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My opponent is a better or at the very least equal debater with all factors combined. With that said, let us proceed: In today's round, the Contender will prove beyond the notion of a doubt that "Logical-Master" is not as good as a debater as Yraelz. Since this is going to be 4 rounds and since my opponent has not provided any evidence in this first round, I think I will use this round for a brief cross examination. C/X Question #1: Yraelz, were you on a debate team during highschool? Question #2: If so, what kind of debate did you do? Question #3: How long did you do it? Question #4: What is your definition of debate? I have one, but would like to know what yours is (in case it differs from mine)? Question #5: What do you consider to be the purpose of debate? Questions #6: What do you suppose "with all factors combined" means? These are my only questions. I'll post my case in round 2. Till then.
Death Penalty (redux again). 1. Horrible Crimes Some people deserve it. Take Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind behind 9/11. Or Saddam Hussein, who is also guilty of horrible crimes. The man who drove a truck through Paris, the Boston Bombers, the Denver Theater shooter, Dylann Roof, John Wilkes Booth, the list could go on and on. Do you really think they don't/didn't deserve to die? 2. God Himself has Administered the Death Penalty God saw how evil mankind was when He created the Flood. No to mention that He sent His own Son, Jesus, to take the Death Penalty for us. During the time of Moses, God gave out the death penalty to Egyptian Soldiers in the Red Sea, rebels by having the Earth swallow them up, more rebels by having them bit by venomous snakes, and even Moses himself when he directly disobeyed God. 3. God is a god of Both Mercy and Justice Many of those who oppose the death penalty cite God and everything merciful he has done to back up there claims. However, the seem to forget everything God has done in the name of justice. God is a merciful god, but He is just as well.
in order to improve education in RI, should RIDE create a plan to encourage greater economic intergr. A.Charter schools have not been a good plan to create equality in RI -All the richer people in central falls go to the charter schools leaving all the poor people in the public school. Also charter schools haven"t taken any esl students. B.Students should be mixed economically just like they were mixed racially by the courts -Cranston east, which is a more mixed racially has better test scores than central who aren"t mixed as good. Schools with a better mix of students tend to have higher test scores and graduation rates. Also the Supreme Court Brown v Board of education desegregated schools by race C.Everyone benefits when rich and poor are mixed Other districts have higher property values. When students with low income from Montgomery county went to wealthier elementary schools they performed better than when they were in ones with higher concentrations of poverty.
Quick-scoping.....SUCKS!. My opponents argument seems to be this: 1.) It is cheating 2.) I don't like it! Let us start with #1 We cannot consider Quick Scoping cheating, because what rules does it break? It is in the game, and is actually more difficult than hard scoping. So increasing the difficulty makes it cheating? This is counter intuitive, as you would reason that cheating makes in EASIER on the so called "cheater". Again, it breaks no rules, as it is in the game, and nothing is being done against it. So it is not a glitch that is being exploited, rather a tactic that is being used to quickly kill enemies. #2 Obviously my opponent is not a fan of those who quick scope. However personally disliking something does not make it "suck". Many dislike hard scoping. Does that mean it sucks? No it means others disagree with it. We can't argue either that it sucks at killing people, because I am sure that we can agree that a good quick scoper can quickly take out enemy teams. Therefore neither of Pro's arguments holds up.
Americans should stop slacking and work harder. Americans only work 1,790 hours a year, even though the USA is the only developed country not to have the right to annual leave enshrined in law meaning that they work more days per year than other Western nations. (1) Compare that to the sombrero and poncho-clad, tequila-slurping, hat-dancing Mexican layabouts south of the border who work 2,226 hours a year. And what about those swarthy, plate-smashing, EU-bailout-grasping, work-shy Greeks? They work 2,034 hours a year. Even the idle, pan-flute-playing, llama-beaters in Chile work 2,029 hours a year. (2) It's time Americans spent less time slobbing about on the sofa scoffing McDonald's and guzzling Coke and more time out at work earning a living, don't you think? (1) (2)
Foreign-Born Presidential Candidates. My name is Jihasdis. I am from Iran. The U.S. has recently passed a law. Now I can go there, live for 25 years, and become the president. I'm Middle Eastern. I'll get elected, and I'll destory the country. I dislike America. They killed my grandfather. I will make them pay. Now tell me this. How is that prevented? Oh, ya. You cannot be a president if you are foreign born. Many people hold resentment towards the U.S. Anyone can promise anything in an election to win. Natural-born citizens, generally, have a great sense of nationalism and would prefer to see the U.S. prosper. And oh ya. I accept the argument and will take the burden of explaining the problem with a foreign-born preident.
Imabench's 300th Debate!!! Resolved: Cats are Liquids. Ok Ill make this quick. Let us diagnose the definition of the word 'liquid' and see if cats meet all parts of the definition. "Liquid: An object with a fixed mass. .. .. ." Cats take up the same amount of space and therefore have the same amount of mass, so this part of the definition is met. "fixed volume. .. .. ." Volume is the # dimensional measurement of how much space an object takes up. So an object that has a constant mass will naturally have a constant volume when placed in water. "match the shape of the container they are poured into. "Here is the main point of contention. If cats do in fact take up the shape of the container they are poured into, then they would meet all the requirements needed to be a liquid. Here is my evidence showing that cats do take the shape of the container they are poured into. Here is a picture of a cat who currently is taking the shape of the window it is stuck in Here is a picture of a cat that has taken up the shape of the sink it is sleeping in A picture of a cat that has taken the shape of the sock it is in. Here is a picture of multiple cats taking up a shape to fil this jar Here is a cat that has taken the shape of the jar it is in Another picture of a cat that has taken the shape of the jar it is in Another picture of a cat that has taken the shape of a sock it is in. A THIRD cat that is taking the shape of the sock it is in. And lastly a cat that is currently taking the shape of the bottle it is in. We can conclude that cats do take the shape of the container they are put into, and therefore meet all of the requirements of a liquid as defined in round 1. Therefore the resolution is affirmed :DPossible counter arguments:"To be a liquid you have to pour it and it has to flow, cats cant do that so they cant be liquids. "Contention: You can pour cats into a container, it just wont flow as smoothly as water or urine. Just because it doesnt flow smoothly doesnt mean it doesnt flow at all. .. .. "Cats have a fixed shape when they are not in a container"So does toothpaste. It holds its shape because it is just a super condensed liquid. In other words it can hold its own shape Cats are the same thing.
Legalization of Marijuana. "we are all mature here."No I am not."Then, I promise you would see shootouts of video game dealers protecting their merchandise."Okay, that may sound accurate now, but drugs are apsychadelic substance people enjoy smoking, so it explains why people would be willing to go to such lengths to protect it. But while normal video games are legal, pirated copies of video games aren't legal. And tell me if I'm wrong, but I've never turned on the news to see people dead in a shootout over bootleg Halo copies."I doubt you had a such a substantial amount of lays that you were little more than annoyed about what happened."You doubt my inventory of lays?"If you were, then you should have made sure they paid you back and if they didn't that's on them not weed." It has both to do with them and the weed. I didn't make them pay me back because they were potheads. They've got better things to do with their money. If they didn't, then they wouldn't have to ask me to bring food when I went to their place."Please reveiew and try to understand what I said so you can properly respond"Okay, this time I got of my lazy @$$ (metaphorically, I'm still sitting here) and read your thing on gateway drugs. And there completely are connections between two acts. If say, I'm a kid and I start playing Halo, I'll start playing Call of Duty. I know that there is a VERY large gap between halo - call of duty and weed - cocaine. What I'm trying to say is if I do one thing, I might want to start doing a similar thing. It's a psychology thing, I guess.
The atomic bomb has helped our society. Hello, Today I would like to debate the topic of nuclear weapons and their role in todays soceity. I will be taking the side of pro, supporting the statement that nuclear weapons have had a helpful role in our society. Round one - AcceptenceRound two - Opening statementsRound three - Rebuttals Round four - Closing arguments I wish my opponent the best of luck, and am looking forward to a fun debate! I hope to learn some more on this interesting issue, and share my beliefs!
Christians should just forsake their religion's history of stoning. It appears that I have mistaken the argument. I would like to apologize for not having the debate go as intended, and I appreciate your concession of the resolution. It seems as if the debate was a whole misunderstanding. I was arguing against the resolution while Pro was arguing something completely different. For these reasons, I urge users to let the debate pass as a tie, as the whole thing was a big misunderstanding.
Prostitution should be legalized. The resolution is that prostitution should be legalized. Con will attempt to argue that it should stay illegal. Definition of prostitution: The practice of engaging in sexual relations in exchange for money or other objects of monetary value. Round one is for acceptance only as well as any definitions or clarifications con may wish to present. No new arguments can be presented in the last round. Good luck con!
Vulnerable to unrest. Relying on tourism ensures that the economy is at the mercy of unrest. The violence and break down in law and order following the Tunisian revolution resulted in a notable decrease in tourists as tourists were unwilling to visit an area which they view as dangerous. This is demonstrated by the footfall of tourists which declined from 6,487,000 in 2010 to 4,456,000 in 2011 1. The increase in attacks by Salafists, a conservative sect of Islam which promotes Sharia law and has attacked tourist destinations, has dissuaded many potential visitors2. This has been exacerbated by government travel information which generally advises against visiting regions during periods of unrest, especially for Westerners who are perceived as profitable targets for ransom3. The resultant decrease in tourists reduces revenue, making tourism an unreliable industry for Tunisia. 1)      African Manager, ‘Tunisia-Tourism: Clear Improvement, but a timid pace!’, data accessed 24 January 2014 2)      Whewell,T. ‘Justice kiosk: Tunisia’s alternative law enforces’, BBC, 30 July 2013 3)      Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ‘Kidnapping threat worldwide’
Resolved: God is just a computer nerd playing Sims: Earth. This is a TROLL DEBATE that we both agreed to. Rules Round 1 is for rules and TOS by Pro while Con will make his opening arguments. Round 2 Pro will make contentions and rebuttles, while Con Refutes. Round 3 is rebuttles by Pro and Con makes rebuttles and Conclusion. Round 4 Pro makes rebuttles and conclusion, Con will states, "No round as argeed upon. " If Con says anything else in the finial round then it's a forfeit of all 7 points. No swearingAccepting means that you accept, for the purpose of this debate, that God(s) exists.
My Opponent Will Lose This Debate. I use Opera web browser with normal size font. As you can see, when using this search engine, the third line of my opponent's round starts with a capitol letter. I pressed prtsc to prove it []. The third line starts with a capital "C", when the rules specifically state every line (not sentence), must start with a lower case letter. Therefore, Con loses and a full 7 points goes to me. When I used Google Chrome, and the forth line started with "War", which, again, starts with a capitol letter. Now, perhaps there are some web browsers which shows that he didn't break the rules with respect to that format. However, he still broke the rules with respect to Google Chrome and Opera on their default settings. Therefore, he still broke the rules in some sense indirectly, which rule 1 states is forbidden. Even if, lets say, Internet Explorer favors my opponent, that wouldn't change the fact that he broke the rules on the other browsers, thus, he still broke the rules. Therefore, he will lose according to the debate structure. Thank you.
Llamas are funny. 1. Llamas Kill PeopleLlamas have involuntary psychopathic murder spells (See video). historical evidence, GiantSpoonMan's father was slaughtered by the llama mafia during prohibition. It was around 2:45 in the morning. GreySpoonMan was simply going for a late night stroll because he couldn't sleep. He was peacefully listening to the echoing of his footsteps on the damp brick roads when suddely a voice called out,"You're in the wrong neighborhood."Grey abrubtly turned about face, sweat now running down his brow in fear. He tried to look casual as he briskly walked away, but his thighs started to burn. His walking turned into running along with the growing sound of clops. His escape attempt gew increasingly faster, faster than he could keep up with without tripping on a loose brick and falling to the road.The last thing he saw was a long, furry neck growing out of a big, furry body. And the last thing he heard was,"Como te llamas, muthaf4cka."Whack...........If anyone thought that story was funny, they're going to Hell.Llamas are murderers. They feel so shame. They have no humor. They are, not, funny. 2. Llamas Spit Like Cray-Cray I don't find getting spit on very funny. Especially after being murdered.3. Take Drugs Obama Pleases Me Was A Terrible MovieTake Drugs Obama Pleases Me starred Taylor Llamner, known for his miserable performances in films like The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lllama Girl in 3-D, Pallama Dynasty, and Shield Your Eyes, Full Moon. Rotten Tomatoes's review was based soley on special effects, while the story and acting remained dry and unbearable.The film recieved terrible reception from other critics who actually have taste:"This film goes down as one of the worst films in history along with 'Bratisllama' and 'Fat Dump'." - New York Times, 2008."Whenever this director wants to leave the film industry, alpaka lunch for him." - Huffington Post, 2008."I'M GOING TO KILL MYSELF OVER A MOVIE!!!" - Whitney Houston, 2008.Review Llamas kill people. Llamas kill people. Llamas kill people. ConclusionLlamas aren't funny.
Boys are more athletic than girls. I believe that men are more capable at sports for four reasons: 1. In all running categories men are faster and get better scores in the Olympics (for example in the mile the men's best score is 3:48.45, women's is 4:17.14) 2. Men are stronger and can lift more weight (Paul Anderson, a man, lifted 6,270 pounds, 2844.02 kg) 3. Men are tougher (there are no women in the NFL, they are allowed to but none are good enough) 4. Men just are more athletic overall and can beat women in any sport 1. Men have faster running and swimming times: Men's records running -100 meter: 9.58 seconds -200 meter: 19.19 -400 meter: 43.18 -800 meter: 1:40.91 Women's records running -100 meter: 10:49 -200 meter: 21.34 -400 meter: 47.60 -800 meter: 1:53.28 Men's swimming records 50m freestyle: 20.91 100m freestyle: 46.91 200m freestyle: 1.42.00 400m freestyle: 3.40.07 Women's records swimming 50m freestyle: 23.73 100m freestyle: 52.07 200m freestyle: 1:52.98 400m freestyle: 3:58:37 (I won't list all of them but you can look at these links) As you can see men have better times in every event. 2. My second point is that men are stronger and they are able to lift more weight. The world record is also held by a man in weight lifting. (Paul Anderson, a man, lifted 6,270 pounds, 2844.02 kg) In the 2012 Olympics, there wasn't even a heavy lifting event for women. The most weight that men lifted was the 105kg heavy lifting event, and for the women it was in the 75kg. There isn't even an event for women's heavyweight. 3. Men are tougher. Like I said there are no women in the NFL. Women are allowed to, but none are in it. Secondly in women's lacrosse the girls are not allowed to hit each other and have to guard each other like basketball. 4. My last point is that men are better at most sports. As said before all of the world records held by men in running and swimming are faster than the women's. Most women can't dunk in the WNBA, whereas in the NBA most men can dunk. Women play softball which is an easier version of baseball. There is a smaller field making it easier to hit a home run. Plus the bases are closer together making it easier to run to.
Video games encourage violent behavior. It looks like my opponent is a glutton for punishment. In today's round, I will disprove the notion that "Video games encourage violent behavior." First, the job of the instigator is to prove that video games encourage violent behavior. My opponent only list one event to suggest this. Keep in mind that during this event, they two boys played a VIOLENT VIDEO GAME. Now, onto his argument. He suggest that the Columbine massacre was caused due to both Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold both being fans of the video game listed as Doom. My opponent is either guilty of ignorance and dishonesty, as this valid assessment points to their psychological problems being caused by other factors: . In fact, the following quote sums up their reasons for committing the school shooting: "These are the rantings of someone with a messianic-grade superiority complex, out to punish the entire human race for its appalling inferiority" (by the way, the specific rantings are listed in the article). I would like to add that studies performed have actually suggested that video games have an even LESSER effect on the aggression of an individuals than television does: Finally, given that the video game industry is very beneficial to the entertainment industry, logic suggest there are quite a plethora of individuals who buy and play video games. If that is the case, shouldn't there be far MORE incidences of violent behavior as we've seen with the Columbine catastrophe? At any rate, my opponent has not provided you with valid evidence that would suggest that video games (not just ones that fall under the violent category) encourage violent behavior. Since the burden of proof belongs to him, the contender automatically wins this debate. Thank you.
Euthanasia should be legalized. I argue that Euthanasia (or assisted suicide) should be legalized. As a Christian, I do believe that Euthanasia is wrong, but I still believe that it should be legal.Definitions: Euthanasia - The painless killing of a patient (at their request) suffering from an incurable and painful disease.Rules for this debate:1. No forfeits2. BoP shared3. No trolling or disrespect4. Con must start his or her opening argument in first round.5. To maintain the same number of rebuttals for both parties, Con must agree not to make any arguments in the final round.6. Pro will provide a closing statement in the final round and not present any new arguments.I look forward for an exciting debate.
god. so lets jus say there is one and we are supposed to be his children, why would a parent let their childern suffer? why does there have to be a higher power? many ppl have predicted the end of the world but no dice. how can god be disloyal to his own creation? why? if god was here little girls and boys would not get raped. as humans (childern of god) we would have equal everything. we all need the same thing to survive, food, shelter, love, air, water,etc. but a gangster/criminal can have more than a person that does actually goes to church. yeah right.
Twenty Questions. "1. Is the object more commonly found indoors as opposed to outside? " Yes; although the object can be found outdoors, it is more commonly found indoors. "2. Is the object something that can fit into a standard backpack without rendering the backpack unable to zip shut, and while still remaining intact? " Most of the time, the object is something that cannot fit into a standard backpack without rendering the backpack unable to zip shut, and while still remaining intact. There are exceptions, but you can conclude that the answer to this question is "no. " "3. Is the object something that could, as a whole, be manipulated with only human strength? (Broken, smashed, molded, etc. )" Yes; the object is something that could, as a whole, be manipulated with only human strength. "4. Is the object normally capable of storing items within itself? " No. "5. Is the object normally capable of storing people within itself? " No. "6. Does the object use electricity? " No. "7. Is the object ever used as food on a relatively common basis? " No. "8. Does the object have green coloring on any part of it's surface? " It could, but not necessarily. The answer to this can be concluded as "some times. " "9. Is this object the same color 90% of the time? " No. "10. Can this object be purchased from Wal-Mart or Target? " Yes.
Just for fun! 1+1=2. I firmly believe that 1.0+1.0=2.0, or, 1+1=2. There is much physical proof of this. One example: Put all your fingers down. Now hold up one of your fingers (just not your middle, because that's rude, although it doesn't matter in the mathematical sense). That is one finger. Now hold up another finger. If you know how to count, the next number should be two. You are holding up two fingers. Bravo! For more proof of this, check your calculator. Whether it be your phone calculator or Googor your fancy algebraic calculator you used for calculus last year, you will get the same answer when you type in "1+1" and "=" (or "equals" or "ans" or "answer" or "go" or whatever other synonym for the answer of the equation): 2. Sources: Elementary School My fine, healthy fingers
Resolved: God is just a computer nerd playing Sims: Earth. Contention 1: Creation of the Universe. My opponent argues that the creation of the universe and the laws that govern it means that there is a higher power and I agree with him. You see the Sims: Earth game creators created the Game and the Big Bang was initiated by God when he began to download the game to his PC. This game (Sims: Earth) is much to that of where the game system in in real time. It's also much like Civilization Revoloution where buildings can be built, wars are rage, and your nation increases culture. These games encompass Sims: Earth as they are subparts to help describe what it is like here by Playing Sims: Earth. Scientists argue that the universe will end in the case of the Big Crunch which is where the universe will shrink back into one point to prime perhaps for another Big Bang. ( This is similar to someone resetting the game which means that God will one day press the reset button and we will eventually return to the current state. We do not know how many times God has played this game, but we do know one thing for sure. God is a computer nerd playing Sims: Earth. Contention 2: Logic My opponent argues the theory of "I think therefore I am," but he fails to realize that under this circumstance that this statement is false. As you can see in the photo above that Sims think and this shows that Con's argument is flawed as if sims can think and humans can think, then we must all be Sims. Contention 3: Attack on Con? I never attacked Con for his beliefs as I'm Catholic. ( My opponent asks how if we are Sims then how can evil things happen. Well I present this video () it depicts of ways to drown, burn, strave electricute, and kill your Sims. Laddies and Gents God has one bad sense of hummor. Contention 4: Big Pictures. My opponent is just saying that I cheated, but that is false for I apply Kurt Vonnegut's time travel theory that I have become unstuck in time and I had give people the ideas for these photos so that I may use them for this debate against my opponent. The Trafalmadorian's view on time picts that time is constant and they view time as we view a stretch of the Rockies. It is always constant and will always be there, but you can always go back to it.
Carbon dioxide is cannot cause catastrophic heating due to the greenhouse effect. Since we can both agree that carbon dioxide levels have increased since the industrial revolution there is no need for discussion on how it happened. Therefore I will ignore the effects of deforestation, and focus on the effects of carbon dioxide on the climate and temperature. Though humans use carbon dioxide emitting sources for energy and not water. Water (which affects both incoming and out going radiation) remains significantly more important in climate modulation than carbon dioxide. Most of the radiation that can be absorbed by carbon dioxide is either already being absorbed or is close to being fully absorbed which means that at some point the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will have no effect on the temperature when its concentration raises above a certain level. "When a molecule of carbon dioxide absorbs heat energy, it goes into an excited unstable state. It can become stable again by releasing the energy it absorbed. Some of the released energy will go back to the earth and some will go out into space. So in effect, carbon dioxide lets the light energy in, but doesn't let all of the heat energy out, similar to a greenhouse." -Simply put when carbon dioxide absorbs radiation on one wave length it releases it on another (which it cannot reabsorb) causing the heat to stay within the Earth for longer than it would have if the carbon dioxide was not present thereby increasing the mean temperature. And the same principle is true for water (which constitutes 90% of the total "greenhouse effect") and other "greenhouse gases". One final note: doubling carbon dioxide levels from 300 ppm will produce at most a 1.5�C increase while increasing carbon dioxide from a level of zero would have produced an increase between 5 �C and 12 �C. This means that doubling carbon dioxide levels from 600ppm to 1200ppm would produce a temperature increase less than 1�C. So within the next one hundred years the temperature could increase by as much as 2�C. The consequences of which can be discussed later on since there are two remaining rounds.
The usefulness of landmines is significantly over-represented:. In 1996, military experts from 19 countries signed on to an ICRC policy statement based on an independent study that concluded that mines were of “limited military utility”.[12] This is in part because landmines can be defused by an enemy with relative ease. And, also, they can be worked-around, with tunnels and alternative routes. Finally, as seen below, they also inhibit the movement of those that plant them, which can be particularly dangerous if a military is flanked and forced to move across the mine field.
Animal Testing for Cosmetics. Ah, that would be a problem. Well okay so there's still a good argument to be made for it. to assess what stays from my last post: rats are still a alternative to humans that if disallowed from testing on create a environment which has to gamble on human lives or not try potentially beneficial products altogether. Imagine I've reconsidered all morals I had since the election results. First of all cosmetics are a important and valuable part of our society it's not essential but they're beneficial. Appearance is undoubtedly a incredibly important part of any modern life. Physiologists agree that first impression are the strongest and hardest to change assessment of another person, people also experience the phenomena called the halo effect that's when someone assessing you (professionally or casually) identifies a strong positive trait ,like a exceptional appearance, they are more likely view other your other traits as being positive e.g the same person can be viewed as driven or bossy based on a good or bad first impressions. Cosmetics also help self esteem, when someone gets a zit or any time of blemish they can use cosmetics to help make it less noticeable and not worry about if other people are aware of it. Make up helps people achieve the look they want including not naturally available looks like bright pastels or dark Gothic colors to manage your outer appearance and vibe. Cosmetics also are large economic business employing many workers and chemists. It also encourages spending which is good in a market economy. And many can make a hobby of it learning to contour or color theroy to help manifest their ideal image of themselves . Rene Descartes the father of the scientific method in his discourse on method famously said "I think therefore I am" he proposed that this is a major distinction between animals and humans. Human think, animals with less complex and developed brains have yet to reach a point where they can override instinct and truly consider and understand their actions and surroundings. Rats are alive and feel pain but so do most things considered alive, plants have a response to stimuli that is comparable to when animals with a nervous system and brain experience painful stimuli. Harvesting our food can similarly cause pain experienced by some lab rats. Rats are invasive species that spoil food and spread diseases without pest control methods like chemicals and traps our way of life could be considerably damaged their existence is crucial to a cycle of life but lack benefit and therefore are a prime candidate compared to other more benificial animals. And in the end many aren't that inconvenienced many cosmetics are considered safe and do no hard and the rats and in the end the rats are rewarded with food possibly keeping some rats that would be unable to thrive in nature alive.
Your knowledge about anything and everything is not unexpected. I will attempt to explain this in a different way to help you understand. You have 2 rooms. One of these rooms has a windowless door, no windows and no way to see inside. The other room has a door with windows, regular windows, and a window wall so you can clearly see inside. Expected knowledge is represented as the room with the windows, because without opening the door, you can describe what the room looks like, whats inside the room and what kind of materials are inside the room. Unexpected knowledge is represented as the room without windows, because the only way to figure out whats inside the room is by opening the door, however once you open the door the contents of the room are definable so it then becomes expected knowledge. Expected knowledge is anything that can be defined by the seven categories. Unexpected knowledge is anything that cannot be defined in the present or the future. Once something can be defined it becomes expected knowledge.
Story Writing Debate (see rules for genre). Chapter III: Never Sleep I found myself standing up and having punched right through the doctors view window, the worst part of it was that I was having a sleep test. I soon found myself screaming the name of my doctor. "DOCTOR!........DOCTOR GOB!.....GOB!" "Shhhhhhhh it"s alright nothing is going to happen." "Doctor what happened" "quiet don"t say a word and lay down I have some news for you." "What is it doctor." "Well me and my assistant were watching the machines for signs of increased pulse rate, brain activity, and muscle movement and I have come to the conclusion that you are a sleep walker." "I sleep walk? Then explain why I punched the window." "Well, some people sleep walk and eat, or work, or just walk around with no apparent reason, but in your case it seems like you have a violent behavior when you sleep walk." "Well what does that mean?" "It means you could seriously hurt someone especially since you are a detective with real police and combat skills." "What should I do?" "With any sleep walker I recommend powering down before going to sleep you can do this by not eating three hours before bed, turning of technology a few hours before bed, and just relax before bed." "Thanks Doc I going home." "I think that you should stay I want to do a few more tests before letting you go." "Sorry I am done with testing for right now." I quickly went home to see my wife and be away from work and tests, but that"s before I got the news from my wife. "Honey I"m home." "So how did the doctor visit go." "Fine" "Oh I almost forgot Dr. Booth called she left a message on the answering machine." I walked over to the phone and pressed the answering machine button. "Hello this is Dr. Lindsey Booth I have a message for Jake Zimmer the DNA results are back and the dry blood that you brought in does match the victim"s if you have any more questions please call me back at 236-5525." My mouth dropped wide open. "Jake, what"s wrong?" "Nothing, I have to go to my room now." "Are you sure you are ok." "Yes." I ran up the stairs to my bedroom and unlocked the drawer with the machete in it. I grabbed the bag and put some gloves on and then I took my detective bag and pulled out my dusting tools. I dusted the handle for finger prints and found some. I then took out an ink pad and pressed my fingers to it and then pressed my ink covered fingers on a white blank piece of paper and compared. "It"s a match"..I killed that girl."
The story of Roxas was better than Sora's in 1.5 HD Remix. I'll start with some rebuttal because I have a lot to go through on Sora's story. Yeah, I guess Roxas' story is more sad, but that doesn't make it better. In fact, that makes it tonally inconsistent since his weapon is an over-sized key with a mickey mouse logo chained to it. Most of his story is actually pretty stupid if you've played 358/2. Most of the game is someone disappearing with Roxas moping about it for a full five days until they return and refuse to account for it. This happens multiple times, and the format gets really samey. The one time it looks like it'll break from this is when you visit Castle Oblivion. .. for a single cutscene. .. and then cut to two weeks later. It truly mirrors the games themselves; Roxas' story is a shallow spinoff of the original, just like the game he's in. Now Sora on the other hand; his story is much more about power, in all its forms. It's about power as a weapon; knowledge as power, and how these dynamics affect relationships. Sora's story begins with his rival Riku. Evenly matched and with the same prize in mind, (Kairi), Riku and Sora, once best friends, part ways when Riku decides to use the approaching darkness to tip the scales in his favour, unknowingly surrendering his keyblade to Sora. Sora's story is about learning to wield the power of the keyblade. He tests its ability and powers while learning his own, he begins to learn the limits of his powers, and then decides that with the key to all things in his possession, he can reject these limits. It's a much more interesting arch than Roxas' sob-story, and it matches the gameplay and levels; the Keyblade appears lighter as Sora unlocks new skills, what was once a heavy club becomes effortless to swing as he grows comfortable with the worlds. And as the limits of his strength approach in the story, the levels match that pressure, becoming darker and more threatening. Sora's tale is one with ups and downs, not backs and forths. If you want to introduce elements from 2.5, I'd be happy to. Until then, I'll see you next round. Duncan
Shorter School Year. First of all you are agreeing with me with your quote on how short school years do harm. I will accept what you have said as I am con fighting to keep the status quo of a normal school year. You have the burden of proof and as all you have said is agree with my case I shall just go through my arguments. 1: Difficulty to teachers "They've increased the standards. Then to lower the number of days they have to do it - it's going to be hard on the teachers,"[] Teachers are already under a great deal of stress and shortening our school year will just make it more difficult for our people to catch up to the people learning in other countries. This leads on to my second point. 2: America is already behind in education.[] Lowering the amount of school days when we are already behind in education is just pure nonsense. We are lacking in these areas such as math(25th) and reading(14th) and we wish to lower it even more by shortening the school year. My opponent even agrees to the con view, It would be difficult on teachers, and we are already behind on education. I would write more but I am tired and my opponent has no case.
without God there CAN BE NO MORALITY. If there is no God then where, exactly, does morality reside? If morality is a purely human, subjective experience, Is it then subject to the tides of public opinion and the storms of history? If there is no objective standard above and beyond human endeavor then how can we say one morality is better ( or even use the word better! ) than others? How can we say that Hitler ( for example ) is evil if we have no universal measurement? no standard?
Trust is the most important factor in friendship. I accept the challenge, although I have absolutely no idea what the instigator meant by "nhjihakshdkhkahdkhk kahjdkjhkshaldhkcmnbgjhgdkgakjhdgf,bcjsgjdhgkjgjskacnmbakgflkwgigfgkkahkjmbcmnb". The topic of the debate states that "Trust is the most important factor in friendship". I beg to differ. Although trust is a very important factor for a true friendship, it is not the most important factor. Other factors like caring, love, loyalty, honesty, understanding, etc. hold equal, if not more, amount of importance. For instance, a friendship with trust but no honesty, is bound to end badly if one of the people involved in the friendship finds out that the other person they put their trust into is not truthful with them. That is all I have to say in this round.
Should Girls Be Allowed To Play Football (American). Ok, let me first knock this out of the way. I think females can do many, many things. Females can do anything thing a male can do. SO, I will not be arguing male VS female. What I will be Arguing, is a physical contacted sport such as American football, is too demanding on the womans body. Such as (CTE), legs, arms, upper body, and other injuries. The other part of this argument, I will be discussing, is male football is more entertaining, Female WNBA is not as entertaining as the NBA, why because for one reason is the basketball hoop is 10ft tall, and woman can't dunk, their only been two females in the WNBA that could dunk. So there for it not as entertaining, it will not be popular like the men's Basketball. Another sport is woman hockey, they are physical, but not like the males, they are faster, stronger, more out athletics, than the women. So, they for more people will be watching the male's sports more than the woman's. I will go further in detail in the later rounds, on why Woman or girls shouldn't play American football. I'm here to discuss why women shouldn't play American football, not touch football, or if you want to talk about just girls playing pee wee football. I guess i could still argue why they shouldn't play American foot as well. SO i'm looking forward to what my opponents response will be.
Should kids be able to drop out of high school. Rebuttal: What about the children who are forced to go to school? If they are unhappy, they will rebel! They will be a danger to not only themselves, but others around them. They could do a lot of dangerous things while in school as well. How many teenagers drink underage? How many teenagers do drugs? How many kids have underage sexual intercourse? How many kids get into fights? Yes, I admit if they are not in school and drop out they will have time to make bad decisions. BUT they may be under closer watch of parents or guardians and hence, be even safer than before when their parental figures could not see what they were up to in school. My argument: My first point: I would like to acknowledge a quote by Darren Shan, "School is a despotic system of indoctrination designed to crush the spirit and stamp out creativity." Honestly speaking, not all students can keep up at a pace that teachers are going. Some of these students have natural abilities or talents that they can showcase or use to create a profitable innovation. For example, Frank Lloyd Wright, the most influential architect of the twentieth century, never attended high school. Yet he used his artistic abilities and any resources he could get his hands on to come up with some of the most prominent designs seen today. Some students may have not the intellect but artistic or athletic talents. These can be developed so that they could provide for themselves. FYI, next round, remember! Post your two other points and conclusion. And if you have rebuttals. We'll do any other rebuttals in the comment section.
A God can not be omnipotent, omnibenevolent and omniscient. I'm glad that this debate has attracted interest. I wish to first state my basic argument, then address the flaws in my opposition's. Evil. There is no denying that it is in abundance. Thousands of innocent people being blown limb from limb in conflicts they didn't start; millions still starving in hot, poor countries; people from illness reduced to quivering wrecks of humanity, desperate for death; crimes. The scariest thing about atrocities that we've committed to each other is this: imagine the worst crime you can possibly think of. That crime has been done ten times over. Evil is so prominent in our lives that we naturally want to balance out its existence with the notion of an abundance of good. We do what humans are very good at doing, we make up. This is where "heaven", God and all divine ideas have come from. Human desperation. But, if we are being honest with ourselves, can such a someone exist? How can a god see all of the blood freezing acts that go on under his watch and not do anything to stop them? If he were truly omni benevolent and truly omnipotent there would be no reason for him to not. Don"t tell me that there is an ulterior motive to having a six year old die of leukaemia before they've even had a chance at life- that would be truly senseless. Don"t tell me that without the concept of evil good could not exist. Why not? If god were really omnipotent he could do anything, he could have just happiness. He could make us aware that all we had was happiness. This leads me on to my second point, a God cannot be truly omnipotent. Could God make a round square, or a circular diamond? Could God make a stick twice as long as itself? These logical contradictions make the nature of possibility always have impossible concepts. What my opposition said about evil is wrong, all evil is subjective. Knowing not to rape a baby is our natural programming not wanting us to harm our children and become extinct. It is not some divine absolute.
Who is better Tom Brady or Brett Favre. Pro's claims: 1. Brett Favre is more productive because Tom Brady has "never done things back to back. " 2. Brett Favre has a higher passer rating than Tom Brady. Rebuttal: 1. This is clearly not true. Pro offers no evidence to support his claim that Favre is more productive. I, on the other hand, have provided a number of statistics illustrating productivity. Tom Brady leads Favre in more touchdowns per game, a better completion percentage, and fewer interceptions thrown. As for doing "things back to back", Tom Brady led the New England Patriots to back to back NFL Super Bowl victories. Brett Favre has not done this. 2. Nothing could be further from the truth. Clearly my opponent has not consulted the actual statistics on passer rating. Allow me to remind him and the reader: Tom Brady has an overall passer rating of 92.9; Brett Favre has an overall passer rating of 85.7. (information gathered from www. nfl. com) ----------------------- CONCLUSION My opponent has offered no argument as to why Brett Favre is a better quarterback than Tom Brady. He has offered a few minor points, all of which I have proven inaccurate or irrelevent. As I have shown, Tom Brady is a more productive quarterback. This can be seen by his higher per game statistics. Brady is also a better leader, as is seen by his three super bowl victories compared to Favre's one. Perhaps the most important measure of a quarterback is his passer rating. As the facts show, Tom Brady far surpasses Brett Favre in this area. Therefore, Tom Brady is a better quarterback than Bret Favre.
Gun Control - Less Regulation. I am glad we both agree that there are some firearms that shouldn't be available to the public. It seems our disagreement is where to draw the line. As long as we are using common sense to determine where that line is drawn I would argue that according to most polls the majority of Americans common sense lead them to agree that assault rifles should not be available to the public. I would also ask you to explain the logic in which a 50 caliber machine gun shouldn't be available to the public but an AR15 should be. It seems you believe background checks are a good thing in certain situations. I agree. However I believe one of the situations where it is a good is for keeping firearms out of the hands of mentally unstable people. Including those with PTSD. Including veterans. I'm sorry I just don't think mentally unstable people should have access to firearms that would enable them to harm innocent people or themselves regardless of their admirable service to this great country. By "deemed by society" I mean we as Americans coming together to form a society including elected representatives making laws to prevent firearms from falling in the hands of those proven to be dangerous or mentally unstable. And yes people spreading "hate speech" on the Internet is dangerous just look at all the violence ISIS has inspired over the Internet. And if we don't trust society with that characterization then who do we trust? Yes "people are weapons of mass death" but guns enable people to reach a more extreme level of mass death. I don't think we should ban all guns only those deemed by common sense to be too dangerous in the hands of the public.
