1 value
private boolean isSpecial(final char chr) { return ((chr == '.') || (chr == '?') || (chr == '*') || (chr == '^') || (chr == '$') || (chr == '+') || (chr == '[') || (chr == ']') || (chr == '(') || (chr == ')') || (chr == '|') || (chr == '\\') || (chr == '&')); }
private String fixSpecials(final String inString) { StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < inString.length(); i++) { char chr = inString.charAt(i); if (isSpecial(chr)) { tmp.append(this.escape); tmp.append(chr); } else { tmp.append(chr); } } return tmp.toString(); }
protected PreparedStatement prepareStatement(Connection con, String sql, boolean scrollable, boolean createPreparedStatement, int explicitFetchSizeHint) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement result; // if a JDBC1.0 driver is used the signature // prepareStatement(String, int, int) is not defined. // we then call the JDBC1.0 variant prepareStatement(String) try { // if necessary use JDB1.0 methods if (!FORCEJDBC1_0) { if (createPreparedStatement) { result = con.prepareStatement( sql, scrollable ? ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE : ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); afterJdbc2CapableStatementCreate(result, explicitFetchSizeHint); } else { result = con.prepareCall( sql, scrollable ? ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE : ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); } } else { if (createPreparedStatement) { result = con.prepareStatement(sql); } else { result = con.prepareCall(sql); } } } catch (AbstractMethodError err) { // this exception is raised if Driver is not JDBC 2.0 compliant log.warn("Used driver seems not JDBC 2.0 compatible, use the JDBC 1.0 mode", err); if (createPreparedStatement) { result = con.prepareStatement(sql); } else { result = con.prepareCall(sql); } FORCEJDBC1_0 = true; } catch (SQLException eSql) { // there are JDBC Driver that nominally implement JDBC 2.0, but // throw DriverNotCapableExceptions. If we catch one of these // we force usage of JDBC 1.0 if (eSql .getClass() .getName() .equals("interbase.interclient.DriverNotCapableException")) { log.warn("JDBC 2.0 problems with this interbase driver, we use the JDBC 1.0 mode"); if (createPreparedStatement) { result = con.prepareStatement(sql); } else { result = con.prepareCall(sql); } FORCEJDBC1_0 = true; } else { throw eSql; } } try { if (!ProxyHelper.isNormalOjbProxy(result)) // tomdz: What about VirtualProxy { platform.afterStatementCreate(result); } } catch (PlatformException e) { log.error("Platform dependend failure", e); } return result; }
private Statement createStatement(Connection con, boolean scrollable, int explicitFetchSizeHint) throws java.sql.SQLException { Statement result; try { // if necessary use JDBC1.0 methods if (!FORCEJDBC1_0) { result = con.createStatement( scrollable ? ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE : ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); afterJdbc2CapableStatementCreate(result, explicitFetchSizeHint); } else { result = con.createStatement(); } } catch (AbstractMethodError err) { // if a JDBC1.0 driver is used, the signature // createStatement(int, int) is not defined. // we then call the JDBC1.0 variant createStatement() log.warn("Used driver seems not JDBC 2.0 compatible, use the JDBC 1.0 mode", err); result = con.createStatement(); FORCEJDBC1_0 = true; } catch (SQLException eSql) { // there are JDBC Driver that nominally implement JDBC 2.0, but // throw DriverNotCapableExceptions. If we catch one of these // we force usage of JDBC 1.0 if (eSql.getClass().getName() .equals("interbase.interclient.DriverNotCapableException")) { log.warn("JDBC 2.0 problems with this interbase driver, we use the JDBC 1.0 mode"); FORCEJDBC1_0 = true; result = con.createStatement(); } else { throw eSql; } } try { platform.afterStatementCreate(result); } catch (PlatformException e) { log.error("Platform dependend failure", e); } return result; }
public int compareTo(InternalFeature o) { if (null == o) { return -1; // avoid NPE, put null objects at the end } if (null != styleDefinition && null != o.getStyleInfo()) { if (styleDefinition.getIndex() > o.getStyleInfo().getIndex()) { return 1; } if (styleDefinition.getIndex() < o.getStyleInfo().getIndex()) { return -1; } } return 0; }
public final void begin() { this.file = this.getAppender().getIoFile(); if (this.file == null) { this.getAppender().getErrorHandler() .error("Scavenger not started: missing log file name"); return; } if (this.getProperties().getScavengeInterval() > -1) { final Thread thread = new Thread(this, "Log4J File Scavenger"); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.start(); this.threadRef = thread; } }
public final void end() { final Thread thread = threadRef; if (thread != null) { thread.interrupt(); try { thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } this.threadRef = null; }
public static boolean isPropertyAllowed(Class defClass, String propertyName) { HashMap props = (HashMap)_properties.get(defClass); return (props == null ? true : props.containsKey(propertyName)); }
public static boolean toBoolean(String value, boolean defaultValue) { return "true".equals(value) ? true : ("false".equals(value) ? false : defaultValue); }
protected FieldDescriptor getFieldDescriptor(TableAlias aTableAlias, PathInfo aPathInfo) { FieldDescriptor fld = null; String colName = aPathInfo.column; if (aTableAlias != null) { fld = aTableAlias.cld.getFieldDescriptorByName(colName); if (fld == null) { ObjectReferenceDescriptor ord = aTableAlias.cld.getObjectReferenceDescriptorByName(colName); if (ord != null) { fld = getFldFromReference(aTableAlias, ord); } else { fld = getFldFromJoin(aTableAlias, colName); } } } return fld; }
private FieldDescriptor getFldFromJoin(TableAlias aTableAlias, String aColName) { FieldDescriptor fld = null; // Search Join Structure for attribute if (aTableAlias.joins != null) { Iterator itr = aTableAlias.joins.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Join join = (Join); ClassDescriptor cld = join.right.cld; if (cld != null) { fld = cld.getFieldDescriptorByName(aColName); if (fld != null) { break; } } } } return fld; }
private FieldDescriptor getFldFromReference(TableAlias aTableAlias, ObjectReferenceDescriptor anOrd) { FieldDescriptor fld = null; if (aTableAlias == getRoot()) { // no path expression FieldDescriptor[] fk = anOrd.getForeignKeyFieldDescriptors(aTableAlias.cld); if (fk.length > 0) { fld = fk[0]; } } else { // attribute with path expression /** * MBAIRD * potentially people are referring to objects, not to the object's primary key, * and then we need to take the primary key attribute of the referenced object * to help them out. */ ClassDescriptor cld = aTableAlias.cld.getRepository().getDescriptorFor(anOrd.getItemClass()); if (cld != null) { fld = aTableAlias.cld.getFieldDescriptorByName(cld.getPkFields()[0].getPersistentField().getName()); } } return fld; }
protected void ensureColumns(List columns, List existingColumns) { if (columns == null || columns.isEmpty()) { return; } Iterator iter = columns.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { FieldHelper cf = (FieldHelper); if (!existingColumns.contains( { getAttributeInfo(, false, null, getQuery().getPathClasses()); } } }
protected void appendWhereClause(StringBuffer where, Criteria crit, StringBuffer stmt) { if (where.length() == 0) { where = null; } if (where != null || (crit != null && !crit.isEmpty())) { stmt.append(" WHERE "); appendClause(where, crit, stmt); } }
protected void appendHavingClause(StringBuffer having, Criteria crit, StringBuffer stmt) { if (having.length() == 0) { having = null; } if (having != null || crit != null) { stmt.append(" HAVING "); appendClause(having, crit, stmt); } }
private void appendBetweenCriteria(TableAlias alias, PathInfo pathInfo, BetweenCriteria c, StringBuffer buf) { appendColName(alias, pathInfo, c.isTranslateAttribute(), buf); buf.append(c.getClause()); appendParameter(c.getValue(), buf); buf.append(" AND "); appendParameter(c.getValue2(), buf); }
