49 values
3 values
Algõ ploggõg mängõ, Twitter īrgiz blokīertõ auto-vastūks bot, mis vastātiz jegān Wordle rezultāt postõn tulbiz pǟva sõnāks.
To not plog the game, Twitter began blocking the auto-devast bot, which responded to every Wordle result post with the message of the following day.
To prevent play from being spoiled, Twitter took action to block an auto-reply bot that replied to any Wordle result post with the next day's word.
"LaMDA um ārmaz läpš, kis tōb set äbțõ, laz mōīlma vȯlkõ parām kūož mäddõn amādõn," kēratiz ta.
"LaMDA is a loving child who just wants to help make the world a better place for us all," he wrote.
“LaMDA is a sweet kid who just wants to help the world be a better place for all of us,” he wrote.
Meg plōnõm pandõ jūrõ set jakūt dattõd.
The Meg plan to add only a jacket of dattos.
We only plan to add Yakut data.
"Jose Eduardo Daiõn um sūr kontaktõd võrgõ Mozambīksõ ja ma uskūb, ku se āndab kaz Ēstimō ja Mozambīk kubbõ pūtimizõn," kītiz Amer.
"Jose Eduardo Dai has a great network of contacts in Mozambique and I believe it will give a boost to cooperation between Estonia and Mozambique," Amer said.
"Jose Eduardo Dai has an extensive network of contacts in Mozambique and I believe it contributes to the relations of Estonia and Mozambique," Amer said.
Miina Norvik, Helle Metslang, Karl Pajusalu ja Eva Saar rõkāndõbõd iļ līvõ kīel kizzimizt struktūr areāl kontekstõs, Marili Tomingas – iļ nägțijizt azūmsõnād sūlizõs līvõ kīels.
Miina Norvik, Helle Metslang, Karl Pajusalu and Eva Saar discuss the issues of the Liv language in the context of the structure of the area, Marili Tomingas - about the substitution terms in the oral Liv language.
Miina Norvik, Helle Metslang, Karl Pajusalu, and Eva Saar analyse the structure of Livonian polar questions in an areal context, Marili Tomingas describes pronouns in spoken Livonian.
Amber Heard ei tig online-kiužimiz oppõrõks eņtš lāim võikslimiz āigal Johnny Deppõks, tūodsõ īņõ ležgliz partnēr vägvālda sītimizt.
Amber Heard remained a supporting online mobster during her wave fight with Johnny Depp, bringing along the accusations of violence by a close partner.
Amber Heard became a victim of vicious online harassment during her defamation battle with Johnny Depp, involving allegations of intimate-partner violence.
Aprilkūs īti video nägțiz nāizta lǟmõs kouvstõ alā Maharashtra vȯzāvaldõs, laz sōgõ vietā.
In April, a similar video showed a woman walking down a cave in a Maharashtra meat field to get water.
In April, a similar video showed a woman going down a well in Maharashtra state to get water.
Jegāpǟvaļi sõnā um īž amādõn.
Every day's word is the same for everyone.
The daily word is the same for everyone.
Ēstimō Ovkonzul Mozambīksõ um šeftmīez Jose Eduardo Dai.
Estonian Ovconzul in Mozambique is Sheikh Jose Eduardo Dai.
Estonia's Honorary Consul in Mozambique is entrepreneur Jose Eduardo Dai.
"Īž ku ta [Heard] vȯlks vindõn, sīen vȯlks vȯnd īebtõb mȯj päzzijiztõn, sīepierāst ku mitikš äb tō vȱlda äbusktõd ja ūigastõd seļļiz āigal ku ta vȯļ," kītiz Sundberg jemānd.
"Even if he [Heard] had ventured, it would have had a persistent effect on escapees because no one wants to be unbelieved and humiliated at the time he was," Ms Sundberg said.
"Even if she [Heard] had won, this would have had a chilling effect on survivors because no-one wants to be disbelieved and discredited on the kind of scale that she was," said Ms Sundberg.
Mäd reporter Masanuki Sunakoma siegīz ja siegīz setmõd minūtõd — vaņțõl rezultātõ!
Our reporter Masanuki Sunakoma mixed and mixed for a few minutes - watch the result!
Our reporter Masanuki Sunakoma kept mixing and mixing for several minutes — look at the result!
