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2 classes
public abstract class AbstractPageRuleProcessor implements PageRuleProcessor { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractPageRuleProcessor.class); private Map expressionCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LRUMap(1000)); private ParserContext parserContext; private Map<String, String> contextClassNames = new HashMap<String, String> (); /** * Having a parser context that imports the classes speeds MVEL by up to 60%. * @return */ protected ParserContext getParserContext() { if (parserContext == null) { parserContext = new ParserContext(); parserContext.addImport("MVEL", MVEL.class); parserContext.addImport("MvelHelper", MvelHelper.class); /* Getting errors when the following is in place. for (String key : contextClassNames.keySet()) { String className = contextClassNames.get(key); try { Class c = Class.forName(className); parserContext.addImport(key, c); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("Error resolving classname while setting up MVEL context, rule processing based on the key " + key + " will not be optimized", e); } } */ } return parserContext; } /** * Helpful method for processing a boolean MVEL expression and associated arguments. * * Caches the expression in an LRUCache. * @param expression * @param vars * @return the result of the expression */ protected Boolean executeExpression(String expression, Map<String, Object> vars) { Serializable exp = (Serializable) expressionCache.get(expression); vars.put("MVEL", MVEL.class); if (exp == null) { try { exp = MVEL.compileExpression(expression, getParserContext()); } catch (CompileException ce) { LOG.warn("Compile exception processing phrase: " + expression,ce); return Boolean.FALSE; } expressionCache.put(expression, exp); } try { return (Boolean) MVEL.executeExpression(exp, vars); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } return false; } /** * List of class names to add to the MVEL ParserContext. * * @return * @see {@link ParserContext} */ public Map<String, String> getContextClassNames() { return contextClassNames; } /** * List of class names to add to the MVEL ParserContext. * * @return * @see {@link ParserContext} */ public void setContextClassNames(Map<String, String> contextClassNames) { this.contextClassNames = contextClassNames; } }
static class Empty extends DoubleArrayAtomicFieldData { Empty(int numDocs) { super(numDocs); } @Override public LongValues getLongValues() { return LongValues.EMPTY; } @Override public DoubleValues getDoubleValues() { return DoubleValues.EMPTY; } @Override public boolean isMultiValued() { return false; } @Override public boolean isValuesOrdered() { return false; } @Override public long getNumberUniqueValues() { return 0; } @Override public long getMemorySizeInBytes() { return 0; } @Override public BytesValues getBytesValues(boolean needsHashes) { return BytesValues.EMPTY; } @Override public ScriptDocValues getScriptValues() { return ScriptDocValues.EMPTY; } }
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(new java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction<sun.misc.Unsafe>() { public sun.misc.Unsafe run() throws Exception { Class<sun.misc.Unsafe> k = sun.misc.Unsafe.class; for (java.lang.reflect.Field f : k.getDeclaredFields()) { f.setAccessible(true); Object x = f.get(null); if (k.isInstance(x)) return k.cast(x); } throw new NoSuchFieldError("the Unsafe"); }});
makeDbCall(databaseDocumentTxTwo, new ODocumentHelper.ODbRelatedCall<java.lang.Object>() { public Object call() { convertSchemaDoc(doc2); return null; } });
new ThreadLocal<ThreadLocalRandom>() { protected ThreadLocalRandom initialValue() { return new ThreadLocalRandom(); } };
CONCURRENT { @Override <T> Recycler<T> build(Recycler.C<T> c, int limit, int availableProcessors) { return concurrent(dequeFactory(c, limit), availableProcessors); } },
public class OCommandExecutorSQLTruncateCluster extends OCommandExecutorSQLAbstract implements OCommandDistributedReplicateRequest { public static final String KEYWORD_TRUNCATE = "TRUNCATE"; public static final String KEYWORD_CLUSTER = "CLUSTER"; private String clusterName; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public OCommandExecutorSQLTruncateCluster parse(final OCommandRequest iRequest) { init((OCommandRequestText) iRequest); StringBuilder word = new StringBuilder(); int oldPos = 0; int pos = nextWord(parserText, parserTextUpperCase, oldPos, word, true); if (pos == -1 || !word.toString().equals(KEYWORD_TRUNCATE)) throw new OCommandSQLParsingException("Keyword " + KEYWORD_TRUNCATE + " not found. Use " + getSyntax(), parserText, oldPos); oldPos = pos; pos = nextWord(parserText, parserTextUpperCase, oldPos, word, true); if (pos == -1 || !word.toString().equals(KEYWORD_CLUSTER)) throw new OCommandSQLParsingException("Keyword " + KEYWORD_CLUSTER + " not found. Use " + getSyntax(), parserText, oldPos); oldPos = pos; pos = nextWord(parserText, parserText, oldPos, word, true); if (pos == -1) throw new OCommandSQLParsingException("Expected cluster name. Use " + getSyntax(), parserText, oldPos); clusterName = word.toString(); final ODatabaseRecord database = getDatabase(); if (database.getClusterIdByName(clusterName) == -1) throw new OCommandSQLParsingException("Cluster '" + clusterName + "' not found", parserText, oldPos); return this; } /** * Execute the command. */ public Object execute(final Map<Object, Object> iArgs) { if (clusterName == null) throw new OCommandExecutionException("Cannot execute the command because it has not been parsed yet"); final OCluster cluster = ((OStorageEmbedded) getDatabase().getStorage()).getClusterByName(clusterName); final long recs = cluster.getEntries(); try { cluster.truncate(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new OCommandExecutionException("Error on executing command", e); } return recs; } @Override public String getSyntax() { return "TRUNCATE CLUSTER <cluster-name>"; } }
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fBrowser.addOpenWindowListener(new OpenWindowListener() { @Override public void open(WindowEvent event) { event.required= true; // Cancel opening of new windows } });
service.submit(runnable, new ExecutionCallback() { public void onResponse(Object response) { responseLatch.countDown(); } public void onFailure(Throwable t) { } });
serializationConfig.addPortableFactory(5, new PortableFactory() { public Portable create(int classId) { return new SamplePortable(); } });
@Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) @Table(name = "BLC_BANK_ACCOUNT_PAYMENT") public class BankAccountPaymentInfoImpl implements BankAccountPaymentInfo { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected BankAccountPaymentInfoImpl() { //do not allow direct instantiation -- must at least be package private for bytecode instrumentation //this complies with JPA specification requirements for entity construction } @Transient protected EncryptionModule encryptionModule; @Id @GeneratedValue(generator = "BankPaymentId") @GenericGenerator( name="BankPaymentId", strategy="org.broadleafcommerce.common.persistence.IdOverrideTableGenerator", parameters = { @Parameter(name="segment_value", value="BankAccountPaymentInfoImpl"), @Parameter(name="entity_name", value="org.broadleafcommerce.core.payment.domain.BankAccountPaymentInfoImpl") } ) @Column(name = "PAYMENT_ID") protected Long id; @Column(name = "REFERENCE_NUMBER", nullable=false) @Index(name="BANKACCOUNT_INDEX", columnNames={"REFERENCE_NUMBER"}) protected String referenceNumber; @Column(name = "ACCOUNT_NUMBER", nullable=false) protected String accountNumber; @Column(name = "ROUTING_NUMBER", nullable=false) protected String routingNumber; @Override public Long getId() { return id; } @Override public void setId(Long id) { this.id = id; } @Override public String getReferenceNumber() { return referenceNumber; } @Override public void setReferenceNumber(String referenceNumber) { this.referenceNumber = referenceNumber; } @Override public String getAccountNumber() { return encryptionModule.decrypt(accountNumber); } @Override public void setAccountNumber(String accountNumber) { this.accountNumber = encryptionModule.encrypt(accountNumber); } @Override public String getRoutingNumber() { return encryptionModule.decrypt(routingNumber); } @Override public void setRoutingNumber(String routingNumber) { this.routingNumber = encryptionModule.encrypt(routingNumber); } @Override public EncryptionModule getEncryptionModule() { return encryptionModule; } @Override public void setEncryptionModule(EncryptionModule encryptionModule) { this.encryptionModule = encryptionModule; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((accountNumber == null) ? 0 : accountNumber.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((referenceNumber == null) ? 0 : referenceNumber.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((routingNumber == null) ? 0 : routingNumber.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; BankAccountPaymentInfoImpl other = (BankAccountPaymentInfoImpl) obj; if (id != null && other.id != null) { return id.equals(other.id); } if (accountNumber == null) { if (other.accountNumber != null) return false; } else if (!accountNumber.equals(other.accountNumber)) return false; if (referenceNumber == null) { if (other.referenceNumber != null) return false; } else if (!referenceNumber.equals(other.referenceNumber)) return false; if (routingNumber == null) { if (other.routingNumber != null) return false; } else if (!routingNumber.equals(other.routingNumber)) return false; return true; } }
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public class RuleType implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Map<String, RuleType> TYPES = new HashMap<String, RuleType>(); public static final RuleType CUSTOMER = new RuleType("1", "Customer"); public static final RuleType REQUEST = new RuleType("2", "Request"); public static final RuleType TIME = new RuleType("3", "Time"); public static final RuleType PRODUCT = new RuleType("4", "Product"); public static final RuleType ORDER_ITEM = new RuleType("5", "OrderItem"); public static final RuleType LOCALE = new RuleType("6", "Locale"); public static final RuleType ORDER_ITEM_HISTORY = new RuleType("7", "OrderItemHistory"); public static RuleType getInstance(final String type) { return TYPES.get(type); } private String type; private String friendlyType; public RuleType() { //do nothing } public RuleType(final String type, final String friendlyType) { this.friendlyType = friendlyType; setType(type); } public String getType() { return type; } public String getFriendlyType() { return friendlyType; } private void setType(final String type) { this.type = type; if (!TYPES.containsKey(type)) { TYPES.put(type, this); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot add the type: (" + type + "). It already exists as a type via " + getInstance(type).getClass().getName()); } } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((type == null) ? 0 : type.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; RuleType other = (RuleType) obj; if (type == null) { if (other.type != null) return false; } else if (!type.equals(other.type)) return false; return true; } }
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public abstract class AdapterActionFuture<T, L> extends BaseFuture<T> implements ActionFuture<T>, ActionListener<L> { private Throwable rootFailure; @Override public T actionGet() throws ElasticsearchException { try { return get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("Future got interrupted", e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw rethrowExecutionException(e); } } @Override public T actionGet(String timeout) throws ElasticsearchException { return actionGet(TimeValue.parseTimeValue(timeout, null)); } @Override public T actionGet(long timeoutMillis) throws ElasticsearchException { return actionGet(timeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } @Override public T actionGet(TimeValue timeout) throws ElasticsearchException { return actionGet(timeout.millis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } @Override public T actionGet(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws ElasticsearchException { try { return get(timeout, unit); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new ElasticsearchTimeoutException(e.getMessage()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("Future got interrupted", e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw rethrowExecutionException(e); } } static ElasticsearchException rethrowExecutionException(ExecutionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ElasticsearchException) { ElasticsearchException esEx = (ElasticsearchException) e.getCause(); Throwable root = esEx.unwrapCause(); if (root instanceof ElasticsearchException) { return (ElasticsearchException) root; } return new UncategorizedExecutionException("Failed execution", root); } else { return new UncategorizedExecutionException("Failed execution", e); } } @Override public void onResponse(L result) { set(convert(result)); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e) { setException(e); } protected abstract T convert(L listenerResponse); @Override public Throwable getRootFailure() { return rootFailure; } }
@RunWith(HazelcastParallelClassRunner.class) @Category(NightlyTest.class) public class ClientMultiMapListenerStressTest { static final int MAX_SECONDS = 60 * 10; static final String MAP_NAME = randomString(); static final int NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS = 8; static final int THREADS_PER_CLIENT = 8; static HazelcastInstance server; @BeforeClass public static void init() { server = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); } @AfterClass public static void destroy() { HazelcastClient.shutdownAll(); Hazelcast.shutdownAll(); } @Category(ProblematicTest.class) @Test public void listenerAddStressTest() throws InterruptedException { final PutItemsThread[] putThreads = new PutItemsThread[NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS * THREADS_PER_CLIENT]; int idx=0; for(int i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS; i++){ HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(); for(int j=0; j<THREADS_PER_CLIENT; j++){ PutItemsThread t = new PutItemsThread(client); putThreads[idx++]=t; } } for(int i=0; i<putThreads.length; i++){ putThreads[i].start(); } MultiMap mm = server.getMultiMap(MAP_NAME); assertJoinable(MAX_SECONDS, putThreads ); assertEquals(PutItemsThread.MAX_ITEMS * putThreads.length, mm.size()); assertTrueEventually(new AssertTask() { public void run() throws Exception { for(int i=0; i<putThreads.length; i++){ putThreads[i].assertResult(PutItemsThread.MAX_ITEMS * putThreads.length); } } }); } public class PutItemsThread extends Thread{ public static final int MAX_ITEMS = 1000; public final MyEntryListener listener = new MyEntryListener(); public HazelcastInstance hzInstance; public MultiMap mm; public String id; public PutItemsThread(HazelcastInstance hzInstance){ this.id = randomString(); this.hzInstance = hzInstance; this.mm = hzInstance.getMultiMap(MAP_NAME); mm.addEntryListener(listener, true); } public void run(){ for(int i=0; i< MAX_ITEMS; i++){ mm.put(id+i, id+i); } } public void assertResult(int target){ System.out.println("listener "+id+" add events received "+listener.add.get()); assertEquals(target, listener.add.get()); } } static class MyEntryListener implements EntryListener { public AtomicInteger add = new AtomicInteger(0); public void entryAdded(EntryEvent event) { add.incrementAndGet(); } public void entryRemoved(EntryEvent event) { } public void entryUpdated(EntryEvent event) { } public void entryEvicted(EntryEvent event) { } }; }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public abstract class OCommandRequestAbstract implements OCommandRequestInternal { protected OCommandResultListener resultListener; protected OProgressListener progressListener; protected int limit = -1; protected long timeoutMs = OGlobalConfiguration.COMMAND_TIMEOUT.getValueAsLong(); protected TIMEOUT_STRATEGY timeoutStrategy = TIMEOUT_STRATEGY.EXCEPTION; protected Map<Object, Object> parameters; protected String fetchPlan = null; protected boolean useCache = false; protected OCommandContext context; protected OCommandRequestAbstract() { } public OCommandResultListener getResultListener() { return resultListener; } public void setResultListener(OCommandResultListener iListener) { resultListener = iListener; } public Map<Object, Object> getParameters() { return parameters; } protected void setParameters(final Object... iArgs) { if (iArgs != null && iArgs.length > 0) parameters = convertToParameters(iArgs); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Map<Object, Object> convertToParameters(final Object... iArgs) { final Map<Object, Object> params; if (iArgs.length == 1 && iArgs[0] instanceof Map) { params = (Map<Object, Object>) iArgs[0]; } else { params = new HashMap<Object, Object>(iArgs.length); for (int i = 0; i < iArgs.length; ++i) { Object par = iArgs[i]; if (par instanceof OIdentifiable && ((OIdentifiable) par).getIdentity().isValid()) // USE THE RID ONLY par = ((OIdentifiable) par).getIdentity(); params.put(i, par); } } return params; } public OProgressListener getProgressListener() { return progressListener; } public OCommandRequestAbstract setProgressListener(OProgressListener progressListener) { this.progressListener = progressListener; return this; } public void reset() { } public int getLimit() { return limit; } public OCommandRequestAbstract setLimit(final int limit) { this.limit = limit; return this; } public String getFetchPlan() { return fetchPlan; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <RET extends OCommandRequest> RET setFetchPlan(String fetchPlan) { this.fetchPlan = fetchPlan; return (RET) this; } public boolean isUseCache() { return useCache; } public void setUseCache(boolean useCache) { this.useCache = useCache; } @Override public OCommandContext getContext() { if (context == null) context = new OBasicCommandContext(); return context; } public OCommandRequestAbstract setContext(final OCommandContext iContext) { context = iContext; return this; } public long getTimeoutTime() { return timeoutMs; } public void setTimeout(final long timeout, TIMEOUT_STRATEGY strategy) { this.timeoutMs = timeout; this.timeoutStrategy = strategy; } public TIMEOUT_STRATEGY getTimeoutStrategy() { return timeoutStrategy; } }
public static class Factory implements NativeScriptFactory { @Override public ExecutableScript newScript(@Nullable Map<String, Object> params) { return new NativeNaiveTFIDFScoreScript(params); } }
public class ClientTxnSetProxy<E> extends AbstractClientTxnCollectionProxy<E> implements TransactionalSet<E> { public ClientTxnSetProxy(String name, TransactionContextProxy proxy) { super(name, proxy); } public boolean add(E e) { throwExceptionIfNull(e); final Data value = toData(e); final TxnSetAddRequest request = new TxnSetAddRequest(getName(), value); final Boolean result = invoke(request); return result; } public boolean remove(E e) { throwExceptionIfNull(e); final Data value = toData(e); final TxnSetRemoveRequest request = new TxnSetRemoveRequest(getName(), value); final Boolean result = invoke(request); return result; } public int size() { final TxnSetSizeRequest request = new TxnSetSizeRequest(getName()); final Integer result = invoke(request); return result; } public String getServiceName() { return SetService.SERVICE_NAME; } }
public class OModificationOperationProhibitedException extends OException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public OModificationOperationProhibitedException() { } public OModificationOperationProhibitedException(String message) { super(message); } public OModificationOperationProhibitedException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } public OModificationOperationProhibitedException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } }
public class IndexShardStatus implements Iterable<ShardStatus> { private final ShardId shardId; private final ShardStatus[] shards; IndexShardStatus(ShardId shardId, ShardStatus[] shards) { this.shardId = shardId; this.shards = shards; } public ShardId getShardId() { return this.shardId; } public ShardStatus[] getShards() { return this.shards; } public ShardStatus getAt(int position) { return shards[position]; } /** * Returns only the primary shards store size in bytes. */ public ByteSizeValue getPrimaryStoreSize() { long bytes = -1; for (ShardStatus shard : getShards()) { if (!shard.getShardRouting().primary()) { // only sum docs for the primaries continue; } if (shard.getStoreSize() != null) { if (bytes == -1) { bytes = 0; } bytes += shard.getStoreSize().bytes(); } } if (bytes == -1) { return null; } return new ByteSizeValue(bytes); } /** * Returns the full store size in bytes, of both primaries and replicas. */ public ByteSizeValue getStoreSize() { long bytes = -1; for (ShardStatus shard : getShards()) { if (shard.getStoreSize() != null) { if (bytes == -1) { bytes = 0; } bytes += shard.getStoreSize().bytes(); } } if (bytes == -1) { return null; } return new ByteSizeValue(bytes); } public long getTranslogOperations() { long translogOperations = -1; for (ShardStatus shard : getShards()) { if (shard.getTranslogOperations() != -1) { if (translogOperations == -1) { translogOperations = 0; } translogOperations += shard.getTranslogOperations(); } } return translogOperations; } private transient DocsStatus docs; public DocsStatus getDocs() { if (docs != null) { return docs; } DocsStatus docs = null; for (ShardStatus shard : getShards()) { if (!shard.getShardRouting().primary()) { // only sum docs for the primaries continue; } if (shard.getDocs() == null) { continue; } if (docs == null) { docs = new DocsStatus(); } docs.numDocs += shard.getDocs().getNumDocs(); docs.maxDoc += shard.getDocs().getMaxDoc(); docs.deletedDocs += shard.getDocs().getDeletedDocs(); } this.docs = docs; return this.docs; } /** * Total merges of this shard replication group. */ public MergeStats getMergeStats() { MergeStats mergeStats = new MergeStats(); for (ShardStatus shard : shards) { mergeStats.add(shard.getMergeStats()); } return mergeStats; } public RefreshStats getRefreshStats() { RefreshStats refreshStats = new RefreshStats(); for (ShardStatus shard : shards) { refreshStats.add(shard.getRefreshStats()); } return refreshStats; } public FlushStats getFlushStats() { FlushStats flushStats = new FlushStats(); for (ShardStatus shard : shards) { flushStats.add(shard.flushStats); } return flushStats; } @Override public Iterator<ShardStatus> iterator() { return Iterators.forArray(shards); } }
abstract class BasicInvocation implements ResponseHandler, Runnable { private final static AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater RESPONSE_RECEIVED_FIELD_UPDATER = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(BasicInvocation.class, Boolean.class, "responseReceived"); static final Object NULL_RESPONSE = new InternalResponse("Invocation::NULL_RESPONSE"); static final Object RETRY_RESPONSE = new InternalResponse("Invocation::RETRY_RESPONSE"); static final Object WAIT_RESPONSE = new InternalResponse("Invocation::WAIT_RESPONSE"); static final Object TIMEOUT_RESPONSE = new InternalResponse("Invocation::TIMEOUT_RESPONSE"); static final Object INTERRUPTED_RESPONSE = new InternalResponse("Invocation::INTERRUPTED_RESPONSE"); static class InternalResponse { private String toString; private InternalResponse(String toString) { this.toString = toString; } @Override public String toString() { return toString; } } private static final long MIN_TIMEOUT = 10000; protected final long callTimeout; protected final NodeEngineImpl nodeEngine; protected final String serviceName; protected final Operation op; protected final int partitionId; protected final int replicaIndex; protected final int tryCount; protected final long tryPauseMillis; protected final ILogger logger; private final BasicInvocationFuture invocationFuture; //needs to be a Boolean because it is updated through the RESPONSE_RECEIVED_FIELD_UPDATER private volatile Boolean responseReceived = Boolean.FALSE; private volatile int invokeCount = 0; boolean remote = false; private final String executorName; final boolean resultDeserialized; private Address invTarget; private MemberImpl invTargetMember; volatile int backupsCompleted; volatile NormalResponse potentialResponse; volatile int backupsExpected; BasicInvocation(NodeEngineImpl nodeEngine, String serviceName, Operation op, int partitionId, int replicaIndex, int tryCount, long tryPauseMillis, long callTimeout, Callback<Object> callback, String executorName, boolean resultDeserialized) { this.logger = nodeEngine.getLogger(BasicInvocation.class); this.nodeEngine = nodeEngine; this.serviceName = serviceName; this.op = op; this.partitionId = partitionId; this.replicaIndex = replicaIndex; this.tryCount = tryCount; this.tryPauseMillis = tryPauseMillis; this.callTimeout = getCallTimeout(callTimeout); this.invocationFuture = new BasicInvocationFuture(this, callback); this.executorName = executorName; this.resultDeserialized = resultDeserialized; } abstract ExceptionAction onException(Throwable t); public String getServiceName() { return serviceName; } InternalPartition getPartition() { return nodeEngine.getPartitionService().getPartition(partitionId); } public int getReplicaIndex() { return replicaIndex; } public int getPartitionId() { return partitionId; } ExecutorService getAsyncExecutor() { return nodeEngine.getExecutionService().getExecutor(ExecutionService.ASYNC_EXECUTOR); } private long getCallTimeout(long callTimeout) { if (callTimeout > 0) { return callTimeout; } BasicOperationService operationService = (BasicOperationService) nodeEngine.operationService; final long defaultCallTimeout = operationService.getDefaultCallTimeout(); if (op instanceof WaitSupport) { final long waitTimeoutMillis = op.getWaitTimeout(); if (waitTimeoutMillis > 0 && waitTimeoutMillis < Long.MAX_VALUE) { /* * final long minTimeout = Math.min(defaultCallTimeout, MIN_TIMEOUT); * long callTimeout = Math.min(waitTimeoutMillis, defaultCallTimeout); * callTimeout = Math.max(a, minTimeout); * return callTimeout; * * Below two lines are shortened version of above* * using min(max(x,y),z)=max(min(x,z),min(y,z)) */ final long max = Math.max(waitTimeoutMillis, MIN_TIMEOUT); return Math.min(max, defaultCallTimeout); } } return defaultCallTimeout; } public final BasicInvocationFuture invoke() { if (invokeCount > 0) { // no need to be pessimistic. throw new IllegalStateException("An invocation can not be invoked more than once!"); } if (op.getCallId() != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("An operation[" + op + "] can not be used for multiple invocations!"); } try { setCallTimeout(op, callTimeout); setCallerAddress(op, nodeEngine.getThisAddress()); op.setNodeEngine(nodeEngine) .setServiceName(serviceName) .setPartitionId(partitionId) .setReplicaIndex(replicaIndex) .setExecutorName(executorName); if (op.getCallerUuid() == null) { op.setCallerUuid(nodeEngine.getLocalMember().getUuid()); } BasicOperationService operationService = (BasicOperationService) nodeEngine.operationService; if (!operationService.scheduler.isInvocationAllowedFromCurrentThread(op) && !isMigrationOperation(op)) { throw new IllegalThreadStateException(Thread.currentThread() + " cannot make remote call: " + op); } doInvoke(); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof RetryableException) { notify(e); } else { throw ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e); } } return invocationFuture; } private void resetAndReInvoke() { invokeCount = 0; potentialResponse = null; backupsExpected = -1; doInvoke(); } private void doInvoke() { if (!nodeEngine.isActive()) { remote = false; notify(new HazelcastInstanceNotActiveException()); return; } invTarget = getTarget(); invokeCount++; final Address thisAddress = nodeEngine.getThisAddress(); if (invTarget == null) { remote = false; if (nodeEngine.isActive()) { notify(new WrongTargetException(thisAddress, null, partitionId, replicaIndex, op.getClass().getName(), serviceName)); } else { notify(new HazelcastInstanceNotActiveException()); } return; } invTargetMember = nodeEngine.getClusterService().getMember(invTarget); if (!isJoinOperation(op) && invTargetMember == null) { notify(new TargetNotMemberException(invTarget, partitionId, op.getClass().getName(), serviceName)); return; } if (op.getPartitionId() != partitionId) { notify(new IllegalStateException("Partition id of operation: " + op.getPartitionId() + " is not equal to the partition id of invocation: " + partitionId)); return; } if (op.getReplicaIndex() != replicaIndex) { notify(new IllegalStateException("Replica index of operation: " + op.getReplicaIndex() + " is not equal to the replica index of invocation: " + replicaIndex)); return; } final BasicOperationService operationService = (BasicOperationService) nodeEngine.operationService; setInvocationTime(op, nodeEngine.getClusterTime()); remote = !thisAddress.equals(invTarget); if (remote) { final long callId = operationService.registerInvocation(this); boolean sent = operationService.send(op, invTarget); if (!sent) { operationService.deregisterInvocation(callId); notify(new RetryableIOException("Packet not send to -> " + invTarget)); } } else { if (op instanceof BackupAwareOperation) { operationService.registerInvocation(this); } responseReceived = Boolean.FALSE; op.setResponseHandler(this); //todo: should move to the operationService. if (operationService.scheduler.isAllowedToRunInCurrentThread(op)) { operationService.runOperationOnCallingThread(op); } else { operationService.executeOperation(op); } } } private static Throwable getError(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return null; } if (obj instanceof Throwable) { return (Throwable) obj; } if (!(obj instanceof NormalResponse)) { return null; } NormalResponse response = (NormalResponse) obj; if (!(response.getValue() instanceof Throwable)) { return null; } return (Throwable) response.getValue(); } @Override public void sendResponse(Object obj) { if (!RESPONSE_RECEIVED_FIELD_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE)) { throw new ResponseAlreadySentException("NormalResponse already responseReceived for callback: " + this + ", current-response: : " + obj); } notify(obj); } @Override public boolean isLocal() { return true; } public boolean isCallTarget(MemberImpl leftMember) { if (invTargetMember == null) { return leftMember.getAddress().equals(invTarget); } else { return leftMember.getUuid().equals(invTargetMember.getUuid()); } } //this method is called by the operation service to signal the invocation that something has happened, e.g. //a response is returned. //@Override public void notify(Object obj) { Object response = resolveResponse(obj); if (response == RETRY_RESPONSE) { handleRetryResponse(); return; } if (response == WAIT_RESPONSE) { handleWaitResponse(); return; } //if a regular response came and there are backups, we need to wait for the backs. //when the backups complete, the response will be send by the last backup. if (response instanceof NormalResponse && op instanceof BackupAwareOperation) { final NormalResponse resp = (NormalResponse) response; if (resp.getBackupCount() > 0) { waitForBackups(resp.getBackupCount(), 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, resp); return; } } //we don't need to wait for a backup, so we can set the response immediately. invocationFuture.set(response); } private void handleWaitResponse() { invocationFuture.set(WAIT_RESPONSE); } private void handleRetryResponse() { if (invocationFuture.interrupted) { invocationFuture.set(INTERRUPTED_RESPONSE); } else { invocationFuture.set(WAIT_RESPONSE); final ExecutionService ex = nodeEngine.getExecutionService(); // fast retry for the first few invocations if (invokeCount < 5) { getAsyncExecutor().execute(this); } else { ex.schedule(ExecutionService.ASYNC_EXECUTOR, this, tryPauseMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } } private Object resolveResponse(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return NULL_RESPONSE; } Throwable error = getError(obj); if (error == null) { return obj; } if (error instanceof CallTimeoutException) { if (logger.isFinestEnabled()) { logger.finest("Call timed-out during wait-notify phase, retrying call: " + toString()); } if (op instanceof WaitSupport) { // decrement wait-timeout by call-timeout long waitTimeout = op.getWaitTimeout(); waitTimeout -= callTimeout; op.setWaitTimeout(waitTimeout); } invokeCount--; return RETRY_RESPONSE; } final ExceptionAction action = onException(error); final int localInvokeCount = invokeCount; if (action == ExceptionAction.RETRY_INVOCATION && localInvokeCount < tryCount) { if (localInvokeCount > 99 && localInvokeCount % 10 == 0) { logger.warning("Retrying invocation: " + toString() + ", Reason: " + error); } return RETRY_RESPONSE; } if (action == ExceptionAction.CONTINUE_WAIT) { return WAIT_RESPONSE; } return error; } protected abstract Address getTarget(); @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("BasicInvocation"); sb.append("{ serviceName='").append(serviceName).append('\''); sb.append(", op=").append(op); sb.append(", partitionId=").append(partitionId); sb.append(", replicaIndex=").append(replicaIndex); sb.append(", tryCount=").append(tryCount); sb.append(", tryPauseMillis=").append(tryPauseMillis); sb.append(", invokeCount=").append(invokeCount); sb.append(", callTimeout=").append(callTimeout); sb.append(", target=").append(invTarget); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } //backupsCompleted is incremented while a lock is hold. @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings("VO_VOLATILE_INCREMENT") public void signalOneBackupComplete() { synchronized (this) { backupsCompleted++; if (backupsExpected == -1) { return; } if (backupsExpected != backupsCompleted) { return; } if (potentialResponse != null) { invocationFuture.set(potentialResponse); } } } private void waitForBackups(int backupCount, long timeout, TimeUnit unit, NormalResponse response) { synchronized (this) { this.backupsExpected = backupCount; if (backupsCompleted == backupsExpected) { invocationFuture.set(response); return; } this.potentialResponse = response; } nodeEngine.getExecutionService().schedule(ExecutionService.ASYNC_EXECUTOR, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (BasicInvocation.this) { if (backupsExpected == backupsCompleted) { return; } } if (nodeEngine.getClusterService().getMember(invTarget) != null) { synchronized (BasicInvocation.this) { if (BasicInvocation.this.potentialResponse != null) { invocationFuture.set(BasicInvocation.this.potentialResponse); BasicInvocation.this.potentialResponse = null; } } return; } resetAndReInvoke(); } }, timeout, unit); } @Override public void run() { doInvoke(); } }
