<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Wincenty J Kaminski 10 Snowbird Place The Woodlands TX 77381 WT 472179 Wincenty Kaminski [/INST] Category: Purely Personal
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: It was not mentioned to me. I'm copying rosie and vanessa to find out if this was a simple referral (in which case you should keep the work to a minimum -- return the call but don't get distracted from your other efforts) or whether Ken is especially interested in this and wants us to follow through. Jeff Dasovich Sent by: Jeff Dasovich 03/12/2001 03:54 PM To: cc: Subject: Fellow referred to me by Ken Lay Just got a call from a fellow named Jame Edgerly at the Enterprise Zone Inc. He told me that Ken Lay (through Ken's secretary Vanessa) referred me to him. He is very interested in getting us to help him work with the Legislature to establish an Enterprise Zone energy tariff to encourage investment in California's Enterprice Zones. Before I launch on the effort just wanted to check in and see if this rings a bell with you. Thanks. Best Jeff [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Attached is my testimony. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I got the message and will handle. Tahnks Steven J Kean 03/01/2000 11:37 AM Sent by: Maureen McVicker To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: VOICE MAIL Joe Sutton called and wants to discuss how the vision groups are going. Have they taken place what are the plans now? He thinks you should report it to the Exec Committee the next time you meet but Joe wants to see the report first. I have attached below the response Mary Clark sent to you regarding the meetings (in case you want to forward it). I did not forward this to Joe. I wanted to check with you first. Also Joe said he spoke with Ken Lay regarding the Annual Report - Ken's concern about the cover and the Chairman's Award is the fact that the winner is not pictured on the cover. The runner ups are there but not the winner and he thinks the winner should also be in the picture. EMAIL FROM MARY CLARK: Steve I've attached the results of the focus groups as per my notes from the meetings. Let me know if you need anything else. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: The exciting cocktail of credit derivatives and Enron Online raises significant novel legal risks for Enron. As most of you will by now know probably the most significant risk would arise in a situation where Enron has confidential information about a reference entity and wrongfully uses that information in pricing the credit derivative on that entity. This could well result in legal proceeding against Enron. In practice an allegation of misuse of confidential information can be very difficult indeed to defend without adequate procedures in place to safeguard that information. In fact Enron's credit trading will as you know rely strictly on publicly available financial information and will not involve the use of confidential information unless the reference entity has specifically consented. Nevertheless to avoid the appearance of impropriety we are taking additional steps to consider confidentiality agreements we have in place with potential reference entities before deciding whether or not we will quote prices on such entities. Against this background is the ever-present risk of insider dealing. This crime - which in the UK carries a maximum prison sentence of 7 years and an unlimited fine - is committed where a person (or member of their family etc) deals in the securities (shares bonds or derivatives on them) of a listed company on the basis of unpublished (confidential) price-sensitive information. We do not expect at this time to deal in publicly traded bonds as part of but insider dealing is relevant to the conduct of Enron staff and could affect other parts of our business. In addition SFA rules in the UK require the safeguarding of confidential information the misuse of which is a serious disciplinary matter. In order to ensure the success of this new business and that confidential information is not misused either by Enron or its staff we are now introducing important new policies and procedures in Europe and in the US. These procedures have been drawn up specifically for your credit trading group by lawyers in London Houston and New York and are attached. Please familiarise yourself and any future member of the group with these procedures. Once you have read and understood the attached procedures each one of you is required to confirm this to me in writing (or by note mail). Please note that similar procedures have been distributed to the key business heads in Europe who may have confidential information about reference entities (similar procedures are being disrtibuted to US business heads). This requires them to safeguard confidential information and to abide by the Restriced List procedure described below. Nevertheless you should treat your group as being within a Chinese Wall and see it as your personal responsibility not to solicit or accept from anyone in Enron information about reference entities which may be confidential. Thank you for your co-operation in implementing these important new procedures. I look forward to receiving your confirmation mentioned above (which is also described in the procedures). Best regards Paul [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Charles -- Thanks for the reply. Your thoughts on the EEI draft in terms of details would be helpful. As I read it we still have the problems with the EEI draft that we had with the NERC draft on which it is based -- deference regional rules variances regional reliability entities regional advisory boards limits on FERC authority etc. etc. It would also be helpful to have input on whether the plans for EISB could go forward if legislation like the EEI bill were enacted into law. It would seem not since the SRO would focus only on reliability as defined by how the bill defines what matters are subjects for an organization standard. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I've got a few too many speeches coming up. You are probably in the best position to address this crowd (time for the student to teach the teacher) but I'd understand if you think it would be awkward (the we should just decline). Jeff Dasovich 10/05/2000 01:23 PM To: Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: Nov. 13 UC summit conference on electricity Steve: Let me know if you'd like to discuss. I like Tim's idea re: maybe you should take the slot. But in my view definitely not Skilling. I think you saw my thoughts about this conference in a previous email exchange with Schroeder re: Littlechild. Also they're breaking my arms and legs about sponsoring ($3-5K range). I had a thought that maybe EBS could stream the conference as an in-kind contribution---the PR that EBS gets out of streaming might outweigh the cost of providing gratis. I had only raised it as a thought though and am surprised to see it turn up in print. Tim and I had both had Lee as a professor and I've been talking him about this conference alot and have no problem delivering whatever the news is. In fact I had already told them that they shouldn't count on us for this one but that we're always interested in working together. Best Jeff Tim Belden@ECT 10/05/2000 01:00 PM To: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Nov. 13 UC summit conference on electricity Jeff I sent this e-mail to Kean last night. I am fine with your recommendation for Skilling to pass on this event. Do you want to deliver the news to Lee. Do we want to offer you Steve Kean or me as an alternative? Personally I would like to attend but don't have much interest in speaking (assuming that they would allow low lifes like you or me to speak). Your call on all of this. Call bob Badeer with questions about the BEEP as I am heading out of town in a couple of hours. Tim: I've worked hard with these guys to try to make this conference the best that it could be but it ain't quite there. So I'd rather keep our powder dry and use Skilling at another time. Not top-shelf enough in my view. If you want to discuss further let me know. Also one question: Is the BEEP stack the constrained supply curve post-adjustment bids? I have that right? ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Inc. All Rights Reserved. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Any problem? please advise Don. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Please forward to Sue Walden and get her ideas. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Purely Personal
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Hi Jeff: March seems a long ways away right now but we are trying to put together the program for the sixth annual POWER Conference on Electricity Industry Restructuring which will be March 16 in Berkeley. The conference is divided into 4 sessions each with two papers. We would like to invite you to be a discussant in the fourth session (program below). It would involve just a 10 minute discussion of one or both papers and then participating in the Q&A. Would you be interested? Severin Severin Borenstein E.T. Grether Professor of Business Administration and Public Policy Director Haas School of Business U.C. Energy Institute University of California 2539 Channing Way Berkeley CA 94720-1900 Berkeley CA 94720-5180 (p) 510-642-3689 (p) 510-642-5145 (f) 707-885-2508 Email: WWW: ------------------- Session #1 Greg Crawford (Duke) Joe Crespo (UNC) and Helen Tauchen (UNC). Bidding Asymmetries in Multi-Unit Auctions: Implications of Bid Function Equilibria in the British Spot Market for Electricity. Steven Puller (UC Berkeley). Pricing and Firm Conduct in California's Deregulated Electricity Market. Discussants: Peter Carmton (U of Maryland) Anjali Sheffrin (California ISO) ----- Session #2 Frank Wolak (Stanford). Identification and Estimation of Cost Functions Using Observed Bid Data: An Application to Electricity Markets. Jeffrey Lien (Maryland). Forward Contracts and the Curse of Market Power. Discussants: Richard Green (University of Hull UK) ----- Session #3 James Bushnell and Erin Mansur (UCEI) The Impact of Retail Price Deregulation on Electricity Consumption in San Diego Julie Berry Cullen (Michigan) Leora Friedberg (Virginia) and Catherine Wolfram (UC Berkeley). Consumption and Home Energy Costs: How Prevalent is the 'Heat or Eat' Decision? Discussants: ------ Session #4 Paul Joskow (MIT) and Edward Kahn (Analysis Group). A Quantitative Analysis of Pricing Behavior in California's Wholesale Electricity Market During Summer 2000. Dallas Burtraw Karen Palmer Ranjit Bharvirkar and Anthony Paul (Resources for the Future). Electricity Restructuring and the Cost of Pollution Reduction. Discussants: [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: As you probably all know we are on the verge of launching credit derivatives trading in Europe and North America both on Enron Online and off-line. This will involve quoting prices for buying and selling bankruptcy protection in respect of reference entities many of whom are our counterparties in a variety of different commercial and financial contexts. This exciting cocktail of credit derivatives and Enron Online raises significant novel legal risks for Enron. Probably the most significant risk arises where Enron has confidential information about a reference entity and wrongfully uses that information in pricing the credit derivative on that entity. This could well result in legal proceeding against Enron. In practice an allegation of misuse of confidential information can be very difficult indeed to defend without adequate procedures in place to safeguard that information. Against this background is the ever-present risk of insider dealing. This crime - which carries a maximum prison sentence of 7 years and an unlimited fine - is committed where a person (or member of their family etc) deals in the securities (shares or bonds) of a listed company on the basis of unpublished (confidential) price-sensitive information. In addition SFA rules require the safeguarding of confidential information the misuse of which is a serious disciplinary matter. In order to ensure the success of this new business we are now introducing new policies and procedures (attached) which include a simple Restricted List procedure. In essence they require you - to take prudent steps to safeguard confidential information within Enron to notify Michael Brown Mark Elliott or myself if you become aware of confidential information (or circumstances) about a counterparty which you think might make it appropriate for that counterparty to be placed on the Restricted List. To make life easier numerous examples of the types of information which might be relevant are set out in the attached procedures so please familiarise yourself and anyone else in your group you think appropriate with them. As you will see you are not expected to make difficult determinations about whether an entity should or should not be added to the Restricted List just to let us know if you think there is a possibility that it should be added. We will also provide quick briefing sessions to ensure that each of you is comfortable with these new procedures. Many thanks for your co-operation. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: calendar ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I am going to copy Phillippe Bibi (Chief Technology Officer) and Cindy Olson (EVP-HR). Please put someone in touch with Chris. Thanks From: Chris Long 09/12/2000 04:09 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: ACTION ALERT -- ELECTRONIC MONITORING Steve - Can you please direct me who in Houston should be notified about this guess is someone in HR. Thanks - Chris ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Marcus David roland will be point person on this. I assuming you are getting bankruptcy etc advise and there will be consideration etc. corporate formalities will be followed etc. From: Marcus Nettelton/ENRON@enronXgate on 10/31/2001 11:29 AM To: Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES cc: Mark E Haedicke/Enron@EnronXGate Subject: CONFIDENTIAL AND LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL AND LEGALLY PRIVILEGED Vicki Many thanks for your assistance yesterday. Clinton Energy Management Services Inc. because it holds a current power marketing certificate is an entity which we would like to move to being a direct subsidiary of Enron Corp. to take effect today. This is considered to be an essential part of restructuring to meet our current and future needs. While the day to day control will remain where it is and all the efforts assign contracts and other work should progress as planned since the value to Enron Corp. is the power marketing certificate nothing should be done to jeopardize this. In addition we will be changing the charter and will need copies of the existing charter to effect those changes required. Please call me if you need to discuss this further. Kind regards Marcus [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Thank you...I think on 06/15/2001 11:36:01 AM To: cc: Subject: 40th Birthday Hello! has just sent you an card! To view your greeting simply click on this pickup window link: If your e-mail doesn't recognize the above address as a link simply copy and paste it in your browser address window. If you need further help visit our Help pages at Your Friends at [/INST] Category: Purely Personal
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Dept of ag [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: To: Ad Hoc Committee Dear Colleague Several of you have pointed out that the Manifesto is a bit long. We will endeavor to shorten it somewhat which will be possible as there is some duplication however more importantly we plan to add an executive summary which will be the editorial link version that most will read. I hope to get that out by 5:00 PM today. Thanks David David J. Teece Director Institute of Management Innovation and Organization F402 Haas School of Business #1930 University of California Berkeley Berkeley CA 94720-1930 Phone: (510) 642-1075 Fax: (510) 642-2826 [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: OK by me. From: John J on 04/30/2001 11:30 AM Sent by: Kimberly Hillis/ENRON@enronXgate To: Wade Joannie Williamson/Corp/Enron@ENRON Cliff Baxter/ENRON@enronXgate James A Hughes/ENRON@enronXgate Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Mike McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT Rebecca McDonald/ENRON@enronXgate Mark Metts/Enron@EnronXGate Stephanie Harris/ENRON@enronXgate Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron Loretta Brelsford/ENRON@enronXgate Dolores Fisher/Enron@EnronXGate Sherri Sera/Corp/Enron@ENRON Jana L Connie Blackwood/ENRON@enronXgate Mrudula Cliff Baxter/ENRON@enronXgate Mark Frevert/ENRON@enronXgate Nicki Daw/ENRON@enronXgate Lucy Marshall/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Kathy McMahon/NA/Enron@Enron Jeremy Blachman/HOU/EES@EES Philippe A Bibi/ENRON@enronXgate Raymond Bowen/ENRON@enronXgate Michael R Brown/LON/ECT@ECT Harold G Buchanan/HOU/EES@EES Rick Buy/ENRON@enronXgate Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON David Cox/Enron Communications@Enron Communications David W Delainey/HOU/EES@EES James Derrick/ENRON@enronXgate Steve Elliott/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Andrew S Fastow/ENRON@enronXgate Ben Glisan/HOU/ECT@ECT Kevin Hannon/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Rod Hayslett/ENRON@enronXgate Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron Louise Kitchen/HOU/ECT@ECT Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON Kenneth Lay/Corp/Enron@ENRON Dan Leff/HOU/EES@EES Danny McCarty/ET&S/Enron@Enron Jeffrey McMahon/ENRON@enronXgate Mark S Muller/HOU/EES@EES Cindy Olson/Corp/Enron@ENRON Lou L Pai/HOU/EES@EES Ken Rice/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Matthew Scrimshaw/LON/ECT@ECT Jeffrey A Shankman/ENRON@enronXgate Jeffrey Sherrick/ENRON@enronXgate John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES Greg Whalley/HOU/ECT@ECT Thomas E White/HOU/EES@EES G G Garcia/ENRON@enronXgate Susan Skarness/ENRON@enronXgate Karen K Heathman/ENRON@enronXgate Sharron Westbrook/Corp/Enron@ENRON Kay Chapman/HOU/EES@EES Bridget Maronge/ENRON@enronXgate Inez Dauterive/HOU/ECT@ECT Carol Ann Brown/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Cindy Stark/Corp/Enron@ENRON Rosalee Fleming/Corp/Enron@ENRON Tori L Wells/HOU/ECT@ECT Cathy Phillips/HOU/ECT@ECT Sue Ford/ENRON@enronXgate Karen Owens/HOU/EES@EES Dorothy Dalton/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Mercedes Estrada/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Christina Grow/ENRON@enronXgate Lauren Urquhart/LON/ECT@ECT Laura Taylor/ENRON@enronxgate Judy G Smith/HOU/EES@EES Suzanne Danz/Corp/Enron@ENRON Peggy McCurley/ENRON@enronXgate Marsha Schiller/ENRON@enronXgate Tammie Schoppe/HOU/ECT@ECT Kimberly Hillis/ENRON@enronXgate Jennifer Burns/ENRON@enronXgate Sharon Dick/HOU/EES@EES Beverly Aden/HOU/EES@EES Kathy Dodgen/HOU/EES@EES Leah Rijo/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Kathy Campos/ENRON@enronXgate Julie Armstrong/Corp/Enron@ENRON Kelly Johnson/Corp/Enron@ENRON Rebecca Carter/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: VP Candidate Greg Shea I would like to pursue an offer to Mr. Shea prior to the next Executive Committee meeting on May 7 2001. Please forward your comments or questions by Tuesday May 1 2001 so that I can extend the offer by Wednesday May 2 2001. You will find attached the recommendation letter and his resume. Regards John Lavorato Tammie Schoppe on behalf of John Lavorato. [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Gordon Weil Dave Marquart Richard Tabors [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Article II of the NONCOMPETITION AGREEMENT entered in connection with the sale of HPL to AEP (which closed as of June 12001) provides: ENA [for 3 months post-close] will not solicit negotiate or enter into any contract agreement or arrangement for the purchase of natural gas on the HPL Pipeline from any Person which is a supplier or producer of natural gas connected to the HPL Facilities provided however nothing herein shall be construed or interpreted as prohibiting ENA from entering into any such contract agreement or arrangement which is less than one month in duration and involves or is related to an Enron Online transaction. This is not the most clearly drafted provision as it was the subject of much negotiation....and was significantly narrowed from the original scope proposed by AEP. Thus please consult with me prior to entering into any solicitation agreement or arrangement which might arguably be covered by our limited covenant not to compete on the supply side for 3 months. There are many aspects of the post-close transition which will require cooperation between Enron and AEP/HPL and thus it behoves us to carefully weigh the risks and rewards of stepping too close to or over the line. Furtheralthough a technical reading of the non-competition agreement only applies to ENA no ENA UPSTREAM deals which would violate this covenant if there were to be done as ENA should be done without clearance from Brian Redmond and me. Please communicate this restriction to those who report to you and have need to be aware of this limited restriction. Sincerely BNG Dan J Hyvl 06/07/2001 04:59 PM To: Barbara N Gray/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Jeffrey T Hodge/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: ONEOK Energy Marketing and Trading Company Barbara This appears to be supply deal for deliveries at Katy that would be subject to the 90 day non-compete. Sandi is in the process of getting me a copy of the non-compete so that I can determine if this deal is covered. Do you have any thoughts. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: The memo going out on Monday discusses the corporate policy committee brief= ly=20 at the end. The corporate policy committee does the MD PRC (evaluation of= =20 MDs and promotions to MD) reviews the recommendations of the other=20 committees (which we are just now forming). Additionally the corporate=20 policy committee met to determine the membership and charters of the other= =20 committees (including the PRC committees). The corporate policy committee = is=20 comprised of the most senior executives including the Office of the=20 Chairman the leaders of the four business units and the heads of the=20 corporate functions. In addition to the specific items mentioned above th= e=20 corporate policy committee was intended to discuss and resolve the major=20 issues facing the company including issues of strategy personnel and=20 challenges facing the company. =20 The corporate policy committee has met three times so far so not much=20 history yet. Perhaps as further pronouncements issue from this august body= =20 we will make more of a point about where they came from. =09Mary Clark =0903/15/2001 05:36 PM =09=09=20 =09=09 To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron =09=09 cc:=20 =09=09 Subject: RE: Corporate Policy Committee Steve please briefly describe what the policy committee does so we can=20 respond to this employee question. Thanks. Mary ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Gwyn Thanks for this msg and other updates. Vince [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Shirley No problem. Vince [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: fyi ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Ken Lay speaking and James J. Hoecker [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Stan: V&E wrote/masterminded the partnership agreement for our MLP. It is complicated and has been amended several times. In view of these factors V&E should tell us whether we can use the $2.5 million of cash from the insurance recovery to retroactively reclaim a portion of the 4th quarter API's. In particular Baird should give us this opinion since he has handled the partnership agreement since day one. Baird is gone on vacation for the next week. He is planning to give us an answer within a few days of his return. He will give the matter serious thought but what we are asking is pretty aggressive. His associate Carlos Pena has reviewed the partnership agreement and his first take on the question is that we cannot revise the available cash for the fourth quarter in this way. But the matter requires far more thought than this----and Bob will also need to talk with Lori (also gone on vacation) to come up with a meaningful answer for us. I will stay after this but in light of the above it will probably be early July b/f we get V&E's final position on this. If this won't do please let me know and I'll explore other avenues of getting an answer out of V&E. Thanks. SWD [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Purely Personal
