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ThreadLocal<T> response = new ThreadLocal<T>() { @Override protected T initialValue() { addThreadLocal(this); if (!createInitialValue) { return null; } try { return type.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public void set(T value) { super.get(); super.set(value); } };
@Entity @Table(name = "BLC_CODE_TYPES") @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) @Cache(usage=CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE, region="blStandardElements") @Deprecated public class CodeTypeImpl implements CodeType { public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @GeneratedValue(generator = "CodeTypeId", strategy = GenerationType.TABLE) @GenericGenerator( name="CodeTypeId", strategy="org.broadleafcommerce.common.persistence.IdOverrideTableGenerator", parameters = { @Parameter(name="segment_value", value="CodeTypeImpl"), @Parameter(name="entity_name", value="org.broadleafcommerce.core.util.domain.CodeTypeImpl") } ) @Column(name = "CODE_ID") protected Long id; @Column(name = "CODE_TYPE", nullable=false) protected String codeType; @Column(name = "CODE_KEY", nullable=false) protected String key; @Column(name = "CODE_DESC") protected String description; @Column(name = "MODIFIABLE") protected Character modifiable; @Override public Long getId() { return id; } @Override public void setId(Long id) { this.id = id; } @Override public String getCodeType() { return codeType; } @Override public void setCodeType(String codeType) { this.codeType = codeType; } @Override public String getKey() { return key; } @Override public void setKey(String key) { this.key = key; } @Override public String getDescription() { return description; } @Override public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } @Override public Boolean isModifiable() { if(modifiable == null) return null; return modifiable == 'Y' ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } @Override public Boolean getModifiable() { return isModifiable(); } @Override public void setModifiable(Boolean modifiable) { if(modifiable == null) { this.modifiable = null; } else { this.modifiable = modifiable ? 'Y' : 'N'; } } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((codeType == null) ? 0 : codeType.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((description == null) ? 0 : description.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((id == null) ? 0 : id.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((key == null) ? 0 : key.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((modifiable == null) ? 0 : modifiable.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; CodeTypeImpl other = (CodeTypeImpl) obj; if (codeType == null) { if (other.codeType != null) return false; } else if (!codeType.equals(other.codeType)) return false; if (description == null) { if (other.description != null) return false; } else if (!description.equals(other.description)) return false; if (id == null) { if (other.id != null) return false; } else if (!id.equals(other.id)) return false; if (key == null) { if (other.key != null) return false; } else if (!key.equals(other.key)) return false; if (modifiable == null) { if (other.modifiable != null) return false; } else if (!modifiable.equals(other.modifiable)) return false; return true; } }
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{ @Override public Object doWork( Void state ) { try { tm.rollback(); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); } return null; } };
public class MergeFileSystemAndClassPathXMLApplicationContext extends AbstractMergeXMLApplicationContext { public MergeFileSystemAndClassPathXMLApplicationContext(ApplicationContext parent) { super(parent); } public MergeFileSystemAndClassPathXMLApplicationContext(String[] classPathLocations, String[] fileSystemLocations) throws BeansException { this(classPathLocations, fileSystemLocations, null); } public MergeFileSystemAndClassPathXMLApplicationContext(LinkedHashMap<String, ResourceType> locations, ApplicationContext parent) throws BeansException { this(parent); ResourceInputStream[] resources = new ResourceInputStream[locations.size()]; int j = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, ResourceType> entry : locations.entrySet()) { switch (entry.getValue()) { case CLASSPATH: resources[j] = new ResourceInputStream(getClassLoader(parent).getResourceAsStream(entry.getKey()), entry.getKey()); break; case FILESYSTEM: try { File temp = new File(entry.getKey()); resources[j] = new ResourceInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(temp)), entry.getKey()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new FatalBeanException("Unable to merge context files", e); } break; } j++; } ImportProcessor importProcessor = new ImportProcessor(this); try { resources = importProcessor.extract(resources); } catch (MergeException e) { throw new FatalBeanException("Unable to merge source and patch locations", e); } this.configResources = new MergeApplicationContextXmlConfigResource().getConfigResources(resources, null); refresh(); } public MergeFileSystemAndClassPathXMLApplicationContext(String[] classPathLocations, String[] fileSystemLocations, ApplicationContext parent) throws BeansException { this(parent); ResourceInputStream[] classPathSources; ResourceInputStream[] fileSystemSources; try { classPathSources = new ResourceInputStream[classPathLocations.length]; for (int j=0;j<classPathLocations.length;j++){ classPathSources[j] = new ResourceInputStream(getClassLoader(parent).getResourceAsStream(classPathLocations[j]), classPathLocations[j]); } fileSystemSources = new ResourceInputStream[fileSystemLocations.length]; for (int j=0;j<fileSystemSources.length;j++){ File temp = new File(fileSystemLocations[j]); fileSystemSources[j] = new ResourceInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(temp)), fileSystemLocations[j]); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new FatalBeanException("Unable to merge context files", e); } ImportProcessor importProcessor = new ImportProcessor(this); try { classPathSources = importProcessor.extract(classPathSources); fileSystemSources = importProcessor.extract(fileSystemSources); } catch (MergeException e) { throw new FatalBeanException("Unable to merge source and patch locations", e); } this.configResources = new MergeApplicationContextXmlConfigResource().getConfigResources(classPathSources, fileSystemSources); refresh(); } /** * This could be advantageous for subclasses to override in order to utilize the parent application context. By default, * this utilizes the class loader for the current class. */ protected ClassLoader getClassLoader(ApplicationContext parent) { return MergeFileSystemAndClassPathXMLApplicationContext.class.getClassLoader(); } public enum ResourceType { FILESYSTEM,CLASSPATH } }
firstMaster.clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("local-disco-receive(from node[" + localNode + "])", new ProcessedClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { DiscoveryNodes.Builder nodesBuilder = DiscoveryNodes.builder(); for (LocalDiscovery discovery : clusterGroups.get(clusterName).members()) { nodesBuilder.put(discovery.localNode); } nodesBuilder.localNodeId(master.localNode().id()).masterNodeId(master.localNode().id()); return ClusterState.builder(currentState).nodes(nodesBuilder).build(); } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Throwable t) { logger.error("unexpected failure during [{}]", t, source); } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { sendInitialStateEventIfNeeded(); } });
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public class VersionTests extends ElasticsearchTestCase { @Test public void testVersions() throws Exception { assertThat(V_0_20_0.before(V_0_90_0), is(true)); assertThat(V_0_20_0.before(V_0_20_0), is(false)); assertThat(V_0_90_0.before(V_0_20_0), is(false)); assertThat(V_0_20_0.onOrBefore(V_0_90_0), is(true)); assertThat(V_0_20_0.onOrBefore(V_0_20_0), is(true)); assertThat(V_0_90_0.onOrBefore(V_0_20_0), is(false)); assertThat(V_0_20_0.after(V_0_90_0), is(false)); assertThat(V_0_20_0.after(V_0_20_0), is(false)); assertThat(V_0_90_0.after(V_0_20_0), is(true)); assertThat(V_0_20_0.onOrAfter(V_0_90_0), is(false)); assertThat(V_0_20_0.onOrAfter(V_0_20_0), is(true)); assertThat(V_0_90_0.onOrAfter(V_0_20_0), is(true)); } @Test public void testVersionConstantPresent() { assertThat(Version.CURRENT, sameInstance(Version.fromId(Version.CURRENT.id))); assertThat(Version.CURRENT.luceneVersion.ordinal(), equalTo(org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_CURRENT.ordinal() - 1)); final int iters = atLeast(20); for (int i = 0; i < iters; i++) { Version version = randomVersion(); assertThat(version, sameInstance(Version.fromId(version.id))); assertThat(version.luceneVersion, sameInstance(Version.fromId(version.id).luceneVersion)); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") static final class KeySet<E> extends AbstractSet<E> implements ONavigableSet<E> { private final ONavigableMap<E, Object> m; KeySet(ONavigableMap<E, Object> map) { m = map; } @Override public OLazyIterator<E> iterator() { if (m instanceof OMVRBTree) return ((OMVRBTree<E, Object>) m).keyIterator(); else return (((OMVRBTree.NavigableSubMap) m).keyIterator()); } public OLazyIterator<E> descendingIterator() { if (m instanceof OMVRBTree) return ((OMVRBTree<E, Object>) m).descendingKeyIterator(); else return (((OMVRBTree.NavigableSubMap) m).descendingKeyIterator()); } @Override public int size() { return m.size(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return m.isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean contains(final Object o) { return m.containsKey(o); } @Override public void clear() { m.clear(); } public E lower(final E e) { return m.lowerKey(e); } public E floor(final E e) { return m.floorKey(e); } public E ceiling(final E e) { return m.ceilingKey(e); } public E higher(final E e) { return m.higherKey(e); } public E first() { return m.firstKey(); } public E last() { return m.lastKey(); } public Comparator<? super E> comparator() { return m.comparator(); } public E pollFirst() { final Map.Entry<E, Object> e = m.pollFirstEntry(); return e == null ? null : e.getKey(); } public E pollLast() { final Map.Entry<E, Object> e = m.pollLastEntry(); return e == null ? null : e.getKey(); } @Override public boolean remove(final Object o) { final int oldSize = size(); m.remove(o); return size() != oldSize; } public ONavigableSet<E> subSet(final E fromElement, final boolean fromInclusive, final E toElement, final boolean toInclusive) { return new OMVRBTreeSet<E>(m.subMap(fromElement, fromInclusive, toElement, toInclusive)); } public ONavigableSet<E> headSet(final E toElement, final boolean inclusive) { return new OMVRBTreeSet<E>(m.headMap(toElement, inclusive)); } public ONavigableSet<E> tailSet(final E fromElement, final boolean inclusive) { return new OMVRBTreeSet<E>(m.tailMap(fromElement, inclusive)); } public SortedSet<E> subSet(final E fromElement, final E toElement) { return subSet(fromElement, true, toElement, false); } public SortedSet<E> headSet(final E toElement) { return headSet(toElement, false); } public SortedSet<E> tailSet(final E fromElement) { return tailSet(fromElement, true); } public ONavigableSet<E> descendingSet() { return new OMVRBTreeSet<E>(m.descendingMap()); } }
public class ScriptBytesValues extends BytesValues implements ScriptValues { final SearchScript script; private Iterator<?> iter; private Object value; private BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef(); public ScriptBytesValues(SearchScript script) { super(true); // assume multi-valued this.script = script; } @Override public SearchScript script() { return script; } @Override public int setDocument(int docId) { this.docId = docId; script.setNextDocId(docId); value = script.run(); if (value == null) { iter = Iterators.emptyIterator(); return 0; } if (value.getClass().isArray()) { final int length = Array.getLength(value); // don't use Arrays.asList because the array may be an array of primitives? iter = new Iterator<Object>() { int i = 0; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return i < length; } @Override public Object next() { return Array.get(value, i++); } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; return length; } if (value instanceof Collection) { final Collection<?> coll = (Collection<?>) value; iter = coll.iterator(); return coll.size(); } iter = Iterators.singletonIterator(value); return 1; } @Override public BytesRef nextValue() { final String next = iter.next().toString(); scratch.copyChars(next); return scratch; } }
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@Component("blCustomerCustomPersistenceHandler") public class CustomerCustomPersistenceHandler extends CustomPersistenceHandlerAdapter { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(StructuredContentTypeCustomPersistenceHandler.class); @Resource(name="blCustomerService") protected CustomerService customerService; @Override public Boolean canHandleAdd(PersistencePackage persistencePackage) { return persistencePackage.getCeilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname() != null && persistencePackage.getCeilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname().equals(Customer.class.getName()); } @Override public Entity add(PersistencePackage persistencePackage, DynamicEntityDao dynamicEntityDao, RecordHelper helper) throws ServiceException { Entity entity = persistencePackage.getEntity(); try { PersistencePerspective persistencePerspective = persistencePackage.getPersistencePerspective(); Customer adminInstance = (Customer) Class.forName(entity.getType()[0]).newInstance(); adminInstance.setId(customerService.findNextCustomerId()); Map<String, FieldMetadata> adminProperties = helper.getSimpleMergedProperties(Customer.class.getName(), persistencePerspective); adminInstance = (Customer) helper.createPopulatedInstance(adminInstance, entity, adminProperties, false); if (customerService.readCustomerByUsername(adminInstance.getUsername()) != null) { Entity error = new Entity(); error.addValidationError("username", "nonUniqueUsernameError"); return error; } adminInstance = (Customer) dynamicEntityDao.merge(adminInstance); Entity adminEntity = helper.getRecord(adminProperties, adminInstance, null, null); return adminEntity; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to execute persistence activity", e); throw new ServiceException("Unable to add entity for " + entity.getType()[0], e); } } }
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private class ClusterListenerImpl extends ClusterListener.Adapter { @Override public void enteredCluster( ClusterConfiguration clusterConfiguration ) { // Catch up with elections for ( Map.Entry<String, InstanceId> memberRoles : clusterConfiguration.getRoles().entrySet() ) { elected( memberRoles.getKey(), memberRoles.getValue(), clusterConfiguration.getUriForId( memberRoles.getValue() ) ); } } @Override public void elected( String role, final InstanceId instanceId, final URI electedMember ) { if ( role.equals( ClusterConfiguration.COORDINATOR ) ) { // Use the cluster coordinator as master for HA Listeners.notifyListeners( listeners, new Listeners.Notification<ClusterMemberListener>() { @Override public void notify( ClusterMemberListener listener ) { listener.coordinatorIsElected( instanceId ); } } ); } } @Override public void leftCluster( final InstanceId member ) { // Notify unavailability of members Listeners.notifyListeners( listeners, new Listeners.Notification<ClusterMemberListener>() { @Override public void notify( ClusterMemberListener listener ) { for ( MemberIsAvailable memberIsAvailable : clusterMembersSnapshot.getCurrentAvailable( member ) ) { listener.memberIsUnavailable( memberIsAvailable.getRole(), member ); } } } ); clusterMembersSnapshot.unavailableMember( member ); } }
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public class FindReferencesVisitor extends Visitor implements NaturalVisitor { private Referenceable declaration; private final Set<Node> nodes = new HashSet<Node>(); public FindReferencesVisitor(Referenceable declaration) { if (declaration instanceof TypedDeclaration) { Referenceable od = declaration; while (od!=null && od!=declaration) { declaration = od; od = ((TypedDeclaration) od).getOriginalDeclaration(); } } if (declaration instanceof Declaration && ((Declaration)declaration).getContainer() instanceof Setter) { Setter setter = (Setter) ((Declaration)declaration).getContainer(); if (setter.getDirectMember(setter.getName(), null, false) .equals(declaration)) { declaration = setter; } } if (declaration instanceof Setter) { declaration = ((Setter) declaration).getGetter(); } this.declaration = declaration; } public Referenceable getDeclaration() { return declaration; } public Set<Node> getNodes() { return nodes; } protected boolean isReference(Parameter p) { return p!=null && isReference(p.getModel()); } protected boolean isReference(Declaration ref) { return ref!=null && declaration instanceof Declaration && (((Declaration)declaration).refines(ref) || isSetterParameterReference(ref)); } private boolean isSetterParameterReference(Declaration ref) { if (ref.getContainer() instanceof Setter) { Setter setter = (Setter) ref.getContainer(); return setter.getDirectMember(setter.getName(), null, false).equals(ref) && isReference(setter.getGetter()); } else { return false; } } protected boolean isReference(Declaration ref, String id) { return isReference(ref); } private Tree.Variable getConditionVariable(Condition c) { if (c instanceof Tree.ExistsOrNonemptyCondition) { return ((Tree.ExistsOrNonemptyCondition) c).getVariable(); } if (c instanceof Tree.IsCondition) { return ((Tree.IsCondition) c).getVariable(); } return null; } @Override public void visit(Tree.CaseClause that) { Tree.CaseItem ci = that.getCaseItem(); if (ci instanceof Tree.IsCase) { Tree.Variable var = ((Tree.IsCase) ci).getVariable(); if (var!=null) { TypedDeclaration od = var.getDeclarationModel().getOriginalDeclaration(); if (od!=null && od.equals(declaration)) { Referenceable d = declaration; declaration = var.getDeclarationModel(); that.getBlock().visit(this); declaration = d; return; } } } super.visit(that); } @Override public void visit(Tree.IfClause that) { for (Condition c: that.getConditionList().getConditions()) { Tree.Variable var = getConditionVariable(c); if (var!=null && var.getType() instanceof Tree.SyntheticVariable) { TypedDeclaration od = var.getDeclarationModel().getOriginalDeclaration(); if (od!=null && od.equals(declaration)) { c.visit(this); Referenceable d = declaration; declaration = var.getDeclarationModel(); if (that.getBlock()!=null) { that.getBlock().visit(this); } declaration = d; return; } } } super.visit(that); } @Override public void visit(Tree.WhileClause that) { for (Condition c: that.getConditionList().getConditions()) { Tree.Variable var = getConditionVariable(c); if (var!=null && var.getType() instanceof Tree.SyntheticVariable) { TypedDeclaration od = var.getDeclarationModel() .getOriginalDeclaration(); if (od!=null && od.equals(declaration)) { c.visit(this); Referenceable d = declaration; declaration = var.getDeclarationModel(); that.getBlock().visit(this); declaration = d; return; } } } super.visit(that); } @Override public void visit(Tree.Body body) { Referenceable d = declaration; for (Tree.Statement st: body.getStatements()) { if (st instanceof Tree.Assertion) { Tree.Assertion that = (Tree.Assertion) st; for (Condition c: that.getConditionList().getConditions()) { Tree.Variable var = getConditionVariable(c); if (var!=null && var.getType() instanceof Tree.SyntheticVariable) { TypedDeclaration od = var.getDeclarationModel() .getOriginalDeclaration(); if (od!=null && od.equals(declaration)) { c.visit(this); declaration = var.getDeclarationModel(); break; } } } } st.visit(this); } declaration = d; } @Override public void visit(Tree.ExtendedTypeExpression that) {} @Override public void visit(Tree.StaticMemberOrTypeExpression that) { if (isReference(that.getDeclaration(), id(that.getIdentifier()))) { nodes.add(that); } super.visit(that); } public void visit(Tree.MemberLiteral that) { if (isReference(that.getDeclaration(), id(that.getIdentifier()))) { nodes.add(that); } super.visit(that); } @Override public void visit(Tree.TypedArgument that) { if (isReference(that.getParameter())) { nodes.add(that); } super.visit(that); } @Override public void visit(Tree.SpecifiedArgument that) { if (that.getIdentifier()!=null && that.getIdentifier().getToken()!=null && isReference(that.getParameter())) { nodes.add(that); } super.visit(that); } @Override public void visit(Tree.SimpleType that) { ProducedType type = that.getTypeModel(); if (type!=null && isReference(type.getDeclaration(), id(that.getIdentifier()))) { nodes.add(that); } super.visit(that); } @Override public void visit(Tree.ImportMemberOrType that) { if (isReference(that.getDeclarationModel())) { nodes.add(that); } super.visit(that); } @Override public void visit(Import that) { super.visit(that); if (declaration instanceof Package) { if (formatPath(that.getImportPath().getIdentifiers()) .equals(declaration.getNameAsString())) { nodes.add(that); } } } @Override public void visit(ImportModule that) { super.visit(that); if (declaration instanceof Module) { if (formatPath(that.getImportPath().getIdentifiers()) .equals(declaration.getNameAsString())) { nodes.add(that); } } } @Override public void visit(Tree.InitializerParameter that) { if (isReference(that.getParameterModel())) { nodes.add(that); } else { super.visit(that); } } private String id(Tree.Identifier that) { return that==null ? null : that.getText(); } }
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public abstract class AbstractRuleBuilderFieldService implements RuleBuilderFieldService, ApplicationContextAware, InitializingBean { protected DynamicEntityDao dynamicEntityDao; protected ApplicationContext applicationContext; protected List<FieldData> fields = new ArrayList<FieldData>(); @Override public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException { this.applicationContext = applicationContext; } @Override public FieldWrapper buildFields() { FieldWrapper wrapper = new FieldWrapper(); for (FieldData field : getFields()) { FieldDTO fieldDTO = new FieldDTO(); fieldDTO.setLabel(field.getFieldLabel()); //translate the label to display String label = field.getFieldLabel(); BroadleafRequestContext context = BroadleafRequestContext.getBroadleafRequestContext(); MessageSource messages = context.getMessageSource(); label = messages.getMessage(label, null, label, context.getJavaLocale()); fieldDTO.setLabel(label); fieldDTO.setName(field.getFieldName()); fieldDTO.setOperators(field.getOperators()); fieldDTO.setOptions(field.getOptions()); wrapper.getFields().add(fieldDTO); } return wrapper; } @Override public SupportedFieldType getSupportedFieldType(String fieldName) { SupportedFieldType type = null; if (fieldName != null) { for (FieldData field : getFields()) { if (fieldName.equals(field.getFieldName())){ return field.getFieldType(); } } } return type; } @Override public SupportedFieldType getSecondaryFieldType(String fieldName) { SupportedFieldType type = null; if (fieldName != null) { for (FieldData field : getFields()) { if (fieldName.equals(field.getFieldName())){ return field.getSecondaryFieldType(); } } } return type; } @Override public FieldDTO getField(String fieldName) { for (FieldData field : getFields()) { if (field.getFieldName().equals(fieldName)) { FieldDTO fieldDTO = new FieldDTO(); fieldDTO.setLabel(field.getFieldLabel()); fieldDTO.setName(field.getFieldName()); fieldDTO.setOperators(field.getOperators()); fieldDTO.setOptions(field.getOptions()); return fieldDTO; } } return null; } @Override public List<FieldData> getFields() { return fields; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void setFields(final List<FieldData> fields) { List<FieldData> proxyFields = (List<FieldData>) Proxy.newProxyInstance(getClass().getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[]{List.class}, new InvocationHandler() { @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { if (method.getName().equals("add")) { FieldData fieldData = (FieldData) args[0]; testFieldName(fieldData); } if (method.getName().equals("addAll")) { Collection<FieldData> addCollection = (Collection<FieldData>) args[0]; Iterator<FieldData> itr = addCollection.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { FieldData fieldData = itr.next(); testFieldName(fieldData); } } return method.invoke(fields, args); } private void testFieldName(FieldData fieldData) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(fieldData.getFieldName()) && dynamicEntityDao != null) { Class<?>[] dtos = dynamicEntityDao.getAllPolymorphicEntitiesFromCeiling(Class.forName(getDtoClassName())); if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(dtos)) { dtos = new Class<?>[]{Class.forName(getDtoClassName())}; } Field field = null; for (Class<?> dto : dtos) { field = dynamicEntityDao.getFieldManager().getField(dto, fieldData.getFieldName()); if (field != null) { break; } } if (field == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find the field declared in FieldData (" + fieldData.getFieldName() + ") on the target class (" + getDtoClassName() + "), or any registered entity class that derives from it."); } } } }); this.fields = proxyFields; } @Override public RuleBuilderFieldService clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { try { RuleBuilderFieldService clone = this.getClass().newInstance(); clone.setFields(this.fields); return clone; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public abstract String getDtoClassName(); public abstract void init(); @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { // This bean only is valid when the following bean is active. (admin) if (applicationContext.containsBean(DynamicEntityRemoteService.DEFAULTPERSISTENCEMANAGERREF)) { PersistenceManager persistenceManager = (PersistenceManager) applicationContext.getBean(DynamicEntityRemoteService.DEFAULTPERSISTENCEMANAGERREF); persistenceManager.setTargetMode(TargetModeType.SANDBOX); dynamicEntityDao = persistenceManager.getDynamicEntityDao(); setFields(new ArrayList<FieldData>()); // This cannot be null during startup as we do not want to remove the null safety checks in a multi-tenant env. boolean contextWasNull = false; if (BroadleafRequestContext.getBroadleafRequestContext() == null) { BroadleafRequestContext brc = new BroadleafRequestContext(); brc.setIgnoreSite(true); BroadleafRequestContext.setBroadleafRequestContext(brc); contextWasNull = true; } try { init(); } finally { if (contextWasNull) { BroadleafRequestContext.setBroadleafRequestContext(null); } } } } }
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shardGatewayService.recover(indexShouldExists, new IndexShardGatewayService.RecoveryListener() { @Override public void onRecoveryDone() { shardStateAction.shardStarted(shardRouting, indexMetaData.getUUID(), "after recovery from gateway"); } @Override public void onIgnoreRecovery(String reason) { } @Override public void onRecoveryFailed(IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException e) { handleRecoveryFailure(indexService, indexMetaData, shardRouting, true, e); } });
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@Documented @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.METHOD) /** * Tells to OrientDB to call the method BEFORE the record is marshalled and written to the database. * Applies only to the entity Objects reachable by the OrientDB engine after have registered them. */ public @interface OBeforeSerialization { }
public static class AndPredicate implements IndexAwarePredicate, DataSerializable { protected Predicate[] predicates; public AndPredicate() { } public AndPredicate(Predicate... predicates) { this.predicates = predicates; } @Override public Set<QueryableEntry> filter(QueryContext queryContext) { Set<QueryableEntry> smallestIndexedResult = null; List<Set<QueryableEntry>> otherIndexedResults = new LinkedList<Set<QueryableEntry>>(); List<Predicate> lsNoIndexPredicates = null; for (Predicate predicate : predicates) { boolean indexed = false; if (predicate instanceof IndexAwarePredicate) { IndexAwarePredicate iap = (IndexAwarePredicate) predicate; if (iap.isIndexed(queryContext)) { indexed = true; Set<QueryableEntry> s = iap.filter(queryContext); if (smallestIndexedResult == null) { smallestIndexedResult = s; } else if (s.size() < smallestIndexedResult.size()) { otherIndexedResults.add(smallestIndexedResult); smallestIndexedResult = s; } else { otherIndexedResults.add(s); } } else { if (lsNoIndexPredicates == null) { lsNoIndexPredicates = new LinkedList<Predicate>(); lsNoIndexPredicates.add(predicate); } } } if (!indexed) { if (lsNoIndexPredicates == null) { lsNoIndexPredicates = new LinkedList<Predicate>(); } lsNoIndexPredicates.add(predicate); } } if (smallestIndexedResult == null) { return null; } return new AndResultSet(smallestIndexedResult, otherIndexedResults, lsNoIndexPredicates); } @Override public boolean isIndexed(QueryContext queryContext) { for (Predicate predicate : predicates) { if (predicate instanceof IndexAwarePredicate) { IndexAwarePredicate iap = (IndexAwarePredicate) predicate; if (iap.isIndexed(queryContext)) { return true; } } } return false; } @Override public boolean apply(Map.Entry mapEntry) { for (Predicate predicate : predicates) { if (!predicate.apply(mapEntry)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("("); int size = predicates.length; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(" AND "); } sb.append(predicates[i]); } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public void writeData(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(predicates.length); for (Predicate predicate : predicates) { out.writeObject(predicate); } } @Override public void readData(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { int size = in.readInt(); predicates = new Predicate[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { predicates[i] = in.readObject(); } } }
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@RunWith(HazelcastSerialClassRunner.class) @Category(QuickTest.class) public class ClientListTest { static final String name = "test"; static HazelcastInstance hz; static IList list; @BeforeClass public static void init(){ Config config = new Config(); Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(config); hz = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(); list = hz.getList(name); } @AfterClass public static void destroy() { hz.shutdown(); Hazelcast.shutdownAll(); } @Before @After public void clear() throws IOException { list.clear(); } @Test public void testAddAll() { List l = new ArrayList(); l.add("item1"); l.add("item2"); assertTrue(list.addAll(l)); assertEquals(2, list.size()); assertTrue(list.addAll(1, l)); assertEquals(4, list.size()); assertEquals("item1", list.get(0)); assertEquals("item1", list.get(1)); assertEquals("item2", list.get(2)); assertEquals("item2", list.get(3)); } @Test public void testAddSetRemove() { assertTrue(list.add("item1")); assertTrue(list.add("item2")); list.add(0,"item3"); assertEquals(3, list.size()); Object o = list.set(2, "item4"); assertEquals("item2", o); assertEquals(3, list.size()); assertEquals("item3", list.get(0)); assertEquals("item1", list.get(1)); assertEquals("item4", list.get(2)); assertFalse(list.remove("item2")); assertTrue(list.remove("item3")); o = list.remove(1); assertEquals("item4", o); assertEquals(1, list.size()); assertEquals("item1", list.get(0)); } @Test public void testIndexOf(){ assertTrue(list.add("item1")); assertTrue(list.add("item2")); assertTrue(list.add("item1")); assertTrue(list.add("item4")); assertEquals(-1, list.indexOf("item5")); assertEquals(0, list.indexOf("item1")); assertEquals(-1, list.lastIndexOf("item6")); assertEquals(2, list.lastIndexOf("item1")); } @Test public void testIterator(){ assertTrue(list.add("item1")); assertTrue(list.add("item2")); assertTrue(list.add("item1")); assertTrue(list.add("item4")); Iterator iter = list.iterator(); assertEquals("item1",iter.next()); assertEquals("item2",iter.next()); assertEquals("item1",iter.next()); assertEquals("item4",iter.next()); assertFalse(iter.hasNext()); ListIterator listIterator = list.listIterator(2); assertEquals("item1",listIterator.next()); assertEquals("item4",listIterator.next()); assertFalse(listIterator.hasNext()); List l = list.subList(1, 3); assertEquals(2, l.size()); assertEquals("item2", l.get(0)); assertEquals("item1", l.get(1)); } @Test public void testContains(){ assertTrue(list.add("item1")); assertTrue(list.add("item2")); assertTrue(list.add("item1")); assertTrue(list.add("item4")); assertFalse(list.contains("item3")); assertTrue(list.contains("item2")); List l = new ArrayList(); l.add("item4"); l.add("item3"); assertFalse(list.containsAll(l)); assertTrue(list.add("item3")); assertTrue(list.containsAll(l)); } @Test public void removeRetainAll(){ assertTrue(list.add("item1")); assertTrue(list.add("item2")); assertTrue(list.add("item1")); assertTrue(list.add("item4")); List l = new ArrayList(); l.add("item4"); l.add("item3"); assertTrue(list.removeAll(l)); assertEquals(3, list.size()); assertFalse(list.removeAll(l)); assertEquals(3, list.size()); l.clear(); l.add("item1"); l.add("item2"); assertFalse(list.retainAll(l)); assertEquals(3, list.size()); l.clear(); assertTrue(list.retainAll(l)); assertEquals(0, list.size()); } @Test public void testListener() throws Exception { // final ISet tempSet = server.getSet(name); final IList tempList = list; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(6); ItemListener listener = new ItemListener() { public void itemAdded(ItemEvent itemEvent) { latch.countDown(); } public void itemRemoved(ItemEvent item) { } }; String registrationId = tempList.addItemListener(listener, true); new Thread(){ public void run() { for (int i=0; i<5; i++){ tempList.add("item" + i); } tempList.add("done"); } }.start(); assertTrue(latch.await(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); } }
@Component("blSandBoxResolver") public class BroadleafSandBoxResolverImpl implements BroadleafSandBoxResolver { private final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BroadleafSandBoxResolverImpl.class); /** * Property used to disable sandbox mode. Some implementations will want to * turn off sandboxes in production. */ protected Boolean sandBoxPreviewEnabled = true; // Request Parameters and Attributes for Sandbox Mode properties - mostly values to manage dates. private static String SANDBOX_ID_VAR = "blSandboxId"; private static String SANDBOX_DATE_TIME_VAR = "blSandboxDateTime"; private static final SimpleDateFormat CONTENT_DATE_FORMATTER = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmm"); private static final SimpleDateFormat CONTENT_DATE_DISPLAY_FORMATTER = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); private static final SimpleDateFormat CONTENT_DATE_DISPLAY_HOURS_FORMATTER = new SimpleDateFormat("h"); private static final SimpleDateFormat CONTENT_DATE_DISPLAY_MINUTES_FORMATTER = new SimpleDateFormat("mm"); private static final SimpleDateFormat CONTENT_DATE_PARSE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa"); private static String SANDBOX_DATE_TIME_RIBBON_OVERRIDE_PARAM = "blSandboxDateTimeRibbonOverride"; private static final String SANDBOX_DISPLAY_DATE_TIME_DATE_PARAM = "blSandboxDisplayDateTimeDate"; private static final String SANDBOX_DISPLAY_DATE_TIME_HOURS_PARAM = "blSandboxDisplayDateTimeHours"; private static final String SANDBOX_DISPLAY_DATE_TIME_MINUTES_PARAM = "blSandboxDisplayDateTimeMinutes"; private static final String SANDBOX_DISPLAY_DATE_TIME_AMPM_PARAM = "blSandboxDisplayDateTimeAMPM"; /** * Request attribute to store the current sandbox */ public static String SANDBOX_VAR = "blSandbox"; @Resource(name = "blSandBoxDao") private SandBoxDao sandBoxDao; /** * Determines the current sandbox based on other parameters on the request such as * the blSandBoxId parameters. * * If the {@link #getSandBoxPreviewEnabled()}, then this method will not return a user * SandBox. * */ @Override public SandBox resolveSandBox(HttpServletRequest request, Site site) { return resolveSandBox(new ServletWebRequest(request), site); } @Override public SandBox resolveSandBox(WebRequest request, Site site) { SandBox currentSandbox = null; if (!sandBoxPreviewEnabled) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Sandbox preview disabled. Setting sandbox to production"); } request.setAttribute(SANDBOX_VAR, currentSandbox, WebRequest.SCOPE_REQUEST); } else { Long sandboxId = null; // Clear the sandBox - second parameter is to support legacy implementations. if ( (request.getParameter("blClearSandBox") == null) || (request.getParameter("blSandboxDateTimeRibbonProduction") == null)) { sandboxId = lookupSandboxId(request); } else { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Removing sandbox from session."); } if (BLCRequestUtils.isOKtoUseSession(request)) { request.removeAttribute(SANDBOX_DATE_TIME_VAR, WebRequest.SCOPE_GLOBAL_SESSION); request.removeAttribute(SANDBOX_ID_VAR, WebRequest.SCOPE_GLOBAL_SESSION); } } if (sandboxId != null) { currentSandbox = sandBoxDao.retrieve(sandboxId); request.setAttribute(SANDBOX_VAR, currentSandbox, WebRequest.SCOPE_REQUEST); if (currentSandbox != null && !SandBoxType.PRODUCTION.equals(currentSandbox.getSandBoxType())) { setContentTime(request); } } if (currentSandbox == null && site != null) { currentSandbox = site.getProductionSandbox(); } } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { if (currentSandbox != null) { LOG.trace("Serving request using sandbox: " + currentSandbox); } else { LOG.trace("Serving request without a sandbox."); } } Date currentSystemDateTime = SystemTime.asDate(true); Calendar sandboxDateTimeCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); sandboxDateTimeCalendar.setTime(currentSystemDateTime); request.setAttribute(SANDBOX_DISPLAY_DATE_TIME_DATE_PARAM, CONTENT_DATE_DISPLAY_FORMATTER.format(currentSystemDateTime), WebRequest.SCOPE_REQUEST); request.setAttribute(SANDBOX_DISPLAY_DATE_TIME_HOURS_PARAM, CONTENT_DATE_DISPLAY_HOURS_FORMATTER.format(currentSystemDateTime), WebRequest.SCOPE_REQUEST); request.setAttribute(SANDBOX_DISPLAY_DATE_TIME_MINUTES_PARAM, CONTENT_DATE_DISPLAY_MINUTES_FORMATTER.format(currentSystemDateTime), WebRequest.SCOPE_REQUEST); request.setAttribute(SANDBOX_DISPLAY_DATE_TIME_AMPM_PARAM, sandboxDateTimeCalendar.get(Calendar.AM_PM), WebRequest.SCOPE_REQUEST); return currentSandbox; } /** * If another filter has already set the language as a request attribute, that will be honored. * Otherwise, the request parameter is checked followed by the session attribute. * * @param request * @param site * @return */ private Long lookupSandboxId(WebRequest request) { String sandboxIdStr = request.getParameter(SANDBOX_ID_VAR); Long sandboxId = null; if (sandboxIdStr != null) { try { sandboxId = Long.valueOf(sandboxIdStr); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("SandboxId found on request " + sandboxId); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { LOG.warn("blcSandboxId parameter could not be converted into a Long", nfe); } } if (BLCRequestUtils.isOKtoUseSession(request)) { if (sandboxId == null) { // check the session sandboxId = (Long) request.getAttribute(SANDBOX_ID_VAR, WebRequest.SCOPE_GLOBAL_SESSION); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { if (sandboxId != null) { LOG.trace("SandboxId found in session " + sandboxId); } } } else { request.setAttribute(SANDBOX_ID_VAR, sandboxId, WebRequest.SCOPE_GLOBAL_SESSION); } } return sandboxId; } /** * Allows a user in SandBox mode to override the current time and date being used by the system. * * @param request */ private void setContentTime(WebRequest request) { String sandboxDateTimeParam = request.getParameter(SANDBOX_DATE_TIME_VAR); if (sandBoxPreviewEnabled) { sandboxDateTimeParam = null; } Date overrideTime = null; try { if (request.getParameter(SANDBOX_DATE_TIME_RIBBON_OVERRIDE_PARAM) != null) { overrideTime = readDateFromRequest(request); } else if (sandboxDateTimeParam != null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Setting date/time using " + sandboxDateTimeParam); } overrideTime = CONTENT_DATE_FORMATTER.parse(sandboxDateTimeParam); } } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.debug(e); } if (BLCRequestUtils.isOKtoUseSession(request)) { if (overrideTime == null) { overrideTime = (Date) request.getAttribute(SANDBOX_DATE_TIME_VAR, WebRequest.SCOPE_GLOBAL_SESSION); } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Setting date-time for sandbox mode to " + overrideTime + " for sandboxDateTimeParam = " + sandboxDateTimeParam); } request.setAttribute(SANDBOX_DATE_TIME_VAR, overrideTime, WebRequest.SCOPE_GLOBAL_SESSION); } } if (overrideTime != null) { FixedTimeSource ft = new FixedTimeSource(overrideTime.getTime()); SystemTime.setLocalTimeSource(ft); } else { SystemTime.resetLocalTimeSource(); } } private Date readDateFromRequest(WebRequest request) throws ParseException { String date = request.getParameter(SANDBOX_DISPLAY_DATE_TIME_DATE_PARAM); String minutes = request.getParameter(SANDBOX_DISPLAY_DATE_TIME_MINUTES_PARAM); String hours = request.getParameter(SANDBOX_DISPLAY_DATE_TIME_HOURS_PARAM); String ampm = request.getParameter(SANDBOX_DISPLAY_DATE_TIME_AMPM_PARAM); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(minutes)) { minutes = Integer.toString(SystemTime.asCalendar().get(Calendar.MINUTE)); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(hours)) { hours = Integer.toString(SystemTime.asCalendar().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); } String dateString = date + " " + hours + ":" + minutes + " " + ampm; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Setting date/time using " + dateString); } Date parsedDate = CONTENT_DATE_PARSE_FORMAT.parse(dateString); return parsedDate; } /** * Sets whether or not the site can be viewed in preview mode. * @return */ public Boolean getSandBoxPreviewEnabled() { return sandBoxPreviewEnabled; } public void setSandBoxPreviewEnabled(Boolean sandBoxPreviewEnabled) { this.sandBoxPreviewEnabled = sandBoxPreviewEnabled; } }
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class RecoveryFileChunkRequest extends TransportRequest { private long recoveryId; private ShardId shardId; private String name; private long position; private long length; private String checksum; private BytesReference content; RecoveryFileChunkRequest() { } RecoveryFileChunkRequest(long recoveryId, ShardId shardId, String name, long position, long length, String checksum, BytesArray content) { this.recoveryId = recoveryId; this.shardId = shardId; this.name = name; this.position = position; this.length = length; this.checksum = checksum; this.content = content; } public long recoveryId() { return this.recoveryId; } public ShardId shardId() { return shardId; } public String name() { return name; } public long position() { return position; } @Nullable public String checksum() { return this.checksum; } public long length() { return length; } public BytesReference content() { return content; } public RecoveryFileChunkRequest readFileChunk(StreamInput in) throws IOException { RecoveryFileChunkRequest request = new RecoveryFileChunkRequest(); request.readFrom(in); return request; } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); recoveryId = in.readLong(); shardId = ShardId.readShardId(in); name = in.readString(); position = in.readVLong(); length = in.readVLong(); checksum = in.readOptionalString(); content = in.readBytesReference(); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); out.writeLong(recoveryId); shardId.writeTo(out); out.writeString(name); out.writeVLong(position); out.writeVLong(length); out.writeOptionalString(checksum); out.writeBytesReference(content); } @Override public String toString() { return shardId + ": name='" + name + '\'' + ", position=" + position + ", length=" + length; } }
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new Thread(){ public void run() { try { m.get("ali"); } catch (Exception ignored) { latch.countDown(); } } }.start();
public class CyclicPathFilterMap { public static final String CLASS = Tokens.makeNamespace(CyclicPathFilterMap.class) + ".class"; public enum Counters { PATHS_FILTERED } public static Configuration createConfiguration(final Class<? extends Element> klass) { final Configuration configuration = new EmptyConfiguration(); configuration.setClass(CLASS, klass, Element.class); configuration.setBoolean(Tokens.TITAN_HADOOP_PIPELINE_TRACK_PATHS, true); return configuration; } public static class Map extends Mapper<NullWritable, FaunusVertex, NullWritable, FaunusVertex> { private boolean isVertex; private HashSet set = new HashSet(); @Override public void setup(final Mapper.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { this.isVertex = context.getConfiguration().getClass(CLASS, Element.class, Element.class).equals(Vertex.class); } @Override public void map(final NullWritable key, final FaunusVertex value, final Mapper<NullWritable, FaunusVertex, NullWritable, FaunusVertex>.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { long pathsFiltered = 0l; if (this.isVertex) { if (value.hasPaths()) { final Iterator<List<FaunusPathElement.MicroElement>> itty = value.getPaths().iterator(); while (itty.hasNext()) { final List<FaunusPathElement.MicroElement> path = itty.next(); this.set.clear(); this.set.addAll(path); if (path.size() != this.set.size()) { itty.remove(); pathsFiltered++; } } } } else { for (final Edge e : value.getEdges(Direction.BOTH)) { final StandardFaunusEdge edge = (StandardFaunusEdge) e; if (edge.hasPaths()) { final Iterator<List<FaunusPathElement.MicroElement>> itty = edge.getPaths().iterator(); while (itty.hasNext()) { final List<FaunusPathElement.MicroElement> path = itty.next(); this.set.clear(); this.set.addAll(path); if (path.size() != this.set.size()) { itty.remove(); pathsFiltered++; } } } } } DEFAULT_COMPAT.incrementContextCounter(context, Counters.PATHS_FILTERED, pathsFiltered); context.write(NullWritable.get(), value); } } }