"Jedmõl ku COVID tuļ, meg jelīzmõ jõvīst, mäddõn vȯļtõ kuordizt pālkad... se um vȯnd šok," kītiz ta.
"Before COVID arrived, we lived well, we had high wages... it has been a shock," he said.
"Before COVID hit, we lived fine, we have high salaries ... it has been a shock," she said.
"Um pūoj, mikš jemmit rovžti pidābõd kiužimizt set eņtšõn."
"There's a reason why most people keep bullying only to themselves."
"There is a reason that most people keep their abuse private."
Sadād tūontõd vȯļtõ sōtõd karantīnsidāmiž, kus vȯļ pǟgiņ rovžti, mingizkõrd ne vȯļtõ vīedõd järā politsij pūold vastõ eņtš tōmizt.
Hundreds of thousands had been sent to quarantine centres, where there were lots of people, sometimes they had been taken away by police officers against their will.
Hundreds of thousands were sent to crowded quarantine centres, sometimes dragged away by police against their will.
OJK jūondiji, kaptēn Rene Arikas kītiz, ku brak deformātsij um jemīņ jo lāigali äbku tīm līediz lǟndzāigast.
The OJK leader, Captain Rene Arikas said the deformation of the vrak is more layered than the team found last year.
OJK head, Captain Rene Arikas, said that hull deformation is far more extensive than the crew found last year.
Ghusiyasõ kõzzizt jelānikād ātõ kītõnd, ku ne lībõd boikotīertõ kūožliži vēļimiži täm āigastõn, laz protestīerõg vast vōļikšt.
In Ghusiyas, angry residents have said they will boycott local elections this year in a bid to protest the government.
In Ghusiya, angry villagers have said they will boycott local elections this year to protest against the government.
Līvõ tuņšlimizt āigastsadā Tartu Iļīzskūols.
The century of Liv studies at the University of Tartu.
A century of Livonian studies at the University of Tartu.
Tuoiz kūož pǟl vȯļ "nēļast kūd kūzõ sōņõ" (26.5 protsentõ mīeḑi ja 30.2 protsentõ naiži), mis nägțõb, ku sūr vȯzā (69.4 protsentõ mīeḑi ja 69.7 protsentõ naiži) vȯļtõ kōdstõ kūd kūzõ sōņõ pūolsõ, kītõs, ku um parām vȯdlõ mingizt aigõ ku īekõ matkā pǟl ildīņ irgõms kubsõ vȯlmiz āigal.
On the second place was "four months to six eggs" (26.5 per cent of men and 30.2 per cent of women), suggesting that much meat (69.4 per cent of men and 69.7 per cent of women) was between two months to six eggs in half, suggesting that it's better to wait some time rather than jumping on a journey in total time.
In second place was “four to six months“, (26.5 percent of males and 30.2 percent of females), which indicates the overwhelming majority (69.4 percent of males and 69.7 percent of females) were in the two-to-six months camp, suggesting it’s better to wait awhile rather than jump straight into a trip during the initial stages of dating.
Tēriņtš amādõn, meg ūomõ ilzõ andõnd termind.
Thank you all, I have given up the term.
Hi All, we have published the deadlines.
"Se um vȯnd sūr äbī Shanghaiõn ja mäddõn amādõn - kūolõnd, rovzt īlma tīedõ, vizzõ pandõd šeftõd - ku meg võtām siedā až mäddõn vȯlks amā jõvīst, meg äb ūomõ parāmõd ku īrmatõkst."
"It has been a great disgrace for Shanghai and for all of us - the dead, the people without work, the closed chefs - that we take it if we have the best, we are not better than hired."
"This has been a huge shame for Shanghai and for all of us - the dead, the unemployed, the closed businesses - if we celebrate as though we're fine, we're no better than beasts."
Tēriņtš amādõn, min um jõvā mēļ tīetõ, ku meg ūomõ jūrõ pannõd nēļa ūdtõ kīelpōrõ WMT22 iļamīz mašīntulkiõm ilzandõksõn: ukrain <-> tšehij, ukrain <-> engliš, horvātij <-> engliš ja līvõ <-> engliš.
Hello to all, I am delighted to announce that we have added four new language pairs to the WMT22 translation process: Ukrainian <-> Czech, Ukrainian <-> English, Croatian <-> English and Liv <-> English.