Obama and Hillary; Icarus and Daedalus. Icarus and Daedalus In this thesis I have written how the Obama administration terrorized the United States psychologically, and how Hillary Clinton, and support, are corrupted by Barrack Obama's legacy. The Forgotten White Children Barack Obama wants to, and has used race against Americans, but he has hidden his agenda behind stern expressions. The political power of Barrack Obama has caused a silent revolution; not only in the United States, but worldwide. This revolution, henceforth referred to as Obama's revolution, is against the white race, and continues to progress. Barrack Obama has expressed to the world that non-white races deserve apologies for racist crimes of the past; to suppress racist crimes of the present and sanctify the future for non-whites. In this process, the Obama administration has neglected the past, present and future of the white race. The white race, under Barrack Obama, have low racial cohesion, and primarily white nations are plagued by anti-white, whites. Anti-whites are an enmity between whites. and prevent racial re-cohesion. Evil anti-whites, are apologetic to non-whites, but ignorant of whites. An anti-white will support non-white races, but then claim that whites are non-existent, or insignificant. The main problem is that this atrocity has been committed in primarily white nations. The nature of anti-whites, and their actions, has had a harsh effect on the cultures and wisdom of all primarily white nations. Metaphorically, a piece of the puzzle is missing, but the puzzle is regarded as complete. Here is a list of adverse effects of anti-whites in society: accepted misbehaviour; pseudo-intellectual socially accepted 'intellectuals'; immature media coverage of politics; neglect of police and armed forces; weakened or corrupted alliances; and more. This is a result of anti-whites because anti-whites stemmed from a primarily white nation under non-white leadership, the United States. Hillary Clinton; Obama's Legacy Hillary Clinton, in the current presidential election, is a pundit for Obama's policies. Hillary is unaware that she has been manipulated by the Obama administration, and through her, the Obama administration will prosper. Hillary Clinton bares all the traits of an anti-white, as described earlier, and her support in this election are non-whites and anti-whites. Hillary Clinton is also corrupt, and with Obama's help, she has seduced powerful people to create a subversive political deadlock. The Dreamer's Nightmare Members of congress were overcome by negativity that spurred from Obama's revolution. Congressional decisions are often stupidity. Members of congress will use abstract terms, such as "evil", but have no real understanding of the abstract. Members of congress are unwise of the adverse effects of anti-whites in society, but are effected themselves; their decisions will ultimately be negative for the white race and positive for non-whites. Conclusion Vote Trump.
A slice of pizza is way better than a turkey sub. Well, tastes are subjective, so therefore different people will have different opinions on this. But here are a few reasons that turkey subs may be preferable:1. Subs are healthier than pizza -- provided that you use the right kind of bread! Pizza tends to be covered in unhealthy greasy nonsense.2. How about people who are lactose intolerant and can't eat cheese? For them, a sub is better because pizza would jeopardize their health.
Rap battle. haha, ok(i will write an example of your average rap song) nick nack patty wack bich, get me my crack if you dont, hell will break loose, ill hang you by a f-cking noose, youl scream and kick but wont get loose, people will stop and stare as i pour gassoleen on your hair light a fire, i dont care then ill get the f-ck out of there ------------------------------------------- now a rap to my oponent- the aff is in deep sh-t he better beable to take a hit ill blow your f- cking mind set off a nuke and let it shine blow you the f-ck up, then ill resign your body they will not find now lets here your rhyme
The cause of a zombie apocalypse. Thank you for your acceptance of this debate. This is a fun debate, but it is also the most epic debate on agree that spelling and grammar should be used for deciding the vote of cause and affect.Humans have had some hard times with lethal pandemics, but they have never cause mayhem and disruption so much as they have death. Anytime there is a pandemic, leadership bodies such as the CDC have issued warnings. I won't claim any governing body will be any more effective than the initial warning. However, in known pandemics there have been people with natural immunities to the viruses. They contain the antibodies needed to fight the virus and pass the genetic mutation on to their children causing this form of Zombie creation to be limited to one generation.Many viruses do mutate to survive, but when they mutate all previous forms of the virus become extinct as according competitive exclusion principle, no to species can occupy the same ecological niche.Because your virus moves through oxygen, it has the ability to affect plants. This causes a distinct identifiable warning of infection long before the infection has a chance to spread. Isolated individuals would not be affected because the virus is exported by breath. If one hundred percent of the population, were infected with your virus. There would be no sudden death rate. Initially the only the people who become zombies will be those who die of known causes. Again causing warnings and red flags to go up everywhere. At the onset there are more people who are not zombies then there are who are zombies. The zombies will be quickly over taken and destroyed.If the zombies only sense hunger and infection, feed them sandwiches. or bait them to all converge on Walmart. Your zombies sound like retards, so anyone would be smart enough to trick them with a piece of dried fruit. I'm assuming that they sense infection to keep them from eating themselves? Truthfully I can't figure out from your writings who is infected how, and when do they actually become zombies. Is it a two part process?
Mozart - the greatest creative genius in history. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart stands as not just the greatest composer in history, but more than that the greatest overall creative genius. I make this claim by pointing to his unique and incredible range of work. His untimely death at the age of 35 still left the world with a treasure of creative riches, which saw his music express like no other composer, writer, or artist the complete human condition. His operas, concertos, orchestral, choral, chamber music explore every facet of the human psyche. Only Shakespeare and JS Bach whom Mozart praised, come anywhere near his level of greatness. He also perhaps more than any other composer understood and appreciated the female nature in a way both deeply perceptive and far ahead of his time. Consider the sheer beauty and depth of of his many female characters in the operas but also in his concertos where you witness the amazing dialogue and sensitivity especially in the wonderful 27 piano concertos. Certainly Beethoven unfortunately lacks this sensitivity and appreciation, perhaps explaining partly his clumsiness in matters of the heart. Richard Strauss: " I cannot speak of Mozart, I can only worship him" This quote and numerous other quotes from other great composers (Haydn, Mahler, Schoenberg, Brahms, Wagner, Bernstein, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Schubert etc. etc..) as well as from many artists and writers. says it all.
Cops should not be allowed to tasered you if you refuse to get out of a vehicle. Tasers should only be used to protect the police or the public if they are in immediate and direct physical harm (e.g. somebody raising a gun or fist to hit them). Instead they should physically lift the person out of the vehicle or call for backup to help if it is that important to move somebody. Non violence should not be met with violence. Just because it is not deadly force (most of the time) does not mean it should be used just to get corporation.
Raptor Jesus from 4chan is blasphemous. Firstly I mean no disrespect when I say that I have no clue who you -Jordanna Brewster- is; 'Teh Fast & Teh Furrious' is not overly conducive towards intellectualism... (in response to your 'Troy McLure' introduction). Anyhow..... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Blasphemousness of Raptor-Jesus. Although the point of Raptor-Jesus is indeed Blasphemy, it is NOT the case that Raptor-Jesus is a legitimate instance of such. Blasphemy is an "impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things" [1]. Thus although we are free to use the word blasphemy in our common language, for an instance to actually be considered such requires two things: (i) an 'impious utterance or action' towards: (ii) GOD - or a 'sacred thing' which is a manifestation of GOD. Thus despite the clear mocking nature of Raptor-Jesus (and especially his delicious prayer) - for us to consider it to be LEGITIMATE blasphemy one would need to prove the existence of, or manifestation of, the entity which is to receive said Blasphemy - that is, you must prove the existence of GOD to prove an authentic instance of Blasphemy towards it. Therefore the burden of proof is NOT on me to disprove Raptor-Jesus' Blasphemy... [1] <;
the cop is at no fault whatsoever in ferguson missouri. You seem to be ignoring the witnesses to the situation. All agree that Officer Wilson was first beaten by Brown then shot him when Brown charged him in an attempt to start a second physical altercation. If a special needs, drugged, 300 pound man was charging at you, after he just broke your eye socket, I would love to know what you would have done instead of shooting him until he fell. Wilson verbally warned him many times. Shooting someone one single time often will not do enough damage to stop that individual, especially a man of the size of Brown. The fact that you are making excuses for Brown, a criminal, scares me. You say he is a "gentle giant," yet he broke the eye socket of a man moments after assaulting a store clerk while robbing the store. This sounds like the actions of a criminal to me, not a "gentle giant." Brown obviously did not have the same thoughts of his future when he robbed the store and assaulted an officer. You or I will never know exactly what happened that day, since neither of us was there. But, I am going off the words of witnesses, while you are acting based on feelings. You need to look at actual facts, not how you feel over the situation. I agree the death of Michael Brown was tragic, but I also feel that Officer Wilson acted appropriately. The facts are that the suspect robbed a store, assaulted the clerk and an officer, and was charging the same officer at the time he was shot. As I said before, had this been a black officer or a white suspect then this story would never have even received the coverage it has. You need to stop making excuses for Michael Brown and face the truth, that he was not in fact a "gentle giant," but a danger to the public at the time of his death. I can only hope the awful treatment that Officer Wilson has faced recently due to him just doing his job does not affect him or his family too badly. I would like to hear something other than your "feelings" about why you think Officer Wilson was not merely an officer doing his job who was placed in a tough situation.
Argument for god. I'd like to start this by thanking my opponent for giving me this chance to debate him. I'd also like to ask my opponent where he stands on this subject, are you atheist or theist? Now onto the debate. I would completely agree with you if you had said it is impossible to put forward evidence that something created the universe, but you decided to use the word intelligent so I will have to disagree. For instance, what intelligent being would make such things as black holes? What kind of intelligence would think that using the same pipe for food and oxygen is a good idea? Why do all beings not have a similar ability to sponges or algae in attaining food, then we could eat very easily and it would almost remove starvation from the world. Why is it that alot of attributes we show are inferior to many animals? But I digress, I can agree it is impossible to disprove a creator. What I cannot agree is that it is impossible to disprove a definition or personal idea of a creator, and if your willing to give me one I can work at that. You said I would probably ask who created this being, but I would not. I would ask you how this Being came into existence, but the usual reply is that it has always been. All I ask of you is that you posit a logical argument for the existence of a god. You ask where all the energy from the big bang came from, I ask you what energy? In our universe the total energy equals 0. Ill allow wikipedia to give you a summary of this since I don't fully understand the concept. "The zero-energy universe hypothesis states that the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero. When the energy of the universe is considered from a pseudo-tensor point of view, zero values are obtained in the resulting calculations. The amount of positive energy in the form of matter is exactly canceled out by the negative energy in the form of gravity." What I do understand about this is that it would allow the universe to come into existence the same way that virtual particles do. Virtual particles only stay in existence for an inversely proportional amount of time based on the amount of positive energy in them. Since the universe's energy is 0 it could always exist. Thus allowing for an Ex nihilo existence. I believe the "simpl buitiful nature of physics and mathematics" could only show an artist of a lower intelligence level then most of humanity. If you disagree please show me why. Sources:
Auto bailout protects great cars just now coming out. Kate McLeod. "Help Detroit!". Wow O Wow. 2 Dec. 2008 - "They’ve got good stuff coming — if they live to bring it out. The Chevy Cruze, a compact that will get 40+ mpg on the highway with a regular gasoline engine, the Volt, the Camaro, the gorgeous Cadillac CTS coupe, the coming Ford Fiesta small car, the coming Focus, next year’s Mustang, the twin-turbo switchover."
You cannot disprove God but you can disprove Science. Since my opponent forfeited this round I will touch on two subjects he mentioned. The Big Bang Theory does not say we exploded it states how it was an expansion of space, and not an expansion in space an expansion OF space itself. For more info look at my debate on the Big Bang Theory( Science does not say humans evolved from apes. "humans didn't descend from apes. That's not to say humans and apes aren't related, but the relationship can't be traced backward along a direct line of descent, one form morphing into another. It must be traced along two independent lines, far back into time until the two lines merge(" So if my opponent has any other arguments which he would like to offer that would be very appreciated. also If we are using the simple definition that everyone knows of disprove- prove that (something) is false. Then how do you prove if something is false or not? prove 1. demonstrate the truth or existence of (something) by evidence or argument. What hard or physical evidence do you have of God existing besides a book or experiences that also cannot be backed by hard physical facts. I am not saying I can disprove God, but to disprove science you have to use science. Also you cannot disprove all of science you may disprove parts of science, but not the whole of science itself. Science is also backed with hard psychical proof that we can see, touch, smell, and feel. To believe in God you must rely on faith, which is not a bad thing by any means, but faith is not hard proof. Thank you.
Modern Day Jews are not the real Jews. Please show me the verse that says none of the twelve tribes of Israel were white. "The God is not going to give you the answers as you please. HE wants you to do the work and search the scriptures (John 5:39)." Nevermind. Quoting a bunch of Bible verses out of context, and posting a bunch of words from the dictionary to say, Adam can't possibly mean the same thing as adam are bad enough; but avoiding a direct question by telling me and the readers/judges of this debate to... "Ask God," is too much. I'm not even about to do another line by line to point out all of your other mistakes; but look up, Slaves in Israel in a search engine. Here's a link to a bunch of flags with eagles on them ( ); and the link provided by Ragnar points out how Jews in Israel can be related to Isaac, the same way you claim Native Americans might be. Oh yeah, if Solomon was black... he got it from his mom... because David wasn't black, 1 Sa. 16:12, 17:42, Song 5:10, & Lam. 4:7. I'm outta here. Aloha
Official Beginners Tournament: God Exists. Note that there are two forms of “exist” in this debate. The “exist” in the evidentialist approach is “Be found, esp. in a particular place or situation.”My opponent has not refuted this approach. Extend Arguments. My opponent tries to refute the KCA argument by postulating that God needed a beginning. Note that what is spiritual is not bound by physical laws. It thus is eternal. Most of what I said has not been addressed. Extend Arguments.My opponent’s attack on God center around the notion that He is bound by the dimension of time. That which is eternal and spiritual cannot be bound by time at all. My opponent’s attacks does not work.SInce my opponent has not responded to most of what I wrote, this reply needs be short. In conclusion, Extend Arguments!
CFCs may be banned but there are other chemicals that destroy the ozone layer. CFCs may well be the best known threat to the ozone layer but they are not the only threat. We can’t be complacent thinking that we have solved the problem when that may not be the case. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is now a threat to the ozone layer. As Nitrous oxide has been pretty much ignored by policy makers the use of nitrous oxide has been rising. if nitrous oxide emissions are not reduced, they could be 30% more destructive to ozone in 2050 than the combined CFC emissions from 1987, when these were at their peak Unfortunately Nitrous oxide was not included with other ozone depleting chemicals like CFCs in the international treaties banning their use. Instead it has been classified with greenhouse gasses, the regulation of which is so far not going anywhere fast.[[Lizzie Buchen, Ozone threat is no laughing matter; Nitrous oxide poses a growing atmospheric problem, Nature, 27/8.09,
Space Exploration. Even though my opponent forfeited I will still respond briefly to some of his contentions. If he decides to continue debating I will go into detail."Human space exploration programs are not suitable for the government to fund." First off right on it's face the statement sounds ironic. A government is not capable of funding a space program but a private company is? Private companies do not have the fiscal comeback to invest into space. The government on the other side has a goal, which is to benefit humanity. He does not provide any companies that will invest in his first contention. Furthermore, he also makes the claim that the money will hurt millions of citizens. This is a common misconception. Every $1 the federal government spends on NASA, it spends $98 on social programs. If we were to cut social programs by one percent we would double NASA's budget. Increasing spending on social programs from $1.581 trillion to $1.597 trillion will have no difference. The same thing works if we were to stop funding NASA at all."Private sector investment will produce better results." This claim is not at all supported by PRO. He justified how private sector investment is more efficient, not at all how it produces better results. Just because I can send a spaceship for 500 million lets say does not mean it is the better choice. If the spaceship fails and crashes, possibly causing damage to someone, then the investment is pointless. I stress RELIABILITY over efficiency. I have already justified in my case how public is more reliable and will move on." State space programs often stall and halt the progress of the Madison Memorial CS punctual and successful private industry."Very unclear statement. I did not say any justification as to why it halts the progress. PRO just explained how there are a few companies who did some tasks in an efficient and timely manner. However my opponent does not realise that the government paid for these companies. This is still public sector investment, regardless of who did the work. Also PRO says that Constellation program failed because of lack of funding, however this is due to the fact that NASA does not receive enough money. This isn't a justifiable reason because all it takes is a one percent more of funding towards NASA and impeccable advances can be made.I apologise for not going deep into responses, but my opponent forfeited and I don't see the need. Due to the fact that all of my contentions have gone unanswered and dominate over my opponent's contentions, I urge a CON vote.
Religious Faith Is Not Needed. Your quote, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." -Carl Sagan, could also mean that religion is an extraordinary answer to the questions that human minds cannot answer. The only reason why religion has become so violent is because followers take it to the extremes. Most religion has good intentions, but there are people that have become so disoriented from the misinterpretation that they decide that everyone should follow their religion and kill anyone who doesn't. People believe in places like heaven because no one knows what happens to your spirit when you die. Religion has its benefits because it revitalizes the spirit, and relaxes people. Religion itself is not abusive; the people who take it to extremes are the main problem. Most people are reasonable, but they are pulled into the vortex of misinterpretation by an extremist religious group.
Tomatoes Lay Eggs. Tomatoes do lay eggs. I watched it happen with my grape tomatoes on my kitchen counter. The tomatoes layed the egg out of it's stem. I've been studying this anomaly for 4.2349842 Buzz Lightyears. I've noticed that 7.935% of tomatoes lay eggs. The sound the tomatoes make when laying eggs is a watery moan emiting from the tomatoes bottom. When I saw this I jumped with joy. I had a dream about having a tomato lay an egg. It inspired me to be a better person. So I sat on the tomato to keep it warm.
Mark Levin truly is the Great one. Rebuttal"my opponent argues that I said he is one of greatest."This is obviously false. I never claimed that Pro said Mark Levin is one of the greatest. I claimed Pro said exactly what he said, "Mark Levin truly is the Great one." "I merely took the quote from fox news contributor Sean Hannity."So you don't really think Levin is the great one? What was the point of this debate then?"Mark Levin is a radio broadcaster, Attorney, and Author of many books including: " Ameritopia, Liberty and tyranny, and Men in Black: How the supreme court is destroying America. Mr. Levin is the president of landmark legal Foundation, a very prestigious law firm. But his biggest role in government was being a head adviser to the Reagan administration. He is now a nationally syndicated radio host of his conservative talk show, and uses it to teach the American people what is right and what is wrong with our federal government. I urge you to listen to one of his shows to really get a view for yourself. to me Mark Levin is one of the smartest talk show hosts and political analyzers in modern history."All this is nice but, out of all the people in our history, it isn't enough to prove Levin is the great one. Closing StatementsPro never responded to any of my arguments but instead chose to argue against something I obviously didn't say. Pro didn't offer any real argument proving Levin is the great one and even backtracked on that idea when he said he just took the quote from Hannity.
God Exists. I ask the reader to disregard my counter argument as it can be seen as a kritik, although I do believe it is a valid argument. Definition of God I was not undermining the definition of God as agreed upon in the debate, rather I was making the point that inquiring as to a deity's potential greatness surely would come after finding evidence of his existence. If God is the creator of all that is, of necessity He must be at least greater than all that He has created. Genetic Information The transfer, recombination, etc. of genetic information does not in any way address my argument. Even if evolution were the case, the genetic information present within the first living cell would have to be accounted for, and indeed could only be accounted for by means of intelligent design. If this were a debate on evolution, I would certainly argue against the veracity of the creation of novel genetic code via mutations, but since this argument does not negate my case, I will not address it. Con would need to demonstrate something more along the lines of abiogenesis. There are very clear and powerful arguments based on evidence which would negate Con's claims concerning evolution, but as I have said, they do not refute my case in any way. Non-Cognitvism of Greatness I have provided evidence which is consistent with God as Creator and therefore, when considering His greatness, demonstrate that He must be immensely great compared to every created thing. Con's claims concerning God's transcendence and its negating His greatness are arbitrary and unsupported. God indeed can "enter the universe" if He is omnipotent. My assertion concerning God's greatness is not illogical, it follows if He created all things that He must be greater than all that is created. Requirements for Causation Time is relevant and began with God's first act of creation. Time can be different outside of our universe. Regardless, there is no scientific reason why time cannot be initiated beyond a few claims of physicists such as Sean Carroll. Conclusion I have provided evidence which is consistent with God's existence and have rebutted Con's essential claims which would potentially refute my case. Read carefully and thanks for your time! :)
The Affirmative Side Will Win This Debate. "Your fragment, "Why?" and "The resolution is negated. Vote CON." So while you may have one point on me in spelling, I have one point on you in grammer." First, Grammar and Spelling combine for one point. Second, "Why?" is a question and an interjection (any other word or expression so used, as Good grief! Indeed!, and can stand alone. Third, "Vote CON." is an imperative statement and is grammatically correct. So, I am winning the spelling and grammar category. "I do not have the obligation to offense. However, it was required that you do both, which you failed to do." You are the instigator. You have burden of proof. My opponent has made another spelling mistake ("Arguements") Spelling and Grammar- CON Souces- CON ('Yourself' is not a source.)* Arguments- CON (You do not have a standing argument)** Conduct- TIED*** "I do believe that current tally is in favor of me." It clearly is not. *In the same manner, 'myself' is no source. **Even under your system, you are not winning any voting category. Therefore, I will win this debate. So, the resolution is negated. "Defense/Offense-AFF" That is not a voting category. ***"In rebutall, the point is to make sure that your opponent does not get away with false remarks or to prove them wrong. This speech would have been great in the next round. Round three is supposed to have us state our conclusion." I did not agree to any such format. Because I will actually win voting categories and my opponent will not, the affirmative will not win this debate.
That we should ban anonymous online accounts. Cyberbullying- the worst thing to happen to this new generation. With new technology comes new stress for children especially in high school. Online anonymity aids these bullies which gives them a new advantage over the victim. The victim does not know who this person is. They are given much stress already however under this new model requiring a name to go to the profile will act as a deterrent against internet trolls. Hopefully this will clear the thought of online bullying from victims minds. Under my new model I feel it is important to inform all schools to let the students know so that the students will know that it is place and this way it will have an effect rather then it being a two minute news story that the majority of kids miss. Finally before i hand the floor to my opponent I would like to show that the current program isn't working at the moment. A police officer comes into your children's class and gives a kiddy presentation making empty threats. Come on! With online anonymity how will these police officers catch these bullies, not to mention that bullying isn't on the top priority for the police. In conclusion we have to find an alternative to the status quo that kids are suffering from.
Rap battle no cry babies allowed!. Missy, you are messing here at the wrong time Take your raps in a compass, because they now arr mine. I will walk the plank miss, but not after I feel How your nudism helps advance your sex appeal! Maybe you feel cute, but you're about to get the boot, Call out my parrots, and make them shout the hoot Cause when my ship advances and leaves yours in the snoot I have already boarded ship and stolen your loot! I'm a top notch rapper, making sure I'm well fed When I spit a bar, sources have me at 100% cred You don't need to rap again, you know that I'll always have led Sit down hun, I'm gonna put some brown on that red. Check my religion, your failure raps I don't condone Trying to downplay me as some sort of traffic cone But when you try to advance on me, you'll be alone Worse than the image of you that shows you've not even grown In the next round, you'll need to fire much more than a booty slap So I'm going to go to sleep now, and take a well-deserved nap.
Over half of all reported rapes are likely false. This debate is about whether or not over half of all rape reports are likely false. Only in the last 2 paragraphs of his round 4 response does my opponent discuss the relevant evidence. The prior paragraphs are not relevant. I generally challenge as unsubstantiated each and every fact asserted by Pro in the last 2 paragraphs of his round 4 response. As my opponent cites no sources, my opponent's factual assertions and corresponding conclusions should be disregarded unless and until my opponent substantiates them. The burden of proof is on Pro, as Pro is the one making the claim here. Unsubstantiated factual allegations should not be taken seriously.
