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Moenia | ScopeThe journal publishes a volume each year as it alternates between those dedicated to Linguistics (odd numbers) and those dedicated to Literature (even numbers.) In the volumes oriented towards Linguistics the preferential areas are: the Spanish language, General Linguistics and Classical Philology, and only exceptionally is work related to other areas published. In the volumes oriented towards Literature, the preferential areas are: Spanish Literature, Galician Philology and Literary Theory, although other work on literature in all languages is also commonly accepted.
The common structure for the volumes of this journal includes articles and reviews. Quite frequently, above all in the volumes dedicated to Literature, there exists a monographic section which makes up the first block of articles. In those dedicated to Linguistics, the articles themselves are kept separate from the “notesâ€, or papers conceived as being shorter in format or about a very specific area of research. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://revistas.usc.gal/index.php/moenia" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 11372346, 2340003X |
Mondo Digitale | ScopeMONDO DIGITALE, rassegna critica del settore ICT, è la rivista ufficiale di AICA, Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica e il Calcolo Automatico. Obiettivo della rivista è fare il punto sui temi più attuali e di ampio interesse dell'Information and Communication Technology, in termini rigorosi ma accessibili anche ai non specialisti.
MONDO DIGITALE si avvale della collaborazione di Autori esperti nel settore, provenienti sia dal mondo accademico che da quello della domanda e dell'offerta, e di un Comitato Scientifico che sovraintende alla impostazione generale della rivista, indicando i temi da trattare e suggerendo possibili Autori. Tutti gli articoli vengono preventivamente sottoposti alla valutazione di referee specializzati sui singoli argomenti, di provenienza accademica e non. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://mondodigitale.aicanet.net/ultimo/index.xml" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 1720898X |
Montana : the magazine of western history | ScopePublished since 1951, Montana The Magazine of Western History showcases the people, places, and events that shaped the state and the western region. In addition to fascinating articles, the magazine features book and movie reviews, commentaries, Montana episodes, and advertising confined to rare and new books, art objects, and other products and events related to American—especially Western—history.
Published four times a year, the magazine is lavishly illustrated with historical maps, drawings, and photographs from the Society's own collections and from other public and private sources. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://mhs.mt.gov/pubs/magazine" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 269891 |
Motor Ship | ScopeThe Motorship is the magazine for senior marine engineers. Since 1920, professionals from ship owners
and operators to ship builders, naval architects and equipment suppliers have relied on The Motorship
to keep up-to-date with news and information that helps them do their jobs and run their businesses
better. The Motorship provides readers with authoritative editorial prepared by writers who are experts
in their field. As shipping finds itself under growing pressure to improve efficiency, The Motorship is a
valuable resource for senior technical management aiming to keep ahead of the market. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.motorship.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 272000 |
Moyen Age | ScopeFondée en 1888 par trois érudits français et belges (A. Marignan, G. Platon et M. Wilmotte), la revue Le Moyen Âge ne se voulait, à l’origine, qu’un bulletin d’informations et de recensions critiques destiné aux médiévistes de langue française.
Progressivement, la revue s’est entourée de collaborateurs réguliers et d’érudits renommés qui lui permirent d’étendre le champ de ses activités. Désormais, elle allait se consacrer, d’une part, à l’histoire proprement dite et aux sciences auxiliaires, d’autre part, à l’histoire littéraire et à la philologie du Moyen Âge. C’est là un caractère original que n’offre aucune autre revue consacrée aux études médiévales.Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://revuesdbsup.cairn.info/revue-le-moyen-age.htm" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00272841, 17821436 |
Nau Literaria | ScopeA Revista Nau Literária é uma publicação quadrimestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul e tem como objetivo fomentar o debate crÃtico e teórico na área das literaturas e das culturas de paÃses de lÃngua portuguesa, com autoria de alunos de pós-graduação, mestres, doutores ou professores do Ensino Superior. Desde que sejam da área indicada, serão aceitos textos escritos em lÃngua portuguesa, inglesa e espanhola. A revista contempla dossiê temático, seção livre e resenhas.Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://seer.ufrgs.br/NauLiteraria" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 19814526 |
Nauchnyy Vestnik Moskovskoy Konservatorii | ScopeThe Journal of Moscow Conservatory (Nauchnyy vestnik Moskovskoy konservatorii) is a peer-reviewed quarterly covering issues of music history and theory, musical performance, musical aesthetics, general theory of art. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://nv.mosconsv.ru/en/node/247" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 20799438, 27131807 |
Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation | ScopeNephrology Dialysis Transplantation: an international basic science and clinical renal journal (ndt) is the leading nephrology journal in Europe and renowned worldwide, devoted to original clinical and laboratory research in nephrology, dialysis and transplantation. ndt is an official journal of the ERA-EDTA (European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association). Published monthly, the journal provides an essential resource for researchers and clinicians throughout the world. All research articles in this journal have undergone peer review.Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://academic.oup.com/ndt" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 13125257 |
Neuro-Ophthalmology Japan | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.shinkeiganka.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 2897024 |
New Design | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://newdesignmagazine.co.uk/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 14722674 |
Nishinihon Journal of Dermatology | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | null | 3869784 |
North American Review | ScopeThe North American Review is the oldest literary magazine in America (founded in 1815) and one of the most respected. We are interested in high-quality poetry, fiction, and nonfiction on any subject; however, we are especially interested in work that addresses contemporary North American concerns and issues, particularly with the environment, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and class. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.northamericanreview.org/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 292397 |
Northern Logger and Timber Processor | ScopeThe Northern Logger and Timber Processor is the only monthly trade publication edited exclusively for loggers, sawmillers, timberland managers and processors of primary forest products in the Northeastern and Lake States region. The magazine’s 100 percent paid (Verified Audited) circulation is largely contained within the region from Maine to Minnesota on the north and Missouri to Maryland on the south.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://northernlogger.com/our-magazine/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 293156 |
Nouvelle Revue Francaise | ScopeLa création de La NRF, « revue mensuelle de littérature et de critique », est due à un groupe de six écrivains dont André Gide est, depuis le tournant du siècle, le chef de file. Elle connaît rapidement une audience exceptionnelle, renouvelant dans des sommaires équilibrés, tour à tour composés par Gide et le cercle des fondateurs, puis par Jacques Rivière et Jean Paulhan, les perspectives du roman, du théâtre, de la critique et de la poésie contemporains. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.lanrf.fr/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 294802 |
Oeil | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.lejournaldesarts.fr/editions/loeil" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 0029862X |
Olhydraulik und Pneumatik | ScopeO+P Fluidtechnik – Wissen, was wirklich wichtig ist in der Fluidtechnikbranche: O+P Fluidtechnik zeigt alles Wichtige und Neue der hydraulischen (Mobilhydrauik und Stationärhydraulik) sowie der pneumatischen Kraftübertragung, Steuerung und Regelung. Zielgruppe sind Ingenieure und Techniker in Planung, Projektierung, Konstruktion, Produktion und Instandhaltung sowie an Unternehmensleiter von Herstellern von Maschinen und Anlagen mit fluidtechnischen Komponenten und Systemen. O+P Fluidtechnik ist Organ des Forschungsfonds Fluidtechnik im VDMA. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://vereinigte-fachverlage.de/themen/fluidtechnik-hydraulik-und-pneumatik/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3412660 |
Operations Engineer | Join the conversation about this journal | null | 26323451 |
Option/Bio | ScopeOptionBio est un bimensuel conçu par des biologistes à l'intention des biologistes de laboratoires d'analyses médicales, privés et publics.
