1 value
@placeholder have not won at home since October, and Poyet begged for patience from unimpressed supporters after they made their feelings clear at the final whistle.
Sunderland manager Gus Poyet criticised the inconsistency of referee Craig Pawson after their defeat against Liverpool. Pawson sent Sunderland midfielder Liam Bridcutt off for two bookable offences at the Stadium of Light, but Poyet feels the official failed to show the same discipline for Liverpool. Poyet believes Liverpool winger Philippe Coutinho should have been sent off for committing the same fouls as Bridcutt, and that Pawson put in an unacceptable performance. Sunderland manager Gus Poyet criticised the inconsistency of referee Craig Pawson after their defeat Pawson sent Sunderland midfielder Liam Bridcutt off for two bookable offences at the Stadium of Light @highlight Sunderland manager Gus Poyet criticised inconsistency of Craig Pawson @highlight Pawson sent Sunderland's Liam Bridcutt off for two bookable offences @highlight Poyet believes Liverpool's Philippe Coutinho should have been sent off
He said that 'moreover the dispute between [@placeholder and the environment department] is not over.
Moree farmer Ian Turnbull made verbal threats against Glen Turner two years before 'he deliberately executed him by shooting him in the back' a judge has said in court while refusing the wealthy grazier bail. 'I'm an old man. I don't care. I can do anything I want' police say Turnbull told Mr Turner on June 28, 2012. Turnbull is charged with the murder of the 51-year-old father of two, accused of shooting the environment officer during an alleged land clearing dispute, on a public road at Croppa Creek, near Moree in northern NSW. Justice Anthony Blackmore said the threat to Mr Turner was said in the context of 'if you have any respect for your life you will not interfere'. @highlight Moree farmer, Ian Turnbull has been refused bail in the NSW supreme court @highlight The court heard the 79-year-old made verbal threats against compliance officer, Glen Turner, two years before he shot him in the back @highlight 'I simply cracked' said the Moree farmer, to his wife Robeena, the court heard @highlight The wheat farmer had been in a long-running dispute over land clearing
@placeholder is thought to have shot them to put them out of their misery.
San Pedro, Belize (CNN) -- A dead neighbor. Headless dogs. And a millionaire on the run. All set against a backdrop of spectacular tropic beauty. It would be difficult to imagine a more intriguing story than the one unfolding in Belize right now. Police there are seeking to question Internet pioneer John McAfee in the killing of his neighbor, American businessman Gregory Faull. Faull, 52, was found dead with a gunshot wound to the back of the head this month in his home near San Pedro, on the Caribbean island of Ambergris Caye. McAfee, who is not a suspect, has not been seen since. Three people have been detained for questioning in the killing, police have said, and investigators are pursuing multiple leads. @highlight NEW: McAfee apparently begins blog, with posts on life on the run @highlight Gregory Faull, an American businessman, was found shot to death on a Belize island @highlight Police want to question his neighbor, Internet pioneer John McAfee, in the killing @highlight His former girlfriend says he is in "constant fear, paranoid"
@placeholder acts in part as a warning to parents pushing their children into show business.
(EW.com) -- Corey Feldman and the late Corey Haim — known at the height of their popularity as "the Two Coreys" — were iconic '80s teen stars who dealt with more adult problems behind the scenes. In his upcoming memoir Coreyography (Oct. 29), Feldman, 42, details the sexual abuse he and Haim experienced while working in Hollywood. According to Feldman, Haim told him about an incident on the set of the 1986 film "Lucas": "Haim started to confide in me, about some intensely personal stuff, very quickly ... Within hours of our first meeting, we found ourselves talking about Lucas, the film he made in the summer of 1985, the role I had wanted for myself. At some point during the filming, he explained, an adult male convinced him that its was perfectly normal for older men and younger boys in the business to have sexual relations, that it was what all the 'guys do.' So, they walked off to a secluded area between two trailers, during a lunch break for the cast and crew, and Haim, innocent and ambitious as he was, allowed himself to be sodomized." @highlight Corey Feldman has an upcoming memoir titled "Coreyography" @highlight In it he writes that the late Corey Haim was sexually abused in a movie set @highlight Feldman says he was also exposed to sexual abuse
@placeholder himself appears in a stylized trailer for his novel that feels like a short film unto itself.
(CNN) -- With the weather warming up, a thrilling spring is in full swing for avid readers. There are a slew of new titles hitting shelves in May and a few recent releases you may have missed; from spies to private eyes, World War II history to werewolves and a new riff on Sherlock Holmes. For anyone looking to bury their nose in a good book at the park, pool side or on the front porch, here are five must reads for your consideration. 'A Delicate Truth' by John le Carre To many fans of spy fiction, le Carre is king. Over the past 50 years, he's elevated the espionage genre to an art form in classics like "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold," and "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy." @highlight Catch up on the new fiction books available in May @highlight The pop culture focus on Sherlock Holmes continues with "The Baker Street Translation" @highlight Spies and private eyes make comebacks @highlight Vampires are so last year -- get ready for werewolves
Court records from previous hearings show that the oldest child, @placeholder, frequently threatened to kill people.
By Leon Watson PUBLISHED: 02:42 EST, 10 June 2013 | UPDATED: 03:06 EST, 10 June 2013 A self-proclaimed Nazi who is trying to gain custody of his children having named his son after Adolf Hitler was a wife-beating tyrant who was obsessed with the devil, his wife has claimed. Cathy Bowlby, who was married to white supremacist Heath Campbell for three years, revealed he tried to name their first-born Lucifer. But she 'talked him out of it' by suggesting that their son take their father's name instead. Scroll down for video Wife-beater: Heath Campbell, 40, appeared at a New Jersey court last week to try to reclaim custody of his children, wearing full Nazi regalia and accompanied by fellow Nazi Bethanie White @highlight Ex-wife reveals Heath Campbell tried to name their first-born Lucifer @highlight She said: 'He believed he was the devil reborn to take over the world' @highlight Last week, Campbell said he was a good father outside New Jersey court
During the "surge" period of 2007-08, al-Maliki repeatedly asked for @placeholder air power and artillery capabilities to pound Sunni neighborhoods (both of which he was denied) while vehemently protesting the use of precision munitions in Shiite militia-controlled areas.
(CNN) -- United States leaders have rightly said that defeating the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and resolving Iraq's deepening civil war will require urgent political change in Baghdad. But the military assistance that Iran and Russia are speeding to Shiite groups in Iraq imperils that change. It now appears that a majority of Iraq's political parties and Shiite religious authorities blame Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's authoritarian tendencies and exclusion of mainstream Sunni groups for the crisis, and they seek his replacement as the starting point for resolving it. But just as this political majority has begun to form against him, Iran and Russia have extended al-Maliki material and political support that insulates him from domestic political pressure and may even embolden him to try to stay on. @highlight Writers: Iran, Russia aid to Iraq imperils U.S. call for al-Maliki to make Iraq government inclusive @highlight Thus Al-Maliki is less likely to leave or to stop shunning Sunnis, they say @highlight They say Iran helps al-Maliki return "worst of the worst" to key positions to oppress Sunnis @highlight Writers: Tehran will see reforms U.S. wants as limits on Iranian influence
It’s a big season for me, a big season for @placeholder.’
By Matt Barlow Follow @@Matt_Barlow_DM Somewhere amid what seems like a never-ending cascade of empty promises and psychobabble about ‘positive signs’ and a brighter future for English football, there was this frank assessment of the World Cup by Jack Wilshere. ‘It’s easy for me to stand here and say we’re young and we can go forward,’ said the Arsenal midfielder. ‘But if you look at a team like Germany, they’ve got young players who are delivering now. ‘Time is running out for us to say we’re young. I’ll be 23 in January and that’s a good age for a footballer. Ross Barkley and Raheem Sterling are good young players. @highlight As England return from Brazil, Arsenal star admits World Cup negatives @highlight Says young players are performing already for countries like Germany @highlight Big season awaits Phil Jones, Chris Smalling and Danny Welbeck at Manchester United @highlight Neymar, Mario Gotze and James Rodriguez already stars at young age @highlight England need Luke Shaw, Ross Barkley, John Stones, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Raheem Sterling to mature during Euro 2016 campaign
But although Microsoft launched an advertising campaign and @placeholder has a privacy policy which both trumpet the companies privacy policies, secret internal NSA newsletters suggest that the companies co-operated with the intelligence community, The Guardian reports.
By Francesca Infante PUBLISHED: 20:01 EST, 11 July 2013 | UPDATED: 03:50 EST, 12 July 2013 Microsoft liaised with the US intelligence services so they could access emails, including Hotmail, and listen in on Skype video calls. Officials at the software giant and the US National Security Agency collaborated to get around the company’s own encryption programmes, according to documents seen by the Guardian newspaper. The paperwork, provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden, apparently demonstrates the level of co-operation between Silicon Valley and the intelligence services over the past three years. Co-operation: Microsoft liased with US intelligence agencies so that they could spy on unsuspected people's emails, according to documents seen by The Guardian @highlight Papers apparently shows level of co-operation between Silicon Valley and intelligence services @highlight The papers, seen by The Guardian, were provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden
'Any decision to use lethal force against a United States citizen -- even one intent on murdering Americans and who has become an operational leader of @placeholder in a foreign land - is among the gravest that government leaders can face,' Holder said.
By Associated Press Updated: 06:29 EST, 6 March 2012 Attorney General Eric Holder says the Constitution allows the government to assassinate US citizens living abroad if they are plotting terrorist attacks against other Americans. Holder's comments broke the administration's silence on the legal justifications for its decision to kill American-born al-Qaida operative Anwar al-Awlaki five months ago in Yemen. In a speech at Northwestern University law school in Chicago, he described al-Awlaki as concocting plans to kill Americans but he never explicitly acknowledged the administration responded by targeting the cleric for death. Justified: Attorney General Eric Holder's comments were the first public legal justification for the killing of American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki @highlight First legal justification for killing American al-Qaida leader Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen @highlight Three part test: Imminent threat of violence against US, capture impossible and allowed under laws of war
: The pair were caught having what sounded like a discussion of @placeholder going to back the Heat
Not again? Not again, says LeBron James. The 30-year-old NBA star has shot down rumors of leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers for the Miami Heat, calling the speculation 'outlandish'. Eyebrows were raised on Christmas Day when LeBron was caught on camera talking to former Heat teammate Dwayne Wade after the Cavaliers lost to Miami. It was LeBron's first game since against the Heat since leaving his former team, and he said to his friend that 'if things aren't better this year, we're gonna reunite again and do some bigger and better things, all right? '. Scroll down for video Conspiring? : LeBron James has played down talk of a return to Miami after a conversation with former teammate Dwayne Wade (right) was caught on camera last week @highlight James was caught on camera talking to former Heat teammate Dwyane Wade following the Cavaliers’ Christmas Day loss in Miami @highlight He spoke about 'reuniting' and 'doing some bigger and better things' @highlight James said leaving Cleveland would be 'outlandish'
‘Exactly 25 years ago at @placeholder, Voyager 2 delivered our “first” look at an unexplored planet.
By Jonathan O'Callaghan for MailOnline The world has been abuzz with news of Rosetta’s arrival at its comet target recently, with the mission making headlines across the globe. But next year on 14 July 2015 an even more remarkable mission will reach its climax - Nasa’s New Horizons probe will flyby Pluto in the culmination of a nine-year journey, returning the first ever close-up images of the dwarf planet. And Nasa has announced that the spacecraft has now crossed the orbit of Neptune, the last planetary crossing on its way to Pluto, in record time. The New Horizons probe (artist's illustration shown) has passed the orbit of Neptune on its way to Pluto. Officials at Nasa in Washington DC heralded the milestone as a key moment for the mission. This was the largest major planetary crossing before the spacecraft arrives at Pluto on 14 July 2015 @highlight The New Horizons probe has passed the orbit of Neptune on its way to Pluto @highlight Officials at Nasa in Washington DC heralded the milestone as a key moment @highlight This was the largest major planetary crossing before the spacecraft arrives at Pluto on 14 July 2015 - although Neptune was nowhere near at the time @highlight In a flyby lasting several weeks New Horizons will return the first ever images of the dwarf planet Pluto from up close next year @highlight The crossing of Neptune's orbit also came on the 25th anniversary of Voyager 2's first look at the gas giant back in 1989
The one thing I will say is I immediately realised it was codswallop when I read the character assassination of @placeholder.
