1 value
RE: (First) Date(ing) Etiquette
Hey again /RA/, Future Married With Children here. I have a thing to ask on etiquette or lack there of when it comes to dating. Is there a book on it? A reference or even a general guideline on this? Obviously I understand that there can't be such a thing as a bible for dating but clarity or a "just be nice" policy without having an open wallet with cash flowing out of it forever to keep the woman happy would be very nice and handy too for both guys and gals. So I ask you /ra/ is there an etiquette or guideline that you follow?
Beat Mass Effect on the 360, but not have ME2 on Steam. Anyway of continuing my story line on the PC now?
I just beat ME1 right now, the credits are rolling as I'm typing. I'm going to jump right into ME2 on Steam, but I was wondering if there is a way I can keep my story line going? I killed Wrex, I let the council die, and said Cptn. Anderson should be the leader, but if I start a new game without all that then it's obviously going to change. Any ideas how to get my specific save over? Thanks!
Janelle Monae?!? Cooler than Lady Gaga by far! maybe her beats aren't as cool as that Marilyn Manson stuff but imagine a female OutKast!!
one of the most fun short films/music videos ive seen recently. check her out. i believe puffy signed her. she opened for of montreal when we saw them. awesome! used to be on broadway. nuff said enjoy!
Is there any theory underlying co-evolutionary optimization algorithms?
I've been tinkering with evolving two populations of parameters simultaneously, where the objective function for one population depends on interactions with the second. I'm sort of making things up as I go along, and I wanted to know if anyone has studied this sort of optimization from a more abstract perspective. All the papers I've seen so far are of the style "Hey- I tried this and it worked!".
What are some good Canadian TV shows?
The only thing about Canadian shows are kids in the hall and trailer park boys. What else should I be watching?
What are the ten biggest problems facing humanity today?
I figured I'd ask all you wise people at Reddit because you like having problems to solve. There are probably a Big Ten of human problems that not only threaten us now, but if we solved them, we'd move on to another phase of evolution. Here's my guess: 1. Pollution 2. Habitat loss/ecocide 3. Boring workplaces 4. Automobile dependency 5. Alcoholism/drug addiction 6. Groupthink 7. Solipsism/Narcissism 8. Envy and resentment 9. Too many idiots 10. Egoism Anyone else?
Dollhouse: 2 seasons of pure mediocrity all leading up to one of TV's best endings. How did reddit feel about the finale?
Just watched the last 4 episodes of Dollhouse. As you can tell, I thought the ending was pretty good. I didn't know Whedon had it in him to satisfy me like that.
Favorite independent label?
I've been turned onto lots of really great bands by following certain labels (such as Drag City]( [Young God]( and [Tzadik. Which label seems to share your musical tastes the most?
Reddit, what are some little known health tips you employ?
Things that aren't commonly used/known, perhaps passed down from the G-parents, found on the web, home remedies... as long as they work!
DAE think it's time for Toho to make another Godzilla movie?
I know they're thinking maybe as early as 2013 to bring him back, but I don't know if I can wait that long. Final Wars just left such a bad taste in my mouth. I think with the right director with today's technology, a really solid G movie can be made
Dear Vinyl, I made this to have easy access to my favorite 4-10 records. What do you think?
(a) I'm not an artist (b) I'm no carpenter (c) It's not perfect, as it's my first try. It does hold records, it's strong, it's helpful, it's not horribly ugly (I kind of like it but I like all sorts of weird shit.) Anyway, if I take my learnings from this one and make more do you think anyone else would have interest in things like this?
New rule, humanity: A criminal cannot be the victim of their own crime.
There. No more locking up people for weed, no more children being locked up for exploiting themselves. Stupidity crisis over.
I took apart a .22 rifle and can't get it back together. Please save me from further embarrassment, /r/guns. :(
A bit of background: I'm 19, living at home. I've recently gotten very interested in firearms. My family owns 3 -- two rifles and a pistol. Neither of my parents shoot, the guns were just sort of acquired over the years. Anyway, after I got interested in guns, I decided a fun thing to do would be to take them apart to see how they worked. So I found a diagram of the pistol online, took it apart, and successfully put it back together. Yay! So then I took apart the .22, couldn't get it back together again, looked online for a diagram... and couldn't find one. Oops. o_0 Model number is: **J.C. Higgins Model 103.16-22 Cal** Picture: The main thing is the... damn, I don't even know the right name for it. The thing with the spring that fits in the back of the bolt, anyway. It won't stay in and I've no idea how it was originally fitted in there. Reddit, you're not my only hope, but you *are* my preferred one. If anyone can either find me a diagram or just tell me how to do it, I will eternally grateful. **EDIT:** Got it. Turns out that there are two parts to the striker assembly -- all that was needed was a twist to get them lined up right. Thanks to everyone who commented -- upvotes to all!
Losing your mind, an introduction
There is no evidence for gods, angels, demons, ghosts, or any other "spiritual" entities, so all of us good atheists reject them on that basis. What about minds? What evidence do we have that they exist? What about free will? My experience indicates that the majority of atheists have profound belief in such things. But we atheists are supposed to be "evidence based". Where is our evidence for any such thing? Surely we couldn't believe in fictions foisted on us by our culture. We're better than that. Aren't we?
Need some advice deciding on the next step in my get in shape regime.
Little bit of back ground. About 18 months ago I weighed about 260lbs,(5'11/m/mid twenties) changed my eating habits to only Meat/veg/fruit/nuts, and took up running, over the course of 8 months I dropped to 205/210lbs. I've pretty much hovered at this level, the last 10 months I've relaxed my diet, run some 10k's in around the 50min mark- run 8km once a week,gym twice a week(rowing 8km/30mins, run15min, 3x circuit of the machines they have there), field hockey once a week and salsa once a week. Now i'm quite happy with my fitness level and myself. but one thing is really getting to me, I've lost the weight around my face, legs (they no longer rub when i walk) my arms and generally all over. I've bulked up quite a bit; but it's just my core I can't shift the man boobs and the tyre. it's like no weight has been lost there at all. Dropped from a 44/46 to a 36 inch waist and I just look silly with this sagging tyre over my belt. The lower back fat (unloved handles) are just a annoying. I would really like some advice as to how to shift these, so that when summer comes along I can finally, after about 6 years, get on the beach. tl;dr - How to loose man boobs/love tyre thanks
Dear Reddit: What is the point of college nowadays when I am pretty much forced to study something of practicality rather than something I'm in love with?
I ask this question because I am graduating this coming May with a Pharm.D. I spent six years in school studying something I have absolutely no interest in (patient care isn't exactly my forte) and I find myself increasingly jaded and cynical about my life post-graduation. I absolutely love technology and computers (go redditors!) with a bit of liberal arts thrown in (sociology, is it a science?). I did not choose the CS route because I started college after the dot-com bubble. I did not want to be living on the streets either by majoring in sociology. Granted, pharmacy is what they call a "stable" career and the pay is no joke. But what is the point of college when my love for academia is overshadowed by the need to major in something that will merely pay the bills?
What did everyone do in the 56k day, when you had to wait for a page to load?
I remember when it took a good long time for a page to load. Me? I'd check my AOL inbox, maybe start a chat and forget about it as the page finished loading, it was usually cdnow.com
My first shot at poetry.....
