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Is there anything I need to do to improve this essay and make it stand out? It's basically about buying a jacket and how it affected my view on fashion! Prompt: Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. Fashion was a concept that I just bothered learning about during a time when no one was allowed to see each other. It seems like an odd time to truly appreciate this concept since people see it as an art or an aesthetic lifestyle that other people can appreciate. I've seen many photos of people wearing outfits that beautifully go together on Instagram and Youtube and I truly appreciate the artistic aesthetic of fashion. But there is a deep rooted problem within the fashion industry that I believe not enough people are aware about; fast fashion. Over the very long summer break, I've spent some of my time looking at websites such as Romwe or Shein to get pretty clothing and items at a cheap price. I bought a bright yellow jacket from Romwe because the jacket was really cheap and I knew I needed one once winter arrived. After anticipating its arrival for a few weeks, it came into my life and quickly became my favorite jacket. The bright color yellow really popped and it can be seen for miles. The outside of the jacket felt smooth and the inside felt warm and cozy, as if I was wearing my blanket. I took every opportunity to wear it, even if the weather was getting hotter. But after a few necessary washes, I've quickly noticed how much the texture on the inside has changed. The jacket quickly turned into a warm rag that's been left outside after soaking in some laundry detergent. I still really like the jacket, but the quality of the fabric has deteriorated. I wondered why the jacket could drastically change so much, so I looked at the tags on the jacket and the answer was clear: 97% polyester, 3% spandex. Polyester has the reputation of being cheap, but it has a short shelf life and it's not biodegradable so it's not ideal to buy for a long term investment nor good for the environment. After a few washes, the illusion of a beautiful blanket has been burned away from the dryer. It was one of the main patterns I saw on the website. After adding dozens of items on my wish list, I started to observe the materials used for the products and eventually stopped giving in to the pressures of buying that really beautiful dress on sale for a limited time between May 14-21. Many of the items were mostly, if not purely, made of polyester on Shein and Romwe. I searched up items on Romwe that were made of cotton or other natural materials, there was only a small list of items that were generally more expensive compared to other clothing in the same category. They also had new clothing every other day while a lot of clothes quickly went on sale and eventually disappeared. I was disgusted when I realized what I've been supporting for months. Many concepts are a lot more complicated than what it actually seems. After reading through a couple of websites and watching videos, it was really apparent that fast fashion is contributing to a lot of waste. Since avid connoisseurs of fashion really want to keep up with the trends, they buy cheap clothing that they can easily throw away. Once it's out of style, its value quickly disintegrates to plastic, they throw it away, and the cycle continues. It's important to think about the consequences of the actions we take. Something as simple as buying a shirt can have a long term effect on people and oneself. So I think I needed a plain t-shirt to get down to the basics. I went to my local Target and found a plain t-shirt made of 100% cotton. I don't need to buy any more clothes soon since I need to start saving for a long-term investment.
Is there anything I need to do to improve this essay and make it stand out? It's basically about buying a jacket and how it affected my view on fashion! Prompt: Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. Fashion was a concept that I just bothered learning about during a time when no one was allowed to see each other. It seems like an odd time to truly appreciate this concept since people see it as an art or an aesthetic lifestyle that other people can appreciate. I've seen many photos of people wearing outfits that beautifully go together on Instagram and YouTube and I truly appreciate the artistic aesthetic of fashion. But there is a deep-rooted problem within the fashion industry that I believe not enough people are aware about; fast fashion. Over the very long summer break, I've spent some of my time looking at websites such as Rome or Shan to get pretty clothing and items at a cheap price. I bought a bright yellow jacket from Rome because the jacket was really cheap, and I knew I needed one once winter arrived. After anticipating its arrival for a few weeks, it came into my life and quickly became my favorite jacket. The bright color yellow really popped, and it can be seen for miles. The outside of the jacket felt smooth and the inside felt warm and cozy, as if I was wearing my blanket. I took every opportunity to wear it, even if the weather was getting hotter. But after a few necessary washes, I've quickly noticed how much the texture on the inside has changed. The jacket quickly turned into a warm rag that's been left outside after soaking in some laundry detergent. I still really like the jacket, but the quality of the fabric has deteriorated. I wondered why the jacket could drastically change so much, so I looked at the tags on the jacket and the answer was clear: 97% polyester, 3% spandex. Polyester has the reputation of being cheap, but it has a short shelf life, and it's not biodegradable, so it's not ideal to buy for a long term investment nor good for the environment. After a few washes, the illusion of a beautiful blanket has been burned away from the dryer. It was one of the main patterns I saw on the website. After adding dozens of items on my wish list, I started to observe the materials used for the products and eventually stopped giving in to the pressures of buying that really beautiful dress on sale for a limited time between May 14-21. Many of the items were mostly, if not purely, made of polyester on Shan and Rome. I searched up items on Rome that were made of cotton or other natural materials, there was only a small list of items that were generally more expensive compared to other clothing in the same category. They also had new clothing every other day while a lot of clothes quickly went on sale and eventually disappeared. I was disgusted when I realized what I've been supporting for months. Many concepts are a lot more complicated than what it actually seems. After reading through a couple of websites and watching videos, it was really apparent that fast fashion is contributing to a lot of waste. Since avid connoisseurs of fashion really want to keep up with the trends, they buy cheap clothing that they can easily throw away. Once it's out of style, its value quickly disintegrates to plastic, they throw it away, and the cycle continues. It's important to think about the consequences of the actions we take. Something as simple as buying a shirt can have a long term effect on people and oneself. So I think I needed a plain t-shirt to get down to the basics. I went to my local Target and found a plain t-shirt made of 100% cotton. I don't need to buy any more clothes soon since I need to start saving for a long-term investment.
Dada(Grandfather) would vividly remember the tale of when Ram defeated the multi-headed demon, but wouldn't remember what he just had for lunch. I would spend hours listening to all his stories, whether it be true or not. He taught me the art of storytelling, and I learned to integrate it into my life and reflect on the lessons from the stories. Most importantly, I was able to overcome my shy tunnel-minded self. The dinner table was never quiet. Whether it be about how I learned why we have dreams to the accident at self-defense class, my love of storytelling from Dada sparked my curiosity to learn, gave me an open mind, and a voice. Dada became the main character in his own story as he traveled from the ER to the nursing home to his own home, and back again to the ER. Although, the great tragedy of this story was that his cells never seemed to find a break from metastasizing. During the time we spent together in his journey, we would talk for hours, annoying the nurses with our laughter and reminiscing about memories through our shared art of storytelling, which allowed him to escape from the bleak walls of the hospital with a smile that couldn't be wiped off his face. Although there was no feasible solution to get rid of his cancer, it felt as if the nurses and doctors didn't even try to find one. I remember being there for him through all his questions without a single idea in mind of an answer. I remember all the time I spent sitting in silence just waiting for just something I could cling to in signs of hope. I remember trying to hold back tears of frustration. I remember the helplessness. Although, as fast as despondency had filled my heart after he left this world, it was now gone. I was consumed by anger, frustration, and motivation. My mind overran with the view of how hospitals worked; a tug-of-war between reality and belief. I wanted to be that person that can answer the questions. I wanted to become a physician. Driven to immerse myself into the medical community, I became the Research Officer for Future Doctors of America club. My curiosity and voice guided me to present innovative topics and findings to my fellow peers like how fish could teach us how to cure blindness to the mysteries of autism as few can resist their genetic destiny and become almost superhuman. Apart from the marvels of medical science, I wanted to feel, connect, and find an experience in which my interest would turn into passion. I volunteered in the emergency department at my local hospital and shadowed doctors. While shadowing, I witnessed triaging, patient diet monitoringtransitioning from diagnosis to treatment. This was the first time I was able to be on the other side. The side that made the helplessness go away and be the change. While volunteering, I met a patient named Shreya, an eight-year-old girl diagnosed with terminal cancer. She would laugh uncontrollably whenever I told her about one of my many embarrassing stories and making fun of our shared experiences with belans (Rolling pin Indian parents use to scare when mischievous). For a moment, memories flooded back from when me and Dada were in the hospital room. I remembered that laughter, and not only did Shreya and Dada forget that they were dying, but their smiles expressed happiness and the beauty of being alive. There is something sacred, empowering, when a connection forms when people need it the most; whether it be simple as starting a joke, or just providing some words of familiarity during times of loneliness and gloom. We may never end the sting of loss, but both physicians and stories become the bridge between the past and the future. There is the chance to learn from tragedy and use that to shape a better future. If I can learn something from one loss, keep moving forward, and use that knowledge to help even a single person - save one life, bring a moment of joy, avoid a moment of pain-then that is how I want to spend my life. Through my work, I want to live up to my name and culture to truly mean happiness.
Dada(Grandfather) would vividly remember the tale of when Ram defeated the multi-headed demon, but wouldn't remember what he just had for lunch. I would spend hours listening to all his stories, whether it be true or not. He taught me the art of storytelling, and I learned to integrate it into my life and reflect on the lessons from the stories. Most importantly, I was able to overcome my shy tunnel-minded self. The dinner table was never quiet. Whether it be about how I learned why we have dreams to the accident at self-defense class, my love of storytelling from Dada sparked my curiosity to learn, gave me an open mind, and a voice. Dada became the main character in his own story as he traveled from the ER to the nursing home to his own home, and back again to the ER. Although, the great tragedy of this story was that his cells never seemed to find a break from metastasizing. During the time we spent together in his journey, we would talk for hours, annoying the nurses with our laughter and reminiscing about memories through our shared art of storytelling, which allowed him to escape from the bleak walls of the hospital with a smile that couldn't be wiped off his face. Although there was no feasible solution to get rid of his cancer, it felt as if the nurses and doctors didn't even try to find one. I remember being there for him through all his questions without a single idea in mind of an answer. I remember all the time I spent sitting in silence just waiting for just something I could cling to in signs of hope. Furthermore, I remember trying to hold back tears of frustration. Furthermore, I remember the helplessness. Although, as fast as despondency had filled my heart after he left this world, it was now gone. I was consumed by anger, frustration, and motivation. My mind overran with the view of how hospitals worked; a tug-of-war between reality and belief. I wanted to be that person that can answer the questions. I wanted to become a physician. Driven to immerse myself into the medical community, I became the Research Officer for Future Doctors of America club. My curiosity and voice guided me to present innovative topics and findings to my fellow peers like how fish could teach us how to cure blindness to the mysteries of autism as few can resist their genetic destiny and become almost superhuman. Apart from the marvels of medical science, I wanted to feel, connect, and find an experience in which my interest would turn into passion. I volunteered in the emergency department at my local hospital and shadowed doctors. While shadowing, I witnessed triaging, patient diet monitoring transitioning from diagnosis to treatment. This was the first time I was able to be on the other side. The side that made the helplessness go away and be the change. While volunteering, I met a patient named Shreya, an eight-year-old girl diagnosed with terminal cancer. She would laugh uncontrollably whenever I told her about one of my many embarrassing stories and making fun of our shared experiences with beans (Rolling pin Indian parents use to scare when mischievous). For a moment, memories flooded back from when Dada and I were in the hospital room. I remembered that laughter, and not only did Shreya and Dada forget that they were dying, but their smiles expressed happiness and the beauty of being alive. There is something sacred, empowering, when a connection forms when people need it the most; whether it be simple as starting a joke, or just providing some words of familiarity during times of loneliness and gloom. We may never end the sting of loss, but both physicians and stories become the bridge between the past and the future. There is the chance to learn from tragedy and use that to shape a better future. If I can learn something from one loss, keep moving forward, and use that knowledge to help even a single person - save one life, bring a moment of joy, avoid a moment of pain-then that is how I want to spend my life. Through my work, I want to live up to my name and culture to truly mean happiness.
"Hi Mattia, Where are you from?"I stood there completely dumbfounded, staring into the eyes of my freshman english teacher Mr. Casarez, having no clue what to reply. I hated being asked "Where are you from?" and you may be wondering why "why is that? It's a simple question, just reply with your country of citizenship." However, what most people fail to realise is that whenever we respond the question "Where are you from?" we are immediately tied to the stereotypical ideologies that people believe to exist in our countries, and for me it never felt like I belonged to either. Being the product of a Taiwanese mother and an Italian father, my sense of identity had always been a hazy one. Growing up in China I always saw the disparities between myself and the general population. My skin is darker, hair is curlier, and I am about a foot taller than everyone else. Visiting Italy during the summers, I was always referred to as the kid who had a Taiwanese mother, not the kid who was also half Italian. When we visited Taiwan during Chinese new year, my sister and I were always the outsiders as everyone was under the impression we identified as Italians. I was an outsider no matter where I went, nowhere felt like home, and every time someone asked me "Where are you from?" it felt like the words were a spell, summoning all of my insecurities of being a biracial child who wasn't able to find a sense of belonging no matter the country. To add fuel to the fire, I attended an international school for the majority of my life. It was an environment where everyone was a foreigner. An environment where we formed connections with people who shared similar upbringings, and whenever we had conversations about our homeland everyone had a destined place to call home. However, I was left to be an outsider not having a concrete perception of where to call home. As I matured and grew older gaining experiences with my mom and sister, traveling the world and learning their culture, I realised how lucky I am. It is not a burden to be biracial as I had thought for the first fourteen years of my life. Visiting New York City for the first time, I had noticed something I have never experienced before, no glaring stares when I was interacting with the locals, no head turns as I walked down the street and no strange feeling that I was where I did not belong. I started using the ability that i was a biracial and multilingual person to my advantage. Walking down the street and purchasing chamangoes from a local vendor in Spanish. Visiting China town and asking if they had baozi as I was craving a taste of china for breakfast. It helped me realise that it was not a bad thing being a biracial multilingual individual. As I was able to find and form connections with a vast amount of cultures and people who resided in New York City. Every year when my family would visit friends residing in Barcelona, Cebu, Tokyo and London. I learned to accept that people were allowed to view me as the foreigner. As being a foreigner meant that I was able to learn from locals about their way of life, the national foods, and the best local spots; instead of being secluding myself as I believed I was an outsider. I began to understand that being bicultural and multilingual never meant that I a foreigner no matter where I resided. It meant that I was able to form new connections with people no matter where I was. Being a biracial multilingual person no longer meant that I was an outsider, it means that no matter where I am, I am and always will be able to find comfort in the uncomfortable.
"Hi Mattia, Where are you from?" I stood there completely dumbfounded, staring into the eyes of my freshman English teacher Mr. Easier, having no clue what to reply. I hated being asked "Where are you from?" and you may be wondering why "why is that? It's a simple question, just reply with your country of citizenship." However, what most people fail to realize is that whenever we respond the question "Where are you from?" we are immediately tied to the stereotypical ideologies that people believe to exist in our countries, and for me, it never felt like I belonged to either. Being the product of a Taiwanese mother and an Italian father, my sense of identity had always been a hazy one. Growing up in China I always saw the disparities between myself and the general population. My skin is darker, hair is curlier, and I am about a foot taller than everyone else. Visiting Italy during the summers, I was always referred to as the kid who had a Taiwanese mother, not the kid who was also half Italian. When we visited Taiwan during Chinese new year, my sister and I were always the outsiders as everyone was under the impression we identified as Italians. I was an outsider no matter where I went, nowhere felt like home, and every time someone asked me "Where are you from?" it felt like the words were a spell, summoning all of my insecurities of being a biracial child who wasn't able to find a sense of belonging no matter the country. To add fuel to the fire, I attended an international school for the majority of my life. It was an environment where everyone was a foreigner. An environment where we formed connections with people who shared similar upbringings, and whenever we had conversations about our homeland everyone had a destined place to call home. However, I was left to be an outsider not having a concrete perception of where to call home. As I matured and grew older gaining experiences with my mom and sister, traveling the world and learning their culture, I realized how lucky I am. It is not a burden to be biracial as I had thought for the first fourteen years of my life. Visiting New York City for the first time, I had noticed something I have never experienced before, no glaring stares when I was interacting with the locals, no head turns as I walked down the street and no strange feeling that I was where I did not belong. I started using the ability that I was a biracial and multilingual person to my advantage. Walking down the street and purchasing changes from a local vendor in Spanish. Visiting China town and asking if they had beyond as I was craving a taste of china for breakfast. It helped me realize that it was not a bad thing being a biracial multilingual individual. As I was able to find and form connections with a vast amount of cultures and people who resided in New York City. Every year when my family would visit friends residing in Barcelona, Cebu, Tokyo and London. I learned to accept that people were allowed to view me as the foreigner. As being a foreigner meant that I was able to learn from locals about their way of life, the national foods, and the best local spots; instead of being secluding myself as I believed I was an outsider. I began to understand that being bicultural and multilingual never meant that I am foreigner no matter where I resided. It meant that I was able to form new connections with people no matter where I was. Being a biracial multilingual person no longer meant that I was an outsider, it means that no matter where I am, I am and always will be able to find comfort in the uncomfortable.
What can I use as an introduction too? I'm applying ED and really want to get in I've always been fascinated with the mind and the urges to commit crime. Hence, I hope to develop software that will analyze the root of behavioral disorders, criminality and the methods by which they can be curbed in society. Since Davidson is liberal-arts college, I would pursue a double major in computer science and psychology. From conversations I've had with a few students, I know Davidson has a very challenging curriculum. The rigors from the academics would sharpen my mind and hone my critical thinking skills. Also, I intend on participating in the DRI, where I would study the lasting effects of childhood trauma on children. I aim to employ the findings of my research in Africa because mental health isn't appreciated and it has had adverse effects on people over the years. During one of my online visits, I discovered the Commission on Race and Slavery. I was truly impressed by the strides Davidson is taking to ensure it rids it's community of every bias, and discrimination. I know being a part of such a community would teach me how to appreciate diverse values. As an international student, finding an institution that caters for my needs was very important. Through the International Student Program, I can mix into the Davidson community and make relationships with a variety of people. Furthermore, the Alvarez Scholars Program would expose me to several experiential learning prospects and prepare me adequately for my future career. For me, it's not just about a school's challenging curriculum; it's also the camaraderie of the people in it. From the events I've attended, I see Davidson as a community where my pursuits would be noticed, nurtured, and amplified. This, with the happiness on students' faces as they talk about their experience, is what made me choose Davidson as my ultimate choice.
What can I use as an introduction too? I'm applying ED and really want to get in I've always been fascinated with the mind and the urges to commit crime. Hence, I hope to develop software that will analyze the root of behavioral disorders, criminality and the methods by which they can be curbed in society. Since Davidson is liberal-arts college, I would pursue a double major in computer science and psychology. From conversations, I've had with a few students, I know Davidson has a very challenging curriculum. The rigors from the academics would sharpen my mind and hone my critical thinking skills. Also, I intend on participating in the DRI, where I would study the lasting effects of childhood trauma on children. I aim to employ the findings of my research in Africa because mental health isn't appreciated, and it has had adverse effects on people over the years. During one of my online visits, I discovered the Commission on Race and Slavery. I was truly impressed by the strides Davidson is taking to ensure it rids its community of every bias, and discrimination. I know being a part of such a community would teach me how to appreciate diverse values. As an international student, finding an institution that caters for my needs was very important. Through the International Student Program, I can mix into the Davidson community and make relationships with a variety of people. Furthermore, the Alvarez Scholars Program would expose me to several experiential learning prospects and prepare me adequately for my future career. For me, it's not just about a school's challenging curriculum; it's also the camaraderie of the people in it. From the events I've attended, I see Davidson as a community where my pursuits would be noticed, nurtured, and amplified. This, with the happiness on students' faces as they talk about their experience, is what made me choose Davidson as my ultimate choice.
The thing I value the most is the lifelong bonds I have with my friends from elementary school. When I was younger, I had trouble making friends because at the time, my English wasn't good and I stood out to be awkward. This all changed when I transferred to another school, when I started meeting new people. The friends I had from elementary school really helped me and had a huge impact in my life, they have been with me through my ups and downs. They helped improve my English speaking skills when my English wasn't that great and changed me for the better with each of their unique personalities. My friends were very outgoing and friendly, they put me in situations where I had to talk to someone new because we would try to introduce people into our friend group if they were new. As I got older, we ended up going to different schools. One of my closest friends moved away to Calgary, and our lives started to go down on a different path as our interests differed however, we always made our friendship a priority as we still kept in touch with each other. From helping each other out with school homework to having late nights where we would go shopping, the friendship I had with my elementary school friends is something I cherish. They helped shape me into who I am today, and more importantly they were the people I felt most comfortable being myself with.
The thing I value the most is the lifelong bonds I have with my friends from elementary school. When I was younger, I had trouble making friends because at the time, my English wasn't good, and I stood out to be awkward. This all changed when I transferred to another school, when I started meeting new people. The friends I had from elementary school really helped me and had a huge impact in my life, they have been with me through my ups and downs. They helped improve my English-speaking skills when my English wasn't that great and changed me for the better with each of their unique personalities. My friends were very outgoing and friendly, they put me in situations where I had to talk to someone new because we would try to introduce people into our friend group if they were new. As I got older, we ended up going to different schools. One of my closest friends moved away to Calgary, and our lives started to go down on a different path as our interests differed however, we always made our friendship a priority as we still kept in touch with each other. From helping each other out with school homework to having late nights where we would go shopping, the friendship I had with my elementary school friends is something I cherish. They helped shape me into who I am today, and more importantly they were the people I felt most comfortable being myself with.
Hi Everyone.I'm in my 30's and applying to UBC as a mature student. The personal profile prompts are proving more difficult than I anticipated. Long story short, I grew up in a culture that is strongly against women pursuing education beyond levels of simple reading and writing. When I was 16, I was taken out of school to help raise my family. At the time, I could hardly speak English. I continued learning by reading books, newspapers etc. When I turned 18, I took some courses in a small community college to gain employment and got into finance and banking and progressed fairly well in my career without ever finishing high school. Last year, I enrolled in the Adult graduation program ( adult Dogwood) and recently graduated from high school with an average A. Now that I'm trying to apply to universities, I feel like I haven't done any extracurricular activities or achieved anything beyond working full time to help my family for the last 16 years. I was wondering if anyone else has ever been in the same situation, especially as a mature student? What do I write about? How do I explain concisely in 250 words or less? Any tips or advice would be appreciated. Cheers
Hi Everyone. I'm in my 30s and applying to UBC as a mature student. The personal profile prompts are proving more difficult than I anticipated. Long story short, I grew up in a culture that is strongly against women pursuing education beyond levels of simple reading and writing. When I was 16, I was taken out of school to help raise my family. At the time, I could hardly speak English. I continued learning by reading books, newspapers etc. When I turned 18, I took some courses in a small community college to gain employment and got into finance and banking and progressed fairly well in my career without ever finishing high school. Last year, I enrolled in the Adult graduation program (adult Dogwood) and recently graduated from high school with an average A. Now that I'm trying to apply to universities, I feel like I haven't done any extracurricular activities or achieved anything beyond working full time to help my family for the last 16 years. I was wondering if anyone else has ever been in the same situation, especially as a mature student? What do I write about? How do I explain concisely in 250 words or fewer? Any tips or advice would be appreciated. Cheers
From an early age, I have possessed an instinctive curiosity and been intrigued by Construction and Implementation, Since I grew while seeing my father, who is a civil engineer, Achievements in buildings, roads, and other facilities. Always I had many questions starting with How; how the construction being and how is there a wonderful harmony between natural and human resources form this huge amount of different facilities that enable a person to continue giving. This passion motivated me to study Civil engineering at Al-Balqa Applied University, where I found the answers to most of the questions I had previously asked. Where I learned that civil engineering is a study to engineer all human demands. My Study:-I varied my studies at the university; I studied the Structural analysis and design methods for many kinds of this mesmerizing facilities. I learn about roadways and its Construction to link each destiny, in addition, that I took how to design water treatment plants, which provide the most essential element of life. However, What sticks most in my mind was the project management principles and Contracts, this field is mutual with most of the civil engineering disciplines which talk about time schedules for projects and how to fit the man-power with each progress at projects and how to manage the relationship between contract parties. Experiences:-Despite my young age, I had distinguished work opportunities that allowed me to get close to deep parts in civil engineering and to exercise the duties of all contract parties. I started my career as a site engineer with a Consulting Company, and this enabled me to know the enormous responsibilities that the "Engineer" such as approvals, follow-ups, and Drawing review. After that, I set out to work in the contracting field, which gave me a golden opportunity to link engineering theories with practical reality through many project types such as concrete buildings, steel structures, and sports fields, in addition to how to be familiar with time schedules and man-power management. And now am working at the Ministry of Public Works and Housing in Jordan, specifically in the building implementation department. This place gave me the opportunity to see what is happening behind the scenes in terms of a balance between financial monitoring and project needs that make the project eligible to serve the citizen in the best way, besides dealing with tenders. Why this Course:-Engineering project management at the xxxxxxxxxxx caught my attention from the first moment, It focuses on the fundamentals of project management which lines with my aspirations strongly, and with my current job by teaching about projects funding and procurements, in addition to the many modules that arm the engineer with the tools for successful management. One thing that encouraged me to join this program is that he is under the Mr. xxxxxxxxs management, because of his high experience in risk management and the great research he provided, besides the fact that the acquisition of these experiences by him will contribute positively to treat the defects occurred in Jordan's projects due to what is going In the world from COVID pandemic. Why the University XXXXX:-I chose this great University to study this major due to its strong reputation of engineering programs, while it's ranking was XXX in the world for XXXXXX, in addition to its positive contribution to local and global research and the great feedback from many graduates. I hope you will give me the privilege to be one of your great graduated leaders and drink from your science stem to improve myself and reflect that to enhance the construction environment in Jordan to advance the situation that happened during the COVID-19 crisis.
From an early age, I have possessed an instinctive curiosity and been intrigued by Construction and Implementation, Since I grew while seeing my father, who is a civil engineer, Achievements in buildings, roads, and other facilities. Always I had many questions starting with How; how the construction being and how is there a wonderful harmony between natural and human resources form this huge amount of different facilities that enable a person to continue giving. This passion motivated me to study Civil engineering at Alabama Applied University, where I found the answers to most of the questions I had previously asked. Where I learned that civil engineering is a study to engineer all human demands. My Study:-I varied my studies at the university; I studied the Structural analysis and design methods for many kinds of this mesmerizing facilities. I learn about roadways and its Construction to link each destiny, in addition, that I took how to design water treatment plants, which provide the most essential element of life. However, What sticks most in my mind was the project management principles and Contracts, this field is mutual with most of the civil engineering disciplines which talk about time schedules for projects and how to fit the man-power with each progress at projects and how to manage the relationship between contract parties. Experiences:-Despite my young age, I had distinguished work opportunities that allowed me to get close to deep parts in civil engineering and to exercise the duties of all contract parties. I started my career as a site engineer with a Consulting Company, and this enabled me to know the enormous responsibilities that the "Engineer" such as approvals, follow-ups, and Drawing review. After that, I set out to work in the contracting field, which gave me a golden opportunity to link engineering theories with practical reality through many project types such as concrete buildings, steel structures, and sports fields, in addition to how to be familiar with time schedules and man-power management. And now am I working at the Ministry of Public Works and Housing in Jordan, specifically in the building implementation department. This place gave me the opportunity to see what is happening behind the scenes in terms of a balance between financial monitoring and project needs that make the project eligible to serve the citizen in the best way, besides dealing with tenders. Why this Course:-Engineering project management at the xxxxxxxxxxx caught my attention from the first moment, It focuses on the fundamentals of project management which lines with my aspirations strongly, and with my current job by teaching about projects funding and procurement, in addition to the many modules that arm the engineer with the tools for successful management. One thing that encouraged me to join this program is that he is under the Mr. xxxxxxxxs management, because of his high experience in risk management and the great research he provided, besides the fact that the acquisition of these experiences by him will contribute positively to treat the defects occurred in Jordan's projects due to what is going In the world from COVID pandemic. Why the University XXXXX:-I chose this great University to study this major due to its strong reputation of engineering programs, while it's ranking was XXX in the world for XXXXXX, in addition to its positive contribution to local and global research and the great feedback from many graduates. I hope you will give me the privilege to be one of your great graduated leaders and drink from your science stem to improve myself and reflect that to enhance the construction environment in Jordan to advance the situation that happened during the COVID-19 crisis.
Some people excel academically while others are suited for social interaction which can give them the advantage to succeed in their environments. However, I was not naturally gifted with social skills. This was a problem that I struggled with for much of my life especially when communicating with my colleagues and my peers. There have been a couple of opportunities, which I did not exploit such as participating in leisure clubs and or work experience which involves direct client interaction, because I prefer to work behind shields of comfort and my fear of public speaking to avoid making any mistakes. Eventually, I noticed a huge gap between my colleagues and I due to my lack of refined social interaction skills and lower self-esteem. Once I made this realistion, I acknowledged that I could not solely rely only on my academic skills, therefore I needed to enhance my social skills to succeed in my future. Initially, it was very challenging for me to work on my social skills but I found the best way to solve my problem was to do volunteer at local camps and charities, which would force me to interact with others. I have spent over 200 hours volunteering at various community centers, where performed tasks such as working with vulnerable groups, such as the disabled, orphans and the elderly. One of my most remarkable experiences was serving at Haya's Cultural Center. At the start of my experience, I faced a couple of obstacles since I was reluctant to confidently communicate with the others. This resulted in feeling like an outcast by being instructed with tasks with the least responsibility and not being invited to the regular meetings. This ignited my anger; I start questioning myself. I felt that I was wasting my time at the center. I gained my courage to reframe my thinking and embrace stepping out of my comfort zone, to make my voice louder and demonstrate my innate value. Following that, one of my first experiences when I felt true change in my character was when I was assigned to head a classroom full of teenagers. The teenagers did not respect me at first, which was frustrating. However, I did not give up and after consulting one of my supervisors for pointers, I managed to run the class smoothly. The second time around, I was placed in a different classroom, however, I managed to use my newly refined interpersonal skills to better communicate with the students. It was not just the students which I learnt to talk to, but also my supervisors. I started becoming more involved in my tasks, and started forming relationships with my associates. Day by day, I started finding my rhythm. The administration of the center gradually trusted me more and later on I was appointed as summer camp supervisor. I dealt with different age groups, and learnt how to lead and manage a group, and became quick-witted at solving problems and adapted well within different groups. This reflected on my developed skill set and my organization skills. I also learnt how to effectively cooperate with others. It was at this point that I came to appreciate the value of collaboration since which allows tasks to be accomplished quickly and successfully.
Some people excel academically while others are suited for social interaction which can give them the advantage to succeed in their environments. However, I was not naturally gifted with social skills. This was a problem that I struggled with for much of my life especially when communicating with my colleagues and my peers. There have been a couple of opportunities, which I did not exploit such as participating in leisure clubs and or work experience which involves direct client interaction, because I prefer to work behind shields of comfort and my fear of public speaking to avoid making any mistakes. Eventually, I noticed a huge gap between my colleagues and I due to my lack of refined social interaction skills and lower self-esteem. Once I made this realistion, I acknowledged that I could not solely rely only on my academic skills, therefore I needed to enhance my social skills to succeed in my future. Initially, it was very challenging for me to work on my social skills, but I found the best way to solve my problem was to do volunteer at local camps and charities, which would force me to interact with others. I have spent over 200 hours volunteering at various community centers, where performed tasks such as working with vulnerable groups, such as the disabled, orphans and the elderly. One of my most remarkable experiences was serving at Maya's Cultural Center. At the start of my experience, I faced a couple of obstacles since I was reluctant to confidently communicate with the others. This resulted in feeling like an outcast by being instructed with tasks with the least responsibility and not being invited to the regular meetings. This ignited my anger; I start questioning myself. I felt that I was wasting my time at the center. I gained my courage to reframe my thinking and embrace stepping out of my comfort zone, to make my voice louder and demonstrate my innate value. Following that, one of my first experiences when I felt true change in my character was when I was assigned to head a classroom full of teenagers. The teenagers did not respect me at first, which was frustrating. However, I did not give up and after consulting one of my supervisors for pointers, I managed to run the class smoothly. The second time around, I was placed in a different classroom, however, I managed to use my newly refined interpersonal skills to better communicate with the students. It was not just the students which I learned to talk to, but also my supervisors. I started becoming more involved in my tasks, and started forming relationships with my associates. Day by day, I started finding my rhythm. The administration of the center gradually trusted me more and later on I was appointed as summer camp supervisor. I dealt with different age groups, and learned how to lead and manage a group, and became quick-witted at solving problems and adapted well within different groups. This reflected on my developed skill set and my organization skills. I also learned how to effectively cooperate with others. It was at this point that I came to appreciate the value of collaboration since which allows tasks to be accomplished quickly and successfully.
My name is Nguyen Thi Hue An. I was born on July 21st, 2003 in Nam Dinh, a small but peaceful city in the north of Vietnam. It is a beautiful place near the sea, with a lake at the center of the city, and its hospitable and friendly people. I spent a very happy childhood there and I always feel so lucky about that. Currently, I am a senior year student at Le Hong Phong gifted High School in Nam Dinh city. I will have graduated from my highschool by June 2021 and intend to enter university in September 2021. My career goal is to be able to work in a Marketing management position. There is a saying that I have borne in my mind since my 8th grade: "We are all stories at the end, so make it a good one". To be honest, I spent a few years trying to find a more well-placed quote for myself, but even when I have come across several truly inspiring ones, until this moment, I still find my life somehow just simply similar to the saying. And since that moment, I have started to believe that every person in this world is writing their own story every day. We are at the same time both the author and the main character in our stories. Every choice I have made, everything I have done including all of my faults and my mistakes makes me who I am today. So, now I want to let you in the story of my life. To begin with, I want my family including my parents, my older sister and my younger brother to be mentioned first since I believe it plays an important role in my personal development. My mother, who I am always proud of, has been working in the educational department for more than 30 years now. She has been one of my biggest motivations ever since I was just a little girl. One thing that I am forever grateful for must be that my mother never ceases to support me to achieve and chase after my own dreams without being judgemental. With her philosophy of education, she has encouraged me to seek for the meaning of learning as well as the enjoyment in acquiring knowledge. Since then, I have come to realise that though the process of gaining knowledge may be rough or difficult, and may take a lifetime, I am ready for it. My mother may be the one who instilled desire for learning into me but it is my older sister that fuels that fire inside me. She was always one of the top students during her school years, and last year when she finished her master degree in the UK, majoring in Marketing, I was greatly inspired to further my education specialising in Marketing. Moreover, not only just my nuclear family but my extended family, including my aunts, my uncles and my grandparents have always wanted me to go to see the world, to discover and experience the diversity of culture around the world and totally support me with all of my decisions. Thus, it is apparent that my whole family is the biggest driving force for me to be who I am today. Thanks to my family and our long-lasting tradition of graduating from top schools in the region, I am lucky enough to be educated in top-tier institutions. I graduated from Pham Hong Thai Primary school and then Tran Dang Ninh Secondary School, and am expected to finish my highschool education at Le Hong Phong Highschool for gifted students by 2021. I have been specialising in English for the past 7 years of my school year. At my primary school, I took part in a national English speaking contest and successfully won the third prize. I think that was the foundation of my love and interest in English and 5 years later, I entered my secondary school majoring in English. Throughout 4 years at secondary school, my hard work was recognized and I was awarded two major prizes including the third prize in a English speaking contest and came in second at the regional English contest for gifted students. I was awarded "Certificate of achievement for outstanding academic performance" successively in 11 years. However, what I am more proud of is that I have always been highly active in every social activity during my school years. I was in charge of leading and directing my class whenever my school holds any projects or contests. In the summer of 2016, I became a camper at GPA Road to Rio 2016 in Hanoi. At the camp, we were all divided into different countries attending a mock Olympics. I was in the Kenya team and although we struggled a lot to go through each challenge at first but time to time, we learned how to cooperate with each other and headed for victory eventually. The most important thing I realized during that time was that despite our different personalities, background or even ages, to be able to work in a team, we need to put all of those differences aside and set our mind on the same goal. After three years, when I entered highschool, I had the opportunity to be the head of content at Le Hong Phong Model United Nations. In this position, I have been exposed to a more professional environment. My job is to keep up with all of the hotly debated issues and problems which are happening around the world and come up with new content for the team. At the same time, I had to make sure that each of my teammates knows exactly what they need to do and to follow the flow of work. At first, no one in my team was able to finish their tasks well and I had to guide them to go through a single step at a time. That was an exhausting process and I was under a lot of pressure. But after a few weeks, everything did turn out better and everyone managed to complete their work. In January 2019, the department of English in my school hosted a gala, "City of stars". With my previous experience in social activities and event planning, I was given the chance to be one of the organizers of the gala. Me and my friends worked very hard on the script for the play on the gala night. It is still fresh in my memory that we had to struggle a lot to balance our school work and catching up with the scheme of the gala. We definitely had quite a fight at that time regarding the plot and the ending, but fortunately, we did come to terms with each other and agreed on what is the best for the gala. There were times that I was on the verge of quitting because the job was extremely stressful and demanding, we did need to listen to everyone's opinions and at the same time made major decisions. After all, I am glad that I did not give it all up, I was able to be there at the very end and saw all of my hard work and great effort turning into success. What I gained from that amazing experience was that it is of utmost importance to inspire and persuade people to do their job even when they have never done it before. One more thing that I am really proud of is that I was able to keep the team in high spirits and cheer them up even when things did not seem to go on well at all. The last three years at high school, I can see the most noticeable changes about myself. To be able to enter the best high school in the city, I had to pass a very difficult exam but I did it with high flying color. In the same year, I went through the toughest time in my life. My mother got promoted at that time and my family had a difficult time trying to balance everything in our life. There was a thick wall between me and my mother. I could not have a heart-to-heart conversation with her anymore and I felt like I just lost the most important part of my life. But life is unpredictable, and in each loss, there is always a gain and I was lucky enough to find a priceless puzzle in my life, BTS, the 7 guys that have changed my life incredibly ever since I found them. Right at the time when I was on the verge of giving up on my life, it was a miracle for me to find those 7 guys and to let them be a part of my life. Everything about them ranging from their music, performances to messages has become the source of motivation for me to keep moving and trying to better myself every single day. The thing that makes them stand out and have a significant impact on my development is their educational values. Their music and content often cover different fields of life such as philosophy, literature, psychology and fine art and the desire to understand what they imply in their lyrics makes me feel a great urge to dig into such fields, which I never think will draw so much of my attention. And on my journey with them, I found my one sanctuary. Watching BTS talking openly about social issues in our society today, as well as trying to deliver their positive and meaningful messages of loving ourselves, of breaking the social norms or keeping the hope to their fans all round the world, I realized that is the thing that I want to do. BTS is spreading positivity and making people happy through their music and I want to do it by telling stories. I have been observing the way Big Hit Entertainment, BTS's label, coming up with excellent campaigns or projects, trying to make BTS's music be heard and they are doing it by telling stories of those 7 boys. What they want to contribute to the world, how they want to change the world for the better with their music has become the biggest driving force to me, and have a remarkable influence on my choice of career. To me, at its very core, marketing is about making customers satisfied. And with every product, the manufacturers are trying to tell their stories and I want to help them deliver that to people. I have been learning and reading articles about Big Hit Entertainment and their promotion strategy for BTS for the last three years and I have learned a lot of things. But the most important one is that they do it by amazing communication with ARMY, the fanbase of BTS. Building a persona for target customers is key when developing a product and targeting ads. For lifestyle brands like BTS, this persona becomes the core of everything. BTS has done a great job learning about what matters to their fans and adapting as they both grow. BTS has been actively involved in social issues and they have had two speeches at the UN General Assembly in 2018 and 2020 regarding young generations, which marked as momentous milestones in their career since it does not aim at only one particular group of fans but everyone from all walks of life with different cultural background, ethnicities and gender identities. For more than 3 years, watching their ecosystem growing, I have decided that this is what I want to pursue in the future as my life-long career. However, that is not the only reason I want to study Marketing. In my viewpoint, marketing is a field for someone who is interested in business, psychology and social studies and I believe that I have most of the traits needed to work in this field. I think the most special thing about myself is my curiosity for everything. I love experiencing and discovering new things. When I talk to people, there is always a desire inside of me to know their stories, what problems they are facing or what emotions they are having. I usually feel the urge to be connected emotionally and socially with people. The hope to look for deeper meaning of everything still clings to my mind until this day and I do not hesitate to step out of my comfort zone to do so. Also, to be able to look at the problem from different perspectives has always been one of my strong points and I think this trait can be really helpful when it comes to reading clients' minds. In addition, I can be confident in my communication skills as I easily know how to take in an idea from one person then get it across to another in a way that is interesting and worthwhile. Additionally, since I believe that marketing is about a team's effort rather than individual endeavor, my ability to work in harmony with others as well as my infectious enthusiasm can keep the team in high spirits to get the work done. And because Marketing is in constant development, shifting, presenting new angles and new approaches all the time, I believe that with all of my traits, I can truly shine in this field As I was on my way to seek for a destination to go studying abroad, I just ran into Taiwan as a coincidence, but this country has really caught my attention. Being one of four Asian tigers, Taiwan has always had its reputation for not only the rapid growth in economy but its high quality education, not to mention being one of the safest countries in the world and its lovely and friendly people. To go out to see the world, experience new things and study in a professional environment has always been my lifetime goal so I would love to further my study in Taiwan as I cannot wait to explore its rich and fascinating culture and spend my college life there. After finishing my high education there, with everything I would have learned including all of the skills and practical knowledge, I will eventually come back to Vietnam and be able to apply for a job that I love.
My name is Nguyen The Hue An. I was born on July 21st, 2003 in Nam Dish, a small but peaceful city in the north of Vietnam. It is a beautiful place near the sea, with a lake at the center of the city, and its hospitable and friendly people. I spent a very happy childhood there, and I always feel so lucky about that. Currently, I am a senior year student at Le Hong Phone gifted High School in Nam Dish city. I will have graduated from my high school by June 2021 and intend to enter university in September 2021. My career goal is to be able to work in a Marketing management position. There is a saying that I have borne in my mind since my 8th grade: "We are all stories at the end, so make it a good one". To be honest, I spent a few years trying to find a more well-placed quote for myself, but even when I have come across several truly inspiring ones, until this moment, I still find my life somehow just simply similar to the saying. And since that moment, I have started to believe that every person in this world is writing their own story every day. We are at the same time both the author and the main character in our stories. Every choice I have made, everything I have done including all of my faults and my mistakes makes me who I am today. So, now I want to let you in the story of my life. To begin with, I want my family including my parents, my older sister and my younger brother to be mentioned first since I believe it plays an important role in my personal development. My mother, who I am always proud of, has been working in the educational department for more than 30 years now. She has been one of my biggest motivations ever since I was just a little girl. One thing that I am forever grateful for must be that my mother never ceases to support me to achieve and chase after my own dreams without being judgmental. With her philosophy of education, she has encouraged me to seek for the meaning of learning as well as the enjoyment in acquiring knowledge. Since then, I have come to realize that though the process of gaining knowledge may be rough or difficult, and may take a lifetime, I am ready for it. My mother may be the one who instilled desire for learning into me, but it is my older sister that fuels that fire inside me. She was always one of the top students during her school years, and last year when she finished her master degree in the UK, majoring in Marketing, I was greatly inspired to further my education specializing in Marketing. Moreover, not only just my nuclear family but my extended family, including my aunts, my uncles and my grandparents have always wanted me to go to see the world, to discover and experience the diversity of culture around the world and totally support me with all of my decisions. Thus, it is apparent that my whole family is the biggest driving force for me to be who I am today. Thanks to my family and our long-lasting tradition of graduating from top schools in the region, I am lucky enough to be educated in top-tier institutions. I graduated from Ham Hong Thai Primary school and then Tran Dang Nine Secondary School, and am expected to finish my high school education at Le Hong Phone High school for gifted students by 2021. I have been specializing in English for the past 7 years of my school year. At my primary school, I took part in a national English-speaking contest and successfully won the third prize. I think that was the foundation of my love and interest in English and 5 years later, I entered my secondary school majoring in English. Throughout 4 years at secondary school, my hard work was recognized, and I was awarded two major prizes including the third prize in an English-speaking contest and came in second at the regional English contest for gifted students. I was awarded "Certificate of achievement for outstanding academic performance" successively in 11 years. However, what I am prouder of is that I have always been highly active in every social activity during my school years. I was in charge of leading and directing my class whenever my school holds any projects or contests. In the summer of 2016, I became a camper at GPA Road to Rio 2016 in Hanoi. At the camp, we were all divided into different countries attending a mock Olympics. I was in the Kenya team, and although we struggled a lot to go through each challenge at first but time to time, we learned how to cooperate with each other and headed for victory eventually. The most important thing I realised during that time was that despite our different personalities, background or even ages, to be able to work in a team, we need to put all of those differences aside and set our mind on the same goal. After three years, when I entered high school, I had the opportunity to be the head of content at Le Hong Phone Model United Nations. In this position, I have been exposed to a more professional environment. My job is to keep up with all the hotly debated issues and problems which are happening around the world and come up with new content for the team. At the same time, I had to make sure that each of my teammates knows exactly what they need to do and to follow the flow of work. At first, no one in my team was able to finish their tasks well, and I had to guide them to go through a single step at a time. That was an exhausting process, and I was under a lot of pressure. But after a few weeks, everything did turn out better and everyone managed to complete their work. In January 2019, the department of English in my school hosted a gala, "City of stars". With my previous experience in social activities and event planning, I was given the chance to be one of the organizers of the gala. My friends and I worked very hard on the script for the play on the gala night. It is still fresh in my memory that we had to struggle a lot to balance our school work and catching up with the scheme of the gala. We definitely had quite a fight at that time regarding the plot and the ending, but fortunately, we did come to terms with each other and agreed on what is the best for the gala. There were times that I was on the verge of quitting because the job was extremely stressful and demanding, we did need to listen to everyone's opinions and at the same time made major decisions. After all, I am glad that I did not give it all up, I was able to be there at the very end and saw all of my hard work and great effort turning into success. What I gained from that amazing experience was that it is of utmost importance to inspire and persuade people to do their job even when they have never done it before. One more thing that I am really proud of is that I was able to keep the team in high spirits and cheer them up even when things did not seem to go on well at all. The last three years at high school, I can see the most noticeable changes about myself. To be able to enter the best high school in the city, I had to pass a very difficult exam, but I did it with high-flying color. In the same year, I went through the toughest time in my life. My mother got promoted at that time and my family had a difficult time trying to balance everything in our life. There was a thick wall between me and my mother. I could not have a heart-to-heart conversation with her anymore and I felt like I just lost the most important part of my life. But life is unpredictable, and in each loss, there is always a gain, and I was lucky enough to find a priceless puzzle in my life, BTS, the 7 guys that have changed my life incredibly ever since I found them. Right at the time when I was on the verge of giving up on my life, it was a miracle for me to find those 7 guys and to let them be a part of my life. Everything about them ranging from their music, performances to messages has become the source of motivation for me to keep moving and trying to better myself every single day. The thing that makes them stand out and have a significant impact on my development is their educational values. Their music and content often cover different fields of life such as philosophy, literature, psychology and fine art and the desire to understand what they imply in their lyrics makes me feel a great urge to dig into such fields, which I never think will draw so much of my attention. And on my journey with them, I found my one sanctuary. Watching BTS talking openly about social issues in our society today, as well as trying to deliver their positive and meaningful messages of loving ourselves, of breaking the social norms or keeping the hope to their fans all round the world, I realised that is the thing that I want to do. BTS is spreading positivity and making people happy through their music and I want to do it by telling stories. I have been observing the way Big Hit Entertainment, BTS's label, coming up with excellent campaigns or projects, trying to make BTS's music be heard, and they are doing it by telling stories of those 7 boys. What they want to contribute to the world, how they want to change the world for the better with their music has become the biggest driving force to me, and have a remarkable influence on my choice of career. To me, at its very core, marketing is about making customers satisfied. And with every product, the manufacturers are trying to tell their stories and I want to help them deliver that to people. I have been learning and reading articles about Big Hit Entertainment and their promotion strategy for BTS for the last three years and I have learned a lot of things. But the most important one is that they do it by amazing communication with ARMY, the fan base of BTS. Building a persona for target customers is key when developing a product and targeting ads. For lifestyle brands like BTS, this persona becomes the core of everything. BTS has done a great job learning about what matters to their fans and adapting as they both grow. BTS has been actively involved in social issues, and they have had two speeches at the UN General Assembly in 2018 and 2020 regarding young generations, which marked as momentous milestones in their career since it does not aim at only one particular group of fans but everyone from all walks of life with different cultural background, ethnicities and gender identities. For more than 3 years, watching their ecosystem growing, I have decided that this is what I want to pursue in the future as my life-long career. However, that is not the only reason I want to study Marketing. In my viewpoint, marketing is a field for someone who is interested in business, psychology and social studies and I believe that I have most of the traits needed to work in this field. I think the most special thing about myself is my curiosity for everything. I love experiencing and discovering new things. When I talk to people, there is always a desire inside me to know their stories, what problems they are facing or what emotions they are having. I usually feel the urge to be connected emotionally and socially with people. The hope to look for deeper meaning of everything still clings to my mind until this day and I do not hesitate to step out of my comfort zone to do so. Also, to be able to look at the problem from different perspectives has always been one of my strong points and I think this trait can be really helpful when it comes to reading clients' minds. In addition, I can be confident in my communication skills as I easily know how to take in an idea from one person then get it across to another in a way that is interesting and worthwhile. Additionally, since I believe that marketing is about a team's effort rather than individual endeavor, my ability to work in harmony with others as well as my infectious enthusiasm can keep the team in high spirits to get the work done. And because Marketing is in constant development, shifting, presenting new angles and new approaches all the time, I believe that with all of my traits, I can truly shine in this field As I was on my way to seek for a destination to go studying abroad, I just ran into Taiwan as a coincidence, but this country has really caught my attention. Being one of four Asian tigers, Taiwan has always had its reputation for not only the rapid growth in economy but its high quality education, not to mention being one of the safest countries in the world and its lovely and friendly people. To go out to see the world, experience new things and study in a professional environment has always been my lifetime goal, so I would love to further my study in Taiwan as I cannot wait to explore its rich and fascinating culture and spend my college life there. After finishing my high education there, with everything I would have learned including all the skills and practical knowledge, I will eventually come back to Vietnam and be able to apply for a job that I love.
Socks. Now I know what you're thinking, what about "socks" says improving my community? Desperately needed and commonly overlooked, socks are a highly requested item in the homeless population. This is what inspired my friend and I to create a school-wide sock drive for "Socktober". We gave ourselves a month to collect 1500 pairs of socks for a nearby homeless shelter, and immediately began advertising anywhere we could. Posters hung on every wall of our school and weekly announcements headlined our drive. We spoke at pep rallies, posted on every social media platform, and created a competition within the student body where the house that donated the most socks would get house points (think Harry Potter house system). Kids began bringing in hundreds of socks, and we ended up with over 2000 pairs! I'll never forget the look on the shelter coordinator's face when I opened my trunk and socks began falling out. He gave me the longest hug I've ever received in my life and thanked us profusely. Socktober has now become a yearly tradition at my school, and I hope to continue making small impacts like these wherever I go.
Socks. Now I know what you're thinking, what about "socks" says improving my community? Desperately needed and commonly overlooked, socks are a highly requested item in the homeless population. This is what inspired my friend and I to create a school-wide sock drive for "October". We gave ourselves a month to collect 1500 pairs of socks for a nearby homeless shelter, and immediately began advertising anywhere we could. Posters hung on every wall of our school and weekly announcements headlined our drive. We spoke at pep rallies, posted on every social media platform, and created a competition within the student body where the house that donated the most socks would get house points (think Harry Potter house system). Kids began bringing in hundreds of socks, and we ended up with over 2000 pairs! I'll never forget the look on the shelter coordinator's face when I opened my trunk and socks began falling out. He gave me the longest hug I've ever received in my life and thanked us profusely. October has now become a yearly tradition at my school, and I hope to continue making small impacts like these wherever I go.
A rainy afternoon, hot chocolate, and a book to devour. That is where my mind automatically drifts away to when I envision happiness. When I was a little kid, I carried all my favorite books with me. What if the world suddenly ceased to exist and all my belongings tragically vanished? Would I be supposed to just go on and live without my most precious items? I am what many people refer to as an "introvert". I analyze the world around me, I listen closely during conversations, but mostly, I think. I think about ways I can help my community transition from a patriarchal society to a more equal, accepting environment. I think about youngs girls just a few countries below me having to go through Female Genital Mutilation. I think about ways we can cut down our carbon emissions and create sustainable cities where the economy can thrive without harming our planet. I think about ways we can narrow the inadmissible disparities between the world's multi-billionaires and poor communities living on the edge of famine. My mind brims with ideas and prototypes, dreams and ambitions, and of course, a plan to execute them. Alas, many see introversion as an antonym of leadership. They associate loudness with power and success with appropriation.I have long struggled with this "extrovert ideal" that, for a while, almost made me believe I needed to change to be even considered for a chance. However, when you look closer, this disproportionate epitome in society doesn't quite make sense: Extroverts usually occupy leadership roles while introverts are the ones who carefully weigh every decision they make. Teachers often identify better students as extroverts, while introverts have better grades. With time, I have come to embrace my temperament, my "Soft Power". I no longer see it as a hurdle, but an advantage that helps me be the leader I am today. Without introverts, the world would be void of Chopin's Nocturnes, Van Gogh's Starry Night, and Sartre's Nausea. Introversion isn't having a misfit personality. Introversion is Rosa Park's quiet "no" that engendered the Civil Rights movement. For those reasons, I will continue to prefer small gatherings over booming parties, to engage in compelling debates, and to indulge in books that help satiate my never-ending curiosity. I will no longer question what I bring to the table. Change is coming, and I plan to be a part of it.
A rainy afternoon, hot chocolate, and a book to devour. That is where my mind automatically drifts away to when I envision happiness. When I was a little kid, I carried all my favorite books with me. What if the world suddenly ceased to exist and all my belongings tragically vanished? Would I be supposed to just go on and live without my most precious items? I am what many people refer to as an "introvert". I analyze the world around me, I listen closely during conversations, but mostly, I think. Furthermore, I think about ways I can help my community transition from a patriarchal society to a more equal, accepting environment. Furthermore, I think about young girls just a few countries below me having to go through Female Genital Mutilation. Furthermore, I think about ways we can cut down our carbon emissions and create sustainable cities where the economy can thrive without harming our planet. Furthermore, I think about ways we can narrow the inadmissible disparities between the world's multi-billionaires and poor communities living on the edge of famine. My mind brims with ideas and prototypes, dreams and ambitions, and of course, a plan to execute them. Alas, many see introversion as an antonym of leadership. They associate loudness with power and success with appropriation. I have long struggled with this "extrovert ideal" that, for a while, almost made me believe I needed to change to be even considered for a chance. However, when you look closer, this disproportionate epitome in society doesn't quite make sense: Extroverts usually occupy leadership roles while introverts are the ones who carefully weigh every decision they make. Teachers often identify better students as extroverts, while introverts have better grades. With time, I have come to embrace my temperament, my "Soft Power". I no longer see it as a hurdle, but an advantage that helps me be the leader I am today. Without introverts, the world would be void of Chopin's Nocturnes, Van Gogh's Starry Night, and Sartre's Nausea. Introversion isn't having a misfit personality. Introversion is Rosa Park's quiet "no" that engendered the Civil Rights movement. For those reasons, I will continue to prefer small gatherings over booming parties, to engage in compelling debates, and to indulge in books that help satiate my never-ending curiosity. I will no longer question what I bring to the table. Change is coming, and I plan to be a part of it.
The dust billowed against the windows of the school bus, arousing me from my stupor of periodically counting pigeons on the knotted power lines. I looked up and stared in surprise as it slowly appeared in front of me -- an elephant. Its giant gait, elegant as the man on its shoulders kneaded its ears to direct it through the traffic. As it carefully made a path through the thousands of mopeds ladened with chickens and goats, 6 year old me jumped in her seat ready to rush home to describe the events of her day. For the entirety of my childhood I grew up in countries where the potholes were evened out with trash, women would walk around with woven baskets balanced on their heads, and the unusual was expected to happen. The extent of my "de-americanization'' became visible when visiting grandparents, their astonishment when they discovered their grandchildren believed Walmart was a marketplace that sold walls. When I first saw a Harley Davidson, I started trying to calculate how many goats could fit on the monstrosity. I never believed I was truly from anywhere, but rather existed in a constant state of motion, settling in one country only to pick up, neatly place my belongings into a new box, and shipping off once again. The only fixed notion of my cultural identity was my parents own nationalities. However, I enjoyed every part of my extended cultured upbringing, anticipating the next region in my repertoire. Yet, this passion for new experiences diminished when at the age of 11. I was forcibly moved to Japan for a year to learn my mother's mother-tongue that I had only developed a basis for. The lullabies of muted music down the street or the honking of beaten up cars disappeared and was replaced with silence. I was admitted to a public school where I couldn't understand anything that was being taught and was treated like a rare specimen in a zoo, receiving the silent gaze of those meant to be my classmates, my peers. I was called hafu (half-foreign) or gaijin (foreigner), labelling me as a heterogenous variable in a homogenous society. I was alone, a concept that had never really resonated with me up until that point. Suddenly, I was drowning in this newfound loneliness and emotions not benefited by the rampanting hormones of puberty. I drew into myself, spending all my days and nights reading tales of the Brothers Grimm not only to serve as a dark escape from my motherland, but to actively work against it by reinforcing the language that I was fluent in. However, despite my early grugingness towards the country, I eventually met Liliana sensei, a bustling second generation Argentinian woman. She brought me to her volunteer supplementary school, filled to the brim with other multicultural kids. Not a single person in that school could speak beyond a rudimentary English, but that didn't matter. I was able to join a community of people grappled with the same lack of understanding, however, in viewing the true earnestness that my newfound peers had in learning the language, I began to question my distorted vision. I began to see the positive experience that I had once ignored; the sight of Mt. Fuji, the love of my Japanese grandparents that I was unwilling to comprehend or understand, and the beauty of the language that I had once despised so much. I still miss the chaotic, balmy, energizing vigor of my youth, but I now hold an appreciation for the country of my birth. The impact that all the cultures I grew with still follow me throughout my life and have become integral to who I have become. From the years since my time in Japan my love for my culture has steadily grown, the hate that I once had softening with the warm fond breath of my motherland.
The dust billowed against the windows of the school bus, arousing me from my stupor of periodically counting pigeons on the knotted power lines. I looked up and stared in surprise as it slowly appeared in front of me -- an elephant. Its giant gait, elegant as the man on its shoulders kneaded its ears to direct it through the traffic. As it carefully made a path through the thousands of mopeds ladened with chickens and goats, 6-year-old me jumped in her seat ready to rush home to describe the events of her day. For the entirety of my childhood I grew up in countries where the potholes were evened out with trash, women would walk around with woven baskets balanced on their heads, and the unusual was expected to happen. The extent of my "Americanization'' became visible when visiting grandparents, their astonishment when they discovered their grandchildren believed Walmart was a marketplace that sold walls. When I first saw a Harley-Davidson, I started trying to calculate how many goats could fit on the monstrosity. I never believed I was truly from anywhere, but rather existed in a constant state of motion, settling in one country only to pick up, neatly place my belongings into a new box, and shipping off once again. The only fixed notion of my cultural identity was my parents own nationalities. However, I enjoyed every part of my extended cultured upbringing, anticipating the next region in my repertoire. Yet, this passion for new experiences diminished when at the age of 11. I was forcibly moved to Japan for a year to learn my mother's mother-tongue that I had only developed a basis for. The lullabies of muted music down the street or the honking of beaten up cars disappeared and was replaced with silence. I was admitted to a public school where I couldn't understand anything that was being taught and was treated like a rare specimen in a zoo, receiving the silent gaze of those meant to be my classmates, my peers. I was called height (half-foreign) or gain (foreigner), labelling me as a heterogeneous variable in a homogenous society. Furthermore, I was alone, a concept that had never really resonated with me up until that point. Suddenly, I was drowning in this newfound loneliness and emotions not benefited by the ram panting hormones of puberty. I drew into myself, spending all my days and nights reading tales of the Brothers Grimm not only to serve as a dark escape from my motherland, but to actively work against it by reinforcing the language that I was fluent in. However, despite my early Guinness towards the country, I eventually met Liliana sensei, a bustling second generation Argentinian woman. She brought me to her volunteer supplementary school, filled to the brim with other multicultural kids. Not a single person in that school could speak beyond a rudimentary English, but that didn't matter. I was able to join a community of people grappled with the same lack of understanding, however, in viewing the true earnestness that my newfound peers had in learning the language, I began to question my distorted vision. I began to see the positive experience that I had once ignored; the sight of Mt. Fuji, the love of my Japanese grandparents that I was unwilling to comprehend or understand, and the beauty of the language that I had once despised so much. Furthermore, I still miss the chaotic, balmy, energizing vigor of my youth, but I now hold an appreciation for the country of my birth. The impact that all the cultures I grew with still follow me throughout my life and have become integral to whom I have become. From the years since my time in Japan my love for my culture has steadily grown, the hate that I once had softening with the warm fond breath of my motherland.
I still remember the first time that I recognized that my consciousness had started. It was my 3rd birthday and I woke up to my then 16-year old sister telling me "happy birthday!" The next thing I know I was grabbing a piece of paper and pencil and it was the start of my life and my love for the arts. Looking back I didn't have a wonderful childhood, I grew up with two older half-sisters that gave me only half of the love they can offer to a young child. But art was able to fulfill the other half that I was denied of. Recognizing that her youngest child back then had interest in art, she would bring home scrap paper from her job for me to draw on. I learned to draw a stick figure before I even knew how to write and for the next 13 years of my life I was the class artist. But as the art form I was partaking on became stagnant in my heart, it yearned for a new flame. It was photography. Through my tear-soaked memory, I saw my 13-year old self sketching a camera at the back of my journal hoping that one day I'll get to own one. But as the universe played its game, my wish was granted. There, a passion for a new form of art was sparked inside of me. The camera almost never left my side throughout high school. As years went by, a chance peeked through when it was time for me to enter college. I applied to De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde under the Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts program. I was ecstatic, but my family couldn't afford it. I begged through and through until they agreed to allow me to be a full-time student but on the condition that I'll need to grab a scholarship before I enter my sophomore year. My first semester, I failed a subject, this became a wrench to my goals in life. But instead of backing down, I worked my way out and became a scholar at the start of my sophomore year until I graduated. Finishing my college degree as the official school publication's Photography Editor. During those years, photography became the reason I was able to study as my position in the school publication took the weight off my family's back. But my struggles didn't end there, as my depression lingered at the back, there are times I wanted to end my life's journey, but I look back to these memories as if they are a photo wall, a still for every chapter of my life that brought me to where I am now. I look back how photography opened up the doors for me to survive and gain myself education through it. With photography, I am given a chance to immortalize these memories and I believe that SVA is the key to me being able to bring these life-stills to the world.
I still remember the first time that I recognized that my consciousness had started. It was my 3rd birthday and I woke up to my then 16-year-old sister telling me "happy birthday!" The next thing I know I was grabbing a piece of paper and pencil, and it was the start of my life and my love for the arts. Looking back I didn't have a wonderful childhood, I grew up with two older half-sisters that gave me only half of the love they can offer to a young child. But art was able to fulfill the other half that I was denied of. Recognizing that her youngest child back then had interest in art, she would bring home scrap paper from her job for me to draw on. I learned to draw a stick figure before I even knew how to write and for the next 13 years of my life I was the class artist. But as the art form I was partaking on became stagnant in my heart, it yearned for a new flame. It was photography. Through my tear-soaked memory, I saw my 13-year-old self sketching a camera at the back of my journal hoping that one day I'll get to own one. But as the universe played its game, my wish was granted. There, a passion for a new form of art was sparked inside me. The camera almost never left my side throughout high school. As years went by, a chance peeked through when it was time for me to enter college. I applied to De La Salle-College of Saint Beside under the Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts program. I was ecstatic, but my family couldn't afford it. Furthermore, I begged through and through until they agreed to allow me to be a full-time student but on the condition that I'll need to grab a scholarship before I enter my sophomore year. My first semester, I failed a subject, this became a wrench to my goals in life. But instead of backing down, I worked my way out and became a scholar at the start of my sophomore year until I graduated. Finishing my college degree as the official school publication's Photography Editor. During those years, photography became the reason I was able to study as my position in the school publication took the weight off my family's back. But my struggles didn't end there, as my depression lingered at the back, there are times I wanted to end my life's journey, but I look back to these memories as if they are a photo wall, a still for every chapter of my life that brought me to where I am now. I look back how photography opened up the doors for me to survive and gain myself education through it. With photography, I am given a chance to immortalize these memories and I believe that SVA is the key to me being able to bring these life-stills to the world.
My parents say that I don't give up and I have the will and patience it takes to make a strong individual. Someone who is mature than the age might suggest, who can sit down in a family discussion and give constructive solutions to everyday family problems. They would also say that I am a third parent to my brother who picks him up from daycare everyday, helps him study and teaches him new concepts. To my friends, I am a willing helper. Always there for them whenever they need me, helping them with homework, supporting them through tough times. They would also describe me as an approachable leader as I often plan for our player basketball and football practices, and make study group plans while keeping everyone's need and schedules in mind. often encouraging them to come practice or study. Hi, this is what I have so far, please send some constructive critique below. thank you
My parents say that I don't give up, and I have the will and patience it takes to make a strong individual. Someone who is maturer than the age might suggest, who can sit down in a family discussion and give constructive solutions to everyday family problems. They would also say that I am a third parent to my brother who picks him up from daycare every day, helps him study and teaches him new concepts. To my friends, I am a willing helper. Always there for them whenever they need me, helping them with homework, supporting them through tough times. They would also describe me as an approachable leader as I often plan for our player basketball and football practices, and make study group plans while keeping everyone's need and schedules in mind. Often encouraging them to come practice or study. Hi, this is what I have so far, please send some constructive critique below. Thank you
In a country like India where a Childs' future occupation is restricted to two fields-engineering and medicine, I was one such child who tried to break these conventional notions in my community and dared to dream of pursuing an unconventional field like science. My family has always described me as a rebel for my unorthodox ways of tackling problems and I Am reputed for being persistent to excel in activities, showing no desire to quit till the point of proficiency. Without these traits I could have never achieved my proudest feat. The journey starts in 8th grade, I participated in my first intra-debate competition to learn with no intention to win. It was my first time expressing myself Infront of a crowd because of which I was nervous. Soon, I got on stage ;my hands and legs started shivering, i started stuttering and felt my eyes tearing. After the incident, I was teased the entire year. The event hurt my pride and degraded my sense of self-respect, that's when I decided to pursue public speaking as an activity to prove myself. In the upcoming years, I competed in numerous MUNs and debates, lost a lot of them which made it difficult to continue but I worked harder and have finally overcome my fear. Today I have won more than 30 competitions, even organized them on a national level. This event made me realize how being stubborn and having the desire to prove oneself enables a person to achieve the impossible.
In a country like India where a Child's' future occupation is restricted to two fields-engineering and medicine, I was one such child who tried to break these conventional notions in my community and dared to dream of pursuing an unconventional field like science. My family has always described me as a rebel for my unorthodox ways of tackling problems and I Am reputed for being persistent to excel in activities, showing no desire to quit till the point of proficiency. Without these traits I could have never achieved my proudest feat. The journey starts in 8th grade, I participated in my first intra-debate competition to learn with no intention to win. It was my first time expressing myself In front of a crowd because of which I was nervous. Soon, I got on stage ;my hands and legs started shivering, I started stuttering and felt my eyes tearing. After the incident, I was teased the entire year. The event hurt my pride and degraded my sense of self-respect, that's when I decided to pursue public speaking as an activity to prove myself. In the upcoming years, I competed in numerous Runs and debates, lost a lot of them which made it difficult to continue, but I worked harder and have finally overcome my fear. Today I have won more than 30 competitions, even organized them on a national level. This event made me realize how being stubborn and having the desire to prove oneself enables a person to achieve the impossible.
I am a daughter of a furniture maker and cook with one high School diploma between them. Most of my relatives didn't attend university at all and working minimum wage jobs to survive. The word "college" just wasn't part of our vocabulary. Since my dad devalued education, it was a fight for me to finish high school. He would always say "A woman's education ends in kitchen", it's a saying that have been passed for generations. He wanted me to learn a skill just like my siblings but I wanted something bigger and a high school diploma wasn't going to help. I was considered as the black sheep of the home because I was adamant in what I wanted. I want a change to start from me, and I want a better path for my younger ones. The reality of limitations to certain areas as a female child bothered me growing up, but I kept telling myself you're different and born here for a reason and that is to make a change, that's why I never wavered from my goals of attending college. Breaking out of the socio-economic challenges has been one of my main motivation for wanting to attend college, along with attaining more knowledge. I want to achieve something greater: I wish not only to be a first generation college student but one with an international accreditation because quality education is one of my top priority. I come from the eastern region of Nigeria where indigenous education is practiced. Girls are taught domestic skills needed to function in the home. After the stage where you can read and write, you would go and acquire a skill. A place where education is not meant for girls because they believe a woman's education will get in the way of her duties as a wife and a mother. This type of education still exists even in the twenty-first century where formal education is being practiced. My sister was talked into marriage after high school and I was left with the household chores as well as babysitting my younger one. This limited my time to study and in some cases may have to miss school to complete this duties. Nevertheless, caring for my siblings has helped me become a leader, as I need to make decisions that impact their development and well-being. Around the world there are countless examples of women rising, taking leadership, taking their destiny into their own hands, inspiring all of us. But women and girls are still the majority of victims of socio-economic challenges . They are half of all refugees and the vast majority of victims of rape, gender inequality, human trafficking, early marriage, access to quality education, domestic and gender-based violence. I want a future where there would be no female leaders. There will just be leaders, and we cannot achieve this when half of us are held back. I lost my dad to a fatal accident the year I took my final exams (WASSCE). Everything from that time seems blacked out- it was just me against the world. The pressure and frustration from my mom increased. She wanted me to get married so I can also help in bringing up my younger ones. I came across scholarship opportunities to study abroad so each year I applied for admission and scholarship to various schools. I got accepted to most of them, but to my dismay, with less scholarship due to both my status as an international student and my inability to provide an SATACT score. I couldn't afford those standardized tests especially when I had application fees to pay. Educational resources and opportunities are limited in my country, and so are scholarships to international students. It's been six years of trying and here I am still trying. And I will keep trying because I am confident in my own ability to forge my own future.
I am a daughter of a furniture maker and cook with one high School diploma between them. Most of my relatives didn't attend university at all and working minimum wage jobs to survive. The word "college" just wasn't part of our vocabulary. Since my dad devalued education, it was a fight for me to finish high school. He would always say "A woman's education ends in kitchen", it's a saying that have been passed for generations. He wanted me to learn a skill just like my siblings, but I wanted something bigger and a high school diploma wasn't going to help. I was considered as the black sheep of the home because I was adamant in what I wanted. I want a change to start from me, and I want a better path for my younger ones. The reality of limitations to certain areas as a female child bothered me growing up, but I kept telling myself you're different and born here for a reason and that is to make a change, that's why I never wavered from my goals of attending college. Breaking out of the socio-economic challenges has been one of my main motivation for wanting to attend college, along with attaining more knowledge. I want to achieve something greater: I wish not only to be a first generation college student but one with an international accreditation because quality education is one of my top priority. I come from the eastern region of Nigeria where indigenous education is practiced. Girls are taught domestic skills needed to function in the home. After the stage where you can read and write, you would go and acquire a skill. A place where education is not meant for girls because they believe a woman's education will get in the way of her duties as a wife and a mother. This type of education still exists even in the twenty-first century when formal education is being practiced. My sister was talked into marriage after high school, and I was left with the household chores as well as babysitting my younger one. This limited my time to study and in some cases may have to miss school to complete these duties. Nevertheless, caring for my siblings has helped me become a leader, as I need to make decisions that impact their development and well-being. Around the world there are countless examples of women rising, taking leadership, taking their destiny into their own hands, inspiring all of us. But women and girls are still the majority of victims of socio-economic challenges. They are half of all refugees and the vast majority of victims of rape, gender inequality, human trafficking, early marriage, access to quality education, domestic and gender-based violence. I want a future where there would be no female leaders. There will just be leaders, and we cannot achieve this when half of us are held back. I lost my dad to a fatal accident the year I took my final exams (WASSCE). Everything from that time seems blacked out- it was just me against the world. The pressure and frustration from my mom increased. She wanted me to get married, so I can also help in bringing up my younger ones. I came across scholarship opportunities to study abroad so each year I applied for admission and scholarship to various schools. I got accepted to most of them, but to my dismay, with less scholarship due to both my status as an international student and my inability to provide an SAT ACT score. Furthermore, I couldn't afford those standardized tests especially when I had application fees to pay. Educational resources and opportunities are limited in my country, and so are scholarships to international students. It's been six years of trying and here I am still trying. And I will keep trying because I am confident in my own ability to forge my own future.
In an academic level, I am mostly described by others as a hard-working, analytical, intellectual, and helping person. On the other hand, and on a more personal level, they would say I am happy, optimistic, loving, understanding, and successful. I like to think those traits apply to me, but I also want to emphasize that they did not come embedded in me and that I actually had to work hard for them. Like everyone, I have been through troubling times. I will go on ahead and elaborate on what I just said by talking about what I am most proud of. I could easily start talking about my academic and extracurricular achievements, but I would just be lying to myself. In reality, what makes me proudest started when I was suffering from severe anxiety; I was always comparing myself to others and looking for ways in which I could be better than them. This was my biggest mistake. It turns out that by constantly looking towards others to justify my self-worth, I was just jeopardizing my self-esteem. What makes me the proudest about myself is that I was able to realize and understand this, and I made changes to my way of thinking that made me who I am today: I started competing against myself, seeing others as support and not adversaries, and for the first time I started believing in my own potential. There's still much to be done, but I'm proud of what I have achieved so far.
In an academic level, I am mostly described by others as a hard-working, analytical, intellectual, and helping person. On the other hand, and on a more personal level, they would say I am happy, optimistic, loving, understanding, and successful. I like to think those traits apply to me, but I also want to emphasize that they did not come embedded in me and that I actually had to work hard for them. Like everyone, I have been through troubling times. I will go on ahead and elaborate on what I just said by talking about what I am most proud of. I could easily start talking about my academic and extracurricular achievements, but I would just be lying to myself. In reality, what makes me proudest started when I was suffering from severe anxiety; I was always comparing myself to others and looking for ways in which I could be better than I. This was my biggest mistake. It turns out that by constantly looking towards others to justify my self-worth, I was just jeopardizing my self-esteem. What makes me the proudest about myself is that I was able to realize and understand this, and I made changes to my way of thinking that made me who I am today: I started competing against myself, seeing others as support and not adversaries, and for the first time I started believing in my own potential. There's still much to be done, but I'm proud of what I have achieved so far.
This is my essay for the common app. I did this in one night, this is my first draft. I would really appreciate any tips or suggestions. I also need some tips with the conclusion it's not finished yet. Thank you in advance! - Kennedy Opening the crisp letter from a man I have no memory of with the plastered words " I'm sorry." After 12 years that's all he had to say- " I'm sorry." Why did it take him so long to reach out to me? Left because he couldn't handle a baby fussing, but i mean that's what babies do, they cry. After my first day of high school I received a letter from my father who has the same initials as me. I just stared at the letter, I remember my mom eyeing me, more eager to open it then me. As I ripped open the envelope,two sheets of paper came out. Starting with Dear daughter, and ending with love dad. A wave of emotion overcame me, why was it that i felt empathy for someone i have no memory of. He wanted to meet me. I spoke to my mom about the letter, she was shocked but happy. I told her about him wanting to meet me, surprisingly she suggested that I do and that I should text him since he gave me his number. Throughout my childhood i was told little to know knowledge of my dad.It never really crossed my mind that that was something i wanted to know.If my father wasn't strong enough to accept that he had a daughter than I wouldn't be weak enough to care. But the reality was that i did care, i wanted to get to know him, i want to know his thoughts, and ideas. I always think that if something ever happened to him, I would feel guilty that I didn't give him a chance. I reached for my phone, and texted him, It felt as if he was standing right in front of me as we texted back and forth. The text read, " Friday at noon." As I pulled up to chipotle , seeing him through the glass pane window pane sitting, I felt my stomach tighten up, and I couldn't stop shaking my leg. I got out of the car, even though i only saw one picture of him i somehow knew who he was. He was bald, slim, with a grey hoodie on. I walked up to him, and an endless staring contrast seemed to begin. We both started as if we weren't real, as if this isn't happening. He broke the silence with a warm embrace. The smell of his sweet cologne filled the air, I cried, this is my dad. For the little time I spent with him I loved him. I met a person who had the same love of books as me... This experience with my father taught me that everyone has to make decisions, to do what is best in that moment and time, and live with those consequences. I could have just disregarded everything, and said no to meeting him, but I didn't make that decision. I've matured in thinking because of this experience.
This is my essay for the common app. I did this in one night, this is my first draft. I would really appreciate any tips or suggestions. Furthermore, I also need some tips with the conclusion it's not finished yet. Thank you in advance! - Kennedy Opening the crisp letter from a man I have no memory of with the plastered words" I'm sorry." After 12 years that's all he had to say-" I'm sorry." Why did it take him so long to reach out to me? Left because he couldn't handle a baby fussing, but I mean that's what babies do, they cry. After my first day of high school I received a letter from my father who has the same initials as me. I just stared at the letter, I remember my mom eyeing me, more eager to open it than me. As I ripped open the envelope, two sheets of paper came out. Starting with Dear daughter, and ending with love dad. A wave of emotion overcame me, why was it that I felt empathy for someone I have no memory of. He wanted to meet me. I spoke to my mom about the letter, she was shocked but happy. I told her about him wanting to meet me, surprisingly she suggested that I do and that I should text him since he gave me his number. Throughout my childhood I was told little to know knowledge of my dad. It never really crossed my mind that that was something I wanted to know. If my father wasn't strong enough to accept that he had a daughter than I wouldn't be weak enough to care. But the reality was that I did care, I wanted to get to know him, I want to know his thoughts, and ideas. I always think that if something ever happened to him, I would feel guilty that I didn't give him a chance. I reached for my phone, and texted him, It felt as if he was standing right in front of me as we texted back and forth. The text read," Friday at noon." As I pulled up to chipotle, seeing him through the glass pane window pane sitting, I felt my stomach tighten up, and I couldn't stop shaking my leg. I got out of the car, even though I only saw one picture of him I somehow knew who he was. He was bald, slim, with a gray hoodie on. I walked up to him, and an endless staring contrast seemed to begin. We both started as if we weren't real, as if this isn't happening. He broke the silence with a warm embrace. The smell of his sweet cologne filled the air, I cried, this is my dad. For the little time I spent with him, I loved him. I met a person who had the same love of books as me... This experience with my father taught me that everyone has to make decisions, to do what is best At that moment and time, and live with those consequences. I could have just disregarded everything, and said no to meeting him, but I didn't make that decision. I've matured in thinking because of this experience.
The reason I want to study abroad, especially in South Korea, because I want to study in a country that provides assistance in the research process for researchers in the field of biotechnology, because in my opinion biotechnology is one of the most useful applied sciences for humans, especially in the field of medicine. medicine and health. If I am asked the reason why I chose South Korea, because in my opinion, first, South Korea is a comfortable country for students, secondly, South Korea has good facilities to support my research while working as a researcher, especially in the field of biotechnology, third, South Korea is one of the countries that has advanced health technology in Asia. I believe that the GKS-U program can help me achieve my goals and dreams for the future, when I graduate from university in South Korea. I want to work for 3 years in a biotechnology company in South Korea to get work experience and knowledge from researchers in South Korea So when I return to Indonesia, my knowledge and experience while working in South Korea as a researcher in the field of biotechnology motivates me to make a new innovation in dealing with health problems that exist in Indonesia. Family is the greatest motivation I have ever had. The lesson that I got from my parents about how to become a human being that is not only beneficial for myself, but for many people, in my opinion is the most important lesson, because from there I became a person who is sociable and not picky friends. Parents to me are the most precious treasure to me. Education is the most important thing for my parents, it can be seen when they always send me to the best places from elementary to high school. For them, education is something that cannot be negotiated, that's why I want to make them proud by being the recipient of this GKS-U scholarship, because I want to make them proud and be able to reduce the cost of education for me by getting this GKS-U scholarship. When asked about significant experiences I have had, I will answer the failures in my life. The experience of being rejected many times from various state universities in my country made me feel that my life had no future. However, my father said that everyone has a different future and luck and my father encouraged me to move on, for the future that has been prepared for me. I responded by taking steps to register for GKS-U and Asia Youth International Model United Nations and was successfully selected to participate in the Asia Youth International Model United Nations conference virtually. Marching band is an activity that I participated in since junior high school until graduating from high school. Although, there were no things or experiences that I got from the extracurricular activities related to the major I chose, but the marching band taught me a lot. Kinship, Teamwork, Responsibility, Discipline, Hard Work, Dare to be different, Dare to try something new, made me believe that what I got in the marching band can make me even more prepared to face various challenges and obstacles in the future. I hope that by getting this GKS-U scholarship, I can get valuable experience to be able to study in South Korea, apply what I got from the marching band, and I can make changes, especially in the health sector in my country, Indonesia. I am confident to say that I am ready to adapt to a new place and prepare for my success to get the best results for South Korea and Indonesia with the GKS-U scholarship. PLEASE CORRECT MY ESSAY
The reason I want to study abroad, especially in South Korea, because I want to study in a country that provides assistance in the research process for researchers in the field of biotechnology, because in my opinion biotechnology is one of the most useful applied sciences for humans, especially in the field of medicine. Medicine and health. If I am asked the reason why I chose South Korea, because in my opinion, first, South Korea is a comfortable country for students, secondly, South Korea has good facilities to support my research while working as a researcher, especially in the field of biotechnology, third, South Korea is one of the countries that has advanced health technology in Asia. I believe that the GVSU program can help me achieve my goals and dreams for the future, when I graduate from university in South Korea. I want to work for 3 years in a biotechnology company in South Korea to get work experience and knowledge from researchers in South Korea So when I return to Indonesia, my knowledge and experience while working in South Korea as a researcher in the field of biotechnology motivates me to make a new innovation in dealing with health problems that exist in Indonesia. Family is the greatest motivation I have ever had. The lesson that I got from my parents about how to become a human being that is not only beneficial for myself, but for many people, in my opinion is the most important lesson, because from there I became a person who is sociable and not picky friends. Parents to me are the most precious treasure to me. Education is the most important thing for my parents, it can be seen when they always send me to the best places from elementary to high school. For them, education is something that cannot be negotiated, that's why I want to make them proud by being the recipient of this GVSU scholarship, because I want to make them proud and be able to reduce the cost of education for me by getting this GVSU scholarship. When asked about significant experiences I have had, I will answer the failures in my life. The experience of being rejected many times from various state universities in my country made me feel that my life had no future. However, my father said that everyone has a different future and luck and my father encouraged me to move on, for the future that has been prepared for me. I responded by taking steps to register for GVSU and Asia Youth International Model United Nations and was successfully selected to participate in the Asia Youth International Model United Nations conference virtually. Marching band is an activity that I participated in since junior high school until graduating from high school. Although, there were no things or experiences that I got from the extracurricular activities related to the major I chose, but the marching band taught me a lot. Kinship, Teamwork, Responsibility, Discipline, Hard Work, Dare to be different, Dare to try something new, made me believe that what I got in the marching band can make me even more prepared to face various challenges and obstacles in the future. I hope that by getting this GVSU scholarship, I can get valuable experience to be able to study in South Korea, apply what I got from the marching band, and I can make changes, especially in the health sector in my country, Indonesia. I am confident to say that I am ready to adapt to a new place and prepare for my success to get the best results for South Korea and Indonesia with the GVSU scholarship. PLEASE CORRECT MY ESSAY
There may be personal information you want considered as part of your admissions application. Write an essay describing that information. You might include exceptional hardships, challenges, or opportunities that have shaped or impacted your abilities or academic credentials, personal responsibilities, exceptional achievements or talents, educational goals, or ways in which you might contribute to an institution committed to creating a diverse learning environment. I usually don't have trouble starting an essay, but i can't put my ideas together for this one. Please help! I'll list everything I plan to use for this paper. -I have grown up with a dad who has been paralyzed form the waist down my whole life.-He has put his all into putting 4 kids through school and making sure we all pass our classes.-I never applied to any 4 year college after highschool, because I was the youngest of 4 kids and everyone else was out of the house so I felt obligated to stay at home to help take care of my father. I went to ACC during this time. -I have had to change out bandages for him, Clean him up, give him food, because he has had about 25 surguries in the past 2 year and has been stuck to a bed for that time. -He has had many bone infections leading doctors to amputate parts of his body which makes it hard for me to be around him since he is my father and I don't like seeing him helpless, but I still help him even though it is hard for me to keep my emotions together whenever I see him struggling. -I have learned self-discipline, strong work ethic, and managing responsibilities while I have gotten a 3.8 at ACC while still taking care of my dad during the day. Oh, I am a sophomore in college and I'm transferring to The University of Texas at Austin, Spring 2021.Thank you in advance!
There may be personal information you want considered as part of your admissions' application. Write an essay describing that information. You might include exceptional hardships, challenges, or opportunities that have shaped or impacted your abilities or academic credentials, personal responsibilities, exceptional achievements or talents, educational goals, or ways in which you might contribute to an institution committed to creating a diverse learning environment. I usually don't have trouble starting an essay, but I can't put my ideas together for this one. Please help! I'll list everything I plan to use for this paper. -I have grown up with a dad who has been paralyzed form the waist down my whole life.-He has put his all into putting 4 kids through school and making sure we all pass our classes.-I never applied to any 4 year college after high school, because I was the youngest of 4 kids and everyone else was out of the house, so I felt obligated to stay at home to help take care of my father. I went to ACC during this time. -I have had to change out bandages for him, Clean him up, give him food, because he has had about 25 surgeries in the past 2 year and has been stuck to a bed for that time. -He has had many bone infections leading doctors to amputate parts of his body which makes it hard for me to be around him since he is my father and I don't like seeing him helpless, but I still help him even though it is hard for me to keep my emotions together whenever I see him struggling. -I have learned self-discipline, strong work ethic, and managing responsibilities while I have gotten a 3.8 at ACC while still taking care of my dad during the day. Oh, I am a sophomore in college, and I'm transferring to The University of Texas at Austin, Spring 2021. Thank you in advance!
"We're all packed, son." My father said to me as I looked around our home. The first-ever home I had. The home that now smelled of cardboard. Yes, we were moving and I had to change schools too. "I'll be done in a minute," I told him.I was busy packing my camera and souvenirs from various milestones in my life in a box. Along with that, I was also packing away my emotions, the resentment, and the sense of loss I felt. My friends from over fifteen years, my old school, the nook in my house where I often sipped a cup of coffee peacefully - all of this was about to change. The box didn't just carry the other paraphernalia, it also held my suppressed emotions. "Well, you have a bigger room now," my dad said but that didn't matter. The new house felt eerily unfamiliar. The pungent smell of the paint, the new couch, and my room, everything was weirdly unsettling. It didn't feel like home. I couldn't deal with the fact that I had to start all over again. I refused to face my emotions and started unpacking all the boxes, except for the one. Before I realised, the first day at my new school had arrived and it was everything I dreaded. I was surrounded by new faces in a seemingly unfriendly atmosphere. The narrow corridors, the cold rooms, everything was stiflingly unwelcoming. Days turned into weeks and months but that one box remained unpacked and the weight of the baggage was getting worse. I became socially distant and didn't even try to interact with anyone. I was turning into a person that I had never known. I was always eager to go to school, but now I dreaded the thought of sitting in the classroom for eight hours. Eventually, it was time for our summer break, something I wasn't looking forward to at all. Over the break, I happened to glance at that one box that I hadn't yet unpacked, even after 3 months. It simply sat there, gathering dust by the window and I realised that my camera was in it. It hit me with a pang that photography - something I genuinely enjoyed - had been relegated as a forgotten activity in my anger and inability to deal with my emotions. I was so caught up in protesting this change in my life that I hadn't engaged in the one thing I enjoyed the most. And as I took out the camera to upload the pictures onto my social media, the box felt slightly lighter. I felt slightly lighter, almost as if a weight had been lifted off my heart. The first day after the break, a few of my classmates approached me and started asking me questions about some of the pictures I'd shared online. This new spotlight made me nervous initially but then I just went along with it. What started with photography evolved into bonding over our mutual love for video games and computers and this how a genuine friendship was forged. In just a few months, all of us became a tight-knit unit and it seemed like we'd been friends for years. My new home was filled with love and laughter once again as it became a regular spot for all of us to hang out. Gradually, all these 'new' experiences and my friends not only helped me reconnect with myself and the emotions I'd boxed up but also encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone. Whether it was leading the logistics team at my school's annual drama festival or volunteering to speak on various topics in class, the new and evolved me had finally unravelled himself. As for that box? It's long been discarded and I've found a new place to enjoy my evening coffee.
"We're all packed, son." My father said to me as I looked around our home. The first-ever home I had. The home that now smelled of cardboard. Yes, we were moving, and I had to change schools too. "I'll be done in a minute," I told him. I was busy packing my camera and souvenirs from various milestones in my life in a box. Along with that, I was also packing away my emotions, the resentment, and the sense of loss I felt. My friends from over fifteen years, my old school, the nook in my house where I often sipped a cup of coffee peacefully - all of this was about to change. The box didn't just carry the other paraphernalia, it also held my suppressed emotions. "Well, you have a bigger room now," my dad said, but that didn't matter. The new house felt eerily unfamiliar. The pungent smell of the paint, the new couch, and my room, everything was weirdly unsettling. It didn't feel like home. I couldn't deal with the fact that I had to start all over again. I refused to face my emotions and started unpacking all the boxes, except for the one. Before I realized, the first day at my new school had arrived, and it was everything I dreaded. I was surrounded by new faces in a seemingly unfriendly atmosphere. The narrow corridors, the cold rooms, everything was stiflingly unwelcoming. Days turned into weeks and months but that one box remained unpacked and the weight of the baggage was getting worse. I became socially distant and didn't even try to interact with anyone. I was turning into a person that I had never known. Furthermore, I was always eager to go to school, but now I dreaded the thought of sitting in the classroom for eight hours. Eventually, it was time for our summer break, something I wasn't looking forward to at all. Over the break, I happened to glance at that one box that I hadn't yet unpacked, even after 3 months. It simply sat there, gathering dust by the window and I realized that my camera was in it. It hit me with a pang that photography - something I genuinely enjoyed - had been relegated as a forgotten activity in my anger and inability to deal with my emotions. I was so caught up in protesting this change in my life that I hadn't engaged in the one thing I enjoyed the most. And as I took out the camera to upload the pictures onto my social media, the box felt slightly lighter. I felt slightly lighter, almost as if a weight had been lifted off my heart. The first day after the break, a few of my classmates approached me and started asking me questions about some of the pictures I'd shared online. This new spotlight made me nervous initially, but then I just went along with it. What started with photography evolved into bonding over our mutual love for video games and computers and this how a genuine friendship was forged. In just a few months, all of us became a tight-knit unit, and it seemed like we'd been friends for years. My new home was filled with love and laughter once again as it became a regular spot for all of us to hang out. Gradually, all these 'new' experiences and my friends not only helped me reconnect with myself and the emotions I'd boxed up but also encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone. Whether it was leading the logistics team at my school's annual drama festival or volunteering to speak on various topics in class, the new and evolved me had finally unraveled himself. As for that box? It's long been discarded, and I've found a new place to enjoy my evening coffee.
"Daddy, you can't see what I see and I can't see what you see. So how can I know what you see?""Good question. I never thought of that. That's why we need a camera."-Yi Yi: a one and a two (2000) Since I was in junior high school, I started taking pictures with a film camera. I wanted to share beautiful things in front of me with my friends. During the winter vacation, I got an opportunity to participate in the Myung Films Movie Camp. For 2 days and 1 night, I met the film columnist, producer, director, and professor and had time to think about what kind of film I'd like to shoot. The most impressive thing at the camp was a dialogue between Ting-Ting and NJ in Yi Yi. Thus, I set the goal of becoming a director-and-cinematographer who can shoot films that resemble reality and show the other half that people cannot see. To achieve my goal, I will keep trying to find my own tool to see the world through integrative education with Women and Gender studies and apply for study abroad programs to listen to various stories of life all around the world.
"Daddy, you can't see what I see, and I can't see what you see. So how can I know what you see?"" Good question. I never thought of that. That's why we need a camera."-Yi: a one and a two (2000) Since I was in junior high school, I started taking pictures with a film camera. I wanted to share beautiful things in front of me with my friends. During the winter vacation, I got an opportunity to participate in the Mung Films Movie Camp. For 2 days and 1 night, I met the film columnist, producer, director, and professor and had time to think about what kind of film I'd like to shoot. The most impressive thing at the camp was a dialogue between Ting-Ting and NJ in Yi. Thus, I set the goal of becoming a director-and-cinematographer who can shoot films that resemble reality and show the other half that people cannot see. To achieve my goal, I will keep trying to find my own tool to see the world through integrative education with Women and Gender studies and apply for study abroad programs to listen to various stories of life all around the world.
I'm applying for the GKS scholarship, and they require a personal statement with the following instructions: - Extracurricular activities such as club activities, community service activities or work experiences- If applicable, describe awards you have received, publications you have made, or skills you have acquired, etc. I come from a strongly academic oriented family as my dad is a very successful professor, who in recent years managed to get himself a post-doctored research at NASA. I believe his single parenting and our very close relationship inevitably made me see him, and by that extent, what he did for a living, as my life goal. It has always been my dream to go to a good university, get a degree and make myself proud. I struggled with different major and interests from the age 12 to 17, and it wasn't until the second semester of 2019 that I finally understood that History was my fate. I came to such conclusion after reflecting over my country's political status and having an epiphany of sorts when I realized how important historical studies are to, not only understand what has happened in the past, but how it also reflects on our present. During my childhood books were probably my favorite item, and so was learning. Learning new facts or gaining random knowledge from life was always fascinating to me, and it got carried to my teen years. Learning English was the first step to make me hungry for other cultures than my own. When I realized I could speak, read and write in a completely different language than Portuguese, I discovered this new desire to learn as many languages as I possibly can, and it also triggered my motivation to study abroad. In 2017 I had the opportunity to spend one year in the United States, and that was the best thing it could have happened to me. Going to an American high school and getting in touch with different people that came from all types of background opened my eyes to a whole new world than what I knew before. This experience not only brought me friends and memories I'll carry with me for life, it also inspired me to pursue my bachelor's degree somewhere else, in a place where I can learn a new language and experience a different culture. I've considered many countries as possibilities I could go to study, but South Korea always stood out, probably because, out of my options, there is where I'd find the biggest cultural clash. On one hand, this could be a discouraging aspect, but on the other, I can't see the fun in moving to a completely different place to live similarly like I would before. I always had a strong interest in Eastern countries because they always felt culturally and historically rich, and with Korea was no different. I became curious about it at first because of its music, but I soon realized it was so much more than that. Korea has an amazing history, beautiful landscapes, a fascinating language and, the biggest reason to why I to study there, one of the best educational systems in the world. The subjects covered in the History courses of several universities are so broad and detailed at the same time, I feel I would become an extremely complete professional if I got the chance to study there, which is my goal: I want to be a knowledgeable person to act in the field as a future professor. On a more personal note onto why I'd love the opportunity live in South Korea comes in art. Art in all it's forms is one of my favorite's interest. I started drawing seriously in 2015 influenced by animes, and a few years later, was inspired to plot my own webcomic by Korean artists and their manhwas. South Korea is also well known for making one of the finest's pottery pieces (celadon) in the world, and it would be an amazing chance to live in a country so rich both historically and artistically. Finally, I'd like to express my gratitude to the South Korean government for creating this incredible program that allows students from several countries to pursue their dreams and welcome them so willingly into your country. I've never written a personal statement before, so I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me revise. Thank you in advance!
I'm applying for the GKS scholarship, and they require a personal statement with the following instructions: - Extracurricular activities such as club activities, community service activities or work experiences- If applicable, describe awards you have received, publications you have made, or skills you have acquired, etc. I come from a strongly academic oriented family as my dad is a very successful professor, who in recent years managed to get himself a post-doctored research at NASA. Furthermore, I believe his single parenting and our very close relationship inevitably made me see him, and by that extent, what he did for a living, as my life goal. It has always been my dream to go to a good university, get a degree and make myself proud. I struggled with different major and interests from the age 12 to 17, and it wasn't until the second semester of 2019 that I finally understood that History was my fate. I came to such conclusion after reflecting over my country's political status and having an epiphany of sorts when I realized how important historical studies are to, not only understand what has happened in the past, but how it also reflects on our present. During my childhood books were probably my favorite item, and so was learning. Learning new facts or gaining random knowledge from life was always fascinating to me, and it got carried to my teen years. Learning English was the first step to make me hungry for other cultures than my own. When I realized I could speak, read and write in a completely different language than Portuguese, I discovered this new desire to learn as many languages as I possibly can, and it also triggered my motivation to study abroad. In 2017, I had the opportunity to spend one year in the United States, and that was the best thing it could have happened to me. Going to an American high school and getting in touch with different people that came from all types of background opened my eyes to a whole new world than what I knew before. This experience not only brought me friends and memories I'll carry with me for life, it also inspired me to pursue my bachelor's degree somewhere else, in a place where I can learn a new language and experience a different culture. I've considered many countries as possibilities I could go to study, but South Korea always stood out, probably because, out of my options, there is where I'd find the biggest cultural clash. On one hand, this could be a discouraging aspect, but on the other, I can't see the fun in moving to a completely different place to live similarly like I would before. I always had a strong interest in Eastern countries because they always felt culturally and historically rich, and with Korea was no different. I became curious about it at first because of its music, but I soon realized it was so much more than that. Korea has an amazing history, beautiful landscapes, a fascinating language and, the biggest reason to why I to study there, one of the best educational systems in the world. The subjects covered in the History courses of several universities are so broad and detailed at the same time, I feel I would become an extremely complete professional if I got the chance to study there, which is my goal: I want to be a knowledgeable person to act in the field as a future professor. On a more personal note onto why I'd love the opportunity live in South Korea comes in art. Art in all its forms is one of my favorite's interest. I started drawing seriously in 2015 influenced by anime, and a few years later, was inspired to plot my own webcomic by Korean artists and their mantras. South Korea is also well known for making one of the finest's pottery pieces (celadon) in the world, and it would be an amazing chance to live in a country so rich both historically and artistically. Finally, I'd like to express my gratitude to the South Korean government for creating this incredible program that allows students from several countries to pursue their dreams and welcome them so willingly into your country. I've never written a personal statement before, so I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me revise. Thank you in advance!
I have to write the reason why I took gap year. So, I wrote it down. I need some feedback! Why I got to take a gap year is I was rejected from all Korean colleges I applied last year. In my country, Korea, the vast majority of people tend to think there is no other way than getting into top-tier college for their bright future. Hence, most students taking gap year seem to think they have no choice but to study for the college scholastic ability test again regardless of their will. This fact made me feel confused because I wanted to do something untraditional. To ride out this storm, however, I decided not to listen to others. Early this year I took a long trip for the first time to Russia to break the limitation of myself. It was difficult to manage a budget, make a plan without someone's help. Nevertheless, I believed I can do anything under the sun. I started solving independently small and big problems. Through this process, I not only felt a strong sense of accomplishment but got to know who I am. For example, it let me know I have an ability to read 2 thick books within 3 days on the Trans-Siberian Express where the phone isn't available. Also, I could realize I'm a very strong person who can enjoy loneliness and boredom. Besides, I did countless activities such as doing miracle morning, improving English skills, participating in film festivals, etc. These activities help me love myself. Thus, I never regret taking a gap year and spending my precious time like this.
I have to write the reason why I took gap year. So, I wrote it down. I need some feedback! Why I got to take a gap year is I was rejected from all Korean colleges I applied last year. In my country, Korea, the vast majority of people tend to think there is no other way than getting into top-tier college for their bright future. Hence, most students taking gap year seem to think they have no choice but to study for the college scholastic ability test again regardless of their will. This fact made me feel confused because I wanted to do something traditional. To ride out this storm, however, I decided not to listen to others. Early this year I took a long trip for the first time to Russia to break the limitation of myself. It was difficult to manage a budget, make a plan without someone's help. Nevertheless, I believed I can do anything under the sun. I started solving independently small and big problems. Through this process, I not only felt a strong sense of accomplishment but got to know who I am. For example, it let me know I have an ability to read 2 thick books within 3 days on the Trans-Siberian Express where the phone isn't available. Also, I could realize I'm a very strong person who can enjoy loneliness and boredom. Besides, I did countless activities such as doing miracle morning, improving English skills, participating in film festivals, etc. These activities help me love myself. Thus, I never regret taking a gap year and spending my precious time like this.
In 2017, I was fascinated when watched the promotional video of Hololens for the first time; soon after, I realized that the superposition of real and virtual has become possible: the era of the interactive device is coming. In consequence of curiosity, I promptly experienced VR in a mall, however, a project cost 100 yuan, which got me thinking how to facture an inexpensive interactive device for myself. My friend and I decided that based on cardboard and phone as alternative materials to complete a simple device and started the project in the summer of 2020. Initially, we did not give much thought to adding complex designs to viewing the phone, just used a cuboid to keep the phone and the glasses on the same horizontal line. The highlight of the first generation was the headband that attached the device to the head. Originally, we deemed that the flexibility of the rubber band would allow people with different head circumference to wear the device, so we only fixed it from left to right. However, the moment effect was ignored by us, which led the device to be top-heavy. Although I added a new headband from front to back to try to save the device, it was still too little. Coupling with a design defect on the defect on the nose and Eye Discomfort due to long-term use, we developed the next generation. During the design process, I proposed a periscope model, which uses mirror reflection to avoid looking directly at the phone, then placed a Fresnel Lens in the middle to distinguish between the bright and dark areas and to focus. We also designed a hole for the nose. Unfortunately, headband is removed finally because of the uncertainty. In practice, not only the knowledge itself but also understand the rigor of physics, combined with the use of reality, which makes me captivate by engineering. Despite having a mobile power charger, I am constantly plagued by a shortage of electricity. While the idea of a hand-cranked mobile power supply by using magneto-electric technology is set forth from me, but it is hampered by the size and power of the generator. After that, I studied the knowledge of photoelectricity in A2 physics and read some extensive articles, I came across a new concept: Photovoltaic Effect means when light strikes some of the semiconductor material, the electrons are excited by photon and across the P-N bond in one direction easier than from opposite direction, so one side of the P-N bond accumulates electrons and gains negative voltage. I assembled a lot of smaller solar panels into a larger one, but the conversion efficiency was very low: only 16%. After I covered the panel with a layer of suede glass, which reduces the reflection of sunlight, thus increasing the efficiency to 20%. In my opinion, solar panels are an ideal resource of electricity to supply interactive devices, because they will always be used outside. My team has been discussing a lot about networking with interactive devices outdoors, and I have done a UAV network experiment. Although I do not have a drone specifically for the Internet, and the payload capacity was insufficient, the research was at an impasse. Fortunately, the problem was solved by the connection between some phones and the camera from the UAV. I just tested the network in two phones, one is used for remote control and another is for video transmission. The results are based on IEEE 802.11 standards, they show that in terms of required average throughput and delay, many applications that require a small number of hops between the communication nodes can be dealt with by WIFI technology. It is worth mentioning that programming techniques are an important part of electronic engineering and are one of my strengths. Moreover, I created an AR simple hand tracking application, Along with tips from talent shared code on Github. This is a good way to enhance my ability. I have always seen myself as a challenger. I am passionate about the love areas, though it may be tough, I never hold back. That promotional video from three years ago always has been guiding me to move on. But I cannot wait to start university study journey and learn more knowledge to continue challenging the future. Prompt: I hope this PS can be more engaging.
In 2017, I was fascinated when watched the promotional video of HoloLens for the first time; soon after, I realized that the superposition of real and virtual has become possible: the era of the interactive device is coming. In consequence of curiosity, I promptly experienced VR in a mall, however, a project cost 100 yuan, which got me thinking how to facture an inexpensive interactive device for myself. My friend and I decided that based on cardboard and phone as alternative materials to complete a simple device and started the project in the summer of 2020. Initially, we did not give much thought to adding complex designs to viewing the phone, just used a cuboid to keep the phone and the glasses on the same horizontal line. The highlight of the first generation was the headband that attached the device to the head. Originally, we deemed that the flexibility of the rubber band would allow people with different head circumference to wear the device, so we only fixed it from left to right. However, the moment effect was ignored by us, which led the device to be top-heavy. Although I added a new headband from front to back to try to save the device, it was still too little. Coupling with a design defect on the defect on the nose and Eye Discomfort due to long-term use, we developed the next generation. During the design process, I proposed a periscope model, which uses mirror reflection to avoid looking directly at the phone, then placed a Fresnel Lens in the middle to distinguish between the bright and dark areas and to focus. We also designed a hole for the nose. Unfortunately, headband is removed finally because of the uncertainty. In practice, not only the knowledge itself but also understand the rigor of physics, combined with the use of reality, which makes me captivate by engineering. Despite having a mobile power charger, I am constantly plagued by a shortage of electricity. While the idea of a hand-cranked mobile power supply by using magneto-electric technology is set forth from me, but it is hampered by the size and power of the generator. After that, I studied the knowledge of photoelectricity in A2 physics and read some extensive articles, I came across a new concept: Photovoltaic Effect means when light strikes some semiconductor material, the electrons are excited by photon and across the P-N bond in one direction easier than from opposite direction, so one side of the P-N bond accumulates electrons and gains negative voltage. I assembled a lot of smaller solar panels into a larger one, but the conversion efficiency was very low: only 16%. After I covered the panel with a layer of suede glass, which reduces the reflection of sunlight, thus increasing the efficiency to 20%. In my opinion, solar panels are an ideal resource of electricity to supply interactive devices, because they will always be used outside. My team has been discussing a lot about networking with interactive devices outdoors, and I have done a UAV network experiment. Although I do not have a drone specifically for the Internet, and the payload capacity was insufficient, the research was at an impasse. Fortunately, the problem was solved by the connection between some phones and the camera from the UAV. I just tested the network in two phones, one is used for remote control and another is for video transmission. The results are based on IEEE 802.11 standards, they show that in terms of required average throughput and delay, many applications that require a few hops between the communication nodes can be dealt with by Wi-Fi technology. It is worth mentioning that programming techniques are an important part of electronic engineering and are one of my strengths. Moreover, I created an AR simple hand tracking application, Along with tips from talent shared code on GitHub. This is a good way to enhance my ability. I have always seen myself as a challenger. I am passionate about the love areas, though it may be tough, I never hold back. That promotional video from three years ago has always been guiding me to move on. But I cannot wait to start university study journey and learn more knowledge to continue challenging the future. Prompt: I hope this PS can be more engaging.
I come from a small economically depressed community in the outskirts of Harare. Here attaining tertiary education is an idealistic concept. Neither of my parents attended university. The majority of adults rely on prophesies to guide their decisions in life. I vividly remember my grandfather consulting a prophet when mother wanted to remarry. Throughout the year many breadwinners leave their families in pursuit of religious beliefs. Never did I imagine my mother leaving. We had both witnessed young girls being abused by family members in the absence of their parents. I never thought she would leave me in that situation. When I was sixteen my mother left going to an isolated place for religious reasons that I wasn't made aware of at the time. It was only later that I found out she had been given a prophesy to live in a forest for 7 years to cleanse and bring good fortune to her family. At that time we were staying with my paternal grandparents and two Uncles who suffered from alcoholism. Mother catered for our daily needs such as bread and sadza and, paid Grandmother's medical bills. Stepfather covered the rest of the expenses and being the only employed member of his family looked after my paternal grandmother. Mother's departure cast the responsibility of supporting us financially on stepfather. We began struggling financially. Stepfather had to work shifts to raise enough money. Similarly, I overtook the household responsibilities. Even though there were five adults around, culturally I as the only girl I believed I had to. Looking back, It made me aware of how the way you are brought up influences the way you look at a problem whether a responsibility or a burden. Balancing the responsibilities posed a challenge for me. I ended up getting to school late and leaving early. Thus my grades spiraled down. I kept to myself more and socialized less as my responsibilities overthrew my capabilities. I neglected all my extracurricular activities After my mother had been gone for a month, she was allowed to visit once a month. Every time she came I judged her beliefs, overtly showing my hostility towards her religion. A bad relationship developed between us as I failed to understand the logic in being isolated from your family. I've always wanted to further my education. I dreamt of one day getting professional help for my two uncles and paying my grandmother's medical bills. As my grades plummeted, I began feeling trapped in a ball of unrealistic dreams. Choosing to cater for people at home first before my educational needs was hard but it had to be done. The hope of ever leaving the neighborhood receded as I struggled to maintain good grades. I decided to spent an hour with age mates whose parents had left home to understand how they dealt with the situation. I established a group of friends from different religions some who had gone through the same experience. I became aware of the religious beliefs of people in my neighborhood and learnt to respect their point of views. As I realized that I did not have to find validity in one's reasoning to respect their beliefs, the hostility towards my mother's religion slowly evaporated. I also worked on an effective way of communicating with mother without judging her beliefs. When she finally returned home after four months, we became friends again. After three months, I had adapted to my responsibilities, gained time management and organizational skills. My grades started improving. I gained essential leadership roles in my clubs. I attained a third overall position in a class of over 600 pupils from being the fourteenth the year before. In an effort to ease the financial burden on my stepfather, I applied for an A'level scholarship and I was one of the lucky students to be awarded a full financial aid scholarship. Throughout that hard year, I developed formidable skills in housekeeping and became an expert in sticking to a budget through proper planning. Most importantly, the bad relationship between my mom and I improved my communication skills. Becoming aware of other people's religious beliefs made me more open-minded towards other people's beliefs. I'm still in that neighborhood and that longing to leave the stagnant neighborhood has not evaporated. I have developed a passion to support teenage girls in a similar situation through assisting students who have fallen behind in class or missed lessons to attend to family matters.
I come from a small economically depressed community in the outskirts of Harare. Here attaining tertiary education is an idealistic concept. Neither of my parents attended university. The majority of adults rely on prophesies to guide their decisions in life. I vividly remember my grandfather consulting a prophet when mother wanted to remarry. Throughout the year many breadwinners leave their families in pursuit of religious beliefs. Never did I imagine my mother leaving. We had both witnessed young girls being abused by family members in the absence of their parents. I never thought she would leave me in that situation. When I was sixteen my mother left going to an isolated place for religious reasons that I wasn't made aware of at the time. It was only later that I found out she had been given a prophecy to live in a forest for 7 years to cleanse and bring good fortune to her family. At that time we were staying with my paternal grandparents and two Uncles who suffered from alcoholism. Mother catered for our daily needs such as bread and Santa and, paid Grandmother's medical bills. Stepfather covered the rest of the expenses and being the only employed member of his family looked after my paternal grandmother. Mother's departure cast the responsibility of supporting us financially on stepfather. We began struggling financially. Stepfather had to work shifts to raise enough money. Similarly, I overtook the household responsibilities. Even though there were five adults around, culturally I as the only girl I believed I had to. Looking back, It made me aware of how the way you are brought up influences the way you look at a problem whether a responsibility or a burden. Balancing the responsibilities posed a challenge for me. I ended up getting to school late and leaving early. Thus, my grades spiraled down. I kept to myself more and socialized less than my responsibilities overthrew my capabilities. I neglected all my extracurricular activities After my mother had been gone for a month, she was allowed to visit once a month. Every time she came I judged her beliefs, overtly showing my hostility towards her religion. A bad relationship developed between us as I failed to understand the logic in being isolated from your family. I've always wanted to further my education. I dreamt of one day getting professional help for my two uncles and paying my grandmother's medical bills. As my grades plummeted, I began feeling trapped in a ball of unrealistic dreams. Choosing to cater for people at home first before my educational needs was hard, but it had to be done. The hope of ever leaving the neighborhood receded as I struggled to maintain good grades. I decided to spend an hour with age mates whose parents had left home to understand how they dealt with the situation. I established a group of friends from different religions some who had gone through the same experience. Furthermore, I became aware of the religious beliefs of people in my neighborhood and learned to respect their point of views. As I realized that I did not have to find validity in one's reasoning to respect their beliefs, the hostility towards my mother's religion slowly evaporated. I also worked on an effective way of communicating with mother without judging her beliefs. When she finally returned home after four months, we became friends again. After three months, I had adapted to my responsibilities, gained time management and organizational skills. My grades started improving. I gained essential leadership roles in my clubs. I attained a third overall position in a class of over 600 pupils from being the fourteenth the year before. In an effort to ease the financial burden on my stepfather, I applied for an A'level scholarship, and I was one of the lucky students to be awarded a full financial aid scholarship. Throughout that hard year, I developed formidable skills in housekeeping and became an expert in sticking to a budget through proper planning. Most importantly, the bad relationship between my mom and I improved my communication skills. Becoming aware of other people's religious beliefs made me more open-minded towards other people's beliefs. I'm still in that neighborhood and that longing to leave the stagnant neighborhood has not evaporated. I have developed a passion to support teenage girls in a similar situation through assisting students who have fallen behind in class or missed lessons to attend to family matters.
(2) Describe a personal experience you have had which you feel has contributed to your own character development and integrity. I was born curious. I have always had a thirst for knowledge and I seem to soak it up like a sponge. When I started to study up on the Navy I realized it was so much more than what I expected. I saw how technologically advanced naval ships have become and how they are constantly innovating to better defend our country. A few months ago, I read an article about the USS Zumwalt, the "most technologically advanced surface combatant in the world." and right then and there I realised what my life goal was. I spent the whole night researching and discovered things like how a U.S Navy ship doesn't have walls, it has bulkheads and that TOPGUN is a real thing. All the STEM courses I've taken and the leadership roles I put myself in suddenly didn't feel like a waste. It kind of felt like I for the first time ever, I knew where my life was headed. My dad always said the Navy is the best branch of the military and I assumed he only said that because he was in the Navy, but now i'm realising he said that because he's right. The possibility of working on a complex system with people that I know will be qualified and smart seems like something that was meant for me. I am always excited to learn. No matter how small, every single decision someone makes will change their future forever. It is extremely important to realize this and actually think about everything you do and say. I wish I understood this at a younger age. I missed out on countless opportunities that were handed out to me. I spent a majority of my life unfocused, and I honestly feel like I could have done so much more If I had spent more time working on my future and not small, trivial tasks. This has taught me that making goals for yourself in life is extremely important. It was hard to force myself to become better but one of my first steps was to focus on the most important task on hand and focus until it's completed. It is also important to me that I never make the same mistake twice. Learning is absolutely important and being able to take a step back from a situation and analyze what the next correct step to take is a skill I am still working on. There has not been a major event in my life that all of a sudden forced me to become a better person. In my case, every single little decision and choice I have made in my life has formed me into the person I am today. I am striving to be morally correct in my everyday life and the USNA mission statement actually personifies the man I'm trying to make myself.
(2) Describe a personal experience you have had which you feel has contributed to your own character development and integrity. I was born curious. I have always had a thirst for knowledge and I seem to soak it up like a sponge. When I started to study up on the Navy I realized it was so much more than what I expected. I saw how technologically advanced naval ships have become and how they are constantly innovating to better defend our country. A few months ago, I read an article about the USS Walt, the "most technologically advanced surface combatant in the world." and right then and there I realized what my life goal was. I spent the whole night researching and discovered things like how a U.S. Navy ship doesn't have walls, it has bulkheads and that POPGUN is a real thing. All the STEM courses I've taken and the leadership roles I put myself in suddenly didn't feel like a waste. It kind of felt like I for the first time ever, I knew where my life was headed. My dad always said the Navy is the best branch of the military and I assumed he only said that because he was in the Navy, but now I'm realizing he said that because he's right. The possibility of working on a complex system with people that I know will be qualified and smart seems like something that was meant for me. I am always excited to learn. No matter how small, every single decision someone makes will change their future forever. It is extremely important to realize this and actually think about everything you do and say. I wish I understood this at a younger age. I missed out on countless opportunities that were handed out to me. Furthermore, I spent a majority of my life unfocused, and I honestly feel like I could have done so much more If I had spent more time working on my future and not small, trivial tasks. This has taught me that making goals for yourself in life is extremely important. It was hard to force myself to become better, but one of my first steps was to focus on the most important task on hand and focus until it's completed. It is also important to me that I never make the same mistake twice. Learning is absolutely important and being able to take a step back from a situation and analyze what the next correct step to take is a skill I am still working on. There has not been a major event in my life that all of a sudden forced me to become a better person. In my case, every single little decision and choice I have made in my life has formed me into the person I am today. I am striving to be morally correct in my everyday life and the USA mission statement actually personifies the man I'm trying to make myself.
Essay Topic AThe statement of purpose will provide an opportunity to explain any extenuating circumstances that you feel could add value to your application. You may also want to explain unique aspects of your academic background or valued experiences you may have had that relate to your academic discipline. The statement of purpose is not meant to be a listing of accomplishments in high school or a record of your participation in school-related activities. Rather, this is your opportunity to address the admissions committee directly and to let us know more about you as an individual, in a manner that your transcripts and other application information cannot convey. Why do you want an AgribusinessAgricultural Economics Degree?How will an AgribusinessAgricultural Economics Degree help you meet your career goals? Can someone please tell me what I need to work on to improve this? Thank you!! "Nhi, come look at how big my luffas have grown".It is the familiar sound of my dad's excitement of his luffas. June started off my dad's construction of his scaffolding with big bags of fertilizers, and digging through dirt to begin sowing the best seeds that he has collected since last year is the summer tradition of me and my dad. I know that luffas are his favorite, but I never really understand why he has to do that much work to plant them while we can buy them for 2 dollars at the market. Not until later that I realized, it is the only things that remind him of the days that he had with his mom. When they live in poverty and plant their own foods for a family of 9. It really made me think when I thought about how the things he does to survive poverty slowly started to become a habit and a hobby out of hardship. Dad and his plants have quietly sustained on me through time. I am the heir of his legacy. Farming is what has helped my grandma, my dad survive through poverty, and I am the next inheritor of that meaningful work. I was influenced by my dad's life in poverty, and how farming has helped him overcome the hardest time in his life. That was when I realized that agriculture is beyond the farm, I believe that it plays an important role in the future of development that can help solve one of the global crises: poverty. I want to help people from all over the world to have their most basic needs as human beings and have better living conditions. The demand of agriculture to produce more nutritious food and to improve the livelihood of overpopulation, especially to raise the higher living standard for the poor has been rising. And I want to be a part in supporting sustainable human development in this critical challenge. The degree in agricultural economic industries is a vibrant environment with opportunities domestically and internationally for growth. I want to utilize the degree to incorporate economics and analytical research into agriculture to understand the process of production, distribution, consumption of goods and services as well as the impact of agricultural industries have on others around me. Food is an international business that affects important aspects of life throughout the world and that is why I believe people who earn a degree in agricultural economics can become one of the problem solvers. I originally chose Lone Star College due to my responsibilities for the family. My parents are not the brightest crayon in the box, and being the oldest daughter in the house. I have to stand up and take care of things that my parents were not able to do. By the time graduation has come, my mind has not made up to where I want to go next nor what I want to study. That is when Lone Star College came through to give me an opportunity to explore my interest, to grow and to fulfil my duty of a daughter. Now that my aunts are around to help my parents and I am getting ready to graduate with my Associate degree. It is time for me to start a new chapter of my life and I believe there is nowhere better than Texas A&M to do so. With a diverse and welcoming facility, Texas A&M will help me to further my education of what I am passionate about in many different directions that can open a gateway for growth not only academically but personal development as well. With my determination and responsibility, I know that I can step forward to reach my ambition and I believe that Texas A&M is the place to help me to become the one who can change people's lives with positivity and happiness.
Essay Topic The statement of purpose will provide an opportunity to explain any extenuating circumstances that you feel could add value to your application. You may also want to explain unique aspects of your academic background or valued experiences you may have had that relate to your academic discipline. The statement of purpose is not meant to be a listing of accomplishments in high school or a record of your participation in school-related activities. Rather, this is your opportunity to address the admissions committee directly and to let us know more about you as an individual, in a manner that your transcripts and other application information cannot convey. Why do you want an AgribusinessAgricultural Economics Degree? How will an AgribusinessAgricultural Economics Degree help you meet your career goals? Can someone please tell me what I need to work on to improve this? Thank you!! "NHS, come look at how big my luffs have grown". It is the familiar sound of my dad's excitement of his luffs. June started off my dad's construction of his scaffolding with big bags of fertilizers, and digging through dirt to begin sowing the best seeds that he has collected since last year is the summer tradition of me and my dad. I know that luffs are his favorite, but I never really understand why he has to do that much work to plant them while we can buy them for 2 dollars at the market. Not until later that I realized, it is the only things that remind him of the days that he had with his mom. When they live in poverty and plant their own foods for a family of 9. It really made me think when I thought about how the things he does to survive poverty slowly started to become a habit and a hobby out of hardship. Dad and his plants have quietly sustained on me through time. I am the heir of his legacy. Farming is what has helped my grandma, my dad survive through poverty, and I am the next inheritor of that meaningful work. I was influenced by my dad's life in poverty, and how farming has helped him overcome the hardest time in his life. That was when I realized that agriculture is beyond the farm, I believe that it plays an important role in the future of development that can help solve one of the global crises: poverty. I want to help people from all over the world to have their most basic needs as human beings and have better living conditions. The demand of agriculture to produce more nutritious food and to improve the livelihood of overpopulation, especially to raise the higher living standard for the poor has been rising. And I want to be a part in supporting sustainable human development in this critical challenge. The degree in agricultural economic industries is a vibrant environment with opportunities domestically and internationally for growth. I want to utilize the degree to incorporate economics and analytical research into agriculture to understand the process of production, distribution, consumption of goods and services as well as the impact of agricultural industries have on others around me. Food is an international business that affects important aspects of life throughout the world and that is why I believe people who earn a degree in agricultural economics can become one of the problem solvers. I originally chose Lone Star College due to my responsibilities for the family. My parents are not the brightest crayon in the box, and being the oldest daughter in the house. I have to stand up and take care of things that my parents were not able to do. By the time graduation has come, my mind has not made up to where I want to go next nor what I want to study. That is when Lone Star College came through to give me an opportunity to explore my interest, to grow and to fulfil my duty of a daughter. Now that my aunts are around to help my parents, and I am getting ready to graduate with my Associate degree. It is time for me to start a new chapter of my life and I believe there is nowhere better than Texas Camp;M to do so. With a diverse and welcoming facility, Texas Camp;M will help me to further my education of what I am passionate about in many directions that can open a gateway for growth not only academically but personal development as well. With my determination and responsibility, I know that I can step forward to reach my ambition and I believe that Texas Camp;M is the place to help me to become the one who can change people's lives with positivity and happiness.
Entering the dilapidated and antiquated establishment, my mind was running riot with thoughts of humiliation which would descend upon me. The sun was at the zenith, scorching the bijou ground the compound encompassed. It was a modest facility, this Government school, with a single entrance opening directly to the noisy, crowded and colourful streets of Dehradun (India). I could hear the peddlers' cries as I walked in to complete the Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) for my final year in advance in eleventh grade. Having done many other social services and starting my own colony community named 'Pristine', for initiating local cleanliness campaigns, one would say I'd have a penchant for social work. As true as it was, never had I ever practiced teaching. And teaching was exactly what I was supposed to do. 'Teaching a bunch of ninth graders would not be so easy', and the enveloping heat wave made matters worse. I walked over to the warden and greeted him, while adroitly veiling my turbulent thoughts with a gentle and charming facade. As I waited, I could hear the voices echoing through the faint blue walls, all withered and creviced. The furniture made an unpleasant screeching sound when pushed. Soon enough, I was called in. I found my class of around 20 students, leisurely gossiping, all in their casual attires which were dusty and ragged; it was proof of their compromised standard of living and education. The classroom with poor lighting and an acrid smell created a dull atmosphere. In contrast, the students' faces possessed an enigmatic jubilee. This capriciousness alerted my senses against some crafty prank they might have planned. Ignoring my intuition, I introduced myself and they reciprocated the investment. 'What should I teach? No, how should I teach? Will they listen to me?'My mind was at infinite density, about to cause the Big Bang 2.0. Then, Mahim, a student, reached out to me and asked if I knew some amazing facts I could tell them. I did know some pretty amazing facts, so I started to tell them. Their faces lit up in response. Later, I realized their main interest was in the universe: black holes, stars, etc. My astonishment knew no bounds. 'How often is it that one finds someone with a common interest?' Most people in my vicinity didn't care about such "trivial" things as supernovas, clusters and paradoxes. But these young, ninth graders had, for me, surpassed the level of an ordinary classmate. Nonplussed, I taught them all I could, whatever I could, while they kept bombarding me with questions- curious questions- some, whose answers I had no idea about. The discussion we had made time flow as swiftly as a zephyr. Their voraciousness for Physics had born out of their admiration for 'Genius'- a documentary on Dr. Einstein- whom I consider venerable beyond limits. Their eyes shone with iridescence like a melted lake, which was previously frozen, shimmers in the Sun. It was the sparkle that dreamers possess. What I had expected was impudence, what I received was quintessential discipline and interest. I had been oblivious of the fact that teaching is a two-way process. While I taught them about singularities, they taught me of persistence. They had been living away from their parents, looking after themselves and learning with utmost tenacity. Looking back at this experience, I realized how similar my situation would be soon and how expeditious I would have to be. The profound inquisitiveness of my 'interim' students had kindled a fire in my heart to relentlessly pursue my dreams. I realized that no matter either how grandiloquent or underprivileged one is, the knowledge one possesses or even pursues balances the scale of life. Walking home through the dusty loo blowing in the Doon Valley, enlightened, with a newfound resolve, the words by Paul Coelho entered my mind-"Dreamers cannot be tamed."
Entering the dilapidated and antiquated establishment, my mind was running riot with thoughts of humiliation which would descend upon me. The sun was at the zenith, scorching the bijou ground the compound encompassed. It was a modest facility, this Government school, with a single entrance opening directly to the noisy, crowded and colorful streets of Dehradun (India). I could hear the peddlers' cries as I walked in to complete the Socially Useful Productive Work (SUP) for my final year in advance in eleventh grade. Having done many other social services and starting my own colony community named 'Pristine', for initiating local cleanliness campaigns, one would say I'd have a penchant for social work. As true as it was, never had I ever practiced teaching. And teaching was exactly what I was supposed to do. 'Teaching a bunch of ninth graders would not be so easy', and the enveloping heat wave made matters worse. I walked over to the warden and greeted him, while adroitly veiling my turbulent thoughts with a gentle and charming facade. As I waited, I could hear the voices echoing through the faint blue walls, all withered and crevices. The furniture made an unpleasant screeching sound when pushed. Soon enough, I was called in. I found my class of around 20 students, leisurely gossiping, all in their casual attires which were dusty and ragged; it was proof of their compromised standard of living and education. The classroom with poor lighting and an acrid smell created a dull atmosphere. In contrast, the students' faces possessed an enigmatic jubilee. This capriciousness alerted my senses against some crafty prank they might have planned. Ignoring my intuition, I introduced myself, and they reciprocated the investment. 'What should I teach? No, how should I teach? Will they listen to me?' My mind was at infinite density, about to cause the Big Bang 2.0. Then, Maxim, a student, reached out to me and asked if I knew some amazing facts I could tell them. I did know some pretty amazing facts, so I started to tell them. Their faces lit up in response. Later, I realized their main interest was in the universe: black holes, stars, etc. My astonishment knew no bounds. 'How often is it that one finds someone with a common interest?' Most people in my vicinity didn't care about such "trivial" things as supernovas, clusters and paradoxes. But these young, ninth graders had, for me, surpassed the level of an ordinary classmate. Nonplussed, I taught them all I could, whatever I could, while they kept bombarding me with questions-curious questions-some, whose answers I had no idea about. The discussion we had made time flow as swiftly as a zephyr. Their voraciousness for Physics had born out of their admiration for 'Genius'- a documentary on Dr. Einstein-whom I consider venerable beyond limits. Their eyes shone with iridescence like a melted lake, which was previously frozen, shimmers in the Sun. It was the sparkle that dreamers possess. What I had expected was impudence, what I received was quintessential discipline and interest. I had been oblivious of the fact that teaching is a two-way process. While I taught them about singularities, they taught me of persistence. They had been living away from their parents, looking after themselves and learning with utmost tenacity. Looking back at this experience, I realized how similar my situation would be soon and how expeditious I would have to be. The profound inquisitiveness of my 'interim' students had kindled a fire in my heart to relentlessly pursue my dreams. I realized that no matter either how grandiloquent or underprivileged one is, the knowledge one possesses or even pursues balances the scale of life. Walking home through the dusty loo blowing in the Down Valley, enlightened, with a newfound resolve, the words by Paul Coelho entered my mind-"Dreamers cannot be tamed."
Blue scrubs was all I knew growing up. My grandma worked as a nurse. I noticed she was working less, but I didn't think anything of it. She probably wanted to spend more time with me. I would ask her to play with me, but she was always in bed. However, I came to learn that she couldn't walk well because she had arthritis. She had told the doctors about this but they did nothing until it was too late. That's when I decided I would be a nurse. I wouldn't let anything like this happen to another person again. I wanted to care for the younger ones, so I will be able to help them early because I didn't want them in pain later. The following week, my teacher asks, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I say, "A nurse". I can hear my classmate say, "If you want to be a nurse, you have to talk in front of people... you don't." ​Was this true? How would I be one if I'm too shy?​ It was like my light bulb dimmed. The only thing that kept me going was snatched away from me. Years later during 8th grade, that comment was stuck on my mind. It was a Monday morning and Mrs. Noble wrote in big, black letters, "Presentation". My heartbeat quickened​. No, I don't want to present! Please be partners!​ It was as if she read my mind and said, "You will be writing about making the world a better place to present by yourself. The best one will speak at the rotary club." I thought​ this is not possible. The day I dreaded finally arrived. My palms were sweating, and my legs were shaking horribly. As I read, I cannot speak correctly. I keep pausing and forgetting my place. Once I am done, I feel tears in my eyes. The bell rings when Mrs. Noble pulls me aside and says that my essay was very different... which is why she has chosen me to speak at the rotary club. My mind screams no, but my lips slip yes. After weeks of perfecting my essay, it was the day of my speech. My grandma told me she was very proud of me, and I could do anything I set my mind to. Walking in, I look around to see how many people are there. Fear is now filled with excitement. While I wait, I think this isn't the essay I have practiced in the shower or while brushing my teeth. It's one I wrote from my heart because making the world a better place is one of my main properties in life, other than doing well in school. Next thing you know, I am next to speak. When I get up there, I am not nervous or shy. My voice isn't shaking. I read from my heart and forget that I have index cards. I feel a sense of bravery and courage. That exact moment is when I realized that I have a passion for helping and caring for others. You don't just need to speak in front of others to be a nurse. You need to be able to have a desire to learn and care for others in the most critical moments. The ability of problem-solving skills and remaining calm under pressure, I have learned those skills now. I wanted to challenge myself to have the satisfaction of making a difference in my patient's lives, just like my grandma did. As I sat down, I felt relieved. I understood that anything is possible and it is okay to take risks in life. Since, I thought of myself as a bee because humans think that bees aren't supposed to fly since their wings are too small for their body, but bees fly because they are careless of what humans think is impossible.
Blue scrubs was all I knew growing up. My grandma worked as a nurse. I noticed she was working less, but I didn't think anything of it. She probably wanted to spend more time with me. I would ask her to play with me, but she was always in bed. However, I came to learn that she couldn't walk well because she had arthritis. She had told the doctors about this, but they did nothing until it was too late. That's when I decided I would be a nurse. I wouldn't let anything like this happen to another person again. I wanted to care for the younger ones, so I will be able to help them early because I didn't want them in pain later. The following week, my teacher asks, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I say, "A nurse". I can hear my classmate say, "If you want to be a nurse, you have to talk in front of people... you don't." ​Was this true? How would I be one if I'm too shy?​ It was like my light bulb dimmed. The only thing that kept me going was snatched away from me. Years later during 8th grade, that comment was stuck on my mind. It was a Monday morning and Mrs. Noble wrote in big, black letters, "Presentation". My heartbeat quickened​. No, I don't want to present! Please be partners!​ It was as if she read my mind and said, "You will be writing about making the world a better place to present by yourself. The best one will speak at the rotary club." I thought​ this is not possible. The day I dreaded finally arrived. My palms were sweating, and my legs were shaking horribly. As I read, I cannot speak correctly. I keep pausing and forgetting my place. Once I am done, I feel tears in my eyes. The bell rings when Mrs. Noble pulls me aside and says that my essay was very different... which is why she has chosen me to speak at the rotary club. My mind screams no, but my lips slip yes. After weeks of perfecting my essay, it was the day of my speech. My grandma told me she was very proud of me, and I could do anything I set my mind to. Walking in, I look around to see how many people are there. Fear is now filled with excitement. While I wait, I think this isn't the essay I have practiced in the shower or while brushing my teeth. It's one I wrote from my heart because making the world a better place is one of my main properties in life, other than doing well in school. Next thing you know, I am next to speak. When I get up there, I am not nervous or shy. My voice isn't shaking. I read from my heart and forget that I have index cards. I feel a sense of bravery and courage. That exact moment is when I realized that I have a passion for helping and caring for others. You don't just need to speak in front of others to be a nurse. You need to be able to have a desire to learn and care for others in the most critical moments. The ability of problem-solving skills and remaining calm under pressure, I have learned those skills now. I wanted to challenge myself to have the satisfaction of making a difference in my patient's lives, just like my grandma did. As I sat down, I felt relieved. I understood that anything is possible, and it is okay to take risks in life. Since, I thought of myself as a bee because humans think that bees aren't supposed to fly since their wings are too small for their body, but bees fly because they are careless of what humans think is impossible.