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public class OSecurityShared extends OSharedResourceAdaptive implements OSecurity, OCloseable { public static final String RESTRICTED_CLASSNAME = "ORestricted"; public static final String IDENTITY_CLASSNAME = "OIdentity"; public static final String ALLOW_ALL_FIELD = "_allow"; public static final String ALLOW_READ_FIELD = "_allowRead"; public static final String ALLOW_UPDATE_FIELD = "_allowUpdate"; public static final String ALLOW_DELETE_FIELD = "_allowDelete"; public static final String ONCREATE_IDENTITY_TYPE = "onCreate.identityType"; public static final String ONCREATE_FIELD = "onCreate.fields"; public OSecurityShared() { super(OGlobalConfiguration.ENVIRONMENT_CONCURRENT.getValueAsBoolean(), OGlobalConfiguration.STORAGE_LOCK_TIMEOUT .getValueAsInteger(), true); } public OIdentifiable allowUser(final ODocument iDocument, final String iAllowFieldName, final String iUserName) { final OUser user = ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get().getMetadata().getSecurity().getUser(iUserName); if (user == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("User '" + iUserName + "' not found"); return allowIdentity(iDocument, iAllowFieldName, user.getDocument().getIdentity()); } public OIdentifiable allowRole(final ODocument iDocument, final String iAllowFieldName, final String iRoleName) { final ORole role = ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get().getMetadata().getSecurity().getRole(iRoleName); if (role == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Role '" + iRoleName + "' not found"); return allowIdentity(iDocument, iAllowFieldName, role.getDocument().getIdentity()); } public OIdentifiable allowIdentity(final ODocument iDocument, final String iAllowFieldName, final OIdentifiable iId) { Set<OIdentifiable> field = iDocument.field(iAllowFieldName); if (field == null) { field = new OMVRBTreeRIDSet(iDocument); iDocument.field(iAllowFieldName, field); } field.add(iId); return iId; } public OIdentifiable disallowUser(final ODocument iDocument, final String iAllowFieldName, final String iUserName) { final OUser user = ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get().getMetadata().getSecurity().getUser(iUserName); if (user == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("User '" + iUserName + "' not found"); return disallowIdentity(iDocument, iAllowFieldName, user.getDocument().getIdentity()); } public OIdentifiable disallowRole(final ODocument iDocument, final String iAllowFieldName, final String iRoleName) { final ORole role = ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get().getMetadata().getSecurity().getRole(iRoleName); if (role == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Role '" + iRoleName + "' not found"); return disallowIdentity(iDocument, iAllowFieldName, role.getDocument().getIdentity()); } public OIdentifiable disallowIdentity(final ODocument iDocument, final String iAllowFieldName, final OIdentifiable iId) { Set<OIdentifiable> field = iDocument.field(iAllowFieldName); if (field != null) field.remove(iId); return iId; } public boolean isAllowed(final Set<OIdentifiable> iAllowAll, final Set<OIdentifiable> iAllowOperation) { if (iAllowAll == null || iAllowAll.isEmpty()) return true; final OUser currentUser = ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get().getUser(); if (currentUser != null) { // CHECK IF CURRENT USER IS ENLISTED if (!iAllowAll.contains(currentUser.getDocument().getIdentity())) { // CHECK AGAINST SPECIFIC _ALLOW OPERATION if (iAllowOperation != null && iAllowOperation.contains(currentUser.getDocument().getIdentity())) return true; // CHECK IF AT LEAST ONE OF THE USER'S ROLES IS ENLISTED for (ORole r : currentUser.getRoles()) { // CHECK AGAINST GENERIC _ALLOW if (iAllowAll.contains(r.getDocument().getIdentity())) return true; // CHECK AGAINST SPECIFIC _ALLOW OPERATION if (iAllowOperation != null && iAllowOperation.contains(r.getDocument().getIdentity())) return true; } return false; } } return true; } public OUser authenticate(final String iUserName, final String iUserPassword) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final String dbName = getDatabase().getName(); final OUser user = getUser(iUserName); if (user == null) throw new OSecurityAccessException(dbName, "User or password not valid for database: '" + dbName + "'"); if (user.getAccountStatus() != STATUSES.ACTIVE) throw new OSecurityAccessException(dbName, "User '" + iUserName + "' is not active"); if (!(getDatabase().getStorage() instanceof OStorageProxy)) { // CHECK USER & PASSWORD if (!user.checkPassword(iUserPassword)) { // WAIT A BIT TO AVOID BRUTE FORCE try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } throw new OSecurityAccessException(dbName, "User or password not valid for database: '" + dbName + "'"); } } return user; } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public OUser getUser(final String iUserName) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final List<ODocument> result = getDatabase().<OCommandRequest> command( new OSQLSynchQuery<ODocument>("select from OUser where name = '" + iUserName + "' limit 1").setFetchPlan("roles:1")) .execute(); if (result != null && !result.isEmpty()) return new OUser(result.get(0)); return null; } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public OUser createUser(final String iUserName, final String iUserPassword, final String... iRoles) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final OUser user = new OUser(iUserName, iUserPassword); if (iRoles != null) for (String r : iRoles) { user.addRole(r); } return user.save(); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public OUser createUser(final String iUserName, final String iUserPassword, final ORole... iRoles) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final OUser user = new OUser(iUserName, iUserPassword); if (iRoles != null) for (ORole r : iRoles) { user.addRole(r); } return user.save(); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public boolean dropUser(final String iUserName) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final Number removed = getDatabase().<OCommandRequest> command( new OCommandSQL("delete from OUser where name = '" + iUserName + "'")).execute(); return removed != null && removed.intValue() > 0; } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public ORole getRole(final OIdentifiable iRole) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final ODocument doc = iRole.getRecord(); if ("ORole".equals(doc.getClassName())) return new ORole(doc); return null; } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public ORole getRole(final String iRoleName) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final List<ODocument> result = getDatabase().<OCommandRequest> command( new OSQLSynchQuery<ODocument>("select from ORole where name = '" + iRoleName + "' limit 1")).execute(); if (result != null && !result.isEmpty()) return new ORole(result.get(0)); return null; } catch (Exception ex) { OLogManager.instance().error(this, "Failed to get role : " + iRoleName + " " + ex.getMessage()); return null; } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public ORole createRole(final String iRoleName, final ORole.ALLOW_MODES iAllowMode) { return createRole(iRoleName, null, iAllowMode); } public ORole createRole(final String iRoleName, final ORole iParent, final ORole.ALLOW_MODES iAllowMode) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final ORole role = new ORole(iRoleName, iParent, iAllowMode); return role.save(); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public boolean dropRole(final String iRoleName) { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final Number removed = getDatabase().<OCommandRequest> command( new OCommandSQL("delete from ORole where name = '" + iRoleName + "'")).execute(); return removed != null && removed.intValue() > 0; } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public List<ODocument> getAllUsers() { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { return getDatabase().<OCommandRequest> command(new OSQLSynchQuery<ODocument>("select from OUser")).execute(); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public List<ODocument> getAllRoles() { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { return getDatabase().<OCommandRequest> command(new OSQLSynchQuery<ODocument>("select from ORole")).execute(); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public OUser create() { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { if (!getDatabase().getMetadata().getSchema().getClasses().isEmpty()) return null; final OUser adminUser = createMetadata(); final ORole readerRole = createRole("reader", ORole.ALLOW_MODES.DENY_ALL_BUT); readerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.DATABASE, ORole.PERMISSION_READ); readerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_READ); readerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.CLUSTER + "." + OMetadataDefault.CLUSTER_INTERNAL_NAME, ORole.PERMISSION_READ); readerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.CLUSTER + ".orole", ORole.PERMISSION_READ); readerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.CLUSTER + ".ouser", ORole.PERMISSION_READ); readerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.ALL_CLASSES, ORole.PERMISSION_READ); readerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.ALL_CLUSTERS, ORole.PERMISSION_READ); readerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.COMMAND, ORole.PERMISSION_READ); readerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.RECORD_HOOK, ORole.PERMISSION_READ); readerRole.save(); createUser("reader", "reader", new String[] { readerRole.getName() }); final ORole writerRole = createRole("writer", ORole.ALLOW_MODES.DENY_ALL_BUT); writerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.DATABASE, ORole.PERMISSION_READ); writerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_READ + ORole.PERMISSION_CREATE + ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE); writerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.CLUSTER + "." + OMetadataDefault.CLUSTER_INTERNAL_NAME, ORole.PERMISSION_READ); writerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.CLUSTER + ".orole", ORole.PERMISSION_READ); writerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.CLUSTER + ".ouser", ORole.PERMISSION_READ); writerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.ALL_CLASSES, ORole.PERMISSION_ALL); writerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.ALL_CLUSTERS, ORole.PERMISSION_ALL); writerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.COMMAND, ORole.PERMISSION_ALL); writerRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.RECORD_HOOK, ORole.PERMISSION_ALL); writerRole.save(); createUser("writer", "writer", new String[] { writerRole.getName() }); return adminUser; } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } /** * Repairs the security structure if broken by creating the ADMIN role and user with default password. * * @return */ public OUser repair() { acquireExclusiveLock(); try { getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager().dropIndex("OUser.name"); getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager().dropIndex("ORole.name"); return createMetadata(); } finally { releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public OUser createMetadata() { final ODatabaseRecord database = getDatabase(); OClass identityClass = database.getMetadata().getSchema().getClass(IDENTITY_CLASSNAME); // SINCE 1.2.0 if (identityClass == null) identityClass = database.getMetadata().getSchema().createAbstractClass(IDENTITY_CLASSNAME); OClass roleClass = database.getMetadata().getSchema().getClass("ORole"); if (roleClass == null) roleClass = database.getMetadata().getSchema().createClass("ORole", identityClass); else if (roleClass.getSuperClass() == null) // MIGRATE AUTOMATICALLY TO 1.2.0 roleClass.setSuperClass(identityClass); if (!roleClass.existsProperty("name")) { roleClass.createProperty("name", OType.STRING).setMandatory(true).setNotNull(true).setCollate("ci"); roleClass.createIndex("ORole.name", INDEX_TYPE.UNIQUE, ONullOutputListener.INSTANCE, "name"); } else { final Set<OIndex<?>> indexes = roleClass.getInvolvedIndexes("name"); if (indexes.isEmpty()) roleClass.createIndex("ORole.name", INDEX_TYPE.UNIQUE, ONullOutputListener.INSTANCE, "name"); } if (!roleClass.existsProperty("mode")) roleClass.createProperty("mode", OType.BYTE); if (!roleClass.existsProperty("rules")) roleClass.createProperty("rules", OType.EMBEDDEDMAP, OType.BYTE); if (!roleClass.existsProperty("inheritedRole")) roleClass.createProperty("inheritedRole", OType.LINK, roleClass); OClass userClass = database.getMetadata().getSchema().getClass("OUser"); if (userClass == null) userClass = database.getMetadata().getSchema().createClass("OUser", identityClass); else if (userClass.getSuperClass() == null) // MIGRATE AUTOMATICALLY TO 1.2.0 userClass.setSuperClass(identityClass); if (!userClass.existsProperty("name")) { userClass.createProperty("name", OType.STRING).setMandatory(true).setNotNull(true).setCollate("ci"); userClass.createIndex("OUser.name", INDEX_TYPE.UNIQUE, ONullOutputListener.INSTANCE, "name"); } if (!userClass.existsProperty("password")) userClass.createProperty("password", OType.STRING).setMandatory(true).setNotNull(true); if (!userClass.existsProperty("roles")) userClass.createProperty("roles", OType.LINKSET, roleClass); if (!userClass.existsProperty("status")) userClass.createProperty("status", OType.STRING).setMandatory(true).setNotNull(true); // CREATE ROLES AND USERS ORole adminRole = getRole(ORole.ADMIN); if (adminRole == null) { adminRole = createRole(ORole.ADMIN, ORole.ALLOW_MODES.ALLOW_ALL_BUT); adminRole.addRule(ODatabaseSecurityResources.BYPASS_RESTRICTED, ORole.PERMISSION_ALL).save(); } OUser adminUser = getUser(OUser.ADMIN); if (adminUser == null) adminUser = createUser(OUser.ADMIN, OUser.ADMIN, adminRole); // SINCE 1.2.0 OClass restrictedClass = database.getMetadata().getSchema().getClass(RESTRICTED_CLASSNAME); if (restrictedClass == null) restrictedClass = database.getMetadata().getSchema().createAbstractClass(RESTRICTED_CLASSNAME); if (!restrictedClass.existsProperty(ALLOW_ALL_FIELD)) restrictedClass.createProperty(ALLOW_ALL_FIELD, OType.LINKSET, database.getMetadata().getSchema() .getClass(IDENTITY_CLASSNAME)); if (!restrictedClass.existsProperty(ALLOW_READ_FIELD)) restrictedClass.createProperty(ALLOW_READ_FIELD, OType.LINKSET, database.getMetadata().getSchema().getClass(IDENTITY_CLASSNAME)); if (!restrictedClass.existsProperty(ALLOW_UPDATE_FIELD)) restrictedClass.createProperty(ALLOW_UPDATE_FIELD, OType.LINKSET, database.getMetadata().getSchema().getClass(IDENTITY_CLASSNAME)); if (!restrictedClass.existsProperty(ALLOW_DELETE_FIELD)) restrictedClass.createProperty(ALLOW_DELETE_FIELD, OType.LINKSET, database.getMetadata().getSchema().getClass(IDENTITY_CLASSNAME)); return adminUser; } public void close() { } public void load() { final OClass userClass = getDatabase().getMetadata().getSchema().getClass("OUser"); if (userClass != null) { // @COMPATIBILITY <1.3.0 if (!userClass.existsProperty("status")) { userClass.createProperty("status", OType.STRING).setMandatory(true).setNotNull(true); } OProperty p = userClass.getProperty("name"); if (p == null) p = userClass.createProperty("name", OType.STRING).setMandatory(true).setNotNull(true); if (userClass.getInvolvedIndexes("name") == null) p.createIndex(INDEX_TYPE.UNIQUE); // ROLE final OClass roleClass = getDatabase().getMetadata().getSchema().getClass("ORole"); if (!roleClass.existsProperty("inheritedRole")) { roleClass.createProperty("inheritedRole", OType.LINK, roleClass); } p = roleClass.getProperty("name"); if (p == null) p = roleClass.createProperty("name", OType.STRING).setMandatory(true).setNotNull(true); if (roleClass.getInvolvedIndexes("name") == null) p.createIndex(INDEX_TYPE.UNIQUE); } } private ODatabaseRecord getDatabase() { return ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get(); } public void createClassTrigger() { final ODatabaseRecord db = ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get(); OClass classTrigger = db.getMetadata().getSchema().getClass(OClassTrigger.CLASSNAME); if (classTrigger == null) classTrigger = db.getMetadata().getSchema().createAbstractClass(OClassTrigger.CLASSNAME); } }
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public class UnitDependencyVisitor extends Visitor { private final PhasedUnit phasedUnit; private Set<Declaration> alreadyDone; public UnitDependencyVisitor(PhasedUnit phasedUnit) { this.phasedUnit = phasedUnit; alreadyDone = new HashSet<Declaration>(); } private void storeDependency(Declaration d) { if (d!=null && (d instanceof UnionType || d instanceof IntersectionType || !alreadyDone.contains(d))) { if (!(d instanceof UnionType || d instanceof IntersectionType)) { alreadyDone.add(d); } if (d instanceof TypeDeclaration) { TypeDeclaration td = (TypeDeclaration) d; storeDependency(td.getExtendedTypeDeclaration()); for (TypeDeclaration st: td.getSatisfiedTypeDeclarations()) { storeDependency(st); } List<TypeDeclaration> caseTypes = td.getCaseTypeDeclarations(); if (caseTypes!=null) { for (TypeDeclaration ct: caseTypes) { storeDependency(ct); } } } if (d instanceof TypedDeclaration) { //TODO: is this really necessary? storeDependency(((TypedDeclaration) d).getTypeDeclaration()); } Declaration rd = d.getRefinedDeclaration(); if (rd!=d) { storeDependency(rd); //this one is needed for default arguments, I think } Unit declarationUnit = d.getUnit(); if (declarationUnit != null && ! (declarationUnit instanceof TypeFactory)) { String moduleName = declarationUnit.getPackage().getModule().getNameAsString(); if (!moduleName.equals(Module.LANGUAGE_MODULE_NAME) && !JDKUtils.isJDKModule(moduleName) && !JDKUtils.isOracleJDKModule(moduleName)) { Unit currentUnit = phasedUnit.getUnit(); String currentUnitPath = phasedUnit.getUnitFile().getPath(); String currentUnitName = currentUnit.getFilename(); String dependedOnUnitName = declarationUnit.getFilename(); String currentUnitPackage = currentUnit.getPackage().getNameAsString(); String dependedOnPackage = declarationUnit.getPackage().getNameAsString(); if (!dependedOnUnitName.equals(currentUnitName) || !dependedOnPackage.equals(currentUnitPackage)) { // WOW : Ceylon Abstract Data types and swith case would be cool here ;) if (declarationUnit instanceof ProjectSourceFile) { declarationUnit.getDependentsOf().add(currentUnitPath); } else if (declarationUnit instanceof ICrossProjectReference) { ProjectSourceFile originalProjectSourceFile = ((ICrossProjectReference) declarationUnit).getOriginalSourceFile(); if (originalProjectSourceFile != null) { originalProjectSourceFile.getDependentsOf().add(currentUnitPath); } } else if (declarationUnit instanceof ExternalSourceFile) { // Don't manage them : they cannot change ... Well they might if we were using these dependencies to manage module // removal. But since module removal triggers a classpath container update and so a full build, it's not necessary. // Might change in the future } else if (declarationUnit instanceof CeylonBinaryUnit) { declarationUnit.getDependentsOf().add(currentUnitPath); } else if (declarationUnit instanceof JavaCompilationUnit) { //TODO: this does not seem to work for cross-project deps // We should introduce a CrossProjectJavaUnit that can return // the original JavaCompilationUnit from the original project declarationUnit.getDependentsOf().add(currentUnitPath); } else if (declarationUnit instanceof JavaClassFile) { //TODO: All the dependencies to class files are also added... It is really useful ? // I assume in the case of the classes in the classes or exploded dirs, it might be, // but not sure it is also used not in the case of jar-located classes declarationUnit.getDependentsOf().add(currentUnitPath); } else { assert(false); } } } } } } @Override public void visit(Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression that) { storeDependency(that.getDeclaration()); super.visit(that); } @Override public void visit(Tree.NamedArgument that) { //TODO: is this really necessary? storeDependency(that.getParameter()); super.visit(that); } @Override public void visit(Tree.SequencedArgument that) { //TODO: is this really necessary? storeDependency(that.getParameter()); super.visit(that); } @Override public void visit(Tree.PositionalArgument that) { //TODO: is this really necessary? storeDependency(that.getParameter()); super.visit(that); } void storeDependency(Parameter p) { if (p!=null) { storeDependency(p.getModel()); } } @Override public void visit(Tree.Type that) { ProducedType tm = that.getTypeModel(); if (tm!=null) { storeDependency(tm.getDeclaration()); } super.visit(that); } @Override public void visit(Tree.ImportMemberOrType that) { storeDependency(that.getDeclarationModel()); super.visit(that); } @Override public void visit(Tree.TypeArguments that) { //TODO: is this really necessary? List<ProducedType> tms = that.getTypeModels(); if (tms!=null) { for (ProducedType pt: tms) { if (pt!=null) { storeDependency(pt.getDeclaration()); } } } super.visit(that); } @Override public void visit(Tree.Term that) { //TODO: is this really necessary? ProducedType tm = that.getTypeModel(); if (tm!=null) { storeDependency(tm.getDeclaration()); } super.visit(that); } }
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(new java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction<sun.misc.Unsafe>() { public sun.misc.Unsafe run() throws Exception { Class<sun.misc.Unsafe> k = sun.misc.Unsafe.class; for (java.lang.reflect.Field f : k.getDeclaredFields()) { f.setAccessible(true); Object x = f.get(null); if (k.isInstance(x)) return k.cast(x); } throw new NoSuchFieldError("the Unsafe"); }});
highlighter = new XPostingsHighlighter() { @Override protected char getMultiValuedSeparator(String field) { //U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR (PS): each value holds a discrete passage for highlighting return 8233; } };
public interface TitanProperty extends TitanRelation { /** * Returns the property key of this property * * @return property key of this property * @see PropertyKey */ public PropertyKey getPropertyKey(); /** * Returns the vertex on which this property is incident. * * @return The vertex of this property. */ public TitanVertex getVertex(); /** * Returns the value of this property (possibly cast to the expected type). * * @return value of this property * @throws ClassCastException if the value cannot be cast to the expected type */ public<O> O getValue(); }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public abstract class OCommandRequestTextAbstract extends OCommandRequestAbstract implements OCommandRequestText { protected String text; protected OCommandRequestTextAbstract() { } protected OCommandRequestTextAbstract(final String iText) { if (iText == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Text cannot be null"); text = iText.trim(); } /** * Delegates the execution to the configured command executor. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <RET> RET execute(final Object... iArgs) { setParameters(iArgs); return (RET) ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get().getStorage().command(this); } public String getText() { return text; } public OCommandRequestText setText(final String iText) { this.text = iText; return this; } public OSerializableStream fromStream(byte[] iStream) throws OSerializationException { final OMemoryStream buffer = new OMemoryStream(iStream); fromStream(buffer); return this; } public byte[] toStream() throws OSerializationException { final OMemoryStream buffer = new OMemoryStream(); return toStream(buffer); } @Override public String toString() { return "?." + text; } protected byte[] toStream(final OMemoryStream buffer) { buffer.set(text); if (parameters == null || parameters.size() == 0) { // simple params are absent buffer.set(false); // composite keys are absent buffer.set(false); } else { final Map<Object, Object> params = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); final Map<Object, byte[]> compositeKeyParams = new HashMap<Object, byte[]>(); for (final Entry<Object, Object> paramEntry : parameters.entrySet()) if (paramEntry.getValue() instanceof OCompositeKey) { final OCompositeKey compositeKey = (OCompositeKey) paramEntry.getValue(); final int bufferSize = OCompositeKeySerializer.INSTANCE.getObjectSize(compositeKey); final byte[] stream = new byte[bufferSize]; OCompositeKeySerializer.INSTANCE.serialize(compositeKey, stream, 0); compositeKeyParams.put(paramEntry.getKey(), stream); } else if (paramEntry.getValue() instanceof String) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); ORecordSerializerStringAbstract.simpleValueToStream(builder, OType.STRING, paramEntry.getValue()); params.put(paramEntry.getKey(), builder.toString()); } else params.put(paramEntry.getKey(), paramEntry.getValue()); buffer.set(!params.isEmpty()); if (!params.isEmpty()) { final ODocument param = new ODocument(); param.field("params", params); buffer.set(param.toStream()); } buffer.set(!compositeKeyParams.isEmpty()); if (!compositeKeyParams.isEmpty()) { final ODocument compositeKey = new ODocument(); compositeKey.field("compositeKeyParams", compositeKeyParams); buffer.set(compositeKey.toStream()); } } return buffer.toByteArray(); } protected void fromStream(final OMemoryStream buffer) { text = buffer.getAsString(); parameters = null; final boolean simpleParams = buffer.getAsBoolean(); if (simpleParams) { final byte[] paramBuffer = buffer.getAsByteArray(); final ODocument param = new ODocument(); param.fromStream(paramBuffer); Map<String, Object> params = param.field("params"); parameters = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); for (Entry<String, Object> p : params.entrySet()) { final Object value; if (p.getValue() instanceof String) value = ORecordSerializerStringAbstract.getTypeValue((String) p.getValue()); else value = p.getValue(); if (Character.isDigit(p.getKey().charAt(0))) parameters.put(Integer.parseInt(p.getKey()), value); else parameters.put(p.getKey(), value); } } final boolean compositeKeyParamsPresent = buffer.getAsBoolean(); if (compositeKeyParamsPresent) { final byte[] paramBuffer = buffer.getAsByteArray(); final ODocument param = new ODocument(); param.fromStream(paramBuffer); final Map<String, Object> compositeKeyParams = param.field("compositeKeyParams"); if (parameters == null) parameters = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); for (final Entry<String, Object> p : compositeKeyParams.entrySet()) { final Object value = OCompositeKeySerializer.INSTANCE .deserialize(OStringSerializerHelper.getBinaryContent(p.getValue()), 0); if (Character.isDigit(p.getKey().charAt(0))) parameters.put(Integer.parseInt(p.getKey()), value); else parameters.put(p.getKey(), value); } } } }
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public class RandomizingClient implements InternalClient { private final SearchType defaultSearchType; private final InternalClient delegate; public RandomizingClient(InternalClient client, Random random) { this.delegate = client; // we don't use the QUERY_AND_FETCH types that break quite a lot of tests // given that they return `size*num_shards` hits instead of `size` defaultSearchType = RandomPicks.randomFrom(random, Arrays.asList( SearchType.DFS_QUERY_THEN_FETCH, SearchType.QUERY_THEN_FETCH)); } @Override public void close() { delegate.close(); } @Override public AdminClient admin() { return delegate.admin(); } @Override public <Request extends ActionRequest, Response extends ActionResponse, RequestBuilder extends ActionRequestBuilder<Request, Response, RequestBuilder>> ActionFuture<Response> execute( Action<Request, Response, RequestBuilder> action, Request request) { return delegate.execute(action, request); } @Override public <Request extends ActionRequest, Response extends ActionResponse, RequestBuilder extends ActionRequestBuilder<Request, Response, RequestBuilder>> void execute( Action<Request, Response, RequestBuilder> action, Request request, ActionListener<Response> listener) { delegate.execute(action, request, listener); } @Override public <Request extends ActionRequest, Response extends ActionResponse, RequestBuilder extends ActionRequestBuilder<Request, Response, RequestBuilder>> RequestBuilder prepareExecute( Action<Request, Response, RequestBuilder> action) { return delegate.prepareExecute(action); } @Override public ActionFuture<IndexResponse> index(IndexRequest request) { return delegate.index(request); } @Override public void index(IndexRequest request, ActionListener<IndexResponse> listener) { delegate.index(request, listener); } @Override public IndexRequestBuilder prepareIndex() { return delegate.prepareIndex(); } @Override public ActionFuture<UpdateResponse> update(UpdateRequest request) { return delegate.update(request); } @Override public void update(UpdateRequest request, ActionListener<UpdateResponse> listener) { delegate.update(request, listener); } @Override public UpdateRequestBuilder prepareUpdate() { return delegate.prepareUpdate(); } @Override public UpdateRequestBuilder prepareUpdate(String index, String type, String id) { return delegate.prepareUpdate(index, type, id); } @Override public IndexRequestBuilder prepareIndex(String index, String type) { return delegate.prepareIndex(index, type); } @Override public IndexRequestBuilder prepareIndex(String index, String type, String id) { return delegate.prepareIndex(index, type, id); } @Override public ActionFuture<DeleteResponse> delete(DeleteRequest request) { return delegate.delete(request); } @Override public void delete(DeleteRequest request, ActionListener<DeleteResponse> listener) { delegate.delete(request, listener); } @Override public DeleteRequestBuilder prepareDelete() { return delegate.prepareDelete(); } @Override public DeleteRequestBuilder prepareDelete(String index, String type, String id) { return delegate.prepareDelete(index, type, id); } @Override public ActionFuture<BulkResponse> bulk(BulkRequest request) { return delegate.bulk(request); } @Override public void bulk(BulkRequest request, ActionListener<BulkResponse> listener) { delegate.bulk(request, listener); } @Override public BulkRequestBuilder prepareBulk() { return delegate.prepareBulk(); } @Override public ActionFuture<DeleteByQueryResponse> deleteByQuery(DeleteByQueryRequest request) { return delegate.deleteByQuery(request); } @Override public void deleteByQuery(DeleteByQueryRequest request, ActionListener<DeleteByQueryResponse> listener) { delegate.deleteByQuery(request, listener); } @Override public DeleteByQueryRequestBuilder prepareDeleteByQuery(String... indices) { return delegate.prepareDeleteByQuery(indices); } @Override public ActionFuture<GetResponse> get(GetRequest request) { return delegate.get(request); } @Override public void get(GetRequest request, ActionListener<GetResponse> listener) { delegate.get(request, listener); } @Override public GetRequestBuilder prepareGet() { return delegate.prepareGet(); } @Override public GetRequestBuilder prepareGet(String index, String type, String id) { return delegate.prepareGet(index, type, id); } @Override public ActionFuture<MultiGetResponse> multiGet(MultiGetRequest request) { return delegate.multiGet(request); } @Override public void multiGet(MultiGetRequest request, ActionListener<MultiGetResponse> listener) { delegate.multiGet(request, listener); } @Override public MultiGetRequestBuilder prepareMultiGet() { return delegate.prepareMultiGet(); } @Override public ActionFuture<CountResponse> count(CountRequest request) { return delegate.count(request); } @Override public void count(CountRequest request, ActionListener<CountResponse> listener) { delegate.count(request, listener); } @Override public CountRequestBuilder prepareCount(String... indices) { return delegate.prepareCount(indices); } @Override public ActionFuture<SuggestResponse> suggest(SuggestRequest request) { return delegate.suggest(request); } @Override public void suggest(SuggestRequest request, ActionListener<SuggestResponse> listener) { delegate.suggest(request, listener); } @Override public SuggestRequestBuilder prepareSuggest(String... indices) { return delegate.prepareSuggest(indices); } @Override public ActionFuture<SearchResponse> search(SearchRequest request) { return delegate.search(request); } @Override public void search(SearchRequest request, ActionListener<SearchResponse> listener) { delegate.search(request, listener); } @Override public SearchRequestBuilder prepareSearch(String... indices) { return delegate.prepareSearch(indices).setSearchType(defaultSearchType); } @Override public ActionFuture<SearchResponse> searchScroll(SearchScrollRequest request) { return delegate.searchScroll(request); } @Override public void searchScroll(SearchScrollRequest request, ActionListener<SearchResponse> listener) { delegate.searchScroll(request, listener); } @Override public SearchScrollRequestBuilder prepareSearchScroll(String scrollId) { return delegate.prepareSearchScroll(scrollId); } @Override public ActionFuture<MultiSearchResponse> multiSearch(MultiSearchRequest request) { return delegate.multiSearch(request); } @Override public void multiSearch(MultiSearchRequest request, ActionListener<MultiSearchResponse> listener) { delegate.multiSearch(request, listener); } @Override public MultiSearchRequestBuilder prepareMultiSearch() { return delegate.prepareMultiSearch(); } @Override public ActionFuture<SearchResponse> moreLikeThis(MoreLikeThisRequest request) { return delegate.moreLikeThis(request); } @Override public void moreLikeThis(MoreLikeThisRequest request, ActionListener<SearchResponse> listener) { delegate.moreLikeThis(request, listener); } @Override public MoreLikeThisRequestBuilder prepareMoreLikeThis(String index, String type, String id) { return delegate.prepareMoreLikeThis(index, type, id); } @Override public ActionFuture<TermVectorResponse> termVector(TermVectorRequest request) { return delegate.termVector(request); } @Override public void termVector(TermVectorRequest request, ActionListener<TermVectorResponse> listener) { delegate.termVector(request, listener); } @Override public TermVectorRequestBuilder prepareTermVector(String index, String type, String id) { return delegate.prepareTermVector(index, type, id); } @Override public ActionFuture<MultiTermVectorsResponse> multiTermVectors(MultiTermVectorsRequest request) { return delegate.multiTermVectors(request); } @Override public void multiTermVectors(MultiTermVectorsRequest request, ActionListener<MultiTermVectorsResponse> listener) { delegate.multiTermVectors(request, listener); } @Override public MultiTermVectorsRequestBuilder prepareMultiTermVectors() { return delegate.prepareMultiTermVectors(); } @Override public ActionFuture<PercolateResponse> percolate(PercolateRequest request) { return delegate.percolate(request); } @Override public void percolate(PercolateRequest request, ActionListener<PercolateResponse> listener) { delegate.percolate(request, listener); } @Override public PercolateRequestBuilder preparePercolate() { return delegate.preparePercolate(); } @Override public ActionFuture<MultiPercolateResponse> multiPercolate(MultiPercolateRequest request) { return delegate.multiPercolate(request); } @Override public void multiPercolate(MultiPercolateRequest request, ActionListener<MultiPercolateResponse> listener) { delegate.multiPercolate(request, listener); } @Override public MultiPercolateRequestBuilder prepareMultiPercolate() { return delegate.prepareMultiPercolate(); } @Override public ExplainRequestBuilder prepareExplain(String index, String type, String id) { return delegate.prepareExplain(index, type, id); } @Override public ActionFuture<ExplainResponse> explain(ExplainRequest request) { return delegate.explain(request); } @Override public void explain(ExplainRequest request, ActionListener<ExplainResponse> listener) { delegate.explain(request, listener); } @Override public ClearScrollRequestBuilder prepareClearScroll() { return delegate.prepareClearScroll(); } @Override public ActionFuture<ClearScrollResponse> clearScroll(ClearScrollRequest request) { return delegate.clearScroll(request); } @Override public void clearScroll(ClearScrollRequest request, ActionListener<ClearScrollResponse> listener) { delegate.clearScroll(request, listener); } @Override public ThreadPool threadPool() { return delegate.threadPool(); } @Override public Settings settings() { return delegate.settings(); } @Override public String toString() { return "randomized(" + super.toString() + ")"; } }
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private static class DeadlockProneTransactionState extends WritableTransactionState { private final DoubleLatch latch; public DeadlockProneTransactionState( LockManager lockManager, NodeManager nodeManager, Logging logging, javax.transaction.Transaction tx, RemoteTxHook txHook, TxIdGenerator txIdGenerator, DoubleLatch latch ) { super( lockManager, nodeManager, logging, tx, txHook, txIdGenerator ); this.latch = latch; } @Override public void commitCows() { latch.startAndAwaitFinish(); super.commitCows(); } }
public class UnavailableShardsException extends ElasticsearchException { public UnavailableShardsException(@Nullable ShardId shardId, String message) { super(buildMessage(shardId, message)); } private static String buildMessage(ShardId shardId, String message) { if (shardId == null) { return message; } return "[" + shardId.index().name() + "][" + shardId.id() + "] " + message; } @Override public RestStatus status() { return RestStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; } }
@Component("blDynamicFieldPersistenceHandlerHelper") public class DynamicFieldPersistenceHandlerHelper { /** * Builds all of the metadata for all of the dynamic properties within a {@link StructuredContentType}, gleaned from * the {@link FieldGroup}s and {@link FieldDefinition}s. * * @param fieldGroups groups that the {@link Property}s are built from * @param inheritedType the value that each built {@link FieldMetadata} for each property will use to notate where the * dynamic field actually came from (meaning {@link FieldMetadata#setAvailableToTypes(String[])} and {@link FieldMetadata#setInheritedFromType(String)} * @return */ public Property[] buildDynamicPropertyList(List<FieldGroup> fieldGroups, Class<?> inheritedType) { List<Property> propertiesList = new ArrayList<Property>(); int groupCount = 1; int fieldCount = 0; for (FieldGroup group : fieldGroups) { List<FieldDefinition> definitions = group.getFieldDefinitions(); for (FieldDefinition definition : definitions) { Property property = new Property(); property.setName(definition.getName()); BasicFieldMetadata fieldMetadata = new BasicFieldMetadata(); property.setMetadata(fieldMetadata); fieldMetadata.setFieldType(definition.getFieldType()); fieldMetadata.setMutable(true); fieldMetadata.setInheritedFromType(inheritedType.getName()); fieldMetadata.setAvailableToTypes(new String[] {inheritedType.getName()}); fieldMetadata.setForeignKeyCollection(false); fieldMetadata.setMergedPropertyType(MergedPropertyType.PRIMARY); fieldMetadata.setLength(definition.getMaxLength()); if (definition.getFieldEnumeration() != null && !CollectionUtils.isEmpty(definition.getFieldEnumeration().getEnumerationItems())) { int count = definition.getFieldEnumeration().getEnumerationItems().size(); String[][] enumItems = new String[count][2]; for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { FieldEnumerationItem item = definition.getFieldEnumeration().getEnumerationItems().get(j); enumItems[j][0] = item.getName(); enumItems[j][1] = item.getFriendlyName(); } fieldMetadata.setEnumerationValues(enumItems); } fieldMetadata.setName(definition.getName()); fieldMetadata.setFriendlyName(definition.getFriendlyName()); fieldMetadata.setSecurityLevel(definition.getSecurityLevel()==null?"":definition.getSecurityLevel()); fieldMetadata.setOrder(fieldCount++); fieldMetadata.setVisibility(definition.getHiddenFlag()?VisibilityEnum.HIDDEN_ALL:VisibilityEnum.VISIBLE_ALL); fieldMetadata.setGroup(group.getName()); fieldMetadata.setGroupOrder(groupCount); fieldMetadata.setTab("General"); fieldMetadata.setTabOrder(100); fieldMetadata.setGroupCollapsed(group.getInitCollapsedFlag()); fieldMetadata.setExplicitFieldType(SupportedFieldType.UNKNOWN); fieldMetadata.setLargeEntry(definition.getTextAreaFlag()); fieldMetadata.setProminent(false); fieldMetadata.setColumnWidth(String.valueOf(definition.getColumnWidth())); fieldMetadata.setBroadleafEnumeration(""); fieldMetadata.setReadOnly(false); if (definition.getValidationRegEx() != null) { Map<String, String> itemMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); itemMap.put("regularExpression", definition.getValidationRegEx()); itemMap.put(ConfigurationItem.ERROR_MESSAGE, definition.getValidationErrorMesageKey()); fieldMetadata.getValidationConfigurations().put("org.broadleafcommerce.openadmin.server.service.persistence.validation.RegexPropertyValidator", itemMap); } propertiesList.add(property); } groupCount++; fieldCount = 0; } Property property = new Property(); property.setName("id"); BasicFieldMetadata fieldMetadata = new BasicFieldMetadata(); property.setMetadata(fieldMetadata); fieldMetadata.setFieldType(SupportedFieldType.ID); fieldMetadata.setSecondaryType(SupportedFieldType.INTEGER); fieldMetadata.setMutable(true); fieldMetadata.setInheritedFromType(inheritedType.getName()); fieldMetadata.setAvailableToTypes(new String[] {inheritedType.getName()}); fieldMetadata.setForeignKeyCollection(false); fieldMetadata.setMergedPropertyType(MergedPropertyType.PRIMARY); fieldMetadata.setName("id"); fieldMetadata.setFriendlyName("ID"); fieldMetadata.setSecurityLevel(""); fieldMetadata.setVisibility(VisibilityEnum.HIDDEN_ALL); fieldMetadata.setExplicitFieldType(SupportedFieldType.UNKNOWN); fieldMetadata.setLargeEntry(false); fieldMetadata.setProminent(false); fieldMetadata.setColumnWidth("*"); fieldMetadata.setBroadleafEnumeration(""); fieldMetadata.setReadOnly(true); propertiesList.add(property); Property[] properties = new Property[propertiesList.size()]; properties = propertiesList.toArray(properties); Arrays.sort(properties, new Comparator<Property>() { @Override public int compare(Property o1, Property o2) { /* * First, compare properties based on order fields */ if (o1.getMetadata().getOrder() != null && o2.getMetadata().getOrder() != null) { return o1.getMetadata().getOrder().compareTo(o2.getMetadata().getOrder()); } else if (o1.getMetadata().getOrder() != null && o2.getMetadata().getOrder() == null) { /* * Always favor fields that have an order identified */ return -1; } else if (o1.getMetadata().getOrder() == null && o2.getMetadata().getOrder() != null) { /* * Always favor fields that have an order identified */ return 1; } else if (o1.getMetadata().getFriendlyName() != null && o2.getMetadata().getFriendlyName() != null) { return o1.getMetadata().getFriendlyName().compareTo(o2.getMetadata().getFriendlyName()); } else { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } } }); return properties; } }
public interface Constants { String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"; String DOC_VERSION = "2011-05-15"; String SIGNATURE_METHOD = "HmacSHA256"; String SIGNATURE_VERSION = "2"; String GET = "GET"; }
public static class Item implements Streamable { private String index; private String type; private String id; private String routing; private String[] fields; private long version = Versions.MATCH_ANY; private VersionType versionType = VersionType.INTERNAL; private FetchSourceContext fetchSourceContext; Item() { } /** * Constructs a single get item. * * @param index The index name * @param type The type (can be null) * @param id The id */ public Item(String index, @Nullable String type, String id) { this.index = index; this.type = type; this.id = id; } public String index() { return this.index; } public Item index(String index) { this.index = index; return this; } public String type() { return this.type; } public String id() { return this.id; } /** * The routing associated with this document. */ public Item routing(String routing) { this.routing = routing; return this; } public String routing() { return this.routing; } public Item parent(String parent) { if (routing == null) { this.routing = parent; } return this; } public Item fields(String... fields) { this.fields = fields; return this; } public String[] fields() { return this.fields; } public long version() { return version; } public Item version(long version) { this.version = version; return this; } public VersionType versionType() { return versionType; } public Item versionType(VersionType versionType) { this.versionType = versionType; return this; } public FetchSourceContext fetchSourceContext() { return this.fetchSourceContext; } /** * Allows setting the {@link FetchSourceContext} for this request, controlling if and how _source should be returned. */ public Item fetchSourceContext(FetchSourceContext fetchSourceContext) { this.fetchSourceContext = fetchSourceContext; return this; } public static Item readItem(StreamInput in) throws IOException { Item item = new Item(); item.readFrom(in); return item; } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { index = in.readSharedString(); type = in.readOptionalSharedString(); id = in.readString(); routing = in.readOptionalString(); int size = in.readVInt(); if (size > 0) { fields = new String[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { fields[i] = in.readString(); } } version = in.readVLong(); versionType = VersionType.fromValue(in.readByte()); fetchSourceContext = FetchSourceContext.optionalReadFromStream(in); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeSharedString(index); out.writeOptionalSharedString(type); out.writeString(id); out.writeOptionalString(routing); if (fields == null) { out.writeVInt(0); } else { out.writeVInt(fields.length); for (String field : fields) { out.writeString(field); } } out.writeVLong(version); out.writeByte(versionType.getValue()); FetchSourceContext.optionalWriteToStream(fetchSourceContext, out); } }
XPostingsHighlighter highlighter = new XPostingsHighlighter(10000) { @Override protected String[][] loadFieldValues(IndexSearcher searcher, String[] fields, int[] docids, int maxLength) throws IOException { assertThat(fields.length, equalTo(1)); assertThat(docids.length, equalTo(1)); String[][] contents = new String[1][1]; contents[0][0] = text; return contents; } @Override protected BreakIterator getBreakIterator(String field) { return new WholeBreakIterator(); } };