Tous les 15 jours, OptionBio propose ses rubriques :
. Actualités : elles font état de toute l'actualité professionnelle, médicale et scientifique pour suivre au plus près l'évolution des différentes disciplines de la biologie médicale.
. Formation : des articles et/ou un dossier font le point sur un ou plusieurs thèmes spécifiques de l'environnement du praticien biologiste pour assurer sa formation continue.
. Pratique : méthodologie, stratégies diagnostiques, cas cliniques, actes spécialisés, nouvelles techniques... constituent des outils précieux pour intégrer dans la pratique quotidienne les avancées scientifiques et techniques.
. Gestion : la rubrique propose des mises au point juridiques et fiscales, des démarches qualité, des conseils de management pour gérer et développer au mieux le laboratoire d'analyses.
. Guide : livres, agenda, produits nouveaux, petites annonces... viennent compléter les connaissances du praticien biologiste. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.em-consulte.com/revue/OPTBIO/presentation/option-bio" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 9925945 |
Ortho Magazine | ScopeLa revue de tou(te)s les orthophonistes.
Ortho magazine est une revue professionnelle qui s'adresse à tou(te)s les orthophonistes, en formation ou en exercice : cabinet, hôpital, ou institution.
Le reflet de la diversité des pratiques orthophoniques.
Ortho magazine se situe à la croisée de la médecine, de la psychologie et de la pédagogie, et couvre tout le champ de l'orthophonie. Cette revue indépendante est ouverte à tous les courants de pensée et à toutes les pratiques orthophoniques.
Une revue de référence.
Ortho magazine est ouvert aux savoirs confirmés, comme aux démarches en devenir. Grâce à la curiosité et au dynamisme d'un Comité de rédaction composé de professionnels d'horizons divers, la revue est le creuset d'une réflexion professionnelle de qualité.
Un outil d'information et de formation continue.
Ortho magazine s'appuie sur des expériences de terrain et privilégie la rencontre et l'échange, sans se départir de la rigueur éditoriale qu'exerce le Comité de rédaction.Ortho magazine suit également au plus près l'actualité socio-professionnelle et scientifique nécessaire à l'information des orthophonistes. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.em-consulte.com/es/revue/OMAG/presentation/ortho-magazine" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 12624586 |
Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Geschichtswissenschaften | ScopeThe Austrian Journal of Historical Studies (OeZG) has existed since 1990. It publishes articles primarily on topics of women’s and gender history, cultural history, the history of science, political history, as well as economic- and social history. Theoretical concepts and research methods are discussed in its articles as well as in discussions with researchers, in workshop reports from ongoing projects, and in review essays. The OeZG appears three times a year, mostly in theme issues, occasionally also in open issues. Its strength lies in the connection of theoretically and methodically innovative approaches with relevant historical debates and topics. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://journals.univie.ac.at/index.php/oezg" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 1016765X |
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (Tokyo) | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | null | 9143491 |
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Tokyo | Scope 本誌ã¯ã€æœ¬é‚¦ã«ãŠã‘ã‚‹æ•°å°‘ãªã„è€³é¼»å’½å–‰ç§‘é ˜åŸŸã®å¦è¡“専門誌ã¨ã—ã¦æ–¯ç•Œã®ç™ºå±•ã«å¯„ä¸ã—ã¦ã¾ã„ã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚ãŠè”ã•ã¾ã§æ—¢ã«60巻を超ãˆã€å…¨å›½ã®å¤§å¦ã€ç—…院勤務医や診療所ã®è€³é¼»å’½å–‰ç§‘ã®å…ˆç”Ÿæ–¹ã«åºƒãæ„›èªã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚è¿‘å¹´ã§ã¯ã€å°‚門医制度ã®æ”¹é©ã«ä¼´ã„ã€è«–文執ç†ãŒã‚ˆã‚Šå¼·ã求ã‚られã¦ã„ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã€æŠ•ç¨¿æ•°ã‚‚å¾ã€…ã«å¢—ãˆã¦ãã¦ãŠã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚
 本誌ã§ã¯ã€ã‚«ãƒ©ãƒ¼ã‚¢ãƒˆãƒ©ã‚¹ã€ç¶œèª¬ã€ç ”究ã€è‡¨åºŠã€æ‰‹æŠ€å·¥å¤«ã€ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ«ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒˆã€è¨ºç™‚ã®å·¥å¤«ã€IT関連ã€å¦ä¼šé–¢ä¿‚ã€è§£èª¬ã€å¢ƒç•Œé ˜åŸŸã€ç”»åƒè¨ºæ–ã€è–¬å‰¤ãªã©ã®å¤šå½©ãªé …目をæ²è¼‰ã—ã¦ãŠã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.jibitenbou.gr.jp/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3869687 |
Ottoman Empire and its Heritage | ScopeOn the crossroads of the continents and encompassing a time span of six centuries the Ottoman Empire directly involves the histories of the Byzantine Empire and the Balkan states, the Middle East and Islam from Iran to North Africa. Some fundamental developments in European history can be better explained when the profound political and economic impact of this Empire is duly taken into account. In the West, not only the rise of the national monarchies and of the Protestantism, but also that of capitalism and the development of certain industries cannot be fully expounded upon without the Ottomans. Giving rise to the so-called Eastern Question in its decline, the Ottoman period deeply influenced European history in modern times. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://brill.com/view/serial/OEH" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 13806076 |
Oxford Literary Review | ScopeOLR devotes itself to outstanding writing in deconstruction, literary theory, psychoanalytic theory, political theory and related forms of exploratory thought. Founded in 1977 it remains responsive to new concerns and committed to patient, inventive reading as the wellspring of critical research. It has published work by many trailblazing thinkers and seeks to take forward the movement of deconstructive thought in the face of as many forms and institutions as possible.
The journal publishes both general issues and special issues, each of the latter featuring a provocative theme (e.g. ‘The Word of War’, ‘Telepathies,’ or ‘Disastrous Blanchot’). It invites relevant contributions across a wide range of intellectual disciplines on issues and writers belonging to or engaging the work of deconstructive thinking (such as Derrida, Heidegger, Blanchot, Levinas, Irigaray, and others). Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.euppublishing.com/loi/olr" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3051498 |
Package Printing | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | null | 1639234 |
Padiatrische Praxis | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | null | 309346 |
Palimpsest | ScopePalimpsest is an international journal for linguistic, literary and cultural research founded at the Faculty of Philology in Stip in 2016. It is published in printed form and electronically twice a year, the first issue in May and the second one in November.
The journal publishes papers in the area of linguistics, literary science, teaching methodology and culturology. In addition, there is a section reserved for reviews of books, monographs, and other publications in the sphere of philology and culturology. The international journal Palimpsest publishes papers in the following languages: Macedonian, English, Russian, German, Italian, French and Turkish.
The Faculty of Philology in Stip was founded in 2008 as a unit of Goce Delcev University in Stip. The Faculty organizes and conducts its educational and scientific activities through study programmes based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in accordance with the Bologna Declaration. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://js.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/PAL/about" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 2545398X, 25453998 |
Pamietnik Literacki | Scope“PamiÄ™tnik Literacki†(“Literary Memoirâ€), an academic quarterly devoted to history of Polish literature, literary criticism and literary theory problems, is most considerably respected and the oldest Polish studies periodical. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://pamietnik-literacki.pl/en/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 310514 |
Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature | ScopeLes Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, revue semestrielle fondée en 1973, publient des articles portant sur des sujets concernant la littérature et la culture françaises du XVIIe siècle.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://elibrary.narr.digital/journal/pfscl" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3430758 |
Parabola | ScopeParabola is a quarterly journal devoted to the exploration of the quest for meaning as it is expressed in the world’s myths, symbols, and religious traditions, with particular emphasis on the relationship between this store of wisdom and our modern life. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://parabola.org/about/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3621596 |
Parergon | ScopeParergon publishes articles on all aspects of medieval and early modern studies. We publish one open issue and one guest edited special issue each year, each with up to ten articles and a substantial book review section. The journal's articles encompass the art, architecture, literature, theatre, music, philosophy, theology and history of the period. We are especially interested in material that crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries and takes new approaches, including explorations of the reception and afterlives of the medieval and early modern periods and work that amplifies overlooked voices, histories, works and objects. Parergon welcomes submissions that complicate and reimagine the medieval and early modern past, including work in critical race studies, gender and sexuality studies and environmental humanities, alongside other approaches and topics. We aim to be the leading journal for the work of medieval and early modern researchers from the southern hemisphere. Parergon is the journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (ANZAMEMS). Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://parergon.org/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 03136221, 18328334 |
Paris Review | ScopeThe Paris Review accepts unsolicited submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for the print quarterly via Submittable during the months of February and September and throughout the year through the post (see below for the separate submission guidelines for our online publication, The Daily).
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.theparisreview.org/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 312037 |
Passato e Presente | ScopeNel ricco panorama delle riviste italiane di storia contemporanea, Passato e presente si distingue per alcune scelte culturali di fondo che ne hanno determinato il successo fin dalla nascita, nel 1982.
In primo luogo, il rifiuto di ogni impostazione ideologica: questo si manifesta nel rigore della ricerca, nel confronto continuo con le novità tematiche e metodologiche della storiografia internazionale e nell’analisi severa di quell’uso politico della storia che oggi invade i mass media e contribuisce alla formazione di un acritico "senso comune". Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.francoangeli.it/riviste/Sommario.aspx?IDRivista=98" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 11200650, 19725493 |
Peritia | ScopePeritia is an international peer-reviewed journal published by Brepols with a focus on Insular culture from Late Antiquity to the later Middle Ages. Within those parameters we welcome submissions from all cognate disciplines. The journal has published ground-breaking articles in archaeology, computistics, hagiography, history, law, literature and music. While Peritia enjoys a core strength in early medieval Ireland, this has never been exclusivist; other areas of research, related to the Insular world and its connections to the wider early medieval West are well-represented. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://peritia.ie/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3321592 |
Perspective (France) | ScopePerspective : actualité en histoire de l'art vise un état des lieux de la recherche internationale en histoire de l’art. À raison d'un numéro tous les six mois, la revue propose alternativement un numéro thématique (mettant l’accent sur l’histoire de l’art dans un pays : Brésil, Pays-Bas, Espagne… ou couvrant un sujet précis : l’ornement, la périodisation, le pouvoir…) et un numéro varia qui rassemble des textes sur différentes périodes de l’histoire de l’art et diverses aires géographiques. Les articles sont répartis selon plusieurs rubriques : Tribune, Débat, Entretien, Travaux et Lectures. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.inha.fr/fr/ressources/publications/publications-periodiques/perspective.html" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 17777852, 22697721 |
Pessoa Plural | ScopePessoa Plural was established in 2012 as an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to studies of Fernando Pessoa. We publish two issues per year through the joint publishing efforts of the Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies at Brown University, the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies at Warwick University and the Department of Humanities and Literature of the University of the Andes. We welcome submissions in the form of essays, documents, and commissioned book reviews.
We are an open access journal, and all of our digital archives can be accessed for free through Brown's Digital Repository. We abide by the COPE Code of Conduct for all issues related to Ethics and Publication Malpractice. Pessoa Plural's ethical statement, the details of our peer review process, and our submission guidelines can be found and downloaded below. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.brown.edu/Departments/Portuguese_Brazilian_Studies/ejph/pessoaplural/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 22124179 |
Petroleum Economist | ScopePetroleum Economist has covered the booms and busts in the oil price – we stuck our neck out and called the latest crash before others. We always look ahead, draw on our long experience to spot emerging trends. In a period of change for the industry – influenced by everything from Opec policy to UN climate summits – Petroleum Economist remains the indispensable authority on energy.
Our coverage goes beyond the headlines, giving subscribers essential insight into global oil and gas politics and markets. Readers use our intelligence to form commercial strategy, whether they lead state-owned or privately held companies. Governments read and talk to us because we explain policy clearly and intelligently.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.petroleum-economist.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 0306395X |
Pharmaceutisch Weekblad | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.pw.nl/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 316911 |
Pharmacy Times | ScopePharmacy Times is a clinically based, monthly journal providing practical information pharmacists can use in their everyday practice. Each issue contains articles and features covering medication errors, drug interactions, patient education, pharmacy technology, disease state management, patient counseling, product news, pharmacy law, and specialty pharmacy. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.pharmacytimes.com/pressroom/pharmacy-times-launches-dynamic-new-web-site" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 30627 |
Pharmazeutische Zeitung | ScopeDie Redaktion der Pharmazeutischen Zeitung verfolgt das Ziel, kompetent, seriös, umfassend und zeitnah über berufspolitische und gesundheitspolitische Entwicklungen, relevante Entwicklungen in der pharmazeutischen Forschung sowie den aktuellen Stand der pharmazeutischen Praxis zu informieren. Dies gilt für alle PZ-Produkte wie die wöchentlich erscheinende Printausgabe und PZ online gleichermaßen. Hochqualitativer Journalismus mit Bezug zur Apothekenpraxis ist unser Motto.Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="Pharmazeutische Zeitung" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 317136 |
Plastics Technology | ScopePlastics Technology provides authoritative content on plastics processing practices, tips, techniques, troubleshooting, technical advances, product developments, market insights and industry news. Our content is aimed at plastics processors—both custom and captive operations. Our mission, in print, on-line and face-to-face (via our successful annual Molding and Extrusion conferences) is to generate actionable content that the audience can use in the here and now to improve the efficiencies and productivity of their business.
Plastics Technology achieves this by tapping into an editorial team with more than 150 years of combined industry experience who visit plants around the world to uncover the best processing practices in injection molding, extrusion/compounding, blow molding, thermoforming, recycling and additive manufacturing. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.ptonline.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 321257 |
Ploughshares | ScopePloughshares has published quality literature since 1971. Our award-winning literary journal is published four times a year; our lively literary blog publishes new writing daily. Since 1989, we have been based at Emerson College in downtown Boston.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.pshares.org/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00484474, 21620903 |
Poetry | ScopeToday, Poetry regularly presents new work by the most recognized poets, but its primary commitment is still to discover new voices: more than a third of the poets published in recent years have been new to the magazine. Translations are published throughout the year and in an annual translation issue to deepen readers’ engagement with foreign-language poetry. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 322032 |
Poetry Review | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://poetrysociety.org.uk/publications-section/the-poetry-review/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 322156 |
Polish Yearbook of International Law | ScopePolish Yearbook of International Law (PYIL) is a scientific journal established in 1966 published by the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Committee on Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, owners of the title. The focus of the Yearbook is on public and private international law as well as European law, with a preference for Central Eastern European scholarship and manuscripts which focus on the region. Each volume of the PYIL also includes a selection of texts on the Polish practice in public international law and book reviews. PYIL is published annually, new volumes are available in August each year. Each volume includes 12-16 articles, depending on the number and the quality of the submissions in a particular as well as their lenght. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://pyil.inp.pan.pl/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 0554498X |
Positif | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.revue-positif.net/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 484911 |
Poznanskie Studia Polonistyczne, Seria Literacka | ScopePoznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka is a semiyearly journal of literary scholarship dealing with current problems in the areas of literary history and theory. The journal is published in Poznan and edited by scholars affiliated with the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology at Adam Mickiewicz University. Each year, two issues of the journal come out, the first in June (materials for this issue are gathered by the end of February each year) and the second in December (materials for this issue are gathered by the end of September).
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/pspsl" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 12338680 |
Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo | Scope“Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo†(“Philological Studies. Literary Researchâ€) is peer-reviewed academic journal that covers the latest research in literary studies. The journal is based on national philology, but publishes articles on both Polish and foreign literature, especially the one that concerns Slavic studies and classical philology. A wide range of topics, encompassing issues corresponding to literature of various epochs and cultural areas, makes PFLIT, compared to other academic journals, a unique and attractive source not only for literary historians and literary theorists, but also for researchers representing related disciplines such as culture or religious studies, history of art, and philosophy. We perceive our journal as a forum for an academic debate having regard to traditional literary studies closely tied to linguistic research. This, on the other hand, promotes a broad understanding of philology, which facilitates mergence of such components as high respect for the text, a dialogue among other areas of humanities and openness to be inspired by up-to-date methodologies.
“Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo†(“Philological Studies. Literary Researchâ€) is divided into two sections: monographic, related to the theme of the current issue, and “Philology in use†where we take a closer look at captivating interpretations of short pieces or translations, or current perspectives on research matters.
The underlying asset of our journal are monographic English issues published in the form of a separate volume that significantly broadens the audience of the periodical.
The authors constitute a circle of well-recognized Polish as well as foreign researchers. The journal is also open to young researchers just starting their academic careers. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.pracefilologiczne.uw.edu.pl/literaturoznawstwo/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 20846045, 26582503 |
Practica Otologica | ScopeInformation not localiced Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.jibirin.gr.jp/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 326313 |
Pravnehistoricke Studie | ScopePrávněhistorické studie / Legal History Studies (Charles University journal; below referred to as PHS or Journal) is a scientific journal listed in the international prestigious database SCOPUS. The journal is published by Charles University in Prague under the guarantee of the Department of Legal History of the Faculty of Law of Charles University. It is published by the Karolinum Press. The journal focuses on the field of legal history and related topics.
Issue 1 of the Journal was published by the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Publishing in June 1955. The Journal was initially published by the Cabinet of Legal History of the Czechoslovak Academy of Science (CSAV), later by the Institute of State and Law (CSAV) and then by the Institute of Legal History of the Faculty of Law of Charles University.
PHS is issued three times a year in April, August, and December and it presents original scientific works/papers as well as reviews, annotations and news from the scientific field of legal history. It also introduces annotated texts of a legal history nature. PHS accepts manuscripts from domestic as well as foreign authors. Manuscripts submitted by foreign authors are published in original language, namely in English, Slovak, German, French, Italian or Polish. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://karolinum.cz/en/journal/pravnehistoricke-studie/current" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00794929, 2464689X |
Printed Circuit Design and Fab | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.pcdandf.com/pcdesign/index.php/magazine" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 19395442 |
Printing Impressions | ScopePrinting Impressions provides authoritative coverage on the industry trends, emerging technologies and the news in the graphic arts industry with a specific focus on the commercial print segment. Our goal is to connect our readership with cutting-edge solutions and provide stories of success that will drive the future goals of their organization.
The core audiences within the printing and packaging markets include commercial printers, package printers and in-plant printers. We provide C-level managers, production managers, operations and sales/marketing managers with critical information and news, cutting-edge technology features, case studies and company profiles. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.piworld.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 0032860X |
Problemi | ScopeThe journal has lived through tumultuous times and became one of the most influential journals in the wider field of the humanities, with a substantial readership, publishing research articles by some of the most prominent scholars in the field of theoretical psychoanalysis and its philosophical, as well as cultural, social, and aesthetic applications. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://problemi.si/info/overview/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 5552419 |
Progres en Urologie - FMC | ScopeProgrès en urologie-FMC est une publication périodique de 4 numéros par an. Publication officielle de l'Association Française d'Urologie, elle est consacrée à la Formation Médicale Continue et elle vient ainsi compléter Progrès en Urologie, la revue de publication de travaux originaux. Cette revue souhaite proposer aux lecteurs une mise au point faite par un expert sur un sujet précis d'actualité présenté de façon concise et très illustrée.
Toute en couleur, et riche de nombreuses illustrations, elle vous offre une information de qualité avec un style direct et précis qui vous permet une lecture agréable et fluide. Les articles sont proposés par le comité de rédaction du journal mais les suggestions ou la soumission d'articles sont encouragées.
Faîtes le point sur votre pratique d'aujourd'hui et découvrez celle de demain !
Progrès en Urologie-FMC publie 4 numéros par an qui font référence. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.em-consulte.com/es/revue/FPUROL/presentation/progres-en-urologie-fmc" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 1761676X |
Prospettiva | ScopeProspettiva was founded in 1975 by Mauro Cristofani and Giovanni Previtali and specializes in ancient and modern art history.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.centrodi.com/prospettiva/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3940802 |
Przeglad Archiwalny Instytutu Pamieci Narodowej | Scopeâ€PrzeglÄ…d Archiwalny Instytutu PamiÄ™ci Narodowej†to periodyk naukowy wydawany przez Biuro UdostÄ™pniania i Archiwizacji Dokumentów/Archiwum IPN od 2008 r. SÅ‚uży prezentowaniu zagadnieÅ„ dotyczÄ…cych szeroko rozumianej archiwistyki w kontekÅ›cie funkcjonowania pionu archiwalnego Instytutu i charakteru zgromadzonego w nim zasobu. Na Å‚amach pisma publikowane sÄ… informacje dotyczÄ…ce różnych aspektów aktywnoÅ›ci archiwum IPN. Ważne miejsce zajmuje też popularyzacja zgromadzonego zasobu poprzez krytyczne omówienia oraz edycje najciekawszych dokumentów archiwalnych. FormuÅ‚a pisma umożliwia zamieszczanie na jego Å‚amach prac przygotowanych przez badaczy z innych oÅ›rodków naukowych i archiwów, korzystajÄ…cych z zasobu IPN lub też pragnÄ…cych wÅ‚Ä…czyć siÄ™ w naukowÄ… debatÄ™ z zakresu archiwistyki i źródÅ‚oznawstwa.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://ipn.gov.pl/par/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 18991254 |
Przekladaniec | ScopePrzekładaniec is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which investigates translation as a literary genre, a craft and a form of intercultural communication. We publish papers in theoretical, descriptive and applied translation studies. Our contributors include scholars from a variety of disciplines: translation theory and history, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology of translation, literary criticism, comparative literature, history of literature, modern languages, classical studies, feminist studies, linguistics, Polish studies. Our themed issues encourage both theoretical reflection and exchanges between practitioners. Our “Varia†section features work from outside particular themes. Our “Reviews†section presents recent publications, especially books published in languages other than English. The official language of Przekładaniec is Polish; however, our journal is not restricted to Polish language and literature. Contributions in other languages are welcome. English versions of selected issues are available online.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.ejournals.eu/Przekladaniec/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 14256851, 16891864 |
PZ Prisma | ScopePZ-Prisma bietet viermal pro Jahr umfangreiches Material zur Informationen und Weiterbildung. Umfassende Übersichtsarbeiten helfen, prüfungsrelevantes Wissen aufzubauen und im breiten Spektrum der einzelnen Weiterbildungsgebiete spezielle Kenntnisse zu erwerben oder zu vertiefen.
Die Inhalte orientieren sich an den neun Gebieten, für die sich Pharmazeuten spezialisieren können: Allgemeinpharmazie, Klinische Pharmazie, Arzneimittelinformation, Pharmazeutische Analytik, Pharmazeutische Technologie, Toxikologie & Ökologie, Theoretische & praktische Ausbildung, Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen, Klinische Chemie. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://avoxa.de/produkte/fachmedien/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 9455566 |
Queens Quarterly | ScopeThe Queen's Quarterly seeks submissions on any topic that presents a novel perspective and point of departure for thinking about our contemporary world. Whether fiction or non-fiction, a premium will be placed on singularity of voice, accessibility of ideas and relevance to issues of common concern. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.queensu.ca/quarterly/home" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 336041 |
Raritan | ScopeWelcome to Raritan—a journal of wide-ranging inquiry. In the tradition of independent magazines from the Spectator to Partisan Review, Raritan offers writers and readers the opportunity for sustained reflection and aesthetic pleasure, uncluttered by academic jargon. Founded in 1981 by the distinguished literary critic Richard Poirier, and supported by Rutgers University, Raritan aims to reach the common reader in everyone and to provide a particular experience of reading, one that nurtures an engaged and questioning approach to cultural texts of all sorts: literary, artistic, political, historical, sociological, even scientific.Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://raritanquarterly.rutgers.edu/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 2751607 |
Rassegna della Letteratura Italiana | ScopeErede della «Rassegna bibliografica della letteratura italiana», è stata fondata a Pisa nel 1893 e diretta da Alessandro D’Ancona fino al 1911.
Stampata a partire dal 1953 in fascicoli trimestrali, quindi quadrimestrali e da ultimo semestrali (senza tuttavia che questo comportasse alcuna diminuzione nel numero complessivo delle pagine), la rivista è bipartita in una sezione destinata a saggi, note critiche e materiali d’archivio inediti o rari e in una seconda comprendente una ricca bibliografia ragionata, suddivisa per secoli, che ne fa uno strumento di lavoro e di ricerca unico nel panorama internazionale delle riviste di italianistica. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.lelettere.it/rivista-la-rassegna-della-letteratura-italiana/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 339423 |
Rassegna Iberistica | ScopeRassegna iberistica is an international (double blind) peer-reviewed journal, founded by Franco Meregalli and Giuseppe Bellini in 1978. Each issue publishes articles, notes and reviews, devoted to research in the Spanish, Spanish-American, Luso-Brazilian, Catalan, Basque and Galician linguistic and cultural areas, covering all aspects of Iberian and Ibero-American culture. The journal promotes innovative theoretical and critical work at a high intellectual level that fills existing gaps in scholarship. Work across disciplinary boundaries is encouraged, welcoming a wide range of theoretical and critical approaches, and Rassegna iberistica is strongly committed to present the work of talented and innovative young scholars in the field. Submissions are invited on any historical period and in or across any cultural discipline, including: literary studies, visual arts, music, film, media, intellectual history, philosophy, cultural theory, cultural history, popular culture. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/en/edizioni4/riviste/rassegna-iberistica/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 03924777, 20376588 |
Recherches Germaniques | ScopeLa revue scientifique Recherches Germaniques a été fondée par Gonthier-Louis Fink à Strasbourg en 1971. Capitale européenne, ville universitaire et frontalière, Strasbourg est au cœur des échanges culturels entre la France et l’Allemagne. Sensible à la vocation européenne de Strasbourg, la revue désire servir de forum aussi bien à la germanistique française qu’à la germanistique internationale.
La revue Recherches Germaniques est dédiée à la recherche en littérature, histoire culturelle et histoire des idées des pays de langue allemande (Allemagne, Autriche, Suisse…). Elle publie les travaux inédits de jeunes chercheurs et de chercheurs confirmés des cinq continents. Les articles s’inscrivent dans des approches classiques de la germanistique, mais aussi dans des approches plus récentes et des champs de recherche innovants. La revue intègre une approche transnationale, une perspective comparatiste franco-allemande et une dimension interdisciplinaire. Les articles publiés portent sur des périodes historiques allant du Moyen Âge à nos jours.
Recherches Germaniques est une revue bi-annuelle qui comprend un numéro Varia (articles divers et/ou dossier) et un numéro thématique (Hors-série). Les articles, rédigés en français ou en allemand, ont satisfait à la procédure de double expertise anonyme (Double-Blind Peer Review), garante de l’excellence scientifique de la revue.
Recherches Germaniques s’adresse à des étudiants de niveau licence, master et doctorat en études germaniques, lettres, littérature comparée, études culturelles, histoire culturelle, philosophie, ainsi qu’à des universitaires et à un public éclairé de lecteurs intéressés par la littérature, la culture et l’histoire de l’aire germanique. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://journals.openedition.org/rg/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3991989 |
Religion and the Arts | ScopeLaunched by Boston College in late 1996, Religion and the Arts has rapidly developed into a major new international journal in this important interdisciplinary field. Religion and the Arts promotes the development of discourses for exploring the religious dimensions of the verbal, visual and performing arts. The journal has attracted international acclaim for its approach and its excellent quality and range of interest.
Religion and the Arts publishes: â— interpretations that develop new approaches to the religious and spiritual aspects of works of art â— discussions on the role of religion in cultural studies â— critical overviews of the state of scholarship in particular areas â— reviews, interviews, comment, debate, and surveys of recent developments Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://brill.com/view/journals/rart/rart-overview.xml" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 10799265, 15685292 |
Religious Studies Review | ScopeReligious Studies Review is Rice University's quarterly review of publications across the whole field of religious studies and in related disciplines. RSR reviews over 1,000 titles annually in review essays and critical notes. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/17480922" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 0319485X |
Review - Literature and Arts of the Americas | ScopeFounded in 1968, Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas is the major forum in the United States for contemporary Latin American and Caribbean writing in English and English translation; it also covers Canadian writing and the visual and performing arts in the Americas.
Review first brought the work of Latin American writers such as Alejo Carpentier, Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez, and Mario Vargas Llosa to critical attention in the United States, and they were followed by numerous other important figures. Translators Edith Grossman, Gregory Rabassa, and Margaret Sayers Peden are among those who have contributed to Review . Issues of the magazine focus on specific countries, regions, or on more abstract themes such as urban voices, women’s writing, or Latin American/Latino performing arts. Review has regularly included selections of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction; book reviews of newly translated titles; profiles of visual artists; and essays exploring currents in music and the performing arts.
Review has undergone various transformations, in response to cultural and economic currents over the last 36 years. Founded in 1968 as a compilation of previously published reviews of titles by Latin American authors, in the 1970s it turned to publishing special-focus issues on individual Latin American writers, including Borges, Neruda, and Paz. In the 1980s, Review was reconfigured as a high-design publication with substantial coverage of the visual and performing arts, broadening its to attract a more general readership. This trend continued into the 1990s when the magazine began publishing more literature and arts from the non-Spanish-speaking Caribbean. And in 2003, the magazine’s title was changed from Review: Latin American Literature and Arts to its current one. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rrev20/current" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 08905762, 17430666 |
Review of International American Studies | ScopeReview of International American Studies is the online/print-on-demand journal of the International American Studies Association (IASA). IASA, which held its first conference in Leiden in 2003, is organized around the understanding that in the twenty-first century American Studies, however that term is defined, can be properly discussed only in a global perspective. Many different views have been put forward as to what ‘America’ should mean—country, continent, hemisphere?—but the one thing on which most people are agreed is that in an era of increasing global circulation the international dimensions of American Studies can no longer be ignored.
The function of RIAS, as indeed of IASA in general, is to enhance channels of communication among scholars concerned with American Studies in different parts of the world, so as to enable the subject to grow and develop in ways that may not be visible to any of us at the present time. While RIAS has no preconceived academic agenda, it will of course depend crucially for its usefulness on the participation of scholars in many different parts of the world. This e-journal is a venue of global intellectual exchange in American Studies, and, to this end, we warmly welcome contributions from all quarters. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/RIAS" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 19912773 |
Revisiones en Cancer | ScopeRevisiones en Cáncer representa un hito único en la oncologÃa médica. Fundada por el Profesor Eduardo DÃaz-Rubio, la revista “Revisiones en Cáncer†acaba de cumplir 30 años y ha logrado adaptarse a las novedades terapéuticas de la oncologÃa. Los mejores expertos participan en los monográficos con el objetivo de tener una formación continuada en este campo. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://ediciones.grupoaran.com/content/10-revisiones-cancer" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 2138573 |
Revista Aequitas | ScopeThe Revista Aequitas. Estudios sobre Historia, Derecho e Instituciones has been created by the Asociación Veritas para el Estudio de la Historia, el Derecho y las Instituciones (Veritas Association for the Study of History, Law and Institutions), a non profit institution (NIF G47687074)
The field of study of the journal aims to cover as broad as its name suggests: history, law and institutions and, in particular, the interrelationships between these three fields of study.
In terms of geographical frame, studies about Spanish or Hispanic History, Law and Institutions will be preferred, but not in an exclusive manner. Topics related to other nations will be published in the Revista Aequitas if the studies are presented in Spanish or any other language commonly used to spread knowledge, science and culture, in order to ensure that the text can be accessed by a reasonable number of readers.
The journal is published on an semiannual basis (April and September) and access to its contents will be free through the Veritas Association website. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://revistaaequitas.wordpress.com/author/revistaaequitas/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 21749493 |
Revista Brasileira de Neurologia e Psiquiatria | ScopeRevista Brasileira de Neurologia e Psiquiatria (RBNP) é organizada e promovida pela Fundação de Neurologia e Neurocirurgia - Instituto do Cérebro e pelo Centro de Estudos e Pesquisa Juliano Moreira (CEPES), Salvador/BA, Brasil. Os artigos publicados na RBNP abrangem uma ampla área do conhecimento da Neurologia, Neurocirurgia, Psiquiatria, Neurociências e especialidades afins, tanto no que se refere a seus aspectos clÃnicos como sociais e epidemiológicos.
A RBNP incluirá sistematicamente as seguintes seções que deverão seguir rigorosamente as Normas para Publicação. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.revneuropsiq.com.br/rbnp" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 14140365 |
Revista de Critica Literaria Latinoamericana | ScopeLa RCLL es una publicación semestral arbitrada ("peer reviewed"), cuyo objetivo es poner en circulación los estudios recientes y los debates centrados en el conocimiento y entendimiento de la literatura y la cultura latinoamericanas en sus contextos histórico y social. Incluye textos en español y portugués.
La RCLL se publica en Tufts University con licencia especial de Latinoamericana Editores (Lima-Berkeley) sello editorial del Centro de Estudios Literarios Antonio Cornejo Polar (CELACP), bajo los auspicios del Department of Romance Languages de Tufts University y la colaboración del Dean of Arts & Sciences. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://as.tufts.edu/romancestudies/rcll/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 2528843 |
Revista de Historia (Costa Rica) | Join the conversation about this journal | null | 22154744 |
Revista de Historia Regional | ScopeA Revista de História Regional define-se como espaço de divulgação de trabalhos que tenham enquadramento teórico e metodológico dentro do campo de pesquisa em História e Região. Articulada ao debate epistemológico na história e nas ciências sociais, a revista tem por objetivo discutir a historicidade das práticas sociais e culturais, das construções discursivas e da produção de sentidos que, no tempo e no espaço, resultam em distintos processos de regionalizações. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://revistas2.uepg.br/index.php/rhr" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 14140055 |
Revista de Historiografia | ScopeRevista de HistoriografÃa (RevHisto) is a biannual scientific publication dedicated to the study of the conditions and circumstances in which historical production is constructed. RevHisto only admits originals that contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Its interdisciplinary interest makes it a forum not only dedicated to the analysis of historical narratives in their contexts, but also to the historiographic study of any field of knowledge, generated by and intended for qualified experts and scholars. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://e-revistas.uc3m.es/index.php/REVHISTO/index" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 18852718 |
Revista de Letras | ScopeThe central aim of Revista de Letras UNESP is to provide a forum for the discussion of Literature, with special emphasis on Literary Theory and Criticism and their different theoretical and methodological approaches. Fields of knowledge directly related to Literary Theory and Criticism such as Sociology, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis may as well offer significant contribution to the literary studies and will be accepted for publication. As a forum for the discussion of Literature Revista de Letras UNESP does not favor any kind of theoretical or critical approach, encouraging the widest diversity of perspectives in approaching Literature. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://periodicos.fclar.unesp.br/letras" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 01013505, 19817886 |
Revista de Obras Publicas | ScopeThe Revista de Obras Públicas (ROP) is essentially a civil engineering journal.
