The NFL says its investigation into whether the New England Patriots used under-inflated footballs in the AFC Championship game is ongoing after a report late on Tuesday claimed the league found 11 balls were not properly inflated. Troy Vincent, the NFL executive vice president for football operations, told The Associated Press the 'investigation is underway and we're still awaiting findings.' Vincent was responding to an ESPN report that cited anonymous league sources saying 11 of the Patriots' 12 allotted game footballs were under-inflated by 2 pounds per square inch of air. ESPN did not say how that occurred. VIDEO Scroll down to watch match highlights and reaction . New England Patriots' AFC Championship win against the Indianapolis Colts is under review by the NFL over their alleged use of deflated footballs on Sunday night . Pats head coach Bill Belichick (right) was fined £330,000 in 2007 for videotaping sideline coaches . New England's Julian Edelman (right) runs with the ball against D'Qwell Jackson during Sunday's match . Vincent said earlier Tuesday he expected the probe to be concluded by the end of the week. The last thing the NFL wants after a difficult season off the field is a potential cheating scandal that disrupts Super Bowl week. New England faces the Seattle Seahawks on Feb. 1 in Glendale, Arizona. The Patriots, who beat the Indianapolis Colts 45-7 for the AFC title, said they were cooperating with the league, and a Seahawks spokesman said the team would defer to the league on the matter. The NFL began looking into the issue not only because doctoring the footballs could provide a competitive advantage, but because it would compromise the integrity of the game. Deflating a football can change the way it's gripped by a player or the way it travels through the air. Under NFL rules, each team provides balls each game for use when its offense is on the field. The balls are inspected before the game by the officiating crew, then handled during the game by personnel provided by the home team. Social media responses were quick late Tuesday night and into Wednesday morning. It has been claimed that officials took a ball out of play during the AFC Championship game to weigh it . '11 of 12 balls under-inflated can anyone spell cheating!!! (hash)Just Saying' was the tweet from Hall of Fame receiver Jerry Rice. 'So we get to play the game again or nah? ??' tweeted Colts cornerback Darius Butler. Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers said on ESPN radio in Milwaukee that he didn't like how referees who inspected balls before games take air out of the game balls. 'I have a major problem with the way it goes down, to be honest with you,' Rodgers said. 'The majority of the time, they take air out of the football. That, for me, is a disadvantage.' 'My belief is that there should be a minimum air-pressure requirement but not a maximum,' Rodgers said. 'There's no advantage, in my opinion. We're not kicking the football. There's no advantage in having a pumped-up football. Patriot's player Nate Solder (right) surges towards the touchdown line against the Colts . Pats quarterback Tom Brady (right) and Belichick have built an incredible run at New England.  In 14 seasons together, they have recorded only one losing record and missed the playoffs just three times . New England quarterback Brady holds up the trophy following the AFC Championship game on Sunday . Patriots owner Bob Kraft (left) will see his side face the Seattle Seahawks in the Super Bowl on February 1 . Brady (right) and Kraft celebrates their victory against the Indianapolis Colts on Sunday . Patriots quarterback Tom Brady said the investigation was the least of his worries. And tight end Rob Gronkowski tweeted a photo of himself spiking the ball with the words: 'WARNING GRONKING MAY CAUSE DEFLATION.' Patriots coach Bill Belichick on Tuesday deferred questions about the investigation, saying reporters should ask league officials. Belichick earlier said he wasn't aware there was an issue until Monday, and promised to 'cooperate fully with whatever the league wants us to, whatever questions they ask.' Belichick, of course, was fined $500,000 in 2007 for having an assistant spy on the New York Jets' defensive signals. Colts coach Chuck Pagano said he did not notice issues with the football and didn't specify when asked whether the Colts had reported the issue to officials. 'We talk just like they talk to officials (before the game),' he said. 'We have an opportunity to talk to the officials about a lot of things.' Players were mobbed by fans after the game. It's the eighth time the Patriots have won the AFC Championship . An ecstatic Brady (right) spoke to reporters after leading the Patriots to victory against the Colts . Fans rushed to congratulate the Patriots after their 45-7 victory over the Indianapolis Colts . Brady's supermodel wife Gisele Bündchen was there to celebrate his AFC Championship victory . Delighted New England fans celebrated their progression to the Super Bowl with jubilant scenes in the stands . Brady's next challenge comes against the Seahawks in Arizona in two weeks .
The bouzoeki is a stringed guitar-type instrument.
The strong personality of Leo man impresses the Aquarius woman to the depth of her heart. ... They are not only physically attracted to each other but they also admire and respect each other's personality traits and always feel complete in each other's company.
LONDON - Prime Minister Tony Blair faced a revolt by lawmakers Wednesday over a U.S. request to redeploy some British troops closer to Baghdad.
Atlantic Ocean
UPDATE: I must have gotten a bad bag the first time around. I just got another bag and opened it today. The beans were aromatic, fresh, and oily. The coffee was perfect this time around using the same amount of beans as last time. The coffee was nice and bold. It was not watered down and weak. My coffee snob husband even loved it. I ordered another bag right away. I am hoping to get another good bag. :)<br /><br />For the price, this organic coffee is good. We pay about $9.99 for half pound for higher quality for local coffee shoppe beans. Overall the flavor was full-bodied, but it tasted watered down. We used the proper amount of beans, ground them fresh right before brewing, and just didn't didn't get the zing I expected. It did have a nice aroma and finish though. the acidity was well-balanced. I might try extra beans next time. I would definitely purchase this again and maybe mix this with our regular coffee to stretch it.
Brown spotting gets its color from old blood, which can start making its way out of your body one to two weeks before the start of your period. For some, this is just a normal part of their cycle. For others, it may be a symptom of an underlying health condition.
Does the Moon Rotate? Does the Moon Rotate? By Nola Taylor Redd, Space.com Contributor | February 28, 2014 08:39pm ET MORE Miguel Claro recently sent Space.com this beautiful image of the moon and Earthshine taken from Almada, Portugal on Feb. 1, 2014. “I could see the night side of the moon very well illuminated by the Earth reflected light, like if it was full moon,” Claro wrote Space.com in an email. “This impressive phenomenon known as Earthshine, was described and drawn for the first time, by the great Leonardo Da Vinci about 500 years ago in his book Codex Leicester.” Credit: Miguel Claro | www.miguelclaro.com Attentive observers on Earth might notice that the moon essentially keeps the same side facing our planet as it passes through its orbit. This may lead to the question, does the moon rotate? The answer is yes, though it may seem contrary to what our eyes observe. The 'dark' side of the moon The moon orbits the Earth once every 27.322 days. It also takes approximately 27 days for the moon to rotate once on its axis. As a result, the moon does not seem to be spinning but appears to observers from Earth to be keeping almost perfectly still. Scientists call this sychronous rotation. The side of the moon that perpetually faces Earth is known as the near side. The opposite or "back" side is the far side . Sometimes the far side is called the dark side of the moon, but this is inaccurate. When the moon is between the Earth and the sun, during the new moon phase , the back side of the moon is bathed in daylight. The orbit and the rotation aren't perfectly matched, however. The moon travels around the Earth in an elliptical orbit , a slightly stretched-out circle. When the moon is closest to Earth, its rotation is slower than its journey through space, allowing observers to see an additional 8 degrees on the eastern side. When the moon is farthest, the rotation is faster, so an additional 8 degrees are visible on the western side. [ The Moon: 10 Surprising Lunar Facts ] If you could journey around to the far side of the moon as the Apollo 8 astronauts once did, you would see a very different surface from the one you are accostomed to viewing. While the near side of the moon is smoothed by maria — large dark plains created by solidified lava flows — and light lunar highlands, the far side is heavily cratered. [ VIDEO: A Year of Lunar Phases and Wobbles ] A changing orbit The rotational period of the moon wasn't always equal to its orbit around the planet. Just like the gravity of the moon affects ocean tides on the Earth, gravity from Earth affects the moon. But because the moon lacks an ocean, Earth pulls on its crust, creating a tidal bulge at the line that points toward Earth. [ Infographic: Inside Earth's Moon ] Gravity from Earth pulls on the closest tidal bulge, trying to keep it aligned. This creates tidal friction that slows the moon's rotation. Over time, the rotation was slowed enough that the moon's orbit and rotation matched , and the same face became tidally locked, forever pointed toward Earth. The moon is not the only satellite to suffer friction with its parent planet. Many other large moons in the solar system are tidally locked with their partner. Of the larger moons, only Saturn's moon Hyperion , which tumbles chaotically and interacts with other moons, is not tidally synchronized. The situation is not limited to large planets. The dwarf planet Pluto is tidally locked to its moon Charon, which is almost as large as the former planet. Earth (and other planets) do not escape completely unscathed. Just as the Earth exerts friction on the spin of the moon, the moon also exerts friction on the rotation of the Earth. As such, the length of day increases a few milliseconds every century . Related:
Wawrinka swept past Spain's Pablo Carreno Busta, the world number 23, 6-3 6-2 in Saturday's opening semi-final. Federer, the 18-time Grand Slam singles winner, who has won the event four times, had few problems joining him in the decider. The world number 10 defeated the American world number 18 Jack Sock 6-1 7-6 (7-4). Federer came into the match after his scheduled quarter-final opponent Nick Kyrgios pulled out because of illness, and he was imperious from the start. He needed just 21 minutes to wrap up the first set, with Sock requiring treatment from the trainer midway through it. Sock made more of a match of it in the second set but Federer always held the advantage and capitalised on some unforced errors from Sock in the tie-break to reach his seventh final in the Californian desert. Wawrinka never faced a break point in his encounter with Carreno Busta, who was playing in his first ATP Masters 1000 semi-final. Three-time Grand Slam winner Wawrinka, 31, will be playing his first Indian Wells final, having lost in last year's semi-finals. The Swiss pair have met 22 times over their careers with Wawrinka only winning three times, and never on a hard court.