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Eric July works for me. Vince [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Attached is the spreadsheet for the Houston Commercial Admins. Those in white are slated to recieve offers first. Those in red will only recieve offers if someone on the primary list declines. Please make sure you and the other desk heads are comfortable with the list as it is. I will be at the Houstonian today but Amy Fitzpatrick will be here and can assist you if you need to have a meeting to discuss. Thanks. [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Attached is Jim's prepared statement filed last night for today's House Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee (Chairman Barton) hearing on reliability transmission incentives and siting issues. You will see we use the opportunity to make a plug for large RTOs as well. Jim will actually deliver a five minute oral summary. He is appearing as the EPSA witness in his capacity as chairman of the EPSA Regulatory Affairs Committee. There will be ten witnesses on the panel. Others will represent EEI NARUC APPA LPPC NRECA NERC (David Cook) ELCON Consumers for Fair Competition and GF Energy. We will provide a report following the hearing. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Empty message(due to missing attachment)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: this is fantastic!! ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Confidential Rika I spoke to Kevin the other day and we discussed the attached special report. Please read over and call me to review. There was already a problem today a TMI Fred - Update 011016.xls [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Maureen please schedule some time on my calendar for Littlechild. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Andy Zipper [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: 202-287-1321 [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Thanks for the information. It would be helpful if you would send the detailed worksheet that you mentioned. I am surprised to hear that the only restricted shares left are the ones granted this January. I have always elected to defer any distributions of restricted stock. I believe I selected the minimum amount required to be kept in enron stock (50%). Are you saying that all the previous grants have fully vested and been distributed to my deferral account? Thank you for looking into this issue. Phillip [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: FYI Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Date: Tue 17 Oct 2000 08:53:16 -0500 From: Tracey Bradley <> To: Deanna King <> Paul Fox <> Ronald Carroll <> Subject: Portland Consultant's Investigation Finds California Has Capacity for Electricity Needs Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain charset=US-ASCII Content-Disposition: inline FYI - It sounds like this consultant's findings are being questioned by many in the industry including by the CAISO. Portland Ore.-Based Firm Says California Has Capacity for Electricity Needs Dan McSwain North County Times Escondido Calif. ( October 17 2000 ) Oct. 13--PORTLAND Ore.--A private investigation of state power markets has come to the conclusion that California had plenty of electricity generating capacity this summer. The state enjoyed a 32 percent reserve margin even as wholesale prices soared and the state's power manager declared 36 separate power emergencies because California was thought to be in the grips of a critical shortage according to the investigation. The author of the investigation's preliminary report Portland-based economist and utility industry consultant Robert McCullough said at a conference of analysts power traders and electricity industry regulators Thursday that he has found evidence that generators and trading companies manipulated the production of power from June through August to create a false shortage and push up prices. The Encina power plant in Carlsbad provides a stark example: it ran at well below its full capacity for much of June even though wholesale power prices ---- and consumer electricity bills ---- shot to well above the generating plant's cost of production. The actual production of electricity by the plants was determined by an analysis of data from the Environmental Protection Agency which monitors emissions. We are seeing a lot of under-generation McCullough said. This is market power in action. Market power is a term used by economists to describe the ability of market participants -- in this case suppliers -- to influence prices. Many of the industry experts present at the conference Thursday reaffirmed their belief that supply shortages were very real this summer and contributed to high prices but several participants said deregulation has reduced the amount of market information that is available to analysts. Mainstream economists have questioned the accuracy of data from federal agencies including the EPA. Conventional explanations for the low energy production observed in San Diego County are scant. Encina's operators a joint venture of energy giants Dynegy Inc. and NRG Energy Inc. called Cabrillo Power confirmed that the power plant had no abnormal maintenance problems. The San Diego Regional Air Quality Board said Wednesday that the power plant was well within its state-mandated pollution limits. But David Lloyd the corporate secretary of Cabrillo denied that the Encina plant has been used to game the San Diego County power markets. That can't possibly be right Lloyd said of McCullough's analysis. In North County we were right on the ragged edge of being off (an emergency shutdown because of heavy output). Without knowing the specific details of time and which units were on or off I can't comment Lloyd said. We certainly don't want to be accused of anything wrongful he said. We don't have that much power in California and for us to be shutting down in California to push up the price somewhere else doesn't make sense for us. We want to run all we can when the prices are high. Electricity prices have soared to record levels since May resulting in a doubling and tripling of power bills this summer for the 1.2 million customers of San Diego Gas & Electric Co. and causing an estimated $5 billion in losses for Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas & Electric. State lawmakers have intervened on behalf of San Diego County consumers with a retail rate cap but the law in turn created a looming IOU that could grow beyond $300 million if high wholesale prices persist. No fewer than five private state and federal investigations are under way to assess the competitiveness of power markets in the interconnected Western states. The investigations also seek to answer charges that the companies which produce and trade electricity have either figured out how to exploit deregulated markets to outmaneuver regulators or have engaged in outright manipulation in order to increase profits. Inquiries by the California Public Utilities Commission Electricity Oversight Board and attorney general along with a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission investigation were launched in July and August. Staff investigators of the state and federal commissions said this week that they are still in the process of issuing subpoenas and gathering market data. McCullough was hired in late May by the Seattle city utility and a consortium of large industrial power consumers in the Pacific Northwest to investigate the price spikes. His effort is thought to be the first to complete an exhaustive analysis of state and federal information that tracks the amount of electricity that was available and compares it to the amount of power that was actually used. Chief among McCullough's findings was that demand for power was lower this summer than what was forecasted by the Western Systems Coordinating Council a federal agency that is charged with ensuring the stability of the vast web of power transmission lines that connect California to 13 other Western states British Columbia and northern Mexico. McCullough provided a copy of his preliminary findings Tuesday to the North County Times and the initial reaction of the state's energy community was one of deep skepticism. EPA data is notoriously unreliable said Frank Wolak a Stanford professor and the chairman of the market surveillance committee of the California Independent System Operator the agency that manages the state grid and which has paid enormous sums for emergency power this summer. To gauge the actual output of power plants that burn fossil fuel McCullough used emissions data from the EPA. Greed would get the best of anybody Wolak said. I found a lot of hours where in-state generators were exceeding nameplate capacity. These guys were cranking it out. Wolak in a study of power markets for the system operator did conclude however that exercise of market power by power generators and traders was the major cause of higher prices this summer. At the conference in Portland most of the panelists did not openly criticize McCullough's analysis but implicitly disputed his conclusions by attributing higher prices and the presumed exercise of market power to a very real shortage of electricity generating capacity among the Western states. Low hydroelectric production in the Pacific Northwest and high temperatures in the Southwest were blamed for limiting California's ability to import electricity. Others said state and federal regulators along with market participants themselves won't really know what happened until more experts look at hard market information that is in short supply. Ron Eachus the chairman of the Oregon Public Utilities Commission said market information is routinely withheld from regulators the public and buyers of electricity but is shared among power generators and trading companies. If the market is sharing it with themselves but not us I don't buy that Eachus said. Tim Belden is the vice president of West Trading for Enron North America the largest marketer and trader of electricity in the world. Enron takes the unique stand that more information which has been labeled proprietary by companies such as when a plant is being run and how much the electricity is selling for should be made available instantly to the markets. Is there a smoking gun out there or are market participants behaving rationally? Belden said. California is characterized by secret black box market models that nobody understands he said. If you've got nothing to hide release the data. ----- To see more of the North County Times or to subscribe to the newspaper go to (c) 2000 North County Times Escondido Calif. Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News. SRE SCE.Q PCG [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Thanks. Yes I did know about the conference. Ken has a copy of the study and made reference to it several times during our visits to Sac. a couple of weeks ago. It's nice to occasionally see some rational thinking in California. I look forward to catching up with you when I get back to town. <> on 05/16/2001 09:27:00 AM To: cc: Subject: Re: Kenneth Lay Chairman Enron [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Jeff I spoke to Joannie this afternoon and asked for your e-mail to send this invitation. Here is the initial information on the event. We are expecting additional members of Congress to attend both events. If you have any questions or comment please let me know. I have attached a word doc. as well: Tom DeLay / ARMPAC Guest Speaker - David Horowitz Four Seasons Aviara - Dinner & Golf Tournament The event will take place: Wednesday August 15 Four Seasons Aviara (Northern San Diego CA) Golf Lunch will start at 11am Tee times at 12:15pm An informal reception afterwards Limited to 40 people Cost is $5k per person Dinner Reception 6 to 6:45pm Dinner 7 to 8:30pm Speakers Tom DeLay and David Horowitz $1500 per person $2500 per couple There are four levels of sponsorship: $100K $50k $25k and $15k. Contribution levels will also transfer from the dinner and/or Golf Tournament to the ARMPAC contributor sponsorship program. Bill Gowan Election Day Consulting LLC 1947 Camino Vida Roble suite 104 Carlsbad CA 92009 760 929.1203 - Aug 15 Golf dinner.doc [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: To:NEMEC GERALD - 7138533512 ? Enron Wholesale Services - Office of the Chairman ? From:??Mark Frevert Chairman & CEO ??????Greg Whalley President & COO ??????Mark Haedicke Managing Director & General Counsel ? Subject:??Confidential Information and Securities Trading ? Enron Wholesale Services ('EWS') maintains official Policies and Procedures Regarding Confidential Information and Securities Trading ('Policies and Procedures') which have been revised as of November 15 2000 to reflect the new EWS structure. These policies and procedures are intended to allow us simultaneously to pursue our diverse businesses and to protect confidential information our reputation for integrity and EWS and its employees from legal liability. ? You are required to become familiar with and to comply with the Policies and Procedures. The newly revised Policies and Procedures are available for your review on LegalOnline the new intranet website maintained by the Enron Wholesale Services Legal Department. Please click on the attached link to access LegalOnline: ? ? You must certify your compliance with the Policies and Procedures within two weeks of your receipt of this message. The LegalOnline site will allow you to quickly and conveniently certify your compliance on-line with your SAP Personal ID number. If you have any questions concerning the Policies or Procedures please call Lance Schuler at extension 3-5419 Mark Haedicke at extension 3-6544 Alan Aronowitz at extension 3-3214 Bob Bruce at extension 5-7780 or Donna Lowry at extension 3-1939. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Dear Ken I'm not sure quite were to turn but was hoping you could assist me. I would like to keep this confidential especially regarding the New York Office. As my request has nothing to do with the people in this office or the group they are wonderful I've been with Enron since '97 and I relocated up to Connecticut to work with the New Power Company when I thought that the Enron employees would stay Enron employees. Afterwards of course we all were changed to NewPower employees. After a couple of months I made the move back to Enron and went to the New York office and work with the Enron Metals group here at 53rd street. (It was never my intention to leave Enron) Since the bombing I feel very displaced and my husband and I would really like to come back to Houston and was wondering if you could help me. I was on the trading floor working with Dave Delainey's group when he was in ENA and also was the Exec Secretary/Coordinator with the MWB group in George Warsoff's group. I would appreciate it very much if you were able to assist/guide me. Sincerely Teri Teri Connor-Smith Admin Coordinator Enron Metals & Commodities Corp (212)715-5601 [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Wilson Christine and Robin could you please coordinate with David L's group the gathering of the items needs by our outside counsel? As you can see the burden of proof is on us and without your help we will not prevail at Monday's hearing. You can see Dave Ditto's phone number and address in his earlier email. Kenton ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Please send the economist piece around. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I get in too late tonight but maybe dinner or drinks on Thurs? Linda Robertson 06/19/2001 06:39 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Dinner Plans You are here Wed and Thur nights. Do you have plans? Do you want to do something with some of the DC staff? [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: see below. Federal price limits backfire=20 Some generators withhold power rather than abide by rate caps=20 David Lazarus Chronicle Staff Writer=20 Wednesday July 4 2001=20 ?2001 San Francisco Chronicle =20 URL: 01/07/04/MN186091.DTL =20 Officials in California and Nevada after months of lobbying for federal re= gulators to cap Western power prices warned yesterday that the newly impos= ed limits have had the unintended consequence of increasing a threat of bla= ckouts in the two states.=20 The warnings were issued as California came within minutes of rolling black= outs yesterday afternoon and one day after the first-ever rolling blackout= s in Las Vegas forced energy-hungry casinos to shut off fountains and reduc= e air conditioning.=20 The two states are asking the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to take = a closer look at the so-called price mitigation plan and come up with revis= ions that would deter power companies from withholding electricity during s= hortages.=20 We need some clarity to this order said Oscar Hidalgo a spokesman for t= he California Department of Water Resources which is spending billions of = dollars to keep the state's lights on.=20 Generators need to be held accountable he said.=20 The crux of the problem is that price limits kick in during shortages yet = power companies say these caps force them to sell power at below-market rat= es during periods of high demand.=20 Some companies have responded by holding back power rather than face the ex= pense of shipping electricity from state to state. Each mile that electrici= ty must be transmitted adds to the overall cost.=20 No one's going to pay for transmission if the cost is near the caps said= Gary Ackerman executive director of the Western Power Trading Forum an e= nergy-industry association in Menlo Park.=20 Ackerman said several companies in his organization decided that there was = no economic advantage to offering power in regional markets when price cont= rols are in effect.=20 This means individual regions like California or Las Vegas could end up no= t having enough Ackerman said. It increases the threat of blackouts.=20 BLACKOUT ALERT CANCELED California authorities issued a blackout alert at 1:45 p.m. yesterday when = power reserves dipped to dangerously low levels. They canceled the alert ab= out an hour later after finding additional supplies.=20 Everyone in the West is fighting for megawatts said Stephanie McCorkle = a spokeswoman for the California Independent System Operator which oversee= s the state's power network.=20 The Golden State's latest brush with lights-out conditions came a day after= Nevada experienced its own rolling blackouts for the first time prompting= heavy power users such as the MGM Grand and Caesars Palace to dim their li= ghts.=20 Don Soderberg chairman of the Nevada Public Utilities Commission said tha= t the sudden power emergency took state authorities by surprise and that th= ey are investigating to see what role the federal price limits may have had= in exacerbating Monday's shortage.=20 We're looking very closely at this he said. There seems to be a potenti= al for unintended consequences.=20 Specifically Soderberg said Nevada is focusing on operators of older less= - efficient plants who would find profit margins shrinking if not vanishin= g under capped prices.=20 We're going to see how the caps might have played into this he said.=20 The federal ceiling in 10 Western states excluding California is about $9= 2 per megawatt hour. In California a 10 percent surcharge is added because= of the state's credit risk bringing the price to just over $101.=20 Ackerman at the Western Power Trading Forum said regional price controls ha= ve extended California's power crisis to neighboring states.=20 California sneezed and the rest of the region caught the virus he said.= =20 'LAWYERS LOOKING FOR LOOPHOLES'=20 California and Nevada officials however said that they still have faith t= hat price limits can stabilize Western electricity markets but that federal= regulators may have to tweak the system so that power companies cannot wit= hhold output.=20 The generators have banks of lawyers looking for loopholes (in the plan)= said Hidalgo at the Department of Water Resources.=20 Unfortunately it may take some time for the regulators to revisit an issue= that they took up only with the greatest reluctance. For months federal r= egulators refused to impose price controls preferring instead to let suppl= y and demand determine costs.=20 Hidalgo said that when it appeared that power companies were throttling bac= k on output Monday California officials immediately dialed the hot line nu= mber provided by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in case of emerge= ncies.=20 No one answered he said. They were closed.=20 State officials tried again yesterday and this time were told that the com= mission would look into the matter. They were not given a time frame for wh= en the commission might come up with a response.=20 E-mail David Lazarus at .=20 ?2001 San Francisco Chronicle Page A - 1=20 Out-of-state generators pull plug over uncertainty on price controls By Dale Kasler Bee Staff Writer (Published July 3 2001)=20 Confused by the federal government's new controls on electricity prices ge= nerators withheld so much power from California on Monday that the state wa= s nearly plunged into rolling blackouts state officials said.=20 The confusion began when the state's electric grid operators declared a Sta= ge 1 power alert in the early afternoon triggering the price caps for the = first time since they went into effect June 21.=20 Out-of-state generators pulled about 1500 megawatts of electricity off the= table at midafternoon enough to power about 1.1 million homes because of= uncertainty about how much they could charge under the new Federal Energy = Regulatory Commission pricing system said Oscar Hidalgo spokesperson for = the state Department of Water Resources. The department buys electricity fo= r the state's financially distressed utilities.=20 They didn't understand what they were going to be paid there was confusio= n over the FERC order Hidalgo said. We saw 1500 megawatts disappear.= =20 The problem was exacerbated by a heat wave across the West which forced Ca= lifornia to compete with other states for scarce electricity he said. Roll= ing blackouts hit southern Nevada.=20 Most California officials credit the FERC system which is based on a varia= ble price cap with reining in what had been a runaway wholesale power mark= et. But power generators have complained that the price caps by limiting p= rofits could discourage the production of critically needed electricity. A= nd as Monday's episode suggested even the uncertainty about where the cap = will fall could lead to unexpected shortages.=20 That's the risk that you run (with price controls) said Arthur O'Donnell= editor of the newsletter California Energy Markets. People want any kind= of certainty at all.=20 Hidalgo said the state avoided blackouts only because of last-minute import= s from the Bonne=07ville Power Administration the federal agency that mark= ets government-produced hydroelectric power in the Pacific Northwest. The s= tate went into a Stage 2 power alert the next-to-last level before blackou= ts are ordered. The alert was canceled in late afternoon.=20 The blackouts would have been the first in California since May 8.=20 FERC imposed a round-the-clock ceiling on power throughout the West. The pr= ice fluctuates and is tied to the production costs of the least-efficient p= lant operating in California during a power alert declared by the Indepen= dent System Operator which runs the state's power-transmission grid. When = there's no alert prices can't exceed 85 percent of the cap that was establ= ished during the latest alert.=20 Until Monday the maximum price held steady at about $101 a megawatt-hour i= n California. But when the ISO declared a Stage 1 power alert in early afte= rnoon signifying that reserve supplies had dwindled to less than 7 percent= of demand confusion set in Hidalgo and others said.=20 Because of a steep drop in the price of natural gas which fuels many Calif= ornia power plants suppliers knew the cap would fall. But no one knew by h= ow much until the price was posted by the ISO.=20 The ceiling for California fell to about $77 at 3 p.m. but was back up to $= 98 in two hours according to the ISO. Those prices include the 10 percent = premium that sellers can charge California because FERC said there's a cred= it risk in selling to the state.=20 O'Donnell said it's likely suppliers will pull back from the market every t= ime the ISO declares a power alert.=20 In-state generators have to operate their plants if summoned by the ISO. Bu= t out-of-state suppliers can withhold supplies and on Monday it was the ou= t-of-staters that were pulling back Hidalgo said.=20 The Bee's Dale Kasler can be reached at (916) 321-1066 or m .=20 Power Sales Halted by New Pricing Curbs=20 Electricity: Confused suppliers unsure what they will be paid refuse to s= ell to state which asks FERC for a ruling but doesn't get it.=20 By NANCY VOGEL Times Staff Writer=20 SACRAMENTO--Confusion over new federal price restrictions prompted sev= eral electricity sellers to back away from sales to California on Monday af= ternoon pushing the state closer to blackouts energy officials said. The state lost sales that would have provided enough electricity to su= pply more than 1 million homes said Ray Hart deputy director of the Calif= ornia Department of Water Resources which has been buying much of the stat= e's electricity since January. At least five companies producing or marketing power are telling us t= hat since they don't know what they're going to get paid they're not going= to take the risk and so they're not going to sell the energy Hart said. The electricity sales fell through after power consumption soared in s= ummer heat and grid operators were forced to declare a Stage 1 emergency m= eaning reserves had dipped below 7%. It was the first such emergency since = May 31. Under a June 19 order by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission inte= nded to bring down wholesale electricity markets across the West a power e= mergency in California triggers the setting of a new price limit that appli= es to power plant owners from Washington to Arizona.