stringlengths 1
| nl
stringlengths 4
| cmd
stringlengths 1
| oracle_man
sequence | cmd_name
stringlengths 1
| tldr_cmd_name
stringlengths 1
| manual_exist
bool 1
class | matching_info
sequence |
1305 | upgrade installed packages (like `aptitude upgrade`) including removing obsolete packages and installing additional packages to meet new package dependencies | aptitude full-upgrade | [
] | aptitude | aptitude | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1306 | put an installed package on hold to prevent it from being automatically upgraded | aptitude hold '?installed({{package}})' | [
] | aptitude | aptitude | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1311 | list all mounted filesystems | findmnt | [
] | findmnt | findmnt | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1312 | search for a device | findmnt {{/dev/sdb1}} | [
] | findmnt | findmnt | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1313 | search for a mountpoint | findmnt {{/}} | [
] | findmnt | findmnt | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1314 | find filesystems in specific type | findmnt -t {{ext4}} | [
] | findmnt | findmnt | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1315 | find filesystems with specific label | findmnt LABEL={{BigStorage}} | [
] | findmnt | findmnt | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1316 | show all recognized exif information in an image | exif {{path/to/image.jpg}} | [
] | exif | exif | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1317 | show a table listing known exif tags and whether each one exists in an image | exif --list-tags --no-fixup {{image.jpg}} | [
] | exif | exif | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1318 | extract the image thumbnail into the file `thumbnail.jpg` | exif --extract-thumbnail --output={{thumbnail.jpg}} {{image.jpg}} | [
] | exif | exif | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1319 | show the raw contents of the "model" tag in the given image | exif --ifd={{0}} --tag={{Model}} --machine-readable {{image.jpg}} | [
] | exif | exif | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1320 | change the value of the "artist" tag to john smith and save to `new.jpg` | exif --output={{new.jpg}} --ifd={{0}} --tag="{{Artist}}" --set-value="{{John Smith}}" --no-fixup {{image.jpg}} | [
] | exif | exif | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1327 | run the specified command in a virtual x server | xvfb-run {{command}} | [
] | xvfb-run | xvfb-run | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1328 | try to get a free server number, if the default (99) is not available | xvfb-run --auto-servernum {{command}} | [
] | xvfb-run | xvfb-run | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1329 | pass arguments to the xvfb server | xvfb-run --server-args "{{-screen 0 1024x768x24}}" {{command}} | [
] | xvfb-run | xvfb-run | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1330 | view documentation for the original command | tldr cal | [
] | ncal | ncal | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1336 | display information about all users who are currently logged in | w | [
] | w | w | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1337 | display information about a specific user | w {{user}} | [
] | w | w | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1338 | display information without including the header | w --no-header | [
] | w | w | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1339 | display information without including the login, jcpu and pcpu columns | w --short | [
] | w | w | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1340 | run command as a different user | runuser {{user}} -c '{{command}}' | [
] | runuser | runuser | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1341 | run command as a different user and group | runuser {{user}} -g {{group}} -c '{{command}}' | [
] | runuser | runuser | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1342 | start a login shell as a specific user | runuser {{user}} -l | [
] | runuser | runuser | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1343 | specify a shell for running instead of the default shell (also works for login) | runuser {{user}} -s {{/bin/sh}} | [
] | runuser | runuser | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1344 | preserve the entire environment of root (only if `login` is not specified) | runuser {{user}} --preserve-environment -c '{{command}}' | [
] | runuser | runuser | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1350 | add spaceseparated files or directories to a phar file | phar add -f {{path/to/phar_file}} {{files_or_directories}} | [
] | phar | phar | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1351 | display the contents of a phar file | phar list -f {{path/to/phar_file}} | [
] | phar | phar | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1352 | delete the specified file or directory from a phar file | phar delete -f {{path/to/phar_file}} -e {{file_or_directory}} | [
] | phar | phar | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1353 | display full usage information and available hashing/compression algorithms | phar help | [
] | phar | phar | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1354 | compress or uncompress files and directories in a phar file | phar compress -f {{path/to/phar_file}} -c {{algorithm}} | [
] | phar | phar | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1355 | get information about a phar file | phar info -f {{path/to/phar_file}} | [
] | phar | phar | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1356 | sign a phar file with a specific hash algorithm | phar sign -f {{path/to/phar_file}} -h {{algorithm}} | [