private String getIndirectionTableColName(TableAlias mnAlias, String path) { int dotIdx = path.lastIndexOf("."); String column = path.substring(dotIdx); return mnAlias.alias + column; }
private void appendLikeCriteria(TableAlias alias, PathInfo pathInfo, LikeCriteria c, StringBuffer buf) { appendColName(alias, pathInfo, c.isTranslateAttribute(), buf); buf.append(c.getClause()); appendParameter(c.getValue(), buf); buf.append(m_platform.getEscapeClause(c)); }
protected void appendSQLClause(SelectionCriteria c, StringBuffer buf) { // BRJ : handle SqlCriteria if (c instanceof SqlCriteria) { buf.append(c.getAttribute()); return; } // BRJ : criteria attribute is a query if (c.getAttribute() instanceof Query) { Query q = (Query) c.getAttribute(); buf.append("("); buf.append(getSubQuerySQL(q)); buf.append(")"); buf.append(c.getClause()); appendParameter(c.getValue(), buf); return; } AttributeInfo attrInfo = getAttributeInfo((String) c.getAttribute(), false, c.getUserAlias(), c.getPathClasses()); TableAlias alias = attrInfo.tableAlias; if (alias != null) { boolean hasExtents = alias.hasExtents(); if (hasExtents) { // BRJ : surround with braces if alias has extents buf.append("("); appendCriteria(alias, attrInfo.pathInfo, c, buf); c.setNumberOfExtentsToBind(alias.extents.size()); Iterator iter = alias.iterateExtents(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TableAlias tableAlias = (TableAlias); buf.append(" OR "); appendCriteria(tableAlias, attrInfo.pathInfo, c, buf); } buf.append(")"); } else { // no extents appendCriteria(alias, attrInfo.pathInfo, c, buf); } } else { // alias null appendCriteria(alias, attrInfo.pathInfo, c, buf); } }
private void appendParameter(Object value, StringBuffer buf) { if (value instanceof Query) { appendSubQuery((Query) value, buf); } else { buf.append("?"); } }
private void appendSubQuery(Query subQuery, StringBuffer buf) { buf.append(" ("); buf.append(getSubQuerySQL(subQuery)); buf.append(") "); }
private String getSubQuerySQL(Query subQuery) { ClassDescriptor cld = getRoot().cld.getRepository().getDescriptorFor(subQuery.getSearchClass()); String sql; if (subQuery instanceof QueryBySQL) { sql = ((QueryBySQL) subQuery).getSql(); } else { sql = new SqlSelectStatement(this, m_platform, cld, subQuery, m_logger).getStatement(); } return sql; }
private void addJoin(TableAlias left, Object[] leftKeys, TableAlias right, Object[] rightKeys, boolean outer, String name) { TableAlias extAlias, rightCopy; left.addJoin(new Join(left, leftKeys, right, rightKeys, outer, name)); // build join between left and extents of right if (right.hasExtents()) { for (int i = 0; i < right.extents.size(); i++) { extAlias = (TableAlias) right.extents.get(i); FieldDescriptor[] extKeys = getExtentFieldDescriptors(extAlias, (FieldDescriptor[]) rightKeys); left.addJoin(new Join(left, leftKeys, extAlias, extKeys, true, name)); } } // we need to copy the alias on the right for each extent on the left if (left.hasExtents()) { for (int i = 0; i < left.extents.size(); i++) { extAlias = (TableAlias) left.extents.get(i); FieldDescriptor[] extKeys = getExtentFieldDescriptors(extAlias, (FieldDescriptor[]) leftKeys); rightCopy = right.copy("C" + i); // copies are treated like normal extents right.extents.add(rightCopy); right.extents.addAll(rightCopy.extents); addJoin(extAlias, extKeys, rightCopy, rightKeys, true, name); } } }
private FieldDescriptor[] getExtentFieldDescriptors(TableAlias extAlias, FieldDescriptor[] fds) { FieldDescriptor[] result = new FieldDescriptor[fds.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fds.length; i++) { result[i] = extAlias.cld.getFieldDescriptorByName(fds[i].getAttributeName()); } return result; }
private TableAlias createTableAlias(String aTable, String aPath, String aUserAlias) { if (aUserAlias == null) { return createTableAlias(aTable, aPath); } else { return createTableAlias(aTable, aUserAlias + ALIAS_SEPARATOR + aPath); } }
private TableAlias getTableAliasForPath(String aPath, List hintClasses) { return (TableAlias) m_pathToAlias.get(buildAliasKey(aPath, hintClasses)); }
private void setTableAliasForPath(String aPath, List hintClasses, TableAlias anAlias) { m_pathToAlias.put(buildAliasKey(aPath, hintClasses), anAlias); }
private String buildAliasKey(String aPath, List hintClasses) { if (hintClasses == null || hintClasses.isEmpty()) { return aPath; } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(aPath); for (Iterator iter = hintClasses.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Class hint = (Class); buf.append(" "); buf.append(hint.getName()); } return buf.toString(); }
private void setTableAliasForClassDescriptor(ClassDescriptor aCld, TableAlias anAlias) { if (m_cldToAlias.get(aCld) == null) { m_cldToAlias.put(aCld, anAlias); } }
private TableAlias getTableAliasForPath(String aPath, String aUserAlias, List hintClasses) { if (aUserAlias == null) { return getTableAliasForPath(aPath, hintClasses); } else { return getTableAliasForPath(aUserAlias + ALIAS_SEPARATOR + aPath, hintClasses); } }
protected void appendGroupByClause(List groupByFields, StringBuffer buf) { if (groupByFields == null || groupByFields.size() == 0) { return; } buf.append(" GROUP BY "); for (int i = 0; i < groupByFields.size(); i++) { FieldHelper cf = (FieldHelper) groupByFields.get(i); if (i > 0) { buf.append(","); } appendColName(, false, null, buf); } }
protected void appendTableWithJoins(TableAlias alias, StringBuffer where, StringBuffer buf) { int stmtFromPos = 0; byte joinSyntax = getJoinSyntaxType(); if (joinSyntax == SQL92_JOIN_SYNTAX) { stmtFromPos = buf.length(); // store position of join (by: Terry Dexter) } if (alias == getRoot()) { // BRJ: also add indirection table to FROM-clause for MtoNQuery if (getQuery() instanceof MtoNQuery) { MtoNQuery mnQuery = (MtoNQuery)m_query; buf.append(getTableAliasForPath(mnQuery.getIndirectionTable(), null).getTableAndAlias()); buf.append(", "); } buf.append(alias.getTableAndAlias()); } else if (joinSyntax != SQL92_NOPAREN_JOIN_SYNTAX) { buf.append(alias.getTableAndAlias()); } if (!alias.hasJoins()) { return; } for (Iterator it = alias.iterateJoins(); it.hasNext();) { Join join = (Join); if (joinSyntax == SQL92_JOIN_SYNTAX) { appendJoinSQL92(join, where, buf); if (it.hasNext()) { buf.insert(stmtFromPos, "("); buf.append(")"); } } else if (joinSyntax == SQL92_NOPAREN_JOIN_SYNTAX) { appendJoinSQL92NoParen(join, where, buf); } else { appendJoin(where, buf, join); } } }
private void appendJoin(StringBuffer where, StringBuffer buf, Join join) { buf.append(","); appendTableWithJoins(join.right, where, buf); if (where.length() > 0) { where.append(" AND "); } join.appendJoinEqualities(where); }
private void appendJoinSQL92(Join join, StringBuffer where, StringBuffer buf) { if (join.isOuter) { buf.append(" LEFT OUTER JOIN "); } else { buf.append(" INNER JOIN "); } if (join.right.hasJoins()) { buf.append("("); appendTableWithJoins(join.right, where, buf); buf.append(")"); } else { appendTableWithJoins(join.right, where, buf); } buf.append(" ON "); join.appendJoinEqualities(buf); }
private void appendJoinSQL92NoParen(Join join, StringBuffer where, StringBuffer buf) { if (join.isOuter) { buf.append(" LEFT OUTER JOIN "); } else { buf.append(" INNER JOIN "); } buf.append(join.right.getTableAndAlias()); buf.append(" ON "); join.appendJoinEqualities(buf); appendTableWithJoins(join.right, where, buf); }
private void buildJoinTree(Criteria crit) { Enumeration e = crit.getElements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Object o = e.nextElement(); if (o instanceof Criteria) { buildJoinTree((Criteria) o); } else { SelectionCriteria c = (SelectionCriteria) o; // BRJ skip SqlCriteria if (c instanceof SqlCriteria) { continue; } // BRJ: Outer join for OR boolean useOuterJoin = (crit.getType() == Criteria.OR); // BRJ: do not build join tree for subQuery attribute if (c.getAttribute() != null && c.getAttribute() instanceof String) { //buildJoinTreeForColumn((String) c.getAttribute(), useOuterJoin, c.getAlias(), c.getPathClasses()); buildJoinTreeForColumn((String) c.getAttribute(), useOuterJoin, c.getUserAlias(), c.getPathClasses()); } if (c instanceof FieldCriteria) { FieldCriteria cc = (FieldCriteria) c; buildJoinTreeForColumn((String) cc.getValue(), useOuterJoin, c.getUserAlias(), c.getPathClasses()); } } } }