=20 The new price is supposed to be based upon whatever it costs to run th= e most inefficient expensive power plant selling electricity to California= grid operators during the first full hour of a Stage 1 emergency. But much uncertainty remains about exactly how and when the new price = is supposed to be established under the commission's order and that appare= ntly drove away sellers Hart said. Shortly after the state issued the Stage 1 alert at 1:30 p.m. putting= the old price limit of $90 per megawatt-hour in question companies that h= ad committed to provide the state electricity hour by hour Monday afternoon= backed out Hart said. The companies include TransAlta Energy Marketing of= Oregon Constellation Power of Baltimore and Sempra Energy Trading a unit= of the San Diego-based energy conglomerate. Forced to dip even deeper into the state's power reserves and declare = a Stage 2 emergency water agency officials called the federal energy commi= ssion's hotline for clarification about what the new price should be and wh= en it should take effect. They got no answer. Hart said commission officials reached at home promised to try to clar= ify their order today. One outstanding question is what obligations power s= uppliers have to deliver electricity to California in an emergency. Both buyers and sellers in the market agree that the new price when i= t is set will probably be lower than $90 per megawatt-hour because the pri= ce of natural gas the main fuel in California power plants has dropped la= tely. Temperatures soared several degrees higher Monday than grid operators = had anticipated. But they said they expected to avoid rolling blackouts in = part because the Bonneville Power Administration in Portland Ore. had agr= eed to provide several hundred megawatts of Pacific Northwest hydropower ea= ch hour in exchange for a return of electricity from California later this = summer. Bonneville is giving us emergency power to get us through Hart said= .=20 Copyright 2001 Los Angeles Times=20 James D Steffes 07/06/2001 10:04 PM To:=09Jeffrey T Hodge/Enron@EnronXGate Robert C Williams/Enron@EnronXGate cc:=09Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Linda R= obertson/NA/Enron@ENRON Alan Comnes/Enron@EnronXGate Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enr= on@Enron Susan J Mara/NA/Enron Robert Frank/NA/Enron@Enron Ray Alvarez/N= A/Enron@ENRON Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON Subject:=09ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGDE - Draft FERC Brief on Settlement Proc= ess The attached is a rough draft of a potential filing Enron would make in to = Judge Wagner in the Settlement process (it is unclear if this would remain = confidential per the gag order). Please provide Ray Alvarez your comments. This would be filed as early as = Monday am. Jim =20 [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Rick Shapiro Portland registration in cal Former CEC commissioner -- Bob Mussiter [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Steve It was great to meet you in person. I am very excited about becoming part of the Enron team. Thank you for your time and insights over the phone and in Houston. I am attaching my bio. By Tuesday I will send you the contact list that we discussed. Please call me if you have any thoughts or questions. Happy 40. Kevin Contact Information E-mail Phone (213) 926-2626 Fax (707) 516-0019 Traditional Mail PO Box 21074 ?Los Angeles CA 90021 - Resume of Kevin Scott.doc [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: My suggestions are attached. Take the gloves off. James D Steffes 07/06/2001 10:04 PM To: Jeffrey T Hodge/Enron@EnronXGate Robert C Williams/Enron@EnronXGate cc: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON Alan Comnes/Enron@EnronXGate Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron Susan J Mara/NA/Enron Robert Frank/NA/Enron@Enron Ray Alvarez/NA/Enron@ENRON Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON Subject: ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGDE - Draft FERC Brief on Settlement Process The attached is a rough draft of a potential filing Enron would make in to Judge Wagner in the Settlement process (it is unclear if this would remain confidential per the gag order). Please provide Ray Alvarez your comments. This would be filed as early as Monday am. Jim [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: To:SALISBURY HOLDEN - 503-464-3835 Enron Wholesale Services - Office of the Chairman From: Mark Frevert Chairman & CEO Mark Haedicke Managing Director & General Counsel Subject: Confidential Information and Securities Trading To keep pace with the fluid and fast-changing demands of our equity trading activities Enron Wholesale Services (EWS) has recently revised its official Policies and Procedures Regarding Confidential Information and Securities Trading (Policies and Procedures). These revisions reflect two major developments: (1) our equity trading activities have been extended into the United Kingdom and (2) in an effort to streamline the information flow process the Review Team will play a more centralized role so that the role of the Resource Group is no longer necessary.You are required to become familiar with and to comply with the Policies and Procedures. The newly revised Policies and Procedures are available for your review on LegalOnline the new intranet website maintained by the Enron Wholesale Services Legal Department. Please click on the attached link to access LegalOnline: If you have already certified compliance with the Policies and Procedures during the 2001 calendar year you need not re-certify at this time although you are still required to to review and become familiar with the revised Policies and Procedures. If you have not certified compliance with the Policies and Procedures during the 2001 calendar year then you must do so within two weeks of your receipt of this message. The LegalOnline site will allow you to quickly and conveniently certify your compliance on-line with your SAP Personal ID number. If you have any questions concerning the Policies or Procedures please call Bob Bruce at extension 5-7780 or Donna Lowry at extension 3-1939. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Anita Very minor changes. Thanks. Vince [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Are we taking a postion on TXU's purchase of Spanish Hydro utility [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I'm envious. See you when you get back From: Rebecca McDonald/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/15/2001 08:21 AM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: RE: Kissinger We're going to be two ships passing here. I leave town on Friday and return to the office on Wednesday morning. How about I give you a call when I get back. I am only in a few days and then I am heading to DC for my son's college graduation exercises. ( I know exactly what you are thinking - Lordy she's old!!) Talk to you then okay? Rebecca [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Per our discussion this morning below is a summary of items to discuss with Glynn: Adding Enron's negative CTC claim to the list of claims: PGE's filing included a list of top twenty creditors. Our negative CTC claim was apparently not taken into account in compiling that list. The list is nonbinding however. PG&E will be required to file schedules of creditors on April 20. Our negative CTC claim should be on Schedule F (for unsecured claims). You may want to remind Glynn of your previous conversations and state our expectation that the negative CTC claim will appear (preferably as uncontested) in the April 20 filing. (Note: if PG&E does not include the claim we have an opportunity to file a proof of claim and ultimately the court determines the validity of the claim). Including Enron on the Creditors' Committee: PG&E may have the opportunity to influence representation on the creditors' committees. There are several reasons to suggest to Glynn that we be included: 1) we are a big creditor 2) we could be helpful in crafting a broader solution and 3) we are one of the real parties in interest behind the PX and ISO (who were listed as significant creditors but are really just passthroughs for the suppliers ... and PG&E likely would not want to have those political bodies serving on the creditors committee anyway). [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Meet with Commissioner Ebert in Biloxi - Confirmed 7/1/97 Contact is Paige - 601-436-4833 [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: It looks like Enron Japan was kept in the loop. Let's keep it up. Good luck ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Please add Terrie to the meeting with Beth Bill Palmer et al ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: As I mentioned at the Mgmt meeting yesterday 8-9 MTM plus 5 million likely 13-14 million worst case. I have accrued this amount below the line at present and will await further meetings before taking any other actions. Because of our presence in Spain and our role with GM Vitol Veba and KPC are meeting with Chris this week as they would like us to continue to supply to them in Spain. We would also like to do this as it continues to give us the outlet we wanted when we entered the GM deal but with better partners. It also allows us to make money while we sort through the GM situation. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Enron also announced today a restructuring of its broadband business. Conditions in the broadband industry have reduced revenue opportunities in the sector. The strategy we pursued in the broadband business will allow us to quickly restructure this business without affecting our strong earnings outlook said Skilling. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: The DC Team (Linda Robertson Ray Alvarez) attended and reported on today's prehearing conference in the California case. The schedule has moved back about a full month mostly due to the time required by PX and CAISO to produce mitigated market clearing prices and to re-run settlements based on those revised prices. Testimony by Enron on what it is owed is now not due until October 26. In addition to adopting this schedule the ALJ reported that the FERC likely not rule on petitions for rehearing of the July 25 order until October 15 2001. A revised schedule is attached. (To see how it has changed you can toggle Track Changes | Hightlight on Screen on and off) The PNW case is moving along on schedule changes attached are corrections rather than actual changes to the schedule. Notably in today's case Seattle and Tacoma waived all cross on TFG witnesses including Enron's. Alan Comnes [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: fyi ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Last night I attended the National Republican Senatorial Committee's reception at Senator Frist's home in DC. (Frist is the NRSC chairman this cycle.) Enron including Jeff and Linda had been invited to the reception the purpose of which was to introduce ex-RNC chairman Haley Barbour as the NRSC's National Finance Chairman. Present were over a dozen Republican senators including Minority Leader Lott Whip Nickles and Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison Bunning (KY) Fitzgerald (IL) Cochran (MS) Inhofe (OK) Bond (MO) Crapo (ID) Voinovich (OH) Allen (VA) and Chafee (RI). The news from our perspective is that Haley Barbour singled out Ken Lay for praise as the first person to step to the plate and agree to help with their new Majority Makers program. This is the effort that Barbour will head up to raise $21 million for this election cycle by concentrating on events outside DC that would target businesses and business leaders without a DC presence. Barbour said that Ken had agreed to organize and chair a Houston fundraiser to raise $1 million toward the $21 million total. Ken was the first name he mentioned. The only others were the DeVos family in Michigan and Julie Finley a major GOP fundraiser based in DC. Needless to say I was suddenly quite popular after Haley made his remarks to the assembled group. Haley said he looked forward to working with us on this project. As you know from a previous e-mail Pat Shortridge had earlier seen our mutual friend Mitch Bainwol the executive director of the NRSC who had told Pat at lunch last week that Haley had spoken with Ken but last night was the first I had heard a dollar figure -- and a big one at that -- linked to the effort. While it was not stated I assume from the location and size of the event's goal that the President would be involved (but this is only an educated assumption on my part). Later I saw Karen Hughes of the White House staff but I do not think she was present when Haley made his comments. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Merger call 8004570183 506711 [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Strong work Laura! ----------------- [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context(e.g., it was good working with you)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I want to keep my subscription current. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Could you please put together a combined presentation : Enron's strategy and the need for open access on the transmission system? ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Empty message