I've always wanted to write and so I gave it a try. You guys are my favorite community so I thought I would share it with you. The Fight Today my spirit sags. I am lost in disrepair. This melancholy mood hangs thick, I taste it in the air. All hope I had seems lost and gone, No future left for me. My false demise is imminent- Mere mediocrity. My potential proved betrayer. These talents were for naught. All dreams I once possessed, Are now but distant thought. And yet tomorrow rises, A morning clear and bright, In which I hope to find my voice. And so persists my fight.
i predict the ipad will save the (small) newspaper AND (big) publishing industries, and here's why
i worked in the newspaper business for a decade. newspapers spend a lot of money on two things: newsprint and subscribing to the associated press and other press syndicates. these subscriptions allow them to run nation and world stories and, more importantly, give them access to vast resources such as op-ed columnists, thousands of feature stories, photos from around the world, a gigantic notable people mug shot database, GIS data, comics pages, horoscopes and tv listings. newspapers have always been printed on paper. these people know no other way. it's painful how awful newspaper web sites can be. i was on the inside. i was an integral part of agonizing discussions on what we were willing to put on our web site, how much time and energy and money we were willing to devote to it. after everything was done and said, it was going to have to be free content. we all knew it, and to fool ourselves into thinking people were going to pay to surf to our web site and read the news was just silly. even the new york times, which has had a pretty nice web site -- easily navigable, freely available content except for their columnists -- is now going to charge for most everything. and yet they know it's not going to work. meanwhile, hundreds of magazines have shuttered their doors in the last couple of decades. people can't afford books these days, and publishers have long cast their fates with only tried-and-true money making authors. all this because printing books and fancy four-color magazines is an expensive enterprise. besides being a journalist, i'm an avid reader. i have read e-books on my palm pilot and it's not much fun. i've looked at a kindle and i wasn't so impressed. the technology is lacking somehow. it's too ethereal to pinpoint what the disconnect is, though. besides being a journalist, *and* an avid reader, i'm also a mac person. i like the way apple does things so intuitively. i hate arguing with pc people about why i love macs, just suffice it to say that it's way, way easier to teach an old person or someone who is resistant to the whole concept of computers how to use a mac than a pc. it's just the way it is. what i've seen of the ipad impresses me a lot. i really want to read books on it. i'd eagerly pony up as much as five bucks to read a book on an ipad, rather than at least eight bucks for a paperback book or twenty plus dollars for a hardback, or being pressured to read a book from the library in a week or two after having to wait to even get my hands on it. i want to read newspapers on it too. and i'd be willing to pay the local newspaper as much as i am now for the print edition to read high quality content on an ipad. with one important caveat: the content be free of all advertising and just be local and state news. i can catch cnn on the teevee or online for the rest. i don't think i'd be willing to pay the new york times for their content, but i'm sure other people would be more than happy to fork over the cash. i think i'd like to read a magazine on the ipad too. and a few other specialized publications. newspapers in small and medium-sized markets fill a void. there's no real place for a town that doesn't have a tv station to get the local news. not on the internet, except for the local paper's web site. large-market newspapers no longer provide a timely product. it's too hard to compete with news stations that are affiliated with larger and more monied news conglomerates that provide the product almost instantaneously. they can't continue to provide a product with stale content monday through saturday, and then a feature heavy edition on sunday using an antiquated technology that costs a ton of money. there will be knock-offs of the ipad but, as usual, apple's blazing a trail ... in the world of *reading* this time.
What are your favourite activities on acid?
Hey guys/gals. I haven't done acid in quite some time, after deciding I should quit. I somehow managed to have acquired a few squares (through no intent of my own), which I plan on doing this weekend with some good mates. Just wondering, what are your favourite things to do while tripping? We will be doing them in town so unfortunately exploring wilderness isn't an option. I've got a bunch of fire twirling gear, a couple of skateboards and an external hard drive filled with cool shit in case we want it on the come down. Any other suggestions?
Men of Reddit, what are your thoughts on nail polish and/or fake nails?
I've always felt that I was in the minority here, so I was wondering what other guys thought of it. I've never really been a fan of colored nail polish. I've always preferred them natural (clear nail polish doesn't bother me). Sometimes colored nail polish can work on fingernails, but I never, ever like it on toes. For some reason it just doesn't look good to me. And I absolutely hate any kind of fake nails. I don't even like nails long, but fake nails are just gross to me. How about you guys? Girls can chime in too, if they want, but I'm interested in other guys' opinions.
Yo Reddit! Where can I find a comprehensive LOST catchup for the new season tomorrow?
I asked the Lost subreddit but apparently no one there knows (don't ask me). I want to find a catch up of some kind for what the hell is going on. I've seen all of the other seasons so I don't need one of those bullshit "Jack is a doctor and leader...blah blah blah" type shows they do before each season. Any help losties?!
Binary operators over graphs?
What sorts of binary operators on graphs (of different sizes) do you know of? The only one I can think of is the tensor product of adjacency matrices, which yields a somewhat uninteresting monoid. Can we get more elaborate algebraic structure over the set of graphs? edit: I just found
I've written a few stories under this name, thought I'd share/what do you think?
I started writing recently as just a hobby, I have a few other unfinished stories I haven't posted. I just wanted to know if anyone else here have taken to writing as a fantasy outlet, anyone want to and have questions, I'm open to feedback/questions on the stories or process. Above all I hope you like them. Edit: Odd, my link didn't show up cause this somehow turned into a self-post. Here is the link to my stuff
Should we boycott the Super Bowl?
Due to the resent controversy over CBS's censorship of gay ads during the super bowl, should we boycott the Super Bowl?
Anyone willing to "train" me?
Im considering getting back into the game, I lost my CDKEY though so if I get it I'm gonna have to pay for it, again (3d time ffs). Anyways, back when I played this religiously I used to go to a channel(the gamefaqs one I think it was bsb) and it was a pretty tight community teaching each other etc. Anything like that here? I wouldn't know how to get back in the game, I imagine most matches are either money maps or vs koreans and I don't want to do either...(not koreans just yet...)
Can anyone give me advice on patenting and related issues?
Yes, this is a repost, but I'm hoping to get some more advice- only one person responded the last time. :_( A while ago I came up with an idea for a useful little tech device that I'd never seen in stores. After doing a little research, it seems like no one's made anything comparable (if it seems like I'm being vague, it's intentional- it's probably unreasonably paranoid, but I hate to divulge details for fear of patent-jacking). I suppose my question is- what's next? Do I patent the idea? It seems like patents are ridiculously expensive to get, and I don't know exactly what's required for doing so. After patenting it, would it be easier/more profitable to sell the idea to someone who can easily produce it, or try and market/produce it myself with a business partner? It would require programming experience I don't have, for one thing. I guess just any kind of general advice for patenting/marketing an invention would be good. I'll answer any questions as best I can. Thanks!
Any of you own a car with a rebuilt engine? How reliable are they?
Considering buying a car with around 100k miles, and having the engine rebuilt. The only reason I am buying a car with such high miles, is because it is an older model car (95-99 eclipse) and it's been impossible to find one with low miles.
What idea or passage from a book, scares you more than anything else?
Someone once told me "The Human brain cannot imagine nothingness." Since then I've spent a lot of time trying but i haven't been able to do it, if you think about it, nothingness is clear, not black or white, because those are something, and the only way the human mind can process clear is to see through it to the other side, but what if there isn't another side?