public class Orient extends OListenerManger<OOrientListener> { public static final String ORIENTDB_HOME = "ORIENTDB_HOME"; public static final String URL_SYNTAX = "<engine>:<db-type>:<db-name>[?<db-param>=<db-value>[&]]*"; protected static final Orient instance = new Orient(); protected static boolean registerDatabaseByPath = false; protected final Map<String, OEngine> engines = new HashMap<String, OEngine>(); protected final Map<String, OStorage> storages = new HashMap<String, OStorage>(); protected final Set<ODatabaseLifecycleListener> dbLifecycleListeners = new HashSet<ODatabaseLifecycleListener>(); protected final ODatabaseFactory databaseFactory = new ODatabaseFactory(); protected final OScriptManager scriptManager = new OScriptManager(); protected OClusterFactory clusterFactory = new ODefaultClusterFactory(); protected ORecordFactoryManager recordFactoryManager = new ORecordFactoryManager(); protected OrientShutdownHook shutdownHook; protected final Timer timer = new Timer(true); protected final ThreadGroup threadGroup = new ThreadGroup("OrientDB"); protected final AtomicInteger serialId = new AtomicInteger(); protected OMemoryWatchDog memoryWatchDog; protected OProfilerMBean profiler = new OProfiler(); ; protected ODatabaseThreadLocalFactory databaseThreadFactory; protected volatile boolean active = false; protected Orient() { super(new OAdaptiveLock(OGlobalConfiguration.ENVIRONMENT_CONCURRENT.getValueAsBoolean())); startup(); } public Orient startup() { getLock().lock(); try { if (active) // ALREADY ACTIVE return this; shutdownHook = new OrientShutdownHook(); // REGISTER THE EMBEDDED ENGINE registerEngine(new OEngineLocal()); registerEngine(new OEngineLocalPaginated()); registerEngine(new OEngineMemory()); registerEngine("com.orientechnologies.orient.client.remote.OEngineRemote"); if (OGlobalConfiguration.PROFILER_ENABLED.getValueAsBoolean()) // ACTIVATE RECORDING OF THE PROFILER profiler.startRecording(); if (OGlobalConfiguration.ENVIRONMENT_DUMP_CFG_AT_STARTUP.getValueAsBoolean()) OGlobalConfiguration.dumpConfiguration(System.out); memoryWatchDog = new OMemoryWatchDog(); active = true; return this; } finally { getLock().unlock(); } } public Orient shutdown() { getLock().lock(); try { if (!active) return this; active = false; if (memoryWatchDog != null) { // SHUTDOWN IT AND WAIT FOR COMPLETITION memoryWatchDog.interrupt(); try { memoryWatchDog.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } if (shutdownHook != null) { shutdownHook.cancel(); shutdownHook = null; } OLogManager.instance().debug(this, "Orient Engine is shutting down..."); // CALL THE SHUTDOWN ON ALL THE LISTENERS for (OOrientListener l : browseListeners()) { if (l != null) l.onShutdown(); } // SHUTDOWN ENGINES for (OEngine engine : engines.values()) engine.shutdown(); engines.clear(); if (databaseFactory != null) // CLOSE ALL DATABASES databaseFactory.shutdown(); if (storages != null) { // CLOSE ALL THE STORAGES final List<OStorage> storagesCopy = new ArrayList<OStorage>(storages.values()); for (OStorage stg : storagesCopy) { OLogManager.instance().info(this, "Shutting down storage: " + stg.getName() + "..."); stg.close(true); } } if (OMMapManagerLocator.getInstance() != null) OMMapManagerLocator.getInstance().shutdown(); if (threadGroup != null) // STOP ALL THE PENDING THREADS threadGroup.interrupt(); resetListeners(); timer.purge(); profiler.shutdown(); OLogManager.instance().info(this, "Orient Engine shutdown complete\n"); } finally { getLock().unlock(); } return this; } public OStorage loadStorage(String iURL) { if (iURL == null || iURL.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("URL missed"); if (iURL.endsWith("/")) iURL = iURL.substring(0, iURL.length() - 1); // SEARCH FOR ENGINE int pos = iURL.indexOf(':'); if (pos <= 0) throw new OConfigurationException("Error in database URL: the engine was not specified. Syntax is: " + URL_SYNTAX + ". URL was: " + iURL); final String engineName = iURL.substring(0, pos); getLock().lock(); try { final OEngine engine = engines.get(engineName.toLowerCase()); if (engine == null) throw new OConfigurationException("Error on opening database: the engine '" + engineName + "' was not found. URL was: " + iURL + ". Registered engines are: " + engines.keySet()); // SEARCH FOR DB-NAME iURL = iURL.substring(pos + 1); pos = iURL.indexOf('?'); Map<String, String> parameters = null; String dbPath = null; if (pos > 0) { dbPath = iURL.substring(0, pos); iURL = iURL.substring(pos + 1); // PARSE PARAMETERS parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); String[] pairs = iURL.split("&"); String[] kv; for (String pair : pairs) { kv = pair.split("="); if (kv.length < 2) throw new OConfigurationException("Error on opening database: parameter has no value. Syntax is: " + URL_SYNTAX + ". URL was: " + iURL); parameters.put(kv[0], kv[1]); } } else dbPath = iURL; final String dbName = registerDatabaseByPath ? dbPath : OIOUtils.getRelativePathIfAny(dbPath, null); OStorage storage; if (engine.isShared()) { // SEARCH IF ALREADY USED storage = storages.get(dbName); if (storage == null) { // NOT FOUND: CREATE IT storage = engine.createStorage(dbPath, parameters); storages.put(dbName, storage); } } else { // REGISTER IT WITH A SERIAL NAME TO AVOID BEING REUSED storage = engine.createStorage(dbPath, parameters); storages.put(dbName + "__" + serialId.incrementAndGet(), storage); } for (OOrientListener l : browseListeners()) l.onStorageRegistered(storage); return storage; } finally { getLock().unlock(); } } public OStorage registerStorage(final OStorage iStorage) throws IOException { getLock().lock(); try { for (OOrientListener l : browseListeners()) l.onStorageRegistered(iStorage); if (!storages.containsKey(iStorage.getName())) storages.put(iStorage.getName(), iStorage); } finally { getLock().unlock(); } return iStorage; } public OStorage getStorage(final String iDbName) { getLock().lock(); try { return storages.get(iDbName); } finally { getLock().unlock(); } } public void registerEngine(final OEngine iEngine) { getLock().lock(); try { engines.put(iEngine.getName(), iEngine); } finally { getLock().unlock(); } } private void registerEngine(final String iClassName) { try { final Class<?> cls = Class.forName(iClassName); registerEngine((OEngine) cls.newInstance()); } catch (Exception e) { } } /** * Returns the engine by its name. * * @param iEngineName * Engine name to retrieve * @return OEngine instance of found, otherwise null */ public OEngine getEngine(final String iEngineName) { getLock().lock(); try { return engines.get(iEngineName); } finally { getLock().unlock(); } } public Set<String> getEngines() { getLock().lock(); try { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(engines.keySet()); } finally { getLock().unlock(); } } public void unregisterStorageByName(final String iName) { final String dbName = registerDatabaseByPath ? iName : OIOUtils.getRelativePathIfAny(iName, null); final OStorage stg = storages.get(dbName); unregisterStorage(stg); } public void unregisterStorage(final OStorage iStorage) { if (!active) // SHUTDOWNING OR NOT ACTIVE: RETURN return; if (iStorage == null) return; getLock().lock(); try { // UNREGISTER ALL THE LISTENER ONE BY ONE AVOIDING SELF-RECURSION BY REMOVING FROM THE LIST final Iterable<OOrientListener> listenerCopy = getListenersCopy(); for (Iterator<OOrientListener> it = listenerCopy.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final OOrientListener l = it.next(); unregisterListener(l); l.onStorageUnregistered(iStorage); } for (Entry<String, OStorage> s : storages.entrySet()) { if (s.getValue().equals(iStorage)) { storages.remove(s.getKey()); break; } } } finally { getLock().unlock(); } } public Collection<OStorage> getStorages() { getLock().lock(); try { return new ArrayList<OStorage>(storages.values()); } finally { getLock().unlock(); } } public Timer getTimer() { return timer; } public void removeShutdownHook() { if (shutdownHook != null) Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(shutdownHook); } public Iterator<ODatabaseLifecycleListener> getDbLifecycleListeners() { return dbLifecycleListeners.iterator(); } public void addDbLifecycleListener(final ODatabaseLifecycleListener iListener) { dbLifecycleListeners.add(iListener); } public void removeDbLifecycleListener(final ODatabaseLifecycleListener iListener) { dbLifecycleListeners.remove(iListener); } public static Orient instance() { return instance; } public ThreadGroup getThreadGroup() { return threadGroup; } public ODatabaseThreadLocalFactory getDatabaseThreadFactory() { return databaseThreadFactory; } public OMemoryWatchDog getMemoryWatchDog() { return memoryWatchDog; } public ORecordFactoryManager getRecordFactoryManager() { return recordFactoryManager; } public OClusterFactory getClusterFactory() { return clusterFactory; } public ODatabaseFactory getDatabaseFactory() { return databaseFactory; } public void setRecordFactoryManager(final ORecordFactoryManager iRecordFactoryManager) { recordFactoryManager = iRecordFactoryManager; } public static String getHomePath() { String v = System.getProperty("orient.home"); if (v == null) v = System.getProperty(ORIENTDB_HOME); if (v == null) v = System.getenv(ORIENTDB_HOME); return v; } public void setClusterFactory(final OClusterFactory clusterFactory) { this.clusterFactory = clusterFactory; } public OProfilerMBean getProfiler() { return profiler; } public void registerThreadDatabaseFactory(final ODatabaseThreadLocalFactory iDatabaseFactory) { databaseThreadFactory = iDatabaseFactory; } public OScriptManager getScriptManager() { return scriptManager; } /** * Tells if to register database by path. Default is false. Setting to true allows to have multiple databases in different path * with the same name. * * @see #setRegisterDatabaseByPath(boolean) * @return */ public static boolean isRegisterDatabaseByPath() { return registerDatabaseByPath; } /** * Register database by path. Default is false. Setting to true allows to have multiple databases in different path with the same * name. * * @param iValue */ public static void setRegisterDatabaseByPath(final boolean iValue) { registerDatabaseByPath = iValue; } public void setProfiler(final OProfilerMBean iProfiler) { profiler = iProfiler; } }
public class XmlClientConfigBuilder extends AbstractXmlConfigHelper { private static final ILogger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(XmlClientConfigBuilder.class); private ClientConfig clientConfig; private InputStream in; public XmlClientConfigBuilder(String resource) throws IOException { URL url = ConfigLoader.locateConfig(resource); if (url == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not load " + resource); } this.in = url.openStream(); } public XmlClientConfigBuilder(File file) throws IOException { if (file == null) { throw new NullPointerException("File is null!"); } in = new FileInputStream(file); } public XmlClientConfigBuilder(URL url) throws IOException { if (url == null) { throw new NullPointerException("URL is null!"); } in = url.openStream(); } public XmlClientConfigBuilder(InputStream in) { this.in = in; } public XmlClientConfigBuilder() { String configFile = System.getProperty("hazelcast.client.config"); try { File configurationFile = null; if (configFile != null) { configurationFile = new File(configFile); LOGGER.info("Using configuration file at " + configurationFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (!configurationFile.exists()) { String msg = "Config file at '" + configurationFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' doesn't exist."; msg += "\nHazelcast will try to use the hazelcast-client.xml config file in the working directory."; LOGGER.warning(msg); configurationFile = null; } } if (configurationFile == null) { configFile = "hazelcast-client.xml"; configurationFile = new File("hazelcast-client.xml"); if (!configurationFile.exists()) { configurationFile = null; } } URL configurationUrl; if (configurationFile != null) { LOGGER.info("Using configuration file at " + configurationFile.getAbsolutePath()); try { in = new FileInputStream(configurationFile); } catch (final Exception e) { String msg = "Having problem reading config file at '" + configFile + "'."; msg += "\nException message: " + e.getMessage(); msg += "\nHazelcast will try to use the hazelcast-client.xml config file in classpath."; LOGGER.warning(msg); in = null; } } if (in == null) { LOGGER.info("Looking for hazelcast-client.xml config file in classpath."); configurationUrl = Config.class.getClassLoader().getResource("hazelcast-client.xml"); if (configurationUrl == null) { configurationUrl = Config.class.getClassLoader().getResource("hazelcast-client-default.xml"); LOGGER.warning( "Could not find hazelcast-client.xml in classpath." + "\nHazelcast will use hazelcast-client-default.xml config file in jar."); if (configurationUrl == null) { LOGGER.warning("Could not find hazelcast-client-default.xml in the classpath!" + "\nThis may be due to a wrong-packaged or corrupted jar file."); return; } } LOGGER.info("Using configuration file " + configurationUrl.getFile() + " in the classpath."); in = configurationUrl.openStream(); if (in == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot read configuration file, giving up."); } } } catch (final Throwable e) { LOGGER.severe("Error while creating configuration:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } public ClientConfig build() { return build(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); } public ClientConfig build(ClassLoader classLoader) { final ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(); clientConfig.setClassLoader(classLoader); try { parse(clientConfig); return clientConfig; } catch (Exception e) { throw ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e); } } private void parse(ClientConfig clientConfig) throws Exception { this.clientConfig = clientConfig; final DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc; try { doc = builder.parse(in); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not parse configuration file, giving up."); } Element element = doc.getDocumentElement(); try { element.getTextContent(); } catch (final Throwable e) { domLevel3 = false; } handleConfig(element); } private void handleConfig(final Element docElement) throws Exception { for (Node node : new IterableNodeList(docElement.getChildNodes())) { final String nodeName = cleanNodeName(node.getNodeName()); if ("security".equals(nodeName)) { handleSecurity(node); } else if ("proxy-factories".equals(nodeName)) { handleProxyFactories(node); } else if ("properties".equals(nodeName)) { fillProperties(node, clientConfig.getProperties()); } else if ("serialization".equals(nodeName)) { handleSerialization(node); } else if ("group".equals(nodeName)) { handleGroup(node); } else if ("listeners".equals(nodeName)) { handleListeners(node); } else if ("network".equals(nodeName)) { handleNetwork(node); } else if ("load-balancer".equals(nodeName)) { handleLoadBalancer(node); } else if ("near-cache".equals(nodeName)) { handleNearCache(node); } else if ("executor-pool-size".equals(nodeName)) { final int poolSize = Integer.parseInt(getTextContent(node)); clientConfig.setExecutorPoolSize(poolSize); } } } private void handleNearCache(Node node) { final String name = getAttribute(node, "name"); final NearCacheConfig nearCacheConfig = new NearCacheConfig(); for (Node child : new IterableNodeList(node.getChildNodes())) { final String nodeName = cleanNodeName(child); if ("max-size".equals(nodeName)) { nearCacheConfig.setMaxSize(Integer.parseInt(getTextContent(child))); } else if ("time-to-live-seconds".equals(nodeName)) { nearCacheConfig.setTimeToLiveSeconds(Integer.parseInt(getTextContent(child))); } else if ("max-idle-seconds".equals(nodeName)) { nearCacheConfig.setMaxIdleSeconds(Integer.parseInt(getTextContent(child))); } else if ("eviction-policy".equals(nodeName)) { nearCacheConfig.setEvictionPolicy(getTextContent(child)); } else if ("in-memory-format".equals(nodeName)) { nearCacheConfig.setInMemoryFormat(InMemoryFormat.valueOf(getTextContent(child))); } else if ("invalidate-on-change".equals(nodeName)) { nearCacheConfig.setInvalidateOnChange(Boolean.parseBoolean(getTextContent(child))); } else if ("cache-local-entries".equals(nodeName)) { nearCacheConfig.setCacheLocalEntries(Boolean.parseBoolean(getTextContent(child))); } } clientConfig.addNearCacheConfig(name, nearCacheConfig); } private void handleLoadBalancer(Node node) { final String type = getAttribute(node, "type"); if ("random".equals(type)) { clientConfig.setLoadBalancer(new RandomLB()); } else if ("round-robin".equals(type)) { clientConfig.setLoadBalancer(new RoundRobinLB()); } } private void handleNetwork(Node node) { final ClientNetworkConfig clientNetworkConfig = new ClientNetworkConfig(); for (Node child : new IterableNodeList(node.getChildNodes())) { final String nodeName = cleanNodeName(child); if ("cluster-members".equals(nodeName)) { handleClusterMembers(child, clientNetworkConfig); } else if ("smart-routing".equals(nodeName)) { clientNetworkConfig.setSmartRouting(Boolean.parseBoolean(getTextContent(child))); } else if ("redo-operation".equals(nodeName)) { clientNetworkConfig.setRedoOperation(Boolean.parseBoolean(getTextContent(child))); } else if ("connection-timeout".equals(nodeName)) { clientNetworkConfig.setConnectionTimeout(Integer.parseInt(getTextContent(child))); } else if ("connection-attempt-period".equals(nodeName)) { clientNetworkConfig.setConnectionAttemptPeriod(Integer.parseInt(getTextContent(child))); } else if ("connection-attempt-limit".equals(nodeName)) { clientNetworkConfig.setConnectionAttemptLimit(Integer.parseInt(getTextContent(child))); } else if ("socket-options".equals(nodeName)) { handleSocketOptions(child, clientNetworkConfig); } else if ("socket-interceptor".equals(nodeName)) { handleSocketInterceptorConfig(node, clientNetworkConfig); } else if ("ssl".equals(nodeName)) { handleSSLConfig(node, clientNetworkConfig); } } clientConfig.setNetworkConfig(clientNetworkConfig); } private void handleSSLConfig(final org.w3c.dom.Node node, ClientNetworkConfig clientNetworkConfig) { SSLConfig sslConfig = new SSLConfig(); final NamedNodeMap atts = node.getAttributes(); final Node enabledNode = atts.getNamedItem("enabled"); final boolean enabled = enabledNode != null && checkTrue(getTextContent(enabledNode).trim()); sslConfig.setEnabled(enabled); for (org.w3c.dom.Node n : new IterableNodeList(node.getChildNodes())) { final String nodeName = cleanNodeName(n.getNodeName()); if ("factory-class-name".equals(nodeName)) { sslConfig.setFactoryClassName(getTextContent(n).trim()); } else if ("properties".equals(nodeName)) { fillProperties(n, sslConfig.getProperties()); } } clientNetworkConfig.setSSLConfig(sslConfig); } private void handleSocketOptions(Node node, ClientNetworkConfig clientNetworkConfig) { SocketOptions socketOptions = clientConfig.getSocketOptions(); for (Node child : new IterableNodeList(node.getChildNodes())) { final String nodeName = cleanNodeName(child); if ("tcp-no-delay".equals(nodeName)) { socketOptions.setTcpNoDelay(Boolean.parseBoolean(getTextContent(child))); } else if ("keep-alive".equals(nodeName)) { socketOptions.setKeepAlive(Boolean.parseBoolean(getTextContent(child))); } else if ("reuse-address".equals(nodeName)) { socketOptions.setReuseAddress(Boolean.parseBoolean(getTextContent(child))); } else if ("linger-seconds".equals(nodeName)) { socketOptions.setLingerSeconds(Integer.parseInt(getTextContent(child))); } else if ("buffer-size".equals(nodeName)) { socketOptions.setBufferSize(Integer.parseInt(getTextContent(child))); } } clientNetworkConfig.setSocketOptions(socketOptions); } private void handleClusterMembers(Node node, ClientNetworkConfig clientNetworkConfig) { for (Node child : new IterableNodeList(node.getChildNodes())) { if ("address".equals(cleanNodeName(child))) { clientNetworkConfig.addAddress(getTextContent(child)); } } } private void handleListeners(Node node) throws Exception { for (Node child : new IterableNodeList(node.getChildNodes())) { if ("listener".equals(cleanNodeName(child))) { String className = getTextContent(child); clientConfig.addListenerConfig(new ListenerConfig(className)); } } } private void handleGroup(Node node) { for (org.w3c.dom.Node n : new IterableNodeList(node.getChildNodes())) { final String value = getTextContent(n).trim(); final String nodeName = cleanNodeName(n.getNodeName()); if ("name".equals(nodeName)) { clientConfig.getGroupConfig().setName(value); } else if ("password".equals(nodeName)) { clientConfig.getGroupConfig().setPassword(value); } } } private void handleSerialization(Node node) { SerializationConfig serializationConfig = parseSerialization(node); clientConfig.setSerializationConfig(serializationConfig); } private void handleProxyFactories(Node node) throws Exception { for (Node child : new IterableNodeList(node.getChildNodes())) { final String nodeName = cleanNodeName(child.getNodeName()); if ("proxy-factory".equals(nodeName)) { handleProxyFactory(child); } } } private void handleProxyFactory(Node node) throws Exception { final String service = getAttribute(node, "service"); final String className = getAttribute(node, "class-name"); final ProxyFactoryConfig proxyFactoryConfig = new ProxyFactoryConfig(className, service); clientConfig.addProxyFactoryConfig(proxyFactoryConfig); } private void handleSocketInterceptorConfig(final org.w3c.dom.Node node, ClientNetworkConfig clientNetworkConfig) { SocketInterceptorConfig socketInterceptorConfig = parseSocketInterceptorConfig(node); clientNetworkConfig.setSocketInterceptorConfig(socketInterceptorConfig); } private void handleSecurity(Node node) throws Exception { for (Node child : new IterableNodeList(node.getChildNodes())) { final String nodeName = cleanNodeName(child.getNodeName()); if ("login-credentials".equals(nodeName)) { handleLoginCredentials(child); } } } private void handleLoginCredentials(Node node) { UsernamePasswordCredentials credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(); for (Node child : new IterableNodeList(node.getChildNodes())) { final String nodeName = cleanNodeName(child.getNodeName()); if ("username".equals(nodeName)) { credentials.setUsername(getTextContent(child)); } else if ("password".equals(nodeName)) { credentials.setPassword(getTextContent(child)); } } clientConfig.setCredentials(credentials); } }
1no label
public class PagedBytesIndexFieldData extends AbstractBytesIndexFieldData<PagedBytesAtomicFieldData> { private final CircuitBreakerService breakerService; public static class Builder implements IndexFieldData.Builder { @Override public IndexFieldData<PagedBytesAtomicFieldData> build(Index index, @IndexSettings Settings indexSettings, FieldMapper<?> mapper, IndexFieldDataCache cache, CircuitBreakerService breakerService) { return new PagedBytesIndexFieldData(index, indexSettings, mapper.names(), mapper.fieldDataType(), cache, breakerService); } } public PagedBytesIndexFieldData(Index index, @IndexSettings Settings indexSettings, FieldMapper.Names fieldNames, FieldDataType fieldDataType, IndexFieldDataCache cache, CircuitBreakerService breakerService) { super(index, indexSettings, fieldNames, fieldDataType, cache); this.breakerService = breakerService; } @Override public PagedBytesAtomicFieldData loadDirect(AtomicReaderContext context) throws Exception { AtomicReader reader = context.reader(); PagedBytesEstimator estimator = new PagedBytesEstimator(context, breakerService.getBreaker()); Terms terms = reader.terms(getFieldNames().indexName()); if (terms == null) { PagedBytesAtomicFieldData emptyData = PagedBytesAtomicFieldData.empty(reader.maxDoc()); estimator.adjustForNoTerms(emptyData.getMemorySizeInBytes()); return emptyData; } final PagedBytes bytes = new PagedBytes(15); final MonotonicAppendingLongBuffer termOrdToBytesOffset = new MonotonicAppendingLongBuffer(); termOrdToBytesOffset.add(0); // first ord is reserved for missing values final long numTerms; if (regex == null && frequency == null) { numTerms = terms.size(); } else { numTerms = -1; } final float acceptableTransientOverheadRatio = fieldDataType.getSettings().getAsFloat( FilterSettingFields.ACCEPTABLE_TRANSIENT_OVERHEAD_RATIO, OrdinalsBuilder.DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_OVERHEAD_RATIO); OrdinalsBuilder builder = new OrdinalsBuilder(numTerms, reader.maxDoc(), acceptableTransientOverheadRatio); // Wrap the context in an estimator and use it to either estimate // the entire set, or wrap the TermsEnum so it can be calculated // per-term PagedBytesAtomicFieldData data = null; TermsEnum termsEnum = estimator.beforeLoad(terms); boolean success = false; try { // 0 is reserved for "unset" bytes.copyUsingLengthPrefix(new BytesRef()); DocsEnum docsEnum = null; for (BytesRef term = termsEnum.next(); term != null; term = termsEnum.next()) { final long termOrd = builder.nextOrdinal(); assert termOrd == termOrdToBytesOffset.size(); termOrdToBytesOffset.add(bytes.copyUsingLengthPrefix(term)); docsEnum = termsEnum.docs(null, docsEnum, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE); for (int docId = docsEnum.nextDoc(); docId != DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS; docId = docsEnum.nextDoc()) { builder.addDoc(docId); } } final long sizePointer = bytes.getPointer(); PagedBytes.Reader bytesReader = bytes.freeze(true); final Ordinals ordinals = builder.build(fieldDataType.getSettings()); data = new PagedBytesAtomicFieldData(bytesReader, sizePointer, termOrdToBytesOffset, ordinals); success = true; return data; } finally { if (!success) { // If something went wrong, unwind any current estimations we've made estimator.afterLoad(termsEnum, 0); } else { // Call .afterLoad() to adjust the breaker now that we have an exact size estimator.afterLoad(termsEnum, data.getMemorySizeInBytes()); } builder.close(); } } /** * Estimator that wraps string field data by either using * BlockTreeTermsReader, or wrapping the data in a RamAccountingTermsEnum * if the BlockTreeTermsReader cannot be used. */ public class PagedBytesEstimator implements PerValueEstimator { private final AtomicReaderContext context; private final MemoryCircuitBreaker breaker; private long estimatedBytes; PagedBytesEstimator(AtomicReaderContext context, MemoryCircuitBreaker breaker) { this.breaker = breaker; this.context = context; } /** * @return the number of bytes for the term based on the length and ordinal overhead */ public long bytesPerValue(BytesRef term) { long bytes = term.length; // 64 bytes for miscellaneous overhead bytes += 64; // Seems to be about a 1.5x compression per term/ord, plus 1 for some wiggle room bytes = (long) ((double) bytes / 1.5) + 1; return bytes; } /** * @return the estimate for loading the entire term set into field data, or 0 if unavailable */ public long estimateStringFieldData() { try { AtomicReader reader = context.reader(); Terms terms = reader.terms(getFieldNames().indexName()); Fields fields = reader.fields(); final Terms fieldTerms = fields.terms(getFieldNames().indexName()); if (fieldTerms instanceof BlockTreeTermsReader.FieldReader) { final BlockTreeTermsReader.Stats stats = ((BlockTreeTermsReader.FieldReader) fieldTerms).computeStats(); long totalTermBytes = stats.totalTermBytes; if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("totalTermBytes: {}, terms.size(): {}, terms.getSumDocFreq(): {}", totalTermBytes, terms.size(), terms.getSumDocFreq()); } long totalBytes = totalTermBytes + (2 * terms.size()) + (4 * terms.getSumDocFreq()); return totalBytes; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Unable to estimate memory overhead", e); } return 0; } /** * Determine whether the BlockTreeTermsReader.FieldReader can be used * for estimating the field data, adding the estimate to the circuit * breaker if it can, otherwise wrapping the terms in a * RamAccountingTermsEnum to be estimated on a per-term basis. * * @param terms terms to be estimated * @return A possibly wrapped TermsEnum for the terms * @throws IOException */ public TermsEnum beforeLoad(Terms terms) throws IOException { final float acceptableTransientOverheadRatio = fieldDataType.getSettings().getAsFloat( FilterSettingFields.ACCEPTABLE_TRANSIENT_OVERHEAD_RATIO, OrdinalsBuilder.DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_OVERHEAD_RATIO); AtomicReader reader = context.reader(); // Check if one of the following is present: // - The OrdinalsBuilder overhead has been tweaked away from the default // - A field data filter is present // - A regex filter is present if (acceptableTransientOverheadRatio != OrdinalsBuilder.DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_OVERHEAD_RATIO || fieldDataType.getSettings().getAsDouble(FilterSettingFields.FREQUENCY_MIN, 0d) != 0d || fieldDataType.getSettings().getAsDouble(FilterSettingFields.FREQUENCY_MAX, 0d) != 0d || fieldDataType.getSettings().getAsDouble(FilterSettingFields.FREQUENCY_MIN_SEGMENT_SIZE, 0d) != 0d || fieldDataType.getSettings().get(FilterSettingFields.REGEX_PATTERN) != null) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Filter exists, can't circuit break normally, using RamAccountingTermsEnum"); } return new RamAccountingTermsEnum(filter(terms, reader), breaker, this); } else { estimatedBytes = this.estimateStringFieldData(); // If we weren't able to estimate, wrap in the RamAccountingTermsEnum if (estimatedBytes == 0) { return new RamAccountingTermsEnum(filter(terms, reader), breaker, this); } breaker.addEstimateBytesAndMaybeBreak(estimatedBytes); return filter(terms, reader); } } /** * Adjust the circuit breaker now that terms have been loaded, getting * the actual used either from the parameter (if estimation worked for * the entire set), or from the TermsEnum if it has been wrapped in a * RamAccountingTermsEnum. * * @param termsEnum terms that were loaded * @param actualUsed actual field data memory usage */ public void afterLoad(TermsEnum termsEnum, long actualUsed) { if (termsEnum instanceof RamAccountingTermsEnum) { estimatedBytes = ((RamAccountingTermsEnum) termsEnum).getTotalBytes(); } breaker.addWithoutBreaking(-(estimatedBytes - actualUsed)); } /** * Adjust the breaker when no terms were actually loaded, but the field * data takes up space regardless. For instance, when ordinals are * used. * @param actualUsed bytes actually used */ public void adjustForNoTerms(long actualUsed) { breaker.addWithoutBreaking(actualUsed); } } static final class FilterSettingFields { static final String ACCEPTABLE_TRANSIENT_OVERHEAD_RATIO = "acceptable_transient_overhead_ratio"; static final String FREQUENCY_MIN = "filter.frequency.min"; static final String FREQUENCY_MAX = "filter.frequency.max"; static final String FREQUENCY_MIN_SEGMENT_SIZE = "filter.frequency.min_segment_size"; static final String REGEX_PATTERN = "filter.regex.pattern"; } }
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@Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) @Table(name = "BLC_COUNTRY") @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE, region="blStandardElements") @AdminPresentationClass(friendlyName = "CountryImpl_baseCountry") public class CountryImpl implements Country { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @Column(name = "ABBREVIATION") protected String abbreviation; @Column(name = "NAME", nullable=false) @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "CountryImpl_Country", order=12, group = "CountryImpl_Address", prominent = true) protected String name; public String getAbbreviation() { return abbreviation; } public void setAbbreviation(String Abbreviation) { this.abbreviation = Abbreviation; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; CountryImpl other = (CountryImpl) obj; if (abbreviation == null) { if (other.abbreviation != null) return false; } else if (!abbreviation.equals(other.abbreviation)) return false; if (name == null) { if (other.name != null) return false; } else if (!name.equals(other.name)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((abbreviation == null) ? 0 : abbreviation.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode()); return result; } }
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public class OStorageMemory extends OStorageEmbedded { private final List<ODataSegmentMemory> dataSegments = new ArrayList<ODataSegmentMemory>(); private final List<OClusterMemory> clusters = new ArrayList<OClusterMemory>(); private final Map<String, OClusterMemory> clusterMap = new HashMap<String, OClusterMemory>(); private int defaultClusterId = 0; private long positionGenerator = 0; public OStorageMemory(final String iURL) { super(iURL, iURL, "rw"); configuration = new OStorageConfiguration(this); } public void create(final Map<String, Object> iOptions) { addUser(); lock.acquireExclusiveLock(); try { addDataSegment(OStorage.DATA_DEFAULT_NAME); addDataSegment(OMetadataDefault.DATASEGMENT_INDEX_NAME); // ADD THE METADATA CLUSTER TO STORE INTERNAL STUFF addCluster(CLUSTER_TYPE.PHYSICAL.toString(), OMetadataDefault.CLUSTER_INTERNAL_NAME, null, null, true); // ADD THE INDEX CLUSTER TO STORE, BY DEFAULT, ALL THE RECORDS OF INDEXING IN THE INDEX DATA SEGMENT addCluster(CLUSTER_TYPE.PHYSICAL.toString(), OMetadataDefault.CLUSTER_INDEX_NAME, null, OMetadataDefault.DATASEGMENT_INDEX_NAME, true); // ADD THE INDEX CLUSTER TO STORE, BY DEFAULT, ALL THE RECORDS OF INDEXING addCluster(CLUSTER_TYPE.PHYSICAL.toString(), OMetadataDefault.CLUSTER_MANUAL_INDEX_NAME, null, null, true); // ADD THE DEFAULT CLUSTER defaultClusterId = addCluster(CLUSTER_TYPE.PHYSICAL.toString(), CLUSTER_DEFAULT_NAME, null, null, false); configuration.create(); status = STATUS.OPEN; } catch (OStorageException e) { close(); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { close(); throw new OStorageException("Error on creation of storage: " + name, e); } finally { lock.releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public void open(final String iUserName, final String iUserPassword, final Map<String, Object> iOptions) { addUser(); if (status == STATUS.OPEN) // ALREADY OPENED: THIS IS THE CASE WHEN A STORAGE INSTANCE IS // REUSED return; lock.acquireExclusiveLock(); try { if (!exists()) throw new OStorageException("Cannot open the storage '" + name + "' because it does not exist in path: " + url); status = STATUS.OPEN; } finally { lock.releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public void close(final boolean iForce) { lock.acquireExclusiveLock(); try { if (!checkForClose(iForce)) return; status = STATUS.CLOSING; // CLOSE ALL THE CLUSTERS for (OClusterMemory c : clusters) if (c != null) c.close(); clusters.clear(); clusterMap.clear(); // CLOSE THE DATA SEGMENTS for (ODataSegmentMemory d : dataSegments) if (d != null) d.close(); dataSegments.clear(); level2Cache.shutdown(); super.close(iForce); Orient.instance().unregisterStorage(this); status = STATUS.CLOSED; } finally { lock.releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public void delete() { close(true); } @Override public void backup(OutputStream out, Map<String, Object> options, Callable<Object> callable) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("backup"); } @Override public void restore(InputStream in, Map<String, Object> options, Callable<Object> callable) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("restore"); } public void reload() { } public int addCluster(final String iClusterType, String iClusterName, final String iLocation, final String iDataSegmentName, boolean forceListBased, final Object... iParameters) { iClusterName = iClusterName.toLowerCase(); lock.acquireExclusiveLock(); try { int clusterId = clusters.size(); for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); ++i) { if (clusters.get(i) == null) { clusterId = i; break; } } final OClusterMemory cluster = (OClusterMemory) Orient.instance().getClusterFactory().createCluster(OClusterMemory.TYPE); cluster.configure(this, clusterId, iClusterName, iLocation, getDataSegmentIdByName(iDataSegmentName), iParameters); if (clusterId == clusters.size()) // APPEND IT clusters.add(cluster); else // RECYCLE THE FREE POSITION clusters.set(clusterId, cluster); clusterMap.put(iClusterName, cluster); return clusterId; } finally { lock.releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public int addCluster(String iClusterType, String iClusterName, int iRequestedId, String iLocation, String iDataSegmentName, boolean forceListBased, Object... iParameters) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This operation is unsupported for " + getType() + " storage. If you are doing import please use parameter -preserveClusterIDs=false ."); } public boolean dropCluster(final int iClusterId, final boolean iTruncate) { lock.acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final OCluster c = clusters.get(iClusterId); if (c != null) { if (iTruncate) c.truncate(); c.delete(); clusters.set(iClusterId, null); getLevel2Cache().freeCluster(iClusterId); clusterMap.remove(c.getName()); } } catch (IOException e) { } finally { lock.releaseExclusiveLock(); } return false; } public boolean dropDataSegment(final String iName) { lock.acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final int id = getDataSegmentIdByName(iName); final ODataSegment data = dataSegments.get(id); if (data == null) return false; data.drop(); dataSegments.set(id, null); // UPDATE CONFIGURATION configuration.dropCluster(id); return true; } catch (Exception e) { OLogManager.instance().exception("Error while removing data segment '" + iName + '\'', e, OStorageException.class); } finally { lock.releaseExclusiveLock(); } return false; } public int addDataSegment(final String iDataSegmentName) { lock.acquireExclusiveLock(); try { int pos = -1; for (int i = 0; i < dataSegments.size(); ++i) { if (dataSegments.get(i) == null) { pos = i; break; } } if (pos == -1) pos = dataSegments.size(); final ODataSegmentMemory dataSegment = new ODataSegmentMemory(iDataSegmentName, pos); if (pos == dataSegments.size()) dataSegments.add(dataSegment); else dataSegments.set(pos, dataSegment); return pos; } finally { lock.releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public int addDataSegment(final String iSegmentName, final String iLocation) { return addDataSegment(iSegmentName); } public OStorageOperationResult<OPhysicalPosition> createRecord(final int iDataSegmentId, final ORecordId iRid, final byte[] iContent, ORecordVersion iRecordVersion, final byte iRecordType, final int iMode, ORecordCallback<OClusterPosition> iCallback) { final long timer = Orient.instance().getProfiler().startChrono(); lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { final ODataSegmentMemory data = getDataSegmentById(iDataSegmentId); final long offset = data.createRecord(iContent); final OCluster cluster = getClusterById(iRid.clusterId); // ASSIGN THE POSITION IN THE CLUSTER final OPhysicalPosition ppos = new OPhysicalPosition(iDataSegmentId, offset, iRecordType); if (cluster.isHashBased()) { if (iRid.isNew()) { if (OGlobalConfiguration.USE_NODE_ID_CLUSTER_POSITION.getValueAsBoolean()) { ppos.clusterPosition = OClusterPositionFactory.INSTANCE.generateUniqueClusterPosition(); } else { ppos.clusterPosition = OClusterPositionFactory.INSTANCE.valueOf(positionGenerator++); } } else { ppos.clusterPosition = iRid.clusterPosition; } } if (!cluster.addPhysicalPosition(ppos)) { data.readRecord(ppos.dataSegmentPos); throw new OStorageException("Record with given id " + iRid + " has already exists."); } iRid.clusterPosition = ppos.clusterPosition; if (iCallback != null) iCallback.call(iRid, iRid.clusterPosition); if (iRecordVersion.getCounter() > 0 && iRecordVersion.compareTo(ppos.recordVersion) != 0) { // OVERWRITE THE VERSION cluster.updateVersion(iRid.clusterPosition, iRecordVersion); ppos.recordVersion = iRecordVersion; } return new OStorageOperationResult<OPhysicalPosition>(ppos); } catch (IOException e) { throw new OStorageException("Error on create record in cluster: " + iRid.clusterId, e); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); Orient.instance().getProfiler() .stopChrono(PROFILER_CREATE_RECORD, "Create a record in database", timer, "db.*.data.updateHole"); } } public OStorageOperationResult<ORawBuffer> readRecord(final ORecordId iRid, String iFetchPlan, boolean iIgnoreCache, ORecordCallback<ORawBuffer> iCallback, boolean loadTombstones) { return new OStorageOperationResult<ORawBuffer>(readRecord(getClusterById(iRid.clusterId), iRid, true, loadTombstones)); } @Override protected ORawBuffer readRecord(final OCluster iClusterSegment, final ORecordId iRid, final boolean iAtomicLock, boolean loadTombstones) { final long timer = Orient.instance().getProfiler().startChrono(); lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { lockManager.acquireLock(Thread.currentThread(), iRid, LOCK.SHARED); try { final OClusterPosition lastPos = iClusterSegment.getLastPosition(); if (!iClusterSegment.isHashBased()) { if (iRid.clusterPosition.compareTo(lastPos) > 0) return null; } final OPhysicalPosition ppos = iClusterSegment.getPhysicalPosition(new OPhysicalPosition(iRid.clusterPosition)); if (ppos != null && loadTombstones && ppos.recordVersion.isTombstone()) return new ORawBuffer(null, ppos.recordVersion, ppos.recordType); if (ppos == null || ppos.recordVersion.isTombstone()) return null; final ODataSegmentMemory dataSegment = getDataSegmentById(ppos.dataSegmentId); return new ORawBuffer(dataSegment.readRecord(ppos.dataSegmentPos), ppos.recordVersion, ppos.recordType); } finally { lockManager.releaseLock(Thread.currentThread(), iRid, LOCK.SHARED); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new OStorageException("Error on read record in cluster: " + iClusterSegment.getId(), e); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); Orient.instance().getProfiler().stopChrono(PROFILER_READ_RECORD, "Read a record from database", timer, "db.*.readRecord"); } } public OStorageOperationResult<ORecordVersion> updateRecord(final ORecordId iRid, final byte[] iContent, final ORecordVersion iVersion, final byte iRecordType, final int iMode, ORecordCallback<ORecordVersion> iCallback) { final long timer = Orient.instance().getProfiler().startChrono(); final OCluster cluster = getClusterById(iRid.clusterId); lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { lockManager.acquireLock(Thread.currentThread(), iRid, LOCK.EXCLUSIVE); try { final OPhysicalPosition ppos = cluster.getPhysicalPosition(new OPhysicalPosition(iRid.clusterPosition)); if (ppos == null || ppos.recordVersion.isTombstone()) { final ORecordVersion v = OVersionFactory.instance().createUntrackedVersion(); if (iCallback != null) { iCallback.call(iRid, v); } return new OStorageOperationResult<ORecordVersion>(v); } // VERSION CONTROL CHECK switch (iVersion.getCounter()) { // DOCUMENT UPDATE, NO VERSION CONTROL case -1: ppos.recordVersion.increment(); cluster.updateVersion(iRid.clusterPosition, ppos.recordVersion); break; // DOCUMENT UPDATE, NO VERSION CONTROL, NO VERSION UPDATE case -2: break; default: // MVCC CONTROL AND RECORD UPDATE OR WRONG VERSION VALUE if (iVersion.getCounter() > -1) { // MVCC TRANSACTION: CHECK IF VERSION IS THE SAME if (!iVersion.equals(ppos.recordVersion)) if (OFastConcurrentModificationException.enabled()) throw OFastConcurrentModificationException.instance(); else throw new OConcurrentModificationException(iRid, ppos.recordVersion, iVersion, ORecordOperation.UPDATED); ppos.recordVersion.increment(); cluster.updateVersion(iRid.clusterPosition, ppos.recordVersion); } else { // DOCUMENT ROLLBACKED iVersion.clearRollbackMode(); ppos.recordVersion.copyFrom(iVersion); cluster.updateVersion(iRid.clusterPosition, ppos.recordVersion); } } if (ppos.recordType != iRecordType) cluster.updateRecordType(iRid.clusterPosition, iRecordType); final ODataSegmentMemory dataSegment = getDataSegmentById(ppos.dataSegmentId); dataSegment.updateRecord(ppos.dataSegmentPos, iContent); if (iCallback != null) iCallback.call(null, ppos.recordVersion); return new OStorageOperationResult<ORecordVersion>(ppos.recordVersion); } finally { lockManager.releaseLock(Thread.currentThread(), iRid, LOCK.EXCLUSIVE); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new OStorageException("Error on update record " + iRid, e); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); Orient.instance().getProfiler().stopChrono(PROFILER_UPDATE_RECORD, "Update a record to database", timer, "db.*.updateRecord"); } } @Override public boolean updateReplica(int dataSegmentId, ORecordId rid, byte[] content, ORecordVersion recordVersion, byte recordType) throws IOException { if (rid.isNew()) throw new OStorageException("Passed record with id " + rid + " is new and can not be treated as replica."); checkOpeness(); final OCluster cluster = getClusterById(rid.clusterId); final ODataSegmentMemory data = getDataSegmentById(dataSegmentId); lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { lockManager.acquireLock(Thread.currentThread(), rid, LOCK.EXCLUSIVE); try { OPhysicalPosition ppos = cluster.getPhysicalPosition(new OPhysicalPosition(rid.clusterPosition)); if (ppos == null) { if (!cluster.isHashBased()) throw new OStorageException("Cluster with LH support is required."); ppos = new OPhysicalPosition(rid.clusterPosition, recordVersion); ppos.recordType = recordType; ppos.dataSegmentId = data.getId(); if (!recordVersion.isTombstone()) { ppos.dataSegmentPos = data.createRecord(content); } cluster.addPhysicalPosition(ppos); return true; } else { if (ppos.recordType != recordType) throw new OStorageException("Record types of provided and stored replicas are different " + recordType + ":" + ppos.recordType + "."); if (ppos.recordVersion.compareTo(recordVersion) < 0) { if (!recordVersion.isTombstone() && !ppos.recordVersion.isTombstone()) { data.updateRecord(ppos.dataSegmentPos, content); } else if (recordVersion.isTombstone() && !ppos.recordVersion.isTombstone()) { data.deleteRecord(ppos.dataSegmentPos); } else if (!recordVersion.isTombstone() && ppos.recordVersion.isTombstone()) { ppos.dataSegmentPos = data.createRecord(content); cluster.updateDataSegmentPosition(ppos.clusterPosition, dataSegmentId, ppos.dataSegmentPos); } cluster.updateVersion(ppos.clusterPosition, recordVersion); return true; } } } finally { lockManager.releaseLock(Thread.currentThread(), rid, LOCK.EXCLUSIVE); } } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } return false; } @Override public <V> V callInRecordLock(Callable<V> callable, ORID rid, boolean exclusiveLock) { lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { lockManager.acquireLock(Thread.currentThread(), rid, exclusiveLock ? LOCK.EXCLUSIVE : LOCK.SHARED); try { return callable.call(); } finally { lockManager.releaseLock(Thread.currentThread(), rid, exclusiveLock ? LOCK.EXCLUSIVE : LOCK.SHARED); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new OException("Error on nested call in lock", e); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } } @Override public OStorageOperationResult<Boolean> deleteRecord(final ORecordId iRid, final ORecordVersion iVersion, final int iMode, ORecordCallback<Boolean> iCallback) { return new OStorageOperationResult<Boolean>(deleteRecord(iRid, iVersion, OGlobalConfiguration.STORAGE_USE_TOMBSTONES.getValueAsBoolean(), iCallback)); } @Override public boolean cleanOutRecord(ORecordId recordId, ORecordVersion recordVersion, int iMode, ORecordCallback<Boolean> callback) { return deleteRecord(recordId, recordVersion, false, callback); } private boolean deleteRecord(ORecordId iRid, ORecordVersion iVersion, boolean useTombstones, ORecordCallback<Boolean> iCallback) { final long timer = Orient.instance().getProfiler().startChrono(); final OCluster cluster = getClusterById(iRid.clusterId); lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { lockManager.acquireLock(Thread.currentThread(), iRid, LOCK.EXCLUSIVE); try { final OPhysicalPosition ppos = cluster.getPhysicalPosition(new OPhysicalPosition(iRid.clusterPosition)); if (ppos == null || (ppos.recordVersion.isTombstone() && useTombstones)) { if (iCallback != null) iCallback.call(iRid, false); return false; } // MVCC TRANSACTION: CHECK IF VERSION IS THE SAME if (iVersion.getCounter() > -1 && !ppos.recordVersion.equals(iVersion)) if (OFastConcurrentModificationException.enabled()) throw OFastConcurrentModificationException.instance(); else throw new OConcurrentModificationException(iRid, ppos.recordVersion, iVersion, ORecordOperation.DELETED); if (!ppos.recordVersion.isTombstone()) { final ODataSegmentMemory dataSegment = getDataSegmentById(ppos.dataSegmentId); dataSegment.deleteRecord(ppos.dataSegmentPos); ppos.dataSegmentPos = -1; } if (useTombstones && cluster.hasTombstonesSupport()) cluster.convertToTombstone(iRid.clusterPosition); else cluster.removePhysicalPosition(iRid.clusterPosition); if (iCallback != null) iCallback.call(null, true); return true; } finally { lockManager.releaseLock(Thread.currentThread(), iRid, LOCK.EXCLUSIVE); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new OStorageException("Error on delete record " + iRid, e); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); Orient.instance().getProfiler() .stopChrono(PROFILER_DELETE_RECORD, "Delete a record from database", timer, "db.*.deleteRecord"); } } public long count(final int iClusterId) { return count(iClusterId, false); } @Override public long count(int iClusterId, boolean countTombstones) { final OCluster cluster = getClusterById(iClusterId); lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { return cluster.getEntries() - (countTombstones ? 0L : cluster.getTombstonesCount()); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } } public OClusterPosition[] getClusterDataRange(final int iClusterId) { final OCluster cluster = getClusterById(iClusterId); lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { return new OClusterPosition[] { cluster.getFirstPosition(), cluster.getLastPosition() }; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new OStorageException("Can not retrieve information about data range", ioe); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } } public long count(final int[] iClusterIds) { return count(iClusterIds, false); } @Override public long count(int[] iClusterIds, boolean countTombstones) { lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { long tot = 0; for (int iClusterId : iClusterIds) { if (iClusterId > -1) { final OCluster cluster = clusters.get(iClusterId); if (cluster != null) tot += cluster.getEntries() - (countTombstones ? 0L : cluster.getTombstonesCount()); } } return tot; } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } } public OCluster getClusterByName(final String iClusterName) { lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { return clusterMap.get(iClusterName.toLowerCase()); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } } public int getClusterIdByName(String iClusterName) { iClusterName = iClusterName.toLowerCase(); lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { final OCluster cluster = clusterMap.get(iClusterName.toLowerCase()); if (cluster == null) return -1; return cluster.getId(); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } } public String getClusterTypeByName(final String iClusterName) { return OClusterMemory.TYPE; } public String getPhysicalClusterNameById(final int iClusterId) { lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { for (OClusterMemory cluster : clusters) { if (cluster != null && cluster.getId() == iClusterId) return cluster.getName(); } return null; } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } } public Set<String> getClusterNames() { lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { return new HashSet<String>(clusterMap.keySet()); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } } public void commit(final OTransaction iTx, Runnable callback) { lock.acquireExclusiveLock(); try { final List<ORecordOperation> tmpEntries = new ArrayList<ORecordOperation>(); while (iTx.getCurrentRecordEntries().iterator().hasNext()) { for (ORecordOperation txEntry : iTx.getCurrentRecordEntries()) tmpEntries.add(txEntry); iTx.clearRecordEntries(); for (ORecordOperation txEntry : tmpEntries) // COMMIT ALL THE SINGLE ENTRIES ONE BY ONE commitEntry(iTx, txEntry); tmpEntries.clear(); } // UPDATE THE CACHE ONLY IF THE ITERATOR ALLOWS IT OTransactionAbstract.updateCacheFromEntries(iTx, iTx.getAllRecordEntries(), true); } catch (IOException e) { rollback(iTx); } finally { lock.releaseExclusiveLock(); } } public void rollback(final OTransaction iTx) { } public void synch() { } public boolean exists() { lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { return !clusters.isEmpty(); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } } public ODataSegmentMemory getDataSegmentById(int iDataId) { lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { if (iDataId < 0 || iDataId > dataSegments.size() - 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid data segment id " + iDataId + ". Range is 0-" + (dataSegments.size() - 1)); return dataSegments.get(iDataId); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } } public int getDataSegmentIdByName(final String iDataSegmentName) { if (iDataSegmentName == null) return 0; lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { for (ODataSegmentMemory d : dataSegments) if (d != null && d.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(iDataSegmentName)) return d.getId(); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data segment '" + iDataSegmentName + "' does not exist in storage '" + name + "'"); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } } public OCluster getClusterById(int iClusterId) { lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { if (iClusterId == ORID.CLUSTER_ID_INVALID) // GET THE DEFAULT CLUSTER iClusterId = defaultClusterId; checkClusterSegmentIndexRange(iClusterId); return clusters.get(iClusterId); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } } public int getClusters() { lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { return clusterMap.size(); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } } public Collection<? extends OCluster> getClusterInstances() { lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(clusters); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } } public int getDefaultClusterId() { return defaultClusterId; } public long getSize() { long size = 0; lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { for (ODataSegmentMemory d : dataSegments) if (d != null) size += d.getSize(); } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } return size; } @Override public boolean checkForRecordValidity(final OPhysicalPosition ppos) { if (ppos.dataSegmentId > 0) return false; lock.acquireSharedLock(); try { final ODataSegmentMemory dataSegment = getDataSegmentById(ppos.dataSegmentId); if (ppos.dataSegmentPos >= dataSegment.count()) return false; } finally { lock.releaseSharedLock(); } return true; } private void commitEntry(final OTransaction iTx, final ORecordOperation txEntry) throws IOException { final ORecordId rid = (ORecordId) txEntry.getRecord().getIdentity(); final OCluster cluster = getClusterById(rid.clusterId); rid.clusterId = cluster.getId(); if (txEntry.getRecord() instanceof OTxListener) ((OTxListener) txEntry.getRecord()).onEvent(txEntry, OTxListener.EVENT.BEFORE_COMMIT); switch (txEntry.type) { case ORecordOperation.LOADED: break; case ORecordOperation.CREATED: if (rid.isNew()) { // CHECK 2 TIMES TO ASSURE THAT IT'S A CREATE OR AN UPDATE BASED ON RECURSIVE TO-STREAM METHOD final byte[] stream = txEntry.getRecord().toStream(); if (stream == null) { OLogManager.instance().warn(this, "Null serialization on committing new record %s in transaction", rid); break; } if (rid.isNew()) { final ORecordId oldRID = rid.copy(); final OPhysicalPosition ppos = createRecord(txEntry.dataSegmentId, rid, stream, OVersionFactory.instance().createVersion(), txEntry.getRecord().getRecordType(), 0, null).getResult(); txEntry.getRecord().getRecordVersion().copyFrom(ppos.recordVersion); iTx.updateIdentityAfterCommit(oldRID, rid); } else { txEntry .getRecord() .getRecordVersion() .copyFrom( updateRecord(rid, stream, txEntry.getRecord().getRecordVersion(), txEntry.getRecord().getRecordType(), 0, null) .getResult()); } } break; case ORecordOperation.UPDATED: final byte[] stream = txEntry.getRecord().toStream(); if (stream == null) { OLogManager.instance().warn(this, "Null serialization on committing updated record %s in transaction", rid); break; } txEntry .getRecord() .getRecordVersion() .copyFrom( updateRecord(rid, stream, txEntry.getRecord().getRecordVersion(), txEntry.getRecord().getRecordType(), 0, null) .getResult()); break; case ORecordOperation.DELETED: deleteRecord(rid, txEntry.getRecord().getRecordVersion(), 0, null); break; } txEntry.getRecord().unsetDirty(); if (txEntry.getRecord() instanceof OTxListener) ((OTxListener) txEntry.getRecord()).onEvent(txEntry, OTxListener.EVENT.AFTER_COMMIT); } @Override public String getURL() { return OEngineMemory.NAME + ":" + url; } public OStorageConfigurationSegment getConfigurationSegment() { return null; } public void renameCluster(final String iOldName, final String iNewName) { final OClusterMemory cluster = (OClusterMemory) getClusterByName(iOldName); if (cluster != null) try { cluster.set(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.storage.OCluster.ATTRIBUTES.NAME, iNewName); } catch (IOException e) { } } public void setDefaultClusterId(int defaultClusterId) { this.defaultClusterId = defaultClusterId; } @Override public String getType() { return OEngineMemory.NAME; } private void checkClusterSegmentIndexRange(final int iClusterId) { if (iClusterId > clusters.size() - 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cluster segment #" + iClusterId + " does not exist in database '" + name + "'"); } }
