, Hark, My Soul!
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Frederick W. Faber, 1854. Arranged and alt. by Mike Hosken, 2014.
C: Music: 'Finlandia' Jean Sibelius, 1899. Setting: from Jean Sibelius, 1900.
C: copyright: public domain. All alterations to the lyrics are placed into the public domain by
C: the author on 20 Jan 2014. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2014 Revision.
S: Lyrics source: emailed by M. Hosken, 17 Jan 2014.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] A G A | B3 A | G A F3/2 G/ | (G A3- | A) A G A | B3
w: 1.~Hark! hark, my soul! an- gel- ic songs are swell- ing * O'er earth's green fields
w: 2.~And through the dark, its ech- oes sweet- ly ring- ing, * The mu- sic of
w: 3.~Faith's jour- neys end in wel- come to the wear- y, * And Heav'n, the heart's
[V: S1V2] F E F | F3 F | E F D3/2 E/ | (E F3- | F) F E F | F3
[V: S2V1] C B, C | D3 C | B, C B,3/2 C/ | C4- | C C B, C | D3
[V: S2V2] F, F, F, | F,3 F, | F, F, F,3/2 C,/ | (C, F,3- | F,) F, F, F, | F,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] A | G A F3/2 G/ | A4- | A c c c | d3 A | A c c3/2 G/ | (G B3- | B)
w: and o- cean's wave\- beat shore: * How sweet the truth those bless- èd strains are tell- ing *
w: the Gos- pel leads us home. * Far, far a- way, like bells at ev'n- ing peal- ing, *
w: true home will come at last. * An- gels, sing on, your faith- ful watch- es keep- ing, *
[V: S1V2] F | E F D3/2 E/ | F4- | F F F F | F3 F | F F F3/2 E/ | (E G3- | G)
[V: S2V1] C | B, C B,3/2 C/ | C4- | C A, A, A, | A,3 D | D C C3/2 C/ | (C D3- | D)
[V: S2V2] F, | F, F, F,3/2 C,/ | F,4- | F, F, F, E, | D,3 D, | D, A,, A,,3/2 C,/ | (C, G,,3- | G,,)
% 13
[V: S1V1] B A G | A3 F | F G G3/2 A/ | A4- | A c c c | d3 A | A
w: Of that new life when sin shall be no more! * On- ward we go, for still
w: The voice of Je- sus sounds o'er land and sea, * And la- den souls, by thou-
w: Sing us sweet frag- ments of the songs a- bove; * Till morn- ing's joy shall end
[V: S1V2] G ^F G | F3 F | F F F3/2 F/ | E4- | E A F F | F3 F | F
[V: S2V1] D C D | C3 C | D D D3/2 D/ | ^C4- | ^C =C A, A, | A,3 D | D
[V: S2V2] G,, A,, B,, | A,,3 A, | B, B, B,3/2 B,/ | A,4- | A, F, F, E, | D,3 D, | D,
% 17
[V: S1V1] c c3/2 G/ | (G B3- | B) B A G | A3 !sintro!F | F G G3/2 F/ | F4- | F !eintro!|]
w: we hear them sing, * * "Come, wear- y souls, for Je- sus bids you come"; *
w: sands meek- ly steal- ing, * Kind Shep- herd, turn their wear- y steps to Thee. *
w: the night of weep- ing, * And life's long sha- dows break in cloud- less love. *
[V: S1V2] F F3/2 E/ | (E G3- | G) G ^F G | F3 C | F F E3/2 D/ | C4- | C |]
[V: S2V1] C C3/2 C/ | (C D3- | D) D C D | C3 A, | B, B, B,3/2 B,/ | A,4- | A, |]
[V: S2V2] A, A,3/2 C/ | (C G,3- | G,) G,, A,, B,, | C,3 C, | C, C, C,3/2 C,/ | F,4- | F, |]
% 27
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "212 HEAVEN"
%%footer Rev 21:18-23, 2Cor 4:17-18, Rev 7:9-17, Is 60:19-20 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHSCRIP Rev 21:18-23, 2Cor 4:17-18, Rev 7:9-17, Is 60:19-20
%OHTOPICS {Angels [2]}, {Anticipation}, {Brevity of Life [5]}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant)}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant)}, {Consecration}, {Cross [9]}, {Eternal Life}, {God, Care of}, {Heaven}, {Hope}, {Israel}, {Jesus [2-4]}, {Joy}, {Martyrs [2]}, {Presence}, {Security [12]}, {Victory}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHCOMPOSER Ewing, Alexander C. (1830-1895)
%OHAUTHOR Bernard of Cluny aka. Bernard of Morlaix (12th Century)
%OHTRANSLATOR Neale, John Mason (1818-1866)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 212
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ C ; G, ; E, ; C, }
{ D C F E ; G, G, C C ; F, E, A, G, ; C, C, C, C, }
{ D2 C E ; (C B,) C C ; G,2 E, G, ; G,,2 C, C, }
{ G c B ^G ; D E E D ; G, G, ^G, B, ; B,, C, E, E, }
{ A3 ; C3 ; A,3 ; A,,3 }
{ G, ; E, ; C, ; A }
{ G, G, C C ; F, E, A, G, ; C, C, C, C, ; G E E D }
{ (C B,) C C ; G,2 E, G, ; G,,2 C, C, ; C2 D E }
{ D E E D ; G, G, ^G, B, ; B,, C, E, E, ; E E D C }
{ C3 ; A,3 ; A,,3 ; D3 }
{ E, ; C, ; A ; F }
{ F, E, A, G, ; C, C, C, C, ; G E E D ; E C B, B, }
{ G,2 E, G, ; G,,2 C, C, ; C2 D E ; A,2 B, C }
{ G, G, ^G, B, ; B,, C, E, E, ; E E D C ; C C A, A, }
{ A,3 ; A,,3 ; D3 ; B,3 }
{ C, ; A ; F ; C }
{ C, C, C, C, ; G E E D ; E C B, B, ; C G, ^G, E, }
{ G,,2 C, C, ; C2 D E ; A,2 B, C ; E,2 G, G, }
{ B,, C, E, E, ; E E D C ; C C A, A, ; G, G, F, E, }
{ A,,3 ; D3 ; B,3 ; G,3 } | X: 212
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 212
T: Jerusalem the Golden
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Bernard of Cluny, 1146. Translated by John Mason Neale, 1858.
C: Music: 'Ewing' Alexander C. Ewing, 1853. Setting: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1861.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: Lutheran Service Book, 2006 Hymn 672.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] C | D C F E | D2 C E | G c B ^G | A3
w: 1.~Jer- u- sa- lem the gol- den, with milk and hon- ey blest,
w: 2.~They stand, those halls of Zi- on, all ju- bi- lant with song,
w: 3.~There is the throne of Da- vid, and there, from care re- leased,
w: 4.~O sweet and bless- èd coun- try, the home of God's e- lect!
w: 5.~Brief life is here our por- tion, brief sor- row, short lived care;
[V: S1V2] G, | G, G, C C | (C B,) C C | D E E D | C3
[V: S2V1] E, | F, E, A, G, | G,2 E, G, | G, G, ^G, B, | A,3
[V: S2V2] C, | C, C, C, C, | G,,2 C, C, | B,, C, E, E, | A,,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] A | G E E D | C2 D E | E E D C | D3
w: Be- neath thy con- tem- pla- tion sink heart and voice op- pressed.
w: And bright with man- y'an an- gel, and all the mar- tyr throng;
w: The shout of them that tri- umph, the song of them that feast;
w: O sweet and bless- èd coun- try, that ea- ger hearts ex- pect!
w: The life that knows no end- ing, the tear- less life, is there.
[V: S1V2] F | E C B, B, | A,2 B, C | C C A, A, | B,3
[V: S2V1] C | C G, ^G, E, | E,2 G, G, | G, G, F, E, | G,3
[V: S2V2] F,, | C, C, E, ^G,, | A,,2 G,, C, | C, E,, F,, A,, | G,,3
% 9
[V: S1V1] D | F E A B | c2 d G | e3/2 e/ d c | B3
w: I know not, O I know not, what joys a- wait us there,
w: The Prince is ev- er in them, the day- light is ser- ene.
w: And they are with their Lea- der, who con- quered in the fight,
w: Je- sus, in mer- cy bring us to that dear land of rest,
w: O ha- ppy ret- ri- bu- tion! Short toil, e- ter- nal rest;
[V: S1V2] B, | C C C E | E2 G G | G3/2 G/ A F | G3
[V: S2V1] G, | A, G, A, ^G, | A,2 B, B, | C3/2 C/ A, C | D3
[V: S2V2] G, | F, C, F, E, | A,2 G, G, | C,3/2 C,/ F, A, | G,3
% 13
[V: S1V1] A | G E E D | C2 D !sintro!E | E E D3/2 C/ | C3 !eintro!|]
w: What ra- dian- cy of glo- ry, what bliss be- yond com- pare.
w: The pas- tures of the bless- èd are decked in glor- ious sheen.
w: And won for them for- ev- er their gleam- ing robes of white.
w: Who art, with God the Fa- ther, and Spir- it, ev- er blessed.
w: For mor- tals and for sin- ners, a man- sion with the blest.
[V: S1V2] D | C C B, B, | A,2 B, C | C C B,3/2 C/ | C3 |]
[V: S2V1] B, | C G, ^G, E, | E,2 G, G, | G, G, F,3/2 E,/ | E,3 |]
[V: S2V2] F, | E, C, E, ^G,, | A,,2 G,, C, | C, E,, G,,3/2 C,/ | C,3 |]
% 17
%%header "HEAVEN 212(2)"
W: 6. That we should look, poor wanderers, to have our home on high!
W: That worms should seek for dwellings beyond the starry sky!
W: And now we fight the battle, but then shall wear the crown
W: Of full and everlasting, and passionless renown.
W: 7. And how we watch and struggle, and now we live in hope,
W: And Zion in her anguish with Babylon must cope;
W: But he whom now we trust in shall then be seen and known,
W: And they that know and see Him shall have Him for their own.
W: 8. For thee, O dear, dear country, mine eyes their vigils keep;
W: For very love, beholding, thy happy name, they weep:
W: The mention of thy glory is unction to the breast,
W: And medicine in sickness, and love, and life, and rest.
W: 9. O one, O only mansion! O paradise of joy!
W: Where tears are ever banished, and smiles have no alloy;
W: The cross is all thy splendor, the Crucified thy praise,
W: His laud and benediction thy ransomed people raise.
W: 10. Jerusalem the glorious! Glory of the elect!
W: O dear and future vision that eager hearts expect!
W: E'en now by faith I see thee, e'en here thy walls discern;
W: To thee my thoughts are kindled, and strive, and pant, and yearn.
W: 11. Jerusalem, the only, that look'st from heaven below,
W: In thee is all my glory, in me is all my woe!
W: And though my body may not, my spirit seeks thee fain,
W: Till flesh and earth return me to earth and flesh again.
W: 12. Jerusalem, exulting on that securest shore,
W: I hope thee, wish thee, sing thee, and love thee evermore!