There are many myths afoot about the movement to save Darfur. Chief among them in recent weeks is the rumor of its death. New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, a longtime ally, has declared the movement to be fragmented by internal disagreement and dismissed by those in power. Alex de Waal, a leading self-critical voice among Sudan watchers, laments that it is archaic and unwilling to adapt its ways. Columbia University scholar Mahmood Mamdani, in a recent book on the subject, all but declared the Darfur movement a waste of time. Mamdani's distorted broadside notwithstanding, there are probably grains of truth to any thoughtful critique of the Darfur movement. It is far from perfect, and an accurate accounting of its strengths and weaknesses is long overdue. But such calls to declare defunct efforts to save the war-torn Sudanese region miss the point. Millions of activists around the world remain committed to the cause of peace in Sudan. It's just that no one is telling them that now is the moment they are needed most. There has never been a more critical time in Sudan's history than the present. This summer, Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir is celebrating two decades of dictatorship, having come to power in a coup in 1989. During Bashir's tenure, Africa's largest country has steadily declined into a model failed state. Home to the 21st century's first genocide, Sudan now boasts more displaced persons than any country on Earth. According to the current issue of Foreign Policy, it is among the three countries in the world most at risk of total collapse. Bashir himself is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on seven counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including murder, torture, rape, and attacks against civilian populations. Even so, he looks set to win a national election next year. The following year, 2011, will bring a national referendum on the secession of Southern Sudan, which most experts expect to pass. This will split the country in two and render obsolete existing peace agreements, including the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement that was intended to end the country's 12-year civil war and set out the parameters for peace. All of this means the international community now faces an 18-month window in which to fix the whole mess. And originally, nobody seemed better equipped to do so than Barack Obama. As a U.S. senator and presidential candidate, Obama seemed particularly attuned to Sudan's urgent and tragic trajectory, calling it "a stain on our souls." Joining him were Senate colleagues Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. During the campaign, Clinton was fond of demanding a "more robust response." Biden was the most out front, at one point proclaiming he did not "have the stomach for genocide when it comes to Darfur." But since taking office, the Obama administration has been slow to translate rhetoric into action. In fact, there now appears to be internal discord within the administration over how to best bring about cooperation from Khartoum, the hub from which Sudan's violence emanates. It seems that the president's special envoy to Sudan, retired Air Force Maj. Gen. J. Scott Gration, is taking a conciliatory line toward Bashir, going as far as to declare last month that what we now see in Sudan is the "remnants of genocide." Just days earlier, Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, had said the opposite, accusing the Sudanese leadership of ongoing genocide in Darfur and citing the "urgency and complexity of the overall situation." This kind of muddled interplay might normally be forgiven early in a new administration. In the case of Sudan, however, it plays directly into Bashir's hands. Since his March indictment by the ICC, Bashir has expertly capitalized on the lack of a focused, comprehensive effort by the international community to advance his strategy of delay, deny, divide, and detract. Enough is enough. If there is agreement on anything within the Darfur movement, it is that Obama must start living up to his promises of leading a bolder path forward in Sudan. Both Bashir's recent expulsion of humanitarian aid groups upon which millions depend for basic survival and the actions of his government to prevent the Mandate Darfur conference scheduled for last month, which was to bring together Sudanese civil society groups as part of the peace process, are unacceptable behaviors by any standard. Yet the United States and other countries remained nearly silent. It's time to start speaking up. The White House must begin shaping a new international road map that provides a framework for sustainable peace in Sudan. The road map should be grounded in existing commitments, including the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the various existing Darfur commitments. It must also set measurable milestones and hold accountable Khartoum for its decisions and actions. The way forward must include Sudan's key geopolitical partners, principally China and R
Visit my website for email finding resources. \na link to my site is provided below. Scroll down to the \n"Email and People Search" heading and the link is there. \nSearch is free. \nGood Luck! \n\n\nVisit:\n\nThe place to find old class yearbooks - ourclassreunion.com.\n\n\nhttp://www.ourclassreunion.com/resources
Billingsley is related, by marriage, to actor/producer Peter Billingsley, known for his starring role as "Ralphie" in the seasonal TV-movie classic, A Christmas Story (1983). First husband Glenn Billingsley's cousin is Peter's mother, Gail Billingsley.
I received the item and found 10 of them were crushed and spilled onto others.<br />My mother spent about 30 minutes to clean.<br />Didn't want to return as it is not worth my while.<br />Always liked this particular creamer but wasn't happy to see a lot of them crushed inside the box.
They spray a lot of hot water around (and some soap) through small moving nozzles which builds up slightly pressurized jets of water. A little bit like a small army of Smurfs armed with power washers. It does this for usually about half an hour to an hour depending on your model and settings, then it dries everything using a build in oven element, to warm everything up just warm enough that the water evaporates off (this only works for ceramic, glass and metal stuff... stupid plastic Tupperwear still is full of water cause you didn't put it in upside down and its plastic.)
The pyrolysis technology of wastes occupies an important position in solid waste disposal due to its lower secondary pollution and higher recovery rate of energy.After the refuse derived fuel(RDF) is prepared from residual wastes through pressing,a pyrolysis test of RDF has been carried out.Results of test show that the plastics,CaO,and DHC-32 added into RDF is helpful to enhance the temperature of pyrolysis,and can significantly improve the progress of fuel pyrolysis reaction and the efficiency of prolysis,at the same time,the content of K and Na in the carbocoal has remarkable tendency to change in case the test condition being varied.
TAMPA, Fla. (AP,Jan 2,2017):— Police in Florida say an angry dog sent three people to the hospital after one tried to put a sweater on it. Tampa police say the pit bull mix named Scarface bit a 52-year-old woman who was trying to dress him on Friday and her husband was attacked while trying to pull the dog off of her. Police say the couple’s 22-year-old son was attacked while trying to stop the dog by stabbing it in the neck and head. The three people escaped the house and left the dog in the backyard. Police say animal control officers shot it with a tranquilizer gun, but it managed to get back into the house where there were two children present. Police used a bean bag gun and stun gun on the animal before catching it.
Supported by a philanthropic gift from law firm Reed Smith, the expanded partnership includes a collaboration with local legal services provider Community Legal Services (CLS) of Philadelphia. As part of the expansion, CLS attorneys, in conjunction with law students from from ICAC and attorneys from Reed Smith, will provide pro bono legal services to families receiving care at CHOP. The MLP addresses a wide range of issues, including problems with utilities; unsafe or uninhabitable housing; guardianship issues; and lack of access to adequate food and public benefits, all of which can interfere with a child's health and well-being. The expanded program will offer collaborative learning opportunities for medical, social work and legal staff. "At CHOP, we know that we can deliver better care when we partner with groups committed to addressing family and child well-being outside the healthcare setting," said Madeline Bell, President and CEO at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. "The MLP model has proven to be an effective way to meet the needs of families facing complex health issues combined with other social and physical stressors. As a result of the program's recent expansion, we look forward to even more opportunities to help these families, and we thank Reed Smith for their generosity in helping us to do so." "The goal of this multi-disciplinary collaboration is to improve health outcomes for children and their families, and an integral component of this MLP is the placement of on-site CLS attorneys as part of the triage and treatment team," said Heather Ritch Rocks, a partner in the Life Sciences Health Industry Group at Reed Smith, who has been instrumental in the establishment of this and other MLPs. "We are pleased to support this innovative model, which is a natural outgrowth of our pro bono commitment and desire to work with our clients to benefit our community." Added Debby Freedman, Executive Director of Community Legal Services, "Legal aid improves outcomes for children by ensuring access to essentials such as healthcare, heat and housing. We are thrilled to work with our outstanding partners at CHOP and Reed Smith and to provide patient families with the legal representation and resources to enhance their health and well-being." Professor Kara Finck, Director of the University of Pennsylvania Law School's Interdisciplinary Child Advocacy Clinic, added, "We have worked to meet the high demand of legal needs among patients and their families, and now with additional resources in place – including our partnership with CLS – there is enormous potential to help improve the circumstances for even more Philadelphia families and their children." CHOP's Division of Social Work and ICAC began piloting the MLP in 2015; to-date, more than 350 families have received legal counseling as part of the program. For more information, please visit: http://www.chop.edu/resources/medical-legal-partnership. About Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Children's Hospital of Philadelphia was founded in 1855 as the nation's first pediatric hospital. Through its long-standing commitment to providing exceptional patient care, training new generations of pediatric healthcare professionals and pioneering major research initiatives, Children's Hospital has fostered many discoveries that have benefited children worldwide. Its pediatric research program is among the largest in the country. In addition, its unique family-centered care and public service programs have brought the 546-bed hospital recognition as a leading advocate for children and adolescents. For more information, visit http://www.chop.edu. Contact: Jennifer Lee Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 267-426-6084 leej41@email.chop.edu View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/childrens-hospital-of-philadelphia-announces-expansion-of-multi-partner-medical-legal-partnership-300634590.html SOURCE Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Related Links http://www.chop.edu
The drums are easier and you will always be in demand and get into better more successful bands. There are too many guitarists out there. Heard this from friends in bands.
