[ "How are you, I want to buy a car", "I'm well. I want to buy a dragon", "I want to drive my self to work in a nice car", "Where do you w o r k?", "I work in new york city 10 miles away from were I stay", "New york has the best nachos. I love them", "Love them too bu the traffic at times annoys me", "Oh I know, maybe ride the train sometimes", "Waiting for the train can also be nagging", "True but it beats sitting in traffic", "Its station is a bit far from my home", "Oh, do you have any hobbies?", "My hobbies are playing basket ball and checkers", "I like basketball too and playing video games" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I make unique boats out of bamboo on the weekends. How are you tonight?", "I am fine, how are you? I have been watching shows on netflix tonight.", "Oh not me, I like fishing too much to sit around watching tv.", "That's nice! I spend time hiking, but fishing is a bit too boring for me.", "Well I live on a small island so not much else to do here.", "What island do you live on?", "A small island in hawaii. Off the coast of maui, its not even on a map.", "It must be beautiful there, must be wonderful to spend time outside.", "Yes 75 degrees all year long. Only 3 families and my dog live here.", "I prefer colder weather, so that wouldn't be so good for me.", "I named him bob because his fur looks like a bobcat but he's a dog.", "If I had a dog, he would probably eat my parrot.", "Once you get used to the weather you will never want to leave.", "The nature would be what I'd stay for, but not the weather." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi how are you today", "Greetings from mother russia comrade!!!", "What color is your hair?", "Black as midnight. My favorite song is paint it black by the stones", "Mine is black too. Its kinda curly also", "Sounds awesome. What do you enjoy?", "Looking for leprechauns I will find them", "Imagine traveling to ireland to find a leprechaun", "Well that is just silly. They're everywhere", "Once I finish business school, I want to travel more!!", "Do you have any pets", "A siberian husky, they make good friends in russia" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi how are you doing?", "Happy tuesday, whats for dinner?", "Hi I think I'll cook tacos", "I am ok, just making bbq on my grill.", "What do you do for a living?", "Do you play video games?", "Ni I don't sorry", "I don't have a job, I stay with my family.", "I am a legal asst to a lawyer", "How old are you this year?", "I am turning thirty three lol", "Are you married with kids?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello.", "Hi there. How are you?", "I'm good, just strumming the guitar, how are you?", "Exhausted. I played doubles in tennis with my sisters.", "I bet that's a nice workout. I've 2 older brothers, how many siblings do you have?", "Two sisters. I'm a baker, what do you do?", "I help my family work on our farm, and play ina a band.", "Moms a dentist, I cannot help her.", "Yeah, that might not be a good idea, helping around the house is good.", "I'd rather watch silicon valley. My bakery keeps me busy.", "I don't watch much television, the farm keeps me busy. Mom does the baking here.", "My mom does not bake, she does not even cook.", "Is your bakery in the city? I have never been.", "Yes, it is. On fourth street." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello", "Hello. How are you doing?", "Good and you?", "I am doing well. I just finished closing at the store.", "You own your own business?", "No. I work at a party store in town.", "Oic. Ima hairdresser", "That's cool. Other than work, what have you been up to lately?", "I love to go clubbing", "Cool! The club here would have special events during christmas. My fave holiday.", "Where are you from?", "Raised in northern california but not sure where I was born." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello. How are you this morning?", "Cosplay is what I do, just cosplay", "Well that is nice. I am a small business owner.", "Woolseys, watching televison shows and going to the movies aswell", "Nice. I graduated college and didn't have any jobs offers is why I started my business.", "Lol, great. Game of throne is the best show that there eva was!!!", "Never seen an episode. Hear its pretty go though.", "Nah, I've a office at my home that I work from", "So what type of job do you do?", "Cosplay, its what I do, professionally like", "Oh thought you worked from home. I am sorry misunderstood.", "That is okay, its all about cosplay", "Well that is nice. I have never displayed. Sounds fun.", "Fun yes, I love moves and television though" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi, how are you today?", "Hi! Great just finished my pizza! I'm tom. How are you?", "I'm good, listening to some country music watching the reality show I was on.", "Which show were you in?", "A show on cbs but it was in 2007. Ll, now I work as circus clown.", "Cool! How far did you get on the show? Do you get to travel a lot now?", "My teacher mom sent them a tape of me and I got on.", "Wonderful! I bet it was fun. What hobbies do you have?", "I surf. Love to surf. You?", "Mostly eating italian food, which is kinda strange, since I come from east asia.", "Well, you do not have to be from a place to love the food.", "True, I am a proof of that! What food do you like?", "Italian, mexican, and chinese. Yum, yum, yum.", "Are you on a special diet for what you do in the circus?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hey there how are you this evening?", "Great! Just picked up the keys to my first house!", "I've been up all hours of the night just writing.", "I enjoy writing so much! I know exactly how you feel", "Awesome! Did you buy or rent? Facetime me let me see it!", "I bought it! It has the perfect nook for writing all night", "I'm writing a book, have a bbq an invite me!", "I'm passionate about bbq, writing a bbq book right now", "Awesome! My desk I wrote is a sleek black desk its my fav color", "It sounds like a superb writing environment", "Awww a cook book! Nice hold the pickles on my burger an I am there!", "The pickles are the best part of the whole experience though!", "Yes it is, any favorite tv shows? Mine is rick an morty.", "I like the hunting shows, like duck dynasty", "Not to me lol they are nasty.", "I often go hunting for pickles with my siblings" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Are you all moved into your new house yet?", "Yes, and I could not be happier! Everything has been going great so far! There is still a lot to unpack but we have made a lot of progress! What about you? How is work?", "Good! So are you happy with the size and location? Work is good - I'm making progress on my book which is exciting!!", "Yes! I am totally happy! My new house is the perfect location for me to finish writing my BBQ book. Maybe you can proofread it before I send it out! I am so happy to hear you're making great progress as well! Writing is not easy, contrary to popular belief.", "I would love to help you out. It helps that I am a big fan of BBQ too! Yes writing can be tough, but I find that it helps to take mental breaks down and then. I like to break my day up by watching TV, for example. Maybe you could watch Duck Dynasty in between writing - it will help!!", "That sounds like a great idea! Do you watch Rick and Morty when you need a break?", "Haha you remembered! Yes I do - I love that show. Do you like any other shows aside from DD?", "Yes! My siblings and I love to watch cooking shows. We tend to have our own competitions for fun as well!", "Oh nice! Tell me more! How does the competition work?", "Well we love to use certain ingredients in making a dish. Pickles are usually included in this ingredient list, because we love those. So we pick a few ingredients and we have to come up with one dish that includes all of the ingredients.", "I'd love to be there and watch one of those competitions, they sound fun. Although I would not be able to participate or judge them - I hate pickles!!", "We will have to come up with some different ingredients to include you! And when you come over, we can share ideas for our writing! I look forward to it!" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Have you finished unpacking your new house?", "I have! I hate moving so I'm glad to be done! How's your book coming along?", "It's been slow to start but every so often I'll get a burst of inspiration. ", "That's good! Slow and stead wins the race. Anything good on tv lately? ", "I have been watching a lot of cooking shows actually. They make me so hungry though. Have you cooked anything interesting lately?", "I like the cooking shows too...and they do make you hungry! Yeah, actually, made a bbq meatloaf the other night. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. I thought it was good!", "That sounds so delicious. Will that be in your cookbook?", "I doubt it...too simple. But then again, I guess simple is good for a cookbook! Have you been watching Rick and Morty? ", "I have been re-watching it actually. It never gets old. Do you like watching it?", "I've actually never seen an episode. Just clips on the internet. ", "It's very funny. I recommend it. What have you been watching lately?", "I'm a big fan of Blue Bloods so I'm always happy when an new episode comes on. I also like Mayans MC...awesome show!" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Congratulations on the new house! How big is it?", "Its decent size 3 bedrooms & 2 baths. What is your favorite thing to cook? ", "I love trying new casseroles. There are so many different kinds to try. That's awesome you're writing a cookbook. BBQ meatloaf sounds amazing!", "Yes, it is delicious. I am very excited about my book. What are you writing about? ", "I write mostly fiction. Right now I am working on a book of short stories. ", "Very nice. I have never watched Rick and Morty. I currently don't have too much time with just moving and all. Blue Bloods is my favorite. Have you watched it? ", "I have watched Blue Bloods, but just a couple of episodes. I actually have it on my watchlist. I want to start at the beginning and watch them all. Very good show. I love Tom Selleck. I have never heard of Mayans MC. What is that about?", "Have you ever heard of Sons of Anarchy ? ", "My sister LOVES that show, but I have never watched it. Do you like it?", "Yes, it is very good. Mayans MC is the events that take place after the Sons of Anarchy. You should definitely watch both shows. ", "Oh, okay. I will have to let my sister know about Mayans MC, in case she hasn't watched it. I will check them both out! Thank you.", "Your welcome. So what is your favorite cooking show to watch? " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello, how are you today?", "I am good. I speak two different languages.", "Wow, that's impressive. I teach first grade and I only know one language.", "That's nice that you are a teacher. I never finished high school.", "That's all right, you can always get your ged.", "I would like to be a teacher someday.", "That's great! Do you have any children? My little girl is 3.", "I do not have children yet. I spend my time reading.", "That sounds nice and peaceful. I read my bible quite a bit.", "That's nice that you read the bible. I would like to do that.", "I learned as a child. My dad has always preached and I have always been in church.", "That's good. We both have been reading since a young age.", "That's very good. What is your favorite color? Mine is purple.", "My favorite color is blue. I like purple as well.", "Blue is very pretty. What do you do for fun?", "Other than read, not much. What do you do for fun?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Have you read any interesting books lately?", "Not really, but I'd like to get into the bible. Some of the words are hard for me to understand", "I personally read the bible every night before to go to sleep. I see your point. It is not the easiest book in the world. What I can suggest you is to read it and highlight the words that you don't understand. Once you finish to read go to look for those words. ", "I need to do that. I don't have a dictionary, but easy to buy one. I want to teach, too, so it's time for me to learn new words!", "You can buy one if you want to, but for the time being you can use your phone and google the new words. By the way you said you are bilingual, but what is your second language? ", "Spanish. Are you interested in speaking other languages? ", "I would like to learn Spanish so in the future I can teach it to my daughter. ", "I'll help you learn Spanish if you help me get my GED!", "Great! We can organise and schedule some lessons. Are you free during the weekend?", "Yes, but I have to help my parents paint their house on Sat. and Sun.", "Ok let's schedule for a different day then. I am usually free on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon when my daughter is at her piano lessons. ", "Tuesday sounds fine. Say 1 or 2?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I purchased a spanish language dictionary to help me with our lessons.", "Brilliant start! i am keen to help you learn as it will make good use of my skills. When would you like to begin? ", "Soon. Maybe we can do skype or zoom language sessions?", "Im not familiar with either but happy to try! this will be good experience for me to become a teacher. DO you have any background of SPanish or is this ocmpletely new? ", "I actually speak Italian so it is very related. Do you read books in both languages?", "Oh, i thought you only spoke 1 language. I can read books in either but mainly stick to English so i can improve. Ive not read much recently though. How is your daughter getting on with her Spanish? ", "Well I can read a menu in an Italian restaurant anyway. Vino, Prosciutto, Frappe. Ha. My daughter hasn't started any language classes yet, but she loves her music lessons. Are you thinking of having kids in the future?", "Oops i apolgise, i meant to ask about her piano lessons, is she doing well? Maybe one day however i don't have any plans as of yet! Im not quite ready to give up my wild weekends etc. I imagine i will have them eventually though. ", "Speaking of weekends. It's nice of you to help your parents paint this weekend. Are you handy in general?", "I can be, i like to be as independent as possible and of course am always happy to help my parents! Do you see your parents much?", "I try to see my dad every few weeks. He's retired from preaching now and leading a slower life. I'm happy he gets to spend time with my daughter now. He was always so busy when he was working. Do your parents still work?", "No, my parents are retired now, both with their own health issues also sadly. THats great he gets to see yopur daughter, are they close? " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Do you prefer Spanish or English entertainment?", "I like them both, actually. Spanish entertainment is a little more eccentric, but English has more of a dry humor. What about you? What kind do you like the most?", "i only speak one language and it is not spanish so i prefer english", "What about Italian? Do you speak that?", "yes i speak italian and am taking spanish lessons", "Do you plan on visiting Spain anytime soon? I think that would be a great place to go.", "yes i want to go visit barcelona some day. a friend went and he loved it", "How is your teaching going? What do you teach?", "it is going well. my students are all learning a lot", "Oh good. How is your daughter doing with her piano lessons?", "she is going to be the next mozart because she is so good", "Wow! I'd love to hear her play sometime. What types of music does she play?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Omg, my ferocious feline kj is trying to attack birds outside!", "Oh funny! I have a dog and a cat.", "She can be annoying, especially when I m cooking which is often", "What do you do for a living?", "I'm a retired nurse. My husband used to be an auto dealer", "Oh. I'm working on my law degree.", "That s very impressive. Must be expensive to go to school now", "It is! Thank goodness for loans.", "Yeah but you have to pay back with large interest. Sad.", "Yeah, my parents have helped out alot.", "That s good. My husband is on disability so its good we don t have any kids", "Oh. I am single with no kids.", "Don t have them until you can afford them! God forbid they have medical problems", "That is good advice! I want to find the right guy too!", "I used to be a traveling nurse, many states, where do you live?", "I live in chicago, you?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi. I only drive toyotas for some reason.", "Good morning how are you today?", "Good morning. I love pepsi. Do you?", "I got a secret it is here in my heart.", "I've one too, I talk in irc but I know not what it is.", "What is yours? I'm gay. My parents will freak out I think.", "I thought you were going to say you were in love with me. I'm sad.", "What? How would that be? Like video games.", "I like video games. They're fun!", "What is your favorite kind?", "I think your parents will love you no matter if gay or straight.", "I hope so, I really love them too.", "I'm sure they love you quite a bit.", "Like comics? I love to copy them.", "Comics are lovely, I think.", "Lol why do you think?