CMV: In the interest of not being sexist, either circumcision should be rebranded as "male genital mutilation" (and also to give circumcision the frightening name it deserves), or FGM should be rebranded as "female circumcision"
First off, to clarify, I believe that *both* male genital mutilation and female genital mutilation are absolutely horrid, barbaric, archaic practices (at least when done on non-consenting babies) that shame the concept of consent. If you want to do it as an adult or a teenager old enough to consent, then that's your choice, and I suppose it's not my place to care/comment; but it's wretched to do on a helpless and dependent baby that can't do anything about it. So, why is it that slicing off a third to a half of the tissue of the penis (which yes, I've verified this, **is a genital**) is called "circumcision" and is not called "male genital mutilation"... But doing the same to a female is called "female genital mutilation"? Compare the terms. Female genital mutilation is a much more vicious sounding term that circumcision -- even though male genital mutilation is a completely accurate and literal description of circumcision. It is my honest opinion that male disposability -- the idea that women are sacred and need to be protected (a remnant of 1500s-1800s chivalry/chauvinism) -- is being heavily implied by this term (not that everyone who says it believes it, but that the contrast of the terms can be chalked up to this). In the west at least, FGM is widely regarded as a horrid practice, but circumcision isn't quite there yet. So let's be fair here. Let's not be sexist. Let's ensure both genders are treated equally. We should either: * Rebrand circumcision as MGM; Male Genital Mutilation; so that it gets the vicious name it deserves to make people more aware of it's horror * Rebrand FGM as female circumcision; so that we stop implying female importance here Now all in all, I would greatly prefer going with the former because I do not agree with either practice, but I'd rather go with the latter than keeping things as they are now. Circumcision is an absolutely horrible practice, and independent of the contrast between the naming of it and FGM, I still believe that it should be renamed in the interest of it getting the bad perception that it deserves. I think that calling male genital mutilation "circumcision" is part of the reason why circumcision isn't as badly received as it should be. **EDIT**: I fully concede that FGM is much more heinous compared to male circumcision, but that does not excuse the immorality and non-consent aspects of circumcision. I believe in spite of it being less heinous, circumcision, because of how bad it is in it's own right (independent of FGM comparison), should be labeled male genital mutilation. It deserves the vicious-sounding name still
CMV: In the interest of not being sexist, either circumcision should be rebranded as "male genital mutilation" (and also to give circumcision the frightening name it deserves), or FGM should be rebranded as "female circumcision". First off, to clarify, I believe that *both* male genital mutilation and female genital mutilation are absolutely horrid, barbaric, archaic practices (at least when done on non-consenting babies) that shame the concept of consent. If you want to do it as an adult or a teenager old enough to consent, then that's your choice, and I suppose it's not my place to care/comment; but it's wretched to do on a helpless and dependent baby that can't do anything about it. So, why is it that slicing off a third to a half of the tissue of the penis (which yes, I've verified this, **is a genital**) is called "circumcision" and is not called "male genital mutilation"... But doing the same to a female is called "female genital mutilation"? Compare the terms. Female genital mutilation is a much more vicious sounding term that circumcision -- even though male genital mutilation is a completely accurate and literal description of circumcision. It is my honest opinion that male disposability -- the idea that women are sacred and need to be protected (a remnant of 1500s-1800s chivalry/chauvinism) -- is being heavily implied by this term (not that everyone who says it believes it, but that the contrast of the terms can be chalked up to this). In the west at least, FGM is widely regarded as a horrid practice, but circumcision isn't quite there yet. So let's be fair here. Let's not be sexist. Let's ensure both genders are treated equally. We should either: * Rebrand circumcision as MGM; Male Genital Mutilation; so that it gets the vicious name it deserves to make people more aware of it's horror * Rebrand FGM as female circumcision; so that we stop implying female importance here Now all in all, I would greatly prefer going with the former because I do not agree with either practice, but I'd rather go with the latter than keeping things as they are now. Circumcision is an absolutely horrible practice, and independent of the contrast between the naming of it and FGM, I still believe that it should be renamed in the interest of it getting the bad perception that it deserves. I think that calling male genital mutilation "circumcision" is part of the reason why circumcision isn't as badly received as it should be. **EDIT**: I fully concede that FGM is much more heinous compared to male circumcision, but that does not excuse the immorality and non-consent aspects of circumcision. I believe in spite of it being less heinous, circumcision, because of how bad it is in it's own right (independent of FGM comparison), should be labeled male genital mutilation. It deserves the vicious-sounding name still
CMV: Leaving a child to die in a car is a result of poor parenting, an inherent lack of awareness, and putting other life priorities ahead of your child.
First off I'd like to say I've read plenty of the articles explaining how this is the type of thing that can happen to anyone, and it's not necessarily the parent's fault. They claim it's a matter of a change in brain chemistry when a change in routine coupled with stress and other emotions can lead to a lapse in memory and judgement. It seems like this is a pretty widespread belief nowadays. It baffles my mind though, how someone can claim that this isn't child abuse. When a dog gets left in a car someone can serve jail time, but when a kid dies in a car it's just seen as a simple mistake? I think this happens because parents don't put their child ahead of other aspects of their life. It doesn't mean they are bad people, but they are most certainly not fit to be parents. If it were up to me they would be charged with manslaughter at the least, and would lose custody of any remaining children. I don't get how a psychologist can equate this to losing a set of keys or something trivial like that. After making a post recently about this and getting downvoted but not receiving any counter arguments, I want to hear what CMV has to say on the subject. > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Leaving a child to die in a car is a result of poor parenting, an inherent lack of awareness, and putting other life priorities ahead of your child. First off I'd like to say I've read plenty of the articles explaining how this is the type of thing that can happen to anyone, and it's not necessarily the parent's fault. They claim it's a matter of a change in brain chemistry when a change in routine coupled with stress and other emotions can lead to a lapse in memory and judgement. It seems like this is a pretty widespread belief nowadays. It baffles my mind though, how someone can claim that this isn't child abuse. When a dog gets left in a car someone can serve jail time, but when a kid dies in a car it's just seen as a simple mistake? I think this happens because parents don't put their child ahead of other aspects of their life. It doesn't mean they are bad people, but they are most certainly not fit to be parents. If it were up to me they would be charged with manslaughter at the least, and would lose custody of any remaining children. I don't get how a psychologist can equate this to losing a set of keys or something trivial like that. After making a post recently about this and getting downvoted but not receiving any counter arguments, I want to hear what CMV has to say on the subject. > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Facial plastic surgery can turn you into a chick magnet and pave you the way for male modeling.
I'm a really young male (19) but I am seriously considering having a rhinoplasty, chin , jaw and cheek augmentation. I would never say that I'm ugly but I am pretty average. I think that once I get the procedures done I will become dramatically more attractive/handsome more girls will check me and that would boost my confidence to approach them, or even make them approach me. I also believe that having a really attractive face(and a strong body which I'm gonna build) will help me get into male modeling, something that is really interesting and gives you the opportunity to meet new people and travel more. There you go , change my view !
CMV: Facial plastic surgery can turn you into a chick magnet and pave you the way for male modeling. I'm a really young male (19) but I am seriously considering having a rhinoplasty, chin , jaw and cheek augmentation. I would never say that I'm ugly but I am pretty average. I think that once I get the procedures done I will become dramatically more attractive/handsome more girls will check me and that would boost my confidence to approach them, or even make them approach me. I also believe that having a really attractive face(and a strong body which I'm gonna build) will help me get into male modeling, something that is really interesting and gives you the opportunity to meet new people and travel more. There you go , change my view !
I hate my Galaxy S4 and want to switch. CMV.
I've had an S4 since around July of last year, and I've slowly grown to hate it. I just think it's too big, and I actually feel like I have too MANY options when it comes to the look of the phone. I like the Android OS, I just don't like the phone. To me, it feels like a toy because it is made out of plastic. I've been craving an iPhone for a few weeks now.(Can't switch, no money + no upgrade till next year.) I like the look of IOS 7, and I like the feel of the actual phone. It feels like an actual, top of the like phone because of the aluminum its encased in. It feels like the perfect size for me. The one thing I think I would dislike about getting an iPhone is the fact that I can't manage files natively. I don't mind jailbreaking though. I have considered selling it and getting a Nexus 5 or an older iPhone, but the difference between selling and buying another phone would be too big. I know most of my complaints are cosmetic and can't be changed, but help me not hate my phone for the next year.
I hate my Galaxy S4 and want to switch. CMV. I've had an S4 since around July of last year, and I've slowly grown to hate it. I just think it's too big, and I actually feel like I have too MANY options when it comes to the look of the phone. I like the Android OS, I just don't like the phone. To me, it feels like a toy because it is made out of plastic. I've been craving an iPhone for a few weeks now.(Can't switch, no money + no upgrade till next year.) I like the look of IOS 7, and I like the feel of the actual phone. It feels like an actual, top of the like phone because of the aluminum its encased in. It feels like the perfect size for me. The one thing I think I would dislike about getting an iPhone is the fact that I can't manage files natively. I don't mind jailbreaking though. I have considered selling it and getting a Nexus 5 or an older iPhone, but the difference between selling and buying another phone would be too big. I know most of my complaints are cosmetic and can't be changed, but help me not hate my phone for the next year.
CMV: Voting new people into office will not actually fix our government
Every day I get more and more jaded about our government and it is extremely depressing. It feels like everyone is corrupt and they are taking our money and being tremendously careless and wasteful ($700 Billion for Defense). It is overwhelmingly disheartening to believe that our government no longer makes decisions with the peoples' best interest in mind, but instead, the decisions are solely focused on what will make them the most money. I don't believe it is a Democrat vs. Republican issue. We are being told to vote on party lines and that by voting for the person who represents your political party, you can change the outcome. In reality, my view is that this is a have vs. have-not or rich vs. poor scenario and that those in power will continue to make decisions that only benefit elites. I also believe that the system supports this notion and that in order to make it to a high-ranking position with any real power of change, you must also make decisions that benefit the elite as opposed to the common man. My overall view is that voting new people into office will not fix the problem. The problem with our government is so ingrained in the system that a new person, who truly supports the people, would never be able to make it into power and create real change. They face so many roadblocks by not being part of "the club" and they could never acquire enough money to actually make it in. Please change my view because it is really depressing to believe that there is little hope that our current system of governance can escape from the current levels of corruption. _____ > *This is a footnote from the CMV moderators. We'd like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Voting new people into office will not actually fix our government. Every day I get more and more jaded about our government and it is extremely depressing. It feels like everyone is corrupt and they are taking our money and being tremendously careless and wasteful ($700 Billion for Defense). It is overwhelmingly disheartening to believe that our government no longer makes decisions with the peoples' best interest in mind, but instead, the decisions are solely focused on what will make them the most money. I don't believe it is a Democrat vs. Republican issue. We are being told to vote on party lines and that by voting for the person who represents your political party, you can change the outcome. In reality, my view is that this is a have vs. have-not or rich vs. poor scenario and that those in power will continue to make decisions that only benefit elites. I also believe that the system supports this notion and that in order to make it to a high-ranking position with any real power of change, you must also make decisions that benefit the elite as opposed to the common man. My overall view is that voting new people into office will not fix the problem. The problem with our government is so ingrained in the system that a new person, who truly supports the people, would never be able to make it into power and create real change. They face so many roadblocks by not being part of "the club" and they could never acquire enough money to actually make it in. Please change my view because it is really depressing to believe that there is little hope that our current system of governance can escape from the current levels of corruption.
CMV: Printed receipts for everyday purchases are outdated and should only be printed if the customer specifically asks
I'll keep this one short and sweet. Most people immediately discard paper receipts from places like Subway, or Starbucks, etc. This amounts to a rather large amount of paper waste which could easily be avoided. Even if you ask the cashier to not give you the receipt, it is usually still printed and they throw it away. In addition, the thermal paper used for a lot of receipts has been found to contain BPA, which is possibly a harmful chemical. There are a few people who might save paper receipts for their own records, but these people are in the minority. If they want a printed receipt they can ask for it. But it should not be default to just print a receipt assuming that the customer will want it, as most will not. How is it not just a massive waste? To change my view, I'd like an argument that gives some reasons that giving each customer a printed receipt is good, and why these reasons outweigh the negatives. CMV. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Printed receipts for everyday purchases are outdated and should only be printed if the customer specifically asks. I'll keep this one short and sweet. Most people immediately discard paper receipts from places like Subway, or Starbucks, etc. This amounts to a rather large amount of paper waste which could easily be avoided. Even if you ask the cashier to not give you the receipt, it is usually still printed and they throw it away. In addition, the thermal paper used for a lot of receipts has been found to contain BPA, which is possibly a harmful chemical. There are a few people who might save paper receipts for their own records, but these people are in the minority. If they want a printed receipt they can ask for it. But it should not be default to just print a receipt assuming that the customer will want it, as most will not. How is it not just a massive waste? To change my view, I'd like an argument that gives some reasons that giving each customer a printed receipt is good, and why these reasons outweigh the negatives. CMV.
CMV:I don't believe it is at all wrong to look at the leaked celebrity nudes,and I believe online articles by news sources and magazines are completely in the wrong for shaming those who do.
I am not a misogynist at all.I am not a masculist.I am wholeheartedly in favor of women of all backgrounds,colors,and creeds to have equal rights,wages,and job opportunities as,let's say,a white male. With all this being said,I do not believe there is anything wrong with looking at the recently leaked photographs of the female celebrities.Yes,their privacy was breached in a way that I would not like to happen to me,anyone I know,or any fellow human being.HOWEVER,by simply taking the photos in the first place,they opened themselves up to this.It is impossible to have your nudes leaked if you haven't any nudes to leak.All photos leaked were either taken by the celebrities themselves,or by their significant other.None of the photos were takien by a person physically trespassing on their property and taking these photos.They were taken with each celebrity's knowledge and consent. **Did they consent to having their photos leaked online?** No,but if they did not want their photos leaked online in the first place,they could have prevented this in a number of different ways,such as: 1)Not taking the photos 2)Keeping the photos offline (say,on a usb they keep under lock-&-key) 3)Encrypting the photos 4)Using stronger passwords.I read that majority of the leaks occurred because the hacker(s) infiltrated the celebrities' accounts by guessing their weak passwords. **Why should they have prevented this?They did not know this was going to happen to them.** Being a celebrity already makes you a target of occurrences that don't happen in normal,everyday non-celebrity life.This is NOT the first time something like this has happened,and while it is likely to be the last for a while because,hopefully,celebrities learn from this and start not taking nudes or taking better care of their nudes,it most certainly is not the last time this happens.If you are in the public eye,you should know that things like this are more likely to happen to you,and you should start protecting yourselves from things like this,because **ignorance of the consequences does not excuse you from those consequences**. What also got to me are all of the online articles shaming "ANYONE WHO SO MUCH AS DARES TO THINK OF LOOKING AT THESE NUDES".While I still agree that what happened was a major violation of privacy (albeit,an easily preventable one),it is not the tabloids job to act as the "moral compass" of society and shame people for looking nudes.I find it completely hypocritical that the same mediums that are the first to report & feature pictures of celebrity "wardrobe malfunctions" are trying to guide society in the right moral direction.They hire paparazzi to continually violate these celebrities' privacy,and then they are the first to say *"THIS IS A VIOLATION OF PRIVACY.THIS IS WRONG."*.I feel like it all boils down to *"DON'T LOOK AT THOSE NUDES.WE DIDN'T LEAK THEM,SO YOU CAN'T LOOK AT 'EM"*,because the tabloids' sentiments towards the leaks would be COMPLETELY different if they had been the ones to leak the nudes. EDIT:Basic spelling mistakes
CMV:I don't believe it is at all wrong to look at the leaked celebrity nudes,and I believe online articles by news sources and magazines are completely in the wrong for shaming those who do. I am not a misogynist at all.I am not a masculist.I am wholeheartedly in favor of women of all backgrounds,colors,and creeds to have equal rights,wages,and job opportunities as,let's say,a white male. With all this being said,I do not believe there is anything wrong with looking at the recently leaked photographs of the female celebrities.Yes,their privacy was breached in a way that I would not like to happen to me,anyone I know,or any fellow human being.HOWEVER,by simply taking the photos in the first place,they opened themselves up to this.It is impossible to have your nudes leaked if you haven't any nudes to leak.All photos leaked were either taken by the celebrities themselves,or by their significant other.None of the photos were takien by a person physically trespassing on their property and taking these photos.They were taken with each celebrity's knowledge and consent. **Did they consent to having their photos leaked online?** No,but if they did not want their photos leaked online in the first place,they could have prevented this in a number of different ways,such as: 1)Not taking the photos 2)Keeping the photos offline (say,on a usb they keep under lock-&-key) 3)Encrypting the photos 4)Using stronger passwords.I read that majority of the leaks occurred because the hacker(s) infiltrated the celebrities' accounts by guessing their weak passwords. **Why should they have prevented this?They did not know this was going to happen to them.** Being a celebrity already makes you a target of occurrences that don't happen in normal,everyday non-celebrity life.This is NOT the first time something like this has happened,and while it is likely to be the last for a while because,hopefully,celebrities learn from this and start not taking nudes or taking better care of their nudes,it most certainly is not the last time this happens.If you are in the public eye,you should know that things like this are more likely to happen to you,and you should start protecting yourselves from things like this,because **ignorance of the consequences does not excuse you from those consequences**. What also got to me are all of the online articles shaming "ANYONE WHO SO MUCH AS DARES TO THINK OF LOOKING AT THESE NUDES".While I still agree that what happened was a major violation of privacy (albeit,an easily preventable one),it is not the tabloids job to act as the "moral compass" of society and shame people for looking nudes.I find it completely hypocritical that the same mediums that are the first to report & feature pictures of celebrity "wardrobe malfunctions" are trying to guide society in the right moral direction.They hire paparazzi to continually violate these celebrities' privacy,and then they are the first to say *"THIS IS A VIOLATION OF PRIVACY.THIS IS WRONG."*.I feel like it all boils down to *"DON'T LOOK AT THOSE NUDES.WE DIDN'T LEAK THEM,SO YOU CAN'T LOOK AT 'EM"*,because the tabloids' sentiments towards the leaks would be COMPLETELY different if they had been the ones to leak the nudes. EDIT:Basic spelling mistakes
CMV: NFL players shouldn't kneel during the national anthem
I will preface this by saying I am in complete support of free speech for all people. Everyone should have the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint. However, there are times when enacting this right is not appropriate. One such case would be the following: > *Within a professional environment, an employee refuses to attend a meeting or fulfil some other business activity, in an act of protest against some ideological belief they hold. Further, this activity would be in the presence of a client.* I can't imagine many businesses looking the other way if one of their employees was doing this, and if continued, might be grounds for dismissal as it is not appropriate behaviour in the work environment, especially in front of a client. Now try and compare this to what NFL players are doing. >*Within their professional environment, they are refusing to fulfil some business activity, in an act of protest against some ideological belief they hold. Further, this activity is in the presence of clients.* I'm going to break this down point by point to ensure the words I have chosen are clear. * **Professional environment:** These NFL players are professional football players, who are expected to act responsibly and professionally whenever they are at work, and especially during public games. NFL matches are a key aspect of their professional environment. * **Business activity:** All NFL matches hold national anthems. It's part of the parcel of being an NFL player that you do things such as hold flags, and stand as a unit for national anthems. * **Ideological belief:** Fairly self explanatory, but the reason NFL players are kneeling is in protest of personal beliefs, be it political, ethnic or moral. * **In the presence of clients:** Millions of Americans watch football. Many might agree with what the players are protesting, others may not. Choosing to kneel will disrespect certain people simply through disagreement on ideas or since it's broadcasting disdain towards the viewer's country. I argue it is not within the scope of being an NFL football player to bring political or ideological acts into the sphere of public football matches. This harks back to my earlier point, that NFL games are their professional environment. A kid refusing to take part in their class pledge is very different to an NFL player refusing to stand for a national anthem of TV. I'm predicting the following rebuttals that I will address now to avoid repeating myself: * **It's important to allow NFL players to protest as it gets people having important conversations about controversial topics:** *Firstly*, most people watching NFL games are there simply to watch some football, and don't want to have political idealogies pushed on them in the meanwhile. I do understand that this form of protest is extremely subtle for those watching live games, but when you're watching TV it's all the cameras focus on, and what the commentators talk about. *Secondly*, NFL games are players' professional environment - consider again my comparison case at the start. It's inappropriate to make political gestures in your work environment. I'd even argue the fact that so many people are watching makes you have a greater duty to act more responsibly. * **Trump called white supremacists 'very fine people' and NFL players who protest 'sons of bitches':** I'm not here to debate Trump, I'm here to talk about whether NFL players should protest during the national anthem. I look forward to your responses. _____ > *This is a footnote from the CMV moderators. We'd like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: NFL players shouldn't kneel during the national anthem. I will preface this by saying I am in complete support of free speech for all people. Everyone should have the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint. However, there are times when enacting this right is not appropriate. One such case would be the following: > *Within a professional environment, an employee refuses to attend a meeting or fulfil some other business activity, in an act of protest against some ideological belief they hold. Further, this activity would be in the presence of a client.* I can't imagine many businesses looking the other way if one of their employees was doing this, and if continued, might be grounds for dismissal as it is not appropriate behaviour in the work environment, especially in front of a client. Now try and compare this to what NFL players are doing. >*Within their professional environment, they are refusing to fulfil some business activity, in an act of protest against some ideological belief they hold. Further, this activity is in the presence of clients.* I'm going to break this down point by point to ensure the words I have chosen are clear. * **Professional environment:** These NFL players are professional football players, who are expected to act responsibly and professionally whenever they are at work, and especially during public games. NFL matches are a key aspect of their professional environment. * **Business activity:** All NFL matches hold national anthems. It's part of the parcel of being an NFL player that you do things such as hold flags, and stand as a unit for national anthems. * **Ideological belief:** Fairly self explanatory, but the reason NFL players are kneeling is in protest of personal beliefs, be it political, ethnic or moral. * **In the presence of clients:** Millions of Americans watch football. Many might agree with what the players are protesting, others may not. Choosing to kneel will disrespect certain people simply through disagreement on ideas or since it's broadcasting disdain towards the viewer's country. I argue it is not within the scope of being an NFL football player to bring political or ideological acts into the sphere of public football matches. This harks back to my earlier point, that NFL games are their professional environment. A kid refusing to take part in their class pledge is very different to an NFL player refusing to stand for a national anthem of TV. I'm predicting the following rebuttals that I will address now to avoid repeating myself: * **It's important to allow NFL players to protest as it gets people having important conversations about controversial topics:** *Firstly*, most people watching NFL games are there simply to watch some football, and don't want to have political idealogies pushed on them in the meanwhile. I do understand that this form of protest is extremely subtle for those watching live games, but when you're watching TV it's all the cameras focus on, and what the commentators talk about. *Secondly*, NFL games are players' professional environment - consider again my comparison case at the start. It's inappropriate to make political gestures in your work environment. I'd even argue the fact that so many people are watching makes you have a greater duty to act more responsibly. * **Trump called white supremacists 'very fine people' and NFL players who protest 'sons of bitches':** I'm not here to debate Trump, I'm here to talk about whether NFL players should protest during the national anthem. I look forward to your responses.
CMV: There's no such thing as an "unrealistic body image"
Specifically I'm referring to the recent decision of the mayor of London to ban images of models with so-called "unrealistic body images" from the public transportation system. See: An unaltered image of a model with a certain body type is, by definition, realistic. Just because most people are unwilling to put in the level of effort in achieving and maintaining that level of physical fitness or beauty does not make it unrealistic. Banning images of models so as not to offend or trigger people with less ideal physiques is like banning the works of virtuoso musicians from the radio, lest we offend untalented, amateur musicians. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: There's no such thing as an "unrealistic body image". Specifically I'm referring to the recent decision of the mayor of London to ban images of models with so-called "unrealistic body images" from the public transportation system. See: An unaltered image of a model with a certain body type is, by definition, realistic. Just because most people are unwilling to put in the level of effort in achieving and maintaining that level of physical fitness or beauty does not make it unrealistic. Banning images of models so as not to offend or trigger people with less ideal physiques is like banning the works of virtuoso musicians from the radio, lest we offend untalented, amateur musicians.
CMV: If Paternal Surrender becomes a thing, it should be in conjunction with Paternal Consent, in which men who want children have to pay the women who bear the children for their financial loss and pain and suffering.
Paternal surrender is the idea that a man should be able to legally terminate all rights and responsibilities towards his unborn child while the child is still in the womb because men should get to consent to being a parent or not while a woman they impregnated is pregnant, since that woman gets to decide whether she'll obtain an abortion or not. Tit for tat - if a woman gets to decide about an abortion, then a man should get to decide about paternal surrender. But that only addresses one side of the outcome. That is only about men who *don't* want to be parents. What of the men who *do*? If a man wants a baby, all he has to do is orgasm, but if a woman wants a baby, she has to suffer through 9 months of extreme physical and hormonal changes during pregnancy, ending in painful labor and subsequent recovery, along with financial loss. That isn't tit for tat; that is totally unbalanced and unfair. Men who want to be parents should have to do something to make up for all the suffering that their partners endure. If the goal of Parental Surrender is to even out biology, then the only way biology is really evened out is if Parental Surrender is combined with Parental Consent. With a Paternal Consent or Surrender System, anytime a woman gets pregnant, the man who impregnated her has to either Surrender or Consent. If he Surrenders, then he has no responsibilities towards the child, and also no rights towards it or affiliation with it. If he Consents, then he has to pay half of all medicals bills incurred by the woman during pregnancy, pay for half of her lost wages, and pay a "pain and suffering" fee that is the average of the "pain and suffering" percentage amount normally awarded by courts. In this way, the biological unevenness is evened out for both men and women at all stages of the reproduction process.
CMV: If Paternal Surrender becomes a thing, it should be in conjunction with Paternal Consent, in which men who want children have to pay the women who bear the children for their financial loss and pain and suffering. Paternal surrender is the idea that a man should be able to legally terminate all rights and responsibilities towards his unborn child while the child is still in the womb because men should get to consent to being a parent or not while a woman they impregnated is pregnant, since that woman gets to decide whether she'll obtain an abortion or not. Tit for tat - if a woman gets to decide about an abortion, then a man should get to decide about paternal surrender. But that only addresses one side of the outcome. That is only about men who *don't* want to be parents. What of the men who *do*? If a man wants a baby, all he has to do is orgasm, but if a woman wants a baby, she has to suffer through 9 months of extreme physical and hormonal changes during pregnancy, ending in painful labor and subsequent recovery, along with financial loss. That isn't tit for tat; that is totally unbalanced and unfair. Men who want to be parents should have to do something to make up for all the suffering that their partners endure. If the goal of Parental Surrender is to even out biology, then the only way biology is really evened out is if Parental Surrender is combined with Parental Consent. With a Paternal Consent or Surrender System, anytime a woman gets pregnant, the man who impregnated her has to either Surrender or Consent. If he Surrenders, then he has no responsibilities towards the child, and also no rights towards it or affiliation with it. If he Consents, then he has to pay half of all medicals bills incurred by the woman during pregnancy, pay for half of her lost wages, and pay a "pain and suffering" fee that is the average of the "pain and suffering" percentage amount normally awarded by courts. In this way, the biological unevenness is evened out for both men and women at all stages of the reproduction process.
CMV: It is not the right course of action to hit a person back that slapped you unless you are in danger
I thought it was more or less accepted by society that the only acceptable reason to use violence was in self defence or the defence of others but me arguing this point got me a lot of downvotes so I am kind of curious now. If you get slapped and are not in any danger to get really harmed in any way, there is in my opinion nothing gained by hitting back. It is not your place to enforce justice (if you feel inclined call the cops) You dont teach them a lesson that violence is the wrong way of discourse by using said violence against them. You risk escalating a situation in a dangerous way. Also to be really clear it is important that the option of walking away unharmed and not taking any more physical abuse is an option, so with that in mind please change my view Edit: sorry I will be gone for a few hours, when I am back I ll try to answer all posts _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: It is not the right course of action to hit a person back that slapped you unless you are in danger. I thought it was more or less accepted by society that the only acceptable reason to use violence was in self defence or the defence of others but me arguing this point got me a lot of downvotes so I am kind of curious now. If you get slapped and are not in any danger to get really harmed in any way, there is in my opinion nothing gained by hitting back. It is not your place to enforce justice (if you feel inclined call the cops) You dont teach them a lesson that violence is the wrong way of discourse by using said violence against them. You risk escalating a situation in a dangerous way. Also to be really clear it is important that the option of walking away unharmed and not taking any more physical abuse is an option, so with that in mind please change my view Edit: sorry I will be gone for a few hours, when I am back I ll try to answer all posts
I think selfies are incredibly vain and off-putting. CMV
I don't know how to explain this in 500 characters really, but the advent and popularity of this "style" of photography, and the term alone I think signal a trend toward unchecked, “fashionable” vanity. I find selfies off-putting because of this, and for how they seem to ask for approval and validation from their viewers. I don’t think selfies are the cause of vanity but they are definitely an obvious symptom. I think selfies also foster cultural narcissism (Lasch) (I don’t mean simple selfishness but malignant self-love intensified and concentrated by the lens of technology, where construction of the self only happens in the eyes of an audience).
I think selfies are incredibly vain and off-putting. CMV. I don't know how to explain this in 500 characters really, but the advent and popularity of this "style" of photography, and the term alone I think signal a trend toward unchecked, “fashionable” vanity. I find selfies off-putting because of this, and for how they seem to ask for approval and validation from their viewers. I don’t think selfies are the cause of vanity but they are definitely an obvious symptom. I think selfies also foster cultural narcissism (Lasch) (I don’t mean simple selfishness but malignant self-love intensified and concentrated by the lens of technology, where construction of the self only happens in the eyes of an audience).
I don't believe the holocaust is real.
I'm not in anyway racist/nazist I just don't believe it. I saw the bills the germans had in their concentration canps and it didn't seem possible for them to "gas" all of those jews. I'm 1/8 jew and I don't know, I just can't believe it. Please CMV.
I don't believe the holocaust is real. I'm not in anyway racist/nazist I just don't believe it. I saw the bills the germans had in their concentration canps and it didn't seem possible for them to "gas" all of those jews. I'm 1/8 jew and I don't know, I just can't believe it. Please CMV.
CMV: the way black people use the word nigger is racist towards any other race.
I have always thought this but never said it to anyone because I don't want to be called a racist myself. People in the black community always use the word nigger and it's perfectly acceptable, also the word is used a lot in rap music by black rappers and it's fine, But as soon as someone from any other race uses it all hell breaks loose and get called racist. Surely that is racist in itself? I understand the meaning of the word and why they take offence to it, I'm not saying they shouldn't either. So my point is this I just don't understand why it's acceptable for one race to use a word and no others.
CMV: the way black people use the word nigger is racist towards any other race. I have always thought this but never said it to anyone because I don't want to be called a racist myself. People in the black community always use the word nigger and it's perfectly acceptable, also the word is used a lot in rap music by black rappers and it's fine, But as soon as someone from any other race uses it all hell breaks loose and get called racist. Surely that is racist in itself? I understand the meaning of the word and why they take offence to it, I'm not saying they shouldn't either. So my point is this I just don't understand why it's acceptable for one race to use a word and no others.
CMV: The Death Penalty is Barbaric, and a State Which Kills Those who Kill is Inherently Contradictory as Nothing Tangible Gives the State Higher Powers Over the Right to Life
I used to hold the belief that people who commit heinous crimes forfeit the social contract they hold with the governments which provide services for them, however I came to the understanding that people in states have not chosen to be at the behest of the laws as dictated by the state. I am actually quite authoritarian on most issues, however I find the idea of the death penalty quite totalitarian. Why is the state allowed to kill people? And assuming I can be convinced that they should be allowed to do so, do crimes warrant this punishment? Are some things worse than death? Are those things even less moral? _____ > *This is a footnote from the CMV moderators. We'd like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: The Death Penalty is Barbaric, and a State Which Kills Those who Kill is Inherently Contradictory as Nothing Tangible Gives the State Higher Powers Over the Right to Life. I used to hold the belief that people who commit heinous crimes forfeit the social contract they hold with the governments which provide services for them, however I came to the understanding that people in states have not chosen to be at the behest of the laws as dictated by the state. I am actually quite authoritarian on most issues, however I find the idea of the death penalty quite totalitarian. Why is the state allowed to kill people? And assuming I can be convinced that they should be allowed to do so, do crimes warrant this punishment? Are some things worse than death? Are those things even less moral?
I think that organic food is too expensive and unnecessary. CMV.
I think that organic food is too expensive and unnecessary, but my sister doesn't. She has now moved away from home and only buys organic or fairtrade food products. It is expensive, and unnecessary. She has tried to explain to me why it is important to buy organic food and if I buy less and throw away less, the bill will be the same. But it simply doesn't work for me. Organic meat and eggs are almost twice as expensive as normal and it simply hurts to take the one which is more expensive. I understand that organic food may be better for the environment and our nature but I haven't heard a convincing enough argument for me to start buying 100% organic food as long as it is available and waste money on something that tastes the same.
I think that organic food is too expensive and unnecessary. CMV. I think that organic food is too expensive and unnecessary, but my sister doesn't. She has now moved away from home and only buys organic or fairtrade food products. It is expensive, and unnecessary. She has tried to explain to me why it is important to buy organic food and if I buy less and throw away less, the bill will be the same. But it simply doesn't work for me. Organic meat and eggs are almost twice as expensive as normal and it simply hurts to take the one which is more expensive. I understand that organic food may be better for the environment and our nature but I haven't heard a convincing enough argument for me to start buying 100% organic food as long as it is available and waste money on something that tastes the same.
CMV: The X-Men should be in a separate universe than the rest of the Marvel U
The X-Men should not exist in the Marvel 616 universe. They should have their own universe for just them. There are numerous national and international events in X-Men comics that only occasionally are referenced in non-X-men books. I'm not an X-Men expert, but concepts such as rampant mutantphobia, the construction of Sentinels, Apocalypse, the Sh'iar, etc are never addressed in, say, Captain America. Wouldn't Captain America have something to say about Sentinels hunting down American citizens? At the moment, there's a weird contradiction where mutants are supposed to be "hated and feared" by everyone, but there are tons of other superheroes who seem exactly like mutants (Spider-Man, for example) who don't ever worry about stuff like that. X-Men books would be much more compelling if they were in a universe by themselves, a universe of only human and mutants with no other superheroes. They would be the only ones capable of stopping the worldwide threats such as the Brood or Magneto, and no one would ask why the Avengers aren't contributing to stopping those threats. If the writers wanted the X-Men to occasionally interact with other Marvel characters, have them go universe hopping with some device built by Forge or Beast. But otherwise, the drama and worldbuilding is much stronger if the universe in question is just for the X-men. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: The X-Men should be in a separate universe than the rest of the Marvel U. The X-Men should not exist in the Marvel 616 universe. They should have their own universe for just them. There are numerous national and international events in X-Men comics that only occasionally are referenced in non-X-men books. I'm not an X-Men expert, but concepts such as rampant mutantphobia, the construction of Sentinels, Apocalypse, the Sh'iar, etc are never addressed in, say, Captain America. Wouldn't Captain America have something to say about Sentinels hunting down American citizens? At the moment, there's a weird contradiction where mutants are supposed to be "hated and feared" by everyone, but there are tons of other superheroes who seem exactly like mutants (Spider-Man, for example) who don't ever worry about stuff like that. X-Men books would be much more compelling if they were in a universe by themselves, a universe of only human and mutants with no other superheroes. They would be the only ones capable of stopping the worldwide threats such as the Brood or Magneto, and no one would ask why the Avengers aren't contributing to stopping those threats. If the writers wanted the X-Men to occasionally interact with other Marvel characters, have them go universe hopping with some device built by Forge or Beast. But otherwise, the drama and worldbuilding is much stronger if the universe in question is just for the X-men.
CMV: people that recline their seats in flights are selfish
The title pretty much sums it up, but I find it selfish when anyone in front of my (or anyone else) reclines their seat in an airplane because it directly impacts the space of the person behind. So sure, the person behind has the option to recline, too, and it is their 'choice' to do so, but what if they just want to remain straight and have the space in front of them? To illustrate that the reclining person is using other people's space: what if all seats started off reclined and people had the option to move forward to an upright position? They can move forward and impact their own space (thus having less space in front of them) without impacting anyone else. For the purpose of this CMV, I'm ignoring external factors such as medical conditions (because these do not impact your average flight) _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: people that recline their seats in flights are selfish. The title pretty much sums it up, but I find it selfish when anyone in front of my (or anyone else) reclines their seat in an airplane because it directly impacts the space of the person behind. So sure, the person behind has the option to recline, too, and it is their 'choice' to do so, but what if they just want to remain straight and have the space in front of them? To illustrate that the reclining person is using other people's space: what if all seats started off reclined and people had the option to move forward to an upright position? They can move forward and impact their own space (thus having less space in front of them) without impacting anyone else. For the purpose of this CMV, I'm ignoring external factors such as medical conditions (because these do not impact your average flight)
CMV: i think the violin is inferior to the viola and cello
i know this view is wrong because it's hindering me from building my skills necessary for what i want to do and that is compose string arrangements. i cannot stand the high notes of the violin. sure, G, D, & A are fine but when you get to that E string it's just screeching. if it's on the radio that's fine, i can dampen the sound, but playing it right next to my ear, not so much. A string fourth position on the viola is the same as E string notes, but the warm tones of the viola neutralize the harshness of the high pitch. i've developed a bit of a superiority complex when it comes to my lower instruments, but i want to get past this because i think it a. hinders my ability to appreciate my favourite orchestral family the way it should, and b. broaden my potential to compose string arrangements, and c. i'm just a damn snob about it (it offends me when someone calls me a *violinist*). ETA: i confess i'm also a snob when it comes to my friends and their guitars. most of them are self taught from pictures of chords and tablature, whereas i've had formal training and have learned how to do things like pitch identification, reading music, music theory, etc. CMV _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than just downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: i think the violin is inferior to the viola and cello. i know this view is wrong because it's hindering me from building my skills necessary for what i want to do and that is compose string arrangements. i cannot stand the high notes of the violin. sure, G, D, & A are fine but when you get to that E string it's just screeching. if it's on the radio that's fine, i can dampen the sound, but playing it right next to my ear, not so much. A string fourth position on the viola is the same as E string notes, but the warm tones of the viola neutralize the harshness of the high pitch. i've developed a bit of a superiority complex when it comes to my lower instruments, but i want to get past this because i think it a. hinders my ability to appreciate my favourite orchestral family the way it should, and b. broaden my potential to compose string arrangements, and c. i'm just a damn snob about it (it offends me when someone calls me a *violinist*). ETA: i confess i'm also a snob when it comes to my friends and their guitars. most of them are self taught from pictures of chords and tablature, whereas i've had formal training and have learned how to do things like pitch identification, reading music, music theory, etc. CMV
CMV: The Euro has been a bad idea (not the EU)
The Euro limits the amount of regulations that can be made to an extend, that cause economically weaker nations of the Euro-zone to not be able to compete on global markets as their wages are too high in respect to their export quality. With different currencies it would be possible for Greece to depreciate (hope this is the right word, non-native english speaker) and thus be more attractive on global markets because their products are rather cheap compared tot the ones of Germany for example. This problem leads to Greece importing some vegetables because the ones which are produced in Greece itself are more expensive because of the high wages. Accordingly Greece exports way less as their products are "worse" than the ones of Germany for example but the wages don't match it which leads to greek products being overpriced. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: The Euro has been a bad idea (not the EU). The Euro limits the amount of regulations that can be made to an extend, that cause economically weaker nations of the Euro-zone to not be able to compete on global markets as their wages are too high in respect to their export quality. With different currencies it would be possible for Greece to depreciate (hope this is the right word, non-native english speaker) and thus be more attractive on global markets because their products are rather cheap compared tot the ones of Germany for example. This problem leads to Greece importing some vegetables because the ones which are produced in Greece itself are more expensive because of the high wages. Accordingly Greece exports way less as their products are "worse" than the ones of Germany for example but the wages don't match it which leads to greek products being overpriced.
CMV: I believe that 9/11 was _not_ an inside job and that there is no evidence of it being so.
> *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than just downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!* Simply put, I believe all those people who claim to have "Evidence" that 9/11 was committed by anyone _other_ than fanatical Muslims are either a) lying (probably for profit) or b) clueless. As with many other things, I have found that it is easy to find "evidence" and rationalize a belief to yourself - If you do absolutely no research to check the validity of that evidence. So, "truthers" of reddit (That name, BTW, betrays an arrogance bordering on the religious - or going beyond - in certainty of opinion): I think you're wrong. Change my view.
CMV: I believe that 9/11 was _not_ an inside job and that there is no evidence of it being so. > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than just downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!* Simply put, I believe all those people who claim to have "Evidence" that 9/11 was committed by anyone _other_ than fanatical Muslims are either a) lying (probably for profit) or b) clueless. As with many other things, I have found that it is easy to find "evidence" and rationalize a belief to yourself - If you do absolutely no research to check the validity of that evidence. So, "truthers" of reddit (That name, BTW, betrays an arrogance bordering on the religious - or going beyond - in certainty of opinion): I think you're wrong. Change my view.
CMV: I think small clubs shouldn't be allowed to play their music louder than 100 - 110 decibel
I don't really mind loud music in clubs, I do think the loudness can add to the experience because you can actually feel the bass. But once you go above 110 decibel, hearing protection won't help anymore. hearing protection reduces noise by around 30 decibel *at most.* If you have music playing at 130 decibel your hearing will still get damaged after a few minutes. I also doubt that playing music that loud will still add more to the experience, it's not like you can't feel the bass at a volume of 100 decibel. At that point it's only for the sake of being as loud as possible.   EDIT: I'm back, I'm sorry I didn't respond. By the time I went to bed there were only a few comments, and I already awarded delta's so I didn't expect any more. Thanks for the responses!   EDIT: I thought I'd include my reason for this CMW. There is a local club I went to a while back, you are allowed in from the age of 16. Normally they play music pretty loud, but that night there was a special discjockey. I can't remember the name from the DJ exactly but I think it had decibel in it. And he played a genre of music originating from the Netherlands called "hardstyle". I know I'm may be generalizing a bit, but it's basically high tempo dance music that's very bass heavy. And the DJ's pretty much play it as loud as they are allowed because that's what they, and most hardstyle fans want. So this venue is small and has a low ceiling, there was also a decibel meter in it that went above 120 decibel most of the time, and peaked at 130. I think this combined with underage people and a lot of alcohol would lead to a lot of sore ears. I think most people over there really aren't aware how damaging this is. And even they are, if you are underage you are very prone to peer pressure so they may still decide not to wear any hearing protection. And from what I understand, at that volume hearing protection won't even help. (Though it's not sure, someone commented that it's a little vague how hearing protection actually works because the decibel scale is logarithmic.) Here is a hardstyle sample from /r/hardstyle:   _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: I think small clubs shouldn't be allowed to play their music louder than 100 - 110 decibel. I don't really mind loud music in clubs, I do think the loudness can add to the experience because you can actually feel the bass. But once you go above 110 decibel, hearing protection won't help anymore. hearing protection reduces noise by around 30 decibel *at most.* If you have music playing at 130 decibel your hearing will still get damaged after a few minutes. I also doubt that playing music that loud will still add more to the experience, it's not like you can't feel the bass at a volume of 100 decibel. At that point it's only for the sake of being as loud as possible.   EDIT: I'm back, I'm sorry I didn't respond. By the time I went to bed there were only a few comments, and I already awarded delta's so I didn't expect any more. Thanks for the responses!   EDIT: I thought I'd include my reason for this CMW. There is a local club I went to a while back, you are allowed in from the age of 16. Normally they play music pretty loud, but that night there was a special discjockey. I can't remember the name from the DJ exactly but I think it had decibel in it. And he played a genre of music originating from the Netherlands called "hardstyle". I know I'm may be generalizing a bit, but it's basically high tempo dance music that's very bass heavy. And the DJ's pretty much play it as loud as they are allowed because that's what they, and most hardstyle fans want. So this venue is small and has a low ceiling, there was also a decibel meter in it that went above 120 decibel most of the time, and peaked at 130. I think this combined with underage people and a lot of alcohol would lead to a lot of sore ears. I think most people over there really aren't aware how damaging this is. And even they are, if you are underage you are very prone to peer pressure so they may still decide not to wear any hearing protection. And from what I understand, at that volume hearing protection won't even help. (Though it's not sure, someone commented that it's a little vague how hearing protection actually works because the decibel scale is logarithmic.) Here is a hardstyle sample from /r/hardstyle:  
CMV: I should have my newborn son circumcised
My wife and I have consulted doctors, did all the research we can. We are very evidence based. Our pediatrician says there is literally no conclusive data either way and it has to be up to us. We've obviously heard a ton of things from biased sources which we cannot confirm (I.e. Circumcision results in less pleasure, or 10% of all uncircumcised males need to get one as an adult for medical reasons anyways). We know that actual data says a circumcised male gets the benefits of better cleanliness and slightly lower chances of STDs. We dont think anyone should rely on that to prevent stds but the other benefits might be nice. We also find the fact that most males in the US, and I (the father) am circumcised, is a minor reason ( no kids wants to look different, could be more harmful than the other indications). The main evidence backed reason not to circumcise is the miniscule chances of complications which we find acceptable, and the "don't do unnecessary irreversible medical procedures to babies who cannot consent" argument, which we find the benefits outlined above just barely overcomes. Am I missing anything? Change my view! But don't bother unless you have a real unbiased medical source backing it up, studies in particular are preferred!
CMV: I should have my newborn son circumcised. My wife and I have consulted doctors, did all the research we can. We are very evidence based. Our pediatrician says there is literally no conclusive data either way and it has to be up to us. We've obviously heard a ton of things from biased sources which we cannot confirm (I.e. Circumcision results in less pleasure, or 10% of all uncircumcised males need to get one as an adult for medical reasons anyways). We know that actual data says a circumcised male gets the benefits of better cleanliness and slightly lower chances of STDs. We dont think anyone should rely on that to prevent stds but the other benefits might be nice. We also find the fact that most males in the US, and I (the father) am circumcised, is a minor reason ( no kids wants to look different, could be more harmful than the other indications). The main evidence backed reason not to circumcise is the miniscule chances of complications which we find acceptable, and the "don't do unnecessary irreversible medical procedures to babies who cannot consent" argument, which we find the benefits outlined above just barely overcomes. Am I missing anything? Change my view! But don't bother unless you have a real unbiased medical source backing it up, studies in particular are preferred!
CMV: Biofortification has virtually no problems
Biofortification: To breed plants to inrease certain nutrients. This can be done by genetic engineering or more conventional breeding. Most famous example would be the golden rice. Another interesting application is iron, because approximately 2 billion people suffer from hypoferremia or iron deficiency. I argue that there are [edit: NO!] real reasons to be against it. 1. We have no toxins, resistances or anything that are inherently necessary apart from selection of successful transformed plants. 2. There are no resistances that could be transfered to wild plants resulting in super weeds. 3. Outcrossing with wild plants is no problem - if anything they'll take up more iron, or produce more beta-carotene. If that is not advantageous for the wild plant then it won't be successful. 4. We have no insecticides or pesticide resistance (at least not necessarily) and most criticism of GMOs is connected to those. The only reasons to be against biofortification are in my opinion: (with my refutation) 1. Gateway to make GMOs more acceptable, leading eventually to acceptance of any kind of GMO (which is silly in my opinion, because we should not treat all GMOs as equal, very much like medication. Even if it's true we have to take the risk and rather regulate different GMOs instead of all in the same way) 2. Bad business, monocultures, etc. (They have nothing inherently to do with GMOs and can be dealt with seperately. Connecting those problems with GMOs is dishonest. Also, monocultures are clearly a problem with or without GMOs. Bad business practices can appear in any field (pun not intended)). 3. Religious reasons, i.e. don't mess around with what a god made (Dishonest because we already do anyway. If we were to take this serious then we wouldn't be allowed to eat wheat for example.) So Reddit, I am curious if you can change my view on this. I want to stress again that different gene insertions should be treated differently. And of course any GMO should be tested, again I compare it to medical drugs. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Biofortification has virtually no problems. Biofortification: To breed plants to inrease certain nutrients. This can be done by genetic engineering or more conventional breeding. Most famous example would be the golden rice. Another interesting application is iron, because approximately 2 billion people suffer from hypoferremia or iron deficiency. I argue that there are [edit: NO!] real reasons to be against it. 1. We have no toxins, resistances or anything that are inherently necessary apart from selection of successful transformed plants. 2. There are no resistances that could be transfered to wild plants resulting in super weeds. 3. Outcrossing with wild plants is no problem - if anything they'll take up more iron, or produce more beta-carotene. If that is not advantageous for the wild plant then it won't be successful. 4. We have no insecticides or pesticide resistance (at least not necessarily) and most criticism of GMOs is connected to those. The only reasons to be against biofortification are in my opinion: (with my refutation) 1. Gateway to make GMOs more acceptable, leading eventually to acceptance of any kind of GMO (which is silly in my opinion, because we should not treat all GMOs as equal, very much like medication. Even if it's true we have to take the risk and rather regulate different GMOs instead of all in the same way) 2. Bad business, monocultures, etc. (They have nothing inherently to do with GMOs and can be dealt with seperately. Connecting those problems with GMOs is dishonest. Also, monocultures are clearly a problem with or without GMOs. Bad business practices can appear in any field (pun not intended)). 3. Religious reasons, i.e. don't mess around with what a god made (Dishonest because we already do anyway. If we were to take this serious then we wouldn't be allowed to eat wheat for example.) So Reddit, I am curious if you can change my view on this. I want to stress again that different gene insertions should be treated differently. And of course any GMO should be tested, again I compare it to medical drugs.
CMV: Feminists are members of a sexist, anti-male hate group.
I have worked with, befriended, and dated feminists for many years. I'm not a red-piller (and indeed am shocked by many of their beliefs), but after a lot of debate I have come to the parallel conclusion that the feminist movement is a sexist hate group that attacks both men and masculinity: * A team-based [us vs. them mentality]( is endemic to feminism. Instead of reaching out to like-minded men, feminists [attack male liberals]( vehemently. True gender equality will never be attained while gender issues are being policed by only one side, and feminists [actively discourage men]( from joining the conversation. * Feminists are unaware of and/or [refuse to care]( about the [many]( [serious]( social [issues]( faced by men, either denying their existence or underselling their importance. This is not what you would expect from a movement that claims to be synonymous with equality. Feminists excuse this behavior by claiming that discussing men's issues will distract from "[more important](" female ones. The same logic could be used (and should not be) to dismiss all feminist issues because starving Africans have it even worse. Instead, the idea that men could ever be at a disadvantage is [ridiculed]( * Feminists [blame]( virtually all of society's ills implicitly on [men]( When we're not raping or murdering our wives, we are [implied to be lazy or stupid]( by our feminist colleages, who unabashedly claim to work twice as hard to accomplish half as much. Feminists default to the position that successful men earn their status through [underhanded means](, while successful women are treated as a [messianic]( [figures]( * Feminists live in a [political]( [echo chamber]( They have all but [silenced men]( on gender-related issues through [bullying](, making feminism increasingly [radicalised]( and socially isolating feminists as individuals. By tunnel-visioning on inequality and then exporting that misery onto anyone who will listen, feminism as a movement [fails to inspire hope]( Instead it spreads resentment, [sexual warfare](, and even [violence]( (SFW). * Feminists target women less often, even when the [woman in question]( makes extremely anti-female statements. [Sexist statements]( that are anti-male are routinely unchallenged by feminists even when those statements are not being made by feminists themselves. When a man expresses sexism he is an opponent to be defeated. When a woman makes the same statement she is a victim who needs to be saved. * Feminists [conflate]( even the most benign expressions of male sexuality with rape: e.g. catcalling. They both hate and fear male sexuality, diluting the very serious issue of rape by insisting that every "issue" be treated as a kind of Holocaust. **I'd to head off the argument that these issues are due to only a small group of internet extremists**. In debates it is common for feminists to morph the definition of feminism into whatever best suits the argument at hand, deflecting any criticism as unrepresentative of "true feminism." The existence of moderate feminists does not dissuade me from the idea that feminism is a poisonous gradient, where the longer one studies it the more anti-male they become.
CMV: Feminists are members of a sexist, anti-male hate group. I have worked with, befriended, and dated feminists for many years. I'm not a red-piller (and indeed am shocked by many of their beliefs), but after a lot of debate I have come to the parallel conclusion that the feminist movement is a sexist hate group that attacks both men and masculinity: * A team-based [us vs. them mentality]( is endemic to feminism. Instead of reaching out to like-minded men, feminists [attack male liberals]( vehemently. True gender equality will never be attained while gender issues are being policed by only one side, and feminists [actively discourage men]( from joining the conversation. * Feminists are unaware of and/or [refuse to care]( about the [many]( [serious]( social [issues]( faced by men, either denying their existence or underselling their importance. This is not what you would expect from a movement that claims to be synonymous with equality. Feminists excuse this behavior by claiming that discussing men's issues will distract from "[more important](" female ones. The same logic could be used (and should not be) to dismiss all feminist issues because starving Africans have it even worse. Instead, the idea that men could ever be at a disadvantage is [ridiculed]( * Feminists [blame]( virtually all of society's ills implicitly on [men]( When we're not raping or murdering our wives, we are [implied to be lazy or stupid]( by our feminist colleages, who unabashedly claim to work twice as hard to accomplish half as much. Feminists default to the position that successful men earn their status through [underhanded means](, while successful women are treated as a [messianic]( [figures]( * Feminists live in a [political]( [echo chamber]( They have all but [silenced men]( on gender-related issues through [bullying](, making feminism increasingly [radicalised]( and socially isolating feminists as individuals. By tunnel-visioning on inequality and then exporting that misery onto anyone who will listen, feminism as a movement [fails to inspire hope]( Instead it spreads resentment, [sexual warfare](, and even [violence]( (SFW). * Feminists target women less often, even when the [woman in question]( makes extremely anti-female statements. [Sexist statements]( that are anti-male are routinely unchallenged by feminists even when those statements are not being made by feminists themselves. When a man expresses sexism he is an opponent to be defeated. When a woman makes the same statement she is a victim who needs to be saved. * Feminists [conflate]( even the most benign expressions of male sexuality with rape: e.g. catcalling. They both hate and fear male sexuality, diluting the very serious issue of rape by insisting that every "issue" be treated as a kind of Holocaust. **I'd to head off the argument that these issues are due to only a small group of internet extremists**. In debates it is common for feminists to morph the definition of feminism into whatever best suits the argument at hand, deflecting any criticism as unrepresentative of "true feminism." The existence of moderate feminists does not dissuade me from the idea that feminism is a poisonous gradient, where the longer one studies it the more anti-male they become.
CMV: One ply toilet paper should never be used
There are several reasons that make me believe that one ply toilet paper should never be used and it angers me that it is so prevalent in hotels, restaurants, schools and universities. **One ply toilet paper is uncomfortable** Why would anyone prefer a thin layer of sandpaper over something a little thicker and fluffier? A lot of one ply toilet paper is so thin that it will actually tear (more on this later) resulting in your fingers possibly geting contaminated. In the service industry, I look at different restaurants/hotels less favorably if they have a poor quality of toilet paper. **One ply toilet paper is bad for business** If there are two hotels or restaurants that are similar in quality which I have visited before, I will always choose the one with the better toilet paper. Although many may not be as picky as me, this is still a small loss in customers. Additionally, when wiping, the toilet paper can rip resulting in people using more and more toilet paper. Whether at home or in a business establishment, it would be cheaper to get higher quality toiler paper because although it would be more expensive, it would rip less and therefore result in less of it being used up. Perhaps I'm being too harsh and picky but one ply toilet paper experiences affect how much I enjoy different restaurants and hotels. Change my view! _____ > *This is a footnote from the CMV moderators. We'd like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: One ply toilet paper should never be used. There are several reasons that make me believe that one ply toilet paper should never be used and it angers me that it is so prevalent in hotels, restaurants, schools and universities. **One ply toilet paper is uncomfortable** Why would anyone prefer a thin layer of sandpaper over something a little thicker and fluffier? A lot of one ply toilet paper is so thin that it will actually tear (more on this later) resulting in your fingers possibly geting contaminated. In the service industry, I look at different restaurants/hotels less favorably if they have a poor quality of toilet paper. **One ply toilet paper is bad for business** If there are two hotels or restaurants that are similar in quality which I have visited before, I will always choose the one with the better toilet paper. Although many may not be as picky as me, this is still a small loss in customers. Additionally, when wiping, the toilet paper can rip resulting in people using more and more toilet paper. Whether at home or in a business establishment, it would be cheaper to get higher quality toiler paper because although it would be more expensive, it would rip less and therefore result in less of it being used up. Perhaps I'm being too harsh and picky but one ply toilet paper experiences affect how much I enjoy different restaurants and hotels. Change my view!
CMV: Falsely accusing someone of rape is just as bad as the act itself and should be considered a crime that constitutes jail-time.
When someone falsely accuses someone for being a rapist, or having been a rapist or doing anything to sexually harass another person should be considered a crime. It destroys not only the legitimacy of other rape victims but destroys other people's lives as a result. If the claim actually does get to court, and the person is found guilty, they have a high probably of actually being sexually assaulted in jail. Falsely accusing someone of rape is also considered fraud as tax payers pay money to resource a false allegation, often for the accuser to gain an advantage for said person going to jail. It is the equivalent of yelling fire and puts other people in a position take precaution. Lastly the accusation severely damages someone else's reputation, and can cost someone their job, status, and worst of all even their family. I think if the accuser has hard evidence of making up the accusation, they should be sentenced to jail time. ____ > *This is a footnote from the CMV moderators. We'd like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Falsely accusing someone of rape is just as bad as the act itself and should be considered a crime that constitutes jail-time. When someone falsely accuses someone for being a rapist, or having been a rapist or doing anything to sexually harass another person should be considered a crime. It destroys not only the legitimacy of other rape victims but destroys other people's lives as a result. If the claim actually does get to court, and the person is found guilty, they have a high probably of actually being sexually assaulted in jail. Falsely accusing someone of rape is also considered fraud as tax payers pay money to resource a false allegation, often for the accuser to gain an advantage for said person going to jail. It is the equivalent of yelling fire and puts other people in a position take precaution. Lastly the accusation severely damages someone else's reputation, and can cost someone their job, status, and worst of all even their family. I think if the accuser has hard evidence of making up the accusation, they should be sentenced to jail time. ____ > *This is a footnote from the CMV moderators. We'd like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
I believe education should not be mandatory. CMV
I do not think that education/schooling should be mandatory. Why? Because some of us are just not made for theories learning and are more manual-type people that prefer jobs like construction, truck drivers and plumbers. Our society is headed towards failure because nobody wants to do these jobs, but we need them. What's the point of showing a future truck driver how to graph a function? By doing this, we could alleviate the cost of education and help the ones that really want to learn instead of cramming every teenager in a classroom to learn how many electrons has an atom of potassium.
I believe education should not be mandatory. CMV. I do not think that education/schooling should be mandatory. Why? Because some of us are just not made for theories learning and are more manual-type people that prefer jobs like construction, truck drivers and plumbers. Our society is headed towards failure because nobody wants to do these jobs, but we need them. What's the point of showing a future truck driver how to graph a function? By doing this, we could alleviate the cost of education and help the ones that really want to learn instead of cramming every teenager in a classroom to learn how many electrons has an atom of potassium.
CMV: In the second season of Young Justice the League should have bribed the tribunal.
In season 2 of Young Justice the Justice League refused to bribe the tribunal that was to decide their fate after they attacked alien planet under Vandal Savage's mind control. This court was transparently corrupt not bribing them only put the League in danger. If they would have bribed the court they would have been on Earth during the Reach invasion. The League's presence could have possibly swayed public opinion away from the Reach stopping the invasion. If they hadn't been successful they could have at least helped the team investigate and defeat the Reach before things got as bad as they did. Ultimately their moral stand didn't even matter because they weren't released because they were innocent but because the team convinced the judges letting them go would get them more bribes in the long run only increasing the scale of the corruption.
CMV: In the second season of Young Justice the League should have bribed the tribunal. In season 2 of Young Justice the Justice League refused to bribe the tribunal that was to decide their fate after they attacked alien planet under Vandal Savage's mind control. This court was transparently corrupt not bribing them only put the League in danger. If they would have bribed the court they would have been on Earth during the Reach invasion. The League's presence could have possibly swayed public opinion away from the Reach stopping the invasion. If they hadn't been successful they could have at least helped the team investigate and defeat the Reach before things got as bad as they did. Ultimately their moral stand didn't even matter because they weren't released because they were innocent but because the team convinced the judges letting them go would get them more bribes in the long run only increasing the scale of the corruption.
I do not think Richard Sherman's interview was bad. I think it was entertaining and more players should be like that. CMV
[Sherman's interview for context.]( Many people are up in arms and borderline disgusted that a player would act this way. I honestly don't see why it is a big deal. These people are paid to destroy each other on the field. Every other player gives the same boring interview after every game thanking coaches, god, players, etc. I find it way more entertaining that some guy stepped out of the norm. I personally believe that if you were offended by what he did, you take the NFL too seriously.
I do not think Richard Sherman's interview was bad. I think it was entertaining and more players should be like that. CMV. [Sherman's interview for context.]( Many people are up in arms and borderline disgusted that a player would act this way. I honestly don't see why it is a big deal. These people are paid to destroy each other on the field. Every other player gives the same boring interview after every game thanking coaches, god, players, etc. I find it way more entertaining that some guy stepped out of the norm. I personally believe that if you were offended by what he did, you take the NFL too seriously.
I believe unmuffled motorcycles should be banned from the streets. CMV.
* They are [aftermarket]( It is therefore the motorcycle owner's choice to [install]( it. All of the [2014]( model Harleys come with mufflers installed, sometimes even dual mufflers (like the SuperLow). * In my view they are just a way to say "look at me". They serve no other purpose. It is selfish to expose other people to excessive noise just because you think it is cool. * It will damage hearing. When I am a pedestrian and I hear one go by - one turned right behind me after I crossed a light - it hurts my ears. I'm sure if I had to hear that every day it would do some damage. (sarcasm) Maybe the owners have damaged their hearing such that their cycle sounds normal to them. (/sarcasm) Check out [slide five here, under non-occupational.]( CMV. Edit: My view isn't changed completely. I understand that loud pipes are one *extra* thing to get motorcyclists noticed by, but I think they still can use their horn if needed, and just try to be aware and avoid bad situations, especially since they are always loud (i.e. you don't need them on residential streets). Basically I think their obnoxious-ness is still too much. People make bad judgement calls all the time, even if they hear a motorcyclist around. They could still swing out of their lane without checking their blind spot. Also obligatory, wow front page of CMV! Edit 2: /u/Smiley_Black_Sheep changed my mind by giving a different take on the issue, and I gave a delta. Sure they're annoying, but banning is a bit extreme.
I believe unmuffled motorcycles should be banned from the streets. CMV. * They are [aftermarket]( It is therefore the motorcycle owner's choice to [install]( it. All of the [2014]( model Harleys come with mufflers installed, sometimes even dual mufflers (like the SuperLow). * In my view they are just a way to say "look at me". They serve no other purpose. It is selfish to expose other people to excessive noise just because you think it is cool. * It will damage hearing. When I am a pedestrian and I hear one go by - one turned right behind me after I crossed a light - it hurts my ears. I'm sure if I had to hear that every day it would do some damage. (sarcasm) Maybe the owners have damaged their hearing such that their cycle sounds normal to them. (/sarcasm) Check out [slide five here, under non-occupational.]( CMV. Edit: My view isn't changed completely. I understand that loud pipes are one *extra* thing to get motorcyclists noticed by, but I think they still can use their horn if needed, and just try to be aware and avoid bad situations, especially since they are always loud (i.e. you don't need them on residential streets). Basically I think their obnoxious-ness is still too much. People make bad judgement calls all the time, even if they hear a motorcyclist around. They could still swing out of their lane without checking their blind spot. Also obligatory, wow front page of CMV! Edit 2: /u/Smiley_Black_Sheep changed my mind by giving a different take on the issue, and I gave a delta. Sure they're annoying, but banning is a bit extreme.
I don't think the free market is a superior system. CMV
... from the limited amount of knowledge I have of it. I intend to research more about it but I love the discussions that come out of this subreddit so I thought I'd put it to you guys. It's my opinion right now that in order to prevent a market from becoming a total monopoly, open to the abuses which come from said position, regulations need to exist. In an ideal world we would have a creatively open-minded, patient, uncommonly rational and objective community of businesses that would play fair with each other *or* a similarly-minded government, but what we actually have is corporations and a government that are comprised of human beings. Quite frankly, I want the people who are in control of the market to be the ones that the rest of the country are capable of voting out. Free market economics gives complete power over to corporations and that's a concept that terrifies me. Educate me, my friends. I'm aware that I have a simplified view here so I'd welcome opinions from either side of this.
I don't think the free market is a superior system. CMV. ... from the limited amount of knowledge I have of it. I intend to research more about it but I love the discussions that come out of this subreddit so I thought I'd put it to you guys. It's my opinion right now that in order to prevent a market from becoming a total monopoly, open to the abuses which come from said position, regulations need to exist. In an ideal world we would have a creatively open-minded, patient, uncommonly rational and objective community of businesses that would play fair with each other *or* a similarly-minded government, but what we actually have is corporations and a government that are comprised of human beings. Quite frankly, I want the people who are in control of the market to be the ones that the rest of the country are capable of voting out. Free market economics gives complete power over to corporations and that's a concept that terrifies me. Educate me, my friends. I'm aware that I have a simplified view here so I'd welcome opinions from either side of this.
CMV: Everyone should drive an AWD
Pretty simple view, I see no reason why everyone shouldn't drive an all wheel drive vehicle day to day. Slight biases: I have a 1991 Subaru Legacy as my daily driver, have driven many different new vehicles in the past year, and I drive for 10 hours a day so I see a lot of things on the road. The increase in traction provided by an AWD is immesurably valuable. Driving in the rain constantly, hitting black ice, and on rare occasion driving in snow, under no normal driving circumstances has my car come close to losing control. My tires, even when bald, have refused to spin, except under an excessive ammount of throttle while on wet pavement. No RWD I've driven has come close to maintaining as much control in any circumstance as my AWD, running on technology 20+ years older. The only cons I see are lower gas milage and increased cost, but do not believe these are significant enough to negate the benefits. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Everyone should drive an AWD. Pretty simple view, I see no reason why everyone shouldn't drive an all wheel drive vehicle day to day. Slight biases: I have a 1991 Subaru Legacy as my daily driver, have driven many different new vehicles in the past year, and I drive for 10 hours a day so I see a lot of things on the road. The increase in traction provided by an AWD is immesurably valuable. Driving in the rain constantly, hitting black ice, and on rare occasion driving in snow, under no normal driving circumstances has my car come close to losing control. My tires, even when bald, have refused to spin, except under an excessive ammount of throttle while on wet pavement. No RWD I've driven has come close to maintaining as much control in any circumstance as my AWD, running on technology 20+ years older. The only cons I see are lower gas milage and increased cost, but do not believe these are significant enough to negate the benefits.
CMV: The axiom that "you need to be happy with yourself to be happy in a relationship" is questionable
All right, I don't have an elaborate initial argument prepared, just a few scattered thoughts about the topic. So often I'll read in advice threads on reddit or hear in casual conversation in real life that the reason a person can't find a relationship is because they're not happy with their lives, or similarly, even if a person can find a relationship, they'll never be happy in that relationship unless they could also be happy without the relationship. Then the speaker will go on to give generic life advice like working out, getting finances in order, or getting into hobbies that bring personal satisfaction. And while none of those things are bad pieces of advice, I just don't see how they're relevant to having *relationship* satisfaction, and I don't necessarily believe that it's a bad thing to rely on a relationship to bring you happiness. After all, relationships, both platonic and sexual, are things that humans naturally crave. We are social organisms. We depend on social belonging for our sense of well-being, and our sex drives push us to procreational activity regardless of what else is going on in our lives. In [Maslow's hierarchy of needs](, both friendship and sexual intimacy are listed on the third tier of the pyramid. While I understand Maslow's hierarchy isn't a completely accepted concept in psychology, I think it's at least a helpful model of human behavior. Saying "you can't find happiness with another person until you're happy in the rest of your life" seems as silly as saying "you can't find happiness in urinating unless you're happy with the rest of your life" or "you can't be happy with friends unless you're happy with other aspects of your life". Urinating and having friends are just two more things that humans need to do to be happy, and even if all else has gone to shit, urinating when you need to urinate and hanging out with friends when you're lonely will bring you some happiness and comfort even if it's short-lived. Why shouldn't it be the same with the pursuit of romantic relationships? CMV _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: The axiom that "you need to be happy with yourself to be happy in a relationship" is questionable. All right, I don't have an elaborate initial argument prepared, just a few scattered thoughts about the topic. So often I'll read in advice threads on reddit or hear in casual conversation in real life that the reason a person can't find a relationship is because they're not happy with their lives, or similarly, even if a person can find a relationship, they'll never be happy in that relationship unless they could also be happy without the relationship. Then the speaker will go on to give generic life advice like working out, getting finances in order, or getting into hobbies that bring personal satisfaction. And while none of those things are bad pieces of advice, I just don't see how they're relevant to having *relationship* satisfaction, and I don't necessarily believe that it's a bad thing to rely on a relationship to bring you happiness. After all, relationships, both platonic and sexual, are things that humans naturally crave. We are social organisms. We depend on social belonging for our sense of well-being, and our sex drives push us to procreational activity regardless of what else is going on in our lives. In [Maslow's hierarchy of needs](, both friendship and sexual intimacy are listed on the third tier of the pyramid. While I understand Maslow's hierarchy isn't a completely accepted concept in psychology, I think it's at least a helpful model of human behavior. Saying "you can't find happiness with another person until you're happy in the rest of your life" seems as silly as saying "you can't find happiness in urinating unless you're happy with the rest of your life" or "you can't be happy with friends unless you're happy with other aspects of your life". Urinating and having friends are just two more things that humans need to do to be happy, and even if all else has gone to shit, urinating when you need to urinate and hanging out with friends when you're lonely will bring you some happiness and comfort even if it's short-lived. Why shouldn't it be the same with the pursuit of romantic relationships? CMV
CMV: AGOT characters aren't as morally ambiguous as some make them out to be.
I'm making the argument that characters from HBO's Game of Thrones aren't as morally ambiguous as some people make out to be. And that saying so is false praise. I believe characters that can be described as pure evil exist, but this doesn't mean the show is any less unrealistic. I also take the show to be fairly black, and white in certain conflicts, and events that happen in the show. Despite this view, I'm not making the argument that the show is unrealistic. The reason I want my view to be challenge is because I believe it will evoke a good discussion on one of my favourite TV shows of all time. I also believe that's it is possible my view might be wrong. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: AGOT characters aren't as morally ambiguous as some make them out to be. I'm making the argument that characters from HBO's Game of Thrones aren't as morally ambiguous as some people make out to be. And that saying so is false praise. I believe characters that can be described as pure evil exist, but this doesn't mean the show is any less unrealistic. I also take the show to be fairly black, and white in certain conflicts, and events that happen in the show. Despite this view, I'm not making the argument that the show is unrealistic. The reason I want my view to be challenge is because I believe it will evoke a good discussion on one of my favourite TV shows of all time. I also believe that's it is possible my view might be wrong.
CMV: If protesters form a human blockade stopping you from getting to work or class or something else important, you should legally be able to physically push them out of your way by any means necessary.
I see some absolutely stupid protests lately on campuses and on roads where the protesters stand linked in a human chain and block highways and high traffic areas on. (two examples) You can protest however you want, but I believe if it impedes on someones ability to roam free to their destination, and that person asks politely for the other person to move, that they should be able to push them out of the way and/or continue driving forward until they either move out of the way or get run over. I understand the laws protecting pedestrians from being run over, but it seems like in these circumstances where they are purposely blocking people there should be an exception in the law. Edit: I'd like to add that if you try and make it through their blockade, you will be met with violence, and therefore you simply being violent in return to make your way through could be seen as self defense. Also, I agreed with some points made below that the police should deal with it instead of individuals. However, I still am skeptical to how likely the police are to actually do this. I would like to see a relatively simple way that the protesters can be held accountable for infringing obnoxiously in other (innocent) peoples lives. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: If protesters form a human blockade stopping you from getting to work or class or something else important, you should legally be able to physically push them out of your way by any means necessary. I see some absolutely stupid protests lately on campuses and on roads where the protesters stand linked in a human chain and block highways and high traffic areas on. (two examples) You can protest however you want, but I believe if it impedes on someones ability to roam free to their destination, and that person asks politely for the other person to move, that they should be able to push them out of the way and/or continue driving forward until they either move out of the way or get run over. I understand the laws protecting pedestrians from being run over, but it seems like in these circumstances where they are purposely blocking people there should be an exception in the law. Edit: I'd like to add that if you try and make it through their blockade, you will be met with violence, and therefore you simply being violent in return to make your way through could be seen as self defense. Also, I agreed with some points made below that the police should deal with it instead of individuals. However, I still am skeptical to how likely the police are to actually do this. I would like to see a relatively simple way that the protesters can be held accountable for infringing obnoxiously in other (innocent) peoples lives.
CMV: Mexico will in some way or another, pay for the proposed wall.
Although they won't pay outright (now at least) for the wall they will pay for it through some shady economic relation changes between the two countries. There are several options I think the US might consider ranging from reasonable to clutching at straws. - Increase import tax on Mexican produce. - Cancel trade agreements - Revoke the 1944 United States-Mexico Treaty for Utilization of Water of the Rio Grande. Claim prior appropriation and disrupt Mexico's water supply. Mexico would be unable to maintain agricultural practice resulting in less produce available for trading. However America tackles it you can be sure that Mexico will make a loss to the tune of the wall's cost. On that note, Trump is looking pretty hardcore since he took office, I wouldn't be surprised if he went further out of spite. In summary: Mexico will find themselves with a deficit the size of the cost of the wall. Edit: I don't mean Mexico will literally shell out the cash for the wall, I'm saying that through some economic mechanisms Mexico will lose out on the cost of the wall and the US will probably be reimbursed for the wall's construction in some way or another. Edit: I'm not suggesting I know the mechanisms the US would use only that there are options out there. Edit: Not a Trump supporter. Edit: Ok, for sake of argument say that they can't recoup the entire amount why does that mean the US couldn't possibly find mechanisms to recoup at least some of it. I might be misinterpreting comments but the general theme seems to be that not even the US government can come up with a mechanism to recoup some of the costs indirectly. I get that I'm not offering great examples but surely it's not far fetched to say the US government's economists can do what they do best. Edit: [BBC article with some ideas on how they'd recoup the money]( Edit: Ok, I'd like to rephrase my topic. "Mexico will in some way or another pay some of the money America spends on the wall". EDIT: Seriously guys, I'm not a Trump supporter. Not even American. Edit: I'm not saying I have faith in what Trump said, I have faith in the team of specialists charged with figuring it out.
CMV: Mexico will in some way or another, pay for the proposed wall. Although they won't pay outright (now at least) for the wall they will pay for it through some shady economic relation changes between the two countries. There are several options I think the US might consider ranging from reasonable to clutching at straws. - Increase import tax on Mexican produce. - Cancel trade agreements - Revoke the 1944 United States-Mexico Treaty for Utilization of Water of the Rio Grande. Claim prior appropriation and disrupt Mexico's water supply. Mexico would be unable to maintain agricultural practice resulting in less produce available for trading. However America tackles it you can be sure that Mexico will make a loss to the tune of the wall's cost. On that note, Trump is looking pretty hardcore since he took office, I wouldn't be surprised if he went further out of spite. In summary: Mexico will find themselves with a deficit the size of the cost of the wall. Edit: I don't mean Mexico will literally shell out the cash for the wall, I'm saying that through some economic mechanisms Mexico will lose out on the cost of the wall and the US will probably be reimbursed for the wall's construction in some way or another. Edit: I'm not suggesting I know the mechanisms the US would use only that there are options out there. Edit: Not a Trump supporter. Edit: Ok, for sake of argument say that they can't recoup the entire amount why does that mean the US couldn't possibly find mechanisms to recoup at least some of it. I might be misinterpreting comments but the general theme seems to be that not even the US government can come up with a mechanism to recoup some of the costs indirectly. I get that I'm not offering great examples but surely it's not far fetched to say the US government's economists can do what they do best. Edit: [BBC article with some ideas on how they'd recoup the money]( Edit: Ok, I'd like to rephrase my topic. "Mexico will in some way or another pay some of the money America spends on the wall". EDIT: Seriously guys, I'm not a Trump supporter. Not even American. Edit: I'm not saying I have faith in what Trump said, I have faith in the team of specialists charged with figuring it out.
CMV: Reddit's voting system works better as it's commonly used (agree/disagree) in many cases than their original intended use (relevance to discussion)
A lot of subreddits like TIL, science, eli5 etc. Provide a platform for learning. I see little benefit to comments being near the top that provide incorrect information just because they're on topic. One could argue that you could just not vote for those at all, and only vote for those that are on topic and accurately informative, however users are given an incentive to not BS and remember to fact check by not wanting to be downvoted. Because of situations like these, **it's my opinion that subreddits should be able to decide the purpose of the voting system individually in their own rules, vs a site wide definition.**
CMV: Reddit's voting system works better as it's commonly used (agree/disagree) in many cases than their original intended use (relevance to discussion). A lot of subreddits like TIL, science, eli5 etc. Provide a platform for learning. I see little benefit to comments being near the top that provide incorrect information just because they're on topic. One could argue that you could just not vote for those at all, and only vote for those that are on topic and accurately informative, however users are given an incentive to not BS and remember to fact check by not wanting to be downvoted. Because of situations like these, **it's my opinion that subreddits should be able to decide the purpose of the voting system individually in their own rules, vs a site wide definition.**
CMV: I believe there is no such thing as 'moral.'
Moral is a word that gets thrown around a lot, yet I believe it is actually an empty concept. There is no such thing as 'moral', as there is no right and wrong, and what we think is 'moral' is actually just a social contract. Here is one classic example: murder. It is punishable by death in many places, because taking another person's life is believed to be wrong and immoral. But then, isn't the death sentence just another murder? Why is it not wrong? If it's because the murder 'corrects' another murder, then would I be justified in taking revenge on someone who murders my beloved? And let's forget about petty homicides; let's talk about war - murder in the toll of millions. Humankind wants to punish a murderer by death, yet continues to wage wars like there is no moral repercussion for it. Another example: many people believe that inequality is 'wrong', and some people should not have as much money as they do. But who decides so, and who can determine how much money one should have? If I work hard and work smart enough to earn my money, why can't I have it? If I have enough cunning and manipulation to hoard resource for myself, who's to say that I can't? Murder and inequality are naturally occurring phenomenons. Some people argue that just because it's natural doesn't mean it's moral and justifiable. The exact same argument has been used against homosexuality for ages. Now, our argument is that 'because it's natural, it must be accepted.' As an LGBT person, I never feel that my sexuality is wrong or right, it just is. The fact that it's more accepted now is a reflection of society's economic and political progress rather than because it's 'right.' I think that what we call 'moral' is a huge misnomer; 'moral' is just a social contract we agree upon for the sake of ourselves and our society, rather than intrinsic right and wrong. CMV? > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: I believe there is no such thing as 'moral.'. Moral is a word that gets thrown around a lot, yet I believe it is actually an empty concept. There is no such thing as 'moral', as there is no right and wrong, and what we think is 'moral' is actually just a social contract. Here is one classic example: murder. It is punishable by death in many places, because taking another person's life is believed to be wrong and immoral. But then, isn't the death sentence just another murder? Why is it not wrong? If it's because the murder 'corrects' another murder, then would I be justified in taking revenge on someone who murders my beloved? And let's forget about petty homicides; let's talk about war - murder in the toll of millions. Humankind wants to punish a murderer by death, yet continues to wage wars like there is no moral repercussion for it. Another example: many people believe that inequality is 'wrong', and some people should not have as much money as they do. But who decides so, and who can determine how much money one should have? If I work hard and work smart enough to earn my money, why can't I have it? If I have enough cunning and manipulation to hoard resource for myself, who's to say that I can't? Murder and inequality are naturally occurring phenomenons. Some people argue that just because it's natural doesn't mean it's moral and justifiable. The exact same argument has been used against homosexuality for ages. Now, our argument is that 'because it's natural, it must be accepted.' As an LGBT person, I never feel that my sexuality is wrong or right, it just is. The fact that it's more accepted now is a reflection of society's economic and political progress rather than because it's 'right.' I think that what we call 'moral' is a huge misnomer; 'moral' is just a social contract we agree upon for the sake of ourselves and our society, rather than intrinsic right and wrong. CMV? > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Betsy DeVos is not qualified to serve as the US Education Secretary
She has ~~not attended public school~~ not attended/no knowledge of the public education system, for which managing is one of the largest responsibilities of the Education Secretary/Department of Education. As demonstrated in her Senate hearing, she does not know the difference between proficiency and growth, one of the most eminent controversies in standardized testing today. At the hearing, she also declined to state that she supports equal accountability of results for private schools to public schools. A lack of accountability would leave private schools able to progress students through the education system without preparing them properly or by teaching them biased material. She has ~~no prior education~~ almost no prior *public* education (thanks /u/stargazerAMDG) managerial experience. I want to have an actual conversation with someone who understands the other side of this argument in light of her confirmation. Please help convince me that this confirmation is not horrible for our education system and America's children.
CMV: Betsy DeVos is not qualified to serve as the US Education Secretary. She has ~~not attended public school~~ not attended/no knowledge of the public education system, for which managing is one of the largest responsibilities of the Education Secretary/Department of Education. As demonstrated in her Senate hearing, she does not know the difference between proficiency and growth, one of the most eminent controversies in standardized testing today. At the hearing, she also declined to state that she supports equal accountability of results for private schools to public schools. A lack of accountability would leave private schools able to progress students through the education system without preparing them properly or by teaching them biased material. She has ~~no prior education~~ almost no prior *public* education (thanks /u/stargazerAMDG) managerial experience. I want to have an actual conversation with someone who understands the other side of this argument in light of her confirmation. Please help convince me that this confirmation is not horrible for our education system and America's children.
I believe the joke "Once you go black, you're a single mom" isn't racist, it's accurate. CMV
Mainly because [3/4 of black kids are raised by single parents.]( In spite of being 1/8 of Americans, they make up 1/4 of single parents. I think anyone who calls racism on this is factually wrong, as facts are not racist. What's racist is ignoring a systemic cultural problem because it makes you feel uncomfortable. The first step in fixing a problem is recognizing it. Hell, maybe if we stop tiptoeing around the problems black people face, we can actually begin to fix them- pretending they don't exist sure haven't helped in the last 40 years... I post this because [SRS brigaded a comment]( and, well, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. CMV
I believe the joke "Once you go black, you're a single mom" isn't racist, it's accurate. CMV. Mainly because [3/4 of black kids are raised by single parents.]( In spite of being 1/8 of Americans, they make up 1/4 of single parents. I think anyone who calls racism on this is factually wrong, as facts are not racist. What's racist is ignoring a systemic cultural problem because it makes you feel uncomfortable. The first step in fixing a problem is recognizing it. Hell, maybe if we stop tiptoeing around the problems black people face, we can actually begin to fix them- pretending they don't exist sure haven't helped in the last 40 years... I post this because [SRS brigaded a comment]( and, well, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. CMV
The US is suffering institutional decay, much like Roman and Chinese empires did before their collapse. Justice is for sale. Extortion is routine (court settlements). Police powers are excessive. The legislature is corrupt. CMV
Every branch of government is in decline. Judiciary- It exists to answer important questions, and settlements and plea bargains don't do that. Often the best course of action for an innocent person is to lie and accept a lesser charge rather than go to trial. Encouraging people to lie is not what justice is supposed to do. And people who can afford better lawyers get better outcomes. Executive- Police are becoming militarized. SWAT teams do things that should be routine and nonviolent. The gulf between the populace and those who enforce the law has never been wider. Police training even uses cult tactics to break down the psyche of new recruits and rebuild them as Police. It's become Us vs. Them. Legislative- Senators and representatives take cash from lobbyists. They claim this does not affect their votes, but statistics says it does. Even if it only appeared to be corrupt, but actually wasn't, that would severely erode confidence in government and would require change. The truth is they tangle up the tax process because that gives them leverage, they support corporate interests the most because they pay the most, and they collude to ensure this situation does not change.
The US is suffering institutional decay, much like Roman and Chinese empires did before their collapse. Justice is for sale. Extortion is routine (court settlements). Police powers are excessive. The legislature is corrupt. CMV. Every branch of government is in decline. Judiciary- It exists to answer important questions, and settlements and plea bargains don't do that. Often the best course of action for an innocent person is to lie and accept a lesser charge rather than go to trial. Encouraging people to lie is not what justice is supposed to do. And people who can afford better lawyers get better outcomes. Executive- Police are becoming militarized. SWAT teams do things that should be routine and nonviolent. The gulf between the populace and those who enforce the law has never been wider. Police training even uses cult tactics to break down the psyche of new recruits and rebuild them as Police. It's become Us vs. Them. Legislative- Senators and representatives take cash from lobbyists. They claim this does not affect their votes, but statistics says it does. Even if it only appeared to be corrupt, but actually wasn't, that would severely erode confidence in government and would require change. The truth is they tangle up the tax process because that gives them leverage, they support corporate interests the most because they pay the most, and they collude to ensure this situation does not change.
CMV: i think all political positions should require a term limit (i'm in the US)
i've heard many people complain about old politicians that are toxic and need to be removed or others that just need to step down. but we can't and they won't. so why don't they have term limits for everything? shouldn't we have more of a revolving door of fresh new ideas instead of people that have been sitting there for as long as i've been alive?(hyperbole, i hope..). especially when a lot of things that are being talked about are the internet and video games, when these people don't even use email. they aren't qualified anymore, it's the same reason i don't sit on a panel on rocket science, i know jack shit about it. if i am missing something please let me know because i admit i am not the most well informed when it comes to politics but in any job, infinite job security seems like a bad idea. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than just downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: i think all political positions should require a term limit (i'm in the US). i've heard many people complain about old politicians that are toxic and need to be removed or others that just need to step down. but we can't and they won't. so why don't they have term limits for everything? shouldn't we have more of a revolving door of fresh new ideas instead of people that have been sitting there for as long as i've been alive?(hyperbole, i hope..). especially when a lot of things that are being talked about are the internet and video games, when these people don't even use email. they aren't qualified anymore, it's the same reason i don't sit on a panel on rocket science, i know jack shit about it. if i am missing something please let me know because i admit i am not the most well informed when it comes to politics but in any job, infinite job security seems like a bad idea.
I believe Yoko Ono is a crazy, talentless person with absolutely no artistic value present in her work. CMV.
That's about that. I've seen some of her presentations, and they mostly involve screaming or.... well, screaming is about all I've seen her do. I've seen some of her music videos and I don't believe her music is good at all. Namely, she would've not made it anywhere without Lennon. I've seen some of her "performance pieces", one of which involved she sitting still while someone cut off pieces of clothing. It was not very interesting. I've seen her in MoMa simulating an orgasm, it was not very interesting. I'm really really open to seeing something she did that would blow me away, I've done some searching but I was not able to find anything. CMV!
I believe Yoko Ono is a crazy, talentless person with absolutely no artistic value present in her work. CMV. That's about that. I've seen some of her presentations, and they mostly involve screaming or.... well, screaming is about all I've seen her do. I've seen some of her music videos and I don't believe her music is good at all. Namely, she would've not made it anywhere without Lennon. I've seen some of her "performance pieces", one of which involved she sitting still while someone cut off pieces of clothing. It was not very interesting. I've seen her in MoMa simulating an orgasm, it was not very interesting. I'm really really open to seeing something she did that would blow me away, I've done some searching but I was not able to find anything. CMV!
CMV: It's okay for kids to hear and say 'bad' words.
I mean they're just words. It's not like its dangerous for their health. If a 6-year old says "fuck" when she stubs her toe where's the harm? I understand not wanting kids to use slurs like "nigger" or "faggot", and it should be explained to them that slurs can be very hurtful to other's feelings, but otherwise I don't see any problem with it. They're gonna start using those words eventually anyway, why censor it when they're young? It makes no sense to me. I work in childcare, and I scold kids for saying those words because I have to in order to keep my job, but how is a kid saying "shit" any different than an adult saying it? _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: It's okay for kids to hear and say 'bad' words. I mean they're just words. It's not like its dangerous for their health. If a 6-year old says "fuck" when she stubs her toe where's the harm? I understand not wanting kids to use slurs like "nigger" or "faggot", and it should be explained to them that slurs can be very hurtful to other's feelings, but otherwise I don't see any problem with it. They're gonna start using those words eventually anyway, why censor it when they're young? It makes no sense to me. I work in childcare, and I scold kids for saying those words because I have to in order to keep my job, but how is a kid saying "shit" any different than an adult saying it?
CMV: I don't think my school newspaper should use gender nonbinary pronouns.
This is something that came up a bit last year, and I'm fairly neutral on the issue. My view could really be one way or the other, but my gut instinct is what the title of my CMV says. I agree that gender isn't a binary and is more of a spectrum. That's what the evidence seems to support and it makes sense. But the idea of using nonbinary pronouns in journalism is something I'm not sure about. I think the core thing is that it seems unprofessional and will confuse readers. Ze/zir sounds like some alien language. It detracts from a piece of journalism by introducing novel words that the reader might not be familiar with. I think eventually this change will happen, I'm just hesitant with the implications of actualizing the change in this instance. Change my view?
CMV: I don't think my school newspaper should use gender nonbinary pronouns. This is something that came up a bit last year, and I'm fairly neutral on the issue. My view could really be one way or the other, but my gut instinct is what the title of my CMV says. I agree that gender isn't a binary and is more of a spectrum. That's what the evidence seems to support and it makes sense. But the idea of using nonbinary pronouns in journalism is something I'm not sure about. I think the core thing is that it seems unprofessional and will confuse readers. Ze/zir sounds like some alien language. It detracts from a piece of journalism by introducing novel words that the reader might not be familiar with. I think eventually this change will happen, I'm just hesitant with the implications of actualizing the change in this instance. Change my view?
I believe glamour models and fashion magazines do not celebrate women or their freedoms, just objectify them further. CMV.
I believe women themselves are often obstacles in female empowerment. While the feminist movements around the world work hard to correct traditional perceptions for the sake of equal rights, a high % of rich, successful women **in the public eye** (correct me if I'm wrong) are rich and successful only based on their looks - I'm talking about models and female actors here. Well, *only based on their looks* is a bit harsh, but read on. They are inspiration and aspiration to women around the world, and the message they convey (as I see it) is that good looks, getting photographed in bikinis, having a Vogue/Cosmo/Whatever photoshoot, are the ways to be successful. So many glamour models seem to exist for the sole purpose of men jacking off to their pictures and videos. I don't see how their jobs celebrate women, or women's rights. I have the same problem with 'risque' photoshoots of models and top female actors. What's the point here? Are you acting? No. Are you showcasing how great your boobs/legs look when you lean over at the camera and a guy later sits at his computer and photoshops everything? Yes. What is the point again? That women feel empowered and more confident about their place in society? Of course, I realize its not their sworn duty to represent womanhood in everything they do. I don't expect that. But my view is that such things move in the opposite direction of further objectification. I fully realize this may not be a rational view, so I am looking forward to having my view changed!
I believe glamour models and fashion magazines do not celebrate women or their freedoms, just objectify them further. CMV. I believe women themselves are often obstacles in female empowerment. While the feminist movements around the world work hard to correct traditional perceptions for the sake of equal rights, a high % of rich, successful women **in the public eye** (correct me if I'm wrong) are rich and successful only based on their looks - I'm talking about models and female actors here. Well, *only based on their looks* is a bit harsh, but read on. They are inspiration and aspiration to women around the world, and the message they convey (as I see it) is that good looks, getting photographed in bikinis, having a Vogue/Cosmo/Whatever photoshoot, are the ways to be successful. So many glamour models seem to exist for the sole purpose of men jacking off to their pictures and videos. I don't see how their jobs celebrate women, or women's rights. I have the same problem with 'risque' photoshoots of models and top female actors. What's the point here? Are you acting? No. Are you showcasing how great your boobs/legs look when you lean over at the camera and a guy later sits at his computer and photoshops everything? Yes. What is the point again? That women feel empowered and more confident about their place in society? Of course, I realize its not their sworn duty to represent womanhood in everything they do. I don't expect that. But my view is that such things move in the opposite direction of further objectification. I fully realize this may not be a rational view, so I am looking forward to having my view changed!
I would kill 1 person to save 2. CMV
Assume that the only consequence of killing this one person will be that the other 2 are able to live. Essentially, destroying this one person's life is the means to save the other 2 people. Also, you are the only person who is able to perform this act. All of these three people are not expected to die any time soon and are not suicidal. You can assume they are men of means or not, I personally don't think it matters and that 1 powerful life is never more important than two squalid lives. If you want to debate about that though, go ahead. I would kill 1 to save 2 because, although I feel it is my duty not to murder people, I feel compelled to kill in this case because it saves more people edit: assume you don't know much about the three people, and are therefore not responsible for any indirect consequences such as causing more deaths or failing to save more people if you choose to kill the 1 man.
I would kill 1 person to save 2. CMV. Assume that the only consequence of killing this one person will be that the other 2 are able to live. Essentially, destroying this one person's life is the means to save the other 2 people. Also, you are the only person who is able to perform this act. All of these three people are not expected to die any time soon and are not suicidal. You can assume they are men of means or not, I personally don't think it matters and that 1 powerful life is never more important than two squalid lives. If you want to debate about that though, go ahead. I would kill 1 to save 2 because, although I feel it is my duty not to murder people, I feel compelled to kill in this case because it saves more people edit: assume you don't know much about the three people, and are therefore not responsible for any indirect consequences such as causing more deaths or failing to save more people if you choose to kill the 1 man.
CMV: I feel that working as a 'Camgirl' or 'Camguy' is a very shortsighted decision as if it comes to light while you're trying to apply for further careers it could be a ticking timebomb.
I've seen a lot of horror stories in the past and last week it came to fruition when my boss make the call not to go ahead with hiring a really promising candidate because it was very easily traceable to a tumblr page that she took donations for cam work and private snaps. As this is a PR/visible position it's a vulnerability he wasn't willing to take a chance on and I actually see myself agreeing with that as those personal values she hold does not reflect well on our own. The role in question was for £52,500 in the UK in case anyone is wondering that's an above average salary for London. The position itself also had % OTEs associated with (In which I myself make 30-40% of my base salary on per month) and I can't see why someone who is ambitious would want to do such a thing. I can understand that there's some thrill from showing yourself off, or perhaps that it feels liberating, but while so many people are of the mindset 'Fuck you I'll do what I want!' isn't it terrible shortsighted? ------ In my own opinion just to add I'm not exactly adverse to that sort of work but then I personally wouldn't be interested in having a relationship with the person as I don't particularly respect those who rely on such means to get by. I have a few friends who instead of swallowing their pride and working minimum wage or asking their parents to help, some of which are actually quite affluent, they perform this work (or sometimes escorting). Just adding that I'm British and that we have a basic welfare support that's easy to access for young people. While not an amazing amount of survived for 8 months on it and still managed to maintain a social life while trying to find work. (£242 a month for food/etc and housing allowance of £1200.00 a month).
CMV: I feel that working as a 'Camgirl' or 'Camguy' is a very shortsighted decision as if it comes to light while you're trying to apply for further careers it could be a ticking timebomb. I've seen a lot of horror stories in the past and last week it came to fruition when my boss make the call not to go ahead with hiring a really promising candidate because it was very easily traceable to a tumblr page that she took donations for cam work and private snaps. As this is a PR/visible position it's a vulnerability he wasn't willing to take a chance on and I actually see myself agreeing with that as those personal values she hold does not reflect well on our own. The role in question was for £52,500 in the UK in case anyone is wondering that's an above average salary for London. The position itself also had % OTEs associated with (In which I myself make 30-40% of my base salary on per month) and I can't see why someone who is ambitious would want to do such a thing. I can understand that there's some thrill from showing yourself off, or perhaps that it feels liberating, but while so many people are of the mindset 'Fuck you I'll do what I want!' isn't it terrible shortsighted? ------ In my own opinion just to add I'm not exactly adverse to that sort of work but then I personally wouldn't be interested in having a relationship with the person as I don't particularly respect those who rely on such means to get by. I have a few friends who instead of swallowing their pride and working minimum wage or asking their parents to help, some of which are actually quite affluent, they perform this work (or sometimes escorting). Just adding that I'm British and that we have a basic welfare support that's easy to access for young people. While not an amazing amount of survived for 8 months on it and still managed to maintain a social life while trying to find work. (£242 a month for food/etc and housing allowance of £1200.00 a month).
CMV: A scenario in which a person is forced to stand is more unjust than one in which a person is forced to sit
Consider the below scenario. Two heroes, a man and a woman, are held captive by a James Bond-style villain. In his mania, the villain reveals the diabolical injustice he intends to commit against our heroes: the woman must remain forever seated, while the man must remain forever standing. Both are kept in place at gunpoint. You are the heroes' plucky sidekick who has infiltrated the villain's mountain lair through an intricate air ventilation system. After disabling the villain's guards and dropping "Sorry, just blew in" as a witty comeback to the inevitable "What took you so long", you have to save our heroes. Who do you save first? **My view**: it is more ethical to prioritise the rescue of the man (the stander) by helping him to sit down. Only after you have done that would it be right for you to assist the woman (the sitter) to get up from her chair. **Reasoning**: the man has endured the greater injustice because standing is an inherently more stressful task than sitting. I believe that, ethically, the person who has been under the greater stress for longer should be relieved first. This is the most just course. To change my view, you will need to convince me that either: (1) standing is not more stressful than sitting; (2) the stressfulness of a task is not the main factor in determining whether it would be unjust or unethical to force a person to do it forever; or (3) relieving the seated person (who is under less stress) first is the preferred (that is, more ethical and/or just) course. **EDIT** Totally accept that I have framed the scenario in a way that invites literal considerations, such as medical concerns etc. However, I invite someone to take a more abstract tack and consider whether forcing someone to commit a positive act is a greater injustice than preventing them from committing a positive act (the positive act in this case being the act of standing up). I believe it is, and I'd welcome someone changing my view. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: A scenario in which a person is forced to stand is more unjust than one in which a person is forced to sit. Consider the below scenario. Two heroes, a man and a woman, are held captive by a James Bond-style villain. In his mania, the villain reveals the diabolical injustice he intends to commit against our heroes: the woman must remain forever seated, while the man must remain forever standing. Both are kept in place at gunpoint. You are the heroes' plucky sidekick who has infiltrated the villain's mountain lair through an intricate air ventilation system. After disabling the villain's guards and dropping "Sorry, just blew in" as a witty comeback to the inevitable "What took you so long", you have to save our heroes. Who do you save first? **My view**: it is more ethical to prioritise the rescue of the man (the stander) by helping him to sit down. Only after you have done that would it be right for you to assist the woman (the sitter) to get up from her chair. **Reasoning**: the man has endured the greater injustice because standing is an inherently more stressful task than sitting. I believe that, ethically, the person who has been under the greater stress for longer should be relieved first. This is the most just course. To change my view, you will need to convince me that either: (1) standing is not more stressful than sitting; (2) the stressfulness of a task is not the main factor in determining whether it would be unjust or unethical to force a person to do it forever; or (3) relieving the seated person (who is under less stress) first is the preferred (that is, more ethical and/or just) course. **EDIT** Totally accept that I have framed the scenario in a way that invites literal considerations, such as medical concerns etc. However, I invite someone to take a more abstract tack and consider whether forcing someone to commit a positive act is a greater injustice than preventing them from committing a positive act (the positive act in this case being the act of standing up). I believe it is, and I'd welcome someone changing my view.
CMV: People should do everything they can to not work for small ma and pa stores.
So it is my view that people should do everything in their power to not work for small family owned businesses, and instead work for large corporations, and of they have to work in the small store they should always look for an opertunity at a chain. This view came mostly from the diffrences I found between me working for a certain Canadian coffee shop, while my best friend got a job at a small family owned party store downtown. Within the first month of us both being employed I started to notice diffrences. I always got paid, direct deposit on time every two weeks. My friend (lets call her Tina) had to hound her employer for the check, and often had to hear a sob story about the owners financial woes and told she had to wait a week or so. When I got my shifts they were laid out two weeks in advanve and fit to my needs. Tina got called in whenever the owner didn't feel like working, and the owner would often make tina leave her shifts early uf the owner randomly felt like working and getting paid more instead. If I ever have a complaint about my manager there are forms and a straight chain of command that I am free to contact if I have any issues. Tina had no one to talk to when the owner acted rudly or didn't pay her, her options were deal with it or leave. For all of these reasons I feel that working for a small store is a horrible choice, and even ever small owner is as bad as Tinas boss, the lack of structure seems to allow these things to happen. If there is something I'm missing please CMV. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: People should do everything they can to not work for small ma and pa stores. So it is my view that people should do everything in their power to not work for small family owned businesses, and instead work for large corporations, and of they have to work in the small store they should always look for an opertunity at a chain. This view came mostly from the diffrences I found between me working for a certain Canadian coffee shop, while my best friend got a job at a small family owned party store downtown. Within the first month of us both being employed I started to notice diffrences. I always got paid, direct deposit on time every two weeks. My friend (lets call her Tina) had to hound her employer for the check, and often had to hear a sob story about the owners financial woes and told she had to wait a week or so. When I got my shifts they were laid out two weeks in advanve and fit to my needs. Tina got called in whenever the owner didn't feel like working, and the owner would often make tina leave her shifts early uf the owner randomly felt like working and getting paid more instead. If I ever have a complaint about my manager there are forms and a straight chain of command that I am free to contact if I have any issues. Tina had no one to talk to when the owner acted rudly or didn't pay her, her options were deal with it or leave. For all of these reasons I feel that working for a small store is a horrible choice, and even ever small owner is as bad as Tinas boss, the lack of structure seems to allow these things to happen. If there is something I'm missing please CMV.
I believe that some art is objectively better than others and that the phrase "all art is subjective" only goes so far CMV
Now while some might take this in the most radical direction and say that a splotch of paint on a canvas can't be held as equal to the Sistine Chapel (and I do agree with that), I think that's more or less judging a fish for it's ability to climb a tree. Instead, I believe that art must be judged by two criteria: 1. What was it attempting to do? 2. Did it succeed in doing that? Now there's plenty of room for squabbling the details (what if a piece of art succeeds wildly in a category it wasn't aiming for?) the general idea is fairly well applicable, and the difference between "good" and "bad" becomes more clear when there are more examples to compare to. Take someone learning to play the violin, for example. If a newcomer were to rake the bow across the strings in an awkward attempt at *'Ode to Joy'*, I do not believe their attempt can be considered as "equal" to that of a virtuoso. I believe that one's performance is objectively better than the other. I believe this can be applied very well in structured forms of art. An episode of a television series, for example, provides a very clear image of a "good episode" and a "bad episode" and while there's obviously a lot of room for personal taste there are some things that can be near-universally understood as "bad acting", "bad writing", or "bad cinematography".
I believe that some art is objectively better than others and that the phrase "all art is subjective" only goes so far CMV. Now while some might take this in the most radical direction and say that a splotch of paint on a canvas can't be held as equal to the Sistine Chapel (and I do agree with that), I think that's more or less judging a fish for it's ability to climb a tree. Instead, I believe that art must be judged by two criteria: 1. What was it attempting to do? 2. Did it succeed in doing that? Now there's plenty of room for squabbling the details (what if a piece of art succeeds wildly in a category it wasn't aiming for?) the general idea is fairly well applicable, and the difference between "good" and "bad" becomes more clear when there are more examples to compare to. Take someone learning to play the violin, for example. If a newcomer were to rake the bow across the strings in an awkward attempt at *'Ode to Joy'*, I do not believe their attempt can be considered as "equal" to that of a virtuoso. I believe that one's performance is objectively better than the other. I believe this can be applied very well in structured forms of art. An episode of a television series, for example, provides a very clear image of a "good episode" and a "bad episode" and while there's obviously a lot of room for personal taste there are some things that can be near-universally understood as "bad acting", "bad writing", or "bad cinematography".
CMV: I believe we should be researching ways to change sexuality, aka cure homosexuality
_____ I believe if someone wants to be straight, and they don't want to be gay, it's ruining their life etc... then they should be able to change it. Probably no one straight is going to want to be gay, but they would be able to change their sexuality too. Maybe if a girl got raped by a man and she wanted to live with a woman instead. I would support genuine medical research to do this one day, and I think it's wrong to tell people to just accept it. I think research is being blocked by people who are just pushing their own agenda. Mainly, we should each have the right to change anything about ourselves that we don't like, be it plastic surgery on your nose, dieting or changing sexuality. **Edit:** some great replies, really making me think! I have a question for you, I put it in a reply but open to anyone, **Situation 1:** I fall emotionally in love with my best friend, who is a gay man. I don't find he is sexually attractive but I'd happily spend my life with him. Would you say, if it was medically possible, that I couldn't change my sexuality to match my emotional attraction to him? Do I have to leave this here: > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than just downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: I believe we should be researching ways to change sexuality, aka cure homosexuality. _____ I believe if someone wants to be straight, and they don't want to be gay, it's ruining their life etc... then they should be able to change it. Probably no one straight is going to want to be gay, but they would be able to change their sexuality too. Maybe if a girl got raped by a man and she wanted to live with a woman instead. I would support genuine medical research to do this one day, and I think it's wrong to tell people to just accept it. I think research is being blocked by people who are just pushing their own agenda. Mainly, we should each have the right to change anything about ourselves that we don't like, be it plastic surgery on your nose, dieting or changing sexuality. **Edit:** some great replies, really making me think! I have a question for you, I put it in a reply but open to anyone, **Situation 1:** I fall emotionally in love with my best friend, who is a gay man. I don't find he is sexually attractive but I'd happily spend my life with him. Would you say, if it was medically possible, that I couldn't change my sexuality to match my emotional attraction to him? Do I have to leave this here: > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than just downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
There is no good reason to get an Xbox One. CMV.
A friend of mine ordered an Xbox One. I tried to convince him that it's not a good choice. He didn't really have any counter arguments, he even literally said *"I'm a fanboy, I'm just getting one"*. I hope someone here can explain to me why the Xbox One is a good choice for a gamer. I don't think it is, because... **The past** There were good reasons to buy the Xbox 360. * Graphics/price: developers focused on the Xbox 360 while developing their games, so graphics were optimized for your console. And because of mass production, the Xbox 360 had great graphics compared to a PC with the same price. * Functional: playing games was easier on the Xbox 360 than on PC. No need to install the game or mess with the settings. You just put the disc into the console and the game *worked*. Easy. **The present** Eight years later, these advantages have disappeared. * The Xbox One doesn't have outstanding graphics or performance. You can buy a more powerful PC for the same price as an Xbox One. The PS4 has better hardware and is cheaper. Steam, Humble Bundle and other stores have caused the prices of PC games to be dramatically lower than they were in the past. I've bought multiple AAA games for 0,75€. I don't need to pay for "Steam Live Gold" to access multiplayer and other online services. **PC gaming is now cheaper than Xbox gaming**. * PC gaming is also a lot simpler now. Steam downloads and installs everything automatically. It's easy to restore your files to the default situation. You get all the things of Xbox Live (friends, achievements, etcetera) for free with Steam. It's simple to download mods using Steam Workshop. **Alternatives** If you *really* want a console instead of a normal PC, you can buy a PS4 instead of an Xbox. It has better hardware and a lower price. I don't think the price and specs of the Steambox have been announced but it's close to release as well. **What is the Xbox** AFAIK, the Xbox is a regular computer with software that prevents you from doing what you normally do with a PC and forces you to pay Microsoft money for multiplayer and other normally free online services. The software prevents you from playing with other gamers who don't use your software. You can't just buy regular games, you need to buy special Xbox games that are more expensive and include 'Microsoft tax'. I don't understand why you would choose to use this software voluntarily. **CMV** I own an Xbox 360. The benefits outweighed the disadvantages years ago. But I think they don't anymore. People seem to purchase an Xbox out of habit and 'fanboyism', not for rational reasons. If someone could explain to me why the Xbox One is a good choice for an adult gamer who is not interested in Kinect, that would **change my view**.
There is no good reason to get an Xbox One. CMV. A friend of mine ordered an Xbox One. I tried to convince him that it's not a good choice. He didn't really have any counter arguments, he even literally said *"I'm a fanboy, I'm just getting one"*. I hope someone here can explain to me why the Xbox One is a good choice for a gamer. I don't think it is, because... **The past** There were good reasons to buy the Xbox 360. * Graphics/price: developers focused on the Xbox 360 while developing their games, so graphics were optimized for your console. And because of mass production, the Xbox 360 had great graphics compared to a PC with the same price. * Functional: playing games was easier on the Xbox 360 than on PC. No need to install the game or mess with the settings. You just put the disc into the console and the game *worked*. Easy. **The present** Eight years later, these advantages have disappeared. * The Xbox One doesn't have outstanding graphics or performance. You can buy a more powerful PC for the same price as an Xbox One. The PS4 has better hardware and is cheaper. Steam, Humble Bundle and other stores have caused the prices of PC games to be dramatically lower than they were in the past. I've bought multiple AAA games for 0,75€. I don't need to pay for "Steam Live Gold" to access multiplayer and other online services. **PC gaming is now cheaper than Xbox gaming**. * PC gaming is also a lot simpler now. Steam downloads and installs everything automatically. It's easy to restore your files to the default situation. You get all the things of Xbox Live (friends, achievements, etcetera) for free with Steam. It's simple to download mods using Steam Workshop. **Alternatives** If you *really* want a console instead of a normal PC, you can buy a PS4 instead of an Xbox. It has better hardware and a lower price. I don't think the price and specs of the Steambox have been announced but it's close to release as well. **What is the Xbox** AFAIK, the Xbox is a regular computer with software that prevents you from doing what you normally do with a PC and forces you to pay Microsoft money for multiplayer and other normally free online services. The software prevents you from playing with other gamers who don't use your software. You can't just buy regular games, you need to buy special Xbox games that are more expensive and include 'Microsoft tax'. I don't understand why you would choose to use this software voluntarily. **CMV** I own an Xbox 360. The benefits outweighed the disadvantages years ago. But I think they don't anymore. People seem to purchase an Xbox out of habit and 'fanboyism', not for rational reasons. If someone could explain to me why the Xbox One is a good choice for an adult gamer who is not interested in Kinect, that would **change my view**.
CMV: Copyright Infringement is not unethical however attempts to curb it are.
I strongly believe that copyright infringement is not unethical and that attempts to stop it are ethical. I believe once you buy something you can do whatever you want with it whether that is just using it or giving it to someelse or copying it and posting it online. Therefor all attempts to stop it are violating the rights of a consumer who should be able to do with whatever they like with the product (obviously not claim it as their own) and is unethical. I also believe that calling it piracy and stealing is a way of dirtying it's name as it is clearly not either of those. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Copyright Infringement is not unethical however attempts to curb it are. I strongly believe that copyright infringement is not unethical and that attempts to stop it are ethical. I believe once you buy something you can do whatever you want with it whether that is just using it or giving it to someelse or copying it and posting it online. Therefor all attempts to stop it are violating the rights of a consumer who should be able to do with whatever they like with the product (obviously not claim it as their own) and is unethical. I also believe that calling it piracy and stealing is a way of dirtying it's name as it is clearly not either of those.
I believe the state of US politics is functionally broken today and by extension, people's votes do not matter. CMV
I would like to start off by saying that I do some basic research before all elections in order for me to vote for the person who I feel is most qualified for the position. However, I believe my vote has little real effect on the direction my country will move in, for some very simple reasons. 1. Accountability, or the lack thereof. During a campaign, politicians will promise you everything they think you want to hear (based on party lines). During primaries, you will get some differences in the extremes of the party so the candidates can differentiate themselves from one another. However, once the candidate is elected, they will fulfill little of their campaign promises, and even have been known to do the *opposite* of what they claimed before the election. In no way are they held accountable for these actions. Oh sure, you can always "not elect them" for the next term, but by then the damage is done, and they've already received significant benefits from their position, some of which they will carry for the rest of their life. 2. Lobbies. Everyone knows big corporations and special interest groups have lobbies that spend more money than is reasonable to insure that laws that support their interests are pushed through. Very few, if any, of these lobbies actual have the interest of the public in mind. Because of this, there is a large imbalance in their favor, leading to many laws being pushed through that actually go *against* the interests of the constituents of the politicians who put them through. And why do they go against their constituents? Because of lack of accountability, and millions of dollars of "donations" to their campaigns from said lobbies, ensuring they get reelected, regardless of their track record. 3. The two party system is broken. If you want to win a major election in this country, you need to be running under one of the two main parties. If you are not, you do not even get invited to debates. You are unable to raise anywhere near the same amount of money as your opponents, crippling your campaign in comparison. Even worse, you get less votes because, ironically, many people won't vote for you because they don't think you have a chance of winning. I can't count the number of times over the years I've heard someone say they love some third party candidate, but won't vote for them because they have no chance. As a result, we are left with two groups who do little more than spend their entire term trying to neutralize the effect their opponents have so they can have a better chance of getting reelected next term instead of actually trying to help out the people who elected them. There are other reasons, but these are the major points most of them stem from. So Reddit, do you think you can convince me the United States political system isn't irrevocably damaged, and that my vote will make some difference? I want to believe my country can be fixed, but more and more it looks as if things are only going to continue to get worse unless we completely restructure the country from the ground up.
I believe the state of US politics is functionally broken today and by extension, people's votes do not matter. CMV. I would like to start off by saying that I do some basic research before all elections in order for me to vote for the person who I feel is most qualified for the position. However, I believe my vote has little real effect on the direction my country will move in, for some very simple reasons. 1. Accountability, or the lack thereof. During a campaign, politicians will promise you everything they think you want to hear (based on party lines). During primaries, you will get some differences in the extremes of the party so the candidates can differentiate themselves from one another. However, once the candidate is elected, they will fulfill little of their campaign promises, and even have been known to do the *opposite* of what they claimed before the election. In no way are they held accountable for these actions. Oh sure, you can always "not elect them" for the next term, but by then the damage is done, and they've already received significant benefits from their position, some of which they will carry for the rest of their life. 2. Lobbies. Everyone knows big corporations and special interest groups have lobbies that spend more money than is reasonable to insure that laws that support their interests are pushed through. Very few, if any, of these lobbies actual have the interest of the public in mind. Because of this, there is a large imbalance in their favor, leading to many laws being pushed through that actually go *against* the interests of the constituents of the politicians who put them through. And why do they go against their constituents? Because of lack of accountability, and millions of dollars of "donations" to their campaigns from said lobbies, ensuring they get reelected, regardless of their track record. 3. The two party system is broken. If you want to win a major election in this country, you need to be running under one of the two main parties. If you are not, you do not even get invited to debates. You are unable to raise anywhere near the same amount of money as your opponents, crippling your campaign in comparison. Even worse, you get less votes because, ironically, many people won't vote for you because they don't think you have a chance of winning. I can't count the number of times over the years I've heard someone say they love some third party candidate, but won't vote for them because they have no chance. As a result, we are left with two groups who do little more than spend their entire term trying to neutralize the effect their opponents have so they can have a better chance of getting reelected next term instead of actually trying to help out the people who elected them. There are other reasons, but these are the major points most of them stem from. So Reddit, do you think you can convince me the United States political system isn't irrevocably damaged, and that my vote will make some difference? I want to believe my country can be fixed, but more and more it looks as if things are only going to continue to get worse unless we completely restructure the country from the ground up.
CMV: Demographics Favor Women in Dating
In countries like China and India, we know men vastly outnumber women because of selective abortion, but even in the United States (the scope of my CMV), single men outnumber single women throughout the prime of a person's life. In [Jonathan Soma's maps of singles in the United States](, for the 25-34 age range (the age I'm looking in) in cities with a population of 500,000 or more, not a single city shows up as pink (meaning a surfeit of single women in that age)—with **all** showing a surfeit of single men. For example, in the St. Louis metro area, the map indicates "53 unmatched men" for every 1000 singles; cities on the West Coast have an even larger surplus of men. What this means is women can afford to be choosy; if a woman is at least average looking, she will have options, and the men will come to her if she gets out of the house or signs up for a dating site. For men, especially if you're not blessed with a naturally charismatic personality or the best looks, getting noticed by women takes conscious, sustained work. Going out somewhere? There are almost more men than women milling about. Not the smoothest talker? Some other guy is always willing to butt in (and yes, if you haven't gone out to a bar on a Friday night, they'll literally just butt in sometimes) with just the right banter. Want to try a street festival or something? The women are being chaperoned around by their boyfriend/fiancé/brother (?)/whatever. For men, it seems like the formula is something like great personality (by which I mean gregarious, charming, outgoing), well connected with lots of friends and acquaintances, at least average looking or more, financially stable, etc. Basically a long list of requirements to get noticed. For women, for better or worse, it's mostly looks—a lot of guys will still date a woman even if she's not very bright or if she's dirt poor. My view is that demographics force men to be this sort of best-at-everything (or as close as they can get) to have a satisfactory romantic life and have an advantage over the competition. Women can do less and get dates, sex, relationships, etc. Here are some arguments I anticipate: * Anything relating to the non-heterosexual singles scene. I consider this out of scope for this CMV. * The fear of rape or sexual assault women face. These are risks women certainly face to a much higher degree than women, but men do face the risk of fights and assault from other men (I have been attacked at a not-trashy bar several years back by some guy and a few of his friends for merely talking to "his" woman). * The inundation of approaches by men (messages online, approaches at the bar, on the street). This can probably get annoying, and probably some men's approaches are downright creepy, but from my perspective of having not been on a date since May (and before that, more than a year), getting approached by a bunch of women, many of whom I have no interest in, is a problem I'd like to have. As a software developer with several years of professional experience, I similarly get inundated with messages from recruiters; it can be annoying; but it's a good problem to have even if I have to read the tech equivalent of a lame pick-up line. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Demographics Favor Women in Dating. In countries like China and India, we know men vastly outnumber women because of selective abortion, but even in the United States (the scope of my CMV), single men outnumber single women throughout the prime of a person's life. In [Jonathan Soma's maps of singles in the United States](, for the 25-34 age range (the age I'm looking in) in cities with a population of 500,000 or more, not a single city shows up as pink (meaning a surfeit of single women in that age)—with **all** showing a surfeit of single men. For example, in the St. Louis metro area, the map indicates "53 unmatched men" for every 1000 singles; cities on the West Coast have an even larger surplus of men. What this means is women can afford to be choosy; if a woman is at least average looking, she will have options, and the men will come to her if she gets out of the house or signs up for a dating site. For men, especially if you're not blessed with a naturally charismatic personality or the best looks, getting noticed by women takes conscious, sustained work. Going out somewhere? There are almost more men than women milling about. Not the smoothest talker? Some other guy is always willing to butt in (and yes, if you haven't gone out to a bar on a Friday night, they'll literally just butt in sometimes) with just the right banter. Want to try a street festival or something? The women are being chaperoned around by their boyfriend/fiancé/brother (?)/whatever. For men, it seems like the formula is something like great personality (by which I mean gregarious, charming, outgoing), well connected with lots of friends and acquaintances, at least average looking or more, financially stable, etc. Basically a long list of requirements to get noticed. For women, for better or worse, it's mostly looks—a lot of guys will still date a woman even if she's not very bright or if she's dirt poor. My view is that demographics force men to be this sort of best-at-everything (or as close as they can get) to have a satisfactory romantic life and have an advantage over the competition. Women can do less and get dates, sex, relationships, etc. Here are some arguments I anticipate: * Anything relating to the non-heterosexual singles scene. I consider this out of scope for this CMV. * The fear of rape or sexual assault women face. These are risks women certainly face to a much higher degree than women, but men do face the risk of fights and assault from other men (I have been attacked at a not-trashy bar several years back by some guy and a few of his friends for merely talking to "his" woman). * The inundation of approaches by men (messages online, approaches at the bar, on the street). This can probably get annoying, and probably some men's approaches are downright creepy, but from my perspective of having not been on a date since May (and before that, more than a year), getting approached by a bunch of women, many of whom I have no interest in, is a problem I'd like to have. As a software developer with several years of professional experience, I similarly get inundated with messages from recruiters; it can be annoying; but it's a good problem to have even if I have to read the tech equivalent of a lame pick-up line.
I think all drugs should be decriminalized for personal use. CMV
I have my opinion for several reasons, but the three main ones are these: 1: I think people who does not have drug problems should have their lives' ruined by a criminal charge/jail sentence if they did not commit another crime. 2: Drug addiction is a health care problem rather than a legal one, and keeping it criminal seems to me create a divide between health care and the people suffering from the disease. 3: Police resources should be prioritized higher up in the foodchain of organized crime. 4: It seems to work better than the alternative for helping drugaddicts to recover, and preventive work to be effective.
I think all drugs should be decriminalized for personal use. CMV. I have my opinion for several reasons, but the three main ones are these: 1: I think people who does not have drug problems should have their lives' ruined by a criminal charge/jail sentence if they did not commit another crime. 2: Drug addiction is a health care problem rather than a legal one, and keeping it criminal seems to me create a divide between health care and the people suffering from the disease. 3: Police resources should be prioritized higher up in the foodchain of organized crime. 4: It seems to work better than the alternative for helping drugaddicts to recover, and preventive work to be effective.
CMV: I believe that same sex marriage has distracted LGBT people from more important issues
From my point of view at least alot of LGBT people in the UK have seemed to accept that "the battle is won" and now we have same sex marriage we are all equal, all happy and all of that. In Fact where I now live in Ireland everyone is going crazy over the referendum onto it, a referendum that for most people would be fairly dull since all the parties are in favour of it and the only noticeable opposition are a bunch of fundie Catholics. I just think that there are more important problems like how kids still use gay as an insult, how trans* people still have a zillion legal hoops to jump through, how in Ireland at least being gay is a justification to terminate employment, how the blood service assumes we are all infected with HIV while harping on about a shortage at the same time etc. But apparently letting us participate in their heterosexual institution of marriage is all we really need _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: I believe that same sex marriage has distracted LGBT people from more important issues. From my point of view at least alot of LGBT people in the UK have seemed to accept that "the battle is won" and now we have same sex marriage we are all equal, all happy and all of that. In Fact where I now live in Ireland everyone is going crazy over the referendum onto it, a referendum that for most people would be fairly dull since all the parties are in favour of it and the only noticeable opposition are a bunch of fundie Catholics. I just think that there are more important problems like how kids still use gay as an insult, how trans* people still have a zillion legal hoops to jump through, how in Ireland at least being gay is a justification to terminate employment, how the blood service assumes we are all infected with HIV while harping on about a shortage at the same time etc. But apparently letting us participate in their heterosexual institution of marriage is all we really need
CMV: There's no argument against the Keystone XL Pipeline besides Imminent Domain being used to build it.
I see no reason that the KXL should be so hated, besides the (in my opinion unjust, but that's a topic for another CMV) practice of Imminent Domain being used. I oppose Imminent Domain for obvious reasons, but I see no reason why people are against the pipeline for things like environmental reasons. First off, the oil is being mined anyways- it's going to happen, period. This pipeline will do nothing but speed up the way it's transported, and make it safer than road-travel. Secondly, there's already a pipeline, it just takes a much less direct route. That's the whole point of the KXL, is to give it a direct route, with a faster flow. And finally, it will, in fact, create jobs. Mostly temporary, but some will be permanent. That point in itself is enough to get many people on-board, including myself. Again, my only complaint is the use of Imminent Domain, but that's not a thing that's going away any time soon. But if anyone has any unmentioned reasons, then I'd be happy to hear them. So far, though, I haven't heard anything to change my view that the KXL is a good idea. EDIT: *Eminent- blame Chrome > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: There's no argument against the Keystone XL Pipeline besides Imminent Domain being used to build it. I see no reason that the KXL should be so hated, besides the (in my opinion unjust, but that's a topic for another CMV) practice of Imminent Domain being used. I oppose Imminent Domain for obvious reasons, but I see no reason why people are against the pipeline for things like environmental reasons. First off, the oil is being mined anyways- it's going to happen, period. This pipeline will do nothing but speed up the way it's transported, and make it safer than road-travel. Secondly, there's already a pipeline, it just takes a much less direct route. That's the whole point of the KXL, is to give it a direct route, with a faster flow. And finally, it will, in fact, create jobs. Mostly temporary, but some will be permanent. That point in itself is enough to get many people on-board, including myself. Again, my only complaint is the use of Imminent Domain, but that's not a thing that's going away any time soon. But if anyone has any unmentioned reasons, then I'd be happy to hear them. So far, though, I haven't heard anything to change my view that the KXL is a good idea. EDIT: *Eminent- blame Chrome > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
I am an Israeli and a Zionist CMV.
There a few things I would like to clarify before you try to change my view. A) I am a Zionist. I believe that Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state. I do not believe that this is a racist ideology or that any of Israel's many mistakes are the result of Zionism itself. B) I absolutely 100% believe that there should a sovereign state (or states*) for the Palestinians. Furthermore, I see the settlements in the West Bank as a huge liability for Israel and should be dismantled as soon as possible. I have no doubt that they will be dismantled, it is simple a matter of when. C) I do not believe that we should return to the pre-67 borders. Specifically I do not believe East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights should be returned to Palestine and Syria, respectively. East Jerusalem contains the most sacred site for Jews, and even though I am a not a practicing Jew I would be quite angry if it is returned to Palestine. I believe that Israel's method of dealing with the holy sites in Jerusalem is the best compromise. And regarding the Golan Heights, it is a key spot for Israeli security in the North. Furthermore, I do not believe that the the populations living in East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights would prefer to live in Palestine and Syria. I read about recent polls that show that the young population of Arabs in East Jerusalem are increasingly in favor of remaining in Israel, they are more educated, and have greater opportunities in Israel than they would in Palestine. Also, condemning the populations living in the Golan Heights to the current Syrian situation seems quite cruel. So go ahead and try to CMV, I look forward to your thought provoking responses. :) * In the foreseeable future, if a Palestinian state were to be created, I believe, it would be incredibly unlikely to be a unified entity of both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. I believe two Palestinians states are more likely to exist, given the current political situation.
I am an Israeli and a Zionist CMV. There a few things I would like to clarify before you try to change my view. A) I am a Zionist. I believe that Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state. I do not believe that this is a racist ideology or that any of Israel's many mistakes are the result of Zionism itself. B) I absolutely 100% believe that there should a sovereign state (or states*) for the Palestinians. Furthermore, I see the settlements in the West Bank as a huge liability for Israel and should be dismantled as soon as possible. I have no doubt that they will be dismantled, it is simple a matter of when. C) I do not believe that we should return to the pre-67 borders. Specifically I do not believe East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights should be returned to Palestine and Syria, respectively. East Jerusalem contains the most sacred site for Jews, and even though I am a not a practicing Jew I would be quite angry if it is returned to Palestine. I believe that Israel's method of dealing with the holy sites in Jerusalem is the best compromise. And regarding the Golan Heights, it is a key spot for Israeli security in the North. Furthermore, I do not believe that the the populations living in East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights would prefer to live in Palestine and Syria. I read about recent polls that show that the young population of Arabs in East Jerusalem are increasingly in favor of remaining in Israel, they are more educated, and have greater opportunities in Israel than they would in Palestine. Also, condemning the populations living in the Golan Heights to the current Syrian situation seems quite cruel. So go ahead and try to CMV, I look forward to your thought provoking responses. :) * In the foreseeable future, if a Palestinian state were to be created, I believe, it would be incredibly unlikely to be a unified entity of both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. I believe two Palestinians states are more likely to exist, given the current political situation.
I believe that children's television, such as Disney and Nickelodeon, has declined in quality and intelligence over the last 10 years. CMV
First off, I recognize that this may be interpreted as an older redditor shouting "it was better back in my day!" Perhaps it is, but I believe my argument is fairly grounded and encourage criticism. To be clear, I'm starting with the television programs on channels such as Disney, Nick, and Cartoon Network, as of the 1990s, and comparing to the same channels now. My impression is that, in terms of thematic content, show structure, and educational value, today's TV has failed America's children in terms of reaching to them demographically, as well as teaching them meaningful lessons while providing entertainment. I learned many life lessons from the shows I watched as a kid. TV then was mainly cartoons, but they often dealt with issues that were grounded in reality: divorce, money issues, peer pressure, etc. These shows brought them up in a way that I could easily identify with, thinking that, hey, those kids in that show are a lot like me, and therefore I might be able to apply their response to my own life. On the other hand, I feel that modern shows from those channels have gotten both stupid and distant. Just an opinion, but I feel that the relatively recent trend of "laugh-track comedy" sitcoms isn't helping: it forces dialogue to be reduced to a lot of lame punchlines and makes it harder to have a real conversation. Thematically, I see a lot of "kids with a whole lot of privilege dealing with regular kid stuff" plots. Looking at "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody", with two kids living in a luxury hotel with their washed-up minor celeb mom, or "Hannah Montana" the pop star who wants a "normal" life, or "iCarly", about an internet celebrity girl who is able to live off of a surprisingly high paycheck from an estranged military dad (while affording a shit-to of equipment to start a tv show in her insanely luxurious apartment. While these shows attempt to tackle a lot of the same issues, it's just harder to take the characters seriously. All I think is, "yeah, it'd be easy to do that if I had all the things those characters had handed to them." Speaking of "Hannah Montana", I realized the other day that the show's premise is nearly identical to that of a show I watched as a kid, "The Famous Jett Jackson", in which a popular child star on a TV show moves to his small hometown to live a normal life alongside of his acting career. But that Jett did so well was take the plot of the episodes seriously, without any cliche sitcom plots, redneck jokes, or slapstick. When it wanted to talk about bullying, or race, or fear of failure, it treated it as a real issue, and tried to resolve it in a real way. By comparison, "Hannah" tends to resolve plots with a mess of jokes, an over-the-top "awwww" moment, and a return to the show's status quo (everybody forgets that they just went through a huge experience that would change them as characters). Then there's the incredible degradation of plot in a lot of shows. I'm particularly looking at Cartoon Network on this one. With shows like Adventure Time, Flapjack, and Regular Show, which have become a giant slew of ADD-ridden nonsense. I'll be willing to accept that the shows may occasionally have strong moments, or even good intentions, but I tend to find that these kind of shows are almost to strange to watch. Anyone else have an opinion? CMV
I believe that children's television, such as Disney and Nickelodeon, has declined in quality and intelligence over the last 10 years. CMV. First off, I recognize that this may be interpreted as an older redditor shouting "it was better back in my day!" Perhaps it is, but I believe my argument is fairly grounded and encourage criticism. To be clear, I'm starting with the television programs on channels such as Disney, Nick, and Cartoon Network, as of the 1990s, and comparing to the same channels now. My impression is that, in terms of thematic content, show structure, and educational value, today's TV has failed America's children in terms of reaching to them demographically, as well as teaching them meaningful lessons while providing entertainment. I learned many life lessons from the shows I watched as a kid. TV then was mainly cartoons, but they often dealt with issues that were grounded in reality: divorce, money issues, peer pressure, etc. These shows brought them up in a way that I could easily identify with, thinking that, hey, those kids in that show are a lot like me, and therefore I might be able to apply their response to my own life. On the other hand, I feel that modern shows from those channels have gotten both stupid and distant. Just an opinion, but I feel that the relatively recent trend of "laugh-track comedy" sitcoms isn't helping: it forces dialogue to be reduced to a lot of lame punchlines and makes it harder to have a real conversation. Thematically, I see a lot of "kids with a whole lot of privilege dealing with regular kid stuff" plots. Looking at "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody", with two kids living in a luxury hotel with their washed-up minor celeb mom, or "Hannah Montana" the pop star who wants a "normal" life, or "iCarly", about an internet celebrity girl who is able to live off of a surprisingly high paycheck from an estranged military dad (while affording a shit-to of equipment to start a tv show in her insanely luxurious apartment. While these shows attempt to tackle a lot of the same issues, it's just harder to take the characters seriously. All I think is, "yeah, it'd be easy to do that if I had all the things those characters had handed to them." Speaking of "Hannah Montana", I realized the other day that the show's premise is nearly identical to that of a show I watched as a kid, "The Famous Jett Jackson", in which a popular child star on a TV show moves to his small hometown to live a normal life alongside of his acting career. But that Jett did so well was take the plot of the episodes seriously, without any cliche sitcom plots, redneck jokes, or slapstick. When it wanted to talk about bullying, or race, or fear of failure, it treated it as a real issue, and tried to resolve it in a real way. By comparison, "Hannah" tends to resolve plots with a mess of jokes, an over-the-top "awwww" moment, and a return to the show's status quo (everybody forgets that they just went through a huge experience that would change them as characters). Then there's the incredible degradation of plot in a lot of shows. I'm particularly looking at Cartoon Network on this one. With shows like Adventure Time, Flapjack, and Regular Show, which have become a giant slew of ADD-ridden nonsense. I'll be willing to accept that the shows may occasionally have strong moments, or even good intentions, but I tend to find that these kind of shows are almost to strange to watch. Anyone else have an opinion? CMV
CMV: Rubber bullets are a good thing, and are underutilized in law enforcement and in society in general.
I'm a bleeding heart. I really hate violence in all forms, although I do believe in using weapons *as a last resort* in self defense, even if they are potential deadly. But still I abhor any form of violence, and am deeply regretful that I was left with no other option than to use violence to protect myself. I really hate violence in movies and in rap music.... but that's another CMV post. Rubber bullets are generally used for target practice because they are much cheaper**, or so I've heard (edit 1)**. Anyway, After doing some reading I found that rubber bullets are not lethal except at extremely close range. But even at a far range they will knock you out and incapacitate you. So I asked on gun-owner's forums: "Why don't people use rubber bullets for self defense" The general answer was: "Because the attacker might sue you with this argument: the situation did not call for lethal force and that's why you didn't use lethal force. but you harassed me by using unwarranted force." further more "When you fire a weapon, you are not firing to kill a person, you are firing to protect yourself. IF you kill them... so what/too bad/oh well" But if rubber bullets incapacitate you, then why not just use those? I think police should use rubber bullets sometimes instead of real bullets, in the field on a regular basis. Police have 1000 tools on their belt, is an extra gun with rubber bullets really a problem? Think of Mike Brown incident... replace real bullets with rubber ones. Think of how that transforms this situation and national debate. Certainly better than a real bullet. I just don't understand why there aren't more people who are interested in non-lethal self defense. Defending yourself doesn't always have to mean killing. **EDITS IN BOLD** _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Rubber bullets are a good thing, and are underutilized in law enforcement and in society in general. I'm a bleeding heart. I really hate violence in all forms, although I do believe in using weapons *as a last resort* in self defense, even if they are potential deadly. But still I abhor any form of violence, and am deeply regretful that I was left with no other option than to use violence to protect myself. I really hate violence in movies and in rap music.... but that's another CMV post. Rubber bullets are generally used for target practice because they are much cheaper**, or so I've heard (edit 1)**. Anyway, After doing some reading I found that rubber bullets are not lethal except at extremely close range. But even at a far range they will knock you out and incapacitate you. So I asked on gun-owner's forums: "Why don't people use rubber bullets for self defense" The general answer was: "Because the attacker might sue you with this argument: the situation did not call for lethal force and that's why you didn't use lethal force. but you harassed me by using unwarranted force." further more "When you fire a weapon, you are not firing to kill a person, you are firing to protect yourself. IF you kill them... so what/too bad/oh well" But if rubber bullets incapacitate you, then why not just use those? I think police should use rubber bullets sometimes instead of real bullets, in the field on a regular basis. Police have 1000 tools on their belt, is an extra gun with rubber bullets really a problem? Think of Mike Brown incident... replace real bullets with rubber ones. Think of how that transforms this situation and national debate. Certainly better than a real bullet. I just don't understand why there aren't more people who are interested in non-lethal self defense. Defending yourself doesn't always have to mean killing. **EDITS IN BOLD**
CMV: I don't feel bad for homeless people. It's their fault they're where they are.
My entire life I've never felt bad for homeless people. I've felt as though they must have done something wrong/stupid in their life to end up where they are. They made poor life choices and didn't try as hard as the rest of us and are freeloading their way through life. I don't mean to sound as harsh as I know I'm probably coming off, but why should we give money and help to someone who clearly either didn't try hard enough to make something of their life and/or threw away what they had for drugs and alcohol? _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: I don't feel bad for homeless people. It's their fault they're where they are. My entire life I've never felt bad for homeless people. I've felt as though they must have done something wrong/stupid in their life to end up where they are. They made poor life choices and didn't try as hard as the rest of us and are freeloading their way through life. I don't mean to sound as harsh as I know I'm probably coming off, but why should we give money and help to someone who clearly either didn't try hard enough to make something of their life and/or threw away what they had for drugs and alcohol?
I believe that simulating a human brain on a computer will produce a being that has the experience of being alive, and that it would be wrong to create such a simulation if we are not going to give it all the rights and protectioms that any human being deserves. CMV
1. Our conscious experience is the result of the physical computations that happen in our brain. 2. This computation process is independent of the medium on which it runs (if you run the exact same computations on a computer to replicate the processes of a mind you will have a mind) 3. Our human rights are derived from the fact that we are sentient beings that experience the world. 4. By 1, 2, and 3, if we simulate a brain, it will have consciousness and should have all the rights of any other being.
I believe that simulating a human brain on a computer will produce a being that has the experience of being alive, and that it would be wrong to create such a simulation if we are not going to give it all the rights and protectioms that any human being deserves. CMV. 1. Our conscious experience is the result of the physical computations that happen in our brain. 2. This computation process is independent of the medium on which it runs (if you run the exact same computations on a computer to replicate the processes of a mind you will have a mind) 3. Our human rights are derived from the fact that we are sentient beings that experience the world. 4. By 1, 2, and 3, if we simulate a brain, it will have consciousness and should have all the rights of any other being.
CMV: The existence of government structures are inherently flawed and do not serve the needs of people and are destructive by nature.
After reading Michael Hoffman's *[The Entheogen Theory of Religion and Ego Death](*, I have come across the opinion that organized religion has created governing bodies that then go back and alter the original religion and that the purpose of the governing body is in turn lost as the purpose of the religion is distorted to serve the whim of the governing body. In turn, it calls for attempts of society to become "self governing" as the ultimate goal, in the belief that ones moral guidance will be astray regardless of an established government and that moral guidance is an innate part of human existence, and the idea of sin is inherently flawed in that one can not acknowledge ones behavior as sinful without also regarding it as destined. Michael Hoffman's essay has lead me to believe that governments should not exist, and I agree. CMW. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: The existence of government structures are inherently flawed and do not serve the needs of people and are destructive by nature. After reading Michael Hoffman's *[The Entheogen Theory of Religion and Ego Death](*, I have come across the opinion that organized religion has created governing bodies that then go back and alter the original religion and that the purpose of the governing body is in turn lost as the purpose of the religion is distorted to serve the whim of the governing body. In turn, it calls for attempts of society to become "self governing" as the ultimate goal, in the belief that ones moral guidance will be astray regardless of an established government and that moral guidance is an innate part of human existence, and the idea of sin is inherently flawed in that one can not acknowledge ones behavior as sinful without also regarding it as destined. Michael Hoffman's essay has lead me to believe that governments should not exist, and I agree. CMW.
CMV: I believe the United States was not justified in dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Change my view.
I've read many of the threads on this topic, but most of them are filled with so much misinformation or pseudohistory to the point of me dismissing them as valid arguments. I understand why the bomb was used - it gave the United States a political upper hand when dealing with the Soviets, and it arguably brought a faster end to the war. However, the purposeful killing of civilians is a war crime, and the Japanese were already close to surrender. A naval blockade, the threat of Soviet entry into the Pacific war, and an invasion of Kyushu would have brought a surrender without the need for the wholesale slaughter of Japanese citizens. I would love to have my view changed, because I really can't think of a situation is which this is considered okay. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than just downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: I believe the United States was not justified in dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Change my view. I've read many of the threads on this topic, but most of them are filled with so much misinformation or pseudohistory to the point of me dismissing them as valid arguments. I understand why the bomb was used - it gave the United States a political upper hand when dealing with the Soviets, and it arguably brought a faster end to the war. However, the purposeful killing of civilians is a war crime, and the Japanese were already close to surrender. A naval blockade, the threat of Soviet entry into the Pacific war, and an invasion of Kyushu would have brought a surrender without the need for the wholesale slaughter of Japanese citizens. I would love to have my view changed, because I really can't think of a situation is which this is considered okay.
CMV: Millenials aren't working hard enough to get ahead in life. There is opportunity but rather they chase passion degrees rather than employable majors that will keep them from affording what their parents afforded.
I am of Mexican descent and have worked hard. I read plenty of memes about college grads moving back in with their parents after graduation. I went to school starting at 22 after being too immature at 18 and a horrible high school GPA. Went to a city college, transferred in to a state college and majored in Economics. I make 150k a year, and drive Lyft and Uber to pay off student loans faster. Hard work, failure, and determination to always try to be better has afforded me a great lifestyle. I had zero help. Was literally a starving college student. How do I seem to be the exception when I feel like it's just the way it is to make a living? Ps. I am happy.
CMV: Millenials aren't working hard enough to get ahead in life. There is opportunity but rather they chase passion degrees rather than employable majors that will keep them from affording what their parents afforded. I am of Mexican descent and have worked hard. I read plenty of memes about college grads moving back in with their parents after graduation. I went to school starting at 22 after being too immature at 18 and a horrible high school GPA. Went to a city college, transferred in to a state college and majored in Economics. I make 150k a year, and drive Lyft and Uber to pay off student loans faster. Hard work, failure, and determination to always try to be better has afforded me a great lifestyle. I had zero help. Was literally a starving college student. How do I seem to be the exception when I feel like it's just the way it is to make a living? Ps. I am happy.
CMV: Influenced by TheRedPill
I'll let a few responses get here, then I'll answer after class (in 1.5 hours). I have been influenced by the red pill. If you don't know what this is, it's a theory that basically states women are machines and easily manipulated when needed to be. I've visited TRP subreddit a few times out of curiosity and I think it actually poisoned my mind because I can't stop thinking about it. I have a girlfriend of 6 months. She's 22 and I'm 24. She's the most attractive girl I've been with or dated. Years of self improvement and a bit of life experience has left me being happy with her instead of insecure. So it's a great change from when I was 18. Fantastic relationship but I can't help but refer to the red pill for every interaction. I have to consciously ignore the urge to treat her like a machine instead of my girlfriend that I really like. I know it sounds horrible, but that's why I want to have my view changed. I know she's not a machine, she is a human being that I respect. But whenever she does things, I'll always assume it's a "shit test" or some other thing like that. Someone please help me get rid of this way of thinking. I can ignore it all I want but it's not going away. I've had these thoughts for at least a year and honestly, I'm just scared I'll cave and become someone who begins to act like a red piller. PS: No intended disrespect to people who are red pillers. If you like it, good for you. It's just not for me.
CMV: Influenced by TheRedPill. I'll let a few responses get here, then I'll answer after class (in 1.5 hours). I have been influenced by the red pill. If you don't know what this is, it's a theory that basically states women are machines and easily manipulated when needed to be. I've visited TRP subreddit a few times out of curiosity and I think it actually poisoned my mind because I can't stop thinking about it. I have a girlfriend of 6 months. She's 22 and I'm 24. She's the most attractive girl I've been with or dated. Years of self improvement and a bit of life experience has left me being happy with her instead of insecure. So it's a great change from when I was 18. Fantastic relationship but I can't help but refer to the red pill for every interaction. I have to consciously ignore the urge to treat her like a machine instead of my girlfriend that I really like. I know it sounds horrible, but that's why I want to have my view changed. I know she's not a machine, she is a human being that I respect. But whenever she does things, I'll always assume it's a "shit test" or some other thing like that. Someone please help me get rid of this way of thinking. I can ignore it all I want but it's not going away. I've had these thoughts for at least a year and honestly, I'm just scared I'll cave and become someone who begins to act like a red piller. PS: No intended disrespect to people who are red pillers. If you like it, good for you. It's just not for me.
I feel that if you have to keep an animal caged in order to stop it from running away then the animal in question isn't really a pet. CMV
I understand that now and again a dog might run off, but I think that's just due to dogs being curious animals and they'll come back eventually (if they don't get lost). If you hold an animal captive is it really a pet, or is it just an animal that you've got in a cage or tied to a post? As far as I can tell most reptiles, birds and rodents don't have a sufficiently strong bond with their owners that they wouldn't run away at the first given opportunity. I’m not necessarily suggesting that people shouldn’t keep these kinds of animals; I am sure they live happy lives and bring enjoyment to their owners. Does anyone here have a reptile, bird or rodent that they allow to just come and go? One that voluntarily comes back, that you don’t need to keep an eye on to make sure it doesn’t run off.
I feel that if you have to keep an animal caged in order to stop it from running away then the animal in question isn't really a pet. CMV. I understand that now and again a dog might run off, but I think that's just due to dogs being curious animals and they'll come back eventually (if they don't get lost). If you hold an animal captive is it really a pet, or is it just an animal that you've got in a cage or tied to a post? As far as I can tell most reptiles, birds and rodents don't have a sufficiently strong bond with their owners that they wouldn't run away at the first given opportunity. I’m not necessarily suggesting that people shouldn’t keep these kinds of animals; I am sure they live happy lives and bring enjoyment to their owners. Does anyone here have a reptile, bird or rodent that they allow to just come and go? One that voluntarily comes back, that you don’t need to keep an eye on to make sure it doesn’t run off.
I believe energy drinks are more healthy than coffee. CMV.
This is almost impossible to argue due to the strong media hype train discrediting energy drinks as the devil that kills children, but I'll give it a shot. Energy drinks typically have less caffeine than a large cup of coffee (your typical Grande/Venti starbucks coffee). In fact the amount in a typical [grande coffee]( is roughly double that of a [Rockstar]( Despite this fact I personally feel more awake after a Rockstar, and only require one during the day (I actually feel gross if I drink more than one, which is also a great reason to have them - they limit your caffeine consumption due to the vitamin B overload that happens if you have more than 1). When I drink coffee I can drink 2-5 a day no problem. So that explains away the knee-jerk reactionary argument of "caffeine content is HUGE in those things". Knee-jerk reactionary argument #2: there's all sorts of CHEMICALS in those things, they taste like battery acid! I've had this argument many times, so I've extensively looked at the ingredients in my Rockstar. None of them are shown to cause adverse health effects (or really any effects at all) in anything close to the dosages in your typical energy drink. In fact most of them (granted usually in higher dosages) are shown to have beneficial effects on your health. I'll pick one at random, [inositol]( seems to have wide reaching benefits. There is also a nice cache of Vitamin B, which if I were to take as a supplement everyone would applaud me for my healthy lifestyle choices. It also has things like ginseng, ginkgo biloba, and milk thistle extract. While I personally don't think any of these do a goddamn thing, I would also be applauded by earth loving health nuts if I took them as a pill. Knee-jerk reaction #3, and the only one I truly think is valid: the high sugar content is horribly bad for you. Agreed. This is why I go sugar free. Now the argument turns to aspartame being the devil. I was going to do a CMV on this earlier, but I'll just tack it on to this one. Aspartame is the most tested food additive in history. Hundreds upon hundreds of studies have shown absolutely no adverse health effects. Before you go into the "it makes you crave sugar, it makes your body not understand that sugar gives you nutritional content, it gives you brain cancer, it gives me headaches, it's a carcinogen, it kills babies, it's CHLORINATED!!" I've been through all these arguments before. If you take a solid scientific view on the stuff and look at only studies that haven't been completely discredited you will come to the same conclusion as me: this stuff is more than likely safe. I won't say "for sure safe" but it's been around long enough, and been studied enough that if it's not safe we can't really say for certain anything is safe in our world. Certainly we can say it's safer than sugar, which has readily apparent side-effects that don't take 50+ years of intense research to notice. For an added bonus jab: those who say that aspartame gives you a headache that is shown to be completely psychosomatic. Double blind tests have shown that there is no side effects to consuming aspartame whatsoever, even in people that previously claimed the headache stance. I truly hope someone can CMV on this one. Mostly because coffee is cheaper.
I believe energy drinks are more healthy than coffee. CMV. This is almost impossible to argue due to the strong media hype train discrediting energy drinks as the devil that kills children, but I'll give it a shot. Energy drinks typically have less caffeine than a large cup of coffee (your typical Grande/Venti starbucks coffee). In fact the amount in a typical [grande coffee]( is roughly double that of a [Rockstar]( Despite this fact I personally feel more awake after a Rockstar, and only require one during the day (I actually feel gross if I drink more than one, which is also a great reason to have them - they limit your caffeine consumption due to the vitamin B overload that happens if you have more than 1). When I drink coffee I can drink 2-5 a day no problem. So that explains away the knee-jerk reactionary argument of "caffeine content is HUGE in those things". Knee-jerk reactionary argument #2: there's all sorts of CHEMICALS in those things, they taste like battery acid! I've had this argument many times, so I've extensively looked at the ingredients in my Rockstar. None of them are shown to cause adverse health effects (or really any effects at all) in anything close to the dosages in your typical energy drink. In fact most of them (granted usually in higher dosages) are shown to have beneficial effects on your health. I'll pick one at random, [inositol]( seems to have wide reaching benefits. There is also a nice cache of Vitamin B, which if I were to take as a supplement everyone would applaud me for my healthy lifestyle choices. It also has things like ginseng, ginkgo biloba, and milk thistle extract. While I personally don't think any of these do a goddamn thing, I would also be applauded by earth loving health nuts if I took them as a pill. Knee-jerk reaction #3, and the only one I truly think is valid: the high sugar content is horribly bad for you. Agreed. This is why I go sugar free. Now the argument turns to aspartame being the devil. I was going to do a CMV on this earlier, but I'll just tack it on to this one. Aspartame is the most tested food additive in history. Hundreds upon hundreds of studies have shown absolutely no adverse health effects. Before you go into the "it makes you crave sugar, it makes your body not understand that sugar gives you nutritional content, it gives you brain cancer, it gives me headaches, it's a carcinogen, it kills babies, it's CHLORINATED!!" I've been through all these arguments before. If you take a solid scientific view on the stuff and look at only studies that haven't been completely discredited you will come to the same conclusion as me: this stuff is more than likely safe. I won't say "for sure safe" but it's been around long enough, and been studied enough that if it's not safe we can't really say for certain anything is safe in our world. Certainly we can say it's safer than sugar, which has readily apparent side-effects that don't take 50+ years of intense research to notice. For an added bonus jab: those who say that aspartame gives you a headache that is shown to be completely psychosomatic. Double blind tests have shown that there is no side effects to consuming aspartame whatsoever, even in people that previously claimed the headache stance. I truly hope someone can CMV on this one. Mostly because coffee is cheaper.
Modern royalty and nobility is pointless CMV
I don't see the point in having royalty or nobility anymore. To me, it just comes across as people wanting to seem more important and just handing down pointless titles. I'm not trying to come across as rude or anything, I just really don't get the point of it.
Modern royalty and nobility is pointless CMV. I don't see the point in having royalty or nobility anymore. To me, it just comes across as people wanting to seem more important and just handing down pointless titles. I'm not trying to come across as rude or anything, I just really don't get the point of it.
CMV: For most people, their success is not individual, it is heavily influenced by their surrounding
I am not taking into accounts Einstein, Kobe Bryant, or Charlie Daniels. I talk about people like you and me. We probably achieved most of our RESULTS because of where we were born, how wealthy and educated our parents were, how good was the system at the time, help we got from our friends. I am looking for your feedback and some literature that talks about the topic. Thanks _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: For most people, their success is not individual, it is heavily influenced by their surrounding. I am not taking into accounts Einstein, Kobe Bryant, or Charlie Daniels. I talk about people like you and me. We probably achieved most of our RESULTS because of where we were born, how wealthy and educated our parents were, how good was the system at the time, help we got from our friends. I am looking for your feedback and some literature that talks about the topic. Thanks
CMV: Hate/Anger is the strongest emotion
Many people disagree with me but I can't understand their logic behind the fact that anger and hate are not the strongest emotions. Anger/Hate I consider are very close which is why I use them interchangeably but I know there are key differences but I think either emotion fuels people unlike any other emotion. The list of emotions that are actually relevant to this CMV would be: **Happiness**, **love**, **sadness**, **fear**, **empathy/sympathy**, **shock, confusion, pride, and courage**. There are obviously more emotions than this but I think these are the main ones that have branches that other emotions fall under. Out of all of the emotions I listed here, I don't think any of them besides maybe **fear** have a chance of rivaling hate/anger for strongest emotion. What do I consider strong? I consider strong in terms of emotions to mean something that can completely cloud your mind and push other emotions out. It is also how it stands to it's rival emotion when both emotions happen at the same time. ex. You lost a loved one on the same day you won the lottery. Which emotion would supercede? When paired up through all the possibilities, I feel like Anger/Hatred will always push other emotions out if the action or event causing the emotions are equal. (Losing a $5 bill on the same day you got a promotion at work is not equal for example) The reason I believe this is because I can always read or see people doing things they would never do otherwise unless angry. Usually most of the other emotions can be reasoned with as well, if someone is extremely scared of something you can try and talk them down and help them relax but if someone is extremely angry then they are usually past the point of reasoning and will be unable to be reasoned with. I also think when it comes to hatred if someone holds a high enough level of contempt for something/someone then they will be hosting a lot of space in their mind to think about that regardless of whether or not they would act to get revenge. There is even a famous quote that accompanies this: > "Years of love have been forgotten in the hatred of a minute" - Edgar Allen Poe I have had this discussion in person a couple of times but when given examples people usually just disagree with me but can't supply a reason so maybe you can please CMV _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Hate/Anger is the strongest emotion. Many people disagree with me but I can't understand their logic behind the fact that anger and hate are not the strongest emotions. Anger/Hate I consider are very close which is why I use them interchangeably but I know there are key differences but I think either emotion fuels people unlike any other emotion. The list of emotions that are actually relevant to this CMV would be: **Happiness**, **love**, **sadness**, **fear**, **empathy/sympathy**, **shock, confusion, pride, and courage**. There are obviously more emotions than this but I think these are the main ones that have branches that other emotions fall under. Out of all of the emotions I listed here, I don't think any of them besides maybe **fear** have a chance of rivaling hate/anger for strongest emotion. What do I consider strong? I consider strong in terms of emotions to mean something that can completely cloud your mind and push other emotions out. It is also how it stands to it's rival emotion when both emotions happen at the same time. ex. You lost a loved one on the same day you won the lottery. Which emotion would supercede? When paired up through all the possibilities, I feel like Anger/Hatred will always push other emotions out if the action or event causing the emotions are equal. (Losing a $5 bill on the same day you got a promotion at work is not equal for example) The reason I believe this is because I can always read or see people doing things they would never do otherwise unless angry. Usually most of the other emotions can be reasoned with as well, if someone is extremely scared of something you can try and talk them down and help them relax but if someone is extremely angry then they are usually past the point of reasoning and will be unable to be reasoned with. I also think when it comes to hatred if someone holds a high enough level of contempt for something/someone then they will be hosting a lot of space in their mind to think about that regardless of whether or not they would act to get revenge. There is even a famous quote that accompanies this: > "Years of love have been forgotten in the hatred of a minute" - Edgar Allen Poe I have had this discussion in person a couple of times but when given examples people usually just disagree with me but can't supply a reason so maybe you can please CMV
CMV:I belive that men over the age of 30 who have sex with a minor should be castrated.
I know this is a touchy subject and most people will go with the capital punishment law, however I currently believe that we let these guys off too easy and they will think it's okay to do again and again Honesty if some sicko did this to your child and caught them what would you do? I'm only 23 and this subject angers me greatly I chose the age of 30 because I believe the age gap between 30 and 17 (or younger) is too big I feel like this should be only done for sexual crimes because I don't think anybody could possibly get turned on by murder I could be wrong though. I belive castration would be a suitable punnishment because you wouldn't really be able to rape a minor with out a penis.
CMV:I belive that men over the age of 30 who have sex with a minor should be castrated. I know this is a touchy subject and most people will go with the capital punishment law, however I currently believe that we let these guys off too easy and they will think it's okay to do again and again Honesty if some sicko did this to your child and caught them what would you do? I'm only 23 and this subject angers me greatly I chose the age of 30 because I believe the age gap between 30 and 17 (or younger) is too big I feel like this should be only done for sexual crimes because I don't think anybody could possibly get turned on by murder I could be wrong though. I belive castration would be a suitable punnishment because you wouldn't really be able to rape a minor with out a penis.
CMV: I believe that the proposed "Arizona Fourth Amendment Protection Act" and other similar state legislation are nothing more political stunts, and will not stop the NSA's unconstitutional surveillance.
For background: [Wikipedia page]( [ article]( For the sake of argument, assume the NSA's surveillance unconstitutional (if you have a really good point to make that disputes this go ahead, but I don't want this to be the primary focus of the discussion). The major reason this won't work is because the parts of this law the NSA can ignore it will. The restrictions that it does impose (barring utilities and disallowing recruiting) will be ineffectual because the NSA is large enough to work around these, operating and recruiting outside the state while still conducting surveillance within it. On the not allowing of information gathered without a warrant in court, the NSA does not use its information to convict. The NSA will continue surveillance in order to identify criminals, then simply scheme to gather admissible evidence when needed. EDIT: Also, this bill will do nothing to stop the NSA from demanding data from companies such as Facebook. EDIT 2: I should clarify that I also think this legislation is unfixable and that all state legislation like this doomed to fail. Any effort to stop the NSA must be made at the federal level if they are to succeed.
CMV: I believe that the proposed "Arizona Fourth Amendment Protection Act" and other similar state legislation are nothing more political stunts, and will not stop the NSA's unconstitutional surveillance. For background: [Wikipedia page]( [ article]( For the sake of argument, assume the NSA's surveillance unconstitutional (if you have a really good point to make that disputes this go ahead, but I don't want this to be the primary focus of the discussion). The major reason this won't work is because the parts of this law the NSA can ignore it will. The restrictions that it does impose (barring utilities and disallowing recruiting) will be ineffectual because the NSA is large enough to work around these, operating and recruiting outside the state while still conducting surveillance within it. On the not allowing of information gathered without a warrant in court, the NSA does not use its information to convict. The NSA will continue surveillance in order to identify criminals, then simply scheme to gather admissible evidence when needed. EDIT: Also, this bill will do nothing to stop the NSA from demanding data from companies such as Facebook. EDIT 2: I should clarify that I also think this legislation is unfixable and that all state legislation like this doomed to fail. Any effort to stop the NSA must be made at the federal level if they are to succeed.
CMV: It is completely acceptable to vote to debate or amend a bill that you otherwise plan to vote against (e.g. John McCain)
My understanding is that John McCain recently voted both to begin debate on a healthcare bill, and later voted for an amendment to it, despite intending to vote against the bill itself. (If this understanding is incorrect, please correct me!) He has gotten a ton of flak for this on some political subreddits, and I don't really understand why. **1. More debate before a final vote is almost never a bad idea.** This gives more potential for people to hear more information or different perspectives, and end up making a more *educated* vote in the end - and educated votes should be our highest priority. **2. Even if you oppose a bill, it is perfectly valid to vote for an amendment to it, so that it is as acceptable as possible IF it does end up passing against your wishes.** I won't say that this is a perfect strategy (since it does increase the likelihood that other people who prefer the amendment version will vote for it, and therefore vote for other ideas that you do not like) but it has a logical reason to back it up and we should not abhor anyone for that. **3. There is no contradiction in these votes.** It is logically coherent to believe that a bill should be debated but not passed, and that a bill should not pass but can be made better just in case it does pass. In John McCain's case, he also announced his intentions openly, so there is no deception. In my view, the opposition to John McCain's actions come primarily from very tribal, "for us or against us" thinking - *if he doesn't like the bill, why help advance its passage AT ALL?* Given McCain's political experience, I think we should give him the credit of having taken a far more nuanced position than that.
CMV: It is completely acceptable to vote to debate or amend a bill that you otherwise plan to vote against (e.g. John McCain). My understanding is that John McCain recently voted both to begin debate on a healthcare bill, and later voted for an amendment to it, despite intending to vote against the bill itself. (If this understanding is incorrect, please correct me!) He has gotten a ton of flak for this on some political subreddits, and I don't really understand why. **1. More debate before a final vote is almost never a bad idea.** This gives more potential for people to hear more information or different perspectives, and end up making a more *educated* vote in the end - and educated votes should be our highest priority. **2. Even if you oppose a bill, it is perfectly valid to vote for an amendment to it, so that it is as acceptable as possible IF it does end up passing against your wishes.** I won't say that this is a perfect strategy (since it does increase the likelihood that other people who prefer the amendment version will vote for it, and therefore vote for other ideas that you do not like) but it has a logical reason to back it up and we should not abhor anyone for that. **3. There is no contradiction in these votes.** It is logically coherent to believe that a bill should be debated but not passed, and that a bill should not pass but can be made better just in case it does pass. In John McCain's case, he also announced his intentions openly, so there is no deception. In my view, the opposition to John McCain's actions come primarily from very tribal, "for us or against us" thinking - *if he doesn't like the bill, why help advance its passage AT ALL?* Given McCain's political experience, I think we should give him the credit of having taken a far more nuanced position than that.
CMV: Buddhism is just another form of escapism
Buddhism is just another form of escapism I've been reading a lot of nietzsche and nietzsche seems to be focused on the life affirming, endure through suffering type lifestyle while buddhism seems like an unconvincing idea of escapism, quick fixes, harmony or bliss. Some would argue and say that buddhism is about wisdom and a peace mind, a peace mind will lead to better coping with life but i doubt that a peace mind is exclusive to buddhism i think learning to live with life as it is much like how nietzsche describes will leave you better off in the long run.
CMV: Buddhism is just another form of escapism. Buddhism is just another form of escapism I've been reading a lot of nietzsche and nietzsche seems to be focused on the life affirming, endure through suffering type lifestyle while buddhism seems like an unconvincing idea of escapism, quick fixes, harmony or bliss. Some would argue and say that buddhism is about wisdom and a peace mind, a peace mind will lead to better coping with life but i doubt that a peace mind is exclusive to buddhism i think learning to live with life as it is much like how nietzsche describes will leave you better off in the long run.
I support education reform. Please CMV.
Any reform, from changes in the CORE Curriculum to any change in education policy at the federal or state level that involves giving students a better education. I support any educational reform because I believe the current standards of excellence within the educational systems of the entire world are inadequate at giving every student in the world a robust education so I support reform until the standards do support a better overall education.
I support education reform. Please CMV. Any reform, from changes in the CORE Curriculum to any change in education policy at the federal or state level that involves giving students a better education. I support any educational reform because I believe the current standards of excellence within the educational systems of the entire world are inadequate at giving every student in the world a robust education so I support reform until the standards do support a better overall education.
CMV: space colonization would ruin any planet we settled on, or change it for the worse.
Lots of articles in futurology talk about the idea of colonizing mars, or even terraforming it. Many people talk about how great it will be when humanity can spread across many planets into the grand cosmos, and Elon Musk has said he wants to live on mars. All of these imaginings of the future involve intense colonization of mars and beyond, but that sounds terrible to me. To me, colonization of other planets will just lead to the destruction of the natural beauty of those planets. Looking at human settlement of places around the world, it has always been accompanied by the extinction of native species and exploitation of resources. When New Zealand was first colonized by polynesians in the 1300s their arrival lead to the extinction of the Moa and Haast's eagle. The same thing happened to the dodo bird when humans came to mauritius. In West Virginia they have a mining practice for coal called mountaintop removal, where they literally remove the tops of the mountains and turn them into strip mines. There are already so many examples of how humanity has destroyed the natural environment to the point that it's unrecognizable to what it used to be. I don't want to see in the future that there was life on mars but we didn't detect it at first and it was destroyed by earth bacteria, or hearing that a mining company has decided to remove the mountain top of olympus mons because there's a rare mineral in the mountain. Replacing the desolate orange dirt and mountains of mars with drab skyscrapers and terraformed greenery seems like such a sad thing. I do think that scientific expeditions to these planets should be allowed because we can learn a lot of interesting things about what our solar system is made of and how it works, but any mission should strive to leave as little as possible behind. Any colonization beyond small scientific research stations shouldn't be allowed, anything more than that would bring ruin to the untouched beauty of the solar system. If anything these planets should be turned into sort of natural parks where they are protected against people seeking to develop on them, and the same should be done for all the various moons and asteroids in our solar system and beyond. We haven't learned how to live sustainably on our own planet, we're in no position to colonize other planets.
CMV: space colonization would ruin any planet we settled on, or change it for the worse. Lots of articles in futurology talk about the idea of colonizing mars, or even terraforming it. Many people talk about how great it will be when humanity can spread across many planets into the grand cosmos, and Elon Musk has said he wants to live on mars. All of these imaginings of the future involve intense colonization of mars and beyond, but that sounds terrible to me. To me, colonization of other planets will just lead to the destruction of the natural beauty of those planets. Looking at human settlement of places around the world, it has always been accompanied by the extinction of native species and exploitation of resources. When New Zealand was first colonized by polynesians in the 1300s their arrival lead to the extinction of the Moa and Haast's eagle. The same thing happened to the dodo bird when humans came to mauritius. In West Virginia they have a mining practice for coal called mountaintop removal, where they literally remove the tops of the mountains and turn them into strip mines. There are already so many examples of how humanity has destroyed the natural environment to the point that it's unrecognizable to what it used to be. I don't want to see in the future that there was life on mars but we didn't detect it at first and it was destroyed by earth bacteria, or hearing that a mining company has decided to remove the mountain top of olympus mons because there's a rare mineral in the mountain. Replacing the desolate orange dirt and mountains of mars with drab skyscrapers and terraformed greenery seems like such a sad thing. I do think that scientific expeditions to these planets should be allowed because we can learn a lot of interesting things about what our solar system is made of and how it works, but any mission should strive to leave as little as possible behind. Any colonization beyond small scientific research stations shouldn't be allowed, anything more than that would bring ruin to the untouched beauty of the solar system. If anything these planets should be turned into sort of natural parks where they are protected against people seeking to develop on them, and the same should be done for all the various moons and asteroids in our solar system and beyond. We haven't learned how to live sustainably on our own planet, we're in no position to colonize other planets.
CMV: In the first Pitch Perfect, The Treblemakers should have won the finals.
Not election, did I do something wrong? For ease of access here are the two final songs: Treblemakers Barden Bellas Let us get into proper analysis, starting with the **Barden Bellas.** **Individually:** Fat Amy was bad, and the main blonde girl was quite poor in my opinion. Really boring voice. The best parts were probably when the redhead sang in the beginning, and when Anna Kendrick sang, although even she wasn't anything spectacular, she just wasn't as bad as everyone else. **Group synergy, Song choice, Other:** Their song was basically a mashup of a bunch of generic pop songs, and they made most of them worse than the original. I admit they had quite good chemistry or synergy, whatever you might call it. Overall I actually felt like there were too many songs mashed in, and I felt that some songs were randomly thrown in without any time. There is a moment where they sing Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars but only sing 1 or 2 lines from it, and pretty poorly might I add. As for choreography, I have to say they did a good job on this. **Pros of performance:** Good choreography and synergy Anna Kendrick had her moments, redhead had a good start. **Cons of performance:** Poor / overly generic song choice (also one bad transition) Too many songs Poor individual performance would also like to add Overall just underwhelming compared to the songs they chose edit: birdy1072 added that they sound much more edited/computarized, and their pitch changes. Now we have the **Treblemakers.** **Individually:** Basically the opposite of the Barden Bellas; less people have solo parts but the people that do get them perform excellently. For Jesse, the starting singer, he wildly exceeds expectations and gets the crowd energized while singing in a unique style. Most of this is honestly just my opinion so maybe you can't refute this, but I think he killed it. He has this way of being confident and still very humble. Benji was awesome. The leadup was awesome, his voice was awesome, and the way his confidence built up through his lines was terrific. Following Benji was Donald, and he KILLED it. Better rap than most of the rap on the radio, and they transitioned super well from Benji to Donald. He also gets the crowd excited. **Group synergy, Song choice, Other:** There were only 2 songs, which was the biggest flaw in their performance. The 2 songs that they DID pick were good choices. Some people know them, some don't, but they aren't as painfully generic as the Barden Bellas. Speaking of generic, they were very original I think throughout the whole song with their use of hitting eachother and making sound. (mostly in the first minute or so ) They interacted with the crowd much better, showed confidence well (I felt in some other songs they came off as too cocky but not this one) , had great choreography and had unique use of the songs they chose. **Pros:** Fairly unique song choice Soothing confident vocals This feeling of swagger without them seeming like douches Great crowd interaction Great use of everyone in the background's vocals and sounds **Cons:** Not long enough, needs 1 more song Needs a more powerful ending there is an annoying buzz at 48 seconds _____ I think it is quite clear who the real winner is. For those who did not watch the movie, the Barden Bellas won. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: In the first Pitch Perfect, The Treblemakers should have won the finals. Not election, did I do something wrong? For ease of access here are the two final songs: Treblemakers Barden Bellas Let us get into proper analysis, starting with the **Barden Bellas.** **Individually:** Fat Amy was bad, and the main blonde girl was quite poor in my opinion. Really boring voice. The best parts were probably when the redhead sang in the beginning, and when Anna Kendrick sang, although even she wasn't anything spectacular, she just wasn't as bad as everyone else. **Group synergy, Song choice, Other:** Their song was basically a mashup of a bunch of generic pop songs, and they made most of them worse than the original. I admit they had quite good chemistry or synergy, whatever you might call it. Overall I actually felt like there were too many songs mashed in, and I felt that some songs were randomly thrown in without any time. There is a moment where they sing Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars but only sing 1 or 2 lines from it, and pretty poorly might I add. As for choreography, I have to say they did a good job on this. **Pros of performance:** Good choreography and synergy Anna Kendrick had her moments, redhead had a good start. **Cons of performance:** Poor / overly generic song choice (also one bad transition) Too many songs Poor individual performance would also like to add Overall just underwhelming compared to the songs they chose edit: birdy1072 added that they sound much more edited/computarized, and their pitch changes. Now we have the **Treblemakers.** **Individually:** Basically the opposite of the Barden Bellas; less people have solo parts but the people that do get them perform excellently. For Jesse, the starting singer, he wildly exceeds expectations and gets the crowd energized while singing in a unique style. Most of this is honestly just my opinion so maybe you can't refute this, but I think he killed it. He has this way of being confident and still very humble. Benji was awesome. The leadup was awesome, his voice was awesome, and the way his confidence built up through his lines was terrific. Following Benji was Donald, and he KILLED it. Better rap than most of the rap on the radio, and they transitioned super well from Benji to Donald. He also gets the crowd excited. **Group synergy, Song choice, Other:** There were only 2 songs, which was the biggest flaw in their performance. The 2 songs that they DID pick were good choices. Some people know them, some don't, but they aren't as painfully generic as the Barden Bellas. Speaking of generic, they were very original I think throughout the whole song with their use of hitting eachother and making sound. (mostly in the first minute or so ) They interacted with the crowd much better, showed confidence well (I felt in some other songs they came off as too cocky but not this one) , had great choreography and had unique use of the songs they chose. **Pros:** Fairly unique song choice Soothing confident vocals This feeling of swagger without them seeming like douches Great crowd interaction Great use of everyone in the background's vocals and sounds **Cons:** Not long enough, needs 1 more song Needs a more powerful ending there is an annoying buzz at 48 seconds For those who did not watch the movie, the Barden Bellas won.
CMV: The Apple Watch is not revolutionary. People who think it will be as significant as the iPhone are getting ahead of themselves.
Back when the iPhone was revealed, it didn't have the greatest feature set or anything, but almost everyone (except the usual contrarians) agreed that it had a great design, and a cool (if laggy UI). And from that it truly revolutionized smartphones. Here, it doesn't seem like the Apple Watch is that significant. It may be a good product, it doesn't have anything that is leaps and bounds better than Android Wear devices. I don't think anyone can doubt that. It's hardly more attractive, the UI is not substantially different, and the software set is not all that different. So anyone who thinks that Apple Watch, on its own, is going to "revolutionize" wearables in the same way the iPhone revolutionized phones is flat out wrong IMO. They are stuck in Apple's reality distortion field. CMV. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: The Apple Watch is not revolutionary. People who think it will be as significant as the iPhone are getting ahead of themselves. Back when the iPhone was revealed, it didn't have the greatest feature set or anything, but almost everyone (except the usual contrarians) agreed that it had a great design, and a cool (if laggy UI). And from that it truly revolutionized smartphones. Here, it doesn't seem like the Apple Watch is that significant. It may be a good product, it doesn't have anything that is leaps and bounds better than Android Wear devices. I don't think anyone can doubt that. It's hardly more attractive, the UI is not substantially different, and the software set is not all that different. So anyone who thinks that Apple Watch, on its own, is going to "revolutionize" wearables in the same way the iPhone revolutionized phones is flat out wrong IMO. They are stuck in Apple's reality distortion field. CMV.
I don't think that NASA deserves any more funding than what it's currently being given. CMV
Yes, I understand that NASA isn't JUST about space, but why are we funneling all of this money into NASA when most of the technologies that they're working on won't be able to produce any new industries? New industries are what the whole world needs right now, and NASA can't produce those. We don't need to think smaller, but we need to consider what we're actually getting for our money. Let's say that something really "great" does come out of NASA. We find an alien civilization 1500 lightyears away. We find Planet X that happens to be made entirely of a precious resource. What do we do with these pieces of information? There is no money to be made in the near future, and what's progress worth if it doesn't give us something back in return? I think that a lot of the money going towards NASA should go towards endeavors focused on the human brain. Neuroscience is still a relatively underdeveloped field, and it actually DOES have the prospect of creating new industries as well as fixing certain neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's and ALS. These are problems that are directly impacting our lives and more progress could be made if more money could be invested. New industries based on mind imaging/mapping could arise, as well as others we can't even imagine. I personally can't think of any feasible industries that NASA could produce anytime soon. I think it's great and all that we've made it to the moon and seen the edges of space, but I ultimately just don't see the point.
I don't think that NASA deserves any more funding than what it's currently being given. CMV. Yes, I understand that NASA isn't JUST about space, but why are we funneling all of this money into NASA when most of the technologies that they're working on won't be able to produce any new industries? New industries are what the whole world needs right now, and NASA can't produce those. We don't need to think smaller, but we need to consider what we're actually getting for our money. Let's say that something really "great" does come out of NASA. We find an alien civilization 1500 lightyears away. We find Planet X that happens to be made entirely of a precious resource. What do we do with these pieces of information? There is no money to be made in the near future, and what's progress worth if it doesn't give us something back in return? I think that a lot of the money going towards NASA should go towards endeavors focused on the human brain. Neuroscience is still a relatively underdeveloped field, and it actually DOES have the prospect of creating new industries as well as fixing certain neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's and ALS. These are problems that are directly impacting our lives and more progress could be made if more money could be invested. New industries based on mind imaging/mapping could arise, as well as others we can't even imagine. I personally can't think of any feasible industries that NASA could produce anytime soon. I think it's great and all that we've made it to the moon and seen the edges of space, but I ultimately just don't see the point.
I think my views can be changed. CMV
I am of the opinion that my opinions are mutable ... changeable ... other words meaning "able to be changed." And no one has been able to convince me otherwise. --- I have tried considering the possibility that my views are immutable, but I just can't seem to see the logic in that. Just earlier today, I saw a post on this subreddit that I agreed with, and one of the responses changed my view. Sometimes, I even engage in philosophical introspection, and I manage to change a view that I previously held. Hopefully, one of you can change my view regarding the changeability of my views.
I think my views can be changed. CMV. I am of the opinion that my opinions are mutable ... changeable ... other words meaning "able to be changed." And no one has been able to convince me otherwise. --- I have tried considering the possibility that my views are immutable, but I just can't seem to see the logic in that. Just earlier today, I saw a post on this subreddit that I agreed with, and one of the responses changed my view. Sometimes, I even engage in philosophical introspection, and I manage to change a view that I previously held. Hopefully, one of you can change my view regarding the changeability of my views.
CMV: The terms "property", "ownership" and "stealing", when used to describe information , are meaningless
By information, I mean things like software, music, movies, photographs or anything that can be replicated infinitely. Don't get me wrong, I do believe in laws that encourage creativity. I believe that an individual who creates something, like a song or an algorithm or a painting, deserves to be credited and paid if her/his work profits someone. I also believe in laws for privacy. If you keep some information in a private storage and some one replicates it without authorization, it is a crime. But photographs, unlike a loaf of rye bread, cannot be "stolen". Call it a different kind of crime, maybe "pirating" (we do not have as many swashbuckling seafarers around, so that word is up for grabs)? This is mere semantics, so it is not a big deal. However, patents and copyright are not "property" in the sense that cars are. They are simply documentation describing an idea and ascribing credit. The creator understandably is granted the right to control the use of the idea for a time. I find it hard to understand what is meant by "selling" a patent or a copyright. That the original patent holder authored the idea is a fact, which cannot be changed. What does it mean for them to sell their rights to the idea away? If a third party allegedly buys these rights, why should society feel compelled to credit and compensate them for its use? I think that we have become so used to thinking about legality in terms of "possession", that we apply such a model even to things that don't quite fit. Treating information as property creates dangerous entities like patent trolls, which do not create anything but merely buy and sell information for profit. As a person whose living depends on creating content in the form of information, does my view hurt my self interests? CMV if possible. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: The terms "property", "ownership" and "stealing", when used to describe information , are meaningless. By information, I mean things like software, music, movies, photographs or anything that can be replicated infinitely. Don't get me wrong, I do believe in laws that encourage creativity. I believe that an individual who creates something, like a song or an algorithm or a painting, deserves to be credited and paid if her/his work profits someone. I also believe in laws for privacy. If you keep some information in a private storage and some one replicates it without authorization, it is a crime. But photographs, unlike a loaf of rye bread, cannot be "stolen". Call it a different kind of crime, maybe "pirating" (we do not have as many swashbuckling seafarers around, so that word is up for grabs)? This is mere semantics, so it is not a big deal. However, patents and copyright are not "property" in the sense that cars are. They are simply documentation describing an idea and ascribing credit. The creator understandably is granted the right to control the use of the idea for a time. I find it hard to understand what is meant by "selling" a patent or a copyright. That the original patent holder authored the idea is a fact, which cannot be changed. What does it mean for them to sell their rights to the idea away? If a third party allegedly buys these rights, why should society feel compelled to credit and compensate them for its use? I think that we have become so used to thinking about legality in terms of "possession", that we apply such a model even to things that don't quite fit. Treating information as property creates dangerous entities like patent trolls, which do not create anything but merely buy and sell information for profit. As a person whose living depends on creating content in the form of information, does my view hurt my self interests? CMV if possible.
CMV:I think Assad should remain in power
I think Assad should remain in power, USA and her allies are repeating the same mistakes as we've seen earlier this century. America wants to invade Syria under the exact same guise as the previous wars in the Middle East. We should invade Iraq. Why? Because Saddam Hussein is a bad guy. This is true but he brings stability to the region and is secular and only worse things would fill the vacuum after he has been taken down. America did it anyway. USA funds and backs rebels in Libya. Why? Because Gaddafi is a bad guy. Is he? Yeah he's done bad things but there are worse leaders in the world and Gaddafi is also secular and brings stability but nope he's dead and now Libya is in never ending conflicting between Islamic fundamentalists and more Islamic fundamentalists all with their own restrictive and totalitarian interpretation of the Quran. If we go back to 1953 and Iran America backs a coup to remove a secular and very progressive Iranian leader. Why? Because he won't give (not sell) oil to our allies and we think he loves Soviet Union (when it was actually vice versa). So we'll back a coup in Iran. Now Iran is an Islamic theocracy and one of America's most vicious oppositions. I'm not saying why America constantly intervening in the Middle East. There is a good chance that they do genuinely believe that they are fighting the good fight. But they keep on making the same mistakes. Also call me a conspiracist but I do not believe that chemical weapons were used again recently. Because there was no reason to use them. The civil war was all but over and Assad had won. So why use them again when he realised the international backlash that happened the previous time. (And spare me the crocodile tears Netanyahu when you used white phosphorous in Gaza and killed 400 kids in one month in 2014). Could anyone give me an argument for why America should restart this civil war against a secular socialist republic, instead of doing what America did to South Africa back when it was an apartheid state. Thanks _____
CMV:I think Assad should remain in power. I think Assad should remain in power, USA and her allies are repeating the same mistakes as we've seen earlier this century. America wants to invade Syria under the exact same guise as the previous wars in the Middle East. We should invade Iraq. Why? Because Saddam Hussein is a bad guy. This is true but he brings stability to the region and is secular and only worse things would fill the vacuum after he has been taken down. America did it anyway. USA funds and backs rebels in Libya. Why? Because Gaddafi is a bad guy. Is he? Yeah he's done bad things but there are worse leaders in the world and Gaddafi is also secular and brings stability but nope he's dead and now Libya is in never ending conflicting between Islamic fundamentalists and more Islamic fundamentalists all with their own restrictive and totalitarian interpretation of the Quran. If we go back to 1953 and Iran America backs a coup to remove a secular and very progressive Iranian leader. Why? Because he won't give (not sell) oil to our allies and we think he loves Soviet Union (when it was actually vice versa). So we'll back a coup in Iran. Now Iran is an Islamic theocracy and one of America's most vicious oppositions. I'm not saying why America constantly intervening in the Middle East. There is a good chance that they do genuinely believe that they are fighting the good fight. But they keep on making the same mistakes. Also call me a conspiracist but I do not believe that chemical weapons were used again recently. Because there was no reason to use them. The civil war was all but over and Assad had won. So why use them again when he realised the international backlash that happened the previous time. (And spare me the crocodile tears Netanyahu when you used white phosphorous in Gaza and killed 400 kids in one month in 2014). Could anyone give me an argument for why America should restart this civil war against a secular socialist republic, instead of doing what America did to South Africa back when it was an apartheid state. Thanks _____
I am pro choice, but I believe that a fetus is a human life. CMV.
I will start by restating that I am pro choice and whole heatedly support a woman's right to choose. That is not what I am here to debate. However, the idea I take issue with that I see some people on the pro-choice side say is that a fetus is not a human life. This just seems like some kind of double-speak. A fetus is alive, otherwise there would be no debate. It is a human fetus. This is not debatable. Therefore it is human life and to say it is not is simply illogical. It just seems like a cop out. I support a woman's right to choose. However, the choice (circumstances not withstanding) is to kill a human life. If a choice is made, one must own up to it. I feel stating a fetus is not a human life is simply untrue and disingenuous. CMV
I am pro choice, but I believe that a fetus is a human life. CMV. I will start by restating that I am pro choice and whole heatedly support a woman's right to choose. That is not what I am here to debate. However, the idea I take issue with that I see some people on the pro-choice side say is that a fetus is not a human life. This just seems like some kind of double-speak. A fetus is alive, otherwise there would be no debate. It is a human fetus. This is not debatable. Therefore it is human life and to say it is not is simply illogical. It just seems like a cop out. I support a woman's right to choose. However, the choice (circumstances not withstanding) is to kill a human life. If a choice is made, one must own up to it. I feel stating a fetus is not a human life is simply untrue and disingenuous. CMV
Pope Francis might be better than his predecessor, but his ideas are still messed up. CMV.
A couple of hours ago, [this image]( was [posted]( and it's now #1 on /r/AdviceAnimals. I vehemently disagree with this - people should *dislike* Pope Francis. > Magister said that Francis cared about the global spread of concepts including easy legal abortion and gay marriage, which Francis sees as the work of the devil and the Antichrist. > Instead of recognizing that his illiberal and backwards ideology has *human* opponents, he thinks progressive people are being helped by the *devil and the Antichrist*. Seriously. This man cannot distinguish between the real world and fairy tales. This was not something he said jokingly in a private conversation. In July 2010, just three years ago, when Argentina considered legalizing gay marriage, he wrote in a letter to Argentina's cloistered nuns: >In the coming weeks, the Argentine people will face a situation whose outcome can seriously harm the family...**At stake is the identity and survival of the family**: father, mother and children. At stake are the lives of many children who will be discriminated against in advance, and deprived of their human development given by a father and a mother and willed by God. **At stake is the total rejection of God's law** engraved in our hearts. >Let's not be naive: This is not a simple political fight; it is a destructive proposal to God's plan. This is not a mere legislative proposal (that's just its form), but **a move by the father of lies** that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God... Let's look to St. Joseph, Mary, and the Child to ask fervently that they defend the Argentine family in this moment... May they support, defend, and accompany us in this **war of God**. > The 'father of lies' is a name for the devil used by Jesus in the Bible. This man believes in 'God's law' and holy war! He thinks giving equal rights to homosexual couples will end the "survival of the family". His ideology is illiberal and theocratic. Maybe you remember Benedict XVI criticizing an American organization of female Catholics last year, because they were *'tinged with feminist influences, focused too much on ending social and economic injustice and not enough on stopping abortion, and permitted speakers at its meetings who questioned church doctrine'*. Pope Francis [reaffirmed this reprimand]( > **Indoctrination** > It is often distinguished from education by the fact that the indoctrinated person is expected not to question or critically examine the doctrine they have learned. > Francis thinks women should [faithfully and obediently remain subservient to men]( **I fully understand why many people consider Francis to be better than Benedict. But Francis still holds many reprehensible views - he is hopelessly conservative, illiberal and theocratic. You might like him because he is relatively progressive and humble compared to the Vatican as a whole and in the past, but he is still absolutely conservative and irrational. CMV.**
Pope Francis might be better than his predecessor, but his ideas are still messed up. CMV. A couple of hours ago, [this image]( was [posted]( and it's now #1 on /r/AdviceAnimals. I vehemently disagree with this - people should *dislike* Pope Francis. > Magister said that Francis cared about the global spread of concepts including easy legal abortion and gay marriage, which Francis sees as the work of the devil and the Antichrist. > Instead of recognizing that his illiberal and backwards ideology has *human* opponents, he thinks progressive people are being helped by the *devil and the Antichrist*. Seriously. This man cannot distinguish between the real world and fairy tales. This was not something he said jokingly in a private conversation. In July 2010, just three years ago, when Argentina considered legalizing gay marriage, he wrote in a letter to Argentina's cloistered nuns: >In the coming weeks, the Argentine people will face a situation whose outcome can seriously harm the family...**At stake is the identity and survival of the family**: father, mother and children. At stake are the lives of many children who will be discriminated against in advance, and deprived of their human development given by a father and a mother and willed by God. **At stake is the total rejection of God's law** engraved in our hearts. >Let's not be naive: This is not a simple political fight; it is a destructive proposal to God's plan. This is not a mere legislative proposal (that's just its form), but **a move by the father of lies** that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God... Let's look to St. Joseph, Mary, and the Child to ask fervently that they defend the Argentine family in this moment... May they support, defend, and accompany us in this **war of God**. > The 'father of lies' is a name for the devil used by Jesus in the Bible. This man believes in 'God's law' and holy war! He thinks giving equal rights to homosexual couples will end the "survival of the family". His ideology is illiberal and theocratic. Maybe you remember Benedict XVI criticizing an American organization of female Catholics last year, because they were *'tinged with feminist influences, focused too much on ending social and economic injustice and not enough on stopping abortion, and permitted speakers at its meetings who questioned church doctrine'*. Pope Francis [reaffirmed this reprimand]( > **Indoctrination** > It is often distinguished from education by the fact that the indoctrinated person is expected not to question or critically examine the doctrine they have learned. > Francis thinks women should [faithfully and obediently remain subservient to men]( **I fully understand why many people consider Francis to be better than Benedict. But Francis still holds many reprehensible views - he is hopelessly conservative, illiberal and theocratic. You might like him because he is relatively progressive and humble compared to the Vatican as a whole and in the past, but he is still absolutely conservative and irrational. CMV.**
CMV: Veterans Day in the US should be changed to Armistice Day, moved to a different day, or not celebrated at all
Today, November 11, is a holiday around the world. In most countries it is called Armistice Day or Remembrance Day (from hereon I will only use Armistice to avoid confusion with the US holiday of Memorial Day in May), while in the US it is called Veterans Day. I believe this distinction is important, and borderline insulting. November 11 1918 was the official end of World War I. The annual holiday was immediately proclaimed by most if not all participating nations, and has been marked as Armistice Day ever since. This was the case in the US until 1954, when it was changed to Veterans Day. Note that 1954 was the same year the words "under god" were added to the Pledge of Allegiance, and was the final year of Senator McCarthy's communist witchhunting (he was officially censured by the Senate in December 1954). Just like those events, I believe Veterans Day is a relic of the Cold War. So what's the difference? Armistice Day is a solemn time to commemorate the end of war. It is in effect an anti-war holiday that reminds us of the most horrific and preventable waste of life committed by humans, specifically WWI. That war serves as a case study in why war is simply not worth fighting, and is therefore important to keep at the forefront of our collective memory. By contrast, Veterans Day is effectively a celebration of war. It's celebrated in the most bombastic American way possible, with concerts, fireworks, and the like. Americans are expected to thank soldiers for their service year round, especially on November 11. In Armistice Day countries veterans are commemorated, but the attitude is one of sorrow (essentially saying we wish you hadn't had to suffer war) rather than appreciation. Even leaving aside how the day is marked, public consciousness of WWI in America is woeful. As a European American I am consistently astounded by how little Americans know about the war. After all, it was the third deadliest American conflict yet most people only know the name (and that's only because it's implied by WWII). Therefore Americans should go back to calling it Armistice Day, both to raise awareness of WWI and to have a day where we acknowledge that war is bad. If we can't have Armistice Day, then Veterans Day should either be moved away from November 11 or canceled altogether. It's insulting to the WWI war dead to replace their holiday with a celebration of patriotism and nationalism, when that's exactly what WWI proved was bad. By the way, please try and avoid turning this into a debate over whether veterans should be lauded or reviled. That CMV has been done to death and it's not what this is about. As I said above, I'm fine with Veterans Day taking place on some other date. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Veterans Day in the US should be changed to Armistice Day, moved to a different day, or not celebrated at all. Today, November 11, is a holiday around the world. In most countries it is called Armistice Day or Remembrance Day (from hereon I will only use Armistice to avoid confusion with the US holiday of Memorial Day in May), while in the US it is called Veterans Day. I believe this distinction is important, and borderline insulting. November 11 1918 was the official end of World War I. The annual holiday was immediately proclaimed by most if not all participating nations, and has been marked as Armistice Day ever since. This was the case in the US until 1954, when it was changed to Veterans Day. Note that 1954 was the same year the words "under god" were added to the Pledge of Allegiance, and was the final year of Senator McCarthy's communist witchhunting (he was officially censured by the Senate in December 1954). Just like those events, I believe Veterans Day is a relic of the Cold War. So what's the difference? Armistice Day is a solemn time to commemorate the end of war. It is in effect an anti-war holiday that reminds us of the most horrific and preventable waste of life committed by humans, specifically WWI. That war serves as a case study in why war is simply not worth fighting, and is therefore important to keep at the forefront of our collective memory. By contrast, Veterans Day is effectively a celebration of war. It's celebrated in the most bombastic American way possible, with concerts, fireworks, and the like. Americans are expected to thank soldiers for their service year round, especially on November 11. In Armistice Day countries veterans are commemorated, but the attitude is one of sorrow (essentially saying we wish you hadn't had to suffer war) rather than appreciation. Even leaving aside how the day is marked, public consciousness of WWI in America is woeful. As a European American I am consistently astounded by how little Americans know about the war. After all, it was the third deadliest American conflict yet most people only know the name (and that's only because it's implied by WWII). Therefore Americans should go back to calling it Armistice Day, both to raise awareness of WWI and to have a day where we acknowledge that war is bad. If we can't have Armistice Day, then Veterans Day should either be moved away from November 11 or canceled altogether. It's insulting to the WWI war dead to replace their holiday with a celebration of patriotism and nationalism, when that's exactly what WWI proved was bad. By the way, please try and avoid turning this into a debate over whether veterans should be lauded or reviled. That CMV has been done to death and it's not what this is about. As I said above, I'm fine with Veterans Day taking place on some other date.
CMV: The United States is an empire in decline and is on a downward trajectory
I believe that the United States, like Rome and Britain before it, has had it's peak moment as a world leader and is now on the decline. I don't see that changing in the future due to the significant challenges facing the country and the broken political process. Major challenges and reasons for decline I see in the U.S - The world's largest number of prisoners both per capita and in absolute terms - Greater inequality right now than at any point in it's history and greater than in Europe at the start of the 20th century - An absurd amount of money in politics - A political system broken by ideology, partisanship and gerrymandering _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: The United States is an empire in decline and is on a downward trajectory. I believe that the United States, like Rome and Britain before it, has had it's peak moment as a world leader and is now on the decline. I don't see that changing in the future due to the significant challenges facing the country and the broken political process. Major challenges and reasons for decline I see in the U.S - The world's largest number of prisoners both per capita and in absolute terms - Greater inequality right now than at any point in it's history and greater than in Europe at the start of the 20th century - An absurd amount of money in politics - A political system broken by ideology, partisanship and gerrymandering
CMV: Prices like $599.99 are deceptive by nature and ought to be outlawed or boycotted.
I can think of no reason to set such prices other than as a psychological trick to make something seem cheaper than it is. The consumer gains little to nothing by buying the product for 1 cent cheaper. It doesn't really add up for that much, and it is outweighed for how much extra the consumer spends due to being misled. Stores wouldn't do it otherwise. I would find it hard to believe that the prices are caused by competition and market equilibrium (i.e. that it would be rationally cheaper to buy at the $599.99 store than the $600 store). It would be a huge coincidence if it turned out that the "real market price" just happened to stop at that arbitrary .99 point. Furthermore, it appears that monopolies such as airport snack shops are doing it as well, and they have no competition. Therefore, I argue that it has no benefit to the consumer and it is done in bad faith. Of course, the consumer ought to be responsible when buying, but a practice like this very intentionally exploits such moments of minor inattention. This gives it grounds to be banned. I can see how that might cause problems with prices like $19,900, but not with anything below one dollar difference. If you are a laissez-faire fellow such as myself who might believe that it is the store's natural right to set whatever price it wants for whatever reason, then fine, although it would be very low on the priority list of excessive regulations. But it would at least call for some sort of consumer action or boycott. And if you believe this is too small of an issue to write laws or organize rallies against, then that's also fine, but then you at least have to admit that this is still completely undesirable and dishonorable, at least on a miniscule scale. You would probably change my view if you present a convincing central reason for stores to do this that isn't purely manipulative. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Prices like $599.99 are deceptive by nature and ought to be outlawed or boycotted. I can think of no reason to set such prices other than as a psychological trick to make something seem cheaper than it is. The consumer gains little to nothing by buying the product for 1 cent cheaper. It doesn't really add up for that much, and it is outweighed for how much extra the consumer spends due to being misled. Stores wouldn't do it otherwise. I would find it hard to believe that the prices are caused by competition and market equilibrium (i.e. that it would be rationally cheaper to buy at the $599.99 store than the $600 store). It would be a huge coincidence if it turned out that the "real market price" just happened to stop at that arbitrary .99 point. Furthermore, it appears that monopolies such as airport snack shops are doing it as well, and they have no competition. Therefore, I argue that it has no benefit to the consumer and it is done in bad faith. Of course, the consumer ought to be responsible when buying, but a practice like this very intentionally exploits such moments of minor inattention. This gives it grounds to be banned. I can see how that might cause problems with prices like $19,900, but not with anything below one dollar difference. If you are a laissez-faire fellow such as myself who might believe that it is the store's natural right to set whatever price it wants for whatever reason, then fine, although it would be very low on the priority list of excessive regulations. But it would at least call for some sort of consumer action or boycott. And if you believe this is too small of an issue to write laws or organize rallies against, then that's also fine, but then you at least have to admit that this is still completely undesirable and dishonorable, at least on a miniscule scale. You would probably change my view if you present a convincing central reason for stores to do this that isn't purely manipulative.
CMV: Democrats/voters who don't like Hilary Clinton shouldn't vote for her, even if it means Trump becoming president.
I feel as the US election draws closer to November and the main party candidates are all but selected (as of next, they will be), a major arguing point among the Democratic electorate is that Hilary Clinton represents "the lesser of two evils". Those who are familiar with her political history know that she's gotten her hands dirty on more than one occasion, and as a result many people aren't comfortable voting for her, but are being persuaded to reconsider, because "do you really want Donald Trump to be president?" I disagree with this line of thinking, because the "lesser of two evils" vote only perpetuates the system whereby disenfranchised Democrats end up voting for candidates they really don't like that much, in order to keep candidates they really don't like out of office. The Democratic party can therefore keep running mediocre or right-leaning candidates under the Democratic label, and rely on the voter base to vote for them if they're less nutty than the Republican candidate. In this election cycle, Hilary is not the greatest choice for president, but many would agree that at least she's not Trump. What I think Democrats who don't like either Hilary or Trump should do is vote for a third party candidate. Of course, the risk of doing this is that if the left-leaning vote is split between two or three presidential candidates, then there is an increased chance that Trump will win the election. However, I think that this is a fair cost for the Democratic party to realize that they need to have a political platform that caters to voters not just as a foil to the Republican platform, but as a good political platform in itself. Especially after the recent DNC email leak, the Democrats need to learn the lesson that if you don't create the progressive platform that left-leaning Americans want, they will go somewhere else. CMV! ----- **EDIT 1: On the argument that "Nothing changed after Nader/Gore/Bush in 2000** See my response [here]( I argue that the 2000 election isn't comparable to this one either in terms of candidates or political/economic situation. It still remains possible therefore that a loss in this election could cause a shift to the left in the Democratic party, *especially* if they lose against the absurdity of Trump. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Democrats/voters who don't like Hilary Clinton shouldn't vote for her, even if it means Trump becoming president. I feel as the US election draws closer to November and the main party candidates are all but selected (as of next, they will be), a major arguing point among the Democratic electorate is that Hilary Clinton represents "the lesser of two evils". Those who are familiar with her political history know that she's gotten her hands dirty on more than one occasion, and as a result many people aren't comfortable voting for her, but are being persuaded to reconsider, because "do you really want Donald Trump to be president?" I disagree with this line of thinking, because the "lesser of two evils" vote only perpetuates the system whereby disenfranchised Democrats end up voting for candidates they really don't like that much, in order to keep candidates they really don't like out of office. The Democratic party can therefore keep running mediocre or right-leaning candidates under the Democratic label, and rely on the voter base to vote for them if they're less nutty than the Republican candidate. In this election cycle, Hilary is not the greatest choice for president, but many would agree that at least she's not Trump. What I think Democrats who don't like either Hilary or Trump should do is vote for a third party candidate. Of course, the risk of doing this is that if the left-leaning vote is split between two or three presidential candidates, then there is an increased chance that Trump will win the election. However, I think that this is a fair cost for the Democratic party to realize that they need to have a political platform that caters to voters not just as a foil to the Republican platform, but as a good political platform in itself. Especially after the recent DNC email leak, the Democrats need to learn the lesson that if you don't create the progressive platform that left-leaning Americans want, they will go somewhere else. CMV! ----- **EDIT 1: On the argument that "Nothing changed after Nader/Gore/Bush in 2000** See my response [here]( I argue that the 2000 election isn't comparable to this one either in terms of candidates or political/economic situation. It still remains possible therefore that a loss in this election could cause a shift to the left in the Democratic party, *especially* if they lose against the absurdity of Trump.
CMV: The right to read should be a universal right for all prisoners in the US
What I mean by this is I believe that, so long as the requested material is not unreasonable in acquisition or content and doesn't violate prison statutes on safety, all prisoners should have access to wiki and reading material. One can argue that they'll use this knowledge to escape prison, but if security is good and the COs do their job correctly, the most that will happen is at least one prisoner over the course of decades *may* escape, but it doesn't mean everyone should have their rights completely suspended. I'm as right-wing as they come. But part of that means prisons are punitively corrective, not punitively cruel and unusual, and I think taking away a man's right to read and educate himself on the world around him--even if serving a life sentence--is cruel and unusual. I'm not asking for PS3s and hot tubs like they have in Swedish prisons; I'm just saying prisoners should have the right to read what they want, unrestricted, as part of our 1st Amendment rights--and last time I saw, there was *nothing* in America that suspends the Bill of Rights, not even criminal conviction. CMV.
CMV: The right to read should be a universal right for all prisoners in the US. What I mean by this is I believe that, so long as the requested material is not unreasonable in acquisition or content and doesn't violate prison statutes on safety, all prisoners should have access to wiki and reading material. One can argue that they'll use this knowledge to escape prison, but if security is good and the COs do their job correctly, the most that will happen is at least one prisoner over the course of decades *may* escape, but it doesn't mean everyone should have their rights completely suspended. I'm as right-wing as they come. But part of that means prisons are punitively corrective, not punitively cruel and unusual, and I think taking away a man's right to read and educate himself on the world around him--even if serving a life sentence--is cruel and unusual. I'm not asking for PS3s and hot tubs like they have in Swedish prisons; I'm just saying prisoners should have the right to read what they want, unrestricted, as part of our 1st Amendment rights--and last time I saw, there was *nothing* in America that suspends the Bill of Rights, not even criminal conviction. CMV.
I feel the "End it Movement" is just another fad that will sap people of their money. CMV
I've seen a whole lot of this red X on hand thing recently and its made me thing another Kony 2012 or red = sign thing has come around. I know they say they give 100% of their proceeds to their partners, but what is to say that their partners aren't taking that cash and splitting it with these people. I don't have the time to go through each partner and look at their spending plan, but I doubt these people are doing it for nothing. All these chain letter type things rarely ever do these kind of things for free. Plus the marketing alone must cost them a ton of money. Anyone have facts to dispute me? I'm sure they must be using some of the money for good, but what proof is there that this isn't another hoax.
I feel the "End it Movement" is just another fad that will sap people of their money. CMV. I've seen a whole lot of this red X on hand thing recently and its made me thing another Kony 2012 or red = sign thing has come around. I know they say they give 100% of their proceeds to their partners, but what is to say that their partners aren't taking that cash and splitting it with these people. I don't have the time to go through each partner and look at their spending plan, but I doubt these people are doing it for nothing. All these chain letter type things rarely ever do these kind of things for free. Plus the marketing alone must cost them a ton of money. Anyone have facts to dispute me? I'm sure they must be using some of the money for good, but what proof is there that this isn't another hoax.
CMV:Not giving someone an organ when you are a match does not make you selfish
I have an uncle who needs a kidney. I am the only perfect match but I refuse to give him one of my kidneys. I know that I can live without it but I could potentially need it later and I can’t get it back. Many of my family members(not my parents or siblings, thankfully) are calling me selfish or even a murderer. My uncle is an alcoholic, but even if he wasn’t it is MY organ and giving one up is a big deal and something that no one is obligated to do. Besides his substance abuse he is in his late fifties and doesn’t take care of himself. I’m only 20 and who knows, the problem he’s having with his kidneys could be genetic. In any case I think that giving someone an organ is a really brave and wonderful thing to do for someone but it is not immoral to refuse to do so. Not donating an organ doesn’t make someone selfish and it certainly doesn’t make them a murderer. I am honestly open to any good reason someone disagrees with my view. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV:Not giving someone an organ when you are a match does not make you selfish. I have an uncle who needs a kidney. I am the only perfect match but I refuse to give him one of my kidneys. I know that I can live without it but I could potentially need it later and I can’t get it back. Many of my family members(not my parents or siblings, thankfully) are calling me selfish or even a murderer. My uncle is an alcoholic, but even if he wasn’t it is MY organ and giving one up is a big deal and something that no one is obligated to do. Besides his substance abuse he is in his late fifties and doesn’t take care of himself. I’m only 20 and who knows, the problem he’s having with his kidneys could be genetic. In any case I think that giving someone an organ is a really brave and wonderful thing to do for someone but it is not immoral to refuse to do so. Not donating an organ doesn’t make someone selfish and it certainly doesn’t make them a murderer. I am honestly open to any good reason someone disagrees with my view.
CMV: Sexual assault isn't largely different than any other type of assault.
Any assault on a person is awful. I'm not trying to minimize rape or sexual violence in any way. But I don't think that holding a person down and assaulting them with your fists is much different than assaulting them with your genitals. Any attack against an individual's autonomy is an offence to the person. I'd, perhaps, go so far as to say the long term emotional (aside from (and/or) physical) damage from a gang-rape is comparable to a gang-assault. I certainly don't want to take away from victims of sexual violence, but I feel that victims of physical violence are often ignored. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: Sexual assault isn't largely different than any other type of assault. Any assault on a person is awful. I'm not trying to minimize rape or sexual violence in any way. But I don't think that holding a person down and assaulting them with your fists is much different than assaulting them with your genitals. Any attack against an individual's autonomy is an offence to the person. I'd, perhaps, go so far as to say the long term emotional (aside from (and/or) physical) damage from a gang-rape is comparable to a gang-assault. I certainly don't want to take away from victims of sexual violence, but I feel that victims of physical violence are often ignored.
CMV: I should not recycle because of the NYC bottle tax.
So in New York City, and many other places, there is a bottle tax for alcohol (maybe other things too). This means that when I buy a 12-pack of beer, there is a $.05 tax per bottle, so my total is $.60 higher than it should be due to this tax. There are *countless* individuals across the city who scour recycling bins and trash bins for bottles and cans so that they can turn them into the recycling plant in exchange for $.05 a bottle/can. I have spoken to several of these people, and for most of them, this *is their main source of income*. I find it infuriating the the government has essentially created a needless job for people via a tax. They make the assumption that when you buy alcohol, you will return it yourself to get your money back. Of course no one does this, so you have people taking your recycling in order to earn a living. You have people doing the work of purchasing alcohol to enjoy it, and recycling it properly themselves. You then have others who exploit this to earn a living. By me not recycling on purpose, it is my small form of a rebellion against a needless tax. It shows that if the tax did not exist, I actually **would** recycle. There could be more environmentally conscious people if the city just stopped taxing people for this silly reason. Aside from the obvious environmental reasons, change my view on recycling! Cheers (pun) _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules](***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views](****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki](*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us](***. *Happy CMVing!*
CMV: I should not recycle because of the NYC bottle tax. So in New York City, and many other places, there is a bottle tax for alcohol (maybe other things too). This means that when I buy a 12-pack of beer, there is a $.05 tax per bottle, so my total is $.60 higher than it should be due to this tax. There are *countless* individuals across the city who scour recycling bins and trash bins for bottles and cans so that they can turn them into the recycling plant in exchange for $.05 a bottle/can. I have spoken to several of these people, and for most of them, this *is their main source of income*. I find it infuriating the the government has essentially created a needless job for people via a tax. They make the assumption that when you buy alcohol, you will return it yourself to get your money back. Of course no one does this, so you have people taking your recycling in order to earn a living. You have people doing the work of purchasing alcohol to enjoy it, and recycling it properly themselves. You then have others who exploit this to earn a living. By me not recycling on purpose, it is my small form of a rebellion against a needless tax. It shows that if the tax did not exist, I actually **would** recycle. There could be more environmentally conscious people if the city just stopped taxing people for this silly reason. Aside from the obvious environmental reasons, change my view on recycling! Cheers (pun)
I believe that suicide is an appropriate option for terminal elderly who wish to avoid future pain for themselves and loved ones. CMV.
My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease many years ago and is currently dying from it. Watching his dependence on others, his loss of self (due to dementia), and all the emotional pain accompanying this long process, I feel more strongly than in the past that suicide would not just be an appropriate, but a morally sound option for anyone with a similar (terminal) diagnosis. Had my grandfather chosen to terminate himself before Parkinson's and dementia did the job for him, I believe more pain could have been avoided- both for him and all of us who love him. CMV. Edit: I am here referring to willful self-termination while still in a physically/mentally healthy state, rather than assisted suicide or euthanasia at a late stage of a terminal diagnosis.
I believe that suicide is an appropriate option for terminal elderly who wish to avoid future pain for themselves and loved ones. CMV. My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease many years ago and is currently dying from it. Watching his dependence on others, his loss of self (due to dementia), and all the emotional pain accompanying this long process, I feel more strongly than in the past that suicide would not just be an appropriate, but a morally sound option for anyone with a similar (terminal) diagnosis. Had my grandfather chosen to terminate himself before Parkinson's and dementia did the job for him, I believe more pain could have been avoided- both for him and all of us who love him. CMV. Edit: I am here referring to willful self-termination while still in a physically/mentally healthy state, rather than assisted suicide or euthanasia at a late stage of a terminal diagnosis.
I never ever want to get married and don't see any reason to. CMV
I don't understand why people get married. I've been with my SO for 3 years, and a piece of paper isn't going to make me love him more or be more committed. It won't make me try harder to make things work when we have problems. All it will do is muddle things if we ever would want to get divorced. He can adopt any biological children, co-adopt any adopted children. We can write our wills to include each other. The only possible reason I'd see to get married is to be included on a job's health insurance plan. But as we both have good jobs with good plans, this is unnecessary. It just seems like a colossal waste of time/money to have a wedding, and if it's just a courthouse thing, then it just makes things difficult if we ever want to get divorced. All my friends are so excited about planning their weddings, and my SO wants to be married and have a wedding someday, and that it just the last thing I'd ever want... so CMV.
I never ever want to get married and don't see any reason to. CMV. I don't understand why people get married. I've been with my SO for 3 years, and a piece of paper isn't going to make me love him more or be more committed. It won't make me try harder to make things work when we have problems. All it will do is muddle things if we ever would want to get divorced. He can adopt any biological children, co-adopt any adopted children. We can write our wills to include each other. The only possible reason I'd see to get married is to be included on a job's health insurance plan. But as we both have good jobs with good plans, this is unnecessary. It just seems like a colossal waste of time/money to have a wedding, and if it's just a courthouse thing, then it just makes things difficult if we ever want to get divorced. All my friends are so excited about planning their weddings, and my SO wants to be married and have a wedding someday, and that it just the last thing I'd ever want... so CMV.
I believe that movies based off books can never be as good as the book, and reading the book makes you superior. CMV.
Because you can't make it exactly like it was written. "No movies can do that" you are thinking. Exactly. Which is why movies should never be based off books, bit scripts that are written straight as a movie. And look at LOTR movies and the GOT show. Dumbed down into action and cutting out stuff. Made for filthy casusals. Also, i won't be checking the replies here before tomorrow.
I believe that movies based off books can never be as good as the book, and reading the book makes you superior. CMV. Because you can't make it exactly like it was written. "No movies can do that" you are thinking. Exactly. Which is why movies should never be based off books, bit scripts that are written straight as a movie. And look at LOTR movies and the GOT show. Dumbed down into action and cutting out stuff. Made for filthy casusals. Also, i won't be checking the replies here before tomorrow.