W: I ask not for my merit: I seek not to deny
W: My merit is destruction, a child of wrath am I.
W: 13. But yet with faith I venture and hope upon the way,
W: For those perennial guerdons I labor night and day.
W: The best and dearest Father Who made me, and Who saved,
W: Bore with me in defilement, and from defilement laved.
W: 14. When in His strength I struggle, for very joy I leap;
W: When in my sin I totter, I weep, or try to weep:
W: And grace, sweet grace celestial, shall all its love display,
W: And David's royal fountain purge every stain away.
W: 15. O sweet and blessèd country, shall I e'er see thy face?
W: O sweet and blessèd country, shall I e'er win thy grace?
W: I have the hope within me to comfort and to bless!
W: O shall I e'er win the prize? O tell me, tell me, Yes!
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "213 HEAVEN"
%%footer Heb 11:16, 2Cor 5:1-10, Jn 14:1-7, Phil 3:20, Eph 2:19 6 4 6 4 6 6 6 4
%OHSCRIP Heb 11:16, 2Cor 5:1-10, Jn 14:1-7, Phil 3:20, Eph 2:19
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Brevity of Life}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant)}, {Comfort}, {Eternal Life}, {Fellowship}, {Heaven}, {Hope}, {Patience}, {Rest}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 6 4 6 4 6 6 6 4
%OHCOMPOSER Sullivan, Arthur Seymour (1842-1900)
%OHAUTHOR Taylor, Thomas Rawson (1807-1835)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 213
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ G2 G G ; B,2 C D ; G,2 G, G, ; G,,2 A,, B,, }
{ G F A2 ; C C C2 ; A, A, F,2 ; D, D, D,2 }
{ D2 D E ; C2 C C ; A,2 F, F, ; F,2 D, D, }
{ D4 ; B,4 ; G,4 ; G,4 }
{ B,2 C D ; G,2 G, G, ; G,,2 A,, B,, ; D2 B B }
{ C C C2 ; A, A, F,2 ; D, D, D,2 ; B A d2 }
{ C2 C C ; A,2 F, F, ; F,2 D, D, ; A2 F E }
{ B,4 ; G,4 ; G,4 ; D4 }
{ G,2 G, G, ; G,,2 A,, B,, ; D2 B B ; B,2 B, ^C }
{ A, A, F,2 ; D, D, D,2 ; B A d2 ; D D E2 }
{ A,2 F, F, ; F,2 D, D, ; A2 F E ; F2 D ^C }
{ G,4 ; G,4 ; D4 ; D4 }
{ G,,2 A,, B,, ; D2 B B ; B,2 B, ^C ; G,2 D, E, }
{ D, D, D,2 ; B A d2 ; D D E2 ; F, F, ^G,2 }
{ F,2 D, D, ; A2 F E ; F2 D ^C ; A,2 A, G, }
{ G,4 ; D4 ; D4 ; F,4 } | X: 213
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 213
T: I'm But A Stranger Here
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Thomas Rawson Taylor, 1836.
C: Music: 'St. Edmund (Sullivan)' Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1872. Setting: "Church Praise, with Tunes", 1885.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "Church Praise, with Tunes", 1885 Hymn 391. Words found there, too.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] G2 G G | G F A2 | D2 D E | D4 |
w: 1.~I'm but a stran- ger here, Heav'n is my home;
w: 2.~What though the temp- est rage, Heav'n is my home;
w: 3.~There at my Sa- vior's side Heav'n is my home;
w: 4.~There- fore I mur- mur not, Heav'n is my home;
[V: S1V2] B,2 C D | C C C2 | C2 C C | B,4 |
[V: S2V1] G,2 G, G, | A, A, F,2 | A,2 F, F, | G,4 |
[V: S2V2] G,,2 A,, B,, | D, D, D,2 | F,2 D, D, | G,4 |
% 6
[V: S1V1] D2 B B | B A d2 | A2 F E | D4 |
w: Earth is a des- ert drear, Heav'n is my home.
w: Short is my pil- grim- age, Heav'n is my home;
w: I shall be glor- i- fied, Heav'n is my home.
w: What- e'er my earth- ly lot, Heav'n is my home;
[V: S1V2] B,2 B, ^C | D D E2 | F2 D ^C | D4 |
[V: S2V1] G,2 D, E, | F, F, ^G,2 | A,2 A, G, | F,4 |
[V: S2V2] G,,2 G,, G,, | F,, F,, B,,2 | A,,2 A,, A,, | D,4 |
% 11
[V: S1V1] A2 B A | A G D2 | c2 B A | A G D2 |
w: Dan- ger and sor- row stand round me on ev- ery hand;
w: Time's wild and win- try blast soon shall be ov- er past;
w: There are the good and blest, those I loved most and best;
w: And I shall sure- ly stand there at my Lord's right hand.
[V: S1V2] =C2 C C | B, B, B,2 | E2 D D | D E D2 |
[V: S2V1] F,2 E, F, | G, G, G,2 | F,2 G, C | B, C B,2 |
[V: S2V2] D,2 D, D, | D, D, D,2 | D,2 E, F, | G, G, G,2 |
% 11
[V: S1V1] !sintro!B2 e d | d c (B A) | G2 A F | G4 !eintro!|]
w: Heav'n is my fa- ther- land, * Heav'n is my home.
w: I shall reach home at last, * Heav'n is my home.
w: There, too, I soon shall rest, * Heav'n is my home.
w: Heav'n is my fa- ther- land, * Heav'n is my home.
[V: S1V2] D2 E E | E E E2 | D2 D D | D4 |]
[V: S2V1] G,2 ^G, G, | A, A, (^G, A,) | B,2 C C | B,4 |]
[V: S2V2] =F,2 E, E, | A, A,, (B,, C,) | D,2 D, D, | G,,4 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "COMMUNION OF SAINTS 214"
%%footer Col 3:12-17, 1Jn 4:7-21, Eph 4:1-6, Gal 6:1-5, Rom 15:1-7 6 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Col 3:12-17, 1Jn 4:7-21, Eph 4:1-6, Gal 6:1-5, Rom 15:1-7
%OHTOPICS {Brotherhood}, {Christian Home/Family}, {Christian Life}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant)}, {Compassion}, {Consolation}, {Example, Christ's [1]}, {Fellowship}, {Friendship}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {Hope [4]}, {Kindness, Ours}, {Love}
%OHCOMPOSER Mason, Lowell (1792-1872)
%OHARRANGER Mason, Lowell (1792-1872)
%OHAUTHOR Fawcett, John (1740-1817)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 214
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ G ; E ; G, ; C, }
{ E/ F/ G A ; C/ D/ E F ; G,/ G,/ G,/C/ C ; C,/ C,/ C, F, }
{ G2 c ; E2 E ; C2 C ; C,2 C, }
{ c/ B/ A A ; E//^F// G/ G F ; C/ D/ E D/C/ ; A,,/ B,,/ C, D, }
{ G2 ; G2 ; B,2 ; G,,2 }
{ E ; G, ; C, ; G }
{ C/ D/ E F ; G,/ G,/ G,/C/ C ; C,/ C,/ C, F, ; E/ F/ G G }
{ E2 E ; C2 C ; C,2 C, ; A/ B/ c !sintro!B }
{ E//^F// G/ G F ; C/ D/ E D/C/ ; A,,/ B,,/ C, D, ; c/ A/ G G }
{ G2 ; B,2 ; G,,2 ; G2 !eintro! } | X: 214
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 214
T: Blest Be The Tie That Binds
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: John Fawcett, 1782.
C: Music and Setting: 'Boylston' Lowell Mason, 1832.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Psaltry" 1845 by Lowell Mason Page 151. In The Psaltry, the Tenor carries the melody. It is moved to the Soprano. The Soprano is then lowered one octave and made the Tenor part.
S: Lyrics from "A collection of hymns for the use of the tabernacles in Scotland" 1800 Hymn 140 page 127
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=90] G | E/ F/ G A | G2 c | c/ B/ A A | G2
w: 1.~Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christ- ian love;
w: 2.~Be- fore our Fa- ther's throne We pour our ar- dent prayers;
w: 3.~We share each o- ther's woes, Our mu- tual bur- dens bear;
w: 4.~When we a- sun- der part, It gives us in- ward pain;
w: 5.~This glor- ious hope re- vives Our cou- rage by the way;
[V: S1V2] E | C/ D/ E F | E2 E | E//^F// G/ G F | G2
[V: S2V1] G, | G,/ G,/ G,/C/ C | C2 C | C/ D/ E D/C/ | B,2
[V: S2V2] C, | C,/ C,/ C, F, | C,2 C, | A,,/ B,,/ C, D, | G,,2
% 2
[V: S1V1] G | E/ F/ G G | A/ B/ c !sintro!B | c/ A/ G G | G2 !eintro!|]
w: The fel- low- ship of kin- dred minds Is like to that a- bove.
w: Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one Our com- forts and our cares.
w: And of- ten for each o- ther flows The sym- pa- thi- zing tear.
w: But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet a- gain.
w: While each in ex- pec- ta- tion lives, And longs to see the day.
[V: S1V2] E | C/ B,/ C E | F/ F/ E F | G/ F/ D/E/ F | E2 |]
[V: S2V1] C | G,/ G,/ G, C | C/ G,/ G, G, | G,/ A,/ B,/C/ D | C2 |]
[V: S2V2] C, | C,/ D,/ E, C, | F,/ D,/ C, D, | E,/ F,/ G, G,, | C,2 |]
W: 6.From sorrow, toil and pain,
W: And sin, we shall be free,
W: And perfect love and friendship reign
W: Through all eternity.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.720000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "215 COMMUNION OF SAINTS"
%%footer Rev 7:9-17, Heb 9:14, 1Jn 1:7, Rev 6:11-13 8 8 4 4 6 8 8 4 4 6 8 8 4 4 6
%OHSCRIP Rev 7:9-17, Heb 9:14, 1Jn 1:7, Rev 6:11-13
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Art and Music [1,3]}, {Blood [1]}, {Consecration}, {Consolation}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Discipleship}, {Eternal Life}, {Fellowship}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {Hope}, {Light [1]}, {Martyrs}, {People of the World}, {Praise, Father [1]}, {Praise, Son [1]}, {Presence}, {Priest/Priestly Roles [2]}, {Promises (see also Gospel)}, {Rest [2]}, {Sabbath [2]}, {Saints (all Faithful)}, {Throne (also see God - As King) [1]}, {Victory}, {Worship [1]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 4 4 6 8 8 4 4 6 8 8 4 4 6
%OHARRANGER Grieg, Edvard Hagerup (1843-1907)
%OHAUTHOR Brorson, Hans Adolf (1694-1764)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 215
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ E/G/ ; B, ; G, ; E, }
{ B2 B c2 B ; B,2 G ^F2 G ; G,2 B, =A,2 B, ; E,2 E, E,2 E, }
{ (G3/2 E/) G/B/ F2 F/G/ ; E2 E E2 E ; B,2 B, =A,2 A, ; _D,2 _D, C,2 C, }
{ A2 F (E3/2 F/) G/A/ ; (E F) F E2 E ; (_A, D) C C2 B, ; B,,2 A, G,2 C, }
{ B, ; G, ; E, ; B2 D E2 G/A/ }
{ B,2 G ^F2 G ; G,2 B, =A,2 B, ; E,2 E, E,2 E, ; (B3/2 G/) c/B/ B2 c }
{ E2 E E2 E ; B,2 B, =A,2 A, ; _D,2 _D, C,2 C, ; (B3/2 F/) A G2 E/F/ }
{ (E F) F E2 E ; (_A, D) C C2 B, ; B,,2 A, G,2 C, ; (G3/2 A/) G (F3/2 G/) F }
{ G, ; E, ; B2 D E2 G/A/ ; (E C) D B,2 E }
{ G,2 B, =A,2 B, ; E,2 E, E,2 E, ; (B3/2 G/) c/B/ B2 c ; (F3/2 G/) A F2 A }
{ B,2 B, =A,2 A, ; _D,2 _D, C,2 C, ; (B3/2 F/) A G2 E/F/ ; F2 F D2 E }
{ (_A, D) C C2 B, ; B,,2 A, G,2 C, ; (G3/2 A/) G (F3/2 G/) F ; (E B,) C (D C) D }
{ E, ; B2 D E2 G/A/ ; (E C) D B,2 E ; A,2 A, G,2 C }
{ E,2 E, E,2 E, ; (B3/2 G/) c/B/ B2 c ; (F3/2 G/) A F2 A ; D2 E D2 E }
{ _D,2 _D, C,2 C, ; (B3/2 F/) A G2 E/F/ ; F2 F D2 E ; (E D) C =B,2 G,/A,/ }
{ B,,2 A, G,2 C, ; (G3/2 A/) G (F3/2 G/) F ; (E B,) C (D C) D ; B,2 =A, _A,2 A, }
{ B2 D E2 G/A/ ; (E C) D B,2 E ; A,2 A, G,2 C ; F,2 B,, E,2 C, }
{ (B3/2 G/) c/B/ B2 c ; (F3/2 G/) A F2 A ; D2 E D2 E ; B,,2 A,, B,,2 A,, }
{ (B3/2 F/) A G2 E/F/ ; F2 F D2 E ; (E D) C =B,2 G,/A,/ ; (B,, B,) F, G,2 C, }
{ (G3/2 A/) G (F3/2 G/) F ; (E B,) C (D C) D ; B,2 =A, _A,2 A, ; B,,2 B,, B,,2 B,, }
{ (E C) D B,2 E ; A,2 A, G,2 C ; F,2 B,, E,2 C, ; E3- E2 E/G/ }
{ (F3/2 G/) A F2 A ; D2 E D2 E ; B,,2 A,, B,,2 A,, ; B2 B c2 B }
{ F2 F D2 E ; (E D) C =B,2 G,/A,/ ; (B,, B,) F, G,2 C, ; (G3/2 E/) G/B/ F2 F/G/ }
{ (E B,) C (D C) D ; B,2 =A, _A,2 A, ; B,,2 B,, B,,2 B,, ; A2 F (E3/2 F/) G/A/ } | X: 215
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 215
T: Behold, A Host, Arrayed in White
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Hans Adolf Brorson, circa 1760. Translation composite.
C: Music: 'Den Store Hvide Flok' or 'Great White Host' traditional Norwegian, 17th cent. Setting: Edvard Grieg, 1907.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2007 Revision.
S: Translation is public domain per Project Wittenberg: - also in Lutheran Hymnary
M: 6/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] E/G/ | B2 B c2 B | (G3/2 E/) G/B/ F2 F/G/ | A2 F (E3/2 F/) G/A/ |
w: 1.~Be- * hold a host, a- rrayed * in * white, Like * thou- sand snow * clad *
w: 2.~Des- * pised and scorned, they so- * journed * here; But * now, how glo- * rious *
w: 3.~Then * hail, ye might- y le- * gions, * yea, All * hail! Now safe * and *
[V: S1V2] B, | B,2 G ^F2 G | E2 E E2 E | (E F) F E2 E |
[V: S2V1] G, | G,2 B, =A,2 B, | B,2 B, =A,2 A, | (_A, D) C C2 B, |
[V: S2V2] E, | E,2 E, E,2 E, | _D,2 _D, C,2 C, | B,,2 A, G,2 C, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] B2 D E2 G/A/ | (B3/2 G/) c/B/ B2 c | (B3/2 F/) A G2 E/F/ | (G3/2 A/) G (F3/2 G/) F |
w: moun- tains bright, With * palms * they * stand. Who is * this band Be- * fore * the throne * of
w: they ap- pear! Those * mar- * tyrs * stand a priest- * ly band, God's * throne * for- ev- * er
w: blest for aye, And * praise * the * Lord, who with * His Word Sus- * tained * you on * the
[V: S1V2] (E C) D B,2 E | (F3/2 G/) A F2 A | F2 F D2 E | (E B,) C (D C) D |
[V: S2V1] A,2 A, G,2 C | D2 E D2 E | (E D) C =B,2 G,/A,/ | B,2 =A, _A,2 A, |
[V: S2V2] F,2 B,, E,2 C, | B,,2 A,, B,,2 A,, | (B,, B,) F, G,2 C, | B,,2 B,, B,,2 B,, |
% 9
[V: S1V1] E3- E2 E/G/ | B2 B c2 B | (G3/2 E/) G/B/ F2 F/G/ | A2 F (E3/2 F/) G/A/ | B2 D E2
w: light? * Lo, * these are they of glo- * rious * fame Who * from the great * a- * fflic- tion came
w: near. * So * oft, in troub- led days * gone * by, In * an- guish they * would * weep and sigh.
w: way. * Ye * did the joys of earth * dis- * dain, Ye * toiled and sowed * in * tears and pain.
[V: S1V2] B,3- B,2 B, | B,2 G ^F2 G | E2 E E2 E | (E F) F E2 E | (E C) D B,2
[V: S2V1] (A,2 F, G,2) G, | G,2 B, =A,2 B, | B,2 B, =A,2 A, | (_A, D) C C2 B, | A,2 A, G,2
[V: S2V2] E,3- E,2 E, | E,2 E, E,2 E, | _D,2 _D, C,2 C, | B,,2 A, G,2 C, | F,2 B,, E,2
% 13
[V: S1V1] G/A/ | (B3/2 G/) c/B/ B2 c | (B3/2 F/) A G2 E/F/ | (G3/2 A/) G (F3/2 G/) F | E3- E2
w: And * in * the * flood of Je- * sus' blood Are * cleansed * from guilt * and blame. *
w: At * home * a- * bove the God * of Love For * aye * their tears * shall dry. *
w: Fare- * well, * now * bring your sheaves * and sing Sal- * va- * tion's glad * re- frain. *
[V: S1V2] E | (F3/2 G/) A F2 A | F2 F D2 E | (E B,) C (D C) D | B,3- B,2
[V: S2V1] C | D2 E D2 E | (E D) C =B,2 G,/A,/ | B,2 =A, _A,2 A, | (A,2 F, G,2)
[V: S2V2] C, | B,,2 A,, B,,2 A,, | (B,, B,) F, G,2 C, | B,,2 B,, B,,2 B,, | E,3- E,2
% 17
%%header "COMMUNION OF SAINTS 215(2)"
[V: S1V1] E/G/ | c2 c c2 B | (G3/2 E/) G/B/ F2 F/G/ | A2 F (E3/2 F/) G/A/ | B2 D E2
w: Now * ga- thered in the ho- * ly * place Their * voi- ces they * in * wor- ship raise,
w: They * now en- joy their Sab- * bath * rest, The * pas- chal ban- * quet * of the blest;
w: Swing * high your palms, lift up * your * song, Yea, * make it my- * riad * voi- ces strong.
[V: S1V2] E | G2 G G2 G | E2 E E2 E | (E F) =D E2 E | (E C) D B,2
[V: S2V1] G,/B,/ | =A,2 A, A,2 B, | B,2 B, B,2 =A,/F,/ | (F, E/D/) C/B,/ C2 B, | B,2 _A, G,2
[V: S2V2] E, | E,2 E, E,2 E, | _D,2 _D, C,2 C, | B,,2 A,, G,,2 C, | F,,2 B,, E,2
% 21
[V: S1V1] G/A/ | (B3/2 G/) c B2 c | (B3/2 F/) A G2 !sintro!E/F/ | (G3/2 A/) G (F3/2 G/) F | E3- E2 !eintro!|]
w: Their * an- * thems swell where God * doth dwell, Mid * an- * gels song * of praise. *
w: The * Lamb, * their Lord, at fest- * al board Him- * self * is Host * and Guest. *
w: E- * ter- * nal- ly shall praise * to Thee, God, * and * the Lamb * be- long. *
[V: S1V2] E | (F3/2 G/) A F2 A | F2 F D2 E | (E B,) C (E C) D | B,3- B,2 |]
[V: S2V1] C | D2 E D2 E | (E D) C =B,2 G,/A,/ | B,2 =A, _A,2 A, | (A,2 F, G,2) |]
[V: S2V2] C, | B,,2 A,, B,,2 A,, | (B,, B,) F, G,2 C, | B,,2 B,, B,,2 B,, | E,3- E,2 |]
% 27
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 2.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "216 COMMUNION OF SAINTS"
%%footer Col 3:12-17, 1Jn 4:7-21, Eph 4:1-6, Gal 6:1-5, Rom 15:1-7 6 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Col 3:12-17, 1Jn 4:7-21, Eph 4:1-6, Gal 6:1-5, Rom 15:1-7
%OHTOPICS {Brotherhood}, {Christian Home/Family}, {Christian Life}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant)}, {Compassion}, {Consolation}, {Example, Christ's [1]}, {Fellowship}, {Friendship}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {Hope [4]}, {Kindness, Ours}, {Love}
%OHCOMPOSER Nägeli, Hans Georg (1773-1836)
%OHARRANGER Snell, Donna
%OHAUTHOR Fawcett, John (1740-1817)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 216
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ B ; G ; D, ; G,, }
{ (B G) B ; (G D) G ; (D, B,,) D, ; G,,2 G,, }
{ (A F) A ; (F D) F ; D,2 D, ; D,2 C, }
{ !fermata!G2 G ; (D E) =F ; (D, E,) D, ; (!invertedfermata!B,, !invertedfermata!C,) D, }
{ (G E) G ; E2 C ; C,2 C, ; C,2 E,,/2F,,/2 }
{ (G D) G ; D2 D ; B,,2 B,, ; G,,2 B,, }
{ !fermata!F2 ; D2 ; D,2 ; !invertedfermata!D,2 }
{ G ; D, ; G,, ; A }
{ (G D) G ; (D, B,,) D, ; G,,2 G,, ; (A F) A }
{ (F D) F ; D,2 D, ; D,2 C, ; (G B) d }
{ (D E) =F ; (D, E,) D, ; (!invertedfermata!B,, !invertedfermata!C,) D, ; (d A) c }
{ E2 C ; C,2 C, ; C,2 E,,/2F,,/2 ; (B d) !sintro!e }
{ D2 D ; B,,2 B,, ; G,,2 B,, ; (d B) c }
{ D2 ; D,2 ; !invertedfermata!D,2 ; (B G) A } | X: 216
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 216
T: Blest Be The Tie That Binds
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: John Fawcett, 1782.