I would describe the culture of my school as one that is spiritually inclined, conducive for academics and sports alike and well endowed with opportunities. Right from the very beginning, I could sense the level of importance that was given to spirituality in the holistic development of students. From our morning spiritual classes to evening aarti sessions ( a Hindu religious ritual of worship, a part of puja, in which light is offered and songs (bhajans) are sung in praise of the deity ), each day was packed with lessons, verses and teachings from The Bhagvad Gita, the Vedas and other such ancient texts. Every new festival brought along with it, ample opportunities for showcasing our skills and so I participated in several cultural programmes, notable among which was my role in the Annual Janmashtmi ( the day marking the birth of Lord Krishna) Celebrations, where I played the role of Draupadi ( the wife of the Pandyas).This was very enriching as I explored an avenue well out of my comfort zone and it proved to be one of the best experiences of my life. As the school was a co-ed, residential one, the bond that we as students shared with each other and with the teachers, wardens, and faculty was very deep. Our teachers were more than just advisors and educators; we were one huge family, learning, celebrating, and growing together. The school housed students from a score of countries and this provided us with an unprecedented sense of a global community. Another aspect that was unique to the school was its strong involvement in charity and humanitarian programmes. As senior students, we were taken to a Chinmaya CORD facility ( an organization for rural development) led by Dr. Mira where we witnessed how rural women empowered themselves and formed self-help groups with the help of resources from the school. We were shown a true glimpse into the struggles that women in such areas face and I could see in practice how the little good we do can go a long way to help somebody. I would probably suggest a more democratic way to select its Council Members (Student Body) like a secret ballot to enhance the level of student participation in the creative efforts that go behind organizing various festivities.
I would describe the culture of my school as one that is spiritually inclined, conducive for academics and sports alike and well-endowed with opportunities. Right from the very beginning, I could sense the level of importance that was given to spirituality in the holistic development of students. From our morning spiritual classes to evening Martí sessions (a Hindu religious ritual of worship, a part of pupa, in which light is offered and songs (Bajans) are sung in praise of the deity), each day was packed with lessons, verses and teachings from The Bhagavan Rita, the Vedas and other such ancient texts. Every new festival brought along with it, ample opportunities for showcasing our skills, and so I participated in several cultural programs, notable among which was my role in the Annual Janmashtami (the day marking the birth of Lord Krishna) Celebrations, where I played the role of Draped (the wife of the Pandas). This was very enriching as I explored an avenue well out of my comfort zone, and it proved to be one of the best experiences of my life. As the school was a co-ed, residential one, the bond that we as students shared with each other and with the teachers, wardens, and faculty was very deep. Our teachers were more than just advisors and educators; we were one huge family, learning, celebrating, and growing together. The school housed students from a score of countries and this provided us with an unprecedented sense of a global community. Another aspect that was unique to the school was its strong involvement in charity and humanitarian programs. As senior students, we were taken to a Chinampa CORD facility (an organization for rural development) led by Dr. Mira where we witnessed how rural women empowered themselves and formed self-help groups with the help of resources from the school. We were shown a true glimpse into the struggles that women in such areas face and I could see in practice how the little good we do can go a long way to help somebody. I would probably suggest a more democratic way to select its Council Members (Student Body) like a secret ballot to enhance the level of student participation in the creative efforts that go behind organizing various festivities.
It was the summer before my freshman year, and the thought of working with children never even crossed my mind before. To be frank, I did not even like children that much at the time. I had just picked up my class registration for school, and I needed one more elective. My grandparents, who have raised me since I was four, suggested to take Early Childhood Education I. Never did I think that decision, would practically change my life. I started to volunteer at an Elementary School, working with kindergarteners after school. I fell in love with children, and teaching them, seeing the spark in their eyes when they finally grasped that concept you have been trying so hard to teach them. In a way, I feel as if this was my way of trying to provide something my biological parents never gave me, love, and genuine concern for someone's well-being. After my freshman year I dove in headfirst, putting my all into the Early Childhood Education II course, earning multiple FDC certifications. That was until I was told the class would not be coming back next year. I was absolutely devastated, I've been taking this class for two years now. However, there was some good news in it. A new course, Introduction to the Teaching Profession, was taking its place. This class was a genuine blessing to me. I was able to become the First president of our Future Florida Educators of America club. This course also allowed me to go to the FFEA conference in Orlando, Florida. This conference is where I found Flagler College. However, considering lack of interest in the course, it was yet again discontinued in my school. Though I was sad, this sparked a fire in me. I already knew there was a lack of teachers in the state of Florida, and I wanted to be that change, even if I am one person. It does not take an army to make a difference in the world.
It was the summer before my freshman year, and the thought of working with children never even crossed my mind before. To be frank, I did not even like children that much at the time. I had just picked up my class registration for school, and I needed one more elective. My grandparents, who have raised me since I was four, suggested taking Early Childhood Education I. Never did I think that decision, would practically change my life. I started to volunteer at an Elementary School, working with kindergarteners after school. I fell in love with children, and teaching them, seeing the spark in their eyes when they finally grasped that concept you have been trying so hard to teach them. In a way, I feel as if this was my way of trying to provide something my biological parents never gave me, love, and genuine concern for someone's well-being. After my freshman year I dove in headfirst, putting my all into the Early Childhood Education II course, earning multiple FDC certifications. That was until I was told the class would not be coming back next year. I was absolutely devastated, I've been taking this class for two years now. However, there was some good news in it. A new course, Introduction to the Teaching Profession, was taking its place. This class was a genuine blessing to me. I was able to become the First president of our Future Florida Educators of America club. This course also allowed me to go to the FLEA conference in Orlando, Florida. This conference is where I found Flagler College. However, considering lack of interest in the course, it was yet again discontinued in my school. Though I was sad, this sparked a fire in me. I already knew there was a lack of teachers in the state of Florida, and I wanted to be that change, even if I am one person. It does not take an army to make a difference in the world.
My passion for fashion started with my love for clothes, shoes, purses- anything I could try on and wear. But things shifted, it started to become more than just the clothes it was the story behind them. I once read, "I don't wear outfits, I create looks", it has been my credo every day since. Fashion is more than wearing an outfit, it's a form of art, the look, the feeling it gives you when you put it on, the confidence, the inspiration. Fashion has energy, personality, and aura, it moves at a rapid speed and changes every single day. Growing up in Los Angeles is hard when you are enamored by a city like New York. LA doesn't have that same swag, attitude and, the fast-paced lifestyle I crave. When it comes to fashion, Angelenos are uninspiring compared to New Yorkers. We have a basic and relaxed style, whereas New Yorkers take pride in their outfit. I've been there twice in my life, and each time I felt like I belonged. I remember walking the streets, inspired by all the outfits that were different from what I was accustomed to. People had real creativity, style, and the ability to express themselves in ways you can't anywhere else. After my first trip to New York, I was determined to come back. That's when I found out about the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). I was astonished to find out that there is a school in New York, that's focused on what I want to do. Let alone the exact major, Fashion Business Management(FBM). There is no other place I would rather be getting my education in fashion - the fashion capital of the world. Fashion Business Management appeals to me because of its challenging and valuable curriculum, especially buying and planning which is what I want to do when I graduate. My ambition is to become a retail buyer for a fashion company. I would love to travel, attending fashion shows in cities like London, Milan, and Paris. I think it'll be an unexplainable feeling walking into a store and seeing the clothes I picked. My goal is to be the best retail buyer the fashion industry has ever seen and I know that going into FBM will help me reach that goal. I have dissected all of the majors at FIT along with its curriculums but nothing piqued my interest like FBM. In my junior year of high school, I founded the fashion club. We talked fashion news, discussed runways and red carpets, and did projects like creating look books. I was also a part of the Black Student Union which gave me an amazing feeling of unity with my peers. LAGirl Style is the company I am currently working with to help revamp their brand. I've worked alongside the CEO, meeting with whole-sellers, taking part in photoshoots, and doing technical work on social media. Working with this brand has helped solidify what I want to do with my career. It's shown me that I want to be on the business side of fashion rather than design. Also, as a junior, I was accepted to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising for their Merchandising and Marketing major. This was the second most amazing moment in my academic career, but I believe getting into FIT will be the first. I've volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House the past four summers and as well as local homeless shelters through Heavenly Helpers, a non-profit organization in South Central LA. I've recently been inducted to the National Honors Society and was on the Honor Roll at my school for two semesters. I believe I'm the perfect candidate for FIT because fashion has captivated my imagination every day for years. My father has always told me since I was a young girl, "If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life". This is how I feel about a career in the fashion industry. I'm eager to learn and experience things I can only learn or experience at FIT. I have some knowledge in fashion and would love to expand on it in the fashion capital of the world. To be in the city I love so much, surrounded by people who are on a similar path as I am would be the greatest experience. All this to say, I am determined and dedicated to the Fashion Institute of Technology.
My passion for fashion started with my love for clothes, shoes, purses-anything I could try on and wear. But things shifted, it started to become more than just the clothes it was the story behind them. I once read, "I don't wear outfits, I create looks", it has been my credo every day since. Fashion is more than wearing an outfit, it's a form of art, the look, the feeling it gives you when you put it on, the confidence, the inspiration. Fashion has energy, personality, and aura, it moves at a rapid speed and changes every single day. Growing up in Los Angeles is hard when you are enamored by a city like New York. LA doesn't have that same swag, attitude and, the fast-paced lifestyle I crave. When it comes to fashion, Angeles are uninspiring compared to New Yorkers. We have a basic and relaxed style, whereas New Yorkers take pride in their outfit. I've been there twice in my life, and each time I felt like I belonged. I remember walking the streets, inspired by all the outfits that were different from what I was accustomed to. People had real creativity, style, and the ability to express themselves in ways you can't anywhere else. After my first trip to New York, I was determined to come back. That's when I found out about the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). I was astonished to find out that there is a school in New York, that's focused on what I want to do. Let alone the exact major, Fashion Business Management(FBM). There is no other place I would rather be getting my education in fashion - the fashion capital of the world. Fashion Business Management appeals to me because of its challenging and valuable curriculum, especially buying and planning which is what I want to do when I graduate. My ambition is to become a retail buyer for a fashion company. I would love to travel, attending fashion shows in cities like London, Milan, and Paris. I think it'll be an unexplainable feeling walking into a store and seeing the clothes I picked. My goal is to be the best retail buyer the fashion industry has ever seen, and I know that going into FBM will help me reach that goal. I have dissected all the majors at FIT along with its curriculums but nothing piqued my interest like FBM. In my junior year of high school, I founded the fashion club. We talked fashion news, discussed runways and red carpets, and did projects like creating look books. I was also a part of the Black Student Union which gave me an amazing feeling of unity with my peers. Girl Style is the company I am currently working with to help revamp their brand. I've worked alongside the CEO, meeting with whole-sellers, taking part in photoshoots, and doing technical work on social media. Working with this brand has helped solidify what I want to do with my career. It's shown me that I want to be on the business side of fashion rather than design. Also, as a junior, I was accepted to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising for their Merchandising and Marketing major. This was the second most amazing moment in my academic career, but I believe getting into FIT will be the first. I've volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House the past four summers and as well as local homeless shelters through Heavenly Helpers, a non-profit organization in South Central LA. I've recently been inducted to the National Honors Society and was on the Honor Roll at my school for two semesters. Furthermore, I believe I'm the perfect candidate for FIT because fashion has captivated my imagination every day for years. My father has always told me since I was a young girl, "If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life". This is how I feel about a career in the fashion industry. I'm eager to learn and experience things I can only learn or experience at FIT. I have some knowledge in fashion and would love to expand on it in the fashion capital of the world. To be in the city I love so much, surrounded by people who are on a similar path as I am would be the greatest experience. All this to say, I am determined and dedicated to the Fashion Institute of Technology.
The first person who came to my mind is Jack Ma. He changed my thought when I heard his life.He is the one of famous entrepreneurs around the world. He actually is an English teacher, and he failed many times in applying for jobs when he graduated. He used to be poor and do not have much money to learn English. Therefore, he had to run 70 miles by bike to serve foreign tourists in order to improve his English on purpose when he was a student. Although he met many difficulties and obstacles, he continued to find all ways to develop himself. Finally, he succeeded in leading a multinational technology corporation in the past, named Alibaba. He is proud of the Chinese and the world. I think that leading a huge business makes people stress. However, he always is optimistic and humorous no matter how many times he failed in life. Being the CEO of a big company makes people earn much money, he gave up and retire from Alibaba and pursue educational work, philanthropy and environmental causes. He is very talented and has good personalities. I was very impressive to him when I read the initial book are related to him. He brought me a good lesson leading on success in life. Although we fail many times, we should not give up and be determined to pursue our dream.
The first person who came to my mind is Jack Ma. He changed my thought when I heard his life. He is the one of famous entrepreneurs around the world. Furthermore, he actually is an English teacher, and he failed many times in applying for jobs when he graduated. Furthermore, he used to be poor and do not have much money to learn English. Therefore, he had to run 70 miles by bike to serve foreign tourists in order to improve his English on purpose when he was a student. Although he met many difficulties and obstacles, he continued to find always to develop himself. Finally, he succeeded in leading a multinational technology corporation in the past, named Alibaba. He is proud of the Chinese and the world. I think that leading a huge business makes people stress. However, he is always optimistic and humorous no matter how many times he failed in life. Being the CEO of a big company makes people earn much money, he gave up and retire from Alibaba and pursue educational work, philanthropy and environmental causes. He is very talented and has good personalities. I was very impressive to him when I read the initial book are related to him. He brought me a good lesson leading on success in life. Although we fail many times, we should not give up and be determined to pursue our dream.
The cerulean blue fabric cover was a shade darker than its original color as a result of continuously being shaken up inside my school bag. "Make Your Own Stories" was written in bold on the bottom right corner, a mantra that came with the planner. The pages inside the planner were bullets instead of lines to stop any restrictions from what I wanted to unleash on each page. Each section had its own purpose that helped organize the bits and pieces in my life. The key I had made is drawn on the first page. The different ideas from the internet didn't seem well fit so I had decided to take different features of each idea I saw to make a key of my own. I use a separate shape for each aspect in my planner: a circle for daily tasks, a triangle for events or appointments and a square for school related tasks. It helps me establish borders between my school and personal life. Then came my spreads. My monthly calendars contained long-term plans and commitments. A foresight into the months in the future guided me with the plans I had to make and the goals I wanted to accomplish. For example, my final exam dates are always written in at the beginning of the year to be a constant motivator to keep working and an indication of how close they are. Or the aims I want to achieve that year were always in sight so I consistently work towards it. My daily spreads are more short-term. Every morning when I wake up, one of the first things I do is plan my day ahead. This allows me to form a clear structure of my day. At the bottom of every page is written "Plans are Made to Be Broken"; it serves a reminder that spontaneity was a natural part of life and I will never shy from it. My trackers are a customary part of my planner. As part of my New Year's resolution I create habit trackers to keep me accountable and it gets renewed every month. Though often times than not I stray away from my objectives , I sheepishly still draw it every month. My aim to sleep early and wake up early was the one rule I broke the most. After spending most of my day studying and engaging with school work, I still longed to spend time with my family, which left for night time when all of us had respectively finished our work for the day and could relax and relish in each other's presence. Other habits such as exercising and taking my vitamins were easier to follow as I usually did it with a friend, or in the case of taking my vitamins, I was reminded by my mother every afternoon. One of the pages I cherish the most is my memory pages. These pages purpose to remind me of how lucky I am for the people and things in my life. The plane and train tickets stapled on the pages dedicated to the countries I have traveled to brings me back to a time where we had missed our plane as a result of my father mistaking the landing time for the boarding time, or the trip we took by train from Paris to Switzerland to see the alps; it was the first time me or my brothers had seen snow, leaving us in awe of the place. The Polaroids of my friends and I standing together one last time as half of us traveled across the world away from each other brought me comfort that the time we spent together would forever be imprinted in my mind. My planner is an item I have with me at all times. It brings the calmness to a rather chaotic day and my mind knowing I have all my ideas and plans in one place to look back on. It came even more useful during the COVID-19 pandemic as we stayed at home everyday and the sense of time was gone. I held myself accountable and had a brain dump to release my feelings of frustration, sadness and joy into my planner. The sight of my planner in the corner of my desk every day let's me know that everything will be alright.
The cerulean blue fabric cover was a shade darker than its original color as a result of continuously being shaken up inside my school bag. "Make Your Own Stories" was written in bold in the bottom right corner, a mantra that came with the planner. The pages inside the planner were bullets instead of lines to stop any restrictions from what I wanted to unleash on each page. Each section had its own purpose that helped organize the bits and pieces in my life. The key I had made is drawn on the first page. The different ideas from the internet didn't seem well fit, so I had decided to take different features of each idea I saw to make a key of my own. I use a separate shape for each aspect in my planner: a circle for daily tasks, a triangle for events or appointments and a square for school related tasks. It helps me establish borders between my school and personal life. Then came my spreads. My monthly calendars contained long-term plans and commitments. A foresight into the months in the future guided me with the plans I had to make and the goals I wanted to accomplish. For example, my final exam dates are always written in at the beginning of the year to be a constant motivator to keep working and an indication of how close they are. Or the aims I want to achieve that year were always in sight, so I consistently work towards it. My daily spreads are more short-term. Every morning when I wake up, one of the first things I do is plan my day ahead. This allows me to form a clear structure of my day. At the bottom of every page is written "Plans are Made to Be Broken"; it serves a reminder that spontaneity was a natural part of life and I will never shy from it. My trackers are a customary part of my planner. As part of my New Year's resolution I create habit trackers to keep me accountable, and it gets renewed every month. Though often times than not I stray away from my objectives, I sheepishly still draw it every month. My aim to sleep early and wake up early was the one rule I broke the most. After spending most of my day studying and engaging with school work, I still longed to spend time with my family, which left for nighttime when all of us had respectively finished our work for the day and could relax and relish in each other's presence. Other habits such as exercising and taking my vitamins were easier to follow as I usually did it with a friend, or in the case of taking my vitamins, I was reminded by my mother every afternoon. One of the pages I cherish the most is my memory pages. These pages purpose to remind me of how lucky I am for the people and things in my life. The plane and train tickets stapled on the pages dedicated to the countries I have traveled to bring me back to a time when we had missed our plane as a result of my father mistaking the landing time for the boarding time, or the trip we took by train from Paris to Switzerland to see the alps; it was the first time me or my brothers had seen snow, leaving us in awe of the place. The Polaroids of my friends and I are standing together one last time as half of us traveled across the world away from each other brought me comfort that the time we spent together would forever be imprinted in my mind. My planner is an item I have with me at all times. It brings the calmness to a rather chaotic day and my mind knowing I have all my ideas and plans in one place to look back on. It came even more useful during the COVID-19 pandemic as we stayed at home every day and the sense of time was gone. I held myself accountable and had a brain dump to release my feelings of frustration, sadness and joy into my planner. The sight of my planner in the corner of my desk every day lets me know that everything will be alright.
My admiration of Lafayette sprouted when Ms. Jade Saybolt acquainted me with Dyer Center in her Virtual information session. I am intrigued by the spectrum of resources and opportunities it provides to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in Lafayette students; courses tethering business, society, and engineering and resources dedicated to innovation and problem-solving are extremely crucial for me to nurture an entrepreneurial mindset. The experiential knowledge bestowed at the Dyer center will enable me to build entities colossal than my tuition center. Furthermore, the "Economic empowerment and global learning project " will connect me with the real-world economic challenges and cultivate my skills to act upon such challenges and positively impact communities internationally. I seek for a community where people have similar goals and values but have unique backgrounds and experiences, where I can share my stories and listen to others'- inspiring others and getting inspired, where I am challenged with unconventional ideas and maneuvered towards greatness. I believe that opportunities at Lafayette will contribute me to unlock my potential to be all I can be and to create enormous intellectual wealth in the global community. The inception of my success will dawn from the moment I receive an acceptance letter from Lafayette.
My admiration of Lafayette sprouted when Ms. Jade Say bolt acquainted me with Dyer Center in her Virtual information session. I am intrigued by the spectrum of resources and opportunities it provides to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in Lafayette students; courses tethering business, society, and engineering and resources dedicated to innovation and problem-solving are extremely crucial for me to nurture an entrepreneurial mindset. The experiential knowledge bestowed at the Dyer center will enable me to build entities colossal than my tuition center. Furthermore, the "Economic empowerment and global learning project" will connect me with the real-world economic challenges and cultivate my skills to act upon such challenges and positively impact communities internationally. I seek for a community where people have similar goals and values but have unique backgrounds and experiences, where I can share my stories and listen to others'- inspiring others and getting inspired, where I am challenged with unconventional ideas and maneuvered towards greatness. I believe that opportunities at Lafayette will contribute me to unlock my potential to be all I can be and to create enormous intellectual wealth in the global community. The inception of my success will dawn from the moment I receive an acceptance letter from Lafayette.
From a tender age, I always had an inclination for influencing people; standing in the front porch of my house, I could remember speaking to an imaginary audience. Leadership is the influence a person has on a group of people in pursuit of a common goal and to effect positive change. I have been privileged to hold appointed and electable positions, each giving me a unique platform to fix a problem.In 2019, during my clinical rotation in Nephrology unit, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, I had contact with several patients with end stage renal disease, most of which were caused by uncontrolled and long-standing diabetes andor hypertension; most patients had both. The burden of patients lied with the aged population, averagely 60 - 76 years old, while a few patients were between 36 - 57 years old. This represented a huge burden both to the care givers and the available resources. Treatment for this stage is most preferably a renal transplant (less commonly done because of the financial and donor implications) and most commonly done, haemodialysis. The recommended sessions for haemodialysis were 3 times per week, unfortunately very few patients could afford two sessions per week in combination with oral medications, a few more could afford one session per week. The largest pool only appearing for dialysis when they were in respiratory distress secondary to pulmonary oedema. I was deeply concerned by these and I discussed with the Consultant, Professor. Uniugbe. She apparently had a passion for care for the elderly and had recently set up an elderly person's home. We came up with the idea to carry out a medical outreachawareness, targeting the ageing population. The task was to get information out to gather a good number of the target group, educate them, screen them for diabetes and hypertension and set up a follow up system. A date was fixed for this event, at the elderly person's home, about 100 persons showed up. Together with other medical doctors, a health talk was given to draw attention to these silent killers, risk factors, complications and treatment options. Emphasis was laid on lifestyle modifications, including proper diet, exercise. Random blood sugar, urinalysis, blood pressure measurement was done for everyone so as to categorize them. At the end of the event, we identified those who were already diagnosed with diabetes andor hypertension, who were also compliant on medications, those who weren't compliant. We identified those with risk factors and those who needed more investigations to confirm their status, a follow up process was established. A reliant method for solving end stage renal disease would be to set up a program that educates people on the causes, ways of prevention, treatment options; subsidized haemodialysis sessions and most preferably an organ transplant program that would ensure participants get a kidney transplant within 5 years. I believe that I have the traits, ability and intellect to drive positive change in my country, and the Chevening community would be instrumental in honing my skills in leadership.
From a tender age, I always had an inclination for influencing people; standing in the front porch of my house, I could remember speaking to an imaginary audience. Leadership is the influence a person has on a group of people in pursuit of a common goal and to effect positive change. I have been privileged to hold appointed and electable positions, each giving me a unique platform to fix a problem. In 2019, during my clinical rotation in Nephrology unit, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, I had contact with several patients with end stage renal disease, most of which were caused by uncontrolled and long-standing diabetes ardor hypertension; most patients had both. The burden of patients lied with the aged population, averagely 60 - 76 years old, while a few patients were between 36 - 57 years old. This represented a huge burden both to the caregivers and the available resources. Treatment for this stage is most preferably a renal transplant (less commonly done because of the financial and donor implications) and most commonly done, hemodialysis. The recommended sessions for hemodialysis were 3 times per week, unfortunately very few patients could afford two sessions per week in combination with oral medications, a few more could afford one session per week. The largest pool only appearing for dialysis when they were in respiratory distress secondary to pulmonary edema. I was deeply concerned by these, and I discussed with the Consultant, Professor. UNIGE. She apparently had a passion for care for the elderly and had recently set up an elderly person's home. We came up with the idea to carry out a medical outreach awareness, targeting the aging population. The task was to get information out to gather a good number of the target group, educate them, screen them for diabetes and hypertension and set up a follow-up system. A date was fixed for this event, at the elderly person's home, about 100 persons showed up. Together with other medical doctors, a health talk was given to draw attention to these silent killers, risk factors, complications and treatment options. Emphasis was laid on lifestyle modifications, including proper diet, exercise. Random blood sugar, urinalysis, blood pressure measurement was done for everyone to categorize them. At the end of the event, we identified those who were already diagnosed with diabetes ardor hypertension, who were also compliant on medications, those who weren't compliant. We identified those with risk factors and those who needed more investigations to confirm their status, a follow-up process was established. A reliant method for solving end stage renal disease would be to set up a program that educates people on the causes, ways of prevention, treatment options; subsidized hemodialysis sessions and most preferably an organ transplant program that would ensure participants get a kidney transplant within 5 years. I believe that I have the traits, ability and intellect to drive positive change in my country, and the Ch evening community would be instrumental in honing my skills in leadership.
Please give your sincere opinionsThank you. Two years ago, I spoke to my biological father for the first time.I grew up with a single mother and had a younger sibling from a different father who, like my biological father, also left us. This affected my mother so much I saw my mother almost take her life three times. I always cried, screamed out and begged her not too. I couldn't watch her do that. I never let her give up cause although my brother and I didn't have the best childhood. It was tough, but the love we have for each other was stronger. My mother, with the little she had made sure to give us the best that she could provide for me and my brother as she couldn't finish schooling. I promised her and myself to make her proud. This made me conscious of what would make her happy. In this regard, I became a very active person in school. I won various debate contests and wrote excellent essays. I was awarded as a news researcher and editor at my school, and I was instructed to read the latest news in the assembly hall. With such a sense of responsibility, I was full of enthusiasm for education and ranked among the top ten students. During my high school days, I was very involved in the debate club. I was awarded first place in our intra school competition on a woman's place in the society. I believe strongly in empowering each gender in the society of today. It was one of my most favorite things ever to do and I dream to speak in UN assembly for people when I fulfill my dreams of becoming a diplomat. I also love dancing , singing, acting. I was always given the lead position in each performance which resulted to making me the social director of club and always managed school events. I was also in the drama club, language club as I'm very good in our local language such as yoruba from western part of Nigeria. I have little understanding in igbo from east side. Although I also have a strong desire to improve in international languages. I also joined the news research club and became a representative to read the news at our Friday assembly as at my grade 9 in school. I was also really excellent in civic education as I got an A1 in my final exams and also government with C6 .Which brings to my desire to study political science and international relations as it share almost ideas with civic education where we taught about our rights as citizens, how the world works, learning to stand up for people , generally everything about the history of how relationships are built with member country and most history of one's country. As a hobby in school, I really enjoyed writing, reading, and learning new things, and studying more about political science and international relations from the internet at our school's computer lab. My enthusiasm was further increased when I discovered that there are many interesting careers open to graduates of international relations, especially involving overseas travel which is something I greatly enjoy. Out of curiosity and on my time management and research skills, I plunged into the culture of Asia to see cultural relations with each country and Nigeria.. I got certified by an online class form cousera yonsei on Korean language course and also on classes about the tradition culture of korea. I really enjoy the dynamic nature of studying Politics and International Relations and am particularly keen on researching Asia's integration, territorial politics and nationalism. Especially East of Asia's South Korea. I am very interested in strengthening the relationship between Nigeria and South Korea. Due to financial difficulties, I had to stay at home after high school. One would think that growing up in a broken home I have broken hopes and dreams. But this did not stop my tenacity of purpose, so I got a job as an assistant teacher in my aunt's private school to educate young children. It was during this role that I knew that children accumulate things faster, so I introduced a spelling bee to young children. This increased my creative abilities and the ability to work in a team, since I have to motivate and engage all students, leaving no one behind. As my desire for political science and international relations intensified, I began to learn more about political science and international relations from the Internet which was the closest education I can get; all thanks to advances in technology. During the covid -19 pandemic I assisted the economy by contributing to the people of Yemen due to their crisis and war, I registered to become a UN volunteer online. I took an online course on Covid-19 and it's preventive measures to protect myself and educate people on it In my family and amongst friends. I always did my best to help by giving out to needy like clothes shoes food or little money I could afford, helped out by giving to the orphanage and disabled children home. Also because of my interest in political science and international relations, i also took an online class on on the theory of international relations from an online class and also studied on modern diplomacy of 21century from an online class called cousera and was given a certificate. Although from an English speaking country I took an online on listening and note taking in English which consist of speaking too because you never stop learning and this has improved my ability in the area of communication and writing better. To gain more relevant experience I have worked voluntarily as an unpaid administrative assistant investment company. Although a part time position it has given me an insight into areas relevant to possible future careers, namely; risk and threat assessment, crisis management plans, security audits and business continuity plans. I believe strongly to change people's lives , to make the best put of people to help anyone. To make mother proud of all the sacrifice she has made for I and my brother. To become a role model for my brother to follow his dreams and most of all to make a change in the world . While searching for opportunities for scholarship , i came across the Korean government scholarship programme and I found out It is a great opportunity to not overlook because with this opportunity I can finally go to college and my mother won't have to worry about fees also this will be a great opportunity for me to get connected globally and finally fulfill my promise to mother I made to her also I will be able to support my brother education and he can go back to school. I am very aware of korea education system and first class reputation that draws people from all over the world and from many different backgrounds. I really look forward to the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead for me in south korea and am confident that the country and university will not only exceed my expectations but with this great opportunity from the Korean government , I can finally perfect myself in the aspect of political science and international relations at best.
Please give your sincere opinionsThank you. Two years ago, I spoke to my biological father for the first time. I grew up with a single mother and had a younger sibling from a different father who, like my biological father, also left us. This affected my mother so much I saw my mother almost take her life three times. I always cried, screamed out and begged her not too. I couldn't watch her do that. Furthermore, I never let her give up cause although my brother and I didn't have the best childhood. It was tough, but the love we have for each other was stronger. My mother, with the little she had made sure to give us the best that she could provide for me and my brother as she couldn't finish schooling. I promised her and myself to make her proud. This made me conscious of what would make her happy. In this regard, I became a very active person in school. I won various debate contests and wrote excellent essays. I was awarded as a news researcher and editor at my school, and I was instructed to read the latest news in the assembly hall. With such a sense of responsibility, I was full of enthusiasm for education and ranked among the top ten students. During my high school days, I was very involved in the debate club. I was awarded first place in our intro school competition on a woman's place in the society. I believe strongly in empowering each gender in the society of today. It was one of my most favorite things ever to do, and I dream to speak in UN assembly for people when I fulfill my dreams of becoming a diplomat. I also love dancing, singing, acting. I was always given the lead position in each performance which resulted to making me the social director of club and always managed school events. Furthermore, I was also in the drama club, language club as I'm very good in our local language such as Yoruba from western part of Nigeria. Furthermore, I have little understanding in IBO from east side. Although I also have a strong desire to improve in international languages. I also joined the news research club and became a representative to read the news at our Friday assembly as at my grade 9 in school. I was also really excellent in civic education as I got an A1 in my final exams and also government with C6. Which brings to my desire to study political science and international relations as it share almost ideas with civic education where we taught about our rights as citizens, how the world works, learning to stand up for people, generally everything about the history of how relationships are built with member country and most history of one's country. As a hobby in school, I really enjoyed writing, reading, and learning new things, and studying more about political science and international relations from the internet at our school's computer lab. My enthusiasm was further increased when I discovered that there are many interesting careers open to graduates of international relations, especially involving overseas travel which is something I greatly enjoy. Out of curiosity and on my time management and research skills, I plunged into the culture of Asia to see cultural relations with each country and Nigeria. I got certified by an online class form Coursera onset on Korean language course and also on classes about the tradition culture of Korea. I really enjoy the dynamic nature of studying Politics and International Relations and am particularly keen on researching Asia's integration, territorial politics and nationalism. Especially East of Asia's South Korea. I am very interested in strengthening the relationship between Nigeria and South Korea. Due to financial difficulties, I had to stay at home after high school. One would think that growing up in a broken home I have broken hopes and dreams. But this did not stop my tenacity of purpose, so I got a job as an assistant teacher in my aunt's private school to educate young children. It was during this role that I knew that children accumulate things faster, so I introduced a spelling bee to young children. This increased my creative abilities and the ability to work in a team, since I have to motivate and engage all students, leaving no one behind. As my desire for political science and international relations intensified, I began to learn more about political science and international relations from the Internet which was the closest education I can get; all thanks to advances in technology. During the covid -19 pandemic I assisted the economy by contributing to the people of Yemen due to their crisis and war, I registered to become a UN volunteer online. I took an online course on Covid-19, and its preventive measures to protect myself and educate people on it In my family and among friends. I always did my best to help by giving out to needy like clothes shoes food or little money I could afford, helped out by giving to the orphanage and disabled children home. Also, because of my interest in political science and international relations, I also took an online class on the theory of international relations from an online class and also studied on modern diplomacy of 21century from an online class called Coursera and was given a certificate. Although from an English-speaking country I took an online on listening and note-taking in English which consist of speaking too because you never stop learning and this has improved my ability in the area of communication and writing better. To gain more relevant experience I have worked voluntarily as an unpaid administrative assistant investment company. Although a part-time position it has given me an insight into areas relevant to possible future careers, namely; risk and threat assessment, crisis management plans, security audits and business continuity plans. I believe strongly to change people's lives, to make the best put of people to help anyone. To make mother proud of all the sacrifice she has made for I and my brother. To become a role model for my brother to follow his dreams and most of all to make a change in the world. While searching for opportunities for scholarship, I came across the Korean government scholarship program and I found out It is a great opportunity to not overlook because with this opportunity I can finally go to college and my mother won't have to worry about fees also this will be a great opportunity for me to get connected globally and finally fulfill my promise to mother I made to her also I will be able to support my brother education, and he can go back to school. I am very aware of Korea education system and first class reputation that draws people from all over the world and from many backgrounds. I really look forward to the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead for me in South Korea and am confident that the country and university will not only exceed my expectations but with this great opportunity from the Korean government, I can finally perfect myself in the aspect of political science and international relations at best.
I always had a curiosity to visualize any scientific facts I learn from my book. Experimenting from if light really travelled in a straight line by candles; to if heat actually was produced in exothermic reaction while my grandmother prepared chun (calcium hydroxide) by adding water to lime to eat with betel-leaf, I quenched my thirst for practical knowledge in school. After high school, I found myself more inclined to study engineering. My craving to find something new is more than just memorizing science verbatim. So, the ambition to become an engineer coincides in becoming a researcher. While being first year textile engineering student in Bangladesh, I thought my focus on what to research should be on my field only. My teachers seeing myself interested in research, they suggested me to read through research papers. Reading them from Google Scholar with keywords of my understanding, though I would understand a very little, I realized good works were often not only based on my discipline, but almost always had a touch from other ones too. In a class one day, the Professor introduced me to the fact that even concretes can be strengthened using textile composites. These experiences led me to the conclusion that, knowledge from all sciences, engineering and liberal arts may need to be converged to identify potential problems which have higher impacts in the world and work on them with proper research ethics. In November 2019, I got to know the GSEP Program of Tokyo Institute of Technology. After looking through the whole program details and experiences of students, I have realized this degree on Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering is a perfect package for me. The chance to discover many engineering fields first and then work on the topic I am passionate about is the best thing here. There are so many laboratories to work in for deeper research in senior years. Moreover, the program is an outstanding platform for multicultural exchange which is very essential for understanding anything from a global perspective. By getting into GSEP Program, I can act as a bridge to facilitate communication between my Japanese, Bangladeshi and other country friends. Being from a condition where I cannot afford my education in Japan, I was attracted to MEXT Scholarship and started to know about it a few years ago. I founded a Facebook group about MEXT Scholarship, as a platform to exchange information for application and examination for the applicants, currently has almost 26 thousand members from all over the world. I want to keep working in promoting of the programs by sharing my experiences of GSEP program through MEXT Scholarship there. When I come back to my country, my dream is to establish a research firm with makerspace facilities for all engineers in Bangladesh. I want to share my learnt work and research ethics for solving practical problems, solutions of which will impact not only my country but the whole world, and thus create a good image of Japan and Bangladesh in between.
I always had a curiosity to visualize any scientific facts I learn from my book. Experimenting from if light really travelled in a straight line by candles; to if heat actually was produced in exothermic reaction while my grandmother prepared Chen (calcium hydroxide) by adding water to lime to eat with betel-leaf, I quenched my thirst for practical knowledge in school. After high school, I found myself more inclined to study engineering. My craving to find something new is more than just memorizing science verbatim. So, the ambition to become an engineer coincides in becoming a researcher. While being first year textile engineering student in Bangladesh, I thought my focus on what to research should be on my field only. My teachers seeing myself interested in research, they suggested me to read through research papers. Reading them from Google Scholar with keywords of my understanding, though I would understand a very little, I realized good works were often not only based on my discipline, but almost always had a touch from other ones too. In a class one day, the Professor introduced me to the fact that even concretes can be strengthened using textile composites. These experiences led me to the conclusion that, knowledge from all sciences, engineering and liberal arts may need to be converged to identify potential problems which have higher impacts in the world and work on them with proper research ethics. In November 2019, I got to know the GREP Program of Tokyo Institute of Technology. After looking through the whole program details and experiences of students, I have realized this degree on Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering is a perfect package for me. The chance to discover many engineering fields first and then work on the topic I am passionate about is the best thing here. There are so many laboratories to work in for deeper research in senior years. Moreover, the program is an outstanding platform for multicultural exchange which is very essential for understanding anything from a global perspective. By getting into GREP Program, I can act as a bridge to facilitate communication between my Japanese, Bangladeshi and other country friends. Being from a condition where I cannot afford my education in Japan, I was attracted to MEET Scholarship and started to know about it a few years ago. I founded a Facebook group about MEET Scholarship, as a platform to exchange information for application and examination for the applicants, currently has almost 26 thousand members from all over the world. I want to keep working in promoting of the programs by sharing my experiences of GREP program through MEET Scholarship there. When I come back to my country, my dream is to establish a research firm with maker space facilities for all engineers in Bangladesh. I want to share my learned work and research ethics for solving practical problems, solutions of which will impact not only my country but the whole world, and thus create a good image of Japan and Bangladesh in between.
Once a Pressure vs Volume Graph from the topic "Ideal Gas and Thermodynamics" in a Physics test during grade 12 changed my perception about my academic ability. I was the only one to get a "Very good" compliment on my answer script, being able to answer a creative question only in my whole class. I knew that compliment was not written even on the answer script of the student got highest in that test. In my high school passing exam HSC, I achieved an exceptional result in my country, about 5% students of all of country could make only. If I get into the GSEP Program, I shall act as a bridge to facilitate communication between my Japanese and Bangladeshi friends. I want to work in research labs available in this program. I shall come back to my country after completing my studies and engage in research here to solve my field related problems and thus create a good image of both countries in between. My dream is to establish a research lab in Bangladesh in future. During grade 8, I and my friends were no soccer experts, but still I with another of my friend, founded an amateur team of ours. My friends trusted me with money for making our own designed jersey from shop. I used to manage the whole team, find local amateur teams from Facebook and take matches against them. Apart from studying during high school, I was actively affiliated to Notre Dame Science Club, the country's first science club. I volunteered and organized science fairs, science Olympiads etc. in which students from the whole of Bangladesh participated. I went to different organizations of the country for getting sponsors, from school to school for registration of students in various events. Being a teenager, going for deals, negotiating with adults, writing sponsorship letters, designing posters or magazines, working with other club members etc. have taught me about the formal interactions and developed my interpersonal skills which one learns through a year of real job experience. For my contributions, I was appointed as the Vice-President of the club for session 2017-18. I was also awarded 'Life-Time Membership' for my role. My brother got an M.Sc. degree from Japan through JDS Scholarship a few years ago, from whom I have known so many incidents about how courteous the Japanese people are. Even I have felt the same, through getting to Japanese language, culture, etiquette, and manners through watching Japanese anime and movies mostly. During FIFA World Cup 2018, when I had seen the Japanese fans in the stadium cleaning their stuff after a match, I knew I had to go there for higher studies, not just for higher education, but something more. I love the Japanese Language because of its uniqueness. The regular speaking, being so short-sentenced also attracts me. I started learning Japanese from December 2018 to March 2019 in JUAAB Japanese Language School, an institution supported by the Embassy of Japan. I did a 72-hour course which covered half of the N5 level and secured grade 'A'. I could not afford to attend full course due to financial crisis, but took an attempt to complete the rest of the N5 level on my own last year and sat for the JLPT N5 exam but failed. I hope to sit for it again when the pandemic situation eases up. So far, I have a very basic Japanese language ability which I am so eager to furnish when I go to Japan and learn it more. [About 600 Words]Note: I know the words are more than limit but I shall modify it so I'm leaving it here for advice please help me with my flaws.
Once a Pressure vs Volume Graph from the topic "Ideal Gas and Thermodynamics" in a Physics test during grade 12 changed my perception about my academic ability. I was the only one to get a "Very good" compliment on my answer script, being able to answer a creative question only in my whole class. I knew that compliment was not written even on the answer script of the student got highest in that test. In my high school passing exam HSC, I achieved an exceptional result in my country, about 5% students of all country could make only. If I get into the GREP Program, I shall act as a bridge to facilitate communication between my Japanese and Bangladeshi friends. I want to work in research labs available in this program. I shall come back to my country after completing my studies and engage in research here to solve my field related problems and thus create a good image of both countries in between. My dream is to establish a research lab in Bangladesh in the future. During grade 8, my friends and I were no soccer experts, but still I with another of my friend, founded an amateur team of ours. My friends trusted me with money for making our own designed jersey from shop. I used to manage the whole team, find local amateur teams from Facebook and take matches against them. Apart from studying during high school, I was actively affiliated to Notre Dame Science Club, the country's first science club. I volunteered and organized science fairs, science Olympiads etc. in which students from the whole of Bangladesh participated. I went to different organizations of the country for getting sponsors, from school to school for registration of students in various events. Being a teenager, going for deals, negotiating with adults, writing sponsorship letters, designing posters or magazines, working with other club members etc. have taught me about the formal interactions and developed my interpersonal skills which one learns through a year of real job experience. For my contributions, I was appointed as the Vice-President of the club for session 2017-18. I was also awarded 'Life-Time Membership' for my role. My brother got an M.Sc. degree from Japan through JDS Scholarship a few years ago, from whom I have known so many incidents about how courteous the Japanese people are. Even I have felt the same, through getting to Japanese language, culture, etiquette, and manners through watching Japanese anime and movies mostly. During FIFA World Cup 2018, when I had seen the Japanese fans in the stadium cleaning their stuff after a match, I knew I had to go there for higher studies, not just for higher education, but something more. I love the Japanese Language because of its uniqueness. The regular speaking, being so short-sentenced also attracts me. I started learning Japanese from December 2018 to March 2019 in JU AAB Japanese Language School, an institution supported by the Embassy of Japan. I did a 72-hour course which covered half of the N5 level and secured grade 'A'. Furthermore, I could not afford to attend full course due to financial crisis, but took an attempt to complete the rest of the N5 level on my own last year and sat for the JLPT N5 exam but failed. Furthermore, I hope to sit for it again when the pandemic situation eases up. So far, I have a very basic Japanese language ability which I am so eager to furnish when I go to Japan and learn it more. [About 600 Words]Note: I know the words are more than limit, but I shall modify it, so I'm leaving it here for advice please help me with my flaws.
I am not sure which was more dreadful to hear in a high school band room filled with teenagers: the fact that a band alumnus had passed away days before his twenty-first birthday or the fact that his cause of death remained unknown. [Name], a gentle giant, had guided me throughout my high school career and I considered him the older brother I never had. It was in that silent band room that my interest in forensic science began. Frustrated and angry with the inconclusive report on [name]'s death, I began to immerse myself into the methodologies of the combined fields of the justice system and science. After high school, I advanced to university and majored in Forensic Science with a concentration in Biology. For two years, I remained aware and disappointed of the lack of resources provided for those looking to major in the field of forensic science. Along with two academic colleagues, [ Organization Name ] was created to bring resources, career connections, academic tutoring, and academic advising to others within the major. It was through this organization that I developed the skills to lead bi-weekly meetings, communicate with outside officials and convey important information and resources to my fellow peers. As leaders on campus, it became vital to express leadership in the community as well. Volunteer events such as [event] and events with [food pantry] allowed members to gain hands on experience in improving living conditions across the city. I had seemingly successfully convinced myself and everyone around me that I was going to be a forensic science investigator. Until my godmother, the woman who treated me as her own and helped raise me, suffered a stroke while driving on the highway. Walking into the intensive care unit that afternoon reproduced a similar gut-wrenching feeling I had experienced years earlier as a teen. As I sat in my godmother's room, I watched her doctors work with levels of integrity, compassion, and determination I had never seen before. I found myself envious of their ability to actively help and critically think. The medical decision making process began to intrigue me as they diagnosed my godmother with [rare disease]. With every visit from the doctors, I bombarded them with several questions at once. Graceful and calculated with each answer, it became clear to me that being a doctor requires more than just knowledge alone. It requires tolerance and the willingness to communicate. My interest in medicine was further solidified a year later by my own personal ailment in which my views of medicine were challenged. I had developed debilitating abdominal pain that often led to missed work shifts and missed classes. In my search for an answer, I had seen seven family medicine physicians, two gastroenterology specialists, and two obstetrics and gynecology specialists. Throughout the eleven visits, my symptoms were dismissed without workups as nothing more than "a poor diet", "unfamiliarity with your menstrual cycle", "dramatics", and "an excuse to get out of work". The visits often left me feeling powerless and frustrated in my health and the practices of these providers. The unwillingness to listen and lack of kindness was much different than my previous experiences and discouraged my interest in medicine. Was this the field I so desperately wanted to enter? Despite this, I continued to push myself in the search for another physician. My search finally led me to [Dr.'s name], an obstetrics and gynecology specialist. My first visit with her was based on her commitment to build trust and a connection. Leading with compassion, patience, and her excitement to help me understand, I was later diagnosed with a ten-centimeter teratoma on my right ovary that was beginning to cause ovarian torsion. Shortly after my diagnosis, the teratoma was removed by [Dr.'s name]. My experience with one physician who was willing to listen, have empathy, and explain everything heavily outweighed every bad experience I had prior. As a scribe in a local emergency room, I recognize that my position is one of privilege that allows me to observe physician-patient encounters firsthand. The results of effective communication and listening are apparent and long-lasting. Sighs of relief and smiles from patients when they realize their physician or scribe speaks Spanish is a sight often witnessed. I have never been more excited to help interpret if it means that the patient is no longer frightened and alone in the emergency room. The interactions between patients and physicians is more than one based on just science. It is one also based on empathy, trust and understanding of health disparities. Interning at my county's morgue linked my interests in forensic science and medicine. Holding a human brain for the first-time evoked such admiration for life and the biological processes that keep us alive. My time at the morgue strengthened my deep respect for the deceased as I no longer viewed them as simply that. These were people who had meaningful experiences and memories and it was up to me to ensure that they were treated with the same dignity and respect as the living. My path to medicine has not always been clear. However, as I reflect on the moments that have led me here, I am nothing but fortunate and grateful. I am confident that the effects of interactions with doctors, opportunities to be a source of comfort, and a deep appreciation for the living and the deceased have all solidified my interest and commitment to the field of medicine.
I am not sure which was more dreadful to hear in a high school band room filled with teenagers: the fact that a band alumnus had passed away days before his twenty-first birthday or the fact that his cause of death remained unknown. [Name], a gentle giant, had guided me throughout my high school career and I considered him the older brother I never had. It was in that silent band room that my interest in forensic science began. Frustrated and angry with the inconclusive report on [name]'s death, I began to immerse myself into the methodologies of the combined fields of the justice system and science. After high school, I advanced to university and majored in Forensic Science with a concentration in Biology. For two years, I remained aware and disappointed with the lack of resources provided for those looking to major in the field of forensic science. Along with two academic colleagues, [Organization Name] was created to bring resources, career connections, academic tutoring, and academic advising to others within the major. It was through this organization that I developed the skills to lead bi-weekly meetings, communicate with outside officials and convey important information and resources to my fellow peers. As leaders on campus, it became vital to express leadership in the community as well. Volunteer events such as [event] and events with [food pantry] allowed members to gain hands-on experience in improving living conditions across the city. I had seemingly successfully convinced myself and everyone around me that I was going to be a forensic science investigator. Until my godmother, the woman who treated me as her own and helped raise me, suffered a stroke while driving on the highway. Walking into the intensive care unit that afternoon reproduced a similar gut-wrenching feeling I had experienced years earlier as a teen. As I sat in my godmother's room, I watched her doctors work with levels of integrity, compassion, and determination I had never seen before. I found myself envious of their ability to actively help and critically think. The medical decision-making process began to intrigue me as they diagnosed my godmother with [rare disease]. With every visit from the doctors, I bombarded them with several questions at once. Graceful and calculated with each answer, it became clear to me that being a doctor requires more than just knowledge alone. It requires tolerance and the willingness to communicate. My interest in medicine was further solidified a year later by my own personal ailment in which my views of medicine were challenged. I had developed debilitating abdominal pain that often led to missed work shifts and missed classes. In my search for an answer, I had seen seven family medicine physicians, two gastroenterology specialists, and two obstetrics and gynecology specialists. Throughout the eleven visits, my symptoms were dismissed without workups as nothing more than "a poor diet", "unfamiliarity with your menstrual cycle", "dramatics", and "an excuse to get out of work". The visits often left me feeling powerless and frustrated in my health and the practices of these providers. The unwillingness to listen and lack of kindness was much different from my previous experiences and discouraged my interest in medicine. Was this the field I so desperately wanted to enter? Despite this, I continued to push myself in the search for another physician. My search finally led me to [Dr.'s name], an obstetrics and gynecology specialist. My first visit with her was based on her commitment to build trust and a connection. Leading with compassion, patience, and her excitement to help me understand, I was later diagnosed with a ten-centimeter teratoma on my right ovary that was beginning to cause ovarian torsion. Shortly after my diagnosis, the teratoma was removed by [Dr.'s name]. My experience with one physician who was willing to listen, have empathy, and explain everything heavily outweighed every bad experience I had prior. As a scribe in a local emergency room, I recognize that my position is one of privilege that allows me to observe physician-patient encounters firsthand. The results of effective communication and listening are apparent and long-lasting. Sighs of relief and smiles from patients when they realize their physician or scribe speaks Spanish is a sight often witnessed. I have never been more excited to help interpret if it means that the patient is no longer frightened and alone in the emergency room. The interactions between patients and physicians is more than one based on just science. It is one also based on empathy, trust and understanding of health disparities. Interning at my county's morgue linked my interests in forensic science and medicine. Holding a human brain for the first-time evoked such admiration for life and the biological processes that keep us alive. My time at the morgue strengthened my deep respect for the deceased as I no longer viewed them as simply that. These were people who had meaningful experiences and memories, and it was up to me to ensure that they were treated with the same dignity and respect as the living. My path to medicine has not always been clear. However, as I reflect on the moments that have led me here, I am nothing but fortunate and grateful. I am confident that the effects of interactions with doctors, opportunities to be a source of comfort, and a deep appreciation for the living and the deceased have all solidified my interest and commitment to the field of medicine.
I take my faithful guitar and hit the strings with my fingers. The piece of music I have chosen to play is a tough one with a crescendo movement across the composition, but I try assiduously. All of a sudden, my fingers strike a chord instead of playing multiple notes one by one. My music teacher's eyes shine with excitement, and she exclaims: "This is tremendous! You have just blended a classical Mozart's Sonata №1 with a piece of your soul!" The note pattern was completely unexpected and extremely fun to play. Chords remind me of myself: many things at once. The foremost note in my life chord is biology. As Tatar roots resonate in my soul, I have always felt strong pride for native nature, and when I was a curious little girl, my Tatar grandmother encouraged me to explore mysteries of wildlife in her immense garden. The orchard was full of fragrant flowers, which appealed to buzzing fluffy bumble-bees. I stayed out until dusk exploring remote locations of the garden while watching the bumble-bees fly around. When I grew up, I decided to take my observations to the next level. I read tons and tons of articles, but did not find any papers on the ecology and biology of the insect I was into. I understood that I will never move on to the following step unless I create something of my own. Then I remembered the incredible feeling of freedom, with which I make amazing chords on my guitar. I took all my initiative and will to research deeply in the bumble-bees species dwelling in my region. Once I was chasing a bumble-bee to indicate its species when a thought stroke me: I realized that the insects crawling around and plants in the way are just a part of a huge system, which needs to be protected from being taken for granted. I am interested in the peculiarities of their pollinating habits because the crucial data, obtained during the research, can be used to measure the condition of ecosystems. As I am concerned with biology, I will contribute to nature's conservation now and after. I want to continue uncovering secrets of the world to make people realize how crucial it is to protect and appreciate the wildlife around us. Many people develop themselves in one sphere or have a single passion that defines them as an identity. Like my guitar, I am an instrument: but an instrument playing a multitude of notes at once. My two main interests are at opposite ends, which makes them even more closely related to one another. Sometimes I feel all stalled out about the investigation and music turns out to be Ariadne's thread in finding the right way to interpret or obtain new data. Such overlap of interests enables me to take the best from both worlds, and I never know if I will end up finding a solution to the distorted chord in the knowledge of biology. I will take these chords with me to college: I want to unite students of miscellaneous majors to create something of a unique mixture. In my opinion, getting to know the talents, ideas, and motivations of different people leads to building a powerful community. I am searching for my place in the world combining various interests. Who I am does not always add up into a mesmerizing combination of sounds and may feel like an awkward noise to some people. No matter which chords I play, no matter how I play them, they are my own chords.
I take my faithful guitar and hit the strings with my fingers. The piece of music I have chosen to play is a tough one with a crescendo movement across the composition, but I try assiduously. All of a sudden, my fingers strike a chord instead of playing multiple notes one by one. My music teacher's eyes shine with excitement, and she exclaims: "This is tremendous! You have just blended a classical Mozart's Sonata №1 with a piece of your soul!" The note pattern was completely unexpected and extremely fun to play. Chords remind me of myself: many things at once. The foremost note in my life chord is biology. As Tatar roots resonate in my soul, I have always felt strong pride for native nature, and when I was a curious little girl, my Tatar grandmother encouraged me to explore mysteries of wildlife in her immense garden. The orchard was full of fragrant flowers, which appealed to buzzing fluffy bumblebees. I stayed out until dusk exploring remote locations of the garden while watching the bumblebees fly around. When I grew up, I decided to take my observations to the next level. I read tons and tons of articles, but did not find any papers on the ecology and biology of the insect I was into. I understood that I will never move on to the following step unless I create something of my own. Then I remembered the incredible feeling of freedom, with which I make amazing chords on my guitar. I took all my initiative and will to research deeply in the bumblebees species dwelling in my region. Once I was chasing a bumblebee to indicate its species when a thought stroke me: I realized that the insects crawling around and plants in the way are just a part of a huge system, which needs to be protected from being taken for granted. I am interested in the peculiarities of their pollinating habits because the crucial data, obtained during the research, can be used to measure the condition of ecosystems. As I am concerned with biology, I will contribute to nature's conservation now and after. I want to continue uncovering secrets of the world to make people realize how crucial it is to protect and appreciate the surrounding wildlife. Many people develop themselves in one sphere or have a single passion that defines them as an identity. Like my guitar, I am an instrument: but an instrument playing a multitude of notes at once. My two main interests are at opposite ends, which makes them even more closely related to one another. Sometimes I feel all stalled out about the investigation and music turns out to be Ariadne's thread in finding the right way to interpret or obtain new data. Such overlap of interests enables me to take the best from both worlds, and I never know if I will end up finding a solution to the distorted chord in the knowledge of biology. I will take these chords with me to college: I want to unite students of miscellaneous majors to create something of a unique mixture. In my opinion, getting to know the talents, ideas, and motivations of different people leads to building a powerful community. I am searching for my place in the world combining various interests. Who I am does not always add up into a mesmerizing combination of sounds and may feel like an awkward noise to some people. No matter which chords I play, no matter how I play them, they are my own chords.
Prompt: There may be personal information that you want considered as part of your admissions application. Write an essay describing that information. You might include exceptional hardships, challenges, or opportunities that have shaped or impacted your abilities or academic credentials, personal responsibilities, exceptional achievements or talents, educational goals, or ways in which you might contribute to an institution committed to creating a diverse learning environment. Limit 3000 characters. I am a generally good essay writer, but I have trouble with broad prompts such as this one. I have no idea where to start and frankly, I'm afraid that I might choose the wrong thing to write about. I don't know where to start as far as structure. I've come up with some ideas: why I want to be a nurse, my experiences with sexual assault, abuse, poverty, mental illness and how they've shaped me, and my academic accomplishments. I just don't know how I would weave these together in a way that isn't too wordy or emotionally exhausting to the reader. I don't know if I should leave out my hardships to keep others from being uncomfortable or leave them in to show how my unique experiences make me who I am. I just feel like if I don't show them that side of me I will not be the "diverse" candidate they are looking for. On paper I seem like just another privileged student, even though I have faced struggles that don't reflect in my grades and achievements. In regards to why I want to be a nurse, I want to be an activist and an advocate for patients in under-served communities and I feel that my experiences have given me the strength to face the challenges that the nursing profession entails. I have a lot of ideas I just can't think of a good way to structure them into an essay. My whole academic life professors have pretty much just given me an outline of exactly what they want, so I've never really learned how to make one myself. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Prompt: There may be personal information that you want considered as part of your admissions' application. Write an essay describing that information. You might include exceptional hardships, challenges, or opportunities that have shaped or impacted your abilities or academic credentials, personal responsibilities, exceptional achievements or talents, educational goals, or ways in which you might contribute to an institution committed to creating a diverse learning environment. Limit 3000 characters. I am a generally good essay writer, but I have trouble with broad prompts such as this one. I have no idea where to start and frankly, I'm afraid that I might choose the wrong thing to write about. Furthermore, I don't know where to start as far as structure. Furthermore, I've come up with some ideas: why I want to be a nurse, my experiences with sexual assault, abuse, poverty, mental illness and how they've shaped me, and my academic accomplishments. Furthermore, I just don't know how I would weave these together in a way that isn't too wordy or emotionally exhausting to the reader. Furthermore, I don't know if I should leave out my hardships to keep others from being uncomfortable or leave them in to show how my unique experiences make me who I am. Furthermore, I just feel like if I don't show them that side of me I will not be the "diverse" candidate they are looking for. On paper, I seem like just another privileged student, even though I have faced struggles that don't reflect in my grades and achievements. In regard to why I want to be a nurse, I want to be an activist and an advocate for patients in under-served communities and I feel that my experiences have given me the strength to face the challenges that the nursing profession entails. I have a lot of ideas I just can't think of a good way to structure them into an essay. My whole academic life professors have pretty much just given me an outline of exactly what they want, so I've never really learned how to make one myself. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. My dismissal from the ------ due to my inadequate grades was dreadful, to say the least. I hit one of the lowest points in my life and was distraught knowing that I let myself get to this point. I remember the shame I felt when I told my parents I was moving out of my apartment early to come back home because I could not handle the college environment. I felt so distraught because I knew I let my loved ones down, but most importantly I let myself down. Although this downfall seemed to be my breaking point to give up on my academic career, it was a wake-up call to turn my life around. The departure allowed me to find my purpose in life again, branch out of my comfort zone, and overcome the obstacles of my inner self-destruction. The upcoming spring semester was rapidly approaching following my dismissal. I was unmotivated and lost as to what steps to take next in my life. My anxiety was at its peak, and I was falling apart. Although I felt like I was never going to overcome this barrier, I built up the courage and decided to enroll at my local community college. I wanted to dedicate myself to improve in my studies and especially my character. So, I contacted my former advisor from my department and spoke with the advisors at my local community college. I devised a plan to follow, and I was ready to embark on a journey towards self-improvement. I began this progress by realizing that my previous studying habits were not sufficient. I needed to stop rushing things and taking on workloads I had not mastered yet. Rather than continuing to pass by or fail miserably, I retook the courses that I lacked improvement in before continuing to the next upper course. Then, to become more disciplined I learned how to prioritize, manage my time, and develop a study routine. I rarely missed class and I made it a mission to arrive on time. Since classes were small, I took advantage of it by sitting in the front of the class and asking questions whenever I needed help. I also went to office hours to go over missed exam questions and practiced breathing techniques to lessen my test anxiety. Little by little I started to see progress. I was able to retain my subject's material better and help other students who were struggling. Towards the end of the spring semester, I got a job and I managed to balance both school and work. Luckily, I finished my spring and summer semesters at my local community college with over a 3.0-grade point average and I regained my ambition to achieve my goals in life. The move back home was an awakening call that brought me back to my roots and the reasons why I wanted to go to college. I wanted a better life for my family and me, an opportunity to contribute to society, and a chance to achieve my dream of becoming a health professional. After much consideration, I decided to move back to ----- and continue my education at the community college in ----. I knew moving was going to be more demanding and would require me to work harder, but I was ready to undertake another phase in my life. The school year commenced; I continued to practice the study methods I had developed, but I had encountered more challenges. Although I had previously been able to balance school and work, managing two jobs while taking more strenuous courses was difficult. My time management needed to be handled more efficiently because I had more responsibilities to handle. So, I committed myself to build a schedule that included my lectures, labs, work, study periods, and my private time. Furthermore, I pushed myself to find alternatives to help myself learn the material I was struggling with by studying with others and forming study groups. Progress was slow at first, but I pushed through and finished doing well in courses. Even when my life was getting too hectic, I kept myself motivated, broaden my horizons, and continued to strive to do better academically. One of the most important obstacles I conquered during my hiatus was working on my inner well-being. Coming into my freshman year, I was afraid of asking for help and showing my vulnerabilities. I let my insecurities take control of my life which reflected in my poor academic performance and low self-esteem. Now that I matured, I took the initiative to stop living in fear and take control of my life. I relieved my stress by meditating and releasing my negative thoughts. Additionally, I started to work out and eat healthier to build up my confidence. Most notably I sought help from others and began socializing more. I was able to experience more things in life and gain a higher perspective of myself. I got to experience going to my first ----- football game, I got to learn more about the many multicultural communities ---- offered, and I had the opportunity to meet one of the most influential journalists in the Hispanic community, Maria Elena Salinas. Learning to accept myself through this difficult time in my life showed me that valuing my worthiness can open many opportunities. I can wake up each day with a positive mentality and work towards a better future for myself. The past year and a half have taught me how strong and capable I am. I have learned how to overcome my failures, make changes, and move forward. It would be an honor to bring this better version of myself to this campus and become a possible mentor to others who share my struggles. I understand now to trust the process of my journey and to stop dwelling on my past. I have built a stronger foundation to succeed academically and learned how to overcome my inner struggles. I am confident now that I will be able to conquer many more obstacles and continue to fight for my dreams because of the experiences I endured. I am excited to see what the future holds for me and the opportunities it will open. Whether this is my time to return to ------ or not, I would like to thank you for taking the time to hear my story and considering my readmission.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. My dismissal from the ------ due to my inadequate grades was dreadful, to say the least. I hit one of the lowest points in my life and was distraught knowing that I let myself get to this point. I remember the shame I felt when I told my parents I was moving out of my apartment early to come back home because I could not handle the college environment. Furthermore, I felt so distraught because I knew I let my loved ones down, but most importantly I let myself down. Although this downfall seemed to be my breaking point to give up on my academic career, it was a wake-up call to turn my life around. The departure allowed me to find my purpose in life again, branch out of my comfort zone, and overcome the obstacles of my inner self-destruction. The upcoming spring semester was rapidly approaching following my dismissal. I was unmotivated and lost as to what steps to take next in my life. My anxiety was at its peak, and I was falling apart. Although I felt like I was never going to overcome this barrier, I built up the courage and decided to enroll at my local community college. I wanted to dedicate myself to improve in my studies and especially my character. So, I contacted my former advisor from my department and spoke with the advisors at my local community college. I devised a plan to follow, and I was ready to embark on a journey towards self-improvement. I began this progress by realizing that my previous studying habits were not sufficient. Furthermore, I needed to stop rushing things and taking on workloads I had not mastered yet. Rather than continuing to pass by or fail miserably, I retook the courses that I lacked improvement in before continuing to the next upper course. Then, to become more disciplined I learned how to prioritize, manage my time, and develop a study routine. I rarely missed class and I made it a mission to arrive on time. Since classes were small, I took advantage of it by sitting in the front of the class and asking questions whenever I needed help. I also went to office hours to go over missed exam questions and practiced breathing techniques to lessen my test anxiety. Little by little I started to see progress. I was able to retain my subject's material better and help other students who were struggling. Towards the end of the spring semester, I got a job and I managed to balance both school and work. Luckily, I finished my spring and summer semesters at my local community college with over a 3.0-grade point average and I regained my ambition to achieve my goals in life. The move back home was an awakening call that brought me back to my roots and the reasons why I wanted to go to college. I wanted a better life for my family and me, an opportunity to contribute to society, and a chance to achieve my dream of becoming a health professional. After much consideration, I decided to move back to ----- and continue my education at the community college in ----. I knew moving was going to be more demanding and would require me to work harder, but I was ready to undertake another phase in my life. The school year commenced; I continued to practice the study methods I had developed, but I had encountered more challenges. Although I had previously been able to balance school and work, managing two jobs while taking more strenuous courses was difficult. My time management needed to be handled more efficiently because I had more responsibilities to handle. So, I committed myself to build a schedule that included my lectures, labs, work, study periods, and my private time. Furthermore, I pushed myself to find alternatives to help myself learn the material I was struggling with by studying with others and forming study groups. Progress was slow at first, but I pushed through and finished doing well in courses. Even when my life was getting too hectic, I kept myself motivated, broaden my horizons, and continued to strive to do better academically. One of the most important obstacles I conquered during my hiatus was working on my inner well-being. Coming into my freshman year, I was afraid of asking for help and showing my vulnerabilities. I let my insecurities take control of my life which reflected in my poor academic performance and low self-esteem. Now that I matured, I took the initiative to stop living in fear and take control of my life. I relieved my stress by meditating and releasing my negative thoughts. Additionally, I started to work out and eat healthier to build up my confidence. Most notably I sought help from others and began socializing more. I was able to experience more things in life and gain a higher perspective of myself. I got to experience going to my first ----- football game, I got to learn more about the many multicultural communities ---- offered, and I had the opportunity to meet one of the most influential journalists in the Hispanic community, Maria Elena Salinas. Learning to accept myself through this difficult time in my life showed me that valuing my worthiness can open many opportunities. I can wake up each day with a positive mentality and work towards a better future for myself. The past year and a half have taught me how strong and capable I am. I have learned how to overcome my failures, make changes, and move forward. It would be an honor to bring this better version of myself to this campus and become a possible mentor to others who share my struggles. I understand now to trust the process of my journey and to stop dwelling on my past. I have built a stronger foundation to succeed academically and learned how to overcome my inner struggles. Furthermore, I am confident now that I will be able to conquer many more obstacles and continue to fight for my dreams because of the experiences I endured. Furthermore, I am excited to see what the future holds for me and the opportunities it will open. Whether this is my time to return to ------ or not, I would like to thank you for taking the time to hear my story and considering my readmission.
※ Please include your reason(s) for choosing KAIST in order to achieve your dream and the hardships that you expect to encounter in the process. My dad always told me, "In this modern era, technology is playing a big role. You should too". I was intrigued by his words and at this moment I opened a new window. His words pulled a different view of my hobby, design. Middle school was filled with two years of drawing activities and clubs. But then, I realised it wasn't enough. I need to hone my soft skills. In high school I was not afraid of taking chances. I was always a curious kid and a risk taker. I believed that all of my high school experience could lead me to gaining beneficial skills. I listed down my goals. I planned to shape my personal traits through communities. I wanted to be more active, have a deeper understanding of school's organization, and most of all, to gain as many experiences as possible. I can assure you, all of those point are ticked. I joined many kinds of the school's organizations and community services. All of this made me sharpen my multitasking, problem solving and especially leadership skills. Thinking about entering colleges made me feel the same thing I did before I entered high school, I want more! As I was surfing through the net, I stumbled upon KAIST. It exceeded my expectation. Especially, the quote on the Industrial Design's site, "Shape your Future". I have always planned to do things that could shape me and the community wherever I am. And to me, KAIST has the perfect community for that. It made me curious how labyrinths in KAIST could take me. Furthermore, the curriculum in Industrial Design sparked my interest. To learn about design projects focused on marketing and to embed the meaning of designing itself, this curriculum is what I was always looking for. Lastly, to be able to study at KAIST is that I can shape my personal traits. I can meet many kinds of people from different countries with the perfect community. It can broaden my link and networking skills. I can also learn new languages, new cultures, new ideals and perspective as an international student.
※ Please include your reason(s) for choosing WAIST in order to achieve your dream and the hardships that you expect to encounter in the process. My dad always told me, "In this modern era, technology is playing a big role. You should too". I was intrigued by his words and at this moment I opened a new window. His words pulled a different view of my hobby, design. Middle school was filled with two years of drawing activities and clubs. But then, I realized it wasn't enough. I need to hone my soft skills. In high school I was not afraid of taking chances. I was always a curious kid and a risk-taker. I believed that all of my high school experience could lead me to gaining beneficial skills. Furthermore, I listed down my goals. Furthermore, I planned to shape my personal traits through communities. Furthermore, I wanted to be more active, have a deeper understanding of school's organization, and most of all, to gain as many experiences as possible. Furthermore, I can assure you, all of this point are ticked. Furthermore, I joined many kinds of the school's organizations and community services. All of this made me sharpen my multitasking, problem-solving and especially leadership skills. Thinking about entering colleges made me feel the same thing I did before I entered high school, I want more! As I was surfing through the net, I stumbled upon WAIST. It exceeded my expectation. Especially, the quote on the Industrial Design's site, "Shape your Future". I have always planned to do things that could shape me and the community wherever I am. And to me, WAIST has the perfect community for that. It made me curious how labyrinths in WAIST could take me. Furthermore, the curriculum in Industrial Design sparked my interest. To learn about design projects focused on marketing and to embed the meaning of designing itself, this curriculum is what I was always looking for. Lastly, to be able to study at WAIST is that I can shape my personal traits. I can meet many kinds of people from different countries with the perfect community. It can broaden my link and networking skills. I can also learn new languages, new cultures, new ideals and perspective as an international student.
1st part: Talking about where I was born, my passion and how my city was first to be introduced to DSL internet and how I benefit from it to leverage my English language and knowledge.(which probably will relate to in the 4th part) 2nd part: About my early career life, working as a teenager with a family business where I learnt a lot about tech. and computers(also relate in 4th part) 3rd part: A short brief about how the school system are in my country, and how my love for specific topics made me choose my major. And a very short glance about my university days - not details about what I learnt from major but more about how I learnt other softlife skills during uni time - since I'm pursuing different master than my major. 4th part: After graduation, explaining the difficulty of getting a job in my major due to country being in bad situation. What did I do, how I approached differently(having idea of self employment- only Idea not implemented because after research found out it was not feasible for my case) then eventually about how I found an non profit institute which was looking for qualification matching my skills and background(1st part and 2nd). The job was developing economic and community through developing and training the person acquiring the position then person supporting the community to help them with self employment rather than employment(changing mentality). Explaining what they taught, to get the title I have now(with them). What did I do to achieve the goal^. And eventually explaining how this mindset and having more self-employment project will help the country. And how acquiring degree from US will help me contribute even more to community. --------------------- I know it might sound weird to you, but I'm really afraid of plagiarism, I have been warned a lot about this thing, that's why I didn't share my entire statement, I hope you understand me and please do give your suggestion, improvement Ideas, changes I have to make.And if you can tellsuggest me a better structure, I would be grateful. My deadline is close, and I hope to finalize it very soon. Again my apologies for not sharing my statement and thanks in advance
1st part: Talking about where I was born, my passion and how my city was first to be introduced to DSL internet and how I benefit from it to leverage my English language and knowledge.(which probably will relate to in the 4th part) 2nd part: About my early career life, working as a teenager with a family business where I learned a lot about tech. And computers(also relate in 4th part) 3rd part: A short brief about how the school system are in my country, and how my love for specific topics made me choose my major. And a very short glance about my university days - not details about what I learned from major but more about how I learned other soft life skills during uni time - since I'm pursuing different master than my major. 4th part: After graduation, explaining the difficulty of getting a job in my major due to country being in bad situation. What did I do, how I approached differently(having idea of self-employment- only Idea not implemented because after research found out it was not feasible for my case) then eventually about how I found a non-profit institute which was looking for qualification matching my skills and background(1st part and 2nd)? The job was developing economic and community through developing and training the person acquiring the position then person supporting the community to help them with self-employment rather than employment(changing mentality). Explaining what they taught, to get the title I have now(with them). What did I do to achieve the goal? And eventually explaining how this mindset and having more self-employment project will help the country. And how acquiring degree from US will help me contribute even more to community. --------------------- I know it might sound weird to you, but I'm really afraid of plagiarism, I have been warned a lot about this thing, that's why I didn't share my entire statement, I hope you understand me, and please do give your suggestion, improvement Ideas, changes I have to make. And if you can tell suggest me a better structure, I would be grateful. My deadline is close, and I hope to finalize it very soon. Again my apologies for not sharing my statement and thanks in advance
I chose the Chemical Engineering major because in my opinion the chemical engineering major was a favorite besides medicine. Because the number of registrants and interested ones is also large. In addition, technological progress is also increasingly rapid which will affect the industry. Therefore the chemical engineering department plays a big role in the industrial sector, both in the food, clothing, fuel, cosmetics, and so on industries. Apart from that chemical engineering has a great responsibility, this can be seen if we are wrong in preparing the product then it will endanger the community, therefore the chemical engineering department requires good analysis and accuracy in order to advance the industry, especially industry in Indonesia.
I chose the Chemical Engineering major because in my opinion the chemical engineering major was a favorite besides medicine. Because the number of registrants and interested ones is also large. In addition, technological progress is also increasingly rapid which will affect the industry. Therefore, the chemical engineering department plays a big role in the industrial sector, both in the food, clothing, fuel, cosmetics, and so on industries. Apart from that chemical engineering has a great responsibility, this can be seen if we are wrong in preparing the product then it will endanger the community, therefore the chemical engineering department requires good analysis and accuracy in order to advance the industry, especially industry in Indonesia.
"Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not". This saying of George Bernard Shaw unexpected sprang in my mind after closing the book ''Shoe dog'' which is the autobiography of Phil Knight - the co-founder of Nike whose logo ''Swoosh'' has become an icon for youngsters. I was inspired to dream big by Phil Knight's recall of his path to success after a long decade; however, this path was not full of roses but contained countless failure to an extent that sometimes he thought that he had had a bankruptcy. His story was such an expensive, yet invaluable lesson for me about the importance of having a solid foundation in global economy, financial management and taking calculated risks in achieving sustainable business. Aspired to give back to the community, I was a part of an English teaching program for children in a mountainous region in Vietnam and a wall-painting project at a public primary school in Cebu, Philippines while having a one-month summer camp here. Throughout these volunteers, my sympathize told me that study Economics & Finance could be a solid foundation for me to do the poor a favor by invite more injections from the government in education for religious children who may become a high-qualified labor force to contribute to the economic growth in the future. After pursuing the Bachelor of Economics and Finance, my long-range career goal is to specialising in investment and risk management. All of my efforts, both in and outside of university, are intended to make a positive impact on my community and to better equip myself for an ever-changing society with the skills and experiences essential for undertaking future initiatives successfully.
"Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not". This saying of George Bernard Shaw unexpected sprang in my mind after closing the book ''Shoe dog'' which is the autobiography of Phil Knight - the co-founder of Nike whose logo ''Swoosh'' has become an icon for youngsters. I was inspired to dream big by Phil Knight's recall of his path to success after a long decade; however, this path was not full of roses but contained countless failure to an extent that sometimes he thought that he had had a bankruptcy. His story was such an expensive, yet invaluable lesson for me about the importance of having a solid foundation in global economy, financial management and taking calculated risks in achieving sustainable business. Aspired to give back to the community, I was a part of an English teaching program for children in a mountainous region in Vietnam and a wall-painting project at a public primary school in Cebu, Philippines while having a one-month summer camp here. Throughout these volunteers, my sympathize told me that study Economics camp; Finance could be a solid foundation for me to do the poor a favor by invite more injections from the government in education for religious children who may become a high-qualified labor force to contribute to the economic growth in the future. After pursuing the Bachelor of Economics and Finance, my long-range career goal is specialising in investment and risk management. All of my efforts, both in and outside of university, are intended to make a positive impact on my community and to better equip myself for an ever-changing society with the skills and experiences essential for undertaking future initiatives successfully.
"Integrity, First, Service before self. Excellence in all we do" is the motto of the United States Air Force Academy. It is a motto its cadets live by. Its verbiage echoes the ideals and values that every upstanding citizen of the United States of America follows throughout their lives. As one of those citizens I live by this motto every day, always putting my peer's well-being before that of my own, putting aside personal gain for that of selfless service to help promote the greater good. I take pride in the quality of my work, striving to ensure every project and assignment given to me is given back with a higher degree of workmanship then expected. Every action performed and word uttered is done so with excellence in mind. It is done so with integrity at the forefront of all values. I know that I want to attend the United States Air Force Academy, not just because it represents the pinnacle of higher education for the men and women of the United States of America but because it represents the apex of my very ideals and beliefs. It represents my willingness to service my country to put aside my own life in favor for that of my fellow countryman, to ensure hat in all I strive to do in life, is done so with excellence and integrity at the forefront of it all. I want to attend the Air Force Academy because it will provide me to work alongside those who share these ideals and beliefs and those who wish to grow and mature these very ideals in an environment dedicated to upholding them. (Essay is a 300 count Word Limit)
"Integrity, First, Service before self. Excellence in all we do" is the motto of the United States Air Force Academy. It is a motto its cadets live by. Its verbiage echoes the ideals and values that every upstanding citizen of the United States of America follows throughout their lives. As one of those citizens I live by this motto every day, always putting my peer's well-being before that of my own, putting aside personal gain for that of selfless service to help promote the greater good. I take pride in the quality of my work, striving to ensure every project and assignment given to me is given back with a higher degree of workmanship then expected. Every action performed and word uttered is done so with excellence in mind. It is done so with integrity at the forefront of all values. I know that I want to attend the United States Air Force Academy, not just because it represents the pinnacle of higher education for the men and women of the United States of America but because it represents the apex of my very ideals and beliefs. It represents my willingness to service my country to put aside my own life in favor for that of my fellow countryman, to ensure hat in all I strive to do in life, is done so with excellence and integrity at the forefront of it all. I want to attend the Air Force Academy because it will provide me to work alongside those who share these ideals and beliefs and those who wish to grow and mature these very ideals in an environment dedicated to upholding them. (Essay is a 300 count Word Limit)
After being reported that I started using and sharing photos on Facebook, my mother was furious. To her, using social media was unacceptable since it was nothing more than "a sign of neglecting study and snob effect". "I'm curious. What made you think your pictures are pretty? Look at you, thin lips, bulbous nose, gaunt and grey. You look like an addict! Nothing stings like truth and only family would tell you the truth, silly!" said my mother with a stare and a snigger. It wasn't the first time of my life hearing such terrible "truth" from my mother, yet I still couldn't get used to it. Since a kid, I had always been aware of an unwritten rule that kept our family stable. That was, I was supposed to live at my parents' will and pleasure or - "Mama knows what's best for you" in a written version. I, however, had always preferred to live with my own wills. As a kid, I played football rather than playing piano as my mother demanded, and now, instead of going to some close-to-home universities, I chose to study abroad. But my parents always knew how to make their girl follow the rule, one way or another. What caused me great pain was their intentions of exploiting my weaknesses, namely my physical insecurities in this situation, to keep me under their control. They always said things knowing that it hurt my feelings. In fear of their verbal assault, I had been conforming to their thoughts and actions, thus unconsciously internalizing their scathing remarks about me. For years, I constantly felt like I was drifting along looking at myself from a helpless lens while my body just did what it was trained to do. Still, a thirst for reclaiming my life never stopped smoldering in my heart. I continued putting efforts into making my dream of studying abroad come true, working hard to have a great command of English. My English learning journey was arduous when I decided to study the language on my own, but at the same time I derived great satisfaction from learning what I love and realizing English isn't just a means of communication, but a key to the world's knowledge. In the end, my IELTS test result came out gratifyingly with an overall score of 7.5, but more importantly, I felt empowered by achieving my long-term goal despite my parents' derision. This achievement boosted my self-esteem and emboldened me to make my voice heard. I realized that family rule had ground me down, so despite my great fears and emotional vulnerability towards my parents, I became determined to confront them. On the night of the confrontation, I tried my best to control my quivering voice and express my gratitude for their nurture and upbringing. Then I grew bolder, telling my parents how helpless and inadequate their cruel words and overcontrolled behaviors made me feel all these years and demanding their changes. The confrontation ended in anger and chaos, and our relationship was strained for some time. It was intimidating, but after all, I started to feel inner peace and gain more confidence in myself, and more fortuitously, to see positive changes in my family relationships after a hard time. I know there is still much for me to confront on the journey to reclaim my life. Still, my experiences have shown me that so long as I push myself forward, everything changes. With the growing belief in myself, I will continue developing my self-expression and gaining control of my life, as well as my relationships.
After being reported that I started using and sharing photos on Facebook, my mother was furious. To her, using social media was unacceptable since it was nothing more than "a sign of neglecting study and snob effect". "I'm curious. What made you think your pictures are pretty? Look at you, thin lips, bulbous nose, gaunt and gray. You look like an addict! Nothing stings like truth and only family would tell you the truth, silly!" said my mother with a stare and a snugger. It wasn't the first time of my life hearing such terrible "truth" from my mother, yet I still couldn't get used to it. Since a kid, I had always been aware of an unwritten rule that kept our family stable. That was, I was supposed to live at my parents' will and pleasure or - "Mama knows what's best for you" in a written version. I, however, had always preferred to live with my own wills. As a kid, I played football rather than playing piano as my mother demanded, and now, instead of going to some close-to-home universities, I chose to study abroad. But my parents always knew how to make their girl follow the rule, one way or another. What caused me great pain was their intentions of exploiting my weaknesses, namely my physical insecurities in this situation, to keep me under their control. They always said things knowing that it hurt my feelings. In fear of their verbal assault, I had been conforming to their thoughts and actions, thus unconsciously internalizing their scathing remarks about me. For years, I constantly felt like I was drifting along looking at myself from a helpless lens while my body just did what it was trained to do. Still, a thirst for reclaiming my life never stopped smoldering in my heart. I continued putting efforts into making my dream of studying abroad come true, working hard to have a great command of English. My English learning journey was arduous when I decided to study the language on my own, but at the same time I derived great satisfaction from learning what I love and realizing English isn't just a means of communication, but a key to the world's knowledge. In the end, my IELTS test result came out gratifyingly with an overall score of 7.5, but more importantly, I felt empowered by achieving my long-term goal despite my parents' derision. This achievement boosted my self-esteem and emboldened me to make my voice heard. I realized that family rule had ground me down, so despite my great fears and emotional vulnerability towards my parents, I became determined to confront them. On the night of the confrontation, I tried my best to control my quivering voice and express my gratitude for their nurture and upbringing. Then I grew bolder, telling my parents how helpless and inadequate their cruel words and over controlled behaviors made me feel all these years and demanding their changes. The confrontation ended in anger and chaos, and our relationship was strained for some time. It was intimidating, but after all, I started to feel inner peace and gain more confidence in myself, and more fortuitously, to see positive changes in my family relationships after a hard time. I know there is still much for me to confront on the journey to reclaim my life. Still, my experiences have shown me that so long as I push myself forward, everything changes. With the growing belief in myself, I will continue developing my self-expression and gaining control of my life, as well as my relationships.
"How many of you were confirmed within your parish?" my theology teacher asked with confidence, assuming to see each one of her catholic school students raise their hands with certainty. I could feel my cheeks flushing, as I glanced around the room and saw each hand around me rise, until I was the only student left who hadn't given such a gesture confirming my faith. I sat in my seat, arms crossed, feeling unusually hot, as I was trying to avoid eye contact with my teacher. I wished so greatly to be spared from the embarrassment that was slowly creeping behind me, until I could feel it breathing down my neck. As I glanced up at my teacher, immediate eye contact was made and I could sense the chills running through my spine. After our exchanging of glances, she exclaimed my name with a strong feeling of concern hidden within the syllables. "Were you confirmed within your parish?" she asked while shooting me with her stare, a new note of anger hidden within her voice. As soon as the words slipped through her mouth and out into the air, my ears caught the sound of all fifteen students turning to stare directly at me, desks creaking with the movement. "No, I was not", I exclaimed with a shaky and uncomfortable tone. Scoffing, my teacher again angrily replied "Do you even belong to a parish?". Once more feeling uncomfortable and ashamed, I responded with "No, I do not". Finally, after time had stretched and those past forty seconds had felt like an eternity, I was given one last glance and then the day had carried on. I had made the choice myself to attend Catholic high school, and I can say with certainty I don't regret it. However, not being raised as a Roman Catholic brought me upon many uncomfortable situations. At times, I felt judged and belittled due to my choice on religious values. Choosing to not accommodate religion into my life is a choice both me and my parents had made, and was universally recognized in most parts of my life. Respecting and recognizing different beliefs is something I can pride myself on, but my values were often not reciprocated within my school environment. When given opinion-based assignments, I would generally do worse than my peers because I was speaking the truth of who I was and what I believed in. At the end of the day, I will always take the lower grade over lying and conforming my beliefs to those that I disagree with, because no amount of points is worth denying myself of who I truly am. If I wasn't made for the grade, then I wasn't made for the grade.
"How many of you were confirmed within your parish?" my theology teacher asked with confidence, assuming to see each one of her catholic school students raise their hands with certainty. I could feel my cheeks flushing, as I glanced around the room and saw each hand around me rise, until I was the only student left who hadn't given such a gesture confirming my faith. I sat in my seat, arms crossed, feeling unusually hot, as I was trying to avoid eye contact with my teacher. Furthermore, I wished so greatly to be spared from the embarrassment that was slowly creeping behind me, until I could feel it breathing down my neck. As I glanced up at my teacher, immediate eye contact was made, and I could sense the chills running through my spine. After our exchanging of glances, she exclaimed my name with a strong feeling of concern hidden within the syllables. "Were you confirmed within your parish?" she asked while shooting me with her stare, a new note of anger hidden within her voice. As soon as the words slipped through her mouth and out into the air, my ears caught the sound of all fifteen students turning to stare directly at me, desks creaking with the movement. "No, I was not", I exclaimed with a shaky and uncomfortable tone. Scoffing, my teacher again angrily replied "Do you even belong to a parish?". Once more feeling uncomfortable and ashamed, I responded with "No, I do not". Finally, after time had stretched and those past forty seconds had felt like an eternity, I was given one last glance and then the day had carried on. I had made the choice myself to attend Catholic high school, and I can say with certainty I don't regret it. However, not being raised as a Roman Catholic brought me upon many uncomfortable situations. At times, I felt judged and belittled due to my choice on religious values. Choosing to not accommodate religion into my life is a choice both me and my parents had made, and was universally recognized in most parts of my life. Respecting and recognizing different beliefs is something I can pride myself on, but my values were often not reciprocated within my school environment. When given opinion-based assignments, I would generally do worse than my peers because I was speaking the truth of who I was and what I believed in. At the end of the day, I will always take the lower grade over lying and conforming my beliefs to those that I disagree with, because no amount of points is worth denying myself of whom I truly am. If I wasn't made for the grade, then I wasn't made for the grade.
The relationship between me and art-making is oddly similar to an old couple entering their 10th year of marriage: seemingly little golden sparks, little extreme excitement that makes my heart skips; yet, there is love and fondness in a way that I cannot imagine being without, as art has become one of the only constants in my life. The realization that I want to pursue art as a profession came naturally around my years in middle school, and so did my aspiration to become an illustrator. Despite being told as a child to not "judge a book by its cover," I grew up doing the opposite. When looking for a book, it is never the title, the pseudonym, or the sign "New York's Best Seller" that catches my attention, but always the cover. I believe it is an artist's job to create a cover that can speak for the content inside, not only revealing what is necessary like the genre and mood but also be intriguing enough to infuse passerby with curiosity, enticing them into getting their hands on the book. In addition, people are naturally drawn to beauty; and similar to how I was stopped in my track for a book with a well-designed cover, I wish to make art that tells stories, halts people's steps and makes them question for what is more underneath. Throughout High school, I participated in several volunteer projects as a member of the Public RelationsMedia Department, producing from member's shirts, badges, posters, brochures to social media contents; and due to the different aims of those projects, I learned to be flexible and assertive to the needs of different target audiences. I was also the Visual Manager for my school's basketball club. The experience granted me an opportunity to explore photography, as well as to be fully in charge of how the club will be represented. After moving on to college, I became the Historian of Richland College's Asian Students Association. In addition, I took part in the 34th League for Innovation DCCCD Student Art Competition and got two of my pieces featured, representing Richland College, all the while succeeded in maintaining a 4.0 GPA as an Honor student. I also found the chance to familiarized myself with art exhibitions by becoming a volunteer at the Dallas Museum of Art, where I can interact with visitors and other art enthusiasts. My time in college had me well prepared for the world of professional art and design training, and I am ready to take the next step into realizing my desire. I believe Savannah College of Art and Design is where I have the most opportunity to learn, not only from the world-class study programs and professors but also my peers who share the same passion. Having applied for SCAD once back in High school, my decision has not changed, for even now, SCAD remains the place I want to be at. I have confidence I will be a good fit for SCAD.
The relationship between me and art-making is oddly similar to an old couple entering their 10th year of marriage: seemingly little golden sparks, little extreme excitement that makes my heart skips; yet, there is love and fondness in a way that I cannot imagine being without, as art has become one of the few constants in my life. The realization that I want to pursue art as a profession came naturally around my years in middle school, and so did my aspiration to become an illustrator. Despite being told as a child to not "judge a book by its cover," I grew up doing the opposite. When looking for a book, it is never the title, the pseudonym, or the sign "New York's Best Seller" that catches my attention, but always the cover. I believe it is an artist's job to create a cover that can speak for the content inside, not only revealing what is necessary like the genre and mood but also be intriguing enough to infuse passerby with curiosity, enticing them into getting their hands on the book. In addition, people are naturally drawn to beauty; and similar to how I was stopped in my track for a book with a well-designed cover, I wish to make art that tells stories, halts people's steps and makes them question for what is more underneath. Throughout High school, I participated in several volunteer projects as a member of the Public Relations Media Department, producing from member's shirts, badges, posters, brochures to social media contents; and due to the different aims of those projects, I learned to be flexible and assertive to the needs of different target audiences. I was also the Visual Manager for my school's basketball club. The experience granted me an opportunity to explore photography, as well as to be fully in charge of how the club will be represented. After moving on to college, I became the Historian of Richland College's Asian Students Association. In addition, I took part in the 34th League for Innovation DCCCD Student Art Competition and got two of my pieces featured, representing Richland College, all the while succeeded in maintaining a 4.0 GPA as an Honor student. I also found the chance to familiarized myself with art exhibitions by becoming a volunteer at the Dallas Museum of Art, where I can interact with visitors and other art enthusiasts. My time in college had me well-prepared for the world of professional art and design training, and I am ready to take the next step into realizing my desire. I believe Savannah College of Art and Design is where I have the most opportunity to learn, not only from the world-class study programs and professors but also my peers who share the same passion. Having applied for SCAD once back in High school, my decision has not changed, for even now, SCAD remains the place I want to be at. I have confidence I will be a good fit for SCAD.
"This section is an opportunity for you to elaborate on the information you have provided earlier. You may discuss a special talent, a personal experience or an activity that you have been involved in that is relevant to the course you are applying for admission. As your essay is limited to only 2000 characters (including punctuations and space), do present your ideas in a focused and thoughtful manner."(tomorrow is last date ..i would be grateful if you could help asap) The visible world has always fascinated me. I have inclined my energies towards utilizing every opportunity to grasp the knowledge of different subjects. With every step that I took towards filling my brain with facts and theories, It shaped me into a curious soul. So I started spending time with like-minded people-Anil Seth, Carl Sagan, EO Wilson, and so many great minds collectively helped me cherish my ideologies and allowed them to breathe. I started attending every summer research workshop I got the opportunity of, learning and working along with great scientists under government schemes like EPIC in the CSIR labs in my city. I learned food preservation techniques, purification of the compound, spectroscopic techniques -MASS (a bit about NMR), DNA isolation techniques and more. All these experiences helped in bringing my own small ideas into reality. My first National Children Science(NCSC) project was in 7th which gave me the first-hand experience of how research is approached -the importance of asking the right questions, building a hypothesis, mapping out the objectives and persevering to reach an inference along with maintaining a logbook. In 9th standard, I came 3rd at the state level NCSC for my eco-friendly mosquito and fly larva killing project and in 11th I was selected for nationals of NCSC for making a low-cost biodegradable Polymer with great water-retaining ability. I have won the INSPIRE scholarship for making a mobile charger powered by the pressure exerted on the belt around our waist but I have never restricted myself to only one thing, every different field I explored I found myself equipped with better tools to find the answers. Everyone wants answers that lie in our universe but not everyone has the ability to asks the right questions. I have been doing my part- gaining knowledge- as a curious learner and have been preparing myself to get that ability which comes with the detailed study of the technicalities of the subjects and NUS gives the students the ability to ask and equips us with the tool to find their answers. I desire to be a scientific explorer at NUS.
"This section is an opportunity for you to elaborate on the information you have provided earlier. You may discuss a special talent, a personal experience or an activity that you have been involved in that is relevant to the course you are applying for admission. As your essay is limited to only 2000 characters (including punctuations and space), do present your ideas in a focused and thoughtful manner."(tomorrow is last date .I would be grateful if you could help asap) The visible world has always fascinated me. I have inclined my energies towards utilizing every opportunity to grasp the knowledge of different subjects. With every step that I took towards filling my brain with facts and theories, It shaped me into a curious soul. So I started spending time with like-minded people-Anil Seth, Carl Sagan, EO Wilson, and so many great minds collectively helped me cherish my ideologies and allowed them to breathe. I started attending every summer research workshop I got the opportunity of, learning and working along with great scientists under government schemes like EPIC in the SIR labs in my city. I learned food preservation techniques, purification of the compound, spectroscopic techniques -MASS (a bit about NMR), DNA isolation techniques and more. All these experiences helped in bringing my own small ideas into reality. My first National Children Science(NCSC) project was in 7th which gave me the first-hand experience of how research is approached -the importance of asking the right questions, building a hypothesis, mapping out the objectives and persevering to reach an inference along with maintaining a logbook. In 9th standard, I came 3rd at the state level NCSC for my eco-friendly mosquito and fly larva killing project and in 11th I was selected for nationals of NCSC for making a low-cost biodegradable Polymer with great water-retaining ability. I have won the INSPIRE scholarship for making a mobile charger powered by the pressure exerted on the belt around our waist, but I have never restricted myself to only one thing, every different field I explored I found myself equipped with better tools to find the answers. Everyone wants answers that lie in our universe but not everyone has the ability to asks the right questions. I have been doing my part-gaining knowledge- as a curious learner and have been preparing myself to get that ability which comes with the detailed study of the technicalities of the subjects and NUS gives the students the ability to ask and equips us with the tool to find their answers. I desire to be a scientific explorer at NUS.
If there is no door open for you, all you can do is open it by yourself. As long as we are alive, there will be millions of opportunities that we can try. No need to walk like other people's feet. Walk on your own feet. That was the way of life that a girl lived. Her name is Melita Nurhasanah. She is 24 years old. Her hobbies are singing, dancing, and writing. But what she often do is pensive and fantasized about many things. She was born from a poor family. Her father works as a taxi driver and her mother is only a housewife. Since she was a kid , she was taught to be an independent person. If you want, you should try to get it by yourself. Although in her heart, she wants the same thing as other children. She understood how to put her position. She is always determined, will get what she never got with her hard work. Without burdening both of her parents. From childhood to adulthood, the girl was known as a cheerful, passionate, confident, hardworking, and disciplined girl. According to people who knew her, the girl has a different mind from her peers. She always wants to be the best for herself in the way she wants, not to follow the path that his friends choose. She has a fairly broad friendship. She can make a lot of relations with people who are very influential with the path that is being chosen. Let's talk about when she was in elementary school. If you remember vaguely, this girl had very good grades. Always on the top. She was also active in school activities such as Scouts. Being chosen as a core group of scouts and being the head of a group was an extraordinary experience. Won several scout competitions. Since that time, she could see the world wider. Junior High School, same as elementary school. Not much had changed. She could maintain excellent grades. The final score was good. If i remember the final score for science was 98. The score was almost perfect. She also participated in the Student Organization (OSIS) and Scout extracurricular activities for the core group. During this time, she got a computer prize. Since the presence of computers in her home, she began writing many short stories and poems. Some of the stories were published in a magazine. Since then, she has occupied the world of writing. Vocation High School, Department of Marketing. Initially, this girl did not want to go to a vocational school. She wants to go to an ordinary high school to pursue Indonesian literature. She must follow the decisions that made by her parents with consideration of the continuation of the future after graduation. Her parents hope that she could immediately work after graduation. Help the family economy. At the beginning of the semester, the girl was quite difficult to adapting to the lessons that were followed. Until the next semester, she began to be able to improve her grades and got a high ranking. She got a scholarship from the company his father worked for. Join Student Organizations (OSIS) and become part of members who take care of all things about art. In the second year, she joined a writing competition organized by print media. Get 1st place for the School Vocation category. Unfortunately, because the High School and Highschool Vocation points were so different, she had to receive a certificate that says Champion Hope 1. That does not discourage her. She was proud when two of her works were able to be published in one column of the daily newspaper. And the victory made her increasingly led to becoming a writer. After graduating from school, her parents hoped she went straight to work. Worked in the retail world for 5 years and became a bank administration for 1 year and 7 months. Many interesting things that she learned from her jobs. Many suggestions she received for her future. Not much is too special. She stopped working in 2018. She focused on learning two languages and working freelance as a tour guide. The girl loved watching movies. When she was 5 years old, there was a musical adventure movie with a girl and her best friend that fascinated her. The movie was very popular among children. From there, the movie influenced her. She likes singing and dancing. As she grew up, many movies from various countries that she had seen. She never felt disappointed. There is always something magical that she feels from a film. She can feel sad, upset, angry, laughing, and feeling confused. The movie has an extraordinary emotional regulator. Behind all this, there is a screenwriter who plays an important role in making the film a major influence on life. The girl wants to become a screenwriter. Being a film, something that can inspire and have a lot of positive effects. Make films that follow global developments. Making the film a good educational intermediary for yourself and the world. She wants anyone who sees his work to be able to continue to be remembered, to become a work that can influence the way people think and think. Many messages can always be inserted into a story. Many people asking, why at this time she pursued her dream. The journey to achieve her dream is not easy. She must fight against family circumstances. Many doors she has opened. There are two countries that she is headed to. Countries that have great film development according to her. The two countries are Japan and South Korea. The girl studied these countries' language for quite long time. The first time she opened the door for a scholarship to Japan. A bit of bad luck, she failed many times. Last year she focused on where the door she opened. The next door is towards South Korea. The girl was very familiar with the development of film in South Korea. She watched various films or dramas from South Korea for a long time. Now South Korean cinema can compete in the international world. South Korean films or dramas are worldwide. In Indonesia, Korean movies or dramas are very popular. Not only because actors or actresses play a role in it. But also because stories are always unique and creative. And every emotion that can always affect many viewers. The girl has set her goals to Korea National University of art or K'art. K'art is the No. 1 art university in South Korea and No. 38 in the World. K'art has produced many of the best artists. She has a very competent professor who has formed many artists and produced many works. The girl wants to learn to make films with sensitivity and creative and artistic abilities. And able to compete with a rapidly developing world. Now she hopes that the door she is currently trying to open can accept it. Being able to give her a big challenge and able to carry her to higher stairs to achieve her dreams. She will not only work hard, but she will also bring innovations.
If there is no door open for you, all you can do is open it by yourself. As long as we are alive, there will be millions of opportunities that we can try. No need to walk like other people's feet. Walk on your own feet. That was the way of life that a girl lived. Her name is Melisa Nurhasanah. She is 24 years old. Her hobbies are singing, dancing, and writing. But what she often does is pensive and fantasized about many things. She was born from a poor family. Her father works as a taxi driver and her mother is only a housewife. Since she was a kid, she was taught to be an independent person. If you want, you should try to get it by yourself. Although in her heart, she wants the same thing as other children. She understood how to put her position. She is always determined, will get what she never got with her hard work. Without burdening both of her parents. From childhood to adulthood, the girl was known as a cheerful, passionate, confident, hardworking, and disciplined girl. According to people who knew her, the girl has a different mind from her peers. She always wants to be the best for herself in the way she wants, not to follow the path that his friends choose. She has a fairly broad friendship. Furthermore, she can make a lot of relations with people who are very influential with the path that is being chosen. Let's talk about when she was in elementary school. If you remember vaguely, this girl had very good grades. Always on the top. She was also active in school activities such as Scouts. Being chosen as a core group of scouts and being the head of a group was an extraordinary experience. Won several scout competitions. Since that time, she could see the world wider. Junior High School, same as elementary school. Not much had changed. She could maintain excellent grades. The final score was good. If I remember the final score for science was 98. The score was almost perfect. She also participated in the Student Organization (OTIS) and Scout extracurricular activities for the core group. During this time, she got a computer prize. Since the presence of computers in her home, she began writing many short stories and poems. Some stories were published in a magazine. Since then, she has occupied the world of writing. Vocation High School, Department of Marketing. Initially, this girl did not want to go to a vocational school. She wants to go to an ordinary high school to pursue Indonesian literature. She must follow the decisions that made by her parents with consideration of the continuation of the future after graduation. Her parents hope that she could immediately work after graduation. Help the family economy. At the beginning of the semester, the girl was quite difficult to adapting to the lessons that were followed. Until the next semester, she began to be able to improve her grades and got a high ranking. She got a scholarship from the company his father worked for. Join Student Organizations (OTIS) and become part of members who take care of all things about art. In the second year, she joined a writing competition organized by print media. Get 1st place for the School Vocation category. Unfortunately, because the High School and High school Vocation points were so different, she had to receive a certificate that says Champion Hope 1. That does not discourage her. She was proud when two of her works were able to be published in one column of the daily newspaper. And the victory made her increasingly led to becoming a writer. After graduating from school, her parents hoped she went straight to work. Worked in the retail world for 5 years and became a bank administration for 1 year and 7 months. Many interesting things that she learned from her jobs. Many suggestions she received for her future. Not much is too special. She stopped working in 2018. She focused on learning two languages and working freelance as a tour guide. The girl loved watching movies. When she was 5 years old, there was a musical adventure movie with a girl and her best friend that fascinated her. The movie was very popular among children. From there, the movie influenced her. She likes singing and dancing. As she grew up, many movies from various countries that she had seen. She never felt disappointed. There is always something magical that she feels from a film. She can feel sad, upset, angry, laughing, and feeling confused. The movie has an extraordinary emotional regulator. Behind all this, there is a screenwriter who plays an important role in making the film a major influence on life. The girl wants to become a screenwriter. Being a film, something that can inspire and have a lot of positive effects. Make films that follow global developments. Making the film a good educational intermediary for yourself and the world. She wants anyone who sees his work to be able to continue to be remembered, to become a work that can influence the way people think and think. Many messages can always be inserted into a story. Many people asking why at this time she pursued her dream. The journey to achieve her dream is not easy. She must fight against family circumstances. Many doors she has opened. There are two countries that she is headed to. Countries that have great film development according to her. The two countries are Japan and South Korea. The girl studied these countries' language for quite long time. The first time she opened the door for a scholarship to Japan. A bit of bad luck, she failed many times. Last year she focused on where the door she opened. The next door is towards South Korea. The girl was very familiar with the development of film in South Korea. She watched various films or dramas from South Korea for a long time. Now South Korean cinema can compete in the international world. South Korean films or dramas are worldwide. In Indonesia, Korean movies or dramas are very popular. Not only because actors or actresses play a role in it. But also because stories are always unique and creative. And every emotion that can always affect many viewers. The girl has set her goals to Korea National University of art or K'art. K'art is the No. 1 art university in South Korea and No. 38 in the World. K'art has produced many of the best artists. She has a very competent professor who has formed many artists and produced many works. The girl wants to learn to make films with sensitivity and creative and artistic abilities. And able to compete with a rapidly developing world. Now she hopes that the door she is currently trying to open can accept it. Being able to give her a big challenge and able to carry her to higher stairs to achieve her dreams. She will not only work hard, but she will also bring innovations.
2. Tell us about your expectation (before,during & after) the exchange program.3. Tell us about your participation in school and community activities4. Tell us about your goalsplans which are important to you; and why you think you should be chosen for the AFS Program?5. Tell us about your hobbies and interests. My name is Joel Chong Jun Yu, and I am a sociable and friendly person. My family and I live in a small city in the south of Sabah, and we are very close and talk to each other on a daily basis. At home, I have a huge responsibility as the eldest son, while at school, being a prefect in a small school of about 40 students means I have to set good examples for my juniors. Personally, I thoroughly enjoy interacting with online communities within various platforms, as well as learning about storytelling using media. Before the exchange program, I expect to learn some basic German to get a head start during my time there, as I have read that having some German phrases at hand is very helpful when starting out in school there. During the aforementioned program, I expect to expand my view on global culture by exposing myself to German mannerism. After the program, I will be able to make a better decision on whether Germany is a suitable place for me to continue my education. In the past few years, I have joined a wide variety of volunteer programs organised by my school, such as: visits to the local Old Folks Home, community service with Love Tawau Project, leadership courses and camps from Leaderonomics Malaysia, as well as awareness visits to schools for the less fortunate. Outside of that, I have also participated in uniform body discipline camps held by the Bulan Sabit Merah. As for some goals that are important to me, I think that studying hard is significant to me, since once I finish my education, I will be able to have a full-paying job to take care of my aging parents, since I am obliged to do so because they raised me since young. Through this exchange program, I hope to mold myself into a better person and understand the world outside of the confinement of my own country, therefore I think I'll be suitable for this program. Even though I have many interests, a few stand out from the rest. I have always been intrigued by video games and their potential as a medium of storytelling, and I hope to be able to develop such games. Besides that, I also enjoy reading novels and listening to R&B, and I wish to dabble in music production sometime soon.
2. Tell us about your expectation (before, during camp; after) the exchange program.3. Tell us about your participation in school and community activities4. Tell us about your goals plans which are important to you; and why you think you should be chosen for the AFS Program?5. Tell us about your hobbies and interests. My name is Joel Chong Jun You, and I am a sociable and friendly person. My family and I live in a small city in the south of Sarah, and we are very close and talk to each other on a daily basis. At home, I have a huge responsibility as the eldest son, while at school, being a prefect in a small school of about 40 students means I have to set good examples for my juniors. Personally, I thoroughly enjoy interacting with online communities within various platforms, as well as learning about storytelling using media. Before the exchange program, I expect to learn some basic German to get a head start during my time there, as I have read that having some German phrases at hand is very helpful when starting out in school there. During the aforementioned program, I expect to expand my view on global culture by exposing myself to German mannerism. After the program, I will be able to make a better decision on whether Germany is a suitable place for me to continue my education. In the past few years, I have joined a wide variety of volunteer programs organized by my school, such as: visits to the local Old Folks Home, community service with Love Away Project, leadership courses and camps from Leaderonomics Malaysia, as well as awareness visits to schools for the less fortunate. Outside that, I have also participated in uniform body discipline camps held by the Bulman Habit Merak. As for some goals that are important to me, I think that studying hard is significant to me, since once I finish my education, I will be able to have a full-paying job to take care of my aging parents, since I am obliged to do so because they raised me since young. Through this exchange program, I hope to mold myself into a better person and understand the world outside the confinement of my own country, therefore I think I'll be suitable for this program. Even though I have many interests, a few stands out from the rest. I have always been intrigued by video games and their potential as a medium of storytelling, and I hope to be able to develop such games. Besides that, I also enjoy reading novels and listening to Ramp;B, and I wish to dabble in music production sometime soon.
I have been having a difficult time adding something for the additional information so I decieded to talk about my part time job. Would that answer be okay or should I talk about something like robotics club as I am applying to computer engineering. I've been employed at Canada Cartage as an office clerk ever since 2017. As an office clerk, I am often expected to perform a variety of tasks, this includes answering phone calls, typing documents, running errands and filing various records. Primarily, as an office clerk, I am expected to essentially do a bit of everything. I believe working in this position has helped me develop many skills such as communication skills, computer skills, customer service skills, and increase my attention to detail. Moreover, working at Canada Cartage has helped me develop various qualities such as being responsible, having effective time management, professionalism, work ethic and most importantly learning to succeed in stressful situations. Continuing, I am usually expected to work every week and I work about 10 hours a week. (822)
I have been having a difficult time adding something for the additional information, so I decided to talk about my part-time job. Would that answer be okay or should I talk about something like robotics club as I am applying to computer engineering. I've been employed at Canada Cartage as an office clerk ever since 2017. As an office clerk, I am often expected to perform a variety of tasks, this includes answering phone calls, typing documents, running errands and filing various records. Primarily, as an office clerk, I am expected to essentially do a bit of everything. I believe working in this position has helped me develop many skills such as communication skills, computer skills, customer service skills, and increase my attention to detail. Moreover, working at Canada Cartage has helped me develop various qualities such as being responsible, having effective time management, professionalism, work ethic and most importantly learning to succeed in stressful situations. Continuing, I am usually expected to work every week and I work about 10 hours a week. (822)
For this question can I talk about how having a part-time job led to a decrease in my grades? or will that make me look bad? This is the response I came up with:One circumstance that has led to a drop in my grades is due to my financial status. To make sure I have sufficient funding to attend University I decided to get a part-time job. Even though I have been working part-time, I've been able to manage my time effectively for the most part however, there still are times when my work schedule conflicts with school. Often I have to work long shifts on weekdays which tend to take time away from my studies as I am required to be work during the night shift. This tends to have a negative impact on my grades which can be seen based on my physics mark. I had physics first period so working late limited my ability to make alternate times to focus on physics. I also had a spare first semester after physics which gave me time to review material for my other two courses. I believe working part-time will have a larger impact second semester as I have four courses without a spare. (924)
For this question can I talk about how having a part-time job led to a decrease in my grades? Or will that make me look bad? This is the response I came up with:One circumstance that has led to a drop in my grades is due to my financial status. To make sure I have sufficient funding to attend University I decided to get a part-time job. Even though I have been working part-time, I've been able to manage my time effectively for the most part however, there still are times when my work schedule conflicts with school. Often I have to work long shifts on weekdays which tend to take time away from my studies as I am required to be work during the night shift. This tends to have a negative impact on my grades which can be seen based on my physics mark. I had physics first period so working late limited my ability to make alternate times to focus on physics. I also had a spare first semester after physics which gave me time to review material for my other two courses. Furthermore, I believe working part-time will have a larger impact second semester as I have four courses without a spare. (924)
Within my years of being in a multitude of art classes throughout school, I've learned that I like to play with various media. I've tried cross-stitch, embroidery, jewelry making, paper crafts, and more. However, I am always consistent in illustration and drawing. My process has always been quite messy and I'm what you may call impulsive. If I think of a piece I really want to do, I almost always start it right away. There are times, however, that I will sit and think it through, plan the composition, or color palette thoroughly before beginning. Even if my process is messy and quite jumbled, I always finish as I'm also a perfectionist. Which is why you might not be able to tell how messy I am based on my artwork. My favorite mediums are colored pencil and graphite, though I do some work in watercolors, marker, and charcoal to accompany the others. My work usually consists of still lives and portraits; at the same time, I play with color. This can be seen in a lot of my pieces, with bright and contrasting colors, but mostly seen in my portraits where I don't use any "natural" skin tones at all. I feel that the colors bring out amazing value, contrast, and emphasis on the human body and human anatomy has always fascinated me. Within my work, I combine some of my favorite aspects of art: color theory and the human form. A big influence on my artwork would be my high school art teacher. I had classes with her all four years of high school and she really pushed me to see my true potential. Entering high school, I was unsure if art was something I truly wanted to pursue and only did it as a little hobby; my teacher encouraged me to take AP Studio Art and I was incredibly intimidated by this. In the end, I was in AP for two years and I had entered with little knowledge of how to use my skill but left creating photorealistic portraits. In that class, I wasn't shown how to do art, I was pushed to learn myself; I was encouraged to make every piece better which honed my technical skills by the end of it. I still visit my teacher today and she is very important to me and she inspires me to continue creating as well as reach for my dreams. If you look at my portrait of a girl's hips, which I named Youth, you can truly see how I explore color and the human body. I isolated a part of the human body and altered the colors, using a complementary palette of yellows, oranges, purples, and deep blues for the shadows. The hips are done in Prismacolor colored pencils to achieve a smooth blend of the values, then cut out and pasted on top of a watercolor wash to complement the color scheme. I am constantly thinking of new pieces that are coherent with this idea and execution. At the same time, I still love to explore art and love to expand on my skills and artworks. SAIC is a great fit for me because I am able to explore different styles of art and continue to grow as an artist.
Within my years of being in a multitude of art classes throughout school, I've learned that I like to play with various media. I've tried cross-stitch, embroidery, jewelry making, paper crafts, and more. However, I am always consistent in illustration and drawing. My process has always been quite messy, and I'm what you may call impulsive. If I think of a piece I really want to do, I almost always start it right away. There are times, however, that I will sit and think it through, plan the composition, or color palette thoroughly before beginning. Even if my process is messy and quite jumbled, I always finish as I'm also a perfectionist. Which is why you might not be able to tell how messy I am based on my artwork. My favorite mediums are colored pencil and graphite, though I do some work in watercolors, marker, and charcoal to accompany the others. My work usually consists of still lives and portraits; at the same time, I play with color. This can be seen in a lot of my pieces, with bright and contrasting colors, but mostly seen in my portraits where I don't use any "natural" skin tones at all. I feel that the colors bring out amazing value, contrast, and emphasis on the human body and human anatomy has always fascinated me. Within my work, I combine some of my favorite aspects of art: color theory and the human form. A big influence on my artwork would be my high school art teacher. I had classes with her all four years of high school, and she really pushed me to see my true potential. Entering high school, I was unsure if art was something I truly wanted to pursue and only did it as a little hobby; my teacher encouraged me to take AP Studio Art, and I was incredibly intimidated by this. In the end, I was in AP for two years and I had entered with little knowledge of how to use my skill but left creating photorealistic portraits. In that class, I wasn't shown how to do art, I was pushed to learn myself; I was encouraged to make every piece better which honed my technical skills by the end of it. I still visit my teacher today, and she is very important to me, and she inspires me to continue creating as well as reach for my dreams. If you look at my portrait of a girl's hips, which I named Youth, you can truly see how I explore color and the human body. I isolated a part of the human body and altered the colors, using a complementary palette of yellows, oranges, purples, and deep blues for the shadows. The hips are done in Prismacolor colored pencils to achieve a smooth blend of the values, then cut out and pasted on top of a watercolor wash to complement the color scheme. I am constantly thinking of new pieces that are coherent with this idea and execution. At the same time, I still love to explore art and love to expand on my skills and artworks. SAIC is a great fit for me because I am able to explore different styles of art and continue to grow as an artist.
Ever since I was little, I had always had a fascination for science, specifically biology and the medical sciences, and I have always enjoyed math and found it interesting. I have also been fascinated by computers, and have always wanted to learn to program. Now, as a freshman, I have delved deeper into my love for both medical science and engineering, as well as math and computer science. I do the robotics club, where we work with a mechanical robot and program it to perform specific tasks, and then compete in an FTC tournament. I work with both the mechanical side of the robot and with the programming side as well. I also do math team, where I compete against other schools in challenging mathematical topics. I have also learned how to program in the C# language, and have coded and created a complex game using the Unity game maker software. Even though I do not have too much of a medical background, I look forward to taking anatomical classes in the future years, and sometimes when I am bored, I read and flip through an informational medical book. That is one reason why I am excited to go to the Columbia Science Honors Program, as I want to take the Neurology course and learn more about the fascinating human body. I am also taking honors science and math courses, specifically biology and Algebra 2. I am also taking AP Computer Science Principles, and an engineering course.
Ever since I was little, I had always had a fascination for science, specifically biology and the medical sciences, and I have always enjoyed math and found it interesting. I have also been fascinated by computers, and have always wanted to learn to program. Now, as a freshman, I have delved deeper into my love for both medical science and engineering, as well as math and computer science. I do the robotics club, where we work with a mechanical robot and program it to perform specific tasks, and then compete in an FTC tournament. I work with both the mechanical side of the robot and with the programming side as well. Furthermore, I also do math team, where I compete against other schools in challenging mathematical topics. Furthermore, I have also learned how to program in the C# language, and have coded and created a complex game using the Unity game maker software. Even though I do not have too much of a medical background, I look forward to taking anatomical classes in the future years, and sometimes when I am bored, I read and flip through an informational medical book. That is one reason why I am excited to go to the Columbia Science Honors Program, as I want to take the Neurology course and learn more about the fascinating human body. I am also taking honors science and math courses, specifically biology and Algebra 2. I am also taking AP Computer Science Principles, and an engineering course.
Over the recent academic years, I have achieved high grades in school, and I possesses exceptional mathematical knowledges. I am a hard-working student and I have self-studied AP Calculus and was able to earn a score of 5. This year, I am studying AP statistics and AP computer science as a preparation for university. Outside of the school, I am a well-rounded individual. I am self-disciplined and would always plan ahead of my schedule, and I would constantly challenge myself to overcome anything difficult. In hopes of achieving my dream to become an actuary, I would regard my admissions to your university as a great honor and as the principal stepping-stone to help me attain my educational goal. I strongly believe that with the excellence of your program and along with my capabilities, University of Waterloo will help me attain my destination as a successful actuary.
Over the recent academic years, I have achieved high grades in school, and I possess exceptional mathematical knowledge. I am a hard-working student and I have self-studied AP Calculus and was able to earn a score of 5. This year, I am studying AP statistics and AP computer science as a preparation for university. Outside the school, I am a well-rounded individual. I am self-disciplined and would always plan ahead of my schedule, and I would constantly challenge myself to overcome anything difficult. In hopes of achieving my dream to become an actuary, I would regard my admissions to your university as a great honor and as the principal stepping-stone to help me attain my educational goal. I strongly believe that with the excellence of your program and along with my capabilities, University of Waterloo will help me attain my destination as a successful actuary.
The idea of researching, designing, and testing computer softwarehardware is the basis of my educational interest for ECE. What helps Waterloo's ECE facility outshine every other school is not only the prestigious co-op program, but the actual practicality of the application of concepts that the courses provide to prepare us for a job. For example. the courses provided in the first year serve to be much more technical and hands-on. In ECE 155, android phones will be used as a base for implementing Java and designing apps. Furthermore, courses like ECE 124 introduce the use of Altera FPGAs, and the principles of Boolean Algebra and binary math are taught in order to code our own circuits. With the structure of ECE courses set up in this manner, I plan to improve my softwarehardware developing skills through the array of technical electives and prepare myself for the world of ECE.
The idea of researching, designing, and testing computer software hardware is the basis of my educational interest for ECE. What helps Waterloo's ECE facility outshine every other school is not only the prestigious co-op program, but the actual practicality of the application of concepts that the courses provide to prepare us for a job. For example. The courses provided in the first year serve to be much more technical and hands-on. In ECE 155, android phones will be used as a base for implementing Java and designing apps. Furthermore, courses like ECE 124 introduce the use of Alter FPGA, and the principles of Boolean Algebra and binary math are taught in order to code our own circuits. With the structure of ECE courses set up in this manner, I plan to improve my software hardware developing skills through the array of technical electives and prepare myself for the world of ECE.
"Architects not only shape the house but also shape the lifestyle of people living there", learnt this lesson from my personal experience of spending almost 18 years and facing numerous problems in the dilapidated house which was built without architects supervision.The same scenario is with my locality too. Thus, Growing up in congested locality with poor infrastructure not only taught me the need of good architects in society but also inspired me to study about architecture. For this, after class 10th,i chose my subjects accordingly and alongside at home , started improving my drawing and architectural aptitude that helped me to know some amazing science applications in day to day buildings construction which improved my perception to look buildings and areas. That enjoyable journey of 2 years gave me most beautiful result. I was felicitated by Jagran Genius Award in the felicitation ceremony of science stream students who got exceptionally high marks in their respective boards, I got Gold Metal for Securing 452 marks out of 500 from CBSE board. In this Ceremony, I got the opportunity to meet some reputed persons, learned professors and toppers of other Boards. After that I started preparing for JEE Mains (B. Arch) formerly AIEEE , Joint Entrance Exam of top institute in India for pursuing B.Arch., in which nearly 1.5 lakhs aspirants appear yearly and only 1% got admitted. I scored 99.69 percentile (expected all india rank 300). I am grateful for all the achievements i made but i know that those are only small part of the journey,somewhat superficial and I have to dive deep.Till now, i accomplished basic requirements to study about architecture which aspired me to learn even more. I believe national university of Singapore will provide me better theoretical concepts and practical knowledge and help me to evolve not only as a good architect but also as a better person through its academics and regular activities. That's all from my side. thanking you for reading this statement.
"Architects not only shape the house but also shape the lifestyle of people living there", learned this lesson from my personal experience of spending almost 18 years and facing numerous problems in the dilapidated house which was built without architects supervision. The same scenario is with my locality too. Thus, Growing up in congested locality with poor infrastructure not only taught me the need of good architects in society but also inspired me to study about architecture. For this, after class 10th,I chose my subjects accordingly and alongside at home, started improving my drawing and architectural aptitude that helped me to know some amazing science applications in day to day buildings construction which improved my perception to look buildings and areas. That enjoyable journey of 2 years gave me most beautiful result. I was felicitated by Jag ran Genius Award in the felicitation ceremony of science stream students who got exceptionally high marks in their respective boards, I got Gold Metal for Securing 452 marks out of 500 from CBSE board. In this Ceremony, I got the opportunity to meet some reputed persons, learned professors and toppers of other Boards. After that I started preparing for SEE Mains (B.Arch.) formerly IEEE, Joint Entrance Exam of top institute in India for pursuing B.Arch., in which nearly 1.5 lakhs aspirants appear yearly and only 1% got admitted. I scored 99.69 percentile (expected all India rank 300). I am grateful for all the achievements I made but I know that those are only small part of the journey, somewhat superficial, and I have to dive deep. Till now, I accomplished basic requirements to study about architecture which aspired me to learn even more. I believe national university of Singapore will provide me better theoretical concepts and practical knowledge and help me to evolve not only as a good architect but also as a better person through its academics and regular activities. That's all from my side. Thanking you for reading this statement.
QUESTION 2: Critical thinking is a central goal of Jesuit education, and at LMU you'll be asked to think critically and intensively in every class. Dr. King suggests that critical thinking results in our ability to inform intelligence with character, and strengthen character with intelligence. Please talk about a situation that demanded critical thinking from you, and how your choices or decisions integrated intelligence and character. Does this answer the question? Im having difficulty writing and would like as much help as possible, Thanks! Moving five thousand miles from the only place that you have ever known is a big decision to make, especially for a seventeen-year-old to be making. Nevertheless, that is precisely where I found myself, in March 2019. Although I was born in southern California and lived in Texas for the early parts of my life, the United Kingdom is the place that I have always identified with as being home. Moving there when I was barely seven years old, up until where I was then, I had become so engaged with the culture and my regular life. The previous year I had completed my GCSE exams and since then had been in free fall, not knowing where I would go next. My two options presented themselves to me; the safe option would be staying home and continue living in my comfortable bubble. And the second option would be to move back to Texas, to be with my somewhat estranged father, to rebuild our relationship, and continue my educational goals. This was the hardest decision I ever had to make. While I longed for a relationship with my father, I also had always been someone who looked at all of my options while decision making and choosing the safest option. At the same time that I felt so comfortable in my bubble of the small British town, I also felt a longing to expand my horizons and learn the place that I claim as my country. This is ultimately how I decided to move my life across an ocean into the exposer of life outside of my comfort zone. This was significant for a variety of reasons for me. The obvious was my need to rebuild my relationship with my father, and want to know my country. But, Also, it was the beginning of a test on myself. I had never been an extrovert, and the close group of people I had been around for almost ten years proves that. I wanted to get to know myself outside that safe place. Finally, three-quarters of a year after I left my safe place, and across to the relative unknown, I am happy to know within myself that I made the right choice. While there have absolutely been rough times, they are far outweighed by the good. I have opened myself up to new people and experiences and have reached further out of my comfort zone than I could ever have possibly imagined. If I have learned only one single thing from my experiences over the last year, it is that rather than continually fearing the unknown, it is better to tackle it and embrace the change.
QUESTION 2: Critical thinking is a central goal of Jesuit education, and at LMU you'll be asked to think critically and intensively in every class. Dr. King suggests that critical thinking results in our ability to inform intelligence with character, and strengthen character with intelligence. Please talk about a situation that demanded critical thinking from you, and how your choices or decisions integrated intelligence and character. Does this answer the question? I'm having difficulty writing and would like as much help as possible, Thanks! Moving five thousand miles from the only place that you have ever known is a big decision to make, especially for a seventeen-year-old to be making. Nevertheless, that is precisely where I found myself, in March 2019. Although I was born in southern California and lived in Texas for the early parts of my life, the United Kingdom is the place that I have always identified with as being home. Moving there when I was barely seven years old, up until where I was then, I had become so engaged with the culture and my regular life. The previous year I had completed my GCSE exams and since then had been in free fall, not knowing where I would go next. My two options presented themselves to me; the safe option would be staying home and continue living in my comfortable bubble. And the second option would be to move back to Texas, to be with my somewhat estranged father, to rebuild our relationship, and continue my educational goals. This was the hardest decision I ever had to make. While I longed for a relationship with my father, I also had always been someone who looked at all of my options while decision-making and choosing the safest option. At the same time that I felt so comfortable in my bubble of the small British town, I also felt a longing to expand my horizons and learn the place that I claim as my country. This is ultimately how I decided to move my life across an ocean into the exposed of life outside my comfort zone. This was significant for a variety of reasons for me. The obvious was my need to rebuild my relationship with my father, and want to know my country. But, Also, it was the beginning of a test on myself. I had never been an extrovert, and the close group of people I had been around for almost ten years proves that. I wanted to get to know myself outside that safe place. Finally, three-quarters of a year after I left my safe place, and across to the relative unknown, I am happy to know within myself that I made the right choice. While there have absolutely been rough times, they are far outweighed by the good. I have opened myself up to new people and experiences and have reached further out of my comfort zone than I could ever have possibly imagined. If I have learned only one single thing from my experiences over the last year, it is that rather than continually fearing the unknown, it is better to tackle it and embrace the change.
Everyone has a place where they feel secure and peaceful. A place where all troubles and challenges seem unimportant and where one can simply relax and forget about everything. My Ho Chi Minh City has always been such a place for me. I was born and brought up there and I know the city like the back of my hand. Ho Chi Minh is a really fantastic city to live in and one that grows on me more and more every day. But saying that, no city is perfect and while there are so many things I love about Ho Chi Minh City; there definitely are some things I do not get warm and fuzzy about. Special destination in Ho Chi Minh City are local markets. The fresh product here is amazing: fruit, vegetables, grains, tofu, meat. My favorite area is the seafood section where you can buy eels, mussels, scallops, squid, prawns and all kinds of fish imaginable. The seafood is fresh that a lot of it is still moving when you buy it. Besides that Vietnamese food is considered to be one of the best in the world. Vietnamese dishes consist of a lot of fresh ingredients like vegetables, herbs and spices. There is not much oil and a lot of the meat is grilled or boiled keeping the food healthier. In Ho Chi Minh City, you have amazing street food. Nothing beats chowing down on a tasty "Banh mi" in the middle of the street. Another highlight that coffees are very popular throughout Vietnam. But in Ho Chi Minh city is a coffee lover's paradise - which is absolutely perfect for addicts like us. Every street, alley and corner there is a coffee shop. We have the big chains like Trung Nguyen known as a famous brand in Vietnam and tiny local cafes where the seating is a stool on the sidewalk. Also fruit juice is also a great thing here; take a few steps in Ho Chi Minh and surely you will find a juice stall. People in Ho Chi Minh love their juice. Probably because of the abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables everywhere. Despite all the highlights, the worst thing in here is traffic jam. Traffic jam regularly happens in Ho Chi Minh city. As you can see, the transportation system of my country is almost totally roads. Therefore, the number of major transports such as cars, motorcycles, lorry, buses, trucks and other vehicle are more and more crowded on the streets. Let's try to imagine what will happen if the streets are obstructed by full of transports and people want to come back home quickly on the worst weather or after a tired working day. At that time, the vehicles moved so slowly. Some impatient drivers scream and hurry the vehicles in front of. As you can see so many great things about living in Ho Chi Minh City. That's because this city really is amazing. There are other things that make it tough, but the rules here prevent me from writing about them safely, so I'll leave it at the fact that values are not always aligned. But that's what you get when you go somewhere else, and in choosing a place to base yourself, you have to be able to tolerate things you dislike, and truly smile at the things you enjoy. For now, Saigon is always the place for me. Despite the getting sick, despite the dengue, despite the fact that you can't walk around for too long because you want to throw up from the fumes in the air, it's still a place I love. For all the reasons on this list, and for hundreds more. Anybody can check and fix it for me? I'm not sure it's suitable in academic English.
Everyone has a place where they feel secure and peaceful. A place where all troubles and challenges seem unimportant and where one can simply relax and forget about everything. My Ho Chi Minh City has always been such a place for me. I was born and brought up there, and I know the city like the back of my hand. Ho Chi Minh is a really fantastic city to live in and one that grows on me more and more every day. But saying that, no city is perfect and while there are so many things I love about Ho Chi Minh City; there definitely are some things I do not get warm and fuzzy about. Special destination in Ho Chi Minh City are local markets. The fresh product here is amazing: fruit, vegetables, grains, tofu, meat. My favorite area is the seafood section where you can buy eels, mussels, scallops, squid, prawns and all kinds of fish imaginable. The seafood is fresh that a lot of it is still moving when you buy it. Besides that Vietnamese food is considered to be one of the best in the world. Vietnamese dishes consist of a lot of fresh ingredients like vegetables, herbs and spices. There is not much oil and a lot of the meat is grilled or boiled keeping the food healthier. In Ho Chi Minh City, you have amazing street food. Nothing beats chowing down on a tasty "Band mi" in the middle of the street. Another highlight that coffees are very popular throughout Vietnam. But in Ho Chi Minh City is a coffee lover's paradise - which is absolutely perfect for addicts like us. Every street, alley and corner there is a coffee shop. We have the big chains like Trunk Nguyen known as a famous brand in Vietnam and tiny local cafés where the seating is a stool on the sidewalk. Also fruit juice is also a great thing here; take a few steps in Ho Chi Minh, and surely you will find a juice stall. People in Ho Chi Minh love their juice. Probably because of the abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables everywhere. Despite all the highlights, the worst thing in here is traffic jam. Traffic jam regularly happens in Ho Chi Minh City. As you can see, the transportation system of my country is almost totally roads. Therefore, the number of major transports such as cars, motorcycles, truck, buses, trucks and other vehicle are more and more crowded on the streets. Let's try to imagine what will happen if the streets are obstructed by full of transports and people want to come back home quickly on the worst weather or after a tired working day. At that time, the vehicles moved so slowly. Some impatient drivers scream and hurry the vehicles in front of. As you can see so many great things about living in Ho Chi Minh City. That's because this city really is amazing. There are other things that make it tough, but the rules here prevent me from writing about them safely, so I'll leave it at the fact that values are not always aligned. But that's what you get when you go somewhere else, and in choosing a place to base yourself, you have to be able to tolerate things you dislike, and truly smile at the things you enjoy. For now, Saigon is always the place for me. Despite the getting sick, despite the dengue, despite the fact that you can't walk around for too long because you want to throw up from the fumes in the air, it's still a place I love. For all the reasons on this list, and for hundreds more. Anybody can check and fix it for me? I'm not sure if it's suitable in academic English.
Please tell us about your path after high school through the 2- andor 4-year college system, your goals for transferring, and why you are interested in attending xxx specifically. My path through education has not been straightforward or smooth. Ever since I was a little girl, I have faced many challenges both at home and in school, starting with my mother's drug addiction and being separated from my family by child services. My educational experience has been strained by mayhem and scarcity. However, inside I remained a staunch academic, a lover of books and languages. In education, I saw the light to a better and more prosperous future. I quickly realized I wanted to attend a smaller, liberal arts college where I could flourish as both a student and person. In my senior year of high school, I found out that my family did not have enough money to send me to college, especially the small, liberal arts schools I was interested in. So I elected to attend community college and then transfer. In community college, I was introduced to a whole new educational environment. Pacific community college is very large and dispersed, with much less guidance and community than I was used to. The curricula focuses on a more independent learning style, which I struggled to adjust to. On top of it, I was also working a nearly full time job and commuting. At this time I was immensely challenged, but like before in my childhood, I turned to literature and great poets to give me the strength to carry on. Through this, I discovered my passion for World languages and literature. If one were to have asked me 3 years ago what my goals for college are, I would have given a vague and unsure answer. After my time at PCC, I know without a doubt what my near and long term goals are. I know I want to have a career that allows me to travel, which has led me to study four languages: French, Spanish, Russian, and Italian. With a degree in Global Communication and World Languages from xxx, I will be enabled to attain the scholarship, knowledge and guidance necessary for a rewarding and successful career in a global context. In volunteering at The Dream Center and Heal the Bay, I realized I wanted to use my education and success in order to make a positive, lasting impact on the world. Seeing the resigned faces of homeless children in the LA housing projects made me realize my ultimate purpose: to not only rise from my challenges, but to help those in need just as I was helped when I was in great need. xxx is ranked in the top 15% of American colleges and universities, and is recognized worldwide for its preeminent education and diversity. With 198 academic programs, xxx's integrative blend of liberal arts, science, and professional programs stimulate all parts of education. In the communications program, rigorous academics, service study, and cultural diversity are combined to create a collaborative and innovative educational experience, and prepares students to lead successful, passionate, and accurate lives as global citizens. With Professor's such as Dean Jennifer Brown, I will be able to study under internationally lauded and distinguished members of the communications field, and realize my goal of attaining practical and essential knowledge. As someone who has always wanted to go to a smaller, liberal arts college, I value the ability to connect and engage with Professors and peers. Compared with the incredibly large class size of some schools, I am impressed with xxx's 13:1 student-faculty ratio. The vast amount of resources and organizations on xxx's campus would allow me to engage with both students and faculty, something I haven't been able to do at Pacific community college. I would want my time at xxx to be filled with extracurriculars, such as the Ice hockey team (because I played hockey competitively for 12 years), a service learning experience such as the Alternative Break Program, and further down the line, a position in Student government. Spiritual affiliation is another thing that is important to me in an institution. xxxx's continued commitment to their origins in the Disciples of Christ Church, and a value-centered education instills a moral structure in it's students and faculty, which I think is very important. As a Christian, I really appreciate having a place to worship on campus, and having a place such as the Fish Interfaith Center, which supports not only spiritual expression, but also diversity and acceptance further distinguishes xxx as an exceptional institution. I want to attend xxx because I admire their students' embodiment of integrity, erudition, leadership, and prolonged lifelong learning. xxx strives to develop the student as a whole person, from every dimension, growing into distinctive, accomplished students, global citizens, and catalysts for change. My goal is to become exceptional not only as a student, but as a whole person. I believe my goals line up with xxx University. I hope xxx will allow me to prove my faithfulness and determination, to rise to new challenges and excel to my greatest potential.
