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[ "A Call To Human Decency In Yemen", "A Character Test For America", "The World As Revealed The Olympics" ]
Former LA Dodgers owner McCourt to buy Marseille
RMC Sport reported that the club had been sold for 40 million euros ($44.68 million). Louis-Dreyfus took control of Marseille after the death of her husband Robert in 2009 but despite investing tens of millions of euros in recent years they have struggled and finished 13th in Ligue 1 last season. She said she would keep 5 percent of the club as part of the deal. Marseille, who have French football's biggest fan base, won the last of their nine league titles in 2010 . McCourt, who sold the Dodgers in 2012 for $2 billion, said he aimed to bring his experience in sport ownership to turn OM's fortunes around. ...
[ "Israelis", "Palestinians", "Seeking Leadership", "Australia Seeks Balance On China S Influence", "Trump", "The Politics Of Cultural Despair" ]
Conspiracies of form and figure
In the case of Mazen Khaddaj's "Emotion in Motion," an exhibition of canvases and video from 2015-16 now up at Artspace Hamra, it is the spectators who are under scrutiny. The canvases lining the gallery walls are preoccupied by depictions of ligaments, joints, and angular forms – translucent, distorted and abstract. With its bright red and subtle yellow hues set upon a black background, "Trapped," 2015, on the other hand, suggests a disturbing image of a skeletal corpse locked in a box and twisted into unnatural positions. A video installation called "The Eye" allows viewers to witness scenes of movement and action, performed on the floor of Khaddaj's studio with his colleague Andrea Garcia – with the camera situated directly above the performers. The figures are formed and reconstructed by human interaction. There is a point of intersection between the videos and the canvases. Khaddaj described how one art of expression ends and another picks up. Mazen Khaddaj's "Emotion in Motion" is up at Artspace Hamra through 18 September. ...
[ "A Call To Human Decency In Yemen", "A Character Test For America", "The World As Revealed The Olympics" ]
Gunmen damage Brital jewelry store in break-in
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[ "Israelis", "Palestinians", "Seeking Leadership", "Australia Seeks Balance On China S Influence", "Trump", "The Politics Of Cultural Despair" ]
UK labour market shows little sign of immediate Brexit hit
The number of people claiming unemployment benefit in Britain unexpectedly fell in July despite the shock decision by voters to leave the European Union, suggesting little immediate impact from Brexit on the labour market. The figures represented the first official measure of the labour market since the June 23 vote. The July claimant count figure was measured on July 14, three weeks after the referendum, meaning it might not reflect the full extent of any post-Brexit fall in hiring. There was another sign Wednesday that the immediate economic impact of the Brexit vote would not be as bad as some had feared. Britain's unemployment rate held steady in the three months to June at 4.9 percent, as expected in the Reuters poll. ...
[ "A Call To Human Decency In Yemen", "A Character Test For America", "The World As Revealed The Olympics" ]
Former Obama aide calls Trump a psychopath
A former top adviser to President Barack Obama Sunday labeled Donald Trump a "psychopath," saying the Republican presidential nominee met the clinical definition of the personality disorder. With a little more than two months to go before the Nov. 8 U.S. election, the comments by David Plouffe, a former senior adviser to Obama and manager of his 2008 presidential campaign, mark another escalation in a series of blows exchanged between Trump's camp and that of his Democrat rival Hillary Clinton. ...
[ "A Call To Human Decency In Yemen", "A Character Test For America", "The World As Revealed The Olympics" ]
Future Movement calls on other factions to help end presidential void
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[ "A Call To Human Decency In Yemen", "A Character Test For America", "The World As Revealed The Olympics" ]
Zimbabwe to dehorn 700 rhinos to shut out poachers
A white female rhino named Carol is seen after she was dehorned by the Animal and Wildlife Area Research and Rehabilitation (AWARE) at Lake Chivero Recreational Park in Norton, Zimbabwe August 25, 2016. REUTERS/Philimon Bulawayo
[ "Israelis", "Palestinians", "Seeking Leadership", "Australia Seeks Balance On China S Influence", "Trump", "The Politics Of Cultural Despair" ]
Turkey takes aim at bank inspectors
Turkish authorities detained dozens of bank inspectors and academics Friday and the government vowed to cut off financing to companies suspected of having ties to last month's failed coup. Turkey has detained some 40,000 people in its investigation into the July 15 attempted putsch, which it says was orchestrated by U.S.-based Muslim preacher Fethullah Gulen. Authorities also detained dozens of academics and issued a total 145 arrest warrants for university staff in operations focused on Istanbul University and Konya in central Turkey, Anadolu said. Prosecutors in Konya issued arrest warrants for 83 academics, of which 29 have so far been detained in an operation stretching across 17 provinces, the agency said. ...
[ "Abbas Ali Shaikh" ]
Australian aid worker kidnapped in Afghanistan freed
Australian aid worker kidnapped in Afghanistan freed After four months spent in captivity following her kidnapping in Afghanistan, Australian aid worker Kerry Jane Wilson has been freed. Officials said Monday that Ms. Wilson was freed by Afghan forces in a special operation in eastern Afghanistan. At least three suspects have been arrested, though authorities did not say who was responsible for the abduction. She was taken in April by two armed men from her office in the eastern city of Jalalabad. Wilson, who is in her sixties, has lived and worked in Afghanistan for about 20 years. Most recently, she’s run Zardozi, a nongovernmental organization that helps impoverished Afghan women start their own businesses by selling items that they sew. Working in Kabul and three other Afghan cities – Mazar, Jalalabad, and Herat – Zardozi offers women training on topics such as design, quality assurance, pricing, leadership skills, and business planning. The organization – which is funded by the Dutch nonprofit group Oxfam Novib and the governments of Britain and Sweden – then connects the women with shopkeepers who buy their shirts, pants, pillowcases, and the like. Sometimes the organization offers the women small loans, as little as $100, to help them expand their fledgling businesses. In return, the women pay a membership fee of just $1 per month. In an interview with the Monitor at the time, Wilson compared the women she works with to “prisoners who have just gotten out of jail,” explaining that many are illiterate and have difficulty performing day-to-day tasks such as conversing with shopkeepers or navigating around their home city. A former colleague of Wilson’s told CNN that there had been “frantic worry” since Wilson was abducted in April, adding, “To hear the news this morning of her release and that she is safe and well is indescribable.” “I hope she returns to her family as soon as possible for much needed recuperation from her ordeal, and I also hope that she will consider returning to Afghanistan to continue her amazing work,” the former-colleague said. “She is vital to the future of Afghanistan.” MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Bipin Dani" ]
Sorry Sunil, the delay was not intentional, says Fort Lauderdale security head
Sorry Sunil, the delay was not intentional, says Fort Lauderdale security head MUMBAI: It is not the first instance when Sunil Gavaskar was denied “easy entry” at the cricket stadium. The Little Master had surrendered his Life Membership when the stewards didn’t allow him through Grace Gates at Lord’s in 1990. But only at the insistence from the late president Michael Colin Cowdrey (MCC) several years later, Gavaskar had decided to take up the membership again. Luckily, the issue didn’t go “out of hands” when the 67-year-old SMG’s entry was delayed (not detained) during one of the two T-20 matches against West Indies last week. “The delay was not intentional, it was a matter of verifying the credentials to enter the gate, Mr. Gavasakar was stopped by the (inner) security firm operating the gates”, Captain Andrew Dunbar, who headed the security operations at the facility for both the teams, said exclusively over his mobile from USA. “On behalf of everyone involved, I do apologize for Mr. Gavasakar getting delayed at the gate”. The Jamaica-born Captain Dunbar has seen several matches at the Sabina Park. However, has not watched him play. “I did not have the privilege to see Mr. Gavasakar play”, he further added. “If I had a chance to interact with Mr. Gavasakar, I would certainly enjoy talking about cricket in general with him”, the cricket-fan Dunbar added. Team India’s debut at the Florida fetched many fans but they were controllable. “It (controlling them) was not difficult at all, the India fans were great, and easy to interact with. Both teams impressed me, as a cricket fan. I was impressed by the support of India fans, even though it was very short notice to the play in Broward County”, he signed off. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Nida Khan", "Muhammad Luqman", "Muhammad Luqman Signal Battalion Rwp." ]
America's war of ideas
America’s war of ideas America has an overwhelming presence in the international system, is a state responsible for global peace and security, a state is known to be a prospered democracy and a state recognized as a super power, but when a Muslim is asked about how he sees the America’s role in the world the answer is not very positive. After the Great War, during the era of cold war, America had managed to build cordial relations in the Muslim world. There existed a comparative harmony between the west and the east; it was mostly because American public diplomacy was effectively fashioning the public opinion that was in the favour of America. Post 9/11 the American policy of non-intervention shifted to the policy of intervention and the American public relation activities got stalled. At the same time, Bush administration waged a War against Terrorism and steered the operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. Since then the America has failed in its war of ideas. Therefore, the reason behind the rise of Anti-Americanism in the Muslim world is the limited approach to public diplomacy. These two major operations were somehow more targeted towards the Muslim Integrity than it was War against Terrorism. The questions that rise are first, where have the American Public diplomacy failed? Second, Does American approach to post 9/11 policies more Islam-centric? Third, were the nation branding efforts by America justified? And lastly, do the Americans ever consider why the Muslims have Anti-American sentiments? When the Bush administration launched the War against Terrorism, a lead instrument in the battle for hearts and minds was Public Diplomacy, but it was second to the military offensive. Though the concept regarding Public Diplomacy that prevailed was explained by Lee Hamilton, co-chair of the influential 9/11 Commission, “Public diplomacy is how we stop them from coming here to kill us.”America adopted the two-prong objective of U.S. public diplomacy that required promoting the values of hope and freedom while demoting and isolating the extremist message of hate and fear, but this policy was applied in a way that created an image of Muslim in the western world that was not pleasant. Muslims were now being perceived as the terrorist and then they started to have Anti-American sentiments. Despite the efforts made by Bush administration, the American Public diplomacy failed to communicate with the Muslim world. These failures were the lessons for current Obama regime; it is said that Obama’s administration was a game changer in the Muslim world. In his inaugural address, he spoke openly to the Muslim world stating “mutual interest and mutual respect.” It was during his regime that gave rise to the idea that every Muslim is not a terrorist, and every American is not anti-Muslim. Still the American media is stereotyping the Muslims in their dramas, movies and more recently election camping. This is where the American public diplomacy fails again. In movies like GI Joe: Retaliation (2013), Iron Man 3, Dear John, etc. TV series like Home Land they have presented the American soldiers as the victims and created the perception that Muslims around the world support terrorism. Constructing the medium that is one way, the Americans do not get the opportunity to listen to the others side, however creating the perception that has damaged the public relations in the Muslim world. Therefore, another reason that America is always failing in their public diplomacy is that their local public is not willing to see the Muslims as the normal peace loving people, which in turn has concreted the Anti-Americanism in the hearts of the Muslims. Somehow if we compare the previous Bush regime and the current Obama regime, the latter has been successful in maintaining the peaceful relations. Muslims had started to have some faith in the American policies, Obama’s constant support towards the Arab world, interest in Pakistan and declaring terrorist with no religion were some of the steps towards the new beginnings. But the recent election camping’s done by the Donald Trump are weakening the trust that was build. A recent statement by the American presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has again created doubt in the minds of the Muslim world. The open hate speech against the Muslims is making America lose its legitimacy and respect. Since the 9/11 Muslims have been the open target in the name of extremism and unjustly judged by the American population. In order to eliminate fear and panic from their country, they have distorted the image of Muslims among their own population. At this moment what America need is not to pick a fight with the whole civilization, it is the state of opportunities, and Muslim world has the talent. What America need is to rebrand itself and educate their population about the Muslim community by creating the scenarios where the two can meet and talk. The two-way communication is essential at this moment because the Muslim world is not being heard and they need the voice to their opinions. The anti-American sentiments are rising, and Muslims are wrongfully being accused of the extremist activities. Right now the global peace and security is at stake and instead of solving this problem America is busy playing the blame game, thus igniting the situations to its worst. The pigeon-holing done by the America has created the wall between east and west, a wall that is not of bricks but of minds and hearts and once this wall is well-founded, it’s difficult to break it down. America may be able to win back its legitimacy of being a superpower, but they may not be able to reclaim the hearts and minds of the Muslims with their current policies. America is said to be a great nation but the battle of strength cannot be won without the battle of ideas, and this is where Americans lack efficiency. Any religion or state do not support terrorism, and America needs to recognize this. They have to change their approach of either you are with us or against us, to a neutral one. They have to fight the terrorism, not the states that have fall victim to menace. The writer is a student of BDDS at Fatimah Jinnah Women University. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Abbas Ali Shaikh" ]
US Condemns Clashes in Syria Between Turkish and US-Allied Kurdish Forces
The United States said Monday clashes in Syria between Turkish forces and units affiliated with a U.S.-supported Kurdish-led alliance are not acceptable and is calling on all sides to stand down. “We call on all armed actors to stand down… the U.S. is actively engaged to facilitate such de-confliction and unity of focus on ISIL, which remains a lethal and common threat,” Brett McGurk, the U.S. envoy for the coalition to counter Islamic State (IS) said on Twitter. “We want to make clear that we find these clashes — in areas where ISIL is not located — unacceptable and a source of deep concern.” McGurk said the Pentagon has condemned the fighting south of the Syrian town of Jarablus and said U.S. forces were not involved in the clashes.
[ "Sameer Nazir" ]
3 days Japanese Film Festival at Japan information and Culture Center
3 days Japanese Film Festival at Japan information and Culture Center KARACHI: Japanese Film Festival was inaugurated by the Consul General of Japan Toshikazu Isomura here at the Japan information and Culture Center. A large number of media and families attended 3 days awareness shows from August 19 to 21st. Consul General of Japan Toshikazu Isomura has expressed that the movies of the Japan to communicate the culture and history to learn about the country and its traditions as well lifestyle, which reflects the true diction of the society. Isomura explained brief about the Japanese research in several natural environments with an average temperature of 54 Celsius at Antarctica and highlighting Chef’s effort to support the mission and this Film “The Chef of South Polar” was screened on the inauguration day till next days on Saturday and Sunday. He told the story based on two autobiographical novels about a research expedition in Dome Fuji Station in film “The Chef of South Polar.” He explained the theme of the movie to the audience and said that the area Dome Fuji Station is one of the Japans ‘research center. During three days “Sunset on Third Street” and “5 Centimeters per Second” was to be screened at the Japan Film Festival Karachi Embassy. Ambassador of Japan shared his experiences, while he was in Islamabad Consulate of Japan and attended Mandwa Club in the area to introduce culture and other activities with movies and they had served some kinds of snacks. On the occasion, Ebi Flai (fried pawn) and Ongiri (rice balls) that had appeared on the screen and same served to the audience which was greatly impressed with this novelty of food and art union. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Bipin Dani" ]
Indian female cricketers congratulate Olympic medal winners
Indian female cricketers congratulate Olympic medal winners MUMBAI: Mithali Raj, the captain of the India’s women team, has been following the Rio Olympic matches and the performance of the Indian players, particularly the women players. Speaking exclusively over her mobile, she said, “I am proud of the women players who have brought glory to the nation and also all those players who have represented our country in this Olympics this year.” “Every player and their life-story should be celebrated irrespective of the medals they won or not…simply for their sheer participation at the biggest stage and the preservance in fighting the odds to reach at this level.” Mithali Raj did not respond to the performance of the former South African women team all-rounder Sunnette Viljoen, who, at the age of 33, won the silver medal in the women’s javelin final. Raj was a member of the Indian cricket team when the South African played the only Test against India (at Paarl in 2002). Sunnette Viljoen’s wicket in both the innings was taken by Indore’s Bindeshwari Goyal. Speaking exclusively, she said, “I never thought Sunnette would leave the game of cricket and play other sport.” “I am sure she must have worked really very hard to reach at this level.” “I feel extremely proud and congratulate Sunnette on grabbing the silver medal.” “I feel proud that the girl, who was the victim in both the innings is an Olympic medal winner.” MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Abbas Ali Shaikh" ]
Rural to urban areas: Migration increases with drop in agri-income levels
Rural to urban areas: Migration increases with drop in agri-income levels KARACHI: Pakistan Economic Survey 2015-16 reported a negative growth of 0.19% for the agricultural sector, mainly driven by the fall in crop production, particularly cotton. The negative growth was last observed in 2000-01. This trend is likely to have a ripple effect on the economy. According to statistics of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), the total crop production in rupee terms has fallen from Rs2.7 trillion in FY15 to Rs2.6 trillion in FY16. According to the World Development Indicators, a growth of more than 10% in value addition in the agricultural sector was last reported in 1996. It has not exceeded 6% since then. The agricultural sector contributes approximately 20% to the gross domestic product of Pakistan, employs 42% of the workforce and is a major source of revenue for the rural population. More than 65% of the population of Pakistan resides in rural areas and relies on the production of crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry as their main source of income. A significant proportion of agricultural land is owned by a small percentage of landowners, who are mostly absentee landlords living in urban areas. Notwithstanding a large rural population, which is likely to be either reluctant or unable to migrate, the relatively mobile rural workers may migrate to urban areas given the change in their economic and social conditions. Although there are several reasons for rural-to-urban migration, ranging from family relocation to employment opportunities, migrants are attracted to the benefits of living in the urban areas. The appeal increases as the agricultural income level declines. Weak commodity prices Global prices of agricultural commodities are on a declining trend since the peak in 2011. The IMF, in its World Economic Outlook, suggests that this trend is likely to continue for the next few years. The increasing use of synthetic substitutes in industries and higher yield seeds globally are likely to aggravate the impact of lower commodity prices on the agricultural sector in Pakistan. According to the World Development Indicators, the urban population growth in Pakistan in 2015 is 3.3%, greater than the average of 2.7% for the South Asian region. In comparison, the rural population growth in Pakistan is 1.4%. Considering the labour force statistics (2013-14) published by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (pbs), 13% of the population above the age of 10 years in Pakistan has migrated once in their lifetime. Labour force participation is higher in rural areas than in urban areas but unemployment rates are higher in the urban areas. Even as migrants may face risks and uncertainties in working in the urban areas, higher expected wages and better living conditions are likely to attract them. According to the Karachi Master Plan shared by the Urban Resource Centre, the population of Karachi is likely to increase to 27.5 million in 2020 and to 37 million in 2030. The population census in 1998 reported 9.9 million residents in Karachi. The population of the city is projected to increase almost four times in 32 years and rural-to-urban migration is an important contributing factor. As a large number of migrants are likely to be younger unskilled workers, the labour-intensive large-scale industrial manufacturers are likely to be the primary choice for employment. The alternative to such employment is the informal sector, which includes but is not limited to domestic workers, street vendors and other auxiliary services. Such services are likely to be unregulated and involve uncertainties and risks, such as higher turnover rates, lower wages and poorer working conditions than those observed in the formal sectors. However, some migrants may remain unemployed and engage in illegal activities that are not conducive for the economic and social environment. Industrial development in the urban areas is crucial to support the increasing rural-to-urban migration. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Abbas Ali Shaikh" ]
UnIndian' is the quintessential film for expats
UnIndian’ is the quintessential film for expats Anupam Sharma’s UnIndian is the quintessential film for Indian expats – full of great locations, pretty houses and a thousand clichés about Indians and their ways. Set in Australia, but mostly among the Indian community there, the film is a somewhat clunky effort at a cross-cultural romance, with a predictable conflict and resolution. Will (cricketer Brett Lee) teaches Australian English at a university and is in a bit of a funk when he meets Meera (Tannishtha Chatterjee), a working single mother whose pushy parents want her to get married again. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Our Correspondent" ]
Neelabutt community vows to improve health, education system
Neelabutt community vows to improve health, education system MUZAFFARABAD: The Neelabutt community has expressed its firm resolve to improve public service delivery system of health and education in the area. The community at a meeting held at the residence of Sardar Jawed Abbasi setup two different community committees to keep an eye on the functioning of health and education system and suggest measures for better performance of these institutions in the area. The meeting attended by District Health Officer Muzaffarabad, Sardar Sabir Abbasi, District Health Officer Bagh Syed Mohsin Shah Gardazi and a large number of influential of area demanded full-time presence of a medical officer in BHU Neelabutt and provision of life-saving drugs in the health facility. The District Health Officer Bagh Mohsin Gardazi told the community that medical officer Jamil Khan is being immediately relieved from Tehsil Headquarter Dheerkot with order to join BHU Neelabutt, and life saving medicines would also be provided without any delay. DHO Muzaffarabad and in-charge Mother and Child Health Program, Dr. Sabir Abbasi also assured the community that a lady health worker would be appointed in BHU Neelabutt to take care of mothers and new born child. Speaking on behalf of the community, Sardar Jawed Abbasi expressed his profound gratitude to DHO Muzaffarabad, Sabir Abbasi and DHO Bagh, Mohsin Gardazi for paying heed to the demand of the community. He said that people of the area would fully cooperate with the officials of health and education departments in their efforts to improve the functioning of schools and hospitals in the area. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Our Correspondent" ]
Six scientists about to wrap up yearlong Mars simulation in Hawaii
Six scientists about to wrap up yearlong Mars simulation in Hawaii Mars is very inhospitable and to experience the merciless atmosphere of the Red planet six scientists ( three male and three female) have been living in complete isolation from the outside world on a Hawaii mountain since August last year. On 28th August, they are about to end this yearlong intense Mars simulation mission. The six experts are living in dome-shaped house situated at about 8,200 feet above the sea level and can go outside only in space suits. They are provided with very limited resources, little communication and zero access to fresh produce. Any outside communication is delayed by 20 minutes, the length it would take to rely messages on Mars. The place is perfect for studying the conditions for Mars because the landscape is almost similar to the Martian soil, with hardly any vegetation to be found. Kim Binsted, principal investigator for the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (Hi-Seas), said this simulation was the second-longest of its kind after a mission that lasted 520 days in Russia, according to The Guardian. The expert team, funded by NASA through the University of Hawaii, is testing on how human would be able to survive on Mars-like conditions. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Shamim Masih", "Khalid Shahzad" ]
Scorching heat, Ramadan and Pakistani minorities
Scorching heat, Ramadan and Pakistani minorities ISLAMABAD: The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, a Muslim-dominated country, where, it is imposed to respect Islam, and if anyone talk about its force imposition, it can be considered as blasphemy. Minorities of the country are already living under the 24/7 threats and being dealt as second class citizen. Many people are being indulged in blasphemy laws and thousands have been facing such an insulting environment that made their life hell. Discrimination and hate are daily routine matters, at the work place, public place, eating place and other areas. Though protection is given in the constitutions but ground realities are different. This evening, when every Muslim was greeting each others for the blessings of Ramadan, I was thinking about the minorities of Pakistan because willing or unwillingly, minorities’ living in Pakistan have to fast with their fellow Muslims, means law of the country force everyone to go hungry during the month of Ramadan. In Pakistan, it is unlawful to drink, eat or smoke in public places during Ramadan. You can be sent to jail, heavily fined or may even be beaten by vigilantes. Its peak heat wave in Pakistan during June, with temperatures rises in the different regions routinely around 40 and above degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) and days at their longest of the year, governments are trying to alleviate the hardships of the month long sunrise-to-sunrise fast. Last year, a brutal heat wave killed dozens of people in Pakistan. Many of them died of dehydration while fasting in sweltering temperatures. Even then the respect of Ramadan is mandatory for all citizens of Pakistan. During the military dictator, Zia ul Haq Ehtiram-e-Ramadan (Respect of Ramadan) bill was imposed that prescribes punishments of up to three months in jail and a fine for people who drink or eat publicly. According to the tenets of Islam, is under an obligation to fast shall not eat, drink or smoke in a public place during fasting hours in the month of Ramadan, the law says. Nearly every restaurant is closed from dawn to dusk, and shopkeeper can only sell take-away food items. And if you are hungry or thirsty the only place for you is home. At offices, public and private places are not allowed to eat. Basharat Khokher, the social activist, said that the law is inhuman and violates the fundamental human rights. Those who want to fast have the right to do so, but those who don’t want to fast have equal rights. I am religious and respect Ramadan, but it also is not intended to make you sick or put you in danger. Sometimes it’s so hot, that we can’t touch the metal poles on the scaffolding without gloves. A laborer cannot work in these conditions without water, he added. “We cannot allow the liberal people to secularize our country, our society,” said Omar Bhatti, a student of Islamic research. “The respect of Ramadan is mandatory for all citizens of Pakistan. There can’t be any compromise on it.” As for religious minorities; they live in an Islamic country and must have to obey its rules.” Those who do not fast should behave as if they are fasting, Qari Abdul Qadir, a cleric, said. “Non-Muslims and elderly or sick Muslims can eat but they should show respect for fasting Muslims and avoid eating or drinking openly, have,” he said. With the growth of Islamic outfits such as Taliban and it’s representation in the region, situation have become worse in the past years. Religious extremism and intolerance are on the rise in this region. Now even hospital cafeterias and bus stands don’t serve food during Ramadan. And if someone found around eating or drinking might accuse of blasphemy. Maryam Khushi, a beautician, said forget about Ramadan, I have to be careful about what I do in public throughout the year. What I say, what I wear. People become more pious during Ramadan, and I have to be more careful, she added. Ramzan Qadir, a liberal Muslim in Islamabad, said respect needs to be a two-way street. “If the religious people can’t respect my rights, I am not ready to respect theirs. It is simple as that he told. “And when these people go to Europe and the US, they insist on their rights. They protest against veil ban in France, but they don’t allow Christians in Pakistan to live freely. I found it hypocritical. The tiny liberal community in the country is not powerful enough to challenge the Islamic laws. Occasionally observed, it is not just involving Ramadan, fanatic Muslims have taken the law into their hands and had punished Christians and Hindus for a perceived lack of respect for Islam. In either case, minorities of Pakistan have to respect Ramadan. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Minhaaj Rehman" ]
Is "Qingzhen" diplomacy faux friendship?