protected void buildSuperJoinTree(TableAlias left, ClassDescriptor cld, String name, boolean useOuterJoin) { ClassDescriptor superCld = cld.getSuperClassDescriptor(); if (superCld != null) { SuperReferenceDescriptor superRef = cld.getSuperReference(); FieldDescriptor[] leftFields = superRef.getForeignKeyFieldDescriptors(cld); TableAlias base_alias = getTableAliasForPath(name, null, null); String aliasName = String.valueOf(getAliasChar()) + m_aliasCount++; TableAlias right = new TableAlias(superCld, aliasName, useOuterJoin, null); Join join1to1 = new Join(left, leftFields, right, superCld.getPkFields(), useOuterJoin, "superClass"); base_alias.addJoin(join1to1); buildSuperJoinTree(right, superCld, name, useOuterJoin); } }
private void buildMultiJoinTree(TableAlias left, ClassDescriptor cld, String name, boolean useOuterJoin) { DescriptorRepository repository = cld.getRepository(); Class[] multiJoinedClasses = repository.getSubClassesMultipleJoinedTables(cld, false); for (int i = 0; i < multiJoinedClasses.length; i++) { ClassDescriptor subCld = repository.getDescriptorFor(multiJoinedClasses[i]); SuperReferenceDescriptor srd = subCld.getSuperReference(); if (srd != null) { FieldDescriptor[] leftFields = subCld.getPkFields(); FieldDescriptor[] rightFields = srd.getForeignKeyFieldDescriptors(subCld); TableAlias base_alias = getTableAliasForPath(name, null, null); String aliasName = String.valueOf(getAliasChar()) + m_aliasCount++; TableAlias right = new TableAlias(subCld, aliasName, false, null); Join join1to1 = new Join(left, leftFields, right, rightFields, useOuterJoin, "subClass"); base_alias.addJoin(join1to1); buildMultiJoinTree(right, subCld, name, useOuterJoin); } } }
protected void splitCriteria() { Criteria whereCrit = getQuery().getCriteria(); Criteria havingCrit = getQuery().getHavingCriteria(); if (whereCrit == null || whereCrit.isEmpty()) { getJoinTreeToCriteria().put(getRoot(), null); } else { // TODO: parameters list shold be modified when the form is reduced to DNF. getJoinTreeToCriteria().put(getRoot(), whereCrit); buildJoinTree(whereCrit); } if (havingCrit != null && !havingCrit.isEmpty()) { buildJoinTree(havingCrit); } }
private Filter getFilter(String layerFilter, String[] featureIds) throws GeomajasException { Filter filter = null; if (null != layerFilter) { filter = filterService.parseFilter(layerFilter); } if (null != featureIds) { Filter fidFilter = filterService.createFidFilter(featureIds); if (null == filter) { filter = fidFilter; } else { filter = filterService.createAndFilter(filter, fidFilter); } } return filter; }
public static String resolveProxyUrl(String relativeUrl, TileMap tileMap, String baseTmsUrl) { TileCode tc = parseTileCode(relativeUrl); return buildUrl(tc, tileMap, baseTmsUrl); }
public AbstractGraph getModuleGraph(final String moduleId) { final ModuleHandler moduleHandler = new ModuleHandler(repoHandler); final DbModule module = moduleHandler.getModule(moduleId); final DbOrganization organization = moduleHandler.getOrganization(module); filters.setCorporateFilter(new CorporateFilter(organization)); final AbstractGraph graph = new ModuleGraph(); addModuleToGraph(module, graph, 0); return graph; }
private void addModuleToGraph(final DbModule module, final AbstractGraph graph, final int depth) { if (graph.isTreated(graph.getId(module))) { return; } final String moduleElementId = graph.getId(module); graph.addElement(moduleElementId, module.getVersion(), depth == 0); if (filters.getDepthHandler().shouldGoDeeper(depth)) { for (final DbDependency dep : DataUtils.getAllDbDependencies(module)) { if(filters.shouldBeInReport(dep)){ addDependencyToGraph(dep, graph, depth + 1, moduleElementId); } } } }
private void addDependencyToGraph(final DbDependency dependency, final AbstractGraph graph, final int depth, final String parentId) { // In that case of Axway artifact we will add a module to the graph if (filters.getCorporateFilter().filter(dependency)) { final DbModule dbTarget = repoHandler.getModuleOf(dependency.getTarget()); // if there is no module, add the artifact to the graph if(dbTarget == null){ LOG.error("Got missing reference: " + dependency.getTarget()); final DbArtifact dbArtifact = DataUtils.createDbArtifact(dependency.getTarget()); final String targetElementId = graph.getId(dbArtifact); graph.addElement(targetElementId, dbArtifact.getVersion(), false); graph.addDependency(parentId, targetElementId, dependency.getScope()); return; } // Add the element to the graph addModuleToGraph(dbTarget, graph, depth + 1); //Add the dependency to the graph final String moduleElementId = graph.getId(dbTarget); graph.addDependency(parentId, moduleElementId, dependency.getScope()); } // In case a third-party we will add an artifact else { final DbArtifact dbTarget = repoHandler.getArtifact(dependency.getTarget()); if(dbTarget == null){ LOG.error("Got missing artifact: " + dependency.getTarget()); return; } if(!graph.isTreated(graph.getId(dbTarget))){ final ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper(repoHandler); final Artifact target = modelMapper.getArtifact(dbTarget); final String targetElementId = graph.getId(target); graph.addElement(targetElementId, target.getVersion(), false); graph.addDependency(parentId, targetElementId, dependency.getScope()); } } }
public TreeNode getModuleTree(final String moduleId) { final ModuleHandler moduleHandler = new ModuleHandler(repoHandler); final DbModule module = moduleHandler.getModule(moduleId); final TreeNode tree = new TreeNode(); tree.setName(module.getName()); // Add submodules for (final DbModule submodule : module.getSubmodules()) { addModuleToTree(submodule, tree); } return tree; }
private void addModuleToTree(final DbModule module, final TreeNode tree) { final TreeNode subTree = new TreeNode(); subTree.setName(module.getName()); tree.addChild(subTree); // Add SubsubModules for (final DbModule subsubmodule : module.getSubmodules()) { addModuleToTree(subsubmodule, subTree); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("MASReader.main"); Properties beastConfigProperties = new Properties(); String beastConfigPropertiesFile = null; if (args.length > 0) { beastConfigPropertiesFile = args[0]; beastConfigProperties.load(new FileInputStream( beastConfigPropertiesFile));"Properties file selected -> " + beastConfigPropertiesFile); } else { logger.severe("No properties file found. Set the path of properties file as argument."); throw new BeastException( "No properties file found. Set the path of properties file as argument."); } String loggerConfigPropertiesFile; if (args.length > 1) { Properties loggerConfigProperties = new Properties(); loggerConfigPropertiesFile = args[1]; try { FileInputStream loggerConfigFile = new FileInputStream( loggerConfigPropertiesFile); loggerConfigProperties.load(loggerConfigFile); LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration(loggerConfigFile);"Logging properties configured successfully. Logger config file: " + loggerConfigPropertiesFile); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.warning("WARNING: Could not open configuration file"); logger.warning("WARNING: Logging not configured (console output only)"); } } else { loggerConfigPropertiesFile = null; } MASReader.generateJavaFiles( beastConfigProperties.getProperty("requirementsFolder"), "\"" + beastConfigProperties.getProperty("MASPlatform") + "\"", beastConfigProperties.getProperty("srcTestRootFolder"), beastConfigProperties.getProperty("storiesPackage"), beastConfigProperties.getProperty("caseManagerPackage"), loggerConfigPropertiesFile, beastConfigProperties.getProperty("specificationPhase")); }