enoch contains unique material on the origins of demons and giants why some angels fell from heaven an explanation of why the great flood was morally necessary and prophetic exposition of the thousand year reign of the messiah the older sections mainly in the book of the watchers of the text are estimated to date from about 300 200 bce and the latest part book of parables probably to the 100 bce various aramaic fragments found in the dead sea scrolls as well as koine greek and latin fragments were proof that the book of enoch was known by early jews and christians this book was also quoted by some 1st and 2nd century authors as in the testaments of the twelve patriarchs authors of the new testament were also familiar with some content of the story a short section of 1 enoch 1 9 is cited in the new testament epistle of jude and is attributed there to enoch the seventh from adam 1 en 60 8 although this section of 1 enoch is a midrash on deuteronomy 33 2 several copies of the earlier sections of 1 enoch were preserved among the dead sea scrolls it is not
After the mass shooting in Roseburg, Ore., last week, the national media gave a lot of attention to the fact that the local sheriff, John Hanlin, is an ardent supporter of gun rights. He'd written a letter to Vice President Joe Biden shortly after the Dec. 14, 2012, massacre of schoolchildren at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., saying gun control was not the answer. In the letter, Hanlin pledged not to enforce gun regulations he believed to be unconstitutional. What wasn't widely reported was how common views like Hanlin's have become in law enforcement. "Talking about firearms now is like talking about race," says Richard Beary, chief of police for the University of Central Florida and president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. "These are difficult conversations, and people get very polarized on each side of it." It's not unusual to see law enforcement executives arguing with each other about guns in public. Take the situation in Milwaukee. The county sheriff, David A. Clarke Jr., is a champion of gun rights; earlier this spring he released a statement attacking the city administration for being "anti-gun" and "anti-Second Amendment," and for "blaming the gun instead of the behavior." Milwaukee's police chief, Edward Flynn, responded to Sheriff Clarke by saying that he wouldn't hold back from talking about guns and how they get into the hands of criminals. "Our bad guys with guns learn nothing because the laws are so weak, and we need help," Flynn said. "And I would like to think that people who think of themselves as advocates for law enforcement could get that through their skull." Jennifer Carlson, an American sociologist at the University of Toronto who studies police attitudes toward gun laws, says this divide has grown since the 1990s. A generation ago, she says, police chiefs made a common cause of legislation such as the Assault Weapons Ban and the Brady bill. "And now you've really seen police not taking as much as a unified stance, at least publicly," she says. "That's been a major shift." She thinks this may have something to do with the expansion of concealed handgun permits, which gun rights groups pushed for especially hard starting in the late 1990s. Police chiefs initially resisted the expansion of the gun permits, but Carlson says many of them changed their minds when they saw that increased permits didn't cause a big increase in shootings. Carlson says that once they got more comfortable with the idea of citizens carrying guns, some police embraced and even profited from the trend. "In Michigan, for example, police are able to certify people," Carlson says. "They can get in the business of running those firearms schools." The differing opinions of law enforcement leaders often mirror an urban-rural divide. Earlier this year, Sheriff John Hanlin of Roseburg — a town of about 22,000 that's more than 70 miles south of Eugene — appeared before a committee of the Oregon Legislature and spoke out against a proposed state bill to expand background checks to private gun sales. "This law is not going to protect citizens of Oregon," he said. "We have laws that prohibit the possession of other things, like methamphetamine, and it doesn't stop it." The bill passed, but not without a bitter political fight, including an attempt by gun rights groups to recall legislators who voted for it. That's why it's understandable that national police organizations tread carefully on the issue of guns. "We don't want to separate ourselves from our communities," says Beary. These days, national police groups are more likely to talk about making existing gun laws work better and finding ways to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill — middle-ground positions that can get the support of their divided membership.
Foreign cheques are processed either by cheque negotiation or collection. The time it takes for a cheque to clear depends on which method we use to process the cheque. Regardless of whether a cheque is negotiated or collected it can still be returned up to seven years later for reasons relating to fraud.
That there is ALWAYS something that needs to be done!!!
Make sure the amount you paid and the amount printed on the money order are the same. 1 You can purchase a money order from the Post Office. 2 USPS money orders can be used for amounts up to $1000.00. 3 Other places you can get a money order are banks, check cashing businesses, and Western Union locations.
I would assume by your screen name and your problem, that you are a woman. This is a common problem with women because our wrists just aren't as strong as mens. This is something men just don't understand because they don't have the problem! No offense. It's just us girls still are weaker. I struggled with throwing a backup ball for quite some time, but finally rid myself of it. Now I throw a powerful hook and average 185+. I would strongly suggest you working out of that backup and working into a straight ball or a slight curve. The biggest thing you need to remember is to keep your wrist straight. Everytime you release the ball, bring your arm up, as if you were reaching out to shake hands with the pins. This is the proper release. You might want to wear a brace to help keep your arm & wrist straight, but I don't like to push it because they are too easy to become dependant upon. \n\nGood luck and many strikes to you!
Disney Springs is an outdoor shopping center at the Walt Disney World Resort in Bay Lake, Florida, near Orlando. The complex opened on March 22, 1975 as the Lake Buena Vista Shopping Village and has been expanded and renamed at other times over the years. It was first renamed Walt Disney World Village in 1977; then to Disney Village Marketplace in 1989; and afterward to Downtown Disney in 1997. In 2013, plans were announced for a three-year renovation of the complex, and on September 29, 2015, the name officially changed from Downtown Disney to Disney Springs.
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What’s next for the homeless at Peachtree-Pine shelter? The shelter, which is set to close at the end of August, currently houses around 500 people Although Atlanta’s largest homeless shelter, at the corner of Peachtree and Pine streets downtown, is scheduled to change hands at the end of August, it will remain open for at least another month until its residents have been placed in other facilities and housing programs. That’s the first message that Jack Hardin, co-chairman of the Regional Commission on Homelessness, wants people to know. Hardin, a corporate lawyer whose volunteer efforts have long focused on homelessness, said that since it was announced in late June that the Metro Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless would be vacating the shelter, he’s had to reassure concerned acquaintances that its occupants would not be turned out to wander the streets. Instead, he said, the Regional Commission, which operates under the auspices of the United Way of Greater Atlanta, plans to send caseworkers into the shelter over the next few weeks to do individual assessments on the approximately 500 men—and a possible handful of women and children—staying there to determine what specific kind of help they need. Hardin said his group could begin placing people in other programs even before the Task Force leaves. The imminent closing of Peachtree-Pine is the result of the settlement of a long-running lawsuit in which the Task Force had accused the City of Atlanta; Central Atlanta Progress, the community development organization for downtown; Emory Healthcare; and other groups of conspiring to take away the shelter’s funding and cause its eviction from the building that had been its home for the past two decades. After countless legal twists and turns that include the city’s dismissal from the lawsuit, the case was set to be heard by a jury last month, until it was finally resolved in a settlement that leaves the 100,000-square-foot former auto-parts warehouse at 477 Peachtree Street in the hands of CAP—reportedly in exchange for a $9.7 million payout to the Task Force, although that and other details are officially under seal. By some accounts, Task Force founder Anita Beaty left the group last year because she didn’t want to accept a settlement. Hardin said CAP had asked his group for assistance in finding places for shelter residents, but it’s a role that the commission has been anticipating for years. “When the court gave its first eviction order to the Task Force in 2012 (which was quickly appealed), we were looking at an emergency situation in which a number of existing shelters would need to step up and take in the population,” he said. “Even though the shelter remained open, I figured that someday it would close, so I said let’s start getting prepared.” A widespread misconception is that the Peachtree-Pine population will need to be found the same type of space in other shelters. “A lot of people make the assumption that, if you lose a certain number of shelter beds, you need to create the same number of beds elsewhere,” said Hardin, who points out that the preferred methods for combating homelessness have evolved substantially in recent years—and have become more effective than many people realize. For the past several years, Atlanta’s approach to dealing with homelessness has been refined into a so-called “continuum of care” that includes more than 100 government and charitable agencies providing transitional housing, drug treatment, educational support, and other services. Hardin serves on the board of one such organization, Georgia Works!, that’s garnered national attention for providing housing and job training to homeless and drug-addicted men. Two years ago, Mayor Kasim Reed launched Partners for H.O.M.E., a city program that helps coordinate local homeless services, funded by a $3.3 million grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies. Around the same time, he floated plans—but ran into some opposition in neighborhoods such as Pittsburgh and Adair Park—to build several smaller facilities around the city with wraparound services that could accommodate 20 to 30 people. And during his State of the City address in February, Reed announced a new, $50 million program named HomeStretch—with half the money to be raised by the United Way and the balance matched by the city—whose aim is nothing less than eliminating chronic homelessness in Atlanta. Hardin says that’s a goal that’s within the scope of reality. Thanks to various public and private initiatives, the number of homeless people in Atlanta has been reduced by 40 percent over the past six years, according to data compiled by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. “If we can cut it by 40 percent, we can get it to zero,” Hardin said. “We functionally ended homelessness in this country before, in the years during and following World War II, and we can do it again.” In the meantime, the Regional Commission is working with Fulton County to reopen Jefferson Place, a former shelter on Atlanta’s westside that the county closed five years ago, to take in some of the men now at Peachtree-Pine. This past Wednesday, in an appearance before a City Council committee, Partners for H.O.M.E. executive director Cathryn Marchman explained that there has long been a plan in place for absorbing the Peachtree-Pine population into the current support network that prioritizes the most vulnerable individuals. “The idea is not just to move everyone to a different shelter, but to do assessments in order to place them with existing providers,” she said.
A 30-minute unpaid meal break must be provided when an employee works more than five hours in a row. The employee must be paid for the meal break if they're required to work (or be available to work) during their meal break. Working through a meal break does not always result in overtime pay.
How should India respond to the latest Pakistani terrorist attack in Uri?