Prostitution should be legalized in the United States. For the purpose of this debate the definitions in the resolution will be accepted as follows.Prostitution - the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment.Legalized - make (something that was previously illegal) permissible by law.Rounds will follow this structureMERound 1 : RulesRound 2 : Opening arguments and contentions Round 3 : Rebuttals, rebuilding points, and closing statementsAdversary Round 1 : Opening arguments and contentions Round 2: Rebuttals, rebuilding points, and closing statementsRound 3 : Shall type "no round as agreed upon"Rules(1) Failure to type no round as agreed upon by my adversary will result in a full 7 point drop due to him/her having an extra round(2) 10k character limit(3) No sources may be posted that would extend that debaters arguments. (ie posting a link would extend your argument past 10k words)(4) FF shall result in the loss of a conduct with multiple FFs possibly leading to a full 7 point drop at the discretion of the judges.(5) No trolling or semanitcs. This will result in the loss of conduct and possibly a 7 point drop. This is a serious debateI have made this impossible to accept. Post in comments If you are interested and I will pick someone
Students and Laptops in High School. As you have stated, by allowing students to carry around laptops it will make it easier for people cheat. This is only true in a school environment that has a unlocked WiFi. If they have the unlocked or available WiFi for students, then they are in a way allowing the student to cheat. With that I can also address what you said about the porn. Going back to my previous argument, if the schools WiFi is locked then there is no way for the student to access it with out using the cell phone tower connection card. Which sadly to say if a teenager wants to access something they are going to find anyway to get to it. I know offer the discussion to my opponent.
euthanasia should be banned. Just to clarify, i'm not questioning people's right to suicide. You life is your own and if you believe you are better off dead, that is ultimately your choice to make via free will. However, in the situation of euthanasia, several problem arise. The main problem is that you are now involving a third party, licensed professional to assist in your suicide. These people are trained to help and save lives. Most of them develop a passion for it and build a connection to their patients. This is viable to cause the problems i mentioned before, in that some doctors may end up becoming to eager to say die. and Some may slowly break down when they finally have to. Allowing someone their final moments may give people that time to reconcile and make peace with loved ones. Suffering is subjective... there are those whom may not realize that sticking around a little longer, may be worth while in terms of providing the people close to them time to properly grieve and say their peace. Many of us, religious or not, believe that life is sacred. We aren't like robots that you can just switch to "off" and it's not our place to say when someone's time is up. The religious sort may hold faith that perhaps even in the worst situations, there is still a chance that said loved one may pull through and make a tolerable recovery. There are the scientific individuals that hold a lot of faith in modern medicine and technology and know that there is always something else we might be able to do. (but choose not to in order to save, time, money, etc.) Again, this allows for a wide margin for slippery slope argument. When euthanasia exists, why bother having any reasonable care for those whom appear to be pretty much done? The value of life decreases, and who's to say that somewhere down the road we won't start euthanizing people with down syndrome or mild retardation? All people should have equal rights and opportunities to live but euthanasia may blurry that statement and shape us into being selective. Finally, it gives doctors too much power. It's a massive cop-out. What if the diagnosis is incorrect? what if the prognosis is incorrect? Many of us fail to realize that although doctors are trained professionals, they too are often wrong. What if you're particular doctor is simply unaware of non-fatal alternatives for the patient's particular case? Euthanasia is easier, quicker, and cheaper than putting in effort, so the likelihood of it becoming an abused solution seems probable. Yes, awaiting death is probably very traumatic. However; human life is valuable. The everyone always appreciates more time. And in many cases, there is more that can be done...
This is a goofy debate- The Hue green is NOT green. Thank you. Just what I was waiting for. The color green is NOT green. More elaboration: Who says the color green is green? why can't green be red, or blue, or why can't red be green? All there is is names. There is no scientific naming for the different light waves, just numbers. color technically does not exist. Light exists, and light bounces off of things giving the perception that there is a color, but technically there is no actual "color" there. Just the absence of light. So therefore, the color green is NOT green. Comment les aimez-vous des pommes ? Also, that brings different languages. In francais, the color green is NOT green. It is Vert. In espanol,, the color green is NOT green. It is Verde. In italiano, the color green is NOT green. It is also Verde. In portugues, the color green is NOT green. It is, yet again, verde. In deutsch, the color green is NOT green. It is grun. In Hollanders, the color green is NOT green. It is groen. In danske, the color green is NOT green. It is gron. In islenska, the color green is NOT green. It is graen. In finnish, the color green is NOT green. It is kokematon. In русский, the color green is NOT green. It is зеленый. Get my point? Therefore, the color green is NOT green.
Should Kids have to do Chores. Hello, As the Pro contender, I will be showing the reasons why children should do chores. Yes, Children did not ask to be brought into the world, but no one can change the fact that they are. Doing chores is just another way to help this children learn the way the world works so to say, the world won't give you everything for free, and if you think that that is just how that works you are surely mistaken. Chores are not enjoyable but neither are jobs (Depending on what your doing) or education, but they get you ready to do hard labor. Chores teach children gratitude, and they also teach them how to manage their time. If you have to clean the kitchen and do the laundry, but want to see a movie in an hour. It teaches you to be efficient. Therefore, Chores may not be the most enjoyable thing but they do teach you things that will help you in the long run.
Church is a business, selling faith and hope. The church is not a business, selling faith and hope. Business is commonly defined as a process of exchanging goods or services for economic benefit. While the church is an entity whose basic existence is to give hope. With this, I would like to point out certain points. Point 1: More often than not, personal experiences are only mere over generalizations. Please note that your argument is a personal experience only. It does not hold water in this debate. As the matter was raised, there might be circumstances that you might not have a knowledge of. Point 2: The world's baptized people are mostly comprised of people who do not have the capacity to be large contributors. Based on various sources, we can tell that developing countries have the most recipients of baptism. In a developing country, people often do not enjoy income distribution equality. Sometimes, they cannot even complete the basic three meals per day. Yet, they are baptIzed. Though, not accorded with the same luxuries which the affluent can afford. Not being a contributor in the church does not compromise your right to be baptized. It only compromises the luxuries of a grand baptism. Grand baptism entails having a longer baptism rite, flowers, red carpet and other unnecessary luxuries. Point 3: Giving favor is not included in any process of doing business, rather, a personal relationship. Business often has a rule, " There is no free lunch". Favor seems like having free lunch. We can all see here that favor is not related in any way to doing business. Generally, people in business who do indeed do "favors" are most likely to collect these "favors" in one way or another by some near future. People in business rarely do things without value, even time is gold. Giving favor is basically not expecting any return. So here I say, "favor" is a wrong word to use. Instead, you can always say "give". Point 4: Churches do indeed give their major donors some privileges. There is nothing wrong with it. When a church gives special attention or token to their donors, that is due their desire to encourage more donors. Getting more donors is also a priority of the church. Aside from daily operational expenses, churches basically needs to help and support some of their unfortunate flock. Help and support without finances, seem like talking without doing. Hope must be not only be an impossible dream. To fulfill the dreams, the church must do something, as long as it does not violate morals. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to debate on this matter.
Stopping production of the penny in the United States would be a good decision. Sorry about the late response, to my arguments.1. It costs more to produce it than it is worth.2. Other countries have done it with success.3. We've gotten rid of coins before.1. It costs more to produce it than it is worth. The cost to produce a penny is approximately 1.83 cents to make, and it is only worth 1 cent. This being so the government loses $55,000,000 doing this transaction. [1] Although this is basically zero compared to the current national debt, it would be a good start in lowering the debt.2. Other countries have done it before.Finland, New Zealand, and Canada have all ceased making one cent pieces for transaction [2]. They have all done this without harm to their economy, and it has gotten easier to make transactions with cash, as prices are rounded to the nearest 5 cents for cash users. (credit users still use one cent numbers, but they don't need pennies). [4]3. We've gotten rid of coins before. We used to have a half-cent piece, but that had lost all of it's value. The dime even is now worth about as much as the half cent was, so it is time to change. [3] [4]Sources [1] [2] [3] [4] Video
These Variations-on sonnets by Shakespeare capture the real essence of his times. con says "For example, it"s true that Shakespeare used bawdy humor in his plays and sonnets, but an amplification of these elements to a level of overt hyperbole (for example) wouldn"t count as "capturing the real essence" of them" I am not talking about what Shakespeare wrote himself-published but about how These Variations-on sonnets by Shakespeare capture the real essence of his times con says that they "wouldn"t count as "capturing the real essence" of them" I can prove you wrong very simply-Shakespeare times out in the real world was bawdy swearing, ribaldry so much so the state and church policed it with vigor POLICING SEX THE "BAWDY" COURTS quote "In Shakespeare's time, church and state struggled to control sexuality. Most parishes had Bishop's or consistory courts that dealt with moral offenses"adultery, whoredom, incest, drunkenness, SWEARING g, RIBALDRY, " further on a bit less bawdy History of Henry VI, Part II Jack Cade. Now is Mortimer lord of this city. And here, sitting upon London-stone, I charge and command that, of the city's cost, the PISSING-conduit run nothing but 2605 claret wine this first year of our reign" and Romeo and Juliet > Act 2, Scene 4, MERCUTIO 'Tis no less, I tell you, for the bawdy hand of the dial is now upon the PRICK of noon. THESE VARIATIONS CAPTURE THE BAWDY ESSENCE OF HIS TIMES EXACTLY
The Smurfs movies are terrible. I'm not gonna lie. The Smurfs (Movie # 1) did positively TERRIBLE! But as I have checked Rotten Tomatoes too. The Smurfs 2 did alot better, so far. Although 14 % of critics liked it, 75 % of regular viewers liked it. I know I am going to lose, because you are absoloutly right about them being terrible. On Movie web, 93 % of viewers liked it. They did say it should have had a better ending though. Sources:
Gun Rights. I believe you read the title of the article wrong. Https://www. Nbcnews. Com/storyline/san-bernardino-shooting/more-80-percent-guns-used-mass-shootings-obtained-legally-n474441 (the same one you used in your argument) says that 80% were obtained LEGALLY, Not illegally. You actually gave some good evidence against your side, And causing me to question how accurate your research is. That being said, I still want to address the other points you made. While the black market would increase if assault weapons were banned, It would not make up for the lack of deaths based on the the new laws. If 80% were legally obtained, There's no way the black market would account for that number. As for the Grandma thing, I'll tell you this: While she would probably not be as safe without an assault rifle, The overall number of deaths would go down. It's not as easy to get illegal stuff as some might think. Also, You stated that people will go higher than the speed limit at varying degrees. But people will still (on average) go slower on a 55 than a 65. They might all speed, But may go 70 instead of 80. Just realize that this argument is about averages. Nothing's going to take away murder, But taking away certain guns is definitely a good start.
Gay Marriage. Pro has forfeited this round, but I will go ahead and present my argument. First let me start off by saying I believe all adults, with a sound mind, are sentient and autonomous. I believe adults should be able to do whatever they please as long as it does not infringe on the rights and the well being of others. Marriage is a contract between 2 consenting people. If a party is not being forced or coerced into entering a marriage contract, then it should stand as a legal binding contract. I disagree with gay marriage, not in concept, but in how it presented and has thus far been determined. Our country is a republic. Our rights and laws come from the Constitution and other federal statutes. The Supreme Court does not have the power to create laws. Their only duties are to settle disputes and determine if a law, right, or statute is Constitutional [1]. The problem with the current Court's decision is that it does not make gay marriage a right. That can only be done by Congress [2] [3just for fun], by making an amendment to the Constitution, or by statute. As it stands, if someone can present a case to the Supreme Court that gay marriage is unconstitutional, then the Supreme Court would reverse its decision. It has happened in the past [4]. One case was in 1918, which involved child-labor laws. After agreeing with the labor laws, they reversed their decision, because a labor law case was presented in a different way. It took another 20 years before they changed their minds and labeled the labor laws constitutional. This is proof that The Supreme Court can and has taken rights away from people, after granting rights to them. If the gay community, and their supporters, actually want their rights to marry secured, then it on Congress to make that determination. However, I don't think we'll see that in the near future. With the country's opinion of gay marriage being split 50/50, our cowardly Congressmen will be too afraid to lose votes to support such a bill. This statement does not support either side of this debate. People that are for gay marriage act as if the gay community will be more widely accepted, and treated as equals, now that the Supreme Court has made their decision. This is far from the truth, and Pro proves my point in the opening round. Pro says that gay marriage should be allowed, but would not be ok with her children grow up and want to enter into a same sex marriage. Until this mind set is changed, gay rights movements still have much ground to be gained. [1] [2] [3] [4]
Divine Command Theory. as its evident this valuable topic exploration was jeopardised by my partner , I will focus this round on negating the argument that we are not naturally bound to laws and rules and this world is coincidental..By contrast, to make an point for what is in fact a fraudulent hoax, one must use talent, and plenty of sophistication and remain beholden to unnatural protection of what is really an illogical position. then despite the efforts of those talented fraudulent individuals, the hoax could easily be refuted and nullified, by humanities natural pursuit of the truth..!! coincidence is the devine's way to stay anonymous..!! this fraudulent argument (despite it being made by the most powerful groups controlling the media and law and education,and other secular institutions) did not succeed to quench, our thirst for spiritual satisfaction humanity always clings to..!! moreover, as they themselves design anything dependent on success, they begin on the same process they deny was used to create this..!! as you go to any secular institution for example a building department, controlled by a secular government. even as they will argue that the world was created by circumstance,however they will not allow you to build a city by circumstance..!! quite the contrary..!! they will explain that a sound city , must be carefully planed and designed..!! in addition the same people who argue that the world was not created by a plan and not governed by rules would never feel secured to live in a city with no police and no justice and no rules...!! if they need a car they will understand, that its illogical to wait it should create itself. however some still argue that this is what happened to our world..!! many in our world explore areas like past life memory..!! as I am not qualified, to use this as a credible point. it proves a quest for spiritual connection..!! if you make a search on obscure subject like aura its amazing how much some build on it..!! the most who fall into obscure new age, spiritual connections are the very same who fall away from their base,by those fraudulent sophisticated groups..!! all showing you: that not only is it natural and right and just, to believe and abide by the rules of Divine..!! the very ones who argue against it, cant live and even do not intent to live, by their false argument...!!
Better for Obama to raise ceiling than keep compromising. Liberal commentators like Robert Kuttner, the co-editor of The American Prospect: “Obama’s version of leadership is to implore the Republicans to accept a deal that is already on GOP terms. Now, you may say that the president has no responsible alternative. Since the GOP won’t compromise, Obama must keep compromising, so the United States doesn’t default. ... But you would be wrong. It would be far better for Obama to invoke the 14th Amendment and announce that Washington will make good on its debt while Republicans and Democrats continue to negotiate the budget.”[14]
Allowing this motion would lead to a miscarriage of justice. This point places too much importance on the defendant’s history. In any case, records of their previous convictions must be heard alongside of the facts of the primary crime; any history will always be tempered by discussion of the actual crime. Satisfaction from the justice system will be greater if the public are aware that juries are not simply allowing past offenders to walk free; and if police and prosecution forces are found to be failing at their jobs, then this should be separately addressed and regulated.
Gay Marriage. Marriage should be open for everyone. Being the same sex shouldn't restrict couples from forming this unity. People should have the right to marry who they want to. Gay couples share the same love as heterosexual couples. Nothing should be able to put a hold on their ability to get married. Just because there is a high rate of divorce doesn't mean they should be stopped from forming a unity with their partner. Many gay couples adopt children to raise as their own. Many kids are put up for adoption and since gay couples can't reproduce they're own, they adopt children who don't have caregivers of their own. This is advantageous because these kids are put into homes with people who will love and care for them. I have heard many stories of kids who have same-sex parents. One wouldn't even be able to tell that they had parents of the same sex; they aren't raised any different. If the couple lives together, maintain a household and raise children just as a heterosexual couple does, why can't they get married just like this couple. The only difference in this situation is solely that one person is not the opposite sex. Considering that there is not much to differentiate of the two couples, why treat them differently and give more rights and benefits to only one. The outcome of both marriages would have a minimal difference. They are both in it for the same reasons. Being married is a significant desire for some. If a person wants to get married to another, they should not be denied for whatever reason. The government may not view marriage as a ceremony to join two people that are in love; however, that does not change the way people view it. Just because the government gets involved for certain reasons that doesn't prove anything about how the people view it. Many people view marriage as a beautiful ceremony that they will cherish for the rest of they're lives. They deserve the right to share this union just as much as others do.
Scotland will be unable to survive economically without England. Scotland has 70% of Europe’s energy reserves, primarily in the form of oil that is found in the North Sea. Profits from the extraction of such oil, for e.g., are channelled to England The mcrone report written for westminster 30 years ago and hidden becuase it would prove the fact that the oil is in scottish waters and scotland would be not just a viable but wealthy country disagrees with the view that scotland receives more from the Uk government that it gives to it. The person claiming that 'The North Sea is international water, etc' displays an abysmal lack of knowledge on international law. Go, read some books, come back and try again when you know what you are talking about.
Sibling incest should be legalized in the United States. I have set a few rules for having an open-minded debate about a controversial taboo. - The first round will be accepting the challenge only. - The final round will be our closing arguments, and no new evidence will be brought up. - Incest will hereby by defined as sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry. - Sibling will be defined as each of two or more children or offspring having one or both biological parents in common. - We will not personally attack each other or resort to ad hominems. Attacking me and calling me a pervert will not further your argument. - Data must be backed by credible sources.
Water Boarding is indeed torture. I will assume that my opponet has not been water-boarded by the U.S. Military. I can say honestly that I have never been water-boarded. With that being said my opponet and I cannot use personal accounts on this issue. To determine if Water-Boarding is torture, I present two things to ponder. 1: The history of Water-boarding During World War II, Japanese troops, especially the Kempeitai, as well as the Gestapo, the German secret police, used waterboarding as a method of torture. During the Japanese occupation of Singapore the Double Tenth Incident occurred, which included waterboarding consisting of binding or holding down the victim on his back, placing a cloth over his mouth and nose, and pouring water onto the cloth. In this version, interrogation continued during the torture, with the interrogators beating the victim if he did not reply and the victim swallowing water if he opened his mouth to answer or breathe. When the victim could ingest no more water, the interrogators would beat or jump on his distended stomach. (Wikipedia) Early in history the name water-boarding didn't exist. In fact it had a vareity of names. During the Spanish-American War it was called "Chinese Water Torture". 2: A Personal Account I cannot say that Water-Boarding from my own personal account (I have not gone through this procedure). But I can use the words of someone else who in fact was water-boarded. I turn to Henri Alleg, a journalist. In 1957 he was captured by French forces and tortured. In his book he describes the water-boarding experiance: "The rag was soaked rapidly. Water flowed everywhere: in my mouth, in my nose, all over my face. But for a while I could still breathe in some small gulps of air. I tried, by contracting my throat, to take in as little water as possible and to resist suffocation by keeping air in my lungs for as long as I could. But I couldn't hold on for more than a few moments. I had the impression of drowning, and a terrible agony, that of death itself, took possession of me. In spite of myself, all the muscles of my body struggled uselessly to save me from suffocation. In spite of myself, the fingers of both my hands shook uncontrollably." Then we look at a more recent case from a man named Daniel Levin. This man who was the acting assitant attorney General, decided the only way to judge whether or not the meathod of water-boarding was in fact torture he went to have it done upon himself. Since 2004 when he had himself water-boarded he has spoken out against the technique calling it "Torture". I trust his word over anyone on this site. And so it stands. Levin said it. Alleg said it. And now, here on, I speak for these men. Water Boarding is Torture.
Raising the age limit may do something to promote more environmentally friendly alternatives. People should have the choice as to whether they drive or use other forms of transport. If the government wanted to promote greener transport then it should do it in a way that does not just discriminate against young people. Also not everybody has access to public transport especially young people! This in turn would be a much less effective way for young people to get about as they would become more reliant on others, like their parents, to get them about which is not always practical.
is debate/ GD really important. ya absolutely i am clear on my stand that when its a call for the team work the communication skills are must but i am just extending my case for the person who has extra ordinary skills in one field that he is specialist in that field so he need not to discuss too much in his field . ok dinesh tell me one thing if a person is hired for HR position and he not able to speak and put his point of view then how can he will be useful for the company ?? if you say that that person needs the communication skills then i think i made my stand clear that GD is important but just modified it that its intensity vary from need of that skill . so GD is important , i think i am clear in my views .
Rich nations should not aid poor nations. For the reader's information, this was a challenge to me. I will be debating pro-aid. Let us begin. Con's argument is that aiding a poor country will mean that the poor country will not have to work as hard to profuce goods. I have two ways to respond to that: 1. Aid is not always in producing manufactured items. 2. If a country does not have to work as hard to produce manufactured goods, it can be a positive thing, as it can help develop the country and bring it closer to riches. My arguments: 1. The act of aid is an act of kindness, and the rich country's reputation will become better. 2. The poor country may feel indebted to the rich country, thus it will feel in the future that it should repay the rich country, will will help the rich country. I would like to thank Con for starting this debate. Back to Con.
whatever you believe still could be false, therfore is not true. impossible is possible by belief logic is absolute, 1+1=2 not 3, even where you are located so you dont know wich of us is taking the pro position? is your friend typing this on your computer while you are being told about it blind folded? becasue then i agree you dont know primate is a Word.. i am not sure about what define primates.. couldnt tell you this
atheism (pro) vs Christianity (con). This debate is over Christianity vs Atheism. There is a debate over what Genesis means from pre-Darwinian Church fathers to today. He ignores this saying that he wants to interpret it all in a literal sense. I believe he picks and chooses to show the Bible in the worst light possible. I take the Bible as a whole in context (literary -what does the Greek and Hebrew say?- and historical) It is because of this, many debates have taken place in Christianity for about 2000 years. He did answer my questions. Here is my point, to explain to something to someone who does not have knowledge of the subject requires the use of analogies. These analogies have limits in their explanatory power. I believe he answers my questions with circular reasoning with no foundation to base logic, uniformity of nature, senses, reasoning or morality on. When I quoted the scientist in the article Truth in Science was from his own article that he shared which means that the authors of his own sources article show uncertainty about the origin of life. In conclusion, if you would like know know the hope that is only found in Christ, please go to If you want to talk to me please go to If you want to debate me, please go to If you want me to be a guest speaker,please go to Thank you for your participation, God bless!
Equality vs. Freedom. The point that supporters of personal freedom routinely miss is that when the tax laws governing an economy favor wealthy business owners then fewer consumers are able to afford the products they sell. However, if these same proprietors pay their employees a decent living wage and are taxed an equal percentage from their earnings as the middle and lower classes are required to do then consumerism rises, more products are sold and the rich become a LOT richer. Everyone benefits.
constitutional republic (Con) Vs. Pure Democracy (Pro). This debate will be on the Constitutional Republic (Con) Vs Pure Democracy (Pro) Argument. I will be arguing for constitutional Republic (Con) and (Pro) will argue against me for pure democracy -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rounds:Round 1: Will be accepting rules and conditionsRound 2: Each side presenting main argumentsRound 3: Each side presenting rebuttalsRound 4: Final arguments and closing statement-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rules and Regulations:1. No Racism of any kind will be tolerated. any form of racism shown will result in the debate being closed.2.All Points or "Facts" will and should provide Evidence to back-up point or "Facts".3.Personal attacks of any kind won't be tolerated. any form of personal attack shown will result in the debate being closed.4.The Opposition and the Owner of the debate should and will stay on topic at all times. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Voting Rules:1.If you vote, please post why you voted for the person you voted for.2.Keep the comment section clean and civil as possible.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good luck to my opponent and let us try to keep the debate as civil as possible.This is my first debate, so this will be my test run for this debate
Black Lives Matter does not help blacks nor blacks should be with BLM. "According to me, It affects blacks differently. " Really? Your just gonna defy statistics and say WELL because I said so it must be true. Just because one case of jurisdictions being racist doesn't make blacks oppressed nor whites having privilege. You say white man in the next case but this isn't a race issue, It's a debate whether if criminals are mentally unstable to not get a sentence. Keep saying that blacks are shot more but its not true. "He was on his hands and his knees, Pleading for his life and Darren Wilson decided to still kill him. That is immoral and I don't see how a human being could do that. What he did should have been illegal. " Wrong, He grabbed for the gun, Threatened the police officer and robbed a convenience store, If you were in that situation, You would have shot, No one knows how difficult it is to save your own life from radicals like brown who only caused more crime. "Then explain slavery. " Slavery happened over 150 years ago before BLM. "Easily (key word, Easily) becoming victim to both law enforcement and the judicial system alike unfairly. They don't have to worry about their teenage children's unjustified death being mocked" First, I have debunked this stupid point of Police Brutality is against blacks and a couple of racist does not make blacks oppressed. Black people don't have to get tortured because of their political beliefs. Again they are racists but as a society as a whole it doesn't oppress blacks and CON has failed to bring many examples of this happening. As well as history doesn't make their point either since it was way before BLM. BLM does not want blacks to succeed because they don't talk about the issues that actually matter to blacks and actually riot and destroy black businesses. Racism and oppressing blacks is a lot different. Are there racists. Yes. But does society oppress blacks. No. If that was true how can a black person rise to the top of America. "cops hate black people and want to kill them all. " Really. How come there are black sheriffs who are against BLM. How come just because they are a few racist cops you can try and paint 850k to 1 million cops racist when they protect blacks. All Lives Matter mean that we should be tackling Police Brutality as not a race issue. Has there been All Lives Matter protests that have gone violent and caused massive riots.
Driving Age - Raise to 21. Yes, The legal driving age should be raised to 21 as there is many new drivers who cause accidents. At the age of 17/18 you are still classed as a teenager and this is the case until you reach the age of 20. There are many risk factors but the biggest one being in experienced. In my opinion for the first year after you pass your test you should not be aloud to drive alone and you should always have an experienced driver with you.
life of infant in womb, sometimes should take priority over mother's wishes for abortion. Clarification: I am supporting the side I do not believe, so this should be interesting. Arguments: {P1} Complications at Childbirth As we all should know, there are many cases in which complications during childbirth, or a mother"s trouble having the child, could result in death. Death from childbirth is more common than one would expect. The article[1] linked shows some facts that are worth reading. The important fact for this point, however, was stated as such: " In 2013, 289 000 women died from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth. In addition, for every woman who dies in childbirth, around 20 more suffer injury, infection or disease " approximately 10 million women each year." As we can see, complications during childbirth are quite a problem. The lives of many could be mothers could be saved, if they simply aborted the child before. Now this may seem immoral, but we are risking the life of a woman who is living and has many loved one"s for the life of someone whose fate we do not know. {P2} Child"s Life In many cases, the woman who seeks an abortion is economically challenged. Thus, she would not be able to support the life of a child. Now, would a mother rather kill a child in the womb, or watch it suffer in the real world. Poor mothers would have to see their child hungry and living a life in poor conditions, simply because the mother wanted to keep the child. {P3} Other situations As many agree on, rape is a case where abortion should be allowed, especially since the child could grow up knowing that she was never intended and was the result of a crime. In those cases, would it not be better to let the child go, or rather, have the child suffer living a life of confusion, regret, and feelings of unwantedness. {P4} Regarding Adoption I understand that aborting a child is difficult for the mother. However, how much harder is it for the mother once the child was already been born? How could a mother, who feels that connection with their child, be able to give it up? There are many cases of mothers wondering how their child is like currently, after leaving it for adoption many years prior. Also, adoption also has its own problems with bad families and even poor facilities at the adoption home, another place where the child would suffer. In conclusion, in most cases, the mother knows whether she would be able to handle the child or not. Thus, she should be given the right over their life. It may be difficult for the mother, but she is only acting in the best interest of the child. [1]
Did Bush did 9/11. Bush didn't do 9/11 first of all because he wouldn't kill 2,977 AMERICANS to just go in a war. Also Bush didn't do it because when Flight 77 hit the Pentagon it hit the MILITARY Wing. Bush wouldn't destroy all of his military information and kill high military personnel. FINALLY the main reason why people think Bush was in on it was because they say "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams" for your information they didn't melt they were weakened and the tower that was hit second was hit almost on a corner which made it weaker then the north tower that is why the steel beams collapsed straight down on eachother also you want to know why WTC 7 fell well when the plane hit it made a huge fireball which spread to that tower and the building beams were also weakened and the beams also gave out
Should all chruches be demolished. "why didn't the church do more research on the guy, and doesn't that person have to go trough a trial before he becomes a priest"Too bad, they trust people that much.Learn how people become a priest"I acknowledge that these sexual predators used their position in the diocese to gain by safesaver" href="">access" - Bishop of NewcastleThat should solve cases. And not all Churches should be demolished. "They protect child molesters"That is an opinion. "how much of those donations does church keep for them self's" ownage by above i think. Just got owned by the info above."Perhaps we should preserve more majestic once and turn them into a monument"Its a church. You said you want to destroy all churches. Your a lyer. You make a suggestion that would not happen. You just make a "turn into a monument" excuse. Its a church made to be a church! You cannot just renames things. Its way more complicated than you think."express their domination everywhere"That is a opinion. Your making things up as they come. 3.7 million is not as much if you compare it against the world. "the amount of donations that churches make doesn't even come close to what could be done with the terrain that churches can be used for"That is a another opinion or maybe juat sarcasm. I still can't agree on the fact that "SHould all churches be demolished" but you pretty much convinced me that churches should be demolished. BUT AHA!You said all churches. Everything else you said was an agree unless if i quote to some of the refereing though i can't see why this sentance is underlined and line highlated.I would bet that you would win but i would win by that title. So i would win because that title was made to advantage me and challange you.Did you know that or that was random. "I'm attacking churches as structures and their uselessness"Funniest phrase i've ever heared that i must point out.I am hating this player for it's uselessness.Oh sh*t. Just realized that churches gave pedophiles an advantage.How do i rename my name.
High School Should Start Later in the Morning. Actually, I will have to disprove your thesis by stating that the average teenager (High School Student) only needs 8.5 - 9.5 hours of sleep. Say school starts at 8 in the morning (like most high schools do). Now lets say that school ends at 3. Students have 17 hours not spent during school on the weekdays. There is more than enough time for a high school student to get the necessary sleep they need. The only problem is, are they willing to go to bed at the right time to ensure this. Most teenagers do not. And, that is their own fault that they do not perform to their best academic ability. Not the schools. So, why should the school have to change the starting time?
Gun Rights. The second amendment is still viable. We need guns to protect ourselves. Your argument only focused on the use of guns against the government. Your argument is lacking in terms of self-defense against foreign invasion. As I mentioned in my previous argument, which you also failed to rebut, Armed civilians can give invaders a harder time in their invasion. Even if the US has the best military in the world, It wouldn"t hurt to let civilians help in the fight in case of an invasion. Guns are necessary for self-defense. Knives and bats are not enough. This isn"t the 14th century where melee weapons are a thing. Even if an intruder is unarmed, it is better to be safe than sorry and be at the advantage. Like I said in my previous argument, police are not always reliable, especially if your 911 call timing is pretty late. Even if a common intruder does not carry a gun, there is still a possibility that a random intruder is carrying a gun. Again, it is better to be at the advantage and playing it safe. Intruders are not always thieves, they could be serial killers or even kidnappers. These people are dangerous, violent and real. The best way to protect yourself from them is with a gun. Using these modern surveillances and police techniques on them is useful after you"re dead or kidnapped. Not everyone with a gun are criminals. As I mentioned last round, guns stop a number of crimes. Also, my opponent lacks any sources to back up his claims while my arguments are well supported by credible sources. Mass shootings will still happen even with gun control because mass shooters want the mass shooting to happen. They don't buy a gun and suddenly get the idea of shooting everyone up. Guns used for self defense do a lot of good.In many cases, mass shooters are stopped by armed civilians. [1] [1]
Pitbulls being outlawed in cities. Many people in my town have pitbulls, they are the majority of the dogs here. None have ever attacked worse than a good snipping. So are all of them just the "good eggs." We complain that the dogs attack? Do you know why pitbulls are "vicious?" We made them that way. They were bred to be sheepdogs. Then they were put into pits and taught to attack bulls. Pit- bulls. This is also where dog fights originated. We make things to dangerous then we complain, and we eliminate. Do we want to destroy everything that can hurt us? Or teach them to care, teach them to love. The only other option is live in a bubble, because everything is dangerous in one way or another. Also with the pedophiles, many NEVER see a day in prison because the child may not be believed or is so scarred they never speak up. The dog no matter what dies. Many of the attacks are deserved because the child hurt or harmed the dog, yet the dog gets blamed. Deep down the dog has the fight or flight instinct just like every living being, its just their nature. Educate yourself dude. Thank you.
Ovals are a product of a new world order. The oval, a shape not used in scientific or practical use and are a product of an ancient new world order ideology in order for humans to get into mathematics as humans are attracted to abstract shapes. They used the intrigue to get humans to develop new technologies leading to globalization such as the wheel and a number of new technologies based on mathematics gained by the interest in ovals, have you ever wondered why circles are a much better alternative to ovals? Such as the wheel if humans didn't realise that ovals were abstract we would have never developed the wheel, therefore allowing a more connected society eventually leading to the not too distant reality in which we have a global leader.
1b49eeeb-2019-04-18T11:53:01Z-00001-000 New Tournaments VS There is no point in making this argument. Let the community choose, and don't force them to decide. If you really felt the need to come on here and make this post about how a new website that has ALL the same features just opened up, then you have issues. If you feel the need to try to convince this community to move to another website that has the same features and does all the same stuff, then what the frick, man?
Gay Marriage. I will be challenging 16kadams to a debate on Gay Marriage. I will be arguing for gay marriage, on the Pro side. I will be arguing that Marriage rights should be given to Homosexuals, but that parenthood should be defined as being between one Man and one Woman, one Father and one Mother, in line with nature. I will be arguing that Marriage is a concept thought up by humans, that marriage is both a religious act and a legal contract, but that it is not a natural act, as parenthood is. So my side is, legalize gay marriage as there is nothing "unnatural" about gay marriage, as marriage was invented by humans, but that parenthood be defined as being between one Man and one Woman, meaning gay people cannot adopt, because children need both a Mother and a Father for a stable environment to grow up in. I look forward to this debate with 16kadams. Good luck!
God is natural, we just live in a supernatural world. Equivocation != sound logical argument. God, as typically referred to is supernatural. The world is fully in reality without transcending reality or being bigger than reality it just is. Further, simply being referred to as supernatural does not imply that such an entity even exists. In fact, many would argue, that saying that something is supernatural is saying that you are talking of nothing.
Raunchy Performance. My opponant says that the parents should not do their job of safe gaurding their children's minds from mature content, such as this performance by Britney Spears and Rhihanna. I will be be proving that it is right for the parents to make sure that there children don't veiw this content. My opponant says that the more a parent tries to stop their children from watching the material, the more they want it. This untrue since the child already wants the stuff enough to act out what they see. The human brain in a child in under developed untill the age of 25. The child's brain is made to learn from there suroundings and other influences such as the media. The problem would be solved if the parents replaced the bad influences, with good influences. My opponant also states that we can not do anything about the provocative nature of the world today. However this is false because in the 60's the U. S. had a cultural revolution that challanged everything the generation before then had thought and lived for. Ever since then the U. S. has influenced the other nations of the worlds culturl values and has created the culture we know today. If the parents of the world started punishing their children for breaking the rules,a nd replace the bad influences with the good ones then the world and our up coming generation would be a whole lot different. In Conclusion, The parents should do everything in their power to monitor what their children watch. The parents should replace the bad influences with good influences. We can change the provocative nature of the world around.
God speaks against Gays, Lesbians, and Bi-Sexuals. Okay for one thing STOP STALKING ME!!!! Any ways… I know the bible does look down on me being bi-sexual but sooner or later I will change. I'm sure I won't be like this forever and when I do change I will try to get right with God. For now I'm living and loving. Kay? Also how am I supposed to know if it's hypocritical?
The boarder wall is a waste of money. I hope we will have an exciting debate and maybe I will get my mind changed on this topic. The first point that I would like to make is that the border wall will not stop illegal migration. The statistics show that about 40% of undocumented immigrants arrive here by plane, And that is a conservative estimate. Moreover, The boarder wall still wouldn't stop the other 50-60% of illegal immigrants. This is because of the "circular flow" this states that people would come to the United States, Work for a while and then leave. But when the Clinton and Bush administration increased the border security, The stats showed that illegals decided to get to America and then stay here due to the fact that it would get harder to go back out. So this made it harder for undocumented immigrants to leave the USA.
Do you know why you don't want to be happy? LUCKY. So being happy as Snow Whites little special friend or as is happy to be as it is too be sad as grief is to be stupidly intelligent as dread. Take a chill pill and let the darkness of dread in while those of us benefit as not to profiteer from another's misery. This black and white charade that falls within the greys that shadow within the browns maroons relaxes into reds oranges yellows greens blues and purples that fade away into the shadows of greys once again. So is it gray, or grey while our own brains have abandonment issues upon this bicycle ride out of hell.