private synchronized Constructor getIndirectionHandlerConstructor() { if(_indirectionHandlerConstructor == null) { Class[] paramType = {PBKey.class, Identity.class}; try { _indirectionHandlerConstructor = getIndirectionHandlerClass().getConstructor(paramType); } catch(NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new MetadataException("The class " + _indirectionHandlerClass.getName() + " specified for IndirectionHandlerClass" + " is required to have a public constructor with signature (" + PBKey.class.getName() + ", " + Identity.class.getName() + ")."); } } return _indirectionHandlerConstructor; }
public void setIndirectionHandlerClass(Class indirectionHandlerClass) { if(indirectionHandlerClass == null) { //throw new MetadataException("No IndirectionHandlerClass specified."); /** * andrew.clute * Allow the default IndirectionHandler for the given ProxyFactory implementation * when the parameter is not given */ indirectionHandlerClass = getDefaultIndirectionHandlerClass(); } if(indirectionHandlerClass.isInterface() || Modifier.isAbstract(indirectionHandlerClass.getModifiers()) || !getIndirectionHandlerBaseClass().isAssignableFrom(indirectionHandlerClass)) { throw new MetadataException("Illegal class " + indirectionHandlerClass.getName() + " specified for IndirectionHandlerClass. Must be a concrete subclass of " + getIndirectionHandlerBaseClass().getName()); } _indirectionHandlerClass = indirectionHandlerClass; }
public IndirectionHandler createIndirectionHandler(PBKey brokerKey, Identity id) { Object args[] = {brokerKey, id}; try { return (IndirectionHandler) getIndirectionHandlerConstructor().newInstance(args); } catch(InvocationTargetException ex) { throw new PersistenceBrokerException("Exception while creating a new indirection handler instance", ex); } catch(InstantiationException ex) { throw new PersistenceBrokerException("Exception while creating a new indirection handler instance", ex); } catch(IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new PersistenceBrokerException("Exception while creating a new indirection handler instance", ex); } }
private static Constructor retrieveCollectionProxyConstructor(Class proxyClass, Class baseType, String typeDesc) { if(proxyClass == null) { throw new MetadataException("No " + typeDesc + " specified."); } if(proxyClass.isInterface() || Modifier.isAbstract(proxyClass.getModifiers()) || !baseType.isAssignableFrom(proxyClass)) { throw new MetadataException("Illegal class " + proxyClass.getName() + " specified for " + typeDesc + ". Must be a concrete subclass of " + baseType.getName()); } Class[] paramType = {PBKey.class, Class.class, Query.class}; try { return proxyClass.getConstructor(paramType); } catch(NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new MetadataException("The class " + proxyClass.getName() + " specified for " + typeDesc + " is required to have a public constructor with signature (" + PBKey.class.getName() + ", " + Class.class.getName() + ", " + Query.class.getName() + ")."); } }
public ManageableCollection createCollectionProxy(PBKey brokerKey, Query query, Class collectionClass) { Object args[] = {brokerKey, collectionClass, query}; try { return (ManageableCollection) getCollectionProxyConstructor(collectionClass).newInstance(args); } catch(InstantiationException ex) { throw new PersistenceBrokerException("Exception while creating a new collection proxy instance", ex); } catch(InvocationTargetException ex) { throw new PersistenceBrokerException("Exception while creating a new collection proxy instance", ex); } catch(IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new PersistenceBrokerException("Exception while creating a new collection proxy instance", ex); } }
public final Object getRealObject(Object objectOrProxy) { if(isNormalOjbProxy(objectOrProxy)) { String msg; try { return getIndirectionHandler(objectOrProxy).getRealSubject(); } catch(ClassCastException e) { // shouldn't happen but still ... msg = "The InvocationHandler for the provided Proxy was not an instance of " + IndirectionHandler.class.getName(); log.error(msg); throw new PersistenceBrokerException(msg, e); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { msg = "Could not retrieve real object for given Proxy: " + objectOrProxy; log.error(msg); throw new PersistenceBrokerException(msg, e); } catch(PersistenceBrokerException e) { log.error("Could not retrieve real object for given Proxy: " + objectOrProxy); throw e; } } else if(isVirtualOjbProxy(objectOrProxy)) { try { return ((VirtualProxy) objectOrProxy).getRealSubject(); } catch(PersistenceBrokerException e) { log.error("Could not retrieve real object for VirtualProxy: " + objectOrProxy); throw e; } } else { return objectOrProxy; } }
public Object getRealObjectIfMaterialized(Object objectOrProxy) { if(isNormalOjbProxy(objectOrProxy)) { String msg; try { IndirectionHandler handler = getIndirectionHandler(objectOrProxy); return handler.alreadyMaterialized() ? handler.getRealSubject() : null; } catch(ClassCastException e) { // shouldn't happen but still ... msg = "The InvocationHandler for the provided Proxy was not an instance of " + IndirectionHandler.class.getName(); log.error(msg); throw new PersistenceBrokerException(msg, e); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { msg = "Could not retrieve real object for given Proxy: " + objectOrProxy; log.error(msg); throw new PersistenceBrokerException(msg, e); } catch(PersistenceBrokerException e) { log.error("Could not retrieve real object for given Proxy: " + objectOrProxy); throw e; } } else if(isVirtualOjbProxy(objectOrProxy)) { try { VirtualProxy proxy = (VirtualProxy) objectOrProxy; return proxy.alreadyMaterialized() ? proxy.getRealSubject() : null; } catch(PersistenceBrokerException e) { log.error("Could not retrieve real object for VirtualProxy: " + objectOrProxy); throw e; } } else { return objectOrProxy; } }
public Class getRealClass(Object objectOrProxy) { IndirectionHandler handler; if(isNormalOjbProxy(objectOrProxy)) { String msg; try { handler = getIndirectionHandler(objectOrProxy); /* arminw: think we should return the real class */ // return handler.getIdentity().getObjectsTopLevelClass(); return handler.getIdentity().getObjectsRealClass(); } catch(ClassCastException e) { // shouldn't happen but still ... msg = "The InvocationHandler for the provided Proxy was not an instance of " + IndirectionHandler.class.getName(); log.error(msg); throw new PersistenceBrokerException(msg, e); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { msg = "Could not retrieve real object for given Proxy: " + objectOrProxy; log.error(msg); throw new PersistenceBrokerException(msg, e); } } else if(isVirtualOjbProxy(objectOrProxy)) { handler = VirtualProxy.getIndirectionHandler((VirtualProxy) objectOrProxy); /* arminw: think we should return the real class */ // return handler.getIdentity().getObjectsTopLevelClass(); return handler.getIdentity().getObjectsRealClass(); } else { return objectOrProxy.getClass(); } }
public IndirectionHandler getIndirectionHandler(Object obj) { if(obj == null) { return null; } else if(isNormalOjbProxy(obj)) { return getDynamicIndirectionHandler(obj); } else if(isVirtualOjbProxy(obj)) { return VirtualProxy.getIndirectionHandler((VirtualProxy) obj); } else { return null; } }
public boolean isMaterialized(Object object) { IndirectionHandler handler = getIndirectionHandler(object); return handler == null || handler.alreadyMaterialized(); }
public DbOrganization getOrganization(final String organizationId) { final DbOrganization dbOrganization = repositoryHandler.getOrganization(organizationId); if(dbOrganization == null){ throw new WebApplicationException(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND) .entity("Organization " + organizationId + " does not exist.").build()); } return dbOrganization; }
