is is piracy if i bought windows xp before, but now i'm using a burnt copy, because we lost the old copy?
it's not piracy if you're using your original product key not more than once, just transferred it
can anyone guide me through programming in ubuntu?
there are some nice tutorials in ubuntu full circle online magazine
hello, does anybody know a web page which has the cache of a lot of web pages? not google cache, i need more older cache
or was it some
how do i log a script's output? as in, redirect to a file what is being reported on screen?
if you want both, 'script | tee log'
mouse cursor is eraseing the screen as it moves. (h/w: via chrome9). verified in 7.10 and 8.04. seemed to work in 8.04beta4. looking to track down where the problem may be. experiened with xorg.conf editing, and xorg driver compilation.
yes, but wait ~10-15 minutes
anyone here familiar with wine?
this is your best bet to start: have a read @
anyone: how do we force-quit an app in ubuntu?
applications > run application > xkill once it starts, the next thing you touch is dead
how can i access my windows partition from within linux
download and run to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically
do i need to install a driver because i have a lcd?
not for the lcd, but you might need to ensure you're using the right driver for your chip, and set the horizsync & vertrrefresh in xorg.conf, and if you're using an 855 or 915 or the like use a utility
okay i installed the free versionn and when i try to hit 'extract here' in nautilus itr gives me the same error of not beinbh able to handle that archive type
right click on the rar file, and change the default app
is there a nice, colorful client for irc for ubunut? i hate command line irssi
try xchat
i can't find the right commands to configure the config file
with update-grub2 it should be found automatically i guess
are there any gtk programmers here that can help me? #gtk feels a bit empty
main channels are on
is there a utility that i can install to monitor network usage? vnstat is showing transfers (rx) of roughly 2gb/day, but the only network apps i have running are mutt, w3m and ssh...
you want to have a look at iptraf
can someone please help me out? im trying to give dev/sdb2 more space
the swap is in the way
afk, no. the guests should be able to run 32. the other way around is not possible: 64 bit guest cannot be emulated on real 32 bit processor
hmm ,, thanks
when will ubuntu be used instead of microsoft windows?
i thought that too, but this definately is the best. unless you can stand gentoo. ;)
i actually can stand gentoo, beleive it or not
/dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2 don't show up in nautilus. and lshal -m doesn't see them either. however dmesg reports them. could someone help ?
do a 'ls /media' at a terminal, see what u got in there
anyone know how to emulate the 3rd mouse button with a trackpad on my laptop?
left and right click at the same time
can i play mmorpg games in wine
yes. i used to play wow for a while
guys, does a local dictionnary exist ?
look into add-ons for openoffice?
helo! is there a chance that in 7.04 will be new adobereader 8.1.1 ?
hi. what is the best and most user-friendly (easy to install and gui) dvd-ripper?
dvd::rip is great, however quite complicated. handbrake isn't bad and ogmrip is the easiest (p.s. i love your artwork)
what is mib?
mib is men in black thats a movie comedy
hi guys, just a qucik question on the script openvpn bridge-start / stop. i am a bit confused as to where i should put them. i have put them in /etc/init.d/bridge
you added them to the proper runlevel as a service? if not you may just want to start them from /etc/rc.local
what package provides manpages for the standard c library?
so 64bit on a netbook is just not useful at all then?
not really
hi, i have a yamaha keyboard which can connect via usb. is there any software to record this imput? like sibelius but on ubuntu.
if you're interesting in sound-editing, you might want to have a look at ubuntustudio or jacklab / jad
hello. any chance of work/support for tablet pc's and their touchscreens and fingerprint readers? i have a new hp pavilion tx1302au and i got wireless and touchscreen working with commandline tinkering. still researching possibilities for the authentec aes1610 fingerprint reader :)
i would like to know if you get fingerprint detection working
whats a good python ide for linux?
i'd like to have a does-everything panel on the bottom, in a similar style to windows (sorry). i've deleted the top panel and added everything i want to the bottom. however, now, if i right click a program from the and select 'add this launcher to panel' it hides the list of running programs. is there any way to fix this?
add the applet called 'window list' to the bottom panel
how can i cd into a hidden directory in the terminal?
sudo -s for a root shell.
hi - are there any decent non-linear video editors for ubuntu? has the list i was thinking of
how do i remove a directory from the path?
tail -f
is there a reason 9.10rc has very little in the repositories?
try to switch to the main repositories instead of your local repository. some of the local ones (the danish at least) have been a bit dodgy over the past few days.
does anyone know why xmms isn't in the hardy repo?
audacious is its successor
has anyone downloaded the new version of opera? 9.5? i'm confused as to which version to get, you can see them all here;
cat /proc/cpuinfo
okay, the time command isn't working in doing time > file.txt how do i get the current time to the file. this is in a bash script
does ubuntu 9.04-desktop ship with a running apache2 by default?
no apache is not included with 9.04-desktop, i dont even think its included with server
anyone know how to set up 8.1 server to share hp printers
i need to get the command 'modprobe snd-seq' to be run automatically every time i boot, with root privileges. they told me to put it in the init script, how do i do that?
guys can any body help with this:
search for 'com' in about:config and one of the results will be the list of url-autocompletion suffixes
i have an old dual processor compaq p1 200 with close to 1 gig of ram, the problem is that when i go to install any version of linux, it won't even get to the partitioner. i have tried linux noauto and most of those little trix, does anyone have any suggestions as to what i can try to get passed this, i have even put in a different known good video card
at least i can say, your storage controller has not been detected. i think your scsi controller isn't supported by kernel.