C: Music: 'Dennis' Hans Georg Nägeli, circa 1828. Setting: Donna Snell, circa 1975, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. Setting released into the public domain by Donna Snell 10 Nov 2010.
C: This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Revision.
S: Music source: St Paul Music Library, Royal Oak, MI. Donna Snell, a former congregant, wrote many of the arrangements in the library.
S: This setting is transposed down 3 semitones to make it more acceptable for congregational use (it was written in TTBB for a Men's Chorus).
S: Fermatas added to mimic that way it is actually sung (although not notated that way)
S: Lyrics from "A collection of hymns for the use of the tabernacles in Scotland" 1800 Hymn 140 page 127
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] B | (B G) B | (A F) A | !fermata!G2 G | (G E) G | (G D) G | !fermata!F2
w: 1.~Blest be * the tie * that binds Our hearts * in Christ- * ian love;
w: 2.~Be- fore * our Fa- * ther's throne We pour * our ar- * dent prayers;
w: 3.~We share * each o- * ther's woes, Our mu- * tual bur- * dens bear;
w: 4.~When we * a- sun- * der part, It gives * us in- * ward pain;
w: 5.~This glor- * ious hope * re- vives Our cou- * rage by * the way;
[V: S1V2] G | (G D) G | (F D) F | (D E) =F | E2 C | D2 D | D2
[V: S2V1] D, | (D, B,,) D, | D,2 D, | (D, E,) D, | C,2 C, | B,,2 B,, | D,2
[V: S2V2] G,, | G,,2 G,, | D,2 C, | (!invertedfermata!B,, !invertedfermata!C,) D, | C,2 E,,/2F,,/2 | G,,2 B,, | !invertedfermata!D,2
% 2
[V: S1V1] A | (A F) A | (G B) d | (d A) c | (B d) !sintro!e | (d B) c | (B G) A | !fermata!G2 !eintro!|]
w: The fel- * low- ship * of kin- * dred minds * Is like * to that * a- bove.
w: Our fears, * our hopes, * our aims * are one * Our com- * forts and * our cares.
w: And of- * ten for * each o- * ther flows * The sym- * pa- thi- * zing tear.
w: But we * shall still * be joined * in heart, * And hope * to meet * a- gain.
w: While each * in ex- * pec- ta- * tion lives, * And longs * to see * the day.
[V: S1V2] F | (F D) D | (D G) G | (A F) A | G2 G | G2 G | (G E) F | D2 |]
[V: S2V1] D, | (F, D,) C, | (B,, D,) D, | (F, D,) D, | D,2 G, | G,2 E, | D,2 C, | B,,2 |]
[V: S2V2] D, | D,2 F,, | G,,2 B,, | D,2 F,, | (G,, B,,) C, | (B,, G,,) A,, | D,2 D,, | !invertedfermata!G,,2 |]
W: 6.From sorrow, toil and pain,
W: And sin, we shall be free,
W: And perfect love and friendship reign
W: Through all eternity.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 0.0000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "COMMUNION OF SAINTS 217"
%%footer Mt 7:24-25, Mt 16:13-18, Eph 2:19-22, 1Cor 3:11-16, Acts 17:24 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Mt 7:24-25, Mt 16:13-18, Eph 2:19-22, 1Cor 3:11-16, Acts 17:24
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Baptism [3,6]}, {Children (see also God's Children - the Faithful) [3]}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant)}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant)}, {Consecration}, {Cornerstone}, {Discipleship}, {God, As King [4]}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {Grace [3]}, {Jesus}, {Leadership}, {Lord's Supper [6]}, {Peace [7]}, {Presence [2-6]}, {Truth [4]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER Lindeman, Ludvig Mathias (1812-1887)
%OHAUTHOR Grundtvig, Nikolai Frederik Severin (1783-1872)
%OHTRANSLATOR Døving, Carl (1867-1937)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 217
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ D D A ; D D E ; F, B, A, ; D, D, ^C, }
{ F2 D ; D2 D ; A,2 A, ; D,2 C, }
{ F2 G ; D2 D ; B,2 D, ; B,,2 B,, }
{ A3 ; ^C3 ; E,3 ; A,,3 }
{ A =B c ; D D C ; A, ^G, E, ; F, E, A,, }
{ A F G ; C D D ; F, D, B, ; A,, B,, G,, }
{ E3 ; (D ^C2) ; (A,2 G,) ; A,,3 }
{ D D E ; F, B, A, ; D, D, ^C, ; D3 }
{ D2 D ; A,2 A, ; D,2 C, ; D D A }
{ D2 D ; B,2 D, ; B,,2 B,, ; F2 D }
{ ^C3 ; E,3 ; A,,3 ; F2 G }
{ D D C ; A, ^G, E, ; F, E, A,, ; A3 }
{ C D D ; F, D, B, ; A,, B,, G,, ; A =B c }
{ (D ^C2) ; (A,2 G,) ; A,,3 ; A F }
{ F, B, A, ; D, D, ^C, ; D3 ; D3 }
{ A,2 A, ; D,2 C, ; D D A ; D B, D }
{ B,2 D, ; B,,2 B,, ; F2 D ; C2 B, }
{ E,3 ; A,,3 ; F2 G ; A,2 C }
{ A, ^G, E, ; F, E, A,, ; A3 ; C3 }
{ F, D, B, ; A,, B,, G,, ; A =B c ; C D C }
{ (A,2 G,) ; A,,3 ; A F ; C D }
{ D, D, ^C, ; D3 ; D3 ; F,3 }
{ D,2 C, ; D D A ; D B, D ; F, G, A, }
{ B,,2 B,, ; F2 D ; C2 B, ; C2 F, }
{ A,,3 ; F2 G ; A,2 C ; F,2 E, }
{ F, E, A,, ; A3 ; C3 ; F,3 }
{ A,, B,, G,, ; A =B c ; C D C ; A, G, G, }
{ A,,3 ; A F ; C D ; A, A, } | X: 217
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 217
T: Built on the Rock
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig, 1857. Translated Carl Døving, 1909.
C: Music: 'Kirken Den Er Et Gammelt Hus' Ludvig M. Lindeman, 1840. Setting: "The Lutheran Hymnary", 1913.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: The Lutheran Hymnary, 1913 Hymn 132.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] D D A | F2 D | F2 G | A3 | A =B c | A F G | E3 |
w: 1.~Built on the Rock the church doth stand, E- ven when stee- ples are fall-
w: 2.~Sure- ly in tem- ples made with hands, God, the Most High, is not dwell-
w: 3.~We are God's house of li- ving stones, Built for His own hab- i- ta-
w: 4.~Now we may ga- ther with our King; Ev'n in the low- li- est dwell-
w: 5.~Still we our earth- ly tem- ples rear, That we may her- ald His prais-
[V: S1V2] D D E | D2 D | D2 D | ^C3 | D D C | C D D | (D ^C2) |
[V: S2V1] F, B, A, | A,2 A, | B,2 D, | E,3 | A, ^G, E, | F, D, B, | (A,2 G,) |
[V: S2V2] D, D, ^C, | D,2 C, | B,,2 B,, | A,,3 | F, E, A,, | A,, B,, G,, | A,,3 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] D3 | D D A | F2 D | F2 G | A3 | A =B c | A F
w: ing; Crum- bled have spires in e- very land, Bells still are chim- ing
w: ing; High a- bove earth His tem- ple stands, All earth- ly tem- ples
w: tion; He through bap- tis- mal grace us owns, Heirs of His won- drous
w: ing: Prais- es to Him we there may bring, His won- drous mer- cy
w: es; They are the homes where He draws near And lit- tle child- ren
[V: S1V2] D3 | D B, D | C2 B, | A,2 C | C3 | C D C | C D
[V: S2V1] F,3 | F, G, A, | C2 F, | F,2 E, | F,3 | A, G, G, | A, A,
[V: S2V2] D,3 | B,, G,, F,, | A,,2 B,, | D,2 C, | F,3 | F, F, E, | F, D,
% 17
[V: S1V1] G | E3 | D3 | d c =B | c2 A | A2 G | F3 | A d f | e2
w: and cal- ling; Cal- ling the young and old to rest, But a- bove all
w: ex- cell- ing; Yet He whom heav'ns can- not con- tain Chose to a- bide
w: sal- va- tion; Were we but two His Name to tell, Yet He would deign
w: fore- tell- ing; Je- sus His grace to us ac- cords, Spi- rit and life
w: em- brac- es, Beau- ti- ful things in them are said, God there with us
[V: S1V2] D | (D ^C2) | D3 | F E E | E2 F | F2 E | F3 | E A ^G | A2
[V: S2V1] B, | (B, A,) G, | F,3 | A, A, ^G, | A,2 C | C2 B, | A,3 | ^C D =B, | E2
[V: S2V2] B,, | G,,2 A,, | D,3 | D, E, E, | A,,2 F,, | C,2 C, | F,3 | G, F, D, | C,2
% 25
[V: S1V1] d | c2 =B | A3 | !sintro!A A G | F G F | E3 | D3 !eintro!|]
w: the soul dis- tressed, Long- ing for rest ev- er- last- ing.
w: on earth with men, Built in our bod- ies His tem- ple.
w: with us to dwell, With all His grace and His fa- vor.
w: are all His words, His truth doth hal- low the tem- ple.
w: His cov'n- ant made, Mak- ing us heirs of His king- dom.
[V: S1V2] =B | A2 ^G | A3 | E D ^C | D D D | (D2 ^C) | D3 |]
[V: S2V1] F | E2 D | C3 | ^C D A, | A, G, B, | (E, G,2) | F,3 |]
[V: S2V2] D, | E,2 E, | A,,3 | G, F, E, | D, B,, G,, | A,,3 | D,3 |]
% 30
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 11.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tHere stands the font before our eyes
%% \t\t\t\tTelling how God did receive us;
%% \t\t\t\tThe altar recalls Christ's sacrifice
%% \t\t\t\tAnd what His table doth give us;
%% \t\t\t\tHere sounds the Word that doth proclaim
%% \t\t\t\tChrist yesterday, today, the same, Yea, and for aye our Redeemer.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 10cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 11.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 7.\tGrant then, O God, where'er men roam,
%% \t\t\t\tThat, when the church bells are ringing,
%% \t\t\t\tMany in saving faith may come
%% \t\t\t\tWhere Christ His message is bringing:
%% \t\t\t\t"I know Mine own, Mine own know Me;
%% \t\t\t\tYe, not the world, My face shall see. My peace I leave with you."
