1 value
private int[] convertBatch(int[] batch) { int[] conv = new int[batch.length]; for (int i=0; i<batch.length; i++) { conv[i] = sample[batch[i]]; } return conv; }
public static boolean containsAtLeastOneNonBlank(List<String> list){ for(String str : list){ if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(str)){ return true; } } return false; }
public static List<Integer> toIntegerList(List<String> strList, boolean failOnException){ List<Integer> intList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(String str : strList){ try{ intList.add(Integer.parseInt(str)); } catch(NumberFormatException nfe){ if(failOnException){ return null; } else{ intList.add(null); } } } return intList; }
public static void add(double[] array1, double[] array2) { assert (array1.length == array2.length); for (int i=0; i<array1.length; i++) { array1[i] += array2[i]; } }
public static boolean containsOnlyNull(Object... values){ for(Object o : values){ if(o!= null){ return false; } } return true; }
public static boolean containsOnlyNotNull(Object... values){ for(Object o : values){ if(o== null){ return false; } } return true; }
@RequestMapping(value="/soy/compileJs", method=GET) public ResponseEntity<String> compile(@RequestParam(required = false, value="hash", defaultValue = "") final String hash, @RequestParam(required = true, value = "file") final String[] templateFileNames, @RequestParam(required = false, value = "locale") String locale, @RequestParam(required = false, value = "disableProcessors", defaultValue = "false") String disableProcessors, final HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { return compileJs(templateFileNames, hash, new Boolean(disableProcessors).booleanValue(), request, locale); }
public int[] sampleBatchWithReplacement() { // Sample the indices with replacement. int[] batch = new int[batchSize]; for (int i=0; i<batch.length; i++) { batch[i] = Prng.nextInt(numExamples); } return batch; }
public int[] sampleBatchWithoutReplacement() { int[] batch = new int[batchSize]; for (int i=0; i<batch.length; i++) { if (cur == indices.length) { cur = 0; } if (cur == 0) { IntArrays.shuffle(indices); } batch[i] = indices[cur++]; } return batch; }
public void adjustGlassSize() { if (isGlassEnabled()) { ResizeHandler handler = getGlassResizer(); if (handler != null) handler.onResize(null); } }
public static Bounds getSymmetricBounds(int dim, double l, double u) { double [] L = new double[dim]; double [] U = new double[dim]; for(int i=0; i<dim; i++) { L[i] = l; U[i] = u; } return new Bounds(L, U); }
public static Optional<Tag> parse(final String httpTag) { Tag result = null; boolean weak = false; String internal = httpTag; if (internal.startsWith("W/")) { weak = true; internal = internal.substring(2); } if (internal.startsWith("\"") && internal.endsWith("\"")) { result = new Tag( internal.substring(1, internal.length() - 1), weak); } else if (internal.equals("*")) { result = new Tag("*", weak); } return Optional.ofNullable(result); }
public String format() { if (getName().equals("*")) { return "*"; } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (isWeak()) { sb.append("W/"); } return sb.append('"').append(getName()).append('"').toString(); } }
public static PropertyResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName, Locale locale) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException{ InputStream is = UTF8PropertyResourceBundle.class.getResourceAsStream("/"+baseName + "_"+locale.toString()+PROPERTIES_EXT); if(is != null){ return new PropertyResourceBundle(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8")); } return null; }
@Override public boolean minimize(DifferentiableBatchFunction function, IntDoubleVector point) { return minimize(function, point, null); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T convertElement(ConversionContext context, Object source, TypeReference<T> destinationType) throws ConverterException { return (T) elementConverter.convert(context, source, destinationType); }
