stringlengths 1
| nl
stringlengths 4
| cmd
stringlengths 1
| oracle_man
sequence | cmd_name
stringlengths 1
| tldr_cmd_name
stringlengths 1
| manual_exist
bool 1
class | matching_info
sequence |
807 | include nonfree section | sudo netselect-apt --non-free | [
] | netselect-apt | netselect-apt | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
808 | specify a country for the mirror list lookup | sudo netselect-apt -c {{India}} | [
] | netselect-apt | netselect-apt | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
812 | list all windows, managed by the window manager | wmctrl -l | [
] | wmctrl | wmctrl | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
813 | switch to the first window whose (partial) title matches | wmctrl -a {{window_title}} | [
] | wmctrl | wmctrl | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
814 | move a window to the current workspace, raise it and give it focus | wmctrl -R {{window_title}} | [
] | wmctrl | wmctrl | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
815 | switch to a workspace | wmctrl -s {{workspace_number}} | [
] | wmctrl | wmctrl | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
816 | select a window and toggle fullscreen | wmctrl -r {{window_title}} -b toggle,fullscreen | [
] | wmctrl | wmctrl | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
817 | select a window a move it to a workspace | wmctrl -r {{window_title}} -t {{workspace_number}} | [
] | wmctrl | wmctrl | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
828 | list all currently loaded kernel modules | lsmod | [
] | lsmod | lsmod | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
831 | lock the display and show a padlock instead of the cursor | xtrlock | [
] | xtrlock | xtrlock | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
832 | display a blank screen as well as the padlock cursor | xtrlock -b | [
] | xtrlock | xtrlock | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
833 | fork the xtrlock process and return immediately | xtrlock -f | [
] | xtrlock | xtrlock | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
834 | list connected (and authorized) devices | boltctl | [
] | boltctl | boltctl | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
835 | list connected devices, including unauthorized ones | boltctl list | [
] | boltctl | boltctl | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
836 | authorize a device temporarily | boltctl authorize {{device_uuid}} | [
] | boltctl | boltctl | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
837 | authorize and remember a device | boltctl enroll {{device_uuid}} | [
] | boltctl | boltctl | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
838 | revoke a previously authorized device | boltctl forget {{device_uuid}} | [
] | boltctl | boltctl | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
839 | show more information about a device | boltctl info {{device_uuid}} | [
] | boltctl | boltctl | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
840 | start the daemon | bluetoothd | [
] | bluetoothd | bluetoothd | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
841 | start the daemon, logging to stdout | bluetoothd --nodetach | [
] | bluetoothd | bluetoothd | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
842 | start the daemon with a specific configuration file (defaults to `/etc/bluetooth/main.conf`) | bluetoothd --configfile {{path/to/file}} | [
] | bluetoothd | bluetoothd | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
843 | start the daemon with verbose output to stderr | bluetoothd --debug | [
] | bluetoothd | bluetoothd | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
844 | start the daemon with verbose output coming from specific files in the bluetoothd or plugins source | bluetoothd --debug={{path/to/file1}}:{{path/to/file2}}:{{path/to/file3}} | [
] | bluetoothd | bluetoothd | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
845 | open the user interface | nmtui | [
] | nmtui | nmtui | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
846 | show a list of available connections, with the option to activate or deactivate them | nmtui connect | [
] | nmtui | nmtui | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
847 | connect to a given network | nmtui connect {{name|uuid|device|SSID}} | [
] | nmtui | nmtui | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
848 | edit/add/delete a given network | nmtui edit {{name|id}} | [
] | nmtui | nmtui | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
849 | set the system hostname | nmtui hostname | [
] | nmtui | nmtui | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
850 | start qjoypad | qjoypad | [
] | qjoypad | qjoypad | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
851 | start qjoypad and look for devices in a specific directory | qjoypad --device={{path/to/directory}} | [
] | qjoypad | qjoypad | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
852 | start qjoypad but don't show a system tray icon | qjoypad --notray | [
] | qjoypad | qjoypad | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
853 | start qjoypad and force the window manager to use a system tray icon | qjoypad --force-tray | [
] | qjoypad | qjoypad | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
854 | force a running instance of qjoypad to update its list of devices and layouts | qjoypad --update | [
] | qjoypad | qjoypad | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
855 | load the given layout in an already running instance of qjoypad, or start qjoypad using the given layout | qjoypad "{{layout}}" | [
] | qjoypad | qjoypad | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
