2 values
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I let people so much in my life and they've ended up betraying my confidence i had in them.\"" }, { "assistant": "I have learnt the hard way,keep your friend circle small.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "One time I was building a tower of cards that was over 8 layers tall. It fell when someone walked by" }, { "assistant": "Yes it took me over an hour! I was so mad!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "do you ever feel lonely? i do. i hate my own company and i have no friends." }, { "assistant": "i do too, it's normal to runaway and sit in front of your computer i guess", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i'm ashamed of always deceiving my family." }, { "assistant": "i don't do it on purpose , it's them they want me to be a doctor but i don't like medicine.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i had a fight with my sibling today and she started shouting at me and it really annoyed me" }, { "assistant": "no, she still doesn't want to apologise for what she did, but eve she doesn't i'm gonna talk to her today!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "The possibility of winning a lottery this time is high for me" }, { "assistant": "Bruh,my instincts can't be wrong. I just have this crazy feeling that i might be lucky this time round.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i recently discovered that my father is sick , i tried to contact my mother to see what happened but she didn't answer. i'm so mad at her because she didn't even try to call me again." }, { "assistant": "i got really angry and i'm so worried about my father. so i'm gonna go visit my parents and check on them this weekend.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "The coolest place I've ever been was an island in the Caribbean. No cars, only golf cars. 100% touristy village." }, { "assistant": "Caye Caulker. Maybe a vacation for your partner. There's a snorkeling place there. The coolest things though was that it was unlike anywhere I've ever been.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My embarassing moment is when our thermostat was broken and my boss came in, and I had my shirt off. Only problem I guess is it would have been weird if he had had a client with him." }, { "assistant": "Yeah, insurance. No client though thankfully.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i'm finally gonna get some rest, i'm going on a holiday in two weeks and i really can't wait!" }, { "assistant": "i'm going to Greece. i can't wait to see all the greek gods up close.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was nervous about a secret I had but I hated keeping it bottled up." }, { "assistant": "No, but some kind person came up to me and promised not to tell anybody.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am looking forward to getting a promotion. I have to hire 3 people." }, { "assistant": "Yes, a couple more levels and it will be easier.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i love my wife because she's loyal and she always takes care of me." }, { "assistant": "for over 5 years now. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "when i was younger I did something I was very embarrassed about" }, { "assistant": "yeah it was something a stupid kid does, I went into a comic book store with a friend and tried to steal a lot of comics but we were caught and I learned it was bad to steal", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My wife is the best thing to happen to me since sliced bread" }, { "assistant": "i've been with her for 10 years and she's wonderful mother and wife and always puts her family first", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had a cat that I loved so much and one day I came home and I found out he had been ran over." }, { "assistant": "They must have. I couldn't believe what I was seeing...", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "10, I had him for 10 years." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "our company is firing people, and everyone is very sad to go" }, { "assistant": "mine is good, i just feel bad for the people who got fired you know?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i'm moving out from this house and it's just very emotional." }, { "assistant": "well, my university is in a different city so i'm leaving everyone here to follow my dreams.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "when my Grandparents died, I was extremely upset for a few months" }, { "assistant": "I was really close with my Grandpa on my father's side. I used to spend every summer with them when I was as child ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My whole world revolves around my family they make me very happy" }, { "assistant": "they are my reason to live for sure, I don't look forward to my kids growing up and moving out", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have been in my job for 3 years now, and I feel quite comfortable and happy here" }, { "assistant": "I am a project manager. I started off very junior, and now I have worked my way up in the company", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When I had to clear out my old bedroom when I left home, I really found it hard to throw away a lot of the stuff in there!" }, { "assistant": "Just thinking of all the good times I had with toys / books etc when I was a child! Even though I wouldn't use these things again, it was still hard to throw away ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I ended up giving it to charity - that way someone else can have good times with them! " }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I got really drunk on my birthday this year, and couldn't remember what I did. It was very awkward meeting my friends the next day" }, { "assistant": "It wasn't that bad in the end, but it was the fear of not remembering anything! ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I got really drunk on my birthday and was horrible to one of my oldest friends, i felt awful" }, { "assistant": "I did apologise to him the next day, and I had a lot of making up to do. I don't usually get nasty when I drink alcohol, but this has made me be more careful ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "The future looks bright though right now things are not going as i had planned" }, { "assistant": "Keep doing my best in whatever i do. I'm sure all shall be well.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I found an abandoned cat in an alleyway yesterday." }, { "assistant": "I took it home with me, I felt bad for it.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When I gave a best man speech at my Dad's wedding, I knew that I was going to do well and make everyone laugh" }, { "assistant": "I don't think anybody recorded it which is a shame! My Dad loved it though which is the main thing ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "The last interview I went to, I studied the company, as well as the role. I felt like I had all the info I needed to succeed" }, { "assistant": "I did get the job - the company were really impressed with my knowledge of what they did, and my enthusiasm for the role ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Summer starts next week, and I got A's in all my classes this year." }, { "assistant": "I wouldn't change a thing in the world right now.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When my ex girlfriend cheated on me, I was so angry" }, { "assistant": "At least it wasn't with a close friend - it was someone I didn't know. At least i didn't have to be angry with 2 people i knew! ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My younger sister who is 14 years is pregnant with her 16 years old boyfriend. Arrrgh" }, { "assistant": "Worried least to say,teenage pregnancy with not best formal education. I'm lost for words.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When I played the new Crash Bandicoot remastered games, it made me remember the good times in my childhood" }, { "assistant": "It's great! I'm really looking forward to playing the new Spyro games too!