Read his views on 'Big Cheese' Matt Prior I did NOT text South Africans ways to get Strauss out Flower's regime led to cliques (and Trott telling Prior and Swann to 'f*** off') Flower was a 'f****** horrendous' 'Mood Hoover' Graeme Swann has blasted Kevin Pietersen's autobiography as a 'work of fiction' and that any criticism of his former England team-mate Matt Prior is 'codswallop'. The ex-England spinner, who took 255 wickets in 60 Tests, claims he 'expected' KP: The Autobiography to be about as factually correct as Jules Verne - a French novelist who specialised in science fiction. Pietersen dubs Prior 'The Big Cheese' and dedicates a whole chapter to the wicket-keeper, claiming his vice-captaincy reign was one of terror and intimidation. @highlight Graeme Swann labels Kevin Pietersen's autobiography as 'work of fiction' @highlight Ex-England spinner defends Matt Prior, saying allegations are 'codswallop' @highlight KP: The Autobiography has claims Prior's vice-captaincy reign was one of fear and intimidation and Pietersen refers to him as 'The Big Cheese' @highlight Swann claims Prior actually fought to keep Pietersen in England fold
Whatever happens at the very least I have to buy a @placeholder mug.
(CNN) -- Last Wednesday, in a move that I still don't fully understand, I became a shareholder in the Spanish football club Real Oviedo. In terms of my relationship with football, I should probably lay my cards on the table. I am a Nottingham Forest fan. Anyone of a certain age with a passing interest in the game will understand that I'm familiar with disappointment. Having watched Forest fall from the heights of back-to-back European Cup wins to the depths of English football's third tier I know, all too well, the emotions involved in witnessing a distressing decline. This doubtless explains why some sense of faded glamour or a struggle against adversity tends to attract me to a club. To illustrate this point, my favorite Italian team is Sampdoria, currently lying 14th in Serie A. Winning, as they say, isn't everything. @highlight Why would a Nottingham Forest fan invest $52 in third-tier Spanish club Real Oviedo? @highlight Jonathan Hawkins interest in Oviedo piqued by British journalist Sid Lowe @highlight Hawkins bought four shares allowing him to attend Oviedo's annual general meeting @highlight The third division club had had until November 17 to avoid extinction
The Bronx Defenders - which is known for its aggressive defense of low-income and minority clients in the @placeholder - has amassed around $107million in city funding since 2007.
Two taxpayer-funded New York defense attorneys have sparked outrage after appearing in an online rap video that urges black people to kill police officers - and allowing it to be filmed in their offices. The video, dubbed 'Hands Up', shows black men holding guns to the head of a white actor dressed as an NYPD cop, and features the lyric: 'For Mike Brown and Sean Bell, a cop got to get killed'. It also depicts a grief-stricken mother walking into The Bronx Defenders's offices on 161st Street, where she is comforted by an attorney. Another lawyer at the firm features later in the footage. @highlight 'Hands Up' rap video shows black men holding guns to an officer's head @highlight Also includes lyric: 'For Mike Brown and Sean Bell, a cop got to get killed' @highlight Attorneys Kumar Rao and Ryan Napoli criticized for appearing in footage @highlight They also allowed video to be filmed in The Bronx Defenders's NY offices @highlight DOI investigation found lawyers guilty of committing 'serious misconduct' @highlight New York Mayor Bill de Blasio described the findings as 'deeply disturbing'
As a result, @placeholder told Architectural Record: 'The car would visually be banished, and tarmac would be replaced by greenery, and car parks by jogging and bicycle trails.'
By Victoria Woollaston Concept images of Apple's Cupertino headquarters only reveal one part of a story which began in 2011 when co-founder Steve Jobs laid down plans for a futuristic new campus. During an interview with Architectural Record, chief architect Sir Norman Foster gave an additional insight into how Apple's 'spaceship' will be built - as well as the inspiration behind its circular and 'organic' design. This includes cars being 'banished and buried' in underground car parks, tarmac being replaced by greenery and windows that stretch the full height of the four-storey main building that slide open. Scroll down for video @highlight Apple founder Steve Jobs originally submitted the application for the Cupertino headquarters back in 2011 @highlight The campus will be a mile in circumference, feature glass walls and solar panels and cover 175 acres @highlight In an interview with Architectural Record, Sir Norman Foster gave an insight into how the 'spaceship' will be built @highlight He said cars will be 'banished and buried' in an underground car park and tarmac will be replaced with greenery @highlight Glass walls the height of the building will slide open, and cafes and restaurants will help break up the vast scale @highlight More than 1,000 bikes will be kept on site to help staff make their way around the circular campus @highlight Apple plans to build it in Cupertino in California and it will be surrounded by a man-made forest of 7,000 trees @highlight The 'organic' nature of the site was inspired by Steve Jobs and his memories of California as he was growing up @highlight It is expected that the building will be completed by 2016 at the earliest
two colors or from light to dark, has risen by 45per cent in the @placeholder
By Misty White Sidell Despite their lack of cachet in the high-fashion realm, sales of bandage dresses are soaring on eBay – with the auction site reporting that purchases have doubled since last year. In the run up to the World Cup, eBay investigated how Brazilian trends have taken hold in the U.S. over the past few months. In looking at sales between March and May 2014 the site found that 500,000 bodycon dresses have been purchased by eager bidders worldwide. Unfashionable turns: Despite their lacking fashion quotient, bodycon dresses have doubled their sales on eBay in the U.S. over the last few months (pictured, Carmen Electra wears a bandage dress in Los Angeles in April, left; Minnie Driver appears in a Herve Leger dress, right) @highlight In the run up to the World Cup, eBay investigated how Brazilian trends have taken hold in the U.S. over the past few months
From now on, Microsoft devices will carry the company's name in the place where the word '@placeholder' used to appear.
Nokia fans, look away now. If you were upset by the news that the Nokia branding was to be dropped from all future Microsoft phones, then you won’t want to see these new images. Microsoft has now unveiled what its phones will look like once the branding switch to ‘Microsoft Lumia’ is complete, bringing to an end nearly three decades of Nokia phones. Dry your eyes mate: Microsoft has revealed what its phones will look like now that the Nokia brand name has been dropped from all future devices, shown in this image. From now on all Nokia Lumia and Windows Phone devices will simply be called Microsoft Lumia, although existing phones will continue to be supported @highlight Microsoft has unveiled what its phones will look like without Nokia branding @highlight The switch in branding was first reported earlier this week @highlight All Nokia Lumia and Windows Phone devices will now be 'Microsoft Lumia' @highlight The Washington-based firm has now made the rebranding official @highlight 'Say hello to Microsoft Lumia' the company's Tuula Rytilä said in a blog post @highlight It brings to an end nearly three decades of Nokia phones @highlight However some basic entry-level phones with Nokia branding will still be sold @highlight And existing Nokia and Windows Phone devices will still be supported @highlight Microsoft bought Nokia's phone business for £4.5bn ($7.2 bn) in April @highlight Finnish firm Nokia lives on as a separate technology company
@placeholder, of the Missouri Highway Patrol, who is black, was put in charge by Gov.
Newly released email exchanges between police brass show that the Missouri State Police captain placed in charge of security in Ferguson after Michael Brown's killing was both vilified and praised for attempting to replace authorities' militarized approach with one more sympathetic to protesters. The emails, obtained by The Associated Press through an open-records request, also show that police tried to find a way to protect members of the clergy who were in the protest crowds, and that some officers objected to an order to take their meals in public. The messages offer a small window into the inner workings of Missouri law-enforcement agencies as they tried to quell the tensions that arose following the fatal shooting of the black 18-year-old by white police officer Darren Wilson. @highlight Current and retired law enforcement officers sharply criticized Missouri State Police Capt Ron Johnson for apologizing to protesters @highlight Emails from August show officers were opposed to an order requiring them to patronize Ferguson businesses at lunchtime @highlight Police tried to find a way to protect members of the clergy who were in the protest crowds @highlight Missouri Governor Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency and called in the National Guard ahead of grand jury decision in Michael Brown shooting
While assertions that the @placeholder executes more blacks than whites are incorrect -- the country has executed 263 more white people than black people since the death penalty's 1976 reinstatement -- inequalities exist when a murder is interracial.
(CNN) -- What was a somber mood following convicted cop killer Troy Davis' execution Wednesday night turned to disgust and outrage by morning. Casey Anthony was a trending topic Thursday because so many people had taken to Twitter to express their dismay over Anthony being deemed innocent in the death of her daughter while Davis is executed. "Casey Anthony is offered a book deal, Troy Davis is only offered his last meal. Wake up America, our justice system is screwed," came a tweet from the handle JamesKlynn. Another, from TRizzleComedy, read, "If the Troy Davis situation has taught us anything today, its that Casey Anthony should've been black." @highlight Many claim race played a major role in decision to refuse clemency for Troy Davis @highlight Former President Jimmy Carter hopes execution prompts rejection of death penalty @highlight Ann Coulter writes article headlined, "Cop Killer is Media's Latest Baby Seal" @highlight European nations call on U.S. to abolish capital punishment "to protect human dignity"
The indictment does not say how much the @placeholder was allegedly defrauded, because the investigation is under way, officials said.
Atlanta, Georgia (CNN) -- A Kuwaiti company that has been paid more than $8.5 billion to supply food and other items to the U.S. military in the Middle East has been indicted on multiple federal fraud charges, authorities announced Monday. Public Warehousing Company KSC is charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States, committing major fraud against the United States, making false statements, submitting false claims and wire fraud, a six-count indictment states. The company obtained contracts in May 2003, February 2005 and July 2005 to feed U.S. troops in Iraq, Kuwait and Jordan, said the U.S. attorney's office for the Northern District of Georgia, where the charges were filed. @highlight Public Warehousing Company KSC was paid $8.5 billion to supply food, other items @highlight Indictment says company presented false claims, overcharged @highlight Investigation is still under way @highlight Company did not return calls seeking comment
Unlike @placeholder, Grandfather Frost gives his gifts openly when he arrives with a big sack of presents.
He has a long white beard and a sack, but that's where the similarities end. In Siberia, he might be wearing a belt made from woolly mammoth bones and - shock, horror - not even arrive on Christmas Eve. So spare a thought for the Russian region, where no fewer than seven different Santa figures will bring joy to children in the coming weeks. All of them look old, with flowing white beards, and most have long histories, possibly reaching back to pagan times, but each is distinct and covers their own territory. Intriguingly, most are accompanied by beautiful snow maidens. @highlight Grandfather Frost carries a magic staff and visits on New Year's Eve @highlight Ekhe Dyyl rides a bull while his granddaughter travels by reindeer @highlight Sook Irey can fly and is made of ice @highlight Some of the Santas meet every year at special summits, accompanied by their beautiful snow maidens
He also has his own website, where he has written about his excitement in starting a new career in @placeholder.
(CNN) -- English footballer Joey Barton will have to wait until November to make his Ligue 1 debut for Marseille after the French League confirmed he must serve the remainder of his 12-game ban. Barton was handed the lengthy suspension by the English Football Association after he was red-carded in Queens Park Rangers' final Premier League match of last season at Manchester City. After training with English lower league side Fleetwood Town, Barton was then left behind as QPR toured Malaysia during preseason, and he completed a season-long loan move to Marseille before the August transfer window closed. "Upon the transfer of Joey Barton from Queens Park Rangers to Olympique Marseille, the English Football Association transmitted to the French Football Federation the disciplinary sanction he was subject to in the English league," said a French League statement. @highlight QPR's Joey Barton must serve the remainder of his 12-game ban in France @highlight The 30-year-old is ineligible to play in Marseille's domestic matches @highlight English midfielder can play for his new loan club in European competition @highlight Controversial figure has put violent past behind him to build big Twitter audience
Built for just under $100 million between 1972 and 1976, the @placeholder was supposed to provide irrigation, electricity, and (ironically) flood prevention for the thousands of people living in its 305-foot-tall shadow.
(Mental Floss) -- 1. Dumb as a limestone brick: Indiana's misguided bid for tourists The great idea: Turn a small Midwestern town into a tourist mecca for lovers of limestone block. The great big problem: Limestone block is not as big a draw as you might think. Cost to taxpayers: $700,000 Despite being the undisputed "Limestone Capital of the World," Bedford, Indiana, always had a hard time figuring out how to parlay its claim to fame into a thriving tourism industry. That is, until Bedford Chamber of Commerce member Merle Edington came up with a brilliant plan. In the late 1970s, Edington proposed that Bedford build a Disney-style theme park. But, instead of cartoon characters, the park's main attraction would be limestone, featuring a 95-foot-high replica of the Great Pyramid of Cheops built out of (you guessed it) local limestone blocks. @highlight Millions of dollars spent on useless, failed or cancelled projects @highlight Building Teton dam took four years; collapse took one afternoon @highlight $12 billion superconductor in Texas was never finished
No divorce filings or requests for a restraining order were filed, and @placeholder did not ask for a protective order, according to records.
By Aaron Sharp and Associated Press PUBLISHED: 02:59 EST, 23 September 2013 | UPDATED: 16:28 EST, 23 September 2013 Criminal history: Israel Alverez, 33, was arrested for family violence on September 11 and now police believe he shot his family before killing himself A couple and their three children have been found dead inside their Texas home in what police now believe is an apparent murder-suicide. The father of the slain children, Israel Alvarez, was arrested on a domestic assault charge less than two weeks before his body and that of his wife Guadalupe Ronquillo-Ovalle and their three young children were discovered. @highlight A couple and their three children- ages 4, 8 and 12- were found shot to death inside their Texas home @highlight Police believe it was a murder-suicide as the father, Israel Alverez, was arrested for a domestic assault charge less than two weeks ago @highlight Sheriff said they are not looking for a suspect outside of the home @highlight Alverez's father was the one to call 911 and report the deaths
Murray claimed the title, but met his match against a much-improved @placeholder in Cincinnati.
(CNN) -- Roger Federer sent out an ominous message to his rivals by claiming the Masters 1000 tournament in Cincinnati with a straight sets demolition of Novak Djokovic in the final on Sunday. Federer was getting his hands on his 61st career title after an emphatic win. Federer was playing his second tournament since returning to the ATP Tour circuit after becoming the father of twin girls and was back to his peerless best ahead of the U.S. Open at Flushing Meadow next week. The Swiss maestro swept aside world number two Andy Murray in straight sets in their semifinal match up and afforded Djokovic the same treatment with a 6-1 7-5 victory to claim his 16th Masters crown. @highlight Roger Federer wins the Masters 1000 tournament in Cincinnati, Ohio @highlight World number one beats Novak Djokovic in straight sets in Sunday's final @highlight Federer bidding for third straight grand slam title at U.S. Open next week
The security guard was testing out @placeholder - a 'ride' on a pendulum-like swing
The latest in virtual reality gaming, the Oculus Rift DK2 headset, certainly looks real - at least that's what the security guard's reaction in this video would lead one to believe. Ugandan gaming community GamersNights were recently testing the new product and decided to show a local man exactly what the new wave of gaming is all about. Playing a demo called Cyber Space, which imitates a large pendulum swing (like the ones found at a theme park), the man eagerly donned his goggles to take a spin on the 'ride.' In Uganda, a security guard recently tried out the Oculus Rift DK2 headset - with hilarious results @highlight Man tested Oculus Rift virtual headset during Ugandan GamersNights filming @highlight Playing demo Cyber Space, the security guard initially enjoyed his 'ride' @highlight But wound up falling face-first during one particularly immersive experience @highlight Oculus Rift is still in testing and not yet available to mass market
@placeholder always had water bottles in her room and had access to water from the bathroom in her room, the attorney said.
Doha, Qatar (CNN) -- A Qatari judge sentenced California couple Grace and Matthew Huang to three years in prison after they were found guilty in the death of their 8-year-old adopted daughter. "We have just been wrongfully convicted and we feel as if we are being kidnapped by the Qatar judicial system," a distraught Matthew Huang told reporters outside the court Thursday. "This verdict is wrong and appears to be nothing more a than an effort to save face." The couple was accused of murdering their daughter, Gloria, by starving her to death. But the judge did not specify the exact charge for which they were convicted. @highlight The couple has two weeks to appeal the verdict @highlight The Huangs deny charges of killing their daughter, who died in January last year
A Trudeau supporter interrupted @placeholder as he read his judgement.
Best-selling author and self-styled weight loss guru Kevin Trudeau was sentenced Monday to 10 years in prison for bilking consumers through late night infomercials. Trudeau's book 'The Weight Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About' sold more than 850,000 copies at $30 a piece through oft-played tv infomercials a federal judge decided were part of a con. A $37million judgement was also entered against him. The pitchman's lawyer argued the sentence was too harsh and said the most anyone lost through his commercials was $30, but the judge disagreed, calling him a habitual fraudster. Trudeau has been an 'unrepentant, untiring, and uncontrollable huckster who has defrauded the unsuspecting for 30 years,' said U.S. District Court Judge Ronald Guzman. @highlight Kevin Trudeau was found guilty of defrauding hundreds of thousands of people out of $37million @highlight He was previously ordered to stop selling the books in 2004 but continued airing infomercials @highlight His lawyer argued that he did not cause any harm, that all anyone lost was the $30 cost of the book
Within the EU, disparities have persisted between economically strong members, such as @placeholder, which has fronted European bailout money, and economically weaker countries like Greece suffering from strict austerity measures and unemployment.
(CNN) -- The European Union won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday as it grapples with the worst crisis since its founding -- devastating debt and the threat of disintegration. The prestigious award was a salute to the struggling 27-nation union for its work in promoting democracy and reconciliation since World War II. It was a cheer for an entity tackling the continent's economic misery -- particularly in debt-ridden Greece, Spain, and Portugal -- as some member countries might be faced with dropping the euro, the EU currency. The timing wasn't a coincidence. "This is, in a way, a message to Europe that we should do everything we can and move forward," said Thorbjen Jagland, the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee and a high European Council official. @highlight Crisis Group calls EU "one of greatest conflict resolution mechanisms ever devised" @highlight Italian protester has a complaint: Europe's economy "works in favor of the banks" @highlight The Nobel Committee has "no ambitions" to save the euro, committee chairman says @highlight We must work hard for "peace, for democracy, for freedom," German chancellor says
For starters, he says, that famous smile is not @placeholder's.
(CNN) -- Few paintings have been more viewed, more analyzed, studied and interpreted, than Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa," otherwise known as "La Gioconda." Despite this, no one has come up with an explanation for that enigmatic smile, or a lot of other details in this painting that, despite all the ink and hot air expended on it, measures a mere 77 by 52 centimeters (about 30 by 21 inches). In the frigid bowels of a derelict building in central Florence, Italy, that covers the ruins of an old Franciscan convent, a group of researchers is trying to nail down some of the elusive details of the woman featured in the iconic painting. It is here that old city records say the woman who posed for the painting, Lisa Gherardini, the second wife of wealthy Florentine silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo, was buried. @highlight DNA testing planned for remains of woman thought to be the model for the iconic painting @highlight From that, Italian researchers hope to reconstruct the model's face @highlight Former TV producer says he's sure that a portrait of Lisa Gherardini was commissioned @highlight But, he says, he is not sure that Leonardo da Vinci's painting is completely of her
Making a landing is particularly difficult as the probes are so far away that steering Philae once it has separated from @placeholder is not possible.
London (CNN) -- Scientists have picked a prime landing site on the "head" of a comet for the next stage of the Rosetta mission. The project, led by the European Space Agency (ESA) with partners including NASA, recently placed the Rosetta probe in an orbit 30km (18 miles) from the surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko after a 10-year chase across the solar system. If successful, the mission will be the first to orbit and land on a comet as it journeys around the Sun. A statement on the space agency's Rosetta blog says landing site "J" was chosen due to its "scientific potential" while posing less risk to Rosetta's lander module Philae compared to other possible sites. @highlight Scientists are trying to land a probe on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko @highlight The European Space Agency says it now has chosen a prime target landing site @highlight The comet is so far from Earth the Philae lander needs to be programed to land on its own @highlight It took more than 10 years to position the Rosetta craft so it could follow the comet
They plan to picket outside the @placeholder at Wednesday's oral arguments in the dispute.
Westminster, Maryland (CNN) -- Matthew Snyder's funeral was to be a private affair, with family and friends gathering at a Catholic church to mourn the 20-year-old Marine who died a hero in Iraq, serving his country. But Matt's father says his grief was compounded by anger and helplessness because of about a dozen unwanted visitors, a fringe group standing at the center of a constitutional showdown. "I was just shocked that any individual could do this to another human being," Albert Snyder told CNN. "I mean, it was inhuman." He speaks of members of a small Kansas church who have gained nationwide attention for protesting loudly at funerals of U.S. service members, denouncing homosexuality. Both sides will now receive a Supreme Court hearing over their competing constitutional rights. Oral arguments are Wednesday morning, with a final ruling some months away. @highlight Westboro Baptist Church brings anti-gay message to soldiers' funerals @highlight Father of a Marine who died a hero in Iraq sued; the case is now before U.S. Supreme Court @highlight The church defends its "highly disliked" speech as "needing protection" @highlight One other lawsuit against the church could reach the high court next year
@placeholder attorney general's office is offering another reward of up to $10,000.
(CNN) -- One of two convicted murderers who allegedly used forged documents to walk out of Franklin Correctional Institution in North Carrabelle, south of Tallahassee, was ordered Wednesday held without bond on an escape charge and sent back to the prison. Wearing a dark jumpsuit, Charles Walker nodded several times in response to questions during his 65-second appearance in the 9th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, in Orlando. No hearing has been announced for the second man, Joseph Jenkins. After days on the lam, Walker and Jenkins were recaptured Saturday night at Panama City's Coconut Grove Motor Inn, some 360 miles northwest of the Orlando area. @highlight NEW: Charles Walker ordered held without bond and sent back to prison @highlight Walker and Joseph Jenkins used forged documents to walk out of prison, authorities say @highlight They were serving time for having committed murders years ago in Orange County, California
In an interview, the family tells @placeholder they're focusing on honoring Brendan's life and coming to terms with his death.
Brendan Tevelin, 19, was brutally killed by a man who wanted revenge for American actions in the Mideast It has been three months since college student Brendan Tevlin was brutally murdered in New Jersey by an extremist determined to get revenge for American military action in the Middle East. And every day since, his parents Michael and Allison have passed by the corner of Walker Road and Northfield Avenue in West Orange — the spot where their 19-year-old son lost his life. 'We have to pass it every day,' Allison Tevlin told The Star-Ledger. 'We saw all the flowers and the crosses. It was unnerving.' @highlight College student Brendan Tevlin, 19, was killed in June in New Jersey @highlight Ever since that tragic day, parents Allison and Michael have passed by the spot where their oldest son lost his life @highlight Ali Muhammad Brown, 29, allegedly told investigators that Brendan the killing was retribution for Muslim lives lost in Middle East
Some of the preinstalled @placeholder files are needed for its new features, such as eye tracking, air gestures and voice commands.
Samsung has come under fire once again for offering customers just half the amount of advertised storage on its flagship Galaxy S4 model. The latest round of tests by Which? magazine found that unwanted bloatware and system files still occupy 46 per cent of the phone's internal storage - eight months after intial concerns were raised. At the opposite end of the scale, Apple's iPhone 5C was the best performing handset, assigning a relatively low 21 per cent of storage to built-in apps and the iOS operating system. In January, Which? magazine tested the eight most popular 16GB handsets from Samsung, Apple, BlackBerry, LG, HTC and Google, pictured. Samsung's Galaxy S4 was the worst performing handset, with only 54% (8.56GB) of available storage, while Apple's iPhone 5C was the best, with 79% (12.6GB) @highlight London-based Which? magazine ran tests on eight popular 16GB handsets @highlight Samsung's Galaxy S4 owners still only get half the storage they pay for @highlight Apple's iPhone 5C offers the most available storage - 12.6GB out of 16GB @highlight Storage space is taken up with unwanted 'bloatware' and system files @highlight Samsung responded to criticisms by telling owners to buy extra storage
Not one of them has ever stood for office,' @placeholder said during a press conference.