The journal is published by the Spanish Institution of Civil Engineers and is subsequently geared towards both this group of professionals and those in related areas both at home and abroad. The articles published in the journal subsequently aim to be of utmost interest to all potential readers.
The ROP covers a much broader area than other, purely professional journals and reflects the world of science and technology; the economy or infrastructure policy; technical education or the history of engineering, and placing particular emphasis, in all these areas, on research and innovation in the sector.
This has been the editorial focus since the first publication of the Revista in 1853, and the journal aims to continue and innovate this area of discussion on the profession. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://ropdigital.ciccp.es/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00348619, 16954408 |
Revue de l'Art | ScopeLa Revue de l’Art a été fondée en 1968 par André Chastel et placée sous l’égide du Comité français d’histoire de l’art. C’est l’une des très grandes revues scientifiques internationales consacrées à l’histoire de l’art occidental du Moyen Âge à nos jours, et un instrument de diffusion de notre discipline tant en France qu’à l’étranger. Elle bénéficie d’un classement au rang A dans les listes de l’European Science Foundation et de l’ISI Web of Knowledge.
Avec un nombre stable d’abonnés, la Revue de l'Art est dans le peloton de tête des revues internationales de référence de la discipline. Elle maintient l’esprit de rigueur analytique, de curiosité et d’ouverture intellectuelles dans lequel son créateur l’a conçue, tout en accompagnant l’évolution de l’histoire de l’art en France et dans le monde. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.centrechastel.paris-sorbonne.fr/page/revue-de-lart-0" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00351326, 1953812X |
Revue des Etudes Anciennes | ScopeLa Revue des Études Anciennes est plus que centenaire. Fondée en 1899 par Georges Radet, elle conserve aujourd’hui encore la vocation large qu’elle possédait à l’origine, ce qui fait toujours sa particularité parmi les revues françaises ou étrangères comparables. Elle publie en effet aussi bien des articles d’histoire, d’épigraphie, d’archéologie, de littérature et de philosophie, couvrant ainsi le champ entier des études anciennes consacrées aux mondes grec et romain. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.revue-etudes-anciennes.fr/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 352004 |
Revue des Etudes Slaves | ScopeFondée en 1921, la Revue des études slaves est une revue internationale de slavistique. Tout en maintenant sa vocation originelle — la philologie, l’histoire, la critique et l’histoire littéraires des pays slaves — elle s’est élargie à la linguistique moderne, l’anthropologie historique, l’ethnologie, l’histoire des idées, des littératures, des arts, des cultures et des religions. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://journals.openedition.org/res/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00802557, 2117718X |
Revue des Langues Romanes | ScopeLa Revue des langues romanes, désormais plus que centenaire, continue à exploiter les riches terrains de la philologie des langues romanes, au sens classique du terme, et du texte littéraire occitan. Son numéro annuel est composé de deux fascicules consacrés à un thème particulier qui peut concerner l’ancien français, l’occitan de toutes les périodes ou encore des sujets communs à plusieurs littératures romanes. Ces recueils d’articles sont complétés de « varia » qui abordent des sujets plus divers et des comptes rendus critiques abondants qui permettent de mieux appréhender la production contemporaine. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.pulm.fr/index.php/revues/revue-des-langues-romanes.html" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 2233711 |
Revue des Musees de France | ScopeLes contributions publiées couvrent les multiples champs de l’histoire de l’art, de l’archéologie, des sciences et techniques et de l’ethnologie, de la Préhistoire à nos jours. Découvrez l’actualité des musées : ouvertures, rénovations et grandes acquisitions, ainsi que le compte rendu des dernières recherches de conservateurs et d’historiens de l’art, français et étrangers. Enfin, un tour de France des expositions dans les musées vous est présenté.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.grandpalais.fr/fr/la-revue-des-musees-de-france" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 19624271 |
Revue des Sciences Humaines | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.scienceshumaines.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 352195 |
Revue d'Histoire du Theatre | ScopeLa Revue d’Histoire du Théâtre est une revue trimestrielle, créée en 1948 et soutenue par la Direction Générale de la Création Artistique (Ministère de la Culture) et la Bibliothèque nationale de France. Elle publie des textes inédits, s’attachant à transmettre l’histoire des arts du spectacle, du Moyen âge à nos jours. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://sht.asso.fr/revue-dhistoire-du-theatre/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 12912530 |
Revue du Nord | ScopeThe Revue du Nord is a journal of history (originally, also of geography and literature), also open to archaeology.
The Revue du Nord publishes articles concerned with the history and archaeology of Northern France, Belgium and the Netherlands, and (less frequently) other areas of Northern and Eastern Europe. This geographical extent is one the criteria for the selection of papers.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://revue-du-nord.univ-lille3.fr/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 352624 |
Revue Francaise d'Ethique Appliquee | ScopeThe Revue française d’éthique appliquée is a french-language peer-reviewed ethics journal.
It aims to promote and disseminate reflections and research on ethics. A combined effort by
the Université Paris-Sud/Paris-Saclay and the Espace de réflexion éthique de la région Ãle-deFrance (Ãle-de-France’s Space for Ethical Reflection), RFEA is a peer-reviewed Frenchlanguage university journal, published twice yearly. RFEA’s publications aim to provide an indepth examination of the ethical questionings that arise from field-based experiences,
innovations in practices, and academic studies. To this end, the work published in RFEA
spans across a variety of fields of applied ethics, including healthcare, environment, and
animal ethics, economic and social ethics, and the ethics of science and technology. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.espace-ethique.org/revue" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 24270687, 24945757 |
Revue Italienne d'Etudes Francaises | ScopeRéalisée à l’initiative du « Seminario di Filologia francese », la Revue Italienne d’études françaises revendique, comme l'indique son nom, son appartenance à toute la communauté italienne des chercheurs dans le domaine de la littérature, de la langue et de la culture françaises. Ces études jouissent, en Italie, d’une réputation ancienne et illustre ; elles sont internationalement reconnues, ayant toujours veillé à ne pas confiner la recherche dans une perspective strictement nationale.
Nous aspirons à continuer cette tradition d’ouverture. C'est pourquoi nous avons choisi d’adopter exclusivement la langue française, et de nous placer sous l'égide d'un Comité scientifique composé à la fois de personnalités italiennes et étrangères.