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Today I slipped when I was walking to class on campus." }, { "assistant": "Yes! There was like 12 people near me! I couldn't believe my luck.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I remember when I submitted my CV to a company, I couldn't wait to get a response, hoping that it was positive!" }, { "assistant": "I got the good response I was anticipating. I put a lot of work into my CV, and the application, so I was very happy with the result ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was upset not to get a response back from a company that I applied for a job at" }, { "assistant": "I suppose I could, but I'm not sure I want to apply again as they didn't treat with any respect, and ignored my application ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My Parents tried to make me eat some gone off food once, It made me really ill" }, { "assistant": "I have too now that I have kids of my own!! I think that the use by dates on food are more of a guideline, and so far they haven't got ill! ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Last week we were at an amusement park and I cant believe my little brother got on the roller coaster with us. He's usually afraid of heights." }, { "assistant": "I know, he usually never goes on dangerous rides.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My son got spaghetti all over himself at dinner at a restaurant one night." }, { "assistant": "I didn't really care too much. I had remembered to pack him an extra set of clothes though.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had a quiz yesterday and I went through it like nothing." }, { "assistant": "I studied all week for it. I came prepared.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I thought I saw a ghost once in my old apartment, it scared the hell out of me! " }, { "assistant": "Yeah it wasn't long before I did move out! I never believed in ghosts until then, and it still creeps me out! ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I got arrested when I was younger, and I was so scared in the back of the police car" }, { "assistant": "I got caught drinking under age. I got off without being charged, but it was very scary! ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "They took me back to my parents, but I think they just wanted to give me a bit of a scare! " }, { "assistant": "I didn't do it for a long time, but I eventually did as I got a bit older ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When my dad told me he was getting married, I was over the moon" }, { "assistant": "I was delighted for him, his new wife is so great for him, and she's always been really cool to me ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": " When I got told that I had a new job, I was over the moon" }, { "assistant": "I am definitely going to celebrate! It is my dream job ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I stole money from my dad once, i felt terrible for ages" }, { "assistant": "He did eventually, I actually told him when the guilt got too much for me ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I cheated on my ex girlfriend, and I felt bad about it ever since" }, { "assistant": "I got drunk - i felt really guilty about it", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When i proposed to my girlfriend, she said yes! I was so happy" }, { "assistant": "We have known each other for 7 years, and been dating for 5 - felt like the right time", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I remember when I was in my 20's I was so drunk that I accidently went into the womans rest room" }, { "assistant": "No but a lot of people saw me do it and my face went beet red", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I need new carpet for my house so I cannot wait to get my income tax return this year" }, { "assistant": "no its just 17 years old and needs to be replaced", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I remember growing up and having some really good family vacations" }, { "assistant": "yes I had a good childhood with wonderful memories even though we didn't have a lot of money", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When I proposed to my wife I knew she was going to say yes I just felt it" }, { "assistant": "I was rather cheesy and proposed to her on christmas ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "In the relationships I have been in i have never cheated, I have suspicions that the guys I was with did though." }, { "assistant": "Not really, but my one boyfriend was always very flirty and liked hooking up with girls a lot", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "A new restaurant opened near my house, and it turned out to be really really nice" }, { "assistant": "It is a Spanish restaurant, and they serve Steaks and Fish chargrilled. It is my new favourite place to eat! ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I felt totally relaxed when I was outside watching my kids play in the pool." }, { "assistant": "Yeah it was like I had no stress.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My dog was chewing on dead frog. So gross!! I hope it was not poisonous." }, { "assistant": "He seems to be ok but if he start salivating then for sure there is poison. I will have to run to vet!!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thanks! I think I am if I save his life. :)" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When I bought my house I made sure I had everything all ready including my down payment" }, { "assistant": "no it took 2 weeks to close and no issues came up", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am so happy today because my peacocks just had 3 babies! They are so cute!" }, { "assistant": "Oh yes! I have 3 adult females and one male. I have had them for 5 years. They have names and I can call them and they come running to me. They are cool pets.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Your neighbors can complain sometimes if they don't like noise. They can be noisy in mating season." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I hate when it is storming it makes me so uncomfortable. " }, { "assistant": "Yes especially in the summer time storms are bad and hurricanes are at a high I hide under my covers lol.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Lately I hav been hearing some big monkeys howling up in the mountain. I hope they don't come down near my house." }, { "assistant": "It is hard to give you an example through text but it does sound like a monster in the mountains. Kind of scary! haha", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I live in Florida too but have a second home in Mexico. They are in the jungles and are wild there." }, { "assistant": "Haha, It is a funny situation. Chat with you later my friend!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "just heard I got the promotion I was hoping for. I think I am going to burst." }, { "assistant": "thanks, i thing I am going to celebrate when I get home tonight", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am on vacation in Bali and I want to move here so badly. It is the most beautiful place in the world!" }, { "assistant": "I love hiking through the rice fields and the fruit here is out of this world!!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It is all tropical fruit like mangoes, jackfruit and durian. Lots of new interesting tastes." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "WHen I was about 13 years old I worked at a horse farm in exchange for lessons. I would go there every weekend and all through the summer. " }, { "assistant": "Yes I have very fond memories from those days. I can still remember the smell of the farm and the smell of horses like it was yesterday. I never wanted to wash the smell from my hands and I would daydream about owning my own horse someday.