Tokyo Electric Power Company
The Flintstones
Circuit analogies don't 100% apply to myelin because membranes have complex electrical properties, but both of those explanations work and they are in fact essentially interchangeable: Take a membrane with distance d across the membrane and capacitance c. Then we add some myelin to get a new capacitance C at a new distance D. If you 4X the distance between plates (D = d * 4), C=c/4 (from the formula you posted as (2) ); if you add 3 extra plates (so now you have a total of 4 plates), C=1/(1/c + 1/c + 1/c + 1/c)=c/4. Importantly, myelin also increases the membrane resistance, and because myelin is typically very thick compared to a normal membrane (~10nm for one layer vs. 500-2500nm for myelin), you can almost consider myelination to increase resistance to infinity (compared to the axial resistance of cytoplasm) and the capacitance to zero. See this page for some more info. Note that the reason these explanations are interchangeable is that there is effectively no distance between the added plates in series and no difference in capacitance for each individual capacitor/piece of membrane (for example, see this page).
As implied by its name, the MACD is concerned with the convergence and divergence of the two exponential moving averages. Convergences occur when the two lines move toward each other, while divergences take place when the two moving averages move away from each other. The MACD line oscillates above and below the “zero” line or centerline. The MACD is above the centerline whenever the 12-day EMA is above the 26-day EMA.
Edward VI of England - Wikipedia Edward VI (12 October 1537 6 July 1553) was King of England and Ireland from 28 January ... He was the son of King Henry VIII by his third wife, Jane Seymour. ... Edward was christened on 15 October, with his half-sisters, the 21-year-old ..... widow Catherine Parr, whose Protestant household included the 11-year-old...
Carbohydrates used in cat foods. Carbohydrates used in cat foods generally include the starchy portion of a plant that can be easily broken down in the digestive tract of the cat. These carbohydrates are found in high concentrations in cereal grains such as rice, wheat, corn, barley, and oats.
The youth at the grocery store is shopping.
certificate signing request
In this week's on-air puzzle, we start with a clue in a category, then name something else in the same category that starts with the second and third letters of the original clue. For example, if the clue was Minnesota, the answer would be Indiana — because the second and third letters of Minnesota are "I-N," which begin Indiana — and both Minnesota and Indiana are states. Challenge from Last Week: From Jeffery Harris of Nashville, Tennessee: Think of a word that can follow the word "peanut" to form a familiar two-word phrase. If you take the first letter and move it to the next-to-the-last position, you get another word that can also follow "peanut" to form another familiar two-word phrase. What are the words? The answer: Peanut GALLERY and Peanut ALLERGY The winner: Rabbi Barbara Penzner of West Newton, Massachusetts This Week's Challenge: Name something you might wear in the summer. The answer will have two words, with five letters in the first word and three letters in the second. Remove the next-to-last letter and read the result backward and you'll get a word that means "blocks." What words are these? LIANE HANSEN, host: From NPR News, this is WEEKEND EDITION. I'm Liane Hansen. And joining us is puzzle master Will Shortz. Hi, Will. Have you recovered from the Sudoku championship? WILL SHORTZ: Yeah. Well, it took me a few days. First of all, hello. HANSEN: Hi. SHORTZ: And… (Soundbite of laughter) SHORTZ: And the championship was great. They had about 900 contestants, as it turned out. The winner was not a surprise. His name is Thomas Snyder. He's a postgraduate student in bioengineering at Stanford - just a brilliant guy. In the first round, he solved an easy, medium and hard puzzle in about nine and a half minutes, which was, I think, seven minutes faster than anybody else in the entire room. HANSEN: Wow. SHORTZ: It's fantastic. HANSEN: Yeah. It was nice to have a story about the winner and the championship right after a segment last week. This past week, I actually had to have - had a little bit of fun. Everybody wanted to know about you. I was down in Columbia, South Carolina, visiting with the folks at ETV radio. And it was nice because that's where "Marian McPartland's Piano Jazz" originates. And I was able to record a few congratulations to her for getting into the National Radio Hall of Fame. So that… SHORTZ: Nice. HANSEN: Yeah. That's real nice. So - but again, I mean, everybody wants to know, you know, what's the answer, and what are you like and - I lie. SHORTZ: Thank you. (Soundbite of laughter) HANSEN: And do I know the answers ahead of time and all of that. And of course, I tell them, no, I don't. It happens every week and it begins with your reminder of the challenge that you left us with last week. SHORTZ: Yes. It was a real nice one. It came from listener Jeffery Harris of Nashville, Tennessee. I said think of a word that can follow the word peanut to form a familiar two-word phrase. If you take the first letter and move it to the next-to-the-last position, you get another word that can also follow peanut to form another familiar two-word phrase. What words are these? HANSEN: Well, I got stuck on butter and brittle and none of them worked. What was the answer? SHORTZ: The answer is peanut gallery and peanut allergy. HANSEN: Oh, nice. We had over 3,000 entries from people who solved the puzzle. Our randomly selected winner is Rabbi Barbara Penzner from West Newton, Massachusetts. And I understand I can call you Barbara. Welcome to the program. Ms. BARBARA PENZNER (Rabbi): I'm delighted to be here. HANSEN: And your congregation is in Boston? Ms. PENZNER: That's right. HANSEN: How long have you been playing the puzzle? Ms. PENZNER: My husband reminds me that we were doing this in graduate school, before we came to Boston. So that's about 20 years. HANSEN: No kidding. Wow. That's about as long as the puzzle's been on the air. Ms. PENZNER: I think so. SHORTZ: Have you been submitting answers throughout those years? Ms. PENZNER: Off and on, we did. Yeah, there were two years we were in Israel. And when we came back, I had missed you so much, so we started submitting a lot more regularly. HANSEN: And lo and behold, you get to be our player today. Are you ready? Ms. PENZNER: I hope so. HANSEN: All right. Well, Will, say hi to Barbara and let's play. SHORTZ: All right. Barbara, I'm going to name something that's in a category. You name something else in the category that starts with the second and the third letters of the name I give you. For example, if I said Minnesota, you would say, Indiana because the second and third letters of Minnesota are I-N -those start Indiana - and they're both states. All right. Number one is Green. Ms. PENZNER: Red? SHORTZ: Red is right. Number two is Madison. Ms. PENZNER: Advertising? HANSEN: Huh. Good one. But I don't think that's what - I don't think that is what he's looking for, right? SHORTZ: Right. What is Madison an
Glycidol is converted into glycerol carbonate (GC) by coupling with CO2 in the presence of tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB) under mild reaction conditions (T=60 °C, PCO2 =1 MPa) in excellent yields (99 %) and short reaction time (t=3 h). The unusual reactivity of this substrate compared to other epoxides, such as propylene oxide, under the same reaction conditions is clearly related to the presence of a hydroxyl functionality on the oxirane ring. Density functional theory calculations (DFT) supported by 1 H NMR experiments reveal that the unique behavior of this substrate is a result of the formation of intermolecular hydrogen bonds into a dimeric structure, activating this molecule to nucleophilic attack, and allowing the formation of GC. Furthermore, the glycidol/TBAB catalytic system acts as an efficient organocatalyst for the cycloaddition of CO2 to various oxiranes.
it's that whole forbidden fruit concept. most people unfortunately want something more when they know they can't have it.
In June we brought you a story about LGBTQ athletes from around the world vying to make history and qualify for the Olympics. Now, a month later, the list is quite expansive, with a record number of out athletes set to compete. Here & Now&#8216;s Peter O&#8217;Dowd speaks with Cyd Zeigler, co-founder of Outsports. This article was originally published on WBUR.org.
ROMA - I sindacati el&#39;azienda hanno trovato l&#39;accordo sull&#39;assetto societatio di Alitalia. Hanno firmato tutti tranne il Sult, il sindacato del personale di terra, che si e&#39; posto come ultimatum le 18 di oggi.
A County Antrim woman at the centre of a legal wrangle over an elderly farmer's estate has gone into hiding.
There is more to a CS degree than programming and more to programming than Design Patterns. I'm actually an expert in such things and have designed and published a few as a committed member of the patterns community. If I were teaching you programming in some object-oriented language you would certainly learn about and use many such patterns, but you might never hear the names, just the usage as good ways to write programs in a certain set of languages. However, I have a friend, also in the community, who is well known and has designed many things fundamental to areas of programming languages who doesn't use the standard design patterns you are probably thinking of at all. The reason is that he programs in LISP and CLOS, not Java and C++. His informed opinion about the design patterns is that they are merely corrections for flaws in certain languages, primarily C++. Many of the kinds of things that design patterns accomplish in C++ are done in more natural ways within Common Lisp itself without needing any such mental tricks. So, it may well be that your curriculum is flawed, but not teaching the patters in the Gang of Four book is not the only indicator. (Some of those authors are friends of mine, in fact). Moreover, there is more (much more) to CS than programming. Have you learned data structures and algorithms? Have you learned architecture and databases? Have you learned data communications and concurrency? Have you learned to work in teams on large projects? Have you learned to think abstractly and to decompose problems and compose solutions? Those are vitally important too.
Depending upon your level of dedication, a business administration major can take the following time to complete: Associate's degree programs, which provide entry-level opportunity, usually take two years. A bachelor's degree program takes four years. Master's degree programs and MBAs generally require one to two years.
I’m an oral biologist and may be able to explain. Aside from lubricating your throat to aid eating, another function of saliva is to start breaking down food. Basically the enzymes in your saliva continue to break down the small remnants of food and the funny taste/breath you get after sleeping (even if its just a nap) is the outcome of this process – it’s broken down food. You still swallow while you’re asleep - however your mouth is far less active, and by being awake and talking and opening/closing your mouth etc, it effectively ends up being swallowed and replaced by ‘new’ saliva. This process is called ‘gherking’.