Nous savons que notre Revue naît en une saison bien difficile pour les sciences humaines. Pour des raisons que les historiens de l’avenir jugeront probablement sans aucune indulgence, les universités européennes ont été obligées de supprimer des postes dans nos disciplines, d'affaiblir les départements de lettres, de langues, d’histoire. Ceux qui en font les frais, ce sont surtout les jeunes chercheurs, qui travaillent dans des conditions difficiles, face à un avenir incertain. Notre Revue les considère comme ses interlocuteurs privilégiés : nous publierons leurs articles, nous aspirons à les compter parmi nos lecteurs. Nous leur promettons une attention sévère et un traitement impartial, pour chacune de leurs contributions. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://journals.openedition.org/rief/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 22407456 |
Ricerca Folklorica | ScopeErreffe – La ricerca folklorica, rivista di “Contributi allo studio della cultura delle classi popolari†diretta da Glauco Sanga, è nata nel 1980 per iniziativa di un gruppo di etnologi desiderosi di aprire uno spazio di approfondimento e confronto sui temi della cultura popolare, a livello italiano e internazionale.Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.grafo.it/La-Ricerca-Folklorica" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3919099 |
Ricerche di Storia dell Arte | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.carocci.it/index.php?option=com_carocci&task=schedarivista&Itemid=262&id_rivista=6" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3927202 |
Rita Revista Indexada de Textos Academicos | ScopeLa revista rita_ es una publicación semestral. La temática de los textos será cualquiera relacionada con la teorÃa y práctica arquitectónica (proyecto-análisis/composición-crÃtica-tecnologÃa). rita_ es una revista en formato papel y digital que publica trabajos originales no difundidos anteriormente en otras revistas, libros o actas editadas de congresos. Se establece un sistema de arbitraje aplicable a los artÃculos seleccionados para su publicación mediante un revisor externo siguiendo los protocolos habituales para publicaciones cientÃficas. El sistema de evaluación será anónimo, externo al consejo de redacción y por pares, e incidirá sobre cuatro aspectos fundamentales: la contribución al conocimiento del tema, la corrección de las relaciones establecidas con los antecedentes y bibliografÃa utilizados, la correcta redacción del texto que facilite su comprensión y, por último, el juicio crÃtico que se concluya de lo expuesto.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.redfundamentos.com/rita" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 23409711, 23867027 |
Rivista degli Studi Orientali | ScopeSince over seventy-five years, the quarterly review "Rivista degli Studi Orientali" receive literary contributions of italian and international scholars of oriental studies. The interest range over many fields: archaeology, history, linguistic, literature, religion, myth of arabian countries and Far East. Yearly two monographic supplement finish and complete the survey of studies about this field.Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.libraweb.net/riviste.php?chiave=38" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 03924866, 17241863 |
Rivista del Diritto della Navigazione | ScopeThe Rivista del Diritto della Navigazione deals with transportation and maritime, inland, air and aerospace navigation, addressing, from scientific and operational points of view, both traditional subjects and the most recent technical innovations, such as: new problems in maritime and aeronautical construction, insurance, safety and security, problems tied to registration of ships and aircrafts, guarantees on credits linked to or that can affect navigation and its operation, logistics, environmental protection, new issues concerning management of infrastructures and systems for traffic control and the most innovative technologies in transportation, consumer protection, national and international taxation. Furthermore the Rivista focuses on fishery, aquaculture and pleasure crafts, both air and sea, recognizing the economic and social importance of these activities.
In the context of uniform and European law, the purpose of the Rivista is to offer tools for a more active Italian participation in the formation process of rules, reflecting the economic and industrial role of Italy at international level.
The Rivista intends to be a forum for debate on the changing world of traffic and transportation infrastructures, and a valid tool for scholars, practitioners and policy makers. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://rivdirnav.org/en/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 355895 |
Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale | ScopeLa «Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale», fondata nel 1959 da E. Paratore, G. Vinay, C. Giannelli, esce regolarmente in due fascicoli annuali sotto la guida del nuovo Direttore Liana Lomiento e di un comitato scientifico che ne sorregge l'ampliamento in specifici settori dell'antichistica: letteratura latina classica e tardoantica, storia romana, letteratura greca, storia greca, diritto romano, letteratura cristiana, filologia bizantina, presenza dei classici nelle letterature moderne. Anche attraverso le sezioni: Note e Discussioni, Recensioni e Libri, la RCCM mira a dare un contributo critico ai problemi d'attualità e a offrire un panorama del dispiegarsi dei filoni della riflessione moderna sulla cultura antica e medioevale.Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.libraweb.net/riviste.php?chiave=65" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00356085, 1724062X |
Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate | ScopeLa Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate, fondata da Carlo Pellegrini e Vittorio Santoli, esce regolarmente in quattro fascicoli annui dal 1947 e accoglie lavori, in lingua italiana, inglese, francese e tedesca, rivolti a un’analisi avanzata dei testi letterari in rapporto alla loro tradizione e in prospettiva comparatistica, offrendo uno spazio di dibattito culturale a studiosi sia italiani sia internazionali. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.pacinieditore.it/prodotto/rivista-di-letterature-moderne-e-comparate/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3912108 |
Rivista di storia del cristianesimo | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.morcelliana.net/3010-rivista-di-storia-del-cristianesimo" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 18277365 |
Rivista di storia della chiesa in Italia | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.torrossa.com/it/resources/an/2193369" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00356557, 1827790X |
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia | ScopeFounded in 1946 by Mario Dal Pra, the Rivista di storia della filosofia soon made its mark in Italy and abroad thanks to its fresh approach to hypotheses and its philologically rigorous investigations into themes and questions arising from the historical tradition of Western thought. It has dedicated monographic issues to the thoughts of Dewey, Russell, Carnap, Vailati, Hobbes, Hume, Aristotle, Epicurus, Abelard, Husserl, Kant, Hegel and Quine. It has also published, and continues to publish, studies on the most interesting questions in the history of thought, as well as documents and previously unpublished texts. It also examines the significant aspects of current philosophical debate, whilst maintaining a direct link between the history of philosophy and research in other areas of culture and following the teaching of philosophy in secondary schools and universities. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.francoangeli.it/riviste/Sommario.aspx?IDRivista=45" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 03932516, 19725558 |
RLC - Revue de Litterature Comparee | ScopeFondée en 1921 par Fernand Baldensperger et Paul Hazard, la Revue de littérature comparée, rédigée en français et en anglais, est une revue à comité de lecture qui a une vaste diffusion internationale.
Consacrée aux études comparatistes sur les littératures de l'Europe et du monde, elle en propose des approches historiques, théoriques ou méthodologiques.
Trimestrielle, elle fait alterner deux numéros thématiques confiés à un rédacteur en chef, et deux numéros qui accueillent des articles traitant de sujets variés.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.klincksieck.com/les-livres/collection/9-revue-de-litterature-comparee" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00351466, 19650264 |
Romanica Wratislaviensia | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | null | 5572665 |
Romanticism | ScopeFocusing on the period 1750-1850, the journal continues to welcome critical, historical, textual and bibliographical essays prepared to the highest scholarly standards, and seeks to represent a full range of current methodological and theoretical debate. Each issue contains at least six substantial reviews of recent books.
Romanticism now looks forward to its next quarter century as the most vital international publishing arena for scholarly debate in this liveliest field of literary studies.Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.euppublishing.com/loi/rom" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 1354991X |
Romantisme | Scope"Littérature, arts, sciences, histoire trouvent leur place depuis la création de la revue de la Société des études romantiques et dix-neuvièmistes qui étudie ce siècle dans son ensemble, à travers l"expression de voies nouvelles qu"offre l"interdisciplinarité." Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.revues.armand-colin.com/lettres-langue/romantisme" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 488593 |
Subsets and Splits