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Studied for my math finals for days, felt very confident on the day of the test." }, { "assistant": "Yeah, but theres a balance. study too much and you just burn yourself out", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My dad got sick for a week and I stayed at home for a week taking care of him" }, { "assistant": "He's better already but he got a real bad fever during that week", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I started a new job about a month ago and it's going really well." }, { "assistant": "I work in I.T. for the provincial government in Canada :)", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I drank all the milk in the fridge and left nothing for anyone else. Next week I will buy extra milk for the house to make up for it." }, { "assistant": "Yeah, I have done that before and I got yelled at by everyone. I learned my lesson. Haha", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Looking through old stuff in the attic and stumbled across my old gamecube, sadly it didn't work anymore." }, { "assistant": "Yeah i had good memories playing with my friends", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "for sure need for speed underground, loved that game" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My old roommate didn't clean out his room or kitchen when he left. My school charged the rest of us $100 because of him." }, { "assistant": "No, he cut off all communication. Nobody liked him anyways, he was dirty and rude.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was disappointed with the score of my final exam. I studied real hard but got a 64% on it." }, { "assistant": "Yea i had a study group I just panicked when i entered the testing room i think. It's not so bad though, i still passed the class.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I live very far away from my family and I miss them dearly. I feel so alone sometimes." }, { "assistant": "Yes it is quite hard. But it has been my choice to move away. I guess one day I will return but not sure when.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah that is my personality for sure. At least I will have lots of stories to tell one day! " }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "One time in high school I sat in chocolate sauce! I didn't have a sweater to tie around my waste, so I had to borrow one from a friend." }, { "assistant": "One of the bully kids noticed the sweater around my waste on the warm day and knew something was up. He really tried to embarrass me.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Recently moved to a new dorm and when i came in the kitchen was a total disaster. Months old piles of dishes in the sink with mold and dried up old food on the stove." }, { "assistant": "I can but they take forever to come and clean it up. I just talked to the guy who did it and he said he won't do it again. Spent an hour cleaning it all up with a lot of clorox, alcohol, and soap.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When i was waiting for my final grade report to come in. I was scared i was going to fail my organic chem class." }, { "assistant": "Yeah, got a 73% on the class. Not ideal but better than failing.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have complete faith in my diet. It makes me feel great!" }, { "assistant": "It's easier to maintain than people realize!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was driving down the highway during a heavy thunderstorm and two cars crashed in front of me and one flipped over." }, { "assistant": "Yeah im alright, i was far enough to steer clear of the chaos. The guy that flipped had to get carried by ambulance, but he didn't look very injured. and the other guy was ok.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My dog died in my neighbors electrical fence last night. I am devastated!! I don't know what to do." }, { "assistant": "My heart is broken and I can't stop crying. I feel so helpless that I could not save her. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Recently, my wife and I needed a babysitter for the evening, and my mother-in-law offered to watch our kids." }, { "assistant": "No, she forgot. Which, unfortunately, is typical!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah, it worked out okay to take the kids with. It just wasn't quite as relaxing." }, { "assistant": "Yeah, they hate leaving mama! They can take or leave daddy.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I really enjoy collecting shoes, and i'm hoping to get a pair of Yeezy's that are restocking this october." }, { "assistant": "i have around 7 right now", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "No, mainly adidas Ultraboosts and nike" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I feel so happy to live out in the country. Nature is the most beautiful thing to experience everyday!" }, { "assistant": "Only about a 30 minute drive. Not to close and not to far. But we grow some of our food here and we have cows and chickens too.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Back in highschool when i got my first car, i was so happy and drove it around for a while and it felt so nice being free to roam." }, { "assistant": "Yeah its a great feeling having someone thats yours.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I feel anxious when I have to wait for people that are late. Why can't everyone just be on time?" }, { "assistant": "Yes totally agree! Maybe I should just leave and make them wait. Haha", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "It's really hard to stay disciplined and watch what you eat." }, { "assistant": "I haven't done anything specific with diets, no. Have you found one that you like?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I think that that's a common problem with all of them." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "It was my birthday and my whole family threw a party for me after work. It was so unexpected!,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:10931_conv:21862,2,surprised,It was my birthday and my whole family threw a party for me after work. It was so unexpected!,231,That's so cool! Did they get you anything nice?,5|5|5_5|5|5,,are you getting laid off?|Did you give him any?|That is hard! Relationships are hard work.|I agree! Everything that surrounds Christmas makes me smile and feel content. It makes me thankful for everything good in life!|Oh wow! Are the babies ok?|That sounds like a fun time.|Ugh, I hate when unexpected expenses arise.|It is such a blessing to have good friends on whom you can depend. |Oh wow, What kind of dog was it? I'm so sorry that must've been super hard|Did it went well?|Aw that's so sad! Did you help it?|I understand.|I'm glad that you are okay.|Oh yeah I remember those old Halo days too during my childhood, such a great game.|Oh I don't deal with that well. I hope you get a new boss!|I'm only afraid that the mom is going to let out that embarassment on her child once they get home.|Most of my friend have had in the past just wanted to benefit from our relationship,it was not genuine.|oh I am so sorry for your loss.|Or that as well ha|I hope it was worth visiting.|That is probably so annoying|Oh No! Did you get hurt?|You guys sound like you have a solid relationship. It's always great to find those little pieces from the early days.|That is true. It puts things in context.|i remember the lite brite toy. it was a nice toy to have.|It was nice of you to buy him food, but I'm thinking he didn't pay you back.|I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he is feeling better. |What a lovely woman, and you're lovely, too!|Oh you can be as bad as you want there, it just matters if you're having fun :)|hahaha thats funny why are you still afraid of the dark?|Wow! I've never been anywhere near there.|I am sure the procedure will go excellently.|Best advice I ever got was that housework can wait and take naps whenever you cam when the baby sleeps!|I get that, well I hope you feel betternow!|I'm sorry, things will get better.|You just have to remember what a good life she had with you!|Sorry to hear that. Did you try to talk to a friend?|Adding mac sauce to a cheeseburger is a game changer|In the end is the trade off worth it?|Was it real because I get those every day lol|I agree, just remember her for all the good memories. |Oh no! That's a smelly situation to be in. What did you end up doing to fix it?|oh that is really a bad news i heared|Now that your girlfriend knows the problem, the both of you can work on solutions and support together.|I bought a spin bike but I haven't used it yet|Okay, well I guess I'm happy for you then.|how many days has it been?|That's great! How long have you two been together?|Sounds like you have a plan laid out. It also sounds like you've already accomplished so much.. You should be very proud. I'm with you, I have over $40,000 in student loans. Such a crazy pressure on someone right when they graduate. Good luck!|You must love him very much, that's good.|I am greatly looking towards starting a family with my wife as well. George is such a nice name.|A puppy! That's so exciting! Are you going to keep it?|I feel you. I am still scared even though I am sort of successful now!|That's so cool! Did they get you anything nice?|Nice! How long has it been since you last saw her?|Wow! that is really cool. Did he land the back flip?|He sounds very nice!|I am so sorry to hear about your loss. What did he get you?|Fornite has surely caused many kids grades to drop.|I will do that, i had no idea.|Oh my goodness! That sounds awful! Was this recently?|I'm sure you are fine. I bet it is just a tree branch or something like that. Maybe a neighbor could go look for you.|Do you work for a company or on your own?|That's a bad supervisor. Did you call him/her out on it?|Have you always had a fear of flying? I haven't ever really feared it, but I don't like it.|That's awesome! She will! The best thing about homeschooling is that they can learn more at their own pace. I'm not looking forward to division! ha ha|Great! I'm glad that it worked out well for you!|You're much braver than me. I would never host a dinner party.. don't feel like I'm good at planning, and don't feel like I'm interesting enough to talk to a bunch of different people.|Oh, I'm so glad to hear that! I hope for her speedy recovery!|Yeah, thats rough. I hate having to clean up mess that wasn't my fault.|I have considered it myself but feel the same as you. Will you go back again? |It must be difficult living with a nut allergy. Do you overeat on macadamia nuts regularly?|We all do things we regret when drinking|Totally. I can't imagine losing my job. Luckily the economy is pretty good, so maybe they will find new jobs quickly. |thats a good thought to have|Dang, that sucks. Did you ever catch the culprit?|Maybe they were left for you.|That would be nice, but it's never good to dwell on things like that instead of looking toward the future.|That's not good, we ended up lucky with who we have |I've actually haven't played that series. When does it come out?|Ah nice, I love dumplings, what are in them?|Well, they sound like they are actually just a nice person trying to help you out, that is really nice.|Yeah I hear you! Do you like to read or watch TV?|Well that sounds like a high stress occupation!|I'm sure you did. Guess he couldn't make it to the trash can.|Aw.. sorry about that my friend. Have you made any friends?|How come? Have you had awful weather lately?|i love cats, just hold it between your arms, it will be okay|HAHAHA if anything that is excusable, noone like inlaws!|Wow, that sounds terrifying. You are very lucky to have made it out without any property damage though.|How do you feel about that?|I hope so too! Projects can be stressful!|Did you try to get the money from him? He sounds like a pretty bad person.|which team are you supporting|Awesome. Alls well that ends well.|It's a great thing these companies are doing letting you re-live the good old days when you're older!|Remind me, which show was that?|its not so bad, it can be intimidating but you just need to figure out the campus layout and classes but its very smooth from there|Oh yes? What happened?|You need to fight your fear\nhit:10931_conv:21862,3,surprised,It was my birthday and my whole family threw a party for me after work. It was so unexpected!,725,They got me a bunch of gift cards to my favorite stores. They are all so wonderful. I love them so much!,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:10931_conv:21862,4,surprised,It was my birthday and my whole family threw a party for me after work. It was so unexpected!,231,Time to go shoppin lol!,5|5|5_5|5|5,,So sad...that makes me want to cry, too, just hearing about her reaction.|That's great for her. |Holy goodness!!! I would be a bit jealous :(|What's the band?|I know it sucks, but i think you should have an open conversation to your girl about this|Math is a tough subject. Good for you.|Time to go shoppin lol!|Are you keeping it as a souvenir?|Was it a lot of fun?|is there anything that you can do to help prepare yourself?|You should adopt a rescue dog. That would be great for the family. |Oh god. The living room is shared. She should just leave the messiness in her room.|A lot of the time. I'm quite an easily frightened person! Especially by large animals!|same thing i heard too , really long and boring being there against your will |Did you spend a lot of the time on the project?|That's all you can do, but if you worked hard, I'm sure you will get it!|Oh nice! How long did you guys stay?|He seems like a good friend. |Well music does have a really cathartic effect on people.|I would be upset too. However, I wouldnt get discouraged though. There may be another opportunity even better that comes along soon.|That sounds like very bad treatment, You should sue them|I know how annoying that can be. I love dogs but they certainly get do annoying things at times.|I understand. I remember when we had to save games to 5 inch floppy disks. They made really strange shuffling sounds and a lot of times didn't even read.|Of course! Well, at least you also looked human. We all make mistakes.|Yeah, my village helped with my son's preschool tuition as well. Strength in numbers and good neighbors!|How did she reacted to the admission to self harm? |Yes? thats so cute, but you have to be carefull not to say bad words in fron of them|What job is it?|Oh wow, I think it'd take me much longer to not bust my butt! That is impressive!|Thats sad, hopefully the new cat got to live a long and full life with you|what was ?|I see.I bet you and him are happy to be able to spend a little time together. |Wow! Did you try to get it out?|It's almost a shame how much we depend on them, but I know I'd be lost without mine.|Oh awesome! How are they doing?|sounds awesome|Oh that is pretty cool. What did you think?|That is the worst. At least you and your husband got something worked out for your son's first day at school! |I would have been to. I always wonder how people make the money necessary to buy vehicles like that.|Oh that sounds so scary!|Hi|You shoudl write the date on stuff to prevent that from happening again|Yes, I like the color red as well. I have actually own a couple red sports cars.|i'm glad you were one of them!|I'm sorry! What a lovely memory to have of her though. It's good to still have things in your life that remind you of her.|Sometimes we believe is the things that happen to us ... they are many|Are you excited or will it be lonely? |I can't say that I really do. It's always a mystery in my mind.|I know how you feel. I feel guilty about indulging in ice cream the older I get.|Do you feel ready for it?|Yummy... what did you eat? I am hungry.|Oh no what happened?|Does she live far away?|Man that gets to me when someone does that , like they are better than everyone else.|That's something that takes a lot of contemplation, because it's such a big decision to make. Will the extra money be worth the extra work?|I don't blame you. I've never seen one before, I'd hate to see one.|That's inspiring to me. I will try to think more like that as well whenever I get stressed in life.|That sounds scary. Are you going to investigate?|Oh dear lord.. Was he sick or something?|Yeah, I'm glad you didn't do anything you would regret. I hope he is better for you in the future.|That's awesome, It is very hot where I live, so I am jealous!|That's not fair and probably very frustrating for you. You need to say something to them.|Agreed!|Indeed they can. Is there any specific moment that you would like to talk about?|No I haven't actually, I recently just canceled my netflix service! I have been thinking about resubscribing though. |Would you say you're more of an introvert?|thats an awful thing to do! what did you do?|What kinds of fruit do they have there?|Aw, that's too bad, hopefully next time they will be safe in the coop!