public void deleteOrganization(final String organizationId) { final DbOrganization dbOrganization = getOrganization(organizationId); repositoryHandler.deleteOrganization(dbOrganization.getName()); repositoryHandler.removeModulesOrganization(dbOrganization); }
public List<String> getCorporateGroupIds(final String organizationId) { final DbOrganization dbOrganization = getOrganization(organizationId); return dbOrganization.getCorporateGroupIdPrefixes(); }
public void addCorporateGroupId(final String organizationId, final String corporateGroupId) { final DbOrganization dbOrganization = getOrganization(organizationId); if(!dbOrganization.getCorporateGroupIdPrefixes().contains(corporateGroupId)){ dbOrganization.getCorporateGroupIdPrefixes().add(corporateGroupId);; } repositoryHandler.addModulesOrganization(corporateGroupId, dbOrganization); }
public void removeCorporateGroupId(final String organizationId, final String corporateGroupId) { final DbOrganization dbOrganization = getOrganization(organizationId); if(dbOrganization.getCorporateGroupIdPrefixes().contains(corporateGroupId)){ dbOrganization.getCorporateGroupIdPrefixes().remove(corporateGroupId);; } repositoryHandler.removeModulesOrganization(corporateGroupId, dbOrganization); }
public DbOrganization getMatchingOrganization(final DbModule dbModule) { if(dbModule.getOrganization() != null && !dbModule.getOrganization().isEmpty()){ return getOrganization(dbModule.getOrganization()); } for(final DbOrganization organization: repositoryHandler.getAllOrganizations()){ final CorporateFilter corporateFilter = new CorporateFilter(organization); if(corporateFilter.matches(dbModule)){ return organization; } } return null; }
public void executeDelete(ClassDescriptor cld, Object obj) throws PersistenceBrokerException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("executeDelete: " + obj); } final StatementManagerIF sm = broker.serviceStatementManager(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = sm.getDeleteStatement(cld); if (stmt == null) { logger.error("getDeleteStatement returned a null statement"); throw new PersistenceBrokerException("JdbcAccessImpl: getDeleteStatement returned a null statement"); } sm.bindDelete(stmt, cld, obj); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("executeDelete: " + stmt); // @todo: clearify semantics // thma: the following check is not secure. The object could be deleted *or* changed. // if it was deleted it makes no sense to throw an OL exception. // does is make sense to throw an OL exception if the object was changed? if (stmt.executeUpdate() == 0 && cld.isLocking()) //BRJ { /** * Kuali Foundation modification -- 6/19/2009 */ String objToString = ""; try { objToString = obj.toString(); } catch (Exception ex) {} throw new OptimisticLockException("Object has been modified or deleted by someone else: " + objToString, obj); /** * End of Kuali Foundation modification */ } // Harvest any return values. harvestReturnValues(cld.getDeleteProcedure(), obj, stmt); } catch (OptimisticLockException e) { // Don't log as error if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("OptimisticLockException during the execution of delete: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } catch (PersistenceBrokerException e) { logger.error("PersistenceBrokerException during the execution of delete: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } catch (SQLException e) { final String sql = broker.serviceSqlGenerator().getPreparedDeleteStatement(cld).getStatement(); throw ExceptionHelper.generateException(e, sql, cld, logger, obj); } finally { sm.closeResources(stmt, null); } }
public void executeInsert(ClassDescriptor cld, Object obj) throws PersistenceBrokerException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("executeInsert: " + obj); } final StatementManagerIF sm = broker.serviceStatementManager(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = sm.getInsertStatement(cld); if (stmt == null) { logger.error("getInsertStatement returned a null statement"); throw new PersistenceBrokerException("getInsertStatement returned a null statement"); } // before bind values perform autoincrement sequence columns assignAutoincrementSequences(cld, obj); sm.bindInsert(stmt, cld, obj); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("executeInsert: " + stmt); stmt.executeUpdate(); // after insert read and assign identity columns assignAutoincrementIdentityColumns(cld, obj); // Harvest any return values. harvestReturnValues(cld.getInsertProcedure(), obj, stmt); } catch (PersistenceBrokerException e) { logger.error("PersistenceBrokerException during the execution of the insert: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } catch(SequenceManagerException e) { throw new PersistenceBrokerException("Error while try to assign identity value", e); } catch (SQLException e) { final String sql = broker.serviceSqlGenerator().getPreparedInsertStatement(cld).getStatement(); throw ExceptionHelper.generateException(e, sql, cld, logger, obj); } finally { sm.closeResources(stmt, null); } }
public ResultSetAndStatement executeQuery(Query query, ClassDescriptor cld) throws PersistenceBrokerException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("executeQuery: " + query); } /* * MBAIRD: we should create a scrollable resultset if the start at * index or end at index is set */ boolean scrollable = ((query.getStartAtIndex() > Query.NO_START_AT_INDEX) || (query.getEndAtIndex() > Query.NO_END_AT_INDEX)); /* * OR if the prefetching of relationships is being used. */ if (query != null && query.getPrefetchedRelationships() != null && !query.getPrefetchedRelationships().isEmpty()) { scrollable = true; } final StatementManagerIF sm = broker.serviceStatementManager(); final SelectStatement sql = broker.serviceSqlGenerator().getPreparedSelectStatement(query, cld); PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { final int queryFetchSize = query.getFetchSize(); final boolean isStoredProcedure = isStoredProcedure(sql.getStatement()); stmt = sm.getPreparedStatement(cld, sql.getStatement() , scrollable, queryFetchSize, isStoredProcedure); if (isStoredProcedure) { // Query implemented as a stored procedure, which must return a result set. // Query sytax is: { ?= call PROCEDURE_NAME(?,...,?)} getPlatform().registerOutResultSet((CallableStatement) stmt, 1); sm.bindStatement(stmt, query, cld, 2); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("executeQuery: " + stmt); stmt.execute(); rs = (ResultSet) ((CallableStatement) stmt).getObject(1); } else { sm.bindStatement(stmt, query, cld, 1); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("executeQuery: " + stmt); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); } return new ResultSetAndStatement(sm, stmt, rs, sql); } catch (PersistenceBrokerException e) { // release resources on exception sm.closeResources(stmt, rs); logger.error("PersistenceBrokerException during the execution of the query: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } catch (SQLException e) { // release resources on exception sm.closeResources(stmt, rs); throw ExceptionHelper.generateException(e, sql.getStatement(), null, logger, null); } }