] | phar | phar | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1357 | sign a phar file with an openssl private key | phar sign -f {{path/to/phar_file}} -h openssl -y {{path/to/private_key}} | [
] | phar | phar | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1358 | update the ports tree | ports -u | [
] | ports | ports | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1359 | list the ports in the current tree | ports -l | [
] | ports | ports | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1360 | check the differences between installed packages and the ports tree | ports -d | [
] | ports | ports | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1361 | copy a file to another location | cp {{path/to/source_file.ext}} {{path/to/target_file.ext}} | [
] | cp | cp | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1362 | copy a file into another directory, keeping the filename | cp {{path/to/source_file.ext}} {{path/to/target_parent_directory}} | [
] | cp | cp | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1363 | recursively copy a directory's contents to another location (if the destination exists, the directory is copied inside it) | cp -r {{path/to/source_directory}} {{path/to/target_directory}} | [
] | cp | cp | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1364 | copy a directory recursively, in verbose mode (shows files as they are copied) | cp -vr {{path/to/source_directory}} {{path/to/target_directory}} | [
] | cp | cp | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1365 | copy text files to another location, in interactive mode (prompts user before overwriting) | cp -i {{*.txt}} {{path/to/target_directory}} | [
] | cp | cp | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1366 | follow symbolic links before copying | cp -L {{link}} {{path/to/target_directory}} | [
] | cp | cp | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1367 | use the full path of source files, creating any missing intermediate directories when copying | cp --parents {{source/path/to/file}} {{path/to/target_file}} | [
] | cp | cp | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1368 | list the current settings / bootnums | efibootmgr | [
] | efibootmgr | efibootmgr | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1369 | list the filepaths | efibootmgr -v | [
] | efibootmgr | efibootmgr | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1370 | add uefi shell v2 as a boot option | sudo efibootmgr -c -d {{/dev/sda1}} -l {{\EFI\tools\Shell.efi}} -L "{{UEFI Shell}}" | [
] | efibootmgr | efibootmgr | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1371 | change the current boot order | sudo efibootmgr -o {{0002,0008,0001,0005}} | [
] | efibootmgr | efibootmgr | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1372 | delete a boot option | sudo efibootmgr -b {{0008}} --delete-bootnum | [
] | efibootmgr | efibootmgr | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1373 | list all storage devices in a treelike format | lsblk | [
] | lsblk | lsblk | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1374 | also list empty devices | lsblk -a | [
] | lsblk | lsblk | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1375 | print the size column in bytes rather than in a humanreadable format | lsblk -b | [
] | lsblk | lsblk | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1376 | output info about filesystems | lsblk -f | [
] | lsblk | lsblk | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1377 | use ascii characters for tree formatting | lsblk -i | [
] | lsblk | lsblk | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1378 | output info about blockdevice topology | lsblk -t | [
] | lsblk | lsblk | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1379 | exclude the devices specified by the commaseparated list of major device numbers | lsblk -e {{1,7}} | [
] | lsblk | lsblk | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1380 | display a customized summary using a commaseparated list of columns | lsblk --output {{NAME}},{{SERIAL}},{{MODEL}},{{TRAN}},{{TYPE}},{{SIZE}},{{FSTYPE}},{{MOUNTPOINT}} | [
] | lsblk | lsblk | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1385 | compile and install terminfo for a terminal | tic -xe {{terminal}} {{path/to/}} | [
] | tic | tic | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1386 | check terminfo file for errors | tic -c {{path/to/}} | [
] | tic | tic | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1387 | print database locations | tic -D | [
] | tic | tic | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1388 | list trusted keys | apt-key list | [
] | apt-key | apt-key | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1389 | add a key to the trusted keystore | apt-key add {{public_key_file.asc}} | [
] | apt-key | apt-key | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1390 | delete a key from the trusted keystore | apt-key del {{key_id}} | [
] | apt-key | apt-key | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1391 | add a remote key to the trusted keystore | wget -qO - {{https://host.tld/filename.key}} | apt-key add - | [
] | apt-key | apt-key | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1392 | add a key from keyserver with only key id | apt-key adv --keyserver {{}} --recv {{KEYID}} | [
] | apt-key | apt-key | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1393 | start the default shell as fakeroot | fakeroot | [
] | fakeroot | fakeroot | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1394 | run a command as fakeroot | fakeroot -- {{command}} {{command_arguments}} | [
] | fakeroot | fakeroot | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1395 | run a command as fakeroot and save the environment to a file on exit | fakeroot -s {{path/to/file}} -- {{command}} {{command_arguments}} | [
] | fakeroot | fakeroot | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1396 | load a fakeroot environment and run a command as fakeroot | fakeroot -i {{path/to/file}} -- {{command}} {{command_arguments}} | [
] | fakeroot | fakeroot | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1397 | run a command keeping the real ownership of files instead of pretending they are owned by root | fakeroot --unknown-is-real -- {{command}} {{command_arguments}} | [
] | fakeroot | fakeroot | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1398 | display help | fakeroot --help | [
] | fakeroot | fakeroot | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1405 | list all the usb devices available | lsusb | [
] | lsusb | lsusb | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1406 | list the usb hierarchy as a tree | lsusb -t | [
] | lsusb | lsusb | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1407 | list verbose information about usb devices | lsusb --verbose | [
] | lsusb | lsusb | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1408 | list detailed information about a usb device | lsusb -D {{device}} | [
] | lsusb | lsusb | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1409 | list devices with a specified vendor and product id only | lsusb -d {{vendor}}:{{product}} | [
] | lsusb | lsusb | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1410 | see action can be used to view any file (usually image) on default mailcap explorer | see {{filename}} | [
] | see | see | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1411 | using with `runmailcap` | run-mailcap --action=view {{filename}} | [
] | see | see | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1412 | choose the server with the lowest latency | sudo netselect {{host_1}} {{host_2}} | [
] | netselect | netselect | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1413 | display nameserver resolution and statistics | sudo netselect -vv {{host_1}} {{host_2}} | [
] | netselect | netselect | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1414 | define maximum ttl (time to live) | sudo netselect -m {{10}} {{host_1}} {{host_2}} | [
] | netselect | netselect | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1415 | print fastest n servers among the hosts | sudo netselect -s {{N}} {{host_1}} {{host_2}} {{host_3}} | [
] | netselect | netselect | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1416 | list available options | netselect | [
] | netselect | netselect | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1417 | check the configuration | sudo postfix check | [
] | postfix | postfix | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1418 | check the status of the postfix daemon | sudo postfix status | [
] | postfix | postfix | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1419 | start postfix | sudo postfix start | [
] | postfix | postfix | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1420 | gracefully stop postfix | sudo postfix stop | [
] | postfix | postfix | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1421 | flush the mail queue | sudo postfix flush | [
] | postfix | postfix | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1422 | reload the configuration files | sudo postfix reload | [
] | postfix | postfix | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1423 | initialize a luks volume (overwrites all data on the partition) | cryptsetup luksFormat {{/dev/sda1}} | [
] | cryptsetup | cryptsetup | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1424 | open a luks volume and create a decrypted mapping at `/dev/mapper/{{target}}` | cryptsetup luksOpen {{/dev/sda1}} {{target}} | [
] | cryptsetup | cryptsetup | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1425 | remove an existing mapping | cryptsetup luksClose {{target}} | [
] | cryptsetup | cryptsetup | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1426 | change the luks volume's passphrase | cryptsetup luksChangeKey {{/dev/sda1}} | [
] | cryptsetup | cryptsetup | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1187 | display help | pacman --deptest --help | [
] | pacman | pacman-deptest | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1431 | install one or more packages from files | sudo pacman --upgrade {{path/to/package1.pkg.tar.zst}} {{path/to/package2.pkg.tar.zst}} | [
] | pacman | pacman-upgrade | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1432 | install a package without prompting | sudo pacman --upgrade --noconfirm {{path/to/package.pkg.tar.zst}} | [
] | pacman | pacman-upgrade | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1433 | overwrite conflicting files during a package installation | sudo pacman --upgrade --overwrite {{path/to/file}} {{path/to/package.pkg.tar.zst}} | [
] | pacman | pacman-upgrade | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1434 | install a package, skipping the dependency version checks | sudo pacman --upgrade --nodeps {{path/to/package.pkg.tar.zst}} | [
] | pacman | pacman-upgrade | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1435 | list packages that would be affected (does not install any packages) | pacman --query --print {{path/to/package.pkg.tar.zst}} | [
] | pacman | pacman-upgrade | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1436 | list all available cameras | uvcdynctrl -l | [
] | uvcdynctrl | uvcdynctrl | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
1437 | specify the device to use (defaults to `video0`) | uvcdynctrl -d {{device_name}} | [
] | uvcdynctrl | uvcdynctrl | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |