#Person1#: I would like you to meet my family. Can you come to dinner next week at my parents'place? #Person2#: Yeuks! Do they know anything about me? #Person1#: Actually, I've told them a lot about you. They are excited to meet you. #Person2#: I'm a little nervous! #Person1#: I think you'll like them. My family is pretty laid back. #Person2#: How Ay people will be there at dinner? #Person1#: Let's see. there's my mom and dad and my two brothers and one of my sisters. #Person2#: That's good, I'm usually more comfortable in bigger families.
#Person1# invites #Person2# to meet #Person1#'s family. #Person1# asks about who will be there at dinner.
family dinner
#Person1#: Hi, John. What brings you to town? #Person2#: Hi, Mary. Lily wanted me to buy her some things for the party. #Person1#: What do you think of the traffic today? #Person2#: It's pretty bad. #Person1#: Yeah. You can say that again. It's noisy too. #Person2#: I am glad I did not drive a car.
John comes to town and thinks the traffic is bad today.
daily conversation
#Person1#: So how did you meet Bill? #Person2#: I met him through a computer bulletin board. #Person1#: Oh, really? Which bulletin board? #Person2#: It was one I used down at the local coffee house called the San Francisco Net. It's been around since around 1991. #Person1#: I've heard about that, but I've never tried it. #Person2#: You ought to. One dollar buys you 15 minutes of computer time. A Chat session links you with cappuccino sippers in other cafes and also to home computers on the network. #Person1#: I have no desire to talk on a network with a bunch of strangers. #Person2#: That's the whole point. All your inhibitions disappear because you can't see the other person. This network allows you to talk to people whom you normally wouldn't talk to. #Person1#: I just want a private conversation with one other person. #Person2#: You can do that. A private session lets two people talk alone. This techno-chat program lets you talk about anything with everybody, without prejudice because you can't see them. #Person1#: Well, maybe I'll tag along and watch how you talk. #Person2#: That's fine with me, but we'll have to get there early. Because after 8 pm, there is always a long line. #Person1#: It's that popular? #Person2#: It sure is.
#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# met Bill through a computer bulletin board. Then they share their opinions about talking on a network with a stranger. #Person1# will tag along and watch how #Person2# talks on the internet.
social networking
#Person1#: have you ever thought about your ideal home? #Person2#: I have, actually ; I'Ve always wanted to build my dream home myself. #Person1#: what would it be like? #Person2#: well, it would be spacious and located next to a park, because a nice view is important to me. #Person1#: how many rooms would it have? #Person2#: I'd want it to have three bedrooms on a second floor with balconies on each, and one main bedroom on the main floor with an attached en suite. I'd also want a large living room and kitchen connected t #Person1#: how many bedrooms would your dream home have? #Person2#: I'd have one guest bathroom in the basement, one attached to the main bedroom, and one upstairs, so a total of three. #Person1#: how would you decorate your house? #Person2#: I don't like a lot of clutter, so I wouldn't have lots of things out. I would have a few vases on the mantel piece and some pictures of my family on the walls, but other than that, most things would b #Person1#: how many TVs would your dream home have? #Person2#: I think TV is a great waste of time, so I would only have one small TV in the kitchen to watch the news in the morning.
#Person2# describes #Person2#'s ideal home to #Person1#, which is spacious and located next to a park. #Person2# tells #Person1# about the number of rooms, how #Person2# would decorate the dream house, and the number of TVs.
ideal home
#Person1#: Julia, Julia, Julia. My daring Julia, what's wrong with you? #Person2#: Steven, are you talking to me? #Person1#: Yes, I have called you three times. What makes you in a daze? #Person2#: I was thinking about the accident I saw in the morning. I was petrified when two cars collided. I witnessed the traffic accident. #Person1#: Did someone get hurt? #Person2#: A driver died instantly. The other one was badly hurt. A poor boy called Peter was killed in the accident too. #Person1#: What a terrible accident! Who should be responsible for this traffic accident? #Person2#: I think both. They drove too fast. What's worse, one of them was drunk. #Person1#: Why do some guys like to drive so fast when they are drunk? #Person2#: I don't understand. Maybe they feel they are okay and driving fast seems very cool.
Steven called Julia but Julia didn't reply because she was thinking about the traffic accident she witnessed. Steven asks about the casualties and who should take the responsibility.
traffic accident
#Person1#: Hello. I need to disconnect my phone, please. #Person2#: All right. Where do you live, sir? #Person1#: At 345 Lincoln Avenue. Oklahoma City. #Person2#: Very well. Why do you want to disconnect your phone, sir? #Person1#: I'm moving to a new home. #Person2#: O. K. May I have your name please? #Person1#: John Smith. #Person2#: Thank you. Mr. Smith. What's your telephone number? #Person1#: 555-7658 #Person2#: Thank you. Where should I send your final phone bill? #Person1#: 623 West Side Drive. New York, New York. #Person2#: Thank you, Mr. Smith. Your phone will be disconnected after this phone call. Have a nice day. #Person1#: Thank you, you too.
Mr. Smith wants to disconnect his phone because he is moving to a new home. #Person2# helps and asks for some information.
disconnect the phone
#Person1#: Come on in. Let me show you the house. Isn't it something? Spacious, bright and clean. And the walls were newly painted. Have you ever seen such a nice house? #Person2#: Not really. #Person1#: This is the kitchen. Every - thing's new. #Person2#: It's great!
#Person1# shows #Person2# the house. #Person1# thinks that the kitchen is great.
see the house
#Person1#: Good morning, and welcome to Live Tech. It is my honor to make this presentation for you. Let me begin by explaining some of our digital cameras'selling points. You will see immediately that they are very stylish, but what you can't see is the cutting-edge technology inside. All of our cameras are light, compact, and easy to use. #Person2#: Can I take a look at one of those? #Person1#: Be my guest. Live Tech's digital cameras combine point-and-shoot simplicity with the ability to easily turn pictures into great-looking prints. Furthermore, it allows users to transfer pictures to a computer while the camera recharges. #Person2#: Can I take a picture of you? Seeing is believing. #Person1#: Sure, Just push the button, like. . . #Person2#: I think I can figure this out. Let's see if this works as advertised. Say'cheese!' #Person1#: I think you will find these are the best digital cameras on the market today. #Person2#: I think the quality of the photos will speak for themselves.
#Person1# is making a presentation about digital cameras' selling points and explains the advantages and functions to #Person2#. #Person2# takes a picture and thinks the quality of the photos will speak for themselves.
Live Tech
#Person1#: Good morning, sir. Have a seat please. #Person2#: I would like to know the state of the residential property market right now because I have an apartment to sell. #Person1#: Sure, here is my business card. I'm James Wilson. Let me explain to you how things are. In recent months, the demand for residential properties has become extremely high. The price of residential properly has risen almost twenty percent. #Person2#: Really? Since I have to go back to England within the next few months, I would like to sell my apartment as soon as possible. #Person1#: Don't worry, sir. I think it's a seller's market right now. Let me get down some information about your apartment first. what is your property's address? #Person2#: Flat C. 15 / F, Tong House, Tai Koo Shing. #Person1#: What is the square footage of your property? How many bedrooms and living rooms? #Person2#: Its gross area is approximately nine hundred square feet. There's one living room, one dining room, one master bedroom and two other bedrooms. #Person1#: What is the orientation and view? #Person2#: It faces south with a hillside view. #Person1#: The market price for Tong House is around five thousand Hong Kong dollars per square foot, but it also depends on the internal layout and condition of the house. #Person2#: I would like to ask for four point five million Hong Kong dollars. #Person1#: May I have your name and contact number, Sir? #Person2#: Johnson, and my contact number is 2876543 2. My office number is 2123456 7. #Person1#: Thank you, Mr. Johnson. May I ask you one more question? When will your property become available? #Person2#: In about one month. #Person1#: Also, Mr. Johnson, I would like to remind you my company will charge a commission equivalent to one percent of the transaction price in the event of a successful selling of the property through our introduction. #Person2#: No problem. #Person1#: Thank you very much. I will introduce your property to our clients. When they want to see your property, I will give you a call. #Person2#: Thank you.
Mr.Johnson wants to know the state of the residential property market because he has an apartment to sell. James explains the current demand is high. Mr.Johnson tells him the address and describes the square footage of his property, the orientation, and the view. They agree on a 1% commission of the transaction price and James will help him sell the house.
house selling
#Person1#: Could I see that automatic camera? #Person2#: Of course. This camera is easy to operate. #Person1#: Where is it made? #Person2#: It's made in China. #Person1#: Is it expensive? #Person2#: Not very expensive. #Person1#: I'll take this one. #Person2#: OK. Do you want any film? #Person1#: Yes, give me two rolls of Kodak color film. #Person2#: Here you are.
#Person2# introduces the automatic camera to #Person1# and #Person1# will buy the camera and some films.
automatic camera
#Person1#: Excuse me. I need some storybooks in easy English. Do you have anything like that? #Person2#: Well, there are a lot of storybooks upstairs in our children's section. Some are written for young children, others for teens. Maybe some of them will suit your needs. #Person1#: I'll go take a look. Thanks for your help. #Person2#: You're welcome.
#Person2# tells #Person1# about the location of the storybooks.
#Person1#: Hey, Devi, have you thought about where would you like to go to dinner on Friday for your birthday? #Person2#: I am not sure. I don't know that many restaurants around here. #Person1#: You know, we could look online at the local Internet sites. #Person2#: Good. Let's take a look! #Person1#: What kind of food would you like? #Person2#: I enjoy Thai or Japanese the best. #Person1#: This one, Shogun, looks good. #Person2#: Oh yes, I've heard of that one. Everyone I've spoken with says that it is great! #Person1#: Would you like to go there then? #Person2#: I think that that would be a really good choice! Let's call and make a reservation.
#Person1# and Devi to look online at the local Internet sites and decide a restaurant for Devi's birthday.
choose a restaurant
#Person1#: I really like the record you lent me the other day. #Person2#: I'm glad you like it. #Person1#: And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long. #Person2#: Not at all. #Person1#: I'm most grateful. Everyone in our class enjoyed it. #Person2#: I'm glad. #Person1#: Would you mind my keeping it for another week?
#Person1# thanks #Person2# for the record that #Person2# lent and wants to keep it for more time.
#Person1#: Good day. How can we assist you? #Person2#: I need to get a Letter of Credit. Is this the right window? #Person1#: It certainly is. Do you have your contract and Import License? #Person2#: Yes, right here in my brief case. Just a moment, please. #Person1#: Thanks. What you need to do now is deposit 100 % of the guaranteed funds of your contract into your account with us. #Person2#: That's done. There is more than enough to cover the contract amount in our account. #Person1#: That's great. We will have to charge you 250 RMB for that service, though. Could you please fill in this? Thanks.
#Person2# wants a Letter of Credit. #Person1# asks for #Person2#'s contract and Import License and charges #Person2# 250 RIB.
Letter of Credit
#Person1#: Good morning. I came in answer to your advertisement for a salesperson. #Person2#: I see. Will you walk this way, please? What experience have you had? #Person1#: I'm afraid I haven't had any experience in just this sort of work. I'm studying business administration in college. I want to get a job that would tie in with my studies. #Person2#: Have you got any selling experience at all? #Person1#: I worked in a department store in a small town last summer vacation. #Person2#: Now tell me about your educational background. #Person1#: I graduated from Beijing University. I majored in business administration. #Person2#: What courses have you completed? #Person1#: The courses I completed are marketing, business law, business English, statistics, marketing principles, sales management, distribution theory, economies and psychology. #Person2#: What subjects did you like most at university? #Person1#: I liked sales strategies most. #Person2#: Why would you like to work with us? #Person1#: It's an interesting job, and your company is one of the best known. Although I have no work experience as a salesperson, the job description you sent was very interesting. It's a job I've been dreaming of when I was at university. #Person2#: What are your future plans and what kind of expectations do you have of the company? #Person1#: I have an interest in marketing and I would consider graduate study in business in the future. I think my goals will become more clear as I gain experience in sales and marketing. #Person2#: Good. Do you know anything about this company? #Person1#: Yes, a little. As you mentioned just now, yours is an American capital company. As far as I know your company is a world famous one which produces cosmetics and skincare products. #Person2#: Have you got anything to ask me? #Person1#: Will traveling be required in this position? #Person2#: Yes. #Person1#: How often? #Person2#: Three times a year at most. How do you feel about this? #Person1#: That's fine.
#Person1# comes in answer to #Person2#'s advertisement for a salesperson. #Person2# asks #Person1# about #Person1#'s working experience, education background, the course #Person1# completed, #Person1#'s favourite course, the reasons for why #Person1# wants to work in their company, #Person1#'s plans and expectations, and what #Person1# knows about the company. #Person1# asks about the frequency of traveling.
job interview
#Person1#: How do you understand the organizational structure of a company? #Person2#: The organizational structure is the company's framework of communication and authority. #Person1#: Is it true that just like a human skeleton that defines their shapes, companies have structures that define theirs? #Person2#: Yes, you are right.
#Person2# explains the organizational structure of a company to #Person1#.
organizational structure
#Person1#: Anna, come in, please. #Person2#: Yes, Mr. Green. What would you like me to do? #Person1#: I need a bus ticket to Seattle. #Person2#: What time do you want to leave, Mr. Green? #Person1#: Well, tomorrow morning, as early as I can. I have an appointment before noon. #Person2#: There's a bus every thirty minutes starting at 5:30 a.m. #Person1#: In that ease, I'd like to leave then. Wait... My wife's going to drop me off here on her way to work. Could you book me a 6:30 ticket instead? #Person2#: Sure. Will it be one way or round-trip? #Person1#: Oh, I probably should buy a round-trip ticket now, since I'll be coming back tomorrow evening. Oh, is there a bus around 6? #Person2#: Yes, there's one at 5:45. You'd get back before 8 o'clock? #Person1#: OK, I'll take that one. I told my wife we'd see a movie at 9:30.
Mr. Green wants Anna to help him book a bus ticket to Seattle at 6:30 tomorrow morning and a round-trip ticket back at 5:45 pm.
bus ticket
#Person1#: Good afternoon. Can I help you, sir? #Person2#: I made a reservation last week by the name of Benjamin. We've just arrived. #Person1#: A minute, please. Benjamin... Oh, yes, here it is. One double room for a whole week. Here is the registration card. Would you please fill this form out, sir? #Person2#: Love to! (A few minutes later) Done! Here you are. #Person1#: Thank you. Now everything is in order. Your room number is 8715. #Person2#: Is it on the 87th floor? #Person1#: No, sir. In China, eight is a lucky number. It's actually on the 7th floor. #Person2#: Thank you. By the way, is there a dressing table in the room? #Person1#: Yes. A traditional wooden one.
#Person1# gives #Person2# the registration card and tells the room number. Room 8715 is on the 7th floor because 8 is a lucky number in China.
room reservation
#Person1#: Ok, so what happened when you got to the airport? #Person2#: Well, I waited in a queue for ages and finally it was my turn to come up to the desk. I was asked to present a visa. #Person1#: Yes, you need a visa. Your travel agent should have told you. #Person2#: But I think I was there six years ago.
#Person2# waited for too long at the airport without a visa prepared
wait in a queue
#Person1#: What are you reading, Bill? #Person2#: It's this week New Scientist. Why? #Person1#: I was just wondering. It looks interesting. But I've never actually read myself. It's for real scientists, or can ordinary people like me understand it? #Person2#: Always for anyone, really. It usually has articles or stories about current affairs about science, as well as papers about new development in research. I'm reading about new telephone that allows you to see the person you are speaking to as well as see him. #Person1#: Oh, I heard about it. Is it on the market yet? Can I buy one? #Person2#: No. Not this one. But the company has made other models to try on business. This one is special because its color and image is moving. #Person1#: Oh, that's interesting. #Person2#: You see the first video phones. That's what they are called. They made in Japan. But they can only show still black and white image. So this video phone is much better than that. Mind you, I'm not sure I want one, would you? #Person1#: Well, no, I don't think a word. I bet it costs a lot of money. Did it say how much it costs? #Person2#: Yes. The yearly black and white one costs several hundreds pounds. But one in the story is about to cost several thousands pounds. #Person1#: Hmm, what does anybody want one, do you think? #Person2#: Business organizations that need frequent contact overseas want it. It's like a face-to-face conversation, so maybe a lot of overseas travels can be avoided. #Person1#: Yes, I suppose so.
Bill is reading New Scientist and introduces it to #Person1# that everyone can understand it. Bill tells that this one is special because its color and image are moving so #Person1# cannot buy it on market. Then they discuss the first video phones about the price and who wants it.
New Scientist
#Person1#: Hey, I know you. You're James, right? James Roberts. #Person2#: Amanda Brown. Wow! It's been a long time. #Person1#: Yeah. Oh, are you going to the class reunion in two weeks? #Person2#: Uh, I heard about it, but I'm not sure. Where is it? #Person1#: The reunion is going to be held at the Mountain Country Club across from City Park. #Person2#: And what time does it start? #Person1#: I think it starts at 6:00. #Person2#: And how much does it cost? #Person1#: It's twenty dollars a ticket, and that includes dinner and entertainment. #Person2#: What kind of entertainment are they going to have? #Person1#: They're going to have a live jazz band and dancing. #Person2#: And who is organizing the event? #Person1#: Do you remember Chad Phillips? #Person2#: Uh, wasn't he the quarterback on the football team? #Person1#: Right. Well, he married Sarah Rogers, and they are in charge of the event. So, what do you think? Are you going? #Person2#: I don't know. I never really fit in in high school. I was kind of a loner. I also remember asking Sarah out on a date, and she turned me down. She said she was sick, and it turned out she went out with someone that same night. It could be a little awkward. #Person1#: Hey, why don't we go together? #Person2#: Are you sure? #Person1#: Yeah. #Person2#: Well, sure. Why not. To be honest, I always thought you were very nice. I just never had the guts to ask you out. #Person1#: Well, here's your chance. #Person2#: Sounds great. So, what's your number so I can call you? #Person1#: It's 435-923-6017. #Person2#: 6017, Okay. Where do you live? #Person1#: I only live two blocks south of the old high school. #Person2#: Okay. I remember where you live. Let me call you a few days before to confirm things. #Person1#: Sounds good. It should be fun.
Amanda Brown meets James Roberts and tells James about the class reunion in two weeks. James asks about the starting time, the cost, types of entertainment and the organizer. Then James told Amanda that he was turned down by the organizer's wife. Amanda gives James her number to let him ask her out and James thinks Amanda is nice.
class reunion
#Person1#: I've got a new boss. #Person2#: Oh, what's he like? #Person1#: Well, he's got dark hair and brown eyes. #Person2#: Yes. #Person1#: And a white sports car. #Person2#: Um, that's good. #Person1#: Yes, but he's got a wife and 3 children as well.
#Person1# tells #Person2# the appearance, and family of #Person1#'s new boss.
new boss
#Person1#: I want to buy a wallet. #Person2#: Here are all the wallets with various designs. How about this one ? It is quite fashionable. #Person1#: May I pick it up? #Person2#: Of course. #Person1#: Do you have one of better quality? #Person2#: This one is much better, but it is also much more expensive. #Person1#: There is no problem about the price. How much is it? #Person2#: Two hundred and thirty-five yuan. #Person1#: OK, I'll take it.
#Person2# recommends wallets to #Person1# and #Person1# buys the one with better quality and higher price.
#Person1#: Hi, Lisa! #Person2#: Hi, Kate! #Person1#: I'm looking for the registration. Do you know where the registration is? #Person2#: Yes, it's right over there in Room 133 on the right. #Person1#: Excuse me, is this registration? #Person3#: Yes, I need some information for your registration card. #Person1#: OK. #Person3#: What's your full name? #Person1#: Lisa Smith. #Person3#: What's your school address? #Person1#: 820 University, Box 4348, Chicago, Illinois. #Person3#: Your telephone number? #Person1#: 431-893-7323. #Person3#: Thank you.
Kate tells Lisa the room number for registration. #Person3# asks Lisa some information for registration.
#Person1#: Excuse me, I'm looking for your casual short-sleeved shirts. Can you tell me where those are? #Person2#: Right over here, sir. What size do you wear? #Person1#: Medium. #Person2#: These here are all mediums. #Person1#: Thank you. I think I'll take this one, and these pants as well. They're a present for a friend. #Person2#: Shall I gift-wrap them for you, sir? #Person1#: Yes, please.
#Person2# shows #Person1# where shirts are and asks #Person1#'s size. #Person1# buys a shirt and pants as gifts for a friend.
#Person1#: Has your son started school yet, Tom? #Person2#: Next week, it's going to be quite a shock for him! #Person1#: He'll get used to it. They always do. I still remember when my daughter started. Are you going with him on his first day? #Person2#: You bet. I wouldn't miss it!
Tom tells #Person1# he will go with his son on the first day of school.
social communication
#Person1#: Any plans tonight? #Person2#: Not really, do you? #Person1#: Well, I am wondering if we took a hang-out for a drink or something. You know, I just came back from a really tough interview. I was quite nervous during the interview. I really want to have the job. Right now, I am still a little on the edge. I am not sure if I could convince them during the interview. #Person2#: Take it easy. It is all over now. How was it going, anyway? #Person1#: I don't know. I think I did well in the paper exams. I was prepared to answer a lot of questions, but they didn't ask those as I expected. To my surprise, the manager tried to talk about the Chinese poesy with me. #Person2#: That's strange. But probably, it is the new interview technique they call it 'Getting to know you more personally'. What about your answers? #Person1#: Just did my best.
#Person1# invites #Person2# to have a drink because #Person1# had a tough interview. #Person1# tells that he did well in the paper exam but the questions he was asked were strange.
social communication
#Person1#: Do you know Sally? #Person2#: Sally? She is a bachelor girl. She is an excellent designer. Many of the company's advertisements are her child trains. #Person1#: Why is she still single? She must have a face that would stop a clock. #Person2#: Oh, quite the other way round. She is a knock-out. She devotes much of her time to her career.
#Person2# tells #Person1# Sally is an excellent designer but she is still single because she devotes herself to her career.
#Person1#: I was looking for books on small business startups and I think these are perfect. I'm going to start my own company in my back office. #Person2#: That sounds interesting. So you'd like to check all these out? #Person1#: Yes, for a few days at least. #Person2#: No problem then. I'll just need to see your library card. #Person1#: I'm afraid I've lost it. #Person2#: That's alright. Could you just tell me your library account number? #Person1#: I'm sorry. I don't remember it. #Person2#: We can look it up for you. Just give me your username for the library website and I'll find your account number. #Person1#: Oh, dear. I don't usually use the website.
#Person1# wants to borrow some books and tells #Person2# that #Person1# lost the library card and forget the card number and library website username.
borrow books
#Person1#: Hi. Very glad to meet you here. #Person2#: Hi. Have we met before? #Person1#: Aren't you the woman who gave the computer lecturer at the city library last winter? #Person2#: Yes, it's me. You look familiar. Were you there in my class then? #Person1#: Yes, sure. I'm so glad I took your lecture and I've benefited quite a lot from it. #Person2#: Thanks. It's also rewarding for me to do something meaningful in my spare time. #Person1#: Oh, I thought you were a IT engineer or something like an expert in this profession. #Person2#: Not exactly, but I know a bit about computer. #Person1#: I thought that it would be impossible for me to learn how to use a computer at my age, but now I'm exchanging emails with my grandchildren. They say I am learning fast and well. It's the happiest thing after my retirement. #Person2#: That's great. Giving a lecture after work is a good experience for me because that is a change of pace from my daytime job as a sales representative. #Person1#: That's right.
#Person1# tells #Person2# that #Person1# has benefited a lot from #Person2#'s computer lecture. After retirement, #Person1# feels happy while learning computer and exchanging emails with #Person1#'s grandchildren. #Person2# thinks that giving lecture is a change of space after work.
#Person1#: Did you see those robots? They were so smart. I can't believe how many different kinds there were at the technology show. They could do so many things too. Even activities that I thought could only be done by human hands. #Person2#: It's really amazing. #Person1#: I understand why they say that China's future is in robots, they will change society. #Person2#: That's exactly what I'm afraid of. Can we predict what the consequences will be? #Person1#: Well, it is hard to say. #Person2#: I'm worried what the average person will experience as they communicate with robots on a daily basis. We are already surrounded by technology day and night in this modern society. Will some people completely lose the ability to form relationships with other people? These are some of the questions I'll be researching for my term paper. #Person1#: I understand your concerns, but I think our country needs to become more competitive, with other countries that are also developing this technology. #Person2#: We can ask professor Smith to talk a bit more about this in his next class.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about robots at the technology show. #Person2# is afraid that robots will make people unwilling to socialize, while #Person1# believes that robot technology needs to be developed to become more competitive.
#Person1#: Phil, you said you're a teacher. And did you study education in college? #Person2#: No, I studied construction. Actually I worked as a designer when I was younger. That was a really great job. But I kind of came into teaching just to try something different. #Person1#: Do you like electronic products? #Person2#: Yeah, I do. My favorite is my laptop. I think everyone should have a laptop now because it's so useful. I can watch movies, download music from the Internet and most important, I can write reports on my students on my laptop. It's just amazing what you can do today. #Person1#: Any other products you especially like? An MP4 player or an iPad? #Person2#: No, I suppose I would have to say my digital camera. I'm absolutely useless had taking photographs. I always miss the main part of the picture, however, with a digital camera, I can keep taking photos again and again until I know I've got the one I actually want. The digital Camera is perfect for me. I can choose only the photos I want. #Person1#: Yeah, I agree. I use cameras a lot for my website. I couldn't make it without them.
Phil tells #Person1# he was a designer before becoming a teacher. Phil likes his laptop because he can watch movies, download music, and write reports on it. He also likes to use his digital camera to take photos.
daily conversation
#Person1#: Alice, what's your favorite movie of the year twenty seventeen? #Person2#: I must say it's Wonder Woman. When the movie was released in June last year, my parents were eager to take me to see it. #Person1#: Why did your parents want to take you to watch it so much? #Person2#: They considered it quite a different movie. You know, it is really rare to see a female action hero in a big budget movie. And it was also directed by a woman. I guess my parents wanted to show me that women could be powerful too. #Person1#: So do you think that the movie was a big success? #Person2#: You bet. It made more than 400 million dollars in ticket sales in the United States. In fact, there were only two bigger money makers among that years movies. #Person1#: Did you watch any other movies directed by women in twenty seventeen? #Person2#: Certainly. Women were in charge of more than 60 films in that year, including Before I Fall, Lady Bird and Battle of the Sexes. Among these three, I preferred the last.
Alice tells #Person1# her favorite movie is Wonder Woman which her parents took her to watch because it involves in a female hero and is directed by female. Alice also watched other movies directed by women.
#Person1#: So, Claire, you're into drama. #Person2#: Yes, I have a master's degree in drama and theater. At the moment, I'm hoping to get on to a PhD program. #Person1#: What excites you about drama? #Person2#: Well, I find it's a communicative way to study people and you learn how to read people in drama. So usually I can understand what people are saying even though they might be lying. #Person1#: That would be useful? #Person2#: Yeah, it's very useful for me as well. I'm an English lecture, so use a lot of drama in my classes, such as role plays. And I asked my students to create mini dramas. They really respond well. At the moment, I'm hoping to get on to a PhD course. I'd like to concentrate on Asian drama and try to bring Asian theater to the world's attention. I don't know how successful I would be, but here's hoping. #Person1#: Oh, I'm sure you'll be successful.
Claire wants to get on to a PhD program in drama because she thinks that it is a communicative way to study people and wants to bring Asian theater to the world's attention.
#Person1#: How long will it take for our order to be delivered? #Person2#: Let's see. You are importing fifty containers of textiles from China. They should be able to place your order before the end of next week. It will take 2 days for shipping to the port city of Ningpo. The freight will take 3 weeks on the open ocean and will arrive in Los Angeles approximately a month from today. Domestic shipping will be your responsibility, you can make arrangements with the pier in Los Angeles. #Person1#: Fine, we will handle domestic shipping, but what about customs? Will we have to pay tariff on our imports? I hope we don't run into any problems with the border control. #Person2#: No, the Chinese company has that all worked out. With the paperwork you receive with the shipment, you should be good to go.
#Person2# says that #Person1#'s order of fifty containers of textiles will arrive in Los Angeles approximately a month from today with no tariff.
#Person1#: Could you tell me something about your family? #Person2#: OK. There are five people in my family, Father, mother, elder brother, younger sister and I. #Person1#: Are your brother and sister still in school? #Person2#: My brother has found his job and my sister is still in college. #Person1#: What does your father do? #Person2#: My father is a middle school teacher. #Person1#: What about your mother? #Person2#: My mother is a housewife. #Person1#: Are you married? #Person2#: I am not married yet and I live alone now. #Person1#: Do you need to support your family? #Person2#: No, my father and brother are doing that. #Person1#: Have you finished school? #Person2#: Yes, I have already graduated.
#Person2# is introducing #Person2#'s family to #Person1#. There are five members, father, mother, elder brother, younger sister, and #Person2#.
#Person1#: Now people are talking about world recession which started more than a year ago. Can you give us your personal assessment of the situation of the global economy? #Person2#: As you know, we are in a very special time. This is a very hard time for many countries ' economics, both developed and developing. I think the current economic situation could be described as synchronized slowdown of major economies. #Person1#: What is the direct impact of the terrorist attack upon your country's economy? #Person2#: Once the US economy is in trouble due to the terrorist attack, the impact could be quickly felt in the rest of the world. #Person1#: What challenges is your country's economy facing at the moment? #Person2#: We do face a lot of challenges because there is still much uncertainty about the world economy. It's very important for us to strike a proper balance between investment in fixed assets and household consumption.
#Person2# thinks there is a synchronized slowdown of major economies and the US economy is in trouble due to the terrorist attack. They face many challenges because there is still much uncertainty.
global economy
#Person1#: May I know where you are going? #Person2#: Yes. I want to go to Beijing Hotel. #Person1#: I'm sorry. You are going in the wrong direction. #Person2#: Oh no! What shall I do? #Person1#: Don't worry. You can get off at the next stop and go across the street through the overpass. The bus stop is right there. #Person2#: Thank you very much. #Person1#: My pleasure.
#Person1# shows the correct direction to the Beijing Hotel for #Person2#.
#Person1#: Wei! This is a first time you didn't bargain! #Person2#: Bargain? I'd feel way too guilty. #Person1#: But you could have saved money. #Person2#: From a sweet ma?! It's not worth it. Plus, I'd happily pay more for these things I bought! #Person1#: F. Y. I . , there is a flea market nearby, but maybe you're done... #Person2#: Ha! I'm just warming up! Please take me there now!
Wei bought something without bargaining and asks #Person1# to take her to a flea market.
#Person1#: Did you promise me to get the bread? #Person2#: Well, I remember walking pass the baker shop. #Person1#: But you forgot to get the bread. #Person2#: I'm afraid so. I don't remember you telling me about it. #Person1#: Well, I certainly did. #Person2#: What would you let me do now? #Person1#: You are free. You can go now. #Person2#: Really? You are so kind. #Person1#: I'll do with the cake. #Person2#: No. That's not enough. I've got some cereal.
#Person2# forgot to get the bread for #Person1# and offers some cereal to #Person1#.
#Person1#: Can you pick up some things from the store for me? #Person2#: Of course, what do you need? #Person1#: I need a few things, I'll give you the list. #Person2#: Is there something else you need that you can think of? #Person1#: Everything I need is on the list. #Person2#: Do you want me to make any other stops while I'm out? #Person1#: Since you asked, would you pick up my medicine from the pharmacy? #Person2#: Is it ready to be picked up? #Person1#: I believe so. #Person2#: No problem. I'll do that for you. #Person1#: I really appreciate you doing this for me. #Person2#: It's no problem at all.
#Person1# appreciates #Person2# picking up things from the store and medicine from the pharmacy for #Person1#.
pick up things
#Person1#: I would like to pick a time to look at houses with you. #Person2#: Would mornings or afternoons be best for you? #Person1#: It is easier for me to take off work in the afternoon. #Person2#: It is best if we can go during the week ; does that work for you? #Person1#: Because of work, I can only go look at houses on the weekend. #Person2#: Would you like to meet at the real estate office, or should I pick you up at home? #Person1#: If you could pick me up at home, that would be great. #Person2#: We could spend most of the day looking at houses to see all that we have to see. #Person1#: That might be a little too much, but we'll see how it goes. #Person2#: I will fax you a schedule as soon as I contact the owners to confirm the times.
#Person1# and #Person2# will look at houses at the weekend. #Person2# will fax #Person1# a schedule as soon as #Person2# contacts the owners to confirm the times.
#Person1#: There is a tornado warning on. My mother just told me she heard it on the radio. #Person2#: What is a tornado warning? #Person1#: It means that a tornado has been seen somewhere in the area. #Person2#: Really? In New Berlin? #Person1#: No. Not necessarily in town. But in southern Wisconsin somewhere. A tornado has been spotted. They have two stages here. This is what is called a ' tornado watch. ' That means that the weather conditions are perfect for a tornado. #Person2#: I understand. They think a tornado might come. #Person1#: Yes. People should look out, because maybe there will be tornadoes coming. So it's called a ' watch. ' #Person2#: And the second stage is called a ' tornado warning '. #Person1#: Yes. If a tornado has been spotted, they announce a ' tornado warning '. So if there's a tornado warning on, it means a tornado is out there somewhere. #Person2#: It's scary. #Person1#: Well. Tornadoes can be dangerous, it's true. If we hear something like a loud train coming, then we have to go in the basement. #Person2#: What do you mean ' a loud train '? #Person1#: That is what tornadoes sound like. They sound like trains. They're very loud. #Person2#: But if you hear them coming, isn't it already too late? #Person1#: Maybe. It depends on the tornado. Some can move across the ground at 200 miles an hour. That is very fast. Others aren't so fast. #Person2#: Have you seen a lot of them? #Person1#: I've only seen one in my life. I was looking out the window. It was around two miles away. It was very interesting to watch. But it was heading toward my friend's house. So I quickly called them on the phone. #Person2#: Did it hit their house? #Person1#: No, it didn't. But they are glad I called them. #Person2#: What were they doing when you called? #Person1#: They were all sitting in the living room watching TV. They had no idea a tornado was coming toward their house. If it had hit them, they could have all been killed. #Person2#: That's terrible. Do many people die in tornadoes? #Person1#: Not so many really. But a lot of houses are destroyed sometimes.
#Person1# says that there is a tornado warning on, which means that a tornado has been seen somewhere in southern Wisconsin. #Person1# explains to #Person2# the two stages of a tornado. The first is a 'tornado watch' and the second is a 'tornado warning'. #Person1# also indicates that not so many people die in tornadoes, but a lot of houses are destroyed sometimes.
#Person1#: The band is pretty good. How do you like the music? #Person2#: It's very nice. I haven't heard live music in a while. This is fun. #Person1#: Well, then, may I invite you for the next dance? #Person2#: Of course. But I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer. . . #Person1#: Don't worry. I'm not much of a dancer myself. #Person2#: You're dancing so well. #Person1#: You dance beautifully too. #Person2#: When did you learn to dance? #Person1#: In college. But I don't dance very often. What's your favourite dance? #Person2#: It's hard to say. It depends. But I love the waltz.
#Person1# invites #Person2# for the next dance. They both think that the other side dances well. #Person2# loves the waltz.
#Person1#: Oh, hi Pam. When did you get back from Canada? How was it? #Person2#: The day before yesterday. I only visited Montreal and Ottawa, but I had a great time. #Person1#: Which city did you like better? #Person2#: That's hard to say. . . I think Ottawa is prettier. It has better sightseeing, too. A lot of museums and galleries. #Person1#: And what's Montreal like? What did you think of it? #Person2#: Montreal is more exciting. It has better shopping. The stores are cheaper and more interesting. #Person1#: Which one has better nightlife? #Person2#: Oh, Montreal of sure. It has more restaurants and clubs. They say Montreal is the most exciting city in Canada. #Person1#: Well, I've always wanted to see Vancouver. I've heard it has the most beautiful views.
Pam came back from Canada the day before yesterday. He thinks that Ottawa is prettier and Montreal is more exciting with better nightlife.
#Person1#: well, I finished my last final today. #Person2#: the end of all the hard work for my master's. what a nice feeling to get my degree! #Person1#: do you want to attend the convocation? #Person2#: certainly. After years of hard work, I wouldn't miss it. By the way, where can I find cap and gown? #Person1#: do you want to have them made or do you want to rent them? #Person2#: oh, I think they're provided by the school for that special day. #Person1#: no. those you have to provide for yourself. #Person2#: what do most of the students do? #Person1#: well, most of them only need a cap and gown for that particular convocation service, but some of the education majors have had them made, because they will be faculty members, and they'll need them for student commencement each year. #Person2#: then, I might as well have them made. #Person1#: Mary, don't move. Stand right there. It's a good shot. The background is very pretty. #Person2#: hold it a second. I want to fix my hairpin. #Person1#: it doesn't matter. Say'cheese'. #Person2#: here's Lisa. May I take a picture with her? #Person1#: Certainly. Ok, got you.
Mary feels very nice to get her degree and will attend the convocation and have the cap and gown made. #Person1# takes some photos for her.
#Person1#: So, have you seen all three The Lord of the Rings movies? #Person2#: Yes, but I didn't really like the third one at all. #Person1#: That's the Return of the King, right? #Person2#: Yeah. Even though the customs were brilliant, I didn't think it was as good as the first two. What did you think? #Person1#: I thought the special effects were amazing, but I got a bit confused. The plot was too complicated for me. #Person2#: Did you read the books before you watched the movies? #Person1#: No. did you? #Person2#: Yes, I've read them many times. I think it's much easier to follow for people who were already familiar with all the characters. #Person1#: Yes, trying to keep track of all the characters was quite confusing for me. #Person2#: I also think that it was much better in the theatre than at home. #Person1#: Most movies are. Another problem for me was the film was dubbed in German with English subtitles. #Person2#: That happens a lot in non-English speaking countries. #Person1#: I heard that The Return of the King was nominated for 11 Oscars. #Person2#: Actually, they not only had 11 nominations, but they won 11 Oscars, too!
#Person2# thinks that the third one of The Lord of the Rings movies was not as good as the first two. #Person1# didn't read the books before watching the movies so #Person1# got a bit confused.
#Person1#: Are you a happy married man? #Person2#: Yes, I am. My wife and I understand each other. #Person1#: You are a lucky man. How about Mr. Smith. #Person2#: I don't know. But they say that Mrs. Smith wears the pants in the house. #Person1#: You mean she bosses her husband around? #Person2#: That's right. She is pretty, but she wants to control everything in his life.
#Person2# is a happy married man but Mrs. Smith bosses Mr. Smith's around.
#Person1#: I'd love that. I'm so glad I quit. It's time for a change. #Person2#: Does that mean you're going to take my advice? #Person1#: Yes. I'm looking for a position as a chef. #Person2#: I might be able to help. . . #Person1#: I'm sure you have great connections. #Person2#: We'd like to open another restaurant. . . with you as the head chef and manager. . . #Person1#: Really? You have that much faith in me? And Giovanni agreed to it? Does he know who I am? #Person2#: Yes. But you know him. He's just worried that you're not Italian. . . #Person1#: He's prejudiced, isn't he? #Person2#: No. He's afraid that no one will cook as good as his mother did. #Person1#: Ah! I know a way to convince him that Americans can make good Italian food! #Person2#: How's that? #Person1#: You'll see next week. I'll come by one day at lunchtime.
#Person2# would like to open another restaurant with #Person1# as the head chef and manager, but Giovanni is afraid that no one will cook as well as his mother did. #Person1# will convince him that Americans can make good Italian food.
#Person1#: Hello. What can we do for you today? #Person2#: I've just had some money sent from Germany, in Euros. #Person1#: OK, could you give me your details and I'll see if it has cleared. We need your banking details and some ID. A passport or something like that? #Person2#: I have my passport right here, and here are the account details. The name, number. . . #Person1#: Mr. Jurgen, yes, the remittance has been successful. #Person2#: That was quick! I didn't expect it to come through so quickly. Yes, that is good news. The full amount should be 20, 000 Euros, is that right? I'd like to withdraw 5, 000 Euros worth of local currency, if that's possible. #Person1#: Not a problem, Sir. Please fill in this exchange form and show me your passport.
Mr. Jurgen wants to withdraw 5,000 Euros worth of local currency from the remittance of 20,000 Euros in his bank account.
#Person1#: Excuse me, could I ask a favour? #Person2#: Sure, go ahead. #Person1#: Could you tell me where the canteen is? #Person2#: Sure, I can take you there actually. #Person1#: Oh, I don't want to trouble you. #Person2#: It's fine. I was heading there anyway.
#Person2# will take #Person1# to the canteen.
#Person1#: What's your name? #Person2#: My name is Wang Lin. My English name is Linda. #Person1#: A nice name, isn't it? #Person2#: Yeah, like it very much. My name has become a part of me. #Person1#: Where do you live? #Person2#: I live in the Haitian District. #Person1#: Oh, It's really far from here. May I ask how old you are? #Person2#: Yes, I'm 38 years old. #Person1#: You look very young. #Person2#: Thanks. #Person1#: Where is your birthplace? #Person2#: My birthplace is Yentai.
#Person1# is asking Wang Lin about her address, age, and birthplace.
personal information
#Person1#: Good afternoon, sir, is there anything I can do for you? #Person2#: Yes. I can't find my sweater. I have my laundry sent to you yesterday but when the washing is done. I find my swatter missing. #Person1#: Well, it's our fault. We are sorry for that. Would you please fill out the form? We will pay for you. #Person2#: That's fine. Maybe you should be more careful.
#Person2# finds his sweater missing after washing. #Person1# will pay for him.
#Person1#: Mr. Smith, I would like to get right to the point here. First, we need to talk about how much each company will pay. #Person2#: Well, we want to have the largest share. Our company is much larger than yours, and we have been in business longer. #Person1#: Let's look at that another way. The major point is the value that we add, not who has been in business longer, or is bigger. #Person2#: What are you thinking about? #Person1#: We do not want to place ourselves in an inferior position. We are a good, small company---that's why you are interested. #Person2#: Then, what would make you feel more comfortable? #Person1#: If you take a 75 % position in the venture, we would take a back seat to you.
Mr. Smith wants to have the largest share, while #Person1# doesn't want to be placed in an inferior position. If Mr. Smith takes a 75 % position, #Person1# would take a back seat.
#Person1#: Hey, Ken. . . I need to talk to you. #Person2#: Sure. . . what's up? #Person1#: Can we step into the conference room? This is a more private conversation. #Person2#: Sure. . . #Person1#: Ok. . . I'm just going to lay it all out on the table, What do you think of Vincent's management style? #Person2#: Well, Vincent has only been CEO for a couple of years and. . . well. . . um. . . #Person1#: I don't want to put you on the spot. Here's what I'm getting at, I don't think Vincent is the man for the job. #Person2#: Really? And what led you to this conclusion? #Person1#: As I see it, he lacks the proper vision. His style is more about survival, and he's not taking the company anywhere. He's treading water instead of swimming. #Person2#: Well, I confess I've had my doubts about his abilities before. It seems he mainly got the job because his famous aunt pulled some strings. #Person1#: I've been with this firm for 26 years and I'd hate to see it go down the drain due to poor leadership skills. #Person2#: Me too. But what can we do? This isn't a reality TV show. . . we can't just vote him out. #Person1#: Yes and no. . . We can't ask for a show of hands on who thinks he should be fired, but we can introduce a vote of no confidence at the next board meeting. #Person2#: Interesting idea. You might be on to something.
#Person1# asks Ken about his opinion of Vincent's management style because #Person1# doesn't think Vincent is the man for the job of CEO. Ken confesses that he has had doubts about his abilities before. #Person1# thinks they could introduce a vote of no confidence at the next board meeting.
#Person1#: Hey Mark. What are you doing? #Person2#: Just watching some TV. #Person1#: Anything interesting on? #Person2#: Not really. Just watching the sports highlight on ESPN. #Person1#: So I take it you're pretty bored too. #Person2#: Just killing time until I find something to do. What are you going to do? #Person1#: It's Saturday and we are sitting at home doing nothing. What's wrong with us? #Person2#: You wanna shoot some hoops? #Person1#: I already tried to call up some of the guys, but they are all busy. #Person2#: Where's your girlfriend? I thought you were going out with her today. #Person1#: She's out shopping with her friends. #Person2#: Let's go to Starbucks and think of something to do then. #Person1#: Aright. Do you have any cigarettes? #Person2#: I only have a couple left. Why don't you pick some up on the way. #Person1#: Ok. See you there in about 30 minutes. #Person2#: Aright. See you there.
Both #Person1# and Mark are bored on Saturday. So they decide to go to Starbucks and think of something to do together.
#Person1#: Kenvir? Hi, it's Alice. I'm very sorry that I have a big favor to ask you again. #Person2#: How big, Alice? Last time you said that, I ended up working overtime 4 nights. #Person1#: Well, I've got a huge load of typing and Mr. Brown has insisted I get it done by tomorrow afternoon. Could you help me to type half of it? #Person2#: All right, Alice. But this is the last time. I also have a lot of work to do. #Person1#: Thank you, Kenvir. You're so kind.
Alice asks Kenvir to help her finish half of the typing. Kenvir tells her that it is the last time.
#Person1#: I'm a bit worried about you going shopping by yourself this afternoon. #Person2#: Oh don't worry, I'll be fine. #Person1#: But what will you do if you need to know the price of something? #Person2#: If I need to know the price, I'll just look at the label. #Person1#: Ok, but what will you do if you want to check the size of the clothes? #Person2#: I'll try them on. #Person1#: And what will you do if you don't have enough cash? #Person2#: Then I'll just use my credit card.
#Person1# is a bit worried about #Person2# going shopping alone. #Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# will be fine.
going shopping alone
#Person1#: Susan, we're going to need those data before tomorrow. #Person2#: I know. I'm just waiting for confirmation on one of them. I can get them to you by tomorrow morning. #Person1#: Yeah? All right. Thanks, Susan. #Person2#: That's all right.
Susan can get the data to #Person1# by tomorrow morning.
#Person1#: I'd like to buy these shoes. #Person2#: O. K. Let me see. That will be $ 104. 99. #Person1#: The price tag says $ 99. 99. #Person2#: Yes, miss, but there is a five percent sales tax in Maryland. #Person1#: Oh, of course. How silly of me to forget. #Person2#: No problem. How would you like to pay for these? #Person1#: I think I have the cash. Let me check. Yes, here you are. #Person2#: $ 110. 00, your change is $ 5. 01. Thanks very much. #Person1#: Thank you.
#Person1# will buy the shoes by cash including a 5% sales tax in Maryland.
sales tax
#Person1#: Thank you for your application, Mr. Sweeney. Mr. Jacobs would like to set up an interview for early next week. Do you have time? #Person2#: Yes, ma'am. I could come in any day next week, except for Friday morning. #Person1#: Fine. Let me take a look at his schedule. He's free on Tuesday afternoon at 1:30. Could you come in then? #Person2#: Yes. That would be fine.
#Person1# sets up an interview with Mr. Sweeney for Mr. Jacobs on Tuesday afternoon at 1:30.
#Person1#: Do you want a taxi? #Person2#: Yes. #Person1#: Where to? #Person2#: Do you know where Dawanglu is? #Person1#: Yes, I know it. #Person2#: You can take me there? #Person1#: Yes, of course. Step in, please! #Person2#: That's good. #Person1#: Buckle up the belt, please. #Person2#: Let's go.
#Person2# wants to take #Person1#'s taxi to Dawanglu.
#Person1#: May I speak to the apartment building manager, please? #Person2#: I'm the manager. How can I help you? #Person1#: I was hoping that the apartment on Main Street was still available. #Person2#: Why, yes, it is. Would you like to get a look inside the apartment? #Person1#: Yes, it would be nice to see the apartment. #Person2#: How about today at 6 o'clock? #Person1#: Yes, I can be there at 6. #Person2#: Sounds good. I'll see you at 6. Do you want directions? #Person1#: I'm okay, thank you. I already checked out the address on MapQuest. #Person2#: If you like the place, you can fill out an application form. I'll bring one with me. #Person1#: Is there anything that I need to bring with me? #Person2#: No. I won't need to see anything except your driver's license.
The apartment building manager will take #Person1# to see the apartment on Main Street at 6. The manager needs to see #Person1#'s driver's license.
#Person1#: Hello, Sir. Can I help you with anything? #Person2#: Yes, I would like to use the ATM to make a payment. But I need to pay 3 parties at once. #Person1#: No problem at all. With this service, you can pay up to 10 parties at one time. Are these parties on your current beneficiaries list? #Person2#: They are, yes. How should I do this? #Person1#: Select'pay multiple beneficiaries', here. . . then select'pay from the account'in the drop down menu. . . OK, good. Then we need to enter the beneficiary statement reference. #Person2#: Yes, I've got that here. . . #Person1#: And your statement reference and the payment amount. Click on next, then'pay beneficiaries'. That's it! All done.
#Person1# guides #Person2# to use the ATM to make a payment to 3 parties at once.
#Person1#: Good evening, sir, madam. A table for two? #Person2#: No, thank you. But we have a small problem. Can you help us? #Person1#: Sure. What can I do for you? #Person2#: We are looking for a hotel. Are there any hotels near here? #Person1#: Yes, there are some hotels in the street. The nearest one is next to the bank. It's quite modern. #Person2#: Do you think there're any inexpensive ones nearby? We're leaving tomorrow morning. #Person1#: Yes. Drive west for about two minutes and you will find a grey building on the right side. It's a traditional family style hotel, very comfortable, and the price is quite reasonable. #Person2#: It sounds nice. Thank you very much for your help. #Person1#: That's all right.
#Person2# asks #Person1# if there're any inexpensive hotels nearby. #Person1# tells #Person2# that there's a traditional family-style hotel two-minute drive away.
#Person1#: Packages Express. May I help you? #Person2#: Yes. Hi. I sent a package last Thursday, and I'd like to track my order. #Person1#: No problem. I can check the shipment on the computer for you. This Monday's order... Let me see. Ah, it's here, last Thursday. Do you have your order number? #Person2#: Sure. It's 6-0-1-4-2-8. #Person1#: OK. And the last name on that order? #Person2#: It's Conley. That's C-O-N-L-E-Y. #Person1#: And where did you send the package to? #Person2#: San Francisco. #Person1#: Mm-hmm. And the postal code there is 9-5-1-2-6. Yes, it looks like the pack arrived safely on Tuesday morning. Your friend can get the package at the counter numbered 4-2-3-6. #Person2#: That's great. Thank you very much for your help. #Person1#: You're welcome.
#Person2# wants to track the package #Person2# sent last Thursday. #Person1# tells #Person2# that it arrived safely on Tuesday morning.
#Person1#: Graham, why are you always on the phone with Jane? #Person2#: Because we are partners in our science lab. Why are you so jealous? #Person1#: The other night when you came home there was lipstick on your right cheek. How do you explain that? #Person2#: My aunt Mary just flew in from Cleveland and she laid one right on my right cheek. #Person1#: Are you sure? #Person2#: Of course I am. I only love you, Amy. #Person1#: Okay, I'm sorry. I believe you. #Person2#: Why do you always accuse me like that? #Person1#: Because you are the most handsome boy at the university and I love you so much! I guess I just go crazy sometimes. That's all. #Person2#: Oh, Amy. I am the luckiest guy in the world. #Person1#: Why? #Person2#: Because I am loved by the most beautiful girl in the world! #Person1#: Oh. Graham. I love you so much and I really believe in our love.
Amy is jealous because Graham is always on the phone with Jane, and there was lipstick on his cheek the other night. Gramham tells the reasons to her and then Amy believes in their love.
#Person1#: Where do you live, Kim? #Person2#: I live in an apartment downtown. #Person1#: Oh, that's convenient, but . . . how much crime is there? #Person2#: Not much. But there is a lot of traffic. I can't stand the noise sometimes! Where do you live? #Person1#: . I have a house in the suburbs. #Person2#: Oh, I bet it's really quiet. But is there much to do there? #Person1#: No, not much. In fact, nothing ever really happens. That's the trouble. #Person2#: Hey. Let's trade places one weekend! #Person1#: OK. Great idea!
Kim lives in an apartment downtown while #Person1# has a house in the suburbs. They decide to trade places one weekend.
trade places
#Person1#: more and more Chinese are marrying foreigners. #Person2#: that's true. But I have a low opinion of those women who go out with foreigners. #Person1#: oh, why? #Person2#: I think some Chinese women marry foreigners for money while others just want to live abroad. There is no true love between them. #Person1#: I wouldn't say that's totally true. I've met many happy intercultural couples. #Person2#: well, then why aren't there many East-West couples where the man is a Chinese and the woman is a Westerner? #Person1#: I guess it's because the Chinese women are more attractive to Western men. #Person2#: or because they are less attractive to to Chinese men. #Person1#: what do you mean? #Person2#: you know, usually the woman is in her thirties and she is a left girl. #Person1#: a left girl? What's that? #Person2#: they're called that because they're left behind on the shelf. They're also known by their three H's---high diploma, high salary, and high degree. and they're also known as the three S's single, #Person1#: you have a point here, but I believe some mixed marriages are based on true love. #Person2#: that' for sure but very few.
#Person2# has a low opinion of the women who go out with foreigners because #Person2# thinks some Chinese women marry foreigners for money while others just want to live abroad. #Person1# doesn't agree with #Person2# and believes some mixed marriages are based on true love.
intercultural couples
#Person1#: Betty, would you please read this letter of application I've just written? I'd like to have your opinion. #Person2#: I'd be glad to tell you what I think. #Person1#: Good ! I'm interested in your advice. #Person2#: If I were you, I would change the beginning . You should write about your education first because we like to judge a man by his abilities. #Person1#: Good idea, Betty. What would you think about the second part? #Person2#: I think it's too short. You'd better say something about your work experience. #Person1#: You're right, I'll change it . How about the last part? #Person2#: Very good. But you should talk about your family, too. #Person1#: I agree. I appreciate your helping me.
Betty advises #Person1# to write about #Person1#'s education first, say something about #Person1#'s work experience in the second part, and talk about #Person1#'s family in the last part.
letter of application
#Person1#: Are you ready to order now, sir? #Person2#: Yes, let me have this roast beef special. #Person1#: You have a choice of vegetables, green peas, lima beans or spinach. #Person2#: I will have the green peas and make sure the beef is well done. #Person1#: Yes, sir. What would you want to drink, coffee, tea or milk? #Person2#: A cup of coffee, please, with cream and sugar. #Person1#: The cream and sugar are on the table, sir. #Person2#: Oh, yes. #Person1#: Would you like to order some dessert? #Person2#: What comes with the special? #Person1#: Ice cream, fresh fruit or chocolate cake. #Person2#: I think I will have a dish of Vanilla ice cream. #Person1#: Yes, sir. #Person2#: Waiter, may I have my check, please? #Person1#: Here you are, sir. Pay the cashier at the door.
#Person1# helps #Person2# to order a roast beef special, a cup of coffee, and a dish of Vanilla ice cream.
order food
#Person1#: Where's Mrs. Johnson? #Person2#: Just call her Lisa, Mary. She's cooking dinner. #Person1#: I see. Can I sit down? #Person2#: Of course! Make yourself at home. #Person1#: Thank you, Mr. Johnson. #Person2#: Please, just call me Tom. #Person1#: Okay, Tom. #Person2#: Where's Cindy? #Person1#: She's upstairs in my room. #Person2#: Can you tell her to come downstairs? We're about to have dinner.
Mary is talking with Tom. They are about to have dinner.
#Person1#: Damn it , I'm running out of money again, I really need to balance my budget and handle my money better. #Person2#: You did spend too much, and most of the expense was kind of unnecessary. #Person1#: But I make it. #Person2#: No , you don't have to spend every penny you make , you could save some every month, like a lot of other people do. #Person1#: I work hard so I deserve to enjoy, but that costs money. #Person2#: You should save in case of an emergency, you need to have more self-control, what things did you spend money on? #Person1#: The problem is that I have no idea. I didn't pay attention. #Person2#: Let's bygones be bygones, start saving right now.
#Person1# is running out of money again because #Person1# thinks #Person1# works hard so #Person1# deserves to enjoy. #Person2# suggests #Person1# start saving right now.
save money
#Person1#: Did you read the story in the paper, Robin? #Person2#: What story, Grandma? #Person1#: Due to lack of money for repainting the building and for the furniture needed, the plans for the community center have been put off. #Person2#: Is that a serious problem, Grandma? #Person1#: It is. Especially for my friend Nat, he doesn't have any family with him. He lives alone and depends on places like a community center to be with people of his own age. #Person2#: But there's the old community center. #Person1#: It's small and the problem is that it set up mainly for kids to play. It's too noisy for some older people like Nat. #Person2#: I see what you mean now. There is a way, Grandma. You may get your friends to work. I can get some of my friends to go around the neighborhood and collect the furniture.
The plans for the new community center have been put off while the old one is too noisy. It is a serious problem for Grandma's friend Nat. Robin suggests Grandma get her friends to work.
community center
#Person1#: I have just received a letter from Beck. #Person2#: Really? What does he say? #Person1#: Beck says that the wheat is ready for harvest, and he's thinking of buying some fields next year. #Person2#: Oh, he must be doing the work well. #Person1#: Yes, I think he is, he's proud of having the largest farm in Oregon. #Person2#: I guess you're looking forward to seeing him. #Person1#: You are right. In fact, I'm thinking of visiting him next week. I want to help with the harvest on the farm. #Person2#: We really need to have much outdoor exercise. When I was young, I was quite good at farming. #Person1#: When I was on the farm in my childhood, I liked watering the flowers, riding horses and feeding the chickens. #Person2#: Yes, I like farm work, too. Last time when I was at my brothers. I once tried my hand at milking a cow. It was interesting.
Beck says that the wheat is ready for harvest. #Person1# is thinking of visiting Beck next week to help with the harvest. #Person1# and #Person2# both like farm work.
#Person1#: Service is really slow here. I've been trying to get the waiter's attention for 10 minutes. #Person2#: I hope he can serve us soon. I'm starving and I have a class at 2 o'clock. #Person1#: Me, too. I recognize that you were holding an English book. You must be a student at the English language center. #Person2#: Yeah, I'm in the fourth course. Are you studying there, too? #Person1#: Yes, I'm in the fifth course. I took the fourth course last month. #Person2#: I just came here 2 weeks ago. Do you like the institute? #Person1#: It's pretty good. I think I've learned a lot of English so far. #Person2#: Yeah, I only wish the classes were a little smaller, because we don't get enough chance to talk. But I like my teachers a lot.
#Person1# and #Person2# are students at an English language center. #Person1# thinks the institute is good while #Person2# wishes the classes can be smaller.
#Person1#: What are you surfing on the internet, John? You are smiling. Are you seeing a film? #Person2#: No. You know Christmas Day is coming. I am choosing some lovely cards for my friends. #Person1#: You mean you won't buy cards from the shops. #Person2#: Mom, it's a new way to express your friendship and love. #Person1#: But it seems that you only want to save money. #Person2#: Yeah, we can save a lot of paper, if we all do so. #Person1#: Sounds reasonable. I mainly send instant messages using my cell phone or write letters. #Person2#: Cards on the internet can be matched with lovely pictures and music. #Person1#: Wonderful. Let me choose one for your grandma first.
John is choosing some lovely Christmas cards for his friends on the internet. His mother plans to choose one for John's grandmother.
#Person1#: Good morning, native tongue translations. Can I help you? #Person2#: Yes, I was wondering how much it would cost to translate a document from English into Arabic? #Person1#: Well, it depends on the kind of document how long it is and when you need it returned. We don't do any translations of textbooks. #Person2#: It's a cookbook about 20,000 words long. It is not urgent so you can set your own schedule. #Person1#: Well, ma'am, Arabic is one of the most difficult languages in the world. And there aren't very many translators compared to say Spanish. In other words, the charge for Arabic translation will be higher than for most other languages. #Person2#: I understand, could you give me an estimate? #Person1#: For this project, we would charge between 5 and 10 cents per word. #Person2#: OK, thanks for your time, I think I will keep looking.
#Person2# wants to know how much it would cost to translate a cookbook from English into Arabic. #Person1# tells her that Arabic is difficult, so they would charge between 5 and 10 cents per word.
#Person1#: I'm here with Margaret Seabrook, the CEO of creative toys. In today's show, we're going to discuss the hottest new toy of two thousand seventeen, the Super Spinner. Margaret, welcome. #Person2#: Thank you, Brian. It's great to be here. #Person1#: OK, so tell us about this new toy. #Person2#: Well. It's similar to a relaxation ball in its function, but it's useful for anyone who has problems focusing. #Person1#: So how does it work? #Person2#: It's about the size of a cookie and it has 3 small round parts that can move in any direction. Basically, you just hold it in between your thumb and middle finger and spin it. That's it. #Person1#: That's it? #Person2#: Yeah, it's very popular. Not only with children, but with adults as well. #Person1#: A professor at MIT by the name of Jill Mean Lee has publicly stated there is no scientific or medical evidence for your claims about its benefits. Many schools also have banned the toy, saying it leads to a lack of focus in the classroom. #Person2#: Well, that professor is allowed to have her opinion. #Person1#: Fair enough, and who invented it? #Person2#: Catherine Hettinger, a chemical engineer, was first believed to be its creator. But then we found that an IT professional named Scott McCoskry was the actual inventor. #Person1#: It's time for a commercial break. More with Margaret Seabrook in a moment.
Margaret Seabrook is telling the audience about the new toy, the Super Spinner. It is similar to a relaxation ball in its function, but it's useful for anyone who has problems focusing. It's popular with children as well as adults.
#Person1#: I've come to hear about your offer. #Person2#: We have the offer ready for you. Let me check. 10 boxes with 50 brooches per box, at 20, 000 yuan ; 20 boxes with 50 waistbands per box, at 30, 000 yuan ; 15 boxes with other ornaments per box, at 7, 500 yuan, for shipment in June. The offer is valid for five days. #Person1#: I can tell you right now that your prices are a little higher than we expected. #Person2#: You know that the prices of the ornaments have been rising in recent years. The prices we offer this time compare favorably with quotations you can get else where. #Person1#: I am afraid I can't agree with you there. I must point out your prices are higher than the quotations we've received from other companies. #Person2#: But you must take the design and quality into consideration. You know we are superior to others in design and quality. We have various styles, which the other companies cannot catch up with. #Person1#: I agree that yours are of the top. #Person2#: Well, since your order is large enough, can you give me a rough idea? #Person1#: To have this business concluded, I should say a reduction of least 10 % would help. #Person2#: Impossible. How about 5 % off? #Person1#: Right. A reduction of 5 % is acceptable.
#Person2# gives #Person1# an offer of ornaments. #Person1# thinks the price is higher than other companies. #Person2# asks #Person1# to consider design and quality. They agree on a 5% reduction.
negotiation with price
#Person1#: Did you have any kind of punishment in your life and studies? #Person2#: Yes, just once. #Person1#: What was the reason? #Person2#: I once played truant when I was in college because I intended to organize a donation activity for the disaster-hit areas in Sichuan.
#Person2# talks about being punished because of playing truant for a charity activity.
punishment in college
#Person1#: What can I do for you? #Person2#: I'd like to buy a keepsake for my girlfriend. Could you make a recommendation for me? #Person1#: I'd like to. How do you like the hat? #Person2#: It's not special. It can be seen everywhere. #Person1#: How about the umbrella? It's made of wood and paper. It's very beautiful. #Person2#: It's interesting. Let me see. #Person1#: Do you like it? #Person2#: Yes, how much is it? #Person1#: Fifty yuan. #Person2#: OK, I'll take it.
#Person2# buys a 50 yuan wooden umbrella as a keepsake for his girlfriend from #Person2#.
keepsake for girlfriend
#Person1#: Hi, can I help you? #Person2#: No, thanks. I'm just looking. #Person1#: All right. If you need any help, just let me know. My name is Greg. #Person2#: Sure, I'll let you know if I need anything. Hm, this mattress is very firm. Jack will probably like it. #Person1#: Did you find something you like? #Person2#: Yes, this mattress is very good. It's pretty firm. The mattress I'm now sleeping on is saggy. #Person1#: You are right. This is very good brand. It doesn't sag easily and we offer a lifetime warranty, so you don't have to worry about its quality. #Person2#: Does it come with a frame? #Person1#: Unfortunately, it doesn't. However we can give you a 10 % discount on the frame. We also offer a very good financing plan. There is no payment no interest until next June. #Person2#: That's an attractive plan. I'll think about it.
#Person2#'s mattress is saggy. Greg recommends one with a lifetime warranty and offers a 10% frame discount and a financing plan.
buy a mattress
#Person1#: So who does he think he is, anyway, I can't believe the way that my boss has been ordering everyone around lately, I mean, it's now like he is the CEO, or anything. #Person2#: Um. . . Actually I am guessing you didn't get the MEMO. Your boss was selected to fill the vacancy in the CEO slot. He actually is the CEO now, or will be, as soon as the official press releases and hoopla is done with. #Person1#: Yikes! you are joking, right? I can't believe it. No wonder he is so stressed and bossy lately. I thought he was just being ostentatious by giving orders to people and all the different departments. What big shoes to fill! #Person2#: No kidding! When the last CEO left, we were worried about the future of the company. #Person1#: What does a CEO do anyway? I know the CEO makes the most money in the company, but what does he actually do? #Person2#: He is responsible to the board of directors for everything that happens in the company. He or she must give leadership to all company officers, as CEO is also responsible for providing the guidance of philosophy of the company, and acting as official representative, or face of the company. #Person1#: Must be one smart guy.
#Person1# complains about the style of CEO. #Person2# says that the boss is already a CEO candidate. #Person2# answers #Person1#'s question about the CEO's function in a company.
discussion about CEO
#Person1#: I would love to be famous and have thousands of adoring fans. #Person2#: Really? I'm not sure that I would like all the attention. There have been numerous cases of paparazzi interfering with star's private live in recent years. #Person1#: I love being photographed! If I were famous, I'd do interviews for all the top magazines, like cosmo and elle. #Person2#: I wouldn't mind having my photo taken a few times or being interviewed once or twice, but it would get tedious after a while. Imagine the things the gossip columnists would write about you. #Person1#: no-one really believes gossip columnists. #Person2#: I think you'll find that many people believe what they read in gossip columns. You'd also have to be very careful about every word you said. If you appeared on a chat show and said something silly, it would be reported in all the newspapers and magazines. #Person1#: I think you're right about that. I'd need a good manager to be my spokesperson. I could do a lot of charity work, which would help a lot of people. #Person2#: That's a great idea. Which charities would you support? #Person1#: I love children, as you know, so probably a children's charity. #Person2#: You'd have to remember that anything you said or did might reflect on the charity, so you'd really need to be very careful. Anyway, I'd be the first to buy your posters and I'd attend your first book-singing when you wrote your autobiography. #Person1#: Thanks, but actually I was hoping I could ask you to write my biography.
#Person1# wants to be famous, to be photographed and interviewed, and do some charity, while #Person2# doesn't like attracting attention or gossip and reminds #Person1# to speak with caution. #Person1# needs a spokesperson. #Person2# supports #Person1#.
to be famous
#Person1#: Would you like to stretch your legs? #Person2#: Why not? #Person1#: Let's get a soft drink. #Person2#: Do we have enough time? #Person1#: Yes, we do. #Person2#: The performance is excellent. #Person1#: It's a new concert hall and the acoustics are great. #Person2#: I couldn't agree more. #Person1#: Is this your first time to come to a symphony concert? #Person2#: Yes, it is. #Person1#: Do you have concert halls in your city? #Person2#: Yes, but it's much smaller. #Person1#: Well, we'd better get back to our seats. It's about to start. #Person2#: OK.
#Person1# and #Person2# take a break for drinks during the symphony concert.
a symphony concert
#Person1#: Which film shall we see? #Person2#: There is nothing good at the moment. Let's do something different. Would you like to go to a concert? #Person1#: Yes, I'd love to. Here is a good one, Mozart and Beethoven. It's on the Festival Hall. #Person2#: Fine! Do you want anything to eat now? #Person1#: No, I'm not hungry. #Person2#: Well, let's go and have something to drink instead. I know a good place. It's a little expensive, but it's fun.
#Person1# and #Person2# go to a concert and have a drink first.
go to concert
#Person1#: Lousy weather, isn't it? #Person2#: It has stopped snowing, but it's even colder. #Person1#: Look at the ice there hanging from the eaves. #Person2#: And the streets are covered with snow. #Person1#: Do you know what the temperature is today? #Person2#: I missed today's weather forecast over the TV. #Person1#: It feels like ten degrees below zero at least. I don't mind the cold weather but I do hate it when it gets slippery. #Person2#: The ice will soon be thick enough for skating. I am so fond of winter sports. #Person1#: That's great. Let's go skating together tomorrow.
#Person1# and #Person2# are discussing snowing weather and will skate together tomorrow.
snow and skating
#Person1#: OK, Ann, you spent quite a bit of time in Australia recently so why don't you talk about that? #Person2#: I really liked living in Australia. I was an international student and I studied education at the university of Sydney. And living in Sydney was fantasticbecuase I could go to the beach anytime I wanted and there was a great nightlife in Sydney. There are lots of great clubs. And people were very, very friendly and easy-going and I met a lot of international people in living Sydney. #Person1#: Mm-hm. How long were you there? #Person2#: I was there for almost a year. #Person1#: Oh, OK. #Person2#: And I travelled a little bit in Australia. I went up the east coast. Up to Frasier Island. Which is a world heritage site. And I saw dingo running along the beach and sharks in the water. We climbed cliffs and went through a rain forest and went camping and then we went up to the. . . , which is a but north. And the further north you go in Australia, the hotter it gets. So we were able to go swimming in the ocean and I went diving for the first time but it was a little bit risky cause I didn't have a diving license, so I went on an introductory dive and I saw a giant clam that had a really purple spongy inside that I was able to touch and then the clam closed up really quickly. #Person1#: So, did you, did you lose your finger? #Person2#: Almost. #Person1#: Almost. Ah, you're lucky. Um, it's funny, you go in the water and you worry about sharks, but not clams. #Person2#: Exactly. #Person1#: Will you be going back to Australia soon? #Person2#: I'd like to go and live there for at least another year. Probably I'll go back to Sydney or maybe I'll go down to Melbourne because it's a really interesting cultural city. They have lot of museums and parks.
Ann tells #Person1# about her life in Australia. Ann is an international student who likes to go to the beach and clubs. Ann talks about a trip to Frasier Island and a dangerous diving experience. Ann wants to go back and live one more year in Australia.
live in Australia
#Person1#: What do you like to do in your spare time? #Person2#: I like playing chess. #Person1#: Do you have any hobbies besides playing chess? #Person2#: I'm afraid not. #Person1#: Do you have any hobbies like playing tennis or things like that? #Person2#: Oh, yes. I like playing basketball. #Person1#: Can you tell me why you like it? #Person2#: Because I like the feeling of cooperating with others.
#Person1# asks #Person2#'s hobbies. #Person2# likes playing chess and basketball.
#Person1#: Let me tell you what happened to my homework. #Person2#: OK, go ahead--what is the excuse THIS time? #Person1#: Actually, I did it, but then it got lost. #Person2#: Could you have gotten it done at another time? #Person1#: Yes, I could. #Person2#: You have never missed an assignment before--when will you be making this one up? #Person1#: I'll make it up early next week. #Person2#: That would work, but don't let it happen again. #Person1#: I'll try. #Person2#: That will solve it then. Let's work hard to not let it happen again.
Because #Person1# lost #Person1#'s homework, #Person2# asks #Person1# to make it up and reminds #Person1# not to do it again.
homework got lost
#Person1#: who is your favorite NBA star? #Person2#: Kobe Bryant, of course. #Person1#: Kobe? I know him, the key guy of the Lakers, a heck of a NBA player. He is on fire when he breaks through enemy defense. #Person2#: He is competent both in driving the lane and shooting jumpers, but what really makes him formidable is his ability to switch up and dribble with his left hand. #Person1#: Maybe he is not good ay rebounding? #Person2#: indeed, no man can be perfect. He is just so-so in crashing the boards. Usually he plays shooting guard. Rebounding might not be his strong suit. #Person1#: Kobe came to Beijing during this summer's Olympics. Did you go to the match between China and USA? #Person2#: who wouldn't! My friend Lee went so far as to get an autograph from him. #Person1#: well then, what are your spoils? #Person2#: well, nothing more than a jumble of photographs.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Kobe's basketball skills. In a match Kobe played in Beijing, #Person2#'s friend Lee got an autograph from Kobe while #Person2# got photographs.
talk about Kobe
#Person1#: What a good day! #Person2#: Yes. It's really wonderful here The grass is greener and the air is fresher than those in the city. #Person1#: Right. Let's go out and enjoy the beautiful natural scenery. #Person2#: Great, let's go. #Person1#: Wow, what a beautiful lake! The green hills and clear water really provide magnificent scenery. #Person2#: En, it's so beautiful that I don't want to move my eyes from it. #Person1#: I feel as if I'm living in a different world, honey. #Person2#: The same to me. All the things here make me happy, the mountain, the water, the grass, the birds, the sunshine. . . #Person1#: I think we should go out more frequently. The natural scenery can do us good. #Person2#: That's the point. We should walk into the nature and enjoy its beauty whenever we have time. #Person1#: Right. The city life has made us tired and out of energy, while the natural world can bring us quite new feelings.
#Person1# and #Person2# go out and see beautiful natural sceneries. They feel happy and think they should walk into nature more frequently.
walk into nature
#Person1#: Can you believe me? #Person2#: Sure. #Person1#: Please count on my love. #Person2#: I will. #Person1#: I'll be yours through endless time. #Person2#: I see. And I'll always be devoted to you. #Person1#: Thank you. I know I've nothing to offer you, but I'll never give you reason to cry. #Person2#: I'll never hurt you ; I'll never lie. #Person1#: My love will grow, like a river to flow. #Person2#: It can't be dry, and can't die. #Person1#: I don't know whether we are in a dream. #Person2#: Aha, Aha. . .
#Person1# and #Person2# pour out their love to each other.
say love
#Person1#: I don't think we've met. #Person2#: No, I don't think we have. #Person1#: My name is Dick Brown. #Person2#: How do you do? Mr. Brown. I am Susan Heywood. #Person1#: Mr. Smith often talked about you. #Person2#: Really? I am glad to meet you. #Person1#: I'm honored to know you.
Dick and Susan meet for the first time and greet each other.
say hello
#Person1#: Bye, mom! #Person2#: Wait, Jimmy, it's cold outside. Put a hat on! #Person1#: OK. Bye! #Person2#: No, wait, you will be too cold without mittens. #Person1#: Alright. See ya! #Person2#: Hold on, with that wind, you're going to catch a cold. Wear this scarf. #Person1#: Ok, see you after school. . . #Person2#: Oh. . . and ear muffs! Put these on. . . here we go. #Person1#: Mom? #Person2#: Yes, honey. . . #Person1#: I. . . I can't breathe.
It's cold outside. Jimmy's mother keeps putting more clothes on Jimmy, but Jimmy can't breathe.
put on clothes
#Person1#: Can you tell me about a nice restaurant to go to? #Person2#: Of course! How much would you like to spend on your meal? #Person1#: My date is quite sophisticated. She would expect nothing less than the best. #Person2#: Well, how about our own hotel restaurant? It's conveniently located and has a three-star rating. #Person1#: That's a good idea, except I want to go out, not stay in. Something else, maybe? #Person2#: Well, how about Gramercy Tavern? It's a very popular tourist spot, with great food and music. #Person1#: That sounds good! Could you call them to see if I can get a reservation? #Person2#: Of course, sir. You've made a good choice.
#Person1# wants to go out to a restaurant with #Person1#'s sophisticated date. #Person2# recommends Gramercy Tavern. #Person1# takes it.
a nice restaurant
#Person1#: We'Ve got a lot of work to do now, but take your time over this project. We don't want to make any mistakes. #Person2#: Ok. I should have it finished by Friday afternoon. Then I can check those account over the weekend. We need to have them finished by Monday, right? #Person1#: That's right. We'll finish them just in time. The Macy project can wait for the time being. We need to spend several days on that project, but it isn't due to be finished until the end of the month, so we have plenty of time to get it done. #Person2#: Some next week on, we should be in less of a rush. #Person1#: I'm going to give everyone on the team an extra day off. Everyone deserves it. #Person2#: Don't say that yet. A new project could suddenly appear. #Person1#: That's true. Right. I'm going back to the meeting. It's been going on for hours and there's no indication that it'll end soon. #Person2#: Carol said that she would spend some time checking that everyone is up-to-date with their work. #Person1#: Good. I have to go right now. I really hope this meeting doesn't last too long. #Person2#: They usually go on for ages. #Person1#: I'll stop by if I have time later. Make sure everyone knows that we must stick to the deadlines. #Person2#: I will. Enjoy your meeting!
#Person1# and #Person2# will finish one project on time by Monday. Then, they will have enough time for the Macy project. #Person1# goes back to the meeting which has lasted for long and asks #Person2# to ensure that everyone sticks to the deadlines.
busy work
#Person1#: He has come to life in the end. #Person2#: Oh, thank God. We all felt frightened by the bad new about him. #Person1#: Yes. Fortunately, an ambulance passed in the nick of time, and we got him away to hospital. #Person2#: Right. Unless, who know what will happen. #Person1#: Wish him to be healthy soon.
#Person1# tells #Person2# that someone comes to life. #Person2# feels relieved.
good news
#Person1#: Hello, Sir. We haven't seen you for quite a while. So, what is it today that we can do for you? #Person2#: I need a Deposit Certificate to handle some stuff in land. #Person1#: I see, yes, I can do that now. I'm sure you know, as I may have told you before, you should pay an extra 20 RMB handling fee for this service. #Person2#: Yes, I recalled you charging that before. And I thought it was extortionate! Haha! #Person1#: I can just take it from your account, you don't need to give me cash. #Person2#: OK. . . so it'll come out of my account? Well, that makes it much easier. #Person1#: Anything else you'll be needing today, Sir? #Person2#: Nope. That's everything, thanks.
#Person2# needs a Deposit Certificate. #Person1# takes 20 RMB from #Person2#'s account for the service.
pay handling fee