Model Mom! Miranda Kerr Gives Birth to 2nd Baby With Husband Evan Spiegel
Trevor Bolton, 78, from Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, targeted his victims over 20 years at the former Carmel College. Bolton was convicted of 16 counts of indecent assault, six counts of indecency with a child and three other sexual offences. The sentence was welcomed by police and one of his victims. Peter Gluckstein, 56, from London, was one of two men who waived anonymity after Bolton's conviction. "I'm stunned but glad. I feel even more vindicated," he said after the sentencing. Adrian Foster, chief crown prosecutor for Thames and Chiltern Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), said Bolton lived in a flat above the boys' dormitories. "He abused his position of trust and took advantage of his status to systematically prey on vulnerable or homesick young boys by inviting them to his flat to watch TV and smoke." Mr Foster praised the courage of victims in exposing Bolton's behaviour. "The emotional impact, on the victims and their families, of the abhorrent actions of this man is impossible to quantify," he said. Det Con Trish Coyne, of Oxfordshire child abuse investigation unit, said: "The length of these sentences reflect the severity of Bolton's crimes. "While the offences took place some time ago, and despite the fact that Bolton's eight victims are successful individuals, every single one of them has admitted the offences have had an impact on them well into their adult lives." Carmel College was founded in 1948 and closed in 1997 It was originally based at Greenham Common, Berkshire, but moved to Mongewell Park in 1952 During its life the school was attended by about 4,000 students - a third from overseas A 1973 edition of the Observer described it as "the Jewish Eton" Source: Carmel College website
Mount Tabor
Pakistan's Supreme Court urges the government to release people being held by the intelligence agencies.
more than 29,000
If it fucks, makes a baby, and that baby can fuck and make a baby? Same species. Fuck, make a baby, but that baby cab only fuck and not make more babies? Related genus but not the same. Can fuck bug not make babies? Completely different species. Can't even fuck one another? Not trying hard enough. Can't fuck but can impregnate you? Xenomorph. Or even worse, a wasp species.
Lockdowns and evacuations continue around the world since the coronavirus outbreak was first reported three weeks ago in Wuhan, China. With an estimated 564 deaths in China alone, Hong Kong has mandated visitors from mainland China self-quarantine during the incubation period, which is believed to last for about two weeks. Meanwhile, the global economy takes a hit as companies and airlines suspend operations in China to prevent further outbreaks. Among suspended airlines and evacuated flights on lock down, a cruise ship in Japan carrying 2,000 passengers sits quarantined as the government braces for more cases. A report by Human Rights Watch found over 200 cases of people being abused and killed in El Salvador, after deportation by the U.S. Though the Human Rights Watch report dates back to 2013, under more restrictive immigration policies implemented by the Trump Administration, many asylum seekers have been denied entry and have been forced back into dangerous conditions. While the report comes after a year and a half of collecting documents, research and personal interviews, there are no other organizations or governments who have examined the outcomes of individuals being deported back to El Salvador. The leader of Al-Qaeda in Yemen, Qassim al-Rimi, is believed to have been killed in a CIA airstrike. U.S officials await confirmation after initial reports and tweets from President Donald Trump broke the news. The news comes after the group took responsibility for an attack on a U.S naval base in Florida that killed three U.S sailors. As we do every week, we recap this week’s top global headlines.
The Chancery Lane Safe Deposit
Have you ever played with the toy with the hundreds of metal rods on one side and the other side has a glass square to prevent the rods from spilling off? When you pressed you hand on the rod side it would push the rods to the glass side revealing the imprint of your hand. We have machines that do that and reveal the image of the atomic structure.
Heard the one about the golf course which banned golf buggies? Or the chip shop which stopped customers using salt and vinegar? They might sound like bad jokes - but they are actually just some of the bizarre excuses which have been trotted out in the name of health and safety. In the most recent example, a customer in Northumberland was told he could not put his own salt and vinegar on his take-away fish and chips. Scroll down for video . Barmy: A customer was stopped from putting his own salt and vinegar on his takeaway fish and chips for 'health and safety' reasons . It later emerged that the shop had stopped customers using the shakers because they were not sure where customers' hands had been. The bizarre incident was referred to the Health and Safety Executive's 'myth busting' panel, which works to ensure rules are not used irrationally. Since it was set up in April 2012, the panel has dealt with nearly 350 cases of gone-wrong health and safety rules, once described by David Cameron as the 'national neurosis'. Another example from last month's panel included a primary school banning parents from bringing young babies to sit on their laps during the nativity play. But the panel concluded that the school had probably just made the ruling to prevent the children disturbing the performance - and that it had nothing to do with health and safety. This year, Brighton and Hove City Council also decided to close the beach on Christmas Day over 'safety fears' after a swimmer had to be rescued while taking part in the event three years ago. The so-called 'myth busters' at the HSE are now calling on businesses to stop blaming health and safety for poor or over-the-top decisions. It comes as researchers at the University of Exeter found that half of all cases came related to shops, cafes and leisure centres - which the HSE said is usually a cover-up for poor business practice. Judith Hackitt, Chair of HSE and the Myth Busters Challenge Panel, said: 'HSE wants to encourage everyone, especially those working in leisure and retail, to make a resolution to stop using the health and safety catch-all excuse. 'Give the real reason for the decision you take. We want people to be honest - giving health and safety the blame is lazy and unhelpful. Brighton and Hove City Council banned a Christmas day swim after two previous incidents due to health and safety. Pictured: The Christmas Day swim in 2011 . One customer was not allowed to return headphones because the packet was open (left) while another customer was confused when a trolley assistant on his train insisted they physically put his coffee onto his table for 'health and safety reasons' (right) 'Customers are at the heart any business. Getting rid of over-the-top decisions blamed on health and safety will improve the service customers receive and enable the business to prosper.' In another bizarre incident this year, a DIY store refused to cut a door to size, claiming that cutting the wood would compromise the strength of the door, thereby contravening health and safety legislation. A customer was also left baffled when a trolley assistant on his train journey insisted she had to put the coffee cup on the table rather than handing it to him, again for 'health and safety'. Earlier this year, a local furniture store told a customer's wife that she could not collect her foot stool from the store due to health and safety - even though the item would have fitted perfectly in her car. The business stated that the item had to be delivered, which cost around £30. The panel concluded this was a 'poor excuse'. In another incident, a high street clothing store would not open their fitting rooms on the first day of a sale, apparently due to health and safety. Mark Harper said over-the-top interpretations of health and safety rules 'get in the way of what the law is for' And a customer who bought some headphones from a high street store was told that if the packaging was opened the headphones could not be returned, even though they had not been used. Researchers found that 60 per cent of cases were due to a generic 'better safe than sorry' risk averse mind-set, which was especially strong in instances of poor customer service. In 32 per cent of cases, there was an assumption that there is a rule in place when there is not. And the study also found that 20 per cent of the health and safety myths affect children, meaning they were 'frequently prevented from engaging in activities in educational and leisure settings on the grounds of health and safety that are found to be baseless'. Dr Claire Dunlop said: 'Identifying these trends will enable the HSE to develop more focussed communications strategies that tailor advice and raise awareness in specific sectors and about particular populations. 'It will also enable them to support organisations to address the weaknesses in capacity that make health and safety myths more likely.' In previous cases, a local council was refusing to allow hanging baskets for a Village in Bloom competition until engineers had assessed the lampposts to show they were capable of holding the bracket and basket. The panel ruled this was a 'classic case' of rules being applied in an 'overly-cautious and inappropriate way'. Earlier this year, a six-year-old from Hampshire was also told that she could not take a baby chick into school for a presentation amid fears that children could contract bird flu. The little girl's father, Mike Montgomery, described the rule as 'ridiculous' and said he had even offered to bring in gel for the children to clean their hands with. In another case, a local council in Scotland banned a dog training club over allergy fears. The club, which had been running in a community hall for 60 years, was banned because the council claimed that those using the hall next door might be allergic to dogs or catch a disease from the pets. One council refused to put up hanging baskets for a Village in Bloom competition until lampposts had been checked . The myth buster panel said: 'This is a clear example of health and safety being misused. Any concerns about allergies and cleanliness can be easily managed.' In June last year, a mother in Gloucester was told by the headteacher that her seven-year-old daughter was no longer allowed to wear her homemade frilly socks because they could become a tripping hazard. But the Health and Safety panel again dismissed the rule. A spokesman said: 'There is nothing in health and safety law which stipulates how long or short frills on school girls' socks should be. 'These socks are unlikely to be a serious hazard unless they are torn and trailing on the floor. If you tried to ban everything children could trip over, they wouldn't be able to do anything. 'Schools are free to set their own uniform policies but these decisions shouldn't hide behind spurious references to health and safety law.' In the golf example, buggies were prohibited because they were not 'health and safety authorised'. Other examples include a council which stopped a nursery teacher taking children to an allotment, and a manager who banned a woman from wearing flip flops in the office because they did not have enclosed toes and a supported back. Department for Work and Pensions Minister Mark Harper said: 'The Health and Safety Executive has done fantastic work over the past 40 years to keep working people safe. 'Elf n safety' myths get in the way of what the law is for – saving lives, not stopping people living them. 'No employer or worker should hide behind the health and safety excuses, if they act in a sensible way. If you hear of a bogus health and safety myth, report it to our panel.' Set up in April 2012, the myth-busting panel invites those who believe they are victims of a ludicrous health and safety ruling to email in and get a professional view. The panel may then contest decisions made by insurance companies, local authorities and employers. There have been nearly 350 cases. In Northumberland, a customer was told they were not allowed to put their own salt and vinegar on their take-away fish and chips. This Christmas, a primary school stated that parents could not bring young babies to sit on their laps at the nativity play for 'health and safety' reasons. Earlier this year, a local furniture store told a customer's wife that she could not collect her foot stool from the store due to health and safety - even though the item will fit perfectly well in her car, . The business stated that it had to be delivered costing around £30, which the panel said was a 'poor excuse'. In Derbyshire, small wooden canes protecting daffodil canes were pulled out of the ground in case someone tripped over them and fell into a flowerbed. A primary school in Cumbria told pupils that they needed to wear goggles - if they wanted to play with conkers at school. The rule came after the local council attempted to ban children from playing conkers in the playground. Previously, a local council was refusing to allow hanging baskets to be placed on lamppost for a Village in Bloom competition until engineers had assessed the lampposts. In 2012, a Santa was not allowed to ride his float in Sutton - despite the tradition being around for decades. The ban was imposed after health and safety assessments found the sleigh too dangerous, instead Father Christmas had to walk alongside his sleigh . In 2008, children were banned from taking part in a sack race in Durham because teachers feared they would hurt themselves. Instead pupils was asked to run or skip. A town council near Manchester created a policy preventing loose flowers and pots being placed on graves.