Hi All, I am happy to announce that we have added four new language pairs into the WMT22 General MT task: Ukrainian <-> Czech, Ukrainian <-> English, Croatian <-> English and Livonian <-> English.
Vanaga pierrõ amātīt äb pidā emīņ piketidi agā ralliži nemē nädīļ tāgižpēḑõn, sīepierāst ku polītikõd äbvõimi kompromisõd līedamiz pierāst protestõd āigal ja äbvõimi tūlda vastõ LIZDA kizzimiztõn um nägțõn loptāntõks tīedõb vālda "õigizt pīlõmt".
According to Vanaga, the agency will no longer hold picks or rallies as a week ago because of the police's inability to find compromises during protests and the inability to come face to LIZDA's inquests has shown the decision to make a white "right stand".
According to Vanaga, the trade union will not hold pickets or rallies anymore, like it did last week, because the inability of politicians to find a compromise during the protests and to meet the demands of LIZDA has shown the “real attitude” of the decision-making authority.
Shanghai vāldad ātõ tapārtõnd problēmidi nemē murūd tuoitõks ja ātõ kōļõnd nȭŗkastõ botīļkaggõl, bet vȯļtõ veitantõnd eņtš vizzõ piddimizt nul-COVID pandõkstõn pierrõ siedā, ku Peking pīkstiz višīņtimizt.
The Shanghai whites have witnessed problems as food of grief and attempted to nurture a bottle of food, but had reduced their adherence to zero-COVID rules after Beijing pushed for reinforcement.
Shanghai authorities have acknowledged problems such as issues with obtaining food supplies and striven to loosen bottlenecks, but had relented little on their adherence to zero-COVID curbs after Beijing urged a doubling down.
Gunta Kļava ja Valts Ernštreits tuņšlõbõd līvõ kīel kūož kīel mōnists ja ūd samūd sīe nǟdõbõks tīemiz arāl.
Gunta Kļava and Valts Ernštreits explore the place of the Liv language in the language monuments and new steps towards making it visible.
Gunta Kļava and Valts Ernštreits characterise the position of Livonian in the linguistic landscape of Latvia and new initiatives for increasing its visibility.
1. janvār ja 13. janvār vail 1.2. miljonõ Wordle rezultātõ jagīzti Twitterõs.
Between 1 January and 13 January, 1.2 million Wordle results were shared on Twitter.
Between January 1 and 13, 1.2 million Wordle results were shared on Twitter.
"Sīekõrd um lǟdõd iļ jegā rubīž."
"This time has gone over every border."
"This time, every bottom line has been crossed."
Bet jūomiz vež um ikštõz äbsōdõb miljonõdõn.
But drinking water is still ineligible for millions.
But drinking water is still inaccessible to millions.
Meg võtāksmõ rīemliztiz vastõ sponsoridi, kis võikstõ tiggõ rištīng īndatõkst ukrain kakškēļizt īndatijiztõks.
The Meg would gladly welcome sponsors who could support humanity's comparisons with Ukrainian dual-speech voters.
We would be happy to welcome any additional sponsor who could support human evaluation with Ukrainian bilingual annotators.
Kub lopāndõksõl um lugdõb Tuuli Tuisk ja Karl Pajusalu iļvaņtlõks līvõd tuņšlimizõst ja līvõ kīel opātimizõst Tartu Iļīzskūols ja mūsõ 1919. āigastõst tämpizsōņõ.
At the end of the chapter, I read a review by Tuuli Tuisk and Karl Pajusalu of the study of the Livs and teaching of the Liv language at the University of Tartu and us from 1919 till today.
This collection concludes with Tuuli Tuisk’s and Karl Pajusalu’s overview of Livonian research and Livonian language teaching at the University of Tartu and elsewhere since 1919.
Wardle mǟdliz eņtš Wordle prototīpõ ja vȯļ inspirīertõd kōdõst ažāst Spelling Beesõ, laz kazāntõg prototīpõ jeddõpēḑõn: īdkȭrdali kuodlīed tīeg tabāndõks pierāst, ja īd tabāndõks pǟvas limīt.
Wardle recalled his Wordle prototype and was inspired by two things in the Spelling Bees to develop the prototype further: a simple home page to make a tab, and one tab in a day limits.
Wardle recalled his Wordle prototype and was inspired by two elements from Spelling Bee to flesh out the prototype further: the simple-to-use website design for the puzzle, and the limitation of one puzzle per day.
Jobā paldīž kuodvägvālda um krōnliztiz äbkaibdõd.
For now, domestic violence is chronically uncovered.
Already, domestic assault is chronically underreported.
Midēd ūdtõ äb ūo eḑḑikilgsõ.
There is nothing new on the forehead.
There are no surprises on the bow side.
Täm tapārtõkst joskīzt pǟgiņ, häshtǟgõd, mis kutsõbõd tǟnda sotsiopātõks, vȯļtõ trendõd Twittersõ, ja pōlandõkskēra võttõ täm järā tulbiz Aquaman 2 filmstõ sai jemīņ ku 4.4 m alīzkerrõ.
His testimony soared a lot, hassels calling him a socialite were trending on Twitter, and a petition to remove him from the upcoming Aquaman 2 film received more than 4.4 metres of signature.
Her testimony was widely mocked, hashtags calling her a sociopath trended on Twitter, and a petition to remove her from the upcoming Aquaman 2 has, to date, received more than 4.4m signatures.
Ku se irgõb kīemõ, võtā se ulzõ ja sieg siedā jeddõpēḑõn, vel ja vel kuņtš se īeb viendõbõks pastāks!
When it starts to cook, take it out and mix it forward, still and until it becomes a viendive paste!
Once it comes to a boil, take it out and mix it further, over and over until it becomes a stretchy paste!
Jag lopāndõksõl um lugdõb Anna Verschik iļvaņtlõks iļ jidiš kīelvīțõd līvõ kīel kontaktõd arāl.
At the end of the chapter, we read Anna Verschik's review of the array of Liv language contacts in the Jewish language.
This part of the special issue concludes with Anna Verschik’s overview of Yiddish varieties spoken in the Livonian contact area.
Sīe jūrõ LIZDA līb rõkkõ kūožliži valdidi, opātõks kūožõd jūondijiži, iļīzskūol jednikīdi ja vanbiži sīepierāst ku 'näntõn um sōmõst arū, ku opātijidõn mīeldõb strōdõ lapstõks, bet paldīņiz tīeāigaks opātijizõn äb ūo täudõld aigõ täutõ ūd opātimiz võttõks sǟdõmidi'.
Additionally, the LIZDA will be speaking to local governments, education districts managers, university representatives and parents because 'they need to understand that teachers like to work with children, but with the current working hours, teachers don't have enough time to comply with the new teaching obligations.'
In addition, LIZDA will address local governments, educational establishment leaders, university representatives, and parents, because 'they have to understand that teachers like to work with children, but with the current workload, the teacher cannot afford sufficient time to meet the requirements required by the new teaching content'.
Iļammiz MT ilzandõks organizīertijizt pūold, Tom Kocmi
Overhauled MT's performance from the organizer side, Tom Kocmi
On behalf of General MT task organizers, Tom Kocmi
Ēstimōn um paldīž seis ovkonzulātõ Āfriks: Mozambīksõ, Kēnijsõ, Jedāl-Āfriks, Maurītiussõ, Ghanasõ, Marokosõ ja Tūnisijsõ.
Estonia currently has seven auscultations in Africa: Mozambique, Kenya, South Africa, Mauritius, Ghana, Morocco and Tunisia.
Estonia currently has seven honorary consuls in Africa: in Mozambique, Kenya, South Africa, Mauritius, Ghana, Morocco and Tunisia.
Ikškēļizõst kōd-siegdõd mašīn tulkõm sōņõ (alāilzandõks-1): sīesõ alāilzandõksõs hindi ja engliš ātõ kakš ovātkīeldõ ja lopāndõkskēļ um hingliš.
From one-speech double-digit machine to translation (subversion-1): in this subversion Hindi and English there are two source languages and the final language is English.
Monolingual to code-mixed machine translation (Subtask-1): In this subtask, Hindi and English are the two source languages and the target language is Hinglish.
Sīe tūorõz arkõks meg mūtõm nim "Ziņād tulkõm ilzandõksõst" "Iļammiz MT ilzandõksõks".
