A restaurant served N_00 cakes during lunch and N_01 during dinner today . How many cakes were served today ?
N_00 + N_01
6.0 9.0
John walks N_00 miles to school and Nina walks N_01 miles to school . How much farther does John walk than Nina ?
N_00 - N_01
0.7 0.4
Wendy was playing a video game and had N_00 lives . In a hard part of the game she lost N_01 lives . If she got N_02 more lives in the next level , how many lives would she have ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
43.0 8.0 39.0
For Halloween Katie and her sister combined the candy they received . Katie had N_00 pieces of candy while her sister had N_01 . If they ate N_02 pieces the first night , how many pieces do they have left ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
10.0 6.0 9.0
Janet has N_00 stickers . She gets N_01 more from Ruth . How many stickers does Janet have in all ?
N_00 + N_01
3.0 53.0
There are N_00 rulers in the drawer . Tim took N_01 rulers from the drawer . How many rulers are now in the drawer ?
N_00 - N_01
46.0 25.0
Mrs. Hilt went to a concert . A total of N_00 people attended the concert . The next week , she went to a second concert , which had N_01 more people in attendance . How many people were at the second concert ?
N_00 + N_01
65899.0 119.0
Sam has N_00 books . Joan has N_01 books . How many books do they have together ?
N_00 + N_01
110.0 102.0
Melanie , Benny , Sandy , and Jessica each have N_00 dozen Pokemon cards . How many Pokemon cards do they have in all ?
4.0 * ( N_00 * 12.0 )
There are N_00 apples in a box . Louise has N_01 apples in a bag . Scott takes N_02 apples out of the box . How many apples are left in the box ?
N_00 - N_02
77.0 9.0 75.0
Shirley sold N_00 boxes of Do - Si - Dos . How many cases of N_01 boxes , plus extra boxes does Shirley need to deliver ?
N_00 / N_01
20.0 4.0
Tom has N_00 violet balloons , he gave Fred N_01 of the balloons . How many violet balloons does he now have ?
N_00 - N_01
30.0 16.0
Mike bought some toys . He bought marbles for $ N_00 , a football for $ N_01 , and spent $ N_02 on a baseball . In total , how much did Mike spend on toys ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
9.05 4.95 6.52
Jason has N_00 violet balloons and N_01 red balloons . He lost N_02 of the violet balloons . How many violet balloons does Jason have now ?
N_00 - N_02
7.0 4.0 3.0
John weighs N_00 pounds . Roy weighs N_01 pounds . How much heavier is John than Roy ?
N_00 - N_01
81.0 4.0
There are N_00 oranges . N_01 oranges more are added . How many are there total ?
N_00 + N_00
8.0 8.0
Olivia uploaded N_00 pictures from her phone and N_01 from her camera to facebook . If she sorted the pics into N_02 different albums with the same amount of pics in each album , how many pictures were in each of the albums ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_02
5.0 35.0 8.0
N_00 birds were sitting on the fence . N_01 more birds came to join them . How many birds are sitting on the fence ?
N_00 + N_01
2.0 4.0
Luke was putting his spare change into piles . He had N_00 piles of quarters and N_01 piles of dimes . If each pile had N_02 coins in it , how many coins did he have total ?
N_02 * ( N_00 + N_00 )
5.0 5.0 3.0
Ethan has N_00 presents . Alissa has N_01 more than Ethan . How many presents does Alissa have ?
N_00 + N_01
31.0 22.0
Luke had N_00 pieces of clothing to wash . He put N_01 of them in one load , but decided to split the rest into N_02 equal loads . How many pieces of clothing could go in each of the small loads ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
47.0 17.0 5.0
Tiffany had N_00 pages of math homework and N_01 pages of reading homework . If each page had N_02 problems on it , how many problems did she have to complete total ?
N_02 * ( N_00 + N_01 )
6.0 4.0 3.0
If there are N_00 bottle caps in a box and Linda puts N_01 more bottle caps inside , how many bottle caps are in the box ?
N_00 + N_00
7.0 7.0
Nancy was planting vegetables in her garden . She started with N_00 seeds and planted N_01 of them in the big garden and in each of her small gardens put N_02 seeds each . How many small gardens did Nancy have ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
52.0 28.0 4.0
Fred loves trading cards . He bought N_00 packs of football cards for $ N_01 each , a pack of Pokemon cards for $ N_02 , and a deck of baseball cards for $ N_03 . How much did Fred spend on cards ?
