- Matroska/WebM (AAC, Opus or Vorbis codecs)
- MP4/M4A (AAC codec)
- OGG streams (Opus, Vorbis and FLAC codecs)
- AAC streams
- Stream playlists (M3U and PLS)
There is a file automatically generated called channels.toml. This file is where you will go to define your channels and the config files that come with them. As this is a preset config, you cannot override it with config files from within a specific channel. The name of a channel can be virtually anything you want it to be, with the exception of "jukebox", "preview", or the same name as a previously registered channel. To set the name, of a channel, just use it as the name of the table for that channel like [channelName]. Remember that table names cannot have spaces. As with all config files read in by Music Triggers, channels.toml is read from top to bottom, meaning that channels higher in the files will be registered first. Each registered channel can accept the parameters main, transitions, commands, toggles, redirect, jukebox, songs_folder, sound_category, paused_by_jukebox, and overrides_normal_music. Here are what those do:
main: Sets the file location of the main config file in reference to the MusicTriggers config folder. The default
value is [channelname]/main, where [channelname] is the name of the channel
transitions: Sets the file location of the transitions config file in reference to the MusicTriggers config
folder. The default value is [channelname]/transitions, where [channelname] is the name of the channel
commands: Sets the file location of the commands config file in reference to the MusicTriggers config folder.
The default value is [channelname]/commands, where [channelname] is the name of the channel
toggles: Sets the file location of the toggles config file in reference to the MusicTriggers config folder. The
default value is [channelname]/toggles, where [channelname] is the name of the channel
redirect: Sets the file location of the redirect config file in reference to the MusicTriggers config folder.
The default value is [channelname]/redirect, where [channelname] is the name of the channel
jukebox: Sets the file location of the jukebox config file in reference to the MusicTriggers config folder. The
default value is [channelname]/jukebox, where [channelname] is the name of the channel
songs_folder: Sets the folder location of where the channel with look for audio files. The default value is
sound_category: The sound category this channel is tied to, as per the the in game audio options. The default
value is music
paused_by_jukebox: Determines if the channel gets paused when there is an active jukebox nearby. The default value
is true
overrides_normal_music: Determines if the channel stops vanilla and blocked audio from playing when it has an
active trigger. The default value is true
There is another file automatically generated called registration.toml. As this is a preset config, you cannot override it with config files from channels. Within this file you will find 2 options regarding registration. Those are REGISTER_DISCS and CLIENT_SIDE_ONLY Here are what those options do:
REGISTER_DISCS: This dictates whether or not the the Blank Music Disc, Enhanced Music Disc, and Music Recorder get
registered. See below for more information on music recording and how it works.
CLIENT_SIDE_ONLY: If this is true, the server side is not required to have the mod file. No items, blocks,
or packets will be registered if it is false, which will break some triggers that require information from the
server to function correctly. Here is the breakdown per version on which triggers will not be able to activate:
- home
- structure
- mob
- victory
- pvp
- home
- snowing
- biome
- structure
- mob
- raid
- victory
- pvp
The 3rd file automatically generated called debug.toml. As this is a preset config, you cannot override it with config files from channels. Within this file you will find 8 different config options. Those are SHOW_DEBUG, CURRENT_SONG_ONLY, LOG_LEVEL, PLAY_NORMAL_MUSIC, REVERSE_PRIORITY, COMBINE_EQUAL_PRIORITY, BLOCKED_MOD_MUSIC, and BLOCKED_MOD_RECORDS. Here are what those do:
SHOW_DEBUG: Determines if the debug information gets rendered, should the currently playing songs and triggers of
all channels, the respective times and fade times of each song, and some useful in-world information regarding the
position of the player to make creating triggers easier
CURRENT_SONG_ONLY: If both this and SHOW_DEBUG are enabled, the debug information will only render information about
the currently playing song
LOG_LEVEL: Determines the minimum log level shown by the log visualization screen in the gui. The accepted levels in
order from lowest to highest are DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL
PLAY_NORMAL_MUSIC: Determines if vanilla and blocked music is able to play when there are no channels with currently
active triggers
REVERSE_PRIORITY: If enabled, the priority checker will be reversed so that the lowest priority wins in the case of
multiple triggers being able to play at once instead of the highest one
COMBINE_EQUAL_PRIORITY: If enabled, the priority system becomes less strict, making it so that when triggers with
the same priority are both active at once, the song pools will be combined and any song from any of those triggers
will be able to play
BLOCKED_MOD_MUSIC: A list of mod ids from which audio registered to the music category will not be able to play by
BLOCKED_MOD_RECORDS: A list of mod ids from which audio registered to the records category will not be able to play
by default
Channel Based Configuration