Is “Qingzhen” diplomacy faux friendship? When William Deresiewicz wrote his famous essay “Faux Friendships” in 2009, he could not have imagined its kinship to international relations. “Faux Friendship” was a bitter philosophical treatise swerving between Horatio and Facebook. China-Pakistan friendship has been hailed as ‘Higher than Himalayas and Deeper than Seas’. The former communist country has the lion share of arms exports to Pakistan. Pakistan had severed ties with Taiwan and acknowledged China soon after its independence proclamation. We share world’s highest Khunjerab border in Gilgit-Baltistan region also the highest point on miraculous Karakoram Highway built by the help of Chinese. Pakistan supports Chinese right of the accession of Tibet against India and parts of Kashmir. China has always sided with Pakistan on Kashmir. The diplomatic pressure of mighty Chinese on India stands tall with its historic triumph over India in Sino-Indian War in 1962. With increasing tensions in US-Pak relationship embittered by recent refusal of F-16 subsidy to Pakistan, the relationship with neighbouring China has become pivotal. Recent Alliance between India, Afghanistan and Iran on Chabahar Port rivaling Pakistani Gwadar Port has painted the new mural of changing the great game, this time with new players. It seems like Pacific war theatre of WW2 is not as pacifist as it remained after the great devastation. With recent trade embargo on Vietnam removed it is reaching out to the US for arms purchase. Whitehouse’s remarks on the South China Sea and Chinese activity in her islands were not overlooked by Beijing. Chinese Spokeswomen took the pains to announce Chinese resentment to the world on the issue. A part of it highlighted how China resolved its border issues with its 14 neighbours in a peaceful manner. Since the Pearl Harbor Japanese have been on the American side on literally every international dispute. Russia’s recent altercations with Turkey and stance on Syria have alienated it to the most Muslim world. Unlike the good old times before the iron curtain, Russian axis with central Asian countries in the northwest is no more there. The US have gained its sympathies and seems like Russia is being isolated in the region also. This means the rift between socialist friends Mao and Stalin will continue to haunt or at least limit China and Russia in international comity of nations. Although this quid pro quo diplomacy has brought countries together with numerous social, economic and geographic perks, is this friendship for real? What is in it for Pakistan is the question that hogs many analysts and economists today. Is godless China on its way to Secular Democracy or Pakistan has become an important pawn, an inconvenient truth? Nawaz Sharif cannot afford to be next Jamal Abdul Nasser, who fell out of American good books by siding with USSR. With recent Panama Leaks and involvement of the Prime Minister’s family, his position has weakened both in Pakistan and around the Globe. Amidst power games, figuring out Chinese mindset is of critical importance. In November 2015 China and Pakistan signed a 43-year lease of a huge area in Balochistan. An astronomical sum of $46 billion dollars will go into the development of the area with tax-free prerogatives. At home, The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region assessed halal food sales in the area to be worth $1.5 billion dollars. The Chinese word for halal is Qiang Zhen. Chinese export of halal food to Malaysia, UAE, Egypt and Qatar has gone up to $1 million dollars. With the Muslim countries newly in its business contact list, has China become a real friend of Islam? In 2005, Human Rights Watch published a comprehensive report on human rights abuse in Chinese Xinjiang province, home to eight million Uighur Muslims. With the enormous increase in halal food exports, food in China for Muslims remains unprocessed. Huge scandal jolted the newspapers in which Halal Industry Development Research Center at Ningxia University found out that Pork was being used in making Halal food at the production facilities. It led to vehement protests against the government. Legally speaking article 36 in the constitution of People’s Republic of China ensures ‘Freedom of Religious Belief’ of people. Factually, Wang Zhengwei, a Chinese Hui Muslim, was removed from his post for his views on halal food and campaigning on reforms that would ameliorate the situations for Chinese Muslims in PRC. All this leads one to question the divisive dichotomy of the local and international policy of China towards Muslims. Neo-liberal economists and policy experts seem to have troubles with predicting Chinese future in international trade. Dani Rodik a senior professor of Political Economy at Kennedy School of Government calls the US-China trade relationship as a match made in heaven that has led to blow-up in the hindsight. The outlook does not seem promising at least theoretically. Given the volatile political economy of Pakistan combined with gloomy predictions of economists over Chinese economic future, will Pakistan be able to reap the benefits of CPEC when the lease ends or at any time until then? The question remains unanswered amidst political horse trading, diplomatic wars, and media trials. The writer can be reached at MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Abbas Ali Shaikh" ]
Pakistan dominate World Youth Scrabble Championship
Pakistan dominate World Youth Scrabble Championship KARACHI: Pakistani players were off to a rollicking start at the 11th World Youth Scrabble Championship which began at Lille, France, on Saturday. According to information made available here, 10-year-old debutant Imaad Ali was surprisingly the early leader winning his first two matches by huge margins to climb to the No 1 spot. Imaad lost his No 1 spot to the former world youth champion Jack Durand but another pre-teen Pakistani Hasham Hadi snatched the No 1 spot two matches later. At the end of day one, 11-year-old Hasham was at second spot with seven wins out of eight with a spread of 644, his only defeat coming at the hands of compatriot Daniyal Sanaullah. Daniyal was at third spot with seven wins and a spread of 602. Sorawit Chucharoen of Thailand is the only unbeaten player so far. Abbas Ali of Pakistan was at ninth position. Pakistan was the only team with six players in the top 16 at the end of day one. Nine-year-old Saim Usmani won four of his eight matches to top the under-10 age category. Pakistan is currently No 1, followed by Sri Lanka and Thailand. Pakistan’s Abdullah Abbasi won six of his eight matches and was 13th. The championship ends on Monday (today). MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Abbas Ali Shaikh" ]
South Africa quicks wrap up New Zealand for 214
South Africa quicks wrap up New Zealand for 214 South Africa’s seamers made light work of New Zealand’s middle and lower order to bowl them out for 214, earning a lead of 267 on the third day in Centurion. Resuming on his overnight score of 15, Kane Williamson batted diligently to score 77, his first Test fifty in South Africa, but did not find an ally till Neil Wagner contributed a quick 30-ball 31 at No. 10. South Africa did not enforce the follow-on as early tea was taken. Williamson displayed exemplary technique – head over the ball, soft hands at point of contact and bat near the pad – to quell Dale Steyn, Kagiso Rabada and Vernon Philander, all of whom got the ball to move both ways through the day. Williamson repeatedly left deliveries on a testing line outside off stump, forcing the quicks straighter and then picking them off through midwicket – his modus operandi for most of his innings. South Africa didn’t waver from their plan to Henry Nicholls, though. Despite looking awkward while fending or avoiding the bouncers, Nicholls seemed largely untroubled against the ensuing full deliveries until he missed a drive off Rabada. Umpire Paul Reiffel adjudged Nicholls to be not out but Faf du Plessis immediately asked for a review. Hawkeye indicated that the ball had pitched in line and would have hit middle stump. After a couple of experimental overs, the offspinner Dane Piedt quickly gave way to the seamers after Nicholls’ dismissal. The short-pitched plan continued with a leg gully and short leg in place, particularly for Steyn who employed that length for most of the morning. Williamson and BJ Watling, two of New Zealand’s better-equipped batsmen to tackle the bouncer, ducked or swayed out of the line. Steyn persevered and reaped reward when a well-directed short delivery had Watling fending off his ribs, the ball grazing his glove on the way to wicketkeeper Quinton de Kock. Umpire Ian Gould said not out, but du Plessis asked for the review again. A thin spike on the Snickometer resulted in South Africa’s second wicket of the day, via their second successful review. After the lunch break, Doug Bracewell played a few delightful drives and flicks but missed a straight delivery from Rabada, which trapped him in front for 18. Tim Southee’s brief stay brought plenty of exuberance and movement around the crease but he usually got in line to keep out Rabada’s short-pitched barrage. Ironically, it was Piedt’s offspin that accounted for Southee, who edged a slider to de Kock. Williamson was quickly running out of partners. Rabada, regularly clocking 150 kmph, dished out well-directed bouncers to Wagner, one of which took the edge of his bat and lobbed to second slip via his shoulder. However, replays indicated Rabada had overstepped. Thereafter, Wagner changed tack from wearing blows to all-out attack. Wagner heaved three fours and a six in the space of five Steyn deliveries to hurry New Zealand past 200. He continued to receive bouncers and a few words from Steyn but did not bail out of pulling. Eventually, one took his leading edge on the way to de Kock and Steyn duly directed Wagner back to the dressing room. In the next over, Williamson fell in the same fashion as Wagner did: top-edging a short-length delivery while trying to pull. After a few seconds of chaos when everyone stood waiting for a decision, umpire Paul Reiffel walked up to Williamson, had a word with him, and gave him out. The players trotted off the field, the South Africa openers Stephen Cook and de Kock faster than the others. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Our Correspondent" ]
Scientists discover T-Rex fossil with well-preserved skull in Montana
Scientists discover T-Rex fossil with well-preserved skull in Montana Paleontologists with Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture and the University of Washington have unearthed a rare four-foot long skull of a Tyrannosaurus rex (T. Rex) in Montana. The massive skull is protected in a big plaster case to keep it safe. This is the first time a near-complete skull of T Rex is ever found. This remarkable discovery was made during an expedition to the Hell Creek Formation in the US — an area that is world-famous for its fossil dinosaur sites. The fossil, which the paleontologists estimate to be about 20 per cent of the now-extinct animal, includes vertebrae, ribs, hips and lower jaw bones. The T. Rex found by a team of paleontologists with the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture and the University of Washington is nicknamed the “Tufts-Love Rex” in honour of the two volunteers who discovered it — Jason Love and Luke Tufts. “Having seen the ‘Tufts-Love Rex’ during its excavation, I can attest to the fact that it is definitely one of the most significant specimens yet found,” said Burke Museum research associate Jack Horner. “Because of its size, it is sure to yield important information about the growth and possible eating habits of these magnificent animals,” Horner noted. The bones’ large size and honeycomb-like structure indicated they belonged to a carnivorous dinosaur. Upon further excavation, the team, led by University of Washington Biology Professor Gregory Wilson, discovered the T. Rex skull along with ribs, vertebrae, and parts of the jaw and pelvis. The skull weighs about 1,134 kg in its protective plaster jacket. Excavation in the field revealed the right side of the skull from base to snout, including teeth. The paleontologists believe it is very probable the other side of the skull is present, but will need to carefully remove the rock surrounding the fossil before they can determine its completeness. T. Rex was one of the largest meat-eating dinosaurs to ever roam the Earth. Measuring an average of 40-feet long and 15 to 20-feet tall, T. Rex was a fierce predator with serrated teeth and large jaws. Fossil evidence shows it ate other dinosaurs like Edmontosaurus and Triceratops, with crushed bones from the animals even showing up in its fossilized poop. T. Rex lived about 66-68 million years ago in forested river valleys in western North America during the late Cretaceous Period. Based on the size of its skull, the paleontologists estimated this dinosaur is about 85 per cent the size of the largest T. Rex found to date. At the hips, the T. Rex would have been nearly as tall as a city bus, and as long as a bus from tail to head, the researchers said. “We think the Tufts-Love Rex is going to be an iconic specimen for the Burke Museum and the state of Washington and will be a must-see for dinosaur researchers as well,” Wilson said in a university statement. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Bipin Dani", "Javaid Bashir" ]
Other players could be concerned about their image, says Sir Ian Botham's sexologist
Other players could be concerned about their image, says Sir Ian Botham’s sexologist MUMBAI: Sir Ian Botham has successfully overcome his impotency issues, according to an Egyptian doctor Dr. Sherif El Wakil, who recently treated him. Speaking exclusively over his mobile from London, Dr. Sherif El Wakil said, “the clinical studies are very good, and I have seen great results so far in my clinic.” The 60-year-old former English cricketer Botham admitted he had four sessions of shockwave therapy to prevent erectile dysfunction in the future. Interestingly, Botham is NOT the first international cricketer being treated for impotency, but few cricketers from Asian region too are treated by him. “In my Sexual Aesthetic Centre, I am used to welcome so many high profile international patients whether from the Cricket Society, the sports industry or show business from Asia and from all over the world and I am sure you would respect my decision not to disclose any identity or insinuations that might occur out of patients confidentiality and respect.” “It was a great pleasure meeting Sir Ian Botham in person after watching him play cricket for so many years. He is even a more wonderful person when you meet him as well, I am an incredibly big fan of cricket, and I feel such an immense buzz watching it! Not only the games are usually so intense and enjoyable but the fact that you see one peaceful game bringing together all these millions of heart around it, what a wonderful tool to promote love and peace. Having said that, you can imagine my happiness when I saw a legend like Sir Ian Botham in my clinic.” “Other players actually should not shy away from these types of problems because if it is left it gets worse. The unfulfilling sexual relationship could lead to unhappy life in general, frustration, broken families, weak performance at work or in life and negative impact on relationships. The benefit of somebody like Sir Ian Botham with his charisma, history, background and fame, when he came forward to raise the awareness about this treatment, he gave a very good example to other people”. “Other players could be concerned about their image and the taboo associated with this treatment, but that is exactly what we are trying to break. There is no shame to come forward and talk about it. Hats off to Sir Ian Botham for breaking the taboo in the society”. About Vigore Vigore is an innovative but clinically proven treatment for improvement of erectile function in men who notice erectile weakness caused by reduced blood- ow to the penis. Treating erectile weakness with shockwaves is a new application of a well-established technology (Lithotripsy); the objective is to treat the underlying cause of erectile weakness and not just the symptoms. The treatment goal is the restoration of sexual function by achieving and maintaining a satisfactory erection. How does it work? Low-Intensity Shockwaves (LISW) used during the treatment promote angiogenesis – a natural process of new blood vessel formation. This process restores the supply of blood to the penis on the micro-vascular level thus improving erectile function in men noticing erectile weakness. These shockwaves are applied to the entire length of the penis and Crus. Because acoustic (shock) waves are not harmful to the human body, the use of LISW is completely safe, and to date, there are no reported side effects after 000’s of patients treated worldwide. The Vigore method is dedicated for men with the erectile weakness of organic origin and will not be effective in men whose problems are caused by psychological factors. Vigore Equipment We use Renova technology – the most advanced second generation shockwave therapy device designed specifically for this treatment. Vigore is a linear application and surpasses previous point technology. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Bipin Dani" ]
Dilshan's Dilscoop shot had a real threat of being hit himself on the body or head, says Dougie Marillier
Dilshan’s Dilscoop shot had a real threat of being hit himself on the body or head, says Dougie Marillier MUMBAI: Dilshan’s famous Dilscoop shot was “very dangerous” for himself, according to Zimbabwean Douglas Marillier, who himself is known for his Marillier shot which is many times compared with the Dilscoop. Speaking exclusively over his mobile from Harare on Sunday, the 39-year-old Marillier said, “regarding our shots, I think they essentially try to do the same thing – score runs in an area that is difficult to protect as a captain – or perhaps to change the field in a way that allows for other scoring opportunities to open up”. “I think the way I played it – being slightly on the inside of the ball was probably less difficult than the way he played it, he was often on one knee and in many cases ended up hitting the ball directly over his own head so a fair amount more dangerous I would have thought – mine – well-being on the inside of the ball meant that all I had to do was get some bat on the ball – and if I didn’t then I may have ended up being bowled or perhaps being hit one the pads, his shot – if he ever missed (which was not often) then he had a real threat of being hit in the body of head”. “Obviously Dilshan’s shot is something that cricket lovers will remember – but they must also recall his ability to play the more orthodox cricket shots and do well with these – so he did, in essence, have the full package as a batsman – someone who both play conventional cricket and score freely, but also improvise in a way that few have been able to do”. “With regards to Dilshan’s retirement from the game, he has been a wonderful cricketer to watch and obviously has stood the test of time in terms of his career – I remember he was playing way back when I was playing so he really has been an asset to not only Sri Lanka but the game of Cricket as a whole – I wish him well in whatever he elects to do next”, he signed off. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Bipin Dani" ]
Mayor is the father-figure of sports facility at Lauderhill
Mayor is the father-figure of sports facility at Lauderhill MUMBAI: Richard Kaplan, the Mayor of City of Lauderhill, under Boward County in Florida, is likely to witness one or both the Day T-20 matches hastily organised by the India and West Indies cricket boards. Apparently, he was involved in the initial negotiations while the matches were being planned. “He is a very humble long term Mayor and father figure of this sports facility. The facility was developed primarily for cricket in mind, entirely under the leadership of Mayor Kaplan”, an India-born P. K. Guha, who migrated to the U.S. in 1974, and actively involved in the development of the sport in the USA, speaking exclusively said. “Kaplan is the first Caucasian American that I know of in my 45 years of USA cricket, who is so keen to see cricket develop in the USA. He is my Man for Cricket in the country”, Guha, who along with former West Indies cricket team’s star wicket-keeper Jeffrey Dujon and all-rounder John Shepherd, were this year’s class of inductees into the USA Cricket Hall of Fame recently, added. India and West Indies are to play on two consecutive days (Saturday and Sunday). “My role is limited, and it is being worked on with the Stadium personnel, BCCI, WICB, ICC and some staff members of the city. I leave it to their good judgment, and if I am needed, I will do what I can”, the Mayor said. “The facility is in the City of Lauderhill but is owned and operated by Broward County. The facility was designed between a partnership between Lauderhill and Broward County. Lauderhill may provide some services that are needed, requested and paid for”. “It (the ground) has 5000 permanent seats, lights, and a club house. Additional tents (party and VIP) can be installed, and the normal configuration can get it up to 15000. If temporary seating and skyboxes are installed, capacity can be increased to 25000”, the Mayor further added. The large contingent of BCCI officials are reaching the USA for the two matches. Nishant Arora and Gaurav Saxena, the media officials, along with Rajeev Shukla, the IPL chairman have already reached there. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Abbas Ali Shaikh" ]
IS-claimed bombing against Yemen recruits kills 60
IS-claimed bombing against Yemen recruits kills 60 ADEN: A suicide car bombing claimed by the Islamic State group killed at least 60 people Monday at an army recruitment centre in Aden, in the latest jihadist attack to hit the Yemeni city. Aden is the temporary base of Yemen’s internationally recognised government, which has been battling Iran-backed rebels as well as jihadists across the country for more than a year. Security officials told AFP that the attacker drove an explosives-laden vehicle into a gathering of army recruits at a school in northern Aden early Monday. Although the school was locked as recruits registered inside, the attacker drove in when the gate was opened for a delivery vehicle, officials said. Witnesses said some recruits were buried when a roof collapsed over them following the blast, which also damaged buildings close to the centre. The assault killed at least 60 people and wounded 29 others, medical sources from the three hospitals where the victims were taken told AFP. They could not immediately verify if all those killed were recruits. Aden has seen a wave of bombings and shootings targeting officials and security forces. Attacks in the port city are often claimed by jihadists from either Al-Qaeda or IS, who have both taken advantage of the chaos in Yemen to make gains in southern and southeastern regions. IS claimed Monday’s bombing on its official propaganda outlet, Amaq, saying the blast had killed around 60 people. Yemeni authorities have trained hundreds of soldiers in Aden over the past two months as part of operations to retake neighbouring southern provinces from jihadists. Earlier this month, Yemeni government forces backed by a Saudi-led coalition entered Abyan´s provincial capital Zinjibar. Troops retook other towns across Abyan but have been met by fierce resistance in the key Al-Qaeda stronghold of Al-Mahfid, security sources said. The militants are still present in areas surrounding the recaptured towns and control large parts of the neighbouring Shabwa province, the sources say. The Arab coalition battling Iran-backed rebels in Yemen has also been providing troops with air cover throughout their war against the jihadists. The coalition intervened in Yemen in March last year and helped government troops push the rebels out of Aden and four other southern provinces. More than 6,600 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in Yemen since March 2015 and more than 80 percent of the population has been left in need of humanitarian aid, according to the UN. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
Three Paris schools evacuated due to fresh bomb alert
Three Paris schools evacuated due to fresh bomb alert PARIS, Feb. 1 (INP): Students at three high schools here were evacuated early Monday following a bomb alert, the country’s education authority said. Police searched Condorcet, Henri IV and Louis Le Grand lyceums and escorted all students to safety, the education authority said on its Twitter account. Last week, two fake bomb alerts forced the evacuation of the same schools. In the November 2015 edition of Dar al-Islam, an online French-language magazine produced by the Islamic State (IS), the IS called on its followers to kill teachers in the French education system, describing them as “enemies of Allah.” France has been on high terror alert after a series of deadly attacks rocked Paris on Nov. 13 and killed 130 people. The IS has claimed responsibility for the attacks. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Bipin Dani" ]
Losing fastest 100 tag in ODIs' (to Australia) was not a satisfying moment, says Saqlain Mushtaq
Losing fastest 100 tag in ODIs’ (to Australia) was not a satisfying moment, says Saqlain Mushtaq I am proud to be from Pakistan: Saqlain Mushtaq MUMBAI: It was not a “satisfying moment” for Pakistan’s ex-spinner Saqlain Mushtaq, when his twenty-year old record of fastest 100 wickets in ODI was broken by Australia’s Mitchell Starc. Mushtaq had claimed 100 wickets in 53 ODIs’, whereas Starc, playing his 52nd ODI against Sri Lanka on Sunday (R Premadasa Stadium, Colombo) achieved the feat. “I would not say I became sad, it (the word “sad”) is rather a harsh word but obviously, it was not a satisfying moment for me…”,the 40-year-old Saqlain, speaking exclusively over his mobile while in transit from Islamabad to Lahore, said. “Not only my name but my country’s name used to appear in bracket and now that (losing record to Starc) makes me disappointed….”. “However, I feel happy for Starc, who has done a fabulous job as an aggressive and attacking bowler for Australia has taken so many wickets in 52 matches”. “Whoever plays good cricket with attacking mind-set will make records. Only God knows who would now break Starc’s record”. “But I feel proud when my and my country’s name will still appear as a record holder for fastest 150, 200 and 250 wickets in ODIs”. “I wish Starc continues to play good cricket and I wish him more success in life”, Saqlain added. Obviously, Pakistan becoming the No.1 ranked Test team made Saqlain more satisfying. Pak team reached no. 1 Test team for the first time since rankings were introduced in 2003. “India remained No.1 Test team for just 5 days – shortest period for any team. In the past, all teams remained No. 1 at least for a month’, Bharath Seervi, the renowned cricket statistician informs. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Abbas Ali Shaikh" ]
Female tourists should not wear skirts in India, says tourism minister
India’s tourism minister has said foreign women should not wear skirts or walk alone at night in the country’s small towns and cities “for their own safety”. Discussing tourist security in the north Indian city of Agra, site of the Taj Mahal, Mahesh Sharma said foreign arrivals to India were issued a welcome kit that included safety advice for women. “In that kit they are given dos and don’ts,” he said on Sunday. “These are very small things like, they should not venture out alone at night in small places, or wear skirts, and they should click the photo of the vehicle number plate whenever they travel and send it to friends.”
[ "Our Correspondent" ]
NASA's Juno probe completes first Jupiter flyby
Washington: NASA’s solar-powered Juno spacecraft has successfully executed its first flyby of Jupiter, passing just 4,200 kilometres above the gas giant’s swirling clouds – the closest contact ever achieved by a man-made probe with the king of planets. The flyby on August 27 was the first time Juno had its entire suite of science instruments activated and looking at the giant planet as the spacecraft zoomed past, NASA said. During the closest approach with the gas-giant world, Juno passed about 4,200 kilometres above Jupiter’s clouds, travelling at 208,000 kilometres per hour with respect to the planet. This flyby was the closest Juno will get to Jupiter during its prime mission. “Early post-flyby telemetry indicates that everything worked as planned and Juno is firing on all cylinders,” said Rick Nybakken, Juno project manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the US. There are 35 more close flybys of Jupiter planned during Juno’s mission scheduled to end in February 2018. “We are getting some intriguing early data returns as we speak,” said Scott Bolton, principal investigator of Juno from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. “It will take days for all the science data collected during the flyby to be downlinked and even more to begin to comprehend what Juno and Jupiter are trying to tell us,” said Bolton. While results from the spacecraft’s suite of instruments will be released down the road, a handful of images from Juno’s visible light imager – JunoCam – are expected to be released the next couple of weeks. Those images will include the highest-resolution views of the Jovian atmosphere and the first glimpse of Jupiter’s north and south poles. “We are in an orbit nobody has ever been in before, and these images give us a whole new perspective on this gas-giant world,” said Bolton. The Juno spacecraft launched on August 5, 2011, from Florida, and arrived at Jupiter on July 4 this year.
[ "Minhaaj Rehman" ]
The Villainy you Teach Me
The Villainy you Teach Me As it lay in ruins and bitter poverty now, it wasn’t always this barren. From Nakfa in northern Eritrea to Finchawa in Ethiopia it was a splendid land of glorious kings. Their men at the avant garde of civilization and women epitome of African beauty, they made gold coins embossed with King’s seals and stories of their wealth and generosity spread across the known world. Armah, the King of Aksum was one of the last kings of his line and the rich civilization. Its in his court, 1400 years ago this story took place. Amidst sartorial extravagance of knights and clergy perched in long columns, was the throne of Christian King, Ashamah Negus. It was no ordinary day for today the fate of these lowly Arabs be decided. Those who have come to live in protection of the great Ethiopian King because of the oppression of their brethren in Mecca. Word has it that they are the followers of a new religion that denounces polytheism. The source of great anxiety was however their beliefs that would enrage their hosts deeply. They did not believe that Jesus was crucified and God ordained Trinity. Their Prophet ﷺsaid Jesus was taken to heavens and one of the traitors was crucified to punish him for treason. They did not believe that Jesus or Moses were sons of God. Precious gifts were sent for King and the clergy through two of emissaries of the polytheists in Mecca to tip the scales in their favor. Masters of rhetoric, they would get these blasphemous innovators out of the Christian lands. The grand king Ashamah Negus was no fool. Ancient wisdom and intuition were a pre-requisites of becoming a king along with uprightness of character and judgment. The immigrants were sent for. All was at stake and a colossal defense was needed. If they were expelled from this land, there was nowhere under the sky they could find refugee. It was then when young Jaffar bin Tayyar ra was chosen for the task. An undertaking of astronomical proportions. He slowly stepped forward and started speaking. What he said went down in history as the most courageous and eloquent speech in history in front of an emperor. “O King! we were plunged in the depth of ignorance and barbarism; we adored idols, we lived in unchastity, we ate the dead bodies, and we spoke abominations, we disregarded every feeling of humanity, and the duties of hospitality and neighborhood were neglected; we knew no law but that of the strong, when Allah raised among us a man, of whose birth, truthfulness, honesty, and purity we were aware; and he ﷺcalled to the Oneness of Allah , and taught us not to associate anything with Him. He ﷺforbade us the worship of idols; and he enjoined us to speak the truth, to be faithful to our trusts, to be merciful and to regard the rights of the neighbors and kith and kin; he ﷺforbade us to speak evil of women, or to eat the substance of orphans; he ﷺordered us to flee from the vices, and to abstain from evil; to offer prayers, to render alms, and to observe fast. We have believed in him. We have accepted his teachings and his injunctions to worship Allah, and not to associate anything with Him, and we have allowed what He has allowed, and prohibited what He has prohibited. For this reason, our people have risen against us, have persecuted us in order to make us forsake the worship of Allah and return to the worship of idols and other abominations. They have tortured and injured us, until finding no safety among them; we have come to your country, and hope you will protect us from oppression.” The court was brought to silence. The king than started asking questions about their beliefs on Christianity and with same succinct plainness he told how they believed in the virgin birth and the miracles of Jesus. Very few kings of the yore are known to have change of heart like Negus. He listened to the great words from a fearless youth who endured the cruelty of his own blood and crossed into another continent to protect his people. His faith moved him. The king returned the gifts as ‘bribes’ and ordered his vast kingdom to open up for these guests. Word has it that he converted to Islam and Prophet ﷺpraised him and offered his funeral in absence. In 1935, Mussolini invade Ethiopia with lethal gas prohibited in 1922 Geneva Protocol killing 275,000 men, women and children. Ethiopia requested then League of Nations to resolve the genocide but it conveniently ignored the screams. Ironically Italy asked the same league to accept annexation in 1936 which everyone happily did except Soviet Union. It took only 3 years to import 35,441 Italian colonizers, men and women who continued the genocide. On 14th July 2016 a truck containing 19-tonne of explosive matter hit the Bastille Day celebration in Nice, France and killed 84 people and injured 303. An attack that saddened everyone around the globe. Same innocent “question” resurfaced. ‘Why do they hate us’? I sometimes wonder what do they tell their children in schools in history classes about places like Algeria, Morocco, Tunis, Ethiopia and Afghanistan? I wonder when US citizens tell their veterans how valuable their ‘services’ are, what do they really think their forces do around the world? As the rhetoric on both sides grow from mild to rancorous I muse, how much more blood has to spill before the white man is satiated? This repetition of history is just what Quran refers to as the vicious circle of thankless nations. There was a time when Pocahontas placed her head on top of her colonizer John Smith when her father wanted to execute him, thus saving his life. When the colored of the world were curious and loved the foreigners. Centuries later the colored has learned the blood letting from their beloveds. The fire has reached the one who ignited it. In the words of Shylock “The villainy you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction” MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Press Release" ]
null launches #CleanYourZameen campaign
null launches #CleanYourZameen campaign LAHORE: recently launched its #CleanYourZameen campaign, an initiative which aim towards making people take ownership of Pakistan. The campaign, which follows the format of the Ice Bucket Challenge, motivates people to work towards a functional solution to the hygiene problem which is prevalent in the country. Launched on 14th of August on their social media page as part of their Independence Day celebrations, the video features company employees cleaning a polluted area on Lahore’s M.M. Alam Road and subsequently challenging five other organizations – the cab-hailing start-up Careem, the on-demand auto maintenance service Auto Genie, the e-commerce solution provider Shopistan, the Facebook page Sarcasmistan and paint manufacturer Brighto Paints – to follow suit. With over 90,000 views in three days, the social media has responded enthusiastically to this campaign to raise awareness about take action regarding the issue of pollution. Now, the #CleanYourZameen campaign has expanded into an online competition ‘#CleanYourZameen Challenge’ that invites the general public to compete in the activity. The details of the challenge, which is open to everyone, are available on the company’s social media page. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Press Release" ]
Karachi, your Uber is arriving now
Karachi, your Uber is arriving now Uber & Sindh Government sign MoU to incorporate technology in the transport industry Uber’s launches with its low-cost uberGO product, celebrates with free trips all weekend KARACHI: Uber, the international smartphone app that seamlessly connects riders to drivers, has launched in Karachi with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Sindh Government and Ministry of Transport as a way to promote the effective use of technology within the transport space and make Uber accessible to more riders and drivers. The MoU is committed to developing technology to bring additional safety, and convenience for Karachi residents, and creating more economic opportunities for individuals and small and medium enterprises using the Uber platform. CM Sindh, Syed Murad Ali Shah welcomed the introduction of this service and said it would make travelling more convenient and safe and also provide employment to many. He added that Karachi with a population of more than 20 million faces many challenges and he is determined to improve urban transport services through modern public transportation. Uber will be a very good alternative for many including those who use private cars. CM added that he has asked for Uber to take all necessary measures to ensure safety, security and provide the service at very competitive services. Karachi is the second city to launch in Pakistan in six months. Karachi will first launch with uberGO, its low-cost product, and will have a cash option. In Karachi, uberGO will serve Clifton, Saddar Town, Jamshed Town, Gulshan-e-Iqbal Town, Liaqutabad, North Nazimabad, Gulberg Town, Faisal, Malir, Malir Town, and Korangi to start off with. Uber helps millions of people every day to move around their city, offering access to affordable, reliable and most importantly safe rides in nearly 400 places worldwide at the simple push of a button. Zohair Yousafi, Head of Pakistan expansion, said; “Thousands of people have already downloaded the app in Karachi in anticipation of today and we are even more excited about the Sindh Government warm welcome to the city. We like to say that cities choose us, instead of Uber choosing cities and that is extremely true for Karachi. Anyone can now enjoy an affordable, reliable and safe ride at the push of a button thanks to uberGO. The competitive price means using uberGO is the perfect option for anyone wanting to get around the city. The flexibility, entrepreneurial opportunity and earning potential of Uber’s innovative technology has an equally transformational impact on the livelihoods of driver partners and their families. We have seen this in Lahore and look forward to the positive impact it will bring to Karachi.” Mahira Khan, Karachi’s Rider Zero for Uber, has said’ “I have been using Uber around the world and I can’t believe that it’s in my city now. Safe, affordable and easy to use I say this from first-hand experience. Uber is uber-cool!” To celebrate, trips throughout Karachi will be free for the first weekend (From 12pm Thursday, August 25thuntil 11:59 pm Sunday, August 28th). Riders can enter the promo code ‘KarachiFREE’ to enjoy 5 free rides up to Rs. 300 each. Karachi Pricing: Minimum Fare: Rs.150 Per Kilometer: Rs.9.38 Per Minute: Rs. 2.00 Popular Route Average Fare Atrium to Burnes Road Rs.150 IBA City Campus to National Stadium Rs.180 Hyderi Market to Bahadurabad Rs.200 Agha Khan Hospital to Jinnah Intl. Airport Rs.220 Sample Fares: What is Uber? Uber is available on all iOS, Android, Blackberry 7 and Windows smartphones. Users simply download the free app and create an account to get riding. Every potential driver must undergo a screening process before they can use Uber – which requires their national identity card, driving license, car registration, a police verification certificate and a social referral character certificate. All drivers must also go through comprehensive training on how to operate the app and attend a mandatory anti-sexual harassment seminar by Rabbt. Once passed, the incredible technology connects successful independent drivers to more riders, so they can take more trips per hour. The drivers who partner with Uber choose when they drive, and can dictate their own schedule, day-to-day, week-to-week. Uber is creating thousands of similar economic opportunities for people in every city where the service is available. The app uses GPS-enabled maps to find the closest available driver, usually just minutes away. Once requested, the rider sees the driver’s photo, name and car registration and can watch on their smartphone in real-time as the vehicle arrives. They can also check whether others have had a good experience with him or her. The app notifies the rider when their driver has arrived, so gone are the days of waiting outside in the dark. During the trip, riders can share their estimated time of arrival or a live map with friends or family who can track their progress and know when to expect them. And at the end of the journey, the trip can be completely cashless, as payment can be made automatically made through app wishes so there’s no worrying about carrying enough cash. These features provide increased safety as well as unprecedented convenience. After every ride, you and your drivers need to rate each other and provide feedback. Uber’s safety team reviews this information and investigates any issues. Plus there is 24/7 support so if something happens, whether it’s a traffic accident or a disagreement, our customer support staff are ready to respond to any issues at any time. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
Wake up call
Wake up call One of the most critical issues our nation facing today is the rising number of divorces and lack of moral and ethical family values. None of the four pillars of media are addressing this issue seriously. Infact, I would strictly highlight the fact that the story line and plot of nearly all drama serials and soap operas is conveying extremely shameful values to the audience. Young girls to married women at home watch these dramas where there are scenarios that are totally unacceptable in any honorable society, let alone a Muslim society. The producers of these dramas justify their story-line stating that they are just creating awareness among viewers about what’s happening in the society. On the contrary, very few viewers are getting aware and majority are following what they are getting to see on the TV. Our sisters and daughters should very much be encouraged to study and work but in last one decade, married girls are failing to make a family, to top it all , even their parents are not being strict about divorces as they pose to be liberal and educated. Until late 1990’s when there were a handful of tv channels, we had dramas which we could watch with families and they taught us basic values and morals. Introduction of Turkish dramas in Pakistan has infected the drama industry badly. This is not progress by any means. I firmly request the PEMRA to keep a strict check on the story-lines of the dramas and morning shows because the need of the hour is to eradicate vulgarity from our society and we should hold workshops and free marriage counselling for our public. The Government statisticians should note the number of divorces on yearly basis and announce publicly to wake up conscience of the society and I assure you if PEMRA limits these immoral story-line dramas and the channels show positivism and we have workshops and seminars for marriage and family counselling then the divorce rates will rapidly decline and family values among people will show marked improvement. May Allah protect us all Amen Farooq Azhar Khwaja Lahore MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Press Release" ]
Ufone is primed to launch a first of its kind product that will bring parents some much-needed peace of mind – the UWatch. UWatch keeps families connected in the way they want to be without the need to buy a young child a smartphone.
Ufone to launch UWatch; Stay connected to your child with a watch
Ufone to launch UWatch; Stay connected to your child with a watch ISLAMABAD: Ufone, Pakistan’s premier telecom operator, is primed to launch a first of its kind product that will bring parents some much-needed peace of mind – the UWatch. UWatch keeps families connected in the way they want to be without the need to buy a young child a smartphone. UWatch is a wearable mobile watch designed specifically for kids in order for parents to keep in touch with their loved ones. This watch provides two-way voice calling functionality i.e. the parent can dial into the watch and also the child can dial from the watch to the parent’s mobile number. Additionally, UWatch also provides real-time location capability via GSM/GPS positioning so that parents can be aware of their child’s location. UWatch is securely controlled by the parents using the UWatch app through a smartphone supporting both Android and IOS platforms. Through the app, parents can stay connected with their children throughout the day, right from their own mobile device. Whether it’s checking to see that your child has made it home safely from school or calling to let your child know you’re running a few minutes late, the app delivers the connection and peace of mind that every parent desires. With the UWatch app, the parent is always in control. From live monitoring to setting up safe zones, the app provides several ways to customize the UWatch experience for your family. The app provides accurate real-time locations of your child and can also control who your child can call and receive calls from. In addition to that, parents can set up Safe Zones to receive notifications when your child has left or entered certain locations. “At Ufone, we maintain an unwavering focus on our customers’ needs and convenience with innovation being at the forefront of everything we do. The UWatch is a prime example of that as it offers a very unique and innovate way of keeping families connected,” said Taimur Faiz Cheema, Ufone’s General Manager Marketing. “We are proud to be the first telecom company in Pakistan to launch a breakthrough product like the UWatch and we are confident this will bring some much-needed relief to the parents.” The UWatch will have a BVS registered SIM in it through which all the communication will take place. The parent SIM will also be BVS registered and will be used in the mobile phone in which the app will be installed. The UWatch is now available for purchase from Ufone Service Centers in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Abbas Ali Shaikh" ]
Drake's failed attempt to kiss Rihanna at the VMAs just broke a million hearts
Drake’s failed attempt to kiss Rihanna at the VMAs just broke a million hearts Drake’s love for Rihanna is as magnanimous as the billboard he bought for her, and at MTV’s Video Music Awards on Sunday, he went overboard, again. While presenting the Micheal Jackson Vanguard Award to Rihanna, he shared his feelings for her in the most explicit way. “She’s someone I have been in love with since I was 22-years-old,” Drake confessed. She is one of my bestfriends in the world. All my adult life I have looked up to her even though she’s younger than me. She’s a living breathing legend in our industry,” he further added. ight after the moving speech, Drizzy went in for a kiss but Rihanna thwarted his attempt and hugged him instead. THAT must have hurt — and of course, Twitterati noticed. My poor boo boo #Drake was like, “I love forever, you to the moon and back,” and bad gal Ri Ri was like, “Thanks Bruh Bruh.” #VMAs — Arianna Davis (@ariannagdavis) August 29, 2016 When #Drake tell #Rihanna he’s been “in love w her since he was 22” and she responds w “thanks for a great speech”. — BEX {rebekah} (@Bex965) August 29, 2016 Lowkey thought #Drake would pull out a engagement ring… That was serious. #VMAs — Mobeen Lalani (@mobeenlalani) August 29, 2016 #Drake was facing a FULL COUNT in the bottom of the 9th with two outs and #rihanna THREW the MEANEST CURVE 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 — C.StrongBLOODLINE (@CstrongTimeless) August 29, 2016 Amir Khan giving Drake a boxing lesson is the best thing you’ll see all day Rihanna made up for the awkward hug-kiss however, as the two were leaving the stage. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Abbas Ali Shaikh" ]
Malaysia replaces Pakistan as leader in Islamic banking, finance
Malaysia replaces Pakistan as leader in Islamic banking, finance LONDON: The Cambridge Islamic Finance Leadership Programme (IFLP) 2016 attracted participation from the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe and America. Over a period of five days beginning August 20, more than 50 mentors, speakers and delegates took part in the global leadership programme, specifically structured for the middle and upper-middle management personnel of Islamic financial institutions. Designed and structured by Cambridge IF Analytica and held at Clare College, University of Cambridge, the programme was delivered by some of the most influential leaders in Islamic banking and finance. The Cambridge-IFLP 2016 was strategically supported by the Jeddah-based Islamic Corporation for the Development of Private Sector (ICD), which also sent a group of delegates from its Islamic Finance Talent Development Programme. Other sponsors included Kuala Lumpur-based Finance Accreditation Agency, which was represented by its CEO, Dr Amat Taap Manshor and Chief Technological Officer, Dr Eddy Chong. The programme included seven leadership interviews, which were recorded and live-streamed on major social media platforms. On the first day, Dr Adnan Chilwan, CEO of Dubai Islamic Bank, was interviewed as part of the leadership interview segment. Sharif El Gamal, CEO of Soho Properties, New York, and Dr Daud Bakar, Chairman of Amanie Holdings, were amongst other speakers and interviewees for the day. Dr Yaqub Mirza, an American-Pakistani entrepreneur and CEO of Sterling Management Group, was also amongst the speakers. Pakistan was represented by only one organisation – Habib Metro Bank. The delegates were selected through a tough competition amongst middle and upper-middle management of Islamic financial institutions from around the world. Malaysia topped the list with eight delegates. Although Pakistan was represented by only one bank, there were other Pakistani bankers working in the Middle East who were amongst those chosen for the leadership programme. Pakistan has historically provided leadership in Islamic banking and finance, but lately this role has been taken up by countries like Malaysia. “Representation of Habib Metro Bank at the Cambridge-IFLP and contribution of Bilal Subzwari from the bank was noted with appreciation by the programme mentors,” said Dr Sofiza Azmi, Programme Director. The Cambridge-IFLP was structured in such a way that it gave the delegates direct access to the global leaders in Islamic banking and finance. A number of CEOs of Islamic financial institutions spent plenty of time with the delegates throughout the programme. Among them were Wan Fadzmi Wan Othman, CEO of Agrobank (Malaysia), Ramlie Kamsari, CEO of Nomura Islamic Asset Management, Mohammad Ikram Thowfeek, CEO of CAF Investment Bank (Kuwait) and Fadi Al Faqih, CEO of Bank of Khartoum. All the delegates received Cambridge Certificates in Islamic Banking and Finance Leadership. Five of the delegates were also presented with Cambridge Islamic Finance Leadership Awards. The winners included Tanvir Ahmeduddin (ICD), Abdul Azim Mohammed (Bank Islamic Brunei Darussalam), Dr Hanis Osman (Bank Rakyat Malaysia), Mohammad Taufik Zakaria (Agrobank Malaysia) and Oluwaseun Alele (DDGI). MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Minhaaj Rehman" ]
Brexit: EU’s Epitaph and Take-aways for Pakistan
Brexit: EU’s Epitaph and Take-aways for Pakistan In 1919 Treaty of Versailles was heaped upon an already defeated and subjugated Germany after a devastating World War I. Its allies humiliated, its resources depleted and economy on its knees, Germany signed arguably one of the most ignominious peace deals in world politics. The terms were so brutal that the reparations included stallions, mares, cows, rams, sheep and bulls along with coal mines and literally everything worth anything. Historians have argued that this was the very blow that drove Stolz German nation to give into Nazi nationalism and die for the mother land. Nietzsche’s works were reinterpreted and Uber alles spirit infested the Teutonic tribe. World War II ended with similar results but la République and Union Jack’s aspirations were only beginning to materialize. The only problem was to prevent itself from wars and create a combined front to counter future aggressions of Russia, Germany, Japan and anything that rose above its heights. Soft power emerged in the form of United Nations and its international organizations. War-torn economy stood upon its feet by generous Marshal Plan of a paranoid US fearing Cold War escalation. Alliances and Treaties like SEATO and CENTO were forged to keep Kremlin away from the liberal economic world order after Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944. Most important of all was to create a strong neighborhood that ensured mutual cooperation. 1950 brought 6 powerful post-war nations together in sharing their steel resources, the first step towards what we know as the European Union today. Treaty of Rome created European Economic Community half a century later actually institutionalizing the dream. Today EU’s budget for 2014-2020 is 960 billion Euro with Germany being the largest contributor, a remarkable feat from the war-torn country that could barely survive without the help of its enemies. Brexit, many say, is the psychological alarm that triggered precisely because of this German dominance in Brussels. Nigel Farage, the leader of UK Independence party, has been the most ferocious of the EU critics. Uncontrolled EU immigration laws, economic dependence, inability to legislate independently, and islamophobia seems to be his key arguments. Even though the UK has opted out from Euro and border control agreements, pro-brexiters argue for complete independence. Populist slogans like more jobs, Brits first and lower tax and welfare benefits for immigrants are working like they always do. The situation has polarized public opinion to the verge of violence and Jo Cox, a British MP has already lost her life to right-wing extremists. This seething national fervor is not without its opposition. Liberal voices have locked horns with the conservatives on literally every issue from statistics to politics and morality to culture. David Cameron, the prime minister, stands against it with all the forces he could summon. Even US has warned the UK of ‘consequences’ while Putin calls it Cameron blackmailing EU. The UK will certainly lose its negotiation powers in international trade deals, skilled labor attraction, freedom of navigation and a lot more. IMF has already flagged UK’s departing decision as a precursor to British recession and global ‘contagion effect’. Does Pakistan have a lesson or two to learn from it? Winston Churchill’s famous quote ‘History is written by victors’ appears to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. While the crimes of Soviet Union are chronicled by pro-western writers and Japanese imperialism is lacerated by American historians the problem doesn’t lie in the history itself. Historical revisionism is what makes it impossible to learn from history and repeat it unwisely. Years ago my visit to Auschwitz camp in Poland was a painful reminder of this. One of the memories I have from the camp was the famous quote form George Santayana that goes like this. ‘Those who cannot learn from the history are doomed to repeat it.’ This seems to be the case for Pakistan at least. Only a generation ago we were told that economic liberalization and free markets are the way forward to prosperity, economic independence, and globalization. Generous US support through Pakistan during Soviet-Afghan war ensured our allegiance to allies in their new world order. Failed coup of General Akbar Khan with Faiz Ahmed Faiz and other Marxist actors was first thwarted attempt to socialize the country that later resurrected in its short-lived Bhutto regime where nationalization of industries destroyed country’s economy beyond repair. PPPs policies of economic centralization were very similar to Mao’s Great Leap Forward. Marxists in Pakistan, however, didn’t have what it took to overthrow the Czar. Hide and seek between army generals and so-called democratic regimes continued. War on terror electrified public opinion against foreign influence in country’s affairs. Political arena saw a new player named Imran Khan, former cricket player become an emerging star and nuisance for the status quo political parties. More or less a tripartite democracy, free market, and free media, Pakistan has joined the camp of allies into the globalist world. The question is, does Britain feel the same way about globalization? Brexit is a lesson to the developing world as if it wasn’t clear enough until now. Rules of the game can change anytime its major players find them unfair. Alliances are broken, treaties nullified, promises reinterpreted and arsenals revamped. It was the UK, France, Britain and US that lead the world into surplus economics and multinational corporations. Margaret Thatcher’s vehement TV performances of pitching this new world order with her charming ‘breaking free from the cage’, spread like an epidemic among the masses. Decades later, that same Britain wants to get back into its nationalistic cage because it looks safer, stronger and to be fair familiar. Whatever happened to fighting for freedom, democratic values, and openness? With China’s rise as an alternative power, US annihilation in Afghanistan and Europe’s pre-occupation with its migrant crisis, the global vacuum of power is emerging. Is it a good chance for Pakistan to break free of its colonial chains? Do we have anything to lose but the yokes around our necks? The jury is still out on it. We certainly need to set our priorities right and choose our partners wisely. This could be a turning point in Pakistan’s history. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Our Correspondent" ]
Bacteria in chewable tobacco products may increase risk of cancer: Study
Bacteria in chewable tobacco products may increase risk of cancer: Study New York: If you are addicted to chewable tobacco products like tobacco leaves, khaini, pan masala, zarda and gutka, then stop eating as it is considered not good for health. And researchers have identified some species of bacteria in these tobacco products that can increase the risk of cancer, lung infections, diarrhoea and vomiting. The study states that these chewable tobacco products contains bacillus licheniformis and bacillus pumilus, a bacteria species that could potentially cause inflammation of the lungs, as well as many other opportunistic infections. Steven Foley, research microbiologist at the National Centre for Toxicological Research, US Food and Drug Administration said that some species have been identified as causative agents in spice-related outbreaks of diarrhoea and vomiting. Additionally, they produce a mild toxin which, in large quantities could cause illness. Several species of bacillus, as well as some stapphylococcus epidermidis and staphylococcus hominis strains can reduce nitrates to nitrites that can potentially lead to cancer, Foley added. In order to allow nicotine to pass into the bloodstream, individuals hold these products in their mouths and thus come in close contact with mucus membranes for extended periods of time that provides an opportunity for the user to be exposed to bacteria present in the product, the researchers said. Additionally, users often have problems with gingivitis and other oral health issues that are caused by the smokeless tobacco products. Previous studies have shown the species of Staphylococci present in these products to cause heart valve infection. The gum disease, and other oral issues enables bacterial entry into the bloodstream, paving a way to the heart. The study was undertaken to better understand the potential microbiological risks associated with the use of smokeless tobacco products, and to provide a baseline microbiological risk profile of these products, Foley noted. The findings were published in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Press Release" ]
Tech startups in the Pakistan seem to be racing ahead, whereas in countries such as Myanmar, there are larger obstacles to overcome. Within Asia’s emerging markets, which startups are making waves in this smartphone era?
Asian Tech Startups in Emerging Markets to Watch
Asian Tech Startups in Emerging Markets to Watch KARACHI: Internet penetration is beginning to accelerate in Asia’s emerging markets. While smartphones are widespread in many Asian countries, in others, the smartphone revolution is just beginning. Tech startups in the Pakistan seem to be racing ahead, whereas, in countries such as Myanmar, there are larger obstacles to overcome. Within Asia’s emerging markets, which startups are making waves in this smartphone era? Indonesia – Million Dollar Motorcycle App Indonesia’s startup landscape is still somewhat mysterious for those trying to break into it. However, Go-Jek, has succeeded in becoming the hottest startup to make it big. Picking up paying passengers on the back of your motorbike used to be an unofficial money-spinner in Indonesia, but Go-Jek has made this a legitimate business. This Indonesian equivalent of Uber offers motorbike rides on demand and was the most popular free iOS app downloaded in Indonesia, in 2015. In spite of a recent stir caused by lower prices, it’s likely that Go-Jek will continue to prosper and transform transportation in the world’s biggest archipelago, especially following the USD $550 million it raised in funding this month! Bangladesh – Price Comparison App Seedstars Winner As a developing country with 5 main mobile phone providers offering over 250 plans, it’s easy to find yourself locked into a contract that you can’t afford in Bangladesh. However, there is now a way to avoid this situation. Bangladeshi app Madviser provides a solution. Based on your smartphone usage behaviour, the app calculates which deal would be best for you, saving you both money and time. As the winner of a Seedstars World competition last year, receiving USD $500,000, the app’s developer Humake Lab is set to fly towards changing the way in which Bangladeshis shop for phone contracts. Philippines – A Wealth of Tech Startups Metro Manila is buzzing with technology these days. Startups seem to be earning foreign investments left right and center. IT solutions provider Yondu sits among the best of the bunch. Since the company “ranked second in Forbes Philippines’ top startups list”, “Xurpas invested PHP 900 million to acquire a 51% stake in Yondu” (Forbes). The mobile and IT content and services provider is proving that the Philippines is a great place to be for tech companies, and the world is watching as it develops as one of the country’s tech pioneers. Myanmar – New Incubator Producing Rising Stars It is the dawn of the startup in Myanmar, and with the launch of new incubator Phandeeyar Accelerator in 2016, the future of startups is looking much brighter. Myanmar’s internet users are centered around the smartphone, the sales of which have exploded like nowhere else. Although a small startup has yet to make it big, Phandeeyar’s Innovation Lab is set to change that. Rocket Internet led sites such as have begun to change the way that Myanmar citizens find work. Soon, the majority of job hunting in Myanmar could happen via smartphones. This is truly incredible, especially given that cellular subscriptions have jumped from 1.10% of the population in 2010 to 61.70% in 2015, according to Sri Lanka – Online Shopping Startups Attracting Investors Not only is the island of Sri Lanka simply beautiful, but it’s also becoming a country to watch in the tech world. Now that the country’s political situation has calmed down, startups such as Takas are attracting investors’ attention. This online shopping startup raised Rs.80 million in 2015 and was named the country’s best startup. The company is highly ambitious, and it’s impressive how quickly a small local tech project such as this has attracted investment. With a few more startup incubators encouraging tech teams, Sri Lanka could be the next big innovator country in just a couple of years’ time. Pakistan – Influential New App Transforms Mobile Banking Online banking and cashless transactions have transformed much of the west. Pakistan, on the other hand, is an economy that is fuelled by cash transactions. Despite this, with its innovative online banking solutions, Pakistan’s Innov8 is ground-breaking in the world of mobile financial services. Having already fetched USD $5.4 Million in funding in 2015, this Lahore-grown startup is expanding and transforming Asia’s mobile financial services market. Pan-Asian Startups There is also a number of startups operating in multiple countries across Asia, changing the way certain industries work. Lamudi – Find Your Dream House Global online real estate platform Lamudi focuses solely on the emerging markets. Lamudi is present in all of the above-mentioned countries where real estate is currently booming. This highly innovative company has become the market leader in a number of countries very quickly with its website and app, and it is changing the face of real estate. Real estate is moving online very fast in Asia. In the future, we may even see real estate transactions happening as a result of virtual reality viewings you may not even need to leave the comfort of your armchair to buy a home! Aslan Pharmaceuticals – Finding Cancer Treatments for Asia This pan-Asian biotechnology startup’s focus is on oncology; more precisely, looking at the cancers that are the most prevalent in Asia and developing technologies to treat them. The company has received USD $77 million in funding so far and is set to make a huge difference to the treatment of cancer on the Asian continent. It plans to do this by looking at immunotherapies and targeted agents through working on specific goals. With the increase in startup incubators almost all over Asia’s emerging markets, startup giants from all corners are on the cusp of making it big. The internet is powerful. Especially when you can hold it in your hand. Look out for the innovators who will be changing the world! MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Abbas Ali Shaikh" ]
Remittances register decline of more than 36pc
Remittances register decline of more than 36pc Lahore – As the remittances have registered a decline of more than 36 percent, the All Pakistan Business Forum (APBF) has suggested to the government to announce incentives for oversees Pakistanis so that the drop could be controlled; besides investment by Pakistani expatriates could be boosted. APBF President Ibrahim Qureshi said on Sunday that Current Account (C/A) deficit had widened to $591 million in July 2016, whereas $575 million deterioration was largely owing to $745 million (or 36 percent MoM) decline in remittances. Remittances sent by overseas Pakistan registered an annual drop by 20 percent to $1. 33 billion in July. The oil-rich Arab countries account for almost 65 percent of entire remittances sent by overseas Pakistanis. Qureshi feared that the fall could be a setback for Pakistan as it largely depended on remittances to meet its foreign obligations and increase its reserves. In July, the inflow of remittances from Saudi Arabia had dropped by 20 percent, but it was still the highest at $379 million. What is more concerning is the plunge in remittances from the United States and the United Kingdom as inflows from these countries fell by 33. 5 and 38 percent, respectively. Remittances from US and UK had come down by 6 percent and 8 percent, respectively, in the preceding fiscal year. The APBF president opined that if the government would assist the overseas Pakistanis and provide them incentives, they could play a pivotal role in boosting Pakistan’s economy through their remittances and investments. He said that oversees Pakistanis could invest in agriculture, transportation, telecom and energy sectors, which had huge potentials. “The government has badly failed to attract foreign investment because delay in the approval of projects discourages the investors,” he added. Qureshi asked the bureaucracy to simplify the procedures by revisiting the existing processes so that the investors could be facilitated. He said that export-oriented industries should be facilitated by making rules, regulations and procedures simple. “It is a matter of concern that exports are declining in spite of the fact that country has all the resources,” he lamented. “We have to focus on investing in the energy sector, lowering of tariffs on smuggling prone items, increasing the share of direct taxes in revenues and lowering the slab of indirect taxes to achieve key economic targets set for the year, 2016-17,” he emphasised. Qureshi said the Protection of Economic Reforms Act, 1992 should also be amended appropriately in order to curb remitting undeclared income through unofficial channels outside Pakistan, and the same being brought back to Pakistan through banking channels in foreign exchange. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Our Correspondent" ]
Lower education, income level may up obesity in young adults
New York: Teenagers of normal weight or young adults who live in neighbourhoods with lower education or income levels are at higher risk of becoming overweight or obese, a new study says. It found that 25 per cent of young adults became overweight or obese. “Emerging adulthood is a critical time period for excess weight gain due to a variety of factors, including many teenagers leaving home for college and having more freedom and access to food,” noted Deborah Rohm Young, Researcher, Kaiser Permanente Southern California, Department of Research & Evaluation. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), social determinants of health, which are the conditions in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship and age, affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks. For the study, the researchers analysed the health records of 22,823 ethnically diverse individuals who were 18-year-old with normal weight based on BMI less than 25 and followed them for four years. In this study, obesity count is based on the gender specific body mass index (BMI) for age growth charts developed by the CDC. Over the course of four years, researchers found about 23 per cent of the normal-weight teenagers living in neighbourhoods with low education became overweight and about 2 per cent of those living in lower income neighbourhoods became obese. In addition, females and blacks had almost 1.7 and 1.3 times the increased risk compared with males and whites, respectively, for being overweight or obese. “Our study found that living in a disadvantaged place puts teens at an increased risk for being overweight or obese. Although we did not explore potential reasons for this increase, factors may include cultural norms, as well as lack of access to public parks and grocery stores,” Young added, in the paper published in the journal Pediatric Obesity.
[ "Bipin Dani" ]
Cricketers' popular Australian ortho-surgeon on India-Sri Lanka trip: Best chance for Malinga to be examined
Cricketers’ popular Australian ortho-surgeon on India-Sri Lanka trip: Best chance for Malinga to be examined MUMBAI: Dr. David Young, an Australian orthopedic surgeon, who is popular among several Asian cricketers is on a week-long trip to India and Sri Lanka. He has been attending the 3rd International Congress of the World Coalition for Trauma Care in Delhi. It is being organised by the Indian Society for Trauma and Acute Care. Speaking exclusively over his Australian mobile on Thursday morning, he said, “it will be a good experience to meet world’s renowned doctors and India’s orthopedic surgeons”. Dr. Young is scheduled to deliver his talk on Friday night at the four-day seminar, which began on August 17th. Dr. David Young has treated several sports persons across the world and many of the Asian players from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh rush to him for treating their injuries. During his trip to India this week, he has no plan to examine any local players, but an opportunity is there to examine Sri Lankan speedster Lasith Malinga next week. “I shall be leaving for Sri Lanka on Saturday night and will call Malinga, who, a good player, is a friend of mine. Will advise him on his long-standing injury”. The 33-year-old right-arm fast bowler Malinga is out of the game since last 8-9 months due to overuse of his bone-bruise injury. He had undergone surgeries for his knee and ankle in the past. “I have not spoken to Malinga for quite some time and let me see how he feels after being rested for so many months”. Dr. Young is also to deliver a lecture in one of the conferences he is scheduled to attend in Batticaloa before returning to Australia on 25th August. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Nava Thakuria" ]
Saluting Tricolour to defy militants’ diktat in Northeast
Saluting Tricolour to defy militants’ diktat in Northeast GUWAHATI: Overcoming the trepidation of decades, the residents of India’s restive Northeast celebrated 70th Independence Day on 15 August with great enthusiasm. Braving the odd, when the country witnessed continued violence in Jammu & Kashmir, Manipur and also in Assam, the patriotic citizens of the region came in large number to assemble in both government and community level celebrations for the auspicious day. Defying the threats of separatist armed militants, which triggered five serial blasts in eastern Assam and two explosions in Imphal in the morning hours, the people of the alienated region joined in I-Day functions with patriotic fervor. While Prime Minister Narendra Modi hoisted the national flag at the historic Red Fort in New Delhi, all the chief ministers unfurled the Tricolour in their respective capital cities amidst galore. Assam government chief Sarbananda Sonowal saluted the national flag in Guwahati, where hundreds of other venues witnessed the observation of the cherished day in both government and community levels. In his address, Sonowal reiterated his government’s commitment to detect & deport illegal Bangladeshis from the soil of Assam and make the State free from corruption, terrorism, and pollution. He also thanked the people of both Brahmaputra & Barak valleys for their spontaneous participation in I-Day functions completely ignoring the diktat of militants. Assam’s powerful minister Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma hoisted the national flag in Dibrugarh, where the Tricolour was unfurled by another important minister Chandra Mohan Patowary in Nalbari and BTC chief Hagrama Mohilary in Kokrajhar. They were unanimous in appealing the militants to shun the path of violence and join the peace talks. Tricolour was also raised at Northeast Frontier Railway Headquarter in Maligaon; BSF Guwahati frontier headquarter in Patgaon, Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force’s 33rd Bn camp in Jalukbari, Guwahati Refinery in Noonmati, Doomduma Press Club, etc. with many other institution & organizations. Nagaland chief minister TR Zeliang hoisted the national flag in Kohima, whereas Meghalaya CM Mukul Sangma saluted the Tricolour in Shillong. Arunachal Pradesh’s new chief minister Pema Khandu participated in I-Day function in Itanagar, when Manipur CM Okram Ibobi Singh unfurled the national flag in Imphal. Relatively peaceful States of the region namely Mizoram, Sikkim and Tripura also witnessed the celebration of I-Day functions led by their chief ministers Lal Thanhawla, Pawan Kumar Chamling and Manik Sarkar. It may be mentioned that a section banned armed outfits including United Liberal Front of Assam (Independent), National Democratic Front of Bodoland (IK Songbijit faction), Garo National Liberation Army with few others called for a total shutdown on 15 August. However, ridiculing the diktat, Journalists’ Forum Assam (JFA) urged each and every patriotic citizen of the region to come forward and celebrate the day with fanfare. Maintaining their stand to defy the militants’ diktat once again, the Guwahati-based scribes, senior citizens and members of civil society congregated enthusiastically at Guwahati Press Club to celebrate the I-Day and salute the known and unknown martyrs. They repeated their preaching that both I-Day and R-Day are for every Indian citizen and not only for the government to observe these national days. Senior journalist Anup Sarma hoisted the national flag on the occasion, where the JFA president Rupam Barua spoke of the freedom movements that began earlier than the first nationalistic struggle of 1857, followed by the Mahatma Gandhi-led Non-Cooperation, Civil Disobedience, and Quit India movements, Netaji led INA War and Navy Mutiny, all of which culminated in 1947 with India emerging as a free nation of immense promise. “Our country’s independence came about through the supreme sacrifices of countless patriots and martyrs. It is in their honour that we observe I-Day. It is their contributions we need to remember gratefully when we bow our heads under the Tricolour,” said Barua adding that it is improper to raise demands or go on a protest on such occasions when other days in the year are available. It may be recalled that in 1998, challenging the terrorist threats, a few journalists with the support of handful patriotic citizens hoisted the national flag in the press club. Since then, the flag hoisting ceremony has become regular events on August 15 and January 26 every year. These events encouraged the people with inspiration which has culminated in today’s atmosphere of the hoisting national flag without trepidation and fear. The participants also joined in a rally on the street to chant patriotic slogans on the occasion. Returning back, they witnessed the opening of a doctors’ chamber on the press club campus. Inaugurated by young citizens Dhiman, Kristi, Shantanava, Arya, Shambhavi, Nistha and Arunava, the chamber has been constructed by the city-based Dispur Hospitals. A qualified doctor will be available on every Saturday evening (5 to 8 pm) for free medical consultations with the scribes and their close relatives. Among those graced the occasion included Dr Jagadindra Raichaudhury, Col. Ranjan Dutta, Apurba Sarma, Ranen Kumar Goswami, Girindra Karji, Pradip Thakuria, Kailash Sarma, Raman Bora, Nava Thakuria, Pramod Kalita, Kishor Giri, Manoj Agasti, Pulin Kalita, Bipul Sarma, Bikash Singh, Nayan Pratim Kumar, Rajeev Bhattacharyya, Chinmoi Roy, Bhaskar Medhi, Ravi Ajitacharya, Baldev Pandey, Dilwar Hussain, Ujjal Saikia, Mrinal Ali Hazarika, Rupen Sarma, Purabi Baruah, Namrata Dutta, Mamata Mishra, Anita Kalita Goswami, Akshyamala Bora, Anjali Kumar, Sewali Kalita, Tarali Chakravarty, Nabanita Mazumdar, Azlina Khanam, etc. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Our Correspondent" ]
Breast milk sugars may ward off deadly infection in babies
Breast milk sugars may ward off deadly infection in babies London: A type of sugar found naturally in some women’s breast milk may protect newborn babies from infection with a potentially life threatening bacterium, says a study. The study found that breast milk containing lacto-n-difucohexaose I — a specific sugar produced in nearly half of all women in the world — was better at killing the Group B streptococcus bacteria — a common cause of meningitis as well as the leading cause of various infections in newborns. The infants whose mothers produced lacto-n-difucohexaose I in their breast milk, were more likely to have cleared the bacteria from their body by 60-89 days after birth. The Group B streptococcus bacteria is naturally found in the vagina and bowels of one in three pregnant woman and can be transferred to the baby during childbirth or in breast milk, triggering an infection. Human milk oligosaccharides — mixture of many different types of sugar — found in woman’s breast milk does not get digested, but act as food for the ‘friendly bacteria’ in a baby’s intestine. The presence of sugars found in human breast milk allows the “friendly” bacteria to flourish and out-compete any harmful bacteria that may be in the child’s gut, the study said. “The study suggests that these breast milk sugars (human milk oligosaccharides) may protect against infections in the newborn, such as rotavirus and Group B streptococcus,” said lead author Nicholas Andreas, post-doctoral student at Imperial College London. Further, women who had the gene linked to the Lewis antigen system — a genetic system involved in making the A,B,O blood group — were less likely to have the bacteria in their gut, and their babies were also less likely to get the bacteria from their mothers at birth, the researchers stated. For the study, published in the journal Clinical and Translational Immunology, the team tested breast milk for the sugars that are known to be controlled by these Lewis genes in 183 women from Gambia. MORE FROM THIS SECTION
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Dalton, Bengals sharp early in 26-21 preseason loss at Jags
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) — The Cincinnati Bengals were so sharp against Jacksonville that Andy Dalton and several teammates were done long before halftime. Dalton led the Bengals to two touchdowns in three possessions, earning him a little extra rest in a 26-21 loss to the Jaguars in the preseason Sunday night. “It was a good outing for us,” said Dalton, who completed 6 of 10 passes for 77 yards and a TD. “Two touchdowns in the first half of a preseason game is pretty good, and we got them both ways. … It’s a good feeling to do it both ways.” The Bengals (1-2) felt good on both sides of the ball, too. Dalton found Giovani Bernard for a 19-yard score on a third-down play, and then Jeremy Hill capped a 9-minute drive with a 1-yard scramble to the pylon. Defensively, the Bengals held Jacksonville to just 90 yards in the first half. Jacksonville’s first three drives: turnover, three-and-out and three-and-out. Cincy’s only concern in the regular-season dress rehearsal was the health of three Pro Bowlers. Receiver A.J. Green left in the first quarter with a bruised right knee, but said he’s fine. Cornerback Adam Jones strained his right calf in preseason warmups and did not play. And special teams ace Cedric Peerman broke his left forearm and could be out for the season. “It’s unfortunate guys have injuries, but you can’t worry about that,” Dalton said. “You’ve got to worry just about the stuff you can control.” Safety Tashaun Gipson (bruised knee) was Jacksonville’s only injured starter. The Jaguars (1-2) had bigger problems — the offense and defense both failed to show — that raised questions about what’s supposed to the franchise’s most talented team in nearly a decade. T.J. Yeldon fumbled on the opening possession. Center Brandon Linder and quarterback Blake Bortles each were flagged for false starts to open drives. And the left side of Jacksonville’s revamped offensive line was mostly manhandled. “We kind of killed ourselves. We did some stupid things, really, at every position,” Bortles said. “They didn’t do necessarily anything to stop up, which is a good sign because it’s a good defense. … We were comfortable and confident in what we were doing. We just didn’t execute it and get things done.” DEBUTS Bengals: WR Brandon LaFell caught one pass in his Bengals debut. Signed in free agency to help replace Marvin Jones and Mohamed Sanu, LaFell also drew a pass-interference penalty that set up a score. Jaguars: Playing his first game since tearing a knee ligament last October, LT Kelvin Beachum looked rusty. And Luke Joeckel, the second overall pick in the 2013 draft, looked lost at times at LG. ROOKIE WATCH Bengals: WR Alex Erickson scored for the third straight game, stating his case to make the team. Erickson caught a 21-yard TD pass from AJ McCarron early in the third quarter. It was his second TD catch of the preseason. He also returned a punt for a touchdown. Jaguars: DE Yannick Ngakoue got the start ahead of Dante Fowler Jr., but only because the Jaguars wanted to see Ngakoue get some snaps with the first-team defense. Ngakoue finished with two tackles. POSITION BATTLES Bengals: Second-round pick WR Tyler Boyd, vying to start opposite Green, had a 9-yard reception. Jaguars: Fourth-year RB Joe Banyard ran 11 times for 54 yards, including a 7-yard TD run in the third quarter, and had his most extensive work of the preseason. Banyard and Corey Grant are competing to be the fourth-string back. INJURY UPDATE Bengals: LB Vontaze Burfict and TE Tyler Eifert were among a dozen players ruled out before the game. Jaguars: Eight players were ruled out beforehand, including DT Roy Miller, rookie DT Sheldon Day and FS Peyton Thompson. QUOTABLE Bengals: “I do feel faster this year because I feel healthier.” — Hill. Jaguars: “We played bad at every position and usually that is what happens when you play bad: you do not score a lot of points.” — Bortles. ___ AP NFL website: and AP NFL Twitter feed:
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Lady ’Cane tennis loses SCOL heartbreaker 3-2
Washington edged Wilmington 3-2 Tuesday in a South Central Ohio League girls tennis match that came down to a third-set tiebreaker at first doubles. Wilmington’s Allie Kees and Katie Schroeder lost to Sierra Dawson and Mack Cress 6-4, 1-6, 6-7(3) at first doubles to give the Lady Blue Lions the win. Wilmington is 5-4 overall and 3-1 in the SCOL. Brooklyn Nielsen was a 6-1, 6-0 winner for the Lady Hurricane at third singles. SUMMARY August 30, 2016 @Wilmington High School Washington 3 Wilmington 2 Singles • Veronica Ilg was def by Megan Downing 1-6, 3-6 • Sophie Reed was def by Anna Nester 2-6, 6-2, 3-6 • Brooklyn Nielsen def Mara Pickerill 6-1, 6-0 Doubles • Allie Kees, Katie Schroeder were def by Sierra Dawson, Mack Cress 6-4, 1-6, 6-7(3) • Kalista Adkins, Emily Davis def Jen Richards, Sydnie Hall 6-0, 6-2
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
2016 PREVIEW: Wilmington College football
RECORD IN 2015 0-10 overall, 0-9 in OAC HEAD COACH Stacey Hairston, third year COACH’S RECORD 1-19 at Wilmington COACHES IN PROGRAM Rick Worman, offensive coordinator; Brad Watkins, defensive line, special teams coordinator; Chris Harris, offensive line; Marque Jones, wide receivers; Will Isaac, running backs; Will Bowman, linebackers NUMBER OF STARTERS RETURNING 20 NUMBER OF LETTER WINNERS NOT RETURNING 17 KEY PLAYERS RETURNING Chase Manica, RB; Sterling Clark, OT; Luke Creditt, QB; Lane Hacker, OL; David Henry, DL; Darren Milligan, DL; Ryan Prince, DL; Terrance Narcisse-Murphy, DL; CJ Thompson, LB; Jay Higgins, DB KEY PLAYERS RETURNING On offense: Luke Creditt, Chase Manica, Gino Hinton, Lane Hacker, Sterling Clark, Tyler Tarnowski On defense: David Henry, Darren Milligan, CJ Thompson, Brandon Middleton, Jadelen Higgins Special Teams: Grant Brown KEY NEWCOMERS On Offense: CJ Wilkerson, Nick Moore On Defense: Kevin Lipscomb, Bernard Ross, Austin Thompson, Keshawn Johnson-Sanders KEY PLAYERS LOST Amari Bryant, Tarrell Starckey, Nick Williams, Justin Lee, Aroyal Wright RIGHT NOW I LIKE … Our young defensive backs. We have several DBs that have natural football instincts and will make an immediate impact on our defense with their toughness and speed. I also like what I have seen out of our QB, Luke Creditt, who appears to be settling in with our new offense. And our RBs looking to be more of a factor this year. RIGHT NOW WE NEED TO IMPROVE … Consistency at the receiver position. With very little playing experience returning at that position, they need to continue to improve at that position with route running, catching the ball, and blocking. OTHER THAN OUR TEAM, WHO WILL BE THE TEAM TO BEAT IN YOUR LEAGUE AND WHY Mount Union is the defending National Champs and 25 year defending Conference Champs. They are at the top, they represent the best in D3. ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT TEAM, SEASON We are looking at taking the next step this year with our program. We expect to turn the corner and not just be competitive in games, our goal is to win games. The quest has begun, I am looking forward to watching it unfold. SCHEDULE Sept 3 @Bluffton 130 pm; Sept 17 Otterbein 7 pm @WC; Sept 24 @Capital 7 pm Oct 1 John Carroll 130 pm @WC; Oct 8 Baldwin-Wallace 2 pm @WC Homecoming; Oct 15 @Marietta 130 pm; Oct 22 @Mount Union 130 pm; Oct 29 Heidelberg 130 pm @WC Nov 5 @Ohio Northern 130 pm; Nov 12 Muskingum 130 pm @WC Senior Day The Wilmington College football team, from left to right, front row, Chase Manica, Trent Waters, Mason Poland, David Henry, Grant Brown, Linden Ayoki; second row, Eric Flynn Jr., Lane Stevenson, Luck Creditt, CJ Thompson, Sam Tedtman, Nik Logic, Ben Stephenson, Lane Hacker, Darren Milligan, Daniel Hall, Sterling Clark; third row, Lawrence Green, PJ Meyer, Tim Murphy, Tyler Tarnowski, Dylan Voltz, Ryan Prince, T. Narcisse-Murphy, Jay Higgins, Shawn Ruth, Jeffrey Ponichtera, Brandon Middleton, Gino Hinton, Malik Pettiford, Brandon Roberts, Nick Lumbard, Kyle Ackley, Saul Boysel, Tyler Gilcher, Zach Phillips, Javon Copeland, Marcus Tyler; fifth row, Mykell Moore, Reece Bennett, Marcus Dawson, DeShawn Maddox, AJ Hightower, Zachery Steuer, Dre Chin, Briahious McPherson, Jadon Flannery, Michael Rojak, Kevin Lipscomb, CJ Wilkerson; sixth row, Mikey Land, Drake Land, Steve Broussard, K. Johnson-Sanders, Juwan Jeune, Brandon Roberts, Logan Lawson, Austin Thomson, Mike Acquaviva, Matt Hottinger, Aaron Loy, Jontae Johnson, Bryan Gonzal3z, Dusty Johnson, Victor Pinnock; seventh row, Aaron Volle, Bernard Ross, Brian Kajuna, S. Williams-Hines, Noah Magill, Jed Asmus, Nick Moore, Kelvin Valdes, Ed Cook, Eric Lundquist, Josiah Johnson, Brody Brewer, Terry Schmitz, Matt Creditt; eighth row, senior trainer Sydney Kelley, senior trainer Ja’Cole Tabor, Jay Young, Daniel Cobb, Jacolby Wilson, Ryan Murphy, Rio Robinson, Michael Vargo, Nolan Keller, head athletic trainer Brian Dykhuizen; coaches Tyler Brummett, Marque Jones Sr., Ross Baker, Chris Harris, Brad Watkins, Stacey Hairston, Rick Worman, Andy Paider, Will Isaac, Kyle Davis. The Wilmington College football team, from left to right, front row, Chase Manica, Trent Waters, Mason Poland, David Henry, Grant Brown, Linden Ayoki; second row, Eric Flynn Jr., Lane Stevenson, Luck Creditt, CJ Thompson, Sam Tedtman, Nik Logic, Ben Stephenson, Lane Hacker, Darren Milligan, Daniel Hall, Sterling Clark; third row, Lawrence Green, PJ Meyer, Tim Murphy, Tyler Tarnowski, Dylan Voltz, Ryan Prince, T. Narcisse-Murphy, Jay Higgins, Shawn Ruth, Jeffrey Ponichtera, Brandon Middleton, Gino Hinton, Malik Pettiford, Brandon Roberts, Nick Lumbard, Kyle Ackley, Saul Boysel, Tyler Gilcher, Zach Phillips, Javon Copeland, Marcus Tyler; fifth row, Mykell Moore, Reece Bennett, Marcus Dawson, DeShawn Maddox, AJ Hightower, Zachery Steuer, Dre Chin, Briahious McPherson, Jadon Flannery, Michael Rojak, Kevin Lipscomb, CJ Wilkerson; sixth row, Mikey Land, Drake Land, Steve Broussard, K. Johnson-Sanders, Juwan Jeune, Brandon Roberts, Logan Lawson, Austin Thomson, Mike Acquaviva, Matt Hottinger, Aaron Loy, Jontae Johnson, Bryan Gonzal3z, Dusty Johnson, Victor Pinnock; seventh row, Aaron Volle, Bernard Ross, Brian Kajuna, S. Williams-Hines, Noah Magill, Jed Asmus, Nick Moore, Kelvin Valdes, Ed Cook, Eric Lundquist, Josiah Johnson, Brody Brewer, Terry Schmitz, Matt Creditt; eighth row, senior trainer Sydney Kelley, senior trainer Ja’Cole Tabor, Jay Young, Daniel Cobb, Jacolby Wilson, Ryan Murphy, Rio Robinson, Michael Vargo, Nolan Keller, head athletic trainer Brian Dykhuizen; coaches Tyler Brummett, Marque Jones Sr., Ross Baker, Chris Harris, Brad Watkins, Stacey Hairston, Rick Worman, Andy Paider, Will Isaac, Kyle Davis. Courtesy Photo Compiled by Mark Huber Reach Mark Huber at 937-556-5765, or on Twitter @wnjsports Reach Mark Huber at 937-556-5765, or on Twitter @wnjsports
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
McClain holds off Massie in SCOL volleyball
GREENFIELD — The Clinton-Massie volleyball team battled but came up on the short end of a 19-25, 25-23, 24-26, 17-25 volleyball match with McClain. The South Central Ohio League loss puts the Lady Falcons at 1-3 overall and 0-2 in the league. “We’re there,” CM coach Stephanie Reveal said. “There’s so much improvement from game to game. Being young like this and playing so many matches together, it’s hard to get practice time to work on things. But we had practice yesterday and everything we worked on was better. But you want more.” Brooke Rose had 11 points, two aces and seven kills. Hannah Lisle had 11 points, three aces. Haley Conley served nine points with an ace, a kill and 28 assists. Rylee Richardson had nine points, 13 assists. Tyler Greathouse had five points, three aces, 19 kills and a block. Savannah Myers had 12 kills and two blocks. Faith Cottrell had four kills. Jocelyn Burton contributed eight kills and five blocks at the net.Paige Burton had three kills and a block.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
OEFFA helps new, and aspiring, farmers
COLUMBUS — The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) has announced its new Begin Farming Program, which will provide aspiring and new farmers in Ohio the support they need to understand what it takes to get into farming and grow their businesses. This new program is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP). The USDA has announced $17.8 million in grants to organizations for 37 education, mentoring, and technical assistance initiatives, included funding for OEFFA’s three-year project. “Farming is a public service. We all depend on farmers for the food we feed our families. As the farming population ages, we must invest in beginning farmers and the future of our food system,” said OEFFA Executive Director Carol Goland. Beginning farmers face significant hurdles to success, including attaining knowledge, skills, and experience in production practices; acquiring the fundamental business planning and financial management knowledge and skills required to successfully operate a viable small business; and accessing farmland and capital as part of the substantial investment farming requires. Agriculture is the largest component of Ohio’s economy, contributing more than $10 billion from crop and livestock sales in 2012. However, about 10 percent of small farmers exit agriculture each year and the current median age for farmers is 58. Increasing successful entry into farming and subsequent persistence in farming has significant impacts on the long-range sustainability of U.S. agriculture. OEFFA’s new “Growing Good Farmers, Growing Good Food” program will provide skill-building educational opportunities to facilitate beginning farmers’ development as producers and small business owners. The goal is to increase the number of successful beginning farmers who operate economically viable farms and utilize organic and sustainable production practices. The project will include on-farm apprenticeships, field days, workshops, networking opportunities, business skills training, mentoring, fact sheets, a production assistance hotline, and land access services. “This new program will allow us to comprehensively serve Ohio’s beginning farmers and help build a healthy food system that brings prosperity to family farmers, meets the growing consumer demand for local food, and safeguards the environment,” said Goland. BFRDP was authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill, receiving $100 million to be awarded over the next five years. The program was originally funded through the 2008 Farm Bill. More than 50,000 beginning farmers and ranchers have participated in projects funded by BFRDP. For more information on OEFFA, visit
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
2016 Clinton County Fair review
NOTE: SEPARATE SHOWS ARE SEPARATED BY A DASHED LINE. Clinton County Fair Quilt and Creative Arts Awards You Can Quilt (Intermediate) — 1st place, Melanie Harner Immediately below are results from Creative Arts, Senior Division Chalk, Carbon, and Pigment — 1st Lillian Schultz, 2nd Jocelyn Burton, 3rd Hannah Pickering, 4th Emily Brausch, 5th Kaylashae Moore, 6th Hailey Fugate Clay-Dough — 1st Lauren Johnson Glass — 1st Makayla Henry Fiber Fabric — 1st Averi Vance Miscellaneous — 1st Chloe Mason Natural Items — 1st Lauren Johnson Paper — 1st Hailey Stichcomb, 2nd Anna Garnai, 3rd Makayla Henry Wood — 1st Annalyse Ireland, 2nd Makayla Henry, 3rd Lauren Johnson Immediately below are results from Creative Arts, Junior Division Chalk, Carbon, and Pigment — 1st Maddie Brausch, 2nd Liza Duncan, 3rd Autumn Smith, 4th Alexis Allen, 5th Kennedy Moore, 6th Emma Rumpke Clay-Dough — 1st Autumn Smith Glass — 1st Autumn Smith Fiber Fabric — 1st Autumn Smith, 2nd Emma Walker Miscellaneous — 1st Liza Duncan, 2nd Alyssa Hutchinson, 3rd Emma Trimble Natural Items — 1st Autumn Smith Paper — 1st Autumn Smith, 2nd Emma Trimble Wood — 1st Trey Spei, 2nd Autumn Smith Metal — 1st Autumn Smith Leather — 1st Autumn Smith Plastic — 1st Alyssa Hutchinson, 2nd Autumn Smith Creative Arts Overall Senior and State Fair participant — 1 Chloe Mason, 2 Lillian Schultz Creative Arts Overall Junior and State Fair participant — 1 Maddie Brausch, 2 Autumn Smith —————————————————————————————————- Clinton County Fair Cake Decorating Results Senior Division, Advanced — 1st Emma Glass Senior Division, Intermediate — 1st Autumn Huston Overall Senior — Emma Glass (State Fair participant) Junior Division, Beginner — 1st Emma Riddle, 2nd Cadence Setty, 3rd Natalie Bauer, 4th Lynnea Dean, 5th Zoey Zurface, 6th Olivia Walker, honorable mention Molly Ford Junior Division, Intermediate — 1st Abbi Battrell, 2nd Liberty Walker Overall Junior — Abbi Battrell (State Fair participant) —————————————————————————————————- Sewing Challenge results Beginner | elastic waist casing — 1st Mercy Persing of the Sew Grate 4-H Club, 2nd Jenna Hanlon of the Clinton County Freedom Riders 4-H Club Intermediate | understitching — 1st Honor Persing of the Sew Grate 4-H Club Advanced | French seam — 1st Kelly Deatherage of the Clinton County Cookie Cutters 4-H Club, tie for 2nd Jocelyn Burton of the Clinton County Cookie Cutters 4-H Club, and Allie Garnai of the 4H Fun Bunch Club Cash awards were provided by the Settlemyre Seed Company. Cooking Challenge results Beginner | patriotic fruit torte — 1st Jozie Jones, 2nd Brooklyn Niemeyer, tied for 3rd Jenna Hanlon and Mercy Persing Prize provided by Chuck and Susan Morris, and the cash awards provided by the Clinton County Cookie Cutters 4-H Club. Cloverbud | sweet treat tortillas — Participants included Rosie Hall, James Schultz, Gabe Stewart, Nathan Chaney, Jackson Meisterhans, Elaine Schumm, Elizabeth Smith, Carlie Panetta, Natalie Medley, Trinity Medley, Bryce Watson, Wade Smith and Jenny Anderson —————————————————————————————————- Goat Breeding Show results At the Goat Breeding Show, Andrew Davis exhibited the grand champion meat production doe, while Lauren Davis showed the reserve champion meat production doe. Then in the Dairy Goat Show, MacKenzie Osborne had the grand champion dairy goat, and Kaylashae Moore exhibited the reserve champion dairy goat. And in the goat breeding showmanship contest, Kelsey Smith earned the title of breeding goat showman of showmen. Below are the results of the various classes in the meat production doe category. Exhibitors are listed in the order of their finish, with the exhibitor named first placing first, the exhibitor named second placing second, and so on. For meat production doe kid, 3-6 months — Kelsey Smith, JD Duncan, Korie White, Timothy Wright, Timothy Ritchey, Matthew Ritchey, Shaleigh Duncan, Paul McKnight For meat production doe kid, 6-9 months (group one) — Andrew Davis, Taylor Barton, Cassie Parks, Kolton Smith, Katie Hughes, JD Duncan For meat production doe kid, 6-9 months (group two) — Lauren Davis, Kelsey Smith, Shaleigh Duncan, Shane W. Maxfield, Brooklyn Niemeyer, Andrew Russell For meat production doe kid, 9-12 months — Cassie Parks, Taylor Colwell Andrew Davis captured the top spot for the overall doe kid division, and Lauren Davis came in second place. For meat production intermediate doe, 12-16 months — Kelsey Smith, Nikita White, Taylor Colwell, Katie Curry For meat production intermediate doe, 16-20 months — Lauren Davis, Taylor Colwell, Alex Wiget, Hanna Lunsford, Korie White, Kelsey Smith, Haley Poynter, Brooklyn Niemeyer, Kylie Price For meat production intermediate doe, 20-24 months — Taylor Colwell, Timothy Wright Lauren Davis exhibited the overall doe intermediate division, and Taylor Colwell’s entry received second. For meat production senior doe, 24-36 months — Cassie Parks, Lauren Davis, Taylor Colwell, Samantha Bronson For meat production senior doe, 36-months-plus — Andrew Davis, Hanna Fosbrink, Gabby Whittenburg Andrew Davis exhibited the overall doe senior division, and Cassie Parks had the second best overall doe senior division. Below are the results of the various classes in the Dairy Goats Show. For dairy senior kid doe — Jenna Eichmann, Joey Eichmann For dairy dry yearling — Kaylashae Moore, Kennedy Moore For dairy milker (2 years old) — Kaylashae Moore, Lauren Davis For dairy senior dry doe — MacKenzie Osborne, Lauren Davis, Kaylashae Moore, Kennedy Moore Makayla Thomason’s goat got first place among fiber goats, while Holly Christensen’s entry received second place. In the goat breeding showmanship contest, there were two groups of senior division showmen. For goat breeding showmanship, senior division (group one) — Andrew Davis, Cassie Parks, Kaylashae Moore, Katie Hughes, Shane W. Maxfield, Timothy Ritchey For goat breeding showmanship, senior division (group two) — Kelsey Smith, Lauren Davis, Kylie Price, Korie White, Haley Poynter, Matthew Ritchey, Holly Christensen, Timothy Wright The judge selected Kelsey Smith as senior showman. For goat breeding showmanship, intermediate division — MacKenzie Osborne, Andrew Russell, Jenna Eichmann, Kolton Smith Accordingly, MacKenzie Osborne is intermediate showman. For goat breeding showmanship, junior division — Shaleigh Duncan, Makayla Thomason, Kennedy Moore, Brooklyn Niemeyer, James Duncan, Taylor Colwell Hence, Shaleigh Duncan is junior showman. For goat breeding showmanship, beginner division — Niki White, Katie Curry, Taylor Barton, Paul McKnight, Joey Eichmann Thus, Niki White is beginner showman. —————————————————————————————————- Garden tractor pull In the garden tractor pull held on the first Saturday at the 2016 Clinton County Fair, many of the youths’ vehicles bore names, including Mad Dog, Big Dog, Pulldog, Hurricane Tucker, Little Stars Pulling Team and Cruisin Rooster. Below are results in the various classes obtained at the event tent where the results and trophies were kept. The pullers are listed in the order of their finish, with the puller named first placing first, the puller named second placing second, and so on. The spellings for names were obtained at the event tent. Box Stock 1100 — Shaley Earley, Natalie Kerns, Delaney Schnieder, Dalton Earley, Brody Webb, Isabel Hale, Sadie Kerns Super Stock 1050 — Ted Kerns Stock Alt. Class — Kalem Kelly Sport Stock 1050 — Steve Soale Stock Alt. 1100 — Kalem Kelly Box Stock Kids 1050 — Delaney Schnieder, Dalton Earley, Brody Webb, Shelby Newton, Natalie Kerns, Adron Hale, Eli Calwell Box Stock Open 1050 — Isabel Hale, Natalie Kerns, Sadie Kerns, Shane Earley The event trophies were sponsored by Buckeye Application Sales & Service, Trusty Insurance Agency, the David Dillion Family, the Tim Kerns Family and the Ted Kerns Family. —————————————————————————————————- Antique tractor pull The antique tractor pull, held on the first Saturday of the 2016 Clinton County Fair, drew participants along with their vintage tractors to the pulling track near the grandstand. Below are the class results obtained at the announcer’s stand. The pullers are listed in the order of their finish, with the puller named first placing first, the puller named second placing second, and so on. Class 1: One plow new light 3,500 pounds — Mike Lumley of Clarksville, David Trivet of Midland Class 2: One plow new 4,500 pounds — Gene Rolke of Loveland, Chris Rolke of Goshen, Russ Rolke of Batavia, Jim Hurst of Goshen, Jonathan Trivett of Blanchester Class 3: Two plow old 5,500 pounds — Chris McClain of Sabina, Chris Harper of Clarksville, Brad Harper of Clarksville, Jeff Rodgers of Midland, Storm Ratliff of Washington Court House Class 4: Two plow new light 5,000 pounds — Pat Panetta of Midland, Earl Davis of Cedarville, Earl Davis of Cedarville, Nick Stroud of Midland Class 5: Two plow new 6,000 pounds — Pam VanHoose of Wilmington, John Roberts of Wilmington, Glenn Williams of Maineville, Jason Rodgers of Midland No class 6 Class 7: Three plow new light 6,000 pounds — Mike Wiederhold of Blanchester, Lester Davis of Cedarville, Devin Dawson of Waynesville, Devin Dawson of Waynesville Class 8: Three plow new 7,000 pounds — Jason Rodgers of Midland, Jason Rodgers of Midland, Dustin Harper of Clarksville Class 9: Four plow new 9,000 pounds — Lester Davis of Cedarville, Jim Hurst of Goshen, Jason Rodgers of Midland Class 10: One plow double-tree 9,000 pounds — team of Gene and Ron Rolke of Loveland, team of Russ Rolke of Batavia and Chris Rolke of Loveland Class 11: Two plow new light double-tree 10,000 pounds — team of Thomas and Nick Stroud of Midland, team of Earl Davis and Earl Davis Jr. of Cedarville, team of Joe and Jeff Wells of Fayetteville Class 12: Two plow double-tree 12,000 pounds — team of Jeff and Jason Rodgers of Midland, team of Russ Rolke of Batavia and Glen Williams of Maineville, team of Rachael Harper of Circleville and Pam VanHoose of Wilmington Class 13: Three plow new light double-tree 12,000 pounds — team of Mark and Devin Dawson of Waynesville, team of Phil Trivett of Midland and John Pierson of Midland Class 14: Three plow double-tree 14,000 pounds — team of Heather and Tom Beiting of Sabina, team of Nick Rodgers of Fayetteville and Dick Smith of Lebanon, team of Chris and Dustin Harper of Clarksville The trophies for the antique tractor pull were sponsored by Crop Production Services, Midland. —————————————————————————————————- Results from Pygmy Goat Show Below are the results of the various classes in the Pygmy Goat Show. Exhibitors are listed in the order of their finish, with the exhibitor who placed first named first, the exhibitor who placed second named second, and so on. Pygmy wethers 3 to 6 months — Erin Wilson, Jozie Jones Pygmy wethers 6 to 12 months — Haley Poynter Pygmy wethers 12 months to 3 years — Jozie Jones, Cheyenne Rhodes, Erin Wilson, Cheyenne Strider Pygmy wethers 3 years and older — Makayla Thomason, Savannah Rhodes, Christopher Zimmerman, Elijah Mabry, Cheyenne Strider Champion pygmy wether 12 months to 3 years — Jozie Jones Reserve champion pygmy wether 12 months to 3 years — Cheyenne Rhodes Pygmy doe 3 to 6 months — Erin Wilson, Makayla Thomason, Felicity Richardson, Jillian Richardson Pygmy doe 6 to 12 months — Erin Wilson Pygmy doe 12 months to 3 years — David Poynter, Jozie Jones, Erin Wilson, Savannah Rhodes, Haley Poynter, Cheyenne Rhodes Pygmy doe 3 years and older — David Poynter, Savannah Rhodes, Erin Wilson, Cheyenne Rhodes, Felicity Richardson, Christopher Zimmerman Champion pygmy doe — David Poynter Reserve champion pygmy doe — David Poynter Pygmy mother/kid class — Erin Wilson, Jozie Jones, Cheyenne Rhodes Pygmy showmanship senior — Savannah Rhodes, Cheyenne Rhodes, David Poynter, Erin Wilson, Jillian Richardson, Elijah Mabry Senior pygmy showman — Savannah Rhodes Junior pygmy showmanship — Jozie Jones, Makayla Thomason, Cheyenne Strider, Lauren Potts Junior pygmy showman — Jozie Jones Pygmy showman of showmen — Savannah Rhodes —————————————————————————————————- Clothing results Below are the results of the various classes in the clothing judging. Participants are listed in the order of their finish, with the entrant who placed first named first, the participant who placed second named second, and so on. Accessories for Teens Beginner — Courtney Parker Fun With Clothes Beginner — Lisbon Smith Sew Fun Beginner — Melanie Harner, Delaney Warnock Sundresses and Jumpers Beginner — Jenna Allemang, Jenna Hanlon, Kensey Parker, Mercy Ann Persing Clothing Overall Beginner — Kelly Carpenter Active Sportswear Intermediate — Kelly Carpenter Clothing for Middle School Intermediate — Maddie Brausch, Savannah Henderson Clothing Overall Intermediate — Liza Duncan Loungewear — Diamond Carpenter, Dylan Klingensmith Shopping Savvy — Liza Duncan, Paige Bryant, Paige Wood, Kari Cragwall, Lily Collins Clothing for Your Career Advanced — Jocelyn Burton Dress Up Outfit Day Wear Advanced — Allie Garnai Creative Costumes Advanced — Bridgette Thompson Look Great for Less Advanced — Carrie Robinson, Heather Hurtt, Rachel Billups Outerwear for Anywhere Advanced — Kelly Deatherage Advanced Clothing Overall — Bridgette Thompson Sewing with Suede — Courtney Parker Overall Modeling Awards Advanced — Kelly Deatherage; Intermediate — Lily Collins; Beginner — Diamond Carpenter Clinton County Homemaker Award — Dylan Klingensmith —————————————————————————————————- Results from Market Lamb Show Below are the results of the various classes in the Market Lamb Show. Homegrown — 1st Ian Heeg, 2nd Lane Heeg, 3rd Savannah Miller, 4th Madeline Groen, 5th Gracie McCarren, 6th Justin Arnold Champion Homegrown — Ian Heeg Reserve Homegrown — Lane Heeg Grand Champion Market Lamb — Dakota Collom Reserve Champion Market Lamb — Andrew Davis 3rd Overall Market Lamb — Mason Snyder 4th Overall Market Lamb — Hailey Fugate 5th Overall Market Lamb — Cami Reveal Outstanding Market Lamb Exhibitor Senior — Shelby Williams Outstanding Market Lamb Exhibitor Junior — Devon Snyder Market Class 1 — 1st Devon Snyder, 2nd Jordan Collom, 3rd Becca Jenkins, 4th Phoenix Rensing, 5th Shelby Williams, 5th Dylan Arnold Class 2 — 1st Andrew Davis, 2nd Kaydence Beam, 3rd Jordan Collom, 4th Gracie Wallen, 5th William Hildebrandt, 6th Sara Ross Class 3 — 1st Dakota Collom, 2nd Devon Snyder, 3rd Gabi Croghan, 4th Dylan Arnold, 5th Gracie Wallen, 6th Emma Simpson Class 4 — 1st Shelby Williams, 2nd Blake Coffman, 3rd Ian Heeg, 4th Taylor Spence, 5th Madeline Groen, 6th Joey Gray Class 5 — 1st Madison Gilbert, 2nd Savannah Miller, 3rd Gracie McCarren, 4th Gabi Croghan, 5th Henry Hildebrandt, 6th Blake Williams Class 6 — 1st Mason Snyder, 2nd Savannah Miller, 3rd Lane Heeg, 4th Kaydence Beam, 5th Ian Heeg, 6th Nathan Foster Class 7 — 1st Craig Schiff, 2nd Matthew Younker, 3rd Shelby Williams, 4th William Hildebrandt, 5th Sara Ross, 6th Lane Heeg Class 8 — 1st Henry Hildebrandt, 2nd Casey Kingsland, 3rd Taylor Spence, 4th Brighton Morris, 5th Becca Jenkins, 6th Matthew Younker Class 9 — 1st Andrew Davis, 2nd Cami Reveal, 3rd Gabi Croghan, 4th Mason Snyder, 5th Becca Jenkins, 6th Madison Gilbert Class 10 — 1st Hailey Fugate, 2nd Kaydence Beam, 3rd Hailey Fugate, 4th Anne Thompson, 5th Madison Gilbert, 6th Anne Thompson —————————————————————————————————- Results in market lamb showmanship Below are the results of the various classes in market lamb showmanship. Exhibitors are listed in the order of their finish, with the entrant who placed first named first, the participant who placed second named second, and so on. Market Lamb Showman of Showmen — Madison Gilbert Market Lamb Showmanship Sweepstakes Representative — Craig Schiff Market Lamb Showmanship Senior Age 18 — Andrew Davis, Cameran Reveal, Madeline Groen, Shawnee Gudorf, Taylor Spence, Savannah Miller Market Lamb Showmanship Senior Age 17 — Becca Jenkins, Emma Mathews, Josh Jones Market Lamb Showmanship Senior Age 16 — Shelby Williams, Matthew Younker, Joey Gray, Lane Heeg, Katelyn Jordan, Aridessa Robertson Market Lamb Showmanship Senior Age 15 — Ian Heeg , Brighton Morris, Ariana Schroeder Market Lamb Showmanship Senior Age 14 — Craig Schiff, Mason Snyder, Gracie McCarren, Hailey Fugate, Paris Eades, Mariah Reed Senior Showman — Craig Schiff Market Lamb Showmanship Intermediate Age 13 — Madison Gilbert, Shelby Robertson, Sarah Ross, Casey Kingsland, Blake Williams, Haley Schroeder Market Lamb Showmanship Intermediate Age 12 — Gabrielle Croghan, Paige Bowman, Haylee Wright, Peyton Garen, Alyssa Hutchinson, Hunter Wright Intermediate Showman — Madison Gilbert Market Lamb Showmanship Junior Age 11 — Blake Coffman, Justin Arnold, Dakota Collom, Emma Simpson, Lexus Reiley, Makayla Thomason Market Lamb Showmanship Junior Age 10 — Devon Snyder, Jordan Collom, Nathan Foster, Henry Hildebrandt, Bradley Brown, Dylan Arnold Junior Showman — Blake Coffman Market Lamb Showmanship Beginner Age 9 — Kaydence Beam, Caleb Brown Market Lamb Showmanship Beginner Age 8 — William Hilderbrandt, Gracie Wallen, Bailey Todd Beginner Showman — Kaydence Beam Sheep Skillathon Results Senior — 1st Andrew Davis, 2nd Shelby Williams, 3rd Erin Wilson, 4th John Stewart, 5th Matthew Ritchey Junior — 1st Jaden Snyder, 2nd Tristen Eades, 3rd Diamond Carpenter, 4th Aidan Hester, 5th Shaleigh Duncan —————————————————————————————————- Results from Swine Breeding Show Below are the results of the various classes in the Swine Breeding Show. Exhibitors are listed in the order of their finish, with the exhibitor who placed first named first, the exhibitor who placed second named second, and so on. Grand Champion Purebred Duroc — Haley Schneder Reserve Champion Purebred Duroc — T.J. Parks Grand Champion Purebred Hampshire — Zach Bernard Reserve Champion Purebred Hampshire — Denver Bernard Grand Champion Purebred Yorkshire — Ciarra Cooper Reserve Champion Purebred Yorkshire — Samantha Achtermann Grand Champion Purebred Spot — Brynn Abt Reserve Champion Purebred Spot — Devon Snyder Grand Champion Purebred Berkshire — Grace Cooper Reserve Champion Purebred Berkshire — Ciarra Cooper Grand Champion Purebred Chester — Ciarra Cooper Reserve Champion Purebred Chester — Tim Wright Grand Champion Purebred Poland China — Morgan Wiget Reserve Champion Purebred Poland China — Andrew Davis Grand Champion Purebred Hereford — T.J. Parks Reserve Champion Purebred Hereford — Grace Cooper Grand Champion Purebred Tamworth — Tim Wright Grand Champion Purebred Overall — Haley Schneder Reserve Champion Purebred Overall — Brynn Abt December Purebred Duroc — Hanna Lunsford, Hanna Lunsford, Alana Smith December Purebred Hampshire — Holly Bernard, Brent Newman December Purebred Yorkshire — Matt Younker, Samantha Achtermann, Grace Cooper, Jay Schneder, Hanna Lunsford December Purebred Spot — Brynn Abt, Madision Abt December Purebred Berkshire — Grace Cooper, Cassie Parks, Kaitlyn Smithson December Purebred Chester — Ciarra Cooper January Purebred Gilt Duroc — Haley Schneder, Mark Stewart, Lauren Davis, Andrew Davis, Gracee Stewart, Alana Smith January Purebred Gilt Yorkshire — Ciarra Cooper, Samantha Ackermann, Preston Dixon, Cassie Parks, Kolton Smith, Dakota Zurface January Purebred Gilt Spot — Devon Snyder January Purebred Gilt Berkshire — Ciarra Cooper, Kyle Bryant, Breanna Flint January Purebred Gilt Poland China — Morgan Wiget, Andrew Davis, Joey Vance, Morgan Wiget, Ciarra Cooper January Purebred Gilt Hereford — T.J. Parks, Grace Cooper, Alana Smith, Dakota Zurface, Alana Smith February Purebred Gilt Duroc — T.J. Parks, Cassie Parks, Morgan Wiget, Ciarra Cooper, Zach Bernard February Purebred Gilt Hampshire — Zach Bernard, Denver Bernard February Purebred Gilt Yorkshire — Katie Carey, Zach Bernard, Holly Bernard February Purebred Gilt Spots — Cassie Parks February Purebred Gilt Chester — Tim Wright, Tim Wright February Purebred Gilt Tamworth — Tim Wright Grand Champion Crossbred Overall — Brynn Abt Reserve Champion Crossbred Overall — Cameron Collett January Crossbred Gilt Class 1 — T.J. Parks, Zach Bernard, Cameron West, Ciarra Copper, Bryant Pinkerton, Harley Flint January Crossbred Gilt Class 2 — Carlie Ellis, Denver Bernard, Kolton Smith, Grace Cooper, Megan Honeycutt, Melanie Harner February Corssbred Gilt Class 1 — Cameron Collett, Breanna Flint, Brinli Crosley, Carter Carey, Zach Dillow February Crossbred Gilt Class 2 — Brynn Abt, Jason Geer, Peyton Vest, Harley Flint, Mikala Hatfield, Justin Beekman For swine breeding showmanship: Senior Breeding Showmanship Age 14 and Older — T.J. Parks, Andrew Davis, Lauren Davis, Cassie Parks, Matt Younker, Grace Cooper Junior Breeding Showmanship Age 13 and Younger — Haley Schneder, Devon Snyder, Carlie Ellis, Gracee Stewart, Harley Flint, Preston Dixon —————————————————————————————————- Results from Market Poultry Show Below are the results of the various classes in the Market Poultry Show. Exhibitors are listed in the order of their finish, with the exhibitor who placed first named first, the exhibitor who placed second named second, and so on. Grand Champion Meat Roaster — Bryant Bergefurd Reserve Champion Meat Roaster Brady Bergefurd Meat Roasters Class 1 — Hailey Fugate, Kari Snyder, Ian Dalton, Logan Fugate, Madison Gudorf, Trey Brewer Meat Roasters Class 2 — Ethan Lakes, Emma Riddle, Caleb Cox, Peyton Brewer, Kyle Adams, Cody Scheadler Meat Roasters Class 3 — Willie Hadley, Wade Hughes, Alyssa Hutchinson, Koltyn Hughes, Morgan Keech, Janell Dean Meat Roasters Class 4 — Dirk Rinehart, Cameron Berrin, Ethan Mclarty, Heather Hurtt, Lindsay Shell, Lilly Tedrick Meat Roasters Class 5 — Ava Hester, Jordan-Dale Wiederhold, Sydney Doyle, Autumn Huston, Suzannah Johns, Jakob Hockett Meat Roasters Class 6 — Bryant Bergefurd, Brady Bergefurd, Mileigh Marshall, Brady Wilson, Myah Jones, Gabe Black Grand Champion Meat Fryer — Brady Bergefurd Reserve Champion Meat Fryer — Lindsay Shell Meat Fryers Class 1 — Lindsay Shell, Jillian Richardson, Joey Eichmann, Isaiah Conover, Shelbie Panetta, Kennedy Moore Meat Fryers Class 2 — Brady Bergefurd, Brelee Arehart, Aidan Hester, Bryant Bergefurd, Bryah Arehart, Ava Hester Grand Champion Meat Pen of Three — Gabe Black Reserve Champion Meat Pen of Three — Brady Wilson Meat Pen of Three Class 1 — Bryah Arehart, Logan Adams, Heather Hurtt, Kolton Hughes, Brooklyn Niemeyer, Caitlyn Lakes Meat Pen of Three Class 2 — Gabe Black, Ethan Hughes, Willie Hadley, Ian Dalton, Jakob Blevins, Mitchell Thatcher Meat Pen of Three Class 3 — Wade Hughes, Caleb Cox, Dustin Harper, Emma Riddle, Madison Gudorf, Brelee Arehart Meat Pen of Three Class 4 — Brady Wilson, Alyssa Hutchinson, Ethan Lakes, Cameron Berrien, Jenna Eichmann, Joey Eichmann Meat Pen of Three Class 5 — Kyle Adams, Trey Brewer, Charles Pell, Taylor Thatcher, Bradenna Arehart, Hailey Fugate —————————————————————————————————- Results from Poultry Showmanship Below are the results of the various classes in the Poultry Showmanship event. Exhibitors are listed in the order of their finish, with the exhibitor who placed first named first, the exhibitor who placed second named second, and so on. Senior Showmanship — Taylor Thatcher, Bryant Bergefurd, Matthew Ritchey, Hailey Fugate, Owen Dalton, Ethan Lakes Intermediate Showmanship — Aiden Hester, Myah Jones, Alyssa Hutchinson, Shelby Robertson, Caleb Cox, Olivia Wood Junior Showmanship — Madison Gudorf, Caitlyn Lakes, Jozie Jones, Ava Hester, Dirk Rinehart, Ian Dalton Beginner Showmanship — Logan Fugate, Gabe Black, Regan Harris, Joey Eichmann, Sydney Doyle, Madison Harris —————————————————————————————————- Family and Consumer Science Awards Program The following awards were presented at the Clinton County Fair’s Family and Consumer Science Program on July 12. Beginner Cooking Category Let’s Start Cooking — 1st Kensey Parker, 2nd Ashlei Hatfield, 3rd Courtney Bauer, 4th Ashley Doyle Sports Nutrition I: On Your Mark! — 1st MacKinzie Miller Intermediate Cooking Category Grill Master — 1st Drake Bennett Let’s Bake Quick Breads — 1st Emily Brausch Party Planner: a 4-H Guide to Quality Cooking — 1st Jenna Hanlon, 2nd Lily Collins Racing the Clock to Awesome Meals — 1st Allie Houseman, 2nd Mercy Persing Star-Spangled Foods — 1st Brooklyn Hamilton, 2nd Brandon Vaughn, 3rd Zachary Plymale Advanced Cooking Category The Global Gourmet — 1st Barek Bennett, 2nd Makayla Henry Age-based Overall Winners Beginner — Jenna Hanlon Intermediate — Barek Bennett Advanced — Allie Houseman Age Based Best of Class Winners Beginner Best of Food Presentation — Mackinzie Miller; Beginner Best of Knowledge — Mercy Persing; Beginner Best of Menu — Kensey Parker; Beginner Best of Personal Qualities — Drake Bennett; Beginner Best of Table Setting — Kensey Parker Intermediate Best of Food Presentation — Lily Collins; Intermediate Best of Knowledge — Barek Bennett; Intermediate Best of Menu — Barek Bennett; Intermediate Best of Personal Qualities — Lilly Collins; Intermediate Best of Table Setting — Barek Bennett Advanced Best of Food Presentation — Emily Brausch; Advanced Best of Knowledge — Allie Houseman; Advanced Best of Menu — Allie Houseman; Advanced Best of Personal Qualities — Brandon Vaughn; Advanced Best of Table Setting — Makayla Henry Locally Grown Award — 1st Emily Brausch, 2nd Drake Bennett Cooking with Pork Award — 1st Jenna Hanlon Family History Treasure Hunt, Junior — 1st Honor Persing, 2nd Kaleigh Lewis, 3rd Mikala Hatfield Family History Treasure Hunt, Senior — 1st Hannah Gaines Your First Home Away From Home — 1st Tori Kocher Adventures in Home Living — 1st Owen Goodwin Makeover My Space — 1st Tori Kocher, 2nd Jennifer Callewaert, 3rd Emma Bryant Special Family and Consumer Science Award — 1st Owen Goodwin Best Overall Special Emphasis Award — 1st Hannah Gaines You’re the Athlete — 1st Kelly Carpenter Science Fun with Kitchen Chemistry — 1st Isaac Burden Electric Radio Controlled Vehicles — 1st Ricky Walker Alcohol & Drug Abuse — 1st Tori Kocher Horseless Horse — 1st Carolyn Koch, 2nd Emma Hatfield, 3rd Nikita White Leadership Roadtrip | Where are you Going? — 1st Nathan Stewart My Favorite Things (Collectibles) — 1st Kaden Kimple The Laundry Project — 1st Jenna Hanlon Basic Archery — 1st Evan Stewart, 2nd Cody Chaney, 3rd Jacob Schultz Beekeeping — 1st Grant Bauer Explore the Outdoors — 1st Luke Goodwin Natural Resources — Fishing Beginner — 1st Kaden Lewis Natural Resources | Fishing Intermediate — 1st Kamrin Debord, 2nd Autumn Smith Safe Use of Guns — 1st Dylan Piatt Teaming with Insects, Level I — 1st Jonathan Anderson Natural Resources Overall Award — 1st Evan Stewart Robotics 1 with LEGO-EV3 — 1st Dirk Rinehart Rockets Away 501 — 1st Isaac Burden STEM Overall Jr — 1st Dirk Rinehart Self Determined Overall Junior — 1st Caleb Brown, 2nd Tessa Taulbee, 3rd Savannah Henderson, 4th Michael Shobe Self Determined Overall Senior — 1st Nicholas Lansing, 2nd Heather Hurtt, 3rd Lauren Johnson Vet Science 1 | From Airedales to Zebras — 1st Danica Henderson, 2nd Carolyn Koch Welding | Arcs and Sparks — 1st Jackson Schultz Writing as Art — 1st Averi Vance —————————————————————————————————- Junior Fair Crops results Soybeans One Gallon — 1 Olivia Wood, 2 Hannah Pickering, 3 Jordan Stroud, 4 Dakota Zurface Hay Mixed — 1 Timothy Wright Corn One Gallon — 1 Dakota Zurface Wheat One Gallon — 1 Dakota Zurface Corn Three Stalks — 1 Dakota Zurface Soybeans Five Stalks — 1 Dakota Zurface —————————————————————————————————- Junior Fair Scrapbooking and Photography results Focus on Photography Level 1 — 1 Paiton Walker, 2 Nick Sherman, 3 Jacob Lansing, 4 McKenzie Bechelheimer, 5 Timmi Mahanes, 6 Victoria Piatt Controlling the Image Level 2 — 1 Megan Stotts, 2 Delaney Miller, 3 Madeline Groen, 4 Meredith Robinson Mastering Photography Level 3 — 1 Claire Greenlees, 2 Katie Glass Scrapbooking Junior — 1 Jordan Collom, 2 Courtney Parker, 3 Cindy Bauer, 4 Jenna Allemang, 5 Carolyn Koch Scrapbooking Senior — 1 Hailey Fugate, 2 Janell Dean —————————————————————————————————- Junior Fair Vegetable Gardening results Vegetable Gardening 1 — 1st Madisyn Bayless, 2nd Makayla Cress, 3rd Justin Bauer Overall Vegetable Gardening — Madisyn Bayless Vegetable Gardening 1, Senior — 1st Lauren Johnson How Does Your Garden Grow, Junior — 1st Anna Osborn How Does Your Garden Grow, Senior — 1st Lauren Johnson Overall — Anna Osborn —————————————————————————————————- Junior Fair Woodworking results Overall Woodworking — Emily Brausch Measuring Up, Level 1 — 1 Emmalee Danku, 2 Noah Hamilton, 3 Jonathan Anderson, 4 Dakota Collom, 5 Kamrin DeBoard Making the Cut Level 2, Junior — 1 Abigail Danku, 2 Brooklyn Hamilton, 3 Colton Doyle, 4 Elijah Danku, 5 Landon Dean Making the Cut Level 2, Senior — 1 Aridessa Robertson Nailing It Together Level 3 — 1 Maddie Brausch, 2 Remington Smith, 3 Jacob Richey Finishing Up Level 4 — 1 Timothy Ritchey, 2 Corey Potts Woodworking Master — 1 Emily Brausch, 2 Andrew Houseman, 3 Matthew Ritchey, 4 Joshua Ritchey —————————————————————————————————- Results from beef showmanship Below are the placings of participants in the various classes from the Beef Showmanship event. Overall Beef Showman — Andrew Davis Sweepstakes Representative — Andrew Davis Beef Showmanship Beginner showmanship — 1st Brooklyn Hamilton Junior showmanship — 1st Caitlyn Lakes, 2nd Taylor Colwell, 3rd Andrew Osborn, 4th Charles Pell, 5th Ashleigh McKnight Intermediate showmanship — 1st Ashleigh Osborn, 2nd Jacey Woodrum, 3rd Jami Dailey Senior showmanship — 1st Andrew Davis, 2nd Noah Haines, 3rd Emma Mathews, 4th Caden Stewart, 5th Kaitlyn Smithson, 6th Hannah Barber Feeder Calf Showmanship Beginner showmanship — 1st Sydney Schneder, 2nd Bella Earley, 3rd Braxton Starkey Junior showmanship — 1st Chelsey Zurface, 2nd Kelly Carpenter, 3rd Diamond Carpenter, 4th Steven Collins, 5th Melanie Harner, 6th Taylor Colwell Intermediate showmanship — 1st Haley Dean, 2nd Alexis Rolf, 3rd Emily Quallen, 4th Rachel Lowe, 5th Jami Dailey Senior showmanship — 1st Sarah Quallen, 2nd Grace Cooper, 3rd Rachael Billups, 4th Kayla Finch, 5th Sam Osborn, 6th James Hopper —————————————————————————————————- Results in Sheep Breeding Show Below are the results in the various classes at the Sheep Breeding Show. Grade Ram Lamb — 1st Peyton Garen, 2nd Brighton Morris Grand Champion Ram — Peyton Garen Reserve Champion Ram — Brighton Morris Grand Champion Ewe — Craig Schiff Reserve Champion Ewe — Gene Hutchinson Registered AOB White Face Yearling Ewe — 1st Alyssa Hutchinson Registered AOB Black Face Yearling Ewe — 1st Gene Hutchinson, 2nd Courtney Parker Registered AOB Black Face Ewe Lamb — 1st Brighton Morris, 2nd Kensey Parker Grade Yearling Ewe — 1st Hailey Fugate, 2nd TJ Parks, 3rd Peyton Garen, 4th Alyssa Hutchinson Grade Ewe Lamb — 1st Craig Schiff, 2nd Shelby Williams, 3rd Madison Gilbert, 4th Becca Jenkins, 5th Brighton Morris, 6th Courtney Parker Breeding Flock — 1st Peyton Garen Outstanding Breeding Sheep Exhibitor Senior — Shelby Williams Outstanding Breeding Sheep Exhibitor Junior — Madison Gilbert Breeding Sheep Showmanship Sheep Breeding Showman of Showmen — Craig Schiff Senior — 1st Craig Schiff, 2nd Shelby Williams, 3rd Becca Jenkins, 4th Hailey Fugate, 5th TJ Parks, 6th Brighton Morris Senior Showman — Craig Schiff Junior — 1st Madison Gilbert, 2nd Courtney Parker, 3rd Haley Schroeder, 4th Peyton Garen, 5th Alyssa Hutchinson, 6th Gene Hutchinson Junior Showman — Madison Gilbert —————————————————————————————————- Market Goat Show Results Below are the results from the Market Goat Show and also from Market Goat Showmanship. Dairy Wether Champion Dairy Wether — Lauren Davis Reserve Dairy Wether — Brady Gaddis Class 1 — 1st Sally Schafer, 2nd Lilly Tedrick, 3rd Jonathon Stewart, 4th Andrew Stewart, 5th Jason Wiget, 6th Ethan Dickey Class 2 — 1st Lauren Davis, 2nd Brady Gaddis, 3rd Brighton Morris, 4th Samantha Gaddis, 5th Brady Wilson, 6th Hayden Tedrick Homegrown Champion Homegrown — Cassie Parks Reserve Homegrown — Taylor Thatcher Class 1 — 1st Cassie Parks, 2nd Taylor Thatcher, 3rd Hanna Fosbrink, 4th Kylie Price, 5th Brady Gaddis, 6th Ethan Hughes Grand Champion Market Goat — Jaden Snyder Reserve Champion Market Goat — Landree Stump 3rd Overall Market Goat — Shelby Williams 4th Overall Market Goat — Liz Schiff 5th Overall Market Goat — Liz Schiff Market Class 1 — 1st Gabby Whittenburg, 2nd Mitchell Ellis, 3rd Jakob Blevins, 4th Lydia Kessler, 5th McKinzey DeBord, 6th Kolton Smith Class 2 — 1st Katie Hughes, 2nd Suzannah Johns, 3rd Aiden Price, 4th Noelie Robertson, 5th Paiton Walker, 6th Alyssa McCune Class 3 — 1st Logan Fugate, 2nd Kari Snyder, 3rd Noelle Robertson, 4th Samantha Bronson, 5th Hanna Lunsford, 6th Timothy Ritchey Class 4 — 1st Landree Stump, 2nd Taylor Thatcher, 3rd Taylor Barton, 4th Lydia Kessler, 5th Katie Curry, 6th Katie Jordan Class 5 — 1st Lydia Kessler, 2nd Terry Parks, 3rd Briana Baird, 4th Logan Fugate, 5th Kelsey Smith, 6th Brandon Vaughn Class 6 — 1st Alyssa McCune, 2nd Brandon Vaughn, 3rd Landree Stump, 4th Alexa Burkitt, 5th Kylie Price, 6th Lisbon Smith Class 7 — 1st Taylor Thatcher, 2nd Makayla Seaman, 3rd Katie Curry, 4th Ashley Kinner, 5th Tristen Eades, 6th Jacob Miller Class 8 — 1st Shelby Williams, 2nd Liz Schiff, 3rd Hanna Fosbrink, 4th Paris Eades, 5th Kari Snyder, 6th Wade Collett Class 9 — 1st Jaden Snyder, 2nd Shelby Williams, 3rd Cami Reveal, 4th Marci Ellis, 5th Aidan Hester, 6th Ethan Hughes Class 10 — 1st Liz Schiff, 2nd Kylie Price, 3rd McKenzie McCarren, 4th Brynne Snyder, 5th Mitchell Ellis, 6th Cody Kidd Outstanding Market Goat Exhibitor Senior — Shelby Williams Outstanding Market Goat Exhibitor Junior — Jaden Snyder Market Goat Showmanship Market Goat Showman of Showmen — Jacob Miller Market Goat Showmanship Sweepstakes Representative — Jacob Miller Senior Division Senior Showman — Jacob Miller 18 year olds — 1st Taylor Thatcher, 2nd Cami Reveal, 3rd Jakob Blevins, 4th Brady Wilson, 5th Lauren Johns, 6th Hanna Fosbrink 17 year olds — 1st Brynne Snyder, 2nd Samantha Gaddis, 3rd Cassie Parks 16 year olds — 1st Kelsey Smith, 2nd Shelby Williams, 3rd Lilly Tedrick, 4th Brandon Vaughn, 5th Lauren Davis, 6th Holly Young 15 year olds — 1st Jacob Miller, 2nd Katie Hughes, 3rd Gabby Whittenburg, 4th Timothy Ritchey, 5th Erin Wilson, 6th Brighton Morris 14 year olds — 1st Gracie McCarren, 2nd Kylie Price, 3rd Paris Eades, 4th Alyssa McCune, 5th Jonathon Stewart, 6th Jillian Richardson Intermediate Division Intermediate Showman — Mariah Knowles 13 year olds — 1st Mariah Knowles, 2nd Brian Miller, 3rd Myah Jones, 4th Andrew Russell 12 year olds — 1st Tristen Eades, 2nd Aidan Hester, 3rd Marci Ellis, 4th Kolton Smith, 5th Zachery Vest, 6th Lydia Kessler Junior Division Junior Showman — Jaden Snyder 11 year olds — 1st Cody Kidd, 2nd Shaleigh Duncan, 3rd Diamond Carpenter, 4th Taylor Colwell 10 year olds — 1st Jaden Snyder, 2nd Liz Schiff, 3rd Ava Hester, 4th Jozie Jones, 5th Cayden Long, 6th Brooklyn Niemeyer Beginner Division Beginner Showman — McKinzey DeBord 9 year olds — 1st McKinzey DeBord, 2nd Wade Collett, 3rd Christopher Stewart, 4th Katie Curry, 5th Joey Eichmann, 6th Logan Fugate —————————————————————————————————- Rabbit results: Judging contest Below are the results of the 4-H rabbit judging contest. Senior Division — 1st Nicholas Lansing, 2nd (tie) Connor Cook and Olivia Massie, 3rd (tie) Abby Babcock and Tyler Ludwick Junior Division — 1st Alex Massie, 2nd Autumn Smith, 3rd Shelbie Panetta, 4th Jacob Lansing, 5th Autum Medley, 6th (tie) Daniel Hinkle and Colten Medley —————————————————————————————————- Dog Show results Agility | Standard Course — Bronze medal winners are Ian Schumm, Mitchell Lennon, Madeline Groen, Savannah Henderson, Trenton Brown, Danica Henderson, Cheyenne Strider, Sydney Bennett, Daniel Stevenson, Liberty Walker, Trenton Brown, Caroline Holliday Agility | Jumpers Course — Gold medal winners are Ian Schumm, Darcie Zeckser, Mitchell Lennon, Madeline Groen, Savannah Henderson, Darcie Zeckser, Danica Henderson, Daniel Stevenson, Liberty Walker, Trenton Brown, and Caroline Holliday. Bronze medal winners are Trenton Brown, Cheyenne Strider and Sydney Bennett. Agility | Mad-Shape-Dash — Gold medal winners are Mitchell Lennon, Trenton Brown, Darcie Zeckser and Trenton Brown. Costume class, Senior — 1 Trenton Brown, 2 Ashleigh Taylor, 3 Madeline Groen Costume class, Intermediate — 1 Delaney Miller, 2 Mitchell Lennon, 3 Savannah Henderson Costume class, Junior — 1 Ian Schumm, 2 Morgan Riggers, 2 Danica Henderson, 3 Logan Miller, 3 Sydney Bennett, 4 Jonathon Anderson, 4 Caroline Holliday, 5 Daniel Stevenson, 5 Corinn Price Grooming class, Junior A — 1 Sydney Bennett, 2 Caroline Holliday Grooming class, Junior B — 1 Danica Henderson, 2 Daniel Stevenson, 3 Logan Miller Grooming class, Intermediate B — 1 Darcie Zeckser, 2 Mitchell Lennon, 3 Liberty Walker, 4 Delaney Miller, 5 Savannah Henderson, 5 Mariah Knowles Grooming class, Senior B — 1 Trenton Brown You & Your Dog, Junior A — 1 Sydney Bennett, 2 Caroline Holliday, 3 Ian Schumm, 4 Corinn Price You & Your Dog, Junior B — 1 Daniel Stevenson, 2 Danica Henderson, 3 Logan Miller, 4 Jonathon Anderson You & Your Dog, Intermediate B — 1 Delaney Miller, 2 Savannah Henderson, 3 Mitchell Lennon, 4 Darcie Zeckser, 5 Mariah Knowles, 6 Liberty Walker You & Your Dog, Senior B — 1 Trenton Brown Rally, Advanced B — Gold for Trenton Brown; Silver for Savannah Henderson, Ashleigh Taylor Rally, Novice B — Gold for Darcie Zeckser, Cheyenne Strider, Danica Henderson, Morgan Riggers, Logan Miller, Darcie Zeckser, Trenton Brown; Silver for Daniel Stevenson, Mariah Knowles, Delaney Miller, Jonathon Anderson Rally, Novice A — Gold for Mitchell Lennon, Liberty Walker, Mitchell Lennon; Silver for Sydney Bennett Poster, Junior — 1 Corinn Price, 2 Danica Henderson, 3 Sydney Bennett, 4 Daniel Stevenson, 5 Caroline Holliday, 5 Ian Schumm Poster, Intermediate — 1 Savannah Henderson, 2 Mariah Knowles, 3 Mitchell Lennon, 4 Darcie Zeckser, 5 Liberty Walker Poster, Senior — 1 Trenton Brown, 2 Ashleigh Taylor Obedience, Grad Novice A — 1 Madeline Groen Obedience, Novice B — 1 Trenton Brown, 2 Savannah Henderson, 3 Ashleigh Taylor Obedience, Pre Novice — 1 Trenton Brown, 2 Darcie Zeckser, 3 Delaney Miller, 4 Mariah Knowles Obedience, Beginner Novice B — 1 Danica Henderson, 2 Logan Miller, 3 Ian Schumm, 4 Morgan Riggers, 5 Mitchell Lennon, 6 Daniel Stevenson Obedience, Beginner Novice A — 1 Caroline Holliday, 2 Sydney Bennett, 3 Corinn Price Obedience, Brace — 1 Trenton Brown High Point Obedience Score — Danica Henderson Showmanship, Junior A — 1 Sydney Bennett, 2 Jonathon Anderson Showmanship, Junior B — 1 Danica Henderson, 2 Morgan Miller, 3 Logan Miller Showmanship, Intermediate A — 1 Mitchell Lennon, 2 Liberty Walker Showmanship, Intermediate B — 1 Savannah Henderson, 2 Delaney Miller, 3 Darcie Zeckser, 4 Mariah Knowles, 5 Cheyenne Strider Showmanship, Senior B — 1 Trenton Brown, 2 Madeline Groen, 3 Ashleigh Taylor Champion Overall Showmanship — Trenton Brown Skillathon Awards, Junior A — 1 Caroline Holliday, 2 Sydney Bennett, 3 Corinn Price Skillathon Awards, Junior B — 1 Danica Henderson, 2 Morgan Riggers, 3 Jonathon Anderson, 3 Daniel Stevenson, 4 Logan Miller, 5 Ian Schumm Skillathon High Point Junior — Danica Henderson Skillathon Awards, Intermediate B — 1 Savannah Henderson, 2 Darcie Zeckser, 3 Delaney Miller, 4 Mariah Knowles, 5 Cheyenne Strider Skillathon High Point Intermediate — Savannah Henderson Skillathon Awards, Senior B — 1 Trenton Brown, 2 Madeline Groen, 3 Ashleigh Taylor Skillathon High Point Senior — Trenton Brown —————————————————————————————————- Results at the Junior Fair Rodeo Below are the results of the various competitions in the first-ever Clinton County Junior Fair Rodeo. Participants are listed in the order of their finish, with the participant who placed first named first, the participant who placed second named second, and so on. Ground Roping 8 to 12 years — Brooklyn Flint, Preston Dixon, Brody Fisher, Grayson Wells, Timmi Mahanes, Luke VanGundy Ground Roping 13 to 15 years — Caden Stewart, Kari Cragwall, Shylynn Flint, Tony Hopper Ground Roping 16 to 18 years — Ciarra Cooper, Mark Stewart Moving Dummy Roping 8 to 12 years — Preston Dixon, Brooklyn Flint, Luke VanGundy, Brody Fisher Moving Dummy Roping 13 to 15 years — Caden Stewart, Shylynn Flint Moving Dummy Roping 16 to 18 years — Mark Stewart Barrels 8 to 13 years — Luke VanGundy, Brody Fisher Barrels 14 to 18 years — Shylynn Flint, Veronica Ilg Pole Bending 8 to 13 years — Luke VanGundy Pole Bending 14 to 18 years — Veronica Ilg, Shylynn Flint Advanced Dummy Roping 8 to 12 years — Brody Fisher, Brooklyn Flint, Grayson Wells, Preston Dixon/Timmi Mahanas, Luke VanGundy, Caroline Wells Advanced Dummy Roping 13 to 15 years — Caden Stewart Advanced Dummy Roping 16 to 18 years — Mark Stewart, Ciarra Cooper Goat Tying Boys 8 to 12 years — Preston Dixon, Grayson Wells, Luke VanGundy Goat Tying Girls 8 to 12 years — Timmi Mahanes, Brooklyn Flint, Caroline Wells Goat Tying Boys 13 to 15 years — Caden Stewart Goat Tying Girls 13 to 15 years — Shylynn Flint Goat Tying Advanced Girls 13 to 15 years — Shylynn Flint Team Roping Moving Dummy Head 8 to 12 years — Brooklyn Flint, Preston Dixon, Brody Fisher Team Roping Moving Dummy Head 13 to 15 years — Caden Stewart Team Roping Moving Dummy Head 16 to 18 years — Mark Stewart Team Roping Moving Dummy Heeling 8 to 12 years — Preston Dixon Team Roping Moving Dummy Heeling 13 to 15 years — Caden Stewart —————————————————————————————————- Results for the Dairy Show Below are the results from both the Dairy Showmanship Show and the Dairy Show: All Breeds. Senior Showmanship — 1st Sarah Quallen, 2nd Cheyenne Rhodes, 3rd Emma Mathews, 4th Isaiah Turner, 5th Janell Dean Intermediate Showmanship — 1st Maggie Mathews, 2nd Emily Quallen, 3rd Elijah Danku Junior Showmanship — 1st Melanie Harner, 2nd Kailyn Mason, 3rd Ethan Gibson, 4th Dallas Harner, 5th Steve Collins Beginner Showmanship — 1st Emmaline Danku, 2nd Robert Harner, 3rd Benjamin King Showman of Showmen — Sarah Quallen Class One: Spring Calf Holstein — 1st Maggie Mathews, 2nd Emily Quallen Brown Swiss — 1st Sarah Quallen, 2nd Emily Quallen, 3rd Robert Harner Ayrshire — 1st Maggie Mathews Class Two: Winter Calf Holstein — 1st Emily Quallen, 2nd Faith Barmes, 3rd Cheyenne Rhodes, 4th Rachael Doyle, 5th Cora Shattuck, 6th Melanie Harner Jersey — 1st Janell Dean, 2nd Abbie Danku, 3rd Emmie Danku, 4th Elijah Danku, 5th Benjamin King Brown Swiss — 1st Sarah Quallen, 2nd Emily Quallen Ayrshire — 1st Erin Wilson, 2nd Melanie Harner Class Three: Fall Calf Holstein — 1st Jakob Hockett, 2nd Maggie Mathews, 3rd Josh Cordy, 4th Cheyenne Rhodes, 5th Shelby Howell, 6th Timothy Rannells Jersey — 1st Ethan Gibson, 2nd Janell Dean, 3rd Elijah Danku, 4th Abigal Danku Brown Swiss — 1st Megan Honeycutt Ayrshire — 1st Emma Mathews Class Four: Summer Yearling Holstein — 1st Kori White, 2nd Emma Mathews, 3rd Shauna Fiebing, 4th Ethen McLarty, 5th Destennie Hupp, 6th Kari Cragwell Jersey — 1st Mariah Johnson King, 2nd Abbie Danku Class Five: Spring Yearling Jersey — 1st Mariah Johnson King Brown Swiss — 1st Dallas Harner, 2nd Sarah Quallen Class Six: Winter Yearling Holstein — 1st Maggie Mathews Brown Swiss — 1st Emily Quallen, 2nd Sarah Quallen Ayrshire — 1st Maggie Mathews Class Seven: Fall Yearling Holstein — 1st Emma Mathew, 2nd Josh Cordy Jersey — 1st Chloe Mason, 2nd Kailyn Mason Brown Swiss — 1st Sarah Quallen Ayrshire — 1st Chloe Mason, 2nd Isaiah Turner Junior Champion: Holstein — Emily Quallen Reserve Junior Champion: Holstein — Maggie Mathews Junior Champion: Jersey — Chloe Mason Junior Champion: Brown Swiss — Sarah Quallen Reserve Junior Champion: Brown Swiss — Emily Quallen Junior Champion: Ayrshire — Emma Mathews Reserve Junior Champion: Ayrshire — Chloe Mason Class Eight: Junior 2-year-old cow Holstein — 1st Maggie Mathews, 2nd Sarah Quallen Brown Swiss — 1st Emily Quallen Class Nine: Senior 2-year-old cow Holstein — 1st Emma Mathews, 2nd Josh Cordy Jersey — 1st Janell Dean Ayrshire — 1st Isaiah Turner Class Ten: Junior 3-year-old cow Ayrshire — 1st Melanie Harner Class Eleven: Senior 3-year-old cow Holstein — 1st Emily Quallen Ayrshire — 1st Emma Mathews Class 12: Four-year-old cow Holstein — 1st Sarah Quallen, 2nd Emma Mathews Best Udder — 1st Sarah Quallen Dam and Daughter — 1st Janell Dean Senior Champion: Holstein — Sarah Quallen Reserve Senior Champion: Holstein — Emma Mathews Senior Champion: Jersey — Janell Dean Reserve Senior Champion: Jersey — Chloe Mason Senior Champion: Brown Swiss — Cheyenne Rhodes Reserve Senior Champion: Brown Swiss — Emily Quallen Senior Champion: Ayrshire — Emma Mathews Reserve Senior Champion: Ayrshire — Melanie Harner Supreme Champion: Cheyenne Rhodes Reserve Supreme Champion: Sarah Quallen —————————————————————————————————- Swine showmanship results Senior Division — 1st place Jay Schneder, 2nd Austin Rolfe, 3rd Avery Wood Intermediate Division — 1st Gracee Stewart, 2nd Wyatt Riddle, 3rd Madison Bronner Junior Division — 1st Jessee Stewart, 2nd Haley Schneder, 3rd Delaney Schneder Beginner Division — 1st Brynn Abt, 2nd Preston Dixon, 3rd Hannah Scott 18 year old — 1st Andrew Davis, 2nd Kaitlyn Smithson, 3rd Ciarra Cooper, 4th Zach Bernard, 5th T.J. Parks, 6th Mark Stewart 17 year old — 1st Cameron West, 2nd Bryant Bergefurd, 3rd Cassie Parks, 4th Kimberly Fisher, 5th Peyton Vest, 6th Anna Keeton 16 year old: (1) — 1st Denver Bernard, 2nd Anne Thompson, 3rd Cameron Collett, 4th Grace Cooper, 5th Andrew Houseman, 6th Alana Smith; (2) 1st — Jay Schneder, 2nd Lauren Davis, 3rd Matt Younker, 4th Kaitlyn Kingery, 5th Zachary Dillow, 6th James Baughman 15 year old — 1st Austin Rolfe, 2nd Haley Conley, 3rd Courtney Smart, 4th Regan Ostermeier, 5th Cameron Smart, 6th Brook Britain 14 year old: (1) — 1st Avery Wood, 2nd Taylor Boeckmann, 3rd Adam Thompson, 4th Breanna Flint, 5th Tony Hopper, 6th Kali Cochran; (2) — 1st Kori Kile, 2nd Samantha Achtermann, 3rd Mason Snyder, 4th Trenton Barber, 5th Sally Schafer, 6th Megan Honeycutt 13 year old: (1) — 1st Carlie Ellis, 2nd Alexis Rolfe, 3rd Gage McConahay, 4th Casey Kingsland, 5th Gage Hamilton, 6th Emma Rumpke; (2) — 1st Wyatt Riddle, 2nd Madison Gilbert, 3rd Holly Bernard, 4th Seth Caldwell Jr., 5th Mason Snow, 6th Harley Flint 12 year old: (1) — 1st Gracee Stewart, 2nd Jami Dailey, 3rd Dawson Conley, 4th Bryant Pinkerton, 5th Joseph Vance, 6th Gabby Croghan; (2) — 1st Mitchell Bean, 2nd Tristen Eades, 3rd Zachary Vest, 4th Mikala Hatfield, 5th Peyton Garen, 6th Rachel Lowe; (3) — 1st Madison Bronner, 2nd Kennedy Thompson, 3rd Madison Abt, 4th Marci Ellis, 5th Maggie Mathews, 6th Maggie Caldwell 11 year old — 1st Delaney Schneder, 2nd Brody Fisher, 3rd McKenna Snow, 4th Kyle Bryant, 5th Zane Panetta, 6th Zach West 10 year old: (1) — 1st Haley Schneder, 2nd Devon Snyder, 3rd Jaden Wilson-Barry, 4th Cooper Rack, 5th Danika Gudorf, 6th Bryston Kingery; (2) — 1st Jessee Stewart, 2nd Kale Boeckmann, 3rd Jaden Snyder, 4th Nathan Ellis, 5th Owen Henson 9 year old: (1) — 1st Brynn Abt, 2nd Emma Riddle, 3rd Aaron Rolfe, 4th Christopher Stewart, 5th Emmy Chambliss, 6th Bryce Huffman; (2) — 1st Hannah Scott, 2nd Hunter Wood, 3rd Kaydence Beam, 4th Wade Collett, 5th Ethan Shepard, 6th McKinzey DeBord 8 year old — 1st Preston Dixon, 2nd Mitchell Ellis, 3rd Sydney Schneder, 4th Jacob George, 5th Lily Stern, 6th Cayden Smith —————————————————————————————————- Rabbit Show results Roasters: Grand Champion Roaster — Eli Caldwell Reserve Champion Roaster — Colton Medley Class One — 1st Autum Medley, 2nd Colton Medley, 3rd Hannah Armstrong, 4th Chloe Caplinger, 5th Ethan Dickey Class Two — 1st Linna Greene, 2nd Autum Medley, 3rd Cody Crawford, 4th Addi Beckett, 5th Erin Cornwell, 6th Kelli Greene Class Three — 1st Colton Medley, 2nd Makayla Cress, 3rd Sarah Pell, 4th Grant Bauer, 5th Carson Curless, 6th Kelli Greene Class Four — 1st Abby Babcock, 2nd Hannah Armstrong, 3rd Linna Greene, 4th Erin Cornwell, 5th Addie Beckett, 6th Makayla Cress Class Five — 1st Makenzie Phillips, 2nd Hunter Wood, 3rd Hunter Wood, 4th Cody Crawford, 5th Asher Hall, 6th Tye Phipps Class Six — 1st Eli Caldwell, 2nd Gene Hutchinson, 3rd Morgan Wiget, 4th Timothy Wright, 5th Holly Young, 6th Gene Hutchinson Single Fryers: Grand Champion Single Fryer — Duke Beckett Reserve Champion Single Fryer — Tyler Ludwick Class — 1st Duke Beckett, 2nd Tyler Ludwick, 3rd Tyler Ludwick, 4th Sydney Leary, 5th Duke Beckett, 6th Eli Caldwell Commercial Senior Buck — 1st Tyler Ludwick, 2nd Ethan Dickey, 3rd Morgan Wiget, 4th Asher Hall, 5th Erin Cornwell, 6th Hannah Armstrong Commercial Senior Doe — 1st Hannah Armstrong, 2nd Ethan Dickey, 3rd Paige Bowman, 4th Asher Hall, 5th Kenzie Stinchcomb, 6th Hannah Armstrong Commercial Junior Buck — 1st Autumn Smith, 2nd Morgan Wiget Commercial Junior Doe — 1st Morgan Wiget, 2nd Timothy Wright Fancy Senior Buck — 1st Tye Phipps, 2nd Gene Hutchinson, 3rd Nicholas Lansing, 4th Felicity Richardson, 5th Hailey Stinchcomb, 6th Olivia Massie Fancy Senior Doe — 1st Tyler Ludwick, 2nd Jacob Lansing, 3rd Asher Hall, 4th Addie Beckett, 5th Sarah Pell, 6th Addie Beckett Fancy Junior Buck — 1st Carolyn Koch, 2nd Nicholas Lansing, 3rd Carolyn Koch, 4th Hannah Armstrong, 5th Duke Beckett, 6th Alex Wiget Fancy Junior Doe — 1st Ethan Dickey, 2nd Jacob Lansing, 3rd Carolyn Koch, 4th Carolyn Koch, 5th Hannah Armstrong, 6th Hannah Armstrong Grand Champion 4-H Rabbit — Morgan Wiget Reserve Champion 4-H Rabbit — Ethan Dickey Commercial Doe and Litter: Class — 1st Duke Beckett, 2nd Sydney Leary, 3rd Tyler Ludwick, 4th Eli Caldwell, 5th Hunter Wood Fancy Doe and Litter: Class — 1st Asher Hall, 2nd Alex Wiget, 3rd Conner Cook, 4th Marie Harner, 5th Ethan Dickey, 6th Taylor Price Senior Showmanship — 1st Ethan Dickey, 2nd Erin Cornwell, 3rd Tyler Ludwick, 4th Olivia Massie, 5th Nicholas Lansing, 6th Sydney Leary Intermediate Showmanship — 1st Abbey Steed, 2nd Kenzie Stinchcomb, 3rd Marie Harner, 4th Alexis Allen, 5th Tye Phipps, 6th Autumn Smith Junior Showmanship — 1st Asher Hall, 2nd Quinton Smith, 3rd Alex Massie, 4th Alex Wiget, 5th Colton Medley Overall Showman of Showmen — Ethan Dickey Reserve Showman of Showmen — Abbey Steed Outstanding Barn Award — Ethan Dickey —————————————————————————————————- Results from the Beef Show Dairy Feeder: (1) — 1st Kayla Finch, 2nd Steven Collins, 3rd Jacey Woodums, 4th Rachel Lowe; (2) 1st Diamond Carpenter, 2nd Diamond Carpenter, 3rd Melanie Harner, 4th Jami Dailey, 5th Kelly Carpenter, 6th Maggie Mathews; (3) — 1st Jami Dailey, 2nd Sarah Quallen, 3rd Sam Osborn, 4th Emily Quallen, 5th Rachael Billups, 6th Dallas Harner Feeder Heifer — 1st Bella Earley, 2nd Sydney Schneder, 3rd Haley Dean, 4th Savannah Miller Champion Feeder Heifer — Bella Earley; Reserve Champion Feeder Heifer — Sydney Schneder Feeder Steer: (1) — 1st Taylor Colwell, 2nd Chelsey Zurface, 3rd Noah Haines, 4th Emma Mathews, 5th Ethan Lakes, 6th Caitlyn Lakes; (2) — 1st Haley Dean, 2nd Haley Dean, 3rd Braxton Starkey, 4th Alexis Rolfe, 5th Bella Earley, 6th Tony Hopper Champion Feeder Steer — Haley Dean; Reserve Feeder Steer — Haley Dean Grand Champion Feeder Calf — Haley Dean; Reserve Champion Feeder Calf — Haley Dean Breeding Heifers: AOB (1) — Taylor Colwell; (2) — Ashleigh McKnight; (3) — 1st Andrew Osborn, 2nd Lauren Davis; (4) — 1st Olivia Wood, 2nd Brooklyn Hamilton, 3rd Brooklyn Hamilton, 4th Ashleigh Osborn; (5) — 1st Andrew Davis, 2nd Caitlyn Lakes, 3rd Charlie Pell Champion AOB — Olivia Wood; Reserve Champion AOB — Brooklyn Hamilton Crossbred Heifer — 1st Anne Thompson, 2nd Caden Stewart, 3rd Haley Dean, 4th Taylor Colwell, 5th Jamie Dailey Champion Crossbred Heifer – Anne Thompson; Reserve Champion Crossbred Heifer — Caden Stewert Supreme Heifer — Anne Thompson; Reserve Supreme Heifer — Olivia Wood Market Beef Dairy Steer — 1st Jami Dailey, 2nd Jami Dailey, 3rd Jacey Woodrum Champion Dairy Steer — Jami Dailey Market Steer: (1) — 1st Emma Mathews, 2nd Ashleigh Osborn, 3rd Emma Mathews, 4th Kaitlyn Smithson; (2) — 1st Adam Thompson, 2nd Noah Haines, 3rd Hannah Barber, 4th Andrew Osborn Champion Market Steer — Adam Thompson; Reserve Champion Market Steer — Noah Haines Grand Champion Market Beef Project — Adam Thompson; Reserve Champion Market Beef Project — Noah Haines —————————————————————————————————- Turkey Show and Showmanship results Grand Champion Market Turkey — Mitchell Thatcher; Reserve Champion Market Turkey — James Duncan Bronze Hens: (1) — 1st Marissa Williams, 2nd Jacob Ritchey, 3rd Timothy Richey, 4th Wesley Lunsford, 5th Blake Williams, 6th Josh Jones; (2) — 1st Myah Jones, 2nd Kaydence Beam, 3rd Shaleigh Duncan, 4th Dallas Fyffe, 5th Jakob Blevins, 6th Dallas Fyffe Grand Champion Bronze Hen — Myah Jones; Reserve Champion Bronze Hen — Kaydence Beam White Hens — 1st James Duncan, 2nd Jozie Jones, 3rd Chloe Caplinger, 4th Chloe Caplinger, 5th Garrett Davis, 6th Gabby Whittenburg Grand Champion White Hen — James Duncan; Reserve Champion White Hen — Jozie Jones Grand Champion Overall Hen — James Duncan; Reserve Champion Overall Hen — Myah Jones Bronze Toms: (1) — 1st Brianna Baird, 2nd Salesa Fyffe, 3rd Terra Ficke, 4th Madeline Groen, 5th Blake Williams, 6th Marissa Williams; (2) — 1st James Duncan, 2nd Myah Jones, 3rd Jack Whittenburg, 4th Jack Whittenburg, 5th Katie Hottinger, 6th Shaleigh Duncan Grand Champion Bronze Tom — James Duncan; Reserve Champion Bronze Tom — Myah Jones White Toms: (1) — 1st Kaydence Beam, 2nd Emma Malone, 3rd Hannah Pickering, 4th Gabby Whittenburg, 5th Brynne Snyder, 6th Cody Chaney; (2) — 1st Mitchell Thatcher, 2nd Taylor Thatcher, 3rd Taylor Thatcher, 4th Mitchell Thatcher, 5th Heather Hurtt, 6th Heather Hurtt Grand Champion White Tom — Mitchell Thatcher; Reserve Champion White Tom — Taylor Thatcher Grand Champion Overall Tom — Mitchell Thatcher; Reserve Champion Overall Tom — Taylor Thatcher Showmanship Senior — 1st Chloe Caplinger, 2nd Taylor Thatcher, 3rd Heather Hurtt, 4th Madeline Groen, 5th Emma Malone, 6th Timothy Ritchey Intermediate — 1st Myah Jones, 2nd Cody Chaney, 3rd Evan Stewart, 4th Jacob Ritchey, 5th Jackson Schultz Junior — 1st James Duncan, 2nd Jozie Jones, 3rd Shaleigh Duncan, 4th Jacob Schultz —————————————————————————————————- Fancy Poultry Show results Overall Best of Show — Sydney Shumaker Grand Champion Male Bird — Sydney Shumaker Grand Champion Female Bird — Sydney Shumaker American Cock — 1st Sydney Shumaker, 2nd Cheyenne Rhodes, 3rd Hailey Fugate, 4th Katie Pittman, 5th Mariah Reed, 6th Alyssa Hutchinson American Cockerel — 1st Sydney Shumaker, 2nd Korie White American Hen — 1st Sydney Shumaker, 2nd Nick Sherman, 3rd Erin Wilson, 4th Hailey Fugate, 5th Morgan Wiget, 6th Luke Hughes American Pullet — 1st Sydney Shumaker, 2nd Logan Shumaker, 3rd Nikita White, 4th Korie White, 5th James Rumpke, 6th Emma Rumpke Asiatic Cock — 1st Emma Rumpke, 2nd Matthew Ritchey Asiatic Hen — 1st Morgan Wiget, 2nd Alex Wiget, 3rd Heather Hurtt, 4th Matthew Ritchey, 5th Timothy Wright Asiatic Pullet — 1st Nick Sherman Continental Cock — 1st Nikita White Continental Hen — 1st India Lynch, 2nd Kaydence Beam, 3rd Korie White, 4th Autumn Lynch, 5th Nikita White Continental Pullet — 1st Luke Hughes, 2nd Samantha Hughes, 3rd Korie White, 4th Nikita White English Cock — 1st Hailey Fugate, 2nd Katie Pittman, 3rd Hayley Poynter English Cockerel — 1st Hailey Fugate English Hen — 1st Alex Wiget, 2nd Madeline Groen, 3rd Brighten Morris, 4th India Lynch, 5th Morgan Wiget, 6th Autumn Lynch English Pullet — 1st Luke Hughes, 2nd Lacie Henson, 3rd Samantha Hughes, 4th Cheyenne Rhodes, 5th Owen Henson, 6th Matthew Ritchey Mediterranean Cock — 1st Caitlyn Lakes Mediterranean Cockerel — 1st Nick Sherman All Other Standard Breeds (AOSB) Cock — 1st Sydney Shumaker, 2nd Grace Chappie, 3rd Emma Rumpke, 4th Andrew Russell AOSB Cockerel — 1st Nick Sherman, 2nd J.D. Wiederhold AOSB Hen — 1st Sydney Shumaker, 2nd Heather Hurtt, 3rd Emma Rumpke, 4th James Rumpke, 5th Jozie Jones, 6th Makayla Thomason AOSB Pullet — 1st J.D. Wiederhold, 2nd Owen Henson, 3rd Matthew Ritchey, 4th Caitlyn Lakes, 5th Myah Jones Single Comb Clean Legged Cock — 1st Logan Shumaker, 2nd Sydney Shumaker, 3rd Megan Chappie, 4th Alyssa Hutchinson, 5th Autumn Lynch, 6th Katie Pittman Single Comb Clean Legged Cockerel — 1st Autumn Lynch Single Comb Clean Legged Hen — 1st Sydney Shumaker, 2nd Autumn Lynch, 3rd Morgan Wiget, 4th Madeline Groen, 5th Heather Hurtt, 6th Ethan Lakes Single Comb Clean Legged Pullet — 1st Autumn Lynch All Other Comb Clean Legged Cock — 1st Sydney Shumaker, 2nd Logan Shumaker, 3rd Logan Fugate, 4th Emma Walker, 5th Madeline Groen All Other Comb Clean Legged Cockerel — 1st Sydney Shumaker, 2nd Logan Shumaker, 3rd Logan Fugate All Other Comb Clean Legged Hen — 1st Sydney Shumaker, 2nd Logan Shumaker, 3rd Logan Fugate, 4th Madeline Groen All Other Comb Clean Legged Pullet — 1st Logan Shumaker, 2nd Logan Fugate, 3rd Anna Jones Feather Legged Cock — 1st Hailey Fugate, 2nd Korie White, 3rd James Rumpke, 4th Emma Rumpke, 5th Ethan Lakes, 6th Nikita White Feather Legged Cockerel — 1st Nikita White, 2nd Korie White, 3rd Erin Wilson, 4th Olivia Wood, 5th Larc Wood, 6th Katie Pittman Feather Legged Hen — 1st Logan Shumaker, 2nd Logan Fugate, 3rd Erin Wilson, 4th Brighton Morris, 5th Korie White, 6th Emma Rumpke Feather Legged Pullet — 1st Olivia Wood, 2nd Larc Wood, 3rd India Lynch, 4th Nikita White, 5th Korie White, 6th Anna Jones Rose Comb Clean Legged Cock — 1st Emma Rumpke, 2nd Alyssa Hutchinson, 3rd James Rumpke Rose Comb Clean Legged Hen — 1st Emma Rumpke, 2nd James Rumpke, 3rd India Lynch, 4th Alyssa Hutchinson Rose Comb Clean Legged Pullet — 1st Anna Jones, 2nd Maria Jones Waterfowl Male — 1st Wesley Cragwell, 2nd Mariah Reed, 3rd Dakota Zurface Waterfowl Female — 1st Wesley Cragwell, 2nd Sydney Shumaker, 3rd Korie White, 4th Dakota Zurface, 5th Mariah Reed All Other Fowl — 1st Sydney Shumaker, 2nd J.D. Wiederhold, 3rd Alyssa Hutchinson, 4th Emma Walker, 5th Halie Poynter, 6th Matthew Ritchey Egg Production — 1st Matthew Ritchey, 2nd Sydney Shumaker, 3rd Jozie Jones, 4th Myah Jones, 5th Kaydence Beam, 6th Brighton Morris Trio — 1st Sydney Shumaker, 2nd Logan Shumaker, 3rd Emma Rumpke, 4th Megan Chappie, 5th Olivia Wood, 6th Larc Wood —————————————————————————————————- Market Hog Show results Grand Champion Crossbred Gilt — Kennedy Thompson Reserve Champion Crossbred Gilt — Haley Conley Grand Champion Overall — Gracee Stewart Reserve Champion Overall — Devon Snyder Third Place Overall — Brynn Abt Fourth Place Overall — Kennedy Thompson Fifth Place Overall — Haley Conley Sixth Place Overall — Jessee Stewart Barrows Class One: Berkshire — 1st Emmy Chambliss, 2nd Kolton Smith, 3rd Hunter Wood, 4th Lindsay Shell, 5th Gabby Drake Class Two: Duroc — 1st Madison Bronner, 2nd Kimberly Fisher, 3rd Jami Dailey, 4th J.D. Wiederhold, 5th Dakota Zurface, 6th Hanna Lunsford Class Three: Hampshire — 1st Jessee Stewart, 2nd Holly Bernard, 3rd Zach Bernard, 4th Lacie Henson, 5th Brinli Crosley, 6th Mikala Hatfield Class Four: Hereford — 1st Timmi Mahanes, 2nd Kaitlyn Smithson, 3rd Katie Carey, 4th Dakota Zurface, 5th Clara Gibson, 6th Melanie Harner Class Five: Spot — 1st Emma Riddle, 2nd Mason Snyder, 3rd Madison Abt, 4th Joseph Vance, 5th Lindsay Shell, Class Six: York — 1st Brynn Abt, 2nd Preston Dixon, 3rd TJ Parks, 4th Kori Kile, 5th Ciarra Cooper, 6th Owen Henson Class Seven: York — 1st Avery Wood, 2nd Jessee Stewart, 3rd Brenton Hamilton, 4th Megan Honeycutt, 5th Kaydence Beam Champion York – Brynn Abt; Reserve Champion York — Avery Wood Class Eight: AOB — 1st Danika Gudorf, 2nd Aaron Rolfe, 3rd Ethan Shepard, 4th Jaden Snyder, 5th Carter Carey, 6th Brady Bergefurd Grand Champion Purebred Barrow — Brynn Abt Reserve Champion Purebred Barrow — Jessee Stewart Class Nine: Start Up Program — 1st Slade Wilkin, 2nd Preston Dixon, 3rd Colton McCune, 4th Andrew Houseman, 5th Robert Harner, 6th Jacob George Class Ten: Crossbred Barrow — 1st Brody Fisher, 2nd Brinli Crosley, 3rd Jacob George, 4th Rachel Lowe, 5th Gage McConahay, 6th Lacie Henson Class Eleven: Crossbred Barrow — 1st Matt Younker, 2nd Colton McCune, 3rd Mark Stewart, 4th Zane Panetta, 5th Cooper Rack, 6th Mason Snow Class Twelve: Crossbred Barrow — 1st Adam Thompson, 2nd Mason Snyder, 3rd Robert Harner, 4th Harley Flint, 5th Austin Rolfe, 6th Tristen Eades Class Thirteen: Crossbred Barrow — 1st Samantha Achtermann, 2nd Aaron Rolfe, 3rd Teddy Murphy III, 4th Madison Abt, 5th Kolton Smith, 6th Shelby Panetta Division I Champion — Adam Thompson Division 1 Reserve Champion — Samantha Achtermann Class Fourteen: Crossbred Barrow — 1st Taylor Boeckmann, 2nd Haley Schneder, 3rd Andrew Stewart, 4th Wyatt Riddle, 5th Brant Crosley, 6th Katelyn Bollinger Class Fifteen: Crossbred Barrow — 1st Caroline Diels, 2nd Lauren Davis, 3rd Marissa Merriman, 4th Emma Mathews, 5th Breanna Flint, 6th Brooklyn Hamilton Class Sixteen: Crossbred Barrow — 1st Alexis Rolfe, 2nd Cameron West, 3rd Christopher Stewart, 4th Marissa Williams, 5th Cameron Collett, 6th Dawson Conley Division II Champion — Alexis Rolfe Division II Reserve Champion — Cameron West Class Seventeen: Crossbred Barrow — 1st Marci Ellis, 2nd Caroline Diels, 3rd Kale Boeckmann, 4th Johnathan Stewart, 5th Cooper Rack, 6th Lily Stern Class Eighteen: Crossbred Barrow — 1st Haley Schneder, 2nd Madison Gilbert, 3rd Carlie Ellis, 4th Austin Bronner, 5th Austin Rolfe, 6th Sally Shafer Class Nineteen: Crossbred Barrow — 1st Brynn Abt, 2nd Zach Bernard, 3rd Johnathan Stewart, 4th Bryant Pinkerton, 5th Wade Hughes, 6th Kori Kile Class Twenty: Crossbred Barrow — 1st Mark Stewart, 2nd Wyatt Riddle, 3rd Olivia Wood, 4th Zachary Dillow, 5th Savannah Miller, 6th Ethan Hughes Division III Champion — Brynn Abt Division III Reserve Champion — Mark Stewart Class Twenty-One: Crossbred Barrow — 1st Slade Wilkin, 2nd Regan Ostermeier, 3rd Mitchell Bean, 4th Cameron Smart, 5th Joseph Vance, 6th Wade Collett Class Twenty-Two: Crossbred Barrow — 1st Gracee Stewart, 2nd Devon Snyder , 3rd Bryant Pinkerton, 4th Megan Honeycutt, 5th Preston Dixon, 6th Jacob George Class Twenty-Three: Crossbred Barrow — 1st Delaney Schneder, 2nd Trenton Barber, 3rd Zach West, 4th Brook Britain, 5th Gabbi Croghan, 6th Jami Dailey Division IV Champion — Gracee Stewart Division IV Reserve Champion — Devon Snyder Class Twenty-Four: Crossbred Gilts — 1st Matt Younker, 2nd Samantha Achtermann, 3rd Rebekah Sams, 4th Breanna Flint, 5th Harley Flint, 6th Hannah Scott Class Twenty-Five: Crossbred Gilt — 1st Jay Schneder, 2nd Kaitlyn Smithson, 3rd Ciarra Cooper, 4th Jason Geer, 5th Andrew Stewart, 6th Holly Bernard Division I Champion — Jay Schneder Division I Reserve Champion — Kaitlyn Smithson Class Twenty-Six: Crossbred Gilt — 1st Cameron West, 2nd Cameron Collett, 3rd Andrew Davis, 4th Taylor Boeckmann, 5th Kali Cochran Class Twenty-Seven: Crossbred Gilt — 1st Denver Bernard, 2nd Zachary West, 3rd Sydney Schneder, 4th Alexa Cochran, 5th Lily Stern, 6th Marissa Williams Division II Champion — Cameron West Division II Reserve Champion — Cameron Collett Class Twenty-Eight: Crossbred Gilt — 1st Cameron Vaughan, 2nd Gracee Stewart, 3rd McKenna Snow, 4th Cameron Smart, 5th Luke Achtermann, 6th Marissa Merriman Class Twenty-Nine: Crossbred Gilt — 1st Kennedy Thompson, 2nd Brody Fisher, 3rd Carlie Ellis, 4th Christopher Stewart, 5th Kale Boeckmann, 6th Kolton Hughes Division III Champion — Kennedy Thompson Division III Reserve Champion — Cameron Vaughan Class Thirty: Crossbred Gilt — 1st Anne Thompson, 2nd Avery Wood, 3rd McKenna Snow, 4th Gabbi Croghan, 5th TJ Parks, 6th Dawson Conley Class Thirty-One: Crossbred Gilt — 1st Haley Conley, 2nd Emma Riddle, 3rd Madison Bronner, 4th Gage McConahay, 5th Marci Ellis, 6th Sally Shafer Class Thirty-Two: Crossbred Gilt — 1st Austin Bronner, 2nd Cassie Parks, 3rd Anna Keeton, 4th Mitchell Ellis, 5th Ian Dalton, 6th Mindy Bean Division IV Champion — Haley Conley Division IV Reserve Champion — Anne Thompson —————————————————————————————————- Horse Show results Barrel Racing 14-18 yrs — 1st Tony Hopper, 2nd Sydney Ilg, 3rd Veronica Ilg Barrel Racing 8-13 yrs — 1st Brody Fisher, 2nd Kaden Kimple Beginner Showmanship Horse or Pony Western or English, 8-18 yrs — 1st Lani Mayer, 2nd Austin Vinion, 3rd Breckin Harner, 4th Tess Pringnitz, 5th Emmy Chambliss Beginner WT Ground Poles Horse or Pony Western or English, 8-18 yrs — 1st Emmy Chambliss, 2nd Austin Vinion, 3rd Tess Pringnitz Beginner WT Barrels Horse or Pony Western or English, 8-18 yrs — 1st Tess Pringnitz, 2nd Emmy Chambliss, 3rd Austin Vinion Beginner WT Horsemanship Horse or Pony Western or English, 8-18 yrs — 1st Emmy Chambliss, 2nd Lani Mayer, 3rd Tess Pringnitz, 4th Breckin Harner, 5th Austin Vinion Beginner WT Pleasure Horse or Pony Western or English, 8-18 yrs — 1st Breckin Harner, 2nd Tess Pringnitz, 3rd Lani Mayer, 4th Emmy Chambliss, 5th Austin Vinion Cross Rail Jumping Horse or Pony 12 inches to 18 inches English attire, 8-18 yrs — 1st Kaden Kimple Dressage English Horse or Pony, 8-18 yrs — 1st Jenna Hanlon, 2nd Kari Cragwell, 3rd Ashley Julifs, 4th Lauren Johns, 5th Grace Brown, 6th Ashley Julifs Dressage Western Horse or Pony, 8-18 yrs — 1st Grace Brown, 2nd Emma Malone Driving Class — 1st Anna Malone, 2nd Emma Malone, 3rd Salesa Fyffe, 4th Braylynn Malone Driving Reinsmanship — 1st Emma Malone, 2nd Braylynn Malone, 3rd Anna Malone Easy Gaited Horse Equitation Western or English, 14-18 yrs — 1st Salesa Fyffe Easy Gaited Horse Equitation Western or English, 8-13 yrs — 1st Morgan Lefeld Easy Gaited Horse Showmanship Western or English, 14-18 yrs — 1st Salesa Fyffe Easy Gaited Horse Showmanship Western or English, 8-13 yrs — 1st Morgan Lefeld Easy Gaited Pleasure Horse or Pony Western or English, 14-18 yrs — 1st Salesa Fyffe Easy Gaited Pleasure Horse or Pony Western or English, 8-13 yrs — 1st Morgan Lefeld English Hunt Seat and Saddleseat Pleasure Horse or Pony, 8-13 yrs — 1st Danika Gudorf, 2nd Jenna Hanlon, 3rd Grace Brown, 4th Braylynn Malone, 5th Madison Gudorf English Hunt Seat and Saddleseat Pleasure Horse or Pony, 14-18 yrs — 1st Kori Kile, 2nd Nicole Longenecker, 3rd Kari Cragwell, 4th Emma Malone, 5th Brooklyn Dobyns, 6th Ashley Julifs English Hunt Seat Equitation Pony, 8-18 yrs — 1st Madison Gudorf, 2nd Emma Malone, 3rd Braylynn Malone English Hunt Seat Equitation, 13-15 yrs — 1st Nicole Longenecker, 2nd Kori Kile, 3rd Brooklyn Dobyns, 4th Grace Brown, 5th Kari Cragwell English Hunt Seat Equitation, 16-18 yrs — 1st Ashley Juilfs, 2nd Marissa Williams, 3rd Lauren Johns English Hunt Seat Equitation, 8-12 yrs — 1st Jenna Hanlon, 2nd Danika Gudorf, 3rd Madison Gudorf, 4th Kaden Kimple English Pony Showmanship, 8-18 yrs — 1st Madison Gudorf English Showmanship, 16-18 yrs — 1st Taylor Thatcher, 2nd Marissa Williams, 3rd Ciarra Cooper, 4th Ashley Julifs, 5th Lauren Johns, 6th Caylee Collins English Showmanship, 8-12 yrs — 1st Danika Gudorf, 2nd Madison Gudorf, 3rd Jenna Hanlon, 4th Kaden Kimple English Showmanship, 13-15 yrs — 1st Kori Kile, 2nd Nicole Longenecker, 3rd Brooklyn Dobyns, 4th Grace Brown, 5th Kari Cragwell Good Grooming, 8-10 yrs — 1st Jenna Hanlon, 2nd Tess Pringnitz, 3rd Austin Vinion, 4th Danika Gudorf, 5th Lynnea Dean, 6th Landon Dean Good Grooming, 11-13 yrs — 1st Lani Mayer, 2nd Braden Taylor, 3rd Breckin Harner, 4th Kaden Kimple, 5th Braylynn Malone, 6th Madison Gudorf Good Grooming, 14-18 yrs — 1st Salesa Fyffe, 2nd Halie Harner, 3rd Marissa Williams, 4th Nicole Longenecker, 5th Ashley Juilfs , 6th Emma Malone Ground Roping, 14-18 yrs — 1st Caden Stewart, 2nd Ciarra Cooper, 3rd Mark Stewart, 4th Tony Hopper Ground Roping, 8-13 yrs — 1st Grayson Wells, 2nd Caroline Wells, 3rd Timmi Mahanes, 4th Brody Fisher, 5th Preston Dixon Hunt Seat Equitation OF Horse or Pony, 14-18 yrs — 1st Kari Cragwell, 2nd Sydney Ilg, 3rd Ashley Julifs, 4th Lauren Johns Hunt Seat Equitation OF Horse or Pony, 8-13 yrs — 1st Jenna Hanlon Hunter Hack Horse or Pony, 8-18 yrs — 1st Kari Cragwell, 2nd Ashley Juilfs, 3rd Jenna Hanlon, 4th Lauren Johns Invitational Senior Showmanship 14 yrs and older — 1st Taylor Thatcher, 2nd Kori Kile Keyhole, 13 yrs and younger — 1st Brody Fisher Keyhole, 14 yrs and older — 1st Tony Hopper, 2nd Veronica Ilg, 3rd Sydney Ilg Miniature Horse Showmanship, 8-18 yrs — 1st Emma Malone, 2nd Anna Malone, 3rd Lynnea Dean, 4th Braylynn Malone Pole Bending, 13 yrs and younger — 1st Brody Fisher, 2nd Kaden Kimple Pole Bending, 14 yrs and older — 1st Sidney Ilg, 2nd Veronica Ilg, 3rd Tony Hopper Ranch Pleasure Horse or Pony, 8-18 yrs — 1st Brody Fisher, 1st Nicole Longenecker, 3rd Emma Malone, 4th Grace Brown, 5th Braden Taylor, 6th Salesa Fyffe Sabina Saddle and Spur Pleasure Class Western or English — 1st Halie Harner, 2nd Nicole Longenecker, 3rd Kori Kile Showmanship Contest Driving etc., 13 yrs and younger — 1st Brody Fisher Showmanship Contest Driving etc. 14 yrs and older — 1st Sidney Ilg, 2nd Veronica Ilg Small Equine Hunter, 8-18 yrs — 1st Emma Malone, 2nd Braylynn Malone, 3rd Anna Malone Stakes Race 14 yrs and older — 1st Tony Hopper, 2nd Veronica Ilg Yearling Production Halter, 8-18 yrs — 1st Lauren Johns Two year old Production Halter, 8-18 yrs — 1st Brooklyn Dobyns Three year old Production Halter, 8-18 yrs — 1st Salesa Fyffe Trail Class Horses or Ponies — 1st Nicole Longenecker, 2nd Kori Kile, 3rd Brody Fisher, 4th Grace Brown, 5th Kaden Kimple, 6th Brooklyn Dobyns Two and Three year old Production Snaffle bit (English or Western) — 1st Salesa Fyffe Western Horse Showmanship, 8-10 yrs — 1st Danika Gudorf Western Horse Showmanship, 11-12 yrs — 1st Brody Fisher, 2nd Braden Taylor, 3rd Madison Gudorf Western Horse Showmanship, 13-14 yrs — 1st Kori Kile, 2nd Brooklyn Dobyns, 3rd Grace Brown Western Horse Showmanship, 15-16 yrs — 1st Nicole Longenecker, 2nd Halie Harner, 3rd Salesa Fyffe Western Horse Showmanship, 17-18 yrs — 1st Taylor Thatcher, 2nd Ciarra Cooper, 3rd Marissa Williams, 4th Lauren Johns, 5th Caylee Collins Western Horsemanship, 11-12 yrs — 1st Brody Fisher, 2nd Braden Taylor Western Horsemanship, 13-14 yrs — 1st Kori Kile, 2nd Brooklyn Dobyns, 3rd Grace Brown Western Horsemanship, 15-16 yrs — 1st Nicole Longenecker, 2nd Halie Harner Western Horsemanship, 17-18 yrs — 1st Marissa Williams Western Horsemanship, 8-10 yrs — 1st Danika Gudorf Western Pleasure Horse or Pony, 8-12 yrs — 1st Danika Gudorf Western Pleasure Horse or Pony, 13-15 yrs — 1st Kori Kile, 2nd Brooklyn Dobyns, 3rd Grace Brown Western Pleasure Horse or Pony, 16-18 yrs — 1st Halie Harner Western Pony Showmanship, 8-18 yrs — 1st Madison Gudorf, 2nd Emma Malone, 3rd Landon Dean Western Riding — 1st Kori Kile Western Pony Horsemanship, 8-18 yrs — 1st Emma Malone, 2nd Madison Gudorf Working Hunter OF, 8-18 yrs — 1st Kari Cragwell, 2nd Sidney Ilg, 3rd Jenna Hanlon, 4th Ashley Juilfs, 5th Lauren Johns
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
OSHP to hold local OVI checkpoint
WILMINGTON — The Ohio State Highway Patrol Wilmington Post announced that troopers will operate an OVI Checkpoint to deter and intercept impaired drivers this week. The county where the checkpoint will take place will be announced the day prior to the checkpoint, and the location will be announced the morning of the checkpoint. If you plan to consume alcohol, designate a driver or make other travel arrangements before you drink. Don’t let another life be lost for the senseless and selfish act of getting behind the wheel impaired. Operational support for the sobriety checkpoint will be provided by local law enforcement agencies.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Clinton County felony sentences handed down
WILMINGTON — This report is compiled from a criminal case disposition report provided by the Clinton County Clerk of Courts. The following cases were heard in Clinton County Common Pleas Court, presided over by Judge John W. “Tim” Rudduck and his magistrates. Listed below are a defendant’s name, age, their town of residence, the crime the defendant was found guilty of, the degree of felony and the terms of the sentence. Felonies are ranked from F1 (most serious) to F5 (least serious). Defendants found guilty also must pay court costs, but those amounts aren’t included in the disposition report. The following people were sentenced in Clinton County Court of Common Pleas between Aug. 1 and Aug. 9: • Charley Ramirez, 24, of Morrow, three counts breaking and entering (F5), community controls revoked, sentenced six months prison (credit given for 36 days served). Charges of theft and petty theft against Ramirez were dismissed. Ramirez was initially on community controls for a case from 2014. • Cherie McLaughlin, 33, of Wilmington, aggravated possession of drugs (F5) and possession of cocaine (F5), sentenced six months jail (credit given for five days served) and two years community controls, driver’s license suspended six months. Charges of possession of heroin and possessing a drug abuse instrument against McLaughlin were dismissed. • Lindsay Russell, 23, of Midland, possession of criminal tools (F5), sentenced two years community controls. A six month jail sentence against Russell and a charge of improper handling of a firearm against Russell was dismissed. • Lindsey West, 30, of Sabina, aggravated possession of drugs (F5), sentenced two years community control and placed on the You-Turn Recovery Docket, driver’s license suspended six months, contraband forfeited. A six-month jail sentence against West was suspended. • Amber Deitz, 33, of Wilmington, two counts aggravated possession of drugs (F5) and possession of heroin (F5), sentenced 11 months prison (credit given for 59 days served), driver’s license suspended one year, contraband forfeited. • Robert Taylor, 61, of Sabina, aggravated possession of drugs (F5), sentenced eight months prison (credit given for 50 days served), driver’s license suspended for one year. A charge of possession of drugs against Taylor was dismissed. • Dylan Nelson, 22, of Dayton, inducing panic (F3), sentenced 12 months prison (credit given for 252 days served). • Travis Worley, 34, of Fairborn, theft (F5), sentenced two years community controls. A six-month jail sentence against Worley was suspended. • Donald Fannin, 40, of Pleasant Plain, aggravated possession of drugs (F5), sentenced two years community controls, driver’s license suspended for six months, contraband forfeited. A six-month jail sentence against Fannin was suspended. • Gordon Garland, 50, of Martinsville, having weapons while under disability (F3), fined $500. A six-month jail sentence against Garland was suspended, and charges of felonious assault and assault were dismissed. • Paul Smith, 44, of Wilmington, theft (F5), sentenced nine months prison (credit given for seven days served). Reach Nathan Kraatz at 937-382-2574, ext. 2510 or on Twitter @NathanKraatz.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Portraiture, abstractions exhibit at Harcum
WILMINGTON — Barbara Ahlbrand describes her artwork as the product of the “heart, mind and eye and the intentional interweaving of the elements that are created by each.” Wilmington College’s Harcum Art Gallery will host an exhibit of her work Sept. 1 through Oct. 7. The exhibit opening and artist’s reception will be held Sept. 1, from 6 to 8 p.m. Normal gallery hours are weekdays, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by special arrangement by gallery curator Hal Shunk, professor of art. Ahlbrand offers her perspective and unique vision in portraiture, everyday objects and abstractions. She describes that “intentional interweaving of elements” as creating a “checks and balances enterprise” that is constantly increasing and diminishing until the truth has been realized. “My drawings and paintings are only partially my creation,” she said. “They are from my point of view and they seek to make a connection loop with the viewer.” She noted that, while her work may create some energy or make a statement, a unique synergy can occur when the viewer couples viewing her works with one’s own set of experiences. “I believe this is the truth in any creative enterprise,” she added. “These canvasses and paintings on paper address the energy of life and, through them, I explore the organization persistent in chaos. My art will constantly change.”
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Devoted barber part of Americana
It was raining hard. The man running in the blue windbreaker and tan pants jumped a puddle on Main Street just across from the Murphy Theatre as the wind blew and the cold rain fell. Another man with an umbrella ambled just ahead of a woman who was scurrying from one building to another trying to evade the blowing downpour. The runner seemed oblivious to the rainstorm. He was an athlete. Athletes train in inclement weather. He even ran from his home in Lakewood to his barber shop in the Fife-Bosworth Building at Main and South streets from time to time. This man, however, had been out of high school for thirty years at the time. He was almost 50 years old. Blowing rain didn’t dampen the spirit of the man who had suffered a concussion while playing against the Washington Court House Blue Lions in a mid-season high school football game, and only stayed home for a week because his mother made him. The man was Dale Inwood, the longtime barber and good friend to many of us. The Fife-Bosworth Building was made for postcards. The building, built in 1872, was a perfect setting for a barber shop, with its old time character. It was a perfect fit for Dale, and Ed Adams who manned the second barber chair. When our son, Greg, was a little boy we would walk past the red, white, and blue barber pole spinning outside Dale’s shop entrance. We bounded up the stairs, and opened the doors into a world like no other. The majestic mirrors looked like they had hung in the Long Branch Saloon in an earlier time. The barber chairs were large and plush, with comfortable seats and extraordinary maneuverability. A mixture of tonic bottles lined the marble counters. We saw containers of Vitalis, Brylcreem (“A little dab with do you!”), and positioned high on the wall in the back was a large sign that said, “Ask for Wildroot.” We didn’t mind that the shop wasn’t air-conditioned. When it was hot, Dale and Ed just propped open the doors. The place smelled like a barber shop. The smell of shaving cream and talcum powder, migrating together with the smell of the Three-In-One oil that greased the clippers. The aroma of pipes, cigars, and cigarettes were common in those days, and became ingrained in the wood like incense in a church. Greg’s name for Dale was “Dale the Barber.” He would ask Dale to put a little “Butch Wax” in his hair. Although Greg didn’t get a flat-top cut, Dale always complied with good humor. Greg would watch with wide-eyed amazement as Dale placed the hot foam lather carefully around my hairline, sharpened his razor on the strap, and smoothly shaved around my ears and neck. Greg’s eyes grew bigger with each stroke of the razor. “I love when Dale the Barber massages my head after he cuts my hair,” Greg would say. I think Dale knew Greg enjoyed the extra touch and gave him a little extra attention. I remember one afternoon when Dale walked across the street to the Sheriff’s Office to see me. He was downcast. Someone had stolen his barber pole from the front of this shop. The theft was such a cruel thing to do, particularly to someone who took such pride in his profession. Not everyone has the temperament to be a barber. It is hard work. Men who sit in the chairs for a trim have interesting stories to tell, and appreciate a good listener. Like bartenders, barbers hear a myriad of stories. Politics, sports, and family were discussed openly and freely in the barber shop. The old men told the best stories, and everyone from the kid in fourth grade to the middle-aged farmer laughed at them. Dale could keep a confidence. Mike Brown, like his father Paul before him, shared inside information about the Bengals with the likable barber. A few days later we read about it in the big city newspapers. Dale also knew about the business climate and politics in Clinton County. “How do you think the election will come out?” I would ask him. Most of the time he was accurate within a few percentage points of the result. Dale was more than a barber. He was then, and remains, devoted to his church, family, and his community. He is a sensitive and caring man. He retired as a barber a few years ago. Then one day his phone rang. One of the barbers at the Oak Barber Shop needed help. Dale came out of retirement to work to help his former competitors through a difficult time. Peter Welch once wrote, “I live in a small town. Small merchants make up the majority of small businesses. It is the mom-and-pop grocers, farm-supply stores, coffee shops, and barber shops where people connect, conduct business and check in on one another.” In our small town, many checked in on each other in Dale the Barber’s shop for years. We are glad we did. Pat Haley is a Clinton County Commissioner.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
8-under 27 wins senior scramble at Majestic Springs
The team of Dan Cutter, Dick Reynolds, Randy Lewis and Bill Glaspey had an eight-under par 27 on the front nine at Majestic Springs Golf Club Wednesday and won the weekly senior scramble. The rest of the field: • 29: Dave Harp, Perry Gray, Rick Mitchell, Rick Parr, Rex Partlet • 30: Jim Hilterbrandt, Jack Earley, Don Sicurella • 31: Dick Mitchener, Bill Ross, Bob Sargent, Rick Hollen • 32: Tim Martin, French Hatfield, Bob Forry, Rick Neal • 32: Jim Jones, Andy Morgan, Larry Donaldson, Ed Camp • 33: Jim Faul, Dan Finders, Marty Coyle, Bernie Maphet
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
FOE show was (car) hopping
The Wilmington Fraternal Order of Eagles hosted a car show Saturday that was well-attended despite the hot and muggy conditions. Shown is the ‘57 Chevy owned by Ron Lockhart of Xenia, along with his “assistant” — closely examined by one attendee — who adds a touch of ’50s nostalgia to the car display. The ‘57 Chevy and carhop at the FOE car show Saturday. Setting up a ‘37 Chevy for the Eagles’ car show Saturday.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Fire destroys Harlan Twp. barn
A barn at 9012 Morrow-Woodville Road in Harlan Twp. near Clinton County was destroyed by a fire on Saturday afternoon, according to Harlan Twp. Fire Department Chief Andy Mitten. The owner noticed some smoke coming from the structure and called 911, Mitten said. Harlan Township firefighters, who were dispatched, reported heavy smoke visible from their fire station. The barn was heavily involved in fire upon their arrival. The barn contained equipment and vehicles, but fortunately no animals. Fire departments from Blanchester, Wayne Township, Goshen Township, Salem/Morrow and Hamilton Township provided assistance. A barn at 9012 Morrow-Woodville Road in Harlan Twp. near Clinton County was destroyed by a fire on Saturday afternoon, according to Harlan Twp. Fire Department Chief Andy Mitten. The owner noticed some smoke coming from the structure and called 911, Mitten said. Harlan Township firefighters, who were dispatched, reported heavy smoke visible from their fire station. The barn was heavily involved in fire upon their arrival. The barn contained equipment and vehicles, but fortunately no animals. Fire departments from Blanchester, Wayne Township, Goshen Township, Salem/Morrow and Hamilton Township provided assistance. A barn at 9012 Morrow-Woodville Road in Harlan Twp. near Clinton County was destroyed by a fire on Saturday afternoon, according to Harlan Twp. Fire Department Chief Andy Mitten. The owner noticed some smoke coming from the structure and called 911, Mitten said. Harlan Township firefighters, who were dispatched, reported heavy smoke visible from their fire station. The barn was heavily involved in fire upon their arrival. The barn contained equipment and vehicles, but fortunately no animals. Fire departments from Blanchester, Wayne Township, Goshen Township, Salem/Morrow and Hamilton Township provided assistance. Harlan Twp. FD
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Browns’ Paul Kruger calls his release ‘wrong decision’
CLEVELAND (AP) — The Browns have plans for the future, and they don’t include Paul Kruger. Kruger was Cleveland’s most proficient pass rusher and one of its most experienced defensive players. The 30-year-old linebacker’s contract was terminated Monday by a team intent on rebuilding with youth. His departure is a big surprise given the Browns’ lack leadership on defense and that Kruger is one of the team’s most respected players. Just last week, Sashi Brown, the team’s executive vice president of football operations, said the team valued its veterans. Kruger started 46 games and made 18 sacks in three seasons for Cleveland, which signed him as a free agent in 2013 after he helped the Baltimore Ravens win the Super Bowl. On Twitter, Kruger thanked the Browns and wished his “teammate brothers” success but expressed his disappointment. He said the release was mishandled, calling it “unfortunate and absolutely the wrong decision.” The Browns, who played poorly in an exhibition loss to Tampa Bay on Friday, began their youth movement during the offseason by releasing linebacker Karlos Dansby, safety Donte Whitner and others. Kruger acknowledged his relief in surviving those initial cuts and wondered how long he might remain with Cleveland. Kruger had just 2 1/2 sacks last season — he had 11 in 2014 — as the Browns struggled to find the right role for him. Last week, the Browns traded linebacker Barkevious Mingo. Rookies Emmanuel Ogbah or Joe Schobert could take Kruger’s starting spot, opposite second-year linebacker Nate Orchard. The Browns also terminated the contracts of defensive end Nick Hayden and quarterback Austin Davis. The team waived incumbent kicker Travis Coons, giving Patrick Murray the starting job. Running back Glenn Winston (shoulder) and nose tackle Nile Lawrence-Stample (shoulder) were placed on injured reserve. ___ AP NFL website: and AP NFL Twitter feed:
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Ladycats win suspended match with CNE 2-1
The Blanchester girls soccer team defeated Clermont Northeastern 2-1 Thursday in a game that ended prematurely because of a lighting malfunction at Barbour Memorial Field. “With 15 minutes remaining, the visitor side field lights malfunctioned and went dark, so play was suspended,” BHS coach Kurt Ballinger said. Ballinger added, “The suspended games, according to OHSAA, are complete and the final score stands. Ohio soccer rules stipulate that any time a complete half is played and conditions make it impossible to play, the game is complete and the score is final.” The result places Blanchester at 2-0 on the season. Merri Lindsey scored first giving the Ladycats a 1-0 lead. Lindsey finished off a rebound following a corner kick just five minutes into the match, Ballinger said. While Blanchester had an 11-3 advantage in shots in the first half, the Lady Rockets tied the match with 18 minutes remaining. The Ladycats responded with a goal less than two minutes later when Bekah Sams “flicked a header back post for the lead off of a Chloe Caplinger looping cross,” Ballinger said. The lights went off shortly after and the match was suspended. Regan Ostermeier had five saves for Blanchester. Ballinger said Lindsey in the midfield, and Mckenzie Hamm and Mckenzie Miller on defense played “inspired.”
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
East Clinton edged by Hillsboro 3-2
HILLSBORO – The East Clinton tennis team dropped a tight 3-2 match Monday against Hillsboro in South Central Ohio League tennis action. The Lady Astros drop to 1-3 on the year. Kylee Hidy at first singles and the doubles team of Bella Walters and Haley Harrell posted wins for East Clinton. For Hidy and the doubles team, it was their second win of the season. SUMMARY August 29, 2016 @Hillsboro High School Hillsboro 3 East Clinton 2 Singles • Kylee Hidy def Peyton Kidder 1-6, 6-2, 7-5 • Sydney Michael was def by Erin Clark 4-6, 4-6 • Cassie Parks was def by Breanna Fender 0-6, 0-6 Doubles • Hannah Pickering, Shelby Michael were def by Jessica Moon, Abby Harmon 2-6, 2-6 • Bella Walters, Haley Harrell def Aiji Taylor, Morgan Kepler 6-4, 6-3
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
BHS volleyball rallies from 0-2 to defeat East Clinton
BLANCHESTER — Rallying from a 2-0 deficit, the Blanchester volleyball team defeated East Clinton 17-25, 21-25, 25-16, 25-14, 15-13 Saturday in a non-league match at the BHS gym. “When you get down zero games to two, it’s easy to give up and not try,” BHS coach Jenna Weisflock said. “But the girls did the opposite; they fought hard and won three games in a row to pull out the win. The heart the girls showed during this match was amazing. It was a great win to come off of to start league play this week.” Shelbie Rose had 19 assists, nine digs, five perfect passes and 21 service points for the Ladycats. Shayla Sicurella had a kill, seven digs, eight perfect passes, 17 points and three aces. Morgan Oberle had seven kills, two blocks, 14 points and three aces. Ally Davis had three kills, two digs, six perfect passes, 14 points and four aces. Asia Baldwin has 12 kills, a block, 14 digs and nine points. Cheyenne Brown had two kills, a block, two digs and four points. Stephanie Gerlach had 12 digs, 15 perfect passes, seven points and three aces. On the other side of the gym, East Clinton coach Sarah Sodini credited Blanchester for the comeback “We came out strong and ready to play and then lost momentum in the third game,” said Sodini. “Blanchester came out in the third game ready to play. They played scrappy and we played sloppy. Hats off to Blanchester’s players and coach.” Logan Peterman had five aces, a kill, 10 assists and three digs for EC. Mindy Bean had nine kills and eight digs. Kenzie Campbell had an ace, two kills, four blocks and seven digs. Lacey Peterman had an ace, three kills, eight assists and a dig. Paige Lilly had an ace, seven kills and 12 digs. Kaitlin Durbin had an ace, three kills, four blocks and 12 digs. Kaitlyn Talbott had a block and a dig. Myah Jones had an ace and a dig.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Wilmington police arrest rape suspect
WILMINGTON — The Wilmington Police Department has arrested a Minnesota man on rape charges. The suspect is Greg Willison, 37, of South Movil Road in Bimidji, Minnesota. According to WPD Chief Duane Weyand, over the last year Det. Bob Wilson has been working a reported sex offense that occurred several years ago. “The defendant in this case fled the area shortly after the alleged incident had occurred,” Weyand said. “When this sex offense occurred, the victim in the matter was less than 10 years of age.” Willison was arrested Monday and charged with rape, gross sexual imposition, and sexual battery, Weyand said. He said the rape charge carries a life specification since the victim was less than 10 years of age when the crime is alleged to have occurred. Willison is currently incarcerated in the Clinton County Jail. “This is some great work by Det. Wilson, who has worked diligently on this case for the last 14 months,” Weyand said. Willison Willison
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
2016 PREVIEW: Wilmington College men’s soccer
RECORD IN 2015 5-13-1 overall HEAD COACH Bud Lewis COACH’S RECORD 492-260-53 COACHES IN PROGRAM Nick Kinder, Marc Johnson, Sean Bray NUMBER OF STARTERS RETURNING 5 NUMBER OF RETURNING LETTER WINNERS 12 KEY PLAYERS RETURNING Junior defender captain Nils Asteberg; sophomore midfielder captain Benny Spirk; sophomore midfielder Niklas Martensson; senior keeper Nick Baker; sophomore defender Jason Altmayer; junior midfielder Grady Garrison; junior defender Chris Bourque KEY NEWCOMERS Forwards Roman Kirshner, Carl Bergstrom, Noah Wallis; midfielders Leandro Foscaches, Andrej Mira, Anton Holmqvist, Nati Wallis; defenders Gabriel Nygard, Jon Leis, Anton Berglund; sophomore keeper Eli Feuer KEY PLAYERS LOST All-Ohio and All-OAC Nick Toney; defender Jesse Buhrman and midfielder Ethan Zimpfer RIGHT NOW I LIKE … We have depth and talent at all positions. We have very good size and better technical and tactical ability. RIGHT NOW WE NEED TO IMPROVE … Building out of the back and putting our opponent under pressure TEAM TO BEAT IN YOUR LEAGUE John Carroll and Ohio Northern are the top teams in the conference at this time as they both return most of their starting lineup from last year. ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT TEAM, SEASON We will be a much improved team from last year with the addition of 21 new players to the program. Our team will be fun to watch and will be competitive in every match. SCHEDULE Sept 1 @Wittenberg 7 pm; Sept 3 Covenant 730 pm @WC; Sept 9 Mount St Joseph 730 pm @WC Kiwanis Classic; Sept 10 Albion 730 pm @WC Kiwanis Classic; Sept 14 Transylvania 8 pm @WC; Sept 17 Denison Noon @WC; Sept 21 Earlham 7 pm @WC; Sept 24 @Bethany 330 pm; Sept 27 @Hanover 5 pm Oct 1 John Carroll 7 pm @WC; Oct 5 @Capital 7 pm; Oct 8 Baldwin Wallace 7 pm @WC Parents Night; Oct 11 @Otterbein 7 pm; Oct 15 @Marietta 4 pm; Oct 19 Ohio Northern 7 pm @WC; Oct 22 @ Mount Union 7 pm; Oct 25 Muskingum 7 pm @WC; Oct 29 Heidelberg 7 pm @WC Senior Night The Wilmington College men’s soccer team, from left to right, front row, Robi Patrick, Andrej Mira, Kyle Howard, Adam Knaub, Nate Hughes, Zach Simpkins, Alec Rivers, Oscar Bjornerstedt, Nick Baker, Eli Feuer, Conner Wichmann, Roman Kirshner, Grady Garrison, Benny Spirk, Collin Ferguson, Gabriel Nygard, JC Brewer; back row, head coach Bud Lewis, Ashley McCray, senior AT, coach Sean Bray, Colton Smith, Leandro Foscaches, Jason Altmayer, Bradley Burden, Noah Wallis, Tommy Logan, Chris Bourque, Wes King, Nati Wallis, Anton Berglund, Treshaun Pate, Niklas Martensson, Simen Kjoerven, Carl Bergstrom, Jon Leis, Anton Holmqvist, Nils Asteberg, Daniel Kappelin, Kathy Hayes AT, Anton Niklasson. Assistant coach Nick Kinder was not present for the photo. The Wilmington College men’s soccer team, from left to right, front row, Robi Patrick, Andrej Mira, Kyle Howard, Adam Knaub, Nate Hughes, Zach Simpkins, Alec Rivers, Oscar Bjornerstedt, Nick Baker, Eli Feuer, Conner Wichmann, Roman Kirshner, Grady Garrison, Benny Spirk, Collin Ferguson, Gabriel Nygard, JC Brewer; back row, head coach Bud Lewis, Ashley McCray, senior AT, coach Sean Bray, Colton Smith, Leandro Foscaches, Jason Altmayer, Bradley Burden, Noah Wallis, Tommy Logan, Chris Bourque, Wes King, Nati Wallis, Anton Berglund, Treshaun Pate, Niklas Martensson, Simen Kjoerven, Carl Bergstrom, Jon Leis, Anton Holmqvist, Nils Asteberg, Daniel Kappelin, Kathy Hayes AT, Anton Niklasson. Assistant coach Nick Kinder was not present for the photo. Courtesy Photo
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Fowler plays his way off US Ryder Cup team
FARMINGDALE, N.Y. (AP) — Rickie Fowler lost the lead, the tournament and a guaranteed spot on the Ryder Cup team. Right when it looked as though Zach Johnson had played his way off the U.S. team, Fowler squandered a chance to earn the eighth and final automatic spot when he shot 39 on the back nine at The Barclays, capped off by two bogeys and a double bogey over his last four holes. “Very disappointing,” Fowler said. “Just made a couple bad swings at the wrong time.” Sunday was the final day for Americans to earn automatic spots on the team that will try to win the Ryder Cup back from Europe on Sept. 30 to Oct. 2 at Hazeltine at Minnesota. Five of the spots were already clinched going into The Barclays — U.S. Open champion Dustin Johnson, Jordan Spieth, Phil Mickelson, PGA champion Jimmy Walker and Ryder Cup rookie Brooks Koepka. Patrick Reed moved from No. 8 to No. 4 with his one-shot victory at Bethpage Black. Brandt Snedeker and Zach Johnson kept their spots. Johnson tied for 48th, leaving himself vulnerable for being knocked out of the top eight when Fowler had a two-shot lead early in the final round. Fowler only needed to finish alone in third to overtake Johnson, and he was two shots ahead of third place with four holes to go. That’s when it all went wrong. “I’m just trying to win the tournament,” Fowler said when asked if he knew where he stood. “If I win, then it takes care of both things. Obviously, once Patrick got a little bit of a cushion, I still wanted to get the best finish I can. “It will hurt,” Fowler said. “But it’s only going to make it better for next week. I’ll be in a good spot.” Davis Love III still has four captain’s picks over the next three weeks. He will make three of them after the BMW Championship on Sept. 12, and the final pick after the Tour Championship, which ends the Sunday before Ryder Cup week. Bubba Watson closed with a 66 and tied for 13th to move into ninth place, ahead of J.B. Holmes, Fowler and Matt Kuchar, who won the bronze medal at the Olympics. That gives the Americans two of this year’s major champions and only one rookie. Spieth, Reed, Walker and Snedeker will be playing on their second Ryder Cup team. Zach Johnson made his fourth Ryder Cup team, while Dustin Johnson is playing for the third time and Mickelson qualified on his own for the 11th time, an American record. Europe’s automatic nine spots were decided a week ago, and already there are five Ryder Cup rookies in Masters champion Danny Willett, Andy Sullivan, Matthew Fitzpatrick, Rafa Cabrera Bello and Chris Wood. European captain Darren Clarke makes his three picks Tuesday. Martin Kaymer and Lee Westwood are likely to be two of the picks, and Thomas Pieters of Belgium made a strong case to be a pick when he won in Denmark on Sunday. Rickie Fowler tees off from the third hole during the final round of The Barclays golf tournament in Farmingdale, N.Y., Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016. (AP Photo/Kathy Kmonicek) Rickie Fowler tees off from the third hole during the final round of The Barclays golf tournament in Farmingdale, N.Y., Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016. (AP Photo/Kathy Kmonicek) Rickie Fowler tees off from the second hole during the final round of The Barclays golf tournament in Farmingdale, N.Y., Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016. (AP Photo/Kathy Kmonicek) Rickie Fowler tees off from the second hole during the final round of The Barclays golf tournament in Farmingdale, N.Y., Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016. (AP Photo/Kathy Kmonicek) Patrick Reed kisses the trophy after winning The Barclays golf tournament in Farmingdale, N.Y., Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016. (AP Photo/Kathy Kmonicek) Patrick Reed kisses the trophy after winning The Barclays golf tournament in Farmingdale, N.Y., Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016. (AP Photo/Kathy Kmonicek)
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
CM welcomes new teachers, staff
CLARKSVILLE — When Clinton-Massie Local Schools opened the doors to begin the new school year, teachers and administrators were on hand to welcome Falcon Scholars back to the classroom, where they quickly settled in to begin the 2016-17 school year. Classrooms that sat empty over the summer quickly became hubs of activity and hands-on learning, sure to open doors to new and exciting adventures in education. It was a day filled with excitement as the most veteran of Falcons officially began their reign as Massie seniors, and it was a day filled with nervous anticipation as kindergarteners said good bye to their parents and sixth-graders and freshmen navigated new hallways trying to find their classrooms before the tardy bell rang. The Falcon teaching staff also had some newbies among its ranks as CMES welcomed Amber Boris, Melinda Hathaway, Ashli Martin, Jen Molitor, Shea Proctor, Alissa Rinke, and Samantha Webb. CMHS welcomed Kayla Brown Ward, Ronda DeBord, Kenneth Holter, Meagan Morabito, Jordan Phipps, Scott Rolf, Joy Settlemyre, and Brittany Smith. The district also welcomed support staff members Randy Campbell, Wendy Kropp, Anna Lykins, Debra Moore, Grace Poston along with specialty educational leaders and staff members Ted Custis, Robyn Donisi, Jennifer Jones, Victoria Monroe, and Rachel Sams, who work behind the scenes to serve Massie students. According to Superintendent Matt Baker, who begins his first year at the helm of the Clinton-Massie Local School District, “There is an excitement in the air going into this year. I have seen the great students, caring staff, and beautiful facilities that Clinton-Massie has to offer, and it is my pleasure to help continue the wonderful opportunities we provide to our students and community.” Information for this article was provided by Diana Miller, who coordinates communications for several area schools. After assigning seats and discussing classroom expectations, middle school teacher Jim Wagner officially introduces his students to eighth-grade American History. After assigning seats and discussing classroom expectations, middle school teacher Jim Wagner officially introduces his students to eighth-grade American History. Courtesy photo Courtesy photo Superintendent begins first year at helm
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Wilmington News Journal
STAMFORD, Conn. (AP) — World Wrestling Entertainment says the former star wrestler and manager Harry Fujiwara, better known as Mr. Fuji, has died at age 82. An obituary posted on WWE’s website Sunday said Fujiwara died that morning. The obituary doesn’t say where he died or list a cause of death. The WWE hasn’t responded to a request for comment from The Associated Press. Fujiwara starred as a tag team champion in the ring before shifting into a bad guy manager role in the 1980s. “Magnificent” Don Muraco, Yokozuna and George “The Animal” Steele were among those he managed. He was known for his trademark tactic of throwing salt into the eyes of opponents. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2007.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Gray leads Goshen over Wildcats at Elks 797 Golf Club
The Blanchester boys golf team was defeated by Goshen 184 to 210 Monday afternoon in a non-league match at the Elks 797 Golf Club. Garrett Gray of Goshen was the match medalist, shooting a 1-under par 34 on the front nine. For the Wildcats, Clayton Guy led the way with a 45. Connor Cook had a 50 for BHS and Aaron Anderson came in with a 53. Ashlin Benne had a 62.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Lady Hurricane doubles-up on Hillsboro 4-2
Bouncing back from a loss Saturday to Little Miami, the Wilmington High School girls soccer team defeated Miami Trace 4-2 at Alumni Field in South Central Ohio League play. “We dominated possession throughout the entire game,” WHS coach Kerry Lewis said. “Even though we gave up two goals, this was our best defensive showing thus far. Our center-backs Jenna Victor and Sophie Burt played mistake-free soccer. Our outside-backs Claire Greenlees, Ashley Tissot and Bradeanna Arehart played their best game. We really focused on getting our outside backs up the field and into space. Our backs did a great job of stepping to the ball and closing down space.” Jasmine Jamiel scored a pair of goals. Savannah Morgan and Bridgette Thompson had one goal each. Morgan, Autumn Housh and Greenlees recorded assists. “Thompson played her best game of the year at center-mid.” said Lewis. “Bridgette controlled possession and repeatedly gave us offensive opportunities. “Savannah created our best play of the year taking a pass from Jordan Snarr down the left side of the pitch and deep into their baseline. Savannah laid the ball back across the face of the goal to attacking striker Jasmine Jamiel for the easy score.” Wilmington is 2-1 in the SCOL.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Several hurt in crash near Blanchester
Several people were injured in a two-vehicle crash on State Route 28 in Harlan Township, Warren County, just west of Blanchester about 11:30 a.m. Saturday, according to Harlan Twp. Fire Department Chief Andy Mitten. He said a Hyundai sedan was eastbound and failed to slow, and rear-ended a Jeep 4X4, which was also confirmed by Lt. Chuck O’Bryon of the Ohio Sate Highway Patrol Lebanon Post, which investigated the accident. A small child and her mother, Amber Newman, 29, of Milford, in the Hyundai, were stabilized at the scene by Harlan Township Life Squad and then flown to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital by University Air Care helicopter, Mitten said. The driver of the Jeep, Michael Boyle, 67, of Martinsville, and passenger Charlene Boyle, 64, were transported to Bethesda North Hospital by Blanchester EMS. The crash caused extensive damage to both vehicles and shut down Route 28 for over an hour. Several people were injured in a two-vehicle crash on State Route 28 in Harlan Township, Warren County, just west of Blanchester about 11:30 a.m. Saturday, according to Harlan Twp. Fire Department Chief Andy Mitten. He said a Hyundai sedan was eastbound and failed to slow, and rear-ended a Jeep 4X4, which was also confirmed by Lt. Chuck O’Bryon of the Ohio Sate Highway Patrol Lebanon Post, which investigated the accident. A small child and her mother, Amber Newman, 29, of Milford, in the Hyundai, were stabilized at the scene by Harlan Township Life Squad and then flown to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital by University Air Care helicopter, Mitten said. The driver of the Jeep, Michael Boyle, 67, of Martinsville, and passenger Charlene Boyle, 64, were transported to Bethesda North Hospital by Blanchester EMS. The crash caused extensive damage to both vehicles and shut down Route 28 for over an hour. Several people were injured in a two-vehicle crash on State Route 28 in Harlan Township, Warren County, just west of Blanchester about 11:30 a.m. Saturday, according to Harlan Twp. Fire Department Chief Andy Mitten. He said a Hyundai sedan was eastbound and failed to slow, and rear-ended a Jeep 4X4, which was also confirmed by Lt. Chuck O’Bryon of the Ohio Sate Highway Patrol Lebanon Post, which investigated the accident. A small child and her mother, Amber Newman, 29, of Milford, in the Hyundai, were stabilized at the scene by Harlan Township Life Squad and then flown to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital by University Air Care helicopter, Mitten said. The driver of the Jeep, Michael Boyle, 67, of Martinsville, and passenger Charlene Boyle, 64, were transported to Bethesda North Hospital by Blanchester EMS. The crash caused extensive damage to both vehicles and shut down Route 28 for over an hour. Harlan Twp. FD
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
16 sentenced in municipal court
WILMINGTON — The following report is compiled using a disposition report provided by the Clinton County Municipal Court. The information includes the name of the defendant, age, location (if listed), charge disposed, fine, court costs assessed, jail sentence and any special conditions. Municipal Judge Mike Daugherty oversees the court, which handles misdemeanors, traffic cases and some civil cases. Only the criminal misdemeanors are included here. The following pled guilty or were found guilty of crimes between August 15 and August 19: • Skyler South, 22, of Hillsboro, criminal mischief, sentenced 30 days jail (suspended), fined $250, assessed $125 court costs, pay restitution, no contact with victim, write letter of apology, complete 20 hours community service or donate $160 to community service fund. • Kyle Wilson, 23, of Washington Court House, theft, sentenced 180 days jail (suspended), fined $100, assessed $125 court costs, write letter of apology to victim business, no contact with victim business, pay restitution. A charge of attempting to commit a crime against Wilson was dismissed. • Zachary Shoemaker, 34, of Wilmington, child endangerment, sentenced 180 days jail, fined $1,000, assessed $125 court costs. Charges of permitting drug abuse and possession of drug paraphernalia against Shoemaker were dismissed. • Randy Forbes Jr., 35, of Goshen, failure to comply, sentenced 180 days jail, fined $1,000, assessed $125 court costs, license suspended three years. • William Johnson, 48, of Wilmington, disorderly conduct, sentenced 30 days jail (suspended), fined $250, assessed $125 court costs. A charge of assault against Johnson was dismissed. • Ryan Smith, 40, of Columbus, disorderly conduct, sentenced 30 days jail (suspended), assessed $125 court costs, no text messages to a certain person. A charge of telephone harassment against Smith was dismissed. • Martin Howell, 29, of Port William, disorderly conduct, sentenced 30 days jail (suspended), fined $210, assessed $125 court costs, forfeit cash bond, no further offense for one year. • Joshua Oatneal, 21, of Middletown, possession of marijuana, fined $75, assessed $125 court costs. • Sterling Clark, 19, of Cincinnati, possession of marijuana, fined $90, assessed $125 court costs. • Brett Young, 41, of Wilmington, possession of marijuana, fined $30, assessed $125 court costs. • Christopher Sharpe, 30, of Hamilton, possession of marijuana, fined $100, assessed $125 court costs. • Amberly Miller, 26, of Mount Orab, passing bad checks, sentenced 10 days jail (suspended), assessed $125 court costs, pay restitution, no contact with victim business, write letter of apology to victim business. • Katherine Page, 19, falsification, sentenced 30 days jail (suspended), assessed $125 court costs, two years’ probation. Charges of obstruction of official business and possessing a drug abuse instrument against Page were dismissed. • Daniel Jetter, 34, of Loveland, possession of marijuana, fined $100, assessed $125 court costs. • Scotty McIntosh, 36, of Sabina, disorderly conduct, fined $50, assessed $125 court costs. • Youssef Mahanna, 24, of Georgetown, two counts possession of drug paraphernalia, fined $100, assessed $125 court costs. The following had charges against them dismissed: • Deloris Clay, 44, of Buffalo, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia; dismissed as defendant is out of state and cannot be served or arrested on the charges. • Amanda Robinson, 27, of Wilmington, complicity; charge dismissed. • Paul White, 45, of Columbus, theft; charge dismissed as White was compliant. Reach Nathan Kraatz at 937-382-2574, ext. 2510 or on Twitter @NathanKraatz.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Trace trips up Lady Astros in SCOL volleyball
EBER — In a tight contest, the East Clinton volleyball team was defeated by Miami Trace 24-26, 23-25, 25-23, 15-25 Thursday in a South Central Ohio League match. “The scores show that it was a close game, but we did not play volleyball the way we know how,” EC coach Sarah Sodini said. “We came out flat and had nine service errors. That’s a difficult thing to overcome. We’re looking forward to fixing it for Saturday.” Logan Peterman had an ace, 11 assists and three digs. Mindy Bean had three aces, five kills and six digs. Kenzie Campbell had three aces, a kill, seven blocks and nine digs. Kaitlyn Talbott had two aces, two kills, two blocks and two digs. Paige Lilly had an ace, five kills and 18 digs. Kaitlin Durbin had six kills and 10 digs. Lacey Peterman had 10 digs while Sydney Landrum had three digs and Carrie Pickering had two digs.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Clinton-Massie tennis cruises to 5-0 win over Little Miami
ADAMS TOWNSHIP — The Clinton-Massie tennis team had no trouble Monday with Little Miami in a non-league match on the CMHS courts. The Lady Falcons, 4-2 on the year, were easy 5-0 winners. “The girls are playing really smart tennis right now,” coach Lynn Deatherage said. “We shuffled the lineup and found some new successful combinations. The freshman pair of (Raelee) Shultz and (Nina) Lazic performed well at second doubles and contributed to the win.” The 1-2 combination of Hailey Clayborn and Anne Thompson were both victorious on Monday and were runnersup Saturday at the Wilmington Invitational tennis tournament. Both are now 7-2 on the year. SUMMARY August 29, 2016 @Clinton-Massie HS Clinton-Massie 5 Little Miami 0 Singles • Hailey Clayborn defeated M. Wilson 6-0, 6-1 • Anne Thompson defeated K. Misciarsci 6-0, 6-0 • Claire Carruthers defeated M. Thoma 6-1, 6-0 Doubles • Amber Winemiller/Megan Wonderly defeated C. Wilson/A Yockey 6-1, 6-0 • Raelee Shultz/Nina Lazic defeated F. Phillips/D Silver 6-0, 6-1 Anne Thompson and Hailey Clayborn with their runnerup medals following Saturday’s Wilmington Invitational tennis tournament. Anne Thompson and Hailey Clayborn with their runnerup medals following Saturday’s Wilmington Invitational tennis tournament.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Season-best not good enough for Lady Falcons
ADAMS TOWNSHIP — Despite a season-best team score, the Clinton-Massie girls golf team was defeated by Lebanon Tuesday afternoon at Majestic Springs Golf Club. Powered by four players with season-low scores, the Lady Falcons shot 174 on the par 35 front nine but the Lady Warriors came in with a 168. Gabby Woods of CM had a 37 while Angela Miller carded a 43. Kelsey Smith shot a 46 and a pair of players — Emma Filipkowski and Jezreel Forand — both had 48s. Taylor Kropp shot a 59.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
OSU’s goals remain same no matter who leaves
COLUMBUS – When Urban Meyer looks into the future he sees the past. Coaches don’t usually like to look backward but in this case it serves Meyer’s purposes. Ohio State has 16 first-time starters, which makes the Buckeyes the least experienced FBS team in college football this season. The hope is that exceptional recruiting the last few years will compensate for all the talent which walked out the door after last season, including nine underclassmen who left early to enter the NFL draft. But recruiting isn’t the only reason to think the Buckeyes can put themselves into the conversation about the College Football Playoff again, Meyer said. The recent past might provide a road map for this year’s team. “I see that potential. I think 2014 was the template that everybody wants,” Meyer said, referring to OSU’s national championship season two years ago. “J.T. Barrett was buried in the depth chart, Darron Lee, Eli Apple, Zeke Elliott, Mike Thomas — those guys were no-names, and they became very good throughout the course of 2014. And another guy, Cardale Jones, was buried in the depth chart.” All of those players except Barrett are in the NFL now. So are Vonn Bell, Taylor Decker, Braxton Miller, Jalin Marshall, Adolphus Washington, Joshua Perry, Nick Vannett, Tyis Powell and Joey Bosa, when he signs. Whether their replacements live up to the four-star and five-star rankings the recruiting analysts gave them will determine if Ohio State is able to stay at the elite level it has been on with 50 wins in 54 games in Meyer’s four seasons in Columbus. The reasons to believe 2016 is similar to 2014 start with quarterback J.T. Barrett, who is 15-2 as a starter. Barrett has the starting quarterback job to himself this year. He’s healthy and is expecting to have another season like the one he had in 2014 when he was the best quarterback in the Big Ten before he suffered a broken leg in the Michigan game. What he doesn’t have is a lot of experience around him on offense. He doesn’t have Elliott, who had back-to-back seasons of 1,878 yards and 1,821 yards rushing, which could mean OSU will throw the ball more this season. Noah Brown, expected to be the No. 1 receiver, has one career catch. And though center Pat Elflein and guard Billy Price are All-Big Ten caliber offensive linemen, the other three positions will belong to first-year starters – Jamarco Jones, Isaiah Prince and probably freshman Michael Jordan. Defensively, the line is the most experienced area, with one returning starter, Tyquan Lewis, and Sam Hubbard, who got close to starter’s minutes last year, at the ends. Linebacker Raekwon McMillan, almost certainly in his final season at OSU before heading to the NFL, and cornerback Gareon Conley are the other returning starters. Players like Chris Worley and Dante Booker at linebacker, Malik Hooker and Damon Webb at safety and cornerbacks Marshon Lattimore, Denzel Ward and Damon Arnette will get their chances to play after mostly watching from the sideline so far in their careers. Punter Cameron Johnston is one of the best in the country. Kicker Sean Nuernberger lost his job to a walk-on for much of last season before getting it back late in the season. He is 16 of 24 in his career but did not make a field goal longer than 38 yards last season. “I just like coaching this team. They’re hungry, they’re very anxious to learn,” Meyer said. Beginning this Saturday against Bowling Green, Ohio State will learn if a group of mostly inexperienced players can live up to the always big expectations at OSU. Ohio State defensive end Tyquan Lewis, one of only six returning starters for Ohio State, sacks Northern Illinois quarterback Drew Hare last season. Ohio State defensive end Tyquan Lewis, one of only six returning starters for Ohio State, sacks Northern Illinois quarterback Drew Hare last season. DON SPECK | The Lima News By Jim Naveau [email protected] Reach Jim Naveau at 567-242-0414 or on Twitter at @Lima_Naveau. Reach Jim Naveau at 567-242-0414 or on Twitter at @Lima_Naveau.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Strong 2nd half lifts Blanchester boys 3-1
BLANCHESTER — Dakota Penquite had five saves in goal and recorded a pair of assists as Blanchester defeated Clermont Northeastern 3-1 in a Southern Buckeye Athletic & Academic Conference National Division match at Barbour Memorial Field. Blanchester is 2-0 with both wins being SBAACN matches. The Wildcats had the greater ball possession in the first half, coach Troy Ballinger said, but the score was tied 1-1 at halftime. Nevan Coyle netted a penalty kick for the BHS goal. Jacob Burden was tripped from behind on a breakaway in the box which prompted the PK, Ballinger said. In the second half, Blanchester peppered the CNE goal but failed to score early. Finally, Ballinger said, Penquite assisted on Burden’s goal to make it 2-1 BHS. Penquite then assisted Sam Schafer on a goal to seal the win. Balllinger said the BHS defense held strong in the second half while the offense was attacking. Wesley Mitchell had two saves in goal during the second half for the Wildcats.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Police: Man dies after killing neighbor at school bus stop
HOLLAND, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio man who shot a couple, killing a woman, at a school bus stop amid what neighbors called a long-running feud has died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The Lucas County sheriff’s office says Jimmie Pemberton died Tuesday night at a Toledo hospital, about 12 hours after he shot the couple. Investigators say Pemberton shot the couple just after they put their children on a school bus. They say he then set fire to their home and shot himself. Others who live on the street in the village of Holland say there had been a feud between Pemberton and his neighbors. Authorities say Susan Buchholz died a few hours after the shooting. Daniel Bennett was injured, but his condition hasn’t been released.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Clinton (Co.) set to welcome Trump
To register for up to two tickets to the event (first come, first serve), go to: WILMINGTON — Rarely, if ever, has a Clinton welcomed a Trump with open arms. But history will be made Thursday when Clinton County rolls out the red Republican carpet for 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump. The visit was announced and tickets made available to the public Monday evening via Trump’s website. He will speak at a noon rally Thursday at the Roberts Centre; gates open at 9 a.m. “We’re absolutely thrilled that Mr. Trump is coming to Clinton County,” said Clinton County GOP Chairman Tim Inwood. “This may be Clinton County, but as he showed in the primary, it’s Trump country, as he handily carried the county.” Ensuring safety Staff at the Clinton County Sheriff’s Office met Tuesday morning with Secret Service. The local deputies will assist Secret Service in securing the Roberts Centre, said Clinton County Sheriff Ralph Fizer Jr., “to make sure everyone has a pleasant rally with hopefully no incidents.” Fizer noted this is not the first time a national candidate has held a public rally at Roberts Centre, mentioning Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin and sitting Vice President Dick Cheney. In addition, Ohio Gov. John Kasich gave his annual State of the State address at the Roberts Centre in early 2015. While helping provide security at a presidential campaign rally is a big responsibility, the sheriff also can appreciate the event as an event, saying it is “neat” to have Trump visit Clinton County. Wilmington Chief of Police Duane Weyand said Tuesday that his department will be engaged in security, too. Impact on local economy Clinton County Convention and Visitors Bureau Executive Director Debbie Stamper said it’s difficult to put a dollar figure on the local economic impact of such an event. “While the majority of attendees will drive in for the day and return home, we are keenly aware of the opportunity it presents to showcase the Roberts Centre,” Stamper said. “You never know how much future business may be cultivated. “And there will, of course, be spending at our local eateries and gas stations, another positive takeaway.” In the national spotlight “This is an exciting opportunity for the people of Wilmington and southwest Ohio to participate in the political process and hear first-hand from a presidential candidate,” said Ohio House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger, a Republican of Clarksville in Clinton County. “Ohioans probably know better than anybody the importance of the presidential election and understand just how vital Ohio is to determining the next president. Every person in Ohio holds a great deal of influence over the future direction of our country, which is a privilege that not every state can claim.” “I encourage men and women in Wilmington to attend the rally and show the entire nation the kind of spirit and enthusiasm that our city shares.” Clinton County Commissioner Mike Curry said it’s always a good thing when a national candidate visits the community and “sees what we’re about.” “It’s a good opportunity for our community to be in the spotlight again,” said Curry. He plans to be at the mid-day Thursday event. Curry declined to say how he feels about Trump as a presidential candidate. Clinton County Commissioner Patrick Haley said anytime a presidential candidate comes to Clinton County, it puts a spotlight on the local community, “which I think is a good thing for a variety of reasons.” He said he thinks Trump has run an effective anti-status quo campaign. “Many people in America feel there is a time for change, back to a more conservative philosophy, and that has broad appeal to the electorate,” said Haley. He is going to attend the rally where he anticipates a massive turnout from the region. Clinton County Commissioner Kerry Steed has registered for event tickets. He said Trump is a businessman who knows how to turn failure into success — something that Clinton Countians have had to address after devastating job losses in 2008-09. Trump “exhibits a lot of qualities we need for success in this country,” added Steed. The abilities to build businesses and serve customers and take the business risk everyday provide motivation to improve, work hard and look toward the future, he said. First-year Wilmington Mayor John Stanforth said he has been invited to be on the stage at the rally. “That was a shock,” he said. “Boy, am I glad he’s coming to Clinton County,” said Stanforth, a Republican. “He is our presidential candidate,” the mayor said, wondering aloud about members of political parties who do not get behind the party candidate after the primary elections. Two weeks in the making Inwood told the News Journal that the local Republican organization first heard about a possible local visit by Trump about two weeks ago. “He’s coming to the national American Legion convention in Cincinnati and we were given a heads up that the campaign was looking for another venue in Southwest Ohio,” Inwood said. “Clinton County was very appealing to them and we got confirmation today (Monday) that he’s coming here.” Inwood said he hasn’t been told what Trump may be speaking about, but he pointed out that “all his speeches are newsworthy.” Local reaction from all sides Within less than 24 hours of posting the story about Trump visiting Wilmington on the News Journal’s Facebook page, the story had reached more than 50,000 people with more than 700 shares. The comments on the page ranged from pro-Trump to not-so-pro-Trump: “Just printed our tickets!” — Steve Bowman “Russel Burchett and I will be there! Just got our ticket confirmation!” — Shannon Ross “I’m sure it will be astonishingly excellent.” (with smiley face) — Tim Miller “I’ll beat him to his punch line — he’s bringing DHL back.” — Scott Fitzsimmons “You couldn’t pay me to go see either candidate. lol” — Kelly Ely “Eeeeewwww …” — Kristie Cleaver Reach Tom Barr or Gary Huffenberger at 937-382-2574. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, shown at a veterans’ gathering earlier in the campaign, is in southwest Ohio to speak in Wilmington as well as at the national American Legion convention being held in Cincinnati. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, shown at a veterans’ gathering earlier in the campaign, is in southwest Ohio to speak in Wilmington as well as at the national American Legion convention being held in Cincinnati. Presidential candidate to speak in Wilmington Thursday
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
CM boys soccer wins first since 2014 season
ADAMS TOWNSHIP — Led by Cameron Baker’s hat trick, the Clinton-Massie boys soccer team won its first match since the 2014 season Tuesday over Hillsboro, 3-2, at Frank Irelan Field. The win also was the first in the varsity coaching career of CM coach Tom Henderson. Baker scored three goals while Zach Hammonds added two assists and Aaron Joyner had one assist. Joe Hammonds made eight saves in goal for Clinton-Massie. “We put a lot of pressure on them throughout the game,” Henderson said. “(We had) something like 18 shots on net. Cam (Baker) got himself in great position to put some nice finishes on the board off of some good ball movement from his teammates.”