public Conditionals addIfMatch(Tag tag) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!modifiedSince.isPresent(), String.format(ERROR_MESSAGE, HeaderConstants.IF_MATCH, HeaderConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE)); Preconditions.checkArgument(noneMatch.isEmpty(), String.format(ERROR_MESSAGE, HeaderConstants.IF_MATCH, HeaderConstants.IF_NONE_MATCH)); List<Tag> match = new ArrayList<>(this.match); if (tag == null) { tag = Tag.ALL; } if (Tag.ALL.equals(tag)) { match.clear(); } if (!match.contains(Tag.ALL)) { if (!match.contains(tag)) { match.add(tag); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tag ALL already in the list"); } return new Conditionals(Collections.unmodifiableList(match), empty(), Optional.empty(), unModifiedSince); }
public Conditionals ifModifiedSince(LocalDateTime time) { Preconditions.checkArgument(match.isEmpty(), String.format(ERROR_MESSAGE, HeaderConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, HeaderConstants.IF_MATCH)); Preconditions.checkArgument(!unModifiedSince.isPresent(), String.format(ERROR_MESSAGE, HeaderConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, HeaderConstants.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE)); time = time.withNano(0); return new Conditionals(empty(), noneMatch, Optional.of(time), Optional.empty()); }
public Headers toHeaders() { Headers headers = new Headers(); if (!getMatch().isEmpty()) { headers = headers.add(new Header(HeaderConstants.IF_MATCH, buildTagHeaderValue(getMatch()))); } if (!getNoneMatch().isEmpty()) { headers = headers.add(new Header(HeaderConstants.IF_NONE_MATCH, buildTagHeaderValue(getNoneMatch()))); } if (modifiedSince.isPresent()) { headers = headers.set(HeaderUtils.toHttpDate(HeaderConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, modifiedSince.get())); } if (unModifiedSince.isPresent()) { headers = headers.set(HeaderUtils.toHttpDate(HeaderConstants.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, unModifiedSince.get())); } return headers; }
public Collection<QName> getPortComponentQNames() { //TODO:Check if there is just one QName that drives all portcomponents //or each port component can have a distinct QName (namespace/prefix) //Maintain uniqueness of the QName Map<String, QName> map = new HashMap<String, QName>(); for (PortComponentMetaData pcm : portComponents) { QName qname = pcm.getWsdlPort(); map.put(qname.getPrefix(), qname); } return map.values(); }
public PortComponentMetaData getPortComponentByWsdlPort(String name) { ArrayList<String> pcNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (PortComponentMetaData pc : portComponents) { String wsdlPortName = pc.getWsdlPort().getLocalPart(); if (wsdlPortName.equals(name)) return pc; pcNames.add(wsdlPortName); } Loggers.METADATA_LOGGER.cannotGetPortComponentName(name, pcNames); return null; }
public static final void setBounds(UIObject o, Rect bounds) { setPosition(o, bounds); setSize(o, bounds); }
public static final void setPosition(UIObject o, Rect pos) { Style style = o.getElement().getStyle(); style.setPropertyPx("left", pos.x); style.setPropertyPx("top", pos.y); }
public static final void setSize(UIObject o, Rect size) { o.setPixelSize(size.w, size.h); }
public static final boolean isInside(int x, int y, Rect box) { return (box.x < x && x < box.x + box.w && box.y < y && y < box.y + box.h); }
public static final boolean isMouseInside(NativeEvent event, Element element) { return isInside(event.getClientX() + Window.getScrollLeft(), event.getClientY() + Window.getScrollTop(), getBounds(element)); }
public static final Rect getViewportBounds() { return new Rect(Window.getScrollLeft(), Window.getScrollTop(), Window.getClientWidth(), Window.getClientHeight()); }
public static final Date utc2date(Long time) { // don't accept negative values if (time == null || time < 0) return null; // add the timezone offset time += timezoneOffsetMillis(new Date(time)); return new Date(time); }
public static final Long date2utc(Date date) { // use null for a null date if (date == null) return null; long time = date.getTime(); // remove the timezone offset time -= timezoneOffsetMillis(date); return time; }
public static FullTypeSignature getTypeSignature(String typeSignatureString, boolean useInternalFormFullyQualifiedName) { String key; if (!useInternalFormFullyQualifiedName) { key = typeSignatureString.replace('.', '/') .replace('$', '.'); } else { key = typeSignatureString; } // we always use the internal form as a key for cache FullTypeSignature typeSignature = typeSignatureCache .get(key); if (typeSignature == null) { ClassFileTypeSignatureParser typeSignatureParser = new ClassFileTypeSignatureParser( typeSignatureString); typeSignatureParser.setUseInternalFormFullyQualifiedName(useInternalFormFullyQualifiedName); typeSignature = typeSignatureParser.parseTypeSignature(); typeSignatureCache.put(typeSignatureString, typeSignature); } return typeSignature; }