|I would do it! Try to be calm about it at first and see how he responds.|You might have to file a noise complaint with the police.|why is that?|Why do you cheat on him?|That's good. Now you don't have to worry about it.|Oh I get that, I had that happen near one of my wisdom teeth too.|Wow, that must've been disappointing.|I bet! It seems like fun|Yeah? What is changing?|Keep your head up high, good positive thinking.|That's pretty nice of you|Oh! that is bad then. Be careful.|no, they dont.|Wow.. that's unbelievable. I wonder how his cholesterol is. |Yeah, but it is a good thing to hear you did not lose too much. Some people put all the money on the line.|Best way to ensure your food is clean and free of hair cook it yourself.|Well at least he passed - that's great!|It's good that you're faithful. Too bad your boyfriend couldn't be less flirtatious and respect you more.|That is such a mess.|Aw. Children will make us do things we NEVER thought we would (or could) do! |Im sure your not though! |How inconsiderate. People should have more common sense than your neighbor.|That's not good! What did you do to try to get him to listen again?|Why did they do that?|Children usually do really well, they are versatile. |That's great. I bet it was wonderful experience.|Hopefully you're able to move on and be happy.|That's awesome! Congratulations!|How long did it take for you to teach you dog that?|All you can do is be patient and see what happens. I am sure everything will work out for you.|well how did it go? did you do well?\nhit:10933_conv:21866,1,ashamed,I missed a lot of work. It was because I was sick but I dont feel like a team player when I miss work.,318,At the beginning of the year I missed a lot of work. I was sick but I didnt feel like a team player at the time.,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:10933_conv:21866,2,ashamed,I missed a lot of work. It was because I was sick but I dont feel like a team player when I miss work.,423,Aw Im sorry. Are you doing better now?,5|5|5_5|5|5,,I would move out of that room. Maybe you need to spray the area.|You must have been sad and angry.|Doesn't he understand that people have to go to work in the morning?|whats the competition on ?|Oh wow. I would have been so scared. more of a stranger than the storm|Everyone handles stress differently. My anxiety gets so High I sometimes cancel my plans.|Sounds exciting. Have fun.|Oh wow! Congrats!! How exciting!! How far along is she?|I know the feeling. What team is he rooting for? |You are so lucky to find someone special online. That can turn out so badly sometimes for some people. |No, but as Mark Twain once said, the law is an ass. |You are right about that. Owning a car can get expensive.|She is very nice person. That is great.|Wow, you must be proud! He might cure cancer next!|I think my favorite and easiest would have to be Atkins but still alot of prep to get started|Well it's nice she's making the effort!|Tots?|That's a good idea! It's always smart to be on the safe side.|I believe you are really sad although it's a fact of life|Our pets are our's not easy to see them suffer..I feel for you. And thank you about our dog.|i am so glad that you did |Did they smell?|Family time is so precious. Are your kids still with you?|amazing! Thats really nice|That's nice. I always like getting letters.|Wow, thats very admirable of you. People who abuse animals are the worst kind of people.|thats awesome! its really cool to be able to keep things in the family|My kitties are my family too. Animals are the best.|Oh, that's a big one. I bet it caused a lot of damage|I like incense. Did you find the cause of the bad odor?|That's awesome! Yeah I definitely find the more I study, the better I do. Funny how that works! |yeah it unfortunate we have to worry about things like this.|I would be so angry.|That is good. Where you running late|Wow! congrats, you should totally be proud of yourself.|Ohhhh, disgusting. What did you do?|Oh wow, are you feeling super envious?|What happened?|My parents worked in them, so I am used to them.|Well better to be sooner than later on something like that. Dont be hard on yourself. |that's great, i'm glad she's nice to you.|Just remember to never invite you ex-roomate to your new place, EVER!!!!!!|I'm glad it wasn't anything serious! It's scary how quick our mind goes to the worst possible scenarios.|oh yeah that must have been a good time|People like that should just do shopping online instead of ruining the experience for everyone else!|Wow, that's very nice of him! Was there a lot of people there?|Yes, I a, referring to the animal, dog.|I live out in a rural area where people don't always have control of their dogs. Sometimes those little ankle-biting dogs will start chasing the car and they make a break for the car and it makes one really fearful that you'll hit them.|Not for naught but, a dog won't ever betray you <3|I thought it would be normal. Good thing to be cautious. |Wow, that sounds fun. What type of artwork did you see?|That is awesome. Congratulations. Im sure you earned every penny.|That's amazing! Congratulations! Swimming can be tough|That must have been a very windy day!|Well at least you are putting yourself out there. A lot of people give up on finding love.|Well maybe if you do it a little more then he will be fine with it. I would be afraid just because he is afraid.|Hi what you got going on?|Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Did anything go wrong?|That was very sweet they don't have to actually do that.|Well, it must've been something you said.|Thats what best friends are for, after all. I hope things have gotten better for you.|Hopefully the things coming out of his mouth are good things, right?|That is horrible. Americas government wont be of help....hopefully you have family?|That is awesome. I am proud of him |Well that's good. You never know what to say in that situation|I would definitely make digital copies and upload to a cloud or a disk in case something happens.|Well, on the other hand you can think of this situation, as if you just paid $500 to a person to never bother you again.|Yeah, that's not too bad at all! Sounds idyllic!|Wish i could run close to 5km, i'd struggle with 100 meters.|Ouch. Why? |What is the job?|Wow, what brand|well if this isn't a great start for summer i don't know what is|That sounds like a good plan. Perhaps you should request a formal resume from any potential roommates for your future abode.|Oh, I'm so glad to hear that! I hope for her speedy recovery!|That is a great movie.|Which work are you talking about. it is always a good feeling to get things done. There a way your brain reward you with good feeling |That sounds great! I really pays off to be prepared. |That is very cool! How much did it cost?|I was scared the first and only time I flew also. Where were you flying to?|That's still really good! She did better than 25 other people. |I see. Well, it seems as people get older they want to go back to places which reminds them of past. Nostalgia probably helps them cope with passing life|That's disappointing. What happened? Did he just not do anything?|I have never been there! Sounds fun, but I don't support Sea World and the way they treat their animals.|At his age, they progress very quickly|That will be fun. What a great way to relax and unwind|I 'm glad you was able to pin point the problem and I hope he stays in good health.|Yes, I love to visit the zoo! |Aw Im sorry. Are you doing better now?|Oh wow! Congratulations! That is wonderful.|There's very few brands I feel that strongly about. What kind of yogurt is it, I might want to try it?|You must love him very much, that's good.|ah well it sounds like i hit the nail on the head|I feel you! I don't like to perform in front of people either. Did you decline?|Nice, Was it hard to start?|I think it's a good outlook.|Be careful while negotiating your pay raise. Some managers may find it too intrusive and that may leave bad impression on them|Oh no! that's horrifying in high school! I hope you didn't get made fun of.|Oh I see, well good luck to you, I hope you'll solve it soon.|Oh wow, I think it'd take me much longer to not bust my butt! That is impressive!\nhit:10933_conv:21866,3,ashamed,I missed a lot of work. It was because I was sick but I dont feel like a team player when I miss work.,318,yeah I'm doing much better thanks. I'll for sure be getting a flu shot next year!,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:10933_conv:21866,4,ashamed,I missed a lot of work. It was because I was sick but I dont feel like a team player when I miss work.,423,That's a good idea. I haven't done that in years. I always feel like I barely dodge a bullet by not getting it.,5|5|5_5|5|5,,Oh well that's great! Some people would get a little jealous. I'm glad you're proud of her, I'm sure she worked very hard for her success!|Don't beat yourself up over it, it was a very tragic accident but who could've known. He's in a better place now.|I bet. I get that feeling every morning with a Dr Pepper|Did you not have your own food?|yea it can be sore and you cant eat anything|Yeah that is horrible. I am sorry that happened to you. |I understand! I live in the country and have the same problem.|That was kind of you, I am sure they appreciated that!|I use to have a G.I Joe.|To be fair, everybody makes mistakes and it's bound to happen even to the best of us!|Thats cool. Was it hard?|I am always scared about those airbags! I am so glad you are ok!|Does she live far away? It sounds like maybe visits aren't too frequent.|lol. it kinda is. i moved about 3 hours south of my office a few years ago and since even at the office my work involves connecting to remote data centers it hasn't changed my job any. |i just love that, my son knows ASL|What makes you say that?|I am so jealous. He is one of my all time favorite actors. |That's horrible. What can people do to change things?|I've been in that situation before! It can be scary|I would probably scream also.|What were they sick from?|You need to be patient. Getting promoted at your work place takes patience and perseverance |How exciting!!! I bet you are thinking already about how you want to decorate it and fix up the lawn, etc..|It never ends does it? I hope you keep your head above water though, it's all you got sometimes!|Yes I do actually, I was almost in an accident because of rain at night once. |That's a good idea. I haven't done that in years. I always feel like I barely dodge a bullet by not getting it.|and did you find one?|Well, if you promised I would try to go. I'm sure it'll be fine. |Oh gosh, you also scared of bugs?? That's my worst fear|I'm sorry, How long has it been?|That can be so aggravating. Did the company make it up to you for being so late?|Wow good for you! I hope that it works out for you!|Wow, is she an older or younger sibling? |Its nice to have the internet|How long had you been married ?|Absolutely|nice, i hope that works out for you... good luck|lol right, they could easily be your neighbors dinner|Did you ever get caught?|What I do is to write all the good things I did within the week, I think you should do the same|So did you end up finding a shoe that you could live with and that was close to the ones you had, or have you been unsuccessful?|I have more time to watch movies and shows on netflix alot. I stay home with my little one year old during the day.|That's good, you don't want to get soaked and catch a cold.|That is great. What was the issue with your ear?|I am so happy for you! Congrats!|That's awful! Luckily I paid all mine off, but I know many people still struggle with it|I have long weeks every single day.|That is a good test of friendship. Did he keep his word?|No, but as Mark Twain once said, the law is an ass. |that was nice of her|That's great, it's good to see people finish what they start. You must be very proud.|I am so sorry to hear that!|That's the worst! Because now you'll be freaking out trying to think of the things you may not even remember whether or not could have been there. That must be an anxious feeling. |That's awesome I've always wanted to learn.|I guess that is one positive! |Oh yeah, what was it called? I really love roller coasters!|well that was nice of you|Oh wow. I would have been so scared. more of a stranger than the storm|That is a big deal. What are you going to do?|I would not put up with it either |Oh, it has been raining here a lot too. I will keep my fingers crossed that your wi-fi keeps working!|Oh no! Was anyone hurt?|That was probably not a good idea, how did it go for you?|how many cats do have?|Sounds like you really like the water. So what do you do now?|I hope you make it. Thats a big birthday.|That has got to be rough. At least it has a home now that hopefully has more time.|I used to love that band|Nice, what a legend and a gentleman|Well, hopefully there will be nothing but great things for him in his future.|That is nasty, how do they get away with that?|oh dang i never really dabbled that deep when i did my small share of programming|Who did you go see? And are you still friends with all the same people? I wonder if any of them kept their ticket stubs too.|BBQ sounds so good right now! How was it?|Hopefully! It is your dream car after all|I do too. I am so sorry you are going through this|I have that same problem!|That was really sweet of him, maybe he just wanted you to know you're loved.|Then it sounds like at least he has some perspective and ability to know not to overreact. I guess you could say you lucked out, but that may be me speaking too prematurely|If you can and have time, I'd try to get a quick replacement and explain to her. Maybe she'll understand.|That is very cool! How much did it cost?|Flying has seemingly become terrible these days. What about your trip was so bad?|Aw I am happy for you! What do you go to school for?|I'm glad it worked out in the end! I wish people would be more careful with their dogs.|Why would it be in the house to begin with? does the dog poop in the house?|That sounds awesome, i bet you feel proud! Its nice to do things for kids who are in need.|That's your decision to make, but I think it would at least put you in control of the situation.|That's awesome. Do you own a horse now?|Ouch that sucks. I'm sorry to hear that.|Great, when will you know your scores?|That was nice of him.|I am sure you will have plans again|You must feel horrible! Get her something extra nice and I am sure she will forgive you!|Oh my gosh that's horrible. I hope they caught the person who hit her!|Did his team win?|I understand|Good for you! I hope it does not stress you out, though.|Oh no, I am sorry to hear that. You must be very worried about her!|That sounds amazing! What do you think you're gonna do there?|What did you guys get up to?\nhit:10933_conv:21866,5,ashamed,I missed a lot of work. It was because I was sick but I dont feel like a team player when I miss work.,318,I have been lucky in the past but I dont remember the last time I have felt that sick. I definitely dont want to go through that again.,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:10933_conv:21866,6,ashamed,I missed a lot of work. It was because I was sick but I dont feel like a team player when I miss work.,423,Glad you are doing better!,5|5|5_5|5|5,,That really does make it special. I'm glad you have that. |It is a great tournament, you should watch.|I am so glad that it didn't turn out bad for you. |Oh wow! That would be annoying!|oh my God. that's so cool. Hope the ticket was not expensive?|was it hard to go back or are you enjoying it?|Yeah, those were better times. Brings back good memories.|Oh no! Did it break?|Happy Birthday. That was so nice of them. I bet you were surprised. Was there cake?|Oh that is a bad place to go|How much pain are you on a scale of 1-10?|Great. Are you going to get it published?|ooo well that explains a lot. well hopefully he will pass some to you |Absolutely. Great job!|Yes. It is sometime nice to just rest at home.|Congratulations! That is so cool!|That is nice of you, glad you have supportive friends!|My dream car is a Chevy Camaro.|Did you ask her to stop it or did you have to move away from her?|that is no good! hopefully yall will find a better one|Probably the mid to late 90s. This is going to be hilarious but my one memory from that era is when I first heard Brittany Spears hit me baby one more time song. It changed my life|Wow that sounds like good news!|Don't you wish you knew you were living in the good ol days while your going through them|Oh, I am sorry for your loss|Glad you are doing better!