public ResultSetAndStatement executeSQL( final String sql, ClassDescriptor cld, ValueContainer[] values, boolean scrollable) throws PersistenceBrokerException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("executeSQL: " + sql); final boolean isStoredprocedure = isStoredProcedure(sql); final StatementManagerIF sm = broker.serviceStatementManager(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { stmt = sm.getPreparedStatement(cld, sql, scrollable, StatementManagerIF.FETCH_SIZE_NOT_EXPLICITLY_SET, isStoredprocedure); if (isStoredprocedure) { // Query implemented as a stored procedure, which must return a result set. // Query sytax is: { ?= call PROCEDURE_NAME(?,...,?)} getPlatform().registerOutResultSet((CallableStatement) stmt, 1); sm.bindValues(stmt, values, 2); stmt.execute(); rs = (ResultSet) ((CallableStatement) stmt).getObject(1); } else { sm.bindValues(stmt, values, 1); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); } // as we return the resultset for further operations, we cannot release the statement yet. // that has to be done by the JdbcAccess-clients (i.e. RsIterator, ProxyRsIterator and PkEnumeration.) return new ResultSetAndStatement(sm, stmt, rs, new SelectStatement() { public Query getQueryInstance() { return null; } public int getColumnIndex(FieldDescriptor fld) { return JdbcType.MIN_INT; } public String getStatement() { return sql; } }); } catch (PersistenceBrokerException e) { // release resources on exception sm.closeResources(stmt, rs); logger.error("PersistenceBrokerException during the execution of the SQL query: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } catch (SQLException e) { // release resources on exception sm.closeResources(stmt, rs); throw ExceptionHelper.generateException(e, sql, cld, values, logger, null); } }
public int executeUpdateSQL( String sqlStatement, ClassDescriptor cld, ValueContainer[] values1, ValueContainer[] values2) throws PersistenceBrokerException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("executeUpdateSQL: " + sqlStatement); int result; int index; PreparedStatement stmt = null; final StatementManagerIF sm = broker.serviceStatementManager(); try { stmt = sm.getPreparedStatement(cld, sqlStatement, Query.NOT_SCROLLABLE, StatementManagerIF.FETCH_SIZE_NOT_APPLICABLE, isStoredProcedure(sqlStatement)); index = sm.bindValues(stmt, values1, 1); sm.bindValues(stmt, values2, index); result = stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (PersistenceBrokerException e) { logger.error("PersistenceBrokerException during the execution of the Update SQL query: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } catch (SQLException e) { ValueContainer[] tmp = addValues(values1, values2); throw ExceptionHelper.generateException(e, sqlStatement, cld, tmp, logger, null); } finally { sm.closeResources(stmt, null); } return result; }
public void executeUpdate(ClassDescriptor cld, Object obj) throws PersistenceBrokerException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("executeUpdate: " + obj); } // obj with nothing but key fields is not updated if (cld.getNonPkRwFields().length == 0) { return; } final StatementManagerIF sm = broker.serviceStatementManager(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; // BRJ: preserve current locking values // locking values will be restored in case of exception ValueContainer[] oldLockingValues; oldLockingValues = cld.getCurrentLockingValues(obj); try { stmt = sm.getUpdateStatement(cld); if (stmt == null) { logger.error("getUpdateStatement returned a null statement"); throw new PersistenceBrokerException("getUpdateStatement returned a null statement"); } sm.bindUpdate(stmt, cld, obj); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("executeUpdate: " + stmt); if ((stmt.executeUpdate() == 0) && cld.isLocking()) //BRJ { /** * Kuali Foundation modification -- 6/19/2009 */ String objToString = ""; try { objToString = obj.toString(); } catch (Exception ex) {} throw new OptimisticLockException("Object has been modified by someone else: " + objToString, obj); /** * End of Kuali Foundation modification */ } // Harvest any return values. harvestReturnValues(cld.getUpdateProcedure(), obj, stmt); } catch (OptimisticLockException e) { // Don't log as error if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug( "OptimisticLockException during the execution of update: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } catch (PersistenceBrokerException e) { // BRJ: restore old locking values setLockingValues(cld, obj, oldLockingValues); logger.error( "PersistenceBrokerException during the execution of the update: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } catch (SQLException e) { final String sql = broker.serviceSqlGenerator().getPreparedUpdateStatement(cld).getStatement(); throw ExceptionHelper.generateException(e, sql, cld, logger, obj); } finally { sm.closeResources(stmt, null); } }
public Object materializeObject(ClassDescriptor cld, Identity oid) throws PersistenceBrokerException { final StatementManagerIF sm = broker.serviceStatementManager(); final SelectStatement sql = broker.serviceSqlGenerator().getPreparedSelectByPkStatement(cld); Object result = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { stmt = sm.getSelectByPKStatement(cld); if (stmt == null) { logger.error("getSelectByPKStatement returned a null statement"); throw new PersistenceBrokerException("getSelectByPKStatement returned a null statement"); } /* arminw: currently a select by PK could never be a stored procedure, thus we can always set 'false'. Is this correct?? */ sm.bindSelect(stmt, oid, cld, false); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); // data available read object, else return null ResultSetAndStatement rs_stmt = new ResultSetAndStatement(broker.serviceStatementManager(), stmt, rs, sql); if ( { Map row = new HashMap(); cld.getRowReader().readObjectArrayFrom(rs_stmt, row); result = cld.getRowReader().readObjectFrom(row); } // close resources rs_stmt.close(); } catch (PersistenceBrokerException e) { // release resources on exception sm.closeResources(stmt, rs); logger.error("PersistenceBrokerException during the execution of materializeObject: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } catch (SQLException e) { // release resources on exception sm.closeResources(stmt, rs); throw ExceptionHelper.generateException(e, sql.getStatement(), cld, logger, null); } return result; }
private void setLockingValues(ClassDescriptor cld, Object obj, ValueContainer[] oldLockingValues) { FieldDescriptor fields[] = cld.getLockingFields(); for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) { PersistentField field = fields[i].getPersistentField(); Object lockVal = oldLockingValues[i].getValue(); field.set(obj, lockVal); } }
private void harvestReturnValues( ProcedureDescriptor proc, Object obj, PreparedStatement stmt) throws PersistenceBrokerSQLException { // If the procedure descriptor is null or has no return values or // if the statement is not a callable statment, then we're done. if ((proc == null) || (!proc.hasReturnValues())) { return; } // Set up the callable statement CallableStatement callable = (CallableStatement) stmt; // This is the index that we'll use to harvest the return value(s). int index = 0; // If the proc has a return value, then try to harvest it. if (proc.hasReturnValue()) { // Increment the index index++; // Harvest the value. this.harvestReturnValue(obj, callable, proc.getReturnValueFieldRef(), index); } // Check each argument. If it's returned by the procedure, // then harvest the value. Iterator iter = proc.getArguments().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { index++; ArgumentDescriptor arg = (ArgumentDescriptor); if (arg.getIsReturnedByProcedure()) { this.harvestReturnValue(obj, callable, arg.getFieldRef(), index); } } }
private void harvestReturnValue( Object obj, CallableStatement callable, FieldDescriptor fmd, int index) throws PersistenceBrokerSQLException { try { // If we have a field descriptor, then we can harvest // the return value. if ((callable != null) && (fmd != null) && (obj != null)) { // Get the value and convert it to it's appropriate // java type. Object value = fmd.getJdbcType().getObjectFromColumn(callable, index); // Set the value of the persistent field. fmd.getPersistentField().set(obj, fmd.getFieldConversion().sqlToJava(value)); } } catch (SQLException e) { String msg = "SQLException during the execution of harvestReturnValue" + " class=" + obj.getClass().getName() + "," + " field=" + fmd.getAttributeName() + " : " + e.getMessage(); logger.error(msg,e); throw new PersistenceBrokerSQLException(msg, e); } }