?.. thats ridiculous.. i've had no problems at all.
in 3 different machines i had done upgrade something got broken! its a fact. my father just upgrade and wireless got fscked.
i need to find out if my wireless adapter (internal) is a wireless-g device or not, how can i get this information in ubuntu?
in terminal, sudo iwconfig
hello, im having tough timer mapping samba server share on mine ubuntu machine via cifs, cant anyone check this error
seems like a very good reason -> nt_status_logon_failure
hey there all and merry christmas, i have a quick question could someone please tell me what do i type to find out what mother bord i have thank you
sudo dmidecode | more
what is a .la file? i am trying to install sdl_image and sdl_net locally, since i do not have root privs. i tried building sdl_image and sdl_net from source, but i get .la files rather than .so and i don't know how to link to them....
la is some libtool temporary file format
is there a ubuntu update for firefox 1.0.5?
no.. if you want it you have to compile it from the sources or build yourself a .deb package
are there any applications for ubuntu that will let me compress dvd data prior to burning? i have a 7 gb iso but my disc drive will only do one layer.
i'm afraid i don't remember the name of the one i used to use, but if you search the repos for a dvd ripper, you'll find one.
does anyone know how to send private messages using irssi i cant figure it out
/msg some_persons_nick your message goes here.
everything else works fine, it *does* read the medibuntu repository and shows it if i manually look for packages in synaptic
when i connect to my vpn, i can't send x stuff back? is there something i need to configure for that?
using ssh tunelling with ssh -y is strongly advised
hi, i just installed intrepid 64 bits on a new machine, and now pulseaudio crashes after playing sound for a while (flash, mplayer and mpd all caused the problem at least once). when this happens pavucontrol says it can connect anymore and the easiest way to get things working again is by restarting x, after which it usually crashes again after a while. does anyone know what to do?
that page contains a short blurb about removing pulseaudio
anybody care to help a newbie? i need to switch my mouse-buttons around :-)
system > preferences > mouse> check the 'left-handed mouse' box
are there any shortcut keys available while talking on irc.
in most clients, hitting tab after the first few letters of a name usually does autocomplete
anyone know how to get the old update notifier behaviour back in 11.10?
old behaviour? like what? i think it's the same
hey guys, if i use a ubuntu 9.10 livecd, is the entire disk automatically loaded to the ram or only the parts it needs as i use it? also, when usiing the live cd is there any data written to the local hard drive that could leave potential traces?thanks
and everything you do is in ram so will not be saved in any way
what is the 'default keyring' it keeps making me type my password every login.
if i use devede, set to 8.5gb, to make an iso image with several videos that came out to be only 2gb in size, should i still burn it onto a double layer dvd or a regular dvd-r?
id use a regular dvd
anyone know where the skin directory is for metacity in ubuntu
or in ~/.themes/*/metacity-1 for user
hi i'm trying to set up a network printer via samba on two ubuntu boxes. got one working fine but all the messing about on the other box seems to have screwed things up. can anyone tell me how to reset all the printer settings to defaults?
reinstall cups and goto http://localhost:631
how do i get .3g2 video file to play? it's worked previously. but now that i've reinstalled, i guess i'm missing something
activate universe / multiverse / medibuntu repositories, install ubuntu-restricted-extras and libdvdcss2 and you should have every codec you need
does anyone know where the xserver/gdm startup scripts are kept? im trying to add a line to it so that everytime i start my pc i put my ati graphics card into a low powerstate
hi. if i make a data cd using ubuntu 12.04 will it be readable on a windows or mac machine?
yes, data cds all use the same filesystem
any ideas why when i install something with ubuntu using apt or synaptic it asks me to insert the ubuntu disk? can i stop this?
in system > administration > software sources you can set where you want to get software from
heya i have a fat32 mounted in my shared folder, and i want to become the owner. what should i do?
chown /folder/ ?
what is the comand to install the mplayr firefox plugin? i can't find it... mplayer-firefox?
sudo apt-cache search mplayer-firefox
i have insetalled ubuntu on a unibody macbook pro, and all is well, except that the keyboard layout isn't correct. for one thing i can't find curly/square brackets, and | and ' are swapped.
you just need to use xmodmap. fixing those things is really simple when it's just single keys or shifted keys
hi all, i installed chromium, and am having a really tough time configuring java on the browser(it fails the test on the java website), can someone please help me
(ubuntu no longer uses /etc/inittab because of upstart )
hi guys. i'm very very new to ubuntu, installed just an hour ago. could you please point me to the good storage of themes for ubuntu? thank you!
i just didn't have the confidence of hardware spec knowledge to be sure ;)
i just went from xubuntu to the netbook remix on my eee pc 1001p
does anyone know of a cli screenshot program which can take screenshots of a true terminal? without x
er, sorry, no.. fbdump or somesuch
i am trying to run ubuntu from an external hard drive, but every time i try to load ubuntu (select it from the grub menu), it doesn't even access the external hd and just drops me to busybox, what should i do?
you may want to check the install/forums - i recall that when booting from a usb hard drive. the grub configs may need to be tweaked.. or the initrd altered. thats all i know on the topic- i only do frugal/live cd type installs to external usb drives.
hey, i installed apache2 and saw in the sites-enabled/000-default file that there is an alias pointing to /usr/share/doc.. however when i try localhost/doc, apache claims url 'doc' was not found on the server. anyone know anything about that?
a better answer would be /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ is not the root directory of your website, you'll have to check apache2.conf to see what it is.
how to i see text in boot time?
edit the grub config to get rid of 'quiet' and 'splash'
hi. how i can open a log file and go direct to the end?
to go directly to the last line.
hello. i recently set a password accidently to the root account and would like to reset it. i checked the /etc/passwd and it still says x in the password field. could someone tell me how to reset the root password so that it doesn't exist anymore and the root account is locked?
try 'sudo passwd -l' if you're concerned that a password is still set.
morning everyone. i'm writing a script on ubuntu system and i'd like tu use mail notification. however i gert `mail`-command not found. what package should i install so i'll have `mail` binary?
i can't seem to get java runtime enviroment to run and work, can someone help me install it? my browser finds it and says it needs it but can't get it automatically
what browser'
i made an error, i know when doing a dual boot you should always install windows first then linux or else windows will over write the bootloader and you won't be able to boot ubuntu, i had to reinstall windows because that's how windows is needs to be reinstalled so often but i had a whole bunch of stuff on ub untu and don't want to lose itr. how do i install a bootloader now?
search for recover grub at -->
anyway, i can't find any button that switches between monitors on my laptop
check for a 'fn' key.
dpkg-reconfigure gdm is not working for me on 10.04, how i can disable gdm?
aptitude remove gdm,you will nerver see gdm any more.
anyway to upgrade office 2.4 to 3.0 in intrepid ?
there is even a repo for it
what is the equivalent of dvdshrink for linux ?
acidrip is good
how do i get grub2 to boot a liveusb? i dont want 'from a liveusb' i want it configured to boot a system off the liveusb by selecting it in my grub menu when i boot up.
i've tried running a system off of usb. it doesn't work very well. you're only going to give yourself headaches
can someone do me a big favor and see if works for them?
when writing a package, how does a package request a reboot of the system? i often see kernel updates which gives a red icon in gnome telling me to reboot due to an upgrade
or: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/update-notifier
hi everyone, i have a doubt.... my server is behind a router that is behind a cable modem that is possibly behind a lot of stuff from the isp (i don't have a dedicated ip address...). is there any way to access this server from outside (anywhere else on the planet) ? maybe some method ? other than a vpn ?
ssh with dyndns
hi, i'm looking for a tool where i can choose special charakters... especially utf-8 ones!
applications > accessories > character map
does anyone know where i can find kick-ass linux wallpapers?
hi all. something's constantly accessing my hard disk and slowing things down to a crawl. any idea how to identify what's going on? i suspect it's a hardware problem since it started quite suddenly, but the smart tools don't identify anything too strange...
you can try to find it using ps aux
is there some 'right' way of checking whether a service is up? i was just going to pgrep, but i thought maybe init kept a running tally of what's running, and what's not.
service servicename status
how do i get a short nick with no underline here?
i doubt that is possible without significant hacking of code. good luck.
hi, anyone here knows what is the name for that kind of program where one could 'record' sessions on your computer so it would be played back again later for demo? for example, if i want to record a 'video' showing how i clicked certain gui settings so that i can show it to others later.?
'screencast recorder' or similar
hi.. can anyone plss help me ... how to access g++ i have installed it but dont know how to open it :)
open it? you type 'g++' at the terminal to run it.
does sudo automatically keep a log in 9.04?
check in /var/log/ .. something with authentication i think
hey guys, quick question. is there a way to monitor smb users that are attached to my server? 'w' doesnt show them 'ps' and 'ps -e' arent any help, in 'top' i can see smb processes shooting off but it isnt much help... what the better way?
see connection to the port the service usas
does anyone know a command like 'pwd' that will show which filesystem (as in one on a remote server) the cwd is mounted on
did you try 'mount' by itself?