There are a lot of philosophical questions out there. What do you think are the most important ones for the average person to consider?
I'm not really looking for answers here, just the questions themselves. What are the most important questions for people to ask themselves, and search for answers to? My list: Who am I? What do I want out of life? Why do people act the way they do? How does one know something to be true? How does the world operate around me?
Hey Reddit, hate Bank Of America? Unable to recover outrageous overdraft fees? See inside...
So last week I made a PayPal transaction that cost $18 with only $6 dollars in my bank account (I have two bank accounts one with BOA and the other is with RaboBank. RaboBank is my Primary as I am living in the Netherlands.) Anyways this left my account negative 12 dollars. So they charged the $35 overdraft fee which would be expected - and hey it was my mistake so I was happy to own up to it. But then PayPal decided to charge two separate transactions totaling 33 cents. Well the account being negative now $47.00, one transaction for $0.25 and the other for $0.08 added another two $35 overdraft fees now bringing my total negative balance to $117. But wait, apparently in June BOA decided to enact a new overdraft fee called an "Extended Overdrawn Balance Charge" which is another $35 fee in which isn't caused because of a transaction posting but rather when the account is overdrawn more then 5 days. So this brought my total account balance to negative $152.00 for going less then 13 dollars in the red. This to me seemed not only outrageous but morally wrong (ever heard of usury?) So I made the long distance call from the Netherlands to BOA's 800 number and after a short hold was on the phone with a nice young lady who immediately advised after I mentioned what I was calling about that there is nothing she can do and could pass me to a supervisor - so I say ok no problem. The supervisor gets on the phone with a very cold and uncaring attitude and gives me the same speech on how there is nothing they can do to return fees but I could request a call back from someone higher up which could take 24 to 48 hours. I argue with her for about 5 minutes before realizing that they really could give a shit. Now I am pissed. Not because I don't have money and cant afford the insane fees, but rather its become about principal. So I get on the Google and start searching around forum posts to which I see tons of other people in way worse situations complaining about their customer service and the way that the BOA generally mistreats their customers. While reading through a woman's tragic tale of misfortune and some $1000 in racked up bank fees she posted this Gem **1-704-386-5687** This number is to BOA executive support. I called them, told them everything that happened and within 5 minutes I had $140 worth of overdraft fees returned - without hassle. If anyone out there is getting killed by fees and has a legitimate excuse or hardship, this is the number to call, not the 800 number. I will say one last thing. I plan on getting back to the US in June for a holiday. The first thing I plan on doing is closing my BOA account and opening a account at my local credit union.
How the hell do you put a folder of music into iTunes?
I just updated the software and the P.O.S. is now not allowing me to drag and drop folders into iTunes play lists. What gives? How do you import music if you can't do a basic drag and drop? I used to just drag and drop, but nooooo, not any more, Apple deems that I don't need this function or something. I am on Windows and just updated 10 minutes ago. God I hate iTunes with a passion...
Hey Reddit, what are some good alternate history novels?
I read The Man in the High Castle a few years ago and really enjoyed it. Does anyone have any suggestions of other good alternate history novels?
Dear Reddit: How does one make friends!?
Dear Reddit, I just got my first real job ever, it's in San Francisco. The only problem is that I grew up in NY, went to college in PA, and moved back home to NY after graduation for an internship. So essentially, I don't know anyone or anything in SF. I've never had problems making friends, and I have a good group of friends at home and from college. But this isn't college - I'm going to be busy working! The job is at a tech startup with only two other guys, who are older, and probably not material that I'd want be making good-buddies-to-go-out-drinking-every-weekend with. So Reddit, what do you all suggest I do? If any of you live in San Francisco and would like to be my friend, let me know! I'm a 23 year dude, ex-college athlete (wrestling), I love video games, movies, getting drunk, tech-geeky stuff, football, being active, and generally just having a good time. I'm easy going, I never get into fights with anyone, and I just want to be able to meet people to hang out with. **tl;dr** I'm moving to a city I've never been to before for a job. I don't know anyone there, and the people I'll be working with are probably not the best bet for me to be hanging out with on weekends. How do I go about making friends!? Thanks so much for any help! {EDIT} Thanks so much for all of these tips. It's giving me great ideas, and sdhillon's definitely being a champ.
HAE ever done something because it felt like something was telling you to
I was driving home tonight and something out of nowhere made me think "what if I hit a animal like a cat or dog" so I turn my lights up to beam and there was a dog crossing the road infront of me ( i didnt hit it but i almost shat myself) has anybody else ever had something like that happen to them.
[TOMT] Artist who painted cozy scenes of cabins by lakes and such.
I think he was/is an American artist. His works look like the kinds of places you'd want to live for the rest of your life. I believe that the final scene in the film *Minority Report* is based on one of his paintings. **Edit:** It's not Bob Ross, Thomas Cole or Robert Scott Duncanson. **Edit 2:** I remembered! It's Thomas Kinkade!
What would the required tensile strength be for the material that would comprise a ring that has a radius of 1,854,336 KM and spins at one revolution per 24 hours?
Hi guys. I was wondering what the tensile strength would be required for the material that would comprise a ring that has a radius of 1,854,336 KM and spins at one revolution per 24 hours. Also, is there a formula/website with calculating program that I can use to calculate the answers to other questions like this, rather than having to ask reddit each time? =)
Is it wrong to not want to settle for a girl?
I'm up to number 3 in girls who are in love with me but I've left them because they don't feel like their the perfect match for me. They either do something that annoys me constantly or they aren't pretty enough or they're Recently I talked to someone who said "Jigsus, you're crazy man... find a girl who loves you and settle for that". But I don't want to settle. I want a girl who makes me completely happy, I want a girl who will be a good mother for our children, I want a girl who's smart, I want a girl who's pretty, I want a girl that can handle herself, I want a girl who's open to new ideas... I DON'T WANT TO SETTLE! Is my friend right? Am I crazy for wanting that?
By Request: I am a Dev for Heroes of Newerth. AMA.
Game Designer for S2 Games working on Heroes of Newerth. Look it up. I do game balance, map tweaks/creation, hero creation, game scripting, community involvement, and helping decision making behind the scenes. I was hired near the beginning of beta and have worked with the other designer Fielding since then. I script in XML and can read C++ code well enough to decipher how things work from reading our source code when I need to do complex things for heroes.
can someone please tell me if I am doing rsync right?
I run Ubuntu and I have a webserver hosting my sites. I had been using this: rsync -av root@xxx.xxx.xx.x:/home/site /home/user/Desktop/rsync-site This seems to work and sync up the site to my local folder. Now I want to use SSH but on investigating this I saw different switches and thought my SSH assumption which is this: rsync -av ssh root@xxx.xxx.xx.x:/home/site /home/user/Desktop/rsync-site Might be wrong. I saw someone say to use: rsync -avz -e ssh remoteuser@remotehost:/remote/dir /this/dir/ I also think my current method adds new files but does not delete anything if it has been deleted on my webserver so would like to do this monthly just to keep it clean. I'm asking these questions here because I keep getting conflicting results from google and do not want to wipe my webserver by accident. Thanks!
What does NSFW mean to you?
Personally I can comfortably look at most things in work that aren't explicit porn. Seeing things where there may be some sexual text comments tagged as NSFW make me wonder where others would draw the line.