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hey! Where are you from?", "I am from central arkansas. Do you wanna buy any cosmetics?", "Summer taught me I can sweat through anything no thanks", "What kind of music do you listen to?", "World folk. I pick countries I want to go to and just chill", "Sounds a lot better than the rage metal my sons have me into", "Haha. Yeah see this is why I'm glad I'm to young for kids", "Well they keep me up to date with music", "I let the guys at the site do that for me over break", "What do you do for work?", "Full time student in dc but I work summers in contracting", "I work part time as a psychiatrist", "Do you meet any cool people?", "Some are cool and some are very mad", "I can believe that. Haha. I think some of the site boys need therapy too", "They might could afford my services" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I talked to the site boys and they are interested in a therapy session.", "Sounds great. Just schedule an appointment. What are you working on building?", "We're doing the drywall for a new office building. Pretty boring stuff haha", "Haha yeah just like a lot of jobs. Any good concerts coming up this summer?", "Yeah there's a great festival every year about an hour away. Planning on hitting that up with my friends. Do you have summer plans?", "Me and my boys are going to go float the river and do some camping. It is some we have been doing the past few years.", "Wow, that sounds fun. Any good camping spots you recommend?", "Any of the state parks in Arkansas is pretty good. There is a public diamond mine that we went to one time and found a few small diamonds.", "Whoa, neat! I might have to make a trip down there some day.", "Yeah its great. If you don't like the cold definitely plan on going in the spring or summer. ", "I grew up in Maine so the cold is no big deal to me! ", "You're golden then. If you plan it right you can end up deep sea fishing in the gulf if you are into that." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "What did you do with the diamonds that you found in the public diamond mines of Arkansas?", "I finally had the time to go see a jeweler, I was able to design my own dainty diamond necklace and a diamond ring. Both of the necklace and ring cost close to 500k", "Wow. That's a lot! You really lucked out huh?", "I know, I still cannot believe it! Now I can have an inheritance to leave to my kiddos. Now if my kid can stop listening to rage metal. Do you like rage metal. What concert are you going too?", "I'm going to a World Folk concert. It's a lot more calm than Rage Metal haha/", "I dont think I am familiar with world folk? is that Indie music? Like Lana del rey?", "It's basically folk music with world music influences. Like a bit of music from different places in the world.", "gotcha! interesting. maybe I can take my son to it. I cannot stand metal music, I dont understand how anyone can like that type of music. who are your favorite artist?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hey, you like dogs I've three killer dogs.", "Yeah I love dogs! They hunt for me. I love to eat red meat!", "Cool when I'm not working as an accountant, I hunt humans.", "Hey if you ever need your computer fixed, I bet I could work on it.", "My computer is at the lake, where I read my horror novels I like come visit.", "You are going to hurt me. However, redheads have no soul!", "I like the lake I go to where my next kill is a redhead girl.", "Its a good thing I moved very far from my home and previous stalker.", "Where do you live now are you alone?", "Like I said, very very very far from my home.", "Do you like scary movies?", "No! I am very jumpy." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello, how are you doing?", "I am good, how are you tonight?", "I am good, probably going to bed here shortly. Long day.", "Me too, I am listening to some music, relaxing", "That sounds nice, I used some aromatherapy lotion to relax.", "Oh I love those, my mom gave me some for my birthday", "The smell is so calming, I love it. Its one of the little things", "So what do you do for a living", "I work in the safety department at a prison. What about you?", "My mom just got me on at her telecommunications company, pretty boring", "A job is a job. I've 3 kids, also 3 big dogs, I stay busy.", "True, my dream is to be a singer, so every night I am playing my guitar" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hey there how are you today?", "I'm doing great, how about you?", "I am good. Just finished a good medium rare steak my second wife cooked.", "How many wives do you have?", "My dog found both my first and second. My first wife died in a car crash.", "I am so sorry to hear that. What do you enjoy doing with your wife?", "My dog found both my first and second. My first wife died in a car crash.", "What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time?", "I like to draw and fish. They're relaxing.", "That sounds like fun, where do you work?", "I love to drink coffee too. I've five flavors in my fridge.", "Do you drink coffee at work as well?", "I'm unemployed. How about you?", "I'm looking for a job making video games.", "That sounds like a lot of fun.", "My father has a very important job, but I would rather do something I love." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "How has the job search been going?", "I haven't had luck so far but I am trying new sites. It's pretty tough, have you been job searching lately?", "I am sorry! I hope things pick up. No I haven't. Right now I am just taking some time to self-reflect. I don't know if my industry is right for me. Are you passionate about making video games?", "Yes I love making video games. My friends and my mom tell me I have great ideas for video games. I just need some work experience. How has your last week been?", "Yeah, getting your foot in the door is always rough! My week has been nice. I just went to the lake and fished. I caught a huge fish and drew it. What did you do this week?", "I ran some errands for my father. He has helped me get by while I get my feet under me. I've never fished, how long have you been a fisher?", "Wow that's very kind of him. Parents are great! I have been fishing for 15 years if you can believe it! Do you have any interest in fishing? I could teach you.", "Yes I actually need a hobby. Do you have a boat?", "I would love to teach you!! I do have a boat. It's not very big but it does the job. Do you get seasick? ", "Well, I don't know actually. There's only one way to find out if I get sea sick. It sounds like it will be fun.", "I will make sure to bring some medicine. Sea sickness is not very fun!! I bet you would love being on the water. It's so relaxing", "Is it alright if I bring a friend? You could bring a family member or friend or whatever and have a get together." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "What other hobbies would you be interested in?", "I would love to try fishing some day. But it's a bit hard to get into it, because it seems like you need a lot of equipment.", "That's understandable. But once you get the hang of it, it can be really fun. I see you have seasick. Do you get motion sickness in general?", "I'm not sure. When I play first person video games, I don't really get motion sickness, so maybe I'll be ok. What kind of fish do you try to catch?", "I usually try to catch bass or catfish. I go fishing monthly with my cousin. You should definitely try it.", "Cool! I would love to tag along to see how it works. Would you be ok with that?", "Definitely! What kind of video games do you want to make in the future?", "I would like to make first person adventure games. I love games where you can explore and interact with new worlds and environments. Maybe I should include a fishing village!", "That sounds amazing. Games like minecraft, animal crossing?", "I think so. But I want to create a realistic-looking 3D world with precise textures. Basically Minecraft with more realism. Maybe I can send you a copy if I ever end up making a video game like that.", "That sounds interesting and unique. Hope it'll work out for you in the future.", "Thank you. Any new drawings lately?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi how are you today", "Doin well. It is raining now, but I like that", "No not now hope it does my farm needs rain bad right now", "Oh, are you a farmer?", "Yeah I have my truck driving licence but would rather farm", "Well I prefer computers but that is cool", "Do you have a degree in computer science", "Yes, and I am working on a new program", "That's great. Did you have breakfast today", "I had scrambled eggs. You?", "I had fried eggs. They are so good.", "And bacon? You got to have bacon", "Yeah bacon is good too. Do you have a favorite animal? Mine is the chicken", "I guess I like all animals. Mostly indoor pets", "All my animals are outdoors. But I did have a dog growing up", "I do not care for being outside" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi. How are you today?", "I m good. Listening to rap music, currently drake who is my favorite.", "I am listening to iron maiden which is my favorite band.", "That's awesome. I like playing drums too.", "Fun! My hobby is making d models, mostly video games.", "Cool. I also like cooking but do like to go out and eat too.", "Me too. My favorite is italian food. I am eating it while watching netflix with the family.", "That sounds like fun and italian food is delicious.", "I'm also trying to become successful like my dad.", "That is a great thing to aspire to be like.", "What else do you like to do?", "I like to listen to rap while cooking dinner.", "That sounds like a fun way to cook", "It really is. What else is going on with you?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hey hows it going today?", "Hey! I just got back from yoga, so I'm feeling pretty good", "Nice do you write poetry as well?", "No, but I should. The natural beauty of the world deserves the written word", "If you wrote poetry I'd read it", "Maybe I should get inspired next time I hike and write one", "I'd hike often but I am always working", "I am too really, my family is really not well off", "I'm sorry to hear that person 2 I really am", "Luckily I love my job. I work with animals. One of my obsessions in life", "I just fed my dog some beef jerky", "We feed the dogs beef jerky all the time", "Nice this beef jerky is very spicy. So do you read? Watch movies?", "No, I don't have a lot of time for much else", "At least your doing what you love", "Thank you. Maybe one day we will be able to afford to do more" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Dancing with my friends is my thing. Do you dance socially too?", "I just got back from walking my dogs, we do long walks.", "Going to school is something I like. How about you?", "No I do not dance but I cook, do you cook?", "Yes. I cook various items. What do you cook?", "I already finished school, my mom live with me now.", "I adore being run. What about you?", "Mostly asian food and some mexican, and you?", "I love american, mexican, asian and italian food.", "My hobby is gardening, I love flowers, do you like it?", "I have an admiration for gardening and flowers too. My family is all tall.", "I enjoy walking instead of running.", "What else do you like to do?", "How tall? Like giant? Or like 6 feet?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Good afternoon how are you", "I'm so fat. But happy!", "Awesome. I work at mcdonalds", "Oh, I should eat not eat there, but I do all the time. I cannot cook.", "I've four brothers and drive a blue car", "I've a blue car too! But I should walk more. I just cannot lose weight.", "I don't like making left turns", "Those are hard. My puppy is turning left and right, all the time!", "I adore my sweet puppy.", "Animals are so great. I love them. Wish people were as nice.", "Me too. People are mean", "People make fun of me because I'm less than five feet tall.", "I'm six foot so I'm tall", "In addition I'm over 200 pounds. Imagine that!", "Wow. You can start by walking", "I know I should. Do you play basketball?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi there, how are you?", "Hi, I am doing pretty good. How are you?", "I am good. Just watching game of thrones. It is my favorite", "Never seen it. Maybe I will check it out. What else do you like to do?", "It is great. I like to paint. I am actually an artist. You?", "I've given up most of my hobbies. I just went through a bad break up.", "I am sorry. I went through a divorce and now have four kids to raise.", "I am trying to put my trust in god but it has been a difficult time.", "I put my trust in pet land and got a cat when I went through my divorce.", "I'm trying to make some changes to myself. I can be weak and selfish.", "You remind me of my new cat", "Does your cat also have a very set mind?", "Yeah. Once whiskers, that is his name, sets his mind on something there's no stopping him.", "Sounds like a very interesting cat!" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I just finished watching all of the episodes of Game of Thrones. The ending wasn't great.", "I heard people saying that the ending was disappointing. I still need to start that show!", "Definitely the ending was something that was literally disappointing. I mean, it was so popular, and its still my favorite show, but I agree the ending was very abrupt. You definitely need to watch it. ", "My Ex never wanted to watch it. Luckily I have time to watch it now.", "You should watch it. I was literally hooked to it while watching it. Definitely one of my favorite tv show. Anyway, you had mentioned that you were going through a bad break up. How are you keeping up now? ", "I am doing okay, it has been really hard. I have been going to church a lot so that helps. I know you have been through a divorce, do you have any advice?", "Well, I couldn't agree with you more. Its extremely difficult, and draining. I mean, it does take some time to heal and maybe a very long time. My advice would just be to be around family and friends who can support you, and also just stay positive and keep up with any hobbies that you have. Since, I am an artist, I would just keep myself busy by painting. ", "It is comforting to know I am not alone in going through this. Hopefully my family and friends will reach out to me and visit me more. I could use their support. You are lucky you have four kids who love and support you. Must have been easy to stay positive. ", "Yes, thankfully I had my kids around me to support me fully. It would have been very difficult if they were not around. Also, if it helps I remember you telling me that you believe in God. So, just keep up the faith, and you will be fine!", "Yes, I have faith God will lead me through this difficult time. I will start game of thrones and let you know how it goes. ", "Yes, definiltely let me know. I'd want to know how you feel about it especially the ending!", "I will probably watch it fast considering my family and friends do not reach out to me and invite me over. " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Have you thought about reaching out to your family and inviting them over?", "No, they never show up anyway. I think I would be better off to make my own family by meeting some new people who I have more in common with.", "It might help to have them in your life during this difficult time though. If you're still against it binge watch Game Of Thrones with some ice cream, that will definately help!", "Ice cream always helps! Where do you go to meet people who have common interests? ", "It does! What is your favourite flavour? I find the best place is to sign up for a local sports team", "It's a toss up between chocolate and strawberry, how about you? Hmmm that might work. Maybe I'll see what else the church has available, I already have at least one thing in common with people where since we go to the same church. ", "Mint chocolate hands down! Yeah it's all about finding a common interest. Just start talking to more people there every week. You never know who you may find there!", "Ooooh mint chocolate is another good one! That's true, I think I'll sign up for a few events and see what happens. Do you have any plans this weekend?", "I have a few paintings I must complete for a couple of clients this weekend, so it's quite a busy one really! Rarely have any time to relax these days. ", "I would love to learn to paint, I don't have much artistic ability unfortunately. What do you paint? ", "I used to be the same but just keep practicing and the improvement comes naturally. I paint various things. Mostly characters from movies or animated tv shows. Pokemon is one of my favourite to do. I could try most things though. Maybe I could paint something for you. It may help cheer you up!", "Wow that's cool! I've love that. I really like Mickey Mouse, have you done much of him? " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I have not painted Mickey Mouse yet, but I will practice so that I can paint one for you!", "That's very kind of you. Use some artistic interpretation and make it a unique Mickey. Something artsy and distinct.", "I will. I love turning a blank canvass into a masterpiece. Have you been to Disney Land or World?", "I haven't been yet, though I'd love to go some time. Have you been? ", "I have been. If you are a mickey mouse fan, like i know you are, you will love it!", "I'd have to go by myself, I think. I really like the Disney stuff, but my family likes monster trucks and wrestling. ", "Since we will both be divorced soon, maybe we should get together and go see Mickey!", "Disney might be a good way to cheer up and deal with a divorce. Disneyworld is better than Disneyland, right?", "I haven't been to Disney Land, but everyone says Disney World is better. Get you Mickey ears ready!", "I get my biggest pair polished up for the trip. Disneyworld, here we come!", "I'm excited. It will be good for both of us.", "I'll bring an extra pair of ears for you. They'll be personalized and everything. The biggest Mickey fans in the entire 'World." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi how are you doing?", "I am doing well thank you. And you?", "Good jus done with my hospital shift.", "Oh are you a doctor? Or a nurse?", "Psychologist. I work in the trauma unit.", "That has to be an interesting and rewarding job", "Rewarding but tough sometimes. Long hours", "I bet my job isn't nearly as interesting", "What do you do for a job?", "I work in a vets office, because I really like to be around animals.", "Love animals. Am a vegetarian myself. Got to be tough sometimes.", "Me too. No meat for this girl. It is tough, but rewarding.", "Sure is. Animals have souls too.", "Yes, they are amazing. Since my salary is low, I try to make my clothes", "That is so cool. Would love to do that.", "It is a good hobby. What are your hobbies?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I calmed a patient after they got into a car accident.", "I hope they were alright. My patients usually seem ok after an accident if they were not seriously hurt", "Really? That's surprising. I thought animals would be pretty skiddish after being in an accident even if they weren't hurt.", "Nah. Usually they are fine. Some of the smaller dogs tend to avoid going anywhere after an accident in a car, but the animals that already liked being in vehicles usually bounce right back. ", "Ah I see. That's why I like animals. They are so resilient. What are you making for dinner tonight?", "Mushroom burgers and fries. Yeah they are! I am very glad I don't have to do too much mental trauma, it gets to me. What are you going to have for dinner?", "That sounds amazing! You'll have to send me the recipe. Like you, I'm on a budget so I think I'm just having rice and beans.", "I understand the budget! I usually don't get to have mushrooms, but one of my patients owners gave me some that they actually grew themselves as a thanks for helping with their puppy that got stuck in the stair case bars. I didn't charge, so she gave me home grown mushrooms! What is your favorite dish?", "Wow, it's so great to have a rewarding job like that and extra perks from your patients! Oh I love eggplant parmesan. It's so comforting after a long day at work. What are you up to this weekend? ", "Ohh that is a really great dish! This weekend I will be on a farm helping foal a few horses and then afterwards I need to make me a few new pair of pants because after helping on the farm, I usually have to repair or replace pants!", "That totally makes sense. I love horses so maybe I can join you! I also make my own clothes so I could help you with the pants.", "Have you ever witnessed one giving birth? It can be pretty gruesome. The farmer has at leas 3 that are due to drop this weekend or next week and one of them I have to induce and may need to help turn the baby. It can be kind of gross. If you can handle that, it would be great for you to tag along!" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "How was your mushroom burger? ", "It was so great! I seasoned it just right this time and I'm so happy that I had fresh mushrooms. Have you ever made one before? ", "I've never made mushroom burgers before. How did you make them? What type of seasoning did you use? I am interested as I am a vegetarian and always looking for new recipes.", "I season the mushrooms up with salt, pepper, garlic, and a little cayenne pepper and then just toss them on the grill! It's so easy and delicious.", "That's all? That sounds so easy. Do you know what kind of mushrooms they are called? I will try to look for it at the market.", "Yep, it's that easy. They are portbello mushrooms- the really large, flat ones. Do you go to a local farmer's market for your groceries?", "I go every Saturday. It's a way for me to destress after a week of work at the hospital. You should try making eggplant parmesan next time.", "That's awesome. I want to look up local farmer's markets in my area now. I bet that would be a great way to unwind after work! Can you tell me what ingredients I need for the eggplant parm?", "It's so simple. Eggplants and parmesan cheese of course. In addition, salt, and marinara sauce. Those are the basics. Then put it in the oven and that's all.", "Just as easy as the mushroom burger! I'll add all of that to my grocery list now so I don't forget. I'm sure it's delicious!", "It's pretty healthy too! If you make it yourself, it's also really cheap. It's a great addition to another vegetarian meal. Do you have any other favorite vegetarian meals?", "Vegetable lasagna is my absolute favorite! I use carrots, onion, spinach, and zucchini as the veggies in it. " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi! I love listening to justin bieber with my two sons.", "Hello, I love jazz music, I bar tend at a jazz bar.", "That sounds like fun. I like horseback riding and camping with my family.", "Camping is fun! As long as I can bring my scotch collection", "Well I go camping with my family monthly so no drinking for us.", "My father and I drink every weekend while I study for the bar", "Good luck with the test. My sons are too young for that.", "I go to college during the week,", "That really is hard work.", "Very! I need to make money for a bigger house! Mine is so small.", "Haha we live in a mansion by the sea.", "Wow! My house is probably the size of your bathroom", "Lol that must be a cute place to live", "It allows me to save money.", "That's important for common folk. I love throwing money out.", "Maybe you can buy me some single malt scotch for my collection" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi, how are you today?", "I am good, just got off the bus. How are you?", "I'm fine thanks for asking", "I don't drive and I was at work at the bookstore.", "I am a teacher and I like reading studying books with my students", "That's cool. I do not know my dad. My mom helps people as a nurse.", "I live in a large city but my parents do not visit often", "What city do you live in?", "Chicago, il. What city do you live in?", "Austin texas. Do you have any tattoos? I've three.", "I do not, but I wish I did", "What else can you tell me about yourself.", "I like to sing, I think I am pretty good at it too", "I like music! What do you like to sing?", "Showtunes mostly, I am still obsessed with hamilton", "Interesting! I would love to hear you sing sometime." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hey! I am here dancing and eating pizza!", "Nice I love to cook, seems you are having fun", "Always! I went shopping today for new shoes.", "Cool, I don't like wide open spaces so I avoid shopping", "I can take you shopping in paris. It is not so wide open.", "Oh cool, my profession is gourmet cook, I can cook you something", "I would love some shrimp scampi like how the make it at red lobster.", "I got you, I was published in the new yorker magazine", "Are. You. Serious? I am so impressed", "Yep that is what I do", "Can you come cook for my party?", "Sure will if you take me shopping in paris haha", "Most definitely. Chanel? Louboutin? Gucci? Let me know what you want.", "Haha just hanging out shopping sounds fun", "Shopping is always fun", "I think I'd enjoy more if I overcome this phobia" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "so what have you been cooking lately?", "Our restaurant just re-did the menu. We are calling it \"farmhouse modern.\" ", "What are some of your favorite dishes from the menu?", "I really enjoy classics done right. We've got this perfect roast chicken with potatoes. The chicken fat melts right into the potatoes.", "That sounds amazing. Do you like to cook the same types of things at home that you do at work?", "To be honest, I don't cook I home. It feels like bringing my work home with me. I do a lot of carryout. Also feels good to support my colleagues. You a big home cook?", "I'm obviously not as skilled as you, but I do enjoy cooking quite a bit. I generally stick to the standard type stuff. ", "Did you read my article in the New Yorker? You'd like it. All about home cooking basics.", "I did not, you should send me the link. I would be really interested in reading it. I love the New Yorker, so it'd be right up my alley.", "I always say, it's amazing articles about topics you never even realized you wanted to read about. I did include some Shrimp scampi info in there. Did you know scampi is just italian for \"shrimp?\" So Shrimp Scampi translate to Shrimp Shrimp", "Ha! I did not know that. I'm really excited to read it, though! It's awesome knowing someone who was published in such a prestigious magazine.", "I feel lucky for all the support around me. Wouldn't have accomplished half as much if it weren't for them. Would just be an agoraphobic staying home. " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I read your article on at home cooking! It was great. You explained everything really well. I will definitely try out some of your tips.", "Thanks! I appreciate your feedback on my work I just wish I could do more of it for myself - does it even compare to Paris?", "It sounds even better than what I had in Paris! Is your restaurant having any new specials this weekend? ", "To be honest I'm not sure - I tend to stick to the classics. Do you have any suggestions?", "You know I always love a good shrimp scampi. What is your favorite type of take out food?", "Oh good questions. I eat takeout a lot. Sushi is always easy to find, but tough to find great. If it's too crowded though I have to find another place. Do you shop around for take-out as well?", "I do, I really enjoy Thai food for takeout. I love Thai food but the recipes are usually too complicated for me to follow. ", "Cooking can sure be complicated I agree! Maybe I can give you some tips on simpler methods? I don't cook much at home but could possible help you at yours? I would need you to do the shopping however - my phobias prevent me. Would that work?", "That would be wonderful, I love to shop! Do you usually work most nights and weekends?", "Being a professional restaurant cook does hamper my schedule some, but I think if we plan enough ahead something could be possible. I can't work all the time. What does your schedule look like for the next few week?", "I am free most weekends. The only plans I usually have are catching up on the latest New Yorker.", "Awesome, let me check my schedule and see if I can find some time. Enjoy that New Yorker, although I don't have anything coming up soon in it. I hope to write again for them in the future." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello friend. How are you today?", "Hello, I am doing very well thank you. Getting ready to go to brunch.", "Do you have an idol? Mine is thierry henry", "I do not. What to you do for a living? I'm an army recruiter.", "I am a professional soccer player. Pizza is my favorite food for any meal", "That sounds fun, what kind of car do you drive?", "Are you married? I'm, my son is four and my wife is a writer", "I'm not. I prefer to spend time and money on my car.", "I've a bmw. I bought it when I attended stanford", "I've a black mclaren. It is my favorite.", "Sounds very nice. I've never seen one in person", "That is why I am single, lol", "I totally understand that. It can be expensive", "Yes, it can. Dating is so hard these days.", "I can not imagine dating in this day and time", "I cannot either. So, I go to car shows and treat myself nice." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "My wife just finished her first book of short stories! I'm so excited I just had to share with you.", "What are the stories about?", "Well its a book that has multiple short stories that follow a army veteran trying to get back to reality and overcome his PSTD. I thought you would relate to it, I will send you a copy over to give us a review! How's the car going, I hear you bought a new turbo for her.", "Wow, that sounds great! Can't wait to read it! The car is going well! She is really excited. ", "Hopefully you can relate to it and give is some honest reviews on it as you have experienced this. Ahh that is great, what sort of power upgrades will it be getting?", "I will be getting more stuff done to the engine and get a new trim! Have you travelled lately?", "Wow, sounds like she will be pushing some serious horses once its done, we will need to go for a drive in it! Not recently no, once you have children, that sort of goes out the window haha. We are trying to plan a child friendly camping trip soon though, that should be really fun. I suppose you do that regularly working in the army?", "Yes, we go out to the field and do tactical training quite a bit! That sounds really fun, with the kids! How many kids do you have?", "I would love to do all that, I just don't think I could handle it. Only the one, a little boy ! I am trying to get him to support Arsenal but its not going well, as long as he does not end up a Spurs fan haha. Watched many matches recently? " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ]
[ "My wife just heard some great news from a publisher!", "About her first book? What was the news? Book tour coming up?", "They are wiling to publish the book! She will go around and do some touring for the book so we are trying to figure out how that will work with our son.", "That is so exciting. Congrats to her! What is the book about? Do you know how far away she will have to tour? Maybe you and your son could go with her for a bit?", "Thank you! The book is a novel about a family living in England during WW2. She will tour in the Western US so I am hoping my son and I can go with and camp along the way.", "Awesome, do you know when it'll come out in stores, I'd love to pick up a copy. Oh yes that will be perfect for you guys to get some camping done while she is touring. ", "It will probably be later this year. I will let you know when we get closer! How's your new car coming along?", "Thanks. It's coming along great! I actually just got done ordering parts for the engine so those should be coming in within the next couple weeks and I will be busy trying to get that built and in the car then.", "That is so impressive, I can barely change a tire by myself. What are you thinking of doing with the trim?", "I'm still working on researching that. I'm torn between going chrome or a flat black. What do you think would look best?", "What if you did a mixture of both? I really like a flat black but you could add some chrome accessories. ", "Ooo that's a great idea. I'll have to look into that and try some combinations. Thank you. " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello! Tell me about yourself, I need something to write about", "Hey there! Well, I just started classes in college and work part time at the campus library", "That sounds fun. What classes are you taking?", "I am taking 2 science classes. I am wondering if I should just move on campus", "That wouldn't be horrible. I used to work in a book store on campus", "Yes, well right now I have catch the bus. Maybe I'll do dorms next year", "I liked my dorm in college. That's where I started my tea addiction.", "We have been studying tea in one of my 3 science classes!", "Haha that's hilarious! Learn anything I should know about?", "Yeah, its not looking good for you my friend", "Oh no. What is so bad about it?", "It stains your teeth, and is generally unhealthy for you", "Well I can deal with stained teeth. How is it unhealthy?", "We are still studying it further, but it turns out as you said, it is addicting", "Yeah. That is very true. It also probably doesn't help that they have it in art museums", "So what else do you enjoy?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "How did your classes go today?", "They were sooo boring today. I felt like they'd never end.", "What classes did you have to go to?", "English, choir, math. My favorite is choir. I love singing.", "Awesome! I never had the voice for singing but I play Soprano Sax.", "That's so cool. I wish I could play an instrument.", "You should give it a shot if you love music, start off with something that isn't too complicated like trumpet. I'm not sure if you have roomates, but if not I think it could be a cool thing to try.", "I have roommates, unfortunately. I'd really love to learn to play piano.", "Piano is great, such range. I sometimes tinker with the piano in the dorm, but never learned to play. Do you have a favorite type of music?", "I love a bunch of genres. I'm not picky. You?", "I really like soft rock and adult contemporary, my favorite artist is Kenny G.", "Those are two of my favorite genres!" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I have decided to sign up to take piano lessons. ", "That is a wise decision. Did you know playing the piano can also develop your brain power?", "I didn't know that about piano specifically, but I did know that music in general helps with cognition. I just thought it was time I started taking piano more seriously.", "Looks like you have been with a piano for some time now which probably motivated you to learn. Do you plan to go to a teacher or do it online. I wold suggest a teacher because personal touch is always better.", "I've signed up with an in person teacher. Online learning doesn't really cut it when it comes to music. I like having real time feedback.", "That is a very wise choice. I fully agree with you on that. Be prepared to dedicate some quality time to practice every day.", "Oh I am. I've been doing that for years on the alto and soprano sax. It takes hours over many years to get good.", "So you are already in the groove. That is good. How long have you been playing the sax. It is a wonderful instrument too.", "Oh I love it! I've been playing for about 7 years now. How long have you been in choir?", "For 3 years now. I like to sing together in coordination and am fascinated by the voice that can be created when singing together.", "Nice! What part do you sing?", "The base. I have a low and gruffy voice which my teacher says will suit the choir." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Have you ever written any music for yourself or for the choir?", "I have actually written some songs but do not know how to do the notation. That is something I want to learn how to do. I love writing lyrics. I sing my songs and record them so I can do the notation later on. I love the Saxophone. Is it very hard to play?", "Yes, it is very hard to play at first. But once you get the hang of it. It is kind of like riding a bike. What are you going to college for?", "I'm going to be a counselor. I want to have my own practice one day. So what do you do? Are you still in college?", "What kind of counselor do you want to be come? That will be nice to open your own practice one day. I am in between jobs right now and I am done with collage for now may go back for a BS in music.", "I would like to specialize in relationship counseling. What would you like to do with your degree if you get a BS in music?", "That sounds like it would be a cool job. I used to want to become a counselor but for troubled kids. I was thinking of getting and and then becoming a music teacher. I love children. ", "That would be really nice. I used to take voice and piano lessons, and it helped me a lot. ", "Yes, thats what I want to do is help someone with something that they are compassionate about and help them become better.", "That's awesome. I want to do the relationship counseling because so many marriages are in trouble these days, and I believe it spills over to the children, and they suffer.", "That is amazing. Yes, i think that is completely true. It is great that you are wanting to do something to help", "Thank you. And I hope you are able to finish your college. You would make a great teacher." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi do you want to fight me", "Nah I'm real scared of you clowns", "Are you calling me a clown?", "Yes I am, where do you live?", "I live with my motorcycle club", "I make sure I live away from you. That is cool, I'm in a apartment", "Why are you being so mean to me?", "You the 1 who wants to fight, just know I've dogs.", "Just because I've not ever lost one before.", "You would lose this 1, 2 dogs, 2 live in roommates. Lets go", "I do not think I'd lose. I'd eat your hair.", "What are you? A pro fighter?", "No, I just like fighting, like most women do.", "You are mad weird, I would not even try to fight you.", "So I win by default. I can drive you somewhere if you want.", "Lol, oh you are a mess. Hair tho?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello, how are you? I'm great.", "I'm well. Just spending my day doing repairs on my house since I own it.", "Cool, do you do landscaping too? Daisies are my favorite flower.", "No, but if I did I would choose purple flowers since that is my favorite color", "Cool, I work in an office, real estate, but I might not be for long.", "Why? I do not do much for work but I enjoy swimming. Do not like real estate?", "Well, since my boss and I are dating it is awkward.", "Oath, I understand. Do you like music? I love worn.", "I love singing and all kinds of music.", "I hear you. What will you do if not real estate?", "Not sure. Maybe work in a florist shop. I love daisies.", "Right, I forgot. Sorry, so busy with these house projects!", "What kind of swimming do you do? Competitive?", "No, I just enjoy it for fun. Its good exercise and relaxing. You should try it." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I ended my relationship with my boss yesterday ", "Oh my goodness! How do you feel about that? Are you upset?", "It feels good because I wasn't being treated very nicely. However I'm really nervous about what work is going to be like now. Any tips on breakups?", "I definitely understand that, I bet work will be really hard for awhile, but you'll get through it. As cliche as it is, I think the best thing to do is to try and move on. ", "Yeah I agree. Cliches are so common for a reason! Thanks for the encouragement. How are the house projects going?", "It's funny you ask, I actually just encountered an issue. One of the walls I wanted to remove is a load bearing wall, so I'm having to change my plans. That seems to be how it always goes! ", "Uh oh. What was the original plan? I hope it works out another way. That's why I never try to DIY.", "I wanted to create more of an open floorplan, but I'll have to settle for a little less open. I understand, DIY can end up being a lot of work! Have you encountered any crazy DIY results when you're selling houses?", "That's an unfortunate wrinkle in your plans. I admire your hard work. I can't think of anything crazy but I tend to do more of the paperwork while my colleagues show the houses. How long have you lived in your home?", "That makes sense! I've lived in my home for almost 10 years. It's hard to believe, feels like I moved in yesterday. Time sure goes by fast!", "Wow a decade! Congrats! Time does seem to be going faster and faster every year.", "Thank you! It really does. Do you own or rent your home?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I just realised the best way to approach this work situation with my ex. ", "How are you thinking of handling it?", "I'm going to be professional, avoid discussing personal matters when he's around. I won't even mention going on dates with new boyfriends or anything.", "That is probably best. I decided many years ago that I would devote myself to my career and haven't dated anyone in over 15 years", "Are you happy doing that? I don't like my job enough to have it be my whole life.", "Sometimes I get lonely, but the last woman I dated tried to run me down with her car when we broke up, so i guess I'm still a bit traumatized.", "Yikes! Bad break-ups can be scary. How are things going with your home renovations? Are you working on something now?", "Aside from the work on my own home, I am actually working on renovating a 1970's Airstream RV.", "Does the RV still run well? Is it road-worthy?", "It actually doesn't run at all. My friend is working on the engine and I am working on the body. I hope to eventually get it on the road and have a second home that is mobile.", "That would be cool. You could take vacations without having to stay in hotels or motels.", "I am also going to rent at as an Air BNB type of thing too...interested?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi, cartographer, painter, bagel maker, arm wrestler and ex nurse. You?", "Hello I do enjoy suspense novels", "You ever been chase by wild lions? You sing? I do.", "No but I did enjoy science in high school", "Whew! Chicken wings are our friends. You arm wrestle? I do.", "No but my can beat you. She survived cancer", "Huh? I see. I made a unicorn cry. You dance? I do.", "I dance because I'm single but I'm not looking for any one in particular", "Oh okay. You ever been stabbed in the eye? I love to paint. You", "Heck no, can you paint a pizza? Its my favorite food", "Yes! You ever been hit by a bus? I love baking bagels.", "I love when buses hit people, it would make a great suspense novel", "Hmmm. Wizard of oz has sexual overtones. You bake? I draw too.", "Yes I bake, I bake pizza. Or do you mean wake and bake?", "Huh? Once snow white was my friend. She drifted. You write novels?", "I love novel!! Suspense novels are my favorite its a toss up between pizza and novels", "You ever been hit with a bat? Nurse? I was.", "You ever been hit from the back?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "What is your favourite suspense novel?", "Probably The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo! I love ones that also have elements of mystery too. Have you read it?", "I haven't read that, but I have seen the movie!", "The movie is good too! You should watch it since you liked the book. If you have the time of course. Are you busy these days?", "It's been busy with three kids and a fulltime job! What do you do for work?", "I'm a graphic designer. I don't have kids but I stay busy as well.", "Nice! What else do you like to do for fun?", "I like going out dancing with my friends on weekends. Mostly I like reading and watching movies.", "What other genres of movies do you enjoy?", "I watched Promising Young Woman the other day. It just came out, it's kind of a thriller I guess. Hard to describe but I really liked it.", "I've heard of that. where do you go dancing at?", "Wherever my friends drag me LOL. Usually just bars downtown." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "What are some bars that you like to go?", "I like karaoke bars where I can sing and dance; I am sure you will like these since you like to sing and dance also", "I do like to sing and dance, but don't really get out much due to my job and children. Are you a good dancer? ", "I am a fantastic dancer; I really love to dance because dancing for me is like killing 2 birds with one stone so to say, its a form of exercise for me to lose weight and also I will be having fun", "It's definitely good exercise. I had all off my kids take dance classes just so they could get some exercise.", "That's awesome. How old are your kids?", "Seven, Eight and Twelve. The 8-year-old is the only boy. He's taking hip-hop dance classes right now. ", "Nice. I love hip hop. I won a hip hop dance competition when I was in college. ", "Cool! I don't know if he'll stick with it. My eldest didn't, but that's fine. I just wanted her to try it. You like hip hop music, I assume?", "I like hip hop music but not my favorite music to listen to; to be honest. I prefer gospel music.", "Gospel singing is certainly powerful. I can't really sing it, as my voice is more soft and delicate.", "Gospel singing is indeed powerful. I grew up listening to gospel music; that's why I am really into it." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi! How are you doing today!", "Good morning, just came back from the gym. How are you?", "I teach art, so that's why I mistakenly typed! Instead of?", "Lol. That's okay, my mother teaches music. I play bass guitar.", "We are both they artistic mind then. Does she wear interesting clothing?", "She dresses is all black, she's also a brujeria.", "I love bright colors, prints, and reused clothing", "I love fishing and cheeseburgers.", "I had a hamburger for dinner last night. It was quick after teaching extra", "I had pasta and salad.", "I love italian food. Would enjoy going one day", "Italian is okay, I prefer japanese.", "Japanese food can be good. Maybe I should change careers", "Maybe. Only you know for sure." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Have you been to any good Japanese restaurants this week? ", "Yes we actually just got back from lunch, had some really good sushi. Have you had any good italian food recently?", "Oh yeah? Sushi is pretty good. Yes, I actually went out and had the tour of Italy at the Olive Garden for dinner last night! I love getting many different types of food at once! What is your favorite Japanese dish? Do you like any Italian dishes?", "I love chicken parm, its probably one of my favourite meals! Miso soup is one of my favourite Japanese meals...have you tried Japanese?", "Yes I have. I am not a fan of Miso though. It is a little too fishy tasting to me. I mean I like seafood, but that is a bit to much. I like the dishes they make with rice. I love pasta and rice. I cannot think of the name of it, but it is like with other things even eggs?", "Chicken fried rice has scambled eggs in it? I made some for dinner the other, so easy and quick. How has your class been lately, hopefully theyve been listening to you.", "YES! That is it. Fried rice. I prefer shrimp in mine like shrimp alfredo. Yummy! My kids in class always listen to me, we do so many fun things. Sometimes we try to mix art with science, and the science teachers love it. Last week we made rainbow paper and it was fun and easy! They took it home to their parents for Valentines day!", "That sounds so cool, im sure the kids really benefit from an activity that incorporates two subjects. Im glad they listen, i'm sure it would be tough to teach if they didnt.", "Oh I am sure it would be. But from my experience, only really bad teachers have really bad students. Even students that have issues at home usually are really good at school. Sometimes the ones that come and tell me they are having trouble at home, can be helped with a quick conference with their parents. ", "Wow im glad teachers have found tricks to help kids out that are struggling. My mom was a teacher but shes been retired for a few years, I don't really remember what she used to do when kids were struggling but im sure it was what you were suggesting.", "Probably so. Us teachers have an intuition about things! Plus, we spend as much time, or more time with these kids than their parents do, so it is important to be there for them", "Teachers are wonderful and we should be more thankful of them." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I was thinking of going fishing next weekend. Would you like to come?", "Hmm yeah! Sounds good! where?", "There is a peir by my house to do some salt water fishing. I got a couple crab traps out there as well. I'm sure there are a few crabs in there.", "oooh sounds great! Love me some crab. How should we prepare it", "I like to boil it in with lots and lots of old bay seasoning. I also make some clarified butter for dipping.", "Oh I love Old Bay. Did you know it was created by a Jewish person fleeing Nazi Germany?", "I had no idea! That is very interesting! It is the best seasoning for seafood. I have never used it in anything else though.", "It's good in deviled eggs. Give that a try", "Yeah, I will! This sounds pretty good. My grandma always put it in some hush puppies. ", "Ooh that's good. You know they changed the packaging from metal cans to plastic to cut costs", "Huh. My can must be one of the old ones. I looks like it is metal. I better look at the expiration date.", "Haha oh-oh! Yeah good call!" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "What is going on today man?", "Ciao! Thinking about heading to yoga class today, what about you?", "Getting ready to go out for a drive in my truck", "Sounds fun! Where do you like to drive with your truck?", "All around town really. I am a ford fanboy to be completely honest", "I have never had a truck, personally, I have no use for one in the city", "My truck is a ford f150. You can go to the country and drive", "Oh I'd much rather save the gas money for another trip to italy instead.", "I have never been. How is it there?", "Oh it is wonderful! There were so many new foods to try. No trucks though.", "Maybe some ford cars? It is the best brand out there", "Perhaps, I bet in country they do, just like they do in this country", "I guess that is true. It is a sad world with ford", "If you gave the food a chance, the cars there might not matter as much.", "I do think that I should expand my perspective", "Italy is a great place to do that, but what is even better is yoga" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "How was your trip to Italy?", "It was fantastic, thanks for asking! It was great to get out to nature in the Italian alps, away from the city life. I hope you can make it to Italy someday. I don't think you would like it though. They only drive small, whimpy cars there", "Wow, that sounds incredible. Which city do you live in? I live in Chicago. Lol I've heard that. I love my truck so much, but I do hope Ford comes out with some electric trucks soon! I'd love to be more environmentally friendly.", "Yes, the scenery looked straight out of a painting. I am originally from Los Angeles, but now I live in San Francisco. I really hope they come out with an electric truck as well. Everyone at my yoga studio is always talking about how much they love their Tesla cars. I have never had a truck, but I have to admit, I really want a Cyber Truck!", "Wow, I'd love to visit San Francisco almost as much as Italy. Maybe Tesla will partner with Ford and help them create a really awesome electric truck! Hopefully without some of the issues I've read about Tesla auto-drive functions.", "Hopefully you can visit San Francisco someday! It is a nice place to visit, but living here is crazy. The traffic is terrible. Driving a truck down the streets here is a challenge I imagine. I wouldn't mind living in Italy instead. Yes, that would be incredible if Ford and Tesla could join forces to create something spectacular. Do you think Ford could do a better job at auto-drive?", "I think Ford stands for high quality and has some of what Tesla is missing out on by not having brick and mortar locations and being so new in the game. I think anything they put out would be really high quality.", "I'm rather new to the truck world. Have there been quality control issues from Tesla? Can Ford innovate in a similar way that Tesla can?", "I think that the auto-drive feature is worst in the parking lots. Tesla cars can come pick you up themselves, which is awesome but only if it doesn't hit another car. I think Ford could help them better the program in terms of knowing dimensions in a deeper capacity.", "Yes, I can image that auto-drive could be precarious in tight quarters like a parking lot. Hopefully there aren't too many auto-drive collisions in the early days of this kind of technology. Still, I bet there is not a lot that can top your trusty F-150?! What did you say was the name you gave your truck?", "Sylvia, actually. She's silver, and my trusty ride or die.", "That's right, Sylvia! Beautiful name! Better name than my car, Blanche. But hey, it is a Ford Fiesta, so we can both get behind Ford, right?