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public class OSyncCommandResultListener extends OAbstractCommandResultListener { @Override public boolean result(final Object iRecord) { fetchRecord(iRecord); return true; } public boolean isEmpty() { return false; } }
1no label
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public class ODocument extends ORecordSchemaAwareAbstract<Object> implements Iterable<Entry<String, Object>>, ODetachable, Externalizable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static final byte RECORD_TYPE = 'd'; protected Map<String, Object> _fieldValues; protected Map<String, Object> _fieldOriginalValues; protected Map<String, OType> _fieldTypes; protected Map<String, OSimpleMultiValueChangeListener<String, Object>> _fieldChangeListeners; protected Map<String, OMultiValueChangeTimeLine<String, Object>> _fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines; protected boolean _trackingChanges = true; protected boolean _ordered = true; protected boolean _lazyLoad = true; protected boolean _allowChainedAccess = true; protected transient List<WeakReference<ORecordElement>> _owners = null; protected static final String[] EMPTY_STRINGS = new String[] {}; /** * Internal constructor used on unmarshalling. */ public ODocument() { setup(); } /** * Creates a new instance by the raw stream usually read from the database. New instances are not persistent until {@link #save()} * is called. * * @param iSource * Raw stream */ public ODocument(final byte[] iSource) { _source = iSource; setup(); } /** * Creates a new instance by the raw stream usually read from the database. New instances are not persistent until {@link #save()} * is called. * * @param iSource * Raw stream as InputStream */ public ODocument(final InputStream iSource) throws IOException { final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OIOUtils.copyStream(iSource, out, -1); _source = out.toByteArray(); setup(); } /** * Creates a new instance in memory linked by the Record Id to the persistent one. New instances are not persistent until * {@link #save()} is called. * * @param iRID * Record Id */ public ODocument(final ORID iRID) { setup(); _recordId = (ORecordId) iRID; _status = STATUS.NOT_LOADED; _dirty = false; } /** * Creates a new instance in memory of the specified class, linked by the Record Id to the persistent one. New instances are not * persistent until {@link #save()} is called. * * @param iClassName * Class name * @param iRID * Record Id */ public ODocument(final String iClassName, final ORID iRID) { this(iClassName); _recordId = (ORecordId) iRID; _dirty = false; _status = STATUS.NOT_LOADED; } /** * Creates a new instance in memory of the specified class. New instances are not persistent until {@link #save()} is called. * * @param iClassName * Class name */ public ODocument(final String iClassName) { setClassName(iClassName); setup(); } /** * Creates a new instance in memory of the specified schema class. New instances are not persistent until {@link #save()} is * called. The database reference is taken from the thread local. * * @param iClass * OClass instance */ public ODocument(final OClass iClass) { setup(); _clazz = iClass; } /** * Fills a document passing the field array in form of pairs of field name and value. * * @param iFields * Array of field pairs */ public ODocument(final Object[] iFields) { setup(); if (iFields != null && iFields.length > 0) for (int i = 0; i < iFields.length; i += 2) { field(iFields[i].toString(), iFields[i + 1]); } } /** * Fills a document passing a map of key/values where the key is the field name and the value the field's value. * * @param iFieldMap * Map of Object/Object */ public ODocument(final Map<? extends Object, Object> iFieldMap) { setup(); if (iFieldMap != null && !iFieldMap.isEmpty()) for (Entry<? extends Object, Object> entry : iFieldMap.entrySet()) { field(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue()); } } /** * Fills a document passing the field names/values pair, where the first pair is mandatory. */ public ODocument(final String iFieldName, final Object iFieldValue, final Object... iFields) { this(iFields); field(iFieldName, iFieldValue); } /** * Copies the current instance to a new one. Hasn't been choose the clone() to let ODocument return type. Once copied the new * instance has the same identity and values but all the internal structure are totally independent by the source. */ public ODocument copy() { return (ODocument) copyTo(new ODocument()); } /** * Copies all the fields into iDestination document. */ @Override public ORecordAbstract<Object> copyTo(final ORecordAbstract<Object> iDestination) { // TODO: REMOVE THIS checkForFields(); ODocument destination = (ODocument) iDestination; super.copyTo(iDestination); destination._ordered = _ordered; destination._clazz = _clazz; destination._trackingChanges = _trackingChanges; if (_owners != null) destination._owners = new ArrayList<WeakReference<ORecordElement>>(_owners); if (_fieldValues != null) { destination._fieldValues = _fieldValues instanceof LinkedHashMap ? new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>() : new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : _fieldValues.entrySet()) ODocumentHelper.copyFieldValue(destination, entry); } if (_fieldTypes != null) destination._fieldTypes = new HashMap<String, OType>(_fieldTypes); destination._fieldChangeListeners = null; destination._fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines = null; destination._fieldOriginalValues = null; destination.addAllMultiValueChangeListeners(); destination._dirty = _dirty; // LEAVE IT AS LAST TO AVOID SOMETHING SET THE FLAG TO TRUE return destination; } @Override public ODocument flatCopy() { if (isDirty()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot execute a flat copy of a dirty record"); final ODocument cloned = new ODocument(); cloned.setOrdered(_ordered); cloned.fill(_recordId, _recordVersion, _source, false); return cloned; } /** * Returns an empty record as place-holder of the current. Used when a record is requested, but only the identity is needed. * * @return */ public ORecord<?> placeholder() { final ODocument cloned = new ODocument(); cloned._source = null; cloned._recordId = _recordId.copy(); cloned._status = STATUS.NOT_LOADED; cloned._dirty = false; return cloned; } /** * Detaches all the connected records. If new records are linked to the document the detaching cannot be completed and false will * be returned. * * @return true if the record has been detached, otherwise false */ public boolean detach() { boolean fullyDetached = true; if (_fieldValues != null) { Object fieldValue; for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : _fieldValues.entrySet()) { fieldValue = entry.getValue(); if (fieldValue instanceof ORecord<?>) if (((ORecord<?>) fieldValue).getIdentity().isNew()) fullyDetached = false; else _fieldValues.put(entry.getKey(), ((ORecord<?>) fieldValue).getIdentity()); if (fieldValue instanceof ODetachable) { if (!((ODetachable) fieldValue).detach()) fullyDetached = false; } } } return fullyDetached; } /** * Loads the record using a fetch plan. Example: * <p> * <code>doc.load( "*:3" ); // LOAD THE DOCUMENT BY EARLY FETCHING UP TO 3rd LEVEL OF CONNECTIONS</code> * </p> * * @param iFetchPlan * Fetch plan to use */ public ODocument load(final String iFetchPlan) { return load(iFetchPlan, false); } /** * Loads the record using a fetch plan. Example: * <p> * <code>doc.load( "*:3", true ); // LOAD THE DOCUMENT BY EARLY FETCHING UP TO 3rd LEVEL OF CONNECTIONS IGNORING THE CACHE</code> * </p> * * @param iIgnoreCache * Ignore the cache or use it */ public ODocument load(final String iFetchPlan, boolean iIgnoreCache) { Object result = null; try { result = getDatabase().load(this, iFetchPlan, iIgnoreCache); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ORecordNotFoundException("The record with id '" + getIdentity() + "' was not found", e); } if (result == null) throw new ORecordNotFoundException("The record with id '" + getIdentity() + "' was not found"); return (ODocument) result; } public ODocument load(final String iFetchPlan, boolean iIgnoreCache, boolean loadTombstone) { Object result = null; try { result = getDatabase().load(this, iFetchPlan, iIgnoreCache, loadTombstone); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ORecordNotFoundException("The record with id '" + getIdentity() + "' was not found", e); } if (result == null) throw new ORecordNotFoundException("The record with id '" + getIdentity() + "' was not found"); return (ODocument) result; } @Override public ODocument reload(String iFetchPlan, boolean iIgnoreCache) { super.reload(iFetchPlan, iIgnoreCache); if (!_lazyLoad) { checkForFields(); checkForLoading(); } return this; } public boolean hasSameContentOf(final ODocument iOther) { final ODatabaseRecord currentDb = ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.getIfDefined(); return ODocumentHelper.hasSameContentOf(this, currentDb, iOther, currentDb, null); } @Override public byte[] toStream() { if (_recordFormat == null) setup(); return super.toStream(); } /** * Dumps the instance as string. */ @Override public String toString() { final boolean saveDirtyStatus = _dirty; final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); try { checkForFields(); if (_clazz != null) buffer.append(_clazz.getStreamableName()); if (_recordId != null) { if (_recordId.isValid()) buffer.append(_recordId); } boolean first = true; ORecord<?> record; for (Entry<String, Object> f : _fieldValues.entrySet()) { buffer.append(first ? '{' : ','); buffer.append(f.getKey()); buffer.append(':'); if (f.getValue() instanceof Collection<?>) { buffer.append('['); buffer.append(((Collection<?>) f.getValue()).size()); buffer.append(']'); } else if (f.getValue() instanceof ORecord<?>) { record = (ORecord<?>) f.getValue(); if (record.getIdentity().isValid()) record.getIdentity().toString(buffer); else buffer.append(record.toString()); } else buffer.append(f.getValue()); if (first) first = false; } if (!first) buffer.append('}'); if (_recordId != null && _recordId.isValid()) { buffer.append(" v"); buffer.append(_recordVersion); } } finally { _dirty = saveDirtyStatus; } return buffer.toString(); } /** * Fills the ODocument directly with the string representation of the document itself. Use it for faster insertion but pay * attention to respect the OrientDB record format. * <p> * <code> * record.reset();<br/> * record.setClassName("Account");<br/> * record.fromString(new String("Account@id:" + data.getCyclesDone() + ",name:'Luca',surname:'Garulli',birthDate:" + date.getTime()<br/> * + ",salary:" + 3000f + i));<br/> * record.save();<br/> * </code> * </p> * * @param iValue */ public void fromString(final String iValue) { _dirty = true; _source = OBinaryProtocol.string2bytes(iValue); removeAllCollectionChangeListeners(); _fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines = null; _fieldOriginalValues = null; _fieldTypes = null; _fieldValues = null; } /** * Returns the set of field names. */ public String[] fieldNames() { checkForLoading(); checkForFields(); if (_fieldValues == null || _fieldValues.size() == 0) return EMPTY_STRINGS; return _fieldValues.keySet().toArray(new String[_fieldValues.size()]); } /** * Returns the array of field values. */ public Object[] fieldValues() { checkForLoading(); checkForFields(); return _fieldValues.values().toArray(new Object[_fieldValues.size()]); } public <RET> RET rawField(final String iFieldName) { if (iFieldName == null || iFieldName.length() == 0) return null; checkForLoading(); if (!checkForFields(iFieldName)) // NO FIELDS return null; // OPTIMIZATION if (iFieldName.charAt(0) != '@' && OStringSerializerHelper.indexOf(iFieldName, 0, '.', '[') == -1) return (RET) _fieldValues.get(iFieldName); // NOT FOUND, PARSE THE FIELD NAME return (RET) ODocumentHelper.getFieldValue(this, iFieldName); } /** * Reads the field value. * * @param iFieldName * field name * @return field value if defined, otherwise null */ public <RET> RET field(final String iFieldName) { RET value = this.<RET> rawField(iFieldName); final OType t = fieldType(iFieldName); if (_lazyLoad && value instanceof ORID && t != OType.LINK && ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.isDefined()) { // CREATE THE DOCUMENT OBJECT IN LAZY WAY value = (RET) getDatabase().load((ORID) value); if (!iFieldName.contains(".")) { removeCollectionChangeListener(iFieldName); removeCollectionTimeLine(iFieldName); _fieldValues.put(iFieldName, value); addCollectionChangeListener(iFieldName, value); } } // CHECK FOR CONVERSION if (t != null) { Object newValue = null; if (t == OType.BINARY && value instanceof String) newValue = OStringSerializerHelper.getBinaryContent(value); else if (t == OType.DATE && value instanceof Long) newValue = (RET) new Date(((Long) value).longValue()); else if ((t == OType.EMBEDDEDSET || t == OType.LINKSET) && value instanceof List) // CONVERT LIST TO SET newValue = (RET) ODocumentHelper.convertField(this, iFieldName, Set.class, value); else if ((t == OType.EMBEDDEDLIST || t == OType.LINKLIST) && value instanceof Set) // CONVERT SET TO LIST newValue = (RET) ODocumentHelper.convertField(this, iFieldName, List.class, value); if (newValue != null) { // VALUE CHANGED: SET THE NEW ONE removeCollectionChangeListener(iFieldName); removeCollectionTimeLine(iFieldName); _fieldValues.put(iFieldName, newValue); addCollectionChangeListener(iFieldName, newValue); value = (RET) newValue; } } return value; } /** * Reads the field value forcing the return type. Use this method to force return of ORID instead of the entire document by * passing ORID.class as iFieldType. * * @param iFieldName * field name * @param iFieldType * Forced type. * @return field value if defined, otherwise null */ public <RET> RET field(final String iFieldName, final Class<?> iFieldType) { RET value = this.<RET> rawField(iFieldName); if (value != null) value = (RET) ODocumentHelper.convertField(this, iFieldName, iFieldType, value); return value; } /** * Reads the field value forcing the return type. Use this method to force return of binary data. * * @param iFieldName * field name * @param iFieldType * Forced type. * @return field value if defined, otherwise null */ public <RET> RET field(final String iFieldName, final OType iFieldType) { setFieldType(iFieldName, iFieldType); return (RET) field(iFieldName); } /** * Writes the field value. This method sets the current document as dirty. * * @param iFieldName * field name. If contains dots (.) the change is applied to the nested documents in chain. To disable this feature call * {@link #setAllowChainedAccess(boolean)} to false. * @param iPropertyValue * field value * @return The Record instance itself giving a "fluent interface". Useful to call multiple methods in chain. */ public ODocument field(final String iFieldName, Object iPropertyValue) { return field(iFieldName, iPropertyValue, null); } /** * Fills a document passing the field names/values. */ public ODocument fields(final String iFieldName, final Object iFieldValue, final Object... iFields) { if (iFields != null && iFields.length % 2 != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Fields must be passed in pairs as name and value"); field(iFieldName, iFieldValue); if (iFields != null && iFields.length > 0) for (int i = 0; i < iFields.length; i += 2) { field(iFields[i].toString(), iFields[i + 1]); } return this; } /** * Fills a document passing the field names/values as a Map<String,Object> where the keys are the field names and the values are * the field values. */ public ODocument fields(final Map<String, Object> iMap) { if (iMap != null) { for (Entry<String, Object> entry : iMap.entrySet()) field(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return this; } /** * Writes the field value forcing the type. This method sets the current document as dirty. * * @param iFieldName * field name. If contains dots (.) the change is applied to the nested documents in chain. To disable this feature call * {@link #setAllowChainedAccess(boolean)} to false. * @param iPropertyValue * field value * @param iFieldType * Forced type (not auto-determined) * @return The Record instance itself giving a "fluent interface". Useful to call multiple methods in chain. If the updated * document is another document (using the dot (.) notation) then the document returned is the changed one or NULL if no * document has been found in chain */ public ODocument field(String iFieldName, Object iPropertyValue, OType iFieldType) { if ("@class".equals(iFieldName)) { setClassName(iPropertyValue.toString()); return this; } else if ("@rid".equals(iFieldName)) { _recordId.fromString(iPropertyValue.toString()); return this; } final int lastSep = _allowChainedAccess ? iFieldName.lastIndexOf('.') : -1; if (lastSep > -1) { // SUB PROPERTY GET 1 LEVEL BEFORE LAST final Object subObject = field(iFieldName.substring(0, lastSep)); if (subObject != null) { final String subFieldName = iFieldName.substring(lastSep + 1); if (subObject instanceof ODocument) { // SUB-DOCUMENT ((ODocument) subObject).field(subFieldName, iPropertyValue); return (ODocument) (((ODocument) subObject).isEmbedded() ? this : subObject); } else if (subObject instanceof Map<?, ?>) // KEY/VALUE ((Map<String, Object>) subObject).put(subFieldName, iPropertyValue); else if (OMultiValue.isMultiValue(subObject)) { // APPLY CHANGE TO ALL THE ITEM IN SUB-COLLECTION for (Object subObjectItem : OMultiValue.getMultiValueIterable(subObject)) { if (subObjectItem instanceof ODocument) { // SUB-DOCUMENT, CHECK IF IT'S NOT LINKED if (!((ODocument) subObjectItem).isEmbedded()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property '" + iFieldName + "' points to linked collection of items. You can only change embedded documents in this way"); ((ODocument) subObjectItem).field(subFieldName, iPropertyValue); } else if (subObjectItem instanceof Map<?, ?>) { // KEY/VALUE ((Map<String, Object>) subObjectItem).put(subFieldName, iPropertyValue); } } return this; } } return null; } iFieldName = checkFieldName(iFieldName); checkForLoading(); checkForFields(); final boolean knownProperty = _fieldValues.containsKey(iFieldName); final Object oldValue = _fieldValues.get(iFieldName); if (knownProperty) // CHECK IF IS REALLY CHANGED if (iPropertyValue == null) { if (oldValue == null) // BOTH NULL: UNCHANGED return this; } else { try { if (iPropertyValue.equals(oldValue)) { if (!(iPropertyValue instanceof ORecordElement)) // SAME BUT NOT TRACKABLE: SET THE RECORD AS DIRTY TO BE SURE IT'S SAVED setDirty(); // SAVE VALUE: UNCHANGED return this; } if (OType.isSimpleType(iPropertyValue) && iPropertyValue.equals(oldValue)) // SAVE VALUE: UNCHANGED return this; } catch (Exception e) { OLogManager.instance().warn(this, "Error on checking the value of property %s against the record %s", e, iFieldName, getIdentity()); } } setFieldType(iFieldName, iFieldType); if (iFieldType == null && _clazz != null) { // SCHEMAFULL? final OProperty prop = _clazz.getProperty(iFieldName); if (prop != null) iFieldType = prop.getType(); } if (iPropertyValue != null) // CHECK FOR CONVERSION if (iFieldType != null) iPropertyValue = ODocumentHelper.convertField(this, iFieldName, iFieldType.getDefaultJavaType(), iPropertyValue); else if (iPropertyValue instanceof Enum) iPropertyValue = iPropertyValue.toString(); removeCollectionChangeListener(iFieldName); removeCollectionTimeLine(iFieldName); _fieldValues.put(iFieldName, iPropertyValue); addCollectionChangeListener(iFieldName, iPropertyValue); if (_status != STATUS.UNMARSHALLING) { setDirty(); if (_trackingChanges && _recordId.isValid()) { // SAVE THE OLD VALUE IN A SEPARATE MAP ONLY IF TRACKING IS ACTIVE AND THE RECORD IS NOT NEW if (_fieldOriginalValues == null) _fieldOriginalValues = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // INSERT IT ONLY IF NOT EXISTS TO AVOID LOOSE OF THE ORIGINAL VALUE (FUNDAMENTAL FOR INDEX HOOK) if (!_fieldOriginalValues.containsKey(iFieldName)) _fieldOriginalValues.put(iFieldName, oldValue); } } return this; } /** * Removes a field. */ public Object removeField(final String iFieldName) { checkForLoading(); checkForFields(); final boolean knownProperty = _fieldValues.containsKey(iFieldName); final Object oldValue = _fieldValues.get(iFieldName); if (knownProperty && _trackingChanges) { // SAVE THE OLD VALUE IN A SEPARATE MAP if (_fieldOriginalValues == null) _fieldOriginalValues = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // INSERT IT ONLY IF NOT EXISTS TO AVOID LOOSE OF THE ORIGINAL VALUE (FUNDAMENTAL FOR INDEX HOOK) if (!_fieldOriginalValues.containsKey(iFieldName)) { _fieldOriginalValues.put(iFieldName, oldValue); } } removeCollectionTimeLine(iFieldName); removeCollectionChangeListener(iFieldName); _fieldValues.remove(iFieldName); _source = null; setDirty(); return oldValue; } /** * Merge current document with the document passed as parameter. If the field already exists then the conflicts are managed based * on the value of the parameter 'iConflictsOtherWins'. * * @param iOther * Other ODocument instance to merge * @param iUpdateOnlyMode * if true, the other document properties will always be added or overwritten. If false, the missed properties in the * "other" document will be removed by original document * @param iMergeSingleItemsOfMultiValueFields * * @return */ public ODocument merge(final ODocument iOther, boolean iUpdateOnlyMode, boolean iMergeSingleItemsOfMultiValueFields) { iOther.checkForLoading(); iOther.checkForFields(); if (_clazz == null && iOther.getSchemaClass() != null) _clazz = iOther.getSchemaClass(); return merge(iOther._fieldValues, iUpdateOnlyMode, iMergeSingleItemsOfMultiValueFields); } /** * Merge current document with the document passed as parameter. If the field already exists then the conflicts are managed based * on the value of the parameter 'iConflictsOtherWins'. * * @param iOther * Other ODocument instance to merge * @param iUpdateOnlyMode * if true, the other document properties will always be added or overwritten. If false, the missed properties in the * "other" document will be removed by original document * @param iMergeSingleItemsOfMultiValueFields * * @return */ public ODocument merge(final Map<String, Object> iOther, final boolean iUpdateOnlyMode, boolean iMergeSingleItemsOfMultiValueFields) { checkForLoading(); checkForFields(); _source = null; for (String f : iOther.keySet()) { if (containsField(f) && iMergeSingleItemsOfMultiValueFields) { Object field = field(f); if (field instanceof Map<?, ?>) { final Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) field; final Map<String, Object> otherMap = (Map<String, Object>) iOther.get(f); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : otherMap.entrySet()) { map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } continue; } else if (field instanceof Collection<?>) { final Collection<Object> coll = (Collection<Object>) field; final Collection<Object> otherColl = (Collection<Object>) iOther.get(f); for (Object item : otherColl) { if (coll.contains(item)) // REMOVE PREVIOUS ITEM BECAUSE THIS COULD BE UPDATED INSIDE OF IT coll.remove(item); coll.add(item); } // JUMP RAW REPLACE continue; } } // RESET THE FIELD TYPE setFieldType(f, null); // RAW SET/REPLACE field(f, iOther.get(f)); } if (!iUpdateOnlyMode) { // REMOVE PROPERTIES NOT FOUND IN OTHER DOC for (String f : fieldNames()) if (!iOther.containsKey(f)) removeField(f); } return this; } /** * Returns list of changed fields. There are two types of changes: * <ol> * <li>Value of field itself was changed by calling of {@link #field(String, Object)} method for example.</li> * <li>Internal state of field was changed but was not saved. This case currently is applicable for for collections only.</li> * </ol> * * @return List of fields, values of which were changed. */ public String[] getDirtyFields() { if ((_fieldOriginalValues == null || _fieldOriginalValues.isEmpty()) && (_fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines == null || _fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines.isEmpty())) return EMPTY_STRINGS; final Set<String> dirtyFields = new HashSet<String>(); if (_fieldOriginalValues != null) dirtyFields.addAll(_fieldOriginalValues.keySet()); if (_fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines != null) dirtyFields.addAll(_fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines.keySet()); return dirtyFields.toArray(new String[dirtyFields.size()]); } /** * Returns the original value of a field before it has been changed. * * @param iFieldName * Property name to retrieve the original value */ public Object getOriginalValue(final String iFieldName) { return _fieldOriginalValues != null ? _fieldOriginalValues.get(iFieldName) : null; } public OMultiValueChangeTimeLine<String, Object> getCollectionTimeLine(final String iFieldName) { return _fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines != null ? _fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines.get(iFieldName) : null; } /** * Returns the iterator fields */ public Iterator<Entry<String, Object>> iterator() { checkForLoading(); checkForFields(); if (_fieldValues == null) return OEmptyIterator.INSTANCE; final Iterator<Entry<String, Object>> iterator = _fieldValues.entrySet().iterator(); return new Iterator<Entry<String, Object>>() { private Entry<String, Object> current; public boolean hasNext() { return iterator.hasNext(); } public Entry<String, Object> next() { current = iterator.next(); return current; } public void remove() { iterator.remove(); if (_trackingChanges) { // SAVE THE OLD VALUE IN A SEPARATE MAP if (_fieldOriginalValues == null) _fieldOriginalValues = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // INSERT IT ONLY IF NOT EXISTS TO AVOID LOOSE OF THE ORIGINAL VALUE (FUNDAMENTAL FOR INDEX HOOK) if (!_fieldOriginalValues.containsKey(current.getKey())) { _fieldOriginalValues.put(current.getKey(), current.getValue()); } } removeCollectionChangeListener(current.getKey()); removeCollectionTimeLine(current.getKey()); } }; } /** * Checks if a field exists. * * @return True if exists, otherwise false. */ public boolean containsField(final String iFieldName) { if (iFieldName == null) return false; checkForLoading(); checkForFields(iFieldName); return _fieldValues.containsKey(iFieldName); } /** * Internal. */ public byte getRecordType() { return RECORD_TYPE; } /** * Returns true if the record has some owner. */ public boolean hasOwners() { return _owners != null && !_owners.isEmpty(); } /** * Internal. * * @return */ public ODocument addOwner(final ORecordElement iOwner) { if (_owners == null) _owners = new ArrayList<WeakReference<ORecordElement>>(); this._owners.add(new WeakReference<ORecordElement>(iOwner)); return this; } public Iterable<ORecordElement> getOwners() { if (_owners == null) return Collections.emptyList(); final List<ORecordElement> result = new ArrayList<ORecordElement>(); for (WeakReference<ORecordElement> o : _owners) result.add(o.get()); return result; } public ODocument removeOwner(final ORecordElement iRecordElement) { if (_owners != null) { // PROPAGATES TO THE OWNER ORecordElement e; for (int i = 0; i < _owners.size(); ++i) { e = _owners.get(i).get(); if (e == iRecordElement) { _owners.remove(i); break; } } } return this; } /** * Propagates the dirty status to the owner, if any. This happens when the object is embedded in another one. */ @Override public ORecordAbstract<Object> setDirty() { if (_owners != null) { // PROPAGATES TO THE OWNER ORecordElement e; for (WeakReference<ORecordElement> o : _owners) { e = o.get(); if (e != null) e.setDirty(); } } // THIS IS IMPORTANT TO BE SURE THAT FIELDS ARE LOADED BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE AND THE RECORD _SOURCE IS NULL checkForFields(); return super.setDirty(); } @Override public void onBeforeIdentityChanged(final ORID iRID) { if (_owners != null) { final List<WeakReference<ORecordElement>> temp = new ArrayList<WeakReference<ORecordElement>>(_owners); ORecordElement e; for (WeakReference<ORecordElement> o : temp) { e = o.get(); if (e != null) e.onBeforeIdentityChanged(iRID); } } } @Override public void onAfterIdentityChanged(final ORecord<?> iRecord) { super.onAfterIdentityChanged(iRecord); if (_owners != null) { final List<WeakReference<ORecordElement>> temp = new ArrayList<WeakReference<ORecordElement>>(_owners); ORecordElement e; for (WeakReference<ORecordElement> o : temp) { e = o.get(); if (e != null) e.onAfterIdentityChanged(iRecord); } } } @Override public ODocument fromStream(final byte[] iRecordBuffer) { removeAllCollectionChangeListeners(); _fieldValues = null; _fieldTypes = null; _fieldOriginalValues = null; _fieldChangeListeners = null; _fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines = null; super.fromStream(iRecordBuffer); if (!_lazyLoad) { checkForFields(); checkForLoading(); } return (ODocument) this; } /** * Returns the forced field type if any. * * @param iFieldName */ public OType fieldType(final String iFieldName) { return _fieldTypes != null ? _fieldTypes.get(iFieldName) : null; } @Override public ODocument unload() { super.unload(); internalReset(); return this; } /** * Clears all the field values and types. */ @Override public ODocument clear() { super.clear(); internalReset(); _owners = null; return this; } /** * Resets the record values and class type to being reused. This can be used only if no transactions are begun. */ @Override public ODocument reset() { ODatabaseRecord db = ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.getIfDefined(); if (db != null && db.getTransaction().isActive()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot reset documents during a transaction. Create a new one each time"); super.reset(); internalReset(); if (_fieldOriginalValues != null) _fieldOriginalValues.clear(); _owners = null; return this; } protected void internalReset() { removeAllCollectionChangeListeners(); if (_fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines != null) _fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines.clear(); if (_fieldValues != null) _fieldValues.clear(); } /** * Rollbacks changes to the loaded version without reloading the document. Works only if tracking changes is enabled @see * {@link #isTrackingChanges()} and {@link #setTrackingChanges(boolean)} methods. */ public ODocument undo() { if (!_trackingChanges) throw new OConfigurationException("Cannot undo the document because tracking of changes is disabled"); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : _fieldOriginalValues.entrySet()) { final Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value == null) _fieldValues.remove(entry.getKey()); else _fieldValues.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return this; } public boolean isLazyLoad() { return _lazyLoad; } public void setLazyLoad(final boolean iLazyLoad) { this._lazyLoad = iLazyLoad; if (_fieldValues != null) { // PROPAGATE LAZINESS TO THE FIELDS for (Entry<String, Object> field : _fieldValues.entrySet()) { if (field.getValue() instanceof ORecordLazyMultiValue) ((ORecordLazyMultiValue) field.getValue()).setAutoConvertToRecord(false); } } } public boolean isTrackingChanges() { return _trackingChanges; } /** * Enabled or disabled the tracking of changes in the document. This is needed by some triggers like * {@link com.orientechnologies.orient.core.index.OClassIndexManager} to determine what fields are changed to update indexes. * * @param iTrackingChanges * True to enable it, otherwise false * @return */ public ODocument setTrackingChanges(final boolean iTrackingChanges) { this._trackingChanges = iTrackingChanges; if (!iTrackingChanges) { // FREE RESOURCES this._fieldOriginalValues = null; removeAllCollectionChangeListeners(); _fieldChangeListeners = null; _fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines = null; } else { addAllMultiValueChangeListeners(); } return this; } public boolean isOrdered() { return _ordered; } public ODocument setOrdered(final boolean iOrdered) { this._ordered = iOrdered; return this; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!super.equals(obj)) return false; return this == obj || _recordId.isValid(); } /** * Returns the number of fields in memory. */ public int fields() { return _fieldValues == null ? 0 : _fieldValues.size(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return _fieldValues == null || _fieldValues.isEmpty(); } public boolean isEmbedded() { return _owners != null && !_owners.isEmpty(); } @Override protected boolean checkForFields(final String... iFields) { if (_fieldValues == null) _fieldValues = _ordered ? new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>() : new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (_status == ORecordElement.STATUS.LOADED && _source != null) // POPULATE FIELDS LAZY return deserializeFields(iFields); return true; } /** * Internal. */ @Override protected void setup() { super.setup(); _recordFormat = ORecordSerializerFactory.instance().getFormat(ORecordSerializerSchemaAware2CSV.NAME); } /** * Sets the field type. This overrides the schema property settings if any. * * @param iFieldName * Field name * @param iFieldType * Type to set between OType enumaration values */ public ODocument setFieldType(final String iFieldName, final OType iFieldType) { if (iFieldType != null) { // SET THE FORCED TYPE if (_fieldTypes == null) _fieldTypes = new HashMap<String, OType>(); _fieldTypes.put(iFieldName, iFieldType); } else if (_fieldTypes != null) { // REMOVE THE FIELD TYPE _fieldTypes.remove(iFieldName); if (_fieldTypes.size() == 0) // EMPTY: OPTIMIZE IT BY REMOVING THE ENTIRE MAP _fieldTypes = null; } return this; } @Override public ODocument save() { return save(false); } @Override public ODocument save(final String iClusterName) { return save(iClusterName, false); } @Override public ODocument save(boolean forceCreate) { if (_clazz != null) return save(getDatabase().getClusterNameById(_clazz.getDefaultClusterId()), forceCreate); convertAllMultiValuesToTrackedVersions(); validate(); return (ODocument) super.save(forceCreate); } @Override public ODocument save(final String iClusterName, boolean forceCreate) { convertAllMultiValuesToTrackedVersions(); validate(); return (ODocument) super.save(iClusterName, forceCreate); } /* * Initializes the object if has been unserialized */ @Override public boolean deserializeFields(final String... iFields) { if (_source == null) // ALREADY UNMARSHALLED OR JUST EMPTY return true; if (iFields != null && iFields.length > 0) { // EXTRACT REAL FIELD NAMES for (int i = 0; i < iFields.length; ++i) { final String f = iFields[i]; if (!f.startsWith("@")) { int pos1 = f.indexOf('['); int pos2 = f.indexOf('.'); if (pos1 > -1 || pos2 > -1) { int pos = pos1 > -1 ? pos1 : pos2; if (pos2 > -1 && pos2 < pos) pos = pos2; // REPLACE THE FIELD NAME iFields[i] = f.substring(0, pos); } } } // CHECK IF HAS BEEN ALREADY UNMARSHALLED if (_fieldValues != null && !_fieldValues.isEmpty()) { boolean allFound = true; for (String f : iFields) if (!f.startsWith("@") && !_fieldValues.containsKey(f)) { allFound = false; break; } if (allFound) // ALL THE REQUESTED FIELDS HAVE BEEN LOADED BEFORE AND AVAILABLES, AVOID UNMARSHALLIGN return true; } } if (_recordFormat == null) setup(); super.deserializeFields(iFields); if (iFields != null && iFields.length > 0) { if (iFields[0].startsWith("@")) // ATTRIBUTE return true; // PARTIAL UNMARSHALLING if (_fieldValues != null && !_fieldValues.isEmpty()) for (String f : iFields) if (_fieldValues.containsKey(f)) return true; // NO FIELDS FOUND return false; } else if (_source != null) // FULL UNMARSHALLING _source = null; return true; } protected String checkFieldName(final String iFieldName) { final Character c = OSchemaShared.checkNameIfValid(iFieldName); if (c != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid field name '" + iFieldName + "'. Character '" + c + "' is invalid"); return iFieldName; } private void addCollectionChangeListener(final String fieldName) { final Object fieldValue = _fieldValues.get(fieldName); addCollectionChangeListener(fieldName, fieldValue); } private void addCollectionChangeListener(final String fieldName, final Object fieldValue) { OType fieldType = fieldType(fieldName); if (fieldType == null && _clazz != null) { final OProperty prop = _clazz.getProperty(fieldName); fieldType = prop != null ? prop.getType() : null; } if (fieldType == null || !(OType.EMBEDDEDLIST.equals(fieldType) || OType.EMBEDDEDMAP.equals(fieldType) || OType.EMBEDDEDSET.equals(fieldType) || OType.LINKSET.equals(fieldType) || OType.LINKLIST.equals(fieldType) || OType.LINKMAP.equals(fieldType))) return; if (!(fieldValue instanceof OTrackedMultiValue)) return; final OTrackedMultiValue<String, Object> multiValue = (OTrackedMultiValue<String, Object>) fieldValue; if (_fieldChangeListeners == null) _fieldChangeListeners = new HashMap<String, OSimpleMultiValueChangeListener<String, Object>>(); if (!_fieldChangeListeners.containsKey(fieldName)) { final OSimpleMultiValueChangeListener<String, Object> listener = new OSimpleMultiValueChangeListener<String, Object>( fieldName); multiValue.addChangeListener(listener); _fieldChangeListeners.put(fieldName, listener); } } private void removeAllCollectionChangeListeners() { if (_fieldValues == null) return; for (final String fieldName : _fieldValues.keySet()) { removeCollectionChangeListener(fieldName); } _fieldChangeListeners = null; } private void addAllMultiValueChangeListeners() { if (_fieldValues == null) return; for (final String fieldName : _fieldValues.keySet()) { addCollectionChangeListener(fieldName); } } private void removeCollectionChangeListener(final String fieldName) { if (_fieldChangeListeners == null) return; final OMultiValueChangeListener<String, Object> changeListener = _fieldChangeListeners.remove(fieldName); final Object fieldValue; if (_fieldValues == null) return; fieldValue = _fieldValues.get(fieldName); if (!(fieldValue instanceof OTrackedMultiValue)) return; if (changeListener != null) { final OTrackedMultiValue<String, Object> multiValue = (OTrackedMultiValue<String, Object>) fieldValue; multiValue.removeRecordChangeListener(changeListener); } } private void removeCollectionTimeLine(final String fieldName) { if (_fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines == null) return; _fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines.remove(fieldName); } /** * Converts all non-tracked collections implementations contained in document fields to tracked ones. * * @see OTrackedMultiValue */ public void convertAllMultiValuesToTrackedVersions() { if (_fieldValues == null) return; final Map<String, Object> fieldsToUpdate = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> fieldEntry : _fieldValues.entrySet()) { final Object fieldValue = fieldEntry.getValue(); OType fieldType = fieldType(fieldEntry.getKey()); if (fieldType == null && _clazz != null) { final OProperty prop = _clazz.getProperty(fieldEntry.getKey()); fieldType = prop != null ? prop.getType() : null; } if (fieldType == null || !(OType.EMBEDDEDLIST.equals(fieldType) || OType.EMBEDDEDMAP.equals(fieldType) || OType.EMBEDDEDSET.equals(fieldType) || OType.LINKSET.equals(fieldType) || OType.LINKLIST.equals(fieldType) || OType.LINKMAP.equals(fieldType))) continue; if (fieldValue instanceof List && fieldType.equals(OType.EMBEDDEDLIST) && !(fieldValue instanceof OTrackedMultiValue)) fieldsToUpdate.put(fieldEntry.getKey(), new OTrackedList<Object>(this, (List<?>) fieldValue, null)); else if (fieldValue instanceof Set && fieldType.equals(OType.EMBEDDEDSET) && !(fieldValue instanceof OTrackedMultiValue)) fieldsToUpdate.put(fieldEntry.getKey(), new OTrackedSet<Object>(this, (Set<OIdentifiable>) fieldValue, null)); else if (fieldValue instanceof Map && fieldType.equals(OType.EMBEDDEDMAP) && !(fieldValue instanceof OTrackedMultiValue)) fieldsToUpdate .put(fieldEntry.getKey(), new OTrackedMap<OIdentifiable>(this, (Map<Object, OIdentifiable>) fieldValue, null)); else if (fieldValue instanceof Set && fieldType.equals(OType.LINKSET) && !(fieldValue instanceof OTrackedMultiValue)) fieldsToUpdate.put(fieldEntry.getKey(), new ORecordLazySet(this, (Collection<OIdentifiable>) fieldValue)); else if (fieldValue instanceof List && fieldType.equals(OType.LINKLIST) && !(fieldValue instanceof OTrackedMultiValue)) fieldsToUpdate.put(fieldEntry.getKey(), new ORecordLazyList(this, (List<OIdentifiable>) fieldValue)); else if (fieldValue instanceof Map && fieldType.equals(OType.LINKMAP) && !(fieldValue instanceof OTrackedMultiValue)) fieldsToUpdate.put(fieldEntry.getKey(), new ORecordLazyMap(this, (Map<Object, OIdentifiable>) fieldValue)); } _fieldValues.putAll(fieldsToUpdate); addAllMultiValueChangeListeners(); } /** * Perform gathering of all operations performed on tracked collection and create mapping between list of collection operations * and field name that contains collection that was changed. * * @param <K> * Value that uniquely identifies position of item in collection * @param <V> * Item value. */ private final class OSimpleMultiValueChangeListener<K, V> implements OMultiValueChangeListener<K, V> { private final String fieldName; private OSimpleMultiValueChangeListener(final String fieldName) { this.fieldName = fieldName; } public void onAfterRecordChanged(final OMultiValueChangeEvent<K, V> event) { if (_status != STATUS.UNMARSHALLING) setDirty(); if (!(_trackingChanges && _recordId.isValid()) || _status == STATUS.UNMARSHALLING) return; if (_fieldOriginalValues != null && _fieldOriginalValues.containsKey(fieldName)) return; if (_fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines == null) _fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines = new HashMap<String, OMultiValueChangeTimeLine<String, Object>>(); OMultiValueChangeTimeLine<String, Object> timeLine = _fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines.get(fieldName); if (timeLine == null) { timeLine = new OMultiValueChangeTimeLine<String, Object>(); _fieldCollectionChangeTimeLines.put(fieldName, timeLine); } timeLine.addCollectionChangeEvent((OMultiValueChangeEvent<String, Object>) event); } } @Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput stream) throws IOException { final byte[] idBuffer = _recordId.toStream(); stream.writeInt(idBuffer.length); stream.write(idBuffer); _recordVersion.getSerializer().writeTo(stream, _recordVersion); final byte[] content = toStream(); stream.writeInt(content.length); stream.write(content); stream.writeBoolean(_dirty); } @Override public void readExternal(ObjectInput stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { final byte[] idBuffer = new byte[stream.readInt()]; stream.readFully(idBuffer); _recordId.fromStream(idBuffer); _recordVersion.getSerializer().readFrom(stream, _recordVersion); final int len = stream.readInt(); final byte[] content = new byte[len]; stream.readFully(content); fromStream(content); _dirty = stream.readBoolean(); } /** * Returns the behavior of field() methods allowing access to the sub documents with dot notation ('.'). Default is true. Set it * to false if you allow to store properties with the dot. */ public boolean isAllowChainedAccess() { return _allowChainedAccess; } /** * Change the behavior of field() methods allowing access to the sub documents with dot notation ('.'). Default is true. Set it to * false if you allow to store properties with the dot. * * @param _allowChainedAccess */ public ODocument setAllowChainedAccess(final boolean _allowChainedAccess) { this._allowChainedAccess = _allowChainedAccess; return this; } }
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future.andThen(new ExecutionCallback<Map<String, List<Integer>>>() { @Override public void onResponse(Map<String, List<Integer>> response) { listenerResults.putAll(response); semaphore.release(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { semaphore.release(); } });
static final class FreeContextResponseHandler extends EmptyTransportResponseHandler { private final ESLogger logger; FreeContextResponseHandler(ESLogger logger) { super(ThreadPool.Names.SAME); this.logger = logger; } @Override public void handleException(TransportException exp) { logger.warn("Failed to send release search context", exp); } }