860 | start calculating, defaulting to all cpu cores and 1 second refresh interval | sudo cpufreq-aperf | [
] | cpufreq-aperf | cpufreq-aperf | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
861 | start calculating for cpu 1 only | sudo cpufreq-aperf -c {{1}} | [
] | cpufreq-aperf | cpufreq-aperf | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
862 | start calculating with a 3 second refresh interval for all cpu cores | sudo cpufreq-aperf -i {{3}} | [
] | cpufreq-aperf | cpufreq-aperf | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
863 | calculate only once | sudo cpufreq-aperf -o | [
] | cpufreq-aperf | cpufreq-aperf | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
864 | show the utilisation of the default amd gpu | radeontop | [
] | radeontop | radeontop | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
865 | enable colored output | radeontop --color | [
] | radeontop | radeontop | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
866 | select a specific gpu (the bus number is the first number in the output of `lspci`) | radeontop --bus {{bus_number}} | [
] | radeontop | radeontop | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
867 | specify the display refresh rate (higher means more gpu overhead) | radeontop --ticks {{samples_per_second}} | [
] | radeontop | radeontop | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
868 | list installed packages and versions | pacman --query | [
] | pacman | pacman-query | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
869 | list only packages and versions that were explicitly installed | pacman --query --explicit | [
] | pacman | pacman-query | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
870 | find which package owns a file | pacman --query --owns {{filename}} | [
] | pacman | pacman-query | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
871 | display information about an installed package | pacman --query --info {{package_name}} | [
] | pacman | pacman-query | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
872 | list files owned by a package | pacman --query --list {{package_name}} | [
] | pacman | pacman-query | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
873 | list orphan packages (installed as dependencies but not required by any package) | pacman --query --unrequired --deps --quiet | [
] | pacman | pacman-query | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
874 | list installed packages not found in the repositories | pacman --query --foreign | [
] | pacman | pacman-query | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
875 | list outdated packages | pacman --query --upgrades | [
] | pacman | pacman-query | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
879 | list all services available on the local network along with their addresses and ports while ignoring local ones | avahi-browse --all --resolve --ignore-local | [
] | avahi-browse | avahi-browse | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
880 | list all domains | avahi-browse --browse-domains | [
] | avahi-browse | avahi-browse | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
881 | limit the search to a particular domain | avahi-browse --all --domain={{domain}} | [
] | avahi-browse | avahi-browse | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
882 | start the interactive installer | archinstall | [
] | archinstall | archinstall | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
883 | start a preset installer | archinstall {{minimal|unattended}} | [
] | archinstall | archinstall | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
884 | change the group name | groupmod -n {{new_group_name}} {{old_group_name}} | [
] | groupmod | groupmod | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
885 | change the group id | groupmod -g {{new_group_id}} {{old_group_name}} | [
] | groupmod | groupmod | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
889 | analyze one or more log files in interactive mode | goaccess {{path/to/logfile1 path/to/file2 ...}} | [
] | goaccess | goaccess | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
890 | use a specific logformat (or predefined formats like "combined") | goaccess {{path/to/logfile}} --log-format={{format}} | [
] | goaccess | goaccess | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
891 | analyse a log from stdin | tail -f {{path/to/logfile}} | goaccess - | [
] | goaccess | goaccess | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
892 | analyze a log and write it to an html file in realtime | goaccess {{path/to/logfile}} --output {{path/to/file.html}} --real-time-html | [
] | goaccess | goaccess | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
893 | view the current and permanent mac addresses of a interface | macchanger --show {{interface}} | [
] | macchanger | macchanger | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
894 | set interface to a random mac | macchanger --random {{interface}} | [
] | macchanger | macchanger | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
895 | set interface to a specific mac | macchanger --mac {{XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX}} {{interface}} | [
] | macchanger | macchanger | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
896 | reset interface to its permanent hardware mac | macchanger --permanent {{interface}} | [
] | macchanger | macchanger | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
903 | list the partitions on a block device or disk image | sudo partx --list {{path/to/device_or_disk_image}} | [
] | partx | partx | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