Believe it or not, illegal immigrants are eligible for workers' compensation, but not unemployment insurance. Labor standards laws also still apply to illegal aliens, such as the minimum wage, hours of labor or prevailing wage on public construction projects.
Since $\sigma_z^1 = I \otimes Z$ and $\sigma_z^1 \otimes \sigma_z^2 = Z \otimes Z$ are commute with one another, that is $$ [\sigma_z^1 , \sigma_z^1 \otimes \sigma_z^2 ] = \sigma_z^1 \cdot \sigma_z^1 \otimes \sigma_z^2 - \sigma_z^1 \otimes \sigma_z^2 \cdot \sigma_z^1 = \boldsymbol{0} $$ we have that $$ e^{i\gamma_1 H_a} = e^{i \gamma \frac{1}{2}(\sigma_z^1 + \sigma_z^1 \otimes \sigma_z^2 ) } = e^{i \gamma \frac{1}{2}\sigma_z^1 } e^{i \gamma \frac{1}{2}\sigma_z^1 \otimes \sigma_z^2 } $$ and now note that $e^{i \gamma \frac{1}{2}\sigma_z^1 }$ has circuit construction as: (look here and here page 7 and 8) and similarly, $ e^{i \gamma \frac{1}{2}\sigma_z^1 \otimes \sigma_z^2 } $ have the circuit construction as: and put them together, we have the circuit construction for $e^{i \gamma \frac{1}{2}(\sigma_z^1 + \sigma_z^1 \otimes \sigma_z^2 ) }$ as:
Japan's Nikkei average closed 0.72 percent lower on Tuesday after weak industrial output data sapped investor appetite for technology issues, but declines were limited as the dollar firmed against the yen for a second day.
The level of productivity is the most fundamental and important factor determining the standard of living. Raising it allows people to get what they want faster or get more in the same amount of time. Supply rises with productivity, which decreases real prices and increases real wages.
Speaker of the Abia State House of Assembly The Speaker of the Abia State House of Assembly is the political head of the Abia State legislative who serves as the preciding officer of the Abia State House of Assembly.[1] The Speaker is elected by Members of the House with the sole responsibilities of conducting meetings of the House, appointing committees and enforcing the Rules of the House. The current speaker is Chikwendu Kanu, a People's Democratic Party member who was sworn in on 30 December 2016, succeeding Kennedy Njoku.[2]
The requirements for uninsured motorist coverage vary by state. In South Carolina, drivers are required to have the following uninsured motorist coverage limits: 1 $25,000 for bodily injury liability per person. $50,000 for bodily injury liability per accident.
A man is given a suspended jail term for ignoring an order banning him from his home town.
The following are some of the drugs named in the Mitchell Report that baseball players are accused of using.
As a dog ages, its just as important to keep its mind active as it is to keep its body active. Just because a dog gets slower as it ages, that doesn't mean that its mind has to slow down as well.
Georgian Communist Party
It's drifting away. [Tidal locking](_URL_0_) causes a decrease in the rotational velocity of the Earth, which means it's losing angular momentum from that rotation - but angular momentum must be conserved, so the size of it's orbit increases to compensate. It's worth noting, however, that the Earth likely won't ever be completely tidally locked to the Sun. Tidal force is proportional to the mass exerting the force and inversely proportional to its distance. The moon is ~1/27210884 the mass of the Sun, but it is ~400 times closer, so the Sun's tidal force on the Earth is 27210884/400^3 = 0.4252 times that of the Moon. This means the Earth will tidally lock to the Moon well before the Sun.
With Facebook users numbering about a billion and Twitter drawing around 500 million as of June 2012, it is no surprise that many companies have taken notice and created pages to engage with their fans and supporters. NPR maintains a number of accounts across these two platforms too, each curated for the wide-ranging interests of our audience - from food to politics to NPR people, and everywhere in between. Here's a quick breakdown: - NPR's editorial Facebook and Twitter accounts focus on our stories and the content we produce across our different on-air shows, podcasts, news desks and digital spaces. - Our "This is NPR" Facebook page and Twitter account are managed by our corporate team and bring you behind-the-scenes details and insights into NPR life, events you may want to check out, the latest on what's happening with our hosts and staff, and announcements about upcoming programming features you don't want to miss. Taking part in social media is just one way NPR is connecting with our unique listeners and fans. That's what NPR Listener Services shared recently with Dennis, our Curious Listener. Read on to find out more: Send your questions about the inner workings of NPR, something you heard during a program, or anything else NPR-related to NPR Listener Services. Your question and the answer might even end up on the This is NPR blog.
The rolling experienced by SpaceShipOne on its first Ansari X Prize flight on Wednesday will not jeopardise the team&#39;s chances of winning the $10 million purse, team members said in a post-flight briefing.
Three French jihadis urge their fellow countrymen to kill the enemies of Allah, 'spit in their faces and run over them with your cars', in the latest propaganda video from ISIS militants. In the seven-minute long video, the men symbolically burn their French passports. They appear bearded and without masks, clutching assault rifles and long-bladed knives. Addressing the camera in French, one of the jihadis exhorts French Muslims to fight unbelievers at home in France if they are unable to travel to Iraq or Syria, saying they have 'cars and weapons available'. The video says it is also possible to kill using poison in either water or food. Scroll down for video . Three French jihadis burned their passports in the latest ISIS propaganda video released on the internet . The first unmasked terrorist, described as Abu Osama al-Faranci, addressed the camera holding a rifle . His comrade Abu Maryam al-Faranci, warned the people of France he would cut off their heads . The video, which has high production values, is subtitled in both Arabic and English. The burning of a passport is a common ritual ceremony practiced by new foreign fighters who have left their homelands and travelled to fight for ISIS. It is seen as a sign of loyalty to the group and a renouncement of their nationality and old identity. Thousands of foreigners are believed to have travelled Iraq and Syria to join ISIS, the militant group also known as Islamic State that has captured a huge area along the borders of the two nations and is imposing brutal rule. Military forces fighting the militants are being supported by bombing raids by British, US, French and other countries forces. ISIS regularly issues chilling videos showing beheadings of captured prisoners, foreign aid workers and journalists and other atrocities. The videos condemn governments and urge Muslims to follow their extreme version of the religion. The latest video opens with a masked fighter speaking in fluent French, praising the Muslims who have travelled to Syria and Iraq and denounced the Western ideas of democracy and nationalism. The camera shows a small group of ISIS fighters standing in a circle around a fire. They smile as they throw their passports into the fire. Some of the men take their time to slowly place their passport in the fire, while others simply throw their identity documents into the flames. Only four don’t have their faces covered with a scarf. The French speaking masked fighter declares: 'You have oppressed us, fought our religion and insulted our Prophet (peace be upon him.) And today, we disbelieve in you and your passports, and if you come here we will fight you.' Abu Salman al-Faranci, centre, warned that people living in France were not safe from ISIS . He urged French Muslims to poison the water and food 'of at least one of the enemies of Allah' The group are then shown sitting down, with the three unmasked French men positioned in the middle. The three French men take it in turns to urge Muslims in France to travel to Syria and Iraq and fight for ISIS. According the video, which was released by the ISIS propaganda unit Al Hayat Media Center, the men are called Abu Osama al-Faranci, Abu Maryam al-Faranci and Abu Salman al-Faranci. Abu Osama al-Firanci declares that jihad is 'the path of Allah' and questions why all French Muslims haven’t joined ISIS. One of the terrorists appears to be holding a US-made AR-15 assault rifle, pictured . 'What are you waiting for?' he says. 'Why do you not perform Hijra? How do you accept to work in the land of Kufr (disbelievers) when Allah has opened a door for you to perform the best of deeds.' He continues to berate French Muslims for paying taxes and strengthening the economy, insisting the French government use the money to 'fight us, and kill our sisters, our women and our children'. He urges Muslims to leave France, warning that 'a day may come when the borders will be closed and you will be left only with tears and regret'. He goes on to praise the French nationals who have travelled to Syria, particularly the pregnant women who have made the dangerous journey. He added: 'The road is easy so there are no excuses for you.' He even claimed they should 'kill them and spit in their faces and run over them with your cars' He warned that ISIS had weapons and cars available in France along with potential targets 'ready to be hit' Another French speaker, Abu Maryam al-Faranci, holding a large sword and an AK-47 assault rifle, boasts that ISIS fighters 'will not hesitate to cut your heads' if the French government keeps bombing Iraq and Syria. He warns that French civilians 'will even fear travelling to the market'. Abu Maryam calls on French Muslims to wage jihad. He refers to the banning of the niqab in France, declaring 'What are you waiting for? Do you not look around you?' He claims the Islamic State is 'ruled by the Shariah of Allah and gives every Muslim his due rights.' The final French fighter, referred to as Abu Salman al-Faransi, urged any French Muslim who cannot travel to Syria to wage jihad at home. Abu Salman says Muslims in France should target civilians on the streets and to use any means possible to cause maximum suffering. 'Terrorise them and do not allow them to sleep due to fear and horror. There are weapons and cars available and targets ready to be hit. Even poison is available, so poison the water and food of at least one of the enemies of Allah,' he says. He said: 'Kill them and spit in their faces and run over them with your cars. Do whatever you are able to do in order to humiliate them, for they deserve only this.' He ends the video by ordering women and children to come and live under Islamic State, vowing there will be 'generations who will fight you O crusaders.' One of the fighters in the video is seen brandishing a US-made AR-15 assault rifle. The video comes just days after a two French nationals were shown on video taking part in a mass systematic execution of 18 Syrian air force soldiers at an unknown site believed to be in the swathe of territory in northern Iraq and Syria captured by ISIS militants.