Can someone help me gain a physical understanding to cross products?
Dot products are easy as the physical meaning that I ascribe to them is how much of A projects onto B (I know that's actually a scalar projection but it helps me understand what is going on). What does a cross product mean? I find it difficult to find a physical explanation of the interaction of two vectors produces a perpindicular vector. Any help would be appreciated.
Dear Reddit:How many times have you seen Groundhog day?(Bill Murray)
Is this time of the year,and the movie will be in many channels,will you see it again?,I will,and I don't know how many times I have seen it.. (Don't really feel like buying it)
Who's to blame for the financial collapse?
Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives have each had their own ideas of who to blame for the financial crisis. Until tonight I've been on the Democrat's/liberal's side which says that there hasn't been enough regulation of the banking industry. My understanding of the financial crisis has been that it was a "perfect storm." Banks were handing out NINA(No Income No Assets) loans, selling them to other banks who then chopped them up and repackaged them as mortgage backed securities(MBS) with AAA ratings. It was only a matter of time before people who had no job and no assets could not repay their mortgages, and it's no surprise then that these types of activities eventually led to a crash. Until tonight I thought that these practices were allowed because nobody told banks not to do it, and banks were simply acting in their own(albeit short-term) interest. But now I think I was wrong. Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac were both organizations set up by the US government]( to encourage people to purchase homes. Originally they were strictly a government organization, however eventually they were allowed to be publicly traded companies looking to make a profit, and they were not accountable to the SEC since they still enjoyed the backing of the federal government. They used their ability to take out low interest loans to buy up mortgages from other banks, making a profit from the difference in interest rates and also by selling MBS. This provided an incentive for other banks to hand out more mortgages since they could just sell them to Fannie and Freddie(Fannie/Freddie owned 90% of the mortgages on the market). When people inevitably started defaulting on their loans, Fannie and Freddie [went under]( and the MBS's lost their value. This caused a cascade of [credit default swap(CDS) payments to be triggered since they had been purchased as a hedge for the MBS's. AIG supplied the largest share of CDS, and they simply could not pay out. Banks lost all value of the MBS and the CDS hedge didn't pan out causing the whole financial industry to teeter on the edge of collapse. So, now I'm wondering how is this not directly the fault of our government for allowing Fannie and Freddie to exist in this way in the first place? While the lack of regulation and transparent exchange of CDS's is a problem and has gotten a whole lot of attention, it seems like it was far from the underlying problem which was actually handing out all these mortgages in the first place. And since this is not happening anymore, haven't we by and large removed the systemic risk? If we have, I'm now wondering how big a deal this whole "too big to fail" business really is since they wouldn't have failed if our government hadn't allowed the mortgage bubble to happen in the first place. Reddit, what are your thoughts on all of this? There is a lot of anger out there directed at the banking sector, but now I can't help but wonder if it's very unfair to blame them given everything I've mentioned above.
In your opinion, what is the hardest song to sing?
I'd have to plump for Fair To Midland - Dance of the Manatee, simply because of the amazingly high to amazingly low changes throughout.
I've been given an offer to go to Prague in a university transfer programme for 3 months. Should I take this opportunity?
Basically it's a student programme to go stay in Prague for 3 months, very few students actually do it, but because of my good track record with the department they told me I would have no problem applying. All the paperwork is now done and I have been accepted by the Czech university, but I also love my job (really love my job) and I don't want to lose it. My boss told me that I would not be guaranteed a space when I get back from Prague, but my friends/family think I can just reapply, as I have a very good record with my work (good attendance/hardworking, etc) This is a really difficult decision for me so if you have any advice I would appreciate it. Update: Decided I'm going to Prague! Thank you for all the great advice! Scrumpy
Men Don't Have it So Easy Either
I am wondering if this should be also posted in r/equality Edit:link Thanks *hatekillpuke* for pointing this out.
My girlfriend recently gave me her favorite book, The Alchemist, by Paul Coelho. I am extremely turned off. Is she literary-tarded or have I just missed the (obviously deeply hidden) literary merit of this steaming pile of self-help?
It seems I'm not alone. Edit: Admittedly, I'm only about halfway through... I'm struggling to finish the book. In exchange, I planned to give her Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn. One of the main themes of Ishmael is that *you are not the center of the universe*... quite contrary to the philosophy of The Alchemist.
Read this to save a fish's life!
Orangered Gourami - **FREE to a good home. Can deliver** to Central Brisbane area. My fish tank had a MAJOR blow-out and I can't replace it at the moment. If you have room for a well tempered male fish, about 12cm long, drop me a PM! *Tikka* would be very grateful!
DAE hate how Apple refer to their products as if they were abstract concepts?
"Sounds like love. Give iPod this Valentine's Day." Not "give your loved one an iPod" - just "give iPod". Fuck off, you pretentious wankers.
Hey /r/Music. Can anyone recommend a good tool to reorganize a messy mp3 collection
I'm primarily looking for a tool to rename/move files into a clean Artist/Album/Track file structure, and retag files with missing id3 tags. Ideally the tool would run on Linux, but I can install Windows to do the task if required.
TIL that James Blunt is actually badass
>In 1999, he served as an armoured reconnaissance officer in the NATO deployment in Kosovo. Initially assigned to reconnaissance of the Macedonia-Yugoslavia border, Blunt and his unit worked ahead of the front lines directing forces and targeting Serb positions for the NATO bombing campaign. He led the first squadron of troops to enter Pristina, and was the first British officer to enter the Kosovo capital. His unit was given the assignment of securing the Pristina airport in advance of the 30,000-strong peacekeeping force; the Russian army had moved in and taken control of the airport before his unit's arrival. As the first officer on the scene, Blunt shared a part in the difficult task of addressing the potentially violent international incident.[11] There were less intense moments during Blunt's Kosovo assignment, however. Blunt had brought along his guitar, strapped to the outside of his tank. At some places, the peacekeepers would share a meal with hospitable locals, and Blunt would perform. It was while on duty there that he wrote the song "No Bravery".[12] from wikipedia.
With Market Shares Lingering around 7.4% Why is Everybody in an Uproar Over Apple’s Apparent Doomsday Device, the iPad?
Has anybody stopped to consider that there might be a reason Apple didn't call it's new device, iTablet, or iTab? Maybe it's because Apple never intended for it to fill the shoes of the Tablet PC you had hoped for]( If you consider Apple's small market share of around [7.4%]( making claims that this is [the beginning of the end]( is a little premature. So why the fuss? Why is every Apple nay-sayer taking jabs at the iPad [whenever possible? It's because everybody *expects* Apple to revolutionize the computer world *every* time it announces something new. This is a silly thing to expect, and while we, Apple-users, are flattered that you, Windows-users, care so much about us, I think we could all use a breather from your incessant nagging. Relax, the sun *will* rise tomorrow; this is the beginning, not the end.
What are your favorite documentaries?
Try to include a brief description! I'll start: Planet Earth & Blue Planet. Extremely dramatic nature documentaries with huge budgets!