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static class MapInterceptorImpl implements MapInterceptor { MapInterceptorImpl() { } public Object interceptGet(Object value) { if ("value1".equals(value)) { return "getIntercepted"; } return null; } public void afterGet(Object value) { } public Object interceptPut(Object oldValue, Object newValue) { if ("oldValue".equals(oldValue) && "newValue".equals(newValue)) { return "putIntercepted"; } return null; } public void afterPut(Object value) { } public Object interceptRemove(Object removedValue) { if ("value2".equals(removedValue)) { return "removeIntercepted"; } return null; } public void afterRemove(Object value) { } }
public enum AddMethodType { PERSIST, LOOKUP }
constructors[COLLECTION_CONTAINS] = new ConstructorFunction<Integer, IdentifiedDataSerializable>() { public IdentifiedDataSerializable createNew(Integer arg) { return new CollectionContainsOperation(); } };
public class ThrottlingAllocationTests extends ElasticsearchAllocationTestCase { private final ESLogger logger = Loggers.getLogger(ThrottlingAllocationTests.class); @Test public void testPrimaryRecoveryThrottling() { AllocationService strategy = createAllocationService(settingsBuilder() .put("cluster.routing.allocation.node_concurrent_recoveries", 3) .put("cluster.routing.allocation.node_initial_primaries_recoveries", 3) .build()); logger.info("Building initial routing table"); MetaData metaData = MetaData.builder() .put(IndexMetaData.builder("test").numberOfShards(10).numberOfReplicas(1)) .build(); RoutingTable routingTable = RoutingTable.builder() .addAsNew(metaData.index("test")) .build(); ClusterState clusterState = ClusterState.builder().metaData(metaData).routingTable(routingTable).build(); logger.info("start one node, do reroute, only 3 should initialize"); clusterState = ClusterState.builder(clusterState).nodes(DiscoveryNodes.builder().put(newNode("node1"))).build(); routingTable = strategy.reroute(clusterState).routingTable(); clusterState = ClusterState.builder(clusterState).routingTable(routingTable).build(); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(STARTED).size(), equalTo(0)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING).size(), equalTo(3)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(UNASSIGNED).size(), equalTo(17)); logger.info("start initializing, another 3 should initialize"); routingTable = strategy.applyStartedShards(clusterState, routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING)).routingTable(); clusterState = ClusterState.builder(clusterState).routingTable(routingTable).build(); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(STARTED).size(), equalTo(3)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING).size(), equalTo(3)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(UNASSIGNED).size(), equalTo(14)); logger.info("start initializing, another 3 should initialize"); routingTable = strategy.applyStartedShards(clusterState, routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING)).routingTable(); clusterState = ClusterState.builder(clusterState).routingTable(routingTable).build(); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(STARTED).size(), equalTo(6)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING).size(), equalTo(3)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(UNASSIGNED).size(), equalTo(11)); logger.info("start initializing, another 1 should initialize"); routingTable = strategy.applyStartedShards(clusterState, routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING)).routingTable(); clusterState = ClusterState.builder(clusterState).routingTable(routingTable).build(); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(STARTED).size(), equalTo(9)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING).size(), equalTo(1)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(UNASSIGNED).size(), equalTo(10)); logger.info("start initializing, all primaries should be started"); routingTable = strategy.applyStartedShards(clusterState, routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING)).routingTable(); clusterState = ClusterState.builder(clusterState).routingTable(routingTable).build(); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(STARTED).size(), equalTo(10)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING).size(), equalTo(0)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(UNASSIGNED).size(), equalTo(10)); } @Test public void testReplicaAndPrimaryRecoveryThrottling() { AllocationService strategy = createAllocationService(settingsBuilder() .put("cluster.routing.allocation.concurrent_recoveries", 3) .put("cluster.routing.allocation.node_initial_primaries_recoveries", 3) .build()); logger.info("Building initial routing table"); MetaData metaData = MetaData.builder() .put(IndexMetaData.builder("test").numberOfShards(5).numberOfReplicas(1)) .build(); RoutingTable routingTable = RoutingTable.builder() .addAsNew(metaData.index("test")) .build(); ClusterState clusterState = ClusterState.builder().metaData(metaData).routingTable(routingTable).build(); logger.info("start one node, do reroute, only 3 should initialize"); clusterState = ClusterState.builder(clusterState).nodes(DiscoveryNodes.builder().put(newNode("node1"))).build(); routingTable = strategy.reroute(clusterState).routingTable(); clusterState = ClusterState.builder(clusterState).routingTable(routingTable).build(); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(STARTED).size(), equalTo(0)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING).size(), equalTo(3)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(UNASSIGNED).size(), equalTo(7)); logger.info("start initializing, another 2 should initialize"); routingTable = strategy.applyStartedShards(clusterState, routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING)).routingTable(); clusterState = ClusterState.builder(clusterState).routingTable(routingTable).build(); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(STARTED).size(), equalTo(3)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING).size(), equalTo(2)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(UNASSIGNED).size(), equalTo(5)); logger.info("start initializing, all primaries should be started"); routingTable = strategy.applyStartedShards(clusterState, routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING)).routingTable(); clusterState = ClusterState.builder(clusterState).routingTable(routingTable).build(); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(STARTED).size(), equalTo(5)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING).size(), equalTo(0)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(UNASSIGNED).size(), equalTo(5)); logger.info("start another node, replicas should start being allocated"); clusterState = ClusterState.builder(clusterState).nodes(DiscoveryNodes.builder(clusterState.nodes()).put(newNode("node2"))).build(); routingTable = strategy.reroute(clusterState).routingTable(); clusterState = ClusterState.builder(clusterState).routingTable(routingTable).build(); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(STARTED).size(), equalTo(5)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING).size(), equalTo(3)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(UNASSIGNED).size(), equalTo(2)); logger.info("start initializing replicas"); routingTable = strategy.applyStartedShards(clusterState, routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING)).routingTable(); clusterState = ClusterState.builder(clusterState).routingTable(routingTable).build(); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(STARTED).size(), equalTo(8)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING).size(), equalTo(2)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(UNASSIGNED).size(), equalTo(0)); logger.info("start initializing replicas, all should be started"); routingTable = strategy.applyStartedShards(clusterState, routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING)).routingTable(); clusterState = ClusterState.builder(clusterState).routingTable(routingTable).build(); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(STARTED).size(), equalTo(10)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(INITIALIZING).size(), equalTo(0)); assertThat(routingTable.shardsWithState(UNASSIGNED).size(), equalTo(0)); } }
public class LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider extends AbstractMergePolicyProvider<LogByteSizeMergePolicy> { private final IndexSettingsService indexSettingsService; private volatile ByteSizeValue minMergeSize; private volatile ByteSizeValue maxMergeSize; private volatile int mergeFactor; private volatile int maxMergeDocs; private final boolean calibrateSizeByDeletes; private boolean asyncMerge; private final Set<CustomLogByteSizeMergePolicy> policies = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<CustomLogByteSizeMergePolicy>(); private final ApplySettings applySettings = new ApplySettings(); @Inject public LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider(Store store, IndexSettingsService indexSettingsService) { super(store); Preconditions.checkNotNull(store, "Store must be provided to merge policy"); this.indexSettingsService = indexSettingsService; this.minMergeSize = componentSettings.getAsBytesSize("min_merge_size", new ByteSizeValue((long) (LogByteSizeMergePolicy.DEFAULT_MIN_MERGE_MB * 1024 * 1024), ByteSizeUnit.BYTES)); this.maxMergeSize = componentSettings.getAsBytesSize("max_merge_size", new ByteSizeValue((long) LogByteSizeMergePolicy.DEFAULT_MAX_MERGE_MB, ByteSizeUnit.MB)); this.mergeFactor = componentSettings.getAsInt("merge_factor", LogByteSizeMergePolicy.DEFAULT_MERGE_FACTOR); this.maxMergeDocs = componentSettings.getAsInt("max_merge_docs", LogByteSizeMergePolicy.DEFAULT_MAX_MERGE_DOCS); this.calibrateSizeByDeletes = componentSettings.getAsBoolean("calibrate_size_by_deletes", true); this.asyncMerge = indexSettings.getAsBoolean("index.merge.async", true); logger.debug("using [log_bytes_size] merge policy with merge_factor[{}], min_merge_size[{}], max_merge_size[{}], max_merge_docs[{}], calibrate_size_by_deletes[{}], async_merge[{}]", mergeFactor, minMergeSize, maxMergeSize, maxMergeDocs, calibrateSizeByDeletes, asyncMerge); indexSettingsService.addListener(applySettings); } @Override public LogByteSizeMergePolicy newMergePolicy() { CustomLogByteSizeMergePolicy mergePolicy; if (asyncMerge) { mergePolicy = new EnableMergeLogByteSizeMergePolicy(this); } else { mergePolicy = new CustomLogByteSizeMergePolicy(this); } mergePolicy.setMinMergeMB(minMergeSize.mbFrac()); mergePolicy.setMaxMergeMB(maxMergeSize.mbFrac()); mergePolicy.setMergeFactor(mergeFactor); mergePolicy.setMaxMergeDocs(maxMergeDocs); mergePolicy.setCalibrateSizeByDeletes(calibrateSizeByDeletes); mergePolicy.setNoCFSRatio(noCFSRatio); policies.add(mergePolicy); return mergePolicy; } @Override public void close() throws ElasticsearchException { indexSettingsService.removeListener(applySettings); } public static final String INDEX_MERGE_POLICY_MIN_MERGE_SIZE = "index.merge.policy.min_merge_size"; public static final String INDEX_MERGE_POLICY_MAX_MERGE_SIZE = "index.merge.policy.max_merge_size"; public static final String INDEX_MERGE_POLICY_MAX_MERGE_DOCS = "index.merge.policy.max_merge_docs"; public static final String INDEX_MERGE_POLICY_MERGE_FACTOR = "index.merge.policy.merge_factor"; class ApplySettings implements IndexSettingsService.Listener { @Override public void onRefreshSettings(Settings settings) { ByteSizeValue minMergeSize = settings.getAsBytesSize(INDEX_MERGE_POLICY_MIN_MERGE_SIZE, LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.minMergeSize); if (!minMergeSize.equals(LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.minMergeSize)) { logger.info("updating min_merge_size from [{}] to [{}]", LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.minMergeSize, minMergeSize); LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.minMergeSize = minMergeSize; for (CustomLogByteSizeMergePolicy policy : policies) { policy.setMinMergeMB(minMergeSize.mbFrac()); } } ByteSizeValue maxMergeSize = settings.getAsBytesSize(INDEX_MERGE_POLICY_MAX_MERGE_SIZE, LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.maxMergeSize); if (!maxMergeSize.equals(LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.maxMergeSize)) { logger.info("updating max_merge_size from [{}] to [{}]", LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.maxMergeSize, maxMergeSize); LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.maxMergeSize = maxMergeSize; for (CustomLogByteSizeMergePolicy policy : policies) { policy.setMaxMergeMB(maxMergeSize.mbFrac()); } } int maxMergeDocs = settings.getAsInt(INDEX_MERGE_POLICY_MAX_MERGE_DOCS, LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.maxMergeDocs); if (maxMergeDocs != LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.maxMergeDocs) { logger.info("updating max_merge_docs from [{}] to [{}]", LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.maxMergeDocs, maxMergeDocs); LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.maxMergeDocs = maxMergeDocs; for (CustomLogByteSizeMergePolicy policy : policies) { policy.setMaxMergeDocs(maxMergeDocs); } } int mergeFactor = settings.getAsInt(INDEX_MERGE_POLICY_MERGE_FACTOR, LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.mergeFactor); if (mergeFactor != LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.mergeFactor) { logger.info("updating merge_factor from [{}] to [{}]", LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.mergeFactor, mergeFactor); LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.mergeFactor = mergeFactor; for (CustomLogByteSizeMergePolicy policy : policies) { policy.setMergeFactor(mergeFactor); } } final double noCFSRatio = parseNoCFSRatio(settings.get(INDEX_COMPOUND_FORMAT, Double.toString(LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.noCFSRatio))); if (noCFSRatio != LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.noCFSRatio) { logger.info("updating index.compound_format from [{}] to [{}]", formatNoCFSRatio(LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.noCFSRatio), formatNoCFSRatio(noCFSRatio)); LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider.this.noCFSRatio = noCFSRatio; for (CustomLogByteSizeMergePolicy policy : policies) { policy.setNoCFSRatio(noCFSRatio); } } } } public static class CustomLogByteSizeMergePolicy extends LogByteSizeMergePolicy { private final LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider provider; public CustomLogByteSizeMergePolicy(LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider provider) { super(); this.provider = provider; } @Override public void close() { super.close(); provider.policies.remove(this); } @Override public MergePolicy clone() { // Lucene IW makes a clone internally but since we hold on to this instance // the clone will just be the identity. return this; } } public static class EnableMergeLogByteSizeMergePolicy extends CustomLogByteSizeMergePolicy { public EnableMergeLogByteSizeMergePolicy(LogByteSizeMergePolicyProvider provider) { super(provider); } @Override public MergeSpecification findMerges(MergeTrigger trigger, SegmentInfos infos) throws IOException { // we don't enable merges while indexing documents, we do them in the background if (trigger == MergeTrigger.SEGMENT_FLUSH) { return null; } return super.findMerges(trigger, infos); } } }
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public class IndicesFilterCache extends AbstractComponent implements RemovalListener<WeightedFilterCache.FilterCacheKey, DocIdSet> { private final ThreadPool threadPool; private final CacheRecycler cacheRecycler; private Cache<WeightedFilterCache.FilterCacheKey, DocIdSet> cache; private volatile String size; private volatile long sizeInBytes; private volatile TimeValue expire; private final TimeValue cleanInterval; private final Set<Object> readersKeysToClean = ConcurrentCollections.newConcurrentSet(); private volatile boolean closed; public static final String INDICES_CACHE_FILTER_SIZE = "indices.cache.filter.size"; public static final String INDICES_CACHE_FILTER_EXPIRE = "indices.cache.filter.expire"; class ApplySettings implements NodeSettingsService.Listener { @Override public void onRefreshSettings(Settings settings) { boolean replace = false; String size = settings.get(INDICES_CACHE_FILTER_SIZE, IndicesFilterCache.this.size); if (!size.equals(IndicesFilterCache.this.size)) { logger.info("updating [indices.cache.filter.size] from [{}] to [{}]", IndicesFilterCache.this.size, size); IndicesFilterCache.this.size = size; replace = true; } TimeValue expire = settings.getAsTime(INDICES_CACHE_FILTER_EXPIRE, IndicesFilterCache.this.expire); if (!Objects.equal(expire, IndicesFilterCache.this.expire)) { logger.info("updating [indices.cache.filter.expire] from [{}] to [{}]", IndicesFilterCache.this.expire, expire); IndicesFilterCache.this.expire = expire; replace = true; } if (replace) { Cache<WeightedFilterCache.FilterCacheKey, DocIdSet> oldCache = IndicesFilterCache.this.cache; computeSizeInBytes(); buildCache(); oldCache.invalidateAll(); } } } @Inject public IndicesFilterCache(Settings settings, ThreadPool threadPool, CacheRecycler cacheRecycler, NodeSettingsService nodeSettingsService) { super(settings); this.threadPool = threadPool; this.cacheRecycler = cacheRecycler; this.size = componentSettings.get("size", "20%"); this.expire = componentSettings.getAsTime("expire", null); this.cleanInterval = componentSettings.getAsTime("clean_interval", TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(60)); computeSizeInBytes(); buildCache(); logger.debug("using [node] weighted filter cache with size [{}], actual_size [{}], expire [{}], clean_interval [{}]", size, new ByteSizeValue(sizeInBytes), expire, cleanInterval); nodeSettingsService.addListener(new ApplySettings()); threadPool.schedule(cleanInterval, ThreadPool.Names.SAME, new ReaderCleaner()); } private void buildCache() { CacheBuilder<WeightedFilterCache.FilterCacheKey, DocIdSet> cacheBuilder = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .removalListener(this) .maximumWeight(sizeInBytes).weigher(new WeightedFilterCache.FilterCacheValueWeigher()); // defaults to 4, but this is a busy map for all indices, increase it a bit cacheBuilder.concurrencyLevel(16); if (expire != null) { cacheBuilder.expireAfterAccess(expire.millis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } cache = cacheBuilder.build(); } private void computeSizeInBytes() { this.sizeInBytes = MemorySizeValue.parseBytesSizeValueOrHeapRatio(size).bytes(); } public void addReaderKeyToClean(Object readerKey) { readersKeysToClean.add(readerKey); } public void close() { closed = true; cache.invalidateAll(); } public Cache<WeightedFilterCache.FilterCacheKey, DocIdSet> cache() { return this.cache; } @Override public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<WeightedFilterCache.FilterCacheKey, DocIdSet> removalNotification) { WeightedFilterCache.FilterCacheKey key = removalNotification.getKey(); if (key == null) { return; } if (key.removalListener != null) { key.removalListener.onRemoval(removalNotification); } } /** * The reason we need this class is because we need to clean all the filters that are associated * with a reader. We don't want to do it every time a reader closes, since iterating over all the map * is expensive. There doesn't seem to be a nicer way to do it (and maintaining a list per reader * of the filters will cost more). */ class ReaderCleaner implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { if (closed) { return; } if (readersKeysToClean.isEmpty()) { schedule(); return; } try { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC).execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Recycler.V<ObjectOpenHashSet<Object>> keys = cacheRecycler.hashSet(-1); try { for (Iterator<Object> it = readersKeysToClean.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { keys.v().add(it.next()); it.remove(); } cache.cleanUp(); if (!keys.v().isEmpty()) { for (Iterator<WeightedFilterCache.FilterCacheKey> it = cache.asMap().keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { WeightedFilterCache.FilterCacheKey filterCacheKey = it.next(); if (keys.v().contains(filterCacheKey.readerKey())) { // same as invalidate it.remove(); } } } schedule(); } finally { keys.release(); } } }); } catch (EsRejectedExecutionException ex) { logger.debug("Can not run ReaderCleaner - execution rejected", ex); } } private void schedule() { try { threadPool.schedule(cleanInterval, ThreadPool.Names.SAME, this); } catch (EsRejectedExecutionException ex) { logger.debug("Can not schedule ReaderCleaner - execution rejected", ex); } } } }
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public class IndicesSegmentsAction extends IndicesAction<IndicesSegmentsRequest, IndicesSegmentResponse, IndicesSegmentsRequestBuilder> { public static final IndicesSegmentsAction INSTANCE = new IndicesSegmentsAction(); public static final String NAME = "indices/segments"; private IndicesSegmentsAction() { super(NAME); } @Override public IndicesSegmentResponse newResponse() { return new IndicesSegmentResponse(); } @Override public IndicesSegmentsRequestBuilder newRequestBuilder(IndicesAdminClient client) { return new IndicesSegmentsRequestBuilder(client); } }
public class OSQLFunctionDate extends OSQLFunctionAbstract { public static final String NAME = "date"; private Date date; private SimpleDateFormat format; /** * Get the date at construction to have the same date for all the iteration. */ public OSQLFunctionDate() { super(NAME, 0, 3); date = new Date(); } public Object execute(final OIdentifiable iCurrentRecord, final Object iCurrentResult, final Object[] iParameters, OCommandContext iContext) { if (iParameters.length == 0) return date; if (iParameters[0] instanceof Number) return new Date(((Number) iParameters[0]).longValue()); if (format == null) { if (iParameters.length > 1) { format = new SimpleDateFormat((String) iParameters[1]); format.setTimeZone(ODateHelper.getDatabaseTimeZone()); } else format = ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get().getStorage().getConfiguration().getDateTimeFormatInstance(); if (iParameters.length == 3) format.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(iParameters[2].toString())); } try { return format.parse((String) iParameters[0]); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new OQueryParsingException("Error on formatting date '" + iParameters[0] + "' using the format: " + format, e); } } public boolean aggregateResults(final Object[] configuredParameters) { return false; } public String getSyntax() { return "Syntax error: date([<date-as-string>] [,<format>] [,<timezone>])"; } @Override public Object getResult() { format = null; return null; } }
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public static class Map extends Mapper<NullWritable, FaunusVertex, NullWritable, FaunusVertex> { private boolean isVertex; private HashSet set = new HashSet(); @Override public void setup(final Mapper.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { this.isVertex = context.getConfiguration().getClass(CLASS, Element.class, Element.class).equals(Vertex.class); } @Override public void map(final NullWritable key, final FaunusVertex value, final Mapper<NullWritable, FaunusVertex, NullWritable, FaunusVertex>.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { long pathsFiltered = 0l; if (this.isVertex) { if (value.hasPaths()) { final Iterator<List<FaunusPathElement.MicroElement>> itty = value.getPaths().iterator(); while (itty.hasNext()) { final List<FaunusPathElement.MicroElement> path = itty.next(); this.set.clear(); this.set.addAll(path); if (path.size() != this.set.size()) { itty.remove(); pathsFiltered++; } } } } else { for (final Edge e : value.getEdges(Direction.BOTH)) { final StandardFaunusEdge edge = (StandardFaunusEdge) e; if (edge.hasPaths()) { final Iterator<List<FaunusPathElement.MicroElement>> itty = edge.getPaths().iterator(); while (itty.hasNext()) { final List<FaunusPathElement.MicroElement> path = itty.next(); this.set.clear(); this.set.addAll(path); if (path.size() != this.set.size()) { itty.remove(); pathsFiltered++; } } } } } DEFAULT_COMPAT.incrementContextCounter(context, Counters.PATHS_FILTERED, pathsFiltered); context.write(NullWritable.get(), value); } }
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@Target(value={ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface AutoPopulate { boolean autoUpdateValue() default false; }
public class CollectionTxnRemoveOperation extends CollectionBackupAwareOperation { private long itemId; private transient CollectionItem item; public CollectionTxnRemoveOperation() { } public CollectionTxnRemoveOperation(String name, long itemId) { super(name); this.itemId = itemId; } @Override public boolean shouldBackup() { return true; } @Override public Operation getBackupOperation() { return new CollectionTxnRemoveBackupOperation(name, itemId); } @Override public int getId() { return CollectionDataSerializerHook.COLLECTION_TXN_REMOVE; } @Override public void beforeRun() throws Exception { } @Override public void run() throws Exception { item = getOrCreateContainer().commitRemove(itemId); } @Override public void afterRun() throws Exception { if (item != null) { publishEvent(ItemEventType.REMOVED, (Data) item.getValue()); } } @Override protected void writeInternal(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeInternal(out); out.writeLong(itemId); } @Override protected void readInternal(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { super.readInternal(in); itemId = in.readLong(); } }
public class Backend implements LockerProvider { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Backend.class); /** * These are the names for the edge store and property index databases, respectively. * The edge store contains all edges and properties. The property index contains an * inverted index from attribute value to vertex. * <p/> * These names are fixed and should NEVER be changed. Changing these strings can * disrupt storage adapters that rely on these names for specific configurations. */ public static final String EDGESTORE_NAME = "edgestore"; public static final String INDEXSTORE_NAME = "graphindex"; public static final String ID_STORE_NAME = "titan_ids"; public static final String METRICS_MERGED_STORE = "stores"; public static final String METRICS_MERGED_CACHE = "caches"; public static final String METRICS_CACHE_SUFFIX = ".cache"; public static final String LOCK_STORE_SUFFIX = "_lock_"; public static final String SYSTEM_TX_LOG_NAME = "txlog"; public static final String SYSTEM_MGMT_LOG_NAME = "systemlog"; public static final double EDGESTORE_CACHE_PERCENT = 0.8; public static final double INDEXSTORE_CACHE_PERCENT = 0.2; private static final long ETERNAL_CACHE_EXPIRATION = 1000l*3600*24*365*200; //200 years public static final int THREAD_POOL_SIZE_SCALE_FACTOR = 2; public static final Map<String, Integer> STATIC_KEY_LENGTHS = new HashMap<String, Integer>() {{ put(EDGESTORE_NAME, 8); put(EDGESTORE_NAME + LOCK_STORE_SUFFIX, 8); put(ID_STORE_NAME, 8); }}; private final KeyColumnValueStoreManager storeManager; private final KeyColumnValueStoreManager storeManagerLocking; private final StoreFeatures storeFeatures; private KCVSCache edgeStore; private KCVSCache indexStore; private KCVSCache txLogStore; private IDAuthority idAuthority; private KCVSConfiguration systemConfig; private boolean hasAttemptedClose; private final KCVSLogManager mgmtLogManager; private final KCVSLogManager txLogManager; private final LogManager userLogManager; private final Map<String, IndexProvider> indexes; private final int bufferSize; private final Duration maxWriteTime; private final Duration maxReadTime; private final boolean cacheEnabled; private final ExecutorService threadPool; private final Function<String, Locker> lockerCreator; private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Locker> lockers = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Locker>(); private final Configuration configuration; public Backend(Configuration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; storeManager = getStorageManager(configuration); indexes = getIndexes(configuration); storeFeatures = storeManager.getFeatures(); mgmtLogManager = getKCVSLogManager(MANAGEMENT_LOG); txLogManager = getKCVSLogManager(TRANSACTION_LOG); userLogManager = getLogManager(USER_LOG); cacheEnabled = !configuration.get(STORAGE_BATCH) && configuration.get(DB_CACHE); int bufferSizeTmp = configuration.get(BUFFER_SIZE); Preconditions.checkArgument(bufferSizeTmp > 0, "Buffer size must be positive"); if (!storeFeatures.hasBatchMutation()) { bufferSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else bufferSize = bufferSizeTmp; maxWriteTime = configuration.get(STORAGE_WRITE_WAITTIME); maxReadTime = configuration.get(STORAGE_READ_WAITTIME); if (!storeFeatures.hasLocking()) { Preconditions.checkArgument(storeFeatures.isKeyConsistent(),"Store needs to support some form of locking"); storeManagerLocking = new ExpectedValueCheckingStoreManager(storeManager,LOCK_STORE_SUFFIX,this,maxReadTime); } else { storeManagerLocking = storeManager; } if (configuration.get(PARALLEL_BACKEND_OPS)) { int poolsize = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * THREAD_POOL_SIZE_SCALE_FACTOR; threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(poolsize); log.info("Initiated backend operations thread pool of size {}", poolsize); } else { threadPool = null; } final String lockBackendName = configuration.get(LOCK_BACKEND); if (REGISTERED_LOCKERS.containsKey(lockBackendName)) { lockerCreator = REGISTERED_LOCKERS.get(lockBackendName); } else { throw new TitanConfigurationException("Unknown lock backend \"" + lockBackendName + "\". Known lock backends: " + Joiner.on(", ").join(REGISTERED_LOCKERS.keySet()) + "."); } // Never used for backends that have innate transaction support, but we // want to maintain the non-null invariant regardless; it will default // to connsistentkey impl if none is specified Preconditions.checkNotNull(lockerCreator); } @Override public Locker getLocker(String lockerName) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(lockerName); Locker l = lockers.get(lockerName); if (null == l) { l = lockerCreator.apply(lockerName); final Locker x = lockers.putIfAbsent(lockerName, l); if (null != x) { l = x; } } return l; } /** * Initializes this backend with the given configuration. Must be called before this Backend can be used * * @param config */ public void initialize(Configuration config) { try { boolean reportMetrics = configuration.get(BASIC_METRICS); //EdgeStore & VertexIndexStore KeyColumnValueStore idStore = storeManager.openDatabase(ID_STORE_NAME); if (reportMetrics) { idStore = new MetricInstrumentedStore(idStore, getMetricsStoreName(ID_STORE_NAME)); } idAuthority = null; if (storeFeatures.isKeyConsistent()) { idAuthority = new ConsistentKeyIDAuthority(idStore, storeManager, config); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Store needs to support consistent key or transactional operations for ID manager to guarantee proper id allocations"); } KeyColumnValueStore edgeStoreRaw = storeManagerLocking.openDatabase(EDGESTORE_NAME); KeyColumnValueStore indexStoreRaw = storeManagerLocking.openDatabase(INDEXSTORE_NAME); if (reportMetrics) { edgeStoreRaw = new MetricInstrumentedStore(edgeStoreRaw, getMetricsStoreName(EDGESTORE_NAME)); indexStoreRaw = new MetricInstrumentedStore(indexStoreRaw, getMetricsStoreName(INDEXSTORE_NAME)); } //Configure caches if (cacheEnabled) { long expirationTime = configuration.get(DB_CACHE_TIME); Preconditions.checkArgument(expirationTime>=0,"Invalid cache expiration time: %s",expirationTime); if (expirationTime==0) expirationTime=ETERNAL_CACHE_EXPIRATION; long cacheSizeBytes; double cachesize = configuration.get(DB_CACHE_SIZE); Preconditions.checkArgument(cachesize>0.0,"Invalid cache size specified: %s",cachesize); if (cachesize<1.0) { //Its a percentage Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); cacheSizeBytes = (long)((runtime.maxMemory()-(runtime.totalMemory()-runtime.freeMemory())) * cachesize); } else { Preconditions.checkArgument(cachesize>1000,"Cache size is too small: %s",cachesize); cacheSizeBytes = (long)cachesize; } log.info("Configuring total store cache size: {}",cacheSizeBytes); long cleanWaitTime = configuration.get(DB_CACHE_CLEAN_WAIT); Preconditions.checkArgument(EDGESTORE_CACHE_PERCENT + INDEXSTORE_CACHE_PERCENT == 1.0,"Cache percentages don't add up!"); long edgeStoreCacheSize = Math.round(cacheSizeBytes * EDGESTORE_CACHE_PERCENT); long indexStoreCacheSize = Math.round(cacheSizeBytes * INDEXSTORE_CACHE_PERCENT); edgeStore = new ExpirationKCVSCache(edgeStoreRaw,getMetricsCacheName("edgeStore",reportMetrics),expirationTime,cleanWaitTime,edgeStoreCacheSize); indexStore = new ExpirationKCVSCache(indexStoreRaw,getMetricsCacheName("indexStore",reportMetrics),expirationTime,cleanWaitTime,indexStoreCacheSize); } else { edgeStore = new NoKCVSCache(edgeStoreRaw); indexStore = new NoKCVSCache(indexStoreRaw); } //Just open them so that they are cached txLogManager.openLog(SYSTEM_TX_LOG_NAME); mgmtLogManager.openLog(SYSTEM_MGMT_LOG_NAME); txLogStore = new NoKCVSCache(storeManager.openDatabase(SYSTEM_TX_LOG_NAME)); //Open global configuration KeyColumnValueStore systemConfigStore = storeManagerLocking.openDatabase(SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_STORE_NAME); systemConfig = getGlobalConfiguration(new BackendOperation.TransactionalProvider() { @Override public StoreTransaction openTx() throws BackendException { return storeManagerLocking.beginTransaction(StandardBaseTransactionConfig.of( configuration.get(TIMESTAMP_PROVIDER), storeFeatures.getKeyConsistentTxConfig())); } @Override public void close() throws BackendException { //Do nothing, storeManager is closed explicitly by Backend } },systemConfigStore,configuration); } catch (BackendException e) { throw new TitanException("Could not initialize backend", e); } } /** * Get information about all registered {@link IndexProvider}s. * * @return */ public Map<String, IndexInformation> getIndexInformation() { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, IndexInformation> copy = ImmutableMap.builder(); copy.putAll(indexes); return copy.build(); } // // public IndexProvider getIndexProvider(String name) { // return indexes.get(name); // } public KCVSLog getSystemTxLog() { try { return txLogManager.openLog(SYSTEM_TX_LOG_NAME); } catch (BackendException e) { throw new TitanException("Could not re-open transaction log", e); } } public Log getSystemMgmtLog() { try { return mgmtLogManager.openLog(SYSTEM_MGMT_LOG_NAME); } catch (BackendException e) { throw new TitanException("Could not re-open management log", e); } } public Log getUserLog(String identifier) throws BackendException { return userLogManager.openLog(getUserLogName(identifier)); } public static final String getUserLogName(String identifier) { Preconditions.checkArgument(StringUtils.isNotBlank(identifier)); return USER_LOG_PREFIX +identifier; } public KCVSConfiguration getGlobalSystemConfig() { return systemConfig; } private String getMetricsStoreName(String storeName) { return configuration.get(METRICS_MERGE_STORES) ? METRICS_MERGED_STORE : storeName; } private String getMetricsCacheName(String storeName, boolean reportMetrics) { if (!reportMetrics) return null; return configuration.get(METRICS_MERGE_STORES) ? METRICS_MERGED_CACHE : storeName + METRICS_CACHE_SUFFIX; } public KCVSLogManager getKCVSLogManager(String logName) { Preconditions.checkArgument(configuration.restrictTo(logName).get(LOG_BACKEND).equalsIgnoreCase(LOG_BACKEND.getDefaultValue())); return (KCVSLogManager)getLogManager(logName); } public LogManager getLogManager(String logName) { return getLogManager(configuration, logName, storeManager); } private static LogManager getLogManager(Configuration config, String logName, KeyColumnValueStoreManager sm) { Configuration logConfig = config.restrictTo(logName); String backend = logConfig.get(LOG_BACKEND); if (backend.equalsIgnoreCase(LOG_BACKEND.getDefaultValue())) { return new KCVSLogManager(sm,logConfig); } else { Preconditions.checkArgument(config!=null); LogManager lm = getImplementationClass(logConfig,logConfig.get(LOG_BACKEND),REGISTERED_LOG_MANAGERS); Preconditions.checkNotNull(lm); return lm; } } public static KeyColumnValueStoreManager getStorageManager(Configuration storageConfig) { StoreManager manager = getImplementationClass(storageConfig, storageConfig.get(STORAGE_BACKEND), REGISTERED_STORAGE_MANAGERS); if (manager instanceof OrderedKeyValueStoreManager) { manager = new OrderedKeyValueStoreManagerAdapter((OrderedKeyValueStoreManager) manager, STATIC_KEY_LENGTHS); } Preconditions.checkArgument(manager instanceof KeyColumnValueStoreManager,"Invalid storage manager: %s",manager.getClass()); return (KeyColumnValueStoreManager) manager; } private static KCVSConfiguration getGlobalConfiguration(final BackendOperation.TransactionalProvider txProvider, final KeyColumnValueStore store, final Configuration config) { try { KCVSConfiguration kcvsConfig = new KCVSConfiguration(txProvider,config.get(TIMESTAMP_PROVIDER),store,SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_IDENTIFIER); kcvsConfig.setMaxOperationWaitTime(config.get(SETUP_WAITTIME)); return kcvsConfig; } catch (BackendException e) { throw new TitanException("Could not open global configuration",e); } } public static KCVSConfiguration getStandaloneGlobalConfiguration(final KeyColumnValueStoreManager manager, final Configuration config) { try { final StoreFeatures features = manager.getFeatures(); return getGlobalConfiguration(new BackendOperation.TransactionalProvider() { @Override public StoreTransaction openTx() throws BackendException { return manager.beginTransaction(StandardBaseTransactionConfig.of(config.get(TIMESTAMP_PROVIDER),features.getKeyConsistentTxConfig())); } @Override public void close() throws BackendException { manager.close(); } },manager.openDatabase(SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_STORE_NAME),config); } catch (BackendException e) { throw new TitanException("Could not open global configuration",e); } } private final static Map<String, IndexProvider> getIndexes(Configuration config) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, IndexProvider> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (String index : config.getContainedNamespaces(INDEX_NS)) { Preconditions.checkArgument(StringUtils.isNotBlank(index), "Invalid index name [%s]", index); log.info("Configuring index [{}]", index); IndexProvider provider = getImplementationClass(config.restrictTo(index), config.get(INDEX_BACKEND,index), REGISTERED_INDEX_PROVIDERS); Preconditions.checkNotNull(provider); builder.put(index, provider); } return builder.build(); } public final static <T> T getImplementationClass(Configuration config, String clazzname, Map<String, String> registeredImpls) { if (registeredImpls.containsKey(clazzname.toLowerCase())) { clazzname = registeredImpls.get(clazzname.toLowerCase()); } return ConfigurationUtil.instantiate(clazzname, new Object[]{config}, new Class[]{Configuration.class}); } /** * Returns the configured {@link IDAuthority}. * * @return */ public IDAuthority getIDAuthority() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(idAuthority, "Backend has not yet been initialized"); return idAuthority; } /** * Returns the {@link StoreFeatures} of the configured backend storage engine. * * @return */ public StoreFeatures getStoreFeatures() { return storeFeatures; } /** * Returns the {@link IndexFeatures} of all configured index backends */ public Map<String,IndexFeatures> getIndexFeatures() { return Maps.transformValues(indexes,new Function<IndexProvider, IndexFeatures>() { @Nullable @Override public IndexFeatures apply(@Nullable IndexProvider indexProvider) { return indexProvider.getFeatures(); } }); } /** * Opens a new transaction against all registered backend system wrapped in one {@link BackendTransaction}. * * @return * @throws BackendException */ public BackendTransaction beginTransaction(TransactionConfiguration configuration, KeyInformation.Retriever indexKeyRetriever) throws BackendException { StoreTransaction tx = storeManagerLocking.beginTransaction(configuration); // Cache CacheTransaction cacheTx = new CacheTransaction(tx, storeManagerLocking, bufferSize, maxWriteTime, configuration.hasEnabledBatchLoading()); // Index transactions Map<String, IndexTransaction> indexTx = new HashMap<String, IndexTransaction>(indexes.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, IndexProvider> entry : indexes.entrySet()) { indexTx.put(entry.getKey(), new IndexTransaction(entry.getValue(), indexKeyRetriever.get(entry.getKey()), configuration, maxWriteTime)); } return new BackendTransaction(cacheTx, configuration, storeFeatures, edgeStore, indexStore, txLogStore, maxReadTime, indexTx, threadPool); } public synchronized void close() throws BackendException { if (!hasAttemptedClose) { hasAttemptedClose = true; mgmtLogManager.close(); txLogManager.close(); userLogManager.close(); edgeStore.close(); indexStore.close(); idAuthority.close(); systemConfig.close(); storeManager.close(); if(threadPool != null) { threadPool.shutdown(); } //Indexes for (IndexProvider index : indexes.values()) index.close(); } else { log.debug("Backend {} has already been closed or cleared", this); } } /** * Clears the storage of all registered backend data providers. This includes backend storage engines and index providers. * <p/> * IMPORTANT: Clearing storage means that ALL data will be lost and cannot be recovered. * * @throws BackendException */ public synchronized void clearStorage() throws BackendException { if (!hasAttemptedClose) { hasAttemptedClose = true; mgmtLogManager.close(); txLogManager.close(); userLogManager.close(); edgeStore.close(); indexStore.close(); idAuthority.close(); systemConfig.close(); storeManager.clearStorage(); storeManager.close(); //Indexes for (IndexProvider index : indexes.values()) { index.clearStorage(); index.close(); } } else { log.debug("Backend {} has already been closed or cleared", this); } } //############ Registered Storage Managers ############## private static final ImmutableMap<String, String> REGISTERED_STORAGE_MANAGERS; static { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> b = ImmutableMap.builder(); b.put("berkeleyje", "com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.berkeleyje.BerkeleyJEStoreManager"); b.put("infinispan", "com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.infinispan.InfinispanCacheStoreManager"); b.put("cassandrathrift", "com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.cassandra.thrift.CassandraThriftStoreManager"); b.put("cassandra", "com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.cassandra.astyanax.AstyanaxStoreManager"); b.put("astyanax", "com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.cassandra.astyanax.AstyanaxStoreManager"); b.put("hbase", "com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.hbase.HBaseStoreManager"); b.put("embeddedcassandra", "com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.cassandra.embedded.CassandraEmbeddedStoreManager"); b.put("inmemory", "com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.keycolumnvalue.inmemory.InMemoryStoreManager"); REGISTERED_STORAGE_MANAGERS = b.build(); } public static final Map<String, String> getRegisteredStoreManagers() { return REGISTERED_STORAGE_MANAGERS; } public static final Map<String, ConfigOption> REGISTERED_STORAGE_MANAGERS_SHORTHAND = new HashMap<String, ConfigOption>() {{ put("berkeleyje", STORAGE_DIRECTORY); put("hazelcast", STORAGE_DIRECTORY); put("hazelcastcache", STORAGE_DIRECTORY); put("infinispan", STORAGE_DIRECTORY); put("cassandra", STORAGE_HOSTS); put("cassandrathrift", STORAGE_HOSTS); put("astyanax", STORAGE_HOSTS); put("hbase", STORAGE_HOSTS); put("embeddedcassandra", STORAGE_CONF_FILE); put("inmemory", null); }}; public static final Map<String, String> REGISTERED_INDEX_PROVIDERS = new HashMap<String, String>() {{ put("lucene", "com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.lucene.LuceneIndex"); put("elasticsearch", "com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.es.ElasticSearchIndex"); put("es", "com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.es.ElasticSearchIndex"); put("solr", "com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.solr.SolrIndex"); }}; public static final Map<String,String> REGISTERED_LOG_MANAGERS = new HashMap<String, String>() {{ put("default","com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.log.kcvs.KCVSLogManager"); }}; private final Function<String, Locker> CONSISTENT_KEY_LOCKER_CREATOR = new Function<String, Locker>() { @Override public Locker apply(String lockerName) { KeyColumnValueStore lockerStore; try { lockerStore = storeManager.openDatabase(lockerName); } catch (BackendException e) { throw new TitanConfigurationException("Could not retrieve store named " + lockerName + " for locker configuration", e); } return new ConsistentKeyLocker.Builder(lockerStore, storeManager).fromConfig(configuration).build(); } }; private final Function<String, Locker> ASTYANAX_RECIPE_LOCKER_CREATOR = new Function<String, Locker>() { @Override public Locker apply(String lockerName) { String expectedManagerName = "com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.cassandra.astyanax.AstyanaxStoreManager"; String actualManagerName = storeManager.getClass().getCanonicalName(); // Require AstyanaxStoreManager Preconditions.checkArgument(expectedManagerName.equals(actualManagerName), "Astyanax Recipe locker is only supported with the Astyanax storage backend (configured:" + actualManagerName + " != required:" + expectedManagerName + ")"); try { Class<?> c = storeManager.getClass(); Method method = c.getMethod("openLocker", String.class); Object o = method.invoke(storeManager, lockerName); return (Locker) o; } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find method when configuring locking with Astyanax Recipes"); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not access method when configuring locking with Astyanax Recipes", e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not invoke method when configuring locking with Astyanax Recipes", e); } } }; private final Function<String, Locker> TEST_LOCKER_CREATOR = new Function<String, Locker>() { @Override public Locker apply(String lockerName) { return openManagedLocker("com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.util.TestLockerManager",lockerName); } }; private final Map<String, Function<String, Locker>> REGISTERED_LOCKERS = ImmutableMap.of( "consistentkey", CONSISTENT_KEY_LOCKER_CREATOR, "astyanaxrecipe", ASTYANAX_RECIPE_LOCKER_CREATOR, "test", TEST_LOCKER_CREATOR ); private static Locker openManagedLocker(String classname, String lockerName) { try { Class c = Class.forName(classname); Constructor constructor = c.getConstructor(); Object instance = constructor.newInstance(); Method method = c.getMethod("openLocker", String.class); Object o = method.invoke(instance, lockerName); return (Locker) o; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find implementation class: " + classname); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not instantiate implementation: " + classname, e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find method when configuring locking for: " + classname,e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not access method when configuring locking for: " + classname,e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not invoke method when configuring locking for: " + classname,e); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not instantiate implementation: " + classname, e); } } static { Properties props; try { props = new Properties(); InputStream in = TitanFactory.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(TitanConstants.TITAN_PROPERTIES_FILE); if (in != null && in.available() > 0) { props.load(in); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } registerShorthands(props, "storage.", REGISTERED_STORAGE_MANAGERS); registerShorthands(props, "index.", REGISTERED_INDEX_PROVIDERS); } public static final void registerShorthands(Properties props, String prefix, Map<String, String> shorthands) { for (String key : props.stringPropertyNames()) { if (key.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)) { String shorthand = key.substring(prefix.length()).toLowerCase(); String clazz = props.getProperty(key); shorthands.put(shorthand, clazz); log.debug("Registering shorthand [{}] for [{}]", shorthand, clazz); } } } // // public synchronized static final void registerStorageManager(String name, Class<? extends StoreManager> clazz) { // Preconditions.checkNotNull(name); // Preconditions.checkNotNull(clazz); // Preconditions.checkArgument(!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)); // Preconditions.checkNotNull(!REGISTERED_STORAGE_MANAGERS.containsKey(name),"A storage manager has already been registered for name: " + name); // REGISTERED_STORAGE_MANAGERS.put(name,clazz); // } // // public synchronized static final void removeStorageManager(String name) { // Preconditions.checkNotNull(name); // REGISTERED_STORAGE_MANAGERS.remove(name); // } }
1no label
public class ShardStats extends BroadcastShardOperationResponse implements ToXContent { private ShardRouting shardRouting; CommonStats stats; ShardStats() { } public ShardStats(IndexShard indexShard, CommonStatsFlags flags) { super(indexShard.routingEntry().index(), indexShard.routingEntry().id()); this.shardRouting = indexShard.routingEntry(); this.stats = new CommonStats(indexShard, flags); } /** * The shard routing information (cluster wide shard state). */ public ShardRouting getShardRouting() { return this.shardRouting; } public CommonStats getStats() { return this.stats; } public static ShardStats readShardStats(StreamInput in) throws IOException { ShardStats stats = new ShardStats(); stats.readFrom(in); return stats; } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); shardRouting = readShardRoutingEntry(in); stats = CommonStats.readCommonStats(in); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); shardRouting.writeTo(out); stats.writeTo(out); } @Override public XContentBuilder toXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException { builder.startObject(Fields.ROUTING) .field(Fields.STATE, shardRouting.state()) .field(Fields.PRIMARY, shardRouting.primary()) .field(Fields.NODE, shardRouting.currentNodeId()) .field(Fields.RELOCATING_NODE, shardRouting.relocatingNodeId()) .endObject(); stats.toXContent(builder, params); return builder; } static final class Fields { static final XContentBuilderString ROUTING = new XContentBuilderString("routing"); static final XContentBuilderString STATE = new XContentBuilderString("state"); static final XContentBuilderString PRIMARY = new XContentBuilderString("primary"); static final XContentBuilderString NODE = new XContentBuilderString("node"); static final XContentBuilderString RELOCATING_NODE = new XContentBuilderString("relocating_node"); } }
public class SimpleCommandProcessor extends MemcacheCommandProcessor<SimpleCommand> { private final ILogger logger; public SimpleCommandProcessor(TextCommandService textCommandService) { super(textCommandService); logger = textCommandService.getNode().getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); } public void handle(SimpleCommand command) { if (command.getType() == QUIT) { try { command.getSocketTextReader().closeConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning(e); } } else if (command.getType() == UNKNOWN) { command.setResponse(ERROR); textCommandService.sendResponse(command); } } public void handleRejection(SimpleCommand command) { handle(command); } }
public interface CacheRequest { public List<CacheItemRequest> getCacheItemRequests(); }
public interface BroadleafEnumerationType { public String getType(); public String getFriendlyType(); }
public class ReplicationShardOperationFailedException extends IndexShardException implements ElasticsearchWrapperException { public ReplicationShardOperationFailedException(ShardId shardId, String msg) { super(shardId, msg, null); } public ReplicationShardOperationFailedException(ShardId shardId, Throwable cause) { super(shardId, "", cause); } public ReplicationShardOperationFailedException(ShardId shardId, String msg, Throwable cause) { super(shardId, msg, cause); } }
static final class QNode implements ForkJoinPool.ManagedBlocker { final Phaser phaser; final int phase; final boolean interruptible; final boolean timed; boolean wasInterrupted; long nanos; long lastTime; volatile Thread thread; // nulled to cancel wait QNode next; QNode(Phaser phaser, int phase, boolean interruptible, boolean timed, long nanos) { this.phaser = phaser; this.phase = phase; this.interruptible = interruptible; this.nanos = nanos; this.timed = timed; this.lastTime = timed ? System.nanoTime() : 0L; thread = Thread.currentThread(); } public boolean isReleasable() { if (thread == null) return true; if (phaser.getPhase() != phase) { thread = null; return true; } if (Thread.interrupted()) wasInterrupted = true; if (wasInterrupted && interruptible) { thread = null; return true; } if (timed) { if (nanos > 0L) { long now = System.nanoTime(); nanos -= now - lastTime; lastTime = now; } if (nanos <= 0L) { thread = null; return true; } } return false; } public boolean block() { if (isReleasable()) return true; else if (!timed) LockSupport.park(this); else if (nanos > 0) LockSupport.parkNanos(this, nanos); return isReleasable(); } }
.withPredicateProvider(new PredicateProvider() { @Override public Predicate buildPredicate(CriteriaBuilder builder, FieldPathBuilder fieldPathBuilder, From root, String ceilingEntity, String fullPropertyName, Path explicitPath, List directValues) { return explicitPath.as(Long.class).in(directValues); } })
static class TestComparator implements Comparator<Map.Entry>, Serializable { int ascending = 1; IterationType iterationType = IterationType.ENTRY; TestComparator() { } TestComparator(boolean ascending, IterationType iterationType) { this.ascending = ascending ? 1 : -1; this.iterationType = iterationType; } public int compare(Map.Entry e1, Map.Entry e2) { Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> o1 = e1; Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> o2 = e2; switch (iterationType) { case KEY: return (o1.getKey() - o2.getKey()) * ascending; case VALUE: return (o1.getValue() - o2.getValue()) * ascending; default: int result = (o1.getValue() - o2.getValue()) * ascending; if (result != 0) { return result; } return (o1.getKey() - o2.getKey()) * ascending; } } }
public interface TypedTransformer<K> extends Transformer { public K transform(Object input); }
public class AddThrowsAnnotationProposal extends CorrectionProposal { public static void addThrowsAnnotationProposal(Collection<ICompletionProposal> proposals, Tree.Statement statement, Tree.CompilationUnit cu, IFile file, IDocument doc) { ProducedType exceptionType = determineExceptionType(statement); if (exceptionType == null) { return; } Tree.Declaration throwContainer = determineThrowContainer(statement, cu); if( !(throwContainer instanceof Tree.MethodDefinition) && !(throwContainer instanceof Tree.AttributeGetterDefinition) && !(throwContainer instanceof Tree.AttributeSetterDefinition) && !(throwContainer instanceof Tree.ClassOrInterface) ) { return; } if (isAlreadyPresent(throwContainer, exceptionType)) { return; } String throwsAnnotation = "throws (`class " + exceptionType.getProducedTypeName() + "`, \"\")"; InsertEdit throwsAnnotationInsertEdit = createInsertAnnotationEdit(throwsAnnotation, throwContainer, doc); TextFileChange throwsAnnotationChange = new TextFileChange("Add Throws Annotation", file); throwsAnnotationChange.setEdit(throwsAnnotationInsertEdit); int cursorOffset = throwsAnnotationInsertEdit.getOffset() + throwsAnnotationInsertEdit.getText().indexOf(")") - 1; AddThrowsAnnotationProposal proposal = new AddThrowsAnnotationProposal(throwsAnnotationChange, exceptionType, cursorOffset, throwContainer.getIdentifier() != null ? throwContainer.getIdentifier().getText() : ""); if (!proposals.contains(proposal)) { proposals.add(proposal); } } private static ProducedType determineExceptionType(Tree.Statement statement) { ProducedType exceptionType = null; if (statement instanceof Tree.Throw) { ProducedType ceylonLangExceptionType = statement.getUnit().getExceptionDeclaration().getType(); Tree.Expression throwExpression = ((Tree.Throw) statement).getExpression(); if (throwExpression == null) { exceptionType = ceylonLangExceptionType; } else { ProducedType throwExpressionType = throwExpression.getTypeModel(); if ( throwExpressionType != null && throwExpressionType.isSubtypeOf(ceylonLangExceptionType) ) { exceptionType = throwExpressionType; } } } return exceptionType; } private static Tree.Declaration determineThrowContainer(Tree.Statement statement, Tree.CompilationUnit cu) { FindContainerVisitor fcv = new FindContainerVisitor(statement); fcv.visit(cu); return fcv.getDeclaration(); } private static boolean isAlreadyPresent(Tree.Declaration throwContainer, ProducedType exceptionType) { Tree.AnnotationList annotationList = throwContainer.getAnnotationList(); if (annotationList != null) { for (Tree.Annotation annotation : annotationList.getAnnotations()) { String annotationIdentifier = getAnnotationIdentifier(annotation); if ("throws".equals(annotationIdentifier)) { Tree.PositionalArgumentList positionalArgumentList = annotation.getPositionalArgumentList(); if (positionalArgumentList != null && positionalArgumentList.getPositionalArguments() != null && positionalArgumentList.getPositionalArguments().size() > 0) { Tree.PositionalArgument throwsArg = positionalArgumentList.getPositionalArguments().get(0); if (throwsArg instanceof Tree.ListedArgument) { Tree.Expression throwsArgExp = ((Tree.ListedArgument) throwsArg).getExpression(); if (throwsArgExp != null) { Tree.Term term = throwsArgExp.getTerm(); if (term instanceof Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression) { Declaration declaration = ((Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression) term).getDeclaration(); if (declaration instanceof TypeDeclaration) { ProducedType type = ((TypeDeclaration) declaration).getType(); if (exceptionType.isExactly(type)) { return true; } } } } } } } } } return false; } private AddThrowsAnnotationProposal(Change change, ProducedType exceptionType, int offset, String declName) { super("Add throws annotation to '" + declName + "'", change, new Region(offset, 0)); } }
@Entity @Table(name = "BLC_OFFER_AUDIT") @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) public class OfferAuditImpl implements OfferAudit { public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(OfferAuditImpl.class); @Id @GeneratedValue(generator = "OfferAuditId") @GenericGenerator( name="OfferAuditId", strategy="org.broadleafcommerce.common.persistence.IdOverrideTableGenerator", parameters = { @Parameter(name="segment_value", value="OfferAuditImpl"), @Parameter(name="entity_name", value="org.broadleafcommerce.core.offer.domain.OfferAuditImpl") } ) @Column(name = "OFFER_AUDIT_ID") protected Long id; @Column(name = "OFFER_ID") @Index(name="OFFERAUDIT_OFFER_INDEX", columnNames={"OFFER_ID"}) protected Long offerId; @Column(name = "CUSTOMER_ID") @Index(name="OFFERAUDIT_CUSTOMER_INDEX", columnNames={"CUSTOMER_ID"}) protected Long customerId; @Column(name = "ORDER_ID") @Index(name="OFFERAUDIT_ORDER_INDEX", columnNames={"ORDER_ID"}) protected Long orderId; @Column(name = "REDEEMED_DATE") protected Date redeemedDate; @Override public Long getId() { return id; } @Override public void setId(Long id) { this.id = id; } @Override public Long getOfferId() { return offerId; } @Override public void setOfferId(Long offerId) { this.offerId = offerId; } @Override public Long getOfferCodeId() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void setOfferCodeId(Long offerCodeId) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Long getCustomerId() { return customerId; } @Override public void setCustomerId(Long customerId) { this.customerId = customerId; } @Override public Long getOrderId() { return orderId; } @Override public void setOrderId(Long orderId) { this.orderId = orderId; } @Override public Date getRedeemedDate() { return redeemedDate; } @Override public void setRedeemedDate(Date redeemedDate) { this.redeemedDate = redeemedDate; } @Override public int hashCode() { try { return new HashCodeBuilder() .append(customerId) .append(offerId) .append(getOfferCodeId()) .append(redeemedDate) .append(orderId) .build(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return new HashCodeBuilder() .append(customerId) .append(offerId) .append(redeemedDate) .append(orderId) .build(); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof OfferAuditImpl) { OfferAuditImpl that = (OfferAuditImpl) o; try { return new EqualsBuilder() .append(this.id, that.id) .append(this.customerId, that.customerId) .append(this.offerId, that.offerId) .append(this.getOfferCodeId(), that.getOfferCodeId()) .append(this.redeemedDate, that.redeemedDate) .append(this.orderId, that.orderId) .build(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return new EqualsBuilder() .append(this.id, that.id) .append(this.customerId, that.customerId) .append(this.offerId, that.offerId) .append(this.redeemedDate, that.redeemedDate) .append(this.orderId, that.orderId) .build(); } } return false; } }
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public abstract class Operation implements DataSerializable { // serialized private String serviceName; private int partitionId = -1; private int replicaIndex; private long callId; private boolean validateTarget = true; private long invocationTime = -1; private long callTimeout = Long.MAX_VALUE; private long waitTimeout = -1; private String callerUuid; private String executorName; // injected private transient NodeEngine nodeEngine; private transient Object service; private transient Address callerAddress; private transient Connection connection; private transient ResponseHandler responseHandler; private transient long startTime; public boolean isUrgent() { return this instanceof UrgentSystemOperation; } // runs before wait-support public abstract void beforeRun() throws Exception; // runs after wait-support, supposed to do actual operation public abstract void run() throws Exception; // runs after backups, before wait-notify public abstract void afterRun() throws Exception; public abstract boolean returnsResponse(); public abstract Object getResponse(); public String getServiceName() { return serviceName; } public final Operation setServiceName(String serviceName) { this.serviceName = serviceName; return this; } public final int getPartitionId() { return partitionId; } public final Operation setPartitionId(int partitionId) { this.partitionId = partitionId; return this; } public final int getReplicaIndex() { return replicaIndex; } public final Operation setReplicaIndex(int replicaIndex) { if (replicaIndex < 0 || replicaIndex >= InternalPartition.MAX_REPLICA_COUNT) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Replica index is out of range [0-" + (InternalPartition.MAX_REPLICA_COUNT - 1) + "]"); } this.replicaIndex = replicaIndex; return this; } public String getExecutorName() { return executorName; } public void setExecutorName(String executorName) { this.executorName = executorName; } public final long getCallId() { return callId; } // Accessed using OperationAccessor final Operation setCallId(long callId) { this.callId = callId; return this; } public boolean validatesTarget() { return validateTarget; } public final Operation setValidateTarget(boolean validateTarget) { this.validateTarget = validateTarget; return this; } public final NodeEngine getNodeEngine() { return nodeEngine; } public final Operation setNodeEngine(NodeEngine nodeEngine) { this.nodeEngine = nodeEngine; return this; } public final <T> T getService() { if (service == null) { // one might have overridden getServiceName() method... final String name = serviceName != null ? serviceName : getServiceName(); service = ((NodeEngineImpl) nodeEngine).getService(name); if (service == null) { if (nodeEngine.isActive()) { throw new HazelcastException("Service with name '" + name + "' not found!"); } else { throw new RetryableHazelcastException("HazelcastInstance[" + nodeEngine.getThisAddress() + "] is not active!"); } } } return (T) service; } public final Operation setService(Object service) { this.service = service; return this; } public final Address getCallerAddress() { return callerAddress; } // Accessed using OperationAccessor final Operation setCallerAddress(Address callerAddress) { this.callerAddress = callerAddress; return this; } public final Connection getConnection() { return connection; } // Accessed using OperationAccessor final Operation setConnection(Connection connection) { this.connection = connection; return this; } public final Operation setResponseHandler(ResponseHandler responseHandler) { this.responseHandler = responseHandler; return this; } public final ResponseHandler getResponseHandler() { return responseHandler; } public final long getStartTime() { return startTime; } // Accessed using OperationAccessor final Operation setStartTime(long startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; return this; } public final long getInvocationTime() { return invocationTime; } // Accessed using OperationAccessor final Operation setInvocationTime(long invocationTime) { this.invocationTime = invocationTime; return this; } public final long getCallTimeout() { return callTimeout; } // Accessed using OperationAccessor final Operation setCallTimeout(long callTimeout) { this.callTimeout = callTimeout; return this; } public final long getWaitTimeout() { return waitTimeout; } public final void setWaitTimeout(long timeout) { this.waitTimeout = timeout; } public ExceptionAction onException(Throwable throwable) { return (throwable instanceof RetryableException) ? ExceptionAction.RETRY_INVOCATION : ExceptionAction.THROW_EXCEPTION; } public String getCallerUuid() { return callerUuid; } public Operation setCallerUuid(String callerUuid) { this.callerUuid = callerUuid; return this; } protected final ILogger getLogger() { final NodeEngine ne = nodeEngine; return ne != null ? ne.getLogger(getClass()) : Logger.getLogger(getClass()); } public void logError(Throwable e) { final ILogger logger = getLogger(); if (e instanceof RetryableException) { final Level level = returnsResponse() ? Level.FINEST : Level.WARNING; if (logger.isLoggable(level)) { logger.log(level, e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } else if (e instanceof OutOfMemoryError) { try { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } } else { final Level level = nodeEngine != null && nodeEngine.isActive() ? Level.SEVERE : Level.FINEST; if (logger.isLoggable(level)) { logger.log(level, e.getMessage(), e); } } } @Override public final void writeData(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeUTF(serviceName); out.writeInt(partitionId); out.writeInt(replicaIndex); out.writeLong(callId); out.writeBoolean(validateTarget); out.writeLong(invocationTime); out.writeLong(callTimeout); out.writeLong(waitTimeout); out.writeUTF(callerUuid); out.writeUTF(executorName); writeInternal(out); } @Override public final void readData(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { serviceName = in.readUTF(); partitionId = in.readInt(); replicaIndex = in.readInt(); callId = in.readLong(); validateTarget = in.readBoolean(); invocationTime = in.readLong(); callTimeout = in.readLong(); waitTimeout = in.readLong(); callerUuid = in.readUTF(); executorName = in.readUTF(); readInternal(in); } protected abstract void writeInternal(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException; protected abstract void readInternal(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException; }
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public class FilterParameter { protected String name; protected String type; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } }
public class BulkShardResponse extends ActionResponse { private ShardId shardId; private BulkItemResponse[] responses; BulkShardResponse() { } BulkShardResponse(ShardId shardId, BulkItemResponse[] responses) { this.shardId = shardId; this.responses = responses; } public ShardId getShardId() { return shardId; } public BulkItemResponse[] getResponses() { return responses; } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); shardId = ShardId.readShardId(in); responses = new BulkItemResponse[in.readVInt()]; for (int i = 0; i < responses.length; i++) { responses[i] = BulkItemResponse.readBulkItem(in); } } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); shardId.writeTo(out); out.writeVInt(responses.length); for (BulkItemResponse response : responses) { response.writeTo(out); } } }
ex.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { instances[id] = nodeFactory.newHazelcastInstance(); instances[id].getAtomicLong(name).incrementAndGet(); countDownLatch.countDown(); } });
public class BatchRetrieveDao { //Default batch read size private int inClauseBatchSize = 300; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> List<T> batchExecuteReadQuery(Query query, List<?> params, String parameterName) { List<T> response = new ArrayList<T>(); int start = 0; while (start < params.size()) { List<?> batchParams = params.subList(start, params.size() < inClauseBatchSize ? params.size() : inClauseBatchSize); query.setParameter(parameterName, batchParams); response.addAll(query.getResultList()); start += inClauseBatchSize; } return response; } public int getInClauseBatchSize() { return inClauseBatchSize; } public void setInClauseBatchSize(int inClauseBatchSize) { this.inClauseBatchSize = inClauseBatchSize; } }
@RunWith(HazelcastParallelClassRunner.class) @Category(QuickTest.class) public class XmlClientConfigBuilderTest { @Test public void readClientExecutorPoolSize() { String xml = "<hazelcast-client>\n" + "<executor-pool-size>18</executor-pool-size>" + "</hazelcast-client>"; final ClientConfig clientConfig = buildConfig(xml); assertEquals(18, clientConfig.getExecutorPoolSize()); } @Test public void readProperties() { String xml = "<hazelcast-client>\n" + "<properties>" + "<property name=\"hazelcast.client.connection.timeout\">6000</property>" + "<property name=\"hazelcast.client.retry.count\">8</property>" + "</properties>" + "</hazelcast-client>"; final ClientConfig clientConfig = buildConfig(xml); assertEquals("6000", clientConfig.getProperty("hazelcast.client.connection.timeout")); assertEquals("8", clientConfig.getProperty("hazelcast.client.retry.count")); } private ClientConfig buildConfig(String xml) { ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes()); XmlClientConfigBuilder configBuilder = new XmlClientConfigBuilder(bis); return configBuilder.build(); } }
constructors[COLLECTION_ADD_ALL] = new ConstructorFunction<Integer, IdentifiedDataSerializable>() { public IdentifiedDataSerializable createNew(Integer arg) { return new CollectionAddAllOperation(); } };
class ShardClearIndicesCacheResponse extends BroadcastShardOperationResponse { ShardClearIndicesCacheResponse() { } public ShardClearIndicesCacheResponse(String index, int shardId) { super(index, shardId); } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); } }
{ @Override public int defaultPort() { return 5001; } @Override public int port() { return config.get( ClusterSettings.cluster_server ).getPort(); } }, receiver, logging);
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public static class Map extends Mapper<NullWritable, FaunusVertex, LongWritable, Text> { private boolean isVertex; private SafeMapperOutputs outputs; @Override public void setup(final Mapper.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { this.isVertex = context.getConfiguration().getClass(CLASS, Element.class, Element.class).equals(Vertex.class); this.outputs = new SafeMapperOutputs(context); } private LongWritable longWritable = new LongWritable(); private Text text = new Text(); @Override public void map(final NullWritable key, final FaunusVertex value, final Mapper<NullWritable, FaunusVertex, LongWritable, Text>.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (this.isVertex) { if (value.hasPaths()) { this.longWritable.set(value.getLongId()); this.text.set(ElementPicker.getPropertyAsString(value, Tokens._PROPERTIES)); for (int i = 0; i < value.pathCount(); i++) { this.outputs.write(Tokens.SIDEEFFECT, this.longWritable, this.text); } DEFAULT_COMPAT.incrementContextCounter(context, Counters.VERTICES_PROCESSED, 1L); } } else { long edgesProcessed = 0; for (final Edge e : value.getEdges(Direction.OUT)) { final StandardFaunusEdge edge = (StandardFaunusEdge) e; if (edge.hasPaths()) { this.longWritable.set(edge.getLongId()); this.text.set(ElementPicker.getPropertyAsString(edge, Tokens._PROPERTIES)); for (int i = 0; i < edge.pathCount(); i++) { this.outputs.write(Tokens.SIDEEFFECT, this.longWritable, this.text); } edgesProcessed++; } } DEFAULT_COMPAT.incrementContextCounter(context, Counters.OUT_EDGES_PROCESSED, edgesProcessed); } this.outputs.write(Tokens.GRAPH, NullWritable.get(), value); } @Override public void cleanup(final Mapper<NullWritable, FaunusVertex, LongWritable, Text>.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { this.outputs.close(); } }
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return new Iterator<ODocument>() { public boolean hasNext() { return iterator.hasNext(); } public ODocument next() { return iterator.next().document; } public void remove() { iterator.remove(); } };
public class ListProxyImpl<E> extends AbstractCollectionProxyImpl<ListService, E> implements IList<E> { protected ListProxyImpl(String name, NodeEngine nodeEngine, ListService service) { super(name, nodeEngine, service); } @Override protected CollectionConfig getConfig(NodeEngine nodeEngine) { return nodeEngine.getConfig().findListConfig(name); } @Override public void add(int index, E e) { throwExceptionIfNull(e); final Data value = getNodeEngine().toData(e); final ListAddOperation operation = new ListAddOperation(name, index, value); invoke(operation); } @Override public E get(int index) { final ListGetOperation operation = new ListGetOperation(name, index); return invoke(operation); } @Override public E set(int index, E element) { throwExceptionIfNull(element); final Data value = getNodeEngine().toData(element); final ListSetOperation operation = new ListSetOperation(name, index, value); return invoke(operation); } @Override public E remove(int index) { final ListRemoveOperation operation = new ListRemoveOperation(name, index); return invoke(operation); } @Override public int indexOf(Object o) { return indexOfInternal(false, o); } @Override public int lastIndexOf(Object o) { return indexOfInternal(true, o); } private int indexOfInternal(boolean last, Object o) { throwExceptionIfNull(o); final Data value = getNodeEngine().toData(o); final ListIndexOfOperation operation = new ListIndexOfOperation(name, last, value); final Integer result = invoke(operation); return result; } @Override public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) { throwExceptionIfNull(c); List<Data> valueList = new ArrayList<Data>(c.size()); final NodeEngine nodeEngine = getNodeEngine(); for (E e : c) { throwExceptionIfNull(e); valueList.add(nodeEngine.toData(e)); } final ListAddAllOperation operation = new ListAddAllOperation(name, index, valueList); final Boolean result = invoke(operation); return result; } @Override public ListIterator<E> listIterator() { return listIterator(0); } @Override public ListIterator<E> listIterator(int index) { final List<E> list = subList(-1, -1); return list.listIterator(index); } @Override public List<E> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) { final ListSubOperation operation = new ListSubOperation(name, fromIndex, toIndex); final SerializableCollection result = invoke(operation); final Collection<Data> collection = result.getCollection(); final List<E> list = new ArrayList<E>(collection.size()); final NodeEngine nodeEngine = getNodeEngine(); for (Data data : collection) { list.add(nodeEngine.<E>toObject(data)); } return list; } @Override public Iterator<E> iterator() { return listIterator(0); } @Override public Object[] toArray() { return subList(-1, -1).toArray(); } @Override public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) { throwExceptionIfNull(a); return subList(-1, -1).toArray(a); } @Override public String getServiceName() { return ListService.SERVICE_NAME; } }
public class FieldChain { private FieldChain() { } public String getItemName(int fieldIndex) { if (fieldIndex == 0) { return name; } else { return operationsChain.get(fieldIndex - 1).getValue()[0].toString(); } } public int getItemCount() { if (operationsChain == null) { return 1; } else { return operationsChain.size() + 1; } } /** * Field chain is considered as long chain if it contains more than one item. * * @return true if this chain is long and false in another case. */ public boolean isLong() { return operationsChain != null && operationsChain.size() > 0; } }
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@Repository("blCurrencyDao") public class BroadleafCurrencyDaoImpl implements BroadleafCurrencyDao { @PersistenceContext(unitName = "blPU") protected EntityManager em; @Resource(name="blEntityConfiguration") protected EntityConfiguration entityConfiguration; @Override public BroadleafCurrency findDefaultBroadleafCurrency() { Query query = em.createNamedQuery("BC_READ_DEFAULT_CURRENCY"); query.setHint(org.hibernate.ejb.QueryHints.HINT_CACHEABLE, true); List<BroadleafCurrency> currencyList = (List<BroadleafCurrency>) query.getResultList(); if (currencyList.size() >= 1) { return currencyList.get(0); } return null; } /** * @return The locale for the passed in code */ @Override public BroadleafCurrency findCurrencyByCode(String currencyCode) { Query query = em.createNamedQuery("BC_READ_CURRENCY_BY_CODE"); query.setParameter("currencyCode", currencyCode); query.setHint(org.hibernate.ejb.QueryHints.HINT_CACHEABLE, true); List<BroadleafCurrency> currencyList = (List<BroadleafCurrency>) query.getResultList(); if (currencyList.size() >= 1) { return currencyList.get(0); } return null; } @Override public List<BroadleafCurrency> getAllCurrencies() { Query query = em.createNamedQuery("BC_READ_ALL_CURRENCIES"); query.setHint(org.hibernate.ejb.QueryHints.HINT_CACHEABLE, true); return (List<BroadleafCurrency>) query.getResultList(); } @Override public BroadleafCurrency save(BroadleafCurrency currency) { return em.merge(currency); } }
static class ActionEntry<Request extends ActionRequest, Response extends ActionResponse> { public final GenericAction<Request, Response> action; public final Class<? extends TransportAction<Request, Response>> transportAction; public final Class[] supportTransportActions; ActionEntry(GenericAction<Request, Response> action, Class<? extends TransportAction<Request, Response>> transportAction, Class... supportTransportActions) { this.action = action; this.transportAction = transportAction; this.supportTransportActions = supportTransportActions; } }
static class TrySemaphoreThread extends SemaphoreTestThread{ public TrySemaphoreThread(ISemaphore semaphore, AtomicInteger upTotal, AtomicInteger downTotal){ super(semaphore, upTotal, downTotal); } public void iterativelyRun() throws Exception{ if(semaphore.tryAcquire()){ work(); semaphore.release(); } } }
public class URLBlobStore extends AbstractComponent implements BlobStore { private final Executor executor; private final URL path; private final int bufferSizeInBytes; /** * Constructs new read-only URL-based blob store * <p/> * The following settings are supported * <dl> * <dt>buffer_size</dt> * <dd>- size of the read buffer, defaults to 100KB</dd> * </dl> * * @param settings settings * @param executor executor for read operations * @param path base URL */ public URLBlobStore(Settings settings, Executor executor, URL path) { super(settings); this.path = path; this.bufferSizeInBytes = (int) settings.getAsBytesSize("buffer_size", new ByteSizeValue(100, ByteSizeUnit.KB)).bytes(); this.executor = executor; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return path.toString(); } /** * Returns base URL * * @return base URL */ public URL path() { return path; } /** * Returns read buffer size * * @return read buffer size */ public int bufferSizeInBytes() { return this.bufferSizeInBytes; } /** * Returns executor used for read operations * * @return executor */ public Executor executor() { return executor; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ImmutableBlobContainer immutableBlobContainer(BlobPath path) { try { return new URLImmutableBlobContainer(this, path, buildPath(path)); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { throw new BlobStoreException("malformed URL " + path, ex); } } /** * This operation is not supported by URL Blob Store * * @param path */ @Override public void delete(BlobPath path) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("URL repository is read only"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void close() { // nothing to do here... } /** * Builds URL using base URL and specified path * * @param path relative path * @return Base URL + path * @throws MalformedURLException */ private URL buildPath(BlobPath path) throws MalformedURLException { String[] paths = path.toArray(); if (paths.length == 0) { return path(); } URL blobPath = new URL(this.path, paths[0] + "/"); if (paths.length > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < paths.length; i++) { blobPath = new URL(blobPath, paths[i] + "/"); } } return blobPath; } }
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public static class Request { final String index; TimeValue timeout = TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(10); TimeValue masterTimeout = MasterNodeOperationRequest.DEFAULT_MASTER_NODE_TIMEOUT; public Request(String index) { this.index = index; } public Request timeout(TimeValue timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; return this; } public Request masterTimeout(TimeValue masterTimeout) { this.masterTimeout = masterTimeout; return this; } }
@Repository("blPageDao") public class PageDaoImpl implements PageDao { private static SandBox DUMMY_SANDBOX = new SandBoxImpl(); { DUMMY_SANDBOX.setId(-1l); } @PersistenceContext(unitName = "blPU") protected EntityManager em; @Resource(name="blEntityConfiguration") protected EntityConfiguration entityConfiguration; @Override public Page readPageById(Long id) { return em.find(PageImpl.class, id); } @Override public PageTemplate readPageTemplateById(Long id) { return em.find(PageTemplateImpl.class, id); } @Override public PageTemplate savePageTemplate(PageTemplate template) { return em.merge(template); } @Override public Map<String, PageField> readPageFieldsByPage(Page page) { Query query = em.createNamedQuery("BC_READ_PAGE_FIELDS_BY_PAGE_ID"); query.setParameter("page", page); query.setHint(QueryHints.HINT_CACHEABLE, true); List<PageField> pageFields = query.getResultList(); Map<String, PageField> pageFieldMap = new HashMap<String, PageField>(); for (PageField pageField : pageFields) { pageFieldMap.put(pageField.getFieldKey(), pageField); } return pageFieldMap; } @Override public Page updatePage(Page page) { return em.merge(page); } @Override public void delete(Page page) { if (!em.contains(page)) { page = readPageById(page.getId()); } em.remove(page); } @Override public Page addPage(Page clonedPage) { return em.merge(clonedPage); } @Override public List<Page> findPageByURI(SandBox sandBox, Locale fullLocale, Locale languageOnlyLocale, String uri) { Query query; if (languageOnlyLocale == null) { languageOnlyLocale = fullLocale; } // locale if (sandBox == null) { query = em.createNamedQuery("BC_READ_PAGE_BY_URI"); } else if (SandBoxType.PRODUCTION.equals(sandBox.getSandBoxType())) { query = em.createNamedQuery("BC_READ_PAGE_BY_URI_AND_PRODUCTION_SANDBOX"); query.setParameter("sandbox", sandBox); } else { query = em.createNamedQuery("BC_READ_PAGE_BY_URI_AND_USER_SANDBOX"); query.setParameter("sandboxId", sandBox.getId()); } query.setParameter("fullLocale", fullLocale); query.setParameter("languageOnlyLocale", languageOnlyLocale); query.setParameter("uri", uri); return query.getResultList(); } @Override public List<Page> readAllPages() { CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<Page> criteria = builder.createQuery(Page.class); Root<PageImpl> page = criteria.from(PageImpl.class); criteria.select(page); try { return em.createQuery(criteria).getResultList(); } catch (NoResultException e) { return new ArrayList<Page>(); } } @Override public List<PageTemplate> readAllPageTemplates() { CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<PageTemplate> criteria = builder.createQuery(PageTemplate.class); Root<PageTemplateImpl> template = criteria.from(PageTemplateImpl.class); criteria.select(template); try { return em.createQuery(criteria).getResultList(); } catch (NoResultException e) { return new ArrayList<PageTemplate>(); } } @Override public List<Page> findPageByURI(SandBox sandBox, Locale locale, String uri) { return findPageByURI(sandBox, locale, null, uri); } @Override public void detachPage(Page page) { em.detach(page); } }
public class MapReplicationOperation extends AbstractOperation { private Map<String, Set<RecordReplicationInfo>> data; private Map<String, Boolean> mapInitialLoadInfo; private Map<String, List<DelayedEntry>> delayedEntries; public MapReplicationOperation() { } public MapReplicationOperation(MapService mapService, PartitionContainer container, int partitionId, int replicaIndex) { this.setPartitionId(partitionId).setReplicaIndex(replicaIndex); data = new HashMap<String, Set<RecordReplicationInfo>>(container.getMaps().size()); mapInitialLoadInfo = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(container.getMaps().size()); for (Entry<String, RecordStore> entry : container.getMaps().entrySet()) { RecordStore recordStore = entry.getValue(); MapContainer mapContainer = recordStore.getMapContainer(); final MapConfig mapConfig = mapContainer.getMapConfig(); if (mapConfig.getTotalBackupCount() < replicaIndex) { continue; } String name = entry.getKey(); // adding if initial data is loaded for the only maps that has mapstore behind if (mapContainer.getStore() != null) { mapInitialLoadInfo.put(name, replicaIndex > 0 || recordStore.isLoaded()); } // now prepare data to migrate records Set<RecordReplicationInfo> recordSet = new HashSet<RecordReplicationInfo>(); for (Entry<Data, Record> recordEntry : recordStore.getReadonlyRecordMap().entrySet()) { Record record = recordEntry.getValue(); RecordReplicationInfo recordReplicationInfo; recordReplicationInfo = mapService.createRecordReplicationInfo(record); recordSet.add(recordReplicationInfo); } data.put(name, recordSet); } readDelayedEntries(container); } private void readDelayedEntries(PartitionContainer container) { delayedEntries = new HashMap<String, List<DelayedEntry>>(container.getMaps().size()); for (Entry<String, RecordStore> entry : container.getMaps().entrySet()) { RecordStore recordStore = entry.getValue(); final List<DelayedEntry> delayedEntries = recordStore.getWriteBehindQueue().getSnapShot().asList(); if (delayedEntries != null && delayedEntries.size() == 0) { continue; } this.delayedEntries.put(entry.getKey(), delayedEntries); } } public void run() { MapService mapService = getService(); if (data != null) { for (Entry<String, Set<RecordReplicationInfo>> dataEntry : data.entrySet()) { Set<RecordReplicationInfo> recordReplicationInfos = dataEntry.getValue(); final String mapName = dataEntry.getKey(); RecordStore recordStore = mapService.getRecordStore(getPartitionId(), mapName); for (RecordReplicationInfo recordReplicationInfo : recordReplicationInfos) { Data key = recordReplicationInfo.getKey(); Record newRecord = mapService.createRecord(mapName, key, recordReplicationInfo.getValue(), -1); mapService.applyRecordInfo(newRecord, recordReplicationInfo); recordStore.putForReplication(key, newRecord); } } } if (mapInitialLoadInfo != null) { for (Entry<String, Boolean> entry : mapInitialLoadInfo.entrySet()) { final String mapName = entry.getKey(); RecordStore recordStore = mapService.getRecordStore(getPartitionId(), mapName); recordStore.setLoaded(entry.getValue()); } } for (Entry<String, List<DelayedEntry>> entry : delayedEntries.entrySet()) { final RecordStore recordStore = mapService.getRecordStore(getPartitionId(), entry.getKey()); final List<DelayedEntry> replicatedEntries = entry.getValue(); final WriteBehindQueue<DelayedEntry> writeBehindQueue = recordStore.getWriteBehindQueue(); writeBehindQueue.addEnd(replicatedEntries); } } public String getServiceName() { return MapService.SERVICE_NAME; } protected void readInternal(final ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { int size = in.readInt(); data = new HashMap<String, Set<RecordReplicationInfo>>(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String name = in.readUTF(); int mapSize = in.readInt(); Set<RecordReplicationInfo> recordReplicationInfos = new HashSet<RecordReplicationInfo>(mapSize); for (int j = 0; j < mapSize; j++) { RecordReplicationInfo recordReplicationInfo = in.readObject(); recordReplicationInfos.add(recordReplicationInfo); } data.put(name, recordReplicationInfos); } size = in.readInt(); mapInitialLoadInfo = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String name = in.readUTF(); boolean loaded = in.readBoolean(); mapInitialLoadInfo.put(name, loaded); } size = in.readInt(); delayedEntries = new HashMap<String, List<DelayedEntry>>(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { final String mapName = in.readUTF(); final int listSize = in.readInt(); final List<DelayedEntry> delayedEntriesList = new ArrayList<DelayedEntry>(listSize); for (int j = 0; j < listSize; j++) { final Data key = IOUtil.readNullableData(in); final Data value = IOUtil.readNullableData(in); final long storeTime = in.readLong(); final int partitionId = in.readInt(); final DelayedEntry<Data, Data> entry = DelayedEntry.create(key, value, storeTime, partitionId); delayedEntriesList.add(entry); } delayedEntries.put(mapName, delayedEntriesList); } } protected void writeInternal(final ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(data.size()); for (Entry<String, Set<RecordReplicationInfo>> mapEntry : data.entrySet()) { out.writeUTF(mapEntry.getKey()); Set<RecordReplicationInfo> recordReplicationInfos = mapEntry.getValue(); out.writeInt(recordReplicationInfos.size()); for (RecordReplicationInfo recordReplicationInfo : recordReplicationInfos) { out.writeObject(recordReplicationInfo); } } out.writeInt(mapInitialLoadInfo.size()); for (Entry<String, Boolean> entry : mapInitialLoadInfo.entrySet()) { out.writeUTF(entry.getKey()); out.writeBoolean(entry.getValue()); } final MapService mapService = getService(); out.writeInt(delayedEntries.size()); for (Entry<String, List<DelayedEntry>> entry : delayedEntries.entrySet()) { out.writeUTF(entry.getKey()); final List<DelayedEntry> delayedEntryList = entry.getValue(); out.writeInt(delayedEntryList.size()); for (DelayedEntry e : delayedEntryList) { final Data key = mapService.toData(e.getKey()); final Data value = mapService.toData(e.getValue()); IOUtil.writeNullableData(out, key); IOUtil.writeNullableData(out, value); out.writeLong(e.getStoreTime()); out.writeInt(e.getPartitionId()); } } } public boolean isEmpty() { return data == null || data.isEmpty(); } }
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return new Terms() { @Override public TermsEnum iterator(TermsEnum reuse) throws IOException { // convert bytes ref for the terms to actual data return new TermsEnum() { int currentTerm = 0; int freq = 0; int docFreq = -1; long totalTermFrequency = -1; int[] positions = new int[1]; int[] startOffsets = new int[1]; int[] endOffsets = new int[1]; BytesRef[] payloads = new BytesRef[1]; final BytesRef spare = new BytesRef(); @Override public BytesRef next() throws IOException { if (currentTerm++ < numTerms) { // term string. first the size... int termVectorSize = perFieldTermVectorInput.readVInt(); spare.grow(termVectorSize); // ...then the value. perFieldTermVectorInput.readBytes(spare.bytes, 0, termVectorSize); spare.length = termVectorSize; if (hasTermStatistic) { docFreq = readPotentiallyNegativeVInt(perFieldTermVectorInput); totalTermFrequency = readPotentiallyNegativeVLong(perFieldTermVectorInput); } freq = readPotentiallyNegativeVInt(perFieldTermVectorInput); // grow the arrays to read the values. this is just // for performance reasons. Re-use memory instead of // realloc. growBuffers(); // finally, read the values into the arrays // curentPosition etc. so that we can just iterate // later writeInfos(perFieldTermVectorInput); return spare; } else { return null; } } private void writeInfos(final BytesStreamInput input) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < freq; i++) { if (hasPositions) { positions[i] = input.readVInt(); } if (hasOffsets) { startOffsets[i] = input.readVInt(); endOffsets[i] = input.readVInt(); } if (hasPayloads) { int payloadLength = input.readVInt(); if (payloads[i] == null) { payloads[i] = new BytesRef(payloadLength); } else { payloads[i].grow(payloadLength); } input.readBytes(payloads[i].bytes, 0, payloadLength); payloads[i].length = payloadLength; payloads[i].offset = 0; } } } private void growBuffers() { if (hasPositions) { positions = grow(positions, freq); } if (hasOffsets) { startOffsets = grow(startOffsets, freq); endOffsets = grow(endOffsets, freq); } if (hasPayloads) { if (payloads.length < freq) { final BytesRef[] newArray = new BytesRef[ArrayUtil.oversize(freq, RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF)]; System.arraycopy(payloads, 0, newArray, 0, payloads.length); payloads = newArray; } } } @Override public Comparator<BytesRef> getComparator() { return BytesRef.getUTF8SortedAsUnicodeComparator(); } @Override public SeekStatus seekCeil(BytesRef text) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void seekExact(long ord) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Seek is not supported"); } @Override public BytesRef term() throws IOException { return spare; } @Override public long ord() throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ordinals are not supported"); } @Override public int docFreq() throws IOException { return docFreq; } @Override public long totalTermFreq() throws IOException { return totalTermFrequency; } @Override public DocsEnum docs(Bits liveDocs, DocsEnum reuse, int flags) throws IOException { return docsAndPositions(liveDocs, reuse instanceof DocsAndPositionsEnum ? (DocsAndPositionsEnum) reuse : null, 0); } @Override public DocsAndPositionsEnum docsAndPositions(Bits liveDocs, DocsAndPositionsEnum reuse, int flags) throws IOException { final TermVectorsDocsAndPosEnum retVal = (reuse instanceof TermVectorsDocsAndPosEnum ? (TermVectorsDocsAndPosEnum) reuse : new TermVectorsDocsAndPosEnum()); return retVal.reset(hasPositions ? positions : null, hasOffsets ? startOffsets : null, hasOffsets ? endOffsets : null, hasPayloads ? payloads : null, freq); } }; } @Override public Comparator<BytesRef> getComparator() { return BytesRef.getUTF8SortedAsUnicodeComparator(); } @Override public long size() throws IOException { return numTerms; } @Override public long getSumTotalTermFreq() throws IOException { return sumTotalTermFreq; } @Override public long getSumDocFreq() throws IOException { return sumDocFreq; } @Override public int getDocCount() throws IOException { return docCount; } @Override public boolean hasFreqs() { return true; } @Override public boolean hasOffsets() { return hasOffsets; } @Override public boolean hasPositions() { return hasPositions; } @Override public boolean hasPayloads() { return hasPayloads; } };
public class TransportClientNodesService extends AbstractComponent { private final TimeValue nodesSamplerInterval; private final long pingTimeout; private final ClusterName clusterName; private final TransportService transportService; private final ThreadPool threadPool; private final Version version; // nodes that are added to be discovered private volatile ImmutableList<DiscoveryNode> listedNodes = ImmutableList.of(); private final Object mutex = new Object(); private volatile ImmutableList<DiscoveryNode> nodes = ImmutableList.of(); private volatile ImmutableList<DiscoveryNode> filteredNodes = ImmutableList.of(); private final AtomicInteger tempNodeIdGenerator = new AtomicInteger(); private final NodeSampler nodesSampler; private volatile ScheduledFuture nodesSamplerFuture; private final AtomicInteger randomNodeGenerator = new AtomicInteger(); private final boolean ignoreClusterName; private volatile boolean closed; @Inject public TransportClientNodesService(Settings settings, ClusterName clusterName, TransportService transportService, ThreadPool threadPool, Version version) { super(settings); this.clusterName = clusterName; this.transportService = transportService; this.threadPool = threadPool; this.version = version; this.nodesSamplerInterval = componentSettings.getAsTime("nodes_sampler_interval", timeValueSeconds(5)); this.pingTimeout = componentSettings.getAsTime("ping_timeout", timeValueSeconds(5)).millis(); this.ignoreClusterName = componentSettings.getAsBoolean("ignore_cluster_name", false); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("node_sampler_interval[" + nodesSamplerInterval + "]"); } if (componentSettings.getAsBoolean("sniff", false)) { this.nodesSampler = new SniffNodesSampler(); } else { this.nodesSampler = new SimpleNodeSampler(); } this.nodesSamplerFuture = threadPool.schedule(nodesSamplerInterval, ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, new ScheduledNodeSampler()); // we want the transport service to throw connect exceptions, so we can retry transportService.throwConnectException(true); } public ImmutableList<TransportAddress> transportAddresses() { ImmutableList.Builder<TransportAddress> lstBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (DiscoveryNode listedNode : listedNodes) { lstBuilder.add(listedNode.address()); } return lstBuilder.build(); } public ImmutableList<DiscoveryNode> connectedNodes() { return this.nodes; } public ImmutableList<DiscoveryNode> filteredNodes() { return this.filteredNodes; } public ImmutableList<DiscoveryNode> listedNodes() { return this.listedNodes; } public TransportClientNodesService addTransportAddresses(TransportAddress... transportAddresses) { synchronized (mutex) { if (closed) { throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("transport client is closed, can't add an address"); } List<TransportAddress> filtered = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(transportAddresses.length); for (TransportAddress transportAddress : transportAddresses) { boolean found = false; for (DiscoveryNode otherNode : listedNodes) { if (otherNode.address().equals(transportAddress)) { found = true; logger.debug("address [{}] already exists with [{}], ignoring...", transportAddress, otherNode); break; } } if (!found) { filtered.add(transportAddress); } } if (filtered.isEmpty()) { return this; } ImmutableList.Builder<DiscoveryNode> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); builder.addAll(listedNodes()); for (TransportAddress transportAddress : filtered) { DiscoveryNode node = new DiscoveryNode("#transport#-" + tempNodeIdGenerator.incrementAndGet(), transportAddress, version); logger.debug("adding address [{}]", node); builder.add(node); } listedNodes = builder.build(); nodesSampler.sample(); } return this; } public TransportClientNodesService removeTransportAddress(TransportAddress transportAddress) { synchronized (mutex) { if (closed) { throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("transport client is closed, can't remove an address"); } ImmutableList.Builder<DiscoveryNode> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (DiscoveryNode otherNode : listedNodes) { if (!otherNode.address().equals(transportAddress)) { builder.add(otherNode); } else { logger.debug("removing address [{}]", otherNode); } } listedNodes = builder.build(); nodesSampler.sample(); } return this; } public <T> T execute(NodeCallback<T> callback) throws ElasticsearchException { ImmutableList<DiscoveryNode> nodes = this.nodes; if (nodes.isEmpty()) { throw new NoNodeAvailableException(); } int index = randomNodeGenerator.incrementAndGet(); if (index < 0) { index = 0; randomNodeGenerator.set(0); } for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get((index + i) % nodes.size()); try { return callback.doWithNode(node); } catch (ElasticsearchException e) { if (!(e.unwrapCause() instanceof ConnectTransportException)) { throw e; } } } throw new NoNodeAvailableException(); } public <Response> void execute(NodeListenerCallback<Response> callback, ActionListener<Response> listener) throws ElasticsearchException { ImmutableList<DiscoveryNode> nodes = this.nodes; if (nodes.isEmpty()) { throw new NoNodeAvailableException(); } int index = randomNodeGenerator.incrementAndGet(); if (index < 0) { index = 0; randomNodeGenerator.set(0); } RetryListener<Response> retryListener = new RetryListener<Response>(callback, listener, nodes, index); try { callback.doWithNode(nodes.get((index) % nodes.size()), retryListener); } catch (ElasticsearchException e) { if (e.unwrapCause() instanceof ConnectTransportException) { retryListener.onFailure(e); } else { throw e; } } } public static class RetryListener<Response> implements ActionListener<Response> { private final NodeListenerCallback<Response> callback; private final ActionListener<Response> listener; private final ImmutableList<DiscoveryNode> nodes; private final int index; private volatile int i; public RetryListener(NodeListenerCallback<Response> callback, ActionListener<Response> listener, ImmutableList<DiscoveryNode> nodes, int index) { this.callback = callback; this.listener = listener; this.nodes = nodes; this.index = index; } @Override public void onResponse(Response response) { listener.onResponse(response); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e) { if (ExceptionsHelper.unwrapCause(e) instanceof ConnectTransportException) { int i = ++this.i; if (i >= nodes.size()) { listener.onFailure(new NoNodeAvailableException()); } else { try { callback.doWithNode(nodes.get((index + i) % nodes.size()), this); } catch (Throwable e1) { // retry the next one... onFailure(e); } } } else { listener.onFailure(e); } } } public void close() { synchronized (mutex) { if (closed) { return; } closed = true; nodesSamplerFuture.cancel(true); for (DiscoveryNode node : nodes) { transportService.disconnectFromNode(node); } for (DiscoveryNode listedNode : listedNodes) { transportService.disconnectFromNode(listedNode); } nodes = ImmutableList.of(); } } abstract class NodeSampler { public void sample() { synchronized (mutex) { if (closed) { return; } doSample(); } } protected abstract void doSample(); /** * validates a set of potentially newly discovered nodes and returns an immutable * list of the nodes that has passed. */ protected ImmutableList<DiscoveryNode> validateNewNodes(Set<DiscoveryNode> nodes) { for (Iterator<DiscoveryNode> it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { DiscoveryNode node = it.next(); if (!transportService.nodeConnected(node)) { try { logger.trace("connecting to node [{}]", node); transportService.connectToNode(node); } catch (Throwable e) { it.remove(); logger.debug("failed to connect to discovered node [" + node + "]", e); } } } return new ImmutableList.Builder<DiscoveryNode>().addAll(nodes).build(); } } class ScheduledNodeSampler implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { try { nodesSampler.sample(); if (!closed) { nodesSamplerFuture = threadPool.schedule(nodesSamplerInterval, ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, this); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("failed to sample", e); } } } class SimpleNodeSampler extends NodeSampler { @Override protected void doSample() { HashSet<DiscoveryNode> newNodes = new HashSet<DiscoveryNode>(); HashSet<DiscoveryNode> newFilteredNodes = new HashSet<DiscoveryNode>(); for (DiscoveryNode listedNode : listedNodes) { if (!transportService.nodeConnected(listedNode)) { try { // its a listed node, light connect to it... logger.trace("connecting to listed node (light) [{}]", listedNode); transportService.connectToNodeLight(listedNode); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.debug("failed to connect to node [{}], removed from nodes list", e, listedNode); continue; } } try { NodesInfoResponse nodeInfo = transportService.submitRequest(listedNode, NodesInfoAction.NAME, Requests.nodesInfoRequest("_local"), TransportRequestOptions.options().withType(TransportRequestOptions.Type.STATE).withTimeout(pingTimeout), new FutureTransportResponseHandler<NodesInfoResponse>() { @Override public NodesInfoResponse newInstance() { return new NodesInfoResponse(); } }).txGet(); if (!ignoreClusterName && !clusterName.equals(nodeInfo.getClusterName())) { logger.warn("node {} not part of the cluster {}, ignoring...", listedNode, clusterName); newFilteredNodes.add(listedNode); } else if (nodeInfo.getNodes().length != 0) { // use discovered information but do keep the original transport address, so people can control which address is exactly used. DiscoveryNode nodeWithInfo = nodeInfo.getNodes()[0].getNode(); newNodes.add(new DiscoveryNode(nodeWithInfo.name(), nodeWithInfo.id(), nodeWithInfo.getHostName(), nodeWithInfo.getHostAddress(), listedNode.address(), nodeWithInfo.attributes(), nodeWithInfo.version())); } else { // although we asked for one node, our target may not have completed initialization yet and doesn't have cluster nodes logger.debug("node {} didn't return any discovery info, temporarily using transport discovery node", listedNode); newNodes.add(listedNode); } } catch (Throwable e) { logger.info("failed to get node info for {}, disconnecting...", e, listedNode); transportService.disconnectFromNode(listedNode); } } nodes = validateNewNodes(newNodes); filteredNodes = ImmutableList.copyOf(newFilteredNodes); } } class SniffNodesSampler extends NodeSampler { @Override protected void doSample() { // the nodes we are going to ping include the core listed nodes that were added // and the last round of discovered nodes Set<DiscoveryNode> nodesToPing = Sets.newHashSet(); for (DiscoveryNode node : listedNodes) { nodesToPing.add(node); } for (DiscoveryNode node : nodes) { nodesToPing.add(node); } final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(nodesToPing.size()); final ConcurrentMap<DiscoveryNode, ClusterStateResponse> clusterStateResponses = ConcurrentCollections.newConcurrentMap(); for (final DiscoveryNode listedNode : nodesToPing) { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.MANAGEMENT).execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { if (!transportService.nodeConnected(listedNode)) { try { // if its one of hte actual nodes we will talk to, not to listed nodes, fully connect if (nodes.contains(listedNode)) { logger.trace("connecting to cluster node [{}]", listedNode); transportService.connectToNode(listedNode); } else { // its a listed node, light connect to it... logger.trace("connecting to listed node (light) [{}]", listedNode); transportService.connectToNodeLight(listedNode); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("failed to connect to node [{}], ignoring...", e, listedNode); latch.countDown(); return; } } transportService.sendRequest(listedNode, ClusterStateAction.NAME, Requests.clusterStateRequest() .clear().nodes(true).local(true), TransportRequestOptions.options().withType(TransportRequestOptions.Type.STATE).withTimeout(pingTimeout), new BaseTransportResponseHandler<ClusterStateResponse>() { @Override public ClusterStateResponse newInstance() { return new ClusterStateResponse(); } @Override public String executor() { return ThreadPool.Names.SAME; } @Override public void handleResponse(ClusterStateResponse response) { clusterStateResponses.put(listedNode, response); latch.countDown(); } @Override public void handleException(TransportException e) { logger.info("failed to get local cluster state for {}, disconnecting...", e, listedNode); transportService.disconnectFromNode(listedNode); latch.countDown(); } }); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.info("failed to get local cluster state info for {}, disconnecting...", e, listedNode); transportService.disconnectFromNode(listedNode); latch.countDown(); } } }); } try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } HashSet<DiscoveryNode> newNodes = new HashSet<DiscoveryNode>(listedNodes); HashSet<DiscoveryNode> newFilteredNodes = new HashSet<DiscoveryNode>(); for (Map.Entry<DiscoveryNode, ClusterStateResponse> entry : clusterStateResponses.entrySet()) { if (!ignoreClusterName && !clusterName.equals(entry.getValue().getClusterName())) { logger.warn("node {} not part of the cluster {}, ignoring...", entry.getValue().getState().nodes().localNode(), clusterName); newFilteredNodes.add(entry.getKey()); continue; } for (ObjectCursor<DiscoveryNode> cursor : entry.getValue().getState().nodes().dataNodes().values()) { newNodes.add(cursor.value); } } nodes = validateNewNodes(newNodes); filteredNodes = ImmutableList.copyOf(newFilteredNodes); } } public static interface NodeCallback<T> { T doWithNode(DiscoveryNode node) throws ElasticsearchException; } public static interface NodeListenerCallback<Response> { void doWithNode(DiscoveryNode node, ActionListener<Response> listener) throws ElasticsearchException; } }
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protected static final class RemovedValue { public static final RemovedValue INSTANCE = new RemovedValue(); }
Runnable incrementor = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { getKeyForUpdateLatch.await(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); boolean result = map.tryPut(key, value, 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); tryPutResult.set(result); afterTryPutResult.countDown(); } catch (Exception e) { } } };
@Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) @Table(name = "BLC_PRODUCT_OPTION") @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE, region = "blStandardElements") @AdminPresentationClass(friendlyName = "ProductOptionImpl_baseProductOption", populateToOneFields=PopulateToOneFieldsEnum.TRUE) public class ProductOptionImpl implements ProductOption, AdminMainEntity { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @GeneratedValue(generator= "ProductOptionId") @GenericGenerator( name="ProductOptionId", strategy="org.broadleafcommerce.common.persistence.IdOverrideTableGenerator", parameters = { @Parameter(name="segment_value", value="ProductOptionImpl"), @Parameter(name="entity_name", value="org.broadleafcommerce.core.catalog.domain.ProductOptionImpl") } ) @Column(name = "PRODUCT_OPTION_ID") protected Long id; @Column(name = "OPTION_TYPE") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "productOption_Type", fieldType = SupportedFieldType.BROADLEAF_ENUMERATION, broadleafEnumeration = "org.broadleafcommerce.core.catalog.service.type.ProductOptionType") protected String type; @Column(name = "ATTRIBUTE_NAME") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "productOption_name", helpText = "productOption_nameHelp") protected String attributeName; @Column(name = "LABEL") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "productOption_Label", helpText = "productOption_labelHelp", prominent = true, translatable = true) protected String label; @Column(name = "REQUIRED") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "productOption_Required") protected Boolean required; @Column(name = "USE_IN_SKU_GENERATION") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "productOption_UseInSKUGeneration") private Boolean useInSkuGeneration; @Column(name = "DISPLAY_ORDER") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "productOption_displayOrder") protected Integer displayOrder; @Column(name = "VALIDATION_TYPE") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "productOption_validationType", group = "productOption_validation", fieldType = SupportedFieldType.BROADLEAF_ENUMERATION, broadleafEnumeration = "org.broadleafcommerce.core.catalog.service.type.ProductOptionValidationType") private String productOptionValidationType; @Column(name = "VALIDATION_STRING") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "productOption_validationSring", group = "productOption_validation") protected String validationString; @Column(name = "ERROR_CODE") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "productOption_errorCode", group = "productOption_validation") protected String errorCode; @Column(name = "ERROR_MESSAGE") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "productOption_errorMessage", group = "productOption_validation") protected String errorMessage; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "productOption", targetEntity = ProductOptionValueImpl.class, cascade = {CascadeType.ALL}) @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE, region="blStandardElements") @OrderBy(value = "displayOrder") @AdminPresentationCollection(addType = AddMethodType.PERSIST, friendlyName = "ProductOptionImpl_Allowed_Values") protected List<ProductOptionValue> allowedValues = new ArrayList<ProductOptionValue>(); @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = ProductImpl.class) @JoinTable(name = "BLC_PRODUCT_OPTION_XREF", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "PRODUCT_OPTION_ID", referencedColumnName = "PRODUCT_OPTION_ID"), inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "PRODUCT_ID", referencedColumnName = "PRODUCT_ID")) @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE, region="blStandardElements") @BatchSize(size = 50) protected List<Product> products = new ArrayList<Product>(); @Override public Long getId() { return id; } @Override public void setId(Long id) { this.id = id; } @Override public ProductOptionType getType() { return ProductOptionType.getInstance(type); } @Override public void setType(ProductOptionType type) { this.type = type == null ? null : type.getType(); } @Override public String getAttributeName() { return attributeName; } @Override public void setAttributeName(String attributeName) { this.attributeName = attributeName; } @Override public String getLabel() { return DynamicTranslationProvider.getValue(this, "label", label); } @Override public void setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } @Override public Boolean getRequired() { return required; } @Override public void setRequired(Boolean required) { this.required = required; } @Override public Integer getDisplayOrder() { return displayOrder; } @Override public void setDisplayOrder(Integer displayOrder) { this.displayOrder = displayOrder; } @Override public List<Product> getProducts() { return products; } @Override public void setProducts(List<Product> products){ this.products = products; } @Override public List<ProductOptionValue> getAllowedValues() { return allowedValues; } @Override public void setAllowedValues(List<ProductOptionValue> allowedValues) { this.allowedValues = allowedValues; } @Override public Boolean getUseInSkuGeneration() { return (useInSkuGeneration == null) ? true : useInSkuGeneration; } @Override public void setUseInSkuGeneration(Boolean useInSkuGeneration) { this.useInSkuGeneration = useInSkuGeneration; } @Override public ProductOptionValidationType getProductOptionValidationType() { return ProductOptionValidationType.getInstance(productOptionValidationType); } @Override public void setProductOptionValidationType(ProductOptionValidationType productOptionValidationType) { this.productOptionValidationType = productOptionValidationType == null ? null : productOptionValidationType.getType(); } @Override public String getValidationString() { return validationString; } @Override public void setValidationString(String validationString) { this.validationString = validationString; } @Override public String getErrorCode() { return errorCode; } @Override public void setErrorCode(String errorCode) { this.errorCode = errorCode; } @Override public String getErrorMessage() { return errorMessage; } @Override public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage) { this.errorMessage = errorMessage; } @Override public String getMainEntityName() { return getLabel(); } }
1no label
clusterService1.submitStateUpdateTask("test2", new TimeoutClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public TimeValue timeout() { return TimeValue.timeValueMillis(2); } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Throwable t) { timedOut.countDown(); } @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { executeCalled.set(true); return currentState; } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { } });
public class IncrementCommandProcessor extends MemcacheCommandProcessor<IncrementCommand> { private final ILogger logger; public IncrementCommandProcessor(TextCommandServiceImpl textCommandService) { super(textCommandService); logger = textCommandService.getNode().getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); } public void handle(IncrementCommand incrementCommand) { String key = null; try { key = URLDecoder.decode(incrementCommand.getKey(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new HazelcastException(e); } String mapName = DEFAULT_MAP_NAME; int index = key.indexOf(':'); if (index != -1) { mapName = MAP_NAME_PRECEDER + key.substring(0, index); key = key.substring(index + 1); } try { textCommandService.lock(mapName, key); } catch (Exception e) { incrementCommand.setResponse(NOT_FOUND); if (incrementCommand.shouldReply()) { textCommandService.sendResponse(incrementCommand); } return; } Object value = textCommandService.get(mapName, key); MemcacheEntry entry = null; if (value != null) { if (value instanceof MemcacheEntry) { entry = (MemcacheEntry) value; } else if (value instanceof byte[]) { entry = new MemcacheEntry(incrementCommand.getKey(), (byte[]) value, 0); } else if (value instanceof String) { entry = new MemcacheEntry(incrementCommand.getKey(), stringToBytes((String) value), 0); } else { try { entry = new MemcacheEntry(incrementCommand.getKey(), textCommandService.toByteArray(value), 0); } catch (Exception e) { throw ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e); } } final byte[] value1 = entry.getValue(); final long current = (value1 == null || value1.length == 0) ? 0 : byteArrayToLong(value1); long result = -1; if (incrementCommand.getType() == TextCommandType.INCREMENT) { result = current + incrementCommand.getValue(); result = 0 > result ? Long.MAX_VALUE : result; textCommandService.incrementIncHitCount(); } else if (incrementCommand.getType() == TextCommandType.DECREMENT) { result = current - incrementCommand.getValue(); result = 0 > result ? 0 : result; textCommandService.incrementDecrHitCount(); } incrementCommand.setResponse(ByteUtil.concatenate(stringToBytes(String.valueOf(result)), RETURN)); MemcacheEntry newValue = new MemcacheEntry(key, longToByteArray(result), entry.getFlag()); textCommandService.put(mapName, key, newValue); } else { if (incrementCommand.getType() == TextCommandType.INCREMENT) { textCommandService.incrementIncMissCount(); } else { textCommandService.incrementDecrMissCount(); } incrementCommand.setResponse(NOT_FOUND); } textCommandService.unlock(mapName, key); if (incrementCommand.shouldReply()) { textCommandService.sendResponse(incrementCommand); } } public void handleRejection(IncrementCommand incrementCommand) { incrementCommand.setResponse(NOT_FOUND); if (incrementCommand.shouldReply()) { textCommandService.sendResponse(incrementCommand); } } }
class CacheRecord<K> { final K key; final Object value; volatile long lastAccessTime; final long creationTime; final AtomicInteger hit; CacheRecord(K key, Object value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; long time = Clock.currentTimeMillis(); this.lastAccessTime = time; this.creationTime = time; this.hit = new AtomicInteger(0); } void access() { hit.incrementAndGet(); clientNearCacheStats.incrementHits(); lastAccessTime = Clock.currentTimeMillis(); } public long getCost() { // todo find object size if not a Data instance. if (!(value instanceof Data)) { return 0; } if (!(key instanceof Data)) { return 0; } // value is Data return ((Data) key).getHeapCost() + ((Data) value).getHeapCost() + 2 * (Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE) // sizeof atomic integer + (Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE) // object references (key, value, hit) + 3 * (Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE); } boolean expired() { long time = Clock.currentTimeMillis(); return (maxIdleMillis > 0 && time > lastAccessTime + maxIdleMillis) || (timeToLiveMillis > 0 && time > creationTime + timeToLiveMillis); } }
public class RoutingNodesUtils { public static int numberOfShardsOfType(RoutingNodes nodes, ShardRoutingState state) { int count = 0; for (RoutingNode routingNode : nodes) { count += routingNode.numberOfShardsWithState(state); } return count; } }
public class CleanImportsHandler extends AbstractHandler { @Override public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { CeylonEditor editor = (CeylonEditor) getCurrentEditor(); IDocument doc = editor.getCeylonSourceViewer().getDocument(); cleanImports(editor.getParseController(), doc); return null; } public static void cleanImports(CeylonParseController cpc, IDocument doc) { if (!isEnabled(cpc)) return; Tree.CompilationUnit rootNode = cpc.getRootNode(); if (rootNode!=null) { String imports = imports(rootNode, doc); if (imports!=null && !(imports.trim().isEmpty() && rootNode.getImportList().getImports().isEmpty())) { Tree.ImportList il = rootNode.getImportList(); int start; int length; String extra; if (il==null || il.getImports().isEmpty()) { start=0; length=0; extra=getDefaultLineDelimiter(doc); } else { start = il.getStartIndex(); length = il.getStopIndex()-il.getStartIndex()+1; extra=""; } try { if (!doc.get(start, length).equals(imports+extra)) { DocumentChange change = new DocumentChange("Organize Imports", doc); change.setEdit(new ReplaceEdit(start, length, imports+extra)); try { change.perform(new NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (CoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (BadLocationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } public static String imports(Node node, Tree.ImportList til, IDocument doc) { List<Declaration> unused = new ArrayList<Declaration>(); DetectUnusedImportsVisitor duiv = new DetectUnusedImportsVisitor(unused); til.visit(duiv); node.visit(duiv); return reorganizeImports(til, unused, Collections.<Declaration>emptyList(), doc); } private static String imports(final Tree.CompilationUnit cu, IDocument doc) { List<Declaration> proposals = new ArrayList<Declaration>(); List<Declaration> unused = new ArrayList<Declaration>(); new ImportProposalsVisitor(cu, proposals).visit(cu); new DetectUnusedImportsVisitor(unused).visit(cu); return reorganizeImports(cu.getImportList(), unused, proposals, doc); } public static String imports(List<Declaration> proposed, IDocument doc) { return reorganizeImports(null, Collections.<Declaration>emptyList(), proposed, doc); } public static String reorganizeImports(Tree.ImportList til, List<Declaration> unused, List<Declaration> proposed, IDocument doc) { Map<String,List<Tree.Import>> packages = new TreeMap<String,List<Tree.Import>>(); if (til!=null) { for (Tree.Import i: til.getImports()) { String pn = packageName(i); if (pn!=null) { List<Tree.Import> is = packages.get(pn); if (is==null) { is = new ArrayList<Tree.Import>(); packages.put(pn, is); } is.add(i); } } } for (Declaration d: proposed) { String pn = d.getUnit().getPackage().getNameAsString(); if (!packages.containsKey(pn)) { packages.put(pn, Collections.<Tree.Import>emptyList()); } } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String lastToplevel=null; String delim = getDefaultLineDelimiter(doc); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Tree.Import>> pack: packages.entrySet()) { String packageName = pack.getKey(); List<Tree.Import> imports = pack.getValue(); boolean hasWildcard = hasWildcard(imports); List<Tree.ImportMemberOrType> list = getUsedImportElements(imports, unused, hasWildcard, packages); if (hasWildcard || !list.isEmpty() || imports.isEmpty()) { //in this last case there is no existing import, but imports are proposed lastToplevel = appendBreakIfNecessary(lastToplevel, packageName, builder, doc); Referenceable packageModel = imports.isEmpty() ? null : //TODO: what to do in this case? look up the Package where? imports.get(0).getImportPath().getModel(); String escapedPackageName = packageModel instanceof Package ? escapePackageName((Package) packageModel) : packageName; if (builder.length()!=0) { builder.append(delim); } builder.append("import ") .append(escapedPackageName) .append(" {"); appendImportElements(packageName, list, unused, proposed, hasWildcard, builder, doc); builder.append(delim).append("}"); } } return builder.toString(); } private static boolean hasWildcard(List<Tree.Import> imports) { boolean hasWildcard = false; for (Tree.Import i: imports) { hasWildcard = hasWildcard || i!=null && i.getImportMemberOrTypeList() .getImportWildcard()!=null; } return hasWildcard; } private static String appendBreakIfNecessary(String lastToplevel, String currentPackage, StringBuilder builder, IDocument doc) { int di = currentPackage.indexOf('.'); String topLevel = di<0 ? currentPackage:currentPackage.substring(0, di); if (lastToplevel!=null && !topLevel.equals(lastToplevel)) { builder.append(getDefaultLineDelimiter(doc)); } return topLevel; } private static void appendImportElements(String packageName, List<Tree.ImportMemberOrType> elements, List<Declaration> unused, List<Declaration> proposed, boolean hasWildcard, StringBuilder builder, IDocument doc) { String indent = getDefaultIndent(); for (Tree.ImportMemberOrType i: elements) { if (i.getDeclarationModel()!=null && i.getIdentifier().getErrors().isEmpty() && i.getErrors().isEmpty()) { builder.append(getDefaultLineDelimiter(doc)) .append(indent); if (!i.getImportModel().getAlias() .equals(i.getDeclarationModel().getName())) { String escapedAlias = escapeAliasedName(i.getDeclarationModel(), i.getImportModel().getAlias()); builder.append(escapedAlias).append("="); } builder.append(escapeName(i.getDeclarationModel())); appendNestedImportElements(i, unused, builder, doc); builder.append(","); } } for (Declaration d: proposed) { if (d.getUnit().getPackage().getNameAsString() .equals(packageName)) { builder.append(getDefaultLineDelimiter(doc)) .append(indent); builder.append(escapeName(d)).append(","); } } if (hasWildcard) { builder.append(getDefaultLineDelimiter(doc)) .append(indent) .append("..."); } else { // remove trailing , builder.setLength(builder.length()-1); } } private static void appendNestedImportElements(Tree.ImportMemberOrType imt, List<Declaration> unused, StringBuilder builder, IDocument doc) { String indent = getDefaultIndent(); if (imt.getImportMemberOrTypeList()!=null) { builder.append(" {"); boolean found=false; for (Tree.ImportMemberOrType nimt: imt.getImportMemberOrTypeList() .getImportMemberOrTypes()) { if (nimt.getDeclarationModel()!=null && nimt.getIdentifier().getErrors().isEmpty() && nimt.getErrors().isEmpty()) { if (!unused.contains(nimt.getDeclarationModel())) { found=true; builder.append(getDefaultLineDelimiter(doc)) .append(indent).append(indent); if (!nimt.getImportModel().getAlias() .equals(nimt.getDeclarationModel().getName())) { builder.append(nimt.getImportModel().getAlias()) .append("="); } builder.append(nimt.getDeclarationModel().getName()) .append(","); } } } if (imt.getImportMemberOrTypeList() .getImportWildcard()!=null) { found=true; builder.append(getDefaultLineDelimiter(doc)) .append(indent).append(indent) .append("...,"); } if (found) { // remove trailing "," builder.setLength(builder.length()-1); builder.append(getDefaultLineDelimiter(doc)) .append(indent) .append('}'); } else { // remove the " {" builder.setLength(builder.length()-2); } } } private static boolean hasRealErrors(Node node) { for (Message m: node.getErrors()) { if (m instanceof AnalysisError) { return true; } } return false; } private static List<Tree.ImportMemberOrType> getUsedImportElements( List<Tree.Import> imports, List<Declaration> unused, boolean hasWildcard, Map<String, List<Tree.Import>> packages) { List<Tree.ImportMemberOrType> list = new ArrayList<Tree.ImportMemberOrType>(); for (Tree.Import ti: imports) { for (Tree.ImportMemberOrType imt: ti.getImportMemberOrTypeList() .getImportMemberOrTypes()) { Declaration dm = imt.getDeclarationModel(); if (dm!=null && !hasRealErrors(imt.getIdentifier()) && !hasRealErrors(imt)) { Tree.ImportMemberOrTypeList nimtl = imt.getImportMemberOrTypeList(); if (unused.contains(dm)) { if (nimtl!=null) { for (Tree.ImportMemberOrType nimt: nimtl.getImportMemberOrTypes()) { Declaration ndm = nimt.getDeclarationModel(); if (ndm!=null && !hasRealErrors(nimt.getIdentifier()) && !hasRealErrors(nimt)) { if (!unused.contains(ndm)) { list.add(imt); break; } } } if (nimtl.getImportWildcard()!=null) { list.add(imt); } } } else { if (!hasWildcard || imt.getAlias()!=null || nimtl!=null || preventAmbiguityDueWildcards(dm, packages)) { list.add(imt); } } } } } return list; } private static boolean preventAmbiguityDueWildcards(Declaration d, Map<String, List<Tree.Import>> importsMap) { Module module = d.getUnit().getPackage().getModule(); String containerName = d.getContainer().getQualifiedNameString(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Tree.Import>> importEntry: importsMap.entrySet()) { String packageName = importEntry.getKey(); List<Tree.Import> importList = importEntry.getValue(); if (!packageName.equals(containerName) && hasWildcard(importList)) { Package p2 = module.getPackage(packageName); if (p2 != null) { Declaration d2 = p2.getMember(d.getName(), null, false); if (d2!=null && d2.isToplevel() && d2.isShared() && !d2.isAnonymous() && !isImportedWithAlias(d2, importList)) { return true; } } } } return false; } private static boolean isImportedWithAlias(Declaration d, List<Tree.Import> importList) { for (Tree.Import i: importList) { for (Tree.ImportMemberOrType imt: i.getImportMemberOrTypeList() .getImportMemberOrTypes()) { if (d.getName().equals(imt.getIdentifier().getText()) && imt.getAlias() != null) { return true; } } } return false; } private static String packageName(Tree.Import i) { if (i.getImportPath()!=null) { return formatPath(i.getImportPath().getIdentifiers()); } else { return null; } } @Override public boolean isEnabled() { IEditorPart editor = getCurrentEditor(); if (super.isEnabled() && editor instanceof CeylonEditor && editor.getEditorInput() instanceof IFileEditorInput) { CeylonParseController cpc = ((CeylonEditor) editor).getParseController(); return isEnabled(cpc); } else { return false; } } public static boolean isEnabled(CeylonParseController cpc) { return cpc!=null && cpc.getStage().ordinal()>=Stage.TYPE_ANALYSIS.ordinal() && cpc.getRootNode()!=null; } public static Declaration select(List<Declaration> proposals) { CeylonEditor editor = (CeylonEditor) getCurrentEditor(); ImportSelectionDialog fid = new ImportSelectionDialog(editor.getSite().getShell(), proposals); if (fid.open() == Window.OK) { return (Declaration) fid.getFirstResult(); } else { return null; } } }
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public static enum OChangeType { ADD, UPDATE, REMOVE }
class Handler extends SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler { @Override public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e) throws Exception { ChannelBuffer buffer = (ChannelBuffer) e.getMessage(); logger.trace("received message size [{}]", buffer.readableBytes()); try { bulkProcessor.add(new ChannelBufferBytesReference(buffer), false, null, null); } catch (Exception e1) { logger.warn("failed to execute bulk request", e1); } } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ExceptionEvent e) throws Exception { if (e.getCause() instanceof BindException) { // ignore, this happens when we retry binding to several ports, its fine if we fail... return; } logger.warn("failure caught", e.getCause()); } }
XPostingsHighlighter highlighter = new XPostingsHighlighter() { @Override protected BreakIterator getBreakIterator(String field) { return new WholeBreakIterator(); } @Override protected char getMultiValuedSeparator(String field) { //U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR (PS): each value holds a discrete passage for highlighting return 8233; } };
public class ClusterBlockException extends ElasticsearchException { private final ImmutableSet<ClusterBlock> blocks; public ClusterBlockException(ImmutableSet<ClusterBlock> blocks) { super(buildMessage(blocks)); this.blocks = blocks; } public boolean retryable() { for (ClusterBlock block : blocks) { if (!block.retryable()) { return false; } } return true; } public ImmutableSet<ClusterBlock> blocks() { return blocks; } private static String buildMessage(ImmutableSet<ClusterBlock> blocks) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("blocked by: "); for (ClusterBlock block : blocks) { sb.append("[").append(block.status()).append("/").append(block.id()).append("/").append(block.description()).append("];"); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public RestStatus status() { RestStatus status = null; for (ClusterBlock block : blocks) { if (status == null) { status = block.status(); } else if (status.getStatus() < block.status().getStatus()) { status = block.status(); } } return status; } }
static class UnLockThread extends Thread{ public Exception exception=null; public MultiMap mm=null; public Object key=null; public UnLockThread(MultiMap mm, Object key){ this.mm = mm; this.key = key; } public void run() { try{ mm.unlock(key); }catch (Exception e){ exception = e; } } };
@Component("blHTMLFieldPersistenceProvider") @Scope("prototype") public class HTMLFieldPersistenceProvider extends FieldPersistenceProviderAdapter { @Value("${asset.server.url.prefix.internal}") protected String staticAssetUrlPrefix; protected boolean canHandlePersistence(PopulateValueRequest populateValueRequest, Serializable instance) { return populateValueRequest.getMetadata().getFieldType() == SupportedFieldType.HTML || populateValueRequest.getMetadata().getFieldType() == SupportedFieldType.HTML_BASIC; } protected boolean canHandleExtraction(ExtractValueRequest extractValueRequest, Property property) { return extractValueRequest.getMetadata().getFieldType() == SupportedFieldType.HTML || extractValueRequest.getMetadata().getFieldType() == SupportedFieldType.HTML_BASIC; } @Override public FieldProviderResponse populateValue(PopulateValueRequest populateValueRequest, Serializable instance) throws PersistenceException { if (!canHandlePersistence(populateValueRequest, instance)) { return FieldProviderResponse.NOT_HANDLED; } try { String requestedValue = populateValueRequest.getRequestedValue(); String fixedValue = fixAssetPathsForStorage(requestedValue); populateValueRequest.getFieldManager().setFieldValue(instance, populateValueRequest.getProperty().getName(), fixedValue); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PersistenceException(e); } return FieldProviderResponse.HANDLED; } @Override public FieldProviderResponse extractValue(ExtractValueRequest extractValueRequest, Property property) throws PersistenceException { if (!canHandleExtraction(extractValueRequest, property)) { return FieldProviderResponse.NOT_HANDLED; } if (extractValueRequest.getRequestedValue() != null) { String val = extractValueRequest.getRequestedValue().toString(); if (val != null) { if (val.contains(staticAssetUrlPrefix)) { val = fixAssetPathsForDisplay(val); } } property.setValue(val); property.setDisplayValue(extractValueRequest.getDisplayVal()); } return FieldProviderResponse.HANDLED; } /** * Stores the image paths at the root (e.g. no Servlet Context). * @param val * @return */ public String fixAssetPathsForStorage(String val) { if (staticAssetUrlPrefix != null) { String tmpPrefix = staticAssetUrlPrefix; if (tmpPrefix.startsWith("/")) { tmpPrefix = tmpPrefix.substring(1); } return val.replaceAll("(?<=src=\").*?(?=" + tmpPrefix + ")", "/"); } return val; } /** * * @param val * @return */ public String fixAssetPathsForDisplay(String val) { String contextPath = "/"; BroadleafRequestContext brc = BroadleafRequestContext.getBroadleafRequestContext(); if (brc != null) { HttpServletRequest request = brc.getRequest(); if (request != null) { contextPath = request.getContextPath(); } } if (!contextPath.endsWith("/")) { contextPath = contextPath + "/"; } if (staticAssetUrlPrefix != null) { String tmpPrefix = staticAssetUrlPrefix; if (tmpPrefix.startsWith("/")) { tmpPrefix = tmpPrefix.substring(1); } return val.replaceAll("(?<=src=\").*?(?=" + tmpPrefix + ")", contextPath); } return val; } }
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public final class SuggestRequest extends BroadcastOperationRequest<SuggestRequest> { static final XContentType contentType = Requests.CONTENT_TYPE; @Nullable private String routing; @Nullable private String preference; private BytesReference suggestSource; private boolean suggestSourceUnsafe; SuggestRequest() { } /** * Constructs a new suggest request against the provided indices. No indices provided means it will * run against all indices. */ public SuggestRequest(String... indices) { super(indices); } @Override public ActionRequestValidationException validate() { ActionRequestValidationException validationException = super.validate(); return validationException; } @Override protected void beforeStart() { if (suggestSourceUnsafe) { suggest(suggestSource.copyBytesArray(), false); } } /** * The Phrase to get correction suggestions for */ BytesReference suggest() { return suggestSource; } /** * set a new source for the suggest query */ public SuggestRequest suggest(BytesReference suggestSource) { return suggest(suggestSource, false); } /** * A comma separated list of routing values to control the shards the search will be executed on. */ public String routing() { return this.routing; } /** * A comma separated list of routing values to control the shards the search will be executed on. */ public SuggestRequest routing(String routing) { this.routing = routing; return this; } /** * The routing values to control the shards that the search will be executed on. */ public SuggestRequest routing(String... routings) { this.routing = Strings.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(routings); return this; } public SuggestRequest preference(String preference) { this.preference = preference; return this; } public String preference() { return this.preference; } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); routing = in.readOptionalString(); preference = in.readOptionalString(); suggest(in.readBytesReference()); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); out.writeOptionalString(routing); out.writeOptionalString(preference); out.writeBytesReference(suggestSource); } @Override public String toString() { String sSource = "_na_"; try { sSource = XContentHelper.convertToJson(suggestSource, false); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } return "[" + Arrays.toString(indices) + "]" + ", suggestSource[" + sSource + "]"; } public SuggestRequest suggest(BytesReference suggestSource, boolean contentUnsafe) { this.suggestSource = suggestSource; this.suggestSourceUnsafe = contentUnsafe; return this; } public SuggestRequest suggest(String source) { return suggest(new BytesArray(source)); } }
trackedList.addChangeListener(new OMultiValueChangeListener<Integer, String>() { public void onAfterRecordChanged(final OMultiValueChangeEvent<Integer, String> event) { Assert.assertEquals(event.getChangeType(), OMultiValueChangeEvent.OChangeType.ADD); Assert.assertNull(event.getOldValue()); Assert.assertEquals(event.getKey().intValue(), 1); Assert.assertEquals(event.getValue(), "value3"); changed.value = true; } });
@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings("EI_EXPOSE_REP") public class MemcacheEntry implements DataSerializable, TextCommandConstants { private byte[] bytes; private byte[] value; private int flag; public MemcacheEntry(String key, byte[] value, int flag) { byte[] flagBytes = stringToBytes(" " + flag + " "); byte[] valueLen = stringToBytes(String.valueOf(value.length)); byte[] keyBytes = stringToBytes(key); this.value = value.clone(); int size = VALUE_SPACE.length + keyBytes.length + flagBytes.length + valueLen.length + RETURN.length + value.length + RETURN.length; ByteBuffer entryBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(size); entryBuffer.put(VALUE_SPACE); entryBuffer.put(keyBytes); entryBuffer.put(flagBytes); entryBuffer.put(valueLen); entryBuffer.put(RETURN); entryBuffer.put(value); entryBuffer.put(RETURN); this.bytes = entryBuffer.array(); this.flag = flag; } public MemcacheEntry() { } public void readData(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { int size = in.readInt(); bytes = new byte[size]; in.readFully(bytes); size = in.readInt(); value = new byte[size]; in.readFully(value); flag = in.readInt(); } public void writeData(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(bytes.length); out.write(bytes); out.writeInt(value.length); out.write(value); out.writeInt(flag); } public ByteBuffer toNewBuffer() { return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); } public int getFlag() { return flag; } public byte[] getBytes() { return bytes; } public byte[] getValue() { return value; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } MemcacheEntry that = (MemcacheEntry) o; if (flag != that.flag) { return false; } if (!Arrays.equals(bytes, that.bytes)) { return false; } if (!Arrays.equals(value, that.value)) { return false; } return true; } public int hashCode() { int result = bytes != null ? Arrays.hashCode(bytes) : 0; result = 31 * result + (value != null ? Arrays.hashCode(value) : 0); result = 31 * result + flag; return result; } public String toString() { return "MemcacheEntry{" + "bytes=" + bytesToString(bytes) + ", flag=" + flag + '}'; } }
public class TransactionAlreadyActiveException extends IllegalStateException { public TransactionAlreadyActiveException( Thread thread, Transaction tx ) { super( "Thread '" + thread.getName() + "' tried to resume " + tx + ", but that transaction is already active" ); } }
public class GroupCountMapReduce { public static final String KEY_CLOSURE = Tokens.makeNamespace(GroupCountMapReduce.class) + ".keyClosure"; public static final String VALUE_CLOSURE = Tokens.makeNamespace(GroupCountMapReduce.class) + ".valueClosure"; public static final String CLASS = Tokens.makeNamespace(GroupCountMapReduce.class) + ".class"; private static final ScriptEngine engine = new GremlinGroovyScriptEngine(); public enum Counters { VERTICES_PROCESSED, OUT_EDGES_PROCESSED } public static Configuration createConfiguration(final Class<? extends Element> klass, final String keyClosure, final String valueClosure) { final Configuration configuration = new EmptyConfiguration(); configuration.setClass(CLASS, klass, Element.class); if (null != keyClosure) configuration.set(KEY_CLOSURE, keyClosure); if (null != valueClosure) configuration.set(VALUE_CLOSURE, valueClosure); return configuration; } public static class Map extends Mapper<NullWritable, FaunusVertex, Text, LongWritable> { private Closure keyClosure; private Closure valueClosure; private boolean isVertex; private CounterMap<Object> map; private int mapSpillOver; private SafeMapperOutputs outputs; @Override public void setup(final Mapper.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Configuration hc = DEFAULT_COMPAT.getContextConfiguration(context); ModifiableHadoopConfiguration titanConf = ModifiableHadoopConfiguration.of(hc); try { this.mapSpillOver = titanConf.get(PIPELINE_MAP_SPILL_OVER); final String keyClosureString = context.getConfiguration().get(KEY_CLOSURE, null); if (null == keyClosureString) this.keyClosure = null; else this.keyClosure = (Closure) engine.eval(keyClosureString); final String valueClosureString = context.getConfiguration().get(VALUE_CLOSURE, null); if (null == valueClosureString) this.valueClosure = null; else this.valueClosure = (Closure) engine.eval(valueClosureString); } catch (final ScriptException e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage(), e); } this.isVertex = context.getConfiguration().getClass(CLASS, Element.class, Element.class).equals(Vertex.class); this.map = new CounterMap<Object>(); this.outputs = new SafeMapperOutputs(context); } @Override public void map(final NullWritable key, final FaunusVertex value, final Mapper<NullWritable, FaunusVertex, Text, LongWritable>.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (this.isVertex) { if (value.hasPaths()) { final Object object = (null == this.keyClosure) ? new FaunusVertex.MicroVertex(value.getLongId()) : this.keyClosure.call(value); final Number number = (null == this.valueClosure) ? 1 : (Number) this.valueClosure.call(value); this.map.incr(object, number.longValue() * value.pathCount()); DEFAULT_COMPAT.incrementContextCounter(context, Counters.VERTICES_PROCESSED, 1L); } } else { long edgesProcessed = 0; for (final Edge e : value.getEdges(Direction.OUT)) { final StandardFaunusEdge edge = (StandardFaunusEdge) e; if (edge.hasPaths()) { final Object object = (null == this.keyClosure) ? new StandardFaunusEdge.MicroEdge(edge.getLongId()) : this.keyClosure.call(edge); final Number number = (null == this.valueClosure) ? 1 : (Number) this.valueClosure.call(edge); this.map.incr(object, number.longValue() * edge.pathCount()); edgesProcessed++; } } DEFAULT_COMPAT.incrementContextCounter(context, Counters.OUT_EDGES_PROCESSED, edgesProcessed); } // protected against memory explosion if (this.map.size() > this.mapSpillOver) { this.dischargeMap(context); } this.outputs.write(Tokens.GRAPH, NullWritable.get(), value); } private final Text textWritable = new Text(); private final LongWritable longWritable = new LongWritable(); public void dischargeMap(final Mapper<NullWritable, FaunusVertex, Text, LongWritable>.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { for (final java.util.Map.Entry<Object, Long> entry : this.map.entrySet()) { this.textWritable.set(null == entry.getKey() ? Tokens.NULL : entry.getKey().toString()); this.longWritable.set(entry.getValue()); context.write(this.textWritable, this.longWritable); } this.map.clear(); } @Override public void cleanup(final Mapper<NullWritable, FaunusVertex, Text, LongWritable>.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { this.dischargeMap(context); this.outputs.close(); } } public static class Combiner extends Reducer<Text, LongWritable, Text, LongWritable> { private final LongWritable longWritable = new LongWritable(); @Override public void reduce(final Text key, final Iterable<LongWritable> values, final Reducer<Text, LongWritable, Text, LongWritable>.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { long totalCount = 0; for (final LongWritable token : values) { totalCount = totalCount + token.get(); } this.longWritable.set(totalCount); context.write(key, this.longWritable); } } public static class Reduce extends Reducer<Text, LongWritable, Text, LongWritable> { private SafeReducerOutputs outputs; @Override public void setup(final Reducer.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { this.outputs = new SafeReducerOutputs(context); } private final LongWritable longWritable = new LongWritable(); @Override public void reduce(final Text key, final Iterable<LongWritable> values, final Reducer<Text, LongWritable, Text, LongWritable>.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { long totalCount = 0; for (final LongWritable token : values) { totalCount = totalCount + token.get(); } this.longWritable.set(totalCount); this.outputs.write(Tokens.SIDEEFFECT, key, this.longWritable); } @Override public void cleanup(final Reducer<Text, LongWritable, Text, LongWritable>.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { this.outputs.close(); } } }
1no label
public final class CeylonClasspathUtil { private CeylonClasspathUtil() { // utility class } /** * Get the Ivy classpath container from the selection in the Java package view * * @param selection * the selection * @return * @throws JavaModelException */ public static CeylonProjectModulesContainer getCeylonClasspathContainer(IStructuredSelection selection) { if (selection == null) { return null; } for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Iterator it = selection.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object element = it.next(); CeylonProjectModulesContainer cp = (CeylonProjectModulesContainer) CeylonPlugin.adapt(element, CeylonProjectModulesContainer.class); if (cp != null) { return cp; } if (element instanceof ClassPathContainer) { // FIXME: we shouldn't check against internal JDT API but there are not adaptable to // useful class return jdt2CeylonCPC((ClassPathContainer) element); } } return null; } /** * Work around the non adaptability of ClassPathContainer * * @param cpc * the container to transform into an CeylonApplicationModulesContainer * @return the CeylonApplicationModulesContainer is such, null, if not */ public static CeylonProjectModulesContainer jdt2CeylonCPC(ClassPathContainer cpc) { IClasspathEntry entry = cpc.getClasspathEntry(); try { IClasspathContainer icp = JavaCore.getClasspathContainer(entry.getPath(), cpc .getJavaProject()); if (icp instanceof CeylonProjectModulesContainer) { return (CeylonProjectModulesContainer) icp; } } catch (JavaModelException e) { // unless there are issues with the JDT, this should never happen e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static boolean isCeylonClasspathContainer(IPath containerPath) { return isLanguageModuleClasspathContainer(containerPath) || isProjectModulesClasspathContainer(containerPath); } public static boolean isLanguageModuleClasspathContainer(IPath containerPath) { int size = containerPath.segmentCount(); if (size > 0) { return (containerPath.segment(0).equals(CeylonLanguageModuleContainer.CONTAINER_ID)); } return false; } public static boolean isProjectModulesClasspathContainer(IPath containerPath) { int size = containerPath.segmentCount(); if (size > 0) { return (containerPath.segment(0).equals(CeylonProjectModulesContainer.CONTAINER_ID)); } return false; } /** * Search the Ceylon classpath containers within the specified Java project * * @param javaProject * the project to search into * @return the Ceylon classpath container if found */ public static List <IClasspathContainer> getCeylonClasspathContainers( IJavaProject javaProject) { List<IClasspathContainer> containers = new ArrayList<IClasspathContainer>(); if (FakeProjectManager.isFake(javaProject) || !javaProject.exists()) { return containers; } try { IClasspathEntry[] entries = javaProject.getRawClasspath(); for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { IClasspathEntry entry = entries[i]; if (entry != null && entry.getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_CONTAINER) { IPath path = entry.getPath(); if (isCeylonClasspathContainer(path)) { IClasspathContainer cp = JavaCore.getClasspathContainer(path, javaProject); if (cp instanceof CeylonProjectModulesContainer || cp instanceof CeylonLanguageModuleContainer) { containers.add(cp); } } } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { // unless there are issues with the JDT, this should never happen e.printStackTrace(); } return containers; } public static CeylonProjectModulesContainer getCeylonProjectModulesClasspathContainer( IJavaProject javaProject) { try { IClasspathEntry[] entries = javaProject.getRawClasspath(); for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { IClasspathEntry entry = entries[i]; if (entry != null && entry.getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_CONTAINER) { IPath path = entry.getPath(); if (isProjectModulesClasspathContainer(path)) { IClasspathContainer cp = JavaCore.getClasspathContainer(path, javaProject); if (cp instanceof CeylonProjectModulesContainer) { return (CeylonProjectModulesContainer) cp; } } } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { // unless there are issues with the JDT, this should never happen e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static List<String> split(String str) { String[] terms = str.split(","); List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) { String t = terms[i].trim(); if (t.length() > 0) { ret.add(t); } } return ret; } public static String concat(Collection<String> list) { if (list == null) { return ""; } StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); Iterator<String> it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { b.append(it.next()); if (it.hasNext()) { b.append(","); } } return b.toString(); } /** * Just a verbatim copy of the internal Eclipse function: * org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.javadoc * .JavaDocLocations#getLibraryJavadocLocation(IClasspathEntry) * * @param entry * @return */ public static URL getLibraryJavadocLocation(IClasspathEntry entry) { if (entry == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entry must not be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } int kind = entry.getEntryKind(); if (kind != IClasspathEntry.CPE_LIBRARY && kind != IClasspathEntry.CPE_VARIABLE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Entry must be of kind CPE_LIBRARY or " + "CPE_VARIABLE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes = entry.getExtraAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < extraAttributes.length; i++) { IClasspathAttribute attrib = extraAttributes[i]; if (IClasspathAttribute.JAVADOC_LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME.equals(attrib.getName())) { try { return new URL(attrib.getValue()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return null; } } } return null; } /** * Search the Ivy classpath entry within the specified Java project with the specific path * * @param containerPath * the path of the container * @param javaProject * the project to search into * @return the Ivy classpath container if found, otherwise return <code>null</code> */ public static IClasspathEntry getCeylonClasspathEntry(IPath containerPath, IJavaProject javaProject) { if (FakeProjectManager.isFake(javaProject) || !javaProject.exists()) { return null; } try { IClasspathEntry[] entries = javaProject.getRawClasspath(); for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { IClasspathEntry entry = entries[i]; if (entry != null && entry.getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_CONTAINER) { if (containerPath.equals(entry.getPath())) { return entry; } } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { // unless there are issues with the JDT, this should never happen e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }
1no label
public abstract class AcknowledgedRequestBuilder<Request extends AcknowledgedRequest<Request>, Response extends AcknowledgedResponse, RequestBuilder extends AcknowledgedRequestBuilder<Request, Response, RequestBuilder>> extends MasterNodeOperationRequestBuilder<Request, Response, RequestBuilder> { protected AcknowledgedRequestBuilder(InternalGenericClient client, Request request) { super(client, request); } /** * Sets the maximum wait for acknowledgement from other nodes */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public RequestBuilder setTimeout(TimeValue timeout) { request.timeout(timeout); return (RequestBuilder)this; } /** * Timeout to wait for the operation to be acknowledged by current cluster nodes. Defaults * to <tt>10s</tt>. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public RequestBuilder setTimeout(String timeout) { request.timeout(timeout); return (RequestBuilder)this; } }
public abstract class MasterNodeOperationRequestBuilder<Request extends MasterNodeOperationRequest<Request>, Response extends ActionResponse, RequestBuilder extends MasterNodeOperationRequestBuilder<Request, Response, RequestBuilder>> extends ActionRequestBuilder<Request, Response, RequestBuilder> { protected MasterNodeOperationRequestBuilder(InternalGenericClient client, Request request) { super(client, request); } /** * Sets the master node timeout in case the master has not yet been discovered. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public final RequestBuilder setMasterNodeTimeout(TimeValue timeout) { request.masterNodeTimeout(timeout); return (RequestBuilder) this; } /** * Sets the master node timeout in case the master has not yet been discovered. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public final RequestBuilder setMasterNodeTimeout(String timeout) { request.masterNodeTimeout(timeout); return (RequestBuilder) this; } }
constructors[COLLECTION_EVENT_FILTER] = new ConstructorFunction<Integer, IdentifiedDataSerializable>() { public IdentifiedDataSerializable createNew(Integer arg) { return new CollectionEventFilter(); } };
public class OStorageRemoteSession { public boolean commandExecuting = false; public Integer sessionId = -1; public String serverURL = null; }
public abstract class OProxedResource<T> { protected T delegate; protected ODatabaseRecord database; public OProxedResource(final T iDelegate, final ODatabaseRecord iDatabase) { this.delegate = iDelegate; this.database = iDatabase; } protected void setCurrentDatabaseInThreadLocal() { ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.set(database); } }
public class ONetworkProtocolBinary extends OBinaryNetworkProtocolAbstract { protected OClientConnection connection; protected OUser account; private String dbType; public ONetworkProtocolBinary() { super("OrientDB <- BinaryClient/?"); } public ONetworkProtocolBinary(final String iThreadName) { super(iThreadName); } @Override public void config(final OServer iServer, final Socket iSocket, final OContextConfiguration iConfig, final List<?> iStatelessCommands, List<?> iStatefulCommands) throws IOException { // CREATE THE CLIENT CONNECTION connection = OClientConnectionManager.instance().connect(this); super.config(iServer, iSocket, iConfig, iStatelessCommands, iStatefulCommands); // SEND PROTOCOL VERSION channel.writeShort((short) OChannelBinaryProtocol.CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION); channel.flush(); start(); setName("OrientDB <- BinaryClient (" + iSocket.getRemoteSocketAddress() + ")"); } @Override public int getVersion() { return OChannelBinaryProtocol.CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION; } @Override protected void onBeforeRequest() throws IOException { waitNodeIsOnline(); connection = OClientConnectionManager.instance().getConnection(clientTxId); if (clientTxId < 0) { short protocolId = 0; if (connection != null) protocolId = connection.data.protocolVersion; connection = OClientConnectionManager.instance().connect(this); if (connection != null) connection.data.protocolVersion = protocolId; } if (connection != null) { ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.set(connection.database); if (connection.database != null) { connection.data.lastDatabase = connection.database.getName(); connection.data.lastUser = connection.database.getUser() != null ? connection.database.getUser().getName() : null; } else { connection.data.lastDatabase = null; connection.data.lastUser = null; } ++connection.data.totalRequests; setDataCommandInfo("Listening"); connection.data.commandDetail = "-"; connection.data.lastCommandReceived = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { if (requestType != OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DB_CLOSE && requestType != OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_SHUTDOWN) { OLogManager.instance().debug(this, "Found unknown session %d, shutdown current connection", clientTxId); shutdown(); throw new OIOException("Found unknown session " + clientTxId); } } OServerPluginHelper.invokeHandlerCallbackOnBeforeClientRequest(server, connection, (byte) requestType); } @Override protected void onAfterRequest() throws IOException { OServerPluginHelper.invokeHandlerCallbackOnAfterClientRequest(server, connection, (byte) requestType); if (connection != null) { if (connection.database != null) if (!connection.database.isClosed()) connection.database.getLevel1Cache().clear(); connection.data.lastCommandExecutionTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - connection.data.lastCommandReceived; connection.data.totalCommandExecutionTime += connection.data.lastCommandExecutionTime; connection.data.lastCommandInfo = connection.data.commandInfo; connection.data.lastCommandDetail = connection.data.commandDetail; setDataCommandInfo("Listening"); connection.data.commandDetail = "-"; } } protected boolean executeRequest() throws IOException { switch (requestType) { case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_SHUTDOWN: shutdownConnection(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_CONNECT: connect(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DB_LIST: listDatabases(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DB_OPEN: openDatabase(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DB_RELOAD: reloadDatabase(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DB_CREATE: createDatabase(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DB_CLOSE: closeDatabase(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DB_EXIST: existsDatabase(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DB_DROP: dropDatabase(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DB_SIZE: sizeDatabase(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DB_COUNTRECORDS: countDatabaseRecords(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DB_COPY: copyDatabase(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_REPLICATION: replicationDatabase(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_CLUSTER: distributedCluster(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DATASEGMENT_ADD: addDataSegment(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DATASEGMENT_DROP: dropDataSegment(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DATACLUSTER_COUNT: countClusters(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DATACLUSTER_DATARANGE: rangeCluster(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DATACLUSTER_ADD: addCluster(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DATACLUSTER_DROP: removeCluster(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_RECORD_METADATA: readRecordMetadata(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_RECORD_LOAD: readRecord(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_RECORD_CREATE: createRecord(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_RECORD_UPDATE: updateRecord(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_RECORD_DELETE: deleteRecord(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_POSITIONS_HIGHER: higherPositions(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_POSITIONS_CEILING: ceilingPositions(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_POSITIONS_LOWER: lowerPositions(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_POSITIONS_FLOOR: floorPositions(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_COUNT: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_COUNT has been deprecated"); case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_COMMAND: command(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_TX_COMMIT: commit(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_CONFIG_GET: configGet(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_CONFIG_SET: configSet(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_CONFIG_LIST: configList(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DB_FREEZE: freezeDatabase(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DB_RELEASE: releaseDatabase(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DATACLUSTER_FREEZE: freezeCluster(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DATACLUSTER_RELEASE: releaseCluster(); break; case OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_RECORD_CLEAN_OUT: cleanOutRecord(); break; default: setDataCommandInfo("Command not supported"); return false; } return true; } private void lowerPositions() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Retrieve lower positions"); final int clusterId = channel.readInt(); final OClusterPosition clusterPosition = channel.readClusterPosition(); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); final OPhysicalPosition[] previousPositions = connection.database.getStorage().lowerPhysicalPositions(clusterId, new OPhysicalPosition(clusterPosition)); if (previousPositions != null) { channel.writeInt(previousPositions.length); for (final OPhysicalPosition physicalPosition : previousPositions) { channel.writeClusterPosition(physicalPosition.clusterPosition); channel.writeInt(physicalPosition.dataSegmentId); channel.writeLong(physicalPosition.dataSegmentPos); channel.writeInt(physicalPosition.recordSize); channel.writeVersion(physicalPosition.recordVersion); } } else { channel.writeInt(0); // NO MORE RECORDS } } finally { endResponse(); } } private void floorPositions() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Retrieve floor positions"); final int clusterId = channel.readInt(); final OClusterPosition clusterPosition = channel.readClusterPosition(); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); final OPhysicalPosition[] previousPositions = connection.database.getStorage().floorPhysicalPositions(clusterId, new OPhysicalPosition(clusterPosition)); if (previousPositions != null) { channel.writeInt(previousPositions.length); for (final OPhysicalPosition physicalPosition : previousPositions) { channel.writeClusterPosition(physicalPosition.clusterPosition); channel.writeInt(physicalPosition.dataSegmentId); channel.writeLong(physicalPosition.dataSegmentPos); channel.writeInt(physicalPosition.recordSize); channel.writeVersion(physicalPosition.recordVersion); } } else { channel.writeInt(0); // NO MORE RECORDS } } finally { endResponse(); } } private void higherPositions() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Retrieve higher positions"); final int clusterId = channel.readInt(); final OClusterPosition clusterPosition = channel.readClusterPosition(); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); OPhysicalPosition[] nextPositions = connection.database.getStorage().higherPhysicalPositions(clusterId, new OPhysicalPosition(clusterPosition)); if (nextPositions != null) { channel.writeInt(nextPositions.length); for (final OPhysicalPosition physicalPosition : nextPositions) { channel.writeClusterPosition(physicalPosition.clusterPosition); channel.writeInt(physicalPosition.dataSegmentId); channel.writeLong(physicalPosition.dataSegmentPos); channel.writeInt(physicalPosition.recordSize); channel.writeVersion(physicalPosition.recordVersion); } } else { channel.writeInt(0); // NO MORE RECORDS } } finally { endResponse(); } } private void ceilingPositions() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Retrieve ceiling positions"); final int clusterId = channel.readInt(); final OClusterPosition clusterPosition = channel.readClusterPosition(); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); final OPhysicalPosition[] previousPositions = connection.database.getStorage().ceilingPhysicalPositions(clusterId, new OPhysicalPosition(clusterPosition)); if (previousPositions != null) { channel.writeInt(previousPositions.length); for (final OPhysicalPosition physicalPosition : previousPositions) { channel.writeClusterPosition(physicalPosition.clusterPosition); channel.writeInt(physicalPosition.dataSegmentId); channel.writeLong(physicalPosition.dataSegmentPos); channel.writeInt(physicalPosition.recordSize); channel.writeVersion(physicalPosition.recordVersion); } } else { channel.writeInt(0); // NO MORE RECORDS } } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void checkServerAccess(final String iResource) { if (connection.serverUser == null) throw new OSecurityAccessException("Server user not authenticated."); if (!server.authenticate(connection.serverUser.name, null, iResource)) throw new OSecurityAccessException("User '" + connection.serverUser.name + "' cannot access to the resource [" + iResource + "]. Use another server user or change permission in the file config/orientdb-server-config.xml"); } protected ODatabaseComplex<?> openDatabase(final ODatabaseComplex<?> database, final String iUser, final String iPassword) { if (database.isClosed()) if (database.getStorage() instanceof OStorageMemory && !database.exists()) database.create(); else { try { database.open(iUser, iPassword); } catch (OSecurityException e) { // TRY WITH SERVER'S USER try { connection.serverUser = server.serverLogin(iUser, iPassword, "database.passthrough"); } catch (OSecurityException ex) { throw e; } // SERVER AUTHENTICATED, BYPASS SECURITY database.setProperty(ODatabase.OPTIONS.SECURITY.toString(), Boolean.FALSE); database.open(iUser, iPassword); } } return database; } protected void addDataSegment() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Add data segment"); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; final String name = channel.readString(); final String location = channel.readString(); final int num = connection.database.addDataSegment(name, location); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeInt(num); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void dropDataSegment() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Drop data segment"); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; final String name = channel.readString(); boolean result = connection.database.dropDataSegment(name); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeByte((byte) (result ? 1 : 0)); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void removeCluster() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Remove cluster"); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; final int id = channel.readShort(); final String clusterName = connection.database.getClusterNameById(id); if (clusterName == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cluster " + id + " doesn't exist anymore. Refresh the db structure or just reconnect to the database"); boolean result = connection.database.dropCluster(clusterName, true); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeByte((byte) (result ? 1 : 0)); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void addCluster() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Add cluster"); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; final String type = channel.readString(); final String name = channel.readString(); int clusterId = -1; final String location; if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 10 || type.equalsIgnoreCase("PHYSICAL")) location = channel.readString(); else location = null; final String dataSegmentName; if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 10) dataSegmentName = channel.readString(); else { channel.readInt(); // OLD INIT SIZE, NOT MORE USED dataSegmentName = null; } if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 18) clusterId = channel.readShort(); Object[] params = null; final int num; if (clusterId < 0) num = connection.database.addCluster(type, name, location, dataSegmentName, params); else num = connection.database.addCluster(type, name, clusterId, location, dataSegmentName, params); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeShort((short) num); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void rangeCluster() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Get the begin/end range of data in cluster"); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; OClusterPosition[] pos = connection.database.getStorage().getClusterDataRange(channel.readShort()); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeClusterPosition(pos[0]); channel.writeClusterPosition(pos[1]); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void countClusters() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Count cluster elements"); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; int[] clusterIds = new int[channel.readShort()]; for (int i = 0; i < clusterIds.length; ++i) clusterIds[i] = channel.readShort(); boolean countTombstones = false; if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 13) countTombstones = channel.readByte() > 0; final long count = connection.database.countClusterElements(clusterIds, countTombstones); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeLong(count); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void reloadDatabase() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Reload database information"); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); sendDatabaseInformation(); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void openDatabase() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Open database"); readConnectionData(); final String dbURL = channel.readString(); dbType = ODatabaseDocument.TYPE; if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 8) // READ DB-TYPE FROM THE CLIENT dbType = channel.readString(); final String user = channel.readString(); final String passwd = channel.readString(); connection.database = (ODatabaseDocumentTx) server.openDatabase(dbType, dbURL, user, passwd); connection.rawDatabase = ((ODatabaseRaw) ((ODatabaseComplex<?>) connection.database.getUnderlying()).getUnderlying()); if (connection.database.getStorage() instanceof OStorageProxy && !loadUserFromSchema(user, passwd)) { sendError(clientTxId, new OSecurityAccessException(connection.database.getName(), "User or password not valid for database: '" + connection.database.getName() + "'")); } else { beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeInt(connection.id); sendDatabaseInformation(); final OServerPlugin plugin = server.getPlugin("cluster"); ODocument distributedCfg = null; if (plugin != null && plugin instanceof ODistributedServerManager) distributedCfg = ((ODistributedServerManager) plugin).getClusterConfiguration(); channel.writeBytes(distributedCfg != null ? distributedCfg.toStream() : null); if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 14) channel.writeString(OConstants.getVersion()); } finally { endResponse(); } } } protected void connect() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Connect"); readConnectionData(); connection.serverUser = server.serverLogin(channel.readString(), channel.readString(), "connect"); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeInt(connection.id); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void shutdownConnection() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Shutdowning"); OLogManager.instance().info(this, "Received shutdown command from the remote client %s:%d", channel.socket.getInetAddress(), channel.socket.getPort()); final String user = channel.readString(); final String passwd = channel.readString(); if (server.authenticate(user, passwd, "shutdown")) { OLogManager.instance().info(this, "Remote client %s:%d authenticated. Starting shutdown of server...", channel.socket.getInetAddress(), channel.socket.getPort()); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); } finally { endResponse(); } channel.close(); server.shutdown(); System.exit(0); } OLogManager.instance().error(this, "Authentication error of remote client %s:%d: shutdown is aborted.", channel.socket.getInetAddress(), channel.socket.getPort()); sendError(clientTxId, new OSecurityAccessException("Invalid user/password to shutdown the server")); } protected void copyDatabase() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Copy the database to a remote server"); final String dbUrl = channel.readString(); final String dbUser = channel.readString(); final String dbPassword = channel.readString(); final String remoteServerName = channel.readString(); final String remoteServerEngine = channel.readString(); checkServerAccess("database.copy"); final ODatabaseDocumentTx db = (ODatabaseDocumentTx) server.openDatabase(ODatabaseDocument.TYPE, dbUrl, dbUser, dbPassword); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void replicationDatabase() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Replication command"); final ODocument request = new ODocument(channel.readBytes()); final ODistributedServerManager dManager = server.getDistributedManager(); if (dManager == null) throw new OConfigurationException("No distributed manager configured"); final String operation = request.field("operation"); ODocument response = null; if (operation.equals("start")) { checkServerAccess("server.replication.start"); } else if (operation.equals("stop")) { checkServerAccess("server.replication.stop"); } else if (operation.equals("config")) { checkServerAccess("server.replication.config"); response = new ODocument().fromJSON(dManager.getDatabaseConfiguration((String) request.field("db")).serialize() .toJSON("prettyPrint")); } sendResponse(response); } protected void distributedCluster() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Cluster status"); final ODocument req = new ODocument(channel.readBytes()); ODocument response = null; final String operation = req.field("operation"); if (operation == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cluster operation is null"); if (operation.equals("status")) { final OServerPlugin plugin = server.getPlugin("cluster"); if (plugin != null && plugin instanceof ODistributedServerManager) response = ((ODistributedServerManager) plugin).getClusterConfiguration(); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cluster operation '" + operation + "' is not supported"); sendResponse(response); } protected void countDatabaseRecords() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Database count records"); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeLong(connection.database.getStorage().countRecords()); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void sizeDatabase() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Database size"); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeLong(connection.database.getStorage().getSize()); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void dropDatabase() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Drop database"); String dbName = channel.readString(); String storageType; if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 16) storageType = channel.readString(); else storageType = "local"; checkServerAccess("database.delete"); connection.database = getDatabaseInstance(dbName, ODatabaseDocument.TYPE, storageType); if (connection.database.exists()) { OLogManager.instance().info(this, "Dropped database '%s'", connection.database.getName()); if (connection.database.isClosed()) openDatabase(connection.database, connection.serverUser.name, connection.serverUser.password); connection.database.drop(); connection.close(); } else { throw new OStorageException("Database with name '" + dbName + "' doesn't exits."); } beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void existsDatabase() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Exists database"); final String dbName = channel.readString(); final String storageType; if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 16) storageType = channel.readString(); else storageType = "local"; checkServerAccess("database.exists"); connection.database = getDatabaseInstance(dbName, ODatabaseDocument.TYPE, storageType); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeByte((byte) (connection.database.exists() ? 1 : 0)); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void createDatabase() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Create database"); String dbName = channel.readString(); String dbType = ODatabaseDocument.TYPE; if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 8) // READ DB-TYPE FROM THE CLIENT dbType = channel.readString(); String storageType = channel.readString(); checkServerAccess("database.create"); checkStorageExistence(dbName); connection.database = getDatabaseInstance(dbName, dbType, storageType); createDatabase(connection.database, null, null); connection.rawDatabase = (((ODatabaseComplex<?>) connection.database.getUnderlying()).getUnderlying()); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void closeDatabase() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Close Database"); if (connection != null) { if (connection.data.protocolVersion > 0 && connection.data.protocolVersion < 9) // OLD CLIENTS WAIT FOR A OK sendOk(clientTxId); if (OClientConnectionManager.instance().disconnect(connection.id)) sendShutdown(); } } protected void configList() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("List config"); checkServerAccess("server.config.get"); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeShort((short) OGlobalConfiguration.values().length); for (OGlobalConfiguration cfg : OGlobalConfiguration.values()) { String key; try { key = cfg.getKey(); } catch (Exception e) { key = "?"; } String value; try { value = cfg.getValueAsString() != null ? cfg.getValueAsString() : ""; } catch (Exception e) { value = ""; } channel.writeString(key); channel.writeString(value); } } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void configSet() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Get config"); checkServerAccess("server.config.set"); final String key = channel.readString(); final String value = channel.readString(); final OGlobalConfiguration cfg = OGlobalConfiguration.findByKey(key); if (cfg != null) cfg.setValue(value); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void configGet() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Get config"); checkServerAccess("server.config.get"); final String key = channel.readString(); final OGlobalConfiguration cfg = OGlobalConfiguration.findByKey(key); String cfgValue = cfg != null ? cfg.getValueAsString() : ""; beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeString(cfgValue); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void commit() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Transaction commit"); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; final OTransactionOptimisticProxy tx = new OTransactionOptimisticProxy((ODatabaseRecordTx) connection.database.getUnderlying(), channel); try { connection.database.begin(tx); try { connection.database.commit(); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); // SEND BACK ALL THE RECORD IDS FOR THE CREATED RECORDS channel.writeInt(tx.getCreatedRecords().size()); for (Entry<ORecordId, ORecordInternal<?>> entry : tx.getCreatedRecords().entrySet()) { channel.writeRID(entry.getKey()); channel.writeRID(entry.getValue().getIdentity()); // IF THE NEW OBJECT HAS VERSION > 0 MEANS THAT HAS BEEN UPDATED IN THE SAME TX. THIS HAPPENS FOR GRAPHS if (entry.getValue().getRecordVersion().getCounter() > 0) tx.getUpdatedRecords().put((ORecordId) entry.getValue().getIdentity(), entry.getValue()); } // SEND BACK ALL THE NEW VERSIONS FOR THE UPDATED RECORDS channel.writeInt(tx.getUpdatedRecords().size()); for (Entry<ORecordId, ORecordInternal<?>> entry : tx.getUpdatedRecords().entrySet()) { channel.writeRID(entry.getKey()); channel.writeVersion(entry.getValue().getRecordVersion()); } } finally { endResponse(); } } catch (Exception e) { connection.database.rollback(); sendError(clientTxId, e); } } catch (OTransactionAbortedException e) { // TX ABORTED BY THE CLIENT } catch (Exception e) { // Error during TX initialization, possibly index constraints violation. tx.rollback(); tx.close(); sendError(clientTxId, e); } } protected void command() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Execute remote command"); final boolean asynch = channel.readByte() == 'a'; final OCommandRequestText command = (OCommandRequestText) OStreamSerializerAnyStreamable.INSTANCE.fromStream(channel .readBytes()); connection.data.commandDetail = command.getText(); // ENABLES THE CACHE TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE OF COMPLEX COMMANDS LIKE TRAVERSE // connection.database.getLevel1Cache().setEnable(true); beginResponse(); try { final OAbstractCommandResultListener listener; if (asynch) { listener = new OAsyncCommandResultListener(this, clientTxId); command.setResultListener(listener); } else listener = new OSyncCommandResultListener(); final long serverTimeout = OGlobalConfiguration.COMMAND_TIMEOUT.getValueAsLong(); if (serverTimeout > 0 && command.getTimeoutTime() > serverTimeout) // FORCE THE SERVER'S TIMEOUT command.setTimeout(serverTimeout, command.getTimeoutStrategy()); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; // ASSIGNED THE PARSED FETCHPLAN listener.setFetchPlan(((OCommandRequestInternal) connection.database.command(command)).getFetchPlan()); final Object result = ((OCommandRequestInternal) connection.database.command(command)).execute(); if (asynch) { // ASYNCHRONOUS if (listener.isEmpty()) try { sendOk(clientTxId); } catch (IOException e1) { } } else { // SYNCHRONOUS sendOk(clientTxId); if (result == null) { // NULL VALUE channel.writeByte((byte) 'n'); } else if (result instanceof OIdentifiable) { // RECORD channel.writeByte((byte) 'r'); listener.result(result); writeIdentifiable((OIdentifiable) result); } else if (OMultiValue.isMultiValue(result)) { channel.writeByte((byte) 'l'); channel.writeInt(OMultiValue.getSize(result)); for (Object o : OMultiValue.getMultiValueIterable(result)) { listener.result(o); writeIdentifiable((OIdentifiable) o); } } else { // ANY OTHER (INCLUDING LITERALS) channel.writeByte((byte) 'a'); final StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder(); listener.result(result); ORecordSerializerStringAbstract.fieldTypeToString(value, OType.getTypeByClass(result.getClass()), result); channel.writeString(value.toString()); } } if (asynch || connection.data.protocolVersion >= 17) { // SEND FETCHED RECORDS TO LOAD IN CLIENT CACHE for (ODocument doc : listener.getFetchedRecordsToSend()) { channel.writeByte((byte) 2); // CLIENT CACHE RECORD. IT // ISN'T PART OF THE // RESULT SET writeIdentifiable(doc); } channel.writeByte((byte) 0); // NO MORE RECORDS } } finally { endResponse(); } } private boolean isConnectionAlive() { if (connection == null || connection.database == null) { // CONNECTION/DATABASE CLOSED, KILL IT OClientConnectionManager.instance().kill(connection); return false; } return true; } protected void deleteRecord() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Delete record"); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; final ORID rid = channel.readRID(); final ORecordVersion version = channel.readVersion(); final byte mode = channel.readByte(); final int result = deleteRecord(connection.database, rid, version); if (mode < 2) { beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeByte((byte) result); } finally { endResponse(); } } } protected void cleanOutRecord() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Clean out record"); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; final ORID rid = channel.readRID(); final ORecordVersion version = channel.readVersion(); final byte mode = channel.readByte(); final int result = cleanOutRecord(connection.database, rid, version); if (mode < 2) { beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeByte((byte) result); } finally { endResponse(); } } } /** * VERSION MANAGEMENT:<br/> * -1 : DOCUMENT UPDATE, NO VERSION CONTROL<br/> * -2 : DOCUMENT UPDATE, NO VERSION CONTROL, NO VERSION INCREMENT<br/> * -3 : DOCUMENT ROLLBACK, DECREMENT VERSION<br/> * >-1 : MVCC CONTROL, RECORD UPDATE AND VERSION INCREMENT<br/> * <-3 : WRONG VERSION VALUE * * @throws IOException */ protected void updateRecord() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Update record"); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; final ORecordId rid = channel.readRID(); final byte[] buffer = channel.readBytes(); final ORecordVersion version = channel.readVersion(); final byte recordType = channel.readByte(); final byte mode = channel.readByte(); final ORecordVersion newVersion = updateRecord(connection.database, rid, buffer, version, recordType); if (mode < 2) { beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeVersion(newVersion); } finally { endResponse(); } } } protected void createRecord() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Create record"); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; final int dataSegmentId = connection.data.protocolVersion >= 10 ? channel.readInt() : 0; final ORecordId rid = new ORecordId(channel.readShort(), ORID.CLUSTER_POS_INVALID); final byte[] buffer = channel.readBytes(); final byte recordType = channel.readByte(); final byte mode = channel.readByte(); final ORecord<?> record = createRecord(connection.database, rid, buffer, recordType, dataSegmentId); if (mode < 2) { beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeClusterPosition(record.getIdentity().getClusterPosition()); if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 11) channel.writeVersion(record.getRecordVersion()); } finally { endResponse(); } } } protected void readRecordMetadata() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Record metadata"); final ORID rid = channel.readRID(); beginResponse(); try { final ORecordMetadata metadata = connection.database.getRecordMetadata(rid); sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeRID(metadata.getRecordId()); channel.writeVersion(metadata.getRecordVersion()); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void readRecord() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Load record"); if (!isConnectionAlive()) return; final ORecordId rid = channel.readRID(); final String fetchPlanString = channel.readString(); boolean ignoreCache = false; if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 9) ignoreCache = channel.readByte() == 1; boolean loadTombstones = false; if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 13) loadTombstones = channel.readByte() > 0; if (rid.clusterId == 0 && rid.clusterPosition.longValue() == 0) { // @COMPATIBILITY 0.9.25 // SEND THE DB CONFIGURATION INSTEAD SINCE IT WAS ON RECORD 0:0 OFetchHelper.checkFetchPlanValid(fetchPlanString); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeByte((byte) 1); channel.writeBytes(connection.database.getStorage().getConfiguration().toStream()); channel.writeVersion(OVersionFactory.instance().createVersion()); channel.writeByte(ORecordBytes.RECORD_TYPE); channel.writeByte((byte) 0); // NO MORE RECORDS } finally { endResponse(); } } else { final ORecordInternal<?> record = connection.database.load(rid, fetchPlanString, ignoreCache, loadTombstones); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); if (record != null) { channel.writeByte((byte) 1); // HAS RECORD channel.writeBytes(record.toStream()); channel.writeVersion(record.getRecordVersion()); channel.writeByte(record.getRecordType()); if (fetchPlanString.length() > 0) { // BUILD THE SERVER SIDE RECORD TO ACCES TO THE FETCH // PLAN if (record instanceof ODocument) { final Map<String, Integer> fetchPlan = OFetchHelper.buildFetchPlan(fetchPlanString); final Set<ODocument> recordsToSend = new HashSet<ODocument>(); final ODocument doc = (ODocument) record; final OFetchListener listener = new ORemoteFetchListener(recordsToSend); final OFetchContext context = new ORemoteFetchContext(); OFetchHelper.fetch(doc, doc, fetchPlan, listener, context, ""); // SEND RECORDS TO LOAD IN CLIENT CACHE for (ODocument d : recordsToSend) { if (d.getIdentity().isValid()) { channel.writeByte((byte) 2); // CLIENT CACHE // RECORD. IT ISN'T PART OF THE RESULT SET writeIdentifiable(d); } } } } } channel.writeByte((byte) 0); // NO MORE RECORDS } finally { endResponse(); } } } protected void beginResponse() { channel.acquireWriteLock(); } protected void endResponse() throws IOException { channel.flush(); channel.releaseWriteLock(); } protected void setDataCommandInfo(final String iCommandInfo) { if (connection != null) connection.data.commandInfo = iCommandInfo; } protected void readConnectionData() throws IOException { connection.data.driverName = channel.readString(); connection.data.driverVersion = channel.readString(); connection.data.protocolVersion = channel.readShort(); connection.data.clientId = channel.readString(); } private void sendDatabaseInformation() throws IOException { final Collection<? extends OCluster> clusters = connection.database.getStorage().getClusterInstances(); int clusterCount = 0; for (OCluster c : clusters) { if (c != null) { ++clusterCount; } } if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 7) channel.writeShort((short) clusterCount); else channel.writeInt(clusterCount); for (OCluster c : clusters) { if (c != null) { channel.writeString(c.getName()); channel.writeShort((short) c.getId()); channel.writeString(c.getType()); if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 12) channel.writeShort((short) c.getDataSegmentId()); } } } @Override public void startup() { super.startup(); OServerPluginHelper.invokeHandlerCallbackOnClientConnection(server, connection); } @Override public void shutdown() { sendShutdown(); super.shutdown(); if (connection == null) return; OServerPluginHelper.invokeHandlerCallbackOnClientDisconnection(server, connection); OClientConnectionManager.instance().disconnect(connection); } protected void sendOk(final int iClientTxId) throws IOException { channel.writeByte(OChannelBinaryProtocol.RESPONSE_STATUS_OK); channel.writeInt(iClientTxId); } private void listDatabases() throws IOException { checkServerAccess("server.dblist"); final ODocument result = new ODocument(); result.field("databases", server.getAvailableStorageNames()); setDataCommandInfo("List databases"); beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeBytes(result.toStream()); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void sendError(final int iClientTxId, final Throwable t) throws IOException { channel.acquireWriteLock(); try { channel.writeByte(OChannelBinaryProtocol.RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR); channel.writeInt(iClientTxId); Throwable current; if (t instanceof OLockException && t.getCause() instanceof ODatabaseException) // BYPASS THE DB POOL EXCEPTION TO PROPAGATE THE RIGHT SECURITY ONE current = t.getCause(); else current = t; final Throwable original = current; while (current != null) { // MORE DETAILS ARE COMING AS EXCEPTION channel.writeByte((byte) 1); channel.writeString(current.getClass().getName()); channel.writeString(current != null ? current.getMessage() : null); current = current.getCause(); } channel.writeByte((byte) 0); if (connection != null && connection.data.protocolVersion >= 19) { final OMemoryStream memoryStream = new OMemoryStream(); final ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(memoryStream); objectOutputStream.writeObject(original); objectOutputStream.flush(); final byte[] result = memoryStream.toByteArray(); objectOutputStream.close(); channel.writeBytes(result); } channel.flush(); if (OLogManager.instance().isLevelEnabled(logClientExceptions)) { if (logClientFullStackTrace) OLogManager.instance().log(this, logClientExceptions, "Sent run-time exception to the client %s: %s", t, channel.socket.getRemoteSocketAddress(), t.toString()); else OLogManager.instance().log(this, logClientExceptions, "Sent run-time exception to the client %s: %s", null, channel.socket.getRemoteSocketAddress(), t.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof SocketException) shutdown(); } finally { channel.releaseWriteLock(); } } private boolean loadUserFromSchema(final String iUserName, final String iUserPassword) { account = connection.database.getMetadata().getSecurity().authenticate(iUserName, iUserPassword); return true; } @Override protected void handleConnectionError(final OChannelBinaryServer iChannel, final Throwable e) { super.handleConnectionError(channel, e); OServerPluginHelper.invokeHandlerCallbackOnClientError(server, connection, e); } public String getType() { return "binary"; } protected void sendResponse(final ODocument iResponse) throws IOException { beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); channel.writeBytes(iResponse != null ? iResponse.toStream() : null); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void freezeDatabase() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Freeze database"); String dbName = channel.readString(); checkServerAccess("database.freeze"); final String storageType; if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 16) storageType = channel.readString(); else storageType = "local"; connection.database = getDatabaseInstance(dbName, ODatabaseDocument.TYPE, storageType); if (connection.database.exists()) { OLogManager.instance().info(this, "Freezing database '%s'", connection.database.getURL()); if (connection.database.isClosed()) openDatabase(connection.database, connection.serverUser.name, connection.serverUser.password); connection.database.freeze(true); } else { throw new OStorageException("Database with name '" + dbName + "' doesn't exits."); } beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void releaseDatabase() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Release database"); String dbName = channel.readString(); checkServerAccess("database.release"); final String storageType; if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 16) storageType = channel.readString(); else storageType = "local"; connection.database = getDatabaseInstance(dbName, ODatabaseDocument.TYPE, storageType); if (connection.database.exists()) { OLogManager.instance().info(this, "Realising database '%s'", connection.database.getURL()); if (connection.database.isClosed()) openDatabase(connection.database, connection.serverUser.name, connection.serverUser.password); connection.database.release(); } else { throw new OStorageException("Database with name '" + dbName + "' doesn't exits."); } beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void freezeCluster() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Freeze cluster"); final String dbName = channel.readString(); final int clusterId = channel.readShort(); checkServerAccess("database.freeze"); final String storageType; if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 16) storageType = channel.readString(); else storageType = "local"; connection.database = getDatabaseInstance(dbName, ODatabaseDocument.TYPE, storageType); if (connection.database.exists()) { OLogManager.instance().info(this, "Freezing database '%s' cluster %d", connection.database.getURL(), clusterId); if (connection.database.isClosed()) { openDatabase(connection.database, connection.serverUser.name, connection.serverUser.password); } connection.database.freezeCluster(clusterId); } else { throw new OStorageException("Database with name '" + dbName + "' doesn't exits."); } beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); } finally { endResponse(); } } protected void releaseCluster() throws IOException { setDataCommandInfo("Release database"); final String dbName = channel.readString(); final int clusterId = channel.readShort(); checkServerAccess("database.release"); final String storageType; if (connection.data.protocolVersion >= 16) storageType = channel.readString(); else storageType = "local"; connection.database = getDatabaseInstance(dbName, ODatabaseDocument.TYPE, storageType); if (connection.database.exists()) { OLogManager.instance().info(this, "Realising database '%s' cluster %d", connection.database.getURL(), clusterId); if (connection.database.isClosed()) { openDatabase(connection.database, connection.serverUser.name, connection.serverUser.password); } connection.database.releaseCluster(clusterId); } else { throw new OStorageException("Database with name '" + dbName + "' doesn't exits."); } beginResponse(); try { sendOk(clientTxId); } finally { endResponse(); } } }
1no label
@Component("blMediaFieldPersistenceProvider") @Scope("prototype") public class MediaFieldPersistenceProvider extends FieldPersistenceProviderAdapter { @Resource(name="blEntityConfiguration") protected EntityConfiguration entityConfiguration; protected boolean canHandlePersistence(PopulateValueRequest populateValueRequest, Serializable instance) { return populateValueRequest.getMetadata().getFieldType() == SupportedFieldType.MEDIA; } protected boolean canHandleExtraction(ExtractValueRequest extractValueRequest, Property property) { return extractValueRequest.getMetadata().getFieldType() == SupportedFieldType.MEDIA; } @Override public FieldProviderResponse populateValue(PopulateValueRequest populateValueRequest, Serializable instance) throws PersistenceException { if (!canHandlePersistence(populateValueRequest, instance)) { return FieldProviderResponse.NOT_HANDLED; } try { Class<?> valueType = null; if (!populateValueRequest.getProperty().getName().contains(FieldManager.MAPFIELDSEPARATOR)) { valueType = populateValueRequest.getReturnType(); } else { String valueClassName = populateValueRequest.getMetadata().getMapFieldValueClass(); if (valueClassName != null) { valueType = Class.forName(valueClassName); } if (valueType == null) { valueType = populateValueRequest.getReturnType(); } } if (valueType == null) { throw new IllegalAccessException("Unable to determine the valueType for the rule field (" + populateValueRequest.getProperty().getName() + ")"); } if (Media.class.isAssignableFrom(valueType)) { Media newMedia = convertJsonToMedia(populateValueRequest.getProperty().getUnHtmlEncodedValue()); Media media; try { media = (Media) populateValueRequest.getFieldManager().getFieldValue(instance, populateValueRequest.getProperty().getName()); } catch (FieldNotAvailableException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } if (media == null) { media = (Media) valueType.newInstance(); } updateMediaFields(media, newMedia); populateValueRequest.getPersistenceManager().getDynamicEntityDao().persist(media); populateValueRequest.getFieldManager().setFieldValue(instance, populateValueRequest.getProperty().getName(), media); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("MediaFields only work with Media types."); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new PersistenceException(e); } return FieldProviderResponse.HANDLED; } @Override public FieldProviderResponse extractValue(ExtractValueRequest extractValueRequest, Property property) throws PersistenceException { if (!canHandleExtraction(extractValueRequest, property)) { return FieldProviderResponse.NOT_HANDLED; } if (extractValueRequest.getRequestedValue() != null) { if (extractValueRequest.getRequestedValue() instanceof Media) { Media media = (Media) extractValueRequest.getRequestedValue(); String jsonString = convertMediaToJson(media); property.setValue(jsonString); property.setUnHtmlEncodedValue(jsonString); property.setDisplayValue(extractValueRequest.getDisplayVal()); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("MEDIA type is currently only supported on fields of type Media"); } } return FieldProviderResponse.HANDLED; } @Override public FieldProviderResponse filterProperties(AddFilterPropertiesRequest addFilterPropertiesRequest, Map<String, FieldMetadata> properties) { // BP: Basically copied this from RuleFieldPersistenceProvider List<Property> propertyList = new ArrayList<Property>(); propertyList.addAll(Arrays.asList(addFilterPropertiesRequest.getEntity().getProperties())); Iterator<Property> itr = propertyList.iterator(); List<Property> additionalProperties = new ArrayList<Property>(); while(itr.hasNext()) { Property prop = itr.next(); if (prop.getName().endsWith("Json")) { for (Map.Entry<String, FieldMetadata> entry : properties.entrySet()) { if (prop.getName().startsWith(entry.getKey())) { BasicFieldMetadata originalFM = (BasicFieldMetadata) entry.getValue(); if (originalFM.getFieldType() == SupportedFieldType.MEDIA) { Property originalProp = addFilterPropertiesRequest.getEntity().findProperty(originalFM .getName()); if (originalProp == null) { originalProp = new Property(); originalProp.setName(originalFM.getName()); additionalProperties.add(originalProp); } originalProp.setValue(prop.getValue()); originalProp.setRawValue(prop.getRawValue()); originalProp.setUnHtmlEncodedValue(prop.getUnHtmlEncodedValue()); itr.remove(); break; } } } } } propertyList.addAll(additionalProperties); addFilterPropertiesRequest.getEntity().setProperties(propertyList.toArray(new Property[propertyList.size()])); return FieldProviderResponse.HANDLED; } @Override public int getOrder() { return FieldPersistenceProvider.MEDIA; } protected String convertMediaToJson(Media media) { String json; try { ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); return om.writeValueAsString(media); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected Media convertJsonToMedia(String jsonProp) { try { ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); return om.readValue(jsonProp, entityConfiguration.lookupEntityClass(Media.class.getName(), Media.class)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected void updateMediaFields(Media oldMedia, Media newMedia) { oldMedia.setAltText(newMedia.getAltText()); oldMedia.setTags(newMedia.getTags()); oldMedia.setTitle(newMedia.getTitle()); oldMedia.setUrl(newMedia.getUrl()); } }
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final static class MatchAndScore extends QueryCollector { final PercolateContext context; final HighlightPhase highlightPhase; final List<BytesRef> matches = new ArrayList<BytesRef>(); final List<Map<String, HighlightField>> hls = new ArrayList<Map<String, HighlightField>>(); // TODO: Use thread local in order to cache the scores lists? final FloatArrayList scores = new FloatArrayList(); final boolean limit; final int size; long counter = 0; private Scorer scorer; MatchAndScore(ESLogger logger, PercolateContext context, HighlightPhase highlightPhase) { super(logger, context); this.limit = context.limit; this.size = context.size; this.context = context; this.highlightPhase = highlightPhase; } @Override public void collect(int doc) throws IOException { final Query query = getQuery(doc); if (query == null) { // log??? return; } // run the query try { collector.reset(); if (context.highlight() != null) { context.parsedQuery(new ParsedQuery(query, ImmutableMap.<String, Filter>of())); context.hitContext().cache().clear(); } searcher.search(query, collector); if (collector.exists()) { if (!limit || counter < size) { matches.add(values.copyShared()); scores.add(scorer.score()); if (context.highlight() != null) { highlightPhase.hitExecute(context, context.hitContext()); hls.add(context.hitContext().hit().getHighlightFields()); } } counter++; if (facetAndAggregatorCollector != null) { facetAndAggregatorCollector.collect(doc); } } } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("[" + spare.bytes.utf8ToString() + "] failed to execute query", e); } } @Override public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException { this.scorer = scorer; } long counter() { return counter; } List<BytesRef> matches() { return matches; } FloatArrayList scores() { return scores; } List<Map<String, HighlightField>> hls() { return hls; } }
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public interface ODataSegmentStrategy { /** * Tells to the database in what data segment put the new record. Default strategy always use data segment 0 (default). * * @param iDatabase * Database instance * @param iRecord * Record istance * @return The data segment id */ public int assignDataSegmentId(ODatabase iDatabase, ORecord<?> iRecord); }
public class TaxException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected TaxResponse taxResponse; public TaxException() { super(); } public TaxException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public TaxException(String message) { super(message); } public TaxException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } public TaxResponse getTaxResponse() { return taxResponse; } public void setTaxResponse(TaxResponse taxResponse) { this.taxResponse = taxResponse; } }
@Component("blContentProcessor") public class ContentProcessor extends AbstractModelVariableModifierProcessor { protected final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); public static final String REQUEST_DTO = "blRequestDTO"; public static final String BLC_RULE_MAP_PARAM = "blRuleMap"; @Resource(name = "blStructuredContentService") protected StructuredContentService structuredContentService; @Resource(name = "blStaticAssetService") protected StaticAssetService staticAssetService; /** * Sets the name of this processor to be used in Thymeleaf template */ public ContentProcessor() { super("content"); } public ContentProcessor(String elementName) { super(elementName); } @Override public int getPrecedence() { return 10000; } /** * Returns a default name * @param element * @param valueName * @return */ protected String getAttributeValue(Element element, String valueName, String defaultValue) { String returnValue = element.getAttributeValue(valueName); if (returnValue == null) { return defaultValue; } else { return returnValue; } } @Override protected void modifyModelAttributes(Arguments arguments, Element element) { String contentType = element.getAttributeValue("contentType"); String contentName = element.getAttributeValue("contentName"); String maxResultsStr = element.getAttributeValue("maxResults"); Integer maxResults = null; if (maxResultsStr != null) { maxResults = Ints.tryParse(maxResultsStr); } if (maxResults == null) { maxResults = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } String contentListVar = getAttributeValue(element, "contentListVar", "contentList"); String contentItemVar = getAttributeValue(element, "contentItemVar", "contentItem"); String numResultsVar = getAttributeValue(element, "numResultsVar", "numResults"); String fieldFilters = element.getAttributeValue("fieldFilters"); String sortField = element.getAttributeValue("sortField"); IWebContext context = (IWebContext) arguments.getContext(); HttpServletRequest request = context.getHttpServletRequest(); BroadleafRequestContext blcContext = BroadleafRequestContext.getBroadleafRequestContext(); Map<String, Object> mvelParameters = buildMvelParameters(request, arguments, element); SandBox currentSandbox = blcContext.getSandbox(); List<StructuredContentDTO> contentItems; StructuredContentType structuredContentType = structuredContentService.findStructuredContentTypeByName(contentType); Locale locale = blcContext.getLocale(); contentItems = getContentItems(contentName, maxResults, request, mvelParameters, currentSandbox, structuredContentType, locale, arguments, element); if (contentItems.size() > 0) { List<Map<String,String>> contentItemFields = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); for (StructuredContentDTO item : contentItems) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(fieldFilters)) { AssignationSequence assignments = StandardExpressionProcessor.parseAssignationSequence(arguments, fieldFilters, false); boolean valid = true; for (Assignation assignment : assignments) { if (ObjectUtils.notEqual(StandardExpressionProcessor.executeExpression(arguments, assignment.getRight()), item.getValues().get(assignment.getLeft().getValue()))) { valid = false; break; } } if (valid) { contentItemFields.add(item.getValues()); } } else { contentItemFields.add(item.getValues()); } } addToModel(arguments, contentItemVar, contentItemFields.get(0)); addToModel(arguments, contentListVar, contentItemFields); addToModel(arguments, numResultsVar, contentItems.size()); } else { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { LOG.info("**************************The contentItems is null*************************"); } addToModel(arguments, contentItemVar, null); addToModel(arguments, contentListVar, null); addToModel(arguments, numResultsVar, 0); } } /** * @param contentName name of the content to be looked up (can be null) * @param maxResults maximum results to return * @param request servlet request * @param mvelParameters values that should be considered when filtering the content list by rules * @param currentSandbox current sandbox being used * @param structuredContentType the type of content that should be returned * @param locale current locale * @param arguments Thymeleaf Arguments passed into the tag * @param element element context that this Thymeleaf processor is being executed in * @return */ protected List<StructuredContentDTO> getContentItems(String contentName, Integer maxResults, HttpServletRequest request, Map<String, Object> mvelParameters, SandBox currentSandbox, StructuredContentType structuredContentType, Locale locale, Arguments arguments, Element element) { List<StructuredContentDTO> contentItems; if (structuredContentType == null) { contentItems = structuredContentService.lookupStructuredContentItemsByName(currentSandbox, contentName, locale, maxResults, mvelParameters, isSecure(request)); } else { if (contentName == null || "".equals(contentName)) { contentItems = structuredContentService.lookupStructuredContentItemsByType(currentSandbox, structuredContentType, locale, maxResults, mvelParameters, isSecure(request)); } else { contentItems = structuredContentService.lookupStructuredContentItemsByName(currentSandbox, structuredContentType, contentName, locale, maxResults, mvelParameters, isSecure(request)); } } return contentItems; } /** * MVEL is used to process the content targeting rules. * * @param request * @return */ protected Map<String, Object> buildMvelParameters(HttpServletRequest request, Arguments arguments, Element element) { TimeZone timeZone = BroadleafRequestContext.getBroadleafRequestContext().getTimeZone(); final TimeDTO timeDto; if (timeZone != null) { timeDto = new TimeDTO(SystemTime.asCalendar(timeZone)); } else { timeDto = new TimeDTO(); } RequestDTO requestDto = (RequestDTO) request.getAttribute(REQUEST_DTO); Map<String, Object> mvelParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mvelParameters.put("time", timeDto); mvelParameters.put("request", requestDto); String productString = element.getAttributeValue("product"); if (productString != null) { Object product = StandardExpressionProcessor.processExpression(arguments, productString); if (product != null) { mvelParameters.put("product", product); } } String categoryString = element.getAttributeValue("category"); if (categoryString != null) { Object category = StandardExpressionProcessor.processExpression(arguments, categoryString); if (category != null) { mvelParameters.put("category", category); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String,Object> blcRuleMap = (Map<String,Object>) request.getAttribute(BLC_RULE_MAP_PARAM); if (blcRuleMap != null) { for (String mapKey : blcRuleMap.keySet()) { mvelParameters.put(mapKey, blcRuleMap.get(mapKey)); } } return mvelParameters; } public boolean isSecure(HttpServletRequest request) { boolean secure = false; if (request != null) { secure = ("HTTPS".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getScheme()) || request.isSecure()); } return secure; } }
{ @Override public void run() { dbr.getGraphDatabaseService().getNodeById( node.getId() ); dbr.getGraphDatabaseService().getRelationshipById( relationship.getId() ); } };
public class AddMessageListenerRequest extends CallableClientRequest implements RetryableRequest { private String name; public AddMessageListenerRequest() { } public AddMessageListenerRequest(String name) { this.name = name; } @Override public String call() throws Exception { TopicService service = getService(); ClientEngine clientEngine = getClientEngine(); ClientEndpoint endpoint = getEndpoint(); MessageListener listener = new MessageListenerImpl(endpoint, clientEngine, getCallId()); String registrationId = service.addMessageListener(name, listener); endpoint.setListenerRegistration(TopicService.SERVICE_NAME, name, registrationId); return registrationId; } @Override public String getServiceName() { return TopicService.SERVICE_NAME; } @Override public int getFactoryId() { return TopicPortableHook.F_ID; } @Override public int getClassId() { return TopicPortableHook.ADD_LISTENER; } @Override public void write(PortableWriter writer) throws IOException { writer.writeUTF("n", name); } @Override public void read(PortableReader reader) throws IOException { name = reader.readUTF("n"); } @Override public Permission getRequiredPermission() { return new TopicPermission(name, ActionConstants.ACTION_LISTEN); } private static class MessageListenerImpl implements MessageListener { private final ClientEndpoint endpoint; private final ClientEngine clientEngine; private final int callId; public MessageListenerImpl(ClientEndpoint endpoint, ClientEngine clientEngine, int callId) { this.endpoint = endpoint; this.clientEngine = clientEngine; this.callId = callId; } @Override public void onMessage(Message message) { if (!endpoint.live()) { return; } Data messageData = clientEngine.toData(message.getMessageObject()); String publisherUuid = message.getPublishingMember().getUuid(); PortableMessage portableMessage = new PortableMessage(messageData, message.getPublishTime(), publisherUuid); endpoint.sendEvent(portableMessage, callId); } } }
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public class CeylonMarkerResolutionProposal implements ICompletionProposal { private IMarkerResolution fResolution; private IMarker fMarker; public CeylonMarkerResolutionProposal(IMarkerResolution resolution, IMarker marker) { fResolution = resolution; fMarker = marker; } public void apply(IDocument document) { fResolution.run(fMarker); } public String getAdditionalProposalInfo() { if (fResolution instanceof IMarkerResolution2) { return ((IMarkerResolution2) fResolution).getDescription(); } if (fResolution instanceof ICompletionProposal) { return ((ICompletionProposal) fResolution) .getAdditionalProposalInfo(); } try { return "Problem description: " + fMarker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE); } catch (CoreException e) { // JavaPlugin.log(e); } return null; } public IContextInformation getContextInformation() { return null; } public String getDisplayString() { return fResolution.getLabel(); } public Image getImage() { if (fResolution instanceof IMarkerResolution2) { return ((IMarkerResolution2) fResolution).getImage(); } if (fResolution instanceof ICompletionProposal) { return ((ICompletionProposal) fResolution).getImage(); } return MINOR_CHANGE; } public Point getSelection(IDocument document) { if (fResolution instanceof ICompletionProposal) { return ((ICompletionProposal) fResolution).getSelection(document); } return null; } }