public static FullTypeSignature getTypeSignature(Class<?> clazz, Class<?>[] typeArgs) { ClassTypeSignature rawClassTypeSignature = (ClassTypeSignature) javaTypeToTypeSignature .getTypeSignature(clazz); TypeArgSignature[] typeArgSignatures = new TypeArgSignature[typeArgs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < typeArgs.length; i++) { typeArgSignatures[i] = new TypeArgSignature( TypeArgSignature.NO_WILDCARD, (FieldTypeSignature) javaTypeToTypeSignature .getTypeSignature(typeArgs[i])); } ClassTypeSignature classTypeSignature = new ClassTypeSignature( rawClassTypeSignature.getBinaryName(), typeArgSignatures, rawClassTypeSignature.getOwnerTypeSignature()); return classTypeSignature; }
public static OptionalString ofNullable(ResourceKey key, String value) { return new GenericOptionalString(RUNTIME_SOURCE, key, value); }
public Archetype parse(String adl) { try { return parse(new StringReader(adl)); } catch (IOException e) { // StringReader should never throw an IOException throw new AssertionError(e); } }
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused"}) public static <T> T[] object2Array(final Class<T> clazz, final Object obj) { return (T[]) obj; }
public void pauseUpload() throws LocalOperationException { if (state == State.UPLOADING) { setState(State.PAUSED); executor.hardStop(); } else { throw new LocalOperationException("Attempt to pause upload while assembly is not uploading"); } }
protected AssemblyResponse watchStatus() throws LocalOperationException, RequestException { AssemblyResponse response; do { response = getClient().getAssemblyByUrl(url); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new LocalOperationException(e); } } while (!response.isFinished()); setState(State.FINISHED); return response; }
private long getTotalUploadSize() throws IOException { long size = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, File> entry : files.entrySet()) { size += entry.getValue().length(); } for (Map.Entry<String, InputStream> entry : fileStreams.entrySet()) { size += entry.getValue().available(); } return size; }
public static <T extends InterconnectObject> T fromJson(String data, Class<T> clazz) throws IOException { return InterconnectMapper.mapper.readValue(data, clazz); }
public Response save() throws RequestException, LocalOperationException { Map<String, Object> templateData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); templateData.put("name", name); options.put("steps", steps.toMap()); templateData.put("template", options); Request request = new Request(transloadit); return new Response("/templates", templateData)); }
public boolean matches(String resourcePath) { if (!valid) { return false; } if (resourcePath == null) { return acceptsContextPathEmpty; } if (contextPathRegex != null && !contextPathRegex.matcher(resourcePath).matches()) { return false; } if (contextPathBlacklistRegex != null && contextPathBlacklistRegex.matcher(resourcePath).matches()) { return false; } return true; }
private ClassLoaderInterface getClassLoader() { Map<String, Object> application = ActionContext.getContext().getApplication(); if (application != null) { return (ClassLoaderInterface) application.get(ClassLoaderInterface.CLASS_LOADER_INTERFACE); } return null; }
public @Nullable String build() { StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder(); for (NameValuePair param : params) { if (queryString.length() > 0) { queryString.append(PARAM_SEPARATOR); } queryString.append(Escape.urlEncode(param.getName())); queryString.append(VALUE_SEPARATOR); queryString.append(Escape.urlEncode(param.getValue())); } if (queryString.length() > 0) { return queryString.toString(); } else { return null; } }
public AssemblyResponse cancelAssembly(String url) throws RequestException, LocalOperationException { Request request = new Request(this); return new AssemblyResponse(request.delete(url, new HashMap<String, Object>())); }
public Response getTemplate(String id) throws RequestException, LocalOperationException { Request request = new Request(this); return new Response(request.get("/templates/" + id)); }
public Response updateTemplate(String id, Map<String, Object> options) throws RequestException, LocalOperationException { Request request = new Request(this); return new Response(request.put("/templates/" + id, options)); }
public Response deleteTemplate(String id) throws RequestException, LocalOperationException { Request request = new Request(this); return new Response(request.delete("/templates/" + id, new HashMap<String, Object>())); }
public ListResponse listTemplates(Map<String, Object> options) throws RequestException, LocalOperationException { Request request = new Request(this); return new ListResponse(request.get("/templates", options)); }
public Response getBill(int month, int year) throws RequestException, LocalOperationException { Request request = new Request(this); return new Response(request.get("/bill/" + year + String.format("-%02d", month))); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T convert(Object fromValue, Class<T> toType) throws TypeCastException { return convert(fromValue, toType, (String) null); }
public SignedJWT verifyToken(String jwtString) throws ParseException { try { SignedJWT jwt = SignedJWT.parse(jwtString); if (jwt.verify(new MACVerifier(this.jwtSharedSecret))) { return jwt; } return null; } catch (JOSEException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error verifying JSON Web Token", e); } }
public void bind(T service, Map<String, Object> props) { synchronized (serviceMap) { serviceMap.put(ServiceUtil.getComparableForServiceRanking(props), service); updateSortedServices(); } }
public void unbind(T service, Map<String, Object> props) { synchronized (serviceMap) { serviceMap.remove(ServiceUtil.getComparableForServiceRanking(props)); updateSortedServices(); } }
private void updateSortedServices() { List<T> copiedList = new ArrayList<T>(serviceMap.values()); sortedServices = Collections.unmodifiableList(copiedList); if (changeListener != null) { changeListener.changed(); } }
public static <T> JacksonParser<T> json(Class<T> contentType) { return new JacksonParser<>(null, contentType); }
public void addStep(String name, String robot, Map<String, Object> options) { all.put(name, new Step(name, robot, options)); }
protected boolean determineFeatureState(final ITemplateContext context, final IProcessableElementTag tag, final AttributeName attributeName, final String attributeValue, boolean defaultState) { final IStandardExpressionParser expressionParser = StandardExpressions.getExpressionParser(context.getConfiguration()); final IStandardExpression expression = expressionParser.parseExpression(context, attributeValue); final Object value = expression.execute(context); if (value != null) { return isFeatureActive(value.toString()); } else { return defaultState; } }
public void init(Configuration configuration) { if (devMode && reload && !listeningToDispatcher) { // this is the only way I found to be able to get added to to // ConfigurationProvider list // listening to events in Dispatcher listeningToDispatcher = true; Dispatcher.addDispatcherListener(this); } }
public void addFile(File file) { String name = "file"; files.put(normalizeDuplicateName(name), file); }
public void addFile(InputStream inputStream) { String name = "file"; fileStreams.put(normalizeDuplicateName(name), inputStream); }
public void removeFile(String name) { if(files.containsKey(name)) { files.remove(name); } if(fileStreams.containsKey(name)) { fileStreams.remove(name); } }
public AssemblyResponse save(boolean isResumable) throws RequestException, LocalOperationException { Request request = new Request(getClient()); options.put("steps", steps.toMap()); // only do tus uploads if files will be uploaded if (isResumable && getFilesCount() > 0) { Map<String, String> tusOptions = new HashMap<String, String>(); tusOptions.put("tus_num_expected_upload_files", Integer.toString(getFilesCount())); AssemblyResponse response = new AssemblyResponse("/assemblies", options, tusOptions, null, null), true); // check if the assembly returned an error if (response.hasError()) { throw new RequestException("Request to Assembly failed: " + response.json().getString("error")); } try { handleTusUpload(response); } catch (IOException e) { throw new LocalOperationException(e); } catch (ProtocolException e) { throw new RequestException(e); } return response; } else { return new AssemblyResponse("/assemblies", options, null, files, fileStreams)); } }