Social justice and programming languages
So I happened to watch an episode from justiceharvard.org]( the other day, an idea strike me, compare justice reasoning to programming languages. Computer language are meant to compute, with input and output, so does human society, it's redistributing everything. In programming design there's an distinction of [type systems. For example, Java is static, strong typed while Javascript is weak, dynamic typed. According to my understanding to the video, * Consequentialism == dynamically, duck typed languages. The advantage of this design is conveniency, fast to develop. In other words, Utilitarianism. But one disadvantage is many of the errors can not be discovered until runtime. * Categorical == strong, static typed languages. One advantage is it can check for errors in compilation time thus guarantees minimal type errors during runtime. In software engineering dynamic typed languages are often used as scripting language, glue other modules together, But performance critical modules are often written with static typed languages. correct me if I am wrong :)
IAmA guy who had a breast removed. The surgery was botched. AMA.
I noticed several submissions about the increase in breast reduction surgery for men, and noticed that many people mistakenly thought this trend to be a case of "lazy fatties, just get some effing exercise!" Male breast growth can have many causes and it affects 30% to 60% of pubescent boys, but usually disappears after a few years. Me, I was a 6'3" slightly underweight fellow who developed a single breast (on my left side). This is known as unilateral gynecomastia. I was in a long term relationship at the time and she said she didn't care, but I still felt like a freakshow. Eventually I saw a doctor, she asked me if I was taking any bodybuilding supplements or eating lots of red meat and when I answered negative to those questions I was told it was a common hormonal imbalance which would resolve itself in a year or so. Almost three years later nothing had changed, and this time I agreed to surgery. I imagined this would make my chest look normal again. I'll tell the rest of the story in answer to your questions, but I will list here the things that went wrong during the operation: * An assistant left the cauterizer resting on my skin. This caused a permanent burn scar above my nipple. * They took away too much tissue. I now have an indent instead of a boob. * This also left my nipples at different heights. * I had to return after 3 months, another 3 months, and another 6 months, to get the wound fluid extracted. Unfortunately it never stopped oozing out, which has caused my skin to stain significantly. EDIT: Here's a before and after. Not the greatest quality pictures, but clear enough. Fun party trick: if I flex my 'pecs', a ravine appears diagonally above my nipple and my nipple disappears into it. EDIT: I'm expecting a phone interview any second now. Will be back soon. EDIT: Fun fact. Before this kind of surgery, they first test whether the growth isn't a tumor. One such test was a mammogram. They put your breast between two plates (so that they can use X-rays on it) and tighten it until you've got this pancake spread out before you. It's painful and I felt a bit guilty that this is most often used for women who have breast cancer, whereas I just had a cosmetic issue. They also did an echoscopy. EDIT: Fun fact. The way they extract the wound fluid is by sticking a syringe in your nipple. The area is too numb to really feel it, but having someone stick a needle in your nipple, poke around a bit, and slurp up one or two syringes full of goo is certainly interesting.
Mathematical problem - I need help!
So i've been thinking of this problem for some time, and need it explained once and for all. You have a coin that you flip and for the purposes of this example there's a 50% chance it'll land on either side. Suppose you flip it and 10 times in a row it comes up heads. Amazing! Extremely unlikely and amazing for that reason. However you say to yourself, i built this coin so that it was even, so over time (t-> infinity) I would expect this system to output even results (50% to both sides). So can I assume as time passes (and slowly approaches infinity) there will be a 'pressure' to enforce this balancing out? I know the end results of an infinite experiment, so suppose i'm half way through (inifinty/2) and i'm still just getting heads. On each individual throw I know that my chances are 50% for each side, but sooner or later for these results to average out i'll need to start getting tails. At that point in time am I any more or less likely to get tails, based on the history of the throw? Much appreciate y'all. any insight would be great.
Offtopic: Social justice and programming languages (repost from r/phi-of-sci)
Repost from PhilosophyofScience So I happened to watch an episode from justiceharvard.org]( the other day, an idea strike me, compare justice reasoning to programming languages. Computer language are meant to compute, with input and output, so does human society, it's redistributing everything. In programming design there's an distinction of [type systems. For example, Java is static, strong typed while Javascript is weak, dynamic typed. According to my understanding to the video, * Consequentialism == dynamically, duck typed languages. The advantage of this design is conveniency, fast to develop. In other words, Utilitarianism. But one disadvantage is many of the errors can not be discovered until runtime. * Categorical == strong, static typed languages. One advantage is it can check for errors in compilation time thus guarantees minimal type errors during runtime. In software engineering dynamic typed languages are often used as scripting language, glue other modules together, But performance critical modules are often written with static typed languages. correct me if I am wrong :)
Hey /r/anime, this title has nothing to do with the content because of the spam filter.
The first part of the Darker than Black OVA aired: And it's so refreshing compared to the terrible excuse for a second season.
I need to talk to you about your erlang.
I had a surreal conversation with my 8 bosses yesterday: BOSS I need to talk to you about your erlang. DEVELOPER Really? I have 1500 lines of it. I, uh, (shows him) BOSS Well, ok, 1500 is minimum, ok? DEVELOPER Ok. BOSS Now, it's up to you whether or not you want to just do the bare minimum. Well, like Brian, for example, has 3700 lines of erlang. And a terrific blog. DEVELOPER Ok. Ok, you want me to write more? BOSS Look. Developer... DEVELOPER Yeah. BOSS People can get software anywhere, ok? They come to Chotchkie's for the atmosphere and the attitude. That's what the erlang's about. It's about fun. DEVELOPER Ok. So, more then? BOSS Look, we want you to express yourself, ok? If you think the bare minimum is enough, then ok. But some people choose to write more and we encourage that, ok? You do want to express yourself, don't you? DEVELOPER Yeah. Yeah. BOSS Great. Great. That's all I ask. DEVELOPER Ok.
Ask reddit: how do you cope with your white guilt?
I don't know if I can survive another February under the weight of my unquestionable, endless compassion towards all those African Americans dying of AIDS in Zimbabwe. When will those minorities say "enough is enough" and stop the hurt!?
Is it wrong to wonder what it'd be like with someone else?
I've been with my boyfriend for two and a half years and he is madly in love with me. I thought I was too, but I can't stop picturing myself with every guy who shows interest in me. Is that wrong? What should I do?
Dear American LOST fans: could somebody with a TV tuner be so kind and stream tonight's premiere on JTV?
As a Pole, I would have to wait until the torrents appear tomorrow. Could anybody in possession of a TV tuner stream the premiere on justin.tv? I would be ever so grateful, since I don't trust the other streams on the site. Thanks!
Just Got a Nook. Any Tips or Tricks Other Reddit Nookers Care to Share?
I finally got my Nook last night and played around with it a little bit. I'm wondering what kinds of tips or tricks any of you might have? I've read that you can access Google's collection of scanned books. Can you do that directly from the Nook or do you have to download them onto an SD Card?
Any tips for using Gmail + Docs + Calendar for organizing school and homework?
I already have multiple inbox setup to organize email from my professors. I also have folders in Docs to keep track of files. I can't really integrate calendar into this scheme though. Any help would be much appreciated!
IAE using a Firefox Persona?
I thought the idea was pretty gimmicky, but after trying it out it's turned out to be a nice new feature. In case you haven't tried it out, new in FF 3.6 is a lightweight skinning feature called Personas]( This is in contrast to the traditional themes which affect buttons, menus, and just about anything else. Obviously there are lots of ugly ones out there, but there are also some very nice ones. At the moment I am using [Firefox Pipes.
Does anyone else feel bad for the Venture Co.?