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.710000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "218 COMMUNION OF SAINTS"
%%footer Rev 14:13, 2Tim 4:7-8 10 10 10 with Alleluias
%OHSCRIP Rev 14:13, 2Tim 4:7-8
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation [7-10]}, {Brotherhood}, {Courage in Affliction [2,7-10]}, {Cross [3]}, {Crown [5,7]}, {Darkness, Spiritual [2]}, {Discipleship [6]}, {Duty (see also Law) [7,8]}, {Eternal Life [1,9,10]}, {Example, Of Other People}, {Fellowship}, {God, As King [10]}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World) [1,3]}, {Light [2]}, {Martyrs [5]}, {People of the World [1,3]}, {Saints (all Faithful)}, {Salvation [1,9,10]}, {Second Coming [8,9,10]}, {Security [2,8,9,10]}, {Speech [4]}, {Terrorism [2,7,8,9,10]}, {Truth [2]}, {Victory [7-10]}
%OHMETRICAL 10 10 10 Alleluia8
%OHCOMPOSER Williams, Ralph Vaughan (1872-1958)
%OHARRANGER Williams, Ralph Vaughan (1872-1958)
%OHAUTHOR How, William Walsham (1823-1897)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 218
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ z d B A ; x4 ; z [DGBd] [EGB] [CFA] ; x4 ; G,, B,, C, D, ; x4 }
{ G3 D ; x4 ; [E3G3] [G,D] ; (B,2 C) x ; (E, D, C,) B,, ; x4 }
{ E G A D ; x4 ; [G,E] [DG] [CEA] D ; x4 ; G,3 [D,F,] ; C, B,, A,, x }
{ B3.- B ; x4 ; [D3G3B3].- [DGB ; x4 ; .(.(G, E, F,) G,) ; x4 }
{ x4 ; z [DGBd] [EGB] [CFA] ; x4 ; G,, B,, C, D, ; x4 ; A2.- A G }
{ x4 ; [E3G3] [G,D] ; (B,2 C) x ; (E, D, C,) B,, ; x4 ; F2 F2 }
{ x4 ; [G,E] [DG] [CEA] D ; x4 ; G,3 [D,F,] ; C, B,, A,, x ; G A F E }
{ x4 ; [D3G3B3].- [DGB ; x4 ; .(.(G, E, F,) G,) ; x4 ; D3.- D }
{ z [DGBd] [EGB] [CFA] ; x4 ; G,, B,, C, D, ; x4 ; A2.- A G ; x4 }
{ [E3G3] [G,D] ; (B,2 C) x ; (E, D, C,) B,, ; x4 ; F2 F2 ; x4 }
{ [G,E] [DG] [CEA] D ; x4 ; G,3 [D,F,] ; C, B,, A,, x ; G A F E ; x4 }
{ [D3G3B3].- [DGB ; x4 ; .(.(G, E, F,) G,) ; x4 ; D3.- D ; x4 }
{ x4 ; G,, B,, C, D, ; x4 ; A2.- A G ; x4 ; A2.- A [EG] }
{ (B,2 C) x ; (E, D, C,) B,, ; x4 ; F2 F2 ; x4 ; [A,2E2F2] [A,2D2F2] }
{ x4 ; G,3 [D,F,] ; C, B,, A,, x ; G A F E ; x4 ; [G,DG] [A,DA] [B,DF] [G,^CE] }
{ x4 ; .(.(G, E, F,) G,) ; x4 ; D3.- D ; x4 ; [F,3A,3D3].- [F,A,D }
{ G,, B,, C, D, ; x4 ; A2.- A G ; x4 ; A2.- A [EG] ; .([^C2E2] D) x }
{ (E, D, C,) B,, ; x4 ; F2 F2 ; x4 ; [A,2E2F2] [A,2D2F2] ; x4 }
{ G,3 [D,F,] ; C, B,, A,, x ; G A F E ; x4 ; [G,DG] [A,DA] [B,DF] [G,^CE] ; x4 }
{ .(.(G, E, F,) G,) ; x4 ; D3.- D ; x4 ; [F,3A,3D3].- [F,A,D ; x4 }
{ x4 ; A2.- A G ; x4 ; A2.- A [EG] ; .([^C2E2] D) x ; .(.(A, A,,) B,,) ^C, }
{ x4 ; F2 F2 ; x4 ; [A,2E2F2] [A,2D2F2] ; x4 ; (D, E,) (D, ^C,) }
{ C, B,, A,, x ; G A F E ; x4 ; [G,DG] [A,DA] [B,DF] [G,^CE] ; x4 ; B,, F,, G,, A,, }
{ x4 ; D3.- D ; x4 ; [F,3A,3D3].- [F,A,D ; x4 ; .(.(D, E, D,) =C,) } | X: 218
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 218
T: For All The Saints
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: William W. How, 1864.
C: Music: 'Sine Nomine' Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906. Setting: "The English Hymnal", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2) | (S3V1 S3V2)
%%staffsep 0.62cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S3V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S3V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 5 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 6 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] z d B A | G3 D | E G A D | B3.- B |
w: 1.~For all the saints, who from their la- bors rest,_
w: 2.~Thou wast their Rock, their For- tress and their Might;_
w: 3.~For the A- post- les' glo- rious com- pa- ny,_
w: 9.~The gol- den eve- ning bright- ens in the west;_
w: 10.~But lo! there breaks a yet more glor- ious day; The
[V: S1V2] x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 |
[V: S2V1] z [DGBd] [EGB] [CFA] | [E3G3] [G,D] | [G,E] [DG] [CEA] D | [D3G3B3].- [DGB] |
[V: S2V2] x4 | (B,2 C) x | x4 | x4 |
[V: S3V1] G,, B,, C, D, | (E, D, C,) B,, | G,3 [D,F,] | .(.(G, E, F,) G,) |
[V: S3V2] x4 | x4 | C, B,, A,, x | x4 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] A2.- A G | F2 F2 | G A F E | D3.- D |
w: Who Thee by faith be- fore the world con- fessed, Thy
w: Thou, Lord, their Cap- tain in the well fought fight;_
w: Who bear- ing forth the Cross o'er land and sea,_
w: Soon, soon to faith- ful war- riors comes their rest;_
w: saints * tri- um- phant rise in bright ar- ray; The
[V: S1V2] x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 |
[V: S2V1] A2.- A [EG] | [A,2E2F2] [A,2D2F2] | [G,DG] [A,DA] [B,DF] [G,^CE] | [F,3A,3D3].- [F,A,D] |
[V: S2V2] .([^C2E2] D) x | x4 | x4 | x4 |
[V: S3V1] .(.(A, A,,) B,,) ^C, | (D, E,) (D, ^C,) | B,, F,, G,, A,, | .(.(D, E, D,) =C,) |
[V: S3V2] x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] G2 G.- G | d3 d | c d c/B/ A/G/ | A2
w: Name, O * Je- sus, be for- ev- * er * blessed.
w: Thou, in the dark- ness drear, their one * true * Light.
w: Shook all the migh- ty world, we sing * to * Thee:
w: Sweet is the calm of par- a- dise * the * blessed.
w: King of * glo- ry pass- es on * His * way.
[V: S1V2] x4 | x4 | x4 | x2
[V: S2V1] [G,2G2] [G,2G2] | [D3G3B3d3] [GBd] | [CGc] [Ad] c/B/ A/G/ | [D2F2A2]
[V: S2V2] (D E) .(D C) | x4 | x2 [DG] D | x2
[V: S3V1] G,2 G,2 | [G,3B,3D3] [G,B,D] | [G,C] [A,D] [G,D] [G,D] | A,2
[V: S3V2] (B,, C,) .(B,, A,,) | (G,, A,, G,,) F,, | E,, F,, G,, B,, | (D, C,)
% 13
[V: S1V1] !sintro!(d2 | e) d/c/ d2 | G3 (A/B/ | c) B A2 | G4 !eintro!|]
w: Al- * le- * lu- ia, Al- * * le- lu- ia!
[V: S1V2] x2 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 |]
[V: S2V1] (d2 | e) d/c/ [G2d2] | G3 (A/B/ | [EGc]) [DGB] A2 | G4 |]
[V: S2V2] ([DG] [=FB]) | [E2G2] (D E/F/) | (G B, E) ([DG] | G) x ([DG] [CF]) | [B,4D4] |]
[V: S3V1] G,2 | G,2 G,2 | G,2 (G,2 | A,,) B,,/C,/ (D, D,,) | G,,4 |]
[V: S3V2] (B,, G,, | C,) A,, (B,, C,/D,/) | (E, D,) (C, B,,) | x4 | x4 |]
% 17
%%header "COMMUNION OF SAINTS 218(2)"
%: For All The Saints
%: (page 2 of 2)
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S3V1 S3V2)
%%staffsep 0.62cm
[V: S1V1] z d B A | G3 D | E G A D |
w: 4.~For the Ev- an- gel- ists, by whose blest
w: 5.~For Mar- tyrs, who with rap- ture kin- dled
w: 6.~O blest com- mu- nion, fel- low- ship di-
w: 7.~O may Thy sol- diers, faith- ful, true and
w: 8.~And when the strife is fierce, the war- fare
[V: S1V2] x G G F | E3 D | C D C D |
[V: S3V1] z D E C | B,3 G, | G, G, G, F, |
[V: S3V2] G,, B,, C, D, | E,3 B,, | C, B,, A,, D, |
% 21
[V: S1V1] B4 | A2 A G | F2 F2 | G A F E |
w: word, Like four- fold streams, the gar- den of the
w: eye, Saw the bright crown de- scen- ding from the
w: vine! We fee- bly strug- gle, they in glo- ry
w: bold, Fight as the saints who no- bly fought of
w: long, Steals on the ear the dis- tant tri- umph
[V: S1V2] D4 | D2 D E | A,2 D2 | D D D ^C |
[V: S3V1] G,4 | A,2 B, ^C | D2 A,2 | B, A, B, G, |
[V: S3V2] G,,4 | F,2 F, E, | D,2 ^C,2 | B,, F,, G,, A,, |
% 25
[V: S1V1] D3.- D | G2 G2 | d3 d | c d c/B/ A/G/ | A2
w: Lord, Is fair and fruit- ful, be Thy Name * a- * dored.
w: sky, And see- ing, grasped it, Thee we glo- * ri- * fy.
w: shine; * All are one in Thee, for all * are * Thine.
w: old, And win with them the vic- tor's crown * of * gold.
w: song, And hearts are brave, a- gain, and arms * are * strong.
[V: S1V2] .(D3 A,) | D2 (D C) | B,2 G2 | G A G D | F2
[V: S3V1] F,3.- F, | G,2 G,2 | G,2 B,2 | C A, D D | D2
[V: S3V2] .(D,3 C,) | (B,, C,) (B,, A,,) | G,,2 (G, F,) | E, F, G, B,, | (D, C,)
% 29
[V: S1V1] (d2 | e) d/c/ d2 | G3 (A/B/ | c) B A2 | G4 |]
w: Al- * le- * lu- ia, Al- * * le- lu- ia!