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Is there an alternative quote we could use instead of the reference to stabilizing in the California market? I think I know what we mean but most outside readers would see the situation as unstable. Perhaps we could reference the continued availability of direct access or renewed interest in Enron's offerings? To: Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES Janet R Dietrich/HOU/EES@EES Elizabeth Tilney/HOU/EES@EES Peggy Mahoney/HOU/EES@EES Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES Robert C Williams/Enron@EnronXGate Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES Evan Hughes/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: UC-CSU-Enron press release Attached is a draft of the UC-CSU-Enron press release concerning the settlement agreement. Please review and let me know of any revisions or suggestions. We would like for this to go out tomorrow if possible. We're still waiting for a quote from CSU. I'll make sure you see that as well. Thank you. Max [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Cc list suppressed... Public opinion is the pendulum that swings law...dsg August 4 2000 Deregulation Leaves Electricity Market Ripe for Manipulation by Power Firms By REBECCA SMITH and JOHN J. FIALKA Staff Reporters of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL It's a market ripe for manipulation: surging demand for an indispensable commodity weak oversight and a chaotic new set of rules amid a transition from heavy regulation to open competition. This is the state of the U.S. electricity business in the summer of 2000. And sure enough there's growing evidence that some power companies are finding lucrative ways to exploit the system -- at consumers' expense. The tactics include manipulating wholesale electricity auctions taking juice from transmission systems when suppliers aren't supposed to and denying weaker competitors access to transmission lines. None of this is illegal and much of it might be considered basic competition. But as an electricity shortage plunges sweltering California into an energy crisis and fears of even worse shortages rattle the Northeast the practices of power suppliers face more scrutiny than ever. (See related article.) Steamy Conditions A hot summer day last year shows one kind of manipulation. On July 28 1999 wholesale electricity prices in the Middle Atlantic states hit $935 per megawatt hour. That was seven times what it costs to generate power at the most expensive plant in the region. An analysis of trading data from that day shows that PECO Energy Corp. and PPL Corp. the old Philadelphia Electric Co. and Pennsylvania Power & Light made the most of steamy conditions. In the region's power market deregulated in 1997 a new corporation called PJM Interconnection LLC runs the transmission system once operated piecemeal by eight utilities. It also operates a daily electricity auction that sorts the hourly bids of 540 generating plants. The cheapest plants are called on first but when the weather is hot and demand is acute higher offers are taken as well. To attract as many bidders as possible the highest bid each hour sets the price for the entire market for that hour. Grid and Bear It Rise in average wholesale electricity prices at key transmission-interconnection points for the month of May from 1997 to 2000. TRANSMISSION-INTERCONNECTION POINT % CHANGE 1997-2000 Texas +293% +216 Tennessee Valley Authority +165 California-Oregon border +162 New York-West +138 Chicago area +130 New England +117 New York-East +101 Upper Midwest +99 Florida +89 Mid-Atlantic region +80* *Includes only years 1999-2000 Source: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission RDI Power What PECO and PPL did was offer much of their output at low prices so that the majority of their plants would be called into service. But knowing demand was so high they offered power from their tiniest plants at vastly higher bids in a way that often set the peak price for a number of hours. Consumers that day ended up paying millions of extra dollars for power. Cases like this show that during the transition to deregulation there's a good argument the system has broken down says William Massey a commissioner at the Federal Energy Regulatory Agency. FERC which polices the nation's bulk power markets began the deregulation movement in 1996. It wasn't supposed to be this way. In the old days utilities generated electricity and delivered it to customers in exclusive territories. To protect consumers from gouging rates were regulated. But while supply had to be able to meet peak demand at all times demand varied widely within regions between regions and from one season to another. The result was tremendous reliability but also inefficiency and waste. Deregulation now under way in half the country and functioning nationally at the wholesale level allows new players -- some affiliated with utilities some not -- to build power plants and sell electricity. Prices are supposed to be set by competitive markets. Risks are borne by investors not ratepayers. At the same time utilities are surrendering control of long-haul transmission lines to new nonprofit operators like the one in the Middle Atlantic region which are supposed to ensure fair access to the grid -- the multistate system of high voltage lines. Under this new regime energy prices should have dropped as companies raced to compete with one another. But the massive U.S. energy infrastructure wasn't designed to serve as the backbone of a free market. On hot summer days when there's little or no surplus electricity in the nation's most populous regions generators can charge prices far in excess of their production costs and be confident they'll get tapped for service by grid operators who must keep the lights on at any cost. Utility holding companies that still control transmission lines have an added advantage: They can effectively lock out cheaper competitors. California Cuts Price Cap for Electricity Once Again (Aug. 2)Price Cap Is Set for Electricity That Is Sold in New England (July 27)PPL KeySpan Say Earnings Surpassed Wall Street Targets (July 27)Energy Trading Internet Operations Help Enron's Net Income Jump 30% (July 25)PG&E Posts 36% Rise in Net to $248 Million (July 21) The new regional grid operators called independent system operators or ISOs eventually will be in charge of preventing manipulation. But as nongovernmental organizations they won't have basic investigative tools like subpoena powers or the ability to impose significant penalties. FERC which does have those powers rarely uses them preferring to let the market discipline itself. A Strange Drop Sometimes it's difficult to know what constitutes an abuse of the market. In July 1999 engineers noticed that a substantial amount of power was being taken from the grid for which there was no explanation. They contacted the North American Electric Reliability Council the industry group charged by Congress with overseeing the grid since the late 1960s. After a lengthy investigation NERC determined that Cinergy Corp. a utility holding company had surreptitiously taken enough power over a three-day period about 9600 megawatt hours to light a small city for a month. Cincinnati-based Cinergy had underestimated power demands. Rather than buy electricity on the open market at ferociously high prices or cut power to Cincinnati it quietly borrowed power from the system when demand was peaking and later replaced it in the cool of the night when demand wasn't so high. James E. Rogers Cinergy's chief executive received a letter from A.R. Garfield the chairman of NERC's regional power-coordination center accusing his company of showing blatant disregard for the rules and of using the grid as a supplemental resource without regard to the reliability or integrity of the system. But Cinergy paid no fine. That's because it runs its own transmission control area and is trusted to enforce NERC's voluntary rules even when it is the violator. Smaller utilities in Cinergy's area by contrast face contractual penalties of as much as $35000 per megawatt for unilaterally borrowing from the grid a practice known as leaning on the ties. Dancing on the Edge? Mr. Garfield is still steamed about Cinergy's actions which he said removed part of the system's essential reserve needed to avoid cascading blackouts or a chain of uncontrollable outages that could darken whole sectors of the country. How fair is it that someone can dance on the edge like that and get away with it? he asks. Mr. Rogers points to old rules that permit utilities to temporarily borrow small amounts of power during emergencies. We were very careful to make sure when we leaned on the ties ... we didn't bring the whole system down he says. Nevertheless he concedes in a competitive world those rules need to be changed. The region's regulators have since gone to FERC for authority to charge borrowers for the market value of the electricity they take off the grid. Leaning on the ties is only one way fair competition is being frustrated on the country's transmission system a vast web of connections that resembles the nation's highway system before the construction of the interstates. While there are plenty of routes to get electricity from outlying power plants directly to big cities there are relatively few routes connecting regions. That makes it possible for some big companies to shut out competitors. A Snag in Transmission St. Louis-based Aquila Energy hit that snag when it tried to use a transmission corridor owned by New Orleans-based Entergy Corp. to move electricity to a buyer in East Texas. Entergy granted the request initially but then it canceled saying it didn't have sufficient space on its lines. Aquila didn't buy it. After analyzing transmission-capacity data the company argued to FERC that Entergy did have enough space on its lines and so was in effect breaking a rule that required it to provide transmission-line access when possible. Without access to Entergy's lines Aquila was forced to compensate the buyer and lost nearly $300000 on the deal. From whom did the Texas customer end up buying the power? A unit of Entergy -- and for a higher price than it would have paid Aquila. FERC said Entergy had been within its rights to restrict access in this case because it had transmission problems. But FERC found that Entergy on other occasions had hoarded transmission capacity that should have been made available to the market. Entergy declines to comment. Such scenarios are costly for consumers and they are among the reasons the electricity industry is enjoying flush times. In the second quarter just ended companies ranging from AES Corp. in Arlington Va. to Enron Corp. in Houston reported huge profit increases some as much as 50%. To be sure a lot of those profits are coming from extraordinary demand growth and a pickup in energy trading. But Sean Murphy president of Southern Energy New England a unit of Southern Cos. Atlanta Ga. worries that the industry has gotten too greedy and risks retribution. Pigs get fat but hogs get slaughtered he says. Tremendous Volatility New federal data show that average wholesale power prices have more than doubled at 14 of 17 key pricing points across the country in the past three years. By May of this year prices had risen across a broad range -- by 89% in Florida for example and by 294% in Texas. But even these increases mask the tremendous volatility that has struck all the major wholesale markets during the past year. In the case of the Midwest where prices in July 1999 hit $9000 per megawatt hour it was as if a $1.89 gallon of gas suddenly sold for $567. Prices like these have prompted growing calls for investigations into whether electric companies are gouging their customers. Some consumer groups lukewarm to deregulation in the first place now are agitating for re-regulation. Residential electricity bills have doubled in San Diego which is notable because it's the first city in the nation to be served by a utility that's buying all of its energy on the competitive market. Politicians are sounding the alarm in the Pacific Northwest. There wholesale prices peaked at a record $1300 per megawatt hour during the last week in June. Energy-intensive industries like mines and aluminum smelters are cutting back on production and temporarily laying off workers. We may be seeing too much opportunism in the market says Montana Gov. Marc Racicot. Demands by Mr. Racicot and his counterpart in Washington Gary Locke were instrumental in prompting FERC to open a national investigation in late July into possible market abuses. A Six-Month Lag One big premise on which deregulation rests is that a free flow of information will let markets police themselves and operate efficiently. But a key tool for market monitoring the data on utility Web sites used to book transmission orders is often unreliable. There's a six-month lag on the release of bidding data which are coded to mask the identities of bidders. What's more the four FERC-controlled ISOs operating in California the Middle Atlantic states New England and New York don't have the authority to compel market participants to give them internal documents like bilateral contracts and other information they don't want to hand