904 | add all the partitions found in a given block device to the kernel | sudo partx --add --verbose {{path/to/device_or_disk_image}} | [
] | partx | partx | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
905 | delete all the partitions found from the kernel (does not alter partitions on disk) | sudo partx --delete {{path/to/device_or_disk_image}} | [
] | partx | partx | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
920 | set the cpu frequency policy of cpu 1 to "userspace" | sudo cpufreq-set -c {{1}} -g {{userspace}} | [
] | cpufreq-set | cpufreq-set | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
921 | set the current minimum cpu frequency of cpu 1 | sudo cpufreq-set -c {{1}} --min {{min_frequency}} | [
] | cpufreq-set | cpufreq-set | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
922 | set the current maximum cpu frequency of cpu 1 | sudo cpufreq-set -c {{1}} --max {{max_frequency}} | [
] | cpufreq-set | cpufreq-set | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
923 | set the current work frequency of cpu 1 | sudo cpufreq-set -c {{1}} -f {{work_frequency}} | [
] | cpufreq-set | cpufreq-set | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
924 | expand a given acronym | wtf {{IMO}} | [
] | wtf | wtf | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
925 | specify a computer related search type | wtf -t {{comp}} {{WWW}} | [
] | wtf | wtf | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
926 | print the value of a dconf path | dconf read {{/example/dconf/path}} | [
] | dconf | dconf | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
927 | list contents of a dconf path | dconf list {{/example/dconf/path}} | [
] | dconf | dconf | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
928 | watch for dconf database changes in a path and subpaths | dconf watch {{/example/dconf/path}} | [
] | dconf | dconf | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
929 | display traffic summary for all interfaces | vnstat | [
] | vnstat | vnstat | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
930 | display traffic summary for a specific network interface | vnstat -i {{eth0}} | [
] | vnstat | vnstat | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
931 | display live stats for a specific network interface | vnstat -l -i {{eth0}} | [
] | vnstat | vnstat | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
932 | show traffic statistics on an hourly basis for the last 24 hours using a bar graph | vnstat -hg | [
] | vnstat | vnstat | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
933 | measure and show average traffic for 30 seconds | vnstat -tr {{30}} | [
] | vnstat | vnstat | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
934 | send a message | echo "{{message}}" | wall | [
] | wall | wall | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
935 | send a message from a file | wall {{file}} | [
] | wall | wall | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
936 | send a message with timeout (default 300) | wall -t {{seconds}} {{file}} | [
] | wall | wall | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
937 | set the value of a key. fails if the key doesn't exist or the value is out of range | gsettings set {{org.example.schema}} {{example-key}} {{value}} | [
] | gsettings | gsettings | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
938 | print the value of a key or the schemaprovided default if the key has not been set in `dconf` | gsetings get {{org.example.schema}} {{example-key}} | [
] | gsettings | gsettings | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
939 | unset a key, so that its schema default value will be used | gsettings reset {{org.example.schema}} {{example-key}} | [
] | gsettings | gsettings | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
940 | display all (nonrelocatable) schemas, keys, and values | gsettings list-recursively | [
] | gsettings | gsettings | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
941 | display all keys and values (default if not set) from one schema | gsettings list-recursively {{org.example.schema}} | [
] | gsettings | gsettings | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
942 | display schemaallowed values for a key (helpful with enum keys) | gsettings range {{org.example.schema}} {{example-key}} | [
] | gsettings | gsettings | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
943 | display the humanreadable description of a key | gsettings describe {{org.example.schema}} {{example-key}} | [
] | gsettings | gsettings | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
944 | display users in the system | lslogins | [
] | lslogins | lslogins | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
945 | display users belonging to a specific group | lslogins --groups={{groups}} | [
] | lslogins | lslogins | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
946 | display user accounts | lslogins --user-accs | [
] | lslogins | lslogins | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
947 | display last logins | lslogins --last | [
] | lslogins | lslogins | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
948 | display system accounts | lslogins --system-accs | [
] | lslogins | lslogins | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
949 | display supplementary groups | lslogins --supp-groups | [
] | lslogins | lslogins | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
957 | run photorec on a specific device | sudo photorec {{/dev/sdb}} | [
] | photorec | photorec | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |
958 | run photorec on a disk image (`image.dd`) | sudo photorec {{path/to/image.dd}} | [
] | photorec | photorec | true | {
"token": [
"oracle_man": [
} |