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public static class Timestamp { public static String parseStringTimestamp(String timestampAsString, FormatDateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter) throws TimestampParsingException { long ts; try { // if we manage to parse it, its a millisecond timestamp, just return the string as is ts = Long.parseLong(timestampAsString); return timestampAsString; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { try { ts = dateTimeFormatter.parser().parseMillis(timestampAsString); } catch (RuntimeException e1) { throw new TimestampParsingException(timestampAsString); } } return Long.toString(ts); } public static final Timestamp EMPTY = new Timestamp(false, null, TimestampFieldMapper.DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT); private final boolean enabled; private final String path; private final String format; private final String[] pathElements; private final FormatDateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter; public Timestamp(boolean enabled, String path, String format) { this.enabled = enabled; this.path = path; if (path == null) { pathElements = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY; } else { pathElements = Strings.delimitedListToStringArray(path, "."); } this.format = format; this.dateTimeFormatter = Joda.forPattern(format); } public boolean enabled() { return enabled; } public boolean hasPath() { return path != null; } public String path() { return this.path; } public String[] pathElements() { return this.pathElements; } public String format() { return this.format; } public FormatDateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter() { return this.dateTimeFormatter; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Timestamp timestamp = (Timestamp) o; if (enabled != timestamp.enabled) return false; if (dateTimeFormatter != null ? !dateTimeFormatter.equals(timestamp.dateTimeFormatter) : timestamp.dateTimeFormatter != null) return false; if (format != null ? !format.equals(timestamp.format) : timestamp.format != null) return false; if (path != null ? !path.equals(timestamp.path) : timestamp.path != null) return false; if (!Arrays.equals(pathElements, timestamp.pathElements)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = (enabled ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (path != null ? path.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (format != null ? format.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (pathElements != null ? Arrays.hashCode(pathElements) : 0); result = 31 * result + (dateTimeFormatter != null ? dateTimeFormatter.hashCode() : 0); return result; } }
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class SearchFreeContextTransportHandler extends BaseTransportRequestHandler<SearchFreeContextRequest> { static final String ACTION = "search/freeContext"; @Override public SearchFreeContextRequest newInstance() { return new SearchFreeContextRequest(); } @Override public void messageReceived(SearchFreeContextRequest request, TransportChannel channel) throws Exception { searchService.freeContext(request.id()); channel.sendResponse(TransportResponse.Empty.INSTANCE); } @Override public String executor() { // freeing the context is cheap, // no need for fork it to another thread return ThreadPool.Names.SAME; } }
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public class TryPutOperation extends BasePutOperation { private boolean successful; public TryPutOperation(String name, Data dataKey, Data value, long timeout) { super(name, dataKey, value); setWaitTimeout(timeout); } public TryPutOperation() { } public void run() { successful = recordStore.tryPut(dataKey, dataValue, ttl); } public void afterRun() { if (successful) super.afterRun(); } public boolean shouldBackup() { return successful; } public void onWaitExpire() { getResponseHandler().sendResponse(false); } public Object getResponse() { return successful; } @Override public String toString() { return "TryPutOperation{" + name + "}"; } }
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public class DayOfWeekType implements Serializable, BroadleafEnumerationType { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Map<String, DayOfWeekType> TYPES = new LinkedHashMap<String, DayOfWeekType>(); public static final DayOfWeekType SUNDAY = new DayOfWeekType("1", "Sunday"); public static final DayOfWeekType MONDAY = new DayOfWeekType("2", "Monday"); public static final DayOfWeekType TUESDAY = new DayOfWeekType("3", "Tuesday"); public static final DayOfWeekType WEDNESDAY = new DayOfWeekType("4", "Wednesday"); public static final DayOfWeekType THURSDAY = new DayOfWeekType("5", "Thursday"); public static final DayOfWeekType FRIDAY = new DayOfWeekType("6", "Friday"); public static final DayOfWeekType SATURDAY = new DayOfWeekType("7", "Saturday"); public static DayOfWeekType getInstance(final String type) { return TYPES.get(type); } private String type; private String friendlyType; public DayOfWeekType() { //do nothing } public DayOfWeekType(final String type, final String friendlyType) { this.friendlyType = friendlyType; setType(type); } public String getType() { return type; } public String getFriendlyType() { return friendlyType; } private void setType(final String type) { this.type = type; if (!TYPES.containsKey(type)) { TYPES.put(type, this); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot add the type: (" + type + "). It already exists as a type via " + getInstance(type).getClass().getName()); } } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((type == null) ? 0 : type.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; DayOfWeekType other = (DayOfWeekType) obj; if (type == null) { if (other.type != null) return false; } else if (!type.equals(other.type)) return false; return true; } }
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public class TxnReservePollOperation extends QueueOperation implements WaitSupport { private long reservedOfferId; private String transactionId; public TxnReservePollOperation() { } public TxnReservePollOperation(String name, long timeoutMillis, long reservedOfferId, String transactionId) { super(name, timeoutMillis); this.reservedOfferId = reservedOfferId; this.transactionId = transactionId; } @Override public void run() throws Exception { QueueContainer container = getOrCreateContainer(); response = container.txnPollReserve(reservedOfferId, transactionId); } @Override public WaitNotifyKey getWaitKey() { QueueContainer container = getOrCreateContainer(); return container.getPollWaitNotifyKey(); } @Override public boolean shouldWait() { return getWaitTimeout() != 0 && getOrCreateContainer().size() == 0; } @Override public void onWaitExpire() { getResponseHandler().sendResponse(null); } @Override public int getId() { return QueueDataSerializerHook.TXN_RESERVE_POLL; } @Override protected void writeInternal(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeInternal(out); out.writeLong(reservedOfferId); out.writeUTF(transactionId); } @Override protected void readInternal(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { super.readInternal(in); reservedOfferId = in.readLong(); transactionId = in.readUTF(); } }
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final class GenericClientExceptionConverter implements ClientExceptionConverter { @Override public Object convert(Throwable t) { StringWriter s = new StringWriter(); t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s)); String clazzName = t.getClass().getName(); return new GenericError(clazzName, t.getMessage(), s.toString(), 0); } }
public class ResourceAdapterImpl implements ResourceAdapter, Serializable { /** * Identity generator */ private static final AtomicInteger ID_GEN = new AtomicInteger(); private static final long serialVersionUID = -1727994229521767306L; /** * The hazelcast instance itself */ private HazelcastInstance hazelcast; /** * The configured hazelcast configuration location */ private String configurationLocation; /** * Identity */ private final transient int id; public ResourceAdapterImpl() { id = ID_GEN.incrementAndGet(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapter * #endpointActivation(javax.resource.spi.endpoint.MessageEndpointFactory, javax.resource.spi.ActivationSpec) */ public void endpointActivation(MessageEndpointFactory endpointFactory, ActivationSpec spec) throws ResourceException { } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapter * #endpointDeactivation(javax.resource.spi.endpoint.MessageEndpointFactory, javax.resource.spi.ActivationSpec) */ public void endpointDeactivation(MessageEndpointFactory endpointFactory, ActivationSpec spec) { } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapter * #getXAResources(javax.resource.spi.ActivationSpec[]) */ public XAResource[] getXAResources(ActivationSpec[] specs) throws ResourceException { //JBoss is fine with null, weblogic requires an empty array return new XAResource[0]; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapter#start(javax.resource.spi.BootstrapContext) */ public void start(BootstrapContext ctx) throws ResourceAdapterInternalException { // Gets/creates the hazelcast instance ConfigBuilder config = buildConfiguration(); setHazelcast(Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(config.build())); ; } /** * Creates a hazelcast configuration based on the {@link #getConfigLocation()} * * @return the created hazelcast configuration * @throws ResourceAdapterInternalException If there was a problem with the configuration creation */ private ConfigBuilder buildConfiguration() throws ResourceAdapterInternalException { XmlConfigBuilder config; if (configurationLocation == null || configurationLocation.length() == 0) { config = new XmlConfigBuilder(); } else { try { config = new XmlConfigBuilder(configurationLocation); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new ResourceAdapterInternalException(e.getMessage(), e); } } return config; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapter#stop() */ public void stop() { if (getHazelcast() != null) { getHazelcast().getLifecycleService().shutdown(); } } /** * Sets the underlying hazelcast instance */ private void setHazelcast(HazelcastInstance hazelcast) { this.hazelcast = hazelcast; } /** * Provides access to the underlying hazelcast instance */ HazelcastInstance getHazelcast() { return hazelcast; } /** * Called by the container * * @param configLocation Hazelcast's configuration location */ public void setConfigLocation(String configLocation) { this.configurationLocation = configLocation; } /** * @return The configured hazelcast configuration location via RAR deployment descriptor */ public String getConfigLocation() { return configurationLocation; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + id; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } ResourceAdapterImpl other = (ResourceAdapterImpl) obj; if (id != other.id) { return false; } return true; } }
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public class IndicesFieldDataCache extends AbstractComponent implements RemovalListener<IndicesFieldDataCache.Key, AtomicFieldData> { Cache<Key, AtomicFieldData> cache; private volatile String size; private volatile long sizeInBytes; private volatile TimeValue expire; @Inject public IndicesFieldDataCache(Settings settings) { super(settings); this.size = componentSettings.get("size", "-1"); this.sizeInBytes = componentSettings.getAsMemory("size", "-1").bytes(); this.expire = componentSettings.getAsTime("expire", null); buildCache(); } private void buildCache() { CacheBuilder<Key, AtomicFieldData> cacheBuilder = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .removalListener(this); if (sizeInBytes > 0) { cacheBuilder.maximumWeight(sizeInBytes).weigher(new FieldDataWeigher()); } // defaults to 4, but this is a busy map for all indices, increase it a bit cacheBuilder.concurrencyLevel(16); if (expire != null && expire.millis() > 0) { cacheBuilder.expireAfterAccess(expire.millis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } logger.debug("using size [{}] [{}], expire [{}]", size, new ByteSizeValue(sizeInBytes), expire); cache = cacheBuilder.build(); } public void close() { cache.invalidateAll(); } public IndexFieldDataCache buildIndexFieldDataCache(@Nullable IndexService indexService, Index index, FieldMapper.Names fieldNames, FieldDataType fieldDataType) { return new IndexFieldCache(indexService, index, fieldNames, fieldDataType); } @Override public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<Key, AtomicFieldData> notification) { Key key = notification.getKey(); if (key == null || key.listener == null) { return; // nothing to do here really... } IndexFieldCache indexCache = key.indexCache; long sizeInBytes = key.sizeInBytes; AtomicFieldData value = notification.getValue(); if (sizeInBytes == -1 && value != null) { sizeInBytes = value.getMemorySizeInBytes(); } key.listener.onUnload(indexCache.fieldNames, indexCache.fieldDataType, notification.wasEvicted(), sizeInBytes, value); } public static class FieldDataWeigher implements Weigher<Key, AtomicFieldData> { @Override public int weigh(Key key, AtomicFieldData fieldData) { int weight = (int) Math.min(fieldData.getMemorySizeInBytes(), Integer.MAX_VALUE); return weight == 0 ? 1 : weight; } } /** * A specific cache instance for the relevant parameters of it (index, fieldNames, fieldType). */ class IndexFieldCache implements IndexFieldDataCache, SegmentReader.CoreClosedListener { @Nullable private final IndexService indexService; final Index index; final FieldMapper.Names fieldNames; final FieldDataType fieldDataType; IndexFieldCache(@Nullable IndexService indexService, Index index, FieldMapper.Names fieldNames, FieldDataType fieldDataType) { this.indexService = indexService; this.index = index; this.fieldNames = fieldNames; this.fieldDataType = fieldDataType; } @Override public <FD extends AtomicFieldData, IFD extends IndexFieldData<FD>> FD load(final AtomicReaderContext context, final IFD indexFieldData) throws Exception { final Key key = new Key(this, context.reader().getCoreCacheKey()); //noinspection unchecked return (FD) cache.get(key, new Callable<AtomicFieldData>() { @Override public AtomicFieldData call() throws Exception { SegmentReaderUtils.registerCoreListener(context.reader(), IndexFieldCache.this); AtomicFieldData fieldData = indexFieldData.loadDirect(context); if (indexService != null) { ShardId shardId = ShardUtils.extractShardId(context.reader()); if (shardId != null) { IndexShard shard = indexService.shard(shardId.id()); if (shard != null) { key.listener = shard.fieldData(); } } } if (key.listener != null) { key.listener.onLoad(fieldNames, fieldDataType, fieldData); } return fieldData; } }); } @Override public void onClose(Object coreKey) { cache.invalidate(new Key(this, coreKey)); } @Override public void clear() { for (Key key : cache.asMap().keySet()) { if (key.indexCache.index.equals(index)) { cache.invalidate(key); } } } @Override public void clear(String fieldName) { for (Key key : cache.asMap().keySet()) { if (key.indexCache.index.equals(index)) { if (key.indexCache.fieldNames.fullName().equals(fieldName)) { cache.invalidate(key); } } } } @Override public void clear(Object coreCacheKey) { cache.invalidate(new Key(this, coreCacheKey)); } } public static class Key { public final IndexFieldCache indexCache; public final Object readerKey; @Nullable public IndexFieldDataCache.Listener listener; // optional stats listener long sizeInBytes = -1; // optional size in bytes (we keep it here in case the values are soft references) Key(IndexFieldCache indexCache, Object readerKey) { this.indexCache = indexCache; this.readerKey = readerKey; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; Key key = (Key) o; if (!indexCache.equals(key.indexCache)) return false; if (!readerKey.equals(key.readerKey)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = indexCache.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + readerKey.hashCode(); return result; } } }
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public static class Builder { private ShardId shardId; private final List<ShardRouting> shards; private boolean primaryAllocatedPostApi; public Builder(IndexShardRoutingTable indexShard) { this.shardId = indexShard.shardId; this.shards = newArrayList(indexShard.shards); this.primaryAllocatedPostApi = indexShard.primaryAllocatedPostApi(); } public Builder(ShardId shardId, boolean primaryAllocatedPostApi) { this.shardId = shardId; this.shards = newArrayList(); this.primaryAllocatedPostApi = primaryAllocatedPostApi; } public Builder addShard(ImmutableShardRouting shardEntry) { for (ShardRouting shard : shards) { // don't add two that map to the same node id // we rely on the fact that a node does not have primary and backup of the same shard if (shard.assignedToNode() && shardEntry.assignedToNode() && shard.currentNodeId().equals(shardEntry.currentNodeId())) { return this; } } shards.add(shardEntry); return this; } public Builder removeShard(ShardRouting shardEntry) { shards.remove(shardEntry); return this; } public IndexShardRoutingTable build() { // we can automatically set allocatedPostApi to true if the primary is active if (!primaryAllocatedPostApi) { for (ShardRouting shardRouting : shards) { if (shardRouting.primary() && shardRouting.active()) { primaryAllocatedPostApi = true; } } } return new IndexShardRoutingTable(shardId, ImmutableList.copyOf(shards), primaryAllocatedPostApi); } public static IndexShardRoutingTable readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { String index = in.readString(); return readFromThin(in, index); } public static IndexShardRoutingTable readFromThin(StreamInput in, String index) throws IOException { int iShardId = in.readVInt(); boolean allocatedPostApi = in.readBoolean(); Builder builder = new Builder(new ShardId(index, iShardId), allocatedPostApi); int size = in.readVInt(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ImmutableShardRouting shard = ImmutableShardRouting.readShardRoutingEntry(in, index, iShardId); builder.addShard(shard); } return builder.build(); } public static void writeTo(IndexShardRoutingTable indexShard, StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeString(indexShard.shardId().index().name()); writeToThin(indexShard, out); } public static void writeToThin(IndexShardRoutingTable indexShard, StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeVInt(indexShard.shardId.id()); out.writeBoolean(indexShard.primaryAllocatedPostApi()); out.writeVInt(indexShard.shards.size()); for (ShardRouting entry : indexShard) { entry.writeToThin(out); } } }
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public class OScriptManager { protected final String DEF_LANGUAGE = "javascript"; protected ScriptEngineManager scriptEngineManager; protected Map<String, ScriptEngineFactory> engines = new HashMap<String, ScriptEngineFactory>(); protected Map<String, ScriptEngine> sharedEngines = new HashMap<String, ScriptEngine>(); protected String defaultLanguage = DEF_LANGUAGE; protected Map<String, OScriptFormatter> formatters = new HashMap<String, OScriptFormatter>(); protected List<OScriptInjection> injections = new ArrayList<OScriptInjection>(); protected static final Object[] EMPTY_PARAMS = new Object[] {}; protected static final int LINES_AROUND_ERROR = 5; public OScriptManager() { scriptEngineManager = new ScriptEngineManager(); registerSharedEngine(OSQLScriptEngine.NAME, new OSQLScriptEngineFactory().getScriptEngine()); for (ScriptEngineFactory f : scriptEngineManager.getEngineFactories()) { if (f.getParameter("THREADING") != null) // MULTI-THREAD: CACHE IT AS SHARED registerSharedEngine(f.getLanguageName().toLowerCase(), f.getScriptEngine()); else registerEngine(f.getLanguageName().toLowerCase(), f); if (defaultLanguage == null) defaultLanguage = f.getLanguageName(); } if (!existsEngine(DEF_LANGUAGE)) { final ScriptEngine defEngine = scriptEngineManager.getEngineByName(DEF_LANGUAGE); if (defEngine == null) { OLogManager.instance().warn(this, "Cannot find default script language for %s", DEF_LANGUAGE); } else { // GET DIRECTLY THE LANGUAGE BY NAME (DON'T KNOW WHY SOMETIMES DOESN'T RETURN IT WITH getEngineFactories() ABOVE! registerEngine(DEF_LANGUAGE, defEngine.getFactory()); defaultLanguage = DEF_LANGUAGE; } } registerFormatter(OSQLScriptEngine.NAME, new OSQLScriptFormatter()); registerFormatter(DEF_LANGUAGE, new OJSScriptFormatter()); registerFormatter("ruby", new ORubyScriptFormatter()); } public String getFunctionDefinition(final OFunction iFunction) { final OScriptFormatter formatter = formatters.get(iFunction.getLanguage().toLowerCase()); if (formatter == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find script formatter for the language '" + iFunction.getLanguage() + "'"); return formatter.getFunctionDefinition(iFunction); } public String getFunctionInvoke(final OFunction iFunction, final Object[] iArgs) { final OScriptFormatter formatter = formatters.get(iFunction.getLanguage().toLowerCase()); if (formatter == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find script formatter for the language '" + iFunction.getLanguage() + "'"); return formatter.getFunctionInvoke(iFunction, iArgs); } /** * Format the library of functions for a language. * * @param db * Current database instance * @param iLanguage * Language as filter * @return String containing all the functions */ public String getLibrary(final ODatabaseComplex<?> db, final String iLanguage) { if (db == null) // NO DB = NO LIBRARY return null; final StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder(); final Set<String> functions = db.getMetadata().getFunctionLibrary().getFunctionNames(); for (String fName : functions) { final OFunction f = db.getMetadata().getFunctionLibrary().getFunction(fName); if (f.getLanguage() == null) throw new OConfigurationException("Database function '" + fName + "' has no language"); if (f.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase(iLanguage)) { final String def = getFunctionDefinition(f); if (def != null) { code.append(def); code.append("\n"); } } } return code.length() == 0 ? null : code.toString(); } public boolean existsEngine(String iLanguage) { if (iLanguage == null) return false; iLanguage = iLanguage.toLowerCase(); return sharedEngines.containsKey(iLanguage) || engines.containsKey(iLanguage); } public ScriptEngine getEngine(final String iLanguage) { if (iLanguage == null) throw new OCommandScriptException("No language was specified"); final String lang = iLanguage.toLowerCase(); ScriptEngine scriptEngine = sharedEngines.get(lang); if (scriptEngine == null) { final ScriptEngineFactory scriptEngineFactory = engines.get(lang); if (scriptEngineFactory == null) throw new OCommandScriptException("Unsupported language: " + iLanguage + ". Supported languages are: " + getSupportedLanguages()); scriptEngine = scriptEngineFactory.getScriptEngine(); } return scriptEngine; } public Iterable<String> getSupportedLanguages() { final HashSet<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); result.addAll(sharedEngines.keySet()); result.addAll(engines.keySet()); return result; } public Bindings bind(final Bindings binding, final ODatabaseRecordTx db, final OCommandContext iContext, final Map<Object, Object> iArgs) { if (db != null) { // BIND FIXED VARIABLES binding.put("db", new OScriptDocumentDatabaseWrapper(db)); binding.put("gdb", new OScriptGraphDatabaseWrapper(db)); binding.put("orient", new OScriptOrientWrapper(db)); } binding.put("util", new OFunctionUtilWrapper(null)); for (OScriptInjection i : injections) i.bind(binding); // BIND CONTEXT VARIABLE INTO THE SCRIPT if (iContext != null) { binding.put("ctx", iContext); for (Entry<String, Object> a : iContext.getVariables().entrySet()) binding.put(a.getKey(), a.getValue()); } // BIND PARAMETERS INTO THE SCRIPT if (iArgs != null) { for (Entry<Object, Object> a : iArgs.entrySet()) binding.put(a.getKey().toString(), a.getValue()); binding.put("params", iArgs.values().toArray()); } else binding.put("params", EMPTY_PARAMS); return binding; } public String getErrorMessage(final ScriptException e, final String lib) { int errorLineNumber = e.getLineNumber(); if (errorLineNumber <= 0) { // FIX TO RHINO: SOMETIMES HAS THE LINE NUMBER INSIDE THE TEXT :-( final String excMessage = e.toString(); final int pos = excMessage.indexOf("<Unknown Source>#"); if (pos > -1) { final int end = excMessage.indexOf(')', pos + "<Unknown Source>#".length()); String lineNumberAsString = excMessage.substring(pos + "<Unknown Source>#".length(), end); errorLineNumber = Integer.parseInt(lineNumberAsString); } } if (errorLineNumber <= 0) { throw new OCommandScriptException("Error on evaluation of the script library. Error: " + e.getMessage() + "\nScript library was:\n" + lib); } else { final StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder(); final Scanner scanner = new Scanner(lib); try { scanner.useDelimiter("\n"); String currentLine = null; String lastFunctionName = "unknown"; for (int currentLineNumber = 1; scanner.hasNext(); currentLineNumber++) { currentLine = scanner.next(); int pos = currentLine.indexOf("function"); if (pos > -1) { final String[] words = OStringParser.getWords(currentLine.substring(pos + "function".length() + 1), " \r\n\t"); if (words.length > 0 && words[0] != "(") lastFunctionName = words[0]; } if (currentLineNumber == errorLineNumber) // APPEND X LINES BEFORE code.append(String.format("%4d: >>> %s\n", currentLineNumber, currentLine)); else if (Math.abs(currentLineNumber - errorLineNumber) <= LINES_AROUND_ERROR) // AROUND: APPEND IT code.append(String.format("%4d: %s\n", currentLineNumber, currentLine)); } code.insert(0, String.format("ScriptManager: error %s.\nFunction %s:\n\n", e.getMessage(), lastFunctionName)); } finally { scanner.close(); } throw new OCommandScriptException(code.toString()); } } /** * Unbinds variables * * @param binding */ public void unbind(Bindings binding) { for (OScriptInjection i : injections) i.unbind(binding); } public void registerInjection(final OScriptInjection iInj) { if (!injections.contains(iInj)) injections.add(iInj); } public void unregisterInjection(final OScriptInjection iInj) { injections.remove(iInj); } public List<OScriptInjection> getInjections() { return injections; } public OScriptManager registerEngine(final String iLanguage, final ScriptEngineFactory iEngine) { engines.put(iLanguage, iEngine); return this; } /** * Registers multi-thread engines can be cached and shared between threads. * * @param iLanguage * Language name * @param iEngine * Engine instance */ public OScriptManager registerSharedEngine(final String iLanguage, final ScriptEngine iEngine) { sharedEngines.put(iLanguage.toLowerCase(), iEngine); return this; } public OScriptManager registerFormatter(final String iLanguage, final OScriptFormatter iFormatterImpl) { formatters.put(iLanguage.toLowerCase(), iFormatterImpl); return this; } }
public class RecoveryStatus { public static enum Stage { INIT, INDEX, TRANSLOG, FINALIZE, DONE } final ShardId shardId; final long recoveryId; final InternalIndexShard indexShard; public RecoveryStatus(long recoveryId, InternalIndexShard indexShard) { this.recoveryId = recoveryId; this.indexShard = indexShard; this.shardId = indexShard.shardId(); } volatile Thread recoveryThread; private volatile boolean canceled; volatile boolean sentCanceledToSource; private volatile ConcurrentMap<String, IndexOutput> openIndexOutputs = ConcurrentCollections.newConcurrentMap(); ConcurrentMap<String, String> checksums = ConcurrentCollections.newConcurrentMap(); final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long time; List<String> phase1FileNames; List<Long> phase1FileSizes; List<String> phase1ExistingFileNames; List<Long> phase1ExistingFileSizes; long phase1TotalSize; long phase1ExistingTotalSize; volatile Stage stage = Stage.INIT; volatile long currentTranslogOperations = 0; AtomicLong currentFilesSize = new AtomicLong(); public long startTime() { return startTime; } public long time() { return this.time; } public long phase1TotalSize() { return phase1TotalSize; } public long phase1ExistingTotalSize() { return phase1ExistingTotalSize; } public Stage stage() { return stage; } public long currentTranslogOperations() { return currentTranslogOperations; } public long currentFilesSize() { return currentFilesSize.get(); } public boolean isCanceled() { return canceled; } public synchronized void cancel() { canceled = true; } public IndexOutput getOpenIndexOutput(String key) { final ConcurrentMap<String, IndexOutput> outputs = openIndexOutputs; if (canceled || outputs == null) { return null; } return outputs.get(key); } public synchronized Set<Entry<String, IndexOutput>> cancleAndClearOpenIndexInputs() { cancel(); final ConcurrentMap<String, IndexOutput> outputs = openIndexOutputs; openIndexOutputs = null; if (outputs == null) { return null; } Set<Entry<String, IndexOutput>> entrySet = outputs.entrySet(); return entrySet; } public IndexOutput removeOpenIndexOutputs(String name) { final ConcurrentMap<String, IndexOutput> outputs = openIndexOutputs; if (outputs == null) { return null; } return outputs.remove(name); } public synchronized IndexOutput openAndPutIndexOutput(String key, String name, Store store) throws IOException { if (isCanceled()) { return null; } final ConcurrentMap<String, IndexOutput> outputs = openIndexOutputs; IndexOutput indexOutput = store.createOutputRaw(name); outputs.put(key, indexOutput); return indexOutput; } }
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static class SimpleMapStore implements MapStore<String, String>, MapLoader<String, String> { public static final int MAX_KEYS = 30; public static final int DELAY_SECONDS_PER_KEY = 1; @Override public String load(String key) { sleepSeconds(DELAY_SECONDS_PER_KEY); return key + "value"; } @Override public Map<String, String> loadAll(Collection<String> keys) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String key : keys) { map.put(key, load(key)); } return map; } @Override public Set<String> loadAllKeys() { Set<String> keys = new HashSet<String>(); for (int k = 0; k < MAX_KEYS; k++) { keys.add("key" + k); } return keys; } @Override public void delete(String key) { sleepSeconds(DELAY_SECONDS_PER_KEY); } @Override public void deleteAll(Collection<String> keys) { for (String key : keys) { delete(key); } } @Override public void store(String key, String value) { sleepSeconds(DELAY_SECONDS_PER_KEY); } @Override public void storeAll(Map<String, String> entries) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : entries.entrySet()) { store(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } }
public class ClusterLeaveReelectionListener extends ClusterListener.Adapter { private final Election election; private final StringLogger logger; public ClusterLeaveReelectionListener( Election election, StringLogger logger ) { this.election = election; this.logger = logger; } @Override public void leftCluster( InstanceId member ) { logger.warn( "Demoting member " + member + " because it left the cluster" ); // Suggest reelection for all roles of this node election.demote( member ); } }
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public class TouchCommandParser extends TypeAwareCommandParser { public TouchCommandParser(TextCommandType type) { super(type); } public TextCommand parser(SocketTextReader socketTextReader, String cmd, int space) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(cmd); st.nextToken(); String key = null; int expiration = 0; boolean noReply = false; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { key = st.nextToken(); } else { return new ErrorCommand(ERROR_CLIENT); } if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { expiration = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); } else { return new ErrorCommand(ERROR_CLIENT); } if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { noReply = "noreply".equals(st.nextToken()); } return new TouchCommand(type, key, expiration, noReply); } }
@RunWith(HazelcastSerialClassRunner.class) @Category(QuickTest.class) public class ClientIssueTest extends HazelcastTestSupport { @After @Before public void cleanup() throws Exception { HazelcastClient.shutdownAll(); Hazelcast.shutdownAll(); } @Test public void testInitialMemberListener() throws InterruptedException { final HazelcastInstance instance1 = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); final HazelcastInstance instance2 = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); final ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(); final CountDownLatch latch1 = new CountDownLatch(1); clientConfig.addListenerConfig(new ListenerConfig().setImplementation(new StaticMemberListener(latch1))); final HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig); assertTrue("Before starting", latch1.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); final CountDownLatch latch2 = new CountDownLatch(1); client.getCluster().addMembershipListener(new StaticMemberListener(latch2)); assertTrue("After starting", latch2.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); } static class StaticMemberListener implements MembershipListener, InitialMembershipListener { final CountDownLatch latch; StaticMemberListener(CountDownLatch latch) { this.latch = latch; } public void init(InitialMembershipEvent event) { latch.countDown(); } public void memberAdded(MembershipEvent membershipEvent) { } public void memberRemoved(MembershipEvent membershipEvent) { } public void memberAttributeChanged(MemberAttributeEvent memberAttributeEvent) { } } @Test public void testClientPortConnection() { final Config config1 = new Config(); config1.getGroupConfig().setName("foo"); config1.getNetworkConfig().setPort(5701); final HazelcastInstance instance1 = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(config1); instance1.getMap("map").put("key", "value"); final Config config2 = new Config(); config2.getGroupConfig().setName("bar"); config2.getNetworkConfig().setPort(5702); final HazelcastInstance instance2 = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(config2); final ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(); clientConfig.getGroupConfig().setName("bar"); final HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig); final IMap<Object, Object> map = client.getMap("map"); assertNull(map.put("key", "value")); assertEquals(1, map.size()); } /** * Test for issues #267 and #493 */ @Test public void testIssue493() throws Exception { final HazelcastInstance hz1 = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); final HazelcastInstance hz2 = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(); clientConfig.setRedoOperation(true); HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig); final ILock lock = client.getLock("lock"); for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) { lock.lock(); try { Thread.sleep(100); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } lock.lock(); hz1.shutdown(); lock.unlock(); } @Test @Category(ProblematicTest.class) public void testOperationRedo() throws Exception { final HazelcastInstance hz1 = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); final HazelcastInstance hz2 = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(); clientConfig.setRedoOperation(true); HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig); final Thread thread = new Thread() { public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } hz1.getLifecycleService().terminate(); } }; final IMap map = client.getMap("m"); thread.start(); int expected = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < expected; i++) { map.put(i, "item" + i); } thread.join(); assertEquals(expected, map.size()); } @Test public void testOperationRedo_smartRoutingDisabled() throws Exception { final HazelcastInstance hz1 = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); final HazelcastInstance hz2 = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(); clientConfig.setRedoOperation(true); clientConfig.setSmartRouting(false); HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig); final Thread thread = new Thread() { public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } hz1.getLifecycleService().terminate(); } }; final IMap map = client.getMap("m"); thread.start(); int expected = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < expected; i++) { map.put(i, i); } thread.join(); assertEquals(expected, map.size()); } @Test public void testGetDistributedObjectsIssue678() { final HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); hz.getQueue("queue"); hz.getMap("map"); hz.getSemaphore("s"); final HazelcastInstance instance = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(); final Collection<DistributedObject> distributedObjects = instance.getDistributedObjects(); assertEquals(3, distributedObjects.size()); } @Test public void testMapDestroyIssue764() throws Exception { final HazelcastInstance instance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(); assertEquals(0, client.getDistributedObjects().size()); IMap map = client.getMap("m"); assertEquals(1, client.getDistributedObjects().size()); map.destroy(); assertEquals(0, instance.getDistributedObjects().size()); assertEquals(0, client.getDistributedObjects().size()); } /** * Client hangs at map.get after shutdown */ @Test public void testIssue821() { final HazelcastInstance instance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); final HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(); final IMap<Object, Object> map = client.getMap("default"); map.put("key1", "value1"); instance.shutdown(); try { map.get("key1"); fail(); } catch (HazelcastException ignored) { } assertFalse(instance.getLifecycleService().isRunning()); } @Test public void testClientConnectionEvents() throws InterruptedException { final LinkedList<LifecycleState> list = new LinkedList<LifecycleState>(); list.offer(LifecycleState.STARTING); list.offer(LifecycleState.STARTED); list.offer(LifecycleState.CLIENT_CONNECTED); list.offer(LifecycleState.CLIENT_DISCONNECTED); list.offer(LifecycleState.CLIENT_CONNECTED); final HazelcastInstance instance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(list.size()); LifecycleListener listener = new LifecycleListener() { public void stateChanged(LifecycleEvent event) { final LifecycleState state = list.poll(); if (state != null && state.equals(event.getState())) { latch.countDown(); } } }; final ListenerConfig listenerConfig = new ListenerConfig(listener); final ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(); clientConfig.addListenerConfig(listenerConfig); clientConfig.getNetworkConfig().setConnectionAttemptLimit(100); final HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig); Thread.sleep(100); instance.shutdown(); Thread.sleep(800); Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); assertTrue(latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); } /** * add membership listener */ @Test public void testIssue1181() throws InterruptedException { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); final ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(); clientConfig.addListenerConfig(new ListenerConfig().setImplementation(new InitialMembershipListener() { public void init(InitialMembershipEvent event) { for (int i = 0; i < event.getMembers().size(); i++) { latch.countDown(); } } public void memberAdded(MembershipEvent membershipEvent) { } public void memberRemoved(MembershipEvent membershipEvent) { } public void memberAttributeChanged(MemberAttributeEvent memberAttributeEvent) { } })); HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig); assertTrue(latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); } @Test public void testInterceptor() throws InterruptedException { final HazelcastInstance instance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); final HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(); final IMap<Object, Object> map = client.getMap("map"); final MapInterceptorImpl interceptor = new MapInterceptorImpl(); final String id = map.addInterceptor(interceptor); assertNotNull(id); map.put("key1", "value"); assertEquals("value", map.get("key1")); map.put("key1", "value1"); assertEquals("getIntercepted", map.get("key1")); assertFalse(map.replace("key1", "getIntercepted", "val")); assertTrue(map.replace("key1", "value1", "val")); assertEquals("val", map.get("key1")); map.put("key2", "oldValue"); assertEquals("oldValue", map.get("key2")); map.put("key2", "newValue"); assertEquals("putIntercepted", map.get("key2")); map.put("key3", "value2"); assertEquals("value2", map.get("key3")); assertEquals("removeIntercepted", map.remove("key3")); } static class MapInterceptorImpl implements MapInterceptor { MapInterceptorImpl() { } public Object interceptGet(Object value) { if ("value1".equals(value)) { return "getIntercepted"; } return null; } public void afterGet(Object value) { } public Object interceptPut(Object oldValue, Object newValue) { if ("oldValue".equals(oldValue) && "newValue".equals(newValue)) { return "putIntercepted"; } return null; } public void afterPut(Object value) { } public Object interceptRemove(Object removedValue) { if ("value2".equals(removedValue)) { return "removeIntercepted"; } return null; } public void afterRemove(Object value) { } } @Test public void testClientPortableWithoutRegisteringToNode() { Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); final SerializationConfig serializationConfig = new SerializationConfig(); serializationConfig.addPortableFactory(5, new PortableFactory() { public Portable create(int classId) { return new SamplePortable(); } }); final ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(); clientConfig.setSerializationConfig(serializationConfig); final HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig); final IMap<Integer, SamplePortable> sampleMap = client.getMap(randomString()); sampleMap.put(1, new SamplePortable(666)); final SamplePortable samplePortable = sampleMap.get(1); assertEquals(666, samplePortable.a); } @Test public void testCredentials() { final Config config = new Config(); config.getGroupConfig().setName("foo").setPassword("bar"); final HazelcastInstance instance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(config); final ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(); final ClientSecurityConfig securityConfig = clientConfig.getSecurityConfig(); securityConfig.setCredentialsClassname(MyCredentials.class.getName()); final HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig); } public static class MyCredentials extends UsernamePasswordCredentials { public MyCredentials() { super("foo", "bar"); } } public void testListenerReconnect() throws InterruptedException { final HazelcastInstance instance1 = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); final HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(2); final IMap<Object, Object> m = client.getMap("m"); final String id = m.addEntryListener(new EntryAdapter() { public void entryAdded(EntryEvent event) { latch.countDown(); } @Override public void entryUpdated(EntryEvent event) { latch.countDown(); } }, true); m.put("key1", "value1"); final HazelcastInstance instance2 = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); instance1.shutdown(); final Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { while (!isInterrupted()) { m.put("key2", "value2"); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } } } }; thread.start(); assertTrueEventually(new AssertTask() { public void run() { try { assertTrue(latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); thread.interrupt(); assertTrue(m.removeEntryListener(id)); assertFalse(m.removeEntryListener("foo")); } static class SamplePortable implements Portable { public int a; public SamplePortable(int a) { this.a = a; } public SamplePortable() { } public int getFactoryId() { return 5; } public int getClassId() { return 6; } public void writePortable(PortableWriter writer) throws IOException { writer.writeInt("a", a); } public void readPortable(PortableReader reader) throws IOException { a = reader.readInt("a"); } } @Test public void testNearCache_WhenRegisteredNodeIsDead() { final HazelcastInstance instance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); final ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(); final String mapName = randomMapName(); NearCacheConfig nearCacheConfig = new NearCacheConfig(); nearCacheConfig.setName(mapName); nearCacheConfig.setInvalidateOnChange(true); clientConfig.addNearCacheConfig(nearCacheConfig); final HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig); final IMap<Object, Object> map = client.getMap(mapName); map.put("a", "b"); map.get("a"); //put to nearCache instance.shutdown(); Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); assertEquals(null, map.get("a")); } }
public class TypesExistsResponse extends ActionResponse { private boolean exists; TypesExistsResponse() { } public TypesExistsResponse(boolean exists) { this.exists = exists; } public boolean isExists() { return this.exists; } public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); exists = in.readBoolean(); } public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); out.writeBoolean(exists); } }
@Scope("prototype") @Component("blSkuFieldsPersistenceProvider") public class SkuFieldsPersistenceProvider extends FieldPersistenceProviderAdapter { @Override public int getOrder() { return SkuPricingPersistenceProvider.ORDER + 1; } @Override public FieldProviderResponse extractValue(ExtractValueRequest extractValueRequest, Property property) { if (!canHandleExtraction(extractValueRequest, property)) { return FieldProviderResponse.NOT_HANDLED; } Object actualValue = extractValueRequest.getRequestedValue(); String value = extractValueRequest.getRecordHelper().formatValue(actualValue); String displayValue = value; if (displayValue == null) { try { displayValue = extractValueRequest.getRecordHelper().getStringValueFromGetter(extractValueRequest.getEntity(), property.getName()); ((BasicFieldMetadata)property.getMetadata()).setDerived(true); } catch (Exception e) { //swallow all exceptions because null is fine for the display value } } property.setValue(value); property.setDisplayValue(displayValue); return FieldProviderResponse.HANDLED; } protected boolean canHandleExtraction(ExtractValueRequest extractValueRequest, Property property) { return ( extractValueRequest.getMetadata().getTargetClass().equals(SkuImpl.class.getName()) || extractValueRequest.getMetadata().getTargetClass().equals(Sku.class.getName()) ) && !property.getName().contains(FieldManager.MAPFIELDSEPARATOR); } }
@Test public class SafeConverterTest extends AbstractConverterTest { @BeforeClass public void beforeClass() { converter = new OSafeBinaryConverter(); } @Override public void testPutIntBigEndian() { super.testPutIntBigEndian(); } @Override public void testPutIntLittleEndian() { super.testPutIntLittleEndian(); } @Override public void testPutLongBigEndian() { super.testPutLongBigEndian(); } @Override public void testPutLongLittleEndian() { super.testPutLongLittleEndian(); } @Override public void testPutShortBigEndian() { super.testPutShortBigEndian(); } @Override public void testPutShortLittleEndian() { super.testPutShortLittleEndian(); } @Override public void testPutCharBigEndian() { super.testPutCharBigEndian(); } @Override public void testPutCharLittleEndian() { super.testPutCharLittleEndian(); } }
public interface EmailTarget extends Serializable { public String getEmailAddress(); public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress); public String[] getCCAddresses(); public void setCCAddresses(String[] ccAddresses); public String[] getBCCAddresses(); public void setBCCAddresses(String[] BCCAddresses); }
public class Property implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected String name; protected String value; protected String displayValue; protected FieldMetadata metadata = new BasicFieldMetadata(); protected boolean isAdvancedCollection = false; protected Boolean isDirty = false; protected String unHtmlEncodedValue; protected String rawValue; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; } public FieldMetadata getMetadata() { return metadata; } public void setMetadata(FieldMetadata metadata) { this.metadata = metadata; } public String getDisplayValue() { return displayValue; } public void setDisplayValue(String displayValue) { this.displayValue = displayValue; } public Boolean getIsDirty() { return isDirty; } public void setIsDirty(Boolean isDirty) { this.isDirty = isDirty; } public String getUnHtmlEncodedValue() { return unHtmlEncodedValue; } public void setUnHtmlEncodedValue(String unHtmlEncodedValue) { this.unHtmlEncodedValue = unHtmlEncodedValue; } public String getRawValue() { return rawValue; } public void setRawValue(String rawValue) { this.rawValue = rawValue; } public boolean isAdvancedCollection() { return isAdvancedCollection; } public void setAdvancedCollection(boolean advancedCollection) { isAdvancedCollection = advancedCollection; } @Override public String toString() { return getName() + ": " + getValue(); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((metadata == null || metadata instanceof CollectionMetadata || ((BasicFieldMetadata) metadata).getMergedPropertyType() == null) ? 0 : ((BasicFieldMetadata) metadata).getMergedPropertyType().hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Property other = (Property) obj; if (metadata == null || metadata instanceof CollectionMetadata || ((BasicFieldMetadata) metadata).getMergedPropertyType() == null) { if (other.metadata != null && other.metadata instanceof BasicFieldMetadata && ((BasicFieldMetadata) other.metadata).getMergedPropertyType() != null) return false; } else if (metadata instanceof BasicFieldMetadata && other.metadata instanceof BasicFieldMetadata && !((BasicFieldMetadata) metadata).getMergedPropertyType().equals(((BasicFieldMetadata) other.metadata).getMergedPropertyType())) return false; if (name == null) { if (other.name != null) return false; } else if (!name.equals(other.name)) return false; return true; } }