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
East Clinton JV volleyball rips Panthers
EBER — The East Clinton reserve volleyball team defeated Miami Trace 3-2 Thursday in a South Central Ohio League match. Coach Samantha McGraw said her squad had great communication, cheering and court coverage. Miranda Beener had four aces. Sierra Christian and Victoria Jamison had three kills each while Kayla Hall and Camille Hughes had one kill each. Myah Jones and Rylee Luttrell had solid serving games, McGraw said, and finished with two aces each. Marah Dunn hustled in the back row and finished with three digs, McGraw said.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
PHOTOS: A an early look at photos from the 52nd Cider Keg game
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
2016 PREVIEW: Wilmington College women’s soccer
RECORD IN 2015 10-8-1 HEAD COACH Steve Spirk COACH’S RECORD 288-139-3 COACHES IN PROGRAM Bob Dessecker, Jacob Morrision NUMBER OF STARTERS RETURNING 7 NUMBER OF RETURNING LETTER WINNERS 16 KEY PLAYERS RETURNING Erika Good- Senior; Alyssa Reule- Senior; Taylor Scott- Senior; Mellonee Hall- Junior; Ashley Lovett- Junior KEY NEWCOMERS Haley Brausch, Haley Burge, Madison Weideman, Taylor Coy, Amy Johnson KEY PLAYERS LOST Morgan Combs, Ashley Stockton RIGHT NOW I LIKE … The way our team is coming together and training hard every day. RIGHT NOW WE NEED TO IMPROVE … The little things of knowing how each other plays strengths etc.. OTHER THAN OUR TEAM, WHO WILL BE THE TEAM TO BEAT IN YOUR LEAGUE AND WHY Just us! ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT TEAM, SEASON This team is working hard to “put it all together” SCHEDULE Sept 1 Centre 730 pm @WC; Sept 3 @Anderson 1 pm; Sept 7 Wittenberg 7 pm @WC; Sept 10 @Manchester 4 pm; Sept 14 @Earlham 4 pm; Sept 17 Wooster 230 pm @WC; Sept 21 @Ohio Wesleyan 7 pm; Sept 24 @Ohio Christian 2 pm Oct 1 @John Carroll 4 pm; Oct 4 Capital 7 pm @WC; Oct 7 @Baldwin-Wallace 7 pm; Oct 12 Otterbein 7 pm @WC; Oct 15 Marietta 7 pm @WC; Oct 18 @Ohio Northern 7 pm; Oct 22 Mount Union 7 pm @WC; Oct 26 @Muskingum 7 pm; Oct 29 @Heidelberg 1 pm The Wilmington College women’s soccer team, from left to right, front row, captains Erika Good, Taylor Scott, Alyssa Reule; middle row, Makylie Ulmer, Katie Evans, Amy Johnson, Alex Vestal, Madison Weideman, Haley Brausch, Taylor Leake, Mellonee Hall, Ashley Lovett, Stephanie Randolph, Haley Burge, student trainer, Ali Hayes; back row, Robbie Oates A.T., assistant coach Robert Dessecker, Arianna Johnson, Danielle Quittschreiber, Kayla Marrero, Hanna Greaney, Sydney Avey (Student Asst.) Hanna Edge, Ana Hosler, Brittany Ross, Leda Moyer, Sarah Pierce, Taylor Thompson, Courtney Fernandez, Taylor Coy, head coach Steve Spirk, Jacob Morrison. The Wilmington College women’s soccer team, from left to right, front row, captains Erika Good, Taylor Scott, Alyssa Reule; middle row, Makylie Ulmer, Katie Evans, Amy Johnson, Alex Vestal, Madison Weideman, Haley Brausch, Taylor Leake, Mellonee Hall, Ashley Lovett, Stephanie Randolph, Haley Burge, student trainer, Ali Hayes; back row, Robbie Oates A.T., assistant coach Robert Dessecker, Arianna Johnson, Danielle Quittschreiber, Kayla Marrero, Hanna Greaney, Sydney Avey (Student Asst.) Hanna Edge, Ana Hosler, Brittany Ross, Leda Moyer, Sarah Pierce, Taylor Thompson, Courtney Fernandez, Taylor Coy, head coach Steve Spirk, Jacob Morrison. Courtesy Photo Compiled by Mark Huber Reach Mark Huber at 937-556-5765, or on Twitter @wnjsports Reach Mark Huber at 937-556-5765, or on Twitter @wnjsports
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
WHS girls 5th, CM 3 in top 17 at Finishtiming XC Classic
The Wilmington High School girls cross country team finished fifth Saturday at the hot and humid Finishtiming XC Classic at Wilmington College. The Clinton-Massie girls did not have a full team but had the top two individuals among county competitors in the Div. II-III race. AJ Houseman was 12th in 23:05.6 and Katie Hughes was 13th in 23:10.6. For Wilmington, Kristin Vail was 22nd in 24:20.7. Indian Hill won the girls race with 61 points while the Lady Hurricane had 134 points and was fifth. East Clinton was ninth overall with 239 points. Rebecca Bevan was the top runner for the Lady Astros, placing 57th in 28:13. SUMMARY Aug 27, 2016 Finishtiming XC Classic @Wilmington College Team standings Indian Hill 61 Chaminade-Julienne 74 Fenwick 93 Washington 124 Wilmington 134 Eastern Brown 135 Emmanuel Christian 144 Dayton Chritian 203 East Clinton 239 Hillsboro 245 Individual results (108 runners) 1, Maddy Garrison, WCH, 19:51; 12, AJ Houseman, CM, 23:05.6; 13, Katie Hughes, CM, 23:10.6; 17, Lilly Lentine, CM, 23:28.8; 22, Kristin Vail, WHS, 24:20.7; 29, Sarah Wright, WHS, 25:10.9; 34, Hailey Fugate, WHS, 25:42.9; 50, Heather Fryman, WHS, 27:22.1; 57, Rebecca Bevan, EC, 28:13; 61, Jessica Angst, WHS, 28:56; 64, Mersadees Gulley, EC, 29:13.2; 71, Brittney Wheeler, EC, 29:50; 72, Hannah Pickering, EC, 29:51.6; 76, Kerrigan Tofte, WHS, 30:14.4; 89, Alexandria Hughes, EC, 33:06.4; 90, Emilee Cross, EC, 33:08.1
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Farm Science Review: Something for everyone
Last week I started highlighting the Farm Science Review, you know that huge farm event that is held up toward London, Ohio at the Ohio State Molly Caren Farm. There is literally something for everyone at this event, not just farmers. This week I want to highlight the Gwynne Conservation area of the review. There are always lots of sessions each year at the Gwynne that focus on natural resources and more. One of the focus topics will deal with chainsaw safety. The series of talks called “Chainsaw Safety and Maintenance” will be given three times throughout the Review: Sept. 20 and 21 from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.; and on Sept. 22 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. There will also be talks on woods and wildlife and so much more. Many of the topics presented in the Gwynne Conservation area will focus on conservation topics of interest to farmers and others, including trees, pastures, grasslands, wetlands, wildlife, insects, water and fish. Here is just a few detailed programs during the farm Science Review: • Dave Apsley of OSU Extension, the college’s outreach arm, and Bob Mulligan of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources will present “Things You Should Consider Before Selling Your Timber” from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Sept. 20 and at the same time Sept. 21. • Joe Boggs of OSU Extension will give a “Zika Virus Update for Ohio” from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Sept. 20. • Marne Titchenell of OSU Extension will discuss “Attracting Songbirds to Your Property” from 2:30 to 3 p.m. Sept. 20. • Bill Lynch, who’s retired from OSU Extension, will look at “Fish Stocking in Ponds” from 10:30 to 11 a.m. and “Stormwater Ponds” from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., both on Sept. 21. • Brian Kleinke and Matt Smith, both of OSU Extension, will talk about hydroponics and aquaponics in back-to-back sessions from 2 to 3 p.m. Sept. 21. • Chris Penrose of OSU Extension will explain “Managing Nutrients on Pasture” from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Sept. 22. • Kathy Smith from Ohio State will lead a “Tree ID Walk” from 11 a.m. to noon Sept. 22. Other topics will include composting, pollinators, pond aeration, invasive species, wildlife “night sounds,” deer exclusion fencing and grazing warm-season grasses. A complete schedule of all the Gwynne talks is at Anne Dorance, OSU Plant Pathologist warns producers of soybeans what diseases to be on the lookout for: Sudden death syndrome: Sudden death syndrome (SDS) is a fungal disease of soybean and is limited to a few locations in Ohio. These fields where SDS occurs in Ohio, also have high SCN populations. After the rains last week, it may be possible to observe the signs of the pathogen on the tap roots, with the formation of pale blue to blue green conidia. This fungus produces a toxin which is why the leaves have the irregular shaped yellow spots forming between the veins which turn necrotic and eventually cause early defoliation of the plants. The internal tissue of the stem, the pith is white – compared to brown stem rot which is brown. Severity of infection, timing of disease onset, SCN population numbers all contribute to the amount of yield loss that will occur. White mold or Sclerotinia stem rot: First plants dying from Sclerotinia stem rot were reported last week. Even with the dry weather during flowering, infection did occur. As you recall we had many cool nights in early July and heavy dews, so my hunch is that contributed to the favorable environments. Sclerotinia is another fungal pathogen that infects the old and dying flowers. This fungus secretes an acid which degrades the tissue, sometimes appears water soaked on the stems and then the fungus just takes off, becomes very white and fluffy on the stems. It will then form hard black – irregular shaped sclerotia which serve as the survival structures and can be easily moved around the farm on equipment. Diaporthe Stem canker: This is one that we have not observed in Ohio very often. Again this is a truck stopper as you drive by fields and see that the tops are dying back too early. This fungus also infects plants at the third or fourth node and basically girdles the plants. Infections occurred when the plants were in the early vegetative stages and has been “hanging out” waiting for the plant to move into the final growth stages. The key difference between this and Phytophthora is that the plant will be green, no internal infection in the lower 3 nodes = whereas with Phytophthora stem rot on highly susceptible varieties, the plant is colonized from the base of the plant up the stem. Phytophthora stem rot: I can’t leave this one out as there are some soybean varieties that do not have the full resistance package we need for Ohio fields. After the rains over last weekend and off and on last week, stem rot is showing up in the fields that were saturated. Plants will turn yellow and wilt, leaves will cling to the plants as it is dying. Again, on susceptible varieties, the chocolate brown canker will be moving up the stem. Variety selection is key to managing all of these late season diseases. Begin to scout your fields, if you find one of these – make note of that variety and make sure to make a change. Do not plant the same variety in the same field as you now know that you have inoculum in that field. Tony Nye is the state coordinator for the Ohio State University Extension Small Farm Program and has been an OSU Extension Educator for agriculture and natural resources for 28 years, currently serving Clinton County and the Miami Valley EERA.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
WHS boys pick up SCOL road win at CCC
CHILLICOTHE — Led by Zack Zeckser, the Wilmington High School boys golf team defeated Chillicothe Monday 171 to 201 in a South Central Ohio League match at the Chillicothe Country Club. Zeckser posted a career-best 40 to lead the Hurricane to an 8-1 SCOL record with the win. Wilmington is 9-3 overall. Hunter DeWeese followed Zeckser with a 43 while Jack Murphy, Drew Carey and Dylan Combs all carded 44s. Cam Smart had a 47. Zack Zeckser Zack Zeckser
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Clinton County restaurant inspections
WILMINGTON — The following information is obtained from the Clinton County Health Department and is compiled from inspection reports. Violations are either critical or non-critical. Critical violations are more likely to contribute to food contamination, illness or an environmental health hazard, including inadequate cooking of food items or poor personal hygiene. For a more detailed description of critical and non-critical violations, or to file a public health or food safety complaint about a restaurant, contact the Clinton County Health Department by calling 937-382-7221. The following restaurants or food service establishments were inspected recently: • Food Mart, 149 West Washington Street, Sabina, August 11, a follow up inspection. Owner continued selling boiled peanuts despite being told he couldn’t with their license. • Kirkwood Camp & Conference Center, 5719 State Route 73 West, Wilmington, August 12. No sign-off sheet showing that employees received training on reporting illness to a supervisor; a new requirement this year. Door seal on cooler damaged. Tape used as repair to freezer. Ice scoop holder had debris accumulation; corrected during visit. Personal items in storage space. Mop room disorganized and cluttered. Maintenance supplies, including a toilet brush, a plunger, brushes and paint, among others, were stored in three-compartment sink, which is for washing dishes; a repeat violation. • Walmart, 2825 State Route 73, Wilmington, August 18. No written procedure for cleaning up vomit or diarrhea; a new requirement this year. No sign-off sheet showing that employees received training on reporting illness to a supervisor; a new requirement this year. Seafood freezer contained cooked shrimp below raw product. Chicken, lasagna and pasta salad weren’t kept cold enough in deli cooler; a person in charge discarded the items. • #1 China Buffet, 1587 Rombach Avenue, August 8, a second follow up inspection. Several violations were corrected. Screen ripped at back exit door. • Cluxton’s Dairy Bar, 267 W. Main Street, New Vienna, August 11. Crockpot used for chili sauce isn’t commercially rated. Five gallon buckets of coleslaw weren’t labeled or date marked. Soft drink nozzles were dirty. • 1st Stop New Vienna, 101 North South Street, New Vienna, August 11. Hand dip ice-cream cooler in use without plumbing permit or plan review; use must be discontinued until requirements are met. • Subway, 2825 State Route 73 South, Wilmington, August 11, a follow up inspection. Several violations were corrected. Soda machine, ice nozzle still had pink and black mold growth inside shoot. • Dairy Queen, 59 Gano Road, Wilmington, August 17. Pickles and shredded cheese weren’t kept cold enough. • The Grand Magnolia Manor, 421 South South Street, Wilmington, August 18. No written procedure for cleaning up vomit or diarrhea; a new requirement this year. No sign-off sheet showing that employees received training on reporting illness to a supervisor; a new requirement this year. Reach Nathan Kraatz at 937-382-2574, ext. 2510 or on Twitter @NathanKraatz.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
What to watch Monday at US Open: Djokovic, Nadal left wrists
NEW YORK (AP) — All eyes will be on a very important pair of left wrists during Day 1 of the U.S. Open — those belonging to Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal. Defending champion Djokovic, a righty, uses his secondary arm for a two-handed backhand. Nadal, of course, is a lefty who relies on that wing for his heavy topspin forehand that is among the best strokes in the game. How each man looks as he begins a bid for a third career title at Flushing Meadows will be one of the main things to watch Monday at the year’s last Grand Slam tournament. The fourth-seeded Nadal, who beat Djokovic in the 2010 and 2013 finals, plays during the day session in Arthur Ashe Stadium against Denis Istomin of Uzbekistan. Nadal has won all four of their previous matchups, taking 10 of 11 sets. Nadal missed 2 1/2 months because of a problem with the tendon sheath in his wrist, pulling out of the French Open before the third round, then skipping Wimbledon altogether. He returned at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics this month, losing to Kei Nishikori in the bronze-medal match in singles and winning a gold medal in doubles with Marc Lopez. While he said he’s feeling better day by day, Nadal also acknowledged “the wrist still bothers me a little bit.” The No. 1-seeded Djokovic, who defeated Nadal in the 2011 U.S. Open final and Roger Federer for last year’s title, said his wrist began bothering him shortly before the start of the Rio Games, where he lost in the first round. He then withdrew from the Cincinnati Masters. Djokovic practiced on Ashe on Sunday evening, with coach Boris Becker observing, and seemed to be hitting backhands without a hitch. What really matters is how Djokovic does under the lights Monday night against Jerzy Janowicz of Poland, a 2013 Wimbledon semifinalist whose career has been derailed by injuries and who entered the U.S. Open main draw via a protected ranking. They’ve never played each other. Here is what else to watch Monday at the U.S. Open: ROOF’S DEBUT: Not that it’s any guarantee, but the forecast does not call for any rain. Still, even if the weather is dry, the new $150 million retractable roof atop the tournament’s main arena will make a debut of sorts: The U.S. Tennis Association plans to shut the structure after the day session, then open it while Phil Collins performs “In the Air Tonight” during the opening-night ceremony. OH, BROTHER: American siblings Ryan and Christian Harrison are the first brothers to get into the main draw of a Grand Slam tournament by both qualifying since at least 1982. The 120th-ranked Ryan — at 24, he’s 2 years older than the 694th-ranked Christian — faces France’s 54th-ranked Adrian Mannarino on Monday. Christian is scheduled to play Tuesday. U.S. CONTINGENT: The Harrisons are two of the half-dozen players from the United States who qualified, helping raise the country’s total representation to 39 players (22 women, 17 men), the most in the U.S. Open since there were 40 in 2005. Monday’s schedule includes these all-American matches: No. 8 Madison Keys vs. Alison Riske on Ashe at night, No. 20 John Isner vs. Frances Tiafoe, No. 26 Jack Sock vs. 18-year-old Taylor Fritz, and Madison Brengle vs. Kayla Day. REMEMBER VINCI?: A year ago, Roberta Vinci was ranked 43rd, unseeded at the U.S. Open and author of one of the biggest upsets in tennis history, ending Serena Williams’ bid for a calendar-year Grand Slam by beating her in the semifinals. Seeded No. 7 this time, Italy’s Vinci returns to the site of her only major final, opening play in Ashe on Monday morning against Anna-Lena Friedsam. Following her on that court will be No. 2 Angelique Kerber, the Australian Open champion and Wimbledon runner-up, against Polona Hercog. Kerber is one of three women — Garbine Muguruza and Agnieszka Radwanska are the others — who could replace Williams at No. 1 in the WTA rankings by tournament’s end. ___ Follow Howard Fendrich on Twitter at Novak Djokovic, of Serbia, speaks during a media availability for the U.S. Open tennis tournament at the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center, Friday, Aug. 26, 2016 in New York. (AP Photo/Bryan R. Smith) Novak Djokovic, of Serbia, speaks during a media availability for the U.S. Open tennis tournament at the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center, Friday, Aug. 26, 2016 in New York. (AP Photo/Bryan R. Smith) Rafael Nadal, of Spain, speaks during a media availability for the U.S. Open at the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center, Friday, Aug. 26, 2016, in New York. (AP Photo/Bryan R. Smith) Rafael Nadal, of Spain, speaks during a media availability for the U.S. Open at the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center, Friday, Aug. 26, 2016, in New York. (AP Photo/Bryan R. Smith) FILE – In this Aug. 2, 2016, file photo, the partially open new retractable roof allows a ribbon of light into Arthur Ashe Stadium at the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in New York. With the stadium now covered by a retractable roof, players such as defending champ Novak Djokovic wonder how it will affect conditions when it is closed. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File) FILE – In this Aug. 2, 2016, file photo, the partially open new retractable roof allows a ribbon of light into Arthur Ashe Stadium at the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in New York. With the stadium now covered by a retractable roof, players such as defending champ Novak Djokovic wonder how it will affect conditions when it is closed. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Connecting education to workforce
By this point in August, most, if not all, students have returned to school, eager and nervous to start the year off right. From kindergarteners to freshmen college students, education is an issue that permeates all ages and all aspects of Ohio’s economic well-being. An education that focuses on fundamental courses and that allows for exploration and career development through middle and high school will ensure both a student’s personal success and industry growth throughout the state. The state legislature has been working on strengthening the connection between education and the workforce. Our goals have been to not only fill jobs in industries that are struggling to find candidates with the proper certifications, such as manufacturing and welding, but to also create alternative pathways for school-age children to discover a fulfilling career that they may not have originally thought was for them. With many young adults graduating from traditional four-year universities with thousands of dollars of debt and sometimes limited job opportunities, we have worked to develop policies that will help solve this issue and educate students on the various higher education options available that can lead to good paying careers. Through the passage of the state’s biennial budget, a provision was included that directly addresses the gap between education and the workforce. This provision creates the Higher Education Workforce Grant Program, which is designed to incentivize students to pursue degrees or certifications that match the in-demand jobs in the state of Ohio. The program awards grants to eligible students who are earning such certifications for these needed jobs. Additionally, for students that decide to pursue the traditional two or four-year college education, the budget bill froze tuition rates at state colleges and universities, keeping costs down for college students. A couple weeks ago, I had the opportunity to speak at an event that epitomizes everything the legislature has been working towards in regards to workforce development, the 2016 Bold Fusion Summit, hosted by the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce. This summit is the region’s largest annual convergence of young professionals, where young minds come together to learn about entrepreneurship how to advance their career. The gathering provides students and recent graduates with the opportunity to discuss different methods and discover what works best for them when finding or developing a career. As you or your children head back to school this month, I hope you will take a moment to think about the future and maybe take a chance to learn what education and career choices will work best for you and your family. There is a wealth of opportunities available, and as we strive to diversify the workforce, Ohio will continue into the future with much success. Ohio House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger (R-Clarksville) represents the 91st District, which includes Clinton County.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Lady Astros JV volleyball cages Blue Lions
LEES CREEK — The East Clinton reserve volleyball team defeated Washington 25-13, 9-25, 25-11 Tuesday night in South Central Ohio League play. Coach Samantha McGraw said the Lady Astros made two changes going into the match and “they all adjusted and played well with one another.” Miranda Beener had two ace. Tori Jamison had five kills at the net and Sidney Landrum had three kills, two aces and a dig. Sierra Christian and Kayla Hall had two aces and two digs each. Camille Hughes had two kills. Rylee Luttrell and Marah Dunn had one dig each.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Lady Falcons overpower Lady Tigers in SCOL soccer
GREENFIELD — The Clinton-Massie girls soccer team routed McClain 13-0 in South Central Ohio League action Thursday night. Mikhayla Carter led the Lady Falcons onslaught with four goals. Molly Lynch and Sidney Leary had two goals each. Preslee Rolf, Annalyse Ireland, Lindsey Carter, Brenna Eades and Mikaela Campbell had one goal each. Clinton-Massie, 2-1 overall and 2-0 in the SCOL, will face Glen Este Saturday.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Miami Trace defeats Wilmington volleyball
The Wilmington High School volleyball team was defeated by Miami Trace Tuesday in South Central Ohio League action at Fred Summers Court. Final set scores were 12-25, 25-16, 21-25, 9-25. The Lady Hurricane is 0-3 on the year, all three matches against SCOL teams.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Muterspaw tops among 7th, 8th grade locals at Finishtiming XC Classic
Clinton-Massie’s Emma Muterspaw finished third Saturday in the middle school girls cross country race in the Finishtiming XC Classic at Wilmington College. Muterspaw clocked a 12:06.9 for the 3,200-meter layout. Jenna Taylor was the top finisher for Wilmington’s Rodger O. Borror Middle School, placing 89th in 17:57.2. On the boys side, Braydon Green of Clinton-Massie was the top runner. He finished 40th in 13:41.7. James Campbell was Borror’s first to hit the line, placing 51st in 13:50.7. For East Clinton, Van Frye was 61st in 14:04.9. SUMMARY August 27, 2016 Finishtiming XC Classic @Wilmington College Middle School Boys Results Team standings Karrer 48 Beavercreek 92 Centerville 103 Unioto 137 Walnut Hills 140 Western Brown 142 Miamisburg 179 Hillsboro 181 Eastern Brown 210 Dayton Christian 262 East Clinton 322 Finneytown 324 South Vienna 372 Washington 412 Individual Results (263 runners) 1, Cooper Hansen, Beavercreek, 11:23.1; 40, Braydon Green, CM, 13:41.7; 51, James Campbell, ROB, 13:50.7; 56, Alex Vail, ROB, 13:59.9; 61, Van Frye, EC, 14:04.9; 67, Bryce Hensley, CM, 14:11.4; 189, Quinten Tolle, EC, 17:32.8; 206, Zach Vest, EC, 18:15.5; 216, Toby Hayes, CM, 18:37.7; 218, Justin Arnold, EC, 18:48; 221, Brandon Walters, ROB, 19:02.3; 263, Connor Beitush, EC, 39:53.2 Middle School Girls Results Team standings Karrer 64 Walnut Hills 96 Centerville 102 Miamisburg 118 Beavercreek 120 Eastern Brown 130 Finneytown 134 Western Brown 179 Washington 222 Wilmington Rodger O Borror 296 Individual Results (192 runners) 1, Juliann Williams, Beavercreek, 12:06.9; 3, Emma Muterspaw, CM, 13:11.8; 89, Jenna Taylor, ROB, 17:57.2; 95, MacKenzie Voges-Pertuset, ROB, 18:00.9; 122, Maddie Spiewak, CM, 19:47; 145, Maggie Swarts, ROB, 20:58.9; 169, Annie Newberry, ROB, 22:31; 177, Kaylie Taylor, ROB, 23:32.5; 189, Mikala Hatfield, ROB, 26:24.2
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[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Endwell, New York, wins Little League World Series
Associated Press Eds: Endwell, New York 2, South Korea 1. Updates with new lead. With AP Photos. SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. (AP) — As Ryan Harlost stepped to the mound on Sunday, he took it all in. Chants of “U-S-A, U-S-A!” droned over his left shoulder as he dipped it to deliver a warm-up pitch. South Korean arms and flags waved furiously to his right. Little kids who asked for his autograph earlier in the week used makeshift sleds to slide down the hill toward most of the 22,000-plus fans who packed Lamade Stadium. The Endwell, New York, pitcher admitted it made him uneasy. He sure didn’t show it. Harlost led New York to the Little League World Series title, striking out eight and limiting South Korea to five hits in six innings in a 2-1 victory. He scored the deciding run on a passed ball in the fourth inning. “I was a little nervous at first in front of a lot of people but it’s just another game and I felt confident going in,” Harlost said. But it was more than just another game. Endwell snapped a five-year championship drought for U.S. teams on Little League’s biggest stage and gave New York its first title since 1964. Huntington Beach, California, won in 2011 and Mid Island from Staten Island won New York’s last World Series championship. Conner Rush had the New York team’s only RBI to give Endwell a lead it wouldn’t relinquish in the bottom of the fourth. Harlost (2-0) scored the deciding run on a passed ball a batter later. “I was just thinking get it in play any way you can,” Rush said. “Once that happens, you never know what can happen.” For a while, it didn’t look like New York hitters would be able to hit anything. Junho Jeong (1-2) gave up two runs on four hits and struck out nine for South Korea (4-2). He was unflappable for most of the afternoon, working the outside of the plate masterfully for 3 1/3 innings of no-hit ball before Jude Abbadessa broke through in the fourth. Waking to the plate as Endwell fans along the first base side bellowed “Juuude!” Abbadessa broke up the righty’s no-hit bid with a single to center. Harlost followed with a liner to the same spot and Rush plated the go-ahead run with a hit that fell in behind the shortstop. Harlost raced home to give New York a 2-0 lead one batter later. “It’s just been amazing,” Abbadessa said. “Just coming here would be amazing and then our team doing well is even more amazing. It’s been fun the whole week and we’re glad that it turned out this way.” Yoomin Lee homered for the Asia-Pacific champs from Seoul to halve New York’s lead in the fifth. Harlost’s precision and a stingy New York defense prevented further damage. In the second, right fielder James Fellows made a running grab at the warning track to rob Sangheon Park of an extra base hit. With a runner on first an inning later, Harlost snagged a hard-hit liner at the mound, tossed to first to get the putout and escape the third unscathed. Later in the fifth after Yoomin’s blast halved the score, Abbadessa scooped up a grounder that took an awkward bounce and threw to first for final out of the inning. “The Mid-Atlantic team is a really good defensive team,” South Korean manager Heesu Ji said. “I’m really proud of my team.” Minho Choi struck out with runners on first and second to end the game. Harlost turned toward his dugout on the first-base side but didn’t make it there as his teammates rushed out to dogpile on him near the base line. Most of New York’s players had been on other teams together before. More than half of them were on the team that fell to last year’s World Series runner-up Red Land in the Mid-Atlantic Region Championship, leaving them one win shy of qualifying for a trip to South Williamsport. “It was all of our last years of Little League,” Rush said. “So it’s just awesome to know that we all came together to be the best team in the world.”
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Cider Keg Cliffhanger: CM-Blan to resume tonight
BLANCHESTER — The last scheduled Cider Keg game was such a huge affair, one night couldn’t hold it. Mother nature decided to bring an end to the proceedings Friday, as lightning postponed the game with Clinton-Massie leading Blanchester 20-16 at halftime. The game will resume 7:30 p.m. tonight with the start of the third quarter. There will be no admission charged Saturday night, according to Blanchester Athletic Director Bryan Pennix. It was a frustrating night for both coaching staffs, who will have the night to watch game film and make adjustments prior to Saturday’s resumption. “There’s no weather around for 20, 30 miles,” CM Head Coach Dan McSurley said. “There’s heat lightning, it’s frustrating. We’re going to have to make the best of it, come back at 7:30 and play the second half.” McSurley said the energy level of the resumption will be intense. “(Blan) is right in it,” McSurley said. “It’s a dogfight right now. They’re going to get the ball on the kickoff and we’ve got a couple kids banged up. We’re going to have to come to play. It’s going to be World War III as far as I’m concerned. “They’re going to come with the same attitude. They’re going to come with a lot of intensity. Right now, it’s 0-0, so it’s one half of football.” For new BHS Head Coach Brandon Sammons, his debut game will last a bit longer than anticipated. “The kids came out, we feel like they’re on the right page,” Sammons said. “They’re competing. They’re doing the things we want them to do. The question is can we come back (Saturday) and channel it all back up again, harness that energy and finish it off.” Sammons and his staff will be breaking down film and discussing how they’ll approach Saturday’s second half. “It gives us more time to ponder and think, second guess ourselves,” Sammons said. “Try and figure out what we need to do differently … all those variables that you start to drive yourself crazy with. “We’re going to try to focus on what we can fix, talk about what we messed up, see where the kids’ heads are, and go with the gameplan we still have.” On a night that marked at least the end of a rivalry game, and the start of a new era at Blanchester, it wasn’t just the clouds from a distant storm producing fireworks. Two early Clinton-Massie turnovers allowed Blanchester to set up for its first score. After taking over at the Falcon 18, and gaining just two yards, Dakota Penquite easily converted a 33-yard field goal to give BHS a 3-0 lead with 6:20 left in the first. The Falcons answered with a traditional Clinton-Massie drive. A 14-play, 69-yard drive ended with a 3-yard Jaycob Wolf touchdown run. Clinton-Massie led 7-3 after one quarter. On the first play of the second quarter, lightning struck for the Wildcat offense. Faced with a 3rd and 12 from its own 18, Tristan Greene rolled left and heaved it for Nick Hopkins. Hopkins caught it near midfield, shook a defender and ran the rest of the 82 yards for the touchdown. Leading 10-7, Blanchester’s defense forced a three-and-out on the next Falcon series. Blanchester would be pinned inside its own 9 after the punt. After gaining three yards, Blan would put. Greene would bobble the snap, and would be tacked at his own 2. One play later, Wolf covered the two yards to put the Falcons back on top 14-10 with 8:27 left in the half. Massie’s lead lasted four plays. On 2nd and 10 from the 34, Greene hit Quenton Miller on a slant pass, and he took off. The 66-yard pass-and-catch put Blanchester in the lead again at 16-14. “We broke down in the secondary a couple times and gave up those big plays,” McSurley said. “What is unfortunate is it was after some long drives by us. When you have an opportunity to step on their throat, boom, they come back with a big play.” Clinton-Massie would need three offensive plays to take the lead back. Devon O’Bryon got to the outside on a keeper and sprinted 54 yards. A rare Chris Demler miss kept the score 20-16 with 6:07 left in the half. An interception with 3:19 left in the first half appeared to give the Falcons one more chance to score before the half. However, a Brad Hunt fumble with 2:11 left at the Blanchester 26 allowed the half to end at 20-16. At 8:09 p.m., just as the half ended, lightning was spotted by game officials. Barbour Memorial Field was evacuated as the lightning continued. At 9:06 p.m., the game was officially postponed. SUMMARY August 26, 2016 @ Barbour Memorial Field, Blanchester CM…7.13.X.X…20 B…3.13.X.X…16 1st Quarter B – Dakota Penquite 32-yard FG 6:20 CM – Jaycob Wolf 3-yard run (Chris Demler kick) 41.5 2nd Quarter B – Tristan Greene 82-yard pass to Nick Hopkins (Penquite kick) 11:44 CM – Wolf 2-yard run (Demler kick) 8:27 B – Greene 66-yard pass to Quenton Miller (kick failed) 7:09 CM – Devon O’Bryon 54-yard run (kick failed) 6:07 Following a loose ball, Blanchester’s Dustin Howard, 3, Marcos Torres-Garcia, 53, Cody McCollister, 56, and Dylan Fawley, 59, indicate it’s Wildcat football. The game between Blanchester and Clinton-Massie was suspended Friday night and will resume 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Massie leads 20-16. Following a loose ball, Blanchester’s Dustin Howard, 3, Marcos Torres-Garcia, 53, Cody McCollister, 56, and Dylan Fawley, 59, indicate it’s Wildcat football. The game between Blanchester and Clinton-Massie was suspended Friday night and will resume 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Massie leads 20-16. Sam Collier | News Journal Sam Collier | News Journal Sam Collier | News Journal Sam Collier | News Journal Sam Collier | News Journal Sam Collier | News Journal By Matt Sexton WNJ Sports Writer Matt Sexton covers high school sports for the News Journal. Follow him on Twitter @bymattsports. Matt Sexton covers high school sports for the News Journal. Follow him on Twitter @bymattsports.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Washington comes out on top against East Clinton
LEES CREEK — The East Clinton volleyball team was defeated by Washington 24-26, 25-17, 21-25, 8-25 Tuesday night in South Central Ohio League action. “We battled with Washington,” EC coach Sarah Sodini said. “I am happy with the effort. They made Court House work for every single point. We’re working hard in every game.” Logan Peterman had four aces, seven assists and 10 digs. Mindy Bean had three aces, give kills and six digs. Kenzie Campbell had two aces, five kills, five blocks and seven digs. Myah Jones had five assists and Carrie Pickering had a dig. Lacey Peterman had four kills, three assists, three blocks and eight digs. Paige Lilly had an ace, seven kills, two blocks and 16 digs. Kaitlin Durbin had three kills, four blocks and eight digs. Kaitlyn Talbott had a block and two digs.
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
Cincinnati sees estimated 78 heroin overdoses in 2 days
CINCINNATI (AP) — Cincinnati police are asking for the public’s help in trying to identify the source of the suspected heroin behind an estimated 78 overdoses in just two days. Meanwhile, Hamilton County officials say they will seek funding for treatment and expanded response teams. County officials are calling the latest onslaught of overdose cases a public health emergency, and county Health Commissioner Tim Ingram says the number of emergency-room incidents over the last six days was “unprecedented.” Emergency rooms estimate they had 174 suspected opioid overdose cases this week, including three deaths. Last year, accidental drug overdoses killed 3,050 people in Ohio, an average of eight per day, state officials say. Cincinnati City Manager Harry Black said authorities suspect carfentanil, a drug used to sedate elephants and other large animals, may be mixed in with heroin and causing the overdoses. The drug is 100 times more potent than fentanyl, which is suspected in spates of overdoses in several states. Last month, carfentanil was discovered in the Cincinnati area’s heroin stream, but many hospitals don’t have the equipment to test blood for the previously uncommon animal opioid. County Commissioner Dennis Deters said Thursday the expanded teams would include a law enforcement officer, an emergency responder and a specialist who could treat people who’ve overdosed. He said the cost of the beefed-up program hasn’t been determined yet. Nan Franks of the Addiction Services Council of Cincinnati noted that Cincinnati currently doesn’t have enough places to treat the rising number of drug users who seek help. “People overwhelmingly want help,” she said. “But we have to have a place to take them.”
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
WHS boys soccer trips Trace 3-1
The Wilmington High School boys soccer team defeated Miami Trace 3-1 Tuesday in a South Central Ohio League match at Alumni Field. The win puts the Hurricane at 3-1 on the year. Sam Spirk had two goals and Charly Schumacher added one. Wyatt Kessler had two assists and Brady Henry had one. Jalen Douglas made five saves in goal for WHS. “We really had to grind out this win,” said WHS coach Imad El-Macharrafie. “We came out a bit loose and the game plan wasn’t executed right away. Eventually we were able to get our groove together.” Miami Trace scored a second half goal but Wilmington maintained control. “What impressed us coaches was the adaptability of our team,” El-Macharrafie said. “We have guys who are beginning to counter very well to the oppositions play; including those guys who come off the bench. When you can use your depth to create energy and not lose ball skill or ‘know how’ you become a better team instantly.”
[ "Wilmington News Journal" ]
2016 PREVIEW: Wilmington College volleyball
RECORD IN 2015 0-25 overall, 0-9 OAC HEAD COACH Timothy O’Brien, first year at WC COACH’S RECORD 0-0 COACHES IN PROGRAM Carol Bysak KEY PLAYERS RETURNING Kennedy Harshaw, Kara Short, Rebecca Harting KEY NEWCOMERS Alyssa McKenzie, Amber Rox, Morgan Householder, Lauren Fraysier KEY PLAYERS LOST Ariana Neff, Caitlin Pauley RIGHT NOW I LIKE … The work ethic in the gym. RIGHT NOW WE NEED TO IMPROVE … The ability to adapt and learn on the fly. With such a young team this year they will have to learn to be flexible and adaptable. OTHER THAN OUR TEAM, WHO WILL BE THE TEAM TO BEAT IN YOUR LEAGUE AND WHY Heidelberg and Baldwin Wallace will be the teams to beat. Heidelberg will be returning many experienced players so they will be a tough team this year. After BW’s great recruiting class year he will have another young but now experienced group that will be very competitive. ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT TEAM, SEASON I am excited to get my first recruiting class into Wilmington College. Having nine freshmen combined with our returners from last year is very exciting. There is a new culture in the gym this year and the team is buying in. I’m looking forward to having a great season and for this team to make a significant progression this year. SCHEDULE Sept 1 UC-Clermont 7 pm @WC; Sept 6 Kenyon 7 pm @WC; Sept 7 Franklin 7 pm @WC; Sept 9 Berea 6 pm @MSJ; Sept 10 MSJ 11 am @MSJ; Sept 10 North Central 230 pm @MSJ; Sept 14 @Earlham 7 pm; Sept 15 @Ohio Christian 7 pm; Sept 16 Great Lakes Christian 6 pm @Manchester; Sept 16 Manchester 8 pm @Manchester; Sept 17 Governors State 11 am @Manchester; Sept 17 Indiana-Northwest 1 pm @Manchester; Sept 21 Berea 7 pm; Sept 30 Marietta 3 pm @WC; Sept 30 Albion 7 pm @WC Oct 1 @John Carroll 1 pm; Oct 4 Capital @WC 7 pm; Oct 8 @Baldwin-Wallace 1 pm; Oct 11 Otterbein 7 pm @WC; Oct 14 @UC-Clermont 7 pm; Oct 15 Marietta 1 pm @Marietta; Oct 15 OU-Chillicothe 330 pm @Marietta; Oct 18 @Ohio Northern 7 pm; Oct 21 @Bluffton 7 pm; Oct 22 Mount Union 1 pm @WC; Oct 25 @Muskingum 7 pm; Sept 29 @Heidelberg 1 pm; Sept 29 Ohio Wesleyan 3 pm @Heidelberg. The Wilmington College volleyball team, from left to right, front row, Jessica Hadley, Morgan Householder, Shelby Wright, Alyssa McKenzie, Summer Wilbur, Lauren Fraysier, Destiny Lang; back row, assistant coach Carol Bysak, Sydney Smith, Rebecca Harting, Kara Short, Amber Rox, Ileesha White, Baillie Diserio, Kennedy Harshaw, head coach Tim O’Brien. The Wilmington College volleyball team, from left to right, front row, Jessica Hadley, Morgan Householder, Shelby Wright, Alyssa McKenzie, Summer Wilbur, Lauren Fraysier, Destiny Lang; back row, assistant coach Carol Bysak, Sydney Smith, Rebecca Harting, Kara Short, Amber Rox, Ileesha White, Baillie Diserio, Kennedy Harshaw, head coach Tim O’Brien. Courtesy Photo Compiled by Mark Huber Reach Mark Huber at 937-556-5765, or on Twitter @wnjsports Reach Mark Huber at 937-556-5765, or on Twitter @wnjsports