Alliance and Horde are both hot on their ass because they're ostensibly "raping the environment". Ho hum, seems to me that they've gone out of the way to stay away from existing cities to try to make some money and improve their lot in life. And, if you notice, they are being responsible custodians. I've been checking out their outposts and the pollution never seems to be getting worse. It's just about the only organization where Alliance and Horde races work together happily. They even let Kobolds, Goblins, other humanoids join. Seems like a progressive, thoughtful organization to me.
RST: First round matcups! Plus, blog and streaming situation.
Ive created a blogspot to put all these updates in also, should be an easier backtrack on previous updates that have rolled down the page. I do plan to put the tournament into a picture graphic, but to do this with 70 people isnt practical, therefore ill be putting your matchups here, with round two being on the 'picture'. The plan for saturday is: 16:00 EST we stream two of the first round matches, this should last an hour and everyone is invited to join us on the channel here!. Then at 17:00 EST the games will be played. Please note that we have different time zones so your opponent may try to contact you to change the match time. This is perfectly fine as the Saturday 17:00 is just a guideline for non-streamed games. I will post more about how to submit your results later, for now you just need to know that it is a Best of 3 and that the maps are: **Tau Cross, Destination and Fighting Spirit** in that order. I apologise for the messy format, you might be better off just ctrl-f then search your reddit nick. (P)imnotyourbuddypal - captainwaffles (T) **Stream game #1** (Z)Agricola - Johnnp(P) **Stream game #2** (Z)WinHouse - erulabs (T) (T)calabera - exist(R) (T)Beanscounter - wakeupsucka(P) (P)your4father - sheldon_cooper(Z) (P)Lincolnius - jmav(P) (T)dodgingbullets - atmorgen(Z) (T)HathNoro - gerritvb(Z) (P)Tapsen - Seizer001(T) (P)johnw188 - LadyLioness(P) (P)yataf - Curvature(T) (T)pyroman8813 - Dsspielm (Z) (T)pat965 - frankyj009(P) (Z)ersherr - rinoh(T) (Z)ultimatenerd - gosu(P) (Z)Lukeitsanurchin - Pilkingtod(P) (Z)davidjayhawk - iofthestorm (T)Firi - AWRiddle (T) (Z)assortedslog - DanielDoh(Z) (Z)chickengod - motbob(P) (Z)Slactor - Piratenaapje(Z) (T)extracheez - pizzakiller(Z) (P)Cixelyn - Aszz0831(P) (P)tail - Xrm(P) (P)shinynew - nathanaver(T) (P)greyscalehat - Jathugs(T) (Z)Seffer - koryk(R) (P)hc6 - infinity777(P) (P)puttputt - fookenprawns(P) (T)georgemoore13 - lastkarrde(P) (Z)themikeflynn - JGodbout(P) Elyot, Denzak, chadz, Veritasen, Bloody-Killer, shuaz are all seeded straight through to the second round. If you fail to contact your opponent(to reschedule anytime) and do not show up after 17:30 EST then you forefit the match. Im also looking for a quick replacement for jsh if possible. *Edit* Streming is touch and go :( **To clarify, the games are this saturday coming, the 6th feb**
For the bike commuters: What are the best and worst bicycle friendly cities in the continental U.S.?
Two years ago I sold my car and have been getting around town with a road bike and some panniers. I love the freedom and the exercise, but this town (Tallahassee) is horrible for cycling. Few bike lanes, all of which are filled with debris, traffic that doesn't give a damn, broken glass everywhere, whine whine blah blah. I'm sure you've heard similar complaints before. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you lived in cities that were more pleasant and/or safe to ride in? My hope beyond hope is that there's a city out there with a network of pedestrian- and bike-only paved paths.
The mayor of Tampa shuts everyone up about Obama's "bow"
On Fox and Friends, Pam Iorio just said, "It's hard for me to believe that this is such an issue...He was just being mannerly...It's not something that I think deserves this kind of analysis."
The age-old question: Why is it so hard to choose a DSLR?
OK, the more I read, the less I know. I'd like to get my choices down to 2 cameras. I've read and re-read so many articles, reviews, and opinion pieces, I feel less certain now than I did when it all started. I used to shoot photos in the distant past and I had a Mamiya DSX 1000 and a Canon AE-1. They are long gone. I'm looking to get back into this hobby as it is my only outlet for any art I still harbor after almost 30 years in IT. I've looked long and hard at the Canon 7D and the Nikon D90, but I've also looked at the 5D MK ii and the Nikon D300S... I'd like to start shooting my kids, family, nature, macros, and low-light shots. Any suggestions to clear away the haze? I've been shooting with a T1i and I like most of the photos I take, but it has a "cartoon-ish" quality to the photos-- like a point & shoot. TL;DR: Can someone narrow down the camera body and lens choices? Say, to 2 pairs? My head is spinning. It's worse than computer wars...
The idea of Qualia is a Non sequitur
I have read many refutations of the idea of qualia but I have yet to read one which mirrors my interpretation. I ask you, the browsers of r/phil to tell me if this argument has already been made or not and point me in the right direction if that is the case. >"Qualia" is an impossibility. You cannot describe a sense in terms of another sense accurately. For example the test of qualia is to ask "how would you describe the color red to a blind person" the answer is you cannot. The reason for this is because the idea of the color red is learned through the specific sense of sight, not because it is a separate and unique experience between users. >There are specific phenomena which can only occur and be interpreted on specific biological sensors. For humans the only sensor which can detect light around a narrow spectrum called the visible spectrum is the eye. During the formative years people are taught that this particular phenomena is linked to a linguistic counterpart – the spoken word “red” or undoubtedly with “hot” which as it happens is so because the blackbody radiation spectrum of materials over a certain temperature is what we call both red and hot thus categorizing them. >The idea of a color then is simply its correct categorization, just as all senses are. “Soft” for example cannot be mimicked nor can “loud” accurately in terms of other senses. Asking then how do you describe the color red to a blind man, is a non-sequitur. The material definition of the process is all there is to the process – not being able to translate that to others or to other senses is a result of their specialization and arguably a deficiency of our evolved communication methods. Mind you I have read arguments which are similar in their simplicity and material basis, but none which make the argument that subjective qualia demands an impossible relationship and is thus based on fallacy.
Mad Men watchers: What do you like about this show?
I feel like this is an odd question because I like Mad Men. I have been catching up with it in the past couple months and I'm about halfway through season 3. This show has won numerous awards for "Best Drama", etc.. and most people I talk to who have watched it, LOVE it. And although I do like it, I really fail to see where it is a truly EXCELLENT show. I like the directing, I like the costumes, the dialogue, the way they sneak a humorous moment into an awkward or tense situation. But I don't think it is an amazing show. I think the storylines take way too long to develop (if I were watching one episode per week, I think I would have given up by now), they give a little bit of back story on the characters, then drop it completely (Don's past "marriage", Peggy's pregnancy, etc...) and there are way too many characters that they are trying to dig deeper into but can't so you're left with a very shallow and incomplete picture of each person. I'm not saying it's a bad show, like I said I keep watching, but please explain to me why it is a GREAT show ...
Anyone else kinda just wish someone would go assassinate the pope?
I know it's kind of immoral and unethical, but lets be honest. As atheists, all we are really seeing here is this douche bag and his cult followers claim to be better human beings than we are, prancing around in rich clothes in temples and cathedrals and not one of these fucking idiots deserve what they have out of it. They just condone this stupid imaginary trickery that none of us believe in and because of that they have influence on the world in ways that they shouldn't. Eh. Food for thought.
WATMM: I hope you enjoy this chill out track (like, really chilled).
Stars Of Pregonda Bay, then ran *that* through the Grain synth in Metasynth. This is the result... a 20 second loop stretched to over 7 minutes. Applied some EQ and some reverb, that is all. As stated on SoundCloud: THIS TRACK DOES NOTHING INTERESTING. Whatsoever. But it is relaxing, and I like it. Pregonda Bay is a gorgeous beach in Menorca (island off the coast of Spain). Hope you guys can get something from it. I would say give feedback... but the track is what it is.
Who strikes you as the most contented person you know?
You don't have to know them personally --- it could be someone you've read a biography on, or it could even be a class of people (i.e., teachers or doctors). Mostly I just want to know who seems to be very content with the life, and what their chosen mode of existence is.
GameDev, am I wasting my time with Flash?
I had some programming courses in c++, know my way around php,js and html, but the past year I have done most of my programming in AS3. I like it because it has relatively easy vector graphics and input-and-eventhandling, and because I can put it online for people I know (or others) to use/play. You can see some of the things I made here. But I do want to move on. I want to write bigger programs/games, and maybe collaborate with people over the internet. Now when I read Reddit, it seems that even thinking about Flash is some sort of sign of retardation. It will be replaced, it's generally bad, not open source, all that stuff. But on the internet as a whole Actionscript programming seems pretty popular. And I now have some experience under my belt with it. Should I switch to another programming language, and if so, to which one?
Vote for Movie of The Week #13! Voting ends Friday, February 5th, 9pm EST
Runners up were The Shining, Brazil, and Once upon a Time in the West. Also, don't forget to leave your opinions on Moon in the discussion thread!
Ask Proggit: How do you get your PL/SQL in to version control?
I work on many client's databases and do a fair bit of Oracle PL/SQL development. One issue I have is keeping PL/SQL code backed up in a consistent way. Some of my devs will save their packages/procedures to text files and add them to version control on their own. But this gets messy, and it's very tempting to just load the procedures from their IDE and start deving from there. Before you know it your procedures on your drive are out of sync with what's in your schema. I was hoping there would be a tool that would dump a schema's procedures/package DDL, then auto-add it to subversion. I've built something like this where twice a day I grab all the pl/sql ddl and throw it in a text file to archive. I haven't added it directly to SVN yet, but that's just a matter of a shell script. I was hoping there would be a more standard tool though, since that seems a bit hacky. Using the database backups has it's drawbacks -- no easy way to diff/restore, etc. Plus you have to deal with the DBA's to even look at a backup, yeck. How do you all manage your mountains of pl/sql?
What are your favo(u)rite baby names?
Just wondering what the most popular baby names are. Post a separate comment for each name (male or female) and we'll see which get voted to the top!
Dear mature redditors, at what age did you start to notice that your body/appearance was deteriorating?
I'm 31 and my skin is starting to show signs of aging. My complexion was always a prized feature and now it seems to be irreversibly slipping. I am sad. What's going on with your aging body?
How many are aware the Bible does not mention an immortal soul?
I think this is a piece of trivia that escapes notices all the time. Nowhere is the standard Christian belief in a separate, immortal soul mentioned in the Bible. Rather, it is an idea incorporated into early Christian tradition by its new Greek members (who had a rather long history of dualistic philosophy).
Proggit: Do you use a different keyboard layout for programming?
I´ve always found the German layout better for correspondence and the American one better for programming. On the German one, you have to hold alt or shift to access slash, and '<' '>' '|' are all on the same key. On the other hand, it has all kinds of accents (´ ' `° ^ ) that American one's don't by default, which makes it awesome for writing. What do y'all do?
Magic flight launch box vape
I am thinking about getting one with my tax return money. Has anyone used one? Are they really as awesome as the reviewers on the website? I think it is www.magic-flight.com but im not one hundred percent sure.
Reddit, help me out. Am I doing the right thing here?
Okay, so I've been an ectomorph (skinny guy) all my life. I'm six feet tall even, and between the ages of 17 - 22, my weight was consistently around 135 - 140. I was skinny, but on the plus side, I had next to zero body fat. I'm now 23 and weigh about 172, though I still look pretty skinny, however I suffer from slight moobs as well as hip fat (love-handles). About a month or so ago, I started running every day (my college has a great indoor track) and I've been lifting weights every other day. Mainly upper-body, mainly free weights just to ensure I don't lose too much muscle in the process of weight loss. Honestly, and hear me on this, I don't care about being big and buff. So, please don't tell me to focus on gaining muscle rather than losing fat, as that is a very hard thing for someone with my genes to do. Trust me -- I've tried it, and I'm sick of it! I don't care any more. I just want these hips and manboobs gone. That's really all I care about. I just want to be lean again with minimal body fat. I would have no issue being around 155 lbs. or so. I don't know my BF%, but I'm guessing it's around 20% or so. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to ask absolutely any questions. I really want to be lean again this spring and feel comfortable in t-shirts.
I just noticed that Red Bull changed their place of manufacture and added a few extra (listed) ingredients. (Not sure if anyone else cares.)
Previously: Made in Austria Now: Made in Switzerland Previously: Now: I just had to post it, because I wasn't sure if I was remembering it correctly until I found a photo of an old can. I'll type up the ingredients later.
What would reddit remind an about-to-be-elected a Republican to do?
It's Primary day in Illinois. I've never been too intensely involved with politics, but today my name is appearing on a ballot. As a Republican. I'm pretty liberal socially already (I'm all for the Gay community enjoying the rights everyone enjoys, etc.), but as reddit is the community I (for better or worse) mostly identify with, I don't want to someday be the guy reddit hates. I'm just curious if anyone has any ideas on what I can do as a young guy coming up in the party to steer Republicans away from being utter and complete douche-nozzles. At the end of my term, I'd like to see the phrase "reddit-Republican" become a valid sub-culture. I know Republicans aren't popular here, but today may be your best chance to influence someone who's entering the fray on that side. What do I need to know/remember to stay true to my redditness? Flame and downvote away, but i'm honestly hoping for good discussion. TL;DR - Long time redditor, about to be voted in to office as a Republican - Is nervous about being a reddit-Republican in a state party that's very polarized. Tell him to not become a stuffy, old white-man prick. *-I'm running unopposed, is why there's no doubt i'll be elected today. **- Thanks to everyone who's responded so far. When we can talk about ideals and principals intellectually and without negativity, it gives me confidence in our futures.
anybody have any beef with their DirecTV service?
I'm moving at the end of the month, and my beloved AT&T U-verse isn't available at the new address. Sigh =( I'm not a big fan of Time Warner Cable, but the house is already wired for that. Does anyone have any major problems with their DirecTV service? The major problem I have with DirecTV is that it's satellite service, and the weather could be an issue. Other than that, they are evenly priced with Time Warner, and DirecTV is currently offering $150 cash for signing up. I'd look into Grande Communications, but they're not available in my area (78749).
Pro photogs- How do you handle proofing and delivery of prints to clients?
Would love to hear if you prefer to do proofing in person, online and how you handle print fulfillment-please be detailed and ramble on!!!! :)
Instead of cutting the bloated military budget or the size of government, GOP wants to cut your social security. Thanks GOP!