[V: S1V2] (G =F | E) G (G ^F) | E2 (G =F | E) D (C D) | B,4 |]
[V: S3V1] (D2 | C) E D2 | (D C) (B, A,/G,/ | C) G, (G, F,) | G,4 |]
[V: S3V2] (B,,2 | C,) A,, B,,2 | E,2 (D,2 | C,) D, (E, D,) | G,,4 |]
W:11.From earth's wide bounds, from ocean's farthest coast,
W:Through gates of pearl streams in the countless host,
W:And singing to Father, Son and Holy Ghost:
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "219 COMMUNION OF SAINTS"
%%footer Heb 11:1-2, 1Tim 6:12, Jude 1:3, 2Cor 6:4-6, 2Tim 1:3 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Heb 11:1-2, 1Tim 6:12, Jude 1:3, 2Cor 6:4-6, 2Tim 1:3
%OHTOPICS {Activity [2]}, {Calmness}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant)}, {Commitment}, {Compassion [3]}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Example, Of Other People}, {Faith}, {Faithfulness}, {Fellowship}, {Integrity [2]}, {Joy [1]}, {Kindness, Ours [3]}, {Loyalty}, {Missions [2,3]}, {Self Control (see also Law) [3]}, {Speech [3]}, {Terrorism}, {Truth}, {Zeal}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER Hemy, Henri Frederick (1818-1888)
%OHARRANGER Walton, James George (1821-1905)
%OHAUTHOR Faber, Frederick William (1814-1863);Walton, James George (1821-1905)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 219
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ B A G ; D D D ; D C B, ; G, G, G, }
{ (G F) G ; D2 D ; (B, C) B, ; (G, A,) G, }
{ (A E) F ; E2 D ; A,2 C ; C,2 D, }
{ G3 ; D3 ; B,3 ; G,,3 }
{ G F E ; E D C ; G, G, G, ; C, C, E, }
{ D2 G ; B,2 D ; G,2 B, ; G,2 G,, }
{ D D D ; D C B, ; G, G, G, ; (G F) G }
{ D2 D ; (B, C) B, ; (G, A,) G, ; A3 }
{ E2 D ; A,2 C ; C,2 D, ; B A G }
{ D3 ; B,3 ; G,,3 ; (G F) G }
{ E D C ; G, G, G, ; C, C, E, ; (A E) F }
{ B,2 D ; G,2 B, ; G,2 G,, ; G3 }
{ D C B, ; G, G, G, ; (G F) G ; ^C2 ^C }
{ (B, C) B, ; (G, A,) G, ; A3 ; D3 }
{ A,2 C ; C,2 D, ; B A G ; D D D }
{ B,3 ; G,,3 ; (G F) G ; (D C) B, }
{ G, G, G, ; C, C, E, ; (A E) F ; E2 C }
{ G,2 B, ; G,2 G,, ; G3 ; B,3 }
{ G, G, G, ; (G F) G ; ^C2 ^C ; E,2 G, }
{ (G, A,) G, ; A3 ; D3 ; F,3 }
{ C,2 D, ; B A G ; D D D ; D C B, }
{ G,,3 ; (G F) G ; (D C) B, ; (B, A,) G, }
{ C, C, E, ; (A E) F ; E2 C ; C2 A, }
{ G,2 G,, ; G3 ; B,3 ; G,3 } | X: 219
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 219
T: Faith of Our Fathers
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Frederick W. Faber, 1849. Refrain by James G. Walton, 1874.
C: Music: 'St. Catherine' Henri F. Hemy (1818-1888). Setting: James G. Walton, 1874.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: The Evangelical Hymnal, 1921 Hymn 408.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] B A G | (G F) G | (A E) F | G3 | G F E | D2 G |
w: 1.~Faith of our fa- * thers, liv- * ing still, In spite of dun- geon,
w: 2.~Faith of our fa- * thers, we * will strive To win all na- tions
w: 3.~Faith of our fa- * thers, we * will love Both friend and foe in
[V: S1V2] D D D | D2 D | E2 D | D3 | E D C | B,2 D |
[V: S2V1] D C B, | (B, C) B, | A,2 C | B,3 | G, G, G, | G,2 B, |
[V: S2V2] G, G, G, | (G, A,) G, | C,2 D, | G,,3 | C, C, E, | G,2 G,, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] (G F) G | A3 | B A G | (G F) G | (A E) F | G3 |
w: fi- re and sword; O how our hearts * beat high * with joy
w: un- * to Thee; And through the truth * that comes * from God,
w: all * our strife; And preach Thee, too, * as love * knows how
[V: S1V2] ^C2 ^C | D3 | D D D | (D C) B, | E2 C | B,3 |
[V: S2V1] E,2 G, | F,3 | D C B, | (B, A,) G, | C2 A, | G,3 |
[V: S2V2] A,,2 A,, | D,3 | G, G, G, | D,2 E, | C,2 D, | E,3 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] G F E | D2 B | (A B) A | G3 | c c c |
w: When- e'er we hear that glo- * rious Word! Faith of our
w: We all shall then be tru- * ly free. * * *
w: By kind- ly words and vir- * tuous life. * * *
[V: S1V2] E D C | (B, D) D | E2 F | G3 | G G G |
[V: S2V1] G, G, G, | (G, B,) D | ^C2 =C | B,3 | E E E |
[V: S2V2] C, C, C, | D,2 D, | D,2 D, | G,3 | C, C, C, |
% 17
[V: S1V1] B2 B | A2 A | B3 | !sintro!B A G | E2 G | A2 A | G3 !eintro!|]
w: fa- thers, ho- ly faith! We will be true to thee till death.
[V: S1V2] G2 G | F2 F | G3 | B, C D | C2 B, | D2 C | B,3 |]
[V: S2V1] D2 D | D2 D | D3 | G, G, G, | G,2 G, | G,2 F, | G,3 |]
[V: S2V2] G,2 G, | D,2 D, | G,3 | G,, A,, B,, | C,2 E, | D,2 D, | G,,3 |]
% 25
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.70000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "COMMUNION OF SAINTS 220"
%%footer 1Cor 3:11, Mt 27:24-25, Lk 6:47-49 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHSCRIP 1Cor 3:11, Mt 27:24-25, Lk 6:47-49
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation [5]}, {Blood [1]}, {Brotherhood}, {Bride/Bridegroom [1,7]}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant) [1,6,7]}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant) [1-6]}, {Consecration}, {Cornerstone [1]}, {Courage in Affliction [3-7]}, {Fellowship}, {Heaven [1,6,7]}, {Holiness [1,2,7]}, {Hope}, {Jesus [1,3]}, {Leadership [3]}, {Lord's Supper [2]}, {Peace [4-7]}, {Rest [4-7]}, {Saints (all Faithful) [4]}, {Salvation}, {Trust [3-7]}, {Victory [5]}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHCOMPOSER Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (1810-1876)
%OHAUTHOR Stone, Samuel John (1839-1900)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 220
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ F ; D ; A, ; D, }
{ F F G F ; D D D D ; A, A, B, A, ; D, D, D, D, }
{ F2 E D ; D2 C D ; A,2 A, A, ; A,,2 G,, F,, }
{ D B A G ; B, D D C ; E, E, F, A, ; G,, G,, A,, A,, }
{ F3 ; D3 ; A,3 ; D,3 }
{ D ; A, ; D, ; G }
{ D D D D ; A, A, B, A, ; D, D, D, D, ; A d d c }
{ D2 C D ; A,2 A, A, ; A,,2 G,, F,, ; c2 B A }
{ B, D D C ; E, E, F, A, ; G,, G,, A,, A,, ; G A F D }
{ D3 ; A,3 ; D,3 ; E3 }
{ A, ; D, ; G ; C }
{ A, A, B, A, ; D, D, D, D, ; A d d c ; D D F E }
{ A,2 A, A, ; A,,2 G,, F,, ; c2 B A ; E2 D F }
{ E, E, F, A, ; G,, G,, A,, A,, ; G A F D ; G E D D }
{ A,3 ; D,3 ; E3 ; C3 }
{ D, ; G ; C ; A, }
{ D, D, D, D, ; A d d c ; D D F E ; A, A, ^A, A, }
{ A,,2 G,, F,, ; c2 B A ; E2 D F ; ^A,2 B, C }
{ G,, G,, A,, A,, ; G A F D ; G E D D ; D E A, ^G, }
{ D,3 ; E3 ; C3 ; A,3 } | X: 220
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 220
T: The Church's One Foundation
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Samuel John Stone, 1866. Music: 'Aurelia' Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864.
C: Setting: "Order of worship for the Reformed Church in the United States", 1866.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Lutheran Worship' Hymnal, 1982 Hymn 289.
S: Music source: almost the same as "Order of worship for the Reformed Church in the United States", 1866 Hymn 441
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] F | F F G F | F2 E D | D B A G | F3
w: 1.~The Church- 's one foun- da- tion Is Je- sus Christ her Lord,
w: 2.~She is from ev- ery na- tion, Yet one o'er all the earth;
w: 3.~The Church shall ne- ver per- ish! Her dear Lord to de- fend,
w: 4.~Though with a scorn- ful won- der Men see her sore op- pressed,
w: 5.~'Mid toil and trib- u- la- tion, And tu- mult of her war,
[V: S1V2] D | D D D D | D2 C D | B, D D C | D3
[V: S2V1] A, | A, A, B, A, | A,2 A, A, | E, E, F, A, | A,3
[V: S2V2] D, | D, D, D, D, | A,,2 G,, F,, | G,, G,, A,, A,, | D,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] G | A d d c | c2 B A | G A F D | E3
w: She is His new cre- a- tion By wa- ter and the Word.
w: Her char- ter of sal- va- tion, One Lord, one faith, one birth;
w: To guide, sus- tain, and cher- ish, Is with her to the end:
w: By schi- sms rent a- sun- der, By her- e- sies dis- tressed:
w: She waits the con- sum- ma- tion Of peace for- ev- er- more;
[V: S1V2] C | D D F E | E2 D F | G E D D | C3
[V: S2V1] A, | A, A, ^A, A, | ^A,2 B, C | D E A, ^G, | A,3
[V: S2V2] E, | F, F, F, F,, | G,,2 G,, =A,, | B,, C, D, B,, | A,,3
% 9
[V: S1V1] E | F G A B | B2 A d | d3/2 c/ B F | G3
w: From heav'n He came and sought her To be His ho- ly bride;
w: One ho- ly Name she bless- es, Par- takes one ho- ly food,
w: Though there be those who hate her, And false sons in her pale,
w: Yet saints their watch are keep- ing, Their cry goes up, 'How long?'
w: Till, with the vi- sion glo- rious, Her long- ing eyes are blest,
[V: S1V2] C | D C D D | D2 D F | F3/2 F/ F F | E3
[V: S2V1] A, | A, A, A, G, | G,2 A, B, | B,3/2 ^A,/ B, B, | B,3
[V: S2V2] A,, | D, E, F, G, | G,2 F, B,, | F,3/2 E,/ D, ^D, | E,3
% 13
[V: S1V1] E | F F G F | F2 E !sintro!D | D E D C | D3 !eintro!|]
w: With His own blood He bought her And for her life He died.
w: And to one hope she press- es, With ev- ery grace en- dued.
w: A- gainst or foe or trai- tor She ev- er shall pre- vail.
w: And soon the night of weep- ing Shall be the morn of song!
w: And the great Church vic- tor- ious Shall be the Church at rest.