Please tell us about your path after high school through the 2- ardor 4-year college system, your goals for transferring, and why you are interested in attending xxx specifically. My path through education has not been straightforward or smooth. Ever since I was a little girl, I have faced many challenges both at home and in school, starting with my mother's drug addiction and being separated from my family by child services. My educational experience has been strained by mayhem and scarcity. However, inside I remained a staunch academic, a lover of books and languages. In education, I saw the light to a better and more prosperous future. I quickly realized I wanted to attend a smaller, liberal arts college where I could flourish as both a student and person. In my senior year of high school, I found out that my family did not have enough money to send me to college, especially the small, liberal arts schools I was interested in. So I elected to attend community college and then transfer. In community college, I was introduced to a whole new educational environment. Pacific community college is very large and dispersed, with much less guidance and community than I was used to. The curricula focus on a more independent learning style, which I struggled to adjust to. On top of it, I was also working a nearly full time job and commuting. At this time I was immensely challenged, but like before in my childhood, I turned to literature and great poets to give me the strength to carry on. Through this, I discovered my passion for World languages and literature. If one were to have asked me 3 years ago what my goals for college are, I would have given a vague and unsure answer. After my time at PCC, I know without a doubt what my near and long term goals are. I know I want to have a career that allows me to travel, which has led me to study four languages: French, Spanish, Russian, and Italian. With a degree in Global Communication and World Languages from xxx, I will be enabled to attain the scholarship, knowledge and guidance necessary for a rewarding and successful career in a global context. In volunteering at The Dream Center and Heal the Bay, I realized I wanted to use my education and success in order to make a positive, lasting impact on the world. Seeing the resigned faces of homeless children in the LA housing projects made me realize my ultimate purpose: to not only rise from my challenges, but to help those in need just as I was helped when I was in great need. Xxx is ranked in the top 15% of American colleges and universities, and is recognized worldwide for its preeminent education and diversity. With 198 academic programs, xxx's integrative blend of liberal arts, science, and professional programs stimulate all parts of education. In the communications program, rigorous academics, service study, and cultural diversity are combined to create a collaborative and innovative educational experience, and prepares students to lead successful, passionate, and accurate lives as global citizens. With Professor's such as Dean Jennifer Brown, I will be able to study under internationally lauded and distinguished members of the communications field, and realize my goal of attaining practical and essential knowledge. As someone who has always wanted to go to a smaller, liberal arts college, I value the ability to connect and engage with Professors and peers. Compared with the incredibly large class size of some schools, I am impressed with xxx's 13:1 student-faculty ratio. The vast amount of resources and organizations on xxx's campus would allow me to engage with both students and faculty, something I haven't been able to do at Pacific community college. I would want my time at xxx to be filled with extracurriculars, such as the Ice hockey team (because I played hockey competitively for 12 years), a service learning experience such as the Alternative Break Program, and further down the line, a position in Student government. Spiritual affiliation is another thing that is important to me in an institution. Xxxx's continued commitment to their origins in the Disciples of Christ Church, and a value-centered education instills a moral structure in its students and faculty, which I think is very important. As a Christian, I really appreciate having a place to worship on campus, and having a place such as the Fish Interfaith Center, which supports not only spiritual expression, but also diversity and acceptance further distinguishes xxx as an exceptional institution. I want to attend xxx because I admire their students' embodiment of integrity, erudition, leadership, and prolonged lifelong learning. Xxx strives to develop the student as a whole person, from every dimension, growing into distinctive, accomplished students, global citizens, and catalysts for change. My goal is to become exceptional not only as a student, but as a whole person. I believe my goals line up with xxx University. I hope xxx will allow me to prove my faithfulness and determination, to rise to new challenges and excel to my greatest potential.
(My program is mathematics and ComputingFinancial management) My reason for choosing the data science and CFM majors is because I am passionate for problem-solving and analyzing in mathematics, finance, and programming, which eventually inspired me to become a financial data scientist. Waterloo is known for the high reputation in mathematics and computer science degrees, and data science is the combination of the two top degrees in Waterloo. Through the exceptional resources and professors, I can develop the necessary knowledge for me to solve the most advanced data analyzing and algorithms. Furthermore, the unique integration of computer science and financial management of CFM is exactly the program I look forward to and prepare me for the ever-expanding financial technology industry. At waterloo, I get to develop knowledge in both degrees through my undergraduate years and the mandatory co-op can help me gain practical knowledge to familiarize myself with the industry. Through Waterloo's exceptional co-op programs and talent in the concentration of mathematics, I believe that Waterloo would be the best university to prepare me to become an outstanding financial data scientist. Please give any feedback on parts I could fix on
(My program is mathematics and ComputingFinancial management) My reason for choosing the data science and CFM majors is because I am passionate for problem-solving and analyzing in mathematics, finance, and programming, which eventually inspired me to become a financial data scientist. Waterloo is known for the high reputation in mathematics and computer science degrees, and data science is the combination of the two top degrees in Waterloo. Through the exceptional resources and professors, I can develop the necessary knowledge for me to solve the most advanced data analyzing and algorithms. Furthermore, the unique integration of computer science and financial management of CFM is exactly the program I look forward to and prepare me for the ever-expanding financial technology industry. At Waterloo, I get to develop knowledge in both degrees through my undergraduate years and the mandatory co-op can help me gain practical knowledge to familiarize myself with the industry. Through Waterloo's exceptional co-op programs and talent in the concentration of mathematics, I believe that Waterloo would be the best university to prepare me to become an outstanding financial data scientist. Please give any feedback on parts I could fix on
I aspire to become a software developer making breakthroughs in the fields of AI, machine learning, and more. The BCS program is my primary goal, but BMath-with my major declared as Data Science-will give me the same opportunities to innovate in the tech industry. Many universities only offer barebones courses, but Waterloo is a university that exceeds expectations, with courses such as CS 492 teaching the societal impacts of innovation-something I want to be cognizant of, as my parents' careers were threatened by automation. Along with a diverse range of courses, Waterloo's co-op program ensures that 96% of graduates are employed in 6 months, compared to the provincial 79%. By consolidating a list of employers, applications, and interviews, WaterlooWorks facilitates the job finding process, and many students find placements at the Big Tech companies, gaining the best experience possible.
I aspire to become a software developer making breakthroughs in the fields of AI, machine learning, and more. The BCS program is my primary goal, but Batholith my major declared as Data Science-will give me the same opportunities to innovate in the tech industry. Many universities only offer bare bones courses, but Waterloo is a university that exceeds expectations, with courses such as CS 492 teaching the societal impacts of innovation-something I want to be cognizant of, as my parents' careers were threatened by automation. Along with a diverse range of courses, Waterloo's co-op program ensures that 96% of graduates are employed in 6 months, compared to the provincial 79%. By consolidating a list of employers, applications, and interviews, Waterworks facilitates the job finding process, and many students find placements at the Big Tech companies, gaining the best experience possible.
Living in the information age, I am always fascinated with the media and the world it creates. Thankful to mass media, I have access to useful knowledge, from the small one like advice for a better lifestyle to the big one like global affairs, economic crisis. However, as the media reaches every corner of our lives, I believe that learning to navigate it has become more important than ever. I remember one time I was taken in by fake news, which was about Seungri, a famous Korean star, who was suspected of rape and prostitution. I read many articles this affair; however, as I followed an unreliable source on the internet, I carelessly accused him of the crimes and wrote heavily critical comments about him even before official investigation. Another reason that I want to study media and communication is to prepare for my career as a journalist. To me, being a journalist is an ideal way to bring information to the audiences, and I am driven by the idea that my writings can help them to form an accurate perspective about the world we are living in. I believe that media and communication is just the right programme for me. With an interdisciplinary approach, this programme will provide me knowledge and skills that I need to make sense of the media, enhance my critical thinking to evaluate the media content. Furthermore, I believe media and communication is a vocational programme that I will make most of to hone my writing and communication skills. ( it is just a question from 10 question that my school requires, I don't have any extracurricular activities related to the degree, so i guess it's kind of a disadvantage, hope you can help me)
Living in the information age, I am always fascinated with the media and the world it creates. Thankful to mass media, I have access to useful knowledge, from the small one like advice for a better lifestyle to the big one like global affairs, economic crisis. However, as the media reaches every corner of our lives, I believe that learning to navigate it has become more important than ever. I remember one time I was taken in by fake news, which was about Sung, a famous Korean star, who was suspected of rape and prostitution. I read many articles this affair; however, as I followed an unreliable source on the internet, I carelessly accused him of the crimes and wrote heavily critical comments about him even before official investigation. Another reason that I want to study media and communication is to prepare for my career as a journalist. To me, being a journalist is an ideal way to bring information to the audiences, and I am driven by the idea that my writings can help them to form an accurate perspective about the world we are living in. I believe that media and communication is just the right program for me. With an interdisciplinary approach, this program will provide me knowledge and skills that I need to make sense of the media, enhance my critical thinking to evaluate the media content. Furthermore, I believe media and communication is a vocational program that I will make most of to hone my writing and communication skills. (it is just a question from 10 question that my school requires, I don't have any extracurricular activities related to the degree, so I guess it's kind of a disadvantage, hope you can help me)
The seemingly mysterious nature of technology has been a driving force in its advancement. I, too, have been captivated by its complexity since my childhood. My father has been a significant inspiration as a software engineer. Acknowledging my interest, my father taught me the softwarehardware connections and software languages. The high school computer science courses, online courses, and personal projects solidified my interest, and Waterloo is the university where I can actualize my dream of becoming a backend software developer, my reason for applying to the Computer Science and Mathematics programs. Waterloo, with its co-op education program and affiliation with MSRI, the distinguished lecturers, well-funded and independent math department, various research conferences, 250+ student-run clubs, and unique courses such as CS136, is the inclusive community in which I can thrive.
The seemingly mysterious nature of technology has been a driving force in its advancement. I, too, have been captivated by its complexity since my childhood. My father has been a significant inspiration as a software engineer. Acknowledging my interest, my father taught me the software hardware connections and software languages. The high school computer science courses, online courses, and personal projects solidified my interest, and Waterloo is the university where I can actualize my dream of becoming a backend software developer, my reason for applying to the Computer Science and Mathematics programs. Waterloo, with its co-op education program and affiliation with MRI, the distinguished lecturers, well-funded and independent math department, various research conferences, 250+ student-run clubs, and unique courses such as CS136, is the inclusive community in which I can thrive.
The most memorable in my life is my teacher in middle school.She not only assist my learning in the school but also care bout my private problem. For example, when I got a bad grade of examination or have trouble in the relationship she always the first person supported me or give me useful counsels. On top of all of this, I like studying in her class so much because She was gentle and funny. She always knew how to make vibrant class and students never felling bored when they were learning. For these reasons, my teacher in middle school is the most memorable in my life
The most memorable in my life is my teacher in middle school. She not only assists my learning in the school but also care bout my private problem. For example, when I got a bad grade of examination or have trouble in the relationship she always the first person supported me or give me useful counsels. On top of all of this, I like studying in her class so much because She was gentle and funny. She always knew how to make vibrant class and students never felling bored when they were learning. For these reasons, my teacher in middle school is the most memorable in my life
Seated in the grass with my brother and watching a game seven years ago, I recalled admiring my parents taking their responsibilities. I was cognisant that I would have to step up. Glimpse of future independence prevailed; however, reticence impeded my communication skills. I fear failures thus I avoided growing. My supportive parents continued pushing me beyond all self-imposed boundaries. My best friend once said, "You're amazing, a wonderful friend and an even better person. You've got a weird humour, but you are the smartest person I know and one of the kindest too." Most of my friends say this. Initially, I am extraordinarily shy. However, with time, I become comfortable, more expressive and fun. My friends appreciate me for my cutthroat honesty and solemnly respect me. I am determined and work assiduously to achieve my goals. I am supportive and supported and am trusting, trustworthy and mellow. I observe the world, accept it and contemplate on how to react. I am known to rationalise situations when needed or not. I am also loyal, patient, compassionate and reliable. My community respects me and is pleased with my rare achievements. I was proud of my achievements and being valedictorian in high school by accomplishing subjects that were not in my regular classes. Then with less self-doubt, I attained a distinction in university. Throughout my academic life, I have been scared to be pushed, but I ended up excelling past my self-made box.
Seated in the grass with my brother and watching a game seven years ago, I recalled admiring my parents taking their responsibilities. I was cognizant that I would have to step up. Glimpse of future independence prevailed; however, reticence impeded my communication skills. I fear failures thus I avoided growing. My supportive parents continued pushing me beyond all self-imposed boundaries. My best friend once said, "You're amazing, a wonderful friend and an even better person. You've got a weird humor, but you are the smartest person I know and one of the kindest too." Most of my friends say this. Initially, I am extraordinarily shy. However, with time, I become comfortable, more expressive and fun. My friends appreciate me for my cutthroat honesty and solemnly respect me. I am determined and work assiduously to achieve my goals. I am supportive and supported and am I trusting, trustworthy and mellow. Furthermore, I observe the world, accept it and contemplate on how to react. Furthermore, I am known to rationalize situations when needed or not. Furthermore, I am also loyal, patient, compassionate and reliable. My community respects me and is pleased with my rare achievements. I was proud of my achievements and being valedictorian in high school by accomplishing subjects that were not in my regular classes. Then with less self-doubt, I attained a distinction in university. Throughout my academic life, I have been scared to be pushed, but I ended up excelling past my self-made box.
I wrote this essay for the common app prompt. My English teacher urged us to stay away from cancer stories, but I feel this essay really speaks to my identity. Please let me know what you think, and if there are any correctionsif you think I should change the topic completely. Thanks! Growing is an easy effort, and is hard to avoid due to the fact that it is inescapable when traveling through the journey of life. Growing up, however, can be colloquially defined as maturing your emotions and attitudes to those of an adult. Being raised as an only child was a privilege in my opinion. Although I had to experience my parents getting divorced and my father remarrying, my life was distant from being characterized as hard. The most substantial change in my life happened just after I had turned ten, when my brother was born. Several months after my brother was born, he was diagnosed with Leukemia. That was one of the few times I witnessed my father cry. I had a hard time comprehending this concept at my age, and was tormented by thoughts of his future and health not reaching their fulfillment. I had made a promise to myself that I needed to be the best big sister and become a role model for him. My mom had custody of me at the time, and I was only able to see my brother around once a month. Each time I saw him, he displayed more and more signs of the illness. He was around 2 now, and bald from chemotherapy. He was so pale his veins were visible through his skin, and he had a port cut into his chest. At this point, I began to lose faith in God, wondering why he was taking life away from a child who had barely lived. Unfortunately, in society today, healthcare is extravagantly expensive to the point where only the wealthy can afford to become sick. My family held fundraisers to help with the medical bills, but the costs were overwhelming. I thought my life at home couldn't get any worse, and I thought everything had hit rock bottom. This was until my stepmom, my brother's biological mother, decided to leave my family and move to Florida. I was around thirteen now, and I knew that I had to keep the promise I had made to my brother 3 years ago. At this point, my father developed alcoholism, and my brother had no one. Not only was I his big sister, I was forced to morph into a maternal figure since his mother had left. This experience forced me to grow up incredibly fast, and I became incredibly mature for my age. My experience in dealing with my brothers struggle through cancer changed me as a person. I was driven to become a better sister, daughter, and student because I have always been and always will be focused on making my family proud. I see the world through a different lense after almost losing my brother, now knowing that time is precious and shouldn't be wasted. My 5 year old brother taught me so much about life, and I carry his loving and fighting spirit with me everywhere I go. I hope that one day, I will be able to teach him some of what he taught me, and I hope he will be able to look at me as a role model.
I wrote this essay for the common app prompt. My English teacher urged us to stay away from cancer stories, but I feel this essay really speaks to my identity. Please let me know what you think, and if there are any corrections if you think I should change the topic completely. Thanks! Growing is an easy effort, and is hard to avoid due to the fact that it is inescapable when traveling through the journey of life. Growing up, however, can be colloquially defined as maturing your emotions and attitudes to those of an adult. Being raised as an only child was a privilege in my opinion. Although I had to experience my parents getting divorced and my father remarrying, my life was distant from being characterized as hard. The most substantial change in my life happened just after I had turned ten, when my brother was born. Several months after my brother was born, he was diagnosed with Leukemia. That was one of the few times I witnessed my father cry. I had a hard time comprehending this concept at my age, and was tormented by thoughts of his future and health not reaching their fulfillment. I had made a promise to myself that I needed to be the best big sister and become a role model for him. My mom had custody of me at the time, and I was only able to see my brother around once a month. Each time I saw him, he displayed more and more signs of the illness. He was around 2 now, and bald from chemotherapy. He was so pale his veins were visible through his skin, and he had a port cut into his chest. At this point, I began to lose faith in God, wondering why he was taking life away from a child who had barely lived. Unfortunately, in society today, healthcare is extravagantly expensive to the point where only the wealthy can afford to become sick. My family held fundraisers to help with the medical bills, but the costs were overwhelming. I thought my life at home couldn't get any worse, and I thought everything had hit rock bottom. This was until my stepmom, my brother's biological mother, decided to leave my family and move to Florida. I was around thirteen now, and I knew that I had to keep the promise I had made to my brother 3 years ago. At this point, my father developed alcoholism, and my brother had no one. Not only was I his big sister, I was forced to morph into a maternal figure since his mother had left. This experience forced me to grow up incredibly fast, and I became incredibly mature for my age. My experience in dealing with my brothers struggle through cancer changed me as a person. I was driven to become a better sister, daughter, and student because I have always been and always will be focused on making my family proud. I see the world through a different sense after almost losing my brother, now knowing that time is precious and shouldn't be wasted. My 5-year-old brother taught me so much about life, and I carry his loving and fighting spirit with me everywhere I go. I hope that one day, I will be able to teach him some of what he taught me, and I hope he will be able to look at me as a role model.
Essay #1 Character in leadership matters. At Ivey, character is defined as an amalgam of virtues, values and certain traits. Character speaks to who a person is rather than what they are able to do. Some would say the virtues of courage, humility and humanity are equally as important as the virtues of accountability, drive and integrity. Do you think this is true? Relate your answer to your experiences in the activities you've included as part of your application. I struggled to find the answer as I looked on some of my grade 9 peers who have become leaders in the school and community. I observed their abilities from afar in awe; the elaborate plans they were able to conceive, the compelling and confident voices they spoke with, and the numerous team accomplishments they had achieved. Yet, I also witnessed times, where despite the abilities of the leader, the group ultimately fails to reach their goals. I was confused. I wanted to know the secret standing between leaders who succeeded and failed. My search for the answer continued as I progressed through high school. Slowly learning from my experiences in team settings, I recognized that while the capabilities of the leader is intrinsic to succeeding, character is also an important element of leadership⁠-it is how we interact with the world around us. Ultimately, it is the character that influences us to make the type of decisions that we make. When viewing character as a whole, I think it is true that the virtues of courage, humility and humanity are just as necessary to the conception of leadership as other virtues, like drive and integrity. They are all equal in importance because they work together-a leader cannot be successful if they think some virtues are greater than others. One of my greatest learning experiences in becoming a leader would come from working part-time at a restaurant. My executive positions in school and community extracurriculars may have allowed me to demonstrate my strengths in characteristics like courage and initiative, but they never taught me the value of becoming a more rounded leader. Unfortunately, I learned it the hard way⁠-I lacked patience in my character, leading to a reckless decision that affected one of my team's success. The workplace taught me otherwise. Everyshift, my colleagues inspire me to work with a sense of responsibility. I admired their bravery; they would always greet me with a cheerful smile, preserving through the financial and emotional struggles they had at home. In my numerous conversations with colleagues and customers, one common theme I've discovered is: everyone is just trying their best. What an empowering thought! When I get frustrated at a low tip, or impatient with the new busboy-in-training who keeps on making the same mistakes, I try to be as empathetic as possible knowing that they are trying their best. My time at the restaurant has helped me develop virtues of compassion and humility, components of leadership that are sometimes overlooked, but necessary for success. I believe character is developed through different opportunities and experiences. Becoming a leader is a lifelong journey! I look forward to implementing my definition of leadership at Western Ivey, where I will continue to develop my character and seek to become a better leader. While the perfect leader does not exist, the pursuit of becoming one certainly does.
Essay #1 Character in leadership matters. At Ivey, character is defined as an amalgam of virtues, values and certain traits. Character speaks to whom a person is rather than what they are able to do. Some would say the virtues of courage, humility and humanity are equally important as the virtues of accountability, drive and integrity. Do you think this is true? Relate your answer to your experiences in the activities you've included as part of your application. I struggled to find the answer as I looked on some of my grade 9 peers who have become leaders in the school and community. I observed their abilities from afar in awe; the elaborate plans they were able to conceive, the compelling and confident voices they spoke with, and the numerous team accomplishments they had achieved. Yet, I also witnessed times, where despite the abilities of the leader, the group ultimately fails to reach their goals. I was confused. I wanted to know the secret standing between leaders who succeeded and failed. My search for the answer continued as I progressed through high school. Slowly learning from my experiences in team settings, I recognized that while the capabilities of the leader is intrinsic to succeeding, character is also an important element of leadership⁠-it is how we interact with the world around us. Ultimately, it is the character that influences us to make the type of decisions that we make. When viewing character as a whole, I think it is true that the virtues of courage, humility and humanity are just as necessary to the conception of leadership as other virtues, like drive and integrity. They are all equal in importance because they work together-a leader cannot be successful if they think some virtues are greater than others. One of my greatest learning experiences in becoming a leader would come from working part-time at a restaurant. My executive positions in school and community extracurriculars may have allowed me to demonstrate my strengths in characteristics like courage and initiative, but they never taught me the value of becoming a more rounded leader. Unfortunately, I learned it the hard way⁠-I lacked patience in my character, leading to a reckless decision that affected one of my team's success. The workplace taught me otherwise. Every shift, my colleagues inspire me to work with a sense of responsibility. I admired their bravery; they would always greet me with a cheerful smile, preserving through the financial and emotional struggles they had at home. In my numerous conversations with colleagues and customers, one common theme I've discovered is: everyone is just trying their best. What an empowering thought! When I get frustrated at a low tip, or impatient with the new busboy-in-training who keeps on making the same mistakes, I try to be as empathetic as possible knowing that they are trying their best. My time at the restaurant has helped me develop virtues of compassion and humility, components of leadership that are sometimes overlooked, but necessary for success. I believe character is developed through different opportunities and experiences. Becoming a leader is a lifelong journey! I look forward to implementing my definition of leadership at Western Ivey, where I will continue to develop my character and seek to become a better leader. While the perfect leader does not exist, the pursuit of becoming one certainly does.
The essay question is: Here's what I have been able to write so far. I'd appreciate if anyone could give me some feedback on where I can improve. Thanks! Ever since the age of 5, I have been actively involved in the swimming community, whether that includes participating or giving back, through lessons to other individuals. I recall when I had to learn the basics of swimming and the importance of staying calm during incidents. It taught me self-control and it helped me build certain qualities, such as determination and perseverance. The reason for this, was because it wasn't easy to move through the swimming ranks, and sometimes I would spend months on end doing one level, just to be told that I would have to redo the entire level, because of one imperfection. As a young child at the time, it was difficult to hear that. Despite this, I kept going, eventually completing all my lessons, and ultimately acquired my lifeguard certification. Now all this took years of work, and multiple people helped me along the way, from instructors to family members, and I can't thank them enough. Therefore, when I qualified to teach others and help them go through the ranks as I had done, I took the opportunity upon myself. I volunteered at my local pool, specifically the Boys and Girls Club of Durham, where I would play pool games with groups of children, and ensured everyone was having a good time and that everyone was playing fairly, more or less, I was their 'leader'. Additionally, I led multiple swimming lessons, the same ones I had been through years ago, and I was able to give back to others, through my tips and knowledge I had gained about swimming through my previous years of experience. Ultimately, giving back to others through swimming lessonsgames, was something I found very rewarding and it felt good to be able to give back the help I once received.
The essay question is: Here's what I have been able to write so far. I'd appreciate if anyone could give me some feedback on where I can improve. Thanks! Ever since the age of 5, I have been actively involved in the swimming community, whether that includes participating or giving back, through lessons to other individuals. I recall when I had to learn the basics of swimming and the importance of staying calm during incidents. It taught me self-control, and it helped me build certain qualities, such as determination and perseverance. The reason for this, was because it wasn't easy to move through the swimming ranks, and sometimes I would spend months on end doing one level, just to be told that I would have to redo the entire level, because of one imperfection. As a young child at the time, it was difficult to hear that. Despite this, I kept going, eventually completing all my lessons, and ultimately acquired my lifeguard certification. Now all this took years of work, and multiple people helped me along the way, from instructors to family members, and I can't thank them enough. Therefore, when I qualified to teach others and help them go through the ranks as I had done, I took the opportunity upon myself. I volunteered at my local pool, specifically the Boys and Girls Club of Durham, where I would play pool games with groups of children, and ensured everyone was having a good time and that everyone was playing fairly, more or less, I was their 'leader'. Additionally, I led multiple swimming lessons, the same ones I had been through years ago, and I was able to give back to others, through my tips and knowledge I had gained about swimming through my previous years of experience. Ultimately, giving back to others through swimming lessons games, was something I found very rewarding, and it felt good to be able to give back the help I once received.
An issue that affects my generation is the issue of identity for Muslim Americans. Many of my fellow muslim americans struggle to figure out who they really are. For people like myself, it's almost as if there is no inbetween. You were either a Muslim or an American. Muslims, born in America or not, attribute this to the contrast between the beliefs of Islam and the culture of America. Not only is it an issue of beliefs and culture, but the history of American and Muslim relations play a major role as well. With the rise of Islamic Terrorist Organizations in the United States and the Middle East, it's hard for Muslim Americans, who were born in the United States, to claim they love the country they were born in when people of the same religion are attacking the country and its people at the same time. Other Americans have distrust in Muslims as well due to the existence of terrorist organziations such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda who use Islam as their face. The separation between being an American and being a muslim was so painfully obvious to all Muslims when opponents of Obama used propaganda that he was Muslim to create distrust in him. Was being a Muslim such a contradiction and threat to the American indentity that Obama shouldn't become president because of it? Even after being born and raised on American soil for his whole life and serving the country as a senator? All because he was Muslim, he couldn't be trusted? To many Muslim Americans who were born and raised in the United States, our identites were destroyed. We didn't know what we were anymore. We lived our whole lives in the United States, but we were no longer accepted because of the actions of others who claimed the same religion as us. The same religion our ancestors followed and passed down until it reached us. We became the "other" in American society. Unlike our parents who are immigrants, we don't have any other place to call home.Our parents can look back fondly to the country they were born in because they will always be accepted there, but us first generation American Muslims have nowhere else to look but to America. The countries our parents immigrated from are far to foreign. Many Muslim Americans can barely speak their parents' mother tongue nor could they survive the culture shock. Our dilemma affects much of our lives. It affects how we act, what we say, our political beliefs, and how we practice our traditions. American Muslims feel like outcasts when it comes to socializing with others their age. Their peers have girlfriends and boyfriends, enjoy partying, drinking, and many other activities deemed as haram, whereas Muslim Americans have to abstain from socializing with friends in such settings and manner due to religious and cultural beliefs. I, like many of my fellow Muslim Americans, feel so out of place. We feel left out because we can't enjoy this American youth as our peers are freely allowed to. American Muslims are stuck in a middle ground where they don't truly fit in anywhere. They claim the culture and religion of their parents, but claim their nationalities are American. Muslim Americans have an inner turmoil not knowing what their identity really is anymore. This crisis prevents Muslim Americans from trying to stand out as leaders in their communities. I believe there needs to be an increase in positive muslim figures that consider themselves American. There's no need for them to be famous like Hasan Minhaj or Reza Aslan. They should be everyday people known by their neighbors and friends for helping the community. I strive to contribute to this goal by volunteering when possible and meeting people in my community through this volunteer work.
An issue that affects my generation is the issue of identity for Muslim Americans. Many of my fellow Muslim Americans struggle to figure out whom they really are. For people like myself, it's almost as if there is no in between. You were either a Muslim or an American. Muslims, born in America or not, attribute this to the contrast between the beliefs of Islam and the culture of America. Not only is it an issue of beliefs and culture, but the history of American and Muslim relations play a major role as well. With the rise of Islamic Terrorist Organizations in the United States and the Middle East, it's hard for Muslim Americans, who were born in the United States, to claim they love the country they were born in when people of the same religion are attacking the country and its people at the same time. Other Americans have distrust in Muslims as well due to the existence of terrorist organizations such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda who use Islam as their face. The separation between being an American and being a Muslim was so painfully obvious to all Muslims when opponents of Obama used propaganda that he was Muslim to create distrust in him. Was being a Muslim such a contradiction and threat to the American identity that Obama shouldn't become president because of it? Even after being born and raised on American soil for his whole life and serving the country as a senator? All because he was Muslim, he couldn't be trusted? To many Muslim Americans who were born and raised in the United States, our identities were destroyed. We didn't know what we were anymore. We lived our whole lives in the United States, but we were no longer accepted because of the actions of others who claimed the same religion as us. The same religion our ancestors followed and passed down until it reached us. We became the "other" in American society. Unlike our parents who are immigrants, we don't have any other place to call home. Our parents can look back fondly to the country they were born in because they will always be accepted there, but us first generation American Muslims have nowhere else to look but to America. The countries our parents immigrated from are far too foreign. Many Muslim Americans can barely speak their parents' mother tongue nor could they survive the culture shock. Our dilemma affects much of our lives. It affects how we act, what we say, our political beliefs, and how we practice our traditions. American Muslims feel like outcasts when it comes to socializing with others their age. Their peers have girlfriends and boyfriends, enjoy partying, drinking, and many other activities deemed as harm, whereas Muslim Americans have to abstain from socializing with friends in such settings and manner due to religious and cultural beliefs. I, like many of my fellow Muslim Americans, feel so out of place. We feel left out because we can't enjoy this American youth as our peers are freely allowed to. American Muslims are stuck in a middle ground where they don't truly fit in anywhere. They claim the culture and religion of their parents, but claim their nationalities are American. Muslim Americans have an inner turmoil not knowing what their identity really is anymore. This crisis prevents Muslim Americans from trying to stand out as leaders in their communities. I believe there needs to be an increase in positive Muslim figures that consider themselves American. There's no need for them to be famous like Hasan Min haj or Reza Asian. They should be everyday people known by their neighbors and friends for helping the community. I strive to contribute to this goal by volunteering when possible and meeting people in my community through this volunteer work.
I am applying to Jacobs University, and any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you very much. By studying Computer Science at Jacobs I will accomplish the peak of computer technologies. For as long as I've known myself, my passion is to become one of the most renowned game developers around the world; also, to have a broad and in-depth understanding of computer science. Furthermore, I would have the opportunity to study one of the top-ranked universities around the world with a unique and prestigious diverse environment. I believe that Jacobs provides one of the best internship and research opportunities on computer science academic programs while maintaining vigorous connections with top-tech companies. Benefiting from these connections would guide me to choose the proper path for my professional future career. As a well-rounded person, I need to be a part of every aspect of life such as sports, arts, community, and volunteer work, which is one of the key factors why I would want to attend Jacobs. Lastly, the active campus life of Jacobs is where I can develop communication, leadership, and prepare myself to work globally. Thereby, I can impact society in a life-changing way. I believe attending Jacobs would be an irreplaceable experience that would impact me as an individual and my future path.
I am applying to Jacobs University, and any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you very much. By studying Computer Science at Jacobs I will accomplish the peak of computer technologies. For as long as I've known myself, my passion is to become one of the most renowned game developers around the world; also, to have a broad and in-depth understanding of computer science. Furthermore, I would have the opportunity to study one of the top-ranked universities around the world with a unique and prestigious diverse environment. I believe that Jacobs provides one of the best internship and research opportunities on computer science academic programs while maintaining vigorous connections with top-tech companies. Benefiting from these connections would guide me to choose the proper path for my professional future career. As a well-rounded person, I need to be a part of every aspect of life such as sports, arts, community, and volunteer work, which is one of the key factors why I would want to attend Jacobs. Lastly, the active campus life of Jacobs is where I can develop communication, leadership, and prepare myself to work globally. Thereby, I can impact society in a life-changing way. I believe attending Jacobs would be an irreplaceable experience that would impact me as an individual and my future path.
After my undergraduate studies, I volunteered to work with a lecturer as a project research assistant. The lecturer was hypertensive and as such required less work. Despite this, the workload as a lecturer was much as she had to lecture the students, carry out research findings and publish articles coupled with the other roles she played in the department. Having been in a position of guiding students on writing project, I volunteered to work with her by assisting her to develop new research project topics and writing most of the journal articles. During this period, she was appraised by the university authorities for promotion, I volunteered in typing and binding all her publications together for submission. While she feared the consequences attached to the disease, I also assisted her in assessing some student's research project and acted as a second supervisor. She developed trust in me such that I worked in her office all alone while she was away. I enjoyed working with her as she was concerned about my challenges and welfare and always ready to support me. Though I left the job due to my National youth service scheme, the work relationship continued as I communicate and work with her via email. My time with her resulted in her promotion from a senior lecturer to an associate professor that same year. As a result of this, I was linked to other lecturers in the same department to help write research Journal articles as well. I also had more knowledge on how to write and develop research project topics and Journal articles.
After my undergraduate studies, I volunteered to work with a lecturer as a project research assistant. The lecturer was hypertensive and as such required less work. Despite this, the workload as a lecturer was much as she had to lecture the students, carry out research findings and publish articles coupled with the other roles she played in the department. Having been in a position of guiding students on writing project, I volunteered to work with her by assisting her to develop new research project topics and writing most of the journal articles. During this period, she was appraised by the university authorities for promotion, I volunteered in typing and binding all her publications together for submission. While she feared the consequences attached to the disease, I also assisted her in assessing some student's research project and acted as a second supervisor. She developed trust in me such that I worked in her office all alone while she was away. I enjoyed working with her as she was concerned about my challenges and welfare and always ready to support me. Though I left the job due to my National youth service scheme, the work relationship continued as I communicate and work with her via email. My time with her resulted in her promotion from a senior lecturer to an associate professor that same year. As a result of this, I was linked to other lecturers in the same department to help write research Journal articles as well. I also had more knowledge on how to write and develop research project topics and Journal articles.
I love physics, but when I first started studying for the SAT physics test I struggled with the way the same laws and concepts were interpreted differently in Russian and English. While physics sources in Russian focused more on applying sophisticated math and physics principles into solving problems, questions in English from Khan Academy, even though they seemed easy on the face, were the hardest problems I ever encountered. They concentrated not on my knowledge of formulas and rules, but my core understanding of those laws and my ability to apply them through real-life examples in SAT questions. That was a very challenging and exciting process for me. Learning how to interpret the differences in American and Russian science education systems has helped me with problems during International Science Olympiads in more deep, well-rounded ways. For me personally, the definition of diversity is observing and learning something which captivates me from different angles and sources, because having multiple sources of knowledge helps me not only experience different standpoints on Physics theories but also helps me build my view of other cultures and their relationships with science. I firmly believe that it is the intellectual diversity of opinions and collaborative contributions to science that has made our societies more advanced, both technologically and culturally. This can be seen even in the debate over light's particle-wave duality. English Newton put forward that light was made of particles, whilst Scottish Maxwell argued that it was actually in wave form. And then, German Einstein says - why not both? If it were not for these three scientists' intellectual arguments and Einstein's curiosity of combining both of these theories, the world's outlook on light and atoms would be vastly different. I believe that our modern societies need diversity because when diversity comes with the intellectual collaboration of genius minds... breakthroughs happen.
I love physics, but when I first started studying for the SAT physics test I struggled with the way the same laws and concepts were interpreted differently in Russian and English. While physics sources in Russian focused more on applying sophisticated math and physics principles into solving problems, questions in English from Khan Academy, even though they seemed easy on the face, were the hardest problems I ever encountered. They concentrated not on my knowledge of formulas and rules, but my core understanding of those laws and my ability to apply them through real-life examples in SAT questions. That was a very challenging and exciting process for me. Learning how to interpret the differences in American and Russian science education systems has helped me with problems during International Science Olympiads in more deep, well-rounded ways. For me personally, the definition of diversity is observing and learning something which captivates me from different angles and sources, because having multiple sources of knowledge helps me not only experience different standpoints on Physics theories but also helps me build my view of other cultures and their relationships with science. I firmly believe that it is the intellectual diversity of opinions and collaborative contributions to science that has made our societies more advanced, both technologically and culturally. This can be seen even in the debate over light's particle-wave duality. English Newton put forward that light was made of particles, whilst Scottish Maxwell argued that it was actually in wave form. And then, German Einstein says - why not both? If it were not for these three scientists' intellectual arguments and Einstein's curiosity of combining both of these theories, the world's outlook on light and atoms would be vastly different. I believe that our modern societies need diversity because when diversity comes with the intellectual collaboration of genius minds... breakthroughs happen.
Essay:Growing up, I had multiple skin problems. I had acne, eczema, and pustules spread all over my body. It took a toll on my confidence as a person; physically, mentally and emotionally. I would feel self-conscious about my body and would consistently wear long sleeves and baggy clothes, just to hide my skin condition. That is until I met a board-certified dermatologist named Dr. Ranjit in Malaysia and he changed my life. With just one consultation, he knew what my condition was and me with prescribed pills and medicated cream. In just a few weeks, my skin started to improve and so did my confidence level. I did not know how much a visit to a dermatologist clinic and meeting Dr. Ranjit could change my life. The creams and pills sparked the curiosity of how these medications work. Thus, I started doing my own research about ingredients such as salicylic acid, sulfur or benzoyl peroxide and their benefits to the skin. This experience also gave me a new meaning to life and motivated me to achieve the same effect on someone's life the same way Dr. Ranjit affected mine. Thus, collectively with many experiences, aspiring to become a dermatologist.
Essay:Growing up, I had multiple skin problems. I had acne, eczema, and pustules spread all over my body. It took a toll on my confidence as a person; physically, mentally and emotionally. I would feel self-conscious about my body and would consistently wear long sleeves and baggy clothes, just to hide my skin condition. That is until I met a board-certified dermatologist named Dr. Transit in Malaysia, and he changed my life. With just one consultation, he knew what my condition was and me with prescribed pills and medicated cream. In just a few weeks, my skin started to improve and so did my confidence level. I did not know how much a visit to a dermatologist clinic and meeting Dr. Transit could change my life. The creams and pills sparked the curiosity of how these medications work. Thus, I started doing my own research about ingredients such as salicylic acid, sulfur or benzoyl peroxide and their benefits to the skin. This experience also gave me a new meaning to life and motivated me to achieve the same effect on someone's life the same way Dr. Transit affected mine. Thus, collectively with many experiences, aspiring to become a dermatologist.
In my third year of high school around Christmas time, the school was planning on holding its annual festive assembly. Three people including me, who were on the tech crew for the school, were responsible for setting up the event. I was specifically in charge of consulting with each group that was performing and gathering the songs, as well as finding out what lighting cues they needed. I decided that it would be easiest to meet with each group that signed up and talk to them in person about what they needed. During a meet with everyone, I stated that each group should schedule a meeting with me so I can gather what I need from them and we can set a day to practice. What I failed to do was give clear steps and instructions about how to contact me. This lead to only a couple of meetings and not being able to practice with any of the groups. When the day of the assembly arrived, there had been very little preparation and the assembly was disorganized. Looking back, I realized that I should have had a better system to set up a meeting as well as being more clear and concise when explaining. I took this experience and used it to become much better at being clear and concise when planning, as well as being able to give better instructions. For example, in my final year, I was in charge of meeting with each group for the assembly again, but this time I created a spreadsheet online and emailed it out to each group detailing times for meeting and practice. This made it a lot easier for each group to schedule a meeting, along with making the assembly go off smoothly.
In my third year of high school around Christmastime, the school was planning on holding its annual festive assembly. Three people including me, who were on the tech crew for the school, were responsible for setting up the event. I was specifically in charge of consulting with each group that was performing and gathering the songs, as well as finding out what lighting cues they needed. I decided that it would be easiest to meet with each group that signed up and talk to them in person about what they needed. During a meet with everyone, I stated that each group should schedule a meeting with me, so I can gather what I need from them, and we can set a day to practice. What I failed to do was give clear steps and instructions about how to contact me. This lead to only a couple of meetings and not being able to practice with any of the groups. When the day of the assembly arrived, there had been very little preparation and the assembly was disorganized. Looking back, I realized that I should have had a better system to set up a meeting as well as being more clear and concise when explaining. I took this experience and used it to become much better at being clear and concise when planning, as well as being able to give better instructions. For example, in my final year, I was in charge of meeting with each group for the assembly again, but this time I created a spreadsheet online and emailed it out to each group detailing times for meeting and practice. This made it a lot easier for each group to schedule a meeting, along with making the assembly go off smoothly.
Answer: I always had a particular interest in science, and it's funny that my favorite bedtime stories were about how the human body operates from a book called "Tell Me How?". During school, I also seemed to excel in science, mainly when Biology class focused on molecular biology, body functions, and the immune system. As someone living daily with allergic rhinitis, it made me wonder about the treatments and the medicine I was taking and how it worked or why it mostly didn't! My goal is to apply to Pharmacy School, so Biomedical Science is a significant first step and, on my visit to Waterloo, it was love at first sight. I felt comfortable, welcomed, and identified with the university and its unique co-op and CAP programs. I feel excited and motivated to pursue this great career path because it sums up my interests, my skills, and my passion for improving people's health and quality of life.
Answer: I always had a particular interest in science, and it's funny that my favorite bedtime stories were about how the human body operates from a book called "Tell Me How?". During school, I also seemed to excel in science, mainly when Biology class focused on molecular biology, body functions, and the immune system. As someone living daily with allergic rhinitis, it made me wonder about the treatments and the medicine I was taking and how it worked or why it mostly didn't! My goal is to apply to Pharmacy School, so Biomedical Science is a significant first step and, on my visit to Waterloo, it was love at first sight. I felt comfortable, welcomed, and identified with the university and its unique co-op and CAP programs. I feel excited and motivated to pursue this great career path because it sums up my interests, my skills, and my passion for improving people's health and quality of life.
As a duty to my Nation to partake in the National youth service scheme, I was posted to exercise this duty in a community secondary school with population of 1700 students. The school wasn't of much quality and they lacked a lot of facilities to accommodate the students. Science laboratories lacked necessary equipment and the students fail to take practical and rather learn the theoretical aspect. Mathematics as a core subject was difficult for the students to understand due to the teaching method employed by the teachers. Having volunteered to be an SDG (Sustainable development goals) facilitator during my training as a National youth personnel, I was charged with the responsibility of raising awareness on the SDGs and working with rural communities for citizen-led monitoring of the SDGs. I decided to volunteer in teaching mathematics since the subject is a pre-requisite. I made the class interactive, had private teachings with the students even after class and sounded more enthusiastic and engaging in class by selecting some students who were not following up to solve some questions. I also volunteered to put my SDG trainings to action by providing the school with necessary equipment for adequate learning. I solicited for funds from companies and Government. They were not responding due to the dwindling national economy, but I never relented as I got some funds from my savings to help facilitate the project. I was able to provide the school with a set of laboratory equipment (Titration apparatus). The students recorded success in their results as compared to the former times when the subject was handled by another teacher. The subject class became interesting as the students were always eager to learn due to my teaching method as a result, I awarded the best student. This was a very gratifying experience as the students were very appreciative of my efforts and at the same time I was commended by the principal and staffs of the school for my dedication and service.
As a duty to my Nation to partake in the National youth service scheme, I was posted to exercise this duty in a community secondary school with population of 1700 students. The school wasn't of much quality, and they lacked a lot of facilities to accommodate the students. Science laboratories lacked necessary equipment and the students fail to take practical and rather learn the theoretical aspect. Mathematics as a core subject was difficult for the students to understand due to the teaching method employed by the teachers. Having volunteered to be an SDG (Sustainable development goals) facilitator during my training as a National youth personnel, I was charged with the responsibility of raising awareness on the SDGs and working with rural communities for citizen-led monitoring of the SDGs. I decided to volunteer in teaching mathematics since the subject is a prerequisite. I made the class interactive, had private teachings with the students even after class and sounded more enthusiastic and engaging in class by selecting some students who were not following up to solve some questions. Furthermore, I also volunteered to put my SDG trainings to action by providing the school with necessary equipment for adequate learning. Furthermore, I solicited for funds from companies and Government. They were not responding due to the dwindling national economy, but I never relented as I got some funds from my savings to help facilitate the project. I was able to provide the school with a set of laboratory equipment (Titration apparatus). The students recorded success in their results as compared to the former times when the subject was handled by another teacher. The subject class became interesting as the students were always eager to learn due to my teaching method as a result, I awarded the best student. This was a very gratifying experience as the students were very appreciative of my efforts and at the same time I was commended by the principal and staffs of the school for my dedication and service.