Keep in mind that Social Security is a separate tax that should never be used for ANY purpose other than Social Security, but Congress has been stealing it for years to cover their overspending.
Hey Reddit, I have a quick question about trying to format a partition on my hard drive.
Ok, so I started out with Vista business (C:) on my laptop. I created a logical partition for the Windows 7 RC (D:) and a Data partition (E:) a while back and haven't used Vista since. I now have a 30gb partition with Vista on it and when I look it up in partition magic it's labeled as an "Active and boot" partition. I want to format that partition and merge it with my data partition but I'm scared that since 7 is on a logical partition that I may screw everything up if I delete it, any advice?
"I Love You" after sex. Yea/Nea?
A number of the posts from these quotes after sex after the act. A woman I trust (at least on these matters) told me to never tell a woman you love her right after sex. It implies you just love her because of the sex. I was frankly surprised that some of the women in that post especially wanted to hear it - strikes me as insecure. What do you think?
Hi Hockey Reddit - I'm going on a Hockey Road Trip tomorrow! Advice?
Well, it's been in the works for quite some time, but I'm finally going to get the chance to go on the hockey road trip I've been planning. My gf and I are huge hockey fans and have been hoping to take a trip to see some great hockey games. Our schedule (leaving from Washington DC): Weds, Feb 3: Adriondack Phantoms at Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins (AHL) Thurs, Feb 4: Vancouver Canucks at Ottawa Senators (NHL) Fri, Feb 5: Belleville Bulls at Ottawa 67's (OHL) Sat, Feb 6: Pittsburgh Penguins at Montreal Canadiens (NHL) Sun, Feb 7: Barrie Colts at Oshawa Generals (OHL) Mon, Feb 8: San Jose Sharks at Toronto Maple Leafs (NHL) Tues, Feb 9: Boston Bruins at Buffalo Sabres (NHL) Weds, Feb 10: NY Islanders at Pittsburgh Penguins (NHL) You may guess this from the schedule lineup, but we're both displaced Penguins fans living in DC. I'm thinking of starting up a blog to document the travels - especially if feedback is good. My main question to you, reddit - Anybody have any advice? Cool places to check out in any of these cities? Anything I *must* do doing my journey? Anything you'd like to see documented? I'm unbelievably excited about this trip and would like to share the experience with all of you.
Reddit, I just inherited $10,000 from a long lost uncle. What should I do?
It's the story that only happens in...well...stories. I got a call from my mom telling me that my dad's brother had died, and for some reason had left me and my siblings each $10,000. I'm married with a couple of kids, and make about $36,000/year (wife stays home with kids), and have about $20,000 of student debt I'm paying down, along with my mortgage. What should I do with this money? Put it all towards debt? Invest? RRSPs? Any advice would be helpful. Edit 1: I'm hearing a lot about investing (as well as paying down debt). Any suggestions about how and where? Edit 2: The house I live in is an older house- would doing energy efficiency improvements be considered an "investment?"
Given all the talk of political corruption and all of the crooks in Washington, are there any politicians you do trust? Who are they?
There has been a lot of talk on here about the rampant corruption in Washington, and I think we paint with a bit too broad of a brush. Sure, a lot of politicians are bought and sold by the corporations from which they should be protecting us, but there are still some politicians out there who are truly committed to the belief that they are in Washington to serve the public. Let's name some of them. Let's not continue the false notion that everyone in Washington is a crook, because that makes it that much more difficult for the honest ones to do good work. You don't have to give any justification for your answers. I just want to see that not all of us have completely given up hope in our system, as broken and flawed as it may be. I'll start. I trust Mike Capuano (D-MA). He was mayor of Somerville, MA when being mayor of Somerville meant working against the corruption and crime of the Winter Hill Gang (Whitey Bulger, et al). He worked his way up to become an incredible representative, mainly through straight-talk and genuine engagement with his constituents, and would have made a hell of a Senator had the Massachusetts Democrats not decided to choose Martha Coakley as their candidate. I believe that if Capuano had won that primary, we wouldn't be talking about Scott Brown right now. Ok, who's next?
Hey reddit, I need a good starting point and some advice to get into web page design.
I have always been interested in web page design, and have many ideas of what I want to create. Only problem is I don't know the first thing about web page design. I took a basic HTML class years ago but don't remember much from that. I'm basically just looking for the best way to learn and what programs I should be using. I have dreamweaver but have yet to use it. I would rather not have to take a class but if necessary I will. For now I just want to learn basics so I can make simple sites. I've purchased a domain on godaddy and don't really know where to go from here. The last website I made was on geocities about 11 years ago so yea. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Reddit, help me host a secret web server at our school! Ports are blocked
okay so Im the editor for our news paper and until recently the school had a web server setup to host the site i created with html and php that worked great, we lost funding and now host it off site but the company that hosts our main school stuff off site cant host ours. The school has given me a computer to do as I please with and have run as a server. its a dual core 2.5 ghz cpu intel, 2 gb ram, and gigabit ethernet running xp pro. we have great bandwith at the school and our IT department doesnt care if we host stuff if we figure out how...so pretty mjuch as long as we dont disturb them or cause a problem we can host our stuff on school. The problem is all the ports are blocked or not open and we dont know how to get around this and utilize the great bandwitdh we have.... a port scan shows all ports are closed. I have the static IP of the pc. Help us out? we can install any program and have full control over this pc that will run 24/7, we have windows server 2003 if we like to put on it.
Hey Reddit, what are some interesting/unique (but completely useless) facts about you?
Please, keep it as useless as possible. "I can speak 5 languages" is fascinating, but obviously doesn't fit here. -I was born via c-section -I was born exactly 7 years to the minute after John Lennon died -I have number-letter-color synesthesia -The color of my eyes is kinda unique. They're blue/green/grey and could legitimately pass for any one of those. After years and years of asking people, there is no consensus at all. Kinda hard to explain, but there it is.
Feb 2nd - Progress reports. Today's goal: Check you reddit settings.
There are still some people who we haven't heard from that I'm wondering about. Are you making progress or did you decide to quit your endeavor? Either way share your thoughts. Today I want everyone to make sure that their reddit settings (in the preferences page) look like this. The other thing that you are going to do is if you ever see the NSFW tag on a a submission you are going to click hide. You are not going to read the title, you are not going to read the comments. Go directly to hide, do not pass GO, do not collect $200. Will you miss seeing occasional posts that talk use NSFW in the title but don't really go to NSFW content, they only discuss it in some way? Probably but it's worth it. There may be some sort of script or custom CSS thing you can do to automatically remove NSFW posts in reddit, if someone knows about this I can post it here. Edit: Here's a reddit content filter greasemonkey script. If anyone tries it out let us know if it seems to do the job.
How do I build my own independent internet connection?
Is it possible? I want to connect to the internet without having to rely on any provider. Much like how scientists are working on ways to DIY your home's power supply [solar power, et al.] - is there some research being done to connect to the web without worrying about data allowance/speeds/plans, 'technical difficulties', coverage issues? I think it'd be pretty neat if we could have a satellite orbiting the earth and everyone could just plug an antenna into their computer to get online. At the moment, it seems easier said than done. I want a more educated opinion. Is there any way to DIY the internet? Can I get online without any 3rd party service?