over. Without such documents there's a lot more looking than finding says Bill Museler chief executive of the New York ISO. Even if the ISOs do find something problematic there isn't much they can do about it. The tariffs contracts and bylaws under which they operate generally prohibit them from releasing company-specific data and so exposing wrongdoers. And with the exception of California the ISOs' own board meetings are closed to the public. The reality is confidentiality rules protect the guilty says Frank Wolak a professor of economics at Stanford University and chairman of the California ISO's Market Surveillance Committee. And there are no codes of conduct to instill a sense of fair play. That can be a huge problem on hot days. In California an independent exchange runs a daily forward auction in which it tries to match the next day's anticipated demand to bids by generators. But this summer generators often have offered less power than they know will be needed so that they can submit higher bids later when the ISO is forced to pay stiffer prices for emergency power. On occasion ISO engineers have had just 40 minutes to frantically phone around and nail down suppliers knowing that if they fail they could be forced to begin rolling blackouts. The bidding strategy while legal undermines reliability and forces the ISO to do some real gymnastics says Kellan Fluckiger chief operations officer for the California ISO. Generators say they aren't to blame for the mad scramble. Utilities buying power for their customers often order less power than they really need for fear that a big order will drive up the overall market price to prohibitive levels. The only real recourse available to the ISOs is to rewrite the rules governing their local markets. But FERC is reluctant to let them meddle too often because generators are investing billions of dollars based on existing market rules. There's another reason too says Ron Rattey a veteran FERC economist who in June wrote a 10-page internal memo criticizing the agency for not doing more to ferret out unfair conduct. Every single ISO has identified strategic abuses he says. And every time the ISOs make adjustments to the rules the market participants find new ways around them. Write to Rebecca Smith at and John J. Fialka at [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: See if there is anythiing of use in here for your high tech group messages. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: calendar ----------------- [/INST] Category: Empty message(due to missing attachment)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Per our discussion [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: What about the show cause order route? ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Per our discussion this morning below is a summary of items to discuss with Glynn: Adding Enron's negative CTC claim to the list of claims: PGE's filing included a list of top twenty creditors. Our negative CTC claim was apparently not taken into account in compiling that list. The list is nonbinding however. PG&E will be required to file schedules of creditors on April 20. Our negative CTC claim should be on Schedule F (for unsecured claims). You may want to remind Glynn of your previous conversations and state our expectation that the negative CTC claim will appear (preferably as uncontested) in the April 20 filing. (Note: if PG&E does not include the claim we have an opportunity to file a proof of claim and ultimately the court determines the validity of the claim). Including Enron on the Creditors' Committee: PG&E may have the opportunity to influence representation on the creditors' committees. There are several reasons to suggest to Glynn that we be included: 1) we are a big creditor 2) we could be helpful in crafting a broader solution and 3) we are one of the real parties in interest behind the PX and ISO (who were listed as significant creditors but are really just passthroughs for the suppliers ... and PG&E likely would not want to have those political bodies serving on the creditors committee anyway). [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: FYI. I am sending Vince some materials we have used [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: The CAISO recently filed Amendment 30 which would provide the CAISO with the authority to engage in forward contracts/purchasing etc. to meet reliability requirements. This filing is in response to the language in the FERC San Diego Order which suggested that the FERC believes the CAISO should have this authority. Clearly this raises issues about the role of the CAISO in the forward markets as a policy matter but FERC is likely to approved this authority anyway. The CAISO Board is addressing this matter as part of its Comprehensive Market Reform Project. The CAISO Board at the September 7 meeting deferred the issues of the 2-day ahead market (as well as the policy matter of the CAISO buying forward) until the October meeting. However later during Executive Session the CAISO Board apparently approved Amendment 30. At this point in time IEP is not planning on responding to Amendment 30. This position is primarily driven by limited funds in the Restructuring/Transmission Task Force account and given the forces aligned in support taking this issue up seem problematic. Please let me know if anyone differs with this assessment and would like to see IEP comment (recognizing that funds would be required to accomplish this). ----- Original Message ----- From: Andy Brown <> To: Steven Kelly (E-mail) <> Katie Kaplan (E-mail) <> <> Cc: Douglas Kerner <> Chris Ellison <> Eric Janssen <> Sent: Monday September 18 2000 3:55 PM Subject: CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION > Attached is a memo which briefly describes CAISO's Amendment 30 and a > potential response approach for IEP. The filing will be due October 2 > which effectively means that we must decide what IEP wants to say by the > 27th if the final draft is to be circulated to interested membership > before filing. ABB > > - 000918_IEP_mmo_CAISO_AM30.doc [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: In the underscored language added to the RTO section I would insert access to between the words planning and maintenance. Cynthia Sandherr@ENRON 07/20/2000 06:22 AM To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: FW: RTO/market power discussion document ----------------- [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I'd love to but I'll be in London Marge Nadasky@ECT 10/11/2000 12:01 PM To: Robert Horton/HOU/ECT@ECT Mark Frevert/NA/Enron@Enron Andrew S Fastow/HOU/ECT@ECT Ken Rice/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Kevin Hannon/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Karen S Owens@ees@EES Thomas E White/HOU/EES@EES John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON Cliff Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT Cindy Olson/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Cindy Stark/Corp/Enron@ENRON Karen Owens/HOU/EES@EES Bridget Maronge/HOU/ECT@ECT Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron Dorothy Dalton/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Carol Ann Brown/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Jennifer Burns/HOU/ECT@ECT Susan Skarness/HOU/ECT@ECT Joannie Williamson/Corp/Enron@ENRON Judy G Smith/HOU/EES@EES Bobbie Power/Corp/Enron@ENRON Subject: Video for Management Conference You recently received an e-mail from Terrie James regarding a video we are working on for the upcoming Management Conference. We have been able to lock in a date and time to do this taping on Thursday October 19th from 4-6 p.m. We are still working on the location for this taping but plan on this taking place in close proximity to the Enron Building. Can you please let me know if you will be available to participate in this group session? If not we will be following up with some individual taping the week of the 23rd. If you have questions feel free to contact Terrie James on Ext. 37727 or myself on Ext. 36631. Marge Nadasky [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: 10:45 meet with Cliff Baxter [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Thought you might get a kick out of ISO California (at the end of this=20 email) written by Steve Huntoon who is now with Dynegy's DC office. --= =20 Lisa [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Offer him the job. Rob Bradley@ENRON 07/25/2000 12:40 PM To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES cc: Andrew Miles/HOU/EES@EES Subject: Alhamd's Presentations FYI--go to the Internet Strategy one for what you need. I am pretty sure he will work out with me and Jeff--you can pull the trigger and hire him with my concurrence if you feel comfortable enough. - Rob ----------------- [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Thanks. You got the message correct. We will not accept a firesale price = but if the price is fair we are sellers. It is a tough message to deliver = but people need to hear the truth. I appreciate your efforts in arranging= the floor meeting. Any news on Eco? [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: In case you had not heard Lou Pai has done some fundraising for Franks and both he and his(Lou's) sister know him fairly well. Keep it in mind if at some point we need to get in to see him. From: Jeffrey Keeler 08/23/2000 03:44 PM To: Clayton Seigle/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES Michael Terraso/OTS/Enron@ENRON David L Johnson/OTS/Enron@ENRON Shelley Corman/ET&S/Enron@ENRON Joe Hillings/Corp/Enron@ENRON Cynthia Sandherr/Corp/Enron@ENRON Allison Navin/Corp/Enron@ENRON Subject: Re: pipeline aftermath Clayton: Here are some preliminary answers to your questions (and I have copied GPG and Government Affairs folks as well to share this information): 1) I am currently assessing the situation regarding pipeline safety legislation. This week has been very quiet on Capitol Hill as all of the members are back in the states on August recess running for re-election and it is a big vacation week for staff...but here's what I am hearing: As you may or may not know we have been been very active this year trying to temper pipeline safety legislation that was fairly reactionary in the wake of last summer's liquid pipeline accident in Bellingham WA. SENATE: In June Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Slade Gorton (R-WA) led the charge to pass a pipeline safety bill (S. 2438) out of the Senate Commerce Committee and that bill is awaiting floor action in the Senate. Because of the hasty way in which S. 2438 was drafted and passed there was a realization by both Republicans and Democrats in the Senate that the bill could not make it to the floor for a vote until some serious changes were made -- mostly things that were deal breakers for industry. Enron and El Paso were leading the charge and we had a number of Senators backing our efforts to negotiate changes including Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS) Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) John Breaux (D-LA) and Sam Brownback (R-KS). From what I've learned since the accident these Senators are not changing their strategy and are still asking for the same improvements. Fortunately most of the changes we were looking to make were fairly technical and not the types of things that would be seriously compromised by the accident. Industy was already in the position of having to accept a number of things they never would have if not for he Bellingham incident...the El Paso incident just reinforces those. The biggest potential effect I see from the El Paso accident is an increased effort to pass something before the Congress adjourns in early October. The New Mexico Senators are already calling for a floor vote on the McCain/Gorton legislation and I there will certainly be greater pressure on leaders to wrap up negotiations get agreement from all sides on a bill and move it unanimously through a vote on the Senate floor. HOUSE: The House is moving a bit more slowly but again I'd expect the El Paso situation to expedite things somewhat. There were several bills introduced in the House that were not moving anywhere including an identical copy of the McCain legislation introduced by Rep. Bob Franks (R-NJ). Franks is now anxious to move legislation as he is running for Senate and would love to take credit for helping out on an issue of national visibility. Before the accident House Tranportation Committee leaders on both the Democrat and Republican side were working on a consensus bill that they could introduce in early September and move quickly through the Committee and to the House floor. I'm told that negotiations on that legislation are moving forward and a draft bill will be produced shortly. Unlike our experience in the Senate we have had significant input into the bill in advance and expect something that we can live with -- and something more reasonable than the McCain bill. With that said there may be an effort to expand the bill in a few areas because of the El Paso accident so we'll have to see what kind of hand we're dealt in the next few weeks. Overall I'd expect pipeline safety legislation to be given higher priority when Congress returns after Labor Day. In the absence of this accident I would have given it slim odds of passing in the few short weeks until adjournment with appropriations bills taking up most of Congress' precious time. Now there will be greater pressure to come to consensus and move bills through by an expedited process so that everyone running for election in November can show that they've done something about this terrible tragedy. With that said there's still not that much time to get legislation through so I'd say that there's still a chance it may not get done this year. If I had to attach a number to it I'd say that the El Paso accident improves the chances of legislation going all the way to probably 50-60%. 