1no label
public class BerkeleyStorageSetup extends StorageSetup { public static ModifiableConfiguration getBerkeleyJEConfiguration(String dir) { return buildConfiguration() .set(STORAGE_BACKEND,"berkeleyje") .set(STORAGE_DIRECTORY, dir); } public static ModifiableConfiguration getBerkeleyJEConfiguration() { return getBerkeleyJEConfiguration(getHomeDir()); } public static WriteConfiguration getBerkeleyJEGraphConfiguration() { return getBerkeleyJEConfiguration().getConfiguration(); } public static ModifiableConfiguration getBerkeleyJEPerformanceConfiguration() { return getBerkeleyJEConfiguration() .set(STORAGE_TRANSACTIONAL,false) .set(TX_CACHE_SIZE,1000); } }
class RejoinClusterRequestHandler extends BaseTransportRequestHandler<RejoinClusterRequest> { static final String ACTION = "discovery/zen/rejoin"; @Override public RejoinClusterRequest newInstance() { return new RejoinClusterRequest(); } @Override public void messageReceived(final RejoinClusterRequest request, final TransportChannel channel) throws Exception { clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("received a request to rejoin the cluster from [" + request.fromNodeId + "]", Priority.URGENT, new ClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { try { channel.sendResponse(TransportResponse.Empty.INSTANCE); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("failed to send response on rejoin cluster request handling", e); } return rejoin(currentState, "received a request to rejoin the cluster from [" + request.fromNodeId + "]"); } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Throwable t) { logger.error("unexpected failure during [{}]", t, source); } }); } @Override public String executor() { return ThreadPool.Names.SAME; } }
1no label
return new EventHandler<PortableEntryEvent>() { public void handle(PortableEntryEvent event) { V value = null; V oldValue = null; if (includeValue) { value = toObject(event.getValue()); oldValue = toObject(event.getOldValue()); } K key = toObject(event.getKey()); Member member = getContext().getClusterService().getMember(event.getUuid()); EntryEvent<K, V> entryEvent = new EntryEvent<K, V>(name, member, event.getEventType().getType(), key, oldValue, value); switch (event.getEventType()) { case ADDED: listener.entryAdded(entryEvent); break; case REMOVED: listener.entryRemoved(entryEvent); break; case UPDATED: listener.entryUpdated(entryEvent); break; case EVICTED: listener.entryEvicted(entryEvent); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a known event type " + event.getEventType()); } } @Override public void onListenerRegister() { } };
1no label
static final class ThreadHashCode extends ThreadLocal<HashCode> { public HashCode initialValue() { return new HashCode(); } }
public final class ClientPrincipal implements Portable { private String uuid; private String ownerUuid; public ClientPrincipal() { } public ClientPrincipal(String uuid, String ownerUuid) { this.uuid = uuid; this.ownerUuid = ownerUuid; } public String getUuid() { return uuid; } public String getOwnerUuid() { return ownerUuid; } @Override public int getFactoryId() { return ClientPortableHook.ID; } @Override public int getClassId() { return ClientPortableHook.PRINCIPAL; } @Override public void writePortable(PortableWriter writer) throws IOException { writer.writeUTF("uuid", uuid); writer.writeUTF("ownerUuid", ownerUuid); } @Override public void readPortable(PortableReader reader) throws IOException { uuid = reader.readUTF("uuid"); ownerUuid = reader.readUTF("ownerUuid"); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } ClientPrincipal that = (ClientPrincipal) o; if (ownerUuid != null ? !ownerUuid.equals(that.ownerUuid) : that.ownerUuid != null) { return false; } if (uuid != null ? !uuid.equals(that.uuid) : that.uuid != null) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = uuid != null ? uuid.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (ownerUuid != null ? ownerUuid.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("ClientPrincipal{"); sb.append("uuid='").append(uuid).append('\''); sb.append(", ownerUuid='").append(ownerUuid).append('\''); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } }
public class FaunusSerializer { // This is volatile to support double-checked locking private static volatile Serializer standardSerializer; private final FaunusSchemaManager types; private final boolean trackState; private final boolean trackPaths; private final Configuration configuration; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FaunusSerializer.class); public FaunusSerializer(final Configuration configuration) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(configuration); this.types = FaunusSchemaManager.getTypeManager(configuration); this.configuration = configuration; this.trackState = configuration.get(TitanHadoopConfiguration.PIPELINE_TRACK_STATE); this.trackPaths = configuration.get(TitanHadoopConfiguration.PIPELINE_TRACK_PATHS); } public void writeVertex(final FaunusVertex vertex, final DataOutput out) throws IOException { //Need to write the id up front for the comparator WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, vertex.id); Schema schema = new Schema(); vertex.updateSchema(schema); schema.writeSchema(out); writePathElement(vertex, schema, out); writeEdges(vertex, vertex.inAdjacency, out, Direction.IN, schema); FaunusVertexLabel vl = (FaunusVertexLabel)vertex.getVertexLabel(); out.writeUTF(vl.isDefault()?"":vl.getName()); } public void readVertex(final FaunusVertex vertex, final DataInput in) throws IOException { WritableUtils.readVLong(in); Schema schema = readSchema(in); readPathElement(vertex, schema, in); vertex.inAdjacency = readEdges(vertex, in, Direction.IN, schema); String labelName = in.readUTF(); vertex.setVertexLabel(StringUtils.isBlank(labelName)?FaunusVertexLabel.DEFAULT_VERTEXLABEL: types.getVertexLabel(labelName)); } public void writeEdge(final StandardFaunusEdge edge, final DataOutput out) throws IOException { writePathElement(edge, out); WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, edge.inVertex); WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, edge.outVertex); writeFaunusType(edge.getType(), out); } public void readEdge(final StandardFaunusEdge edge, final DataInput in) throws IOException { readPathElement(edge, in); edge.inVertex = WritableUtils.readVLong(in); edge.outVertex = WritableUtils.readVLong(in); edge.setLabel((FaunusEdgeLabel)readFaunusType(in)); } public void writeProperty(final StandardFaunusProperty property, final DataOutput out) throws IOException { writePathElement(property, out); WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, property.vertexid); serializeObject(out,property.getValue()); writeFaunusType(property.getType(), out); } public void readProperty(final StandardFaunusProperty property, final DataInput in) throws IOException { readPathElement(property, in); property.vertexid = WritableUtils.readVLong(in); property.value = deserializeObject(in); property.setKey((FaunusPropertyKey)readFaunusType(in)); } private void readPathElement(final FaunusPathElement element, final DataInput in) throws IOException { readPathElement(element, null, in); } private void writePathElement(final FaunusPathElement element, final DataOutput out) throws IOException { writePathElement(element, null, out); } private void readPathElement(final FaunusPathElement element, Schema schema, final DataInput in) throws IOException { readElement(element, schema, in); if (trackPaths) { List<List<MicroElement>> paths = readElementPaths(in); element.tracker = new FaunusPathElement.Tracker(paths, (element instanceof FaunusVertex) ? new FaunusVertex.MicroVertex(element.id) : new StandardFaunusEdge.MicroEdge(element.id)); log.trace("readPathElement element={} paths={}", element, paths); } else { element.pathCounter = WritableUtils.readVLong(in); element.tracker = FaunusPathElement.DEFAULT_TRACK; } } private void writePathElement(final FaunusPathElement element, final Schema schema, final DataOutput out) throws IOException { writeElement(element, schema, out); if (trackPaths) writeElementPaths(element.tracker.paths, out); else WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, element.pathCounter); } private void readElement(final FaunusElement element, Schema schema, final DataInput in) throws IOException { element.id = WritableUtils.readVLong(in); if (trackState) element.setLifeCycle(in.readByte()); element.outAdjacency = readEdges(element,in,Direction.OUT,schema); } private void writeElement(final FaunusElement element, final Schema schema, final DataOutput out) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkArgument(trackState || !element.isRemoved()); WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, element.id); if (trackState) out.writeByte(element.getLifeCycle()); writeEdges(element, element.outAdjacency, out, Direction.OUT, schema); } private void serializeObject(final DataOutput out, Object value) throws IOException { final com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.database.serialize.DataOutput o = getStandardSerializer().getDataOutput(40); o.writeClassAndObject(value); final StaticBuffer buffer = o.getStaticBuffer(); WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, buffer.length()); out.write(buffer.as(StaticBuffer.ARRAY_FACTORY)); } private Object deserializeObject(final DataInput in) throws IOException { int byteLength = WritableUtils.readVInt(in); byte[] bytes = new byte[byteLength]; in.readFully(bytes); final ReadBuffer buffer = new ReadArrayBuffer(bytes); return getStandardSerializer().readClassAndObject(buffer); } /** * Return the StandardSerializer singleton shared between all instances of FaunusSerializer. * * If it has not yet been initialized, then the singleton is created using the maximum * Kryo buffer size configured in the calling FaunusSerializer. * * @return */ private Serializer getStandardSerializer() { if (null == standardSerializer) { // N.B. standardSerializer is volatile synchronized (FaunusSerializer.class) { if (null == standardSerializer) { int maxOutputBufSize = configuration.get(KRYO_MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE); standardSerializer = new StandardSerializer(true, maxOutputBufSize); } } } // TODO consider checking whether actual output buffer size matches config, create new StandardSerializer if mismatched? Might not be worth it return standardSerializer; } private <T extends FaunusRelation> Iterable<T> filterDeletedRelations(Iterable<T> elements) { if (trackState) return elements; else return Iterables.filter(elements, new Predicate<T>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable T element) { return !element.isRemoved(); } }); } private SetMultimap<FaunusRelationType, FaunusRelation> readEdges(final FaunusElement element, final DataInput in, final Direction direction, final Schema schema) throws IOException { final SetMultimap<FaunusRelationType, FaunusRelation> adjacency = HashMultimap.create(); int numTypes = WritableUtils.readVInt(in); for (int i = 0; i < numTypes; i++) { FaunusRelationType type; if (schema == null) type = readFaunusType(in); else type = schema.getType(WritableUtils.readVLong(in)); final int size = WritableUtils.readVInt(in); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { FaunusRelation relation; if (element instanceof FaunusVertex) { if (type.isEdgeLabel()) { final StandardFaunusEdge edge = new StandardFaunusEdge(configuration); edge.setLabel((FaunusEdgeLabel)type); readPathElement(edge, schema, in); long otherId = WritableUtils.readVLong(in); switch (direction) { case IN: edge.inVertex = element.getLongId(); edge.outVertex = otherId; break; case OUT: edge.outVertex = element.getLongId(); edge.inVertex = otherId; break; default: throw ExceptionFactory.bothIsNotSupported(); } relation = edge; log.trace("readEdges edge={} paths={}", edge, edge.tracker.paths); } else { assert type.isPropertyKey() && direction==Direction.OUT; final StandardFaunusProperty property = new StandardFaunusProperty(configuration); property.setKey((FaunusPropertyKey) type); readPathElement(property, schema, in); property.value = deserializeObject(in); relation = property; } } else { byte lifecycle = trackState?in.readByte():-1; if (type.isEdgeLabel()) { relation = new SimpleFaunusEdge((FaunusEdgeLabel)type,new FaunusVertex(configuration,WritableUtils.readVLong(in))); } else { assert type.isPropertyKey() && direction==Direction.OUT; relation = new SimpleFaunusProperty((FaunusPropertyKey)type,deserializeObject(in)); } if (trackState) relation.setLifeCycle(lifecycle); } adjacency.put(type, relation); } } if (adjacency.isEmpty()) return FaunusElement.EMPTY_ADJACENCY; return adjacency; } private void writeEdges(final FaunusElement element, final SetMultimap<FaunusRelationType, FaunusRelation> edges, final DataOutput out, final Direction direction, final Schema schema) throws IOException { Map<FaunusRelationType, Integer> counts = Maps.newHashMap(); int typeCount = 0; for (FaunusRelationType type : edges.keySet()) { int count = IterablesUtil.size(filterDeletedRelations(edges.get(type))); counts.put(type, count); if (count > 0) typeCount++; } WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, typeCount); for (FaunusRelationType type : edges.keySet()) { if (counts.get(type) == 0) continue; if (schema == null) writeFaunusType(type, out); else WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, schema.getTypeId(type)); WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, counts.get(type)); Iterable<FaunusRelation> subset = filterDeletedRelations(edges.get(type)); for (final FaunusRelation rel : subset) { if (element instanceof FaunusVertex) { assert rel instanceof StandardFaunusRelation; writePathElement((StandardFaunusRelation)rel,schema,out); } else { assert rel instanceof SimpleFaunusRelation; if (trackState) out.writeByte(((SimpleFaunusRelation)rel).getLifeCycle()); } if (rel.isEdge()) { WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, ((FaunusEdge)rel).getVertexId(direction.opposite())); } else { serializeObject(out,((FaunusProperty)rel).getValue()); } } } } private void writeElementPaths(final List<List<MicroElement>> paths, final DataOutput out) throws IOException { if (null == paths) { WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, 0); } else { WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, paths.size()); for (final List<MicroElement> path : paths) { WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, path.size()); for (MicroElement element : path) { if (element instanceof FaunusVertex.MicroVertex) out.writeChar('v'); else out.writeChar('e'); WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, element.getId()); } } } } private List<List<MicroElement>> readElementPaths(final DataInput in) throws IOException { int pathsSize = WritableUtils.readVInt(in); if (pathsSize == 0) return new ArrayList<List<MicroElement>>(); else { final List<List<MicroElement>> paths = new ArrayList<List<MicroElement>>(pathsSize); for (int i = 0; i < pathsSize; i++) { int pathSize = WritableUtils.readVInt(in); final List<MicroElement> path = new ArrayList<MicroElement>(pathSize); for (int j = 0; j < pathSize; j++) { char type = in.readChar(); if (type == 'v') path.add(new FaunusVertex.MicroVertex(WritableUtils.readVLong(in))); else path.add(new StandardFaunusEdge.MicroEdge(WritableUtils.readVLong(in))); } paths.add(path); } return paths; } } private void writeFaunusType(final FaunusRelationType type, final DataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeByte(type.isPropertyKey()?0:1); out.writeUTF(type.getName()); } private FaunusRelationType readFaunusType(final DataInput in) throws IOException { int type = in.readByte(); String typeName = in.readUTF(); assert type==0 || type==1; if (type==0) return types.getOrCreatePropertyKey(typeName); else return types.getOrCreateEdgeLabel(typeName); } class Schema { private final BiMap<FaunusRelationType, Long> localTypes; private long count = 1; private Schema() { this(8); } private Schema(int size) { this.localTypes = HashBiMap.create(size); } void add(String type) { this.add(types.getRelationType(type)); } void add(FaunusRelationType type) { if (!localTypes.containsKey(type)) localTypes.put(type, count++); } void addAll(Iterable<FaunusRelationType> types) { for (FaunusRelationType type : types) add(type); } long getTypeId(FaunusRelationType type) { Long id = localTypes.get(type); Preconditions.checkArgument(id != null, "Type is not part of the schema: " + type); return id; } FaunusRelationType getType(long id) { FaunusRelationType type = localTypes.inverse().get(id); Preconditions.checkArgument(type != null, "Type is not part of the schema: " + id); return type; } private void add(FaunusRelationType type, long index) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!localTypes.containsValue(index)); localTypes.put(type, index); count = index + 1; } private void writeSchema(final DataOutput out) throws IOException { WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, localTypes.size()); for (Map.Entry<FaunusRelationType, Long> entry : localTypes.entrySet()) { writeFaunusType(entry.getKey(), out); WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, entry.getValue()); } } } private Schema readSchema(final DataInput in) throws IOException { int size = WritableUtils.readVInt(in); Schema schema = new Schema(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { schema.add(readFaunusType(in), WritableUtils.readVLong(in)); } return schema; } static { WritableComparator.define(FaunusPathElement.class, new Comparator()); } public static class Comparator extends WritableComparator { public Comparator() { super(FaunusPathElement.class); } @Override public int compare(final byte[] element1, final int start1, final int length1, final byte[] element2, final int start2, final int length2) { try { return Long.valueOf(readVLong(element1, start1)).compareTo(readVLong(element2, start2)); } catch (IOException e) { return -1; } } @Override public int compare(final WritableComparable a, final WritableComparable b) { if (a instanceof FaunusElement && b instanceof FaunusElement) return ((Long) (((FaunusElement) a).getLongId())).compareTo(((FaunusElement) b).getLongId()); else return super.compare(a, b); } } //################################################ // Serialization for vanilla Blueprints //################################################ /** * All graph element identifiers must be of the long data type. Implementations of this * interface makes it possible to control the conversion of the identifier in the * VertexToHadoopBinary utility class. * * @author Stephen Mallette (http://stephen.genoprime.com) */ // public static interface ElementIdHandler { // long convertIdentifier(final Element element); // } // // public void writeVertex(final Vertex vertex, final ElementIdHandler elementIdHandler, final DataOutput out) throws IOException { // Schema schema = new Schema(); // //Convert properties and update schema // Multimap<HadoopType, FaunusProperty> properties = getProperties(vertex); // for (HadoopType type : properties.keySet()) schema.add(type); // for (Edge edge : vertex.getEdges(Direction.BOTH)) { // schema.add(edge.getLabel()); // for (String key : edge.getPropertyKeys()) schema.add(key); // } // // WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, elementIdHandler.convertIdentifier(vertex)); // schema.writeSchema(out); // WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, elementIdHandler.convertIdentifier(vertex)); // if (trackState) out.writeByte(ElementState.NEW.getByteValue()); // writeProperties(properties, schema, out); // out.writeBoolean(false); // WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, 0); // writeEdges(vertex, Direction.IN, elementIdHandler, schema, out); // writeEdges(vertex, Direction.OUT, elementIdHandler, schema, out); // // } // // private Multimap<HadoopType, FaunusProperty> getProperties(Element element) { // Multimap<HadoopType, FaunusProperty> properties = HashMultimap.create(); // for (String key : element.getPropertyKeys()) { // HadoopType type = types.get(key); // properties.put(type, new FaunusProperty(type, element.getProperty(key))); // } // return properties; // } // // private void writeEdges(final Vertex vertex, final Direction direction, final ElementIdHandler elementIdHandler, // final Schema schema, final DataOutput out) throws IOException { // final Multiset<String> labelCount = HashMultiset.create(); // for (final Edge edge : vertex.getEdges(direction)) { // labelCount.add(edge.getLabel()); // } // WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, labelCount.elementSet().size()); // for (String label : labelCount.elementSet()) { // HadoopType type = types.get(label); // WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, schema.getTypeId(type)); // WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, labelCount.count(label)); // for (final Edge edge : vertex.getEdges(direction, label)) { // WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, elementIdHandler.convertIdentifier(edge)); // if (trackState) out.writeByte(ElementState.NEW.getByteValue()); // writeProperties(getProperties(edge), schema, out); // out.writeBoolean(false); // WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, 0); // WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, elementIdHandler.convertIdentifier(edge.getVertex(direction.opposite()))); // } // } // } }
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static class CustomRAMDirectory extends RAMDirectory { public synchronized void renameTo(String from, String to) throws IOException { RAMFile fromFile = fileMap.get(from); if (fromFile == null) throw new FileNotFoundException(from); RAMFile toFile = fileMap.get(to); if (toFile != null) { sizeInBytes.addAndGet(-fileLength(from)); fileMap.remove(from); } fileMap.put(to, fromFile); } @Override public String toString() { return "ram"; } }
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public class UpdateRequest extends InstanceShardOperationRequest<UpdateRequest> { private String type; private String id; @Nullable private String routing; @Nullable String script; @Nullable String scriptLang; @Nullable Map<String, Object> scriptParams; private String[] fields; private long version = Versions.MATCH_ANY; private VersionType versionType = VersionType.INTERNAL; private int retryOnConflict = 0; private boolean refresh = false; private ReplicationType replicationType = ReplicationType.DEFAULT; private WriteConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel = WriteConsistencyLevel.DEFAULT; private IndexRequest upsertRequest; private boolean docAsUpsert = false; @Nullable private IndexRequest doc; public UpdateRequest() { } public UpdateRequest(String index, String type, String id) { this.index = index; this.type = type; this.id = id; } @Override public ActionRequestValidationException validate() { ActionRequestValidationException validationException = super.validate(); if (type == null) { validationException = addValidationError("type is missing", validationException); } if (id == null) { validationException = addValidationError("id is missing", validationException); } if (version != Versions.MATCH_ANY && retryOnConflict > 0) { validationException = addValidationError("can't provide both retry_on_conflict and a specific version", validationException); } if (script == null && doc == null) { validationException = addValidationError("script or doc is missing", validationException); } if (script != null && doc != null) { validationException = addValidationError("can't provide both script and doc", validationException); } if (doc == null && docAsUpsert) { validationException = addValidationError("doc must be specified if doc_as_upsert is enabled", validationException); } return validationException; } /** * The type of the indexed document. */ public String type() { return type; } /** * Sets the type of the indexed document. */ public UpdateRequest type(String type) { this.type = type; return this; } /** * The id of the indexed document. */ public String id() { return id; } /** * Sets the id of the indexed document. */ public UpdateRequest id(String id) { this.id = id; return this; } /** * Controls the shard routing of the request. Using this value to hash the shard * and not the id. */ public UpdateRequest routing(String routing) { if (routing != null && routing.length() == 0) { this.routing = null; } else { this.routing = routing; } return this; } /** * Sets the parent id of this document. Will simply set the routing to this value, as it is only * used for routing with delete requests. */ public UpdateRequest parent(String parent) { if (routing == null) { routing = parent; } return this; } /** * Controls the shard routing of the request. Using this value to hash the shard * and not the id. */ public String routing() { return this.routing; } int shardId() { return this.shardId; } public String script() { return this.script; } public Map<String, Object> scriptParams() { return this.scriptParams; } /** * The script to execute. Note, make sure not to send different script each times and instead * use script params if possible with the same (automatically compiled) script. */ public UpdateRequest script(String script) { this.script = script; return this; } /** * The language of the script to execute. */ public UpdateRequest scriptLang(String scriptLang) { this.scriptLang = scriptLang; return this; } public String scriptLang() { return scriptLang; } /** * Add a script parameter. */ public UpdateRequest addScriptParam(String name, Object value) { if (scriptParams == null) { scriptParams = Maps.newHashMap(); } scriptParams.put(name, value); return this; } /** * Sets the script parameters to use with the script. */ public UpdateRequest scriptParams(Map<String, Object> scriptParams) { if (this.scriptParams == null) { this.scriptParams = scriptParams; } else { this.scriptParams.putAll(scriptParams); } return this; } /** * The script to execute. Note, make sure not to send different script each times and instead * use script params if possible with the same (automatically compiled) script. */ public UpdateRequest script(String script, @Nullable Map<String, Object> scriptParams) { this.script = script; if (this.scriptParams != null) { this.scriptParams.putAll(scriptParams); } else { this.scriptParams = scriptParams; } return this; } /** * The script to execute. Note, make sure not to send different script each times and instead * use script params if possible with the same (automatically compiled) script. * * @param script The script to execute * @param scriptLang The script language * @param scriptParams The script parameters */ public UpdateRequest script(String script, @Nullable String scriptLang, @Nullable Map<String, Object> scriptParams) { this.script = script; this.scriptLang = scriptLang; if (this.scriptParams != null) { this.scriptParams.putAll(scriptParams); } else { this.scriptParams = scriptParams; } return this; } /** * Explicitly specify the fields that will be returned. By default, nothing is returned. */ public UpdateRequest fields(String... fields) { this.fields = fields; return this; } /** * Get the fields to be returned. */ public String[] fields() { return this.fields; } /** * Sets the number of retries of a version conflict occurs because the document was updated between * getting it and updating it. Defaults to 0. */ public UpdateRequest retryOnConflict(int retryOnConflict) { this.retryOnConflict = retryOnConflict; return this; } public int retryOnConflict() { return this.retryOnConflict; } /** * Sets the version, which will cause the index operation to only be performed if a matching * version exists and no changes happened on the doc since then. */ public UpdateRequest version(long version) { this.version = version; return this; } public long version() { return this.version; } /** * Sets the versioning type. Defaults to {@link VersionType#INTERNAL}. */ public UpdateRequest versionType(VersionType versionType) { this.versionType = versionType; return this; } public VersionType versionType() { return this.versionType; } /** * Should a refresh be executed post this update operation causing the operation to * be searchable. Note, heavy indexing should not set this to <tt>true</tt>. Defaults * to <tt>false</tt>. */ public UpdateRequest refresh(boolean refresh) { this.refresh = refresh; return this; } public boolean refresh() { return this.refresh; } /** * The replication type. */ public ReplicationType replicationType() { return this.replicationType; } /** * Sets the replication type. */ public UpdateRequest replicationType(ReplicationType replicationType) { this.replicationType = replicationType; return this; } public WriteConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel() { return this.consistencyLevel; } /** * Sets the consistency level of write. Defaults to {@link org.elasticsearch.action.WriteConsistencyLevel#DEFAULT} */ public UpdateRequest consistencyLevel(WriteConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel) { this.consistencyLevel = consistencyLevel; return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public UpdateRequest doc(IndexRequest doc) { this.doc = doc; return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public UpdateRequest doc(XContentBuilder source) { safeDoc().source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public UpdateRequest doc(Map source) { safeDoc().source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public UpdateRequest doc(Map source, XContentType contentType) { safeDoc().source(source, contentType); return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public UpdateRequest doc(String source) { safeDoc().source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public UpdateRequest doc(byte[] source) { safeDoc().source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public UpdateRequest doc(byte[] source, int offset, int length) { safeDoc().source(source, offset, length); return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified, the doc provided * is a field and value pairs. */ public UpdateRequest doc(Object... source) { safeDoc().source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public UpdateRequest doc(String field, Object value) { safeDoc().source(field, value); return this; } public IndexRequest doc() { return this.doc; } private IndexRequest safeDoc() { if (doc == null) { doc = new IndexRequest(); } return doc; } /** * Sets the index request to be used if the document does not exists. Otherwise, a {@link org.elasticsearch.index.engine.DocumentMissingException} * is thrown. */ public UpdateRequest upsert(IndexRequest upsertRequest) { this.upsertRequest = upsertRequest; return this; } /** * Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists. */ public UpdateRequest upsert(XContentBuilder source) { safeUpsertRequest().source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists. */ public UpdateRequest upsert(Map source) { safeUpsertRequest().source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists. */ public UpdateRequest upsert(Map source, XContentType contentType) { safeUpsertRequest().source(source, contentType); return this; } /** * Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists. */ public UpdateRequest upsert(String source) { safeUpsertRequest().source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists. */ public UpdateRequest upsert(byte[] source) { safeUpsertRequest().source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists. */ public UpdateRequest upsert(byte[] source, int offset, int length) { safeUpsertRequest().source(source, offset, length); return this; } /** * Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists. The doc * includes field and value pairs. */ public UpdateRequest upsert(Object... source) { safeUpsertRequest().source(source); return this; } public IndexRequest upsertRequest() { return this.upsertRequest; } private IndexRequest safeUpsertRequest() { if (upsertRequest == null) { upsertRequest = new IndexRequest(); } return upsertRequest; } public UpdateRequest source(XContentBuilder source) throws Exception { return source(source.bytes()); } public UpdateRequest source(byte[] source) throws Exception { return source(source, 0, source.length); } public UpdateRequest source(byte[] source, int offset, int length) throws Exception { return source(new BytesArray(source, offset, length)); } public UpdateRequest source(BytesReference source) throws Exception { XContentType xContentType = XContentFactory.xContentType(source); XContentParser parser = XContentFactory.xContent(xContentType).createParser(source); try { XContentParser.Token t = parser.nextToken(); if (t == null) { return this; } String currentFieldName = null; while ((t = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (t == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if ("script".equals(currentFieldName)) { script = parser.textOrNull(); } else if ("params".equals(currentFieldName)) { scriptParams = parser.map(); } else if ("lang".equals(currentFieldName)) { scriptLang = parser.text(); } else if ("upsert".equals(currentFieldName)) { XContentBuilder builder = XContentFactory.contentBuilder(xContentType); builder.copyCurrentStructure(parser); safeUpsertRequest().source(builder); } else if ("doc".equals(currentFieldName)) { XContentBuilder docBuilder = XContentFactory.contentBuilder(xContentType); docBuilder.copyCurrentStructure(parser); safeDoc().source(docBuilder); } else if ("doc_as_upsert".equals(currentFieldName)) { docAsUpsert(parser.booleanValue()); } } } finally { parser.close(); } return this; } public boolean docAsUpsert() { return this.docAsUpsert; } public void docAsUpsert(boolean shouldUpsertDoc) { this.docAsUpsert = shouldUpsertDoc; } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); replicationType = ReplicationType.fromId(in.readByte()); consistencyLevel = WriteConsistencyLevel.fromId(in.readByte()); type = in.readSharedString(); id = in.readString(); routing = in.readOptionalString(); script = in.readOptionalString(); scriptLang = in.readOptionalString(); scriptParams = in.readMap(); retryOnConflict = in.readVInt(); refresh = in.readBoolean(); if (in.readBoolean()) { doc = new IndexRequest(); doc.readFrom(in); } int size = in.readInt(); if (size >= 0) { fields = new String[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { fields[i] = in.readString(); } } if (in.readBoolean()) { upsertRequest = new IndexRequest(); upsertRequest.readFrom(in); } docAsUpsert = in.readBoolean(); version = in.readLong(); versionType = VersionType.fromValue(in.readByte()); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); out.writeByte(replicationType.id()); out.writeByte(consistencyLevel.id()); out.writeSharedString(type); out.writeString(id); out.writeOptionalString(routing); out.writeOptionalString(script); out.writeOptionalString(scriptLang); out.writeMap(scriptParams); out.writeVInt(retryOnConflict); out.writeBoolean(refresh); if (doc == null) { out.writeBoolean(false); } else { out.writeBoolean(true); // make sure the basics are set doc.index(index); doc.type(type); doc.id(id); doc.writeTo(out); } if (fields == null) { out.writeInt(-1); } else { out.writeInt(fields.length); for (String field : fields) { out.writeString(field); } } if (upsertRequest == null) { out.writeBoolean(false); } else { out.writeBoolean(true); // make sure the basics are set upsertRequest.index(index); upsertRequest.type(type); upsertRequest.id(id); upsertRequest.writeTo(out); } out.writeBoolean(docAsUpsert); out.writeLong(version); out.writeByte(versionType.getValue()); } }
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restoreService.addListener(new RestoreService.RestoreCompletionListener() { SnapshotId snapshotId = new SnapshotId(request.repository(), request.snapshot()); @Override public void onRestoreCompletion(SnapshotId snapshotId, RestoreInfo snapshot) { if (this.snapshotId.equals(snapshotId)) { listener.onResponse(new RestoreSnapshotResponse(snapshot)); restoreService.removeListener(this); } } });
return new Comparator<Map.Entry>() { public int compare(Map.Entry entry1, Map.Entry entry2) { return SortingUtil.compare(pagingPredicate.getComparator(), pagingPredicate.getIterationType(), entry1, entry2); } };
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threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SEARCH).execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Tuple<String, Long>[] context1 = scrollId.getContext(); for (int i = 0; i < context1.length; i++) { Tuple<String, Long> target = context1[i]; DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get(target.v1()); if (node != null && nodes.localNodeId().equals(node.id())) { executeQueryPhase(i, counter, node, target.v2()); } } } });
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public class OTableFormatter { protected final static String MORE = "..."; protected final OConsoleApplication out; protected int minColumnSize = 4; protected int maxWidthSize = 132; protected final static Set<String> prefixedColumns = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "#", "@RID" })); protected final SimpleDateFormat DEF_DATEFORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"); public OTableFormatter(final OConsoleApplication iConsole) { this.out = iConsole; } public OTableFormatter hideRID(final boolean iValue) { if (iValue) prefixedColumns.remove("@RID"); else prefixedColumns.add("@RID"); return this; } public void writeRecords(final Collection<OIdentifiable> resultSet, final int limit) { writeRecords(resultSet, limit, null); } public void writeRecords(final Collection<OIdentifiable> resultSet, final int limit, final OCallable<Object, OIdentifiable> iAfterDump) { final Map<String, Integer> columns = parseColumns(resultSet, limit); int fetched = 0; for (OIdentifiable record : resultSet) { dumpRecordInTable(fetched++, record, columns); if (iAfterDump != null) iAfterDump.call(record); if (limit > -1 && fetched >= limit) { printHeaderLine(columns); out.message("\nLIMIT EXCEEDED: resultset contains more items not displayed (limit=" + limit + ")"); return; } } if (fetched > 0) printHeaderLine(columns); } public int getMaxWidthSize() { return maxWidthSize; } public OTableFormatter setMaxWidthSize(int maxWidthSize) { this.maxWidthSize = maxWidthSize; return this; } public void dumpRecordInTable(final int iIndex, final OIdentifiable iRecord, final Map<String, Integer> iColumns) { if (iIndex == 0) printHeader(iColumns); // FORMAT THE LINE DYNAMICALLY List<Object> vargs = new ArrayList<Object>(); try { if (iRecord instanceof ODocument) ((ODocument) iRecord).setLazyLoad(false); final StringBuilder format = new StringBuilder(maxWidthSize); for (Entry<String, Integer> col : iColumns.entrySet()) { if (format.length() > 0) format.append('|'); format.append("%-" + col.getValue() + "s"); Object value = getFieldValue(iIndex, iRecord, col.getKey()); if (value != null) { value = value.toString(); if (((String) value).length() > col.getValue()) { // APPEND ... value = ((String) value).substring(0, col.getValue() - 3) + MORE; } } vargs.add(value); } out.message(format.toString() + "\n", vargs.toArray()); } catch (Throwable t) { out.message("%3d|%9s|%s\n", iIndex, iRecord.getIdentity(), "Error on loading record dued to: " + t); } } private Object getFieldValue(final int iIndex, final OIdentifiable iRecord, final String iColumnName) { Object value = null; if (iColumnName.equals("#")) // RECORD NUMBER value = iIndex; else if (iColumnName.equals("@RID")) // RID value = iRecord.getIdentity().toString(); else if (iRecord instanceof ORecordSchemaAwareAbstract<?>) value = ((ORecordSchemaAwareAbstract<?>) iRecord).field(iColumnName); else if (iRecord instanceof ORecordBytes) value = "<binary> (size=" + ((ORecordBytes) iRecord).toStream().length + " bytes)"; if (value instanceof OMultiCollectionIterator<?>) value = "[" + ((OMultiCollectionIterator<?>) value).size() + "]"; else if (value instanceof Collection<?>) value = "[" + ((Collection<?>) value).size() + "]"; else if (value instanceof ORecord<?>) { if (((ORecord<?>) value).getIdentity().equals(ORecordId.EMPTY_RECORD_ID)) { value = ((ORecord<?>) value).toString(); } else { value = ((ORecord<?>) value).getIdentity().toString(); } } else if (value instanceof Date) { final ODatabaseRecord db = ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.getIfDefined(); if (db != null) value = db.getStorage().getConfiguration().getDateTimeFormatInstance().format((Date) value); else { value = DEF_DATEFORMAT.format((Date) value); } } else if (value instanceof byte[]) value = "byte[" + ((byte[]) value).length + "]"; return value; } private void printHeader(final Map<String, Integer> iColumns) { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); printHeaderLine(iColumns); int i = 0; for (Entry<String, Integer> column : iColumns.entrySet()) { if (i++ > 0) buffer.append('|'); String colName = column.getKey(); if (colName.length() > column.getValue()) colName = colName.substring(0, column.getValue()); buffer.append(String.format("%-" + column.getValue() + "s", colName)); } buffer.append("\n"); out.message(buffer.toString()); printHeaderLine(iColumns); } private void printHeaderLine(final Map<String, Integer> iColumns) { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("\n"); if (iColumns.size() > 0) { int i = 0; for (Entry<String, Integer> col : iColumns.entrySet()) { if (i++ > 0) buffer.append("+"); for (int k = 0; k < col.getValue(); ++k) buffer.append("-"); } } buffer.append("\n"); out.message(buffer.toString()); } /** * Fill the column map computing the maximum size for a field. * * @param resultSet * @param limit * @return */ private Map<String, Integer> parseColumns(final Collection<OIdentifiable> resultSet, final int limit) { final Map<String, Integer> columns = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); for (String c : prefixedColumns) columns.put(c, minColumnSize); int fetched = 0; for (OIdentifiable id : resultSet) { ORecord<?> rec = id.getRecord(); for (String c : prefixedColumns) columns.put(c, getColumnSize(fetched, rec, c, columns.get(c))); if (rec instanceof ODocument) { ((ODocument) rec).setLazyLoad(false); // PARSE ALL THE DOCUMENT'S FIELDS ODocument doc = (ODocument) rec; for (String fieldName : doc.fieldNames()) { columns.put(fieldName, getColumnSize(fetched, doc, fieldName, columns.get(fieldName))); } } else if (rec instanceof ORecordBytes) { // UNIQUE BINARY FIELD columns.put("value", maxWidthSize - 15); } if (limit > -1 && fetched++ >= limit) break; } // COMPUTE MAXIMUM WIDTH int width = 0; for (Entry<String, Integer> col : columns.entrySet()) width += col.getValue(); if (width > maxWidthSize) { // SCALE COLUMNS AUTOMATICALLY final List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> orderedColumns = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>(); orderedColumns.addAll(columns.entrySet()); Collections.sort(orderedColumns, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>() { public int compare(Map.Entry<String, Integer> o1, Map.Entry<String, Integer> o2) { return o1.getValue().compareTo(o2.getValue()); } }); // START CUTTING THE BIGGEST ONES Collections.reverse(orderedColumns); while (width > maxWidthSize) { int oldWidth = width; for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : orderedColumns) { final int redux = entry.getValue() * 10 / 100; if (entry.getValue() - redux < minColumnSize) // RESTART FROM THE LARGEST COLUMN break; entry.setValue(entry.getValue() - redux); width -= redux; if (width <= maxWidthSize) break; } if (width == oldWidth) // REACHED THE MINIMUM break; } // POPULATE THE COLUMNS WITH THE REDUXED VALUES columns.clear(); for (String c : prefixedColumns) columns.put(c, minColumnSize); Collections.reverse(orderedColumns); for (Entry<String, Integer> col : orderedColumns) // if (!col.getKey().equals("#") && !col.getKey().equals("@RID")) columns.put(col.getKey(), col.getValue()); } return columns; } private Integer getColumnSize(final Integer iIndex, final ORecord<?> iRecord, final String fieldName, final Integer origSize) { Integer newColumnSize; if (origSize == null) // START FROM THE FIELD NAME SIZE newColumnSize = fieldName.length(); else newColumnSize = Math.max(origSize, fieldName.length()); final Object fieldValue = getFieldValue(iIndex, iRecord, fieldName); if (fieldValue != null) { final String fieldValueAsString = fieldValue.toString(); if (fieldValueAsString.length() > newColumnSize) newColumnSize = fieldValueAsString.length(); } if (newColumnSize < minColumnSize) // SET THE MINIMUM SIZE newColumnSize = minColumnSize; return newColumnSize; } }