protected boolean isStoredProcedure(String sql) { /* Stored procedures start with {?= call <procedure-name>[<arg1>,<arg2>, ...]} or {call <procedure-name>[<arg1>,<arg2>, ...]} but also statements with white space like { ?= call <procedure-name>[<arg1>,<arg2>, ...]} are possible. */ int k = 0, i = 0; char c; while(k < 3 && i < sql.length()) { c = sql.charAt(i); if(c != ' ') { switch (k) { case 0: if(c != '{') return false; break; case 1: if(c != '?' && c != 'c') return false; break; case 2: if(c != '=' && c != 'a') return false; break; } k++; } i++; } return true; }
public String get() { synchronized (LOCK) { if (!initialised) { // generate the random number Random rnd = new Random(); // @todo need a different seed, this is now time based and I // would prefer something different, like an object address // get the random number, instead of getting an integer and converting that to base64 later, // we get a string and narrow that down to base64, use the top 6 bits of the characters // as they are more random than the bottom ones... rnd.nextBytes(value); // get some random characters value[3] = BASE64[((value[3] >> 2) & BITS_6)]; // NOSONAR value[4] = BASE64[((value[4] >> 2) & BITS_6)]; // NOSONAR value[5] = BASE64[((value[5] >> 2) & BITS_6)]; // NOSONAR value[6] = BASE64[((value[6] >> 2) & BITS_6)]; // NOSONAR value[7] = BASE64[((value[7] >> 2) & BITS_6)]; // NOSONAR // complete the time part in the HIGH value of the token // this also sets the initial low value completeToken(rnd); initialised = true; } // fill in LOW value in id int l = low; value[0] = BASE64[(l & BITS_6)]; l >>= SHIFT_6; value[1] = BASE64[(l & BITS_6)]; l >>= SHIFT_6; value[2] = BASE64[(l & BITS_6)]; String res = new String(value); // increment LOW low++; if (low == LOW_MAX) { low = 0; } if (low == lowLast) { time = System.currentTimeMillis(); completeToken(); } return res; } }
public boolean removeReader(Object key, Object resourceId) { boolean result = false; ObjectLocks objectLocks = null; synchronized(locktable) { objectLocks = (ObjectLocks) locktable.get(resourceId); if(objectLocks != null) { /** * MBAIRD, last one out, close the door and turn off the lights. * if no locks (readers or writers) exist for this object, let's remove * it from the locktable. */ Map readers = objectLocks.getReaders(); result = readers.remove(key) != null; if((objectLocks.getWriter() == null) && (readers.size() == 0)) { locktable.remove(resourceId); } } } return result; }
public boolean removeWriter(Object key, Object resourceId) { boolean result = false; ObjectLocks objectLocks = null; synchronized(locktable) { objectLocks = (ObjectLocks) locktable.get(resourceId); if(objectLocks != null) { /** * MBAIRD, last one out, close the door and turn off the lights. * if no locks (readers or writers) exist for this object, let's remove * it from the locktable. */ LockEntry entry = objectLocks.getWriter(); if(entry != null && entry.isOwnedBy(key)) { objectLocks.setWriter(null); result = true; // no need to check if writer is null, we just set it. if(objectLocks.getReaders().size() == 0) { locktable.remove(resourceId); } } } } return result; }
private List<StyleFilter> initStyleFilters(List<FeatureStyleInfo> styleDefinitions) throws GeomajasException { List<StyleFilter> styleFilters = new ArrayList<StyleFilter>(); if (styleDefinitions == null || styleDefinitions.size() == 0) { styleFilters.add(new StyleFilterImpl()); // use default. } else { for (FeatureStyleInfo styleDef : styleDefinitions) { StyleFilterImpl styleFilterImpl = null; String formula = styleDef.getFormula(); if (null != formula && formula.length() > 0) { styleFilterImpl = new StyleFilterImpl(filterService.parseFilter(formula), styleDef); } else { styleFilterImpl = new StyleFilterImpl(Filter.INCLUDE, styleDef); } styleFilters.add(styleFilterImpl); } } return styleFilters; }
public static List<Artifact> getAllArtifacts(final Module module){ final List<Artifact> artifacts = new ArrayList<Artifact>(); for(final Module subModule: module.getSubmodules()){ artifacts.addAll(getAllArtifacts(subModule)); } artifacts.addAll(module.getArtifacts()); return artifacts; }
public static List<Dependency> getAllDependencies(final Module module) { final Set<Dependency> dependencies = new HashSet<Dependency>(); final List<String> producedArtifacts = new ArrayList<String>(); for(final Artifact artifact: getAllArtifacts(module)){ producedArtifacts.add(artifact.getGavc()); } dependencies.addAll(getAllDependencies(module, producedArtifacts)); return new ArrayList<Dependency>(dependencies); }
public static Set<Dependency> getAllDependencies(final Module module, final List<String> producedArtifacts) { final Set<Dependency> dependencies = new HashSet<Dependency>(); for(final Dependency dependency: module.getDependencies()){ if(!producedArtifacts.contains(dependency.getTarget().getGavc())){ dependencies.add(dependency); } } for(final Module subModule: module.getSubmodules()){ dependencies.addAll(getAllDependencies(subModule, producedArtifacts)); } return dependencies; }
public static List<Dependency> getCorporateDependencies(final Module module, final List<String> corporateFilters) { final List<Dependency> corporateDependencies = new ArrayList<Dependency>(); final Pattern corporatePattern = generateCorporatePattern(corporateFilters); for(final Dependency dependency: getAllDependencies(module)){ if(dependency.getTarget().getGavc().matches(corporatePattern.pattern())){ corporateDependencies.add(dependency); } } return corporateDependencies; }
protected boolean _load () { java.sql.ResultSet rs = null; try { // This synchronization is necessary for Oracle JDBC drivers 8.1.7, 9.0.1, // The documentation says synchronization is done within the driver, but they // must have overlooked something. Without the lock we'd get mysterious error // messages. synchronized(getDbMeta()) { getDbMetaTreeModel().setStatusBarMessage("Reading columns for table " + getSchema().getCatalog().getCatalogName() + "." + getSchema().getSchemaName() + "." + getTableName()); rs = getDbMeta().getColumns(getSchema().getCatalog().getCatalogName(), getSchema().getSchemaName(), getTableName(), "%"); final java.util.ArrayList alNew = new java.util.ArrayList(); while ( { alNew.add(new DBMetaColumnNode(getDbMeta(), getDbMetaTreeModel(), DBMetaTableNode.this, rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"))); } alChildren = alNew; javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { getDbMetaTreeModel().nodeStructureChanged(DBMetaTableNode.this); } }); rs.close(); } } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlEx) { this.getDbMetaTreeModel().reportSqlError("Error retrieving columns", sqlEx); try { if (rs != null) rs.close (); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqlEx2) { this.getDbMetaTreeModel().reportSqlError("Error retrieving columns", sqlEx2); } return false; } return true; }
private void configureCaching(HttpServletResponse response, int seconds) { // HTTP 1.0 header response.setDateHeader(HTTP_EXPIRES_HEADER, System.currentTimeMillis() + seconds * 1000L); if (seconds > 0) { // HTTP 1.1 header response.setHeader(HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL_HEADER, "max-age=" + seconds); } else { // HTTP 1.1 header response.setHeader(HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL_HEADER, "no-cache"); } }
public int compare(Object objA, Object objB) { String idAStr = ((FieldDescriptorDef)_fields.get(objA)).getProperty("id"); String idBStr = ((FieldDescriptorDef)_fields.get(objB)).getProperty("id"); int idA; int idB; try { idA = Integer.parseInt(idAStr); } catch (Exception ex) { return 1; } try { idB = Integer.parseInt(idBStr); } catch (Exception ex) { return -1; } return idA < idB ? -1 : (idA > idB ? 1 : 0); }
public boolean hasMoreElements() { try { if (!hasCalledCheck) { hasCalledCheck = true; hasNext =; } } catch (SQLException e) { LoggerFactory.getDefaultLogger().error(e); //releaseDbResources(); hasNext = false; } finally { if(!hasNext) { releaseDbResources(); } } return hasNext; }
@RequestMapping(value = "/legendgraphic", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView getGraphic(@RequestParam("layerId") String layerId, @RequestParam(value = "styleName", required = false) String styleName, @RequestParam(value = "ruleIndex", required = false) Integer ruleIndex, @RequestParam(value = "format", required = false) String format, @RequestParam(value = "width", required = false) Integer width, @RequestParam(value = "height", required = false) Integer height, @RequestParam(value = "scale", required = false) Double scale, @RequestParam(value = "allRules", required = false) Boolean allRules, HttpServletRequest request) throws GeomajasException { if (!allRules) { return getGraphic(layerId, styleName, ruleIndex, format, width, height, scale); } else { return getGraphics(layerId, styleName, format, width, height, scale); } }
public boolean checkRead(TransactionImpl tx, Object obj) { if (hasReadLock(tx, obj)) { return true; } LockEntry writer = getWriter(obj); if (writer.isOwnedBy(tx)) { return true; } return false; }
public boolean checkWrite(TransactionImpl tx, Object obj) { LockEntry writer = getWriter(obj); if (writer == null) return false; else if (writer.isOwnedBy(tx)) return true; else return false; }
private Class getDynamicProxyClass(Class baseClass) { Class[] m_dynamicProxyClassInterfaces; if (foundInterfaces.containsKey(baseClass)) { m_dynamicProxyClassInterfaces = (Class[])foundInterfaces.get(baseClass); } else { m_dynamicProxyClassInterfaces = getInterfaces(baseClass); foundInterfaces.put(baseClass, m_dynamicProxyClassInterfaces); } // return dynymic Proxy Class implementing all interfaces Class proxyClazz = Proxy.getProxyClass(baseClass.getClassLoader(), m_dynamicProxyClassInterfaces); return proxyClazz; }
private Class[] getInterfaces(Class clazz) { Class superClazz = clazz; Class[] interfaces = clazz.getInterfaces(); // clazz can be an interface itself and when getInterfaces() // is called on an interface it returns only the extending // interfaces, not the interface itself. if (clazz.isInterface()) { Class[] tempInterfaces = new Class[interfaces.length + 1]; tempInterfaces[0] = clazz; System.arraycopy(interfaces, 0, tempInterfaces, 1, interfaces.length); interfaces = tempInterfaces; } // add all interfaces implemented by superclasses to the interfaces array while ((superClazz = superClazz.getSuperclass()) != null) { Class[] superInterfaces = superClazz.getInterfaces(); Class[] combInterfaces = new Class[interfaces.length + superInterfaces.length]; System.arraycopy(interfaces, 0, combInterfaces, 0, interfaces.length); System.arraycopy(superInterfaces, 0, combInterfaces, interfaces.length, superInterfaces.length); interfaces = combInterfaces; } /** * Must remove duplicate interfaces before calling Proxy.getProxyClass(). * Duplicates can occur if a subclass re-declares that it implements * the same interface as one of its ancestor classes. **/ HashMap unique = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) { unique.put(interfaces[i].getName(), interfaces[i]); } /* Add the OJBProxy interface as well */ unique.put(OJBProxy.class.getName(), OJBProxy.class); interfaces = (Class[])unique.values().toArray(new Class[unique.size()]); return interfaces; }
public Object getRealKey() { if(keyRealSubject != null) { return keyRealSubject; } else { TransactionExt tx = getTransaction(); if((tx != null) && tx.isOpen()) { prepareKeyRealSubject(tx.getBroker()); } else { if(getPBKey() != null) { PBCapsule capsule = new PBCapsule(getPBKey(), null); try { prepareKeyRealSubject(capsule.getBroker()); } finally { capsule.destroy(); } } else { getLog().warn("No tx, no PBKey - can't materialise key with Identity " + getKeyOid()); } } } return keyRealSubject; }
public Object getRealValue() { if(valueRealSubject != null) { return valueRealSubject; } else { TransactionExt tx = getTransaction(); if((tx != null) && tx.isOpen()) { prepareValueRealSubject(tx.getBroker()); } else { if(getPBKey() != null) { PBCapsule capsule = new PBCapsule(getPBKey(), null); try { prepareValueRealSubject(capsule.getBroker()); } finally { capsule.destroy(); } } else { getLog().warn("No tx, no PBKey - can't materialise value with Identity " + getKeyOid()); } } } return valueRealSubject; }
private Object readMetadataFromXML(InputSource source, Class target) throws MalformedURLException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException { // TODO: make this configurable boolean validate = false; // get a xml reader instance: SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();"RepositoryPersistor using SAXParserFactory : " + factory.getClass().getName()); if (validate) { factory.setValidating(true); } SAXParser p = factory.newSAXParser(); XMLReader reader = p.getXMLReader(); if (validate) { reader.setErrorHandler(new OJBErrorHandler()); } Object result; if (DescriptorRepository.class.equals(target)) { // create an empty repository: DescriptorRepository repository = new DescriptorRepository(); // create handler for building the repository structure ContentHandler handler = new RepositoryXmlHandler(repository); // tell parser to use our handler: reader.setContentHandler(handler); reader.parse(source); result = repository; } else if (ConnectionRepository.class.equals(target)) { // create an empty repository: ConnectionRepository repository = new ConnectionRepository(); // create handler for building the repository structure ContentHandler handler = new ConnectionDescriptorXmlHandler(repository); // tell parser to use our handler: reader.setContentHandler(handler); reader.parse(source); //LoggerFactory.getBootLogger().info("loading XML took " + (stop - start) + " msecs"); result = repository; } else throw new MetadataException("Could not build a repository instance for '" + target + "', using source " + source); return result; }
public Criteria copy(boolean includeGroupBy, boolean includeOrderBy, boolean includePrefetchedRelationships) { Criteria copy = new Criteria(); copy.m_criteria = new Vector(this.m_criteria); copy.m_negative = this.m_negative; if (includeGroupBy) { copy.groupby = this.groupby; } if (includeOrderBy) { copy.orderby = this.orderby; } if (includePrefetchedRelationships) { copy.prefetchedRelationships = this.prefetchedRelationships; } return copy; }
protected List splitInCriteria(Object attribute, Collection values, boolean negative, int inLimit) { List result = new ArrayList(); Collection inCollection = new ArrayList(); if (values == null || values.isEmpty()) { // OQL creates empty Criteria for late binding result.add(buildInCriteria(attribute, negative, values)); } else { Iterator iter = values.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { inCollection.add(; if (inCollection.size() == inLimit || !iter.hasNext()) { result.add(buildInCriteria(attribute, negative, inCollection)); inCollection = new ArrayList(); } } } return result; }
List getOrderby() { List result = _getOrderby(); Iterator iter = getCriteria().iterator(); Object crit; while (iter.hasNext()) { crit =; if (crit instanceof Criteria) { result.addAll(((Criteria) crit).getOrderby()); } } return result; }
public void addColumnIsNull(String column) { // PAW //SelectionCriteria c = ValueCriteria.buildNullCriteria(column, getAlias()); SelectionCriteria c = ValueCriteria.buildNullCriteria(column, getUserAlias(column)); c.setTranslateAttribute(false); addSelectionCriteria(c); }
public void addColumnNotNull(String column) { // PAW // SelectionCriteria c = ValueCriteria.buildNotNullCriteria(column, getAlias()); SelectionCriteria c = ValueCriteria.buildNotNullCriteria(column, getUserAlias(column)); c.setTranslateAttribute(false); addSelectionCriteria(c); }
public void addBetween(Object attribute, Object value1, Object value2) { // PAW // addSelectionCriteria(ValueCriteria.buildBeweenCriteria(attribute, value1, value2, getAlias())); addSelectionCriteria(ValueCriteria.buildBeweenCriteria(attribute, value1, value2, getUserAlias(attribute))); }