With this raw archive, I am changing the name from "Ziņai Translate From The Implementation" to "Illamiz MT Implementation".
With this fresh direction, we are changing the name from “News translation task” to “General MT task”
Se kub on sindõn Tartu Iļīzskuōl Ēsti ja iļämniz kīeltieud institūt, Tartu Iļīzskūol arheologij, genētik ja kīeltieud sidtõd tuņšlimizt kolēgij ja Lețmō Iļīzskūol Līvõd institūt kubstīes.
This team was formed in collaboration between the Estonian and Transnational Institute of Language Sciences at the University of Tartu, the Archaeology, Genetics and Language Sciences Associated Research Collegiate at the University of Tartu and the Livonian Institute at the University of Latvia.
This collection was created through the cooperation of the University of Tartu Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, the University of Tartu Collegium for Transdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, Genetics, and Linguistics, and the University of Latvia Livonian Institute.
Jõvā võimi lem ja kūja Jōņpǟva pierāst.
A good chance for a warm and dry day.
Good chance of a warm and dry Midsummer festival.
Ižkiz tikkiž īpiž mäng nimkõks Wordle! Steven Cravotta pūold vȯļ nägțõd ilzõ App Storesõ vīž āigastõ jedmõl ku Wardle Wordle, se sai pǟgiņ allõ lōdimiži ja vȯstõkši rovzt pūold, kis mõtlīzt, ku se um Wardle mäng, täm mäng vȯļ lōdtõd allõ jemīņ ku 200 000 kõrdõ.
A all-natural game called Wordle! Steven Cravotta's side had been shown up in the App Store five years before Wardle Wordle, it received a lot of downloads and purchases from people who thought it was Wardle's game, its game had been downloaded under more than 200,000 times.
Separately, an entirely different game called Wordle! by Steven Cravotta, which had been released on the App Store five years prior to Wardle's Wordle, saw a boost in downloads and purchases from people who thought it was Wardle's game; according to Cravotta, between January 5 and 12, 2022, his game was downloaded over 200,000 times.
TikToksõ pōrõd mǟngiztõ jelābidi vägvālda tīemiži, mis Heard jemānd vizāntiz kūodsõ, kōļõs sieldiz nägțõ, ku ne vȯļtõ ulzmõttõltõd.
On TikToks, the couple played live acts of violence that Ms Heard confirmed in court in an attempt to clearly show that they were outraged.
On TikTok, couples acted out graphic acts of violence alleged by Ms Heard on the stand, in an apparent effort to show they were fabricated.
Pǟgiņ rovžti kūolizt pierrõ siedā, ku äb sōnõd puojmizt meditsīnlizt abbõ.
Many people died after failing to get basic medical help.
Many people died after being unable to access essential medical care.
"Ma mõtlõb, ku pǟgiņ rovžti võtābõd sīe mõtmõt, kui lǟlam se um."
"I think a lot of people are taking it without thinking how hard it is."
"I think a lot of people take for granted how hard it actually is.
Terapeutõd ja psiholōgõd kītizt Reutersõn murāglizt rõkūd kazīzt sīel āigal.
Therapists and psychologists told Reuters the sad conversations grew at the time.
Therapists and psychologists told Reuters anxious calls had surged during the period.
Pierāst ta jagīz siedā eņtš sugūdõks, kus se "aššõ ei obsesiōnõks" nänt siegās.
He later shared it with his relatives, where that "a thing became obsession" among them.
Later he shared it with his relatives, where it "rapidly became an obsession" with them.
Sērij ežmi kub tuļ ulzõ 2014. āigasts (ESUKA 5 – 1), tuoi – 2016. (ESUKA 7 – 1) ja kuolmõz – 2018. āigasts (ESUKA 9 – 2).
The first collection of the series was released in 2014 (ESUKA 5 - 1), the second - in 2016 (ESUKA 7 - 1) and the third - in 2018 (ESUKA 9 - 2).
The first collection in this series appeared in 2014 (ESUKA 5 – 1), the second in 2016 (ESUKA 7 – 1), and the third in 2018 (ESUKA 9 – 2) – the current special issue is the fourth.
Ta kītiz, ku tämmõn äb ūo teļļimizt tīedõ mäng šeftõks ja "se äb kōļ tīedõ midēd sļiktõ sin dattõdõks agā sīlmadõks - se um set mäng, mis um vitšli.
He said he has no intention of doing a game with a šeft and "It's not trying to do anything to spray your dattos or eyes - it's just a game that's vitrible.
He had said that he has no intention to monetize the game and "It's not trying to do anything shady with your data or your eyeballs - it's just a game that's fun."
Sīe konferents referātõd īds jags ātõ ka sīe kub kērad alīzõks.
The references to this conference, in one part, are also the basis of the articles of this collection.
The presentations at this conference form the basis of the articles in this collection.
Kub tuoiz jags sōb vaņtõltõd līvõd pierāndõks ja sīe kūož tämpizpǟvan.
The second part of the Cube examines the Livonian heritage and its place in modern times.
The second half of this collection examines historical Livonian heritage and its role today.
"Až ma äb tīedaks akurāt, mis se vȯļ, mis um dātor program, mis meg teimõ veitõ aigõ tāgižpeḑõn, ma mõtlõks, ku se vȯļ seisāigastli, kōdõksāigastli läpš, kis mūoštab fizikõ," kītiz Lemoine, 41, Washington Postõn.
"If I didn't know exactly what it was, which is a computer program that we did a little while ago, I would think it was a seven-year-old, eight-year-old kid who knows physics," Lemoine, 41, told the Washington Post.
“If I didn’t know exactly what it was, which is this computer program we built recently, I’d think it was a seven-year-old, eight-year-old kid that happens to know physics,” Lemoine, 41, told the Washington Post.
Brak um sǟl deformīertõd, ōkõdõks, sprāigadõks, pagdõb ja kuoig uļļikilg um sizzõl pīkstõd. Sīepierāst ku kajtõks tīekõb brak alā, meg äb nǟmõ siedā tikkiž, bet se um nägțõb 40 mētõr immõr."
The brake is there deformed, with holes, explosions, hiding and the ship's outer edge is pushed in. Because the cover works under the brake, we don't see it all, but it's showing around 40 metres."
"The hull is deformed there, with holes, cracks, crumpling and the outside plating of the ship being pressed inward. Because the damage continues under the hull, we cannot see its full extent, but it is visible along ca 40 meters."
Estlink pasažīerkuoig MS Estonia ūpandiz riek pǟl Tallinõst Stokholmõ 28. septembõrõn 1994, 852 ristīngt 989õst kuoig pǟl kōtizt eņtš jel braksõ.
Estlink passenger ship MS Estonia crashed on its way from Tallinn to Stockholm on September 28, 1994, with 852 people of 989 on board losing their lives in the brake.
Estlink passenger ferry MS Estonia sank on the way from Tallinn to Stockholm on September 28, 1994, with 852 people out of 989 on board losing their lives in the shipwreck.
"Kubbõvõttõks, võttõks um ītlõ, midā meg võimõ nǟdõ mierpūojsõ tämpõ sīekõks, midā digitāli dvīn võib mäddõn kītõ leb simulātsij. Või kuoig upāndimi ja kajtõks eitõ nei mäd mudīļsõ īdtõmūodõ neiku midā meg nǟmõ mierpūojsõ."
"Together, the key is the unity that we can see in the marine basin today with what a digital twist can tell us through simulation. Or the sunkeness and loss of a ship remained the same in our models as what we see in the marine basin."
"In summary, the goal is to compare what we can see on the seafloor today to what the digital twin can tell us through simulation. Whether the sinking of the ship and the damage sustained along the way in our model coincide with what we see on the seabed."
Tuoiz kūož pǟl vȯļ 67 īelkõks irm, ku ne vȯlks nǟdõd īlma meikõ ja kuolmiz kūož pǟl vȯļ eņtš tieudzlizt murūd iļ krōkšimiz ja iļ vīț, kui ne magātõbõd, īdõks nägțõbõks vȯļ andtõd ambõd krõukšimi.
On the second place, there were 67 voices of fear that they would have been seen without make-up and on the third place there were their own conscious concerns about crushing and the way they sleep, one example was given toothbrushing.
In second place, with 67 votes, was the fear of being seen without makeup, and in third place were self-conscious worries about snoring and the way they sleep, with teeth-grinding given as one example.
Agā kajd vȯtšimi kēļštimiz pierāst līb "kuondtõb", ku siedā kȭlbatõbõd kuŗŗõtējizt kui PR-stratēgij," kītiz Brodsky jemānd.
But the search for cages for explanation will be "coordinating" as it is being used by criminals as a PR strategy," Ms Brodsky said.
But seeking damages for defamation becomes "alarming" when it is used by perpetrators as a PR strategy, Ms Brodsky said,
Ku jennõd Shanghai jelānikād rūoikizt ulzõ sīe nädīļ, laz sōgõd kubbõ eņtš sõbrādõks ja tīegõ vāldiž vōvīnõ, laz tǟtõgõd kakš kūdõ pitkā karantīn lopāndõkst, Li Menghua vȯļ pakkõmõs ēņtš ibūkssalongõ, kardi abnõv kaj, laz lõptāg COVID-19.
When many residents of Shanghai rushed out this week to meet their friends and make an open vanity to celebrate the end of a two-month long quarantine, Li Menghua was packing her hair salon, a hard abnormal cure to end COVID-19.
As many Shanghai residents rushed onto the streets this week to reunite with friends and pop champagne to celebrate the end of a two month-long lockdown, Li Menghua was busy packing up his hair salon, a casualty of the draconian quest to stamp out COVID-19.
Kōjvīțlizt tänktõkst 11.–13. āigastsadā līvõd kultūrs ja muinizkrīevmō jelānikād jūs: ežmizt tuņšlimizt rezultātõd.
The chauvinary tenets of the 11th-13th century in Liv culture and the residents of ancient Russia: the results of preliminary studies.
Spoon-shaped pendants in the culture of the Livonians and inhabitants of Ancient Russia in the 11th-13th centuries: preliminary study results.
Ēstimō tei vāldiž eņtš seismiz ovkonzulāt Āfriks Mozambīksõ kūolmõndpǟvan, tīedsõ jo īdkȭrdaliz tiegūd tǟmikšimiz ēstliztõn sīel arāl ja lagtõs kubbõ pūtimiži.
Estonia opened its seventh ovoculate for Africa in Mozambique on Wednesday, making a more simple event targeting the Estonians at that stage and spreading interconnections.
Estonia opened its seventh honorary consul in Africa in Mozambique on Wednesday making it easier to provide services to Estonians in the region and boost contacts.
Hindi kīel kītõmõd ātõ kēratõd Devangari skriptsõ, sīel āigal ku lopāndõks hingliš tekst um kēratõd romān skriptsõ.
The Hindi language phrases have been written in the Devangari script, while the final English text is written in the novel script.
The Hindi language sentences are written in the Devanagari script whereas the target Hinglish language text is written in the Roman script.
"Kāmera nägțiz piškiži eļļõ buļīdi nūzõmõs viedpīnda pǟl.
"The camera showed little oil bubbles rising on the water surface.
"The camera showed tiny oil bubbles rising to the surface."
Jennõd indiļizt reagīertizt sotsiālmēdijsõ sīe pǟlõ, midā ne kutzīzt "sidāmt murdtõb" videoks ja pīkstizt vāldamēḑi, laz ne äbțõgõd killõ.
Many Indians reacted on social media to what they called a "heartbreaking" video and pressured white people to help the village.
Many Indians on social media reacted to what they called a "heart-breaking" video and urged officials to urgently help the village.
Rene Arikas kītiz, ku tīmõn pidāks vȱlda ežmizt rezultātõd iļ fotogramētrij tuņšlõks jūnij perīz nädīļ lopāndõks āigal.
Rene Arikas said the team should have the first results of the photogrammetry study by the end of the last week of June.
Rene Arikas said that the team should have the preliminary results of the photogrammetry study by the last week of June.
Jemād vȯļtõ lagdõd eņtš läpšīst ežmiz päuvši, kuņtš ovāri protestkriukimi sai vālda mūtõm polītikõ.
The mothers were separated from their children in the early days of their marriage, when an overexpected protest crackdown was white to change politics.
Mothers were separated from their children in the early days until a public outcry moved authorities to revise the policy.
Emojid rīnda kopīertõd jaggõs rezultātõ mängstõ sīe kēra illõ.
Emoji breast copied by sharing the result of the game on top of this article.
The emoji grid copied by sharing the result from the game at the top of this article.