Indianapolis Colts
Osteonecrosis of the jaws is a rare but serious complication that can be difficult to manage and may result in significant morbidity to the patient, including severe pain and loss of large portions of the mandible and/or maxilla. Osteonecrosis can have many etiologies and maybe multifactorial in nature. Osteonecrosis is defined by the exposure of mandibular or maxillary bone through lesions in the gingiva that do not heal. 1 Osteonecrosis can result secondary to necrotizing forms of gingival and periodontal disease, infections, such as osteomyelitis and sinusitis of both bacterial and fungal origins, malignancies, radiation, and medications used in the treatment of malignancies and other bone disorders. Of practical concern to the primary care physician and are 2 forms of osteonecrosis that every physician should be aware off, able to predict, possibly prevent, and aid in management of; these are osteoradionecrosis and bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws.
Based on the Theis equation, increasing the transmissivity will increase the radius of influence and decrease the total drawdown. Drawdown is directly proportional to the pumping rate and inversely proportional to aquifer transmissivity and storativity. $$s = \frac{Q}{4T\pi}\int_u^\infty \frac{e^{-y}}y dy$$ and $$u = \frac{r^{2}s}{4Tt}$$ Where s is drawdown, r is radius from well, t is time, T is transmissivity, Q is pumping rate, and u is the well function. Applying this equation, you can produce plots like this: for these plots, I used Q = 500, S = 0.01, and t = 4
La Salle University
In most contemporary educational systems of the world, secondary education comprises the formal education that occurs during adolescence. It is characterized by transition from the typically compulsory, comprehensive primary education for minors, to the optional, selective tertiary, "postsecondary", or "higher" education (e.g. university, vocational school) for adults. Depending on the system, schools for this period, or a part of it, may be called secondary or high schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, middle schools, colleges, or vocational schools. The exact meaning of any of these terms varies from one system to another. The exact boundary between primary and secondary education also varies from country to country and even within them, but is generally around the seventh to the tenth year of schooling. Secondary education occurs mainly during the teenage years. In the United States, Canada and Australia, primary and secondary education together are sometimes referred to as K-12 education, and in New Zealand Year 1–13 is used. The purpose of secondary education can be to give common knowledge, to prepare for higher education, or to train directly in a profession.
Morgan Freeman
Study Materials for The Great Divorce cs lewis The Great Divorce This book, a response to William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, was first printed as a serial in a religious publication in 1944 and 1945, and in book form soon after. Lewis's diverse sources for this work include the works of St. Augustine, Dante Aligheri, John Milton, John Bunyan, Emanuel Swedenborg, and Lewis Carroll. George MacDonald, whom Lewis utilizes as a character in the story, Dante, Prudentius and Jeremy Taylor are alluded to in the text of chapter 9. Choosing Hell "There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, in the end, 'Thy will be done.' All that are in Hell, choose it. Without that self-choice there could be no Hell. No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it." - George MacDonald character, p.69 Not all paths lead home "We are not living in a world where all roads are radii of a circle and where all, if followed long enough, will therefore draw gradually nearer and finally meet at the centre: rather in a world where every road, after a few miles, forks into two, ...and at each fork you must make a decision." - p. Going back to move forward "I do not think that all who choose wrong roads perish; but their resue consists in being put back on the right road. A sum can be put right: but only by going back till you find the error and working it afresh from that point, never by simply going on." - p. Being in Love "If it would help you and if it were possible I would go down with you into Hell: but you cannot bring Hell into me.... I cannot love a lie. I cannot love the thing which is not. I am in Love, and out of it I will not go." - p. Killing the Red Lizard Ghost: "How can I tell you to kill it? You'd kill me if you did." Spirit: "It is not so." Ghost: "Why, you're hurting me now." Spirit: "I never said it wouldn't hurt you. I said it wouldn't kill you." - p. The Bleeding Charity "What do you keep on arguing for? I'm only telling you the sort of chap I am. I only want my rights. I'm not asking for anybody's bleeding charity." "Then do. At once. Ask for the Bleeding Charity. Everything is here for the asking and nothing can be bought." - p. outline and summary The book opens with the narrator in a grim and joyless city, the "grey town." He finds and joins a queue with several unpleasant people who are waiting for a bus with an unspecified destination that is in fact the foothills at the entrance to heaven. During the bus ride, the narrator converses with some of his fellow passengers and discovers that they have strong opinions about the bus, the town, and their destination. He also discovers with a shock that they are dead. When the bus reaches its destination, the "people" on the bus, and the narrator himself, are gradually revealed to be ghosts. The country is the most beautiful they have ever seen, but every feature of the landscape (including streams of water and blades of grass) is unyieldingly solid compared to themselves: it causes them immense pain to walk on the grass, and even a single leaf is far too heavy for any to lift. Shining spirits, men and women whom they had known on earth, meet each of them, and urge them to abandon the town and enter heaven proper. They promise that as the ghosts travel onward and upward, they will become more solid and thus feel no discomfort. These figures, called "spirits" to distinguish them from the ghosts, offer to assist them in the journey toward the mountains and the sunrise. Almost all of the ghosts choose to return instead to the grey town, giving various reasons and excuses. Much of the interest of the book lies in the recognition it awakens of the plausibility and familiarity, along with the thinness and self-deception, of the excuses that the ghosts refuse to abandon, even though to do so would bring them to "reality" and "joy forevermore." The narrator is met by the writer George MacDonald, whom he hails as his mentor, just as Dante did when encountering Virgil in the Divine Comedy
Cloud services like Google Play Music, Amazon Cloud Player, and Dropbox can sync your music library across your devices. By uploading music from your computer to the cloud and then install the service on your iPhone, you can enjoy and play the music from your computer on your iOS device without iTunes.
Record store day sure yielded some goodies this year. Among the other buzzed about releases on Saturday was a Bon Iver/Peter Gabriel split 7-inch from Jagjaguwar. This is the first of what we hope will be at least a few more Peter Gabriel covers -- Gabriel put out an open-ended invitation/challenge to the artists whose work he covered on his recent Scratch My Back album. The goal is to eventually release an eclectic album of Peter Gabriel covers called I'll Scratch Yours. Details are sketchy on future covers, though. It sounded like we might get a Thom Yorke cover of the 1982 song "Wallflower," but Gabriel told NME that Yorke isn't answering his calls right now. Even if all of the musicians don't come through, so far it looks like the ones who do are going to make up for it. Bon Iver's six-minute cover of "Come Talk To Me" exceeds all expectations. Flip the record over to find Gabriel's gorgeous rendition of "Flume." You can listen to Justin Vernon's version of "Come Talk To Me" on Hype Machine, but, if you like it, for Pete's sake (and Justin's, too), just buy it. If not from a real record store, then it's available on iTunes, as well.
By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 15:40 EST, 29 October 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 17:10 EST, 29 October 2013 . A father branded 'Dad of the Year' after donning a pair of Daisy Dukes in protest to his teenage daughter wearing short shorts has began writing a parenting book and public speaking. In September, Scott Mackintosh, from Lehi, Utah became an internet hit after his 19-year-old daughter Myley shared an image of him wearing the tiny shorts online. Within days, the photos were seen across the country and he appeared on morning television, news segments and comedy shows which poked fun at his eyebrow-raising wardrobe choice and commended his original way of teaching his daughter a lesson in modesty. Getting his point across: In September, Scott Mackintosh's daughter . wouldn't change out of her short shorts before a family outing, so the dad slipped into a pair of his own. He is now writing a parenting book . 'Initially it was the funny picture that . took off,' his wife Becky told the Deseret News. 'But then when they read the story, it was a lesson of love. He did that because he loves his child. He brought embarrassment to himself, not to his . daughter.' Since their story spread, they have received messages of support from teenagers and their parents. Becky added: 'The ones who touched us the most came from . teens and a few adults referring back to when they were teens, saying," I wish I had a dad that loved me that much".' The couple has now been inspired to pursue their dreams of writing a book and public speaking. After their story became national news, New York Times best-selling author Bridget Cook contacted the family and is helping them write a book: 'My Husband Wears the Short Shorts in THIS Family.' New ventures: Scott and his wife Becky are now writing a book and preparing for public speaking . Public speaker Chad Hymas has also worked with the couple to help them prepare for sharing their advice; photographs on their Facebook pages reveal they have already spoken with students. 'We don't claim to be experts, just sharing our own experiences as parents,' Becky said. 'We have a sense of humor, but we are also very serious. Yet you have to laugh and roll with things when you are a parent. It can be overwhelming.' They are also about to launch a website, Life's Short Lessons. The family's fame came after they were preparing to go on a night out and Myley opted to wear some tiny shorts. When she refused to change, her father took some scissors to his own jeans. The result was a . revealing pair of cut-offs designed to show his daughter her shorts . aren't 'as cute as she thinks'. 'I know it sounds weird to try to . embarrass her but I wanted her to know that she's of great worth,' Mr . Mackintosh, from Utah, told Good Morning America. Original: He made the wardrobe choice after his daughter Myley, pictured, put on her short shorts, right . Close: Mr Mackintosh embraces his daughter - he said he wanted her to know she is of great worth . At first, the children had their heads buried in their phones, Mackintosh said, and didn’t notice his revealing attire. 'Why are you dressed like that?' his daughter eventually asked when they were nearly at the restaurant. 'Oh well, I don't care.' Dinner . came and went without Mackintosh’s daughter breaking a sweat, so he . decided to take things to the next level and suggesting going miniature . golfing. Again, Myley claimed she was not bothered. But when they arrived at a local ice cream shop, she cracked. 'As I pulled into a stall, my daughter said, “Uh, no! We are not going in!” I said “Let's go through the drive up".' Mackintosh, his wife, and their son went inside, but their daughter stayed in the car. 'It got a point across,' his daughter . said in an interview after the story came out. 'Mostly I just learned the lesson of how much he loves . me and that he really cares about it.'