[V: S1V2] E | D D D D | B,2 B, B, | B, B, B, A, | A,3 |]
[V: S2V1] A, | A, A, B, A, | A,2 G, G, | G, G, E, G, | F,3 |]
[V: S2V2] C, | D, D, D, D, | G,,2 G,, G,, | E,, E,, A,, A,, | D,3 |]
% 19
W:6.Yet she on earth hath union
W:With God the Three in One,
W:And mystic sweet communion
W:With those whose rest is won,
W:With all her sons and daughters
W:Who, by the Master's hand
W:Led through the deathly waters,
W:Repose in Eden land.
W:7.O happy ones and holy!
W:Lord, give us grace that we
W:Like them, the meek and lowly,
W:On high may dwell with Thee:
W:There, past the border mountains,
W:Where in sweet vales the Bride
W:With Thee by living fountains
W:Forever shall abide!
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "221 COMMUNION OF SAINTS"
%%footer Heb 11:13-16, 2Cor 5:1-10, Rev 22:5, Is 51:11-16, 1Pt 1:17-21, Heb 12:22-24, Ps 119:105 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Heb 11:13-16, 2Cor 5:1-10, Rev 22:5, Is 51:11-16, 1Pt 1:17-21, Heb 12:22-24, Ps 119:105
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Art and Music [1,3]}, {Assurance}, {Atonement [2]}, {Brotherhood}, {Christian Life}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant)}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant)}, {Comfort}, {Consolation}, {Cross [4]}, {Faith [2]}, {Father [3]}, {Heaven}, {Holiness}, {Hope}, {Light [2]}, {Presence [2]}, {Rest [4]}, {Saints (all Faithful)}, {Salvation}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER Smart, Henry Thomas (1813-1879)
%OHAUTHOR Ingemann, Bernhardt Severin (1789-1862)
%OHTRANSLATOR Gould, Sabine Baring (1834-1924)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 221
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: A
{ A E A B ; E B, C E ; C B, A, G, ; A, G, F, E,/D,/ |C, A,, E, E, }
{ c3/2 d/ c B ; E E E E ; A,3/2 B,/ A, G, ; C, F, D, C,/B,,/ }
{ e A B c/d/ ; E C F F ; A, A, A, A, ; E, E, A,,2 }
{ E B, C E ; C B, A, G, ; A, G, F, E,/D,/ |C, A,, E, E, ; c B c e }
{ E E E E ; A,3/2 B,/ A, G, ; C, F, D, C,/B,,/ ; A G G F }
{ E C F F ; A, A, A, A, ; E, E, A,,2 ; B B e G }
{ C B, A, G, ; A, G, F, E,/D,/ |C, A,, E, E, ; c B c e ; E E E E }
{ A,3/2 B,/ A, G, ; C, F, D, C,/B,,/ ; A G G F ; C/^D/ E E D }
{ A, A, A, A, ; E, E, A,,2 ; B B e G ; F G/F/ E E }
{ A, G, F, E,/D,/ |C, A,, E, E, ; c B c e ; E E E E ; A, G, A, B, }
{ C, F, D, C,/B,,/ ; A G G F ; C/^D/ E E D ; C B, B, B, }
{ E, E, A,,2 ; B B e G ; F G/F/ E E ; A, B,/A,/ G, B, } | X: 221
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: A
X: 221
T: Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Bernhardt S. Ingemann, 1826. Translated by Sabine Baring-Gould, 1867.
C: Music: 'Rex Gloriae' Henry Thomas Smart, 1868.
C: Setting: "Appendix to Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "Appendix to Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869 Hymn 293. Text is the same as "Concordia Hymnal" 1916.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: A % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] A E A B | c3/2 d/ c B | e A B c/d/ | c B c2 |
w: 1.~Through the night of doubt and sor- row On- ward goes the * pil- grim band,
w: 2.~One the light of God's own pres- ence, O'er His ran- somed * peo- ple shed,
w: 3.~One the strain that lips of thou- sands Lift as from the * heart of one;
w: 4.~On- ward, there- fore, pil- grim bro- thers, On- ward, with the * cross our aid!
[V: S1V2] E B, C E | E E E E | E C F F | E E E2 |
[V: S2V1] C B, A, G, | A,3/2 B,/ A, G, | A, A, A, A, | A, G, A,2 |
[V: S2V2] A, G, F, E,/D,/ |C, A,, E, E, | C, F, D, C,/B,,/ | E, E, A,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] c B c e | A G G F | B B e G | F F E2 |
w: Sing- ing songs of ex- pec- ta- tion, March- ing to the Pro- mised Land.
w: Cha- sing far the gloom and ter- ror, Bright- 'ning all the path we tread:
w: One the con- flict, one the per- il One the march in God be- gun:
w: Bear its shame, and fight its bat- tle, Till we rest be- neath its shade.
[V: S1V2] E E E E | C/^D/ E E D | F G/F/ E E | E ^D E2 |
[V: S2V1] A, G, A, B, | C B, B, B, | A, B,/A,/ G, B, | C B,/A,/ G,2 |
[V: S2V2] A, E, A, G, | F, G,/A,/ B, B,, | ^D, B,, C, B,, | B,, B,, E,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] E3/2 F/ G B | A G F E | A B c/d/ e | d c B2 |
w: Clear be- fore us through the dark- ness Gleams and burns * the gui- ding light:
w: One the ob- ject of our jour- ney, One the faith * which nev- er tires,
w: One the glad- ness of re- joi- cing On the far * e- ter- nal shore,
w: Soon shall come the great a- wak- ing, Soon the rend- * ing of the tomb;
[V: S1V2] E3/2 E/ E F | E E D C | C E E E | E E E2 |
[V: S2V1] G,3/2 A,/ B, =D | C B, A,/B,/ C | A, G, A,/B,/ C | G, A, G,2 |
[V: S2V2] E,3/2 E,/ E, B,, | C,/D,/ E, F,/G,/ A, | F, E, A, C, | B,, A,, (E, D,) |
% 13
[V: S1V1] A E A B | c3/2 d/ c B | !sintro!e A d c | B B A2 !eintro!|]
w: Bro- ther clasps the hand of bro- ther, Step- ping fear- less through the night.
w: One the earn- est look- ing for- ward, One the hope our God in- spires.
w: Where the One Al- might- y Fa- ther Reigns in love for ev- er- more.
w: Then the scatt- 'ring of all sha- dows, And the end of toil and gloom.
[V: S1V2] E E E E | E A E E | E C F E | E3/2 D/ C2 |]
[V: S2V1] A, G, A, G, | A,3/2 B,/ A, G, | A, A, A, A, | A, G, A,2 |]
[V: S2V2] C, E,/D,/ C, B,, | A,, F, E,3/2 D,/ | C, F, D, A,, | E, E, A,,2 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.680000
%%staffsep 0.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "COMMUNION OF SAINTS 222"
%%footer Dan 12:1-3, Rev 20:12-15, 21:26-27, 1Thess 4:13-17 15 11 15 11 8 8 8 11
%OHSCRIP Dan 12:1-3, Rev 20:12-15, 21:26-27, 1Thess 4:13-17
%OHTOPICS {Activity [3]}, {Anticipation}, {Assurance}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant)}, {Comfort}, {Eternal Life}, {Faith}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {Heaven}, {Hope}, {Jesus [2]}, {Resurrection}, {Saints (all Faithful)}, {Second Coming}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 15 11 15 11 8 8 8 11
%OHCOMPOSER Black, James Milton (1856-1938)
%OHARRANGER Gabriel, Charles Hutchinson (1856-1932)
%OHAUTHOR Black, James Milton (1856-1938)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 222
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
{ A3/4 B/4 ; C3/4 D/4 ; A,3/4 A,/4 ; A,,3/4 A,,/4 }
{ c3/4 c/4 c3/4 c/4 c3/4 B/4 A3/4 A/4 ; E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 ; A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 G,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 ; A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4 B,,/4 C,3/4 C,/4 }
{ B3/4 A/4 A3/4 F/4 E ; D3/4 D/4 D3/4 D/4 C ; F,3/4 F,/4 F,3/4 A,/4 A, ; D,3/4 D,/4 D,3/4 D,/4 A,, }
{ C3/4 D/4 ; A,3/4 A,/4 ; A,,3/4 A,,/4 ; A3/4 B/4 }
{ E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 ; A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 G,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 ; A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4 B,,/4 C,3/4 C,/4 ; c3/4 c/4 c3/4 c/4 c3/4 c/4 B3/4 A/4 }
{ D3/4 D/4 D3/4 D/4 C ; F,3/4 F,/4 F,3/4 A,/4 A, ; D,3/4 D,/4 D,3/4 D,/4 A,, ; B3 A3/4 B/4 }
{ A,3/4 A,/4 ; A,,3/4 A,,/4 ; A3/4 B/4 ; C3/4 D/4 }
{ A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 G,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 ; A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4 B,,/4 C,3/4 C,/4 ; c3/4 c/4 c3/4 c/4 c3/4 c/4 B3/4 A/4 ; E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 =D/4 }
{ F,3/4 F,/4 F,3/4 A,/4 A, ; D,3/4 D,/4 D,3/4 D,/4 A,, ; B3 A3/4 B/4 ; E3 C3/4 D/4 }
{ A,,3/4 A,,/4 ; A3/4 B/4 ; C3/4 D/4 ; A,3/4 A,/4 }
{ A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4 B,,/4 C,3/4 C,/4 ; c3/4 c/4 c3/4 c/4 c3/4 c/4 B3/4 A/4 ; E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 =D/4 ; A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 B,3/4 B,/4 }
{ D,3/4 D,/4 D,3/4 D,/4 A,, ; B3 A3/4 B/4 ; E3 C3/4 D/4 ; G,3 A,3/4 A,/4 }
{ A3/4 B/4 ; C3/4 D/4 ; A,3/4 A,/4 ; A,,3/4 A,,/4 }
{ c3/4 c/4 c3/4 c/4 c3/4 c/4 B3/4 A/4 ; E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 =D/4 ; A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 B,3/4 B,/4 ; A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 G,3/4 F,/4 }
{ B3 A3/4 B/4 ; E3 C3/4 D/4 ; G,3 A,3/4 A,/4 ; E,3 A,,3/4 A,,/4 }
{ c3/4 c/4 c3/4 ; E3/4 E/4 E3/4 ; A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 ; A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4 }
{ C3/4 D/4 ; A,3/4 A,/4 ; A,,3/4 A,,/4 ; c/4 c3/4 B/4 A3/4 A/4 }
{ E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 =D/4 ; A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 B,3/4 B,/4 ; A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 G,3/4 F,/4 ; B3/4 A/4 A3/4 F/4 E A3/4 B/4 }
{ E3 C3/4 D/4 ; G,3 A,3/4 A,/4 ; E,3 A,,3/4 A,,/4 ; c3/4 c/4 c3/4 A/4 B3/4 B/4 B3/4 G/4 }
{ E3/4 E/4 E3/4 ; A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 ; A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4 ; A3 } | X: 222
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
X: 222
T: When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: James Milton Black, 1893.
C: Music: 'When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder' James Milton Black, 1893.
C: Setting: Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1893.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "Epworth Songs", 1893 Hymn 57.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Ab % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] A3/4 B/4 | c3/4 c/4 c3/4 c/4 c3/4 B/4 A3/4 A/4 | B3/4 A/4 A3/4 F/4 E
w: 1.~When the trum- pet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more,
w: 2.~On that bright and cloud- less morn- ing when the dead in Christ shall rise,
w: 3.~Let us la- bor for the Mas- ter from the dawn till set- ting sun,
[V: S1V2] C3/4 D/4 | E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 | D3/4 D/4 D3/4 D/4 C
[V: S2V1] A,3/4 A,/4 | A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 G,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 | F,3/4 F,/4 F,3/4 A,/4 A,
[V: S2V2] A,,3/4 A,,/4 | A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4 B,,/4 C,3/4 C,/4 | D,3/4 D,/4 D,3/4 D,/4 A,,
% 4
[V: S1V1] A3/4 B/4 | c3/4 c/4 c3/4 c/4 c3/4 c/4 B3/4 A/4 | B3 A3/4 B/4 | c3/4 c/4 c3/4
w: And the morn- ing breaks, e- ter- nal, bright and fair; When the saved of earth
w: And the glo- ry of His res- ur- rec- tion share; When His cho- sen ones
w: Let us talk of all His won- drous love and care; Then when all of life
[V: S1V2] C3/4 D/4 | E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 =D/4 | E3 C3/4 D/4 | E3/4 E/4 E3/4
[V: S2V1] A,3/4 A,/4 | A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 B,3/4 B,/4 | G,3 A,3/4 A,/4 | A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4
[V: S2V2] A,,3/4 A,,/4 | A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 G,3/4 F,/4 | E,3 A,,3/4 A,,/4 | A,,3/4 A,,/4 A,,3/4
% 7
[V: S1V1] c/4 c3/4 B/4 A3/4 A/4 | B3/4 A/4 A3/4 F/4 E A3/4 B/4 | c3/4 c/4 c3/4 A/4 B3/4 B/4 B3/4 G/4 | A3
w: shall ga- ther ov- er on the o- ther shore, And the roll is called up yon- der, I'll be there.
w: shall ga- ther to their home be- yond the skies, * * * * * * * * * * *
w: is ov- er, and our work on earth is done, * * * * * * * * * * *
[V: S1V2] E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 | D3/4 D/4 D3/4 D/4 C C3/4 D/4 | E3/4 E/4 E3/4 C/4 D3/4 D/4 D3/4 D/4 | C3
[V: S2V1] A,/4 A,3/4 G,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 | F,3/4 F,/4 F,3/4 A,/4 A, A,3/4 A,/4 | A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 G,3/4 G,/4 G,3/4 B,/4 | A,3
[V: S2V2] A,,/4 A,,3/4 B,,/4 C,3/4 C,/4 | D,3/4 D,/4 D,3/4 D,/4 A,, A,,3/4 A,,/4 | E,3/4 E,/4 E,3/4 E,/4 E,3/4 E,/4 E,3/4 E,/4 |A,,3
% 10
[V: S1V1] c3/4 d/4 | e2- e3/4 d/4 c3/4 d/4 | e2 c c3/4 c/4 | d2- d3/4
w: When the roll * is called up yon- der, When the roll *
[V: S1V2] A3/4 B/4 | c2- c3/4 B/4 A3/4 B/4 | c2 A A3/4 A/4 | B2- B3/4
[V: S2V1] z | z E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 | E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E z | z E3/4 E/4 E3/4
[V: S2V2] x | x A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 | A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 A, x | x E,3/4 E,/4 E,3/4
w: When the roll is called up yon- der, I'll be there, When the roll
% 13
[V: S1V1] c/4 B3/4 c/4 | d2 B c3/4 d/4 | e2- e3/4 c/4 B3/4 A/4 |
w: is called up yon- der, When the roll * is called up
[V: S1V2] A/4 G3/4 A/4 | B2 G A3/4 B/4 | c2- c3/4 A/4 E3/4 E/4 |
[V: S2V1] E/4 E3/4 E/4 | E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 E z | z E3/4 E/4 E3/4 E/4 D3/4 C/4 |
[V: S2V2] E,/4 E,3/4 E,/4 | E,3/4 E,/4 E,3/4 E,/4 E, x | x A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 |
w: is called up yon- der, I'll be there, When the roll is called up
% 16
[V: S1V1] A2 d !sintro!d3/4 B/4 | c3/4 c/4 c3/4 A/4 B3/4 B/4 B3/4 G/4 | A3 !eintro!|]
w: yon- der, When the roll is called up yon- der, I'll be there.
[V: S1V2] F2 F F3/4 F/4 | E3/4 E/4 E3/4 C/4 D3/4 D/4 D3/4 D/4 | C3 |]
[V: S2V1] D2 A, A,3/4 A,/4 | A,3/4 A,/4 A,3/4 A,/4 G,3/4 G,/4 G,3/4 B,/4 | A,3 |]
[V: S2V2] D,2 D, D,3/4 D,/4 | E,3/4 E,/4 E,3/4 E,/4 E,3/4 E,/4 E,3/4 E,/4 | A,,3 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.740000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "223 CONSECRATION"
%%footer Jn 16:13, Num 12:6 10 10 10 10
%OHSCRIP Jn 16:13, Num 12:6
%OHTOPICS {Christian Life}, {Closing Songs}, {Following Jesus, In Faith}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification}, {God, Love of}, {God, Providence of}, {Guidance}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Light [1]}, {Presence}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust)}
%OHMETRICAL 10 10 10 10
%OHARRANGER Dewey, Mark Hamilton (1980-)
%OHAUTHOR Forgaill, Dallan (8th Century)
%OHTRANSLATOR Byrne, Mary Elizabeth (1880-1931);Hull, Eleanor Henrietta (1860-1935)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 223
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ E E F/E/ ; E E D/E/ ; B, B, B,/B,/ ; G, G, F,/G,/ }
{ C B, B,/C/ ; C B, B,/C/ ; A, F, F,/A,/ ; E, D, D,/E,/ }
{ E E F ; E E D ; B, B, B, ; G, G, F, }
{ G3 ; E3 ; B,3 ; E,3 }
{ E E D/E/ ; B, B, B,/B,/ ; G, G, F,/G,/ ; F F F }
{ C B, B,/C/ ; A, F, F,/A,/ ; E, D, D,/E,/ ; F G B }
{ E E D ; B, B, B, ; G, G, F, ; c B G }
{ E3 ; B,3 ; E,3 ; B3 }
{ B, B, B,/B,/ ; G, G, F,/G,/ ; F F F ; D D D }
{ A, F, F,/A,/ ; E, D, D,/E,/ ; F G B ; D D G }
{ B, B, B, ; G, G, F, ; c B G ; E F G }
{ B,3 ; E,3 ; B3 ; (E2 G) }
{ G, G, F,/G,/ ; F F F ; D D D ; B, B, B, }
{ E, D, D,/E,/ ; F G B ; D D G ; B, B, B, }
{ G, G, F, ; c B G ; E F G ; C D E }
{ E,3 ; B3 ; (E2 G) ; (B, E2) } | X: 223
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 223
T: Be Thou My Vision
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Attr. Dallan Forgaill, 8th Century. Translated by Mary Byrne, 1905 and Eleanor Hull, 1912.
C: Music: 'Slane' Traditional Irish. Setting: Mark Hamilton Dewey, 2007.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
C: All portions of the setting that were not already public domain were released to the public domain by
C: the arranger on 27 July 2007. He already had released the parts and the versification (except for a few
C: changes in the third verse, which he released to the public domain in 2007) to the public domain in 2006.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] E E F/E/ | C B, B,/C/ | E E F | G3 |
w: 1.~Be Thou my * Vi- sion, O * Lord of my heart;
w: 2.~Be Thou my * Wis- dom, and * Thou my true Word;
w: 3.~Be Thou my * ba- ttle Shield, * Sword for the fight;
w: 4.~Rich- es I * heed not, nor * man's em- pty praise,
w: 5.~High King of * Hea- ven, my * vic- tor- y won,
[V: S1V2] E E D/E/ | C B, B,/C/ | E E D | E3 |
[V: S2V1] B, B, B,/B,/ | A, F, F,/A,/ | B, B, B, | B,3 |
[V: S2V2] G, G, F,/G,/ | E, D, D,/E,/ | G, G, F, | E,3 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] F F F | F G B | c B G | B3 |
w: Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art.
w: I ev- er with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
w: Be Thou my Dig- ni- ty, Thou my De- light;
w: Thou mine In- her- i- tance, now and al- ways:
w: May I reach Heav'ns joys, O bright Hea- ven's Sun!
[V: S1V2] D D D | D D G | E F G | (E2 G) |
[V: S2V1] B, B, B, | B, B, B, | C D E | (B, E2) |
[V: S2V2] B,, B,, B,, | B,, G,, E, | A, B, C | G,3 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] c c/d/e/d/ | c B G | B E D | (C2 B,) |
w: Thou my * * * best Thought, by day or by night, *
w: Thou my * great * Fa- ther, and I Thy true son; *
w: Thou my * soul's * Shel- ter, Thou my high To- wer: *
w: Thou and * Thou * on- ly, be first in my heart, *
w: Heart of * my * own heart, what- ev- er be- fall, *
[V: S1V2] A E/A/c/B/ | A F E | E B, B, | (A,2 B,) |
[V: S2V1] E C/D/E/D/ | E D B, | B, G, F, | (E,2 G,) |
[V: S2V2] C A,/F,/A,/B,/ | A, B, G, | G, E, B,, | (A,,2 G,,) |
% 13
[V: S1V1] !sintro!E G B | c/B/ G E/G/ | F E E | E3 !eintro!|]
w: Wa- king or sleep- * ing, Thy * pre- sence my light.
w: Thou in me dwell- * ing, and * I with Thee one.
w: Raise Thou me heav'n- * ward, O * Pow'r of my pow'r.
w: High King of Hea- * ven, my * Trea- sure Thou art.
w: Still be my Vi- * sion, O * Rul- er of all.
[V: S1V2] B, E G | A/G/ G E/E/ | D E E | E3 |]
[V: S2V1] G, B, B, | C/B,/ E B, | B, B, B, | B,3 |]
[V: S2V2] B,, B,, G, | A,/G,/ B, G, | F, E, B,, | G,3 |]
% 18
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
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%%header "CONSECRATION 224"
%%footer Ps 36:9-11, Jn 4:13-14, 1Sam 7:3-12, Heb 13:20-21, 1Pt 1:18-19, Eph 1:13-14 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 36:9-11, Jn 4:13-14, 1Sam 7:3-12, Heb 13:20-21, 1Pt 1:18-19, Eph 1:13-14
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Atonement}, {Blood [3,5]}, {Christian Life [4]}, {Discipleship [4]}, {Eternal Life [5]}, {God, Love of}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gospel [3]}, {Grace}, {Inner Life}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Jesus}, {Leadership}, {Love [1]}, {Presence}, {Salvation}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER Nettleton, Asahel (1783-1844)
%OHAUTHOR Robinson, Robert (1735-1790)
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