Wondering if I could get some feedback on this section of my AIF. It's asking for additional information on extracurriculars. I'm not quite sure if they're looking for something like this or if I should focus more deeply on CS (I'm applying to CS and math). All criticism is welcome!! Thanks :D In my school community, I've devoted myself to volunteering, participation in clubs and teams, and a variety of leadership roles. Volunteering within Massey allowed me opportunities in a variety of capacities such as art, security for ANS, organizing cookie decorating and hosting for CCP. I've had the privilege of being in clubs such as Debate, Science Olympiad, Model UN, codeReach, and the Stang. These roles taught me valuable lessons about character and commitment. I've also had the opportunity to thrive in a variety of leadership roles; three terms as a debate executive (including president and an advisory role); an executive and MC for multicultural dinner and show; as a senior member for my school's announcement crew. I am a leader within my school as Deputy Prime Minister of student council. I had never been on student council before my senior year, so people questioned my ideas, which I developed from other leadership positions around the school. I pushed to make committees within student council, created a central file system, and developed opportunities for people outside council to volunteer. I convinced the student council to try my ideas for our Halloween Night event, and it was the first sold-out event council had in years; a success that strengthened my dedication to my ideas. Through my leadership, a new norm of collaboration and outreach has been established within student council. Outside of school, I've continued my involvement through activism and volunteerism. As a provincial organizer for the #StudentsSayNo walkout, I worked with others across Ontario to begin the walkouts that began April 4th, 2019. More than walkouts, our group also attended and spoke at the Queen's Park rally for education in support of student voice. To bring the message I was a part of back home, two other Student's Say No organizers and I ran a Windsor Says No rally attended by students, local politicians, teachers, and union leaders. This activism and community involvement gave me a greater passion to continue to advocate within my community with Earth Action Now Windsor through ongoing climate emergency protests. I am deeply motivated to protect education, which led me to take the initiative to protect it within my own school of 2100. When students' option to take full year courses - which allow for enriched classes, year-long learning, and shorter classes - was threatened, I took action. I created a social media campaign, spoke to local TV, radio, and print news, to bring the local community's attention to the issue. I attended all stakeholder meetings; where I was instrumental in campaigning to ensure the process was transparent; lobbying both school and board administration to include student voices. My continued efforts were successful, and the option to take full year courses remains so that students are to reap the benefits from having both full year and semestered courses. My efforts encouraged other advocates within my school, as this issue led me and others to realize the power of our actions. My love for math and computer science began within school, where I had the privilege of taking enriched math and science courses. These experiences allowed me to compete in contests, attend hackathons, and spark a passion for computer science. I've made projects in Java and Python at various hackathons including Hack the North and MasseyHacks. I volunteered for codeReach, an after-school program where I helped instruct grade school children in python. All of my extracurriculars have shaped me into someone who can give back as a Waterloo Warrior in both academic and community spaces.
Wondering if I could get some feedback on this section of my AIF. It's asking for additional information on extracurriculars. I'm not quite sure if they're looking for something like this or if I should focus more deeply on CS (I'm applying to CS and math). All criticism is welcome!! Thanks :D In my school community, I've devoted myself to volunteering, participation in clubs and teams, and a variety of leadership roles. Volunteering within Massey allowed me opportunities in a variety of capacities such as art, security for ANS, organizing cookie decorating and hosting for CCP. I've had the privilege of being in clubs such as Debate, Science Olympiad, Model UN, outreach, and the Stand. These roles taught me valuable lessons about character and commitment. I've also had the opportunity to thrive in a variety of leadership roles; three terms as a debate executive (including president and an advisory role); an executive and MC for multicultural dinner and show; as a senior member for my school's announcement crew. I am a leader within my school as Deputy Prime Minister of student council. Furthermore, I had never been on student council before my senior year, so people questioned my ideas, which I developed from other leadership positions around the school. Furthermore, I pushed to make committees within student council, created a central file system, and developed opportunities for people outside council to volunteer. Furthermore, I convinced the student council to try my ideas for our Halloween Night event, and it was the first sold-out event council had in years; a success that strengthened my dedication to my ideas. Through my leadership, a new norm of collaboration and outreach has been established within student council. Outside of school, I've continued my involvement through activism and volunteerism. As a provincial organizer for the #StudentsSayNo walkout, I worked with others across Ontario to begin the walkouts that began April 4th, 2019. More than walkouts, our group also attended and spoke at the Queen's Park rally for education in support of student voice. To bring the message I was a part of back home, two other Students's Say No organizers and I ran a Windsor Says No rally attended by students, local politicians, teachers, and union leaders. This activism and community involvement gave me a greater passion to continue to advocate within my community with Earth Action Now Windsor through ongoing climate emergency protests. I am deeply motivated to protect education, which led me to take the initiative to protect it within my own school of 2100. When students' option to take full year courses - which allow for enriched classes, year-long learning, and shorter classes - was threatened, I took action. I created a social media campaign, spoke to local TV, radio, and print news, to bring the local community's attention to the issue. I attended all stakeholder meetings; where I was instrumental in campaigning to ensure the process was transparent; lobbying both school and board administration to include student voices. My continued efforts were successful, and the option to take full year courses remains so that students are to reap the benefits from having both full year and semestered courses. My efforts encouraged other advocates within my school, as this issue led me and others to realize the power of our actions. My love for math and computer science began within school, where I had the privilege of taking enriched math and science courses. These experiences allowed me to compete in contests, attend hackathons, and spark a passion for computer science. I've made projects in Java and Python at various hackathons including Hack the North and MasseyHacks. I volunteered for outreach, an after-school program where I helped instruct grade school children in python. All of my extracurriculars have shaped me into someone who can give back as a Waterloo Warrior in both academic and community spaces.
The point I'm trying to convey is that I only tried in school for Waterloo's computer science program, and every other program is easy for me to get into. This is true, however, I'm scared that the reader will get the wrong idea or something. As for the "which was what I was doing during the beginning of the semester", I outlined my problems in the previous question, which I also posted on this website, and it would be really helpful if you could take a look at that too because my answers might contradict each other. In addition to the specific information requested in all of the AIF questions, please tell us anything else about yourself that you would like us to know when we review your application. Please make sure to complete all sections of the AIF before submitting this page. (900 character limit) Honestly, I could slack off and go to any other computer science program in Ontario, but I don't, and that's because I never take the easy way out. I always pursue the highest achievable goal, and right now, it would be to study computer science at Waterloo. That's why I'm currently trying my best academically rather than taking the lazy way out, which was what I was doing during the beginning of the semester. It's clear that I really want to study computer science at Waterloo. My reason being that Waterloo has the country's highest concentration of computer science researchers, has the world's largest co-op program, and has been the country's most innovative university for twenty-seven years. Taking all of this into account, I believe that Waterloo is the best school to achieve my goal of working for a FANG or similar company. It's worth putting in the extra effort.
The point I'm trying to convey is that I only tried in school for Waterloo's computer science program, and every other program is easy for me to get into. This is true, however, I'm scared that the reader will get the wrong idea or something. As for the "which was what I was doing during the beginning of the semester", I outlined my problems in the previous question, which I also posted on this website, and it would be really helpful if you could take a look at that too because my answers might contradict each other. In addition to the specific information requested in all the AIF questions, please tell us anything else about yourself that you would like us to know when we review your application. Please make sure to complete all sections of the AIF before submitting this page. (900-character limit) Honestly, I could slack off and go to any other computer science program in Ontario, but I don't, and that's because I never take the easy way out. I always pursue the highest achievable goal, and right now, it would be to study computer science at Waterloo. That's why I'm currently trying my best academically rather than taking the lazy way out, which was what I was doing during the beginning of the semester. It's clear that I really want to study computer science at Waterloo. My reason being that Waterloo has the country's highest concentration of computer science researchers, has the world's largest co-op program, and has been the country's most innovative university for twenty-seven years. Taking all of this into account, I believe that Waterloo is the best school to achieve my goal of working for a FANG or similar company. It's worth putting in the extra effort.
I am interested in engineering because I want to collaborate with others on projects and create a startup. Software Engineering was my choice because it combines the practicality of engineering with my passion for math and coding. Engineering is suitable for me because I consistently rank high on math and physics contests. After university, I plan to pursue a startup or become a Software Engineer. I got exposure to engineering through SHAD, FIRST and discussions. My principal noticed my strong performance on contests and introduced me to his son who is currently in SE at Waterloo. He recommended SE because it satisfied my interests. My SHAD Director also advised me to go into engineering because of my strong performance during the SHAD Olympics.
I am interested in engineering because I want to collaborate with others on projects and create a startup. Software Engineering was my choice because it combines the practicality of engineering with my passion for math and coding. Engineering is suitable for me because I consistently rank high on math and physics contests. After university, I plan to pursue a startup or become a Software Engineer. I got exposure to engineering through SHAD, FIRST and discussions. My principal noticed my strong performance on contests and introduced me to his son who is currently in SE at Waterloo. He recommended SE because it satisfied my interests. My SHAD Director also advised me to go into engineering because of my strong performance during the SHAD Olympics.
In Waterloo Engineering, I would like to start a new hackathon event that encourages collaborations between different faculties. Hack the North is perfect for students in engineering but may be intimidating for beginners. My event would introduce students to engineering and help them build new relationships. To supplement my hackathon event, I plan to create a club that connects students with new people. It will act as a hub where students can socialize and improve their soft skills. There will also be workshops to prepare students for the hackathon. Thus, my goal is creating a bridge between Waterloo's faculties. Along with my peers, I would like to improve my social skills and learn about different programs. Also, this concept can expand to other faculties. I want to inspire the creation of new clubs and continue supporting students even after I graduate.
In Waterloo Engineering, I would like to start a new hackathon event that encourages collaborations between different faculties. Hack the North is perfect for students in engineering but may be intimidating for beginners. My event would introduce students to engineering and help them build new relationships. To supplement my hackathon event, I plan to create a club that connects students with new people. It will act as a hub where students can socialize and improve their soft skills. There will also be workshops to prepare students for the hackathon. Thus, my goal is creating a bridge between Waterloo's faculties. Along with my peers, I would like to improve my social skills and learn about different programs. Also, this concept can expand to other faculties. I want to inspire the creation of new clubs and continue supporting students even after I graduate.
Btw these two questions are closely related and are in conjunction so they both need to be read. Thanks! Never perceived as intelligent, I have listened to many discouraging comments about my education goals. I was told I was stupid, and that my application is a waste of money because I will get rejected. Waterloo has never seemed far-fetched to me, but when my peers expect me to fail, I question myself. If everyone thinks that way, maybe they're correct and I'm too idealistic. During the start of grade 12, I lost a lot of academic motivation because I was weak-minded and let negativity get to me. Why spend time and effort nourishing a fruit that would not be picked? However, after some self-reflection, I've come to realize that at least I have a goal. The ambition alone shows that I've beaten the people who never even tried. The lack of motivation at the beginning of the semester resulted in a perfunctory academic start. I wasn't giving all I had, but now my foot is back on the pedal.
Btw these two questions are closely related and are in conjunction so they both need to be read. Thanks! Never perceived as intelligent, I have listened to many discouraging comments about my education goals. I was told I was stupid, and that my application is a waste of money because I will get rejected. Waterloo has never seemed far-fetched to me, but when my peers expect me to fail, I question myself. If everyone thinks that way, maybe they're correct, and I'm too idealistic. During the start of grade 12, I lost a lot of academic motivation because I was weak-minded and let negativity get to me. Why spend time and effort nourishing a fruit that would not be picked? However, after some self-reflection, I've come to realize that at least I have a goal. The ambition alone shows that I've beaten the people who never even tried. The lack of motivation at the beginning of the semester resulted in a perfunctory academic start. I wasn't giving all I had, but now my foot is back on the pedal.
Here is the prompt: You should also include a personal statement in this section elaborating on your achievements, as well as their relevance to the course of study you have chosen. (2000 characters maximum) As your statement is limited to only 2000 characters, do present your ideas in a focused and thoughtful manner. During my high school years, I am fortunate to have the privilege of being a representative of my school in the BRIDGE sister school partnership program with the Corinda State High School and given the chance of experiencing what it's like to study abroad. I learned a lot when I was in Australia, about aboriginal cultures, various indigenous wildlife, and also issues that Australians face. It was truly an unforgettable experience. Moreover, I am maintaining communication with my host family. Learning about different kinds of topics has become my daily habit. Growing up in the information age, I watched a lot of YouTube videos about different kinds of international issues such as pollution, poverty, civil wars, conflicts, and the refugee crisis. I even went as far as bringing up those aforementioned issues in my classroom debates. Therefore, when I heard about the existence of a conference for teenagers about the UN from one of my school alumnus, I instantly knew that I had to take the plunge, and so I did. When I first got the chance to dabble in the MUN arena, I had little idea about the inner workings of the UN, even more so about the topic that I will be discussing at the conference. Joining the Asia World MUN III conference has enhanced my skills from writing effective research papers, how to voice my ideas, and building connections with various delegates from different kinds of countries. MUN has changed me so much, from being the average high school student to a delegate actively seeking discussion and solutions for international issues. I always look at how innovative young entrepreneurs were and I went to try building my own games. My main goal is to solve those international issues by creating computer programs and raising awareness in the information age. I am determined to pursue a degree in computer science at NUS, Singapore's flagship and one of the world's top leading universities, using technology to tackle these international issues once and for all. Thank you very much for taking a look at my essay. I humbly await your responses.
Here is the prompt: You should also include a personal statement in this section elaborating on your achievements, as well as their relevance to the course of study you have chosen. (2000 characters maximum) As your statement is limited to only 2000 characters, do present your ideas in a focused and thoughtful manner. During my high school years, I am fortunate to have the privilege of being a representative of my school in the BRIDGE sister school partnership program with the Corina State High School and given the chance of experiencing what it's like to study abroad. I learned a lot when I was in Australia, about aboriginal cultures, various indigenous wildlife, and also issues that Australians face. It was truly an unforgettable experience. Moreover, I am maintaining communication with my host family. Learning about different kinds of topics has become my daily habit. Growing up in the information age, I watched a lot of YouTube videos about different kinds of international issues such as pollution, poverty, civil wars, conflicts, and the refugee crisis. I even went as far as bringing up those aforementioned issues in my classroom debates. Therefore, when I heard about the existence of a conference for teenagers about the UN from one of my school alumnus, I instantly knew that I had to take the plunge, and so I did. When I first got the chance to dabble in the MUN arena, I had little idea about the inner workings of the UN, even more so about the topic that I will be discussing at the conference. Joining the Asia World MUN III conference has enhanced my skills from writing effective research papers, how to voice my ideas, and building connections with various delegates from different kinds of countries. MUN has changed me so much, from being the average high school student to a delegate actively seeking discussion and solutions for international issues. I always look at how innovative young entrepreneurs were, and I went to try building my own games. My main goal is to solve those international issues by creating computer programs and raising awareness in the information age. I am determined to pursue a degree in computer science at NUS, Singapore's flagship and one of the world's top leading universities, using technology to tackle these international issues once and for all. Thank you very much for taking a look at my essay. I humbly await your responses.
Just like in December of 2018, I fell into a nervous breakdown again last October. I tried asking myself what was causing it, because I was tired of being attacked by the recurring symptoms: rumination, heart palpitations, insomnia, muscle aches and so on. I reflected on my lifestyle but to me it was as normal as that of any other typical Asian high school student. I found out that those exact signs run in my extended family-- it was hereditary, and I am highly susceptible to it. Seeking a therapist was not a choice as having any sort of mental illness is considered taboo here, so I opted for self-help by doing a lot of reading and seeking advice from those who suffer along with me, online. Since then, my priorities have shifted massively. Although outwardIy I am a high-functioning person, in reality I tend to spread myself too thin trying to achieve rather unrealistic expectations based on society's standard model of 'success' at the expense of my mental health. Now I gradually grow to realize that I have a bigger purpose in life; to be one who is well-rounded, leaves a positive impact in the world, while also being in contentment. In the pursuit of that, I invest more time 'slowing down' --by painting, looking at the universe and learning about my religion, and acknowledging my small successes. This sense of balance is what I regard as quintessential to a more fulfilling life.
Just like in December 2018, I fell into a nervous breakdown again last October. I tried asking myself what was causing it, because I was tired of being attacked by the recurring symptoms: rumination, heart palpitations, insomnia, muscle aches and so on. I reflected on my lifestyle but to me, it was as normal as that of any other typical Asian high school student. Furthermore, I found out that those exact signs run in my extended family-- it was hereditary, and I am highly susceptible to it. Seeking a therapist was not a choice as having any sort of mental illness is considered taboo here, so I opted for self-help by doing a lot of reading and seeking advice from those who suffer along with me, online. Since then, my priorities have shifted massively. Although outwardly I am a high-functioning person, in reality I tend to spread myself too thin trying to achieve rather unrealistic expectations based on society's standard model of 'success' at the expense of my mental health. Now I gradually grow to realize that I have a bigger purpose in life; to be one who is well-rounded, leaves a positive impact in the world, while also being in contentment. In the pursuit of that, I invest more time 'slowing down' --by painting, looking at the universe and learning about my religion, and acknowledging my small successes. This sense of balance is what I regard as quintessential to a more fulfilling life.
Hi! this is a response to one of the application questions. Please feel free to tell me how it is :) Each time my family would move to a different country, it would have a meaningful impact on me. Moving to different countries allowed me to learn a lot through meeting people and experiencing the culture. Moving to the Philippines at the age of three open up my eyes to poverty. Every morning, on the way to school, I would drive by a highway and under it was slums with kids similar to my age at the time. This was my first memorable sight of poverty. Seeing them play under those conditions made me realize my privilege and later motivated me in the future to give back. Moving to Cambodia at the age of eleven had taught me to understand the culture. Cambodia is filled with decades of dense history. Visiting places such as Angkor Wat and the Killing Fields allowed me to understand that behind every new building and monument is suffering. I started to appreciate the hard work and dedication as I trust that towards the end, it will be worth it. Lastly, living in Indonesia taught me about positivity. From my time there, I have met a lot of people; from drivers to security guards to teachers. Each one of them carried an aura of positivity and kindness. These are events that shape me to be the person I am today.
Hi! This is a response to one of the application questions. Please feel free to tell me how it is :) Each time my family would move to a different country, it would have a meaningful impact on me. Moving to different countries allowed me to learn a lot through meeting people and experiencing the culture. Moving to the Philippines at the age of three open up my eyes to poverty. Every morning, on the way to school, I would drive by a highway and under it was slums with kids similar to my age at the time. This was my first memorable sight of poverty. Seeing them play under those conditions made me realize my privilege and later motivated me in the future to give back. Moving to Cambodia at the age of eleven had taught me to understand the culture. Cambodia is filled with decades of dense history. Visiting places such as Angkor Was and the Killing Fields allowed me to understand that behind every new building and monument is suffering. I started to appreciate the hard work and dedication as I trust that towards the end, it will be worth it. Lastly, living in Indonesia taught me about positivity. From my time there, I have met a lot of people; from drivers to security guards to teachers. Each one of them carried an aura of positivity and kindness. These are events that shape me to be the person I am today.
Question: Choose one extracurricular activity or one employment opportunity you have listed above. In 300 words, or fewer, describe the impact of this experience and the greatest learning outcome for you. Response: Every time I auditioned for the Ottawa Youth Orchestra Academy, I always ended up occupying the seat at the very back of the ensemble. I despised my seat. In my eyes, being placed in the last row of my section meant that I was inferior to all of the violinists in front of me. In addition, I had difficulty following the conductor because dozens of musicians blocked my view while my neighbor piccoloist deafened me. However, my greatest issue with the seat was the inability to be seen or heard by the audience. During concerts, my presence went completely unnoticed, almost as if I was not there. I felt useless, even unwanted. It was truly a pitiful seat. What I discovered from being part of the orchestra was my desire to amaze people. I realized that the reason I initially joined the academy was to demonstrate the music I could produce to the audience. And this applied to everything I did; whether I performed a violin concerto, solved a challenging math problem or executed a deceptive shot in badminton, I did it all for show- not to boast, but to entertain. In essence, I learned that I enjoy displaying my creativity and capabilities. The five years I have spent at the academy have not gone to waste: although I was unable to stand out as a musician, experiencing the feeling of failure has transformed me to strive. The regret of not taking action to change my situation back then has become my greatest motivator today. During my post-secondary studies, I refuse to repeat my mistakes and remain at the back, powerless. I will aim to take the concertmaster's seat where I can clearly show myself and my genius to the audience.
Question: Choose one extracurricular activity or one employment opportunity you have listed above. In 300 words, or fewer, describe the impact of this experience and the greatest learning outcome for you. Response: Every time I auditioned for the Ottawa Youth Orchestra Academy, I always ended up occupying the seat at the very back of the ensemble. I despised my seat. In my eyes, being placed in the last row of my section meant that I was inferior to all the violinists in front of me. In addition, I had difficulty following the conductor because dozens of musicians blocked my view while my neighbor piccolos deafened me. However, my greatest issue with the seat was the inability to be seen or heard by the audience. During concerts, my presence went completely unnoticed, almost as if I was not there. I felt useless, even unwanted. It was truly a pitiful seat. What I discovered from being part of the orchestra was my desire to amaze people. I realized that the reason I initially joined the academy was to demonstrate the music I could produce to the audience. And this applied to everything I did; whether I performed a violin concerto, solved a challenging math problem or executed a deceptive shot in badminton, I did it all for show-not to boast, but to entertain. In essence, I learned that I enjoy displaying my creativity and capabilities. The five years I have spent at the academy have not gone to waste: although I was unable to stand out as a musician, experiencing the feeling of failure has transformed me to strive. The regret of not taking action to change my situation back then has become my greatest motivator today. During my post-secondary studies, I refuse to repeat my mistakes and remain at the back, powerless. I will aim to take the concertmaster's seat where I can clearly show myself and my genius to the audience.
In addition to my projects, I have already taken various online courses. I've completed courses and received certifications from IBM in Python for Data Science and Machine Learning in Python. Besides computer science and biology, I am also greatly interested in journalism as a hobby. In the past few years, I have written articles on events that have happened using interviews and thorough research tactics for websites such as *** ******. I'd be greatly interested in joining the student newspaper Imprint while studying at the University of Waterloo. While I am not pursuing journalism as a career, it would definitely provide me with a skill set that I could apply in many other aspects of my future career.
In addition to my projects, I have already taken various online courses. I've completed courses and received certifications from IBM in Python for Data Science and Machine Learning in Python. Besides computer science and biology, I am also greatly interested in journalism as a hobby. In the past few years, I have written articles on events that have happened using interviews and thorough research tactics for websites such as *** ******. I'd be greatly interested in joining the student newspaper Imprint while studying at the University of Waterloo. While I am not pursuing journalism as a career, it would definitely provide me with a skill set that I could apply in many other aspects of my future career.
Question:Please tell us about your educational goals, your interest in your chosen program(s), and your reasons for applying to the University of Waterloo. If you have applied to more than one program please discuss your interest in each program. (900 character limit) My Answer:Taking a computer science course at my high school and doing programming as a hobby sparked my interest in this field and defined my decision to pursue a career as a computer software professional. I aspire to develop the skills of interpreting problems in such ways that I can use machines and computation to solve them. Studying computer science will allow me to advance my programming skills and expand my knowledge of the mathematics needed for developing algorithms and solving complex problems with the help of technology. Being an international leader in mathematics and computer science, the University of Waterloo is perfect for achieving these goals. Its innovative culture and world renowned coop program would be huge motivators for me to grow academically and professionally. Rotating between school and work would allow immediate application of my academic skills to the real world.
Question:Please tell us about your educational goals, your interest in your chosen program(s), and your reasons for applying to the University of Waterloo. If you have applied to more than one program please discuss your interest in each program. (900-character limit) My Answer:Taking a computer science course at my high school and doing programming as a hobby sparked my interest in this field and defined my decision to pursue a career as a computer software professional. I aspire to develop the skills of interpreting problems in such ways that I can use machines and computation to solve them. Studying computer science will allow me to advance my programming skills and expand my knowledge of the mathematics needed for developing algorithms and solving complex problems with the help of technology. Being an international leader in mathematics and computer science, the University of Waterloo is perfect for achieving these goals. Its innovative culture and world renowned coop program would be huge motivators for me to grow academically and professionally. Rotating between school and work would allow immediate application of my academic skills to the real world.
Start of essay: Ending high school without having applied to any universities left me in a state of despair. I did not want to find myself only able to go to a community college without a plan for a university. While most of my high school friends were starting a new chapter of their lives in education, I was moving to a new state with my family and feeling misplaced. In high school, I took AP Physics and it really helped to pique my interest. While doing an independent research project, I came across a video where a physicist discussed his research and how he got to where he was. With my passion for math and science already present, this helped inspire me to pursue this as a career. I wanted to continue on after getting a bachelors in physics and do research that could prove useful to others. I loved learning and having a career in physics meant I will always be learning new information to apply to my research. Upon arriving in Texas, I began attending Austin Community College with physics as my declared major. I wasn't sure if I had made the right choice or if I would ever continue my education, but I kept reminding myself of where I wanted to be. Arriving in Texas, I had no friends to talk to and stayed at home most of the until I managed to get a job at a coffee shop. With work and school taking up most of my time, I was getting worn out and feeling like this was not where I wanted to stay. I felt lost like I was going nowhere. This changed when at work a man came in to the coffee shop do his work. I noticed him working on something math related and asked him about it. It turns out he was doing postdoctoral research at the University of Texas at Austin. Knowing that I had wanted to do research myself later in life I asked him about his path to get there and he had gone through a similar path of starting at a community college. Hearing that he had started at a community college reassured me that there was a purpose to what I was doing. One thing he stated that influenced my decision on wanting to go to UT was that research was highly encouraged. One of my personal goals was to have the opportunity to complete undergrad research. To me, what sets UT apart from other colleges is their extensive research opportunities with professors conducting research in numerous areas. Having done an independent research project in AP Physics on the formation of blackholes, I knew I wanted to later conduct research myself and feel that UT will provide a platform for me to be able to do this. Leaving California, I knew my goal but was unclear on how I was going to achieve it. However, after being at ACC I have furthered my passion for physics and met other like-minded individuals. Staying after class and talking with my professor about what was to come helped prepare me for future classes as well as encourage me to continue in my studies. All of this has prepared me and given me anticipation for what lies in store at UT. I feel that with the opportunities that UT has to offer I will not only meet my goal but surpass it.
Start of essay: Ending high school without having applied to any universities left me in a state of despair. I did not want to find myself only able to go to a community college without a plan for a university. While most of my high school friends were starting a new chapter of their lives in education, I was moving to a new state with my family and feeling misplaced. In high school, I took AP Physics, and it really helped to pique my interest. While doing an independent research project, I came across a video where a physicist discussed his research and how he got to where he was. With my passion for math and science already present, this helped inspire me to pursue this as a career. I wanted to continue on after getting a bachelor's in physics and do research that could prove useful to others. I loved learning and having a career in physics meant I will always be learning new information to apply to my research. Upon arriving in Texas, I began attending Austin Community College with physics as my declared major. I wasn't sure if I had made the right choice or if I would ever continue my education, but I kept reminding myself of where I wanted to be. Arriving in Texas, I had no friends to talk to and stayed at home most of the until I managed to get a job at a coffee shop. With work and school taking up most of my time, I was getting worn out and feeling like this was not where I wanted to stay. I felt lost like I was going nowhere. This changed when at work a man came in to the coffee shop do his work. I noticed him working on something math related and asked him about it. It turns out he was doing postdoctoral research at the University of Texas at Austin. Knowing that I had wanted to do research myself later in life I asked him about his path to get there, and he had gone through a similar path of starting at a community college. Hearing that he had started at a community college reassured me that there was a purpose to what I was doing. One thing he stated that influenced my decision on wanting to go to UT was that research was highly encouraged. One of my personal goals was to have the opportunity to complete undergrad research. To me, what sets UT apart from other colleges is their extensive research opportunities with professors conducting research in numerous areas. Having done an independent research project in AP Physics on the formation of black holes, I knew I wanted to later conduct research myself and feel that UT will provide a platform for me to be able to do this. Leaving California, I knew my goal but was unclear on how I was going to achieve it. However, after being at ACC I have furthered my passion for physics and met other like-minded individuals. Staying after class and talking with my professor about what was to come helped prepare me for future classes as well as encourage me to continue in my studies. All of this has prepared me and given me anticipation for what lies in store at UT. I feel that with the opportunities that UT has to offer I will not only meet my goal but surpass it.
Hi guys, I am at the process of applying for a postgraduate degree and as a part of the scholarship form I am required to write a maximum 400 words personal statement, which address the following issues: ·You should outline your motivation for choosing the TourDC programme (i.e. how it complements and develops your previous studies; how it relates to your career path; how it relates to your personal and academic interests). ·Explain why you think you are a good candidate for the programme given your previous studies and the courses offered on the programme in both years. ·You should highlight your participation in conferences, internships, non-governmental organisations, summer schools, and other activities connected to the area of tourism development and culture.·Explain why you think you should be considered for a scholarship. Please have a look, what I have done so far: In 2017, Prague has become the fifth most visited destination in Europe and is it is predicted to grow. The increasing number of tourists has led to uncontrolled development of tourism and the historic centre has become the honeypot of tourist ghetto. From my own experience, living in one building with Airbnb platforms is problematic as visitors often did not respect quiet hours in the night. Understanding the consequences of mismanagement of tourism-related development pursued me to study International Tourism Management in the UK as any tourism courses are not taught in Czech universities. During my first year of studies, I was doing the Join Honours Event and Tourism Management as I wanted to explore the power of event on urban renewal of the destination. To expand the gained knowledge, I would like to take in year 2 courses at University Institute Lisbon, where modules like Large events and event management are taught. From the second until the final year of the university I am an active member of Tourism society at my university, which aims to increase awareness of the general public about Tourism and Sustainable Development goals. My responsibility is to select, and post news related to tourism on the official Instagram account and university blog. It has enhanced my knowledge and skills about the importance of marketing. In order to enhance my project management skills and step out from my comfort zone, I went for a two-month volunteering trip in Sri Lanka on my won. The job required organizing the fundraising events for local non-profit organisations to promote democratic right among young women. My main motivation for applying for the EMJMD Tourism development & Culture programme is the opportunity to work as tourism officer, developing and implementing tourism policies and strategies, specializing on the need for a systematic conceptualisation of sustainable urban development. I believe that it is the best way how to manage the overtourism of destinations and most importantly prevent the negative impacts (in this case the mobility opportunity of the programme represents the great chance to experience a diversity of regional strategies of tourism in European cities). I desire to work for organisations such as the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic or The Association of Czech Travel Agents. In overall, by furthering my education in tourism I do believe I could make a difference in my hometown-Prague.
Hi guys, I am at the process of applying for a postgraduate degree and as a part of the scholarship form I am required to write a maximum 400 words personal statement, which address the following issues: ·You should outline your motivation for choosing the Tour DC program (i.e. how it complements and develops your previous studies; how it relates to your career path; how it relates to your personal and academic interests). ·Explain why you think you are a good candidate for the program given your previous studies and the courses offered on the program in both years. ·You should highlight your participation in conferences, internships, non-governmental organizations, summer schools, and other activities connected to the area of tourism development and culture.·Explain why you think you should be considered for a scholarship. Please have a look, what I have done so far: In 2017, Prague has become the fifth most visited destination in Europe and is it is predicted to grow. The increasing number of tourists has led to uncontrolled development of tourism and the historic center has become the honeypot of tourist ghetto. From my own experience, living in one building with Airbnb platforms is problematic as visitors often did not respect quiet hours in the night. Understanding the consequences of mismanagement of tourism-related development pursued me to study International Tourism Management in the UK as any tourism courses are not taught in Czech universities. During my first year of studies, I was doing the Join Honors Event and Tourism Management as I wanted to explore the power of event on urban renewal of the destination. To expand the gained knowledge, I would like to take in year 2 courses at University Institute Lisbon, where modules like Large events and event management are taught. From the second until the final year of the university I am an active member of Tourism society at my university, which aims to increase awareness of the public about Tourism and Sustainable Development goals. My responsibility is to select, and post news related to tourism on the official Instagram account and university blog. It has enhanced my knowledge and skills about the importance of marketing. In order to enhance my project management skills and step out from my comfort zone, I went for a two-month volunteering trip in Sri Lanka on my won. The job required organizing the fundraising events for local non-profit organizations to promote democratic right among young women. My main motivation for applying for the EM JMD Tourism development camp; Culture program is the opportunity to work as tourism officer, developing and implementing tourism policies and strategies, specializing on the need for a systematic conceptualization of sustainable urban development. I believe that it is the best way how to manage the over tourism of destinations and most importantly prevent the negative impacts (in this case the mobility opportunity of the program represents the great chance to experience a diversity of regional strategies of tourism in European cities). I desire to work for organizations such as the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic or The Association of Czech Travel Agents. In overall, by furthering my education in tourism I do believe I could make a difference in my hometown-Prague.
Entering the University of ....... with the ......... Scholarship would be life-changing for me. However, if I am not awarded with said scholarship, I am planning to continue my undergraduate studies at the University of Padjajaran in Indonesia. As a senior student, my friends and I are currently taking extra courses in school as a preparation to take tests to enter our chosen university. To balance it all out, I would love to explore Indonesia. It has always been a dream of mine to see the sunrise from Mount Bromo in East Java. Please give some feedbacks on my essay. Thank you in advance! ^-^
Entering the University of ....... with the ......... Scholarship would be life-changing for me. However, if I am not awarded with said scholarship, I am planning to continue my undergraduate studies at the University of Padjajaran in Indonesia. As a senior student, my friends and I are currently taking extra courses in school as a preparation to take tests to enter our chosen university. To balance it all out, I would love to explore Indonesia. It has always been a dream of mine to see the sunrise from Mount Promo in East Java. Please give some feedbacks on my essay. Thank you in advance! ^-^
One word that I believe describes myself is adaptable. I moved from my home country Belize to Moscow, Idaho when I was 12 years old to pursue a better education. I left my parents and family and went to live with my elder brother. I was excited at the prospect of moving to another country, and while it was hard at first, I eagerly adapted to and welcomed my new environment. One of the major challenges I faced was the gap in math knowledge. In Belize, I had never taken any Pre-Algebra or Algebra courses. So when I transferred to my new school in the middle of eight grade, I was quickly overwhelmed by the new, alien information. I am a person who strives to ace every class I take and, therefore, I was extremely frustrated at myself for not being able to keep up with the rest of the class. However, I kept pushing. I requested help at home and sought help from my teacher constantly; I wanted to get better. In the end my hard-work paid off. Despite my original struggles, I proceeded to receive A's in all my following math classes. In spite of my initial shortcomings, I was able to overcome and adapt to the point where I now enjoy the challenges that math brings.
One word that I believe describes myself is adaptable. I moved from my home country Belize to Moscow, Idaho when I was 12 years old to pursue a better education. I left my parents and family and went to live with my elder brother. Furthermore, I was excited at the prospect of moving to another country, and while it was hard at first, I eagerly adapted to and welcomed my new environment. One of the major challenges I faced was the gap in math knowledge. In Belize, I had never taken any Pre-Algebra or Algebra courses. So when I transferred to my new school in the middle of eight grade, I was quickly overwhelmed by the new, alien information. I am a person who strives to ace every class I take and, therefore, I was extremely frustrated at myself for not being able to keep up with the rest of the class. However, I kept pushing. I requested help at home and sought help from my teacher constantly; I wanted to get better. In the end my hard-work paid off. Despite my original struggles, I proceeded to receive A's in all my following math classes. In spite of my initial shortcomings, I was able to overcome and adapt to the point where I now enjoy the challenges that math brings.
Engineering is a very impressive major, which would constantly develop to create infinite invention which would change people lives. As persistent electrical engineering, my passion for trying out new challenges and creative thinking mind would help me to pursue my long-term goals of becoming the best engineer. The educational program of math, physics and advanced engineer class would support me to achieve much success and to become a savant. After finishing my degree at the university, I would make an enormous contribution to the university and my own country.
Engineering is a very impressive major, which would constantly develop to create infinite invention which would change people lives. As persistent electrical engineering, my passion for trying out new challenges and creative thinking mind would help me to pursue my long-term goals of becoming the best engineer. The educational program of math, physics and advanced engineer class would support me to achieve much success and to become a savant. After finishing my degree at the university, I would make an enormous contribution to the university and my own country.
I am interested in the undergraduate program for electrical engineering of University of XX. Here I am putting forward my candidacy for enrollment in this course. Humans use other things to accomplish their needs. From spears to nuclear bombs, from a fire to power plants, we developed our way of living throughout the history. Today technology benefits humanity greatly, sometimes it is a factor that affects our lifestyle. And I want to be in part of that factor. My name is Munkh-Ochir and I am from Mongolia. Last year I graduated my high school and successfully took an entrance exam for mathematics, English and physics. I am interested in electronics. The concept of creating something that is complex and useful for someone is fascinating to me. Everything is getting automated and smart city is a target today. There are a lot of possibilities for both practical and impractical projects. And I believe well enough execution can make impractical idea into real product that helps people. Neuralink, Elon Musk's project for translating waves of human brain into simple data bits, will open up new types of electronics. Directly using the data from human brain with high precision will affect the design of technologies and how user interface work in the future. For example controlling a skeleton suit with our mind and giving orders without even moving. Also receiving all five simulated sensors is one of humanity's fantasies. This concept of being elsewhere and experiencing something new while lying on a bed is alluring to me too. I want to follow this path using my creativity, problem solving skills and knowledge of Electronics to create various sorts of ideas into something functional. Studying in -X- is very appealing to me. I would be able to advance my English, get to know different cultures from all over the world, study in an esteemed university while living in safe and comparatively affordable place. But I believe there will be still walls for me to overcome, since I have never studied abroad. And I hope to learn both science of electronics and how life works in University of XX. (thanks a lot !! any criticism is appreciated)
I am interested in the undergraduate program for electrical engineering of University of XX. Here I am putting forward my candidacy for enrollment in this course. Humans use other things to accomplish their needs. From spears to nuclear bombs, from a fire to power plants, we developed our way of living throughout the history. Today technology benefits humanity greatly, sometimes it is a factor that affects our lifestyle. And I want to be in part of that factor. My name is Munkh-Ochir and I am from Mongolia. Last year I graduated from my high school and successfully took an entrance exam for mathematics, English and physics. I am interested in electronics. The concept of creating something that is complex and useful for someone is fascinating to me. Everything is getting automated, and smart city is a target today. There are a lot of possibilities for both practical and impractical projects. And I believe well enough execution can make impractical idea into real product that helps people. Neuralink, Elon Musk's project for translating waves of human brain into simple data bits, will open up new types of electronics. Directly using the data from human brain with high precision will affect the design of technologies and how user interface work in the future. For example controlling a skeleton suit with our mind and giving orders without even moving. Also receiving all five simulated sensors is one of humanity's fantasies. This concept of being elsewhere and experiencing something new while lying on a bed is alluring to me too. I want to follow this path using my creativity, problem-solving skills and knowledge of Electronics to create various sorts of ideas into something functional. Studying in -X- is very appealing to me. I would be able to advance my English, get to know different cultures from all over the world, study in an esteemed university while living in safe and comparatively affordable place. But I believe there will be still walls for me to overcome, since I have never studied abroad. And I hope to learn both science of electronics and how life works in University of XX. (thanks a lot !! Any criticism is appreciated)
Hey, my registration deadline is looming and I'm getting real anxious. At this point. I'm not even sure what I'm writing is even necessary! please help!! -Do you wish to provide details of circumstances or qualifications not reflected in the application? As an optimist that tries to find the greener side of the grass and is constantly looking for solutions and is very passionate about innovation and all that can lead to development and progress, I would like to further add on to my activities and extra curriculars I've done. Because I'm an extrovert, I allowed myself to participate in every single activity and take part in every club I could. However, that doesn't reflect my passions that I wish to convey. I'm a reader and I have read over 300 books in my high school years only, although I take a great pride in that, at some point I had found it rather meaningless if I cannot highlight and emphasize the importance of reading to my community. Therefore, I took the first step in bringing to life the very first Book Club to both my previous school and my current school. I took this project very seriously and worked my hardest to make it efficient and fun. As a club of 80+ members, we were able to read 5 books per academic year. During our club meetings, we discussed all literary aspects of each book. Together we had open discussions about the characters and the plots, not only increasing the students' skills, but also boosting their confidence and allowing them to share their ideas. Moreover, our club contributed back to the community by volunteering at bookstores and local libraries where we organized shelves and gave life to libraries. My proudest achievements in this club were hosting our very own Book Fair that went very smoothly and fifty percent of our revenue was donated to a local charity as well as inviting both local and international authors to welcome us and host a book talk. In middle school, I took the initiative and worked with my school counselor to start a program with the name "Sustainable Ambassadors". We were a team of high school and middle school students that together worked on educating the elementary students on the importance of being sustainable residents and take our environment in consideration before taking any action in our daily lives. That program was the tiny seed before the big plant. As soon as I entered high school and became part of the student council, I gave more room to this program to grow into a very successful recycling program. The recycling program went like this: 7 minutes before the last bell, my teammates and I (a team of no more than 20 students) would leave class with permission to collect recyclable trash from all around the school campus. All members were equipped with recyclable plastic bags and gloves to help them collect the trash. Each two participants would enter 5-7 classes to collect paper and plastic from their designated cans that we had arranged in each class prior. After 7 minutes, all teammates gather and meet at the school's main entrance to throw in what they collected in the big trash bins. Lastly, a recycling organization that we had teamed up with, would come and collect all trash on Saturdays to recycle them. Every day, the entire school campus was recycled within 7 minutes. To add on, I'm a rather good hostess. Aside from hosting school events, I have hosted multiple inter-school competitions, exhibitions and shows. And with a great deal of failures and a lot practices, I was able to host my high school's 2019 graduation in the Dubai Opera. An achievement I am so proud of because I had worked very hard to attain that position. I had tough competition going into it but I didn't let doubt or fear stop me from reaching my goal.
Hey, my registration deadline is looming, and I'm getting real anxious. At this point. I'm not even sure what I'm writing is even necessary! Please help!! -Do you wish to provide details of circumstances or qualifications not reflected in the application? As an optimist that tries to find the greener side of the grass and is constantly looking for solutions and is very passionate about innovation and all that can lead to development and progress, I would like to further add on to my activities and extracurriculars I've done. Because I'm an extrovert, I allowed myself to participate in every single activity and take part in every club I could. However, that doesn't reflect my passions that I wish to convey. I'm a reader and I have read over 300 books in my high school years only, although I take a great pride in that, at some point I had found it rather meaningless if I cannot highlight and emphasize the importance of reading to my community. Therefore, I took the first step in bringing to life the very first Book Club to both my previous school and my current school. I took this project very seriously and worked my hardest to make it efficient and fun. As a club of 80+ members, we were able to read 5 books per academic year. During our club meetings, we discussed all literary aspects of each book. Together we had open discussions about the characters and the plots, not only increasing the students' skills, but also boosting their confidence and allowing them to share their ideas. Moreover, our club contributed back to the community by volunteering at bookstores and local libraries where we organized shelves and gave life to libraries. My proudest achievements in this club were hosting our very own Book Fair that went very smoothly and fifty percent of our revenue was donated to a local charity as well as inviting both local and international authors to welcome us and host a book talk. In middle school, I took the initiative and worked with my school counselor to start a program with the name "Sustainable Ambassadors". We were a team of high school and middle school students that together worked on educating the elementary students on the importance of being sustainable residents and take our environment in consideration before taking any action in our daily lives. That program was the tiny seed before the big plant. As soon as I entered high school and became part of the student council, I gave more room to this program to grow into a very successful recycling program. The recycling program went like this: 7 minutes before the last bell, my teammates and I (a team of no more than 20 students) would leave class with permission to collect recyclable trash from all around the school campus. All members were equipped with recyclable plastic bags and gloves to help them collect the trash. Each two participants would enter 5-7 classes to collect paper and plastic from their designated cans that we had arranged in each class prior. After 7 minutes, all teammates gather and meet at the school's main entrance to throw in what they collected in the big trash bins. Lastly, a recycling organization that we had teamed up with, would come and collect all trash on Saturdays to recycle them. Every day, the entire school campus was recycled within 7 minutes. To add on, I'm a rather good hostess. Aside from hosting school events, I have hosted multiple interschool competitions, exhibitions and shows. And with a great deal of failures and a lot of practices, I was able to host my high school's 2019 graduation in the Dubai Opera. An achievement I am so proud of because I had worked very hard to attain that position. I had tough competition going into it, but I didn't let doubt or fear stop me from reaching my goal.