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I crashed my truck while driving it last night. ", "Oh, I am so sorry! Is Sylvia totaled? I would be devastated if Blanche was damaged in a crash.", "I am not quite sure yet. She's in pretty bad shape, but the guys say they might be able to get her fixed up. I won't know until later this week. I ended up getting hurt pretty badly too.", "What type of injuries did you sustain? Was the crash in Chicago? Serious crashes happen in my home state of California quite often.", "It was just outside Chicago. There were some kids playing in the road, so I swerved to avoid them and ended up hitting a deer and a then a tree. The EMTs told me it was quite a sight.", "I'm sorry to here that! Do you have any other cars you can drive in the meantime?", "Sylvia was the only one for me. I'm not sure what I'll do if I can't get her back. It's going to take a few weeks for my arms, legs, and face to recover, so hopefully she'll be alright by then.", "If I lived closer, I would let you borrow Blanche. Maybe some meditative yoga could help you recover faster?", "I've never been a big believer in such things, but I guess anything's worth a try at this point. What made you want to name your car Blanche?", "I am a big fan of Golden Girls and my favorite character from the show is Blanche. Why did you name your truck Sylvia?", "Sylvia was the name of my grandmother. She was really big into trucks and taught me all I know about them, so I decided to name my first truck after her. We even worked together to fix her up.", "Having a granny that could work on trucks must have been such a treat. My granny was more into the smaller cars so she could get around Los Angeles easier. " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Today I am 10 years of age, you?", "Oh, happy birthday! I am 37.", "Harry potter is awesome!!, I really like the books", "He sure is! Where do you live?", "Near abigail, she is my best friend ever!!!", "Ah, that is cute. Do you live in the town or countryside?", "In the town where tomorrow is the first safety patrol day!!", "Oh, sounds exciting. I lived on a farm when I was your age.", "Tean years old is a great age, agree?", "Oh for sure. Climbing trees, riding bikes, not a care in the world!", "Harry potter is my book preference human! Comply____", "Haha, I am a bit old for harry potter but my kids enjoy it?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi. How are you? Have your heard of michael smith new song", "I am good... Do not think so.", "God is an awesome god.. I might have name wrong", "Oh. I just got finished eating some pizza.", "What do you like to do?", "I like to pain pictures, you?", "No. I enjoy listening to music religious music and keeping to myself", "Oh. What do you do for a living?", "I enjoy and love spending time with my family. I'm early retired", "Oh. I sell cars for a living.", "In my spare time I like to play basketball", "Oh, I enjoy basketball too.", "I hope you have a good evening. Good luck in selling cars", "Thank you. I really enjoy it.", "I'm getting off. I don't like to talk much.", "Oh. Well I'm sorry you feel that way." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi I like the color red. What is your favorite color?", "That is not a question I'll answer. You have sisters?", "No but I do have two turtles. Do you have any pets or sisters?", "Sisters who take care of me. Turtles too but they don'thing.", "Yea they're lazy. I love video games it is my hobby. Do you have hobby?", "I hate video games and hobbies. I fear all. Never leave house.", "What about movies? I like gone with the wind.", "Nah not a big fan. Too scary.", "Are you scared of everything? Sounds like a boring life.", "You would be too if your uncle...", "I got to clean my turtles cage today but I do not feel like it.", "That is pretty boring news", "Yea but then I can play video games.", "That's a false statement of turtles.", "What do you mean by that?", "I think it is self explanatory paul." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "My turtles started fighting each other last night. One of them died.", "Oh my, I am so sorry for your turtle's loss. Was the other one it's partner, or brothers?", "I know... I am really sad about it. They were brothers and now he is depressed. I am thinking of going to the store and picking up another one so he isn't lonely. Do you think that is a good plan?", "Well, I think it's probably best to find him a new buddy. I don't think I've read anything about turtles not accepting new turtles to their tank. My turtles are sisters, like my sisters, so I'm not sure if boy turtles need different things. ", "Yeah, I think you are right. Finding a new buddy sounds like a good plan. I'll head to the pet store later. Speaking of your sisters, how are things going with them? Still getting along?", "I guess I can't complain, they take care of me since I'm in this wheelchair. I don't like to go outside so at least I have them to shop for me and bring me supplies for my turtules. ", "That's nice that they are still looking out for you. I know how hard it can be to rely on others, and it sounds like you all have a really good relationship. Have you thought of a way to thank them for taking care of you?", "Well, the money from my disability pays for our rent, so I don't think I need to thank them, because they live here for free. ", "Well, that's something. I just know that I appreciate feeling like the work I do is valued, especially when I am helping someone else. How are your turtles doing?", "I guess you're right. I forget how normal people behave, since I don't get any interaction with anyone exept my sisters. My turtles are doing fine, thanks for asking. I forgot to ask, what do you do for work? Do you help people?", "I'm not sure if anyone behaves \"normal\" but we all have our own way of doing things. I am currently out of work and spend most of my day playing video games, and I don't suppose that counts as work! I try to help out the people in my neighborhood and they will occasionally throw some money my way, but nothing other than that." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ]
[ "I went to the pet store to look at new turtles.", "Did you see any you liked? Are you looking for another male?", "I'm not sure, I've never had female turtles... do you think it's better to have two males or one of each?", "I hear that having two males is a problem because they'll fight. But one male and one female might mate. That's why I have two females. They get along fine. So I'm not sure what you should do.", "Well I can't give up Perseus, my male turtle, and I don't want to risk them fighting. I think I will get a female. What are your turtles' names?", "Laverne and Shirley. Perseus is a cool name. What was the name of the one that was killed?", "Those are nice names too! My other turtle was called Cetus, named after the Greek sea monster who was slain by Perseus....OH maybe that explains it, I should have never named him that! What should I call my new female turtle when I get her?", "Stick with something Greek for the sake of consistency. Andromeda was Perseus' wife, wasn't she? But maybe that would encourage them to breed." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I decided to go back to the pet store after our conversation to get that female turtle I saw. I went with Andromeda for the name as you suggested. ", "Are you told me prefer always male turtle? ", "I am curious about what you said about mating them. They are just staring at each other right now though. She is in a tank and he is on the other side of the glass. His eyes are so big right now it is wild. Not sure if it is anger, fear, or lust!", "Oh that's great. What type of video games do you play?", "Honestly, I have been getting into some old school NES games. Haha I should look for a TMNT one! ", "Very nice to hear. I haven't enough time to play video games?", "What have you been up to?", "I have disability. I am not able to do what I want. Someone need to take care if me as always. ", "Then it sounds like time isn't the issue? Why can't your sisters help you get set up to play?", "They are having time for serving their own duty. Even I can not help them to play.", "I see. I am sorry about all of that. How have you been occupying your time on this earth?", "Yes I will. And I will live my life with happiness" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello! I'm exited to get to know you.", "Thanks, I usually don't do this because I work allyl the time", "I've a lot of free time since retiring from the military.", "Oh wow! I only manage a restaurant with my brothers. That is amazing!", "What do you do on days off?", "Well family means everything to me so I am with them", "Me, too. I've been married for 20 years! We like volunteering with animals together.", "Great! I usually drive around with them in my nice car. They love it", "Where do you drive to? Do you like to travel?", "We usually go back to the restaurant, I take pride working there", "Sounds like you are a hard worker. I did not realize I would miss work until retiring.", "Yes, my whole life is work, work, work. How was the military?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "How are things going at the restaurant?", "Not too bad at all, busy as always but busy is good. I can't complain. How are you enjoying retired life? Finding enough to do during the day to keep yourself occupied?", "I am retired from the military but I am still working every day of the week. I like animals so I volunteer at the shelter. I really like animals!", "That must be very rewarding, I think I'd like to do something like that once I retire. ", "Yeah it is fun and rewarding. The poor kittens always come up to me for attention. I could spend hours there loving and taking care of them. So your restaurant is going well as usual? Any changes to the menu?", "That sounds lovely. It's going well, had a massive party of 50 come in last night to celebrate an 80th birthday which was lovely. A great atmosphere. I'm working up a new menu, trying to incorporate more vegan choices as it's popular right now.", "Great! Vegan food is amazing. You know my wife and I are a big fan of vegan food. We will have to stop by some time to sample some of your new menu items in the near future. ", "Please do! You are more than welcome. I'll give you a discount as well. How is your wife doing? ", "She is doing just fine. We will soon celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary so we are quite excited. Time flies huh? It's been already 20 years since she and I tied the knot!", "I can't believe it's been that long. It's really flown by hasn't it! ", "Of course. And how about your family? Is everyone doing well in your household?", "Yes, all good here. Just getting on with life. The pace of everything seems to be manic these days. We are all busy with work. " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I came across some great vegan recipes the other day. You could use them for inspiration on your new menu if you like?", "A lot of customers have been looking for some vegan options recently, so that would be really helpful. Thanks! Which ones would you suggest?", "I can send you some new Greek recipes that have the most amazing hummus inside. I like growing my own eggplants and making organic vegan food with them.", "Hmm, Greek doesn't really fit with the theme of the restaurant, but I'll give them a look. What kinds of dishes do you make with eggplant?", "Okay, the one most people enjoy is a whole wheat panini with eggplant and hummus. I have been meaning to ask you if you guys accept animals in the patio area at your place? I know pets and food don't always mix well.", "Pets on the patio are perfectly ok! They bring so much joy to the restaurant.", "Oh, Cool! I take my dog everywhere with me! Her name is Pancake and she is an English Bulldog full of wrinkles! ", "That is such a cute name! We would love to see Pancake at the restaurant! Did you rescue her from the animal shelter you volunteer at?", "She is super friendly and attracts a lot of attention everywhere she goes! We actually paid more for her than the paid for our last iin town car. LOL!", "Haha! I bet she's totally worth it! Be prepared for lots of attention when the other customers see her. It's always a scene when someone brings their dog.", "That sounds fun! I will bring her some treats to she will eat while we are eating too. She is super lazy so often times I have to bring her in a wagon and pull her around with me. She is hilarious and too big to carry when shes being stubborn.", "Haha! Sounds like she's been taking a lesson or two from those adorable kittens you were telling me about. When you come, I'll make sure Pancake has a water bowl and a dry bowl for her treats." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "How are your brothers? Do you drive these days?", "They are doing pretty well and yes, I drive all the time.", "How is your restaurant doing? What type of food do you serve?", "My restaurant is doing fantastic. We serve Italian food and I'd love for you to visit some day.", "That would be great! Since I am retired I have a lot of free time. Do you have any vegan dishes?", "Yeah we actually have a really good vegan eggplant parmigiana.", "That sounds delicious, eggplants are my favorite! Does your family work with you at the restaurant?", "Sometimes but they aren't full time workers or anything. I wish because that would be amazing.", "Do you have any pets?", "Yes I have a dog named Johnny. He is a Siberian Husky.", "I love Huskies, they are very energetic dogs who love to run. I saw many Huskies when I visited Alaska last year.", "Yeah they are amazing. They are so strong too." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi how are you doing?", "Hi there. I am okay. How are you? What are your hobbies?", "I like music reading, what about you?", "Cool I love my garden. I grow huge sunflowers.", "What do you do for a living?", "I'm retired now. I mostly volunteer at a food pantry nowadays.", "What did you used to do?", "I was a writer. I was inspired by agatha christie novels, my favorite.", "I love to read horror novels", "Same! Do you have a big family?", "Yes I do, I've eight siblings", "Wow awesome. I've 5 children but 2 passed away.", "What? Oh no what happened?", "It was such a tragedy. They died in a car accident." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello, how are you?", "Good how are you?", "I'm okay.", "What are your hobbies?", "Reading mostly mystery novels, netflix, and shopping. How about you?", "I love watching baseball", "Nice. Do you have any pets?", "No what about you!", "I've two kittens!", "So cute!!", "I know they're adorable.", "Do you like to travel?", "I love to travel. I've been to jamaica.", "That sounds beautiful" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I am so tired of my brother", "Sorry to hear that, what happened?", "He pretends he is a viking and it drives me nuts", "That sounds annoying. I don't have men in my family so it is hard to imagine.", "I moved to oregon to get away", "My mother immigrated here from saudi arabia to get away from men, I understand.", "That is cool. What color are your nails?", "Clear right now. My daughter is coming over later to paint them.", "Paint them green like mine", "Maybe I'll, I like green.", "We could match. I do not match with many people in the attic.", "Do you live in an attic?", "Yes I do, it is beautiful.", "How interesting, I am glad you like it." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I moved out of my attic.", "Thats great, where are you living now?", "I finally got a small apartment. How are your mother and daughter doing?", "Good for you. Are you getting new furniture? They are good, thank you for asking. My daughter just got a new skateboard. ", "I am getting some new furniture but just the basics. My brother is donating some of his old stuff too. Skateboarding seems like a lot of fun. Your daughter will really enjoy it. Is she taking any lessons or just teaching herself?", "She is just picking it up herself. She is a total tomboy, always coming home with scraped knees and muddy clothes haha", "Oh my brother was like that growing up. He was always coming home dirty and scraped up. He even had several minor injuries that landed him in the ER. Has your daughter ever gotten hurt?", "The ER? Oh wow as a mom that gives me a heartache. No thank god she hasn't. She jammed her finger playing basketball but nothing that would put her in the ER. ", "Girls being tomboys isn't common in Saudi Arabia is it? How does your mom deal with your daughter being that way?", "Well she grew up in Canada so I think she's more Canadian in her values. She loves Peggy with all her heart. Peggy's the first grandchild after all. ", "Oh that's nice. I wasn't aware that she actually grew up in Canada. Does she still have any family back there?", "No, we don't have roots there any more. I have never even been there! How about you? Were your born and raised in the US?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Have you considered signing up your daughter for other outdoor activities?", "Yeah, what kind of activities should I sign her up for? ", "Well, since you just got her a skateboard, maybe you can sign her up for skateboard lessons at a local skatepark. Or, maybe you could sign her up for a softball team.", "Skateboard lessons sounds like a great idea! How is your furniture shopping going? ", "I'm still looking around and trying to get the best deals on basic furnishings for my apartment. Do you have any suggestions?", "I usually just buy all of my furniture online at wayfair. They usually have pretty good deals. ", "Hmmmm. I'll have to see if there is a Wayfair store near me. I've mostly been looking at Ikea and Bed Bath & Beyond. Thanks for the tip! This is my first apartment ever and I hope to find some cool furniture at good prices. Has your daughter tried riding her skateboard yet?", "Yes, she has. She is really enjoying it. Do you know how to skateboard? ", "That's great. Kids are really fearless when it comes to extreme sports and danger. No, I can't ride a skateboard to save my life. How about you?", "No I also cannot. ", "Do you do any sports or outdoor activities? I really like taking walks and skiing during the winter.", "I like to go camping and go on hikes. " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello", "Hey there, how are you?", "Good good how about you", "Not too bad, just getting back from a bike ride", "Oh nice! Have you been biking for a while?", "Yeah, ever since I was a kid. How about yourself? What do you do?", "Nothing much. I'm at walmart right now. I love to shop here", "I don't like walmart", "Why is that? I like to do all my shopping there", "I really like pizza and their pizza is gross", "Really? I've never had their pizza", "Wouldn't recommend it" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "You have just won the lottery, what is the first thing you do?", "Ooh. I would probably donate money to the school where I teach. I love my job!", "My best friend was a teacher, I hope you do not work at his school", "I hope his school wasn't too bad. I am also a mom both kids and pups!", "His school was fine, he is just a horrible person! Ll.", "Oh gosh. I am very involved in the school. Especially because one of my two kids has autism.", "You are very blessed. To be able to have the skills to help your child.", "Yes, I agree. And we have been training my two fur babies as service dogs.", "Ai not that right! I train dogs myself... Bird dogs, not service dogs.", "I'm too protective of my dogs to have them hunting!", "Oh, its perfectly safe. And its so good for them to be out in the open.", "I suppose! Do you hunt often?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi, I am a football player. How are you?", "I am great! I just finished riding my bike and am making breakfast.", "Lovely! I only enjoy to play video games with my pet iguana", "I enjoy animals. I am a veterinarian.", "Animals are wonderful and I love them,", "I currently have two kittens, two labs and a chihuahua.", "I'm a mcdonalds employee. And of course that means my fav movie is star wars.", "I do not eat at mcdonalds since I'm vegan.", "I understand. I don't eat there either. Yuck.", "Did you go to college? If so what did you study?", "No, I am a fast food employee after all. How about you?", "I went to texas am to earn my degree in veterinary medicine.", "That's wonderful. Wonderful school.", "You should go to college so you can get a better job.", "I agree. But it is so costly. And I'd not have time to play games.", "I owe so much. I feel as if I work to pay loans" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I played with my pet iguana.", "Thats nice! I love pets as well, its my job to deal with animals but its also my passion", "Have you ever had to take care of an Iguana at your job?", "Yes of course as a vet, I have to deal with every type of animal hahaha. How is your work at McDonalds? ", "It's pretty awful. Not only do I not like the taste of the food, but working with the smell all day really gets to me. And then there's the low pay too. The only thing I can look forward to at the end of the day is getting to spend time with my iguana. I really need to find another job.", "Yeah I am not a fan of meat and chicken since I am veg, thats why I usually do not eat McDonalds I mean I can give you a good suggestions from my part which is try to continue your education, trust me hard work pays off very well. ", "I never did so great in school. I've been thinking about trying to become a plumber though. I hear they make pretty decent money.", "Yeah that would be good! anything that will put your skills to use. About the money issue that you have, low income students get a lot of help from the government. I on the other hand have a lot of loans to pay off since my degree required so many years ", "Yeah, that's another thing I never liked about going to school. I was afraid to rack up so much debt. But I think a trade school wouldn't be too expensive. ", "Your are right trade school is not that expensive. ", "It'd be really nice to get paid some real money. I think I would get a few more iguanas and a bigger and nicer habitat for them. Maybe I'd even get a new pair of shoes. My current pair is starting to fall apart actually.", "Yeah that would be nice. I on the other hand have 2 kittens, 2 labs, a chihuahua. hahha I have a lot going on" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I have finally bought a new pair of shoes.", "That is important. Shoes make a big difference at the end of the day if you stand all day.", "So true! I am hoping to get into a good trade school soon. I will still be standing all day though.", "The decision on which school to attend is always a tough one. If I had to do it again I would want to talk to people that graduated from the school. People that went through the program.", "How did you pick the right school?", "I knew I wanted to be a vet, so I picked what was close. That may be the default way most people do it. I think, in hind sight, it is better to research it. Relocating for school seems like a bad idea.", "Yeah. I have been doing a lot of research recently. I am leaning towards a plumbing program at the local community college.", "Before you start, I think you should go an meet the people running the program. Say hello. Ask them if they can put you in contact with past students. Ask them if they have any big changes to the curriculum coming up.", "Is that what you did? That sounds like a great idea!", "No, it is not what I did. I should have done it. Maybe I would have changed my mind if I knew how much debt I would take on.", "Ha! I wish there was a way to avoid the student debt. I am going to have to take out loans to attend trade school.", "I see. It is better to be debt free. Sometimes there is no choice though." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello, how are you tonight", "I'm good, and you?", "I'm doing very well, thank you. Are you married?", "No. I have a boyfriend who wants to marry me in australia", "That is awesome. I am single, but am such a romantic.", "What do you do in your spare time? I jog.", "I hike and surf. Do you like to surf?", "I've always wanted to try surfing.", "It is so peaceful and relaxing.", "It seems like it would be. What do you do for a living?", "I am a museum curator, what do you do?", "I wait tables. It is a popular club though in houston.", "Houston is a very nice city, I enjoyed my last trip.", "Yes I enjoy it very much here.", "Do you like to travel?", "I do, in fact I'd love to visit italy." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "How many days do you jog in a week", "Usually about 5 days a week. I went for a 10k jog today and am pretty spent. Ready for a rest day tomorrow!", "WOW! Good job! I like to hike but I don't run much. ", "Nice! I'd love to start trail running, but there aren't any options around me. Have you been on any good hikes recently?", "Yeah, I like to go with my boyfriend when we can. But I've been busy at work. Do you like your job?", "It is fine. I don't plan to wait tables forever, but the tips are okay. I'm hoping to apply for the next bartender position that opens up. How about you? What kind of museum do you work in?", "Awesome. I work in Art museums, I help upcoming artists display their work. My dream job is to work at the MOMA in New York City,", "Wow, I love that you have big dreams! I don't feel like I understand art, but I do enjoy some street art.", "Good to know. What's your favorite thing about Houston?", "I really like the people here. And the food. And honestly, I really like the hot weather. It makes me feel extra accomplished to work up a sweat on a jog.", "I'm a food fanatic. I love trying new things", "Oh, me too! What is your favorite kind of food? I absolutely love Texas-style BBQ." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I tried a new restaurant out.", "How was the food? What cuisine they are into?", "It was a Thai restaurant that has opened up near where I work. I went in with a few colleagues and tried a unique take on a Thai Green Curry. It was awesone!", "Thats good then. What kind of artists do you work with?", "It varies, from classical style to modern art. Most of them are into the modern stuff though. Some of it is cool but quite often I haven't a clue what they are trying to say with their art. LOL", "Haha thats true. They are not straight to the point and they confuse us.", "They are complex and deep individuals with too much time on their hands and too little talent. Saying that though the majority are great at what they do. Some have painted Italian themes which you might like.", "Oh. What type of cuisines your are interested in?", "I like to try anything really but I'm getting into fusion at the moment. Like a mix between spiced Indian curry and Chinese or Thai cuisine. Every meal is different! you should try it!", "I had a lot of Asian Cuisine foods. You should try Vietnamese. ", "I love Asian foods but haven't really tried it. I'll give it a go. Have you thought any more about getting started as a bartender? have you looked into any courses?", "Am looking into a lot of courses. The problem is deciding one at final." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Have you looked any further into bartender courses?", "I have there a few options in the area, I am definitely excited to get some training in!", "I know there are plenty of bars in Houston. It would be easy to find a bar tending job.", "Most definitely, and the tips would be crazy good! So I am hoping I can train to be really good at my craft", "I know you would make a great bartender. You can be a bartender at the club you work at.", "That would be nice as I already have a relationship with the regulars that frequent the establishment. So I'd have a good time doing that.", "How was your Memorial weekend? Did you get to barbecue?", "I did, made some ribs, it was excellent! What about you? Did you get to get out and try some new thai food?", "No Thai, I went over my boyfriends parents house and ate some barbecue.", "Oh very nice! What all was on the menu? Ribs?", "they cooked a whole brisket and some hot dogs for the kiddies.", "Can never beat a good hot dog on Memorial Day weekend. That sounds delicious!" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi, how ya doin today?", "I'm doing good. How about you?", "Good. Just got off work at one. Gotta go to the other here in awhile.", "Oh wow. 2 jobs? I start mine soon. I'm a police officer.", "Oh! That sounds so interesting and thrilling!", "Yeah, its def not boring. Any plans for the weekend?", "I am going to see the red hot chili peppers in concert! They're my fav!", "Oh nice! I saw them once. I am going hunting with my brother.", "I am going to see the red hot chili peppers in concert! They are my fav!", "I am eating lunch right now. I hate when I tell them no broccoli.", "That is fun. I've never been hunting before. What do you hunt?", "Just birds and small prey. Nothing big.", "What are you having for lunch that you had to tell them no broccoli?", "Chicken and broccoli fettuccine, no broccoli please lol", "That sounds good... Even with the broccoli.", "Do you play any video games?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "How's work going? Did you arrest anyone lately?", "No, came close with some 23.01s and 24.01s -- which is drunk and disorderly. But they managed to calm themselves down and get a ride home. So that was good. ", "You are very nice. Did you get any birds on your last hunting trip? ", "No luck last time, no. To be honest, though, we didn't really try all that hard. A couple too many beers beforehand, so my accuracy was a little off. Have you given any more thought to going hunting yourself? The first time is pretty mjemorable!", "I have been thinking about hunting since talked to you last time. I would love to give it a try, but am worried my inexperience may drag the whole team down.", "Don't worry about that. We are a super mellow bunch of guys and we don't take it very seriously, except for the safety part. No one is going to expect you to be Mr. Big Game Poacher or anything. None of us are. So if that's what you're mostly concerned about, you shouldn't be. It's cool, I promise.", "Thanks for you encourage. When will you go hunting again? If my schedule allows, I will love to go with you.", "It's hard to say. Sometimes it can be a very last minute decision. Probably sometime in April, but not sure when. After tax day, I think.", "April should be good for me. Regardless when, what should I prepare for the first trip?", "We can give you everything you'll need. We've got the vests, the outerwear, ammo, and all that. Just bring whatever food and coffee you think you're gonna want. I'm excited that you want to come along.", "You are really so kind. I can at least prepare some food for the team. are there any food allergies in the group?", "I don't think so. Just keep it simple. No truffles or lady fingers please! But I would like to taste that broccoli dish you told me about." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "We are planning a hunting trip next week. You would enjoy it and we are happy to have you tag along.", "This will be your first hunting trip. Have you taken any gun safety and/or hunting safety classes? What about the rest of your group?", "Yeah, I have. What about you?", "I have to recertify my shooting skills on a regular basis as do all police officers. Guns are serious things and should always be respected. What were you planning to hunt?", "I plan to hunt lapwings a small bird", "Will you be hunting on private property? If not are the licenses very expensive, will I need to buy any stamps for particular birds?", "It will be private property", "In that case I will join you I have time off coming. Where should we meet up? I prefer a nice coffee shop or diner to fill up on food and fuel up on coffee myself.", "There is a coffee place near me, Does that suit?", "That would be great. I will get the details from you later I have to get ready for work now. Bye.", "I'm looking forward to meeting you.", "Same here I'll be talking to you again soon. Later." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello, how are you tonight?", "Wonderful, just got home from my 7 mile run", "I can only go three, I surf a lot though.", "I run daily, I usually can only do 3 if I belt out songs lol", "Lol. My brothers have that habit as well.", "In school I did track and field, and won trophies, did you do sports?", "I was a cheer leader and on my schools surfing and gymnastics teams.", "I too did gymnastics. But my passion is with running.", "My oldest sister was a track star, I knew better than to follow in her footsteps.", "It is ok to follow your own path!", "I've a lot of siblings and I chose sports none of them did.", "Track is a sport! Do you have a favorite hobby?", "Surfing is my life and my hobby.", "Awesome, I think my hobby is cooking. Creating fancy meals is a great accomplishment." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hey how are you today", "I'm good tell me about yourself", "I've no brothers or sisters.. Dancing is my favorite! And you?", "Well I'm a trauma surgeon top on my class", "Impressive! I am between jobs right now.. I do hair. Just dyed mine blonde", "Nice, my wife loves hair but she's a college professor", "Oh she sounds nice. Do you have any children?", "Little girl and my mother lives with us she's a concert pianist, she in between jobs", "Okay and any pets? I love my 3 kitties", "I have to dogs, pitbulls not a fan of cats", "Oh I do love pitbulls, beautiful dogs", "They are! I also use to breed husky", "Aww another pretty dog. That could be a fun job, get to be around puppies", "Oh yeah so fun and just like children" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I was looking at videos of pitbulls.", "Oh cool! Are they cute? If you're still thinking of getting one, I might know a breeder from when I used to breed huskies.", "YES. They are so cute! If I thought they'd get along with my cats, I'd get one. I'm afraid my cats would be upset. ", "That's unfortunate and true - cats don't like change too much from what I hear. Or me, but that's a mutual feeling! Saw the picture of your hair, it looks great!", "Thank you. It was a big change to go blonde but I think I like it too. It will take some time for me to get used to it. Yeah my cats are older and kind of cranky. How are your dogs doing? ", "They're great! Still goofy. I'd like to change my hair - what colour would suit me?", "Since your hair is already naturally so light, I think you'd look good with some lowlights. A little dark blonde or warm brown blended it. That would be stunning. Would your wife like it? ", "Thanks for the tip! I hope sshe would - just to take the edge of some of the greys coming through, really - she says I'm always handsome, but I don't want to look old next to her. You been dancing much of late?", "I have been dancing a lot. I actually have a job interview at the Lacy School of Dance on Thursday. I would teach beginners dance classes to 7-8 year olds. I am very excited. ", "Oh congratulations! That sounds like it will be great for you - you'll be an awesome teacher. You have the knack like my wife does for explaining things. Is the pay decent?", "The starting pay is a little low but after a 90 day probationary period it increases to a livable wage for me. I really need this because my bills are piling up. How are things going at the hospital?", "Hope it works out for sure. Not too bad at the moment - a few porter roles are open if you're strapped for cash, I can put in a word if needs be." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I got used to my hair and I like it a lot. I got the job at the dance school!", "Hey, good for you and congratulations on the new job! Do you know when you start? ", "Thanks! I start next week. I can't wait; I love dancing, so it's going to be a lot of fun teaching other people to dance.", "Nothing beats accomplishing a goal that we set out to do! Do you know the age group that they will have you start teaching?", "I have one class that will be little kids ages 6-8 and another class for adults who are interested in learning dance but have never taken a class before.", "That is tremendous! I was telling my wife about what you do and she said that she wants us to learn a dance for when we renew our vows next year. Maybe you would be interested in teaching something easy?", "Oh that's a great idea! Definitely - it will be a lot of fun! You can either sign up for a class at the studio, or I can just come to your place when it's convenient and teach you privately.", "I like the idea of private lessons actually. I am really shy and have never been one who dances in front of people but I love my wife and will do anything for her. So she is saying this what she wants for a gift and I will grin and bare it.", "Haha, perfect! I can come over every week or every other week and we'll do private lessons. By the end of the lessons, I'm sure you'll be more confident in yourself!", "Sounds like a deal! My only request this that nobody records me and that I dont go viral for dancing like Elaine on Seinfeld or something? LOL", "Deal! I promise not to record you (but you're on your own to make sure your wife doesnt!)", "Oh, shoot! That might be the day she can't find her phone and has no idea where \"she\" put it. However it will mysteriously appear after the lesson. " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi how are you. I just came back from my bartending shift. What are you doing", "Just practicing my karate. Wanna fight?", "I'd rather not. Do you have a belt in karate?", "Oh. I'm a brown belt. That made me so sad.", "Oh I am sorry about that, why are you sad?", "You didn't want to fight me.", "I cannot fight anymore. Nowadays I prefer reading quietly", "Would you read to me? I would like that", "Sure, what kind of books do you like?", "No, I want you to read your favorite book to me.", "I don't have any favorite books, I just read when I've nothing to do.", "Oh. I am sure my paps has a favorite I'll ask him..", "Do you live with your father and any other members of your family?", "My paps and his wife. My grandma.", "Sounds like a nice family, what do you do for work?", "I just go to school. My paps cares more about his mushrooms than me" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Heyy how are your grandparents?", "Hi, great thanks. My grandmother is doing really well, doing lots of dancing to stay fit and grandfather has been growing various exotic mushrooms, im not sure all of them are legal if i am quite honest! ", "Lol! Well that's good to hear! It's great that they are keeping busy and engaged with life and all that.", "Yeah, i feel like they are younger at heart than me. They are certainly open to enjoying themselves. My grandma was saying shed like to go to Burning Man this year if she can! ", "Okay, you've lost me there. What's Burning Man?", "Burning man is a festival in the Nevada desert.. Its quite famous and is kind of a bit lawless! A lot of big EDM performers attend there. ", "Look, I know I tend bar and all that and should know everything but I admit I don't lol. What's EDM?", "Electronic Dance Music. Its all quite noisy, electronic with lots of drum sections to dance to. Its not something i am particularly in to, but my Grandma loves it. ", "She does?! How did she find out about all of that?", "Internet mostly, shes very in investigating things, especially anything quite new as she doesn't like the idea of being left out, just for being older. She is a very interesting lady, thats for sure. ", "Sounds like it! I think that's great that she does all that. ", "I may have to go to Burning Man with her if she goes, i feel like id want to look out for her, but she's really more streetwise than me in reality. " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "When is Burning Man taking place?", "Sometime this summer. I am not too excited, but I don't want my grandma to go by herself. Maybe you can recommend a good book for me to read while she is partying it up.", "I think \"The Notebook\" would be a great romance book for you to read. Well, you should head to Las Vegas as the city never sleeps!", "I thought about visiting Las Vegas, but it's too far away from the festival sadly. Is that where you bartend?", "Yes, I bartend at MGM hotel in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, it's about a 10 hour drive from Black Rock Desert (where Burning Man takes place) to Las Vegas. I will see if I can get a day off and maybe meet you there!", "You would be a lifesaver if you could! I'll have my grandmother bring extra mushrooms in case you're into that kind of thing! LOL", "I would love that, thank you! I eat mushrooms several times a week. Organic mushrooms in supermarkets are not cheap. How long will your trip be?", "I don't think we're talking about the same kind of mushrooms. They grow EDM mushrooms. We are flying in from Colorado, so the trip is only a few hours. I wanted to drive down but my grandfather wants the vehicle for transportation of his mushrooms.", "Ah cool. Will you guys be going straight home after Burning Man? or will you be extending your stay after Burning Man?", "We are going straight home. Have you ever been to a Burning Man concert?", "I watched the first ever Burning Man in 1986. I hardly remember it as I was only 3 years old then. ", "I was also born in 1983! " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi! I am a graphic designer. What do you do?", "I run a youtube channel that proves the existence of leprechauns.", "What do yo do for fun? I paint in my free time.", "I like painting, too. The nurses at the asylum told me I had talent.", "Interesting! Are you currently seeing anyone?", "Absolutely! If, by seeing someone, you mean friends and leprechauns. Are you seeing someone?", "Unfortunately I am single. I blame the weather!", "Have you tried using the weather to your advantage? Find love at the end of a rainbow.", "I should. Spring is my favorite. The perfect weather for love.", "I agree. On march 17th, I take my dog out to celebrate spring.", "Do you have any other pets?", "No. When I was three, I drove my mom crazy asking for a cat.", "Cool. Do you have any other interests?", "I like to try new hairstyles. Do you ever design websites for your job?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Have you seen any leprechauns since we last spoke?", "Yesterday I saw a rainbow. I looked really hard, took a 4k video. Couldn't see one.", "Have you posted the video of the rainbow on youtube yet?", "I should. That way other people might be able to see if there is something I missed.", "Yeah definitely! Do you post videos about your innovative hairstyles too?", "Yeah, you should check them out. I have one on how to make a rainbow mohawk.", "Wow that sounds really cool, I'll definitely take a look! do you ever do hairstyles for your dog?", "Yes, the other day I gave him a poodle comb. So he looks like a golden poodle retriever.", "Nice that's fun! Where are you taking your dog to celebrate spring this year?", "I'm going to take him to the poodle lookalike festival, where everyone tries to show off their dog with a poodle hairstyle.", "amazing, I haven't heard of that before. Where does it take palce?", "It takes place on the ski slopes of vail, colorado, after all the snow has melted. Beautiful view." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I have never gone to Vail.", "Maybe you could come visit! I'm sure there will be a cool art exhibition at some stage that will be worth the trip.", "That would be amazing! Do you bring your dog to Vail?", "Of course! I couldn't manage without him. I've been lucky enough to find accommodation that accepts pets. Not sure what I'd do without him to be honest.", "I hear you! My dog is my shadow. She follows me everywhere. If I do visit, maybe I'll see a cool hairstyle you've done on him. Do you keep working on your youtube channel while you're there?", "That's awesome, they're the best companions anyone could wish for! I'm sure I could come up with something for you to see. Yep, life seems to get busier and busier but I'm doing my best to juggle everything.", "I'm Irish, so I grew up hearing leprechaun stories. I used to look for them in our gardens, but never saw one. ", "I'd love to visit! Maybe I could make a video series about a trip to Ireland in search of leprechauns. I hear there's lots of fairy stories in Ireland too. ", "Yes, lots of fairy stories! We built a fairy house out of twigs and every once in a while they'd leave a pretty stone or feather or something. I'd love to have you visit! You could definitely make a great video series about leprechauns here.", "How amazing! Once I settle down in Vail, I'll try my best to arrange a visit over to Ireland. Maybe we could host each other during our adventures in each others land!", "That would be great! I live in California most of the time - gotta surf! - but I spend my winters here. I'm actually heading back to CA in a few days. If you can figure out some dates that would work for you between November and April, let me know.", "Oh definitely! That's a lot of time to work with. It would be awesome to get out into the world and paint together too. There must be a lot of magical locations in Ireland. " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hey! How are you", "Good! Just searching for some good vegetarian recipes! How are you?", "Find anything good? I am great, practicing a song on the guitar", "Not really. I am already missing meat! Trying to eat veggies though! Guitar, awesome!", "My father had a heart attack, so he might benefit from going vegetarian", "Maybe! Its hard though! I do all the shopping and I love pork!", "Haha oh man! Thatll be hard to give up. My gf loves it too!", "Sounds like my kind of girl! Haha! I'm just lazy. But need those veggies!", "Lol yeah, she's a keeper! You should try cauliflower pizza!", "That sounds like a good recipe to try! Have you tried it!?", "I have, its pretty good and I am a huge pizza fan", "Me too! Ink if I can be a vegetarian lol", "Lol at least youre trying, thatll be good enough lol", "Thanks! So how long you played guitar?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi, I'm a dancer, what is your profession?", "... Was in banking until september. I was told I was no longer employed there.", "Sorry to hear. I have actually been studying ballet my entire life.", "We have something in common. Since I was two years old I have loved dancing.", "That's awesome. I get my inspiration from my mother because she's a ballerina.", "That's beautiful! My claim to fame is. I say my abcs backwards.", "Wish I knew how to do that! I bet it takes a lot of practice.", "No. It is a talent I guess. I was blessed... That and my natural red hair", "I'm blessed as well. My entire family supports me in my efforts.", "How big is your family? It is just my husband and me.", "I have a fairly large family. It must be peaceful with just you and your husband.", "Yes. And we travel quite a bit. Now that I am out of work.", "I bet you both have seen some beautiful places.", "Actually we met in paris a... Whirlwind romance... Gave me a diamond at the eiffel tower", "Beautiful. I do not have much time for relationships because of my dancing.", "Have you danced outside the united states? That art means dedication, yes?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I met somebody new in my ballet studio. ", "Great! You interested in them?", "They were nice, but I am so busy with my ballet that is is difficult to make time. I am not sure yet.", "Well if you are both interested in ballet then it will be easy to spend time together. No need to rush things though", "You are right, I might just go for it!", "Might just get some mom-approval too :-)", "Yes, she would definitely approve! He is very talented. I could really see things working out.", "Well be sure he knows you're interested. Men can't read minds.", "That is great advice, so true! Maybe I will reach invite him to my next performance!", "Your support section is going to take over the whole audience at that rate", "true, between my whole family and him it will be crowded out there!", "I'd be there too if I was closer" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "The handsome man came back to my ballet studio. His name is Bruce. I was really nervous, but we started talking and we hit it off immediately! He said that he will come to my ballet performance this weekend. I'm a little nervous for him to see me dance, but I know I will impress him!", "That's very exciting! Is Bruce around your age?", "Yes just about! How is your husband>", "My husband is great! He is currently on a short business trip, but we keep in touch through phone calls and texts. Did Bruce ask for your phone number or anything?", "Yes I gave him my number so I could tell him about my performance. I hope he comes", "Well, it sounds promising! What else do you know about him? Like what he does for a living, what his hobbies are, etc?", "He is in international business and loves to travel and so do I! ", "That's great! That gives you two a lot to talk about. Does he live near you, or is he just near right now because he's traveling?", "He lives near me for now, hopefully he sticks around :)", "Yeah, hopefully! But if that's where he's based out of, then he probably will--at least for awhile.. He's apparently interested in dance, so that gives you two another thing in common!", "It does! You like to dance too, right?", "Yes, I love to dance! I've never done it professionally though. I just enjoy doing it for fun." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I am making lunch. Should I make a chili corn dog or a hot dog with cheese?", "Hmm. My wife often makes hot dogs with cheese for my three kids.", "Yeah I love both so much I cannot decide. My grandson love cheesy hot dogs too.", "Does he like baseball? I'm a professional baseball player.", "Wow. What team do you play for? Yes he loves baseball.", "The baltimore orioles. If you can believe it, they pay me one million dollars every year!", "I wish I made a million dollars than maybe it would make my hour commute worth it.", "An hour is a long commute.", "Yeah and I like to stay up late so the early morning commute is the worst.", "I'll bet. I work late at my baseball games.", "But you are doing something you love so its totally worth it", "That is true. Somehow a million dollars doesn't go as far as you think though.", "That is true. So what do you do for fun?", "I play with my kids whenever I can.", "I play with my grandson I am a young grandma and was only 44 at his birth.", "Wow, that's pretty young!" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "What games do you like to play with the kids?", "I enjoy taking them to the park. How about you?", "well besides football i also like to play other sports such as soccer and basketball. when was the last time you took your kids to the park?", "that's awesome! I took them earlier today. It was beautiful outside. Do you watch any NBA?", "I try to watch it every chance i get! do you get bored with baseball since it's your profession, or is it still fun to watch other teams play?", "I love watching the Lakers play. I also love watching football. Who is your team you watch the most?", "I don't have a parictular team i'm fixated on. i just like to watch teh players individually! do you get that much time off of work to attend sports matches in person for fun?", "I try to make as much time to watch sports live. It is always much more fun and entertaining. Do you prefer live sporting events?", "yes, being around other fans is amazing. the energy of an in person crowd can't be beat by sitting at home! i just wish they weren't so expensive. i can't afford tickets all the time.with all your money i bet you get the expensive seats in the private section, don't you?", "Lol I wish, it would be way too pricey bringing my 3 kids and wife with me. there are times i like watching it at home, its relaxing and saves a lot of money", "oh wow so even if you make a lot of money it still can be a toll to buy. good to know. ya know i still wish i had a million dollars, it would make life so much easier for me. when did you make your first million dollar contract? at what age?", "I only wish I did. I make enough money to survive and take care of my family. Don't worry, one day you'll make that million" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I went to watch a live soccer game last week and it was very fun and worth the money i paid.", "Who played? How much did it cost?", "It was just local teenagers that are trying to get scouted. The tickets were like $10 for adults, but I took my grand kids. I need to find me a sugar daddy haha. Then maybe I could go to better games.", "Wait what's a sugar daddy? Sorry I have no idea these days", "You know, an older dude with a lot of money that likes to take me places! Or a younger one if I could find one haha. But really it is just really boring being broke.", "I agree but thankfully I make a decent living thanks to baseball.", "Oh yeah I bet you do. I forget what you look like. Can you describe yourself? What kind of women do you like? Are semi athletic older women on your menu?", "Well you know you could just google me hah. Or did you forget my name? And I mainly like my wife LOL.", "I prefer googling people in person wink. I am sure you do. Not many young men like people like me in these old bones I have to live with. Ah what I wouldn't give to be younger. But at the same time, I want to still have my grand kids. I guess you cannot have your cake and eat it too.", "I find older women attractive it's just that I'm married. Had you forgotten?", "Well, some things do tend to slip my mind in my old age. But no. I was hoping that you would humor an old woman. How are your kids doing? I won't try to get you to make me feel young anymore.", "They are doing just fine! Just getting along. How are yours?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi, how are you?", "Tired, spent the day in the kitchen then ran a mile tonight", "I'm tired too. I just finished some weight training. Are you a chef?", "I might as well be a chef. I have 4 children under 5.", "Oh geez. I feel like that sometimes. I am the oldest have 4 younger siblings.", "How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?", "I am 23. Where are you from?", "Pittsburgh. How about you?", "Atlanta. I'm keeping an eye on this hurricane headed this way.", "I hope you and your family are safe. Are you planning to evacuate?", "Thank you for your concern. I am preparing to just incase.", "Its good to be organized for that just in case." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello how are you doing today", "I'm good thanks and you", "So what do you have planned for the night", "Just got done cooking do you cook", "Absolutely, my parents died and I cook for my brothers and sisters every day", "How did they die dang", "They past from a boat sinking", "Sorry to hear that I hate boats", "What did you cook today, anything interesting", "Just went shopping do you?", "I love to shop when I am not writing creative short stories for a friends podcast", "Do you have any kids?", "No, but I guess my brothers and sisters are my kids for now.", "Oh you are great for doing that", "What is your occupation and do you like what you do for a living?", "I just cook and cook really" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hey you, how was your day today?", "It was good I colored my hair purple today!!", "That is weird lol I attended harvard university. Did you go to school?", "How is that weird? I am a hair stylist, and I have a salon!", "That is cool. I just think everyone should attend ivy league", "Oh well I am a little too old to go back to school", "Ah you are never to old for that. I am a financial assistant", "Well.. I live on a big boat.. So I can just sail with my newly husband", "That sounds nice. I couldn't do it. I eat out way to much for that lol", "So your boat will sink?", "Haha no. There just are not any restaurants in the ocean", "Oooh that so funny. Sorry" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi how are you today?", "Good! I just ate a bunch of green apples. My favorite. How are you?", "What other fruits do you like?", "Pears, raisins. I like most fruits.", "That is good I love apples and grapes strawberries and watermelon too.", "I really don't like meat tho.", "Really I love meat does your diet consist of veggies?", "Yes. I also eat a lot of fruit. Apples. Even with the skin on them.", "The skin is good has lots of the vitamins and minerals", "This is true. So, what do you do for work?", "I work in a daycare center with the babies what do you do for work?", "I manage a small it department.", "That is good is it stressful?", "At times it can be. Most of the time everything flows well." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello. How are you? Do you have kids?", "No. I am just fourteen myself.", "My youngest kid is 14. Do you have hobbies?", "Swimming and playing video games and believe it or not, sports cars", "What is your favorite food?", "Pizza all day long. What do you like to eat?", "Hot wings. So good. Do you like to sing?", "I'm not good. Grandpa and mom say for me to be quiet.", "My church has a choir. I sing soprano. You should sing in church.", "My friends carol, mia and stephanie do that. I am not a good singer though.", "My kids say I am not that good. But I am on the road often.", "What is your job? I bet you sing in the car too.", "I drive a truck.", "Stick shift? You are good! My grandmother drives a stick.", "No. I am a commercial truck driver.", "And you sing too. I want to learn to drive sports cars and trucks" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello! Anything going on with you today?", "Not much just headin off to work.", "Where do you work? I teach as a yoga instructor", "I just do contract work, I do roofing.", "Is that lonely work? I enjoy the solace of being alone.", "Not at all there are about eight of us.", "Do you have any favorites? For instance, I like pink.", "I like all sorts of country it doesn't matter what", "Cool, do you live near family?", "Nah they are all pretty far away.", "I live near my father, though my mother has passed away. Have partner?", "Nice! No I'm a widower.", "I'm sorry to hear that, do you have any pets", "Yeah I've a a dog that is getting a little old.", "Cool what breed of dog? Blue heelers are cute!", "They are, mine is a lab." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello how are you? I have one child, and I am married.", "I am good. I am don river. I claim its italian, but its spanish.", "Ll. I own my own company, but I do not show up very much.", "Nice. I am a programmer. Not sure its for me. Do you like your job?", "I do, but I make less than 100k a year.", "Is it a professional setting? I often wear cardigans to look good at work.", "Yes, professional. But I wish I could pay my employees more than minimum wage though.", "My step dad did the same to his employees. Ignoring me.", "That's too bad. You feel more comfortable in your cardigans while programming?", "They make me feel smarter. I feel dumb because I got my biological dads brain.", "Don't feel dumb, everyone has their own strengths.", "What kind of strengths do you have?", "My spouse and my child. It might sound silly, but its true.", "Aw, no that's sweet. They sound like good people.", "Thank you. They're my entire world. Second is my company lol.", "Haha. What does your company make do?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "You mentioned the other day that your relationship with your step dad wasn't so great. How is your relationship with your biological dad?", "I don't really see him to be honest. He moved away a long time ago.", "That's a shame, family is so important, but I guess you'll be ok anyway.", "I really do hope so. It's tough, especially while my step dad is being how he is! Can you imagine leaving your own wife and child to live somewhere else though?", "No I couldn't I would never leave them. I think someone who leaves their partner and child deserves to never see either of them again.", "Yes, I totally agree actually. Do you think your child will end up working at your company for with you when they're older? I wanted to work with my step dad but he only pays minimum wage", "Its a difficult choice, for a family member to work for/with you could end up bad news, but I think we can make it work.", "That'd be nice. Would you pay them more than minimum wage considering they're family?", "I think there is more than money, since we all live under the same roof, she would get the same as everyone else so there are no problems with the existing staff. But at the end of the day the company would become hers when I retire.", "Good point! Sounds like you're a fair employer too; treating everyone the same etc", "Yes, definitely. It's important to have strong and consistent values. Have you thought about working freelance?", "I did think about it at one point, but not quite fully confident in my programming yet. Maybe one day!" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "So Don, what languages do you program in?", "I program mostly using Python, thats what I have been doing for years, how's your work going?", "Well, its actually not good I am facing some challenges with my clients. Are you good in python?", "ah that's the challenge that comes with running your own business how come? Yeah I'd say I'm pretty good, I often solve a lot of problems at work and am quite in demand at the workplace, bit fed up of the place though. ", "We have requirement of python as well as java developer, if you would like to join me, but we can pay only minimum wage at least for this year.", "Ah that sounds interesting although I am interested in working with various different companies I'd be happy to do some work with your company.", "Great!!! I will send you the details. Be ready for interview. Do you speak Spanish?", "I actually am Spanish actually although my name does sound Italian ", "So I think you could help in my business, I have 3 Spanish clients.", "Oh that's excellent, could you tell me more about the company?", "Yeah sure, I will send you the details on mail. What's your Dad's business?", "My dad works in finance he's massively successful although it's a shame his success meant he neglected his family life " ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hello how are you doing", "Hi I am good and you?", "I am swell. Who is your favorite band?", "Ink really tell me about yours", "Mine is korn. I'm a metalhead.", "What color is your hair?", "Its brown but I want to dye it purple.", "Cool mine is bright pink", "That's crazy! Do you like any sports?", "I don't really do you", "I am quite the avid swimmer. I have my own pool.", "Cool do you swim in the rain" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Hi.. How are you doing..", "Hey. I am good for the night. How are you?", "Good.. On a break today from work", "Oh nice! Where do you work?", "I drive my own truck", "Oh wonderful! Is it fun? I just work for delta right now.", "Its fun sometimes.. Boring sometimes", "I bet. Maybe we could win the lottery someday. Dream come true!", "Hope so buddy.. How is ur work?", "Its work what can I say. I just like driving my mustang gt to work.", "Lol.. That's a good way of saying", "Yes, I love to listen to gr on the way. Do you like rock music too?", "I'm big fan of elvis", "Oh nice! I grew up on him. Even tried some of his food combinations." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "How are you? I am getting ready to go to my janitorial job.", "I am well. I work as a waitress in houston", "That sounds interesting. I love getting my whiskey from waitresses.", "Very nice, the club I work at is very popular and I've long work nights.", "I get nervous in clubs I have lost contacts in them several times.", "Oh that sucks! I am moving to australia to get married soon", "Really? I hear they have lots of great campsites there. I love camping!", "I never been but I am very excited to go! What do you do for fun?", "I'm into photography. I love taking pictures of everything!", "Nice! I job on my spare time. I'm training for a marathon", "Awesome how far is it? I have done 5 k s in the past.", "It is 26 miles long", "That's pretty long. I do not think I could do it!", "I hope I can! Haha" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "Can I tell you something personal?", "Yes of course glad you trust me already", "I'm gay. Wow, that feels good to tell someone.", "That's a hard thing to tell people but people are more accepting of it sometimes", "I haven't told my parents yet.", "Why they might be okay with it? What kind of music do you like", "Techno, I also like comic books, anime, and video games.", "I like rock music I love worn the group and anything that's the color purple", "Purple is a great color! I love to color my characters.", "What games do you like to play", "Mortal combat and street fighter are my tops right now.", "Those sound like fun games. I mostly swim on my down time when the weather is good" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I have been creating characters,and playing mortal combat. Would you like to play either of those with me?", "I've never played before but I would be interested, can I use my PC?", "You can use your PC but I would recommend getting a controller to connect to your computer. It's easier to play with a controller instead of a keyboard and mouse. If you show me one of the band members from 'Worn' I can try to create a character of them too.", "Oh wow, I had no idea you could do that! That's so cool, sure I'll email you a photo. Would that be ok?", "Yeah you can email me a photo! I'll give you my email address a little later. Have you played any fighting games at all or would this be your first?", "This would definitely be my first, I haven't played any fighting/combat games. The nearest thing would be Mario Kart, when you knock people off the track LOL", "LOL! Mortal combat has something called a 'fatality' and some of those you knock the opponent off the fighting stage. It's a little more gruesome though than Mario Kart. Have you been swimming lately?", "I'm going to watch some YouTube videos tonight so I know what I'm getting myself in for! I haven't managed to swim for a couple of weeks now.", "I livestream some of my gameplay videos. I can link you to my gaming stream later too. I like listening to music while I game. What kind of music does 'Worn' play?", "It's more of an indie rock sound. If you send me a link to your live stream, I'll send you some links to Worn.", "An indie rock sound? I don't think I've really listened to much of that. I'm pretty much always listening to Techno. What day this week can we play?", "The weekend would be better for me, does that suit you?" ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]
[ "I just created a new livestream. Want to see it?", "ABSOLUTELY! I know you are talented and would love to see you at your best.", "Give me your honest feedback and critique. I want to produce content that will engage followers.", "I promise to give you an honest report! Do you ever do any videos for Mario Kart?", "I have, but not recently. That is a good idea. I will do some MK to increase my viewership base.", "While you were gaming, I made it out for a swim. It was a great day to paddle around in the water.", "My gaming takes up so much of my time that I never seem to be able to squeeze in any exercise.", "I got these new waterproof headphones and was able to listen to come music during my swim. It was heavenly!", "What did you listen to? I know how much you love rock, so I will guess that it was Bon Jovi.", "You know me too well! Bon Jovi all the way! Time flies when I listen to them.", "I have never been a rock fan. It is not fast enough for me.", "Haha, go figure that I can't ever keep up with the speed of techno. We like what we like, I guess." ]
[ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ]