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I seem to always be running late! How can I fix my tardiness problems? Tardiness is the habit of being late, try setting your clock 10 minutes fast Oh that's a good idea! Are certain people more prone to being tardy than others?
Tardiness Tardiness is the habit of being late or delaying arrival. Being late as a form of misconduct may be formally punishable in various arrangements, such as workplace, school, etc. An opposite personality trait is punctuality. Workplace tardiness. Workplace tardiness United States Code. Workplace tardiness is one of attendance issues, along with the absence from work and failure to properly notify about absence or being late. To be at work on time is an implied obligation unless stated otherwise. It is a legal reason for
angles and sound. After seven years with the show, Richter departed from "Late Night" after the show on May 26, 2000. He later said of the decision, "After seven years of being on the show, I got itchy. I have a philosophy that if you enjoy good fortune, rather than sit there and say, 'Oh, that's fine, this amount is good enough for me,' you should try and push it. You should see how much you can stretch your good
I've become a big techno-head lately. The music gets me so pumped! I just think it's so funny it evolved from Detroit, Michigan of all places. Seems random, right? That does seem pretty random. When did it get started? In the mid-to-late 1980s. Word wasn't even used until 1988 to describe the genre specifically. Detroit techno is seen as the foundation, which is still kind of goofy to me, but factually correct! But when you look into it, it makes sense. It melds African American music with Chicago house/funk/electro/electric jazz with electronic music. Detroit has a lot of that. Detroit does have a wide variety of culture for sure. Are there any particular techno artists well known from Michigan? Some of the more notable techno musicians are actually outside of Detroit. Kraftwerk, Giorgio Moroder, and Yellow Magic Orchestra were all acts/groups formed outside of the city, only taking inspiration from the music spawned from there. Yellow Magic Orchestra is an awesome name for a group. Can you tell me more about them Heck yeah! They're a Japanese electronic music band, one of my favorites since I've started listening. They were formed in Tokyo way back in 1978. They themselves are considered innovators of electronic music, especially when it comes to using synthesizers, samplers, sequencers, drum machines, computers, etc. They got ahead of the electropop boom in the 1980s, and were one of the first. More impressively, the incorporate sociopolitical themes all throughout their work. That sounds like a pretty complex musical style
point of reference, particularly Toffler's phrase "techno rebels." To producers such as Derrick May, the transference of spirit from the body to the machine is often a central preoccupation; essentially an expression of technological spirituality. The mid-1980s work of Detroit techno producers Juan Atkins, Derrick May, and Kevin Saunderson (collectively known as the Belleville Three) is generally seen as the foundation upon which a number of techno sub-genres have been built. The term "techno" was established as a name for the genre
try to synchronise certain words with the best parts of the melody, but it can be really difficult and does my head in. I like to keep the meaning pretty open and ambiguous so that it's not just me that gets something out of the lyrics. I usually write lyrics from a persona rather than tell a specific story." Parker also said "Usually I am sufficiently motivated to think of new songs everyday, but I usually forget them. I seem to get an emotional kick out of sensing feelings of general
I love basketball! I used to play during middle school! Basketball was invented in 1891. That's cool! Do you know any other cool facts about basketball? Not a lot but I do know that a team can score a field goal by shooting the ball into the basket being defended by the other team. Yep thats true! Do you enjoy any sports?
a foul, timed play stops and the player fouled or designated to shoot a technical foul is given one or more one-point free throws. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins, but if regulation play expires with the score tied, an additional period of play (overtime) is mandated. Players advance the ball by bouncing it while walking or running (dribbling) or by passing it to a teammate, both of which require considerable skill. On offense, players may use a
Cherry picking (basketball) Cherry picking, in basketball and certain other sports, refers to play where one player (the cherry picker) does not play defense with the rest of the team but remains near the opponents' goal. If the opponents do not designate a player to stay near the cherry picker, they will have a 5-on-4 advantage as they try to score, but if the defense steals the ball, it could make a long pass to the cherry picker for an uncontested basket. Acquiring the ball by
Ive been really fascinated by NASA lately and I want to become a astronaut some day, Do you know about NASA?
NASA The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, ) is an independent agency of the United States Federal Government responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research. NASA was established in 1958, succeeding the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). The new agency was to have a distinctly civilian orientation, encouraging peaceful applications in space science. Since its establishment, most US space exploration efforts have been led by NASA, including the Apollo Moon landing missions, the Skylab space station,
She outlined the concept of the video in a radio interview, where she said: "It's gonna be a lot of dancing, I definitely want to do some dancing because it's been a while and I want to do a dance video, and it's going to be really empowering. It's going to be about that woman, you know when you have that moment when you realize you have to really get out of here that's the moment we're trying to cauterize in the video. Even when
I think chocolate is delicious! I just love it! When a Theobroma cacao" seeds, roasted and ground.you have chocolate It is amazing that it is made so simply. I know it is very bitter without the sugar.
Chocolate Chocolate is a usually sweet, brown food preparation of roasted and ground cacao seeds that is made in the form of a liquid, paste, or in a block, or used as a flavoring ingredient in other foods. The earliest evidence of use traces to the Olmecs (Mexico), with evidence of chocolate beverages dating to 1900 BC. The majority of Mesoamerican people made chocolate beverages, including the Maya and Aztecs. The word "chocolate" is derived from the Classical Nahuatl word "chocolātl". The
occasions, for example weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays. Small-sized cakes have become popular, in the form of cupcakes and petits fours. Varieties Chocolates and candies. Chocolate is a typically sweet, usually brown, food preparation of "Theobroma cacao" seeds, roasted, ground, and often flavored. Pure, unsweetened chocolate contains primarily cocoa solids and cocoa butter in varying proportions. Much of the chocolate currently consumed is in the form of sweet chocolate, combining chocolate with sugar. Milk chocolate is sweet chocolate that
I really love beer, im the one that always buys it also :D, do you like beer, whats your favorite kind? Oh i do like a good beer. It is the most widely consumed alcoholic drink in the world afterall and the third most popular drink ever after tea and water. I tend to go for coors. What about you? I like Budweiser, its my favorite, i like a bit stronger beers, BudLight is not good for me, i like black beers also
Budweiser Budweiser () is an American-style pale lager produced by Anheuser-Busch, currently part of the transnational corporation Anheuser-Busch InBev and produced in various breweries around the world. There is an unrelated lager also called Budweiser, originating centuries ago in Budweis, Bohemia and made by Budweiser Budvar Brewery of České Budějovice, Czech Republic; this has given rise to a trademark dispute preventing Anheuser-Busch from using the "Budweiser" name in some regions, leading to the exclusive use of "Bud" in those
Beer Beer is one of the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic drinks in the world, and the third most popular drink overall after water and tea. Beer is brewed from cereal grains—most commonly from malted barley, though wheat, maize (corn), and rice are also used. During the brewing process, fermentation of the starch sugars in the wort produces ethanol and carbonation in the resulting beer. Most modern beer is brewed with hops, which add bitterness and other flavours and act as a natural preservative and
I know people who constantly drink to much. This leads to alcoholism So do I. It's horrible! It can damage the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, and immune system! Unfortunate for the drinker, they often relapse. I'm afraid they make bad choices and put other at risk, especially when they drive while drinking I know. It's so addictive because it rewires the several distinct dopamine pathways in their brain. Every time they drink it's a reward. I had a friend whose father was an alcoholic. She spent most of her time at MY home, afraid and alone . Her father had no discipline I wouldn't say no discipline; addiction is a disorder that leads to compulsive behaviors despite consequences. i mean in how he treated her. He acted as if he had no daughter, no self respect. Yes, the addiction becomes the person.
Addictive personality An addictive personality refers to a particular set of personality traits that make an individual predisposed to developing addictions. This hypothesis states that there may be common personality traits observable in people suffering from addiction. Alan R. Lang of Florida State University, author of an addiction study prepared for the United States National Academy of Sciences, said, "If we can better identify the personality factors, they can help us devise better treatment and can open up new strategies to intervene and break the patterns of addiction." Description
And I thought, 'Hold on a minute.' Not a lot of people know this, but I actually walked away from it. We put so much into it, and when they don't give you that support anymore, it's quite heartbreaking", says Bunton. "I said, 'Thank you very much for the demo idea, but I want to take this where I know people are going to be right behind me and work as hard as I do.'" Composition. The
Did you attend Catholic school as a child, I am considering putting my kids in one I did! From grade 1 to grade 8 - I liked that they participate in the evangelizing mission of the Church Oh that is nice, did you do mass there? My school was right next to the church, so we had to go to mass every morning before classes - interestingly, the church operates the world's largest non-governmental school system I never knew that, but it makes sense, I see tons of Catholic schools around, how many children attend them? I don't know how many attend them, but I do know that in 2016 there were at least 95,200 primary schools and 43,800 secondary schools supported by the church That is a lot of schools, are they expensive to attend? The one I went to was free - also, the main contribution to the increases in Catholic communities around the world was due to Irish immigration So lots of Irish people attend Catholic churches, I see, how long have they been around? I never knew they had any free ones
across North America, Europe, United Kingdom and Australia. Historically, the establishment of Catholic schools in Europe encountered various struggles following the creation of the Church of England in the Elizabethan Religious settlements of 1558-63. Anti-Catholicism in this period encouraged Catholics to create modern Catholic education systems to preserve their traditions. The Relief Acts of 1782 and the Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829 later increased the possibility to openly practice Catholicism in England and to create charitable institutions by the Church. This led to the development of numerous native religious
a team that was getting ready to enter its first season in the Pac-12. "Rick [Neuheisel] did a nice job with [facilitating his exit at UCLA]. And [Utah] is a good football situation," said Chow. "I went to school there, you know? I have two degrees from there. I met my wife there, my kids were born in Salt Lake. Not many people can say they get to go full circle like that." Coaching career University of Hawaii.
i like burritos, i can not lie.
Burrito A burrito (, ) is a dish in Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine that consists of a flour tortilla with various other ingredients. It is wrapped into a closed-ended cylinder that can be picked up, in contrast to a taco, where the tortilla is simply folded around the fillings. The tortilla is sometimes lightly grilled or steamed to soften it, make it more pliable, and allow it to adhere to itself when wrapped. A wet burrito, however, is covered in sauce and is therefore generally
, 'No you're not, you're just a bunch of people I worked with, and I can find that anywhere' - was kind of tragic and appropriate all at the same time. When I was playing the scene I was really trying to convey that, for Izzie, that was a lie that she had to tell herself to have the courage to have to move on." Reception. Reception Broadcasting. "I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked" was first broadcast on January
Are you familiar with entomology? It's the study of bugs, and all those crawly critters, right? Yes, I am specifically interested in the roles that insects play in culture. Tell me more about that. Do you mean, how insects appear in the daily lives of different cultures? Yes, depending on whether a culture is considered "advanced" or "primitive" insects play very different roles. How so? What distinguishes an advanced culture from a primitive one? And how do insects play a role in both?
is weak and not based on theory. Both academic disciplines explore the parallels, connections and influence of insects on human populations, and vice versa. They are rooted in anthropology and natural history, as well as entomology, the study of insects. Other cultural uses of insects, such as biomimicry, do not necessarily lie within these academic disciplines. More generally, people make a wide range of uses of insects, both practical and symbolic. On the other hand, attitudes to insects are often negative, and extensive efforts
n't do that, like when you stop someone and if you talk to strangers to China it can be considered that you want something from me - yeah. Yes, it is a completely different experience.” It is common that international students who come into a new country to study abroad are confronted with “strangeness.” This exert focuses only on culture shock and does not include the responses from the students about social interaction and friendship development. Willingness to assimilate and cultural shock United States. Between 1880 and 1920,
I was fascinated when as a kid I saw an open piano. To my surprise when you pressed the keys there would be movement in some strings inside of the piano. All done by levers. I love piano! I wish i could play it Me too but I got a little bit confused with the three pedals. Sustaining pedal, sostenuto pedal and soft pedal? Way to many pedals! Yes! I would probably play keyboard lol no pedals
began from the very earliest days of the piano, and continued through the late 19th century. Throughout the years, the piano had as few as one modifying stop, and as many as six or more, before finally arriving at its current configuration of three. Individual pedals. Individual pedals Damper pedal. The "damper pedal", "sustain pedal", or "sustaining pedal" is to the right of the other pedals, and is used more often than the other pedals. It raises all the dampers
first played the groove for me on piano... I thought it would be cool if I could make Janet sound like a heavy metal queen. I knew the rest of them thought I was out of my mind, but I got a friend to play the guitars. I put toms and cymbals on it. Terry played bass and some sparse keyboards, and it was there." In addition to Johnson, guitarist Dave Barry was asked to contribute after previously providing guitar on "You Can Be Mine" from Jackson's prior
I love the economic ideology of communism whats communism all about? Well, in short, it is the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes who is the founder of communism
Marxism Marxism is a theory and method of working-class self-emancipation. As a theory, it relies on a method of socioeconomic analysis that views class relations and social conflict using a materialist interpretation of historical development and takes a dialectical view of social transformation. It originates from the works of 19th-century German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxism uses a methodology, now known as historical materialism, to analyze and critique the development of class society and especially of capitalism as well as the role of class
Communism In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin "", "common, universal") is the philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state. Communism includes a variety of schools of thought, which broadly include Marxism and anarchism (anarcho-communism), as well as the political
do you like lasagna?
square portions. Origins and history. Lasagne originated in Italy during the Middle Ages and has traditionally been ascribed to the city of Naples. The first recorded recipe was set down in the early 14th-century "Liber de Coquina" ("The Book of Cookery"). It bore only a slight resemblance to the later traditional form of lasagne, featuring a fermented dough flattened into a thin sheet, boiled, sprinkled with cheese and spices, and then eaten with the use of a small pointed stick. Recipes
people (including Willam Black), much to the chagrin of Quick Stop clerk Dante Hicks (Brian O'Halloran). In addition, the duo hangs out with Silent Bob's Russian cousin Olaf, who runs a heavy metal band and is looking to do a gig in New York City. Aware of Dante's love triangle with Caitlin Bree and Veronica, Silent Bob says to him, "You know, there's a million fine-looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna
I am a proud citizen of North Dakota I don't know a whole lot about North Dakota. What is it like to live there? We are known for our sparsely populated rural landscape, for its long winters that on colder days produce beautiful sun dogs I've heard it is bitter cold there in the winters.
. The state shares the Red River of the North with Minnesota to the east. South Dakota is to the south, Montana is to the west, and the Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba are to the north. North Dakota is near the middle of North America with a stone marker in Rugby, North Dakota marking the "Geographic Center of the North American Continent". With an area of , North Dakota is the 19th largest state. The western half of the state consists of the hilly Great Plains as well
it that it would because we build fast cars and they are tough. Just real emotional man. Everything is just so good for me now. My personal life. My racing. The team I am with. I don't know why. I don't feel like I deserve it. I just feel overcome with a lot of emotion. It has been a long time since I won here. I've run so good here, and not to win here in so many races has bothered me.” Race Post
sleeve tattoo (or tattoo sleeve) is a large tattoo, or a collection of smaller tattoos, that has a unified theme, that covers most or all of a person's arm, What'd a sleeve tattoo? sleeve tattoo has a unified theme, whereas an arm covered in tattoos may have many tattoos OK why he need for tattoo in the first place? Tattooing has been practiced across the globe since at least Neolithic times, as evidenced by mummified preserved skin, ancient art Wow! It really dates back! sleeve" is a reference to the tattoo's size similarity in coverage to a long shirt sleeve on an article of clothing So now do one remove tattoo?
Tattoo removal Tattoo removal has been performed with various tools since the start of tattooing. While tattoos were once considered permanent, it is now possible to remove them with treatments, fully or partially. The "standard modality for tattoo removal" is the non-invasive removal of tattoo pigments using Q-switched lasers. Different types of Q-switched lasers are used to target different colors of tattoo ink depending on the specific light absorption spectra of the tattoo pigments. Typically, black and other darker-colored inks
Sleeve tattoo A sleeve tattoo (or tattoo sleeve) is a large tattoo, or a collection of smaller tattoos, that has a unified theme, that covers most or all of a person's arm, usually from shoulder to wrist. There is a difference between an arm covered in tattoos and a sleeve tattoo. A sleeve tattoo has a unified theme, whereas an arm covered in tattoos may have many tattoos of different styles that does not have an overall unity. The term "sleeve" is a reference
Ive been thinking of getting a Chevrolet vehicle lately. THey are an auto company in America and part of General Motors. Do you know much about their durability? I know Hondas and Toyotas have a great reputation, but not so sure about the Chevrolets.
Chevrolet Chevrolet ( ), colloquially referred to as Chevy and formally the Chevrolet Division of General Motors Company, is an American automobile division of the American manufacturer General Motors (GM). Louis Chevrolet and ousted General Motors founder William C. Durant started the company on November 3, 1911 as the Chevrolet Motor Car Company. Durant used the Chevrolet Motor Car Company to acquire a controlling stake in General Motors with a reverse merger occurring on May 2, 1918 and propelled himself back to the GM presidency. After Durant's second ousting
my previous letters when I was talking about taking a 'break'. What I meant was I am taking a break from being told what to do. ... It's cool when you look at someone and don't know whether they are at work or play since it's all the same to them. The things I've been doing for work lately have been so much fun, because it's not like work to me anymore. I've been even more 'hands on' in my management and the business side
I love florida, it si the southernmost state in the southeastern region of the US Oh, Florida was nice place to visit. It really is, The state is bordered to the west by the Gulf of Mexico and Alabama Do you know, what it is famous for? Well for one Florida is the 22nd-most extensive, the 3rd-most populous in the USA The city of Miami is also located on Florida, which is know for the latin american culture
state and the largest city by area in the contiguous United States. The Miami metropolitan area is Florida's most populous urban area. Tallahassee is the state's capital. Florida's $1.0 trillion economy is the fourth largest in the United States. If it were a country, Florida would be the 16th largest economy in the world, and the 58th most populous . In 2017, Florida's per capita personal income was $47,684, ranking 26th in the nation. The unemployment rate in September 2018 was 3.5%
Florida Florida () is the southernmost contiguous state in the United States. The state is bordered to the west by the Gulf of Mexico, to the northwest by Alabama, to the north by Georgia, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, and to the south by the Straits of Florida. Florida is the 22nd-most extensive (), the 3rd-most populous (21,312,211 inhabitants), and the 8th-most densely populated () of the U.S. states. Jacksonville is the most populous municipality in the
I love to eat sushi but I don't actually know much about it its a type of rice which can be prepared with either brown or white rice. Does it typically have fish in it? can be prepared with either brown or white rice.though some are vegetarian ah, that's cool. Where did sushi originate? sushi began with paddy fields in Southeast Asia, where fish was fermented with salt and rice, after which the rice was discarded. Oh wow, do you know when it began?
History of sushi The history of sushi began with Paddy Fields in Asia, where fish was fermented with salt and rice, after which the rice was discarded. The dish is today known as "narezushi", and was introduced to Japan around the Yayoi period. In the Muromachi period, people began to eat the rice as well as the fish. During the Edo period, vinegar rather than fermented rice began to be used. In pre-modern times and modern times, it has become a form of fast food
Sushi Sushi is traditionally made with medium-grain white rice, though it can be prepared with brown rice or short-grain rice. It is very often prepared with seafood, such as squid, eel, yellowtail, salmon, tuna or imitation crab meat. Many types of sushi are vegetarian. It is often served with pickled ginger ("gari"), wasabi, and soy sauce. Daikon radish or pickled daikon ("takuan") are popular garnishes for the dish. "Sushi" is sometimes
I want to be a tiger in my next life. That would certainly be an exciting recarnation, as you would be an apex predator. You would also be able to prey on deer and bovids, as tigers are known to do that. Yes, that is there main source of food. They don't eat any plants. You are indeed correct, it is sad to think about how tigers have lost 93% of their historic range over the last 100 years though, humanity can be quite cruel in that regard. Totally! I hope they never go extinct. :( Me too, it is looking bleak though as they are classified as endangered currently by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Oh crying..... If only guns were never invented! The tiger could destroy any human if they went in a fight without weapons.
. This, coupled with the fact that it lives in some of the more densely populated places on Earth, has caused significant conflicts with humans. The tiger is among the most recognisable and popular of the world's charismatic megafauna. It featured prominently in ancient mythology and folklore and continues to be depicted in modern films and literature, appearing on many flags, coats of arms and as mascots for sporting teams. The tiger is the national animal of India, Bangladesh, Malaysia and South Korea. Etymology. The
the car seat. She wanted you to be safe. It was an act of love". "I wouldn't want a penis. It would be like having a third leg. it seems like a contraption that would get in the way. I think I have a dick in my brain". Dita also points out "A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want". As a thank you for recovering the stolen pictures during the making
I have just the worst seasonal allergies right now. What about you? Due to y hypersensitivity of my immune system. I am only allergic to cats. That's too bad. I love living with cats. It's really the pollen that gets me.
Allergy Allergies, also known as allergic diseases, are a number of conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to typically harmless substances in the environment. These diseases include hay fever, food allergies, atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, and anaphylaxis. Symptoms may include red eyes, an itchy rash, sneezing, a runny nose, shortness of breath, or swelling. Food intolerances and food poisoning are separate conditions. Common allergens include pollen and certain food. Metals and other substances may also cause problems. Food,
, would find something to identify with in my books, pick up one and experience a personal sense of discovery. That's great. I think that if you're a creative person, you should just go about your business, do your work and not care about how it's received. I never read reviews because if you believe the good ones you have to believe the bad ones too. Not that I don't care about success. I do, but only because it lets me do what I want. I
I have had a divorce three times and about to get married again this month! How good do my chances look? Your talking about the dissolution of marriage? Yes! I've had three marriages dissolve so far. I'm getting worried for my fourth. You must of had the sanctions of the court or other authority. Did you pay alimony? I think I got off lucky! What all does alimony include?
Alimony Alimony (also called aliment (Scotland), maintenance (England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Wales, Canada), spousal support (U.S., Canada) and spouse maintenance (Australia)) is a legal obligation on a person to provide financial support to their spouse before or after marital separation or divorce. The obligation arises from the divorce law or family law of each country. Etymology. The term alimony comes from the Latin word "alimōnia" ("nourishment, sustenance", from "alere
Cooper in October 2015 how she reconciles being both a progressive and moderate, "Do you change your political identity based on who you're talking to? Just for the record, are you a progressive or a moderate?", Hillary answered "I'm a progressive. But I'm a progressive who likes to get things done. And I know how to find common ground, and I know how to stand my ground, and I have proved that in every position that I've had, even dealing with Republicans who
I love blue is it my favorite color Yes, It is very nice! I like that it one of the three primary colors. With so many varieties! Yeah I like it when it has a green tint to it
Blue Blue is one of the three primary colours of pigments in painting and traditional colour theory, as well as in the RGB colour model. It lies between violet and green on the spectrum of visible light. The eye perceives blue when observing light with a dominant wavelength between approximately 450 and 495 nanometres. Most blues contain a slight mixture of other colours; azure contains some green, while ultramarine contains some violet. The clear daytime sky and the deep sea appear blue because of an optical effect known as Rayleigh scattering.
It was very useful, because it gave me a framework of discipline within which to do my work. So I used that, for example, as the frame of discipline to illustrate the spirituals, by making use of the liturgy, the vestments, and everything like that -- using the vestments and appurtenances as, you might say, a vocabulary. His work is recognizable to the use of rich earth tone colors. According to one biographer, his favorite color was "all colors" and his favorite time of
Have you ever participated in the exercise fitness program Zumba yes! I love Zumba, it's so much fun and a pretty good cardio exercise! DO you know where it's originated? It was created by a Colombian dancer and founded in the mid 90's mid 90s? i thought it was more recent. it's so popular now!
take weekly Zumba classes in over 200,000 locations across 180 countries. The Brazilian pop singer Claudia Leitte is the international ambassador for Zumba Fitness. Origin. Zumba was founded in 1998 by Pérez in Cali, Colombia. Pérez, an aerobics instructor, forgot his regular music to his aerobics class. He pulled out cassette tapes of Hiphop music instead and danced to them, which Pérez later taught as "Rumbacize." In 2001, Pérez partnered with Alberto Perlman and Alberto Aghion, and the trio released a series of fitness
Zumba Zumba is an exercise fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto "Beto" Pérez during the 1990s. A Zumba class combines fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body using principles from aerobic and fitness to achieve cardio and muscle-toning benefits. . In every Zumba lesson four core rhythms are always present: merengue, salsa, cumbia and reggaeton. Besides, there are six other official rhythms that might be incorporated in the instructor playlist, these are: belly dance, flamenco, tango, samba
birds are the most interesting pets of all. what can you tell me about parrots? first there are some 393 species of birds wow that is a crap ton. what is another interesting fact?
Parrot Parrots, also known as psittacines , are birds of the roughly 393 species in 92 genera that make up the order Psittaciformes, found in most tropical and subtropical regions. The order is subdivided into three superfamilies: the Psittacoidea ("true" parrots), the Cacatuoidea (cockatoos), and the Strigopoidea (New Zealand parrots). Parrots have a generally pantropical distribution with several species inhabiting temperate regions in the Southern Hemisphere, as well. The greatest diversity of parrots is in South America and Australasia. Characteristic
snakes and chameleons, and birds including canaries, parakeets and parrots all finding a place. Anthropomorphism is the innate psychological tendency to attribute human traits, emotions, and intentions to animals, and it is an important aspect of the way that people relate to animals such as pets. However, mammals are the most popular pets in the Western world, with the most kept species being dogs, cats, and rabbits. For example, in America in 2012 there were some 78 million dogs, 86 million cats, and
Do you have any tattoos? I have none but am curious to get one. I have six. What questions or concerns do you have about them? My biggest concern is regret, I am afraid to get something permanent I might not like in a few years. You always run into that risk. My sister is in the process of removing one of hers now. My advice is to never get one spur-of-the moment. Think of something you like, and consider that idea for several months or years. One of my tattoos was two years in the making! I was thinking of something with my family name or where I'm from, something I'll always have a connection to.
Tattoo A tattoo is a form of body modification where a design is made by inserting ink, dyes and pigments, either indelible or temporary, into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment. The art of making tattoos is tattooing. Tattoos fall into three broad categories: purely decorative (with no specific meaning); symbolic (with a specific meaning pertinent to the wearer); pictorial (a depiction of a specific person or item). In addition, tattoos can be used for identification such as
do, but you have to decide what you want to do and you have to ask questions, like, am I doing something because it's expected of me to do, or am I doing it because I really believe this and it's really a part of me. So I'm always questioning that, saying, "Am I being truthful to myself? How much a part of what I do is part of my psychology?"" - Shelley Niro References. - Ryan, Allan J. "The
My father used to be a butcher... imagine what life was like trying to explain to people that my father slaughters animals for a living! That is different, but a friends husbands family had a butcher shop also growing up, Oh cool! My dad was actually employed by a couple of supermarkets, grocery stores and fish markets! I think his parents moved and went to work in grocery store meat departments also. They make pretty good money I hear. I am sure they do! It is a really traditional line of work, So i would imagine they get compensated well At least in the stores you don't have to you know, murder them.
far back as 1272. Today, many jurisdictions offer trade certifications for butchers. Some areas expect a three-year apprenticeship followed by the option of becoming a master butcher. Duties. Butchery is a traditional line of work. In the industrialized world, slaughterhouses use butchers to slaughter the animals, performing one or a few of the steps repeatedly as specialists on a semiautomated disassembly line. The steps include stunning (rendering the animal incapacitated), exsanguination (severing the carotid or brachial arteries to facilitate blood removal),
it to believe it." He continued: "It's a song about growing older. I'm also coming to a realisation that being a father is the most important thing. My biggest dream is not to be some negative old dude, but to have my kids' friends say, 'You're going to visit your dad? Say hi! He's awesome.' I had a perfect father." Regarding the band's prior failure to break into the international market Forchhammer stated, "It's like
Apparently this My Little Pony is a bit of a cultural phenomenon these days.
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fandom "" is an animated television series produced by Hasbro as part of the "My Little Pony" toy franchise, which is tied in with the 2010 relaunch of dolls and play sets and original programming for the American children's cable channel Discovery Family (formerly Hub Network). Lauren Faust was selected as the creative developer and executive producer for the show based on her previous animation experience with other animated shows such as Cartoon Network's "The Powerpuff Girls" and "Foster's
release in October 2013. River Horse in the United Kingdom developed and released a series of board games titled "My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria". In the United States, it is distributed by Shinobi7. Seven Seas Entertainment will release a papercraft book in July 2019. Fandom. Despite Hasbro's target demographic of young girls and their parents, this incarnation of the franchise has become a cultural and Internet phenomenon with the generated by "Friendship Is Magic" television series, having many male fans between
I live in New York but I work so much I don't get to see much of it. Oh yeah? Many people work in the city. New York city is considered the most populated city in the U.S. Really? How many people are living here? It is estimated there are almost 9 million people living there. It is a small island so New York is also consider the most densely populated city in the U.S. as well. Anything I should do or visit when I finally get a day off in New York City?
landmass and one of the world's most populous megacities, with an estimated 19,979,477 people in its 2018 Metropolitan Statistical Area and 22,679,948 residents in its Combined Statistical Area. A global power city, New York City has been described as the cultural, financial, and media capital of the world, and exerts a significant impact upon commerce, entertainment, research, technology, education, politics, tourism, art, fashion, and sports. The city's fast pace has inspired the term "New York minute". Home to the
guess whatever history we share I've never been able to see him work, so it was amazing to see how good he is." She also reflected on her acting aspirations, "I had always acted through high school and at uni, and there was a time when I thought that was what I wanted to do, but then I got bitten by the jazz bug and here we are." After the release of her debut album, Washington relocated to Brooklyn, New York City, in August 2011,
Even though I'm a grown-up, I still like unicorns! I love their long, spiraling horns. I agree. Unicorns have always fascinated me. They've always seemed to possess such a pure magical essence that's hard to resist. Yes there's something so enchanting about them. They were even mentioned in the bible - they were called the re'em. Huh. I didn't know that. What did the unicorns do in the bible? I am not sure, but some say that a unicorn's horn can make poisoned water drinkable, and can cure illness. I think I've heard that before, or something similar. I do know in some myths it considered a great sin to kill unicorns because of their power and beauty. Yes they were often seen as a symbol of purity, which was why it was believed they could only be captured by a virgin. Right. I think they were also hunted by demons and the like who wanted their horn, if I'm remembering correctly.
often depicted as a white horse-like or goat-like animal with a long horn and cloven hooves (sometimes a goat's beard). In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, it was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace, which could be captured only by a virgin. In the encyclopedias, its horn was said to have the power to render poisoned water potable and to heal sickness. In medieval and Renaissance times, the tusk of the narwhal was sometimes sold as unicorn
links in the current cast, and that, in any case, she had never been asked back, stating: "People always ask me, but I've never been asked! It looks like I'm turning it down on a yearly basis, but I'm not. They've never asked me! So they don't want me back for one and I don't have any family left on the show. There's nobody on the Square she knows, I don't even think any of Mel's friends are
Romaine lettuce is very green You're right about that. I like using romaine lettuce when I make stews and soups, because it's tolerant of heat unlike most lettuces. Keep's the crunch! Which salad dressing is your favorite?
Italian dressing Italian dressing is a vinaigrette-type of salad dressing in United States and Canadian cuisine, consisting of water, vinegar or lemon juice, vegetable oil, chopped bell peppers, usually sugar or corn syrup, and a blend of numerous herbs and spices including oregano, fennel, dill and salt. Onion and garlic can also be used to intensify the dressing’s flavor. It is often bought bottled, or prepared by mixing oil and vinegar with a packaged flavoring mix consisting of dehydrated vegetables and herbs. North
Romaine lettuce Romaine or cos lettuce ("Lactuca sativa" L. var. "longifolia") is a variety of lettuce that grows in a tall head of sturdy dark green leaves with firm ribs down their centers. Unlike most lettuces, it is tolerant of heat. In North America, romaine is sold as whole heads or as “hearts” that have had the outer leaves removed and are often packaged together. Commercially sold romaine lettuce has historically been the subject of product warnings by both U.S. and Canadian health authorities
I love the country of Jamaica the beeches are so nice. Jamaica is my favorite island in the Caribbean Sea. Do you know what makes the waters so blue?
arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1494. Many of the indigenous people were either killed or died of diseases to which they had no immunity, and the Spanish thus forcibly transplanted large numbers of African slaves to Jamaica as labourers. The island remained a possession of Spain until 1655, when England (later Great Britain) conquered it, renaming it Jamaica. Under British colonial rule Jamaica became a leading sugar exporter, with a plantation economy dependent on the African slaves and later their descendants. The British fully emancipated all slaves in 1838,
-up. When you'd go their houses you'd always see Jim Reeves staring back at you from the Blue Spot Gramophone! Country music and Jamaica are so finely entwined." However, just two months later Astro had quit the band, citing the album's musical direction as a major factor in his decision: "My heart just isn't in the new album where my contribution has been reduced to a backing vocalist which, as our fans know, is not my role in the group. I'm a front
At work I just overstepped my position, I'm really going to Regret it when I go back to work. I'm guessing there will be negative conscious. what did you do to end up in that situation? Fired someone with out telling my boss. Two coworkers got in a a fight I perceived opportunity the be the best time to get rid of one. how did you choose who to fire or you knew who you wanted to get rid of beforehand ?
Regret Regret is a negative conscious and emotional reaction to an undesirable situation. Regret is related to perceived opportunity. Its intensity varies over time after the decision, in regard to action versus inaction, and in regard to self-control at a particular age. The self-recrimination which comes with regret is thought to spur corrective action and adaptation. In Western societies adults have the highest regrets regarding choices of their education. Definition. Regret has been defined by psychologists in the late 1990s as a "
he slept with a girl or he didn't because she says he did and he says that he didn't. It leaves you guessing, and the movie still works with 20 minutes gone out of it.' I thought, 'Oh, my God, that's what we’ve got to do. We've got to have a missing reel!' I'm going to use it in a way where it actually says 'missing reel' for 10 seconds, and then when we come back, you're arriving
I love beef, especially with how many different cuts and types there are!
Corned beef Corned beef is a salt-cured beef product. The term comes from the treatment of the meat with large-grained rock salt, also called "corns" of salt. Sometimes, sugar and spices are also added to corned beef recipes. Corned beef is featured as an ingredient in many cuisines. Most recipes include nitrates or nitrites, which convert the natural myoglobin in steak to nitrosomyoglobin, giving it a pink color. Nitrates and nitrites reduce the risk of dangerous botulism during curing by inhibiting the growth
its cooking Traditionally, the Mineira homimy is cooked with pork ribs, with further variations, less common with pork cuts with chicken, beef or sausage. Cape Verde. In Cape Verde, xerém is considered a traditional dish, it contains corn wheat mixed with water, laural, butter and salt. Also it can be prepared with fresh tuna, cocoa milk, onions and gindungo. There are different types with the most specific meanings, for example xerém de festa which is prepared with fat, pork meat and
I like the beach, alongside a body of sand, it is always a fun time I love the beach and the sound of the waves and the smell of salt water a large body of salt water is pretty crazy, that animals live there and thrive I love the natural beach near my house it has not been developed but left for the wildlife that is awesome, do you prefer it that way? Yes it seems to be best for the wildlife I see more wildlife on the natural beach as opposed to the defveloped beach
Beach A beach is a landform alongside a body of water which consists of loose particles. The particles composing a beach are typically made from rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles. The particles can also be biological in origin, such as mollusc shells or coralline algae. Some beaches have man-made infrastructure, such as lifeguard posts, changing rooms, showers, shacks and bars. They may also have hospitality venues (such as resorts, camps, hotels, and restaurants) nearby. Wild
. Captain James Cook was one of the first Europeans to see the future site of Napier when he sailed down the east coast in October 1769. He commented: "On each side of this bluff head is a low, narrow sand or stone beach, between these beaches and the mainland is a pretty large lake of salt water I suppose." He said the harbour entrance was at the Westshore end of the shingle beach. The site was subsequently visited and later settled by European traders, whalers and missionaries. By
Do you like Arnold Schwarzenegger? He was in The Terminator. I think he's a really good and popular actor. He's also a renown body builder. He won the Mr. Universe title at age 20 and went on to win the Mr. Olympia contest seven times. Oh yeah I forgot about that. Didn't he use to be a bodybuilder before his acting career? Yup! He began weight training at the age of 15. Can you believe it? This is unbelievable but I guess that's why Arnold Schwarzenneger was so good at it, he started young.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger (; ; born July 30, 1947) is an Austrian-American politician, actor, filmmaker, and former professional bodybuilder. He served as the 38th Governor of California from 2003 to 2011. Schwarzenegger began lifting weights at the age of 15. He won the Mr. Universe title at age 20 and went on to win the Mr. Olympia contest seven times, remaining a prominent presence in bodybuilding and writing many books and articles on the sport. The Arnold Sports Festival, considered the second most
, as his inspiration Arnold Schwarzenegger who won the 1980 Mr Olympia at the Sydney Opera House. In 1982, he won the Mr. Australasia title and the 1982 Amateur Mr. Universe title. In 1983, following his Mr. Universe win he decided to turn professional. Bodybuilding career Turning pro'. He went on to place fifth in the 1983 New York Night of Champions, which was quite an achievement for a relatively unknown bodybuilder competing in a contest of that calibre. He also placed second to Lee Haney in the 1983 Caesar
My uncle use to work on boats in Florida. That sounds really interesting! Florida, has the longest coastline in the U.S. I Imagine that helped to make the work plentiful. What type of boat work? He did work on all kinds of boats, there wasn't a boat he didn't work on.
Florida Florida () is the southernmost contiguous state in the United States. The state is bordered to the west by the Gulf of Mexico, to the northwest by Alabama, to the north by Georgia, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, and to the south by the Straits of Florida. Florida is the 22nd-most extensive (), the 3rd-most populous (21,312,211 inhabitants), and the 8th-most densely populated () of the U.S. states. Jacksonville is the most populous municipality in the
"But I wasn't a producer," he admitted, " and I didn't really realize until then how important producers were and how much they assisted me in my work." While his first three projects as producer all made the top half of the album chart, his 1964 album of Latin American recordings, "Olé", did not appear there at all. In the fall of 1964 he recorded what he thought would be his next release, a collection of songs that came to be known as "
Have you heard of Krav Maga? I'm in search of classes near me yes krav maga is a mility self defense and fighting system for the isdf. Krav Maga krav maga is know for its focus on real world situations and its extreme efficiency I see, do you know anything about its history? it was derived from the street fighting experience of hungarian israeli martial artis imi lichtenfeld. I see, so it is about conserving energy
Imi Lichtenfeld Emrich "Imre" Lichtenfeld () (May 26, 1910 – January 9, 1998) was a Hungarian-born Israeli martial artist who founded the Krav Maga self-defense system. He was also known as Imi Sde-Or (), the Hebrew calque of his surname. Early life. Lichtenfeld was born on May 26, 1910, to a Hungarian Jewish family in Budapest in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He grew up in Pressburg (Pozsony, today's Bratislava). His
Krav Maga Krav Maga (; , "lit." "contact combat") is a military self-defence and fighting system developed for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Israeli security forces derived from a combination of techniques sourced from boxing, wrestling, aikido, judo and karate, along with realistic fight training. Krav Maga is known for its focus on real-world situations and its extreme efficiency. It was derived from the street-fighting experience of Hungarian-Israeli martial artist Imi Lichtenfeld, who made
Nicholas Charles Sparks is a great American producer! He is also a romance writer and screenwriter. Do you like him? never heard of the guy. Well, he has published 19 novels and only 2 non-fiction books, so he's been around for a bit. oh thats quite impressive.
Nicholas Sparks Nicholas Charles Sparks (born December 31, 1965) is an American romance novelist and screenwriter. He has published twenty novels and two non-fiction books. Several of his novels have become international bestsellers, and eleven of his romantic-drama novels have been adapted to film all with multimillion-dollar box office grosses. His novels feature stories of tragic love with happy endings and Christian values. Sparks was born in Omaha, Nebraska and wrote his first novel, "The Passing", in 1985,
Bernard Newman (author) Bernard Charles Newman (8 May 1897 – 19 February 1968) was a British author of more than 100 books, both fiction and non-fiction. An historian, he was considered an authority on spies, but also wrote books concerning travel and politics. His fiction included mystery novels, science fiction and children's books. He was a great-nephew of the 19th-century author George Eliot, and the father of the romance writer Margaret Potter, who was married to writer Jeremy
Ballet is a type of dance that goes back to the 15th century. I do not like ballet. I think it is boring. A ballet actually refers to both the dance choreography and the music for the production. Yes it does. I know a lot of people enjoy it too
has evolved in a number of distinct ways. See glossary of ballet. A ballet, a work, consists of the choreography and music for a ballet production. Ballets are choreographed and performed by trained ballet dancers. Traditional classical ballets are usually performed with classical music accompaniment and use elaborate costumes and staging, whereas modern ballets, such as the neoclassical works of American choreographer George Balanchine, often are performed in simple costumes (e.g., leotards and tights) and without the use of elaborate sets or scenery. Etymology.
dancer’s, it’s not too masculine or overly muscular and I wanted to take advantage of that. I thought I could show the soft lines like the dance movements of a ballet dancer by adding subtlety to my choreography. I wanted to break the idea of what male performers are supposed to show, what performances girl groups are supposed to show. I really wanted to break those labels, showing that dance is a form of art. He also explained putting out three different music videos at once was something he wanted
I love hiking! It is my favorite form of exercise. Do you hike often? Yes i do, i love hiking! Funny enough, in New Zealand a long, vigorous walk or hike is called tramping Do you see a lot of wildlife when you hike? Yes i do, i love wildlife! in the UK and Ireland, the word walking is acceptable to describe all forms of walking ! Fascinating. I wonder if they walk a lot in Ireland?
Republic of Ireland, and United Kingdom, hiking means walking outdoors on a trail, or off trail, for recreational purposes. A day hike refers to a hike that can be completed in a single day. However, in the United Kingdom, the word walking is also used, as well as rambling, while walking in mountainous areas is called hillwalking. In Northern England, Including the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales, fellwalking describes hill or mountain walks, as fell is the common word for both features there. Hiking
Can't Get Enough (Eddy Grant album) Can't Get Enough is the fourth album by English reggae musician Eddy Grant, released in 1981 on Grant's own label Ice Records. It was his UK chart debut, peaking at #39 on the album charts. It features the UK hits "Do You Feel My Love", "Can't Get Enough Of You" and "I Love You, Yes I Love You". The photography was by David Bailey. Track listing. All tracks composed
I love swimming, I usually do it with coordinated movement of my arms as a way to relax my body Why do you love swimming?
Swimming Swimming is the self-propulsion of a person through water, usually for recreation, sport, exercise, or survival. Locomotion is achieved through coordinated movement of the limbs, the body, or both. Humans can hold their breath underwater and undertake rudimentary locomotive swimming within weeks of birth, as a survival response. Swimming is consistently among the top public recreational activities, and in some countries, swimming lessons are a compulsory part of the educational curriculum. As a formalized sport, swimming features in a range of
do you want to know a sick-rat? 18. spud girls two become 1 19. angels 20. mama mia tordis 21. on my own why did it end. 22. "Untitled reworking of John Lennon's "Imagine", usually referred to as "Imagine"" - Not listed. Vinyl Release 1. the best baby 2. i need love lard 3. just the way you are xx 4. the rain 5. take
I love to shop to Walmart I wonder if it is the largest corporation. It depends on how you measure the size of a corporation. I believe that Apple is worth the most money amongst corporations. But it must be in the top 10, I can't imagine a bigger grocery retailer. Yeah it's quite big. I like going to Walmart to people watch.
Walmart Walmart Inc. (; formerly Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.) is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores, headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas. The company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969. It also owns and operates Sam's Club retail warehouses. Walmart has 11,368 stores and clubs in 27countries, operating under 55 differentnames. The company operates under the name Walmart in the United States and Canada, as Walmart de México
GURPS Vehicles" is admirably flexible and enables you to design pretty much anything you like" however he concluded: "you can't help but wonder just how this book's going to be useful. Certainly, if you're running a vehicle-heavy campaign, and want some degree of consistency in the designs, or intend to allow your players to build custom vehicles, then "GURPS Vehicles 2nd Edition" will be very handy indeed. For most campaigns, though, I can't imagine it's going to be required
I absolutely love eating pizza. It is a traditional Italian dish consisting of bread, tomato sauce, and cheese. love pizza too, i think it is a universal agreement on the love for pizza Pizza can be topped with vegetables, meats, and condiments. I like mine with sausage and extra mushrooms. for me a simple cheese pizza, you cannot go wrong with that
called pizzettas. The term "pizza" was first recorded in the 10th century in a Latin manuscript from the Southern Italian town of Gaeta in Lazio, on the border with Campania. Modern pizza was invented in Naples, and the dish and its variants have since become popular in many countries. It has become one of the most popular foods in the world and a common fast food item in Europe and North America, available at pizzerias (restaurants specializing in pizza), restaurants offering Mediterranean cuisine, and via pizza delivery
seasoned deep-dish pizza pan and raised up on the sides. The ingredients are placed on a Chicago style deep-dish pizza in the opposite order of a thin crust pizza. The first ingredient is thick slices of mozzarella cheese that are placed directly on the dough. Then additional ingredients like mushrooms, onions and sausage are spread on top of the cheese. The pizza is then topped with a tomato sauce made with whole chunks of tomatoes. A "Lou-Mal" pie uses a "sausage patty," a
I have always wanted a George Foreman Grill. Have you ever used one?
George Foreman Grill The George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine, commonly known as the George Foreman Grill, is a portable electrically heated grill manufactured by Spectrum Brands. It is promoted by former boxing champion George Foreman. Since its introduction in 1994, over 100 million George Foreman grills have been sold worldwide. History. The concept for the grill was created by Michael Boehm of Batavia, Illinois. The original intention was to create an indoor grill that would provide a unique benefit of cooking on both sides
market their electric toothbrushes. Between 1994 and 1996, Optiva realized a 338% jump in sales. Generally, 10% of direct marketing campaigns are successful, but as of 1997, Cesari Media had a 70% success rate. Among their successful products are OxiClean, the George Foreman Grill, and the Sonicare Toothbrush. "'The power of the infomercial is twofold', Cesari said. 'One, you have a whole half-hour to tell the story of the product as opposed to 30 seconds or 60
I really like driving along Blue Ridge Parkway because of its scenic beauty. What about you? Me too! It's such a gorgeous area. I love all the mountains and beauty of it all Yup since its part of the Appalachian Mountains, there is great opportunity to take nice pictures and relax. Indeed. I love encountering the wildlife there. I almost always see deer and even once I saw a bear
Brown bear The brown bear ("Ursus arctos") is a bear that is found across much of northern Eurasia and North America. In North America, the populations of brown bears are often called grizzly bears. It is one of the largest living terrestrial members of the order Carnivora, rivaled in size only by its closest relative, the polar bear ("Ursus maritimus"), which is much less variable in size and slightly larger on average. The brown bear's principal range includes parts of Russia,
Blue Ridge Parkway The Blue Ridge Parkway is a National Parkway and All-American Road in the United States, noted for its scenic beauty. The parkway, which is America's longest linear park, runs for through 29 Virginia and North Carolina counties, linking Shenandoah National Park to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It runs mostly along the spine of the Blue Ridge, a major mountain chain that is part of the Appalachian Mountains. Its southern terminus is at U.S. 441 on the boundary between Great Smoky Mountains National Park and
Hey, my favorite band is Metallica. Have you seen them before? Yeah they are really great! They are a heavy metal band from Los Angeles, California. Yeah, I've been listening to them for the past year but I don't know much about them. Do you know when they formed?
Metallica Metallica is an American heavy metal band. The band was formed in 1981 in Los Angeles, California, by drummer Lars Ulrich and vocalist/guitarist James Hetfield, and has been based in San Francisco, California for most of its career. The group's fast tempos, instrumentals and aggressive musicianship made them one of the founding "big four" bands of thrash metal, alongside Megadeth, Anthrax and Slayer. Metallica's current lineup comprises founding members Hetfield and Ulrich, longtime lead guitarist Kirk Hammett and bassist Robert Trujillo
really big trouble. Yeah. Even you. As of book 51, "The Absolute", the introduction read as follows: Here's the deal these days: They know "exactly" who we are. They know "exactly" where we live. We've got a few secrets left, and we're gonna use them. But just know that the end is coming. And we don't know how much longer we can do this. How much longer can we fight. What about
The taste of the pudding is in the eating, like they say! Rice pudding is normally combined with a sweetener! any ingredient used in preparation of rice pudding? Rice mixed with water or milk, and other ingredients such as cinnamon and raisins! OK ,Any other type of pudding?
Christmas pudding Christmas pudding is a type of pudding traditionally served as part of the Christmas dinner in the UK, Ireland and in other countries where it has been brought by British immigrants. It has its origins in medieval England, and is sometimes known as plum pudding or just "pud", though this can also refer to other kinds of boiled pudding involving dried fruit. Despite the name "plum pudding", the pudding contains no actual plums due to the pre-Victorian use of the word "plums" as
Rice pudding Rice pudding is a dish made from rice mixed with water or milk and other ingredients such as cinnamon and raisins. Variants are used for either desserts or dinners. When used as a dessert, it is commonly combined with a sweetener such as sugar. Such desserts are found on many continents, especially Asia where rice is a staple. Some variants are thickened only with the rice starch; others include eggs, making them a kind of custard. Rice pudding around the world. Rice puddings are found
I had to go to Walmart the other day. How depressing - everyone looked so sad! Do you go to Walmart? I like Walmart, they also own Sam's club, which I like as well Didn't know they owned Sam's Club - that's the discount place like Costco, right? Yes, they actually are the 8th largest US retailer too, believe it or not Wow, that's amazing. When did Walmart etc. start up?
Walmart Walmart Inc. (; formerly Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.) is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores, headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas. The company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969. It also owns and operates Sam's Club retail warehouses. Walmart has 11,368 stores and clubs in 27countries, operating under 55 differentnames. The company operates under the name Walmart in the United States and Canada, as Walmart de México
hypermarket business model may be under threat from on-line shopping and the shift towards customization according to analysts like Sanjeev Sanyal, Deutsche Bank's Global Strategist. Sanyal has also argued that some developing countries such as India may even skip the hypermarket stage and directly go online. Warehouse club. Another category of stores sometimes included in the hypermarket category is the membership-based wholesale warehouse clubs that are popular in North America, pioneered by Fedco and today including Sam's Club, a division of Walmart; Costco, in
My favorite food is chicken nuggets. Do you like them? chicken nuggets can be pretty gross depending on the meat and where you get them Just like any food, there can be good and bad. What do you like? chicken nuggets arent bad, i like any fried chicken but it just that nuggets have the ability to be made with trash meat since it is turned into a paste Interesting! I didn't know that. Where is your favorite place to eat chicken nuggets? Fast food nuggets like mcdonalds can be great when you are drunk and want greasy food Yes, but I prefer Burger King.
Chicken nugget A chicken nugget is a chicken product made from chicken meat that is breaded or battered, then deep-fried or baked. Fast food restaurants usually fry their nuggets in vegetable oil. Some fast food restaurants have launched vegetarian alternatives. McDonald's served Garden McNuggets made of beans and Swedish fast food restaurant Max Hamburgare offers a dish containing nuggets made of falafel. Quorn also supplies vegetarian chicken style nuggets. History. The chicken nugget was invented in the 1950s by Robert C. Baker, a food science
to cook the meat to a high enough temperature to kill all growth, but meat can be re-contaminated during any step of the food production process, especially if workers handle both raw and cooked products. The risk of disease from a ready-to-eat (RTE) product such as chicken nuggets is significantly higher due to the fact that many consumers do not re-cook them, believing them to be safe. "E." coli, "Salmonella" and "Shigella" have all been found in RTE
I like a little bit of spice in my food So do I, many of them antimicrobial properties in addition to flavor! Really? Yep especially honey. Other insects other than bees make the sweet, viscous substance also. That is true. I love honey There's lots of different types of bees too, the honey bee only represents a small fraction of the 20,000 knows types of them. 20,000? Yes! Thanks to beekepers the honey bee is thriving since they're kepts dafe in an "apiary" or "bee yard" Yes, that is true
prior to 2422 BCE where hives were constructed from moulded mud. Throughout history apiaries and bees have been kept for honey and pollination purposes all across the globe. Due to the definition of apiary as a location where hives are kept its history can be traced as far back as that of beekeeping itself. For more information on the history of beekeeping see the history and origins portions of the beekeeping article. Etymology. First known usage of the word was in 1654. The base of the word comes from the Latin word
Honey Honey is a sweet, viscous food substance produced by bees and some related insects. Bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of plants (floral nectar) or from secretions of other insects (such as honeydew), by regurgitation, enzymatic activity, and water evaporation. Bees store honey in wax structures called a honeycomb. The variety of honey produced by honey bees (the genus "Apis") is the best-known, due to its worldwide commercial production and human consumption. Honey is collected from wild bee
My husband and I started dating 12 years ago! How long was your longest relationship? I courted my ex for six years. During courtship we got to know each other but did not reach an engagement. Oh I'm sorry that it didn't work out. Were you in a long distant relationship?
him and her receptiveness to a marriage proposal. Duration. The average duration of courtship varies considerably throughout the world. Furthermore, there is vast individual variation between couples. Courtship may be completely omitted, as in cases of some arranged marriages where the couple do not meet before the wedding. In the United Kingdom, a poll of 3,000 engaged or married couples resulted in an average duration between first meeting and accepted proposal of marriage of 2 years and 11 months, with the women feeling ready to accept at an
song came about, Monica stated in an interview with "Billboard" in August 2008, that the record was about "me being in a relationship years ago and somebody just disrespected to the fullest." During the process, she told Tank about a situation where an ex of hers "blatantly, openly cheated - as if people didn't know who his girlfriend was! And just the sound of her name would make my flesh crawl. So he was like, 'Well what did you call her?' I said
What is your opinion on cats. You know,, the small cute little mammal. I love cats! A cat is my spirit animal. I don't own one but want to in the future. I don't own one either, but one of my favorite cats is Garfield. We share the same favorite food, Lasagna. Garfield is cute, I used to watch both the first and second movie over and over again. My favorite cat is Sphynx cat, some say they're ugly but I like how they look like aliens.
Sphynx cat The Sphynx cat is a breed of cat known for its lack of coat (fur). Hairlessness in cats is a naturally occurring genetic mutation; however, the Sphynx cat, as a breed, was developed through selective breeding, starting in the 1960s. The skin should have the texture of chamois, as it has fine hairs, or they may be completely hairless. Whiskers may be present, either whole or broken, or may be totally absent. They also have a narrow, long head, and
"Cats Under the Stars". That was kind of like my baby. It did worse than any other record I ever did. I think I probably gave away more copies than I sold. It was amazingly, pathetically bad. But I’ve learned not to invest a lot of importance in 'em, although it's nice to care about your work." On another occasion in the early '80s he said ""Cats Under the Stars" is my favorite one. That's the one that I’m
I have a golden retriever puppy. She loves to chase and retrieve things. They are hunting dogs. Thats nice. Do they use them for people that need disability assistance? As a matter of fact, they do. They can be used as a hearing dog for deaf people or as a guide dog for people who are blind. Yeah thats right, I think I heard about them being used as guide dogs. What type of temperament do they have? They are so friendly and gentle. They don't make good guard dogs, they are too nice! They are one of the most popular family dog breeds in the US. Aww makes me want to get one. How does American Golden Retrievers differ to the British or Canadian ones?
are trained to be a hunting dog, a detection dog, and a search and rescue participant. The breed's friendly, gentle temperament means it is unsuited to being a professional guard dog, but its temperament has also made it the third-most popular family dog breed (by registration) in the United States, the fifth-most popular in Brazil and Australia, and the eighth-most popular in the United Kingdom. Golden Retrievers are rarely choosy eaters, but require ample (two or more hours a
coat that lies flat against their bodies and repels water. Golden retrievers are well suited to residency in suburban or country environments. They shed copiously, particularly at the change of seasons, and require fairly regular grooming. The Golden Retriever was originally bred in Scotland in the mid-19th century. The breed is a prominent participant in conformation shows for purebred dogs. The Golden Retriever is popular as a disability assistance dog, such as being a guide dog for the blind and a hearing dog for the deaf. In addition, they
I was fascinated when as a kid I saw an open piano. To my surprise when you pressed the keys there would be movement in some strings inside of the piano. All done by levers. I love piano! I wish i could play it
Piano pedals Piano pedals are foot-operated levers at the base of a piano that change the instrument's sound in various ways. Modern pianos usually have three pedals, from left to right, the soft pedal (or una corda), the sostenuto pedal, and the sustaining pedal (or damper pedal). Some pianos omit the sostenuto pedal, or have a middle pedal with a different purpose such as a muting function also known as silent piano. The development of the piano's pedals is an evolution that
stating "Music isn't a business for me. I'm not trying to supplement my lifestyle with music. I love music and I play music everyday, whether it's my piano, or making a song. It's the same with football, I get paid well to play football, because I'm blessed to have a lot of skill, but I could never be this good without loving the game... I love to play football as much as I did when I was a kid and played for nothing but love
I am hoping to buy Eurobasket
EuroBasket EuroBasket, also commonly referred to as the "European Basketball Championship", is the main international basketball competition that is contested quadrennialy, by the senior men's national teams that are governed by FIBA Europe, which is the European zone within the International Basketball Federation. History. History Beginning. The first championships was held three years after the establishment of FIBA, in 1935. Switzerland was chosen as the host country, and ten countries joined. Only one qualifying match was played between Portugal and Spain. With
of Scots after the Parliament of Scotland had rejected this English marriage proposal. The rejection, a breach of the Treaty of Greenwich, resulted in the declaration of war, the war now called the Rough Wooing. Lennox and Glencairn were thus caught offside and technically traitors. Lennox wrote to Mary of Guise on 7 March 1544 hoping to buy time by offering his innocence to be tried before a convention of his peers. He wrote that it was heavily murmured by the Governor and his council;"that I am the principell man that causis division
I like to read. How about you? Yeah, me too. Have you read any good books this summer ? I went back and re-read Twenty Thousand LEagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne :=) Reading is a complex process of decoding symbols to construvt and derive meaning Now that's a reader ! I remember the movie, but it was a long time ago. Ah, the books are so much better. Which, honestly, is usually the case lol. Reading, in of itself, is a means of language acquisition and sharing ideas as well as information I agree, they are almost always better. I like nonfiction, sci fi, educational books.
culturally and socially situated. The reading process requires continuous practice, development, and refinement. Reading requires creativity and critical analysis. Consumers of literature deviate from literal words to create images that make sense to them in the unfamiliar places the texts describe. Because reading is a complex process, it cannot be controlled or restricted to one or two interpretations. There are no concrete laws in reading, but rather it provides readers an escape to produce their own products introspectively. This promotes deep exploration of texts during interpretation. Readers
, would find something to identify with in my books, pick up one and experience a personal sense of discovery. That's great. I think that if you're a creative person, you should just go about your business, do your work and not care about how it's received. I never read reviews because if you believe the good ones you have to believe the bad ones too. Not that I don't care about success. I do, but only because it lets me do what I want. I
Have you ever heard of Jess Greenberg? No, who is that?
Jess Greenberg Jess Greenberg is a YouTube personality, singer, and acoustic guitarist from London, England. Biography. Greenberg started performing publicly at an early age. In an interview she recounted her performance of Elvis Presley's "Can't Help Falling in Love With You" at age four while on a trip to St. Tropez to an audience at the Hotel Byblos. "I requested 'Can't help falling in love with you' by Elvis and the performer asked if I'd sing it. I remember being
application of McDonaldization to movies—is, according to Greenberg, characterised by "[dogged] imitation and allusion rather than experimentation, even within narrow genre confines[.] ... Uninspiring prototypes [that] have spun off sequels, which have birthed still drearier successors—a Barthesian chain of replication unfolding into ever-declining signification." Jess-Cooke adds that "[the] McMovie fundamentally draws attention to the ideological assertions and determining factors of a fast-food chain of film production. ... film rip-
I love Barbados. It's an island country in the Caribbean What's interesting about the place?
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and south-east of Martinique and north-east of Trinidad and Tobago. Barbados is outside the principal Atlantic hurricane belt. Its capital and largest city is Bridgetown. Inhabited by Kalinago people since the 13th century, and prior to that by other Amerindians, Barbados was visited by Spanish navigators in the late 15th century and claimed for the Spanish Crown. It first appeared in a Spanish map in 1511. The Portuguese Empire claimed the island between 1532 and 1536, but later abandoned it in 1620
, "Now when someone asks "What’s the harm?" you can send them right to What's The Harm... It's a very interesting place to click around." Skeptics Society Executive Director Michael Shermer has said of the site, "I think it's excellent. 'What's the harm?' is the question that all of us skeptics get asked whenever we do interviews on T.V. or debate people about irrational beliefs. And often, they are quite harmful." Penn Jillette called it "
mmmmmmmm give me some tall, sweaty white milkshakes and I'll be happy all week long! I love a real milk shake. It's too bad so many fast food places use automatic milk shake machines and don't do it by hand. what's the benefit of mixing a milkshake by hand? The taste is far superior when it's made from milk, ice cream and the flavor of your choice and mixed by hand. there are so many flavors, it's always hard to choose one! any idea what the most popular is? It's tough to say because they are so common worldwide. Many of the most popular flavors are chocolate, butterscotch, caramel and fruit. mmm caramel makes my knees weak. I love putting it on everything
Chocolate Chocolate is a usually sweet, brown food preparation of roasted and ground cacao seeds that is made in the form of a liquid, paste, or in a block, or used as a flavoring ingredient in other foods. The earliest evidence of use traces to the Olmecs (Mexico), with evidence of chocolate beverages dating to 1900 BC. The majority of Mesoamerican people made chocolate beverages, including the Maya and Aztecs. The word "chocolate" is derived from the Classical Nahuatl word "chocolātl". The
and milk in a blender or drink mixer using a stainless steel cup. Many fast food outlets do not make shakes by hand with ice cream; instead, they make shakes in automatic milkshake machines which freeze and serve a pre-made milkshake mixture consisting of milk, a sweetened flavoring agent, and a thickening agent. However, some fast food outlets still follow the traditional method, and some serve milkshakes which are prepared by blending soft-serve ice cream (or ice milk) with flavoring or syrups. Milkshakes can also
My favorite kind of music is rap, what is yours?
Rapping Rapping (or rhyming, spitting, emceeing, MCing) is a musical form of vocal delivery that incorporates "rhyme, rhythmic speech, and street vernacular", which is performed or chanted in a variety of ways, usually over a backing beat or musical accompaniment. The components of rap include "content" (what is being said), "flow" (rhythm, rhyme), and "delivery" (cadence, tone). Rap differs from spoken-word poetry in that rap is usually performed
two Grammy wins at the 49th Annual Grammy Awards, one for the single "What You Know" (Best Rap Solo Performance) and one for American pop singer Justin Timberlake's number-one single "My Love" (Best Rap/Sung Collaboration), Favorite Male Hip Hop Artist and Favorite Rap/Hip Hop album for "T.I. vs. T.I.P." at the American Music Awards, Best Hip Hop Male at the BET Awards for the second consecutive year, and Rap Artist of the Year at the Billboard Music Awards.
I am from New York City, the most populous city in the US. Have you been recently? I have never been to New York, I would love to go. Do you like it there? I love it - with a population of just over 8 million people, it's become a multi-cultural city and the most densely populated as well. You can see anything and everything in NYC. Like what? Are there lots of tourist attractions? Definitely - as a global power city, NYC has been described as the financial, cultural and sports entertainment of the world. There is the Wall Street, which is the worlds largest trading stock exchange floor. They also have the Yankees, one of the most popular baseball franchises in the world. There are a lot of people living there, is it possible to escape from all that noise and bustle?
headquarters of the United Nations, New York is an important center for international diplomacy. Situated on one of the world's largest natural harbors, New York City consists of five boroughs, each of which is a separate county of the State of New York. The five boroughs – Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, The Bronx, and Staten Island – were consolidated into a single city in 1898. The city and its metropolitan area constitute the premier gateway for legal immigration to the United States. As many as 800 languages are
undetected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east toward Washington, D.C. 8:58: Flight 175 takes a heading toward New York City. 8:59: Flight 175 passenger Brian Sweeney leaves a message via airphone to his wife Julie: Jules, this is Brian listen, I'm on an airplane that's been hijacked. If things don't go well, and it's not looking good, I just want you to know I absolutely love you, I want you to do good, go have good times,
I really like swimming, and I'm not alone as it is consistently among top public recreational activities. Yeah, I live in Florida and we love swimming here. It is a great way to cool down on a hot summer day! I really like it as a form of exercise because it's low-impact compared to things like running. You are right, you won't get tired so quick in the water. What stroke is your favorite? I really like swimming the backstroke because it feels nice to have your back against the water, at least for me personally. I enjoy the backstroke as well. I like to gaze at the sky and watch birds fly around while I swim.
Swimming Swimming is the self-propulsion of a person through water, usually for recreation, sport, exercise, or survival. Locomotion is achieved through coordinated movement of the limbs, the body, or both. Humans can hold their breath underwater and undertake rudimentary locomotive swimming within weeks of birth, as a survival response. Swimming is consistently among the top public recreational activities, and in some countries, swimming lessons are a compulsory part of the educational curriculum. As a formalized sport, swimming features in a range of
and it sounds awesome. Our voices sound really cool together because we both have really raspy voices, mine's a little more delicate than hers. Hers is like really powerful and big and raspy, and mine is kind of like light and raspy. But it's really cool because I'm bisexual. I just love that Lauren and I are two women who have a mainstream pop presence doing a love song for the LGBT community, it's unheard of. It's very rare to see it from a female perspective.
Parenting sure is tough, isn't it? My dad was tough with his kids. I'm not quite as strict! Parenting is the process of promoting and supporting physical, emotional, and social development of a child. Based on that alone I'd agree with you! It sure is a tough balance sometimes! You want to be compassionate, patient and caring, but you also have to be stern. We're raising the future! Do you agree? I do! The most common caretakers are, of course, the biological parents but sometimes it's a relative or an older sibling. I wonder if that causes differences in development That's a great question! I'm sure it must in some aspects! Parenting can also be confusing. Do you know of any resources for parents?
friend. Governments and society may also have a role in child-rearing. In many cases, orphaned or abandoned children receive parental care from non-parent or non-blood relations. Others may be adopted, raised in foster care, or placed in an orphanage. Parenting skills vary, and a parent or surrogate with good parenting skills may be referred to as a "good parent". Parenting styles vary by historical time period, race/ethnicity, social class, and other social features. Additionally, research
example, progressives want the government to make sure that the citizens are protected and assisted to achieve their potential. This might take the form of tough environmental regulations or healthcare assistance. The model is also consistent with slow parenting in that children are encouraged to explore the world for themselves. They have to learn to face the risks that nature presents. Although slow parenting might go further and reduce the level of protection offered by parents, it would not advocate withholding it entirely. See also. - Strict father model
Cat are the best animal ever, Don't you agree? I am more of a dog person, but I appreciate cats for their companionship and ability to hunt vermin. Yes, I have herd dogs are smarter. But they also want more attention. My cat and I visit at meals like people then do our own thing. Do you have a dog?
, but poorer color vision. Cats, despite being solitary hunters, are a social species. Cat communication includes the use of vocalizations including meowing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling and grunting as well as cat-specific body language. Cats also communicate by secreting and perceiving pheromones. Female domestic cats can have kittens from spring to late autumn, with litter sizes ranging from two to five kittens. Domestic cats can be bred and shown as registered pedigreed cats, a hobby known as cat fancy. Failure to
out as much as she can despite her busy schedule and as quoted in "Men's Fitness" magazine, "I try to eat very healthy – lots of vegetables, drinking my milk every day." In 2013, Leone posed for a PETA ad campaign, encouraging dog and cat owners to have their pets spayed and neutered. In an interview for PETA India, Leone said, "I believe that every single dog should be spayed and neutered. You don't want to continue the cycle of homeless dogs
I love to play the piano That is amazing. You picked from the Italian invention by Bartolomeo Cristofori But the problem is I don't know how to play and I wish to Do you know the basic of the keyboard, which is a row of keys (small levers) that the performer presses down or strikes with the fingers and thumbs of both hands to cause the hammers to strike the strings. I started the basics when I was young by learning the notes and keys
the stronger the attack. The name was created as a contrast to harpsichord, a musical instrument that does not allow variation in volume. The first fortepianos in the 1700s had a quieter sound and smaller dynamic range. An acoustic piano usually has a protective wooden case surrounding the soundboard and metal strings, which are strung under great tension on a heavy metal frame. Pressing one or more keys on the piano's keyboard causes a padded hammer (typically padded with firm felt) to strike the strings. The hammer rebounds from
Piano The piano is an acoustic, stringed musical instrument invented in Italy by Bartolomeo Cristofori around the year 1700 (the exact year is uncertain), in which the strings are struck by hammers. It is played using a keyboard, which is a row of keys (small levers) that the performer presses down or strikes with the fingers and thumbs of both hands to cause the hammers to strike the strings. The word piano is a shortened form of "pianoforte", the Italian term for the early 1700s versions
The Beatles were formed in Liverpool England in 1960...they're my favorite band! Im not that familiar with the Beattles. Who was in the band? The members include John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison Oh cool. I have heard of a few of them. Do they have a lot of albums? They have a huge discography, including 23 studio albums over their career! Wow. That is a lot. Have the Beatles won any awards? The won a lot of awards, especially as the group's music grew in sophistication, led by primary songwriters Lennon and McCartney, the band were integral to pop music's evolution into an art form and to the development of the counterculture of the 1960s. That is awesome. Who was the Beatles drummer?
Ringo Starr Sir Richard Starkey (born 7 July 1940), known professionally as Ringo Starr, is an English musician and actor who gained worldwide fame as the drummer for the Beatles. He occasionally sang lead vocals with the group, usually for one song on each album, including "With a Little Help from My Friends", "Yellow Submarine", "Good Night", and their cover of "Act Naturally". He also wrote and sang the Beatles' songs "Don't Pass Me By" and
Cultural impact of the Beatles The Beatles were an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960. With members John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, they are regarded as the foremost and most influential act of the rock era. In the early 1960s, their enormous popularity first emerged as "Beatlemania", but as the group's music grew in sophistication, led by primary songwriters Lennon and McCartney, the band were integral to pop music's evolution into an art form and to the development of the
I participate in Community theatre when I'm of work leave Yah, Community theatre is a sure place to cool off after a stressful day What activities goes on there? It is refers to theatrical performance made in relation to particular communities—its usage includes theatre made by, with, and for a community. That's nice! When was it established?
of their own. Many community theatres are successful, non-profit businesses with a large active membership and, often, a full-time professional staff. Community theatre is often devised and may draw on popular theatrical forms, such as carnival, circus, and parades, as well as performance modes from commercial theatre. Community theatre is understood to contribute to the social capital of a community, insofar as it develops the skills, community spirit, and artistic sensibilities of those who participate, whether as producers or audience-
Community theatre Community theatre refers to theatrical performance made in relation to particular communities—its usage includes theatre made by, with, and for a community. It may refer to theatre that is made entirely by a community with no outside help, or to a collaboration between community members and professional theatre artists, or to performance made entirely by professionals that is addressed to a particular community. Community theatres range in size from small groups led by single individuals that perform in borrowed spaces to large permanent companies with well-equipped facilities
Short people got no reason, but they still like Gary Numan, as do i. Who is Gary Numan? I have no idea. He is a musician and songwriter from Hammersmith, West London. He used to be the lead singer of the new wave band "Tubeway Army' before going out on his own. I see, what are some popular songs of his? His most famous song in the 1970's and 1980's was called "Cars". Since then, he has a cult following. Has he been involved in any controversy?
Friends' Electric?" and "Cars", but he maintains a strong cult following. Numan is considered a pioneer of electronic music, with his signature sound consisting of heavy synthesiser hooks fed through guitar effects pedals. He is also known for his distinctive voice and androgynous "android" persona. In 2017, he received an Ivor Novello Award, the Inspiration Award, from the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers, and Authors. Early life. Numan was born Gary Anthony James Webb on 8 March 1958
Tubeway Army Tubeway Army were a London-based new wave and electronic band led by lead singer Gary Numan. They were the first band of the electronic era to have a synthesiser-based number-one hit, with their single "Are 'Friends' Electric?" and its parent album "Replicas" both topping the UK charts in mid-1979. After its release, Numan opted to drop the Tubeway Army name and release music under his own name as he was the sole songwriter, producer and public face of the
I plan on visiting Seattle next month. That is all the way on the west coast, are you close to Seattle? No, I live in the South. I'm a country boy. Oh okay, that will be a ways away, King County Washington is far from pretty much anywhere Yeah, I'm just hoping to get a ticket, so I can watch a Seattle Seahawks game. I am more of an Eagles fan, but te Seahawks are okay, I like what Pete Carroll has done with the team Me too, they might actually make it to the Superbowl this year. What are some famous attractions I can see over there?
port in North America in terms of container handling . The Seattle area was inhabited by Native Americans for at least 4,000 years before the first permanent European settlers. Arthur A. Denny and his group of travelers, subsequently known as the Denny Party, arrived from Illinois via Portland, Oregon, on the schooner "Exact" at Alki Point on November 13, 1851. The settlement was moved to the eastern shore of Elliott Bay and named "Seattle" in 1852, in honor of Chief Si'ahl of the local Duwamish and Suquamish
miss me, sexually?" brKilpatrick: "Hell yeah! You couldn't tell. I want some more." and Beatty: "I'm sorry that we are going through this mess because of a decision that we made to fire Gary Brown. I will make sure that the next decision is much more thought out. Not regretting what was done at all. But thinking about how we can do things smarter."brKilpatrick: "It had to happen though. I'm all the way with that!"
I love me some McDonald's every so often. Same here. Can't believe it has been around since 1940 started by the McDonald brothers. That long ago? Wow it must've been a lot different back then.
McDonald's McDonald's Corporation is an American fast food company, founded in 1940 as a restaurant operated by Richard and Maurice McDonald, in San Bernardino, California, United States. They rechristened their business as a hamburger stand, and later turned the company into a franchise, with the Golden Arches logo being introduced in 1953 at a location in Phoenix, Arizona. In 1955, Ray Kroc, a businessman, joined the company as a franchise agent and proceeded to purchase the chain from the McDonald brothers. McDonald's had
Believe) This Is Me", the album's final tracks, have been said to address lingering issues in Lopez's own love life. "He'll Be Back", produced by Timbaland, has been viewed as a "dis song" to Ben Affleck, in which Lopez sings, "I know better than anybody how it feels to want somebody so bad after you breakup." "(Can't Believe) This Is Me" is a power ballad produced by Anthony, which references "every link in J.Lo
When I was a kid, I loved going to the farmer's market with all the vegetables and cheese and fruit sold by the farmers. When was the first farmers market in history recorded? Similar forms existed before the industrial age, but not sure of the exact date. What farm produce are sold in a farmer's market? They sell fruit, veggies, meats, cheese. Some have prepared foods and beverages. Something for everyone. Which country has the biggest farmer's market in the world?
Farmers' market A farmers' market is a physical retail marketplace intended to sell foods directly by farmers to consumers. Farmers' markets may be indoors or outdoors and typically consist of booths, tables or stands where farmers sell their homegrown produce, live animals and plants, and sometimes prepared foods and beverages. Farmers' markets exist in many countries worldwide and reflect the local culture and economy. The size of the market may be just a few stalls or it may be as large as several city blocks. Due to their
. The daily market, on a raised square a set of stairs up from Jelačić, has been the city’s major trading place since 1926. Farmers from surrounding villages come to sell their home-made foodstuffs and very fresh fruit and vegetables. In the covered market downstairs are butchers, fishmongers and old ladies selling the local speciality sir i vrhnje (cheese and cream). Flowers and lace are also widely available. Alongside, the renovated fish market, ribarnica, sells fresh produce every day but Monday. Sources
I can eat chocolate no matter what! It could be a block of chocolate or used to flavor foods! I just love it! I can really dig chocolate too. I'm just worried about gaining weight. If it weren't for that I would eat more of it. I love chocolate cake Yes! Even though it is made with chocolate you can make the cake substituting some of the ingredients to make it healthier and still taste great I wonder who actually first made chocolate, I bet it was a sweet day for them. Haha get it, sweet day.
Chocolate Chocolate is a usually sweet, brown food preparation of roasted and ground cacao seeds that is made in the form of a liquid, paste, or in a block, or used as a flavoring ingredient in other foods. The earliest evidence of use traces to the Olmecs (Mexico), with evidence of chocolate beverages dating to 1900 BC. The majority of Mesoamerican people made chocolate beverages, including the Maya and Aztecs. The word "chocolate" is derived from the Classical Nahuatl word "chocolātl". The
the pot as they said that you did?” The child admitted his guilt. “Will you do such a thing again in the future?” Reb Aryeh asked. “No, never again,” said the child. Reb Aryeh asked him then, "Do you really like chocolate pudding?” “Yes,” he answered. Reb Aryeh said, “I too love chocolate pudding. I have here two containers of chocolate pudding, so let us sit down here together and eat chocolate pudding.”
I love chocolate! It is made from theobroma cacao seeds that have been roasted and ground. Basically, I just love to eat chocolate! lol I love chocolate too! Dark chocolate is my favorite but I also love white chocolate I also love white chocolate! It doesn't contain non-fat cocoa solids. I love pretzels that are dipped in white chocolate! Those are definitely good. The best chocolate in the world is round truffle balls by Lindtor though
Chocolate Chocolate is a usually sweet, brown food preparation of roasted and ground cacao seeds that is made in the form of a liquid, paste, or in a block, or used as a flavoring ingredient in other foods. The earliest evidence of use traces to the Olmecs (Mexico), with evidence of chocolate beverages dating to 1900 BC. The majority of Mesoamerican people made chocolate beverages, including the Maya and Aztecs. The word "chocolate" is derived from the Classical Nahuatl word "chocolātl". The
the moment I heard it. I love it when men are able to let their women be in control, because, to me, that's a sign of strength. I also love the lyrics. My favorite line is, 'She likes chocolate about as much as she likes me.' In my case, that's probably true!" Ara Jansen of "The West Australian" commented to Walker about the line in the song about his partner loving chocolate as much as she likes him and Walker stated,
Hi! I am not the biggest fan of country music. I find it to be rather repetitive and boring.
as pedal steels and dobros), and fiddles as well as harmonicas. Blues modes have been used extensively throughout its recorded history. According to Lindsey Starnes, the term "country music" gained popularity in the 1940s in preference to the earlier term "hillbilly music"; it came to encompass Western music, which evolved parallel to hillbilly music from similar roots, in the mid-20th century. In 2009 in the United States, country music was the most listened to rush hour radio genre during the evening commute, and second
Awards, in January of the following year, they won New Talent of the Year for the song. Kathryn Whitfield of "The Canberra Times", in March 1989, had felt that "I Don't Wanna Go to Work" was "repetitive garble. Twanging, monotonous tripe, which even the most ardent of country and western (or both) fans would find hard to bear. It's very Australia, very country, but very boring!" Their second single, "Drive Away", appeared in
Empire is one of my favorite shows it is created by Lee Daniels and Danny Strong have you seen it before. Yes I love this show. The show has so many twist and turns but they actually film the show in Chicago and not in New York like the set is placed on the show. Yes this is true, I know that it takes a lot of creativity. That it does and that show is full of creativity and is so phenomenal and every season it is something new and different to keep us watching. I like Cookie's character a lot. She is so strong-willed and determined.
Lucious Lyon Lucious Lyon (born Dwight Walker) is a fictional character from the Fox drama series "Empire", portrayed by Terrence Howard. Lucious is the main protagonist and anti-hero of the series. Created by Lee Daniels and Danny Strong, Lucious is the founder and CEO of Empire Entertainment, a world-famous and renowned record company that he runs with his family. Realizing he will need a successor after he is diagnosed with ALS, Lucious pits his three sons: the college-educated executive Andre Lyon
Empire (2015 TV series) Empire is an American musical drama television series created by Lee Daniels and Danny Strong for Fox. It is a joint production by Imagine Television and 20th Century Fox Television and syndicated by 20th Television. Although it is filmed in Chicago, the show is set in New York. The series centers on the fictional hip hop music and entertainment company, Empire Entertainment, and the drama among the members of the founders' family as they fight for control of it. The pilot was shown to
Haribo Gummy worms are the best! They sure are! I work at the factory that is headquartered in Bonn and actually the name Haribo name is an acronym formed from Hans Riegel, Bonn. That's so cool. When was the company founded? It was founded on December 13, 1920 in Germany. When did it enter the American Market? Haribo began international expansion in the early 1960s and didnt entered American markets until the 1980s. Do you know how many gummi bears they produce each day?
bears per day. Haribo was accused of using Jewish forced labor in its factories during World War II, but denies this. In 2014, Haribo's "Skipper Mix" was pulled in some markets because some of the candy pieces were shaped like caricatures of Asian, African, and Native American masks that some consumers considered to be racist. UK presence. Haribo's key brands in the UK are Starmix, Tangfastics, Supermix, and Maoam, with Maoam being its own line of chewy sweets. They were
Haribo Haribo ( ) is a German confectionery company founded in 1920 by Johannes "Hans" Riegel, Sr. It began in Kessenich, Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia; the name is an acronym formed from Hans Riegel, Bonn. The company created the first gummy candy in 1922 in the form of little gummy bears called "Gummibärchen". The current headquarters is in Grafschaft, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The Landesmuseum Koblenz created a traveling exhibition about the history of Haribo in 2006. History.
I have considerably long hair and I don't care. I'm a male so it's not the norm I don't think. I can appreciate the non conformity. I respect that. Is there any specific reason that you don't cut it? Well I just don't like putting in the time to manage it and also I'm not socially conformed to do so. Sounds good. Are you doing anything fun today for the 4th of July? I'm just hanging out enjoying the weather, don't really like fireworks much. I might go out for dinner, what about you? That sounds like fun. Pretty much the same. No plans set in stone yet. Hoping to get some fishing in. Do you ever go fishing? That's a hobby I just picked up this summer..
performance exist in all cultures, were supported in royal courts, developed into sophisticated forms and over time became available to all citizens. The process has been accelerated in modern times by an entertainment industry that records and sells entertainment products. Entertainment evolves and can be adapted to suit any scale, ranging from an individual who chooses a private entertainment from a now enormous array of pre-recorded products; to a banquet adapted for two; to any size or type of party, with appropriate music and dance; to performances intended for
like she has her situation. And as you guys saw, I congratulated her as I was walking out the door! So it was like I don't have a problem and I don't know why she would have a problem… but she might, I'm not sure." Woods went on during this interview to comment, "I don't have any animosity towards any of the girls. Like things happen for a reason, it's time to move on you know, chapter ends. People are in each
Hello there. I really enjoy online casino style games. Oh those are pretty cool! Blackjacks pretty fun! Yes, I can play at a real casino that I am familiar with online and in person and no actual cost involved. That's true, maybe no cost is why there's a large number of people playing poker online. I would assume that is the case as it is fun but no actual money involved. That and there seems to be a variety of games to play, including betting on sports teams. My favorite are the keno tournaments and the slots.
Sports betting Sports betting is the activity of predicting sports results and placing a wager on the outcome. The frequency of sports bet upon varies by culture, with the vast majority of bets being placed on association football, American football, basketball, baseball, hockey, track cycling, auto racing, mixed martial arts, and boxing at both the amateur and professional levels. Sports betting can also extend to non-athletic events, such as reality show contests and political elections, and non-human contests such as horse racing
on one of our videos and they asked why I'm such a miserable bastard - it goes to show that they don't know me. Ask anyone who knows me; I'm a pretty outgoing person. Operation Good Guys was put together by Ray Burdis, who is a good mate of mine, and I enjoyed it. Maybe people get pre-conceived views of who I am but I do enjoy myself and have my bit of fun. Ask anyone who really knows me and they'll tell you that some of
I had an amazing plate of spaghetti and meatballs today! Yum! Did you have it american style with marinara? Italians don't use marinara. No way, really? I had no idea! Yes, I totally did and now I feel like I haven't had true spaghetti in my life. Yeah! It came from Italian immigrants but totally made up in America, so I guess it's pseudo-Italian... Wow! That's such a bummer to hear. I wonder what kind of sauce they use in Italy.
Italian because, in Italy, meatballs are smaller and only served with egg-based baked pasta. However, various kinds of pasta with meat are part of the culinary tradition of the Abruzzo, Apulia, Sicily, and other parts of southern Italy. A recipe for rigatoni with meatballs is in "Il cucchiaio d'argento" ("The Silver Spoon"), a comprehensive Italian cookbook known as the "bible" of Italian cooking. In fact, in Abruzzo, chitarra alla teramana, is a long spaghetti-
an issue like this and use it for entertainment, you have to be just so very, very careful. As Alma's illness and deterioration proceeded with such amazing speed I really did feel I was being asked to take part in a cheap ratings ploy. I didn't like it one bit." According to Barrie, she argued daily with the soap's producers about the way the storyline was being written, accusing them of being medically inaccurate: "Cervical cancer takes years to develop. No consultant would make a
I am trying to my best with Veganism I need to stop eating some meats. I think that may be a good idea because vegan diets can reduce high cholesterol and prevent heart disease. Is that why you want to stop eating meat? Yea I hear you it's a lot of foods other then meat.
not only follow a vegan diet but extend the philosophy into other areas of their lives, and oppose the use of animals for any purpose. Another term is "environmental veganism", which refers to the avoidance of animal products on the premise that the industrial farming of animals is environmentally damaging and unsustainable. Well-planned vegan diets are regarded as appropriate for all stages of life, including during infancy and pregnancy, by the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, Australian National Health and Medical Research Council
, I never really knew what was going on. The car was oversteering in some places, understeering in other places. This morning the car felt a lot better and I was going really well on my first stint, saving a lot of fuel at that time, and Ross came on the radio and said 'would you like to try a three stop' and I said 'I think so, it's a good idea, because then I can be quick on the track the whole time and by doing stops I
Hey, do you like motorcycles? I really like the Italian Ducati's They are owned by the Volkswagon Group. Actually I do. I've owned a Ducati for about 5 years now. I'm a big fan the V-Twin engine they have in the 750 cc bikes. They are known for their high performance motorcycles that have a large capacity four stroke, 90degree V twin engines Yes, those 90defree v twins are refereed to as Straight-twin engines have been primarily used in motorcycles but also used in some cars. They had a wide range of small two stroke bikes in the 1960's and 70's , some were exported here in the US Like the mini bike they made also know as the minimoto. I had one as a kid. It was a wild ride. Interesting. They are made by a subsidiary of Lamborghini. which is known for their quality
Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. is the motorcycle-manufacturing division of Italian company Ducati, headquartered in Bologna, Italy. The company is owned by German automotive manufacturer Audi through its Italian subsidiary Lamborghini, which is in turn owned by the Volkswagen Group. History. In 1926 Antonio Cavalieri Ducati and his three sons, Adriano, Marcello, and Bruno Cavalieri Ducati founded "Società Scientifica Radio Brevetti Ducati" in Bologna to produce vacuum tubes, condensers and other radio components. In 1935
of likeness to the rocker style, nor do they share the passion for 50s rock'n'roll. These modern café racers have taken elements of the American greaser, British rocker, and modern motorcycle rider styles to create a look of their own. Rockers in the 2000s tend still to ride classic British motorcycles, however, classically styled European café racers are now also seen, such as Moto Guzzi or Ducati, as well as classic Japanese bikes, some with British-made frames such as those made by Rickman. Characteristics.
I once lived a big city like New York Really? I bet that was exciting? I know it's the most populated city in the US so there's so much to do there, huh? Yes, it is. Have lived in New York City ? No, but I do know it used to have 5 boroughs, with Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island and The Bronx, until they decided to just make it NYC. So, it's a big place! Yes, Manhattan is for the rich while Brooklyn is the opposite
landmass and one of the world's most populous megacities, with an estimated 19,979,477 people in its 2018 Metropolitan Statistical Area and 22,679,948 residents in its Combined Statistical Area. A global power city, New York City has been described as the cultural, financial, and media capital of the world, and exerts a significant impact upon commerce, entertainment, research, technology, education, politics, tourism, art, fashion, and sports. The city's fast pace has inspired the term "New York minute". Home to the
British film? It feels different? It's a little bit quirky? It's got an intentional DIY feel to it? It's meant to be like that. I think maybe that's something people have picked up on. Superhero films aren't so much our cultural history, but we do that kind of comedy really well. I hope that what we've done is something that's wearing its learning on its sleeve. We do know there's a bit of "Python" in it, we do know there
I work in professional horse racing and set the odds for horses! I see, horse racing is one of the most ancient sports! Is it really? How far back does it go? I imagine it would go back as far as we have been riding horses! In the broadest sense, it involves two or more horses ridden by jockeys over a set distance You are right. Humans seem to always be competing at something, why not horses. What is the most prestigious horse race?
races to particular breeds, running over obstacles, running over different distances, running on different track surfaces and running in different gaits. While horses are sometimes raced purely for sport, a major part of horse racing's interest and economic importance is in the gambling associated with it, an activity that in 2008 generated a worldwide market worth around US$115 billion. History. Horse racing has a long and distinguished history and has been practised in civilisations across the world since ancient times. Archaeological records indicate that horse racing
Connections to horse racing and training. Racing at Newmarket has been dated as far back as 1174, making it the earliest known racing venue of post-classical times. King James I (reigned 1603–1625) greatly increased the popularity of horse racing there, and King Charles I followed this by inaugurating the first cup race in 1634. The Jockey Club's clubhouse is in Newmarket, though its administration is based in London. Connections to horse racing and training Stables and training industry. Around 3,000 race horses are stabled
Hi do you listen to Katie Jane Perry (born 30 December 1980) is an English-born No, I'm not familiar with her. Is she a celebrity?
Katie Perry Katie Jane Perry (born 30 December 1980) is an English-born Australian fashion designer. Her label began in the Paddington Markets, and continued with a shop in Sydney. Life and career. Perry was born in Camden, London, England. In early years, after the separation of her parents, she traveled with her mother and her mother's partner, and lived on four continents (Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia). She now lives in Sydney. Her mother worked
Emily Atack Emily Jane Atack (born 18 December 1989) is an English actress. She is best known for her role as Charlotte Hinchcliffe on the E4 comedy series "The Inbetweeners". She appeared as a contestant in the fifth series of "Dancing on Ice" and she also finished in second place on "I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!" in 2018. Early life. Emily Jane Atack was born on 18 December 1989 in Luton, Bedfordshire, the daughter of actress Kate
My favorite movies are mysteries. I especially enjoy nonfiction mystery movies. I really enjoy mystery series like Scooby-Doo. I'm not much of a cartoon watcher. I'm more interested in movies such as those based off of John Grisham novels. I'm sure Warner Bros. makes some other amazing mystery movies. Oh, I'm sure! I'm also a true crime buff. I enjoy watiching "Snapped" and shows like that. I like crime cartoons like "Batman" I also really love the Batman series also. I like Batman as well. The new Spiderman movies are great as well.
Batcave The Batcave is a fictional subterranean location appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. It is the headquarters of the superhero Batman, whose secret identity is Bruce Wayne, consisting of caves beneath his personal residence, Wayne Manor. Publication history. Originally, there was only a secret tunnel that ran underground between Wayne Manor and a dusty old barn where the Batmobile was kept. Later, in "Batman" #12 (August–September 1942), Bill Finger mentioned "secret underground hangars."
not things the studio perceives to be commercially viable. It really is that simple. Is that true of me? Sure. Absolutely. But it's no more true of me than 50 other people I know. Hill admitted his style of films were becoming less fashionable: I admire a lot of what's going on out there, but the oversize kind of cartoon action movies is not something I'm terribly comfortable with. I think what I do is much more in the tradition that the bullets are real and
A live action role playing game is also known as LARP and it is when a game played with participants and they physically portray whatever character they are assigned. I've never heard of the term LARP! What games are they? The participants pursue their goals in the real world while staying in character and interacting with other characters. Oh so it's not a video game? Are they in a certain place or just anywhere? The outcome of the participants actions are governed by rules which can be determined among a consensus of players,. how many players are there at a time?
Live action role-playing game A live action role-playing game (LARP) is a form of role-playing game where the participants physically portray their characters. The players pursue goals within a fictional setting represented by the real world while interacting with each other in character. The outcome of player actions may be mediated by game rules or determined by consensus among players. Event arrangers called gamemasters decide the setting and rules to be used and facilitate play. The first LARPs were run in the late 1970s, inspired
used in film and video to differentiate works with human actors from animation. Playing a LARP is often called "larping", and one who does it is a "larper". Play overview. The participants in a LARP physically portray characters in a fictional setting, improvising their characters' speech and movements somewhat like actors in improvisational theatre. This is distinct from tabletop role-playing games, where character actions are described verbally. LARPs may be played in a public or private area and may last for hours or
I love rollerblading.
Inline skating Inline skating is a multi-disciplinary sport and can refer to a number of activities practiced using Inline skates. Inline skates typically have two to five polyurethane wheels, arranged in a single line by a metal or plastic frame on the underside of a boot. The in-line design allows for greater speed and maneuverability than traditional (or "quad") roller skates. Following this basic design principle, inline skates can be modified to varying degrees to accommodate niche disciplines. Inline skating is commonly referred to
interviewed by Samuel about Jeanne, Franck says he is still in love with her, despite her lying. Samuel attends Nathan’s bar mitzvah, when he also sees television footage of reporters interviewing Louise about the scandal. When they ask her about how her daughter knew the name of Bleistein, Louise lies and replies she does not know. Jeanne returns to live with her mother. She searches the internet for secretarial jobs. She receives a postcard from Nathan, who is in love with her. Jeanne is last seen rollerblading
I always imagined my self being the worlds best diver, I love descending below the water and seeing whats below. how is that working out for you? Pretty amazing I love the ambient pressure of the surrounding water and the way it feels. oh wow, where do you swim at ? Generally in the ocean as I have a beach nearby, I do a lot of dives just with breath-hold, but also scuba diving. that is very interesting
diver is directly exposed to the pressure of the surrounding water. The ambient pressure diver may dive on breath-hold, or use breathing apparatus for scuba diving or surface-supplied diving, and the saturation diving technique reduces the risk of decompression sickness (DCS) after long-duration deep dives. Atmospheric diving suits (ADS) may be used to isolate the diver from high ambient pressure. Crewed submersibles can extend depth range, and remotely controlled or robotic machines can reduce risk to humans. The environment exposes the diver
"I Will Always Love You". Parton, who is known to arrive early for her appointments, arrived really early on her recording day, even before producer McAnally had arrived. During the recording session, McAnally became very nervous and told Parton: "I don't know how I am supposed to direct you singing "I Will Always Love You", but I am going to do my best." Kahn was also very much nervous working with her, "I have literally worked with everybody but Dolly Parton made
A club is an entertainment venue Having recently gone to Ibiza and attending numerous clubs there. I feel that most "normal" clubs aren't that entertaining anymore It normally operates late into the night That really is the only option since most people drink at these venues, so we need them separated from the daytime public as there is children around
Nightclub A nightclub, music club or club, is an entertainment venue and bar that usually operates late into the night. A nightclub is generally distinguished from regular bars, pubs or taverns by the inclusion of a stage for live music, one or more dance floor areas and a DJ booth, where a DJ plays recorded music. The upmarket nature of nightclubs can be seen in the inclusion of VIP areas in some nightclubs, for celebrities and their guests. Nightclubs are much more likely than pubs or sports bars to use
at the same time so that we have enough to care about them and wait in anticipation of what happens next...However, these sub-plots feel cliched that we are never really surprised by how they develop...there are also times when the director gives too much space to certain characters that the film's pacing suffers". bollywoodlife.com also gave 3 stars out of 5 and wrote, "While there may be a few flaws, the movie for the most part is entertaining. Lakshmy Ramakrishnan has proved that she’s an
It is been ages since I've been to a nightclub. I love nightclubs! I think it's so much fun to dance and hang out in the bar late into the night! Yes it is fun! Do you spend a lot of time in nightclubs? I usually try to go at least once or twice a month, always on a Friday or Saturday night since those are the busiest! You li
Nightclub A nightclub, music club or club, is an entertainment venue and bar that usually operates late into the night. A nightclub is generally distinguished from regular bars, pubs or taverns by the inclusion of a stage for live music, one or more dance floor areas and a DJ booth, where a DJ plays recorded music. The upmarket nature of nightclubs can be seen in the inclusion of VIP areas in some nightclubs, for celebrities and their guests. Nightclubs are much more likely than pubs or sports bars to use
's the way it is: so enjoy the time you've got. Live as much as you can, have as much fun as possible. Face your fear and live. I had family members die at a fairly early age; so I've always had kind of a phobia about it. Death freaks me out. I think it freaks a lot of people out. It's the end of life, depending on your views. It's a pretty scary thing. ""Them Bones"" is trying to
Heavy metal is your favorite music? What decade of metal? I wouldn't say its my favorite, Im actually not too familiar with it, do you know anything about it? I like some of the newer bands like Norma Jean from early 2000s. Oh okay, is that still a heavy metal band?
Post-hardcore Post-hardcore is a punk rock music genre that maintains the aggression and intensity of hardcore punk but emphasizes a greater degree of creative expression initially inspired by post-punk and noise rock. Like post-punk, the term has been applied to a broad constellation of groups. Post-hardcore began in the 1980s with bands like Hüsker Dü, Black Flag, and Minutemen. The genre expanded in the 1980s and 1990s with releases by bands from cities that had established hardcore scenes, such as Fugazi from
being certified Silver in the United Kingdom. In 2015, Korn vocalist Jonathan Davis stated "My favorite Faith No More record is "The Real Thing". That's when Mike Patton took over. That's the one. [Although] I do like "We Care a Lot". We got a lot of our influences from "The Real Thing". It showed everybody you could do heavy music and not be "metal". It was something completely different." Legacy. "Epic"
Hi, I love to go surfing whenever I get the chance!
Surfing Surfing is a surface water sport in which the wave rider, referred to as a surfer, rides on the forward or face of a moving wave, which usually carries the surfer towards the shore. Waves suitable for surfing are primarily found in the ocean, but can also be found in lakes or rivers in the form of a standing wave or tidal bore. However, surfers can also utilize artificial waves such as those from boat wakes and the waves created in artificial wave pools. The term "surfing"
written by Trevor Veitch, the contractor for the "Branigan" album, to which he also contributed guitar work; while Branigan also did her part in co-writing of the cover song's lyrics. In 2003, Branigan characterized "Gloria" as "Certainly my signature song. And I always get the same reaction wherever I go, and whenever I perform it ... I have to end every show with that song, and people just go crazy." Branigan later released a Hi-NRG re-recording
I like singing in the shower! Haha, have you participated in the widespread phenomenon? I haven although I'm terrible at singing Right, I'm not good either haha. The hard walls in the bathroom provide an aurally pleasing acoustic environment though! Yeah, it does make the sound more enjoyable
and depth." This habit was reported (with an attempt of explanations) centuries ago. For example, Ibn Khaldun in Chapter 1 of his "Muqaddimah" writes: The bathroom singer is an ironic reference to mediocre or amateur singers. Jon Anderson had tiles installed in the studio, to simulate the echo effect of one's vocals in a bathroom. This effect was not used only by singers. Paul Simon wrote: "Weird Al" Yankovic in fact in 1979 recorded his first single,
Bathroom singing Bathroom singing, also known as singing in the bathroom, singing in the bath, or singing in the shower, is a widespread phenomenon. Many people sing in the bathroom because the hard wall surfaces, often tiles or wooden panels, and lack of soft furnishings, create an aurally pleasing acoustic environment. The multiple reflections from walls enrich the sound of one's voice. Small dimensions and hard surfaces of a typical bathroom produce various kinds of standing waves, reverberation and echoes, giving the voice "fullness
Coffee is such a useful drink even though coffee doesn't taste that good. I love coffee, I like taste!
Coffee Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, the seeds of berries from certain "Coffea" species. The genus "Coffea" is native to tropical Africa (specifically having its origin in Ethiopia and Sudan) and Madagascar, the Comoros, Mauritius, and Réunion in the Indian Ocean. Coffee plants are now cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in the equatorial regions of the Americas, Southeast Asia, Indian subcontinent, and Africa. The two most commonly grown are "C. arabica" and "C.
15th century in the Arab world. The assimilation of chocolate into Spanish tastes paved the way for coffee as the new hot stimulant drink to gain popularity in Spain. Coffee imports even surpassed those of chocolate by the 18th century. The desire for coffee, like that of chocolate, eventually spread to include all castes in Iberia. Coffee, along with chocolate and sugar, stimulated a growing taste for New World sweet goods. Luxury goods and foods Tobacco. As we know more now than ever, tobacco had very addictive qualities
my hair is very long.. i dont know if most people have it that way or not Cool! how long is your hair, where I live my hair is considered long. about 3 ft long
Artificial hair integrations Artificial hair integrations, more commonly known as hair extensions or hair weaves, add length and/or fullness to human hair. Hair extensions are usually clipped, glued, or sewn on natural hair by incorporating additional human or synthetic hair. These methods include tape in extensions, clip in or clip on extensions, fusion method, weaving method, and wigs. Background. A hair weave is human or artificial hair utilized for the integration with one's natural hair. Weaves can alter one's appearance for long
who'd had the inspiration: "She said, 'Why don't we cut your hair?' I was elated. She picked up the scissors and, whack, off came the long curls. I felt as if I'd been emancipated. Then she trimmed my hair around with bangs like a Japanese girl's haircut. Five days later I had the part." Moore wasn't the first girl to bob her hair, but doing so was still quite shocking for most people. "Flaming Youth" was
the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood is called Parenting. Do you have kids? I do not. What else do you know about parenting
Parenting Parenting or child rearing is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the intricacies of raising a child and not exclusively for a biological relationship. The most common caretaker in parenting is the father or mother, or both, biological parent(s) of the child in question, although a surrogate may be an older sibling, a grandparent, a legal guardian, aunt, uncle or other family member, or a family
process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, financial, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. This goes far beyond anything found in other animals, including not only the provision of food, shelter, and protection from threats such as predators, but a prolonged period of support during which the child learns whatever is needed to live successfully in human society. In groups of animals In amphibians. There is an equal prevalence of female-only and male-only care in amphibians. However
I was never really into dogs when I was little, but I love them so much
was the first species to be domesticated and has been selectively bred over millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes. Their long association with humans has led dogs to be uniquely attuned to human behavior and they are able to thrive on a starch-rich diet that would be inadequate for other canid species. Dogs vary widely in shape, size and colors. They perform many roles for humans, such as hunting, herding, pulling loads, protection, assisting police and military, companionship and, more recently
was working quite a bit before I joined. I never really watched that much television but I knew of it. It's not the route I expected to go down, but I did and enjoyed most of it. Then, it was a little bit like being in school. People weren't as relaxed as they should be in TV. You're only acting, so it was like saying 'get a grip' to them." When asked about his exit, Monero commented, "I drove off into the
hola, I do love to go hiking The John Muir Trail might be a nice hike to check out then! It is a long distance trail in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California. This long trail passes through Sequoia National parks, Yosemite, and Kings Canyon. sounds like a lovely trail to hike
John Muir Trail The John Muir Trail (JMT) is a long-distance trail in the Sierra Nevada mountain range of California, passing through Yosemite, Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks. From the northern terminus at Happy Isles in Yosemite Valley () and the southern terminus located on the summit of Mount Whitney (), the Trail's length is , with an elevation change of approximately . For almost all of its length, the trail is in the High Sierra backcountry and wilderness areas. For about , the trail
Theodore Solomons Trail The Theodore Solomons Trail is a long-distance trail in the Sierra Nevada mountain range of California, passing through Yosemite, Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks, and the Sierra National Forest. From the northern terminus at Glacier Point in Yosemite and the southern terminus located at Horseshoe Meadow, the trail's official length is . For almost all of its length, the trail is in the Middle Sierra backcountry and wilderness areas. The trail was developed by Dennis R. Gagnon in 1974 as a lower elevation alternative
I love hamburgers but my patty has to be flame broiled like Burger King. What is broiling? Broiling is cooking at a top heat more healthier Burger King flame broils all their meats at the fast food restaurant. Can you use a regular grill to do that? No because the regular grill cooks food from below with heat as broiling is heat above the food. Ok, so I'm guessing there's a specialized tool for it then?
Cooking Cooking or cookery is the art, technology, science and craft of preparing food for consumption. Cooking techniques and ingredients vary widely across the world, from grilling food over an open fire to using electric stoves, to baking in various types of ovens, reflecting unique environmental, economic, and cultural traditions and trends. The ways or types of cooking also depend on the skill and type of training an individual cook has. Cooking is done both by people in their own dwellings and by professional cooks and chefs in restaurants
Flame broiler A flame broiler is a commercial mechanical gas grill used to cook various products. It is in use by the Burger King fast-food restaurant chain and was also used by the Burger Chef chain. The device consists of a ladder-type conveyor chain that transports a hamburger patty over gas broiler tubes that provide a gas flame. The underside of the meat patty directly contacts the flames as the meat is conveyed through the broiler enclosure. The top part of meat patty is cooked by latent heat provided by
My husband is a lawyer Yeah? So he practices law as a paralegal or barrister or attorney? Has he been doing it long? No he just started as a attorney in private practice Interesting. It must be challenging to piratically apply abstract legal theories. You have to be able to think on your feet. He is very smart and went to college for several years then had to pass the bar
the interests of those who hire lawyers to perform legal services. The role of the lawyer varies greatly across legal jurisdictions, and so it can be treated here in only the most general terms. Terminology. In practice, legal jurisdictions exercise their right to determine who is recognized as being a lawyer. As a result, the meaning of the term "lawyer" may vary from place to place. Some jurisdictions have two types of lawyers, barrister and solicitors, whilst others fuse the two. A barrister is
Lawyer A lawyer or attorney is a person who practices law, as an advocate, attorney, attorney at law, barrister, barrister-at-law, bar-at-law, canonist, canon lawyer, civil law notary, counsel, counselor, counsellor, solicitor, legal executive, or public servant preparing, interpreting and applying law, but not as a paralegal or charter executive secretary. Working as a lawyer involves the practical application of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems, or to advance