public final class InternalNode implements Node { private final Lifecycle lifecycle = new Lifecycle(); private final Injector injector; private final Settings settings; private final Environment environment; private final PluginsService pluginsService; private final Client client; public InternalNode() throws ElasticsearchException { this(ImmutableSettings.Builder.EMPTY_SETTINGS, true); } public InternalNode(Settings pSettings, boolean loadConfigSettings) throws ElasticsearchException { Tuple<Settings, Environment> tuple = InternalSettingsPreparer.prepareSettings(pSettings, loadConfigSettings); tuple = new Tuple<Settings, Environment>(TribeService.processSettings(tuple.v1()), tuple.v2()); Version version = Version.CURRENT; ESLogger logger = Loggers.getLogger(Node.class, tuple.v1().get("name")); logger.info("version[{}], pid[{}], build[{}/{}]", version, JvmInfo.jvmInfo().pid(), Build.CURRENT.hashShort(), Build.CURRENT.timestamp()); logger.info("initializing ..."); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Environment env = tuple.v2(); logger.debug("using home [{}], config [{}], data [{}], logs [{}], work [{}], plugins [{}]", env.homeFile(), env.configFile(), Arrays.toString(env.dataFiles()), env.logsFile(), env.workFile(), env.pluginsFile()); } this.pluginsService = new PluginsService(tuple.v1(), tuple.v2()); this.settings = pluginsService.updatedSettings(); // create the environment based on the finalized (processed) view of the settings this.environment = new Environment(this.settings()); CompressorFactory.configure(settings); NodeEnvironment nodeEnvironment = new NodeEnvironment(this.settings, this.environment); ModulesBuilder modules = new ModulesBuilder(); modules.add(new Version.Module(version)); modules.add(new CacheRecyclerModule(settings)); modules.add(new PageCacheRecyclerModule(settings)); modules.add(new PluginsModule(settings, pluginsService)); modules.add(new SettingsModule(settings)); modules.add(new NodeModule(this)); modules.add(new NetworkModule()); modules.add(new ScriptModule(settings)); modules.add(new EnvironmentModule(environment)); modules.add(new NodeEnvironmentModule(nodeEnvironment)); modules.add(new ClusterNameModule(settings)); modules.add(new ThreadPoolModule(settings)); modules.add(new DiscoveryModule(settings)); modules.add(new ClusterModule(settings)); modules.add(new RestModule(settings)); modules.add(new TransportModule(settings)); if (settings.getAsBoolean("http.enabled", true)) { modules.add(new HttpServerModule(settings)); } modules.add(new RiversModule(settings)); modules.add(new IndicesModule(settings)); modules.add(new SearchModule()); modules.add(new ActionModule(false)); modules.add(new MonitorModule(settings)); modules.add(new GatewayModule(settings)); modules.add(new NodeClientModule()); modules.add(new BulkUdpModule()); modules.add(new ShapeModule()); modules.add(new PercolatorModule()); modules.add(new ResourceWatcherModule()); modules.add(new RepositoriesModule()); modules.add(new TribeModule()); injector = modules.createInjector(); client = injector.getInstance(Client.class); logger.info("initialized"); } @Override public Settings settings() { return this.settings; } @Override public Client client() { return client; } public Node start() { if (!lifecycle.moveToStarted()) { return this; } ESLogger logger = Loggers.getLogger(Node.class, settings.get("name")); logger.info("starting ..."); // hack around dependency injection problem (for now...) injector.getInstance(Discovery.class).setAllocationService(injector.getInstance(AllocationService.class)); for (Class<? extends LifecycleComponent> plugin : pluginsService.services()) { injector.getInstance(plugin).start(); } injector.getInstance(IndicesService.class).start(); injector.getInstance(IndexingMemoryController.class).start(); injector.getInstance(IndicesClusterStateService.class).start(); injector.getInstance(IndicesTTLService.class).start(); injector.getInstance(RiversManager.class).start(); injector.getInstance(ClusterService.class).start(); injector.getInstance(RoutingService.class).start(); injector.getInstance(SearchService.class).start(); injector.getInstance(MonitorService.class).start(); injector.getInstance(RestController.class).start(); injector.getInstance(TransportService.class).start(); DiscoveryService discoService = injector.getInstance(DiscoveryService.class).start(); // gateway should start after disco, so it can try and recovery from gateway on "start" injector.getInstance(GatewayService.class).start(); if (settings.getAsBoolean("http.enabled", true)) { injector.getInstance(HttpServer.class).start(); } injector.getInstance(BulkUdpService.class).start(); injector.getInstance(ResourceWatcherService.class).start(); injector.getInstance(TribeService.class).start(); logger.info("started"); return this; } @Override public Node stop() { if (!lifecycle.moveToStopped()) { return this; } ESLogger logger = Loggers.getLogger(Node.class, settings.get("name")); logger.info("stopping ..."); injector.getInstance(TribeService.class).stop(); injector.getInstance(BulkUdpService.class).stop(); injector.getInstance(ResourceWatcherService.class).stop(); if (settings.getAsBoolean("http.enabled", true)) { injector.getInstance(HttpServer.class).stop(); } injector.getInstance(RiversManager.class).stop(); // stop any changes happening as a result of cluster state changes injector.getInstance(IndicesClusterStateService.class).stop(); // we close indices first, so operations won't be allowed on it injector.getInstance(IndexingMemoryController.class).stop(); injector.getInstance(IndicesTTLService.class).stop(); injector.getInstance(IndicesService.class).stop(); // sleep a bit to let operations finish with indices service // try { // Thread.sleep(500); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // // ignore // } injector.getInstance(RoutingService.class).stop(); injector.getInstance(ClusterService.class).stop(); injector.getInstance(DiscoveryService.class).stop(); injector.getInstance(MonitorService.class).stop(); injector.getInstance(GatewayService.class).stop(); injector.getInstance(SearchService.class).stop(); injector.getInstance(RestController.class).stop(); injector.getInstance(TransportService.class).stop(); for (Class<? extends LifecycleComponent> plugin : pluginsService.services()) { injector.getInstance(plugin).stop(); } logger.info("stopped"); return this; } public void close() { if (lifecycle.started()) { stop(); } if (!lifecycle.moveToClosed()) { return; } ESLogger logger = Loggers.getLogger(Node.class, settings.get("name")); logger.info("closing ..."); StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch("node_close"); stopWatch.start("tribe"); injector.getInstance(TribeService.class).close(); stopWatch.stop().start("bulk.udp"); injector.getInstance(BulkUdpService.class).close(); stopWatch.stop().start("http"); if (settings.getAsBoolean("http.enabled", true)) { injector.getInstance(HttpServer.class).close(); } stopWatch.stop().start("rivers"); injector.getInstance(RiversManager.class).close(); stopWatch.stop().start("client"); injector.getInstance(Client.class).close(); stopWatch.stop().start("indices_cluster"); injector.getInstance(IndicesClusterStateService.class).close(); stopWatch.stop().start("indices"); injector.getInstance(IndicesFilterCache.class).close(); injector.getInstance(IndicesFieldDataCache.class).close(); injector.getInstance(IndexingMemoryController.class).close(); injector.getInstance(IndicesTTLService.class).close(); injector.getInstance(IndicesService.class).close(); stopWatch.stop().start("routing"); injector.getInstance(RoutingService.class).close(); stopWatch.stop().start("cluster"); injector.getInstance(ClusterService.class).close(); stopWatch.stop().start("discovery"); injector.getInstance(DiscoveryService.class).close(); stopWatch.stop().start("monitor"); injector.getInstance(MonitorService.class).close(); stopWatch.stop().start("gateway"); injector.getInstance(GatewayService.class).close(); stopWatch.stop().start("search"); injector.getInstance(SearchService.class).close(); stopWatch.stop().start("rest"); injector.getInstance(RestController.class).close(); stopWatch.stop().start("transport"); injector.getInstance(TransportService.class).close(); stopWatch.stop().start("percolator_service"); injector.getInstance(PercolatorService.class).close(); for (Class<? extends LifecycleComponent> plugin : pluginsService.services()) { stopWatch.stop().start("plugin(" + plugin.getName() + ")"); injector.getInstance(plugin).close(); } stopWatch.stop().start("script"); injector.getInstance(ScriptService.class).close(); stopWatch.stop().start("thread_pool"); injector.getInstance(ThreadPool.class).shutdown(); try { injector.getInstance(ThreadPool.class).awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } stopWatch.stop().start("thread_pool_force_shutdown"); try { injector.getInstance(ThreadPool.class).shutdownNow(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } stopWatch.stop(); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Close times for each service:\n{}", stopWatch.prettyPrint()); } injector.getInstance(NodeEnvironment.class).close(); injector.getInstance(CacheRecycler.class).close(); injector.getInstance(PageCacheRecycler.class).close(); Injectors.close(injector); CachedStreams.clear(); logger.info("closed"); } @Override public boolean isClosed() { return lifecycle.closed(); } public Injector injector() { return this.injector; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { final InternalNode node = new InternalNode(); node.start(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { node.close(); } }); } }
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public class DeleteResponse extends ActionResponse { private String index; private String id; private String type; private long version; private boolean found; public DeleteResponse() { } public DeleteResponse(String index, String type, String id, long version, boolean found) { this.index = index; this.id = id; this.type = type; this.version = version; this.found = found; } /** * The index the document was deleted from. */ public String getIndex() { return this.index; } /** * The type of the document deleted. */ public String getType() { return this.type; } /** * The id of the document deleted. */ public String getId() { return this.id; } /** * The version of the delete operation. */ public long getVersion() { return this.version; } /** * Returns <tt>true</tt> if a doc was found to delete. */ public boolean isFound() { return found; } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); index = in.readSharedString(); type = in.readSharedString(); id = in.readString(); version = in.readLong(); found = in.readBoolean(); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); out.writeSharedString(index); out.writeSharedString(type); out.writeString(id); out.writeLong(version); out.writeBoolean(found); } }
ItemListener listener = new ItemListener() { public void itemAdded(ItemEvent itemEvent) { latch.countDown(); } public void itemRemoved(ItemEvent item) { } };
public static class Tab { public static class Name { public static final String Rules = "StructuredContentImpl_Rules_Tab"; } public static class Order { public static final int Rules = 1000; } }
public class TransactionManagerServiceImpl implements TransactionManagerService, ManagedService, MembershipAwareService, ClientAwareService { public static final String SERVICE_NAME = "hz:core:txManagerService"; public static final int RECOVER_TIMEOUT = 5000; private final NodeEngineImpl nodeEngine; private final ILogger logger; private final ConcurrentMap<String, TxBackupLog> txBackupLogs = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, TxBackupLog>(); private final ConcurrentMap<SerializableXID, Transaction> managedTransactions = new ConcurrentHashMap<SerializableXID, Transaction>(); private final ConcurrentMap<SerializableXID, RecoveredTransaction> clientRecoveredTransactions = new ConcurrentHashMap<SerializableXID, RecoveredTransaction>(); public TransactionManagerServiceImpl(NodeEngineImpl nodeEngine) { this.nodeEngine = nodeEngine; logger = nodeEngine.getLogger(TransactionManagerService.class); } @Override public <T> T executeTransaction(TransactionOptions options, TransactionalTask<T> task) throws TransactionException { if (task == null) { throw new NullPointerException("TransactionalTask is required!"); } final TransactionContextImpl context = new TransactionContextImpl(this, nodeEngine, options, null); context.beginTransaction(); try { final T value = task.execute(context); context.commitTransaction(); return value; } catch (Throwable e) { context.rollbackTransaction(); if (e instanceof TransactionException) { throw (TransactionException) e; } if (e.getCause() instanceof TransactionException) { throw (TransactionException) e.getCause(); } if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) e; } throw new TransactionException(e); } } @Override public TransactionContext newTransactionContext(TransactionOptions options) { return new TransactionContextImpl(this, nodeEngine, options, null); } @Override public TransactionContext newClientTransactionContext(TransactionOptions options, String clientUuid) { return new TransactionContextImpl(this, nodeEngine, options, clientUuid); } @Override public void init(NodeEngine nodeEngine, Properties properties) { } @Override public void reset() { txBackupLogs.clear(); } @Override public void shutdown(boolean terminate) { reset(); } @Override public void memberAdded(MembershipServiceEvent event) { } public void addClientRecoveredTransaction(RecoveredTransaction rt) { clientRecoveredTransactions.put(rt.getXid(), rt); } public void recoverClientTransaction(SerializableXID sXid, boolean commit) { final RecoveredTransaction rt = clientRecoveredTransactions.remove(sXid); if (rt == null) { return; } TransactionImpl tx = new TransactionImpl(this, nodeEngine, rt.getTxnId(), rt.getTxLogs(), rt.getTimeoutMillis(), rt.getStartTime(), rt.getCallerUuid()); if (commit) { try { tx.commit(); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warning("Error during committing recovered client transaction!", e); } } else { try { tx.rollback(); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warning("Error during rolling-back recovered client transaction!", e); } } } @Override public void memberRemoved(MembershipServiceEvent event) { final MemberImpl member = event.getMember(); String uuid = member.getUuid(); finalizeTransactionsOf(uuid); } @Override public void memberAttributeChanged(MemberAttributeServiceEvent event) { } public void addManagedTransaction(Xid xid, Transaction transaction) { final SerializableXID sXid = new SerializableXID(xid.getFormatId(), xid.getGlobalTransactionId(), xid.getBranchQualifier()); ((TransactionImpl) transaction).setXid(sXid); managedTransactions.put(sXid, transaction); } public Transaction getManagedTransaction(Xid xid) { final SerializableXID sXid = new SerializableXID(xid.getFormatId(), xid.getGlobalTransactionId(), xid.getBranchQualifier()); return managedTransactions.get(sXid); } public void removeManagedTransaction(Xid xid) { final SerializableXID sXid = new SerializableXID(xid.getFormatId(), xid.getGlobalTransactionId(), xid.getBranchQualifier()); managedTransactions.remove(sXid); } private void finalizeTransactionsOf(String uuid) { for (Map.Entry<String, TxBackupLog> entry : txBackupLogs.entrySet()) { finalize(uuid, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } private void finalize(String uuid, String txnId, TxBackupLog log) { OperationService operationService = nodeEngine.getOperationService(); if (!uuid.equals(log.callerUuid)) { return; } //TODO shouldn't we remove TxBackupLog from map ? if (log.state == State.ACTIVE) { Collection<MemberImpl> memberList = nodeEngine.getClusterService().getMemberList(); Collection<Future> futures = new ArrayList<Future>(memberList.size()); for (MemberImpl member : memberList) { Operation op = new BroadcastTxRollbackOperation(txnId); Future f = operationService.invokeOnTarget(SERVICE_NAME, op, member.getAddress()); futures.add(f); } for (Future future : futures) { try { future.get(TransactionOptions.getDefault().getTimeoutMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning("Error while rolling-back tx!"); } } } else { if (log.state == State.COMMITTING && log.xid != null) { logger.warning("This log is XA Managed " + log); //Marking for recovery log.state = State.NO_TXN; return; } TransactionImpl tx = new TransactionImpl(this, nodeEngine, txnId, log.txLogs, log.timeoutMillis, log.startTime, log.callerUuid); if (log.state == State.COMMITTING) { try { tx.commit(); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warning("Error during committing from tx backup!", e); } } else { try { tx.rollback(); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warning("Error during rolling-back from tx backup!", e); } } } } @Override public void clientDisconnected(String clientUuid) { finalizeTransactionsOf(clientUuid); } Address[] pickBackupAddresses(int durability) { final ClusterService clusterService = nodeEngine.getClusterService(); final List<MemberImpl> members = new ArrayList<MemberImpl>(clusterService.getMemberList()); members.remove(nodeEngine.getLocalMember()); final int c = Math.min(members.size(), durability); Collections.shuffle(members); Address[] addresses = new Address[c]; for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { addresses[i] = members.get(i).getAddress(); } return addresses; } public void addTxBackupLogForClientRecovery(Transaction transaction) { TransactionImpl txnImpl = (TransactionImpl) transaction; final String callerUuid = txnImpl.getOwnerUuid(); final SerializableXID xid = txnImpl.getXid(); final List<TransactionLog> txLogs = txnImpl.getTxLogs(); final long timeoutMillis = txnImpl.getTimeoutMillis(); final long startTime = txnImpl.getStartTime(); TxBackupLog log = new TxBackupLog(txLogs, callerUuid, State.COMMITTING, timeoutMillis, startTime, xid); txBackupLogs.put(txnImpl.getTxnId(), log); } void beginTxBackupLog(String callerUuid, String txnId, SerializableXID xid) { TxBackupLog log = new TxBackupLog(Collections.<TransactionLog>emptyList(), callerUuid, State.ACTIVE, -1, -1, xid); if (txBackupLogs.putIfAbsent(txnId, log) != null) { throw new TransactionException("TxLog already exists!"); } } void prepareTxBackupLog(List<TransactionLog> txLogs, String callerUuid, String txnId, long timeoutMillis, long startTime) { TxBackupLog beginLog = txBackupLogs.get(txnId); if (beginLog == null) { throw new TransactionException("Could not find begin tx log!"); } if (beginLog.state != State.ACTIVE) { throw new TransactionException("TxLog already exists!"); } TxBackupLog newTxBackupLog = new TxBackupLog(txLogs, callerUuid, State.COMMITTING, timeoutMillis, startTime, beginLog.xid); if (!txBackupLogs.replace(txnId, beginLog, newTxBackupLog)) { throw new TransactionException("TxLog already exists!"); } } void rollbackTxBackupLog(String txnId) { final TxBackupLog log = txBackupLogs.get(txnId); if (log != null) { log.state = State.ROLLING_BACK; } else { logger.warning("No tx backup log is found, tx -> " + txnId); } } void purgeTxBackupLog(String txnId) { txBackupLogs.remove(txnId); } public Xid[] recover() { List<Future<SerializableCollection>> futures = invokeRecoverOperations(); Set<SerializableXID> xidSet = new HashSet<SerializableXID>(); for (Future<SerializableCollection> future : futures) { try { final SerializableCollection collectionWrapper = future.get(RECOVER_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); for (Data data : collectionWrapper) { final RecoveredTransaction rt = (RecoveredTransaction) nodeEngine.toObject(data); final SerializableXID xid = rt.getXid(); TransactionImpl tx = new TransactionImpl(this, nodeEngine, rt.getTxnId(), rt.getTxLogs(), rt.getTimeoutMillis(), rt.getStartTime(), rt.getCallerUuid()); tx.setXid(xid); xidSet.add(xid); managedTransactions.put(xid, tx); } } catch (MemberLeftException e) { logger.warning("Member left while recovering: " + e); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof ExecutionException) { e = e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause() : e; } if (e instanceof TargetNotMemberException) { nodeEngine.getLogger(Transaction.class).warning("Member left while recovering: " + e); } else { throw ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e); } } } final Set<RecoveredTransaction> localSet = recoverLocal(); for (RecoveredTransaction rt : localSet) { xidSet.add(rt.getXid()); } return xidSet.toArray(new Xid[xidSet.size()]); } private List<Future<SerializableCollection>> invokeRecoverOperations() { final OperationService operationService = nodeEngine.getOperationService(); final ClusterService clusterService = nodeEngine.getClusterService(); final Collection<MemberImpl> memberList = clusterService.getMemberList(); List<Future<SerializableCollection>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<SerializableCollection>>(memberList.size() - 1); for (MemberImpl member : memberList) { if (member.localMember()) { continue; } final Future f = operationService.createInvocationBuilder(TransactionManagerServiceImpl.SERVICE_NAME, new RecoverTxnOperation(), member.getAddress()).invoke(); futures.add(f); } return futures; } public Set<RecoveredTransaction> recoverLocal() { Set<RecoveredTransaction> recovered = new HashSet<RecoveredTransaction>(); if (!txBackupLogs.isEmpty()) { final Set<Map.Entry<String, TxBackupLog>> entries = txBackupLogs.entrySet(); final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, TxBackupLog>> iter = entries.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final Map.Entry<String, TxBackupLog> entry = iter.next(); final TxBackupLog log = entry.getValue(); final String txnId = entry.getKey(); if (log.state == State.NO_TXN && log.xid != null) { final RecoveredTransaction rt = new RecoveredTransaction(); rt.setTxLogs(log.txLogs); rt.setXid(log.xid); rt.setCallerUuid(log.callerUuid); rt.setStartTime(log.startTime); rt.setTimeoutMillis(log.timeoutMillis); rt.setTxnId(txnId); recovered.add(rt); iter.remove(); } } } return recovered; } private static final class TxBackupLog { private final List<TransactionLog> txLogs; private final String callerUuid; private final long timeoutMillis; private final long startTime; private final SerializableXID xid; private volatile State state; private TxBackupLog(List<TransactionLog> txLogs, String callerUuid, State state, long timeoutMillis, long startTime, SerializableXID xid) { this.txLogs = txLogs; this.callerUuid = callerUuid; this.state = state; this.timeoutMillis = timeoutMillis; this.startTime = startTime; this.xid = xid; } } }
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public class AbstractClientCollectionProxy<E> extends ClientProxy implements ICollection<E> { protected final String partitionKey; public AbstractClientCollectionProxy(String instanceName, String serviceName, String name) { super(instanceName, serviceName, name); partitionKey = getPartitionKey(); } public int size() { CollectionSizeRequest request = new CollectionSizeRequest(getName()); final Integer result = invoke(request); return result; } public boolean isEmpty() { return size() == 0; } public boolean contains(Object o) { throwExceptionIfNull(o); final CollectionContainsRequest request = new CollectionContainsRequest(getName(), toData(o)); final Boolean result = invoke(request); return result; } public Iterator<E> iterator() { return getAll().iterator(); } public Object[] toArray() { return getAll().toArray(); } public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) { return getAll().toArray(a); } public boolean add(E e) { throwExceptionIfNull(e); final CollectionAddRequest request = new CollectionAddRequest(getName(), toData(e)); final Boolean result = invoke(request); return result; } public boolean remove(Object o) { throwExceptionIfNull(o); final CollectionRemoveRequest request = new CollectionRemoveRequest(getName(), toData(o)); final Boolean result = invoke(request); return result; } public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) { throwExceptionIfNull(c); Set<Data> valueSet = new HashSet<Data>(c.size()); for (Object o : c) { throwExceptionIfNull(o); valueSet.add(toData(o)); } final CollectionContainsRequest request = new CollectionContainsRequest(getName(), valueSet); final Boolean result = invoke(request); return result; } public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) { throwExceptionIfNull(c); final List<Data> valueList = new ArrayList<Data>(c.size()); for (E e : c) { throwExceptionIfNull(e); valueList.add(toData(e)); } final CollectionAddAllRequest request = new CollectionAddAllRequest(getName(), valueList); final Boolean result = invoke(request); return result; } public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) { return compareAndRemove(false, c); } public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) { return compareAndRemove(true, c); } private boolean compareAndRemove(boolean retain, Collection<?> c) { throwExceptionIfNull(c); final Set<Data> valueSet = new HashSet<Data>(); for (Object o : c) { throwExceptionIfNull(o); valueSet.add(toData(o)); } final CollectionCompareAndRemoveRequest request = new CollectionCompareAndRemoveRequest(getName(), valueSet, retain); final Boolean result = invoke(request); return result; } public void clear() { final CollectionClearRequest request = new CollectionClearRequest(getName()); invoke(request); } public String addItemListener(final ItemListener<E> listener, final boolean includeValue) { final CollectionAddListenerRequest request = new CollectionAddListenerRequest(getName(), includeValue); request.setServiceName(getServiceName()); EventHandler<PortableItemEvent> eventHandler = new EventHandler<PortableItemEvent>() { public void handle(PortableItemEvent portableItemEvent) { E item = includeValue ? (E) getContext().getSerializationService().toObject(portableItemEvent.getItem()) : null; Member member = getContext().getClusterService().getMember(portableItemEvent.getUuid()); ItemEvent<E> itemEvent = new ItemEvent<E>(getName(), portableItemEvent.getEventType(), item, member); if (portableItemEvent.getEventType() == ItemEventType.ADDED) { listener.itemAdded(itemEvent); } else { listener.itemRemoved(itemEvent); } } @Override public void onListenerRegister() { } }; return listen(request, getPartitionKey(), eventHandler); } public boolean removeItemListener(String registrationId) { final CollectionRemoveListenerRequest request = new CollectionRemoveListenerRequest(getName(), registrationId, getServiceName()); return stopListening(request, registrationId); } protected void onDestroy() { } protected <T> T invoke(ClientRequest req) { if (req instanceof CollectionRequest) { CollectionRequest request = (CollectionRequest) req; request.setServiceName(getServiceName()); } return super.invoke(req, getPartitionKey()); } private Collection<E> getAll() { final CollectionGetAllRequest request = new CollectionGetAllRequest(getName()); final SerializableCollection result = invoke(request); final Collection<Data> collection = result.getCollection(); final ArrayList<E> list = new ArrayList<E>(collection.size()); for (Data value : collection) { list.add((E) toObject(value)); } return list; } }
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searchServiceTransportAction.sendFreeContext(node, target.v2(), request, new ActionListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void onResponse(Boolean success) { onFreedContext(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e) { onFailedFreedContext(e, node); } });
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static final class ModuleProposal extends CompletionProposal { private final int len; private final String versioned; private final ModuleDetails module; private final boolean withBody; private final ModuleVersionDetails version; private final String name; private Node node; ModuleProposal(int offset, String prefix, int len, String versioned, ModuleDetails module, boolean withBody, ModuleVersionDetails version, String name, Node node) { super(offset, prefix, MODULE, versioned, versioned.substring(len)); this.len = len; this.versioned = versioned; this.module = module; this.withBody = withBody; this.version = version; this.name = name; this.node = node; } @Override public String getDisplayString() { String str = super.getDisplayString(); /*if (withBody && EditorsUI.getPreferenceStore() .getBoolean(LINKED_MODE)) { str = str.replaceAll("\".*\"", "\"<...>\""); }*/ return str; } @Override public Point getSelection(IDocument document) { final int off = offset+versioned.length()-prefix.length()-len; if (withBody) { final int verlen = version.getVersion().length(); return new Point(off-verlen-2, verlen); } else { return new Point(off, 0); } } @Override public void apply(IDocument document) { super.apply(document); if (withBody && //module.getVersions().size()>1 && //TODO: put this back in when sure it works EditorsUI.getPreferenceStore() .getBoolean(LINKED_MODE)) { final LinkedModeModel linkedModeModel = new LinkedModeModel(); final Point selection = getSelection(document); List<ICompletionProposal> proposals = new ArrayList<ICompletionProposal>(); for (final ModuleVersionDetails d: module.getVersions()) { proposals.add(new ICompletionProposal() { @Override public Point getSelection(IDocument document) { return null; } @Override public Image getImage() { return CeylonResources.VERSION; } @Override public String getDisplayString() { return d.getVersion(); } @Override public IContextInformation getContextInformation() { return null; } @Override public String getAdditionalProposalInfo() { return "Repository: " + d.getOrigin(); } @Override public void apply(IDocument document) { try { document.replace(selection.x, selection.y, d.getVersion()); } catch (BadLocationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } linkedModeModel.exit(ILinkedModeListener.UPDATE_CARET); } }); } ProposalPosition linkedPosition = new ProposalPosition(document, selection.x, selection.y, 0, proposals.toArray(NO_COMPLETIONS)); try { LinkedMode.addLinkedPosition(linkedModeModel, linkedPosition); LinkedMode.installLinkedMode((CeylonEditor) EditorUtil.getCurrentEditor(), document, linkedModeModel, this, new LinkedMode.NullExitPolicy(), 1, selection.x+selection.y+2); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { ble.printStackTrace(); } } } @Override public String getAdditionalProposalInfo() { Scope scope = node.getScope(); Unit unit = node.getUnit(); return JDKUtils.isJDKModule(name) ? getDocumentationForModule(name, JDKUtils.jdk.version, "This module forms part of the Java SDK.", scope, unit) : getDocumentationFor(module, version.getVersion(), scope, unit); } @Override protected boolean qualifiedNameIsPath() { return true; } }
public class OSQLFunctionAverage extends OSQLFunctionMathAbstract { public static final String NAME = "avg"; private Number sum; private int total = 0; public OSQLFunctionAverage() { super(NAME, 1, -1); } public Object execute(OIdentifiable iCurrentRecord, Object iCurrentResult, final Object[] iParameters, OCommandContext iContext) { if (iParameters.length == 1) { if (iParameters[0] instanceof Number) sum((Number) iParameters[0]); else if (OMultiValue.isMultiValue(iParameters[0])) for (Object n : OMultiValue.getMultiValueIterable(iParameters[0])) sum((Number) n); } else { sum = null; for (int i = 0; i < iParameters.length; ++i) sum((Number) iParameters[i]); } return getResult(); } protected void sum(Number value) { if (value != null) { total++; if (sum == null) // FIRST TIME sum = value; else sum = OType.increment(sum, value); } } public String getSyntax() { return "Syntax error: avg(<field> [,<field>*])"; } @Override public Object getResult() { if (returnDistributedResult()) { final Map<String, Object> doc = new HashMap<String, Object>(); doc.put("sum", sum); doc.put("total", total); return doc; } else { if (sum instanceof Integer) return sum.intValue() / total; else if (sum instanceof Long) return sum.longValue() / total; else if (sum instanceof Float) return sum.floatValue() / total; else if (sum instanceof Double) return sum.doubleValue() / total; else if (sum instanceof BigDecimal) return ((BigDecimal) sum).divide(new BigDecimal(total)); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Object mergeDistributedResult(List<Object> resultsToMerge) { Number sum = null; int total = 0; for (Object iParameter : resultsToMerge) { final Map<String, Object> item = (Map<String, Object>) iParameter; if (sum == null) sum = (Number) item.get("sum"); else sum = OType.increment(sum, (Number) item.get("sum")); total += (Integer) item.get("total"); } if (sum instanceof Integer) return sum.intValue() / total; else if (sum instanceof Long) return sum.longValue() / total; else if (sum instanceof Float) return sum.floatValue() / total; else if (sum instanceof Double) return sum.doubleValue() / total; else if (sum instanceof BigDecimal) return ((BigDecimal) sum).divide(new BigDecimal(total)); return null; } @Override public boolean aggregateResults() { return configuredParameters.length == 1; } }
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public class UpdateSettingsResponse extends AcknowledgedResponse { UpdateSettingsResponse() { } UpdateSettingsResponse(boolean acknowledged) { super(acknowledged); } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); readAcknowledged(in); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); writeAcknowledged(out); } }
executionService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(executorName, new Runnable() { public void run() { heartBeater(); } }, heartbeatInterval, heartbeatInterval, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
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public class EventServiceImpl implements EventService { private static final EventRegistration[] EMPTY_REGISTRATIONS = new EventRegistration[0]; private final ILogger logger; private final NodeEngineImpl nodeEngine; private final ConcurrentMap<String, EventServiceSegment> segments; private final StripedExecutor eventExecutor; private final int eventQueueTimeoutMs; private final int eventThreadCount; private final int eventQueueCapacity; EventServiceImpl(NodeEngineImpl nodeEngine) { this.nodeEngine = nodeEngine; this.logger = nodeEngine.getLogger(EventService.class.getName()); final Node node = nodeEngine.getNode(); GroupProperties groupProperties = node.getGroupProperties(); this.eventThreadCount = groupProperties.EVENT_THREAD_COUNT.getInteger(); this.eventQueueCapacity = groupProperties.EVENT_QUEUE_CAPACITY.getInteger(); this.eventQueueTimeoutMs = groupProperties.EVENT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS.getInteger(); this.eventExecutor = new StripedExecutor( node.getLogger(EventServiceImpl.class), node.getThreadNamePrefix("event"), node.threadGroup, eventThreadCount, eventQueueCapacity); this.segments = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, EventServiceSegment>(); } @Override public int getEventThreadCount() { return eventThreadCount; } @Override public int getEventQueueCapacity() { return eventQueueCapacity; } @Override public int getEventQueueSize() { return eventExecutor.getWorkQueueSize(); } @Override public EventRegistration registerLocalListener(String serviceName, String topic, Object listener) { return registerListenerInternal(serviceName, topic, new EmptyFilter(), listener, true); } @Override public EventRegistration registerLocalListener(String serviceName, String topic, EventFilter filter, Object listener) { return registerListenerInternal(serviceName, topic, filter, listener, true); } @Override public EventRegistration registerListener(String serviceName, String topic, Object listener) { return registerListenerInternal(serviceName, topic, new EmptyFilter(), listener, false); } @Override public EventRegistration registerListener(String serviceName, String topic, EventFilter filter, Object listener) { return registerListenerInternal(serviceName, topic, filter, listener, false); } private EventRegistration registerListenerInternal(String serviceName, String topic, EventFilter filter, Object listener, boolean localOnly) { if (listener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Listener required!"); } if (filter == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EventFilter required!"); } EventServiceSegment segment = getSegment(serviceName, true); Registration reg = new Registration(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), serviceName, topic, filter, nodeEngine.getThisAddress(), listener, localOnly); if (segment.addRegistration(topic, reg)) { if (!localOnly) { invokeRegistrationOnOtherNodes(serviceName, reg); } return reg; } else { return null; } } private boolean handleRegistration(Registration reg) { if (nodeEngine.getThisAddress().equals(reg.getSubscriber())) { return false; } EventServiceSegment segment = getSegment(reg.serviceName, true); return segment.addRegistration(reg.topic, reg); } @Override public boolean deregisterListener(String serviceName, String topic, Object id) { final EventServiceSegment segment = getSegment(serviceName, false); if (segment != null) { final Registration reg = segment.removeRegistration(topic, String.valueOf(id)); if (reg != null && !reg.isLocalOnly()) { invokeDeregistrationOnOtherNodes(serviceName, topic, String.valueOf(id)); } return reg != null; } return false; } @Override public void deregisterAllListeners(String serviceName, String topic) { final EventServiceSegment segment = getSegment(serviceName, false); if (segment != null) { segment.removeRegistrations(topic); } } private void deregisterSubscriber(String serviceName, String topic, String id) { final EventServiceSegment segment = getSegment(serviceName, false); if (segment != null) { segment.removeRegistration(topic, id); } } private void invokeRegistrationOnOtherNodes(String serviceName, Registration reg) { Collection<MemberImpl> members = nodeEngine.getClusterService().getMemberList(); Collection<Future> calls = new ArrayList<Future>(members.size()); for (MemberImpl member : members) { if (!member.localMember()) { Future f = nodeEngine.getOperationService().invokeOnTarget(serviceName, new RegistrationOperation(reg), member.getAddress()); calls.add(f); } } for (Future f : calls) { try { f.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } catch (TimeoutException ignored) { } catch (MemberLeftException e) { logger.finest("Member left while registering listener...", e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new HazelcastException(e); } } } private void invokeDeregistrationOnOtherNodes(String serviceName, String topic, String id) { Collection<MemberImpl> members = nodeEngine.getClusterService().getMemberList(); Collection<Future> calls = new ArrayList<Future>(members.size()); for (MemberImpl member : members) { if (!member.localMember()) { Future f = nodeEngine.getOperationService().invokeOnTarget(serviceName, new DeregistrationOperation(topic, id), member.getAddress()); calls.add(f); } } for (Future f : calls) { try { f.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } catch (TimeoutException ignored) { } catch (MemberLeftException e) { logger.finest("Member left while de-registering listener...", e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new HazelcastException(e); } } } @Override public EventRegistration[] getRegistrationsAsArray(String serviceName, String topic) { final EventServiceSegment segment = getSegment(serviceName, false); if (segment != null) { final Collection<Registration> registrations = segment.getRegistrations(topic, false); return registrations != null && !registrations.isEmpty() ? registrations.toArray(new Registration[registrations.size()]) : EMPTY_REGISTRATIONS; } return EMPTY_REGISTRATIONS; } @Override public Collection<EventRegistration> getRegistrations(String serviceName, String topic) { final EventServiceSegment segment = getSegment(serviceName, false); if (segment != null) { final Collection<Registration> registrations = segment.getRegistrations(topic, false); return registrations != null && !registrations.isEmpty() ? Collections.<EventRegistration>unmodifiableCollection(registrations) : Collections.<EventRegistration>emptySet(); } return Collections.emptySet(); } @Override public void publishEvent(String serviceName, EventRegistration registration, Object event, int orderKey) { if (!(registration instanceof Registration)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } final Registration reg = (Registration) registration; if (isLocal(reg)) { executeLocal(serviceName, event, reg, orderKey); } else { final Address subscriber = registration.getSubscriber(); sendEventPacket(subscriber, new EventPacket(registration.getId(), serviceName, event), orderKey); } } @Override public void publishEvent(String serviceName, Collection<EventRegistration> registrations, Object event, int orderKey) { final Iterator<EventRegistration> iter = registrations.iterator(); Data eventData = null; while (iter.hasNext()) { EventRegistration registration = iter.next(); if (!(registration instanceof Registration)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } final Registration reg = (Registration) registration; if (isLocal(reg)) { executeLocal(serviceName, event, reg, orderKey); } else { if (eventData == null) { eventData = nodeEngine.toData(event); } final Address subscriber = registration.getSubscriber(); sendEventPacket(subscriber, new EventPacket(registration.getId(), serviceName, eventData), orderKey); } } } private void executeLocal(String serviceName, Object event, Registration reg, int orderKey) { if (nodeEngine.isActive()) { try { if (reg.listener != null) { eventExecutor.execute(new LocalEventDispatcher(serviceName, event, reg.listener, orderKey, eventQueueTimeoutMs)); } else { logger.warning("Something seems wrong! Listener instance is null! -> " + reg); } } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { if (eventExecutor.isLive()) { logger.warning("EventQueue overloaded! " + event + " failed to publish to " + reg.serviceName + ":" + reg.topic); } } } } private void sendEventPacket(Address subscriber, EventPacket eventPacket, int orderKey) { final String serviceName = eventPacket.serviceName; final EventServiceSegment segment = getSegment(serviceName, true); boolean sync = segment.incrementPublish() % 100000 == 0; if (sync) { Future f = nodeEngine.getOperationService().createInvocationBuilder(serviceName, new SendEventOperation(eventPacket, orderKey), subscriber).setTryCount(50).invoke(); try { f.get(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } else { final Packet packet = new Packet(nodeEngine.toData(eventPacket), orderKey, nodeEngine.getSerializationContext()); packet.setHeader(Packet.HEADER_EVENT); nodeEngine.send(packet, subscriber); } } private EventServiceSegment getSegment(String service, boolean forceCreate) { EventServiceSegment segment = segments.get(service); if (segment == null && forceCreate) { return ConcurrencyUtil.getOrPutIfAbsent(segments, service, new ConstructorFunction<String, EventServiceSegment>() { public EventServiceSegment createNew(String key) { return new EventServiceSegment(key); } }); } return segment; } private boolean isLocal(Registration reg) { return nodeEngine.getThisAddress().equals(reg.getSubscriber()); } @PrivateApi void executeEvent(Runnable eventRunnable) { if (nodeEngine.isActive()) { try { eventExecutor.execute(eventRunnable); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { if (eventExecutor.isLive()) { logger.warning("EventQueue overloaded! Failed to execute event process: " + eventRunnable); } } } } @PrivateApi void handleEvent(Packet packet) { try { eventExecutor.execute(new RemoteEventPacketProcessor(packet)); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { if (eventExecutor.isLive()) { final Connection conn = packet.getConn(); String endpoint = conn.getEndPoint() != null ? conn.getEndPoint().toString() : conn.toString(); logger.warning("EventQueue overloaded! Failed to process event packet sent from: " + endpoint); } } } public PostJoinRegistrationOperation getPostJoinOperation() { final Collection<Registration> registrations = new LinkedList<Registration>(); for (EventServiceSegment segment : segments.values()) { for (Registration reg : segment.registrationIdMap.values()) { if (!reg.isLocalOnly()) { registrations.add(reg); } } } return registrations.isEmpty() ? null : new PostJoinRegistrationOperation(registrations); } void shutdown() { logger.finest("Stopping event executor..."); eventExecutor.shutdown(); for (EventServiceSegment segment : segments.values()) { segment.clear(); } segments.clear(); } void onMemberLeft(MemberImpl member) { final Address address = member.getAddress(); for (EventServiceSegment segment : segments.values()) { segment.onMemberLeft(address); } } private static class EventServiceSegment { final String serviceName; final ConcurrentMap<String, Collection<Registration>> registrations = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Collection<Registration>>(); final ConcurrentMap<String, Registration> registrationIdMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Registration>(); final AtomicInteger totalPublishes = new AtomicInteger(); EventServiceSegment(String serviceName) { this.serviceName = serviceName; } private Collection<Registration> getRegistrations(String topic, boolean forceCreate) { Collection<Registration> listenerList = registrations.get(topic); if (listenerList == null && forceCreate) { return ConcurrencyUtil.getOrPutIfAbsent(registrations, topic, new ConstructorFunction<String, Collection<Registration>>() { public Collection<Registration> createNew(String key) { return Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<Registration, Boolean>()); } }); } return listenerList; } private boolean addRegistration(String topic, Registration registration) { final Collection<Registration> registrations = getRegistrations(topic, true); if (registrations.add(registration)) { registrationIdMap.put(registration.id, registration); return true; } return false; } private Registration removeRegistration(String topic, String id) { final Registration registration = registrationIdMap.remove(id); if (registration != null) { final Collection<Registration> all = registrations.get(topic); if (all != null) { all.remove(registration); } } return registration; } void removeRegistrations(String topic) { final Collection<Registration> all = registrations.remove(topic); if (all != null) { for (Registration reg : all) { registrationIdMap.remove(reg.getId()); } } } void clear() { registrations.clear(); registrationIdMap.clear(); } void onMemberLeft(Address address) { for (Collection<Registration> all : registrations.values()) { Iterator<Registration> iter = all.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Registration reg = iter.next(); if (address.equals(reg.getSubscriber())) { iter.remove(); registrationIdMap.remove(reg.id); } } } } int incrementPublish() { return totalPublishes.incrementAndGet(); } } private class EventPacketProcessor implements StripedRunnable { private EventPacket eventPacket; int orderKey; private EventPacketProcessor() { } public EventPacketProcessor(EventPacket packet, int orderKey) { this.eventPacket = packet; this.orderKey = orderKey; } @Override public void run() { process(eventPacket); } void process(EventPacket eventPacket) { Object eventObject = eventPacket.event; if (eventObject instanceof Data) { eventObject = nodeEngine.toObject(eventObject); } final String serviceName = eventPacket.serviceName; EventPublishingService<Object, Object> service = nodeEngine.getService(serviceName); if (service == null) { if (nodeEngine.isActive()) { logger.warning("There is no service named: " + serviceName); } return; } EventServiceSegment segment = getSegment(serviceName, false); if (segment == null) { if (nodeEngine.isActive()) { logger.warning("No service registration found for " + serviceName); } return; } Registration registration = segment.registrationIdMap.get(eventPacket.id); if (registration == null) { if (nodeEngine.isActive()) { if (logger.isFinestEnabled()) { logger.finest("No registration found for " + serviceName + " / " + eventPacket.id); } } return; } if (!isLocal(registration)) { logger.severe("Invalid target for " + registration); return; } if (registration.listener == null) { logger.warning("Something seems wrong! Subscriber is local but listener instance is null! -> " + registration); return; } service.dispatchEvent(eventObject, registration.listener); } @Override public int getKey() { return orderKey; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("EventPacketProcessor{"); sb.append("eventPacket=").append(eventPacket); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } } private class RemoteEventPacketProcessor extends EventPacketProcessor implements StripedRunnable { private Packet packet; public RemoteEventPacketProcessor(Packet packet) { this.packet = packet; this.orderKey = packet.getPartitionId(); } @Override public void run() { Data data = packet.getData(); EventPacket eventPacket = (EventPacket) nodeEngine.toObject(data); process(eventPacket); } } private class LocalEventDispatcher implements StripedRunnable, TimeoutRunnable { final String serviceName; final Object event; final Object listener; final int orderKey; final long timeoutMs; private LocalEventDispatcher(String serviceName, Object event, Object listener, int orderKey, long timeoutMs) { this.serviceName = serviceName; this.event = event; this.listener = listener; this.orderKey = orderKey; this.timeoutMs = timeoutMs; } @Override public long getTimeout() { return timeoutMs; } @Override public TimeUnit getTimeUnit() { return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; } @Override public final void run() { final EventPublishingService<Object, Object> service = nodeEngine.getService(serviceName); if (service != null) { service.dispatchEvent(event, listener); } else { if (nodeEngine.isActive()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Service[" + serviceName + "] could not be found!"); } } } @Override public int getKey() { return orderKey; } } public static class Registration implements EventRegistration { private String id; private String serviceName; private String topic; private EventFilter filter; private Address subscriber; private transient boolean localOnly; private transient Object listener; public Registration() { } public Registration(String id, String serviceName, String topic, EventFilter filter, Address subscriber, Object listener, boolean localOnly) { this.filter = filter; this.id = id; this.listener = listener; this.serviceName = serviceName; this.topic = topic; this.subscriber = subscriber; this.localOnly = localOnly; } @Override public EventFilter getFilter() { return filter; } @Override public String getId() { return id; } @Override public Address getSubscriber() { return subscriber; } @Override public boolean isLocalOnly() { return localOnly; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Registration that = (Registration) o; if (id != null ? !id.equals(that.id) : that.id != null) return false; if (serviceName != null ? !serviceName.equals(that.serviceName) : that.serviceName != null) return false; if (topic != null ? !topic.equals(that.topic) : that.topic != null) return false; if (filter != null ? !filter.equals(that.filter) : that.filter != null) return false; if (subscriber != null ? !subscriber.equals(that.subscriber) : that.subscriber != null) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = id != null ? id.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (serviceName != null ? serviceName.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (topic != null ? topic.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (filter != null ? filter.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (subscriber != null ? subscriber.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override public void writeData(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeUTF(id); out.writeUTF(serviceName); out.writeUTF(topic); subscriber.writeData(out); out.writeObject(filter); } @Override public void readData(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { id = in.readUTF(); serviceName = in.readUTF(); topic = in.readUTF(); subscriber = new Address(); subscriber.readData(in); filter = in.readObject(); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Registration"); sb.append("{filter=").append(filter); sb.append(", id='").append(id).append('\''); sb.append(", serviceName='").append(serviceName).append('\''); sb.append(", subscriber=").append(subscriber); sb.append(", listener=").append(listener); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } } public final static class EventPacket implements IdentifiedDataSerializable { private String id; private String serviceName; private Object event; public EventPacket() { } EventPacket(String id, String serviceName, Object event) { this.event = event; this.id = id; this.serviceName = serviceName; } @Override public void writeData(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeUTF(id); out.writeUTF(serviceName); out.writeObject(event); } @Override public void readData(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { id = in.readUTF(); serviceName = in.readUTF(); event = in.readObject(); } @Override public int getFactoryId() { return SpiDataSerializerHook.F_ID; } @Override public int getId() { return SpiDataSerializerHook.EVENT_PACKET; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("EventPacket{"); sb.append("id='").append(id).append('\''); sb.append(", serviceName='").append(serviceName).append('\''); sb.append(", event=").append(event); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } } public static final class EmptyFilter implements EventFilter, DataSerializable { public boolean eval(Object arg) { return true; } @Override public void writeData(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { } @Override public void readData(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return obj instanceof EmptyFilter; } @Override public int hashCode() { return 0; } } public static class SendEventOperation extends AbstractOperation { private EventPacket eventPacket; private int orderKey; public SendEventOperation() { } public SendEventOperation(EventPacket eventPacket, int orderKey) { this.eventPacket = eventPacket; this.orderKey = orderKey; } @Override public void run() throws Exception { EventServiceImpl eventService = (EventServiceImpl) getNodeEngine().getEventService(); eventService.executeEvent(eventService.new EventPacketProcessor(eventPacket, orderKey)); } @Override public boolean returnsResponse() { return true; } @Override protected void writeInternal(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeInternal(out); eventPacket.writeData(out); out.writeInt(orderKey); } @Override protected void readInternal(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { super.readInternal(in); eventPacket = new EventPacket(); eventPacket.readData(in); orderKey = in.readInt(); } } public static class RegistrationOperation extends AbstractOperation { private Registration registration; private boolean response = false; public RegistrationOperation() { } private RegistrationOperation(Registration registration) { this.registration = registration; } @Override public void run() throws Exception { EventServiceImpl eventService = (EventServiceImpl) getNodeEngine().getEventService(); response = eventService.handleRegistration(registration); } @Override public Object getResponse() { return response; } @Override public boolean returnsResponse() { return true; } @Override protected void writeInternal(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { registration.writeData(out); } @Override protected void readInternal(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { registration = new Registration(); registration.readData(in); } } public static class DeregistrationOperation extends AbstractOperation { private String topic; private String id; DeregistrationOperation() { } private DeregistrationOperation(String topic, String id) { this.topic = topic; this.id = id; } @Override public void run() throws Exception { EventServiceImpl eventService = (EventServiceImpl) getNodeEngine().getEventService(); eventService.deregisterSubscriber(getServiceName(), topic, id); } @Override public Object getResponse() { return true; } @Override public boolean returnsResponse() { return true; } @Override protected void writeInternal(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeUTF(topic); out.writeUTF(id); } @Override protected void readInternal(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { topic = in.readUTF(); id = in.readUTF(); } } public static class PostJoinRegistrationOperation extends AbstractOperation { private Collection<Registration> registrations; public PostJoinRegistrationOperation() { } public PostJoinRegistrationOperation(Collection<Registration> registrations) { this.registrations = registrations; } @Override public void run() throws Exception { if (registrations != null && registrations.size() > 0) { NodeEngineImpl nodeEngine = (NodeEngineImpl) getNodeEngine(); EventServiceImpl eventService = nodeEngine.eventService; for (Registration reg : registrations) { eventService.handleRegistration(reg); } } } @Override public boolean returnsResponse() { return false; } @Override protected void writeInternal(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeInternal(out); int len = registrations != null ? registrations.size() : 0; out.writeInt(len); if (len > 0) { for (Registration reg : registrations) { reg.writeData(out); } } } @Override protected void readInternal(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException { super.readInternal(in); int len = in.readInt(); if (len > 0) { registrations = new ArrayList<Registration>(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Registration reg = new Registration(); registrations.add(reg); reg.readData(in); } } } } }