|Don't be so hard on yourself. We are all humans, we make mistakes. |That is good to hear.|Where are you going?|Oh? What about them?|Haha you are a good father. I hope you can make it through it!|Well, I hope nothing bad happened!|I haven't been there in so long for that exact reason.|I bet you are pretty anxious and excited at the same time.|That sounds fun! Where did you go?|Dang! What are going to do with all that free time!?|Yeah, we were blissfully unaware of the real world in those days. It must have been nice to reminisce.|Yes definitely, makes me feel like im doing soemthing good and helps me get better looking and healthier|that is great|That's cool. I've always been a Mac kind of girl, but I would look into a Surface is I was in the market for a new computer.|That's awesome! What did they talk about?|I would've been very angry too. I hope the money went towards something useful.|Aww poor baby, hopefully shes doing fine now.|So, why didn't you just pay for them your self?|Did you let him borrow it?|Did you have a good childhood? You must miss a lot of things.|Oh wow, an additional 40K is a lot! I'd be willing to put up with quite a bit for a pay increase that large.|so I hear....|Where did you guys usually go?|You can only do so much. Next time I'd just let him drink on his own.|I don't know whether that's a good or bad thing. Which is it?|That's really thoughtful of you. Do you typically do things like that?|It is, I wished they could just use the toilet like we do!|I can imagine! That extra set of hands -- and a person you can *trust* -- that's the best!|What did you bet?|Wow, great job!|I know how that feels. I bet it was boring and lonely.|Did you find anything?|going anywhere good?|Have you spoken to him?|Oh I hate when that happens. we go to self checkout to avoid things like slow lines.|We all do things we regret when drinking|ooh, I bet you can't wait to finish!|That's intense. I hope you do as well as possible!|We would all be better people then|That is not too much, I think you made a good choice|If it makes you happy then you should do it! Capitalize on that nostalgic feeling while you can.|I suppose so. It's great that you value life so much!|Oh no, that's bad. Have you had someone come out and check the hose?|That sounds terrifying! Im glad you have a basement though, it can be so dangerous if you have no underground place to shelter in!|That's inspiring to me. I will try to think more like that as well whenever I get stressed in life.|That is no good! I guess it is time for you to go shopping!|Someone was watching over her.|Oh man. That was a difficult subject for me after Physics. Are you a science major?|That wasn't smart.|Some people have no concept of being rude.|Never be too confident! You've got to give life your all at every step.|Well it's certainly nice to have someone around with handy knowledge like that!|That sounds painful, I hope you were okay after your fall. |Are you looking forward to it?|Oh yea, I can relate to the good times, is she still alive?|Oh wow, I am glad that you are okay.|Don't worry about it you will do fine. Kindergarten isn't too hard. Just don't eat the glue.|I wish you nothing but the best!|I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, it is important to make time for family.|Oh yeah I am right there with you, I just don't even go out anymore if I can help it! How old is yours? Mines 2 1/2|That is so true. And sometimes that phone call can be a trip of a life time!|Well, it must've been something you said.|Oh man, I've definitely had a few coworkers like that myself before. What does she even talk about?|The holidays are a great time for that sort of thing. What did your family do together?|oh goodness. that has happened to me before. i could not sleep|That sounds really frustrating. I'm sorry that's happening!|That's good, sometimes it's good to just be lazy inside the house.|Ohhhh, disgusting. What did you do?|That must have been a nice feeling. |Are you trying to go out and meet some ladies |I would go with the bigfoot option. You can get a costume on the cheap on ebay nowadays. I've used that tactic countless times and it has never failed!|I'm sorry your wife is sick. What kind of soup is it?|Like a paranormal type fear or a human with intent to harm type fear?|well, as long as its a happy healthy baby you guys will be fine|yeah it unfortunate we have to worry about things like this.\nhit:10934_conv:21869,1,afraid,i have to go out of town, i am not looking forward to flying,675,i have to go out of town, i am not looking forward to flying,4|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:10934_conv:21869,2,afraid,i have to go out of town, i am not looking forward to flying,128,I feel you, but at least it should be shorter than driving and the odds of a mishap are much lower than regular transportation.,4|5|5_5|5|5,,Did they do a good job?|Very cool I havent seen the older style cartoons myself in years.|oh no!! Did anyone notice? it's normal though, we all do that sometimes|amazing! Thats really nice|Why are you moving?|That is bad and difficult to live. Sorry to hear that.|Wow, that's nice. I hope you treated yourself to something extravagant!|That stinks. Are you still with her or did you leave her?|So, why didn't you just pay for them your self?|Yes I use to own an Audio.|Yeah, I know what you mean it does sound very scary, but they do numb your face and usually they do not pull it out, they fill in the cavity! |How did you discover exactly what it was?|Yes, it's great when you run into an old friend you haven't saw for a long time. |im glad to hear that|Oh my, how did she react?|Why did u leave your luggage for a stranger|Haha hey I would sneak into my parents bed even as a teenager when I was scared, especially during storms.|That's great. Does he do photography as a job or a hobby?|I agree with that! I just had the rain cancel my trip to the beach yesterday! Makes me so mad...|You should. When is the next one.|Oh, so what does a sitting\" entail?|Maybe I could learn from that. I get really nervous when I have to do any public speaking, so maybe if I just prepared for it better it would help.|wow i can only imagine|That's hilarious, But I also feel bad for you. Perhaps there is a way to calm yourself down after you watch a scary movie?|That is nice to have good memories.|I'm sorry. It sucks when you put time and effort into studying but the grade is bad. Could you get help from your teacher or a study buddy?|??? is it a cancer of some sort??|I see. Are you excited about seeing the movie|Oh I would be pissed. Hopefully you had more so you could fix another plate.|I bet pets are amazing. They're hard to replace once they're a part of the family|It seems most responsible to alert someone to clean it.|I am sorry to hear that. You weren't hurt were you?|That's awesome, I went to visit my parents and my hometown last month, it is a great feeling. How was the fair?|ooh my God he hurt himself|Why did you then?|I feel you, but at least it should be shorter than driving and the odds of a mishap are much lower than regular transportation.|Maybe. For me I just don't want to cause a stranger to be embarassed lol|Awesome, I hope the job goes great for you!|Its always nice getting praise and compliments. I hope everyone was proud of you|That's really cool! I bet people really underestimated that underdog!|Yes it sounds like you did everything right. I hope you hear back from them soon about a job offer.|Don't you worry,there is always a next time.|Backflips are scary. Neck injury is serious.|Wao it must be very difficult to be separated from your wife and son, sorry|Wow that is so sweet of her. She must really love you! |Aw I am happy for you! What do you go to school for?|Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. I hoep your family is strong enough to support you through this.|Do you live in Florida?|Tell me more, sounds exciting! |o no what did you do?|Wow! In that instance, I would prefer them to lie to me than to laugh and be like I knowingly fed you bad food. |if you put so much work into it, im sure they will|Being debt free can be a great feeling|What did she surprise you with?|Oh, are you going on a trip?|Aw. Children will make us do things we NEVER thought we would (or could) do! |The people you can meet are super.