11 values
53 values
In one work, what thinker discussed the power of "global gladiators" like transnational corporations and criminal organizations, which operate through "power-mosaics."?
Alvin Toffler
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
The city of Philadelphia is the focal point of a book arguing that a group "earned" what status, using the example of the "transubstantiation" of the "revolutionary" John Binns?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
Contrary to his contemporaries, what social scientist argued that patolli emerged from pachesi due to the interaction between Asiatic and early American peoples?
Edward Burnett Tylor
Social Science
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What author of The Use of Force: Military Power and International Politics coined the term "nuclear peace."?
Kenneth Neal Waltz
Social Science
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What is the first title concept of a treatise that cites the Fisher King motif in The Wasteland as an illness that is the "inability to wish."?
Social Science
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Richard Eisler and Jay Skidmore developed a scale to measure stress linked to what quality?
Social Science
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An essay on what concept criticizes Floyd Hunter's survey that asked residents of a Southern citywhich leaders out of a list of forty they would choose to make community decisions?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
In the title essay of one collection, what thinker posited that the art and literary world reverses therules of the economic world by making lack of economic success the marker of prestige?
Pierre Bourdieu
Social Science
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What concept was the subject of the first work by historian Adrian Sherwin-White, who described how formal documentation of this first appeared on a bronze tablet given to a unit of Spanish cavalrymen?
Roman citizenship
Social Science
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A basic outline of what idea is presented in Question 40 of Aquinas' Summa Theologica, and James Child has offered a collectivist critique of it, partly by rejecting proportionality?
just war theory
Social Science
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What man argued that the distribution of "religious benets" was a counterweight to political power caused by what he called "hierocracies."?
Max Weber
Social Science
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What man describes a conversation with the elderly ex-cannibal Tei Tetua, in which he learns thata people who had never seen a cat built statues of cats and venerated them?
Thor Heyerdahl
Social Science
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The Heston model generalizes an earlier model by allowing what quantity to become stochastic rather than constant?
Social Science
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At one point, what book cites a left-wing journalist who asks himself "must the just cause of a people include its deceptions and errors?"?
The Colonizer and the Colonized
Social Science
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In a chapter of what book titled "Progressive Dehumanization: The Comfortable ConcentrationCamp," the author attributes the new "passivity, softness and boredom in American children" to thetitle concept?
The Feminine Mystique
Social Science
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A book by Michael Sofka explains that the influence of what phenomenon on Venus and starscauses UFO sightings, and a study in Warren Jones and Leonard Zusne's Anomalistic Psychology notesthat it can be brought on by the power of suggestion?
the autokinetic effect
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
A thinker who earned his PhD at what school wrote about the immigration of Mexicans of different social strata in The Life Story of the Mexican Immigrant and was a leader of the "indigenismo" movement?
Columbia University
Social Science
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Tim Harford identifies one form of what as "self-incrimination," while Robert Frank's textbooksays that the "hurdle model" is a form of this practice?
price discrimination
Social Science
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In 1969, Stiglitz showed that the assumption that each entity belonged to a "risk class" was not essential in proving what economic result?
Modigliani-Miller Theorem
Social Science
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The derivation of what word's Indo-European root is unique: reduplicating a zero-grade thematic noun; derivatives include the Tocharian for "army"?
the wheel
Social Science
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Near the end of what essay, the author bemoans that "old medieval theories of protection and personal dependence" have been mixed with "modern theories of independence and individual liberty," causing a double harm?
"The Forgotten Man"
Social Science
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Hurwicz and Walker proposed incentive-compatible mechanisms for achieving a form of what concept proposed by Lindhal?
Social Science
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When what noun is addressed in the imperative, the infinitive form of the verb replaces the ending"r" with "d," unless the verb is a reflexive verb ending in "os" in which case the "d" is dropped?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
One experiment conducted by what scientist had a group of people look up at the sky and determinehow many passerby would also look up?
Stanley Milgram
Social Science
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In October 2016, FASB removed the controversial "step two" of a test regarding a line item known by what term?
Social Science
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What author considered what Holocaust consciousness would do to German society in his essay "The German Question," which appears in his collection Conscientious Objections?
Neil Postman
Social Science
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In the last of a series of six interviews, what thinker distinguished between Maslow's peak experiences and Joyce's aesthetic epiphanies as part of a larger discussion about God and the idea of eternity?
Joseph Campbell
Social Science
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The so-called "father" of what kind of Zhao rm was a French immigrant who earned the nickname "the General" for supervising R&D for the U.S. Army during World War II?
venture capital Zhao rm
Social Science
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David Berreby said what experiment's subjects were "not what he was, but what he was doing." A variant of this experiment performed by Lufty Diab incorporated race as a factor?
Robbers Cave experiment
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
Early in his career, what economist worked at Carnegie Mellon with Leonard Rapping to create a model which attempted toexplain the so-called "money illusion" in labor supply?
Robert Emerson Lucas, Jr.
Social Science
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What historian's Swift-inspired satire "A Mild Suggestion" proposed a night where whites couldfreely murder blacks?
W. E. B. Du Bois
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
Hans Phaf created a connectionist model of what concept, SLAM?
Social Science
Social Science Psychology
Gavan Green has controversially argued that one language in what country lacks syllable onsets?
Commonwealth of Australia
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
In the structural understanding of what subfield of study, the three approaches of "item and arrangement," "item and process," and "word and paradigm" were distinguished by Charles Hockett?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
What non-literary activity titles a book in which Gohar Homayounpour criticizes her own internalized orientalism for having expected anything to be different about Doing this activity In Tehran?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
What Hebrew word denotes symbols such as a U in a circle, the seals of kosher certification organizations?
Social Science
Social Science Economics
What man attacked his intellectual opponents for their prior commitments to human perfectibility and innate equality, which he associates with the gulag, an approach one critic referred to as this man's "Lockean-Rousseauian-Cartesian scarecrow."?
Steven Pinker
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
The first attempt to test what phenomenon in humans involved stopping a harsh noise by solvingbutton-pressing puzzles, after it was first tested on animals using a floor with a divider short enoughto jump over?
learned helplessness
Social Science
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Late in life, what man was involved in a controversy over his promotion of eugenics in his 1987 work Beyondism, which wassupposed to derive a new science to replace religion?
Raymond Bernard Cattell
Social Science
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In 1991, a definitive review of the literature surrounding what phenomenon was written by Colin MacLeod, who updated a previous review by Frederick Dyer, an advocate of the "differential-practice" explanation of this phenomenon?
Stroop effect
Social Science
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What book dismisses Otto Weininger as a "mere boy" and attacks Freudian psychoanalysis in its chapter "The Psychological Sell."?
The Female Eunuch
Social Science
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What man introduced the conept of "survivals," behavioral artifacts from past stages of a society?
Edward Tylor
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
Joseph Reagle associates a kind of "anxiety" with what organization's work in a study of the norms of this organization's work culture?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
In what work, "cunning" is defined as part of the fraudulence inherent in the act of sacrificing to the gods?
Dialectic of Enlightenment
Social Science
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Gerald Vizenor called what man "a simulation" and "an absence" and said that he posed "at the borders of the camera" in an essay published several decades after this man's death?
Ishi, the last Yahi
Social Science
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What phenomenon results in the construction of an "imaginary audience" and a set of beliefs called a "personal fable" according to David Elkind, who wrote about this phenomenon in adolescents?
Social Science
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Jocelyn Linnekin studied a community of people in what place, writing about exchange and status in their society in her 1985book Children of the Land, while Eleanor Nordyke wrote about the "peopling" of this place in 1977?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
A notable explanation and clarification of what thinker's ideas was given in a 1947 article by Rulon Wells?
Ferdinand de Saussure
Social Science
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One impetus for the adoption of what policy was the prosecution of Morris Schappes for perjurybefore the Rapp-Coudert Committee?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
In one novel by what author, Alexa's lover attempts to stop Pakistan from giving nuclear weaponsto Iran as a favor to President Wayne Kent, but Princeton professor Peter Cutler fails disastrously?
Joseph Nye
Social Science
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Evidence that what thinker is correct based on small discrete interventions which are supposedly usually successful per Riddell 2007?
Jeffrey Sachs
Social Science
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A monograph on what subject argues that it relies on ve "sociological presuppositions," such as "man's aim in life is happiness,"and ve "myths," such as that of "the Youth;" that book distinguishes its "agitative" from its "integrative" form, which is made necessary by technology?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
Before major events, members of what culture would lubricate a lid with fruit juice and tree bark then attempt to stick it to a rubbing-board?
Social Science
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In a book about men diagnosed with what condition, John Metzl looked at the changingdemographics of a Michigan hospital?
Social Science
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What man wrote of situational and egocentric territories in the chapter "The Territories of the Self"in his book Relations in Public?
Erving Goffman
Social Science
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What idea was used by Per Krusell and Anthony Smith to critique Thomas Piketty's "second law of capitalism."?
life-cycle / permanent income hypothesis
Social Science
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One of what economist's theories was given empirical evidence in a paper by Costinot and Donaldson examining predicted agricultural productivity?
David Ricardo
Social Science
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Chris Knight argued that what practice became linked with hunters eating their own kills instead of sharing them in a book subtitled "Menstruation and the Origins of Culture."?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
The design of Ferniehirst Castle was apocryphally influenced by the high incidence of what trait in the Kerr clan?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
A book by George Lipsitz analyzes the "possessive investment" in what quality?
Social Science
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What man's decision in a case better remembered for Morrison Waite's decision that corporations enjoyed personhood under the Fourteenth Amendment, Santa Clara County vs. Southern Pacific Railroad held that fences next to railroad tracks had been improperly included in a property tax assessment?
John Marshall Harlan the Elder
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
A paper discusses Cairo's Khan el-Khalili market and a mother of six who moves to Jerusalem in order to explain a form of what concept through obligations and expectations, information channels, and social norms?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
What man pioneered an approach to the study of cultural development which relies on analyzingwhen "higher psychical functions" appeared and is deemed "cultural-historical psychology."?
Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky
Social Science
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A passage in what book discusses the "edifying thoughts of a tobacco smoker," and one chaptercompares a figure to the author of The Gateless Gate, Mumon?
GAPdel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Social Science
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In a recent paper, Robert Griffiths of CMU has argued that what property is identical to the factorization condition used in deriving the CHSH theorem, and has claimed that it is always present so long as the probabilities are evaluated on the proper sample spaces?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
Australian economist P. J. Lloyd has argued that the basis of what idea can be found in the work The Isolated State, while John Stuart Mill explained his theory of comparative advantage using a system of equations that imply it ?
Cobb-Douglas Production Function
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
What sort of place partly titles a 1973 book that examines the complete breakdown of a nomadic society in Northern Uganda when their land was converted into a national park?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
What language uses the "ssa" ending to mark the incessive case, and it involves a change from onestop sound to another when stops occur before closed syllables?
Finnish or Suomi
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
Cats and nonsense pictures were used in a study by James Haxby about a "distributed coding" model of what process?
face recognition
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
What thinker analyzed Flaubert's A Sentimenal Education in The Rules of Art, and advocated epistemic reflexivity in order to avoid "scholastic bias" in his study of academic research, Homo Academicus?
Pierre Bourdieu
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
What anthropologist developed the "closed corporate community" framework to understand why Mesoamerican and Javanese peasant economies exhibited similar behavior?
Eric Wolf
Social Science
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Experiments conducted in the 1960's by what Polish American, subliminally introduced shapes to subjects, they unconsciously preferred the ones they were shown most often?
Robert Zajonc
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
What writer devoted several chapters to an attempt to solve Baker's Paradox about connotationsin his text about how children understand fine grammatical distinctions which they are never taught,Learnability and Cognition?
Steven Pinker
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
At one point in what book, the author cites the example of Jerry Long, a 17-year old from Texas who broke his neck in a diving accident, to illustrate the Latin terms argumenta and hominem?
: Man 's S earch for Mean in g
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
A chapter that criticizes what book argues that its methodology fails to prove its claim that U?
Time on the Cross
Social Science
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What book puts forth a five-part breakdown of personality in terms of dominant economicactivities, including the "hoarding orientation" and the most healthy, the "productive orientation"or "person without a mask."?
Escape from Freedom
Social Science
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Along with Julio Elias, what thinker argued that a free market for organs would help reduce scarcity for organ transplants?
Gary Becker
Social Science
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A book by Michel de Vroey contrasts what title economist's "Walrasian" style to the "Marshallian" style of Keynes?
Robert Emerson Lucas, Jr.
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
The opening paragraphs of a paper partially titled for what situation claim that, much like a game of tic-tac-toe, it has no technical solution?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
A book about enterprise in what country argues that its exporting of raw materials combined with its importing of manufactured goods has retarded technological development, leading to economic growth but not economic development, and was written by Kari Levitt?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
Dave Donaldson used a general equilibrium model to estimate the impact of railroads in what country on its development?
(Republic of) India
Social Science
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The verbs of the oldest written language in what family were classified into five categories by August Leskien?
Slavic languages
Social Science
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What book compares blowguns, baskets, and the invention of zero to show coincidences acrosscultures?
The Mind of Primitive Man
Social Science
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In 2014, an Atlantic article criticized a famous book by what thinker by referencing Piketty's research that capitalism has actually accelerated wealth disparities?
Francis Fukuyama
Social Science
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What theory has inspired dyadic developmental psychotherapies such as Watch, Wait, and Wonder?
attachment theory
Social Science
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During World War II, what man headed the APA's committee to settle refugee psychologists like Kurt Lewin from Nazi Germany?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
David Schmeidler proposed the "nucleolus" to address situations in which what set is empty?
the core
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
An expert on what language, Larry Trask, died while completing an etymological dictionary of it?
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
What country's "sung points" are analyzed as "melodic machetes" in Jennie Smith's When the Hands are Many?
Republic of Haiti
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
What metaphor appears in the title of a James Barker book that uses the case study of "ISE Communications" to examine a shift to "concertive control" from the method that this metaphor describes?
iron cage of rationality
Social Science
Social Science - Misc
Wynalda scored the first goal in MLS history for the San Jose Clash in a 1-0 victory over what club, 4 time winners of the MLS Championship, this club was the first MLS team to win the CONCACAF Cup in 1998?
D.C. United
Trash Sports
The artist behind the 1983 solo album Youngblood would sit except when singing what song in later concerts, and his success on it led to him being selected to sing lead on "Wild Honey" and "Darlin'"?
God Only Knows
Trash Music
What was the popular nickname of James Cole, a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan who attacked the Lumbee Indians in North Carolina in the late 1950s, only to get routed?
Trash Other
What man's first assistant coaching jobs came at Hawai'i and then during the first years of Jim Boeheim's job at Syracuse?
Rick Pitino
Trash Sports