protected void processTusFiles(String assemblyUrl) throws IOException, ProtocolException { tusClient.setUploadCreationURL(new URL(getClient().getHostUrl() + "/resumable/files/")); tusClient.enableResuming(tusURLStore); for (Map.Entry<String, File> entry : files.entrySet()) { processTusFile(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey(), assemblyUrl); } for (Map.Entry<String, InputStream> entry : fileStreams.entrySet()) { processTusFile(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey(), assemblyUrl); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends Serializable> T makeClone(T from) { return (T) SerializationUtils.clone(from); }
private static int checkResult(int result) { if (exceptionsEnabled && result != cudnnStatus.CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw new CudaException(cudnnStatus.stringFor(result)); } return result; }
public static int cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorEx( cudnnTensorDescriptor tensorDesc, int dataType, /** image data type */ int n, /** number of inputs (batch size) */ int c, /** number of input feature maps */ int h, /** height of input section */ int w, /** width of input section */ int nStride, int cStride, int hStride, int wStride) { return checkResult(cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorExNative(tensorDesc, dataType, n, c, h, w, nStride, cStride, hStride, wStride)); }
public static int cudnnOpTensor( cudnnHandle handle, cudnnOpTensorDescriptor opTensorDesc, Pointer alpha1, cudnnTensorDescriptor aDesc, Pointer A, Pointer alpha2, cudnnTensorDescriptor bDesc, Pointer B, Pointer beta, cudnnTensorDescriptor cDesc, Pointer C) { return checkResult(cudnnOpTensorNative(handle, opTensorDesc, alpha1, aDesc, A, alpha2, bDesc, B, beta, cDesc, C)); }
public static int cudnnGetReductionIndicesSize( cudnnHandle handle, cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor reduceTensorDesc, cudnnTensorDescriptor aDesc, cudnnTensorDescriptor cDesc, long[] sizeInBytes) { return checkResult(cudnnGetReductionIndicesSizeNative(handle, reduceTensorDesc, aDesc, cDesc, sizeInBytes)); }
public static int cudnnGetReductionWorkspaceSize( cudnnHandle handle, cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor reduceTensorDesc, cudnnTensorDescriptor aDesc, cudnnTensorDescriptor cDesc, long[] sizeInBytes) { return checkResult(cudnnGetReductionWorkspaceSizeNative(handle, reduceTensorDesc, aDesc, cDesc, sizeInBytes)); }
public static int cudnnReduceTensor( cudnnHandle handle, cudnnReduceTensorDescriptor reduceTensorDesc, Pointer indices, long indicesSizeInBytes, Pointer workspace, long workspaceSizeInBytes, Pointer alpha, cudnnTensorDescriptor aDesc, Pointer A, Pointer beta, cudnnTensorDescriptor cDesc, Pointer C) { return checkResult(cudnnReduceTensorNative(handle, reduceTensorDesc, indices, indicesSizeInBytes, workspace, workspaceSizeInBytes, alpha, aDesc, A, beta, cDesc, C)); }
public static int cudnnGetConvolutionNdDescriptor( cudnnConvolutionDescriptor convDesc, int arrayLengthRequested, int[] arrayLength, int[] padA, int[] strideA, int[] dilationA, int[] mode, int[] computeType)/** convolution data type */ { return checkResult(cudnnGetConvolutionNdDescriptorNative(convDesc, arrayLengthRequested, arrayLength, padA, strideA, dilationA, mode, computeType)); }
public static int cudnnConvolutionForward( cudnnHandle handle, Pointer alpha, cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc, Pointer x, cudnnFilterDescriptor wDesc, Pointer w, cudnnConvolutionDescriptor convDesc, int algo, Pointer workSpace, long workSpaceSizeInBytes, Pointer beta, cudnnTensorDescriptor yDesc, Pointer y) { return checkResult(cudnnConvolutionForwardNative(handle, alpha, xDesc, x, wDesc, w, convDesc, algo, workSpace, workSpaceSizeInBytes, beta, yDesc, y)); }
public static int cudnnConvolutionBackwardBias( cudnnHandle handle, Pointer alpha, cudnnTensorDescriptor dyDesc, Pointer dy, Pointer beta, cudnnTensorDescriptor dbDesc, Pointer db) { return checkResult(cudnnConvolutionBackwardBiasNative(handle, alpha, dyDesc, dy, beta, dbDesc, db)); }
public static int cudnnSoftmaxForward( cudnnHandle handle, int algo, int mode, Pointer alpha, cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc, Pointer x, Pointer beta, cudnnTensorDescriptor yDesc, Pointer y) { return checkResult(cudnnSoftmaxForwardNative(handle, algo, mode, alpha, xDesc, x, beta, yDesc, y)); }
public static int cudnnSoftmaxBackward( cudnnHandle handle, int algo, int mode, Pointer alpha, cudnnTensorDescriptor yDesc, Pointer y, cudnnTensorDescriptor dyDesc, Pointer dy, Pointer beta, cudnnTensorDescriptor dxDesc, Pointer dx) { return checkResult(cudnnSoftmaxBackwardNative(handle, algo, mode, alpha, yDesc, y, dyDesc, dy, beta, dxDesc, dx)); }
public static int cudnnPoolingForward( cudnnHandle handle, cudnnPoolingDescriptor poolingDesc, Pointer alpha, cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc, Pointer x, Pointer beta, cudnnTensorDescriptor yDesc, Pointer y) { return checkResult(cudnnPoolingForwardNative(handle, poolingDesc, alpha, xDesc, x, beta, yDesc, y)); }
public static int cudnnPoolingBackward( cudnnHandle handle, cudnnPoolingDescriptor poolingDesc, Pointer alpha, cudnnTensorDescriptor yDesc, Pointer y, cudnnTensorDescriptor dyDesc, Pointer dy, cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc, Pointer x, Pointer beta, cudnnTensorDescriptor dxDesc, Pointer dx) { return checkResult(cudnnPoolingBackwardNative(handle, poolingDesc, alpha, yDesc, y, dyDesc, dy, xDesc, x, beta, dxDesc, dx)); }
public static int cudnnGetActivationDescriptor( cudnnActivationDescriptor activationDesc, int[] mode, int[] reluNanOpt, double[] coef)/** ceiling for clipped RELU, alpha for ELU */ { return checkResult(cudnnGetActivationDescriptorNative(activationDesc, mode, reluNanOpt, coef)); }
public static int cudnnActivationForward( cudnnHandle handle, cudnnActivationDescriptor activationDesc, Pointer alpha, cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc, Pointer x, Pointer beta, cudnnTensorDescriptor yDesc, Pointer y) { return checkResult(cudnnActivationForwardNative(handle, activationDesc, alpha, xDesc, x, beta, yDesc, y)); }
public static int cudnnActivationBackward( cudnnHandle handle, cudnnActivationDescriptor activationDesc, Pointer alpha, cudnnTensorDescriptor yDesc, Pointer y, cudnnTensorDescriptor dyDesc, Pointer dy, cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc, Pointer x, Pointer beta, cudnnTensorDescriptor dxDesc, Pointer dx) { return checkResult(cudnnActivationBackwardNative(handle, activationDesc, alpha, yDesc, y, dyDesc, dy, xDesc, x, beta, dxDesc, dx)); }
public static int cudnnLRNCrossChannelForward( cudnnHandle handle, cudnnLRNDescriptor normDesc, int lrnMode, Pointer alpha, cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc, Pointer x, Pointer beta, cudnnTensorDescriptor yDesc, Pointer y) { return checkResult(cudnnLRNCrossChannelForwardNative(handle, normDesc, lrnMode, alpha, xDesc, x, beta, yDesc, y)); }
public static int cudnnLRNCrossChannelBackward( cudnnHandle handle, cudnnLRNDescriptor normDesc, int lrnMode, Pointer alpha, cudnnTensorDescriptor yDesc, Pointer y, cudnnTensorDescriptor dyDesc, Pointer dy, cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc, Pointer x, Pointer beta, cudnnTensorDescriptor dxDesc, Pointer dx) { return checkResult(cudnnLRNCrossChannelBackwardNative(handle, normDesc, lrnMode, alpha, yDesc, y, dyDesc, dy, xDesc, x, beta, dxDesc, dx)); }
public static int cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward( cudnnHandle handle, int mode, Pointer alphaDataDiff, Pointer betaDataDiff, Pointer alphaParamDiff, Pointer betaParamDiff, cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc, /** same desc for x, dx, dy */ Pointer x, cudnnTensorDescriptor dyDesc, Pointer dy, cudnnTensorDescriptor dxDesc, Pointer dx, /** Shared tensor desc for the 4 tensors below */ cudnnTensorDescriptor dBnScaleBiasDesc, Pointer bnScale, /** bnBias doesn't affect backpropagation */ /** scale and bias diff are not backpropagated below this layer */ Pointer dBnScaleResult, Pointer dBnBiasResult, /** Same epsilon as forward pass */ double epsilon, /** Optionally cached intermediate results from forward pass */ Pointer savedMean, Pointer savedInvVariance) { return checkResult(cudnnBatchNormalizationBackwardNative(handle, mode, alphaDataDiff, betaDataDiff, alphaParamDiff, betaParamDiff, xDesc, x, dyDesc, dy, dxDesc, dx, dBnScaleBiasDesc, bnScale, dBnScaleResult, dBnBiasResult, epsilon, savedMean, savedInvVariance)); }
public static int cudnnRestoreDropoutDescriptor( cudnnDropoutDescriptor dropoutDesc, cudnnHandle handle, float dropout, Pointer states, long stateSizeInBytes, long seed) { return checkResult(cudnnRestoreDropoutDescriptorNative(dropoutDesc, handle, dropout, states, stateSizeInBytes, seed)); }