2) Gas supply to California: I'll have to do some more checking in this area and get back to you. All I've heard so far is that the safety questions that remain may slow the speed of restarting flow on the line notwithstanding that El Paso thinks it can have things running again fairly quickly. I'm sure the power crunch in California will put some counter-pressure on but I just don't have good intelligence on this yet. With all this said I'm on vacation this week and parts of next week finishing up some leave I've taken for the birth of our new baby daughter so I may not have an additional report for you until early to mid next week. If you have questions please respond by e-mail or leave a message on my voice mail at 202-466-9157. Regards Jeff Keeler From: Cynthia Sandherr 08/23/2000 09:48 AM Sent by: Allison Navin To: Clayton Seigle/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Jeffrey Keeler/Corp/Enron@ENRON Cynthia Sandherr/Corp/Enron@ENRON Subject: Re: pipeline aftermath Jeff Keeler in our office handles pipeline safety issues and I am copying him on this e-mail so that he may reply to you directly. Also Cynthia is out of the office through the end of the week but will be reachable tomorrow and Friday. Thanks. Allison Clayton Seigle@ECT 08/22/2000 06:29 PM To: Cynthia Sandherr/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: pipeline aftermath Hi Cynthia: The commercial officers here are very concerned with the El Paso pipeline explosion in New Mexico. We would love to get some input from your group on the following questions if possible: 1. What is the status of pipeline safety legislation on the Hill and what is the outlook for action between now and the end of the year? 2. What are people from California saying about the added pressure on gas supplies and what are people from New Mexico saying about restarting the flow of gas while safety questions remain? These questions come straight from the top and any information you could provide would be very helpful. Please write me back or call and let me know if/when you think we might be able to get some initial answers. Thanks very much! Clay [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I need you to run these items by Rick. I take full responsibility for approving the hiring of the Hills firm (and I look forward to meeting with you and Carla as we discussed) but remain hopeful we can use their services for something other than WTO. In the wake of Seattle and as I have come to understand better what the WTO can and cannot do for us on the energy services front I have come to the view that our talent and money would be better spent on other activities. My inclination is to do the bare minimum necessary to keep the machine going. If we have specifically committed to certain things then let's follow through. If there are things we can avoid let's avoid them. Specifically with respect to Fischer going to Geneva Why not have him available by phone at all hours to provide assistance and mage that known to USG instead of underwriting additional travel. With respect to the Hills firm can we use the retained time to help with the specific strategies we are now working out for the regions? These are the kinds of things we need to consider. Joe Hillings@ENRON 04/19/2000 04:13 AM To: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: Enron and the Energy Services Issue Before The WTO Steve: This is a brief extension of our conversation yesterday afternoon putting in print some of the upcoming dates and possible committments for your consideration and decision. We have no exit strategy at this time and in order to follow your general instructions to withdraw gradually (I'm not quite certain that is possible at this stage) you need to know the following. The April meeting at the WTO in Geneva (Committee on Specific Committments) spent considerable time discussing how energy services would be considered in the WTO GATS (General Agreement on Trade and Services) . The USTR raised the issue tabled the issue and guided the discussion. We did not send anyone to that session. As planned for several months we issued the Rachel Thompson study which is completing its basic distribution now. There has already been considerable interest in the study and I fully expect it to generate discussion in the days ahead. I have sent you the correspondence from the Japanese Ministry. Tonight I am hosting a small dinner for the top staff person for the leading Japanese business organization affiliated with the CSI organization. He raised the issue of Japan's industry feeling energy services was going too fast too soon when Ken addressed the WTO Ministerial Forum last December in Seattle. Now he has told Bob Vastine president of CSI that he was told later by his collegues that his statement was a misstatement. We'll hear more tonight. Later today the ESC Executive Committee is meeting with the DOE to discuss how they can support energy services for the USTR who has lacked technical advisers since Donna Bobbich and Russ Profozich left DOE earlier this year. DOE has appointed a group to help USTR and this is an orientation meeting held at their request. Next week I have scheduled the first ESC full meeting since January to update members (now 50 since Schlumberger joined on Friday) on developments which is essentially a report by USTR Carol Balassa who is the responsible official handling energy services. She has given a couple of us a debriefing on what happened at the WTO meeting and a request to prepare more detailed information for the May 10 meeting in Geneva where she tells us that energy services will be even more involved in the discussion. We should have Bob Fisher go to that meeting to be of assistance. This is a decision point for you. We have made some other committments which are also decision points although the Helsinki meeting on June 18th has been agreed upon based on my feelings that when I discussed it (the SCO/FSN Showcase Europe) in Houston with you and Rick you raised no objection which I took as agreeing that it should go forward. We have done this meeting annually where I have brought in someone from Enron companies to brief them and host them for dinner. These are the commercial people in the US embassies throughout Europe and the former Soviet Union. They are important points of contact for our commercial people. This year they want to have energy services in the WTO and as we would like them to exist in their territory. A few members of the ESC Executive Committee will do the former and Peter Styles the later. I have organized the dinner. Following that meeting is one that EC Trade staffer Uta Klinkers wants the ESC Executive Committee to put on in Brussels which is a joint meeting she is organizing with European energy industry representatives. This is a dialogue on energy services. The EU is an important player in the WTO and Uta who recently met with the ESC Executive Committee in Washington is quite supportive of liberalized energy services. At the EC she reports directly to Commissioner Pascal Lamy. Rick's memo this week suggested we have Peter Styles do this briefing. Peter is not an American and is not affiliated with the ESC. Therefore unless we participate Europe's energy industry is not talking with US industry. If this is what you want then I should tell Uta that we are unable to do the meeting. The last meeting is the presentation by Ken Lay at the OECD Forum 2000 on June 26 which I engineered with Doug Worth Secretary General of the BIAC (Business Industry Affairs Committee) to the OECD. This is a major world conference and Ken is addressing e-commerce and services. Doug an American and former head of the Washington IBM office wants to have Ken meet with OECD Commissioners in a smaller meeting to discuss trends for the future. I had planned to be there with Ken for the day day and a half he will be in Paris. I introduced our company to the OECD several years ago and it has become increasingly involved in issues of interest to us. Well these are the near-term items that require your fine hand if we are to proceed. A dramatic drop off at this time will have its effects and no one is likely to pick up our leadership. There is growing support for what has been accomplished and the USG plus others are now hooked on the energy services agenda. I cannot easily see an exit strategy that can do anything but cause criticism at this point. This is definately a longer term committment that I thought we had made when approval was given to hire the Hills firm. However if you want to exit other than pulling back from the Brussels meeting I think the other meetings are firm committements at this point. These are some thoughts for your consideration and decision. Joe [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: fyi [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: You speak at 3:00 [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: looks good Maureen McVicker 05/01/2001 05:36 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Memo to go out. Steve: FYI - this is what went out Tuesday night after a few minor changes. It was approved by Ken Jeff & Cliff. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I think a rebuttal would be in order if others agree. [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: See last story attached. Congratulations it looks like you are shaking th= ings up in typical Enron fashion. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc.(elaborate in Section 3 [Topics])
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: looks good Peggy Mahoney 07/24/2000 06:20 PM To: Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON Cedric Burgher/Corp/Enron@ENRON Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON Paula Rieker/Corp/Enron@ENRON Jeremy Blachman/HOU/EES@EES Harold G Buchanan/HOU/EES@EES Karen S Owens@ees@EES Kevin Hughes/HOU/EES@EES Mark S Muller/HOU/EES@EES Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES Dan Leff/HOU/EES@EES Elizabeth Tilney/HOU/EES@EES Dave S Laipple/DUB/EES@EES James E Keller/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: Rich Products Please review the attached draft news release about our agreement with Rich Products and let me know if you have any comments by 5pm Tuesday July 25. We are scheduled to release on Wednesday July 26. If you have any questions please call me at x57034. Rich Products is a major US food manufacturer headquartered in Buffalo NY. The company ranked #122 in Forbes Private 500 and has sales around $1.5 billion. Rich Products is owned and operated by the founding Rich family. Products manufactured include frozen meats bakery products and non-dairy creamers. [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: Rosie and Sherrie: Jeff Ken and Joe wanted to discuss the attached. Joe -- this is the same document I forwarded to you earlier. ----------------- [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration)
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following eight categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context (e.g., it was good working with you)'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements (job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking (collaboration)'; 'Empty message (due to missing attachment)'; 'Empty message'. <</SYS>> Mail: I won't be able to attend. Let me know if I need to be hooked up by phone or if you will just brief me afterward. Paul Kaufman@ECT 12/28/99 04:42 PM To: Ann Ballard/Corp/Enron@ENRON Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Testimony in PGE Proceeding Sierra called today to inform us that they intend to complete their internal review of the Oregon PUC filing by the beginning of next week. They want our input by the end of next week and to that end are scheduling a meeting in Reno for either 1/5 or 1/6. Please let me know if you plan on attending the meeting. [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements(meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)