N_00 * N_01 + N_02 + N_03
2.0 2.73 4.01 8.95
Harry Hound had a terrible earache yesterday . When I peered into his ears yesterday , I found N_00 frisky fleas having a party in his right ear and N_01 baby fleas sleeping peacefully in his left ear . I cleaned out Harry Hound 's ears . How many fleas perished ?
N_00 + N_01
36.0 85.0
Donald has N_00 oranges . He finds another N_01 . How many oranges does Donald have in all ?
N_00 + N_01
4.0 5.0
There are N_00 crayons in the drawer . Mary took N_01 crayons out of the drawer . How many crayons are there now ?
N_00 - N_01
7.0 3.0
A pet shelter had N_00 puppies when another N_01 were brought in . If N_02 puppies a day are adopted , how long would it take for all of them to be adopted ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_02
9.0 12.0 3.0
Gordon bought N_00 pounds of fruit for a class party . The class ate N_01 pounds of the fruit . How much fruit is ?
N_00 - N_01
3.42 2.2
Alyssa picked N_00 pears and Nancy picked N_01 pears from the pear tree . How many pears were picked in all ?
N_00 + N_01
42.0 17.0
At the arcade Edward won N_00 tickets . If he spent N_01 tickets on a beanie and later won N_02 more tickets , how many would he have ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_01
9.0 4.0 4.0
While shopping , Emily bought N_00 green towels and N_01 white towels . If she gave her mother N_02 of them , how many towels did Emily end up with ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
5.0 30.0 26.0
Ned was trying to expand his game collection . He bought N_00 games from a friend and bought N_01 more at a garage sale . If N_02 of the games did n't work , how many good games did he end up with ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
11.0 22.0 19.0
A teacher had N_00 worksheets to grade . If she graded N_01 , but then another N_02 were turned in , how many worksheets would she have to grade ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
6.0 4.0 18.0
Tim has N_00 dozen golf balls . How many golf balls does he have ?
N_00 * 12.0
Last year at Newberg 's airport , N_00 passengers landed on time . Unfortunately , N_01 passengers landed late . In all , how many passengers landed in Newberg last year ?
N_00 + N_01
14507.0 213.0
There are N_00 marbles in each box . How many marbles are in N_01 boxes ?
N_00 * N_01
8.0 6.0
One recipe calls for N_00 teaspoon vanilla , and a second recipe requires for N_01 teaspoon vanilla , and a third recipe calls for N_02 teaspoon vanilla . How much vanilla is required to make all N_03 recipes , in teaspoons ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
0.25 0.5 0.125 3.0
Fred earns $ N_00 an hour cleaning houses . If he works for N_01 hours , how much money will he make ?
N_00 * N_01
12.5 8.0
Your class is having a pizza party . You buy N_00 pizzas . Each pizza has N_01 slices . How many slices is that altogether ?
N_00 * N_01
5.0 4.0
Joan 's cat had N_00 kittens . She gave N_01 to her friends . How many kittens does she have now ?
N_00 - N_01
8.0 2.0
Dan picked N_00 limes and gave Sara N_01 of the limes . How many limes does Dan have now ?
N_00 - N_01
9.0 4.0
Joan joined her school 's band . She bought a trumpet for $ N_00 , a music tool for $ N_01 , and a song book which was $ N_02 . Joan found $ N_03 in her pocket . How much did Joan spend at the music store ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
149.16 9.98 4.14 8.65
Mary found N_00 seashells , Melanie found N_01 seashells , and Jason found N_02 seashells on the beach . When they cleaned them , they discovered that N_03 were cracked . How many seashells did they find together ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
45.0 23.0 32.0 31.0
Shannon and her family use up a lot of strawberry and blueberry jelly , since they eat toast every morning . At the moment , they have a combined total of N_00 grams of jelly . If they have N_01 grams of blueberry jelly , how many grams of strawberry jelly do they have ?
N_00 - N_01
6310.0 4518.0
Will had N_00 pieces of clothing to wash . He put N_01 of them in one load , but decided to split the rest into N_02 equal loads . How many pieces of clothing could go in each of the small loads ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
59.0 32.0 9.0
Brenda has N_00 apples . She gets N_01 more from Willie . How many apples does Brenda have in all ?
N_00 + N_01
34.0 37.0
There are N_00 students in the class and N_01 apples . If the apples are divided equally among the students , how many does each student get ?
N_01 / N_00
7.0 42.0
There are N_00 students in the class and N_01 tickets . If the tickets are divided equally among the students , how many does each student get ?
N_01 / N_00
9.0 81.0
Daniel had some noodles . He gave N_00 noodles to William . Now Daniel only has N_01 noodles . How many noodles did Daniel have to begin with ?
N_00 + N_01
12.0 54.0
There are N_00 popular trees currently in the park . Park workers will plant N_01 popular trees today . How many popular trees will the park have when the workers are finished ?
N_00 + N_01
25.0 73.0
Jason has N_00 Pokemon cards . Alyssa bought N_01 of Jason 's Pokemon cards . How many Pokemon cards does Jason have now ?
N_00 - N_01
676.0 224.0
Kelly has N_00 Nintendo games . How many does she need to give away so that she will have N_01 games left ?
N_00 - N_01
121.0 22.0
Mary ’ s mom is getting ready for Mary ’ s birthday party . She blew up N_00 balloons this morning and N_01 balloons this afternoon . How many balloons did she blow up in all ?
N_00 + N_01
6.0 5.0
Wendy picked N_00 flowers for her friend ’ s wedding . She was making bouquets with N_01 flowers in each one . If N_02 of the flowers wilted before the wedding , how many bouquets could she still make ?
( N_00 - N_02 ) / N_01
103.0 8.0 47.0
Jessica had N_00 quarters in her bank . Her sister borrowed N_01 of her quarters . How many quarters does Jessica have now ?
N_00 - N_01
8.0 3.0
What is N_00 % of N_01 ?
N_00 * 0.01 * N_01
395.0 791.0
Ronald has N_00 blocks . Martha has with N_01 blocks . Martha finds another N_02 . How many blocks does Martha end with ?
N_01 + N_02
13.0 4.0 80.0
A book store had N_00 books in the bargin bin . If they sold N_01 books , but then put N_02 more in the bin , how many books would be in the bin ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
41.0 33.0 2.0
In one week , an airplane pilot flew N_00 miles on Tuesday and N_01 miles on Thursday . If the pilot flies the same number of miles N_02 weeks in a row , how many miles does the pilot fly in all ?
N_02 * ( N_00 + N_01 )
1134.0 1475.0 3.0
A N_00 ounce can of cranberry juice sells for N_01 cents . Give the unit cost in cents per ounce .
N_01 / N_00
12.0 84.0
If Harold split N_00 apples between N_01 people in her class and kept the left overs , how many apples did each classmate get ?
N_00 / N_01
15.0 3.0
There are N_00 dogwood trees currently in the park . Park workers will plant N_01 more dogwood trees today . How many dogwood trees will the park have when the workers are finished ?
N_00 + N_01
34.0 49.0
Tony had $ N_00 . Tony paid $ N_01 for a ticket to a baseball game . At the game , Tony bought a hot dog for $ N_02 . What amount of money did Tony have then ?
N_00 - ( N_01 + N_02 )
20.0 8.0 3.0
The cost of N_00 feet of chain is N_01 dollars , what length of chain can be purchased with N_02 dollars ?
N_02 / N_01 * N_00
5.0 2.0 7.5
Nancy has saved N_00 cents from selling lemonade . How many dollars does Nancy have ?
N_00 / 100.0
Paul made N_00 dollars mowing lawns and N_01 dollars weed eating . If he only spent N_02 dollar a week , how long would the money last him ?
( N_00 + N_00 ) / N_00
3.0 3.0 3.0
Wendy 's old washing machine could only wash N_00 pieces of clothing at a time . If she had to wash N_01 shirts and N_02 sweaters how many loads would she have to do ?
( N_01 + N_02 ) / N_00
8.0 39.0 33.0
In fourth grade there were N_00 students at the start of the year . During the year N_01 students left and N_02 new students came to school . How many students were in fourth grade at the end ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
33.0 18.0 14.0
A pet store had N_00 puppies . In one day they sold N_01 of them and put the rest into cages with N_02 in each cage . How many cages did they use ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
78.0 30.0 8.0
My car gets N_00 miles per gallon of gas . How many miles can I drive on N_01 gallons of gas ?
N_00 * N_01
20.0 5.0
You have collected N_00 crickets . How many more crickets do you need to collect to have N_01 crickets ?
N_01 - N_00
7.0 11.0
Lukas averages N_00 points per game in basketball . How many points would he score in N_01 games ?
N_00 * N_01
12.0 5.0
A restaurant sold N_00 pies every day for a week . How many pies were sold during the week ?
N_00 * 7.0
Kyle jogged N_00 laps in P.E . class and N_01 laps during track practice . How many laps did Kyle jog in all ?
N_00 + N_01
1.125 2.125
Sara grew N_00 onions , Sally grew N_01 onions , and Fred grew N_02 onions . How many onions did they grow in all ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
4.0 5.0 9.0
While shopping for music online , Faye bought N_00 country albums and N_01 pop albums . Each album came with a lyric sheet and had N_02 songs . How many songs did Faye buy total ?
N_02 * ( N_00 + N_01 )
2.0 3.0 6.0
Irwin 's family went on a camping trip in the mountains . On the first day , they hiked from their car to the campsite . First , they hiked N_00 mile from the car to a stream , and N_01 mile from the stream to a meadow . Then they hiked N_02 mile from the meadow to the campsite . How many miles did Irwin 's family hike in all ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
0.2 0.4 0.1
In a video game , each enemy defeated gives you N_00 points . If a level has N_01 enemies total and you destroy all but N_02 of them , how many points would you earn ?
N_00 * ( N_01 - N_02 )
7.0 11.0 8.0
Jonah added N_00 cup of yellow raisins and N_01 cup of black raisins to a batch of trail mix . How many cups of raisins did Jonah add in all ?
N_00 + N_01
0.3 0.4
Mrs. Hilt uses N_00 ounces of detergent to wash a pound of clothes . How many ounces of soap will Mrs. Hilt use to wash N_01 pounds of clothes ?
N_00 * N_01
2.0 9.0
April 's discount flowers was having a sale where each flower was N_00 dollars . If Robin bought N_01 roses and N_02 daisies , how much did she spend ?
N_00 * ( N_01 + N_02 )
3.0 5.0 4.0
Brenda wants to split a collection of erasers into groups of N_00 . Brenda has N_01 erasers . How many groups will be created ?
N_01 / N_00
90.0 270.0
Alyssa 's dog had puppies . She gave N_00 to her friends . She now has N_01 puppies . How many puppies did she have to start with ?
N_00 + N_01
7.0 5.0
We ordered N_00 pizzas . Each pizza has N_01 slices . How many slices of pizza are there altogether ?
N_00 * N_01
21.0 8.0
A car company produced N_00 cars in North America and N_01 cars in Europe . How many cars is that in all ?
N_00 + N_01
3884.0 2871.0
The school is planning a field trip . There are N_00 students and N_01 seats on each school bus . How many buses are needed to take the trip ?
N_00 / N_01
45.0 9.0
Sam got N_00 pennies for washing clothes , and N_01 quarters for mowing lawns . How much money does Sam have ?
N_00 * 0.01 + N_01 * 0.25
9.0 7.0
Tim has N_00 books . Sam has N_01 books . How many books do they have together ?
N_00 + N_01
44.0 52.0
The library is divided into different sections for different type of books . The science fiction section has N_00 books . If each book has N_01 pages , how many pages do all the books have in total ?
N_00 * N_01
8.0 478.0
Warren has N_00 guests coming to his party . Each table will hold N_01 guests . How many tables will he need ?
N_00 / N_01
252.0 4.0
Jason had N_00 quarters in his bank . His dad gave him N_01 quarters . How many quarters does he have now ?
N_00 + N_01
49.0 25.0
There are N_00 marbles . N_01 marbles more are added . How many are there total ?
N_00 + N_01
4.0 7.0
Tom found N_00 seashells and Fred found N_01 seashells on the beach . When they cleaned them , they discovered that N_02 were cracked . How many seashells did they find together ?
N_00 + N_01
15.0 43.0 29.0
Jessica weighs N_00 pounds . Thomas weighs N_01 pounds . How much heavier is Jessica than Thomas ?
N_00 - N_01
49.0 44.0
At a restaurant each adult meal costs $ N_00 and kids eat free . If a group of N_01 people came in and N_02 were kids , how much would it cost for the group to eat ?
N_00 * ( N_01 - N_02 )
3.0 12.0 7.0
Lucy went to the grocery store . She bought N_00 packs of cookies and N_01 packs of noodles . How many packs of groceries did she buy in all ?
N_00 + N_01
12.0 16.0
Rupert and Ronald aced their math test . So their mother bought for them a wonderful trampoline yesterday . Ronald jumped N_00 times on the trampoline . Rupert jumped N_01 more times than Ronald . How many times did they jump altogether ?
N_00 + N_01
157.0 86.0
At the fair Kaleb bought N_00 tickets . After riding the ferris wheel he had N_01 tickets left . If each ticket cost N_02 dollars , how much money did Kaleb spend riding the ferris wheel ?
N_02 * ( N_00 - N_01 )
6.0 3.0 9.0