public static int cudnnCreatePersistentRNNPlan( cudnnRNNDescriptor rnnDesc, int minibatch, int dataType, cudnnPersistentRNNPlan plan) { return checkResult(cudnnCreatePersistentRNNPlanNative(rnnDesc, minibatch, dataType, plan)); }
public static int cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize( cudnnHandle handle, cudnnRNNDescriptor rnnDesc, int seqLength, cudnnTensorDescriptor[] xDesc, long[] sizeInBytes) { return checkResult(cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSizeNative(handle, rnnDesc, seqLength, xDesc, sizeInBytes)); }
public static int cudnnCTCLoss( cudnnHandle handle, cudnnTensorDescriptor probsDesc, /** Tensor descriptor for probabilities, the dimensions are T,N,A (T is the timing steps, N is the mini batch size, A is the alphabet size) */ Pointer probs, /** probabilities after softmax, in GPU memory */ int[] labels, /** labels, in CPU memory */ int[] labelLengths, /** the length of each label, in CPU memory */ int[] inputLengths, /** the lengths of timing steps in each batch, in CPU memory */ Pointer costs, /** the returned costs of CTC, in GPU memory */ cudnnTensorDescriptor gradientsDesc, /** Tensor descriptor for gradients, the dimensions are T,N,A */ Pointer gradients, /** the returned CTC gradients, in GPU memory, to compute costs only, set it to NULL */ int algo, /** algorithm selected, supported now 0 and 1 */ cudnnCTCLossDescriptor ctcLossDesc, Pointer workspace, /** pointer to the workspace, in GPU memory */ long workSpaceSizeInBytes)/** the workspace size needed */ { return checkResult(cudnnCTCLossNative(handle, probsDesc, probs, labels, labelLengths, inputLengths, costs, gradientsDesc, gradients, algo, ctcLossDesc, workspace, workSpaceSizeInBytes)); }
public static int cudnnGetCTCLossWorkspaceSize( cudnnHandle handle, cudnnTensorDescriptor probsDesc, /** Tensor descriptor for probabilities, the dimensions are T,N,A (T is the timing steps, N is the mini batch size, A is the alphabet size) */ cudnnTensorDescriptor gradientsDesc, /** Tensor descriptor for gradients, the dimensions are T,N,A. To compute costs only, set it to NULL */ int[] labels, /** labels, in CPU memory */ int[] labelLengths, /** the length of each label, in CPU memory */ int[] inputLengths, /** the lengths of timing steps in each batch, in CPU memory */ int algo, /** algorithm selected, supported now 0 and 1 */ cudnnCTCLossDescriptor ctcLossDesc, long[] sizeInBytes)/** pointer to the returned workspace size */ { return checkResult(cudnnGetCTCLossWorkspaceSizeNative(handle, probsDesc, gradientsDesc, labels, labelLengths, inputLengths, algo, ctcLossDesc, sizeInBytes)); }
public static int cudnnGetRNNDataDescriptor( cudnnRNNDataDescriptor RNNDataDesc, int[] dataType, int[] layout, int[] maxSeqLength, int[] batchSize, int[] vectorSize, int arrayLengthRequested, int[] seqLengthArray, Pointer paddingFill) { return checkResult(cudnnGetRNNDataDescriptorNative(RNNDataDesc, dataType, layout, maxSeqLength, batchSize, vectorSize, arrayLengthRequested, seqLengthArray, paddingFill)); }
public static <T> OptionalValue<T> ofNullable(T value) { return new GenericOptionalValue<T>(RUNTIME_SOURCE, DEFAULT_KEY, value); }
public static <T> OptionalValue<T> ofNullable(ResourceKey key, T value) { return new GenericOptionalValue<T>(RUNTIME_SOURCE, key, value); }
public static void stopService() { DaemonStarter.currentPhase.set(LifecyclePhase.STOPPING); final CountDownLatch cdl = new CountDownLatch(1); Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(() -> { DaemonStarter.getLifecycleListener().stopping(); DaemonStarter.daemon.stop(); cdl.countDown(); }); try { int timeout = DaemonStarter.lifecycleListener.get().getShutdownTimeoutSeconds(); if (!cdl.await(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { DaemonStarter.rlog.error("Failed to stop gracefully"); DaemonStarter.abortSystem(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { DaemonStarter.rlog.error("Failure awaiting stop", e); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } }
private static void handleSignals() { if (DaemonStarter.isRunMode()) { try { // handle SIGHUP to prevent process to get killed when exiting the tty Signal.handle(new Signal("HUP"), arg0 -> { // Nothing to do here System.out.println("SIG INT"); }); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.err.println("Signal HUP not supported"); } try { // handle SIGTERM to notify the program to stop Signal.handle(new Signal("TERM"), arg0 -> { System.out.println("SIG TERM"); DaemonStarter.stopService(); }); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.err.println("Signal TERM not supported"); } try { // handle SIGINT to notify the program to stop Signal.handle(new Signal("INT"), arg0 -> { System.out.println("SIG INT"); DaemonStarter.stopService(); }); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.err.println("Signal INT not supported"); } try { // handle SIGUSR2 to notify the life-cycle listener Signal.handle(new Signal("USR2"), arg0 -> { System.out.println("SIG USR2"); DaemonStarter.getLifecycleListener().signalUSR2(); }); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.err.println("Signal USR2 not supported"); } } }
public static void abortSystem(final Throwable error) { DaemonStarter.currentPhase.set(LifecyclePhase.ABORTING); try { DaemonStarter.getLifecycleListener().aborting(); } catch (Exception e) { DaemonStarter.rlog.error("Custom abort failed", e); } if (error != null) { DaemonStarter.rlog.error("Unrecoverable error encountered --> Exiting : {}", error.getMessage()); DaemonStarter.getLifecycleListener().exception(LifecyclePhase.ABORTING, error); } else { DaemonStarter.rlog.error("Unrecoverable error encountered --> Exiting"); } // Exit system with failure return code System.exit(1); }
@PostConstruct public void initDatabase() {"initializing MongoDB"); String dbName = System.getProperty(""); if (dbName == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Missing database name; Set system property ''"); } MongoDatabase db = this.mongo.getDatabase(dbName); try { PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver resolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver(); Resource[] resources = resolver.getResources("classpath*:mongodb/*.ndjson");"Scanning for collection data"); for (Resource res : resources) { String filename = res.getFilename(); String collection = filename.substring(0, filename.length() - 7);"Found collection file: {}", collection); MongoCollection<DBObject> dbCollection = db.getCollection(collection, DBObject.class); try (Scanner scan = new Scanner(res.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")) { int lines = 0; while (scan.hasNextLine()) { String json = scan.nextLine(); Object parse = JSON.parse(json); if (parse instanceof DBObject) { DBObject dbObject = (DBObject) parse; dbCollection.insertOne(dbObject); } else { MongoDBInit.LOGGER.error("Invalid object found: {}", parse); throw new RuntimeException("Invalid object"); } lines++; }"Imported {} objects into collection {}", lines, collection); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error importing objects", e); } }
public static Map<String, Object> with(Object... params) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { map.put(String.valueOf(i), params[i]); } return map; }
public static ResourceResolutionContext context(ResourceResolutionComponent[] components, Map<String, Object> messageParams) { return new ResourceResolutionContext(components, messageParams); }
@Inject("struts.json.action.fileProtocols") public void setFileProtocols(String fileProtocols) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fileProtocols)) { this.fileProtocols = TextParseUtil.commaDelimitedStringToSet(fileProtocols); } }
protected boolean cannotInstantiate(Class<?> actionClass) { return actionClass.isAnnotation() || actionClass.isInterface() || actionClass.isEnum() || (actionClass.getModifiers() & Modifier.ABSTRACT) != 0 || actionClass.isAnonymousClass(); }
protected boolean checkExcludePackages(String classPackageName) { if (excludePackages != null && excludePackages.length > 0) { WildcardHelper wildcardHelper = new WildcardHelper(); // we really don't care about the results, just the boolean Map<String, String> matchMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String packageExclude : excludePackages) { int[] packagePattern = wildcardHelper.compilePattern(packageExclude); if (wildcardHelper.match(matchMap, classPackageName, packagePattern)) { return false; } } } return true; }
protected boolean checkActionPackages(String classPackageName) { if (actionPackages != null) { for (String packageName : actionPackages) { String strictPackageName = packageName + "."; if (classPackageName.equals(packageName) || classPackageName.startsWith(strictPackageName)) return true; } } return false; }