When the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a law Wednesday morning that limits Americans' contributions to political candidates, liberals in Washington hyperventilated. Within minutes, far-left Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York fired off a terse press release slapping the five justices, all appointees of Republican presidents, who joined in a majority to open the floodgates to more money in politics. 'This in itself is a small step, but another step on the road to ruination,' said Schumer. 'It could lead to interpretations of the law that would result in the end of any fairness in the political system as we know it.' @highlight Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse blasted the justices, saying they are 'utterly ignorant about elections' and that they suffer from a 'lack of humility' @highlight Sen. Chuck Schumer called the reform a 'step on the road to ruination' and said it could bring 'the end of any fairness in the political system' @highlight Far left Sen. Patrick Leahy carped that the 'shock to our electoral system' will 'empower billionaires to drown out the voices of everyday Americans' @highlight Sen. Chris Coons, another Democrat, complained about 'reckless Supreme Court decisions' and 'Gerrymandering and draconian election laws'
Gesturing widely, Letizia seemed to be making a comment about the awful weather to the woman, who grasped the @placeholder’s arm with her hand
Queen Letizia battled the elements as she attended the 'V De Vida' Award last night in San Sebastian, Spain. Attending solo without her husband King Felipe, Letizia seems increasingly at ease with her royal duties, smiling confidently at the waiting photographers and crowds, and pausing to shake hands with one wheelchair bound fan who had waited out in the rain to meet her. Despite being hounded by the wind- her hair blown around her face, Letizia took time to stop for the elderly woman, bending down to speak to her. Letizia paused to shake hands with one wheelchair bound fan who had waited out in the rain to meet her @highlight Letizia attended V de Vida awards last night @highlight Held in San Sebastian the weather was rainy and blustery @highlight Despite this she opted for a sleeveless dress and kept her legs bare @highlight Stopped to speak to a woman in a wheelchair who had waited to meet her
@placeholder, however, did what he had to, hitting 46 winners and making only 21 unforced errors.
(CNN)This time there was no escape for Rafael Nadal at the Australian Open. The 14-time grand slam winner rallied to beat unheralded qualifier Tim Smyczek in five sets in the second round but he couldn't come back against a better opponent, Tomas Berdych, in the quarterfinals Tuesday. Berdych crushed Nadal 6-2 6-0 7-6 (5) thanks to a fine display of power tennis to end a 17-match losing streak against the Spaniard. One of those losses came in the 2010 Wimbledon final. Earlier Tuesday, Maria Sharapova set up a semifinal duel with fellow Russian Ekaterina Makarova when she eased past Eugenie Bouchard 6-3 6-2 and 10th-seed Makarova upset third-seed Simona Halep 6-4 6-0. @highlight Rafael Nadal loses to Tomas Berdych at the Australian Open @highlight Berdych powers past the 14-time grand slam winner in straight sets @highlight The Czech had lost 17 straight times to Nadal @highlight Maria Sharapova, Ekaterina Makarova advance to semifinals
The raid took place while Mrs Smith was at work after Derbyshire and @placeholder spotted an open skylight window and climbed into the property.
A 75-year-old woman who received a letter of apology from the career criminal who burgled her home felt so sorry for him that she sent him £20 in prison. Kevin Derbyshire, 24, and an accomplice stole £10,000 worth of jewellery when they raided the home of Loretta Smith in Bolton, Greater Manchester. The men were caught after footage of the raid, taken from a camera on Mrs Smith's property, was posted online. Apology: Kevin Derbyshire (left) wrote a letter to Mrs Smith while he was awaiting sentencing for the burglary, which took place in August last year. Graham Llewellyn's (right) letter to the 75-year-old has gone unanswered @highlight Kevin Derbyshire, 24, stole £10,000 worth of jewellery from Loretta Smith @highlight He was caught after footage of the raid on her Bolton home was put online @highlight Derbyshire wrote a letter apologising and said he would buy her flowers @highlight Mrs Smith, 75, felt bad and said it was 'normal' to send him money in jail
Gorbachev says @placeholder is in need of a democratic revival.
Moscow (CNN) -- Former Soviet leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner Mikhail Gorbachev is warning that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi could be chased out of his own country if he does not begin to bend to the will of the people. "Gadhafi reacted so ruthlessly that he might end up being forced out (of his country). I don't want to make predictions or anything, but he's shooting at people; he is using the military and weapons against defenseless people," Gorbachev said. In a wide-ranging news conference to announce nominees for his new Gorbachev Awards for "world changers," Gorbachev weighed in on protests rattling the Middle East and criticized the Libyan regime for brutally repressing its own people. @highlight Gadhafi is "using the military ... against defenseless people," Mikhail Gorbachev says @highlight Europe, U.S. need to "respond to this situation very responsibly," he says @highlight Former Soviet leader also has harsh criticism for Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin @highlight The Russian leaders are to blame for Russia's "fake" democratic institutions, he says
The @placeholder have four points from three matches, three ahead of fourth-place Serbia.
UEFA has rejected appeals by Serbia and Albania after their European Championship qualifying match was abandoned when a drone flying a political banner flew into the stadium. UEFA's appeals body on Tuesday upheld the original disciplinary sanctions: Albania forfeited the match for refusing to play on, and Serbia was deducted the three points from a 3-0 win by default. Play in Belgrade on October 14 was stopped when a drone carrying an Albanian nationalist banner hovered above the pitch. Albania forward Bekim Balaj is struck by a chair thrown by a Serbian fan as tensions boiled over The flag flown above the pitch by a drone with 'autochthonous', meaning indigenous and a map of Kosovo @highlight UEFA's appeals body have upheld the original disciplinary sanctions @highlight Albania forfeited match after refusing to play on while Serbia were deducted three points for part they played in incident @highlight Euro qualifier on October 14 was stopped after Albania banner was hovered over pitch
'Yes @placeholder woman do get fat, but it seems that there is a food culture in France which often defines how people eat and in France we eat well.'
Late night snacking has led to British women becoming bigger than their French counterparts claims chef Raymond Blanc Late night snacking, too much wine and not cooking with butter has led to British women becoming bigger than their French counterparts claims chef Raymond Blanc. Mr Blanc, who moved to the UK in the 1970s, says it is Britain's culture which has led to females being among the heaviest in Europe. 'One glass of wine a day is better than six! Again, cook with butter - just use a little and most important, do not eat after 7 o'clock in the evening,' he says. @highlight 'One glass of wine a day is better than six,' advises Michellin-starrred chef @highlight He holds his 91-year-old mother up as an ideal French petite woman
After that, Langdell took comfort in meeting with fellow survivors and pride in always wearing a @placeholder hat - becoming a regular at the parades in his hometown.
The oldest living crew member of the USS Arizona, the battleship which sunk in just nine minutes during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, resulting in the loss of 1,177 lives, has died aged 100. Retired Navy Lieutenant Commander Joseph Langdell was the ship's last surviving officers, before his death at a nursing home in Yuba City, Northern California, on February 4. Langdell was one of the few who was not killed when the Japanese attacked the Arizona on December 7, 1941, because, by a stroke of luck, he happened to be on shore at the time. Had he been onboard, the then 28-year-old would have died, he later said. @highlight Joseph Langdell died on February 4 in Yuba City, Northern California @highlight Langdell survived December 1941 bombing because he was onshore @highlight Navy Lieutenant Commander saw USS Arizona sink in just nine minutes @highlight Spent day rescuing injured colleagues from the water after Japanese attack @highlight Later lead survivors in collecting the bodies from the destroyed battleship @highlight Langdell has requested his ashes be put aboard USS Arizona memorial
Here's how it works: You could bet any amount (say, $75) that @placeholder will make the team or that he'll go "vver."
(CNN) -- There are few topics in sport more taboo than betting. Ask baseball's Pete Rose. But a new organization is wagering that it's not only possible to openly bet on Olympic athletes, you can raise money for charity at the same time. Charitybets.com, founded by Auburn University track and field alums, allows anyone to select from a roster of Olympic hopefuls who've agreed to let their performance be bet on. All money wagered will go to the charity of the athlete's choice. It's a first of its kind concept that's sure to generate attention as the summer London 2012 Games draw closer. @highlight CharityBets.com lets anyone bet on an Olympic athlete's performance @highlight All money wagered goes to a charity that the competitor has chosen @highlight 2004 Olympics runner Khadevis Robinson among athletes participating
@placeholder, the teenager turned to him and said: 'You just shot me.'
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 18:43 EST, 10 January 2014 | UPDATED: 20:08 EST, 10 January 2014 The parents of a Virginia teenager shot by a neighbor when he accidentally broke into his home while drunk, have questioned whether he was killed in self-defense. Caleb Gordley, 16, was shot in the back by Donald West Wilder, who lives two doors away from the teenager's family in Sterling. Caleb's parents, Jennea and Shawn initially said they forgave Mr Wilder, but the release of a police report months after their son was shot has forced them to change their minds. @highlight Donald Wilder killed Caleb Gordley, 16, after mistaking him for an intruder @highlight Parents of high school athlete initially said they forgave Wilder @highlight Release of police reports made them question why son was shot in back and not leg
'That's what everyone can expect from me, willpower and dedication, always with the eyes on trophies, that's what @placeholder and I want.'
New Manchester City signing Fernando hopes to establish himself as one of the club's greats - and would love the chance to play alongside Yaya Toure. The Brazilian joined the Barclays Premier League champions from Porto for £12million last month, increasing a pool of midfield players that includes the influential Toure, compatriot Fernandinho and Javi Garcia. Toure's future at the Etihad Stadium has been the subject of much speculation over the summer but 26-year-old Fernando is keen to play alongside the dynamic Ivorian. VIDEO Scroll down to watch some of Fernando's skills and tricks for Porto Ambition: New Manchester City signing Fernando want to become one of the club's greats @highlight Fernando is hoping to become a Manchester City legend @highlight The Brazilian midfielder is hoping to get the chance to play alongside Yaya Toure @highlight Toure's City future has been subject to speculation
Mr @placeholder said reversing the housing benefit cuts would mean Labour would immediately breach the cap as it would cost £460million.
By James Chapman, Daily Mail Political Editor Iain Duncan Smith last night called on Ed Miliband to ‘immediately’ say what cuts Labour would make to keep within a legal cap on welfare set by the Government. The Work and Pensions Secretary said the Labour leader’s decision to back the new long-term limit was a ‘scam’ unless he was prepared to say how he would fund the scrapping of the so-called bedroom tax. A group of 13 Labour MPs, including former frontbenchers Diane Abbott and Tom Watson, rebelled against their party’s backing for the Government’s plan. Demand: Iain Duncan Smith (left) has called on Ed Miliband (right) to 'immediately' say what cuts Labour would make to keep within a legal cap on welfare set by the Government @highlight Work and Pensions Secretary says Ed Miliband should 'immediately' say what cuts Labour would make to keep within a legal cap on welfare @highlight Calls on Labour leader to say how he would fund scrapping 'bedroom tax' @highlight Group of 13 Labour MPs rebel against party's backing for long-term limit @highlight Measure means overall welfare spending cannot rise above inflation from a fixed limit of £119.5billion until 2020 @highlight Limit includes housing, disibility and pensioner benefits, and tax credits
A member of the clean-up crew takes a barrel of items out of the Dallas apartment on October 5 where Ebola patient Thomas Duncan was staying before being admitted to a @placeholder hospital
A Texas magazine has published a cover emblazoned with the words 'Taste Of Africa Comes To Dallas!' - just days before a Liberian man became America's first Ebola case in the state. The unfortunate Dallas Weekly front cover, published online on September 25, featured a map of Africa over a Texas flag with the attention-grabbing headline. The ill-timed cover was designed and published prior to the news last week that Liberian national Thomas Duncan, who arrived in Texas on September 20, had become the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola on American soil. Scroll down for video The Dallas Weekly front cover was published on September 25 - just days before the city announced that the U.S. first Ebola case was being treated - a man who had traveled to Texas from Liberia in West Africa @highlight The magazine's front cover, published online on September 25, features a map of Africa over a Texas flag @highlight The cover is emblazoned with the words: 'Taste of Africa Comes To Dallas' @highlight The cover was published before it emerged that Liberian national Thomas Duncan, who arrived in Dallas on September 20, had Ebola @highlight Mr Duncan is the first patient diagnosed with Ebola on American soil and is being treated at Texas Presbyterian in North Dallas @highlight The patient's condition was downgraded to critical this weekend
Millions of Americans have internalized these beliefs, which are woven into our culture and go back at least as far as the @placeholder.
(CNN) -- In Tuesday night's State of the Union address, President Obama is expected to focus on the crisis of widening inequality in America. This is good. And it's no surprise. Over the last few years, he has tried to draw attention to the decimation of the middle class over recent decades. He's explained the scope of the problem -- that the severity of today's inequality is akin to what preceded the Great Depression. He's adopted a catchphrase -- prosperity from the "middle out" -- and forced Republicans to talk about the issue. And he's proposed policies to address it. @highlight Eric Liu: President Obama must do more than list policy fixes for inequality at SOTU @highlight Liu: He needs to reckon with those who have mixed emotions about "falling behind" @highlight He says the heart must be acknowledged and its pain and fear must be named @highlight Liu: Obama must tell those who feel shame for being poor to do away with self-blame
Left-wing activists came forward to accuse police of racism – a charge strongly denied by the @placeholder force.
By Christian Gysin PUBLISHED: 05:48 EST, 24 May 2013 | UPDATED: 19:26 EST, 24 May 2013 It is supposed to be the model multicultural state. But Sweden is facing problems of its own after gangs of immigrants spent a fifth consecutive night rioting in Stockholm. Officers are battling to keep the capital under control after hundreds of cars were torched, a police station set alight and fire services kept from a major blaze by a stone-throwing mob of youths. To make matters worse, rioting has now spread to Sweden’s two other major cities, Gothenburg and Malmo. Torched: Hundreds of cars like this Volvo have been set alight in Stockholm during the orgy of violence @highlight Fifth night of violent riots in Stockholm saw schools destroyed @highlight Over 70 incidents reported overnight including a torched police station @highlight Turmoil began Sunday night after police shot a man in Husby suburb @highlight Incidents in other parts of Sweden spark fear riots are spreading
"You know the real @placeholder ... Stop the rush to judgment."
(CNN) -- A spokesman for Illinois Sen. Roland Burris resigned Thursday in the wake of new disclosures about requests that Burris raise money for disgraced former Gov. Rod Blagojevich while seeking a U.S. Senate appointment. Sen. Roland Burris, who is under fire to resign, arrives at a Chicago City Club luncheon to speak Wednesday. "I initially began helping the senator on a temporary basis because he is a long-term friend who I served several years when he was [Illinois] attorney general," Jason Erkes said in a written statement to CNN. "It is now time for me to get back to focusing on ... my newly formed strategic communications business." @highlight Jason Erkes, a spokesman for Illinois Sen. Roland Burris, steps down @highlight New questions arising over Burris' appointment to Senate @highlight Allegations Burris not honest about requests to raise cash for Blagojevich @highlight Erkes doesn't mention probe, says he must focus on his new business
@placeholder and Dempsey emerged 2-1 victors, however, and they need just a point against Germany on Thursday to progress.
By Craig Hope Follow @@CraigHope01 Cristiano Ronaldo be warned, Ghana’s John Boye has already left two World Cup stars in a bloodied mess. It was during their Group G opener with USA that Clint Dempsey felt the full force of Boye’s head-high boot. The reckless challenge left the American dazed, bleeding and stricken on the turf and still he sports a black eye as a reminder of the clash. Boye, that hurt: Clint Dempsey feels the full force of John Boye's boot Flat out: Dempsey needed help after Boye's hefty whack Bloody mess: Dempsey will have a few battle scars after taking one full in the face from Boye @highlight Defender Boye left USA forward Dempsey and Germany's Muller bloody and dazed during their World Cup group matches @highlight Ghana sign off from Group G against Portugal needing a victory to progress
Every time I come home these past two days, he sits near @placeholder's favorite couch and whines, which is rare from him.'
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 23:15 EST, 22 December 2013 | UPDATED: 08:24 EST, 23 December 2013 A tear-jerking photograph showing the moment a man dying of cancer said goodbye to his beloved childhood dog has touched hearts across the nation. Mike Petrosino, 21, was diagnosed with cancer in the eighth grade. He has been in and out of Massachusetts General Hospital since then but last week doctors said there was nothing more they could do. So on Friday, his family brought his dear dog Rusty to the hospital to say a final goodbye. The emotional image of the pet by his bedside was shared on Reddit and has since gone viral. @highlight Mike Petrosino, 21, was diagnosed with cancer in the eighth grade @highlight He has been in and out of Massachusetts General Hospital since then but last week doctors said there was nothing more they could do @highlight On Friday, his family brought his dear dog Rusty to the hospital to say a final goodbye @highlight The emotional image of the pet by his bedside was shared on Reddit and has since gone viral @highlight Mike is expected to succumb to the illness in the coming days
Despite taking the third set to a tiebreak, @placeholder was unable to force his way back into the match
Rafael Nadal refused to make any excuses after his record-equalling winning streak over Tomas Berdych came to a comprehensive end in the quarter-finals of the Australian Open on Tuesday. Berdych won three of his first four meetings with Nadal but had not tasted victory over the Spaniard since 2006, his 17 straight defeats equalling a record in the open era. However, the 29-year-old Czech picked the ideal time to end the sequence with a stunning 6-2, 6-0, 7-6 (7/5) victory on Rod Laver Arena and has yet to drop a set in the championship. VIDEO Scroll down Australian Open: Tomas Berdych beats Rafael Nadal 6-2, 6-0, 7-6 @highlight Rafael Nadal was knocked out of the Australian Open by Tomas Berdych @highlight The Czech sealed a comprehensive 6-2, 6-0, 7-6 victory over the Spaniard @highlight Berdych's first win over Nadal since 2006 after 17 straight defeats previous @highlight Click here for all the latest at the Australian Open
And BBC keeping hold of one of their crown jewels means it’s also likely that @placeholder will stay at the Corporation for the duration of the next contract that runs for three seasons from 2016-17 onwards.
BBC Sport have retained Match of the Day highlights at a fair price after rivals ITV conceded it was not worth competing for the rights. ITV’s decision was a surprise after being widely tipped to make a bid during the tender process. But memories remain of the blunders made by ITV when they had the highlights from 2001-04. Screening the show in the early evening and having match analysts operating from the much-derided ‘Tactics Truck’ were innovations that failed to score with viewers. The BBC will keep Premier League highlights on its Match of the Day programme after ITV failed to bid @highlight BBC retain Match of the Day Premier League highlights @highlight ITV did not bid for 2016-2019 highlights packages @highlight BBC's flagship Match of the Day programme is marking its 50th year @highlight Auction for live Premier League rights will be held next month @highlight Presenter Gary Lineker is expected to remain at the BBC @highlight But he is likely to still front BT Sport's Champions League coverage @highlight Deal includes a new Wednesday night magazine-style programme
25 years later, @placeholder no less taboo for China's censors
(CNN) -- Prominent Chinese journalist and press freedom advocate Gao Yu has been detained for allegedly leaking state secrets, China's state-run news agency Xinhua reported Thursday. The detention puts Gao on a growing list of dissident voices and intellectuals who are being held by police ahead of the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown. The 70-year-old is accused of sharing a "highly confidential document" with a foreign website that published the material last year. The document, issued by the Communist Party's Central Committee, was widely distributed online, according to the report. Xinhua did not specify which document was leaked and did not name the website that published it. @highlight Chinese journalist Gao Yu is being held by police, according to Chinese media @highlight She is reportedly accused of leaking state secrets overseas @highlight Gao is the latest Chinese dissident detained ahead of the 25th Tiananmen Square anniversary
by Mr @placeholder after falling out with Russian political leaders and
By Tom Kelly Last updated at 11:39 AM on 5th October 2011 Roman Abramovich believed it was his ‘moral obligation’ to hand fellow Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky £1.3billion to fund his lavish lifestyle, a court heard today. The Chelsea owner gave his former friend the cash because he felt it was part of the ‘code of honour’ that had replaced the rule of law in Russia after the collapse of communism, it was alleged. Mr Abramovich had used the well-connected Mr Berezovsky as his ‘political godfather’ to help him conduct business deals in a country where police were ‘corrupt’ and courts ‘open to manipulation, the High Court was told. @highlight Abramovich is being sued for more than £3billion by fellow Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky
'I am guessing he will call @placeholder and beg out of this and say 'I am not ready', make Tom's decision easier.'
By Paul Casey, Press Association Former captain Paul Azinger would not pick Tiger Woods for this year's Ryder Cup and believes the 14-time major winner will rule himself out of the contest at Gleneagles. Azinger led the United States to their only victory in the 21st century at Valhalla in 2008, when Woods was ruled out through injury. And with the former world number one again struggling for form and fitness, Azinger does not think current captain Tom Watson can afford to use one of his three wild cards on Woods on September 2. The nine automatic qualifiers are decided on Sunday. @highlight Woods missed cut at US PGA Championship after struggling with injury @highlight Azinger believes 14-time major winner will rule himself out @highlight America missing several stars including Dustin Johnson and Jason Dufner
"If you're serious about the rubbish on show this year, you are insulting every artist working in @placeholder today," he said.
A film that features a dance routine inspired by Karl Marx and examines African art has won Britain's most prestigious and controversial art prize. The Turner Prize, which is worth £25,000 ($40,000), was awarded to the Irish film artist Duncan Campbell in a glittering ceremony last night. His film, It For Others, which was described by the panel as "an ambitious and complex film which rewards repeated viewing", is a response to a "film essay" from 1953 about African art and colonialism. This archive footage is interspersed with new material, including a dance routine based on the equations in Karl Marx's seminal work, "Das Kapital," created by the choreographer Michael Clark. @highlight Irish artist Duncan Campbell takes home the 2014 Turner Prize, worth £25,000 @highlight Past recipients include Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin and Chris Ofili @highlight Mixed reviews circle the media as critics and audiences debate Campbell's work
@placeholder jets regularly attempt to intercept U.S. reconnaissance aircraft to show they are aware of the U.S. presence.
By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 6:42 PM on 26th July 2011 Taiwanese officials said they sent two fighter planes to intercept Sukhoi-27 jets after the Chinese aircraft breached its airspace for first time in 12 years. The Chinese Sukhoi-27s had reportedly crossed a boundary to pursue a U.S. spy plane sent on a surveillance flight over China. Taiwan's Defence Ministry said it sent two aircraft to intercept the Chinese jets, which had briefly crossed a line in the centre of the Tiawan Strait considered an unofficial air boundary between the two states. Accident: The Chinese Sukhoi-27s had strayed into Taiwanese airspace for the first time since 1999 @highlight Chinese jets strayed into airspace in pursuit of U.S. surveillance plane
Winner: @placeholder celebrates after making it 2-1 to Chelsea
Click here for your ultimate stats guide from the game including Fernando Torres' winning goal And so a season in which Jose Mourinho has regularly bemoaned his lack of a quality striker ended with a match-winner from Fernando Torres. The £50million British record transfer did not appear especially overjoyed to find the net. He rarely does, these days. Likewise Mourinho did not appear too thrilled to finish with a win which could not prevent him recording the lowest league position in any full season of his managerial career. Cardiff were already doomed but Craig Bellamy's heavily deflected shot gave them the lead before Andre Schurrle turned the game, scoring an equaliser six minutes after coming on as a sub, and setting up Torres, two minutes later. @highlight Andre Schurrle equalised for Chelsea after Craig Bellamy opened the scoring @highlight Jose Mourinho recorded the lowest league position of his managerial career @highlight Mourinho said it's 'no drama' to end season behind Man City and Liverpool @highlight Ashley Cole captained Chelsea on what could be his final appearance
As @placeholder evolved, so did the number of stars on the Walk of Fame.
(CNN) -- When the 2,455th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is laid on Monday for actor Steve Guttenberg, Ana Martinez will once again be working behind the scenes as curator-in-chief to the iconic attraction. The Walk of Fame is one of showbiz's most visible landmarks,and Martinez has been its inconspicuous producer for almost half the attraction's 51 years, making sure the constellation of stars is perfectly aligned on the Hollywood sidewalks. For 24 years, she has been the person deciding where celebrities will receive their coveted symbol of fame in the heart of Tinseltown. When a star is unveiled to the international press corps, Martinez is the field marshal orchestrating every detail of one of showbiz's alpha moments. @highlight Ana Martinez is the curator-in-chief for the Hollywood Walk of Fame @highlight So far Martinez has produced 586 star ceremonies @highlight On Monday she will be at the helm for the unveiling of Steve Guttenberg's star
The pair were looking after his fiancee @placeholder's three children while she was out.
By Emily Allen Last updated at 2:31 PM on 6th December 2011 Two men have been arrested after a seven-year-old boy died after allegedly being beaten at his home. Police were alerted just after 7pm on Saturday after schoolboy Blake Fowler was taken to hospital from an address in Cromarty Road, Shirley, Southampton, Hampshire. He died the following day at Southampton General Hospital after suffering a serious head injury. Tragic: Blake Fowler's mother Sarah Spacagna wrote on Facebook: 'Rest in peace mummy's baby u will always be in my heart xxxxx' Blake's step-father Peter Meek, 23, was being questioned by police on suspicion of grievous bodily harm along with his brother Philip, 21, the Sun said. @highlight Police not treating Blake Fowler's death as murder
The building collapse months later in @placeholder was even more appalling and exponentially more deadly.
Dhaka, Bangladesh (CNN)At least 13 people are dead and many workers still missing Saturday evening after a fire broke out inside a factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh -- the latest such deadly blaze in the south Asian nation. Mohammad Salimuzzaman, the officer in charge of the police station in the area of the nation's capital were the fire occurred, said authorities had sent at least 13 bodies to a hospital morgue. Many of the bodies were disfigured and charred beyond recognition. A short time earlier, Dhaka police chief Asaduzzaman Mia told reporters about the efforts to find others who were in the five-story building. @highlight A fire breaks out at a plastics factory in Bangladesh's capital @highlight Authorities are searching for more bodies, police chief says @highlight Bangladesh has seen many deadly factory fires before
"[@placeholder] Cosby showed me that a person could be clean and make money and be effective," Sinbad said.
Washington (CNN) -- Comedian Bill Cosby received the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor on Monday after refusing to accept the award twice in the past. Cosby, known for his clean acts that do not include profanity, declined the previous prizes because he was turned off by language used at the first Mark Twain Prize ceremony in 1998 honoring the late comedian Richard Pryor. "I made it clear that there were certain people who misunderstood what Richard was about and how they were using words, "Cosby said. 'And I was not about to have that celebrating Mark Twain and Bill Cosby." @highlight Mark Twain Prize is awarded to performers who use comedy to influence society @highlight Bill Cosby refused award twice because poor language was used to honor Richard Pryor @highlight Past recipients include George Carlin, Billy Crystal, Steve Martin and Whoopi Goldberg
After seeing farm workers harvesting the country's food unable to afford feeding their own families -- let alone the deplorable working conditions they faced -- @placeholder decided to act.
Cesar Chavez is something of a national icon. His face is on a U.S. postage stamp. Countless statues, murals, libraries, schools, parks and streets are named after him -- he even has his own national monument. He was on the cover of Time magazine in 1969. A naval ship was named after him. The man even has his own Google Doodle and Apple ad. Yet his footprint in American history is widely unknown and that's exactly the reason why actor-turned-director Diego Luna decided to produce a movie about his life. "I was really surprised that there wasn't already a film out about Chavez's life, so that's why I spent the past four years making this and hope the country will join me in celebrating his life and work," Diego Luna said during Tuesday's screening of "Cesar Chavez: An American Hero" in New York. The movie opens nationwide on Friday. @highlight Cesar Chavez's life not widely known, but actor-director Diego Luna hopes to change that @highlight Kennedy: "New York is 37 years behind California. We need a Cesar Chavez." @highlight Film depicts Chavez and UFW's success, but there is still more work to be done @highlight Luna: "Farm workers shouldn't struggle so much to feed their own families"
To celebrate, join CNN.com on a tour of Hitchcock's @placeholder.
London (CNN) -- London's East End is well known for its dark past, from Jack the Ripper to notorious 1960s gangsters the Krays, so it is no surprise that the area was also the birthplace of the creator of some of Hollywood's most famous scary movies. Alfred Hitchcock is feted as the man behind "Psycho," "The Birds," "Vertigo" and "Rear Window" -- but before he made the move stateside, Hitchcock was one of the biggest names in Britain's film industry, and traces of the director and his films can be found across his native city. The British Film Institute has spent the past three years restoring nine of Hitchcock's little-known -- and little-seen -- silent movies, which can now be viewed on the big screen for the first time in almost 80 years. @highlight Hitchcock is one of East London's most famous exports: Born, brought up in Leytonstone @highlight Little evidence of director remains in the city, but London is present in many of his movies @highlight "Sabotage," "Frenzy" and "The Man Who Knew Too Much" all feature key London landmarks @highlight "Genius of Hitchcock" celebrated by BFI with a season of his films
"It's important to get this cleared up, and I will be speaking to @placeholder either this evening or over the next couple of days.
(CNN) -- David Beckham is planning showdown talks with L.A. Galaxy teammate Landon Donovan, who questioned the English football star's commitment to the MLS team earlier this month. Landon Donovan, left, is unhappy with David Beckham's contribution at LA Galaxy. Beckham said the U.S. national captain was "unprofessional" for publicly voicing his opinions, which were reported worldwide from the soon-to-be-published book "The Beckham Experiment" by Sports Illustrated writer Grant Wahl. "In every football player's eyes throughout the world, it would be unprofessional to speak out about a team-mate, especially in the press and not to your face," Beckham said before watching the Galaxy's 1-0 win over Chivas USA on Saturday night. What do you think? Was Donovan right? @highlight David Beckham plans to meet with L.A. Galaxy teammate Landon Donovan @highlight U.S. captain accused Beckham of not been committed to the MLS team @highlight England star Beckham says Donovan's comments were "unprofessional" @highlight The midfielder has returned to the Galaxy after loan spell with Italy's AC Milan
More than a hundred young Irish nationals living in @placeholder went out in pairs on Wednesday night, each assigned a search grid on a map drawn up by Donie's brother, a housemate and friends.
By Candace Sutton Missing Irishman Donal 'Donie' O'Sullivan has been miraculously found alive, five days after he went missing on a street in broad daylight in Sydney, Australia. A caretaker at an office tower around 100m from where O'Sullivan was last sighted found the 33-year-old naked and injured down a rarely used stairwell around 8.30pm on Wednesday. Lapsing in and out of consciousness, Donie was able to give his mobile phone number and address back in Ireland before the man rushed next door to Easts Leagues Club to raise the alarm and call an ambulance. Two hours later, his relieved brother, Johnnie O'Sullivan, learned Donie was alive, soon after he had returned home from a third night out scouring Sydney suburbs for the missing man. @highlight Irishman Donal O'Sullivan has been found alive five days after he went missing in Sydney, Australia @highlight In hospital Donie has recognised his brother Johnnie and could speak @highlight Donie found by caretaker down disused stairwell 100m from where he was last seen @highlight The 33-year-old has head and back injuries but was able to supply his mobile phone number and address @highlight The news came as more than 100 young Irish people had spent their third night out on search @highlight Donie's sister and brother-in-law Anne and Liam O'Hare arrive from Ireland in Sydney tonight
After @placeholder made the coffee, Keyes brandished a gun forced himself into the coffee stand and bound the 18-year-old woman with zip ties.
(CNN) -- A suspected serial killer has killed for the last time. Authorities say Israel Keyes, who was arrested and charged in the killing of an Alaskan barista, killed himself while in custody. Before committing suicide on Sunday, Keyes confessed to at least seven other slayings, according to the FBI field office in Anchorage, Alaska, which on Monday asked for the public's help with tracing Keyes' travels over the years in the hopes of identifying any additional victims. He crisscrossed the country, and authorities may never know how many he killed. "Based upon investigation conducted following his arrest in March 2012, Israel Keyes is believed to have committed multiple kidnappings and murders across the country between 2001 and March 2012," the office said in a statement. "Keyes described significant planning and preparation for his murders, reflecting a meticulous and organized approach to his crimes." @highlight Israel Keyes committed suicide while in custody on murder charges, officials say @highlight He was charged in the death of 18-year-old Samantha Koenig, an Alaskan barista @highlight He is said to have confessed to multiple murders and did not know any of his victims
‘Maybe @placeholder is pressing the player, maybe the agent is pressing him.
By Sami Mokbel Follow @@SamiMokbel81_DM Southampton manager Ronald Koeman has accused Tottenham of unsettling wantaway midfielder Morgan Schneiderlin. The France international has been axed from the squad to face Bayer Leverkusen after Koeman revealed he is not ‘mentally prepared’ to face the German club. Tottenham manager Mauricio Pochettino wants to sign Schneiderlin from the club he left earlier this summer, but the Saints are adamant the World Cup player is not for sale. Schneiderlin wants to follow his former manager to White Hart Lane and has been angered by Southampton’s refusal to sanction his sale. He has trained with the first team for two days this week, but has also spent two days training alone as he strives to improve his fitness. @highlight Koeman accuses Tottenham of unsettling wantaway midfielder @highlight Schneiderlin wants to follow his former manager Mauricio Pochettino to White Hart Lane @highlight French international axed from Saints squad to face Bayer Leverkusen as he is not ‘mentally prepared’
@placeholder searching: An official declined to say if the crash was anything to do with this morning's thick fog
A helicopter has plunged to the ground in Seoul in a horrific crash that killed both pilots after its propeller clipped the side of one of the city's most expensive apartment buildings. Fire official Cha Yang-oh told reporters that the helicopter crashed in the upmarket Gangnam district - made famous by the hit music video Gangnam Style - in the south-east of the South Korean capital. The helicopter, belonging to LG Electronics, was on its way to a nearby landing field where it was scheduled to pick up LG employees and head to a city in the south of the country. @highlight A propeller clipped the side of some of Seoul's priciest flats @highlight Crash was in Gangnam, the suburb made famous by rapper Psy's hit video @highlight The chopper belonging to LG Electronics was on its way to a landing field
The @placeholder defender was also on a yellow card and risked getting sent off
Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho seems convinced that the Football Association and Premier League officials are wagering some sort of war against his team. In his most recent television appearance, Mourinho appeared on Sky Sports' Goals on Sunday to discuss the various incidents that he believes have gone unfairly against the Stamford Bridge club this season. Although the Blues boss makes a compelling argument in some cases, there have been several occasions which have seen Chelsea lucky to escape without punishment. Here, Sportsmail looks at five moments when Mourinho's Chelsea side got away with it. Jose Mourinho appeared on Sky Sports' Goals on Sunday after Chelsea's controversial 1-1 draw with Burnley @highlight Jose Mourinho believes Chelsea have been unfairly treated by officials @highlight Chelsea should have been awarded two penalties during 1-1 draw against Burnley on Saturday @highlight However, the Blues have been lucky on several occasions this season @highlight Branislav Ivanovic went unpunished for tussle with James McCarthy @highlight Diego Costa got away with putting his hands around Pablo Zabaleta's neck @highlight Gary Cahill should have seen a second yellow card for dive against Hull @highlight READ: Mourinho is turning into Sir Alex Ferguson with his dark arts @highlight Click here to read Sportsmail's full transcript of Mourinho's 27-minute rant
'@placeholder's an icon of the museum but the new exhibit will allow us to tell a range of stories,' Sir Michael said.
As the centrepiece of one of Britain's great museums, it has inspired visitors for more than a century. But the Natural History Museum's famous model of a diplodocus, known affectionately to schoolchildren as Dippy, is to be retired after 110 years. Bosses at the London institution have decided the 83ft long exhibit is no longer relevant enough to take pride of place in their great entrance hall. Scroll down for video Dippy: The Diplodocus skeleton in the main central hall of the Natural History Museum They are to replace it with a skeleton of a giant blue whale, as a reminder of 'our responsibility to the planet'. @highlight Natural History Museum's famous model of a diplodocus is to be retired after 110 years as children's favourite @highlight Diplodocus exhibit - made up of 356 plaster cast bones -will be replaced by a 83ft long real skeleton of blue whale @highlight London institution has decided the exhibit is no longer relevant enough to take pride of place in their great hall
This was the first test in which a crew at an alternate fire control center in Alaska remotely launched the interceptor missile from @placeholder.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A missile shield test was a "smashing success," Pentagon officials said Friday, despite the failure of the test to put to rest concerns that the interceptor might not be able to differentiate between real missiles and decoys. Eight of the United States' 13 missile defense tests have been deemed a success. The ground-based interceptor missile, launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, destroyed a long-range ballistic missile launched from Kodiak, Alaska, the Defense Department's Missile Defense Agency said. But one key aspect of the test -- to see whether the system could tell the difference between a missile and a decoy aimed at confounding its "seek" systems -- failed because the decoy did not deploy. @highlight NEW: "Countermeasures" failed to deploy during test @highlight Missile launched from Alaska; interceptor launched from California @highlight Shield critics have long complained previous tests didn't involve decoys @highlight President-elect Obama has said he'll support missile defense systems if they work
"By 2018, it will be 52 years since @placeholder hosted the World Cup.
ZURICH, Switzerland -- FIFA hierarchy have voted to scrap the policy of rotating World Cup finals between the six continental confederations, following a meeting in Switzerland. Vice-president Chung said the rotation would be dropped from 2018. Executive committee vice-president Chung Mong-joon announced in Zurich on Monday that by a unanimous vote it had been decided to drop the rotation from 2018. Chung explained that all associations would be free to apply to host future World Cup finals, providing they did not belong to confederations that had staged either of the two previous tournaments. South Africa is set to host the 2010 event, and Brazil is expected to have its bid for 2014 confirmed on Tuesday. @highlight FIFA will end its rotation policy for the hosting of World Cup finals @highlight Confederations who have not hosted either of the previous two finals can bid @highlight England is likely to put forward a bid to stage the 2018 tournament
The @placeholder have called what happened "legally and procedurally sound" and said it came after "a detailed decision-making process."
London (CNN) -- David Miranda, the partner of Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald, won a partial victory in his legal action against the Metropolitan Police Thursday, but the judge left a loophole that allows the police to continue investigating the materials they seized from him on Sunday. Miranda, a Brazilian citizen, spent nearly nine hours in detention Sunday being questioned under a provision of Britain's terrorism laws, after he was stopped as he changed planes on his way home from Berlin to Brazil. Authorities confiscated Miranda's electronic equipment, including his mobile phone, laptop, memory sticks, smart watch, DVDs and games consoles. @highlight NEW: Police hail court's rejection of "attempt to prevent further examination of material seized" @highlight Court bars use of materials seized, except for purpose of protecting national security @highlight Lawyer for the police says a criminal investigation has been launched @highlight Miranda was detained for nearly 9 hours Sunday at Heathrow Airport
Either @placeholder is barking up the wrong tree, or he's pandering to the basest instincts of an audience that's seen it all before and still demands more, more, more.
(CNN) -- An infant falls to his death from a second-story window while his parents are making love. The mother (Charlotte Gainsbourg) is consumed with grief and guilt. She's hospitalized and sedated for days and weeks before her husband (Willem Dafoe), a therapist, insists she return home. He gets rid of all her medications. He will be her partner and her grief counselor, and he will see her through this, if only she will place her trust in him. Not a good idea for either of them, as it turns out. Halloween is nearly upon us, but "Antichrist" is a mighty strange kind of horror movie, a wrenching psychodrama for two-thirds of its running time before collapsing into a steaming heap of deranged sadism and supernatural symbolism in the outrageous third act. @highlight "Antichrist" has met with vitriolic reaction at film festivals @highlight Lars von Trier film stars Willem Dafoe, Charlotte Gainsbourgh as troubled couple @highlight Horror goes from moody to over-the-top and graphic @highlight To CNN.com's Tom Charity, the film is a "calamitous atrocity"
But @placeholder was at the centre of everything for most of the punters in there – win, lose or draw that’s what they wanted to talk about.
I’ve lived and worked on Tyneside and I totally understand the frustrations of Newcastle United fans. Years ago, by day, I was a poorly paid young football reporter trying to make my way in the industry; by night I was the friendly barman making up my income, chatting about the Toon until the early hours on the Tuxedo Royale, a nightclub on a boat moored under the Tyne Bridge, with a revolving dancefloor and lots of scantily clad barmaids. I’m beginning to wonder why I ever left! Newcastle fans were vocal in their calls for manager Alan Pardew to be sacked at Southampton on Saturday @highlight Newcastle United fans called for manager Alan Pardew to be sacked during Saturday's 4-0 loss at Southampton @highlight At the moment, there is absolutely nothing for them to look forward to @highlight Newcastle fans should seize the moment and buy the club from Mike Ashley @highlight It could prove to be the most straightforward way of removing Pardew
That, combined with the @placeholder ruling led to concerns that the practice was effectively legalised.
By Tania Steere Doctors will be prosecuted for performing sex-selective abortions, the Department of Health will warn today. They will be reminded the practice is ‘unacceptable and illegal’, as Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt and the General Medical Council closes a ‘loophole’ used by prosecutors to avoid bringing charges against doctors who carry out abortions based on the sex of the foetus. The guidance is expected to draw a line under the issue, making it clear that doctors who pre-sign abortion forms and carry out abortions based on gender are breaking the law and will be prosecuted. Health minister Jeremy Hunt will today warn doctors that performing gender-selective abortions is 'unacceptable and illegal' @highlight Minister of State will remind doctors gender-selective abortions are illegal @highlight Jeremy Hunt's guidance to make it clear doctors performing abortions based on gender are breaking the law and will be prosecuted @highlight Comes following CPS ruling in September which said it would not be in the 'public's interest' to prosecute doctors carrying out the terminations
In Kabul, Eikenberry's office would not confirm to Karzai's office the reports about the cables, @placeholder spokesman Seyemic Herawi said.
Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai's office contacted the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan about reports the ambassador warned against sending more U.S. troops to the country, a Karzai spokesman told CNN Thursday. Two U.S. officials confirmed to CNN that Ambassador Karl Eikenberry sent two cables to Washington expressing reservations about troop increases amid uncertainty over Karzai's government. One official, who spoke on condition of not being identified because of the sensitive nature of the cables, said the two communications "expressed concern and reservations about troop increases in Afghanistan" until more is known about Karzai's government after his recent re-election. @highlight State Department says what ambassador tells president is confidential @highlight Hamid Karzai aides question U.S. ambassador's advice to Obama @highlight Ambassador reportedly warns Obama against sending more troops to Afghanistan @highlight Ambassador has expressed concerns about Karzai government in past
The ball hits Wes Morgan (right) in the face but @placeholder gave Liverpool a penalty for handball
What a disastrous festive period it has been for referees. They have sunk to their worst performance level that I can remember. It does not seem to matter who is appointed to which game as the majority of them cause controversy and ill-feeling. Managers are not even bothering to speak to them after games as limp apologies or poor excuses do nothing to help them in a popular period for sackings. VIDEO Scroll down to see Garry Monk's view on punishments for match officials Leicester players protest to referee Mike Jones after he awards a penalty to Liverpool at Anfield @highlight It has been a disastrous festive period for English referees @highlight Mike Riley heads up the Professional Game Match Officials (PGMO) @highlight If any team manager had overseen all these errors he would be sacked @highlight Liverpool penalty for handball when the ball hit Wes Morgan in the face @highlight QPR keeper Rob Green handling the ball outside his area. @highlight Hull denied a penalty when Gareth Barry fouled Abel Hernandez inside the area – a free-kick was awarded @highlight Man United benefited from three refereeing mistakes over the festive period including Chris Smalling's handball going unpunished @highlight Chelsea's Cesc Fabregas (right) was cautioned by Anthony Taylor for simulation when he was clearly fouled by Southampton’s Matt Targett @highlight Newcastle striker Papiss Cisse stayed on the pitch despite elbowing Everton's Seamus Coleman last weekend @highlight Burnley's George Boyd scored against Manchester City while offside @highlight Hull not conceding two penalties for handball offences on Boxing Day @highlight Stoke striker Jon Walters escaped a red card against Everton
She continued: 'Following the latest fashion trends can make you feel great and @placeholder is certainly one to watch when it comes to her style.
By Ruth Styles PUBLISHED: 03:20 EST, 28 September 2012 | UPDATED: 17:36 EST, 28 September 2012 She might be going through a relationship rough patch but it is clear that heartache isn't affecting Kristen Stewart's sense of style The Twilight star has become the UK's most searched for celebrity style icon - knocking Pippa Middleton off the top of the chart in the process. Once known for grubby Converse and grungy styling, the 22-year-old actress has adopted a more polished look over the last 12 months, winning plaudits from the fashion world in the process and a lucrative perfume campaign for French label, Balenciaga. @highlight Actress Kristen Stewart tops fashion website's list @highlight Pippa Middleton, who came first last year, drops out of the top 10 completely @highlight X-Factor judgeTulisa Contostavlos is runner up @highlight American actress Zooey Deschanel is third
Tumble: Richard Johnson, Zara Phillips' ex boyfriend, begins to go down after @placeholder falls after jumping a fence
By Katherine Faulkner PUBLISHED: 12:57 EST, 14 March 2012 | UPDATED: 03:34 EST, 16 March 2012 Hand pressed to her mouth in horror, her face is a picture of fear and concern. And little wonder – this is the moment Zara Phillips saw her jockey ex-boyfriend thrown from his horse at Cheltenham yesterday. The queen’s granddaughter could only watch aghast from the royal box as Richard Johnson tumbled spectacularly to the ground during his race. His horse crashed through the railings and into the crowd, drawing gasps from thousands of bystanders. Worrying: Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, left, and Zara Phillips, centre, reactin horror as Robert Johnson falls badly on Wishful Thinking on the second day of the Cheltenham Festival @highlight Richard Johnson fell badly on Wishful Thinking during the second day of racing at the famous event @highlight 34-year-old fell as his former girlfriend of four years looked on in horror with the Duchess of Cornwall @highlight Horse and jockey both recovering well
The school has been opened in @placeholder, a small ISIS held town in northern Syria.
Islamic State extremists have set up a new learning centre in Syria dubbed 'Osama Bin Laden' school. The religious school, named after the mastermind of the the 9/11 attacks and former leader of Al Qaeda, has been set up in a town held by ISIS militants. It comes as new pictures emerged showing the beheading of three civilians in Raqqa, another of Islamic State’s strongholds in the war-torn country. Scroll down for video Brutal: Pictures have emerged showing the beheading of three civilians in Raqqa, one of Islamic State’s strongholds in Syria Disturbing: An executioner holds his sword aloft as armed guards watch on in front of an all-male crowd @highlight Islamic State militants have set up 'Osama Bin Laden' school in Manbij, Syria @highlight Facility has already started religious instruction classes for town residents @highlight Students being taught about Islamic State's extremist brand of Sharia Law @highlight Comes as pictures emerge of beheadings in ISIS strongold of Raqqa, Syria @highlight Civilians had been sentenced to death for 'cursing God' and 'sorcery' @highlight Photos show a large all-male crowd with children also watching execution @highlight WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT
@placeholder added: ‘I changed my uniform; quickly grabbed some food and we took off.
By Helen Roberts A girl aged 17 has been hailed as the Elephant Whisperer in India and hopes to work with the animals after she finishes school - even though they killed her father. Nirmala Topno has been praised for being the only female in her area to handle as many as 17 wild elephants when they roam jungles and enter villages near Rourkela, eastern India. From an early age she began following her father Marino, 50, and a group of local men whenever herds of wild elephants roamed populated areas near their home. Scroll down for video Mammoth courage: 17-year-old Nirmala Topno has become a celebrity in India, where she is hailed as an elephant whisperer. She refuses to give up even after the animals trampled her father Marino to death @highlight Nirmala Topno was trained by father Marino in villages near Rourkela, India @highlight She said people 'believe I have a certain power that makes elephants listen' @highlight But in November Marino, 50, was killed by an angry herd in terrifying attack @highlight Schoolgirl stared down the animal until it left, but he had already died @highlight Now she has been promised a job protecting the animals from poachers
'It's the first time the @placeholder was outvoted on financial services.