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@Entity @Table(name = "BLC_PAGE_ITEM_CRITERIA") @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) @AdminPresentationClass(friendlyName = "PageItemCriteriaImpl_basePageItemCriteria") public class PageItemCriteriaImpl implements PageItemCriteria { public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @GeneratedValue(generator= "PageItemCriteriaId") @GenericGenerator( name="PageItemCriteriaId", strategy="org.broadleafcommerce.common.persistence.IdOverrideTableGenerator", parameters = { @Parameter(name="segment_value", value="PageItemCriteriaImpl"), @Parameter(name="entity_name", value="org.broadleafcommerce.cms.page.domain.PageItemCriteriaImpl") } ) @Column(name = "PAGE_ITEM_CRITERIA_ID") @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "PageItemCriteriaImpl_Item_Criteria_Id", group = "PageItemCriteriaImpl_Description", visibility =VisibilityEnum.HIDDEN_ALL) protected Long id; @Column(name = "QUANTITY", nullable=false) @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "PageItemCriteriaImpl_Quantity", group = "PageItemCriteriaImpl_Description", visibility =VisibilityEnum.HIDDEN_ALL) protected Integer quantity; @Lob @Type(type = "org.hibernate.type.StringClobType") @Column(name = "ORDER_ITEM_MATCH_RULE", length = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1) @AdminPresentation(friendlyName = "PageItemCriteriaImpl_Order_Item_Match_Rule", group = "PageItemCriteriaImpl_Description", visibility = VisibilityEnum.HIDDEN_ALL) protected String orderItemMatchRule; @ManyToOne(targetEntity = PageImpl.class) @JoinTable(name = "BLC_QUAL_CRIT_PAGE_XREF", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "PAGE_ITEM_CRITERIA_ID"), inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "PAGE_ID")) protected Page page; @Override public Long getId() { return id; } @Override public void setId(Long id) { this.id = id; } @Override public Integer getQuantity() { return quantity; } @Override public void setQuantity(Integer receiveQuantity) { this.quantity = receiveQuantity; } @Override public String getMatchRule() { return orderItemMatchRule; } @Override public void setMatchRule(String matchRule) { this.orderItemMatchRule = matchRule; } @Override public Page getPage() { return page; } @Override public void setPage(Page page) { this.page = page; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((id == null) ? 0 : id.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((orderItemMatchRule == null) ? 0 : orderItemMatchRule.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((quantity == null) ? 0 : quantity.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; PageItemCriteriaImpl other = (PageItemCriteriaImpl) obj; if (id != null && other.id != null) { return id.equals(other.id); } if (orderItemMatchRule == null) { if (other.orderItemMatchRule != null) return false; } else if (!orderItemMatchRule.equals(other.orderItemMatchRule)) return false; if (quantity == null) { if (other.quantity != null) return false; } else if (!quantity.equals(other.quantity)) return false; return true; } @Override public PageItemCriteria cloneEntity() { PageItemCriteriaImpl newField = new PageItemCriteriaImpl(); newField.quantity = quantity; newField.orderItemMatchRule = orderItemMatchRule; return newField; } }
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public class MergeClassPathXMLApplicationContext extends AbstractMergeXMLApplicationContext { public MergeClassPathXMLApplicationContext(ApplicationContext parent) { super(parent); } /** * Create a new MergeClassPathXMLApplicationContext, loading the definitions from the given definitions. Note, * all sourceLocation files will be merged using standard Spring configuration override rules. However, the patch * files are fully merged into the result of the sourceLocations simple merge. Patch merges are first executed according * to beans with the same id. Subsequent merges within a bean are executed against tagnames - ignoring any * further id attributes. * * @param sourceLocations array of relative (or absolute) paths within the class path for the source application context files * @param patchLocations array of relative (or absolute) paths within the class path for the patch application context files * @throws BeansException */ public MergeClassPathXMLApplicationContext(String[] sourceLocations, String[] patchLocations) throws BeansException { this(sourceLocations, patchLocations, null); } /** * Create a new MergeClassPathXMLApplicationContext, loading the definitions from the given definitions. Note, * all sourceLocation files will be merged using standard Spring configuration override rules. However, the patch * files are fully merged into the result of the sourceLocations simple merge. Patch merges are first executed according * to beans with the same id. Subsequent merges within a bean are executed against tagnames - ignoring any * further id attributes. * * @param sourceLocations array of relative (or absolute) paths within the class path for the source application context files * @param patchLocations array of relative (or absolute) paths within the class path for the patch application context files * @param parent the parent context * @throws BeansException */ public MergeClassPathXMLApplicationContext(String[] sourceLocations, String[] patchLocations, ApplicationContext parent) throws BeansException { this(parent); ResourceInputStream[] sources = new ResourceInputStream[sourceLocations.length]; for (int j=0;j<sourceLocations.length;j++){ sources[j] = new ResourceInputStream(getClassLoader(parent).getResourceAsStream(sourceLocations[j]), sourceLocations[j]); } ResourceInputStream[] patches = new ResourceInputStream[patchLocations.length]; for (int j=0;j<patches.length;j++){ patches[j] = new ResourceInputStream(getClassLoader(parent).getResourceAsStream(patchLocations[j]), patchLocations[j]); } ImportProcessor importProcessor = new ImportProcessor(this); try { sources = importProcessor.extract(sources); patches = importProcessor.extract(patches); } catch (MergeException e) { throw new FatalBeanException("Unable to merge source and patch locations", e); } this.configResources = new MergeApplicationContextXmlConfigResource().getConfigResources(sources, patches); refresh(); } /** * This could be advantageous for subclasses to override in order to utilize the parent application context. By default, * this utilizes the class loader for the current class. */ protected ClassLoader getClassLoader(ApplicationContext parent) { return MergeClassPathXMLApplicationContext.class.getClassLoader(); } }
public class OTimeoutException extends ONeedRetryException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public OTimeoutException() { super(); } public OTimeoutException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public OTimeoutException(String message) { super(message); } public OTimeoutException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } }
public class PlotViewFactory { private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PlotViewFactory.class); /** * Create the plot from persisted settings if available. Otherwise, create a default plot. */ static PlotView createPlot(PlotSettings settings, long currentTime, PlotViewManifestation parentManifestation, int numberOfSubPlots, PlotView oldPlot, AbbreviatingPlotLabelingAlgorithm plotLabelingAlgorithm) { PlotView thePlot; // Insure we always have at least one plot. numberOfSubPlots = Math.max(1,numberOfSubPlots); if (!settings.isNull()) { // The plot has persisted settings so apply them. if (!settings.pinTimeAxis) { adjustPlotStartAndEndTimeToMatchCurrentTime(settings, currentTime); } thePlot = createPlotFromSettings(settings, numberOfSubPlots, plotLabelingAlgorithm); } else { // Setup a default plot to view while the user is configuring it. thePlot = new PlotView.Builder(PlotterPlot.class). numberOfSubPlots(numberOfSubPlots). timeVariableAxisMaxValue(currentTime). timeVariableAxisMinValue(currentTime - PlotConstants.DEFAUlT_PLOT_SPAN). plotLabelingAlgorithm(plotLabelingAlgorithm).build(); } thePlot.setManifestation(parentManifestation); thePlot.setPlotLabelingAlgorithm(plotLabelingAlgorithm); assert thePlot!=null : "Plot labeling algorithm should NOT be NULL at this point."; logger.debug("plotLabelingAlgorithm.getPanelContextTitleList().size()=" + plotLabelingAlgorithm.getPanelContextTitleList().size() + ", plotLabelingAlgorithm.getCanvasContextTitleList().size()=" + plotLabelingAlgorithm.getCanvasContextTitleList().size()); // Copy across feed mapping from old plot, unless structure is different if (oldPlot!=null && oldPlot.subPlots.size() == numberOfSubPlots) { for (String dataSetName: oldPlot.dataSetNameToSubGroupMap.keySet()) { String nameLower = dataSetName.toLowerCase(); for(AbstractPlottingPackage plot : oldPlot.dataSetNameToSubGroupMap.get(dataSetName)) { int indexInOldPlot = oldPlot.subPlots.indexOf(plot); thePlot.addDataSet(indexInOldPlot, dataSetName, oldPlot.dataSetNameToDisplayMap.get(nameLower)); } } } return thePlot; } /** * Create the plot using the persisted settings. */ static PlotView createPlotFromSettings(PlotSettings settings, int numberOfSubPlots, AbbreviatingPlotLabelingAlgorithm plotLabelingAlgorithm) { PlotView newPlot = new PlotView.Builder(PlotterPlot.class) .axisOrientation(settings.timeAxisSetting) .xAxisMaximumLocation(settings.xAxisMaximumLocation) .yAxisMaximumLocation(settings.yAxisMaximumLocation) .nonTimeVaribleAxisMaxValue(settings.maxNonTime) .nonTimeVaribleAxisMinValue(settings.minNonTime) .timeAxisBoundsSubsequentSetting(settings.timeAxisSubsequent) .nonTimeAxisMinSubsequentSetting(settings.nonTimeAxisSubsequentMinSetting) .nonTimeAxisMaxSubsequentSetting(settings.nonTimeAxisSubsequentMaxSetting) .timeVariableAxisMaxValue(settings.maxTime) .timeVariableAxisMinValue(settings.minTime) .scrollRescaleMarginTimeAxis(settings.timePadding) .scrollRescaleMarginNonTimeMaxAxis(settings.nonTimeMaxPadding) .scrollRescaleMarginNonTimeMinAxis(settings.nonTimeMinPadding) .numberOfSubPlots(numberOfSubPlots) .useOrdinalPositionForSubplots(settings.ordinalPositionForStackedPlots) .pinTimeAxis(settings.pinTimeAxis) .plotLineDraw(settings.plotLineDraw) .plotLineConnectionType(settings.plotLineConnectionType) .plotLabelingAlgorithm(plotLabelingAlgorithm) .build(); newPlot.setPlotLabelingAlgorithm(plotLabelingAlgorithm); newPlot.setPlotLineDraw(settings.plotLineDraw); newPlot.setPlotLineConnectionType(settings.plotLineConnectionType); return newPlot; } private static void adjustPlotStartAndEndTimeToMatchCurrentTime(PlotSettings settings, long currentTime) { if (settings.timeAxisSubsequent == TimeAxisSubsequentBoundsSetting.SCRUNCH) { if (currentTime > settings.maxTime) { // Fast forward to now on the upper bound. settings.maxTime = currentTime; } } } }
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public class TransportNodesRestartAction extends TransportNodesOperationAction<NodesRestartRequest, NodesRestartResponse, TransportNodesRestartAction.NodeRestartRequest, NodesRestartResponse.NodeRestartResponse> { private final Node node; private final boolean disabled; private AtomicBoolean restartRequested = new AtomicBoolean(); @Inject public TransportNodesRestartAction(Settings settings, ClusterName clusterName, ThreadPool threadPool, ClusterService clusterService, TransportService transportService, Node node) { super(settings, clusterName, threadPool, clusterService, transportService); this.node = node; disabled = componentSettings.getAsBoolean("disabled", false); } @Override protected void doExecute(NodesRestartRequest nodesRestartRequest, ActionListener<NodesRestartResponse> listener) { listener.onFailure(new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("restart is disabled (for now) ....")); } @Override protected String executor() { return ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC; } @Override protected String transportAction() { return NodesRestartAction.NAME; } @Override protected NodesRestartResponse newResponse(NodesRestartRequest nodesShutdownRequest, AtomicReferenceArray responses) { final List<NodesRestartResponse.NodeRestartResponse> nodeRestartResponses = newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < responses.length(); i++) { Object resp = responses.get(i); if (resp instanceof NodesRestartResponse.NodeRestartResponse) { nodeRestartResponses.add((NodesRestartResponse.NodeRestartResponse) resp); } } return new NodesRestartResponse(clusterName, nodeRestartResponses.toArray(new NodesRestartResponse.NodeRestartResponse[nodeRestartResponses.size()])); } @Override protected NodesRestartRequest newRequest() { return new NodesRestartRequest(); } @Override protected NodeRestartRequest newNodeRequest() { return new NodeRestartRequest(); } @Override protected NodeRestartRequest newNodeRequest(String nodeId, NodesRestartRequest request) { return new NodeRestartRequest(nodeId, request); } @Override protected NodesRestartResponse.NodeRestartResponse newNodeResponse() { return new NodesRestartResponse.NodeRestartResponse(); } @Override protected NodesRestartResponse.NodeRestartResponse nodeOperation(NodeRestartRequest request) throws ElasticsearchException { if (disabled) { throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("Restart is disabled"); } if (!restartRequested.compareAndSet(false, true)) { return new NodesRestartResponse.NodeRestartResponse(clusterService.localNode()); } logger.info("Restarting in [{}]", request.delay); threadPool.schedule(request.delay, ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { boolean restartWithWrapper = false; if (System.getProperty("elasticsearch-service") != null) { try { Class wrapperManager = settings.getClassLoader().loadClass("org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperManager"); logger.info("Initiating requested restart (using service)"); wrapperManager.getMethod("restartAndReturn").invoke(null); restartWithWrapper = true; } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("failed to initial restart on service wrapper", e); } } if (!restartWithWrapper) { logger.info("Initiating requested restart"); try { node.stop(); node.start(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to restart", e); } finally { restartRequested.set(false); } } } }); return new NodesRestartResponse.NodeRestartResponse(clusterService.localNode()); } @Override protected boolean accumulateExceptions() { return false; } protected static class NodeRestartRequest extends NodeOperationRequest { TimeValue delay; private NodeRestartRequest() { } private NodeRestartRequest(String nodeId, NodesRestartRequest request) { super(request, nodeId); this.delay = request.delay; } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); delay = readTimeValue(in); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); delay.writeTo(out); } } }
@RunWith(HazelcastSerialClassRunner.class) @Category(QuickTest.class) public class ClientSortLimitTest extends HazelcastTestSupport { static HazelcastInstance client; static IMap map; static int pageSize = 5; static int size = 50; @BeforeClass public static void createInstances(){ Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(); } @AfterClass public static void shutdownInstances(){ HazelcastClient.shutdownAll(); Hazelcast.shutdownAll(); } @Before public void init(){ map = client.getMap(randomString()); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { map.put(i, i); } } @After public void reset(){ map.destroy(); } @Test public void testWithoutAnchor() { final PagingPredicate predicate = new PagingPredicate(pageSize); predicate.nextPage(); predicate.nextPage(); Collection<Integer> values = map.values(predicate); assertIterableEquals(values, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14); predicate.previousPage(); values = map.values(predicate); assertIterableEquals(values, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); predicate.previousPage(); values = map.values(predicate); assertIterableEquals(values, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4); } @Test public void testGoTo_previousPage_BeforeTheStart() { final PagingPredicate predicate = new PagingPredicate(pageSize); predicate.previousPage(); Collection<Integer> values = map.values(predicate); values = map.values(predicate); assertIterableEquals(values, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4); } @Test public void testGoTo_NextPage_AfterTheEnd() { final PagingPredicate predicate = new PagingPredicate(pageSize); for ( int i=0; i < size/pageSize; i++ ) { predicate.nextPage(); } Collection<Integer> values = map.values(predicate); values = map.values(predicate); assertEquals( size/pageSize - 1, predicate.getPage()); assertIterableEquals(values, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49); } @Test public void testPagingWithoutFilteringAndComparator() { Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); final PagingPredicate predicate = new PagingPredicate(pageSize); Collection<Integer> values = map.values(predicate); while (values.size() > 0) { assertEquals(pageSize, values.size()); set.addAll(values); predicate.nextPage(); values = map.values(predicate); } assertEquals(size, set.size()); } @Test public void testPagingWithFilteringAndComparator() { final Predicate lessEqual = Predicates.lessEqual("this", 8); final TestComparator comparator = new TestComparator(false, IterationType.VALUE); final PagingPredicate predicate = new PagingPredicate(lessEqual, comparator, pageSize); Collection<Integer> values = map.values(predicate); assertIterableEquals(values, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4); predicate.nextPage(); assertEquals(4, predicate.getAnchor().getValue()); values = map.values(predicate); assertIterableEquals(values, 3, 2, 1, 0); predicate.nextPage(); assertEquals(0, predicate.getAnchor().getValue()); values = map.values(predicate); assertEquals(0, values.size()); } @Test public void testKeyPaging() { map.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // keys [50-1] values [0-49] map.put(size - i, i); } final Predicate lessEqual = Predicates.lessEqual("this", 8); // less than 8 final TestComparator comparator = new TestComparator(true, IterationType.KEY); //ascending keys final PagingPredicate predicate = new PagingPredicate(lessEqual, comparator, pageSize); Set<Integer> keySet = map.keySet(predicate); assertIterableEquals(keySet, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46); predicate.nextPage(); assertEquals(46, predicate.getAnchor().getKey()); keySet = map.keySet(predicate); assertIterableEquals(keySet, 47, 48, 49, 50); predicate.nextPage(); assertEquals(50, predicate.getAnchor().getKey()); keySet = map.keySet(predicate); assertEquals(0, keySet.size()); } @Test public void testEqualValuesPaging() { for (int i = size; i < 2 * size; i++) { //keys[50-99] values[0-49] map.put(i, i - size); } final Predicate lessEqual = Predicates.lessEqual("this", 8); // entries which has value less than 8 final TestComparator comparator = new TestComparator(true, IterationType.VALUE); //ascending values final PagingPredicate predicate = new PagingPredicate(lessEqual, comparator, pageSize); //pageSize = 5 Collection<Integer> values = map.values(predicate); assertIterableEquals(values, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2); predicate.nextPage(); values = map.values(predicate); assertIterableEquals(values, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4); predicate.nextPage(); values = map.values(predicate); assertIterableEquals(values, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7); predicate.nextPage(); values = map.values(predicate); assertIterableEquals(values, 7, 8, 8); } @Test public void testNextPageAfterResultSetEmpty(){ final Predicate lessEqual = Predicates.lessEqual("this", 3); // entries which has value less than 3 final TestComparator comparator = new TestComparator(true, IterationType.VALUE); //ascending values final PagingPredicate predicate = new PagingPredicate(lessEqual, comparator, pageSize); //pageSize = 5 Collection<Integer> values = map.values(predicate); assertIterableEquals(values, 0, 1, 2, 3); predicate.nextPage(); values = map.values(predicate); assertEquals(0, values.size()); predicate.nextPage(); values = map.values(predicate); assertEquals(0, values.size()); } static class TestComparator implements Comparator<Map.Entry>, Serializable { int ascending = 1; IterationType iterationType = IterationType.ENTRY; TestComparator() { } TestComparator(boolean ascending, IterationType iterationType) { this.ascending = ascending ? 1 : -1; this.iterationType = iterationType; } public int compare(Map.Entry e1, Map.Entry e2) { Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> o1 = e1; Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> o2 = e2; switch (iterationType) { case KEY: return (o1.getKey() - o2.getKey()) * ascending; case VALUE: return (o1.getValue() - o2.getValue()) * ascending; default: int result = (o1.getValue() - o2.getValue()) * ascending; if (result != 0) { return result; } return (o1.getKey() - o2.getKey()) * ascending; } } } }
public abstract class MemcacheCommandProcessor<T> extends AbstractTextCommandProcessor<T> { public static final String MAP_NAME_PRECEDER = "hz_memcache_"; public static final String DEFAULT_MAP_NAME = "hz_memcache_default"; protected MemcacheCommandProcessor(TextCommandService textCommandService) { super(textCommandService); } public static byte[] longToByteArray(long v) { int len = (int) (v / 256) + 1; final byte[] bytes = new byte[len]; for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final long t = v % 256; bytes[i] = t < 128 ? (byte) t : (byte) (t - 256); v = (v - t) / 256; } return bytes; } public static int byteArrayToLong(byte[] v) { if (v.length > 8) { return -1; } int r = 0; for (int i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { int t = (int) v[i]; t = t >= 0 ? t : t + 256; r = r * 256 + t; } return r; } }
public class CustomFieldQuery extends FieldQuery { private static Field multiTermQueryWrapperFilterQueryField; static { try { multiTermQueryWrapperFilterQueryField = MultiTermQueryWrapperFilter.class.getDeclaredField("query"); multiTermQueryWrapperFilterQueryField.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { // ignore } } public static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> highlightFilters = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); public CustomFieldQuery(Query query, IndexReader reader, FastVectorHighlighter highlighter) throws IOException { this(query, reader, highlighter.isPhraseHighlight(), highlighter.isFieldMatch()); } public CustomFieldQuery(Query query, IndexReader reader, boolean phraseHighlight, boolean fieldMatch) throws IOException { super(query, reader, phraseHighlight, fieldMatch); highlightFilters.remove(); } @Override void flatten(Query sourceQuery, IndexReader reader, Collection<Query> flatQueries) throws IOException { if (sourceQuery instanceof SpanTermQuery) { super.flatten(new TermQuery(((SpanTermQuery) sourceQuery).getTerm()), reader, flatQueries); } else if (sourceQuery instanceof ConstantScoreQuery) { ConstantScoreQuery constantScoreQuery = (ConstantScoreQuery) sourceQuery; if (constantScoreQuery.getFilter() != null) { flatten(constantScoreQuery.getFilter(), reader, flatQueries); } else { flatten(constantScoreQuery.getQuery(), reader, flatQueries); } } else if (sourceQuery instanceof FunctionScoreQuery) { flatten(((FunctionScoreQuery) sourceQuery).getSubQuery(), reader, flatQueries); } else if (sourceQuery instanceof FilteredQuery) { flatten(((FilteredQuery) sourceQuery).getQuery(), reader, flatQueries); flatten(((FilteredQuery) sourceQuery).getFilter(), reader, flatQueries); } else if (sourceQuery instanceof XFilteredQuery) { flatten(((XFilteredQuery) sourceQuery).getQuery(), reader, flatQueries); flatten(((XFilteredQuery) sourceQuery).getFilter(), reader, flatQueries); } else if (sourceQuery instanceof MultiPhrasePrefixQuery) { flatten(sourceQuery.rewrite(reader), reader, flatQueries); } else if (sourceQuery instanceof FiltersFunctionScoreQuery) { flatten(((FiltersFunctionScoreQuery) sourceQuery).getSubQuery(), reader, flatQueries); } else if (sourceQuery instanceof MultiPhraseQuery) { MultiPhraseQuery q = ((MultiPhraseQuery) sourceQuery); convertMultiPhraseQuery(0, new int[q.getTermArrays().size()] , q, q.getTermArrays(), q.getPositions(), reader, flatQueries); } else { super.flatten(sourceQuery, reader, flatQueries); } } private void convertMultiPhraseQuery(int currentPos, int[] termsIdx, MultiPhraseQuery orig, List<Term[]> terms, int[] pos, IndexReader reader, Collection<Query> flatQueries) throws IOException { if (currentPos == 0) { // if we have more than 16 terms int numTerms = 0; for (Term[] currentPosTerm : terms) { numTerms += currentPosTerm.length; } if (numTerms > 16) { for (Term[] currentPosTerm : terms) { for (Term term : currentPosTerm) { super.flatten(new TermQuery(term), reader, flatQueries); } } return; } } /* * we walk all possible ways and for each path down the MPQ we create a PhraseQuery this is what FieldQuery supports. * It seems expensive but most queries will pretty small. */ if (currentPos == terms.size()) { PhraseQuery query = new PhraseQuery(); query.setBoost(orig.getBoost()); query.setSlop(orig.getSlop()); for (int i = 0; i < termsIdx.length; i++) { query.add(terms.get(i)[termsIdx[i]], pos[i]); } this.flatten(query, reader, flatQueries); } else { Term[] t = terms.get(currentPos); for (int i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { termsIdx[currentPos] = i; convertMultiPhraseQuery(currentPos+1, termsIdx, orig, terms, pos, reader, flatQueries); } } } void flatten(Filter sourceFilter, IndexReader reader, Collection<Query> flatQueries) throws IOException { Boolean highlight = highlightFilters.get(); if (highlight == null || highlight.equals(Boolean.FALSE)) { return; } if (sourceFilter instanceof TermFilter) { flatten(new TermQuery(((TermFilter) sourceFilter).getTerm()), reader, flatQueries); } else if (sourceFilter instanceof MultiTermQueryWrapperFilter) { if (multiTermQueryWrapperFilterQueryField != null) { try { flatten((Query) multiTermQueryWrapperFilterQueryField.get(sourceFilter), reader, flatQueries); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // ignore } } } else if (sourceFilter instanceof XBooleanFilter) { XBooleanFilter booleanFilter = (XBooleanFilter) sourceFilter; for (FilterClause clause : booleanFilter.clauses()) { if (clause.getOccur() == BooleanClause.Occur.MUST || clause.getOccur() == BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD) { flatten(clause.getFilter(), reader, flatQueries); } } } } }
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clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("cluster_health (wait_for_events [" + request.waitForEvents() + "])", request.waitForEvents(), new ProcessedClusterStateUpdateTask() { @Override public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) { return currentState; } @Override public void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) { latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onFailure(String source, Throwable t) { logger.error("unexpected failure during [{}]", t, source); } });
public class ListenerConfig { protected String className = null; protected EventListener implementation = null; private ListenerConfigReadOnly readOnly; /** * Creates a ListenerConfig without className/implementation. */ public ListenerConfig() { } /** * Creates a ListenerConfig with the given className. * * @param className the name of the EventListener class. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if className is null or an empty String. */ public ListenerConfig(String className) { setClassName(className); } public ListenerConfig(ListenerConfig config) { implementation = config.getImplementation(); className = config.getClassName(); } /** * Creates a ListenerConfig with the given implementation. * * @param implementation the implementation to use as EventListener. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the implementation is null. */ public ListenerConfig(EventListener implementation) { this.implementation = isNotNull(implementation,"implementation"); } public ListenerConfig getAsReadOnly() { if (readOnly == null) { readOnly = new ListenerConfigReadOnly(this); } return readOnly; } /** * Returns the name of the class of the EventListener. If no class is specified, null is returned. * * @return the class name of the EventListener. * @see #setClassName(String) */ public String getClassName() { return className; } /** * Sets the class name of the EventListener. * * If a implementation was set, it will be removed. * * @param className the name of the class of the EventListener. * @return the updated ListenerConfig. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if className is null or an empty String. * @see #setImplementation(java.util.EventListener) * @see #getClassName() */ public ListenerConfig setClassName(String className) { this.className = hasText(className, "className"); this.implementation = null; return this; } /** * Returns the EventListener implementation. If none has been specified, null is returned. * * @return the EventListener implementation. * @see #setImplementation(java.util.EventListener) */ public EventListener getImplementation() { return implementation; } /** * Sets the EventListener implementation. * * If a className was set, it will be removed. * * @param implementation the EventListener implementation. * @return the updated ListenerConfig. * @throws IllegalArgumentException the implementation is null. * @see #setClassName(String) * @see #getImplementation() */ public ListenerConfig setImplementation(EventListener implementation) { this.implementation = isNotNull(implementation,"implementation"); this.className = null; return this; } public boolean isIncludeValue() { return true; } public boolean isLocal() { return false; } @Override public String toString() { return "ListenerConfig [className=" + className + ", implementation=" + implementation + ", includeValue=" + isIncludeValue() + ", local=" + isLocal() + "]"; } }
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public class TitanHadoopGraph { private final TitanHadoopSetup setup; private final TypeInspector typeManager; private final SystemTypeInspector systemTypes; private final VertexReader vertexReader; private final boolean verifyVertexExistence = false; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TitanHadoopGraph.class); public TitanHadoopGraph(final TitanHadoopSetup setup) { this.setup = setup; this.typeManager = setup.getTypeInspector(); this.systemTypes = setup.getSystemTypeInspector(); this.vertexReader = setup.getVertexReader(); } protected FaunusVertex readHadoopVertex(final Configuration configuration, final StaticBuffer key, Iterable<Entry> entries) { final long vertexId = this.vertexReader.getVertexId(key); Preconditions.checkArgument(vertexId > 0); FaunusVertex vertex = new FaunusVertex(configuration, vertexId); boolean foundVertexState = !verifyVertexExistence; for (final Entry data : entries) { try { RelationReader relationReader = setup.getRelationReader(vertex.getLongId()); final RelationCache relation = relationReader.parseRelation(data, false, typeManager); if (this.systemTypes.isVertexExistsSystemType(relation.typeId)) { foundVertexState = true; } else if (this.systemTypes.isVertexLabelSystemType(relation.typeId)) { //Vertex Label long vertexLabelId = relation.getOtherVertexId(); VertexLabel vl = typeManager.getExistingVertexLabel(vertexLabelId); vertex.setVertexLabel(vertex.getTypeManager().getVertexLabel(vl.getName())); } if (systemTypes.isSystemType(relation.typeId)) continue; //Ignore system types final RelationType type = typeManager.getExistingRelationType(relation.typeId); if (((InternalRelationType)type).isHiddenType()) continue; //Ignore hidden types StandardFaunusRelation frel; if (type.isPropertyKey()) { Object value = relation.getValue(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(value); final StandardFaunusProperty fprop = new StandardFaunusProperty(relation.relationId, vertex, type.getName(), value); vertex.addProperty(fprop); frel = fprop; } else { assert type.isEdgeLabel(); StandardFaunusEdge fedge; if (relation.direction.equals(Direction.IN)) fedge = new StandardFaunusEdge(configuration, relation.relationId, relation.getOtherVertexId(), vertexId, type.getName()); else if (relation.direction.equals(Direction.OUT)) fedge = new StandardFaunusEdge(configuration, relation.relationId, vertexId, relation.getOtherVertexId(), type.getName()); else throw ExceptionFactory.bothIsNotSupported(); vertex.addEdge(fedge); frel = fedge; } if (relation.hasProperties()) { // load relation properties for (final LongObjectCursor<Object> next : relation) { assert next.value != null; RelationType rt = typeManager.getExistingRelationType(next.key); if (rt.isPropertyKey()) { PropertyKey pkey = (PropertyKey)vertex.getTypeManager().getPropertyKey(rt.getName()); log.debug("Retrieved key {} for name \"{}\"", pkey, rt.getName()); frel.setProperty(pkey, next.value); } else { assert next.value instanceof Long; EdgeLabel el = (EdgeLabel)vertex.getTypeManager().getEdgeLabel(rt.getName()); log.debug("Retrieved ege label {} for name \"{}\"", el, rt.getName()); frel.setProperty(el, new FaunusVertex(configuration,(Long)next.value)); } } for (TitanRelation rel : frel.query().queryAll().relations()) ((FaunusRelation)rel).setLifeCycle(ElementLifeCycle.Loaded); } frel.setLifeCycle(ElementLifeCycle.Loaded); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } vertex.setLifeCycle(ElementLifeCycle.Loaded); /*Since we are filtering out system relation types, we might end up with vertices that have no incident relations. This is especially true for schema vertices. Those are filtered out. */ if (!foundVertexState || !vertex.query().relations().iterator().hasNext()) return null; return vertex; } public void close() { setup.close(); } }
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.withPredicateProvider(new PredicateProvider() { @Override public Predicate buildPredicate(CriteriaBuilder builder, FieldPathBuilder fieldPathBuilder, From root, String ceilingEntity, String fullPropertyName, Path explicitPath, List directValues) { FieldPath fieldPath = fieldPathBuilder.getFieldPath(root, fullPropertyName); if ((StringUtils.isNotEmpty(skuPropertyPrefix) && fullPropertyName.startsWith(skuPropertyPrefix)) || (StringUtils.isEmpty(skuPropertyPrefix) && CollectionUtils.isEmpty(fieldPath.getAssociationPath()))) { Path skuIdPath = fieldPathBuilder.getPath(root, getSkuPropertyPrefix() + "id", builder); // Build the first subquery based on searching from product.defaultSku.name Subquery<Long> additionalSkusSubQuery = fieldPathBuilder.getCriteria().subquery(Long.class); Root<SkuImpl> additionalSkusRoot = additionalSkusSubQuery.from(SkuImpl.class); additionalSkusSubQuery.select(additionalSkusRoot.get("id").as(Long.class)); Path additionalSkusTargetPropertyPath = fieldPathBuilder.getPath(additionalSkusRoot, fullPropertyName.replace(getSkuPropertyPrefix(), ""), builder); // The path to the defaultSku property from a sku, available via the 'product' attribute Path defaultSkuPropertyPath = fieldPathBuilder.getPath(additionalSkusRoot, DEFAULT_SKU_PATH_PREFIX + fullPropertyName.replace(getSkuPropertyPrefix(), ""), builder); Path additionalSkusProductPath = fieldPathBuilder.getPath(additionalSkusRoot, "product", builder); //Build the second subquery based on the value being set on the Sku itself, like just 'name' Subquery<Long> hardcodedPropertySubquery = fieldPathBuilder.getCriteria().subquery(Long.class); Root<SkuImpl> hardcodedPropertyRoot = hardcodedPropertySubquery.from(SkuImpl.class); hardcodedPropertySubquery.select(hardcodedPropertyRoot.get("id").as(Long.class)); Path hardcodedPropertyTargetPath = fieldPathBuilder.getPath(hardcodedPropertyRoot, fullPropertyName.replace(getSkuPropertyPrefix(), ""), builder); Predicate propertyExpression; Predicate defaultSkuExpression; if (delegateRestriction.getPredicateProvider() instanceof LikePredicateProvider) { propertyExpression = builder.like(builder.lower(hardcodedPropertyTargetPath), ((String) directValues.get(0)).toLowerCase()); defaultSkuExpression = builder.like(builder.lower(defaultSkuPropertyPath), ((String) directValues.get(0)).toLowerCase()); } else if (delegateRestriction.getPredicateProvider() instanceof IsNullPredicateProvider) { propertyExpression = builder.isNull(hardcodedPropertyTargetPath); defaultSkuExpression = builder.isNull(defaultSkuPropertyPath); } else if (delegateRestriction.getPredicateProvider() instanceof BetweenDatePredicateProvider) { if (directValues.size() == 2) { if (directValues.get(0) == null) { propertyExpression = builder.lessThan(hardcodedPropertyTargetPath, (Comparable) directValues.get(1)); defaultSkuExpression = builder.lessThan(defaultSkuPropertyPath, (Comparable) directValues.get(1)); } else if (directValues.get(1) == null) { propertyExpression = builder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(hardcodedPropertyTargetPath, (Comparable) directValues.get(0)); defaultSkuExpression = builder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(defaultSkuPropertyPath, (Comparable) directValues.get(0)); } else { propertyExpression = builder.between(hardcodedPropertyTargetPath, (Comparable) directValues.get(0), (Comparable) directValues.get(1)); defaultSkuExpression = builder.between(defaultSkuPropertyPath, (Comparable) directValues.get(0), (Comparable) directValues.get(1)); } } else { propertyExpression = builder.equal(hardcodedPropertyTargetPath, directValues.get(0)); defaultSkuExpression = builder.equal(defaultSkuPropertyPath, directValues.get(0)); } } else if (delegateRestriction.getPredicateProvider() instanceof BetweenPredicateProvider) { if (directValues.size() > 1) { propertyExpression = builder.between(hardcodedPropertyTargetPath, (Comparable) directValues.get(0), (Comparable) directValues.get(1)); defaultSkuExpression = builder.between(defaultSkuPropertyPath, (Comparable) directValues.get(0), (Comparable) directValues.get(1)); } else { propertyExpression = builder.equal(hardcodedPropertyTargetPath, directValues.get(0)); defaultSkuExpression = builder.equal(defaultSkuPropertyPath, directValues.get(0)); } } else if (delegateRestriction.getPredicateProvider() instanceof CollectionSizeEqualPredicateProvider) { propertyExpression = builder.equal(builder.size(hardcodedPropertyTargetPath), directValues.get(0)); defaultSkuExpression = builder.equal(builder.size(defaultSkuPropertyPath), directValues.get(0)); } else if (delegateRestriction.getPredicateProvider() instanceof EqPredicateProvider) { propertyExpression = hardcodedPropertyTargetPath.in(directValues); defaultSkuExpression = defaultSkuPropertyPath.in(directValues); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown PredicateProvider instance: " + delegateRestriction.getPredicateProvider().getClass().getName()); } // First do a subquery to find all of the additional Skus that match the given expression // This subquery will return all of the sku IDs that match the additional Sku expression. The WHERE clause of // this is basically something like: // WHERE sku.name == null AND sku.product != null AND sku.product.defaultSku.name LIKE %<val>% List<Predicate> subRestrictions = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); subRestrictions.add(builder.and( builder.isNull(additionalSkusTargetPropertyPath), builder.isNotNull(additionalSkusProductPath), defaultSkuExpression )); additionalSkusSubQuery.where(subRestrictions.toArray(new Predicate[subRestrictions.size()])); // Now do another sub query to get all the Skus that actually have the name explicitly set. This will return // all of the default Skus or additional Skus where the name has been explicitly set // This query is something like: // WHERE sku.name != null AND sku.name LIKE %<val>% List<Predicate> hardcodedPropertyRestrictions = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); hardcodedPropertyRestrictions.add(builder.and( builder.isNotNull(hardcodedPropertyTargetPath), propertyExpression )); hardcodedPropertySubquery.where(hardcodedPropertyRestrictions.toArray(new Predicate[hardcodedPropertyRestrictions.size()])); // Now that we've built the subqueries, do an OR to select all Skus whose IDs are apart of the additional Skus // or defaultSkus subquery return builder.or( skuIdPath.in(additionalSkusSubQuery), skuIdPath.in(hardcodedPropertySubquery) ); } return delegateRestriction.getPredicateProvider().buildPredicate(builder, fieldPathBuilder, root, ceilingEntity, fullPropertyName, explicitPath, directValues); } });
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private static class NoResponseHandler implements ResponseHandler { @Override public void sendResponse(final Object obj) { } @Override public boolean isLocal() { return false; } }
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public class TransportCloseIndexAction extends TransportMasterNodeOperationAction<CloseIndexRequest, CloseIndexResponse> { private final MetaDataIndexStateService indexStateService; private final DestructiveOperations destructiveOperations; @Inject public TransportCloseIndexAction(Settings settings, TransportService transportService, ClusterService clusterService, ThreadPool threadPool, MetaDataIndexStateService indexStateService, NodeSettingsService nodeSettingsService) { super(settings, transportService, clusterService, threadPool); this.indexStateService = indexStateService; this.destructiveOperations = new DestructiveOperations(logger, settings, nodeSettingsService); } @Override protected String executor() { // no need to use a thread pool, we go async right away return ThreadPool.Names.SAME; } @Override protected String transportAction() { return CloseIndexAction.NAME; } @Override protected CloseIndexRequest newRequest() { return new CloseIndexRequest(); } @Override protected CloseIndexResponse newResponse() { return new CloseIndexResponse(); } @Override protected void doExecute(CloseIndexRequest request, ActionListener<CloseIndexResponse> listener) { destructiveOperations.failDestructive(request.indices()); super.doExecute(request, listener); } @Override protected ClusterBlockException checkBlock(CloseIndexRequest request, ClusterState state) { return state.blocks().indicesBlockedException(ClusterBlockLevel.METADATA, request.indices()); } @Override protected void masterOperation(final CloseIndexRequest request, final ClusterState state, final ActionListener<CloseIndexResponse> listener) throws ElasticsearchException { request.indices(state.metaData().concreteIndices(request.indices(), request.indicesOptions())); CloseIndexClusterStateUpdateRequest updateRequest = new CloseIndexClusterStateUpdateRequest() .ackTimeout(request.timeout()).masterNodeTimeout(request.masterNodeTimeout()) .indices(request.indices()); indexStateService.closeIndex(updateRequest, new ClusterStateUpdateListener() { @Override public void onResponse(ClusterStateUpdateResponse response) { listener.onResponse(new CloseIndexResponse(response.isAcknowledged())); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { logger.debug("failed to close indices [{}]", t, request.indices()); listener.onFailure(t); } }); } }
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