Because they activate the part of the brain that wants to hunt. When you hunt you shouldn't feel hungry or you're distracted so the appetite is suppressed.
Sometimes an excellent song makes its writer work for it, and sometimes it pours out almost too fast to catch. The latter was the case for Spokane, Wash. singer Cami Bradley and Huntsville, Ala. singer/songwriter Whitney Dean, who met on a whim and, less than a year later, are making music that seems to contain decades of intimacy. Dean discovered Bradley when she was a contestant on America's Got Talent and he was coming off of a two-year stint with The Civil Wars' John Paul White. Dean reached out online. In an origin story strikingly similar to White's with Joy Williams, the pair had such musical chemistry when they did meet that they decided to take the project beyond a few isolated songwriting sessions and into a full-time partnership. Comparisons to Civil Wars extend to the Sweeplings' sound, which has similar close, coed harmonies and haunting folk lyrics. "Carry Me Home" is a dark, expansive piece of rootsy pop, and Dean and Bradley are more subtle players than Williams and White were as a duo. The Civil Wars disbanded in 2013, just before the release of their second album. The project for Dean and Bradley is to maintain their initial chemistry — and then blaze the trail for a lengthy career. The Sweeplings' self-released debut album, Rise & Fall, is out August 7.
Cleveland High School
Python, 147 chars N=input() S=lambda i,K:1+sum(0if len(set(j&amp;k for k in K)-K)-1 else S(j+1,K|set(j|k for k in K))for j in range(i,2**N)) print S(1,set([0,2**N-1])) Quick for N&lt;=6, slow for N=7, unlikely N>=8 will ever complete. Individual sets are represented by integer bitmasks, and topologies by sets of bitmasks. S(i,K) computes the number of distinct topologies you can form by starting with K and adding sets with bitmasks >= i.
Listeners share some of their odd family Thanksgiving traditions, including one family that has a themed-costume party each year. Themes include pirate, toga, Hawaiian, '70s and, this year, Western.
If it seems there are a lot more animals in airports — and on airplanes — these days, you're not imagining it. More than 30 airports around the country now have regular programs that bring certified pet therapy dogs and their handlers into the terminals to mingle with passengers and help ease the stress of traveling. At both Mineta San Jose International Airport (the first airport to have an official pet therapy program) and Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, they're called the K9 crew. At Los Angeles International Airport the PUP (Pets Unstressing Passengers) team roams the concourses. And at Denver International Airport it's the Canine Airport Therapy Squad (CATS) that welcomes passengers to hug, hang out and get their pictures taken with dogs wearing "Pet Me" vests. During 2016, some airport pet therapy teams broadened their membership beyond dogs. Last summer, when passengers were encountering excessively long lines at security checkpoints at many airports around the country, Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport began welcoming miniature therapy horses and their handlers to visit several times a month. And as the winter holiday travel season went into high gear, two airports announced that pigs were joining their pet therapy teams. LiLou, a Juliana-breed pig, joined San Francisco International Airport's Wag Brigade to add "more moments of surprise and delight for guests at our airport," said Christopher Birch, SFO's Director-Guest Experience, on LiLou's first day on the job. Lilou, the pig will be at #sfo on 12/26/16 at 12 pm in T3. Please be patient, give her space, and always ask her mom before touching LiLou. pic.twitter.com/nekpaxYxXh — flySFO (@flySFO) December 26, 2016 And a pot-bellied pig named Bacon Bits is now part of Albany International Airport's Canine Ambassador program. More animals in the air Of course, not all the animals you see in airport terminals these days are just there to be petted. According to the American Pet Products Association, there are around 77 million pet dogs and 85 million pet cats in the United States — and a growing number of their owners take them along when they travel by air. And when they fly as carry-on passengers in the cabin, those pets need to have tickets. On Alaska Airlines and JetBlue, the domestic fee for a pet in the cabin is $100 each way. On American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines, its $125 each way. Frontier Airlines charges $75 each way, and on Southwest the fee is $95 each way. In some cases, more than one small pet can travel in a pet carrier (and avoid an extra fee), but some airlines will tack on an extra fee if there's a stopover of more than four hours. Snakes on a plane? The costs to take a pet on a plane can add up, which may be part of the reason an increasing number of passengers are claiming that their animals aren't just pets but official service or "emotional support" animals which, by law, get to fly for free. Like Frontier Airlines, which had an issue earlier this year with a passenger's emotional support marmoset, each airline website lists very specific conditions under which they will accept service animals or therapeutic/emotional support animals on their plane. An official identification card and/or a written statement from a mental health professional is usually required, but many websites make it easy for pet owners to acquire 'fake' documentation — for a fee. "It doesn't matter if it's a duck or a mini horse, as long as a passenger has the correct paperwork, they're allowed to fly with an emotional support animal and nobody can say anything about it," said veteran flight attendant Heather Poole, author of Cruising Attitude. Poole says it's not a flight attendant's job to determine which passengers are flying with true support animals or which ones have simply secured paperwork to avoid paying a fee for their pet to fly, but "I can spot a fake emotional support animal a mile away," said Poole. "It's usually growling or barking at other support animals. That, or it's dressed nicer than its owner." 2017 may bring changes — or at least some clarification — in how airlines and passengers define service or emotional support animals. While noting that its ACCESS Advisory Committee was unable to reach agreement on updated rules regarding service animals, the U.S. Department of Transportation recently said it intends to draft its own rules. "The guide dog and animal training groups all agree this is a problem, so does the community," said Eric Lipp of the Open Doors Organization. "One solution floated is to have a national registry and certification for service animals so they are given ID. The DOT could also fine a passenger and make big news. That would help, but who wants to do that?"
Digestion time varies between individuals and between men and women. After you eat, it takes about six to eight hours for food to pass through your stomach and small intestine.
Lmao. I have to watch the whole clip. I’ve watched people not allowed entry into establishments because they’re not wearing masks and went berserk and says “it’s just flu”.
“The American Customer Satisfaction Index found that response rates for paper-based surveys were around 10% and the response rates for e-surveys (web, wap and e-mail) were averaging between 5% and 15% – which can only provide a straw poll of the customers’ opinions.”.
This work characterizes long channel trigate transistors with respect to the systematic influence of crystal orientation and body doping on performance issues like mobility and V th adjustment. A fin orientation of (100) is found favourable for n-channel, (110) for p-channel transistors. Experiment shows that body doping is suitable to taylor V th , but low doping levels are preferable to reduce V th variations. The applicability of these long channel results to short-channel transistors down to 20 nm gate length is demonstrated and good performance is obtained.
The kids enjoyed playing with these. However, there was a strong odor .. possibly from being shipped over seas. Two of the balls had holes on them and were useable.
Crop Production Fresh fruits and vegetables come in contact with water during various stages of the production process. Contaminated water that is used during crop production, harvesting, and processing can lead to health issues. Crops with contaminated water used for pesticide or herbicide application.
The number of applications for H-1B work visas has declined in the United States for the first time in five years, reported CNN. This comes at a time when US President Donald Trump has been railing against the visa policy and how it allegedly replaces American workers with foreign labour. On Tuesday, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services said it had received 1.99 lakh H-1B petitions for 2018 within five days of opening the visa applications on April 3. The last time it fell below 2 lakh was in 2014, though even in that year, the number of applications grew from 2013. In 2016, the USCIS had received 236,000 applications. The number of applications received for the H-1B visas had been increasing since 2013. “On April 11, USCIS used a computer-generated random selection process, or lottery, to select enough petitions to meet the 65,000 general-category cap and the 20,000 cap under the advanced degree exemption,” the USCIS said in a statement on April 17. In March, the US had suspended the premium processing option for H-1B visas, which allowed companies to bring in highly skilled workers in a few weeks, rather than several months, if they paid an additional amount. A large number of technology companies, among other industries, relied on premium processing to bring in skilled engineers to the US. Trump had promised his voters that he would overhaul the H-1B visa system to provide more jobs to Americans, whom he said were losing employment opportunities to “foreigners”. His stance poses particular problems for India, which sends the maximum H-1B workers to the US. The Indian government has been attempting to lobby with the White House to reconsider its efforts to tighten H-1B rules.
this species is the most common and extensively cultivated of the five domesticated capsicums the species encompasses a wide variety of shapes and sizes of peppers both mild and hot such as bell peppers jalape os new mexico chile and cayenne peppers cultivars descended from the wild american bird pepper are still found in warmer regions of the americas in the past some woody forms of this species have been called c frutescens but the features that were used to distinguish those forms appear in many populations of c annuum and are not consistently recognizable features in c frutescens species moreover crosses between c annuum and c frutescens aren t likely because seeds obtained from pollination between those two species if the embryo survives will not germinate although the species name annuum means annual from the latin annus year the plant is not an annual but is frost tender in the absence of winter frosts it can survive several seasons and grow into a large shrubby perennial herb the single flowers are an off white sometimes purplish color while the stem is densely branched and up to tall the fruit are berries that may be green yellow orange or red