By Jill Reilly PUBLISHED: 08:33 EST, 20 March 2013 | UPDATED: 12:18 EST, 20 March 2013 European Union lawmakers are expected to agree today to bar bankers in Europe from getting bonuses bigger than their salary, introducing the first cap of its kind globally. One of the most ambitious reforms of the financial crisis, the cap is designed to address public anger at a bonus-driven culture many European politicians believe encouraged the risk-taking that pulled down banks and governments. It is set to be introduced from next year despite the objections of Britain. The Chancellor fears capping bankers' bonuses will lead to an exodus from the City of London to other financial centres, like New York @highlight It is set to be introduced from next year despite the objections of Britain @highlight The rules would limit banker bonuses to the equivalent of their salary @highlight They represent the toughest bonus regime anywhere in the world @highlight Changes threaten Britain's financial industry the most
@placeholder selected John Terry in England's Euro 2012 squad but left Rio Ferdinand at home
Paul Scholes believes Rio Ferdinand would have played alongside John Terry for England at Euro 2012 despite the racism storm involving his brother Anton. Chelsea defender Terry was accused of making a racially charged remark to QPR player Anton Ferdinand during a match at Loftus Road in November 2011. He was found not guilty of racial abuse by a court but received a four-match suspension and £220,000 fine from the Football Association. Paul Scholes believes Rio Ferdinand (left) would have played alongside John Terry for England at Euro 2012 despite the racism storm involving the Chelsea defender and his brother Anton @highlight Paul Scholes believes Rio Ferdinand would have put the racism scandal involving his brother Anton to one side to play with John Terry at Euro 2012 @highlight Terry was accused of racially abusing Anton in QPR vs Chelsea game in 2011 @highlight Chelsea defender was found not guilty by a court but given a four-match suspension and £220,000 fine by the Football Association @highlight Terry was selected by Roy Hodgson for Euro 2012 but Ferdinand was left at home @highlight Scholes, who played alongside Ferdinand at Man United for a decade, believes Ferdinand was willing to play @highlight Scholes also claims Man City's Yaya Toure 'doesn't look interested' this season and has neglected his defensive work
@placeholder had not been given the recommended vaccinations for parvo or distemper.
By Lucy Crossley PUBLISHED: 07:32 EST, 12 January 2014 | UPDATED: 08:02 EST, 12 January 2014 Savaged: Simon McKinley's ear was bitten off during the attack by his Staffordshire Bull Terrier Tyson A dog owner survived a savage attack in which his ear was bitten off by his pet... the somewhat aptly named Tyson. Simon McKinley's ear was torn off during the attack by his beloved Staffordshire Bull Terrier which shares the name with boxer Mike - who infamously bit off the top of Evander Holyfield's ear during a 1997 bout. Mr McKinley, 38, blacked out twice during the frenzied 15-minute attack at his home in Westtown, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire. @highlight Simon McKinley's ear torn off in 15-minute attack by his pet, Tyson @highlight 38-year-old was bitten on his arm and lost 50% of his hearing in his left ear @highlight Girlfriend Alaina Noble was also injured in the attack at the couple's home @highlight Dog shares a name with boxer Mike, who infamously bit off the top of Evander Holyfield's ear during a 1997 bout
Celebrity status: @placeholder and Jimmy the Henchman in 2006
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 14:22 EST, 26 October 2013 | UPDATED: 08:20 EST, 27 October 2013 Hip hop manager James Rosemond, who was suspected of hiring a robber to shoot rapper Tupac outside a New York recording studio in 1994, was jailed for life on Friday on drug dealing charges. Rosemond, known also as Jimmy the Henchman, was found guilty of using his record label as a front for an $11 million a year cocaine trafficking ring in the U.S. The 48-year-old, who has worked with stars including Jay-Z and Sean Combs, will now face charges in a separate trial that alleges he ordered a murder as payback for an assault on his son. @highlight 'Jimmy the Henchman' used record label as front for drug running @highlight Czar Entertainment manager trafficked $11m of cocaine a year hidden inside recording equipment
In contrast, the stream of gray men running @placeholder endured.
Mexico City (CNN) -- "Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States," is something I heard a lot growing up in Mexico in the 1980s. How that saying, first coined by President Porfirio Diaz around the turn of the 20th century, resonates today. With the U.S. election next door, Mexico seems not only far from God, but forgotten. In the past six years, 60,000 people have died in drug-related violence. Some say the death toll could be as high as 100,000. Yet the violence here didn't make it into the last U.S. presidential debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. @highlight Brutal drug war in Mexico not mentioned in U.S. presidential debate @highlight Seijas: Mexicans often see U.S. election through trade, immigration prisms @highlight Tens of thousands have died in drug-related violence in Mexico since 2006
To make things worse, there are so many websites that offer "jailbreak" tips so that people can easily bypass @placeholder and get free downloads elsewhere.
(CNN) -- Apple CEO Tim Cook expects China, the world's most populous country, to become the No. 1 market for the company. Equally heavyweight tech companies Google or Facebook can only watch with envy. It is not because of lack of effort that they are nowhere near the success of Apple in China. Their businesses are just too different. The Chinese government's tight control on freedom of information flow applies especially to the Internet. Web access is filtered on a regular basis. Social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter are blocked because the government deems them as potential hot spots for facilitating politically sensitive or socially inappropriate content. @highlight Apple CEO Tim Cook expects China to become the No. 1 market for the company @highlight Jeongwen Chiang: Google or Facebook can only watch with envy @highlight He says Apple mainly sells hardware, which doesn't run into censorship problems @highlight Chiang: iPhones and iPads are also considered status symbols among elites
@placeholder's leg was broken in two places and has bruised hips.
Sarah, 10, and Kylie, 15, were struck by cars in separate incidents - both drivers sped away Surveillance video from both incidents exists and police say they're confident they'll find the drivers Younger sister Sarah is now having to wear a cast while sister Kylie remains critically ill in hospital Their father, Jim, can't believe the unlucky coincidence By James Daniel PUBLISHED: 15:36 EST, 11 March 2013 | UPDATED: 15:36 EST, 11 March 2013 For any family having to endure the horror of a hit-and-run would be enormously stressful, but to be forced to go through the exact same thing twice in the same week almost beggars belief. @highlight Sarah, 10, and Kylie, 15, were struck by cars in separate incidents - both drivers sped away @highlight Surveillance video from both incidents exists and police say they're confident they'll find the drivers @highlight Younger sister Sarah is now having to wear a cast while sister Kylie remains critically ill in hospital @highlight Their father, Jim, can't believe the unlucky coincidence
@placeholder opened the scoring in the 13th minute after being put through by Lionel Messi.
(CNN) -- Barcelona notched up the pressure on La Liga leaders Real Madrid with a 4-0 home win over Getafe as Alexis Sanchez scored twice on the day that the Spanish club's defender Eric Abidal had a liver transplant. Tuesday's victory left the defending champions a single point behind their archrivals, who face a testing derby match at Atletico Madrid on Wednesday. It was Barcelona's 10th straight league win, and put Josep Guardiola equal second on the club's all-time La Liga victories list with 112 as coach, matching Frank Rijkaard. Johan Cruyff has the record of 183 wins from 306 games as coach, but Guardiola has the highest winning percentage of 76.8% from 146 league outings, losing only 10 times in four seasons. @highlight Barcelona beat Getafe 4-0 in the Nou Camp in La Liga match @highlight Reigning champions close to within a point of Real Madrid at top @highlight Alexis Sanchez scores twice for Barcelona with Lionel Messi also on target @highlight Barcelona star Eric Abidal undergoing liver transplant as match takes place
He is accused of pillaging the country, siphoning money from @placeholder's treasury into his family's pockets during his rule, which ended with a popular rebellion in 1986.
Port-Au-Prince, Haiti (CNN) -- Extraordinary drama unfolded Tuesday in Port-au-Prince as charges were filed against former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier, government sources told CNN. It was not immediately clear what the charges were. A judge will have 30 days to investigate and decide whether the accusations merit moving forward with a case against Duvalier. Earlier in the day, the former leader was taken into custody at his hotel and transported to a downtown courthouse for a hearing. After hours of questioning, Duvalier was allowed to return to his hotel. A flurry of intense legal activity preceded Duvalier's emergence from the Karibe Hotel, where he had been since his mysterious return to Haiti on Sunday. @highlight It is not immediately clear what the charges are @highlight A judge must now decide whether the charges merit moving a case forward @highlight Police escort the former dictator from his hotel to a courthouse @highlight A Haitian journalist plans to seek criminal charges against the former dictator
extra time to question @placeholder, after he was found in their rented house
A father of two has been charged with murdering his American-born beautician wife at their home. Janee Parsons, 31, died of multiple stab wounds at the detached house in Bicester and her husband Andrew, 38, will today appear at Oxford Magistrates Court, according to Thames Valley Police. Mrs Parsons was found by police after they were called to her home on Saturday. Officers and paramedics tried to resuscitate her, but she was declared dead at hospital. 'Piece of me died': The family of American-born Janee Parsons (right with husband Andrew), have spoken of their grief days after Andrew faced court charged with her stabbing murder @highlight Janee Parsons' children, aged five and eight, were taken away by police @highlight Their classmates have visited the house to pay tribute to the boys' mother @highlight The American 31-year-old was found severely injured at the detached home in Bicester, along with her 38-year-old husband @highlight Neighbours said the family were under financial pressure and had recently started up two businesses
"We are established since the inception of @placeholder and we have more expertise and variety here," said Brig.
Baluchistan, Pakistan (CNN) -- Pakistan is taking a page from America's counterinsurgency playbook in trying to win the hearts and the minds of those who might otherwise join Taliban militants or Balochistan nationalists against its military. Balochistan province -- Pakistan's largest and one of its most troubled -- is home to a nationalist insurgency and an increasingly violent Taliban presence. The sight of Baloch troops marching in the Pakistani army might have been unimaginable three years ago, but recruits are now training to fight for the army, not against it. More than 3,500 such troops have been recruited since 2007, commanders say. @highlight Balochistan province is home to nationalist sentiments and Taliban violence @highlight The army is recruiting Baloch residents to join its fighting force @highlight Improved living conditions are part of the military's plan to win support
@placeholder are insisting that the suspect be returned to Afghanistan to face trial, with villagers and lawmakers questioning the U.S. military's account of what happened.
Washington (CNN) -- Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales will be charged with 17 counts of murder and six counts of assault and attempted murder related to a March 11 shooting spree in Afghanistan, a senior U.S. official said Thursday. The charges are expected to be announced Friday. The official could not explain why the count is now 17, when 16 have been reported killed in the incident. Bales' lawyer, John Henry Browne, told CNN that he did not respond to leaks and that he would not comment before seeing the charges against his client. Even then, he said, "There's probably not much to say." @highlight NEW: The lack of autopsies and possible lack of witnesses may hinder the prosecution @highlight Bales' lawyer says he's "going to make (the prosecution) prove every claim" @highlight The March 11 shooting spree in Afghanistan left at least 16 dead @highlight The rampage has strained already-tense U.S.-Afghan relations
Earlier this month, Panamanian authorities said that @placeholder would pay a fine of more than half a million dollars for the ship's release.
(CNN) -- Panama has released 32 of 35 detained crew members of a North Korean ship that last year tried to cross the Panama Canal with weapons smuggled aboard, an official said Thursday. Panamanian Attorney General Ana Belfon said that the 32 would be deported Cuba or to other countries. The captain and two other officers of the cargo ship, the Chong Chon Gang, will continue to be held and face charges of arms smuggling, said Nathaniel Murgas, head prosecutor in organized crime. Panama stopped the ship in July and authorities found undeclared weaponry from Cuba -- including MiG fighter jets, anti-aircraft systems and explosives -- buried under thousands of bags of sugar. @highlight 32 of 35 detained crew members are free to go, says Panama's attorney general @highlight Prosecutor: The captain and two other officers face arms smuggling charges @highlight Panama says it found fighter jets, explosives aboard North Korean ship last year