|Haha, that is true. But we have to make the most of this one. |Right, no one truly knows until they get there, so scary.|Oh! that is bad then. Be careful.|Oh no, I am sorry to hear that. I hope that he gets to feeling better. How old is he?|Your hopes are high. It means you have a good chance of getting it. And i hope you have the requirement too? |Eggplant is gross but hey now you know! lol|Yea my mother has been a huge support to me over the years, how about you?|Oh, OK! WHere are you moving to?|How much total weight did you lose, and how long did it take?|Like what?|I could imagine. Some people stoop low to take credit for what others do.|I hate chemistry because I think we should leave all that stuff to nature and just live our lives as the animals we are|yeah a little chat to an old friend cannot hurt did you enjoy the conversation?|Wow. I hope that you can work it out, but I would understand why you wouldn't want to.|yeah pop that champagne!|I can imagine! That extra set of hands -- and a person you can *trust* -- that's the best!|I bet, I will get there one day|Oh well, it was nice to have someone to help you.|That is terrible. How long have you had this pet?|well i hope everything goes well at the bank and with the transaction|I know right? I wish I was young again sometimes.|Well, I've kept quite a few relationships throughout my life. If I actually wanted to look at online profiles, I do it mostly for research or investigative purposes. Other than that, I'm only interested in online chat. |I am happy and yes its a lot of work. Anything worth having takes work to keep it.|Try drinking a lot of water and cutting out soda|Was it an accident?|I pray they get in touch with you soon and that's is an affirmative on the job! I know how nerve-wracking waiting can be though - I hope you get it!|I hate it when stuff like that happens. |That is not too bad if you had a good time though|Yes definitely, makes me feel like im doing soemthing good and helps me get better looking and healthier|How did they get off work midweek?|At least you got your moneys worth! Are you going to have it installed?|That's awesome. I hope it works out for your friend and their fiancee. Are you excited to be there?|Must have really brought back good memories. I love nostalgia.|wow, spooky, what did you do next?|i understand what you are saying, pets are always close to our hearts|Absolutely! And if you trust your boss, I'm sure he will do the right thing.|How come? And was it a pain to replace it?|Oh my goodness, that's horrible. Who was she?|Life is the most beautiful thing.|That's nice, is she technologically savvy?|I agree, it's something I struggle with as well. Have you tried an diets you liked?|Oh no!!! Did it smell bad?|Hope you don't get sick! That would be a bad start to the weekend." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i keep telling myself flying is safe but I am petrified of getting on that plane" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My father has been such a great father. He is such a hard worker and loves his family so much. He is such a great man." }, { "assistant": "Awww, yeah Daddy's can be the best! I wish all children could have good daddy's.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have a stuffed animal that my old dog used to lay by/on as a pillow. My dog is dead but I still keep that stuffed animal to remind me of him" }, { "assistant": "He was about 12. He was my first dog though! He was a sweetheart. It is nice keeping something to remind me of him.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I do too! " }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was hoping to get an interview for a higher position and was told I would get that at least. However, the recruiter didnt look at internal candidates and by the time it was reported they had hired someone from the outside." }, { "assistant": "My boss said the recruiter is an idiot and just never looked at internal candidates. It was a bummer but I figure I'll look for something else in the company soon", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I was a little upset. My boss and her boss were more angry than me though so I felt good they were at least on my side!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am getting a new car this week! I can't wait to smell the new leather seats!" }, { "assistant": "It's a beautiful 2018 yellow jeep! The car of my dreams! So stoked!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "A bird fell out of a tree next to my house. I am now the mother and taking care of her. We are developing such a beautiful relationship." }, { "assistant": "I think it is a love bird. She thinks I am the mother and it is so cool when she walks all over me and comes when I call her. I have never had a pet bird before.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Ok, I will make one for you. :)" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I met a cow the other day and I went to go pet her. Something inside me told me to get away. Later that day the owner told me to stay away from her because she is known to attack people." }, { "assistant": "Yes I think so. That probably could have killed me. But I guess it was not my time. I angels saved me.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I need to go to the grocery store but it is storming outside. Not sure if I should go or not." }, { "assistant": "Actually I have no food and I am starving. Maybe I should order a pizza. But then the delivery guy will have the same problem.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i came home yesterday, i found my sofa torn up, let's say this I am not very happy with my pet dog" }, { "assistant": "i was on the verge of something more serious and probably would have regret it", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am so hurt that my baby goat died. My dogs were playing to rough and killer her. Man I should have stopped it sooner. It is all my fault. :(" }, { "assistant": "Yes but I think I could have avoided it. I am training my dogs now to stay away from the goats. I hope it doesn't happen again.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I went fishing with my 4 year-old about a month ago." }, { "assistant": "He did! He caught 4 fish all by himself.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My dog was stung by a bug. His lip got huge and looked really funny but I felt terrible for him!" }, { "assistant": "I did end up taking him in. Luckily it wasnt too serious and he was fine a couple days later. He looked so sad with his big lip!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "my best friend friend helped me through some rough spots with my marriage and job. I am gland he was there for me" }, { "assistant": "thank you, i do not know how i will repay him back, I will always be in his debt", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I feel so bad to see so many homeless people on the streets these days. I hope I am never homeless." }, { "assistant": "Yeah especially when it is snowing outside. Can you just imagine having to sleep outside like that . Oh! So sad!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I went out to eat with my girlfriend last week. It was an awesome atmosphere and the food was great!" }, { "assistant": "We went to a greek place. There were belly dancers and a ton of good meats and appetizers. I think we'll check it out again this weekend since it was so fun!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "as I walk through my house, the rooms are empty, There is no one there for me" }, { "assistant": "that is the problem there is no one I can talk to or share with", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have no children but I have a ton of animals. I love them all so much. They are my children." }, { "assistant": "I have chickens, ducks, parrots, cockatiels, budgies, peacocks, guinea pigs, dogs, goats and cows. haha ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah, it is so much fun to live with animals. :)" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When my son was born, we knew that something was up before he came out. It was pretty scary." }, { "assistant": "Hah - no. But he did have the cord wrapped around his neck twice, and he'd tied an overhand knot in it, too.", "user": null } ]